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No. 1337960
Social Media
Ig: bratoutofhell
Fb: Tik Tok: Bret / Amanda Schafemeyer / Labozetta/ bratoutofhell - Our last mega thread on America's favorite meatball eyed monster started off with a bang as her brother, Grammy award hopeful Dominick, spilled some tea regarding her sociopathy. Some sexcapades with not one but two houseguests ended with a bang as former fiancée and scumbag paramour Erik Cowie of Tiger King infamy was found dead in her* apartment. What does the future hold for our favorite train wreck? Let's find out.
previous thread 1
>>943302previous thread 2
>>971778previous thread 3
>>1022186 previous thread 4
>>1170070Previous thread 5
>>>/snow/1277876 Recap of last thread:
Dominick shares woeful tales of her abuse, claims Amanda has BPD and her mother ignores it. "Amanda is just a person I lived with for 18 years":
>>>/snow/1278347>>>/snow/1278391>>>/snow/1278445Dominick proves he is who he claims:
>>>/snow/1278453Is the honeymoon with Cowie over already?
>>>/snow/1279041Amanda is just walking around New York with her pussy on display I guess (this picture becomes integral later):
>>>/snow/1279456Amanda is busy "dealing" with a "man child":
>>>/snow/1280114A passive aggressive homophobic jab at her brother drives a wedge further between them:
>>>/snow/1280391Amanda does… something… with her hair
>>>/snow/1282830Cracks in the sober living begin to really show in the form of a trashed living area:
>>>/snow/1283367The Cowie smear campaign starts in earnest:
>>>/snow/1283399A new love/ ride or die appears in the form of a dreadlocked Dan Rivas of New Jersey:
>>>/snow/1286959>>>/snow/1289393Cowie makes an unconscious appearance, apparently pissing on himself; what happened to Amanda's guiding sober hands?
>>>/snow/1291408>>>/snow/1291412Random black eyes and self injuries lead the farms to speculating if DV is a problem in this romantic entanglement:
>>>/snow/1300486>>>/snow/1301170>>>/snow/1306772Amanda and Dan go out for a night on the town, drunkenly fling around slurs. Amanda pisses into Dan's mouth. Things seem to be spiraling more than usual.
>>>/snow/1310117 >>>/snow/1310296>>>/snow/1311306>>>/snow/1311358Just some head blood, not at all disgusting:
>>>/snow/1312348Come Friday the 3rd of September 2021 there is no sign of Cowie, the farms question where he is as Amanda posts about her mundane tv habits, takes saucy photos of her new outfit, and marks herself safe from hurricane ida:
>>>/snow/1314732>>>/snow/1314867>>>/snow/1314879Sunday the 5th Amanda vague posts about her love being lost to the sky. Speculation begins as to whether Cowie or the dumb forgotten bird are dead.
>>>/snow/1314879Tuesday the 7th brings us a lengthy post about finding a dead best friend and lover, along with the photo of herself from the vag-out post a few months back:
>>>/snow/1317593News breaks via TMZ that our beloved tiger prince has gone to that big cat cage in the sky. Early reports indicate no drugs were found at the scene. Tinfoiling immediately begins as to the timeline of his death in relation to Amanda posting about Burger King. Amanda flees nyc.
>>>/snow/1317852>>>/snow/1317905>>>/snow/1317969>>>/snow/1318133Rumors of Amanda's connection begin to pop up on Reddit:
>>>/snow/1318155TMZ updates that Cowie was found with a large bottle of vodka:
>>>/snow/1318180News reports indicate Amanda is best known for showing her tits around town:
>>>/snow/1318328We are reminded of her goal to help sober Cowie up:
>>>/snow/1318748Amanda absconds to NJ. The farm tries to deduce Dan's background. Is he rich? Is he poor? One thing is certain, he's disgusting.
>>>/snow/1335635>>>/snow/1336000>>>/snow/1336907 No. 1338081
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So how many instruments is that Manda?
No. 1338084
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Uh oh… song lyrics to old photos she re-edited? Sounds like a breakup to me
No. 1338085
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>>1338084Amanda you have no curves and no amount of photoshop will change that.
No. 1338104
>>>/snow/1337675 What is the comment on this?
Sounds like the jig is up. Dans friends are on to her.
No. 1338122
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>>1338104Yes, we need these reminders of how unhinged you are
No. 1338228
>>1338180She's lamenting her breakup with poophair and vague posting lyrics from The Knife song Heartbeats. A song about people who shouldn't be together but tried anyway after years of attraction.
She definitely got dumped.
No. 1338344
>>1338228You know she's going to spin it in a way that she wasn't dumped… she's going to continue stressing how his friends kept the star crossed lovers apart, after they waited 7 years to finally be together.
Good thing good ol' John is there when all the others leave. I can only imagine how pitiful she looks to her friends for being dumped by Unidread when just this past weekend she was posting "Give. Me. The. Fucking. Gross" and stamping herself with his face and talking about "my love" moving to NYC with her. Major kek.
He should've stuck around for more extravagant gifts than an iPhone that even T-Mobile gives away for free.
No. 1338521
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Hasn’t updated her all important relationship status to single. Grabs popcorn
No. 1338675
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No. 1338900
>>1338081As a guitarist with a gash, I can immediately see why nobody would take her seriously as a guitarist just from her post. She says she's soooo good, but nobody would follow HER lead while jamming. She expects to play her basic af chords while everyone has to harmonize around her and use their actual knowledge of music theory and having a good ear to play along with her. I'm sure she demands to play lead and when the other actual musicians ask her what key she's going to play in, she surely says some form of, "I don't know, just G, C, Am, F! Just follow along!" Just from her post alone, she outs herself for lacking the ability to play with anyone else leading because she doesn't actually know how to jam.
It has nothing to do with her gash, which is the absolute grossest word for a vag. It literally brings to mind an open wound.
Unidread has some awesome friends for protecting him from the self-described feral woman.
No. 1338940
>>1338081Dan probably brought her to the meat basement. She tried "jamming" with actual practicing musicians, couldn't hold her weight, and had a meltdown.
So now she's on FB trying to convince herself she has the talent from "20 years experience" not them when she really never built any musical skill set.
Guess Dan told her music was trash too and to sit down somewhere.
No. 1339036
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>>1338900I immediately thought this too. Leading a session takes a lot more than “I don’t know….just follow me” She’s never played with a full band so how would she know what to tell the drummer to do? Or what key? Or even
anything to make it easier for those poor people “accompanying” her? She just wants to sound like she knew what she was talking about because she played at a coffee shop and claims to have played for “20 years” She started busking at 13?! Kek. Also if she was trying to get a metal band to “jam” I’m not really sure what she was expecting, since she doesn’t sing/play metal ever. I have no idea what kind of music “Dutchguts” plays but I’m sure it’s not Mandas brand of strumming an acoustic. Her YouTube has a bunch of songs she played and they’re all covers. What a musical genius. No. 1339502
>>1339036This is 20 years of guitar skills? Strumming to 4-6 basic chords, with the "hardest" being minors? She can't even play 1 bar chord? No actual alteration of the original song to make it unique, like a Ska version of a song or a reggae version or a punk version of a folk song or vice versa? Wooooow… this takes less than a month of once-a-week, free-in-the-park guitar lessons (which I've seen happen when veterans learned to play guitar over several months). I'm absolutely mortified that she thinks this is worth letting her play lead. She hasn't improved AT ALL in 20 years.
And the first video where she drinks some beer first to try to look hard and then makes a bitter beer face. Such an alcoholic.
No. 1339511
>>1339213Cooter, a colloquial word that has no other meaning, is still less disgusting than a word synonymous with an open wound. To me, anyway. Just like I hate box because it brings to mind stuffing shit into a dry cube. But I digress.
>>1339348Clearly (to me anyway) OP isn't Amanda. You come across as the weird one to keep angrily accusing an anon of being Amanda just because she's not invested in going all in on hating Amanda with torches and a pitchfork on a thread like you are. Amanda wouldn't do anything but fully defend herself and not say "maybe she's alright". She'd instead enthusiastically affirm how great Mandy is and how her gash has held her back from being recognized as a great singer/songwriter/bus seat drummer/foot stomper/butt trumpeteer/gash tooter/thigh clapper/skin flutist/rich Jewish john ivory penis tickler/solo forever performer.
No. 1340284
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Although I agree with her in sharing your own experiences; what she’s not realizing is everyone sees how quickly she seemed to have forgotten about Cowie. Shit, she forgot about him before he was even gone.
No. 1340287
>>1340269I know nothing technical about music, I just thought her covers sounded good lol
>>1340284Instead she does this so it doesn’t matter regardless. Christ she is awful.
No. 1340522
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Lol someone made a tribute post to Erik and tagged Amanda in it and I just saw this comment calling her a murderer hahahahaha
No. 1340780
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>>1340284Dan “loved” this post. Guess he didn’t dump her? Or maybe it’s just pity.
No. 1340781
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>>1340633Looks like this Melicia person isn't a fan of Amanda since she laugh reacted at her comment and liked the comment calling her a murderer
No. 1340782
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>>1340781 Top care react is on the murderer comment,
laugh react is on Amanda's defensive reply
No. 1340784
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>>1340782so I checked out that Dianna Mazak person's facebook…wew boy anons
No. 1340787
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>>1340786ik these are confusing, posting them in the same order that dianna did
No. 1340794
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Saw this further down her page…
No. 1340812
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This is what she's saying he had. I mean, it's definitely believable.
No. 1340816
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She also reposted Amanda's video of Cowie
No. 1340817
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No. 1340820
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Last one
>>1340815Why would that be saged? It's pretty interesting milk anyway. I didn't sage these screenshots just now as I felt it's actual content.
No. 1340968
>>1340791uuuuhhh shit, so this woman used to live with him and then had him checked on because of his psychotic behavior?
>>1340846>>1340812> obvious episodes of paranoia, aggression and confusionhim behaving this way was mentioned quite some times as far as I remember, seems legit to me since that dude was a heavy alcoholic for a long time and already in an age where the grave consequences of such a lifestyle start to show. Not unlikely that he developed permanent brain damage.
No. 1341297
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from dianna’s fb page
No. 1341313
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they’re still together…
No. 1341314
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No. 1341342
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No. 1341467
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6 years she waited for her Dreaded Prince….
No. 1341561
>>1341467“(which is also my wallet)”
too absurd for words.
No. 1341802
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No. 1341974
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No. 1342275
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livin’ the dream.
No. 1342382
>>1342316(Sorry, I deleted and reposted due to typos, but I can see the "hi cow/cow bf" comments already. I promise you they like Olde English much more than the English language.)
Some anons really don't seem to understand how the world works. I'm not Dianna, but I can assure you that the Tiger King show will not feature "the friend" who found cold Cowie. She has nothing to do with the ridiculous crazy drama of the show's first season. So whatever NDA you're imagining will prevent people from finding out the tRutH about Mandy, I can promise you it won't an issue. At best, there will be a short "in memoriam" to Cowie and maybe a couple of staffers talking about how they feel knowing he's dead. Shows don't introduce unnecessary bit players in a dead former staffer's life. They have real drama to base the show around, which is why Joe's dead husband's former roommate wasn't featured.
Just like the anons thinking the police are investigating Amanda and asking if she's not allowed back to the "crime scene" where no crime occurred, some of you are just plain stupid with your tinfoils that defy logic. I get that some anons are kids that get too emotionally invested in the lives of our cows and have some weird Justice for Cowie agenda, but no justice is needed when people die all the time due to their own lifestyle choices. Mandy sucks and I hate her punk larping and bad shooping, but this Mandy the Murderer tinfoil is crazier than Joe Exotic's haircut.
No. 1342385
>>1342369>>1342371>>1342379Same anon as
>>1342382How anyone can read a coherent post and immediately think either Thing 1 or Thing 2 has the knowledge to sage or even use a period, shows how overly invested some anons are. You don't have to know either of those ugly dumbfucks to know that Mangy Mandy won't be on the show and that she's not legally or morally responsible for a grown man who accepts her offer for free pussy and dies alone after she's moved on.
Ditching his old alcoholic ass was shitty of her, but come on, she's a cow because of her me me me bullshit and how quickly she moves on to the next dick that she hopes will give her clout. She does this all the time. But to act like anons need to all jump on the Murderous Mandy bandwagon just because some guy she lovebombed and fucked die is absurd.
I can hate the cow and come here for the milk, but I don't have to drink the Kool-aid.
No. 1342387
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No. 1342389
>>1342383No. But I can see her moving on and kicking him out of her "significant other's" parent's house.
I don't know Dan, but he did a good job for securing a free place to live in Brooklyn and a free sugar mama! Yes, he has to put up with her annoying shit, but a lot of guys put up with worse for no freebies. I just look forward to her publicly airing her dirty laundry more.
No. 1342399
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No. 1342745
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No. 1343023
>>1342751>>1342947I appreciate Dianna taking the time to post about the potential Korsakoff illness Cowie allegedly had, and posting the messages between Amanda and her, but Domenick also posted milk and no one called for a spa day for him, so the public love declarations for Dianna who purposefully "led" us to her FB is a little much for me. And no, I'm not Dominick. IMHO, trying to lead us to her FB for some AMA action seems a bit like clout chasing. She didn't date Cowie for long and was fired from the zoo and while I understand it might not have been her fault for being fired, she's really immersing herself in the drama and her reposting our posts to answer questions on her FB seems a little attention-hungry, as if to show her buddies on FB that she's a credible source of Cowie info.
Dianna, please post here so this back and forth of reposting us and us reposting your FB as if you're a Tiger King "celeb" can stop. You can post us all you want, but just join the lolcow conversation. Your FB buddies now all know about this gossip site and can post here, too.
I appreciate you reaching out to us, but there's no reason not to join the anons here and our conversation.
The only things you have to know:
- write "sage" in the email field (or if it's new verified information, you can post without writing "sage")
- no emojis or other faces drawn with punctuation
That's it. No other lingo, you don't need to decipher any other rules. If you have any other questions, just ask us, but follow the rules of writing sage and not using emojis. We look forward to you being part of the lolcow community and please understand my frank comments aren't meant to undermine the milk (information) you provided or hurt you in any way. Thank you!
No. 1343184
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Only if you’re photoshopped to 105 lbs…
No. 1343185
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No. 1343227
>>1343185Please post the comments.
I love how she says they are back and natural light is incredible and the space is soooo clean but she posts a pic of herself peeing in a urinal.
No. 1343418
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Not that important but…
No. 1343452
>>1343023>IMHO, trying to lead us to her FB for some AMA action seems a bit like clout chasing.lmao, if she were clout-chasing then this would be the absolute worst place to do it. The fact that she has proof that she kept looking out for the guy even though he held a gun to her face and didn't speak of it in public until after he died, and only to a small group of people on a forum with a bad reputation rather than a place where the story could actually gain legs suggests that she has good intentions.
>but there's no reason not to join the anons here and our conversation.she apparently already tried and i imagine got yelled at for failure2sage.
No. 1343471
>she apparently already tried and i imagine got yelled at for failure2sage.not the OP who spoke out re: Dianna, but if she got yelled at, so what? we all do at some point here. she just needs to learn when to sage or not.
and she is delusional if she thinks anyone here is talking to the Lowe's.
it's not all about that hick zoo in Oklahoma, Dianna, hon. do whatever you want, but don't expect everyone to copy paste for your lazy ass.
No. 1343474
>>1343473Samefag to add that to the point of
>>1343441 this woman looks like my Oma’s handbag, she’s far too old for cringeworthy internet dramu
No. 1343485
>>1343441>>1343474I mean Cowie was an old man, it's not that weird he was in a relationship with a woman in his age range. It's also not milk that an old woman looks old.
Amanda was like 20 years Cowie's junior.
No. 1343500
>>1343487I don't know what you expect from someone who dated cowie tbh, even if it was brief. She was at least sensible enough to get out of there quickly and cut ties. She tried to warn Amanda too? She might be cringe in the way any of the tiger king cast is, but the cow of this thread is ultimately amanda.
The dianna ass kissing is pretty cringe though. kek
No. 1343506
>>1343500For real
>>1343185>spotless cleanMuch punk, so crust. Ffs she is such a tryhard
No. 1343577
Amanda is a peace of shit, dumpster smelling, faking cancer, hairy cunt (it’s true, it cut my face), witch nose, fat piece of shit, ugly faced, fat bodied, manipulative, wannabe bukowski, broke, talentless, user taking advantage of an autistic pushover, terrible sense of style, thief, meatball eye, manipulator, did I say stinky vagina that smells like a sewer from east village 1970s (I can confirm), rat nest loving piece of hair; and her parents HATE her, especially her brother. I’d hate to be this popular for being so hated on the dumbest thing in our lives, the internet. Amanda, please share this screenshot since you love being in the spotlight, you poser who is worst than dirt and who acts like Charles Manson. Your parents HATE you, and I’m sure your grandpa breeze is rolling in his grave screaming that a poser came from his bloodline. The best you could do is some gross ugly dumbass with a dread big enough to feed Africa. I hope you get scabies from it. Virginia hates you., and I’m sure any state you weren’t welcomed in. Go die.(a-logging )
No. 1343654
>>1343452She said she never posted here, but saw us "come down hard" on other anons for not saging and not following rules.
I definitely cringed when she posted some form of "welcome lolcow… I've been waiting for you. Let's begin!" Thanks for the milk, Leatherface, but unless you have more milk to offer up, we're not interested in seeing your FB reposts or asking more questions about a man that's dead and that you used to date. You can start your own thread if you want to be a cow mentioned by name or be an anon (as in anonymous) who contributes here to what is a thread about Amanda's shitty life.
She can keep up her "I do what I want", Rebel Without a Clue reposts all she wants, but unless she has more informed screenshots sent from Mandy and not just her ranting while not getting a response from Mandy, reposting her here is less interesting than a shooped picture of Mandy pissing in a urinal. I know it's Halloween month, but it's horrifying seeing Leatherface's up the nose FB profile picture over and over while the only milk she had was that Cowie cut off the engagement to Mandy and his alleged (not saying it's untrue, but only because it hasn't been confirmed through documents) illness.
There's clearly no clout with us, but she's definitely seeking our attention hardcore and it's desperate and depressing at her age or any age.
I also hate her incorrect ellipsis usage more than I hate Mandy's shooping.
No. 1343657
>>1343654Autistic thought- All I think of now when I see Mandy's name is Barry Manilow's song: "Oh Mandy, you gave and you gave without taking…"
Except she took and she took from sugar daddy John without giving and only gives and gives without taking from her crusty fuckboys that John subsidizes.
No. 1343816
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>>1343577An ex from RVA, I presume? Give details.
No. 1344433
>>1344291Sage for tinfoil - I really wish we could put this to bed once and for all. It is the biggest mystery on this thread.
Did Johnny and Amanda ever officially get married?
Did they ever officially get divorced?
Is he supporting her financially because of alimony or other “official” arrangement?
Or is he somehow both extremely cucked AND brilliant at hiding this arrangement from his parents/friends?
My best guess is that they did get married but something happened through the divorce process and they never actually signed the papers so they are still technically married. And it’s cheaper to support her unofficially than it would be through alimony (considering she’s retarded and can’t care for herself maybe a judge would award some large amount of rehab alimony or even permanent alimony. It seems far fetched especially considering he could get a good lawyer).
I just cannot believe that Mandy is capable of being this manipulative and simultaneously a completely fucking moron. I just can’t reconcile it.
No. 1345179
>>13 45092
Dang, nona. I’m sorry it didn’t work out. It’s shitty. Johnny def seems like an enabler to us (and there’s a ton of evidence that points to him being a knowing and even active participant in her antics) but the reality is that we have very little insight on his material reality and the context of his relationship with Scamanda. Autism affects everyone differently, hence the spectrum, so we have no idea in what ways he is actively participating and/or has fallen
victim to. Hence why the only logical party at fault is Amanda. Everything she does is intentional. I’d love some insight from a family friend or relative like how Dom dropped by last thread. I’ve been witnessing her exploit John for years online, but this most recent saga is truly pushing it to the limits.
No. 1348133
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No. 1348137
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No. 1348139
File: 1634290904394.jpeg (101.65 KB, 388x640, 5D67E8A6-BC9F-47E3-9E24-35BA65…)

