File: 1654992782298.jpeg (119.95 KB, 850x678, court of the crimson ween.jpeg)

No. 1557779
Seeing as how the OP of a thread should be informative it may be jumping the gun but here goes.
Welcome to the Mike and Elaine Gay-Ops Hour Featuring Rachel Leids, Naught, and other cows.
/Namefags in the Saga/
>Erika/UnabashedHermaphrodite: Controversial Figure who has been supplying most of the receipts and milk as well as clarification. Ew-FE newfag who fucked up on Michael's initial dox.(along with other's who do not deserve blame, a mistake is a mistake and Erika has volunteered to take responsibility) Has a thread on KF made by the cow itself and as such will not be linked. Drew a lot of hate from the cows and a few others.
>Regina/SpookyBones: Ex-FR mod, made Burnbook and is currently around vendettaposting against most anyone else named in this OP. They have obvious posted quite a bit and are actively working in demanding proof on anything related to their time as a mod while tinfoiling and calling other people insane for pointing out logical things./Person of Interest and Observers/
>Genetically Modified Freak: Possible sock or /pol/ newfag who was part of the initial dox supplying many 'Trust me bros' and 'Who cares lol, nazi anyways" as it was during the ILJ saga he slipped away into the real of forgetfulness until now.
>.org Trolls: Currently watching the thread and being shockingly on topic, which bodes ill for Mike as that means it is funnier to see him do his own thing than try to tip him./Mike's Harem and Ew-
Abusive Victims/
> Samantha: In California. Built like the spawn of a refrigerator and a Mack Truck. Allegedly his "wife", doubtful they are married but they have confirmed (photographic proof) to have met IRL. She has admitted that he beat her but still defended his conduct and attacked the other women in the harem online. Has been silent since getting doxed.> Rene: Taylor Swift Ghostwriter on KF, terminally online BPD-chan/NLOG. Might be considered cute in a mousey sort of way but definitely not a girl used to getting a lot of attention for her looks. Became Michael's personal Ghislaine Maxwell to recruit other side hos.> Shannon: Falsies on KF. Former(?) OnlyFans thot and Hooters girl. Conventionally attractive, far too much so to be hanging out on Discord all day but here we are. She left the harem and he tried to blackmail her with revenge porn which he released on> Brittany: ex-wife, seems to have escaped his clutches and have a good attitude about things now. Circumstances of her arrest for child neglect are a little vague but he tries to pin it all on her (of course) but kids are with her family now on a full custody basis./The Madlads Cow Trolls/
>Elaine: Pickme who is crashing and burning, in a current meltdown after her cope of there being two Nulls was completely ruined and her lies were proven to be lies with screen caps. Trying desperately and failing to find out who is leaking her hugbox, broke everyone's last will by texting death threats to a twelve year old.>>>/snow/1553389
>Naught: Pedo Admin of Onionfarms, was namedropped often but only came in to bitch about his shitty thread being ruined. Used the first excuse he could to try and shift blame onto Erika/UH for the 'trannyvis' incident and has been caught gay-oping with Michael and Elaine before. Sort through the .org thread with caution but most of the stuff there has been confirmed.
>Rachel Leids: The female CwC, not sure if she is actively helping or being trolled by the group as a punching bag but is talking and siding with them regardless as she hides in Kengle's shadow with the rest of them.>>>/snow/1546635 that, we move on to the star of the show himself and the main attraction, the Tranny, the Caveman, the Nazi, the Failtroll, the Ragepig, the King of Clowns
himself ladies and lurkers, Michael Thurlow the Angriest Canadian you've ever heard. He's an angry videogame nerd.
Doxed twice, hala'd once, mocked everywhere he went, this man takes the internet more seriously than you can imagine, he is a wifebeater and proud of it, he is a pedophile and proud of it. If you have a hard time mocking cows, then this is a good starter cow for you as you will find no redeeming qualities or innocence of any kind in Mike. He is the biggest proof that Evil always loses because evil is stupid. While he was initially successful on his KF trip thanks to heavy guarding from his whores and Spookybones, Mike slipped up like always and was banned leaving only a few cringey threads where people give him asspats as his legacy.
/Mike Threads/ Socks/ Bones' Wild Ride/
>Erika dumps to the Rachel thread about Rachel finding out about Mike's shitty larp attempt after UH points her to look at the about me on discord.>Pure and utter madness and chaos erupts with slapfights galore. >Erika gives up on catering to Elaine's insanity, dumps, exposing that and her lies. The 2 Null theory. >Elaine begins gay-oping and potentially paying people to alogg Erika while Mike and her post images of her family and her, working in tandem with Michael and Rachel as well as Regina(who is not in their group)to alogg Erika.>A few nonnies fall for Mike's tricks and help him de-rail the Rachel thread intentionally or unintentionally with tranny sperging. >Containment thread is made. >Peace returns to the Rachel thread. >.farm prospers as Mike and Elaine provide milk on themselves and anons poke their trolls into sounding even dumber than they did in the first place. >Massive amounts of cope from Mike and Elaine shown, Rachel retreats to cat-posting on twitter. >Michael’s troll group then larps as both Erika’s sister and Megan aka Kali to be called out by nonnies and Erika each time. >Mike tries and fails to larp as Erika on twitter, missing the whole point of the UH naming scheme and re-using a pfp.>Photobucket is dropped for the second time ever(first was in a tiny thread on .org), Mike then proceeds to self milk in the funniest spergout yet nonnies and potentially Erika then shop images that he posts to hilarious effect. >Mike or Elaine try to distract with mentions of Slug’s server but no milk, a nonna corrects them that they were thinking of Dawn’s server as Slug did not have many farmers in it besides newfags who shortly left it. >Mike’s old defense suggests that the Roblox server he was found to be grooming children in may have been a pedophile ring. While there is no evidence that it was connected to Bella he tried to claim another user claimed this out of nowhere, it is suspicious to say the least with what we know. >Rene or Regina tries to distract by throwing shade at Brittany and her husband.>More memes are made.>Mike fails to convince anyone that he is not himself and even the .org site being alerted fully to the thread did not de-rail it.>Mike leaves after his 7th felting in two days to nurse his wounds and plot with Elaine and Naught>We are here.Ground Rules for this thread:
Tranny sperging is only allowed on Michael Thurlow, it has de-railed far too many threads and by now the people shouting about it the most hate the people they are shouting about due to being embarrassed by them or having a long held vendetta against them.
No Bringing new people into the shitfire without heavy receipts, Mike loves trying to muddy the waters and get others in trouble this way. Never forget that the biggest cow here is Mike and nobody, not even Rachel, could be more of a cow than he is.
No namefagging, by now the major players are obvious to anyone with a brain so if you cannot pick up on their writing style and posting habits don't try to call them out. Posing as them is very retarded due to this fact and more that I will not waste more time explaining.
No re-posting content, bring new shit or sit down and shut up.
Finally, you MUST READ the first thread to see how we got here and I encourage you to read this one BEFORE posting a thing even if it is a joke as most nonnas following will carpetbag you. Asking for spoonfeeding is fine as if Erika is around she literally cannot help herself and will get you up to date.
(shit thread made by a tranny) No. 1557793
>>1557791Now to wait to see who calls me Erika…
Ah well.
No. 1557803
>>1557793I've just been informed by you in /meta/ that you are not Erika. I went there to complain about the fact that you make Erika the star of the show and say things like
> Asking for spoonfeeding is fine as if Erika is around she literally cannot help herself and will get you up to date.This is just an insanely over-the-top and contrary to site culture/rules thing to write. The whole OP reads like you are promoting a show and Erika is the star.
> Has a thread on KF made by the cow itself and as such will not be linked. Drew a lot of hate from the cows and a few others.Is unacceptable too. The thread is written by Mike (way before any of the present drama) thus should come with a big disclaimer. But not making it available is not a good look, you've just Streisanded it for one.
No. 1557806
>>1557803Thank you for the tip, in the future I will attempt to do better that said this is a show but Mike is clearly the star here.
Gotta ask, why did nobody else dump on Elaine then?
No. 1557810
>>1557801"Obvious posting" means someone will harass a domestic abuse
victim now? Come on, nonna. That line is purely malicious and you know it.
>>1557808I am not sure what you mean by this.
No. 1557813
> Asking for spoonfeeding is fine as if Erika is around she literally cannot help herself and will get you up to date.Hey, fuck you buddy, why would you say this? Don't volunteer shit like that, add more to the OP next time asshat.
Seems like everything else has been pointed out that's wrong by now(on the record, hate the banner) I'll just second
>>1557810 this comment and make more memes.
>>1557803I also completely agree with this.
No. 1557817
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>>1557814There is one anon (I think) in the thread who is a psycho level fan of the tranny. I dare not speculate on what her (I think) psychological motivations are but it's some pathological level obsession with how great this person is. Mind you this is a lolcow, if a dormant one, and someone who's signficance to this whole story has been that he was engaged in blatant cow-tipping and came back with some interesting material. Also not behavior that should be encouraged. I don't even think that OP is bad because OP is somehow connected to the story but because OP is so obsessed with the source as to write the entire OP from his perspective when the tranny is really just a bit player who brought some information to the forum. It is psychotic.
No. 1557827
>>1557820Overall this OP is better even if it its just not what I want in the slightest and is just continually making it harder for me to just fucking blend.
>>1557823They're a bigger cow than I am by miles at this point.
Now, I don't want to be the one continually steering this shit back onto the rails. I see a bunch of complaints and only some are actually being useful with suggestions, those are great, those I agree wholehearted but fucking dear god above anyone who thinks I am a cow at this point probably will be made into a cow later at some point, calling it now.
No. 1557829
>>1557823You know what? I know that Erika is here so I'll apologize for going off when it was someone else entirely. I did it more than once, too. I'm not interested in attacking the tranny just for being a tranny. It's the batshit insane attention seeking antics and general bullshit being committed by others that wind up getting attributed to the tranny or committed by Tranny-stan-chan let's call her. And you know what? I bet Erika is even more sick of that shit than I am. So samefag as before but lets go back
>>>/snow/1555567>>>/snow/1555567>>>/snow/1555567and go about our business
No. 1557831
File: 1654996380900.jpg (79.88 KB, 800x620, Pinochi-oohhhh.jpg)

Mike dreamt of pegging before it was cool.
No. 1557834
>>1557829I so am, so so much. Can someone do a better summary in the old thread if we move back?
And never put my face in a picture again? LOL
No. 1557837
File: 1654996539360.jpg (42.75 KB, 620x800, bdsm.jpg)

