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No. 1417636
Social Media
Ig: bratoutofhell
Fb: Tik Tok: Bret / Amanda Schafemeyer / Labozetta/ bratoutofhell - Since the last thread summary our portly paisano Princess made her triumphant return to her New York apartment, unidread paramour attached to her photoshopped hip. Does the spectre of Eric Cowie haunt the rooms that John the cuck pays for, rattling the chains forged in life off the empty booze bottles that line the halls like statuary? Sometimes, I'm sure. But Amanda has enough alcohol and hard drugs to forget all about her former lover/ pet project, even through posts accusing her of murder from Eric's former friends and
Through falls off balconies, couch jerk off sessions, holidays with the 'rents, way too many TMI posts, and the dreaded 'rona, we've walked along side our borderline babe, eager to see where her journey takes us all. Will she continue to love bomb Dan the scabies man? Or will they crash and burn much like her other relationships?
The last thread was at times unbearable, with bickering re: terms for heroin, pubes, dead acquaintances, and marriage license research. Let's all try to get along this time around!
previous thread 1
>>943302previous thread 2
>>971778previous thread 3
>>1022186 previous thread 4
>>1170070Previous thread 5
>>>/snow/1277876 Previous thread 6
>>>/snow/1337960Recap of last thread:
Speculation about the relationship status of Mandy and the dread:
>>>/snow/1338344Mandy the rock star: 1338081
>>>/snow/1338900>>>/snow/1339036Only Mandy has ever had trauma, ever:
>>>/snow/1340284The Cowie crew circles in on ole meatball eyes:
>>>/snow/1340633>>>/snow/1340522>>>/snow/1340784>>>/snow/1340816>>>/snow/1340817An acquaints one of Cowie, Dianna, addresses the farms via her Facebook:
>>>/snow/1341297>>>/snow/1341332Amanda claims it was a six year wait for her and the dreadmonster to be together (this timeline will change):
>>>/snow/1341467Amanda and Dan, New York's grossest power couple, return to that concrete jungle:
>>>/snow/1341802Amanda falls off a balcony…or was she pushed?
>>>/snow/1348133>>>/snow/1348575Amanda witnesses a drive by:
>>>/snow/1348869A year later Amanda is considering a double mastectomy. Cancer waits for no man, just her:
>>>/snow/1350005Just some TMI for your timeline:
>>>/snow/1350229Cowie's COD is announced:
>>>/snow/1351040Now the timeline is 5 years:
>>>/snow/1354605Some gentle oozing head scab content:
>>>/snow/1354803Speculation, once again, as to whether or not Mandy and John were ever married:
>>>/snow/1365968A cocaine and piss engagement. Now it's 7 years:
>>>/snow/1370960Amanda celebrates "4 months off the wagon" like she's a fifteen year old, confusing many and enraging others.
>>>/snow/1372265>>>/snow/1372267>>>/snow/1373910A memory of a former lover unearths a comic about Mandy's
abusive BPD:
>>>/snow/1374113>>>/snow/1382979 - (this is the first part of a multi post saga, it's long but start here for the whole comic)
An anon, noticing the discrepancies in years, points out that Amanda and Dan only met three years before:
>>>/snow/1379078 Amanda pretends her mom cares:
>>>/snow/1385706Retconning Cowie into fiancé status:
>>>/snow/1386879Christmas texts raise some red flags as to their authenticity:
>>>/snow/1403347Yet another drive by! What a dangerous neighborhood!
>>>/snow/1406487A slew on anons claim Dan impairs himself on purpose to get gfs to take care of him, also that he is
abusive >>>/snow/140808Back to 7-8 years:
>>>/snow/1409195Mandy claims to be the super of her building, does a half assed job shoveling while hacking her Covid lung all over the place:
>>>/snow/1411882The first mention of perry the bird in months:
>>>/snow/1412060Claims to have Covid though to me it presents more like stomach flu. Who cares either way. Mandy's Trumper mom isn't vaxxed.:
>>>/snow/1413260>>>/snow/1413381Yet another later redacted claim of being engaged:
>>>/snow/1413534 No. 1417653
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No. 1417863
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More brows and not being able to remember when things happened….
No. 1417867
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>>1417863… because that photo was from 2020
No. 1417868
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>>1417863Never fails with the bad photoshop. Nice “waist”
No. 1418274
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Was looking at her IG for some laughs and couldn’t help but notice how weird her eyes look closer. Looks like ball sack skin.
Also I’m sure I’m late but haven’t seen much mention on here about her and her ex jay. I’ve watched that relationship start and end on IG before finding this lolcow
No. 1418276
>>1418274That pic is really putting the ball in Meatball Eyes for sure.
Re: Jay, that’s 2-3 threads ago, a lot has happened since but there was definite coverage!
No. 1418780
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Trouble in paradise?
No. 1419436
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So you pick your lovers from the tree, don’t share them but instead slice them up and devour them yourself and hold onto them until they’re rotten and decaying like your dead grandpa? Was that the metaphor you were going for Mandy?
No. 1419437
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Mandy on dealing with ghosts.
No. 1419773
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A few days late but “adorable nose” sent me
No. 1420462
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Not very milky, but Scamanda still hasn’t
figure out how money works, on
Poshmark. Must be so hard having THE
FLU and splurge shopping.
No. 1420490
File: 1642521851913.gif (Spoiler Image,384.47 KB, 864x1224, IMG_5119.gif)

>>1420462This is one of the items she purchased. Who else thinks she’ll wear it as an outfit instead of a costume (as intended)?
No. 1420563
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who does she think she is wearing manolo blahnik's. she needs to give up…she's too trash to EVER pull anything of that quality off. Guess Johnny has good taste. Some girl better scoop him up.
No. 1420757
>>1420754it was a typo. manikin is a word
- a person who is very small, especially one not otherwise abnormal or deformed.
I'm sure she's used it to describe just how waif-like she is
No. 1422021
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“That’s where the girl who takes her tits out lives… some guy died in her apartment”.
That’s what they say, Mandy.
No. 1422219
>>1419436I've now read this ten times and somehow it makes less sense with each read. Are the apples the supposed men (and women) she deserves?
Weird flex about wearing shit kickers in this mess of word (apple) salad.
No. 1422250
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So I came across this online
No. 1423037
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Literally anyone dies and she has to have something to say about it.
No. 1423056
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>>1422929i don't completely regret the 20mins I autistically spent on this in mspaint
No. 1423108
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That’s scabbies friend/bandmate a previous anon talked about. Scamanda fucked him for a few days (while scabbies was in the apartment) days before she started fucking scabbies. She also bragged to people that the first guy was amazing, much better than scabbies and had a much larger dick lol. So she’s basically commenting “I’m only commenting for your friend who knows how to fuck with the nice dick not my actual tiny dick man”. Super classy.
No. 1423196
>>1423037who could have expected a supermorbidly obese man in his 70s to die after decades of hardcore drug and alcohol abuse
what a cruel world we live in
No. 1423338
>>1423331it's a control tactic. she did that with that ginger guy she dated. she would try integrating with various friends.
Remember West Virgina? She tried to cancel golden retriever by imposing on whatever losers he was associated with and cried abuse. Also thought it was weird how she invited herself to some wedding of people she didn't even know. offered her services as some "pro" make up artist, and had some ugly cry photos of her taken as if she knew the couple forever. Kind of nutso.
so that's the thing, she doesnt have any authentic friends except for her "sister", and whatever idiot internet boyfriends she's currently talking to. if she weren't a cancer faker, drug fueled, obnoxious alcoholic, and overall shitty person she may have a friend or two.
I can't even see Johnny and her being actual friends. Seems like something else and don't really understand it.
shes going to become some shriveled up bar fly trying to be friend all the young 20 something year olds and buying them drinks in return for friendship.
No. 1423406
>>1423338I personally think it’s more desperation than control. She doesn’t just act like that with her bfs friends (acting like everyone is her bff and she’s in on every inside joke), it’s with everyone she meets in real life or follows online. She’s so desperate for a shred of attention, friendship or love it’s pathetic. But she’s not a nice person so what else can she expect.
I do think the way she posts about her relationships is a control thing. She tries to embarrass (by airing too much dirty laundry) or guilt trip (by making “poor me” posts) her bfs into being whoever she wants them to be. Probably one of the big reasons no one can stand her for too long.
I did not know about this wedding or Ginger’s family saga. If anyone has pictures or screenshots please share them, sounds hilarious.
No. 1423610
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>>1423448I wanted to see the finished look too, but bride wasn’t tagged. This was my first time on her Instagram and I don’t understand how people don’t notice how blatantly distorted all of her pictures are. You have to seriously hate yourself to alter even your childhood pictures
No. 1424009
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>>1423418This gem showed up on Manda’s reddit.
“Two wide loads sat on two Violet Voss palettes and cracked the mirrors; and I barely had my hair done let alone makeup and everyone had their dresses on and were ready.” Me, me, me.
No. 1424437
>>142400960 high-end palettes & over 80 lip colors? no real makeup artist would need that kind of a selection for a wedding unless it was held off-planet. seriously. my old movie makeup case (for moving into the makeup trailer to work on a whole movie) was about my size but certainly didn't have that much eyeshadow in it; I doubt 60 in-package palettes would fit. also, a pro who is hired to work on the bride would focus on her, not her friends or her own self. nor would they put their palettes out on sitting surfaces – that's just rude. and no real MUA would bring a whole Pat McGrath lipstick (instead you'd put a slice of it into a professional lipstick palette) to a wedding unless they were going to give it to the bride. dumb dumb dumb (if any of those things really did happen).
on the other hand, a narcissistically-inclined person might bring too many palettes (& exaggerate the number & quality), stupidly thinking those would be the best choices for wedding makeup, & they would definitely spread their over-abundance of crap out all over the seating spaces that should actually be available for members of the bride's friends & family in the area that was set aside for getting ready. they'd also plan to do some overdone elaborate shit to outshine the bride (Mandy already had too much makeup on in the pic taken supposedly before she'd finished her makeup). my guess is that people were probably pretty annoyed by her & happy to see her leave the event.
No. 1424653
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>>1423610Wait, the caption on the photo specifically talks about about how skinny she was kek
No. 1424879
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lol yeah right
No. 1425173
>>1424653So if you were such a "skinny mini" with a small frame, how did you turn into a hambeast with a linebacker frame?
I like how she avoids mentioning her actual nickname of Mandy Slobs.
More people (1 person, me) have called her Amanda Shoop-liar than any of those "toothpicks" types of monikers.
Her shoop is hilarious because she accidentally gave Domenick a great hip to waist ratio.
No. 1425309
>>1424879Alright here’s a Manda Shop 101 for the newbs here.
When she says “no filter” she thinks she’s being clever because technically she did not apply an Instagram filter. You know,
Like “lo-fi” or whatever. As opposed to that fake Christmas pic she posted with the neon lines and stars. She uses those kinds of “art” filters as a distraction or to obscure a background. She doesn’t do a lot of color correcting or messing with contrast in the Instagram or Facebook apps. Her more egregious shops are done with Facetune or similar app where she’s smoothing her bangs so they fade into her face, bulging her eyes, squeezing her neck in, making her chin pointy, creating a thigh gap etc…Then as a final ode to her body dysmorphia she elongates/stretches and crops the entire photo like a fun house mirror. Her necklaces and common/stationary objects in the background give it away. She is a serial reposter and will often re-edit photos making for a fun game of spot the difference, including childhood photos like the “delicious toddler” one of her in a bathing suit. With each new post her nose gets longer and narrower, her ass bigger,. But in real life she’s looks like an average 5’1” 140ish lbs with a round face and the bulbous nose of an old man. She’s not interested in ACTUALLY changing her appearance, hence the same chewed up bangs, red eye shadow, cheap Halloween costume outfits that she’s been rocking since…2010?! It’s not like she’s trying to pretend like she got a nose job. She’s merely trying to trick men on the Internet just enough to get them to uproot their lives for her. The real mystery is why they stay once they see her irl.
No. 1425429
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>>1425309she stretches her photos and blurs the background so you can't see how fucked up it is. she posted the left photo unedited at the VA wedding, then posted the right one a little later. she made herself overall thinner and completely changed her face
No. 1425434
File: 1643042507225.jpg (1.37 MB, 1616x1080, brat.jpg)

here are some other unedited photos from the wedding she posted. she's obviously very self-conscious about her chin. she always tilts her head down or covers it
No. 1425593
>>1425429the bride looks like she has been sleeping with her make-up on… on the right it looks okay because it's blurred, but on the left it just looks greasy. I'm not into make-up, but even for me it looks like an amateur did her make-up and as a bride I would be angry with that look.
It's also funny how you can see on her arm how she tried to make herself look skinny, kek. And it's interesting to see how old she looks, she looks like she's in her early 40s, maybe she should skip the drugs and alcohol.
No. 1425637
>>1425434just like I thought, crap spread out all over the bed behind her. that's why someone sat on her palettes. and it's so shitty for her to call anyone a "wide load" regardless of her (ahem) size. nasty bitch.
why couldn't she wear pants? ugh.
No. 1425652
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Scabies has an Ugg blanket? kek
No. 1425751
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>>1425652These two are always reposting old pictures. They must be really bored from having no job or anything going on with their lives.
No. 1425826
>>1425652Now that we get to see unedited Mandy Slobs, it makes a lot of sense that she's into both of those walking staph infections. They're all on the same level of fugly and dirty.
>>1425434She likes her pOinTy chin, just not the sagging jowls connected to it which is why she's always shooping them out of pictures. She knows you can tell she's a chunky monkey when you see her meaty jowls and she wants everyone to lust over her delicate, small frame, elf-like face and giant meatball eyes.
Judging from that other picture another anon found a few days ago, she also has giant shopping bags under her eyes. She's trying to pretend she isn't the ugly basic bitch with an equally ugly personality.
No. 1426161
>>1425741It's probably something John Cuck gave the Mandy Slobs but because he's currently part of the Slobs household, he says it's his. In actuality, what's his is hers and what's hers is technically John's (but she claims it's hers).
He wouldn't need a blanket since he has the matted version of Cousin It to keep him warm.
No. 1426462
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Went snooping on scabbies incarnate’s ig to see if I found anything interesting but only found that he’s even more disgusting than I thought before. Oh and that he has a “hairy toddler body” just like mandy slobs.
Saging because it’s an old post.
No. 1426588
>>1426462Well she does think chubby toddlers are "visually delish" so that's why she finds his soft curves irresistible. She seems to have more hair than him though.
I can't wait for the inevitable breakup when she tries to bad mouth him…
"He actually goes to a salon sometimes, the fuggin fah-get!"
"He didn't notice my new 2 piece lingerie set so I had to post it on FB where I got so many likes!"
"He actually isn't broke! Yeah I know…a total poser!"
And of course…
"He beat me! And himself! Cancel him! I'm always honest and I'm the
No. 1426700
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>>1426588I hope her gut isn’t as hairy as his.
Also, I love how she tries to convince the world (and maybe even herself) that scabbies is strong and “so scawy” when the hordes of men she imagines are obsessed with her “hit on her” or “harass her” at bars. I don’t know which part is less believable, that scabbies is even close to being manly/strong or that people who see her irl don’t try to immediately run away.
No. 1427051
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>>1425652He probably cleaned up because he felt disgusted at the squalor you live in.
No. 1427153
>>1427051I knew it wasn't actually his and he just considers it to be his since he's in the Slobs fam>>1426161
But the fact she considers Diego her brother despite fucking him is disgusting. But at least Diego and Scabies Incarnate are Eskimo brothers now (dudes that have fucked the same ho).
No. 1427270
>>1427247They fucked when mandy first met scabbies and his band back in 2018. Another anon talked about it in the previous thread.
>>1409339I don’t think anyone was implying he came over last weekend to have sex with mandy.
No. 1427335
>>1427247Are you saying he has acknowledged that mandy is crazy to you or publicly? I’ve never seen any of scabbies friends say anything about her online or anything. Even when she tags them on posts and comments they ignore her.
I also don’t think any of scabbies friends fucking a crazy/sloppy girl would be that unimaginable. I doubt they have pick of the litter judging by the way they look and act.
No. 1427420
>>1427384The psycho girl anon is talking about constantly comments on mandy slobs posts too. I wonder if she knows mandy fucked her ex fiancé.
Someone brought this particular girl up in the previos thread by the way:
>>1398593 No. 1427444
>>1427431And on top of THAT everyone in this scene/circle of friends passes around sex partners like village bicycles
No. 1427536
>>1427420In all fairness, most people don't care who their ex fucks, since it's not like he left her for Randy Slobs.
>>1427444It's actually extremely common to have incestuous crust/ punk/ metal scenes in any major city since everybody knows everybody from shows and they tend to keep it in the family like any good group of inbreds
No. 1427682
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Dan is the one person who “loved” it. It’s an old video of her in her underwear.
No. 1427948
File: 1643252389818.webm (2.63 MB, 480x408, bratoutofhell (Amanda Bret Sch…)
>>1427887She has to have the kindest followers. I mean, body checking galore in this video.
Noneta, I hope you don’t mind it being uploaded, Streamable isn’t known to be very reliable No. 1429204
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>>1427531You’re right. He doesn’t. Including his handle because why not, at this point. Funny to see so many NY/NJ people in this thread. Sometimes I wonder who you ladies are or if we by chance know each other kek
No. 1429253
>>1428690She starts off by saying “what follows is the realness” so you know it’s good.
>>983957Enjoy the cringe!
No. 1429295
>>1429204A lot of these posts sound like they come from people who know Dan personally (which means a lot of people on here probably
know each other better than they think they do). Other posts sound like half of you have no clue who the hell these people are in real life. If you don’t know Mandy in real life, you are lucky. She is unbelievably more wretched and awful in person than her posts lead her on to be. Which says a LOT considering what a cringeworthy and gross spoiled bitch she is online.
No. 1429747
File: 1643424538271.webm (12.57 MB, 480x280, what follows is the realness.w…)
>>1429253If there ever was an Amanda video to watch, this might be it
No. 1430020
File: 1643465103900.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1284x3212, 7D3A7A32-DEC0-458B-81CA-44BC2D…)

