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No. 1862789

Read the fucking rules!

Congratulations to N2F who's reproductive system is still functioning; we all hope she will continue recovery and this will be a positive reinforcement for her to continue on the right path.

But more importantly, congratulations to us for making it through hellweek.

Fi caused controversy. Is a crepe a pancake?
Some more unrelated food for thought:
Can carrots be purge markers? (What's a purge marker). Does eating straight butter and oil make purging easier?
Does the milkybarkid know what tongs are?
Was Marie was discharged?
Does Ganer have a washing machine?
Has Beth's milk really dried up?

Niamh is "dead" … then changed to explain she just came off her old account. She's under the guise of Niamh McPartlin now. Vandetta was banned. EdTwt seem convinced Niamhs Snapchat and Twitter were hacked to post the bodychecks because that seems more plausible than Niamh being pro-ana. Not heard from her in a while…tinfoil: she's comfy on her air mattress and the tube isn't irritating her throat too much but she's miserable that she can't show it off this time round.

Enara is NOT a spoilt, entitled adult baby. Copious amounts of electronics is standard, duh. She requires 1.5 supplement drinks per hour for her sooper siris severe and enduring "anorexia"as evidenced in her medical history… the next foreign object she should swallow is a cow magnet is basically designed to prevent disease in bovine when swallowing non-food items.

Zara looks well, on her super humble and poverty line holiday.
Abby however, does not. Challenging a really scary 50kcal ice lolly and walking around like a tanned skeleton. She, similar to Amy Fisher, is also besties with a child. Somehow excused by being family friends.

(LL)Laura doesn't have BPD anymore. In fact, she never has! It's just PTSD. Most of us really thought she was doing well out there in the real world but the institution is calling her back. Like the bad man she hears is he green by any chance? . The popular tinfoil is that she's going for Schizophrenia now as BPD has lost it's appeal, with the spiders…the spiders! She feels the spiders! So they got her started on Quite Pine, an antipsychotic. For some reason, they did not start with this, which is handed out like candy in the UK. quetiapine/seroquel

Han pops up and blesses us with a fresh crying pic.

Becca has been x, y, z long without her tube but it looks as though Lyn might be making a reappearance with a special gift in the shape of a hose for her physical condition as if she's not got stuff in reserve at the moment. She HATES this ward. She still suffers with agonising brutal excruciating bone pain and attends cheerleading every weekend via a 4 hour round trip on public transport that smells like Bio. B.O?

Jen is back, fruitarian and preaching her ways. Totally cured.

Lol cow Kate- sorry, Low Cal Kate looks average as ever with a saggy arse, still spouting shit to convince everyone she's underweight.


No. 1862807

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No. 1862808

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No. 1862816

she's so fucking ugly, i hate when she talks about herself in the third person, which she does a lot. how does anybody actually do that and not realize how much they sound like a massive tool? just keep your thin lips off social media you raggedy mutt

No. 1862832

are we expecting an inpatient stint after she gets home from vacation? seeing her mom touch her collarbone is just eugh

No. 1862868

is the breathing comment a reference to Fi? kek

No. 1862891

She looks so much like her mum!

No. 1862894

Thought her mom was Tabitha Farrar for a hot sec

No. 1862918

What an utterly unfortunate hairline for someone her age.

No. 1862922

>Congratulations to N2F who's reproductive system is still functioning
So bulimia isn't that damaging to the female reproductive system? Guess that's why the tifs that want to sterilise themselves go ana instead.

No. 1862964

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i find this girl quite milky and wondered if anyone here would too, she complains about all of the help she gets, every doctor she sees etc and calls them incompetent, brags about wearing kids clothes, thinly vieled attempts to flex her weight loss and just general obnoxious cow behaviour, @recoveryformedicine

No. 1862965

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No. 1862966

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No. 1862967

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No. 1863003

Oh good, another anorexic doctor.

No. 1863005

it’s crazy how bad she looks now vs when she was recovering/a healthier weight

No. 1863056

She’s going full mask off as a lolcow user now lmao

No. 1863071

Seems milky but her account is private

No. 1863073

Well it would make sense that she would look worse as a spoop than a healthy weight

No. 1863162

I hate that I know this, but it's a Lana del Rey reference to her second account honeymoon. The bio says "honeymoon is alive and breathing.'

No. 1863195

She's enraging me already but she's on private. Probably for the best. Anyone whose account involves 'recovery for….' and calls themself a 'bean', a 'coffee addict'and a 'future.. [insert occupation related to healthcare, food, therapy or exercise]' tells me all I need to know……Apart from this; by 'BMs' does she mean 'bowel movements'?! Like they check their shit at this day program every morning?!

No. 1863202

niamh needs to stop ruining lana del rey for the rest of us imo

No. 1863204

no, it's a UK abbreviation for blood glucose, i.e, blood sugar

No. 1863210

How the fuck does blood glucose abbreviate to BM, brits are so weird.

No. 1863212

if you're really interested, it stands for "Boehringer Mannheim" which was the name of the German company that used to make most blood sugar test strips. So it got picked up as an abbreviation for testing in the same way that we use "xerox" for copying, etc.

No. 1863213

Oh! KEK I thought they had to rock up everyday and shit in a bowl or something! Blood sugar did cross my mind but I don't know where the M comes from. Thanks.

No. 1863214

Oh wow. Thanks anon. I learned something.

No. 1863217

our dearest Fi, hasnt posted in a few days

No. 1863236

All I could think of was mmol. Never heard it shortened to BM before, just sugars or BG (and I'm in the UK).

No. 1863246

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Not sure if this was already posted but nikol is just trolling at this point

No. 1863263

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No. 1863265

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No. 1863280


One of these things is not like the others.

No. 1863283

Does she have DID?

No. 1863294

What and where is smorven now ?

No. 1863347

Is this in reply to Becca? I don't think so. Also no one does kek

No. 1863349

Yea. What is she talking about then?

No. 1863355

I can only make logical assumptions, but I assume she doesn't want to name people so ER is a nurse's initials, CS is another staff member and ANP is their role at the hospital/clinic?

No. 1863370

TBF, she does say that practice is out for summer.

No. 1863373

Ah, a holiday munchie.

No. 1863382

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What do you think she means by this?
She has no money. Never worked a day in her life. Is she really moving to an apartment by herself?

Or she could mean like a supported living place.

Maybe her parents were like, “if you discharge yourself, you can’t live with us”?

No. 1863398

Oh they are so going to find her dead alone one day. No way is this girl going to function on her own.

No. 1863400

I’m so confused as to what she means. There’s no fucking way she got an apartment.

No. 1863416

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No. 1863522

It won’t happen. She isn’t ill enough and she’s still eating. All any dr would have to do is look at her TT and see she’s managing to eat and has enough energy etc to make TT videos so beds are so short she wouldn’t get one. Aside from that Paris has totally disengaged with ED services.

No. 1863536

Also nurse and doctor are wildly different career pathways like sure both healthcare but
How old is this person? Provide more milk anon given their private

No. 1863537

Kek, based

No. 1863566

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No. 1863568

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she looks like 60 years old

No. 1863570


giving off them Hagrid vibes…

No. 1863575

Look at what she's done to herself. Why does she keep med hunting when they've made her look like an actual goblin

No. 1863578

I’m glad I’m not the only one to find her milky and annoying. Making out she’s on deaths door then saying her bmi is on the bottom end of healthy. She apparently got refused any nhs treatment at her first assessment and told to lose weight and then come back. Kicked up a fuss and got offered day patient which she’s now crying over and complaining about saying she ‘has’ to do it else she’ll end up in hospital and her work won’t let her work unless she completes it. None of it adds up. There’s so much for dramatic effect. She always has a smirk on her face when she’s complaining/crying in her stories, oh and of course she’s trying the munchie route too-wanting a POTs diagnosis and complaining about heart problems.
100% cow material. I’ll get some screenshots when I have time and come back, but seeing her brought up made me have to reply straight away

No. 1863579

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Got to make the 24 hour heart monitor visable for everyone

No. 1863580

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No. 1863582

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No. 1863583

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That’s all for now. A lot of the milk is on her stories that obviously deletes after 24 hours. Couldn’t find the post where she was initially refused nhs treatment and ‘told’ to lose weight

No. 1863604

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No. 1863619

Not waking but tbf the way the NHS is obsessed with BMI as the only indicator of Ed severity is ridiculous and causes so much harm.

No. 1863625

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What is it with these cows and posting crying selfies and videos? Uncanny resemblance to Chewbacca

No. 1863635

No. 1863636

This cheered me up this morning nonnie, thank you kek!

No. 1863655

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No. 1863658

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The denial is unbelievable.

No. 1863664

Does she have a TT or just IG?

No. 1863667

Imagine how superior getting a fucking job would feel(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1863673

Those are some very swollen parotids. Is this meant as a before and after showing how awful she looked before? I can't tell since she's holding fruit in both photos. Does it look like she still has them in the second pic or is that just her face shape?

No. 1863715

I find Paris annoying too but she definitely is within a sectionable weight threshold by NHS standards.

No. 1863717

Anyone wanna guess how long until Freelee gets her claws into her kek

No. 1863725

Only if her mum agrees to her being sectioned ( unless they got a court order) and I get the feeling her mum supports and enables her anorexia.

No. 1863727

You clearly have some personal vendetta against her, so just tell us what it is.

No. 1863742

Her mum wouldn’t have to agree at all, why tf would she?

No. 1863750


You clearly have no idea about UK sectioning. Her mum doesn’t need to be involved.

No. 1863760

ayrt, I really don’t. I wouldn’t waste my time and energy on having a vendetta against anyone tbh

No. 1863765

Neef, your mom - woof. She’s going to be fugly when she gets older especially if she keeps up the ana look.

No. 1863766

Yeah exactly. There's a more stringent criteria for hospitalizing people against their will, as there should be to override people's rights like that. But if she wants to go, she'd be accepted.

Also, I thought she was an adult? Did I get that totally wrong? So her mom would have nothing to do with it either way.

No. 1863768

Samefag, sorry for not sage-ing. Commencing self-flagellation.

No. 1863771

Kek I assumed it meant bloods, but every time I read it as bowel movements.

No. 1863772

Boomer speak

No. 1863779

If she's trying to be a medic she should know you can't diagnose POTS as a primary condition in someone with anorexia. Not eating enough causes dizziness, exercise intolerance and blood pressure drops. Who'd have thunk it?

No. 1863781

How old is she? She does look objectively worse than I did when I was offered NHS treatment but that was quite a few years ago and I know things have tightened up since then with cuts to services.

No. 1863782

Oh, kek. She'll regret that when she's at St Ann's. It had a reputation for being grim 20 years ago, and I doubt it's gotten better.

No. 1863844

Whoever let her bleach her hair should not be working in the medical profession.

No. 1863854

Nobody cares, fuck off with your blog post

No. 1863868

You’re fucked, stfu with the degrading crap about people’s appearance that you don’t even know (Naimh’s mom)

No. 1863881

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Look who’s sold their story to the daily fail for more attention

No. 1863882

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Tomorrow still hasn’t come for her. Needs to take her own advice

No. 1863897

At least I know how to delete my posts, my point was she doesn't look like she's doing well. Her skin's sallow and her eyes are sunken so I'm surprised they're not offering her more help.

No. 1863898

I mean, someone should offer her some help for that acne

No. 1863901

She’s 25 apparently. But an autistic ‘bean.’

No. 1863902

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idk it doesn’t look that bad in all of her posts esp older ones but definitely she’s picked a lot…maybe an SH thing or poor healing from malnutrition kek also ritalin TRASHED my skin so if shes on it too (for her ‘ADHD’) maybe contributes

No. 1863903

Well I’d assume they’re not and they’re a hairstylist?!

No. 1863912

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Larping POTS again kek. Also probs ate an extra carrot and thinks heart and blood pressure issues will be magically fixed. tbf idk why all these munchies want a POTS diagnosis so bad???? there’s no cure and you don’t end up with any fancy nose hose accessory…ur just told to eat more salt and try not to faint kek

No. 1863913

oh shit I thought she was like 18 kek

No. 1863923

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She says ‘lowest adult weight ever’ like it’s a fucking achievement. May as well put her LW in her bio like a true anachan on edtwt except a BMI of 18 isn’t really worth advertising (not stated just guessing based off looks). For a future doctor she seems pretty retarded but maybe she’s just brain-dead from malnutrition at this point as all her posts are quite repetitive imho.

No. 1863928

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No. 1863939

>don’t think I’m ‘severely underweight’ (cry emoji)
Neither does her nurse, or she wouldn’t be waiting three weeks for day patient and starting on a substantial meal plan (pHaSe 2).
I like this one, keep it coming nonna!

No. 1863947

Yes I do know a lot about uk sectioning!
They have to get consent agreement from your next of kin now to say they ‘ agree’ to it. I don’t think Paris’s mum would agree .

No. 1863956

This definitely looks like skin picking which was my first thought, but I wouldn't be surprised if poor diet was contributing either.

No. 1863958

And another one playing the autism card

No. 1863962

Unless you're in America then they whack a port to your heart in your chest so you can get all your hydration needs via IV for no reason and get sepsis whenever you want!
But I digress, her heart won't "flipping behave" because she's starving herself. I guess she's going to have to deny reality if she wants to pretend to be a doctor kek

No. 1863964


The bmi criteria for sectioning to ip now are really really low even paris wouldn’t guarantee a bed. And most places only offer things if you are prepared to commit to full weight restoration , which paris wouldn’t do.
Has paris ever been sectioned? She might regret asking for it or an ip bed.

No. 1863966

As she's 25 has she been to university already? Maybe she is desperate not to waste her expensive education like the twins did. It's hard to believe they both have medical degrees because they seem so braindead like they've starved away all their synapses and all they can think about is calories and measurements now.

No. 1863968

Huffing deodorant and smoking crack? I think an ED is the least of this one's worries.

No. 1863970

It read to me more like she wanted her to consider coming in as an inpatient. St Ann's do trial days for that so you can get a feel for what it's like first. If she's addicted to the Instagram attention though she'll struggle as they discourage social media use.

No. 1863980

This one is my favorite cow right now kek, keep the milk coming nona it's much appreciated

No. 1864012

Does the UK not distinguish between voluntary and involuntary hospitalization? Why are we talking about the criteria for sectioning someone if she's saying she wants to go?

No. 1864013

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Recovery challenges!?!? Literally it’s a body check and black coffee with rice vegetables, and diet pancakes! Like she has so many Ted talks about recovery and gets money from people to “recover” but she’s not recovering one bit. It’s ok if she wants to be miserable and stuck in her Ed just don’t preach and give advice what you don’t do yourself. the nerve

No. 1864029

her videos are the cringiest shit i've ever seen, she talks at the camera as if she's talking to a classroom full of 5 year olds.

No. 1864033

It’s easier to get a bed if you are sectioned. There are so few ED beds that saying you want to go doesn’t get you anywhere. Reality most patients in EDUs are under section, either before they go in or once they get there and try to leave. Slightly different for day program patients. And if you are that low a BMI and your bloods messy you most likely end up on a medical ward.
The nhs just doesn’t have the money.

No. 1864034

Sorry but I’ve been sectioned before and your parents have absolutely no say, where are you getting this from???

No. 1864036

Without blog posting . Maybe things have changed now , but each time I’ve been sectioned they asked my parents if they agreed and said if they didn’t they would get a court order. If things have changed and now they don’t I stand corrected .

No. 1864037

getting a court order for someone who medical professionals want to section is not as big of a barrier as you seem to think it is

No. 1864043

I know it’s not. But there is a difference between getting your parents permission and getting a court order. They aren’t the same thing .

No. 1864045

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Kate is definitely burning jewish people let’s be real

No. 1864051

I get this but DP isn’t the same as a ‘less than full time’ IP so there’s less ‘urgency’ for everyone going there as you have to be clinically safe to go etc. etc. Most places I’ve been to had a cutoff of BMI 15 and you have to be medically stable or you can’t travel etc. But RE the mealplan, there are other factors that influence refeeding risk other than weight and judging by her posts her intake was v v low, so without WKing, she does have a point….

No. 1864052

When I was, they said a relative can protest the section but they have more than a laugh right to decline and continue the section. But your parents aren’t involved at all in the initial sectioning

No. 1864054

Enough not a laugh

No. 1864056

No. 1864057

Jesus, can you all please stop blog posting? Just to interject some facts into the conversation while not talking about myself, aaccording to https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health/treatments-and-wellbeing/being-sectioned
> The decision is usually made (other than in an emergency) by two doctors and an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP).
> Your nearest relative has a number of powers, including stopping you being placed on a section 3 and applying for your discharge from detention.
Under certain circumstances, the powers of your nearest relative can be overridden.
So: they ask the family if they agree because they have to jump through more hoops if they don't. They can overrule the family's objection

No. 1864061

Some of you look for any opportunity to wedge in "I've been IP!!" and use any excuse to do so, even arguing over the same thing that's been discussed before. Just proves people right that anachanning is mostly done for attention when even on an anonymous imageboard some of you can't contain yourselves kek

No. 1864075

Tells others to go through all levels of care and seek proper help yet recovers on Tiktok and begs for money to have bodybuilders coach her on nutrition. Hypocrisy much?

No. 1864079

tbh if my child’s nurse looked like her I would ask for someone else to look after them because she can’t even look after herself let alone a sick child…she’s deluded if she thinks work will let her back in this state :O imagine her giving your kid an NG tube and saying it’s for their own good….nosehose right back at ya you skelly cretin.(:O )

No. 1864083

Exactly she’s gotten $16,000 on go fund me. To pay for her weekly nail challenges and black coffee challenges. Preaching to treat yourself and not deny yourself food yet eats riced veggies. And with all that money from go fund me wants a $145 scale

No. 1864084

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I just stumbled across this morbidly obese woman who seems to spend all her time talking about her super serious anorexia or complaining that all doctors/therapists are fatphobic. Why are there so many of these people?

No. 1864086

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No. 1864087

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clearly struggling with her life long restrictive eating disorder

No. 1864088

File: 1689319111939.png (584.36 KB, 888x598, Screen Shot 2023-07-14 at 2.20…)

proof that she's claiming to have anorexia (she's going on a diatribe about why it's anorexia and not atypical anorexia)

No. 1864089

Kek I’ve seen this woman on a fattok comp and she ate a slice of pizza out of spite when her doctor told her not to.

No. 1864091

got a link nonnie?

No. 1864093

But she’s barely underweight. she just wishes she was and makes out she’s sooper sick and spoopy

No. 1864094

thank you anon, it's been really weirding me out that some anons are acting like she's marie-tier or twins-tier. She's sick, no doubt, but visually she just looks kinda sleep-deprived and not well kempt

No. 1864100

I don’t think she is saying she is? She literally keeps stating she’s not that underweight and doesn’t post body-checks (unless you count posting any pictures of yourself as a body-check) so I don’t see the milk here sorry…

No. 1864105

omg thank god other people said it. i almost made a similar comment earlier but started wondering if i was bone rattling lol but i agree, i wouldn't be concerned if i saw her working in a doctor's office or something, she looks pretty normal to me

No. 1864116

Agreed. Stop the blogging humble bragging.(not you, anon).

No. 1864117

As if it's easy to get ANY level of care

No. 1864118

File: 1689332497308.png (252.93 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_9143.png)

How tf does one swallow a sock?!?!

No. 1864119

she got the hungies

No. 1864121

Was it niamh’s shit sock?! greatest crossover

No. 1864132

I don’t get the level of obsession with this cow tbh…..only random anons on here basing their assessment off a few selfies and shes not exactly claiming to be a super spoop. Can we talk about something else actually milky? Cheers.

No. 1864133

Damn, she must have got the Quiet Pine munchies.

No. 1864138

I am absolutely pissing myself. 'TW' ?! In this moment, I love her. Now I am picturing her as a huge lumbering machine. (That's what usually swallows MY socks).

No. 1864139

Sorry samefag but yea; HOW?! WHY?! It was probably one of those tiny 'tights' socks that go over your toes and heel and are invisble in small shoes. Otherwise I have no clue how you swallow a fucking sock but it's just sending me! I hope they leave it in.

No. 1864160

The smug way she details every symptom and diagnosis. She loves the identity of being sickest of all. She’s not gained any weight since she showed up online, I’m sure she will wind up dead eventually.

No. 1864162

What is it with all of these cows swallowing objects? They must have no shame or self-respect

No. 1864166

No one fkn cares about this.

No. 1864167

I am intrigued by how one swallows a sock. Like the mechanics of it don’t make sense. You’d literally have to open your throat and stuff it down there bit by bit.

No. 1864171

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New cow? natashaaa_xxx Has started recovery and now goes into lots of details about her ed. Must be craving that validation

No. 1864185

Thought it was @lisogora on Tiktok but apparently I'm wrong and more than one thin woman is actually wearing this cheap-looking halter in public

No. 1864187

Sounds like something my dog would say

No. 1864193

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Frances is galloping around the country, in denial at a BMI of approx 10

No. 1864218

Newfag here sorry but the rules say Blogposting means sharing your personal experience, perspective, or anecdote in a way that’s /not directly relevant/ to the discussion. Pretty sure what was talked about was relevant? IDK

No. 1864224

hahahaha oh my god this is actually so funny. just the giant TW and "yesterday i swallowed a sock"
oh laura…

No. 1864227

How did she expect people to react? Like ‘oH nOooO so triggering she swallowed a sock whatever will I do now guess I’ll kms i’m so triggered’ bffr

No. 1864230

It was barely borderline relevant. You can't just use your own inpatient experience to make sweeping generalizations about who else can be hospitalized. Stay in your lane when blogposting.

No. 1864248

But if someone asks is your comment on being sectioned based on personal experience? How can you answer without blog posting?

No. 1864250

Nta but you could just say 'in my experience' not 'each time IVE been sectioned' because noone here cares how many times you've been such a waste of a human life that you need to be institutionalised

No. 1864251

"each time I've been sectioned" no one cares. Keep it general and vague. It's cow-adjacent behaviour

No. 1864263

ngl the bitching & moaning about people mentioning they've been ip reads as jealousy / is way more irritating & less relevant than the occasional blog post

No. 1864291

this one is awful. her old pro ana account was full of naked body checks and posting her weight and bmi constantly whilst running a simultaneous’recovery’ account

No. 1864301

Some people just deserve to be miserable. Case in point, >>1864089

No. 1864309

Who is this/context?

No. 1864327

Anon who posted the screenshot, I’ve absolutely no idea either! That’s going to be a literal, ‘pain in the arse’ to shat out too!

No. 1864357

File: 1689362502302.jpg (1.29 MB, 750x1334, igstory.jpg)

still following so can continue to post milk if anyone is interested

No. 1864361

Literally no one here is going to ask you if it’s based on personal experience

No. 1864395

As ever, she's confusing "lifelong dieting because fat" with "lifelong anorexia".

No. 1864399

Great, now they're going to have to dress LLLaura in hospital grade onesies with nothing that can be removed or torn off. She's literally resorting to the same behaviours as a cocker spaniel that doesn't get enough stimulation.

No. 1864411

I'm guessing they sedated her and used the long forceps. No way that would have made its way to her stomach.

No. 1864415

KEK this is exactly what my cocker spaniel would do in her downtime.

No. 1864418

File: 1689366229462.png (2.28 MB, 853x1692, Screenshots_2023-07-14-16-24-2…)

No. 1864441

File: 1689367892023.png (883.31 KB, 853x1653, Screenshots_2023-07-14-16-51-4…)

fucking good. she belongs in prison

No. 1864445

My Yorkie loves a good sock too, kek! In all seriousness though who tf looks at a sock and decides to chomp down on it. LLLaura really taking this new ~definitely not BPD but now Painfully Thickheaded Sock Diet~ seriously huh.

No. 1864460

antipsychotics suck…

No. 1864467

i’m sorry, amputated stomach??? what the fuck is this retard talking about

No. 1864471

I mean obviously an overweight person can develop anorexia but if they really are anorexic they'll go on to lose a lot of weight eventually lol these bitches go on a diet for a week then claim to be anorexic. It's okay to have other eating disorders, you're just as ~*valid*~

No. 1864497

gastric bypass

No. 1864503

And most overdramatic way for a HAES landwhale to describe gastric bypass. She seems to both hate being fat but has turned into a retarded and fake superiority play, like she’s better than former fats who get weight loss surgery. Tl;dr BPD attention whore just like every other cow here. They each just show it a little differently.