>>1556095>I don't like the term BDSM because that shit's degenerate>bdsm.jpglel
No. 1557840
>>1557829Thats very big of you, anon. Seriously.
>>1557834Thats hard to answer because people will start coming here probably. The other thread wasnt even full yet either..
No. 1557841
>>1557838"Moan [? a little ?], you filthy little whore, moan for me."
I had this misfortune of seeing that already.
No. 1557846
>>1557841moan a little
you filthy little whore
moan for me…
unless you want
master's knife
inside you
No. 1557847
>>1557839I'd be more than delighted even if we end up staying in this thread.(going back to not first person-ing in a bit but I felt it was important for me to say that this was a bit much and the opposite of what I'd want)
>>1557840Very, increases my respect for most everyone here and I was already p impressed by how most people have handled this shitshow.
>>1557844So do we all agree on moving back then?
No. 1557854
>>1557850Oh boy, get ready, this is about to get spicy.
>>1557853Alright, I just don't want to hear anyone complaining about shit then kek.
No. 1557858
>>1557857You have to be Mike levels of stupid to not realize the neopets post was a joke.
No. 1557859
File: 1654997745527.png (173.48 KB, 720x908, still dont care if I look reta…)

>>1557857Hey Mike, pic related. We already had you confirm you were in the Roblox guild so that's kinda very dead at this point.
You smeared your shit all over me and forgot that I said this didn't you.
All that matters, is that it is funny.
No. 1557862
File: 1654997985992.png (143.32 KB, 1032x857, Untitled (1).png)

Clearly he needs a safe space from all these women bullying him.
No. 1557866
>>1557865He thinks it makes Spooky bad and is trying to focus shift as much as he can, as such I am scrolling through for some old laughs to post, besides looking into GMF and the other doxers who said trust me bro there isn't shit there that matters in the slightest. If we can connect more accounts to AC that's something but yeah that is an obvious Mike post, learn the signs
nonnie and you too can prevent Mike from de-railing the thread lol.
No. 1557870
>>1557866Yeah it's a gayop but there's some gold in there like
>>1557862Still not sure about who knew what when in terms of the original "dox crew" but it's pretty funny to see random accounts calling him tranny and imagine how much he would've seethed. I can confirm that he was shook when the dox first was revealed and thought he was so clever when it was taken down. In fact that probably gave him a lot of his swagger so it's great to see that mistake being corrected.
No. 1557875
File: 1654998979847.png (89.12 KB, 720x447, Screenshot_20210811-151515_2.p…)

Literal tranny magic indeed.
No. 1557881
File: 1654999301640.png (282.75 KB, 716x1450, Screenshot_20210811-162756_2.p…)

I mean it's pretty easy to get one thread sure AC, but 3 or 4? That's gotta be a record.
>>1557878That is my guess, it's the identity he uses to blameshift.
No. 1557886
File: 1654999429983.jpg (2.28 MB, 1280x720, THE REAL.jpg)

>>1557881>if I took a picture and timestamped it, I wouldn't have my face in it, none of your business>pic relatedOh Michael
No. 1557896
>>1557891From what was explained in the last thread (thread rule: read it) they should have tried not posting a thread before it's ready and get permission for a halal. The dumbest part there is considering it was Angry Canadian it seems like they'd have probably got permission. Someone in Michael's current kiwi thread explained how and why it was finally removed but I can't recall the exact reasoning.
>>1557892It effectively has been.
No. 1557915
File: 1655002224073.png (133.54 KB, 1080x768, dotorg faggots 2.png)

LMAO that's great …. also from that scrotecow thread which explains a few things + honest commentary on Naught
No. 1557931
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Michael's criminal record, for the record.
No. 1557980
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This is just cringe, shocking the lack of effort these trolls are bringing. Hardly going to fly if it sticks it's head out at AMB with a bunch of oldfags.
No. 1557990
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>>1557982I can't not post the full pic to show that at least Walker shows some more of his basement-themed basement. Still waiting on pics of Michael's poop decks.
No. 1557998
File: 1655015209791.png (314.14 KB, 375x524, cockopotamus.png)

Talking about Walker, who self-doxed to Michael, he made one of his funny mtg cards about him
>ANNIHILATION: Is outed as a transsexual LARPing Canadian Nazi who beats women and fucks children
No. 1558001
>>1557988AMB, as is brought up in the post.
>>1557982Love this comparison there cause it's odd how they look they same(Walker looking like a generic cartoon hippie idiot).
>>1557998"Funny" yes, much laugh, I almost posted the dog that gets into wacky situations and got all my updoots but then the bacon narwhaled and it was midnight and now I spilled all my spaghetti.
No. 1558015
Hope this won't harm my farma karma
No. 1558146
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>>1557998I beg someone with superior editing skills to change the picture on the MtG card to this
No. 1558163
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>>1558015I unno laughing at Walker's shitty jokes is something many Redditfarmers did so if anything they'd give you plenty of stickers over at the ferms for re-posting his stuff, no fear.
>>1558146I gotchu boo, I HATE how he designed most of these cards as an aside. Mike shouldnt be a fucking 8 mana strict duo color drop Planeswalker holy fuck I hate Burgess so much.
No. 1558167
File: 1655042746016.jpg (150.43 KB, 744x1039, jjeo25.jpg) for example he used this site and here is a featured card, the difference is night and day and just further illustrates just how weak Mike's and Walker's meme game was, while, the ladies at LCF are bringing fire to the table
No. 1558206
File: 1655046825238.png (697.09 KB, 800x444, SDt7Pnj.png)

Fixed the image edit he made on his shitty thread he made on his shitty site.
No. 1558211
>>1558206You ever think that instigating issues with people that many on this side of the internet consider over the top psychopaths might backfire on you?
Seems like a self-destructive endeavor to me tbh.
No. 1558222
I saw the discord screencaps that were posted, is this what you're referring to? >>1558216
What did Naught do to instigate the situation? Seems like there's unspilled backstory.
No. 1558240
>>1558236>Comes in defending a pedo and not knowing the story.Who else but Naught, can you trolls not do homework?
>>1558239Clearly you can read too, oh wait….
No. 1558242
>>1558236Yes the one that hasn't freaked out is poking her nose into things, not the cows keep fixating on her. Yeah that would make sense if I didn't read any of the threads as well.
Elaine: Deserves to be leaked on, Erika held back intentionally and was being a teasing asshat until Elaine refused to work on herself. So obviously you didn't read the Elaine thread.
Mike: lol fuck you
Naught: Pedo
Rachel: Attacked her before she dumped.
You are a certified smoothbrain.
Also your sage keeps disappearing because you're too used to wizchan you idiot lol, nice giveaway.
No. 1558251
>>1558211>You ever think that instigating issues with people that many on this side of the internet consider over the top psychopaths might backfire on you?Seems like a self-destructive endeavor to me tbh.
Jesus christ Mike is an edgelord, Naught is an edgelord, Elaine is an edgelord, no wonder they're all in bed with each other. "Huurrrrr I am an psychopath do not mess wif me" go get fucked up the ass again Naught, nobody will ever fear you.
No. 1558254
>>1558240>defendingI haven't defended anyone. I asked a simple question. Don't project.
>>1558246Again, girl, I asked a simple question. You're the one choosing to read into it and sperg.
>>1558242As I understand it, UH spent a nearly a year with Naught and had no problems associating with a nazi and a pedophile until Naught told her not to screencap things from his server. Why was UH hanging around an avowed pedophile for that long without an issue.
No. 1558272
File: 1655051179942.png (111.85 KB, 1477x581, such psychopath much self dest…)

>>1558211Get some new lines Mike, holy fuck.
No. 1558277
File: 1655051362093.png (386.53 KB, 782x525, kiddie jail.png)

>>1558272He re-uses the same memes over the course of four years his brain refused to change since 2003.
No. 1558292
>>1558272That sock posted a huge spergout and Mike's side of paypal receipts so it's definitely him.>>1558285>Not shooting my ex-wife dead when she tried to run me over in the process of stealing my parent's car drunk and without a driver's license at 3am to drive to Disneyworld…If I could go back in time, I'd change both of those things and many more, but I can't.>>1556111>one of the only regrets I have in life is not shooting my ex-wife dead when she stole my parents car and tried to run me over with it. I should have killed her then, and if I had a time machine, I'd go back and do exactly that.He really likes fantasizing about shooting his ex-wife dead despite not having the literal or figurative balls to have done it, what a shitty psychopath.
No. 1558299
File: 1655053238879.png (36.06 KB, 400x400, BL3shQ2.png)

Mike also cannot read for shit, he just shouts off his narrative like a mad macaw. Just goes to show the utter clown college that is KF that people fucking BELIEVED him for even half a second.
'LoL nAzI bAsTe LeT's JuSt BeLiEvE hIm'
No. 1558305
File: 1655053901710.png (166.83 KB, 1802x320, dumb admin.png)

> Only 'prove' Erika of being the idiot's account after she claims to hack it with a password.
Which explains the shared IP in pic related. Ken should be embarrassed for having such a gayopping retard for an admin. It's pretty obvious now why they turned off guest posting and Mike was demanding people make accounts.
No. 1558317
File: 1655054555686.jpeg (276.23 KB, 2576x1932, xJWtt2C.jpeg)

Quick shitty crop for anyone who doesn't want to bother cropping themselves.
No. 1558326
File: 1655055101537.png (3.04 MB, 2250x1966, naught.png)

Transparent version
No. 1558349
File: 1655057255853.jpeg (149.58 KB, 1920x852, Wa9YMOw.jpeg)

Hi Mike.
No. 1558385
File: 1655060255747.png (14.43 KB, 574x172, buck broken.png)

Yeah Mike that is one of the options for a happy meal, how the fuck do you keep using the imagine line? Like I get that it's tatto'd to your chest to help you transition according to your schizo magic but can you fucking get new lines? Ever?
Mike has been 'overjoyed' to explain things yet never bothered to shoot that one down so it really makes ya think.
No. 1558413
File: 1655061931060.jpg (82.76 KB, 796x607, lol mike dumb.jpg)

I am not that person but hey here ya go I'll post how she currently looks like to upset you.
No. 1558721
>>1558717Hey retard, they came to drop milk.
You can shut up now.
My logical deduction is you are a newfag who is NGMI.
No. 1558730
>>1558717Fuck off Moid, you come in here all must defend the women and shit, namefag and break a bunch of rules and bitch about someone who's brought milk?
Wtf have you ever done besides make shitty comments?
Nothing, leave.
>>1558729Hey guess what, one felted you, multiple times, you are a moid and obvious posting get the fuck off the site.
No. 1558732
oh wait I forgot this is discord drama. So you have to be part of a "team" here.
>>1558730Take a chill pill.
No. 1558754
File: 1655085219280.jpg (52 KB, 1187x531, autismtrain.JPG)

