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No. 2026090
From wikipedia:
>Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships.It's basically cheating plus self-righteousness.
So how does that work out?
At best, the relationship is never as strong as it used to be. Not everyone is so lucky.>Man Who Featured in 5 Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse>Infant suffered broken leg, arm and skull fractures during vicious attackMostly, they make a lot of noise online and irl.
Why is it lolcow-worthy? see it as part LGB-related sexuality, part MLM recruitment scheme. They are extremely proud of their poor decisions and want attention for it.
Bonus lols: any selfie posted on r/polyamory
Points of Interest:
Heavily popular in the trans community with many crossovers.
Ridiculous buzzwords, Polycule relationship diagrams that look like STI tracing
Extremely convoluted drama
Common themes to look out for:
>getting pass on cheating already in-progress or "has one lined up">takes stable, long-standing relationship that could have been for life and nukes it, then wants it back the way things were before after some kind of poly mishap>one party wants to relive youth only to find dating pool has dried up, then wants back into secure relationship>long-suffering partner reluctantly agree, then meets someone, closes relationship sans original cheater>Children being brought into dumpster-fire relationships. Drama regarding paternity.>acting like their promiscuity is on par with lesbianism, demanding praise and special consideration for it in work and in personal relationships>the advice is a big a dumpster fire as the original post>they hate being called swingers for some reason>everyone has STIsSources of drama: are also plenty of sources besides the above subreddits and plenty off-reddit. It's everywhere.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/1664422 No. 2026215
File: 1723721876038.jpeg (484.53 KB, 828x744, IMG_4974.jpeg)

ma'am it means get a lawyer
No. 2026270
>>2026190Did i say that i hated women, retard?
I hate first world doormat pick me's that have agency and rights but still choose to let scrotes walk all over them. If you haven't noticed these are the women that empower scrotes to have so much fucking audacity by pandering to them. It's throwing other women under the bus and holding us all back. You sound brain dead trying talking about these bitches as if they're some
uwu poor victim of the bad mean moid and other meanie women as if they're not grown ass adultes that actively choose to engage/stay with these sub humans. Kick rocks lmao
(infighting) No. 2026552
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Why do they make themselves ugly on purpose? Like the hair and piercings and being overweight
No. 2026555
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>>2026552made me kek, isn’t this the lady from the last thread who made a TikTok about staying home while the other ones were on a date
No. 2026587
>>2026090They always look so ugly and miserable while simultaneously acting “holier than thou” because they apparently don’t feel jealousy (they still have to do other things when their partner goes on a date in order not to think about it though). They claim to love equally but they have “primary” partners and “secondary” partners. It’s just cheating with extra steps at this point.
You’d rather remain single and just date and have sex with whoever you want than complicate your life in this manner.
No. 2026694
>>2026679idk if you were serious , but I think it's a few things. for autists, people with personality disorders and other neurodivergents, socializing doesn't come easy/is often actively painful for many reasons. things like board games and polyamory provide a sort of script, or point of connection, and terms, expectations, etc that are (in the case of board games, always, in the case of polygamous clusterfucks of woe, sometimes) agreed upon and literally written out. This makes them seem like attractive things when in reality, it's just an additional/highly emotional charged (yes, even with the board games lol) layer laid over something people like that already find eminently challenging- meeting people and keeping relationships alive.
No. 2026772
File: 1723843153901.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 1125x1676, IMG_8474.jpeg)

Very darksided energy emitting from this image
No. 2027010
>>2026978Sage for medfaggotry
I bet there’s lots of (vaginal) pH problems going on under that roof, along with the obvious fact that STD/STIs still exist; some diseases like Syphillis can lay doormat until the infections too late to stop the disease from getting lethal. . Couldn’t imagine they’re using protection, or washing the dildos on that shelf in the bedroom. Stuff like Bacterial vaginosis, Ureaplasma are nasty infections that require heavy antibiotics and medical attention that will lead to PID if untreated! Yes ladies, PID is painful, you bleed a whole lot and its only cure is a hysterectomy. When you get a hysterectomy your hormones are all fucked up and you’ll be taking hormones for the rest of your life, it’s no surgery for a coward, and I don’t see a moid as gross and lazy as this one taking care of anyone post op. I doubt these goofballs even get check ups.
I can’t help but feel like Sinna was used by that scraggly moid, and she’s on drugs/drinking and is just going along with it and she’s in too deep. I hate how much a moid can spread vaginal infections that have debilitating effects on a woman, and they don’t get repercussions from spreading it.
No. 2027347
putting their whole fugly polyamory relationship online for everyone to seeNormal people: Hmm polyamory seems kinda gross and dumb
No. 2028308
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poly fags posting their ugly faces and proving the op right is the funniest thing
No. 2028313
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The founder of the biggest anime/gaming convention in the nordics (NärCon) is this gross enby poly guy who keeps hiring pedos to work for his "child friendly" convention. He has a video on the con website with his (then toddler) child encouraging parents to let their kids go to the con alone even though they've had issues with groomers and pedo predators for over a decade
No. 2028416
File: 1724254550385.png (2.62 MB, 1772x1448, Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 16.31…)

>>2028308poly people love the bad hair and bad lipstick combination
No. 2028428
>>2028333>>2028335Moids like this usually target women who are deeply insecure and weak-willed in the first place. These women have low standards (because they think they don't deserve better) and are easy for psychos and predators to manipulate into being devoted. It's extremely common for abuse to worsen or begin after a woman becomes pregnant, because that's when the predator knows she's trapped and he can drop the act.
Are these women "the problem" or is it the things that contribute to and normalize their low self esteem and lack of self respect in the first place?
No. 2028432
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How ugly can a moid be??
No. 2028433
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Here's a pic of the womens faces if anyone is curious. I dont think theres a tranny among them, some of them are fugly though
No. 2028436
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This is one of them, knee deep in internalized misogyny
No. 2028437
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>>2028416This level of smugness about
proving your detractor's point, I can't handle it
No. 2028438
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Disgusting ass people
No. 2028452
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>>2028416the whole pic needs to be seen to be believed
No. 2028500
File: 1724267985195.png (1.25 MB, 750x1807, poly_2.png)

>>2028498quite a few have also just posted fictional characters
No. 2028507
The way this lot go wild over such a wet lettuce of a man, combined with Sinnabunny frequently referencing totally normal feelings as “mental illness” and “BPD” leads me to believe he’s running a low-key cult and gaslighting fellow kinky goblins of Nashville into worshipping him.
No. 2028573
>>2028498the 2nd pic reply:
>strawberry shortcake>silly string hair>cute glasses girl who needs to get out of thereall for a moid in a durag, wearing generic cheap looking chains, and a toothpick strung through his nose.
No. 2028574
>>2028432I thought the girl in the middle had period blood leaking out her panties but I guess it's a tattoo kek.
>>2028433Sinna's face screams completely dying inside. Everything about her evokes such strong pity. I wonder if he put her in the back cause he wanted his favorite girls in front. I feel like he probably subconsciously gets off on making them jealous of each other. Hugh Hefner did that shit. Maybe some are really into it but Sinna looks like she's constantly in pain and suffering.
No. 2028577
>>2028563that's sinnabun who is an actual woman because she sadly has an OF and has a child. that's a lot of bpdfags in a single pic though
>>2028574>Sinna's face screams completely dying insideyes, it does
No. 2028587
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>>2028432It's an improvement that she's hiding the weird face tattoos that make her look long and vertical like a worm but it's still kinda giving kelly
No. 2028589
>>2028433>>2028563Not to WK but Sinna actually looks cute with light makeup. The huge eyelashes and clown makeup just look bad on her. She wore less makeup in old pictures and I kinda wonder if the poly shit made her feel the need to wear more makeup from feeling insecure.
>>2028582So true
No. 2028598
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No. 2028625
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No. 2028627
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>>2028589I see it. the smelly cult leader moid is the worst thing that ever happened to her and her tattoo artist is the second worst. I wouldn't be surprised if she's incredibly insecure about her flat chest and apple shaped figure and if she had literally any other career in the world and wore more modest clothing, she'd be "struggling with mental illness" a lot less.
No. 2028629
File: 1724294698871.mp4 (5.03 MB, 1080x1920, sinnacringe.mp4)

The second hand cringe is strong…
No. 2028702
>>2028438I opened this even after reading
>>2028657 and having seen the others but GOD I actually recoiled he’s so repulsive that is the worst type of male body hair hands down and honestly yeah he does look like Onision kek
No. 2028756
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>>2028702>>2028438Nightmare Onision/Vaush phenotype
No. 2029282
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it was bound to happen sooner or later
No. 2029452
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>>2028756You're on to something nonna. She's kind of like Onision. Especially with the pregnancy fetish stuff. All of her "relationships" feel like exploitation for porn tbh
No. 2029531
Creep in her thirties acts surprised when the early twenties girl she was dating handles the breakup immaturely… meanwhile bitching about it on TikTok to over 90k followers is very healthy of course.
No. 2029571
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>>2029526>>2029536yeah whoever said upthread that sinnabunny isn't a cow in her own right is delusional or uninformed. I didn't know of her until she was posted here but she quickly caught my interest for her milkiness. she definitely has a drinking problem, it's all she posts about other than her now-defunct throuple and fuming over people lurking her stories for milk kek
this post in picrel is so tone deaf. like oh really the 22yo you moved into your house where you regularly host degenerate events with your thirsty quote unquote husband only likes you for the free drugs and shelter and doesn't know how to communicate in a mature adult relationship?? shocker
No. 2029578
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>>2029577oops dropped pic
No. 2029588
>>2029578Lord help the white people, she didn’t start questioning her gender and identity until she was poly if I’m correct?
This is nearly identical to the onion and Lainey saga, where Lainey went to NB, then to full blown troon. You can’t just pop out a kid, have a heterosexual marriage and be a troon, something is defs happening in that home
No. 2029617
>>2029531kek at her immediately scrambling to find other weirdos willing to appear in her ~ content ~ otherwise it will just be about her totally queer heterosexual relationship
>>2029590I agree nona, she still looks like she smells bad but out of the group she's def the most attractive
No. 2029629
>>2029282The difference between
>>2028627 and this shows the stress of being cucked aged her a lot.
No. 2029654
is she legitimately retarded?
No. 2029668
>>2029654She’s in the double digits IQ gang for sure.
I’m intrigued about how much debt she’s in - she was a barista for years until recently and now she seems to be a delivery driver for a coffee company but that doesn’t match the spending she flaunts online.
No. 2029686
>>2029654such a hypocritical fucking bitch. "how dare you think I'd degrade myself by being the third in a throuple? YOU'RE supposed to be the whore for MY musty scrote!"
>>2029668I feel like all of the outrage-bait tiktok accounts are publically humiliating themselves for the payout, so maybe she's making bank with the transparently awful videos (and we should be saving the videos and uploading them to lc instead of giving her views)?
No. 2029701
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Interesting find on her tumblr. I was wondering how long she's been with her musty looking homeless man; and turns out she's "engaged" with Eli, but still has her abusive ex's last name of Hare. Maybe to keep up with the bunny theme ig? Post is still up on her tumblr, with other weird, rambley, TND style journal entries lol.
No. 2029736
>>2029701oh fuck off. a bunch of
victims of this dude tried to tell her to steer clear and she responded like a fucking toddler and did exactly what they said not to. that's not reverse psychology, she's just a retard who never grew up.
No. 2029782
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>>2029701yeah they are not married despite her calling him her husband
No. 2029783
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More post from Dana's tumblr - This one is about her first marriage that she dubbed as abusive from both her ex husband and ex girlfriend at the time (later on, on her tiktok). She talks about them highly. Even saying that she got to sit on her ass as they worked, cleaned, and payed the rent. It looks like she treated her ex gf like a free maid you could bone vs an actual relationship.
And spoiler alert, maid gf leaves a month after this post. Who's shocked?! She mentioned Chelsea moved in, not even days within them first dating in another tumblr post. Which isn't the first time for Dana, either. This is a very unhealthy pattern of relationships, but Dana is clearly the victim in all of this!
I can post more Dana tumblr rambles tomorrow. I'm tired of reading them lmao
No. 2029784
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>>2029782samefag, they're still not married either, these stories were posted within the past couple of months
No. 2029785
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>>2029784Straight from both their fb's
No. 2029811
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>>2029782“One day Eli and I just started calling each other husband and wife”
Was that the day you proposed to him with a ring which he won’t wear so you keep it in your “curiosities cabinet”?
I’m with the nonas who have said this cow needs her own thread; I think there’s a stronger case for it now that she’s acting reckless online in the wake of their ~third dumping them.
No. 2029815
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>>2029783“Responsible polyamorous parents don’t expose their kids to the sexy side of their relationships”
>huge painting of penises as bananas and vaginas as strawberries above her bed>hosts orgies at the family home >wears fetish gear at home>displays dildos and butt plugs around her room>posts the details of her sexual exploits online on the same accounts she talks about her young child onSo you agree? You’re not a responsible parent?
No. 2029820
File: 1724579966328.png (96.52 KB, 603x1054, DanasCashCowFreesHerself.png)

"Chelsea. she’s a wild card unicorn unique relationship compared to the others, but she moved in day one of us dating, and then when we got back together i immediately moved 10 hours away to be with her for it to blow up in my face 3 months later." - From one of the first tumblr screenshots, of Dana exposing her past relationships.
She actually did this with some green wigged girl on her tiktok, funny enough. She moved her in within a week of knowing her. Who's utterly shocked at this unhealthy pattern? She's clearly a codependent parasite. The second her current dickbank leaves, she'll move to the next.
No. 2029822
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>>2029820 Same fag, I realized I forgot that screenshot! Here you go nonnies!
No. 2029829
>>2028428IDGAF if you're from a first world country where you get to have agency and rights plus you can come across billions of influencers online telling you to love yourself and naming every single red flag a moid can possibly show but you still choose to be a doormat then that's on you. Stop treating these grown ass first world women like poor wittle
victims of their own low self worth they give us a bad name and enable scrotes to think they can get away with pulling this shit on the rest of us. Fuck them. They cripple our cause. I could never have an ounce of sympathy for these women just anger and disgust but of course not i reserve most of that for the scrotes.
No. 2029831
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>>2029827Since then there’s also been picrel green haired girl who moved in with them March 2022. By the first week of April 2022 Dana was posting about a polyamorous breakup due to the person “being sexual, just not with me” and then a photo of green hair with Dana labelling her a narcissist. Clearly green hair fucked Eli but wouldn’t touch Dana kek.
In July 2022 she posted about hosting a “porn camp” for a week with 5 porn peddlers staying at the house and them filming porn in the house.
Gaby (the one who dumped them both last week) arrived on the scene July 2023. Idk when exactly she moved in but within three months October 2023 Dana was posting vlogs where Gaby was clearly living with them.
This is such a tumultuous environment to raise a kid, especially so young (age 5-6 during this period), not to mention dangerous hosting random porn moids at the house overnight.
With Dana airing all this shit out online I’m surprised that CPS haven’t been involved, but I guess there’s time yet.
No. 2029834
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>>2028438>>2028432This moid looks like the happy merchant meme lmao
No. 2029841
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Last one on her tumblr that's interesting. The rest of her post are journal style, drunk ramblings about her sexcapades and general stupid life.
She actually made a video on tiktok about this friend two years back. I'll post in a sec. But from the way Dana put it, it sounds like friend was trying to help her. Friend told Dana that all of her own problems are self inflicted (kek). Friend starts doing great for herself, and it's clearly all her fault Dana's life went to shit. What a fucking narcissist. She also posted a picture of herself naked at the end of her rant, blocked out for obv reasons. She's gotta be drunk or high to be writing this shit.
No. 2029854
>>2029833Per the tumblr post here
>>2029783 she says in her marriage to Matt, having a live-in girlfriend who worked “allows me to not work as much”. She clearly keeps inviting co-habiting thirds to their setup to lower her share of the rent, as well as with the latest one elevating her to “step mom” almost instantly to get free childcare and probably have her contribute financially to the kid too. Essentially, it’s a scam to fund her alcoholism, taking other people on dates, taxidermy and acrylic nails kek. I mean don’t get me wrong, Dana Christine Hare from Nashville Tennessee and formerly of Orlando Florida is absolutely a terrible mother and woman but part of me does admire the grift, especially the way she manages it all while looking like a fat goblin
No. 2029868
>>2029831Kek confirmed that Gabby started living with them within 2 weeks of dating, right out of a serious, straight monogamous relationship of 4-5 years. Shocker.
Nonnie that posted the Nashville sex cult theory, you're probably right.
No. 2029897
>>2029841She thinks she’s some indie protagonist of a book lol.
>>2029831Gosh I feel so bad for her child, I can’t believe having a mother like this. If you want to be a sex pest then be free to do it, but don’t involve innocent children in a lifestyle like this.
No. 2029911
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victim loading…
No. 2029929
>>2029921She’s genderspecial so probably doesn’t want to inflict the
violence of gendered language on her daughter by calling her her daughter.
No. 2029937
File: 1724605802881.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.74 KB, 570x1138, IMG_0953.jpeg)