Happy six month anniversary. Here is a long ramble about how great the gift I got you is with an excruciating level of detail about my expensive purchase someone else funded and several pats on my own back about how thoughtful I am for getting it. Oh and nothing of substance about the love of my life except for a few comments about the things he’s done for me and an attention-grabbing tag of his friend to make it seem like people like me.
No. 1430130
>>1430099A play on June Carter and Georgia Turner.
Because you know….she’s such a song bird/composer.
Also probably her and Dan being gross and off color/racist and “taco” aka jason says Jesus Christ, on a recording, at them.
>>1430020Also damn that’s a lot of cocaine.
Can you imagine high quality recordings of her wheezing, talking with a cigarette in her mouth and Marlboro laden coughs? Woof
No. 1430403
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How many months anniversaries can they have it one month?
No. 1430469
>>1430020Wow, what a great gift for someone who wants to record themselves making a podcast or capture themselves and a ton of random noise in the background! The only thing I can see Scabies Incarnate using it for is if he comes up with a gReAt bass line and then presses record or grabs his mic and plugs it in, then records, in which case he'll end up with so much background noise that he can't use it in an actual recording. She wasted John's (at most, if bought on Amazon) $200 on something that doesn't even have a jack for him to plug in an electric bass. He can't edit, master, or do anything worthwhile on that, unless he's going to record podcasts about how much of a loser Mandy is, in which case, it's worth it.
I do think it's pretty funny he found junk outside, glued it together as an anniversary gift less than 30 days after the last anniversary, and got a useless recorder he can sell for $150 on eBay after the inevitable breakup. He's definitely milking the cow (or rather the cow's food source) more than we are!
No. 1430991
>>1430488She just wanted to impress everyone that she spent $25 extra of her umpteenth ex-fiance's Amazon account on the bundle, not realizing or caring all that shit was actually only worth $15.
Then she bought even more coke with Johnboy's allowance which is probably why fatty aging Taco showed up.
No. 1431575
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Found this gem online. I guess mandy did look worse at some point in her life. Look at that tiny little baby nose.
No. 1431732
>>1431575The red raccoon make up, snakebites and monroe piercing combination. She’s been a tacky ass bitch from day 1.
And of course mandy was a scene girl with terrible taste. She’s always been sO pUnK rAwk.
No. 1431801
>>1431732Wow she’s been doing the red eye shadow for a long time. What a weird choice to have as a signature look especially for someone who considers themselves an amateur MUA. It’s not like a cat eye or a smoky eye it’s bright red eye shadow all over her lids up to her eye brow. I guess it’s about as costumey as her outfits.
Amanda is not especially ugly or fat, her nose isn’t exceptionally big or anything. The problem is that she insists she doesn’t look like this. If she would just lean into what she actually looks like, put on normal jeans and a t shirt, and get a normal hair cut she would look totally average. But that must really terrify her.
No. 1432394
>>1432203At least the anon that knew Mandy pointed out that Mandy is even more annoying than she seems to us that don't know her, even though we knew that. This recent anon isn't even mentioning the heifer and talks like "Joof" is in here feeling her lurv.
Mandy really loves these soft af boys probably because they make her feel tough. If you told me Joof the Goof is a woman and Mandy is a dude and they're both trannies, I'd totally believe you, no questions asked.
No. 1433453
File: 1643859152752.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1284x6251, C661FC26-7FFC-401C-A0AC-30C07F…)

And she’s back. Posting the 12+ minute video after. But for now enjoy these two back to pack posts with duplicate content and a bonus meandering tale of an embattled chicken.
No. 1433489
>>1433481That was fucking depressing.
Still in disbelief she even shows his “art”. A 5 year old can draw better than that.
No. 1433537
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Does she mean those tiny finger skateboards? Is Scabies a 9 year old underneath that single dred?
No. 1433565
>>1433463Perry is 100% a goner.
I own a solo budgie. Pulling out feathers in distress is not normal. Not hearing him chirp or seeing him flying around is weird.
Also candles and essential oils are
toxic to birds. Burning candles in the same room without the windows open would kill him too.
No. 1433672
>>1433481"i actually got bit by a rat the other day"
holy fuck do you reckon she sought medical help? NYC rats carry an impressive smattering of deadly diseases but i wouldn't be surprised if she shrugged it off and flexed it as a hxcbattlescardesu
No. 1433674
>>1433537“Instead of having sex, scabbies and I are playing with finger skateboards from now on”
It’s hard to tell if she actually thinks her own status is cute or if she’s trying to publicly embarrass scabbies for not fucking her anymore. It’s hilarious.
No. 1433734
File: 1643904034044.jpeg (91.87 KB, 423x345, 441E320B-AF4E-4B9B-A99C-175FC3…)

A flattering angle for our tiny-nosed skinny waif.
No. 1433744
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>>1433514The coke mirror with the pill bottle on top. Classic classy mandy.
No. 1433779
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No. 1433808
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They are both so weirdly shaped.
Also, his “wish” reads like a 14 year old boy who shops at hot topic and wants to be deep and funny.
No. 1433831
>>1433815I’ve known Dan for years and “Consuela” is just what he calls all Spanish/Latina women. Just like he calls Asians “ching chongs” and middle eastern people “sand n
No. 1433836
File: 1643913624332.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1838, Scabies.png)

Scabies advertising Mandy's skills with the needle
No. 1433870
>>1433836wow. the only descriptive word I can think of for this look is "ungroomed." but I'm sure there are way more.
I hope Mandy uses the mint flavored floss to help with healing.
No. 1433884
File: 1643918236118.jpeg (580.78 KB, 1170x1181, D37EBA48-BADB-40CC-8CFF-74BA39…)

>>1433537Dans comment on the finger skateboard post. Someone else lurks here too kek. Hi Scabies!
No. 1433887
File: 1643918344011.jpeg (807.3 KB, 1170x1976, F28647F6-4826-4230-A273-318658…)

Home surgery. That’s not even a thin needle. It’s for sewing upholstery
No. 1433922
>>1433891That is not a wound that needs stitches lol just put a fucking bandaid on it
These idiot junkies are so performative
No. 1434281
>>1433948Girl you read my mind. He legit is probably salty to be known only as scamandas plaything. Again, if anyone wants to attempt it, there seems to be enough of us east coast fags to make a legit snowflake thread on these scenster losers en masse. If it ever happens, boyyyy. There’s a lot of milk to be spilled. Till then, $10 on Dan developing staph within the next week.
Cheers, ladies.
No. 1434405
File: 1643978014923.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1991, A7A6DD3D-76D3-404F-A68C-0F2C0B…)

You’re not too far away from it, Mandy….
No. 1434536
File: 1643995296199.jpeg (791.51 KB, 1170x3451, A62C9A5F-0268-440D-9CC3-63E606…)

>>1433891Her comment on the home surgery post. I can’t even read all of it.
No. 1434539
>>1434533“Oh you’ve been looking at my thread that you could’ve only found if I show it to you? I don’t look at it though! Never! We both coincidentally make posts that make it SEEM like we look at the thread all the time. I’m too good to read that thread that I know every detail about. I don’t read it at all!!!”
Hi mandy hi scabbies thanks for letting us know you’re both here.
(hi cow) No. 1434587
>>1434536Shes basically admitting to torturing this poor bird. Chickens are incredibly hearty. I've had ones attacked by coyotes and their backs "opened" up and all you do is spray the wound with a special spray and they heal right up. If they're severely wounded after an attack you're supposed to close them up in the dark because they can have a heart attack from shock. You don't further torture them by giving some diy stitches without a sedative. This girl should be banned from owning all birds.
Also, guineas nest on the ground, not in trees.
No. 1434803
>>1434536gosh, she is so… stupid… I just can't believe it. I've been self-harming years ago and I sadly had deeper cuts than that one she stitched together and there was never any reason to stitch anything with a fucking sewing needle. Just use some steri-strips and everything will be fine.
She is like one of the mothers, torturing their children to be sicker than they really are just to get the attention, because she is so nice and caring and knows what she is doing. Damn, I hate her and I wish the money spend on her would go to good causes instead of her telling the same bullshit over and over again.
No. 1434848
>>1434802Scabbies is definitely soft as baby shit but clearly this whole stitches thing was just for attention. Like someone said above, these two are performative junkies with no jobs or anything to do.
They probably spend all day doing coke and swallowing pills with nothing to do, so the one time scabbies gets a little tiny cut they have to make a whole fucking show about it.
No. 1434906
>>1434405Sorry can you clarify did she just repost a random person’s pic from 2019 to say they are gross?
In that video there’s holes and stains on her bed sheets. The couch is littered with random items. There’s coke dust smeared on the edge of the table. I’m sure she blames this mess on Dan and I’m sure he is disgusting. But so is she. Her hands are permanently stained and her nails are always caked with dirt. Imagine her giving you stitches with those hands!
No. 1434913
>>1434615My favorite defense that cows try to use with people they know in real life is that this site is like, a small group of people that know them personally and are jealous/have a vendetta.
No. We are lucky to have people with IRL milk. The reality is that it is hundreds of strangers laughing at the shitty life you play online.
No. 1435424
File: 1644085455536.png (300.01 KB, 744x906, EB8CE8B2-376C-409D-AF6E-C2C4E2…)

These two act like they don’t read or care about this thread, then reference it all over their fbs and text messages. They’re both so stupid it’s hilarious.
Someone word by word said scabbies has no self respect and he’s texting the same to mandy. But they don’t read this at all.
No. 1435746
>>1435708Not to mention all the people she calls bffs, soul sisters, most of the guys she’s fucked in Brooklyn, and pretty much anyone that’s encountered her. They’re only friends with her online to watch the slow motion car crash that is Mandy’s life. We all know that’s not what she looks like, and she is
truly awful to be around. (I knew her through friends, never any true conversations or hangs with her, just her “secretly” doing coke in the woman’s bathroom, but no real new milk there.)
No. 1435912
File: 1644128268478.jpeg (269.02 KB, 598x714, 5E780DA6-3E04-40A8-9152-3E3FE7…)

So I was looking at my IG tonight of people that I blocked years ago and she was one of the few people I had blocked. I don’t remember the reason I was blocked and I forget why I even followed her in the first place it was like 8-9 years ago. Anyway I was curious and decided to lurk and found this thread and holy fucking shit. What epic bread. She is truly a piece of human garbage and should be euthanized. I will now check back every now and then just Curious & waiting to see what pure rock bottom or death awaits her. It really says something when so many people hate you that their is an actual never ending thread of all your poor life choices consistently being updated. Her true drug of choice is social media and there’s no fucking way she would quit that. Looking forward as a complete stranger to watching her spiral further out of control.(sage)
No. 1436886
File: 1644237669158.jpeg (725.91 KB, 1170x3724, 86DF0266-0539-4D1B-9AE9-4A63CB…)

No one is jealous of you and your gross caveman. (It’s a short video)
No. 1436909
>>1436886The worst part about this is that the second paragraph is one big run on sentence.
To Amanda people looking at her is always a good thing. It doesn’t matter that people are looking in disgust, gross curiosity, or because she’s screaming and showing her tits or swinging a knife around in an otherwise chill situation.
But I actually think what she’s trying to say here is that women are jealous of Danny’s loyalty to her. Which is a weird thing to bring up. No one is questioning that? He’s dependent on her financially and for a roof over his head. Of course he’s loyal. Sage for tinfoil but I think she cheated recently and is trying cover her tracks. This is classic Amanda manipulation “you are committed only to me and everyone is extremely jealous that we are life partners forever” when what she’s trying to say is “who me? I would never fuck a loser who has been stalking me online when I could have this insane dirtwad wipe his gut against me whenever I want!!!” When everyone knows she’ll fuck the next best thing as soon as it glances her way. I’m shocked Danny has lasted this long but I’ll be surprised if he’s still living there come summer.
No. 1436939
>>1436886It’s hilarious that multiple people on this thread and the previous thread have said scabbies can’t get hard, can’t fuck (and needs to watch porn to specifically fuck her), has a tiny dick, and is
abusive and codependent. On top of that he’s extremely childish, racist and doesn’t have a job. And let’s not forget how disgusting he is. I can’t think of a single person who could be jealous. No one is lining up to date either of these messes.
Can someone upload the video? I want to see this overly-edited, huffing and puffing, tubby idiot try to show off how “hot” she is.
No. 1436947
File: 1644246307826.png (5.15 MB, 1170x2532, F32430C5-0DD3-4A01-95CF-4AE54A…)

>>1436886She is beauty, she is grace. And hiding her lunch lady arms No. 1436965
>>1436949Can confirm that not only are his exes embarrassed by him, but so are many of his ex “friends”.
Quotation marks cause giving people free coke and fireball shots to keep people in your periphery isn’t really friendship but that’s the closest scabbies has.
No. 1436981
File: 1644249822322.webm (1.94 MB, 592x1280, black gums.webm)
>>1436947The expressions! What’s the purpose? Do you think she intends to intimidate people with these? Incite them? Seduce them? The mind boggles
No. 1436991
File: 1644250503220.jpeg (70.08 KB, 605x715, 0948257C-C948-49F9-ACDF-CC1938…)

My favorite part is when her filter screws up and she gets this huge “cheekbone ” bump by her eyebrow. So hot mandy.
>>1436981I think she’s attempting to look punk by doing the lip thing Sid Vicious and Billy Idol are famous for. Sadly for her she just looks diseased and dumb.
No. 1437002
File: 1644251339574.jpeg (363.98 KB, 1689x2560, C50F3C9E-638F-4141-9B75-A381EE…)

This is grotesque. What tf is wrong with her gums? I imagine the nasty teeth is just a result of horrible/non-existent hygiene.
Also, her nose in the bottom pic looks hilarious. “No filly” at all.
No. 1437100
>>1436886“Feeling accomplished with Dan Rivas”
-neither has a job
-neither pays rent
-neither is a half decent person
-neither showers
-neither can keep a functional relationship or friendship
-both do drugs and drink excessively
-mandy fakes cancer for attention
-mandy can’t even keep a pet alive
…this list could go on forever.
Excuse me, where are the accomplishments? You had sex? Good job, so do 95% of human adults.
No. 1437238
>>1437228Her own man needs to watch porn to keep it up while fucking her and she thinks random men at bars are getting boners by just seeing her walk in.
The audacity and delusion are out of this world.
No. 1437274
>>1437248I mean, when have you seen this bitch write a single status that wasn’t mostly lies. First of all, if they were actually going out to bars again, she would’ve made at least five posts every time they go out. It’s pretty obvious these two have been cooped up at home (probably because they’re too broke to go out) so they’re just getting drunk, snorting baking soda and chugging all of mandy’s pills in that nasty ass apartment.
I’m sure when they do go out scabbies barely pays attention to her unless it’s to loudly talk about her peeing on him so everyone thinks he’s soooo edgy, soooo kinky and soOoOoOo crazy.
These two spend so much time trying to convince everyone that they don’t care what anyone thinks or says about them, when it’s so obvious they work very hard on creating this “kinky crazy punk” visage that no one is falling for.
And by the way scabbies, anyone who knows anyone that had the displeasure of fucking you knows how much of a limp-dick bore you are in the sheets. Mandy can’t make enough posts lying about you to change that.
No. 1437339
>>1437002Decades of cigarettes and unprotected oral sex will do that. She's haggard.
>>1437238>>1437274Living for the dragging of limp dick. No wonder she copes so hard about sex.
No. 1437449
>>1436886I just love these fairy tales she writes about her preggo-looking husband-to-be (SWOON) w/a massive FUPA & her cigarette-stained, toddler-bodied self. who
wouldn't want (to punch) them?
anyway, reading them aloud to my cats puts them right to sleep, so I'm super-grateful to her for spinning these tales.
No. 1437522
File: 1644290293948.jpeg (608.17 KB, 1169x1674, C633622E-DAD6-4C7D-B61F-13B77A…)

>>1437452Only the QT comment is from a guy
No. 1438563
File: 1644384182194.jpeg (736.04 KB, 816x1768, E26C0979-2DE5-4E76-AFCE-006152…)

