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File: 1722301372710.png (3.82 MB, 2000x1900, fat dudes are fags.png)

No. 2020424

Adrien Perret, also known online as null/laika/Polyglotplatypus is a French artist infamous for larping as an asian woman having an incestuous relationship with her father, defending pedophiles, and fantasizing about FGM.

>Laika Albarn/deadspace dog

Her old account where she used to larp as an asian american woman having sex with her father. Stopped posting in 2022.

Archived twitter: https://archive.ph/VTxyp
Link tree: https://linktr.ee/deadspacedog


Her real account linked to her IRL identity. She used to be heavily involved in the homestuck fandom and used to larp as a man.

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/polyglotplatypus/
Medium with her real name: https://medium.com/@polyglotplatypus
Archived copy: https://archive.is/7gnj3
Instagram, also with real name attached: https://www.instagram.com/polyglotplatypus/
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/polyglotplatypus
Call out post: https://jakemorph.tumblr.com/post/184188348347/for-whatever-reason-i-woke-up-to-a-bunch-of-asks
Wordpress: https://polyglotplatypus.wordpress.com/


>Her newest account where she draws a comic of her two OCs
>a pair of high-school teachers in a abusive bdsm relationship where the husband is a ugly bastard that fucks underage students without any consequences and the wife is a ugly cuck who voluntarily mutilates herself.
>According to Adrien she proudly shows her mother her nsfw art.
>Despite being a proshipper and advocating for dark fiction and hard kinks, she has extremely thin skin and gets offended when her fat retard OC gets compared to cartman, or when people ask her if shes a TIM.
>she also claims that her fetishes are extrictly fictional, but she wants to get FGM irl and advocates for pedophiles using her art to cope.

Twitter: https://x.com/null_backdoorho
Second Twitter: https://x.com/null_bis
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/null_bis/pseuds/null_bis
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/null-bis.bsky.social
Carrd: https://null-bis.carrd.co/#contact
Baraag: https://baraag.net/@null_bis

Other links tied to her IRL identity:
IMDB: https://archive.is/cfUaB
French magazine talking about a comic she worked on: https://archive.md/WHhpu

No. 2020425

nice. about time this creep got a thread.
>Adrien Perret
if she's a woman, adrien may not be her real name. adrien is a male name and it's not easy to get legal name change in france either.

No. 2020427

no it's absolutely not unisex in french. the female version would be adrienne. different spelling and pronounciation.

No. 2020428

File: 1722301749139.png (714.46 KB, 804x903, 1720418373172.png)

Its an unisex name, and its linked to her father so its definetly her.

No. 2020429

Is her new character (brown chick in op) supposed to also be Asian?

No. 2020430

This bitch deserves the worst. I bet she never experienced any sort of abuse and this is why she glorifies abuse against women.

No. 2020431

File: 1722301874097.png (419.99 KB, 751x897, 1711221106124.png)

Yes. She gets super pissed when people compare him to Cartman.

No. 2020432

>fucks underage students without any consequences
So straight up pedo shit? How is she not cancelled yet?

No. 2020436

File: 1722302066948.png (274.44 KB, 1420x1078, pro pedo.png)

No. 2020437

her audience is filled with proshippers and pro-para freaks they love this shit

No. 2020438

File: 1722302137513.png (343.13 KB, 747x872, 1711226862635.png)

she can't have her own thread without mentioning this and her fetish for prolapsed anuses

No. 2020439

You can't really get cancelled if you don't pay too much attention to them. Pretty much same reason shadman is still drawing

No. 2020440

File: 1722302255304.png (33.82 KB, 482x615, poly.png)

I actually remember some really old milk about this girl.

She got chased out of the Homestuck fandom (yeah it's surprising that they have standards) because she came up with a lovechild OC for Dave and Karkat and then put the OC in all kinds of weird rape/dubcon scenarios. Most notably, she wrote explicit fic where her teenage Davekat OC gets raped by Gamzee.

https://jakemorph.tumblr.com/post/184188348347/for-whatever-reason-i-woke-up-to-a-bunch-of-asks (fun fact: JakeMorph, the person who wrote this callout, is a mini cow in and of himself)

You have to be 18 to post here. Go back to Twitter

No. 2020441

File: 1722302368812.png (28.27 KB, 990x329, hmmmmmm.png)

Actually, Anon might be right Adrien Perret might be her troon name. Its definetly her legal name because its linked to her imdb page, but might not be her real name.
>at the town hall where you live or where you were born, at the registry office! And yes, you can change your surname, but you must have justifiable reasons and documents (letters, school certificates, etc.) to prove that you are actively using this name.

No. 2020442

File: 1722302456575.webp (79.08 KB, 1000x920, Alter-ego-disheveled-fighting-…)

This has got to be some kind of bit or attention-seeking ploy. The character is literally fucking identical to Cartman, even down to the hair color. All she did was add glasses (which Cartman eventually ends up wearing as an adult in the show kek)

No. 2020444

"Adrien" is an extremely Tiffy name. I personally know multiple spelled that exact way. It's basically just "Aiden" but classier, and of course it's the civilian name of Chat Noir, who many TiFs thirst after. It may currently be her legal name, but I'd be willing to bet money that it wasn't the one she was born with.

No. 2020445

File: 1722302641632.png (537.67 KB, 1426x4106, baraag.net_@null_bis_ censored…)

here's an interaction she had on her baraag with a man who openly runs a blog about being a gay pedophile that advocates for lesser consequences for those who view CP. censored because his profile icon is a realistic CG of a shirtless underage boy.

No. 2020447

Quick question, does she base Cy off of her? Why does she pretend to be Asian, wtf?

No. 2020448

File: 1722303164609.png (630.45 KB, 758x709, beef with another degen.png)

she recently gained a bit of traction because another artist got cancelled for drawing a rape somnophilia comic.

No. 2020449

File: 1722303212802.png (955.66 KB, 1580x1720, 1000019948.png)

I forgot to add, her birthday is june 26

No. 2020450

She’s 30, now, right? On her last account her bio said 29. She should change her current bio LOL

No. 2020453

File: 1722303668891.jpg (Spoiler Image,970.92 KB, 1920x2400, 1000047552.jpg)

Yeah, there's even a comic in which she drew her adult cartman OC raping one of his students that's somehow a an adult and looking to hookup with him. The girl was drawn by "adrien" wearing a school uniform.
I forgot to spoiler.

No. 2020457

NTA but if you have a FGM fetish you have no right to make any demands on how people talk about and view your art. If your fat-fuck retard husbando looks, acts, and talks like Eric Cartman I'm going to call him Eric Cartman,

No. 2020461

File: 1722304220315.png (2.31 MB, 1666x1666, ac250ac46f5e7001.png)

nasty fucking art

No. 2020462

This whole comic is so hilarious to me. The framing of that fat Eric Cartman dude as a desirable stud. Kek it cannot get bleaker that this, and I mean that about the artist's self-esteem and self-worth.

No. 2020464

Terminal pornsick autism. Literally the worst type of autism.

No. 2020466

File: 1722304417312.jpg (54.27 KB, 904x1070, 1000047553.jpg)

But wait, there's more! Seriously, her Twitter is just a huge blackpill mess.

No. 2020467

what the shit

No. 2020469

File: 1722304574982.jpg (872.17 KB, 2031x2160, 1000047551.jpg)

This is part of the "lore" of her OCs btw, in which it was totally the evil temptress OC that made Adult Cartman the degenerate he is, she Just corrupted him, nonnas!

No. 2020470

File: 1722304739474.png (1.7 MB, 1195x1228, adrien perret.png)

Her carrd

It links this email: adrien.g.perret@gmail.com so her middle name starts with g.

Her old private twitter: https://x.com/ad_PGP

No. 2020471

>is pushing 30
>draws this crap
This bitch has to be severely retarded to do this shit.(sage your shit)

No. 2020473

File: 1722304986524.png (286 KB, 769x897, protected twitter.png)

Another protected twitter:

No. 2020474

>Diploma: Chef de Projet Concepteur Réalisateur en Cinéma d’Animation (equivalent to Master of Arts) at the EMCA, 2020
there's also that

No. 2020475

File: 1722305165472.png (Spoiler Image,6.56 MB, 2216x3426, image.png)

old screenshots from when she was my cow during her previous OC phase, a lesbian obsessed with anal that would hook up with gay men. pic includes nsfw comic

No. 2020477

is this actually a woman?

No. 2020480

You can hear her talking in this one and it's iffy for me

No. 2020482

In the more recent 2 year old one since the other was 5 years ago you can hear her voice shine through whatever it was

No. 2020483

Oh shit might actually be troon or woman on t.

No. 2020484

hands seem kinda feminine, though. She fucking fat.

No. 2020488

probably a tif. tryhard male name + knows how ti get alegal name change+ they/them in tumblr bio? sounds tiffy

No. 2020493

File: 1722307757007.png (36.58 KB, 1952x1123, GRQEWoFWcAAqDBY.png)

So is she lying about being Asian while drawing shit like this?

No. 2020494

>if you think lesbians and gay men don’t have sex together then you’ve never left your house
unfortunately this isn’t even the first time I’ve heard this shit. truly the most insufferable type of kweer~ troon

No. 2020496

File: 1722309184737.png (289.87 KB, 1481x1615, nb.png)

shes a fat woman with a manly voice projecting onto dainty skinny asian women she will never be. She also gets super pissed off if you call her a TIM.
Shes apparently nonbinary, but used to go by male pronouns. She also claims she has sex with lesbians(doubt).

No. 2020497

Kek at the worst thing someone could be is a terf in all her rhetorics

No. 2020499

File: 1722309716967.png (148.5 KB, 1428x589, grooming.png)

she's such an insufferable pickme. She thinks shes intelligent for waxing poetic about how grooming is ackshually complex and not always abuse and society is to blame for judging pedo moids for going after underage girls. When what she says is the same thing low IQ groomer moids say to excuse their behaviour. Kate is the underage victim eric cartman groomed for context.

No. 2020503

I've never seen so many exclamation points in my life

No. 2020506

this is my first time seeing FGM as an actual kink, I've seen all the gore shit, but denial through clit removal is a first. Surely this must be more common than this one retarded bitch

No. 2020507

90% of her comics are like this

>eric cartman: i’m not that evil

>pickme: yes you are
>eric cartman: why does everyone think I’m evil (says after punching and kicking her)
>pickme: because you’re a sociopath
>eric cartman: and you love me for it!!!
>pickme: (rolls eyes)

Like literally 90% of her comics are like this. If you read one you read them all

No. 2020515

"Nullification" is usually a gay man's fetish. Whenever I've seen the procedures listed on SRS surgeon websites they're all focused on the removal of male genitals as well.

No. 2020518

File: 1722314377974.png (34.65 KB, 1407x224, fag.png)

her motivation to draw this shit was exactly because of that. She saw a single porn niche that didnt have women getting abused and like the good lil pickme she is decided to fill it for her degenerate moid pedo audience.

No. 2020533

File: 1722318906573.jpeg (729.56 KB, 1600x2000, IMG_4796.jpeg)

we're hitting levels of pickme that shouldn't even be possible

No. 2020544

The context of this is even crazier when you consider the pickme battle is over Eric Cartman

No. 2020548

Anons, her behavior is embarrassing regardless of age. You need to stop fixating on how close cows are to thirty, it's irrelevant. There's no law requiring that people discard all of their hobbies in favor of child rearing and greige furniture by their thirtieth birthday. You're just clowning yourselves by creating internalized anxiety about your own thirtieth birthdays.

No. 2020550

There’s something so turbovirgin about these comics. They’re not sexy and a lot of the situations that chick is in are just genuinely insanely painful.

No. 2020552

this is so cringe lmao

No. 2020558

And already privated.

No. 2020562

Kek, I thought she was tougher considering how she acts so smug on xitter.

No. 2020564

kek so she lurks? maybe she was the one defending herself on the art salt thread

No. 2020565

Did anyone download them? I didn't know this thread would be so plentiful, I beg

No. 2020570

It must've been. Either that or a follower that tipped her off. What other explanation is there?

No. 2020572

Guys, please back shit up before posting it here. Screencaps, audio, videos, everything.

No. 2020575

She must. Less than 4 hours between that post and her privating the videos. The call is coming from inside the farm.

No. 2020578

This thread is full of Twitter/Tumblr users that talk about shit like pro-para, none of them know how to archive anything usefully.

No. 2020588

>Kates experience is undeniably grooming
>But wether or not it was abusive is entirely up to perception
Does this bitch forget the point where grooming is inherently abusive, how retarded does being a coomer make you holy coping mechanism.

No. 2020590

Its like the extreme end of choice feminism. Is she saying it cant be abuse if you liked it or asked for it… these people always want to believe things that make them feel good arent inherantly bad for you or something. Abuse to her seems to just mean "i didnt like it".

No. 2020591

Her comic whining about a radfem calling her out for saying lesbians and gay men have sex with eachother all the time was made shortly after a post went around on tumblr. She has watchdogs or is extremely obsessed with herself on all platforms.

No. 2020592

kekkk she deleted everything, this bitch was definitely lurking, begging in the art salt thread not to be too mean to the fgm pedo artist, you'd think how much she likes abusive tropes being exposed for this shit would be pleasing for her kek

No. 2020594

I saved an archive, where can i upload? tried odyssey but the cucks ask for a donation before uploading now.

No. 2020596

I can see her twitter. Maybe she saw your response and brought it back after 10 mins kek

No. 2020597

File: 1722330697960.jpeg (841.01 KB, 1113x1579, IMG_3670.jpeg)

>>2020592(sage your shit)

No. 2020600

File: 1722331160457.png (696.58 KB, 1166x1622, Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 4.15.…)

Mastodon and Bluesky are still up as well. 'Fraid it might've been a false alarm of some sort.

No. 2020601

Anons who have free time, please make sure to archive some of the links in the OP i forgot to archive before they are taken down.

No. 2020603

No. 2020604

File: 1722331540732.png (Spoiler Image,4.34 MB, 1895x1855, degen.png)

Her art style kinda reminds me of nemu. I wonder if they ever interacted with each other

No. 2020605

File: 1722331882246.png (6.82 MB, 1920x2400, c0a2f8914f130e8d.png)

>the parenthesis
Yeah, this character is just about as vile as her bootleg Cartman.

No. 2020607

Kek why are women like this always so aggressively plain/ugly. Beautiful women can be pickme's too ofc but the slimy, radiates-covert-rage ones always have a specific unwashed look.

No. 2020608

In what universe would this hamplanet pig land any woman? Kek guess null being so goddamn ugly herself thinks some pig might choose her

No. 2020609

She likes it when moids are abusive, when women are mean to her it probably gives her school flashbacks kek

No. 2020611

Women who husbando fat fucks are bleak and cannot be saved.

No. 2020612

Finally, an almost homunculus100-tier cow. I'd love to find out she actually got her clit removed as part of her TIF larp the way she fantasizes about. Newfags please don't spook the cow this time, if you try to bridage twitter to "cancel" her all you're gonna do is close the milk tap at its source.

No. 2020618

Ikr, at least the usual dark triad husbandofags are still sane enough to pick hot ones kek (and even those characters usually aren't pedos.) It would be so funny if all this started just because she watched South Park at a sensitive developmental age.

No. 2020619

File: 1722333451403.png (342.19 KB, 1925x1204, 222feff4b9afc919.png)

I archived >>2020482 so everyone can hear the angelical voice of our uwu submissive dainty french pro pedo hamplanet.


No. 2020624

Thanks for saving it nona. I'm archiving everything in the OP with archive.today where possible, but having some issues with the baraag profile. Might have to manually screenshot it and host the screenshots somewhere.

No. 2020625

> French
That alone should tell you everything you need to know.

No. 2020626

You're doing the lord's work anon, thank you

she legitimately sounds as if she might be autistic…

No. 2020627

I saw it earlier on her twitter but now i cant seem to find it to grab a screenshot but she had retweeted that twitter post where it said "oh he cut off his own leg?" With the little chracter thinking basedbasedbasedbased. So shes a fan

No. 2020631

> Called out for drawing nasty parental incest porn
At least she's got some aspects of male behaviour nailed kek

No. 2020632

I just read everything ITT and my god…genuinely sad and gross. Also her Cartman OC looks like serial killer Ed Kemper to me, wonder if that is part of it for her too cuz it’s more than coincidental if you ask me

No. 2020633

>have been jumpscared every so often with this retards art in various lolcow threads over the years
>finally gets her own thread
>she's a fucking retard baguette
>of fucking course she is KEK

No. 2020648

Terry is this you(sage your shit/hi cow)

No. 2020711

File: 1722350727213.jpeg (963.16 KB, 1820x2048, GBusOKTWIAEoYDd.jpeg)

I've read the posts compiling evidence that Laika and Null are the same person in the other farms but I don't find them convincing, the strongest evidence is that Null lost a friend of 6 years for posting about father/daughter incest and the Laika account sprang up a month later. I don't find their art styles similar and Laika is/was pretty convincingly based in the USA. Despite the one post Null isn't completely fixated on incest the way Laika was and doesn't even have one pair of incest OCs like a real incestfag. I don't believe they were the same person at all.

No. 2020715

There are people out there into weird fetishes who I genuinely believe just like them, like homunculus100, but I'm pretty sure this girl isn’t a pedo or a masochist or into fat guys. I think she’s like the guy who draws Moon over June where she gets off to the idea of getting attention from women on the internet and making them angry and disturbed by exposing them to gross stuff, like the female equivalent of a flasher, and the thing that really seals it for me is how smug she is. Is there any info on her personal life (like she has a chip on her shoulder after being bullied by mean girls in high school and that’s why she hates women now) or is the milk just her pedo art?

No. 2020720

File: 1722351378148.png (143.78 KB, 1898x834, 4f7709e3ab6199cda0a2d1b0ce65b2…)

More counter-evidence: Null is most definitely a TIF, having gone as far as changing her legal name to the french version of Aiden as well as her testosterone froggy voice >>2020619 she's also probably a fatty >>2020484 who selfs inserts into her Cartman OC.

Laika by comparison always portrayed herself as a skinny biological woman and the only evidence of having titchop thoughts comes from this comic, in which she rejects the notion because her LARP father still finds her fuckable despite having small tits. She also has comics about waxing her pussy, getting laser hair removal as well as other stereotypically feminine grooming habits. Not to say TIFs can't also do those things (as we know) while still being totally a boy but it's still strange that her incest LARP would be about being a gender-conforming woman.

No. 2020728

I mean, he is always raping his students, so it makes sense that they get too traumatized and disgusted to have normal relationships with others.
This only shows how vile she is, I don't know if it's on purpose, or because she surely reads/watches stuff about rape victims, but her characters just make sense because they seem broken, but also obsessed with adult cartman because he's the one that groomed them.

No. 2020729

Regardless if they are the same person or not the Laika dad-fucking thing was 100% a LARP. No incestuous pedo dad would say some shit like "your tits are not critical to my appreciation of you as a person", that is clearly faggot speak from the mind of a retarded and pornsick woman trying to write up the ultimate Daddy Loves Me father figure (incest edition) kek.

No. 2020737

a nonzero number of TIFs have FGM fetishes but ive never seen one draw fanart for it, wow

No. 2020739

File: 1722354463282.png (1.21 MB, 1358x1527, e58d859d510b0b77.png)

Her entire fake backstory on top of being literal fanfiction is also the incestfag's typical wet dream. "Traumatic family event which pushes two people apart until they reconnect in a romantic, fucked-up way". It's fiction. Also the fact that she stressed it was she who "pressured her father" into starting a sexual relationship with her once she was an adult, as to shut down any normal person's concern that her dad spent her life grooming her and then raped her. Nooo, my family was normal until my mom's death and then my dad was totally absent during my teenage years and I'm the one who got a crush on him!!!!. It can't get any more fictional than that. Even in her LARP she couldn't help trying to be politically correct KEK.

No. 2020757

She is absolutely autistic

No. 2020761

KEK at this entire backstory. My favorite part is how she also tries REALLY hard to make sure she doesn't demonize the mom but then she's like and yeah so I ended up fucking her husband and her husband ended up fucking her daughter! But she was the cement that held our family together!!! We loved her so much!!! Kek give me a break. Even in her retarded incest LARP she has to make sure the mom is not demonized and her pedo rapist father RESPECTS trans people and her identity and wouldn't care if she lopped her tits off. So fucking corny and fake.

No. 2020763

File: 1722360838838.jpg (111.83 KB, 1280x800, tumblr_ot20mrjOeP1wt4apeo1_128…)

>selfs inserts into her Cartman OC.
No, she get off on being the one abused, not the abuser >>2020445
It's very easy to change art styles to come up with a new identity. The art style on the Laika account resembles her old tumblr comics more imo.

Her actual father is dead btw.

No. 2020764

Someone in the art salt thread said her old account had the same PayPal or something on her new account, and it changed recently.

No. 2020765

File: 1722361354725.png (77.65 KB, 997x655, t.png)

Samefag, the dead father in question.
Also, she doesn't seem to be very concerned about her online identity and irl self being connected. Her old blog has shit with her name all over it, and she had no problem posting an image that had the address of a building she lived in at the time in Paris.

No. 2020767

File: 1722361461028.jpeg (Spoiler Image,173.89 KB, 750x1005, IMG_8270.jpeg)

I genuinely find it so odd about her hatred of women. She’s highly against men being abused/ dominated, but she loves women being treated that way. I saw this as one of her reposts, and it’s just highly disturbing. I doubt that it’s a man, because look at her art. She reminds me of rita/count incel in a way, except even Rita wasn’t this spiteful. I genuinely wonder what made her this way, lack of mother figure?

No. 2020768

File: 1722361761031.gif (457.44 KB, 693x783, cartmans double life.gif)

change or remove the glasses and it's literally cartman

No. 2020772

Considering how genuinely ugly she is in >>2020428 I'm pretty sure she's got a shitton of internalized misogyny out of bitterness and a probable lack of attention from moids growing up. Also having a nasty abuse fetish (which she self-interts to) and no self esteem to speak of. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a really bad relationship with her mother or was possibly even jealous of her.

No. 2020773

isn't this just usagi drop

No. 2020776

>genuinely wonder what made her this way, lack of mother figure?
Could be, personally I think she has a inferiority complex I mean considering:
>She's ugly as sin
>has a specific fetish for overweight fat pedo greasy moids because she knows no sane moid would pick her
>tries to larp as quirky Asian to appear to weeb moids
>kills off her mother in her fanfic so she could the one and only for her totally famous father
>has a certain hatred towards young pretty collage women so much so she's always "owning" them in her comics
This bitch is a massive pickme. Betting her tif era is soon

No. 2020779

Wouldn't it be funny if someone sent her father her incest/pedo/fgm fetish comics. Don't do that but she would have definitely had it coming kek.(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 2020781

>It's very easy to change art styles to come up with a new identity.
With this line, she might as well be Nemu. She might be homunculus100. She might be captainhowdie. This doesn't prove anything.

>The art style on the Laika account resembles her old tumblr comics more imo.

Any deets on that? I went through the kiwifarms posts and some of her old tumblr art and didn't find them similar at all. If you scroll all the way down Null's twitter her art used to be pretty fucking bad, even worse than it is now, and Laika has much better form and line control in my opinion.

No. 2020782

Her father is dead supposedly but I doubt it >>2020763 if he isn't he would probably want to seeing the comics his daughter made or he'd be into it considering he worked for the degenerate fetish full show totally spies

No. 2020787

Anon there's a huge leap from weird scenes of cartoon girls getting tied up and raping your own daughter.

No. 2020788

Now this I'd like to hear more about. If there's proof of this, then there's no doubt that they're the same person.

No. 2020789

File: 1722365583651.jpg (810.1 KB, 1280x1435, tumblr_d221eec44783d87a53b685e…)

What a nice LGBT ally queer groomer dad

No. 2020791

Adrien is not a unisex name in France at all. That's either a man or a fakeboi.

No. 2020793

File: 1722366601338.png (2.98 MB, 2344x2768, 1710779456349.png)

Supposed proof of similar art styles from the other farms

No. 2020794

Oh it's definitely the same person kek I'm getting smorky flashbacks

No. 2020795

File: 1722367049570.png (272.42 KB, 1772x1818, FaZKqCpWQAAF5TB.png)

>Laika has much better form and line control in my opinion
I can't agree, it looks like shit as if someone saw extremely stylized/angular pop art and wanted to copy it to look as different as possible but had no idea how to make it actually look good since she always used very round and organic shapes. She's drawn identical snout noses before and many subtle stylization choices as well as the obsession with middle aged men with beady sanpaku eyes

No. 2020798

This dialogue is so painfully anime/visual novel tier kek

No. 2020799

This shit made me do a full belly laugh holy fuck. This never fucking happened KEKKKKK.
>likes tomboys
Yeah because he's a pedo
>likes "butch women"
I take it to mean she is referring to herself because her dad still fucks her with short hair, still a pedo
>not against fucking "femboys"
Yeah because he's a pedo.

All moralfagging aside this bitch is so autistic I'm really hoping for a huge spergy freak out down the line.

No. 2020800

If her father was the storyboarder (not director) for the w.i.t.c.h cartoon that shares the last name Perret, then something or other is fake. The only "acte de décès" for a man in his 50s with the same last name on the date in the comic has another first name. The storyboarder is not dead as he's still active on linked-in. Knowing how much she makes up shit about her "dad" it wouldn't surprise me this other story is fake too.

Before jannies ban me this is all public information the cow has shared on her carrd as well as her tumblr.

No. 2020806

How the fuck did she fuck up drawing a mug? I thought she said she learned from her uber famous cartoonist pedo father kek is he also as shit at drawing?

No. 2020807

File: 1722368952673.png (90.96 KB, 1204x394, dadlover.png)

(1/2) Allegedly one of the accounts she followed as deadspacedog is her actual father, but it's set to private.

No. 2020808

File: 1722368983917.png (134.35 KB, 1200x1030, dadlover2.png)

No. 2020813

File: 1722369350554.png (427.37 KB, 1920x2160, Fs-cP0aWwAEgHQZ.png)

As a sidenote, sadposting about how your friends don't want to talk to you anymore because of your weird incest fetish is really funny

No. 2020815

I think it's pretty certain her "dad's" account is also her sockpuppet. It doesn't have anything on it.

No. 2020817

Almost thought you meant bernie sanders kekkk. Also I doubt it she did because she may act edgey but I'm sure she'd cry if anyone in her life saw this shit especially if its her own father

No. 2020820

File: 1722370270454.png (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 2560x1605, bww.png)


to me the similarities stand out more when you turn her shit black and white, but what leaps out to me:
- font is consistent with her modern stuff and her really old stuff, as are speech bubbles
- side profiles and expressions are very similar, just more 'blocky' and 'exaggerated' in laika's stuff than in her current stuff
- if you read her laika comics they honestly follow a very similar flow and humor (often the punchline is 'someone is being a revolting immoral pig but we love them anyway!' [laughtrack])
- she clearly isn't honest about herself on the internet to any consistent degree so i don't see how that effects her status as laika tbh. i think what's telling about laika's activity is that it drops off pretty obviously when null started taking off more on twitter and baraag. honestly, i believe she's following the money and the reason she DOESN'T have incest OCs just yet is simply a matter of hyperfixation and time - when she sickens of cartman and his stockholm victim pickme then she might go back to it. she used to be OBSESSED with her little white girl and her asian boyfriend and her massive horrible prolapse and had a minor phase with the black girl nullo and her lesbian sex with men, and also a phase where she was invested in some MTF being abused by an old latina-indian lesbian via chastity. she goes thru phases and her incest phase is probably just dormant.(spoiler this)

No. 2020821

File: 1722370673236.png (194.01 KB, 709x373, she knows.png)

Some other random autism
>Laika and PGP both have the shinigami eyes extension
>both use MacOS
>both use Android phones
>both own a Nintendo 3DS
>both posted about MHA
Bonus: In a 2018 video on her tumblr blog she has lolcow.farm bookmarked as "salt mine". I caught this entirely by accident

No. 2020823

File: 1722371062334.png (414.11 KB, 820x471, e388e673-636b-4f79-be54-0e795f…)

Its uncanny

No. 2020824

They probably got sick of her trying to pimp them out to the moids in her life kek

No. 2020825

I read one of the fics out of context thinking the pedo teacher probably looked like Hitomi Hirosuke or the orgy bus teacher
My sides went into fucking orbit when I found out he actually looks like Cartman.

No. 2020827

100% agree with this. And the thing all these phases have a common thread of all reading like different tropes that fandoms also get obsessed with in phases. She even admits the null thing was based on some kink she read happening to males. Though she always draws women being brutalized it reads like those different yami yaoi tropes.

No. 2020830

File: 1722372845458.png (2.37 MB, 1916x1650, 1647754846850.png)

Fascinating how a LARP art style can seem more competent than your actual, regular art style.

No. 2020837


No. 2020843

Oh noooooo, that's so cringe I might die, her 'dad's' account is so obviously written in the voice of an internet poisoned nerd girl and all the profile even says is "here's an excuse that neatly explains why I don't have any posts despite being a completely real human being." Help, I'm embarrassed for her

No. 2020845

It's the 'rkgk' that makes it for me lol, something a middle aged man would totally use

No. 2020849

>following the money
How much money is she supposedly getting from her fetish art?

No. 2020850

File: 1722374826562.jpeg (26.86 KB, 558x250, IMG_8415.jpeg)

Looking at kiwifarms, “Laika” took some photos in Italy and France, which null is from. She answered this ask on her old blog, however she also mentions she’s disabled on her current twitter kek. This is the tweet where she mentions she’s disabled. https://x.com/null_backdoorho/status/1796326104539480533 There’s also comments about how the time difference where Laika claims she’s from, doesn’t make sense, as where she claims she’s from New Jersey, while null is from France, with a 6 hour difference, yet when comparing their posts, the timing of their posts are usually consistent.

No. 2020854

File: 1722375406713.jpeg (980.43 KB, 1242x1476, IMG_8416.jpeg)

Here’s another interesting thing mentioned on kiwifarms, Adrien’s archived carrd, when looking at her storyboard characters, she looks very similar to Null’s works, this was linked in her main sfw tumblr, I’m assuming it was another sock. She also says she’s French. Here’s the archived link of her carrd that was wiped out. https://archive.ph/PqB9R I’ll look at a link of the graduate class on 2020 once I get on my laptop and search for her.

No. 2020855

File: 1722375414551.png (1013.42 KB, 3150x1746, subscribestar.png)

She has a lot of people paying her. Without fees, this is about 2300 USD per month but these platforms always take a cut so it's probably more like 1500

No. 2020861

Is anyone willing to take one for the team and buy their way into that discord server?

No. 2020865

File: 1722377246189.jpg (600.45 KB, 1280x1440, tumblr_2b1c9d71783487d06a927be…)

Suspiciously similar rhetoric to the one used to justify her abusive Cartman OC ship

No. 2020866

Why would people support a retarded adult who thinks the "dad fucking" (which is a lie kek) is okay and obviously gets off on it? Literally the worst "gotcha". Like bitch you're already getting enough money to gtfo the incest fuckhouse if you wanted. This autist is so retarded and the dad shit was so clearly a fetish fueled grift kek.

No. 2020867

Not gonna post the pic, but I thought it was interesting how she explicitly shows that not-Cartman's penis is only 5 inches erect. Most artists would've given him a giant penis (unless it was part of a humiliation fetish).

No. 2020868

One thing's that is weird about Laika's pretended story is that her dad used to work on a comic that was massively popular on tumblr in the year 2016. Supposedly the fandom shipped two of the characters, a father and daughter, together, and then started shipping the author (so her father) and her together and it was a very popular ship. Yet no one was able to put two and two together and find out who she or her father is. Her online activity started with her twitter account though she likes to pretend she posted before it, yet no one can find any art of hers or her father, for that matter.

No. 2020870

File: 1722378432400.png (Spoiler Image,164.69 KB, 548x688, hell_on_earth.png)

for those who thinks her incest shit might've been a phase, she rubs elbows willingly with some freak on baraag who draws incestuous transgender monkey baby rape. i wouldnt put much past her.

No. 2020874

File: 1722378918355.jpeg (17.37 KB, 250x395, 9BF3C60C-D608-4255-AE60-FBDD5E…)

No. 2020875

File: 1722379021863.png (720.92 KB, 2877x1608, tellonym.png)

She doesn't deny that most of it is fabricated, the weirdest part is her pretending her incest account and null are two different people to try to throw people off her trail (she even interacts with herself and draws "fanart" for the Laika OCs)
>monkey cock birthing fetish
Thanks, I fucking hate it

No. 2020876

Someone in the other farms proved how that’s not true, because if it was, someone out there would’ve known what webcomic it was and what happened, but nobody does, all that people have is her retelling of the stories. Like for example if someone did a retelling of Hussie’s lolcowness but without saying it was him, people would eventually realize it was him. But that didn’t happen.
And I’m pretty sure her dad is dead. His imdb page wasn’t updated after some time.

