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No. 1502176
File: 1650032668742.jpeg (139.91 KB, 750x743, AEE6B162-DEC6-4800-821C-A59739…)

I can’t find the last addition to this post where she was crying about ao3 hosting problematic content but it’s hilarious without it
No. 1502269
>>1502155Being asked to do chores and find a job now constitutes abuse lol. Okay.
>>1502176At least ao3 provides a service. If they are really in need of a wheelchair ramp though, there are plenty of people in communities who will volunteer to do that. I volunteered in a group where it was a specific need we met. They probably just want cash to blow on useless shit.
No. 1502281
>>1502155Lol what? This is the most basic shit that any parent with an adult child living with them would expect. Most people do all this without having to be asked. It’s not
abusive for your parents to expect you not to be a neet.
>>1502176God I hate this too. I see this all the time on Instagram “I’m black/trans/disabled/autistic etc give me money”. The worst is when they claim it’s “reparations”. Bitch, my family was still in Russia when slavery was happening in the US, I don’t owe you shit, and neither does anyone else. Get a job like the rest of society.
No. 1502521
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Fakeboi wants 4K to go to Europe.
She was bragging about getting into her dream college shortly before this by the way.
No. 1502538
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>>1502531>search trans >all those e-beg postsHow much you wanna bet this one just translates to his mom won’t buy him programmer socks
No. 1502588
File: 1650063831278.png (165.35 KB, 1098x752, Screen Shot 2022-04-15 at 6.53…)

My personal favorite. Fat ftm and her equally fat wife. Been grifting for over 5 years using the same copy paste method, usually every two weeks, begging for money. Tags popular artists and people with large followings that I'm surprised they haven't been blocked by all of them. Uses popular tags and was even shameless enough to use the Ukraine war related tags. The so called "stroke" medicine is literally just weed.
Claims to be unable to work due to disability (just a fatass) or no one is hiring (lying). Has a persian cat that clearly needs eye drops as the eyes are always crusty. Anytime they need money they just post on twitter it's pathetic these leeches manage to make their goal every time.
Their whole life is a train wreck and they get overdrawn on their bank account often. Have fallen for some of the most basic scams too. Take a look for yourself. No. 1502614
File: 1650066990662.jpg (52.75 KB, 670x729, 6f7e54951ee334889fd20c8f638ba7…)

>>1502281"My family is from Russia so we don't owe you anything and neither does anyone else!"
Your ancestors may not have enslaved anyone, but America benefited from the institution of slavery. Segregation and voter suppression gave advantages to White Americans (as well as immigrants) in the form of cheap Black labor, reduced employment competition and the power to elect politicians who enacted laws that worked in the best interest of Whites and against equal opportunities for Black people.
Meanwhile in modern times, white women are the main ones reaping the benefits of practices such as Affirmative Action. Funny to see a privileged woman drawing the lines of who deserves what despite she, her friends, and her ancestors having reaped some benefit off the backs of the people she simultaneously puts down.
Thanks for reminding me as to why I don't care about white suffering.
(racebait) No. 1502913
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>>1502588>>1502767oh my god lol i saw this thread and was literally going to go dig through twitter to post about this exact person. it's the sirenhead creator guy that retweets it constantly, right? they ebeg constantly and make the same exact post every time, I remember seeing on a rare occasion where the sirenhead guy didn't retweet and this fucking furry tags them in pic related. like how are you not too humiliated to be living like this?
also the dramatics of "she will DIE without her mediation" is hilarious to me because it's like….. no one is going to die because they didn't get to fucking have weed
No. 1502938
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This had me rolling when it popped up on my Instagram
>>1502588Fucking REALLY? It was weed this entire time? I had to block that fool since I followed Trevor and their near constant begging was getting aggressive
No. 1502952
File: 1650109342246.jpeg (486.84 KB, 750x1294, 5C6A20E6-B053-4319-A55E-5EB575…)

This is my personal favourite e-beggar. Ribka’s story changes day by day, but the most recent claim is “coming into the ER having a ‘grand mal seizure’ (self diagnosed) able to walk and talk, but the nurses just don’t believe it” and “having to restart my OWN heart with a cardiac massage!!1!1!” unsurprisingly, the actual doctor on call at the hospital ended up basically ragequitting the doctor-patient relationship. Ribka fails to understand the hospital does not have endless resources and personnel to dedicate to malingerers.
The actual diagnosis given by the actual doctor? It’s fucking hypothyroidism. But sure, you “restarted your own heart,” just like how your infection magically became sepsis when a regular IV bag of antibiotics wasn’t drastic enough to get Twitter donations. Bitch, you walked into an ER AOx4 and started screaming about having a type of seizure you’ve clearly only seen in movies. Where does the delusion end?
No. 1502980
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>>1502913It seems like slimy has slowly stopped retweeting it, likely tired of their situation never changing. Tyger even admitted to the fact that they get the most donations when henderson retweets so it's blatant leeching and why they focus in on getting retweets from him. The thinly veiled compliments with the request to retweet their ebeg post right after is so shameless.
>>1502916I honestly believe they are poor fucks that are just too fat/lazy to work and want what little they can get panhandling online. Because the wife would have been dead ages ago. There's no way they hit their goal every time this post is shared around. Its also ironic that in this so called life or death situation the ftm refuses to grow a pair and work to support the both of them.
Pic related, they had a post talking about how
suddenly the bank hit them with all these overdraft fees. That's how banks work. If you made purchases without the funds available those fees stack up so quickly. I don't know if they are just extremely retarded and believe this was somehow a mistake on the banks part, or are just altering their wording so they can get strangers to cover for their mistakes.
No. 1503126
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>>1502938I can't believe he really thought it would be a good idea to type that out
No. 1503176
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>>1503157 He only had to @ tweet at him 4 times, until he retweeted it
No. 1503240
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>>1503181picrel is from her website. does an awful lot of dancing around as to why weed is the only thing that helps. i find it really hard to believe that the wife doesn't qualify for disability if her condition is that bad. fuck, disability lawyers work for free until you get your backpay after you're approved. fatties would rather beg online for their weed chocolate than do anything to marginally improve their lives.
No. 1503338
File: 1650153558719.jpg (460.76 KB, 1333x1122, tumblr_74f34bf57ecf19bcd028b32…)

this thread looks so promising! i'm going to dump a bunch of tumblr ebegger caps i've saved here
No. 1503341
File: 1650153782070.png (754.79 KB, 1225x889, mutualaid.png)

this girl is a personal cow of mine, she's 22 years old and lives with her parents who pay for all her expenses, claims they abuse her because they misgender her & makes donation posts biweekly to buy stuff because she doesn't want to actually get a job
No. 1503344
File: 1650154161500.png (879.91 KB, 636x2172, he him.png)

this girl also regularly makes donation posts & i can't shake the feeling that the texts she posts with her "abusive mother" are fake. they just sound weird
No. 1503470
File: 1650167192963.png (964.41 KB, 1200x1128, 04DE3F9F-0A77-427E-A8F9-5FE7F2…)

>>1503265Yes like KF fave Rabbie Davis who ran a scam drop shipping boots from China. As soon as she got the money she spent it on weed or something and not towards the production costs of the boots! Looking at her reviews on her site before she deleted it, more people were scammed out of their money than actually got their shitty sweatshop boots,
Of course Rabbie blamed the people doing the actual work in China for “ghosting” her, claims her mental health is too poor to reply to emails from customers asking where the Fuck their boots are, and constantly ebegs for rent money and groceries despite her own mother running a food bank.
Picrel is a typical example of grift
No. 1503487
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>>1503240I just found the website myself and holy shit, it is easily the most depressing thing i've ever scrolled through. just a full decade basically of constantly either fucking up something spectacularly that could have easily been resolved otherwise, or a plethora of convenient excuses for why their lives are so desolate. I almost believe some of the things he's said has happened to them, like his wife could very well be as sick as he claims (she just needs REAL medication that isn't WEED CHOCOLATE BARS FFS). but so much of it is fixable, avoidable, sounds very….. doubt.jpg, or just flat out is a situation you should be handling on your own rather than sit there in your sad sack hovel and expect all your twitter mutuals to pay for forever. get on fucking welfare and disability if you're really so disabled and if you don't qualify for it, maybe that's because you're literally just fat a very "glass bones and paper skin" story all-around. idk there's just something so funny about the easiest delivery job in the world where you make your own hours and are sitting for 90% of it "almost killing" you. also the constant "my wife needs to be by my side 24/7 or she will die from stress strokes" excuse as the reason he hasn't had a real job in years and "can't" get one.
No. 1503488
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>>1503487samefag but this part took me out
No. 1503489
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>>1503487The FAQ sent me into hysterics. Imagine financing a fucking cat and living in fear of it getting repo'd.
No. 1503497
File: 1650174335461.png (114.71 KB, 740x178, wow.png)

>>1503487this whole faq is incredibly funny in a pathetic way
No. 1503512
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>>1503507this is the cat. he's a cute boi but 300 dollars? also why are his eyes so crusty and dirty??
No. 1503546
>>1503512>>1503513once again, they make all of the stupidest decisions possible for the situation. you would think two heavily disabled obese people with insecure housing, car, and financial situations maybe shouldn't add an animal to their responsibilities at all or should at least wait until they can afford one, but of course they went ahead and did it anyway. adult cats adopted from a shelter depending on your area can be as cheap as like $25-50, but for some reason they need a fucking purebred persian. then on top of that they have the audacity to to adopt one through a pet store instead of maybe a reputable breeder when pet stores are known to be awful, use puppy mills, etc etc. and the cherry on top is instead of waiting until you can afford the entire fee they go through a payment plan with
interest fees for a cat that they do not need. or idk, maybe i'm ignorant here and the wife needed a comfort companion or else
she'll die again! nice to see how well they're taking care of their big investment though. i'm sure he's very happy living his life with all that crust buildup around his eyes and no one cleaning him. funny, all those tweets get churned out weekly about them starving and how they can't afford groceries and yet i've never seen a single one acknowledge that they can't afford to feed their cat. hopefully that means they're being so selfless they buy only cat food and weed chocolate and are otherwise wasting away right?
No. 1503587
>>1503487I love how he admits he's so obese that he's 500 pounds and his lymphedema is so bad that his doc thinks his disgusting blob legs are half his entire weight. He also says he's so fat he can't wipe his ass without assistance.
How about losing some fucking weight fatass?
No. 1503589
>>1503489>>1503512i rarely laugh at lolcow posts but this shit had me cackling for some reason. might be the funniest shit ive ever seen on here
helps seeing a picture of the cat as contex
No. 1503620
File: 1650197256697.png (1.24 MB, 1086x1122, Screen Shot 2022-04-17 at 8.01…)

So glad people are aware of these cretins. Here's one of my favorites from them. One look at these pictures and you can just TELL these fatasses couldn't do the bare minimum of packing ahead of time for themselves. So what do they do? They actually pay the expensive extra fee for the movers to handle it. Movers don't want to do it and generally hope the price turns people away so of course they don't want to do it correctly. They sit at home all day, in a literal pigsty.
Bonus, they had the nerve to blame the movers for the reason one of their cats got out. They didnt put either of the cats in carriers or the bathroom ahead of time while the door was open. Movers aren't going to touch your pets. I just can't believe how dumb they are. Probably a handful of brain cells shared amongst the two.
No. 1503712
>>1503620Is there fucking food in the pet dishes that they expected the movers to move..
As per previous anon, I don’t know if it’s different where they are but where I live (Canada) movers will move pre-packed boxes and larger items - think tables, couches, tv, dressers, etc.
They would never start packing away your (likely by this pic) dirty ass clothes. Bag away your pet food to clean the dish and pack away.. what. are. these. expectations.
I can’t fathom this is how the moving business is run anywhere.
No. 1503714
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>>1503708It's not.
Of course they couldn't because something something (to fat)
No. 1503715
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How dare they didn't sort all their stuff lol
No. 1503749
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>>1503487Parts of it make no sense at all. He says he can’t do commissions bc he can’t sit at the computer for too long then in another question says that he’s 80% sedentary and that’s why he’s fat. It’s pure laziness. Also wrt pic related, why would you even have to say you’re Jewish? If you’re that hungry, you’d do anything to get the food you need. Like why would the food banks even care?
No. 1503768
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>>1502588>>1503487>Her meds cost me $100 a week ($103 with ATM withdrawl fees) just to make sure she has she's going to some rando on the street for her wife's life-saving medicine, instead of a dispensary.
also according to their GFM, they have
two cats. No. 1504084
>>1503712nah same deal in burgerland, I'm assuming they're burgers anyway
most people I know move shit themselves or get friends to help just because hiring movers is expensive
payment for friends is beer and pizza lmao
>>1503714so I'm reading that they have no family or friends
>>1503715and they expect these rando strangers to give a fuck about their stuff when I'm sure it was literally thrown all over the place, when their JOB is to move boxes, not treat your toys with TLC
No. 1504680
File: 1650312203215.png (142.57 KB, 720x720, IMG_20220418_220219.png)

Working hard since 5 years Hmn?
Really wonder how much they get every month
No. 1504706
>>1503715what was he expecting? jesus
>>1504680what kind of life is this? just constantly begging for money, no goals or aspirations. in a way i feel sad for them. wonder what their family thinks
No. 1504883
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>>1503587This is probably ignorant of me, but if she can manage having a doctor and has some form of insurance, why isn't the doctor trying to help them lose weight? Wouldn't some kind of weight loss management or medication for that be a "necessary evil" in this case (assuming it doesn't counteract with the other million conditions she has)? And when it comes to the wife needing stroke medication, I'm sure there has to be something officially prescribed, insurance covered (or at least more affordable with a co-pay), and not expensive, like chocolate weed?
>>1503749Her art isn't even that good, which is kind of the icing on the cake. No wonder she has to beg about her wife literally being on the verge of death constantly, because who would pay for that? I'd honestly give up the cats and do a suicide pact if this was my life.
No. 1504941
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>>1504937Apparently the cat has been paid off, but I don't understand why these people who claim to be severely disabled, can't work, and constantly need money for medications have to get a pet on top of that. That's honestly cruel to the pet. You (general you) can pull the "emotional support" card, but she claims to play Warcraft to unwind, so it's not like they're completely free from any "joy" in their life.
>>1504939Even if they were run by Christians, how would they even know the wife is Jewish unless she's out there exclaiming it? I've been to food banks when I was low on funds, and they don't care who takes the food. It sounds like some made up oppression olympics. I live in a Christian area too, and those services still have basic hospitality, just don't flaunt your differing opinions in their face.
No. 1504967
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No. 1504971
>>1504883WOOF, the tracing is apparent and horrendous
how much are they charging?
No. 1505013
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>>1504967genuinely curious as to how well her whole "fuck you, pay me" method is going for her lol. it's just so jarring to go about it that way that i can't imagine anyone feeling enticed to donate, but if it's going to work on any website tumblr is the best way to go
also just checked her blog out and it is a fucking goldmine. like, every other post is insane. it's exactly what you'd expect it to be, worse even. picrel is part of her current pinned post
No. 1505183
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>>1504967this person is such a cos holy shit
No. 1505185
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No. 1505188
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top fucking kek she is absolutely
off her rocker she must get disability if she’s that insane
No. 1505283
>>1502521>Reading just the headlineOh college is important so while annoying, I kinda get having a Venmo to move to a city so they can get educated
>NY to UKDisgusting
No. 1505300
>>1503749Wait… They're in California. Cheap weed from a dispensary is not that expensive…
As long as they don't live in like a super rural community, there are also countless food banks. Our current housing crisis means that food bank / community care resources are getting a boon of funding.
No. 1505579
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No. 1505620
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>>1505188On what planet is replying to a post with a picture of your waifu an epic own???
>>1505466Apparently she left tumblr (though she's bound to come back soon enough); searching her URL shows me a friend talking about it and another person criticizing her calling randos the N word hard r.
No. 1505840
>>1505578I ignore it, unless it's for a charitable cause or I really want to help them for whatever reason. But I'm extremely cautious lately. I used to donate to more local people's GoFundMes during COVID and ended up with several really persistent stalkers who harassed/guilt tripped me for money constantly until I had to block them. A lot of people have zero gratitude and basically see you as a cash cow if you help them out even once, so fuck 'em.
And I will NEVER donate to gender reassignment surgeries - not with so many people dying of life-threatening diseases who struggle to afford necessary surgeries.
No. 1505872
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>>1504967apparently by "not using donation money correctly" she means spending $900 on makeup and clothes? picrel it seems like that money has been put to…good use…
No. 1505965
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>>1505886>>1505941i'm pretty sure she is a biological woman (somehow), she loses her shit when randos on tumblr call her a girl
No. 1506003
>>1505986>still present feminine legit looks like a gay man, and that nose jesus
how can a biofemale have such an unfortunate face kek
No. 1506120
>>1505185>>1505188>>1505872I’m insulted anons would even begin to think this wasn’t an old man. Like damn, if his FACE isn’t enough, the things he says should be. He doesn’t even seem gay, just a black manosphere freak. Black AGP unicorn.
>>1505965This is just some feisty non-binary crap.
No. 1506131
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guess who's back!
No. 1506215
File: 1650426081053.png (559.65 KB, 1352x1292, ok.png)

Speaking of chronic ebeggers with kids like unclefather, does anyone remember guu? I've known about her for years and apparently she popped out ANOTHER child last time I checked. She was most well known for chronic ebegging and begging for commissions because she needed money for bills or rent, and constantly posted about her partner verbally abusing her and keeping her meds locked away for weeks on end. She often posted about raising her children genderless and considering them agender. I'm only now realizing how weird she was considering shes now 30 years old and often interact with minors to get them to reblog her donation posts, each with a new sob story about how she's not going to be safe and needs to resort to sex work, always leveraging her munchie and "trans dad" status to guilt people. Pic rel is a starter pack of her constant begging, not pictured is her also begging for money to help other people in her life, like her mom who struggles with paying her energy bills, and a colombian friend facing eviction
No. 1506657
>>1506656It’s very predatory software, they know that people are going to misuse it and owe them more money and that’s why they do it.
Still retarded that she’s financing so many petty purchases and e begging on top of it
Assuming she is a she which i think it’s debatable
No. 1506863
>>1505578I have an ex friend (themby) who started e-begging after paying thousands of dollars to get her tits removed when she already knew she couldn’t afford it. I thought it might just be a one off thing but the last time I checked she was e-begging again to get people to help pay her rent. Her and her partner (themby) both work at least part time, have their own place, have graduate degrees and I know her family is comfortably off but she still used the “my family is
abusive and can’t know I’m trans” line in her post despite her making no effort to look male. I don’t know how she got like this because when I knew her she was always so nice if a bit of a yaoi coomer. Anyway, saging for the slight vent and I’m glad this thread exists.
No. 1507703
File: 1650538881793.png (535.74 KB, 1242x2688, 4BDF4B11-B98A-4A07-A240-A6BD5A…)

how are these people all uwu woke but this is their response to ebegcringe. Absolutely no consistency or integrity with these types of people, rules for me but not for thee
No. 1507804
I just googled ebegging and found this thread anyone buy this and upload it somewhere
as a bonus I'll make you an app if it's within my capabilities
No. 1507844
>>1506215I actually saw her on my dash several years ago back when I followed SJW types and I felt bad for her because what is a woman my age doing with a young kid? And then I read her blog and the father of the child is some
abusive TIM that she still capes for and interacts with online and in real life??? Or at least that's what she claimed a long time ago (before she went on HRT and identified as an "agender lesbian"). I know it's not always easy to escape DV situations but if she's still calling him her girlfriend and shit is such a mindfuck. I would peak trans and detransition on the spot if that were me.
No. 1507889
>>1507703How cute, they think they're entitled to other peoples money because they act like selfish cunts.
WFH jobs exist, BUSSES exist, they're just way too lazy to bother trying to help themselves.
No. 1507897
File: 1650558720233.jpeg (1009.77 KB, 1242x2200, F77AB6A4-363A-4119-9891-3348CE…)

you already live off my tax money but you want MORE to cover ur overdraft? fuck off
No. 1507944
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>my dog needed emergency surgery
why do people always get pets when they cant even afford to look after themselves, so selfish
No. 1507959
File: 1650563181670.png (4.15 MB, 1170x2532, 754BA3D6-C75D-4284-B8BF-B2D537…)