There you go
No. 1438694
>>1438594One of her old employees IG posts, I think geotagged in "her" store. There's some good unedited photos in that location.
Classic example of when others take pictures of her vs what she looks like when she posts herself.
No. 1438759
File: 1644423942963.jpeg (140.75 KB, 750x1224, 35D0498D-2545-4795-9187-8AC0C3…)

Sage because i don’t remember those being posted here but i came accross this interview of her from 2020 with those weird pics
No. 1438760
File: 1644424138267.jpeg (269.14 KB, 750x1139, 2C8061C2-77A0-4315-8B16-A492F6…)

>>1438759Tbh she looks so much better in this second pic.
I wonder when the album she’s probably working her ass off on will come out though
No. 1438768
File: 1644424562392.jpeg (1.89 MB, 3464x3464, 22E74BBC-EA17-42D8-8121-8D9CF1…)

>>1438723She really hit rock bottom right around the time she broke up with Corey and the ginger. Then pandemic hit and she went full spiral crazy. If you go back a few years she did way less word vomiting and looked happier and healthier. Maintaining her shop seemed to give her purpose. Picrel: the top right is an obvious shoop, look at her wearing the same out fit bottom left. Like another anon said, Schafermeyer and co geotag has more pics
No. 1438822
File: 1644430196152.jpeg (969.74 KB, 1242x1194, FDF1DE3B-8DB3-45C4-B04A-1AECB4…)

This shoop really made me lawl
No. 1438890
File: 1644434203713.jpg (583.31 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_5093.JPG)

Just waif things.
No. 1438969
>>1438822She really made her waist the same size as her knees. Almost the same size as her ankles. Imagine if ANYONE looked that crazy lol.
This bitch is nuts and hilarious.
No. 1439152
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>>1438890This set is great when you consider what she posted herself. It’s funny seeing all of her pictures together, some from the same damned day and how different she looks.
I also enjoyed this one
No. 1439458
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No. 1439460
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No. 1439512
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Didn’t she say once she was giving them video from her home surveillance cameras?
No. 1439565
>>1439340not a tattoo artist, used to work in a shop she got tattooed at - she is absolutely the kind of cash cow you want as a client. She can just keep milked for money, because she always has Johnny to pay the tab. Annoying to tattoo, but always has the $$$.
People who get tattoos for free or discounted (you still tip anyway), have people who are
actually their friends tattoo them. If you fuck someone you're not going to get a free tattoo.
No. 1439713
>>1439512You’re definitely right. Plus she’s made multiple posts praising that motorcycle cop. That ACAB tattoo is a fucking joke. It’s hard to warp my mind around how this cow can be SO delusional.
Scabbies is also a big fan of cops. I’ve seen him call the cops at the meatlocker on mentally ill homeless people a ton of times. They’re two delusional cop loving dirty punk posers.
No. 1442139
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>>1439152lady elaine vibes
No. 1442151
File: 1644755383110.jpeg (200.31 KB, 1170x603, 37875D86-34E8-4B59-9F01-ADD5C3…)

Can’t wait for this mess.
No. 1443547
File: 1644911829343.jpeg (691.81 KB, 1242x2008, C0C1C85F-78F6-4D5B-83B4-20828D…)

>>1443419Here it is, a 2am babble and 23 pictures of poop dread or her scantily clothed, recycled pictures.
No. 1443600
>>1443547This is one of the most second-hand embarrassment inducing ramblings I’ve read from her but
>from backstage hangouts with our pals from ‘namedropping multiple bands that just chill and drink with everyone after their concerts’holy shit how hard can one person pretend to actually know any of these ‘pals’ lmao talking shit and drinking with those bands after their concerts ain’t special. Does she not realize how pathetic shit like this makes her look?
No. 1443905
>>1443547Love how she added that “bruise my esophagus” pic that is so obviously from the internet in second place. If you just google the phrase it’s one of the first things to come up.
Trying so hard to “show off” their ~crazy amazing kinky sex~ just makes them sound like they haven’t fucked in months lol.
Also love that not a single pic she posted was flattering to either or looked remotely good.
No. 1443913
>>1443600Scabbies is exactly the same. He just fangirls over any band that’s sexist, racist or controversial within the scene and then tries to become “friends” with them by booking a show or two for them or buying them a ton of booze and drugs. Obviously these scumbags he looks up to love to get a bunch of free shit and praise from him and can very easily take advantage of him or the situation. I can’t tell you how many time the bands he tries to impress laugh at him behind his back. This happened with the murder junkies, the mentors, that one guy from anal cunt he posted about a million times and many many more.
Everyone that scabbies thinks is “cool” usually takes advantage of his desperate attempts to be part of their “in circle”. They get to drink all his booze, do all his drugs and then laugh about him when he’s gone.
No. 1444139
File: 1644963394968.png (729.44 KB, 938x599, sad.png)

>>1443913>>1444124IA, reading it was also music to my ears
>>1443905Just when you think it can’t get any sadder, picrel from an image search
No. 1445388
>>1445362That whole post is obviously a lie too. That ring in the photo is old and there’s no way someone that knows nothing about metalworking would be able to make a ring. Especially someone as dumb as him.
She clearly posts about them getting married without talking to him about actually getting married. Remember when she made a post about her proposing while he was probably asleep and as soon as he got up she deleted it and made a backtracking post?
>>1413534>>1413685 No. 1445684
>>1445516Imagine caring about your “internet persona” so much that you go through all that effort just to type shit ~differently~ even though they’re copying other people since they both have no original ideas. Scabbies is copying Gutter, one of the many NJ locals that’s been mentioned in the thread who is “friends” with scabbies but obviously thinks he’s a dumb fuck. Mandy has tried to act like she’s friends with him by tagging him on posts and shit but always gets ignored as always.
I would bet mandy started typing like that just to have her own ~font aesthetic~ to match scabbies. They’re so pathetic and stupid.
No. 1446155
>>1446042It wouldn’t be the first time she refers to his “spirit” being in her apartment. Why would she say “only one way to find out” otherwise? Plus they’ve only has one houseguest.
She might be a selfish asshole who forgets about everyone but she doesn’t forget about anything that might get her more attention.
No. 1446451
>>1446155Where have you been? They've had multiple houseguests. Just off the top of my head in the past 3 months, Taco helped pick that useless Tascam field recorder and came over to test it the day it arrived and she protested being nicknamed after her constant farting. Diego slept off the bed while Slobz was in the bed with the shooped body. "Only one way to find out" means you won't know if the houseguest is a piece of shit devil or a total angel until they stay there. She only posts about Cold Cowie when it'll get her pity points. She doesn't try to be sly mentioning him. Every mention of him has been outright talking about her "late friend" so people feel bad for her. It's not that deep when she's clearly saying that having someone over is the only way to know if they'll be a good guest or not.
You'll know when she's talking about Cowie the Corpse. He's not some inside joke to her storyline- He's her favorite source of pity points and she makes it known when she wants the comforting comments.
No. 1446556
>>1446460I’m not sure why y’all are so upset over how one anon here interpreted her post. The truth is none of us know what this dumb bitch means. She probably doesn’t know what she means half the time she talks. She could be talking about real people, a ghost, the mice infesting her apartment, or all of them for all we know.
Yes she has talked about multiple houseguests but she has also talked about the ghost in her apartment without mentioning cowies name before. Heres one example of her talking about the ghost in her apartment and not saying his name
>>1419437Now can we all agree this detail is pointless and boring and move on?
No. 1447151
>>1447030Haha I just realized Scabies Incarnate has scabbies on his head.
I don't see anything on her post about her and Scabies Incarnate both almost feeling something for the ghost of no one, but perhaps you read something that isn't posted on here.
Then again, Slobby makes no sense even when she's overly descriptive and thinks she makes sense so I'm sure we're all right and wrong simultaneously. She's like a Rorschach test where it's all a Slobz blob subject to interpretation.
No. 1447348
File: 1645315765141.jpeg (186.85 KB, 1242x1520, 2AFAD26D-E31A-43E3-A2EE-F50F9B…)

The only person herding this cow is her cuckhold ex; Scabies can’t afford soap, much less dinner.
No. 1447793
File: 1645361908144.jpeg (71.29 KB, 1170x1037, 1AF09DBD-57E2-4426-9304-E0AE14…)

Not a humble bone in her chubby toddler body.
No. 1449417
File: 1645544810141.jpeg (611.44 KB, 1170x1258, 48CF2EF1-2D8D-4E5D-A36F-75DBD5…)

>>1449300She logs into Poshmark everyday, so she’s still alive. Scabies got someone to do a new logo… why not super talented Mandy?!
No. 1449456
File: 1645549127914.jpeg (798.83 KB, 1585x2560, 5187C219-D243-4D5D-B67C-6A92B8…)

>>1449417A quick look at his band page and I see the “new logo” looks exactly as the “new logos/designs” from 2010, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2021 and now this one. How original.
No. 1449524
>>1449300They are falling into a dark hole in that gross apartment where they just drink and do coke and Xanax and I’m assuming blues or heroin. It’s hard to be super active on anything when you’re zonked out of your mind all the time. The videos she posted lately where she’s speaking in what sounds like slow motion means they’re clearly in a downer phase. The junkie cave is so sad and dirty. I wonder how her ex’s family feels knowing there’s just two unemployed 30 something drug addicts crushing pills and hoarding trash in a free apartment they could actually be making money off of.
Her life is less funny train wreck and more just like sad aging junkie now which is less entertaining and more depressing. just yuckkkkkyyyyy
No. 1449567
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>>1449417Her crappy taste continues to blow my mind. Doesn’t she have so many diamonds and all this silvery jewelry she just steals from her store? Now she’s buying $16 Claire’s rings in Poshmark. Cringe.
No. 1449828
>>1449680Ok so everyone touched on how stupid and wrong the first part is (unless you meant that heroin in nyc is impure and is actually just stepped on fentanyl? but thats..everywhere)
But the second part made me laugh for real. Do you think this girl and her crusty beaver scab boyfriend who used to actually sleep in the dusty basement of a semi illegal venue run by an old dried piss stain of a junkie who nods out during shows have some kind of drug code of ethics? Do you think the girl who proudly accepts and displays fingernails and dead skin glued to a piece of cardboard as art and fan girled over and then killed her meth head FIFTY year old ex boyfriend from the trashiest part of the Midwest is..above doing heroin? You think opiates are a line she simply will not cross? Ok LOL
No. 1449855
>>1449828Let’s also not forget that both mandy and scabbies are known for abusing their exes, stealing money from people, lying about everything and anything you can think of, publicly doing and speaking about doing coke and many other drugs and being proud alcoholics (remember when brave strong mandy QUIT SOBRIETY wow what champ). Mandy also has cheated on almost all, if not all her bfs and scabbies has some abuse allegations way worse than hitting girls.
Why would anyone think they have ANY morals at all? Maybe they don’t do heroin but let’s not pretend they’re too good for it, or that even they would think so.
No. 1450008
>>1449828You're right on the first part of it being heavily stepped on fentanyl. Another anon mentioned it's called fetty which is correct.
I am ashamed to admit that during a dark time last year I asked Mandy if she knew anyone with opiate pills (roxies). She said her and Scabies Incarnate don't even know where to find it since them and their dealers don't fuck with it, only coke and Xanax. I told her to let me know if she hears of any. She's never brought it up again.
No. 1450010
>>1449886Skip this post if you have no desire to learn about opiates.
I've looked in the Badlands. They have fetty. A lot of the dealers even called it heroin. I have test strips and everything tested for only fentanyl. Breaking down fentanyl patches, which is pure fentanyl, doesn't look like that lactose cut fentanyl they sell. Before you call someone a dumb bitch, understand people have struggled with addiction before and maybe aren't talking out of their asses. It's like calling a meth head a crack head. Just like uppers, opiates are a world apart and fetty vs heroin is the difference between life and death.
Btw, I'm clean now so no need to tell me to get off it.
No. 1450970
File: 1645708182953.jpeg (999.38 KB, 1170x1945, 322E9D09-4CC9-4C11-B82E-57F2F4…)

Ah another story that never happened about Manda gatekeeping music from other “cis-queer” women.
Why specify that? Couldn’t that have been left out?
No. 1450979
>>1449712I was going to comment on this when she first said it a few threads ago but forgot…she claims she has black spit from spit shading paintings. I work in the tattoo industry, if your mouth is black from spit shading, you’re doing it wrong. Most tattoo inks, acrylic inks & watercolor inks are
toxic if orally ingested. When you’re shading a painting, you have a rinse cup of clean water. If your brush has ink on it, you dunk it in the rinse cup to clean it & then suck on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mandy has some sort of brain damage from eating
toxic paints.
No. 1451054
>>1450970This just sounds like mandy bullied some random girls because they were having fun and she’s a miserable cow. I’m sure she thought the girls being normal and friendly meant they were ~sOoOo jealous~ of scabbies and her so she had to be a rude asshole and kiss him to piss all over her poopdread territory.
Gatekeeping past high school age is embarrassing enough. Gatekeeping fear as if they’re not one of the most well-known 70s-80s punk bands is extra stupid and embarrassing though.
No. 1451083
>>1450987let me try (though others have done an excellent job already): Mandy is a narcissist. someone else was talking and could potentially receive attention so she felt a bit of anxiety re: her little fantasy world where everything revolves around her. she decided to show those potential attention-getters a thing or two!
anyone observing this scene in real life would immediately just clock her as a huge asshole.
No. 1451103
>>1451083It’s funny too because she did that stereotypical asshole gatekeeper thing “oh you like this band??? Name your top 3 songs”
How does she not see that whole interaction as so cringe and annoying? Who cares this much at 30 something about other people liking music? everything she does is the worst
No. 1451133
>>1451103that's a typical male thing to do, "you like Star Trek? Well, what happend in episode 10, season 2 of Star Trek Voyager and name all the characters appearing in alphabetical order".
Every time I had such a conversation it's been with males, trying to tell me that I don't know shit about things and that I'm only into it to impress them.
She could just let people enjoy their time and shut up, but no, she has to bully someone, who actually didn't care about her and her personal felt mat.
No. 1451139
>>1450970Why is she even pointing out they’re cis-queer? Is she moving away from being woke queen mandy to being more of a judgmental conservative idiot like scabbies? Does she think it would be worse if the girls hadn’t been cis? It makes no fucking sense.
Makes even less sense that she KNOWS the girls were cis or queer. I’m sure they weren’t wearing a fucking sign that said so and I’m even more sure she never takes the time to ask people what their gender identity or pronouns are. This whole post has real “I call non-binary people it” energy lmao. She’s so fucking awful.
No. 1451352
>>1451231>>1451302yes, it's been men of all ages for me, especially if you invade "their" space, like playing video games or watching Sci-Fi. She is so afraid of other women that she has to act like a man and she doesn't realise that no one wants her "soulmate for 8 years".
>>1451319I originally wanted to use the German word "Filzmatte" (it sounds nicer), but I thought it would be nice if you all would know what I'm talking about, kek
No. 1451826
File: 1645801698658.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_20220225-150613_Fac…)

