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No. 1980215

Ethereal electronic-alternative hipster musician turned washed-up imperialist-friendly space bimbo devoted to whiteknighting Elon Musk and performing shitty DJ sets. Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter.

As of late:

>Grimes goes on a date (presumably with new current boyfriend, Italian producer/DJ Anyma) >>1919069

>Grimes tries and fails to channel Dune in Rolling Stone interview/photoshoot with K-pop group Aespa >>1919105 , >>1919106 , >>1919114
>Rumours swirl of Elon dating CEO Ty Haney (married mother of two, btw) >>1919119
>Grimes’s manager gets on his hands and knees to beg people to give a fuck about lazy dj sets and stolen A.I. ‘art’ >>1919146
>Elon engages in some late night blabbering about wokeness with Stephan King >>1921922
>Grimes drops new single ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ with Sevdaliza, one of the most lacklustre music releases in the history of sound >>1923560 , >>1923827
>Claire reminisces the good times of having ex bottom bitch HANA ghostwrite/produce for her >>1923936
>Grimes showcases bedraggled third rate extensions at iii points festival >>1925653
>Elon attempts to dodge custody papers across at least 12 different locations including a horse farm >>1926489
>Claire attempts to auction off befouled fast fashion from her closet, as well as children's tees and pleather boots >>1927380 , >>1927388 , >>1927512 , >>1927656
>Grimes tries to tell people that she’s suffering from ‘broken-heart syndrome’ , to nobody’s dismay >>1928597 , >>1928607
>XÆA-12 at SpaceX launch despite ongoing custody battle (with Shivon, of course) >>1930640 , >>1930937
>Elon gets lost in the sauce and accidentally antisemitism-s too close to the sun, prompting a response from the White House; Apple and Disney jump ship from Twitter/X advertising >>1931122
>Elon endorses Argentine libertarian presidential candidate Javier Milei >>1931478
>Elon schizoposting like a school shooter before noon >>1932056
>Grimes yammering about pick me girls and algorithms instead of just posting the selfie and leaving >>1933697
>Elon blames advertisers leaving—and not his own shenanigans— for killing twitter, tells them to “go fuck themselves” >>1935650 , >>1935823
>One of Elon’s older kids (the one that looks just like him) chimes in on X’s name >>1937284
>Meanwhile, Elon’s other older kid chopping it up with TSLAQ >>1938046
>Grimes looks chagrin, pictured with some fat A.I. tech bros >>1938113
>Grimes features in Palladium magazine with her nipples out of course >>1940706 , >>1940712 , >>1942099
>Elon’s trans kid triggers him into making plans for a university in Texas >>1942685
>Claire advertises new A.I. powered children's toy start-up thing, Curio. >>1943818 , >>1944419 , >>1944434 , >>1944607 , >>1944724
>Grimes shows new project, a baby book with fake quotes entirely illustrated by artificial intelligence >>1946689 , >>1946690 , >>1946691 , >>1946744
>Azealia Banks gives her thoughts on the Twitter/X trash fire >>1947401
>Elon’s son Griffin on the twitter rebrand >>1947713
>Grimes gives us the bimonthly update on how dirty her living space is >>1948496
>Claire (unprompted) on ‘white culture’ and Nazi-ism >>1949082 , >>1949123 , >>1949132 , >>1949370
>Elon and his friend Jared Birchall apparently own a nanny company called Europa 100 >>1949142 , >>1949372 , >>1949374
>Grimes in Mexico with Anyma >>1951065 , >>1951066 , >>1951179 , >>1952956
>Meemaw Maye again with heart emojis for Shivon's kids (she doesn't even follow Grimes on twitter) >>1955188
>Grimes or her team has rooftop snipers for her wikipedia page >>1955940 , >>1956092 , >>1956585 , >>1956852 , >>1956870 , >>1957287 , >>1957288, >>1957908
>Elon goes to Poland and Germany, bringing baby X to Auschwitz and jabbering with Ben Shapiro >>1958630 , >>1958632 , >>1958634
>Elon might move Tesla to Texas >> 1961470
>Another editing skirmish on grimes’s wikipedia page >>1962598 , >>1962599 , >>1062601 , >>1963096
>Claire looks for way to make OpenAI’s Sora reveal all about her, publishing a dissertations worth of jibber jabber on twitter >>1968368 , >>1968369 , >>1968374
>Claire again with a senior thesis on Google Gemini >>1969927
>Elon senses that he is losing the tech bro dick measuring contest, attempts to sue Sam Altman and OpenAI >>1971399
>Grimes defending known village whore and laughing stock Aella, comparing her to Jane Goodall >>1972161
>Grimes for Marc Jacobs with bogged face and missing teeth >>1972406 , >>1972426 , >>1972455 , >>1972464
>Claire becomes Instagram official with Anyma, Elon on suicide watch >>1979017 , >>1979216 , >>1979553




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No. 1980221

OP here, sorry about the low res thread pic. not sure what happened when i exported but alas

No. 1980259

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excellent thread nona all the same, thank you for making it

in the last three days or so she sometimes harps about a new music AI generation system called Suno, saying how she doesn't want songs made for her by the click of a button.

Claire, you've dated people for the sole purpose of song generation. you practically have people make albums for you. you just don't want others having the same access as you, huh?

No. 1980297

I wonder if Elon ever dated a woman with asperger/autism.. you know, since he also has asperger

No. 1980298

lol @ the fact that she's been trying to hype everyone up about how great it is that AI can generate visual art in the form of images and now video, was adamant about how it wouldn't hurt artists (despite it being trained on copyrighted art without knowledge/consent of artists), how AI is actually a great tool to somehow enhance the artistic process.

….then, as soon as the audio equivalent of this very same generative AI technology comes along, its suddenly "sad" "dark" a "bad idea" and "taking away" something that is "very important for humans psychologically"

the sheer audacity to be SUCH A HYPOCRITE, what a fucking moron to not even be capable of considering how visual artists MIGHT JUST MAYBE feel about MidJourney or Sora the exact same way she does about Suno. Hell, I'm sure the same applies to actual poets/authors and chatGPT. She is pathologically incapable of empathy and only gives a fuck about anything when it directly affects her.

Also, great summary of everything OP but you neglected to mention her dropping her first "new album" after 4 years, only for it to actually just be a crapcore remix of her first album, lol. threadpic is lulzy even if its low res dw

No. 1980315

thank you for the thread OP!

>She is pathologically incapable of empathy and only gives a fuck about anything when it directly affects her.
exactly my thoughts nona. i was thinking the same thing as soon as i read that tweet. the reason people even ask her about the subject is because she's always going on about how AI is the future, so you always see AI shills in her replies because she's an AI shill herself.
she constantly posts and talks about shitty AI art on the regular, made a book for her kids with shitty quotes alongside of it, uses AI avatars for everything. but, exactly like you said, suddenly it effects her… so then her narcissistic ass changes the tune real fast. there was a part of me that was considering she's posturing to try and sound like a ~real and tru artist~ to try and impress people but either way she's being a hypocrite. the whole reason that person was suggesting it is because she caters to those exact people, and is now telling them directly that it's a "bad idea" now that it is suddenly relevant to her and her life. all of a sudden it's taking joy away from her personally!

>the sheer audacity to be SUCH A HYPOCRITE, what a fucking moron to not even be capable of considering how visual artists MIGHT JUST MAYBE feel about MidJourney or Sora the exact same way she does about Suno.

exactly this! i fucking laughed my ass off at her "sad and dark" bullshit, she doesn't even hear herself. speaking of hypocrisy, i was recently thinking about a tweet she made a while back >>1908015
and then a measly 2 months later she debuts with some toy project that would absolutely spy on her children >>1943818
she has absolutely zero integrity, i can't take anything she says seriously. she tells on herself so fast kek

No. 1980367

>made a book for her kids with shitty quotes alongside of it

lol I bet she used chatGPT to write those shitty made up quotes

probably uses chatGPT to write all her lyrics since the tech's inception, lmao!

if anything is truly "sad and dark" its her dead career, lulz

>she has absolutely zero integrity, i can't take anything she says seriously. she tells on herself so fast kek

good catch on that tweet (i hadnt even seen it), god damn what a spineless narcissist she is(integrate)

No. 1980614

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Thanks for the new thread! Excellent work.

Apparently she was pleased with her live show in Mexico. These posts seem a bit manic. How long do nonnas think its going to last with Anyma?

No. 1980672

It's a quote from bladerunner

No. 1980714

just armchairing here but Talulah gives me sperg vibes.

No. 1980964

my money's on 3 months.

No. 1980970

wataf is that peculiar outfit she's wearing? reminds me of strange designer bullshit

No. 1980981

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Claire on her main account bemoaning Suno (A.I. music generation) and calling it "dangerous", "sad", "dark" and "a bad idea" whilst on her private twitter account saying "why would i (hire them)" in regards to digital artists, when she has midjourney. Do you guys think that she's a genuine hypocrite or is she just too fucking stupid to see the issue people have with a.i. 'art'?

"creating music seems so important for humans psychologically" and visual art isn't?

No. 1980983

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here's a pic of him from yesterday promoting a new project, wearing a grimes shirt with the a.i. generated graphic on it that she's been using for her merch lately; I think he might actually like her. I see this lasting at least into the summer if not the end of this year.

No. 1980989

I mean, more than a few months I'm sure, but just as another nona stated, they're both using eachother. Anemia just wants clout and Grum is just trying to make (moid doesn't care) Muskrat jealous.

No. 1981041

Idk that they’ll last either or that it’s not a publicity stunt, but there seems to be affection between them. Around 2:20 in vidrel, he gave a real smile when he saw her come onto the stage.

No. 1981240

there is this tinfoil theory that Elon has been selectively breeding with women he thinks are descendants of operation paperclip

No. 1981884

I’m ngl that was kind of cute.

He’s definitely one of those douchey (rich) Italian Techno guys, but it seems they have a real kinship especially when it comes to their love of music. Claire already seems more about the music than when she was with Muskrat tbh, so maybe this relationship will be good for her.

No. 1982508

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No. 1982512

>separating the art from the artist
The dogshit launch of the cyber truck doesn’t help. I’ve seen so many videos of them crapping out driving through water, sand, or off-roading. Y’know, things you’d expect a truck to be able to do.

No. 1982615

I am DYING for him to lose everything. Never have i seen a businessman as awful as Elon.

No. 1982720


I am in the creative scene and the musicians have been the absolutely, almost comically, worst at hypocrisy around ai. Making videos with AI while moaning that no one wants to lag tj for beats or features

No. 1982721

Idiot samef, that should end "pay them for beats or features" - sorry

No. 1982766

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Version 1

No. 1982768

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Looking at thread pics i see another nonnie made the joke first, but added more stuff too

No. 1982924

kek but she might have gotten him back now

No. 1984338

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Grimes threatens to premiere new music and is apparently collaborating with Fortnite.

No. 1984384

she already dropped a song called "Tatatara" that is allegedly on book 1. From the lyrics, it's painfully obvious she still wants Elon Muthk back. lyrics include:
>Won't forget but I'll forgive you
>Hate you, love me, be a liar
>Make me queen of your empire
>Tame the storm of my desire
She needs to move the fuck on. He will never pick her.

No. 1984423

>>1984384 The fact that this song was known about on lolcow before being posted on her subreddits really speaks volumes

No. 1984497

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I haven’t seen it mentioned here yet but Musk admitted in court that he has two burner accounts, @babysmurf9000 and @Ermnmusk

No. 1984516

what the fuck, his cringe knows no bounds

No. 1984632

oh my god the cringe

No. 1984756

Aawww, so he WAS "hurt" after all. Male wounded ego has no bounds. immediate response is: create "fake" account and post boomer flavoured scribblings from your burn book. That's the type of shit you get when you hire a jobless college kid to type hate comments on someone's youtube for 20$ per 100 comments kek.

No. 1985050

You guys the screenshot is fake. Yes, the account is his but he didn’t tweet that actually..

No. 1985096

Everyone should've known it was fake when it said she left him. Grimeth would never do that.

No. 1985325

OH MY GOD. Her coachella DJ set was so much worse than I could have ever possibly imagined. Terrible new music.. complete inefficiency to DJ… several technical mishaps, because she does not know how to use her equipment at all… absolutely amazing live chat, constant “Boooooo” , and “get off the stage” and “ Grimes ending her career right now” I don’t think she can come back from this. That was literally the worst most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen a performer go through. It was like worse than watching Ashley Simpson on SNL. It was worse than Lana Del Rey on SNL not an iconic way at all. It’s just embarrassing. So so bad. Wow.

No. 1985329

File: 1713065355091.webm (2.08 MB, 848x476, grimescoachella1.webm)

This really is career-ending stuff.

Working on some low-quality clips rn.

No. 1985334

It was just SO lazy. Everything about it from the visuals to the music to the performance, most low effort set ever. I don’t even want to know how much she was paid for that. It’s hard to believe how far she has fallen but I’m not surprised.

No. 1985335

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No. 1985337

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No. 1985341

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No. 1985343

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No. 1985344

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And she ends by getting cut off because she went over time.

No. 1985346

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Anyma in Paris tonight with Grimes visuals for Taratata https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5uVKFGuPjx/?igsh=dGg1cnJnYjEwa3I3

No. 1985358

So why would her tracks be sped up? Like what is she even saying is happening? Has she ever even been able to mix live and do it well anyway?

No. 1985373

I actually can’t watch these clips, the cringe is physically painful

No. 1985378

ty for the clips, nona! holy moly, that was embarrassing to even watch. the random obnoxious cringey screams, the annoying way she's obsessed with hearing herself talk, admitting to submitting a track last minute. no wonder she got cut off, she spent so much time saying the same thing over and over. imagine going to a show with expectations and this is what you get. what the hell it's so bad, if she isn't humiliated i don't know what will humble her at this point, holy fucking shit kek

No. 1985387

Really painful to watch. So many minutes of silence, stopping tracks in the middle of building the tension, and her strange throaty voice of an old teacher slurring and trying to explain she can't do the math. Absolutely no mood. She must have been drugged out of her mind in this.

No. 1985390

She kept saying her songs were like double the speed and the maths was too hard but doesn’t it just involve dividing by 2?

No. 1985408

it took her 10 seconds to realize the song is accelerated. she is obviously not sober

No. 1985417

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Haha it is everyone else's fault of course.

No. 1985418

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No. 1985450

she looks especially bogged here

No. 1985455

So she basically admits that she didnt even do the set herself

No. 1985470

"This always happens" and "Just don't blame me" along with that post saying everyone else messed up is some hilariously peak narc bs and I love it

No. 1985483

Thank you for the clips, sweet nonna! Incredibly painful to watch this train wreck. Even Paris Hilton is a better dj than Grimes. Top kek!

No. 1985492

Yeah like wtf. That’s what I kept thinking. Paris has always been able to deliver and through a GD MACBOOK PRO as per her documentary and yet Miss laureled Anthropocene can’t?? What is she even paying her ghost mixers for?

No. 1985497

Is this not her just admitting that she didn't bother to practice this set before the show? She's like "lesson learned: do it yourself" but it's HER set…she literally would have to do it herself..????

No. 1985503

Jesus Christ, Elon is pathetic

I still don’t he’s autistic or assburger tbh. Most likely just NPD with a touch of ADHD or whatever. The lack of empathy and being unable to read the room with NPD/ADHD often coined across as autism.

No. 1985504


First time hearing her speaking voice, that I can remember, what the actual fuck. Is there a speech impediment happening? Is she drunk? Good god her voice is unpleasant(learn to sage)

No. 1985506

worse, its her admitting unintentionally that she has someone else do all of the work. she dumped the blame on them. if she actually knew how to use the hardware she'd have changed the speed but she didnt and didnt know what to do kek

No. 1985508

Attack on Titan monster(sage your shit)

No. 1985509

Blame shifting and weaponized incompetence is just part of her ADHD/NPD

No. 1985511

Autists have low empathy too and on a surface level they're not that different from NPDs.(armchairing)

No. 1985520

She has a pretty strong lisp / speech impediment (hence "Grimeth") and usually comes off very spergy. But at Coachella, she was definitely slurring her words and acting more sedated than normal. My bet's on ketamine.

No. 1985529

“Next week will be flawless.. everything will run through my hands” right Claire it’s totally someone else’s fault. Not because you’re a fucking hack. I fucking hate narcissists. Don’t you dare blame this on autism. This bitch is actually trying to pretend like something “running through her hands” some kind of good thing. I honestly didn’t think I could hate her anymore after last night Until I saw this bullshit narc response

No. 1985534

I can't imagine a professional DJ ever, ever saying any of these words, if I was in the crowd I would spontaneously combust.

No. 1985542

couldn't agree more nonnie, this whole thing has me speechless. she's so full of herself… the only reason she has a career is through connections. she's a complete fraud

No. 1985547

she has been faking being a dj/musician for so long, and somehow got away with it. it’s a known thing that she uses ghostwriters and makes them sign ndas, and she never really toured that much so was able to keep the illusion. she flew too close to the sun this time. no one will ever take her seriously after this ever again. like holy shit. fake it till you make it gone wrong.

No. 1985551

samefag on her years of doing shows has no one ever told her “the show must go on”??? you don’t just cut your show like 6 times to sperg on technical difficulties. she is so retarded it’s almost like she’s committed to ending her own career.

No. 1985558

This is the more important point! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills…google "grimes coachella" and every last article is "uwu smol bean had technical difficulties" when the fact is that someone built a entire set for grimeth and something as simple as the playback speed being incorrect (which a musician could easily fix) caused her set to go up in flames. I used to think her continued relevance was running off tumblr fumes but everything about her is textbook industry plant

No. 1985574

That's what I was thinking. She looks so defeated, like she doesn't care about anything any more, just getting wasted and entering the stage to speak nonsense. I believe whomever she paid to prepare the set tried to sabotage her, they knew she wouldn't be able to fix that

No. 1985605

File: 1713142821932.gif (2.23 MB, 490x360, grimes-dance.gif)

No. 1985623

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No. 1985624

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No. 1985627

"This is very hard to explain because of the complex technology." The complex technology of a software that has auto beat match? And if everything is double the speed, fixing it is not brain surgery (which grimes studied before becoming a multi instrumentalist synth prodigy/ professional dancer/DJ/sword wielding ethereal tech elf)

No. 1985642

ah so that’s why she’s larping as a dj now. she’s fucking a new moid and is now absorbing his personality. he is a dj so she gotta be one too. got it.

No. 1985644

File: 1713152999127.jpeg (392.29 KB, 1412x1295, IMG_7554.jpeg)

What is going on with the face here? Drugs or swelling from plastic surgery…? This looks odd, no?

No. 1985660

She needs the fix that broken ass tooth.

No. 1985662

You know what bugs me about her story that she cracked her tooth stage diving in Japan? How is there no footage out there of this actually happening? Not a single fan of hers was recording and captured it, or no tweets about watching her fall trying to stage dive?

No. 1985673

File: 1713164402717.jpeg (964.84 KB, 1170x1408, IMG_6888.jpeg)

Musk liked this stupid fucking tweet what a loser.

No. 1985674

not to wk but she has been mixing (or at least gesturing around turntables) during her live shows since forever, don't give the italian nepo moid too much credit

No. 1985679

I forgot about that account. When I saw people posting about it he was saying super creepy shit on it. I think I saved the pics but I can't find them. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and/or have the pics?

No. 1985680

File: 1713167191342.jpeg (213.73 KB, 1560x1124, IMG_5382.jpeg)

The background graphics/animations playing with no music while she’s explaining the technical difficulties is fucking killing me, holy shit. This is so much worse than I expected! Also imagine tripping balls at Coachella and Grimes keeps shutting off the music and rambling, I wonder how many people’s nights she ruined kek.

No. 1985701

Why is she acting like she doesn’t just usually press a playback button with her entire prerecorded set and then pretends to turn some dials?

My guess is she overstated her DJ abilities to Anyma so he set up a legit rig for her thinking she knows what she’s doing and because she’s so retarded she fucked it up and is now doing damage control so her cool DJ bf doesn’t leave her for being a cringey dilettante.

No. 1985702

If it wasn't obvious enough that she has always latched onto some moid to produce music for herself… I wonder how long this stint is gonna go. The smugness of the group's name is topkek, how can she call herself an artist after what happened at Coachella? Botched, drugged out, jobless and reputation ruined

No. 1985705


No. 1985725


Anyma is using the Grimes brand so much better than Grimes could ever dream of. That visual of her naked dancing that he did in France was so cool and that performance had not even a single hiccup. It's so crazy how Grimes wants to act brand new to all this, like she's still just a 20 year old figuring it all out in her own. She has a whole ass team and is a grown ass woman in her mid-thirties. Imagine any other adult making that kind of money and being incompetent at their job to this level. And there's nothing cool and inspiring about any of it not even in the darkest, schizo-feminist,'she got the bag' kind of way. She fucked up her whole career and public image beyond repair for some old crusty dude that left her high and dry and is the current public laughingstock. I don't think the Anyma thing will last long but then again her brand is helping him because he actually knows what to do with it. Maybe she'll accept she's always sucked without someone to hand hold and do most of the hard parts for her.

No. 1985749

no she started the dj shit around 2021 which is when they started to get involved. she did do some live keyboard shit but not djing until that. she definitely is absorbing his personality lmao

No. 1985750

It’s become clear that she never was a solo artist/performer and should never try to be one. A collaboration like this is the best thing for Grimes fans if they want any music at all from her.

No. 1985752

>darkthrone shirt

No. 1985753

Are they problematic somehow or just lame?

No. 1985754

it's just edgelord bait, he clearly isn't a black metal fan lol

No. 1985777

its giving humiliation ritual kek


No. 1985784

Autistic nitpick but the straps being over her hair bothers me

No. 1985800

This is stupid. Pro musicians listen to everything under the sun and he might just happen to like them but I will agree it’s bait

No. 1985801

The Elizabeth Holmes of music. Thank goodness she never wanted to pretend to be a healthcare tech CEO

No. 1985803

It takes like five minutes to load tracks into Rekordbox, automatically analyse them for key & BPM etc, then put the analysed files on a USB. I find it hard to believe that she outsourced that.
The maths stuff is also literal nonsense. You only need to do maths if you’re mixing a halftime or doubletime track (a 90BPM hiphop track with a 180BPM techno track, say) into your set. Let’s say you have an 86BPM track and a 175BPM track. The super complex calculation for that is…halve the big number or double the smaller number. 175=87.5. Speed the 86 track up to 87.5 with the pitch slider. Easy.
She really told on herself in the clip where she says “I’m trying to sync” and then immediately catches herself and switches back to lying about calculations. She uses sync because she can’t beatmatch - the most fundamental skill of DJing kek.
>I couldn’t even mix manually because it was showing the wrong BPM
If you can mix by ear you don’t need to see the BPMs! If she could mix by ear she would know how to ride the pitch. You just keep beatmatching with one hand while using the other to carefully adjust the slider on the track you’re dropping in until you don’t need to use your hand to keep them in time anymore. If she could mix by ear she wouldn’t have trainwrecked that set.
The set is embarrassing but her lies during & after it are so much worse, and even more revealing that she has absolutely no idea what she’s doing.
>waaaa the stage monitor wasn’t on
Use headphones. Use the mic to ask crew to turn the monitor on.
None of this would have happened if she’d just turned sync off. She may be fooling the fans and media with the “major technical difficulties” lies but she is the laughingstock of DJs right now. Whoever said this was worse than Ashley Simpson hoedancing was right. Grimes will never live this down.

No. 1985808

that's molly.

No. 1985816

Apparently the CDJ’s were all turned off so maybe there’s something to this kek. Anyone have any input on that? Was this whole debacle a PR stunt?

Also I know this is moid of me but nice trips

No. 1985828

That visual of her naked dancing that he did in France was so cool

Are you being sarcastic? LMAO.(sage your shit)

No. 1985834

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No. 1985839

Not good in the sense that this could encourage other companies to include "little fees" for basic things. But glad he's getting closer to putting twitter in its grave.

No. 1985841

she literally belongs on a real housewives show

No. 1985842

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No. 1985843

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No. 1985844

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No. 1985846

Quite literally. Grimes as a brand has always been some Theranos level shit, with admittedly a lot less invention going on. I half expected her to whip out a Siemens analyzer during that dumpster fire of a set.

No. 1985850

I think it's because you can't really film ongoing concerts in Japan. like you will never see concert footage from idols or jrock bands unless they release the content themselves. it's very frowned upon to even take photos of the performers.

No. 1985888

but why is it always darkthrone that ends up as the 'fashion statement' for edgelords?

No. 1985890

srsly, kek i thought so too. I find it hard to believe that she was able to organically fuck up like that. Also, why did she not just pause and get a stage tech to help out or whatever. Isn't this a level of fuckup where backstage people step in and help out with whatever technical confusion is going on?

No. 1985892

probably cause it's the most recognizable bm band other than burzum and mayhem, so it's guaranteed to cause a reaction of some sort

No. 1985935

1. Tons of bots have blue checks that they paid for so how would this stop them?
2. Giant leak of everyone’s CC info by buggy X site incoming

No. 1986007

she deleted the tweet where she lied about the japan stage-diving incident because she wasn't performing in japan until months later. and then when that show actually happened, elon was there filming it. she's never stage dived in her life

thank you for the information dj nonnie! i was waiting for someone who knows technical stuff about DJing to chime in and i'm not surprised at all by what i read kek

i feel like this is one of those relationships that's going to end in a dumpster fire. italian moids are horrible and claire's histrionics and lies will eventually catch up to them both

No. 1986023

>on the way to fix her cdj’s

Either trolling or damage control. Even he knows they weren’t on at some point during her set lol

No. 1986074

File: 1713291697149.webp (22.54 KB, 640x389, IMG_0744.webp)

Proof pulled from r/grimezs

No. 1986075

File: 1713291736090.webp (63.15 KB, 640x1385, IMG_0746.webp)

Her excuse why they weren’t on

No. 1986077

File: 1713292642295.png (1.47 MB, 1737x1080, Bang and shoulders.png)

I thought this was fake but it's real. Here's
4. Digital Bang
5. Custom shoulders

Delivering the videos next.

No. 1986081

File: 1713293099572.mp4 (15.03 MB, 1080x1350, Saving humanity.mp4)

1. Saving humanity from erratic technologies

So, Grimes didn't have motivation to practice her solo dj set but nails this?

No. 1986086

File: 1713293776377.jpeg (402.58 KB, 828x1302, IMG_2370.jpeg)

Looks like Bella isn’t mad at Claire for hitting her in the face that one time

No. 1986089

File: 1713294794506.mp4 (19.08 MB, 600x802, Coachella368.mp4)

3. On the way to fix Grimes CDJS (and REKORDBOX)
6. Pestiferous Pizza
8. Grimes having more technical issues

Sorry for the video quality. Didn't want to post these individually. Number 6 is my favorite. She is trying to be so uwu eating the strawberry. Grimes wants to be a model not a musician. Kek.

No. 1986094

>Grimes wants to be a model not a musician
too right nona. thank you for the videos!

No. 1986112

File: 1713298193939.jpeg (347.03 KB, 828x1523, IMG_2373.jpeg)

It’s pepperoni lmao

No. 1986123

File: 1713300123575.png (343.01 KB, 1964x1752, grimes is a fraud.png)

some guy on reddit breaking down how it's pretty much fucking impossible that grimes knows how to DJ or even produce music. long read but if anyone's interested ig
>The Elizabeth Holmes of music
so true and i've been saying this for years, she didn't even produce her old music herself! >>>/snow/1320577

No. 1986162

let's fucking go, I'm ready to see this shit blow up in her face

No. 1986239

She looks so creepy eating those pepperonis off her pizza. Is that her trying to look cute? It comes off as "small, incompetent brain".

No. 1986246

She looks like she’s touching them at gunpoint hahaha

No. 1986257

File: 1713357799158.jpeg (4.26 MB, 3464x3464, C2F14A58-86CF-442E-8517-D2795B…)

kek THIS was the moment you could tell she was absolutely blitzed outta her mind (or needs an exorcism). Don’t know how to embed vid, but lifted this from r/grimezs, glad I wasn’t the only one who caught it


No. 1986279

File: 1713368552949.mp4 (1.2 MB, 720x1280, GMLqGxpJh4sDGJUBAGE5w0OGAV9lbm…)

No. 1986384

She's got multiple burners in the Grimeth sub(sage your shit)

No. 1986506

You have no idea wtf you're talking about if you think she was on ketamine

No. 1986532

it's because Kanye is referencing Varg right now in his Nazi journey and Enyma has been courting Kanye, remixing his music. Kanye has implied he wants to have a business relationship. Literally its a "im with Kanye" signal lol, this Mexican is such a scammer and knows which fallen brands he can milk to his own advantage.

He is gonna break Claire's heart so hard.

No. 1986533

holy fuck this is so cringey. What is "digital bang" supposed to elicit in me? It sounds like an energy drink brand from Sri Lanka.

No. 1986535

she literally didn't know what "noise gate" meant when she went on Hasan Piker's show. He had to repeat it 3 times and she never stopped staring blankly and failing to understand how to use his microphones.

No. 1986558


No. 1986583

File: 1713445170281.png (99.92 KB, 1125x560, apickmehasenteredthechat.png)

The emphasis on her DIY persona has always been a big cope because she's the polar opposite of that and knows it. The only cool things about her are always things done for her and not by her: her music, styling, ai shit, dj sets, visuals… everything that looks cool surrounding her brand was stolen or bought out. She's a true artistic leech, without an ounce of talent or sincere expression, because she lacks individuality and personnality. Her nlog quirky weird persona and long pseudo-intellectual twitter threads are also copes to hide the fact that she lacks any sense of self, any values or core beliefs that shapes her being and thoughts. She's an empty shell with flashy accessories trying to make believe: she doesn't care about being a good musician or an interesting person, what matters is only that she is perceived that way. That's why she has always crafted this fake persona with unbelievable tales and stupid lies (from her living in a crackhouse, on a makeshift boat, making visions album without sleeping for a week, japan nosediving accident…): she knows how shallow she is and feels the need to amp up her image so much to compensate. When the facade drops because she's confronted with reality, as with this coachella set, or when she participated in live debates, the void of her inner world becomes apparent. The drug abuse clearly doesn't help. She's both a pathological liar and a narc, so she's very predictable: if she denies something vehemently, she's probably it, and if she insists on being something, she probably isn't. Kinda unrelated but kek at picrel, she just had to @ melon just before the anyma set so he would be reminded of her.

No. 1986601

I couldnt have said it better nonna. its wild that melon treats the literal mother of his child as a nonentity. he engages with her less than some of his replyguys.

No. 1986642

Lmao @ trying to look cool while being violently jostled around on that thing

No. 1986654

File: 1713470950113.jpeg (660.3 KB, 1179x1775, IMG_0767.jpeg)

A-trak commented on her klutzy apology. He also called her a “creative vision type of artist” kek. That’s nice speak for not technically being one

At least the music world is starting to see what she’s rly abt. Pretty neat

No. 1986688

Oh it's a wrap if A-trak is jumping in kek. I've seen some of the fan cope shifting to blame sexism in DJing for the hate. While that's definitely a conversation to be had it's just not applicable to Grimes. She should've stuck to making her music for girls who describe themselves as "Ramona Flowers IRL"

No. 1986707

If a man pulled the same shit, she did he would be literally crucified. She has literally gotten a pass for the past 13 years because she is a woman. A man could never become famous for failing on stage over and over, not knowing how to use his gear, pretending to be a solo producer… it would not be cute to anyone. Every time she fails everyone’s like “ but she’s a solo FEMALE producer” as if her being female, just gives her a pass automatically? As a female producer myself this is so infuriating. Her being the first name you see when you google females and electronic music is so defeating because she doesn’t even make her own music, never has, and literally can barely use her gear on stage or properly elaborate on production techniques. Seeing a huge grifter take that spot from other women who actually work hard and know what they’re doing is really defeating. This would never happen if she were a man. She would never have become famous as a man.

No. 1986726

File: 1713490783553.jpg (105.84 KB, 1080x628, 1000014978.jpg)

sidetracking a little bit but it's there any chance those ketamine speculation posters might be that one weirdo that keeps the r/grimezs subreddit alive with constant sperging on how she's on ketamine and meth and searches every single mention of grimes on reddit to comment on it? A minor adjacent cow if anything, that person is boderline a stalker.

No. 1986731

File: 1713491265250.jpg (551.92 KB, 1080x1597, 1000014980.jpg)

It's totally this redditor lol, what even is this level of obsession with claire, i wouldn't doubt they're probably 60% of the thread talking to themselves

No. 1986746

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No. 1986757

File: 1713494424582.jpg (191.76 KB, 1080x1854, ranchopannadece44.jpg)

Interesting. Apparently it's a woman in her 30s, half-asian, lives in New Orleans.
She has also made this post about Grimes that made it to r/bestof lol.

No. 1986761

File: 1713494900439.png (167.69 KB, 960x821, 1000014981.png)

Insofar what I've found out about this guy
>obsessed with Grimes since 2011
>Has stalked Grimes and associates in person, tried talking to her during concerts before
(They have specifically bragged recently about making her be turned for live gigs)
>Split on her and started talking negatively about her after Elon relationship
>Projects their own use of ketamine on grimeth
She seems to be aware of this person and tried to get r/grimezs shut down, picrel
You sure it's a woman? I saw some posts that mention fetishes on their post history and it was giving me moid vibes, they're also very aggressive about Anyma but seem enamored with Hana and Charlotte Free

No. 1986763

The timing of this derailment is very odd

No. 1986764

I thought the crossposting with stuff from R/grimezs and constant mention of hard drugs was very odd and out of tone considering we have cows like tuna slater, i even vented about it on another corner of the board, so out of boredom i decided to look into it then that weird ass redditor name dropped loclow and they have years of obsessively posting about her on that account alone.