>>1502155The usual
TOXIC and UNPREDICTABLE roommate (who called the cops on them?) card but $30k? Are you crowdfunding an emergency down payment on a house?
No. 1508182
File: 1650579887130.jpeg (452.99 KB, 2048x2048, B2C79983-A940-4359-B8BE-74E23F…)

Finally an excuse to talk about my personal favourite lolcow.
> has had about 17 different variations of thatsobee/bekaah/lifeofbee etc
> previously known for scamming for fake trips to LA/Africa
> in December left her daughter at home in Ireland with family to go and meet a recovering meth head she met on 420 stoner Instagram lives and lives in his car.
> has not returned since, “got married” to him. Living in a motel, “trying to get her daughter a visa” and as per screenshot above, begging for funds for a “proper” wedding…
You couldn’t make it up
No. 1508356
>>1508182Wtf is wrong with his eyes in this picture?
Also who tf marries someone less than 4 months after meeting them in person for the first time? Especially if they left their child? Is this person retarded or just a narcissist?
No. 1508821
>>1508656 confounded by the convoluted response as to why she abandoned her daughter and her regaining custody of her somehow hinges on an autism assessment, like, what?
also find it weird how she randomly peppers in that shes studying 'personal accounting and personal accounting and personal finance' kek what
No. 1516459
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No. 1516906
File: 1651418345524.jpeg (224.86 KB, 750x1081, ABDEE425-3392-4388-B651-282569…)

God I wish this thread existed a few years ago, but here’s a semi personal one. I finally removed her because she kept tagging me in and others to “bring attention” to her posts.
Looking over her page, she’s always in some type of financial crisis of sorts. If she’s not tagging a bunch of people asking for money she’s privately messaging them about it.
No. 1517481
File: 1651458852388.png (85.51 KB, 720x352, IMG_20220502_043232.png)

Friendship seems like a pretty loose description for whatever this is
No. 1517482
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>>1517481Like a clockwork, even 2 @ in 24 h
No. 1518474
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No. 1518485
File: 1651583995677.jpeg (365.1 KB, 1170x1072, 8195B5A9-90E8-49A8-91FE-2C9F80…)

the begging for attention is just pathetic. “it’s gonna cost $400 for glasses” ok someone didn’t have insurance, who’s fault is that?
No. 1518493
File: 1651584303258.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1746, 2E9B52FE-297C-46C1-818D-53E867…)

same gag but apparently this cow begs for drug money regularly, saying shit like “i’m gonna be evicted” and “im gonna die if i go outside” like nobody cares we all know you’re a methhead, especially if you’re living out of a hotel and purposefully doing “the bare minimum to get by”
No. 1518497
File: 1651584632883.jpeg (162.66 KB, 1170x778, EA2D61A8-407F-4D61-B11F-D0CAF6…)

one last one sorry for the flood but, good! let natural selection run its course if you’re so disabled
No. 1518657
File: 1651601983809.jpg (305.63 KB, 1080x1810, 20220503_141609.jpg)

Oh thank god this thread exists, Im sick of these ebegging fucks. Found a hilariously bad one recently; this girl made a sponsored post on tumblr to ebeg (and not the first one to do so) and even ends up admitting she spent fucking $25 to sponsor her post. The kicker is shes also an rp blog that uses babies pissing and shitting
No. 1518658
File: 1651602027870.jpg (367.84 KB, 1080x1961, 20220503_141623.jpg)

>>1518657 Its funny the "harrassment" was people calling her out being like if youre so poor how did you sponsor this
No. 1518663
File: 1651602265360.png (37.15 KB, 483x183, Screen_Shot_2022-04-24_at_8.17…)

>>1518660 there was somewhere else on the blog that mentions the reasons she HAS to mention pissing and shitting is due to "trauma" lol
No. 1518745
File: 1651609337953.png (240.93 KB, 629x755, gg199.png)

>>1506131Goddamn this bitch pops up again every two weeks and even if you manage to block all her incarnations she'll get her leghumpers to post in her stead
No. 1518999
File: 1651629162383.png (155.04 KB, 720x1120, Screenshot_20220503-224707_1.p…)

No. 1519002
File: 1651629308673.png (136.8 KB, 720x1121, Screenshot_20220503-224741_1.p…)

>>1519000E-panhandling and SJW preaching combination
No. 1519270
File: 1651667512293.jpg (557.86 KB, 1080x1659, sobstory.jpg)

I've been following this for awhile and it's been excruciating
No. 1519273
File: 1651667616208.jpg (424.53 KB, 1080x1385, moresobbing.jpg)

It really sounds like no one in the family was vaxxed and then they all caught the coof, killing off his parents and giving him long covid
No. 1519275
File: 1651667727963.jpg (459.04 KB, 1080x1698, teethtimetooscary.jpg)

Now this guy posts updates about every minor or major devastating thing in that special grifter way where there are plenty of holes to the story, but they need money immediately…and even if they get it later on they'll need more money immediately!!
No. 1519276
File: 1651667816526.jpg (288.92 KB, 1080x1284, aconcernedskepticappears.jpg)

Personally I want to see evidence of his fam not being vaxxed because all of this sounds like it could have been preventable with the jab
No. 1519277
File: 1651667937359.jpg (394.58 KB, 971x1745, idotarot.jpg)

I have no idea why this person can't try to find a wfh proofreading job in this "do you have a pulse you're hired" labor market we have rn
No. 1519278
File: 1651668020147.jpg (637.76 KB, 962x2664, anabsolutelytruesequenceofreal…)

Each time there's an update it's always some convoluted sequence of events that make it real darn clear why this person was still living at home, the lack of life skills shine through so intensely
No. 1519280
File: 1651668104085.jpg (771.14 KB, 970x2513, thisalsohappened.jpg)

My fave is the careful formatting of the links etc, time that could be spent looking for a wfh job that didn't need gas money or ubers
No. 1519288
>>1519276I don’t have tumblr
nonnie, can you post caps of the “proof” (if it indeed exists) here?
No. 1519298
File: 1651669994470.jpg (82.7 KB, 500x667, mriresults.jpg)

>>1519288 1/3
nothing like doxxing your doc
No. 1519300
File: 1651670130230.jpg (47.35 KB, 500x500, severeedema.jpg)

No. 1519347
>>1519316Anon, you know what they meant.
>>1519298>>1519299>>1519300Hmmm, so the car accident and its resulting damage and a select few other medical conditions seem legit. But I feel like there would be posted proof of the other conditions/situations too if they weren’t exaggerated. As expected of beggars
No. 1521916
File: 1651873480560.png (42.14 KB, 535x432, 657793345463.png)

because there's nothing as effective as guilt tripping everyone when you're begging strangers for a substantial amount of money
No. 1521930
File: 1651875417161.jpg (1.29 MB, 971x3388, No.jpg)

Great, tumblrs new post sponsor feature working as expected.
No. 1522107
>>1521930>"collective" urlp sure that's some DID faker lol
>>1522058yeah i thought that too. claiming ndn ancestry is fairly popular with tumbblr sjws
No. 1522367
File: 1651936732421.png (439.96 KB, 783x1097, ac.png)

>>1522058Last year they were just filipino> Things have been tough because my entire life, our father has been sending money to our extended family still in the Philippines to help them out whenever there's flooding or other natural disasters. We just found out recently that they were deceiving us and pretending some of his closer relatives were still alive just to get money out of us (even so far as to write letters in their names), when in actuality they had diedThat father is lacking a brain, not an education
Also 160000$ that's a new record
No. 1522908
File: 1652004847567.png (382.76 KB, 1276x790, Screen Shot 2022-05-08 at 8.07…)

>>1522367It's hilarious how she got top surgery instead of using that money to go to her family. You'd think this poor soul wouldn't be able to afford that 'essential' care. And KEK at her 'severe' disability that doesn't allow her to work being fucking ptsd, bipolar, ocd and fibromyalgia.. so some of the munchiest disorders in existence.
No. 1523050
File: 1652026760851.jpg (204.54 KB, 1080x1157, Screenshot_2022-05-08-11-09-06…)

This artist I've followed for a couple years began an "ebegging for rent" saga a couple months ago. She had planned for a mother's day sale that didn't exactly pan out, and I've been enjoying her periodic meltdowns
No. 1523081
File: 1652028643136.jpg (1.22 MB, 1080x1743, Screenshot_2022-05-08-11-28-43…)

Oops, dropped pic
No. 1524376
File: 1652121698369.png (53.33 KB, 528x519, Screenshot 2022-05-09 at 19.39…)

rosaria is so so shameless
No. 1525144
File: 1652209518183.jpg (224.94 KB, 1080x1173, Screenshot_20200413-142305_Tum…)

Old but holy fucking shit
No. 1525156
File: 1652210232447.png (143.39 KB, 778x1384, dracula.png)

How did she get a job in childcare (wrangling goblins is a physically demanding job) while not able to walk properly
How did she keep a job in childcare with a habit of BITING PEOPLE
>>1524376Rosaria's antics are almost enough for a whole thread wow
No. 1525193
File: 1652213712195.png (199.59 KB, 1186x676, JH65NB3.png)

>>1524376>Go away where we on the internethonestly same energy as picrel kek
No. 1525198
File: 1652214148076.png (335.53 KB, 576x1083, pas.png)

She put herself out to pasture KEK
How do people survive into adulthood with this little money management skills
No. 1526037
File: 1652299798848.jpeg (233.57 KB, 828x587, 118E6759-04DB-413C-94DA-BA46B4…)

No. 1526534
File: 1652336573374.jpeg (184.13 KB, 827x1272, 2ADE875B-7FC3-4EC6-86D1-16A004…)

>>1502155my all time favorite strong powerful independent black “”nonbinary”” e-begger
No. 1526810
>>1526613This is why
>>1505874Trollop can't even plan her spending an hour ahead and keep money for the return trip, she shouldn't be allowed to handle money at all
No. 1526857
File: 1652379549402.png (259.38 KB, 663x1432, nctt.png)

Does she throw away her laptop after every Tumblr post too? Keyboards are the Nr 1 dirtiest object in most households, far exceeding the toilet
Also she's eternally mad that some random used their money on a blaze post instead of her lmao
No. 1526868
>an abusive parenttranslation: your parents don't enable your munchausens
>reproductive rights, fascismshe's just listing things that have so bearing on her financial situation for what purpose?
>i cannot use the kitchen or its appliances i have been told to find naother kitchen to cook inso basically your Mom asked you to clean up after yourself, you didnt, and now you want strangers to pay for you to have takeout every night
>i need to eat and i need money for transportationbitch who doesnt get a job
>i need to buy new clothesif you're in such a bad situation then why on earth is shein hauls a priority?
>until i reach the point in therapy where i can touch certain things without having a panic attackmunchausens, this 'illness' is made up and i guarantee her family are sick of it
>when items are contaminated i throw them awaythis is so entitled and audacious that im genuinely speechless
What is the point of asking people not to use donations tags? What is the point of advertising to he very people trying to avoid seeing these posts
this was an excellent find nonna, what a spoiled entitled freak
No. 1526892
File: 1652381748080.png (229.21 KB, 670x1432, ncct2.png)

>>1526868> if you're in such a bad situation then why on earth is shein hauls a priority? Half of the amazon wishlist is the entire NYX cosmetics eyeshadow sortiment too
She's also an all around lovely human being, not interested at all in working on herself and gets offended when offered help.
I wonder why she hasn't begged for the costs of the electrode (and university, and housing, and medication) yet. Does perhaps her
abusive mom pay for all of that?
No. 1526912
>>1526901Deep Brain Stimulation, an electrode inserted in your brain that sends electrical pulses to the nucleus
It's a treatment for Parkinson tremors and Tourettes that's currently being experimented with for OCD with about the same success as medication, but they have no idea how or why it works
No. 1526927
File: 1652383628748.png (693.16 KB, 1344x1944, Screen Shot 2022-05-12 at 3.20…)

>>1526857this person is fucking insufferable. the wishlists are hilarious No. 1526984
File: 1652389371411.jpeg (119.97 KB, 1200x187, 61B7F356-2C8A-448E-9BE7-4422FD…)

>>1523081Damn, I used to follow her. Shame she became unhinged.
No. 1527123
>>1526037>>Acting as if 2 meals a day isn't lucky to haveSounds like a spoiled brat, 2 meals is a luxury
>>1526892Oh yea people totally want to donate to a cunt like this. The ask was being so kind, too.
No. 1528919
File: 1652570787163.png (216.38 KB, 618x1969, druglord.png)

You just know the 'vitamins' this one is ebegging for are drugs that she's hooking her two recently-of-age "partners" up with
Props for getting her nudes on the "My Face" page past the tumblr filter though wow
No. 1529279
File: 1652598697621.jpg (318.95 KB, 1024x1171, Tumblr.jpg)

No. 1529282
File: 1652599039875.jpg (299.75 KB, 1080x1512, Tumblr_l_475267987656145.jpg)

Sorry if a repost im just losing my mind
No. 1529571
>>1529553Fuck yeah they do, it's all part of the oppression olympics. The more
victim buzzwords they can cram into a 250-character-limit bio, the better. Being a black tranny fag enby homeless fictive kinnie in an
abusive household is never going to be as poorly off as a black indigenous jew amputee who is addicted and homeless but also needs their antipsychotic meds and a vet bill covered. It's also like a hierarchy rather than an amount of buzzwords, if that makes sense. Once you learn their language though, you can make fake accounts and run amok and win contests and make crowdfunds for bullshit if you want to slowly inch closer to Hell. kek
No. 1529572
File: 1652636965036.png (76.84 KB, 782x350, Clipboard03.png)

>>1529553They literally do, as 'reparations' for the crimes whites did to the folks they're impersonating
Never understood how paying for some e-hoes food addiction helps build up indigenous infrastructure again though, they for sure are not gonna help build housing
No. 1533892
File: 1653010994412.png (121.32 KB, 720x867, WhatDidSheMeanByThis.png)

I see this ebegger almost daily
No. 1533915
>>1526857It’s not even the makeup, it’s the total lack of priorities. If you don’t have food, prioritize getting food first! If makeup
triggers your OCD, don’t buy it for awhile until you can afford it and your therapy kicks in. This person would probably still be broke and e-begging if she got a job, because she’d blow her whole paycheck on Shein and Amazon before her rent was due. She’s delusional about the compromises people make to survive because she’s never had to make them. It’s funny how these e-beggars always live with “
abusive parents”, yet never make any effort to move out and stop mooching off their “abusers.” And often the “abuse” = the parent setting basic boundaries like making their adult child clean up after themselves, go to therapy, pay for their own food etc.
No. 1535010
>>1533915xactly. niggas living at home at 25 talking about '
abusive parents' hahahahah bitch move out
No. 1538695
File: 1653416284638.png (359.03 KB, 626x1275, vile.png)

Tumblr: It's free car insurance!
No. 1545488
File: 1654041730440.jpg (700.12 KB, 972x3644, Screenshot_20220531-180005_Tum…)

in what capacity is this supposed to make people feel sympathy?
No. 1545520
>>1545488idk how this girl can post this publicly trying to pose as a
victim? she seems horrible
No. 1545837
File: 1654087838474.png (261.46 KB, 643x1730, gib moneys.png)

Been sitting on this one for a while. Unfortunately, he deleted his GFM page, which is a shame because the header image was of two dumpy TIMs (him and his "girlfriend"). Luckily he still has a picture of himself on his Paypal account, so I included that instead.
Just… the absolute audacity of a American white man with an IT degree begging for money. Literally the easiest degree for a scrote to make a career out of and he still can't be assed to get a job, good grief.
No. 1550274
>>1545837Imagine asking strangers to raise money so you can buy a HOUSE. Not a deposit for an apartment, not a months worth of rent, but a
house that will appreciate in value and in return you get fuck all. If you donate 50% of the total do you get to be on the mortgage? Fuck that
No. 1559323
File: 1655139420253.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3465x3465, 8F8321AD-4A3A-4FA9-8179-5B89B2…)

This meme account puts their venmo on the last 2 slides of every 10 image post, first it was “I don’t know how I’ll be able to eat pls consider a tip or donation” now it’s begging for spending money for a vacation to see their e-gf. Comments are all “oh so POOR PEOPLE DONT DESERVE VACATIONS?!?!”. No one said that, it’s just common sense that when you are “not sure how you’re gonna eat today let alone this week” and have “0 income atm until you hear back about your disability”, you don’t run off on vacation.
No. 1568600
File: 1655894466366.png (9.41 MB, 1242x2688, 7ECA1565-DF24-4264-9497-994DF9…)

>leaving the house like that
>eating a 12 pack of cupcakes for lunch
rosaria / gothsuccubus / gothgirl1999
No. 1590177
>>1505422That's the problem; everyone thinks they're entitled to not just college but the uwu FULL COLLEGE EXPERIENCE, which is just bullshit anyway. College should be a vocational school. You go there to get a degree to get a job.
Work while in school, go to community college first, go to a school close to home to save on out-of-state tuition, commute from your parents house, and you'll save thousands of dollars. The so-called "college debt crisis" comes from people thinking they shouldn't have to do any of that.
No. 1590283
File: 1658087907949.jpeg (184.66 KB, 828x617, 331DE02C-635C-4597-BBAB-DA3F19…)

>>1526927lmfao sorry this is old but I just found this gold there
No. 1590929
File: 1658172810095.png (382.42 KB, 669x840, Untitled.png)

I looked at the GFM for this one and it sounds like they've just been dealt a bad hand recently, but saying that you've basically been panhandling online for the past five years tells a different story. If it's so exhausting, get a job that actually pays.
No. 1590947
File: 1658174539105.jpeg (361.08 KB, 750x915, 3E0C6763-C4D9-4F78-8FC5-392AD3…)

No. 1591548
File: 1658236904609.jpg (115.05 KB, 500x1081, sierra seybold.jpg)

>>1503234>>1506215i found this screenshot, it reminded me of someone, and i think it's unclefather's tinder lmao
she's sure to hook a good one with such a bio
No. 1591549
File: 1658236995439.jpg (194.66 KB, 1280x649, sierra seybold.jpg)