Posted an hour ago
No. 1451888
>>1451826They had a 4 month anniversary Jan 4th
>>>/snow/1409195Time flies when you're coked out of your mind.
No. 1451908
>>1436886Sorry I’m late to this post but … I can’t really tell about mandy cause I’ve never seen her irl and we all know how shooped her pics are, but could her bf get any uglier? Why does she think everyone is jealous about their relationship? I see everyone here seems to think they’re both wastes of space, but does anyone know if people generally like scabbies or think he’s talented or ANYTHING?
I guess what I’m trying to ask is - is there an actual reason for her to think people are jealous of them or is it full delusion?
No. 1452076
>>1451979>>1451913If they were both trying to get drafted for a team and had stats listed in various categories, I'd still say Scabies Incarnate comes out ahead and would get drafted before the Slobz. Scabies is the more confident one based on not shooping everything about himself, seems more comfortable with himself being a loser, has hobbies besides looking for validation, has friends, has somewhat of a job even though it's not paid but at least means reduced rent, people defer to him about something even though it's just trying to book shows at a shitty venue that most bands who have never played in Jersey have ever heard of, and temporarily had a vegan restaurant that he didn't just pretend to own for internet clout while it was in someone else's name that he just stole shit from and tried to give things to so he could pretend he has friends.
I can't think of 1 stat that Mandy has that is more appealing than his. It's not a stat, but the only thing she has that trumps him is that she used to date someone rich that pities her enough to cough up charity for now. But that's dependent on John Bon Lonely, not something Slobz has anything to do with.
Compared to Mandy, Scabies Incarnate is a #1 draft pick while Mandy wouldn't get picked at all, or would be tossed to some team in a package deal to keep the benches warm for the real players, and never get to play a game until she's cut at the end of the season.
No. 1452153
>>1452076I’ve known both of them for some time so I’m gonna correct some of this misinformation:
-he has zero self-confidence, that’s literally why he has that giant dread and why he works so hard on his fake punk persona. It’s palpable if you spend time with him.
-he hasn’t had a job since like 2013-2014. He’s not at the meatlocker anymore and when he was he barely did anything. He made the girl who used to work there and then mallory do everything for him pretty much. And if there were any problems that needed handling he made his bigger male friends take care of it. One time he threw himself down the stairs to avoid fighting a guy.
-the “restaurant” he opened was inside a different restaurant he didn’t own. He didn’t cook any of the food or did any of the work. The other owner jake did everything. Dan also got the money to start it from his mommy because he has been unemployed for so long.
-he doesn’t really have any friends, at least not by any decent persons standards. His “best friends” have all fucked the girls he was dating behind his back and he knows this. He has so little self-confidence or self-respect that he doesn’t do shit about it and keeps being friends with them.
People in NJ talk so much shit about him that now we all know the stories. I’m sure that’s why he’s always in bk now.
Both of them are almost equally as pathetic. Though I guess at least dan actually started and kept a band instead of talking about it online so you’re right he wins the most pathetic draft in history.
No. 1452298
>>1452154They let Mandy warm the bench because because she used to fuck the team's general manager and the team gets some other good perks, like a free stadium and maintenance. But the whole team groans behind her back and says, "Fuuuck she's going to run her mouth the whole year and do Slobz sobs about how she deserves some playing time and we can't even say shit." The whole team and even the coach does everything to make her feel unwanted so she'll quit, but she just doesn't get the hint.
That's Mandy.
No. 1452407
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No. 1452408
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She purses her lips like her mom when she tries to smile and hide her awful mouth.
No. 1452467
>>1452408Mandy could only hope she makes it to her 50’s to look even half as good as her mother.
You can tell she edited her picture too, with the gigantic bug -eyes and pointy chin. Imagine your child editing your picture? She’s disgusting internally and it’s starting to deep through her pores.
Her outside is now becoming as ugly as her inside.
No. 1452515
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>>1452407Is it me or did she shoop his nose to make it look thinner? He posted the pic on the right wearing the same sunglasses and his nose looks different lol.
No. 1452538
>>1452515Kek! Yes I think
>>1452533 is correct, she probably ran the pic through snow or a similar app and it applied her pinched nose pointy chin filter to both of their faces
No. 1453180
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Trouble in paradise? She didn’t like the post lol.
No. 1453300
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>>1452408Wow her mom took the exact same photo eight months ago, in September 2019! There might even be the same photo posted before that, but I got tired of scrolling through her shooped album of multiple reposts. It was a hilarious trip down memory lane- there were a lot of lies and storylines I forgot about- remember her CANCER that was allegedly still untreated…..?!? Plus so many more whims and tales……
No. 1453344
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I never realized in how many of her stories you can clearly see coke on her nose or the dead skin people get on their nose from snorting shit too.
No. 1453480
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Oh like how you make people tell you their favorite songs and gatekeep music?
No. 1453615
File: 1646014035015.jpeg (413.5 KB, 828x1466, 8E90C457-4B75-4948-8494-E2A2A5…)

The old post and delete from a couple of hours ago
Will have to break it up because I don’t know how to put the whole thing in one pic
TMI again with her description of scabbies jerking off on her while she’s asleep? But it’s ok she consented not like the abusers in her past that nobody believes her about…
No. 1453633
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>>1453300Choice comments on the mom photo…
No. 1453916
>>1453617Not only does she not believe an abuse survivor, she’s also threatening to hurt them even more for having the audacity to stand up to their abuser. She’s a real woke feminist qween.
What a horrible person.
No. 1454017
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Elementary school drop out….please people who went to school w her come forward.
No. 1454034
>>1454017People that went to high school with her have been on the thread before. You just gotta go back a couple pages.
This kind of sounds like she’s trying to say the only reason she deleted that last awful post was because someone was picking on her grammar? Is this bitch serious?
No. 1454637
>>1453916She's talking about Scabies Incarnate not being an abuser.
Then she closes by saying she knows what a real abuser is because she's been sooo abused and she's willing to throw hands if she catches any of her own past aBuSerZzz
No. 1454670
>>1454667even though her writing is so shit that it's a bit unclear, I agree she's threatening Dan's abuse
victim (using language similar to what she's used in the past when talking about Dan's ex), not her own abusers. ugh.
No. 1454682
>>1454637She’s definitely talking about scabbies ex. She’s saying whoever lies about being abused discredits HER (not all abuse survivors, just her) so clearly he’s talking about scabbies ex or exes.
She’s so narcissistic that not only does she think that because scabbies isn’t currently
abusive to HER he’s never abused anyone, but is also implying scabbies ex from years ago is lying about being abused because they’re jealous of their relationship. Then calls scabbies ex ugly for no reason. She’s so vile.
No. 1454811
>>1453615Love how she’s saying she’s pissed no one believed her about being abused, while also not believing another woman about being abused. Yeah mandy, I’m sure scabbies is super honest and straightforward about physically and sexually assaulting his ex. No way he could be denying it to cover his ass like most abusers (including mandy) do.
Only mandy slobz could be so incredibly selfish, narcissistic and stupid to hear a story about somebody else who she doesn’t even know being abused and immediately thinks “I’m gonna make this is about ME.”
Also… the way I read her post sounds like she’s basically saying “scabbies might have hit his ex but he never hits me” and then says he jerks off on her in her sleep? Way to make your own man sound like even more of an
abusive horrible creep.
No. 1455133
>>1455057I’m sure you can tell us if you saw it, heard it from someone or heard it from them. I doubt either of these dumb fucks will figure it out.
Scabbies has personally told me he’s smoked crack before, but after he told the whole story it was clear he had gotten shitty coke, tried to smoke it and pretty much failed lol.
No. 1455174
>>1454017not Mandy Slobs, infamous only for how repugnant she is, shunned and laughed out of every scene she’s shoved herself into, who can only date other laughingstocks equally shunned by everyone….
still posting this illegible pseudo macho bullshit. I feel like I’m gonna die waiting for her comeuppance. It’s sad she’s so irrelevant no one can even be bothered to fuck her shit up.
No. 1455238
>>1455174I never understood why she does all that macho posturing when most of the time she’s trying to act like she’s every man’s dream. Especially when she types like she’s writing some shitty fanfiction porn like when she said she “loves getting a load dropped on” her lmao.
Did she miss the memo that being aggressive, stupid and purposefully uneducated is usually not in the top 5 qualifications a man is looking for in a woman? Or that anyone is looking for in anybody else? She is so DUMB.
No. 1455270
>>1454811Do we actually have abuse proof from Scabies' ex? Because I only recall anons saying they know her or knew he hit her. I don't recall anything other than heresy from anons, let alone proof that the skinny fleabag is a rapist.
Both Scabies Incarnate and Slobby love to talk about people "needing a good dentist" when they both need a good dentist. Although as usual, I think Mandy is just taking on the attributes and phrases of whatever reject she latches onto.
No. 1455290
>>1455133I am not the
nonnie you responded to, but I can confirm that street drugs are definitely being used because that was the excuse he would use to why he couldn’t get it up, even if they’ve been out of his system. He just did not have sex with her.
No. 1455326
>>1455270What kind of proof are you looking for? Most people don’t get to record their abusers assaulting them so I’m not sure what your point here is. It seems like a lot of people here either know him directly or know his exes too. He’s obviously an alcoholic, drug addict and a pretty shit person. What reason do you have to believe he’s NOT
abusive when two girls who dated scabbies have obviously said he’s
No. 1455629
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there’s nothing about her voice sounds like “music notes”….maybe garbled phlegm…
No. 1455637
>>14556297 months is not even close to almost a year she’s so dumb.
The idf training lie might be one of her stupidest. What kind of idiot seriously compares shooting a real gun to a nerf gun too lmao.
No. 1455642
>>1455133my good friend is close with dan and has been for years, and my friend (let's call them P) P hung out with them one night maybe a month or so ago and told me that they straight up told P they were doing crack. not really proof but yeah.
she also knows about the thread and told P that she posts ridiculous bs on facebook just to "mess with us." lol okay.
No. 1455755
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No. 1455760
>>1455755so you mean looking like this?
>>1438890 i'd think you were 45. a very rough 45.
No. 1455818
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This was a response to a comment a friend made about the nerf bag dans holding about how they’re hair curlers - literally nothing about tshirts…it’s deleted now
No. 1455859
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>>1455818I’m sure she’s more than a couple size bigger than him (even though he’s definitely not a size small with them floaters).
No. 1455886
>>1455818There’s a lot to unpack here but… Is she really bragging about her slipknot and korn shirts while also claiming to be the queen of punk? Lmao.
Also hilarious that she’s suddenly Jewish, with a whole new background story, because her bf is Jewish. And she’s typing in all caps like him all the sudden too.
No. 1455982
>>1455326Is there a post or text where an ex said he raped or hit her? We haven't seen any ex's messaging anyone that he hit her or raped her and here's the circumstances.
Not saying he's not a lousy person, but anons saying "I know his ex/him and this DEFINITELY happened" doesn't really lend a lot of credibility to these stories.
It's fine to say you heard a story if you want to, but it feels like a game of telephone where anons hear a story or "know him" and then many posts/threads later, anons say it as fact.
It would just be nice to have some kind of proof to back up the stories otherwise we're just writing the Legend of Scabies and Slobs.
No. 1455987
>>1455982He definitely has and I’ve personally seen him be very emotionally
abusive to an ex publicly. The reason why there is no call out post or text is because he is beloved by the NJ music scene still for whatever reason so no one is going to say or do anything about it
No. 1455994
>>1455642Like the other anon said, attempting to sMoKe shitty coke (when I doubt they actually know how to smoke crack or how to turn coke into crack) isn't the same as smoking crack.
Plus they don't have enough money for crack. The high is shitty and only lasts a few minutes if you're lucky. Knowing these 2 and the fact John gives Slobs her weekly allowance and she doesn't pay rent, they're buying coke and maybe attempted to freebase. But really that would be a horrible waste and a short high so I doubt they're doing crack.
No. 1456015
>>1455987So what's the "emotionally and verbally"
abusive scene you witnessed? Being vague doesn't help your case.
And now he's loved (or bElOvEd) by the music scene when other anons have said people hate him and talk shit about him being a pansy poser that doesn't even book shows himself?
No one is saying there needs to be a call out post. But somebody that knows his exes must have had a text conversation at some point where "I'm so glad you dumped him because I never understood why you stayed after he raped you/ hit you" and the ex replied "yeah, me either. I still have photos of my injuries from the last time that skinny fat loser gave me a black eye but he's so loved in the scene that no one would ever believe he did it". Something, anything like that? Out of all the anons that claim to know him and his exes, we don't have an iota of proof of any claim that he's beating and raping women? Can someone that knows an ex at least ask them for an old text where he apologizes for hitting her or says the punch to the face was an accident? Or ask for texts showing him being even emotionally and verbally
I'm having a hard time believing this skinny wimp gluing dead skin to cardboard can say or do something to any woman without that woman kicking his ass without trying.
No. 1456019
>>1456015This whole post is sus. Skinny wimps can be abusers too. Idk what crawled up your ass to defend him so heavily by demanding proof so that doubt is cast on the idea of him possibly being
abusive but it’s annoying. If there is proof show it otherwise he must be a troll to some degree for being with scamanda. Move on.
No. 1456022
>>1456019Kek you really think any part of that post is defending him?!
This isn't the first time in lolcow history anons have asked for some kind of receipts. It's what's expected in every thread. Just because Scabies is cow-adjacent doesn't exempt his stories from receipts.
No. 1456029
>>1456019Nta but it's actually sus that you're saying you witnessed him being emotionally and verbally
abusive and when anon asks what you saw, you come back with >your post is sus, move on
No. 1456084
>>1456015>>1456034 There are many many text conversations from his exes talking about scabbies being
abusive, but fortunately for them, they have decent friends who wouldn’t post their private and traumatic conversations on an anonymous thread online for some jerkoffs to see “proof” of abuse. Maybe just believe women instead of demanding “proof” that a piece of shit like scabbies is an abuser.
No. 1456136
>>1456039This is 100% Mandy making up lies with no proof. I know Dan and for years refuses to go to the hospital for any reason, and his exes never PUT him in the hospital. It’s pretty fucked up that you’re all asking for proof and then let this absolute lie fall through the cracks.
Since when did this thread become a Scabbies fan club?
No. 1456141
>>1456094>>1456098I’m not the original anon but we all know which of scabbies exes everyone is talking about. He only has two recent exes and they’ve been talked about on this thread before. Go back one page and there’s screenshots of them and everything. Even if their names were blurred out we would all know they’re either talking about martina or mallory. It’s 100% understandable that their friends don’t want to post private texts here.
And way more importantly, it’s very fucked up to share abuse stories without the survivors knowing. We have no idea what these girls might’ve been through, and having their private stories posted on the internet could be
triggering/traumatic to them. It’s bad enough mandy is posting about them and trying to deny their entire abuse experience.
No. 1456145
>>1456136Here to confirm this. I used to be close to dan and have seen him in multiple situations in which he should’ve gone to the hospital (all caused by himself) and he wouldn’t go under any circumstances.
I personally never saw him be physically
abusive, but he was very emotionally/verbally
abusive to his ex and the way she reacted definitely seemed like there was a lot more going on. She flinched when he yelled at her like she was ready to get hit.
There’s a reason so many people on here say they know dan but no one fucks with him anymore. He’s a bad person who treats everybody like shit while constantly throwing himself pity parties and expecting everyone to feel bad for him.
No. 1456147
>>1455987>>1455982I’ve talked his ex and the reason there’s no call out post is because she’s scared of him. He was physically and sexually
abusive while they dated and for years after they broke up (even while he dated other people) he kept stalking and contacting her.
I’m shocked this is even something that needs to be explained. Most
victims of abuse are scared of their abusers. For every call-out post you see there’s dozens of people too scared of the consequences of calling their abuser out who stay silent.
No. 1456177
>>1456147exactly. the only people who saw pictures/proof of my ex's abuse (bruises, written out descriptions of what he did, etc.) were the police, the state attorney general's office and my lawyer. I used those to get a restraining order. none of my friends saw that shit – I was too down and too humiliated to show them to anyone else. my ex called/texted me over 100 times after he was served with a restraining order that demanded no contact – again, the only people who saw that evidence were the same ones mentioned above. when someone is terrifying you (shutting off your utilities/putting passwords on accounts, beating you, etc.), it can take a while before you're ready to share the story.
to this day, my ex claims HE was the one abused. I should have let it go to court; I would have won, easily. but I wasn't up for it. I got divorced without having to pay for the attorneys and that was enough for me. if you haven't been through this shit, you have NO idea how terrible it can get (and I definitely didn't have it as bad as others). women in my position are often lucky to escape with our lives; our last concern is gathering proof for internet onlookers.
No. 1456246
>>1456214Instead of trying to defend why the people asking for proof are right why don’t you ask yourself “why would a bunch of random anonymous people make up that dan was
abusive to his exes and they told them directly?” Would any of us gain anything by pretending we know his exes and they told us he physically, sexually or emotionally abused them? No. There is nothing to gain here for the people who know them.
So why not believe them instead of demanding proof for something that no one has any reason to lie about. Everyone here seems very quick to believe every horrible outlandish story about mandy, but when it comes to scabbies you suddenly need proof directly from the source? Makes no sense.
No. 1456510
>>1456214100% this. I am not Mandy Slobz and I don't know Scabies Baby Arms. They're both clearly fucking idiots. But proof on a site that lives off of receipts other than believing anons isn't crazy. I haven't seen the exes saying anything about it, just anons. You're asking us to believe random anons, not "I can't believe you don't believe
vIcTiMs". There's a difference.
No. 1456543
>>1456510Someone please put this whole thread out to pasture it’s so far off the farm.
To recap:
1. Rumor has it that Dan has been
abusive to his two most recent ex’s.
2. Scamanda made a post saying she’s heard the rumors (recently?), they are false, the girls are ugly, and she will beat them up if she sees them.
3. Scamandy also says she has been abused several times but NEVER by Dan past present or future.
4. We have witnessed Dan hurting himself several times.
So the debate is…is Dan an abuser? Do we believe scamanda that the rumors are NOT true? Do we believe the anon testimony of the ex’s friends saying the rumors ARE true?
This is NOT a “believe women” conversation kek. Please stop blog posting your own trauma. Spill the milk or get out the barn.
No. 1456977
>>1456971Same poster as above, but I wanna correct myself. She isn’t a woman, she’s a spoiled little child who was literally born from something sinister. This goes so much deeper than faking cancer..
I’m still dealing with her scars 30 years later
No. 1456985
>>1456982Kill yourself whore. This is the only catharsis aside from massive amounts of medication and therapy sessions. I sincerely hope you feel every bit of pain you’ve put on everyone in your life.
I will smile when I read about you dying.
(a-logging) No. 1456993
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Since I’m venting anyway, here’s some fat pictures of amanda
No. 1456995
File: 1646344282853.png (6.35 MB, 1284x2778, E8C09B56-89CB-48DF-83DC-437467…)

One more
No. 1456999
File: 1646344529701.png (6.5 MB, 1284x2778, 130EFD1D-644D-4C8C-AD54-DF2AF3…)

Lol waif
No. 1457002
File: 1646344636328.png (6.89 MB, 1284x2778, F6709263-25E9-4A36-817A-96576B…)