No. 1986781

I guess that’s fair. Could be down to personal taste since I don’t mind the crossposting. If it’s another source for applicable screenshots and new milk then why not. But it’s true there is overlap between her snark sub and this thread. So if you wanna discuss and single out an admittedly overly involved redditor then go for it.

I was just suspicious since it’s possible Grimes and her team have been flagging YouTube vids on DJs who’ve been breaking down her Coachella flop and demonetizing them. They’ve taken down most of the Twitter vids already. Didn’t think it’d extend here but all the same. Hit that tinfoil too hard my bad

No. 1986785


I have no doubts claire actively posts here

Yeah, exactly

There are several accounts in that subreddit that only have sockpuppets to post there. They even have a mascot, furbyclaire. Several of them could be one person, who knows.

I know for sure the user cotton candy ice is doing a lot of the crossposts on here, the maker of furby claire

No. 1986796

File: 1713503742958.jpg (377.72 KB, 1080x1546, 1000014989.jpg)

No problem, i understand the timing being kinda terrible lol idk if the mods can vouch for me not being claire but anyhow i think it's worth taking a look at the redditors because they do have a track record of harassing Grimes's non-famous friends like Lan Dao, the Bene Gesserit wannabe, it's all very milky
Are you a snark poster nonna? Any inside drama from the redditors you can reveal to us? They seem very…Maladjusted. I'm pretty sure Rancho is a troon.

No. 1986803

I guess I just don’t find this as milky as Claire herself and her going ons? Would you rly consider a screenshot harassment?

Her team is possibly suppressing dissent and that barely registered for you if at all actually

No. 1986827

>i have figured out what happened and it won't happen again
as if there was anything to figure out kek. does that translate to "i'll take a little less drugs and get a coaching session from my tard wrangler"?

No. 1986829

File: 1713514016571.jpeg (365.4 KB, 1800x1439, IMG_1465.jpeg)

Its not that milky or too different than all the posts / discussions here, the only difference is on Reddit there are usernames attached to the posts.
I don’t wanna get banned for hi-cowing but …

> idk if the mods can vouch for me not being claire

Why would a farmer be so concerned with gaining more intel on the user of her snark sub?

>Any inside drama from the redditors you can reveal to us?

Why would that even be interesting or milky to anyone here? Where we say the exact same things about her drug use, her nazi shit, etc

Its giving:

No. 1986859

the absolute narcissism

No. 1986888

File: 1713533459630.mp4 (1.4 MB, 720x742, eaKcPO4JE5ZfbAwh.mp4)

at first I thought that people were just doing the regular thing of accusing her of being high and/or drunk during that DJ dumpster fire last week, but now you actually can't convince me that this girl wasn't inebriated off her fucking ass. what the fuck is she doing with her head? there's just no way that somebody fully lucid would be behaving like this.

No. 1986891

File: 1713534524554.jpeg (1.97 MB, 3069x3315, 8AA2ED76-CDCE-46B7-8188-684367…)

They have a point, grimeth has been skinwalking Charlotte Free for a good long while. Must be so weird for someone with all the resources and connections in the world to be stalking your tumblr-grade style. I’d probably fully lose my mind if someone got a $200k facelift to look like me KEK

No. 1986897

cringeee holy shit, bet she was hoping at least one person would catch that hair flip with a dslr KEK

No. 1986905

they could actually be right about ketamine. if you use it often enough your tolerance can get crazy high resulting in small doses having much less of a psychedelic effect. ketamine isnt all about the k-hole and if used frequently lower doses of it feel kind of like a weird mix of coke and molly idk not exactly but sort of. honestly she seems like she's usually on several drugs at the same time.

No. 1986909

hard agree but re: the boat shit there were pictures and possibly there exists police reports and articles about said police involvement. its still whack af and clearly some bs PR stunt on the same level as the completely staged 'tee hee im reading marx to troll paparazzi' photoshoot

No. 1986911

this. she literally got famous by masquerading as a trailblazing feminist by making a huge deal out of not shaving at a time when that was already trendy

she showed the world her true colors re: feminism during that cringe ass debate

No. 1987044

she's trying to do a hair flip because she wants someone to get a pic of it mid-flip in the air but instead of looking like an ethereal elf princess it looks like ratty dreads kek

No. 1987089

Charlotte Free has been accusing every skinny white girl with pastel hair of being a skinwalker for over a decade. what’s she up to these days besides clinging to what’s left of her e-fame and fucking her brother, anyway?

No. 1987090

all her dj "live" shows have been like this - her being vapidly focused on herself as if she is a decoration of some musician, on how she looks, touching buttons once in a while to change a song. Her stupid fans were always enjoying it, unaware she is just playing prerecorded music for them

No. 1987104

Even sadder that grimes skinwalks her then tbh KEK. Fortunately I didn’t pay much attention to either of these tumblrinas back when they peaked online, however even a cursory glance at Charlottes page makes it obvious to anyone grimace is no originator of ideas. Which I’m sure we can all agree on by this point.

No. 1987137

This is cap lol I’ve been following her on ig and tumblr since..2011? 2012? Never seen her make such claims. She was also as big if not bigger than Grimes at that time, a lot of people were heavily inspired by her look back then, back when girl internet was just a ton of blogs with pictures of models and tumblrinas. The brother fucking is probably cap as well.


The faces she makes while DJing are always my favorite source of comedic entertainment. Just search Grimes DJing on TikTok, well, it might be flooded now because of Coachella, but the way she thinks she looks so cool making the weirdest autistic faces is so funny. She literally is always on drugs doing these bizarre things with her mouth. She also makes really funny faces whenever she can see herself on camera in interviews and she tries to make these like pretty faces at the camera and can’t stop looking at herself. She’s so funny to observe. She’s literally like a caricature of a deranged narcissist. She’s so confident while looking so retarded it’s amazing. If I had more time, I would make a video compilation of her overly confident retard mannerisms. I remember in eighth grade this retarded girl had a bat mitzvah, and we all made her think she was really cool that night and she was dancing around and feeling really good about herself and I can’t help but to be reminded of her every time Grimes djs Cause it’s the exact same vibe(learn to integrate)

No. 1987191

File: 1713580990733.png (1.04 MB, 700x1050, incest.png)

go back

No. 1987263

File: 1713610281051.png (528.37 KB, 593x939, IMG_4606.png)

the brother thing is (obviously) fake and was just her being edgy for attention

No. 1987307


Kek you tried Nona. Do you also have pink hair?

No. 1987356

Why are people (bots) spamming “they can never make me hate you grimes” under every video of her on social media recently?

No. 1987401

File: 1713643439205.png (604.49 KB, 1080x1066, IMG_5312.png)

Come on Claire! Rekordbox is not that complicated. (Remember how Claire compared Elon Musk to Gandalf on their second date?)

Grimes has a psychotic fan in her Xitter mutuals who acts as her personal army on Reddit. It got so bad the snark sub reddit mods had to warn everyone about him. It was discussed in the previous threads.

No. 1987413

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All I can wonder is who her PR agency is. She’s claiming the strikes aren’t from her side and are from Coachella (Rico Management) which very well could be true but my hunch is artists have the option to obtain rights and they just chose not to. They might be waiting to see how her next show goes before signing off on that. It’d be the most convenient move. Would explain why some artists’ footage aren’t taken down and others are. Depends on the name or label

No. 1987514

gen z brainrot that will fizzle out in a year if that.

No. 1987539


is she not scared public behavior like this is prob enough to lose a custody battle
holy shyt

No. 1987541

shut up and move on grimes

No. 1987542

grimey’s flawless set yesterday including a guy being right next to her doing all the technical stuff while she dances around in a bodysuit and some upgraded extensions. Very sad if shes going to continue getting gigs this way and carry a literal person around to dj while she dances next to him, hehehehe

No. 1987544

the cracker dance to Vivaldi on the dj booth whilst the guy is trying to hide he is even there….. im baffled that she 100% had this shit thought out beforehand and jumping on the table is what she thought would be cool. Regular grimes L(sage your shit)

No. 1987590

>thinking any post you disagree w is a cow
You aren’t very bright are you

No. 1987680

Very late to this but I think her drug usage has gotten out of hand after the kids were taken off of her and she got involved with anyma. Every picture they are together in they look high as fuck and she was clearly high on her dj set. Her teeth seem to have chipped further too, common sign of meth usage. I don't get why you wouldnt restrain yourself during your set in front of thousands of people, but that is drug addiction I guess.
Also we have never heard about the outcome of the custody battle, how come?
Am wondering whether she will have a full on psychotic breakdown of some sorts in the near future

No. 1987704

File: 1713737742661.webp (11.39 KB, 393x392, 180CB751-B9F3-4B8D-8265-150707…)

Poppy in Grimes’ AI visuals this weekend

No. 1987707

shes definitely slipping after the kids were taken. I have my issues with her but thats gotta hurt for any parent put in that situation, especially when youre up against a psycho druggie retard like elon with near unlimited opportunities and wealth. she probably came to the depressing conclusion that the kids will probably never be in her life and has probably stopped caring what others think. grimes is a dumb bitch but no mother, no parent deserves what she went through.
especially because in the end, it wasnt done for the kids. it was done for elon's ego. hes still a terrible parent, he just has another baby mama doing the actual parenting so he can stroke his ego on twitter.

No. 1987713

even in this 'flawless' set, she makes multiple mistakes, music gets turned off/have to restart twice and screams, she accidentally slows the bpm and desyncs like 3-4 times, and accidentally speeds up like twice while screaming and going 'I GOT THIS'. Not to mention the first half of her set sounded like shitty dub/dnb from 2014's sound design, and the other half old madeon/zedd clones. There's like 2 songs that are moderately okay, and that's giving her a lot more credit than she deserves. Not to mention the classic MDMA mouth thing where you suck in your lips mid way through her set.

It's kind of sad to go from oblivion to this regurgitated crap edm. She really really regressed. It's really obvious she never wrote any of her music, or her head got perma fried from all the mdma/ketamine/possibly meth. Is she going to get fined or something for fucking up the first weekend so badly? Does coachella do those kind of things for artists who clearly don't due their due diligence?

No. 1987794

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No. 1987802

File: 1713770887594.jpeg (96.18 KB, 417x350, IMG_1563.jpeg)

Whoever ok'd the drumstick is trying to sabo her. What the hell was that.

No. 1987804

File: 1713771161689.jpeg (794.26 KB, 1031x1407, IMG_1566.jpeg)

Is that… william defoe as the green goblin? I swear when she smiles thats all i can think of, that or the windowlicker mask.

The 2nd set was still really bad but i guess when you set the worlds lowest expectation people will cheer watching you fail slightly less? I could teach my 11 year old neighbor to dj better than her in the same amount of time she had between the 2 sets. Absolutely embarassing and total DOGSHIT. Her shrill hideous voice coming thru the mic to say "i got this" most pathetic, untalented hack of all time

No. 1987820

Reminder Lan Dao and Grimes were in the milady/charlotte fang server that encouraged young girls to have eating disorders post nudes and cut themselves.

No. 1987825

The windowlicker mask looks way better than this crackhead ass wannabe loser ever will. Grimes is such a pathetic idiot.

No. 1987826

She looks trannycoded. Is this and the embarassing performance supposed to distract from the fact everyone knows she's a hack fraud?

No. 1987841

kek, exactly. and since when can a dj leave the deck and dance like a special needs child on stage?

No. 1987844

Care to elaborate or provide screenshots ?(sage your shit)

No. 1987864

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No. 1987865

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No. 1987866

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No. 1987867

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No. 1987868

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No. 1987869

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No. 1987870

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No. 1987871

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No. 1987873

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No. 1987888

so many words… just say it's the drugs, claire

they both look like ugly dogs kek. there's just so many same-y looking photos. the nona who said claire wants to be a model and not a musician was right. too bad the only look she can pull off is tacky washed-up crackhead. i can't feel sorry for her no matter all the sob stories and methhead ramblings. the recent coachella show looked like a gimmick act and the only reason she gets these gigs is through connections. she has no talent and never deserved a spot

No. 1987892


Is that all she’s going to say about it?

No. 1987902

Imagine having the money, resources and access that Grimes does and still being this uninspired and boring

No. 1987911

god she's so bogged. and the guy looks 50

No. 1987916

File: 1713799163287.jpeg (19.47 KB, 362x271, 7DFC6AD3-B43D-48CB-A287-DE8A93…)

Nazis always have this ugly look about them can’t put my finger on what it is….

No. 1987923

No. 1987925

File: 1713801382293.png (2.08 MB, 1986x974, IMG_5157.png)

New merch drop.
>Fugly shirt
>Drugged out Grimes
>Weird looking dudes
Life well spent.

No. 1987979

File: 1713814600103.png (675.38 KB, 933x833, Captura de pantalla 2024-04-22…)

Also the literal lorem ipsum

No. 1987985

The second hand embarrassment omg she’s so sloppy

No. 1987997

I mean, let’s not act like it isn’t a stylistic choice. “Look how little I give a shit about any of this crap”, basically. As evident by the shark eyes in >>1987925

No. 1988024

File: 1713823945884.png (57.11 KB, 938x785, uglyshirtdeets.png)

why does she keep trying to shove this ugly AI art onto her fans? people on both Twitter and the subreddits said they aren't into it.

and now she's printing it on vintage shirts for $65. what the fuck, Claire?

No. 1988025

Everytime I think Claire can’t get more cracked out or rock bottom she outdoes herself and sinks even lower.

She’s spiralling so hard since Elon left her for Shivon and getting involved with a Eurotrash dj who is using her for clout and probably enables her and supplies her with molly and coke nonstop is not helping things.

Seeing her picking pepperoni off a pizza and tentatively nibbling like it’s poisoned is so weird, she hasn’t eaten a solid meal in months. If it weren’t for all her money she’d be no different from a trailer trash crackhead.

I’m not surprised she’s always ranting about heart palpitations and going to the ER on her private twitter: a diet of vyvanse, cocaine and some McDonald’s fries once a month is a heart attack waiting to happen. Get it together Claire or you’re gonna die.

No. 1988026

When you’re high as a kite like she constantly is, mediocre crap like this seems like the coolest dopest thing ever.

It’s a shame because she is quite a creative artistic person and can draw pretty well, but her brain is fried and her heart isn’t in anything she does anymore and she’s just paying Koto to churn out anything he can on her website atm.

No. 1988031

That’s kinda sad they broke up. They did look nice together in their youth. But Charlotte, like Kiki, is very obnoxious and immature and aspie, I remember seeing them interacting together and it always seemed like she was winding Gryphon up and annoying him, he’s a really nice guy and I’m not really surprised he has dumped her and moved on with a new person.(tripleposting newfag)

No. 1988062

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No. 1988066

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An old friend of hers called Duffy that run a "cult" she was in, recently became viral on tiktok and he seems to be spilling the beans about her on reddit. The username checks out as he's using it in other social media as well. Warning for weird way of typing as he seems to have dysgraphia.

No. 1988068

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No. 1988071

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This one raises several eyebrows as she seems to be mentioning in quite a few interviews how this affected her to the point of writing a song about it and claiming to be traumatized from this happening.

No. 1988072

I can smell the mildew basement water bottle piss from this picture alone. Grum especially looks like she just washed herself with dawn dish soap in the sink while the shower running and called it a “shower”

No. 1988076

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Weird cus shes been posting the same dude for years while he looks completely fried and im some sort of polycule situation i had to unfollow him.
Notice how she hides her face in every pic now, she knows she looks scary as fuck now. God imagine being a baby in your crib and the green goblin lurching over it maniacally laughing in her shrill voice as she does. Complete nightmare material, she probably makes them cry when she smiles

Anyma is perfect for her cus Italy has one of the highest rates of plastic surgery and its not uncommon to see botched facelifts especially in the wealthier areas similar to mexico. He is only with her because it helps his career. He doesnt seem too smart so he probably doesnt know what shes talking about most of the time which is perfect. her racist edgelord dogwhistling goes over his head and her pseudo intellectualism probably is too lofty and ridiculous for him to even make sense of

No. 1988079

I don’t think that’s Poppy? That just looks like an AI rendering of Grimes

No. 1988110

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Jesus Christ, kek

No. 1988113

Omg, we need more normies destroying Grimeth.
As fun as roasting her in this schizo echochamber is, there's something juicier about her getting torn apart by people that EXCLUSIVELY know her as Elon Musk's ex.

It's such poetic justice that she is publicly reduced to just Melon's broodmare considering her egomania.
Her image is tarnished beyond repair and she has been on a death spiral ever since she probably realized that she did not get picked and, in fact, never will be.

She played herself by thinking getting together with Melon will propel her to "mitochondrial Eve" status and allow her to matriculate from D-list celeb to serious, acclaimed musician status.
In reality, her PR-romance debased her career and led to people taking interest in her inconsistencies.
People began taking notes and her collaborators whom she used and abused began speaking up.
Like clockwork, Claire flails and tries to do damage control (covering up lies with lies, lashing out, coping with drugs) thereby adding fuel to the fire.
We are potentially witnessing the crescendo to a meltdown of Charlie Sheen proportions.
Absolutely fucking kino.

No. 1988118

Oh she is just absorbing that new personality like a sponge. Wild to see a skinwalker morph in real time.

No. 1988122

pls elaborate
as in, what parts of this image are taken from the moid

No. 1988149

These aren't normies. These are retarded scrotes sexually degrading her

No. 1988150

She degraded herself by signing up to date the king of degen scrotes. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

No. 1988172

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>rando comments
>anon assumes theyre normies and proceeds to go on a anti-grimes sperg thinking the public has woken up about grimes
dude relax lmao. shes not as relevant as you think. anime and gender fags are the only ones who really know about her. a real normie has no clue who she is.

No. 1988173


This makes perfect sense. There's this interview she does right when she's become more well-known and is doing small gigs, opening for ppl,etc… she is trying really hard to shake off the druggie allegations. She says that she had to let go of all her Montreal friends years ago back in university days because they were all bad influences and on drugs. She does the whole "I was a good kid who got mixed up in bad things" routine and blames the dangerous, poor kids for leading the innocent upper middle class girl astray. To come back years later and pretend like she gives a fuck what happened to all those people is such grifter trash behavior. No wonder she can't get anyone decent around her to work for her and she hangs out with people in the tech world who are basically due to be the next Sam Bankman-Fried. I genuinely believe one day this is all going to blow up in scandal. She just can't stop stealing and grifting and the people around her are telling her it's all okay.

No. 1988175

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For starters she keeps repping her bf’s moidy wannabe-skinhead brand KEK and since they’re both overgrown jobless trust-fund kids who read everything written about them, I’m betting it will be less than 2 weeks we see Kanye in it too.
People say enyma will coax her away from the awkward fascism phase, but he’s just as self-aggrandizing kek the name for the collection pictured here is literally BLAME SOCIETY cringe

No. 1988179

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No. 1988190

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Grimes and Lan Dao, FaceApp’d to all hell

No. 1988219

Wonder where this cracker is in ten years. She is already having a hard time clinging on to what little is left of her status, she will become more and more addicted, eventually will replace meth/amohetamines with downers and hang out the kids out of the window or some shit for paparazzi. I am a bit concerned at this point. I have had many years spent as a drug addict and guys she is BAD. this is multiple types of hard drug abuse mixed with alcohol in the set (at least), i think elon really broke her. And the so did the drugs. At this point i honestly dont want to laugh at her anymore, its just fucking sad. Shes still a main villain of her story and will continue to do so tho.(sage your shit)

No. 1988221

I think she'll be fine, she can afford treatment for her drug addiction and also therapy. She's not a homeless junkie on the streets.

No. 1988230

They’re saying the humanoid AI theme is overplayed and by another cow nonetheless

No. 1988297


nonnas does anyone remember the threads lao dao was mentioned in? i can’t remember what the context of this woman was. just another rich red pill asian?

No. 1988300


samefag, not whiteknighting claire but people have been saying the same shit about her and her ED/drugs for almost a decade now and yet there she stands. She can fade into obscurity calmly with those 3 designer sperm children of hers and melon. She’s never been that popular anyways.

No. 1988328

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That’s Vittoria right?

No. 1988439

nta, but it seems she adopted his cold and distant presence and is trying to be a serious techno DJ, her style became more consistent too with the plastic, futuristic augmentations. The baseball cap reminds me of him too. I feel like she is trying to be more mature now and an equal artistic partner to Anyma

No. 1988456

Kek why did they run the Hollywood filter over their faces 5 times
I’m creasing

Using and dumping people is just regular nepo baby behavior. Claire has a huge back catalogue of wronged people who hate her. I guess it hurts more to be used like that by someone like Claire who pretends to be so harmless and dorky and aspie and nice. Instead of the more honest, asshole social climber type.

No. 1988525

Good catch Nona, I didn’t even notice

No. 1988561

Coming back to this thread in hopes for fresh milk and was not disappointed. Best thread on /snow rn. Don't even know what to comment on first, all is top tier cringe. Glad to see she's got exposed for not knowing ANYTHING at all about DJing, mixing music, nothing. This |uwu i'm such a musical electro genius" shit has been going for way too long.
This is giving Lilboweep's fentanyl days in LA, both visually and in every other ways imaginable since their drug antics are nearly comparable.
Grimes but Kardashianified. terrifying shit

No. 1988602

But she progressively gets more fried and retarded over Time… Plus she's nearing 40. her brain's ability to heal itself from the drugs is getting weaker and weaker progressively. Shes rapidly becoming lamer and stupider. I'm pretty sure she already went to rehab, she Started doing drugs again not long after x was born. No wonder she doesnt get to see him. I know elon is a mess but at least he isn't publicly high on meth constantly. This bitch is LIT. Maybe some of you who haven't been around drugs or don't have experience well under play the severity but shes using mulitple hard drugs. Definitely ketamine and speed at least

No. 1988743

the next SBF is spot on lol

No. 1988803

Fading into obscurity and actually being a mother to her children is the fate grimace fears most. Such would be the end of her life long delusional pwintheth RP. At least she has someone to take drugs with now since elon is busy diddling about on his phone.

No. 1988804

This. I think Claire would genuinely rather OD and die and get attention posthumously than live a low-key lifestyle and become a normal loving mom to her children.

No. 1988838

pretty sure thats what her recent tweet: “would u die to preserve ur ideas?” was about. If a kind nona could find it, I’m not setting foot in that xitter cesspool

No. 1988894

>Grimes but Kardashianified. terrifying shit
istg she would be perfect on a real housewives show

No. 1988898

Got recommended this by YouTube after watching a couple grimey fail vids. Do you think it’s possible her brain is just fucked now? She seems like she was able to live loop okay in this odd performance at a record store in 2012. Not giving her any passes bc it’s on her to seek help and I don’t think she solely produced everything on her own like she vauntly claimed but it is interesting seeing how much her skills deteriorated compared to this performance and Coachella

No. 1988901

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Also found these tweets and she def still had issues in 2012 but does anyone know what happened at EDC and Mexico City?

No. 1988904

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These were in response to Daoda her equally grim manager’s overly long and convoluted explanation for what happened. I’m not reading it all but here it is. Have at it

No. 1988914

File: 1714073236971.mp4 (16.03 MB, BnivK19aNhYFCFNn.mp4)

From Twitter:
" @Grimezsz Apr 24

I've been working w members of @KNGMKRlabs since the beginning of Grimes - together we've pulled off some beautiful chaos (such as the grimes workout routine/ eyeball surgery controversy, the genesis music video etc)

But my all time fave is when we manically made this video in 2 days last week

Their experience and talent across media make them one of the most compelling AI teams and I am super excited to take writing, cinema, and performance art to the next level with them in the next few years

These are my ride or die’s and if you liked the Coachella stunt, I recommend hitting up my favorite weirdos –→ accidental launch of @kngmkrlabs … [crossed swords emoji]

(They also executed my main screen Coachella visuals - minus the Anyma collab and the fortnight/ xite AR + Grimes AI)"

No. 1988916

Nothing shes doing here is difficult by any means though. Thats what people need to understand, its harder to dj than it is to do anything claire has done on a stage or a performance

No. 1988919

Daoda is delusional he cracks me up

No. 1988930

I feel you I just have trouble understanding why she doesn’t incorporate what she’s actually capable of onto the stage. It’s crazy to me that she has the name and the means to put on a REAL decent show but instead goes as bigwig DJ cosplay. At her Coachella set the most noise the crowd made was when the Oblivion remix track came on. It’s her job I hate that she hates the effort that bad. Unless she can’t perform like she used to anymore either

No. 1988932

Lmao…is she really attempting an irl “jokes on you, I was just pretending to be retarded”? It’s just sad at this point, Melon really broke her brain.

No. 1988947

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User on the snark sub said she reached out to the Midjourney discord they’re apart of just one month before Coachella for her visuals. Link is dead now but saw it at the right time and it was a short 5 sec vid which sounded like her saying it’d be cool to wear some dress that a generated Cleopatra was wearing.

No. 1988970

She’s nothing if not predictable

No. 1989027

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you can see people generating ideas and “art" for her

No. 1989217

She reminds me of a girl I know who had ADHD and abused addies for years and years and also fried her brain with shrooms molly weed and everything else. You definitely become dumber and dumber if you keep abusing drugs, and this current era is the most wasted I’ve seen Grimey in years. I strongly suspect Elon got her addicted to coke.

No. 1989250

>the Coachella stunt
i wasn't expecting anything quite this obvious tbh a little ashamed my bar for her was higher than it should have been.
really idt it's the drugs made her stupid, i think the narcissism already did and the drugs are just exposing it to everyone's amusement

No. 1989262

Yeah, narc brain rot (brain atrophy from believing you deserve it all w/out doing any of the labor to get there) got to her long before her reliance on AI unfortunately.
Rather than owning up to the fact she’s shit/didn’t rehearse, being honest and owning up to that fact (would’ve been slightly more endearing) - she decided “iM bAWxXy iZ jUsT tRoLLin” was an appropriate response for a 40-year old woman. In reality, without her successive line of boyfriends there isn’t really a career there or a drive for anything other than obtaining her lifelong goal of getting a surgery that she thought would make her the next kate moss KEK.

No. 1989263

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sage for non-grimes milk but can someone please explain to me how this lan dao person has somehow become known publicly? like does she do anything other than post unhinged facist psuedointellectual rants on twitter?

someone posted her linkedin on one of the grimes subreddits and she's done a comical amount of nothing. no experience other than a few internships at her university, and it seems that she's very young. probably under 25

it really seems like she's a complete nobody and it's absolutely wild to me that she's regularly hanging with grimes, so trying to figure out if i'm missing something here lol

No. 1989264

Sukkkin Thiel dikkk

No. 1989307

I doubt thiel would want man dao to suck his dick, lan dao is no different from that lesbian pearl. Her and aella probably make friends with hot girls to fuck their nasty old rich friends, i doubt the nasty old rich dudes would touch aella or mandao with a 10 foot pole– that being said elon did fuck stanky tweaker claire so who knows(sage your shit)

No. 1989992


samefag that previously asked, there’s a lot of milk on her in threads from 2022. Can’t remember the numbers.

No. 1990241

I think the sun has officially set on the grimes universe. She had a good run, got to play coachella again… but the world doesnt find it cute or entertaining anymore, shes in a permanent negative feedback loop now. Her own fans have mostly turned their back on her, the only ones who still support her are either bigoted edgelords or really low iq simps who cant make sense of anything she does and find it fascinating. She used to have respectable people be on board. She would be really smart to pivot to a quieter existence, she cant play the stay young forever game (she tried and got botched rlly bad) shes lost the magic, people were buying into her delusions before and we're OK with it but now her delusions are just not cute anymore or fun to go along with. And once gen z catches wind of her actual politics shes so done. All the verified accounts that follow her on ig knew about her Nazi shit theyd be done too. Shes lucky most people still dont know shes a creep and a bigot and a hack, but more and more people find out every single day. Will she continue the grimes charade out of sheer narcissism or take the high road and actually become a mom?

No. 1990315

she'd rather smother her own children in their sleep than sacrifice her "youth" and "fame" for them.

No. 1990325

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this take is so mega retarded especially considering how she claimed giving birth to X almost killed her and then yapping about how we need to make artificial womb lab babies possible kek

No. 1990326

I really wonder why she's drawn to the pronatalism crowd. If you scratch their retarded evopsych talk and worries about the economy, it reveals simpler concerns: sending women back in the home and avoiding 'replacement' by immigrants. Maybe the Nazi theory is right kek

No. 1990337

Its because it makes her feel superior, shes part of en elite bene geserit white people with white people genes only club and they all think they have high iq from online self testing and being told they were gifted in elementary school. shes into it because she is a full blown narcissist who is obsessed with herself and her entire brand, dj visuals and everything she does is just a celebration of herself. So of course shes drawn to eugenics. She thinks her shit doesnt stink, she thinks she makes cool music and art kek shes completely delusional and thats the exact criteria for this sort of thing

No. 1990343

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some more braindead takes from her
i think it's just part of her adopting every single one of muskrat's beliefs and opinions no matter how stupid or contradictory they sound coming out of her mouth (or anyone's frankly, but especially hers considering her past political larps)
>Maybe the Nazi theory is right kek
i mean she's definitely leaning into some weird far right online spheres and has become quite edgy. it might be her showing her true colours, or it might be her just trying to please elon. not to armchair but it's giving bpd how she literally switched personality since dating muskrat.

No. 1990349

I know she looks like a fugly Neanderthal, but to behave like one? She's learning it's hard to hold onto the young woke crowd when your snatch reeks of geriatric billionaire jizz.

No. 1990383

Artificial womb lab babies so her and Elon and the rest of the cult can fiddle about with cloning unfettered (like NXIVM) and the government can finally start “making” people, aka a permanent class of serfs who belong to the state.
Ahh yes, I’m sure there will be no negative repercussions for this line of thinking that nobody has ever been down before, clearly everyone is just too scared to venture into this intellectual titan territory, unlike meth-addled Claire equipped with her IQ of 40.
It’s not like there is at least half a century worth of dystopian sci fi built on these exact concepts, warning people about the dangers of predators like grimes and elon.
In any case, Grimace sure is less about the music and art these days, her willingness to commit reproductive abuse (using the bodies of women of lower economic status for birthing 1% heirs) in the name of elons approval is pretty obviously the only thing that occupies her mind. It’s almost like the NPC project where she controls women wasn’t actually a creative project and more like a power fantasy. She knows she’s a Serena Waterford. The only difference is she’s starting to look more like Maye, which might be to her benefit anyway due to Elons Oedipus complex.

No. 1990384

its really funny the 9to5 online poster crowd all developed a weird breeding fetish. because if any group should be having children, its the sommeliers of "child tummy", the gets violently angry at NYPost articles, the would Chris Watts their entire family over an egirl crowd.

No. 1990399

she should watch clone high kek

No. 1990415

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God, shut up you fat faggot

No. 1990417

The world doesn't need any more humans, 8 billion is enough and the planet is already under massive stress from all the human poop, waste, trash, pollution and general bad environmental practice

No. 1990421

Pronatalism is based (it's my opinion and this isn't the baby ethics thread, don't try to debate me and derail the thread in replies) but Grimes shouldn't be the one to talk about it because she made different women give birth to her kids and the one time she got pregnant, she wouldn't stop complaining. She prioritized maintaining her anachan body with an elective c-section and plastic surger over carrying her baby to full term. She didn't "almost die" like she dramatically claims, she received the best maternal care in the world. Muskrat was right to tell her she should stop whining about doing something women have been doing (in much less luxurious circumstances than her) for thousands of years as this is the position someone with genuine pronatalistic views would take. Grimes, being a larper, couldn't see that motherhood is worth these difficulties and chose to go down the surrogacy road despite having no good excuse.(bait)

No. 1990438

It doesn’t help the pronatalism cause that most if not all of its advocates are Serena Waterford, Georgia Tann, bunny boiling, puppy-shooting types. The fact there needs to be a word and “movement” (if you could call it that) for something people willingly do in great number all over the world anyway - that is: breeding - is quite frankly retarded.
Nobody is “anti-natalism”, really. But those folks who proclaim they are, tend to be rightly revulsed by the “pronatalism is based” crowd, such as the examples given in first sentence, but also including other groomers such as Elon, grimes, Shivon, aella, liv boeree and whatever else retarded coked out groupies orbiting the cult who’ve been trafficking women to high profile men and think they have any length of intellectual dick to stroke about how the rest of the world should be conducting their lives.

No. 1990453

giving birth through c-section is still giving birth and is still considered carrying to full term after 39 weeks. it's common especially in the US, you sound like a braindead tradtard homebirther. it's also completely contradictory to say she lied about the bad complications/almost dying, and then saying she chose to be anachan in favor of having a normal pregnancy and that she didn't think the difficulties were worth the process. what difficulties did she experience then, that she wanted to avoid by getting surrogates instead, if she was just whining and lying about it all as you say?

No. 1990455

>Muskrat was right to tell her she should stop whining about doing something women have been doing (in much less luxurious circumstances than her) for thousands of years as this is the position someone with genuine pronatalistic views would take. Grimes, being a larper, couldn't see that motherhood is worth these difficulties and chose to go down the surrogacy road despite having no good excuse.
What a ridiculous take. We can discuss Grimes being dumb without these pathetic delusions about pregnancy's complications being non existent/greatly exaggerated or all "worth it".