No. 1864566

Kek, oh the classic YJJ argument, yes we are all just so jealous of the great achievement of starving yourself until medical staff have to intervene in your retardation. No is impressed by these anachan antics unless they themselves are anachans, what should be a point of shame for you people is something you brag about, I can't think of anything more embarrassing kek

No. 1864574

Who is this?
I wish people would leave in the username or at least name the cow because last I checked I'm not a fucking mind reader.

No. 1864581

File: 1689379860751.jpg (849.06 KB, 1080x1915, Scooby-Doo get a clue.jpg)

Imagine raising a family, devoting your life to giving your children a better life than you had, becoming a grandmother and finally passing at a ripe old age, and this is how you're memorialized:
Swatting at a balloon for your granddaughter's skinny fetish content while you die in a hospital bed.

No. 1864589

File: 1689380967596.webm (17.36 MB, 720x1280, Dishonor on your family cow.we…)

My heart hurts for this poor woman. She looks so sad and tired having to entertain her granddaughter. May she finally rest in peace

No. 1864590

Rest in peace to her grandmother. This whole thing is very sad really. I'm sure the lady did lots of good things and achieved a lot in her life. Her family ended up rich anyway. I hope she did have a good life.

No. 1864604

agreed, i’m not even one of the anons who told people to stop blogposting but saying everyone’s “just jealous of those who have been IP” is suchhh a disordered thought like do you have no self awareness

No. 1864620

And once the people who idolise ip get there they realise how shit awful it is and regret it.

No. 1864626

I’m sorry for spoon feed but the way these threads are set up are so poor like no links to original threads or summaries of your cows. Is there a recent lore of eugenia she hasn’t had her own thread in forever and I only want to read about her do I have to sift through your insane ham and whoever else to see a rare post about eugenia?(yes)

No. 1864629


To be fair to her Grandma, I'm pretty sure at the very least she was happy she didn't outlive her skelly granddaughter. They look so similar it's jarring. I still never understand how EC is still mobile lol

No. 1864630

A GP won't refuse to see you for no reason, and if she's burned through ALL her surgery's doctors she's either been rude or confrontational to all of them or been so nasty to one of them that they've all blacklisted her. "I promise I did nothing wrong" - while constantly breaking the law on camera… not sure I believe her!

No. 1864631

Someone who's had all other things taken away in case they hurt themselves with them. Only thing left is clothes!

No. 1864633

I'm pretty sure it's the "recover for medicine" UK cow??

No. 1864679

I wish I could give you the context to burning Jewish people but I can’t understand it and she won’t explain it. It’s deleted now.

No. 1864745

Are you retarded? You can clearly see that the first picture is the before. It's a huge difference.
And also, I think it's just her face shape. Sad that she thinks eating only fruit is healthy long-term. She looks like a nice girl to be honest.

No. 1864757

Bet her grandma thought the grim reaper had come for her

No. 1864760

What she needs is antisockotics

No. 1864794

No one cares about this cow - I don’t understand the flood of screenshots with zero context.

No. 1864797

Shes already been in prison once

No. 1864801

Oh nonna, my sides my sides.
literally snorted.

No. 1864805

What do you consider recent? If we're counting everything since her old threads were locked for whiteknighting 5 fuckin years ago, that's pretty much the whole cow.
The milk hadn't even come out yet but now it extends beyond anachanning so I'd be interested in a fresh thread and willing to write up a summary, but to do it right would be a laborious undertaking and its past my bedtime so I'm just gonna tease it in thread requests let me know here

No. 1864814

lol i don't think that's correct. i think she was only in some kind of juvenile detention at some point. really not the same thing as prison.

No. 1864821

I for one would definitely appreciate the immense spoonfeed that would be an EC write up and new thread

No. 1864828

my bad, i guess she was in adult prison for a little while now i just stalled her account more. well they need to put her back since that's what she WANTS and is extremely willing to be a constant danger to society to try to get put back there but they keep letting her out apparently

No. 1864829

I was pretty sure she shared she was in prison previously but maybe I’m wrong

No. 1864832

If I saw this on the playground as a kid I would run

No. 1864853

it's so awkward that her mom takes these pics/vids. imagine being a parent taking your small children to play at the playground and seeing this happening

No. 1864856

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No. 1864863

Lucinda dying wouldn’t be a bad thing. Like is a reality that she’s dead somehow less palatable than a reality where she’s chained to some damn bed in some impoverished mental hospital? Yeah her parents are rich, but if they’re done with her like that I doubt they’d continue wasting their money on a lost cause. Really it makes more sense if she’s dead but i think it’s sweet there are some people who are super hellbent on her still being alive kek

No. 1864870

Why do you think that her parents are "done" with her, is it just because you don't like her? Also lol at you coming here after her thread was locked. Fuck off with your obsession.

No. 1864937

Paris’s mum records all her TT and IG stuff, and paris in ( in theory) grown up

No. 1864956

File: 1689441666045.jpeg (367.4 KB, 1170x1971, IMG_2227.jpeg)

She can’t make it more obvious that she’s gunning for acute

No. 1864968

There is currently no evidence of death, it's not about being hellbent on denying facts - it's a literal absence of your tinfoil being a fact. Feel free to provide anything though, though please refrain from the crappy photoshop jobs like last time.

No. 1864999

File: 1689447065711.jpg (126.04 KB, 828x1280, recovery-01.jpg)

this was her on february 20th (with her beloved pancakes). if she's gained more than a few pounds since then, i'll eat dirt

No. 1865132

Grandma was probably terrifies every time Eugenia walked in the room thinking its the grim reaper.

No. 1865143

She doesn't need prison, or sectioning. She needs a slap. It sounds like she's been blacklisted from local MH services because she's played up there before. They tend to know the difference between someone acting out of acute mental illness and someone high on crystal meth attention seeking like mad.

No. 1865193

People acting like her just take away space in the mental health services from people who actually fucking need it. Even if you are mentally ill you don’t need to plaster it all over your damn instagram account

No. 1865196

She is the cow who irritates me the most on her TT at the moment.

No. 1865197

Jfc, she needs rehab or some sort of behavioral rehab if that even exists kek, does she have parents or family?

No. 1865223

Flashbacks to Cece clearly deteriorating.

No. 1865237

i know her mom is around snd she has siblings too, she just posted a story the other day saying her mom was at her house so she changed her sheets for the first time in months and she sometimes posts stories with her mom in them or stories saying her mom is the best mom, she just sent her some money for food, etc.

No. 1865249

Aw that makes me sad, her poor mom but be so lost on what to do and how to help her.

No. 1865255

Kek absolutely. Everything’s just fine for summer fun but when it’s fall and the fun’s over and people go back to school or the normal grind of work minus the summer vibes, it’s off to ERC for an extended vacation from life. No responsibilities or expectations to act her age. Just endless asspats from the medical professionals and internet simps who have bought into her “poor fragile snowflake” act. As long as her family enables her emotionally and financially she’ll never stop. Stefanie thrives on the attention, so much so she plans relapses over and over again. Pathetic but hilarious to watch kek

No. 1865257

How old is Stef? I know NY has an even longer extension to staying on your parents' insurance, but she's got to be getting close to the end soon. Although I guess mommy and daddy will just buy her a marketplace plan that covers ERC so she can continue.

No. 1865261

File: 1689473778802.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230715-215330.png)

No. 1865271

File: 1689475068480.jpg (214.76 KB, 1180x1087, Collage_2023-07-15_22_39_02~2.…)

lock this bitch up

No. 1865272

File: 1689475259399.png (1.13 MB, 853x1550, Screenshots_2023-07-15-22-43-0…)

No. 1865275

File: 1689475604619.png (398.26 KB, 853x1708, Screenshots_2023-07-15-22-47-3…)

No. 1865277

didn't she claim that she spiraled after her last conference because she saw her mom? How is it a good decision to see her right before leaving if she truly is struggling not to self harm so she can go to that program? (hint: she's not)

No. 1865284

I'm guessing that's not a real piercing because she just won't heal at this point.

No. 1865286

I feel sorry for her in some ways, because her behaviour has burned bridges to the point where she can't access MH help in the community or even inpatient because of her violence. She's probably right in that she could only access help in prison if she carries on the way she is - BUT she's only got herself to blame. She could do remote therapy, online stuff, get a new GP and not get fired as a patient by being abusive to them…

No. 1865287

Holy shit kek, how does she not get thrown into jail for a while, is she Canadian?

No. 1865288


wait, is she an Auscow like Enara? I assumed she was British.

No. 1865296

File: 1689478849800.jpg (Spoiler Image,476.63 KB, 1440x1606, Collage_2023-07-15_23_40_02~2.…)


No. 1865297

File: 1689478877426.jpg (411.77 KB, 1440x1330, Collage_2023-07-15_23_40_44~2.…)

No. 1865299

And utterly pathological. Here they'd have her in medium secure like legohead.

No. 1865322

File: 1689480795842.jpeg (520.04 KB, 828x1138, IMG_9300.jpeg)

Who allowed Marie to discharge?

No. 1865342

File: 1689484193227.png (1.37 MB, 853x1554, Screenshots_2023-07-16-01-11-3…)

No. 1865344

Marie's American. Healthcare is not a right here. It's been over a month now so her parents' insurance might not keep paying for it, and sure her family seems wealthier than the average American, but how long should they pay for her to stay skelly? For additional context, medical expenses are a leading cause of bankruptcy and most Americans are one missed paycheck away from homelessness. This was already more than most families could afford.

No. 1865346

Marie is in Minnesota where it's pretty easy to get someone committed even without family support, so it's honestly pretty surprising she got out of it. She may have actually argued for palliative care because she's failed so much treatment.

No. 1865348

same anon, but also: there is no way insurance would not pay for her to get treatment. Again, Minnesota has great laws about mental health care coverage and she was using her medical benefits anyway.

No. 1865358

My insurance gave me five months straight in residential and I was nowhere near Marie status. (waaah blogging)
It’s definitely not an insurance issue.
Marie apparently moved out, but where?(waaah blogging)

No. 1865375

File: 1689488824013.jpg (218.52 KB, 1039x1384, Most Important.jpg)

You'd think the way out would be agreeing to voluntary treatment, but if those mental health care laws are so good why would they agree to palliative care instead? She seems like the type to say if she's chosen end of life care (major sick points, so valid) but she's talking about wanting a happy life with friends (she has friends?) and family and even a job and maybe minimal weight gain but not too much because she's not ready to recover. Which seems obvious when she gained near nothing over a month and follows sick fucks like picrel. Whatever's going on there's fuckery afoot.

No. 1865380

I think you misunderstood what I meant about laws about mental health care coverage. Insurance companies in Minnesota will pay for a lot of care because of the laws in the state. The insurance company has no say in whether or not someone gets committed, kek, that's a totally different system.

My guess is that Marie's parents got a lawyer to fight the doctors who were trying to commit her. This would fit with a lot of what she was saying about initially being involuntarily hospitalized and tube fed and then somehow getting out of it. My guess is that they may have argued that further intensive treatment was futile because she's already had so much. Palliative care does not necessarily imply end of life; that's a common misconception. It just means that the focus is on trying to relieve symptoms in a way that is acceptable to the patient rather than actively treating the disease.

Marie doesn't really say enough for any of us to know exactly what's going on, but this is roughly what makes sense to me given that many far less sick people end up on commitments in Minnesota.

No. 1865386

You really can't help yourself huh? How was that even relevant info?

No. 1865396

This is what I was wondering about colours, they both seem to be in the same self-caused boat. It's hard to have empathy for it though.

No. 1865409

File: 1689492548059.png (4.76 MB, 828x1792, 729BBB2D-13BC-4325-B853-A851B4…)

Mel/Amber/mosaic whoever they are larping today her ‘4 year old’ alter ego (with her wife?? Wtf) happily eating candy. But they can’t eat anything and desperately need a pej. She pretended for be a 4 year old with a wife for hours on a live too. Kek

No. 1865412

File: 1689492941112.jpg (248.49 KB, 1172x1064, Collage_2023-07-16_03_37_08~2.…)

No. 1865418

No I got that, I didnt think insurance made those decisions, I think people are forced to base healthcare decisions on what they can afford, but I meant why would they decide against pursuing a 90-day hold and give up on her, so I appreciate you clarifying the difference between palliative and eol care ty nonna. i'm just surprised at the number of minnesotafags kek Lawyers for muh freedoms makes sense, leaving home three days after saying you want a stable, happy life there raises questions

No. 1865422

File: 1689494139288.jpeg (146.38 KB, 828x1404, E008C8BD-9E3A-4758-8CCC-1B9171…)

I guess Laura’s “baby” (dween) dropped her?

No. 1865427

ayrt, kek, sorry for minnesota-fagging. It's an interesting state for ED-related healthcare because it's where the attorney general sued (in 2001, after the death of Anna Westin) Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota for denying coverage and sparked a shift in eating disorder treatment coverage. That lawsuit led to a hell of a lot more eating disorder treatment coverage and is probably why it's so easy to get court orders for eating disorder treatment compared to other states.

Marie is such an unreliable source, kek, I can't tell if she's just bullshitting or is actually delusional enough to think that she can have a happy life at a bmi of 10. Hopefully she says a little more about her new living situation so we can figure out what the fuck. I'm mildly curious if she's actually going to an assisted living facility.

No. 1865447

This woman is a terror on the community and they're just playing taxi cab I love it. If I wanted to go to prison that bad I'd be robbing banks. Would that even work or are they gonna keep playing games with her until she burns another house down?
That is interesting I agree, don't be sorry

No. 1865452

File: 1689497191916.png (1.3 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230716-044201.png)

for real! and that was not the only time she's been in trouble for setting fires, she has literally posted videos of herself doing it before multiple times!! and she is just free to do whatever the fuck, she lives in some kind of house that's obviously being paid for her, she has support workers. she had a video the other day when she was bored so went to bug the cops at the police station cuz ehe thinks they fuckin like her dumb ass, and she recorded the worker just sitting there smiling and said, "this is my support worker." like what!? wtf australia you are off the hook with these cows

No. 1865493

Jesus… the amount of deodorant she’s inhaling I’m surprised she can get anywhere near a naked flame.

No. 1865496

If she ever gains back to a healthy weight I’ll eat my sock

No. 1865506

it might genuinely be cheaper for them to keep her in a psych unit indefinitely than to have such frequent police/ambulance/etc calls going out because of her, jesus

No. 1865520

Maybe it was her sock she swallowed

No. 1865527

I would assume so. Tinfoil but I'd put money on her recent short lived success being something to do with an ultimatum that her girlfriend? friend? gave her but she couldn't keep it going and now she's posting about swallowing socks on ig, ol' dween has had enough.

No. 1865538

I think up thread she actually burned her hair/face on accident in the backseat of a car huffing near a flame

No. 1865549

File: 1689513939752.png (548.98 KB, 739x734, Screenshot_20230716-092524~2.p…)

No. 1865554

Hahahaha that's our girl, looking cute as ever

No. 1865605

Imagine finally getting 5 minutes to piss during your shift Big W and coming across this crazy bitch huffing deodorant and posting it on instagram. I think I'd just walk out.

No. 1865607

Just popping up to hospital for a cheeky diazepam xx

No. 1865618

she posted videos on her story of her inside the bathroom just listening while they were on the outside trying to get the door off and she was just laughing, i wish i could beat her ass personally

No. 1865648

She’s talking about the sock she scoffed, must’ve been a sock puppet

No. 1865653

KEK this made me laugh so much more than it should’ve nonnie!

No. 1865667

[screencap of body check from 17 year old's twitter account redacted]

No. 1865700

If people can stop posting about fucking Minnesota laws, that would be great.

No one fucking cares.

No. 1865701

She desperately needs BPD treatment to address her addiction to pity and ass pats at ED treatment. Starving herself until she gets the toob is just one part of her manipulation game

No. 1865711

My tinfoil is that one of Marie’s parents are doctors and helped get her out of the hospital at such a low BMI. They live near Mayo Clinic and seem pretty wealthy.

No. 1865736

KEK does this girl really think anyone would believe those are pictures of a BMI 14 body? Everyone in the comments is guessing 18 or over and she’s getting so defensive kek

No. 1865738

she stayed all these years but the last straw was a sock…kek also if they indeed have been dating all this time then dween is the most patient human to exist

No. 1865752

she’s coping so hard, i genuinely know many people of a healthy bmi who look the same as/smaller than her so no way that is a 14

No. 1865772

18 is a reasonable guess. I don't believe she's BMI 14 for a damn second

No. 1865781

at this point they might as well, because she's clearly not going to stop unless forced. then again, that's exactly what she's hoping for

No. 1865792

If this isn't a larp then what is the motivation behind this? Feeling suicidal and regretful about having a kid who clearly inherited your mental illness so you encourage them to die alongside yourself? Wtf

No. 1865798

anyone got news on Fi? she really did went silent

No. 1865808

definitely the body of someone with bmi 14 kek(do not post nude pictures of people under 18)

No. 1865815

Shot in the dark, but maybe in her mid to late 20s? 27 if I had to make a concrete guess.
>injecting Seroquel and water into your blood
Don't egg her on.

No. 1865833

sorry for such a stupid nitpick, but what is that underwear? i hate it

No. 1865840

How's it egging her on unless she's self-posting and retarded? BMI sperging is one thing, but at least they're calling a spade a spade.

No. 1865843

If her bmi is 14.7 then (blogpost) I’m legit bmi 6 cos my ribs are more prominent than this and I’m faaaaar from underweight(no1curr)

No. 1865850

I swear some of y'all need to be the 'best ana' just as much as the cows. Please stfu already

No. 1865858

>no one cares
Why didn't you shut the fuck up and scroll past it then? Anons discussing the circumstances of an established cow is more on-topic than you bitching like you think this is your personal page.
Thank god the lawsperg ran its course to make space for bovine encephalopathy like this, right?

No. 1865860

heads up after the Niamh bodycheck fiasco: this person's bio says 17yo. the edtwt infighting is insufferably laughable, but it doesn't feel right (or legal) hosting these pics here

No. 1865963

>>1865527 I support your tinfoil nonna. It makes sense. I also wonder if “Dween” tried to have a convo with her in supported living, but Laura freaked out and started her larp so she wouldn’t break it off. Please be free dween, you escaped Laura’s monkey grip. Never look back.

No. 1865966

Is that her actual name?
Also how is she even LLL's partner? Laura seems only concerned with herself, never mentions her partner really and she's been locked up so long while this other girl has a normal life? Why and how WOULD you stay with someone who eats socks to make sure they stay locked up and deliberately make themselves huge and zombified just because they want attention? How can there be any sort of relationship at all? Well she says 'best friend' so seems like she doesn't even know what a romantic relationship is.

No. 1865992

File: 1689548890459.png (3.74 MB, 750x1334, 0BD8BE13-1E54-4F32-BAAB-9A2E75…)

So faint, so fragile 1/2

No. 1865994

File: 1689548943410.png (4.62 MB, 750x1334, 09DE09AF-B748-4877-824E-275D1A…)

Relapse baiting isn’t even subtle


No. 1865996

I want to know what happened with Laura's sock.

No. 1866003

File: 1689549465384.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.7 MB, 1179x2156, IMG_0595.jpeg)

wonder how the people who donated for the wig feel, a week later and Emily who didnt have money goes on vacation

No. 1866005

i'm happy for her that she enjoys doing makeup, but she actually looks so nice here. her skin stresses me out so bad most of the time

No. 1866011

her name is dania iirc, dween is just her instagram user. they used to post each other loads but I haven’t seen those posts for a while, it baffles me how laura maintains such a relationship, be it romantic or just platonic, for such a long time given her BPD

No. 1866024

Ah ok. Thanks. I doubt it is a real relationship. But I also doubt Laura has bpd. She's faking everything. She doesn't display 90% of bpd characteristics. If someone with bpd bad enough to be hospitalised for as long as she is had a partner they would be going crazy constantly about what their partner was doing without them, out in the world, if they were cheating, going to leave etc. She doesn't have any if the bpd characteristics except sh and that's only for attention and never secret and turned off when convenient for her.

No. 1866058

She put up something on YouTube today.

No. 1866129

File: 1689556933260.jpeg (714.83 KB, 828x1186, IMG_9302.jpeg)

Marie is going to die

No. 1866142

It seems lostallsanity's main issue is drug abuse that leads to acting out/criminal behaviour while high. The self harm and ED is just a side gig. She needs rehab, shipped off to some horse farm in the Aussie boondocks to work and learn to human again.

No. 1866146

kek, when you can't eat anything because of super severe whateveritis but your split personality can. convenient!

No. 1866149

>a service dog looked at me funny am I sick???


No. 1866153

Is Enara that much of an OD risk they can't even give her like, 3 x 5mg diazepam to keep at home for emergencies? More likely she's just that addicted to the attention fix. Imagine if everyone feeling shitty went to the ER for a chat and expected a fucking benzo as a reward for being a good dog.

No. 1866252

Hope it wasn't Niamh's sock

No. 1866253

Oh no, what will the world do without another pedobaiting public body-checking anachan to influence others into following her footsteps

No. 1866256

File: 1689563621074.png (287.39 KB, 433x643, Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 10.1…)

All of the anons who were worried about her practicing healthcare can calm down, she's clearly never going to actually earn a degree and be able to practice.

No. 1866258

File: 1689563765034.png (382.76 KB, 433x720, Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 10.1…)

I hadn't really looked at this cow before she got posted here, but I think it's the weird delusions of grandeur that are the funniest to me. Yeah, the person in charge of nursing was reeeeeally intimidated by you and needed your validation.

No. 1866279


Because it was the only thing farmers like you were discussing for a good minute.

And still no one cares. Move on.

No. 1866281

It bodes well for my brain that I can't remember the name of that one (recovered?) anachan who was actually reaching the ana/munchie dream goal of doing a medical degree. She seemed smart, but annoying and smug with it but driven enough to become a doctor.

No. 1866282

Sorry for samefagging, but what is she actually studying if her undergrad is a Bachelor of Science? Not medicine or nursing. Maybe biomed?

No. 1866303

File: 1689567372894.png (499.64 KB, 430x677, Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 11.1…)

As if any of us believe that she's really going to spend an hour walking per day.

No. 1866304

File: 1689567426450.png (406.55 KB, 431x652, Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 11.1…)

Enara's extremely horrible mom strikes again by … batch cooking and freezing meals for her. (Enara conveniently forgot that she never eats, I guess?)

No. 1866316

ABSOLUTELY NO ONE will be walking in that heat, so this seems a bit of a nitpick, but I do think she's only posting it so she can later say she decided not to walk because her POTS is so sooper serious. As if anyone wouldn't struggle in that.

>also TIL that there's a street in Abu Dhabi named for the Indonesian president

>Cricut 3, approx $490 US
I fucking knew she had a Cricut when she put those stupid personalized stickers on her electronic water bottle. I can't really find fault with labeling frozen meals but this is a very girl-who-has-everything way of doing it kek

No. 1866321

ayrt, yeah, I posted it because it seemed ridiculous on her part to even pretend that she was going to walk it (not just because "hur, Enara fat, hur" but because of the heat and the fact that at least one of the roads doesn't look like it's meant for pedestrians).

No. 1866324

The twins showed us getting a medical degree means fuck all if you do nothing with it but set it on your trophy shelf. What a waste when there's such need for healthcare workers

No. 1866330

I think the girl you’re thinking of is Anna ? Can’t remember her name or if she still has instagram , rich parents , played tennis a lot , tall with short brown hair ?

No. 1866336

Anna, that's it. Studied in Scotland. Definitely came from money but did seem very smart tho insufferable on social media. I think if she manages to stay off Instagram obsessing about her own health she'll manage to get where she wants to be. Family money plus good education, and she was nowhere near the twins' level of ill, hers was a one admission and done but milked forever.

No. 1866338

She didn't even really have an admission; they kept her in a general unit for like two days and then she did a day unit with an ng tube for some bizarre reason. I remember anons speculating that her parents were pulling strings because it was all kind-of bizarre.