No. 2020879

>who selfs inserts into her Cartman OC.
she said like a million times she doesnt self insert as the cartman oc, but as the women he abuses >>2020445

No. 2020880

I'd not seen this one post before. Even so, if she had lied about "details" like she said, people can still draw parallels.
That's what I was trying to say, yeah. I've followed the discussion about her on the other farms, I also believe her dad is dead and this is just copefuel.

No. 2020881

File: 1722379952871.png (262.44 KB, 737x738, lmao.png)

shes a turbo pickme, despite being super pro kink(when its about abusing women and raping children) shes super critical of women who are into dominating men. Truly the pickme final boss.

No. 2020885

Makes sense when you understand that she's doing all of this for patreon pennies from men who hate women ala >>2020855
Makes sense when you think about what kind of lies a terminally online nerd girl would tell based on her definition of clout. Instead of "my uncle works at Nintendo," it's "my hot fuckable dad made a really cool comic and it was popular on tumblr and everyone shipped us"
I'm pretty certain that's a lie and she's picturing some asian stacy she's jealous of as the women she's drawing. she's french, she's probably julie delpy levels of insane about race in addition to everything else.

No. 2020886

File: 1722380548318.png (518.88 KB, 1212x1000, mimicry.png)

Not that this definitively proves anything, but Laika has also shown to be capable of drawing in styles other than the blocky, faux-Clone High look that she uses on that account. It's not impossible that she'd make a deliberate artistic shift when changing personas, if she and Null are truly the same person.

No. 2020887

File: 1722380577599.png (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 1920x2160, 7e65e72815cb054a.png)

She posted about liking micropenises before, lol
When she used to identify as agender and pretended she was born male with a dick, she would constantly post about how much of a gay bottom she was and it was her entire personality (overweight kinkster tumblr girl with low self esteem obsessed with men? shocking)

No. 2020888

Sorry nonna I didn’t finish reading it before sperging out…

No. 2020889

>I'm pretty certain that's a lie and she's picturing some asian stacy she's jealous of as the women she's drawing. she's french, she's probably julie delpy levels of insane about race in addition to everything else
she wants to be a skinny asian american woman, thats her fetish. Laika was asian american, and cartmans wife is also asian american.

No. 2020890

Oh for sure she wishes that, but I don't think she's into being degraded herself. I think she draws female degradation for approval from men, to disturb (asian) women, and to make less than minimum wage on her patreon alternative.

No. 2020893

File: 1722381827932.png (567.31 KB, 998x1199, BLmatsu.png)

not really milky as much as it is funny but she really disliked the Osomatsu-san fandom back in its heyday because of all the brother incest and reblogged this

No. 2020895

>but I don't think she's into being degraded herself
no one draws that shit without being into it

No. 2020896

File: 1722382589584.png (28.39 KB, 1474x382, chrome_Bdta3lQPXl.png)

AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/null_bis/pseuds/null_bis

The link in the OP is missing her old AO3 account. AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/deadspacedog
There are two fanfics on it, 55k+ words total. The link on her profile goes to her linktree: https://linktr.ee/deadspacedog

No. 2020899

File: 1722383164178.png (2.8 MB, 2160x1920, kek.png)

>likes working out
Her comics are really just a massive cope for her being a turbo virgin fatty.

For people looking into more similarities between laika and null, both laika and Nulls ocs are Asian american.

No. 2020901

my ASIAN DAD who makes BROTH-BASED MEALS and serves them in RED LACQUER BOWLS

No. 2020904

>big lesbo in love with one man
another similarity, null also claims shes a lesbian >>2020496

No. 2020907

>salt mine
Kek no way

No. 2020909

File: 1722385696781.png (6.44 MB, 4305x2160, 鬼妹.png)

Not just asian american, but they're both supposed to have mothers from Hong Kong. Null is 5'4 btw, and she used to blog about her mother fatshaming her as a child so she used to have an eating disorder as a tween

No. 2020911

Is Cartman supposed to be Asian as well? Her art is so bad I can barely tell what races they’re supposed to be.

No. 2020914

File: 1722386329361.png (318.78 KB, 520x442, 1818473922e7a828.png)

He's supposed to be half white/taiwanese

No. 2020916

oh man. i have been waiting for this thread! they are a pet lolcow of mine.
i will have to see if the "dog cages are abusive" and her weirdly saying you should shock your dog is still up. it was a weird thing to bring up on ur art account

No. 2020918

blurfag spotted.

No. 2020919

File: 1722386563773.png (106.8 KB, 867x653, anon.png)

All i could find about her pre 2024 is these posts. I wonder why she came here in 2018.

Talking about her FGM fetish back when she was polyglotplatypus

No. 2020920

File: 1722386745486.png (38.48 KB, 2477x416, clit chop.png)

9 months ago someone was talking about how she apparently cut her clit and linked to her old curious cat >>>/snow/1910558


No. 2020921

File: 1722387343830.png (239.26 KB, 2243x524, fat.png)

old post confirming her name + old milk

No. 2020923

Kek she looks so much like Cartman >>2020823 Seems like her insert is the fat moid and abuses skinny Asian women because she’ll never be one.

No. 2020924

again, she self inserts as the asian women. Goddam some of you cant read.

No. 2020925

>Who she wants to be >>2020899
>Who she actually is >>2020768

No. 2020928

holy shit she looks identical to her not-cartman oc kekkkk

No. 2020930

I think some people may suspect that this fat white french woman who's claimed at various times that 1) she has a dick 2) she's an asian american 3) she's fucking her father, may tell lies sometimes

No. 2020931

The nona was joking kek

No. 2020955

Why the asian woman is lemon colored??

No. 2020956

File: 1722396599757.jpeg (9.51 KB, 300x277, images - 2024-07-31T002447.540…)

Guys sorry this is cringe but yeah when I was a teen 12+ years ago I was big into south park and that cringe fail OC is really just how people draw teen cartman. Picrel
Kek I remember the brazillian larp was back when she made the gross lesbian X gay man comic it made the rounds around rad tumblr. I'm br myself and I thought it was so retarded that she was claming back then to get the nullfication surgery "real soon guys!!! For real!!" because. Thats just not a thing here. We love giving free surgery to troons but nullfication is just not one of them kek. What a liar

No. 2020969

She most likely just did that so it's more politically correct.

No. 2020970

she really is obsessed with asian women

No. 2020990

File: 1722407354404.jpg (242.71 KB, 654x728, 1705622514515.jpg)

>incestuous transgender monkey baby rape

No. 2020992

It's okay anon, I'm 90% sure I followed the person who drew your picrel on Tumblr.

No. 2020993

KEK Laika confirmed for being a fatty

As for her obsession with self inserting as asian women, she does look a bit half asian in my opinion.

No. 2020994

She doesn’t imo, earlier in the thread she looks white, coming from someone who’s half Asian. Even if she was I’m not sure why she draws herself tanned lol

No. 2020998

File: 1722409077947.jpg (404.34 KB, 1080x1799, Sister.jpg)

Laika persona maybe based on one of her sisters

No. 2020999

File: 1722409129969.jpg (397.06 KB, 1080x1774, 1.jpg)


No. 2021002

File: 1722409489648.jpg (391.22 KB, 1080x1664, 2.jpg)

No. 2021003

File: 1722410472940.png (207.08 KB, 548x504, Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 2.04.…)

That hair, plus working in theatre (whereas Laika worked as a "script doctor" for her dad)… the little details are starting to add up. Good find, anon!
Imagine finding out that your own sister was skinwalking you online to write cutesy little comics wherein you fuck your own father. I would go apeshit.

No. 2021015

sorry you got your feelings hurt by people acting like 30 is old but there is literally a huge difference between a teen acting this way and a 30 year old acting this way. it does matter. sorry

No. 2021016

I feel like it's a bit of both, not going to lie. We know she doesn't particularly like other women, and a lot of FtMs have violent fantasies, but it's easier to hide behind "I only want these things done to me" to seem innocent. She likely also has a fetish for Cartman and would like him to dom her, so it all works.

No. 2021017


No. 2021018

Anon is right, though. It'd still be threadworthy if she was 19 and doing this.

No. 2021019

So did she DFE?

No. 2021024

File: 1722418520103.png (304.77 KB, 739x940, wwwww.png)

>be keyboard warrior that spends her days drawing pedo/abuse shit and defending people that jack off to that on twitter
>proceed to private all your old videos because you dont want your fucked up actions to be associated with your real identity
why are they always this thin skinned

No. 2021026

File: 1722418997075.mp4 (14.03 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_pypk8dh6Kw1so7zhe.mp4)

Holy gorilla arm

No. 2021028

wtff i wasnt expecting the hairy arm this bitch was 100% on t

No. 2021029

Not only she is or was on T, at the time she was LARPing a totes gay boy she also had a laundry list of illnesses like:
- fibromyalgia
- multiple sclerosis
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- type 2 diabetes
- autism

As well as being overweight, having an eating disorder and having chronic pain. From her old tumblr posts her mom seems like a munchie so she probably got it from her. It's kinda crazy in one of her LARPs she kills off her mother and lives a fantasy life with the father that died when she was a teenager.

No. 2021030

Most normal tif. This role reversal + incest thing she did with her own family history is very disturbing to me.

No. 2021031

does she also claim to have carpal tunnel? because laika claimed to have carpal tunnel

No. 2021032

File: 1722420135202.jpg (205.6 KB, 1080x1408, Mom1.jpg)

The way she used to talk about her mom is the exact same way she talks about her dad under her Laika persona. On top of Laika being modeled on her sister's appearance, it's all extremely disturbing.
Yes, she does. Laika also claimed to be disabled iirc, and Adrien is or was on french disability (at a pitiful 160 euros per month).

No. 2021034

File: 1722420246874.jpg (320.67 KB, 1080x1602, Mom2.jpg)

Part 2

No. 2021035

Based mom bullying her fat retarded degenerate fail daughter. She's like a female boogey, she lies so much its impossible to believe her. The ''abuse'' she endured was most than likely her mother telling her to stop eating mcdonalds and go touch grass instead of being a terminally online retard.

No. 2021036

File: 1722420504343.jpg (118.11 KB, 1080x791, Usagi drop.jpg)

she's actually confirmed to have watched usagi drop kek

No. 2021037

That's literally it nona. Her "abuse" was her own munchie, ED mom (who chews and spits) calling her fat when she was 12. She has a whole comic about how at 12 years old she weighed "no more than 50 pounds" and barely ate anything at all until one day something switched and she started binging. She then says she was 180 pounds at 20 years old. At one point her mom makes her get checked for type 2 diabetes because of how fat she is. I didn't screencap this as I was going through her blog but you can find it under #personal if you dig a little.

No. 2021038

>cant wait to finish it
We all know why she said that.

No. 2021045

she also shows her ''abusive'' mom her fetish drawings.

No. 2021048

File: 1722422322748.jpg (217.29 KB, 1080x1370, Ethnicity .jpg)

On her looking half-asian: she actually brings up how people do ask her if she's half, and there's an anon ask asking her too on her tumblr. Maybe the self inserting into asian women LARP comes from that. Also peep the half-russian, just like her fake dad.

No. 2021050

File: 1722422425396.jpg (172.4 KB, 1078x1170, Ancestry.jpg)

No. 2021061

Kekk this bitch isn't just fucking fat but also hairy as hell she's tries so hard to larp as a dainty Asian American woman but instead ends up as Eric cartmen kekkk

No. 2021075

File: 1722428423042.jpeg (257.31 KB, 1594x2048, GKkoYfwXgAECxLn.jpeg)

This is her most recent depiction of herself. "Flat as fuck" is hilarious once you consider that she's almost 200 pounds.

No. 2021076

She's probably just a dark-haired, light-skinned european, that's not an uncommon look that some people naturally have here

No. 2021077

I think the sister is a lie too.

No. 2021087

No archive link to his IMDB page or name?
Some groups over in France probably have or still do practice FGM which adds a creepy layer to her work. It reminds me of normalizing one’s culture like in Cuties. She can just blame her French heritage or she could be larping lmao. Is T easier to get over there than in the US?

No. 2021088

>I’m just a smol submissive Asian babby
>type 2 diabetes

No. 2021091

T is very easy to get if you go to a private endocrinologist who agrees to prescribe it to you without a doctor's note. Some psychiatrists or doctors also agree to write said note after only one visit. If you know where to look, T is easy to get, and VERY cheap in some pharmacies (I've heard about trans guys getting theirs for less than 4$).

No. 2021098

KF had a discussion in a reddit thread, I think, of a user who was female and also wanted nullification. Laika/null says it's rare for women to have this fetish but I wonder if that’s her reddit account or there’s two of them running around online.

No. 2021100

File: 1722432371083.png (1.06 MB, 1594x2048, nullme.png)

made it more accurate

No. 2021104

Kek she looks like the obese madame who would pimp out the delicate Asian girls she LARPs as.

No. 2021105

She's proven to lurk salt mine i mean lolcow so she definitely lurks kf too.

No. 2021110

This is a short film her father starred in in 2006 a few years before his death (if the cow can be believed). He plays the priest. Doesn't look anything like how she portrays him under Laika.

No. 2021115

After looking again I found the user is UselessAltThing and doesn’t sound like Laika. She recently got a hysterectomy after years of waiting (and she also wants to get her eyes and hands taken off) but still wants to be a nullo. She has a gf and says she’s lesbian.

No. 2021120

File: 1722435303788.jpg (361.23 KB, 1080x1646, Jambon ibérico .jpg)

What do you mean? She's obviously a dainty uwu flat tit sub.

No. 2021124

>flat as fuck
Did she get a titchop?

No. 2021130

I notice she’s posting less KEK. I genuinely can’t believe people pay 1.5k monthly for her, do you think it’s women or men who commission her?

No. 2021136

Pretty sure it's mostly TIMs and a few of the edgelord proship Aidens/gendie women. I was going through the replies to her art yesterday and it's who I noticed mainly engaging with her.

Also kinda funny that I noticed she's very defensive of her TIM followers. She gets upset if you accuse her of being one because it 'makes her trans women followers feel ashamed for not having feminine kinks' or some shit. Also tweets about riding girldick.

No. 2021149

>and she also wants to get her eyes and hands taken off
you cant just drop this and not explain further nona
ofcourse the raging pickme is a handmaiden god she really does check all the autist marks.

No. 2021167

Was thinking the same thing, she probably first heard about the real Laika from the Gorillaz album Laika Come Home. It's such an obvious made up fanfag name.

No. 2021182

I'm confused by what you mean, why would the mom character not being demonized be a bad thing?
What's with the face scars

No. 2021192

File: 1722445864849.png (943.44 KB, 960x847, poormother.png)

It seems she just shows her mother the comics where there's no explicit sexual activity. I wonder what she thinks of her daughter drawing this shit

No. 2021195

Has anyone else noticed how her comic pages are literally nothing but close up shots of the characters heads while they speak. I don't think I've seen her draw a single dynamic panel or interesting composition in general

No. 2021203

>literally nothing but close up shots of the characters heads while they speak
if she made more dynamic shots most of the panel space would be taken by piggie eric cartman kek she cant even fit him in the close up shots

No. 2021206

File: 1722447229810.png (184.52 KB, 1168x852, Capture d’écran 2024-07-31 à…)

fgm in france is illegal and heavily penalized, girls can actually get refugee satus if they're at risk of fgm. the cases you hear about are done abroad.
i don't think there's anything in the law books about voluntary fgm on adults but a surgeon who agreed to it could potetianlly get in legal trouble. she might try to pass it off as troon surgery but it's still pretty heavily regulated here.
getting a t prescription can be easy depending on the doc but getting it reimbursed by health insurance is harder (troons cry a lot about that). you still need a psychiatric assessment for genital surgery, something troons perpetually seethe about.
she's fully aware of the issues wrt fgm, see picrel. she really gets of on having the most edgy and controversial kinks; it's basically the pornsick version of an nlog.
nope. in french that's 100% a male name. she's a tif

No. 2021209

You have a good point kek

No. 2021212

I genuinely find it so disturbing how she gets off onto daddy/daughter stuff and has flat out said grooming wasn’t abusive, and said she “changed her stance on pedophilia many times”, and how defensive she is on pedophiles. At least most men who are this pornsick usually don’t have relationships and will wind up as genetic dead ends, but she’s had relationships before and made jokes about her main ocs praying they don’t have a daughter (knowing he’d molested them). I genuinely have a feeling that she will want a daughter and will imprint herself onto the daughter, and it’s terrifying me. I would hope she can’t find anyone to have kids with, but she has said it herself that her exes still read her comics. I know most anons in here will say it’s just a fetish, that she’s not serious, but this was actually how I got groomed by older NLOGS (who did it for their boyfriends) when I was 13-14. I had this one 34 year old who stalked me and had his 26 year old girlfriend try to befriend me and flat out tried to do things with me just to get him off to despite my obvious hatred to him. It’s perturbing solely because I see her in them, and I think that’s why I dislike her so much. I can predict that if she would have possible kids, which I don’t see happening to other male creators, because they’re too pathetic to get into relationships, she would genuinely not care whatsoever about what happens to them, because she literally gets off to it. Sorry for some blogpost, but it’s genuinely concerning.

No. 2021218

File: 1722448832087.jpg (109.92 KB, 960x720, 1598707407055.jpg)

Aaaay finally this insane retard has a thread. Here's to hoping she gets what's coming to her. What a fucking traitor to women everywhere.

No. 2021230

>mildest trope ever
Attention-seeking behavior. She herself writes the character as an explicit narcissist manipulative pedophile. She knows why people have a problem with it.

No. 2021233

Because she clearly hates her mom and women in general, the fake PC sheen of it is just retarded like she's really trying to make people think she has a totally unbiased view of women kek

No. 2021234

File: 1722451866637.jpg (376.84 KB, 1080x1634, Cave.jpg)

She must be a prolific user of the "salt mines" if she knows to private her videos almost as soon as they were posted and not say a single peep about muh haters and bullies kek.

Pic unrelated, her apartment.

No. 2021238

The house of someone who is definitely mentally stable and not obese.
Well, considering how obese she looks and how hairy she is, she probably fucked up her hormones because of the unnecessary extra testosterone, so I doubt it will be easy for her to reproduce.
The grim possibility is her adopting a child, which would be extremely fucked up, but I don't think she has the intention or guts to do so, all she does is fetishize the idea of a pregnancy like a disgusting moid tranny.
I just don't get it, how can anyone be this retarded and be into these sorts of fucked up shit without feeling a pang of, idk, common sense telling her to quit doing this shit?

No. 2021242

File: 1722454035915.png (72.85 KB, 626x250, 3040387-b5acabe4372c038679ecd2…)

So "Laika" posted this "mirror" of "a Medium article someone wrote about her" on AO3 waaay back in 2021.
It is entirely fictional, of course. But the level of fabrication is pretty insane; there are "screenshots" of fake headlines of other articles supposedly written about her, fake social media posts about her, videos that supposedly discuss her and her dad, art drawn "by her dad" for his fake tumblr-famous comic…
I recommend reading it.

No. 2021247

Kek I love this it's so endearingly autistic.

No. 2021248

File: 1722454424970.png (825.2 KB, 1920x2160, 2076585a18d454ee01536dd5a81474…)

Also, samefag, but note the range of drawing styles she displays here. I was skeptical of the initial comparisons between "Laika" and Null's illustrations, but look at picrel. I think Null in her earlier days 100% could have drawn this.

No. 2021250

She'd never want to get pregnant because it would be the biggest reminder of all that she's a woman.

Also this is a total armchair psychiatrist take, but I think every one of her characters in her comics is a different side of her. All the anons arguing who she self-inserts as are incorrect. I'm an artfag too, and when you're creating characters, you do pull from SOME part of yourself when coming up with them. Even the nasty, evil ones who are the scum of the earth. The dad character is obviously based on her dad, yes, but he also represents the ideal "her". She's a troon, after all. And since her real dad is dead (supposedly), she has to try to skinwalk him. The incest is her way of manifesting this "passing of the torch" from father to daughter. The only way she can become him is by fucking him. She more than likely knows pedophilia is wrong, but she probably has some stupid spin on it that fits HER specific situation, hence why she defends it. I think she hates her mom because her mom represents all normal women, and just women, in general. The antithesis of what Adrienne wants to be. From what I've read in this thread, her mom doesn't/didn't put up with her bullshit, or indulge in her mental illness, and that makes her worse than Hitler, in her eyes.(armchairing)

No. 2021252

File: 1722454844427.png (378.28 KB, 692x366, 1701720669037.png)

I was also skeptical at first but it's definitely the same bitch.

No. 2021254

> 5'4
> 120 lbs
> Strategically placed "Wow!"
Kek, sure fatty
I think she does get the pangs you described, and that's why she's so defensive/attention seeking. Her posts have the tryhard smugness of someone who's trying very very hard to seem unbothered.
You will never be Lillie Jean kek

No. 2021257

File: 1722456127787.png (16.81 KB, 499x425, thewall.png)

i drew her fat pedo oc discovering he has erectile dysfunction
(I'll take my ban for autism)(Rule 7)

No. 2021259

> For obvious reasons, the ship drew a lot of criticism from many vocal fans- accusations of incest, abuse and grooming apologism were flying in all directions, to which devilcest shippers were simply responding "You guys are the only ones who see all that, we just think they have a really strong and good relationship".
KEK exactly the same cadence and style as 2012 fake tumblr posts, she’s so transparent. Is she really trying to pas this off as an honest and troo article?

No. 2021264

File: 1722457009330.png (5.74 MB, 1920x2160, abad0d6ee2cd353403c2a69bce02ea…)

for any doubters, this is her "dad"'s art but the color filters and the faces are exactly her style

No. 2021272

I'm hooked. Her disgusting art and terminal proship brain are one thing, but this is on another level.

No. 2021275

File: 1722457920065.jpeg (14.35 KB, 640x480, images-9.jpeg)

KEKKK is her father a fujo? Because no moid is drawing men like bishes especially a famous comic artist kek even the spelling screams fake ass art,the audacity of this autist

No. 2021278

At least he's dead, so he doesn't need to feel embarrassed about this.

No. 2021284

File: 1722459070131.png (72.62 KB, 988x451, fr.png)

If she really wanted a believable half-asian ethnicity, she could have chosen vietnamese or cambodian. They are one of the oldest asian immigrant groups in france

No. 2021288

File: 1722459323744.png (1.67 MB, 1984x1734, idiot.png)


OK anyone who ever fell for this as an actual thing is an idiot. between reverse google image search and the attempts at drawing a "different style" to mimic her dad, this is such an embarrassingly elaborate LARP especially for such a nasty kink

No. 2021296

what happens when you watch too much law and order SVU during your developmental years

No. 2021301

This man might not be her dad. People on the other farms have found an obituary that fits. Sorry for not adding more but I’m not home and with shitty internet right now

No. 2021320

>several art degrees
>draws like that
how embarassing

No. 2021328

File: 1722467959473.jpg (134.33 KB, 634x810, 1000000509.jpg)

Top kek

No. 2021368

I just realized this completely beggars belief as well kek. Are the degrees verified or is her school a total joke or is this yet another really obvious lie?

No. 2021375

File: 1722477405130.jpeg (492.79 KB, 828x1310, IMG_4810.jpeg)

it's a legitimate art school that exclusively teaches animation. it seems she did attend, i found a local newspaper article about her. the ugly art style is easy to recognise too.

No. 2021385

File: 1722479648933.png (25.95 KB, 824x296, d5987aa12c39744322afbf7c54210c…)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the Twitch streamer who got "cancelled" a while back for throwing a fit over how few donations she was getting? Kek. How did she expect to get away with using her photo?
I found the fabricated dramatic headlines to be particularly funny, though. As if this were some international scandal that somehow no one has heard of.

No. 2021397

File: 1722480710468.jpeg (62.55 KB, 615x409, 6E1D44BB-DB36-4F9C-8D48-06E33C…)

I wonder if she’s based a lot of this lore on Joh n and Mackenzie Phillips.

No. 2021401

>>2021242 this LARP is unbelievable. At this point I believe she was just playing a character she created for fun, no one can be this autistic to the point of thinking people would fall for it.

No. 2021408

File: 1722482464244.jpeg (424.83 KB, 750x712, IMG_2465.jpeg)

Super autistic of me to note but their tumblr-tier vocab is also the same in some instances, e.g. “blorbo”

No. 2021411

This picture makes me want to bludgeon his face.

No. 2021416

what are the characters next to the gay/lesbian straight couple?

No. 2021418

File: 1722485032198.jpeg (398.29 KB, 2048x1314, IMG_2466.jpeg)

Her characters Lola and Joji, she really just uses them as prolapse fetish fodder so not too milk worthy imo

No. 2021424

the way she draws asian people is bordering on parody

No. 2021448

File: 1722499078981.png (5.83 KB, 346x105, kek.PNG)


No. 2021468

>Joji Kurosawa
What a totally not Mary Sue Nihon name

No. 2021481


Totally not stolen from a certain director and a certain pink guy.

Also, is "Joji" even a legitimate Japanese name? Genuine question.

No. 2021486

No. 2021487

I don't know what it is about "progressive" Twittoids but they always feel compelled to draw Asians with Simpsons yellow skin and really stereotypical looking features. In most cases I think it's to avoid whitewashing accusations or because they buy into the "anime characters look too white" retardation, but in Null's case it could very well be jealousy kek.
Something about the way she draws chibis gives me fluffy pony vibes and I don't like it.

No. 2021514

File: 1722522482540.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.97 KB, 605x680, fagdad.jpg)

also another thing that may be similar (not that we need more proof now thats shes laika) they both share a similar fetish… rimming and pegging moids like picrel (also kek at the father acting like a uke in a bl doujin)

No. 2021604

This is all so insane. Her art reminds me a bit of Nemu, especially the Lola character. That aside, I find it really horrible and scary that she's supposedly a professional animator, and might work on some kids' show or something at some point. God knows what kinds of fetishes she'd try to slip into it. This is so sad and so bleak. Also, she has that stereotypical kweero twitterfag obsessed with ~representation~ art style, and they all draw the same imo, so it's hard to tell if she's truly Laika or not. I'm on the fence until we get a more solid evidence. It could be 2 similar degenerates who interacted sometimes and copied each other's ideas and art styles, not so far fetched for this type of "people". I'll lurk the thread and wait and see.

No. 2021650

I see her dad also struggled with anatomy and perspective. Must run in the family.

No. 2021736

File: 1722562272786.png (3.94 MB, 1842x3627, Untitled2689_20240801212909.pn…)

Adrien had a larp meetup with another artist named Vee while under the Laika alias, who is infamous for drawing foster’s home for imaginary friends porn
Sorry for the dogshit collage I’m on mobile

No. 2021748

she was also friends with tbrainrot, another schizo artist who draws selfship art of her oc with lisa simpson

No. 2021758

You mean the sockpuppet she calls her dad kek

No. 2021759

Why are all of these TiFs with weird fetishes friends with each other? They're like the Island of Misfit Toys, where they all became friends with each other because no one else wants anything to do with them.

No. 2021764

File: 1722565613162.jpg (33.32 KB, 605x454, tumblr_inline_nrn6lzYgWk1txfn3…)

I hate that her sona is a seabunny. Seabunnies do not deserve to be insulted like this. Also, the protrusions on their heads aren't ears, their rhinophores, which are basically noses.

No. 2021787

>prolapse fetish fodder
>not milky
You don't HAVE to lie online

No. 2021801

There's the voice actor Jouji Nakata (might be a stage name but I've never seen any proof of it), but I don't think it's a very common first name. I understand not wanting to call your OC something bland like Kenji Tanaka but this is just donut steel shit.

No. 2021826

its probably because of filthy frank

No. 2021875

Wait so she brought her father along with her irl?

No. 2021876

i am pretty sure they never met, vee is from america and null is from europe. Vee is a fat fuck and definetly not skinny like how she drew her either.

No. 2021883

File: 1722599809807.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.12 KB, 1080x1800, Screenshot_20240731_180801_X.j…)


No. 2021889

File: 1722601265621.jpeg (297.64 KB, 2400x1600, Screen_Shot_2016-08-01_at_12.3…)

7/10 ragebait. Almost tempted to a-log.

No. 2021891

How exactly does that even work? Her mind is really fucked up.

No. 2021893

Shes so tryhard. If she experienced misogyny irl it would be men calling her a fat monkey and calling her a TIM(which she hates). Its honestly kinda funny and a divine punishment that testosterone fucked up her body so bad to the point she will never ever be a kawaii ugu flat smol petite wallflower submissive waif.

No. 2021923

Its so funny she's pandering to the worst type of moids a fucking rot hole tranny kek. she really must be desperate for some inkling of male attention. God I feel sorry for her mother birthing a child who kills you off and fucks their own father in their fantasy

No. 2021974

I'm kinda confused on why she's a TIF if she wants to be a kawawii girl? What kind of logic or lack thereof leads to this?

No. 2021980

I think she detrans, she probably fell into the “anti sjw” (proshippers/feminists/normal people) after she got cancelled as laika

No. 2021985

possibly an influence of yaoi

No. 2022012

she doesnt even draw yaoi

No. 2022019

Comics like these make me remember that all these kink-obsessed sex-pests are mostly virgins or haven't had sex. The way they draw out the sex scenes and narrate them and everything is just so unrealistic, and not in like a fantasy way - in like, a "the author doesn't know anything about what she's talking about" way. What scrote is gonna lie there and take a dildo up his asshole in the way she depicted? It's so removed from reality. I think some of these kink freaks just get so obsessed with their fetishes that they can't ever have normal sex with normal people, it always has to be Discord sex with other freaks just like themselves.

No. 2022028

She draws homosexual 'correction' art of lesbians and gay men. She couldn't be more conventionally misogynistic. To my knowledge she doesn't make anything where women and girls aren't being fucked, cheated on, competing over adult pedofile Eric Cartman, humiliated, degraded, whoring prostitutes, (if lesbian) converted, physically abused, predated on and suffering in some way. If this is somehow the influence of yaoi it's not being applied to males very well.

No. 2022048

She doesnt draw draw yaoi, and to my knowledge has never liked yaoi

No. 2022108

100%. They’re so all consumingly horny because no one wants to fuck them. Apparently it’s the first time her dad is getting pegged and he somehow falls asleep kek. Also the tumblr tier dialogue.

No. 2022123

>Also the tumblr tier dialogue.
Oh, you mean like how this middle aged father >>2021514 >>2021736 happens to sound like a teenage girl or lolrandom high schooler? kek.

No. 2022172

File: 1722661479214.png (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 1176x1764, sdfghjnbvcxzxvnm.png)

If you must know, she drew one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life.

No. 2022174

The fuck is even happening in this? This bitch is a animator yet draws like shit

No. 2022175

She clearly wasnt talented enough to get into gobelins. NGMI artists always end up drawing cringe fetish porn for a few bucks.

No. 2022177

File: 1722662831787.png (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 1176x1764, ertyuihgfdfghjklkjhgfd.png)

it is unfortunately him licking her prolapsed rectum

No. 2022180

File: 1722665702750.gif (974.76 KB, 500x275, 1000049303.gif)

No. 2022189

delete this.

No. 2022199

File: 1722674220889.png (Spoiler Image,611.2 KB, 1920x2160, 13eb57b5c49900dc.png)

apparently these are the things that she has in common with her ocs spoiler for the nudibranch pussy

No. 2022200

File: 1722674247122.png (850.58 KB, 1920x2160, 8ac0a507a1b7185e.png)

No. 2022202

>omg guys i am so autistic and quirky i love twains and linguistics!!!!
>has never drawn or discussed trains, has never talked about linguistics
it must be so fucking sad to lack a personality at 30 so you have to make all this bullshit about yourself instead of growing as a person and developing genuine hobbies that dont involve degeneracy.