>>2029452She looks more pregnant now than when she was actually pregnant kek (spoilered bc gross)
No. 2029944
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>>2029822Oh my god that’s not his biological kid? And he’s a creepy sex pest? That poor seven year old girl.
No. 2029965
File: 1724610492524.mp4 (8.56 MB, 1080x1926, 1000011486.mp4)

I guess feeding your friend in some weird sexual way, right in front of the waitress is sooooo gay right!
No. 2029968
>>2029917So many redflags. Wearing a top with a pornified term on it while around with your daughter??? Fuck off. How old is she? She looks far too young to be going on a night concert. She will never have a chance while being exposed to this kind of degenerate environment.
>>2029921God I hate how she keeps calling her daughter "tiny human" through the video. Sounds so retarded. I hate that lingo together with "kiddo" that redditors use. Why are millenials/older zoomer such shitty parents??
>>2029868Gross. Why those fucking "poly families" love welcoming strangers to be around their kids?? I hope nothing bad happens to her.
No. 2029990
File: 1724616549072.jpeg (303.3 KB, 750x1322, IMG_0954.jpeg)

Nourishing milk is going to flow from this breakup for quite some time I think nonnies: what a treat.
No. 2029998
File: 1724617214911.jpeg (890.15 KB, 828x988, IMG_4191.jpeg)

she’s the fattest ugliest hoe
No. 2030004
>>2029999Wait til you see them trying to
twerk No. 2030066
>>2029944She has zero self awareness and positions herself as the perfect expert on everything. Vidrel did not age well (only from Feb this year) boasting about how her partners aren’t going to leave her (kek) and how “I vet my partners extremely well” when she’s elsewhere admitted to a pattern of letting essentially strangers move in with her and her child either
the same day as first meeting or within a couple of weeks. I’m just glad that Puppy Milk freak from another thread doesn’t live in TN because he would absolutely jump at the chance of almost immediate unfettered access to a young child and she’d invite him to live if he threw even just a crumb of attention her way.
No. 2030071
>>2030066I think that people like this who project this smug know it all vibe SO HARD because her life is actually a fucking nightmare that she’s probably constantly dissociating or living in delusion. I don’t know but it’s bleak as hell.
Anyone else feel like this “lifestyle” should be considered child abuse or something.
No. 2030072
>>2029832the face tats really killed whatever modicum of attractiveness she had going for her. they obscure her natural bone structure instead of enhancing it. even here with just one side tattooed she looked significantly less horrible
>>2030066the funny thing about her acting like such an expert in polyamory is that she and her scrote are clearly unicorn hunters, except being genderspecial makes it woke somehow I guess
No. 2030077
>>2030076Being looked after by one of her
well vetted partners, of course.
No. 2030080
File: 1724638941834.png (495.43 KB, 460x820, 221531.png)

how much brainrot does a woman have to have to post this without embarrassment
No. 2030081
>>2030066Ok so yeah she is retarded: she couldn’t even understand a simple question which is whether she had a plan in place to mitigate the upset and disruption to her child should one of her partners who looks after the child no longer be in the child’s life. She then goes on a sarcastic rant about “why would any of my partners
plan to leave?”, smugly positioning the girl questioning as a moron when it was actually a thoughtful query from someone who explained she has first hand experience of the trauma of growing up in a revolving door household. Her answer confirms that she has given zero thought to the impact of this degeneracy on that poor little girl’s emotional development. Sad.
No. 2030127
File: 1724646619942.jpg (945.3 KB, 1079x1940, 1000011493.jpg)

New video is up on her pages. Just an update and baking video with Dana yapping thru the whole thing, nothing interesting. Look at Eli's shirt tho… yuck. Why the fuck would you wear this shit indoors with a kid at home.
No. 2030163
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>>2030066God I hate this smug bitch. She probably assumes her daughter is too young or naive to understand what’s going on, but kids have good instincts and 6-7 is definitely old enough to intuit that something is off about their living situation. And I highly doubt they’re being discrete. Sinna, if you’re reading this, I hope you know daughter is watching everything you do and listening to everything you say. She’s taking it all on board, and your retarded antics will have an impact. You are potentially fucking her up for life, not to mention putting yourself at risk of going to court and having her taken away from you. Also, jsyk, children are most likely to be sexually victimised by men in their household with no genetic relation to them, kind of like your ugly degenerate freak of a ~fiancée~ . Heaven protect this little girl from the danger that you invite into her life.
No. 2030166
File: 1724664554306.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.18 KB, 595x619, SpecialNeedsJesus.jpg)

Nonnie, I think the threats to her daughter are significant:
A) drastically elevating her risk of CSA
B) exposing her to a revolving door of people that quickly come into her life, are elevated into a caregiver or even a “step parent” position incredibly quickly (she made a video about Gaby being a “step mom” recently when she’d only been in the picture around 10 months) and invariably leave
C) exposing her to sexualised behaviours and imagery from a young age
D) making her a social pariah: especially in a state like TN, once word gets around about Dana’s behaviour (which doesn’t take long when she looks like that and blasts every detail of their life on social media, including geotagging some posts), she will be ostracised by association: actual parents who are concerned about safeguarding their children will not let them anywhere near that mess of a “family”
>>2030127At the start she slipped up and called her “tiny human” her “daughter” for the first time I’ve heard in any of her videos. This breakup has her rattled lol.
Also yeah the “let’s make content together” shirt is foul but unsurprising from the couple that displays sex toys all over their room and has a massive canvas of fruit as genitalia.
Picrel spoilered because it’s chilling but I can’t get over how boss-eyed this freak is lol.
No. 2030173
>>2030166Your breakdown is spot-on, especially the pariah part.
I wish I could find it not but a while ago I saw a woman on IG who was doing a series of videos about her mother being a sub in a BDSM relationship and how it scarred her for life. Something as “subtle” as her mom’s dom gifting her mom a choker with the same animal print pattern as her security blanket stayed with her and still brought her to tears as a grown woman.
The worst part is I’m sure a few people in that house register how bad an example they’re setting and how much damage they’re doing, but they either drink or smoke the shame away or literally are too selfish to care.
No. 2030178
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>>2030176Yeah, I did. I think she dirty deleted the video itself once she’d calmed down and perhaps realised how fucking unhinged it was. All that remains is a “clarification video” (picrel) which is equally tapped tbh. She clearly has such strong reverse body-dysmorphia delusions that her cope for being curved by someone is to blame it on her
gender rather than - you know - being objectively repulsive.
Off topic but this really captures how wonky the recent bridge piercing is. It’s one of the worst I’ve seen.
No. 2030192
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>>2030066Emotional stress from sexual abuse starts as young as infancy. What a vile piece of shit.
No. 2030256
>>2030181He probably gets away with calling himself pansexual because he indulges genderspecial women like Dana. They all have vaginas, but maybe some of them he’ll fuck up the ass as
gender affirming care kek
No. 2030485
>>2030282The kids are because none of these people ever have protected sex, and they don’t get abortions because they’re all in massively dysfunctional relationships and think the baby will save the relationship. It’s also for external validation which is the same reason they get married. They’re consumed with other peoples perception of their relationship so they do the “normal” things to prove theirs is just as
No. 2030543
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Small update on Dana's insta, confirming Gabby is no longer with either of the scrotes. Dana actually uploaded two (pre-recorded) videos on her youtube yesterday, with Gabby in both videos. Maybe she was trying to provoke a response from Gabby, since she told both of the scrotes to fuck off.
And Dana continues to post those cringy breakup repost on her story, probably because she didn't get her way with Gabby. Lol.
No. 2030567
File: 1724714795877.jpg (1.08 MB, 4096x4096, 1000011533.jpg)

>>2030543Same fagging
Dana unfollowed Gabby today (or vice-versa, all of Gabbys profiles are protected rn so I can't check). She was still following her yesterday, so shit prob hit the fan. Gabby also put "retired from sw" in her twitter bio.
Imo, I think Gabby was probably forced or didn't have much choice in the relationship when it came to porn. Just a hunch given Dana's personality and hypersexuality. Dana would also constantly film Gabby in her underwear on tiktok, maybe disregarding her privacy? Who knows. I hope she does a tell all soon.
No. 2030741
File: 1724727752778.mp4 (17.14 MB, 1000011544.mp4)

Nonnies, we're in for a treat tonight! I did some digging through Dana's twitter and found another (shocker) falling out between a FWB and both scrotes. But ofc Dana tried to control the narrative, and Ruby (the fwb) gives us a glimpse into Dana's behaviors and lifestyle. I had to record because there's no way in hell I could mishmash all of these photos together. Pause to read, and lmk if I need to block out anything or reupload!
No. 2030742
File: 1724727850358.mp4 (16.01 MB, 1000011545.mp4)

>>2030741Same fag - pt. 2
No. 2030748
>>2030742Last same fag, there's a little more explained on Dana's end, on her twitter that I missed. I tried to record the rest but I was hitting 30+ MBs with this yapping
victim. So here's the thread link, and warning, her twitter is riddled with porn so maybe don't read this in public, just in case. No. 2030828
>>2030814Yeah, pretty much. Add to that the fact that she proposed to him and he won’t wear the ring (it’s kept in her
curiosities cabinet which features other such delights as a taxidermied badger’s head glued to a butt plug) it appears that she’s getting clowned on a phenomenal scale kek
No. 2030884
File: 1724764498306.jpeg (96.11 KB, 828x1129, Plagued Moth Wife 03.jpeg)

This greasy faggot has his own thread on here but since they're Poly i thought their pic belonged on here for the laughs kek
No. 2030910
>>2030797Yeah, and I'm also confused how she mentions Ruby is "doing something illegal" by taking edibles because TN is an illegal state but also talks about Eli smoking weed and her house being 420 friendly.
Both of these people sound batshit crazy in different ways.
No. 2030915
File: 1724772227715.jpeg (155.68 KB, 1283x1078, FzGUOrFWwAE1wwo.jpeg)

I'm sorry, this faggot doesn't have a job other than "making content" does he? Why is she still the one supposedly doing ALL the cooking and cleaning and runs their "business" and cares for the kid? Since then she apparently works full time at a coffee roaster but I bet she's still the one doing most of the housework (if it gets done)
Don't tell me he's a fucking "stay at home dad" and alone watching her kid all day (not his biologically) …. because ugh that gives me chills to think about
No. 2030934
>>2030924I think the yellow room with the cartoon painting is their main/master bedroom. It's the walmart-esq Georgia O'keeffe style painting in the back of her youtube videos. The yellow couch is downstairs in her sex/party basement. BUT she has made porn content in other areas of her house, according to her twitter. Like the kitchen for example, which is fucking disgusting. I hope that kid is never home when she does that shit.
Link of the basement tour is attached, just skip through it since it's pretty boring. You can see that their house is a split level in the beginning of it.
No. 2030937
>>2030934lmao i am so fucking retarded i thought it was a caterpillar on some leaves
that being sad she has porn on her manyvids from the living room, where her kid probably watches tv. i hope they have grandparents around to watch the kid but I get the feeling they're so gross they just wait til it's asleep
No. 2030948
>>2030932>>2030933>>2030938Some clarification based on my lurking) I hate that I know this much about them):
>Eli is employed >Dana is employed (was part time since her daughter was born 7 years ago and recently went up to full time)
>Gaby is employed They have what seems to be a converted basement / lower level of the house which they host orgies and parties in comprising a lounge area and bar, and “the red room” where they film themselves fucking (as well as all around the house including the kitchen as another anon noted)
- the phallic fruit canvas is in Eli & Dana’s room
- Gaby had a separate room but
it’s totally non-hierarchical polyamory you guys, me and my partner in our thirties totally didn’t move in a vulnerable 22 year old woman fresh out of a monogomous relationship she’d been in since she was 17 to be our unicorn, noooo she’s totally an equal partner in this throuple and not a sentient sex toy No. 2030951
>>2030938There isn't lol. She has a stripper pole out in the basement room too, that you can see from the front door being open, in the video. She also leaves her sex toys out in her room on plenty of her tiktoks. I highly doubt there are any safety measures to keep their kid safe from this crap.
But I did find the floor plan, it looks like 2 regular bedrooms and a master on the top floor, and one extra bedroom in the basement level. But with that, she's filmed porn in two unrecognizable rooms on her Manyvids. One being her "summer camp" recreation, which was flat out creepy. Its a room with two twin beds, you can take a guess on what happens/the theme of it. The other was one filmed as "lesbian porn" with Gaby in a bare room with just a full/queen bed. Which could have been her room? I'm not sure, but you're probably right
nonnie. But I hope not, for the sake of the kid.
No. 2030988
File: 1724783239885.mp4 (7.37 MB, 1074x1942, 1000011560.mp4)

New insta post; Dana is officially moving on from Gaby. Her "husband" Eli still has Gabby tagged "partner" in his twitter bio. Kek. Must have been messy. I give it a week before these unicorn hunters move another gullible idiot in.
No. 2031222
>>2030741>desperately searching for a girlfriend for myself that is not shared with my husband>>2030080>sharing my girlfriend with my husband!!>>2030915I think he does have some sort of job bc she has referred to it a few times in recent ig content. their relationship seems so
toxic, clearly she feels "stabbed by a hot rusty knife" because she can tell Eli prefers the shiny new girl to her despite her wiping his ass for him
also Ruby is a past unicorn/victim from when they were in Florida, not someone current No. 2031280
>>2031273But you see, she says she's not. Very clearly not operating out of spite and martyrdom.
No. 2031377
File: 1724849612206.jpg (235.71 KB, 1080x1770, 1000011586.jpg)

Does anyone look at the comments on Dana's videos? Kek how is that weird? But raising your kid in a poly relationship and having random strangers take care of your kid for your unicorn recruitment sex parties is totally not weird.
No. 2031456
>>2031421Sorry to any Nonas who share whatever accent that is but I couldn’t get through the video with all the
”eeeeeyand” instead of “and”, so thanks for the TL;DR
No. 2031483
File: 1724863024266.mp4 (3.35 MB, 1000011591.mp4)

Found one of the people thumb woman mentioned kek. She definitely has a point, and it only proves Dana's ex friend right. All of Dana's problems are self inflicted.
>>2031476That's actually a great point considering there was an altercation. Gaby prob didn't feel safe confronting them. I can't blame her. Dana is fucking insane, considering what she's posted herself.
No. 2031497
>>2031421She claims that the breakup is "exhausting" and that she wishes Gaby would've broken up with them better so they could've just "moved on" but she clearly doesn't want that because then she couldn't make all this content off it. The drama gets her engagement. So not exhausted, not wanting it to be clean and drama-free. She's full of shit. She's just raging because she can't control the narrative and Gaby is winning the breakup.
>>2031476I wouldn't be surprised if this were true. She seems to be leaving out details and I highly doubt it happened the way that she's been representing it.
No. 2031522
>>2031421does anyone else hear the word altercation and think "physical"?
She keeps saying "if this happened differently…" bitch be serious no break up is perfect. no matter how this happened you'd still be pitching about it in public for all your kids teachers and parents of classmates to see. do you really think people don't google you? most people google anyone unusual and even though nashville is a big city it's still a big city in the bible belt and nothing about her looks or behavior are normal.
she's overcompensating for the real life people she knows siding with gaby (in all honesty probably the
victim here) by airing her shit out to twenty five thousand strangers she can easily gaslight and doesn't see how that's controlling the narrative in a borderline
abusive way.
bec but the lack of a jawline makes me really depressed to see her face
No. 2031523
File: 1724867458496.png (103 KB, 1022x496, no more throuples.png)