No. 1866349

Maybe they were, but also a day unit is cheaper than full inpatient so it makes sense from the point of view of the health authority paying for her care.(sage your shit)

No. 1866382

>>1866303 did enara forget that she doesn't eat anything except for fortisips?(learn to sage)

No. 1866414

in case you're still lurking here anon, you should check the eugeniacooney subreddit if you're only interested in posts about her. you'll be able to search more easily there too.

No. 1866441

Nta but the anon writing a new Eugenia thread, I'm working on it but I have 7 years of brainrot to trudge through alone on a volunteer basis so until that comes together, r/eugeniacooneyy with 2 Y's may be more helpful for explaining her scandals from the victims perspectives. I know cows think this farm is a hate site, don't bring them that fucking energy. Cheers

No. 1866484

Same, nonnie!

No. 1866488

Context? That is very depressing, no one wants her to die. Not criticising op. i just like Marie and hope she gets better

No. 1866499

Kek, I’m intrigued to know if the sock has made its way out

No. 1866503

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No. 1866512

niamh can shit in a sock but laura can shit out a sock

No. 1866542

File: 1689598854325.png (10.86 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9151.png)

This looks drier that the gobi desert

No. 1866678

Is that…the sock?

No. 1866701

bowel braised and no skinny syrup in sight, I fear this heirloom will struggle to pass through another gut microbiome

No. 1866707

Shame they can't use restraints, if anyone should be tied to a bed it's her.

No. 1866757

This one is definitely milky but I feel like she belongs in a different thread, how exactly is she pro-ana? She’s a scumbag for sure but not exactly suited to this thread

No. 1866760

They don’t use restraints in Aus? Other places definitely do. Not some soft play things either: 4 point locked metal and only security guards have the keys, not nurses. Same as REAL seclusion: locked in alone, prison cell, no belongings, nothing at all to entertain yourself with, no clock, no staff, light doesn’t go fully off so they can watch on camera. Brutal but some countries seem to be really soft and if they used the hardcore methods then people wouldn’t be fucking about. I mean there isn’t much point to Laura being always ‘in seclusion when she has her phone, iPad and 2 people next to her at all times. And I’m sure I’ve seen someone on here a while back posting that they were ‘in restraints.’ Dude if you really were you not have your phone anywhere near you and would not be able to lift your arms to text or anything. In fact it amazes me when wards DON’T take people’s phones and let them use the internet in IP. I think if they didn’t have phones and had actual measures like real restraints and seclusion it would quickly sort out the malingerers.

No. 1866769

she's mentioned an ED before but is there a different thread she'd be better in? if so, what's it called?

No. 1866770

Not the OP but there is no context. It’s just captioned body check. I don’t know why there is so much sympathy for Marie. She is just another pro ana scumbag who promotes her illness on twitter. No one wants her to die but she is going to trying to earn woe is me sympathy points. Marie just needs to get off twitter and stop seeking validation from edtwt.

No. 1866776

No. 1866781

i swear to fucking god. yeah in the US when you get locked up it sucks that they take your phone especially when you actually have real life responsibilities to worry about unlike most of these overgrown children in this thread. BUT being cut off from the outside world is something that i'm sure deters people in the US from WANTING to be hospitalized. it's very fucking possible to get through a hospital admission without a phone and actually participate in your treatment process so you can get the fuck out and go on with your life.

No. 1866803

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the reason she seeks validation there is because she gets it in spades

No. 1866898

last thing i saw from her account was that she has mcas and can apparalently only eat like 5 foods

No. 1866908

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No. 1866917

Glad someone agrees. Some of these countries don’t seem to have a clue and are enabling these cows. Real seclusion rooms are a deterrent from doing whatever got you in there, not a badge of honour that you can update your followers from and gloat. Yea it sucks having no phone or anything when you have real life stuff to organise like rent and other bills to be paid: things these long term cows don’t ever have to worry about. But once those things are worked out it probably is better not to have the phone and social media.

No. 1866920

time for a name change, bestie

No. 1866924

ah there we go, she confirmed it’s dween/danya she was talking about

No. 1866930

Sounds like it wasn’t actually a relationship anyway. And I mean what else can she expect? ! She’s been gallivanting around for years, wasting resources and going around playing the system (for what?! To become obese and sit around remembering when she apparently used to dance instead of being out there actually doing it?!) Totally obsessed with herself and her ‘I’m on 2:1, I’m on 1:1’ and ‘I swallowed a sock’ being her whole life, that she fabricated. What room is there possibly to have a partner when all she wants in life is to be locked up and doped on zombie pills just getting bigger and bigger?! Can’t be a partner to anyone being like that. And she chose this life. Very blatantly. Don’t blame the other girl at all for seeing through it.

No. 1866952

File: 1689626907067.png (517.57 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230717-164918.png)

or maybe cuz you're there twice a day every day wearing the same exact clothes so they think you're homeless and live in the parking lot?

No. 1866954

But Laura is a nice girl? None of you know why her girlfriend broke up with her and instead you are bullying her! Have you ever been in this situation?! Oh yeah you probably haven’t because all of your attitudes make you unlovable. Laura is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet and any girl/boy would be absolutely lucky to have her. Please be kind(sage your whiteknighting)

No. 1866955

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No. 1866957

Has Laura found us?

No. 1866959

these laura wks don’t know that laura is on here because she posted herself here and it shows. and she likely still does

No. 1866969

Any updates on Laura Ingram?

No. 1866972

Oh my god Fi just don't say anything if you won't explain it

No. 1866986

Hope she didn't forget to breathe.
But honestly, if you have something to say, just say it or don't post and bait people into waiting for you to say what's up.

No. 1866987

What makes you say that?

No. 1866996

Something very disturbing about her. Don’t think she’s ever even said what is apparently actually so incredibly wrong with her stomach either. Didn’t she post a YouTube of her eating? Kek

No. 1867002

I believe it’s something like gastroparesis. Common when you’ve had an ed for 20 years

No. 1867036

All hail our Muppet slop queen. She's glowing.

No. 1867055

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her extremely normal behavior, pic rel

No. 1867068

How was Marie pedobaiting?

No. 1867075

Holy shit lmao i thought she had at least gotten her bachelor’s already with a name like “recovery for medicine.” I guess she’s not one of the overachieving anachans. Signs point to LARP.

No. 1867076

I've said it before but we really need a bpd thread or tiktok/insta bpdchan thread. Until then I hope she stays in this thread cause she's milky as fuck

No. 1867077

>>1867055 every "vacation" post consists of contorted angles to flaunt her body. She needs to grow up & own up to her B shit. Hands down she is fup level as EC when it comes to body pics/vids

No. 1867078

if you're going to samefag, at least sage your samefagging so it's a little less obvious

No. 1867081

Who the hell are you? Are we talking about the same Laura? Get off the fucking horse.

No. 1867082

I like the question there; 'But Laura is a nice girl?' And have any of us been in that situation? Well I'm pretty sure most people have had a break up, yea. Have most people been faking their way into years of free treatment and being bed blocking hogs? No.

No. 1867085

no, I have never eaten a sock so the government would pay two people to watch me poop

No. 1867086

She changed her name from sad fairy to flourishing fairy right around the time she was re-admitted to BPD paradise. sockfairy saga when

No. 1867090

You're right! Changed it to sad fairy when she was going to supported living. She is a cretin.

No. 1867118

I bet psych ward admission and nose hose.

No. 1867135

File: 1689647575330.jpeg (625.21 KB, 2048x2048, C52E2F93-36E9-4CA4-80A9-36771E…)

Why is it not painfully obvious to all of her followers that she’s flexing her bicep to intentionally look so emaciated. You can see in the second screenshot that her arm doesn’t look at all like that when it’s not flexed

No. 1867140

All these cunts getting so much help for nothing.

No. 1867142

She dresses like a child. Most 20 year olds dress their age and not like an 8 year old.

No. 1867143

don't forget all the videos of her holding stuffed animals, swaying back and forth, and giggling

No. 1867145

File: 1689648836315.jpeg (314.9 KB, 828x988, IMG_9307.jpeg)

Nothing against this person but Edtwt is full of brainrot.

No. 1867152

I think a lot of posters recognize her level of malnutrition is contributing to her behaviors. She isn’t mildly underweight and posting for attention. She has one foot in the grave and is publicizing it while also “warning” against it

No. 1867153

What does that have to do with acute? Has she mentioned it before?

No. 1867155

It sucks that these fuckwits have brainwashed you shits with overblaming bpd for everything bad

No. 1867160

File: 1689651263346.jpeg (397.33 KB, 1170x1950, D86033AA-F6FD-4E1D-A04A-3CCA25…)

Stef comes from MONEY. This is her debut from 2013. She is now 27. Her personal @/stefaniamennella has a lot of old dance pictures. She had great technique and seems like she went downhill during college

No. 1867162

What’s a debut? Is that like a cotillion thing?
Damn she’s loaded.

No. 1867164

Is there other evidence that she's rich? I'd believe it, but the debut thing is common in some cultures even if you're not actually that rich. I grew up with a lot of middle class kids whose parents sent them to cotillion because they had class aspirations, not because they actually came from money.

No. 1867166

File: 1689651634669.jpeg (1.11 MB, 828x1490, IMG_9308.jpeg)

Why was she on the Drew Barrymore show?

No. 1867169

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Apparently her sister had a destination wedding in Italy.

No. 1867174

She attended the Professional Children’s School, was dancing at the pre-professional in Yumikos, had a debut, and wears god-awful Lilly Pulitzer dresses

No. 1867175

ayrt, thanks for the spoonfeeding. $55k per year for an arts high school, jesus

No. 1867178

I watched some of this video and Stef mentions that her school has a "Fox Day" tradition where they cancel classes on an unanounced day. Googling it suggests she must have gone to Rollins College, which honestly seems like a pretty weird choice for a rich kid from NYC

No. 1867182

Kek no one is blaming every woman with bpd it's just a common diagnosis that these types wear like a badge of honor, relax bpdchan, don't take it so personal

No. 1867183

Yeah she's right here >>1867140 you can ask her yourself

No. 1867184

Samefag but Laura Ingram is colours right? If not my joke doesn't make sense

No. 1867185

I think you have your Lauras mixed up - Laura Ingram is skelly hello kitty, wheelchair, ana fetish boyfriend Laura

No. 1867186

Rollins College is infamous for having a ton of NYC JAPs

No. 1867188

weird, is it because they have pretty low admissions standards?

No. 1867190

File: 1689654508258.png (70 KB, 787x645, cope.png)

nta but bpd-chans give themselves a bad rep by acting like this, it's not our fault for calling a spade a spade

No. 1867191

No, it's average. It's not as selective as an Ivy but more selective than an average state school. It's a decent school, just expensive.

No. 1867192

Both accounts are private within an hour. Hey, Stef!

No. 1867194

Aww damn, nvm then

No. 1867196

imagine having so little going on in your life that you can try to hide all your internet dumb-fuckery in real time

No. 1867197

Congrats on the google search. It’s gross that you don’t look at those symptoms and have immense empathy for the people who struggle with them. It’s painful as fuck. Okay moving on

No. 1867198

File: 1689655004219.png (448.58 KB, 424x687, Screen Shot 2023-07-17 at 11.3…)

Just to annoy her, here's Stef paying someone to style her hair and do her make-up before a Taylor Swift concert. Seems like a dumb use of money when you're unemployed. Oh wait… I'm sure Mommy and Daddy paid for it.

No. 1867200

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Why are her parents paying for her to live alone in NYC? What a waste.

No. 1867201

? her youtube is definitely not private

No. 1867202

Going through her accounts honestly made me sad. She had talent, an education, connections, and money. Instead of using those, she is in and out of treatment, dressing like an overgrown toddler and posting cringey body checks to children at nearly 30

No. 1867203

You’re not though, calling a scumbag, pro ana, asshole, etc is calling a spade a spade. Plenty of assholes are mentally ill, plenty of mass shooters are mentally ill, that doesn’t mean mental illness explains violence across the board . The nicest people I know are mentally ill

No. 1867204

This appears to be from a charity event, the Bal des Berceaux Gala, not a debut?

No. 1867208

I don't think Stef is a JAP given how much she posts about loving Jesus

No. 1867213

>my fault for being mentally ill

Oh what a terribly manipulative way to say it. I have friends with MH problems all the way up to "sees shit that isn't there" schizophrenia who manage to keep long term friendships because they're also nice people. No one normal drops a friend for just having mental health problems unless, like Laura probably is, they're an emotional vampire with it or just suck all the joy out of a day by trauma-dumping on you all the time or being a bitch then blaming it on their mental health. I do have friends I've had to step back from for those reasons, but it's not a MH thing it's a shitty personality thing.

No. 1867214

Thats still not pedobaiting. It's pretty gross to associate a style of clothes with pedophilia unless it is clearly sexualized

No. 1867215

and she's not studying medicine either, or nursing. I wonder what her degree is in!

No. 1867216

Lots of the anachans dress like children. Fi with her pigtails and pinafores, Paris dressed like a 5year old dressed themselves, that other Laura (very spoopy one) just for examples. In some cases it's literally clothes for children because they're that skelly.

No. 1867217

As if like 10% of grown women would need a carseat? Idiot doesn't know it's based on height more than weight.

No. 1867219

You're both right. BPD can be (mentally) painful as fuck to live with, but Laura is also a resource-sucking attention addict who has become so institutionalised by refusing to cooperate with therapy that she will eat fucking socks to ensure she gets what she wants.

No. 1867220

now, now children, let's all share a roasted tube sock and be friends

No. 1867225

ah yes, i would love if there was a thread like that!

No. 1867228

File: 1689659213526.png (400.94 KB, 471x671, Screen Shot 2023-07-18 at 12.4…)

Stef clearly talking about lolcow

No. 1867232

My favorite brand of cows are the ones who claim to never eat anything yet are obese.

No. 1867233

File: 1689660676230.png (120.82 KB, 428x470, Screen Shot 2023-07-18 at 1.13…)

oh no, a crisis appears! how will our dainty ana eat now?

No. 1867234

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Looking for more Stef accounts led me to her finsta. Very curious what's on there.

No. 1867235

Anachans in medicine are usually the type-a career girlies who (mostly successfully) work themselves to the bone at the cost of any semblance of a personal life. None of them have time to dedicate an entire instagram to LARPing. I can’t tell if she’s genuinely delusional & hard conversations about competency need to be had, or if she just wants asspats for taking 6 years to do general ed classes

No. 1867242

me too, i wish more of them would get posted here without everyone always screaming self post

No. 1867258

KEK nonna i’m cackling

No. 1867273

I didn't say I don't have empathy for them, just that she clearly exhibits a lot of symptoms so that anon calling her BPD seems pretty accurate. Why are you even here if you're so upset about proper mental illness representation?

What are you even going on about? I didn't call her an asshole or a mass shooter or a bad person I just agreed with the anon who said she would fit into a BPD-chan thread because of her antics. Learn how to read

No. 1867284

The convo was about that lostallsanityx account not Laura

No. 1867315

It’s you that can’t read tbh if you don’t understand the purpose of my analogies. You weren’t, you posted a screenshot of bpd symptoms and implied that those symptoms make someone an asshole worthy of bpd blanket statements. I’m here because it’s interesting to see assholes get called out, and interesting to see other people’s perspectives on something I may not have noticed as being harmful or problematic. All of this can be done without blanket derogatory statements about a mental illness. The thread itself isn’t about EDs it’s about people who are pro ana, an actual asshole behaviour.
No actually I was saying it about the person who said there should be a bpd thread.

No. 1867316

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No. 1867332

>You posted a screenshot of bpd symptoms and implied that those symptoms make someone an asshole worthy of bpd blanket statements.
That's not what I said at all I don't even know what you're arguing at this point I think you just want to be mad about something.

>No actually I was saying it about the person who said there should be a bpd thread.

Yeah no shit, the convo was initially about lostallsanityx not Laura so I was telling the anon that because she had mentioned Laura in the reply chain about lostallsanityx.

No. 1867335

Nta but you sound like colours

No. 1867346

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No. 1867351


No. 1867357

Poor lamb! How. Will she SURVIVE without adequate fortisip nutrition? Not as tho she was sharing yesterday how her mother had batch cooked loads of meals, to be labelled and frozen for whenever she needs them!

No. 1867363

Not WKing in any way but in the UK medicine isn’t usually a postgrad degree so yes some people would have got their ‘Bachelors’ or BSc before and do a 4 year accelerated course, but this is a minority. Most people are straight out of secondary school/high school at 18 and do medicine as a 5 year course. I think she means if she drops out early they have to award her a Bachelors level degree if she completes 3 years of study.

No. 1867364

Knew the fortisip wouldn't happen. But I don't think she can take all the frozen meals with her on the plane. But if she can eat all these homecooked, frozen meals at home then she can eat solid food obviously so can't she get food from places while she's away? Although I admit I've never been to UAE and I don't know what the food is like there and if where she stays will basic cooking facilities/kitchenette which basically 99% of hotels in Canada do for example so she could buy food to prepare……Although again I don't know what the supermarkets or whatever are like. Or if she will have to eat out or get take out….. Even without an ed it is a bit daunting going to country with a very different culture than your own and not knowing what is available to eat. Google should be able to help there though).

No. 1867379

I feel really bad for this girl. She is doing absolutely batshit things but clearly she has a substance abuse problem on top of whatever else and the substances are driving her behaviour. But she is just screaming out for help and I have no idea why they won't help her. She's breaking IN to prisons because she wants help. Doesn't that tell people everything they need to know?!

No. 1867382

i don’t agree with posting minors but isn’t it kinda their own responsibility if they’re posting body checks on a public twitter? i think a 17yo would be smart enough to understand that

No. 1867399

You really do, and you're oddly active when she is too. It would be amusing if farmhands confirmed.

No. 1867414

Yeah you do, and you act like her too the way you're getting offended by everything and misinterpreting posts

No. 1867425

She doesn’t have to verbally mention it. Her online behavior makes it obvious that she goes to ERC for attention. Being tubed for that long in the ITU doesn’t happen to normal weighted people unless they just keep refusing food. And being in the ITU I’m sure she met lots of people that had been to acute so that’s now her goal kek

No. 1867426

If it wasn’t she wouldn’t wait to lose more weight, she’d already be at her ERC vacay. This time she NEEDS to start it with a big entrance because what other life goals does she have?

No. 1867428

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Laura's lives are so boring just her breathing noisily and typing every so often

No. 1867444

File: 1689700572525.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1213x1862, IMG_9165.jpeg)

She’s trying everything she can to get high intensity support but at the mention of, ‘forensic patients’ she’s shitting it… oh wait, she can’t, she’s probs constipated af from the sock

No. 1867445

This is just regular proana scumbag behavior, there isn't anything special about this specific one. I smell vendetta or selfpost.
Some of it may be an inheritance is my guess. More likely, a silver stipend from mom and dad.
Speaking of, any milk on Porgie?

No. 1867449

Last I saw porgie has pink eye kek

No. 1867454

Aus definitely uses restraints

No. 1867455

And you didn't take a pic why? Porgie with a stye, it seems so apt

No. 1867457


No. 1867459

Recovery4medicine seems to fit Histrionic more than bpd

No. 1867461

One of my biggest gripes with her is that ARFID doesn’t align with her behavior. She has mentioned having low potassium and is constantly body checking. Neither of these are associated with ARFID. Someone with ARFID wouldn’t be gunning for ACUTE or really stuck in a treatment cycle. I don’t think she realizes how transparent she is. She’s too caught up in the social media attention

No. 1867471

There's a huge amount of these people who claim arfid AND anorexia but unless I'm a dumbfag I thought the two diagnoses were mutually exclusive as to truly have arfid there's no drive for thinness.

No. 1867472

They're supposed to be mutually exclusive, but there's no reason a person couldn't both have food aversions and a drive for thinness at the same time. It's like how the DSM used to say you couldn't have ASD and ADHD at the same time - it was really obviously wrong

No. 1867476

ARFID diagnosis specifies there is no disturbance with body image, shape, or size

No. 1867482

No one cares about your personal vendetta towards this cow. Fed up of this thread being spammed when there is literally no milk.

No. 1867483

Would be amusing if you were wrong. As usual.

No. 1867485

She might also just be waiting for all her fun summer plans to be over. You know, gotta get in your trips to Italy and Taylor Swift concerts before getting medical care.

No. 1867486

indeed this is correct - but can see how ARFID >>> anorexia over time

No. 1867489

She wants her ed to be really serious but it's not really. That's about the sum of it. But it was shitty of the professionals to tell her to lose more weight to get treatment.

No. 1867490

God how much more high intensity can her support be?! I don't know why there is no ceiling, no cut off for these UK cows. She's clearly not getting better in the system and only getting worse. Look at how she was in all her old posts; had interests, had friends, did things, was quite articulate (way TOO articulate for someone in crisis in that stupid documentary), was a normal size, on the small side sometimes but not horrendous. And then after all this help that she's faked her way into…….Look at her now. And literally what is more intensive than being in that PICU on 2:1 for 4 years?! She's had it all. She's not complying ot trying. I don't know what was the point of this whole fight back into IP when she was apparently having SUCH a great time in supported living.

No. 1867496

I don’t think the NHS would waste their limited resources on someone who just ‘wanted’ their ED to be serious just saying…..You can’t ‘will yourself’ to have anorexia….yes you can fake some of the behaviours but the NHS would see right through it. Also you can’t fake weight loss and if you scroll back to her old posts she looks totally different. No one is saying she’s a super spoop (and neither is she tbh) but compared to before it’s a massive difference. Trust me (not a blog post, my bad) but from my experience, that service would not have offered her daypatient if she didn’t need it……they are the first people to discharge you at any opportunity. That nurse she saw first sounds ignorant and shitty.

No. 1867504

File: 1689707785229.jpeg (464.76 KB, 828x1432, IMG_9309.jpeg)

Marie attempting recovery at bmi 11.5

No. 1867505

the delusion aside, it’s kinda sad that she’s asking if everyone would still follow her if she gained weight… also shows how edtwt is a disgusting cesspit where they’re all just horrible people enabling each other

No. 1867506

She needs to be in inpatient with no phone access. She craves validation from her followers. As long as she’s on social media, she’s not going to “recover”. I wish she wasn’t so vague all the time and we had more details about her discharge.

No. 1867514

Oh I know exactly how shitty the nhs is. If you’re not one of their revolving door favourites then they wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

No. 1867516

i'd love to know why her doctors decided it was okay to discharge her, for real

No. 1867542

Honestly, I agree. She's clearly seeking help, even if she's doing it in this infantile, unhinged way. I think that, because substance abuse is involved, she's not being taken as seriously. Now I wonder if she's ever tried getting help/therapy through conventional ways or if she just went batshit like this right away.

No. 1867555

I can't imagine that the UAE wouldn't have some sort of supplement drink for sale at a shop somewhere, especially if she goes somewhere like Dubai

No. 1867556

You can buy fortisip off the shelf in the UAE

No. 1867576

File: 1689718504144.jpeg (647.88 KB, 828x1459, 3451294C-FE1E-4BDE-B2E0-718CD4…)

It doesn’t even matter at this point Laura, you’re just an institutionalised soul sucking monster and no diagnosis will change that. Ptsd is when you swallow a sock.

No. 1867591

so fitting. I miss porgies antics, is she still lapping at the clinic?

No. 1867594

File: 1689720994437.png (384.99 KB, 475x528, Screen Shot 2023-07-18 at 5.58…)

wake up babe, new Ham cellulite just dropped

No. 1867629

An aversion to food and a desire to be skinny is anorexia/fear foods.
Preaching bopo but sucking in in the second pic is peak HAES.

No. 1867631

Ah, my burgerlandia is showing. I guess that’s how the UK got thefatdoctor, a licensed HAES cow so delusional that she pretends not to have diabetes….by not going to the doctor.

No. 1867632

I am so bored of these cookie cutter accounts preaching bopo and basically fatspo and all their 'bloating is normal; everyone looks pregnant after they eat breakfast.' Bitch I don't. You got a problem. Eating food doesn't make you bloat if you are a normal person.

No. 1867642

Bring back Elzani ! She was decent to watch and talk about , different. Smorven could be interesting but everything is private with her.