No. 2022204

File: 1722675295145.png (156.24 KB, 1530x664, laika9.png)

interesting.."laika" also likes autistic moids…

No. 2022205

File: 1722675457909.jpg (149.35 KB, 640x960, tumblr_p03tn7ppUy1so7zheo5_640…)


No. 2022206

File: 1722675498579.jpg (134.54 KB, 640x960, tumblr_p03tn7ppUy1so7zheo2_640…)

(2) long image thread

No. 2022207

File: 1722675558436.jpg (422 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p03tn7ppUy1so7zheo3_128…)

(3) hmmmm now where have we seen this before

No. 2022208

File: 1722675602686.jpg (457.06 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p03tn7ppUy1so7zheo6_128…)


No. 2022209

File: 1722675657281.jpg (424.83 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p03tn7ppUy1so7zheo4_128…)

black hair asian ml..AGAIN

No. 2022210

File: 1722675809863.jpg (71.72 KB, 721x190, tumblr_inline_p03tkdNJu21rx80f…)

long post but i saw speculation on the other farms saying null might be a troon but its more than likely shes a kikomi, it explains the nuclear levels of pickmeism she has

No. 2022211

how do you even get like this?

No. 2022213

This looked like a vag to me from the thumbnail on the front page, I’m either crazy or that was intentional

No. 2022214

Absolutely, most kinksters, shippers and porn artists are either virgins or have only had sex with other social rejects

No. 2022217

the voice seems like a woman on testosterone. Shes most than likely detrans.

No. 2022224

the brown tint on this makes it seem as if they're covered in feces…i dont think its beyond null to be into scat aswell

No. 2022252

She definitely was inspired by Nemu. the big cartoony sweat, the drool and prolapse girl's face in the second page are very similar to Nemu's way of drawing. Back when she was active, she used to have a circle of female sycophants who either had crazy kinks like her, or pretended to. They'd draw lots of porn of very ugly/niche male characters, things like snot and vomit, etc… A lot of them either disappeared or migrated to twitter, though.
It's a pretty small community, and they're all convinced they're badass transgressors who need to band together against the puritans. If you look on baraag, they're basically all following each other, it's like a freaky lolisho incest TIF club.

No. 2022254

I think it's just the Japanese translation of the name "George", see filthyfrank/Joji who's real name is George

No. 2022262

How fucking dared this bitch to commit the ungodly crime of cultural appropriation of the word from my native language

No. 2022270

i thought it was just an ugly dick until i realised… oh god

No. 2022302

File: 1722710459349.png (Spoiler Image,621.18 KB, 700x1080, awful.png)


i somewhat believe she has a special interest in space, between her fic with the teen girl getting groomed having all its chapter titles named after spacecraft and the whole "laika"/deadspacedog thing (as laika was the name of a dog that died in space). like please, as if anyone would name their kid after that lol. kinda sick to use it as a pervert nom de plume though.

unrelated to the post im replying to: the worst part abt null is that she's an absolute escalator. she definitely likes the concept of corruption and destroying women and pushing people to hurt themselves for sex. not sure which place i saw it on (retrospring or her twt) but she's very committed to the concept of nullification BECAUSE it is an extreme dedication to kink. she should be put on a watchlist honestly

No. 2022335

File: 1722715803849.png (155.27 KB, 604x560, aa.png)

sage for old but she has some fucking nerve to be calling out other people while making rape content KEK

No. 2022341

null isn't the same person as deadspacedog, they have different voices and completely different internet paper-trails. i wonder how this got spread so widely.

No. 2022346

Do you have a source on Laika's internet apper-trail before her twitter account made in december 2021, and on her voice being different from Null's? I've heard Null's voice before, but I've never seen videos from Laika.
This got spread because their writing and artstyle are nearly identical, especially when you look at Null's 2021 art. Laika's twitter account was also made a week or so after Null started losing friends because of her interest in incest ships.

No. 2022349

You read all the evidence above and still came to this conclusion?

No. 2022352

Didn’t null detrans? Her voice might improved

No. 2022391

File: 1722729340059.jpg (296.45 KB, 1280x558, tumblr_7904ea2292cfadc90e53f60…)

"Laika" sure seems to have a thing for lesbians who "make an exception" to have sex with a man. Both her LARP self and her LARP mom were "lesbians but with one exception".

No. 2022392

File: 1722729553341.jpg (769.05 KB, 1280x1440, tumblr_a2154fcc7eaa923ec41323e…)

Laika also tried really hard to pass herself off as american (on top of choosing one of the only states where adult parent-child incest is legal) but she can't actually commit, so the dad has to be the mouthpiece for her real european self.

No. 2022421

Pickme edgelord on pickme edgelord violence. Wouldnt surprise me if she choose mermalade mum specifically because shes also a pickme like her, but her art is actually good. Screams jealousy.

No. 2022430

File: 1722740701545.png (46.15 KB, 856x280, 0d40fed5dc33a7388ab134872b512b…)

NTA, but to be fair, similarities in style and cadence could just be the result of them having the same flavor of tumblr/twitter-induced brainrot. We've talked at length in many different threads about how cookie-cutter these types can be. Other things could be chalked up to coincidence. What I feel we're missing is one strong piece of evidence linking both accounts, like the PayPal mentioned in >>2020764 (Are there really no screenshots of this? Suspicious if so) or something of a similar caliber. Unless the other farms has something like that which hasn't been posted here?

No. 2022445

The artstyles are too similar honestly. >>2021264 looks exactly like nulls art.

No. 2022482

a thread reminder that null has been proven to lurk here so best be on the lookout for any defensive posts about her

No. 2022520

>Romanticizes and approves of abhorrent homophobic, misogynistic, pedophilic and straight up violently abusive dynamics
>BuT cAnCeL ThIs UnIoRnIc NazI!!!
Peak internet brainrot and pornsickness,

No. 2022545

If anything, I'm surprised she hasn't tried something with racism too.

No. 2022548


Best to watch out for anyone trying to separate her from Laika, too. It's telling that she refuses to acknowledge her time as Laika at all even though Laika essentially fell off the face of the Earth once Null was getting popular. What makes incest a worse thing to her than rape and pedophilia? French people are weird.

No. 2022562

File: 1722789140248.png (115.81 KB, 599x510, 1.png)

It might be because Null lost friends when she first posted incest art. Note the date of the tweets compared to the date Laika's account was made and immediately promoted by Null (December of the same year)

No. 2022564

Holy shit she’s charging 60€ for shitty sketches and 200€ for fully rendered art.

No. 2022573

File: 1722794412935.png (2.93 MB, 2668x2000, laikaoc.png)

worth noting as well that as "laika" she also had incest OCs. when her main kink stops being hardcore BDSM and hybistrophilia, watch to see if she tries to reskin these OCs lol.

No. 2022574

File: 1722794468539.png (Spoiler Image,7.77 MB, 3224x3784, laikaoc2.png)


spoilered for depicting actual incestuous rape (especially as one dad stealthed the daughter and the other is paying his daughter as a prostitute)

No. 2022575

File: 1722794510664.png (4.34 MB, 3172x1792, laikaoc3.png)

No. 2022583

I don't think it's the incest, I think it's the larping. the extreme content and the outrage it inspires obviously makes her feel cool, edgy, and kinky. she literally wrote fanfiction about it. but there's no worldview where being an ugly, fat loser who's pretending to be a cute, cool, teeny tiny asian girl is acceptable.

No. 2022595

how old was she when she wrote this? because this is how I talked about politics with my friends, when we were teenagers

No. 2022597

just casting my lot with all the other nonnas who are amazed at how garbage her art manages to be

No. 2022609

Does anyone even think she’s super cool and edgy? When I read this I’m just laughing at the sheer virgin energy RADIATING off of that.

No. 2022613

god why is she like this

No. 2022618

What I meant was that when people say she's gross, horrifying, extreme, or outrageous, it makes her feel cool and edgier than them, hence fantasies like >>2021242 >>2021288

No. 2022628

She's basically Shayna, but instead of being in the porn herself, she makes it with shitty drawings somehow adding an extra drop of autism.
>Shayna: I luv beeng colld Dumb and a Whor! It'z mih keenk!
>"Adrien": I love it when people tell me that I'm a degenerate!! I'm so edgy and cool!! Everyone pays attention to me!!!
It's just pathetic at this point, but it's still fun to know that she must know that we think she's a waste of space, resources and oxygen.

No. 2022633

> Dead eyed during sex
> I swear I'm having fun
KEK now it all makes sense why this bitch is such a nasty misogynist with extreme kinks, she's jealous of women who actually have orgasms.

No. 2022635

> Dead eyed during sex
>implying she has sex
We all know that's not true you lardbag also
>bad dragon

No. 2022645

>Wouldnt surprise me if she choose mermalade mum specifically because shes also a pickme like her, but her art is actually good
Yeah heit's probably a troon is a pickme in the sense that he has drawn both beast and pedo but nulltard only takes issue with him being a nazi…because she likes that other shit herself

No. 2022661

>Challenger space program
Yeah why am I not surprised she knows all the facts about the most horrific space shuttle disaster to date

No. 2022680

fucking finally, i get so sick of seeing this bitch everywhere, sick of retards acting like her art is so transgressive or artistically challenging when it’s just meaningless looks-like-shit slop

No. 2022696

>sick of retards acting like her art is so transgressive or artistically challenging
Who is saying this?

No. 2022710

You’re trying too hard.

No. 2022738

oh my god adrien has been my personal lolcow for literal years im so glad she finally has a thread(sage your shit)

No. 2022740

>sick of retards acting like her art is so transgressive or artistically challenging
All the comments I've ever saw about her work say that either this person is serverly ill or this art looks like chicken scratches. I have never seen compliments about her work unless you count the coomtoids

No. 2022766

Jfc what was the relationship between her and her dad like for her to be into all this shit? I will always view women with an obsession for weird “daddy” stuff as a red flag, doubly so if they’re into other stuff like anal because then it’s clear we’ve got a wannabe DDLG-Chan on our hands which is somehow even worse than the ones who just admit to being into it

No. 2022772

>Jfc what was the relationship between her and her dad like
theres some speculation on other farms that she was molested by him so she turned it into some fucked up incest fanfiction to cope but personally i think there was no relationship with him at all, all of her fanfics seems very desperate for her fathers attention so shes got some extreme daddy issues

No. 2022794

same view as >>2022772 A lot of parents who are "performers" don't have time for their kids, he probably just was never there for her.

No. 2022815

Nobody call me schizo but the Minday and Al characters have got to be somewhat based on Sammi and Frank from Shameless. At first I thought it would be Fiona and not Sammi, but Sammi and Frank had that weird incestuous shit going on for shock value and laughs, so I think that would be way more up this bitch's alley.
Also holy shit this artstyle fucking sucks. Ugly as shit.

No. 2022817

My hypothesis is that, since she kills her mom in the original account yet she's actually alive and kicking, her and her father may not have any sort of meaningful parent-daughter relationship, but isn't/wasn't abusive like she wishes it was, so she can't use it as a crutch to say that she was totally abused by her parents please donate to my 10 millions gofundme sad face.
Instead she goes "t-this is actually soooo hot" because she may not even have a meaningful bond with her father anyways, and it brings in the money too because tards on the internet are desperate for degenerate content.

No. 2022818

Samefag and I think the reason why they're most likely based on Sammi and Frank (and not Fiona) is because I think >>2022794 is right. Frank lived with Fiona and the rest of his kids but Sammi was the one that was discarded and neglected until she showed back up in her 30's iirc.

No. 2022819

Looked it up and Holy kek I think you might be right

No. 2022822

File: 1722864270805.jpg (794.97 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240805_003645_X.j…)

Kekk at her claiming her audience is demanding "trauma porn" for asking about her OCs backstory instead of wanting more of pedo Cartman fucking his students when all she draws is trauma porn… surprised this isn't cancelable amongst proshit coomers, isn't it "kink shaming"?
god I hate how obsessed she is with the "laidback scummy pedo who always gets his way + uptight bitch of a woman (but she's toootes turned on by him!)" dynamic, same shit as the Cartman and Pickme OCs

No. 2022824

Being your own cheerleader is just extremely sad kek. Are we sure her audience even likes her?

No. 2022842

>surprised this isn't cancelable amongst proshit coomers, isn't it "kink shaming"?
please, this would be so funny

No. 2022850

This art style is so stilted and so obviously fake. Anyone who draws even for fun knows what does and doesn't feel natural to draw. You can change and adapt your style of course, but there's always growing pains and they look and feel exactly like the vibe this radiates.

No. 2022852

File: 1722869722872.jpg (29.85 KB, 623x397, R (7).jpg)

>getting cancelled by the same proshipper pedos like her

No. 2022853

as a writer this pisses me off so much. the anon she's responding to has a great point, she clearly prioritizes pedo cartman enough to trash the only thing that made his dynamic with lynn interesting to her audience (which is their exclusive BDSM relationship, now he also does BDSM with his students). and then having the audacity to complain and say she doesn't want to give them 'trauma porn' when that's the only reason why she even has an audience is peak retardation. not only a terrible artist but a shitty writer too. really hope this gets her cancelled and her own audience eventually turns against her, would be really funny

No. 2022866

File: 1722875299017.png (129.76 KB, 1108x1152, retrospring.png)


Yeah she tries really hard to act as if people's curiosity is somehow invasive and upsetting and disrespectful. Bitch, you have a torture kink (FGM) and you draw her being raped all the time. Why are you pretending to have standards NOW?

This is what's off her retrospring when she was talking about it last month.

No. 2022875

You put exactly what I was thinking into words. It looks horribly artificial and forced, though some of her original art style quirks still come through.

No. 2023117

> you don’t need to know the details of what lynn went through to understand her

same anon you responded to; LMFAOO. this is exactly what i’m talking about. the audience absolutely DOES need to know that. her audience knows all of her kinks and shit but not her backstory?? what a retarded excuse to be misogynistic to your own character.
a bit off topic but i unfortunately happen to be an FGM survivor so i feel extra hatred for this bitch. genuinely didn’t know people get off to it and wish i could go back to being that naive

No. 2023136

christ. I'm sorry you went through that

No. 2023157

thank you so much. i’m still in disbelief kek

No. 2023172

this so retarded. she's speaking about lynn like she's a real person. she doesn't have trauma because she's a bunch of pixels. you can't traumatise a charcter, let alone one you made up exclusively for torture porn.

No. 2023218

Holy shit. I’m so sorry nona. The fact she’s jerking off to the trauma of millions of women out there enrages me. I am so sorry.

No. 2023293

i’m enraged too. i almost died from it and lost so much blood yet this fucking bitch made a whole comic about her character willingly getting the procedure and portrayed it as this sexy yet completely safe thing. there’s a cruel irony in someone getting off to something that’s literally designed to restrict and police our sexuality, what the fuck. also thank you so much nona, that means a lot to me. thankfully i’m doing better nowadays even though i’m technically disabled

No. 2023294

File: 1723019920261.png (9.1 KB, 650x450, tAixpi7.png)

She used to be big into Davekat, but iirc she rarely drew the two of them having sex. She usually treated them as background characters in her weird AU about her OC Anshu.

No. 2023339

I swear to god that comic is cursed

No. 2023490

aren't the trolls hermaphrodites (but still have genders for some reason) and reproduce in a some way involving buckets(???) and also have some weird autistic relationship system? idk never got that far into it, dropped it very early because it bored me to death but I have heard way too much about it through tumblr and if this shit is true I'm not even surprised that there's a homestuck to degenerate coomer pipeline.

No. 2023513

File: 1723067269807.jpeg (522.21 KB, 750x794, IMG_1127.jpeg)

god she is gross

No. 2023520

sometimes (oftentimes) i'm glad i don't have twitter and i'm spared from seeing her posts until i choose to open her thread. "oh no i won't show how lynn got her scars it's trauma porn you're sick for wanting to see it but i'm still gonna draw my pedo oc raping his underage student, because this is not trauma porn". she is disgusting.

No. 2023524

File: 1723071095060.jpeg (364.44 KB, 1451x1765, 0817DE4C-0775-4035-B708-D07D39…)

if she doesn't want people to be curious, why even give the character glasgow scars? they're extremely noticeable and specific, so of course people are going to be curious. she probably doesn't have any reason for them aside from liking the way they look, but acts like its some super secret backstory1!!1 also, she genuinely treats her fans like shit. she is acting like they're personally attacking her for being curious about her characters backstory, its wild, even when she makes memes referencing her having PTSD, of course they're going to want to know.

No. 2023531

File: 1723073007425.jpg (249.91 KB, 1280x1067, tumblr_oq419o16291so7zheo4_128…)

She acted the same way about her own sexual assault that happened when she was 10 years old, allegedly. She was promised to make a comic about it and then never did, and acted like a cunt when people asked about it on her tumblr.

Also, she claimed to be ethnically Jewish at one point.

No. 2023533

it could not be more obvious that the "yank my prolapsed rectum out of my body like you're pulling taffy" artist isn't objecting due to moral standards, she's just literally too stupid to come up with something interesting kek, and this applies to her own sexual assault since her life story is all fiction too

No. 2023534

Exactly, by her own standards these excuses make 0 sense. Why is she okay with drawing her parental incest in lurid detail but not describing the fictional trauma of her OC kek

No. 2023535

so stupid how she gets mad when people ask her to draw violent porn when nearly all of her art is violent porn anyway

No. 2023540

File: 1723074659941.png (Spoiler Image,2.93 MB, 2700x1920, caa867346a1a9874.png)

Some of the memey posts she makes seem almost self-aware, and yet she
still unironically draws the kinda stuff that she does…
(spoilered for Hank Hill ass)

No. 2023544

I think it's self-aware because she enjoys the immoral and degenerate aspects.

No. 2023556

I’m shocked nobody has ripped this retard to shreds for being a white woman that has a fetish for brown women getting raped and mutilated(sage your shit)

No. 2023560

It’s a mixture of deflection “irony” and also being so far gone she thinks this material is essentially cute and funny.

No. 2023594

Cause she is a nobody kek. She doesn't have a huge following and the one she does have consists solely of retards.

No. 2023625

>aren't the trolls hermaphrodites
No. That's just a popular headcanon.

>and also have some weird autistic relationship system

Yes. They have four types of relationship; nemesis you fuck, codependent friendship, mediator who keeps nemeses from killing each other, and normal human-like love. It's really not that important in the greater scheme of the story, and is often treated as a joke.

The fandom birthed a lot of lolcows simply because it was popular on Tumblr in the 2010s, and because the author is a bit of a lolcow himself.

No. 2023638

>John Kasich
>Bernie Sanders
Why is this autistic french woman so tuned into American politics?

No. 2023729

that body (there's no nice way to put this) is fucking GROTESQUE. you have to be SEVERELY brain damaged to even be remotely not grossed out by seeing such an unnatural lump of lard, much less sexualize it. She is so far gone.

No. 2023776

How much is art college in France? I would kill myself if i came out of art college drawing like that. Those sausage hands are laughable.

No. 2023909

File: 1723155821246.jpg (371.41 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240806_010851_Sam…)

kek this is so ridiculous, so her character will get off to real rape victims testimonies and give Cartman pictures of when she was a kid to jerk off to, but somehow her own trauma is way too triggering to fetishize?
is that other character Isa or who? I didn't scroll far enough on her twitter to see what she looks like, but from her bootleg curiouscat I gather she's the 19 yo student Cartman cheats with when he's a decrepit SIXTY. and also does bdsm with despite it being her whole shitty OCs thing. but worry not, nonas: our obese, erectile dysfunction having, lovable pedo, is only doing it as charity so she doesn't go looking for a daddydom in worse places. also, he doesn't even fuck kids anymore and his wife is ok with him cheating by now, so who are we to judge?

No. 2024006

File: 1723177234150.jpeg (919.04 KB, 750x975, IMG_1129.jpeg)

idk who Isa is but the other woman is Kate who was a student Cartman groomed and maintained a relationship with until adulthood. She cuts him off after she finds out he jacks off to underage pics of his wife and we're supposed to feel so sooper bad for him because she's da only second one he ever fell in love with ever uwu.
Also love that in your cap she said he stopped "dating" underage girls, not "grooming and raping" underage girls. She pretends it's all just fantasy but as evidenced by previous posts she really does believe a child can consent to a relationship with an adult, it's pretty sick.

No. 2024053

File: 1723192913590.jpg (122.24 KB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_20240808_172557_X.j…)

here she draws "fan art" of her own ocs that she larps as KEK

No. 2024056

You've got to admit that she really has a talent for comedy, though. Fatso dramatically crying because his victim blocked him, framed like we're supposed to feel bad for him? That's priceless

No. 2024152

KEKKKK the cinematic parallels to when her friends blocked her for the incest >>2020813

No. 2024270

dear elsie,
please do not let the twitter zoom zooms ruin this cow for me.

No. 2024397

Manic pixie dream dad

No. 2024441

omg her dad is so hot and quirky! what a lucky girl!

No. 2024576

she, laika whos totes not her guyz, and terry were all friends. Thats way too much concidence imo. Terry also said the larp was all obviously fake in her curious cat.

No. 2024596

there were two perrets who worked on witch, one was Marc Perret, who you're referring to, and the other was Iusse Perret, who isn't credited in anything after like 2006

No. 2024602

i feel like the fact she shows this shit to her mother doesn't get enough attention

No. 2024619

my personal headcannon is that the Laika project was a collaboration between adrien and one or more other autistic women, which is why the art is sometimes clearly hers (most notably the art by her 'father', but some of the black and white comics are also unambiguously her style) but on some occasions doesn't look like hers at all

No. 2024665

adding to this, i think the angular lines were an element incorporated from the other artists style (the zigzag blush also) and the blue haired happy hooker character was also designed by the other artist since she's much more unselfconsciously anime than any of adriens other female designs (pink eyes, blue hair with an ahoge AND anime bangs, huge tits with waist the width of her neck, etc.)

No. 2024705

ngl if her dad was real, he'd be so ugly based on her illustrations.

No. 2024716

File: 1723364127524.jpg (135.86 KB, 1242x1656, 5262f083b19c1b7c5871e9fca2a870…)

Tbh, I've been picturing him as Oscar Isaac. For the life of me I cannot explain why.

No. 2024760

File: 1723382759423.png (629.76 KB, 1080x1274, 1000009935.png)

i think this too. i for some reason was convinced there'd been evidence laika was american, but now i'm pretty sure that it was a collaborative project, with null doing the base sketches. there's some art on the laika account that doesn't appear to be drawn by null, or at least doesn't resemble her usual art, but does use the same lining style.
it would also explain the difference of personal interests, and account activity. if it's true, i'd kill to know who the other party was.

No. 2024782

It's been theorized on the other farms that it was a joint account between her and Ang iirc. I agree that the artstyle doesn't seem consistent in places. Unfortunately I don't have twitter to check it out furthermore.

No. 2024803

i refuse to believe she was actually SA’d after seeing this. even a woman who fetishizes her own sexual abuse couldnt bear to draw something like this. imagining another woman comforting your abuser the most sickening and nauseating feeling

No. 2024832

She fetishes FGM but drawing a woman comforting an abuser is what makes you believe she isn't a victim?
Being a SA victim doesn't prevent you from being a shitty person with shitty fetishes. While it wouldn't surprise me if she were lying about this (she did create the whole Laika persona after all), I still don't think this is enough to say she's never been SA'd. Many women make excuses for their abusers and romanticize their behavior.

No. 2024969

i don’t blame you since that’s basically how she draws him kek. honestly it’s funny to me how she gave her self-insert a more conventionally attractive moid meanwhile as null she’s drawing fucking cartman.

No. 2024993

But Kate never calls the cops on him because…?

No. 2025061

File: 1723452782638.png (39.6 KB, 2286x128, Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 1.50.…)

My curiosity got the better of me two years ago and for better or for worse I do have a screenshot of a purchase of 'Laika's first comic that was processed in Euros, which I thought was suspicious at the time. I am in the USA and iirc she claimed to live in New Jersey or something.

No. 2025086

If you're EU-based, it might be why the payement was processed in euros, but other than that, this may be a good proof for the laika=null theory.

No. 2025167

File: 1723480442189.png (42.14 KB, 700x362, Screenshot 2024-08-12.png)

And of course we have to be reminded all the time how she looks SO YOUNG and she's CHILDLIKE but EW what kind of nasty pervert is attracted to kids?

Not sure why you'd make Cartman if you found greasy pedophiles to be so revolting IRL but okay.

No. 2025168

File: 1723480769724.jpg (5.95 KB, 150x150, 8nvn7d.jpg)

of course she had to point out that she currently looks so young and childlike in the present. god shes fucking insufferable

No. 2025179

Its not real. She cant decide if shes super omega besties with her mom or if shes an abusive monster that made her starve herself.

No. 2025184

>i currently look like a teenager
what teen girl is morbidly obese, had a deep voice and is hairy like an ape? these larp posts are hilarious to read when we have proof of she looks and sound. At least shuwu was skinny and styled herself like a 00s emo teen, but this bitch is a fat fuck fucked up by t. She probably looks older than 30 because t makes you age like a scrote.

No. 2025188

Someone shares their trauma and she makes it all about her. I hate this kind of behavior so much. Not a single empathetic feeling was felt by her, she read something and immediately thought of herself even though she has nothing to do with the subject.

No. 2025195

Not EU based and never have been, the transaction was only notable to me for being processed in Euros. If not for this I might be less inclined to believe the Laika/Null theory but it's a compelling explanation for something otherwise inexplicable.

No. 2025287

File: 1723500366598.jpg (377.62 KB, 1179x732, IMG_2262.jpg)

She gets so vague about Lynn's trauma yet posts shit like this. She clearly loves being evasive about it as a troll move. But I want to know why a white French woman created, for fetish art purposes, a Chinese woman who envisions herself as a dog that gets routinely raped by its owner?

No. 2025290

Because she has yellow fever ands to be a dainty fit Asian American

No. 2025312

File: 1723506428013.jpg (511.95 KB, 1080x2034, Screenshot_20240812-192605__01…)

how desperately do you want to knock her down a peg? what she's eating is basically mutilated corpses It's all nauseating if you aren't willfully ignorant.

having positive opinions of anyone who she has been involved with is stupid. anyone effectively facilitating the sale of a young woman to disgusting old abuse fetish having perverts is scummy as hell. Mrs Burns is offensive by simply existing(wrong thread)

No. 2025314

wrong thread kek i have the shayna one tabbed too

No. 2025365

File: 1723519366920.png (96.76 KB, 2376x414, emca.png)

it's 7k/year which is about the norm for these kind of schools, gobelins is about 9k for undergrad.
as a rule the more prestigious art schools are state-run and free, but much more selective.
7k might not seem much by US saandards but it's definitely an expense in france considering most students attend public universities, which only charge a few hundred max, even the best ones.
perret is a ridiculously common name in france so they're not necessarily relations
she probably got a yellow fever complex from porn or hentai.

No. 2025442

I don't know how it works for the school she went to (EMCA), but if she had a scholarship (what's called "bourse" on the pic you posted), she might not have had to pay/had to pay a lot less. For public universities, if you have a scholarship, you don't need to pay the entrance fee, but idk how it works for art schools.
(this makes me curious on how many people itt are french, and if the girlies on the french threads know about Null.)

No. 2026008

File: 1723661894407.png (74.21 KB, 845x642, Screenshot (166).png)

Is this a normal thing for tifs? I know they like self mutilation but still..

No. 2026013

I want to a log so bad I'm having trouble holding myself back

No. 2026016

>pedo rape content
>typical commercial portfolio website
KEK if she can find industry work with this much dirty laundry hanging out we should all feel inspired to stop being crypto

No. 2026027

her last available work was animating for some LGBTWTFBBQ+ show

No. 2026267

do they think of why they'd be 'dogpiled to oblivion' (i.e people rightfully expressing their disgust over an ignorant woman romanticizing misogynistic genital mutilation) or do they just see any opinion differing from theirs and start screaming censorship? these people have such horrible persecution fetishes.

No. 2027543

I am, never heard of her before this thread (maybe we should bring her up on the french thread?). She's shockingly bad by EMCA standards. I first thought she graduated from one of those hyper-expensive shady unknown schools that aren't recognized by the french state, this is where you'd be most likely to find people like her. Most other EMCA graduates you see floating around are miles ahead of her. I wonder if she attended during COVID, since EMCA had issues with maintaining decent teaching during the pandemic.

No. 2027695

I can understand your confusion because Shayna doesn't really have a clit either

No. 2027757

ayrt, I am as well, and agree it might be a good idea to bring her up on the french thread but I personally have never posted there.
It's true she is exceptionally bad for a former EMCA student, her graduation movie posted earlier itt is so poorly animated it's painful to watch.
I've checked and she graduated in 2020, so most of her attendance came before COVID. I know a few people who got their diploma by default in 2020 as a lot of classes were canceled.

No. 2028821

File: 1724353024208.png (60.94 KB, 831x377, 24543543534.png)

Remember, nonas: if she's dry on Twitter, she's usually more interesting on her retrospring account. For example, her idea of wish fulfillment is apparently a fat pedophile who rapes and mutilates women. Not sure how pushing your wife to mutilate herself while constantly cheating on her with children makes him a great husband, but I suppose that's where her hatred of ~TERFs comes from. How dare women consider men like this repulsive!

No. 2028824

you know these idiots are larping because there are like 3 million fat cartmans who want to rape women and children out there. If they wanted they would be dating one already.

No. 2028864

>great husband
>literally rapes his wife, raped other women and children
She is so fucked in the head

No. 2028898

File: 1724367388616.jpg (399.33 KB, 1920x1080, 20240822_171651.jpg)

old milk she retweeted, but her lesbian OC she always draws having anal sex with men is also clitless from a mysterious assault incident she refuses to elaborate on? jfc. also kekking at the
>into: some weird shit, man…
she's so lazy and always into the same anal prolapse/FGM/rape/pedo bullshit she can't even come up with any more edgy fetishes for her C-list OCs

No. 2028899

She should create an OC with a feeder fetish, at least that's different and would explain why they choose to date fat uggos kek

No. 2028901

File: 1724368058782.png (37.45 KB, 830x421, 1000006903.png)

> I guess my FGM sperging is just too quirky and lolrandom for twitter teehee

No. 2028902

For someone who went to art college her designs are terrible and incredibly painful to the eyes. The fatty and the fag looks generic and then the middle girl looks like it was drawn by some chuuni 14yo

No. 2028912

i can never understand how people like this dont get bored of thinking about sex 24/7

No. 2028913

she's likely never had sex and hasn't gotten it "out of her system", so to speak. she's got incel virgin gooner brainrot

No. 2028920

File: 1724372992821.jpg (Spoiler Image,213.34 KB, 1067x1200, FF35I2eXsAEdH0_.jpg)


Oh yeah, the ""weird shit"" she's into is… fetishizing Robin for being mutilated and also wanting to make out with her eye socked.


No. 2028921

File: 1724373067524.jpg (Spoiler Image,176.6 KB, 1067x1200, FF35I2bWQAwM1zy.jpg)



This was probably before she got super comfortable with just how much she loves pedophilia and being a hybistrophile, because this is when her Lola and Joji OCs were openly rape kinkesque but not when she was all about fetishizing ""villains"" lmao

No. 2028922

She has STRONG insecure virgin energy kek, she has similar energy to those people who pointlessly lie about it like "yeah I've had sex and it's just okay tbh I have better things to do" kek. Maybe if she wasn't such a pickme she could have talked to other women and been reassured that she's not missing much instead of gooning to mutilation.

No. 2028923

File: 1724373268675.jpg (77.37 KB, 700x766, FF35I2bWQAwM1zy2.jpg)


And this pretty much explains the whole "Lynn is against Cyrus being a pedophile and rapist but also finds it soooo sexy as well." The self insertness of it all is so embarrassing lol

No. 2028924

Literally the picrel in >>2028901 kek

No. 2028929

literally SO fucking lazy lmao. do all her shitty ocs have this ~dark backstory~ that she refuses to elaborate on to make herself feel special?
this is disgusting beyond words, i genuinely can't believe women like this actually exist.
>makes yet another fgm victim oc
>which is subjected to other comically evil ocs that fetishize the fgm
she's even unoriginal with the edge.

No. 2028946

>look how smooth it is
Is this why she's into it? And why is Robin so flat chested? She looks like a man sometimes.

No. 2028949

No for real,
So she has tits here
but none whatsoever here?

No. 2028952

all their names are so comically bad. i don't understand robins weird tattoos either, i thought she was going to be native/aboriginal/whichever but they're just there? teasing a super dark, super edgy backstory again is just boring, she really does just shit these characters out and act like they're so deep.