Spoiler alert: anyone who feels the need to say “I wAs SoBeR bTw”
Definitely was anything BUT.
Such clownery. Here we go again with the 10 paragraph replies. Kek.
No. 1348142
>>1348139well, that would explain the lack of milk for a bit. who in the world just casually falls off their building? I'm assuming she was drunk, of course (anon, you're 100% right re: anyone who specifies "I was sober" – that's a load of horse shit), but what the hell else is going on? she was shoved in a personal argument (and of course she specifies "NOT dan")??? wow, she just moved in with her magical boyfriend to have the perfect relationship and this happens? sure. makes so much sense.
all of this is just… well, abnormal. but I guess it's business as usual for Mandy. what a mess.
>>1348139>>1348139 No. 1348161
File: 1634295629684.png (4.64 MB, 828x1792, 46B36F3F-B1BD-4F07-AB3A-894848…)

Oh fun let’s play forensic files!
Ok here is the front of the house. You can see the white brick ledge is very low and the “railing” would be lower than her hips. If shoved backwards it would be easy to fall over this. She says she gripped the verticals poles with her wrists which needs further explanation but is inconsequential to the outcome. If she flipped over backwards it’s possible she hit her head on the low brick wall to the right of the driveway. This is not a 15 foot drop. That trash can is a 32 gal size which is about 22” high. Standard door height is around 78”. The floor of the balcony is probably between 7’- 8’ off the ground. Maybe the ledge adds another 2’ so we’re talking 10’ at most. Is she counting the distance her head fell and including her height ? Wow.
You can get seriously hurt falling from a standing position but she clearly did not go to the hospital so all reference to injuries such as “a few broken ribs” and “no internal injuries” should be dismissed.
No. 1348163
File: 1634295850323.png (6.29 MB, 828x1792, E4C29A40-E897-409A-973E-10DB00…)

>>1348161I don’t know how to post two pics in a single post so here’s the other angle of the house with the door and trash can for reference
No. 1348189
File: 1634299987104.jpeg (699.87 KB, 1241x2314, B35ACFB6-5C04-49AF-81D6-9B057A…)

Just some casual 2 am love-bombing of someone in rehab for a critical accident who can’t respond to this and who doesn’t follow her on Instagram. Nice work using someone’s near death experience to boost your brand Amanda!
No. 1348190
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No. 1348236
File: 1634307460895.jpeg (200.28 KB, 720x960, 537C5F44-2087-48CE-BC03-5C4B50…)

>>1348163This is the updated front of her apt. This side faces the driveway and the street
No. 1348237
File: 1634307603267.jpeg (218.5 KB, 720x960, B46D241E-BBCE-4250-9468-3E4491…)

>>1348163This is the balcony off of her bedroom. It hasn’t been updated on Google street view. I guess she did fall from the front of the house. And the person definitely sounds like John. Who else hangs out with her?
No. 1348266
>>1348237It’s definitely not John. There isn’t a violent bone in his body. He has never once stuck up for himself in the history of her abuse towards him. This isn’t his falling down moment. If it was John she would have taken this incident and would monologue about his years of abuse and use this as a way to get a real divorce settlement.
Since she’s not going into detail about it, it sounds like an illegal drug exchange gone bad, or one of those bodega boys she picks up now and then.
No. 1348531
>>1348285“No big bones broke, just little ones”
Why does she compulsively lie about everything!!! This sent me. She broke 0 bones regardless of size LOL
No. 1348534
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No. 1348538
File: 1634339126634.jpeg (477.44 KB, 1170x2417, 7AF805D9-6EE5-451E-8E23-0CFA52…)

Ok filter face… whatever you say.
No. 1348575
>>1348285certainly little to nothing about her story makes sense, but I think we're meant to believe there was another friend there with her as well as the person who shoved her. I guess the other friend was two busy crying over her MANGLED body whilst Mandy scraped herself off the ground, popped her shoulder back in and then pushed the assailant out of her apartment (with two broken, sprained wrists and numerous other smaller broken bones). then she typed up her manifesto on the subject, and after that she typed out her ME ME ME posts re: "her" leatherworker who was in a critical accident, all with broken, sprained wrists. THEN she put on half a pound of makeup with her broken, sprained wrists and went out looking SO HAWT that someone "undressed [her] with his eyes" for over 10 minutes while Unidread… did nothing, really, but apparently it was very hott. and she took a selfie of herself, Unidread and her friend Manny (must be a super-close friend, since she hasn't gone on and on about him before this as far as I know) with one of her broken, sprained wrists. sounds SUPER believable to me.
I'm gonna hazard a guess that she didn't go to the hospital because she couldn't drink in there & didn't want to have the DTs. and also she didn't have any real injuries.
No. 1348585
>>1348237Well this railing actually looks harder to fall over. Shed have to be sitting or at least perched on it to be pushed over.
I didn’t even stop to think about how insane it is that she just glossed over this assault and just called it a “personal argument”…? This man pushed her off a balcony causing broken bones and a concussion then punched her twice and she’s not calling him out? Just casually posting a crying laughing emoji about how her limbs were all fucked up.
Regardless it sounds like she’s back to partying at this apartment.
No. 1348624
>>1348538Knuckin. Oh, you mean fighting? You are so street tough that you use this word, yet add an ' at the end of the word.
Also,there is a black dude in this pic. Has anyone noticed her word choices changed briefly when she 'became friends' with the black person she met outside of a bodega? So hood in ten minute increments.
Also, bitch, you are either too flabby, or if your filters are to be believed, to frail to fight. Being covered in tattoos and pretending to be tough is cool though.
No. 1348627
File: 1634353604432.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x2166, FBC73B87-288B-4645-84F9-63E50A…)

>>1348534This edit has me crying it’s so unnecessary and it took her four fucking tries too.
No. 1348629
File: 1634353733336.jpeg (787.34 KB, 1242x1942, EAA71799-82A9-497C-B844-CB66D4…)

>>1348538Donna in the comment section with the important questions.
No. 1348675
>>1348629Donna passively aggressively saying what we all know.
Also, the I have tattoos on my palm comment. Heavily tattooed people don't talk usually about their tattoos, unless you are a poser looking for cool points.
No. 1348688
File: 1634360455357.png (88.62 KB, 864x176, Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 23.58…)

>>1348629on top of everything else she also has x-ray vision and can tell exactly which (small, not large) bones were broken and to what degree and also knows how these can be treated. and her scary hott boyfriend is an amazing nurse! these two are so talented they should open up their own hospital.
No. 1348858
File: 1634388832373.jpeg (549.07 KB, 1170x1393, 1B9BF1CB-640E-45D3-B975-00C102…)

>>1348706She’s so hood guys.
No. 1348859
File: 1634388865931.jpeg (746.58 KB, 1170x1234, D75B99EF-EF5F-4E7E-8013-66E4C0…)

Sleeping back in the room she found Cowie dead. Classy as always.
No. 1348860
File: 1634388981973.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x1757, 5514E5F7-119C-496C-8B46-5C28B4…)

Oh and not the 5 packs of cigarettes you smoke a day?
No. 1348869
File: 1634390082841.jpeg (2.82 MB, 1170x13541, 3F70D4D7-1776-451E-AF46-D0BED3…)

Literally her response to someone telling her they think they live near her. I forgot about all her training in the IDF kek. And your address was leaked when the news said where Cowie died. She’s such a try hard with these blog posts.
No. 1348873
>>1348860“Foo” isn’t even a a Puerto Rican thing, it’s a Mexican/California thing… cereal milk weed? What? She’s so bizarre. I just literally can’t follow what her though process behind her posts is.
>>1348869I skimmed this very lightly for my own mental health but god damn she is such a tryhard. Trying to flex how well she knows her neighborhood or her and Dan were around for a shoot out? Good god, the hipsters won bushwick and ridgewood, this is such an embellishment if not a flat out lie.
No. 1349118
>>1348958Oh yeah, we call those "heighths" in San Francisco's Haight Ashbury neighborhood, because idiots not from the area are paying for "eighths", but they're just getting ripped off… like Amanduh.
>>1348869You can tell how non-street this suburban bitch is because anyone from the hood knows not to be caught dead taking cell phone footage of a drive by and then blatantly talking to cops to give them license plate info. She only isn't getting murdered for her stupidity because she's a white gentrifier bitch clearly not from the neighborhood. Miss ACAB out here trying to narc on these supposed gang bangers. She's such a poser that she doesn't even realize how much she's outing herself as a poser that's not hood at all and lacks any street knowledge. But sure, Amanda, saying "shup foo" in a FB post will surely trick anyone on FB to think you're a hard af badass from the streets of Long Island!
No. 1349393
>>1349245I'm sure the cops were super-impressed with her assessment of the scene and secretly admired her amazing knowledge of weapons and shells and all that shite. I hope/am sure she remembered to include lots of important details for them, just as she did in the post that I
think was meant to welcome someone to the neighborhood but went way beyond TMI territory into WTF land. loved the bit about her nurse friend "who sometimes cooks oxtail for [her]" (from that one time she demanded a plate of food from a stranger so the kind stranger brought it over – cannot imagine anyone going back for more Amanda after one visit, so I doubt there's been more than one oxtail meal for her) (and the original one was in takout packaging anyway, so… I doubt there was ever even a first oxtail meal). but yeah, I'm sure Malik is constantly over there watching Squid Game so he can remain at her service in case she needs to go back to the bodega to overpay for more alcohol and/or weed (no compliments, please, foo'!) and to sip that delicious single Olde English malt liquor while she and her guy are doing super artistic stuff and can't be bothered to stoop to watching a Korean TV show that's just too hard for her to follow. the story about Cowie getting wasted while she cried herself to sleep was a great one, too.
oh jeez I know way too much about this woman I've never met and hope to never encounter in this life or the next. I tried to write as much detail as she included in her comments but I. just. can't.
No. 1349684
File: 1634501066206.jpeg (505.3 KB, 1169x1707, 5E4F3FC5-6342-4593-B603-94D9FD…)

The irony that she thinks Sid and Nancy are idiots, but her letting someone die of alcohol abuse in her apt is toooootally different and yes Amanda, you’re so right with your punk gatekeeping.
No. 1350004
File: 1634527370900.jpeg (944.35 KB, 1170x1497, 24C6F50F-DD93-4100-A796-8CB4F9…)

But you just posted the photos…now. How did they already message you. Someone needs to feed the Amanda attention monster.
No. 1350005
File: 1634527448541.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1735, D0403CDC-4CD7-4108-BD26-202642…)

You don’t normally get over a year to decide you idiot. Oh god remember the edit she did for this one kek
No. 1350229
File: 1634552867073.jpeg (303.08 KB, 1170x871, 9290D3FB-E328-4D19-8E38-2D7506…)

Duel jerking off while watching a Will Ferrell movie… the visual is too disgusting…
No. 1350726
File: 1634600084058.jpeg (296.4 KB, 1242x1241, BEE64699-B00E-45EE-8587-35C77E…)