>>1591548selfie she posted on her tumblr for comparison
No. 1591738
>>1591548doesn’t look like her tbh, and I don’t think she has four kids constantly begging though No. 1592734
File: 1658362259506.png (818.03 KB, 1177x2704, Ebeggersontumblr.png)

>>1502162Like this nonsense?
Sorry for shit pic
No. 1592930
File: 1658373520265.png (135.09 KB, 446x603, gddfg.PNG)

rosaria is now pretending she's going to kill herself over tumblr insults
No. 1593304
>>1592734Do these people think that normal folks always just magically have money for all their wants and needs? And that if they don't, that means they're poor because capitalism evil and thus they need to ebeg for it?
You arent special. Everyone else has to wait and save up their money to buy shit like that. That goes for other people on this thread as well, obviously, but this post just reminded me of this fact. Absolutely no understanding of how the world works.
No. 1593666
File: 1658438512953.jpeg (434.34 KB, 1170x1642, 4C26C5B3-CB38-4BA2-985E-D48392…)

lol based
No. 1593751
File: 1658443713012.png (377.26 KB, 768x1024, 7E102A35-375F-4B9B-9CED-AA27BC…)

i have been waiting FOREVER to post milk on yah yah “nonbinary disabled black lesbian from the south” scholfield. chronic ebegger with an inflated ego over her absolute midwit fiction. she actually used to have a ton more posts like this with even more inflammatory language but she seems to have changed her tone when she actually became homeless. will never forget the time she tried to crowdfund a telfar.
No. 1593780
File: 1658445804190.png (160.46 KB, 1080x1000, export202207211923205160.png)

No. 1596465
File: 1658695550930.jpeg (455.6 KB, 828x1109, BFD5D09B-DAF2-4879-8F37-E9AA98…)

Someone I follow posted this, and he didn’t have receipts but the way some people are I completely believe it. You really just have to drop the right combo of buzzwords to hit the money cheat and rake in the cash online.
No. 1598109
File: 1658855248320.jpeg (4.62 MB, 4032x3024, 8552000E-5FAE-4FED-9A32-3C7F16…)

Found this in public on a board for concerts/yard sales/other local events. I feel like the costs of color printing and laminating these is money that could have gone to whatever they needed
No. 1598121
File: 1658855857882.jpeg (42.81 KB, 945x1829, received_794340915067777.jpeg)

>>1598109Went to the Instagram profile then clicked the linktree link only to find this. Gross. Apparently one of them is a "kink educator"
No. 1598557
File: 1658882897905.png (776.49 KB, 750x1624, 7DB1727A-9380-4D45-A95F-182105…)

>>1598121Went to the Amazon wishlist… it's entirely women's lingerie
No. 1599010
>>1598811If they are it's because they flat out refuse to get minimum wage jobs or things they deem beneath them, or to sell any of the expensive things they own.
Meanwhile normal people suck it up and take menial work to make ends meet, and sell luxury items in the hopes they'll be able to repurchase one day.
No. 1599611
File: 1658972390431.jpeg (387.5 KB, 750x931, E54D0D0D-36E1-4FB5-B91C-3E9AF2…)

Advanced e beg
No. 1600573
File: 1659038347722.png (24.76 KB, 660x229, rosaria.png)

I don't even know where to start with this one
Does Rosaria even fucking hear herself
No. 1600927
File: 1659061533112.jpeg (648.07 KB, 828x1500, ADF39DA0-47D3-418C-A2D5-B673FF…)

“Custom adult content”.
No. 1601132
File: 1659078656231.jpg (369.75 KB, 1170x1100, IMG_7701.jpg)

"I have to start pushing for meds in two days." Why are they acting like e begging is a high labor job?
No. 1601330
File: 1659112335372.png (79.23 KB, 710x848, r2.png)

Really evil of employers to fire you when you show up at work literally high on crack lmfao
How does she afford all the drugs btw
and the booze
and the genshin impact
No. 1601373
It would be great to cancel these people who beg for money and are so hostile to the non-woke by making a website to tie their tumblr accounts to their real name. We need to fight them back to keep them out of academia and other organizations/institutions.
>>1526857 >>1590283>>1591508The victimhood and oppression olympics obsession coupled with the means this woman is probably well on her way to a cushy academic job for racial history or some other liberal arts department.
>>1505183I would hit her with a car too
No. 1601434
File: 1659122328886.png (177.14 KB, 806x1308, longcon.png)

>>1526857This person is 35 years old and has been pulling this scam for NINE years now
No. 1601455
File: 1659124517226.png (349.29 KB, 1194x1230, Screen Shot 2022-07-29 at 3.55…)

>>1601434more of the same on her Twitter A JOB No. 1601557
File: 1659131188265.png (Spoiler Image,473.91 KB, 720x1166, Screenshot_20220729-163756~2.p…)

>>1598109Not surprised those social inepts who adopt puppies without even having a place to drop dead at don't mind posting fetish pictures on their main accounts.
No. 1601879
File: 1659153119113.png (62.17 KB, 434x953, 1543434344444.png)

My personal e-begging lolcow is Sephirajo on tumblr/twitter. She begs for people to pay her bills every single month and has been for years. She is a pasty freckled ginger woman who claims to be mexican (now also claiming to be related to Tenoch Huerta?), of course has fibro and lupus and autism and adhd etc. I've been following her nonsense for ages, she adopted kittens when she couldn't afford to care for them, frequently posted about maybe losing custody of her (supposedly trans) kid, and video games she somehow can afford while also claiming she can't buy food. Her tags "woe is jo" and "begging bowl" are a riot. She also once had a meltdown about how the world owed her a custom built gaming pc and lost her shit when someone suggested she get an affordable pre-made Dell. She loves to squawk about how the supernatural fandom victimized her once.
No. 1602292
File: 1659202431455.jpg (520.66 KB, 1440x2522, Screenshot_20220730-143056_Tum…)

>>1601879She's so entitled and annoying lol
No. 1604724
File: 1659395490385.png (1.28 MB, 1812x1240, hahaha what the fuck.png)

have you guys seen this person? i keep stalking them from time to time because the entitlement is astronomical kek. constantly guilt tripping people and saying 'y'all feel i do not deserve to survive' and the survival in question in hundreds of dollars worth of weed.
No. 1604726
File: 1659395718609.png (1.03 MB, 1478x816, 57483984.png)

>>1604724constantly harps on about the community work they allegedly do with nothing to prove for it except when they're furious at white people for not paying their bills, utilities AND weed lmao
No. 1605655
>>1604724Anybody who is smoking weed isn't investing in a future.
Biggest fucking money drain on the planet.
No. 1605981
File: 1659541061765.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1284x1907, A328CA75-5F32-4D7E-B37F-B7D3ED…)

>>1604724KEK I knew exactly who this was before I even clicked on the image. Haven’t seen her posts in about a year now, glad to see she hasn’t changed.
Apparently not having her weed stash funded = everyone wants her to kill herself. She’s fucking insane.
No. 1606263
File: 1659563521891.jpg (322.56 KB, 828x887, IMG_4792.jpg)

Apparently this Twitter clown has been coasting off ebegging for DoorDash pretending to be destitute while really selling a $400k house and being more than comfortable.
No. 1606326
File: 1659566792217.jpeg (45.87 KB, 634x561, 60927809-11068111-image-a-8_16…)

>>1606263I thought she was some 25 year old Aiden with kpop hair, but picrel is her. She's been working at Lockheed Martin for
15 years.
No. 1606411
>>1606326Yeah she's a 40 year old fat woman who larps as a "gay boy" online and has pretended to be poor for years sympathy donations, turns out she's in a kushy arms dealer job her daddy got her and lives in a large house her ex bought her.
She also legitimately made people use "xie/xir" pronouns for her which will never not be retarded
No. 1606538
File: 1659581674338.png (44.15 KB, 884x391, arrested.PNG)

>>1606466Pretty sure her "kissmate" partner is also a "gay boy" and they are both very special and very
No. 1607101
File: 1659629834135.jpeg (339.99 KB, 464x1322, 2BB0BD2B-BE82-4CEB-8D53-944923…)

Just came up on my dash. How is ebegging for randos to pay your tuition “making it the government’s problem”?
No. 1607813
File: 1659686564800.png (584.63 KB, 1132x599, Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 09.01…)

No. 1607876
File: 1659693872877.png (63.45 KB, 470x202, Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 11.04…)

>>1607813fucking EW this person is a male in his thirties latching onto zoomer culture (DID, alters, gendershit) so he can groom, what the actual fuck. gross
No. 1608306
File: 1659734173336.jpeg (215.05 KB, 750x1005, EA45063B-E7D3-4D66-8AA9-4F9EA3…)

>>1604780Oh god it’s even worse than I thought, the person apologized in the comments and they ripped her a new one.
Does Brea have another account that’s more active? I can’t find her tiktok.
No. 1608308
File: 1659734197514.jpeg (153.97 KB, 750x747, 19F0B3CB-DE9A-4596-99FB-47B15E…)

>>1608306Another reply to the same comment
No. 1608564
File: 1659760020035.jpeg (2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 74B1692A-621E-476C-9B42-2FFC8B…)

Another one showed up on the same corkboard. I again feel like the money spent printing and laminating this could be spent on whatever the go fund me is for.
No. 1608575
File: 1659761628551.jpg (118.96 KB, 1080x443, Screenshot_20220806-005256_Tum…)

>>1607876Spoiler that shit next time anon, her face is a genuine jumpscare
No. 1608702
>>1607876you are a male predator in your thirties branding yourself with mental illnesses you don’t understand and couldn’t possibly comprehend so that you can groom zoomers.
No. 1609125
>>1608622This is strange considering he probably uses that arm even
more now to furiously jack off to futa porn and cp
No. 1609450
File: 1659858545780.png (58.9 KB, 575x528, waist beads.png)

I'm nauseous kek
>1 for $30
>2 for $50
No one is going to spend that on some beads… If anything, the Twitterfatties she caters to are thinking about spending that money she so desperately wants on a family special for 1 anyway. Delusional.
No. 1609515
File: 1659873590491.png (3.62 KB, 314x96, akdoemslxn.png)

>>1609479nona, i said the exact same thing in the carrd cringe thread 2 weeks ago, is this a coincidence? kek
No. 1609609
>>1590929I remember her ebegging started years ago when she claimed to totally be a man-hating dyke but then fucked some random dude when she landed herself in the mental hospital which led to her have a meltdown on tumblr because all of her lesbian mutuals clowned on her for it.
>>1591738She's been ebegging for nearly a decade…bleak. I don't know why she decided to have another kid after ablooing about her moid not taking care of the first one and actively beating her.
No. 1610287
>>1610169AYRT, it's not worthless but it is most CERTAINLY a luxury, and it's hysterical to me that their appeal for donations is to pretending to be impoverished. Just goes to show that none of these e-beggars grew up in working-class homes if they consider therapy a basic necessity.
I am a teacher, desperately need therapy, and I still can't pay for it.
No. 1610451
File: 1659981372029.png (1.38 MB, 703x4490, crack.png)

Bitch stop lying you got fired for appearing at work on crack
Protip keep a post of hers in your bookmarks, she changes her url more often than her pronouns
No. 1610475
File: 1659983305672.png (1.37 MB, 1859x926, eyecancer.png)

This one maybe isn't the most entitled one compared to the others here, but it sure is the ugliest one. Please venmo me 3000$ for new eyes
No. 1610618
>>1610601Think about it this way nonna - there is a girl (er, her husband) itt that has literally been grifting for weed for YEARS and she STILL gets money, even though she's upfront about it being literally for THC chocolate
It doesn't need to be believable - none of them are. Go for it.
No. 1611280
File: 1660065444623.jpeg (455.91 KB, 828x1447, B1B50711-1B63-4F52-BF5C-4208A7…)

Okay disabled queer Latiné. Now tell me why you’re so special that you shouldn’t have to work for the money for your bills.
No. 1611296
>>1611280>dear comrades and co-criminals.I'm killing myself in front of her
Latiné sounds so ridiculous, I bet money this bitch never left the US and doesn't speak a lick of spanish. This gringita hija de puta wouldn't last a second in a real "latiné" country
Get a job you lazy whore
No. 1611408
File: 1660073921642.png (27.65 KB, 416x216, ok.png)

>>1608306This is all I got from this kek
No. 1611629
File: 1660091039067.png (457.62 KB, 1046x1146, Screen Shot 2022-08-09 at 8.16…) favorite fatass is at it again. Begging as usual like clock work. I noticed since the one time their account got overdrawn a while back they've been constantly letting it go overdrawn. Their end goal hoping strangers bail them out every time. The crazy part is somehow they get the money.
In the linked thread they go from -647 to -109 back down to -273 and now -389. I love the tone of "Guys YOU really need to help ME with MY responsibilities!"
Icing on the cake of mentioning they've been "trying" to get a job for 9 years. Full of shit and still fat as fuck, these two aren't missing meals ever.
No. 1611883
File: 1660119733623.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1284x2396, 6BB1582F-8575-43E9-ABAC-6D114D…)

discord tranny asking for 6k to replace their pc instead of going to the police?? lmfao No. 1612229
>>1611980youre supposed to make a police report and then you can take them to civil claims and get your shit back or compensated for what it was worth
that said im 100% sure that theyre lying
No. 1612636
File: 1660187593997.jpg (858.28 KB, 1536x2048, Tumblr_l_1664701675422673.jpg)

Not ebegging milk but I think the way rosaria holds her guinea pig is certainly interesting and safe
No. 1612992
File: 1660239008479.jpeg (348.68 KB, 828x1029, 37D4F501-470D-496B-8D42-8A6040…)

Discovered this loser because someone I follow was fighting with him through reblogs. Does this TIM really expect people to dedicate their entire online presences to boosting gofundmes for “black trans lesbians”?
No. 1613423
>>1611410Well there was this
>disabledso anything from depression to ADHD to obesity knowing these types.
No. 1613450
>>1613105you should learn to read and do research because no where did i say that police will get your stuff back
in order to take someone to civil claims court for any stolen property you have to file a police report
you also dont need a “contract” or whatever the fuck it is you think you need
No. 1614114
File: 1660330867374.jpeg (525.5 KB, 828x1221, 389C2C83-DE12-4233-A0D4-D7B0E8…)

This is why I don’t trust ebeggars.
No. 1614126
File: 1660331960913.png (33.5 KB, 596x348, juicysteak117.png)

>>1614114While I don't doubt there's some stories like this that are true. I have a difficult time believing "Katie Tightpussy" and her troon counter.
No. 1614229
File: 1660342499947.jpeg (267.08 KB, 828x915, B5029073-AED4-461F-B417-1BA10C…)

Transfem really is the magic word.
No. 1614793
File: 1660398127586.jpeg (72.31 KB, 1144x294, 2163FB2C-23D9-4474-8E0F-E15C3A…)

No. 1614911
>>1612992Sorry for being a retard but what's a TIM?
This is also why I've stopped giving a shit about other people's discrimination, tbh. It's not enough for them for you to just not be racist or whatever.
No. 1615042
>>1614126I looked at his letterboxd and one of his favorite movies is Handmaiden, which is basically just scrote fap material with lesbian scissoring scenes and shit. Disgusting.
Does anyone know what kpop groups he likes? I searched and found some stuff about Loona whose fandom are known for being extremely edgy aka fucked up moids that made a member run off of the stage crying recently. Seems fitting but I expected more coombrained kpop groups tbh.
No. 1616226
File: 1660532471434.png (2.85 MB, 991x1737, Untitled.png)

Maybe don't have cats if you don't have a job/can't support them & stop buying cosplay.
No. 1616251
>>1616226Stuff like this makes me so MATI. I know circumstances change, or pets can have accidents or illnesses that insurance can't cover but this seems like they're professionally unemployed.
Also grifting for Prius repairs at the same time: No. 1616457
>>1526534>>1527133>>1593751Sorry for necro. She was one of my personal cows too, saw her being posted sometimes over here or on fucking kiwifarms but no one really decided to dig into her antics for milk. She has massive lolcow potential, especially when her grift is happenning for few years already.
I digged through her tumblr and twitter good while ago and I think the funniest thing was trying to convert to judaism for more opression points. I remember her crying that she got harassed when she constantly was talking about killing whites or something, was butthurt that people were over her shit and she had to reap what she sow. I wish I screenshotted it, it was just too funny. Her twitter is more self-censoring but one things were jarring for me. When I checked it she seemed to have that
strawberry dress on in her profile picture (while constantly saying she's broke and close to being homeless) and generally her tweets were like "you're racist and lesbophobic if you won't buy my fiction" or obsession with cannibalism, especially about anyone who isn't black. I wonder if she offers commissions still, her prices were ridiculous for her subpar skill.
Didn't heard about her trying to ebeg for a Telfar though. Still, it's ridiculously funny. These bags always looked dogshit and heard quality is flaming garbage. They are just memed by dying rags like Dazed.
No. 1617302
>>1616226>terrified of going back to work>slowly working on it with my therapist god I hate these people, she clearly has a place to stay and a car, a THERAPIST, and SOME kind of cash flow, only to beg for funds for animals she can't support
>>1616251>asking for repair funds for Prius while standing in front of a HK truck why
No. 1617880
File: 1660673318541.jpeg (107.17 KB, 828x416, 8DCAD006-ABC8-45A7-8DBA-6FC726…)

This dude tags all his ebegging as #trans woman and like, looooooool. He’s been talking about a new job starting soon since June too.
No. 1618983
File: 1660791603435.jpg (44.06 KB, 800x450, That_Sign_Can27t_Read.jpg)

>>1618695the cope is real
No. 1619220
File: 1660827244951.jpeg (487.01 KB, 828x1101, 4BB51B6A-2060-4A68-8EBE-3C73C2…)

kek video is whoopi saying “you go get a damn job” ofc some of the kweers are mad but oh well
No. 1620038 got bored and found Tygerwulfe's channel. Includes videos from 13 years ago including one where she claimed she was going to be a Paleontologist. So much for that. I was also able to find the dump they are currently living at from the picture on the gofundme (both unfurnished pictures and the street view).
The tiktok of Tyger and the wife were easily found including the wife smoking a cigarette in one. Lol. People really make it too easy these days.
(learn2embed) No. 1620377
File: 1660946132289.png (433.86 KB, 699x2519, traumaversary.png)

Uh, so. Rosaria got high, attacked a random Vivziepop stan, got blocked, remade to keep attacking them, and now whines about getting attacked by Vivziepop stans, only to demand money from them?
No. 1620387
File: 1660947001365.png (34.75 KB, 666x307, nctt.png)

>>1526857Turns out she doesn't actually have OCD … Wanna bet her 'medicine' is weed?
No. 1620421
File: 1660951355492.png (6.29 MB, 3752x5980, vivziepop.png)

>>1620391Yes but beware, it's extremely bizarre.
It's also all online still, there's more but this should be the gist. Also bonus she's a DID faker too now
No. 1620423
File: 1660951423436.png (376.53 KB, 534x911, guineapig.png)

>>1612636You were onto something …
No. 1621289
File: 1661043947487.jpeg (332.66 KB, 828x1792, CF248AA3-1504-4218-AF2B-34C843…)