No. 1990465

male hands typed this. fuck off, making a whole new human is an enormous amount of exertion. ywnbaw(scrotefoiling)

No. 1990466

Why are you giving her the benefit of the doubt when she lies about everything? Her excuses are just shallow anachan reasons, she made the complications up so she could justify renting wombs and not carrying them herself.
>You must be a moid because you can see through Grimes's bullshit(infighting)

No. 1990473

Not either of those anons and while I generally agree with you, the way you wrote it all out does come off a little moidy. Grimes wanted to have a baby without having to gain weight and get off the drugs, simple as that. People like her have no business having children in the first place, but rich people can pretty much do whatever they want.

No. 1990479

if this was true then she would have asked for a surrogate for x also it's not like they can't afford it

No. 1990487

>Why are you giving her the benefit of the doubt when she lies about everything?
you said she wanted to use surrogates to avoid the difficulties of pregnancy and birth again, conceding that you yourself believe she had a difficult pregnancy kek what is this argument

No. 1990490

I said she had no good excuse, I don't believe she had complications. The difficulty she faced was her body not looking skinny which feels like "almost dying" for her.

No. 1990499

She hemoragged, all ana-chans hemoragge. This is well known. Of course she had complications, she literally was so malnourished during her pregnancy that the doctors had to tell her to eat fortified cereal!! That is literally a last ditch effort for physicians when the mother is so malnourished and stupid that she doesnt even know how to properly eat food, or so anachan vain that they refuse to. And ofc she dramatized everything, she didnt almost "die" she just embellishes everything for attention her friend died during childbirth in 2019 which freaked her out and she also wanted attention for what happened to her friend to be given to her. She did have the best care in the world, she was having an heir to the richest human being on earth. I do not feel sorry for her vain refusal to nourish her child and inability to deliver to due self induced frailness. If she couldnt have more she shouldnt have had more, hiring surrogates so mommy can starve herself and do meth is both evil and retarded

No. 1991008

It's more "optimal" for females (and the species in general) to not reproduce at all rather than gestate a subpar nut, but I'm sure you knew that already mrs evo psych biology genius.

No. 1991073

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not my screenshot. i feel like she's going to come out as anti abortion next

No. 1991090

Workin hard for that child support now Elon won’t let her suck his micropeen. Pathetic.

No. 1991091

>wants people to have more children
>won't even pay child support

No. 1991120

>how to have empathy during pregnancy
If this is a sly at Musk this is hilarious because he already had tons of other children and even lost a baby. He knew exactly what to expect but couldn’t give less of a shit about Grimes during or after labor which is exactly how he treated his first wife. He didn’t need a sex ed class Grimes that fat fuck just didn’t care about you kek

No. 1991147

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Sage for non recent milk, but I was looking for mention of something different and came across this hilarious puff piece garbage. Following the cursed Coachella “performance”, (feat. METH) there’s something very funny about clur being considered a “barometer of grace under pressure” KEK
I’m truly enjoying some of these old interviews and how much they don’t line up with this 4D cheth performant art narrative she just shat out due to embarrassment. A reminder to us all of the importance of retaining our own poise and integrity as grimaces intellectual capacity crumbles around us.

No. 1991153

Grimes could have… done her homework? Used common sense? Read what his exes wrote about their experiences with him? What a sympathy harvester … what a victim. She could have just had kids with literally any non-evil entity lmao

Its still just her narcissism, she literally thought she was more special than them cus her fake and gay career and that she would be treated better (narc delusion lol) and be made his queen, lest we forget those retarded bride and groom items on her etsy account! This moron actually thought hahaha that musk hahaha would marry her gremlin ass hahaha and make her the ~* mitochondrial eve of martian technocracy ~*~ and be top concubine (i guess eventually settled on being the top of a whore pyramid since he fucks other girls and never stopped and probably was doing it when she was postpartum and has multiple "concubines" barf)

Its not juststupidity, its her delusion of self importance that got her here. Anyone else would immediately see all the red flags and not assume themself to be special enough to not be treated that way. The facelift at 35 was such a cope to get him back and so pathetic.

Look at shivon, no delusions of grandeur, no frills, fake and gay grifting or convoluted web of lies (and NDAs) surrounding her achievements. Thats the problem with pretending to be intelligent, eventually it will be put to the test and she was too dumb to keep his respect. Fuck his fatty pig ugly ass anyway though, she didnt deserve that necessarily but she also kinda did for allowing a psychopath to father her children. Like what a huge disservice to your genetic legacy, allowing ugly fat psychopath sperm into your body. Selfish, delusional and stupid.. And all cus shes a fucking golddigging soulless bitch who only cares about herself and getting headlines and attention

No. 1991179

kek. Reminder that his ex-wife Justine publicly stated that Elon called her "emotionally manipulative" because she cried when their infant son suddenly died.
But Grimes still thought she was the "cool girl" who Elon would treat differently. Embarrassing.

No. 1991180

File: 1714689129676.webp (83.33 KB, 828x630, IMG_1232.webp)

Remembered this one in passing. All this time I realized she was complaining about not wanting to be seen as the other girls kek. From several 2015 articles, image made by one of them

No. 1991245

Shivon is pretty fake and gay as well, but she does sell “smart top concubine” better than grimes(sage your shit )

No. 1991254

How is her career fake and gay? She is educated and accomplished nonnie. Some nonnies here really hate any aspie women and its retarded honestly, or just hate women in general. Shivon is a weirdo but she didnt get to where she is with smoke and mirrors and pr stunts. She also seemingly actually parents. Im sure mommy maye played a part in elon leaving claire who shouldnt even (and probably is never) alone in a room with a child

No. 1991291

>I'm not like the other girls, I look at graphs all day!!!
Loooool she's so dumb I can't stop laughing

No. 1991299

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Fucking kek. What graphs if you can’t even divide or multiply by 2? I assume she means waveforms. The Coachella dumpster fire was perfect in toppling this fake neuroscientist larp she’s been doing her whole lame career (picrel)

No. 1991303

>didnt get to where she is with smoke and mirrors and pr stunts

Look, hating on grimey doesn’t mean you have to stan a monkey torturer. Besides it’s quite well known Shivon got to where she is because she’s been friends with Elon since college, equipped with a basic business degree yet climbs to the top of Neuralink? Yeah that’s called fucking the boss. Grimes is retarded but so is Shivon. Anyone who fights over elon is retarded. It’s a simple equation even grimes could do if she learned math.

No. 1991319


No. 1991335

It’s funny you said she doesn’t need smoke and mirrors when she’s in venture capital, it’s selling meme big ideas like what Elon does to clueless investors. So while she makes money from it, most of it is vapor ware hence fake and gay. I think she sells herself as smart and nerdy but she’s not a scientist any more than Elon is an engineer. But hey she got a house and a CEO position out of him so she must have some skills.

No. 1991434

Where did you hear they were friends since college? She went to Yale and he went to UPenn in the 90s or something

No. 1991439

No, we just don't think high of women who waste their time on Muskrat. No woman that fucks/has children with Elon Musk is intelligent. I don't care how many degrees they have, or how many times they married and ran with his money, or how many times they punched Melon in the face. Shivon might've been smart enough to get a degree and be a CEO, but she also willingly fucks Elon & supports his "let's fill the earth with super high IQ race of muskrat cubs!" philosophy. that's all i need to know about her to valuate her level of intellect.
That being said it gets pretty weird how often you clog this thread with weird peans for Shivon, you're clearly always one and the same anon. nobody likes her here, you can just stop.

No. 1991441

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I don't remember if this was posted already but fucking kek.

No. 1991444

Precisely. She’s another brainwashed cult member and we don’t pick favourite brainwashed cult members (unless you have thin grey lips, froggy eyelids, un-uniformed hair growth pattern and pork skin ofc).

No. 1991445

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Can someone remind the new tween fans that Grimes’ new song Liberté is about this fat cringe retard KEK “In my heart I call you freedom, Long live freedom, long live freedom” her biggest fedora hit to date

No. 1991447

she's such a god damn boymom. what about her daughter? does she even think about her?

No. 1991457

Her daughter is forgotten, hopefully having a good time hanging out with Pakistan nanny instead of Grimes. Same as the other I feel like everybody forgot about existence of Techno kid, including Grimes. was this even real or a lolcow fever dream? All she cares about is the favourite son, and when i day "cares" it means she wants X because Elon likes X. They're both like retards getting jealous over a toy.
Kek anon. I cringed hard with all the mitochondrial eve and "I'm the queen of the chessboard" of the concubine harem bullshit but this just goes on and on doesn't it. You would think she'd sing some shit about Anyma guy now but no.

No. 1991527

Are we gonna just ignore the fact Elon obviously sacrificed his newborn son to satan for increased financial wealth?

Azealia already confirmed he’s into black magick and wanted her to help him make a murder closet.(sage your shit)

No. 1991608

kek didnt she already talk about being obsessed with Dune before she was even with muskrat? shes just grasping for any narrative that can make her the ~special space alien mama~

No. 1991618

kek, she will simp for him as long as she lives it's pathetic

>she wants X because Elon likes X. They're both like retards getting jealous over a toy.
really good point nona, and this is how narc parents are. they're both so childish and pathetic. i also was thinking of the third child lately because of her continuing to talk about kids and pregnancy for the 1000th time on twitter. the fact that she continues to make kids with him through surrogacy is retarded
i also felt like the techno kid was a fever dream kek. did she partially name the kid after her new boytoy? wonder if they'll have any more, the enema and melon timeline seems messy. it's like some cracked out rich people polycule of people with no self-respect, values, or morals but pretend like they do

No. 1991775

File: 1714852918330.webp (33.47 KB, 640x640, AC3EE34D-7346-44A8-8B51-5EA2ED…)

X’s birthday today apparently. Sad since elon got custody, but at least the kid has this beautiful photo of his mom trying to cut his ear off to look at fondly and remind him of his mothers love

No. 1991784

I dont understand people who dont stop doing drugs once they've had a kid. I've enjoyed drugs too but once you are a parent you are responsible for every single thing regarding decisions to be made for the childs well being.. like even if you arent actively using drugs in the presence of the child just doing them at all severely impacts your cognition and decision making. Especially amphetamines and ketamine. I seriously believe claire would have had CPS called on her immediately if not under elons foreskin after that Hasanabi stream where she does ketamine with (another mother of an under 18) nadya and gets totally hammered on a livestream with a famous streamer. Even just the way she is cutting his hair is giving i have no clue wtf im doing.

No. 1991790

>Sad since elon got custody
what? caps?

No. 1991837

not to tinfoil nonnas but do you think that X is a CRISPR baby and thats why they act like their other children dont exist? CRISPR is cutting edge genome tech and the money Melon has likely gives him access to methods that we arent knowledgeable of. If he paid millions to gene edit a kid, of course he'd be the favorite. neither Melon nor Grimeth are naturally blonde and babies usually lose their blonde hair by 2.

No. 1991899

if this would happen i don't think we'd ever find out because it's illegal everywhere

No. 1991908

I remember her tweeting something about how the world is hostile to boys, typical pick-me take. This one shows she identifies with Lady Jessica, as nonas in the past were suspecting she does

No. 1991912

File: 1714907875035.jpeg (88.63 KB, 953x811, 47946C96-246B-4165-BE62-26C805…)

The brain-dead lukewarm take in question

No. 1991941

In my experience, blond hair only starts darkening around puberty. Anyway, if CRISPR is really an available technology already, then wouldn’t they have made the face less busted and SPED-y lol

No. 1992263

File: 1715028202727.jpg (591.85 KB, 1067x1753, SmartSelect_20240506-162836_Tw…)

Sperging about lab grown meat like she's some biologittthh

No. 1992267

Yawn more grifting and such an obvious ploy for controversy. Does she ever process anything in the mainstream media without feeling the need to get on twitter and write an essay about it nobody asked for? Kek. In any case she’s prob bringing it up bc her dad Maurice made some lab meat or some shit and has shares in the startup. Same old boring grifter yapping about hotdogs and race science.

No. 1992270

she needs to either shut the fuck up about the environment or stop supporting unnecessary space travel and melon's failed space rocket launching hobby

No. 1992286

The technology isn't there. At all. Doing it to your own child would be the most idiotic thing to do. It isn't ready at all. That's why it's been used only on dying people who won't have children. The insane "scientist" who used it on twins in China did absolutely nothing besides messing around some of their genes for nothing.

No. 1992292

How is this not a (hyper) processed food Claire you fucking dense bitch

No. 1992388

it’s called addiction

No. 1992462

>I've enjoyed drugs too but once you are a parent you are responsible for every single thing regarding decisions to be made for the childs well being
Some people simply don't care. You are talking about a woman who didn't want her children to call her "mom" and had them just because Melon told her to

No. 1992506

File: 1715127351002.jpeg (118.63 KB, 640x369, 5D2BB441-8DBF-460A-8895-9AA1FA…)

Not right now eXÆ404, mommy is very busy reading about herself online and arguing with anime avatars on the internet

No. 1992530

LLMs? Biotech? Those are totally two things in the same category… ~technology~

Some nonettes (younger nonnies) may not have been around during tumblr. But Claire actually was a major inventor with several contributions to big tech, like we're talking several patents. Grimes has ALWAYS been a leader in technology because her dad (who she has a very close and loving relationship with) works in biotech and has been teaching claire how to edit genes since she taught herself to read at age 2. She was basically his genius apprentice and only quit so she could become a neuroscientist by studying neurolinguistics in one class at mcgill, which she paid for by herself for by waiting tables on oil rigs in canada. Even though her high school has a near 100% university acceptance rate, and her father and mother are well connected in canada and millionaires, she actually only got into mcgill based on an iq test she took online in 11th grade on adderall that proved she was above average. People who cant see her genius are just undesirables and minorities who wouldnt be allowed to breed if she and her new friends gained power

No. 1992611

Ah this makes sense, you missed the part where she wrote and produced all her own albums tho. Now was that before or after she got a degree in machine learning (all self taught) and performed for the Bolshoi Ballet (from home ofc, also self taught)?? God she’s so accomplished.
What’s Maurice up to these days anyhow? I’d love to know what shit her dad has been cooking up

No. 1992803

Kek(learn to sage)

No. 1993202

she couldn’t even pass college level physics talking about biotech. your adoptive dad’s profession and experience is not yours, claire.

No. 1993267

shes part of a group of Bay Area women that think accomplishments are an STD. there's a divide between the actual women in tech who put in the effort to get degrees and actually participate in development and the girls who are just there as baby mommas and to fill out the wild parties. you'll notice a lot of anti-credential "college is a waste of time for most people; teach only the high IQ" talk from that crowd as a giant cope. Grimes hangs out with internet call girls and ex-model-ex-poker players. she actually did have a few girls in tech she was cool with but she scared them off by taking creepy incels like Beff Jezos side when they inevitably act like redpill weirdos towards women. its boring how cliche pick me millienial woman desperate for male attention it is. pure cringe.

No. 1993442

my god, even though i‘ve had a hateboner for grimes since the beginning, i do feel a bit sorry for her because of muskrat. of course she should have known he‘s a shit person but i don‘t think anyone expected him to go THAT low considering how he treated talulah. even with his first wife he was „just“ a controlling piece of shit but it didn‘t sound anywhere near as bad as what he‘s doing to grimes. imagine how that shit with shivon must have felt and how him and his parents rub it into her face how much they hate her, taking her kids away. as much as i hate elon, i do trust him more with the children and he seems to have more brain cells left than grimes but i can understand why she‘s turning into a hardcore hardcore junkie. and now after this coachella humiliation, even most of her dumbest fans see what a fraud she is. i have a feeling that she won‘t recover or manage to stay sober for more than a day. this is so tragic

No. 1993573

She’s a narcissist, she’ll be fine, they always are. They’re too self obsessed to kill themselves.(sage your shit)

No. 1993578

Are you new? Sage next time.

No. 1993589

I think so too, he must've told Claire how his exes were annoying, didn't understand him, were with him only for the money and so on, you can tell by the way she was trying to be the opposite and agreed with him all the time. She thought she will be treated differently because she is special and that the others got what they deserved

No. 1993645

Its ironic because the only woman who managed to tame and escape Melon unscathed was Talulah - and she's pretty much the exact opposite of Claire. A confident, mature, stable, self possessed, somewhat dominant Libra queen as opposed to Claire's scatterbrained, clustered, wishy washy Pisces doormat ass.(sage your shit)

No. 1993651

I'll take my fgt ban for infighting on this one; what a horribly annoying post to read. nobody cares that your alleged "hate boner" for Claire feels sad for her now. She thought she was better and more speshul than Elon's other broodmares and reaped what she sowed. she deserves whatever comes next.

tldr – the poster I replied to is an idiot and so is Grimes. what else is new

No. 1993652

>you can tell by the way she was trying to be the opposite and agreed with him all the time. She thought she will be treated differently because she is special and that the others got what they deserved
that's not even exclusive to melon. this is a pattern of behavior. she's always tried way too hard to be different in every way. it also became clear over time that she has never had a real opinion that was her own because of her poor sense of self. of course she's going to agree with him, they're both idiots. i don't feel sorry for her, she walked right into this and still kisses his ass

No. 1993707

That anon could be an oldfag. All this unnecessary saging in recent years after all the mod changing is partially why this site is dying.(take it to /meta/)

No. 1993713

Pretty sad that what you're saying sounds insane but is exactly something that loser would do.

No. 1993747


On another note, I came across pictures of Anya Taylor joy today, and seeing as Lan dao and grimes have brought her up multiple times to insult her appearance, I can’t help but wonder how much grimes seethes seeing a thin(ner) blonde woman absolutely crushing it in the culture, nailing the same themes grimes tries to sperg out on her twitter timeline that nobody cares about.. only Anya does it with more style, more subversive.
I wouldn’t be surprised if in 5 years nobody knows who grimes is and Anya is a household name. I’ve already seen comments on grimes photos like “I thought this was Anya til I zoomed in” KEK. It must sting since grimey wants to crack the film industry so bad.

No. 1993763

>Lan dao and grimes have brought her up multiple times to insult her appearance
Where? I want to laugh. Either of those individuals insulting her appearance is ludicrous.

No. 1993787

Lol! Anya is literally just a hotter version of Grimes so no wonder she’s seething. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Melon has a crush on Anya or something, given his obsession with skinny blonde actresses.

No. 1993814

Bingo. I bet Grimey found out that Melon was pursuing Anya, and since then she’s had a hateboner for her and Claire and Lan Dao now make fun of her like a couple insecure catty high school girls.

It must hurt to see Anya getting major roles in critically acclaimed vikang movies like the Northman, getting deals with Dior etc, meanwhile Grimey is sitting rotting in her bedroom on her MacBook popping addies and seething over her ageing bogged appearance after being pump and dumped by Melon.

No. 1993820

She's playing Alia Atreides as well, in the adaptation of grimes' favorite sci-fi Dune. She's buttmad for sure

No. 1993826

I like Anya but she is naturally a brunette and also had tons of plastic surgery. She is one of those people who looks good blonde tho and is skinny so I can see Elon liking her for that as well as grimes being jealous

No. 1993854

Definitely set her off.

No. 1993870

But isn't Anya married already?

No. 1993875

Wow I always had the sneaking feeling grimeth hoped she’d be offered the role of irulan through her Dune brand deal and was seething about Florence Pugh getting it. If she wanted to pursue acting she shouldn’t have let melon talk her into all those cheek fillers after the facelift, she can’t seem to move her mouth or face at all now.

No. 1993895

I really want to know what she said, honestly. Grimes definitely seems like she malds about women who are odd-looking and actually attractive.

No. 1993899

>naturally a brunette and also had tons of plastic surgery
So yeah, a hotter version of Grimes

No. 1993913

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No. 1993914

> wonder if they'll have any more, the enema and melon timeline seems messy
I predict this precise scenario: Grimes splits with Enema, a few montsh later news explode that Grime welcomes her and Melon's 4th son called Excel Dune Castiel Orion Musk, and then it turns out Grimes and Melon got their surrogate pregnant precisely while she was still dating Anyma.
That or Anemia dumps her because he doesn't know about anything until little Excel MS is born.
idk why but after a brief glance this photo reminded me of Felice Fawn for some reason. Maybe bc they're both narc addict anachans who pander to "gamer" scrotes all day. And it's somehow exactly how one could imagine Felice Fawn raising a kid: getting 10 minutes out of their busy internet scrolling schedule to dump a kid in the bath and strike a well studied pose to achieve the perfect "I'm caring for the kid!" photoshoot.

No. 1993925

Oh please nona. Felice might be a a narcissistic ana cow but she at least had good bone structure. Grimey looks horrible there and not remotely like Felice, ugly bogged who from whoville ass.

No. 1993926

Since when has that ever stopped Melon’s thirst for Hollywood actresses?

No. 1993935

that would be funny but i doubt she will keep her shit together enough. elon might fuck her once or twice but he hates her too much at this point. enema will break up with her because it‘s too humiliating for him to work with an exposed, braindead cringy fraud. grimes will spiral and try to cling onto her kids but probably won‘t even be allowed to see them as the crackhead she currently is. she will find an equal loser who wants fame and doesn‘t care if he‘s well respected, some soundcloud druggie looking like a more hideous mgk. they will be seen walking around like kate moss and pete doherty. grimes will get more surgery and look like a young donnatella. then she will go full bimbo and latch onto a scrote who has a fetish for that, money and promises to write music for her. in until then she will try to sell her clutter on etsy to get more money for drugs and release a quirky version of rupi kaur poetry but literally noone cares. even farmers who possess some empathy will begin to pity her and hope something saves her life. i can‘t see her doing onlyfans or porn but maybe she disappears, making it look like she died while doing drugs in south america and she’ll keep checking social media if anyone misses her and hopes for something like a post mortem fame or something so that she can return like jesus and people are actually happy to see her and pay attention for once.

No. 1993950

>maybe she disappears, making it look like she died while doing drugs in south america and she’ll keep checking social media if anyone misses her and hopes for something like a post mortem fame or something so that she can return like jesus and people are actually happy to see her and pay attention for once.

No. 1994001

File: 1715590453903.jpeg (357.33 KB, 828x1440, IMG_6570.jpeg)

Wtf is she on?

No. 1994015

File: 1715593678053.jpeg (1.33 MB, 828x1471, IMG_2575.jpeg)

No. 1994047

True true. Grimes if you're reading, don't treat this as a compliment, you're nowhere near Felice
Creased tangled bedsheets wrapped around as a dress core, coming soon to Grime etsy

No. 1994068

her forehead looks like a beluga's.

No. 1994090

Yikes, imagine that stank face sitting across from you. Looking very Serena Joy these days!

No. 1994091

Late but anon you telling a nonnie we've seen all her "peans for Shivon" made me giggle. Know what you meant but we've seen ur peens was a choice typo.

No. 1994093

sage due to nitpick but why the hell does she choose a neckline / flopped bust to show off her ana flat chest, but otherwise have an overly done face / blonde diva aesthetic thing going on with hot pink, it confounds. Grimey jumpsuit ana claire is classic though gross, and jetsetting socialite claire can't be cute or appealing clinging to her old pride (tattoos and childishness. She's always leaning into the worst of both worlds.

No. 1994106

she looks so fucking pissed at enema here, holy shit lmao "happy power-couple", sure Jan.

No. 1994117

she really ruined her face with all that surgery

No. 1994135

She’s so self conscious about her long FAS philtrum that she got a bunch of fillers and overdraws them like a hitler mustache. Now it looks like she’s constantly disgusted and sneering while sniffing her own farts.

No. 1994136

She’s in a constant state of identity crisis because she’s bpdchan. She can’t decide on an aesthetic or work at it to make it look good so she always just throws a bunch of garbage on her body and face and ends up looking like a trainwreck. She can’t pull off the vampy bimbo look since her face is busted and she’s still got the sinewy crackwhore ana body.

No. 1994179


>this precise scenario: Grimes splits with Enema, a few montsh later news explode that Grime welcomes her and Melon's 4th son called Excel Dune Castiel Orion Musk, and then it turns out Grimes and Melon got their surrogate pregnant precisely while she was still dating Anyma.

That or Anemia dumps her because he doesn't know about anything until little Excel MS is born.

Basically what’s going to happen, give it a year or so.
Grimes and Elon have to complete their mission ofc, to churn out 10 kids so their nazi galactic federation overlords don’t trap their soul in the matrix or whatever meth-induced cosmic shit they believe at the expense of other people (mainly surrogates and children)

No. 1994225

File: 1715658679434.jpeg (301.06 KB, 1350x1800, IMG_2529.jpeg)

God that hair is so hideous on her and makes her botchedism look sm worse lol.

Her mouth looks so different now, she always looks like shes frowning now , some people mouths do that naturally like lilly rose depp but it just looks angry and bizarre on the clairgre

No. 1994236

kek at enema's fugly hand. i can see why claire edited her whole self to look like a ghost, but we can see how she really looks on enema's end. regardless, she really looks terrible in every pic. can't hide being botched. they both give off the vibe of edgy rich kids who never grew up

No. 1994294

>they both give off the vibe of edgy rich kids who never grew up

Sometimes I think of enemas adult-rich-kid clothing brand “BLAME SOCIETY” and heartily kek. With all the addy abuse in their scene he really ought to make adult diapers covered in cybersigilism and ai generated Roman Empire images, he would make bank soon enough.

No. 1994300

genuinely wouldn't be surprised if their NDA-rape-orgies had at least a few ABDL freaks participating, kek

No. 1994342

she is such a retard for letting the long philtrum sperging get to her. 98% of people don‘t notice it when you don‘t have a superlong mid-face and a small, upturned nose. if she would pay attention to other people than herself and the one she copies, she would notice how many look fine with that trait. now her lips look clownish and deformed, her nose looks much bigger than before, her eyes smaller and she looks like a stuck-up bitch only because of what she did to her lips. she went from unconventionally (debatable) cute to being a fugly nightmare. can‘t blame melon for hating that face and her pick-me attitude. i would even believe it if he used grimes as a surrogate for x and actually bought the eggs of a somewhat intelligent woman. it‘s hard to believe that a narc like him wanted to have children with such a massive retard who can‘t even speak properly.

No. 1994551

They wish their orgies were that ~interesting~

No. 1994563

nona im laughing so hard haha ilu

No. 1994618

So, what do we predict is in store for claire “we mutht kill art, art ith fraud” boucher for rest of the year nonas? I predict we will see an attempt of at least 4 more grifts involving cursed AI visuals, AI generated music (let’s face it, the tracks debuted at Coachella are very obviously churned out by suno and tuned up by enema), a few more pathetic attempts at controversial hot takes (probably race science next tbh) that get 1k views and 20 likes on a dying platform nobody gives a fuck about and one more musklet to add to the army of intelligence assets they’re attempting to raise. Overall the antics have been pretty boring this year. My wildcard prediction is that grimace steals an AI generated track from those who entered the GrimesAI crap in an attempt to make a viral “critique” of “how all art is thtolen from somewhere” except nobody gives a fuck and ppl continue to see her as the grifting, stealing non-artist fraud she is. Ultimately leading her to clamor her way back to melon and his cohort of failed, fat Nazis for an scrap of relevance. Maybe she’ll sell an autobiography once melon is convicted, the sky is the limit

No. 1996087

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No. 1996089

File: 1716178554927.jpeg (408.26 KB, 828x1472, IMG_2596.jpeg)

No. 1996127

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No. 1996136

Weird submissive posing and the jeans look 5 sizes too big

She's trying so hard to serve "model" in some of their couple photos. If she dyed her hair light or medium brown she would look much better and get closer to achieving her pickme goals at least. This is how we know she's not over Elon

No. 1996138

When you get your Anya Taylor Joy from Temu

No. 1996141

no way a 35 year old woman gave her bf that award as a birthday present.
looks like she only wants to rub it in elons face

and also if she's that broke that she couldnt afford a proper present things are more serious than i thought

No. 1996142

also that anime flag is way too cringe. is he even into anime?
but the way he's looking at her and the way she even wrote him a birthday card (even tho lit loosk last minute) it has to be real love, huh

No. 1996164

She looks preggers tbh. Either that or she wants everyone to wonder if she is.

No. 1996169

ghoulish, vampirical, sickly, at deaths door, how do you go from fugly soft features to looking as if you just got exhumed, in the span of 1-2 years, horrific. it'll be interesting to see the boggening continue as no doubt she will never be satisfied until her scalp is melted, and her skin pulled tight enough to tear apart

No. 1996184

Are you ok?

No. 1996267

i thought she looked pregnant >>1996087 here too, do we think its just some sort of weird angle?

No. 1996273

File: 1716239749954.jpeg (188.98 KB, 828x1386, IMG_2599.jpeg)

Picrel is just 2 months pregnant with X.

No. 1996323

File: 1716249426652.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1179x9744, IMG_2901.jpeg)

I have to delete screenshots as my phone is out of memory, just wanted to immortalize this legendary live chat feed from the worst dj in history

No. 1996332

She looks really terrible. Just exhausted, haggard, washed out, vitamin deficient, and obviously still gurning.

No. 1996421

She doesn’t look like herself here at all. Idk why exactly but she’s giving Julia Fox vibes. Also why are they not in Japan when they’re such weebs??

No. 1996509

File: 1716303790966.jpeg (734.46 KB, 2814x3464, 8E4BCD8D-DAAA-4ADD-A744-38AE2D…)

why does he always look sooo unimpressed kek

No. 1996536

The face of a garbage man, or a dental assistant. Dude is ugly af but i guess thats her thing, she loves ugly dudes cus it makes her feel like the "hot one" in the relationship, typical narc trait. Seen it time and time again. But usually she goes for ugly and smart, this guy just seems like a simple dude who can produce bad trancehouse and i would love to hear how dumb their conversations are, it probably works out cus shes fried now

No. 1996544

she looks so simian ever since she had work done on her face

No. 1996545

Real talk, what are the chances that The Last Artists will be putting out 100% AI generated tracks? A lot of enemas music and clurrs newest stuff seems ~heavily~ influenced by tracks that already exist. Really standard/basic EDM type stuff with hooks and builds that sound exactly like recycled Zedd and Diplo (not a compliment). The cringey fist pumps he does, the pre-recorded sets and those goddamn electro house stabs.. yikes.
Other people have noted this also, but I suppose it doesn’t matter when your main market is kids on drugs which Claire has now also pivoted to.
I was playing with Udio and Suno back when they had v2 out and it was almost too easy to generate an Anyma/Taratata/Fantasia track once you have the basic descriptors down (not hard)

No. 1996626

Remember the snl skit?

No. 1996636

File: 1716332191307.jpeg (890.87 KB, 829x1196, IMG_0764.jpeg)

There is absolutely no chance this anachan would post this picture if she wasnt either heavily pregnant (a couple months max meaning “huge” by her standards) OR have another surrogate (bigger possibly) a surrogate and is faking a pregnancy. You want that lame dirty ass autistic sociolath bad, dont you…. How the mighty have (long) fallen.(integrate)

No. 1996637

Lmao I can’t believe Elon manifested being cucked by spaghetti man. Anyway she went to Italy just for Mother’s Day? Hmmm

No. 1996643

File: 1716334656457.webp (23.64 KB, 425x315, IMG_2994.webp)

100% nona, so obviously the game plan. If it’s a pregnancy it’s as real as beyonces deflating womb picrel

No. 1996644

She might paint one over some alien tribal shit on an etsy belly, wear it as real, poke at it, “sphagetthi feed it bc she its the only food she has acces to in her busy life.

No. 1996647

File: 1716335684478.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1179x1627, IMG_2945.jpeg)

Strangely strategically placed elastic in the mid section? Maternity pants ?(sage your shit)

No. 1996774

Actually this would make sense as to why Columbia dumped her lazy ass and also why the recent releases haven’t cleared yet on streaming platforms, because they’re being flagged as an unacceptable amount of sampling. Gonna hazard a wild guess that the majority of book 1 contains content most record distributors want nothing to do with, whether that’s due to overt neo-nazi/fash themes (musk propaganda) or straight up stolen work. Probably both.
She’s waiting for the legality surrounding IP and copyright to change before releasing anything.

No. 1996783

It’s a jeans boner I think. (When you bend over and the crease pops up looks like a boner).

No. 1996807

guys this doesn't make any sense. coachella is just over and she was drugged tf out on stage.
i remember a blind on cdan said she took lsd and mnushrooms while pregnant but i dont know if she would risk having another retard kid lol

No. 1996815

File: 1716402799439.jpg (40.79 KB, 1010x292, emcb.JPG)

so apparently she's able to see her kids again, if we believe what he says

just realized that welcome to the opera feat. enema was released 11 months ago, has this relationship been going on longer than we suspected? is that the true reason elon took the kids?

No. 1996823

File: 1716405897564.webp (128.34 KB, 1080x2316, grimes elon custody.webp)

elon also tweeted that they have shared custody

No. 1996975

what in this woman's life makes sense tho? I believe if the pregnancy is real (not by a surrogate) it would also explain why muskrat is communicating again AND after a year of stringing the bitch along to run after her kids is sharing custody. pretty sure her mindset around drugs during pregnancy is "if I could take x n x and still give birth this substance will also not be a problem" or another surrogate and she's playing it out by being "fat" on pics kek. I believe she realized by now the only way getting to musk is to feed more into his breeding kink

No. 1997043

File: 1716480869076.jpg (143.35 KB, 884x633, RDT_20240523_18132991319603790…)

No. 1997066

Kek still russia’s bitch i see

No. 1997090

I wonder what kind of dirt they have on him.