No. 1867659

File: 1689728715466.jpg (360.43 KB, 1058x1611, Collage_2023-07-18_21_06_22~2.…)

No. 1867680

I’d appreciate it if they were like IBS awareness or something but unless you’re binging or have bowel issues you shouldn’t look like that after one meal

No. 1867694

you’re too fucking dumb to even critically examine your own words god damn. Go back to school. Let’s stick to calling out scumbag behaviour, not just stereotyping an entire disorder.

No. 1867695

Sorry to disappoint but there isn’t anything to confirm, idek who colours is

No. 1867697

could you stop replying multiple times in a row to defend yourself and create the impression that other anons are also very worried about hurting the feelings of bpd-chans.

No. 1867701

> This is just regular proana scumbag behavior, there isn't anything special about this specific one. I smell vendetta or selfpost.
None of the above, just baffled there are so many idiots who don’t see through the bullshit

No. 1867719

Painful looking bloating or is she purposefully sticking out her stomach as much as she can?

No. 1867721

Ok anon, good for you. But it's quite normal that your stomach expands a little bit after food so it can digest. If you eat a big portion, of course you will bloat.

And ofc you won't bloat if you just eat smaller portions. When I'm invited to some family events where there is alot of food, I see almost everyone with a bigger belly afterwards.

No. 1867728

Did Claudia Rehn die? She hasn’t posted since October.

No. 1867734

File: 1689755516527.png (406.42 KB, 451x656, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 3.33…)

Really enjoying the irony of Stef, who is a chronic NEET, making a tiktok about not having the energy to go out after a full day at work

No. 1867735

I feel bad for her because she's alienated herself from so much help on offer through her behaviour, but at the same time she's clearly aware of what she's doing as she's able to post so lucidly about it, often in the midst of whatever criminal activity she's doing at the time.

No. 1867736

I suspect after 4 years with such intensive support on tap, the smallest issue would be enough to send her spiralling without the level of professional help she'd gotten used to. One of the dangers of long term hospitalisation - it leads patients to being less able to manage normal setbacks in the community.

No. 1867737

>NHS has revolving door favourites
KEK my first thought was 'this is colours' but it seems far too on the nose so maybe someone's pretending to be her.

No. 1867738

As if Enara wants to spend her actual money on Fortisips. That's her fancy water bottle money!

No. 1867740

>Claudia Rehn
Do you mean Cecelia Rehm??

No. 1867742

Really embarassed for her. She's 30/31 years old and still feels the need to post attention seeking crap like a 17 year old so everyone sees that she's unwell. But I mean you can see in her face that she's also a little mentally retarded.

No. 1867743

Woops I didn't know she's only 27. She looks way older. Still pathetic behaviour at this age

No. 1867746

…normal people definitely bloat. Rattle rattle? 10 points to you Ms Anachan

No. 1867755

I can't see mention of an obituary, and there's no tribute pictures as far as i can see on facebook. She might be in treatment possibly? Will carry on looking though to see if i can find anything definitive.
No, it's not Cece. They go by claudia.rehn on instagram, they had a health scare a year ago due to anorexia.

No. 1867757

File: 1689762390486.png (883.42 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230719-062722.png)

lmfao wtf is the point of posting this!? she's really fuckin braindead i swear

No. 1867764

TIL that you become immune to fiber, salt, and the quirks of the (female or otherwise) human body if you're just "normal enough" kek.

No. 1867765

My bad then nona! Sorry, the name was so similar I got confused.

No. 1867766

To prove that she was once thin, I guess. Hard to imagine looking at her now. Meds gain is unreal, always looks far more uncomfortable than weight gain through overeating.

No. 1867779

File: 1689766299046.jpg (870.57 KB, 1080x1855, Screenshot_20230719_233320_Ins…)

She actually looks really good. Pleased for her.

No. 1867781

Fucking kek

No. 1867782

fucking hell I hadn't realised Zara had gotten that bad ever - is this before she was on our radar?

No. 1867784

Yea she got really bad probably a year ago. Pretty sure that photo was in the last 12ish months. Think there were a few pics of her looking like that on earlier threads.

No. 1867785

emet made her teeth worse? what does that even mean? that makes no sense

No. 1867808


also, wtf is going on with that wavy af hand in the bottom pic? im not sure why she would shoop herself to have a fatter face but here we are…

No. 1867822

>>1867808 i dont think its shooped kek thats how my hand looks when i hold it like that

No. 1867826

read- she was eating acidic medicine because she thought it would make her not sick

No. 1867827

zara was single digit BMI didn’t you know …. kek

No. 1867840

PTSD - Prone To Sock Devouring. it wasn't a diagnosis Laura, it was a warning sign they stick on her door to alert staff not to leave her with swallowable clothing.

No. 1867861

the bend looks normal, I just think she has long fingers that make it look stretched. I can make the same shape and I have big hands

No. 1867862

File: 1689783697595.jpg (684.56 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20230719_165347_Ins…)

Howling nona
She looks unrecognisable in the current picture but I can't help but add the humble brag that she looks dead just a few pics prior

No. 1867864

i think this is a bit of a nitpick. personally i interpreted that as referring to the pose she’s sleeping in. ah i don’t know, i feel like zara’s not very milky anymore now i can see concrete evidence that she actually does seem to be doing well. previously i found her a hypocritical little gnat and was waiting for her to croak tbh. but now, i’m hopeful

No. 1867869

Momsfav just posted on instagram that her grandma died. I guarantee she’s gonna use it as an excuse to relapse kek(this is an imageboard)

No. 1867904

this makes me feel better for being a zara apologist kek i’ve always believed in her more than the other cows

No. 1867933

Kek sure she looks better but she was a raging hypocrite and nasty person online for a long time

No. 1867972

clearly multiple of us zara apologists, what a pathetic-feeling club kek

No. 1867981

Does anyone know how that German girl from edtw is doing ? The one that was at hospital, user name was like idontreallycare or something like that.

No. 1868000

i was thinking the same thing when i watched her live the other day like it was so strange that she went live just to sit there staring at the screen lol but she has someone watching her all the time right? i guess that's why she doesn't talk on live

No. 1868006

File: 1689801132546.jpeg (633.55 KB, 1217x2639, IMG_7523.jpeg)

She’s fine; complaining/bragging about losing weight while in hospital and posting skelly checks.

No. 1868015

oh agreed, but the bar has been set so low by most cows here that zara seems weirdly refreshing for me at least

No. 1868017

Why do we still post Fairy Laura here if she is not a pro ana scumbag and just mentally fucked?

No. 1868031

bc she still larps her ED and has been around since the first few threads

No. 1868032

I think it’s for comedic value at this point, I mean, she ate a sock ffs

No. 1868035

I can’t help but wonder… was it a worn sock? a new sock? a washed sock? what type of sock was it? has it come out yet? I still find it funny af that she actually gobbled up a sock, like a naughty little puppy

No. 1868038

Just let Cece go. Geez. She’s not public. Let her live her life & try to move forward.

No. 1868039

All I can hope is that it was clean, ideally new, and the floor it was on too. People smearing shit all over those psych ward walls and floors for years in a sock that’s been shuffled around on all day is most repulsive.

No. 1868042

I don't know what's wrong with all of you then. Go to the Dr?

No. 1868044

the laura-niamh-sock theory is going strong

No. 1868063

Ntayrt, but no one is dragging up Cece out of the blue whiteknight. They just wondered if it was an auto-correct/mistake as their names are similar I assume.

No. 1868072

I have periods. Guess I'm just a freak then. Well who'd have thought?!

No. 1868074

She's pro ana in theory. She just can't actually do it. And I want to see what the hell is going to happen.

No. 1868077

jesus christ, can you idiots stop? as usual, the truth is in the middle: bloating is a normal experience at times, but that picture Ham posted looks excessive.

No. 1868097

File: 1689809595247.jpg (654.06 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230720_090119_Ins…)

Either Enara doesn't realise you can say no to plane food, or shes eaten 5 meals on the flight so far.

No. 1868144

ok but at least she has a college degree and she does appear to have a job so i don't think she qualifies as a NEET in this context imo

No. 1868145

since when does Stef have a job?

No. 1868146

it's funny because Stef hasn't had a job since she graduated from college several years ago.

No. 1868147

Y’all are dumb, she literally posts about her job all the time(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1868148

What’s her job?

No. 1868149

literally post one screenshot of Stef talking about a job recently

No. 1868151

File: 1689817884823.png (1.51 MB, 939x757, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 8.52…)

posing in bikinis to show off her weight loss, eating disorder treatment center reviewer, unsuccessful influencer

No. 1868153

File: 1689818041735.jpeg (456.87 KB, 1168x2015, IMG_5848.jpeg)

No. 1868155

What's her job?

No. 1868157

Like I fucking know

No. 1868159

kek read the thread:


No. 1868160

File: 1689818268690.png (635.09 KB, 1101x480, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 8.59…)

I'm still skeptical that she has an actual job given that she ignores every comment on her Instagram asking what she does for work. You'd think she'd say something vague like "office work" or "advocacy" or whatever.

No. 1868162

ya but at the same time it's obvi she does have one just bc she doesn’t share details online doesn’t mean we can know for sure shes unemployed/hasnt had a job since college imo

No. 1868163

I mean, who knows, but I don't think the skepticism is that unreasonable given that she was (in her own words) in the hospital most of last year and is already back in php. Finding a job that will let her do php and take a vacation this soon after the start does seem kinda incredible.

No. 1868164

ya but bro she legit has posts at work/TT vlogs about going there and she's like dressed for it i agree with above that just bc she doesn’t say means shes lying but idk

No. 1868165

ya i feel u but she's not in PHP i don’t think theres no way bc PHP would be every day and she clearly shows vids going to work and talked about being at work all day which wouldnt be possible

No. 1868167

y'all ya i agree she actually finished PHP in early may it says so shes been working for months u can see on her posts(sage your shit )

No. 1868168

ugh ya i guess i mean I’ll give her credit where credit is due but still

No. 1868170

Look, it's obvious that you're the same person posting over and over because you don't sage any of your posts and start every single one of them with "ya".

No. 1868172

Jesus christ if we're going to have a 12-part samefagging psychodrama about whether this one particular person has a job based on no evidence at all, can we at least sage our shit?

No. 1868173

Look, I'm just going to point blank ask: is this Stef (who we know obsessively reads this page)? Because her recovery profile had "PHP" in the description until someone commented about PHP.

No. 1868174

Also (samefagging here) after thoroughly perusing all of the evidence presented, I've narrowed us down to two possibilities as to whether Stef has a job: (a) maybe she fucking does, and (b) maybe she fucking doesn't.

No. 1868178

Good god no. I'm just some farmer, tired after my (confirmed, actual) long day of work, tired of reading about this non-milky bullshit.

No. 1868179

sorry, nona, I didn't mean you - I meant this anon >>1868168

No. 1868180

File: 1689819863616.png (246.09 KB, 924x473, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 9.25…)

In confirmed jobless news, the twins are on holiday again. I'm really curious why they suddenly started traveling so much

No. 1868185

What is it about her face that gives mental retardation to you, just curious what that even means

No. 1868186

She does have a job, unclear how often she works. She’s definitely working retail (head set attached to dress pocket). I have a good idea where based on the background and product in the picture…but not into being a doxing creep.

No. 1868188

I would assume she works at Kate Spade Broome Street because that’s where the dog works.

No. 1868189

Ham looks very fat is what they're trying to say. That isn't super normal. Then again, Ham eats like a twelve year old boy in a million sports, so maybe it is normal for her.
I think they think she needs it, poor emaciated baby.

No. 1868214

And how much does their travel insurance cost

No. 1868215

File: 1689826584276.png (393.05 KB, 427x650, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 10.0…)

they probably don't get travel insurance, a lot of people travel without it

No. 1868269

Honestly, I’d say not bloating after eating is more of a reason to see the dr

No. 1868279

File: 1689846710913.jpeg (1.34 MB, 828x1384, IMG_0283.jpeg)

EC posting some fresh fetish content just a few days after her grandma dies. Can’t believe that her own fucking mother is filming this shit.

No. 1868304

>sooper sooper cute u guyyyssssaahh
I do genuinely believe that EC and Isaacs will have a lich showdown once the end times are upon us. The winner will be granted the mantle of Famine.

No. 1868334

her mother is horrible, you can't explain it with something like "she knows her daughter is dying so wants some special time and memories with her". She is enabling that behaviour, is controlling and overbearing probably and maybe she is even jealous that EC so much skinnier than she ever will be. EC is just a cash cow in the end and her mother will cry one tear when she is gone, just for the public and than will go back to her life like nothing happend. I don't understand why she is still allowed on platforms like tiktok and instagram, while they even blur pictures with healed scars to "protect" others.

No. 1868335

isn't EC's family already very wealthy without her being a "cash cow"

No. 1868343

Oh 5 real meals? Made of real food??? Really struggling without the fortisips

No. 1868350

The only reason im bloated is becuase I'm waterloading for my next appointment lololol

Don't want to be inpatient do we(no1curr)

No. 1868352

That's where the dog works KEK! Yea by putting the dog's IG up she has doxxed herself.

No. 1868354

Anything over 3 meals is a crime

No. 1868357

I really don't know how she is allowed on all the social media platforms and never even censored with the 'are you sure you want to see this' thing. For everyone else the censorship is getting so heavy handed and I'm pretty sure it's AI and not humans that do it. The AI that censors is just programmed to leave EC's socials alone?! Also how can that AI tell the difference between, say, a photo showing a surgical procedure or a photo of a bleeding knee from someone falling off a bike, and a self harm picture? But it seems that somehow it can!
I think they've always been wealthy, with the two giant houses and everything.

No. 1868358


No. 1868359

Jesus Christ that is a jumpscare. It baffles me how they just pretend to be oblivious to the fact we all know this is fetish material for whoever is gross enough to pay.
I have a tinfoil theory that they are like Lillee Jean and Laur, except a little more intelligent. I bet her mum is eternally online fighting all the bans she gets as well as coordinating all the fetish requests.
It’s the only logical reason that makes sense to me because I could not enable my child to live like that.

No. 1868362

I guess so, which makes her mother's behaviour even more disgusting as there is no need to exploit your daughter for money. And I know, we are at lolcow and most nonnas here are "mothers are good, fathers are bad", but I've seen the damage a bad mother can do and her mother seems to be not the loving kind (and her father seems to be absent). Sure, EC is an adult, but how grown up is she really if her mother controlled everything about her life and she never could break free.

it's mostly still not AI, as far as I know, there are people (at least for Facebook) employed in countries with low costs that have to watch all the stuff that gets reported. I know that many people that aren't famous posting healed scars would get blurred or shadowbanned on Instagram, while Tumblr, for example, would delete your blog as soon as you are reported for encouraging self-harm or pro-ana. The best way for social media would be 3 strikes and then a ban and not 3 strikes for showing healed stuff that is in the past and only shows that you can survive a mental illness. No one needs to see EC online, seemingly doing well even though she is close to death and no one needs to see fresh self-harm wounds or people binging and purging. That not the "real face" of mental illness, that's triggering bullshit and people deep into it will search for those content. Guess money and like nonna >>1868359 wrote, persistence to go against a ban is why EC is still on all those platforms.

No. 1868372

She just looks like a run of the mill skelly in bright lipstick to me

No. 1868379

Let the rattling commence(learn to sage)

No. 1868385

She said once even brushing the made her believe she would get sick or gag

No. 1868398

That makes sense, severe emetophobics go to extreme measures to avoid anything they fear might make them vomit.

No. 1868399

I wonder how Laura’s assessment went for her high dependency supported living, alongside ‘forensic patients’?

No. 1868405

I'm betting she was as meek as a kitten, no mention of voices or desire to eat clothing of any kind. The notion of a 'forensic unit' has her freaked out.

No. 1868411

So you're saying she … put a sock in it

No. 1868433

The way she grins in her pictures, these are not even the worst ones. I followed her since 2017 and she posted the most uncanny pictures of herself. That's why I always thought she's a little retarded because she has no self awareness. Or just a negative IQ

No. 1868435

You write like a retarded teenager who wants attention

No. 1868448

File: 1689883668144.png (1.52 MB, 853x1549, Screenshots_2023-07-20-16-09-1…)

No. 1868451

The Jack Skellington robe undone down to her bellybutton sure is a choice.

No. 1868456

I still stg the cooch slip of yore was not an accident. Skelator gets off on it.

No. 1868464

What's the opposite of cleavage?

No. 1868472

Pectus excavatum

No. 1868479

File: 1689891136270.jpeg (840.82 KB, 828x1467, IMG_9322.jpeg)

Smoothiebowlmia with the shooped arm

No. 1868481

Longer international flights on nicer airlines (such that she's on) provide multiple meals and meal times. Reason being not everyone gets hungry after the same amount of time, so they have a couple different services for every meal staggered throughout the flight. One isn't expected to eat each meal, and one would probably look like a fat kid if they did, but they're polite enough to give you one each time you request it. But you have to request it, they just don't dump it on your seat tray.

No. 1868485

of course it wasn't

No. 1868515

what even does forensic unit mean

No. 1868516


No. 1868518


No. 1868525

Niamh has posted her Vinted from her "inactive" account claiming people have asked for the link. Clearly still desperate for validation / desperate to body check in any way she can without returning to her main account. She must either be really deluded or really stupid to think anyone is falling for this shit.

No. 1868527

File: 1689899510466.png (736.04 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_9703.png)

No. 1868540

File: 1689902200690.jpg (944.06 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230721_104731_Ins…)

Here's the screenshot, seeing as this is an imageboard anon.
She just had to throw in a skelly bc photo, just to 'show off her outfit'

No. 1868598

File: 1689913164737.jpeg (86.19 KB, 828x260, IMG_9324.jpeg)

Nikol unhinged as ever

No. 1868612

With psychoactive laxatives not existing and all, it'd seem her everyday crazy has leveled up.

No. 1868615

Fentanyl laced laxatives

No. 1868627

8 isn’t even much for edtwt, I think she’s just looking for something to blame the crazy on

No. 1868634

To be fair, people who abuse laxatives don't normally just start at crazy levels of laxatives. People who take a fist full have acclimated to it and damaged their bowels in the process to even need such doses. You can have dizziness, tremors, blurred vision etc from misusing lax. She could still be playing it up though.

No. 1868638

yeah these side effects r def believable for taking 8, especially if ur not used to it. depends on the brand etc but feeling like u might pass out can happen after about 4 when ur not taking them regularly

No. 1868772

Like the medium secure unit her buddy Legohead was sent to after she caught a bad bout of instagram psychosis and attacked someone. I’m assuming the supported living arrangement she’s referring to would be where someone like that would be discharged to.

No. 1868780

in fairness, what's "normal for edtwt" is rarely healthy for anyone, even with a tolerance. you'll still dehydrate yourself, make your muscles do the griddy or rely on meds to shite. really sorry if I'm coming across bitter (not a blow aimed at you), just exhausted by the "it's normal for edtwt" argument - I get it but it's still not okay. their standards are warped by nature, doesn't need to be the worst case possible for it to be bad

No. 1868786

File: 1689951914770.png (1.13 MB, 853x1364, Screenshots_2023-07-21-11-07-1…)

No. 1868790

File: 1689952154582.png (460.66 KB, 431x671, Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 10.1…)

Enara went snack shopping

No. 1868793

erm…yeah ridiculous that she claims to need fortisips to get nutrition when she's clearly capable of eating regular food

No. 1868797

after reading some of her latest stories where she talks about just drinking Starbucks lattes, I think in her mind the issue is that nothing she eats is "nutritious" so she needs the supplements for actual nutrition

No. 1868800

Love how she tries to pass it off as 'just buying things we don't have in Aus' when half those things can be bought quite easily in Aus, maybe just in a different brand.
Like peach iced tea in a can.. Why would that make it any more speshul than regular peach iced tea? The kettle chips both look like flavours that are standard across a bunch of brands here.

The only thing that would be difficult to find would be the Starbucks thing, but again, a bunch of different brands do the same sugar syrup flavouring, it's not some crazy unique thing she just HAS to buy over there.
All that will be gone (eaten) by tomorrow and she'll be crying about what to have for dinner again because she's so anorexic KEK

No. 1868803

The liquids are also dumb because either she's admitting that she's going to drink it all at the conference or I guess she's going to throw tons of soda into her checked bag and hope that none of it breaks in transit?

No. 1868805

Ohh so is Enara's ED the same as Ham's? The one where fresh/healthy food is too scary? I'm a sugar fiend myself, but this makes my teeth hurt to look at.

No. 1868806

Most of us get around our shitty diets by taking supplements instead of an extra 300 calories in a small drink!

No. 1868807

sorry, you're just not as delicate and anorexic as Enara

No. 1868858

File: 1689963742457.png (7.96 MB, 1170x2532, 15AFB684-3955-4F6F-8DB7-CCC20A…)

Don’t know how to post videos but stef posted a TikTok directly addressing lolcow and how she’s been doxxed by people sharing her school, her financial status etc practically whinging on and on about nothing only to say at the end “this is not okay” kek

No. 1868861

File: 1689963820128.jpeg (324.07 KB, 1170x1909, 8C3C013D-4EB9-4196-AD58-D5350D…)

Also got a cow crossover with momsfav kek

No. 1868874

File: 1689965017248.png (1.2 MB, 853x1613, Screenshots_2023-07-21-14-44-5…)

cow crossover

No. 1868891

kek proana scumbags really can’t help but talk about themselves and turn everything into a skinny competition, even when trying to support someone else. it will never not be funny to me

No. 1868892

does anyone know why Laura's eyelids look like that right now? is it a meds side affect or makeup or what

No. 1868897

When have we ever wished death upon a cow? She seems to think doxxing is posting publicly available information. Everything posted on the thread was also posted on her public accounts. She tagged her high school, college, and workplace. This is a great lesson in internet safety if she isn’t comfortable with strangers having this much insight into her life. If you make yourself a public figure, people will speculate about your life. Her whole rant on the “stereotypes” is wild because the main issue is being nearly 30 and posting body checks on a site full of literal children

No. 1868899

“A good person” is not an almost 30 year old who uses daddy’s money to go on ERC vacays and normal vacays to show off her toob or underweight body as much as possible to her young audience

No. 1868901

File: 1689968582212.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x1798, IMG_2389.jpeg)

The background music kek

No. 1868905

what "false information" are we posting about Stef, kek?

No. 1868909

I was just thinking she looks really jaundiced. With the truckload of meds they have her on I hope they're doing regular LFTs.

No. 1868914

Anyone know Abby's current TikTok? The most recent one I knew about (AbbyBoba1) is deleted.

No. 1868924

File: 1689971557988.png (1.45 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230721-163412.png)

yoooooooooo lmfao i wish i coulda seen that shit hahahaha omg damn

No. 1868966

I would expect psych staff to be very aware of the effects of longterm antipsychotics.

No. 1868977

kek, fucking gold! haahaaa

No. 1868984

I always thought she had problems with her stomach or something like that. Isn't it a bad idea to drink cola with the acids and coffee that will upset your stomach, too. And except for that Ritter Sport chocolate she can get all of the stuff in Australia, I guess, it's not like Australia is the only country not selling Coca Cola or stuff like that.

No. 1868992

i remember not too long ago on one of her pathetic hospital visits she posted a story saying she ordered a frozen coke to the hospital cuz it was the only thing she was craving. so even when she's literally just swallowed batteries she can handle a frozen coke smh. and also, anybody who orders food delivery just to get a drink is out of their fucking mind. she's so wasteful and financially irresponsible it's disgusting.

No. 1868993

I'm sorry that I didn't screencap it, but did you see the stories she posted about buying duty-free make-up and skin cleansers and stuff? Kek, she couldn't even wait until she was coming back to buy more shit, she had to buy more shit in the airport on the way there

No. 1869005

File: 1689979578215.jpeg (490.83 KB, 1170x2337, 612D91C0-C1BF-4A41-837E-632A3C…)

Rachel was on live today and said she is going to get into weight lifting and that she relapsed. Recovery queen.

No. 1869009

It's kind of depressing she has nothing in her life to spend her money on. I mean, she's getting disabilitybux but it doesn't go on hobbies or fun things, just food and consumer goods.