No. 2029007

>she has similar energy to those people who pointlessly lie about it like "yeah I've had sex and it's just okay tbh I have better things to do"
AYRT, i typically am more likely to believe those who say things like that especially if they haven't been in a LTR (it's 'just okay' to them because they don't know the difference in sexual chemistry between one night stands/FWB and a solid LTR), she's more on the "teehee i have such CUHHRAZYYY kinks like i am SUCH a freak!!" side of obvious virgin

this cow reminds me quite a bit of Soren

No. 2029042

I was just thinking of her anon bc she reminds me of this cow too kek. I really don’t understand this flavor of brainrot in other women like I assume it’s just porn and terminal online behavior plus mental illness of some sort but god

No. 2029098

File: 1724416987404.png (Spoiler Image,2.24 MB, 1920x4188, gross.png)

"local lesbian discovers the joys of anal sex"

idk why she's so fixated on lesbians and anal but it's the most pornsick moid thing i can think of that she's obsessed with lmao. the rest of her fetishes though are just straight up serial killer tier.

No. 2029106

This shit is just funny at this point, female anal sex is literally a pornsick moid meme and it is derived from the natural homosexual male urge. Top fucking KEK.

No. 2029107

I never knew that people could be this disgusting. I’ve just unlocked a level of degeneracy that made me lose the small hope I had for humans.

No. 2029108

She seems like a woman who discovered porn way too young, got addicted to it and had to search for more out there kinks since the normal stuff wasn’t doing it for her anymore. No wonder they mistake her as a TIM, she’s as porn sick as one.

No. 2029110

so it's a tranny after all
"clitoral removal" = sex change operation

No. 2029111

yhe difference is that she’ll never harm another person (unless it’s another mentally unwell woman). But you’re right; we should be aware that women can become porn-sick, which can lead to unhealthy self destructive behaviors, due to an escalation of fetishes

No. 2029114

If it’s about her OCs they’re actually female who have underwent FGM, she only has a TIM oc, who is groomed by an old lady OC.
It’s my first time being on this thread , but I’ve never seen a woman with this level of degeneracy, I’ve always seen men. From FGM, prolapse, grooming, rape, pee, fisting etc…if you think about any gross or violent shit , she surely has a fetish about it.

No. 2029115

The voice, honey. That is the voice of a troon.

No. 2029120

I've only heard blurbs of her deltarune playthrough around on tumblr, and she sounds a lot more like a tif than she does a tim. She just has that froggy, speaking-from-the-throat voice.
Many tif end up with gross kinks. Sexual degeneracy encourages more sexual degeneracy. There are multiple tifs subreddits focused on these, most notable (that has already been talked about on the tif thread) being r/ftmpunished or something.

No. 2029121

You're weirdly defensive of this thing being a woman, anon.

No. 2029124

ntayrt but she IS unfortunately a woman, no matter how gross her fetishes are and how unsightly she may be. pornsick tifs aren't an uncommon occurrence especially in these proship circles.

No. 2029125

"troon" just means "tranny," either gender can be called "troon"
but it is kind of weird how actively you feel the need to defend her in any way considering who she is

No. 2029127

>she only has a TIM oc, who is groomed by an old lady OC.
whose that?

No. 2029130

File: 1724424375569.jpg (362.61 KB, 1920x1080, 20240823_114126.jpg)

NTAYRT but here it is. how would the tranny make bank selling hole pics yet no one knew he was a man? actually hilarious she wrote him getting mass reported off Patreon for being a scrote KEK

No. 2029132

wow, this is even more gross and disgusting then I thought It would be

No. 2029138

The fakebian old lady looks like she was based off Komaeda, and the tranny off the fakegirl troon from Dagan Ronpa (forgot the name).

No. 2029142

To me it's pretty obvious that null and laika are the same person (or at least one of the owners of the laika persona is null, but I also find the shared account thing a little bit suspicious) and the replies that are working overtime to try to discredit this smell like a certain white french woman that loves to fantasize about abusing asian women. I mean, we have pic evidence that miss prolapsed anus has been a long time lurker of the farms, and it's not like cows have never tried shitting up their threads and/or trying to divert the attention of the nonas. While it's fine to post her retarded abuse fantasy doodles, a lot of it isn't really that milky and don't really contain any details about her and her general life, fousing on the mother, the sister (which I'm not sure exists but there's a decent chance she does), her most likely absent (but alive) totally famous father and her filthy apartment/living situation is (at least to me) more relevant and interesting.

No. 2029150

Lmao unrelated but I’m bi and I honestly thought the same thing about anal sex but when I had it it felt pretty good lmao(blogposting)

No. 2029157

no1currs retard, take your prolapsed anus elsewhere

No. 2029161

I hate these oc obsessed artists who create a bunch of them, give them random superficial characteristics that they think are actually sooper deep, then do nothing of value with them. There are so many of them. It's endelssly boring. Idk how they have fans and followers.

No. 2029170

File: 1724431864616.jpg (832.99 KB, 2031x2160, troonlynn feat misogyny.jpg)

ayrt, I didn't defend her, I'm just saying it's not uncommon for tifs to be as gross as she is. Her kinks are absolutely vile and no one should defend her.
She's also posted an AU where her asian woman is a tim.
is this going to turn into the shayna thread where we get retards defending eating their boyfriend's ass?

No. 2029173

Literally no one cares.

No. 2029176

jfc and I thought it couldn't get worse lmao. so is lynn an enuch in this AU too or is she only into women getting their genitals mutilated? and ofc pedo Cartman would be the "trans inclusive radical misogynist" type

No. 2029177

Idk, I'd be worried about women with this mixture of neuroses turning into the malicious brand of pickme who turn a blind eye when their pet moid abuses other women.

No. 2029179

no lynn isn't an eunuch nor is genital mutilation talked about in this au. this goes to show she doesn't care about male genital mutilation, only fgm. this is not a sentence i thought i'd ever type in my life but here we are.
maybe it's just me but the art in the top panels is very laika-like, more than her usual style i feel like.

No. 2029186

Admitting you take dick where you shit is still such a self own.

No. 2029193

Wtf are those tattoos

No. 2029216

i don't get this? if he's transphobic but dating a tranny, wouldn't that be the exact definition of a chaser?

No. 2029263

A chaser is someone who fetishes trannies, so ig the punchline here is well he may be a pedophile and a rapist and a cheater and a misogynist but at least he doesn't fetishes trans people!!

No. 2029313


or more specifically, he might be a child raping misogynist freak but at least he respects male!lynn's identity!! which is so handmaiden its almost gagworthy lol

No. 2029330

File: 1724453018210.jpg (144.08 KB, 1028x313, 1000024584.jpg)

Dunno if some nonnie pointed it out but Ad is really close with Mikey clownstongue, a unhinged detrans furfag artist who turned out to be underage when she initially started posting her nsfl porn. When confronted about this instead of being rational and disgusted that she was talking to a minor privately and in most likely a sexual manner she deflects by saying how rude the ask is and she continues to be friends with Mikey to this day.

No. 2029343

It might be obvious to say but given how Null keeps fetishizing pedophilia and groomers, saying it's not abuse because they kissed their teachers first (legit argument she uses to justify pedo cartman's behavior, he may have groomed his underage students but it's not abuse because he let them do the first move), she should not be let anywhere near any minor, as unhinged as they may be.
If anyone ever comes out saying Null tried to groom them or some shit, I wouldn't be surprised. Her art is disgusting, but how she behaves about her art and her little ocs and how she rationalizes abuse and rape as something that isn't bad is a whole other can of worms.

No. 2029362

File: 1724458609122.jpg (844.98 KB, 1892x1819, 1000019659.jpg)

Found another old piece of "Laika" and yeah it's obvious this was Adrien from the start. This style is just her normal one including the brushes and weird effect she always puts on to hide her shitty lineart

No. 2029369

File: 1724459415130.jpg (326.69 KB, 1080x2046, Screenshot_20240518_191740_X.j…)

Adrien did this act in her early laika days where she pretended to be a reporter trying to debunk dsd and rp'd with herself on twitter. Of course Laika totally owned said reporter (that never even had a account). Most pathetic shit ever kek

No. 2029384

File: 1724463618760.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.82 KB, 430x473, 1000024586.jpg)

You can actually find all volumes of Limerence reuploaded online to hentai sites btw so you too can read thru all 413 poorly drawn pages of Ad's unlikeable self insert and her not dead tumblr sexy man dad. She was really mad about it all being reuploaded, even making it a point in one of her ending words. Sorry but no one should be paying for this shit

No. 2029393

File: 1724465283666.png (495.72 KB, 687x972, Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 21-06…)


Wow, when you see the victim blaming in the writing, you can honestly really tell Laika is 100% Null. I still don't get why the incest was what made her create an entire new persona. How are you gonna be friends with someone that draws prolapse and rape porn but you draw the line at incest? It's all depraved.

No. 2029394

I think the incest fetish got its own persona just because she wanted to roleplay being a cute skinny girl

No. 2029396

File: 1724465796550.png (381.66 KB, 687x972, scd783.png)


Another page from Limerence. If her dad really DID kill herself this is extremely twisted, even for her.

No. 2029399

File: 1724466593644.jpg (144.09 KB, 1076x653, Screenshot_20240710_081647_Tel…)

before Ad got bored with these ocs and moved on to knockoff adult cartman, she actually had a pregnancy / abortion arc in mind & was gonna presumely feature it in limerence. Laika & her followers always had very extreme views on inbreeding / children from incest so it's a wonder how'd she justify this in her comic. I distinctly remember Vee (Ang Vondra who also does the incest larp) going as far as calling it eugenics to be against the idea too

No. 2029402

Nulls writing is very bad and recognizable like her art. The entire comic tries to make you sympathize with Laika but she acts too much like Null to do so. Talks & acts like her, has mental breakdowns over Twitter but pretends to be tough, etc. There's a arc where Laika pretty much "stealths" Van but the readers are supposed to take Laika's side because Van is portrayed as unreasonable and wrong. Then Van rapes Laika and that's supposed to make it "even" in that regard. This woman is unbelievably misogynistic and it drips thru her predictable Mary sue characters & writing

No. 2029403

Wasn't the whole reason that Laika and her dad started dating for is her mom dying when she was a kid? Was is her mom here yelling at her dad? Unless that's not her and some other woman.

No. 2029406

File: 1724467881535.jpg (390.84 KB, 1280x1811, image_063.jpg)


No, the woman there is a ""friend"" named Gabi who keeps in touch with Laika but hates her dad and is disgusted by him, yet then turns around and seems to believe Laika is NOT being incestuously abused. She has a serious fixation on justifying male abuse towards women.

No. 2029415

It's common in proship circles for women to be this degenerate. I've seen a few who get off to incest rape necrophilia pedo nazis and mutilation.

No. 2029419

File: 1724469712181.jpg (Spoiler Image,616.02 KB, 1240x1395, LIMERENCE_PART_4_49.jpg)


Another page from the comic (spoilered for suicide imagery, wasn't sure if that counted for spoilers).

No. 2029423

Good riddance kek

No. 2029424

If anyone still doubts null is laika, here's your proof. She basically just drew lynn's face without the scars here.

No. 2029425

The fucking hooves.

No. 2029434

File: 1724473901065.jpg (508.03 KB, 1272x1800, 1000024590.jpg)

She kept including "ex friends" in her comics to paint them out as villians who abandoned her (sound familiar?) but they always seem sane & rational compared to her. But since this is a personal fantasy of Null's most of those former friends (including Gabi) 'return to their senses' & suddenly accept their relationship / goad them on. Reminds me of how she also let's Cyrus get away with everything in the end because he's just so cunning and charming. Very weird wish fulfillment but what has Null written that isn't?

No. 2029455

Looking at the layouts of these pages it's clear it's the same person. She has a bad habit of making her panels feel very claustrophobic, overutilizing close-ups of characters and the placement of speech bubbles with way too much text.

No. 2029469

Who asked?
Enjoy your prolapsed hole , hemorrhoids and the higher risk of anus cancer.

No. 2029478

Written and drawn like a bad fanfiction, kek. I appreciate the effort that went into the worldbuilding, at least. The art style as well- her regular art style looks… fat and sweaty, somehow.

No. 2029491

Fuck I hate the newfags here so much
She most likely used a medical photograph taken of a real FGM victim for reference here

No. 2029499

Agreed. The people itt who say Null has to be a tim because no woman would draw or fetishize this have obviously never seen other proshippers. Hell, even Ang is fairly well-known here (very frequently mentioned in the animation industry thread) for drawing toddlercon, rape and incest, and we had a thread earlier this year on the tif with an extreme amputation fetish, Homunculus or something.

No. 2029507

nemu and soren (both mentioned in this thread) also come to mind. the annals of lolcow history are full of biological women who write/draw absolutely heinous shit.

No. 2029528

this nigga is reall trying to portray the woman as unreasonable and in the wrong because akshually guys you can totes be in love and in a consenting relationship with your own father i literally fucking hate her

No. 2029542

I think some nonna's are absolutely fed up with men claiming that women are just as bad as they are and so they instantly jump to defend anyone who draws the most messed-up shit, yet nobody ever says that these women are just as bad as men, but they are degenerate and pornsick, and some people can’t stand hearing that because, surprise, some of them are also into related depravity

No. 2029576

I havent seen a single person in this thread defend null, just retards assuming that saying she's a woman and not a tim equals a defense. what the fuck are you on?

No. 2029664

only one person claimed "defense" and that was after someone kept ree-ing "she's a real girl with real gross feelings" within seconds of anyone posting itt, that kind of responding is strangely defensive, even if she's obviously female; it implies that someone feels the need to protect her image for some reason

No. 2029690

File: 1724538262777.jpeg (271.25 KB, 960x1200, GVl7L1EXAAECfLi.jpeg)

This is so comically retarded it makes me laugh

No. 2029706

Even with all her pornsick internalized misogyny she's still just an annoying tumblr young adult romance oriented fanfic trope loving female. I think that's what makes her so funny to follow. She has all these edgy terminally online fetishes but she still maintains her girly-ass essence. Also her art is horrifically fugly and unappealing.

No. 2029714

File: 1724542745172.jpg (514.7 KB, 1272x1800, 1000024591.jpg)

She has so many moments like that in the comic where she's treated "badly" by ex friends but even the most extreme example here seems like a sane response to Nulls psychopathy. It really does help confirm this was done as some sort of tantrum because one of her few friends realized that she is degenerate not worth their time. Ad really wants to show herself as a badass but still a victim

No. 2029716

> people like me aren't supposed to have friends
Kek, Null being correct for the first time in her life

No. 2029718

just realized that both Cyrus & Van are pretty copy pasted idealized versions of Ad's ideal partner. A fatherly Dom who takes care of / dotes on his partner, both have tumblr versions of autism. Both are written to be "conservatives" but have to also love / support troons because in Ads warped mind being a rapist is better than being a mean transphobe.

No. 2029721

File: 1724544309915.jpg (299.25 KB, 1200x969, 1000024598.jpg)

Ad loves making sure you understand that these two predators totally love & respect the trannies. She calls Cyrus transphobic but her troon!lynn au shows he sees moids as women if they're "hysterical" enough. He just finds them "gross" (but is willing to sleep with one) but still respects their pronouns because that makes sense somehow? This comic is just 'see? he fucked a tranny because they CAN pass really well' which is just pure cope

No. 2029723

To be fair a racist/misogynistic conservative supporting troons isn't unrealistic or even rare kek

No. 2029728

wtf does she get out of this?
not the character, the author

No. 2029729

look at blair white

No. 2029730

File: 1724545188523.jpg (109.5 KB, 1080x349, 1000024601.jpg)

True but it's just funny that she's trying to virtue signal through her rapist characters of all things. Her writing is all "wants to have her cake & eat it too" where Cy can't just misgender some fictional teen he's molesting he has standards. "Laika" also had this weird obsession on TIMS & would tweet several times abt trying troondick. There's a good chance if that "dom gf" is actually real its a fat moid kek

No. 2029738

It's a very very bizarre pickme-induced brainrot kek, she simply MUST be edgier and more extreme in bed than all the other TIFs. Plus what seems to be covert racism directed exclusively at women?? It genuinely makes me wonder if her conservative characters are an outlet for her real beliefs, because we never hear any real opposing viewpoint in depth (anime writing like "UWAAAA HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT" doesn't count) and it's oddly consistent with her "everything is on the table except transphobia" writing. Null is definitely retarded enough to vote against her own best interests to own the Staceys from high school or something kek.

No. 2029750

some of her fans who engage with her work and pay for her patreon are men simping because she's a female fetish artist.

No. 2029751

males don't have restraint though lol

No. 2029763

File: 1724553246915.jpg (484.77 KB, 1080x1146, 1000024622.jpg)

These degens all copy one another kek

No. 2029835

File: 1724584209793.jpg (Spoiler Image,851.37 KB, 2031x2160, it's funny how the tif looks l…)

As a fun fact, her pedo cartman character respects tims but not tifs! the caption for this one is "[cw: misgendering] Let's be honest he's probably not even aware trans men are a thing". Funny how pedophilia or grooming or rape doesn't warrant a cw but misgendering does kek

No. 2029872

Literally no one wants to fuck fat obese moids like this tho besides maybe those weird gay chubby chaser faggots I am so disgusted by everything about her “art” and characters but on a base level I just can’t move past the fact that if her OC was real he would not be remotely beloved or lusted after

No. 2029908

>Literally no one wants to fuck fat obese moids like this
that's the point, whether she'll admit it or not, him being fat and ugly is degrading and disgusting and that's why she thinks it's hot. he could have been a goblin and it would have the same result

No. 2029913

Tifs always experience misogyny, so much so that they call it transandrophobia. They don’t realize that they never change.

No. 2029919

Wish they would realize that males don't hate them because they 'look masculine' (no they don't) but because they have a vagina lmao

No. 2029922

>respects tims but not tifs
That's how it is even for the most trans stanning lefty moids.
>inb4 she makes a full on hentai ugly bastard oc

No. 2029934

You say this like pedo cartman isn't already an ugly bastard

No. 2029936

He is, but there's even worse out there, as in intentionally grotesquely ugly.

No. 2029939

File: 1724606084133.png (423.89 KB, 634x372, hmm.png)

these panels are eerily similar. hmm…

No. 2029964

you can tell a woman wrote this fanfic because the suicide method isnt violent enough for an irl man. Adrien remember this for your future larping endeavours: Men like to blow their brains out rather than cosplay a faggy hannah baker

No. 2029970

Though I agree men use more violent suicide methods, Null lives in France, where it's pretty much impossible to get a gun. If Laika's father is meant to be a parallel to her IRL father, it makes sense she used the same bathtub imagery as she did here >>2020763

No. 2029979

looking at this makes it particularly obvious how awkward and fake the laika style really is. i don’t know enough art terminology to explain it, but it just doesn’t look organic.

No. 2030014

i refuse to believe this person went to art school, holy shit this is ugly

No. 2030021

Not encouraging cowtipping but has anyone ever bothered to ask Null if they were Laika? She has nothing to lose from confirming or denying it given her art and followers.

No. 2030022

I think nonas who pointed out she's also self inserting as pedo Cartman instead of just Lynn were originally right. I mean, we already know she's obese, hairy, autistic and used to be a tif. Pedo Cartman is probably close to what she looks like irl and peak fantasy fulfillment of what she wanted to be like before detransing; she gets to live as a scummy fat pedo bastard, somehow irresistible to every flavor of pickme no matter how self-respecting through her shitty comics.
I somehow find her art as null wayy crappier than her laika art. at least she tried going for some stylization, her current shit always looks rushed, sloppy and so devoid of any eroticism. I doubt even the proshit coomers in her audience genuinely get off to her doodles, nothing even remotely arousing about them.

No. 2030029

File: 1724625676148.jpg (305.15 KB, 1080x1363, Screenshot_20240518_183112_X.j…)

Laika made a guide on how to copy her shitty art style which just shows how manufactured it is. Hilarious because now I can't stop seeing how bad actually Ads art is without the amount of filters she puts on.

No. 2030032

She doesn't admit to it because probably still gets off to clueless people who see the autistic amount of effort put in first and believe it's real / act in disgust (we already know how much she loves getting a rise out of people) or likes the attention from other perverts. She obviously expected a big blowout from this but never got any because outside her degenerate circle no one on Twitter would see the shitty art and care to look deeper.

No. 2030033

Adrien has said that she was never able to orgasm naturally in the first place which is what pushed her to fgm & anal already but honestly even this is questionable.

No. 2030036

>She has nothing to lose from confirming or denying it given her art and followers
If she made the Laika persona bc her friend got mad at her for her incest art like some anons speculated I doupt she'll confirm it. I remember someone from KF already asked Laika if she's Null and se denied it. for me it's pretty clear that it's her, looking at the art posted in here. no need to cowtip.

No. 2030040

File: 1724627891254.jpg (652.11 KB, 1412x2419, SmartSelect_20240825-161447_X.…)

This is hilarious in retrospect. Yeah let me just hop onto my alt to reply to myself to give an explanation as to why I can't collab so that my audience doesn't cancel me for associating with incest artists.

No. 2030041

>my lack of proper training
Yeah I’m really doubting she went to art school with this self admission

No. 2030046

I thought that was a transparent attempt at throwing people off of her trail kek

No. 2030049

File: 1724630321320.png (Spoiler Image,522.21 KB, 1319x6805, lastdancecoldshower.png)

Was lurking aethy (which is where a lot of these proship freaks hang out, it's a Mastodon instance - baraag is the one that null hangs out on most but she's followed by a lot of girls from there) and found someone posted this depraved fic about a high schooler being hung to death as a snuff fic. And lo and behold, look who I found giving kudos to the fic.

Spoilering because it may be a fic but it's graphic depictions of a girl dying for the sexual excitement of others, so. It's the entire fic so sorry for this gigantic screenshot.

No. 2030088

The sick fuck who wrote this choosing not to use archive warnings pisses me off so much

No. 2030098

That was one of the worst things I've ever read.

No. 2030103

>Vaginal ejaculation


No. 2030104

Honestly, I can't even be offended considering how terrible the formatting of the sentences are.

No. 2030105

somehow, what pains me the most about this is the fact that nearly every paragraph is only a line long.

No. 2030107

File: 1724643961163.jpeg (476.76 KB, 696x804, IMG_1417.jpeg)

null's got a real thing for homophobia under a thin veil of "progressive" gender politics

No. 2030110

File: 1724644461890.jpeg (161.37 KB, 702x318, IMG_1418.jpeg)

sf, there is not a mentally stable person on this earth who would find this endearing

No. 2030114

These panels alone should shatter whatever tiny little crumb of believability this shit had. I cannot believe she was pushing this shit as being based on real life. I mean a grown man saying literally any of that to his teenage child is like Homestuck fanfiction levels of fiction. All her shit feels like genuine autism. She definitely got the eugenics worthy strain.

No. 2030116

My extremely real middle aged dad, who is obsessed with tumblr/4chan discussion topics and finds alison bechdel attractive

No. 2030130

still had doubts before but the paneling and wordiness of this comic convinced me null is laika.

No. 2030134

File: 1724653570386.jpg (257.15 KB, 992x1038, tumblr_inline_otb3y4M7cT1rx80f…)

He's extremely close to what she used to look like, he has the same hairstyle she used to(?) wear and she also spent a long time dying her hair red when she was LARPing as a man. Considering picrel is when she was 18-20 she must look much older (and hairy) from years of taking T. She's probably a dead ringer for Cartman if she hasn't detransitioned yet.

No. 2030135

File: 1724654180997.png (695.32 KB, 540x1027, adrienperretnull.png)


Agreed - here's another selfie when she was LARPing as a guy.

No. 2030136

File: 1724654435897.png (189.23 KB, 1372x1157, polyglotplatypusnull.png)

I always like to find proof that connects Null to her various accounts, so here's more that polyglotplatypus was her Tumblr account.

Archive link here, since we know she's a little thread follower: https://archive.is/lu6PK

No. 2030137

Her audience is probably following her to pwn da antis. The annoying brand of Twittoid edgelords
who get a rush from saying words like faggot or retard but would NEVER step to identity politics. Plus I'm convinced that Null is using her conservative characters as a "subtle" way to air out her real feelings on shit kek
… isn't this accidentally admitting that being attracted to transwomen is gay?

No. 2030140

File: 1724655186406.jpg (287.6 KB, 1280x1067, tumblr_p27hwxkOIc1so7zheo1_128…)

She also wears glasses

No. 2030142


No. 2030152

File: 1724657610029.png (252 KB, 1108x1422, health1.png)

combed through the personal tag on polyglotplatypus to see if i could find anything interesting. i tried to group screenshots by subject.

No. 2030153

File: 1724657652139.png (120.89 KB, 540x1645, health2.png)

No. 2030154

File: 1724657989255.png (177.87 KB, 540x1703, health3.png)

No. 2030156

File: 1724658103310.png (3.8 MB, 1094x4062, health4.png)


sorry for any repost content btw. i tried to dig as much as i can into lesser poster stuff and more about her when she was younger.

No. 2030158

>mom is a munchie
>daughter is also a munchie (possibly from too much tumblr use)
>munchie mom sends daughter to her special munchie-approved doctor who proceeds to diagnose daughter with everything under the sun
Holy keks. There was no hope for this TIF. It's no wonder she developed insane fetishes like FGM and had an alter ego where she killed her mom and had sex with her manic pixie dream dad. I wonder if this was before or after she went on testosterone? It's curious the male LARP is present but there's no mention of the health issues caused by taking hormones, even indirectly.

No. 2030161

interesting that she ate herself into type 2 diabetes… the T won't help the health issues

No. 2030165

> Seeing you slap my health issues on your degenerate fetish OC makes me feel so much better about them!

No. 2030177

whats with tumblrtards and drawing themselves vaguely asian looking

No. 2030180

File: 1724671309863.jpeg (501.24 KB, 717x814, IMG_1419.jpeg)

>Plus I'm convinced that Null is using her conservative characters as a "subtle" way to air out her real feelings on shit kek
That is exactly what she's doing.

No. 2030182

laika is a asian fisher so maybe thats why, she wants to skin walk a asian american so bad
"you a fan of the catholic church?"
>says the man fucking his daughter
god this bitch is so fucking autistic its giving me second hand embarrassment also she realizes that the hijab is used as a tool for oppression but fgm isnt? i want to alog so fucking bad..

No. 2030184

This was definitely written by a French woman kek. Try harder Null. I love the loophole that he raised "an American" daughter, this way she doesn't have to try too hard to smother her terminally french opinions and pass herself off as a real usamerican. Plus I thought her dad was half-russian? Curious lack of any soviet union or Russian heritage LARPing from his part in any of these comics.

No. 2030186

File: 1724674508260.jpg (478.86 KB, 1080x1923, 1000024699.jpg)

Because her larp made her chose from two states where incest is legal she had to pretend she was from fucking jersey of all places. Of course she just used stereotypes / basic info & news stories anyone could parse from a Google search about the area. Similar to how shallow Cy & Lynn are as Asians because Null wants to be asian so bad but is stuck as a fat white girl relying on stuff she found online at a click. It just makes everything about her even more embarrassing

No. 2030187

Choosing not to use warnings will put the fic automatically in the restricted category, though. CCNTW means basically "this fic could have anything in it."

No. 2030189

>I've never travelled on my own before, dad was always with me
>Is 29 years old

No. 2030198

File: 1724677203751.jpg (573.14 KB, 1080x2345, Screenshot_20240707_171208_Tum…)

Adding this post made by Ad where she talks about her dead father & how she wishes she can be like him. Notice how whines about her evil mom who took care of her & throws her under a bus to uplift an "ideal" father (lost a comic where he called her a retard). Clearly their relationship got better enough to where Null feels comfortable showing her rape porn so good for her I guess? Show her Limerence Ad I dare ya

No. 2030206

Maybe that's why she spent so much effort making up an alter ego, so her mom won't find her incest comics which are clearly about an idealized version of her dad?

No. 2030211

>hours he spent in the kitchen trying to make something
But no sympathy for the hours her mother spent in the kitchen to feed her.
How recent this post is?

No. 2030243

File: 1724688444677.png (324.66 KB, 1080x2264, bro WHAT.png)

I went back on her blog to check, and it's dated August 21, 2015.
As a side note I found a post on a tumblr talking about racism. The weirdest part to me is "in France the n-word can be said by anyone to anyone, and it’s used as a synonym for “dude” or “buddy”". Other french nonnas correct me if i'm wrong but, bro what? I know the post was made in late 2015, but still, most french people knew not to use the n-word and it was absolutely NOT used as a way to say dude or buddy. Wtf was she on?

No. 2030245

i want her pseudowoke liberal followers to see this so bad oh my god

No. 2030248

too much anime consumption

No. 2030252

>fun fact, over here Spanish people are considered white
wtf else would they be considered? did she mean like latino people?

No. 2030253

>I still think European people are a lot less racist than Americans
>in France the n-word can be said by anyone to anyone; the racist connotation kinda got lost over the centuries I guess?
Guys please don't sleep on 200+ years of the n-word being reclaimed in France

No. 2030258

i think that this theory is plausible, but there was also a post upthread where she tweeted about showing her mother one of the cy and lynn comics and her mother asking if lynn was cy’s therapist (iirc), so clearly her mother can’t be keeping up with her online activities THAT much

No. 2030263

File: 1724691358928.jpg (385.38 KB, 939x1801, Screenshot_20240826_185507_Chr…)

These spergouts of her are really funny kek

No. 2030265

File: 1724691450377.jpg (294.6 KB, 1022x1449, Screenshot_20240826_185634_Chr…)

No. 2030269

>mic drop
well she is upholding the culture of frenchies being pedophilic degenerates

No. 2030270

File: 1724691982903.gif (133.25 KB, 150x120, 1e6626c4d810.gif)

>over here, Spanish people are considered white
My fucking sides, this bitch is so retarded.

No. 2030272

File: 1724692269850.png (3.06 MB, 540x4837, family1.png)

and now for some posts from her tumblr about her family.

No. 2030273

i’m guessing she doesn’t consider black americans african americans? oh man i want her to type that out for everyone to see. the backlash will be amazing.

No. 2030274

File: 1724692362614.png (3.17 MB, 2182x2603, family2.png)

No. 2030278

File: 1724692693253.png (1.82 MB, 1092x1881, family3.png)

No. 2030280

She also has sisters who might be in the age range to stumble across her tumblr or twitter

No. 2030289

>"it's just his opinions not mine !!"
it's so clearly hers…
weird how comfortable she is bragging about wanting her/other women's genitals cut off but she's shy about criticizing islam

No. 2030291

I don’t get it, why was she getting thousands of notes on comics that portray nothing but completely unremarkable interactions? The art is bad too so it can’t be that.

No. 2030292

It's a good thing that France isn't racist, or else freaking out about brown people hypothetically calling themselves French would look kind of bad

No. 2030295

>HamburgerLand with racist people
Sorry if this is controversial but that's RICH coming from a loser from a place of chronic losers. Does she know that everyone sees France as frog leg eating white flag wavers who are even more blatantly rude and racist than Americans? The days of everyone looking at that shithole with glitter in their eyes and poodle skirts on the brain are long gone LOL.

No. 2030296

The style on the left is so incredibly similar to the Laika art, especially in the third panel. I can't believe I ever doubted this theory.

No. 2030300

underrated file name

No. 2030301

Do you have the one comic about her childhood where she brags about being "better at being at girl" than her older sisters? I didn't save it while going through her #personal tag but it made me kek. Of course you were good at being a girl, you are literally female. And peep the tranny rhetoric of "being better at being a wooman than those biological cissluts". She kept the male LARP for many many years. It's kind of funny as you approach 2021/2022 she starts admitting that she's trans kek

No. 2030304

Because her blog was popular in the Homestuck fandom. Also because kids love bad art. It's easy for beginner artists to emulate and looks attainable even for total non-artists. I believe that's why people still follow her. Everything she produces is ugly, sloppy trash that makes the other mouthbreathers think maybe they can make comics too!

No. 2030305

File: 1724698298166.png (2.26 MB, 540x6716, longhair.png)


ask and ye shall receive

No. 2030307

File: 1724698657366.png (627.09 KB, 1099x1575, trans.png)

some stuff about her trans era - having crawled back to about 2014, she only seemed to really get into the idea of nullification (or at least open about posting about it) in about 2018-2019 or so.

also she has posted one of her addresses in the past when a tumblr user sent her a gravity falls hat as well as photos of the school she went to but i don't know if that breaks the doxxing rule. if it's OK lmk and i can post it.

No. 2030318

I'm coming up with a theory. all of this annoying shit about transmeds and transtrenders and people who want no genitals or both genitals… it's so annoying and the people who talk about it are so annoying that she just absolutely hated everyone who gave her any time of day and only put up with them because she had no one else to talk to. and as soon as she had a falling out with her friends, she dedicated her online art career to triggering the sort of girls she used to hang out with, like lesbians being fucked by their dads and other men, women going through FGM, women with FGM being sodomized and prolapsed, teenagers being raped by their teacher, the the dad and pedo misgendering tifs and tims. and the way she evades being canceled is by saying "this is just my kink and that's kinkshaming."