Looks like she’s still flexing on the Voltaire, this time paraphrased and shifted into total nonsense. She writes with the depth of a stoned fifteen year old who got turned onto philosophy by a some greasy college freshman she lost her virginity to.
No. 1350818
>>1350229This is the first time I’ve ever laughed out loud on this site
Life changing noisy handies
Fuck. I could not hate everything about this girl more if I tried. I can’t imagine how her family feels, reading this dumb shit and having to picture roadkill mcdreadlocks wrist deep in her while they get off to will ferrell
No. 1351035
>>1348869Just read Amanda's horrifically bad interpretation of the gun used and I literally laughed out loud. The Beretta M9 is not likely being used in her hood since it's considered old af, and more difficult to clean than it's Glock counterpart. Most kids in the hood don't know how to clean a gun properly, so a Beretta is the worst choice since they often misfire due to all their working mechanisms. Also, just because she fired a 9mm (M9) and a rifle (M16), does not mean she's better than gun professionals, who have fired every conceivable 9mm brand and still can't tell between the sound of 9mms with the same barrel length. And unless Mandy had a microscope to compare shell casings from the suspect's Beretta M9 with what she found at the scene, it's impossible that she'd be able to tell what the suspect was firing besides just a 9mm. Lastly, civilian M9s usually carry a 15 round clip, not 10 rounds. 10 rounds is not sold to the public at all. She also would not be able to determine much from the sound of the gunfire, since she wasn't firing it and would just be hearing the echoes off the buildings.
Tl;dr Mandy suddenly is knowledgeable on bullet forensics without a microscope and yet doesn't even know that the 1 m9 she shot during her tourist vacation hour with the IDF isn't the same M9 that would be found outside of war zones, let alone if it even is an M9.
Source: my dad is a Vietnam vet who even named me after a gun because he was planning on teaching me about guns from a young age.
No. 1351040
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No. 1351133
File: 1634654013205.jpeg (430.16 KB, 1170x1094, 187FCE24-676F-4205-B292-DB3D35…)

She can’t even type anything that makes sense.
No. 1351867
>>1351648Yep, that's why she was allowed to film and wear her dumb "I'm so tuff I'm wearing a leather jacket and boots while shooting gunzzz" outfit.
It's the same as the police department doing active shooter training at my job and I tell the world that "I trained with the police on how to mitigate potential threats".
No. 1352051
>>1348869Wait wow this manic episode was impossible to follow but this little gem was good.. she has a HOUSEKEEPER? Not only does she have a free apartment, her ex husbands family also pays for someone to come and clean up her coke baggies and floor vomit???
I honestly am equally impressed and disgusted by the level of scam she has achieved. How
No. 1352244
File: 1634764496249.jpeg (341.88 KB, 1170x2074, 79705D6A-1234-4DA7-AAE8-F1D112…)

I though Manda was always bra and panty free?
No. 1353971
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No. 1354605
File: 1635043411174.jpeg (654.7 KB, 1170x2079, 4719C775-AD4E-4633-9349-12AC25…)

Aw he asked for a bump, how romantic.
No. 1354690
>>1354605is this supposed to be a romance story? what body parts are sown on screen in that fuzzy photo (seriously, I am grateful for the lack of definition). does fisting bring up the super-romantic memories for them or what?
both are rhetorical questions, really. they answer to both is "YES, OBVIOUSLY" and again I wonder "why am I reading this?" I'm just gonna blame it on mysterious cow fascination and not worry about it more.
No. 1354777
>>1354691She's laying on her left side, scabies incarnate is taking the picture behind her with her ass to the camera, and she's twisting her upper body to face the ceiling.
But yes, this picture is just her trying to thirst trap random dudes despite the fact this should be a private picture because no one wants to see this
No. 1354803
File: 1635079487071.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1901, 654E6583-D784-431E-BE91-F3DE76…)

I’ll get the videos in a bit.
No. 1354804
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No. 1354811
File: 1635081284935.jpeg (74.66 KB, 429x640, 0AB99B66-356B-403F-A84E-7CA39A…)

Boy that previous booty pic sure does look different than this one. Where a whopping 342 people liked the pic… she’s acting as if 10k people double clicked. Either way… gross.
No. 1355098
File: 1635114061382.jpeg (370.25 KB, 1125x1774, 9A63EED6-859A-438A-8DF4-BE37FD…)

No. 1355110
>>1355015they BOTH have the muscle definition/shape of toddlers. I guess she truly does think toddler bodies are visually DELISH as she once said. which should be a huge red flag.
but what about those two
isn't a red flag?
No. 1355164
>>1354777that's it; that's the positioning in the pic. thanks for reading my horrendous half-asleep typo-ing and for explaining the nightmarish arrangement of more nightmarish limbs. "Scabies Incarnate" is probably my favorite name for Unidread so far.
and you are right – no one wants to see this.
No. 1355489
File: 1635169779159.jpeg (272.43 KB, 1125x769, 925E7050-C289-4DAB-9383-6AFC06…)

They’re engaged?
No. 1355510
>>1355489I wonder if she's ever dated anyone for longer than, say two weeks without becoming engaged to them. fantastic way to start a relationship, right? how many times has she been engaged in the past year or two?
but I'm sure this time will be different because it's Tru Luv.
No. 1355985
>>1355851Dudes way too high off heroin to get hard..
More like two stuffed animals smashing into each other
No. 1356077
>>1355985Saged because no one cares since these 2 wannabe Natural Born Killers aren't on heroin, but you can fuck on heroin just fine. You just can't cum easily. It's not like coke dick.
It's sad when 2 people have anons thinking they're on heroin when they're just naturally this disgusting.
No. 1356082
>>1355412>>1355378I believe I might be this "wk anon" that you speak of, but "coming up with very little" was exactly what I was pointing out about 3 weeks ago when dumb anons unaware of how legality works claimed she "murdered" a man because she invited him over to feed her ego and he just stayed on his own and died due to his addiction issues. I said plenty more about her being a piece of shit but explained why she'd never be charged for a murder that didn't happen, yet you choose my factual reasons for why no crime was committed as wking. I'm simply not a fan of people being so wrong it's idiotic.
How that's a wk situation or why I'd say "adult birds" can't be neglected to death is clearly the unique opinion of some dumbass anons. Sorry your Lolcow screenshotting investigation didn't pan out.
No. 1356105
>>1356097… and into the waiting arms of Sir Cuck Boy John, who arrived on his steed to save the bird's day at the request of Lady Shady Mandy.
On that note, if Mandy was clever her scene name could have been Mandy Savage, after the old wrestler Randy Savage.
She very well could have been talking about the bird, I just know we never got confirmation on it so I didn't want to spread tinfoils and perpetuate it to become a "fact" in a future thread summary.
I don't doubt that since Cow-ie died, she's been really grieving… Grieving the loss of a shot at F-list fame.
No. 1356271
File: 1635274044744.png (1.62 MB, 775x1346, Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 1.46…)

absolutely revolting
No. 1356286
File: 1635276320232.jpg (59.27 KB, 401x604, IMG_6254.JPG)

Pre-unidread he was quite the Abercrombie homeboy. Just loving his Starbucks, listening to New Found Glory. Life was good.
No. 1356700
File: 1635337766962.jpeg (524.92 KB, 1170x961, 0D47BB3D-5F96-4045-A2BA-2CCE58…)

I thought she “used” to be a lesbian
No. 1356977
>>1356787I hope you're joking,
No. 1357343
>>1356977Ntayrt, but I hope you're joking because you missed the sarcasm in their joke.
>>1356787 probably meant lesbians can have strap ons/dildos as a dick, too… which is why they put the "pecker" part in basically quotes.
No. 1358108
File: 1635523053569.jpeg (939.71 KB, 1170x1664, 7D6E5FBB-FC2B-4C8E-997F-EEC331…)

Looks like John bought her a new couch for her to clean Dans feet on. That’s dead skin on the floor, btw.
No. 1358142
File: 1635528590813.jpeg (787.07 KB, 1170x1179, C6A0C3FA-9EC9-40D5-A5B9-821371…)

Just leaving this here when they inevitably break up and she accuses him of abusing her.
No. 1358145
>>1358142isn't this common "my favourite person" type of post supposed to focus more on how that person makes
you laugh and smile, not the braggart other way around? She never fails to make me laugh
No. 1358620
>>1358404yeah but he's so amazing because she makes him smile and laugh and that's what a narcissist cares about I guess. though IMO, if she REALLY wanted him to stick around she'd braid his dead foot skin & scalp scabs into her own hair. imagine how much he'd smile and laugh then!!!
(oh please let this happen) (I'm on a diet & wouldn't mind more true thinspo) /s?
No. 1358957
File: 1635678434738.jpeg (910.05 KB, 1170x3584, DDE01B9C-7C5D-439B-886E-0F3D4B…)

Which loaded gun? The one over FaceTime or Koreys pellet gun? This bitch can never stop bragging.
No. 1358961
File: 1635680636369.jpeg (754.64 KB, 1170x1757, F8FEC24D-7B01-4495-AE11-6B317A…)

No. 1358978
>>1358957>>1358957these are literally all problems she created for herself. Amanda, you've never faced real hardship.
curious that she never mentioned her cancer. you'd think that would be higher on the list of traumas.
No. 1359021
>>1358957-"i don't ever compare my struggle with another adults'"
-post is all about comparing her (exaggerated, often self-inflicted) struggles with other adults
>>1358978time for her to edit her post to include "if you've never had the cancer doctor tell you both of your breasts are shitty" to her list
No. 1359039
>>1358957Wait wait wait
Did she really post all of this because someone younger than her asked her to cover their shift or am I reading this incorrectly
No. 1359040
>>1359039peep died in Nov 2017 so maybe someone did that to her in the past but that wouldn't make sense as the catalyst for either her original post or the rant
she's still a weird idiot tho
No. 1359107
>>1359103her fingers threaded through his TOES was enough to make the bile rise up for me. eeeeeeeeeewwwwww imagine what they smell like after being crammed in the same pair of boots every single day.
um, sorry.
No. 1359234
>>1358957Jesus what a mother fucking bitch. Anyone that does this is deeply fucked up and so self obsessed that anyone else has problems, and how dare they acknowledge theirs instead of hers. If she was posting about her issues separate from comparison, it’s her page whatever. Who the actual fuck is she to punch down on someone younger than her??? How fucking seriously ugly. You would think as a millennial she would want to respect someone else’s growing up process, she’s well aware how fucked up of a world it is and that person is all of 22. His death was fucked up for a lot of people because his content was openly about suicidal issues and drug addiction, his death was preventable and from negligence of people that didn’t actually care about him, and It made a young generation confront the fact that that kind of lifestyle results in death frequently. He was at the height of his career, why is she so disrespectful to anyones grieving process for any reason because she
chooses to live in a city?? How do her gross and ugly in every way exes have anything to do with this? Is the peep fan supposed to apologize that this lady can’t just enjoy sucking a
toxic dick without getting her feelings involved like a grown woman? What does that have to do with a young person responsibly taking a mental health day to process an internationally publicized wrongful death of someone her age? These same people bitch about capitalism and authority or w/e tf but she can’t respect that her employee is trying to live and enjoy their life, and she wants to punch all the way down and out her for spending a small amount of money on ketamine. Let her live. Millennials hating on gen z is so fucking pathetic and embarrassing
No. 1359279
File: 1635725686603.jpeg (132.6 KB, 980x653, Weekend-at-Bernies-crop.jpeg)

>>1356271It looks like she's propping him up Weekend at Bernie's style
No. 1359517
File: 1635767895046.jpeg (491.11 KB, 1170x2540, 0DA95E95-405E-4B04-AC6A-405EE8…)

Where’s the giant fake cancer scar?
No. 1359622
File: 1635780304710.jpeg (868.19 KB, 1170x1155, 0E14A937-5B10-44DF-9B7D-634D32…)

>>1359584Looks like Dan was allowed off his leash to hang out with other people. The last picture he liked was her with the glory hole pumpkin.
No. 1359677
>>1359342Thank you for understanding lol. I don’t even think you had to be a fan at all to feel it, it was just fucked up and a lot of people were fucking with those same drugs, or were just affected by a death that public. The video of him not able to breathe was viral. My point was that her employee is young and taking a mental health day is a good thing. Like blooblooblooo you had to come in to cover, she’s younger and you have no idea if she had friends who died young or related in some way. It’s not about peep, it’s that she’s throwing a tantrum about some really stupid things that she still wants attention for, and it’s in comparison to a girl from four years ago. If those things happened, they’re real enough to not weaponize them against this girl. If she was taking ketamine she was on one of the drugs he was addicted to, and that’s a hell of a wake up call and I’m glad she processed it. This woman should take the day off instead of posting this shit to process her bullshit also instead of being the most insufferable millennial. Maybe don’t move to a big city you can’t function in and keep fucking the same kind of narcissist you are, Jesus. It’s one stupid fucking shift.
Also sorry your retarded lil brother died, rip big love energy.
No. 1359719
>>1358957This is so amazing because she is still brand name dropping “north face off your back” while bragging about being robbed
Also, making fun of someone because their mom pays their rent. WHO PAYS HER RENT!!!???
No. 1359748
>>1359696Fully agree!
I guess these anons can empathize with all the addicts that took time off work when Heath Ledger and Brad Renfro died. And I'm sure everyone who drives took the day off work and school when Paul Walker died. Most importantly, I think we can all agree that anyone who drinks alcohol to get drunk took the day off when Cow-ie, Amanda's "closest friend" died. After all, he was like our retarded alcoholic man child dad! Keeeeek.
No. 1359988
File: 1635816841358.jpeg (378.31 KB, 828x1153, 39A97DD3-ABF7-4B7C-AD47-2813E2…)

>>1359517“Partied” ……exaggerated….then admitted it was less than 15 minutes spent with them ….more clout lies , it never ends
No. 1360066
File: 1635823098894.jpeg (334.32 KB, 1242x1452, 6DF7E65F-52A2-44DE-B7D8-81ED2A…)

>>1360053looks like homie was getting high on stage. im guessing the most appealing thing stuffed into that dress was amanda’s BUNdleS.
No. 1360698
>>1360176dope def still a term my guy
>>1360687had this ^ typed out before u posted that & forgot to send. i cant even think of what an outdated term for dope would be. smack maybe?
No. 1360793
>>1359988Kek, their ‘tour bus’ is probably just some van with a bit of space to sit if anything. These guys are just some crusty old dudes who still make music, also this
>>1359851. Hence why it feels a bit surreal to see them being discussed on here. But here we go:
>claims to be clean now>>1360066oh my.
No. 1360815
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No. 1360837
File: 1635943828102.jpeg (379.03 KB, 2048x1536, 463F10B6-BCF5-43EE-AA8A-DC9824…)

>>1360815Where’s the bird Amanda?
No. 1360879
>>1360815>We'll be back in Manhattan where we belongNo. Stay in your crackden. That's actually where anyone with an lolcow thread realistically belongs.
>Weird ass ghetto>HousekeeperLmao what? Fire her, clean yourself. Save money to move since it's so bad.
No. 1360917
File: 1635953191300.png (939.43 KB, 1215x1085, Screen Shot 2021-11-03 at 10.2…)

>>1360815stumbled home at noon to pass out on the couch, but not before having a strong drink apparently. nice
No. 1360994
>>1360815“Back in Manhattan”
She has never lived in Manhattan. Also LO-fucking-L that poopdread got knocked out and robbed in her neighborhood because that means 1 of 2 scenarios: 1- he looked like an easy target and was sucker punched, or 2- he was confronted and didn’t/couldn’t defend himself and was knocked out
No. 1361037
File: 1635964682461.jpeg (498.67 KB, 1170x1721, 17BB0E25-49C1-4E95-8F54-7DA445…)

>>1361036Nothing exciting
No. 1361078
>>1360975Sage for samefag but I wanna spoonfeed anon bc it’s kind of unbelievable if you haven’t been where a while: Amanda trapped some autistic Jewish millionaire kid from Long Island. She constantly refers to him as her ex husband even tho there is no public record of them being married. He bankrolls her lifestyle no matter what she does. Some anons think he has a cuck fetish, some think she has dirt on him, and others like myself think he just feels bad for her after all these years because if left to fend for herself she would probably actually die/kill herself. She had a shop that didn’t make money and she used to give stuff away to make friends (which he also paid for and Venmo’s her employees) and she once had a “menu” of sex work stuff (not full service) that she hasn’t spoken about again since.
She literally. Does. Fucking. Nothing. All day every day. Her paypig husband pays for everything. Pretty sure this apartment is confirmed to be one of his parents properties as well.
No. 1361317
File: 1635994228451.jpeg (286.39 KB, 1170x843, FD88384A-1988-437A-A885-06C65F…)