He can ask his questions in the tard cage. How does it feel though.
>banned from Kiwi
>tard caged on .org
>basically ignored on .farm except when people come to shit on you for white knighting yourself
>unwelcome on Onion
What's next for you? Are you going to shit up the ED forums? I'd rather have 10 Mikes than you.
No. 1558759
File: 1655085478953.png (4.89 MB, 1728x2304, me 5.png)

>>1558743I'm here, what a neat place
No. 1558764
>>1558759Oh boo you whore, no larping lol you'll get your post tagged.
>>1558761Man sure would be a shame if those two people just uh stopped caring about the bait hehehe.
No. 1558765
>>1558755sigh.. EFM, again. That's not me.
No I will not take 10 Mike's.
No. 1558771
>>1558765Nah fag, you kept calling me a schizo so let me show you wtf happens to retards who namefag and jump into a literal meatgrinder and start tallking shit on the two people who set it up.
You are so angry you are not thinking straight at all.
Someone should leash you.
No. 1559102
File: 1655122190409.png (481.27 KB, 527x695, 1653444366157.png)

>>1558926He also fucked this dog.
No. 1559122
>>1558717You just got done assuming anons were all people you know and you call someone else schizo?
All you dot org people have fucking down syndrome.
No. 1559275
File: 1655136582987.png (24.81 KB, 801x171, oh ken.png)

Not really.
Ken comes to defend the allegations of him being on discord and related to Josh but says absolutely nothing against the pedophilia or playing gay-ops. He does this to himself.
No. 1559357
>>1558704Stepped onto a landmine that was clearly visible, jumped on it for fun and is now crying everywhere like a baby, I am surprised he isn't crying over on the Elaine thread about getting felted and looking like a schizophrenic too.
>>1558717Do a flip moid, don't fucking come back.
No. 1559524
File: 1655150399179.png (364.26 KB, 624x367, unknown.png)

I'll pay the hosting costs for a year just to see what would happen to this thread if VPN posting was disabled for a week.
No. 1559527
>>1559524Might stop the alogging, and larping however;
It would be around the same as most of these posts are from many different people not just one like your fantasy you made in your schizophrenic projecting mind.
No. 1559533
File: 1655151116909.jpg (79.63 KB, 1024x1024, 1566490233726.jpg)

>>1559527"Erika" has been banned at least 5 times. A few times in the Rachel threads. A few times in the Rachel containment thread, and at least once in this thread. That's an X to doubt from me dawg.
No. 1559542
Erika if you're reading this, keep blending this shit is the funniest thing I have seen in years. Even if you left yesterday and never came back we will have retards in here making fools out of themselves.
>>1559541Are there any pictures of that family where they don't look happy? JW, because so far you're really just making yourself look even more foolish somehow.
No. 1559601
File: 1655156298556.png (181.68 KB, 912x309, 3bzwU93.png)

Meme about Mike's latest cope, man he really follows a lot of threads to manicpost this fast about them/.
No. 1559618
>>1559533Saw your spazz on Kiwifarms, it's amazing how you fucking angry ass ragepigs squeal and allow Erika to look even more like the star of the show. Ya really should have thought for one second and read up on stuff to see how exactly we got to the point of her being bait to pull out the rest of the aloggers who have been going at it for a year. How foolish could you be to come to a place where she's already proved herself and break a bunch of rules, not know the culture and then go on a crusade against her and women on Kiwifarms. Is your brain just completely cucked at this point? She wants you to get mad, I want you to get mad, everyone here wants you to get mad and blow the fact that you have been attacking Burnbook the whole time you've been on KF. You always go after a target someone has hit, you're a bottomfeeder lacking any skill and self control. You hide in your hugbox over on dot org so you can circlejerk with your equally braindead friends about jokes that were dead two years ago. What was your plan? come here and point out Erika's a tranny? It's been done by better people and they ended up looking retarded as well.
"Look before you leap"
You leapt into the jaws of a wold that Erika is feeding, probably like she wanted you to. It is
insane how you Moids let her lead you around by the dick with your anger blinding you to everything. You should really touch grass and back off after this because if you do this again, I can safely say you'll be getting your own thread soon. Then what will you cry superiority about?
You proved yourself dumber than most people by jumping in here twice, don't do it again.
No. 1559725
File: 1655163344242.jpg (33.3 KB, 800x445, receipts.jpg)

>>1559697>bitching for 3 straight hours on discorddon't tease,bish
No. 1559901
File: 1655178815049.png (866.1 KB, 1216x849, get new memes mike.png)

Mike is so sad re-using memes so often.
No. 1559903
File: 1655179224760.png (913.79 KB, 949x1135, pedo that is bad at sex.png)

Samefag to re-post this here even though the image quality is garbage. Tl;dr he statutory raped a girl and bragged about not having to satisfy women because he cums every time.
No. 1559918
File: 1655180232505.png (221.63 KB, 980x497, dumbass poking the hive just t…)

>>1559909Oh most certainly, Mike strikes me as the kind of guy to stick his ladies in a fat fold and not even notice.
No. 1559930
File: 1655181314057.png (240.53 KB, 738x320, 1mKHSCn.png)

>>1559926Hopefully it will go back to just these three.
No. 1559932
File: 1655181470129.png (261.95 KB, 738x320, 7OliPc9.png)

It's Pikachu!
No. 1559944
File: 1655182607110.jpg (82.78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

>>1559940Uhhhm, achtshcully it is a cartoon pony so technically it's okay, checkmate people with healthy sex lives.
No. 1560037
File: 1655189605462.png (139.21 KB, 1203x409, what did naught mean by this.p…)

Your guess is as good as mine. I outlined the bit in white to distinguish it, a screencap, from the rest which is normal text. This appears to be Naught sperging at the tranny, I think he may have posted in in the wrong place, but you can tell his uwu~BPD-chan feelings are hurt.
No. 1560058
File: 1655190366792.png (67.5 KB, 404x398, orifices.png)

No. 1560177
File: 1655194466892.png (683.57 KB, 1200x765, onehanded.png)

>>1560078Pic very related
No. 1560209
File: 1655195435212.png (71.79 KB, 1804x324, that's ILLEGAL.png)

>>1560154>>1560171>>1560195>>1560199Someone autistically sperging about 'the rules', I wonder who that could be. Pic related.
No. 1560355
File: 1655215468201.png (131.55 KB, 1337x868, forgotthebio.png)

>>1560242>Michael is the king cowtipperIt's always projection.
No. 1560387
File: 1655217616375.jpg (84.49 KB, 888x499, 4u2e78.jpg)

>>1560355Always has been.
No. 1560396
>>1560037Naught is upset I didn't let him yell me into submission, it's kind of easy to pick up in the block message but I figured obviousfagging to say this was worth it for people who do not want to sort through piles of this shit. He came at me hard, called me all sorts of mean names and then acts like I'm the one who started it?
He needs to learn to deal with the consequences of his mini-man temper tantrums is all it is.
No. 1560451
File: 1655222134072.png (57.59 KB, 884x302, mike fap day #2.png)

Mike is setting up for a second day of fapping to Rachel describing her vagina like a 12 year old male would do on the playground to his friends.
No. 1560460
File: 1655222901796.png (996.46 KB, 995x560, memesters.png)

No. 1560464
>>1560461I'd agree with this, Groundpound isn't really tipping more wrangling from how I see it.
>>1560460Oh made some art of your favorite banned KFers? Why post it here though?
No. 1560471
File: 1655223400072.jpg (235.52 KB, 1074x702, tippingcow.jpg)

Posted it in the Rachel cage thread but it's kinda relevant here i guess lol
No. 1560477
>>1560474Because shes a retard
nonnie. Also the Nazi is the best bet to her losing her virginity so she's gonna take it.
No. 1560504
File: 1655225357633.jpg (643.89 KB, 809x1848, active.jpg)

They're really gonna try some gayops.
No. 1560513
File: 1655225737442.jpg (114.02 KB, 1000x1000, Fuck sheriff.JPG)

ting ting ting
Ladies and gentlemen please take your seats. I’m sorry for interrupting such a prestigious gathering but I have an important announcement to make.
phew that was certainly a mouthful! Please enjoy the rest of the thread and have a great night!(autism)
No. 1560555
File: 1655227913745.png (403.35 KB, 1805x712, get new lines.png)

>>1560542>I saw a post on LCF that got deleted but I screencapped itPic related.
>They deleted this post; luckily I archived it when I saw it>8 minutes agolel
No. 1560578
File: 1655229021640.png (271.92 KB, 1920x1152, 8Kl8h1B.png)

Mike best watch out, his gay-oping will result in naught but naught fingering himself now.
No. 1560580
File: 1655229173462.png (107.43 KB, 1206x535, regina.PNG)

I read both of these side threads and the spooky bones threads here, OF, org, but I somehow missed the proof of spooky/regina/SKL being a woman (was mentioned in the last thread when someone asked about the lolcord w/o receipts). Does proof exist?
No. 1560584
>>1560580Believe it or not there is a thread where you can sperg about that theory
>>>/snow/1554657 and
>>>/snow/1553783 No. 1560703
File: 1655237269602.png (300.39 KB, 1074x1515, Screenshot_20220614-150620.png)

Cowpoly comes in and Mike immediately turns submissive in front of an Alpha male and spergs about how much money he's spent on his merch.
No. 1560740
File: 1655239789042.jpg (499.29 KB, 926x1371, seanpeachy.jpg)

>>1560720This is a good one. It is a story that is more about Sean who is a long story but another cowtipping faggot who got involved in ChrisChan-related gayops, but it tells you a bit about Naught and the kind of people he associates with. The narrator is Naught's ex-'g'f (tranny named Peaches) … again it's a story about Sean mostly but it is funny as shit so I figure I would share while we are briefly talking about that sphere
No. 1560806
File: 1655245093856.jpg (64.8 KB, 575x498, cowpoly.JPG)

>>1560703Cowpoly appreciates your support.
No. 1560846
File: 1655248465206.png (801.2 KB, 600x1044, dafSLZO.png)

Mike is quick with the thread ban for any posts that interrupts the delusion he's feeding Rachel of being the true and honest most beautiful woman in his eyes.
No. 1560871
Mikey is real mad, what a pussy boy.
No. 1560874
>>1560871Banned from any thread with Rachel in it, last ban was, I shit you not, two minutes after I made the post smh.
#FreeGroundPound I can't keep up with that circus anymore lmao.
No. 1560926
File: 1655253505189.png (709.07 KB, 1080x1065, Screenshot_20220614-193627.png)