No. 1997091

File: 1716492315540.png (939.82 KB, 950x1095, IMG_3106.png)

Its not, the waistband has a section in the middle thats elasticized

Here is an example where the elasticization occurs on the side sections, which is much more typical. Which is why they look like maternity pants, only having a stretchy part in the very middle. Look more closely

No. 1997117

For him to be bent this far over the barrell, it has to be bad

No. 1997168

Maybe it is maternity wear, but maybe she still wears her maternity clothes from her last pregnancy because it’s comfortable and still just clothes at the end of the day?

No. 1997218


1) wearing maternity pants with elastic waist only in stomach area

2) her midsection looks disproportionately huge

3) she is a bpdetard (not all people with bpd suck– so to distinguish) who would do literally anything if it meant a page6 headline and has a new lover that she wants to lock in so he has to be with her

4)– her recent etsy likes include bridal and maternity wear, which some could also just be tags on loose dresses, but nevertheless interesting… but a few of the items are particularly "viking wedding" items. So theres that…

Just remember her "lets get u pregant" texts to azealia, grimes has the most autistic idea of what birthing really is, and isnt smart enough to think this stuff through to the end. Her undeveloped cavemanesque frontal lobe makes her both impulsive and retarded,

So based off of all of that, i wouldnt be the least bit suprised if this retard is pregnant again with this low iq bulldog enema just to make elon mad

No. 1997338

File: 1716541267097.jpeg (373.34 KB, 1170x1516, IMG_3011.jpeg)

Two debased clowns, one who takes economic advice from his cloned dog and the other who pretends to be an infant on Twitter asking people for porn. That aside, it’s no wonder Elon has to rely on IVF. Constantly diddling about on his phone and insisting it be near his ballsack 25/7 has definitely rendered him impotent. Thought I’d share this match made in heaven while grimeth does another line off enemas dragon ball z flag from temu

No. 1997341

When your dog is smarter than your goverment I see no problem in taking advice.

No. 1997395

No. 1997405

File: 1716563107201.png (1.32 MB, 1188x1261, image.png)

claires merch is getting critiqued on r/grimes not only for the AI art, lorem ipsum, extraordinary $65 USD price tag (without shipping) but also for the 'recycled' (unwanted) shirts they're being printed on. hilariously, with one person receiving one with a giant mustang on the backside of the shirt, and another receiving a shirt in the wrong colour.

No. 1997493

>not all bpd people suck
Yes we do. Do not trust us.
t. Bpdtard

No. 1997541

Here's the attention you asked for.

No. 1997580

File: 1716636158637.jpeg (692.35 KB, 828x1325, IMG_2633.jpeg)

No. 1997582

Good god, is her shit so rocked that she has to secure her eyeballs into her skull at night?

No. 1997583

kek so that's why it says "panic at the disco" on the top left of that shirt?? I've actually never heard of a professional artist trying to pass off shirts like that. Most artists use the same few companies for merch for a reason. Odd

No. 1997584

Grimes so desperately desires for immortality, biologically and artistically. It is a shame then that everything she’s ever made has been utterly disposable garbage.
When you’re hearts not in it, nobody will remember you as a “great”.
Just a contrarian troll who misused other women’s bodies to stroke her own ego and cement her own economic position in life.

No. 1997585

misused other women's bodies? in what way, can you explain?

No. 1997587

No the goggles are so you’re tricked into thinking she’s not a bogged anachan 40 something with shark eyes and actually smol uwu child eating piece of cake (which totally didnt end up in the toilet bowl 3 mins later) so your thumb will double tap it reflexively and make the little numbers in the corner go up, the only thing left which makes grimace very very happy

No. 1997588

File: 1716639884913.jpeg (1.28 MB, 3464x3464, 6081A754-5ABA-4CCD-9CF3-E0591B…)

Why do anachans make a habit of taking and posting pics of them pretending to eat? I feel like one of you comparing her here to felice fawn got to her head because this is definitely FF antics. Reminds me of that pic of her “eating” a whole plate of noodles on tumblr except FF is a lot less botched I’m afraid

No. 1997591

the fish cake looks more alive than she does

kek, too right

No. 1997637

nayrt but probably renting out another woman’s body aka surrogacy

hope the glasses are covering another botched eye surgery

No. 1997650

Her teeth are ROTTEN wow

No. 1997672

File: 1716675625022.jpeg (841.84 KB, 828x1419, IMG_2636.jpeg)

No. 1997673

File: 1716675674725.jpeg (710.88 KB, 828x1035, IMG_2637.jpeg)

No. 1997675

File: 1716675745539.jpeg (143.98 KB, 828x346, IMG_2635.jpeg)

No. 1997677

No. 1997678

watch her say this then fuck around with ai visuals for 8 more months but who knows maybe enema is helping her with her work ethic

No. 1997681


ever since the facelift and fillers started she's been slowly morphing into that other lolcow Lucinda haha

No. 1997684

She’s back to referencing Marie Antoinette with the white makeup and curls. See the location tag and previous cakes insta post.

No. 1997695

File: 1716678814659.jpeg (776.65 KB, 1179x978, IMG_3240.jpeg)

Holy fucking hideous!!

What happened to her face? Why would she post this?!? She looks so much like elon in this pic. Wow… she did herself dirty by posting this. Shes completely hideous and disfigured now that is insane. Wow.

No. 1997697

You’re right I thought she looks a lot like Maye now maybe they have the same surgeon

No. 1997705

Damn, look at those pupils. Wonder what she was on when she took this. It's no wonder she thought it looked good.

No. 1997759

Thats literally just the ruching on her dress you stupid schizo(infighting)

No. 1997760

Riiiiiiight anon

No. 1997761

It literally is the way the dress is sewn. The extra fabric ruched in the middle under her breastline is meant to help disguise bumps, and when she leans forward the fabric at the hem itself billows forward. This is conspiracy grandma shit.

No. 1997767

Its giving lilboweep

No. 1997794

She looks like a clown lol

No. 1997798

The fucking elf ear stiches just made me dry heave

No. 1997801

they’re so low, i think they’re just tattoos

No. 1997802

It’s meth nonna

No. 1997819

>on lolcow
>accusing other posters of being schizo

Kek oh sweet nona

No. 1997820

The naïveté is cute

No. 1997829

>versailles palace, paris
the palace isn't even in paris you uncultured swine
that filler moustache looks incredibly red and painful. and that asymmetry. whoever did her injections should be in jail

No. 1997843

File: 1716736432361.png (137.41 KB, 1137x894, Screenshot (30010).png)

Apparently this is entirely intentional, the description of the shirt says there printed on "recycled vintage pieces" making each shirt "one of a kind." So I guess either this shirt wasn't "carefully picked" like the description says or it's actually meant to have panic at the disco written on it. It's kind of a cool idea but at the same time if I were to buy a Grimes shirt I wouldn't want it to be a gamble that I'd receive one with a motorcycle or some random band or movie reference on it. Too bad cause it's a cute shirt design imo. Also if it's made with recycled shirts why is it so expensive, I've bought brand new merch items from other artists like half the price of this, good quality ones too from small artists that don't even have much money to spend on merch to begin with.

No. 1997844

Samefag sorry I didn't see that you mentioned the "recycled shirts" bit in your post. I also just noticed that when you go to the ad for the shirt directly from google it doesn't show the description, so anyone buying it from the top link won't see that it's a used shirt that has a different print under the Grimes one kek, what a shitshow.

No. 1997883

going further w the tinfoil but she is very obviously heavier in the recent pics and when did we see her eat or talk about actually eating? last time she was preg. either its Anime's baby gorilla or a last attempt at trapping the Musquito, im voting bitch wants another play thing

No. 1997886

She literally looks like a corpse bffr

No. 1997896

File: 1716750658183.jpeg (418.01 KB, 1225x1344, IMG_0923.jpeg)

The delusion is incredible

No. 1998015

It’s giving Emilie Autumn. I gotta agree with other nonas here about her not looking too skelly, she actually has a bit of boobs

No. 1998067

are we not seeing the badly photoshopped out stomach rolls? Which in the case of a normal person would be completely normal but its not grimey like. I swear she is signaling that she is preg her ego would not otherwise let her post these “fat” pics with any visible tummy rolls. She is either “pregnant” or wants people to speculate

No. 1998069

File: 1716822534769.jpeg (756.99 KB, 1075x1011, IMG_0981.jpeg)

just noticed but look at the shape of her elbow. her stomach has been photoshopped inwards

No. 1998093

File: 1716829425041.jpeg (224.99 KB, 1075x1011, F91AA8CA-FDCC-4CA6-930E-90C94F…)

Image with photoshop reversed. Still doesn’t look preggo, just a very sick anachan photoshopping “rolls” out, what’s new. Feel so bad for her poor daughter.

No. 1998100

File: 1716832796757.jpeg (529.38 KB, 828x1338, IMG_2641.jpeg)

No. 1998180

File: 1716858294179.jpg (66.09 KB, 648x680, elonchaya.jpg)


No. 1998206

File: 1716866758127.jpg (166.64 KB, 1284x1375, 1000003731.jpg)

His bitchtits

No. 1998216

His hands are freaking me the fuck out

No. 1998236

Two people who have ingested huge amounts of drugs in their lifetime, even if they are mostly sober in this image. Their strangely shaped bodies, bulging bones and mantits, stiff poses and dead eyes and lifeless smiles tell you everything
I quite like this picture, I think she pulled off the clownish makeup and the pose very well, but then I got whiplash after seeing the next photo, where somehow now the makeup looks clownish in a bad way rather than an arty way, and the pose is giving butch or twink on a bad day.
I assume the reason this image is so much worse is because it's edited a lot less. I don't understand what's going on with her expression. Her mouth looks strangely lopsided and lumpy, like is an emotion being expressed here or is it just methhead gurning?

No. 1998237

The human growth hormone is growing all the wrong parts, giant tits and giant hands (I don't wanna know what's happening elsewhere, but I suspect elsewhere is his main motivation and that's also grotesquely swollen)

No. 1998251

File: 1716881497325.jpeg (2.58 MB, 2048x2080, IMG_0983.jpeg)

Another gem from the grimes sub. Kek she really likes to spit on the remainder of her fans

No. 1998285

File: 1716895283060.png (9.67 MB, 2048x2732, IMG_0996.png)

ok this is wild. she is so stupid the people to order this ugly ass design in the first place are her last remaining fans and she does them dirty like this

No. 1998290

File: 1716896419132.jpeg (734.47 KB, 1170x1894, IMG_3082.jpeg)

1% breeder milk coming right up, grimes and elon are mentioned by their baby-bashing friends in this new article!


No. 1998291

Listen, I understand the argument in terms of welfare services. but these retards don't seem to grasp the actual economic and cultural reasons why people aren't having kids. All of my friend want to have children at some point, but they simply can't afford it. Half of them live with their parents and even their boyfriends live with their parents. If the housing market was fixed and men weren't coomers, then there would be a steady birthrate

No. 1998292

File: 1716897010486.jpeg (517.23 KB, 1170x1792, IMG_3083.jpeg)

>Malcolm Collins slaps the fuck outta his kid in front of the interviewer while mentioning how much they love their good friends Elon and grimes

>says they smack the fuck out of their kids because they saw a tiger for the first time on the tv and thought it was cool

>interviewer notes upon observation that these people don’t seem to like children very much

Kek the cows milk themselves. It’s almost like these people, grimes and Elon included, shouldn’t be anywhere near children and only reproduce humans to stroke their malformed egos. Betting in 10 years time we’ll hear how all these folks abused their kids like those fugly meth freaks from die Antwoord who molested and beat their kids for music videos. (Their adoptive son tokkie exposed them, you can find it on youtube)
Pretty sure grimes is still in with THEM too. What a nice bunch of people.

No. 1998293

They know this they just hate poors and also like abusing children

No. 1998296

kek literally as if the screen printers sourced the most unsuitable shirts for grimey to sell. wonder if the fact her ai art has been printed over old and most likely crusty and peeling old printing will render it to a peeling mess in due time.

No. 1998300

Also last samefag post but what is with being a eugenics hobbyist and wearing Himmler glasses? Is it a requirement or?

No. 1998303

i can’t get over the fucking lorem ipsum.

No. 1998308

like I may be able to afford an own apartment when I'm in my 30s, and that seems to be the case for most people in my generation. Are they even aware of this fact?

No. 1998315

File: 1716901309362.png (498.99 KB, 1178x1508, hmyrfduq123d1.png)

muskrat going up against Yann LeCun (an actual computer scientist, Chief AI Scientist at Meta and Turing Award winner)

No. 1998323

Jesus Christ he’s such a pathetic fragile like narc piggy. Has he ever said anything that’s actually intelligent or truthful? It’s like he only knows how to communicate in juvenile zoomer style tweets.

No. 1998338

genuinely, when has elon done actual science? he just employs those who do. his only “achievement” is being rich. pathetic. try harder!

No. 1998505

The ad says the shirts may be scifi, fantasy or game themed (which could look cool overlaid with ai art) and actually they are cheesy slogan themed kek
>life's good
>who's your daddy?
Plain shirts are only a few bucks each and while I don't hate the concept of recycled shirts, tbe result here is…not good.

No. 1998519

the woman is an autist with a history of eating disorders… why am i not surprised

No. 1998524

Funny how the people with the worst genes are the ones who insist they have superior genes EVERY SINGLE TIME.

No. 1998528

File: 1716944936020.mp4 (1008.21 KB, 720x1280, mW9kc3QAtmJtZgxG.mp4)

Shivon posted a video of her "friend" Elon spending time with son Strider

No. 1998529

“We need to breed!!! Have kids!!” Meanwhile she can’t even get pregnant unless they use ivf. Very fertile of her.

No. 1998532

Shivon was pregnant with his kids. She did not use a surrogate.(sage your shit)

No. 1998534

elon looks absolutely geriatric and like he smells like feet + shit

No. 1998560

no shit, she’s a pickme too who would’ve done literally anything for musk’s dusty old sperm

No. 1998573

guess that Ozempic stopped working

No. 1998574

look at these ugly four-eyes weirdos bragging about their superior genes when she has had to have C-sections every time

No. 1998607

He looks like a big lumbering sped wearing tard shoes

No. 1998634

The new X?

No. 1998646

File: 1716990384113.png (78.85 KB, 665x513, cope.png)

kek they claimed it was racist to criticize the behavior because 'black parents do it all the time and they don't get backlash' or some shit. It almost sounds like bait tbh, like they're larping as the worst possible version of these types of people but the joke is going over everyone's heads. Cow potential for sure if they were terminally online though.

No. 1998668

No. 1998673

Their whole larp is a cope and the husband looks like a child molester

No. 1998722

Without enlarging the image I thought Todd Howard's on the left

No. 1998971


They do seem to have a very active Youtube channel dedicated to autistic rants.

No. 1999179

her glasses… where can one even find such glasses outside spirit halloween? are they prescription? out of millions of choices why those ones?

No. 1999180

not only the c sections, they also had to use ivf each time. they are both infertile without technology.

No. 1999209

>a poster on lolcow talked about us honey we’re viral we made it!1!

could they be more painfully xillennial. Good thing his wife is by her own admission an “inanimate object ready to exert his will upon the world” so those babies can get at least some parental contact while they both diddle about on the internet all day freaking out over libshit

No. 1999431

They are fake glasses, explicitly for the purpose of being perceived as intelligent and unsexy. Looksmaxxing for the married professional.
For that purpose, I think she'd be better off choosing less obnoxious frames, since the thick-rimmed, oversized, round glasses read more artsy hipster than competent geek.

No. 1999519

I just see 2 dorks cosplaying as the color white and the color black

No. 1999663

File: 1717249209463.jpeg (253.31 KB, 1170x1447, dnm5f0z07w3d1.jpeg)

soo.. she almost looks competent in this picture? its really sad this has to be a shit ton of good shoop, but the lips and less pillowlike face almost makes me sympathize with her lol. she really did a number on herself, she must be deeply unhappy and in regret of her botched ass look to reverse ps her face like this. damn

No. 1999667

she looks great here. her lips look like their original shape and size. inb4 nonnas accuse me as grimes

No. 1999690

this is from coachella week 1 btw. i find it funny she shoops herself back to an almost natural looking grimes (emphasis on almost) instead of the bimbo busted lip filler everywhere monster she became for that squareman. ouch

No. 1999709

That’s not grimes that’s cleans

No. 1999764

she wears extensions right? they are more grey than her real hair.
she looks like she gained a few pounds, too, which only does her good

No. 1999770

File: 1717274592115.jpeg (848.46 KB, 1007x1089, IMG_3894.jpeg)

Taken the same day

No. 1999807

Nona there’s an extremely strong skin blurring filter on this pic kek

No. 1999857


Grimes wishes she actually looked like this(sage your shit)

No. 1999885

I'm more disgusted by the fact that they don't heat their house in winter because "true effective altruists should spend their money on third world orphans instead". What happens when one of their kids gets sick??

>The Collinses plan to home school all their children.

How are they planning to do that with ten kids and a working mom, lmfao? The only way I can imagine it would work would be if they hired a tutor and wouldn't that go against their effective altruist values?

They are terminally online. They have an Instagram, a YouTube channel and a Twitter account. they are trying to become influencers. I've even seen them shill themselves on 4chan's /lit/ several times.(sage your shit)

No. 1999897

They both look like the same person (a narcissistic retard with poor eye genes) and I know this video will age tremendously when the kids grow up and share their stories of abuse

No. 2000006

i have no words

No. 2000007

File: 1717320434901.webp (192.75 KB, 1240x2208, wow.webp)

No. 2000050

File: 1717328391908.jpg (241.57 KB, 1712x1110, tumblr_8772f65340599b27b9a3ffd…)

Fucking kek, which one of you made this and why did i find this on tumblr
(Troon threads? might've missed it then but i just found it in grimes context)

No. 2000127

Wasn’t the Manning thing just a joke though?

No. 2000149


Grimes Chelsea thing was fake(sage your shit)

No. 2000238

Now that Elon's image has crumbled, I wonder if Grimes regrets getting with Elon and having all those kids or she's too drug addled to think about it. She is a rich kid and I don't think she cares about money as much as the "Mission" I am a real life Dune character larp. Elon had a very different image in 2018 when she first got with him.

No. 2000271


Nonnas do you think grimes had to do with how his reputation shattered? the drugs? the delusions she fed him?

No. 2000288

File: 1717374063707.jpeg (270.47 KB, 828x608, IMG_2678.jpeg)

No. 2000292

File: 1717374341175.gif (55.79 KB, 900x540, muskteslatweet.jpg.gif)

drugs yes, I don't know if she had an actual sway over his beliefs though. But it's not a coincidence that about when she showed up that he went off the rails on drugs starting with the stupid 420 tweet supposedly to impress her - this was the beginning of the end of his "Tony Stark" image along with lashing out at the diver in Thailand.

No. 2000317

Lol this is her way of begging Elon to notice her so maybe he’ll interact with her directly again and offer her some kind of hush money pay packet. This dumb cowardly bitch won’t say anything new or shocking besides some vagueposting about her munchie illnesses, she always threatens to do these big reveals of all the happenings then goes back to licking Elon’s ass 30 seconds later.

No. 2000320

Praying she doesnt retire, i hope she keeps putting herself out there and embarrassing herself further, her brain is so fried that she gets stupider and cornier with every passing year and the more she tries to do to fix that is making it all worse, like trying to cover her rapid aging with a botched facelift at 34 y/o… like when you ruin something and all your attempts to fix what you have ruined just make the original thing progressively worse until its destroyed. Its great and i hope she doesnt ever realize thats whats happening, i hope she stays delusional and keeps making horrible music like "liberté" and keeps bleaching her hair

Its like karma is the devil on her shoulder, telling her to do her roots, telling her to keep making music and putting herself out there all to her own detriment

No. 2000359

It’s actually so sad that she got that facelift purely to keep Elon’s interest because of her ana chan paranoia about growing old. And all it did was bog her and make her look weird AND after all that Elon still dumped her and found another woman. What a waste of time and energy. The fact she’s still bleaching her hair and wearing those ratty extensions is more proof she’s still utterly obsessed with Elon and would get back with him in a heartbeat if he bothered asking her.

No. 2000394

>Elon had a very different image in 2018 when she first got with him.
I'm gonna be honest, I've only ever seen people shitting on Elon, even back when he supposedly had some fans. I must have missed the brief window when he was seen as irl Tony Stark.

No. 2000414

He was well known and generally respected within the tech industry during the mid to late 2000s but his window where he was extremely hyped as lTony Stark was definitely 2015-2018.

No. 2000427

Yeah, this is about Columbia which she will vague post about due to NDA’s. She will never say anything against Elon, anyone who thinks otherwise is delulu atp

No. 2000428

Liberte has to be the worst of her AI generated tracks so far

No. 2000680

File: 1717457830055.jpeg (1.58 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_6289.jpeg)

Putting aside her obvious ponytail-facelift, who is this guy? She called him the king of techno and he only has really emerged 2017 and does the same boring shit.

No. 2000685

Another Eurotrash nepo baby whose daddy bought him a career through industry connections, of course. Similar to Claire. But at least he knows how set up a rig and turn the dials correctly, I’ll give him that. So he’s still better than Claire in that regard.

No. 2000696

Just twink death or serious drugs/alcohol?

No. 2000702

They both look constantly drugged out of their minds. DJs being junkies is pretty much a given due to how prevalent drug culture is at raves.

No. 2000756

….Elon is perfectly capable of ruining his own image

No. 2000796

File: 1717482142978.webp (62.91 KB, 1080x651, elon_chaya.jpg)

they boned, right?

No. 2000798

He is so cringe lol so unbearably embarrassing. It’s like he thinks this is a le epic win or something

No. 2000826

His disgusting flabby moobs denting even an XL shirt

No. 2000903

His body is so revolting. Why is he so wide back-to-front? He looks like someone stuck little play-doh limbs on a giant apple

No. 2000915

Hasn't he pretty much admitted he's sex repulsed?

No. 2000983

he doesn’t fuck, hasn’t fucked in years
did they do some gross kink shit? maybe, who even cares, they’re terrible

No. 2001046

Maybe, if by kink shit you mean girl on top every time and bjs.

No. 2001153

being 'sex repulsed' is the excuse every ugly gross flabby person uses kek(sage your shit)

No. 2001159


projecting as usual. He is most likely a sex pest

No. 2001162


Elon once said he could not sleep without a woman in his bed(learn to sage)

No. 2001246

He wants a partner for status reasons and he rexeets posts about le anime titty but he has no natural sexuality really. I actually do believe him on that, and he runs straight to IVF without even trying to do it naturally not just because he's 50. Actually probably the one tech nerd trait he actually has. He most likely meant to make him feel less lonely and empty inside, he only wants a partner for narc reasons.

No. 2001247

File: 1717592905157.jpg (288.4 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240605-135353_Ins…)

Azealia is drunk breaking down on insta story, threatening and exposing everyone in the music industry. She's dragging grimes at a few spots behind the time stamp in photo, if you want to go listen.

But some interesting things were

>says every one of her friends that has worked with anyma left with an an opioid addicion

>Elon has imposter syndrome
>says grimes needs to leave Elon in the past and go back to who she was before
>going to take grimes a long time to recover her image back to the girl empire thing she had going on
>Elon stomped all over grimes
>says anyma likes to "break bitches down" says grimes already went through it with Elon and anyma is trying to catch her when she's vulnerable. Advised grimes to get the fuck away from him.

No. 2001252

>Azz stating the obvious as per usual
We know she gets her news from lolcor, we literally stated all this first. Old news.

No. 2001283

Azealia was saying Illangelo (who produced I Wanna Be Software, Shinigami Eyes, Player of Games) right? Or was she pretending to confuse them to make the point that no one has ever heard of Anyma lol.

No. 2001315

it's clear enema is preying on claire's rock bottom self-esteem and that they're always on drugs. they're both bottom of the barrel losers with money
i don't think she'll ever recover nor will she go back to the way it was, i don't know why azalea is always trying to hype her up in stories nowadays, claire's "empire" was fake. wonder if azalea will come out with anything more

No. 2001338

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No. 2001359

Lmfao she’s so funny, exposing Clive Davis too, the man who was pimping out diddy kek. What a powerhouse. Grimace dreams of this type of courage.

No. 2001384

Wow AB how pathetic… like literally what a delusional retard, i used to have sm respect for her, her music and her disses but this is… just.. like "yas girl u are so racist now, but thats ok! Lets help u become a thing again!"
Um what??? She been lost her mind but this is just actually sad

Love how she knew they bonded over some racist shit

No. 2001395

AB has always been a loser kek this is the same woman who would call herself Dominican just because she had a Dominican nanny growing up. She’s always hated black people and targets mixed women even though she loves white dick herself. If Elon asked her to join her harem she would be his number one concubine

No. 2001456

this makes me wonder what happened with him and Vittoria (his model ex wife) since she seemed to come out of it ok with Anyma looking like he got cucked by Leo, quite opposite from him breaking her down.

No. 2001462

>Elon has imposter syndrome
It's not a syndrome if you're an actual imposter

No. 2001489

Why does speak with that fake Island Girl accent? She’s literally from NYC kek

No. 2001491

This. I quite like Azealia (far more than Grimey anyway) but we all know the reason she’s still so invested in this drama is because she has a slaveowner fetish and thought South African colonialist Elon would make her his #1 bedwench. Claire cockblocked her and that’s why she’s still obsessed but doesn’t view Claire are a threat anymore since Elon has discarded her too so is starting to be all nice to her again. Also the fact Azealia lurks and very likely posts here too is sending me.
This. Also ‘imposter syndrome’ means when people don’t feel they deserve the credit and success they get and doubt their own abilities.

Elon is the opposite: he has lied and exaggerated all his abilities and qualifications and thinks he’s entitled to far more success than he really it, dumdum doesn’t even know what that term actually means lel.

She sounds high as fuck I don’t think she knew what she was really talking about. I get huge creep/drug pusher vibes from Enema but it’s delusional to say he breaks women down: his ex literally cucked him and became more successful like you said.

No. 2001521




t. Enjoys one Grimes song

No. 2001639

>she has a slaveowner fetish

Where does AB talk about this?

>and thought South African colonialist Elon would make her his #1 bedwench. Claire cockblocked her and that’s why she’s still obsessed

Kek claire don’t you have children to attend to?(learn2integrate/hi cow)

No. 2001700


No. 2001701

samefag does he even play WoW?

No. 2001759

This got cross posted into Poppy and Titanic Sinclair’s thread and to reiterate what was said there >>2001342 It’s really funny how Grimes has two ex-friends who mock her nowadays and this was when Poppy was with Tits so I wonder if the only reason she didn’t publicly snap when the beef first happened like she did with calling Grimes “5 years triggered” was because of Tits. It’s strange how Grimes likes playing the victim but two of her ex friends have been shittalking her, it’s just Azealia gives no fucks and says it out in the open, I would pay to see if anyone else went to Azealia with dirt on Grimey

No. 2001775

seems like she was tipsy and/or high that night and decided to pick a fight with anyone tbh. I mean its Azealia Banks you'd have to retarded to not know she loves doing this. Shes an annoying cunt and embraces it. She drops truth bombs once a while to entertain people.
This problem is she legit talented whether you like or not, especially when you compare her career to Grimes…she fucked over her own career for a guy, and is now with another guy who she yet again fucked herself over for. I seriously worry about her relationship with Anyma from a safety point. Like being Elon's baby mama and acting like a sped on a dj set at Coachella is what her public image will be for a while.

No. 2002007

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No. 2002073

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On drugs as usual. Huge dilated pupils

No. 2002088

>I thought I wouldn't complain no matter what
Girl… You deserve to get scammed.

No. 2002094

Azealia is still weirdly attached to doing a collab with Grimes after all these years. They’re both seen as musical has-beens who are more famous for lolcow antics now, so maybe she thinks they can both get a redemption arc.

No. 2002120

because it would honestly be a good collab

No. 2002158

Not at this point girl

Grimes music is fucking retarded now, and AB hasnt had me dancing in YEARS. Also they both dropped like 20 iq points in the last decade. If they collabed it wouldnt even be cute at this point theyre both fucking pathetic

Botched and freakish(sage your shit)

No. 2002164

Grimes is full retard, AB still good. Not broke with expensive taste good, but completely acceptable. I believe she can drag grimey out of her bangmaid rut and remind her that she can still be the unwashed canadian bjork she deserves to be. This will benefit them both, they'll be princesses saving each other like a Yuri manga. Believe

No. 2002192

most certainly not. he's such a fucking poser with everything and i can't believe tech and gamer moids just eat it up.

No. 2002193

the unwashed canadian bjork she deserves to be

Go back to reddit simp. Claires entire career is fake and gay if not evident by her god awful music as of late, every single songs shes produced since breaking up with jaime brooks doesnt sound the same and sucks. She has a new sound every time shes fucking someone new, and cant produce anything good on her own. She needed d'eon, seb cowan and jaime to make her first 4 albums, and most of MA has jaimes hand too. She had to scramble to find producers to help her finish it which is how we got violence and WAP, and then evrrythiing since has been techno with illangelo or anyma, she cant make good music on her own. Or professional sounding music, lmao if u thought she was a good producer or that u enjoy her shrill baby voice pitched up to sound like the lolicon girlies shes obsessed with

No. 2002230

Which is why you have AB take the place of those tranny moids, lame killjoy. Imagine not wanting to hear what's basically going to become the anthem of /snow/, can't relate. If grimes was ok having some bricky shim writing her music, imagine what she could be if it was actually someone talented kek

No. 2002294

I cant relate to wanting anything new from grimes, nothing that cretin produces from now to the future will be cool, also AB has lost her sheen entirely. Its like nostradamus, out of thousands of takes a few of them hit hard. This bitch is spamming the internet with 1000s of hours of schizo voice memos that are becoming less and less articulate, funny and accurate rapidly. Shes a retard selling plastic saunas and cheap chinese imports, she will never be a star again and neither will claire. I want to hear more grimes music about as badly as i want to hear more music from kiki kannibal, not at all.(sage your shit)

No. 2002298

I can absolutely relate to wanting two local cows to produce a music video

No. 2002337


Do people still believe the 'Jaime Brooks was behind everything' theory? It just doesn't make any sense, on top of Brooks himself denying it. What's more likely is she wanted to retire from her music career sometime before meeting fridge body demon. Becoming a mom cemented that for her and now she's clearly dropped music production altogether

No. 2002348

Personally, I believe the "fried brain from drugs" theory.

No. 2002351

I really don't think its going to happen. azealia is just having fun seeing how retarded grimes is so calm your faggot dreams. right now grimes is attached to anyma and shes gonna hold onto him for as long as she can, consequences be damned.

No. 2002364

>She has a new sound every time shes fucking someone new, and cant produce anything good on her own
Musicians are rewarded critically for mixing up their sound and not staying stale so yeah, I don't buy this.

No. 2002373

Lmao truth

No. 2002493

Kekkk nonas omg. Some of you are poets

Wasn’t behind every single thing but she def heavily relies on the musicians she surrounds herself w as crutches. There’s a reason why every album has a sound similar to who she’s immediately hanging w at the time. Sure maybe she somehow innovates at lightning speed but usually albums still sonically connect. If you take out her voice from MA and AA you’d think they’re two diff ppl apart from the beat, she likes using this almost muted tone as drum pattern. You have to remember Jamie doesn’t mind being borrowed/copied from and sees it as part of the creative process plus signed an NDA. Grimey might have came up w the melody and layout but there’s no way she was sole producer like she repeatedly claimed. I’m not saying she’s tone deaf in that she can pick out a decent hook or used to but she’s not honest and has more to gain from not disclosing how much help she receives

No. 2002513

kek at the implication Claire can play an instrument, sing, or operate her equipment with any degree of competence

No. 2003368

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this narc ass bitch is proud of her lies even kek

No. 2003384

has anyone seen this?

No. 2003467

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Sage for old milk but i found a picture of the gremlin she couldnt edit

No. 2003525

She morphing into elon, the mouth and eyes look sm like his

No. 2003527

There's also interviews where she talks about having piano lessons and violin lessons in her youth which is funny because later down the road she started claiming she had zero musical training and that was the story of the media ran with even though it's 100% fake and gay

Her entire career is a grift, a lie, an illusion

No. 2003637

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No. 2003647


"After she arrived in California, Musk invited her for drinks and came on to her, touching her breast, friends said she told them at the time. One of them said the woman recalled Musk saying, "Oh, I’m so bad. I shouldn’t be doing this." ”(learn to quote )

No. 2003654

>much to be learned from war
kek this fucking bitch

No. 2003662

This wsj exposé is long as fuck and stuffed full of shit that everybody already knows so here’s a summary for anybody who doesn’t have the time/just wants the bread and butter.

>[a woman] and Musk had met years earlier during her internship, when she was still in college. She’d approached him with ideas for improving SpaceX. Her outreach had led to a date, which led to a kiss, and eventually sex, she told friends. The year after her internship, the billionaire had the fresh college graduate flown out to a resort in Sicily, before they ended things, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. Musk, who is more than 20 years her senior, attempted to restart their relationship but she rejected his advance[s]. They remained close as she tried to establish herself in the new job. He texted her often and invited her to come over to his Los Angeles mansion at night on multiple occasions. Sometimes she accepted his invitations, but friends said she told them at the time that his behavior made her job harder. She is one of several female employees at SpaceX who have told friends, family, or the company itself, that Musk showed them an unusual amount of attention or pursued them.

>One woman, a SpaceX flight attendant, alleged that in 2016 Musk exposed himself to her and offered to buy her a horse in exchange for sex acts.