Whatever you do never drag my mother into this mess. She is the only one who’s been there holding down the fort. She’s an amazing woman(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1457012
Bets are on 3 years before Slobs brother snaps and wears her skin.
>>1457008What milk? Family selfies of meatball eyes is not milk. He's been here since thread 1 - yall can't look at
>>1456985 and think that's a totally functional noncow not worth looking into.
No. 1457014
>>1457009What are you airing out though? That she edits her selfies? We already know that.
>>1457002Then stop posting pictures of her, you fucking weirdo.
No. 1457046
>>1457008He’s been here before. He doesn’t know why Amanda has such a hold over Johnny
>>>/snow/1278673 and, to my recollection, never confirmed if they were truly married.
The first time he identified himself was here
>>>/snow/1277547Other appearances:
>>>/snow/1277598>>>/snow/1278322>>>/snow/1278331>>>/snow/1278347>>>/snow/1278391>>>/snow/1278445Proof of identity
>>>/snow/1278453 and
>>>/snow/1278494>>1457023 If you’re here, why not share the latest things from your and/or your parents’ perspective? She’s deteriorated a bit since you last were here. You know how we operate as you’ve been here before unless you’re here with milk delivery; we don’t care about your presence.
No. 1457047
>>1457046My parents are over and done with her. Every time I talk to them they kinda just sigh in relief.
And yes, my mother called her evil, but I think she blocked that out
No. 1457048
>>1457039It’s a bit funny because here we have someone with potential milk and not afraid to share proof, and we go rabid.
>>1457041I agree
No. 1457063
>>1457041Funny, I thought I was going to catch a "hi cow" ban but then your Intelligence really shone through with that spergout. Continue to get Therapy. If you see your sister in these posts then I don't know what to tell you other than I was right. Go heal bro. This isn't healthy for you. The difference between us is I'm having a laugh at Mandy and her shenanigans. You are legitimately emotionally invested in a very unhealthy way.
Sorry for the derail nannies. You aren't losing milk from him. He's been here before as
>>1457046 kindly sourced.
No. 1457144
File: 1646351013436.jpeg (1.47 MB, 3264x3264, D4806B0D-6AD8-495E-83F6-98A6B9…)

I love that she posted that pic on the same day he took the photos.
No. 1457145
>>1457074Some of us enjoy having you here to answer questions with real information instead of pure tinfoil. Also those pictures are hilarious.
If you’re still here can you answer some questions. Did mandy actually go to your parents for Christmas? Did she bring scabbies? Have your parents ever actually met him? And do you know if Johnny is still in the picture/how she even pays for rent?
Also, people here don’t know you and are most likely not mental health experts. They don’t know what’s best for your mental health. You don’t have to listen to any of us, for all you know we’re all fucking stupid for even being interested in these two idiots lmao.
No. 1457189
>>1457175sage for tinfoil and hi cow but some of the most vitriolic responses here do kind of read like Slobs. I'd be curious to have farmhands check IPs. the boards get a bit intense sometimes but they really jumped down his throat out of nowhere, not to mention she talks about/responds to the boards often in posts lately, and the derailing/infighting has been way above average the last few days. tbh i'd be surprised if it wasn't her or unidread, but if not then kek calm down and prioritize yourselves nonnies.
hoping dom doesn't take it too much to heart, I also don't blame him for posting as an outlet, and Dom hope you're able to find some peace and a healthy relationship with checking the threads/thinking about the past. most of us spend too much time here some days, though it's mostly casual.
it sounds like Amanda was fucking traumatic and evil to grow up with. where else would be appropriate to discuss that, really?
No. 1457215
>>1457189Yeah I’m not dom but it’s a little suspicious how the same thread who loves to jump on her pictures and call her out on bring fat is suddenly jumping on someone providing actual non snow-edited photos
Absolutely could be Amanda muddying the waters being messy
But he did provide milk in form of unflattering photos- it just wasn’t a dead fiancé or a paper cut being sewn up with floss so I guess that’s an excuse to go in
No. 1457216
>>1457189I'm the original anon who brought his lurking up and am behind some of the more vitriolic comments. I do regret what I said about Mandy touching him, that was too far, even for lolcow standards. His initial response
>>1456985 definitely made me jump in a little harder than what was deserved. I initially brought his lurking up because I've noticed comments here and there that are bizarrely pressed and personal just as her brother had gotten today. I do sympathize what growing up with Mandy must have done on his psyche, but I stand by my comment that he's pursuing his hatred to a pretty unhealthy extent. Posting family selfies on an imageboard and actively wishing for your sister to OD on lolcow is cow behavior and that won't change my mind. His "nvm I'm actually intelligent" post-spergout comments is why I maintain that he is on some levels cow-worthy. I don't think Narc behavior is limited to just Mandy. Didn't mean for this to blow up. I know IP checking doesn't happen often but I'm curious to see how much comes from Brother himself and how much is from Mandy & Co. Would be an interesting reveal.
Sorry for the massive derail today guys. I know this > me me me post will rightfully get some heat but I wanted to put the Mandy-posting to bed. Not her, am just a shitty derailing farmer lol.
No. 1457218
>>1457216you’re good, but if a cow is present let it provide milk
don’t scare it away
No. 1457227
File: 1646357990605.jpg (483.64 KB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_20220303-173202_Chr…)

Dropped the screens, sorry nonas.
No. 1457294
>>1457216How about you think next time you type out your snarky response? I don’t give a fuck who you are, I’m not your cow or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. I live in the real world, I went on this site to vent, and your dumbass decided to comment with some complete bullshit.
Hasn’t this thread been about
victim shaming and girlfriends getting abused? And you decided to comment some nasty shit getting sucked into it? Grow the fuck up.
No. 1457306
>>1457294You're A cow. The extent of your venting, a-logging, and self-insertion to your sisters thread has revealed that. You seethe while we laugh at Mandy's cringe.
You're not an abused girlfriend you're her brother posting photos with your mom to an imageboard trying to posture against anons and seeing your sister in every reply against you. Cope better jfc this is embarrassing. Is there fucking lead in the water out that way or are you naturally retarded
No. 1457322
>>1457306Know what? I ain’t fucking with you.
No. 1457334
>>1456784Mandy Slobz's own brother came on here and proved who he was with a photo and stories about her. Mandy's ex Greg had a comic he wrote in the thread pic.
I don't believe some of the stories about her on here, even though they're entertaining and not too far off from what we know about her. But most of us don't know either of those idiots and that's why some of us are curious what kind of proof any anons have. We're not talking about believing
victims or women. You're asking us to believe anons, which is… not how we do things here.
No. 1457353
>>1457306Tf is your issue? We actually have a legit source of milk and not just "I definitely know her and this definitely happened but here's no proof".
I personally enjoyed seeing non-edited pics and not just "no filly fer realzies" yet totally edited pics.
I also don't know how the rumor got started that dudes can't post on here. This isn't a women's-only club. Read the rules, it says men just can't point out they're male unless it's relevant. So saying "unhinged sCrOtE confirmed" is stupid and makes you look unhinged af.
If anons didn't try to call out Domenick, he wouldn't have said shit about who he is, I believe.
Domenick, you don't have to pay Q&A considering some asshole anons are trying to make up their own narratives without evidence and will attack you, but feel free to drop any pics or anything you want and feel free to stay anon. Just show proof so you're not like some of these other idiot anons.
Thanks for putting up with dirtbag anons in order to humor some of us non-dickhead anons.
No. 1457494
>>1457306Way to go retard, Domenick's venting is actually interesting and I want to know more about how much Scamanda fucked their family up and here you are, screaming into a void and scaring people away. What milk do you have to contribute except for getting MATI for no reason?
Dom come back and tell us how you hope Mandy dies!
No. 1457581
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imagining her fat, uncoordinated ass trying to skate in these. Kek
Also she wore those black impalas literally once for a photo.
No. 1457656
>>1457617Still not Dan and Mandy but I concede. Yall are fucking weird if you think a family member of a cow eager to show his sisters "monkey ass" isn't at least a little milky behavior. But since we're obviously desperate for a crumb of milk I'll stop engaging with the scrote.
>>1457609She wants to form a skate team (which already exists in abundance in NYC) yet she's name dropping Impalas? Damn she really outs herself. Impalas fall apart insanely easy, not to mention they're usually a beginners skate.
No. 1457994
>>1457656You are as unhinged as Mandy Slobz. Actually, worse. If Domenick is sharing everything you already know, cool, then get out. Nobody agrees with you.
>>1457617Unless you see an excessively run on sentence making no sense with a lot of parentheses inside of parentheses action or all caps that also make no sense, it clearly isn't Slobz and her 1-Man Mob.
I haven't seen any posts supporting Mandy, tf are you talking about?! You mean anons that asked if anyone's ever posted any comments or texts from Scabies Incarnate's exes that back up anons that swear he's been
abusive but have never shared any receipts? If so, that's just asking for receipts like all of Lolcow, not anyone wking Big Schnozz Slobz.
I can't believe that one stupid anon was bitching about a legit
victim like Domenick's first-hand account of Mandy, while we're supposed to blindly believe, other anons just because they're referring to female possible
victims without receipts.
No. 1458040
>>1457225she had zero presence in the scene here before dan (and the ginger guy from a long time ago)
i heard a rumor once she had a marriage before the cuck and that guy was from some hick town in nj but she’s never posted about it (shockingly)
No. 1458277
>>1458098>>1458245>>1458253NJ scene anon here. I’m old enough that I would be aware of anyone in the scene since 2006. The only M. Casey involved in the scene currently is too young and reasonable to be involved with her. Which Matt Casey are you talking about?
IF Johnny knows about this thread, or if he finds it now, the way y’all have treated Dom will prob turn him away. Dom never made the choice to be Mandy’s brother, and some y’all excessively jumped down his throat for venting about her shit here. Imagine how much more shit to vent about Johnny has? And he CHOSE to be in her life, so he would probably expect y’all to be even more mean to him. If he ever finds this, y’all pre-scared him away by treating Dom and the girls talking about scabbies abuse this way.
No. 1458486
File: 1646490125455.jpeg (905.72 KB, 1170x1868, 1032116C-D407-41C3-8179-8257FB…)

>>1458277She mentions dating this dude Matt Casey on her Livejournal somewhere but I couldn’t find it. He’s about her age I suppose (mid 30s)
No. 1459327
>>1459185In his defense, I was terrified of your dad when I was 15 as well. Hope everything (besides your sister) is going well Dom.
Not going back to find whoever to reply to but I can confirm she most definitely went to high school until she was 15 or 16 before dropping out.
No. 1459334
>>1459185Thanks for the confirmation
>she ran away from home to “marry” him like 5 timesSo as far as you know she didn't ever legally marry the guy?
No. 1464915
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No. 1464918
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So punk of Mandy to liked a Warped Tour band.
No. 1464920
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Time traveling to 8 months now.
No. 1464929
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Just for clarification… he showed up and never left the end of July. That makes this 7 months…
No. 1464930
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She probably weighs more than him… excluding his hair abortion.
No. 1464938
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I call bullshit.
No. 1464941
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We’ve all not only wondered, but have known, he stinks. His nails are always dirty, you can see the dirt lines on his face, poop dread has to smell rotten. Hilarious @ “naturally smells good” Just another way to say he smells like the body odor of a pubescent 15 year old boy who hasn’t showered in days.
No. 1465152
File: 1647105868299.jpeg (507.08 KB, 1284x1913, 96CC8A8E-E2F0-4B4A-AA40-15E56A…)

Replying to one of the comments. Thanks for all this totally relevant and necessary info Mandy.
No. 1465237
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>>1464938There’s video of her peeing on him and them downing handles of cheap vodka and he NEVER smelled like alcohol? She literally has fried her sense of smell from 2 packs a day and cocaine.
No. 1465423
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>>1465321She’s the only person who liked these on Poshmark. She’s probably editing the photos so much that they look super low rise. No. 1465507
>>1465152I’m sure no one believes this bullshit, but I’ve known Dan since before his dread got this fucking big and nasty and he has always smelled horrible. He never showers, wears deodorant, brushes his teeth or does his own laundry (his dad or ex used to do it lol). The only time he ever did was when his ex from like four years ago used to make him and he still smelled like 5-month old Florida roadkill. He has also been drinking every single day of his life since he was in high school and smells so much like booze and must that him and his friends used to have a running joke that he smells like an “
abusive father” because of his old alcoholic man smell. Him and his friends also joked about his insides being so “pickled” that even before drinking he still smells like alcohol.
You could be homeless for 5 years and smell better than him. She’s lucky all the shitty coke broke her sense of smell so she can stay this delusional.
No. 1465613
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>>1464930Can anyone see the 11 comments on this? They won’t load on my FB… I wonder if someone called her out on the shooping.
No. 1465676
File: 1647132064345.jpeg (519.66 KB, 1170x1328, A356E05F-C88C-4325-BB38-BD2D11…)

>>1465636It says “shout sister shout” which is still stupid for her to get. She is an awful woman and sister.
No. 1466149
>>1466120Thanks for sharing. I hope the other nonas see the value in your comment and don’t chase you away. In case you catch a ban because you didn’t sage (write sage in the email area) please come back and answer questions.
What do you (and the people that know Amanda) think of her Facebook antics? Do you follow along and laugh like we do here? To your knowledge, has anyone called her out? If not, WHY?
Thanks, Chipper.
No. 1466200
>>1465152These past few posts have been rife with the same sort of dig meant to be a brag.
“people think he stinks but he doesn’t”
“I thought I was fat until I stood next to my boyfriend”
“The way my boyfriend looks is offensive”
“When I first met him I was shocked that he smelled like fresh laundry”
These are not brags. These are backhanded compliments. And to treat your partner this way is just sad. She clearly does it to make herself feel better like a true bully.
No. 1466275
>>1466120>>1466149I have some more questions to ask. First though, can you explain who Joof is? She used to always post a picture with him but they’re not even friends on fb. Also, if you were all bmx people and she was hanging out with you guys, did she pretend to ride or be into bmx to fit in like she does now, or is having a different persona every other month a new thing for mandy?
You said you know Dan and Martina, so do you know if Dan was
abusive? If you don’t, were you surprised to read about it or is he as much of a POS as the anons claim?
No. 1466396
>>1466275Not Chipper
But Scamanda is from Medford with was chock full of bmxers in the late 90s-mid 00s so naturally they were the first ones she skanked around with. LI/NYC bmxers are tight with NJ bmxers since they’d all ride in NYC. Joof is a non-pro NJ rider that is a legend and all around good dude that is/was one of the only people I’ve ever seen genuinely be friends with her over the years.
No. 1467262
File: 1647267129448.jpeg (544.66 KB, 1170x3049, A9AC699E-4256-4E71-9940-E48ACC…)

>>1465613Comments on this pic. She cries everyday… but Dan makes her so happy! How can this be!?
No. 1467401
>>1467078>>1465152Hi dom, glad you’re back! Do you know if your parents have actually met scabbies irl? This is not the first time she has said they met in Christmas, but I doubt it’s true since she didn’t post 200 pictures of scabbies and your dad together. If they didn’t, do you think they want to meet him? Are they fully fed up of Mandy having a new love of her life every two months or do they still care who she dates?
If they did meet him, did they actually like him? Did they comment on his small like she claims?
It all reads like senseless scamanda lies to me but confirmation from her family would be great.
No. 1467487
>>1465237“closer to those who matter”
Are they moving to NJ to be closer to Dan’s friends? Anyone friends with them in person that can get an update on this?
No. 1467647
>>1467487I doubt they’re moving to NJ. First of all, I don’t think Johnny would pay Mandy’s rent if she moved to NJ with another guy. Im sure part of the reason he pays for her life is to keep her in his periphery in BK/NY. Dan has never moved out of his parents house and paid rent in his life. The only time he doesn’t live with mommy and daddy is when he’s freeloading at his current girlfriends house. So unless they want to move into Dan’s parent house at age 35, I don’t see how they’re gonna move. We all know they’re not gonna get jobs for the first time in a decade and pay rent like normal people.
On top of that, most of Dan’s “friends” don’t fuck with him anymore. Word about him being
abusive and racist has been going around the scene in NJ for a while now. The guy she’s talking to is older and most people also don’t fuck with him because he’s racist and a big trumper. I don’t know anyone in the scene who still likes him.
No. 1467659
>>1467401 Hey 👌🏽
They’ve never met the rat nest, I dont even think they’re aware of him. All those texts and pictures were absolutely fake. What the duck is the point of that?
No. 1467700
>>1467659kek that's fucking hilarious. i mean, it didn't seem likely that your parents would declare that poop dread smelled good, but damn mandy is really insane to fabricate entire conversations when literally no one cares. wonder what dan thinks about those?
thanks for coming back dom! appreciate the milk
No. 1467849
>>1467659>>1467700I just looked at the old Christmas post again and the fake text conversation even has messages from scabbies. Except his messages read exactly like how mandy talks and nothing like him. I bet she just took his phone, made this whole fake conversation, took a screenshot, deleted it, posted it and then he found out he “met her parents” through fb. Just like when she announced their engagement while he was asleep and immediately deleted the post when he probably woke up. How can this type of behavior not creep him out?! She’s such a creeper.
Also Dom, is your mom actually vegan or did she sprinkle that lie in the Christmas post just to sound cool?
Here’s the post for reference:
>>1403347 No. 1467928
>>1467859People who know them both on here have said they think he has autism/is on the spectrum. If this is true it would make sense that he has a hard time letting go of her since people on the spectrum often have a hard time with relationships but try incredibly hard to make the other person happy no matter what. It would be way easier for her to manipulate him into financing her life too.
I really can’t find a reason why he keeps this black hole of a human around other than she’s manipulating the shit out of him.
No. 1468533
File: 1647348107113.jpeg (404.23 KB, 1284x1892, 64ED5D8B-0A4D-4FBA-9173-74CB45…)

