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No. 1287860

first time making a thread so ive just copied the last threads summary, please drop anything ive missed

past threads :

1 : >>>/snow/866800
2 : >>>/snow/1005403 (created by @babivampire)
3 : >>>/snow/1047741
4 : >>>/snow/1079162
5 : >>>/snow/1131138
6 : >>>/snow/1219460

milk from past thread :
>Arisa Vurr/sug4rfairy the ~BLM acab uwu activist~ got caught saying the N word >>1147976 got dragged for it
>immediately deactivated Twitter and turned off comments on Instagram
>Arisa Vurr suspected of posting racist comments on 4chan >>1162995 >>1161905

>>1192623 Ang3ltroon still shoops her fat ass body/ love handles

>>1192272 Angie Jaslow is still ugly >>1186757 >>1186273
Still selling her onlyfans and is slowly turning into an emo version of Shayna >>1175217 (had her own lolcow thread that dried up, she's not milky enough alone)

>>1191573 Arisa still selfposting on 4chan

>>1182359 "hikkineet" egirls bombard the thread, please can we not have a repeat of this, just make your own thread for your kaliacc bullshit

>autism and cowtipping

>>1180131 Haley tries to rebrand as an uwu e-girl under new usernames (failing miserably) instead of taking care of her kid

>Lena Kitsune’s real face doxxed >>1148425

>looks nothing like her selfies online shocking
> has a daughter but whores herself on the internet and lies about her plastic surgeries/ facetune shoops >>1148423
>>1175301 Lena Kitsune being hypocritical and pedopandering
>>1193589 LenaKitsune would rather make Onlyfans content for scrotes than take care of her child

>>1183440 one of Voidchan’s minions is an Elliott Rogers fan girl
>Vo1dchan claims she has a “stalker” so she harrasses/doxxes a minor when Vo1dchan is an adult in her 20s

Links to notable people:

Dolores/ Haley/Babivampire: https://instagram.com/youstirmyblood



Arisa Vurr/ R4cistfairy:

Nyabeat/ jusagipon:


numeidoll / Olivia King: https://instagram.com/sleepybugirl


Lena Kitsune/ Simone Medearis: https://twitter.com/lenakitsune

again, please drop anything ive missed and welcome back to this dumpster fire

No. 1290729

Scarlett Whittle, @eegulsp1t / @radiiostar and various other usernames on Twitter, TT, Pinterest and is mainly on Instagram. Self proclaimed Soviet Jew with an ED, regular body checking and general lolcow behaviour on the daily.
Is recently addicted to all hot caffeinated drinks and posting the same derpy face.(imageboard)

No. 1290741

What the fuck is with newfags bumping threads like this? It's not a magic box where you submit a person and vague details about them then it spits out milk. I can promise you nobody cares about this but you. Read the rules before posting.

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