Rosaria posted her entire work route from her home on a donation post of hers. Lmfao.
No. 1629590
File: 1661781029459.jpeg (676.33 KB, 828x1530, FD1BC911-0A99-419E-9C01-5AD296…)

This girl is the gift that keeps on giving lol.
No. 1629770
File: 1661795529498.jpeg (243.4 KB, 779x1182, 6659F3E3-96D6-4A61-AAC2-230205…)

E begging, but make it cute. The toxic situation is her mother and sister, who is my friend, says she has it easy.
No. 1632128
File: 1661978818400.jpeg (175.78 KB, 828x899, 236E3051-E22F-49F4-A537-3BF845…)

Last time i logged into this account was more than 3 years ago and she is STILL begging on tumblr every day of her life. Her poor child will be working for her beggar mom forever and in 20 years she will be short on rent every fucking week. Imagine living like this and getting a child. Abortions should be free.
No. 1637079
>>1631395She wants to move because they are tired of supporting her and her lifestyle. She works at Sephora and has another job working with kids, and goes to grad school. On the side she is dating some ugly guy in a local band whose younger than her and has no job, all her friends are younger and live at home. Her mom pressures her a lot to grow up and apparently she doesn’t want to hear it.
No. 1643722
File: 1662749710774.png (37.88 KB, 655x398, dehya.png)

Guess who's back!
No. 1644089
File: 1662772776540.jpg (753.55 KB, 1079x2123, Screenshot_20220909_211927.jpg)

It's always crisis after crisis. No end in sight
No. 1644138
File: 1662776833370.png (14.2 KB, 569x116, unhinged.png)

>>1644089this person is legit insane, this is a tweet from the "private" account. lots of other gold in there too
No. 1644617
File: 1662827863631.png (18.24 KB, 393x401, cushingsdisease.png)

>>1503126>>1503240>>1503240>>1503768this is extreme levels of dumb. the pituitary produces acth that signals to the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, with a negative feedback loop (more cortisol, less acth). pituitary cushing is due to an adenoma (tumor) that produces acth uncontrollably disregarding feedback/current cortisol level.
>(there are cyclic cushings, but whatever)1. as an adenoma disregards the feedback system she would have constant high acth and subsequently high cortisol and high blood pressure. getting high or stressed will not affect this
>unless cannabinoids affect acth/cortisol synthesis. my professional guess is that they don't because we would see stoners die from addisonian crisis.2. she wouldn't get strokes due to embolisms blocking vessels, she would get hypertensive hemorrhage/bleeds. ie she would not get TIAs.
3. if the size causes surgery to risk brain damage she should have impaired peripheral field of vision and complain about it.
4. she should have some grade of addisonian hyperpigmentation due to constant elevated acth.
5. from the cortisol she should have a moon face. she just looks fat in the image posted. doesn't have puffy red cheeks, acne, or hirsutism. she should worry about osteoporosis with fractures, cataracts, etc.
6. and most importantly, all this is curable by removing the adrenal glands. cushing is a devastating life-threatening disease, the surgery should be done unless her life expectancy for other reasons is like a month or two.
7. if the adrenal glands cannot be removed for any reason, medications blocking cortisol production should be given, not stoner cookies. (mitotane, ketokonazole, etc.)
No. 1645763
File: 1662935460818.png (358.86 KB, 652x783, pathetic.png)

tfw the farms get taken down so you use it as a keyword to boost your fundraiser and calling them abusers despite barely even being mentioned and it was twitterfags who took you down
No. 1646011
File: 1662969350284.jpeg (41.38 KB, 634x465, 0EE8FFD5-28C4-41E7-BDC9-D2FDBE…)

>>1517482God I just can't get over the fact that this full-grown adult man(?) says "Please, sir" every single month. Something about it is just so uniquely pathetic.
No. 1646068
>>1646011Don't worry, it's a fat ftm. Just hard to tell because fatties do be like that. I recently stumbled across the fat wife's tiktok where lo and behold she's smoking on a cigarette.
Hard agree on the pathetic repetitiveness though. It's always overly dramatic.
No. 1646205
File: 1663000029963.png (453.18 KB, 1012x886, transsanta.png)

>>1502312ever heard of transsanta?
for the past 2 years this insta account posts begging christmas wishlists for trans kids/young adults. the concept is that they post a letter describing their situation and an amazon wishlist link that people can buy you stuff from. the wishlist doesnt even reveal your personal information like address (you can change the name that they see). the admins say that you dont even have to post an image of yourself or use your real name.
i did it last year and got $1000 worth of stuff by making 4 entries. my friend got all of the art materials she needs for college worth $500. its so easy to exploit and i dont feel guilty - its reparations in my opinion. make a new email for each post (i did that just in case they check for duplicate entries), create some trans sob story, and throw shit you want on the amazon wishlist. put some programmer socks or binders on there to make it more convincing. dont view those as a loss because you can return them and get amazon credit instead.
tis the season
No. 1646291
File: 1663004694997.png (22.23 KB, 483x238, Capture.PNG)

>>1646205>>1646205no fucking way KEK
>>1646216nta They said it doesn't matter where you are as long as Amazon registries work and
No. 1646388
>>1646216if amazon packages can be delivered to you, this will work because it uses amazon to order and deliver the gifts. sometimes a post would blow up and the submitter would edit their wishlist to add expensive gifts like an ipad or imac. it was even funnier when it would be the popular post of a 6 year old trans kid and the wishlist would have a dlsr camera or something. i remember seeing a post of an mtf/ftm saying that their mom was a
terf kek
ps - if you submit dont wait until last minute, they get a lot of submissions when christmas approaches that it takes about 1.5 weeks from submission to post. they do post every submission they get, but when christmas passes the fad dies down and those posts get less attention.
No. 1646653
>>1646205I did it last year but my boyfriend got mad LOL. $600+ worth of stuff. To anons reading this: DO NOT larp as a trans man. ALWAYS go for a trans woman.
And fellow griftanon, did you get everything sent to the same address? I only did one account but I had such a sob story everything was bought
No. 1646768
File: 1663035147547.png (205.74 KB, 1130x847, transsanta2.png)

>>1646653lol i hid it all from my boyfriend. he also hates trannies but i didnt tell him did this because he has a soft spot for kids and would call me a bad person (maybe i am for doing this but idoncurr). if he asked i would say "an online friend gave it to me for bday/christmas :)". for part of my haul i wished for visa giftcards and got enough to snag an e-reader, its amazing.
i had everything sent to the same address. since i made multiple posts, i changed the name to be variations of my legal name for each post because the gifters see the name you pick and the city/state you ship the goods to. they dont see the exact address. so if some anon lives in eastern europe they can totally larp as a trans refugee who fled from ukraine.
>>1646681you cant hide your name but you can hide your exact address. idk how strict it is where you live, but you might be able to get away with common misspellings of your name for some anonymity (Sarah -> Sara; Victoria -> Viktoria/Vicky). pic related
my best tip is to submit about 1.5-2 weeks before christmas so that your post will appear right before christmas, dont be afraid to be bold (i got a pair of leather clarks heels lmao. it worked bc my feet are huge), dont be afraid to exploit ur pets if they look basic enough (i got a few toys for my dog there so i made up to her), and up the histrionics to 11. you get an image submission and a description. its totally okay to use picrews/stolen art/traced art as your image submission, honestly i think those got more traction because it wasnt a scrawled note.
if youre going to make handwritten notes at least change your handwriting style a lil bit. get creative. make sure your gifts fit the story youre trying to tell in your submission.
No. 1646864
Meh I’m not interested in grifting myself, though this does show how easy it is to be exploited and exploit social media. I was not expecting profits on this account and accounts like this to amass even over 100$ kek. but there are thousands of successful crowdfunds I should suspect some of them are on the scamming side.
>>1646788Because grifters NEED a dslr camera, NEED makeup, NEED fast food, and they NEED A partner
No. 1647466
nonny if this is retarded to ask but did you have to make new amazon accounts or could you use the same one? interested in this to get some art supplies kek
No. 1647530
>>1647466different griftanon (>>1646653), i used my personal amazon account and just set the name on the baby registry to something completely different; you can even have different addresses saved on Amazon (where I live they don't really GAF if the name on the package is wrong as long as the last name is correct, you can always go the "oh haha it's a nickname" route)
>>1647417It shows up as a different name each time, you could theoretically use one account and do 30 different registries but it makes more sense to just use a throwaway email IMHO
>>1647491Nothing is stopping you but sometimes the mailmen are weird if the name doesn't match with the address, then you have to go to the post office and explain and it becomes a whole shitshow
No. 1647567
>>1502155its fascinating how the allies have so much spare money, tranny/leftist channels on youtube make a shitload out of patreon even if they upload once a year.
>>1646205i really wanna try this because i actually do need stuff and i am a tomboy which is basically a transman to them but i live in south america sadly
No. 1647599
>>1644857unfortunately for this couple, i have a license to kill (their scam).
just to briefly elaborate on important detail, yes, the adrenal glands can be removed - but lifelong substitution with cortisol (and salt-hormone) tablets is necessary, like in addison's disease and acute cortisol deficiency/addisonian crisis is a life-threatening emergency. however, as said, cushing/hypercortisolism completely devastates the body and _has_ to be treated, with removal of the glands if otherwise not possible.
No. 1647890
File: 1663171055026.png (281.36 KB, 1180x724, Untitled.png)

santagriftanon here
>>1647243i dont think e-gift cards are viable option bc im pretty sure they dont sell those on amazon. as long as you live in an area that amazon delivers to you should be good. so many people asked for visa gift cards. you can say "i need it to pay my rent/bills :(" kek
>>1647417i used a different name for each wishlist but sent it to the same address (gifters dont see your address, just your city/state). for submitting the posts, i made a throwaway email for each submission.
>>1647466i put my wishlists under one amazon acct. see pic for a more detailed breakdown of how i arranged/hid information.
No. 1648221
>>1648195a lot of these "kids" put down shit like thigh high socks, cosplay shit, sailor/school girl outfits, and makeup lol
and thats not even mentioning all the binders i saw which are gonna cause these poor misinformed girls several potential (and some guaranteed) health issues down the line while also making their body dysmorphia worse.
No. 1648490
>>1648269I think what she means is that if the trannies "deserve" shit like $100 giftcards, binders and wigs then you
actually deserve whatever you could grift WAY more
No. 1648770
File: 1663251344143.png (633.67 KB, 965x643, Screenshot 2022-09-15 090055.p…)

found this one on instagram a couple weeks ago, she constantly posts about her followers "white apathy" and how she deserves "reparations." never posts any pics of herself and always talks in third person. and her patreon "rewards" are non-existent lmao, i have no idea how anyone falls for this.
No. 1648795
File: 1663253385245.png (958.94 KB, 750x1334, image1.png)

i've tried to do digging on this girl with little luck. she has GOT to be a catfish but i can't find any hard evidence. i feel bad for the people giving her money every month. correct me if i'm wrong but if she's from the UK can't she apply for assistance for physical/mental health?
No. 1650938
File: 1663621258776.jpeg (199.99 KB, 553x1234, 866F6D3C-0F10-4EEA-AC5D-3FEE36…)

>>1648770If you’re poor, you owe me seven fitty. If you unstable, you owe me fourteen fitty.
No. 1651956
File: 1663697770130.jpg (51.87 KB, 750x741, 1539802702038.jpg)

>>1648770>never posts any pics of herselfHmmm….
>>1649378It's because they spend an insane amount of their money on junk food.
>>1646205I am so fucking tempted by this ngl. I just don't want to get exposed. I don't blame anyone here for trying their luck with this, most trannys are privileged middle class cunts anyways.
No. 1672565
File: 1665506427463.jpeg (373.65 KB, 828x841, 4E7951B1-7034-4513-B9F1-431E0C…)

$7.5k to turn the heat back on?
No. 1674465
File: 1665672537842.png (3.81 MB, 1125x2436, E188F1A8-EA3A-4602-A419-2D7476…)

>>1672565This scamming heterosexual couple also got $3300 from GFM last year to support themselves and their “4 emotional support cats” because the woman’s mother (who was paying all their bills) was “emotionally
abusive.” You can’t make this shit up. No. 1674596
File: 1665686341644.jpg (441.07 KB, 1080x1898, Screenshot_20221009-024012.jpg)

>>1674465maybe the situation was
abusive. it's not like you are compelled to donate.
this feels a lot like that conventionally attractive woman who an heroed as the covid quarantines began be/c she had a phobia about being cooped up all day. her fears probably seem irrational to everyone else but she was overwhelmed by them.
anyway, found this recentish. why would anyone make this
No. 1674597
File: 1665686553557.jpg (76.69 KB, 529x544, tumblr_59b6a50fc65152c0af3b8f1…)

>>1646205I sincerely hope you people are trolling wtaf
No. 1675272
>>1674596There are women with kids right now having to live with
abusive men who beat and rape them, and they can’t escape because they have no money and no hope of ever getting any. Yes no one is forced to donate to these lazy clowns, but every time someone does it takes donations away from people who really need them. That’s a man and his wife, how
abusive could his mother in law have been while paying for them to live.
No. 1678743
>>1675272Your logic could just as easily be used to say about someones
abusive shithead husband "how
abusive could he be hes paying for all her stuff" black and white thinking isnt the way nonna
No. 1678930
File: 1666138926461.jpg (309.98 KB, 1080x1629, 20221018_191744.jpg)

The entire post is insane. He goes on to link his paypal then in the replies links his bitcoin wallet kek No. 1678951
File: 1666141296037.jpg (481.38 KB, 1079x1393, Screenshot_20221018_205932.jpg)

>>1678930Pulling a Keffals i see?
>>1678932You can buy the powders on eBay apparently. I doubt it's illegal per-say but "giving" them to "poor young trans girls" that bunk with them definitely is. How much do you want to bet these troons are sexually extorting their visitors for hormones?
No. 1678962
>>1678930Stealing what you think is coke and it being hormones sounds like the premise of tranny forced feminization fap fiction. And yeah estrogen is not exactly illegal if marketed not for human consumption although testosterone certainly is (bc steroids) although it's not a law often enforced. The troons would make it some kind of civil rights issue if they got busted too. I'm just imagining this household though. They probably have all manner of degen weirdos coming and going who'd be happy to steal some drugs and in for a major disappointment I guess. And of
course it ends with ebegging.
No. 1679355
File: 1666198744864.png (390.64 KB, 1070x1100, Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 12.5…)

Resident fatass with 9 years of ebegging experience at it again. Will they actually be homeless now and stop harassing slimyswampghost? She still hasn't said/showed why the accounts are this negative either.
No. 1679772
>>1679355what a dumpster fire
if you have to rely on the internet every month for this kinda thing, it might be time for some changes
No. 1679829
File: 1666234630915.jpeg (1003.41 KB, 1284x2218, 21798920-5FF2-497D-B37F-14942B…)

>>1679355He's literally going to invoice people to demand donations lmao. Receiving a money request from someone I once donated to honestly would make me regret ever helping them. He needs to call the bank and have them reverse all the fees if they want any of that money back.
No. 1680073
>>1679916Fatty considers begging to be a professional job at this point. Yes, tagging celebrities on your panhandle posts is real hard work!
I dunno if anyone else monitors these two but Tyger claimed that the wife can't smoke weed according to her doctor. But I found her tiktok and what do you know she's smoking a cigarette in one of them. These people lives are built on lies.
No. 1680089
File: 1666273064690.png (40 KB, 596x307, chrome_v4QP6wtu2W.png)

>>1679829well at least he knows that he is being retarded, but its so stupid none the less.
No. 1680120
File: 1666277043732.jpeg (287.52 KB, 1170x1584, F86D8B55-A88F-4CF0-942C-9A4E25…)

>>1679829This asshole already does that. I stupidly fell for the grift since I used to follow slimyswampghost. You don’t think your one act of charity is gonna come back and attempt to grift more from you. That’s how I knew it was a sham. I’m not your fucking piggy bank you fat fuck freeloader.
No. 1680145
>>1678743That’s just stupid anon. No one is compelled to mooch off their “emotionally
abusive” parents in their 30s. Most people have long since cut ties with shitty parents and become independent by that point, especially after getting married. It’s not
remotely comparable to a woman who is legally bound and shares children & a home with a violent man who beats her.
No. 1681472
File: 1666453811279.jpeg (300.3 KB, 828x1553, 0530E8B0-9D99-47F5-BF49-4485CF…)

>>1681403His wife’s TikTok is hilarious. She claims DID, adhd, was very underweight and put on weight for “no reason”, and she is always buying wigs, and halloween decorations and random shit. Complete scam artists.
No. 1683468
File: 1666634357161.jpg (128.42 KB, 1079x424, 20221024_185716.jpg)

>>1681472Amazing how the woman supposedly so brain damaged she needs 24/7 care can make tiktoks and smoke cigarettes
No. 1683755
File: 1666655470916.png (661.46 KB, 1888x994, Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 7.49…)

>>1683468They are so completely full of shit and clearly exaggerate their situation. Just a lot of excuses as to why they are fat and refuse to work.
If this is anything to go by they should be homeless within the next month. There's no way they're raising rent + this 10k balance between chase and paypal in a week. If they keep the place there's clearly someone like a family member funding their life while the online begging is just extra income. Tyger also claimed to have closed the chase account but they clearly didn't and it continues to get charged more and more fees to who knows what because the fat fuck still refuses to show what the supposed charges are. No. 1687953
File: 1667059426842.jpeg (126.08 KB, 960x794, 3CF84D4A-6BD4-4539-A464-A95D95…)

someone fr needs to call cps on this bitch
No. 1687954
File: 1667059477047.jpeg (197.96 KB, 960x720, 06AF93A7-C4B2-4316-9B34-B95682…)

>>1687953the way she is posing w her children and her cane
No. 1688053
>>1678930>>1678951Might get banned for saying this but given the fentanyl crisis going on atm I wish troids got duped with it as opposed to normies and drug addicts. It would take out a majority of the child grooming population.
>>1680238Ntayrt but do these fat anglos claim to be jewish? They have major "southern face", see
>>1681472 >>1687954. There is absolutely no jewish lineage there kek. I hope my gassed ancestors haunt the fuck out of these grifters who try to claim they're jewish to be terminally online hambeasts because they think they're above getting a job like the rest of us.
No. 1697674
File: 1668167402292.png (518.89 KB, 1062x804, Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 6.44…)

Ebegging aiden fatass is shocked that paypal would limit her new account when she currently has another over 6k in the negative. Also claims they got denied for foodstamps, from missing an appointment. Excuses aka lies. else notice that they just quietly managed to get the money they needed from two weeks ago? Scammers.
No. 1697766
File: 1668181582576.png (1.08 MB, 1174x1066, Capture d’écran 2022-11-11 à…)

they/them twitter artist wants £120,000 for a lawsuit to copyright his shit-tier comics or something
No. 1698130
File: 1668211836146.jpeg (399.98 KB, 828x1100, 41CE446B-FA7F-4CC4-AC67-7CABA3…)

jfc grifters will jump at any opportunity to guilt people into sending them spare change
No. 1698163
File: 1668214875209.jpg (1.23 MB, 2448x3264, get a real job.jpg)