No. 2030319

If she posted it herself I don't think it's doxing.

No. 2030320

File: 1724699780622.jpg (10.16 KB, 200x200, tumblr_ng6ndsI6GF1so7zheo1_250…)

So she has a traumatic backstory about being raped multiple times that she refuses to talk about huh, very similar to one certain OC. Some people were arguing whether her father molested her (taking into account the father/daughter incest fetish at that) but I actually don't believe so, I think the fact that he died when she was 12 is proof enough that she's Laika and that the whole story is a LARP, she had a lot of time and tumblr brainrot to build him up in her mind as her perfect partner and savior. In that story she also never had sexual contact with her father before she was 23, and is adamant that she was the one who "started it" and who pursued her father, he's an innocent little victim of hers uwu. You'd think someone who makes these sorts of comics about having been raped would have some perspective if she suffered actual sexual abuse from her father. Which gets me to think the whole mysterious rape story is also fake, just look at her recent OC comics. She is a pathological liar after all.

No. 2030322

File: 1724699924416.png (3.87 MB, 1655x2356, personal.png)


OK, if mods delete it i will understand. she actually used to be extremely lax with her info, but everyone on tumblr was like that back then. now all the cows are figuring out how easy it is to find shit out about them kek

No. 2030323

File: 1724700214079.jpg (84.64 KB, 1280x800, birthday.jpg)


if she was born in 1997, she's about 27 now, and she answered back when she was 17 that he had died 5 years ago so he had died in about 2009 - just confirming she was around 12 at the time. i wonder if any french nonnas could narrow down an obituary knowing her dad died in 2009 in paris, but i think someone said perret was a pretty common surname so it'd be kind of a crap shoot.

No. 2030325

Damn, that's an ultra-bougie area. Her mom's rich rich. No wonder she was so sensitive about being called rich, she is. Her family apartment also has multiple floors.

No. 2030326

muh mommy issues

No. 2030327

File: 1724700526393.png (1.07 MB, 1121x2829, trauma1.png)

anyway, she also posted vaguely about her trauma, so here are some posts relating to that.

No. 2030328

File: 1724700575441.png (791.11 KB, 540x4355, trauma2.png)

No. 2030331

File: 1724700762828.jpg (571.58 KB, 1080x1911, 1000024705.jpg)

El oh El

No. 2030332

I think it's been confirmed that her dad's name is Iusse Perret (worked on W.I.T.C.H as well as other shows, IMDB page stops updating after 2008). There's also a guy who worked on the show called Marc Perret but he's still alive and posting on Linkedin. As for obituaries, there are two men named Perret who died on that date in the but none of them match the name or the location.

No. 2030333

Movie / Ad maker and Adrien expects us to believe her sob story they're poor. It goes with how much she already wants to have her cake and eat it too.

No. 2030334

Couldn't even finish reading this shit. "I need to logically know why people are feeling what they feel" this fucking retard trying to paint her selfishness and unwillingness to care for others as her being super speshup hyper logical and stoic. I bet she throws shitfits when people don't immediatelly recognize her feelings and ask her to clarify why she's behaving irrationally. These types are always like that.

No. 2030337

>(aka Dave Strider)

No. 2030339

As you and other nonnas said, Perret is a really common name, I'd be hard to find her father's obituary from it. However, since she has said before her father worked on Witch and some other shows, it could be possible (albeit very autistic) to look at the credits of the show. That's how people on the other farms first got the name Iusse Perret iirc.
As a side note, I'm glad some people are finding the time and courage to rummage through her blog to find some gems.

No. 2030341

File: 1724701189272.png (1.04 MB, 540x3074, trauma3.png)

No. 2030342

File: 1724701351785.jpg (35.74 KB, 450x495, ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.jpg)

>could you avoid comparing me to Ted Bundy
>has a fetish for female genital mutilation
the jokes write themselves

No. 2030347

Bougie isn't the word I'd use given Pigalle is the red light district, but holy shit is that not one of the cheapest district to live in. I agree her mom has to be RICH. Compared to the rest of France, Paris is very expensive to live in, especially when you live downtown like she did.
Most people who grow up around Pigalle come from families of artists or performers. It lines up with her saying her sister is a comedian and both her father and mother worked in animation.

No. 2030348

File: 1724701770835.jpg (275.82 KB, 1080x1774, Iusse.jpg)

She's my favourite cow right now and I'm morbidly fascinated by her. I looked through the obituaries and there really aren't that many, the death date she gave is too specific (28 or 28 July 2009) and the area has to be Paris, there are really just a handful of obituaries for Perrets on that date and none of them match. Or at least that I could find through search engines. Picrel also her supposed dad, he also worked on Totally Spies as she said he did.

No. 2030349

File: 1724701828661.png (2 MB, 1045x1523, adriennullinstagram1.png)

took my search to facebook/instagram and on instagram, i found what was likely her OG instagram before she decided on the polyglotplatypus moniker for her IG instead. through this im 99% sure i found her sister, but i don't want her name and face associated with this freak as she seems remarkably normal and strongly resembles the photo null posted of their mom. and yes, she's blond with dark roots.

No. 2030350

File: 1724701867871.jpg (531.16 KB, 1080x1321, 1000024707.jpg)

Ad as Laika was a big supporter of "Aggy" a disgusting self admitted pedo troon (who has his own thread on snow). This fits considering how much she aleady worships tims & pedophiles. Of course she'd gravitate to the poor Lil troon who dared challenge the status quo by saying "MAP rights"

No. 2030354

How is she not mega canceled for being a pedo apologist? I really don't understand how the terminally online art world works. What is and isn't cancellation worthy seems to change from person to person and is so random. Some people are allowed to be transphobic pedophiles but others aren't?

No. 2030355

The first picture's dated late 2016, she'd already had the pgp handle for a while. I think it's just her "irl" account. One of the picture (fourth one starting from the end) has the caption "parent goals", so it's safe to say it might be her parents.
Notice this is the same pfp as Laika. Though it's just a meme, it's hard not to mention.

No. 2030356

Her sister seems more successful / well adjusted than Adrien at least. Her animations get aired on French TV meanwhile Ad has to live off her cartman knockoff rape comics kek

No. 2030358

Holy shit, smoking gun nonnie! Good job!

No. 2030360

File: 1724702292025.png (26.73 KB, 132x141, THERE HE IS.png)

that cant be her father now can it?

No. 2030363

nayrt but i immediately thought it must be her dad

No. 2030364

thread reminder archive everything before she deletes this too as shes known to lurk

No. 2030366

File: 1724702605941.jpg (146.89 KB, 1460x1080, Manic pixie dream dad .jpg)

Looks like the guy in this video >>2021110

No. 2030369


i attempted to archive her instagram through archive.is, will try other sites as well. i also located her mom and her sister on facebook, though null herself is mysteriously absent. her mom attended gobelins, though im american so idfk how monumental that is.

as another thread reminder, if you find them yourself, no cow tipping and don't fuck with her family just because she's deranged. they seem like normal people.

No. 2030371

See if you can find her deadname through their feed. She must have trooned out in her teens, 100% Adrien isn't her real name.

No. 2030374

>her mom attended gobelins, though im american so idfk how monumental that is.
very much so kekkk , gobelins stands next to calarts.how fucking embarrassing her daughter draws like shit

No. 2030376

Her bank account was already using the Adrien Perret name in 2016 as seen in >>2030136
So any mention of her deadname has to be earlier than 2016.

No. 2030377

Ad says she applied to a bunch of art schools and got into EMCA. Meaning she didn't get into Gobelins. Kek what a faildaughter

No. 2030378

She turned 18 in 2015 so if she opened her bank account then, she had already trooned out by that date. I'd search for anything 2014 and older.

No. 2030379

File: 1724703294195.png (17.16 KB, 680x270, mamaperret.png)

im working as fast as i can nonnas! her mom joined FB in winter 2008, i don't see any official mentions of adrien whatsoever nor of iusse… except for this, which i found interesting.

No. 2030381

Marc Perret, that's the other guy on W.I.T.C.H - confirmed! Great finds nonna, I can't see her following list on Instagram as I don't have it so I'm counting on you. If she changes her pfp and privates/deletes her old Instagram account it's confirmed that she lurks.

No. 2030385

File: 1724703602936.png (501.02 KB, 680x717, iusse.png)


did more digging into mama perret and there's no doubt the dark haired guy is likely adrien's dad, who is almost certainly iusse perret of W.I.T.C.H. - trying to figure out how to archive videos now, if anyone gets there first you have my gratitude lol.

combing through fb and instagram now to find anything else, will post as i find things (and im trying to archive what i can but she's on sites that are finicky for archival.)

No. 2030386

This post is from 2012 though, while Null's father is said to have died in 2009. It can rule out Marc Perret as being her father and confirm Iusse; the two might be related, or it could be a coincidence.

No. 2030388

Not to be rude Nonna but the post literally says "with a thought for iusse" confirming he's most likely dead. Is Marc Iusses brother? The plot thickens

No. 2030389

perhaps her uncle?

No. 2030390

Since Mama perret says it's been two years, maybe Iusse's death is on the 22nd? Has anyone ever found his obituary?

No. 2030392


sorry i'm posting as i go. will try to slow down and compile things more neatly. looking into marc and annick further now to see if i can find anything.

No. 2030394

I was thinking the same - could the two be related? It's quite a coincidence that they share the same last name, job, and he has a relationship with his widow and daughters many years after his death. Maybe his brother? I wonder if Ad has ever talked about an uncle.

Thank you nonna. I wonder if there are any videos/photos of Ad that her mom posted. If you need help with the French am frenchanon(sage your shit)

No. 2030395

found a mubi link its her father for sure

No. 2030397

nta there wasn't really anyone of note (all big accounts that definitely don't know her like hideo kojima) except her sister and some other french TIF artists she knew from EMCA. followers list was also unexceptional

No. 2030398

Now it's all been confirmed (let's be real it was super obvious) seeing Iusse actually makes me feel sick. We don't know if he was the one that abused Ad but if he isn't he most likely left the world with so much love & hope for his daughter only for her to take his love and twist it so horribly. Ad is really beyond help

No. 2030400

File: 1724704157083.jpg (158.38 KB, 1077x1153, Obituary.jpg)

There's an obituary for a guy named Perret on that date in Paris. Age seems about right too, but name is different. Iusse is a really rare name.

No. 2030402

The place of death is not the same as Mama Perret's place of residence, it's another arrondissement/district of Paris. Unless they moved out?
I wouldn't rule out the possibility of Iusse not being his legal name so the obituary could not mention it.

No. 2030405

File: 1724705499361.png (51.9 KB, 975x358, HIADRIEN.png)

i checked back on adrien's instagram and lo and behold! hi adrien!

No. 2030407

I wouldn't be surprised if she deleted some of her tumblr posts either. She must be going full damage control. It took her about an hour lol she must follow her thread closely.

No. 2030408

Kek beautiful nonas, hope she's sweating rn.

No. 2030409

File: 1724705775852.png (71.76 KB, 1354x784, adriennullcuriouscat.png)


actually nonna she just deleted her entire polyglotplatypus tumblr account, as i have checked. don't forget this leftover curious cat, adrien, even though it's already been archived!

No. 2030411

this is ot but what do if I actually relate to this? I'm sick of being unfeeling(no1currs)

No. 2030413

File: 1724705978833.png (46.06 KB, 1354x523, adriennullcuriouscat2.png)


https://archive.is/w3GmF archive of her adrien CC
https://archive.is/2m8Nt archive of her null_backdoorho CC

No. 2030414

KEK the cow is inside the barn! Hi Adrien!

No. 2030417

When I was looking at her old posts earlier I saw her post screenshots of people being ecstatic the last time tumblr deactivated her account before she got it back. I hope she's seething now that she is deleting it. Unfortunately Null this is not enough to hide your internet footprints.
Don't worry nonna you're not alone in this. Feelings (or the lack of feelings) are hard, but sympathy/empathy can be learned. It makes things a bit better.

No. 2030420

Why do these people have an impression that being a csa/rape survivor or trans or some kind of minority just makes you exempt from criticism. You can be raped and be a shitty person, like when she goes on to publicly sexualize other womens' violent trauma instead of finding actual healthy coping mechanisms. That is, if she actually went through that shit. Her 'vent' post/arts look so fake and she's such a liar so who knows. I don't see why she'd be SO mad to the point of making a post about her stepdad wanting to tell her mom about something that traumatic that happened to her daughter and to also stop it from happening to other women but we all know this little princess has zero decency for other women.

No. 2030422

Good, she should be ashamed of herself. Sexualizing your dead father is horrible and I hope her mother finds out kek.

No. 2030424

File: 1724706245172.jpg (265.82 KB, 1240x521, 1000024710.jpg)

Wonder if she's having a laika moment kek

No. 2030425

File: 1724706282784.gif (1.49 MB, 1500x1500, 1723117646045.gif)

Kekkkkk. Come on Adrian aren't you someone who's so hard-core you're all hot for fgm but a silly little post about your real self makes you run away with your prolapsed anus?

No. 2030427

File: 1724706375647.jpg (Spoiler Image,201.46 KB, 1080x1576, Screenshot_20240826_230103_Chr…)

Might have gotten a lead on her deadname - here's an episode of a show that her mom wrote for and directed. One of these three girls is confirmed to be her older sister who's a comedian which means her mom probably had her 3 daughters star in extra roles. The other sister who works as a tattoer I'm not sure what her name is (her FB doesn't have it) so I can't confirm which of these two is Ad, but one of them definitely is.

I tried to censor things as much as I could not to drag her family members into this but since I can't confirm which sister is her I've left both of the names up. Sorry for the shitty censoring I'm on mobile kek.

No. 2030428

Kek, seriously, why is she even deleting everything? If she hasn't been hashtag cancelled already for being into rape, pedophilia and twansphowobia, then why is she so scared?

No. 2030429

File: 1724706591626.mp4 (2.52 MB, 400x226, 1188426_10201181692520318_1814…)

The video of her dad for archival purposes. He's ranting unhingedly about something.

No. 2030430


not just that but sexualizing your dead father… and making your incestuous self insert look like your fucking living sister. that's dark shit.

anyway, archives of:
adrien's carrd: https://archive.is/WPlcy email address is adrien.g.perret@gmail.com
adrien's twitter: https://archive.is/rYHJJ
adrien's yt: https://archive.is/0f3iZ

and PGP stands for polyglotplatypus.

nice work nonna, i will do some searching and see what i can find.

No. 2030433

File: 1724706681262.jpg (5.33 KB, 271x275, 1648229447844-1.jpg)

I agree she should be into this. Isn't humiliation one of her fetish? What's wrong pedo Cartman? Are you scared your mother might know what you've been doing all this time?

No. 2030435

File: 1724706894405.jpg (211.7 KB, 1080x1570, Screenshot_20240826_231007_Chr…)

More on this: here's a post Mama Perret made with a video of Iusse and two of of his daughters. Confirms the second Séréna as being one of the daughters. Judging from the fact that Ad's the youngest, most likely she wasn't born when this video was posted which would make her deadname Fanny. I'd upload it but not sure if if it breaks any rules, it's a video of Iusse playing with his daughters and kissing them.

No. 2030436

File: 1724706973694.png (Spoiler Image,439.7 KB, 1221x821, sisterperret.png)

i suspect she's fanny perret. looked up the video, here it is on vimeo if a video archiving nona could assist. https://vimeo.com/62647182

searched for the other perret on instagram and she looks remarkably like the other sister and not adrien. censored her face and name just out of courtesy, spoilering just because the photo is a bit nsfw.

No. 2030437

>incestuous self insert look like your fucking living sister
Holy fuck that anon who predicted was right. I don't know how I would feel if my sister used me in her gross incest comics involving my own fucking father…this bitch is fucking degenerate.

No. 2030440

File: 1724706995352.png (1.28 MB, 1938x1110, vimeo.png)

the short film is still on vimeo and she shows up at around 5 minutes in as "snotty kid" (La gamine morveuse)
double confirmation

No. 2030441

if her name is fucking Fanny then damn how unfortunate kek.

No. 2030442

File: 1724707150023.png (56.31 KB, 640x360, videoframe_18639.png)

here it is on catbox if anyone else wants a copy

No. 2030444

That explains why she trooned out and changed her name KEK.

No. 2030449

File: 1724707683898.png (126.39 KB, 360x360, Komaeda.png)

Absolutely fascinating. Both of her sisters are skinny blondes who look remarkably like their mother while she was an obese fatty who trooned out, got a titchop, became a hairy beast from testosterone, developed a fetish for female genital mutilation and LARPed as one of her skinny sisters having an incestuous relationship with their dead dad.

No. 2030452

Honestly it makes me sad to see such a normal looking kid knowing what she's doing now

No. 2030453

File: 1724707852472.png (383.42 KB, 924x896, what a night.png)

Just have to say congrats on the nonnies for providing such stellar milk no farmer went thirsty today. Merci

No. 2030454

This is incredible. This thread went from not moving for days to having a couple posts a day to absolute nuclear bomb of a thread and forcing her to deactivate several accounts. I love this shitshow. I'm proud of the nonnas here, thank you for the milk

No. 2030456

File: 1724708152352.jpg (527.04 KB, 1079x1461, Screenshot_20240827_003434_X.j…)

I think she might've told her parents about us, I get the feeling she didn't tell them the full story

No. 2030459

KEKK she must have tried to get her mom to private her FB account while she was scrubbing the others. Too little too late Fanny.

No. 2030460

I wonder if she told her mother part of the reason she got harassed is because she LARPed having an incestuous relationship with her father

No. 2030462

The urge to cowtip is so incredibly strong. I just want it all to blow up in her face, because you shouldn't be able to get away with skinwalking your sister in an incestual relationship with your dad. She reminds me very much of Soren, the weird fetishes, skinwalking, her tumblr era esp the #erm buddy… in >>2030274. One of my favorite cows atm.

No. 2030463

Yeah she's reading the thread and still very much wants her cool internet own but she 100% didn't tell the full details which makes that post pointless. What are you so afraid of Ad? That through just looking up your name (which is gonna be attached to you btw) they can find out this thread & what you have been up to? That you have to lie because you're currently crumbling under the weight of your actions? We know the tough guy persona is a act kek

No. 2030464

File: 1724708447800.jpeg (71.26 KB, 910x435, IW1g6xH.jpeg)

>just so you know, guys, I'm DEFINITELY not mad and I'm DEFINITELY not bothered and I'm not even reading the things you post because my mom told me not to read it. here's a convenient translation into english just so I know you're gonna read it. mommy says that thousands of people love her little fanny's incest rape genital mutilation pedophilia comics, and that's good enough for me. which is why I'm so very not bothered.

No. 2030465

Heya perret family! Heres a question for mama perret: Que penses-tu de ta fille dessinant ton autre fille en train de baiser ton mari? Love to see you support your daughter on it!! kekkk at this bitch acting like a uncancellable pedo proshipper who scared of nothing but she's probably having a meltdown over this kekk

No. 2030472

Fam told her not to read it hut you just know she's clicking refresh on this thread at warp speed.

No. 2030473

File: 1724708749862.gif (166.36 KB, 220x163, thirsty-drinking-milk.gif)

Thank you nonnies for helping provide this historic milk, I never felt so much pressure while trying to stay one step ahead of the cow. We made it out with all the info just in time. Glorious.

No. 2030476

Fanny ("Adrien") Perret should just let it go, it would be easier for her to pretend nothing happened, but a cow can't be a cow if she doesn't moo, kek.

No. 2030477

I get the urge to cowtip too. I think many french nonnas here who can very easily contact the family get the urge.

No. 2030481

File: 1724709023753.gif (1.4 MB, 500x500, 1724424009403-1.gif)

Don't think she can anymore kek I think fanny might be suprised how many animators from the animation industry lurk here..it only takes one normie to out all this.. she deserves it though.

No. 2030484

File: 1724709202278.png (497.45 KB, 1174x1300, 1000021095.png)

i think this has been posted before and i'm nitpicking but
>what a thoughtful portrayal of the way traumatized, mentally ill & neurodivergent people use kink to cope with their feelings
>who has ever said this
>how is lynn traumatized 'in depth' if you won't disclose on the fucking trauma
>what feelings nigga? degeneracy?

No. 2030486

Are you telling me that the fanny perret aka adrien perret who draws like this >>2029721
had any chance of employment before this? like… skill level alone, are the standards that low?

No. 2030487

Well, Hazbin Hotel is a thing so.

No. 2030489

Suffer, pedo and fgm apologist. Go on, tell your mom you draw comics where your sister fucks your dead father.
Usually I hate poop touching like any other nona but holy shit the meltdown would be topkek

No. 2030491

happy to know late night archive combing could provide for everyone. also, if her mom and sisters really support her, are they supportive enough to have their real names and faces associated with this kind of abusive porn? how do those pretty blonde sisters feel about her writing incestuous porn about with one of them and their deceased father?

wonder if there's anything else to dig up for Fanny Perret (aka Adrien Perret) of Paris, France born 8/26/1997 who attended École des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation from 2016-2020. fun to find out…

and since you're reading this fanny/adrien/fadrien?: i archived your fics, too. and i updated your carrd to include that repulsive picture of lynn.
https://archive.is/j0J17 (this is the one your mom begged to read! you know, the one about a fat old pedophile grooming and raping a teenage girl and how it's totes ok because she started it?)

BTW, i found both mama perret and a sister perret's emails with barely any effort so maybe she should tell them not to be so sloppy with their info, given that her mom has her agent's phone number on her website. alternatively, fanny, you could stop drawing degenerate coomer shit that gets heat on them lmao

No. 2030492

Based archive nonnie

No. 2030493

i could kiss your feet nonnie

No. 2030495

Tbh we wouldn't even see the public fallout from it. Most likely it'll just ruin their relationship and how they view her forever but she'll still leech around because that's what she does. It's more of a punishment for them knowing what she's done & even if they say it's fine it'll just eat at them sadly Just know Fanny if they ever find out this will be the truth no matter how much you cope in your mind or twitter. Just like how your mom never said it but was probably happy your tif phase passed kek

No. 2030496

File: 1724709890602.jpg (143.77 KB, 1080x991, Montreuil.jpg)

Hadn't even finished compiling all the milk on her dad before the cow bawleeted kek. Anyway here's more info on her dad: a certain Roger Hugues Perret died on 22/07/2009 in Montreuil, near Paris, where Mama Perret and her three daughters jointly own a property.

No. 2030499

File: 1724709976547.jpg (217.88 KB, 1080x1919, Indivision .jpg)

All public records btw.

You're a fucking legend nonnie

No. 2030501

Seconded nonna you're a legend. Fucking hilarious that they own property when Ad had a meltdown on tumblr over being called out for being a rich little girl GOD SHE JUST KEEPS PROVIDING

No. 2030503

File: 1724710118968.jpeg (571.34 KB, 986x1500, R-1.jpeg)

Queen. Ily nonna

No. 2030507

Honestly shocked that Fanny Perret wasn't lying about the dead dad like she lies about everything else. French nonnies, I'm curious, is there any explanation for the Roger/Iusse thing?

No. 2030508

I just thought of this: I wonder how many actual details about her late father (that we wouldn't know but her family definitely would) she included in the limerence comics? Holy christ I can't imagine stumbling upon your daughter or sister's pages and pages and PAGES of incestuous pornographic comics about your dead husband or father, that would be devastating. I wouldn't be surprised if they stop speaking to her.

No. 2030510

File: 1724710369064.jpg (17.28 KB, 400x400, 1000056516.jpg)

Beautiful anona. This is you.

No. 2030513

I want one of her sisters to give us some perspective but I know that's a pipe dream…

No. 2030516

File: 1724710559983.png (1.05 MB, 1599x2313, miscellaneous.png)


having combed her tumblr, i noticed very specifically that there were scenes in limerence where she mentioned:

- getting a tablet from her dad
- her mom cutting her hair for her
- her dad wearing a black wristband to hide wrist scars, which is fascinating as she mentioned herself that she wore a black wristband to hide wrist scars of her own. if i had to guess, her dad in limerence is closer to a "dadsona" than anything.

also unrelated to your comment but these were just funny miscellaneous screenshots i found on her tumblr while looking for more conclusive info. her furor towards pedos is actually ironic now

No. 2030517

Childhood home doxxed because you couldn't stop cooming to rapist cartman & your own deceased father. Now Fanny you might be one of the funniest cows I have ever kek'd at

No. 2030519

Imagine the milk from S_____ or L__ showing up and saying "oh we hate this bitch too, have a little more info" kek

No. 2030521

Saging but I’d love it if any French speaking anons could translate this

No. 2030526

Farmhand no ban as all of this info is public

No. 2030528

File: 1724710954598.mp4 (1.27 MB, 400x226, 1188933_10201176834118861_3131…)

He's ranting something about the daycare his kid/s are in, a kid having 41C fever but coming anyway, and something about not having a second vote at a meeting at the daycare. Not really interesting. Anyway here's the other video of him from Mama Perret's FB.

No. 2030529

It's always those people that are so vocal about hating pedophilia that secretly (and not so secretly in Fanny's case) have alt accounts to follow stuff made by pedos.
This makes me remember her comic about how her Asian OC masturbates to statements made by rape victims, she probably does so too, since we all know characters are often a reflection of the author.
I'm honestly so glad she's a woman, if she was a moid she would've ruined someone's life.

No. 2030531

It's not anything interesting to be fair. From the top of my head having listened to it quickly when it was posted, this seems to be a general meeting of an association. A "crèche", kindergarten, is mentioned, as is mentioned in the post. Iusse is annoyed because some people have missed several meetings, some want to go back on previous votes. If you're really interested I can transcript and translate it to the best of my ability, but some words are hard to make out. >>2030528 seems to be an accurate summary as well (posted right when I was about to post)

No. 2030533

I'm also glad she's a woman. Someone as unhinged as her would have absolutely offended were they a moid. I'll admit while I was the first to say she wasn't a moid/tim, I did have my doubts when the screenshot of her bank account with her tif name and gender was posted, as it was dated barely a year or so after her 18th birthday. Guess she was quick to go through the legal procedures to change her name and legal gender.

No. 2030535

Thank you for your help! No need to go back and make a transcript, you’re both right it’s pretty uninteresting. I was just curious.

No. 2030536

My guess is iusse/roger "hugues" is pronounced the same or similar. An alias for work perhaps, seperating his identity like Fanny/Null/Laika lmao

No. 2030538

Late to the thread, but I didn't see it mentioned before: is there any evidence that fanny has ever had sex or a relationship in real life? Her entire twitter is nothing but nasty disgusting porn for days and I'm wondering how disconnected you have to be from actual sex to be like this as a woman.

No. 2030539


there is, she allegedly used to date another girl on tumblr that went by karkatmarxism around 2015-2017 i believe, and she had a boyfriend but the boyfriend (who could've been another tif) wasn't on tumblr or if the bf was, i don't know the url. sorry for lack of caps bc i did not realize she would DFE, i will try and find stuff on tumblr if possible. saging for lack of content.

No. 2030541

She e-dated a girl during her tumblr days at some point and would post about buying bad dragons, as well as more recently claiming to have had sex with lesbians before >>2020496
Given posts like >>2022199 >>2020887 I don't doubt that she does and it doesn't seem very hard to find other ugly porn-addicted internet losers to roleplay your fetishes with

No. 2030542

If we use strict french pronunctiation, Iusse would be Ee-u-ss, Hugues would be Ugg. I've thought about it too, but I'm not sure if it works.

No. 2030544

Oh sorry, I appreciate the replies but I was more asking about in the social media deep dive as e-dating aka texting other girls on tumblr doesn't count as dating to me. I saw the nudibranch pussy comic but it somehow never even occurred to me that it could be possible she wasn't completely lying about having sex in it kek. Not gonna lie, the attempted clapback where she says "the lesbians I have sex with" also sounds extremely fake kek.

No. 2030545

If you think about the English pronunciation of Hugues instead of the French one, it kinda works: Ee-yougs (I'm trying my best kek) kinda sounds like Iusse/Ee-yous

No. 2030547

>It's always those people that are so vocal about hating pedophilia that secretly (and not so secretly in Fanny's case
I wouldn't say that's the case but with moids it always the case I think it's more likely she wanted an alibi to fall back on. If someone said she's null she just could point to her posts saying "I have trauma and I have spoken against pedophilia!! How can null be me?? I'm not into that " Fanny never thought pedophila was wrong,even in her pandering "child abuse victim advocate" comics and "long hair vent comic" it read as fetishitic. Why so much emphasis on the act and not the aftermath?

No. 2030549

File: 1724712567573.png (78.08 KB, 997x582, ok null.png)

Yeah she's definitely not averse to lying about everything or making shit up to seem more righteous in what she does. The "lesbians" in question might as well just be MTF trannies all things considered

Here's an old funny reblog of hers I capped a while ago

No. 2030550

File: 1724712817203.png (33.05 KB, 540x407, race.png)


its a shame she deleted her blog but at least we know for sure that she is white, per her own claim. makes LARPing as an asian girl being raped by her dad in new jersey even weirder. most proshipper types are lefty af so i cannot imagine this would go down well for her even amongst her little crew of perverts.

No. 2030554

File: 1724713383946.jpg (313.69 KB, 1223x568, 1000024714.jpg)

Fucking lmao'd

No. 2030555


No. 2030556

again? why are you so easy to find, tf?

No. 2030558

It'd be really funny if she didn't archive her old shitty oc art because she probably lost probably 100's of images. She actually has a good work ethic in spitting out really quick albeit incompetent drawings (which is why her art is alot of filters / overlays). Too bad she only hyperfixates on her ocs to coom at this point. Maybe she had a chance at being something but that's long over now kek

No. 2030561

File: 1724714219161.png (469.79 KB, 2160x1840, wayback.png)

Yeah, and since she had it set to only be viewable inside the tumblr dashboard she probably knew that makes it impossible to archive automatically. I tried to find any posts from her before this was enabled, but it seems that she explicitly disallowed the Internet Archive from indexing her blog. You specifically have to email them to remove your site/page. She's terrified of her old shit coming back to haunt her lmao
I think she had a bunch of /co/ posters orbiting her then, which she also mentioned browsing years ago when she was pgp

No. 2030562

File: 1724714225048.jpg (71.16 KB, 1080x299, 1000024720.jpg)

God you reminded me of just how embarrassing her Asian larp was

No. 2030565


maybe don't be so easy to sniff out you fucking retard jesus christ

anyway, a couple more archives:
her mspa profile where she connects her tumblr to an old discord name: https://archive.is/1Q0NS
old patreon: https://archive.is/FjTXv
bluesky: https://archive.is/JAnnq
mangadex, personal + scanlation account (though it's hard to tell if it's her, her reddit which features her art also features her linking to these scans which link to these accounts): https://archive.is/7rZM8 https://archive.is/T5dwg https://archive.is/PReoY

No. 2030566

File: 1724714793655.jpg (35.29 KB, 200x200, 1656645644978.jpg)

>mom, dad and sisters are all sucessful and talented
>sisters are also pretty and THIN to top it off
>meanwhile Null's real name is pussy, she's fat and hairy from the T, looks like a humanized bulldog and has the art skills of a kindergartener despite graduating from art college.

Holy shit, no wonder she desperately tries to attention whore online, she's completly eclipsed by her actually talented family.

No. 2030568

File: 1724714807338.jpg (421.54 KB, 1080x1669, 1000024731.jpg)

Fuckin kek. Ad letting her true French feelings about the muslims be known but putting it thru her dead daddy's mouth. Is there any way to archive the whole tellonym?

No. 2030569

File: 1724714913698.jpg (132.05 KB, 402x422, heya fanny.jpg)

to the salt mines you go fanny

No. 2030571

please someone make it a banner

No. 2030573

File: 1724715141450.png (81.8 KB, 1496x421, rebbit.png)

Here she is moralfagging about some other artist for being racist/homophobic and drawing rape comics (wow, sounds familiar)
Reddit comments and posts (uneventful)


No. 2030577


No. 2030578

Goddamn, I guess that's what saturating your brain in porn 24/7 for years does to a mf. She is so far gone compared to back then, now she's justifying child grooming, rape porn, and incest. Literally brain rotted.

No. 2030581

I have caps. Are there any keywords i should search for (I can't say more just yet.)

No. 2030582

archive first

No. 2030583

not possible, sorry

No. 2030584

girlfriend? boyfriend? I genuinely want to know if she's ever fucked irl

No. 2030588

File: 1724716699588.jpg (318.69 KB, 1080x1473, 1000024737.jpg)

Archive of Fanny's two incest larp substack pieces. Nothing too much of note both are just as melodramatic as her other work with one focused on how her life is now entertainment (foreshadowing? Maybe she IS a good writer) and her totally not dead dad promising to slit their wrists together.