No. 1869030

Loving it

No. 1869033

You wished death on me multiple times and laughed and encouraged me to do it and keep going in real time 'in front of you,' Just saying. Enjoy my blog.(No more blogging)

No. 1869035

[Citation needed]

No. 1869038

I would laugh a lot if a farmhand used this post to tag all of Stef's other posts

No. 1869042

If you lurk here so much, you'll also know that we genuinely express happiness and well-wishes when people make constructive and healthy decisions. See: everyone's joy about nourish2flourish, the general well-wishes towards Elzani, many people saying that even Zara seems to be growing up, etc.

No. 1869043

Mysteriously deleted.

No. 1869044

Lucky for us (and Stef), the internet is forever. It said:
> You wished death on me multiple times and laughed and encouraged me to do it and keep going in real time 'in front of you,' Just saying. Enjoy my blog.

No. 1869045

samefag, sorry. It was a reply to >>1868897

No. 1869046

Not that. That's still there if you look up. A whole thread was deleted. I cannot cite a deleted thread.

No. 1869048

I don't know what to say to you. We're a diverse collection of people, so I can't know what every other anon ever posted. But it's convenient that your only source for the 'death threats' doesn't exist anymore. And maybe that should also be an indicator about whether or not this site really, as a collective unit, was wishing death on you (hint: we aren't)

No. 1869049

I have the screenshots, don't worry. But can I be bothered to scroll so far and drag it all up? It would be more convenient if the thread didn't somehow vanish so I could just go to it and point. But it's beyond my power to delete or reinstate anything on here

No. 1869052

Go away colours. You have your own thread.

No. 1869053

kek this is colours isn’t it i recall the exact same rant about the deleted thread on one of her posts

No. 1869054

Somebody got a conscience

No. 1869056

You'd have to ask whoever deleted it and why.

No. 1869058

Is she finally realising what she's done to herself and regretting her choices? There was a huge amount of posting of old pics today. Most I've ever seen I think, as posts, not stories.

No. 1869062

i literally don’t even know what this is referencing

No. 1869070

File: 1689986162037.jpeg (166.15 KB, 1125x578, IMG_9744.jpeg)

No. 1869072

citation needed

No. 1869078

Old milk - but what happened to wee babe? And to Emma’s journey? ( the one who was a nurse)

No. 1869084

Colors I was there every time you raged out and threatened suicide and no one told you to do it, I distinctly remember saying "you can't pin that on us because no one told you to harm yourself." We were literally just going back and forth about what a headcase you are and then you suddenly started saying "You want me to kill myself?!?! Well fine, you'll get your wish!!!" Kek, victimize yourself harder

No. 1869087

Well if you can't be bothered to "scroll so far" and produce screen shots you supposedly have, you might as well not bother posting here about it either. Like what is even the point of talking about screenshots?

No. 1869091

I'll find them when it's not 2:20am and I have shit to do. Maybe

No. 1869092

No you certainly goaded and told me specifically 'take more pills' etc. Not necessarily YOU but some people.

No. 1869093

jesus christ, can you go blog in your own thread please? go here: >>1759128

No. 1869094

Archive of the thread: http://web.archive.org/web/20230305235036/>>>/snow/1751458
To prove yourself wrong

No. 1869095

Someone asked 'when has lolcow wished death on someone?' I answered.

No. 1869096

pretty rich coming from someone who regularly wishes death on laura

No. 1869098

I don't wish death on her. I wish her to be kicked out of being a malingering bed blocking fake and stop using all the resources she doesn't need. And we're back to the old argument of YOU being allowed to say nasty things about people but I'M not. How does that work?

No. 1869100

I'm honestly impressed that any therapist can be in the same room as colours for an entire hour

No. 1869103

>you certainly goaded and told me specifically 'take more pills' etc.
>Not necessarily YOU but some people.
You're still addressing each of us as the group, just because one anon said something doesn't mean we all agree with it. And the anon could have been a moid, and anyway just because one loser online tells you to do something doesn't mean you have to do it. But if you are going to listen to what some of us say then at least listen to this: stop lurking accounts that piss you off, stop going on sites that upset you, eat enough food, drink enough water, take your meds, go to bed on time, write a list of goals you would like to achieve and breakdown the steps you need to do to achieve them, clean your room, do what you can to avoid self harm, if you can't don't beat yourself up about it, look into options you have for free or cheap counselling, if nothing is available then perhaps try calling a hotline or a chat room for when you're really going through it, think about what you could do for work, even part time or working from home, get out of your house everyday and try to socialize with people a little, get exercise (I think you do that already so you already have that step down.) I promise you if you do even 15% of that you'd feel better, I've lurked you for a while and I'm not saying these things are easy, but they will get easier over time, you don't have to accept that your miserable and everything is fucked and then just do nothing to fix it. Try and you will get something out of your hard work.

No. 1869104

for the sake of our therapists, i wish none of them ever have to do this

No. 1869105

nope, sorry, colours has already decided the only mature solution is to cut her face during group therapy

No. 1869108

Was going to say the same thing - given that she’s threatening to mutilate herself on zoom for the shock factor i don’t think she’s going for the sensible or helpful solutions

No. 1869110

yeah, I feel bad because anon's advice here >>1869103 is actually good advice and seems really well-intentioned, but colours is determined to do absolutely nothing constructive and is already actively rejecting the group therapy she was offered

No. 1869111

I can't find the actual Colours thread. Has it been deleted?

No. 1869112

No. 1869116

It is well intentioned, I guess I just find it hard to accept she'd rather wallow in misery and self pity than try to make her life a little better. Even just writing out her motivations could help, like why she wants to do stuff like cut herself in front of people, what she'd gain from that, what the repercussions would be and who that would harm. It's sad to see honestly, I hope she can get her life together a little

No. 1869129

you're replying to colours, just so you know

No. 1869133

my god never mind, i didn’t want those kinds of screenshots. it was such a normal uncolourslike tone of voice that i thought it was a different farmer. i’m going to delete that post

No. 1869139

Anyone know what Georgia’s Instagram is these days??

No. 1869149

File: 1689995393021.png (52.88 KB, 609x606, 54684388.PNG)

People have the right to say whatever they want to, including things as heinous as hoping someone dies. That said, posters regularly wish death on cows.

No. 1869150

Wow she looks great. I was reading the old threads a few months ago and she insisted she was healthy and recovering while looking like the above picture! She looks healthy and like a human being now

No. 1869152

There's definitely plenty of that in some threads. none of those are this particular thread wishing death on Stef like she claimed, though.

No. 1869163

File: 1689997004283.jpg (950.27 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2023-07-21_23_35_19.jp…)

her smile always makes me angry no matter how many times i see her fugly ass face on my screen

No. 1869197

File: 1690002985419.png (316.89 KB, 433x623, Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 11.1…)

Amazing how Enara can just stop as soon as it's required for something she wants. Maybe they should always tell her that she has to stop to get x or y thing.

No. 1869237

File: 1690008287767.png (567.01 KB, 533x879, mealplan.png)

So this video from the 13th was a lie? How long does she claim to have been in this relapse?

No. 1869242

Props to her for admitting she relapsed. Most cows deny it. The platinum hair and eyeshadow is a cool look. I hope she can pull herself out and get real treatment

No. 1869265

File: 1690014864898.png (1.11 MB, 853x1639, Screenshots_2023-07-22-04-20-1…)

No. 1869266

man, her brain is really fried.
>2 days on phone with CEO of apple, got to know her really well
Glad to hear that sex change is working out for Tim Cook

No. 1869269

Wouldn’t go to Thailand with a peg, chances of infection too high

No. 1869271

i wonder if there's a personal reason why she's scared of the police station?

No. 1869272

So all the money she begged and swindled out of gullible strangers was a waste? The quack nutritionist and bodybuilding coach didn't magically cure her? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. Can everyone ask for their donations back on that basis and collectively demand she goes to proper treatment/IP or else get the fuck off her toxic tiktok.

No. 1869273

Nah she never really tried to recover in the first place. No props for her. She's had the chance to get real treatment so many times and always refuses it because she claims it will make her worse. Worse than relapsing on your own? Um okay. Real reason is she doesn't want to gain a gram of fat and wants to be a perma shredded bikini girl instead. I'm surprised she has any hair given the shit nutrition and frying the hell out of it with bleaches and dyes.

No. 1869287

still don't understand how she can teach something psychiatry related, only think I see her as is an example for a study.

No. 1869294

File: 1690028998945.png (Spoiler Image,8.26 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4325.png)

Niamh’s looking really alive, healthy and well

No. 1869296

my theory is that she's actually been offered some type of patient representative role (like Fi's had before) where she's basically going to talk about the patient experience and maybe offer ongoing patient input. Nobody in their right mind would hire her to do anything medical.

No. 1869302

File: 1690031104669.jpeg (Spoiler Image,130.12 KB, 828x1433, 580B60FC-9367-4FA3-AADC-509AC6…)

how does she thinks that this looks realistic kek

No. 1869305

Jesus christ

No. 1869307

not that it matters but you can def get ritter sport easily here. so she didn't even try anything interesting or new being in a different country, just coke, chocolate and pringles.

No. 1869312

File: 1690035124508.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1219x1998, IMG_9184.jpeg)

Is she shitting out the sock???

No. 1869321


I know she says she water loads but I don’t I’d understand how she’s getting away with that when she’s underage/with CAMHS. She is always dressed in barely anything so it’s not as though it’s unnoticeable…

No. 1869323

That's disappointing, I don't follow her on anything but I had hoped the time she wasn't showing up in the thread meant a social media break/recovery

No. 1869343

What’s Maria doing? Is she still in Vincent square most if the time?

No. 1869344

Oof apologizes nonna I clearly have not been following her closely enough

No. 1869411

Like, we can literally see the bends in the tile lines on the floor. You aren't getting away with that shit. kek

No. 1869416

It's the lack of any significant weight gain that does it for me… you can't recover from AN without gaining, and she knows that. Meanwhile, she posts videos with such quotes as, "You need to be honest with your treatment team, honest with yourself, and trust the process", and then goes on to say that recovery is worth it. If recovery is so worth it and wonderful, maybe try taking your own advice?

No. 1869443

File: 1690062865464.jpeg (107.17 KB, 828x186, IMG_9329.jpeg)

No. 1869459

The thread is up on archive, it is colours posting, kek. I KNEW she was posting here recently and then when called out on her thread she started to post as to make sure it didn't look like she was posting here. What a donkey.

No. 1869463

You think I don't already write out each say, step by step what I want to do and when?! And fail it every single day.Because I need help.

No. 1869465

hilarious that she thinks she’s going to study nursing

No. 1869475

fuck off and talk about this in your group therapy, not on lolcow

No. 1869477

I don't have group therapy. But someone wrote something. I replied. Done.
Moving on. WTf was LLL being so brave about today?

No. 1869480

fuck off, we know you have an online group that you're busy fantasizing about cutting your face in front of

No. 1869481

It's hardly therapy. It's not therapy. WHy do you care?

No. 1869482

Look, I don't think I can be any more clear. Nobody here wants to talk to you or about you. Fuck off and stop ban evading.

No. 1869484

So stop talking about me then. I don't want you to either.

No. 1869491

why isn’t colours banned yet can she shut up pls

No. 1869493

she was banned and I guess rubbed enough brain cells together to figure out how to evade

No. 1869498

It IS therapy - it's just not therapy you want. It makes you "worse" because it's forcing you to confront things that aren't comfortable for you (aka that trigger your narcissism), which is, in fact, therapeutic! Your problem is that you only want treatment for your BPD behaviors, when it's your NPD that needs treatment the most. Then again, narcissists are well-known for their lack of insight, so I'm sure you'll brush this off as somebody who has no idea what they're talking about so you can keep living in your little fantasy world, where you're the sickest possible person and the only human in existence who deserves Cluster B treatment.

No. 1869532

Well then you're not being fully honest with yourself, and that's okay, everyone has blind spots when it comes to their own behavior and motivations. I'm sure you truly want a normal life, to be happy and healthy and not self harm and have a good relationship with the people around you. But there's something blocking you from achieving that and that's where you need to be writing things out, think about the incident where you wanted to harm yourself on camera in front of your group therapy, write out what you would've gained from that, what you would've lost, and what your motivation was to do that. I'm not judging you, I'm just trying to give you some advice because I can see you are clearly very deeply hurt. I can think of some motivation for the group therapy self harm incident, maybe you wanted to show people how hurt you are, find a way to convey that pain because you felt unheard or dismissed? Maybe you wanted people to care about you and worry for you to know that you matter? Maybe you just wanted to upset the people in the group out of anger, maybe some part of you is upset with them for something? And again I'm not judging you whatever your motivations were, just finding out what drives you to do the things you do could really help you get perspective on things. One more thing that could help, when you see something that sparks an intense reaction within you, like seeing cows get the things you wish you could have too, it helps to just tell yourself a neutral comment on it so the negativity isn't the only reaction your brain is giving you. You don't even have to believe it, but it will help after a while. For example when you see Enara or Laura getting doted on and you think, 'why do they get those things and I don't,' you could say to yourself something like "the system isn't perfect, and sometimes people who need help don't receive it, that doesn't mean I am undeserving or unworthy." Just providing a neutral argument mixed in with the negativity your brain is throwing at you could really help, it's small but it's a start. This may seem useless but this is all advice given to me by a psychologist with over 30 years of practice, so it's worth something. And it did help me.

No. 1869533

don't feed colours' need for attention / to derail everything to be about her

No. 1869534

Sorry, just been wanting to give her some advice and there's really no way to say it to her other than when she shows up itt. I'm done now

No. 1869536

if you really must, she has her own containment thread >>1759128 but I genuinely think it's just feeding into her obsession with getting attention from any possible source and she won't really read any of it

No. 1869538


im not going to bother reading you mini-blog.

I just wanted to point out to the "nO~rEdDiT~sPaCiNg" anons who crack it at me when I "reddit space" (aka thoughtful formatting), that this is a prime example of why it works…

who the fuck prefers reading that wall-of-text over a nicely formatted post that is easier to skim over on what is primarily an image board?

No. 1869540

Kek sorry, but it's not a blog it's just advice for colours, sorry for the derail I'm done

No. 1869552

File: 1690080589492.jpeg (621.16 KB, 828x1320, IMG_9331.jpeg)

I can tell.

No. 1869565

File: 1690084566130.png (1.02 MB, 1426x895, jhgvfdsdfgcvhbjnkm.png)

Rachel is still pining after some of that Eugenia clout, she's been commenting on her shit for months and never gets any engagement from EC. It's so obvious she's just trying to leech followers, she has such a massive ego if she really thinks she could somehow help EC. She's just as bad as her, she's been in fake recovery for so long and condescends her followers while showing off her spoopiness online, what could she possible say to EC that would help her. What a joke

No. 1869569

I was going to point out the incongruence of insoles, braces and fucking cheerleading, but got to the "31 weeks since my tube was removed" and fucking lost it. Never change, Special Ed Becca.

No. 1869570

Well, the police station is in Wood Green (London) which to the average middle class person is a crime ravaged wasteland.

No. 1869571

such muscle tone. kek

No. 1869574

They ALL want to do nursing, psychology, medicine… the same way munchies overwhelmingly want to be paediatricians.

No. 1869576

FWIW I also appreciated it. Not currently in therapy (zoom or otherwise) and it's always good to learn new skills in managing BPD.

No. 1869577

jesus christ, what is happening in this thread

No. 1869578

I think the positivity is kind of nice for a change, better than last week when all the anachans were blogposting about how sick they are and how long they had to be in IP or whatever lol

No. 1869579

positivity is fine, but it's definitely starting to swerve towards blog posting about how anons manage their bpd

No. 1869580

Eh, a few posts isn't gonna derail a thread unless anons start feeling the need to argue back and forth

No. 1869581

File: 1690086440625.png (879.76 KB, 557x688, Screen Shot 2023-07-22 at 11.2…)

let's all take a break from this to appreciate stef taking a 100% normal, not trying to show off her weight loss selfie

No. 1869582

File: 1690086498989.png (49.41 KB, 496x323, Screen Shot 2023-07-22 at 11.3…)

plus comments

No. 1869586

The 0.5x zoom really was Apple's gift to pro-ana bitches.

No. 1869613

Because they think they know so much about it. They should first get recovered before they are trying to help others, it wouldnt make sense otherwise.

No. 1869631

File: 1690097437010.png (565.65 KB, 430x620, Screen Shot 2023-07-23 at 2.32…)

Stef used this as an excuse to post her greatest bodychecking hits.

No. 1869633

File: 1690097472168.png (561.59 KB, 434x589, Screen Shot 2023-07-23 at 2.33…)

No. 1869637


Late to this but this must be the Italy trip Niamh mentioned on her edtwt that she was “scared she’d die before going on”… but the edtwt was totally not hers guys, believe her

No. 1869638

Cause that swimsuit just screams masculinity

No. 1869641

why is she assuming they were talking about her clothes? they said you look like a tranny, nothing about your clothes. lmao what a dumbass

No. 1869655

No issue with positivity but is the one time it happens really when the bpd-ridden narcissist colours infiltrates and starts blogposting…?

No. 1869757

I appreciated it. Someone took the time to write all this out and really put in thought (to write two long posts if it was the same person) and that was kind. Nice to have a change from pure hate and who knows who might benefit from their posts? I don’t think they should be penalised for being thoughtful and offering advice, just because the general theme of lolcow is hate.

No. 1869827

Yeah how is this not feminine holy kek

No. 1869856

File: 1690147073671.jpeg (467.95 KB, 828x1405, IMG_9339.jpeg)

Marie in her healing era

No. 1869860

she also claimed to be eating pudding and angel cake during her hospitalization, so … sure jan

No. 1869862

File: 1690147304729.jpeg (567.45 KB, 828x1372, 1950F919-0A6C-4627-8602-23CFAB…)

Laura’s posting heaps of photos of the girl who recently cut her out, very awkward and strange

No. 1869865

Laura was actually so pretty.

No. 1869866

Who discharges someone that can’t walk and pees themselves???

No. 1869872

You realize Laura is the one on the right side?

No. 1869874

I get that you have a hate boner for Laura but she wasn’t ugly.

No. 1869879

oh lord. now i've heard everything. if she looks pretty to you in her old pics, it's definitely just in comparison to how bad she looks now. and i don't hate her at all, she's one of my faves.

No. 1869898

where is her family?

No. 1869923

i found it hilarious that anons here were wking colours more than niamh when niamh posted here kek

No. 1869934

Nta but I've never seen any colors wking?

No. 1869936

wking was the wrong word but what i meant was anons were too nice to someone doing the opposite of actually trying to get better and who doesn’t really want help

No. 1869938

i actually agree with this anon. not ugly

No. 1869956

I smell bullshit. Laura was objectively pretty by conventional beauty standards, so shove your hate boner up your ass

No. 1869988

File: 1690176372670.jpg (3.66 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20230724_145424468.jpg)

Nta but "Objectively pretty" be like…
She looks like literal gremlin unless she filtered beyond recognition. This is like the opposite of people arguing that Margot Robbie is a 6.

No. 1869996

U must be ugly anon

No. 1870003

Nonna I think you need your vision checked, Laura looks like a sperged out butterface and always has

No. 1870031

She looks good in the top right photo where she's relaxed

No. 1870032

nta but conventional beauty standards is a shit measurement because many people who fit this look plain or ugly irl. and i don’t think laura was ugly, but some people seem to think everyone perceives beauty the same “objective” way kek

No. 1870033

File: 1690191091935.jpg (324.1 KB, 1135x1054, Collage_2023-07-24_05_32_54~2.…)

No. 1870076

File: 1690198449721.png (26.64 KB, 688x189, Screenshot (21580).png)

Cow crossover

No. 1870078

Please keep posting this lunatic Nonnelle I gag every time she pops up!

No. 1870080

She used to have a lot of make up and filters and really perfectly styled hair for selfies (like most people tbf, you want to look good if you're deliberately taking a picture of yourself usually). She always looked a little odd with the wide eyed, slightly open mouth expression. A bit vacant even then before all the meds and malingering. Going for a Delicate Little Fae Pixie look and I'd say she often kind of achieved that. She was quirky looking but I wouldn't say ugly or unattractive (and this is coming from someone who really hates her). Now however I think she often makes herself look like homeless, 50 year old schizophrenic as much as possible on purpose. The short hair was a bad idea made worse by the fact she is now somewhere she can't have everything she needs to style it and make it look ok. The weight gain obviously completely changed her looks and I don't think there is any going back from here. Maybe I'm wrong. I just don't understand why she didn't use the freedom of supported living (and ALL the money that was spent on her and all the help she was given) to go out walking, running, using a gym and getting back to the dancing that was apparently her life and she's posting constant pictures of, even more so now. Girl you had that completely within reach again in supported living! You said you were going back to the dance studio, getting new dance clothes that fit you. No you don't look the same as those old dance pictures and honestly you probably never will now you'be thrown it all away for some reason, but you could have certainly been dancing again by now and doing other exercise to lose weight healthily if you wished. Supported living had the freedom for you to go out and exercise and to get your own food so you could choose to eat healthily and sensibly, instead of being given whatever they had in hospital with no choice. I'll never understand how attention has somehow trumped all other desires now and she'd rather be locked up, lying in a bed getting pumped full of more fattening drugs like an animal in those terrible factory farms, instead of having relative freedom, dancing again 'showing all the other sides of herself' as she said her new account was for, away from mental illness. Just…….Why? Oh and where is the sock?

No. 1870095

File: 1690204168557.png (280.37 KB, 430x654, Screen Shot 2023-07-24 at 8.10…)

Enara is apparently almost out of money and 100% fine to eat McDonalds despite "not being able to eat meals"

No. 1870103

unbothered, flourishing, in my lane, pissing myself

No. 1870113

Shes ridiculous. She explains what the food is an then say Arabic bread makes her 'throw up' or 'regurgitate' (im guessing she means reflux?) but she's still addicted to it and has eaten it every morning. Usually anachans will use any slight digestive issues as a reason to stop eating certain foods, but nothing can stop Enara and her oh so delicate stomach.

No. 1870121

Wasn't she complaining recently that she had trouble getting hte fortisip she "NEEDED" - hardly a surprise there is no rush to get them to her when she has no problems eating

No. 1870129

Yea why does she eat bread every day if it makes her 'regurgitate' ? What is the difference between that and vomit anyway? And she's going to eat this and then 'regurgitate' ? Gross. Also why mentioning about it being Halal? Like she gets bonus points? Preparing meat Halal is really cruel.

No. 1870135

File: 1690211242016.jpg (869.56 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2023-07-24_11_08_59.jp…)

em says she's going to uni in September

No. 1870138

'Moderately quiet.' God I couldn't imagine shared accommodation and roommates and all that again.

No. 1870139

samefag: What's she studying? Oh: nursing. Hmm.

No. 1870141

File: 1690212013420.png (1.99 MB, 853x1549, Screenshots_2023-07-24-11-21-3…)

beautiful Laura

No. 1870168

Anon tinfoiled that her dad might be a doc at Mayo and got her out

No. 1870184

Which one? To do what?

No. 1870187

University of Winchester, as per the Burma Road accommodation. She’s basically just doxxed herself for 1st year

No. 1870188

File: 1690218901368.jpeg (121.54 KB, 750x1334, 0B0F3689-8532-4669-A78A-392562…)

Never change Abby

No. 1870190

She posted some more talking stories after this to let us all know that she threw it up but (never fear!) decided to order an iced coffee from room service for $10AUD to have at like 9PM, after complaining that she couldn't sleep. Because that's a great idea.

No. 1870197

PLEASE, for the love of god start “Reddit spacing”. Your massive walls of text about LLL are not only identifiable every time but absolutely insufferable to read.

No. 1870201

That's what I thought too. Horseface + no curves.

No. 1870202

>Halal meat is cruel
Let's not pretend that regular slaughterhouses pet the animals while they die a natural death surrounded by their loved ones.

No. 1870203

>coffee at 9pm

fucking idiot

No. 1870205

File: 1690222710528.png (2.33 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230724-141829.png)

a full panic over bread instead of toast, good lord

No. 1870210

File: 1690222907283.png (2.16 MB, 853x1550, Screenshots_2023-07-24-14-15-3…)

well somebody needs to.

No. 1870220

She and Niamh seem to be competing

No. 1870222

At least Abby appears to be at least seeing outpatient services (that's definitely a hospital toilet).