>Another woman who left the company in 2013 alleged in exit negotiations with SpaceX human resources and legal executives that Musk had asked her to have his babies.
>A fourth woman had a month-long sexual relationship with Musk in 2014 while she directly reported to him. The relationship ended badly, leading to recriminations over text and email as she left the company and signed an agreement prohibiting her from discussing her work for Musk.

>About half a year into her job, [a] woman received [an] invitation from Musk to come to his house, according to a text exchange reviewed by the Journal.

>“Come by!” he wrote. When she didn’t respond, he peppered her with more texts:
>“Look, it’s either me or 6am [exercise] :)”
>“Just finished the Model 3 production call. It’s def going to be hell for several more months.”
>“Are you coming over? If not, I will probably tranq out. Too stressed to sleep naturally.”
>When she still hadn’t responded, he wrote, “Probably best if we don’t see each other.”

>The woman texted him in the morning. “Oh man. I’m sorry, I’d already fallen asleep. I’ve been a late night person most of my life but have been trying to switch over because it seems responsible. Tbh. Sorry I crashed last night,” she wrote.

>Later that day, she shared the text exchange with a friend.

>“Dude not gonna lie the fact that I have mild society[sic] anxiety resulting from imposter syndrome definitely makes this job harder,” the woman wrote in a text. “And that’s definitely exacerbated by Elon’s behavior.”

>“I was wondering about that,” her friend responded.
>“So badly,” she said.
>“I mean if hanging out with him stresses you out about work maybe you might want to let things chill? I dunno.”
>“Well I mean I think he broke up with me this morning. If I interpreted that last text [squinting laughing emoji],” she wrote.
>She then sent her friend a copy of Musk’s string of messages asking her to come over.
>“Why are so many of the men in my life so weiiiiirrddddd,” she wrote.

>On Jan. 10, 2015, two days before she left the company, she received a late-night text from Musk: “Drinks?”

>The woman didn’t see the invitation until the following morning.
>“11:25 pm bootie call. Glad I was sleeping,” she wrote in a text to a friend.
>After the woman left SpaceX, Musk told her in texts and emails that she shared with others that she had had thrown herself at him while he was in a fragile state over his separation from his then-wife, and they had been intimate only after she had resigned.
>“You insisted on coming to my house to sleep with me when I was just sad and tired and wanted to be alone,” he said in a text, the day after her exit from the company. She and Musk never saw each other again.

There’s also some shit in here about Gwynne Shotwell, (SpaceX COO) accusing a subordinate of fucking her husband:

>(…)Shotwell made allegations of her own: The executive accused one of her employees of having an affair with her husband, and then allegedly retaliated against the woman, according to the employee’s account to friends and family and emails she showed them at the time. On her own time, the woman had helped Shotwell’s husband, Robert, plan a surprise Western-themed 50th birthday party for Shotwell, her boss. Robert sent boxes containing bull horns and other Western decor to the employee’s house for the party. Before leaving town to visit her family for Thanksgiving, the woman called Robert to arrange for him to pick up the boxes while she was away.

>“So, your call last night was not good,” Robert wrote to the woman in a November 2013 email, with the subject line “Trouble.” “She accused us of having an affair…Be prepared when she gets in.”
>The employee was on a plane with her brother when she got the email, which she later shared with her family. The accusation shocked and mortified her, her brother said.
>“I hope you realize that this puts me in a very awkward position with my boss and makes me super uncomfortable,” she replied to Robert.
>He emailed her after the party to thank her for her help and to tell her that “everything is cleared up now.”
>When the woman told a human resources executive about the affair accusation, it got back to Shotwell, the woman told a friend.
>The woman said in a text message that she understood the conversation to have been confidential. “He told Gwynne everything. She told me,” the woman texted the friend, referring to the human resources executive to whom she’d reported Shotwell. “I should be able to go to HR for such things. She f— thought I was having an affair with her husband for God’s sake.”
>By the time of Shotwell’s party, the woman was working for both Shotwell and Musk. Shotwell told the HR department at SpaceX that she wanted the woman removed from the office of the chief executive.
>While Shotwell was trying to push her out, Musk was pulling her in, she told people close to her.

>Gwynne and Robert Shotwell didn’t respond to requests for comment on the matter.


>Musk didn’t reply to requests for comment.

No. 2003663

kek i'm sorry, but this is the most obviously gay may response. it's cracking me up reading it, why do men come to women only websites(scrotefoiling)

No. 2003664

and you know the bitch would jump back on the war dick the minute he texted her on crack

No. 2003670

No. 2003687

>Are you coming over? If not, I will probably tranq out. Too stressed to sleep naturally.
He's such a manbaby
>Another woman who left the company in 2013 alleged in exit negotiations with SpaceX human resources and legal executives that Musk had asked her to have his babies.
I wonder how many women he asked, (and maybe there are more IVF babies than we know about)
He sounds like he was a known lech and basically carpetbombed every woman in his vicinity with sexual advances

No. 2003688

what the actual fuck, way to softpedal workplace sexual harassment and outright sexual assault

No. 2003696

Imagine writing this all out, rereading your celebrity worship wordsalad, smiling contentedly and sharing this with the world like
What is this. Gonna look out for wordsalad anon itt.
Being jostled around and then the next clip the wind is trying to whisk her away while she struggles with a pizza box, I can see why manbaby Elon likes her, she is pure womanbaby
I missed this when it was first posted, but this explanation and the one from djnona a few posts above, is a great breakdown proving why she can't dj and can't produce, after reading this analysis I agree it's unlikely she has been producing anything. There were basically multiple known ways to both fix the problem and make sure the audience didn't notice the problem, to have not used any of these options suggests she simply doesn't have the skills and doesn't understand the tech. though it's possible she fried her brain with drugs over the last few years and did have those skills at some point.

No. 2003698

What an embarrassing trashy soap opera shitshow any of these companies are to be a part of.
The thing I loved about Idiocracy is how tech bros and their orbiters miss the entire point of the “white trash overbreeding while smart people work themselves to death” trope. It is actually true, but I guess they don’t realize they’ve been firmly in the former category for quite some time. In 100 years the world will be overrun by bully phenotype IVF freaks whose only joy is to breed, explode Brawndo rockets in the sky like fireworks and complain about the government while collecting money from said government. There’ll be so many descendants by that point that when fridge body inevitably bloats his way off the planet they all inherit $20 each.

This is the real reason why nobody should take grimace and elumps pronatal schizoid ramblings seriously. They are the embodiment of trailer trash/welfare momma deadbeat/absent dad trope.

No. 2003703

He was trying to out-compete Jeffrey for worlds grossest imitation of gengis khan

No. 2003821

My guess it’s he’s so constantly out of his fucking mind on cocaine and other drugs that he loses all inhibition.(sage your shit)

No. 2003844

Kill yourself, elitist trash(alogging)

No. 2003873

If you quit screeching and concentrate long enough to read what was written nona the point may just penetrate your mind

No. 2004256

Kek I came here to say the same thing. For people who think they're a super-special, 1%, perfect, genetically gifted couple that needs to pass on their genes, he sure looks like a dorky anemic manlet and they both seem to have shitty eyesight. If you're going to larp at eugenics at least try to look the part

No. 2005070

damn so he routinely bonds over “nerdy” things like anime and star wars, love bombs, and propositions girls to have his babies. kinda feel bad for grimes now because i’m sure she thought she was so special because they could be nerdy together, watch anime play video games and even had x through a scheduled c section on “may the fourth” or whatever. and also no wonder that book described her as extremely distrusting of his staff when he’s basically fucked or actively pursued all the femates, smh

No. 2005433

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No. 2005440

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Emon tears

No. 2005609

since when do bots have genders lol

No. 2005660

Probably used uncleared sample someone just noticed and it got taken down. Or one of the other real producers took it down.

No. 2005710

What’s wrong with her voice??? Did Elon have his hack surgeon operate on her vocal cords, did she do way too much coke and acid, is it just the stupid lip fillers?

No. 2005756

She has always had a lisp + fuck lot of drugs + i feel like she screams a lot i think she even talked about this a couple of times + crack as you can very clearly tell by a couple zoomed in pics of her teeth, they are practically rotten + chainsmoking for decades + coming to terms with her actual life that is running after an autistic manchild that is trolling her and having stuck w kids she never wanted instead herself being the uwusocute tiny little baby she so wanted to present, botched face, possible meth/speed induced psychotic episode could also play a part (even though she always has been a raging bitch whenever things didnt go her way) Claire, “c”, no one cared to see your only pride left that is your starved out body. You bore us to tears, Claire, honestly, no one cares unless there is a laugh out of it and even that is sad, i believe this to be your biggest crime thus far on this farm.

No. 2005818

basically no women besides a few grifters when you remove the bots, the troons, and the indians larping as "tradwives"

No. 2005850

deadmau5 who has a hateboner for Grimes more than anyone in this thread trolled her at EDC recently during a transition.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ8cO3jgePI(learn2embed at lolcow.farm/info)

No. 2006153

deadmau5 has been clowning on other artists like this for his entire career, his "hateboner" for grimes isn't special or stronger than anyone else's

No. 2006635

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came across and old (2014-2017) grimes blog on tumblr a while back. and damn this bitch has been on so many magazine covers, so many designer ad campaigns, photoshoots and shit. her music is nearly not popular enough for her to be able to do all that. never was. how did she manage to do it, it’s a mystery to me

No. 2006710

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No. 2006714

because of her "irl Lisbeth salander" aesthetic which was entirely based on her appearance and the "she produces her own music" intrigue and dashed into pieces after recent events like Coachella and falling for Elon's cult removed the mystery from her

No. 2006904


She was well-known enough around 2015/16ish as Art Angels was coming out. She did an actual tour, and sometimes you’d hear a song of hers on a hipster radio station or at a bar.

No. 2007293

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Dont know how accurate this is but yikes. Sage for old milk

No. 2007523


yeah I think this is referring to when they had the change X-Æ-A12 to X-Æ-AXII or some bullshit I hate that I had to type that out and I hate that they did that bullshit to their kid. like, I know that it's technically none of my business but in my mind it's like how fucking dare you impose that shit on an infant to let everybody know how addicted to the smell of your own farts you are. some day they're going to have to tell that little boy that they couldn't give him a respectable name because publicity and fame were more important. So many cool and unique names that aren't this fake futuristic bullshit that they want people to drool over so bad… and then naming the other one techno mechanicus just phoning it in to the naming department.

No. 2007734

File: 1719241848533.jpeg (112.57 KB, 720x1207, IMG_2825.jpeg)

Guys……..(random pictures should be saged)

No. 2007741

A chest burster is gonna pop out any minute now

No. 2007742

Looks like he’s carrying his sons now

No. 2007746

it looks like he's wearing body armor or something wtf

No. 2007754

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(random pictures should be saged)

No. 2007755

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may 19(random pictures should be saged)

No. 2007756

all that ozempic for nothing. he looks like he’s about to pop.

No. 2007767

File: 1719247346688.jpg (385.91 KB, 1399x2048, gettyimages-533878710-2048x204…)

sage for old milk but getty images has some seriously awesome pics of this bitch. wow

No. 2007768

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No. 2007791

File: 1719252469597.jpg (149.62 KB, 818x478, michael-future-gamer-designboo…)

No. 2007800

he's got 12 crotch goblins now. who tf is birthing a (fat and ugly) 50 yo man's spaen…. you're begging for congenital disorders at that point (+ sperm has increased likelihood of mutations b/c it's being perpetually replaced/produced)

No. 2007824

Grimes bragged about banging this man for free…

No. 2007833

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Full pic(random pictures should be saged)

No. 2007834

God I love that the world knows Claire as the shallow, gold digging bitch who fucked this ugly fat old man and cursed her entire genetic line with his fat psychopath genes. No self respecting woman would fuck this hideous fat freak just because he's a billionaire. Anyone who says she would've been down if he wasn't a millionaire is insane lmao. She literally let this fat bitch teabag her, and most people who have heard of her know her solely for being one of his many pathetic pickme broodmares. Its actually amazing!

No. 2007849

no surprise twitter is like a 4chan without the anonymity

No. 2007850

are those heeled trainers? they're giving him that retarded trump-like anterior pelvic tilt

No. 2007854

kek he’s definitely wearing heels. anterior pelvic tilt is also caused by a weak core, which this flabby sped undoubtedly has as well.

No. 2007868

He looks like a child's drawing anatomically. Jellybean body with arms protruding from the middle. Grim.

No. 2007941

Elon in five years

No. 2008040

this is actually amazing from a scientific perspective. Now add that this prick asks his girlfriends to call him fat to get off.

No. 2008063

I saw a comment on shitter saying his build looks like he takes steroids without actually working out and I can see that being the case

No. 2008079

I know sometimes when people look like this it's because they're wearing a bulletproof vest under their clothes, however we have seen Elon topless and the shape is pretty much the same. He needs to lower his dose of HGH

No. 2008160

Why the fuck would anyone take steroids or hormones without working out?

No. 2008165

lazy and stupid

No. 2008305

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he looks like a hunger games gamemaster, mortality included.
but seriously its like hes trying to become a human version of his retarded cybertruck. too bad no one cares anymore about it because the retards at tesla cant fucking figure out how to make a vehicle properly. how do you fuck up a windshield wiper lmao

No. 2008377

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Elon Musk have more kids?

(reply to Grimes from her friend Angelfire)

No. 2008379

File: 1719398744469.png (327.03 KB, 747x885, Screenshot 2024-06-26 160907.p…)

few more replies to Grimes's alt account on Twitter/x from her friends

not looking good

No. 2008383

>you have cards too
Sounds like Elon has dirt on Claire and is blackmailing her or threatening to expose her, probably her drug abuse, can’t really imagine it being anything else

No. 2008395


Yeah, but imo the bigger news is what Grimes is going to do against him.

can't really imagine him having more kids and girlfriends(sage your shit)

No. 2008417

I still cant get over how ugly that chassis is. It looks like something out of a low-poly videogame from 1996.

No. 2008435

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This was posted on one of the Grimez subreddits.
So he has 21 children apparently

No. 2008459

claire and shivon thought they were soooo special but they’re literally just incubators on an assembly line. sad!

No. 2008471

>claire and shivon thought they were soooo special but they’re literally just incubators on an assembly line. sad!
Pickmes never thrive, evidence #2544676568

No. 2008472

Women with self-respect wouldn't fuck a deadbeat with two other kids from different women, let alone 21. Stupid bitch has got no one to blame but herself and her children's imminent issues.

No. 2008488

funny that no matter how claire and melon try to paint themselves, at the end of the day they're just white trash narcissistic junkie losers with a lot of money to waste
major kek

No. 2008568

Its a well-known "secret" a lot of the silicone valley execs take TRT

No. 2008581

When he croaks from a stroke or heart attack the concubine wars over which kids get the capital will be entertaining

No. 2008645

I really want to see all of musks kids battle royale for the fortune. who would you bet on?

No. 2008667

The commie tranny who supposedly disowned him will jump at the chance to inherit lots of money making excuses like oh I had it the hardest as a troon dad owes me reparations uwu

No. 2008686

Anyone who falls for this bread and circus shit is a very dumb dumbass

No. 2008724

K overdose and the ensuing damage control would be hilarious, does it count as A-log if I say I'd rather it happens sooner rather than later? As garbage as his companies are I'd really prefer them to be rid of him

No. 2008814

You know that isn’t going to happen, neither is grimes turning on Elon. It isn’t going to happen. This board, the two fan subreddits and all the bot activity discussing these fucks on 4chan are to distract you with their soap operas while they continue funding legislation that harms the poors (intentionally, bc let’s face it - grimes hates the poors or as she calls them “the forsaken”) and carry on with their little nazi torture birth camps. Grimes would like to come out of this not looking like an Eva Braun so she can continue scamming people forever. Dont believe it? Check back on this post in a year.


No. 2008923

Don't forget Elon is literally a satanist who sacrificed his baby son to the devil for material success and also gave billions of dollars to the Sinaloa cartels who murder thousands of women a year and engage in black magic brujeria and human sacrifice.(tinfoiling)

No. 2008942

oh, my sides, his child died of SIDS just as thousands of children do every year
go back to /q

No. 2008953

Yeah and that’s why he barely shed a single tear over his baby dying and yelled at his wife Justine for expressing any kind of grief. Sounds like something a guilty psychopath would do to me. And Azealia literally said he asked her on how to do voodoo rituals and make a murder closet for him. But aight Elon totally isn’t a satanic cultist piece of shit.

No. 2008957

Justine was there when Nevada died
seriously, stop making up fanfic about a dead baby and his grieving mother, you absolute pile of shit

No. 2008972

Lol imagine getting angry at me instead of the satanic baby murderer Elon who doesn’t even have any empathy for his grieving wife let alone his baby and yells at her for crying. And you don’t find that suspicious as fuck? It isn’t hard to poison a child or meddle with their cot and leave barely any traces of evidence you know. He’s a psychopath but yeah keep capeing for him. Hi Elon btw lol.(hi cow, tinfoiling)

No. 2009001

while I don’t believe that story entirely, if there was one person to dabble in dark things, it would be Elon. it wouldn’t surprise me is he’s done shady things to get to the position of power he is in now. and the funny part is, it was all for nothing but only a small group of fanboy manchildren are fans, everyone else hates him lol

No. 2009083

There was a rumor going around that he enjoys torturing animals after one of his billionaire friends was busted for filming and distributing himself committing dog abuse/rape recently

No. 2009122

Psychos don’t feel guilt. There’s plenty of psychos on your run to the local grocery store or even in the church down the street. The main difference being they don’t hold the same amount of power Elmo does. But they’d behave similarly if they did. Js if he was satanic that’d mean nothing towards the content of his character

No. 2009172

Links ?

No. 2009321

SIDS deaths post 2000s are usually due to neglect. Especially given its the child of a multi billionaire. He let the poor baby die, likely because it didnt have the right genes he wanted.

No. 2009330

Incorrect. SIDs happens for all sorts of reasons. It is not resoundingly neglect, not even the majority of the time. It just happens.

No. 2009431

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No. 2009461

Did he develop some kind of specialized toxoplasmosis and is secretly infecting women with it? how the fuck does a man so profoundly uncool evoke this kind of sentiment in his partners. Kek at his mom’s tweet though.
This is both false and a really mean thing to say

No. 2009471


this is first time from her. But believe guys, there is no romantic relationship!

No. 2009473

the funniest thing about this is that Grimes was apparently trying to find shivon potential men for dates when they were still friends prior to Shivon's kids with Elon. I bet they were the most horrible men imaginable that Grimes tried to hook her up with kek. Shivon prob got tired of the patronizing.

No. 2009504

>how the fuck does a man so profoundly uncool evoke this kind of sentiment in his partners

I know it’s hard to believe that money will rot peoples brains this hard but it’s the money, and the connections. Elon very likely cannot attract a non-psychopathic partner due to the same reason his psychopathic ass pursues such a magnitude of wealth to begin with. They are all psychopaths with delusions of ultimate power. Elon, Grimes, Shivon, Maye, Talulah, Justine… all cut from the same raggedy ass cloth.

No. 2009506

She and grimes love using the “warrior” themes, what the hell is that about? He’s an old pasty tub of lard.
>epic king of memes
Jesus Christ

No. 2009509

Almost felt bad saying this but whatever, it’s Elon - he was an ugly child

No. 2009552

Makes them all feel better about being unemployed tbh

No. 2009576

Nah not Justine. She rejected him several times initially when he pursued her and even referred to herself as the starter wife bc he wanted to upgrade post fame and billions. But insightful observation otherwise

To appeal to him. I don’t even think Grim started the sword swooshing until after he showed her his underground vault of his weaponry collection. From last thread

No. 2009593

File: 1719708085790.png (158.2 KB, 451x451, im_a_wahweaah.PNG)

nta but that's not true, I hate grimes but she's been doing that cringe sword swooshing shit for a long time now. You can see her doing that for example in genesis which came out 11 years ago (2013), way before elon even knew she existed. Picrel.

Does no one recall that old interview where she talked about running miles and miles a day everyday because her dad forced her or something (and not her obvious anachan behavior)? And something about doing fencing or some other sword related 'fitness' activity? I don't know where it is but it was the most cringey spedy interview ever. You never know with her considering how much of a liar she is but it at least gives you hints she was always semi retarded.

No. 2009693

AYRT. Then maybe they’re just like the katana collecting DND adjacent neckbeards, dark triad edition. But it’s true they’re war obsessed. Like that defense startup Shivon’s involved w called Anduril and how she referred to Elon as being comfortable in times of war or whatev. Which I wish I could forget. He called himself wired for war kek and designed the cyber truck to be supposedly bulletproof. They surround themselves in conflict including their language and hobbies

No. 2009766

They’re war obsessed because they yearn to be oppressed. There’s no struggle up there except for rich people fucking each other over all day, gotta invent a geopolitical thcandal here or there to feel alive

No. 2009944

yes. can we get more info/sources about this. i never heard of this. who was the billionaire or elon friend caught doing this too?

No. 2010160

i believe you nona, and i believe azalia - the court jester dares speak the truth on king elon's dalliances into dark magic

No. 2010256

Her new songs are sooooo bad i just relistened to the coachella songs she debuted and im delighted to say her brain is offically deep fried beyond the point of no return, she is fully retarded now

What do u nonnies think of her new dogshit music ?

No. 2010261

no more ghostwriters i guess

No. 2010464

It is truly dogshit but it’s not rly for human ears, music for machines was an ode to all the bots that keep her fake and gay career afloat

No. 2010492

kek very true

No. 2010938

Sometimes i start to feel bad for Claire. Got teabagged and hydraulically pressed by a fat hideous villain, lost her creativity, got completely botched and looks freakish now, lost most of her fans and respect from bigger artists, cannot dj, but then i remember that shes an unoriginal skinwalker and complete white supremacist that posted lolicon and i do not feel bad anymore. The fact that she publicly admitted to liking deadflows art and publicly sharing his profile to her twitter followers is insane and sometimes i wonder if shes a literal pedo. Like she said she has a hentai account specifically to look at hentai of blue hair girls… why say girls? And why has the only hentai shes talked about is that of the pedo variety? Can someone explain why she gets a pass on this? Like she posted a link to deadflows account from her main twitter, when u clicked the link it was literally just a bunch of toddlers being r'd by adults ? Like what the actual fuck?? Is it cus her fans are mostly mentally ill?

No. 2010941

I mean yeah, she leaves out the part that she’s likely from a Masonic bloodline (notorious pedos who believe they’re above the rabble/ normal rules don’t apply) and believes in corny ass shit like Satan being the real son of god (you don’t have to believe this shit but they certainly do), which is why she does corny ass shit all the time and why she sets corny ass goats as her profile picture and why she also spends so much time deceiving people. Princess Puck is a sick fuck.(tinfoiling)

No. 2011014

Ignore this retard, they're posting retarded schizo babble on purpose to derail the thread and likely are employed by claire or are her. She probably had a chimp tantrum this morning realizing posting lolicon was a really bad idea and exposes her sick sexuality and weird little girl and asian obsession

No. 2011050

File: 1720047954612.webp (34.88 KB, 640x838, IMG_3668.webp)

Nona stop shitting up the thread with your hi cow nonsense. Freaks who think they’re worshipping Satan exist, Claire’s one of them. And that’s just the tip of it, unfortunately. Any more questions or would you like to chimp out some more at the mere mention of shit beyond your narrow scope of understanding

No. 2011052

>probably had a chimp tantrum this morning realizing posting lolicon was a really bad idea and exposes her sick sexuality and weird little girl and asian obsession

Probably if she cared and wasn’t toying with you. They do enjoy rubbing peoples nose in what they believe to be obvious, while all the uninitiated scramble to discuss what measure of benefit of the doubt to give. It’s very funny to them. Our minds aren’t naturally inclined to accept this level of deception Nona so I don’t blame you but once you realize this, a lot of things make sense.

No. 2011190

So now they're claiming a man with neuralink is playing chess and mariokart with his mind? Kek imagine believing this nonsense, Elon is such a bullshitter(sage your shit)

No. 2011271

Both her and Muskrat have been trying so hard to signal satanic shit, esp him. They probably are not even actually part of any iluminati elite, since they dont wear "NWO" jackets on public events. That is simply the case for legit autistic retard sperg nerds trying hard yet failing to fit in

No. 2011299

Why would they post about this on Twitter if it's not some cringe "hehe trolling the public xo" thing? Could Elon and/or certain employees not see what's posted in private accounts?

No. 2011353

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>since they dont wear "NWO" jackets on public events.

>hydraulically pressed
Kek. Let's be real though, dating Elon was Grimey's peak.
She became more famous than ever by being with him, gained endless connections through him, had people treating her like a queen because they were so scared of Elon and his money, had servants maids and nannies running around after her 24/7 when she was living with him, had the freedom to say any retarded and edgy shit she wanted because she was at the top and knew no one could fuck with her. And she lost all of that, almost overnight.

It's all downhill for her from here. She's spiralling because she knows she will never attain that level of power and prestige evr again. She fumbled the bag and her Lady Jessica/Marie Antoinette fantasy so soooo bad, and it kills her.
She was a 5 minute obsession that some fat nerdy geek with too much money had before he moved onto the next chick. Must hurt like a bitch.

No. 2011356

Elon does meth and that shit makes men voraciously horny. Think about it as soon as he got money this fat sack of shit probably paid hundreds of beautiful 10/10 Slavic models to ride his disgusting chode for 5 minutes. After that, what else can excite a man sexually? Especially if the rumors about him becoming impotent in his older age are true. That's why all these billionaire weirdos get into satanic shit, blood rituals, child rape and fucking animals, they've exhausted all the conventional sex stuff. Just like those Arabs in the middle east, bored of fucking Russian models so they start moving onto scat and bestiality and pedo shit, probably snuff and hunting people for sport too. Even choosing a woman as ugly and smelly as Grimey was almost a fetish in itself, he got bored of beautiful woman and decided to see if he could tame an aspie druggie arthoe chick who doesn't wash her ass. All rich people are degenerates, even the low level rich folk in my country who probably only have 1-2 million net worth are always getting caught at orgies and swinger parties, imagine what billionaires are like.

No. 2011358

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He posts weird animal related shit sometimes

No. 2011360

File: 1720134439044.png (282.79 KB, 1371x1088, Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 00.06…)

People were also complaining that they're seeing a ton of zoo porn and bestiality content on X and even when they report these accounts nobody at twitter does anything about them and the accounts stay up which is sus.

No. 2011362

File: 1720134645712.png (88.27 KB, 1309x499, Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 00.08…)

Pedo shit also out of control on twitter recently, mods do nothing.
Even in the porn and nofap subreddit, a lot of moids were saying that X has become a haven for hardcore CP and child abuse content and many people were saying that X is where they first saw it.

A couple months back there was a sextape with a basketball player fucking an underage girl and videos of it were being reposted over and over again, didnt get taken down for weeks.

No. 2011363

File: 1720134818228.png (188.57 KB, 1333x618, Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 00.12…)

Honestly Elon is probably a megapedo.
I dont see why anyone else would allow their site to be overrun with CP and hurtcore content and do absolutely nothing to quell it or improve moderation. If the site you're running is filled with CP and you dont try to take it down then yeah you're complicit.

No. 2011364

Not surprising at all when this is also true.

No. 2011365

Yep twitter has basically become 4chan 2.0. Scrotey platform filled with coomers, pedos, racists and incels. The only women on there seem to be onlyfans whores and other porn grifters.

No. 2011367

File: 1720135515907.png (450.05 KB, 1927x1039, Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 00.17…)

This is pretty damning and proves what this redditor is saying is true.

Two accounts that are spamming beast and 'knotting' porn with real dogs and humans abusing and raping them, selling beast content on telegram, and also targeting animal rescue accounts by spamming beast porn at them.

When you go onto these beast accounts profiles, all it says is 'this account may contain adult content' which means the accounts have been reviewed by twitter but allowed to stay up. Absolutely disgusting.

No. 2011379

elon gutted twitter (including "layoffs") and now its turned into this. he wanted twitter as his own personal 4chan and echo chamber.
depressingly, nothing will be done until this reaches mainstream media.

No. 2011390

i had a similar experience. I will keep this short to not derail the thread but i have been seeing hardcore extreme racist posts (rape/gore content related to racism like a post where some indian dude is getting gang raped and people calling them “biogical weapons” and shit) recently on my twitter account that i solely use to follow fanartists for. i keep blocking accounts and reporting and picking not interested but they keep showing up and i just deleted the app and stop going on my account. long time twitterfag never had this shit happen until recently.
she should have been smart like talulah. drain his money, use his connections, make no babies, leave him when you’re done. she was too autistic to realize she was being used i guess. she really thought she was going to be the mitochondrial eve of mars

No. 2011398

what the fuck. people are gonna have to tag news stations, politicians, other corporations (hell tag tesla) to tackle this because its clear twitter doesnt give a fuck. this is seriously horrific with the amount of kids on that fucking cesspool

No. 2011431

I haven't seen anything truly awful or illegal luckily, just normal, but I've noticed violent videos of people getting beat up occasionally on my For You page. I just follow POC artists and women so luckily it's mostly fine. There is no moderation except for "community notes" as far as I can see.
Elon is absolutely a degenerate like anon wrote >>2011356
so he probably likes having his own version of 4chan.
Bit of a crossover with the nofap thread, men absolutely get obsessed with the most extreme content they can get access to. Rich moids can get irl access to that illegal shit and never face a day in jail for it either.

No. 2011436

Wasnt there a blind a little while ago about Elon paying employees at Tesla extra return for finding footage of people having sex in their cars that he could fap to?

No. 2011739

>she should have been smart like talulah. drain his money, use his connections, make no babies, leave him when you’re done.
This. I can’t believe this thought never occurred to Grimey despite having Talulah’s example right there. Did she really think having this whales babies would get her the number one spot? Did she not see what happened to Justine, and the fact that Elon cared far more about Talulah the woman who cucked him, than the previous mom of his kids? What a dumb bitch. Claire is a typical beta Becky lol loses her mind as soon as any non broke or non hideous moid pays her attention and then gets pump and dumped by them because she doesn’t know how to be a Stacy bad bitch like T.

No. 2011800

Wait, how are people seeing this stuff? I have never seen anything of the sort. Does this only account for people who follow and consume a lot of porn on Twitter?

No. 2011837

She fell for the "being bred is the prize" meme.

No. 2011862


No. 2011887

claire was never smart. shes always been a spoiled rich kid. and now her choices have brought children into world, knowing full fucking well she cant (or wont) take care of. I feel for in elon taking the kids away because that hurts a mother no matter how you look at (unless shes a legit psychopath) but it was always going to end up that way. now shes with another rich spoiled kid enema and even he cant stand her lmao

No. 2012153

I feel bad for the kids that are siblings to X . He's obviously the favored one from that litter.

No. 2012320

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No. 2012347

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old news, just creepier with p diddy's behavior coming to light

No. 2012400

Kek this is even funnier bc of his bitch fits on Twitter today over Epstein/gates, like he isn’t on Epstein’s client list himself. The man doth protest too much, I think nona was right he’s definitely a megapedo.

No. 2012403

Nobody who is as obsessed with pregnancy as him can be trusted with kids.

No. 2012406

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Now what I REALLY want to know is Kanye’s role in all of this, don’t you just get the feel a lil’ mossad blackmail is the reason he went full tilt into the deep end, no?

No. 2013495

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No. 2013947

Yeah yeah, elon is a pedo creep. But i truly think if he posted a link to fucking deadflow's twitter (before it was banned for CP) it would be front page news because this is the type of material that was on his page when she shared it with her 2 million followers

Grimes literally @'d him on main and when i clicked on the profile it was literally a bunch of little girls being raped by adults, i was honestly shocked and i couldnt understand why people were just fine with her being a total pedo
Like the fact that she even knew who deadlow was is insane! Maybe she was trying to deal with being rammed by a fat old monster but cartoon CP is not excusable, this bitch is a pedo too lets be fucking real. If sabrina carpenter or charli xcx posted a link to cartoons of kids being raped it would be the biggest deal. Why does grimes get a pass on being a fucking pedophile?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2013959

Because Gwimeth is a literal who

No. 2013961

I doubt grimes is a pedo, she is pretending to like this to seem edgy

No. 2013971

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Because Grimes' entire brand is being the quirky e-girl, and that sort of thing is expected. The kinds of men who are Grimes fans are more than okay with it because they have the same interests, and it boosts her "Cool Girl" image. Sabrina and Charli couldn't get away with the same thing because that's not their niche, though Sabrina can and does get away with garden variety dd/lg and quasi ageplay stuff.

No. 2013979

Either way she's a mother, the fact that she consumes content like this is scary and she doesn't seen like the type to care or stop it if a scrote was interested in this. I feel terrified for her children

No. 2013995

Don’t be so sure

No. 2014024

But she was with Elon then? He didn’t say anything to condemn the pedophilia or the normalization and legitimation of it which I think most people should do if someone close to them did that or other anon said she even @ him. Especially since he’s such a blubbering loudmouth idiot generally he can’t object to pedophilia at all when it’s right there being pushed by his closest associate.

No. 2014034

she’s also friends with aella whos a degenerate retard that thinks children should be groomed by porn and who knows how else. i don’t follow her so she must say loads of more pedo stuff and she seems to play at being a sexologist. seems like the type to be sympathetic to “maps” and think it’s ok to cover up their crimes. don’t know why anyone would be friends with such a person and w also posting csam, it’s not boding well.