No. 2030590

File: 1724716726591.jpeg (158.96 KB, 640x640, IMG_7694.JPEG)

Skinwalking your sister to larp having sex with your dead father in living your brain is lulzy enough but its the racefaking as a True and Honest AZN girl living in Jersey is what's the cherry on top for me. Congrats farmers, enjoy the milk while you can before she inevitably becomes twitters main characters of the week a la puppychan.

No. 2030593

anything related to her dad

No. 2030594

Apparently, yes, she has. I'll be busying compiling caps for you all, bear with me I've not tried this before

No. 2030595

File: 1724717059062.gif (584.45 KB, 480x270, 1000056542.gif)

Tinfoil, but I think maybe something did happen to one of her sisters and now she's like Mr.Garrison because she wishes she was the one who got molested/raped instead. And looking at how her sisters are successful and pretty regardless of whether something happened or not, must be making her seethe daily.

No. 2030596

File: 1724717229110.jpg (567.15 KB, 1080x1968, 1000024739.jpg)

Her FGM obsession maybe? I know she talked about being rejected for the surgery and cried about it to her degen followers on her locked. Look at these freaks comforting her because she wasn't legally allowed to mutilate herself kek

No. 2030597

I mean it could be considering the fucking theory of her using her own sister as a insert in her incest comics was confirmed. I can't even fathom how would someone react hearing their sibling used them in their spank material? And not only that they made you fuck your own dead father

No. 2030598

That is truly fucked. I haven't found anything under "fgm" directly, does she call it by some other euphemism/medical term? For example whatever term she used in OP tweet cropped out.

No. 2030599

File: 1724717414600.png (4.77 MB, 828x1792, IMG_5131.png)

Iusse is probably just a pseudonym. it's allowed and not uncommon in france to work under a different name if you're doing something artistic or cultural, without getting a legal name change. so he could have been known profesionally as Iusse while legally being Roger. it's the most reasonable explanation imo, Iusse doesn't sound like any known french first name.
and back in the day clerks could refuse to register a kid under an uncommon given name, so it's unlikely that someone born ca. 1958 would be legally named Iusse.
Pigalle is the nearest metro station, avenue Trudaine is not itself in the red light district, it's posher than that. not the most expenisve part of Paris but definitely not working class either. this is a nice Haussmann-era building with high ceilings.

No. 2030601

Oh that's because these creeps have to use a different term for their fetishes based on the suffering of brown girls. You'd wanna search "null" or "nullifcation"

No. 2030602

File: 1724717644182.png (656.56 KB, 700x992, mommyperret.png)


posts like these only get funnier in retrospect. has it really not even been a month? incredible.

and before she deletes this, i archived it.

like the other anon said she doesn't necessarily call it fgm. she also calls it femcirc (for female circumcision), null, nullo and other weird porn terms.

No. 2030604

File: 1724717926392.jpg (427.89 KB, 1080x1443, 1000024726.jpg)

I'm soooo Asian you guis

No. 2030606

There aren't enough words to describe how disgusted I am by what I've found. A lot under "surgery" and "clitless". I'm using photoshop to compile caps by subject and its my first time providing the milk here so if any of you have a more streamlined way of doing this let me know.

No. 2030608

"nullo" too

No. 2030609

File: 1724718095060.jpg (228.7 KB, 1000x889, education nationale.jpg)

It looks like her entire sexuality is downstream of extreme misogyny poisoning. Wanting to be an Asian woman because they're seen as submissive, wanting to be molested, FGM, corrective rape, injecting her sibling rivalry into all this. How tedious. There's probably something about her appearance and feeling like rabid misogyny coming from a 2/10 moid is the only way she'd get attention. Even her art mirrors this, ugly and only getting attention because it features heinous fetishes. Bleak
Why is she so bad at lying? There's no way her grandfather is muslim with a last name like 'Perret', unless they changed it but it seems highly unlikely. On a related note, this is a french comic about her OCs as high school teachers. I'm too lazy to translate her terrible jokes. She mentions drawing Cy as a teacher in Roubaix (a city with many immigrants), adding that she decided against it because it'd be too awful for her precious pedo OC. Cy is a kind of right-wing chud who jokes about SA, Lynn is a leftist woman who is inching towards Cy's politics.

No. 2030611

According to her, no one in her family can speak English >>2030278 so its probably another of her lies and its way more likely that her family doesnt know. Considering how she likes to lie about how close of a relationship she has with her mom >>2030602 while also talking about she used to abuse her, it wouldnt surprise me if her family doesnt have a great relationship with her.

No. 2030613

File: 1724718624460.png (257.02 KB, 2108x1077, retrospring.png)

Retrospring about her mother seeing some of her NSFW work
>My mom kept complimenting the way I draw boobs and balls Imao.

No. 2030614

worth noting that the last panel has her sating "dear we'd agreed you wouldn't touch the troisièmes". "troisième" in france is the last year of collège (middle school), 14-15 yo on average. afaik it's equivalent to 9th grade in the us. if you needed another nail in the paedo coffin.
try screenshotguru or gyazo for rly long page screenshots

No. 2030615

You can see how Fannys view on her mother softened over the years but it's still funny how she's like "my mommy wuvs me and told the mean ol farms to kill themswelves" but spent years accusing her of abuse / enabling a eating disorder (probably told her to stop stuffing her fat face with greasy foods kek)

No. 2030619

I wonder if she ever showed her Limerence but without the dialouge / context of what it's about & tricked her into seeing porn about her banging her dead husband. Actually the thought makes my stomach churn because that sounds exactly like something Fanny would do to get her kicks yuck

No. 2030621

File: 1724719036734.png (1.07 MB, 877x4350, The Rise and Fall of a Eastcoa…)

Guys have I told you how Asian I am.

No. 2030625

If i were named fanny i'd be mentally ill too KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
Her artstyle reminds me of picrews made by teenagers during the pandemic. Super sharp with black thick lines, the eyes used to be drawn like that too. The 4th eye shape were called "whore eyes" kek. Super childish artstyle. It seems like she's stuck in 2020

No. 2030627

You got me very intrigued nonnie, did you find chatlogs or something?

No. 2030629

This is so much more embarrassing than the sex stuff.

No. 2030631

File: 1724719976569.jpg (88.15 KB, 1080x651, Screenshot_20240326_214432_Tum…)

Wondering if it's possible to find out his cause of death. Fanny on tumblr said it was heart problems but her comic years later on the matter showed him dead in a bathtub which mimicks how her fake dad tried to commit suicide in Limerence. Ofc he could have just gotten a heart attack and also died whilst bathing but the similarities are already gross. The fact she made Van die in a tub to clearly allude to Iusse is so disturbing just on its own

No. 2030635

File: 1724720423060.jpg (604.43 KB, 1240x992, 1724469712181.jpg)

Now hold on one second

No. 2030637

File: 1724720527640.jpg (859.1 KB, 2480x3508, most retarded shit ive ever se…)

I took the L and paid to get into her (@null_bis) server. After getting in I found out the 5usd I paid is going to her FGM surgery and I am sick. To null, if you're reading this, you deserve all the shit you get. My mother was a victim of FGM and many girls like her died going through it. It is crudely done, unsanitary surgery done on little babies and you are sick and twisted for fetishizing it.
I spent way too long editing this and it looks like shit.

No. 2030638

>5usd I paid is going to her FGM surgery
Its most than definetly going to mcdonalds nonny, dont worry. I dont think any doctor is willing to do that surgery.

No. 2030640

File: 1724720647326.png (5.16 MB, 1060x3208, laikaalbarninstagram.png)

thought i might find something on instagram but i dont think it's related. still, it's a very specific name so i thought it was worth looking at anyway.

btw, she registered laika albarn to bluesky as well. archive here: https://archive.is/ujYsD and her email is laika.albarn@gmail.com

i thought it was worth noting as well that she put her laika account on baraag as well, the same place she hosts @null_bis on mastodon.

wow you really took one of the team, great work nonnie. did you manage to score any BTS art?

No. 2030642

for what it's worth, she's a lying whore who almost certainly only talks about fgm specifically to upset people like you

No. 2030643

can you use DiscordChatExporter or something? ty for delivering

No. 2030645

To be fair she probably loses alot of avenue anyways because her patreons leak her shit all the time plus works like Limerence get reuploaded all the time. She's also rich already because of mommy being a TV director. It is crazy to see she essentially just made a hug box of people who clearly just want to coom. Reminds me of Ang

No. 2030646

samefag to say, I tried searching for all the keywords you guys requested. Anything about FGM relating to her characters is omitted. About her family, this is as much as was ever posted under "dad" "father" "mom" "sister" pretty much, so not really any details. Not been banned yet so still taking requests.(sage your shit)

No. 2030648

File: 1724721005519.png (192.95 KB, 863x684, laikaalbarn.png)


also after i googled around a bit, im pretty sure she came up with laika albarn based on damon albarn (of gorillaz fame) and one of their songs. the fact that she went by deadspacedog feels a little too grotesque.

No. 2030649

search lolcow or stalkers i want to see her seething kek

No. 2030650

That's quite literally what it is. Her deranged fans reply to her with love and support, sharing how Fanny introduced them to the "kink" and now they want it too, they want to send her more money for it, and etc. I'm amazed, there's something like 200-300 members most of which paid to be there

No. 2030652

I don't know how to use it sorry(sage your shit)

No. 2030653

Thanks, that helps.(sage your shit)

No. 2030655

Tbh you really should have waited to post leaks from the server & scoped it out more as shes definitely kicking you out after your posts but I get your tard anger towards her. Hey Fanny if you or your allocated orbitors read this just know you will probably never have the same type of privacy again. You will be mocked and ridiculed not just by us from now on but most likely your successful animation peers (I know this for a fact), your family, potiental or past employers, your many past friends, etc.

No. 2030656

The art channels are clogged with other folks' shitty artwork and the images from null are mostly memes and articles, so I didn't really bother looking harder. Null usually just reposts their tweets to share their art anyway, nothing new. Saw a snippet of a Cy Lynn fanfic will post, not much(sage your shit)

No. 2030657

this, if someone is willing to take one for the team again and just lurk for a while before posting milk. That would be awesome. Sad we missed her ugly selfie.

No. 2030658

>a metric ton of clitless pussy pics on her phone
this really isn't a common fetish or surgery that is readily available afaik. she is most definitely sourcing them from testimonies of actual fgm victims. she's such a disgusting waste of oxygen and resources, i bit my tongue clean off in an effort to not a-log.

No. 2030659

I know I thought to do that, but once I found those messages about crowdfunding I spilled, sorry nonnas.(sage your shit)

No. 2030660

Fanny seems paranoid to no end because of her own fucking consequences. I wish we could have seen that deleted selfie. Wanted to see if she got fatter or got skinner when she detrans'd

No. 2030661

check if she posted about lolcow or her ''stalkers'' she seems to refeer to anons as stalkers, so try that keyword.

No. 2030662

No surprise Ang is her friend, they're very similar.

No. 2030663

It's okay nonnie you did good. I'm sure there's enough people in the server that it'll take some time to track the leaker anyways.

No. 2030665

If she was skinny she would be posting her asshole pics like all of the other average thots like marmale mum. Thats how you know a pickme is really vile looking, the other ewhore she was accusing of being a nazi posts her ugly thrist traps all the time despite drawing gross content like null, and she would definetly do it too if she wasnt ugly.

No. 2030667

i personally salute you for your service regardless. was there anything else related to the laika larp in there? she seemed to almost be admitting to it in one of your caps.

No. 2030669

Thanks, you are amazing! seemingly convincing "gf"posting but also "hates eating pussy (due to sensory issue)" and "deadeyed/can't cum" 100% confirms my suspicions. little fanny is prison gay due to being a fat internet retard and/or to fit in on tumblr. no wonder she loves drawing "conversion therapy kink." she desperately wishes a man would rescue her from being forced to eat tumblr user pussy for a crumb of attention. if she would just suck it up, go on a diet, and get off the internet, she could go get some normal dick, but >>2030609 nailed it: she can't even imagine getting male attention in her current state outside of being raped or degraded by a fat guy.
>let's be honest the designs are pretty fucking different
holy fucking kek, the cartman seething
>blah blah trans men blah blah birth control important blah forceful impregnation to detransition them is a a very, VERY real nightmare scenario
okay. well, first of all, no it's not very, very real because nobody is doing that. but I bet being forced to talk about this shit is why she hates gay people and trannies and women so much that she makes all of her gross little comics.

No. 2030671

me too, why did she use "i" when they were talking about laika? is there anything else to it?

No. 2030672

File: 1724721975629.jpg (290.22 KB, 2242x1454, stalkers.jpg)

There isn't much but they reference kiwifarms a lot

No. 2030673

Apparently regulations in France are super heavy for this procedure so she's most likely going to travel with this "dom" of hers to get mutilated in Tijuana or some shit kek

No. 2030674

nothing more than that cap, I thought she was coyly admitting it too as a sort of "I know something you don't know" joke with herself. The only other mention was someone submitting fanart dedicated to both of them.

No. 2030675

Holy shit the amount of moral fagging coming from the server of a pro pedo artist who fetishizes FGM and rape.

No. 2030676

Here's to hoping she gets mutilated by some quack and the sepsis does its job. Not so sexy now, is it, Fanny? In all honesty, I think her whole "nullification kink" shit is just a larp to appear as the edgiest boi. She will continue to use the "omg ebil French doctors hate body positivity" and that money will go straight to amplifying her monstrous gut.

No. 2030677

File: 1724722364538.jpeg (Spoiler Image,668.24 KB, 1179x1742, 93C2183C-8DE2-419D-A84E-BEB8B1…)

it’s worth noting that in one of the fics under her deadspacedog ao3 account, there’s a scene where she writes about “laika” getting off to 4chan/lolcow comments. i find it ironic that her cool and edgy larp character is so totallyyyy unaffected by the discourse that she masturbates to it, meanwhile irl she’s probably freaking the fuck out while deleting shit left and right. spoiler for mediocre smut.

No. 2030680

File: 1724722776147.png (344.29 KB, 1240x1395, LIMERENCE_PART_5_28.png)

Lol so much of Laika was a false bravado that's easily broken when you remember how many pages of Limerence are spent with Fannys insert bawling and throwing shit around in a tantrum. I wonder if her Dom (or mother) is tard wrangling her right now.

No. 2030681

File: 1724722854066.gif (1.23 MB, 500x281, 1000006865.gif)

She's so insanely cringe. She wants to larp as le though based edgelord online, but also cries about boolies and twansphobes.

No. 2030682

File: 1724722866867.jpg (72.3 KB, 889x578, gf.jpg)

There's no further details to verify but I think the long term gf was probably a tim, no way she could hack being with a real woman and her icky vagina

No. 2030683

The fucking snouts she draws take the wind out of me, giving moe animu artists a run for their money with how inhuman her shit looks.

No. 2030684

I take comfort in the idea that she's freaking out about the discord server

No. 2030686

this bitch seriously wrote fanfic of herself owning da haterz my fucking sides

No. 2030688

Meanwhile shes been glued to lolcow ever since her thread was made deleting all her shit kek

No. 2030689

Just passing by this thread so I'm out of the loop. What doctor is going to cut her clit off? Is she gonna kill the tissue or something first so they're forced to amputate it

No. 2030690

This is so cringe she's trying so hard to be an edgelord who "makes the haters mad" but it really just highlights her insecurity kek. Fanny is trying extremely hard to seem like she isn't in panic mode that she… writes a fanfic about her getting angry and jerking off to her thread.. Sounds unbothered to me!

No. 2030691

i’m having flashbacks to homunculous and the leg amputation…… and the dry ice furries

No. 2030692

File: 1724723518332.png (139.04 KB, 1916x838, 1000024740.png)

Shed try to do the "own da haters" shtick all the time but it doesn't work when everyone can see what a miserable cretin she actually is. Some nonnie please edit this with Elise as Laika and with fanny as the strawman saying "UNMILK ME THIS INSTANT"

No. 2030693

File: 1724723680849.jpg (29.88 KB, 795x246, mom.jpg)

This cap reminds me of a thought I had earlier upthread, but I doubt her mom would care about what she's been posting. Fanny could easily deny she has any ties to Laika, and as for null, I'd imagine it's all par for the course in comparison to what an objective failure of a daughter she is.

But can you imagine her mom actually read this stuff and awkwardly responded "it's very well written honey" in a desperate search for something nice to say about her child's degenerate porn fiction she's somehow made her career holy kek

No. 2030694

Might be too late but you can use this to download entire discords


No. 2030695

Since she's French it'll obviously be different but fwiw there are burger surgeons who do "gender affirming" nullification surgeries so it's not out of the realm of possibility. It's usually a moid fetish but there was a FTM female nullo with no clitoris and only a urethra on reddit posted on the kiwifarms SRS horrors thread

No. 2030696

There absolutely are surgeons who specialize in nullification. You pretty much just need the money. She might actually go through with it, she interacts with a ton of actual nullos on X.

No. 2030697

If it's true that her mom read her very long screed about the romance between cartman and his favourite victim, she must know a fair amount of english. unless null translated the whole thing into french?

No. 2030700

Its hilarious that she'd even admit this in the first place (no sane person shows their mom their porn its such a red flag) because it's also quietly admitting she has nothing outside her coom art to even show her mother. Whilst her sisters can get commercial gigs and even end up on t.v she'll be stuck in her paypig discord and her mom will putting the cartman doodles on the fridge out of pity kek

No. 2030703

I used to have an anti-moralfag stance on her, if anything i thought she was retarded for sharing extremely embarrassing and repulsive fantasies non-anonymously. But this specific line tipped me over the edge. She deserves the worst

No. 2030704

This is the most striking thing to me. These people are always saying that fiction doesn't equal reality or whatever then jerk off to real rape victim testimonies and save pictures and probably watch videos of real victims of FGM to also jerk off too.

No. 2030705

File: 1724724433429.png (1.12 MB, 1916x838, cowlol.png)

No. 2030707

beautiful. i love you forever nonna.

No. 2030708

No. 2030709

yeah it's unlikely she'll find a surgeon in france willing to so that, they'd be facing prosecution even if the patient consented. not gonna lawsperg but basically french law considers you can't consent to severe indignity or mutilation. yeah there's troonshit but you need psychiatric eval and nullification doesn't count as common accepted troon surgical practice.
if she is indeed getting that surgery, she's most likely paying a hack in a country with loose regulations.
lmao typical tif, larps as so tough and manly grrr but they're all insecure midgets with anxiety disorders

No. 2030710

I want to understand what the point is of doing this in real life. Does she understand she won't be able to orgasm at her shitty pornos ever again?

No. 2030711

or she lied about it like how she lied about her mother abusing her lol

No. 2030712

Legend nonnie
Fanny admitted a bit up the thread that she's never had a orgasm kek

No. 2030713

Its honestly hilarious that a detranser is trying to get her clit removed. She already regretted transition, what makes her think she wont regret cutting her clit too? shes a retarded munchie.

No. 2030714

How is it possible someone this horny has never been able to orgasm? Then what is she getting out of drawing porn?

No. 2030715

File: 1724725308240.jpg (360.07 KB, 1228x1382, 1000024742.jpg)

A skim reading through Limerence shows you just how much Fanny took inspiration from Iusse including aforementioned tub death. Van would have similar spergouts like the one in this video that are mostly portrayed as cute and Laika swoons over it. Rereading after dead dad confirmation & it just all clicks together in a horrible but milky way

No. 2030716


No. 2030717

File: 1724725579979.jpg (79.74 KB, 800x534, me.jpg)

Nonnas, I did it. I saved two channels I thought were relevant and will post links soon. Felt like picrel

No. 2030718

Seriously this is vile because she's just using one of her sisters as a mouthpiece to justify her attraction to her dead dad. At this point I'm glad he's dead, not because this shit is embarrassing and pathetic, but because she at least can't have more real content for her fetish. This is why rich parents should always send their kids to some farms in remote areas so they work for food, Jesus.

No. 2030722

discord nona, do you still have access? could you look for detrans/detransition and orgasm? I'm wondering if she ever talks about transition regret or her orgasm problems at greater length.

No. 2030724

samefag also maybe "dom" since she mentioned having one in a post about her fundraiser.

No. 2030727

File: 1724726422127.gif (8.08 MB, 498x452, IMG_2844.gif)

You're a hero nonna

No. 2030728

Nevermind I'm retarded. I'm stuck on what to do with this huge html file I can't figure out how to convert to url or an image format. Will check back in later when I have it figured out
Sorry, but I left the server for personal reasons(sage your shit)

No. 2030729

Good work nonnie! You're a godsend

No. 2030730

She's terrible at instilling any sense of movement or emotion into her art. It's so flat, even with the obvious symbols (tears, jagged mouth, sweat drops, action lines) it takes talent to be this bad.

It's no wonder your sisters are successful artists and you're posting edgy porn online for pennies and hating yourself, null, kek.

No. 2030731

it's all good, you're still one of the best things that's happened here kek.

No. 2030733

You could always upload the html file to something like catbox.

No. 2030734

Amazing, love you all.
Her stuff as Laika is so stiff and inorganic. I know it's been said before but it's so obviously not a real art style.
Also the obsession with WITCH. Isn't that the one her father worked on?

No. 2030736

What happened, nonna? What else did you see that you couldn't screencap?

No. 2030744

File: 1724728589789.jpg (284.05 KB, 2004x1808, 1000024748.jpg)

Found more art of these ocs whilst looking for tweets and the one on the left is making me lose my shit

No. 2030745

God it's so ugly.
Does anyone know when her fgm fetish start?

No. 2030750

File: 1724730203954.png (120.22 KB, 1714x648, imdb.png)

Seconding >>2030733. Don't worry if it's not the prettiest, it's still better than nothing; and besides, maybe another anon here will be able to figure out how to format it once you do.
Yes, it is. I wonder, does she leave these little RL "easter eggs" throughout her comics on purpose? Is it subliminal? Or perhaps she just can't help herself…?

No. 2030751

skinwalker jumpscare

No. 2030752

File: 1724730687962.jpg (30.86 KB, 529x941, bod.jpg)

>you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

No. 2030755

File: 1724731519739.png (41.3 KB, 1122x622, van_rkgk.png)

She unfollowed the sockpuppet and cleared the bio lol

No. 2030756

Fanny reminds me so much of an old French movie called À ma sœur! aka Fat Girl. It's about a fat girl malding over being the third wheel to her teenage sister's grooming by a moid over vacation. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a similar relationship with her own sister
The movie ends with a random psycho breaking into their car, killing the mother and sister then raping the main character. When the cops rescue her from the woods she swears that she wasn't raped because she finally lost her virginity. Tinfoil, but there seems to be a correlation between fat, unattractive women and super dark, misogynistic rape kinks. Ravishment fantasies are common but fat edgelords can't keep themselves from turning it into true crime fap rags. Fanny's habit of making her female OCs young and skinny is an obvious reflection of her envy and resentment. The genital mutilation stuff is more than likely a manifestation of her own self-hatred. I also think she's too chickenshit to really go through with it. As a woman approaching her thirties from a well off family, it probably wouldn't be too hard for her to travel to another country for the procedure. She may be a degenerate but she's obviously not as hasty as the null fetish scrotes that unscrote themselves in the comfort of their own homes. She just enjoys the fantasy of being a clitless pornsick nlog that only does anal.

No. 2030761

File: 1724732678805.jpg (695.78 KB, 1228x1382, 1000024750.jpg)

Her writing a totally real black friend who I relate to by being nonwhite is almost as cringy

No. 2030763

what the actual fuck is wrong with her?

No. 2030764

Aside from the fact that she's never met an african-american person in her life, the most unrealistic part of this is how a young-adult lefty black guy who is totally cool with gendies would be cool with his nonbinary bisexual lesbian friend fucking her dad and go on a non chalant rant about muh whitey bidness but you're an adult woman so it's no biggie and not react like any other person: shock and awkward silence and immediate ghosting.

No. 2030766

File: 1724733291129.jpg (37.15 KB, 825x172, 1000024753.jpg)

For the love of God never reproduce Fanny. Also the manga part just draws more parallels to Van yeesh anyone with parental incest fantasies as elborate as hers should be sterilized

No. 2030769

it's a pre-k parents meeting, and he's ranting that other parents are flaking on said meetings and asking to push them to later dates disregarding a majority vote deciding on when they take place.

No. 2030770

Didn't her dad die when she was 8? When did he show her how to be the ultimate weeb?

No. 2030771

>>2030766 I remember predicting in the alt salt thread that she would let her partners abuse her kids sexually, as she has joked about it in her comics and has defended pedophiles. Anons defense was that she wouldn't want kids. Seems like I was right.

No. 2030773

probably the most retarded comic ive seen in this thread so far kek

No. 2030775

File: 1724734240950.png (588.61 KB, 1358x1527, 1000024755.png)

Since Laika is confirmed larp do you think Fanny actually sent this guy who apparently donated thousands to Ang (a known grifter) a picture of her nasty rat fanny or made it up to look cool in front of the degenerates (pretty positive it's the latter kek)

No. 2030776

She wants to be her sister and fuck her dead father basically

No. 2030778

File: 1724734661801.jpg (293.12 KB, 1228x507, laika.jpg)

This one is painful
Relevant comic lmao

Unrelated but I was reading her leaked stuff and it's so obvious how much she projects her detrans shit onto her Laika persona being a supposedly super androgynous flat woman with a deep voice who gets mistaken for a man. She seems to have a thing for "older mildly homophobic maledoms who would theoretically fuck a femboy and pretend it's straight". It's like she regrets going on T since she can't be the cutesy smol bean sub of her dreams anymore esp with her testosterone TIF voice

No. 2030779

Okay now this is fucked up. This weirdo actually wants to fuck her dead dad.

No. 2030781

File: 1724735152449.png (152.2 KB, 481x478, 1000024757.png)

Similar drawing with same retarded alpaca plushie and smug expression. She can't stop rehashing her own shit kek

No. 2030782

File: 1724735181582.png (195.7 KB, 462x433, 1663562298187.png)

you nonnarchivists are heroes and i love you
it's crazy to me that she spends all her time fantasizing about interactions between her and her dad, or between cy and lynn, interactions between laika and this imaginary twitter journalist giving her attention and featuring her in an article, while being this alone, teenage-like and asexual. nobody crafting these elaborate daydreams about a self-insert chatting with a totally speshul kinky love interest actually has a fulfilling intimate life, and everytime i read a comic i'm like yeah, people don't talk like that, this person is terminally online and socially retarded. i'm surprised she's as old as 27.
it seems like this histrionic bitch never meaningfully interacted with people in a way that would bring her to maturity and wants to compensate by projecting this edgelord image (lol @ baiting people into giving her a reason for fake indignation >>2030328 and random shock imagery in an innocent comic >>2030305). i wonder how she acts irl…
the gratification she gets in the company of other people online is making a spectacle out of herself in front of them, and not by making friends. her crazy fetishes are not a testament to her wild raw sexy soul but to the decades spent reading fanfiction on her phone and getting more and more delayed. she wants to seem passionate but truth is she's completely empty inside.

No. 2030787

File: 1724736096479.jpg (825.64 KB, 1080x2164, 1000024759.jpg)

Kek she deleted the post. What made you do it Fanny huh? I thought your mom was behind you 100%

No. 2030790


she didn't, it's still live.

you just have to maneuver around twitter's retardation to find it.

No. 2030794

File: 1724739953733.jpg (1.28 MB, 2160x3840, 1000005619.jpg)

Does anyone have more caps of her previous tumblr journal-of-a-thing?

No. 2030795

This sort of comic truly shows how vent art isn't real art, like she's an absolute nobody literal who with the most retarded art in concept, shape and content, nobody cares about how she feels because she's not only shit but also a terminally unremarkable person.
That shit should just stay in a diary, she's telling something that has been said millions of times in many ways by thousands of people, with the most boring compositions ever.
It really makes you wonder if she even likes drawing at all.

No. 2030807

File: 1724748322646.png (11.18 KB, 125x103, hazelnut head.png)

it looks like cheapo noelle stevenson plus random tumblr influences, also wtf is that face

No. 2030818

>doxxed me foe having a trans jba headcanon
that cant be who i think it is now can it?

No. 2030820

how do you even get to this point. what must have happened in your life to end up like this, christ..

No. 2030824

I mean it can happen, getting into porn at a young age, not interacting with many regular people and letting your fetishes escalate. I was into dark romance crap before I realized how fucked up it was, though this is a particularly extreme case

No. 2030830

Boy am I glad the discord leaks happened so late at night (her time). I think the only reason the brave nonna who managed to get the screencaps wasn't immediately banned upon posting was because it was 3am for Fanny, so she might have been asleep/crying herself to sleep. Godspeed nonna, if I could buy you a coffee or a beer I would, you're our bravest soldier. Be careful not to get doxxed in return if you didn't use a burner.
You start with one fetish, then you get another, and another, ad vitam eternam. There's a saying in those circles, "what do you call a guy with only one fetish? a liar". Fanny started with Homestuck, then over the course of a few hundred fanfics must have found darker content and started getting into it.

No. 2030837

Her current "gf" was someone who was following her Twitter already when she met them. I assume she met "her" online so it's probably some maladjusted e-relationship with a TIM or TIF with no actual mutual attraction to each other but instead sustained by both Null and the 'gf' projecting their elaborate fantasies on each other. Maybe they really did meet up IRL a few times and did something, but I doubt that Null is actually crazy about this person. Many such cases with stuck-inside online artists, in which most of their intimate conduct is carried out through an online context like RPing as their characters or online personas

No. 2030847

Yess nona that film is really good
>Tinfoil, but there seems to be a correlation between fat, unattractive women and super dark, misogynistic rape kinks.
You can remove 'tinfoil', it's true. It's like how women into DDLG who go on and on about being delicate little anorexic things are often very womanly and plump. They could easily be attractive in their own way but they feel like they missed out on being a petite CSA victim.
You nailed it.

No. 2030850

File: 1724759512904.png (241.54 KB, 640x715, 1724486191491.png)

Bet she learned that using social media like your diary for over a decade isn't such a good idea kek

No. 2030852

Not at all anon. I'm happy she journals everything for our convenience. Makes it a entertaining read.

No. 2030853

Yeah and in her case it was also exacerbated by trooning out. She grew up seething with jealousy over her prettier sisters and thought she could escape competition with them by becoming a transboi, but it didn't work out.
Now she feels that she can't ever be loved the way she is, it has to be through some insane extreme kink.
I think it's also the reason for the dad incest fetish - the only romantic fantasy that makes her feel secure is when her partner literally can't leave her because they are attached biologically, and he feels obligated to care of her
I wonder if she was also jealous of her sisters for having gotten to spend more time with their dad, maybe that's one reason she feels justified in using selene's image for her disgusting trash comics

No. 2030854

Does anyone else feel kind of bad because she is female. At least she won't actually be a predator.

No. 2030856

>feel bad because she's female
No because this pickme piece of shit glorified fgm and made fun of its victims. She deserves all the shit she gets

No. 2030858

It's wrong but now her family will find out and everything is out there forever so there's no point in her reforming, she is kind of stuck with this image. I guess it's her own fault and she is retarded. But I still feel a bit bad.

No. 2030859

she has a fgm fetish (among others), if anything her being female makes it worse that she spreads the idea of that being sexually desirable around.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She could have kept all of this offline or at least better disconnected from herself and her private life, but didn't care or think to.

No. 2030860

Why are you so compassionate to the bitch who has made art of
>dyke breaking
>domestic violence on women
Your sympathy is misplaced and suspicious

No. 2030861

Yeah I guess you right, she is clearly an attention whore.
Even if it's gross and cringe I don't think making degenerate art makes you evil, even when it's that bad.

No. 2030862

She has photos of fgm victims in her phone as jerkoff fodder

No. 2030863

I didn't know that, wtf. Ok I'll stop.

No. 2030864

It's not just her art, nonna. It's also her justifying grooming as not being abuse, as said here >>2029343
If she just posted art without saying anything, I don't think her thread would have gotten this much traction. Her behavior is absolutely vile and disgusting, too. She actively endorses most of what she posts.