No. 1870264

File: 1690229540647.png (698.41 KB, 853x1546, Screenshots_2023-07-24-16-12-5…)

girl bye your anorexic days are long gone

No. 1870268

File: 1690229923966.jpeg (217.59 KB, 828x497, IMG_9346.jpeg)

In my noodle can wheelchair era

No. 1870272

File: 1690230020988.jpeg (129.03 KB, 828x369, IMG_9347.jpeg)

Marie’s supportive followers

No. 1870282

What compels her to post these awful photos of herself?

No. 1870283

Anorexia (nervosa) is 100% a weight disorder.

No. 1870289

that's what i want to know!!!! especially when she constantly posts old pics and then she posts these grotesque new pics right alongside the old ones like she WANTS to make it as easy as possible for her followers to compare the then and now. maybe she thinks showing herself looking tired and worn out and messy somehow makes her look like someone who needs to be taken care of so she can get more sympathy even though she's just a disgusting useless blob, but okay Laura we get the point

No. 1870302

I think you just really hate normal-looking people

No. 1870307

The crazy thing is that in her silly pro ana world she thinks having a wheelchair is a brag and means she’s the sickest

No. 1870309

you're really outing yourself as a highly insecure unattractive person by insisting that saying someone isn't pretty means we hate them, stop being fucking weird about it.

No. 1870315

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So don't read it then.

No. 1870318

Be so sure next time before you go accusing and naming people! Ask a farmhand who wrote that post you're referring to. Go on. (And many, many others I could point out that are attributed to the wrong person). I'll wait.Or whoever actually wrote it could own up but obviously they won't.

No. 1870319

It's hilarious to me that you think I'm the same nonna as before, like it isn't possible that multiple people are disagreeing with you

No. 1870320

File: 1690235824366.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, 9EB9B214-ACB6-4C9D-9F4B-17F446…)

Medfag but why Enara is on imigrin injections is beyond me. I can understand them not giving her tablets if swallowing was a legitimate issue (which we know is not) but they make nasal imigrin, which also works in case of nausea and vomiting. Also you’re meant to take it at first sign of migraine, and of course she’s waited all day

No. 1870321

>Laura (colours) furiously refreshing the threads.

No. 1870326

Fuck the people who are f.e. living in developing countries,or have to work too hard for their money to have energy left to waste on such nonsense ~problems~. I know Fiona will get comments a la how ~brave~ she is because she fought her fake autism. What a loser

No. 1870329

No one cares about your 3rd world shithole country.

No. 1870334

Dunno what you mean,I'm from a First World Country and I wanted to point out how ridiculous Fiona's "life challenges" are compared to how a majority of humanity in this planet lives,she needs a harsh reality check and kick in the ass.

No. 1870337

The first 2 walls of text that were advice for colours was me, the anon your tagging wasn't, I guess I started a shitty trend of walls of text, sorry. Those 2 posts of mine were the only ones identifiable, I'm integrated kek

No. 1870346

There’s blood stains in her hair from sticking to her face…

No. 1870350

File: 1690241084137.png (192.01 KB, 480x360, IMG_1432.png)

This is all I see when she posts these photos

No. 1870357

No but that's just it, she's not ' conventionally pretty' she's normal, on the below side of average imo. If you think subjectively that she looks good then OK, but the anon who claimed she fits into the conventional beauty standards needs a trip to the optometrist or just equates thin-pretty.

No. 1870369

Nonas bringing the era of kek.

No. 1870371

Laura's joined the headbangers club. I know she was a face-scratcher, but this is the first time I've seen her with a dressing on her forehead. I presume this is why she's taken the picture, to show it off.

No. 1870379

It's probably twofold. She may have been prescribed injections when previously on tablets when not able to take them due to her stomach needing a break after a battery-ectomy, but then never bothered to change the prescription back to tablets or a spray because injections are so much more extreme/munchie than either other option.

She can't have that bad a migraine yet either if she's posting on social media. Maybe this is just the beginnings of one and she's playing it up because again, munchie.

No. 1870409

i’m late to this but which posts were the ones you suspected she was posting? i didn’t notice it until the recent ones where it became really obvious

No. 1870414

wait so she’s not actually moving out to live on her own then?

No. 1870423

Nobody knows what she meant by that and we never will

No. 1870457

regurgitating is when the undigested food just comes straight back up out of the oesophagus (if you swallow something and then burp you might accidentally regurgitate a bit back into your mouth) vs vomiting where the stomach forcefully ejects it

no idea whether she actually means regurgitating or whether she thinks it's just a ~fancy~ term for puking

No. 1870458

i'm so fucking glad headbanging has never become trendy in the US, it's fucking pathetic. like these dumbass bitches really need to give themselves further brain damage and ruin their faces just for attention.

No. 1870459

I think she's just an idiot because she said she vomited in a later story

No. 1870461

Is that banana on regular BUTTER?! Nasty

No. 1870464

Trump, is that you? Please find a good therapist maga head

No. 1870467

File: 1690255776147.jpeg (681.32 KB, 2048x2048, 6A7FB03F-AB23-4D2D-ACC2-FC47DB…)

It seems you’re purposely choosing bad photos. Didn’t say she was flawless, but she was far from ugly and by many accounts, yes she does check most Eurocentric beauty boxes: blue eyes, plump lips, straight white teeth, average sized nose, soft and proportionate facial features. You lot are fucked.

No. 1870468

i think it's white chocolate tbh

No. 1870469

the top 2 are nice bit she doesn't even look like that lmao and the bottom 2 are ugly. why don't you worry about your vision now instead of continuing to try to convince us she was pretty, she wasn't.

No. 1870470

jesus, why do any of you care this much. I think the original point was just that she made herself way less attractive, no matter how she started.

No. 1870471

Kek this is the weirdest infight you guys have had in a while, can't you just agree to disagree, what does it matter anyway

No. 1870472

The “worry about your vision” has to be one of the stupidest comebacks.

No. 1870473

why don't you worry about why people thought you were colours vendetta posting about Laura

No. 1870476

This whole infight is stupid, and so is trying to convince other anons to agree with you about someone being pretty or ugly or average or whatever it is you guys are sperging about kek

No. 1870479

File: 1690257301394.png (174.91 KB, 420x519, Screen Shot 2023-07-24 at 10.5…)

Let's all make up and enjoy the fact that enara spent $35usd on a bluetooth adaptor so she could use her airpods with the IFE even though she brought a tablet, an ipod, and I think her switch? it's more useful than a lot of her spending but also a part of her dumb pattern of compulsive spending on things she won't use frequently

No. 1870489

I'm so fucking glad it was never a thing when I was younger here in the UK. Certain things ran through the centre like wildfire - for example a trend of patients taking ODs of paracetamol bought during their allowed hour out. I don't think anyone began self harming who hadn't done it to begin with though and in my gut I think it's maybe down to social media. It likely started in one unit and then because it's posted all over the right tags on IG and TikTok it gets adopted as a behaviour by other attention seeking inpatients who fit the brief - young, female, impressionable..

No. 1870491

Does this mean Enara has survived her time in the UAE without Fortisips? AMAZING!

No. 1870496

i definitely agree that it has to be because of social media. US hospitals don't allow phones usually, and headbanging really isn't a thing here.

No. 1870501

I was in before smartphones, so there was never the ability to look at harmful materials, just use shoddy compressed websites and even then they didn't work most of the time. Even if they blocked various sites on their server, though, the patients could just use their phone data. Honestly, if not banned completely phones should be given a time limit and only used while staff are supervising. It would cut down on the embarassing selfies and pictures of other patients at least.

No. 1870509

File: 1690263608977.png (1012.53 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230725-014028.png)

i have lost all respect for these trashy people. fucking nauseating.

No. 1870510

Okay Emily is just straight up abusing the purpose of gofundme at this point, and why she chose that photo of her friend is beyond me

No. 1870524

Laura Bestow/colours is actively posting here, said her name last night and it didn't take her long to pop her head up for a reply kek. Anything being brought up about Fairy atm is feeling gross because you know the npdfag is posting here.

No. 1870530

I thought these fund raisers were for actual causes, the hair one was bad enough but this is taking the actual piss & people have actually donated…
I don’t have a job to pay for some cunts holiday.

No. 1870535

Fucking Christ, and to think I used to like Emily…

No. 1870536

I love the getting her plane tickets then immediately after… Oopsie, I guess she needs a room too, huh? Pants on head retarded.

No. 1870538

Stunning & Brave! kek

No. 1870541

honestly i can't even feel a shred of sympathy for the morons who are actually giving her their money.

No. 1870561

Christ that’s an assload of pictures of herself she’s got there. And mostly from the same ugly angle. These bitches are so obsessed with themselves. Go out and fucking do volunteer work you waste of resource hoes.

No. 1870562

Samefag, but none of these self absorbed wenches will ever make it as nurses if they can’t get over themselves. That is a career in caring all about others. I can assure that a patient needing care in any nursing genre) doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what your hair looks like. So I would advise Miss Emily-can’t-go-out-or-even-exist-without-a-hood because muh hair, to consider how that is not a viable reason to even be upset. Shave it off and own it bitch. Get a grip or you’ll be no good to anyone.

No. 1870569

oh god i didn't even look closely at them til you mentioned it, but she has a bunch of pics up there of just herself lmao god that's so cringe

No. 1870574

Yeah I mean why donate to women trying to flee domestic abuse or someone that needs to raise money for life saving surgery when you can just pay for some rando go on holiday instead?

No. 1870575

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i feel like australia deserves to just sink into the ocean at this point, it's like anything goes over there wtf

No. 1870579

Canada's the same, I recently saw a news article about some guy who was arrested for something like theft and it said he had over 300 prior run ins with the police. Some of them were bad too like attempted assault, arson, fucking some dude on a park bench. But still no jail time, released within 48 hours to continue his shenanigans. The justice system over here is a joke and I guess Australia's is similar.

No. 1870590

I find it beyond ridiculous, asking for money to get her mate a hotel room. Emily was moaning on live last week, about Universal Credit. I’m guessing Lauren isn’t employed/earning either then, if her holiday has been payed for and now people are being asked to donate money for accommodation. Fookin ‘ell

No. 1870598

Maybe they can get on only fans to fund the hotel.

No. 1870599

I used to know Lauren irl and her family wasn't short of money. They have 6 kids. Surely her parents or sisters could lend her some cash??

No. 1870644

You mean you still had respect for them after they treated their friend’s funeral like a cute day out to get pics for the ‘gram? Emily hasn’t got an ounce of shame in her.

No. 1870653

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No. 1870658

And the lady in wales who died couldn’t get enough funding to help her try to stay alive.

No. 1870660

File: 1690304028556.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1179x2001, IMG_0740.jpeg)

Good Lord

No. 1870665

Never seen someone so in their element confined to the walls of a hospital. Such a drain.

No. 1870668

If the sock that she ate a few weeks ago was this manky, it’s likely that she’s got botulism by now

No. 1870679

File: 1690306494583.png (284.78 KB, 853x1318, Screenshots_2023-07-25-13-35-1…)

ahaha that's exactly what it is to you cows though

No. 1870686

I’m beginning to wonder what the hype is about tbh. Anyone fancy going off the rails with me?

No. 1870696

I hope you like body odor, screaming, and the world’s least comfortable mattresses

No. 1870702

Correction: the lady in wales who refused help because she was mad that the hospital gave her rfs and wanted to go with the private route

No. 1870708

if they are not trolling us at this point, i seriously feel so bad for them. i hope they grow up soon

No. 1870714

In all honesty I'm glad she's keeping up her flexibility even if her physical fitness has gone to shit. It's something at least.

I take it back. Tie her to the bed please.

No. 1870716

Yup. People seem to think that with mental health issues (inc EDs) they can demand whatever kind of treatment they want, not what is most appropriate. It can be frustrating (in MH the push towards group based therapy due to increased demand/budget cuts) but the NHS ED services are absolutely not going to pander to anyone's wish to increase their calories by a single grape at a time or let them stay at a clinically low weight in hospital for months at a time. There is huge demand for services, and SEED cases who repeatedly won't cooperate when hospitalised will end up washed out of the NHS services. They didn't fail her, they literally did everything they were supposed to. Not all people want to be cured.

No. 1870718

Is there evidence for this? Because no facility can guarantee avoiding refeeding syndrome. Bodies respond to refeeding how they respond, and no professional can control that. Not to mention that if you've already had RFS, there's a much higher likelihood you'll get it again

No. 1870736

you’re not wrong. my husband has this tin foil hat theory that Australians fetishises “underdog culture”. The dregs of society get let off with a slap on the wrist and a pep talk about “having a can-do attitude” and “everyone deserves to have a go”. Australia would rather chuck money at stupid shit than actually fucking do something helpful for anyone. That’s why you see all the obese ana larpers here with a tube coming out of their pig snouts. our system rewards these fucking drains on society because the worst thing you could possibly do in our governments eyes is offend someone by telling them to get a fucking grip or even putting them in prison for abusing the system.

No. 1870818

kek i love this

No. 1870826

Well all white Australians came from English convicts that got sent out there to be out of the way.

No. 1870837

those two really graduated from pro-ana scumbags to normal scumbags. why get a job when you can use a gofuckme?

No. 1870838

she’s got to be able to get her feet up to her mouth for on the go snacking

No. 1870841

Kek I’m dying

No. 1870842

Accurate, not to mention how she didn't even try to help herself in anyway whatsoever and instead wanted her followers to buy her shit on Amazon and get her elderly mother to dote on her like a retarded child.

No. 1870844

So there’s a group of them going. Probably priory girls. That’s going to go down well, a cocktail of eating disorders, personality disorders, alcohol, food and parties.
If she has to fundraiser to get there, how the hell is she going to afford anything in Ibiza? The main clubs and events you’re looking at 20€+ for a double vodka mixer. Bottles of water in the clubs are about 10€. Yikes

No. 1870846

Frankly, I suspect she can pay for the plane ticket and is just trying her hand at getting someone else to pay for it. Lauren never seems short of money.

No. 1870851

For someone who always has no money - complains she can’t afford to buy water - she sure is able to buy herself a constant string of clothes / shoes and holidays… got me a little confused(sage your shit)

No. 1870861

File: 1690337439028.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1170x2036, IMG_2518.jpeg)

Stefania says fuck the haters

No. 1870885

I'm not sure fetishises is the right term, I don't think people get off on it kek.. But I agree about the underdog culture. Like the other anon said, it's kind of built in to our history being a nation founded as a penal colony full of convicts.
It's either that or just a general gfy your not my problem type attitude. Hospitals don't want to deal with the trouble makers and police don't want the mental cases so they just get handballed around until something really fucked happens.

No. 1870938

She's literally ugly please. Just because she has blue eyes and full lips doesn't mean she's pretty. Ur probably a gremlin yourself anon

No. 1870940

maybe a dumb question but have Laura's meds fucked with her hormones or something to make her obese? I know antipsychotics increase appetite and stuff but how could she manage to overeat in hospital for all these years? even if you include the Starbucks trips / being sedentary. her weight has only ever gone up? and she's never "relapsed" i.e actually regressed in weight even though that's apparently the initial reason she's there.

No. 1870943

Hospital food is incredibly unhealthy

No. 1870944

File: 1690358424788.jpg (10.43 KB, 180x204, OG Gremlin.jpg)

Lip curling beaut

No. 1870955

File: 1690361143696.jpeg (699.09 KB, 828x1420, 3AC08267-6394-43F0-B41C-5F2D17…)

The other day she posted that she’ll be on section in hospital for at least another 6 months like this

No. 1870956

She only ever resricted for the attention imo, now she's found other more foolproof ways to get it, starving herself is off the table. And we know it's not exactly standard for long term patients to gain this kind of weight if her stories about nurses commenting on her weight gain are to be believed.
I just can't believe how much of her life she's wasted with this pathetic charade.

No. 1870958

Well she got back to the hospital really quick. Just as predicted.

No. 1870960

she looks so pleased with herself its sickening

No. 1870977

what is she so fucking happy about? and how the hell does any doctor think that keeping her in a ward for another 6 months is going to help her at all???

No. 1870978

ahhh i find it really strange how she and Becca are so comfortable constantly posting pics of themselves now even though they used to be anorexic. in a way, i'm almost impressed by it. there are people who completely stop posting pics of themselves when they start gaining even a little bit of weight because they're so ashames of weight gain and see themselves as huge. those two are ACTUALLY fucking HUGE and they don't mind at all. they say they hate their bodies, but if they really were uncomfortable, they would not be posting new pics of their big lard asses all the time.

No. 1871008

Have these people never considered…getting a fucking job?!

No. 1871011

I think that at this point, Laura’s malingered so much that she knows exactly what to do. As in, she knows what behaviours the healthcare system must to respond to legally. Laura’s also mentioned a solicitor before, could just be provided by the hospital for every patient on a section or maybe her family hired someone to threaten for her “care”. Tinfoil tho bc it’s prob just the first one.

No. 1871012

I’d love to see the UK hospital loving spoops spend a minute in a US hospital where you’re gaining 3-5lbs per week.

No. 1871014

I do t understand why they keep these patients alive in hospital long term. Clearly she’s never going to improve and live a normal life, living locked up is not a life. Just let their behavior take their course and wherever they end up in the real world is where they end up.

No. 1871079

Why am I being posted here it’s not eating disorder related…? (Lostallsanityx)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1871080

Cause we don't have a bpd shenanigan thread yet and you're milky

No. 1871084

File: 1690386610317.jpg (297.55 KB, 1038x1521, Collage_2023-07-26_11_50_57~2.…)

tf do you care? you know you LOVE being "famous" for being a degenerate piece of shit scum of the earth

No. 1871099

What ever happened to a girl who was talked about on here called Becca bites back?

No. 1871111

In North American IP you actually have to do the work. I guess that's why the NA cows avoid it like the plague

No. 1871112

Weight gain and things like diabetes are both well-known side effects of atypical antipsychotics. These drugs can make you much hungrier even on low doses, and someone like Laura is probably on quite a high dose. So, yes, it's very possible that her hormones are messed up

No. 1871116

medical professionals have an ethical obligation to keep people alive, even if they don't think the person will improve

No. 1871120

I can’t imagine fucking around in IP gaining like 1kg a month is effective at all

No. 1871133

No. 1871143

This. They'll have dieticians monitoring the menus in EDUs, because anorexics would run screaming from a plate of chips, but in regular psych units like where Laura was for literal years the food is cheap and terrible.

No. 1871144

I wonder if she has any other health problems. Her cheeks look like she has steroid moonface.

No. 1871145

If she was sectioned then it's likely that she's not just a danger to herself and has threatened or attacked staff or other patients at her housing unit. The NHS MH services are struggling to meet demand, and people are shipped all over the UK to wherever there's a free bed because of this. They wouldn't keep her in so long if it was just self harming or suicidal behaviour. She's definitely deemed a danger to others.

No. 1871146

oh jesus the author of that article needs to be smacked upside the head. "The delicately built Brown, who on Tuesday had a bandage on her neck, was jailed for 18 months after pleading guilty to four counts of arson, resisting and assaulting emergency workers, and trying to smuggle a razor blade into prison." so delicate smfh

No. 1871152

Also: https://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/courts-law/psychologist-would-rather-have-schizophrenia-than-this-severe-disorder/news-story/1ac95a85d4dda597085df1c51d9d8ac8

"Daylia Brown will be released into supported housing after the justices found “no further incarceration (was) justified”."

Meanwhile, she's been causing public disturbances for.. how long now? since she got out. Great job, justices.

No. 1871156

Isn't this what forensic units are for? People who commit crimes because they're so mentally ill?

No. 1871157

ew wtf…that article is disturbing too…referring to her as "a firebug"…..OMG FUCK OFF. of course this idiot wants to be in jail, the police baby her, tell her she's famous, make peace signs when she asks them to for her videos. it's gross. if she was in the US, she woulda been shot by now.

No. 1871171

File: 1690399379774.jpg (84.82 KB, 1211x894, fuckinghell.JPG)

Fucking hell, but then again i think it'd be better for society if she was with weirdos screaming at steak houses rather than causing problems for retail staff and important services.

No. 1871172

When I tell you this chick has been WRITTEN ABOUT https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9487922/

I found this part really interesting: "In Dr Carroll [psychiatrist]’s view, Ms Brown had reasonable prospects for rehabilitation, but these were contingent on a ‘long-term, intensive, tailormade, bespoke rehabilitation plan both in custody and subsequently in the community’. He opined that imprisonment would be counterproductive for Ms Brown’s rehabilitation and risk mitigation, and that her personality disorder would cause her to suffer more than the average prisoner."

I wonder what happened to this 'intensive' and 'tailormade' rehab plan idea

No. 1871215

I guess it's Aussie slang for a serial arsonist, the same way we'd say Firestarter.

No. 1871216

Two public nuisances for the price of one!

No. 1871217

She probably burned it.

No. 1871227

Research has shown that full weight restoration in AN is a significant predictor of lasting recovery, so I think you're right

No. 1871253

File: 1690409952286.png (495.48 KB, 424x684, Screen Shot 2023-07-26 at 5.21…)

This is extremely on brand as Enara's first stop after getting back

No. 1871254

File: 1690410043970.png (442.5 KB, 429x753, Screen Shot 2023-07-26 at 5.22…)

Chii/Kara finally admitting that she relapsed

No. 1871273

Disagree. She's just a good malingerer. What could she possibly do to others? She's really pretty pathetic. Unless she rolled over them and squashed them I guess.

No. 1871276

maybe she gets combative when she has her fake psychosis episodes

No. 1871277

attacks people's legs like a cat, trying to get their socks

No. 1871378

this could be the case for how she says she tried to "throw herself over the balcony" in her supportive living. meaning they can't risk others seeing that and that's how she's a danger? so maybe there is a violent side to laura, maybe she's a biter or something kek

No. 1871383

How convenient that she could schedule it literally the day after she gets back from UAE.

No. 1871385

If she does have BPD, then I can see her getting really angry when upset by someone. Either way, pretend or not, someone thinks it's real enough to consider a more secure placement. There won't be phones for leg lifting pics there though!

No. 1871401

I don’t know how people starve for attention, that shit is hard

No. 1871416

It involves a certain level of spite, I'm sure.

No. 1871438

Fucking KEK

No. 1871442

File: 1690435940671.jpg (300.72 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20230727-003109_Ins…)

Didn't see anyone post this yet. Though I saw someone ask about Abby's tiktok

No. 1871445

great now i'm thinking of brain injury becca lunging at me with her weird robot mouth

No. 1871460

Aw yay! I missed that little legend and her shenanigans

No. 1871468

Idk where y'all live but in pur hospital you always get very good and healthy food with options. I highly doubt that someone would gain weight from hospital food. At least where I live it's pretty good.

No. 1871503

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No. 1871522

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No. 1871523

You must not live in the UK, NHS hospital food is notoriously bad here.

No. 1871525

File: 1690467998260.jpg (1005.66 KB, 1080x1827, Screenshot_2023-07-27-16-25-56…)

seems like they found enough dumb people to pay for lauren

No. 1871531

as if they'd tube her at that weight

No. 1871547

File: 1690471684730.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1668, IMG_7646.jpeg)

If Ham ever figured out leg lifting technology every one of her posed/skinny vs natural would have a ~natural with her leg to the sky and her gut pushed as far out as possible holding a bagel covered in icing and bacon bits. We’re blessed she needs both feet planted to the ground for her larp. Pic cause we haven’t seen real ana recovery in a minute

No. 1871554

I mean she was gonna go all along im sure. The gofundme is for partying/drugs or an excursion while there. Inb4 the nightclubbing pics and then a “help get her home” gofundme pretending the friend’s tix weren’t round trip in order to get knickknacks at the dutyfree on the way back. They have no reason to stop abusing the good will of idiots so doubt they will.

No. 1871556

Who do these help, honestly?

No. 1871566

It's next-level pathetic to use ED to justify posting panty pics of yourself.

No. 1871614

Thank god she reminded me that Lyn the dietician removed her ng tube at 12:12. It was starting to fade from my memories and I was losing hope again.

No. 1871621

i just wanna know why she made such a specific note of the time

No. 1871622

I would have thought so, too, but I guess that's not how they do things in Australia

No. 1871629

OnlyFans when?