Imagine being on the other end of this request at the restaurant. Sigh
No. 1468562
>>1468533The fact that she has to tell every stranger on the internet that they have sex (so crazy that a couple has sex, who would’ve thought?!) and mention that she has a boyfriend on a food order so even restaurants don’t think she’s alone is truly pathetic.
Also, what kind of grown adult feels the need to brag about having sex? Most of us do, mandy, it doesn’t make you special. The only thing that makes her a little special is wanting to have sex with a walking scabby dread.
No. 1468597
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No. 1468643
>>1468597“Water glasses” lmao we all know both them drink nothing but beer and liquor.
>>1468618That’s a Billy Joel album cover with his head photoshopped on top for some stupid reason.
She is so embarrassing. Posting HIS old pictures from before she knew him. Most people do their own 10 year challenge.
No. 1468649
>>1468533This posts is full of lies. They never have sex and scabbies can’t keep his dick hard for more than ten minutes.
They probably woke up from a drunken stupor to buy food and for some reason she thought this was a good chance to talk about their imaginary sex life. She’s so stupid.
No. 1468681
>>1468533God her projection is off the charts - fair to say anytime she posts shit like this is a complete and total exaggeration and the opposite of what is true
So Amanda, he gets super sick from cheese yet you want to double up on the cheese for you and then you guys are gonna make out? Strict vegan but he will swap your dairy spit. Ok.
No. 1469147
>>1468562Correction: She had to tell the restaurant that he's NOT just her bf, but her "basically lifelong-vegan fiancé".
I still don't know if she's saying he's basically a lifelong vegan or basically her fiancé or both. I don't know why she put the hyphen in between lifelong and vegan, but she's just so extra that she's even extra with punctuation.
No. 1469217
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This comment on one of his post has me dying lmao
No. 1469565
>>1469217yeah disabled people are so hilarious amirite
blow me
(infighting) No. 1469572
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No. 1469947
>>1469572>>1469904This girl has so little going on in her life that she has to make a whole post about things that every normal adult does. She makes posts about ordering food, about sleeping and about having sex. There’s a ton of comments from her talking about peeing in the bathroom. A ton of us do all those things every single day, while also maintaining jobs, caring for our families and having actual friends - but we don’t have to tell the entire world.
I guess if I had nothing to do other than order food, drink alcohol, do drugs and hang out with my equally boring bf, I wouldn’t have much else to talk about either though.
No. 1470125
>>1470075I used to be close to dan and he uses her passing as an excuse for everything. Hating drug addicts, being an alcoholic/drug addict himself (don’t you love hypocrisy), not trying to move on with his life, not cutting his hair, not changing his life in any way shape or form… you name it, it was somehow her fault. Any bad thing that ever happened to him is his exes and her other partners’ fault. They were broken up at the time she died but he acted like her death was literally all about him. He even said his ex killed herself in their anniversary on purpose to “get back at him”. Oh, and he bragged about punching her in the face while she was dead in her casket before her funeral. In front of her family.
Yet he still makes a posts every year about how much he misses his “best friend”. He’s the worst type of scum.
No. 1470160
>>1470125Lol wait he punched in dead ex in the face???? I never heard that part of the story but I can confirm he uses her death to play
victim and to excuse benders he goes on. He obsessively talks about the dead ex to current girlfriends and his exes (the living ones)
No. 1470182
>>1470160Yes, he told me directly at the meatlocker in front of a few people, so I’m not the only one who knows. I was so shocked when he said that and then laughed. I had no idea how to respond. One of the many reasons I’m not friends with that piece of shit anymore.
>>1470169>>1470171Can confirm this is all true. He acts like he gives a shit about the opium epidemic in NJ but he only cares that HIS ex died and left him alone. He care less about the fact that she lost her life or how her family feels, only how it affected him. He’s as selfish as they come.
No. 1470442
>>1470429He already deleted all the most recent posts about his ex. I’m sure mandy made him.
>>1470273Kinda sounds like someone is saying some random shit to take attention away from how shitty scabbies is. Dom hasn’t replied in days. How interesting lol.
No. 1470592
Don’t get me wrong, I’m into my own shit over here, I just don’t brag about it all over social media.
I have no doubt her nose is starting to collapse into itself, I remember someone had pointed out she started getting a coke nose and I haven’t been able to look at it any difference since lol
>>1470615>>1470637What are you even talking about? Are you lost? Cause I only see one person getting called out on this thread and it’s dan.
So what was the original post you meant to reply to instead?
No. 1470823
>>1470728>>1470620>>1470611How do you not realize people catch up on the thread because not everyone reads it every day? Nobody who is friends with Ugly Thing 1 and Ugly Thing 2 is going to compliment their dreaded enemy Domenick while putting down the Slobz. That makes as little sense as to you being a dick to Domenick who was literally responding to someone talking about him like he isn't here. Please leave the dude alone until HE chooses to chime in with inside info. Quit trying to bait him into saying he's here and then being a dick by saying "why are YOU replying?!" It's an asshole move and the dude is legitimately not an asshole to anyone here, even the dickbag anon(s) who deserve it for being a dick to him. He's not a cow so leave him out of this until he wants to make his presence known.
Sorry you gotta deal with this shit when you've already had to deal with annoying Mandy for years.
No. 1470841
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No. 1471223
>>1470442Not that it matters since he's commented since, but Dom was literally here the day before last. I'm the OP of all these posts and even I don't check it for weeks sometimes. Stop being a cunt to Domenick, I like having him around more than I like having you around and I would prefer he stayed. How do you even know he's not posting? It's an anonymous message board, you dipshit.
It's not a grand conspiracy that people are directing questions towards him and it's not an attempt to stop talking about Dan. How much can you possibly say about him that hasn't been said before?
In short: shh
No. 1471330
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She’s so cringey posting things like this. You’re a mean, hateful person. Her superpower is the denial she lives in everyday. This is a post a 60 yr old divorced aunt would make.
No. 1471674
>>1471577The very last time I saw her in person she was in a pathetic state living with my parents. I sat her down still with the assumption she wasn’t lying and told her she needs to quit smoking or she’s gonna die.
She got indignant and angry, and that very night she left to move out of the house. She’s been chainsmoking the same amount as she was before the “cancer”, so that was the biggest red flag of her being a lying skuzzball
No. 1472639
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No. 1472640
File: 1647598910091.jpeg (601.14 KB, 1170x1007, B3FBFF32-C135-450E-AF8F-53BDC4…)

So… she’s saying she’s a liar too?
No. 1472826
>>1472639Scabbies’ called his ex his “ball and chain” too. I’m sure he calls all his gfs that. Funny she added the “we ruined your lives” line after anons here said scabbies says his dead ex ruined his life and uses her as an excuse for all bad things in his life.
>>1472640How many times has she vague posted about him being a liar now? I feel like this has already happened a bunch of times.
Also lol at her making these melodramatic posts and changing her profile picture from her and scabbies together to that awful “goth make up” look.
No. 1473118
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Did she finally remember she used to have a store she abandoned?
No. 1473619
>>1472640Oh Man-dy. This reads clumsier than your shoops and probably not in the way you wanted it to sound.
>What (do) you all hate most to your damn core? Me? Liars.
Truth excluding? Same shit (because I'm full of bullshit)
Kek, she's asking if we hate her, calling us liars, then saying excluding the truth, so does she because she's full of shit.
No. 1473625
>>1473118It was more like a friend of John's family's store that she just pilfered from.
Ah 6 years ago, the last time she didn't despise her body as much and didn't have to shoop every photo.
No. 1474721
File: 1647749658867.jpeg (958.43 KB, 1170x1319, 09CE8FD9-186C-4716-A72F-BE0C81…)

What about her cat Frank that she gave to Kenzie? Has she forgotten so soon?
No. 1474725
File: 1647749791645.jpeg (201.62 KB, 720x960, 8DE74C15-693A-415E-ADB0-E38DD8…)

I thought it was a catsuit. Thank god it’s only leggings.
No. 1474728
File: 1647749830707.jpeg (876.03 KB, 1170x1623, 32E29EBF-2B3E-4791-9C76-236526…)

She’s so cringey
No. 1475067
>>1475035We know she’s racist, Dom. That’s why she tried so hard to make it seem like she has black friends.
Have you hung out with John? What is the reason he stays with her? He seems attached to her hip. Always at the family holidays and such.
No. 1475527
>>1475090>attractive>good head on [his] shouldersI know it would be funny to see Slobz trying to beg people for help for everything and anything or see her being forced to live the crust life she pretends she lives, but let's not lie to a chubby, lonely kid who definitely isn't socially/ mentally all there. It also could be like cult members experiencing Stockholm syndrome. It's the ultimate sell when the cult leader doesn't have to tell their followers that they have nothing going on for them without the cult and they just believe it all on their own.
Slobz clearly doesn't have the charm of a cult leader, but she knows how to pick weak-minded fools to be her
victims and then breaks them down even further.
No. 1475533
>>1475111Let's be honest: What would the dude even buy with the weekly allowance he gives Mandy, since his parents own the apartment and make money from the other tenants? He looks like he has no interests or hobbies now that he doesn't need to impress a poser by getting tattoos.
He has a car, a place to live, and food. To him, Slobz and her 1-man-mob is like his philanthropic purpose in life.
No. 1475745
>>1475591Homie, you gotta actually click on what you're replying to. But if you're referring to both
>>1475533 ,they were both written by me, the same person who thinks you seem chill. Mandy doesn't call herself Slobz, doesn't formulate sentences that make sense, and wouldn't admit she only has 1 person in her "mob". You know this as well as any of us.
Also what you're doing is called a "hi cow", which isn't allowed. Even if you know a heifer is lurking or posting, you don't address them directly.
To clarify, I'm not saying Mandy's Bitch Boy should keep helping her and Scabies Incarnate. I'm just saying he's not attractive (although he looked like a sweet kid before he gained a bunch of depression weight from knowing Mandy) and certainly can't be right in the head if he's supporting a shooping fatty AND Rape Van Dan when he's not even getting laid by either of them. He also doesn't seem to have any hobbies besides donating to A-man-duh, but I don't personally know him so he might be a huge collector of toy trains and train conductor hats.
No. 1475846
File: 1647841342673.jpeg (172.68 KB, 791x790, 230D4964-F392-453B-A157-69AEA3…)

Who ya reckon hurt her now?
How long before she deletes? There is an edit history of course- took a few tries to get the word salad just right - anyone want to translate?
No. 1475982
>>1475846Ahhh, I get it… she's talking about herself and how she's surely being manipulated but is too narcissistic to admit to it, and knowing nobody will cry when she's dead because she has no real friends.
She didn't mean it that way I'm sure, but it just fits perfectly.
No. 1476020
>>1475846I think this is about scabbies and she’s implying he’s being manipulated by “fair weather friends” who wouldn’t even go to his funeral. Maybe he went to NJ and she felt betrayed that he has the audacity to spend time with someone else, since she’s the only one who has “truly tried and do some good by” him.
Scabbies and her seem to be fully codependent and barely spend time with anyone else. It seems like all her recent posts have been about him. She’s still using that old over dramatic pic, instead of switching back to their new snow app couple selfie.
I also know scabbies, and the way her post reads is very similar to how he speaks. I’ve heard him talk about his funeral/how many people would go a lot of times, it’s one of the ways he says he measures if people have “real friends” or not. Very edgelord of him lol.
No. 1476021
>>1475996Yeah at this point she might’ve already forgotten him. Been awhile since shes made a “my best friend who I neglected and dropped for unidread passed and I miss him please feel bad for me” post.
I have a feeling whenever scabbies runs his course she’ll go back to posting about her fake cancer and/or cowie lol.
No. 1476219
File: 1647882087269.jpeg (141.89 KB, 960x959, 559665B5-7244-4C58-8C60-697A39…)

This makeup “look” is so bad. It looks like a 12 year old just discovered who Brody Dalle is and stole her moms makeup. I’d say it’s looks like shitty Siouxsie makeup, but that would give her too much credit. I can’t believe she keeps bringing this pic back lol.
No. 1476616
File: 1647909947653.jpeg (170.12 KB, 1170x500, 8B6892D3-CCC7-45DB-B525-C78D21…)

More word salad.
No. 1476617
File: 1647910004986.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1161x1649, 2DDEF0A7-E993-42F7-BD82-30D682…)

And this…
No. 1478822
>>1478536At least she described him accurately. She’s only missing
abusive and bum to fill out the scabbies bingo.
No. 1478932
File: 1648062535041.jpeg (522.22 KB, 1170x1590, D774E33C-157C-4CB6-BFF5-24147D…)

This is what two unemployed idiots do with their day. She must put all of her IDF sniper rifle training to good use.
No. 1479090
File: 1648069169589.jpeg (2.81 MB, 1284x7586, D73DA60E-887C-4A9D-895F-B43CA3…)

Here’s a four screenshot stitch of her asking for someone to do her laundry filled with random irrelevant detritus and a Perry mention.
No. 1479126
>>1479090So she has so much laundry…..she can't do… even though there is a full size washer and dryer in her apt? Does she know that there are pick-up drop-off laundry companies?
How many times does she change clothes that they have that much laundry? Throwing sheets out after one week… wow. So punk of you.
She's disgusting. She has a house keeper and is going to pay a laundry person three digits to do her laundry in her own apt, while she just sits there and what, does rails of coke off of Scabies baby arms?
Jon must be adding more money to her account so she can shop on Poshmark, I mean, pay for laundry services.
No. 1479255
>>1479090Somehow after faking cancer, leaving a fiancée to die in her room, posting about unidreads smell, making up entire text conversations between her and her family, and so much more… this might be the post that gave me the most secondhand embarrassment ever.
What kind of 35 year old adult person thinks it’s TOO MUCH to clean a house and do laundry while being unemployed. How is cleaning up after her and scabbies SO MUCH WORK if she has a housekeeper? Does she expect anyone to believe that she fixes anything around the house, let alone SO MUCH STUFF that it leaves no time to do laundry? Does she not know most people have jobs while cleaning their own houses and doing their own laundry without having housekeepers?
And most importantly, how can anyone be SO DESPERATE for EVERYONE to think they have an ~amazing sex life~ that they somehow have to insert it into a post about LAUNDRY. We get it mandy, scabbies isn’t fucking you right! Now please stop trying to convince everyone that he is. It’s so sad and pathetic.
No. 1479263
>>1479090“Unemployed unemployable couple ISO employable adult to do our disgusting piles of laundry for an undisclosed amount of money.”
How fucking stupid can she get.
No. 1479329
>>1479090They both wear the same three outfits for weeks on end, yet have FIVE loads of laundry a day?
This cringe post alone would be enough for me to dump Mandy out of embarrassment.
No. 1479684
File: 1648115085652.jpeg (242.94 KB, 811x1332, 5CD56C69-CDD6-4C84-B339-784476…)

>>1479335Poop dread seems to be kicking drugs (or alcohol)
No. 1479702
File: 1648119688133.jpeg (339.93 KB, 1170x1118, 5DB2A42E-EE84-4746-BBF5-7C7D99…)

How much AA vernacular can she use in one post?
No. 1479727
>>1479684She’s said this a bunch of times and it was never true. He’s probably never going to quit drinking or doing drugs. He can’t go more than a few days without drinking.
>>1479702This bitch is ridiculous. Makes a whole post just to say she owns a bunch of stuff and she’s going to use it to help her nephews or nieces. Meanwhile she has no job and her own brother hates her. Not that long ago she was begging for $5 on fb like a junkie but now she has multiple savings accounts. Yeah ok.
And the “fuck you plans” part is honestly insulting. Not everyone drops all their family and friends to move in with the first man who gives them a shred of attention. Maybe they’ll be busy going to college or having a job. Most people don’t base all their life decisions off of the dick they’re riding at that time.
Did anyone comment on this dumb ass post?
No. 1479810
>>1479090I'm willing to bet 3 figures that the money she's offering for "an launderer" is John's money since his parents would legit kick her out if they knew her and Rape Van Dan are driving down the property value with their stench.
If they both bathed and washed their hair more frequently (dreads can be washed), there wouldn't be a need for changing pillowcases every other day.
No. 1479898
>>1479836Did they mention they also have handy battles as part of they’re amazing sex that is also kinky. The handy battles are also kinky and amazing. They even have amazing kinky nerf fights because they’re just so kinky and amazing.
>>1479880She might’ve looked at the thread and saw everyone calling her a dumbass too. I’m sure her narcissistic ass checks it daily.
No. 1480099
>>1479958so this one
>>1479702 was posted about 6.5 hours ago, assuming
nonny brought it straight here. it's 4 in nyc right now so that would be like 9:30 this morning or thereabouts.
for this one
>>1479090 we'll round up to 21 hours ago, which would be around 1 pm eastern.
No. 1480320
>>1479090“I have a ton of clothes that have gotten enormous on me after losing weight”
“I myself am low maintenance as fuck 😘”
Being the most pick me ass lying bitch even when she has her own man who’s the “love of her life” is hilarious.
No. 1480700
>>1480303She couldn't keep up with crack lifestyle. Coke is more her thing since she can blow (pun intended) John's money and not have to re-up for a day or 2. She'd be selling John's parents washer/dryer for crack money and would definitely have no time for indoor activity time.
I also feel like correctly managing a crack pipe and the nuances of getting all the crack out would just be too much for those cave idiots.
No. 1481281
File: 1648238603771.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1719, 43717A2F-9CA3-477E-A2FA-0FFC7F…)