Her one longtime nice friend, Jeff Kennedy, is even calling her out now. He’s been around since she was 13-14 years old, Matt Casey/live journal days.
No. 1361319
File: 1635994394826.jpeg (822.33 KB, 1170x1176, 8358A3DA-CB10-41D5-BDEA-3A2451…)

>>1361317In response to this photo
No. 1361322
File: 1635994576097.jpeg (651.14 KB, 1170x1959, 33CCBF74-038E-43E6-B32A-F63A19…)

You never finish anything manda
No. 1361346
>>1360815There's no way this scab-headed fiance of the month wasn't buying/selling drugs when this happened if he isn't just entirely making the event up. Straight up Luna/Lurch junkie story energy.
Bonus kek at her super punk comments about the housekeeper too.
No. 1361419
>>1360994Or maybe it was the common Oakland welcome where clearly drunk people are jumped because they're easy targets and everyone knows they don't know anyone on the block who will defend them.
Mandy just doesn't get jumped because most hood dudes don't beat up random girls, especially ones that flash their tits around town.
No. 1361421
File: 1636013457425.jpeg (702 KB, 1170x1828, 7E6C72CD-C827-43DA-8AD2-937260…)

“Marrying” kek. How many times has she claimed to be engaged?
No. 1361787
File: 1636058303147.jpeg (556.71 KB, 1170x2082, 3882AB53-9274-4ED7-8D2C-C70881…)

Posted this in her FB stories… this was the “band” she was trying to start with Troi in 2019
No. 1361790
File: 1636058482099.jpeg (439.92 KB, 1170x2194, 2DFE3264-EB60-42B0-BF51-D2294B…)

Nothings been touched on the IG since 2020. Way to go girl. EP out soon kek
No. 1361963
File: 1636077205514.jpeg (875.64 KB, 850x3890, E08C986A-D803-4BB6-8401-C3A256…)

I don’t want to completely doxx her so I kept her info private. But this is the first edit….
No. 1361966
File: 1636077566983.jpeg (985.89 KB, 955x3462, 943F6A24-895D-4A3C-B70B-EE396E…)

This is the second edit You guys decipher it. My eyes hurt.
No. 1362091
>>1362039Guess Boy Toy Troi is dropped out of the bAnD because as Mandy says in
>>1361966 , "Black spit" is her solo (not by choice) music SIDE project. I guess the other 3 full length albums she put out on Soundcloud weren't well received because nobody's heard of any albums so this 4th one will surely bomb even amongst her nonexistent friends.
No. 1362160
>>1361966“Struggle with addiction to keep anonymous”. She puts her every breathe online for viewing.
She doesn’t know what is which is like the basic dating site that’s been around forever.
Paid gigs for brand sage already wears… this is a private post… how would a “brand” even find you?
I like that you can ask her when the stores reopening through email kek (aka never)
Change your passwords “thrice” a year and make sure to use a pen to write it down. Ok grandma.
No. 1362323
>>1361963"…dangerously stalked by obsessive people…"
Nobody wants to stalk this lumbering disease, despite the ease of going to the Birnbaum's rental property she's mooching off of. Why would anyone even want to interview her? She puts everything online, including all the TMI details like "life changing noisy handies" and dead foot skin picking with Scabies Incarnate and even if she was granting interviews about the 2 months ago hOt tOpIc of cold Cowie, she knew absolutely nothing about her "dearly departed love". Anyone wanting to interview her about her many "art and music projects" that never come to fruition might as well just make up the answers too because that's all she'd do anyway.
The only questions anyone might have for her are shit she would refuse to answer, like how much spousal support did she demand from John Cuck Birnbaum and if she realizes that everyone sees through her lies and bad shooping, straight into her lonesome poser heart.
No. 1363291
File: 1636243249960.jpeg (377.24 KB, 1170x950, 910EC1C8-89EF-4FD8-963C-4DD2EA…)

No. 1363298
File: 1636244451004.jpeg (337.94 KB, 1818x1818, 691B9C67-1864-42FF-8D27-76A3D6…)

It’s Facebook official!
No. 1363328
File: 1636247670263.jpeg (352.66 KB, 1170x895, 297D11B6-A4BA-4A99-8A1F-87B092…)

Is she talking about drugs, wink?
No. 1363504
>>1363291The lonesome poser heart in her couldn't resist posting that she knows how to pronounce Sufjan - SOOF-yahn - Stevens' name correctly. That was the entire point of her post, and that the festering sore she calls a bf still helps book at his old venue room for rent.
I really think an x-ray into her brain would be like that episode where they look in Homer Simpsons' brain and see nothing but monkeys picking bugs off each other and eating them… Except her brain would be her dressed in her oh-so-goff leggings and picking crust out of Crust Gut's head and eating them.
No. 1363623
File: 1636295267392.jpeg (501.89 KB, 1170x2502, 3EF89224-6774-4E25-9A27-516216…)

No. 1364144
>>1363623What, did she set it upright after it got knocked over or something
What a weird attempt to be “in the band” and not just a groupie kek
No. 1364754
>>1364683Her finger is wet when she points at the drum.
The fact that her word choice is on purpose is really fucking me up.
No. 1364824
File: 1636417431176.jpeg (148.64 KB, 1125x539, 52826EBE-715C-4A06-B17A-534226…)

No. 1365011
>>1363623My favorite part is the bLaSt bEaT that is so orgasmic to Mandy's poser ear is one of the easiest things to drum because the kick drum, snare, and cymbal are all played exactly the same. So your foot, and both hands are literally doing the exact same thing at the same time. Even patting your head and rubbing your tummy is harder.
Glad Mandy also put in the part about crushing on her drum teacher. It perfectly shows her current life choices, as in her dad tries to teach her a life skill like music, but all she cares about is musicians' dicks.
Speaking of which, I hope somebody gets to land a coveted interview with Mandy about the mural she painted on the side of Daddy's work building.
Oh wait, she never did that because nobody actually wanted her to do it. Her dad probably just said, "You should paint a mural on my work building" and she told everyone she had been asked to do it.
No. 1365012
File: 1636445029113.jpg (1.6 MB, 934x4716, Screenshot_20211108-052053_Sam…)

These are old as fuck, but I found Mandy's old blog and she used to write with better grammar, but was still a boring loser.
Here's proof though that she's always had cysts in her self-proclaimed tIdDy
No. 1365014
File: 1636445186247.jpg (500.39 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211108-052325_Sam…)

>>1365012And John Birnbaum was her ticket out of working in an office cubicle because she used to always dream of having money. She was just waiting for the right rich kid to sucker in with her metal/punk larping.
No. 1365141
File: 1636468938838.jpeg (116.27 KB, 1170x374, 96FD5006-5A4C-4AB3-BA90-D68C94…)

No responses because no one cares about after hours in the LES on a Monday.
No. 1365143
File: 1636469120411.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1536, 9A36107B-ADF7-4652-B399-C35763…) looks so annoyed by her shit. That granny laugh in the beginning is terrifying.
No. 1365380
File: 1636488135975.jpeg (382.95 KB, 543x1176, A938EA6F-C958-4C5A-9948-267AAF…)

>>1365143Is she wearing an “engagement” ring? Did she make John buy it, or just recycled and old ring like her Texas dude?
No. 1365390
File: 1636488752342.png (299.34 KB, 436x430, Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 3.11…)

>>1365376he flicks his eyes at her in pure annoyance for a millisecond after her cackling, kek
No. 1365836
>>1365380I noticed this wedding ring looking piece of shit too and guarantee she's just wearing her own ring on that stubby finger and know her current broke fuckboy didn't give it to her. I'm positive she tells every dude "Do you want to be with me forever? I want to be with you forever!" Then she just runs with the marriage idea once they mutter "yeah sure". Just like when she first was talking to Taco on the phone and said "Dan said I love you to me today for the first time without me even making him say it!" She love bombs these dudes so hard that they just let her run with the idea so they can keep getting freebies and attention. And since none of these dudes are desirable to most women, they probably think why not.
I've seen a lot of desperate women, but Mandy shows a level of neediness and desperation that trumps even the ugliest and loneliest of dudes.
No. 1365841
>>1365429Dan is a lot of things but he's definitely not an oogle since he never tries to larp as homeless, especially now that he lives rent free in Bk and John might soon be helping them live in Manhattan.
BTW, anyone else notice the thumb holes cut in her sweatshirt
>>1365380 like she's 14 again?
No. 1365882
>>1365143The contempt he shows her in that vid is just
chefs kiss perfection
No. 1365967
File: 1636549371531.jpg (804.66 KB, 972x2907, Screenshot_20211110-064441_Sam…)

Samefag as the previous literal old blog post, so look away from my newfaggotry if you don't need more confirmation that 20 year old Mandy is the same as 35 year old Mandy, except she was slightly less of a poser back then. I've only been reading her threads for the past year so seeing her old blog with less posturing has helped me understand her mindset and choices more, since she hasn't mentally changed since at least '07.
- She was a broke af barista always stressing about money and dreaming of being rich
- She hated/hates being alone, especially sleeping alone
- She drove and had a car
- Mommy drove/drives a $50k Cadillac (at least back in '07)
- She was/is quick to call people friends that she only met/meets that night
- She doubted/doubts herself a lot, and expected/expects to be praised and rewarded for basic shit, like going to work and doing her job without taking extended breaks
- She wrote in a "I wish I was a writer" kind of way, using short, often fragmented sentences. She writes the same now, but makes even less sense and uses unnecessary details, typically name dropping
- She liked/likes dudes in bands
It's pathetic that she hasn't changed at all in 15+ years and she clearly made a choice to be with a dude that wasn't in one of the scenes she tries to larp. John the Jew was simply a stepping stone to help her escape her pAuPeR lifestyle and pursue her passion projects of fucking dirty dudes that she thinks will help add to her "street cred".
No. 1366730
>>1366622Since she’s been claiming marriage for 12 years to John, it’s totally appropriate to search public records to see if it’s true. It’s not like she’s ringing her doorbell and calling her a scammer. It’s for continuity of the board and finding out that literally everything out of her mouth is a lie.
Marriage anon did you search specifically Atlantic City, 2010? that seems to be when she claims she did it.
No. 1367613
File: 1636723970354.jpeg (680.43 KB, 1170x1461, AD547FAE-2E34-4376-B1B2-63228F…)

No filter
No. 1367731
>>1367613She posted this like a month ago saying she just had on "skin mattifying lotion and lippie" and then "he says I'm beautiful. I believe him."
Sure, maybe there wasn't a filter being used, but apparently she doesn't believe her bridge troll enough to not abuse her beloved photo editing apps.
No. 1367944
>>1367613I think this was also the one where she quoted Scabies Incarnate (someone else's nickname for the boyfriend flavor of the month, but I really like it) as saying something like "you have such gentle features." I'm assuming she just left off the end of that sentence, which surely was "when you use that filter."
surprised he didn't ask where her other nostril went. it seems to have disappeared. I guess that makes ones features look more gentle and beautiful.
No. 1368035
File: 1636780769881.jpeg (316.04 KB, 1125x1834, 4076DD46-66B5-47C0-8DF0-0404A3…)

Break up?
No. 1368038
File: 1636780863793.jpeg (256.37 KB, 1125x1408, 91979014-4CF6-48E3-8118-800B80…)

Never mind had to scroll further sorry(don't use emojis )
No. 1368451
>>1368270option B
but also, she's a troll.
No. 1369148
File: 1636951017271.jpeg (592.07 KB, 1170x1097, CD4668B5-7502-49E6-9904-000362…)

On a mutual friends post about a new BF and a friend Preston comments about how love looks good on her. This Amanda’s comment. Rolling her eyes at Dan and still feeling the love? What?
No. 1369256
>>1369148She should be "overfilled" with envy at her friend finding love and happiness, but no! She's going to be happy for her friend goddammit! Fuck you Scabies Incarnate!
That's totally what I'm getting from her me me me comment.
No. 1369409
>>1369148what an awkward and confusing way to do the same shit she always does – make the conversation all about HER. what she said could mean many things, but the one thing it DIDN'T convey was how happy she was for this *friend.
*she has friends? IRL? I get the feeling they're pretty one-sided (probably all just about her love bombing) if they do exist.
No. 1369426
File: 1637001118763.jpeg (339.37 KB, 1170x996, 53186BCB-A524-491F-B2B7-70F8C4…)

You don’t run anything except your mouth and Johns credit card.
No. 1369428
File: 1637001186396.jpeg (521.96 KB, 1170x1585, 0E9A9596-0D56-45D8-9B57-0E72A6…)

It’s the afternoon and she’s drinking whiskey, how chic. Oh and she never wears underwear guys. Just in case you forgot.
No. 1369580
>>1369428She literally posted about walking around Flatbush wearing crotchless underwear…
Gotta start remembering your own lies Scamanda, you’re contradicting yourself again
(sage) No. 1369932
>>1369428She never does anything right so I shouldn't expect her to do a dumb fake wrestler name game right. The color of her underwear isn't nude-for-about-two decades just like pint is an amount and whiskey is a beverage.
If she really was going without underwear, the color of her skin would be the color of her non-underwear. Whiskey's main ingredients are grain and yeast. So Mandy could have still kept with her chosen image of no underwear and whiskey and had a wrestling name of The White Yeasty Grain.
But I guess that doesn't sound cool enough for her.
No. 1370063
File: 1637102539452.jpeg (59.63 KB, 544x120, 0626B14E-E989-4DCE-A374-87D279…)

>>1370016It’s part of imageboard culture, integrate
No. 1370960
File: 1637238890861.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x2090, 6D78473D-EE88-4752-9BB3-B43465…)

No. 1371102
File: 1637259896025.jpeg (256.45 KB, 1170x825, 49CDE1E1-F166-4DB2-BF09-BB83EA…)

She’s could be talking about herself and is too stupid to understand that.
No. 1371154
File: 1637265159523.jpeg (462.12 KB, 750x1036, 660C0C7A-42B7-446C-BE18-5EDFCD…)

No. 1371156
File: 1637265191609.jpeg (161.85 KB, 731x942, 29387684-9A7C-430E-95FE-8A91DC…)

Fucking disgusting
No. 1371270
>>1371172I feel like her level of self awareness has gone out the window and she doesn't even realize that "death is the only rehab" has no correlation to her "ex-lover" dying in her bed 2 months ago. She's onto the next loser with who is helpless without her
It's so funny to have watched her date the Ginger, who seemed relatively normal, then Corey who was a lunatic, then Texas guy who basically never saw her but like lives in a camper, then 5 Dread, Cowie, back to John Vale (virtually) then Cowie IRL, and now Dan. They just are worst than the next. Her next dude is going to be missing a limb, have a glass eye and fully be unemployed, maybe be addicted to something else like ketamine, with her as his only means of money. Cant wait kek.
No. 1371860
File: 1637346837014.jpeg (988.37 KB, 1170x1494, CFCCC3E7-339A-44C0-A0B6-3D8808…)

No. 1371885
File: 1637348158767.jpeg (801.32 KB, 1242x1358, 32D757D7-75F1-4A93-980F-D34CDC…)

I almost forgot that among her other accomplishments she’s also an expert on herbs from her manic pod garden shopping spree as well as a lavender aficionado from that one time she went to a lavender farm.
No. 1371917
File: 1637351047152.jpeg (566.1 KB, 1125x1726, C982C5CB-9248-4C17-8E4B-2AF0B0…)