No. 1871639

i'm wondering if she saw the 12:12 (repeating numbers) as some kind of meaningful sign or something like that…..i wonder if it had been 12:16 or 12:47 or some random number time, would we still get this annoying fucking reminder of the exact time every week for the rest of eternity

No. 1871645

Chii was just posting about how happy and free she was! Relapse happened quick. I wonder if her mysterious boyf is still in the picture

No. 1871662

Wait what? Becca had a toob? Lyn the dietitian removed it at 12:12?

First I’ve heard about this.

No. 1871664

File: 1690486220402.jpeg (146.23 KB, 1125x684, IMG_9842.jpeg)

She doesn’t know what to do. Maybe try eating doll?

No. 1871667

File: 1690486304974.jpeg (Spoiler Image,271.62 KB, 1125x1557, IMG_9841.jpeg)

had to get the bone in shot

No. 1871676

how is it a face reveal.. she's posted her face plenty of times..is that why she put a question mark lol so retarded

No. 1871679

> please advice (sic) on the plan I'm trying

Okay. My advice is to go back to hospital because your plan is going to fucking kill you.

No. 1871709

I can't believe how much in the UK they're allowed phones and social media. Not to mention how long they stay in. Other countries' wards may seem more harsh but it seems to work better. I mean I see a lot of UKfags on here not making improvements but getting a lot of attention. Most other places it seems to be no phone, adhere to the rules or you're out, don't make progress and you're out, you only get a certain amount of time and then you're out.

No. 1871711

Samefag. I don't think I've seen her express any real emotion. Just the gormless stare at the camera or a smirking grin.

No. 1871718

ugghhhh i'm sure everyone who follows her knows what i'm talking about if i can explain it right, but she always posts videos where she starts out with a blank stare and then slowly smiles….it's soooooooooo fucking WEIRD..like why??!! literally just post a selfie, cuz those vids are ficking creepy and it's a daily thing. she also has a fucked up smile where she presses her tongue against her teeth too. i hate how much these cows irritate me with every little thing they do but here i am.

No. 1871729

she doesn't post her face on edtwt, only her ig.

No. 1871745

She must think she’s some ana celeb with all the interactions but in reality they’re just following her to trigger themselves kek

No. 1871748

Tinfoil but maybe it's taken more seriously if you have to pay. In the UK it's NHS so it's free. People take free services for granted.

No. 1871749

what’s her IG nonnita? Yes newfag

No. 1871750

Also you have to remember that the people posted in this thread are the ones not making progress. There's plenty of UK patients who go ip and benefit from treatment and recover. Those people are not the cows.

No. 1871752

It is weird: the stare and then smile. It has never occurred to me in my life to do that. I just take a selfie; smiling or not smiling. The emerging smile is odd and quite disturbing.

No. 1871753

Jeez that was quick

No. 1871754

yeah she posted one a few hours ago. it’s retarded but she’s retarded and she does it in a cliche “i’m broken but still smiling” way, it’s also to show off the marks and bumps on her face, while people give her a par on the back bc she’s “still smiling”. it’s just another one of her dumb performances. she also posted they’re considering lamotrogine? alongside all the other meds? wtf

No. 1871755

File: 1690496059262.jpg (203.83 KB, 1080x1181, Screenshot_20230727_231604.jpg)

I remember her. She made her acc private so we might never know
But she's an ED nurse now so hopefully she recovered before doing that

No. 1871756

I don't understand all these really fast med changes. It's basically daily. Don't they give anything time to sit? Not that I think anything will help her at this stage. She's determined to be how she is, no matter what they do.

No. 1871758

Ausfag here and it’s very easy to gain weight in non ED psych wards. There’s no restriction on food so they have snacks all day and you can bring in your own food and store it there. Plus like ordering in as well with delivery services. Plus the people are sitting around all day with like minimal activity. Perfect fattening up time especially when you add all the anti psychotics. I’m sure there’s evidence of porgie getting ubereats or something during her farm admissions

No. 1871765

I wish she would move on from this pathetic fake ED larp. Her face is pretty enough, she can be a normal twenty+something and idk I forgot what else she likes to do, but she can do those things. It's seriously weird how she clings to an ED she never had when she could be a reasonably attractive woman doing anything else.

Not to harp on her attractiveness, I know it sounds sketchy but she clearly has some hangups in that area and she's fine the way she is. She's not thin (never was) but also not massive, with a pretty face. That goes a long way for women and men, esp in the UK.

No. 1871767

Sorry for blog but some non ed psych wards certainly have quite healthy food and while snacks are allowed, the patients who have weight gain/diabetes complications from meds are given special diets that the staff control and not allowed the muffins and stuff that others can have. Maybe the UK just hasn't figured this out yet. Also you don't have to sit around all day. If it's not an ed ward there's nobody stopping you exercising loads even on a locked ward if you're creative and dedicated enough. Often there is exercise equipment or even a gym of sorts. I mean exercise is good for mental health generally.

No. 1871774

i agree with you that's probably her thought process, but jesus she could still just post a pic of her smiling instead of those weird ass videos that give serial killer vibes

No. 1871784

It's so weird how all the anachans follow eachother

No. 1871791

how is it weird? they're all obsessed with eating disorders, so it makes sense they'd follow each other so they can read more eating disorder shit, keep tabs on each other, and implicitly compete

No. 1871805

Yeah that's why it's weird kek, literally no other disordered group or whatever does that, can you imagine if every alcoholic followed each other based of their mutual alcoholism

No. 1871809

It’s wild how edtwt is like “my bmi is in the single digits i wonder how i can fix this” and “you can maintain that bmi and recover!!” thinking they can literally defy science kek

No. 1871810

Most disordered groups follow each other. You're reaching.

No. 1871812

Reaching for what? I'm just saying it's weird to me, sorry that offended you kek

No. 1871813

Reaching to characterize certain cow behavior as weird. I'm not offended, you're just wrong.

No. 1871814

And you're autistic, it's an opinion it can't be wrong or right, you just disagree

No. 1871815

"I think the earth is flat" is an example of an objectively incorrect opinion, get over yourself

No. 1871816

People who have disordered behavior tend to follow people who have similar lifestyles. "Birds of a feather flock together" - perhaps you've heard that before.

No. 1871819

do you actually know any alcoholics or addicts? a lot of them have a bunch of friends that they met in rehab/AA and keep in touch with. People who meet in psych wards or psych php programs for not-ed also tend to stay in touch

No. 1871828

Girl, you're retarded, it's a one off comment about me finding it weird, how does that make me high up on myself? Sorry I don't understand anachan culture kek

Yes I know 4, 2 very closely and they follow other alcoholics they know from group. Not random alcoholics they've found online, I just find it weird that some of the cows seem to not know each other at all irl and just follow each other because they're anachans.

No. 1871832

I mean loads of addicts and alcoholics bond over their addiction. Not that crazy to understand

No. 1871833

It's a one off comment that you doubled down on. You want to sling shit? Don't be surprised when people point out how wrong you are.

No. 1871838

How am I slinging shit kek, some of you are so dramatic

No. 1871846

Thanks. eD nurse not surprising really

No. 1871849

You clearly haven't known many mentally ill people

No. 1871852

I have an anxiety disorder and have had it since 13 and I've never followed a person with anxiety that I didn't know, just because they had anxiety. I get it if they knew each other outside of the anachanning, but to just follow someone with the same disorder and nothing else in common seems strange to me. Didn't think my comment would be that controversial

No. 1871855

But everyone isn't you… Alot of people follow people feel they relate to. How do you think the mental health grifters get their start? Lol too many follow bitches complaining about anxiety on tiktok or someshit. Idk why youre so stuck on defending this point. It's not insane that the anachans would follow one another on social media especially since alot of them are teenagers

No. 1871877

It's not free, it's paid for by taxes. Free at the point of service. Except for prescriptions which have a set charge.

I would expect private clinics to be more liberal with phone use, the NHS should in theory be stricter because you don't get unlimited stays before the local health board starts refusing your referrals for IP treatment due to lack of progress, and I'm sure loads of these girls look at thinspo 5 hours a day.

No. 1871878

Free for a lot of these people who have never worked (and therefore never paid taxes), though, which I think was anon's point - they're not motivated to get out ASAP because it's not like being there costs them a shit ton of money like it does in some other countries

No. 1871882

UKfag here to chime in - I don't recall unlimited food. There was a kitchen in one particular unit where patients could keep their own snack cupboards but you'd still need to buy them/have someone bring them for you and then have staff unlock the cupboards. There was also a canteen in the hospital in general, but again you'd need both money and the privilege of going out of the unit. There defeinitely wasn't like, snacks on tap unless you're counting fruit and cups of tea (cos UK).

Mind you I do remember one young woman absolutely blowing up over a few months. She was obviously on one of those antipsychotics known for it, Risperidone was popular at that place, but even so it was just a mindblowing amount of gaining for someone who wasn't eating 24/7. Later one of the staff realised she'd been going into the kitchen and taking the calorie-dense nutritional drinks for the patients with EDs, and having 3-4 of those a day like fuckin juice boxes.

No. 1871883

Ham doesn't do anything. She pretends to have had anorexia. That's it. Her life seems so sad and empty, I hope there's more happening in it than what she shows.

No. 1871885

>using your full name on your ED/adult toddler/mental health catastrophe social media account

Fi never wants to get a job I guess. Then again she was on a wholeass documentary talking about how she was diagnosed with autism at 25 but thiinks she probably had it "my whole life". Sure Fi, if that caused your ED then explain your sisters.

No. 1871887

It doesn't mean they'll get as many stays as needed to recover though, especially in adult services. The downside to the NHS is they have to make financially sound decisions and ones that suggest the best outcomes. That means standardised treatment plans even if it's not the best treatment for the individual in many cases, weight limits for elective surgeries (boo fatphobic kek), and you'll be expected to put the work in w/ ED and mental health services or get discharged.

No. 1871888

I mean, this clearly varies given how much we see some people fuck around endlessly

No. 1871894

File: 1690511664561.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1956, Screenshot_20230727-223356~2.p…)

hahahaha ngl i enjoy Abby's craziness, but bitch please!!!!! you can make dancing tiktoks inpatient but other people joking about it being a vacation disgusts you? fuck off

No. 1871897

Okay? I just think it's weird it's not that deep goddamn

No. 1871903

File: 1690513077771.png (6.29 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2626.png)

Lmfaooo did you see this shmegeh skin walker literaly to the point they’re holding the same phone case as the photos to be the photo and it don’t even fit their phone

No. 1871904

File: 1690513106046.jpeg (293.81 KB, 1157x1656, IMG_2625.jpeg)

No. 1871910

Well, the more extra diagnoses you can malinger the more the variety of treatment centres at your disposal.

No. 1871948

>>1871903 I'm pretty sure this girl is under 16, so as much as she's a cow we shouldn't discuss her

No. 1871955

I think it's weird too

No. 1871956

She posted a couple of weeks ago saying that as a result of her skin problems she started trying cutting out various foods to se eif that helped and instantly triggered Ed thoughts + a relapse of some sort.

No. 1871959

Yes but the ones from the US are just revolving door patients because they don't get proper therapy or follow up support…and a lot even if they do get follow up support are still cycling through the centres.

No. 1871961

Nta but you just described why it's weird
>so they can read more eating disorder shit, keep tabs on each other, and implicitly compete
And then sperged about how it's not weird

No. 1871962

Stop self posting
We can’t even see your fucking username

No. 1871966

stop assuming all replies with the same opinion are one anon. I'm the ayrt and that's the only post I made. It's obviously not healthy or good, but it's not "weird" in that it makes sense with the way they tend to think so it's behavior that I'd expect from them

No. 1871970

>but it's not "weird" in that it makes sense with the way they tend to think so it's behavior that I'd expect from them
Well their behavior is weird whether it's to be expected or not, not sure why you and the others sperged so hard about an anon calling it for what it is

No. 1871972

Are you talking public or private because my experience of public (non Ed) psych ward food availability is wildly different. Meals are served 3 times a day (and they're awful so probs don't eat) and snacks are 2 packs of crackers and biscuits and they're literally in a locked cupboard.

No. 1871973

how is making one throwaway reply sperging?

No. 1871974

I'd say most people in a psych ward without an Ed DO NOT want to exercise. They're their because they're depressed or psychotic to degrees that make you not want to get out of bed or not have the capacity to think exercise is a good pursuit.

No. 1871976

Sorry I missed the part where you said that was your only reply

No. 1871987

kek nona my sidessss

No. 1872001

Just to confirm, despite not saying her age afaik on her accounts, Tara says she's a minor and "can't wait to get out of school", so more than likely shouldn't be on here. Seeing tadpoles doing this shit makes me wonder where on earth their parents are though.

No. 1872003

i agree it’s odd too i don’t know why the other anon got so triggered over this lol

No. 1872005

I don't think it was just one anon, i hold the same opinion as them (as someone said, birds of a feather flock together for better or worse.) It's not uncommon/"weird", it might not be healthy especially because relapses (or even just plain active use) can cause cascade effects and might seem weird for people who have no issues in their life to see people with issues seeking each other out, but the arguments it's not worth shitting up the thread over with the constant back and forth.

No. 1872007

I think anons are using different definitions of weird - weird meaning "unusual" or "uncommon" vs. weird meaning "bizarre"

No. 1872011

Holy shit this is so autistic lol

No. 1872013

File: 1690534584414.png (438.09 KB, 425x692, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 3.57…)

Enara complaining about self-inflicted shit, as usual. (She fucked up a tooth by eating candy in the UAE and obviously scheduled her hand surgery and the trip, so knew they would be that close together)

No. 1872060

I've said it before but I definitely think she has some sort of magical thinking re numbers and not just in the ~omg angel number~ way

No. 1872064

I feel like she might genuinely be a little autistic and have a compulsive need to be really specific and/or a need for repetition. A lot of her writing is incredibly repetitive, rehashing phrases and sentences over and over like she thinks in a stupidly rigid way.

No. 1872070

My bad nonna this was private. Public you just get what your given

No. 1872076

File: 1690548266943.png (1.61 MB, 853x1645, Screenshots_2023-07-28-08-42-1…)

when em was on live the other day bitching about her gofundme being posted about on here, she said she was making a new smaller close friends list, and they would be the only ones getting pictures of Ibiza lol what happened em? negative attention is better than no attention i guess. these cunts are truly shameless.

No. 1872111

not really. Private edu’s in uk only care for money unfortunately. No rules for phones

No. 1872122

God, Emily is just a fucking mess. One of the ugliest, roughest looking cows I've come across. Almost isn't surprising that she developed an illness which is largely about changing how you look.

No. 1872135

Wearing $200 sunglasses but definitely can't afford a hotel room.

No. 1872136

File: 1690557890039.jpg (215.66 KB, 1440x996, Collage_2023-07-28_11_25_26~2.…)

quick make another gofundme, lauren needs weed money

No. 1872137

File: 1690558088986.jpg (527.28 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230729_005650_Ins…)

No idea what this is about, but looks like things might get interesting soon with whitney 1/2

No. 1872140

File: 1690558119665.jpg (1002.23 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230729_005653_Ins…)


No. 1872166

Shameless and incapable of introspection. She wouldn’t even still be getting posted on here if it wasn’t for her gofundme fuckery, wannabe influencers with clown make up are a dime-a-dozen. She’s (and I suppose Lauren too by extension) even worse than Becky/heybooxy was at the height of her e-begging and that’s really saying something.

No. 1872177

File: 1690564370432.jpg (520.94 KB, 1080x1901, IMG_20230728_181206.jpg)

Well nonnas, it looks like she can officially become a graduated cow. Hats off to her. This time last year, I was fully convinced she was gonna be shuffling off this mortal coil within a matter of months. Must be my soft old heart, but I do love a cow success story.

No. 1872183

if only she could stop being such a nasty arrogant bitch

No. 1872185

Kek. That'll never happen, nonnie. That's entirely who she is deep down inside!

No. 1872189

To me, saying it's "weird" when so many people do it is the weird thing. Weird implies it's unusual or uncommon when… it really isn't. But that's just my take

No. 1872192

somebody please tell me what's "autistic" about expressing an opinion, because i'd love to know

No. 1872196

Asking why a question is autistic is the most autistic thing someone can do. Congrats, anon

No. 1872198

i dont find Brex to be a proana cow. She might be struggling but she never post ED content anymore and her account is private.

No. 1872200

if you won't even bother explaining, i'm gonna assume that's because you can't. thanks for the clarification

No. 1872202

File: 1690567124406.jpeg (231.6 KB, 828x1577, 034C4C5F-8F82-4608-94CA-591F5B…)

Anyone here remember kimperi? She’s still lying about being an ana chan snd is trying to hint at having a mysterious illness aka “I could have cancer”

No. 1872204

File: 1690567150893.jpeg (184.8 KB, 828x1421, CF166E59-DA37-4927-B20B-540B09…)

No. 1872205

File: 1690567279734.jpeg (237.78 KB, 828x1355, 0B852F89-9060-4A4A-920C-121D68…)

No. 1872208

funny, I always thought that she wrote somewhere that she has an ED, but it's been years by now and I don't think I will find it again. If I have the time, I will go searching for it, but don't expect any milk, she probably deleted everything from years ago.

No. 1872211

Fucking hell, stop shitting up the thread with infighting Nonnas. It's embarrassing and tiresome. If you can't bring yourself to stop then fuck off and take it to Reddit or something.

No. 1872213

Do you have to wear a bikini top a size down and half your boob to be out in Ibiza? or do they need more money to be a bikini their current size?

No. 1872224

good for her, she looks gorgeous now

No. 1872231

This is referring to her vape not, ‘mary jane’ kek

No. 1872235

I thought she was against before and after pictures?

No. 1872240

it's so funny that emily and lauren are stalking this thread so hard while they're on vacation

No. 1872244

It's easier for Laura to get back in hospital now she's been on a section 3 as well she just needs to say the right things. She clearly doesn't need to be there I have never seen someone who has recently been placed on a section 3 dancing around and looking happy. Most wouldn't be able to even think about posting online.

No. 1872249

Can't believe she was so arrogant about recovery when she looked like the top pic for so long. It's so surreal to see what she actually looks like now

No. 1872250

File: 1690573523637.png (561.37 KB, 430x714, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 2.47…)

Chii admitting that she's never stopped calorie counting. She honestly does seem to be acting a lot more mature/self-reflective about everything this time around, which makes me feel hopeful that she's outgrown her bullshit.

No. 1872258

File: 1690574796069.jpg (68.49 KB, 608x487, 12345.JPG)

samefag >>1872208, I had a closer look and as predicted I couldn't find anything real, but other people telling the same story as I did. This is one of the things I found and I can't look back at her tumblr as I don't have an account.

No. 1872262

Probably because she didn't have any after photos so that she could humble brag over. That or it's a case of "okay for me and not for thee". Good to see she has put on weight, hopefully she keeps on the upward trajectory.

No. 1872269

She's a beautiful young woman when she doesn't look like Gollum. She'll always be an irritating, sanctimonious little shit, but she is pretty full of potential in terms of having a normal/successful life and I'm glad she appears to be finally getting better.

No. 1872282

File: 1690579529607.jpeg (401.76 KB, 828x866, IMG_9373.jpeg)

This is what bmi 21 looks like when you’re five foot two, you guys.

No. 1872283

why are you posting this?

No. 1872295

she’s so pretty now!

No. 1872298

File: 1690581414466.jpeg (668.06 KB, 745x1364, IMG_0947.jpeg)

though on her next story she still looks very underweight. not saying she hadn’t made progress but i’m still waiting for her to pass bmi 15 (and let everyone know)

No. 1872300

Imagine being lauren, she’s the least successful identical triplet. Instead of remedying this by getting her life on track, she’s ebegging for plane tickets bc mommy and daddy refuse to put up with her shit. If anything, Em’s about to need a gofundme for skin cancer with the way she’s going. I’ve never seen someone’s skin look that bad.
group activity! gotta have something to do while you’re waiting for golden hour to have a photoshoot.

No. 1872302

for someone who spends so much time taking pictures of herself, Em is really bad at it. You'd think she would learn some photography/tricks from Lauren, who seems to be better at taking flattering pictures.

No. 1872303

There are more reasons than depression or psychosis to be in a psych ward.
But if y'all want to sit there and get fat then go for it.

No. 1872305

The nhs has never made a sound decision in its life, financially or otherwise.

No. 1872308

Biggest faker and bed blocker. Figuratively and literally. I really don't know why the 'professionals' don't see through her shit.

No. 1872309

Clearly it's not. Unless she has elephantitis legs that are cropped out.

No. 1872318

File: 1690584141636.png (822.98 KB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20230729-004000.png)

Possible new cow?
Smallish account but open,constantly in hospital posting about super severe Anorexia while also posting loads of unhealthy food,and like our fave other cows, dance videos

No. 1872321

HOW is this one in hospital for AN? Is this in Aus?

No. 1872343

Again, colours, your thread is here >>1759128

No. 1872344

liefs_van_mij would probably suggest NL and she is probably in hospital not for AN but pretending it is AN

No. 1872345

it's obviously impossible to really tell and different for everyone in terms of how it looks but in my not so expert opinion she looks around a 14 bmi, maybe the higher end of 14?

No. 1872347

What? Who the hell are you?

No. 1872370

please share more nonnie, i love the fatorexica nervosa breed of cow

No. 1872379

File: 1690594005981.jpeg (129.41 KB, 640x971, 53C97286-DB93-4A8C-9414-01B80F…)

Some dancing pics?

No. 1872381

File: 1690594132073.jpeg (126.33 KB, 640x968, E68A13B1-16A0-4B0F-8BB3-17A09A…)

This is apparently anorexia. There is also text explaining that someone can be obese and also anorexic.

No. 1872382

File: 1690594221313.jpeg (300.41 KB, 640x915, 638AF88C-6694-4683-AE98-5E1AB9…)

No. 1872383

No. 1872384

File: 1690594327839.jpeg (267.76 KB, 640x898, 34426CB4-0C80-4450-ACF4-4E6CC3…)

No. 1872388

It's the phrasing, I automatically read those posts in a nasally hall monitor voice because of how cringey they're written out. ~You want to sling shit? Don't be surprised when people point out wrong you are~ It sounds like something Grimes would say with her lisp if she got cast on gossip girl. Some of you take this shit way too seriously lol

No. 1872394

File: 1690594810761.png (348.13 KB, 385x403, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 8.42…)

wow, she gained a lot of weight in like a year

No. 1872398

>It sounds like something Grimes would say with her lisp if she got cast on gossip girl.
Kek, accurate

No. 1872417

>for myself
well it sure as shit isn't for anyone else

No. 1872418

That is not good technique

No. 1872431

File: 1690599110081.png (379.81 KB, 467x469, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 9.53…)

Do you think Ham takes a new set of pictures every few days or that she just did one big photoshoot in a bunch of different underwear? They're all literally the same except the underwear kek

No. 1872433

She's so corny.

No. 1872460

Based on all the photos she posts she seems permanently bloated.

No. 1872494

I had a look yesterday and it seems like she goes her doctors to get weighed and they give a print out and the BMI said just over 22 i think. But those scales could always be off i guess, i still remember hearing stories of people tampering with their doctors scales probably having a knock-on effect with other patients (but it could always be just that, stories).

No. 1872495

Y’all are chronically online damn

No. 1872496

and you're too stupid to sage

No. 1872497

maybe because I’m not chronically online(leave)

No. 1872502

>Y’all are chronically online damn
>Uses Twatters Y'all
Mirrors are wonderful things nonnie.

No. 1872504

not that I want to defend this idiot, but there are places where y'all is a normal part of people's vocabulary so they may not have picked it up online

No. 1872507

Nta but "y'all" is just Southern slang, it existed before Twitterfags copped it for themselves

No. 1872515

Try harder

No. 1872516

you sure are checking this thread frequently for someone who isn't chronically online

No. 1872517

how long is it going to take y'all to realize that y'all isn't a twitter word.

No. 1872518

So which cow are you?