She's claiming that they'll never be in a throuple again.
No. 2031543
>>2031523Exactly what she said about the thruple between her, Matt Hare and Chelsea though per
>>2029822Factor in raging BPD and having a therapist who I bet is a fellow alphabet who listens to Dana rant about “my truth” and says her bonkers actions are totally
valid, she’ll do it again.
No. 2031570
File: 1724871262541.jpg (269.42 KB, 1080x2236, 1000011594.jpg)

>>2031483>>2031481I wouldn't give up on that happening yet, lmao. She's starting shit on stories rn. We'll prob get a woe is me, I'm the
victim reel tonight.
No. 2031609
>>2031584She's grasping at straws to prove her and her scrote's
victim is totally the real bad person here uwu
No. 2031752
>>2031637>i'm gonna pop off on some shit later and then i'm never gonna talk about it againI hope archivistanon is around to catch it for us - also helpful as it doesn’t give her the views she desperately needs. There’s a reason she made a big show about deleting tiktok drafts, she’s lost a lot of content with Gaby in so she needs to squeeze everything she can out of her escaping.
I think Gaby has time yet to turn her life around - she doesn’t seem as cowish in all this? She could either turn into Latina Shayna or drop the ‘SW’ (as she seems to have?) go back to school, get a decent job, and calm down a bit. She could even carry on being poly as long as she doesn’t sell it to scrotes for views, pollute social media with it, or have a kid and involve them in her antics. Idk I’m rooting for her a little in all this. I really do think they groomed her.
No. 2031771
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>>2031613I know kek that’s why I put the quotation marks
>>2031728Oh my god Nona, this made me audibly laugh that’s so gross kek what does sinnabunny even do for work she delivers dragon dildos and bibs and to her kinky customers or some shit?
>>2031523She got tired of being the obvious third wheel
No. 2031811
>>2031797She has to be the poor
victim in every situation but still tries to act hard and tough, but then pivots back to how she’s a helpless
victim, before reminding us once again that she could totally scorch the earth (post video diaries that make her look mentally unwell)
No. 2031863

>>2031838Same fag, last 2 videos in her "explanation" put into one.
TLDW- (First part is pretty uneventful, second part is muh BPD) Dana explains in the first part that everythings is not her fault. And she NEEDS to get her side of the story out there because of misinformation that's hurting her platform. Dana goes on to say, that she's a super duper safe partner for her orgy parties and always asks for consent. And that she did not coerce Gaby into the polycule. She continues her pity party in the second part.
Dana explains she was diagnosed with BPD recently in the relationship. She says Gaby was probably frightened by her newfound diagnosis, and decided to skip town. Her door mat parter, Eli, agrees that there was no communication on Gaby's end for leaving. She has been no contact with both scrotes since, and is now living in some other polycule in Nashville. Dana has since lost a whole friend/sex group and is kind of blaming Gaby for the whole thing, and her BPD. Dana explains the altercation/fight (without going into any detail tbh. The whole video is I, me, my, I, I, me). Saying Gaby called her a narc (kek). This upsets Dana, because she's clearly, totally not a narcissistic. Something about how traits overlap with muh bpd and npd, but she definitely, totally does not have NPD.
No. 2031937
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>>2031863>being such a chill loving enlightened queer icon that your third has to flee in the night like a woman escaping a DV relationship I really hope Gaby spills at some point in the near future
No. 2032037
>>2030742oh my god lmao these people are insufferable… hallucinating a cop was going to assault them, screaming for people to help? POTS and blowing up balloons, and acting like they're a martyr for almost passing out? All this fighting over some man's dick. This whining about not finding a woman that only likes women rather than her husband. Holy shit.
>My trauma, my therapy, my meds!!! These people make me want to a-log. Alternatively, these people make me want to never complain about my life online again. Jesus christ.
>"Like a good slut" oh she was just being nice to Sinnabunny by giving her husband a blowjob. LOL .. let someone piss on you? >"Slutting it out"? >"Withdrawing from my heart medications"oh you poor baby you were probably shitting and pissing and crying
re-reading hurtful comments to
trigger themselves into an eternal
>"I will from now on be vetting who I let between my legs more properly" Every single moment of these people is histrionic attention-starved dramatics. This bitch is turning me asexual. I love how she tops it off with "I'm sorry if I fucked up", she isn't sorry for shit.
>non hierarchical kitchen table polyamorysomeone please hit me in the head with a hammer
No. 2032117
>>2032054She is pissed about
how Gabby broke up with them, but let's be honest here, if Gabby did it the "right" way, she'd find something else to bitch about anyways. Just because someone doesn't say the words "I'm breaking up with you" doesn't mean there's no "official" communication. What does she want, a fucking notarized statement??
No. 2032184
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>>2032180Right on the nose, that.
No. 2032192
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>>2032180Eli doesn’t say anything he just lets the troll do the talking for him to fuck women because he’s a retarded cro-magnon less evolved apeman, less evolved and primal. He’s so ugly, I can not believe he actually gets around, imagine kissing this creep, I bet he smells like armpits
>>2029998>>2028433I’m really surprised they can find young women In a normal BMI range to invite to their flabby hairy orgy where they have hour long discussions about pronouns beforehand
No. 2032205
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>>2032192I don't get it either, neither her or this caveman are any kind of a catch. Surely they are luring these mentally ill women in with drugs and a place to stay?
>>2032195I really feel for the kid. She's absolutely going to go into that room at some point when her parents aren't home. Poor thing is going to need so much therapy.
No. 2032208
I highly doubt Eli is that stupid. If anything, he knows he getting free pussy, so he keeps his mouth shut and gets Dana to take most of the heat, and he knows she will because she can’t stop over-sharing. That’s why he stays away from the drama, and just keeps letting her bring in women he can fuck in front of her. Dana gets shit flung at her? No worries, more pussy is on the way! And you don’t gotta do anything to get it, just keep hanging around your free pussy herder. Dude literally looks like the typical cult leader. He knows what he’s doing, and she’s none the wiser because she only parrots poly enabler books and jargon, and she’s an insecure female who will get happy when a male (her superior) breathes in her direction. She has zero critical thinking, while he’s playing the “Luigi Wins By Doing Nothing!” method to keep getting what he wants. I highly predict that once the daughter—who isn’t related to him—becomes curious about sex, he’s going to find a way to let Dana let him touch her or have sex with her. They’ll probably use the same logic where parents allow kids to drink at home with them since they know “they’re safe” when they do. They’re gonna do that but with sex. Mark my words.
No. 2032251
File: 1726041748419.jpg (91.58 KB, 750x541, Toothless.jpg)

I just know that itssinnabunny is personally responsible for a sharp increase in cavities in the Nashville poly community since she moved there. Can’t wait for her dentures era lmao.
No. 2032252
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Saged bc not milk but this is my vote for the next thread pic.
No. 2032409
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No. 2032576
>>2026772I would leave before anything happened, but if someone asked for polyamory, I would offer to organize an "orgy" and only invite my ugliest friends. Asking them to be in on it, wear their worst clothes, pencil in moustaches…
I'd leave shortly after the reveal.
No. 2032846
File: 1726126362761.png (58.08 KB, 500x500, danairl.png)

every time dana posts a video hyping herself up, this is all I see. no neck, no chin, no brain cells left in that unified neck-head
No. 2033665
File: 1726276182636.jpg (866.37 KB, 1079x2040, 1000011942.jpg)

>>2033663Samefagging, I forgot the pic, I'm on mobile and a retard when it comes to this shit, sorry!
No. 2034036
>>2032656I had an insight when I heard “everyone is partnered, nobody is single” in this
>>2031838 video: I guess they just so obsessively horrified of being single and “unpartnered” as if they are damaged goods (they are) and nobody really wants them (also true). So they have a stack of spare partners just to be sure they would never be single and unwanted, because they see it as unsuccessful. Did you ever saw a polyam person who was single? Like “yeah I am poly, but for now I am single and don’t look for sex or relationships”? Fuck no, they are always into a web of same sad and desperate people who’d like to have someone to be with and the more is better, because having a monogamous breakup will make them single, but in poly - not a big deal
No. 2034143
File: 1726387222799.jpg (126.56 KB, 750x692, Retard.jpg)

Sinnabunny is back on her soapbox pretending to be the most enlightened again talking about her amazing boundaries in being a whore and having a child and not posting said child’s information online. Meanwhile her tumblr is still up under her full government name in which she has listed her child’s first, two middle and surnames as well as the date and time of her birth. Piece that together with Dana’s vlogs which make it pretty easy to work out where they live and… yeah, she’s a confirmed retard.
No. 2034186
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>>2034143Kek which farmer posted this
No. 2034403
>>2034390 I'm in some of those FB groups kek, the mods got that fed up with her self posting in them that they've banned all posts about/by her lmfao
seeing her on here was a genuine jumpscare (but I do agree a thread of her own would be milky)
No. 2034660
she's trying to act smug and unbothered but you can tell she's upset that her friends didn't take her side lol
No. 2034671
>>2034660what a petty immature loser. this is so embarrassing. how old is dana? this sounds like a middle schooler fighting over friend groups. Nitpicking her ex over some bitter bullshit and posting a video about it to get the last word. I can't believe this is an actual adult that has a child. These people need to get a fucking life that doesn't revolve around sex and reLaTioNsHips.
I agree with anons about who said she is worthy of her own thread here. She's kind of carrying this one as it is.
No. 2035225
>>2035203Doormat is the perfect word. Dana seems super controlling in all of her relationships. Especially with Eli. Anytime there's a video of them together, Dana usually takes reigns of the convo and Eli sits there looking dead inside kek.
Also interesting that she keeps talking about their marriage when Dana is still in the process of divorce (In Orange co. FL is where I found it, idk if im allowed to post since it's legal, but its very easy to find). It was filed 4/12/2022, which is weird since she left her ex sometime in 2018-19 and then met Eli sometime in 2019. They're probably not even legally married yet.
No. 2035363
File: 1726616540258.png (833.34 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240917-153813.png)

I went through her YouTube and clicked on one of her tattoo videos. Didn't know she had a Disney sleeve.
Side note: I've noticed tons of porn stars and people like that are all obsessed with Disney and/or other types of kid related media. Crystal Hefner and Holly Madison are both obsessed with Disney. I've seen countless people who flaunt their sexuality all over the internet who are obsessed with Disney. I even know an irl sex addict who is in a semi open relationship and she also obsessed with Disney. WTF is up with that, someone explain.
No. 2035443
>>2035203I definitely get the vibes that he isn’t that into her and is using her for whatever all this shit is that she provides him. He’s not an active participant in any of her videos he’s just there like a prop so she can show everyone she’s
valid because she has a partner.
No. 2035450
>>2035203He looks scary and she looks terrible. Why is she laying there in his armpit like a melting blob. rambling on and on as he stares blankly and strokes his beard above her face.
Random question that may have already been asked but didn’t she talk about being super jealous when he was with their other girl? So I don’t understand why you’d choose a poly lifestyle if you are jealous like that? Seems like self harm or something.
No. 2035668
>>2035363love her chin here lol
>someone explainthey're just that immature and it could also be a "main character syndrome" type of thing, trying to give themselves some kind of "brand" because they're too dense to notice how common making the [insert any hugely popular franchise here] + [insert some type of sex work or open kinkyness here] is. i know one too kek, i bet everyone here does
No. 2035742
File: 1726686875738.jpg (1.04 MB, 1079x1752, 1000012064.jpg)

Looks like Gaby had her birthday yesterday and celebrated it with other people in Dana's past videos (these are prob the friends that "left" Dana, idk who was together with her specifically other than Gaby). Dana didn't post to her stories at all last night, or at all today. So I'm guessing drinking bender or a bpd breakdown was/is being had kek
No. 2036392
File: 1726813703660.jpeg (142.34 KB, 750x704, IMG_1326.jpeg)

>>2035742That’ll be why she posted a video montage from Bonnaroo back in June insisting that these people she sees a few times a year to be alcoholics in a field with are her true friends. Smells like cope lol.
No. 2036737
File: 1726877185955.jpg (4.31 MB, 4096x4096, 1000012147.jpg)

Bpd breakdown but you're also having the best time at lostlands without your now 10+ ex's. She's coping hard with alcohol kek.
No. 2036906
File: 1726923143623.jpeg (40.86 KB, 717x332, IMG_1337.jpeg)

Has any more come out about her apparently chimping out on Gaby at a bar? I wonder how long it will take Dana to realise that she’s an alcoholic…
No. 2037105
File: 1726974599757.mp4 (10.79 MB, 1080x2106, 1000012176.mp4)

Same woman (mazerlazer_, another polycow) from Gabys birthday pic talking about Danas recent breakup post on her insta story kek. She's the same one that threatened to release the video of whatever happened at the bar between Dana and Gaby. She posted a story during the outage that went something among the lines of "We called the bar you two were at to get the video of Dana being aggressive(? Unsure of the wording but something among those lines ?)" I recorded it, but I'll have to find it since its been like 3 weeks.
No. 2037189
>>2036737Dana’s newest TikTok is the sound “well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions” with the caption “going through a breakup knowing I was her second serious relationship ever”. She’s really had zero introspection about her role in all this, has she? She’s been framing Gaby as immature without identifying the elephant in the room: Dana is in her thirties and married with a kid. She groomed Gaby when Gaby was still college age and fresh out of a relationship she’d been in since she was 17.
Dana keeps going on about how awful “unicorn hunters” are and how her and Eli are not like that but they’re no different really: it’s just instead of hunting for a third together, Eli sends Dana our first as bait and then “oh yeah it just organically turned out like this”. Suuuuuure.
No. 2037936
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>good morning chubby
No. 2037950
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>>2035203Tiabeanie lookong ass…
No. 2038059
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>>2038055She’s “trans nonbinary” and cries about how when people want to fuck her husband and not her it gives her dysphoria because it’s obviously because she’s not ~manly enough and not just objectively repulsive.
No. 2038096
>>2036737"when the entire friend group drops you at the first sign of conflict"
lol I've heard this one before. It's not "the first sign of conflict" it's a "major conflict", and smart people will detach after the first time someone causes trouble in their friendship circle. Especially when the person in question has BPD and everyone knows they're going to have this shit happen to them OVER AND OVER AGAIN if they continue to stay. I love how she minimizes how seriously her behavior actually affects people. Nobody wants to be at this stupid hot festival with your stinky ass
No. 2038188
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New word vomit on her new reel, trying to prove the hadurs wrong ig. She's probably manic or something bc she's spaz posting stupid shit to her story
No. 2038791
>>2038444Absolutely yes but I’m too retarded to do it so I pray another kind
nonnie with superior farming skills may be able to come through.
No. 2038794
File: 1727342785899.jpg (135.82 KB, 555x825, Deluded.jpg)

>my husband is conventionally attractive Photos of him (like
>>2030166) beg to differ. Bro’s got one eye on the entry and one on the exit at all times kek.
No. 2038873
>>2038444>>2038791>>2038849Dana is a great cow to milk but splitting Dana from Polycows will just result in 2 slow threads. Dana's will never fill on her own & will lurk in the back of the catalogue, abandoned after a month or two, buried under necroed threads & Gimpgirl (I miss her.)
Alida can't hold her own thread, Dana won't hold hers either. Let her be the star for now, instead of a 1 woman show. Give her a section/writeup or even add her to the next Polycows thread title, if she's still relevant then, but I don't think she can sustain her own thread.
No. 2039718
File: 1727509944029.jpg (116.41 KB, 594x615, BeerGut .jpg)

At least Fatty has some self-awareness then.
No. 2039777
File: 1727529454836.jpg (388.16 KB, 1080x2084, 1000012387.jpg)

Anyone see her q&a last night? She posted it to her Instagram story. Here's one.
So she did do something to Gaby?? Why else would you tell your nail tech that like wtf??
No. 2039833
File: 1727545148540.jpg (885.82 KB, 1080x2316, 1000012389.jpg)