Unless there’s an alternative page she never made the review
No. 1371922
>>1371885At least she knows that it's very Karen-esque of her to never write reviews unless it's a bad one.
And I think she meant to say she
likened the flavor of all those ingredients to snorting Adderall, although since she's into patting herself on the back, she probably likes her comparison of food to Adderall, in addition to liking Adderall, in addition to liking that people will know she's snorted Adderall. She could've just said it tasted like sulfur, but of course she has to mention drugs in a bad review, which is helpful since anyone reading her review will immediately know not to trust anything she's saying. It wasn't enough to leave a bad review comparing food to snorting stimulants, she had to post it on Facefuck so she can share another try hard attempt at humor.
How much further from self aware can she possibly get after posting
>>1371102 ?
Mandy says being dangerous and not caring and being a try hard is embarrassing and uncool, yet she's clearly trying hard af to appear reckless and dangerous (like when she said she was "hanging out of" drunk Jean Claude Van Dan's vehicle like a "reckless asshole") only to showcase how embarrassing and uncool she is. She is the epitome of a poser that's been soaking in a smelly ocean of hypocrisy.
No. 1372162
>>1371885when you order from things like DoorDash, your order is prepared soon after it's placed. if you offer a worthy tip, a Dasher will pick it up immediately. offer a worthless tip and your food will sit there as Dashers pass up your order for better ones.
her food was probably cold because she left a horrible tip and no one picked up her order for an hour.
No. 1372265
File: 1637409700460.jpeg (325.36 KB, 1170x1165, 76AEF342-51D4-474E-A401-CEA034…)

Who celebrates publicly that you’ve been drinking for 4 months… Scamanda has been drinking since she moved to this place, who is she kidding?
No. 1372273
File: 1637410281281.jpeg (624.64 KB, 1170x3003, BD3DF03D-93DB-478F-B811-9886FA…)

>>13709606 figure engagement rings? Ok idiot.
No. 1372296
File: 1637414306677.jpeg (485.94 KB, 1170x1996, 1E29148A-7DD4-45FD-9350-E32659…)

In response to her latest FB post about “being off the wagon” We might have actually found another cuck who’s just as if not more effed up than Mandy pants. Cringe AF.
No. 1372300
File: 1637414830876.jpeg (138.94 KB, 1170x452, D28D53F5-AFC1-4D4E-B4A8-BD35C4…)

Same anon.
Scumanda takes the cake with her constant projecting. This is gold.
How do you know when Amanda is lying? Insert answer to bad joke we’ve all heard except in her case it’s REAL LIFE.
No. 1372302
File: 1637415124285.jpeg (156.87 KB, 1170x445, 023600BC-B4C1-405C-9345-1C4C7B…)

Dear Elizabeth;
Congrats on finding someone who inspires you to be a good for nothing drunk in her mid 30s. Not sure you understood what she meant by “officially off the wagon”
Nothing to congratulate. Quite the opposite infact.
Amanda’s “friends” = one dumbass after the next
No. 1372568
>>1372302>>1372267To be fair, Mandy's posts are often so wordy and confusing due to all the extra tmi info, commas/parentheses that I don't blame any of her "friends" for either not knowing what she's saying or them assuming she meant something different. Lizzie Taylor probably thought that there's no way anyone would celebrate and count when they started getting fucked up, so Mandy muuuust have meant to say ON the wagon. Which leads me to confusing post number 1,372,300+
>>1372300>>1372265To clarify Mandy's convoluted attempt at being profound when she's actually just being profoundly stupid, she's saying someone that continues to lie despite knowing the other person is aware it's a lie, is worse than someone who just lies.
I think we should avoid calling Mandy Scumanda, since she'll see that as a compliment and post a punk larp videos singing "Bite it, you Scumanda!" Scamanda is an insult to her, whereas Scumanda would be a compliment of the highest GG Allin-esque regard.
No. 1373254
File: 1637530712749.jpeg (1012.64 KB, 1170x1327, 07E1E1AF-C368-4728-82F2-25806E…)

Likening her POC fiancé to a monkey. Nice.
No. 1373296
File: 1637537643573.jpeg (592.7 KB, 1170x1393, ED9B07C8-1AB3-48E4-A16B-604C5C…)

Welcome to Home Sweet Home. It’s been there for like 15 years. It’s not that cool Amanda, relax. Good job being a “probably needing chemo - cancer patient” to “dancing shoulder-to-shoulder” with strangers.
No. 1373522
>>1373334Being of the Jewish religion (which I don't think be is, but I could be wrong) doesn't relate to whether he's considered a
POC. I think his nationality is Hispanic, though.
No. 1373704
>>1373692Don’t know anything about Dan other than he’s vile but wanted to say you can be a non-
poc Hispanic person and, you can also be a Hispanic Jew
No. 1373910
File: 1637612078644.jpeg (472.99 KB, 1170x947, E70E4F81-C2B7-4949-A859-7B617F…)

>>1372265Wonder when she’ll erase this…
No. 1374113
File: 1637631865606.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x1734, 69E2DCC6-08AB-4F35-B0FB-7CE37A…)

Wow, who would have though rent would have gone in brooklyn? I don’t think she knows what her rent is.
No. 1374123
>>1374113> huge> gigantic> hugelol okay girl
>>1373910has she noticed this yet?
No. 1374304
>>1374113Wow, you recorded your fIrSt eP on an outdoor fire escape outside of the city (which is what people call Manhattan) in Brooklyn? I'm sure you got such a clean sound with all the background noise and lack of acoustics, which everybody would hear if they actually cared enough to listen to it! Such a savvy home recording
artiste with so much audio engineering knowledge! No real musician needs a quiet place to record and to put up isolation walls to block out the background noise! Just record dead center on a fire escape and you'll get a clean sound!!
No. 1374490
File: 1637689910312.png (2.68 MB, 2034x1164, Screen Shot 2021-11-23 at 12.4…)

>>1374113also the building has an apt for $1436. not $2600, it's Crown Heights, not Williamsburg, relax Scamanda.
No. 1374494
File: 1637690125957.png (150.38 KB, 690x1084, Screen Shot 2021-11-23 at 12.4…)

tinfoiling but why wouldn't she post about getting married on FB?
She said they got married on a trip to Atlantic City after he chased down the person who stole her tip jar.
So in this we see that John didn't save it. She only was just taking a trip to Atlantic City, which is why NJ has no marriage record for them.
She claims 2010 is when they were married but besides a backyard party at her parents house there was no mention of anything official btwn them.
No. 1374712
File: 1637704010792.jpg (864.63 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211114-061423_Chr…)

>>1374494>>1374698Here's her on Reddit saying she was married, but implies she just had a courthouse wedding. She loves living in her imaginary world of tall tails.
She's so obnoxious, busking in AC when John "Darling" paid for everything and still does. I saw those videos of her playing and singing on her FB and no one would be able to hear her, let alone give her money. She looks very well fed and doesn't exactly look like she needs money. She loves putting forth an image of being a tough metal/punk scene bitch who drinks whiskey, smokes cigarettes, and suffers for her aRT, when she's just an annoying, smelly, poser with no life skills and no friends who relies on her ex's rich parents' money.
No. 1374790
File: 1637707599751.jpeg (446.06 KB, 1170x1532, 87DB0D05-7450-482C-9180-CA1D22…)

>>1374712Looks like she claimed marriage on Reddit too
No. 1375081
>>1374790Kek at her basic bitch taste in music. She always outs herself by admitting she likes terrible music.
I bet her "wedding" was them exchanging "6 figure" rings alone on the beach while reciting their vOwS to each other with no one around because they're too free from society's constraints to need a piece of paper to say they're in lurv!
No. 1375957
File: 1637886637817.jpeg (812.98 KB, 1170x1285, 8E3ECC44-C134-4391-A654-2CFCD3…)

It looks like a dog shaking off after it gets wet
No. 1376090
>>1375584I don't think you thought out your comment. If you think pharmacies don't have to account for their medications with legit prescriptions and that the son of the owner can just take a "limitless" supply of them for his ex gf, I have news for you : That's not how pharmacies operate. If that were the case, every pharmacy would order a ton of meds for the employees to freely take.
Did you miss the entire post where an anon confirmed there's no marriage record for the Jonathan Birnbaum or Amanda Labozetta in NJ? I myself even looked in the NJ marriage record link anon posted and there was no marriage on the books for them for 2009, 2010, or 2011. So he wouldn't need to give her "half of his millions" (which, btw, is John Cuck Boy's parents money) in a divorce when there'ss no legal wedding. He alone did not earn millions ever, especially during the few years they weren't married but pretended to be.
Let me also remind you that John's parents aren't the ones offering to help Mandy. Considering they own a lot of property and their beloved son comes to them and asks them if they have a house so his ex can keep a roof over her head "since the pandemic has kept her from working and I know she'll die aka kill herself if I don't help her"), it's easy enough to oblige. They probably have the mortgage paid off already, too, so I imagine an emotionally fragile asshole living there for free doesn't bother them if their son is happy. John is the one that helps her financially because I'm sure he has a comfortable financial situation… just not millions.
No. 1376101
File: 1637918604504.jpg (1.18 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1637918484079.jpg)

She's not "obviously a girl". That looks like a chubby kid with bitch tits.
She looks better without her bad shooping.
No. 1377952
File: 1638157170921.jpeg (623.08 KB, 1170x2154, D6F764E9-D4C7-4C22-8AB1-4A6B60…)

How does her “thankful for her BF” post turn into a story about herself?
No. 1378062
File: 1638172456021.png (1.27 MB, 1027x643, delulu.png)

>>1377952>cosplaying 13 year olds and not look much older>knit socks, exact choker, exact same bunny>or just having found the exact garments from my closetYep, looks EXACTLY the same manda. wow
No. 1378151
>>1377952““The professional” promo shoot. “
She seriously has the ability to make the least amount of words sound the most confusing and insane. She put the quotes around “the professional” which shows a hint of self awareness but then calls it a Promo shoot. Promotion for …what?! Halloween??!!! Also this “professional” couldn’t find a white background? She didn’t even get the pose with the bunny right. And just to back up one big step this is her Thanksgiving post??? Reading between the lines (basically all you can do with this trash post) she must not have done anything for Thanksgiving because if she did she would be posting the Absolutely stunning filet mignon she seared on her grandfathers perfectly cared for cast iron pan.
No. 1378320
File: 1638214812663.png (87.13 KB, 832x538, Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 2.37…)

Nice that she had to specify that 3 days later.
No. 1379004
File: 1638292052339.png (1.55 MB, 1125x2436, 121BF930-4F4D-4857-8D8E-D29D3B…)

She stole the idea from IG - castlebasas
I don’t believe she has come up with a single thing on her own. Credit should be given.
No. 1379078
File: 1638296156043.jpeg (301.45 KB, 827x1524, CA404B1E-30CD-4918-88E0-71BA1B…)

My favorite thing about this messy cow might be how bad she is at math. She’s made multiple posts saying she’s been “pining” for Dan for 7 years… and they met in 2018. Both of them made posts after meeting each other in August 2018 lol.
No. 1379084
File: 1638296338726.jpeg (356.92 KB, 827x1548, 46135D5B-B431-4A36-AB88-63EFC3…)

They had never interacted before.
No. 1379085
File: 1638296461962.jpeg (323.4 KB, 772x1532, 36C0C63B-27B7-42D3-8143-C002C1…)

And she was on the rebound from a “traumatic breakup” then too
No. 1379263
>>1379085"Do not text me asking [if I want to] get drunk" as she posts a picture of drinking with hashtag ratguy and brags about being "off the wagon" and on a long bender.
And as usual, the clueless poser has red laces, as if she's killed someone before, yet it's only on 1 shoe so she can probably use it as an excuse for not meaning she's a hardened murderer. Anyone in the punk/oi scene knows about "earning" your red laces (traditionally a race killing, but some just wear it to imply any killing). She went from chunky anime geek at 21 to sugar baby punk poser overnight and it shows.
No. 1379266
>>1379085She loves to pepper random open ended parentheses all over her convoluted essays.
Rat Face is so hard he's drinking a Belgian craft beer.
No. 1382033
File: 1638452288013.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x2001, CBB13E85-AC69-482D-BE60-F55EDF…) are partying…with their doordash guy? She gives them flowers? What the hell is she talking about?
No. 1382058
>>1382018Oh no, there were several intense benders and displays well before the pandemic. You missed the ginger fiancé, the Texas fiancé, the constant stories posting of her shitfaced and half-naked with every shitty touring heavy band at her apartment, and my personal favorite the toothless RVA fiancé who called the cops on her.
She’s been on a spiral for the better part of a decade anon.
No. 1382075
>>13820181. your email is linked
2. any time you ~feel bad~ for her remember she FAKED CANCER and took thousands of dollars from her followers
No. 1382305
File: 1638465451501.jpg (148.83 KB, 1218x1218, 42427532_10157088244933352_369…)

>>1382069Here is super edited Korey and creepy Scamanda before she beat him up and he called the cops on her. Like Cowie, he has since gotten his teeth fixed
No. 1382451
File: 1638470547685.jpeg (320.54 KB, 1170x818, C4BFB682-5268-47BB-A5AB-94565A…)

Her brain has holes in it
No. 1382457
File: 1638470679514.jpeg (748.9 KB, 1170x1348, C1490721-C2E0-40F2-8E27-95B6EE…)

Who took the photos Mandy? Oh right, John. He’s as pathetic as her. I really have a hard time feeling bad for him.
No. 1382759
>>1382322>>1382378I was going to say ntayrt, but who ARE you referring to? No one said "NY oi scene". In fact
>>1382322 started talking about a scene and the other anon was not douchey enough to use the word scene when talking about the oi community aka "scene". Oi is different than punk and is the original community that claimed red laces.
The "joke" about Amanda being a murderer didn't come across as a joke at all, but way to call yourself out for being a poser using the word scene
>>1382322 No. 1382765
>>1382116Who cares if anon is a dude? Maybe they're using an anonymous email or a partner's phone.
What's up with the dickhead anons today? Can't we just unite to talk shit about Amanda?!
(do you know where you are?) No. 1382979
File: 1638495949195.jpeg (100.36 KB, 1066x1600, A9748119-A5FA-499F-9624-DAFAE7…)

>>1374113Guy she shared this place with wrote and published a comic book about their young love, sorry I don’t know how to do multiple photos in one post
No. 1382981
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No. 1382982
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No. 1382985
File: 1638496051421.jpeg (204.84 KB, 1066x1600, 152FC375-847D-4112-A345-F1D8EF…)

No. 1382986
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No. 1382987
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No. 1382988
File: 1638496156479.jpeg (241.68 KB, 1066x1600, 583F247A-7898-4E6B-8EC7-6A8DEE…)

No. 1382989
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No. 1382990
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No. 1382991
File: 1638496262634.jpeg (379.96 KB, 1066x1600, 6A5EFDDB-C1FA-4D66-A722-550FE5…)

No. 1382993
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No. 1382994
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No. 1382995
File: 1638496362728.jpeg (296.19 KB, 1066x1600, FC46A057-F92A-4EE3-A122-4C7C18…)

No. 1382996
File: 1638496407878.jpeg (218.67 KB, 1066x1600, CB5872DA-E094-4ED0-8FFE-4B0376…)

No. 1383137
File: 1638503306380.jpeg (29.6 KB, 269x419, 3AF00DFA-1B23-47A6-B682-9D07A1…)

>>1383121Someone please make this a photo on the next thread
No. 1383269
>>1382981Wow, this is definitely crazy Mandy he's referring to! You can hear it in her voice when she's yelling at Scabies Incarnate to "open your fucking throat hole" when he's on 1 knee for some reason drinking. And this is why she's always "engaged"… she sweet talks the dudes into how this is real love and wants to marry them, when she's just really looking for validation. She truly is a disgusting monster.
And unshooped monster irl!
No. 1383354
File: 1638535057943.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x1762, 607AEC2F-A8A0-4E37-8737-2F76D1…)

>>1383129Because he’s this guy….
No. 1383541
File: 1638548327082.jpeg (806.22 KB, 1170x1966, FE91F40A-77BD-4A35-8D87-E5C394…)

Her doordash guy took the photo of her fake ass. She just met a guy, let him in the apt… then he takes photos of them passed out. What in the crackhead hell is going on in that apt?
No. 1383550
>>1383536Yeah that’s true, ideally these psychos would both be in prison but if they’re just getting wasted and beating on each other, at least there are no innocent
victims involved.
No. 1383571
>>1383514Don’t know if she’s seen the comic but it’s on his public blog It’s not a secret document
And I know it’s about her because I know him and it’s about her
No. 1383586
File: 1638550370210.jpeg (74.17 KB, 671x499, C22E1AC9-39A5-47D2-934A-949FCB…)