>Fat girl angle
>Too much sunlight
Oh god what epic owns from the failed clown of comedy himself, it wasn't worth checking the notification good lord.
No. 1561044
File: 1655261564254.jpeg (136.58 KB, 1382x1565, x74jnVA.jpeg)

>>1560926Coming to a
terf site for tranny affirmations and not even capping the picture you posted.
Come on Eric. You know what a fat G.I.R.L. angle shot is. Everyone looks good from 60 degrees above their head.
Take a full frontal face picture in natural lighting.
(hi cow) No. 1561054
File: 1655261882083.jpg (27.98 KB, 564x612, 51515.jpg)

Sage keeps disappearing every time I refresh
Take a neutral angled picture Eric, with natural light.
No. 1561058
File: 1655262071763.jpg (497.25 KB, 1050x1570, lokihorse.jpg)

Wait til they hear the story of Loki tying his nuts to a goat and making it pull to make a woman (Skadi) laugh. The horse one isn't even the most outrageous story.
No. 1561161
>>1561157It's not.
Hey ground pound when you read this think for a second, I was calling Rachel a tranny in that report. It's a jooooooke.
No. 1561173
File: 1655273048236.png (735.21 KB, 640x598, kbWJr6u.png)

Welcome to McCopealds, here's your order of Ruined Gay-Ops with an extra large side of seethe.
No. 1561191
File: 1655274800210.png (529.12 KB, 1079x1701, Screenshot_20220615-013013.png)

Mike is in full manic meltdown and posted the logs of his DMs with Erika from a year ago when she called him out on being in a discord as if it makes her look bad after he's admitted he was in there? Nostalgic because it worked the first time when farmers bought his lies?
Mike's completely detached from reality with his lastest cope-coaster he created.
No. 1561221
>>1561161OHHH oops
That's even funnier
No. 1561746
File: 1655320574215.jpeg (60.81 KB, 567x1024, FTvWl7eXoAA3s8s.jpeg)

Michael and Rachel energy
No. 1561794
File: 1655322828635.png (75.77 KB, 746x452, more flailing.png)

No receipts just wild claims, Mike saying he would kick babies(we know), same shit, different day for the tard twins.
No. 1561881
File: 1655327745313.png (31.27 KB, 691x128, schizophrenia from naught.png)

Naught legitimately believes everyone who uses this site is Erika, pure schizophrenia from him and Mikey-chan.
No. 1561887
File: 1655327984673.png (24.88 KB, 447x133, stripping context.png)

Samefag, here we see naught strip context from a discord(probably his despite yelling at Erika for leaking less of it), I wonder, just wonder if she is speaking about not staying in hugboxes that cater to her own views.
No. 1561898
>>1561881I thought the Naught was short for Spednaught. Guess I was wrong, but the shoe fits.
Anyway, expecting a pedophile to not be unhinged is clown behavior.
No. 1562092
File: 1655338224002.jpg (126.23 KB, 800x600, mkr.jpg)

>>1562089Is MKR still on her bullshit? Why am I not surprised. If I looked like picrel I would probably try to cope by bothering people online, too.
No. 1562104
>>1562098I was just hoping it was that MKR bitch because she's been deserving a smack for a long time for weening Chris and protecting her pedophilic bff Naught. Ah well, another time for her.
No. 1562113
>>1562104I just need to take a second to process the lack of logic these tards have each time as we have namefags as well as obviously kiwis in here so how in the hell it couldn't be more than one person who is keeping up with this like I just, how can they be so dumb?
Yeah another time unless she jumps in with Naught in defending Mike, then it will be this time
nonnie. Never fear, it looks like a full cleaning of house going on.
No. 1562265
>>1562140>>1562144Hi ".org scrote" here where are you getting these conspiracies from may I ask?
Oh wait, I know what to say in these situations. Receipt! Were are the Receipts.
File: 1655350802737.jpg (112.51 KB, 817x724, yesvirginia.jpg)

Hey, it needed saying in the Kiwi OP…
No. 1562625
File: 1655389075198.png (201.87 KB, 800x800, rEdMFGF.png)

Naught really got broken when Cow Poly sided with Erika over him.
No friends except AC, sad.
No. 1562665
>>1562655The rest is Empresa, Cowpoly and the gang dunking on someone who demanded Erika show her face at a front angle and then memes so the rest is not really worth capping though it is kind of a cute, funny thing compared to most scrote posting.
Naught was so upset he said this on their weird little revenge thread about Erika too, the amount of salt these assholes have to give is amazing.
"And then we became friends"
And you screamed faggot tranny at them for trying to stop someone posing as one of your mutual friends, no wonder you don't have any friends now Naught if that's how you fucking treat them. That guy is just such a retard it's incredible, him, Mike, and Rachel all deserve each other.
No. 1562765
File: 1655399210741.png (3.97 KB, 124x145, fatty_patty_no_avatar.png)

LOL. Someone made an account a while back under the name of Michael's fat wife, and Naught banned it shortly after it made a few posts. But now he took off the avatar. Mike really dishes it out but can't take it.
No. 1562823
Mike Timeline Summary
>Angry Canadian aka Michael Thurlow joins Kiwifarms during the ILJ saga before she gets a sub-board for her 'investigation', immediately starts to WK her and try to spin the narrative. Slapfights ensue between him and a few members who smell a manipulator when they see them.
>Is found to later be gay-oping with Luis, never proven when they started gay-oping together, was sniffed out and rejected for the most part by Bella herself.
>Mike gets roughly 3 containment threads, one thread that was removed simply due to halal rules and staff not wishing to re-make a thread. This allowed him to continue his shenanigans inside of Burnbook, another tirefire from the ILJ days that has finished smoldering as the drama is long dead.
>Failhalals a few members and gets banned from KFs, then promptly becomes a bigger lolcow than any he made as a thread. Cringe ass thread about saluting him was posted to True and Honest where Josh's paypigs jack each other off.
>Runs to dot org where he continues to try to punch down only to show how much of a cow he is, becomes oblivious to the scrote's dunking on him and even whines to Sig about his friend getting 'unfair' treatment(a repeat pattern, Mike tries to dish it out but cannot take a thing in return).
>Encounters and joins Naught and Elaine around this time and immediately begins gay-oping with them in order to try and get back at his enemies, only makes himself look like a bigger clown(another Mike pattern).
>After many failed socking attempts at dot org and Kiwifarms where he has now been laughed off of Mike retreats to Onionfarms where he meets Erika for the second time, immediately starts slapfighting with her but that dies down when Erika leaves the internet for a few months.
>Boring times.
>Mike finds out about Rachel from her thread on KFs and immediately sets about to try and Idea Guy her as his claim to fame, fails at this when Erika pulls his pants down by delivering Milk on him, Elaine, and Rachel. Starts a spergery and a slapfight that spanned nearly a month with many people larping as either person as well as many people trying to drag Regina back into the drama.
>Erika scales far back on the obvious posting and the cows go back to mooing feebly without any solid opponent to attack, seemingly makes up with Spookybones/Regina(or they got along before this point, I am unclear on that).
>Scrotes come in from different places and begin alogging multiple people in an attempt to lump more people into the drama, but fail as their attempts are met with ridicule from all sides.
>Things begin to die down as Mike, Naught, Elaine, Rachel and possibly a few more of their friends begin plotting what to do next.
We are here, I probably missed some things but I figured it would be helpful to anyone who has no idea about Mike aside from a personal encounter, the Rachel thread or his KF thread.
No. 1562849
File: 1655405138688.png (119.49 KB, 861x339, mike projecting again.png)

Running out of any material for his Erika hate thread, AC begins projecting and claiming everyone who posts to the site is Erika in a schizophrenic meltdown as is his nature for the past month.
No. 1562861
>>1562823>Runs to dot org where he continues to try to punch down only to show how much of a cow he is, becomes oblivious to the scrote's dunking on him and even whines to Sig about his friend getting 'unfair' treatment(a repeat pattern, Mike tries to dish it out but cannot take a thing in return).>Encounters and joins Naught and Elaine around this time and immediately begins gay-oping with them in order to try and get back at his enemies, only makes himself look like a bigger clown(another Mike pattern).Good summary nonna, I think the main thing missing is between these, his kiwi farms halal thread dropping on his birthday April 4th plus Michael abandoning his account in shame (dish it out but cannot take a thing in return).
>>1562849>ran away from>Banned from Kiwi Farms>Socks get purged as soon as they're discovered>Halal'd on his birthday>Cycles VPNs to keep posting on>@Michael Robert Thurlow You're completely unwanted on the internet. No one likes you.What is it with Michael and everything he says being able to be turned around on him?
No. 1562939
File: 1655409574941.jpeg (126.73 KB, 616x1000, the ring.jpeg)

>>1562140Picture related.
No. 1563023
File: 1655414284504.png (160.93 KB, 2068x441, 0.png)

Go back to crying on KF with your thin skinned faggot friends.
No. 1563064
File: 1655415520639.jpeg (1.47 MB, 972x4242, unknown.jpeg)

The T&H hugbox did not like when a user spoke the truth.
I'd put this in the containment thread but I think by now we can classify EFM as an orbiter of Michael's at least.
No. 1563080
>>1563021That might be Rene, too, nonna. She was very fixed on the dog stuff.
>>1563064OMG that thread is seriously full of fanfiction and rushing to accuse everyone (or more like specific people) of gayops. As a gayop in itself possibly and a pretty effective one, people will believe anything.
No. 1563107
File: 1655421309973.png (334.21 KB, 2074x1051, efm is coldbrew.png)

The highlight only appears if the user replies to you, EFM is a schizophrenic and is Cold Brew.
No. 1563114
File: 1655421733782.png (539.52 KB, 1080x1920, context.png)

Context for the salty hugthread going on that thinks all of LCF is one big gay op, oh brother.
No. 1563143
File: 1655424314897.png (267.21 KB, 593x379, imagine my shock.png)

EFM lied about being invited?
Wow, probably like he is lying about there being ten people and not all just him as clearly he has one cap from the same person who was dumping here which he claims isn't him, but he's a schizophrenic so we know it's him.
Enjoy being known as a Mike WK orbiting gay oper EFM, you earned it.
No. 1563174
File: 1655426731570.png (383.86 KB, 585x767, Epic Fail Man Failed Epicly Ma…)

>>1563143I think he fell for someone larping as Spooky or the user is just dunking on him for jumping at Spookybones' shadow for extra context to the quoted post.
No. 1563235
File: 1655431644240.png (282.1 KB, 768x432, vSBOVBf.png)

That did not take long.
No. 1563256
File: 1655432346891.png (257.76 KB, 1655x531, Screenshot (348).png)