What a caption, so eDgY. Nice pointy chin.
No. 1481306
File: 1648239939629.jpeg (462.16 KB, 828x1100, 8E5DCE51-1165-4EAD-93D5-33CD8D…)

>>1481281Everyone else has a hole in the their cheek/jaw and one eye double the size of the other, right? No filly!
No. 1481891
File: 1648292204854.jpeg (535.2 KB, 1161x1178, 6DD909B2-2A22-40B6-AC2C-89989E…)

“Full-binder-long listing of mental health damage” Also doesn’t sounds like Mandy’s Rehabilitation Center is working on Dan.
No. 1482704
File: 1648343618349.jpeg (476.66 KB, 1170x2038, C7E79045-E913-4FB9-9D48-65DBE1…)

Passive aggressive posting about Danny?
No. 1482707
File: 1648343878328.jpeg (746.47 KB, 1170x1634, 13E45983-AD2E-4D4F-8FBC-47A03E…)

Also celebrating an FB anniversary but managing to drop a few unrelated comments about apartments we all know she isn’t moving to. Also “if” Dan is home? Kek.
Don’t want to invite your “friend” over to you crack den for some cheap vodka and pills?
No. 1482716
File: 1648344473147.jpeg (540.55 KB, 1170x1987, 98B8C864-E424-4F45-89B5-8AC706…)

There’s a video but I can’t deal with his hair.
No. 1482767
>>1482747Raven black?! This bitch is so blind.
How much do you think his hair weighs? It’s bigger than I thought. Do you think she’s jealous his hair is longer than hers?
No. 1482783
File: 1648348416624.jpeg (536.17 KB, 828x1226, 28EBC099-EA91-4365-82E1-820A08…)

>>1482716Doesn’t look like he successfully kicked drugs the other day when she was nursing his detox- those pupils look mad pinned
No. 1483708
File: 1648401589405.jpg (621.98 KB, 617x647, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>1483313don't forget. brat is so good at detoxing even her aunt - who's a nurse - couldn't believe she did it all by herself with a case of water and a banana
No. 1484038
>>1482716His hair looks exactly the same as in every other photo, what is she blabbering about?
Can someone please upload the video? I want to be horrified by the disgust.
No. 1484052
>>1481891Scabbies is a “malignant charming narcissist”.
>>1482707Scabbies is “sweet, compassionate” a few hours later.
How can anyone take this bitch seriously? Lmao.
No. 1484171
>>1483313Cow-ie didn't "die right beside her", especially from quitting drugs and alcohol. He died a state away with plenty of his trusty alcohol to keep him company while she was lusting after the boy that was actually right beside her- Rape
Van Dan. Slobz likes to post about how she left BK in the middle of the night to cold turkey kick at her parents' house and she thinks she was so successful, that she should pass on her foolproof sobriety tips by kicking off the detox for her "malignant narcissist" pencil-armed boy.
No. 1484218
File: 1648428023412.jpeg (454.26 KB, 1170x1275, 377D141B-1547-4178-93A0-4E91C5…)

Mandy can’t tell how long they’ve been together yet.
She’s about as punk as Avril Lavigne with the fart jokes.
No. 1484219
File: 1648428070998.jpeg (911.24 KB, 1170x1740, CAEEF6CA-30E5-45D4-B127-51D840…)

March 12th was 8 months…
No. 1484295
>>1484229In this
>>1464929 post on July 29, he came over the first time.
So it’s actually 8 months. She’s an entire month off. Time flies when your barely conscious.
No. 1484332
>>1484295I’m sure her timeline’s a little fuzzy because at some point she had Cowie
and Dan shacking up. imagine the stench, even before Cowie was a corpse
No. 1484750
>>1484219They've been together for 10 years by now, I'm sure, which explains
how they both are looking the same in this picture. There's no business like Snow business!
No. 1485145
File: 1648495736880.jpeg (336.49 KB, 1170x882, A8D36497-976A-4ED0-8814-EB80C4…)

>>1482716 dread video. There’s no sound on her video. So… enjoy.
No. 1485182
>>1485145Ew you can see literal dirt in his hair and she’s tryna say he smells good lmao.
Also the girl commenting is Dan’s bandmate’s ex. She knows firsthand how bad he smells and mandy still trying to convince her he doesn’t smell like sour cream, cheap liquor and sadness. She’s so stupid.
No. 1485418
File: 1648514960964.jpeg (721.84 KB, 1170x1131, 118C270E-8021-4926-A5AC-F21667…)

No milk, but of course Slobs needs to comment on this… as if her opinion is so important to anyone.
No. 1485801
File: 1648552331441.jpeg (363.79 KB, 1170x1915, 4B95C6D5-4ECE-4A42-B162-A9961E…)

>>1485597Dan didn’t get the memo… she barely uses IG anymore. So no rush to remove him there. She doesn’t have a “relationship” viewable on her FB profile.
No. 1486262
>>1486230I saw her recently at a show. It’s very shocking. She’s completely different irl. Her face shape, eyes, mouth, nose, body size, body shape, even her hair color, look totally different. She’s way bigger than she seems online, has a big nose, and def doesn’t have that pointy ass chin or giant eyes. And she most definitely doesn’t have an hourglass shape. Her shape is way more boyish.
Except for the nasty teeth/gums and general awful demeanor, she just kind of looks like any other plain chubby girl cosplaying being into motorcycles/heavy metal/punk. She really doesn’t stand out as much as you’d think from reading her posts about how everyone always stares at her or hits on her lol. If I hadn’t known about her through this thread, and if she didn’t have the worst smelling, grossest looking bf next to her, I probably wouldn’t have noticed her.
No. 1488427
File: 1648764307984.jpeg (234.1 KB, 1170x1582, A30F2F74-FF9A-47CA-B8C7-8308F8…)

Too narcissistic for suicide, who is she kidding.
No. 1488468
>>1488427She reminds me of my mother and I can only compare horrible persons to my mother.
Also, isn't that a very close adaptation of a quote from Juliette Lewis? And why is she quoting something telling us that nobody really knows, everyone knows and can read about everything she ever "felt" and "thought", there isn't anything that stayed hidden after all.
No. 1488879
File: 1648812146249.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1284x4156, 8204CEE3-D18C-46BF-BA26-6E7BEF…)

Meatball eyes, bobble head, teeny tiny button nose. You know the drill.
No. 1488982
>>1488879its almost like she's trying to flip the script. Dom comes here saying she's
abusive, she admits to abuse under the pretense of being a "feral child" who had to be taught better. Laughs it off with her "siblings amirite" comment and then mentions he would later instigate fights as teenagers. He punches HER and then she cracks him with a skateboard.
No. 1488985
File: 1648824394470.jpeg (497.82 KB, 1170x1829, 90A667E2-D2DE-4908-9779-1E096B…)

Not ready to talk about it but will tease you with vague info.
Also what has she changed? Still drinking, still unemployed, still fat and faking it with photoshop, still doing fucked up shit, fucking over Jons family, and her own.
I bet she lost the apt (her lease started in April) and this is some sob story lie.
No. 1488988
File: 1648824797534.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x1981, 68D02F35-564C-48F9-8C79-32C294…)

>>1488879She changed the caption to this.
No. 1489020
>>1488879what the fuck is this caption? and what does “meatball eyes” even mean?! Dom pls help
also I agree, she was a hideous child.
No. 1489071
>>1488879All the shit about her early childhood she’s explains as if she was ~so special and different~ literally all kids put their toys in chairs and pretend they’re alive. Nothing she said was exceptional — except how exceptionally fucked is it is to hit someone in the face with a skateboard. Who does that to ANYONE let alone your own little sibling. I punched my older siblings when I was little too (which is also normal until a certain age) and they never fucking broke my bones.
Her cruelty, dishonesty and inner and outer ugliness never ceases to amaze me.
Dom, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your age difference? Because if she really broke your nose when she was a teenager and you were a child that’s way beyond fucked up —that’s abnormal, sociopathic, violent behavior.
No. 1489073
>>1488879“When I was a kid I was cuter and also evil and
abusive” could’ve been the whole post.
No. 1489074
>>1488896She def was an ugly child and she grew up to be 1000 times uglier.
>>1488985Hopefully she lost her apartment AND scabbies left her.
No. 1489204
File: 1648839230432.jpeg (205.05 KB, 828x1283, 8101BBF7-0258-4AB2-B6A1-00DC86…)

New trauma …vague details
No. 1489207
File: 1648839273780.jpeg (170.2 KB, 828x670, 2E90EF65-0C2B-425D-BB4B-C2D345…)

>>1489204And this is the post before it
No. 1489247
>>1489207>>1489237or, her parents finally saw what she really is like and we have a whole "my parents are
abusive" story ahead of us.
I support the "family is chosen" theory, but how she treated her brother just shows that she is the rotten apple in the bucket.
No. 1489361
File: 1648846296163.jpeg (408.12 KB, 828x948, E611FD89-0E06-43B5-9521-918043…)

>>1489204Oh and this was the post before the other two- and poop dread Dan didn’t like any of them- and the repost from Dan’s friend about chosen family- looks like that guy doesn’t follow her either - there are one or only a few likes on all these posts - none from scabies
No. 1489489
>>1489418johnny always appeared to have stockholm syndrome for me, I don't think that he has anyone new, rather that felt mat Dan has walked away because he didn't want to be sober while she still is high on every drug she can find. Or, he really tried to be sober, needed help and she refused to get him help because she knows better and he walked away.
Give it a few more days, we will know everything about it.
No. 1489529
File: 1648860021158.png (2.87 MB, 828x1792, A123DD23-9F1C-41ED-A048-B188DD…)

No. 1489546
>>1489522I think they already destroyed each other's lives. But I also think, that if he would try to get sober, she would be the last person to support him, because if he is sober, he would see through all her bullshit and she would be alone in the end.
>>1489521fights over a computer were a thing back then, but no fight between siblings I've ever encountered has left marks until the present day. Just wondering, is she still in constant contact with your parents or is she just a visitor on some holidays?
No. 1489625
>>1489526Did she really break your nose?! I’m so sorry dude, growing up with her must’ve been a nightmare.
>>1489546Again, he has no intention of quitting alcohol or drugs. Knowing him, it’s probably the number one reason he’s dating her. He gets a free home where he can freely drink and do all the drugs me wants for free. He’s not like most addicts, who have fallen in bad times or have mental issues which lead them to drugs. He’s a middle class brat who doesn’t want to grow up and is very open and vocal about how much he loves the “scum life”. I would sooner believe mandy wants to get sober than him. He thinks he’s COOL because he’s living life like gg allin in his mind, when in reality he’s a bratty alcoholic using mommy’s credit card to buy majorska and using whatever girl he pity-parties himself into a relationship with so he doesn’t feel lonely. They’re really meant for each other in the most disgusting way.
No. 1490055
File: 1648913719304.png (1.69 MB, 828x1792, 548AECB6-131A-4E10-816A-B90D07…)

Guess Scabies is out and cuck is back in
No. 1490088
>>1490055I have a strong feeling the headcount will be… zero.
She’s definitely trying to rope Fatty Tattooer back in after dissing him for Cowie.
No. 1490122
File: 1648918221384.jpeg (154.51 KB, 828x421, DD018024-16A8-4F96-99E6-03FB18…)

Guess she’s moving- solo (we’ll see how this goes…)
No. 1490134
>>1490122>gotta get out on my own meritthis sounds like she doesn’t have the cuck
or Scabies?
No. 1490182
File: 1648922173245.jpeg (357.65 KB, 828x1449, 86D8BA10-E0CD-489F-8100-792373…)

>>1490122Guess scanned is still in the picture…
No. 1490185
File: 1648922286380.jpeg (144.81 KB, 828x623, 92EC7F21-A9E1-40D7-90F0-F70616…)

She’s so MyStErIOuS
No. 1490291
>>1490122>>1490182Scabbies must’ve groveled to get back in the picture after pissing her off. This guy hasn’t had a real job in a decade, he needs her to pay for his coke and shitty beer. And rent since he’s never moved out of his parents.
I wonder what they’ll do come May 1st if johnny doesn’t save her. There’s no way these idiots can come up with any real money in one month to move anywhere, let alone Manhattan. I can see her bringing back the cancer fund to get apartment money though lol.
No. 1490642
File: 1648942544263.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x1863, 95F29882-3B13-450F-8CEF-C3C48B…)

>>1490055The strangely specific details that are always off when she recalls shit. It somehow gained a whole bedroom!
No. 1490707
>>1490642What is her obsession with "open floor plan"s? Is that a new york thing to think they're fancy?
And again, green diamond is across from Miami Beach. There is no private beach on Miami Beach. The whole thing is public. There are rental cabanas and rental chairs and such all up and down the beach but that doesn't make that part of the beach private.
No. 1490800
>>1490707No, Mandy is just so cringe and fake nouveau riche, that it’s her buzzword for any apartment that has a big living room.
>>1490642A full face of makeup to the beach. Again, so cringey, such a try hard.
No. 1491234
>>1490055This is a post for the scrap book. So many gems.
She clarifies there are floor to ceiling GLASS windows, as opposed to….? She says she will give each couple one wristband for the elevator and beach access. Why do they have to share a wrist band? What beach in Miami requires wristband access?
“Owned not rented,” well someone owns it and she’s not renting it so I guess that’s technically true!
No. 1491459
File: 1649006266697.jpeg (560.67 KB, 911x3631, 16D35DD5-BB56-48B4-BD8C-27101F…)

>>1491248This dumb cow bragged from Feb 2017 to Jul 2017 that she was going to Miami. Her first post is her hating it, of course.
2nd time Feb 2018 I guess she maybe found the Versace mansion. Posted those “viral” photos of her shooped self.
3rd was jan 2019 after her breakup with Korey. And she made John Vale tattoo her.
No. 1491530
>>1491459Which “viral” picture do you mean?
>>1491505I bet she still fucks him occasionally to keep him roped if he’s still funding her.
No. 1491602
File: 1649017573337.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1952, 39164FAA-BC29-41BB-AB85-305897…)

>>1491530This very obviously shooped post
No. 1491753
>>1491530>>1491505I'm positive she doesn't fuck him and yes, Jon's the biggest cuck in LC history and probably even Jewish history.
He's also so hard up for friends that he's using his parents' apartment to keep a roof over her shooped head and Scabies Incarnate's scabbed head.
No. 1491820
>>1491234This is a really annoying nitpick but fancy condos in Miami that are beach front actually own the section of beach property, so the residents or their guests have badges and wristbands so they don’t get mistaken for Miami tourists that wandered to this part of the beach and they don’t get kicked off. The fancier ones even have waiters that bring you things for free if you have a wristband. It’s like a timeshare perk
Nobody is going to come with her because..of course but that’s actually a thing
No. 1491986
File: 1649048508783.jpg (280.08 KB, 616x1032, Screenshot_20220404-005400_Pho…)

>>1491944It's most likely a timeshare otherwise Mandy Slobz would park her fat ass there all winter when it's freezing in NYC like every other snowbird in Miami. I'm not the aggro Miami chan, but I lived there for 2 years and it's certainly not the oasis Slobz acts like it is. Did some digging and it's not likely the unit is even 4 bedrooms. It's probably a 3 bedroom, just judging from the fact there's only 1 unit in all 44 floors that are 4 bedrooms.
Considering John's family has stayed there for awhile, even if they did "own" it, the units in the 14th floor have sold for around half a million or less and the only 2 that have sold since 2009 are under 3 bedrooms.
No. 1491992
File: 1649049152710.jpg (493.57 KB, 971x2073, Screenshot_20220404-011039_Sam…)

>>1491986Sorry, I just checked and the Green Diamond doesn't do timeshares- they rent or sell condos.
But here's the amenities and there's no private beach, just a private cabana owners can buy. Somewhere not on Millionaire's Row, Miami chan is crowing in Floriduh.
No. 1492094
File: 1649070206038.jpeg (268.04 KB, 1170x2665, A32798D1-13E5-4FA7-BBE7-7097B1…)