>>1383541I think scabbies took it. The guy in the background isn’t him, he doesn’t have any tattoos and that arm sure does. The DoorDash story is probably made up to make herself seem special, who tf would go into THEIR house without knowing them.
No. 1383591
>>1383541I understand Mandy's convoluted posts are hard to decipher, but the initial anon made it more confusing by claiming they were partying with the dasher which they weren't. They gave the female dasher (yes, it says "she" in the post
>>1382033) 2 road beers and a flower. Honickle is a male, albeit a long-haired one. He's also the one that took the photo, which is why he's patting himself on the back ("great job @ the photographer). There's also only 3 people in the apartment, which we know since Mandy posted the video of just the 3 of them, and she always has to document everyone that hangs with her to prove she has "friends". The picture is of just Mandy and the Undead Unidread, which logically means Honickle took the picture.
No. 1383615
>>1383514Uh, when did she ever beat up Scabies Incarnate?! Are you referring the black eye picture when she says "whiskey kiss or just deserved it"? I'm not sure if the video right before that post was ever posted here, but she posted a video right before the black eye one showing Unidread trying another WWE move and smacking his head on the pavement and she talks about how she was laughing until she saw all the blood and realized he knocked himself out and was unconscious. She talked about how she was so scared and crying because she thought he died. He gave himself a black eye from that, hence the caption about him deserving it.
If there's another incident where she says she beat him, let me know.
I'm not at all surprised how confused some anons get about anything she posts. She's probably confused as to what she means, too.
I've noticed some things anons have guessed about get repeated until it's just an incorrect "fact" and I'm not trying to give Mandy the benefit of telling people we just make shit up to fit our anti-Mandy narrative.
No. 1383696
File: 1638553628147.jpeg (177.74 KB, 827x864, 098490AE-9A91-4D35-8051-59BF1D…)

No tattoos and some hard boiled egg looking cokehead eyes
No. 1383958
File: 1638566101633.jpg (78.91 KB, 750x1177, Ring.jpg)

First and only time I'll ever comment - had to share a pic of her "six figure" ring from John(newfag)
No. 1384048
File: 1638569924910.png (3.05 MB, 828x1792, F244D8E1-BACE-49E7-9145-F11DB5…)

>>1383638In the archived video where Dan drinks the Smirnoff the other guy has the star shaped tattoo and dreadlocks. It’s definitely him asleep on the floor which means Dan took the pic
No. 1384126
>>1383966yeah, that’s late 1950s/early 1960s
nice stones though
(obviously not “six figures”)
her fingers are absolutely covered with hair, kind of bizarre
No. 1384230
File: 1638580396764.jpeg (439.04 KB, 828x1234, 5AC3A354-086B-400B-8C87-6C474B…)

>>1384197She has to make up for her bf since he can’t grow a full beard or a single chest hair
No. 1385376
>>1384592Yeah, the US has the same meaning for lace codes where white or red means you're a racist skinhead, but in the racist skinhead world, red is only worn if you spilled blood for your "people".
Amanda's a poser though so she wouldn't know shit about lace code. Or maybe we're all wrong and she read it somewhere and wears red because she's racist (like calling Hispanic Dan a monkey) but since she's not actually in the skinhead world at all, she doesn't know those neo-nazis expect her to be a racists nurderer due to her lack of knowledge.
No. 1385706
File: 1638727703663.jpeg (1014.11 KB, 1170x1229, 99A74DDB-C88E-4D28-83E0-4C7108…)

She has no job, no rent, a free apt and life. What hard things is she doing… showering?
No. 1385853
File: 1638741781512.jpg (927.12 KB, 1080x2179, Screenshot_20211205-165806_Sam…)

>>1385706Wow, that's so nice of Lisamarie to send you the ad for the blanket and cut out all the basic white bitch script font decor surrounding it.
Or is she sending you the actual blanket because she knows the real you and not the metal/crust/grindcore/doom persona you put on for Dan?
No. 1386450
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No. 1386656
File: 1638825511673.jpeg (241.02 KB, 1020x1199, Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 4.14…)

>>1385706I'm pretty sure her mom knows what a skank she is.
No. 1386856
File: 1638840084389.jpeg (542.1 KB, 1125x1697, 265329A4-C038-41A9-9ABE-256FEA…)

No. 1386879
File: 1638841932971.jpeg (246.04 KB, 827x1394, 8ED722A4-3E59-466F-A3B5-94A409…)

>>1383696She’s calling Cowie her fiancé - but she abandoned him for her new fiancé when he died …
No. 1386893
>>1386879People somewhat agreeing with a vague statusUHM WELL YOU GUYS HAVE NEVER SEEN A DEAD BODY BEFORE !!!!!!
Plz get some therapy girl
No. 1386955
>>1386890they did not know each other 7 years ago. i have known dan for years and they met like 3 years ago.
also, all of his friends really hate her. he only brought her around to piss off his ex-gf but she didn’t seem to care and dan made a HUGE fool of himself lmao
(learn2sage) No. 1388101
File: 1638978906608.png (128.08 KB, 373x732, Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 7.49…)

No. 1388194
File: 1638987700789.jpeg (333.57 KB, 943x533, IMG_6517.jpeg)

>>1388101this is an old post she loves reusing. 2018. who would have though she would've killed someone by then?
No. 1388268
File: 1638995778415.png (265.74 KB, 1170x2532, C549CDB8-18EF-4178-A883-B396E3…)

They’re still “in a relationship” but not friends on FB anymore?
No. 1388869
>>1388135Uhhh she's never done that with anyone because she can't convince anyone to even marry her, not even Cold Cow-ie.
And I'm not surprised because after her ex Greg's comic, I can see that everyone quickly realizes there's something very wrong with her.
No. 1388872
File: 1639043057219.jpg (99.23 KB, 1047x573, Screenshot_20211209-044142_Sam…)

>>1388548>>1388852I see they're still friends, but I also see the "official life partners" bullshit is deleted for both.
As of 2 days ago, she still loved him though@
No. 1390858
File: 1639286517303.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x2025, 317DD18F-3387-4249-96EE-794296…)

Hedwig and the Angry Inch lyrics
No. 1390910
>>1390858I'll take obscure love quotes for 100 google.
What a punchable face she has.
No. 1391034
File: 1639317743948.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1170x2001, E4098C3D-2706-43B8-B61F-16EA2F…)

This was not a yeah ago moron. You were in the garage last year.
No. 1391036
File: 1639319095297.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x1596, 7AF4E93F-3741-49D9-8F10-688062…)

>>1386656Mom also sent that same image 2 years ago? What a coincidence!
No. 1391103
>>1391034who knows; maybe that WAS Clyde a year ago. I very much doubt Amanda was there, though. someone probably sent her a picture. not very sure why there's an Xmas tree in the background, since I think Clyde lives with John's (Jewish) parents, but I've known plenty of Jews who put up Xmas trees (including members of my own family); it's not unheard of.
of course it could totally have been a different year/different place, too. impossible to trust anything she says, really.
No. 1391110
File: 1639329735008.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1162x1749, 03D542FD-F7AF-4990-83D1-7B589D…)

>>1391103That’s the “tent” her and Corey made before he got her arrested (that’s his dog). It’s in her old Brooklyn studio.
No. 1391255
File: 1639342891999.jpeg (610.22 KB, 828x1417, 0B29663A-63C9-4883-B18B-245F73…)

I wonder why she posted a stock picture of the toy from some website.
No. 1391260
File: 1639342925819.jpeg (727.32 KB, 828x1107, 5D389672-B444-4783-8FEA-15C467…)

And no sight of pink unicorns on this table how strange.
No. 1391452
File: 1639357757638.jpeg (582.29 KB, 750x1013, AAC4547E-3FC7-4B65-97F4-F93D88…)

>>1391406Had a nose and this post is from 2 days ago. Still no sign of those unicorn boxes though
No. 1392726
File: 1639498633757.jpg (114.12 KB, 710x1067, Untitled-1.jpg)

sage for old and not too exciting, but if she cant keep stupid "facts" like this straight, how can she keep anything else truthful (that ring is also not 7 karats)
No. 1392836
File: 1639508038774.jpeg (734.18 KB, 1170x1597, C1719E6D-E3E0-44D3-AA8B-AE8A70…)

Does… she think wrestling is real? Uck that shitlock and his arms are smaller than hers
No. 1392874
File: 1639512254979.jpg (89.76 KB, 465x640, IMG_0162.jpg)

"Kill your ego". That's rich.
No. 1393156
>>1392726In the one edit she refers to John as "medical business supply partner"
I know his parents own a pharmacy or some shit but has she ever been proven to be a "partner"? I wonder if that's why she still had some form of income.
I'm going to put my bets on exaggerated lies, but just curious.
No. 1393205
File: 1639555307693.jpg (93.82 KB, 709x569, Screenshot_20211215-030055_Sam…)

>>1393156J Medical Supplies is owned by Larry Birnbaum… John's daddy. It's in the same building as his other company J Drugs.
No. 1393207
File: 1639555495999.jpg (296.47 KB, 972x3256, Screenshot_20211215-030407_Sam…)

>>1393156>>1393205The other partner in the 2 person company is Jeffrey Pomerantz
No. 1393217
File: 1639556590076.jpg (111.24 KB, 512x848, Screenshot_20211215-032133_Map…)

>>1393207>>1393205And here's where she claims it's her company while making the flier when the name was different.
Peep the same phone number as what's now called J Medical Supplies
No. 1393218
>>1393217She also misspelled "flier" on the flier.
Idiots tend to think it's spelled flyer.
No. 1393297
File: 1639570481943.jpeg (466.71 KB, 1170x1195, 8A5DDCF8-4F80-47EC-8D18-42CA83…)

>>1393207Same friend of the Birnbaum’s that is on “Amanda’s” store.
No. 1393320
File: 1639573643009.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1953, B0E19A9D-8633-4D9A-8925-F2A4AA…)

Cancer free tiddys?
No. 1393339
File: 1639575284031.jpeg (73.18 KB, 715x769, D9AB79AB-5BF2-4FF4-9DF0-456187…)

She also posted and deleted these
No. 1393651
>>1393320“Very few perks of having perky tiddy’s”.
What exactly would be all those numerous terrible things be?
No. 1393773
>>1393453The lighter shadow looks like it's from the room light and then the other darker shadow is her standing in front of a brighter light like a lamp.
I love how she shooped her waist to accentuate her normal tits that are just being squished in by a too tight shirt. But her shadow looks like she's a hulking behemoth.
No. 1393978
File: 1639627998515.jpeg (345.18 KB, 1170x1219, CFC1A6FD-4578-4B04-9B0C-C043CC…)

Part of me wants to accept a free front-row seat to the Amanda circus, but a bigger part of me wants to just keep her in limbo
No. 1395257
File: 1639744630526.jpeg (311.91 KB, 1170x2300, A62BC921-BDE0-4A46-AFA7-D779BA…)

Looking like totally not shooped normal people. So punk to be drinking a $200 bottle of Dom.
No. 1395321
>>1395257She always tries to sound so deep when it’s not necessary? Writhing doesn’t technically have to be used to describe pain but it is more often than not. “Writhing her hips” does not sound sexy at all.
Idk why I get the impression her vagina stinks.
No. 1395887
File: 1639795573188.jpeg (122.49 KB, 1168x476, F62B17C7-B1A7-45EC-A511-4DBD2B…)

>>1395257She deleted both posts kek
No. 1395895
>>1395887lmao it's
abusive to not be interested in sex sometimes? amanda has always been so shit at lying.
No. 1395950
>>1395887she IS the type of vile people who use the internet and abuse its power to boost her
toxic ego
No. 1396918
File: 1639905843461.jpeg (383.83 KB, 1170x2006, FCA3807E-1C01-4934-99C9-1D2DED…)

Pretty sure she’s never gonna post a picture with him again.
No. 1396921
File: 1639905996381.jpeg (970.91 KB, 1170x1609, 43BF373B-47DD-4E04-9C7E-EDC2F7…)

Can’t wait to see when she starts selling that “content” again. Barf.
No. 1396944
>>1396132I was kinda high when I wrote that so I worded it pretty badly lol
I meant Amanda is the pathetic one
No. 1397017
File: 1639920633875.jpeg (218.18 KB, 828x944, 25B35FDD-5935-430E-BD78-F36CD7…)

>>1396918Were supposed to believe she has this dog 4 days a week in that apartment and there hasn’t been a single photo of it?! I love how she thinks people will be concerned that the shared custody is somehow unfair.
No. 1397378
>>1397319I mean, good on them. More people really need to grow a pair and call her out on her bullshit. This board is wonderful for venting, but the general public and the people she’s trying to fool really should see what a gross person she is.
Impressionable young women, cucks and incels, and stupid people in general are her followers
No. 1397721
File: 1640002761192.jpeg (642.58 KB, 1065x3106, 9F80E7EC-0FC4-4A8F-92A1-2E2011…)

Still has cancer? Also I’ve had mammogram’s and I have like a small B cup, that machine kept the breast squished as hell and was not going to let go.
If her breast were “slipping out” she just doesn’t have enough tissue. But yet it’s too dense? Which is it? No boobs or dense boobs? One lie after the other. Also no one waits this long for treatment for chemotherapy after surgery. She’s an idiot.
No. 1397740
File: 1640007847978.jpeg (588.85 KB, 1170x1970, 0F69B241-89C0-495B-93DC-8151EF…)

Big strong arms? You mean baby noodle arms? They probably weigh the same kek
No. 1397747
File: 1640008295500.jpeg (767.52 KB, 1170x1919, E402FB79-9C86-45E9-91FC-85DB30…)

She woke up with the couch melding into her ribs? Odd
No. 1397770
File: 1640012500654.jpeg (997.42 KB, 1170x1908, B9CAAD25-63F5-4EFB-83E9-6C8A28…)

>>1397740Caption update, bragging about herself more
No. 1397782
>>1397770>he makes me feel so tiny, which I love and has seriously helped my EDNOSI wish
I had a scab boyfriend with a poopdred that could cradle me like a mother and make me feel small. I hope she takes aesthetic bodychecks with his cum and puke stained megaplait.
No. 1397853
>>1397740"I love him because he makes ME feel tiny, he makes ME feel loved, he makes ME…"
ME ME ME ME ME! This is Mandy's dream life: John paying for her new poser life with Scabies Incarnate and both of those idiots at her beck and call.
No. 1397970
>>1397740Oh my god tell me she is going to do another one of those “I want a baby I am a stable person who should procreate don’t make negative comments” posts soon.
Is this her longest relationship? It does seem to be going well, so far there has only been one casualty (maybe 2…still no bird life evidence)
No. 1398015
File: 1640041660115.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x2083, F3F26438-CDFC-4095-883F-ADA6BA…)

Honk, ew. I loved you so much I let you die of alcohol poisoning in my apartment while I fucked my new boyfriend 10’ away.
No. 1398358
File: 1640074624638.jpg (1.43 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1640074160329.jpg)

>>13980154 months ago, this is how much Cold Cow-ie the Man Child meant to Mandy Slobs.
And this is what she thought of Dan and his "junkie gf" that he was with.
Amanda surrounds herself with ugly lovers to make herself feel normal and validated. She wants so badly to believe she's desired and special that she lavishes attention on her fellow freeloaders.
But you guys, she really misses her sweetheart lion god!
No. 1399563
>>1397721Just catching up and saw this. Funny Mandy says having "small" and "perky" tits means it was so hard for her to have a mammogram to detect her cyst, oh sorry "cancer", yet men have just enough tissue to get the same mammograms done.
I should've known that she wasn't paying attention when the doctor said she IS the cancer, not that she HAS cancer.
No. 1399567
>>1398573It's hard to understand anything Amanda writes while on uppers/benzos, but she's saying she was willing to be incarcerated for beating up a supposedly 12 lb teenager.
I don't know what's worse: saying she's willing to beat up an underweight kid or braggingthat her millionth ride or die/future ex bf is a pedophile. And we know she couldn't curb stomp anything bigger than a PBR can with her "steel cat" boots that she reminds everyone are her Justin Roper designer boots.
No. 1399598
>>1399567I once heard scabbies brag about his older
ex gf looking really young because “it’s like dating a 16 year old without getting in trouble” or something along those lines. Meanwhile scamanda brags about looking 13 (even though she would never pass for under 30). They are both so gross.
No. 1400412
File: 1640299940237.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x6795, 73683DEF-1656-41DC-A36D-DB9188…)