No. 1872519

my bet is em or lauren

No. 1872521

i’ll believe she’s actually graduated when she maintains a healthy bmi for at least a year

No. 1872522

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No. 1872525

File: 1690617091270.jpeg (317.97 KB, 1170x2075, 9F58C45E-3382-46E0-80CC-DBE3ED…)

anyone remember jen peach? the cow who despite having terrible anorexia became a “fitness coach” and got into weightlifting, then got hospitalized and ran away and got caught and sent back to the hospital? she’s out now and she’s become a schizo freelee frugivore

No. 1872527

all the cows lurking here (colours, niamh etc) definitely check the site more frequently than the average user

No. 1872528

Fuck they're so trashy, this is what they want potential donators to see?

No. 1872541

Becca's posts remind me of that game where you have to repeat the things the people before you said and then add on your own.
We already know what her posts will contain, before she gets to the point of the post.

No. 1872542

She has been posted before, read the thread. But that's the dumbest thing I've heard today. "Humans are meant to be frutivores" what a pile of shit. She brainwashed herself so hard. Good luck with rotting teeth and organs from years of consuming only sugar

No. 1872544

Jesus I just saw a "what I eat in a day" of her. A WHOLE watermelon in the morning? A ton of peaches & berrys, 8 Mangos? The fructose will destroy her in the long run.
I can't believe people actually think this madness is healthy. Literally zero braincells left. And she calls herself an eating disorder therapist. She's not a therapist, she didn't study anything. That's a slap in someones face who actually recovered from an ed and finished studying psychology to become a therapist for these kind of things. What a delusional bum.

No. 1872552

> moisture accumulation

I know it's meant to mean fluid, but I both gagged and laughed.

No. 1872553

>I can't stop absorping moisture

Sponge girl!
FR though, I think she's saying she has lymphoedema and her legs do look like it.

No. 1872554

Anyone who uses yall sounds like they're posting from a trailer park

No. 1872555

I am scared to imagine her bowel habits.

No. 1872558

this is a dumb take and just makes you sound ignorant. There are a lot of rich as hell southerners who say y'all.

No. 1872564

imagine being the cat page receiving this oddly specific, confidently incorrect tag notification

No. 1872576

They’re embarrassingly immature. I’d be laughing my ass off at how trashy they are if I was sitting in my chair trying to enjoy my vacation with these two trannies fucking around like this.

No. 1872577

moisture? I assume she is talking about fluid retention, but that's a weird way to phrase it. How many times can one person fit the word moisture into a single caption!

No. 1872580

not WEIGHT, just moisture. ick.

No. 1872582

File: 1690631686896.png (932.01 KB, 853x1748, Screenshots_2023-07-29-07-53-2…)

what miracle drugs she's on that makes her confident enough to post this shit

No. 1872602

"I don't want to look like a weirdo…I'll just go with the muumuu"

No. 1872603

File: 1690635543921.png (822.32 KB, 1064x2106, Screenshot_20230729-085954~2.p…)

lol eugghhh i seriously can't look away no matter how bad it gets

No. 1872610

sniffs smells like ball sweat and sociopathy in here

No. 1872612

Ew does she seriously need to show her underwear and her filthy socks to the whole world?

No. 1872613

It's just colors, and she deleted it lol

No. 1872616

it's the automatic translation from Instagram; she's not actually writing in English

No. 1872617


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1872625

File: 1690638400034.jpeg (63.7 KB, 526x480, IMG_0934.jpeg)

This is apparently Kimiperi‘s before&after

No. 1872628

File: 1690639007128.png (1.14 MB, 1048x920, hgtfrdtfyghukl.png)

Stefania posted a tiktok yesterday about LC and us talking about her the other day. I'd post the video but it's almost 7 minutes and I don't think that would load very well. I honestly feel bad because she mentions a comment where someone says they hope she dies because she's a burden on the healthcare system, I don't remember seeing that comment but there has been a lot of wishing death and harm on the cows lately and it's getting a bit much. She's not even that bad, she doesn't really post anything harmful. And I'm pretty sure all of her ED treatment is through private care not public so it's not really like she's taking that space away from anyone because only wealthier people could afford it anyway, and it's all outpatient therapy. It's not like she's non fatally ODing on paracetamol daily or swallowing objects for a surgeon to remove every other week.

So yeah I know this is against the rules but I wanted to say Stefania I'm sorry the comments here hurt you and I'm sorry that some anon took things so far as to wish death on you, it's not right what that anon said and it isn't true. You seem like a very sweet person with a very positive outlook on life and recovery, wherever you are in that process of recovery I wish you luck and if the comments here start bothering you again you should private your accounts. There's no need for an anonymous thread to fuck with your mental health.

No. 1872629

File: 1690639433956.png (846.63 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230729-100146.png)

No. 1872630

can you actually find an example of a comment wishing death on Stef? I can't and I'm curious if they actually exist.

No. 1872636

I didn't see it but I haven't looked back to check, but it's possible someone posted and deleted or she mistook another comment as being directed at her. There has been a lot of alogging lately, probably coming from colours tbh. I mean an hour ago someone said they hope Emily and Lauren get trafficked then deleted it after a few minutes, it's not inconceivable someone said they hope Stefania dies.

No. 1872650

File: 1690642616946.webm (18.23 MB, 576x1024, um um um.webm)

Drive by archiving. Here’s the full video in somewhat questionable quality so it’s able to be archived locally. You sound sweet, Nona. I hope you have a lovely day.

No. 1872654

Apparently EC flashes her boobs again and starts crying crocodile tears on camera after. Is it really that hard to wear a bra?

No. 1872660

Ty for posting the vid Nona, I wasn't sure if it would be too long to upload. And thank you I hope you have a lovely day too!

No. 1872661

I mean she does waste resources by choosing to aggressively use her sickness as branding her social media platform. Literally the only reason she has so many followers is because she posted video after video of her being holed up in ERC and toobed despite being a fine weight and not subtly squeezing in her exercise band because she’s sooper sick

No. 1872665

I don't know I don't really see her as someone who uses her ED as a "brand." Maybe there was a time she did that and fair enough to call that out, but now it seems her tiktok is mostly about Taylor Swift, her life around New York, vacations, reels about her recovery. It doesn't seem very pro ana at all, unless you count pics of her at a thin weigh but that's literally 75% of tiktok at this point. And being inpatient once or twice doesn't seem like a waste of resources to me, especially in comparison to some cows like lostallsanityx and Laura, or someone like Kelly who took donated blood and drained it out so she could have more.

No. 1872666

>I mean she does waste resources by choosing to aggressively use her sickness as branding her social media platform.
How does that waste healthcare resources? She's just posting old toob pics to tiktok.

No. 1872668

"Cuz yu arr, u arr, u arr the reason.."(emoji hell)

No. 1872669

Uh oh I didn't sage. Sorry nonnies

No. 1872672

Well you also used emoji's so who cares about the sage at that point kek

No. 1872703

I'm not saying this to be unkind but I genuinely don't get how she's gotten so big? Yes she's in hospital and not got an active routine but you still wouldn't put this much weight on unless you were excessively eating and antipsychotics only cause weight gain due to appetite changes, so it wouldn't be something that was out of her control. She must be at least double her weight when she was underweight.

No. 1872716

File: 1690654032545.jpg (Spoiler Image,615.11 KB, 933x1632, coverthyself.jpg)

Apparently this is what happened on stream. She may not have actually noticed this happening, but this woman knows good and damn well how to expose her body and what angles to use. She's been doing this for years and knows exactly how to milk the internet for attention. Her panty flashes mustn't be doing it anymore, or her brain is legit rotten to the point she's oblivious. Either way, she needs to be taken off the internet ASAP.
Deleted as my dumbass forgot to spoiler the pic.

No. 1872725

We get it, you're still flexible. Now put your minge away and concentrate on recovery not internet asspats.

No. 1872726

At Eugenia's size there's literally no point wearing a bra. It'd probably be too painful on her ribs anyway even without underwire.

No. 1872727

Yeah, compared to most other cows Stef really is pretty harmless (to others and to the system). Low fat milk.

No. 1872730

Modesty reasons alone there's reasons to at least wear something, even if it's just a bralette or stick on coverings (but i assume those would garner outrage if they showed through too).

No. 1872750

maybe i'm wrong, but i feel like she's so dramatic about it, is it really that big of a deal? she exposes her body so much already, it's just a nipple who really cares. i know people will hate on her just cuz it's her, but she gets like a million hate comments on every post already, so why act like this is some huge scandal jeez

No. 1872768

Kek no one has ever wished death on her. She lives in the US. We do not have any public treatment options here for her to take advantage of. Props to her for finally admitting she doesn’t have precious ARFID but that lack of accountability for the content she posts negates everything. She uses her ED as an accessory to gain followers and then plays victim when people call her out for it. She’s not a BPD nightmare, but she’s extremely entitled and manipulative

No. 1872781

I think it's cause tiktok might suspend or ban her account if they find out, it's happened on both twitch and youtube live before because she flashed and nudity is bannable whether accidental or not. She's cried before about her account getting suspended

No. 1872794

File: 1690662435131.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1947, Screenshot_20230729-162101~2.p…)

damn i want to see what she has to say about EDs…..kinda retarded to act like she's worried about triggering people when she posts her self harm shit with no problem

No. 1872803

okay, yeah, this particular anon was a bit overdramatic

No. 1872810

yeah i wasn't even with the nona she was arguing with and that shit made me cringe

No. 1872813

Exactly. She doesn’t give AF about getting hate, she is upset about being banned and losing her income stream.

No. 1872814

Deleted what?

No. 1872819

Then don’t wear a tank with giant fucking arm holes, put a cami underneath. It’s not rocket science you twit.

No. 1872820

As starved as she is, I think it's possible that she genuinely didn't realize she'd be flashing people side-on with a shirt like that. She probably didn't think any further than putting the garments on her body. Notice that her first reaction was about flashing people her crotch (because she knows she's done that before), but the other possibility didn't even occur to her until somebody wrote it in her chat

No. 1872833

What the fuck is that… anyway
Is anyone making the next thread, if not, is there anything special we should include in #100?

No. 1872857

You just blame every nasty comment on one person, who in fact has never wished death on anyone and literally doesn't care about these particular cows. If they're even cows.

Here's the Reddit spacing. So 2 girls are drunk on vacation? Who cares? That's what a lot of people do on vacation. Does it matter if they act trashy?! People everywhere are doing the same thing. Again; who cares? They're not using healthcare resources or bed blocking or malingering. They're having a VACATION. Yea they took people's money but the people gave it to them freely. (Didn't take my money so I don't care).

Seriously; being drunk and messing about by a pool is NOT a reason anyone 'deserves' to be trafficked, assaulted, attacked, anything! It's horrific someone would write that. And horrific to blame someone and assume that's how they think! Nobody 'deserves' any of those things. Or death wishes.

And Stefania? Literally don't know who she is. But she doesn't seem to be malingering or being a drain or doing anything to make someone angry to be honest so I don't know why anyone would say those things. But yea; stop just always blaming the same person for basically everything. Because you're wrong.

No. 1872861

File: 1690670803574.png (6.47 KB, 361x97, jhgcfxdfghjk.png)

No. 1872866

Is that you colours? If so I'm sorry I assumed it was you alogging Stefania or someone else itt, I thought you had wished death on Laura and Han in the past but I could be misremembering. But I didn't think you posted about wishing Lauren and Emily got trafficked, I assumed it was a moid.(hi cow)

No. 1872868

That's horrible and it sounds very rape-culturey.

No. 1872873

More like wish she would stop using all the resources with malingering and would get discharged with no more admissions and BS. She's had enough, way more than her share, clearly not getting better and manipulating to constantly get more because she enjoys it.

I just wish her to be seen for what she's doing, cut off and discharged so she stops wasting resources when others have nothing. She'd probably get better even!

Same for Han but she's not doing it so much now. Or not posting about it.

No. 1872875


No. 1872895

Get a fucking life colours

No. 1872897

And someone has to come in and be a dick of course. What issue do you have with that post?

No. 1872905

File: 1690675220791.jpeg (162.33 KB, 749x1026, C28A2066-7EF3-4C35-9FF8-BBE4D3…)

There has been a lot of post and then delete lately. And now she’s trying out a new line in preaching about recovery (which she clearly doesn’t want since she orchestrated her way back into here).

No. 1872908

File: 1690675364866.jpeg (119.54 KB, 750x1033, E4EF1C37-7B99-4218-BC0E-EBD1C4…)

Even the recently posted dance vids are gone. (But they live on).

No. 1872912

File: 1690675793611.jpeg (186.4 KB, 747x1096, 3396B528-7439-4A0C-B80B-07B07B…)

There’s no way that she wants ‘recovery.’ That would mean getting out of hospital. She didn’t even want partial recovery and partial freedom : she’s sabotaged that every single time to get back into being locked up. This ‘recovery’ preaching is so hypocritical I would bet any money she removes it by tomorrow and posts that’s she’s back on 2:1 with another messed up face picture.

No. 1872917

I don't think people would have cared as much if she hadn't had the GoFundMe. Sure, people didn't have to donate to it, but the fact that she had the audacity to do it in the first place is definitely the kind of behavior I'd expect from a cow.

The deleted comment about trafficking was definitely really shitty, though, not to mention breaking board rules. It'd be nice if people could NOT wish awful things on the cows.

No. 1872918

It is a bit rich to say the least and I can't imagine having the audacity to do that. But people actually donated of their own free will so more fool them.

No. 1872919

File: 1690676768409.jpeg (240.58 KB, 828x1415, 91E63AF2-154C-4C82-A82D-83F15B…)

Lolita aged 60

No. 1872920

kek at the Colleen Hoover book in the background

No. 1872923

Huh, I didn't even realize she'd slipped in that admission that she actually has anorexia. But I'm sure she'd claim her one million bikini pictures have nothing to do with bodychecking or showing off, omg guys it's just summer and she's trying to enjoy life.

No. 1872931

not laura claiming to be triggered by ED things and proudly spamming her accounts with full body pictures of how she looks now

No. 1872964

File: 1690683957858.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.24 KB, 675x602, ugottakeepemdesiccated .jpg)

I dunno, it is entirely possible she just simply spaced out, and did something stupid as a result. Again. Except she had a proven track record of flashing her naked tits at the camera as evidenced by pic related. She was eyefucking herself the entire time in that particular stream and KNEW she exposed too much. This time though, the more I think about it, she truly may have been oblivious due to the fact she's so used to being exposed. The last time this shit happened she SWORE she'd wear bras or pasties, always, during her lives. Well we see that didn't last long and now she's suffering the consequences. Really if she had just put on a neon colored bandeau all this would have been avoided. A soft trainer, you name it. As she said she would do after the Just Dance fiasco. Woman simply doesn't give a shit and it shows.
It's really not the flash, it's the repeated acts after her audience has implored her to make changes and stop it. That's where the outrage is. She has minors regularly following and watching her shit yet STILL refuses to ensure her content is age appropriate. Absolutely mental.

No. 1872984

File: 1690685994254.png (402.92 KB, 853x1613, Screenshots_2023-07-29-23-01-4…)

i can't stand this cunt

No. 1872986

the thing that's infuriating about enara is her entitlement and inability to ever admit that she's receiving a lot of help and money

No. 1873003

That facetune is working overtime.

No. 1873004

Why is that funny? At least she's reading something.

No. 1873007

>Different circumstances
I half understand this, it's a new and fairly exciting trip, someone else did all the scheduling, all Enara had to do was show up when scheduled and sit in her room eating and watching movies the rest of the time. But I also want to know how the fuck she gets insured to travel with such a history of spontaneous self harm. I'm guessing by some miracle she's always been in Australia when the urge took her.

>I hardly ate?

First of all, Spanish latte is made with condensed milk so it's hugely calorie dense. whatever, that's nitpicking and if she only had that and fruit she'd have come back having lost weight even it was just a week. However we all saw her junk food hauls. I bet she binged every night but because she didn't have lunch she thinks she can still say she's got an ED.

No. 1873016

She must have forgotten all the Arabic bread she said she ate every morning and the haul of chocolate and chips she showed on her stories. Maybe she doesn't count things that she 'regurgitates' kek
Highly doubt shes a purger though, that's why she tries to ruin her digestive system by swallowing batteries so that she literally can't eat, because otherwise she just binges.

No. 1873024

File: 1690695407226.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1170x2082, 75E6F9AB-A16A-40BF-8E03-7947EE…)

i love this gross little goblina kek. i’m glad she’s happy and well

No. 1873035

She needs a haircut…

No. 1873036

Yet you made posts about wishing you could see Laura face to face, few minutes alone with her, in an obvious threatening way. You also say that Renee doesn't get to live, also obviously threatening way. And good to know you were the anon who couldn't decide between reddit spacing and block spacing, thought it was but cheers for the confirmation. Ever thought about trying to not be chronically online?

No. 1873044

i'm really glad she seems to be happy and well too. still feel like a missed a whole chunk of something with her though. like she was living at home (with parents?) and then suddenly she had a job and a boyfriend and new roof over her head.
did she get real help or was it a no choice thing?

No. 1873046

I thought I just got flashed!

No. 1873049

Wait…she's not getting leave atm is she? This doesn't look like NHS food. I'm so confused.

No. 1873053

i think she just finally accepted recovery and weight gain. i remember she started off by volunteering somewhere and then got a real job, moved out, got a bf. then she broke up with bf #1 and now she found bf #2 and is preggo. but she’s definitely graduated cow status and while she still has weird meals i think she just has a case of the tism. very happy for her though

No. 1873059

>you were the anon who couldn't decide between reddit spacing and block spacing
Which anon was that? The wall of text posts didn't seem colors-y, 2 were advice for her. I assumed she was just making that comment because everyone is always going back and forth whether to reddit space or not.

No. 1873096

this exactly, and can colours stop shitting up the thread pls

No. 1873100

i didn't think so but yesterday or the day before she had posted a pic on her stories of some kind of coffee drink with whipped cram and a person sitting across from her at a table

No. 1873101

File: 1690720925751.jpeg (161.58 KB, 1403x962, IMG_2025.jpeg)

This video came up on YT this morning. Anyone else remember her? Lauren Beth - dad committed suicide and abusive mother. She just kind of vanished off YT and SM in general. Curious to know what happened to her or if she went into treatment or recovered.

No. 1873113

god this is so fucking bleak

No. 1873115

File: 1690725177572.png (1.62 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230730-095125.png)

they are literally laughing their asses off on live cuz em just said, "i came here with 800 euros and i have 150 left. i spent 650 euros in 2 days HAHAHA THAT'S ICONIC HAHAHAHAHA THAT'S HILARIOUS HAHAHA"

No. 1873120

Kimiperi pisses me off so much. She's never gonna acknowledge anything, much less make any effort to recover. Especially since her emaciated body is all she's known for on social media. She does dress in trendy/alt fashion, yes, but she wouldn't have half of her audience if she was at a normal or high weight.

No. 1873174

New threads seem to just be a general summary and links to people's social media.

Anyone around who can make a good photo edit for #100? We went from 1100 to 1167 pretty fast

No. 1873239

Colours is shitting up the thread with her vendettas against multiple cows. Stef and the new people coming here after her videos don’t know how the site works and think every thread has the same people posting. No one has ever wished death on the new cows (ahem Stefania) and if they have, it’s a vendetta

No. 1873243

I really love how Stef casts people looking at the rules for staying on your parents' insurance in NY as "people trying to get very private medical financial information". No, Stef, NY law is not your private financial information.

No. 1873281

File: 1690743367453.jpg (314.21 KB, 1125x617, Lauren_R.jpg)

I didn't watch the video, quickly skimmed through without sound and couldn't see modern stuff as footage. Her real name is Lauren Rokusek. She's got items uploaded to poshmark and is active. Her FB was updated publicly 2020. Someone commented that she had a tiktok, and she is active as of 1 day ago so safe to say she is alive & well.

No. 1873325

No. 1873330

File: 1690748507305.jpg (15.85 KB, 821x52, YoutubeComment.JPG)

Sorry to samefag, but i missed out the YouTube reply. It sounds like she's still actively bulimic but is doing better.

No. 1873333

It would be private if she didn’t have public accounts where she shares a lot of personal info. The picture of her at the deb ball was first page google results. She also posted them on her instagram. Absolutely no accountability from her for the content she posts. Cece ended up going private and deleting as much personal info as possible and we respect that decision

No. 1873415

Please can someone link the new thread?

No. 1873421

Nta with the blocks of text but I made one longer post and someone is telling everyone to 'start Reddit spacing' so….Asked…Delivered. But yea imagine that meeting.

>>1873096 How is that when other people post it's fine but anything that you THINK comes from a certain person is always 'shitting up the thread'? I genuinely do not understand. And more than half the time you blame a post on someone and it wasn't even them.

>>1873239 Please explain exactly how this is 'shitting up the thread.' Which multiple cows? Again people are assuming things which are untrue.

No. 1873425

Don't think anyone made one

No. 1873440

ITT, colours acting like she isnt colours, yet continues to post the same vendettas/arguments/"im not colours" all while using the same identifiable grammar, writing style and repeated use of the word "yea".

(see >>1872857 for proof)

No. 1873442

aren't cows supposed to get banned if they show up and start talking about themselves / shitting up the thread? colours needs to get banned again

No. 1873443

What vendettas? Just proving I'm not wishing death or trafficking on anyone and I don't have anything against those 3 girls.

No. 1873450

File: 1690760263414.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 853x1549, Screenshots_2023-07-30-19-03-2…)

how fucking hard is it to not light yourself on fire

No. 1873460

exactly, why tf isn’t she banned yet

No. 1873471

Thanks glad to know she is ok and alive and stuff

No. 1873474

File: 1690765305384.png (554.64 KB, 467x574, Screen Shot 2023-07-30 at 8.03…)

stef: why do people say my posts are irresponsible??
> poses in stupid way to show off her weight loss, posts one million bikini pictures

No. 1873475

samefag. what do we think the odds are that she purges the high calorie food she's always posting? I would have guessed she just doesn't eat it, but sometimes she posts videos of herself eating

No. 1873486

1000% she mentioned electrolyte imbalances on her recovery account multiple times while claiming ~ARFID~

No. 1873488

lots of lying for someone who preaches about honesty

No. 1873509

Shmegeh? Are you dumb, that girl has been at it online for that long

No. 1873519

She is. She managed to evade it

No. 1873520

stef: i'm not pro ana
also stef: poses so that we can see every tendon and bone in her chest and arms

No. 1873523

File: 1690772751851.png (853.88 KB, 593x708, Screen Shot 2023-07-30 at 10.0…)

another recent Stef post

No. 1873525

File: 1690772805880.png (683.14 KB, 579x739, Screen Shot 2023-07-30 at 10.0…)

extremely normal picture

No. 1873532

imagine being on a train/bus and seeing some dumbass taking a picture of themselves reading a book lmfao (to an innocent bystander it may look like she's taking a pic of the writing on the page but nope lol so cringe)

No. 1873557

These are literally thinspo poses. Who does she think she's kidding?

No. 1873560

Braindead retards. Sometimes I think a war still would be great to sort this trash out

No. 1873568

Nta but that's not shmegeh it's a skinwalker like OP said. Of all the thing to get on a high horse about you're trying to call people dumb for not knowing some obscure internet anachan from the 2010's when you can't even recognize her or read a post kek, my god this thread is full of retards

No. 1873575

Stop alogging dumbass shit like this it's making this thread so fucking cringe

No. 1873576


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1873650

File: 1690805815260.jpeg (835.6 KB, 2208x1242, IMG_9228.jpeg)

Kek… just a lil tooby selfie, to remind herself of the good old days. Can’t remember when it was removed or who by though? Can anybody jog my memory, please

No. 1873686

grab some head & shoulders next time you're stealing deodorant at coles babes

No. 1873699

whoever’s making the new thread, here’s a request for laura’s sock saga to be included

No. 1873731

File: 1690817299715.png (686.46 KB, 853x1403, Screenshots_2023-07-31-11-25-1…)

this skank has absolutely massive binges every single day, but when she does her calendars/trackers/fasting timers/ etc. she always claims to be fasting cuz she purges everything. that's not how it works wtf…if you're b/p-ing, you're not fasting. absolute braindead moron

No. 1873733

File: 1690817334693.jpg (329.6 KB, 1047x1577, Collage_2023-07-31_11_26_48~2.…)

No. 1873742

File: 1690818768597.png (791.07 KB, 853x1412, Screenshots_2023-07-31-11-54-4…)

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