No. 1563262
File: 1655432604291.jpeg (949.38 KB, 1010x810, cringe.jpeg)

Is that Zak Bagans
No. 1563309
>>1563305Yeah, thats disgusting.
>>1563301No, I'm not a lesbian.
No. 1563320
File: 1655435077366.png (1010.77 KB, 1155x1080, xlNAYyu.png)

EFM, and Sig unironically believe this.
No. 1563337
>>1563320They do.
It only seems that way to them because they were dumb enough to pick a fight with almost everyone on this side of the internet.
No. 1563342
File: 1655436056725.png (69.48 KB, 853x389, the fifth time.png)

This marks the fifth time in two days that EFM has said he was done with the 'autism'. Let's see how that goes ladies, I'm betting like the other four he is seething and scrolling this thread right now.
No. 1563387
File: 1655438292307.png (807.15 KB, 800x612, 1xaywjY.png)

You came to mock me and this is all you guys have after days of being here at the very least?
Weren't you trying to be the badasses of the internet? Why are your attacks so lame and ineffective? Could it be that you are all lacking?
No. 1563520
File: 1655449471218.png (90.72 KB, 383x451, L3hK849.png)

Pointing out how dumb they are will only make their Lord and Savior Kengle angrier.
No. 1563530
File: 1655450610157.png (90.6 KB, 383x451, 9KNo5Ih.png)

>>1563527I warned you nonna, Kengle only gets angrier when you point out they're projecting exactly what they are doing onto others in a completely retarded way.
No. 1563690
>>1563688That's borderline
nonnie, watch out Kengle is fuming atm and we can't piss him off anymore by pointing out that dot org is still getting trolled by exactly one person.
No. 1563695
>>1563693I wouldn't call that trolling either. Provoking someone to tell that spookybones is behind it all after telling you she would gaslight you if you came to the site?
That's trolling.
No. 1563698
File: 1655475712622.png (464.12 KB, 1080x1344, Screenshot_20220617-091805~3.p…)

>>1563696>Spookybones is behind it all.Legit dude, touch grass, take meds, you lost.
No. 1563704
>>1563235Samefag but
Aw I missed Erika destroy Sig, his comments are jannied so I can only assume he called everyone nobodies because women are gay and then cried about it for two hours.
No. 1563716
>>1563710Then Sig, my dude, this is incredibly gay and we both know it. EFM isn't right, he isn't correct, Empresa and Cowpoly don't even post here.
You gay op tagged them just for them liking me and EFM not liking me, that's now clear for all to see. So do you wanna just stop?
I legit think Mike and Rachel are funny by themselves and I'm tired of gaslighting people as I slapfight into looking even sillier. Enough people can see what I'm doing, this isn't for attention Sig, it's literally me helping the Rachel thread stay clean and having a place where I can deliver milk and make memes.
There is zero reason for dot org to be here, Spooky won't engage with you in obvious posting. Unlike me she follows the rules, I just appeal my bans and lie to farmhands that I'll be less autistic this time.
No. 1563727
File: 1655477691317.jpg (11.42 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpg)

I ain't gotta do shit, they troll themselves at this point.
No. 1563746
File: 1655479921805.jpg (62.08 KB, 700x835, lol so quirky.jpg)

Dot org came here and called the whole site a gay op because we disagreed that someone was not a bigger cow than they are, that is just outright pathetic and delusional. A splinter with 6 actual people on it attempting warfare against an imageboard site for not hating someone enough.
Perfect example of male entitlement, they come into our space and 'mansplain' how things should be and when we bit them for being retarded they cried publicly to anyone who would listen. You are all soft skinned cows trying to go after one person who just got done dumpstering multiple groups, you added yourself to her kill count willingly. WTF is wrong with you retards? Did you really get so angry that you're doing the best you can to hand Erika a W on a silver fucking platter?
"Reeee Spookybones, Reeeee Erika those women trolled us and made us look bad so we hate them forever." - That is all anyone here hears when you speak up, because of the mistakes you guys willingly made.
Puppeted by a pet troon.
For fucking shame.
No. 1563756
File: 1655480748117.png (90.5 KB, 383x451, JboX0sh.png)

Kengle literally cannot get angrier because dot org literally cannot get dumber.
No. 1563763
>>1563731It's funny because it demonstrates a lack of foresight. Domains are dirt cheap, but to register one for six years and then abandon it within six months is something that I find personally amusing.
>>1563722What's it like to be indistinguishable from someone as stupid as Blaine?
>>1563746>Dot org came here and called the whole site a gay opI only said that the people doing the gay ops are retards who should probably get a life, but go off, king.
No. 1563768
>>1563767Oh look, more lies from scrotes.
>>>/snow/1563121Here is another reason everyone here is calling you retarded, all of your posts should go here and not the Mike thread.
No. 1563777
>>1563771I only recently remembered that Blaine existed because he made a sock and started shitting up threads, which is exactly what got him thrown into the tard cage to begin with.
>>1563766Ashley Hutsell Jankowski isn't a tranny though, and nobody is really that obsessed with her.
No. 1563782
>>1563777>>1563781Why did you come here exactly? It just seems like vendetta posting. I'm sure Erika doesn't care what you dot org people have to say but I am interested in wtf exactly was your whole ideal scenario?
Shift the conversation?
No. 1563788
>>1563784Tight, you know about being on-topic right?
There is a topic where you could have sperged about Erika, people would still call you dumb but it wouldn't be quite as obvious that you came in without any respect to the culture or the rules.
Why do you think people won't mock that when moids are supposed to try to blend and not obviouspost?
No. 1563794
Also it is INCREDIBLY entertaining to sit back and watch some spastic attempt to convince everyone that they're some kind of Machiavellian puppet master. I laughed my ass off when Michael Thurlow was doing it, and it's still pretty amusing to watch Blaine try the exact same tactic.
>>1563788lol I don't care about the rules here and I don't even know who Erika is, but I'll assume that you're talking about Blaine.
>>1563789thanks anon, that 789 of yours isn't too shabby, either
No. 1563829
File: 1655483895147.png (375.25 KB, 1280x720, brown bricks.png)

I'm always on duty.
No. 1563830
File: 1655483896390.jpeg (87.34 KB, 1030x582, erika has brought the milk.jpe…)

That anon is saying the person in the yellow shirt is Megan, and they are correct.
This image is now very accurate.
No. 1563832
File: 1655484027886.png (223.46 KB, 1464x865, gayops man.png)

Get some new memes, Mike.
Imagine being this desperate for a W.
No. 1563837
>>1563831>Stop lusting after tranny cockHas been shitting up a thread on a site of (eewww) fEmAlEs posting about a tranny for days.
You sound like you dont want any competition.
No. 1563845
>>1563842It'll be funny when all the free VPNs get banned and you can't anymore while Erika posts on her original IP, how much seething will you do in your hugbox?
>>1563844Of course they will Nonna, these faggots are obsessed with making Erika submissive and bent to their will, they want some hot steamy tranny sex.
No. 1563854
>>1563849Which let's be honest, is probably how Erika will look like in a few years. No wonder Mike has been obsessed with Erika for so long he wants to skinwalk as her…
No. 1563856
File: 1655484585481.png (59.59 KB, 869x68, VPN.png)

>>1563845Whenever I get banned, I shit up the appeal form and then run "expressvpn disconnect && expressvpn connect", wait two seconds, and then go right back to shitting up the site until I get bored.
No. 1563859
File: 1655484820131.jpg (7.86 KB, 400x343, proton.jpg)

>>1563856You're supposed to use proton vpn you're ruining the gayops reeeeeee
No. 1563871
File: 1655485458749.png (62.91 KB, 569x446, can they make it anymore obvio…)

Yeah merge a nonna account with Erika's but leave Mike's account and claim you are not gay-oping. Smoothbrain move Sig.
No. 1563878
>>1563876>because SIG isn't an admin there.Lol okay thanks for proving
>>1563875 correct.
No. 1563920
File: 1655488035872.png (372.22 KB, 956x692, qpeU5hV.png)

No. 1563941
>>1563937>>1563929You are a retard, case closed.
>>1563940So are you.
No. 1564045
File: 1655491876873.png (Spoiler Image,157.87 KB, 480x640, 1632339338579.png)

No. 1564074
File: 1655492895867.png (283.83 KB, 647x510, catdished.png)

lol based tranny
No. 1564095
File: 1655493610334.jpg (65.55 KB, 919x460, fag.JPG)

>>1564077Shaving your face doesn't make you less of a faggot.
No. 1564139
>>1564101That beard
That nose
>Summary: Scientists have identified a genetic variant that substantially increases the risk for developing schizophrenia in Ashkenazi Jewish and other populations. The study associates a deletion on chromosome 3 with increased incidence of schizophrenia.,with%20increased%20incidence%20of%20schizophrenia.
Mystery solved.
No. 1564140
File: 1655495561554.png (157.75 KB, 299x368, erika_beard.png)

>>1564134I'm sure most women find this attractive.
I don't know if Falsies and other
victims of AC's horrible antics are here trying to keep a-logging him, and I understand AC is a genuinely horrible person. But you have to face the hard truth. AC's milk has run out and Blaine's is still warm.
No. 1564144
>>1564140AC in denial of how bad he is and spending all this time following Blaine around like a lost puppy and then getting mad about it is funnier.
All of you who refuse to see how pathetic Michael has become are blinded by the fact you want reasons to dunk on a tranny. Weak. Ignore Blaine and focus on the real milk that is Michael being an absolutely assblasted bitch boy.
No. 1564146
File: 1655495766333.gif (982.28 KB, 500x400, whoawhoawhoaSLOWDOWN.gif)

>>1564143>Nazithat's a strong word
No. 1564148
>>1564140>you have to face the hard truth. AC's milk has run outHeh
>>1564144>you want reasons to dunk on a trannyMichael is a tranny so it makes even less sense.
No. 1564150
>>1564148Lol ikr, as Michael would say;
Imagine not knowing you're being slowdripped.
No. 1564153
>>1564144Most posts I've seen from Michael in regards to how bad he is are him affirming the things that are said about him. RE: Hitting women, abandoning his kids, abusing people online, etc etc etc. The only thing I've seen him deny is the weeaboo/lolicon accusations and the tranny shit.
As far as the lolicon goes, he's posted questionable anime stuff since that accusation, and as far as the tranny accusation goes, his argument on Onion Farms convinced me enough that I don't really care. If more tranny pics surface then that's different but meh tbh seems like cope on your part nonna
No. 1564166
>>1564164Mike here.
I was habitually sexually abused as a child by a priest and used troonery as a coping mechanism. Unlike Erika I overcame my mental illness and stopped hating myself.
No. 1564167
File: 1655496672273.png (498.52 KB, 640x400, imagine.png)