Nonnas, she's breaking with these questions lmao. I hope one of you are asking her these things. The more milk, the better since this cow's getting boring.
I do wonder what sort of scene she caused tho. Yelling can be considered abuse as well, especially if it was a daily thing, + heavily drinking every day. But blaming your mental illness isn't a get out of jail free card for verbal abuse. Especially with bpd. You go to therapy, not apologize for hurting those around you and fucking up for the thousandth time.
No. 2039878
File: 1727554463000.jpg (4.57 MB, 4096x4096, 1000012394.jpg)

>>2039833Kek the girls are fightinggg. The other polycow/ex fuck buddy is responding to Dana's post. She's just as bad (imo) for not just saying what happened, or for not releasing whatever video/proof she had and just using it as a threat. But hopefully we get some new milk tonight nonnies!
No. 2040168
File: 1727627933063.jpeg (2.18 MB, 4397x1919, download (19).jpeg)

Dana says everyone else is hung up on Gaby, but she's the one who keeps posting about her. There were two previous stories I didn't get to cap about a t-shirt and not saying goodbye to her daughter
>>2039777guess we have to pack it up, nonas. there's no way Dana could have flown into a drunken rage against her ex, her nail tech said so!!
No. 2040569
File: 1727713612018.png (2.09 MB, 1283x1459, Untitled design.png)

no milk just muh dysphoria because i'm ugly
No. 2040713
>How did you pull so many hot people when you’re not atttractive?”Because she’s a literal doormat that will “be in relationships/have sex with
abusive. people as long as they pretend to care about her.
No. 2040717
File: 1727738933354.png (2.03 MB, 1919x1843, zhOcEpW.png)

what a pathetic existence
No. 2040770
>>2040763>>2040746All forms of polygyny are unbiblical, the bible clearly states in the Old and New testament that the arrangement for marriage should only be 1 man 1 woman. Some of the men which had multiple wives were very bad men, like Lemech, from cain’s bloodline, got wiped out in the flood and not the ark.
And God did not condone his servants like David and Solomon having multiple wives and concubines either, while he did bless them from grace, he punished them for it in other ways and let them face consequences of the drama from running harems, the incident with Bethsheba and Solomon lost what he gained when giving in to his wives’ demands.
(bible sperging no1currs) No. 2040881
File: 1727780858700.jpg (165.87 KB, 637x1022, HersforThems.jpg)

>>2039718She’s uploaded a video overview of five medications she’s taking for weight loss now on top of whatever cocktail she’s on for BPD:
>Bupropion>Naltrexone>Topiramate>Metformin We’re in for some great milk because this is surely going to mess with her already tenuous grip on sanity.
No. 2041000
>>2040881this list is legitimately what she was given? holy shit i'm kind of shocked this is allowed, it's kind of sketchy.
>wellbutrin can be dangerous>naltrexone is usually given for alcohol or opioid abuse (well she is an alkie so…)>TOPAMAX??? how can you give topamax for weight loss, it is known to be risky and she better not be drinking while taking it>metformin is not a big deal imo but i don't think you lose much on it it's mainly for diabeticsshe will likely be shitting her brains out. why doesn't she try putting the fork/bag of chips down and quit drinking alcohol before buying herself a cocktail of drugs online.
No. 2041010
>>2041000NTA but I was on Topamax for Migraines/Cluster headaches and repeated seizures caused by them. that medications side effects + what you cant consume on it is very strict and horrible.
Only a VERY small percentage of people loose weight permanently on topamax, and for the medication to work and get the required weight loss she cant consume any alcohol or caffeine. like at all. You basically will have constant liquid stool, that's how you loose the weight. You only start seeing a reduction in weight after about half a year. If you stop Topamax you gain the weight back.
Topamax gave me severe kidney stones. bet they didn't mention that as a side effect.
Topamax severely reduces your mental function as will verbally slow your speech and make you very drowsy or tired CONSTANTLY.
That is like one of the worst medications to put someone on if they do not have Epilepsy/Migraines, IDK how these people are getting approved for it only for weight loss.
Especially with that cocktail, yes, all of those medications have weight loss as a side effect but they are only going to make her loose at most 10%. Like are they stacking wellbutrin and topamax together because they think the wellbutrin can cancel out the topamax main effect?
This is just going to make her worse.
No. 2042751
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No. 2042852
>>2041010NTA but anyone who has taken Topamax knows that it is called Dopamax for a reason. I had a horribly unethical psychiatrist as a teenager and was put on Topamax for bulimia which led to me swinging the other way and developing extreme anorexia. The cognitive effects were insane—I was unable to spell basic words like “rose”. I don’t think someone can function in a job or in school on Topamax—it’s literally a chemical lobotomy along with antipsychotics. No idea why these drugs aren’t as protected as benzos when the side effects of them are worse.
>>2040881She doesn’t need all of these medications. Medication doesn’t even treat true BPD unless you’re a lazy and unethical doctor who considers medication-induced, zombie-like emotional numbness as a cure for people with more intense emotions.
No. 2043907
>>2040881metformin is for type 2 diabetics. naltrexone is for alcoholics and/or opioid addicts. topiramate is for migraines, epilepsy and can also be used for alcoholism.
this drug cocktail is suspicious as fuck. the only thing tying them all is either loss of appetite as a side effect or an off label use for weight loss.
forhims is a shady ass company for this shit.
No. 2044156
File: 1728516557150.png (413.07 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6519.png)

Sage since it’s not very interesting but what is it with these degenerate poly/kink pages like Dana constantly posting pictures of child cartoon characters with captions about getting fucked?
No. 2044693
File: 1728640125910.jpg (382.9 KB, 1080x2168, Screenshot_20241011_104449.jpg)

Is she out of her fucking mind? No it's not okay to allow your kid to view sexual imagery of yourself and to see the toys you use on yourself once they turn 18.What in the covert sexual abuse is this shit
No. 2044705
>>2040881KEK i know im late but ive been curious about these companies and what they prescribe
>buproprion + naltrexonethese meds exist in a combined form that’s FDA approved for weight loss (Contrave) which is the only thing on this list that is. also will not make her lose more than 20 pounds
>topiramatelots of side effects. hope she’s on solid BC because it can cause birth defects
>metforminwill make her fart and bloat like crazy in exchange for losing like 6 pounds max. and for how much money girl? you can do an enema and probably lose as much weight in a single evening than you will on these meds over months. good luck qween
No. 2045581
File: 1728837082774.jpeg (168.52 KB, 1170x392, IMG_0809.jpeg)

>>2040717Super late and sorta off topic but she almost certainly lurks here (the heart is her) and sometimes her rage bait content is even themed to what anons here are discussing, like after talking about tif “femboys” she did a few tiktoks where she claimed to be a femboy
No. 2045670
File: 1728859207030.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6644.png)

Forgot to post this when I saw it but kek at her admitting to getting drunk on her new cocktail of alkie meds + continuing to overeat. Yes Dana the pills are magic and you don’t have to make lifestyle changes to tone your body
No. 2045969
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>>2045685>coping for the exAbsolutely this (see picrel from the other day which illustrates the point)
No. 2047241
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No. 2047244
File: 1729176715301.jpeg (179.34 KB, 750x793, IMG_1973.jpeg)

Potential new milk: a new fatty has joined the polycule
No. 2047283
>>2046470She always looks like she ate a hearty meal, and is about to burp something spicy.
>>2047252>imagine waking up in a sweaty bed after a drunken night out >walls are covered with pride flags, dildos and taxidermy..> you try to leave but you’ve been spotted by a gangly man and two fatties with crazy hair>I must’ve drank too much, I’m sorry I must’ve gotten lost>they pull out their phones and demand you to film a tiktok or onlyfans video with them>you’re horrified, you’ve only heard about these freaks online>you try to escape>there’s more polychute members that come out of the shadows>they’re telling you jealousy is ok>they’re telling you all their tests came back negative >you shake you’re head, “no!” and try to leave>the polycults chasing you in that cluttered house>you trip, and quickly stammer onto your feet >you see the bathroom light on and you run in, >locking the door behind you, you rinse your face in cold water and look up>you’re horrified to see a your hairs been cut into a neon mullet>your eyebrows are missing>your earrings are gone and they put small gauges in your ear holes>the shower curtain opens abruptly, it’s sinnabunny>she opens her palm and there’s pills>take one, she says, it’ll make the transitional phase easier>you take the pills>now you’re servicing a greasy moid, in a dusty cluttered home>you’re also working a full time job, preparing meals, and taking care of the child care. No. 2047399
File: 1729198057442.jpg (95.52 KB, 637x976, DoughyDana.jpg)

>>2040881Saged for autism but since showcasing this terrifying cocktail of meds supposedly for weight loss just 16 days ago, Dana has posted about eating out or getting takeout as below (in reverse order):
Fried chicken wings and coconut shrimp
Fried chicken with fries
A burger
Fried crab rangoons
Eggs Benedict
Whipped feta & pitta bread, falafel and other mezze
Multiple large iced lattes
She has also posted about drinking alcohol many times:
Getting drunk at “Queer Dance Party” (drinks not listed)
Cocktails at Pearl Diver
Mead at Honeytree Meadery
Cocktails at Butcher and Bee
Cocktails at Chopper
Chugging lots of alcoholic drinks over 4 days at Lost Lands Festival (shotgunning beers etc)
This doesn’t even include all the home made calorie dense meals she’s detailed too (like bacon and fried eggs for breakfast).
Over the space of two weeks while claiming to be on “a weight loss journey” this is absolutely insane. This only covers the few days she’s vlogged too so it’s surely exponentially worse.
No. 2047598
>>2047399Dana is the average overweight American who has no understanding of how nutrition actually works. It’s like the people on My 600 Pound Life. “Doctor I love vegetables, I have a piece of lettuce and tomato on my double cheeseburgers, and I love fruit, like strawberry cheesecake and apple pie. I’m also walking for 8 minutes a day. I have no idea why I’m not losing weight. It must be my metabolism.”
Here’s the thing about Dana, she’s not morbidly obese. She’s chunky but average burgerland sized woman who carries the excess weight in the abdomen. She doesn’t have the truly unfortunate hallmark hambeast build (fat everywhere, doomed to have loose skin on limbs after weight loss). If she committed to intense daily cardio and made small changes like cutting out fried food and alcohol she could lose the weight on her own instead of subscribing to an internet boner pill website.
No. 2047674
File: 1729247094639.jpg (16.95 KB, 255x255, MollyMinger.jpg)

Has anyone else noticed that Dana’s “smile” consistently looks like a grimace? Like she has shit on her lip or something? It’s repulsive but at least she does it with her mouth closed so we don’t have to witness the teeth rotting out of her head.(nitpicking)
No. 2047725
>>2047399God, that made me sick just reading your summary. I don't understand how people can live like that. And like you mentioned, this is the stuff she showed on camera and not
everything she's eating on a day to day basis.
>>2047598>If she committed to intense daily cardio and made small changes like cutting out fried food and alcohol she could lose the weight on her own Even only fixing her diet and moderating her alcohol intake could achieve these results! It's insane how much she intakes. Rigorous exercise is important, of course, but it can increase you appetitive and that's clearly the bigger issue for her
No. 2047928
File: 1729293232815.jpg (183.92 KB, 750x886, StinkyPredator.jpg)

Fresh milk: another person has come forward saying Dana was creepy and coercive with them in sexual situations. Her response is that they should have come to her to talk about it, showing no awareness of why someone would avoid her after she’s been rapey with them.
Is she really not twigging at all that if this many people have a problem with her and consider her predatory that maybe she needs to take a sincere look at how she’s behaving, including inviting people much younger than her to her house, plying them with booze and instigating orgies?
> I just found out that someone I was really close to has taken sides with my most recent ex and has been saying some really hurtful things behind my back
> they’ve accused me of being unsafe in the polyamorous and kink communities… and coercing them into sexual engagements
> there was one situation with this person involving someone else at my home at a house party
> I do believe that the next day there was some regret and revoke of consent with what had happened
I downloaded the video because she said she’s going to delete it but it’s too big to host here and I’m retarded. If it does disappear and you want to see it I guess lmk the best way to share it? Thanks/sorry.
No. 2047985
>>2047928Dana does something incredibly sinister here.
>says someone accused her of sexual coercion >goes on to explain that this person was at her home at one of their freak orgies, consented to sex with someone that wasn’t Dana, then regretted it the next day and is claiming assault She’s trying to pass off this person’s alleging that Dana did something TO THEM as “someone ELSE did something in my home and I’m like totally super sorry for not noticing.” No dana, YOU are the alleged molester in question. Now I’m wondering why the fuck is she not just deleting fucking everything and locking her page down? Is it because of her horde of instagram/tiktok enablers applauding this post for being “vulnerable” or is it that she really thinks she’s done nothing wrong?
No. 2048044
File: 1729326875411.jpeg (Spoiler Image,15.43 KB, 253x253, IMG_2005.jpeg)

(Spoilered because it’s a close up photo of her horror movie of a mouth)
Dana has posted a video about how Eli has set up a GoFundMe for her to have dental surgery, despite saying in an earlier video that her mom who died earlier this year left her “a good chunk of money” and all the vlogs she posts about constantly eating out, buying expensive cocktails and seemingly endless fast fashion tat. Infuriating.
No. 2048065
>>2048060Well she gave a whole sob story about her parents not making her brush her teeth when she was growing up but she’s an adult and has been for some time. At a certain point you are responsible for your own health.
Once again her weirdo followers are applauding her for being so brave and vulnerable for posting this image, just like she was brave and vulnerable by coming onto social media and saying someone is lying about her sexually coercing them. I wonder if Dana could post a picture of shit from her ass and her retarded fans would applaud her for her bravery
No. 2048100
File: 1729348688503.mp4 (13 MB, 576x1024, Download (4) (1) (1).mp4)

>>2047928>The dom was being too forceful>Accused of coercing someone into "sexual engagements"So it's literally her and her neanderthal then? Yes Dana, being a pimp is predatory. This video is compressed to shit so sorry in advance
No. 2048108
File: 1729350382859.jpeg (937.76 KB, 1170x1250, IMG_7183.jpeg)

>>2048100Damn, I’m confused is she supposed to be a referee in the orgys or something? I am so confused. Can someone explain why she’s apologizing?
No. 2048119
>>2048115That’s so insane to me, it really sounds like drunken shenanigans, I don’t see how someone can ‘revoke consent’ the next day. If I let her nasty moid dom me (gag) I’m taking that shit to the grave.
She’s incredibly well spoken, it’s a shame she’s expected to apologize for her retarded guests not being able to dom right.
Kek I’m imagining sinna with a black and white ref shirt and a whistle to manage the retard orgy
No. 2048125
>>2048115Then why don’t they take it up with Eli?
I remember before the cry baby gen Z kids and e whores took over the kink scene, now these danger hairs use buzzwords like “trauma” and “gaslighting” during foreplay.
And how does someone “coerce” you into sex?!
You either want it, or you don’t. Just because you gave someone pity coochie to get them to STFU doesn’t make you a
victim, it makes you a retard. Literally you need to be responsible for yourself if you’re gonna be a retarded degenerate,.
Like pick a disability, you can’t be a big baby, and a degenerate at the same time. I’m so glad to not be one of these nasties, I couldn’t imagine what that house must look like under a black lite, or if you got a bacteria test to that home I couldn’t imagine what is growing in there.
>>2048119>>she's incredibly well spoken, it's a shame she's expected to apologize for her retarded guestsanon…is this a joke? kek
she's not well spoken and no one expects anything, she's a narcissist who loves to hear her own voice and stare at herself so she'll jump on any chance to make a stupid video blog statement tiktok whatever. also she IS one of the retarded guests at her parties and she needs to apologize for herself…which she also never does because again, she's a narcissist, so nothing is her fault
No. 2048165
>>2048125Coercive control is the pattern of behavior or actions used by a perpetrator to frighten, threaten, oppress, and limit their
It's a common tactic with creepy abusers.
No. 2048636
>>2048256seriously, I think she really thinks she is one lol "I just heard something so I want to jump on here and address it immediately"
and then rambles for a few minutes about how she's literally at work in her work van blah blah blah before even getting to what happened. Just an excuse to hear her own voice
No. 2049120
File: 1729558663051.png (751.71 KB, 864x1920, 1000015780.png)