Apparently tygerwulfe spent 200 hours drawing shitty dinosaurs and coloring them pride colors and is now bemoaning having made only $11. How can she invest this kind of time into something so unprofitable as her art hobby FOR YEARS and think it's productive? She definitely knows her art doesn't make any money but she and her fat wife have nothing else to do but post furry art, tiktoks, and pathetic pleas on social media while some great aunt twice removed sends them money.
>>1697674>Anyone else notice that they just quietly managed to get the money they needed from two weeks ago? Scammers.That's why I always wonder how people fall for this kind of grift. They've been perpetually out of money for years, yet their debt resets every few weeks? Also, I've been wondering if paypal takes action against this kind of thing. It does say business account so was there something else that made them close it (like weird transactions/transfers) or would it just be the debt?
No. 1698283
>>1698163200 hours they could have spent searching for a sit down desk job for her fatass. She was delusional to ever think this plan would work considering how over saturated pride (animal/objects) merch already is. These arent even visually appealing and scream "Graphic design is my passion".
I can't remember correctly but I think paypal logs similar information such as addresses and ip, so they saw there was already an account linked to them with a huge debt. Guess Katherine thinks paypal would just close the account and call it even? lol.
No. 1698456
>>1698163>muh 200 hoursmaybe they should be less ugly, people aren't obligated to buy your ugly dinos
get a damn job and do this on the side, there's nothing stopping you from doing that
No. 1698696
File: 1668292480283.png (1.16 MB, 854x1294, Screen Shot 2022-11-12 at 5.31…)

I have suspicions these texts might be faked for the sake of garnering sympathy as usual.
You ever just guilt trip the fuck out of your own 80 year old mom after she already helped you, while her husband is in critical condition in the hospital? The pictures of him are so distasteful too. Just rattling off each specific bill cost to them too…those poor parents made a failure. No. 1711445
File: 1669553353325.jpeg (990.54 KB, 1170x1969, 2C48B274-E1E1-434D-AC11-2B82A9…)

I just logged onto tumblr for the first time in like 6 years and this bitch is still doing this??
No. 1711576
File: 1669566333304.png (474.04 KB, 872x916, fluoresensitiveebeg.png)

surprised no one here has brought up fluoresensitive on tumblr. notorious "enby" cow who constantly e-begs and demands white people pay to follow her ass on a fucking microblogging website. picrel.
No. 1711598
File: 1669567436933.jpeg (512.89 KB, 828x1182, DCEB33A5-3374-4F5F-94D4-FE2817…)

this shit looks so fake
No. 1711599
File: 1669567465777.jpeg (200.99 KB, 1283x1357, 78E53733-88D3-44B1-B8B6-843748…)

>>1711598all the exposition in these texts KEK
No. 1711679
>>1711671Idk if she’s applied for that kind of assistance or not, I feel like she’s applied for food stamps or WIC but don’t quote me on that.
What really bothers me is that I think it’s seedy and scummy to ask for money from people who are probably working with the same amount or less than she is. The father in that situation is garbage but how does she not qualify for child support? If she does then there’s something really sketch going on here. Also posting your kids on the same blog you advertise your adult content on is just disgusting, point period blank.
No. 1711875
File: 1669585031706.jpg (341.49 KB, 821x1441, silvertransition.jpg)

>>1711856He's an infamous tranny tumblr user who was aggressively male (but if you said that his legion of cult followers would swarm you). He was a race faker back in the day and apparently used to be in the military. Most recent major escapade was in 2020 where he started a gofundme for his "transition fund", guilt tripped people by saying some shit about police brutality and how he wasn't sure if he had much longer left (this was right after George Floyd). He managed to scam people out of like $40,000 when all was said and done, because I highly doubt that money actually went to any sort of medical transition.
No. 1711885
File: 1669585527457.png (1.35 MB, 2436x1400, newtransitionfund1.png)

>>1711875Gonna have to add two more screenshots but this dude opened up ANOTHER fucking transition fund. only raised over $900 for this one though. Claims that the old one that made over $40k solely went to rent and bills as he lost his job. Now he's pretty much radio silent on tumblr and his twitter has been banned lol
No. 1712142
>>1711576If $30 is nothing then why does she need it?
>>1711584Does she have a job? Is she living off the government? Or is it just a grift
No. 1712519
>>1712142>If $30 is nothing then why does she need it? Because nona, it's important that whites pay their dues to her so they can continue seeing quality content, such as her badly written short horror stories and telling terfs to drink bleach. She couldn't operate a riveting platform otherwise.
>Does she have a job? Is she living off the government? Or is it just a grift She (unclefather) apparently has a job (whatever commission-based work means, I really want to say she's a hairdresser/cosmetologist or something), she might have some government assistance. I believe the majority of it is a grift though, she's been at that shit for years. The only time I remember her not trying to constantly e-panhandle was before she had kids.
No. 1712831
File: 1669666081604.jpeg (201.37 KB, 828x1792, 8E28E9BF-A3AF-45DD-9D4E-160648…)

>>1712829Sorry, here is the image.
No. 1713334
File: 1669704588175.jpeg (953.08 KB, 750x1284, 42E2B0A3-1B41-49F5-BD01-B5444F…) this on my fyp. i'd really love to give the benefit of the doubt with this one, especially since theres kids involved, but i have a gut feeling there's holes in this person's story somewhere. can any nonas help me out here?
No. 1713480
File: 1669728325290.jpeg (58.76 KB, 427x640, 5bb56a4f3c000020010ce64a.jpeg)

>>1713334have you ever worked with people like…this? especially the ones who barge into every situation screaming abt how autistic they are. imagine someone walks into their first day looking like Pepper from AHS and no doubt twisting that uwu stim toy like crazy while you're trying to teach them the job. the learned helplessness emanating from these types is overwhelming. it's almost like they have a voyeurism fetish for their own autism.
No. 1713646
>>1712899The permanently online masses are either too young and/or brainwashed to understand that misgendering is not on the same level as street homelessness, or they are smart enough to fake screenshots that pull at the heartstrings of their Gofundme cash cows. My guess is that it's the latter, because as you said yourself, somebody is paying the phone bill, and it's not the ebil mom.
Also the name is lookingforhelp, and if that's not a grift I don't know what is.
No. 1727996
File: 1671117938439.png (1.07 MB, 1911x1080, Picsart_22-12-15_10-21-41-733.…)

this person is a racist albanian nationalist tranny stoner who refuses to get a job and instead spends their time live blogging every single retarded thought that enters their mind to their tumblr
No. 1729873
File: 1671338306921.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1535, Screenshot_20221217-233409~2.p…)

Hey nonnies. Made a post here about transsanta a while ago. Reporting back that this year I was able to get multiple things with the best one being an iPad. But I came to the realization that 95% of the people buying things are women, which checks out with the fact that women are more likely to give and give more to charity than men across all demographics. Sure, fuck troons, but not at the expense of other women. So I returned everything, bought visa gift cards, and gave it to a homeless woman. It was like $800. Best I could do because I can't get physical cash. I've been casually checking up on posts there and came across this one. This person was able to get people to give them $3,300+ in less than 24 hrs by saying she is pregnant by rape in a state that doesn't allow abortion even though she's keeping the baby. I'm pretty sure it's fake, as they didn't add useful items to their Amazon wishlist - it's only a "fund" which allows people to just give you money freely. Comments are telling her to abort even though she said she's keeping it in the post, which is kinda despicable.
No. 1729938
>>1729873you did the right thing by donating to someone who would use it for survival and not fidget spinners and tech gadgets.
>>1729928There’s reasons to donate to these things beyond sheer gullibility. I donated to trans Santa back in 2019 before I peaked because I saw myself and my friends in these kids who were almost all gnc and often same sex attracted, and not accepted by their families. My mistake was thinking that buying them anything other than good therapy, was the solution to make these kids happy.
Another factor was that trend on the left leaning internet where if you show any doubt towards a person claiming to need help, you’re a terrible cynical person, so you can’t point out how shit their vetting process is without being accused of trying to murder vulnerable children in their sleep. Must be rough for legitimate charities right now.
No. 1730011
>>1729873you are so much kinder than me
nonnie, i respect this although i disagree
No. 1730212
File: 1671394872547.png (3.81 MB, 2002x1486, Untitled.png)

>>1729951Worst part is that it wasnt even that much of a sob story. I said I was a black trans woman whos applying for art college and needed it. then I made the image in canva in about 30 mins.
>>1730011I debated about it for a while. but when someone buys something off the list, Amazon tells you their name and it was almost always a woman's name. I'm radfem and it breaks my heart to see it. Even if a woman is doing something retarded I cant just take advantage of her. I'm not trying to make you agree with me, I'm just word vomiting.
>>1730072There actually was a post that had two people in the comments saying that they knew that this person wasn't trans and they were met with doubt and people saying that they shouldn't discuss it in the comments as it will make people hate the trans more. These people are idiots. Something I noticed is that the posts are much more clickbaity than last year. Theres less handwritten letters, art, and photos and most digital posts with a large, eyecatching title. Pic related. They come up with the most unreal stories.
No. 1730232
File: 1671396806978.png (1.13 MB, 1386x876, Screenshot 2022-12-18 152801.p…)

>>1730212Im going to highlight one of the posts in the collage. In order for this story to be true a racist white man married or entered a long term relationship with a black woman, had multiple children with her, and beat her for TWENTY YEARS. Im not doubting that someone can be abused for that long, but it doesnt make sense that a white racist would want to have multiple kids with a black woman considering how a key part of white racism is to not taint the white bloodline. Then the mom leaves him and leaves her child and oh no he cant come because the aunt doesnt like the troons. Its just so convenient that hes got no friends that he can crash with. Hes 20 years old.
Anyways this sob story got him $1,400+ of hard cash on Amazon.
No. 1733990
File: 1672356975687.jpeg (86.04 KB, 623x583, 0E3E1727-9E9A-42EF-894C-FA68BE…)

No. 1739780
File: 1673189129365.png (5.76 MB, 2201x5000, export202301061714100541.png)

It sucks to see an artist you used to look up to and their friends turn into an ebegging troon posse who would rather give up stability and support to willingly become homeless. The rest of grimharlequins posts are self flagellating schizo posts for living in a rich white Canadian suburb with a privileged family. Leaving stability, taking T and drugs, state and country hopping while dragging your pets with you is how you wrack up these ridiculous fucking expenses
No. 1749281
File: 1674269460595.jpg (605.4 KB, 2370x1527, abysmal.jpg)

went to check on transsanta for shits and giggles and saw someone larping as her 11 year old tif brother. Fucking deplorable
No. 1749337
>>1749281>Tif brotherOnly one of these words can be true. it's either a tif, a sister, or not a tif and a brother. Also, why do you say she? Not he because it is presents for a brother?
Transanta is essentially rich westerners asking for free stuff for choosing to be something to larp opression. Of course it is full of grifters. Being trans is a grift. It's not all gay people from homophobic places anymore (and not even always, like the ones who do it for luring straight people into gay sex because otherwise they would say no - this is mostly male trannies because men ultimately refuse to accept no for an answer very often due to entitlement and ego).
No. 1749486
File: 1674302234992.png (667.11 KB, 1080x3679, Screenshot_20230114-151502.png)

Won't someone think of the mythical transwoman?!?
No. 1753404
File: 1674782873435.png (958.15 KB, 828x1792, 5268E641-72D5-4797-8A05-21C105…)

No. 1753413
File: 1674783559533.jpeg (63.02 KB, 1024x964, E2ne9zSWEAA6pW9.jpeg)

>>1749792trannies have convinced an entire generation of women that they can't put themselves first and that being 'tme' is a coherent social classification. it's bleak ladies.
No. 1757010
File: 1675131220927.jpg (860.41 KB, 1079x2057, Screenshot_20230130_180950_Fac…)

a personal cow of mine. imagine e-begging for rent in cincinnati and thinking moving to NYC is a good idea
No. 1757016
File: 1675131404777.jpg (227.73 KB, 1079x1096, Screenshot_20230130_130432_Fac…)

>>1757010but god forbid anyone else have a stable income kek
No. 1761073
>>1698696"earthquake insurance"
Do these grifters really live in Cali and then moan about not having any money? Fucking move somewhere more affordable.
No. 1761078
>>1711671I don't feel sorry for her. It takes two to tango so unless she was a
victim of rape or SA (which is possible but not likely) she's just as responsible as the guy who knocked her up.
No. 1761085
>>1727996"How can I afford a plate?"
I bought four plates for 25 cents a pop at a garage sale. It's easy to get cheap plates if you know where to look.
No. 1761190
File: 1675549259762.jpeg (630.54 KB, 1170x1513, CBFF06B0-69C3-466C-9A8D-D1A7F6…)

The absolute entitlement. Asking for $1000 to take a vacation and record an album? How self important.Not to pl but all the music I’ve made has been in my free time after I work my 9-5. Same with everyone I know, or they pay a few hundred for studio time.
Also, spoiler alert: This girl is not a girl!
No. 1761276
File: 1675559127528.jpeg (474.82 KB, 828x1358, 53420AC1-845D-48DB-BA93-BE3B7A…)

Every time she says ‘i simply must laugh’ she’s malding hard as hell I’ve noticed.
No. 1765257
File: 1676061580220.png (1.42 MB, 1080x5783, Screenshot_20230210-213603.png)

She needs new teeth and lingerie and you better pay up yt boi.
No. 1765263
File: 1676062221716.gif (3.22 MB, 480x270, mean-girls-hands.gif)

Raise your hand if you have seen tons of "instead to buy that transphobic game, give your money to poor us" tweets (adding also game spoilers)
No. 1765725
File: 1676127946538.gif (286.54 KB, 400x165, 4E2E4527-5092-4D1E-A0DA-D32B74…)

>>1765263Yep, every second post. It’s funny because half of them aren’t even pulling the ‘I have no money for food/rent/meds etc’ they’re skipping straight to posting wish lists, ko-fi links or trying to promo their shitty, ‘ValiDate’ tier projects.
No. 1767301
File: 1676305561716.png (304.2 KB, 1080x1245, Screenshot_20230213-080028-675…)

New to this thread, did a search and couldn't find anyone else who posted this person. This Canadian lady is a super grifter on drugs (her kids were taken away due to drug use) who posts every day about not being able to afford food and shames the ppl she tags in her begging for not donating. Her entire Twitter is filled with crazy stories about why she can't go to food banks or get other assistance. She just begs for cash and complains when it's not enough. Someone gave her $40 and she whined that it wasn't enough. Here's a screenshot saying that people who don't donate to her want her to self harm. No. 1767995
File: 1676393168277.png (59.3 KB, 433x532, 121.png)

Hello nonnas. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread. My offering, a mere run-of-the-mill disabled transwoman, but this garbage is all over tumblr, everyone has a made up sob story, the signal boost tag is a gold mine for e-beg posts of people similar to the ones posted in this thread. Apologizing for posting again, constantly having issues no matter how much money these dumbasses throw at them.
No. 1768066
File: 1676401766419.jpeg (124.3 KB, 828x332, BC5E0DB7-1042-423D-BC60-218FBF…)

saw this one yesterday, maybe im just an especially poorfag but isn't it only rich kids who get credit cards in their parents names?
No. 1769238
File: 1676524166870.jpg (123.23 KB, 1033x1280, IMG_20230215_220838_962.jpg)

>>1768759Right! My summary really sucked but there's really just no way to describe this woman without going to her Twitter and reading. I managed to read all the way back to July yesterday before my tab refreshed.
I like this one though. She basically admits to using multiple social media accounts for giveaways and then bitches about being placed on scammer lists for scamming.
No. 1778966
File: 1677565349646.png (74.86 KB, 660x546, Screenshot_50.png)

this person posts begging posts so often it makes me question how much of it is true
No. 1778994
>>1778966>Celiacs and something that sounds like Fibromyalgia Celiacs guy should stop stuffing his face with junk food and he wouldn't need to go to the hospital. I don't even understand how celiacs can require a 911 call and ambulance ride, all it does is give the sufferer extreme diarrhea the day after they eat gluten. The only medication they can give to "stabilize him" are anti-diarrhea meds, which can be bought anywhere without taking an ambulance ride. The one with the cane and the non-specific "sickness" sounds like a typical Spoonie.
>hostile landlord demanded an inspection>so I had to get cleaning supplieskek sounds like her apartment is fucking disgusting and the landlord won't let her keep it like that. If the inspection was unjustified they'd already have cleaning products, because they'd actually be cleaning the house.
No. 1779117
File: 1677586331130.png (51.66 KB, 469x327, Screenshot 2023-02-28 6.03.46 …)

>>1778966>>1778966lol talking about how roomie is allergic to basically every food but eats candy and chips
No. 1779184
>>1778966i love how she's claiming a
fucking hospital couldn't accommodate a gluten allergy, when the reality is her roommate got a tummy ache and was told to fuck off so he wouldn't take up space from actually sick people.
No. 1779189
File: 1677597984337.jpg (244.58 KB, 1440x1387, Lol.jpg)

These posts all tend to sound the same to me but the fact this person had the audacity to include a payment on a videogame controller in this
No. 1781334
File: 1677813105541.png (969.29 KB, 505x1829, 76867878777777.png)

If you're going to racefake for handouts, maybe don't post your actual, unedited face kek
No. 1781558
File: 1677828605862.png (134.4 KB, 568x551, 480.png)

I checked up on tigerwulfe and in january she retweeted an old thread of hers. she is FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY POUNDS. The thread is a list of her disabilities which are all from that weight. She also just turned 40. A 40 year old 500 lb unemployed twitter grifter who draws objectively terrible cartoons and she's still going strong.
No. 1781658
>>1781558I can't stop laughing at the "I'm actually 280-230lbs not what the scale says." Absolute fatty cope.
Hmm lets see some of the causes of lymphedema.
>Being Obese.>Lack of Activity. No. 1782236
File: 1677905311434.png (494.5 KB, 598x811, twitter.png)

>after being kicked out of a homeless shelter for defending themselves against a violent transmisogynistic attack a few months ago
press (x) to doubt.
No. 1800171
File: 1680313791626.png (32.28 KB, 802x802, get a fucking job already.png)

No. 1800173
File: 1680313834166.png (78.54 KB, 405x837, common fluoresensitive l.png)

Fear not, nona, your time has come.
No. 1800175
File: 1680313944156.png (22.8 KB, 795x607, oh theres no way.png)

Flood over now, I'm just astonished at the lack of self awareness.
No. 1802429
>>1800999Slight blog:
but I was one of her mutuals when she got dropped by her publisher for her unprofessional behavior on her tumblr and then threw a fit when people suggested she create a separate tumblr for her work. She also said at one point that the main appeal of converting to Judaism is to hold it over people's heads in arguments (ex: she gets in an argument and asks if it's because she's Black and Jewish). My milk runneth over etc
No. 1802430
File: 1680655318311.png (30.3 KB, 787x718, oh no way.png)

No. 1802440
File: 1680656975140.png (51.9 KB, 598x622, queersocialism.png)

>>1800608And specially if they're TIMs, to a women org.
>>1800429I'm surprised they are still living in the street, since I saw the same post on March 27. Hmmmmm.
No. 1804537
File: 1680850958854.png (54.44 KB, 941x608, vintage grift.png)