No. 2014068

Agree. She has children with a literal pedophile. Ask Elon how his kung fu lessons are going

No. 2014074

File: 1720810182530.jpeg (204.02 KB, 1050x649, IMG_7141.jpeg)

She follows people who post stuff like this from her main..when she has a private twitter. She literally unfollowed him when her subreddit revealed he's a full blown nazi but she refolllowed him the same day he posted this…. seems like a lot of people she follows are into this stuff and post creepy stuff like this.

Aella once commented being alone with children without their parents make her feel like shes on drugs… guillotine if u ask me

No. 2014093

>friendship circle full of ugly racist tryhards
>turns out they’re all pedophiles too
Imagine my shock

No. 2014096

No nona you don’t understand. Shortage of moderation staff is NOT the problem here. Elon is telling them not to delete accounts even if they’re violating the rules. Theres accounts posting actual beast porn, CP, gore, snuff etc, but their posts and accounts have literally been reviewed by staff and allowed to stay up despite the reports, they just get an explicit content spoiler. It’s absolutely vile. AND the site is completely overrun with bots.

No. 2014153

Lollicon pfp says it all. Probably turned on by literal childrens stomachs, not pregnant/post pregnancy ones. And if he is its because he is thinking about the naked baby inside and not the woman herself.

No. 2014177

can you stop shitting up this thread with your tinfoil bs?

No. 2014190

File: 1720831298110.jpg (444.95 KB, 1125x1087, Overton window .jpg)

Elon bought Twitter to normalize his various predilections.

No. 2014193

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didn’t realize he’s in there celebrating the coming change

No. 2014313

File: 1720852838132.jpeg (593.47 KB, 828x1409, IMG_4544.jpeg)

elon trying to pick a fight with the EU

No. 2014336

Can you contribute or shut the fuck up maybe? Thanks!

Elon just donated to the Trump campaign, megapedo confirm. Can’t believe it’ll be a bunch of pedos to end the US, fitting I guess.

No. 2014342

File: 1720869082868.jpeg (176.92 KB, 1170x1279, IMG_3806.jpeg)

Yep. This is the Overton shift for technofascists, normalizing CSAM.
Grimes either fell into this group of people by wild chance or she’s right at home. All signs seem to point to the latter.

No. 2014479

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Elon on it with posting pro-Trump content after the alleged attempted assassination.

No. 2014706

File: 1720980724994.jpg (122.29 KB, 750x1086, IMG_20240714_195347_813.jpg)

why is he such a loser lmao

No. 2014707

> I'm important too guys!!! I stand with Trump because I've ackshually had that happen to ME but WAY MORE OFTEN!!! People think I'm dangerous and edgy too!!!
Absolute pickme behaviour kek

No. 2014716

Of course, Trump is the only one who is gonna let him purchase a pardon for Kung Fu practice

No. 2014717

Narcs don’t relate to one another the same way humans do, typically they tend to try to out-narc one another

No. 2015131

I always thought it was weird how he called the submarine guy living in Thailand a pedo
Narcs like Elon love to project
I wonder how much dirt they have on each other(sage your shit)

No. 2015202

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Him and orange cheeto bastard probably met on the island a bunch of times

No. 2015274

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“Afterlife presents Anyma ‘The End of Genesys’ - Live at Sphere Las Vegas - December 31, 2024”. Would exposing the city to the giant buttnaked Rattata Claire be allowed?

No. 2015315

Who is buttfucking this literal who moid and getting him these gigs?

No. 2015351

File: 1721111696398.png (809.64 KB, 640x795, IMG_7422.png)

New pic of grimes at Curtis Yarvins wedding looking like a retired telenovela actress

Curtis Yarvin, the man inspired "we appreciate power"


"He expresses the belief that white people are genetically endowed with higher IQs than black people. He has suggested race may determine whether individuals are better suited for slavery, and his writing has been interpreted as supportive of the institution of slavery.”

Her fans are too retarded to cope with the fact that shes literally a rotten racists that looks at lolicon, my god

No. 2015376

There's really few things worse than being dumb, dysgenic, and narcissistic. These traits always work to generate the most vile pickmes playing fetch for loser men, especially racists. She made her current life by ball-slobbering these kinds of men, and she will continue to do so up until she's ~45 (ie too old for them to "waifu"-fy anymore) and begins the grooming process on young, impressionable girls she'll no doubt hold resentment toward.

No. 2015409

I thought this pic was from r/mtf

No. 2015411

the ghislaine pipeline

No. 2015423

why is his face scribbled out

No. 2015424

Diddys handler probably

No. 2015425

>Her fans are too retarded to cope with the fact that shes literally a rotten racists that looks at lolicon, my god

They’re catching on slowly.

No. 2015426

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No. 2015428

Why do you think she’s “training” her daughter exclusively? She might package it as “building a Bene Gesserit army” but I bet the women who hold down their daughters for FGM in Egypt and Saudi Arabia also think they’re doing something similar.

No. 2015468

She looks like a chinese tranny here wtf

No. 2015472

No. 2015488

The masterful work of Dr Kao of course!

No. 2015575

File: 1721161692944.webp (52.36 KB, 640x676, IMG_3830.webp)

Not Claire, the person who’s hair caught fire is this chick https://x.com/eade_bengard/status/1812630950003847346

On a related note, it’s hilariously sweet the amount of sperging still goes on in the subreddit, hoping Claire has somehow turned a corner and is no longer a fascist ballsack https://www.reddit.com/r/grimezs/comments/1e3zivp/is_grimes_changing_her_friends_circle_will_she/
but I do find it interesting that her friends admit they’re fighting for evil “one chance to destroy evil forever” kek corny, why are trump fans so cringe. The shooter was also an O9A pedoccelerationist like Claire and her deadflow buddies, so so cringe.

No. 2015582

File: 1721162685082.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1739, IMG_3831.jpeg)

some Temu Dua Lipa nobody on Twitter posted that Grimes is married

No. 2015719

Wish we could see how awful and bleary eyed Grimey looked here lol,(sage your shit)

No. 2015901

File: 1721237611345.jpeg (448.59 KB, 828x878, IMG_3580.jpeg)

>SpaceX headquarters will relocate from California to Texas
>Musk larps as a born and bred ‘murican to garner support as this news is released
Can we deport his ass back to South Africa already?

No. 2015924

Did he really use an AI generated image of himself? And also made sure to make himself look extra masculine? Lmao imagining what he’d ACTUALLY look like in cowboy garb with his flabby tubby stomach and hammy arms

No. 2015927

>AI generated
Holy shit you’re right KEK

No. 2015930

i doubt he'll pay taxes on thid so he has to convince his fans to like it I guess

No. 2015935

This AI picture is so pathetic, so is his avatar. Elon you do not look like this.

No. 2015956

AI generated and still gave himself soy boy facial hair kek

No. 2016010

File: 1721253277959.jpeg (1.48 MB, 3249x4062, IMG_4130.jpeg)

I don’t understand accelerationists. Can someone pls explain. Up until just a few years ago these ppl were classic neolibs. Case in point Silicon Valley’s very own JD Vance. They’re quite literally in the same circles. Is it the tax breaks?

Picrel Curtis Yarvin and new wife ft various VC and tech attendees w MAGA gear, the wedding of whom Grim and her friend above attended.

No. 2016012

File: 1721253577276.jpeg (1.94 MB, 3249x4332, IMG_4129.jpeg)

More from bride’s Twitter. Handle is tailinmymouth which I’m assuming is a ref to ouroboros. I chose these specific ones bc I’m not kidding when I say the chuds in my area would consider her and her crowd demonic (piercings, tattoos on a woman, too much black attire). Are they even religious? Considering conservatism is strongly tied to Christianity. First Burning Man, now they're trying to co opt the RNC too?

Didn’t include it in the collage but least her cake was pretty.

No. 2016017

File: 1721255309696.jpg (79.31 KB, 928x1397, 2se8grv6d7rb1.jpg)

Lucky for us we don't have to imagine as he's already publicly humiliated himself with cowboy cosplay at least once

No. 2016019

This is what the peak of humanity looks like: a community of hyper-autistic, solipsistic men with pedophilic tendencies, and women who are ugly to mid, have no personality/values of their own, and have at least one debilitating mental illness/eating disorder (usually both). These people are going to shape the world in ways we puny, anti-accelerationist peasants can only imagine.

No. 2016032

File: 1721257271697.jpeg (188.93 KB, 1170x1240, BF9569C7-6F62-4EB5-B8D4-180B3A…)

No. 2016039


No. 2016096

File: 1721276682412.png (396.84 KB, 1125x608, Vance Fascist .png)

ew. i knew he was backed by theil but she’s celebrating this vance win for her crowd. i didn’t know about his connections to that particular cesspool. her pinned post is v deep.

No. 2016097

you know you're a real intellectual powerhouse when you make your wedding about some fat guy who you're people have in fact, failed miserably at puppeteering. If anybody thinks Trump is going to give a shit what Elon or JD Vance has to say, they haven't been paying attention. Accelerationists are just desperate to have some kind of, any kind of, contrarian take in a world that no longer is inhospitable to any ratfuck idea. So they've ultimately settled on acting like they want to destroy the world. Some true believers do, but mostly, they're just the same mental types who in the 60s/70s/80s/90s would be writing counterculture zines about how transsexualism was the future, or how we should bring slavery back. It's just people who are deseperate to appear intellectually superior by shocking normies. nothing new.

No. 2016198

they likely met somewhere like this. “a place where older literary men can have younger muses, free from the prudish Robespierres of the North Brooklyn DSA.”

fat, aging edgelords with a surface-level understanding of philosophy and tinfoil levels of conspiritarding about the deep state or whatever, and women-hating, Red Scare-adjacent, anorexics in their early 20s.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2016199

Honestly, I feel like accelerationism is just intellectualized misanthropy that stems from being an outcast. The only people who are accelerationists are hyper-autists and men like Nick Land who are so psychopathic and into destruction that the mere thought of annihilating the world probably gives them a narcissistic high. If they destroy the world, they are 1. god-like, which is the ultimate high to a lot of men (esp psychos), 2. they remove the legacies of other, more important people/cultures, and 3. they deprive future humans of the positive experiences that they themselves missed out on as a result of having anti-social, serial killer personality types that others are naturally repulsed by. Accelerationism is fueled by incel rage and no one can convince me otherwise. Regardless of how much they talk about how it will lead to progress, to me, all I can see is a community of resentful autistic, dysgenic men and women who want the world to disintegrate because they, deep inside, hate humanity for never giving them the social roles they actually wanted.

No. 2016217

these ppl can grift and seethe and occasionally throw their fascism $$$$ at an occasionally tasteful item (jasmine rae wedding cake) but they'll never be more than fat incel 50 year olds hanging out with sex workers(spam posting, using an emoji, general newfaggotry)

No. 2016229

File: 1721302943167.jpg (29.21 KB, 500x500, artworks-000454480563-m01jag-t…)

No. 2016236


That would all be well and good if it were their tasteless little luxury items they stuck to, but unfortunately they own the former President of the US and his VP pick. They also own a lot of the stooges running, like Vivek, RFK and his VP pick Nicole Shanahan.
All owned by the same interests.
First they’re likely to start terrorizing the folks in Texas, Gilead style.

No. 2016238

>Accelerationists are just desperate to have some kind of, any kind of, contrarian take in a world that no longer is inhospitable to any ratfuck idea

Pretty much. Emotionally malformed losers patting each other on the back online for calling terrorism based.
Most of their twitter “schizoposts” aren’t even their own words but copied and pasted straight from /x/ and /pol/, I’ve seen this a few times now from the dangleberries of this scene

No. 2016240

THIS. fucking sinsiter shit, and grimes was shilling for vivek who was basically their initial choice for VP (turned out he was too brown for their racist support base).
now vance is endorsing a national abortion ban. make no mistake, trump-vance is a war on women

No. 2016247

Yep. It’s no coincidence Trump got a big fat donation from Elon, an attempt on his life and “picked” a VP all within the span of three days.
It’s likely Trump being a narc was deliberating too long on a VP, possibly dancing with the idea of not having one at all (no room to share the spotlight when you’re a narc) but a nice strong recommendation that Putin prefers Vance seemed to sway his decision.
It’s also no coincidence Epstein comes up a lot in association to these people, no coincidence he was killed during Trump’s administration either after he and Acosta failed in their efforts to get him off the hook (again).

I’d feel sad for grimace and her accelerationist ballsack crew for being blackmailed into being evil if they weren’t trying to drag the rest of the world down to their circle of hell just to protect their fucked up secrets.

No. 2016251

"next time we won't miss"

No. 2016303

>ugly old Jewish men grooming Catholic girls with daddy issues
It’s funny how the window dressing changes but the conceit is always the same through the decades

No. 2016310

File: 1721322439881.jpeg (198.66 KB, 1400x1400, Yarvin_spotify.jpeg)

He's so ugly

No. 2016312

And they're always "outcasts" because they're rancid and hateful and don't understand that other people can smell it a mile away regardless of how much money they have.

No. 2016324

I’m not sure abt this one. It was already known months ago he was probs going to choose Vance. I just didn’t know who he was and how few degrees away he’s been from our dear antagonists of this thread. VP noms are always announced during the committee and it’s been all but proven the dude was a 20 yr old rightoid who truly did almost best Trump (I know I know glowies exist, feds work towards American oligarchical interest$ and colluding w Russia runs counter to that). I think reasonably if we’re not looking at some grand scheme- he believed in accelerating for acceleration sake, accelerating an old man’s demise for the good of the party, felt betrayed by said old man’s name appearing in this year’s unsealed Epstein files (or even as simple as a stan being hyper parasocial), was a trad incel and didn’t feel the RNC now is Christo nationalist enough, had a psychotic break and mixed up reality and his delusions then did what scrotes do to remedy an uncomfortable situation that makes them feel impotent, a mix of reasons listed. Basically I don’t think he’s super relevant to these freak of nature GMO cows. One thing’s for sure Thiel’s been busy busy busy.

Gross that these type of men do it for Claire.

No. 2016374

>felt betrayed by said old man’s name appearing in this year’s unsealed Epstein files
I think the same thing happened. Another unfortunate victim of the "Well MY candidate isn't a pedophile"/"Drain the swamp" derailing that went on when knowledge of the Epstein and other child trafficking stuff was spreading to the mainstream, coupled with other factors that would disillusion anyone who had certain ideas about Trump (and republicans) that don't hold up to reality.

No. 2016377

Accelerationists want to make “heaven” on earth via technology. To become gods and have total control over the human population to mold and destroy as they please

No. 2016382

You think they’re gonna try eugenic experiments on Texas first?

No. 2016408

No. 2016443

File: 1721346129057.jpg (423.11 KB, 1280x1664, 1280px-Ann_Coulter_(4928054408…)

Not to sound like a troid, but why is it always women who have troid physiognomy? Like, she-chuds look the way MTFs would look like if they were women. Incel genes? Male microchimerism? Don't get me wrong, they don't look masculine or androgynous. They just look… Male-resembling? Is it an outward reflection of being a vessel for male interests?

No. 2016488

File: 1721354894241.jpeg (486.7 KB, 828x974, IMG_1195.jpeg)

from the wedding, still coked up and overfilled(repost)

No. 2016498

I mean he does look like a musty roach

No. 2016584

There's no way this isn't a troon

No. 2016593

Believe it or not Anne is a biological woman.

No. 2016644

File: 1721406456814.jpg (594.32 KB, 1179x1297, Ever the hypocrite .jpg)

She was at an accelerationist afterparty for an OpenAI event a few months ago but claimed she disagreed w “the sentiments of the party.” I’m sure she still agreed w collecting payment: https://archive.ph/LyYcQ

Never realized these events weren’t held in jest or irony. It’s beyond cringe, they’re actually psychotic.

No. 2016646

she is not, she has shown baby pictures and childhood pictures
she and the Lauras Loomer and Ingraham are incredibly masculine looking, it’s bizarre

No. 2016648

File: 1721406923205.jpg (1.14 MB, 1179x2219, Ever the hypocrite 2.jpg)

The developers behind the proliferation of AI art and the continuation (and acceleration) of AI products and algorithms signed off on these corny ass signs.

No. 2016681

They’re like libertarians (notoriously lame and uninspired, lacking legitimate talents and ) interests) but smellier. The earring-back odor is palpable through these photos.

No. 2016684

Women naturally have testosterone in their bodies as well as men. Women with manly featured and square jaws often have more testosterone in their bodies than normal (there's other markers of this too like digit length) higher testosterone in women makes them more aggressive, and interestingly also more likely to cheat, have anorexia and be promiscuous. I wouldn't be surprised if women like Coulter and Nikki Haley have some kind of hormonal imbalance.(sage your shit)

No. 2016900

lolcow stop sperging about hormones and what makes a woman for 10 seconds challenge: impossible, unachievable

No. 2017016

File: 1721512572312.jpeg (146.71 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_3871.jpeg)

wow they grimes’d Matt Gaetz! All this bad surgery amongst right wingers is truly bizarre. Even Trump has a thread lift and filler in his lips KEK(off topic)

No. 2017058

They are also more likely to be conservatives(sage your shit)

No. 2017072

Any update on this milk?(sage your shit)

No. 2017168

thank you, these retards have no idea how hyper-misogynist this line of thinking is. it degrades women who do not fit some retarded beauty standard. The real topic is Ann Coulter fucked grifting politics

No. 2017245

lol it's true, apparently having the brows of a middle aged armenian man running a cornerstore is all the rage for the terminally online pickme set

No. 2017308

You don’t want me talking about it because they’re all using the same (Russian) surgeons kek

No. 2017310

Usually I ignore it bc it tends to be zoomers who learned “what a woman is” from a Chinese app whose main consumer base is insecure teens and creepy old men watching insecure teens so naturally a lot of these young women think looking like a smol baby gurl child until you’re 75 is normal. It’s why you see a lot of young women online right now having screaming meltdowns over turning 25.. most people grow out of this line of thinking, but current tech is grooming women to accept it as normal so implementing Gilead will be that much smoother. Anyway I don’t normally point it out but people need to be reminded how insufferable it is to be around.

No. 2017350

Last I saw this is the Grimey and co thread. JD Vance is only tangentially associated. What is your reasoning for bringing fucking Matt Gaetz milk other than they’re both botched. The botchery levels are so high on ~both sides~ of the aisle the treasury might as well have their surgeons on payroll. Nancy’s as traditionally Dem as it gets and I’m p sure she’s at least half silicone from the chest/implants up. It’s bipartisan and not to mention irrelevant

No. 2017361

File: 1721610799342.jpeg (640.59 KB, 1170x1170, 9B49B19E-4E5F-4422-8AF3-1A9D83…)


No. 2017365

thankful every day that my shitty slavic genes have given me nice lips, thin lips are tragic(blog)

No. 2017394

Found the triggered troon with the minecraft steve jaw and ET length ring finger kek(sage your infighting)

No. 2017395

This image makes me cackle everytime I see it. Goatee Grimes ftw.

No. 2017396

I'm a European nona and don't know who this man is but he looks like a gay pedophile from first glance, am I right?

No. 2017399

This has nothing to do with beauty. You'd be willfully blind to pretend there isn't a certain pickme "look".

No. 2017409

Well look who’s catching on and finally staying on theme. Your posts were poltard adjacent, low effort and shit up the thread

No. 2017410

Samefag but maybe there should be a political cow thread. They’re kinda the ultimate form of the lolcow

No. 2017424

Most right wingers lack empathy. Empathy deficient folk are often narcs or sociopaths. Both are highly obsessed with their looks and terrified of ageing, as they see ageing as weakness and naturally have contempt for the weak. Explains why they bog themselves so much in a desperate attempt to look younger but just end up looking like overstuffed couches.

No. 2017447

This. As soon as a woman is a bad person it's okay to go after her looks? As if there weren't other similar-looking women out there??

No. 2017457

No. 2017482

Anon go touch some grass. I wish calling out moids on lolcow were allowed again

No. 2017483

If you need to make someone a “troon” to make you feel better about your retardation go right ahead nona, it’s much cheaper than therapy after all

No. 2017484

But this derailment is also perfect just so you know bc these fuckers would love for you retards to fight amongst your low IQ selves about genitals and hormones fucking KEK literally on the same level of brain damage as elon when you start sperging about this shit

No. 2017485

Been here longer and contributed more than u nonnie. Most of the pics as far back as thread 4 are ones I’ve made, including ones posted elsewhere that end up here kek continue what you were saying tho(power levelling )

No. 2017487

File: 1721652527117.jpeg (379.61 KB, 1242x2062, 9259FB48-A90F-403F-B8A0-D90BDD…)

No. 2017488

So what he really means is, it’s not coming next year and another company will likely beat him to it but please tithe to tesla if you like cyberpunk uwu

No. 2017513


Yarvin's new wife on podcast explaining her path to fascist radicalisation, says society is becoming "too communist". Basically admits to being racist: "I lost most of my friends because they all went crazy about George Floyd and I had gone in the other direction" - around 11:33:00.

She's not some naive kid. Much like grimes, she's an adult in her 30s who is choosing fascism while her life is being bankrolled by aging nazi moids

No. 2017520

He’s gonna impregnate one of the robots isn’t he

No. 2017555

Well, the robots are shapeless like grimes, so it's something that shouldn't be discarded.

No. 2017557

File: 1721667505654.jpg (355.32 KB, 1179x1859, tailinmymouth.jpg)

Then you should know and accept that your recent posts weren’t on par. But if you made a new thread abt politicows I’d earnestly support tbh. Ty for your other contributions

I rechecked and she deleted her Twitter but caught a screen before she dipped. It prob wasn’t her last post but she made one asking journalists not to add her and how they turn her on (?) so I’m guessing they were grilling her. Like another nona noted her pinned post is something else. If this is how convos w her and Grim go then Grim is a lot more hard line auth right than I initially assumed

No. 2017569

Wait if she has no desire to not be gross then how come she’s so fucking revolting? Also idk why, but it irks me when normies like yarvins wife use popular normie pinterest photos as their pfp/cover photo. If youre going to play at being edgy at least have something original to bring to the table. I’m starting to think these women let AI and men like yarvin run their accounts in exchange for $$$

No. 2017672

These people come across like such goobers, no matter how edgy or 'radical' they try to be I just cant take them seriously. The people most obsessed with physical beauty are always self loathing uggos, case in point all the self hating chubby brown girls listening to those 'eye lightening' and 'lose weight' subliminals, all the Indian incels spamming their 'Beautiful Aryan Zoomers' twitter accounts, and all the fugly incels on lookism who do nothing but jerk off to male models all day.(sage your shit)

No. 2017673

I imagine the main function of 'domestic robots' or sexbots will be surveillance and spying, 100%. I can see the government subsidizing them if it allows them to monitor pedos and incels who they think are plotting mass shootings. Then maybe they'll implement the killbot function next.

No. 2017680

File: 1721695931863.jpeg (166.37 KB, 1170x1368, IMG_5008.jpeg)

Grimace really thought she could raise X gender neutral with muskrat

No. 2017725

wtf I love the government now

No. 2017726

Insane Narc Father: Nightmare Billionaire Edition. Can you imagine being spawned by this sack of shit? You go no contact and he buys a whole social media platform ugh. Do kids still divorce their parents these days? They should all collectively dump him. I guess that would be why he’s trying to change the laws in his country so everyone who hates him can never get away from him lmfao

No. 2017729

They overcompensate for the lack of male interest they recieved and since they desperately pine for it, they will grovel for it by any means.

No. 2017730

Extremely shitty twitter account ran by a loser, why bother citing it.

No. 2017759

>You go no contact and he buys a whole social media platform ugh.
Um, when you put it that way, I have a strong suspicion he uses twitter not just for his own echo chamber, but to monitor his kids and family. A Tesla is already spyware on wheels which is why Amber Heard didnt want one. Which is pretty concerning.

No. 2017760

Cuz its funny, geez

No. 2017764

Enemies to lovers arc with my domestic killer robot WHEN

No. 2017779

Ohh so Elons one of those people that say “fine if nobody will be my friend I’ll CREATE SOME FRIENDS”

No. 2017782

File: 1721736462301.webp (46.31 KB, 640x1035, IMG_3883.webp)

From the wedding grimace attended. This photo screams “Run” and also “Don’t leave children unattended around this man”

No. 2017793

In 2008, Curtis Yarvin, writing under a pseudonym, proposed a solution for people he deemed “not productive”: “convert them into biodiesel, which can help power the Muni buses.”

Yarvin continued, “The trouble with the biodiesel solution is that no one would want to live in a city whose public transportation was fueled, even just partly, by the distilled remains of its late underclass. However, it helps us describe the problem we are trying to solve. Our goal, in short, is a humane alternative to genocide.”

No. 2017794

this woman is 5 foot 0 max. add, she is most likely wearing heels on her wedding day. i am five foot myself and have a petite frame, the amount of men coming up to me from all ages telling me how hot it is that im short because i remind them of a little girl. if i did not hear this "compliment" myself a hundred times myself, i would have trouble believing a womans short statue is also appealing to the pedophiles. this wedding is a funeral

No. 2017796

I think he should donate his body to this scheme first so he can show the rest of us how the process works.

No. 2017800

samefag responding, this megalomaniac sociopath will donate a clone´s/family members body first to the scheme sadly

No. 2017805

These types of moids would throw their firstborn child into a vat for the most meagre chance at being wealthier/more powerful than their peers.

No. 2017814

Some probably already have

I get the feeling Jarvis is the kind of insecure moid like Tom cruise who forbids his handmaid sorry I mean wife from wearing heels around him because he finds it emasculating kek

No. 2017816

Yarvin* whoops even my autocorrect is bored of this dumb fuck

No. 2017838

File: 1721749412691.jpg (1.13 MB, 3249x2346, 10:10 barf.jpg)

What initiated that comment was this podcast’s nobody host Nicholas Dolinger not to be confused w Nicole Dollanganger, who said a couple min before timestamp “when the muse visits, you seize the muse and rape the muse in the nastiest way until she squirms away” and this vile woman laughed. Could barely transcribe that and she found it topkek and not only that expanded on it. Just rancid. Also featured Rhazib Khan

This tard isn’t all that interesting but he has mutuals w Claire and is a reporter for chudsy news outlet Epoch Times. They’re known to churn out articles aligning w Qanon and constantly lickin Trump’s dump. Yarvin promoted his book. Who wants to bet Thiel keeps media orgs in his pockets?

No. 2017839

File: 1721749469290.jpg (1.48 MB, 2689x4779, e:acc mutual.JPG)

The e/acc mutual who was also at the wedding and what they believe.

No. 2017869

So gay, with all their little try hard accoutrements and signifiers.

No. 2017872

the moment men realize that posing with red wine and steak does not make them look "sophisticated," the world will be a much better place

No. 2017882

Not to mention the steak looks like shit who cooked that??

No. 2017923

if it's a new photo i wonder if the new wife is trying to be trad and cook for him but is failing miserably. If those are supposed to be brussels sprouts then i'm going to cry.

No. 2017940

Trying to control the news cycle about himself since #MuskPedoFiles was trending on Twitter and her had to delete it because people have been getting wiser to his Epstein connections. Has to use his kids as media machine fodder to get the heat off himself. When a man has this much disdain for his children one has to wonder about the rumors surrounding his firstborns death being due to purposeful neglect on Elons part.

No. 2017991

of course these are the people grimes associates herself with. if she allowed herself to be a broodmare for a bloated beluga whale, this really shouldnt be shocking. mid, white supremacist pseudointellectual insecure losers who were bullied for a reason and only learned they want to be the bully next time. I bet grimes still seethes about azealia banks gutting her crackhead ass on blast, ala 'this black girl was mean to me' type shit
if you have to put others down to look better, youre hiding something.

No. 2018055

Who is this are they a couple?

No. 2018064

No. 2018077

>pictures you can smell(sage your shit/non-contribution)

No. 2018078

They both look like any two generic hipster Jewish homosexuals you would find in a Brooklyn coffee shop tbh. I guess when you're this boring and passé you have to make up for it in edge points, just to make people notice your existence.(sage your shit)

No. 2018123

File: 1721804889839.png (888.11 KB, 772x1733, felon stonewalling epstein sub…)


the other day he was performing outrage that there aren’t more prosecutions in this case.

No. 2018179

Kek this fucker is soooo guilty of the most fucked up shit can he be more obvious

No. 2018307

Was this a surrogate baby again? Shivon wasn't shown visibly pregnant in any recent photos, right?
I wonder why are they suddenly keeping their latest children secret (Grimes' kid Tau and now this one).

No. 2018324

Probably due to stalkers bc of Elons recent pledge to fund Trumps campaign. Shivon was a silly bitch to plaster those babies faces all over Twitter anyway. With a high profile father who apparently also encounters assassination attempts, combined the amount of pedos, fascists and freaks that hang out on twitter now, she may as well have been posting them on 4chan.
This is definitely another surrogate baby, she started wearing the fake belly after the scrutiny with the twins (also conceived via surrogate).
She still has a lot of face to save, not being as well known or scrutinized as grimes.

No. 2018432

File: 1721869140792.png (238.26 KB, 1818x558, thiel.png)

Curtis Yarvin is connected to and funded by Peter Thiel. I wonder if all these Grimes' connections and subtle political proclamations mean that she's getting funded by him too. It's possible she initially got into these circles through Musk, since Thiel and Musk were both involved in Paypal. This rabbit hole goes deep.

No. 2018461

File: 1721872942538.png (78.24 KB, 1282x332, apocalypse.png)

Here's also an interesting article that explains who Curtis Yarvin, J.D. Vance, etc. are and what are some of their views: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/04/inside-the-new-right-where-peter-thiel-is-placing-his-biggest-bets. They consider themselves to be the "New Right" and are basically planning a coup. Pretty worrisome.
Btw. there's also a mention of Apocalypse Now, that was briefly discussed here because Grimes let little X watch it. Now I'm wondering if that was actually a dogwhistle of some kind, since the daughter of the man who wrote the script seems to be involved in the movement.

No. 2018676

She’s defs getting those Thielbucks, as Lan Dao puts it (someone also hand picked and funded by Thiel), just Lan Dao is more upfront about it.

Speaking of Thiel I was watching this interview and just cannot believe how sweaty and red this man is. He’s always been a less than attractive man but why are all these right wing freaks suddenly melting? I thought they believed beauty was a virtue.


No. 2018678

Oops messed up the link

https://youtu.be/11sKpl9G4Ik(learn how to embed at lolcow.farm/info)

No. 2018696

File: 1721935473593.jpeg (190.23 KB, 922x1434, IMG_5090.jpeg)

Musk’s tim son speaks out, as a surprise to no one Musk is a huge liar who fakes knowing anything about his kids

No. 2018698

File: 1721935536239.jpeg (203.84 KB, 922x1334, IMG_5091.jpeg)

No. 2018700

It's hard to have sympathy for a billionaire spawn tranny, considering how delusional they are I'd rather trust Muskrat's word over the troon's

No. 2018721

I believe him, musk not being around checks out and he used every hsts stereotype when his son is probably agp

No. 2018722

Well then you’d be an idiot.

No. 2018730

He looks horrible - not only is he sweating like a pig, but he seems like he hasn't slept for a week. Those druggie lifestyles are showing.
The video also mentions he has two kids, 3 and 5, but hard to find anything about them. Are these more surrogate children? He's gay, he doesn't even have a female partner. Are all these people (Grimes, Shivon, Thiel) using the same agency to hire the surrogates to carry their kids? Ugh.

No. 2018731

>Obviously Elon can't say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he's desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him.
Spot on! Love it.

No. 2018740

was thinking the same. wtf is that hideous steak?

nicholas dolinger totally fucking insufferable. An 11 hour podcast episode is unlistenable and that segment with Kristine Rose is just him talking over her about how he's a sad failed writer (and how their only friends are fascists).

No. 2018751

i don't belive melon's tweet because it reads as a poor attempt of a joke (also it's obvious he lies, that doesn't need to be proven by anybody)
but i did kek at the trannys reaction. he definitely proved that he's more than just "slightly" autistic

No. 2018752

Yeah there was a thing about that a few threads back. Someone found papers that showed Elon has a Nanny/Surrogate agency with one of his CEO’s(?)at Neuralink(?) pretty sure. I’ll have a look.

No. 2018755

this absolute ape caveman really is doing the most despicable crimes of humanity

No. 2018758

File: 1721945194096.mp4 (4.24 MB, 1080x1580, 6222559-240874cf417c6917809645…)

Elon's tranny son is preparing to make a statement. That fucking voice crack kek. Autism begets autism.

No. 2018763

She is awesome, go Viv.

No. 2018777

Ew my god this is unlistenable.