Dana saying she is blocking anyone even remotely connected to her ex girlfriend
Dana poorly adressing making fun of MazerLazer, saying it was mean but backtracking and saying "but I deleted it!!"
Maze Responds saying that it is cowardly to block people you are talking shit about and that they need to stop talking about people who don't want anything to do with them for money.
Dana says "they don't know I'm not in therapy" (she clearly isn't) implying that if she was she wouldn't be posting about it publicly because she doesn't want to give her ex the satisfaction of doing the thing she was begging for her to do. How vindictive do you need to be not to get treatment for your mental illness because it would make someone that you've already BPD split on happy.
No. 2049352
>>2048256Doesn’t she have, hobbies, a buisness, a child to feed? How does she manage to make her entire day about being a nasty ho?
>>2048344Like seriously, I feel bad for the new chunky monkey she’s talking to, most defs gonna waste her time and pull her into online BS
>>2049120Sinna, instead of moping and blaming your own behavior or your ex, hit the gym. The best thing to mend a broken heart is to break a sweat
(sage your shit) No. 2049462
>>2040881>HersForThems.jpgI had a hearty kek at that, was wondering why they didn't say Hers
Massively late, but I use Hers for one of my meds, and my genuine question is: why isn't she applying for the Hers version of Ozempic? I'm even hearing it on the radio, they're advertising it everywhere
how the hell was she potentially rejected for Hers!Ozempic but approved for that freakish medley? the mind boggles
repeating what everyone else is saying about Topamax, I took that shit for a week for my Migraines and stopped
I don't even know how she can even function on it, I couldn't
No. 2049472
>>2049466figured it was gender-sensitive packaging
semaglutide, that's the one
they CAN reject you, I tried for it because they wouldn't shut the fuck up about it and I got rejected, but I didn't try very hard
I wonder if it was more the price for it than whether she was rejected – I feel like I heard them on the radio saying it was 200/mo and they wanted like a 6 month minimum up front or something
No. 2049875
File: 1729758867445.jpeg (143.63 KB, 750x1015, IMG_2199.jpeg)

It’s so transparent that Wallace was in a rush to find a new Gromit for her videos. Can’t wait for the wheels to fall off on this one too. I wonder if it will be as quick as
>>2029831 No. 2049876
File: 1729759015334.jpeg (158.98 KB, 749x867, IMG_2141.jpeg)

>>2049875At least they’re looks-matched.
No. 2050221
File: 1729844725043.jpg (97.66 KB, 639x891, NashvillecavitiesPatientZero.j…)

Her mouth is so diseased her dentist said she can’t get the implanted dentures she wanted kek.
No. 2050223
>>2050221Oh my god her mouth is so bad they’re having to remove all her teeth and give her slide in dentures like elderly people have.
>>2032251 said, she is almost definitely personally responsible for a sharp rise in the number of cavities in the Nashville
poly community. Makes me a bit sick to think about.
No. 2050224
>>2048065> Well she gave a whole sob story about her parents not making her brush her teeth when she was growing up but she’s an adult and has been for some time. At a certain point you are responsible for your own health.Exactly this. I have sympathy for children growing up in environments where their parents don’t ensure their basic hygiene needs are taken care of but from about 12 she should have had the sense to realise her mouth stank and she should get like her peers and brush her teeth morning and night.
Even if that didn’t kick in, by the time she was 18 and spending on shit tattoos she could have used that money instead for quarterly visits to a dental hygienist. It seems instead that she decided at some point that her teeth were beyond saving and just leant into being a smelly bitch. I feel like a mouth like that going down on you would leave you with BV.
No. 2050235
File: 1729851500337.png (236.92 KB, 1080x822, 1000010506.png)

>>2050221You cannot tell me this bitch doesn't reek. Her gums are rotting and she's taking the easy way out of just pulling all her teeth instead of maybe trying to do basic dental care. Just like with the weight loss cocktail, easy short term gains with the caveat of permanent health damage — you know our gal says sign me up!
No. 2050246
File: 1729856877814.jpeg (131.63 KB, 718x1024, 05CAE3D9-E128-4137-8627-5352FA…)

>>2049875>It’s so transparent that Wallace was in a rush to find a new Gromit for her videos.>>2049876>damn anon is onto somethingI love you for this anon lmao
No. 2050276
Please someone who’s less retarded than me make a
>>2049876 vs
>>2049876 side by side for the next thread pic - it’s perfect.
No. 2050374
File: 1729887458757.jpeg (1.77 MB, 4096x4096, IMG_2249.jpeg)

>>2050310Something like picrel but better.
No. 2050524
nonny the file name. This is it though, thank you!
No. 2050851
File: 1730026025103.jpeg (1011.69 KB, 1240x3085, 629DE0FE-268B-40CB-A8C6-B887D8…)

>>2050797>>2050221I mean its pretty accurate. if you chose swap spit with a cavity addled snaggle toothed bitch like this youre the retard in this polyhellhole.
No. 2050877
>>2050851Oh my god I zoomed in to see the state of her teeth (instant regret) but whilst there also clocked the foul brown color of her real nails under the acrylics.
The smelly allegations clearly bother her as it’s not rare for her to post a video making a big deal about having a shower but she fails to realise that just putting yourself in the shower means nothing if you don’t scrub thoroughly while you’re there. The state of her teeth and nails are testament to her not achieving the bare minimum in that regard and I hope her daughter is not getting caught up in this kind of filth.
No. 2050893
File: 1730037605597.jpg (Spoiler Image,849.31 KB, 1620x1620, 1000018796.jpg)

>>2026090Dana has had some truly vile photoshoots
No. 2050946
File: 1730052890513.jpg (916.57 KB, 1080x2073, 1000002564.jpg)

"When he did nothing wrong" oh girl please
No. 2050956
>>2050946Seems predatory as hell that girls arent allowed to break up with her boyfriend without a "
valid reason" and then get attacked for it
No. 2050968
File: 1730057543348.jpg (228.07 KB, 1080x1184, 1000002571.jpg)

…k girly you REALLY aren't helping those allegations
No. 2050969
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No. 2051026
>>2050946after knowing the state of her teeth and overall hygiene all I see is insecurity. insecurity to the point you fight your "man's" battles beyond the pale.
Shes the ugliest bitch of them all and works twice as hard to be recognized. and shes too dumb to understand that.
>>2050969like what the fuck is this. she pulls put her phone at every moment of insecurity and expects to be showed for every stupid judgmental thought
No. 2051145
File: 1730102550033.jpeg (130.41 KB, 654x928, IMG_2266.jpeg)

Her whole personality summed up in one image.
No. 2051147
>>2051026Lmao exactly. Her husband consistent hooks up with women who are more attractive than her (remember his birthday orgy photo and Dana was the worst looking one there?) and Dana is coping so hard by acting like she's happy that he's enjoying himself and acting like she's OK with being called "the ugly one" because at least it proves there's something special about her which means she can pull more attractive partners (not saying anyone involved in that poly mess is attractive but they're all marginally more attractive than her).
Considering her BPD I have no idea how long it is before she finally snaps but tbh she already did have a bpd meltdown at Gaby anyways so (still can't believe she really tried to explain Gaby's immaturity on astrology rather than the fact she's in her early 20s lmao)
(sage non-milk) No. 2051172
>>2050946Ew so the poly people aren’t allowed to break up with the dude without a whole tantrum from Miss girl? Yikes Dana.
>>2050893I didn’t see buttcheeks at first, I saw two legs? Omg Nona’s she’s so nasty
No. 2051301
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>>2051263I’ve always thought Dana looked like a puppet from Mr. Meaty
No. 2051435
>>2026772I am dying to know what convinces these women to demean themselves like this. this one seems to be a pretty shameless and dysfunctional degenerate herself so she's not just probably grooming young women for hippie Jesus but she genuinely just doesn't care about what kind of dysfunctionality and risk she subjects that all herself but her kid to. these people are a repulsive mess.
>>203268The sounds like something a scrote would say. sometimes people don't want to get with a 10 when they're not incredibly attractive themselves, even though that's subjective to a degree. I don't think it's fair to call everyone here ugly even though they are going out of their way to stand out of the most obnoxious way you can. I think the way they dress and style themselves is uglier than their general appearance. but that's irrelevant here. I know that being
toxic is this kind of sport in this site but you know some people do fall in love with others who are fat or non-conventually attractive in one way or another. not a big deal unless they're people like this who for some fucking reason want to tell strangers about what they're doing. like that's the most bizarre thing here. not just the general lack of awareness surrounding the hypersexuality and uncritical acceptance of subdom dunamics/sexual exploitation, etc. I don't understand why people want to subject the world or strangers to what is literal like sexual harassment at this point. who the hell wants to see anyone much less these people be sexual on socmedia… this is just narcissistic and bizarre behavior. what the hell is she getting out of this? a little bit of money no doubt but is the loss of dignity worth it?
No. 2051950
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Dana’s straight up lying in the comments on a follow-up video she’s done about her rotten teeth about how anyone suggesting she should dial back on getting regular full sets of acrylic nails, shit tattoos, dining and drinking out constantly etc to save up to pay to get them fixed herself “is like when conservatives say like ‘oh millennials can never buy a house because they eat too much avocado toast”. She then completely misrepresents her behaviours by concluding “Just because I need to get a surgery done for my teeth doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to have a nice night out or be able to get a dinner out with my family”. Like, no it doesn’t, but as
>>2047399 highlighted it is fucking
constant and she’s dining out with other polyfags, not treating her daughter.
No. 2051961
>>2051950From the end of the same video:
>“I need $20,000 to fix my teeth. Can I afford it? - yes. But I have a platform.”Somehow her personality is even more disgusting than the state of her mouth. She just straight up admitted she has the cash available to do this herself: what the fuck?!?
No. 2051971
>>2051950>>2051954She said what we're all thinking. But I just about died reading that.
>>2051961It's incredibly entitled to use GFM if you already have the funds. Just because she doesn't
want to invest in herself and her health doesn't mean others should pick up the tab. Fuck that shit.
Also in this video, she said she has "celebrity friends" and that they gift her passes to the festivals she attends. Lmao. No way this nasty heifer has celeb friends.
No. 2052040
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Some chump has donated $700: embarrassing.
No. 2052054
Sorry about the wall of text, I'm just reading through the thread and writing down my thoughts.
>>2033665So her child sees this shit every day? This has to be child endangerment or something. Do people not call her out on this shit?
>>2039833KEK at Gaby explaining why she doesn't want to contact Dana again and Dana proving her right with zero self awareness. Dana is such a stereotypical BPD/NPD, can't accept any blame, can't criticize herself and her actions, can't learn and grow. Every relationship she has goes up in flames and she is simply unable to understand that she might be the problem. I feel bad for Gaby (assuming she isn't a terrible person), must suck to be character assassinated by an insane ogre with a rotten mouth.
>>2039878I'm constantly in awe of how bad her wigs are and how incompetent she is in wearing them.
>>2040168>Screeches nonstop about a situation that is nobody's business>Goes on passive aggressive smear campaign>I don't owe my followers anything you're all hung up on this situation for no reason>>2045670>I love my life, I love being polyamorousCOPE
>>2045969One, she's incapable of doing anything quietly. Two, it's the BPD keeping you from having a stable self-image, babe.
>>2047985It's because she can't live without attention. She doesn't exist unless she's being constantly perceived. Also textbook cluster B.
>>2048100What does she do for work?
>>2050851It's a post in honor of her husband's birthday and she can't stop talking about herself and what Eli does for her.
Not to mention that
mouth jesus christ. Eli's teeth seem clean, how can he kiss his corpse mouth wife?
>>2050969She's so disgustingly passive aggressive, how does she still have followers, friends, a partner, just anyone in general?
No. 2052055
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>>2051950Oof, couldn’t imagine what that awful mouth bacteria does to the vaginas flora. I’m actually nauseated, the nails, mouth, gag! Couldn’t imagine any sane woman letting THAT go anywhere near the lady bits.
>>2051961>“My husband made it, because he’s a good husband” meaning, my nasty husband doesn’t wanna help me pay for my surgery, kek>>2052054The pics on the fridge could very well cause that poor kid issues, i couldn’t imagine seeing my mother being nasty like Dana, especially on the fridge, I’d never eat again
No. 2052386
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They always have that “I smell” look kek
No. 2052653
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Weapons-grade cope
No. 2053069
File: 1730676151416.jpeg (565.84 KB, 593x1243, IMG_5874.jpeg)

what gets me about the poly thpes is the amount of navelgazing they do 24/7. It's never just "i love a bunch of ppl and we fucque" , it's always fucking novels where they dissect evey single aspect of their own identity.
you'd think they were sally rooney characters the way they monologue about every single one of their own thoughts and actions.
No. 2053096
>>2053069tbh i think this is every cow's problem in a way…too much obsessing over yourself all around. I can't even get through this page of babble. gray ace, demi, kitchen table, panromantic, allo. WTF
Also what even is this question. I don't want to fuck my boyfriend and he doesn't want to fuck me so I want him to sleep with other people. Like what? Just fucking break up then jesus. The mental gymnastics these people do
No. 2053327
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>>2052860reminds me of picrel
No. 2053872
she's just awful, I knew it will end like that. bpds are so egoistic and illogical.
No. 2053876
+ this
No. 2053957
>>2053890Dana seems really pushy and manipulative.
"You don't wanna take my conventionally attractive caveman husband's dick up the ass while I flog you? So you don't truly love me and you're just using me? We're a package deal. Wdym you're a lesbian and don't want to suck his dick? That's transphobic, I'm gonna have to write a callout post." Meanwhile her pet neanderthal sits quietly on the couch and watches as Dana fights to get him another girl to fuck. Kyla probably felt pressured by something like what I wrote and jumped ship. Dana is implying she's the one who broke up because she has a personality disorder of some kind that makes her unable to have self awareness or accept that she's wrong sometimes.
No. 2054216
>>2053872>we broke up a month inMeanwhile in the real world this is just called dating and it’s not the
break up of a
relationship because normal people don’t call it a relationship after one date.
No. 2054292
>>2053890She seemed so condescending with the “I’m gonna respect her privacy, but she’s too new to polyamory” kekkk she’s such a fucking weirdo.
>>2053957I could totally see that, she baits girls in thinking they’re getting to have fun, I bet she lures them in with weed and booze, till they realize her stink ahh man is gonna want to fuck too. And pressures them into having a ménage à trois with them. She probably makes it a point to be like “oh you’re really not poly if you don’t want both of us, vanilla”
>>2054216Shows how attached and weird this bitch is; i absolutely love how much this cow overshares, i genuinely feel sorry for the people baited into fucking them
No. 2054773
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Dana responding to this in the funniest and most Dana way possible. Publicly doxing herself and another person by posting her uber history including addresses for the last month, followed quickly by saying "it's only $23", implying Gaby is poor and claiming Gabies parents are millionaires (because we all have direct access to our parents bank accounts, right?)
10/10 no notes
No. 2054971
File: 1731215939254.jpeg (185.43 KB, 750x1059, IMG_7190.jpeg)

Dana made this long winded video explaining in what she thinks is very articulate terms why doing porn doesnt make you a bad parent. TLDR
>sex work is literally the same as any other job like working in a restaurant
>if a child is bullied for their parent doing porn, it’s SOCIETY’S fault, not the parent
>society needs to “destigmatize” sex instead of shaming parents for showing their assholes on the internet while they have young children
>then says your responsibility as a parent is to keep your child safe and happy and healthy
Dana allowing your second grade aged child to be bullied so she can help you destigmatize the job you chose as an adult is child abuse
>says that children are not exposed to their parents content
What about your fridge that has pictures of you in lingerie on it, also relatives of pornstars are regularly exposed to the content when freaks find the relatives social media and send them the porno content to traumatize them
>repeats that your job is to keep your child safe
You go out every weeknight trying to get free meals and venereal diseases while your child (who has different new extra “parents” every week) is in the care of babysitters or random people you’re fucking. Every time I think of Dana’s daughter I can feel myself going blind from rage and have to put my phone down
No. 2054991
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No. 2054992
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How could they have possibly thought this was a fair thing to do to someone? I hope Gaby was using $1000 of kitty litter a month in that time to make the price fair
No. 2055097
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No. 2055098
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No. 2055158
>>2055050According to her old tumblr the dad was
abusive to other women and her so I'd hope he'll never be in the picture.
No. 2055288
File: 1731324923523.jpg (231.5 KB, 750x1122, capingforarapist.jpg)