>>1564164Mike knows he'd look like pic related.
No. 1564173
Michael was kneeling in front of Blaine's lightly leaking, hard cock, a small string of saliva connecting to the tip of Blaine's cock to Michael's tongue, the smaller man panting softly, as he moved his hand up and down his own hard cock while he was pushing one…two…three fingers into his wet hole, eyes dilated with lust. Michael was currently in heat and Blaine couldn't control himself when it came to lust when Michael was in heat. Michael loved it when Blaine went rough on him. Loved it when he was fucked hard by the tranny, getting taught who he really belongs to and feeling the other's knot deep inside of him that always got him sensitive. Michael looked up, Blaine's hand gripping his hair. He was so vulnerable right now, so perfect.
"How bad do you want me?" Blaine growled deeply, his cock twitching as he watched his Mate's needy eyes, hot breath tickling his cock.
Michael moaned softly, the noise coming out like a soft growl of need, as he quickened the speed of his hand on his own cock, roughing moving his fingers that were in his end. "S-So…so fucking bad…" Michael whimpered, bucking his hips up a little into his own touch to show how much he needed his Alpha's knot buried inside of him, the Omega panting. "P-Please…"
"Sorry," Blaine purred, "I didn't quite catch that. Mind-" Blaine was cut off by a sharp gasp as Michael took his Mate's full length into his mouth until his nose was buried in pubes. Blaine was actually glad Michael didn't have a gag reflex. Blaine moaned harshly, panting, as he set up a rough and quick pace for his hips as he started to thrust quickly into Michael's mouth. "G-Good boy," Blaine groaned, watching him, fisting a hand into the brunette's hair. "Just like that. Take me in, baby. Good boy…"
Michael moaned hard from around Blaine, the sound nearing a needy growl, breath hitching as he shoved his three fingers into himself, trying so hard not to bite down. He looked up innocently, seductively, at Blaine through his dark lashes as the Alpha fucked his mouth. Michael suddenly gasped sharply, feeling himself release into his own hand, panting hard through his nose, as he pumped himself dry of his orgasm and felt himself go soft, continuing to thrust his fingers into his stretched, slick wet hole. Michael's breath hitched slightly when he felt Blaine release hard down his throat, the Omega swallowing down his release and slowly pulled off, another string of saliva hooking on to his tongue that attached to Blaine cock. "That…answer your…question?" Michael asked huskily in between thick moans.
Blaine smirked and pulled Michael off the floor and on to the bed, laying the Omega on to his stomach, Michael moving to his hands and knees on instinct, whimpering with need, as he lapped at his wet fingers. "Blaine…please," he begged, panting. "Need you. Need your knot. Now." That did it for Blaine. That sent him over the edge. He plunged into Michael's end, who cried out loudly, and started to fuck the other hard and relentless.
Michael was quickly shut up, whining softly, as Blaine thrust two of his fingers into his mouth. Now Michael couldn't express himself. Oh, well.
"Suck." Blaine demanded in a husky growl, squeezing Michael's hips hard with his free hand, and dragged his hot and wet tongue up and down Michael's back.
Michael sucked Blaine's fingers hard and obediently, panting thickly through his nose again.
"Fuck, Michael," Blaine groaned, drilling into his Mate's prostate. "So fucking good for me, baby. Good…good boy…" Already, he felt close to his second release for the day. He did want to cum yet after they had just started. Damn Blaine and his hormones. "Atta boy…" Blaine purred against Michael's burning hot skin.
Michael fisted the bed sheets hard, also feeling himself get close to his second release. Michael jerked his hips back against Blaine's hard thrusts, panting sharply and hard. Michael couldn't even last ten more minutes before he came hard, letting his load out on to the bed sheets, moaning thickly.
Unlike Michael, Blaine wasn't able to last five minutes. He came hard and deep into Michael, feeling his knot swell up until he couldn't move anymore, being locked into Michael for an hour. Blaine panted hard and pulled his fingers out of Michael's hungry mouth. "You are mine," he purred, lowering the both of them on to the bed so that Michael was flat on his stomach. "You will carry my pup and love him or her forever."
"Y-Yes," Michael rasped, panting, and nuzzled his face into Blaine's arm that was in front of him. "Always." Michael nodded and purred softly, his body hot, as his chest heaved, the man trying to find his breath again.
"Good." Blaine smiled gently, nuzzling into Michael's neck.
No. 1564182
>>1564176>it's possible I was drunk and this is a legitimate pictureAll I needed to hear, the rest is the best he could come up with and it's still shit, it always is. It's just like the giga cope he came out with after his wife got doxed on and he definitely, 100% never saw that lady before in his life lmao.
>>1564180He/they literally cannot stop self owning.
No. 1564183
Good catch
No. 1564194
File: 1655498024119.png (1.22 MB, 1311x2989, 1655496958576.png)

>>1564180reposting since he deleted it kek
No. 1564236
>>1564200Nigger you can't lie, you can't troll, you can't gayop, nobody likes you, you'll die alone and mad, you'll probably shoot up a school or a mall, Rachel wouldn't even have sex with you, drink drain cleaner, cry about it, blog it on Tumblr, go tell your Nazi buddies you're a little sissy who wants a horsecock in your ass, kys.
No. 1564326
File: 1655507936062.png (801.19 KB, 850x549, 2ixfqIw.png)

No u, I actually have a vagina Mike, die jealous.(tranny hands typed this)
No. 1564355
File: 1655509573407.png (750.06 KB, 1009x725, PFkiMqa.png)

>>1564353YWNBAW Mike ya sick pedo fuck, go jump into a volcano ya chimping out mofackler.
- This message brought to you by The Scrotes That Wear Pink
No. 1564452
File: 1655516293100.png (898.81 KB, 600x800, xdKpWri.png)

Why are you wearing diapers in this photo Mike?
No. 1564463
File: 1655517193980.png (367.3 KB, 1390x378, JAVUZ4i.png)

Samefag, followup question, where did you get this collar you have on in your tophat emo picture Mike? You're clearly into BSDM, wanna correct the record on that?
No. 1565057
File: 1655574929886.png (101.53 KB, 811x303, neener neener.png)

I can't see Michael's discord account so here it is
Sneed#6011 697886712927485962
Pic related. Michael still thinks he can just shift blame because he's a legitimate retard.
No. 1565406
File: 1655614142207.jpg (58.47 KB, 1180x335, the fool.JPG)

Another .org scrote managed to swim into my net today is a good day for hunting lolcows. The fool, former idea guy and watchman is currently posting about me on had to namefag but I will go back to blending since this is about me anyway.
really trying to squeeze every W they can, too bad for them better people have tried.
No. 1565413
>>1565406good catch nonna its weird that The Foolish Fool has been dead silent for the last year and has suddenly shown up as Mike gayops with his team of lolcows
another one bites the dust
No. 1565415
Pretty piss poor attempt to mimic Erika on a site where it was done better before, besides uhhhhhhh, kinda picked the last user that she would go after.
GG, Mike just tried this btw, see how it worked out for him.
No. 1565423
>>1565413I don't think I have ever used the word subvert ever, you really uh, aren't trying.
Anywho, I wouldn't cap obvious satire as a W for one, the fool is on record as a member I actually find funny over there, and furthermore he has nothing to do with the Mike thread so I wouldn't post off topic shit in here.
No. 1565426
>>1565423Sperging about me belongs
>>1554657 here
Nice try GG
No. 1565430
File: 1655616394600.jpeg (293.41 KB, 1920x1200, ajpujNr.jpeg)

just pointing out that these scrotes do a terrible impersonating of me. Keep trying to win I will continue to laugh at you until you cry.
No. 1565517
File: 1655625149571.png (62.33 KB, 620x892, this is so dumb.png)

>>1565419>>1565507Central time, this is how you actually do it, you don't need a selfie like Mike thinks.
>>1565423This is me
>>1565406>>1565419>>1565421>>1565426>>1565430>>1565497>>1565507Obviously not me, and the weakest impersonation attempt yet. I let some of them slide to just take advantage of it but you latest pick me NPCs are just not worth it.
No. 1565555
File: 1655628839572.png (132.5 KB, 661x390, nicetryelaine.png)

jannies sweeping my evidence of impersonation, come on farmhands
>>1565517 >>1565553
this poster is the imposter do ya jobs better
No. 1565562
>>1565558New profile and the other tabs are clipped over, you are using a desktop login with the aspect ratio one can only get on a mobile browser,
>>1565561Yeah it's really dumb that I have to point out how dumb larping as me is after I just proved I was here.
No. 1565563
File: 1655629498298.png (90.73 KB, 813x634, photoshop hacker extraordinair…)

Elaine's photoshop skills are as good as her hacking skills, take the L Elaine. I know you're gayoping with Tommy Tooter and Wolftone sneasel and I are laughing at you
No. 1565566
>>1565563That is me covering up the scroll of active threads and forum as it looked very schizophrenic and as I am at my computer I could care about aesthetic.
>>1565565Agreed, I am done posting on it, it's so dumb.
No. 1565568
>>1565565I'm only posting here because some scrote is impersonating me.'
>>1565562>>1565517trying to derail the thread. I'll go back to blending as soon as this is dealt with.
No. 1565575
>>1565517 this poster is probably impersonating Erika but take it to the containment thread if you want to sperg about it. This is the Mike thread.
No. 1565579
File: 1655630673743.png (734.45 KB, 565x603, mug.png)

Mike's mugshot
No. 1565587
File: 1655630997530.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.02 KB, 1920x1080, pp.jpg)

>>1565579Mike's cock
(spoiler that shit) No. 1565591
File: 1655631202103.png (Spoiler Image,845.15 KB, 748x531, pixels.png)

>>1565587Mike's cock 'analysis'
Looks like it was shooped after all, eh?
No. 1565605
File: 1655633287535.jpg (Spoiler Image,195.86 KB, 1920x1080, 1655631205853.jpg)

>>1565587 Reposting the one with your face in that you just deleted
The one that makes you look like a skinnyfat sack of shit
lol, Mike, lmao
No. 1565607
File: 1655634114225.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 1316x871, old balls.png)

>>1565587Did you forget you posted a cropped version of this, Mike? (pic related) Or did you actually think reposting
>Mike's cock8 months later but with a green mouse is content?
No. 1565611
File: 1655634667248.jpeg (175.45 KB, 1640x856, mike'smerch.jpeg)

Yo peep all the sick Mike Merch in this new photo he dropped, what a gamer!
No. 1565733
>>1565731No, just you. It's a distinct writing style, time, your actual IP, and uh, the fact nobody else here would say that.
No. 1565843
File: 1655658592290.png (178.81 KB, 1068x248, retard.png)