No. 2018804

Seems like his son is just as much of a narc as he is. The tim only speaks out when it's directly related to himself but is silent abouut literally everything else. A moid is a moid whether he's on elon's side or not

No. 2018813

Go back

No. 2018836

KEKKK imagine getting btfo'd like this by your own tranny failmale son, i wonder if grimes will care about this like she did when elon entered his edgy phase with the pronouns ordeal, or is she just fully embracing her own cancellation atp? she still dickrides him on twitter after all
back to twitter

No. 2018838

first time witnessing this fag but he definitely watches too much hontrapoints he uses the same phrases and inflection, this pisses me off for some reason

tims are such massive narcissists to a morbidly fascinating degree, it is like a car crash you can't look away from

No. 2018872

File: 1721963185024.png (42.37 KB, 720x266, Screenshot_20240725-224601-751…)

No. 2018896

File: 1721969434408.png (3.25 MB, 1284x2226, Ari.png)

Not my screencap but oof, Ariana Grande liked a post from MattXiv about this. Sage because it’s not really milk but Elon may have majorly fucked himself over with this

Time to start the clock on how long it takes Elon to IP ban her for going against him lol

No. 2018929

LOL he looks exactly like Elon in a wig! Didn't take anything after his mom's appearance. Looking in the mirror every single day only to see features of his dad he hates so much must be making him suicidal

No. 2018935

Her dad has been baiting her for years and even changed his entire ideology to attack everything he feels like his tranny daughter symbolized, all to punish her for standing up for herself and refusing to be the punching bag of a sociopath in his 50's. His obsession with trannies have nothing to do with standing up to the trans agenda or w.e; it's all been a narcissistic smear campaign meant to humiliate his object of hate, the child who didn't obey (and thus represents everything that is wrong with Elon/the world), for choosing what Elon deems to be an unacceptable, disgust-inducing, shameful path in life, which is one of the most unforgivable things you can do to a narcissistic parent of his caliber (a lot of honor killings boil down to severely narcissistic parents feeling like they're losing control of a child who is about to do something unforgivably shameful). He definitely conditions his kids into living for his approval rather than for themselves, and he hates Vivian for not being under said control anymore. This is the kind of obsessive hounding you'd expect an abusive ex husband to do to his ex-wife, not a father to a child. I don't think people understand the difficulty of standing up to a parent who is this abusive and cruel, let alone someone who happens to be one of the richest men in the world. I wouldn't be surprised if Vivian was the scapegoat child whom Elon abused in the same way that Errol abused him for being a tard.

No. 2018948

If Elon was an abusive father why is it only the tranny disavowing him and not his other older sons? Surely they would know about family issues going on behind the scenes. Xavier sounds like he is exaggerating to make himself sound more like a victim.

No. 2018961

No. 2018966

ketamine. fueled. haze. I mean I know elon is a piece of shit father, but having confirmation from one of his own kids (and drug use) is depressing. Like he straight lied about his kid for fucking internet approval. He wasnt forced at gunpoint to say any of this shit. All his kids are gonna have problems because of him.
what kind of retard believes elon.
you really really think hes gonna waste his time constantly having twitter battles with elon? are you stupid? its normal to reply back when someone makes a giant fucking lie about you. elon is already ruining his life well on his own.
Grimes dear you be "proud" all you want, but you signed up your kids to deal with elon in the future. you signed them up to deal with a lifetime of trust issues and personality defects from a deadbeat father who prefers interaction through a screen because you let some ugly bloated colonizer impregnate you.

No. 2018971

you're right I bet the billionaire narcissist predditor who's abandoned a dozen kids by now is secretly a loving dad who changed diapers and took his kids to the park.

No. 2018972

xavier is an autistic faggot who believes he's a woman, why would you believe anything he says?

No. 2018975

Kek thank you anon, I didn't even know how to reply to that like, ??? Yeah, totes a secretly really awesome father and man, he just likes to keep it under wraps by acting like the biggest fuckin dick in the world, burying his empathy and kindness and intelligence under layers of 15 year old 4chanspeak to throw us all off the trail.

No. 2018976

If a tranny says the sky is blue are you going to argue that it's not

No. 2018978

>My billionaire dad was never home so uhhhh I'll just troon out I guess
He's suffering so much…

No. 2018979

like I said. what kind of retard believes elon. what kind of retard doesnt understand how a four year old is.

No. 2018980

File: 1721992932069.png (344.87 KB, 1080x2113, Screenshot_20240726-061929~2.p…)

Literally everything this guy does is a massive failure of unprecedented proportions. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie or a creepy fantasy. I hate TIMs, but imagine if this POS was your father; attempting to change sex isn't enough , id go full transhuman.

No. 2018982

I'm so glad the apartheid poltard defense force is here to argue that deadbeat dads who abandon their kids are okay as long as their kids grow up to be uncool

No. 2018983

The most merciful thing a parent could have done is to abandon this tranny sperg abomination

No. 2018984

its nice knowing all it takes is a tranny involved for you to glance over elon's well documented behavior. this tranny sperging rn is so damn cringe

No. 2018987

Elon's claims about how the troon ended up the way he did make more sense in this instance

No. 2019012

File: 1721999297407.jpg (1013.43 KB, 4320x2440, 1000009434.jpg)

It couldn't have been the absence of a father figure? It was just the fact the kid was a "little autistic"? Pray tell how such an anti tranny man was "tricked" into giving his child puberty blockers. He is as much to blame given he signed away for that. I 100% believe he doesn't know shit about his kids.

No. 2019013

Looked through Justine's old blog to see if she has said anything about what Xavier was like when he was younger, wondering whether it would contradict Elon's version of the story ot not since she was a more involved parent. I found this interesting post where she talks about what she describes as a feminist "click moment" and it is about her son's gender non-conforming behavior. From 2010, when he was 6. (https://moschus.livejournal.com/149922.html)

>"My 'click' moment – my real click moment, although I'd grown up identifying myself as a feminist, or post-feminist*, even as I traded away my power and cluelessly lived out a very old and wellworn narrative – concerned my son."

>"He's a gentle, happy-go-lucky, incredibly sweet-natured little boy. He's also highly visual. He likes colors. Bright colors. Yellow, orange, pink, green, purple. He likes shiny sparkly things. He likes making beaded necklaces and bracelets. He had a phase where he liked to play with a Hannah Montana doll (liked to hurl her up to the ceiling and catch her and hurl her up again, or fly her through the air like an airplane)."
So, it is true that Xavier was really behaving in stereotypically feminine ways as a kid and Justine noticed it early on. Elon was also aware of this but he made up the details he talked about to Jordan Peterson because he wasn't close enough to his kids to know about the specifics.

>"I was trying to find him some damn glitter pens."

>"He had just become aware that some things are for 'girls' and some things are for 'boys', plus he has a macho little twin brother who can give him a rough time. I was looking for glitter pens in gender-neutral packaging, so that when I gave it to him his brother wouldn't say, "Oh you loser, that's for girls!" and try to crush his soul."
>"And of course I couldn't find any, because the powers-that-be have decided that glitter pens belong to girls. Along with pink and orange and purple and sparkles and jewelry-making kits. My bright and gorgeous and talented young son had dared to step outside the box of Boy. And a lot of what defines Boy-box struck me as stupidly arbitrary (why the hell does purple, traditionally a gender-neutral color signifying royalty, all of a sudden belong in the girls' section at Gap Baby)? When girls are forced to be in their own little boxes, boys get defined in opposition to that, which creates little boxes of their own. (And I won't even get into the fact that boys learn young that there is something inherently 'inferior' about the girl-box, so that most boys would rather eat a skunk than live out a week or a day or even an hour in a little-girl body. After all, why was it even an issue that the pens were in girl-packaging? What difference does that make other than the values we assign it?)"
>"It's not like none of this had occurred to me before…but there was a click. There was a felt and visceral understanding that shifted me out of myself and began to hook certain experiences into a larger broader context. Suddenly feminism wasn't just an abstraction."
She was so close to getting it. Yes, a boy liking glitter pens, bracelets and playing with dolls being seen as "feminine" is arbitrary. Yes, his brother bullying him over it is not okay. He can be a boy that does all of these things, it does not make him any less male. She knew better but she still supported his self-destructive decision to transition instead of helping him accept his true self.

The fact that he changed his gender the moment he turned 18 shows that he was brainwashed when he was underage. Living in LA and going to a progressive private school, also probably spending too much time online as a zoomer must have played a huge role in him turning trans. I am not putting all the blame on her, maybe she is just an "I will support absolutely anything my sons do" type of mother but I am side-eyeing her now. Did she see that she has this one son who was going through a gender identity crisis, then encourage him to do it to piss off her ex?(sage your shit)

No. 2019014

He was probably tricked meaning that he was told puberty blockers are safe and reversible when they are absolutely not.

No. 2019016


No. 2019019

Maybe, but even if that is true it still points to stupidity and a lack of care/responsibility on his behalf and he's still doing the typical narc parent thing where he MUST be the victim of the situation.

No. 2019024

What is with the weird influx of anons referring to this troon as "she"? Hate to be like "hi tranny" but cmon. Anyway. Elon is absolutely a deadbeat dad regardless if it's his troon son saying it. Anyone in here arguing otherwise is equally as autistic and retarded as the two inbreds

No. 2019025

So he cared to be anti trans years after the fact, but he couldn't care to educate himself on it when it was an issue directly affecting his child?

No. 2019026

They already told on themselves up thread when complaining about a supposed pol defense force, the troon brigade is here.

No. 2019027

Griffin sounds based kek I wonder if he still makes fun of the troon

No. 2019029

No, he has a billion children and companies to run and trusted the medical industry just like all the other parents did. C’mon. Unfortunately being a bad father isn’t illegal. Being ashamed of his troon son is like the least damaging thing to the world musk has done. It seems like a lot of trannies are the kids who turned narc to fight a narc parent and overly identify with his son, but a lot of people have shitty parents, it’s not world news or a battle the public needs to fight. Sorry.

No. 2019031

I think part of it is sympathy because the troon is Elon's spawn.

No. 2019032

Hmm is throwing a doll around like a ball really feminine style play? Interesting that he doesn’t attempt imaginative play with human figures.

No. 2019055

Justine probably fits the profile of these middle to upper class women who get bored and encourage their kids to Troon out because it makes the mom feel special by proxy. Look at all the attention whore celebrities who happen to have Troon kids. I'm sure getting the (negative) attention of Elon was a further incentive for Justine to encourage it.

No. 2019062

Elon was once again wrong again because he's retarded and doesn't know shit. His son isn't the HSTS he wants him to be his son is clearly a groomed and pornsick AGP. Kek. Of course.

No. 2019081

Let the uggos wear themselves out, sometimes they just need to screech about gender for a bit.

No. 2019084

Elon definitely sexualizes trans people which is definitely the sole reason he’s so triggered like the 4’s in this thread kek(doubleposting )

No. 2019085

No. 2019106

File: 1722012163872.jpeg (Spoiler Image,189.09 KB, 1170x1212, 618F01BA-36C1-4741-BB6D-76F809…)

“everyone who disagrees with me has BALLS!!!!!!!!!!”(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2019108

nayrt but whoever made those two posts is displaying delusions of hotness. insulting female looks is an extension of their need to believe they themselves are oh so hot. agp behavior. thanks to other anon for clocking it.

No. 2019109

Having them surgically removed doesn't negate the fact you're male. Just makes you worthless AND retarded.

No. 2019112

File: 1722013979073.png (653.63 KB, 602x718, main-qimg-022240ac6d87126e1be9…)

>be a fat, genetically balding and out of shape old retarded fuck (Elon)
>have a shit ton of IVF babies because EW NO GIRLS ALLOWED and natural impregnation is DISGUSTING (autism)
>the numerous amounts of children and the south African autism and sociopathy prevents genuine parent-child bond from forming with any of the freaky mutant autismo kids
>one of those freaky mutant autismo kids comes out as… A TRANNY!
>most likely due to a combination of autism, unmonitored internet access, paternal neglect and maternal enabling
>spin a retarded lie to the gender critical crowd to earn asspats and support
>somehow too retarded to realize that tranny son can literally go online and disprove the "concerned, caring father" story Elon is trying to push

No. 2019144

>caring this much about some retarded biological soup scrap IVF tranny
Go back.

No. 2019149

you're retarded. /snow/ is not the place for conspiracies. there's literally a conspiracy thread on /ot/.

No. 2019153

A site with a mostly-female userbase isn't ideal for creating mass shooters.

No. 2019154

Kek, you know this is only bothering Elon because his troon son is embarrassing him in front of his edgelord/techbro fanbase.

No. 2019159

And? That doesn't change what I said kek (also how is it pickme-ish to say that only moids are mass shooters)(repeatedly responding to bait)

No. 2019170

>makes a giant fucking lie
where's the giant fucking lie? it looked like he made a poor attempt at a sarcastic joke about gay stereotypes. it wasn't that serious. it easily could have been shrugged off. don't act like the loser tranny isn't revelling in every moment of this.
also elon wasn't lying about his son being male. melon and his failmale son are fucking tards, i don't know why anons act like we need to pick a side

>What is with the weird influx of anons referring to this troon as "she"?
was wondering the same thing, the newfag tourists need to get out of this thread and realize we don't cater to tranny delusion here. ywnbaw!

No. 2019178

>"I'm not a moid!!!"
>Replies like an average triggered moid

Every moid

No. 2019179

I love fraternal birth order and the fact that all sonfags inevitably end up with faggot sons

No. 2019193

Why would that make anyone more sympathetic towards him? Bohoo, tranny son of a literal billionaire. Yes, he's a deadbeat retard but his son is an agp retard who is so pornsick he managed to troon out before 20. Keep trannies and handmaidens off lolcow, mini Elon is as much of a cow as adult Elon.

No. 2019198

ofc the spergy faggot is a bad father, but that doesn't mean you start she/hering a whole moid or feeling bad for him. most people had shitty fathers, womp womp. go back to reddit if you want to sob about his poor widdle missed twans girlhood. also, I'm tired of people acting like any of these fags transition for "lack of good male figures". most men don't have a single good male figure in their lives because, newsflash: most men are misogynistic deadbeat rapeapes, and they still don't troon out. the only reasons a moid troons out are porn addiction and dysphoria (more often than not, it's both)

No. 2019202

>mini Elon is as much of a cow as adult Elon
I mean, yeah, but people are acting like the kid is lying about his father not knowing him. I believe the kid on this. Elon had many chances to intervene and he even signed off on his son getting puberty blockers. It's embarrassing he's trying to spin a victim yarn to Jordan Peterson (another victim mentality man with muh addiction) about how he was "tricked", he's just trying to avoid all responsibility and no shit, how shocking that when you have oodles of kids that it's hard to know any of them or meaningful interact with any of them as a father figure? Muskrat needs to stop shilling the breed, breed, breed narrative. For all we know his other sons have trooned out too but they're just quiet because they saw what happened with him. It's very common in twins to try and differentiate themselves and I can see how that would manifest in a subpar way with zero positive male figures around him and a brother that just shits on him all the time.

No. 2019203

I haven't called the troon a she/her, so why are you sperging? Your logic is really grasping at straws because porn addiction is more of a given among Gen Z than absent fathers.

No. 2019207

youre literally writing bibles of excuses to defend people she/hering the scrote, retard. yes, many gen z scrotes are porn addicts but not everyone reaches the sissy porn addiction levels it takes to troon out. Integrate or go back to reddit for your updoots(infighting)

No. 2019273

It makes me sad that even the progressive places end up pushing gnc kids into "the other gender". Maybe humans are just fucking varied and it doesn't mean there's something wrong with your body.

No. 2019372

Yeah the tranny is delusional in thinking he is a woman, but it is ridiculous that Musk tries to larp as some caring father who lost his son to the troon propaganda. I believe the son in that he barely saw the kids as he only seems to care about spreading his shit genetics.

No. 2019481

is trannyson even cut off financially from felon

since this is in the news rn i can’t find anything quickly other than he attended an elite university felon was whining about being communist and demonizing the rich

i asked chatgpt which said

> As of my last update in October 2023, there were reports indicating that Elon Musk's daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, publicly distanced herself from him and expressed her desire to change her name and gender. However, there were no definitive statements or confirmed reports regarding her financial situation or whether she was cut off from him financially. For the latest developments, I recommend checking more recent news sources.

um ok

No. 2019514

Thank you anon, totally agreed. Musk signed off to give his son puberty blockers - what did he expect? Suddenly, he's finding out they have side effects? I thought he was a big brain genius.

No. 2019520

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No. 2019526

If Elon’s child support with Justine included college costs he’s probably still paying for him

No. 2019537

I would say he is more of a mini-Errol, feels entitled to calling Elon “beneath him” while gladly accepting monetary handouts and living off of him. Not saying Elon is anything but complete deadbeat father, but the family seems have a low functioning narcassistic-parasitic gene that these two share that skipped Elon

No. 2019540

are you suggesting elon is not a narcissistic parasite? he was happy to take daddy errol’s emerald mine money, and continues to leech off the hard work and intelligence of everyone he employs.

No. 2019610

This might be true but objectively it’s not the same. Errol is specifically famous only for his psycho tirades filled with insults while demanding Elon keep funding him no questions asked and trannyson immediately reminded me of that

No. 2019638

god they're both so childish, they do this every other month

No. 2019657

File: 1722122430477.jpeg (211.71 KB, 1284x1627, IMG_5155.jpeg)

Claire’s mom is on twitter begging Elon to let the kids see their dying great grandmother one last time

No. 2019658

File: 1722122586883.jpeg (249.44 KB, 1284x1517, IMG_5156.jpeg)

She confirms Elon is withholding their passports and she has no idea who is with the non X children while Elon is parading X around the Olympics in Paris

No. 2019659

File: 1722122643716.jpeg (120.83 KB, 1284x894, IMG_5157.jpeg)

No. 2019664

File: 1722123085791.jpeg (228.05 KB, 945x2048, IMG_5158.jpeg)

TIMothy also gives details about the situation

No. 2019665

File: 1722123185597.jpeg (218.19 KB, 945x2048, IMG_5159.jpeg)

Says this isn’t the first time he’s done this, I wonder if he pulled this shit with Justine. ||also not my pfp I got these screenshots off twitter||

No. 2019667

File: 1722123375382.jpeg (223.58 KB, 945x2048, IMG_5160.jpeg)

Actively employing people to keep the kids away from Claire

No. 2019670

Tbh his fixation with X nearly coincides with his son trooning out, I wonder if he sees X as a redo for the son that got away.

No. 2019671

File: 1722123500904.jpeg (224.08 KB, 945x2048, IMG_5161.jpeg)

Forgot the screenshot

No. 2019672

X is probably his golden child.

No. 2019697

Kek I read that in the kay&peele substitute teacher voice and laughed out loud, thanks for that nonny, was having a bad day. sage for OT

No. 2019698

>please elon, I beg you.
You just know this made him ecstatic. He doesn't care if the kids see their dying great grandma or other family on Claire's side. It doesn't benefit him and withholding the kids to the point Claire's mom has to beg and plead to him in public probably has his shriveled little coked-out ego hard right now.

Seems likely. Can't wait for X to grow up and hate him too.

No. 2019721

The trans kid seems to be basking in the new attention kek

No. 2019743

File: 1722146045196.png (516.98 KB, 840x2352, bnuuyhopper.png)

Elon (allegedly) tried and failed to be a part of the California babyfur community in 2009.

No. 2019744

File: 1722146112508.jpg (88.28 KB, 1080x871, GTYTtBNW0AAA5a7.jpg)

No. 2019745

File: 1722146180532.jpg (83.73 KB, 1242x887, GTYTtGOWAAAHXkO.jpg)

Infant child account in question.

No. 2019746

File: 1722146216922.jpg (34.14 KB, 500x480, GTYTs-TWcAAy9t-.jpg)

Proof the account is/was his.

No. 2019747

File: 1722146287231.jpg (78.05 KB, 827x1005, GTYTtdnWUAAu19v.jpg)

Him admitting to it.

No. 2019748

File: 1722146668275.png (1.23 MB, 818x2928, christiolson.png)

Photo of him in an owl kigurumi taken by a Tesla employee.

No. 2019751

File: 1722146819914.jpg (156.05 KB, 1125x2436, GTiGB4DaoAAXnei.jpg)

Posting image here for posterity lol

No. 2019757

Ewwwwww. Reminder that men only commit to roleplaying shit when they have a genuine sexual fetish for it.

No. 2019759

is he cutting lines in this pic lol

No. 2019760

I think hes rolling a blunt. There's weed beside him and a bong.(sage your shit)

No. 2019770

The kratom water bottle made me chuckle(learn to sage)

No. 2019793

doing this was embarrassing already in high school(learn2reply)

No. 2019816

what is up with all the tinfoil dogshit being posted here? The admins ban plenty but let this garbage flood the board. Awesome.

No. 2019839

Parading around wearing satanic cosplay

No. 2019840

File: 1722176142145.jpg (35.49 KB, 640x360, 177150.jpg)

No. 2019849

Wow, what did Grimes do to get this kind of treatment from him? Hasn't he been more or less okay with all but totally abandoning his children with their mothers so far? What's different about these kids? And he's even keeping the daughter from her?? I thought they had an agreement that he wasn't going to be involved with the girl's development or something? That's crazy but it makes sense he's doing this.

No. 2019899

File: 1722183328823.jpeg (84.17 KB, 1500x1257, 5A824A28-C5FE-47E0-B604-EC8C29…)

jesus christ, this would be hilarious if there weren't kids in the middle of this fucking bullshit. no wonder he felt so confident making up a story about his troon kid when he 4, the retard roleplays as one lmao.
>not now kids/baby mamas, daddy busy pretending being a toddler online right now

errol is forever gonna rightfully look at him as failure, even if he'll never fully admit his role in how he turned out.
I really don't like knowing grime's and elon's kids are with neither parent and its getting distressing that her mom and his own kid are speaking out about it while he cosplays as a loving father when he could give less than two shits about X. I just know hes fucked on drugs in paris. Why tf does he seem to have a hate boner for grimes? because of that one time she spilled his business to azealia banks? because little twitter battles? because he wants to see her spiral? this situation is so fucked and dysfunctional

No. 2020000

Exactly, didn't he already unfollow her months ago? Does he keep unfollowing and re-following?

No. 2020015

Tragic. And there's no way for Claire's family to contact him, other than openly tweeting at him? Bizarre, to say the least.
Also, didn't someone repeatedly try to assassinate Musk and that's why he's now sending money to poor buddy Trump? But he keeps using his son as a meat shield in Paris. So I guess it's all fine and he made those assassination attempts up as always. Or… he's a total scumbag.

No. 2020088

File: 1722208412843.jpeg (930.09 KB, 1179x1312, IMG_8322.jpeg)

This dude is literally such a fucking faggot

I have a lot of experiences w these types and 99% look at big penis gifs on sex.com

No straight men hate women this much. Elon probably hates troons because deep down he knows he struggles with gender dysphoria and excess estrogen (u know, his giant fucking knockers) what a faggot bitch

No. 2020101

>deflationist goldbug faggot also believes that a fleeting economic condition wherein men could leverage their monopoly on resources to fuck out of their league could possibly last forever

many such cases

No. 2020106

Hoeflation isnt real, scroteflation is though. Jerking off to fat ugly old men fucking hot young girls since you were 12 years old will do that to these scrotes. Every fat 2/10 neckbeard thinks he deserves a 7/10 minimum. Go outside, theres no Chads with ugly women. Theres plenty of hot women with fat uggos bfs though. As usual, men cannot stop projecting their own garbageness onto women.(sage your shit)

No. 2020110

Men were never the providers or protectors of women. Outside of a post industrial revolution Victorian social experiment that barely lasted 50 years (and led to endless women developing mental illness and benzo+'tonic wine' addictions from extreme boredom and social isolation) men were never the only partner who worked for their family throughout history.

No. 2020113

You’re exactly right and it’s also why they somehow baselessly believe that women are almost all sluts now. Their idea of “reality” is based on jerking off to porn 24/7 and then crying about how they’re somehow victims due to what they see in it. If they actually went outside and had meaningful interactions with normal women they’d see how wrong they are, and that people are still getting married and even having happier marriages than ever in the past, but instead these incels are crying over social media influencers, onlyfans girls, and pornstars they choose to see through screens all day.

No. 2020118

topkek imagine paying for Twitter
then, imagine bitching about modern society as a paying user of Twitter
then, imagine Tweeting a screenshot of 4chan from your paid Twitter account as part of your le based aesthetic posturing
then, imagine actually finding "hoeflation" funny enough you think it's worth sharing

No. 2020140

If you listen to hoeflation TikToks you understand how out of touch with reality these people are. Their only criteria is a woman who wants to cook and clean, it never enters their minds that actually well off (“high value” lol) men just pay for that shit to be done for them

No. 2020154

so shivon can keep her twins but claire is not allowed to see them? interesting…

No. 2020245

grimes is an active drug user most likely leaving drugs around or incapacitated and shivon isn't. why doesn't claire's family say anything about her cries for help and botched plastic surgery?

No. 2021010

as much as this guy sucks eggs, this is based at least. obviously it wont go over well on twitter of all places, but at least more big names are speaking out against troonism

No. 2021014

FFS stop sperging about trans ppl, literally who cares. This thread is to shit on musk and grimes and their self-absorbed shenanigans

No. 2021646

What's with all the stans on Reddit pretending she's a passive downtrodden abuse victim instead of the power/fame addict that she is?

No. 2021683

how do you manage to get rejected by the degenerates of the degenerates??

No. 2021690

they're delusional. i don't fully get why people victimize her and act like she wouldn't throw her fans under the bus to be picked by disgusting melon. they'd probably rather believe that they listen to artists who aren't a POS like she is, or they were fooled by her act long ago and can't let it go.
she's desperate and narcissistic, and like you said, very power and fame hungry. her and melon are cut from a very similar cloth, her fans just don't want to see it because people see what they wanna see
what i don't understand is if they're fans how they can't notice the obvious lie after lie, the contridictions, the obvious ploys for attention (i'm thinking of the implanting something in her eye headlines that she later said "oh we made it up lol!") ect ect. she's done enough to paint a very clear picture of who she is but some people just don't wanna see it and would like to keep pretending she's a sad victim who didn't have 3 of his children willingly

No. 2021739

> melon are cut from a very similar cloth
Cut from the same loin cloth

No. 2021968

File: 1722617422938.jpg (503.74 KB, 2880x2880, 20240802_124556-COLLAGE.jpg)

Grimes today in court for custody hearing. What do we think is going to come of this?

No. 2021972

This look a million times better then her Rupaul sci-fi stage looks, why can’t she just do this 90s matrix casual look as her brand imaging. She actually looks way younger without all the caked on makeup and stupod wigs

No. 2021988

Agreed this is such a good look for her, aside from those comically large looking converse chucked on the bottom. Hopefully she gets custody of her children.

No. 2022004

She should have picked a more professional look.

No. 2022015

God. She's so fucking botched

No. 2022023

>wearing clown shoes to court

the outfit was so close too whew

No. 2022054

She’s botched no question but in the top right picture she looks very high fashion

No. 2022062

So fucking pissed that I want this narc to win against Musk but at least she wanted kids to grow up, out of the limelight, and seems to be trying to protect their faces, despite the fascism.

No. 2022081

Compared to Zoe Kestan’s court outfit for Hunter Biden’s trial she didn’t do bad for a Brooklyn art hoe. All these women just see court as a PR opportunity anyways

No. 2022111

imo she looks fine and its an la custody hearing not an actual trial, judge probably sees way worse on a daily basis

No. 2022145

Tbh I think she looks really good here, maybe she had a professional stylist for today. Her hair actually doesn’t look ratty and her outfit is flattering besides those shoes

No. 2022218

i think she looks fine here, actually younger and a lot more likable than she does when trying to emulate asian high schoolers

No. 2022263

why is noticing the power difference in elon's and claire's relationship so fucking hard to grasp. that doesnt negate her shitty behavior whatsoever. theyre both shitty drugged up parents with weird degenerate behavior but elon has money, opportunity and influence so claire cant see her kids. I swear some anons have such a hate boner for her it goes beyond critical thinking and shits up the thread.

No. 2022265

She has a ton of money and a massive platform, it's not as unequal as the power difference between herself and the fans she bullies.

No. 2022269

She looks so tired, she really fell off hard. I just don’t know how she thought she’s so special and this wouldn’t happen to her. Claire probably spent her whole life thinking that she wouldn’t be a mother, only to meet someone that gave her the BPD chan high, a person that has a severe breeding king as well, and convincing her to have 3 children (I think it’s three), only for this person to take them away after she learned to love them as their mother and making slight peace with being one. She may be rich but she couldn’t stand a chance against a billionaire, I don’t think she’ll be given custody.

No. 2022278

She has a few things on her side 1. LA courts tend to favor the mother, that's why she moved back there 2. Her life is more stable than Elon's, yes even with everything considered, she has more time to spend with her kids, her career is more predictable and she's on a long term relationship with Anyma.

Elon would have to churn out a lot of money to win against her, which to me is 50/50 as he seems the type to be so narcissistic he thinks he can win fair and square.

No. 2022287


she's in austin for this so i guess elon was able to win the venue change

No. 2022292

File: 1722708339919.jpg (246.46 KB, 1010x986, IMG_5133.jpg)

This is what Musk wore. He needed many bodyguards too. The hearing was sealed from public. I think it's best for the kids.

>What do we think is going to come of this?

I think it will get really nasty. Narc Elon doesn't want to lose, and Grimes hasn't done herself any favors by posting all the drugged out photos on her public social media.

No. 2022318

are her fucking fans included in child custody? are you personally scorned by her choices? can we focus on claire v elon, the two fucked up parents please?

No. 2022331

Ok let's, this is a pair of extreme narcissists who will say whatever they have to say to maintain their overinflated egos, wealth and power and I hope they destroy each other. Looks like they basically already have.

No. 2022355

sure. the children are screwed automatically considering who their parents are. they don't have a chance and are the only people i feel sorry for in this situation because neither grimeth or melon are suitable parents. they're drugged out narcs who only care about attention and themselves.

wow he really looks like dogshit


No. 2022415

This will likely get really messy, I believe Grimes will win and that will set Elon off, Grimes will probably be suspended off of Twitter out of pettiness on Elon’s part, she’ll probably leak dirt on him in return

No. 2022454

Not to whiteknight, but she does look so much better with an understated minimal look rather than the shein level mesh fairy zoomer larp she usually does. this type of look fits her and even makes her look younger but also age appropriate

No. 2022488

Let's be honest she couldn't care less about the children. All she wants is for Elon to love her and make her Lady Jessica of Mars. It's so tragic but predictable, bpdchans never give a fuck about anyone except the men in their lives, they cant even love or bond with their children, their brains and hormones dont allow it.(sage your shit)

No. 2022496

Hilarious that she thought Musk would be her best bet for glory instead of her entirely predictable downfall

No. 2022507

File: 1722774140066.jpg (364.1 KB, 879x1971, IMG_5358.jpg)

>Grimes will probably be suspended off of Twitter
Very likely. She openly supported Vivian, and now she is going to pay. Musk hasn't tweeted anything about their custody case but he retweeted this. The message is clear.

>she’ll probably leak dirt on him in return

She won't. The woman who has bullied and silenced people with her scary lawyers is now facing a man with scarier lawyers.

No. 2022509

The only language a bully understands is better bullying

No. 2022534

File: 1722783352905.webp (30.13 KB, 750x839, IMG_5521.webp)

I really don’t understand why she thought having two more kids with him was a good idea when the cracks quickly started to show after X

No. 2022604

This was when she was still pretending to be progressive lmao

No. 2022636

Im sorry the blonde makes her look like such a junkie lmao she shud go back to orange or black, or both. She looks so defeated and pathetic here. First pic of her where she doesnt look scary or on loads of drugs so ofc her fans are like omg so pretty lmaaaoo

No. 2022667

Is she wearing blue contacts lolol do judges go easier on chicks with blue eyes?

No. 2022682

File: 1722815210507.jpg (34.97 KB, 452x678, 1000021832.jpg)

her eyes are hazel and the color varies a lot from picture to picture, i think they just look light because it's a brightly lit corridor.

No. 2022707

i agree with you, i have to disagree with the other anons i think those colors don't suit her very well (both the black and yellow wash her out and look weird with her skin tone) and she looks like a clown with the pants/shoes combo. and i agree, she really needs to lose the blonde

No. 2022769

IIRC Elon is the reason she went blonde in the first place. Elon has the bimbofication fetish. This might be the last time she sees him, so better show him one last time what he will lose, right?

No. 2022785

i agree, this was so cringe back then, a fucking twitter reply to her megalomaniac bf instead of talking to him because he makes it difficult I guess. i can at least hope he got in his fragile feels after that but lmao how on earth did claire convince herself getting involved with him was a good idea? he is proud of his ideals but she was too busy pretending otherwise kek

No. 2022829

This, and I still think she was trying to look like Poppy. It started after their aborted collab during the early days of dating Elon. Did he have a thing for Poppy?

No. 2022851

Poppy doesn’t own the image of long blonde hair parted in the middle lol. poppy is a disingenuous and unoriginal person herself, fully curated by somebody else. they both suck, but I doubt grimes is channeling poppy, more like amber heard, someone that musk is still obsessed with

No. 2022976

live in silicon valley and heard elon was molested by his dad. make of that what you will…(sage your tinfoil)

No. 2022985

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>live in Silicon Valley
As if that makes you credible in any way, post proof when you don't sage or gtfo

No. 2023008

He does come off like the type thats from some swamp dwelling lineage that is guilty of multi generational child sexual abuse rituals tbh

No. 2023053

Could explain why he has a such an intense hatred for Errol but also a yearning for approval from his dad, old aristocratic type moids of Northern European extraction are infamous for noncing young boys, it’s basically part of their culture, they think they’re reliving the Ancient Greek days or something(non-milk posts should be saged. learn how at https://lolcow.farm/info)

No. 2023054

He wont suspend her, he’ll keep her account up so he can continue to find her alts and also look through her DMs. It’s why Amber deleted her twitter account as soon as she heard Elon was buying it.(sage your shit)

No. 2023060

File: 1722935501867.png (1.29 MB, 1743x1093, Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 10.09…)

When cows collide. Is there a thread on Tommy Robinson?
I distinctly remember him telling a brown girl on twitter that she was 'Pretty fit for a Paki girl' before she told him that she was 14.