>>2055158Yeah also according to the same tumblr many other girls/women warned her about him being a rapist abuser ahead of her getting into a relationship with him and she ignored them because she’s an NLOG. Also it was the fault of these traumatised girls who were desperately and altruistically trying to save Dana from the same fate because they didn’t do it in a way she liked and activated her stubborn personality (see also: BPD)
No. 2055306
>>2055288this poor kid. i was hoping she was lying because i was clinging on to hope that at least one parent was a normal functioning person. but nope, dana's insecurity about her looks and hatred of other women superseded the warning signs. So the kid is stuck with a mom who cares about food, sex and drama than being a mother. great.
idk if its just me but dana gives off rapey vibes too.
No. 2055422
rad kweer poly babes when they’re not coping on the internet
No. 2055438
>>2055354this brought up before and it was a no for reasons anon
>>2055423 stated. theres nothing wrong with her staying here?
No. 2056407
File: 1731579801729.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.2 KB, 539x539, Jumpscare.jpg)

>>2053879>humiliation kink tinfoil(Spoilered for rotting teeth closeup)
If I looked like her I would simply never upload my image online, let alone revel in her obviously grotesque aesthetic as much as she does.
No. 2056411
File: 1731581497334.jpg (267.98 KB, 750x982, PatientZero.jpg)

So she’s raw-dogging all the uggos in her degenerate harem?! Between that and the worst oral hygiene I’ve ever seen, I wonder which end of her barrel body spreads more communicable diseases…
No. 2056439
>>2056407She probably does, but why would she want to get them fixed then? Ebegging grift?
>>2056411Thank GOD Eli got the snip because these retarded cretins don't need to bring even more children into their hedonist sty.
No. 2056502
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>>2056407She's almost at kingcobrajfs level of rotten. Imagine how bad she stinks.
No. 2056522
>>2029701its other womens fault i got abused because they didnt warn me in a nice or palatable enough tone
this fucking retard i wanna a log
>>2050221omfg she honestly deserves this. nasty disgusting pig has never put a toothbrush past her lips and her teeth are literally falling out like shes 80 years old. deplorable! and thinks others should pay for the fact she has no sense of hygiene or propriety. omfg her breath must stank. how can you be that young with such bad teeth
No. 2057142
>>2057114wait when did she say she has hyperdontia? lmao she seriously tried pulling some random dental condition out of her ass to claim her clowen teeth are fucked up because she has extra teeth are you kidding me kek.
yeeeah idk anything about it and don't care to since shes lying, but wouldnt that just be pulling a few teeth and working toward braces? dentists want to save your natural teeth as much as possible as a priority for a couple of reasons anons have said itt. if they really asses the best option is to pull them all, its because her teeth are so fucked theyre beyond saving. dentures come with life long complications at her age right?
god if only she didn't feel the need to share every retarded detail because I really hate her teeth because theyre a reflection of how poorly she takes care of herself. praying her daughter wont repeat the same mistake, but that requires dana to be a mature adult.
No. 2057303
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No. 2057304
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her horrible rottens
No. 2057507
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So just someone who can’t commit to a relationship?
No. 2057549
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>>2057507>polygamy>amputee Muslim woman>that corporate art styleI know this is almost certainly done out of ignorance and therefore unintentional, but it feels like some insidious attempt to wokeify Islamic marriage law. Yes, I know I'm reading too far into it.
No. 2057623
>>2057425Not being taught healthy habits as a kid does actually make it much more difficult to keep up with dental hygiene later in life, but not like this…
This is because Dana is a drunk, and has been a drunk for at least a decade or more, based on the state of her teeth.
When you're drunk you just pass out/go to bed. You definitely don't have a habit of brushing your teeth before hand. Then you probably wake up feeling like shit and if you do brush, it's half assed. Some days it is puking and go back to sleep and the acid lingers eating away at your mouth. GERD from drinking causing more acid reflux daily. Waking up really hungover after a date night with sugary drinks & carby foods, and if you're able, maybe swish some mouthwash & go. She probably brushes once every 2-3 days, maybe more if she is going on a "date". Plus, all those pills with dry mouth as a symptom.
But it's from drinking. Look at Shay's teeth, Venus too (maybe, I don't follow her much) to see what not just the alcohol but the alcoholic lifestyle (& typically the women who become alcoholics already have issues that leads to lack of self-care) does to your teeth & gums & bones.
No. 2057910
>>2057746Did you just ignore the rest of the post as to how Dana's severe dental issues are due to alcoholism? Not the mild neglect in childhood, but her parents were probably drunks with bad teeth too. Her mom is already dead. So poor genetics or poor choices run in the family.
Optimistic anon, thinking she's teaching her daughter anything but how to exchange her body & time for low quality attention and consider it love.
No. 2057930
>>2057890thank you for your sacrifice anon. Thats years of neglect, years of damage she cant hide. Being in this drunken poly cult for so long has done a number on her health and relationships and shes too stupid and immature to admit it. cant believe the damage is so far gone a dentist made the call to remove all her goddamn teeth that is not fucking good at all at her age christ. jesus christ just how drunk and/or high does she get and for how long please don't tell me all day all night??? this is why she has to stop partying.
>>2057910that anon probably doesnt know much about what a near daily drunken partying lifestyle does to a person. nice to be naive I guess.
No. 2058345
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>>2058288….do you know nothing about the alcoholic lifestyle? my god can people please read's anon's comment critically (
>>2057623 ). its not strictly about alcohol affecting the teeth wtf, its that plus eating various kinds of food while also high then passing out somewhere in the house or heading straight to bed and not brushing your teeth before. now imagine going that for years, thats a lot of plaque buildup. it got to a point where she whined to her followers to pay for it instead of making lifestyle changes so this doesnt happen again.
theres another factor to this: when she wakes up from passing out shes on her next fix; social media. shes obsessed with painting a perfect life on her socials when to the critical eyes its just lot of partying and no time to herself or kid. I'm not posting all of them but she just just blasted a fuck load of stories, which means hours she spend talking about herself and drama bullshit.
there seems to be no real downtime at that poly cult.
No. 2058346
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Let's just face that Dana's teeth are most likely due to genetic predispostion (my personal tinfoil no one else has to agree with is she might have inbred family members somewhere down the line) AND poor hygiene on top of it.
They're visibly covered in vomitrocious amounts of plaque and tartar, but also no amount of brushing and flossing would fix her "hyperdontia" or what's more likely, just freaky overcrowded teeth growing in wrong in a small mouth that can't literally fit them.(tinfoiling)
No. 2058347
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>>2058345samefag heres another story. um, for a kidney stone this is her fucking suggestion. then there are stories her in bed, as before bed and upon waking up this bitch wont stop
No. 2058356
>>2058347Kek actually y'know what, I can see a doctor who could tell in advance what type of
problematic/revolving door patient she'd be just saying to at least try non-alcoholic beer, as hydration through "unfun" methods like water and electrolytes simply aren't feasible for this retard.
Sure, non-alcoholic beers aren't a diuretic like real beer is, but no medical professional would recommend this to someone who isn't already an alkie and struggling to stay hydrated as it is.
No. 2058374
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No. 2058395
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No. 2058396
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Idk I hate her as much as everyone else here but maybe she actually has lost weight and isn’t drinking as much god I hope so for her kid
No. 2058404
>>2058395>>2058374That is some MAJOR alcoholic bloat. That fried, fatty liver must be painful. She's gotta be feeling better after cutting back so much alcohol. She isn't doing her recovering liver any favors by downing all those weight loss meds, though. It's obvious just changing her diet & quitting drinking would have similar health results, without so much risk, it'd just take a few more weeks.
Is she going to get more empowered in her polycult now that she's skinnier? Or will being unable to drink her way through all the bpd
triggers have her questioning her choices? (I know, if Dana had the ability to self-reflect she wouldn't be here.)
No. 2058422
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other story posts
No. 2058423
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first one is WILD
No. 2058501
>>2058422Cowboying? These people have a name for everything huh?
I feel bad for her daughter already. Dana is an unstable BPD alchy who keeps exposing her to sex and deviancy. I'm legitimately worried about the caliber of person she exposes her little girl to. Praying she doesn't get molested…
The dentures comment! vomiting fr
>>2058423>First oneI think Dana and Eli/Eli and Dana sounds cute
>Second and thirdIf she were really over her she would tell her followers to not mention her ex to her and would ignore this kind of question. Forever bitter.
No. 2059161
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i shouldn’t know this much about her
No. 2059162
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No. 2059294
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>>2059244nona i'm begging you PLEASE keep your sex fantasies to yourself.
No. 2059351
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No. 2059562
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Is anyone following the Cam&Fam train wreck happening right now? There is A LOT to unpack here, but tldr; Cam is a family vlogger who got pregnant at 16 and amassed 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube. Cam gets married at 18 to the baby daddy and has a second kid, then the husband commits suicide seemingly out of nowhere. Cam has gone off the deep end since and has entered a ~polyamory~ era, thus subjecting two very young and traumatized kids to this new lifestyle
No. 2059645
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i’ve posted a majority of the ss of her story and she’s since blocked me. her freak “husband” eli is following two girls from the spam threads which is interesting she has to be lurking
No. 2059653
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>>2059651Dropped screenshot
No. 2059654
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>>2059653Damn, Molly Ringwald fell off
No. 2059674
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Old and not milk but there's no way they actually hide the worse parts of their lifestyle from her daughter like Dana says they do. Their home and even clothing are littered with dated references to "sex work" and fucking.
No. 2059726
>>2059674She's paying for this retard's food which he openly cheat on her. Dana you're worth more than this.
I want her to find a bf that actually loves and appreciates her so badly. Hashtag save Dana.
No. 2059786
File: 1732379275833.png (2.32 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_4081.png)

She stays going out
No. 2059800
>>2059162"i have thanks!" is crazy. Just admitting to having NPD qualities.
>>2059786So it looks like she forced herself onto Eli's date, then was BPDing all over the place. If I was the other girl I'd be so weirded out.
No. 2059943
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No. 2059966
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The copiun
No. 2059978
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>>2059966This was in the comments under the caricature video. Is this person talking shit or have others including CPS noticed the neglect Dana’s putting her kid through?
No. 2060066
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she keeps posting weird call-out reels. literally rent free lmao
No. 2060070
>>2060067also this. disgusting. keep it in the drafts. this feels like such a call-out towards Eli
No. 2060084
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>>2060047Not surprised she writes smut for her fellow degens.
No. 2060086
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>>2060084Autobiographical smut, fantasy fulfillment, it looks like.
No. 2060104
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Oh she's LURKING
No. 2060115
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Admitting that she was "slacking" on her dental care?.. I think it was far worse than just slacking Dana
No. 2060117
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I think her lurking here and seeing people rip into her hyperdontia excuse is making her low-key admit that she wasn't taking care of her teeth now but it's all very sugarcoated still
No. 2060120
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>>2060104With glowing reviews like this, I can't believe she didn't make enough money as a (self)Published Author to fix her mouth.
Ofc it is based on her own, totally for real (fantasy) life. Does she ever mention her rotting mouth bacteria in the 150pg book? It's those "show don't tell" details that are important to readers, Dana.
No. 2060164
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she lurks here confirmed
No. 2060169
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she posted a few stories talking, here is the tldr:
>claims that she is not taking drugs/getting high because that would kill her combined with her medication
>also claims after her dental surgery she can only take ibuprofen because anything else would kill her (see picrel)
>she is only stating facts online and will try to not give into online beef anymore even tho it is tempting (see her bpd)
>allegedly most things spread are misinfo
>she does not care who is watching or qoute "lurking"
nothing about her drinking, her kid, her beef with her ex despite she clearly reads her and wants to "mildy defend herself"
No. 2060175
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No. 2060184
>>2060164I mean it's confirmed that she goes into anti-poly groups to post herself (see
>>2059653) so of course she is here, although to what end I am unsure. Payouts from tiktok views generated by people hate-watching?
No. 2060278
>>2060226Because narcissism. She earnestly thinks she’s an “educator” because she read The Ethical Slut and parrots the terminology from there into TikTok videos every so often while wearing bad plastic wigs and even jankier strip lashes. It’s also why she calls people who criticise the retarded shit she keeps putting online “
my haters” because she frames this like a kind of fan club. FYI Dana because I know you’re reading this: we rip on a range of morons on here: you’re not special and this isn’t just about you. Hope this helps!
No. 2060292
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>>2060164lovely I got a shout from a cow, how endearing. since shes lurking: go fucking take care of your kid and stop giving a shit about online drama.
why are cows so fucking stupid. they put out sooo much info about themselves under the guise of being an influencer that they cry victimhood when people know too much about them? lmao by directly mentioning us that means a lot of people will come here and read the shit shes trying to hide; her shit hygiene, bad mother antics and the gaby drama, fucking eli. well the silver lining is at least future partners will know to avoid her.
No. 2060322
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Ok the reddit snark page for her is claiming the infamous bar argument happened because Dana tried to pressure a recently sober person into doing coke. Which is insane if true but obviously OP didn't provide an evidence of this supposed comment so who really knows
No. 2060334
>>2060329I think she already left.
I will say that coke story, albeit not verified, makes more sense. Like she was drunk and was being obnoxious and it actually
triggered the person. I can see everyone dipping out a result of this, and honestly the CPS investigation bullshit that was mentioned in another comment (in relation to circuit court) makes sense as well - if a lot of the poly people are younger than Dana, and they interact with a child, I can imagine a small percentage of them giving a fuck and reporting it. Especially if they party with Dana and then realize she has a child.
I can't see Dana actually seriously Diddy-style pressuring people to do drugs, but I can see her obnoxious drunken ass making social faux pas because of her BPD and then giving everyone online a red herring because she thinks she's such an influencer and popular, saying it was a disproven rumor that she hit someone. No, it was because she completely disregarded someone's boundaries as a person that I'm sure talks about boundaries all the time as an educated queen. It just… I need to put on my long nailed muppet lashed tinfoil hat here.
No. 2060338
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>>2060334samefag but a certain user on reddit apparently has a friend that visited Dana's property
No. 2060859
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Brace yourselves ladies.
No. 2061042
File: 1732610799748.jpg (202.52 KB, 750x913, GroomersRUS.jpg)

>can you give me some tips on the best way to engage your child in conversation and win her trust with a view to grooming her, as you’ve already published her full government name online years ago and kept it there, as well as your full home address during a recent BPD meltdown at your ex that you couldn’t stop yourself from publishing on Instagram?
>sure yes I’ll get right back to you with that!
No. 2061107
>>2061056youre too kind, id say its a really retarded misinterpretation of her comment. shes clearly still
triggered about her oversharing and the fact her "haters" are watching that shes being snarky to what might a totally innocuous question.
No. 2061362
File: 1732654811651.jpg (1.03 MB, 1080x2196, 1000004843.jpg)

Her addressing her hAtErS again despite pretending to be unbothered. She is absolutely bothered by the people online calling out her bullshit. Once again she sugarcoats the fact that she had been severely neglecting her teeth which is why they were so atrocious in the first place and plays it off like needing dentures at 30 "would have happened anyways".
The online comments talking about her excessive drinking and partying have also been bothering her and she claims to have cut down on both to budget for the monthly payments she's making for her dentures.
She excuses abusing gofundme (on the GFM its claimed she could not afford dental work at all but video after video she admits she can absolutely afford it) and sincerely believes that she is polyamorous "educator" and that she's deserving somehow of that GFM page and money. That's not what GFM is used for but OK
No. 2061413
>>2061353sounds like a guy who makes a decent wage who wanted his own harem tbh
>>2061362its scary how she doesnt understand having all your teeth pulled in your early 30s is not normal, tragic
No. 2061500
>>2061430it probably makes her feel special and important. which, you know, should come from being a mother. but nope, moms focusing on online drama and being a polyfag right now.
>>2061432it is impossible to have a subreddit dedicated to someone unless their digital footprint is substantial.
No. 2061528
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No. 2061626
>>2061528these women turn their lives into a kind of public spectacle, routinely overshare about embarrassing sexual shit that is weird in general, rope small children do this degenerate shit to top it all off and expect people to not be paying attention? I know that no one wants to face the consequence of their own actions one come on.
stop oversharing, get your act together, maybe stop adding strangers to a household where there's small children around or even for your own fucking safety just because you're a desperate weirdo who wants to use other women sexually.
No. 2061701
File: 1732728866959.png (3.14 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6212.png)