From November and not very milky, her and the human dread went to a wedding. She thinks her last name is Schafmayer now. This bitch is so full of it. Just create a new persona and move on. Nice meatball eyes.
No. 1400510
File: 1640311440340.jpeg (362.98 KB, 758x943, E9C12F0D-041E-4EB1-9955-C79529…)

Man oh man those meatball eyes sure do make those pupils look tiny…
No. 1400605
>>1400412Of course he is wearing a casual red sweatshirt to a wedding while everyone else is wearing suits.
They're so inappropriate.
No. 1400814
>>1400641Definitely a button up, good eye, but that hair is inappropriate in any setting.
Also no pics of the bridge and groom or the s’mores or even her in the gold cart, just selfies and a pic of a barn? Not even a full body shot of her outfit. I’m perpetually confused by her antics.
No. 1400825
File: 1640355419812.jpeg (904.2 KB, 1170x2113, D67618F3-0530-44D9-B0D6-C1C502…)

>>1400820 Fine, I uploaded it, nothing that exciting tho.
No. 1400874
>>1400825Jesus fucking Christ she wore THAT to a wedding
And then snuck outside to take a body check video
How lame can you be
No. 1402022
File: 1640544404963.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1170x2187, 2D2C372A-917F-474C-8A95-EA8429…) this odd video that’s from her old apt. For some reason she needs to flash some underboob and crotch to show her tattoos.
No. 1403347
File: 1640707391179.jpeg (1.94 MB, 1170x12623, E02D654E-0322-4D32-8F5B-E0F0AF…)

I’m betting those texts are all fake. That photo of him is in her brooklyn apartment and the photo of her in her parents house is old.
They bought him gifts after they’ve been dating 6 months? Never met him? Sounds like a great idea to buy him expensive gifts. Where’s all the Tiffany and Apple products for Scamanda? No presents to brag about this year from John?
No. 1403412
>>1403347Oh there are so many bits I want to dive into here. But the info she’s left out is most telling. No mention of what her parents got her, what Dan got her, what Johnny got her.
But the most obvious lie to me is If her foot is a 6.5 his is certainly NOT a 14. Why would you even bring up your own shoe size when talking about buying shoes for someone else?! Red Wings, Wolverine, Frye etc good boot brands make size 14. Does she think she’s calling out these brands in her post? She’s not tagging them? Is she trying to frame some excuse why she didn’t get him a gift?
No. 1403771
File: 1640745646019.jpeg (757.7 KB, 1170x1234, D81DB5DD-E902-4288-8C7D-A1CB0B…)

>>1403686Here’s a pic of him in her room. Compare the door, closet doors, window, smoke detector and wall color
No. 1403799
File: 1640747691053.jpeg (331.25 KB, 827x1538, 54875348-2FCE-4A36-8D30-9095A5…)

>>1403686Here’s a pic of her in what I think is her parents backyard. Same bandana, same neckline in the shirt, same make up look. Dec 29,2019 so maybe the pics came up in her “memories”.
No. 1403804
>>1403784Sorry kind of off topic but HOW is the meatlocker still open?? It was a seriously disgusting shithole 15 or so years ago and that creepy old junkie who runs it would definitely peep on all the teens in the bathroom. Imagine being like in your 30s and bragging that you hang out in a dusty old basement where teenagers go to drink vodka from water bottles
Also the texts have to be fake there is no reality where someone would discourage that man from getting a haircut
No. 1403836
File: 1640751897439.jpeg (202.52 KB, 808x632, 64C7FE9C-4B00-4FBA-B7F0-7E87E4…)

>>1403347Is it just me, or does his head look weirdly large in this. Like those airhead commercials
No. 1403848
>>1403809Either people on Facebook who have never met her (you’ll see she siphons through a new crop of people commenting every few months) who are also shooped to death and are just as delusional as her.
Or people who know her in real life, to talk shit behind her back, but keep her on radar just to watch her fail… like a reliable trainwreck.
Everyone in Brooklyn has a story about this bitch and none of them are stories of how wonderful she is. They’re about coke and how fucked up she was.
No. 1403963
>>1403783>>1403790>>1403763This is not relevant to the thread just like it's not relevant for me to ask anons how much bags of stepped on weed cost at the bodega Mandy and Scabies Incarnate frequent even though more people would care about the latter than the former.
Not to mention I'm sure someone you "dated" wouldn't want you discussing the details of their death amongst strangers in a cow thread like it's the latest gossip.
No. 1404150
File: 1640786934500.jpeg (851.77 KB, 1284x4783, 5FF47C11-706A-434C-A385-82F4B0…)

“gender fluid in my expensive handmade ceramic flower pots” aka mass produced factory made Anthropologie garbage. But what about your Waterford Crystal Mandy? Initially I usually feel sorry for her new victims but not this one.
They are such fucking morons playing the baby punk GG gross out game like they are teenagers. I don’t wanna hear about it Rivas unless one of you drinks that piss after. Baby Arms and Meatball Eyes act like they are auditioning for their own reality show filmed in the most banal depth of hell.
No. 1404151
>>1403804Can confirm the bathroom at the meatlocker has a peephole to the owners room (yes, he lives in the meatlocker). I think people are either too scared to call scabbies and the owner out on their bullshit or they feel bad for scabbies. He’s always playing the
victim or tries to get pity from other people one way or another, so that no one calls him out for hitting his exes/constantly saying the n word and other racial slurs/being a general drunk piece of shit. Hopefully people will finally start to see through it soon.
No. 1404523
File: 1640821306703.jpeg (190 KB, 1169x1161, 0ECD393F-C320-46BB-B0FF-DAFB4F…)

Her neighbor? Sounds like some junkie shit
No. 1404555
>>1404523It’s a scam. She’s hoping someone will say “I’ll help you with my card” so she can junkie them out of money.
“Not sure why my Zelle didn’t go through to you”
Spoiler: card doesn’t work because there’s no money in the account
No. 1404658
>>1403794You can see in this old video from the first thread. should watch. It describes how her family feels about her perfectly. I always get a hearty kek. Sharing for posterity and for the cringe.
No. 1404923
File: 1640875648051.jpeg (850.18 KB, 752x1877, D98B5A5D-3689-457F-8C07-EF8662…)

Picking this one apart because it’s so delusional…
“i have always had very creative & innovative partners with talented, skilled, extremely intellectual quick-witted minds — and unlike most all others i’ve spent some of my life with — he’s always making me things.”
-who are these genius partners she’s had?
“his found object work is flawlessly flawed & beautiful”.
-Uhhhh ok that makes zero sense
“an old camisole, strapped knee hole leggings, and some leather madewell slingback pointed flats”
-why is this tidbit even necessary, she’s not wearing shoes
“(with a 5” tiny-ass saw tool on a brookstone utility hammer multi-tool i keep in my junk drawer) which took damn long but not as long as you’d think because it would take a non-motivated person much longer.“
-nonmotivated means no drugs?
And there is no way her Trumpy parents got her a RBG toy and pins.
She’s telling herself so many lies to keep her fucked up brain happy.
No. 1404924
File: 1640875728584.jpeg (2.98 MB, 1170x15572, BB2F9659-4102-4FAD-A978-D6F202…)

>>1404923The whole post. (I use an app call “Stitch” to make the giant screen shots, if anyone cares)
No. 1404954
>>1404924“hand ripped” leftover brown paper bags. I’m cackling. Artisanal hand made ripped up paper bags.
The sadness
No. 1404965
>>14049241. I kinda feel like she's trying to prove that these walls are in her current place, and that the pics of Scabies Incarnate were not from her Brooklyn apartment, and
2. has anyone notified a gallery owner re: this amazing artist? I've never seen anything as gorgeous as that stunning frame in my life. he must have done SO MUCH MATH to make this, OMG! ummmm, /s in case you weren't sure.
3. we needed to know she was wearing brand-name flats even though she wasn't wearing them and wearing shoes in the house is gross anyway (IMO).it's important that we know what brands she's wearing with her literal garbage bag. now I can run out and buy them and be JUST LIKE HER! well first I have to damage my ATM card (that probably belongs to another person) and xfer money to my neighbor with Zelle and then pester them to withdraw cash from an ATM because neighbors exist to compliment me, help me or for me to mock, period.
No. 1404987
File: 1640882730913.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1170x2187, 06BE3BDE-BA3A-4AB1-8C63-D77D39…)

>>1404924 video on the post is short but just her being annoying as usual.
“I love you more”.
No. 1405060
File: 1640889559759.png (7.44 MB, 1125x2436, 8354EE75-DB41-4E39-8721-ACE097…)

Look at her chubby toddler leg fat budging out of her dumbass leggings
No. 1405165
>>1404747Are you sharing Amanda's drugs or something? There hasn't been one murder-suicide in her life mentioned since Day 1.
If you're dumb enough to say that the murder half of a murder-suicide occurred in reference to Cowie the Corpse, then you'd just be proving there's a correlation between idiocy and tinfoils already proven wrong by the coroner and police.
No. 1405184
>>1404924Kek @ "did the math" to make the frame. At most, he measured the wood before cutting with a jig (aka the "tiny saw"). He didn't need to do any math, but Amanda is so dumb she probably thinks he was doing some Russel-Crowe-in-a-Beautiful-Mind type of calculations in his head.
I love how Amanda is so impressed with his coked up aRt where he just slaps a mess together while Amanda swoons over how flawlessly flawed his fOuNd aRt is. Then she showcases one of her many red flags by comparing him to exes on social media. I thoroughly enjoy watching 2 pieces of shit obliviously head towards the inevitable slow motion car crash.
No. 1405191
>>1404924A woman in her mid thirties is wearing pants that look like some Tripp NYC or Killstar shit. I'm getting major secondhand embarrassment.
She really just tries so damn hard to mold herself into whoever she's boning.
No. 1405260
File: 1640904430585.jpeg (509.43 KB, 1170x1918, 8FDADA0A-3A1F-410B-8975-81B28D…)

>>1405191$22 on Amazon. Why doesn’t she just say they had pentagrams instead of “strapped knee hole leggings”
No. 1405376
File: 1640914672240.jpeg (1.07 MB, 3264x1841, 5E1A0160-FEE1-438B-A8F6-E39BBE…)

How stumpy are her legs really? Look how stretched the frame is next to her legs.
No. 1405447
File: 1640920546465.jpeg (268.77 KB, 827x1430, 2D8FF47B-31C9-4B68-9799-50E976…)

>>1405260“20 years in Brooklyn” and a description of an outfit nobody asked for
No. 1405465
>>1405423He made 1 frame - the wood has
literally the same exact grain on the bottom piece in both photos.
No. 1405638
>>1405484he took the frame with the rbg doll in it and took it apart and restapled it together so it was wider ( put the pieces on the side to frame the top and bottom, instead of the top and bottom framing the sides). so same pieces of wood but configured it differently.
and jfc why is anyone nitpicking the frames does it really fucking matter?
No. 1406216
>>1404523I’m just now seeing this broken atm card post. Why does she say “usually” my neighbor…like as if this happens all the time? So she must have a debit card that Johnny puts money on. And when it’s out (it is the end of the month)she zelles cash from some other account to whatever schmuck will help her. She’s been banned from venmo and cash app if I remember correctly back to when she was begging for $2 to pay her phone bill. Not sure why Danny can’t help her unless he’s completely broke too. What’s his employment status besides musician?
And yes as almost every adult knows you can get a new bank card in 2 days, a temporary bank card day of, you can use Apple wallet/pay, you can get cash from the actual bank, etc etc but Amanda is (1) an idiot (2) lying (3) broke.
No. 1406487
File: 1641075807075.jpeg (748.44 KB, 1170x1892, A7EC6C54-4A6F-4D15-980A-A24A12…)

I’m shocked after all her IDF training, you would think she’d be able to pick out exactly what kind of gun it is.
No. 1406526
File: 1641078758306.jpeg (821.12 KB, 1170x1965, 780A917C-1570-4E34-8AD6-156578…)

She posted this old video today. She’s purposely cringe. Just another video annoying her family. No. 1406694
>>1406644You’re right, I forgot we’re talking about a world-renowned global fashion icon. She’s hilarious.
I guess as long as she has Jonny and Danny has mommy they’ll be ok.
No. 1407124
>>1406508As another anon has pointed out, if this was a real story and not just something Scumanda made up, it was most likely people shooting guns in the air.
Either way, it was probably smart to get inside since those bullets can be just as deadly when falling back to the ground.
No. 1407456
>>1407168It's a very distinct difference in sound, but then again, these 2 hood tourists don't know shit about shit.
But we're all probably soooo wrong since Mandy is a firearms expert thanks to her extensive IDF tRaInInG and could tell a Beretta M9 was being shot in a previous situation where she proudly snitched to the cops about her observations.
No. 1407677
>>1407663He seems to get a lot of “concussions” from very weakly and awkwardly elbow dropping trash cans in the streets. She has posted videos before. In one of them he did knock himself out so he probably got a concussion. Most other cases it’s two drunk idiots diagnosing his “concussions” so it’s impossible to know if he really has sustained that many concussions, or if his slurred speech and whatever other symptoms they perceive are due to concussions or being constantly wasted (probably being wasted).
There are multiple reasons why manchild danny couldn’t drive to her parents house: he wasn’t invited in the first place, they didn’t go to her parents house and that whole post was fabricated by scamanda. Anons have already figured out the picture of scabbies is from her apartment and her picture is from a few years ago.
No. 1407691
>>1407677How do you know he wasn’t invited?
The pics are fake. And maybe the texts are photoshopped? Who fucking knows.
Thanks for jogging my memory I do remember the video of him knocking himself out. And there was also that pic of him with the black eye she suggested he deserved somehow.
This sort of normalization of injuries and violence is a running theme for Amanda. They will be hitting each other in no time if they haven’t started already.
No. 1407920
>>1407735>>1407692His black eye was caused by one of his sidewalk trash slams, the one where she dramatically posted that she thought he died when they were in the LES. Right after that video she posted "whiskey kiss or did he just deserve it?" In actuality it was an overpriced craft beer and he deserved it.
>>1407677A concussion is just a bruise in your brain so having the symptoms of a concussion (nausea, dizziness, blurry vision, etc) is all the doctor goes by, which anyone can figure out. Plus there's nothing a hospital could do anyway so it would be pointless for them to go. The only thing a hospital can do is check for bleeding in his brain, but Mandy doesn't care about him THAT much.
No. 1407928
>>1407735Whether knocking themselves out attempting to be a wrestling entertainer or walking into shit in the dark, any black eyes either of them ever get in the presence of one another is always due to them being a drunken mess.
>>1407691She used an old photo like she always does since she hates her fat face and psycho eyes, I mean meatball eyes, but I doubt the texts are fake and I'm sure he ate dinner at her parents' house. Her parents surely don't judge people based on their appearance, plus they have to be stoked she has a stable enough bf and not a stable of enough "bfs".
No. 1409052
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No. 1409195
File: 1641386620267.jpeg (967.92 KB, 1170x3697, 8EF605C9-EC54-42AD-A953-865886…)

Didn’t these idiots already have a six month anniversary?
No. 1409604
>>1409339And this coincidentally all happened the day after she fucked her gross red hair fiancés friend while he slept, and pretended she got raped.
Fun saga.
No. 1409803
File: 1641441390220.jpeg (863.29 KB, 828x1459, F71CBE75-BAEE-430D-A1A5-414BDB…)