>>1491986They own it. It’s 3 bedrooms.
No. 1493470
>>1492111She loves to push this narrative that she's a metal/ crust punk bitch that is a hard-working business owner (like the Birnbaum's medical supply business), earning all of her fInAnCiaLlY cOmFoRtaBle life and everyone should therefore respect her and try to be her friend so they can bask in her loyalty and generosity.
Knowing the reality of her life and how she fully depends on the charity of her ex fiancé/"husband" and his family to do anything or afford anything is depressing. No wonder why she's always crying and depressed! I guess for her dependent fat ass, lying about having a good life is easier than just improving your life.
John and his family should just claim her as a dependent on their tax returns, but I'm sure they know it'll be a slap to her ego and shooped face and they don't want to unleash more of the beast.
No. 1493490's her giving a tour of the apartment that Jon's family clearly uses; closets full of clothes, cabinets full of stuff, bathrooms stocked with toiletries. I bet they go there more often than she claims. Also in 2019 she didn't seem to "own" the apartment yet.
There's more videos of all her talking about her makeup palettes and 2 suitcases of clothing that she brought for not even a week of vacation. But I'm not screen capturing all of that.
No. 1494142
>>1493490Did she delete this already? I don't see it on her IG.
I especially like how she claims that her existence family own the "14 story condo" when the Green Diamond is 44 stories and that she claims to drive a rented Camaro, yet spells it "camero". She really thinks everyone is as dumb as her if she's trying to sell us these lies.
No. 1494390
File: 1649245264712.webm (9.44 MB, 760x1280, o18rd6.webm)
>>1493490Just in case, here’s a local archive
No. 1494415
File: 1649246913649.jpeg (89.42 KB, 1170x367, 0FEBD805-DAD6-4B3A-AB79-285AC2…)

Oh no, Manda… what could possibly be wrong??
No. 1494450
File: 1649252542725.jpeg (321.35 KB, 828x1111, CDEBDD2A-36AA-41B0-B952-CF660B…)

A comment from a general advice thread from “Empath and survivors of narcissism and gaslighting” group she belongs to
No. 1494780
>>1494446I'm just referring to her post where she clearly wrote "camero". I know she's mentioned renting some other 'Murican muscle car.
>>1494766I don't think that's what she meant otherwise she'd emphasize the fact that sHe gets an entire floor for her fat ass to get even fatter
No. 1494828
>>1494813what part of my comment sounds insecure?? just trying to find a middle ground for two overly upset nonnies. the disagreement essentially boils down to "is mandy retarded and a liar or even
more retarded and a liar?" feels like we're pretty close to a resolution here lol
No. 1495204
>>1494828Kek, agreed
>>1494813There might be some confusion because I was just reading the long post on the 2019 walk-through pictured here
>>1494390 From caption:
>my ex's family is generous enough to allow me to have keys to it as they own the 14 story condo and barely use it. It seems there's another 14 story reference other anons are mentioning, but I shouldn't be surprised that this bitch repeats herself constantly and fixates on details she thinks are so luXurIouS for her poserpunk aesthetic.
No. 1495638
File: 1649363412009.jpeg (618.85 KB, 828x1362, F34C7D67-1A60-48BE-A69D-543B19…)

IG appearance- she loves this shoop
No. 1495997
>>1495638oh WOW! I hadn't seen this picture because I was too busy sucking my dream's dick (whatever the fuck THAT means).
anyway what a stunner amirite?
No. 1496534
File: 1649460207781.jpeg (345.35 KB, 1170x1853, FBA7A8A0-9C76-4CAB-AFB3-3C2DFC…)

Sage for no milk, but she’s back in an FB “relationship” with Scabies
No. 1497463
File: 1649553329260.jpeg (752.4 KB, 1170x1755, BA49C899-1D0B-447E-92D7-A5E899…)

Two posers wishing him a happy birthday.
No. 1497707
File: 1649589494448.jpeg (293.29 KB, 1125x781, 7C20EBBF-923D-4A22-A1E1-18A736…)

No. 1497732
File: 1649592276230.jpeg (208.83 KB, 1170x1251, EE277728-C6CA-457D-BC7A-3911C0…)

This would have been 4am
No. 1497842
File: 1649603536082.jpeg (191.88 KB, 1125x766, 3066D7F9-E7C3-4B53-AF03-3FDDA1…)

No. 1498186
File: 1649633976853.jpeg (457.58 KB, 828x1523, C74CA80F-6278-4621-BAB5-D3079D…)

Remember the VW bug she said she was getting and then the hearse she said her dad bought and was going to fix up and give her? Here’s the latest delusion.
No. 1498217
>>1498201Nitpicking but the foliage isn’t NY, and it’s been overcast and drizzly the past few days.
Not to mention the stupid bitch still doesn’t have a license. Imagine her taking a drivers test in the rape van? Kek
No. 1498324
File: 1649647294562.jpeg (701.53 KB, 1170x1772, B4D0C36F-0513-40FF-9A86-D80EAF…)

>>1498186People are telling her they’re expensive cars to repair and not to get one. Your father isn’t coming with you because it’s not a real car and you don’t talk to your parents.
No. 1499093
File: 1649722371644.jpeg (334.83 KB, 1170x2819, 6428BC24-F8A1-45B1-9A9D-97AEFB…)

Tick tick scabies
No. 1499427
>>1499375Around the time she slammed my (we had two cats, she slammed mine) in the door and before she was put in Sagamore I remember she had one of her retarded psycho freakouts, I think she tried hitting my father and the next thing I know Amanda got her head out through the wall.
I don’t blame him for it, she sincerely had terrifying episodes every day she lived with us..
She is definitely a sadist, she derived pleasure in fucking with me and my parents. Also, the more I’m remembering this stuff, the more I’m starting to think she’s autistic on top of being a sociopath with BPD
Looking at her through these posts, she has zero social skills, weirdly gives away information nobody asked for and slips into reeeee mode often
No. 1499432
File: 1649760226200.jpeg (616.19 KB, 1170x1255, D6E65C1C-E65A-4D50-8793-B5C246…)

No. 1499530
>>1499518She passed years ago, she was pretty content so no worries there
I don’t wanna get too wrapped up in this, but the last picture that was posted, I feel pity. Like I can see all the fucked up shit written on her face.. and then I remember all the crap she’s done not just to me but literally enough to have an entire message board full of people.
I see a little girl with a lot of issues, but I don’t think I can forgive.. weird situation
No. 1499625
File: 1649779658751.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x2001, FA448929-C9B1-4B2B-B7EF-265D72…)

What is a “neighborhood and a half”?
The shooter isn’t “active”. That means he’s shooting, actively. He hasn’t been caught.
No. 1499628
File: 1649779836257.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1276x2249, 2735DD6E-5D0A-4F54-BF48-AF2705…)

Oh thank goodness, we were all concerned you were awake and commuting via subway during morning rush hour Amanda.
Also local anon here, Brooklyn is massive and East Flatbush and Sunset Park have nothing to fucking do with each other. She’s about five miles away which in daytime Brooklyn speak is about a half hour drive.
No. 1499641
>>1499628A more accurate post would’ve been: “Dan and I are ok. We are very far from the shooting, and because we barely ever leave the mice-infested, trash-filled drug den we call home, there would be almost no chance of us being bystanders to anything. I will, however, make this tragic and terrifying news about me for no reason. I may have no talents or any brain cells left, but if there’s one thing I can do it’s insert myself in any and all situations, and manipulate numbers to fit my sob story better so that all of you notice and feel bad for me.”
And yes, she’s a half hour DRIVE away from the shooting. Which happened inside the subway, which they never ride, so just one more reason this news story is fully irrelevant to mandy.
No. 1499650
File: 1649781722993.png (237.08 KB, 1200x857, CC226112-3A16-4E5D-A773-AF6A60…)

>>1499631She’s exaggerating a lot. It’s not the safest neighborhood in Brooklyn, but it ain’t the wild wild west like she tries to make it seem. Violent crime rate is a little higher than average but nothing crazy. Posting a source so no one starts fighting over how dangerous her neighborhood is lmao.
No. 1499694
File: 1649787326535.jpeg (1008.49 KB, 828x1542, D30D7AC6-56FE-4706-9D79-D58185…)

>>1499093Her new identity is “blowjobs”
No. 1499739
File: 1649790822880.jpeg (292.77 KB, 1124x1763, 426075EE-1295-41D5-A077-E9168E…)

God she is so fucking vile
No. 1499777
File: 1649794001455.png (566.75 KB, 1125x2436, 726245E9-A2E8-4A58-962D-000000…)

I dunno if I need to Sage these consecutive posts but I came across this mindbending conversation from years ago, more coming
No. 1499779
File: 1649794059532.png (615.93 KB, 1125x2436, 8DA1A4F9-4E3C-4054-AADB-F90F61…)

No. 1499784
File: 1649794199996.png (649.96 KB, 1125x2436, 849F70F9-5B57-4C47-A0C4-85FB40…)

No. 1499789
File: 1649794360931.png (684.88 KB, 1125x2436, 9B73CE71-0589-4695-AC26-D99893…)

No. 1499791
File: 1649794450839.png (583.46 KB, 1125x2436, CDA0B173-7085-48CF-99E4-DB2E08…)

And here’s the part you all know and despise.. lemme make it clear, everything she says is a projection of her own fucked mind, fuck her with a crucifix
No. 1499805
>>1499791God, cluster B's are all the same, even their
abusive word vomit is unoriginal. Thank goodness so many BPD's kill themselves, they contribute nothing and the world is genuinely better off without them.
No. 1499817
>>1499810did your parents see through her bullshit after all and apologised for kicking you out?
And I'm sry you had to live with such a sister, I have a mother that is similar to her and I know how that feels if it's family and not an outsider.
No. 1499819
>>1499817Nah, this was almost a decade ago. Only since I started posting here and talking to all of you helped me break down whatever walls she made them put up.
Glad the catharsis we can share from these monsters is happening right now
No. 1499820
>>1499810That’s fucking crazy!! Please keep the stories and screenshots coming, really shows the type of person she is. Your mom seems like a nice lady, and even if she wasn’t who tf talks about their mom like that. She’s scum and I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with her all your life.
What’s the family dynamic like now? I’m guessing the four of you don’t really get together. When was the last time you saw her irl? Does she ever try to contact you anymore?
No. 1499898
>>1499819Hope your parents will understand all this and see her for what she really is and that you can all heal from it. I think being able to talk about everything in an anonymous space is really helping. It's so amazing how much damage people like her cause in other people, still they will never understand or feel that way.
>>1499832I also think that she hasn't got only BPD, she shows serious traits of a narcissistic personality disorder. Like I said before, she reminds me of my mother and my mother hasn't got BPD, she is a full blown narcissist. But I love your advice for her brother very much, that a well lived life is the best revenge, think we all should take that as a step to move on and be happy with our future life, shall they rot in their own hell.
No. 1500050
>>1500046I did sage. Another anon commented the kys bit if you didn't see it, look. Truly a lot of y'all are just as yuck as the cow. Kinda wild. I actually know her and have contributed gallons of milk to prior threads rather than just attending as a part of the popcorn chewing peanut gallery.
Thanks for the tip tho.
No. 1500051
>>1500046She just probably read
>>1499805 and has to victimise herself, kek
No. 1500055
>>1500050You didn’t sage and what was said
> Thank goodness so many BPD's kill themselvesNot really a blanket statement or a call for action
You didn’t ask for “tips” but it’s best not to take personally what is said about a cow, even if you happen to share the trait criticised with them. Amanda isn’t a cow because of her (alleged) BPD but a combination of factors. This applies to all other cows as well
No. 1500093
>>1499791Yup. This falls in line with the narcissist BPD messes I’ve met irl- you do something that slightly inconveniences them and it’s a Mt Vesuvius of hatred and vitriol
Until the next day, when all is forgotten (to them)
It gets easier to see through it as time goes on
Jfc how can she not see how evil she is (jk, I’ve read the threads, she’s evil and too stupid to have one point of EQ)
No. 1500229
>>1500164He was also harassed before he started to bring milk? I think you and
>>1500043 need thicker skin and/or stop taking shit personally
No. 1500430
>>1500050Could you contribute a drop or two now? If you know her you must have more than one story and in this last thread it seems Dom has been the only provider of irl stories.
Can we all stop discussing BPD anons and whether Don contributes or not? It’s boring and irrelevant to the thread. Let anons get offended and ignored, instead of offended and temporarily make the thread about them. Obviously not everyone on the thread is going to like Dom or his contributions, just let the rest of us enjoy his presence in peace.
No. 1500864
File: 1649895297544.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1911, C1183A6B-69EB-443A-9231-AAD246…)

She’d put up her money… for what? Tired of hearing about these “secret aunt Amanda accounts” She panhandled for fake cancer and asks for $2 for a phone bill. Oh but “her” medical supply company is worth “over 7 figures” What about all that money?? Or is it just all a lie she tells herself? Like everything else in her life…
No. 1500929
>>1500864“I likely will die here if I don’t move soon” the fucking rich white girl privilege on this idiot. Imagine mandy going to Detroit or Baltimore.
Also what niece and nephews? Dom, aren’t you her only sibling? Do you even have kids? Lmao not only does she lie about having money, she lies about having extra family members.
This is the most exaggerated, idiotic post she’s made in a while. Of course everyone living in nyc is feeling shook and scared by what happened, but she’s making it sound like it happened at her front door when it was in a complete different neighborhood and has nothing to do with her.
Also if you feel so unsafe, maybe move the bed away from the balcony if your apartment is so big? She’s so stupid.
No. 1501935
File: 1649993011327.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x2001, 4B186BE1-5F78-41B6-A8DE-E3F6E8…)

Why haven’t you see Clyde?
No. 1501941
File: 1649994074783.jpeg (238.59 KB, 1284x815, 84538FBB-CF10-4B9B-9308-24948E…)

>>1501935What are you talking about she clearly has him 4 days a week and “papa” has him 3, maybe she just forgot he’s there or what time it is or day or year or solar system.
No. 1502097
>>1501539>>1501893OP here, I already have the new thread ready to go, just waiting for the final warning. Get your Mandy pics in now unless someone else wants to make a banner.
Could you all try to be less annoying in the next thread? No one cares about how you feel victimized because you have BPD and no one cares if you don't like Dom or whatever. Integrate and stop asking the same shit over and over.
No. 1502120
File: 1650026698752.jpg (99.41 KB, 1152x2048, QktSko3.jpg)

No. 1502232
>>1502097I agree. Also let Dom have his moment. Not only he is our main resource, he deserves our support. We equally believe this idiot Amanda is a sack of shit. The least we can do is help her number one
victim, her family. If we really want to get under her skin…I mean come on lol
No. 1502243
nonnie! appreciate you
>>1502120what the absolute fuck is this??
No. 1502253
File: 1650039028465.jpg (180.9 KB, 1152x2048, d6w80Ax.jpg)

>>1502169Yeah it’s from pre parents’ shed saga. Here’s a screenshot from her stories earlier that day, and the picture I already posted is from that evening. I forgot I had these gems stashed, but I understand if they're too old to be relevant or used for the next thread. Just thought I’d share
No. 1502300
>>1502282Don’t you guys ever get bored of calling him cowish and arguing about whether he’s a good contributor or not? Read his posts if you like them and move along if you don’t. It’s not that complicated holy shit. Nobody has to agree with your opinion on Dom, nobody cares about your opinion on Dom and this thread isn’t about whether he’s “cowish” or not. If people talking to him bothers you so much, you can just scroll past it.
I’m not saying this is a Dom support group, but until you show me a moment when Dom publicly faked cancer or pregnancies for attention, got engaged to all his exes or spent weeks stalking a minor character in the tiger king saga for a shred of attention, then he doesn’t compare to Amanda. Move tf on.
No. 1502322
regardless of how you may feel about it, Dom’s contributions don’t make this thread fucking unreadable, it’s the arguing about it that does, can we give it a rest now? Most us just want to laugh at shit like
>>1502120 and
>>1502253. the fact that someone is shameless enough to post an entire house bending and warping through space next to them is sending me.
No. 1502347
File: 1650045485048.jpeg (743.21 KB, 1936x1936, 2D53D7A5-11E7-417A-A619-395642…)

>>1502097Here’s a little collage of some funny old action pics and a serious delusional shoop
No. 1502348
File: 1650045516619.jpeg (24.97 KB, 465x390, 4292A5FE-913B-4777-98C8-7D4A06…)

>>1502097This is a good one
>>1437002And the one I attached would go great in one of the corners lolol. Please keep the comic strip one it’s hilarious.
No. 1502353
File: 1650045864465.jpeg (358.53 KB, 828x626, 30BA257C-2AD2-4F8B-A5EE-D92517…)

>>1502347 this showcases her waif like graceful beauty
No. 1502516
File: 1650057071641.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x2068, 4236264E-1349-4697-8E9C-718028…)

>>1502120Here’s the video. It’s all in her highlights on her IG. It’s a bunch of stories I skipped past for times sake. The differences btwn shooped and not is scary, both ways. No. 1502520
File: 1650057580180.png (5.71 MB, 828x1792, 9DE34B4C-9CB0-427A-A82E-78FCE6…)

>>1502516She looks straight up dirty. Her face looks hella crusty.