No. 2030865

do you think, for Fanny,
>as a white woman living a cushy life in a first world country, watering down fgm (an incredibly painful genital mutilation performed on women and especially YOUNG GIRLS in shitholes) as a sexy desirable kink
isn't evil

No. 2030867

File: 1724761836025.jpeg (6.61 KB, 202x250, there's a fanny smell here.jpe…)

>Even if it's gross and cringe I don't think making degenerate art makes you evil, even when it's that bad.
Sounds alot like that anon who was seething about her getting a thread…

No. 2030868

KEK at the file name. you're a genius nonna

No. 2030869

Yeah OK I agree, she clearly doesn't separate her art from reality. Maybe she will quit the internet forever now and go outside and develop normal thought patterns and behaviors for once.
Sorry I'm not her and I'll stop derailing or whatever, I'm ok with this thread.

No. 2030872

Don't forget she saves real photos, which are all likely just from real victims, including underage ones. She must be aware of this and she doesn't give a single fuck. She deserves what's coming to her, nonna.

No. 2030873

>and go outside and develop normal thought patterns and behaviors for once.
She drew a comic where she made her self insert in her sisters face fuck her own dead father so doubt it.cows gotta MOO she's never going off the internet

No. 2030874

gotdamn, the french make such weird films

No. 2030875

File: 1724762849533.png (41.84 KB, 458x765, testimony.png)

One of her ex classmates very kindly allowed me to post their impressions of Perret. I hid some of it for anonymity purposes, hope you nonas understand. They mention (not in the screenshot) that their impression of Perret is coherent with this thread. Translation:
>I wasn't very present at EMCA so i don't know much about [Perret's] class
>Perret was really scary
>Tried to be sympathetic but would go through periods of staring intensely at classmates, very creepily
>Perret seemed close to the 'tumblr weeb' group but broke off due to a conflict, or so it seems
>Perret often talked alone, doing cartoon voices like an 'annoying character'
>She seemed to have a persecution complex, frequently mentioning how she had no friends, how she sucked at art
>Something really sad emanated from her
>She has 0 asian passing whatsoever

Now i feel a little bad (again) for her kek

No. 2030876

Not 'sympathetic' sorry, she tried to befriend people. ESLfag moment

No. 2030877

Thanks for the insight nonna, though I hope you just happen to know someone from EMCA and did not willingly go cowtipping.
Don't feel bad for her. She brought her own doom with her persecution complex and victim mentality.
If you don't want to go through the hassle of translating the whole image I can do it for you (though by this point I'm starting to suspect a good chunk of the thread is French)

No. 2030878

If she wasn't obsessed with the idea of her sister fucking her father, or her being her own father fucking her sister dressed as her mom.
Is what gives me that tinfoil because what the hell, I would say she has a silver of a chance, but she also has CP in her phone and masturbates to statements made by rape victims, so idk, I think Fanny Perret is too messed up to have any kind of normal life, she honestly deserves getting disowned by her family, she literally is the only one that's pathetic, she doesn't really deserve having a seemingly nice family at all.
I hope her mother and her sisters learn more about her so they can make her stop using their too public last name.

No. 2030879

Yes, i know people from EMCA. This person came forward, saying they were in her class after i brought her up like 'look at this strange person'. And i'm french, i kept it short and straight to the point but i suppose i could have done it more thoroughly

No. 2030881

>would say she has a silver of a chance, but she also has CP in her phone
Holy fuck I didn't realize that might be true..since most fgm victims are underaged. Elsie give me strength not to alog this frog

No. 2030882

this was actually my first thought upon reading about her; most of the photos you see for reconstruction surgery are little children
it takes an actually evil person to see that shit and like it

No. 2030887

File: 1724765150109.jpg (130.01 KB, 662x1063, F2Z-VG5XQAA2Wd9.jpg)

>every time someone does a callout for me they fail to mention i am a queer trans person and a csa and rape survivor
She's such a textbook case of picrel, race aside

No. 2030888

No. 2030889

"race aside" like she wouldn't scream she's literally asian if she could. we've already seen this with laika where she couldn't go two tweets without reminding everyone she is, in fact, asian-american. this pic always reminds me of Jill kek

No. 2030890

who? spill it

No. 2030891

No. Pickmes are the ones that lure young girls and women to be abused by men.

No. 2030892

nta but they're probably referring to brujo ari. Although there's plenty of tif artists out there drawing trans jjba characters.

No. 2030895

I remember Soren bragging in a similar way when she found out about her thread here, saying her parents "took her side".

No. 2030904

>whines to her mummy and tells the trolls about it like a 7 year-old with a tablet
>apart from that she's totes a hardcore moody S&M edgelord who's into extreme pain you guys, i swear.
my money is on her family not knowing the whole story and her lying about it to discourage people from cowtipping and protect her ass, which is what she was already doing back then by mentioning she showed her cartman art to her mom.
interesting but very unsurprising lol, like you said obese tifs usually only date eachother to say they're gay and and have an at-home friend they tolerate sleeping next to. and of course fanny would date someone from the internet.

No. 2030925

>talking to non-black friend
“haha it’s still kinda weird but also wholesome and cute i’m rooting for you incest freak :3”

>talking to black friend

“man das some wypipo shi les talk about race and how poc you are oh but idc you grown and make your own decisions so it’s all good”

No. 2030928

Holy fuck u nonas have been busy at work, I applaud you. Especially brave nonnie who took one for the team and brought us discord milk
Can't believe she basically admitted to being Laika here >>2030637 kek, we already knew but I didn't expect her to be so mask off about it especially to her followers.
And of course Fanny has the "eww pussy ickyy" autism. Muh sensory issues won't let me munch box b-b-but I'd totally go knee deep in pussy if I happened to find a FGM victim in the wild!!. Also kekking at her getting booted from a guro server for being too much of a pervert. does anyone know who she means by her "mentor" who ran said server?
And LOLA doesn't have a clit either now?? jfc Fanny you're so unoriginal, we know you hate clits because T rendered you unable to coom but how many fucking female OCS with the same shit backstory/ genital mutilation can you make? I thought lola was just your prolapse fodder. I wonder if she also wants her clit removed because going on T enlarged it and now that she's done larping as a man it grosses her out, yet she also resents normie women with intact clits
My fuckin sides, nona. This is so cringe I can barely handle it. I love how she tried to sneak 4chan in there as if any fag there would even know who she is, much less care enough to make a thread. It's especially hilarious she wrote this about her Laika-sona considering the amount of comics she's made having a mental breakdown over her "stalkers"
So her dad actually worked on WITCH then? I assumed that was one of her lies but the fact that the incest dad character seems to be heavily based on her actual dad is actually beyond disturbing
the fact that her mom seems so supportive and kind despite her daughters retardation makes it even sadder. I know she has a total lack of self awareness but I doubt she lets her mom read/see her actual work. She has to be censoring the main degeneracy, especially since mommy perret allegedly doesn't speak English

No. 2030929

porcelainpines https://x.com/porcelainpines/status/1300613946743894016 she has been posted on kiwifarms before, no wonder why she was so defensive of null, cows colliding kek

No. 2030941

File: 1724777962279.jpg (178.54 KB, 780x878, 1000024768.jpg)

it's really pathetic on both "Laika" & Ang to pretend to have met in order to own da haters or whatever. This comic is funny as fuck in retrospect though. Yeah this whole "vent comic situation" obviously went really well for the both of you kek

No. 2030946

File: 1724778206918.jpg (145.79 KB, 780x878, 1000024770.jpg)

Here's the first part of their supposed meet up. I remember Ang posting a picture looking at a window of a plane to help sell it so lemme see if it's on a board

No. 2030947

She's so unfunny and uninteresting. Being disgusting is not a personality, Fanny.

No. 2030953

She's seriously obsessed with those "Oh you!" Jokes.
>omg stop being such a pedophile rapist!! Laughing track
>You're such a sick fuck laughing track
>haha you're such a misogynistic pig!

No. 2030955

File: 1724779220208.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB, 2458x3035, 1000024771.jpg)

Found part of a comic where lola asks joji to cut her clit off. She frames it as such a huge commitment in a relationship to mutilate yourself kek

No. 2030957

KEK what's the logic here even?
>Yeah, we have 6 years in a toxic as fuck relationship
>how about I get this shit mutilated so I can't even imagine myself having an orgasm when we fuck?

No. 2030960

File: 1724779621388.png (Spoiler Image,849.75 KB, 700x1132, porcelainpinesoldmanmilkermarc…)


lmao porcelainpines/oldmanmilker is an exact example of how these pooners rile each other up into sicker and sicker kinks. this pic marcel drew is an example of how fanny keeps drawing these weird girls into her fold. would not be surprised if that corruption element is part of it for her as i know on twitter she has mentioned that "dedication to a kink" and the bodily destruction that comes from it is something she gets off on.

also, tempted to collect all of the limerence shit she posted online and upload it so that nonas dont have to go on hentai sites to find it. lmk if this is something that would be worthwhile to contribute to the thread and i'll see what i can do.

No. 2030963

yup, it gives me 2009-esque penny arcade vibes. she's a quirky girl what can i say

No. 2030966

I'd be interested in a collection of all the limerence shit. I absolutely do not want to go rummaging hentai sites full of viruses and malware for it, so if you feel like you can archive it, at least one person here (me) would be grateful.

No. 2030967

kek at her basically admitting that she made cartman a white passing hapa to thwart off racism accusations. she definitely does have a wmaf raceplay fetish though but it's one of the very few actually cancellable fetishes in those circles especially from a whitey. pretty sure this is also why van is half indonesian. I think I saw a character sheet of him with the russian and what I thought was the polish flag (I'm retarded so I always mistake the two kek) so I thought he was meant to be russian-polish but apparently he's actually russian-indonesian? either way it's funny how she obviously just assigns random nationalities to her characters for the sake of ~diversity~ and just comes across as an ignorant westoid. western euros in general like pretending they're so much more enlightened and progressive than burgers when it comes to race while being even more racist just in a covert way but frogs are by far the worst offenders.

No. 2030968

Oh my god you just unlocked a memory for me. Idk if it's the same comic, where I saw this posted (maybe it was herer in a different thread), or exactly when, but I remember a comic where a woman cuts off another woman's clit and they both enjoy it a lot. The one getting it cut off also had crazy eyes and was drooling.
When talking about Lynn, Fanny said she had an orgasm denial fetish and that FGM was the ultimate denial. Like… I'm pretty sure the point of denial is that you get to coom eventually.
I wonder how Develv would feel about her. Would they feel some kind of kinship for also liking castration or would they hate her because they absolutely hate women?

No. 2030971

all three of them (develv and ad) hate women. wasn't one of the develv sisters an enby herself? or sperged about how she wishes she was male? either way I don't think they'd get along too well because develv are all about eunuch yaoi and ad is all about fgm incest het

No. 2030976

That would be fantastic, actually.

No. 2030977

It would be very awesome of you to collate it somehow.
>sperged about how she wishes she was male
Makes perfect sense. I'm surprised both aren't tifs. Maybe their self hatred goes so deep that they feel they don't have the right to be the males that they worship so much.

No. 2030981

I haven't read Devlev's thread in a long long time but I think at least one pretended to be a cis male or was a tif at some point.
Dev and Fanny are really two sides of the same coins: girls obsessed with genital mutilation; one with eunuchs and the other with fgm. Add to that Fanny RPed as partly russian (her fictional dad Van was half-russian) and you get another common point between the two.

No. 2030982

File: 1724781623242.jpg (665.46 KB, 1080x1260, 1000024777.jpg)

Whoever prayed you won kek

No. 2030983

File: 1724781969420.jpg (176.41 KB, 1076x959, Screenshot_20240827_093317_Chr…)

Fanny's directly substituting 1:1 the experience with her mom and how she never usually gave her things she liked >>2030272 with her dad here.

No. 2030985

ok this article was posted like a month ago and i know it's presented as a joke and as fiction but the effort that went into it required unfathomable insane amounts of narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming, i'm actually in awe.
the fake tumblr and twitter posts are batshit. you can tell she revels at the idea of
>getting attention for having a 'famous' father and being the "princess of the fandom" (i'm for real quoting her article)
>having fictional internet randos speculate and salivate about her love life like she's lindsay lohan
>shocking everybody with the great incest reveal and being the ultimate transgressive cool girl internet personality.
homegirl is oozing concentrated narc juice from every pore and the pleasure she derives from her attention-seeking binges is sickening. she's deeply mentally ill and probably spends all day fantasizing about herself and her persona, light years away from reality on the 4th plane of existence or whatever.

No. 2030987

File: 1724783192315.jpg (182.35 KB, 1080x590, 1000024787.jpg)

She really goes hard and tries to act like the average person wouldn't look at her larp with disdain and disgust no only terminally online people would be mean and rude to me

No. 2030993

can newfags to the thread at least lurk first? this was posted ages ago

No. 2030994

File: 1724784176561.png (51.44 KB, 1007x319, lmao.png)

i have the entirety of limerence downloaded. nonnas, what's the best place to upload files with multiple folders?

for some contribution, this curiouscat ask from some random made me laugh. the idea that anyone believed it wasn't just some fetish gimmick is hilarious. and just to be safe i also archived it. https://archive.is/S1mbP

No. 2030998

Holy fuck. She’s inserting all of her real life experiences, from the mundane (alpaca plushie gift) to the serious (her dad dying in a bathtub) into a story about how a girl that looks like her sister fucks her dad. This girl is fucked. Have we reached horrorcow territory yet?

No. 2031002

She has laugh track humour kek. Or she grew up watching ecchi anime where every joke is
> "I'm a pervert who likes boobs"
> ""EHHHHHH?!?!?!"

No. 2031004

File: 1724785122748.jpg (Spoiler Image,877.85 KB, 1240x1395, LIMERENCE_PART_4_30.jpg)


honestly having read limerence to download it, freud would have a fucking field day with her lol. like jesus christ, what level of incest freak is it to imagine yourself a your sister to screw your dad. fanny perret you have much to answer for!

No. 2031007

File: 1724786377734.jpg (169.03 KB, 780x878, 1000024769.jpg)

It's obvious this persona was made as a giant cope. Fanny made Van, who's blatantly based on Iusse,into her perfect partner (saw some nonnie call him a manic pixie dad and that's pretty on point kek) he has no life outside their relationship, exists to comfort her insert, & cleans after her tard rage. Talented artist who's also super autistic and that makes him gap moe. Also just happens to be the perfect dom and sooo attentive & open with sex. Did I mention he's a fantastic chef? Iusse deserved better than to have part of his legacy ruined by his fat faildaughter

No. 2031009

Something tells me mommy was closer to her sisters and daddy encouraged her artistry. What a mistake on his part.

No. 2031010

tbf how was he supposed to know she'd turn out like this?

No. 2031013

>I live for the way he looks at me
uhh getting eyefucked by a family member is like one of the worst feelings ever, what the fuck

No. 2031014

File: 1724787502293.jpg (92.55 KB, 430x456, 1000024794.jpg)

No. 2031021

someone please archive this before she DFEs, it sounds fucking hilarious. i would but i can't do it rn. and post link when you do. please
>you're so good at coloring, my totally real existing daughter who i, a totally real existing professional artist started fucking after your mother died. you're an artist
now look at this >>2030781 and these >>2030744 >>2022574 >>2022575
was your real dad colorblind too, fanny?

tinfoil but i wonder if she wishes her mother died instead of her father

No. 2031026

File: 1724789182045.png (890.7 KB, 1330x11190, chiaroscurolaika1.png)


it's login-locked on ao3 so it resists archiving (source: tried to do it myself and it kept giving me errors). i did save screenshots though, will post to thread here in a second. there's 18 chapters so this might take me a minute so i don't get marked as spam lmao also sorry these pics are huge, i tried to capture each chapter in a single screencap. i saved it as a webpage as well.

No. 2031028

File: 1724789287101.png (565.56 KB, 1310x6816, chiaroscurolaika2.png)

No. 2031029

No. 2031030

File: 1724789428852.png (668.37 KB, 1247x8962, chiaroscurolaika3.png)



oh sweet, archive.is must have just been shitting the bed on me, thanks for posting lol

No. 2031031

File: 1724789514246.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.85 KB, 897x618, 1000024796.jpg)

No one gets off secretly to your poorly drawn mutilation porn Fanny For how unbothered you act you make ALOT of strawman comics. Everybody knows it's a massive cope even your coomer fans

No. 2031032

The fact that he died when she was 8 years old makes this even weirder. How old were her sisters? Something tells me they were older and probably had more things to talk about with her parents than an 8 years old child.
But even if he was devoted to her 24/7, isn't it just bizarre to cling to your father's death this much? I thankfully never knew what a dead parent means from a young age, specially a seemingly good parent, but this whole thing of her creating a series of porn comics featuring your dad and probably your sister can't be something that happens just like that.
Why is she so obsessed with fucking her ugly ass dead father?

No. 2031033

Idk why but the random panel of bottles and cups kills me 'cause it just looks like they're there for no reason.

No. 2031034


if he died in 2009 as fanny has claimed - she posted in 2014 that he had died 5 years prior, which would put his date of death at 2009 which aligns with the obits others have posted - and assuming her birthdate is accurate, then she would've been almost 12 when he died. her sisters look relatively close-ish in age to her so i imagine they were between 13-18 when he passed, so i don't think it was a big enough age gap to make them better conversationalists than she was. i think she was honestly just born wrong.

No. 2031035

File: 1724789890561.png (486.57 KB, 360x1440, photo-collage.png.png)

This comic is eerily similar to this one she made back under PGP. Seems like she's always had this strange fascination with her dad Iusse.

No. 2031036

File: 1724789961264.jpg (67.96 KB, 800x595, Oban3a.jpg)

The snouts she draws remind me a bunch of Oban Star Racers. I think it's a French/Japanese collaboration but probably not intentional. I just couldn't get it out my head when I realized what her old style reminded me of

No. 2031037

File: 1724789973868.png (333.67 KB, 540x1351, download (3).png)

No. 2031038

File: 1724790025075.png (15.53 KB, 657x150, r.png)

I saved the entirety of her Retrospring (~2500 posts) up until yesterday if anyone cares to read it since it's a lot to click through otherwise

No. 2031041

Does she ever actually talk about animation or art, like techniques? Or is the server just one big circlejerk about how great she is?

No. 2031043

Her mom was right

No. 2031045

Seriously she has to be genuinely retarded to think she could get away with larping an incestuous relationship with her sooper famous comic artist star dad that everyone is A-OKAY! with. And she has to be extremely retarded to fetishize fgm & other insanely misogynistic shite. Some women are beyond saving.

No. 2031046

>you punched a wall bc someone was rude to you on twitter
>I'm way too logical for feelings
I know Laika is a character, but it's also clearly a self insert. I also know she probably didn't punch a wall (walls in europe are actual brick and not paper like in the US) but it just shows that she has no idea who she actually is.

No. 2031047

it says it has been deleted? cant you save it on mediafire?

No. 2031051

We need some better archiving for all this shit. Would anyone be willing to make a KF thread on her? It's more long lasting than threads here.
>isn't it just bizarre to cling to your father's death this much?
I'll defend her on this, there's no time limit on mourning. It's ok for her to still be upset about it, especially for the fact that she missed out on having a dad during her formative years, but imagine an incestuous relationship with him is truly sick.
Wow, very good eye, it looks a lot like her fake style.
Dad tried to be a decent parent and her wires got so crossed that it felt romantic to her?
Her art is so bad that it's almost revolting that she worked in the field. Post mortem nepo baby?

No. 2031056

If not starting a thread on KF, it might be beneficial to archive on the proship discourse thread where she was first discussed. I'm surprised no one on KF dug as far as we did here.

No. 2031057

Typical autistic woe is me whining, I know it must be hard to be a literal retard but jeez the way they take these simple lessons in socialization such as "people don't like it when you sperg non-stop about things only you're interested in, try to find something in common instead" as a personal attack. Based on how she tends to draw her sisters as evil stacys I'm guessing it was one of them who tried to give her advice.
Kek daddy portrayed as the only one to ever show her kindness next to her evil Stacy mom who never apologized. the tism must've been bad if they were even fighting about her being a retard back then

No. 2031059

I'm currently subbed to null's substar, but I'm gonna unsubscribe soon. I was a sub for a couple months at the beginning of the year, read the entire catalog of unposted stuff, then unsubbed. I resubbed to see shit about Cy's new sub and it's all so fucking boring. You'd think 6+ months of WIPs would show something that I haven't seen, but it was almost all the same art but in stages (showing it lined, then colored, then rendered). The shit about faking sleeping with her dead dad really icked me out, it's so weird that she changes art styles and has that Laika account.

Null has wiped most of the discord for privacy.

No. 2031060

Oh, sorry. It might be the type of site that auto-deletes after someone downloads it. I've never used that site before.
This one should work but please yell at me if it doesn't

Lol she's in damage control mode now. Has she made any announcements?

No. 2031064

What's the thing about Cy's new sub? Wasn't the whole point of the comics that he couldn't do all the abusive shit he does to Lynn to his students and that's why she's special? What's the point of Lynn if he has another sub? Fanny just wanted another OC to force fgm on?

No. 2031065

File: 1724793713531.jpg (21.2 KB, 317x267, 385.jpg)

>Null has wiped most of the discord for privacy.

No. 2031066

File: 1724793714642.jpg (273.84 KB, 1080x1754, Screenshot_20240827_161856_Gal…)

Just an announcement to not overshare.

I haven't been very active in the server lately so I'm not sure what's been wiped, but I know the general channel and the IRL NSFW sharing channel was wiped. Not sure what else but I can assume that most of them were.

No. 2031068

i could kiss the anon who has that archived, too late faggot

No. 2031070

The new sub, Isabelle/Isabella (don't remember) is a sort of collab with someone in their discord. That OC is from a fan and is Cy's sub when he's like 60, and another one of that person's OCs is Lynn's new BF in the AU where her and Cy get divorced.

I'm cursed with the immense knowledge of null's work so ask away. I have access to the discord and even if I unsub, I'll still have access, so if anyone wants any information, I'm here.

No. 2031074

How has she not decided to change her name face and move to Mexico? Its way too late for damage control. Anyone who looks up her name will find this shit.

No. 2031075

Has she confirmed null, deadspacedoggy and platypus are all her at any point?

No. 2031077

File: 1724794193972.jpg (119.63 KB, 1267x247, 1000024585.jpg)

Could you possibly repost everything unreleased & any convos that havent been wiped? Fanny is pretty ornery about people reuploading her content so it'd be milky

No. 2031079

Does he force her to get fgm like he did with Lynn, or any other body mod? Is she underage or close to being underage? Is this yet another asian? Do you have any pics? Who is the fan you mentioned, are they a future cow?
Did Lynn divorce Cy because she finally grew a spine or did she dip after accusations of grooming underage students? Is the new bf another fgm fanatic? Nothing about this makes sense. This is a trainwreck. I cannot look away.
PGP and Null have always been affiliated, they posted about the same OCs, used the same name, portfolio and email. Both Null and PGP posted her Phoque Cancan end of school project. Laika was never confirmed to be Fanny, but in a discord message Fanny was weirdly ominous about Laika's existence >>2030637

No. 2031080

No caps after she nuked her tumblr unfortunately but she never hid that she was pgp. She posted a sfw drawing of her prolapse OCs on her main blog before

No. 2031081


"more aggressive and invasive" nothing we found about your family was found without you posting a paper trail about them first. this was all public information. rofl

anyway, enjoy limerence, nonnas:

sorry in advance if shit's janky, lmk if i need to reupload to a different platform and i will.

No. 2031082


Screenshots here about null being weird when someone talks about Laika. As of rn, there are no mentions of Laika/deadspacedog or the other acct

No. 2031083

You literally let people join your discord for 5 bucks, you fucking retard. That's not being aggressive at all.

No. 2031084

File: 1724794546610.jpg (385.29 KB, 1228x1382, LIMERENCE_PART_6_48.jpg)

Remember, kids, when you want to sell a comic, shoehorn in good art. Make sure it takes up at least half the page; that way nobody will notice your shitty scribbles off in the remaining corners.

No. 2031085

File: 1724794650466.jpg (513.35 KB, 1080x1833, Screenshot_20240628_180637_Tum…)

was retarded and didn't save whole comic before Fanny nuked her tumblr but here's part of a comic where she stalks a random old guy she found hot. She even admits she's being creepy but she legitimately doesn't seem to understand consent at all.

No. 2031088

File: 1724795179279.png (Spoiler Image,3.88 MB, 1504x1882, image.png)

This character is still pretty new in the story, so I'm not sure if he will, but as of RN the character has her clit still. She is either 19 or 20 and is white and British. The fan is just a fan/internet friend of Null's, not cow worthy imo.

As for the divorce, I think it was just boredom/they grew apart because Lynn was tired of Cy raping underage girls. The BF is not a FGM fanatic, just a normal Dom.

I agree that nothing makes sense, Null is horrible about making anything in the timeline make sense. Right now, anything about the new sub is behind a paywall, so it is especially confusing for people who aren't paying.

Pics related, they are of Isabelle/bella which is a crossover OC. Heavy NSFW warning

No. 2031090

ewww hes so fugly

No. 2031092

Between this bitch, nemu and saagelius I'm convinced only stunted, autistic women are singlehandedly carrying the self esteem of old, fat and ugly men on their uwu petite small girl backs.

No. 2031100

Does anyone know what Iusse's actual art looks like, so we can compare it directly to the stuff Fanny claimed was his (but clearly drew herself)?

No. 2031102

File: 1724796660338.jpg (179.91 KB, 1867x1603, got you.jpg)

Too right she is too late. Saging here but nonnies, I have HTML files that show the full history of the genchat and kink channels, dating back to 2021.
Because they're so large my only option to make them shareable was to upload it online as a downloadable file, see picrel. I've got it on mediafire, github and potentially catbox and will post links shortly. If a computer savvy nonny can use the text file to create something shorter and more readable, that would be awesome.

No. 2031104

Thank you for your service nonnie

No. 2031105

File: 1724796963664.jpg (240.29 KB, 600x750, love you.jpg)

i kneel to the based archiver

No. 2031106

>IRL NSFW sharing channel
this is sounds like there were minors posting nudes and she deleted the whole channel to not get caught

No. 2031107

when i looked at his imdb it looked like he mostly just did background work professionally

No. 2031108

There were a few people on there who looked really young. They were 18/19 but looked MUCH younger. I truly believe null cleared it for people's privacy, I don't think she would have let an actual minor post in there, believe it or not.

No. 2031109

>Fanny said she had an orgasm denial fetish and that FGM was the ultimate denial.
Tinfoil: She detransed for her fetish. Anyone who knows gendie women knows a subset of them get off to extreme misogyny. Perhaps she was one of those TiFs who enjoy ftmpunished-tier stories about being found out as a woman and humiliated (because womanhood is humiliating and titillating for troons). Maybe FGM is the 'logical conclusion' of this kink for her. She might have detransed in part to fulfill the very common 'forced detrans' fantasy you see in these women's writings before progressing to FGM. Genital mutilation is the ultimate masochist pooner fantasy since it draws from an unmistakably horrifying phenomenon that specifically affects girls. The forcefuless of FGM is 'better' (worse) than trooning out of your own volition.

No. 2031112

Isn't the discord patreon-only? Do you think any minors are getting their mom's creditcards for this? Not that it would be completely impossible but did the server have any age verification? NSFW channels usually have the user agree that they are 18 and that's like the minimum

No. 2031114

>i don't think she would have let an actual minor post in there, believe it or not.
i doubt it, she has saved fgm child victims in her porn folder after all

No. 2031116

no age verification required, if you could pay to get in you were in. Many people talked like minors in my opinion but there's no way of differentiating that from an adult coomer

No. 2031118

File: 1724797645818.png (334.4 KB, 700x1162, french_parenting_at_its_finest…)

well as long as mommy is fine with you drawing your sisters being raped by your dead dad and the idea of you collecting photos of mutilated girls, then it's not so bad. if your sisters and your mom are really so OK with it then i'm sure they'd be proud to be displayed alongside you, right? a gaggle of frenchwomen who see no issue with the rape and torture of young girls, that sounds about right lol

No. 2031119

you have to drop the links nonna

No. 2031120

absolutely rich when the retard literally posted her full street address to her public tumblr.
also i saved pfs of her locked laika albarn fics just in case. gotta love ao3's download function.

No. 2031122

Here are the archived logs. The files are 35mb and 70mb respectively so I've got zipped versions and whole versions. Let me know if they work.

Catbox full links: https://catbox.moe/c/a89j4a
Mediafire zipped links: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f663mx8j2cnf7nu/null_genchat.zip/file

No. 2031123

>Perhaps she was one of those TiFs who enjoy ftmpunished-tier stories about being found out as a woman and humiliated
she is, see >>2029835
>because womanhood is humiliating and titillating for troons
interesting how both kind of troons see it like this. really gets the noggin joggin'

No. 2031124

Remember fanny wrote that fanfic about her cooming to her thread kek. But yeah she's totalllllyyyy unbothered. She wants to be unmilked so bad, but she can't play it off like a totally cool badass without being rightfully made fun. She has a cycle where she deletes everything in hopes that she will be unmilked only to keep being milky because she's addicted to the internet

No. 2031125

Not convinced they know about deadspacedog/limerence & it's telling she gave them the Kate novel which is soft core to her other works. Not saying it's right she shows them porn at all but they probably think of this as a hobby and since Fanny gets no work that's all they can compliment her on

No. 2031128


ayrt, i don't believe for a second they know about her prolapse/FGM/rape kinks. i'm sure they see it as a ~controversial love story about a student falling for her teacher. she didn't even include hardcore bdsm in that one. im sure fanny is very careful to never show the comic in which cyrus choked lynn to the point of killing her only to revive her

No. 2031130

File: 1724798513995.png (289.11 KB, 798x489, 8625.png)

i guarantee you most french parents would not enthusiastically approve of their daughter's incest porn.
she just plays up french stereotypes for anglo audience.
much like she wasn't afraid of posting her street address while lying about her socioeconomic background bc she didn't expect anyone in her audience to know Paris and realise she's in a posh part of town.
literally picrel

No. 2031136

File: 1724799102324.gif (5.91 MB, 480x360, fanny you bittttttch.gif)

god there so much troon porn in this…im bleaching my eyes when im done reading this shit and nonna was right some of the users dont look 18 at all..but very young

No. 2031138

File: 1724799139952.png (62.82 KB, 1883x95, detrans.png)

I forgot to cap when I saw it but I have the quote here from Fanny
>okokok hang on concept. formerly T4T het couple turns into lesbian couple when the trans boy's trans gf forcefems him and detransitions him through kink. thoughts?
So I'd say you've got it right

No. 2031139

It's possible her family are fucked up weirdos which is why she turned out this way and thinks nothing is wrong with it. Some parents are very strange and amoral.

No. 2031140

bless you anon
Discord changed their image parameters so hotlinks outside of discord expire after 24h, I think images are not included in the file

No. 2031141

File: 1724799322559.png (457.28 KB, 1783x1645, detrans kink.png)

An insight into the minds of the FTMs who like her misogynistic content

No. 2031142

Nah there's no way, her mom thought Lynn was cartman's therapist so that shows you how little context she's actually seen from her comics. When she says she's shown her family her porn, I fully believe she hasn't shown them more than only her most vanilla samples.

No. 2031143

>Just like a lot of men I have a feminization and sissy kink
is starson implying that the stunning and brave trans women into forced feminization are actually men? vewy vewy probwematic! terfy even.

No. 2031144

File: 1724799742639.jpg (297.16 KB, 728x1715, 1000024807.jpg)

"Transfem friend crazy into rape fantasies about evil terves" I think you just might be friends with a rapist moid Fanny

No. 2031145

File: 1724799978083.jpg (422.63 KB, 628x2166, 1000024809.jpg)

(?/2) Does some nonnie recognize this Tamara creep from Null's following or followers? Xitter app is retarded and won't let me go thru following lists

No. 2031146

File: 1724799984283.png (54.42 KB, 806x451, snape.png)

I've seen TiMs bring up this 'misogyny kink' before but i'm not surprised TiFs are joining in.
Laffing at picrel, she keeps drawing blatant rip-offs of tumblr sexymen and getting mad when people notice the obvious. It's like she constantly sets up situations where she dares people to go 'actually this is what's going on' so she can go 'NOOOOO how could you assume this', even for the smallest things. Perverse
Why do i feel like she'd break down crying and curl up if a smelly moid in a skirt actually said this to her face and attempted something.

No. 2031148

Imagine how much of a woman hating gender traitor you must be for a man to read that in you and feel comfortable "rambling" about his rape fantasies with you oh my god.

No. 2031151

File: 1724800312908.png (27.56 KB, 893x210, 1984.png)

Yes, far-right politicans would totally imprison a white autistic womanchild porn addict comfortably sitting in a central Paris apartment. She's so brave guys

No. 2031162

File: 1724801253816.jpeg (37.14 KB, 680x481, killme.jpeg)

seems like we need to update fanny's fetishes and add zoophilia too..