>>1781558>>1502588>>1679355In honor of 1 year of tygerwulfe, the incredible 500lb financer of cats and drawer of dinosaurs, I would like to present some new, vintage content.
I spent some time digging around on her 2006 livejournal. She seems to have spent most of 2006-2007 going to Disneyland. But, I found what I believe to be her first e-begging post! A solid 15 years strong of grifting,
triggered by what appears to be her starting to flunk classes at college (probably from going to Disney every weekend). No. 1804540
File: 1680851016961.png (19.78 KB, 673x420, tygerwulfe does 9-11.png)

bonus livejournal post
No. 1804544
File: 1680852303823.jpg (194.55 KB, 1500x900, tygerwulfe.jpg)

>>1804537and last but most importantly of all, her website (circa 2007)! From here, we can get an intimate view of tygerwulfe; Namely, her love for buffy, scooby doo, tickling, and animals. There's a lot more than in picrel too. The site also hosts numerous links to her other endeavours, including her old deviantarts and her self-published book. No. 1804727
>>1802451The evidence was on her old/archived blog & it was probably sometime last year or the year before, whenever she was trying to get her actual book published.
I should've been more clear in my initial wording, she didn't have any work published by an actual production company, she was in the works with one & she had her work on her blog where she told people to drink bleach over
terf accusations and posts demanding white people pay to follow her, so they decided to not go through with it. Afterwards, her work was published by a friend/mutual of hers on tumblr with their own 'publishing' house (I think it's called Oni press or something), but she may as well just say she's been published by AO3 or Wattpad. It's not an official publishing company in any way.
No. 1806650
File: 1681177057141.png (108.4 KB, 598x778, Daddy Dai TheFanficGuy.png)

>tags famous people
There should be a kind of bingo or something.
No. 1808601
File: 1681493028245.jpeg (49.91 KB, 623x583, IMG_8004.jpeg)

as he wears designer boots & has a massive gut from “nourishing” his beautiful f*t body
No. 1808733
File: 1681514334136.png (13.71 KB, 624x341, troon wide body.png)

>>1808668He can be found on Twitter as creaturemenu
No. 1808769
File: 1681521910581.jpeg (143.09 KB, 1073x1211, 7A1317E9-1E93-463D-9533-9D357A…)

>>1808733Still laughing at this retweet, apparently he thinks the
TERF he’s battling with is “hazardously horny” for 600lb troons
No. 1812992
File: 1682128613780.png (630.57 KB, 1956x3127, refund drama.png)

>>1644089>>1644138>>1739780>>1781334Also apparently isn't very fond of giving people their refunds for kidpix art, what a shocker.
No. 1813182
File: 1682166639137.jpeg (94.24 KB, 828x1226, IMG_8769.jpeg)

No. 1813410
>>1813184yes its refering to
>>1808601. Its hard to tell because his massive lard calves are too big to lace the boots up
No. 1814321
File: 1682345867590.png (194.54 KB, 1227x895, ebeg.png)

is anyone familiar with this chick mercedes? i'm not sure if she's been posted, but she begs for room rent all week, puts up vids of her crying, and tags randoms who may/may not have interacted with her or her stories once lol.
No. 1815086
File: 1682453771436.jpeg (96.25 KB, 750x1049, 738DA693-3B2B-4C72-92B9-C4DC78…)

i see a lot of posts that are like “donate to this anonymous black trans woman who can’t provide any proof of their situation or even make their own post!” do tumblr users seriously just ask for as much money as they want on behalf of a “poc transwoman” and people donate no questions asked?
No. 1815180
>>1815172No, it was in a natural disaster relief mutual aid group we were both in. He posted an emergency housing request for his family that seemed legit, I sent him a small amount of money and then he started bombarding me with cash requests for obvious bullshit. I googled him, saw his paper trail and disputed the original send. In retrospect he probably wasn't even local to the area and just joined the group to grift off disaster
victims. Serves me right trying to be charitable kek
No. 1827584
File: 1684154139818.png (137.05 KB, 1080x1503, Screenshot_20230515-143534.png)

No. 1832027
File: 1684732396747.png (227.16 KB, 598x644, Mari Copeny on Twitter.png)

>>1815086That's what happens when you place "poor black trans women" in a pedestal of the most oppressed race.
I saw this tweet and I love how OP is blaming "Karen" for the fundraising when she's not even the one that organized it.
No. 1832030
File: 1684732865085.png (144.04 KB, 1157x1160, Sarah Comrie.png)

>>1832027The "Karen" in question.
No. 1834543
File: 1685059225029.jpg (327.46 KB, 1076x1813, Screenshot_20230525_195908_Fir…)

My personal lolcow e begs for birthday presents and drugs off of the dark web while having millionaire parents.
No. 1841966
File: 1686080614264.jpeg (112.49 KB, 828x1036, IMG_5862.jpeg)

kek that hideous buster keaton infinifat used his donation money to vacation in bora bora
hope the ppl who donate to every “vulnerable black trans folx” they see on twitter learns their lesson this time
No. 1842392
File: 1686154999118.jpeg (330.97 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5888.jpeg)

satirical btw
No. 1849411
File: 1687197400946.png (7.74 KB, 598x272, chris kindred on Twitter.png)

June 19th, the day that white/non-BIPOC must replish our sins by giving money to Black people just… because?
No. 1867825
File: 1689775677699.jpeg (496.03 KB, 828x1608, IMG_7587.jpeg)

Just don’t buy a fucking fursuit, it’s that easy.
No. 1867879
>>1867825expensive hobbies are a privilege not a right. It can be upsetting knowing you will never have your grail item(trust me I know) but you need to move on there is more to life than your hobby.
>with the financial stress of universityI will never unserstand why people decide to get into expensive hobbies while they are in university. Spending alot of money on material objects when you just moved out of your parents house is stupid. There is a reason why hobbies mostly consists of people who has been in the job market for over a decade because they already got their finances under control.
>does so much for the communityI have seen some rare occasions where a community donated money to buy a present for a highly regarded member. But it's usually someone who has organised cons, zines, promoted small artists, run newsletters and websites etc. stuff that helps expanding a community. And even in those cases it was never 2.5k
No. 1868346
>>1868007I'm not jealous. A fetish isn't a hobby. There's nothing "hobby" about fursuits, and yeah well basically what
>>1868027 said. Nothing in my post precludes women from having gross fetishes btw.
No. 1884418
File: 1692462161983.jpeg (796.4 KB, 2400x1440, IMG_5110.jpeg)

How do these people function in real life…?
No. 1885872
File: 1692647742290.jpeg (505.22 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_5112.jpeg)

>>1885354In what world is drawing cutesy animals with titchop scars not degen…
No. 1886261
>>1827584I feel like many if not most of these grifters do actually
need the money it's just that whatever they get they spend on bullshit instead of the things they need like
>>1827810 said, except the worst ones are spending it on anime merch or amazon cosplay, kek. And if you say anything about it you hear "poor people deserve to have fun too" or some shit
No. 1902013
File: 1695332051119.png (335.44 KB, 1078x1098, creaturemenu back at it again.…)

>>1808601>>1808733>>1733990>>1841966no fucking way, creaturemenu is begging again @Icouldnvr
No. 1904711
File: 1695758682249.png (36.13 KB, 564x272, Ebegging 8.png)

No. 1904715
File: 1695758750233.png (31.61 KB, 524x181, Ebegging 1.png)

At least he's honest.
No. 1929662
File: 1700170474052.png (208.64 KB, 960x962, IMG_20231116_183332.png)

She's allergic to pollen (op is a "femme lesbian they/them" so I'm unsure of biological sex but she reads like a girl to me)
No. 1929721
File: 1700178193700.png (117.58 KB, 1390x665, ebegfor3dollars.png)

>>1929715ive thought about it during Christmas time. trans santa obviously doesn't background check but ive never thought about it as a year round venture. Im worried about the IRS getting involved. sage for skim milk + blog but imagine ebegging for three dollars
No. 1929918
>>1545488She's so insufferable and doesn't realize that things are hard for immigrants even if they're white and just because someone is white that doesn't make them the most privileged person in the world. It annoys me when Amerifags, especially ones on Tumblr who think white people are a monolith and every "person of color" that exists is facing hardships because of white people solely, think that America is the only place in the world where bad things can happen and that you're racist ONLY if you're white… Especially people on Tumblr are like this, there's countless of images in this thread like here
>>1529572. In Europe, being an immigrant is just as horrible and people are faced with many struggles because of it. Her roommate is an illegal immigrant with no friends who doesn't know English well. Her roommate is trying to argue with her and her only response is "okay sis", she refuses to communicate and listen. When you're trying to have an argument with someone and they refuse to listen to you, it's the most annoying thing in the world.
No. 1930902
File: 1700420876162.jpeg (387.4 KB, 1232x744, IMG_6629.jpeg)

I started following this person a couple of months ago solely because I find interesting how she begs for money while also buying completely unnecessary things, including art commissions for her online friend’s birthdays.
A couple of weeks ago she was saying her mom was diagnosed with cancer, later on she announced it was benign (so not cancer, that’s a benign tumor), now she bought a freaking tv and is still begging while refusing to sell easily replaceable anime merchandise.
No. 1930909
File: 1700422007052.jpg (448.53 KB, 1079x1702, Screenshot_20231119-191430.jpg)

Troonsanta is open once again.
If you don't know what it is, it's an Instagram run "charity" founded by Indya Moore which consists of troons aged 24 and under making an Amazon wishlist, writing a letter talking about their circumstances, and both of them being posted by Transanta for TRAs to buy shit off the wishlists. There is zero attempt to verify that applicants are actually trans youth in need which makes it extremely easy to scam. Me and my friends have applied for the last couple of years and gotten thousands worth of goods from it. Quite a lot of the applicants look like scammers but Transanta followers are so dumb that they never question the most over the top posts unless it's something ridiculous like the alleged 11 year old CSA victim last year whose list consisted of designer handbags (that having been said, half the lists have gaming consoles or other expensive things that would immediately be stolen from someone who was actually on the streets or in a shelter).
This year it's already been a shitshow despite only being open for a couple of days. They IP blocked people outside of the USA and Canada from submitting despite allowing them before and people in the comments are talking about how Transanta took away the only joy in their lives that they were looking forward to for the entire year.
No. 1930928
>>1930919You don't have to put your address, and only your city/state is visible to people who buy you things when you check out, no specifics of your location.
The only requirements they have are your name, a bio (it can explain what's in your letter further or just be "Merry Christmas" or something simple like that), a letter either handwritten or digital talking about your life as a struggling trans youth, and a link to an Amazon wishlist. They used to ask for age too but this year they're not.
They don't ask for ID, address, and they even discourage you from sending in selfies. Basically anything that can be used to identify you isn't required. I've sent in dozens of letters over the years and haven't been caught because everything they'll know about you will be a total lie about being a trans youth and the only thing close to truthful about you someone's could find out is your city, which would be too vague for anyone to doxx you from alone. Unless you put your full name on the delivery address (I always use just my first name or initials), but even then unless you have a very unique name it would be hard for someone to doxx you. They're not going to be able to find out who Jane Smith from New York is, for example, assuming they even feel a need to dig into your identity which seeing as they eat up letters that anyone with two braincells to rub together would know are lies, isn't going to happen
No. 1936228
File: 1701459434086.jpeg (85.83 KB, 1236x204, IMG_6776.jpeg)

>>1930902why even beg for money if you’re gonna post publicly about not using it for necessities?
No. 1936881
File: 1701555178181.jpg (1.06 MB, 972x2145, Screenshot_20231202-221057.jpg)

KEK this is definitely a farmer
No. 1937030
File: 1701580914603.jpeg (388.07 KB, 1075x2480, IMG_2060.jpeg)

>>1936881Sorry for the shitty collage format, but nonnies better not be as autistic as this nona was holy shit, kek. This is kinda proof that they will sort of doxx the information of people they believe to be scammers, so be careful, and be realistic obviously
No. 1937193
>>1936881the mental gymnastics here is olympic gold
"if you ask for money while trans or lgbt online you are a shameless ebegging grifter who should be wracked with guilt"
"unless you're a farmer, then you're based and cool for pwning the troonz"
the calls are coming from inside the house. no matter what you call yourself are you any better?
No. 1937502
>>1937030Oh I think she was a cow in the personal cow thread! Apparently she was doxed because she was retarded. IIRC she spammed her Transanta posts on her IG despite being gender critical and this, along with the ten million packages with weird names that she was receiving, tipped people off IRL. I think she also put the first line of her address as her name sometimes, or put her real name in a few times. So, yeah, get a PO box and use a fake name, but also don't be that level of retarded.
All sorts of people lurk here and her bullshit caused quite a stir. It's 100% possible that someone decided to dedicate their free time to going through every Transanta post, checking the name/address, and calling her out. Or she could have posted her own Transanta posts on her social media again and saved them the trouble.
No. 1937757
File: 1701695628386.jpg (244 KB, 1080x1248, Screenshot_20231204-122801.jpg)

USPS Operation Santa scammers are even worse than Transanta scammers because it's meant for underprivileged children as opposed to troons aged up to 24. Because you can ask for pretty much anything instead of being restricted to Amazon people go wild, such as this person asking for a bunch of expensive tech and two cars. I've seen some letters written by children where they don't ask for anything for themselves but for expensive things for Mommy justified as Mommy deserving them for being a good Mom and making dinner and bringing them to school (I.e basic parenting, and the fact they have to point it out makes me think Mommy does not, in fact, regularly do these things). And there's even letters from adults who don't even try to lie about their age asking for things like LV bags, engagement rings and Macbooks
No. 1937969
File: 1701727202411.jpg (675.58 KB, 955x1852, Screenshot_20231204-215927.jpg)

DID faker begging people to buy her diapers so she can larp as a child
No. 1938351
File: 1701792531836.png (1.04 MB, 828x1792, IMG_1282.png)

Artist Kate Havekost @everbloominggarden/@chalkinginthegarden is continuing her trend of e-begging with the addendum that she is now being gang-stalked. Her grift is to create typical tumblr “dire situation” posts where in order to afford her $4500 rent, she is slicing her 22”x30” watercolors from $3500 to the steal of $900 which obviously no one on tumblr can afford/is willing to pay, but probably still kick a few bucks to her PayPal for nothing. No sense of whether her painting sales are a scam or not, because it doesn’t seem like anyone wants to buy them. Today she pinned a suicide threat to the top of her blog.
No. 1938366
>>1938351Kek I remember this person, they’ve been posted in the radfem thread. I wonder why she’s claiming she’s not a
terf? She has or had a blog labeled as ‘rad’.
>>>/snow/1544723 Her meltdown where she scribbled “worthless” over her pieces because nobody was buying them and yelling “you all will resell my paintings by the thousands after I die!” was my favorite.
No. 1938410
File: 1701800664202.jpeg (976.37 KB, 2048x1637, incollage_save.jpeg)

>>1938366Wow, thanks for the spoonfeed. Grifters gonna grift, I guess. She’s still selling her “worthless” paintings so didn’t actually mark them up. What a corny gesture.
No. 1938427
File: 1701802864578.png (682.31 KB, 1468x1204, 4783562819403.png)

>>1937969Some of the weird fetish bullshit this person "needs" for their little. Barf.
She claims to be a human trafficking survivor who was sold by her mother, and constantly makes weird memes about how her handlers made her wear lolita dresses and other gross shit.
No. 1938502
>>1937196I searched this woman's name, and can it be that she is running another kind of scam that claims to match kids who have aged out of foster care with donors to buy them gifts? I kind of don't want to link it here in case it's not the same person, but if you search the name it's like the second link, a woman with a bright yellow sweater.
If she is scamming while pretending to run a charity, that is nuts.
No. 1938545
>>1938502I'm the
nonny who posted about her in personal cows and it's definitely her. She tried to run a gofundme scam saying she needed 5k following a traumatic brain injury or else she'd get kicked out of her student accommodation due to her grades slipping (she's on a scholarship). She only raised 1k but apparently still lives in her student accommodation seeing as the TRAs that live there are onto her again, so obviously that was a lie (like her entire life).
No. 1938917
File: 1701876072275.jpg (944.97 KB, 2560x1440, 202012GwendolineSobey_hero-sca…)

>>1938545that's fucking wild. Thanks, I'll go check out the Personal Lolcows thread. Sorry again for not linking before but I didn't want to tarnish an innocent person if i was wrong. Behold Gwendoline Chant, Canadian scammer.
No. 1941184
File: 1702252735447.png (54.37 KB, 852x178, Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 23.58…)

twitter is such a deranged website
No. 1946343
>>1946164I've got 7 items purchased and delivered. The last few years I've done it I got dozens of things per year. Only one of my lists got through this year sadly, they seem to have some kind of script blocking people from sending multiple from the same IP address. Lots of troons bitching on their pinned post about their lists not making it, which adds credibility to the IP address block tinfoil as troons often live together with their troon "chosen families" or polycule so multiple people sending from the same WiFi or sharing a device could mean only one letter goes through and the others are automatically declined.
They're really tightening things up this year after the dramas with obvious and very retarded scammers being posted last year. Nobody outside of the USA and Canada allowed, VPNs blocked, more than one letter per IP being disallowed, lists apparently disappearing after people remove things (which is dumb because people who decide they don't want something after all that wasn't even purchased are lumped in with people trying to make it seem like they got less and their registries are nuked), the grid showing how much was bought for people. I will need to change my technique massively if I want to reclaim my pre-2023 scamsanta success.
No. 1946623
>>1946611Just observing what they've been up to. The rules against people outside of North America, VPNs and removing things from your registry are on their site, the grid they have showing how much worth of goods people have gotten is also on their site, and I'm making a guess about them rejecting multiple letters from the same IP address based on some comments from people who said they sent their letters from a friend's device and the friend's own letter got through while their's didn't. The last one is tinfoil but it would explain why myself and other transanta scammers I talk to have had issues sending in several this year, and having a script blocking letters from the same IP address seems likely seeing as they also have scripts geoblocking people, blocking VPNs, checking to see if items were removed from registries, and counting how much was bought for people. Last year was a mess of scammers who didn't even try to sound like actual down on their luck trans youth, like the csa
victim saying she needed designer shoes to stop being bullied, Gwendoline Chant sending dozens of extremely over the top stories that would have been headline news if they'd actually happened with the same aesthetic, and whoever it was that just screenshotted letters from previous years and got caught when the original senders were still following transanta and saw their old entries posted again by someone. Plus loads more, last year was a nightmare that made 2021 and 2020 seem like cakewalks. Transanta were obviously out of their depths and I bet they paid some IT consultant to set up scripts designed to keep scammers out
No. 1946882
File: 1703433831335.jpg (694.59 KB, 1080x1678, Screenshot_20231224-160337.jpg)

that happened
No. 1946883
File: 1703434077840.jpg (352.87 KB, 1054x1699, Screenshot_20231224-160739.jpg)

samefag, the only thing on their registry is an expensive gaming console which totally would not end up stolen from an actual homeless person instantly
No. 1946901
>>1946882"I'm a sad little enby currently living in a barn in Kentucky in the middle of winter with dozens of other people and all I have in the entire world is a trash bag full of clothes. There are no homeless shelters that would take in a woman and her child in the entire state. Every night I stare at the barn walls and eat hay until I fall asleep. What I really need right now is a brand new Nintendo Switch."
Why is anyone falling for this shit?
No. 1946904
>>1946894One good sample of "Beggars can't be choosers".
>>1946901They probably watched "Maid" and expected it worked like that.
No. 1947047
File: 1703475454176.jpg (196.81 KB, 1080x1817, Screenshot_20231225-032207.jpg)