>>1565737…and one trannyfriend, lel.
No. 1566241
>>1566228The wife seems like a sociopath though and she lied in her interview with Regina; I think Michael screeched about it on a sock on KF about her lies about the arrest record
but I'm talking about her lying about Michael "forcing her" to dress like man. She said he made her wear jeans and shit, but her tiktok was found and it's been a decade and she's still dressing in jeans and T-shirts. If she hated Mike for forcing her to do that it doesn't make sense that she'd continue dressing that way.
I'm just skeptical of what she said, too many inconsistencies. Misremembering one thing could be overlooked since it was 10 years ago but a lot of things she said don't make sense.
Plus she seems like the type of person who wants attention and validation. How many people go and do interviews for kiwi farms? I've never heard of anything like that happening except with ILJ. I'm rambling a bit. Drank with my dad a bit happy fathers day yall, but yeah anyway, I dunno. I think Mike's cute in a lot of his pics maybe I'm just dumb lol
No. 1566252
>>1566247what word? no I'm talking about the interview that got posted to kiwi farms and the arrest records. Mike did sperg about it but he was right about that at least, the two arrests took place at different times and his ex said that she was arrested for child neglect because of balloons or something like that when she called the cops when Mike choked her. The arrest record posted in this thread shows that's not true
>>1557931 posted here. His ex's record is also posted on kiwi farms I think. And her tiktok is gingervitis92, she dresses like a man all the time even years after divorcing Mike so its just a bot unusual to me posted april 7th No. 1566258
File: 1655685229390.jpg (61.63 KB, 1130x518, fuck off link.JPG)

>>1566256same again the link is being stupid
No. 1566260
>>1566258same again
just sort of seems weird that she made such a huge deal over Mike "making" her wear jeans and tshirts and stuff but like… it doesn't seem to be that much of a problem
like she made it sound like she'd be in sundresses 24/7 and like nice clothes instead of wearing jeans.
maybe I'm just drunk I don't know
No. 1566266
>>1566260same again
like okay it'd be a cute top if she weren't like… pudgy, but like the jeans, it's like she said mike made her dress this way but this looks like the way she always dresses so like… idk, I'd have to read the interview again but that's what stood out to me just a bit weird like obviously there's bad blood between the two of them so she'd have alot of reasons to make mike look as bad as possible to people who probably told her they were going to slam him for being such a piece of shit i just don't believe that stuff because there are pictures of mike playing with wooden swords with his son on his found photobucket, like he doesn't look like he's making them call him mom l.ike Brittany said he was
I'm just not following that it doesn't read to me.
No. 1566287
File: 1655686664743.jpg (59.47 KB, 1080x753, 20220618_053839.jpg)

Elaine please exit stage left
No. 1566347
>>1566346So Erika has more feminine tastes when it comes to sex?
Huge shocker, how will she possibly recover?
No. 1566379
File: 1655691736882.jpg (84.11 KB, 756x505, itsame.JPG)

I just can't stop taking Ws
Empressa and Cowpoly are on my side we're laughing at you on discord right now plotting our next move on .org.
I see they liked the porn spam haha scrotes though they could contain me
No. 1566382
>>1566379Lmfao this is just the best larping of me I have ever seen, did you not see me dump that mountain of milk on Rachel today?
I am so not caring about this shit in the slightest.
No. 1566391
>>1566385No seriously nobody buys this so pull your head out of your ass and have fun for once, go laugh at Rachel's shit it is objectively amazing.
Oh wait…did that just make you more jealous of me?
>>1566389Hey man you leave my speds alone.
No. 1566400
File: 1655692537112.png (439.28 KB, 800x450, unknown (1).png)

these people can't even use spellcheck to impersonate me
No. 1566410
File: 1655693273768.png (97.3 KB, 225x225, 123426'.png)

>>1566401Tell me more about how I'd post Elaine
No. 1566418
>>1566410Elaine, this is Coldbrew, it was my night to pose as Erika and now we got fucked up AGAIN!
Why are you ruining my gay-ops and one chance for a crumb of coochie and clout!!!
No. 1566542
File: 1655705991124.png (365.8 KB, 594x443, no bitches whitney…)

Serious question for AC
No. 1566573
File: 1655709815446.png (390.77 KB, 958x808, snaked.png)

hahaha fresh milk from the milk maid moids mad seething in fact fuck sheriff fuck empressa and fuck Mike, you're all my cows now. Next time don't fuck with Sneasel you no bitches pussies.
No. 1566579
>>1566573Nobody believes you're Sneasel Buffalo, we know you capped and posted that meme in the first place to try and get at Erika. Look at how long you have been gay-oping for.
You call that a W?
This is a W.
No. 1566581
>>1566580EFM literally cannot stop self owning.
Seriously it's old the dude is a pathetic waste of skin and he should 41% cause he holds a grudge over not being in a discord server like a trooooooooon.
No. 1566588
>>1566586> Epic Fail Man has been going after Empresa for two months over not being invited to a discord server. Holy shit lol I knew it was gonna be dumb but this takes the cake.
This is why a week+ of scrote spam? One autist didn't invite the other to a Discord server? The men in this part of the Internet are not just dumb but they're consistently pettier, cattier, and more "womanish" in general than the females. Many such cases.
No. 1566589
>>1566588MANY! WAY TOO MANY!
Emp's crew really do just want to goof around but like when you keep getting hit you eventually hit back and things get serious.
I cannot believe it either but yeah it's so fucking dumb that idc didn't Null say not embaress KF? Isnt that a rule there?
EFM brought Sig and banned KF members to spam porn, like how is he not banned?
How has he not been bullied, isn't it a cyber bullying site?
Sounds like cliques are the problem in full honesty, no cap.
No. 1566665
File: 1655721401340.png (345.81 KB, 1579x398, daddy's money.png)

cringe content
No. 1566963
File: 1655748783862.jpeg (25.82 KB, 680x165, thurlow degenerate anime.jpeg)

>>1566665Absolutely haram
No. 1567180
File: 1655761516391.png (143.36 KB, 1577x807, banging rails.png)

>I banged 2 4gram rails and then did a few bumps
>50% of individuals who weigh 150 lbs (or 68 kg) would experience a lethal dose at about 6.5 grams of cocaine
No. 1567222
File: 1655764673478.png (91.99 KB, 976x437, 1655763982467.png)

Uh oh Mike angy that he was caught gay oping. Good thing we know to expect the opposite of whatever he says, essentially he names who's Gay-oping with him.
Self own number what now?
No. 1567247
File: 1655765751865.png (85.66 KB, 942x830, 1655765387313.png)

Aw Mike you made me samefag cause you forgot this. I should see if they'll let us add you to the beat the shit out of irl subforum over on AMB.
No. 1567250
File: 1655766119735.png (87.24 KB, 939x738, 1655765722594.png)

Suburban will not let Mike wiggle out of his violence towards others.
No. 1567253
File: 1655766263680.png (91.02 KB, 950x486, 1655766026517.png)

>Please stay on topic at Onionfarms, me beating women is never on topic at Onionfarms.
No. 1567267
File: 1655767700388.png (122.87 KB, 939x878, 1655767562122.png)

So this is Mike's excuse, even if true it's horrifying to conceptualize.
No. 1567274
File: 1655767949810.png (44.52 KB, 935x372, 1655767840493.png)

Hey Mikey, stop hitting yourself lololol.
No. 1567292
File: 1655769034748.png (95.18 KB, 941x433, 1655768590128.png)

Damn Mike slow down on the manic posting please lol
No. 1567294
File: 1655769104147.png (74.53 KB, 951x432, 1655768913603.png)

>>1567275Def is, always is with him since I started milking way back when.
All credit on this milk goes to Suburban Bastard, he did this of his own volition and passed me the milk.
No. 1567298
File: 1655769165255.png (77.06 KB, 891x502, frens.png)

>>1567222He's so buck broken lmao. With Mike you also have to pay attention to what he's not saying or avoiding saying.
>I'm in two discord serversWhatever but who are you friends with, like Elaine Miller? Pic related. He also has at least 4 discord accounts so which one is he talking about? He's just a lying retard who literally got caught with his pants down.
>empressaLmao faggot
>>1566580>go shitpost about my penisCope, seethe and dilate.
>>1567229>I want to build the Tranch subforum hereMore trannyposting, imagine my surprise.
No. 1567299
File: 1655769325562.png (63.76 KB, 945x398, 1655769065010.png)

Mike and his .org gay oping buddies are just self destructing in real time over on AMB too.
No. 1567313
File: 1655770533173.png (83.48 KB, 949x478, 1655770293281.png)

Translation: I beat my wife when she just got done giving birth to my child over her not doing the dishes…
No. 1567314
File: 1655770574727.png (78.04 KB, 944x593, 1655769659975.png)

This one's silly fun to refresh the palate.
No. 1567316
File: 1655770653174.png (67.11 KB, 941x535, 1655770584792.png)

SB said this to him right as I posted that, same wavelength most women here have too I imagine.
No. 1567318
File: 1655771082869.png (70.33 KB, 942x413, 1655770863938.png)

SB is peeling Mike apart better than I did in my best two passes combined, ridiculously impressive.
No. 1567321
File: 1655771474404.png (38.63 KB, 945x364, 1655771119683.png)

Buck Broken Mike stage.
No. 1567367
File: 1655776488608.png (394.8 KB, 1359x863, 1655764233465.png)

Mike's such a whiny faggot.
No. 1567434
File: 1655783771803.png (495.38 KB, 1207x4588, 1.png)

1/3 onion farms drama
No. 1567435
File: 1655783810832.png (641.27 KB, 1221x4271, 2.png)

>>15674342/3 onion farms drama/spergout
No. 1567437
File: 1655783836776.png (537.45 KB, 1216x3563, 3.png)

>>15674353/3 onion farms milk/spergfest
No. 1569242
File: 1655941566822.png (1.08 MB, 1103x826, julia roberts.png)

No. 1569351
File: 1655953942884.png (316.92 KB, 960x576, mario.png)

No. 1570992
File: 1656103148909.jpg (204.81 KB, 1080x1144, mikey.jpg)

This is the funniest shit to happen this week considering his big own on Erika was "everyone hates you"
Nigga this is funnier than the Roe v Wade meltdowns, this is the best way to end Pride month.
No. 1571811
File: 1656179719677.png (9.54 KB, 519x139, that's illegal.png)