No. 2031164

"My stalkerrrrrrzzzzzzzzz" \crying\
She's just seeing how far she can go at this point.

No. 2031165

Thanks to the nonnie(s) posting funny excerpts! This reads like they're trying to sound unbelievably kinky and edgy but they're actually hopped up on so many hormones and antidepressants that they are completely numb to sexual sensation and don't even know what it is to feel arousal.

No. 2031168

I've noticed it tends to be a bell curve when it comes to weirdos being raised by weirdos. The more normal a life you grew up in, the more you tend to act out and become a degenerate (notwithstanding, say, child abuse). Think of all the deviantart attention whores in the past who came from normal, middle-class families, but would KILL YOU if you talked shit about their Long John Silver Treasure Planet husbando.

No. 2031171

not surprising at this point

No. 2031173

Creepy content aside, that art style is the least sexy thing I've ever seen. Their faces look so cartoony, red and droopy, like they're about to melt. And it's super common in these ex tumblr artists.

No. 2031174

File: 1724802613612.png (412 KB, 2937x1246, d.png)

She is confirmed to have had top surgery and is detrans now. Also, she thinks neovaginas are basically the same as the real thing. lol

No. 2031179

File: 1724802956563.png (15.15 KB, 591x113, ewbitch.png)

I may be wrong but isn't this bitch into lesbian rape? I saw her repost shit like that on her twitter recently and was upset that it was underdone. very gross. Self-hating woman AND homophobic considering lesbian rape fetishes actually have a direct effect on lesbians. This bitch used to be a "bi lesbian" too kek. I hate queers

No. 2031182

Must be this mtf moid _tammy_hell_ >>2020767

No. 2031183

With her self-proclaimed aversion to pussy, I think she's just a straight girl whose sexuality has been mentally warped into something completely unrecognizable. All of her characters are in straight relationships too, even the anal-only "lesbian" character has sex with men on the regular. Null doesn't like women except as abstract sexual objects to project onto.

No. 2031186

>give them back
KEKKKKKK looks like the mean terves are right again Fanny

No. 2031187

fanny perret loves lesbian rape because she's straight, but she has to e-date other weird women online because men won't put up with her, so she wishes a man wanted to force sex on her. fanny loves the idea of genital mutilation because she ruined her own clitoris with testosterone and wishes she could go back to her original body before the self-inflicted damage, just like how she cut off her tits and wants a fat transfer to get them back. looks like pretending to be queer on the internet comes with a cost.

No. 2031189

File: 1724804040706.jpg (291.04 KB, 1610x635, literalshittaste.jpg)

shes also into scat which was obvious by this >>2022177

No. 2031190

She should be very grateful that no surgeon in France would mutilate her genitals for her, no doubt she'd be crying about how much she regretted that in a couple of years too. If she thinks she'll be able to find anyone willing to do her fantasy lipo tits either, she's sorely mistaken. Gendertards love to just invent surgical procedures in their heads and then act like they're being persecuted because no sane doctor will do it to them.

No. 2031192

File: 1724804218546.jpg (50.22 KB, 781x162, handmaidenmaxxing.jpg)

fanny really likes troon dick.. kek at the fact she admits most of her audience are coomer troons

No. 2031193

File: 1724804410734.png (22.07 KB, 246x321, bro is.png)

How is shitting yourself because your asshole is completely wrecked hot? I will never understand coomers. At this point I honestly hope she goes ahead and get her whole clitoris, the whole thing, removed, so she can never feel sexual pleasure again.

No. 2031197

File: 1724804823800.png (521.61 KB, 521x1661, straight.png)

She's always been painfully straight

No. 2031202

kek so shes ''flat'' because shes a mutilated tranny and not an uwu smol loli

No. 2031204

Sex nerds of her kind are sensually challenged. They can't handle normal flirting, the tension that comes with it, much less sex itself so they approach it in the most clinical, 'kinky' way, stripping it of everything that makes intercourse alluring. 'teehee look at me i have so much sex' She's really bragging about humping discord troons (no orgasm) at the ripe age of 27 like it's an honor. Mentally ill women like her often find a harem of ugly antisocial moids to enjoy special male attention but the way she does it is so inept

No. 2031205

shes gonna end up dead if she keeps meeting with psycho scrotes from her server

No. 2031211

holy fuck the server has a notable cows alt…cows colliding the amputee tif..again

No. 2031214

File: 1724807459747.jpg (220.44 KB, 1830x404, faggot.jpg)

…no one sucks tranny dick harder than fanny

No. 2031215

is she active at all in the server? how do you know its her? post caps. idk

No. 2031217

Trying really hard not to alog here.

No. 2031220

File: 1724807865187.png (17.74 KB, 716x109, ew.png)

Honestly sounds like she doesn't get sexual pleasure at all evidenced by her self admissions upthread. It's as if her clit is trying to tell her the disgusting fetishes and rapekink is not fun at all, and she assumes that means its useless and should be cut off rather than having any meaningful self reflection on what real sexual pleasure is. Amazing how she spun it as an attack on herself when the people she's having sex with are not interested in a dead eyed starfish (also by her own admission) when really these are just people uninterested in raping her until she happens upon an actual rapist to have sex with and convinces herself its pleasurable. Maybe foiling here but it seems like she's just repeatedly retraumatising herself and created an echo chamber full of virgins, minors and troons to convince her that's okay. I would have sympathy for this were it not for her going as far as fetishising FGM, so I have nothing but disgust for her.

No. 2031233

Holy fuck, jackpot. You should post findings about her in her thread.
I was so mad when anons cowtipped and she immediately DFE before we really got a chance to crack open what was guaranteed to be a bountiful milk carton. What's crazy about that cow is that she was a legit blond highlights stacy before devolving into what she became

No. 2031239

this is a crossover event for the ages

No. 2031240

I cannot imagine how she can enjoy any of this if she can't experience sexual pleasure at all. I know of women who rarely could achieve orgasm and just got bored of trying to masturbate. They didn't become degenerates of this caliber.

No. 2031261

File: 1724813052843.jpg (44.88 KB, 622x360, 7hhiondix2u91.jpg)

It gets progressively worse the more I continue to read. I think "wow, it can't get any worse than this. you can't get any more degenerate and sex crazed than this." and then it just does.

No. 2031270

Post screenshots of the worst you can see in there, nonna.

No. 2031278

File: 1724818955617.png (300.43 KB, 1900x1090, sfdhnzv.png)

Not the same anon but this was funny. Imagine being too weird for fanny and her band of freaks. It's truly a lot to look through at once so if you want keyword searches I could do that.

No. 2031282

i really appreciate your work in compiling all of these (disgusting) caps nonna. is there anything on the amputation tif like >>2031211 mentioned??(sage your shit)

No. 2031285

All of those hurdles to coom.

No. 2031300


Dude that guy used to DM me on Twitter, I wish I had screenshots but I blocked his ass. Null actually blocked him too, lul. He started talking to me about his fetishes (asshole fetish mainly, said he wanted to deepthroat my prolapse or something idk I'm not into that shit at all) and then went fully into about how he likes being treated like a baby because he was sexually abused as a child. Sad as fuck and seems like the perfect person to like Null's art, but I guess she didn't like him because she couldn't self project onto him(blog)

No. 2031301

anon why the fuck would he dm you on twitter hmmmm

No. 2031304

Just occured to me that it's very likely she's so caught up on nullification because her actual clitoris is huge and deformed from being on HRT. Clit growth is irreversible. If you don't know what they look like just go on some trans porn subreddit(sage your shit)

No. 2031305

I realize that sounds suspicious, I used to post NSFW content of myself (but I don't anymore because it was super attention seeking)

No. 2031308

Can you stop posting about your weird fixation on what testosterone did to her clit, this sounds like thinly veiled coomery.

No. 2031312

Nta but how is this a weird fixation, I mean it's very relevant to who this cow is as a person since her whole existence is focused on this bizarre evil fetish and we're just discussing theories on what made her this way.

No. 2031328

Try not to cowtip just yet, just watch and collect what you can.

No. 2031348

No. 2031358

Here's the link. No need to censor publicly available information.

No. 2031365

Yep, i can't find a mention of a total inability to orgasm, only issues with orgasms during sex. Only being able to orgasm from masturbation isn't that rare of a problem, it could stem from repression, autism or frying her brain with porn. Maybe all three

No. 2031373

File: 1724848665142.png (173.08 KB, 1275x251, eye cancer.png)

downloaded the logs and now i feel like im on a list from the amount degenerate shit there is..fucking sextoys made in the shape of animals also heres a intresting factoid about fanny who totes is a leszbo

No. 2031374

The way these were posted within three minutes of each other

No. 2031378

File: 1724849677715.jpg (Spoiler Image,358.71 KB, 840x751, possible hommie.jpg)

it doesnt seem she was in the server itself but this was posted after they discussed homie deleting everything also the style is very similar and so is the subject the biggest flag there is that the fucking sharty is after this artist

No. 2031383

File: 1724850287809.jpeg (87.99 KB, 888x499, IMG_7760.jpeg)

> ~mostly into women~ but i would fuck gross misogynistic old scrotes any day!
>eating pussy sux uwu

No. 2031384

> I don't like eating pussy (sensory issues)

No. 2031388

means shes retarded and is probably lying

No. 2031392

i don't know much, but if you can't eat pussy because of (totally real) sensory issues- unless the pussy is missing the components of a pussy- maybe you're not really into women…

No. 2031396

she can't admit she's straight (not woke or special enough) but she needs an acceptable reason. sensory issues is a convenient copout bc that way, whoever questions her is ableist

No. 2031397

>sharty is after this artist
What, why? Who the fuck are they (the artist)?

No. 2031398

This implies she gets aroused at the idea of licking the vulva of a little girl that suffered from female genital mutilation, I really doubt there's many adult women out there posting their genitals after getting mutilated.
Then again, there's probably some community out there where people share medical pictures like Pokémon trading cards.

No. 2031399

Ngl, that's a new fakebian cope kek

No. 2031402

it really does not imply that. she's nasty enough why reach like this

No. 2031405

it does though because most fgm victims are always children

No. 2031411

we all know she's an insecure virgin, so there's no point in tinfoiling about her sex life

No. 2031413

NTA but those children grow up to become adult women so no it really doesn't imply she wants to perp on little girls, stop reaching

No. 2031416

Also NTA, she can imagine whatever she wants. The problem seems to be her admitting to saving photos of that "interest". The rest should be obvious.

No. 2031418

Even if she was larping, maybe she shouldn't have posted disgusting shit about having countless pics of mutilated vaginas on her phone so casually. It's not nona's fault her own words can be taken in such a way.

No. 2031426

Tayrt null has proven not only is she into her drawn fetishes but their real life videos too the logs have a video with a woman getting punched,a troon putting a rat on his dick (and a sex sleeve in a shape of a dog) multiple horse cock posting and pedoshit its not out of the realm of possibility that she has saved child fgm photos because yes adult victims exist but fanny is also seen cunny posting and pedobaiting herself what's your guarantee that a cow who is in support of pedophila and faps off rape cases doesn't coom to it?

No. 2031428

Tinfoiling pedophilia is something that generally needs a shred of proof other than "she likes x, so she could totally like x". Seriously, she's got plenty wrong with her, there's no need to say she also wants to perp on little girls because then it's easy for her to point at this whole thread and say "they have no evidence for any claim see they say I want to perp on genitally-mutilated girls" srsly just use your brain and stick with the nasty shit she does that we do have proof of

No. 2031430

Tayrt I have to agree tinfoiling possible crimes can derail the thread alot despite believing the tinfoil but I think speculation should still be allowed if the content alludes to it

No. 2031432

File: 1724858511019.png (479.44 KB, 1000x1000, 1000024836.png)

Offtopic but nope not Homie. This is another degenerate artist whos obbsessed with being edgy on purpose & has her own history online. Homie already has a known priv she posts to. I know / was able to confirm this because Vee following her. She could be posting public online again but from the replies comforting her I doubt it. Nothing definitive but alot of the replies are from her former friends including big problematic artists like hamletmachine so pretty positive

No. 2031437

File: 1724859358114.png (56.82 KB, 877x323, fgm.png)

From what I understand, most photos/evidence of FGM's continued practice are of underage girls, and that's due to the nature of said practice within the cultures that engage in it (picrel). If Fanny's collected these photos to get off to, we can sit and say she's definitely only ever imagining the victims as adults all day, but it just seems like a cope to me.(tinfoiling)

No. 2031444

Fanny not only collected them but posted them on the server a lot. When I was there I didn’t like to look too hard or screencap them out of respect, but if other anon who’s still there could take another look at the pictures and see if there’s any visual proof they are adult women that could help. The logs can’t save pictures.

No. 2031445

Why are you censoring out homie's new account?

No. 2031448

nta, the proof is the photo
women who suffer FGM and survive until adulthood typically never seek reconstruction
the photo itself is proof because that means someone else is trying to help the victim; that means it's a child with a guardian

No. 2031450

File: 1724860495948.jpg (984.03 KB, 1080x4258, 1000021120.jpg)

Lmao this bitch undoubtedly sent this ask to herself to spite the anons upthread who were calling her character creations absolutely shallow and horrendously uninteresting and so she could make a rebuttal that nooo, she's not actually romanticizing pedophilia by 'correcting' the anon. Your life is a dark comedy, Fanny.

No. 2031451

Nta but it’s probably because retarded zoomers lurk here and will make her go into hiding again so maybe to avoid cowtipping

No. 2031452


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2031453

File: 1724860562078.png (33.71 KB, 698x271, ew.png)

looking thru the logs now and it's impressive what an array of creeps she attracts. would love to know if any of her fans are fuming at her for getting them exposed as perverts.

BTW, when you open the media fire links in firefox, you can hover over the usernames and see what their official discord names are lmao

also: anyone trying to say that fanny OBVIOUSLY isn't a pedo and OBVIOUSLY doesn't have cp on her phone because she TOTALLY only looks at adult victims of fgm to wank off to, 1) that'd still be dark sided as fuck and 2) it just makes you look like fanny trying to get anons off her trail. won't work!

No. 2031454

>her fans seething
I'm sure porcelainpines is. That chat log is full of zoophiles and pedophiles

No. 2031457

I really hope those people are stupidly trying to get their fav artist attention by claiming to have some kink when really they haven't (gross either way but still)

I'm so appalled by all this thread, really, how can you grow such kinks, that's disgusting. Sounds like Fanny watched porn too young and gradually got into more and more extreme shit to the point she fell into those absolutely rancid kinks.

No. 2031460

>real video of a woman getting punched
They need to tie up my hands so I don't a-log. I'm so glad this is all being laid bare

No. 2031467

File: 1724861692683.png (2.03 MB, 1538x1336, embereanmacbeth.png)

fanny should also teach her little friends to be more careful about being easy to find, because i found one of her contributors quite easily. he/him lesbian that loves straight rape? do they make you guys in a factory or something?

No. 2031469

Children do not stay children forever, how do you not understand this?

No. 2031470

nta but why do you not understand that medical documentation photos are almost always going to be of underage children because adults who have been abused in this way almost never seek any kind of reconstruction surgery?

No. 2031471

Most medical documentation of fgm is of children

No. 2031473

Weird assumptions but ok. And before you accuse me of whine knighting, the reason why I don't look through the logs myself is because I'm 99% sure there is CP there and want to keep my sanity.(derailing)

No. 2031474

She has admitted that she amassed a sizable cache of pictures of FGM victims. There are not many of these pictures out there to begin with, so the size of her collection is suspect. The majority of FGM pictures are taken of children victims. If we are most charitable with this interpretation of these facts, she doesn't care about what she's jerking off to - adult woman or child, and saves these pictures indiscriminately without further thought as to who these victims are. At it's worst, she gets off to the idea of children being subjected to this, which isn't a terrible reach.

No. 2031477

Oh, so you don't know what you're talking about, never mind then
See some people here have jobs in real life that force them to know some really fucking miserable things about the world. I don't know you, but I know now for sure that you are not a doctor or a social worker.(derailing)

No. 2031489

>"Officer, you must understand the children in the CP grow up!"

No. 2031494

File: 1724864040590.jpg (291.33 KB, 1600x584, trannyrapeape.jpg)

apparently a troon friend raped her but it was totally consensual. she also says she was mating pressed by this "friend" also can someother nonnie compile these screenshots because truth be told its getting too exhausting to read these shitstains who shouldve been aborted fantasies and them posting videos of this shit raping their little sisters,dogs,puppies and goats and forcefully mutilating someone and then raping them.

No. 2031498

File: 1724864589053.png (617.66 KB, 1927x1250, explain youself fanny.png)

I found someone in her server who not only supports real incest outside of just fantasy, but might also be in an incestuous relationship with his sister (it's kinda hard to tell because lots of these degens call their non related partners mom/dad/sister etc. as a fetish).
It looks like he hasn't gotten called out or kicked out. Can any of you nonas check if she actually did something about him? If Fanny allows this failed abortion probably grooming his sister in her server then that's even more incriminating shit piled against her.

No. 2031501

File: 1724864909370.png (14.51 KB, 808x66, psycho.png)


she was still active in null's kink talk server as recently as 8/23/24, so i would imagine she's perfectly fine with her posting.

No. 2031518

blogging but when my mom told me she had undergone FGM type 3 as a child, I went through my university's medical journals looking for photos to check she hadn't done the same to me at a low level. The photos featured had both adult women and underage girls, and they are visually different pictures. I couldn't stand to look at the children's pictures and skipped to the adults'. When I was in the server it didn't look too obviously like children but again I didn't look too hard. None of this justifies Fanny's horrific fetish collecting and posting these pictures, but just providing some background here. I don't doubt she had underage pictures on her phone, but it's dubious whether she went as far as to post them for others to see

No. 2031524

File: 1724867479292.png (81.74 KB, 604x553, fgm folder.png)

that's ridiculous, as I said before the logs cannot save pictures apart from profile pictures and emojis. I've tried looking up one of these retard's selfies and it cannot be loaded.
ultimately having been there I agree with this point

No. 2031525

>using "problematic" unironically
I can't wait for these summerfags to go back to school(non-contribution)

No. 2031527

>it didn't look too obviously like children but again I didn't look too hard
anon what the fuck

No. 2031529

kek tf? is nona wrong for looking at Fanny's server?

No. 2031533

why tf are you so sensitive? no one said that, it was just gross ass way to phrase that

No. 2031535

Hello? How the fuck else was anon supposed to phrase it

No. 2031536

okay how should I have phrased it? Whenever I saw Fanny post these pictures I only took cursory glances and did not screencap them. I feel uncomfortable describing how exactly they looked and why I don't think they're children but I just think I wouldn't assume she was directly posting CSAM without evidence. Now if she kept CSAM on her phone who's to say. What's the correct way to speak about this, quickly.

No. 2031537

File: 1724868659972.jpg (188.75 KB, 917x1147, 1000024839.jpg)

that's the label these artists go by themselves and helps let them build up a persecution complex in the first place. its not a dig at them for drawing fictional art it's just more often than not people who self id as such turn out to be cows (Homie, Fanny, Vee, etc)

No. 2031541

File: 1724869354071.jpg (44.84 KB, 1260x94, pedobitch.jpg)

>When I was in the server it didn't look too obviously like children but again I didn't look too hard.
look im going to be blunt the very fact you didnt want to look at it proves that even you were skeptical whether it was a child or a adult(and no one is blaming you for it) and as gross as to even write this, its highly likely it was a child, i dont think fanny cared if it was a child or not because i too come from a medical family who actively treats and operates fgm victims and fgm dockets have a higher ratio of child victims than adult ones because most patients are children fanny is actively into pedophilic shit in her server and pedobaits her body too by keep reminding how tight and tiny her vagina is, so is it any surprise anons conclude that shes gooning to mutilation of children as well, fanny never said she verified that all of those images were of adults now has she?

No. 2031544

I am sorry that I said that so offensively; it sounded gross because it sounds like you're unsure if you just saw child abuse, and we're all pretty sure that this woman is in no way above that, so it could very well be
I did not mean that you were wrong for looking at the fucking logs, and like two people itt have to jump on everyone they think isn't on their side, even if they are; not responding any further because the thread looks like it's getting pruned

No. 2031548

>really shy people who need to feel safe
Need to feel safe… indulging in their pedophilic attraction??? What a sinister round-about way of putting it

No. 2031549

File: 1724869748800.jpg (561.17 KB, 2248x3232, mentions.jpg)

Not much to show that she was actually in the server, so I'd like to know what that anon saw and what name she goes by now. Here is what I found using "homie" "homuncu" and her other names came up with nothing. User "shiftyhomunculus" joined but never said anything. User "Princess" clogged up the search using "homie" all the time so it could be irrelevant but since the deleted user can't be found I thought I may as well add it. The twitter link no longer works but here https://x.com/bones_crab/status/1778967131310141773
Saging its not directly related to Fanny

No. 2031550

NTA why don't you pay the 5 dollarydoos and then go into the server to confirm what that nona failed to do? It's useless to throw around baseless conjunctions and above all it's not milky. We know she shared FGM pics. They might have been pics of children. They might have been not. Schrödinger's pedo degenerate. Either way we have no proof other than nona's testimony unless you do something about it since you're so convinced those pics were CP. Until then stop tinfoiling.

No. 2031555

frankly i have seen enough degenerate shit in the server i dont really want to pay this bitch any of my money to see more but i agree its best not to push speculations even if i personally believe them without solid proof.

No. 2031560

NTA but you're right. These ideas are completely baseless tinfoil. Fanny is a well-adjusted citizen who would never stoop so low and fucked up as to sexualize FGM victims below the age of 18 (and as the woman who posted her own address and the last 4 digits of her credit card on Tumblr, she wouldn't, even in theory, ever be dumb enough to post that kind of shit on the same Discord server she allows all kinds of sexual content in). From the past to the present, she's proven to be so diligent and caring that it's nothing short of expected for her to take great pains to learn about every FGM victim whose photos she saved to masturbate to and ensure that they were adults before she gooned. We already know Fanny is very careful and mindful of respect toward other people (including her own family members) when it comes to her publicly shared sexual fantasies. Everything in this thread indicates that, and I have no clue why anons would ever suspect otherwise.(ban evasion)

No. 2031562

I already said said sorry, I'm not the one who said "they aren't obviously kids;" could have prevented the confusion to begin with if not for that

No. 2031572

File: 1724871311258.jpg (69.17 KB, 939x147, totallynotagunt.jpg)

its alright anon, just a bit of misunderstanding also to come back on topic..as if we dont know you look like eric cartman irl fanny

No. 2031574

Kek she's trying to make herself sound slimthicc.

No. 2031577

Wow. I participated in this thread much earlier on, but this stuff from the past few days is… something else. Call me naïve, but I never suspected it could be this bad.
On a slightly different topic, it could be interesting to comb through the material on both the deadspacedog and null_bis AO3 accounts, not just her art, for more real-life parallels, stylistic similarities, etc. I don't know if I have the time or will to give myself the brain damage today, but maybe…

No. 2031578

fat transfer to the breasts is a real procedure, its not even obscure. i dont think it would work well if you had all your breast tissue and skin removed though, they would most likely look very strange especially on a fatty. she would definitely have to have multiple reconstructive surgeries if she actually wanted to do this.
like an actual live rat? i need to alog

No. 2031581

why does she need to be so embarrassing, she talks like one of those americans who has to stay in high school until they're 21 but aren't retarded

No. 2031600

File: 1724872453579.jpg (20.32 KB, 377x88, not you fatty.jpg)

funny you mention that

No. 2031604

>like an actual live rat? i need to alog
yes i think it was posted in the mtf thread too sorry didnt notice that the scumfucks dick was there

No. 2031610

I’ve actually seen the sensory issue excuse before KEEEEEK. But the clitless thing is so new to me, but it’s funny because when you’re eating pussy, you focus on the clit. This bitch only knows about dick, weirdest fakebian i’ve never seen kek

No. 2031614

I genuinely need to know what mental illness she has for aaaaall this behaviour to even start making sense in her head kek

No. 2031616

File: 1724874320768.png (1.37 MB, 946x1496, lolkaalbarn.png)

made a new thread just since i hadn't seen anyone else do it. sorry if the OP kinda blows.

>>>/snow/2031615(newfag made the thread too early)

No. 2031619

why are you in such a hurry to make a new one? are you new or something?

No. 2031621


yes actually lol, i saw that threads get locked at around 1200 and we were nearing that so was being proactive. my bad

No. 2031623

to be fair this thread is moving very fast right now and there's only 50 posts left

No. 2031624

shouldve used this gem of a edit for the thread nona..but i like your version too kek

No. 2031626

>flat tiddies
you have no tits because you amputated them not because you are a flat loli god she must be massive

No. 2031627

Nonna please lurk moar before you make threads this isn't how it works around here

No. 2031630

The thread is already almost at 1150 posts

No. 2031631

File: 1724875008876.jpg (167.06 KB, 720x900, GSj10_gXEAAC3R9.jpg)


dont worry, i will lol. again, my b.

for some thread contribution, fanny is trying to post art as if she's not having a meltdown and refreshing this thread every 5 seconds.

No. 2031632

You're obviously new to LC

No. 2031633

File: 1724875153614.jpg (17.37 KB, 480x365, 1716063182479.jpg)

the cringe..

No. 2031634

Can you stop minimodding at some point, please?

This is the most pathetic pickme on earth

No. 2031636

You put together a good writeup nona, thanks for making the new thread. I think it's good to have the next thread ready to go with how fast this one is moving.

No. 2031639

Been here for years dumbass. I've seen many threads get locked and milk curdle because there was nowhere to post. Making a thread before the other one closes is the norm.
Yeah, great threadpic too.(no it isn't. new threads are not supposed to be posted until the old one reaches 1200 posts)

No. 2031645

Agreed. I was waiting on the near max post notice to vote it for next thread pic. the one we got was fine but this is better and probably makes fanny seethe more kek

No. 2031646

No cheating man on earth would ever defend his wife to the other party. Men won’t even defend their wives in front of their friends or family. But manic pixie dream pedo just is that upstanding. Kek. It’s so embarrassing how much you can see that her work is all a giant cope to deal with how unloved she is.

No. 2031648

don't argue in your redtexts, it makes it even more obvious that a janny is posting itt

No. 2031649

Seriously, it’s getting so cringe.

No. 2031653

No. 2031654

Writing a character saying "I've never had dissatisfaction with my marriage" while cheating. Fanny might be more retarded than once thought

No. 2031656

File: 1724877468673.png (1.32 MB, 1685x1697, cheating.png)

but don't you see, our little fanny believes that cheating is simply a private moral failing between a man and his wife, and if the wife is a-ok with it then it's all fine and dandy and will people please stop criticizing him!!! (discord screenshots are about the tryguys cheating scandal)

No. 2031659

Her dad 100% cheated on her mother a few times. Also
>blackface is worse than a man ruining his family with his run-around whore dick he can't control
The tumblr SJWism is strange with this one.

No. 2031662

File: 1724877907052.png (715.34 KB, 1863x715, vivzie.png)

she also hates vivzie by the way

No. 2031663

What's her reasoning for hating vivzie? I'm not a connoisseur.

No. 2031667

Nta but probably because Vivzie made it to the mainstream while she's flicking her bean wishing there was nothing there to flick.

No. 2031671

as if she has any kind of upper hand on viv kek

No. 2031673

>flicking her bean wishing there was nothing there to flick
I'm fucking dying anon lmfao

No. 2031674

Extremely french opinion

No. 2031677

Might be because she's friends with Ang. She thought she got fired from helluvaboss because of her callout but it was due to her not bringing in any of her work assignments in (due to munchieism). She started attacking the PR at spindlehorse until they told her to btfo & she had to publically apologize for accusing them of false termination. Ang has a grudge about it so it makes sense Fanny would do too.

No. 2031678

>there are a bunch of pacing and writing issues
this is so rich coming from someone whose comic is comprised of close up of faces

No. 2031679

I assume that's what Fanny means with the "how she handles her business" part

No. 2031680

>criticising vizs writing and pacing
Says the Shakespeare behind this >>2030761 I would take a 1000 vizzipop episodes over one panel of Fanny's comic

No. 2031684

I just can't get over the name reveal. Self-hating woman named Fanny wants to mutilate herself by mutilating her fanny. If you saw it in a story you'd think it was too on the nose.

No. 2031686

That's exactly it. I'm no longer on my laptop but if you scroll down a little from that screenshot she's obviously talking about Ang kek

No. 2031687

lmfao she really thinks her shit is better than viv's crap

No. 2031691

File: 1724880794428.jpeg (3.18 KB, 244x206, images-10.jpeg)

How fanny is it isn't it.

No. 2031692

Oh now this bitch cares about ethical consumption now kek

No. 2031699

This, mommy perret knowing about her FGM pedo incest shit is %100 more larp, maybe even a lame attempt to make nonas believe we have nothing against her because her cool mom is super chill with her degeneracy when in reality they don't even know a quarter of it.
ESPECIALLY her sisters. if they already thought she was cringe for being a tard tranny, they'll never even want to look at her again after this.
>into trannies
>into fat ugly men
>into micropenises
her self esteem is so painfully low she can only fantasize about the most bottom of the barrel scrotes and not even they want her KEEEK… not even being a fakebian and tweeting about wanting to ride girldick got her some peen, and there's nothing those fags won't go for
so she literally uses trannies insecurities and TERF talking points for kink? how hasn't she been cancelled by every mtf for this? by gendie logic using ftm dysphoria and misogyny for kink is a-okay but doing the same for male trannoids is literal genocide. Though might be just another attempt to get tranny dick considering they want to fuck terfs more than her

No. 2031705

To add further tinfoil to your tinfoil, a lot of this sounds like extreme self-harming behaviour to the point where it's affecting her entire ideology and shit. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a similar strain of mental illness to Empath-chan.

No. 2031709

They made a KF thread on her. it's full of Null jokes.(sage your shit)

No. 2031710

kek link pls?

No. 2031711

No. 2031713

File: 1724882993879.jpg (177.54 KB, 1280x1067, tumblr_oypfhsDsHr1so7zheo1_128…)

A doodle of hers I saved before she deleted her tumblr
>Aromantic and asexual
Weird way to admit that nobody wants you

No. 2031714

File: 1724883331521.png (64.48 KB, 1899x315, Screenshot 2024-08-28 171448.p…)


No. 2031716

there are a lot of tumblr types that insist cheaters get villainized too much in our society, very weird indeed. i think it must have something to do with their obsession with polyamoury and their idea that monogamy is unnatural.
how old is this?

No. 2031718

Most she/theys in the server are troons (YNBAW) and for all I care they can go jump in acid as well the diaper fuck who's going to reappear on a zoosadist list soon

No. 2031719

It's also the internalised misogyny.

No. 2031721

I hope it's a troon but sadly it could be a detransitioner who went back to she/her after finding a moid, there a lot of those in these spaces

No. 2031722

I bet Null (the moid) is seething about this because this is what he's gonna be associated with forever kek

No. 2031724

File: 1724884450647.png (1.27 MB, 1280x1904, filename.png)

Another Null/Laika parallel

Probably around 2016/2017 or earlier

No. 2031726

Fanny does look like a female null though kekkk

No. 2031727

KEK it's him from the darkest timeline

No. 2031729

She surfed the lowercase i internet and is now facing its wrath.no pizza for you fanny

No. 2031732

i'm pretty sure there's many worse and more significant things he is already associated with nona
i bet all my money on lavender being a tim. pretty much all she/itters i've seen were agp moids (hence the "she") with a degradation kink (hence the "it"). a tranny traveling to get his asshole fucked by an older scrote is nothing to alog over, you can relax nonny

No. 2031733

File: 1724885318680.gif (1.97 MB, 615x413, my sides.gif)

They are doxing the fuck out of her in the other farms.

No. 2031734

This is by far one of the most embarrassing from a moid's perspective though which makes it even funnier

No. 2031735

Link it

No. 2031736

are there more pictures of her floating around other than the one in this >>2030705 edit?(spoonfeed request)

No. 2031737


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2031740

just search adrien perret on kiwifags and you will find her thread

No. 2031741

Yes, just scroll up a little further and you'll see them.
Anyway, Next thread is unlocked now: >>>/snow/2031615

No. 2031781

This is an imageboard. Post screenshots and always archive links.

No. 2031865

How typical of liberal women to have a disgusting boyfriend and then defends his behavior

No. 2067774

What the fuck.

No. 2092931

Her stupid ass strawpage


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