The switch was bought. TRAs are extremely gullible, jeez
No. 1947059
>>1947052Nta or a participant but
>well meaning peopleBetter than money being spent on the ones trying to dissolve womens rights and who most of are literally just the overprivileged pornsick white guys who feel entitled to sexually harass lesbians and ask for shit not necessary to live. It’s funny and fair play. They’re stealing donations for womens orgs, it’s payback and helps make it meaningless to donate to such an unworthy cause. No sympathy and the retards donating deserve it for playing their part in fucking over women to support scrotes entitlement.
(derailing) No. 1947065
>>1947052I didn't participate at all and don't plan to, but trannies get to just ask for shit for free and get money from muh
abusive household (dad won't call me fae/bun!! misgendewing!!) so I think it's not only based but other people should be allowed a piece of the pie. Anyone can just claim to be trans so what's stopping anyone kek? Cryptoterfing is based and I think the well should be poisoned to the point of trannies being scared and suspicious of each other and start putting other's trans identities into question.
>a thread dedicated to shitting on e-beggarsYeah you have a good point and farmhands might start banning posters or prohibiting discussion but I enjoy watching it.
(derailing) No. 1947081
>>1946883>>1946882kek I was looking through random wishlists and most have some sob story about being homeless while asking for dumb shit like plushies, tattoo needles, earrings, ugly enamel pins, cheap sanrio garbage, legos, anime posters, acrylic nails, etc. I only saw one or two with actual essentials like food, warm clothing, blankets - most of them just want useless materialistic junk that they can't be bothered to waste their own money on.
No. 1947442
File: 1703599000281.jpg (254.5 KB, 1080x673, Screenshot_20231226-135228.jpg)

moid is seething because his scheme to get 2k by doing transanta failed
No. 1947443
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No. 1947444
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No. 1947445
File: 1703599096720.jpg (333.63 KB, 1080x1937, Screenshot_20231226-135251.jpg)

No. 1947451
>>1947442No money for Christmas gifts. Do you:
a) tell everyone "sorry, i just can't afford gifts this year"
b) suck dick for cash and claim you were forced into sex work because an Instagram page wouldn't reblog your whining
No. 1947458
File: 1703601552780.jpg (624.85 KB, 1080x1748, Screenshot_20231226-143749.jpg)

homeless for 5 years and what you're most in need of isn't necessities but goth clothing
No. 1947462
>>1947442>we thought christmas was covered this yearkek the entitlement. straight up just expecting your christmas will be entirely funded by randos. get a job moid
>>1947443maybe they prioritise first time posters over those who post a list every year lol. hilarious to see these grifters seethe
No. 1947497
File: 1703611308158.jpg (339.66 KB, 1080x1563, Screenshot_20231226-172152.jpg)

TRAs are really dropping thousands on randos they've seen zero evidence are who they say they are
No. 1947657
>>1947652well you see, in this case the youth leader is 18 as they only exist in leia.starkiller's brain.
in all serious though, this is a horrible lie. when would a newly turned 18y even have had time to become a youth leader? how long would they have been one? how long is leia.starkiller meant to have been in their youth group? he was trying to go for maximum sympathy points with the "fresh 18y old forced to sell ass due to transanta specifically targeting and excluded me from their instagram page" but didn't think it through. not that it matters because the people following this page are dumb enough to buy nintendo switches for people claiming to be living in barns with dozens of homeless people and nothing but the clothes on their back.
No. 1947834
File: 1703698354770.jpg (456.51 KB, 1080x1586, Screenshot_20231227-172934.jpg)

This is from a wishlist by someone claiming to have DID and a child alter who they're asking for kid things for, but the children's boots and jacket make me wonder if this is someone with a child scamming. Lying about DID instead of just saying your child is trans is weird though. There's a fuckton of toys on the wishlist, and they're also asking for a PS5, a Macbook Air, and 4k in gift card funds to help them "move out."
No. 1948714
File: 1703952127278.jpg (909.86 KB, 951x2513, Screenshot_20231230-160000.jpg)

Oh my, there's a lot going on in this one. A stepfather burning gender affirming clothes instead of just throwing them out, and to make it worse the clothes were gifts from a grandma who has since died of cancer. There are no clothes on their wishlist, but they have a fund worth 1k "for clothes" (kek) and a bunch of anime and fnaf merch
No. 1948825
File: 1703973843166.jpg (433.49 KB, 971x2354, Screenshot_20231230-220307.jpg)

>>1948714these people are so dumb
No. 1948842
>>1948838I saw comments last year on some of the more unbelievable ones from people who admitted the stories sounded unlikely but they'd still be buying for them because someone who'd lie like that must be struggling anyway. Plus there are some weird tragedies out there so some people are letting the lies slide based on the 0.01% chance something like that
could have happened. I think most genuinely believe that troons are incredibly oppressed though and stories like this just strengthen their delusions.
No. 1948859
>>1948838Years ago there was something on a Confetti Club thread about one of the members whose home had actually burnt down, she shared before and after pictures, it was a genuine tragedy and she did need and deserve help.
She wanted to replace her plushes. Not basics like practical clothes and home goods… plushes. So yeah. Those people exist.
And when you look through beg posts that aren't obvious grifts, the beggars hardly ever ask for anything useful. It's always photos of them wearing expensive branded clothes in their moldy roach-infested hovels and begging for money for rent and Doordash a la Shayna. There's been such a focus on uwu no judgement mento helf shit for so long that I'm honestly convinced that 99% of the retards who donate to these things genuinely have no clue how a normal person would react to the situations they're describing, since they think being asked to do chores or get a job is abuse. Your stepdad burns your clothes outside while you cry and none of the neighbors see this? Nobody calls the cops over a fire hazard and a noise complaint? You want $1k 'for clothes' and don't even come up with reasons for why you'd need that much? The Cricut is the only thing here that makes sense. I still can't believe the comments
>>1948825 posted, not only did these women (and man) read the whole post, they also believed it enough to leave supportive comments.
No. 1950279
File: 1704297853740.png (473.21 KB, 1080x1929, 1000000093.png)

Go gf go! Wish this was true tbh.
No. 1950371
>>1950279>my gf beats meshe hits me back when i hit her
>she’s always had a hang up on me being trans but i ignored it bc i was madly in lovei had an agp fetish i hid from her bc i knew she wouldn’t like it and only showed my true colors when she was invested in our relationship
>she calls me tranny and transvestitei hope this part is true tbh
>i haven’t eaten in two days bc i need help with making foodi’m retarded and she’s fed up
No. 1951581
File: 1704565065002.jpg (875.24 KB, 1080x1779, Screenshot_20240106-181754.jpg)

They posted this on their page which is followed by minors, the primary demographic transanta is meant for?
No. 1951583
File: 1704565174883.jpg (Spoiler Image,452.92 KB, 972x2444, Screenshot_20240106-181711.jpg)

They have a rule against asking for sex toys but they're not enforcing it. Unsure of if they just don't care or if they don't bother to check the wishlists before posting them
No. 1952083
>>1951581Silly nonna, sex work isn't allowed, but s3ggs w0rk is fine! Not a single child would understand what this person does for a living because it's spelt wrong! Can't accuse trannies of grooming kids when they take such strict measures to protect kids from porn.
Begging for $10 lead-encrusted dildos for Christmas so you can continue selling pics of your musty unwashed ass, fucking grim, at least ask for giftcards so you can salvage some hint of dignity.
No. 1953072
File: 1704859136921.jpg (921.64 KB, 1079x1752, Screenshot_20240110-035852.jpg)

>All of my furniture was destroyed in a flood
No. 1953074
File: 1704859179957.jpg (758.38 KB, 970x2539, Screenshot_20240110-035922.jpg)

>the wishlist is 90% bratz dolls and other useless crap that doesn't fit into picrel
No. 1954985
File: 1705241718190.jpg (576.15 KB, 1080x764, Screenshot_20240114-141319.jpg)

the first 4 of these are definitely the same person. there's another one further down that looks like them too. you'd think identical letters obviously made in the same app with similar stories and similarly named funds on their registries being posted side by side would tip people off to this being a liar, but they've managed to make over 2k off their letters. tras are dumb as rocks
No. 1968618
File: 1708582331052.jpg (348.54 KB, 1080x2019, 1000008485.jpg)

This person is begging for this thing to help their Body Integrity Identity Disorder, as in she wishes she didn't have legs.
No. 1968704
File: 1708603632544.jpeg (485.43 KB, 1003x3297, 90E59E96-ED49-4E90-898F-AA7073…)

>>1968627these e-beggars have been so terminally online that they don't understand how pathetic and assbackwards they are. to beg for money for stupid shit shamelessly displays very low self-worth and esteem. oh wait they call that mental illness now.
they don't even realize how theyre harming whatever marginalized group theyre apart of. "I'm black, I'm they/them give me money" like why? whats preventing you from getting a job? There are people who legitimately cant work due to a major disability (born with it or not) or other devastating factors. So yeah I get the urge to a-log.
Like this is Micky Moon's wk, paradiseinvite. Posted this during covid/blm times and quietly removed this from her twitter and never mentioned it again. Kept wondering why she kept defending her, but e-beggars really stick together I guess. Imagine how many gfm are out there because retards cant stop buying stupid online with credit cards they cant pay off and want to be bailed out by online randos
No. 1972217
File: 1709521619186.png (31.71 KB, 598x368, right.png)

Is always the "disabled poc trans lesbian in need of financial aid" that smells like "I'm a moid".
No. 1972351
File: 1709568215128.png (20.88 KB, 598x184, right2.png)

>>1972279Specially when people can see your name in your paypal/venmo thing and claim "oh if that's your deadname, I did not see it!". I wish people in general weren't this retarded, but that's what happens when you donate money to obvious baits.
No. 1974085
File: 1709970256820.jpeg (417.86 KB, 828x1148, IMG_2151.jpeg)

the fact that there are '''disabled''' americans begging for money and donations while Gaza genoicde is occurring is fucking infuriating on levels i didn't know was possible
No. 1978064
File: 1710883409791.png (284.63 KB, 864x1920, Screenshot_20240319-142144.png)

New meta: Posting polls before your e-beg so that users that engaged before scrolling down feel guilted into reblogging.
No. 1978068
File: 1710884224154.jpg (507.73 KB, 1454x1311, MLJ3Ons.jpg)

>>1978064why do i feel like the wife is a themlet woman and tumblr user "realstrap" is bepenised
>checks blogknew it lol. stone butch aka straightest man alive who likes women only. groundbreaking!!!
No. 1978077
File: 1710886180211.png (931.26 KB, 1265x960, 1000012974.png)

>>1972351Funny thing about the moid, he's from Europe so the venmo and cashapp is his TIF girlfriend's. Right now he's living with his Tiffany in Louisville, Kentucky. Picrel is them both begging for food even though Tiffany just flew Timmy overseas and went to the arcade with him.
Side note but the TIF is also racefaking. She's white. But she will call herself a "disabled
poc trans woman lesbian" because it garners more sympathy than if she were honest (retarded white female bisexual).
No. 1979675
File: 1711380599461.jpg (1.04 MB, 971x2722, Screenshot_20240325-152350.jpg)

This troon moved to a commune in the California desert and has been e-begging for money ever since. Every few weeks he has some new bullshit he needs money for. Three weeks ago it was for filling up water tanks for his community even though the community church provides clean water from a tank for the community.
No. 1979676
File: 1711380634605.jpg (646.39 KB, 971x2626, Screenshot_20240325-152407.jpg)

No. 1979678
File: 1711380803986.jpg (983.11 KB, 970x2833, Screenshot_20240325-153450.jpg)

>Chooses to move to the middle of nowhere in a desert
>Acts like a victim for not being able to get horse piss pills
No. 1979750
File: 1711399485379.jpg (526.24 KB, 1079x2111, 1000013370.jpg)

I don't feel any sympathy for these people.
No. 1980728
File: 1711665919394.png (319.72 KB, 1280x585, 1000013578.png)

She's not even been discharged from the psychiatric hospital for one day and she's already back to begging for money.
No. 1981059
File: 1711761373285.png (485.81 KB, 1280x885, 1000013733.png)

"So who's going to Chicago in April?"
No. 1981350
File: 1711840210022.jpg (287.64 KB, 1080x1085, 1000013785.jpg)

Sarah is asking for food money yet again. What a surprise.
No. 1984440
File: 1712796151549.png (1.08 MB, 1536x2048, 1000014826.png)

I've never seen anyone e beg as hard as this couple. Match made in heaven, I swear.
No. 1984524
File: 1712831080818.png (157.47 KB, 756x498, loser.png)

30+ year old man who skinwalks dream of the endless and doesn't want to give up on making zero income on comissions. Travels and buys pets for the money.
No. 1984588
>>1984524A fucking 1.5k ebike too ofc. He doesn't want to be caught on a lowly peasant bike surely who would want such poor filth. Or worse
shudders walking or taking the bus. Disgusting! They better pay up fast.
No. 1984717
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No. 1984721
File: 1712873561234.png (850.56 KB, 1080x2279, Screenshot_20240411-170920~2.p…)

>>1984717How many times does he have to beg?
No. 1984723
File: 1712873654318.png (372.61 KB, 1080x1346, Screenshot_20240406-113824~3.p…)

>>1984722>>1984721>>1984717I don't think anyone's gonna donate to your ass when this is your Tumblr description lmao
No. 1984934
File: 1712944156021.png (1.28 MB, 1337x1271, 1000014935.png)

If you're still struggling while working 4 jobs that sounds like a you problem.
No. 1985041
>>1984723>Pls gib I am so so pathetic pls anyoneeee pls pls plsssss>REEEE DIE DISNEY SCUMDo you think these people ever understand that they make themselves particularly unemployable by being like this? That maybe if they stopped having DNIs a mile long they would have more donations from fellow speds? Or even, perish the thought, that a fucking TEACHER should consider having a different icon, or perhaps just not put their entire life, face, opinions and location online so that students and other teachers can find them and avoid them like the plague?
>>1984934She could make good money with her tarot readings if she branched out a bit. Tons of people pay for that stuff, as well as paying retarded sums of money for special tarot decks, especially gendie-themed ones. The customers are broke too but if she did videos on Tiktok of her readings she'd get a massive crowd of tweens fighting to pay her to flip some cards over on camera. I don't know how selling ass pics is easier than doing that, but hey, I'm not a disabled gendie.
And 'physically disabled' in these circles always means 'obese as shit', it's amazing how many of them suffer for literally no reason. It's sad to see someone get engulfed by depression like this but damn, maybe go for a walk sometimes and eat a vegetable that isn't a deep fried potato.
No. 1985170
File: 1713022237445.png (1.75 MB, 2048x2048, 1000014989.png)

He's losing his goddamn mind kek.
No. 1985374
File: 1713081840363.png (3.78 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3248.png)

Literally so sick of this one. Constant begging for basics then the next post is her off her shit on shrooms or whatever.
No. 1987402
File: 1713643534283.jpg (1.25 MB, 1070x3669, 1000015389.jpg)

>due to not having an American bank account yet.
What makes her think she will be allowed to get one as a random foreigner in debt?
No. 1989523
File: 1714231672029.png (383.5 KB, 636x598, Screenshot 2024-04-27 4.27.16 …)

There are now American scumbags on Tumblr pretending to be Palestinians to scalp donations from people.
>low quality badly cropped pfp stolen from another profile
>paypal link in dollars
>$0/$000 format commonly used by e beggars
Seriously, shame on these people.
No. 1990902
File: 1714611586174.png (1.69 MB, 1884x1671, 1000016384.png)

Sarah (aka "Juno") had made a GFM for her and her TIM partner. Sarah is racefaking and calls herself a trans woman despite being born a female. The moid ("Selene", real name Basim) is apparently trying to "get a job". Right now all Basim can do is be a useless leech off of Sarah and her grandmother that Sarah and Basim live with in Louisville, Kentucky. I am not sure exactly how Basim even plans to stay in the United States as I don't think he has a Visa to actually stay in the country. I have a feeling he might end up deported.
No. 1991933
File: 1714916916744.jpg (445.24 KB, 1080x1837, 1000016791.jpg)

>>1990902I've just confirmed that Basim does in fact not have a visa. He's been living in Louisville with Sarah since March. If he doesn't leave in June, that's a federal crime.
No. 1992765
File: 1715212894014.jpg (596.67 KB, 1061x2938, 1000017012.jpg)

Sorry for the samefag but this is all of the debts he has as far as we know.
No. 1993048
File: 1715293769781.jpeg (158.8 KB, 1170x632, IMG_2404.jpeg)

>>1518497this person was acting so urgent I decided to see if they were still alive and of course they are (and begging)
No. 1994184
File: 1715644408679.jpg (266.15 KB, 1080x1168, 1000017297.jpg)

Is it bad I enjoy watching the downfall of this TiM so much?
No. 1995152
File: 1715940905099.jpg (475.53 KB, 988x994, Screenshot_20240517_111309_Ins…)

Here's ammonyaa the 4lung worshiper and defender begging for comissions for a her totalled car. Lol.
>"only doing doodled full-bodies as its the easiest for me"
No. 1996154
File: 1716208777473.jpg (342.74 KB, 1080x1663, 1000017621.jpg)

Let him get deported kek. Why he even left Holland for the US other than for his Kikomi is beyond me.
No. 1996859
File: 1716414013829.jpg (233.39 KB, 1080x1132, 1000017744.jpg)

Watching this troon plead and beg for someone to save him is hilarious.
No. 1999439
File: 1717189767486.jpg (1.48 MB, 1071x5595, 1000018427.jpg)

I hope immigration sees his tweets. I know they wouldn't like this!
No. 1999693
File: 1717256117683.jpg (85.16 KB, 828x611, lesbian flag.jpg)

what drives me insane is when they just want you to pay for something like their rent thats a recurring, regular expense rather than an unexpected emergency situation.
also ive looked. no mention anywhere of why they cant make their own money like the rest of the world instead of panhandling online
No. 1999742
File: 1717269484845.jpg (605.28 KB, 1080x1582, 1000018522.jpg)

Basim/lesbiyearning unprivated his personal account I'm guessing to really get in on the e-begging. It's funny to watch in a pathetic sort of way.
No. 1999833
>>1999439>too hard to get a work visa without sponsorshipHe was never eligible for a work permit from an ESTA in the first place, what is he even talking about? Sponsorship or not, he was never getting a work permit.
Based on the rest of his post, he's going for a spousal/CR-1 visa. Get married, go back to the Netherlands, apply for the visa and go back to the States when/if he gets it. But you still have to follow sponsorship guidelines which he won't be able to do. It would be a waste of the filing fee to even apply for the visa to begin with. If he's over the 90 days on his ESTA, they're going to see that when he applies for a visa. Either this entire story is fake or he's actually retarded and too lazy to research the process even slightly.
No. 1999910
File: 1717304400087.png (108.88 KB, 1080x839, 1000018553.png)