Yes Dana, you’ve totally started defending yourself minimally compared to before! Still addressing every single comment I see. She’s on a date 5 days out of the week, and then thinks posting to the public that she had one day of watching movies with her “tiny human” makes up for it.
No. 2061702
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No. 2061741
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>>2061702>person kindly asks dana to stop responding to online drama and to focus on herself>Dana: are you my husband?!? he says the same thing too!!! And NO, I will NOT stopuhh so Eli's aware because she keeps blabbering on about it and posts stories when theyre all and about?
So weird to automatically assume its Eli and at the same time she overshares he also wants her to stop, what if its one of her followers instead? She really cant keep her mouth shut kek
No. 2061788
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>>2061765NTA, I wonder why she keeps up with this "married to Eli" bit. She's willing to take the flack for practicing hierarchical polyamory while not even being married to him. Instead, she's still legally married to her "ex-husband."
No. 2061795
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Dana once complained on her now deleted tumblr that multiple people were telling her not to date her "ex-"husband Matthew. A quick google search for his name shows this article from Folio magazine from 2016 about his string of sexual assaults. Dana knew about all of this and continued to marry him. These date back to 2012. Some highlights:
>Matthew slipped into his friend's girlfriends bed and raped her in her sleep
>In 2015 an underage girl claimed Matthew got her and her sister drunk for the first time, repeatedly assaulting one of them. She was 15, he was 22.
>Matthew punched a girl in the face for asking for a condom.
>At least 7 girls claimed Matthew assaulted them
>A Facebook group was started as a support group for Matthew's victims
>Matthew's wife (presumably Dana) calls Folio Magazine and leaves a voicemail, claiming that Folio and the friend's girlfriend aforementioned are publishing slander and tells them to contact her attorney.
No. 2061813
>>2061795This went from funny to just sad and terrifying. Like
>>2061812 said. This is nightmare scenario.
No. 2061822
>>2061795I want to see this retard trying to defend the fact that she knowingly married a rapist pedophile (even after her past
victims directly reached out to her) just to feel rebellious and get attention.
Her poor daughter man… How do you marry a man that raped a teenager when you have a daughter?
No. 2061898
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Kek she's so embarrassing. Everything that makes her "dysphoric" is literally just misogynistic shit that makes most sane women uncomfortable. Wow you feel uncomfortable seeing women get abused by men in porn? So dysphoric!
There was a story she posted where she said she "realised" she wanted to go by different pronouns because she was "gendered" really hard when she was making adult content and she sobbed about it afterwards. Dana, sobbing because you were degraded during a porn shoot and you realised how misogynistic it came off doesn't make you some special other gender. Most women don't like misogyny
What else could we really expect though from her when she literally made a reel saying how she "knew" she wasn't a woman because she liked "boy stuff" like comics as a kid lmfao the nlog syndrome is chronic with her
No. 2061912
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Obviously I cannot get the whole post since Dana has since deleted her entire tumblr… But searching up Matthew Hare's name still brings up this result from her tumblr. "The Matt Hare hate club"? Pushing you two out of town? Wow she's such an insufferable cunt. She really is stupid enough to get with abusive men + excuse their behaviour despite glaring warnings from other women (because shes nlog and cool and special) and the allegations made about her and Eli only makes this more alarming. Learn the hard way again when Eli or one or your other poly partners fucks up majorly I guess. Or maybe not, and excuse the behaviour until it's unbearable like what you did for Matt. I mean she's already is not taking the allegations made against herself serious at all so
No. 2061966
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>>2061912I've read her entire blog thankfully. The Matt Hare hate club probably refers to the private Facebook support page for his
victims. Obviously the whole town was trying to push him out, he's a serial rapist.
>>2061898Hur dur, I wanna do the humiliating sex acts, not be humiliated
No. 2061974
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Really awesome guy you willingly chose to procreate with Dana. DUI, cocaine, 7 victims of rape and assault. I'm sure a rapist pedophile is a suitable mate. Notice that all cases are closed except the divorce. She's still legally married to him. She is not married to Eli.
No. 2061994
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"Matt did fucked up shit before I married him" like literal rape Dana? The rapes that you completely dismissed and called the Folio magazine over saying it was slanderous? If I was a rape victim and my rapists wife was doing that shit, I'd throw bricks through her car window too
No. 2061995
>>2061994Reminder that when her ex's previous
victims tried to say "are you okay" and warn her, she talked shit about them and doubled down because she's a retard.
No. 2062015
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>>2061994here is a part of a longer post of hers upthread. I want to alog!!! Because a group of women who'd been victimised by your hubby weren't sensitive to
your own feelings (which, fuckface, is your job not theirs) you joined your husband in bullying them? You deserved worse than bricks through the window. But we know of course if the roles were reversed Dana would be allowed to be the most imperfect uncouth
victim as she likes, she gets all the benefit of the doubt in the world, as we saw with her public bippie breakdown over gaby on her instagram - no we're so not allowed to look down on her for that, and that shit wasn't even justified like being a
victim of rape does. At that point, YOU ARE MATT. You moved to get away from this stain on your reputation, didn't you, silly pig? You said it all yourself right here
>>2029701(repost) No. 2062035
>>2061795>>2061912What the fuck. I was able to find this article on the wayback machine:,14433Fucking christ this went from funny and amusing to scary disturbing and depressing. A total of seven women. Dana straight up hates other women for doing this. If Dana was a-ok with him assaulting other women, what did she learn from him? Because he wouldve groomed and/or gaslit her into thinking his behavior is normal. Her own sexual assault allegations
are even more disturbing now. Saying theres a fucking "hate club" for your fucking criminal rapist husband??
No. 2062061
>>2062015She wanted the attention of being a violent rapists wife, and when she got it, she is the uwu poor
(integrate) No. 2062118
File: 1732825334678.jpg (218.76 KB, 750x720, RapistAttackDog.jpg)

>>2062035The bogus legalese and grammatical errors in this track with the IQ level you’d need to be confronted with
seven women saying your husband raped them and conclude that they are all lying and the moid is innocent. I’m afraid we may have strayed into horrowcow status given there’s a young girl and a new moid in the picture now along with more recent allegations of sexual coercion in the house this child is being raised in. Bleak.
No. 2062120
>>2062015This is just evil. She still has so much palpable hatred & spite for her rapist ex-husband’s
victims for not taking his abuse lying down. And the absolute NERVE thinking it was their job to help HER while she was busy defending and cuddling up to their abuser. I now believe every allegation against her. She is 100% an unsafe person by her own words & actions. Her poor daughter is screwed.
No. 2062292
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>>2062287Screenshots please.
You were warned repeatedly and instead of listening to the 7 women telling you he raped them you chose to be his guard dog and stay by him. She's disgusting. This is disgusting
No. 2062297
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>>2062292nta this is really what she's spending her time doing. Is she drunk or what?
No. 2062307
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Lmfao does this cow have STDS??
No. 2062309
>>2062307I love the combination of being shamelessly transparently catty (this dumb bitch has herpes and thinks she's a Carrie!) while also trying to play the
victim (ummm please tell me her username so I can Stay Safe, Block and Report)
No. 2062325
>>2062315>>2062320KEK someone's backpedaling!! The last 24 hours worth of posts in this thread (Which she HAS been reading! Hey there ma'am!) have been non-stop about her
KNOWN RAPIST ex-husband, she's retarded as fuck to refer to her daughter as one of his "
victims" if CSA was not the insinuation.
No. 2062334
>>2062331I sure do believe this is her version of the story! But I
don't believe Dana from a few years ago is any more trustworthy than Dana today. Not everything adds up. Under which circumstances did the bruise occur, exactly? And wasn't the case dropped more or less
because she lied about her ex-moid's violent tendencies? I'm not saying her ex
did assault their daughter, but if it turns out he did and she
lied about it, whether she knew or not, she'd lose her daughter faster than she can beg for legal fees.
No. 2062351
>>2062334I agree. I think the more Dana wants to share and divulge the worse it looks because we aren't looking at her like a total
victim of her scumbag rapist ex husband. I think her minimization of everything so she can quickly move onto more educational poly content and group sex is so damning. I don't trust like that. I truly believe that Dana thinks she can just talk this all away with semantics. She's full of shit. I would love to see more about how she's interacted with people during the "revocation of consent" she was talking about at her orgy and who that was with. I think there's a whole new sinister element to the bullshit that is awkward poly tiktoks of her greasy self, Eli and some random young woman.
No. 2062355
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Here comes the inevitable legal threats kek
No. 2062362
>>2062315She intentionally cropped out the text in the top post calling her out for being a rape apologist while trying to cry
victim. She's so manipulative in the most deeply sinister way
No. 2062367
>>2062362Absolutely. She doesn't want people to get totally involved in the entire discussion because she can't epicly own the trolls to her "fans" if she can't actually refute things
>>2062355can't wait for my cease and desist
No. 2062373
File: 1732854347778.jpg (581.14 KB, 1284x2282, 468707366_1220792252339660_635…)

"at least I don't have family drama!"
>married and had a child with a prolific rapist
Cope after cope after cope
No. 2062376
>>2062355She's hilarious. Saying she's using lolcow to provide information to her attorney while lolcow has pictures and videos of her disgusting house with sex toys out in the open for her daughter to see.
>Cease and desist posting on an anonymous websiteComedy gold.
Seeing her spiral on Thanksgiving and reading message boards instead of spending quality time with her daughter makes me even more thankful for my family. Her life sucks and it's sad her daughters life sucks because of her.
No. 2062436
File: 1732870930923.jpg (Spoiler Image,656.94 KB, 1080x2640, 1000004930.jpg)

Sorry Dana's flat ass is in this pic. From reddit, twitter thread describing nasty behaviour from Dana
No. 2062437
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>>2062436This is fucking gross. Nasty unhygienic disease spreading bitch
No. 2062440
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>>2062437Dana trying to deflect with the "crazy hysterical woman" excuse I fucking can't this bitch absolutely HATES other women
No. 2062441
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Dana bragging about attempting to doxx people
No. 2062457
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I really doubt she found someone's specific address with just "1 Google search" but even if so yes Dana, publicly posting where someone lives/someone's specific address in order to incite fear + invite danger into their lives IS DOXXING YOU DUMBFUCK
Most people no matter how shitty they are will draw the line on doxxing people but clearly Dana has gone far beyond that. What else can we expect from a woman who acted as a guard dog to her serial rapist husband and who mocked and belittled his victims?
No. 2062475
File: 1732876977135.jpg (152.23 KB, 1080x1080, 352878681_293549876348720_1337…)

Posting cringe from a polyam comic artist
Sage because it's from 2023
No. 2062489
>>2061994This bitch is so STUPID!!!
>Yes I knew my bf was a serial rapist and yes I married him and yes I had a baby with him and yes I tried to threaten his victims into silence and yes I called Folio magazine and threatened to sue them for slander if they published his victims story but I’m not the bad guy!!1!This thread has gone from dairymilk to horrorcow territory in 3 seconds flat
No. 2062499
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>I'm standing up for myself
>Muh BPD
No. 2062522
>>2062437Sorry but
>passing out trying to blow balloonsWhy is everyone in these circles so melodramatic
No. 2062526
>>2062522An asthmatic probably has a stronger and healthier physique than the average polytard.
>>2062297>Do I think he's sexually assaulted people or is capable of that? oh absolutely>But he was never chargedJesus
christ. No. 2062536
>>2061994>yeah Matthew Alan William Hare raped and assaulted a few women but one if them threw a brick through my car window once so fuck em>>2062292>well actually my daughter and I are victims of Matthew Alan William Hare too!!!>>2062315>Internet, allow me to clarify: Matthew Alan William Hare actually tried to kill my daughter after she was borndoes he have a child endangerment charge?
>>2062320>I DO in fact take of my kid. I just argue with you guys when shes at school or could still do something else….??
>>2062355>Even though I am the source of all info and gossip, I cant figure it the fuck out. Even though Eli has suggested I stop I wont. I'm stupid enough to keep responding and not my feelings are hurt so ive whined to my attorney No. 2062567
>>2062318Like i get what she's saying but yelling "murder" Is a bit excessive. She probably told him early and he knowing he didn't wanna have a kid with a swampmonster (or just plain didn't wan too) asked her repeatedly for a abortion. Imo she's throwing her daughter in the mix to garner more sympathy. Why put it out there for the world and your kid to read? Even her pity attempts are so fuvking dumb.just say you did a mistake by getting involved with him, that your daughter is now growing up in a stable home and that you're working everyday towards giving your girl the best conditions possible despite her father being a fuck up.
But you can't do that Dana because instead you chose to let all these people in her life that constantly keeps walking away, sperging on social media and putting your life and butthole on the internet for everyone to discuss.
Fuck your pityparty
No. 2062573
File: 1732893009797.png (752.4 KB, 616x616, screenshot_2023-10-17_11.21.03…)