>>1571161Imagine trying to steal users from the metokur forum for your shitty 'doxing' website
>10. Do not post the personal dox of anyone (regardless of them being a member or a person of interest). No personal residence addresses, no phone numbers, or pictures of their houses or list their place of employment unless it is a matter of public record that has been reported in the media.>I am going to update the rules on personal dox. If the personal dox is in the public interest such as on a public police record or sex offender registry, then I will make an exception. No. 1572936
File: 1656273742588.png (200.61 KB, 1168x683, mike and elaine gayopping.png)

An account that registered after Mike's other sock got merged that is using the same defenses as Elaine and trying to say all of Kiwifarms thought Nohull was behind all this?
I don't know for sure that it's Mike but I somehow feel like this thread is the place to puzzle over this screen cap.
What did he mean by this nonnas?
No. 1572971
File: 1656276006065.jpg (121.26 KB, 1303x499, 023456725.jpg)

>>1572936Who knows tbh, I'd assumed that poster was one of their stupid little in-crowd over there especially the "a.i. fan fictions" which seems like an in-joke and @-ing "Biggestshot" (who I assume is nohull?) and it just doesn't sound like Mike to me but it could be a lot of people. Mike is on the Metokur forum though trying to make the best of the W he got off the confusion sown over there today by random accusations being thrown around.
No. 1572975
File: 1656276073832.png (50.67 KB, 1174x467, from the horses mouth.png)

>>1572971LOL some W alright, here is a better screen cap Mike simp.
No. 1572984
>>1572975I said
nonnie, not succeeding … what part of the cap I posted makes Mike look good?
No. 1573027
File: 1656279927719.png (254.78 KB, 1026x842, crossdressing harley boots.png)

Well that explains one pair of boots which are not bondage boots but women's biker boots. Size 9 women is what a 7 in men's? Pretty small feet there Mike…lol…photoshopped duck looking more and more likely.
No. 1573031
File: 1656280476289.png (75.14 KB, 1174x478, Untitled.png)

Mike admits it's a bondage collar, that he owned at age 14 but not something he has to justify. Who owned the collar? Who was his dom? Who was the adult that diddled lil mikey?
No. 1574729
File: 1656443254250.jpeg (52.1 KB, 1317x290, download.jpeg)

If you think this constitutes "taking credit" and not shitposting you're as stupid as he is. I wouldn't even say this is trying to take you for a ride because who would believe this is a serious post in the first place?
No. 1574872
File: 1656452240361.png (425.05 KB, 1891x691, 6 years ago.png)

he tried it
No. 1574919
>>1574915Samefagging to say that if these attempts to make the accusations against Michael stick by making all sorts of wild implications work, and it turns out
not to be Michael, then whoever it is has gotten away with it. Note I'm not saying it's not, but that talking about it like it is already proven is retarded.
No. 1575635
File: 1656523877757.jpg (97.55 KB, 1080x787, Idontfeelsogoodmrmoon.jpg)

No. 1575778
>>1575773It's in the Mike and Rachel threads so no, I am not vendetta posting, I follow this stuff on both sites and am confused. I know EFM made a personal army thread against Spooky and UH in True and Honest and now he's posting in both threads selling snake oil to newfags.
He is obviously one of the people de-railing these threads, that is why he is relevant, he has namefagged here at least 3 times.
No. 1576637
File: 1656605414787.png (287.43 KB, 1183x787, confirmed difference of 100 IQ…)

The tranny is so fucking hilarious and Mike is just so try hard, how the fuck anyone can see any of their slapfights and take away that she hates anyone is beyond me, she pushes his buttons.
It's always been clear to me, guess I am just smarter than kiwis but ladies do we even need to say that? It's like being smarter than the sped bus at this point, all that's left is drama chasing clout newfags.
I don't even know what Mike is doing other than, he did do some of those things and got caught doing them. Erika is displaying how little she gets invested into what people say or do about her if she's inviting a failtroll who tried to get people to hate her. Dumb imo but, that's moralfags for ya, they always want to think the best of others until they can't.
No. 1576641
File: 1656605745225.png (66.41 KB, 1364x391, huge if true.png)

Grain of salt nonnas, Erika could be baiting him, but this actually makes a ton of sense for why her mom suddenly checked back in. People have been calling her and the police for years.
No. 1576657
File: 1656607040791.png (135.54 KB, 1181x912, mike thinks its about…)

I love how Mike self reports on how this is all about social standing to him and how he thinks by attacking Erika he can get back into Null's good graces because Null obviously does not like Erika, but it won't happen. Even people that hate Erika hate you more Mike, you're like Rachel in that you will never be accepted into any community because you refuse to change your bad behavior or grow up.
Erika and her friend claim to be from an trolling group that goes back a bit of time, and honestly they don't slap Mike, it's pure button pressing but I get that clout chasing drama NPCs cannot tell the difference, they're newfags and have not seen proper cow pokings before.
No. 1576772
File: 1656612450376.jpg (87.95 KB, 966x386, thats why so much selfposting …)

Presented without comment.
No. 1576783
>>1576641Samefagging to say that if that is true it actually is pretty huge given that the Elaine catfishing stuff
also allegedly involved a voice-changer, too bad it's from a source that has been blatantly and increasingly schizoposting lately.
No. 1576793
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OK, so the above post shows you to be 'The Middle Finger' on Metokur (poster with the venom pfp) who I have wondered if he is a Blaine sock but decided is probably another person but an absolute psycho Blaine capo …
>>1576791 … who I guess is the one responsible for the Neutron Ejector vendettaposting and hate towards another irrelevant Kiwi.
No. 1578117
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I will carve Joshua Moon's name into those thighs Michael, I am bigger and stronger than you and you are a tranny. Yee-haw motherfucker.(tranny )
No. 1578408
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tl;dr Mike schizoposting on Onionfarms. Anyone wanna translate?
No. 1578427
>>1578426Reciepts on this claim? Source? Caps?
Or is it just a biased feeling you held onto for over a year because you can only accept the facts that are suitable to you?
Nah I'm just fucking with ya. In all honesty that stems from Commie Dick Girl calling her Internet Explorer, that's the sadist side. Have you read all the burnbook stuff? It's very illuminating onto that subject, there is a bit of lore to pour through on this twisted shit show.
Oh wait what am I saying, you were probably
burned that Mike called Erika the Actual Queen on her thread? What is up with that, did he think that through or did he do too much coke that day in a giddy rush to get in a W that turned sour as now unironically the tranny has a personal army.
No. 1578429
File: 1656744745867.png (12.46 KB, 333x104, no hes unironically going to h…)

No seriously sheriff saw nonnas egg him on and is now dead set on hunting Mike, he did see this thread lmfao.
No. 1578434
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>>1578426No, if she was here right now she would be super passive aggressive and maybe call you fat but that was sheriff, Erika groomed like 12 of us in that discord.
No. 1581061
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So the Metokur site openly allows slapfights, cowtipping and trolling apparently it is simply a more transparent site meant for more enjoyment but can be used for archiving and tracking cows. A more unique thing than other Kiwi adjacent Xenoboards. Regardless, it seems the fight is real but Mike refuses to travel to the place named as it's too far, a cheap excuse as he knows he could stand no chance against this scrote in the ring. Hell I bet the tranny would open him up like a can of tuna, Mike looks like he hasn't walked outside of that basement in over a decade, the dude is all fat and no muscle. No wonder he is running away from a try hard who calls himself sheriff. Even try hard spergs can back up their word, Michael is all the worst traits people attribute to women but he was born with a penis so he screams at the sky, cursing his sky daddy to have been blessed with glorious c cups but not the balls to back them up.
No. 1581072
>>1581071If Mike wanted to he would have simply challenged the Tranny who was closer to him, instead he squawked rent free and stuttered as he spilled spaghetti. I did not know Sheriff was in Alaska, funny provoking Mike with a Cali address in that case.
Hell thinking on it, would make more sense to try and box the Tranny as he has been alogging them since they joined the farms. Him never even suggesting that really tells anyone what they need to know about him being a coward sissy who only hits women he knows will not hit back.
No. 1581739
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I know your the tranny. I got an insider in your little gay op discord where you groomed nearly 2 dozen scrotes. All they do is talk about soda all day as code words for their gay ops. They spend 8 plus hours a day in a VC planning ops against me.
No. 1581844
File: 1657130316238.png (134.4 KB, 958x592, tranny seething.png)

Hah! Proof that Blaine is upset, he made a thread on Null so he must be seething so hard about that ban haha!
No. 1581921
>>1581844This is retarded even for you, they also did a thread on themselves. Furthermore it looks like the thread on that idiot kiwi Neutron was changed.
Are you trying to signal boost them at this point right after the splinter is down from depositing? If you really hated them why would you do this?
All you scrotes are retarded.
No. 1582044
>>1582033No she pretended to be his own boyfriend lol, and was born male, not that I care, I'll still call fembot a her.
Thank you for letting me know though, I was gonna make a joke how even a tranny can take a joke better than Josh can, still applies but not as apt.
No. 1582057
>>1582051Yeah, I forget who called it out and proved it as it hardly matters. Don't pitchfork me but I hardly care about trannies unless they're actual sex pests. Fembot and UH lean more sissy than sex pest in my opinion.
I can't blame fembot though, people bitch about how trannies are too open then how they trap people by not telling everyone they meet. Better to just say you're natal and avoid it. People know, we just don't care really.
Dog on a computer hours.
Haven't registered yet but I encountered both in a YouTube stream chat where they were talking video games and dabbing a bit on geniusanus, boring stream, funny chat.
No. 1582779
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Kengle had a chance to pick up some members with dot org falling out but likely they will go to the superior splinter as Mike will claim anyone who disagrees with him is Erika/Unabashed Hermaphrodite or Spookybones and then ban them. Kengle manages to fuck up so much, imagine if he never let Mike be staff, things would be looking up for him now but yet again he has to somehow fuck things up even when Ws are carried to him by the fucking FBI lmfao.
No. 1582892
File: 1657219533059.png (89.52 KB, 1182x585, AC admits to being a psychopat…)

We have AC threatening to dump IPs over at Onionfarms as he is an admin, naturally we know he would but he is also embracing his psychotic nature now.
Reposting this scrote meme that sums up the slapfight. No. 1586117
File: 1657588590113.png (87.04 KB, 846x867, lucky catch.png)

Got worse, he was openly flirting with an account on onion who is either an extremely good minor trolling or is in fact a dumb zoomer who found sonichu and failed at registering to Kiwifarms so they ended up at Onionfarms with literal pedophiles Naught and Mike, joy!
Mike realized this and deleted the account and all the posts but Erika snapped a screen shot of it before he could.
No. 1733521
File: 1672279648813.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.17 KB, 1080x1064, Boolean overflow.jpg)

Micheal Thurlow is officially a confirmed pedophile.
No. 1833320
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