>>1999872Do you have any milk on the pedophilia allegations? I know one of his Twitter accounts use to be furinafontaine but I've been struggling to find any information on him even regarding that account because the @ got taken over by a different person after Basim deleted his old account. Picrel is the only proof I even really have linking the @ to Basim.
No. 2000167
>>1999833I looked through the paperwork for a spousal visa and it's honestly baffling how these clowns thought they'd be able to get him into the USA that way. I don't think either of them bothered to do any research but they probably think it doesn't matter because in their world being a gendie is a passport
valid across all borders.
No. 2000215
File: 1717359149257.jpg (212.33 KB, 1080x1099, 1000018653.jpg)

Kek, he's so desperate he's trying to sell his Genshin account now. Maybe he wouldn't be homeless if he didn't spend all his money on anime gacha games!
No. 2003220
File: 1718057614123.png (1.73 MB, 1328x1836, fhwiebfeijb.png)

Idk if this was posted before or not or if this is even milky at all. Just stumbled upon this "lesbian couple in dire need for money" and the way this shit is blatant in its fakeness is insane to me.
> "Lesbian" couple that are actually two bisexuals, if they are even real, moved out of their parents' houses and ready to start a life of e-begging
> Both accounts are just e-begging upon e-begging, retweets of retweets, whines of not getting enough donations and not a word of getting a job to pay for shit themselves
> Profiles are full of Palestine, lesbian and tranny flags, other e-beggars, 15k tweets
> Ask for urgent help in thousands of dollars
> Realized that being gay, mentally ill and oppwessed by their families is not enough, so now one of them has supposedly gallbladder issues needs even more money for a surgery
> The only "proof" of the gall stones is a tiny jpeg picture of something resembling an x-ray
> Somehow, with barely any proof and nothing but begging on their accounts still got 10k dollars
This is so blatantly fake to me and even if not, why do anyone even donate to them, like what stops the healthy one to get a job? I haven't checked all of their posts (15k of them, damn), so might have missed something.
No. 2018256
File: 1721840074552.png (202.49 KB, 1231x869, Screenshot 2024-07-24 124235.p…)

So, this girl Pwouted on Tumblr let her rabbit die, and of course it's her followers bill to cover. As a long-time rabbit owner, I'm tired of these adults getting rabbits as pets and neglecting them. Did an entire generation of parents not give their kids the whole "A pet is a big responsibility." lecture growing up? What possesses people that can't even afford to feed themselves to own a fucking rabbit, or any living animal? You spend every waking moment online and you can't google what a rabbit is supposed to eat? Apologies if the screenshot is shit, I was trying to grab stuff before she deletes more. I'm genuinely baffled.
No. 2018288
>>2018256Rabbit bills are incredibly expensive since they’re considered “exotic” in vet offices but that’s something you have to take into account. A lot of vets are now accepting medical credit cards for these type of emergencies too so there’s no excuse.
I don’t understand the mentality that ebegging as a back up plan for anything other than an unexpected death or musical procedures in the thousands.
No. 2025927
File: 1723647894534.jpg (166.42 KB, 1080x1045, 1000029295.jpg)

Kek she is truly the gift thats keeps on giving. Cant afford to pay bills but the weed is a must.
No. 2026041
File: 1723667030046.png (178.93 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20240814-171601.png)

Does anyone know if the people that message you directly to ask you for money saying they are from Gaza are legit? I got this ask early today and people on my dash were having some drama about it because they were saying is islamophobic to think they are sketchy
No. 2026055
>>2026041This is the newest tumblr scam. Majority of these accounts have posted zero evidence whatsoever and every single one of these asks I've seen have used the same wording and format. It's likely one person who set up a bot script that sends out a bunch of these each day.
Trust tumblr to think not sending your money to an account created last week spamming an obvious scam donation call everywhere is Islamophobic.
No. 2026100
File: 1723683307991.png (875.8 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20240814-215048.png)

>>2026054>>2026055>>2026057>>2026058I found some of the people arguing about the Islamophobia of not donating to those supposed Gaza accounts and one of them is a trans asking for donations because he got bullied by other "fatphobic" transes kek
No. 2026112
>>2026100>reee ur racist for assuming none of these people speak english!1!!Where the hell did inlowearthorbit say that? All they said is that the refusal to believe that these things are scams comes from a place of narcissism, since the suckers think they're being virtuous by donating. I'm blown away by the hoops people will jump through not only to be able to call skeptics racist, but to protect themselves from the shame of feeling scammed. I'd argue that doubling down and being in denial about getting scammed is way worse than simply being a mark in a scam, since this particular con is just playing off the emotions of well-meaning people.
>>2026101Kek it is categorically NOT a "personal and heartfelt request." It's shit they copy+paste and send out to as many people as possible, and that's before you take into account that the sender is grifting people.
>>2026105Jfc it's like some kind of e-begging human centipede, where the e-beggars boost other mutual aids and give money to other e-beggars.
No. 2026126
File: 1723692829275.png (964.66 KB, 567x3197, ghhhazzzzaaahhhh.png)

>>2026119Yes. I posted some milk involving "him" (based on the typing style, I'm pretty sure it's actually a college-age woman) in the Tumblr thread on ot. Sorry for crossposting, Jannies, but it's relevant to what anon asked. 1/2
No. 2026127
File: 1723692850621.png (773.54 KB, 616x2948, ghhhazzzzaaahhhh2.png)

No. 2026294
>>2026251The screenshots I uploaded don't prove anything, so I wouldn't show your friend. It's just some petty drama going on between one of the suspected scammers and a user who was tactless in her attempts to call him out. You also have to be careful about accusing specific people of scamming, because if these GFMs are fake, that's considered wire fraud, which is a felony in the United States. While it's true that the GFMs need to be hosted by a third party, the money changing hands that many times is a red flag. Additionally, it doesn't make sense that so many people would go through an intermediary in order to use GFM when there are alternative platforms that actually do operate in the region.
My understanding (and take this with a grain of salt, because it's third-hand) is that a lot of banks aren't operating in Gaza, and that peoples' bank accounts and assets are frozen. The few vendors there still are in the area don't or can't accept anything but cash due to the blackouts. If these GFMs are legit, how are the beneficiaries accessing and using the money receive given all that? They claim they're going to Egypt, but almost no one's been able to get through the border there (and all crossings have to be there because boats and planes are grounded). It just doesn't add up. Given all that, I'd be shocked if even 10% of these things are real.
No. 2027437
>>2026058The "help a queer disabled
poc with rent" always seemed more like individual grifters lying/exaggerating or people who are struggling due to their own stupidity/laziness ("I can't get a job because i'm dIsAbLeD!") rather than an organized group of career scammers.
No. 2027480
File: 1724015319892.png (400.09 KB, 478x960, IMG_2062.png)

>>2026126This was one of the vetted fundraisers and this el-shab-hussein person is still standing by them as legitimate because they are “very embarrassed.” Either he’s in on it or terribly stupid.
No. 2027491
File: 1724017271123.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 894x5026, collage-2024-08-17.png)

Maybe I'm underestimating how many bad things in a row tend to happen to the average person but it's getting strange that this artist constantly has some disaster or another happen to her that can only be solved by money.
No. 2031177
File: 1724802938156.jpg (237.17 KB, 1080x1143, 1000024407.jpg)

Sarah Phelps is back at it. I think the TiM she's dating deactivated all his accounts he was begging on because they're not popping up. His main one was @lesbiyearning. Kek.
No. 2031505
File: 1724865655428.png (236.38 KB, 557x2142, ghhhhazzzaahhhhhggh.png)

>>2027480The ringleader of the scams is Big Mad that one of his goons got caught red-handed. Those 19 links are all different text posts of his where he's chimping out and making up excuses, like that Basel was "hacked," which is the oldest excuse in the book, or that Basel copy+pastes all the anon messages he sends because he doesn't speak English, and the sugar daddy thing is something that was sent to him that he then copy+pasted and sent to someone else. How does he navigate the rest of Tumblr if he speaks so little English he can't distinguish between a porn bot and a fundraiser?
Then Hussein makes a bunch of text posts about how he "re-vetted" Basel, but there's no proof that's what he did. It's just him reblogging himself and saying "I just totally talked to Basel on the phone. He's legit, trust me guys." Then he equates any requests for proof to "doxing," even though there are plenty of ways to prove that Basel is legit without doxing him.
Also, I'm using "he" for Hussein for the sake of clarity, but you can really see how feminine and zoomery "his" typing style is in picrel, and especially in all the posts linked. Either this is a feminine gay guy with Palestinian heritage who was born and raised in an American suburb, or it's a zoomer woman who sucks at LARPing as a Palestinian guy, and given Tumblr's demographics, I'd say the latter is a lot more likely.
No. 2032130
>>2031230Right? Her bios say she is 23, so why is her dad grandpa age?
I've noticed she's started privating her profiles so I wonder if she's lurking. Hi, Sarah!
No. 2037319
File: 1727030506644.png (2.47 MB, 1065x1797, Screenshot_20240922-141128~2.p…)

Current GoFundMe:
>is homeless due to his parents kicking him out for not doing the bare minimum at home>said in one of his YouTube videos that he has tried to become a professional content creator on YouTube, TikTok, twitch etc. He had success on TikTok as a Sora NPC streamer but was deleted at 15k. Said he was ""forced"" to come back "by his community" to try again. Before he wanted to get enough money so his parents could be proud of him and so he could buy his mom a house and his dad a motorcycle. That obviously has changed>Doesn't want to get a job because people will just donate their hard earned money to him so why bother. Will mock people on stream for asking him questions about it. >Said in a livestream that he doesn't care if his girlfriend loves him or not >Got donations and went to Dragoncon even though he got kicked out of his parents home at 32. Uses donations for stupid shit like a Nintendo Switch, anime cons, Instax/Polaroid cameras, etc.>Girlfriend is daddykinoko. She has a kid but is roleplaying homelessness with Sorairl. No one knows where the kid is.>Has always felt he was female because as a man he never got compliments or asked on dates. Women get harassed all the time and it's a bother for them where he wanted that. He is not trans, however, he says he is a femboy. No. 2037350
>>2037336I looked at a few registries last year and the only personal info visible was the name, city and state. Amazon doesn't show the full address you put on your gift registry, so people who buy things will only see that they're sending something to "Jane Doe, New York" or something similar. A lot of camgirls accept payment in the form of Amazon gifts because the wishlists don't show enough info for someone to be able to use it to find out where you live and show up on your doorstep. Shayna used to post Amazon wishlists a few years and despite basically not caring about her own safety never had an issue of a John harassing her at her apartment through it because all the buyers would have been able to see is "Shayna Clifford, Tulsa, Oklahoma."
It might be suspicious if you live in a small town and someone notices a bunch of wishlists are located in Nowheresville, USA, but if you live in a city then nobody will question that more than one tranny lives there.
No. 2037476
>>2037337They ask if you applied before, presumably they're going to check IP and MAC addresses against previous submissions. Last year there was a shitstorm with multiple people submitting wishlists from the same phone and only one going through, it makes sense that they'd have something similar happening this year but without them explicitly saying that they're only letting one submission through per device.
You can submit for someone else, and they're letting you add shit to the wishlist, just not delete it. Idk, I'm getting the vibe that the long application form is a way to screen out one particular scammer whose spam submissions caused them a bit of trouble a couple of years ago. She managed to slip through the upgraded transanta security systems last year too kek.
It looks like they've gotten more professionals to help them out this year. I'm sure that, as a registered charity, they have to be careful to make certain things transparent, because there's fuck all stopping them from making a wishlist with thousands of dollars of stuff and buying it for themselves with the donations they receive. It's not such a big deal since it's a small charity and only operates for part of the year, but the rampant scamming and the shitshow they brought onto themselves last year with the last second rule changes probably scared them into getting their asses in gear and getting competent adults to do the basic tasks associated with running a charity.
No. 2037587
File: 1727079354377.png (8.99 MB, 1170x2532, 4FDDA70C-505F-422F-A600-0787D7…)

not sure if this person has been posted yet, she has in the other threads as one of her videos went viral. it’s the one with the ftm talking about how much she loves islam. (@azlan.t.bird on instagram) anyway she’s constantly on my reels begging for money. in picrel she claims her landlord is harassing her and tasing her cat, and that she had to “evacuate” due to “the wrong side of the internet” hunting her down. she has a go fund me where it’s claimed it was set up by an “anonymous friend”. imo it’s pretty obviously written by her
No. 2037645
>>2037599Nta, but there was this woman from Canada who would spam all these dramatic bold headline stories that were incredibly over the top. Like her letters were all shit like "My
terf moms shaved my hair off and burnt my clothes and then kicked me out to the streets in the middle of winter!!1! Please buy me makeup" or "I am a disabled refugee who lost the use of my legs after getting arrested for being gay in my home country and the prison wardens beating the shit out of me!! Please send money for a wheelchair!" Just very dramatic stories that were all kind of similar and were made in the same app. Even though the letters were all about very traumatizing things she never asked for things that a homeless disabled person would actually need. Her wishlists all just had certain makeup brands and video games and those ugly Loungefly bags and shit on them.
Even though it was obvious to anyone with two braincells she was lying, transanta's followers ate the stories up and a lot of stuff from her lists were bought. She didn't get caught until she'd sent hundreds of letters spread out throughout the years and she got cocky enough to share some of the her letters that transanta had posted to her Instagram story hoping her followers would also buy stuff off her lists. Her neighbours in her college accommodation thought it was weird that she was sharing posts from a trans charity because apparently she's terfy irl. They'd noticed she'd been getting tons and tons of Amazon packages with weird names delivered to her so they figured she was pulling a scam and checked the wishlists attached to the letters she'd shared. And they found out that they were all addressed to someone in Halifax (where their uni is) who often used her initials or first name as the recipient, and that they all had the same really specific things she liked, like the Loungefly bags and a brand of shoes she likes
and makeup brands she likes, etc. After this her housemates kicked up an absolute storm in transanta's comment section which resulted in the scammer privating her wishlists and apologising to transanta.
But then last year, after getting caught, she tried again. Because of that IP ban they put last year (likely to stop her from spamming them) she was only able to get one letter through, but the students in her building were onto her and again created a riot in the comments section. She didn't even try to switch up her usual types of stories either. Really interested to see if she's going to try again this year.
I'm not really mad about her for scamming because I'd rather an actual woman get stuff that brings her joy rather than a tranny get lingerie and enamel pronoun pins, especially if it's on TRA dimes. But insane that she went about it in such a stupid way. And even more insane that transanta and none of their 100k followers caught on to the ginormous lies and virtually identical wishlists until people who know her irl found out and went to their comments section.
This is one of her letters
>>1936881 and this is what she looks like
>>1938917 No. 2037661
>>2037654Transanta just posts Amazon wishlists accompanied by a letter written by the applicant about their circumstances for TRAs to buy things off, so it's not like a typical charity that you donate money to and then they use it for the good of the community.
Although I'm sure it's still illegal to scam them, it would be hard to account for whether purchased Amazon gifts are actually going to transgender people or not. They don't ask for proof of identity for safety reasons, plus troons are likely to have an ID with a different name and sex than what they identify as anyway. So apart from the IP address thing they brought in last year they don't have a way to know if someone is a scammer or not. And because Amazon only shows the city and whatever name the person puts on their delivery address (you can just put a fake name), they don't really have a way of finding out the identity of scammers who submit multiple. Unless they contact Amazon but Amazon's customer service is notoriously awful and I don't think they care enough to bother. Plus troons commonly live in polycules or with "found family," and some people address their lists to their friend's place so their family won't see their packages, so multiple letters addressed to the same person could easily be real.
There just isn't a lot they can really do about the scamming except for discarding submissions from the same IP address (which ironically harms the actually homeless troons who are sending from a library or internet café that five other people sent from before them).
No. 2041927
File: 1728012017442.png (621.47 KB, 1398x898, wtf.png)

Literally one of the very last groups of people I'd give food money to considering how many of them are by definition obese
No. 2045409
File: 1728787916629.jpeg (456.08 KB, 828x1286, IMG_1819.jpeg)

think of the kids
No. 2046105
File: 1728952238662.jpg (342.55 KB, 1080x1835, scam.jpg)

This is £13,500+ and counting being wasted on some teenagers throwing crickets at the audience at a "
TERF conference". Their first crowdfunding was removed but this one is somehow still up with money being blindly thrown at it still with no real description of what they're funding kek. No. 2046248
>>2045409Isn't it interesting how they always only want
cash, too? Set up an Amazon of Walmart online order or something. Noooo, it
must be cash! For…non scam reasons, yes, that'll do.
No. 2047863
File: 1729283401323.jpg (231.85 KB, 758x1411, over 2 years later.jpg)

>>1502176She's still at it, over 2 years later.
Other updates: She has successfully munched her way into a port-a-cath port and a suprapubic catheter, which are constantly infected due to some combination of her awful hygiene, her refusal to take her antibiotics consistently, and intentional negligence.
Every month, she successfully raises around 1200-2500 dollars in order to pay for her
>housing (currently $850, previously >$1300 when she was in hotels and airbnbs)>a storage unit($200)>constant Ubers to and from storage, the pharmacy, and doctors appointments (despite qualifying for scheduled medical transport and med delivery)($100-$400)>all her other bills (>$250)>Amazon medical supplies like catheter bags that should've been covered through medicaid($>200)>Doordash smoothies and other takeout meals because she's too disabled from POTS and HEDS to cook microwave meals($100-300)>every other expense in her life, including bottled water because tap is icky, decently nice haircuts every other month, hoarder-tier amounts of purple clothing, new smartphones (which break suspiciously often), cat supplies, brand new air mattresses whenever her cat predictably punctures them, various "medical necessities" like ring splints and pop-sockets, and new furniture and clothing and rollators and powered wheelchairs due to her severe years-long bedbug problem.($???) No. 2048622
>>2046411Wait what? Can you elaborate on that, did he do time for kidnapping and torture or was he asspatted for being a brave princess? Do the cricket kids know about this?
>>2047863Damn, begging pays. Do her supporters not get tired of her?
No. 2049726
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Cool story, but people should still donate to actual, registered charities instead, like the DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal or the IFRC.
No. 2049965
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i can't stop thinking about how every e-begger has a weed addiction. surely that cant be why they're struggling to survive. sorry for ot
No. 2052245
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You may wonder what this person does for a living. Why, she's a furry cartoonist, a ceremonial magician, and a punk rocker, of course! God, it must be exhausting to be this insufferable.
No. 2052246
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Here's our "Meskwaki tribe" gal. Nothing says "native" quite like red hair and blue eyes.
No. 2052248
File: 1730415861233.jpg (334.34 KB, 1080x1141, Screenshot_20241031-223515.jpg)

How dare people spend their extra tenner on something they'll enjoy instead of giving it to a ChatGPT generated donation drive on tumblr.
No. 2052597
>>2049965You're right, every time. These people are mass produced in factories. No wonder they can't find a job, they're all repackaged Shaynas.
>>2052245If she hadn't included the retarded fart-sniffing FAQ she'd have so many more donations.
>>2052248Is this about the Gaza scams? Yeah no shit nobody's giving to those, there are legit organisations to donate to instead. God, the fucking entitlement. Nobody's going to live in poverty just so some scammer can fund their lifestyle.
No. 2054528
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>>2053520kek but of course nona