No. 2023061

Nazis wanna be oppressed soooo bad. This kind of mental instability and paranoia is what happens when you mix a persecution complex from Nazis losing WW2, with mentally deranged hormonally imbalanced boomer roidpigs.

No. 2023068

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No. 2023075

I feel bad for him. Having an awful father like Muskrat probably fucked him up and contributed to him trooning out. I'm glad he's exposing him.

No. 2023083

File: 1722944349656.jpg (255.81 KB, 1080x1415, 5boys.jpg)

Elon being nostalgic and reacting to old videoclips posted by fan accounts.

I feel bad for Vivian too. I don't believe Elon will admit any wrongdoing though. It was the "woke mind virus" (or whatever he calls it) that fucked up his kid.

No. 2023084

File: 1722944425939.mp4 (5.11 MB, 1280x720, B2-wXf6mkfyCFEnc.mp4)

The video.

No. 2023091

man, he really can spy on his family, and enemies. itd be interesting if this can be proven in court in the future to wrestle twitter away from the tard.
I really feel for his kid. elon doesnt give a shit about any of his kids at all. he only cares about fronting a father figure image so people get off his back or for pr purposes. all his kids hate him, because he hates his own father. shouldve never had kids with the sheer daddy issues he has

No. 2023103

The kids might have a lot of money and grow up rich but being mentally fucked up and having a dad like that will still haunt them just look at Elon all that money and he still hates his dad and has severe mental issues.

No. 2023105

It's better than anything she's worn in years but this still looks like the outfit an evil kingdom hearts character would show up to the basketball court or something in

No. 2023112

You as a parent cannot give enough attention to that many kids. Even all under the same roof, and his spread all fucking over. The poor kid is right. He's just some creep with a breeding kink.

No. 2023116

You absolutely can, I come from a family of 7. My parents come from large families too. But one parent has to be home and tend to all, you can’t have both working and kids being put in daycare or whatever for the majority of the day. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. Elon is not capable of this though by any means

No. 2023119

>You absolutely can

No. 2023133

90% of time in families that size elder children (daughters) need to pick up slack for the mothers.

No. 2023170

okay since you said so, it must be true

No. 2023175

Nta but no way some of your siblings weren't given the parentification treatment and expected to act like parent stand-ins.

No. 2023180

who wants to guess how high on ketamine he was in this vid

No. 2023198

Organization XIII!

No. 2023247

>one parent
And which parent was that?

No. 2023260

Me and my sister, of course. And to answer other anon, my mother stayed at home. I’m not saying it was easy, but to generalize and say that it’s impossible is simply untrue too. Of course, this is just based on my unique personal experience. I can only speak on that, but other anons that don’t come from large families thinking they know it all is dumb too(blogging)

No. 2023327

no one gives a shit about your upbringing. this is about elon and he cant handle a big family because he doesnt give shit about anyone but himself. lmao why are you comparing this is a heartless billionaire

No. 2023644

File: 1723111986109.jpeg (114.36 KB, 955x1024, CBBDA47B-336B-4849-88CC-A35E8E…)

All bong moids are nonces

No. 2023712

Don't you have to be 18+ to use dating apps?

No. 2023716

holy fuck why does he look like he's being asphyxiated kek

No. 2023718


>bong moid

No. 2023736

Typical roidpiggy

No. 2023740

File: 1723131673423.gif (17.37 KB, 220x220, 1000006378.gif)


No. 2023786

theres a huge issue of underage boys on grindr

No. 2023952

how naive are you? you know kids make accounts lying about their age right? its how predators find them

No. 2024093

Of course I know that, but that makes this easily deniable. If you log in to an app meant explicitly for 18+ and chat with people, then it's not your fault you're unknowingly talking to someone that LIED about their age to get access to adult spaces. Unless there are logs of the man finding out that the person is actually underage and he continues to chat, this really isn't something he can be blamed for. A dumbass kid invading an adult space and pretending to be 18+ the whole time means the adult was tricked. It's as simple as that.. I'll wait for proof that he knew they were underage.

No. 2024226

File: 1723247646393.jpeg (594.3 KB, 1241x3036, 6F50F37E-474B-4AE4-BDF9-F8AA5F…)

Elon's reach really cannot be overstated. hes clearly buying judges now. This is normal behavior for billionaires.

No. 2024228

The US is such a corrupt country its beyond a joke at this point. No better than some thirdie shithole where people bribe judges.

No. 2024239

traffickers and groomers also make accounts for them

No. 2024325

File: 1723268384410.jpeg (216.77 KB, 640x1974, IMG_2041.jpeg)

Taken from the r/grimezs subreddit, anyone up to posting her follow ups or dissecting her attempted meaning ?

No. 2024353

File: 1723279603425.png (580.58 KB, 1080x1918, Jk.png)

>anyone up to posting her follow ups
Sure thing. Here's the first one. She's just kidding you guys! Are you surprised?

No. 2024354

>Not to terrorize everyone with another conspiracy theory
Grimes, people have already accused you of knowing about Covid, aliens, and nuclear war cuz of your tablet and people already say that Neuralink is the mark of the beast that will eternally separate people from the divine by turning their consciousness from analog to digital and will forever trap them in torturous hell and make them slaves, we’re well past the point of terrorizing people with conspiracies lol (yes those are actual things I see people say)

No. 2024395

>fat ugly bf cucks her
>lashes out at other women in bpdchan rage
Kek. Classic.

No. 2024396

Literally who gives a fuck about population decline. The only people panicking about it are old farts who are sad no one will mop up their shit and piss for them. Once boomers die off and the population shrinks there will be so much more housing, food energy and other resources available. Boomers are clogging up the pipes like a fat unflushable turd.

No. 2024399

Sage for irrelevant, i never read this thread but i despise musk and everything related to him. I however love the fact that his sociopathic billionaire ass is relegated to /snow on here. You know his ego could never recover from the fact Shaynus has a more active thread he will ever have kek

No. 2024459

File: 1723305551706.jpeg (651.05 KB, 2188x1893, 699233FD-989C-48FB-ABD1-B9A406…)

Elon sure is obsessed with BBC jokes/memes, I wonder if hes just a straight up cuck in private

No. 2024469

>She's just kidding you guys! Are you surprised?
kek. it really just sums her up well, doesn't it

No. 2024506

File: 1723316658071.jpg (252.2 KB, 1080x990, IMG_1145.jpg)

Yeah. Look at her updated bio.

No. 2024514

File: 1723319114571.png (961.59 KB, 2044x1080, Twitter1.png)

More follow ups.
>you're more sane than your ex is.
That doesn't require much
>natural order, laziness blah blah…
Grimes is fucking lazy, alright.
>big fan of many women and girls
Be honest Claire, you hate other women because you consider them your competitors.

Exactly. She posts incoherent ramblings about capitalism and shits on women in order to receive asspats from men. Classic bpdchan behavior.

No. 2024515

File: 1723319203376.png (523.85 KB, 752x1844, Twitter2.png)

No. 2024516

File: 1723319526439.png (533.34 KB, 674x1867, Twitter3.png)

No. 2024519

File: 1723319843717.png (512.11 KB, 766x1833, Twitter4.png)

No. 2024537

Grimes needs to lay off the drugs!

No. 2024608

as a white man from south africa he probably has some deep rooted complex kek
>whining about birth rates
>had kids through some poor woman used as a human incubator in exchange for money instead of actually birthing more herself
>proceeds to ramble about how capitalism is the best economic system for women
can't fucking believe the audacity of this retarded whore

No. 2024623

I asked ChatGPT and the tweet was so absurd it thought she was being sarcastic. Then again OpenAI is a vehicle for e/acc interests lol. I also got a warning for violating its terms and services so the AI mod for an AI chat thought she sounded incelish

But tbh the very fact that it’s hard to read tells me that’s by design and her values are forever compromised. Like SHE’S the one who said she likes the patriarchy why is she putting the onus on us to decipher her supposed satire. Just being intentionally dense so we don’t forget her sad existence

No. 2024639

She's spiralling so hard and so fucked on drugs its pathetic. This current trainwreck era she's in makes her Melon era look like the wonder years. Saying anything controversial now just to claw back a shred of relevance or acknowledgement. Sad.(sage your shit)

No. 2024645

Crazy that she used to be thought of as the endearing sweet weirdo aspie girl with a lisp who was obsessed with sailor moon and didnt give a fuck what men think.
Even when she was first dating Elon she was able to maintain the elfish aesthetic and performative progressive mask, it seemed like she was actually doing something with her life (even if it was actually just a bunch of people in the background that she was stealing/siphoning ideas off of).

Now that she has no supply left or orbiters/ghostwriters, that act has all been unravelled and she's lashing out, her evil bpdchan nutcase chud junkie fraud colors are truly showing, and its so ugly to witness.

No. 2024671

This is generally what happens to all interesting women who get pozzed by men. They become sad, deflated, vaguely sick, mid. Like an apple that's been cored by worms. This is the "happiness" society wants for you. This is what's supposedly a superior alternative to dying alone.

Marriage makes it worse, but pregnancy utterly seals the deal. She will never get back the grey matter she lost, or clear the microchimeric cells currently raping her brain and bone marrow into being a pickme.

No. 2024689

>Like SHE’S the one who said she likes the patriarchy why is she putting the onus on us to decipher her supposed satire. Just being intentionally dense so we don’t forget her sad existence
i completely agree. at this point it is clear every thing she says holds no meaning behind it. it's lies, contradictions, and she herself will just retract anything she says at any given moment. like those retards who constantly say whatever they want whenever they want and when you raise an eyebrow at something it's always "don't you know!! i'm kidding!"
after a certain point you just have to consider the source of the words and all of it becomes meaningless. like, i do believe that she (currently) "believes" a lot of the stupid shit she spouts. i'm sure she loves capitalism and the patriarchy. because i think she's a narcissist: whatever she feels will benefit her in the moment is what she perceievs as good and is now the course of action. that's all that matters to her. it can change by the moment. and that's one of the reasons why i think she has no actual core beliefs or values. she'll say anything for a reaction so much so that her words basically render as meaningless to me.
it's like upthred when she criticized some AI thing, calling it "sad and dark". she only criticized it because it involved music and then suddenly it mattered to her.
and you're right (and the nona below you as well is too), she completely thrives on negative attention at this point. positive or negative, it doesn't matter to her. her music "career" is never going to be what it was, she ruined her reputation and now it's her reaching for any crumbs of attention that she can possibly find from bottom of the barrel rich people with no morals (because that's who she is too)

>Now that she has no supply left or orbiters/ghostwriters, that act has all been unravelled and she's lashing out, her evil bpdchan nutcase chud junkie fraud colors are truly showing, and its so ugly to witness.
this is pretty much exactly it. there are some people still want to think she's that qwirky lisping feminist who simply got corrupted, but i genuinely suspect that these are her true colors. that's the real reason why she got with him to begin with. she's an opportunistic narc who wants to use other people for fame

No. 2024691

Some women seem to retain their cerebral abilities even after being pozzed though so I’m going to chalk it up to grimes being sort of empty headed to begin with.

No. 2024692


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2024700

Doesn’t really shock me tbh. Her and Elon are both known to not take any backlash that well, there’s rumors Elon even called into an episode of Info Wars because he was being discussed and knowing his associates he likely lurks it and similar forums

No. 2024711

Pozzed… does that have a new meaning suddenly?

No. 2024713

It’s just expanding the term because men’s semen is inherently toxic.

No. 2024747

hes as obsessed with black men as much as shaping white women into obedient blonde baby making machines. you know he hates bm/ww couples. all rooted in antiblack racism, then extreme misogyny, and some self hate to boot (because hes ugly inside and out)
and as for grimes…I'm so tired of her zooted redditard 4chan libertarian takes. theyre not creative nor engaging and you can very clearly tell when shes on an adderall because its word vomit motormouthing in text

No. 2024757

Honestly a psychologist would have a field day with all his neuroses…his daddy issues, his reproductive insecurity, his hormonal imbalances causing his moodswings, his sexism and hatred of women, his narcissism and messiah complex etc.

No. 2024759

You're right nona. Pregnancy really is like catching parasitic brain worms for women. Maybe male microchimera do something to their brain matter. It's so fucking sad. Grimey always gave off the impression of being free spirited/having freedom in her life in geneal, but now she has kids and is tied to a malignant narcissist windbag for her whole life, its clear she has no freedom at all and is trapped. I dont even know what the solution is here. Even if she gave away all responsibility and custody rights to Elon so she can start her life over, she'd never be allowed to see her children and Melon would turn them into woman hating psychopaths like himself.

No. 2024762

File: 1723382981082.png (779.16 KB, 1200x1142, Screenshot 2024-08-11 at 14.28…)

Crazy that they paid a disabled man to pretend that they have invented a psychically powered brain chip so that they could milk more money out of investors kek.

No. 2024764

>Grimey always gave off the impression of being free spirited/having freedom in her life in geneal, but now she has kids and is tied to a malignant narcissist windbag for her whole life
a scenario she happily chose for clout and money. elon's sperm didn't make her into a retarded fake ass pickme, she always was one.

No. 2024798

not to stray too off topic nonna but please dont perpetuate the microchimerism thing, its incel tier logic used as misogyny fuel, its been appropriated and twisted to something that was not stated in the original paper. as this anon said
she has always been fake and was a cunty nepobaby even back in her undergrad at mcgill who got expelled for skipping classes

No. 2024809

Microchismerism is real, male offspring leave brain parasites in their mothers for life.

No. 2024854

Oh cool so things I can do without surgery or a brain implant.
Musk is desperately trying to fit that "revolting inside and out villain scientist with stupid ideas." Neuralink for paralyzed people is very cool, hopefully it helps those folks.But for everyone else? Pff. He better not be thinking this is gonna be as successful as the cars, because it just isn't practical or necessary. This neuralink shit sounds like the whole purpose is further bloating his fat, greasy ego.

No. 2024862

You're missing the point that its quite literally impossible with current technology to have a microchip thats instructed by thought.

No. 2024958

File: 1723424572092.webp (24.66 KB, 640x554, Image262727.WEBP)

What are all your thoughts on this Adrian Dittmann individual? Apparently they’re suspected to be one of Elon’s alts and that mainly comes from an episode of Info Wars by Alex Jones and David Icke where Icke was talking about the whole “reptilian archon Gnosticism prison planet” stuff and how Neuralink exists to separate people from their divine nature (not making this up, Jones and Icke are a hell of a ride and there’s multiple subreddits dedicated to their theories). Basically what happens is while Icke is talking about this, “Adrian” calls in at about an hour and 13 minutes and since then Adrian’s account has been acting extremely suspicious and more and more people have been tinfoiling Adrian is a Musk alt
Reddit Post about this https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1e6e4ru/more_tweets_by_adrian_dittmann_aka_elon_musk/

No. 2024959

File: 1723425455296.jpg (937.62 KB, 1284x1450, Adrian?.jpg)

Same nonnie as above but some of the links in the Reddit post don’t work, here’s a link to the recording of Adrian’s voice and how much he sounds like Elon, make your own judgement on if this is him or not. Lots of people say this proves Elon is a crazy man wanting to forever enslave people to a simulation with his mark of the beast and he called in because David Icke was right but I personally see it as him just being himself and disliking any backlash and it’s already well established that him and Alex Jones have a complex history to say the least
Full Recording https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1avipvi/elon_musk_denies_being_adrian_dittmann_who_joined/

No. 2024976

nonna this is clearly melon. I didnt read the reddit thread but notably, wealthy children who grow up in multiple countries end up with pidginized accents that they will dress up or down depending on who they are talking to. it has the same frequency, pitch, and intonation that he cant change without going into a clownish falsetto.

No. 2024986

Kek he's so lame. Imagine not only getting into Alex Jones, post 2016 memes. But also showing your ass by actually calling his show and going on a long, coke-induced autistic rant on his live show. He's slurring his words and sounds completely insane. Holy fuck him and Grimes are really trying to out-cow each other. Fucking hilarious.

No. 2025055

The purpose of microchimeric cells and free fetal DNA is to force the mother's soma to spend resources on the male's genes (fetus). Fetal manipulation is capable of a lot and changes in mentality aren't unheard of, the most basic purpose of post-pregnancy brain remodeling being creation of caretaking pathways to the detriment of everything else. Denialists often point out that microchimeric cells repair injury - that doesn't mean they're a net benefit or exist to help you. They could be engaging in "good enough" fixing just to make you continue fulfilling fetal interests - at minimum I would expect bioenergetic disruption.

It's not implausible that long after the offspring is gone, the microchimeric cells will continue to "petition" that the mother aimlessly continues to engage in tasks that have to do with reproduction, prosocial bonding or caretaking, rather than pursue abstraction and other self-interested, nonreproductive goals. Are there degrees of resistance? Undoubtedly, but there's no way foreign grafted cells aren't producing pressure. This may be what maintains the fabric of society to some extent, but it's detrimental to the odd "artsy" female individual. You can screencap this or whatever, if non-cucked research into microchimerism continues I guarantee that eventually it'll slip that being engrafted with the genes of someone whose job is to steal your resources is not good for you.(derailing)

No. 2025069

They genuinely don't sound the same to me. Elon musk stutters a ton with longer pauses while adrian speaks faster and more clearly.

No. 2025121

He was on a coke/meth binge(sage your shit)

No. 2025186

File: 1723484922241.jpeg (369.39 KB, 1278x1782, 1712281514880.jpeg)


gonna start collecting images for a new thread pic; I like this one so it's definitely in but let me know whatever else y'all think is lulzy and I'll try to make it fit(fan art)

No. 2025189

Grimes was a horrible person from day 1 lol I wasn’t surprised when she willingly chose to be Elon musks partner. They probably share a lot of similar traits. I remember all the weird delusional posts she used to make online in like 2012. All the accusations of her visions album being stolen work from somebody she used to date at the time….like now I believe it bc that is her only good album she hasn’t made another album at that level herself. She was always crazy. I hope tho that she is able to take care of her children(sage your shit)

No. 2025194

The giant hands fit her so well

No. 2025203

The hiss/whistle his mouth makes while saying words with the letter S sound is the giveaway for me. Exactly the same as Elon

No. 2025252

It's so obviously him and I say this as an Afrikaner nona who is used to hearing South African voices and accents, it's not even up for discussion. It's him.

No. 2025360

they both did twitter spaces today around the same time and adrian spoke significantly faster while elon constantly stuttered while talking with trump. He has a speech impediment it seems

No. 2025413

File: 1723533214016.jpg (98.21 KB, 780x1516, 1000004394.jpg)

This picture is news to me(lurk more)

No. 2025438

So did Elon really fake a whole ddos attack on twitter today just to prevent people hearing the recording of him slurring while coked up, ranting about Mexicans and talking about how Kamala Harris looks like Trumps wife?(sage your shit)

No. 2025440

Stuttering doesn't matter much to me when the rest is identical, to be honest. I mean, how do we know he was not faking it? Or that he is not forcing himself to speak faster to avoid sounding like Elon? Maybe the stuttering is some psychological block that disappears with his alter ego?

No. 2025460

I remember seeing this a few years ago and I'm fairly sure it's him doing a science experiment with his kids but cmiiw. twitter people were trying to call him a furry over the onesie kek

No. 2025497

a science experiment fit for walter white, maybe

No. 2025525

Where's the sauce? Why post about shit if you're not going to includes images

No. 2025549

Why is everyone praising this? The pieces look good because its designer but she looks like someone who literally crawled out of bed and rolled around in rick owens which is a meme /fa/ 4chan brand from ten years ago. She probably wanted to look her best on this day not for her children but to look cute to Elon.

Claire doesn't get that the only woman that Elon can love is his mom because he is groomed and enmeshed by that caucazoid African colonizing matriarch witch hag. Mother enmeshed men (MEM) are just like Elon often having multiple affairs abd choose women that look like mommy- the fact that he RP as a toddler says everything you need to know. His mother emotionally castrated his ass the moment he was born.

No. 2025569

it's funny to me that he chases these feminist left leaning women who are all too eager to attack him after the relationship ends while still benefiting from his money . definitely mommy issues . he does not actually want a conservative submissive woman.

No. 2025638

Okay but only half his exes are left leaning? Justine is overtly left leaning and Amber is lib just more quiet abt it. Tallulah is notably right leaning and Grimey is at v best a centrist. Shivon is def an accelerationist aka repackaged reactionary

No. 2025656

File: 1723591836919.jpeg (2.58 MB, 2027x2336, IMG_6769.jpeg)

(not milk/sage your shit)

No. 2025659

I miss who I thought Grimes was back in this era, kek

No. 2025663

Damn she used to actually be cool

No. 2025666

they all have that redfaced, sweaty, high blood pressure, pinky mouse skin

No. 2025669

>It just wouldn't be capitalism if it wasn't beckoning for a mind of its own, and you know you want to give it one.

Ok claire, time to put down the mushrooms and cocaine

No. 2025674

fucking kek, it's totally him, is he using a Vtuber voice changer to lower it an octave? it's exactly his voice and speaking patterns in his "fake made up accent" (as Grimes put it) that isn't even Afrikaans, kek. He sounds like he's on coke or one of the research chemicals his buddies made for him, he's so obvious

No. 2025676

>no no it's really not, i'm just weird, don't worry about it


No. 2025685

Adrian has also been going into debates and Twitter spaces with people like Nick Fuentes and Destiny according to some sources on KiwiFarms, also the name Adrian Dittmann translates to "Famous Wealthy Person“ apparently, so yeah it’s extremely odd even if it’s not Elon. If it’s not him it’s a hell of a dedicated fanboy using some kind of AI voice deepfake

No. 2025694

File: 1723596400302.jpeg (360.78 KB, 1201x1800, IMG_6254.jpeg)

I made more(fan art)

No. 2025695

File: 1723596423126.jpeg (410.82 KB, 1800x1225, IMG_9529.jpeg)

(fan art is not allowed)

No. 2025696

KEK this is perfection nonnie

No. 2025700

File: 1723596784780.png (678.25 KB, 908x914, Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 5.52.…)


No. 2025703

I want to nominate that AI Elon Musk x Mark Zuckerberg pic for next thread header but also I would probably get red texted for “AI out of containment”
If this is Elon it lines up because he would publicly kiss his own butt, if it’s a fanboy it also lines up because Elon’s fans love kissing his butt too

No. 2025748

And who is this person supposed to officially be, that he's suddenly being invited into all these debates? Or do those who invite him know that it's Elon undercover? This is weird…

No. 2025809

This man has so many severe mental issues. Imagine being a famous celebrity with endless money and still having not one but literally dozens/possibly hundreds of different alt accounts where you RP as different people including little kids and techbro himbo Chads and reply to yourself kissing your own ass. Deranged. He's so damaged.

No. 2025835

self indulgent sockpuppeting is literally normal male behavior, why would it change with income bracket

No. 2025864

women with a personality does not mean they're left leaning. fiscally you know where they all stand.

No. 2025899

stop blaming women for their 50+ year old failmale sons challenge; difficulty: impossible

No. 2025903

File: 1723644739188.png (201.19 KB, 933x752, Screenshot from 2024-08-14 10-…)

I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been posted ITT yet.

>The UAW has filed federal labor charges against disgraced billionaires Donald Trump and Elon Musk for their illegal attempts to threaten and intimidate workers who stand up for themselves by engaging in protected concerted activity, such as strikes.

>After significant technical delays on X, formerly known as Twitter, Trump and Musk had a rambling, disorganized conversation on Monday evening in front of over one million listeners in which they advocated for the illegal firing of striking workers.
>“I mean, I look at what you do,” Trump told Musk. “You walk in, you say, You want to quit? They go on strike, I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, That’s OK, you’re all gone. You’re all gone. So, every one of you is gone.”
>Under federal law, workers cannot be fired for going on strike, and threatening to do so is illegal under the National Labor Relations Act.
>“When we say Donald Trump is a scab, this is what we mean. When we say Trump stands against everything our union stands for, this is what we mean,” said UAW President Shawn Fain. “Donald Trump will always side against workers standing up for themselves, and he will always side with billionaires like Elon Musk, who is contributing $45 million a month to a Super PAC to get him elected. Both Trump and Musk want working class people to sit down and shut up, and they laugh about it openly. It’s disgusting, illegal, and totally predictable from these two clowns.”

source: https://uaw.org/uaw-files-federal-labor-charges-against-donald-trump-and-elon-musk-for-attempting-to-intimidate-and-threaten-workers/

No. 2025905

Both his parents are to blame tho? Nice try but don't project your incel shit on me

No. 2025923

>Both his parents are to blame tho?
Except the post in question made 0 mention of the father. "emotionally castrated by his mother" sounds more like something an incel would say than "grown men are accountable for their own actions". Projection+Cope

No. 2025944

they broke up can we PLEASE for the love of god seperate their threads its so annoying going to grimes thread and its all about elon(sage your shit)

No. 2025948

The thread is almost at its bump limit, so the next thread(s) would be the ideal time to separate them. Of course, that would require that the next OPs are made by someone who isn't a retard.

No. 2025952

make an elon thread then instead of complaining in a thread that's nearly full

No. 2025954

she's not currently producing any milk, I don't see what the harm is (she's still his simp and would take him back in a heartbeat)

No. 2025963

>takes one pic with son and posts it online
>everyone: wow you are such an amazing father, actually, you’re the best father in the world because this photo, which took 4 seconds of your life to take, proves it!

These people are so retarded

No. 2025968


I don't mind making a Grimes thread if that's what nonas really want but I'd prefer keeping them together as so much of the milk that they both produce comes from the consequences of their relationship; Grimes pandering to silicon valley tech bros + Elon acting increasingly divorced on twitter.

No. 2025995

i also really don't care for seeing melon stuff in these threads but i usually just ignore it. as >>2025954 said she would take him back any moment if she had the chance. they have 3 kids together and the 3rd one was pretty recent. as much as i hate reading about him, they are interconnected and they have drama with each other fairly regularly

also agreed

No. 2026009

this is retarded, they have a kid and theyre going to be entangled for a while. sounds like a you problem if you want to use this thread to sperg and nitpick about grimes. its been roughly 50/50 since the beginning.

No. 2026049

definitely not enough milk flow from both of them to warrant separate threads. it would also become crossposting central in both threads considering their relationship and divorce

No. 2026067

Grimes wishes there was a divorce so she could get some real money from Elon Harkonnen

No. 2026108

>It’s disgusting, illegal, and totally predictable from these two clowns.
Well said! Let them reap what they sow.

No. 2026109

They are still connected, let's not forget that their court battle is not over yet…

No. 2026147

Actually awesome. This combined w the recent Amazon ruling by the CPSC and the FTC going after Adobe?? The year of holding (some) Silicon greed accountable. Elon is poster boy can’t wait till he cooks

Their cow factor exponentially increases as a set. They like egging each other on and I like to see it

No. 2026156

>They like egging each other on and I like to see it
kek agreed

No. 2026282

I hope they all get jailtime

No. 2026457

No. 2026597

this one hasnt locked itself yet though?

No. 2026657

you're supposed to be able to make a new thread when >>2024692 message pops up.

No. 2026717

File: 1723833675077.jpeg (90.63 KB, 1242x445, 922C14B1-57D7-49AA-ABCB-8D5E68…)

my god, is summerfag season over yet? how do so many retards have no clue when to make a new fucking thread? THIS is the message youre looking for. my god these faggots need to lurk moar and read the rules.(learn to sage)

No. 2026725

>>2026717, >>2024692
>Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.
The 1100 posts message says nothing about waiting until 1200 posts and lots of people make threads at like 1145 replies

No. 2026741

yeah except everyone who has used this site for more than a week knows that those threads always immediately get locked and told off by mods newfag

No. 2026759

This. Do all you retards not use other parts of the site?

No. 2026808

Plss for the love of snark include this pic >>2015351 for your second round

No. 2026859

Everyone is mad at you because you said she kek but you’re right. He doesn’t care about trans issues or anything like that, this is all to get back at his child for disobeying him. Imagine your average abusive parent, you can at least move away from them and change your number but in this case your abusive parent is a billionaire who can use his money to find you, no matter where you go. Elon has racist thoughts about breeding/white people having kids in general so it must hurt him to know that his son has effectively castrated himself and will likely never have (white) kids. He spends so much time bowing to random 1488 racist accounts but when he tweets something they don’t like (literally anything vaguely liberal) they will turn on him and use his trans kid as something to mock him with. Maybe I’m just too online but a lot of racist accs on twt are very concerned about the trans phenomenon not because they care about women’s rights or the usual homophobia but because many trans people are white men. You know the haha smart autistic software engineer is trans meme? It’s freaking them out that so many smart/above average intelligence white guys are becoming trans especially in an era were white people have low birth rates. Literally everything goes back to racism.

No. 2027164

then it seems like the message should contain this information in the red text, if not in the rules. been here since stamrose & further back, never made a thread myself, new thread from anon was good, bonnie did nothing wrong :(((:(()

No. 2027213

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Guess she didn't get custody

No. 2027223

Her face looks terrifying she is sooooooo underweight its scary

Does she think it looks good being this thin?

No. 2027244

File: 1723956173671.png (191.09 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20240818-003434.png)

she's talking about the custody battle with Elon and still can't pause the autofellatio for even a minute and absolutely must bring up her nonexistent 'background in neuroscience'… but hey at least she got her kid back

No. 2027298

Oh look a Skinwalker in its natural environment (rotting away in its bedroom)

No. 2027334

looking horrible as usual… her face looks so gross and greasy despite the filters. she looks high off her gourd. being an anachan for so long is really showing on her. those bang strands are holding on for dear life. it just really looks bad and she tops it off by talking like a fucking redditor

i can never get past a few sentences of these long drug-riddled self obsessed paragraphs that she does, i already can imagine how i'd feel coming out of reading it and that's good enough

No. 2027335

I might be the minority, but she doesn’t look that bad. Bangs do suit her and her outfit is nice in comparison to what she usually wears. She’s just really skinny, but when has she not been skinny?

No. 2027364

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>musk the kkketamine addict
Ok but she’s kinda funny for this

No. 2027370

All I get from this is that she's always been a feeble-minded Becky but now that she's on some sort of meth adjacent drug she can double down on the pickme antics. I hope her daughter disown her and becomes a violent radfem.

No. 2027375

She's spiralling so hard with the drug abuse, she's a literal crackhead now and its sad

No. 2027380

She's retarded, testosterone is a mood stabilizer in men and anyone with a neuroscience background (aka not Claire) knows this. Men are becoming angry violent misogynistic and unhinged because their testosterone is falling. Geeks, numales, incels and sois are the biggest threat to women's safety.

No. 2027382

>Men are becoming angry violent misogynistic and unhinged because their testosterone is falling.
This hypothesis falls flat when you realize men have hated women forever.

No. 2027393

>women only experience semblances of freedom because there are men saintly enough to grant them it, but they can take it back at any time. love all men, they desperately need it
jesus christ

No. 2027394

> This is the kind of obsessive hounding you'd expect an abusive ex husband to do to his ex-wife, not a father to a child.
> He doesn’t care about trans issues or anything like that, this is all to get back at his child for disobeying him.
So, a narc’s favorite drug is Control, and when thats taken away they chimp out. He likes controlling his kids and women and rages when they don’t obey.
So I’m wondering if the issue between Grimes and Elon is that she didn’t obey him in some shape or form. Because in yet another adderall-fueled post of hers, she seems to be coming to terms with the fact she didn’t “please” him so thats why he pulled the child custody card. but deep down she cant help but simp for the “patriarchy”….or because elon is totally stalking her every move idk

No. 2027420

Not gonna keep the kids for long if she keeps showing offher drug use

No. 2027436

this. I wonder how there's not more people complaining about the whole essence of this tweet. When I read the first few words I was incredibly surprised and I thought she had actually reflected on her behavior and decision making. Well I guess she did reflect but the conclusion she came up with is still so anti-women that it physically hurts.(sage your shit)

No. 2027446

File: 1724010173897.jpeg (240.25 KB, 1170x886, AE90F297-5E8E-4D08-8E38-97BD8D…)

How this garbled nonsense reads:

No. 2027454

Betting a bajillion dollsrs that if Elon called her tomorrow and said he wanted her back, she'd make endless posts about how achyctylally the patriarchy was good all along again.

No. 2027457

are you sure, because I don't think its ever been mentioned. and its best if the topic isnt brought up because they both use drugs recreationally. and two its really not a big fucking deal, only prudes give a shit. the rich love consuming drugs its an open secret.
I'm not even sure if it would be a good card to play for elon, because then grimes could retort tell which drugs he uses and when, which would lead to another scandal for him. (id personally love to see headlines like "Was Elon high when he bought Twitter?" lol)

No. 2027458

honestly it probably boiled down to optics for the courts. elon may use drugs, but claire looks like she's being used by drugs

No. 2027459


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2027462

Yeah rich people use drugs as in an open SECRET like you said, not visibly ratty cracked out for everyone to see. Elon migh use just as much drugs as her, but he isn't meth jittering on a cochella stage for everyone to gawk at. Public image matters in court. Who is going to give off the best impression, the billionaire who takes his kids to space X meetings, or the musician who cuts her own bangs in a drug induced mental breakdown?

No. 2027468

13th thread is in the process of getting unlocked before anyone makes a new one >>>/meta/82197
I have 0 idea if she’s trying to be an MRA or not with this

No. 2027509

Kekk too good. All that’s missing from her many fingered prayer is a vial of mood boosting synthetics

No. 2027622

exactly this

No. 2027648

Testosterone is a mood stabilizer in no one, that's the whole point of testosterone. Anyone with a biology background (not you or any other graduate of rape eat school of medicine) knows this.

No. 2027702

Jesus christ, she's insufferable.

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