Speaking of when they first met… what happened to “catoutofhell”? Was this her cat? Does she get a new pet every year just to neglect/abandon/kill it?
No. 1409999
File: 1641468894678.jpeg (562.65 KB, 1170x3628, 73952DEC-5F0E-414E-8CEE-C56952…)

For timelines sake… this is the first time she mentions Dan on her FB. May 2018.
No. 1410007
File: 1641470700926.jpeg (389.56 KB, 826x1352, 4C3E91CB-DC60-456B-82EF-66756E…)

>>1409999A month before (when that show happened and they presumably met) scabbies was still posting about his ex gf.
No. 1410103
File: 1641482821336.jpeg (507.24 KB, 828x933, FD38BD5B-AB3A-46FC-AEC3-7D643F…)

>>1409999Same day on scabbies Instagram with another different girl
No. 1410154
File: 1641488853897.jpg (17.88 KB, 442x397, qzebiiii90341-1.jpg)

>>1410111Imagine being so much of an autist that you can't fathom that scamanda is definitely derailing this post
Stay on topic
No. 1410412
File: 1641506160166.jpeg (507.55 KB, 828x871, 0CC814F5-D3B0-4222-9892-48595B…)

>>1410154Gonna have to agree with exposé anon
>>1410379 here. We all know Martina, Mallory and now Mandy. He has a tried and true type of rich white chicks. Don’t WK.
Sage cus pic from last night is old.
No. 1410523
>>1409195She says she would even answer the phone for him when she is “laying in bed on my day off”
is she so delusional that she thinks she has a job???
No. 1410808
File: 1641542066005.jpeg (716.61 KB, 828x1285, 9EC6F0C2-F368-43E1-A0DB-D10759…)

Lowest quality video quality as always but you can see the meatloaf arms here. Not sure how to upload or I would!
No. 1410816
>>1410808sorry, is she
complaining she’s around 100 lbs? what a subtle brag.
No. 1410822
File: 1641543869279.png (4.28 MB, 828x1792, A4935A3A-71C1-440C-A75A-3B4105…)

>>1410816On top of it being a dumb humble brag it’s definitely a lie kek
No. 1410883
File: 1641555970146.jpeg (174.72 KB, 750x825, C9F26C97-0EBA-4E6A-BDD6-0AF2CA…)

No. 1411095
File: 1641580185456.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x2265, AA654A9C-AF8D-4CE9-BC7F-047DCF…)

>>1410808 meaty neck muscles you got there Mandy.
No. 1411110
File: 1641581290180.png (5.37 MB, 1125x2436, F430F600-D1B6-4524-BEF1-2445CD…)

Lol girl stop. I’m a size two again, no meat on my bones! Then the filter moves and you look like this.
No. 1411119
>>1411095Wow, that's a very meaty "size 2" hovering around "100 lbs". For reference,, I'm shorter than Mandy Slobs, same age, and weigh 100 exactly and even the flabby filtered version of her is double my size. She might want us to believe she just keeps her droopy ass, but her saddlebags are more prominent than her ass.
My favorite part is her passive aggressive statement that her outfit us cuter "when your bf notices it on you". Scabies Incarnate won't bother looking at her so she's showing off her hambeast body to FB for validation.
No. 1411176
File: 1641586021331.gif (6.81 MB, 588x588, meaty neck.GIF)

>>1411110You gotta admire her commitment to slimming down her nose too. Wearing your glasses like this cannot be comfortable
No. 1411404
File: 1641601102852.png (328.23 KB, 932x1278, Screen Shot 2022-01-07 at 6.12…)

would he even realize she was making some of this shit up? king of the concussed mixed with nightly blackouts…
No. 1411629
>>1411095okay, so she's "so stressed out and depressed" that she's losing SOOOOOO much weight (via a wobbly filter) over WHAT, exactly? isn't she with the PERFECT man, a guy her parents loooooooove who will bust the teeth out of any man who even talks to her (swoon!), makes frames (OOOOHHH maybe he'll glue macaroni on the next one and paint it!), living rent-free with no job whatsoever? I mean Scabies Incarnate is SO dreamy & her life is amazing & she apparently has no responsibilities; so what's the problem? could she possibly be LYING about her perfect life? nooooooo! "poor me, I'm so skinny, look at my ass! look at it again! now watch me shake it! my boyfriend isn't looking at it, won't you come save me and look at my butt and tell me how beautiful I am and how much better I deserve?"
(please let me never see her ass again)
>>1411404random question: why is Scabies so fixated on teeth ("whoever just walked into this fucking apartment better have a good fucking dentist" and "PICK A FUCKING TOOTH MOTHERFUCKER")? maybe he wants really wants to be a dentist? imagine him and that giant clump of hair and who knows what else getting close to you while your mouth is open whilst getting your teeth examined [shudder].
No. 1411882
File: 1641651577816.jpeg (550.05 KB, 1170x2018, 86020699-7B0C-46F3-9AF2-7C05FC…)

Owns half the building.
Is a superintendent for the building.
I’ll post the vids in a bit
No. 1411904
>>1411882 performatively shovels snow hasn’t figured out how shovels work minutes of talking to herself outside, huffing and puffing like a hambeast. Inside of the bedroom is disgusting.
She does ask if Perry is ok, to Dan…. Possibly means it’s still alive?
No. 1411909
File: 1641654012506.png (1.42 MB, 828x1792, 8961CF53-57B1-4FD1-93F4-BD31D9…)

>>1411904Such nice living conditions.
>>1411907Good catch nona. How humiliating for her. She truly has no shame.
No. 1411972
>>1411904These videos are what I fear I look like shoveling and she’s proudly posting them.
She shovels the snow towards the house/ breezeway instead of the street.
She does a really shitty job and doesn’t even shovel the area in front of the downstairs door. The apartment is an absolute mess.
The fact that she says she’s the super and calls them “her” tenants is so delusional. I bet the upstairs neighbor is Hasidic.
Did someone say John is in the last video? I didn’t catch that
No. 1412060
>>1411904you can also hear her mumble ask "is perry freaking out?" around the 3:59 mark. too bad we don't actually see or hear him in the clip.
and for the love of god girl COUGH AND CLEAR YOUR CHEST. the gurgle of lung butter is too fucking much.
No. 1412062
>>1411882Kek at her using a shovel like a rake.
I like that she "broomed", not swept, fragile Dan's rape van so an accident wouldn't happen… not because it's illegal to drive with snow on the front/ back bumper and top and hood of the car specifically due to snow and ice flying off and causing accidents. That's so thoughtful of her to do that while her frail arm candy is staying warm inside and doing his hair.
John treats her like a special needs child, giving her made up titles to make her feel important so he can justify letting her live at his parents' property and giving her a weekly allowance. He tells her to do some basic shit or asks if his parents' tenants dropped off their monthly cashier check and Mandy Slobs: Since I have to do work, I'm like the landlord?
John: Uhhh… no. Since you don't own it and my parents do. More like… a superintendent.
Mandy: I'm the superintendent and these are my tenants and I own half because I'm part of the family!
No. 1412279
File: 1641683612695.jpeg (2.08 MB, 3190x3077, 6EBF6CB4-E213-4044-8456-9079FE…)

>>1411882The edits she makes… all to pat herself on the back for doing the bare minimum.
Mind you for anyone not in NYC, it snowed 5” Friday early morning and then stopped and mostly melted. I don’t know why she’s making it seem like it was a horrendous snow storm.
No. 1412654
>>1412279"Body still works in tip top condition if I continue taking my medication."
Yeah, Xanax and gabapentin really help with keeping you feeling high enough to keep going despite the pain, you mumbling freeloader
No. 1413260
File: 1641768671359.jpeg (347.04 KB, 1170x796, 98A27F78-1CCA-4ABB-A513-96AE9B…)

She got Covid everyone…puking water in her lap.
No. 1413381
File: 1641775730810.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1284x3330, 3FF672A3-F959-46DD-92F0-A767B7…)

>>1413260Four edits in the Covid tome got wild. Of course her mom isn’t vaxxed and I doubt she is either.
Also none of this is how Omicron works, at least if you’re vaxxed. This is like a tween’s fanfic version of Covid.
No. 1413427
File: 1641778385379.jpeg (476.62 KB, 1284x2269, 4CDE731B-BABA-467B-A03C-899066…)

She also posted three stories. I can’t keep track of all her pretend “sisters”, does she actually have two more siblings besides Domenick?
No. 1413428
File: 1641778387214.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1170x6493, F8CE6EC3-7870-43A9-9C73-8C0384…)

Not too sick to post a bunch of weird stories. Another shooting story.. this time about a “younger little sister”
No. 1413429
File: 1641778427358.jpeg (592.84 KB, 1284x2269, 036E8C5B-0885-4DC6-873D-8F1A2A…)

Yes, because these are the bangs of someone you’d want a tutorial from.
No. 1413431
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And most confusing how does something get clipped with a bullet but end up “totally unharmed” but also end up with a badass scar?
Oh I know how, it never happened!
No. 1413534
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No. 1413545
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No. 1413564
>>1413545I just read an article where a couple got "married" in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator, but then they were told they never filed for a marriage license and aren't an actual married couple.
If the "marriage" didn't happen in some private vows with just the 2 of them exchanging rings, then it was done at some cheesy place and they never got a marriage license. I'm betting it's the latter hypothesis.
No. 1413665
File: 1641808889397.jpeg (933.11 KB, 1284x1790, BA2CEE2A-97B4-4AAA-95BD-46E2BF…)

Just a little shy of 5 am post. Casually exposing one of their beloved Dashers to Covid so they can get drunk while they supposedly have Covid.
No. 1413685
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Well that was short lived. And really? “Permanent bedroom eyes?” Barf. Whether she’s referring to herself OR Scabies Incarnate, either way makes me feel the need to shower immediately.
No. 1413713
>>1413381There were some posts referring to her getting vaxxed I’ll have to scroll way back. I remember a pic in a car with a band aid on her shoulder? And then a post where she was talking about getting to choose which shot she got at a time where you basically didn’t know until you showed up for your appointment. I’m assuming she’s unvaxed and was lying but she did mention it.
I don’t get why she’s saying covid “hurts so bad” I haven’t heard anyone describing it that way. What’s extra sad is that something like 1/10 people in nyc have or have had omicron and she doesn’t have anyone close enough to reach out to directly and no ones commenting on this thread.
And just for some tinfoil this means Johnny was exposed to them. She was taking about her sore throat in the shoveling videos. So let’s call Saturday “day1” of symptoms. This means she shouldn’t be out of the house until the 17th at the earliest? Mark my words this bitch is at rocka rolla celebrating her victory over covid by Friday.
No. 1413714
>>1413713Dan probably got it partying in NJ like she said.
Also Omicron is mild but the worst symptom I had her endless body aches, like my joints felt like I was 85. It was profoundly uncomfortable and it gave me terrible headaches.
No. 1413717
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>>1413713Supposedly when she got vaccinated…
No. 1413732
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Sage for nitpicking but all plants at some point need light, Mandy. You’re such an expert “botanist”
No. 1413784
>>1413735Sorry sage for total fabrication but it really seems like she was johnnys only “serious” relationship, they lasted for a long time, they may or may not have been married, he got himself absolutely covered in tattoos for her and she spent all holidays etc with his family. He’s either slow or too socially awkward to move on from their relationship so hangs around like a kicked puppy
and I think behind the scenes her family and his family know how profoundly mentally ill she is. Like she’s clearly a compulsive liar, her reality doesn’t make sense, she is walking borderline personality disorder and has clear addiction issues. I think his family takes pity on her and feel somewhat responsible for her so they give her a place to live so that she won’t just die in the street
What I can’t figure out is why his family haven’t cut her off when she’s so clearly and obviously using hard drugs, living with other men and binging on alcohol and buying all this with their money. Are they just not aware she posts all this on social media? I could see her having john and his family blocked
No. 1413916
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I’m sure her Trumpy mom TOTALLY got her a RBG doll and butt serum from Target. I’m SURE Mandy’s childhood hero was RBG kek
“it's always sad when one of your kid's
childhood heroes passes away. so it
was extra cute when she excited
pointed out she was adorned with
her dissent collar!”
“am really happy my mom respects
my career and craft that i've been
honing since i was just a little demon
spawn.” Been sewing since she was a baby but can’t open her store because of Covid!
No. 1414113
File: 1641857508707.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x7990, 86600B09-3304-4BB3-9CB5-BBE867…)

She seemed to be pretty up in his family’s business. This is just from when she needed art supplies for her ill fated oil painting class. There’s a video on her IG of her taking a video of the family singing during a holiday and John and brother hiding from the camera.
No. 1414237
>>1414113Wasn’t that from when John first moved her into the apartment in East New York or whatever (is it still the same one?)
I have a feeling they were on better terms, I think this was even before she lured and killed cowie
No. 1414563
File: 1641918880315.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1976, 89598F9F-EF76-4A94-A659-10F064…)

No money, so now she has to ask Scabies to buy her gifts.
No. 1414842
>>1414797I second this one
>>1383137also anon pls learn to sage it truly is not that hard
No. 1415294
File: 1641998896274.jpeg (305.64 KB, 1170x1096, 42661972-8EEC-4540-B327-58E88F…)

10 years of photoshopping.
Nitpick but her brows always look the same and she ALWAYS has to mention something about how they are bushy or they aren’t. She had them micro bladed years ago. We all know she’s hairy by her Neanderthal hands and knuckles.
No. 1415357
Some more choice pics for the new thread
>>1354809>>1348538 This one just for the awful job covering those acne scars even though it looks ridiculously shooped
>>1411110And my personal fave the meaty neck
No. 1415482
>>1415294She looked better before with less shooping.
And she had a unibrow as a baby, then plucked them thinner in the before pic and now, if her brows actually look half an inch tall irl, she needs to ditch the eyebrow serum and go back to plucking.
No. 1415613
File: 1642027825301.jpeg (250.41 KB, 1170x744, 45DDE859-AF02-47A9-BFEE-942BFD…)

Of course they have mice. That means the apt really is as gross as it seems
No. 1415686
>>1415679nta but how is she nitpicking? We need to enter these threads and stop assuming the shit said about cows is a commentary on our lives
> the apt really is as gross as it seemsThis is not a nitpick
No. 1416147
File: 1642085509428.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x1499, B6B556E3-D024-4B83-816D-B30E21…)

Mandy looking a bit over 100 lbs in this photo…
No. 1416631
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>>1415905Oldie but goodie
No. 1416637
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>>1416631The true face of Mandy Slobs. I vote for that pic too.
No. 1416730
File: 1642130662759.jpeg (771.4 KB, 1170x1455, C214872B-4A0C-44C8-9CFB-8A7D42…)

Amanda math is something else. Who else besides Cowie was older than her? Vale? I hardly call that dating.
No. 1416773
File: 1642136184104.jpeg (813.04 KB, 828x1094, F2A7D49C-04EB-46EF-946A-AAB811…)

OP of the original thread here. Gou guy rule lmao. Amanda has become my favorite cow of 2021. Long live the farm. Here’s my contribution for potential next thread pic. Huge fan of a good collage. You bitches are hilarious, here’s to many more.
No. 1416779
guys pardon my typing, I am retarded. Good luck to next op, lot of nuance to get into for the coming recap.
No. 1417027
>>1416789same here lol.
>>1416773this is beautiful anon! you have my vote
No. 1417149
File: 1642182329681.jpg (863.9 KB, 2366x2048, PhotoGrid_1642182075116.jpg)

The other collage is great, but there's a lot of old recycled pics
No. 1417237
File: 1642188795571.jpeg (68.56 KB, 1059x358, 66D2BDB4-6D61-4EF9-B3D8-159719…)

Don’t forget this gem in the next banner
No. 1417286
File: 1642191689836.jpg (25.21 KB, 173x275, 1638153168929.jpg)

>>1417149i feel like adding Cowie somewhere in the corner works