>>2062508Sara Valta / @sarasadeart on Instagram. She lives with two TiFs and published a webtoon about it between 2021-2022
No. 2062584
>>2062578>top rightI have NEVER seen two men interact with each other like that, especially nerdy men, even if they're gay.
>>2062573>tifsoh that explains it
No. 2062588
>>2062567Nona if I remember correctly the father tried to kill the child when she was little, the “aborted after being born) thing is Dana’s annoying tiktok speak they all use (
unalived, graped, sewerslide etc etc)
No. 2062590
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Here's the webtoon link, I like her art style but I cannot read her shit without feeling gut-wrenching cringe for old stuff
No. 2062602
>>2062437>I am a nursethen why are you on onlyfans wtf don't nurses make a lot of money, what a joke.
>>2062573you just know they're landwhales by how she drew them
No. 2062614
>>2062590she should stick to drawing. her writing is atrocious and clinically bland right down to the freaking title. I can feel the lack of real interaction and social media brainrot.
>H-Pwtf is this name?
No. 2062619
>>2062614>>2062617I hate myself that I know it stands for "Hinge Partner". As in the partner in the middle of a poly relationship, the other two paramours are hinged together by them. So in this comic HP's TIF boyfriend & girlfriend want the HP to possibly date another person. Also stands for Horny Pimp based on the description.
>>2062575Fuck off newfag. You can't complain about milk, like you know what you're talking about & then not sage.
No. 2062625
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>>2062573>(i come from a very bougie family myself)quelle surprise
No. 2062645
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>>2062573this is what she looks like, surprisingly less fat than i thought she would be, anyway, aside from her polylife comics her other major comics are "queer" smut comics about an elf girl falling in love with a goblin girl and another series about an elf boy with his generic d&d group (consisting of an orc, goblin and old man), who has to escape his evil dark elf wizard girlfriend and their
toxic relationship with her and instead have a poly queer relationship with said d&d group
also, I have no proof of this but I have a strong feeling she is a virgin and has probably never had real sex, just like the smut in her works is graphic but if feels like her frame of reference comes from bl, fan fiction and other "queer" media
No. 2062647
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>>2062645picrel, from what i've skimmed through it, the theme of the comic is that the elf boy should be in a relationship with his queer poly group instead of his
toxic girlfriend which to me feels like maybe there was an attractive person in their polygroup who left them and she's still bitter about it
No. 2062658
>>2062350Her sharing/talking about every moment in her life and coping so hard (making fun of herself, wearing clown make up), supressing anger, unpleasant emotions or defending herself on the internet is giving the ammunition to the haters and is definitely not healthy for her wellbeing. being an influencer when you can't ignore any criticism sounds really
toxic. she doesn't have to torture herself like that, I wonder why you do that, Dana? You need to talk about with your therapist, not haters.
No. 2062660
>>2062588I missed that lore, thank you Nona.
The rest of my statement still stands.
Also, maybe she should stop putting money toward her WeIgHt LoSs journey and start putting her kids first.Bur cows like this don't know how to just "logg off".
No. 2062679
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A little while back during one of her dental procedures. This seems so embarrassing and undignified can't he not troll for women when you're under duress? Her life seems like one cope after another
No. 2062685
>>2062679Imagine your partner , well your primary, not giving a fuck about you kek. Poly retards are always coping so much
>I’m recovering from a long procedure, my partner is just out on a date. I love that for him. I hope I can get leftovers from the restaurant>babe what do you mean you can’t take me to the hospital? What? You have a date with primary 2? Okay have fun!>why do you always go to partner n4 whenever we fight? Can’t you stay with me and actually talk it out?>you had to have sex with me, not her! It was my day today!It’s always a shitshow
No. 2062715
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And again, you were warned and the consequences of you not fucking listening was unthinkable harm coming to your child. Address why you decided to harass his victims or shut your rot mouth please, the only innocent in this scenario is your daughter. I have zero pity for Dana
No. 2062747
>>2062742yeah the shit that bothers me is she minimizes the harm he did to OTHER WOMEN by saying "no charges were filed", she tried to intimidate a publication with legal threats for sharing a
victim's story, and only until HER DAUGHTER was hurt did she leave him, and that's physical abuse. God knows what went on before that period. I don't give a fuck how old she was or that she was "on drugs", I also have been young and on drugs and didn't chase after a sex offender and rapist after SEVERAL women warned me. The fact that she erred in judgement the way she did, putting it lightly, only makes this new relationship more suspicious. Because I could bet money that Eli isn't cut from a different cloth, and I bet that she's already minimizing the harm Eli has done to her other "partners". I still think we won't get any clarification on who "revoked consent" at one of her orgies, and I don't think she'll elaborate if it was Eli. My money is on Eli. And she's just his attack dog.
No. 2062757
>>2062715Countdown to her next meltdown. No but really, she's
so above the "drama."
Get real, Dana. You stood beside a rapist predator, and then he hurt your daughter. You continue that harm every day with your degenerate lifestyle. You're a foul person
No. 2062768
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>>2062715Part 2 of this nonsense. The amount of projection here is unprecedented, that was her not too long ago and putting engagement in quotations like that isn't exactly her scenario with her current caveman is laughable. She's an unreliable narrator and I don't believe the CPS story one bit, it's always "no big deal" then you do some digging and it's straight up horrorcow tier.
No. 2062781
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>>2062765nta but the fact is she is a smut author who knows nothing about sex, i have also browsed her content and it is really fucking obvious that she has a very limited sexual history and most of what she writes comes from fan fiction or other 'queer' media, written by people with very limited sexual histories
>>2062770no I see it as well, it's shown that his girlfriend makes him a worse person cause she "forces" him to act more mature, also with in 15 pages there's a 25 page sex scene between the elf and a fat tif
No. 2062785
>>2062781tbf while I can sort of understand what you're going at (suggesting that she is naive?), there's glorification of unequal heterosexual power dynamics happening in BL too but It is quite literally just a fantasy regardless of whether you think that the people making it are not having sex.
like a decade ago I made the mistake of reading shit that was made by gay men and it was honesty fucking repulsive.
No. 2062788
>>2062768The way she tries to deflect blame to her ex and his new
victims… Barf. And the CPS story is certainly bullshit, but bringing it up
at all, especially admitting to the open cases, is profoundly retarded. One little e-mail to CPS with her name and a link to this thread is all it takes, it's like she's daring someone to give a shit. Maybe she
wants her kid taken away, then she'll have more time to floss her rotten teeth with her moid's pubes.
No. 2062790
File: 1732918907260.jpeg (102.94 KB, 1284x2282, img.jpeg)

That kid needs to be taken away by CPS. My jaw dropped reading this, this is not something you share online for pity points. She let this happen. She chose to have a child with him knowing what he was. I want to a log so badly, I hope when her kid is old enough she never finds this thread. I cannot imagine the horror of seeing your mother share your childhood abuse to an audience of 30,000 people
No. 2062794
>>2062791This is what shocks me the most regarding Dana: she's so narcissistic that she would rather put herself and her child in danger, and would rather defend the man who did it, than admit she was wrong. Her daughter will always be in danger under her care because Dana sees learning from her mistakes as admitting defeat. She will put her "pride" (can it even be called that?) over the safety of herself, her daughter, and other women.
She clearly sees men as more important and even superior to women. Idk how to explain why I feel this, but the way she capes for them, demeans herself for them, babies them and basically serve them makes me sick.
No. 2062800
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So Dana’s current “husband” just invites Twitter girls over on the reg or? But yes, they severely vet everyone that enters her house where her 7 year old lives.
No. 2062807
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Of course Eli is a cross dressing pervert.
No. 2062822
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some faggot on reddit is bringing people here..
No. 2062827
>>2062825Yes precisely. You summed up my thoughts on it even better. Eli doesn’t seem like the kind of man you’d want anywhere near your young daughter if you had 2 brain cells to rub together, but then again Dana is like in the bottom 10 for ideal candidates for motherhood. I hope there is some kind of entity guarding that little girl, I hope so so much. I have always read about BPD/Narc moms but felt it so foreign
my mom is the kind if mom people write long odes of gratitude to in their book acknowledgements and now I see such a clear cut case of it that I feel sick. It’s sickening that a mother would not prioritize her child’s wellbeing at all costs. This shit-stinking lardy ugly poly cult is the last place I’d want my kid.
No. 2062828
>>2062768this is just straight up fucking bull shit. cps does not "just, like, get involved in shit so easily!" as someone who has tried to get cps involved to help kids before and they didn't do shit, they are too busy to deal with things they don't think are serious enough. If they were there and you have "a record for life" then obviously something happened that they needed to document.
also if i were a parent dealing with even an inkling of having cps on my case i would be done with the interent. socials off and focus on BEING a parent instead of TELLING people you're a good parent. it's just not smart to keep engaging if she's really dealing with that plus the fact that she continues to engage demonstrates her raging narcissism. it's all about her and what everyone thinks. doesn't matter if the child is actually okay. as long as EVERYONE THINKS WE ARE FINE PARENTS lol ok
No. 2062832
>>2062828yeah lmao "record for life" no bitch they close cases all the time for insufficient evidence. Almost every state in this godforsaken country has abysmal responses from CPS. The fact that CPS has been contacted multiple times, especially one time where she was in a physical altercation with someone clearly in front of her child (otherwise why would it be reported?) something substantial has happened to actually make this overworked and underfunded state agency or contracted state agency pay attention to her. Also, the fact that she had a child with a rapist and sex predator is ENOUGH of a reason for CPS to keep an eye on her, because she clearly has terrible judgment. She can't act like oh it's because of my
abusive ex and that's IT! no, it's because CPS notices that you're a sex obsessed weirdo constantly exposing your child to unsafe people and events.
No. 2062836
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No. 2062839
>>2062836how old even is her child btw? why would anyone think dana was the one to strangle her? as in, what would be the reason people had that belief at any point? suspicious and why would any mother post this, very strange.
i just don't get what she is trying to accomplish by continuing to talk about it, because it seems like everything she shares makes her look worse
No. 2062855
i know there are bigger fish to fry right now but fuck she’s so busted
No. 2062864
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>>2062836dana, I know you are reading this, eli is a sex pest that will probably transition within this year, your hangout with horrible degenerates and they are a great danger to your child, please give her to her grandparents or a non-insane family member and seek help for yourself
No. 2062866
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holy fuck this is actually so little????? i mean i know she’s fugly as shit so this shouldn’t be surprising but honestly, why bother? how could you show the internet your asshole for so little? get a full-time job and stop traumatizing your kid, you ugly fucking retard.
at the same time; with her part-time job, eli’s income, and her porn pennies, how does she qualify for medicaid (and likely other benefits)? she lives in the south, they’re stingy with that shit. is she hiding income?
No. 2062874
>>2062866She regularly says she is in the top 7% on onlyfans so these numbers actually add up you only see the big bucks on the site if you’re in the top 1%
She probably has Medicade because of the shit with her ex husband when CPS gets involved sometimes they give you state insurance
(sage your shit) No. 2062920
>>2062883She's a fucking BPDemon, they are ALL like this. I've known bitches exactly like D-Bag who more or less seek out violent moids to date and fuck because
they are most comfortable being victimized. They're used to it. The reason they can never settle down with a nice young man is when nice young men try to resolve conflicts with words and compassion, the BPDemon cannot fucking fathom why he isn't just backhanding her like her last 100+ partners. Not to mention the nice young men simply don't want sad whores kek
No. 2062926
>>2062790>>2062800I may need to tap out soon….dana is too stupid and vindictive to realise shes oversharing what her daughter went through to win an internet battle. I sense no motherly protection by blasting all this shit on the internet, on a stupid sow desperate to play
victim so she can go back to her partying lifestyle.
She thinks shes owning the internet haters but shes only proving to us the one suspicious thing we didn't want to be true: the safety of her daughter. Dana ignored all the fucking warning signs and procreated with a serial rapist. she didn't a shit about the women he victimized thinking it would not happen to her. but she miscalculated; Not only did it happen to her, it happened to her daughter. Dana I'm not stupid youre trying very hard to play protective mother and its fooling no one. Now we all know the unsafe conditions your daughter lives in. She deserves to have her needs placed above yours but your too much of a selfish cunt to understand what that means. Youve demonstrated your shit taste in men so we don't trust Eli around your kid either.
Such a horrible excuse of a human being. I can only hope her daughter grows up hating her.
No. 2062937
>>2062920Somehow I'm not understanding the gravity and red flags around her having BPD in the moment but it hit me. It's miserable when you're dating someone who has it, even if they're getting therapy especially if you started dating them before the therapy. Jesus Christ, her kid has probably seen the most life altering shit.
>>2062926I think Dana can "protect" her from obvious red flags, like seeing someone strangle her and be like "oh this is where I cross the line" as if it happened out of nowhere, and there was nothing leading up to that point. But Dana isn't going to protect her kid beyond that because she's not living to shape her kid. She's living to be a poly educator with a party lifestyle and she happens to have a daughter. And she is gonna live that life regardless of the fact that her daughter went through something extremely traumatic. Bringing some greasy dude around and then a gaggle of random ass women… Is that supposed to be accepted as stability with the child's wellbeing put first? Is she the only one that has custody? How often is her daughter there in that house with them? Like what the fuck is even going on right now?
No. 2062973
>>2062791Yup and when police questioned her on if her husband was
abusive/was capable of doing something like that after the fact, she said NOTHING
No. 2062975
When she talks about explaining polyamory, sexuality, or queer stuff to her kid it just feels like she’s trying to justify her bad decisions to herself or everyone else. She could totally have a normal job, a respectful and loving partner, and live life like an actual adult person, while still having fun outside of her home. But clearly, her kid isn’t her priority, so she swipes it under a rug and concentrates on changing her body, when the problem clearly is somewhere else… Losing weight or getting dentures won’t fix a bad personality, poor ethics or an emotionally stunted BPD brain of a 2-year old baby.
I feel so bad for this kid. They’re growing up in a home where sex work and everything around them is framed as something awesome and good for a kid when it’s obviously not. One day, they’re going to make bad choices or get taken advantage of by the same kind of people in their life as now. Kids raised in these chaotic environments often end up hyper sexual and can’t even see abuse or manipulation for what it is.
No. 2063045
>>2062890I'm confused why the named was shortened then?
>>2063041be glad youve never met women like dana irl because anon said nothing wrong.
No. 2063048
>>2063043nta, i think
nonnie meant dana has the most insane misogyny they've seen on here by caping for pedophile rapist moids.
No. 2063122
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No. 2063133
>>2063122suddenly saying she needs to keep some things private after blasting her own information everywhere. obviously lurking, taking the advice itt?
also what is that outfit…terrible. why is every photo she posts as unflattering as possible?
No. 2063143
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>>2063139Perhaps not (lipsyncing to "I hope you have a bad day). God she's so fucking ugly
No. 2063151
>>2063144Yeah and even after she finally left Matt Hare and finally "realised" how
abusive he was in that long drawn out tumblr post of hers, she still disparagingly referred to his rape
victims as the "Matt Hare hate club" like she still couldn't fucking understand why his rape
victims would be upset with her for mocking them when they tried to help her and trying to intimidate them into silence. Wow after ALL OF THAT YOU STILL MOCK THE WOMEN HE RAPED ugly fucking horrorcow pickme ass bitch. She deserves more than a brick through her window
No. 2063155
>>2063139yeah i agree theres no way she was gonna stop on her own, eli mustve said something. but shes still painting herself as the
victim when shes rather an enabler.
shes retardedly immature. she chose Matt Hare because she got the thrill of choosing a "bad guy". bitch that stops being funny in high school. then procreated with them. didn't give a shit about his record nor his
victims until he hurt her and her daughter with injuries so bad she was hospitalized. These arent skeletons in the closest. these are active choices with grave consequences.
Now her daughter is growing up without a father and in a house with people constantly coming in and out has seen way too much adult stuff. Its not fucking clicking in her head at all.
hope her influencer shit tanks. influencers always seems to have clinically something wrong with them. stop trying to paint a better picture of your life on social media dana and grow the fuck up.
No. 2063157
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indigenous people’s day is columbus day, not thanksgiving kek
No. 2063183
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The pants ripping at the fupa seam. Love that for her kek
No. 2063185
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No. 2063186
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No. 2063193
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Her face has always somehow reminded me of a Chicken Run character
No. 2063207
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No. 2063211
>>2063207>Being a mom doesn't make me less entitled to own my sexualityNo, but it
does make you entitled to put your child before your sexual interests!
No. 2063219
>>2063216I don’t think it’s goo she posts in the same place but like milf porn is normal
In itself
(sage your shit) No. 2063225
File: 1733004101772.png (690.28 KB, 517x473, looneytunes.PNG)

Dana looks like she's perpetually in a Looney Tunes scene where a piano has just fallen on her head. I honestly hope that she stops fucking posting and reconsiders her life. But instead she gets her own "hate club" in response to minimizing the very real accusations of rape towards her ex. Yay Dana, now you BOTH have a hate club!
No. 2063296
File: 1733014060627.jpeg (237.56 KB, 1080x1919, media.php.jpeg)

kek she thinks 1) we’re all conservatives and 2) being anti-porn and/or anti-troon makes one a conservative. the cope!
No. 2063301
>>2063297it says
>also i am dr*g sober!!which isn’t actually sober
No. 2063385
File: 1733032617850.jpg (1.14 MB, 1079x2341, 1000005044.jpg)

I feel like we need to spoiler every close up of this ugly mug. Improperly using GFM again. You can afford the treatments Dana, fuck off
No. 2063388
File: 1733032948661.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x2347, 1000005046.jpg)

"I just want to be a pretty boy with all the boy parts" what the fuck is up with these tifs and tims and referring to their genitals as boy parts or girl parts lmao infantile and gross much? Oh and classic "I like boy stuff therefore I'm not a woman!" rhetoric kek if Dana, who's nlogism made her mock/try to intimidate rape victims and marry a serial rapist - pulling this shit isn't enough proof that tifs are just nlog losers no one is allowed to criticise because they made their nlogism a special identity I don't know what is.
No. 2063390
>>2063388You just
know she huffs her own farts.
No. 2063391
>>2063388Dana, does the boy stuff you like in question include sexual assault and harassing rape
No. 2063392
>>20632961. That's untrue, but also
2. Even if that was true, how would it invalidate the concerns about her kid or the fact that she supported a serial rapist against his
No. 2063398
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>>2063062The therapy did not change your personality or your antisocial & narcissistic tendencies which are likely permanent features of it.
(infighting) No. 2063408
File: 1733037196747.jpg (978.84 KB, 1080x2356, 1000005050.jpg)

TIF need to larp as Jesse Pinkman, check.
You don't look like him just because you "dress" like him. You just look like an unattractive woman in baggy clothes.
Kek women who are partnered to/married to men getting mad when they get called straight passing is hilarious. Nothing makes you more "straight passing" than your literal marriage with Matt Hare (who's last name you still have) and engagement to Eli. She wants all the benefits of being straight and the added "queer" quirkiness.
No. 2063417
>>2063296I really want to know who she thinks “owns” lolcow. Also, that pizza looks cold and cold pizza is just fucking WRONG. There’s no end to her terrible taste and poor judgement.
>>2063312A lot of women who know they’re unattractive take deliberately ugly selfies as some sort of psychological defense against people calling them ugly. If they’re posing in an ugly way on purpose it hurts less when other people call them ugly. It’s extremely common it’s the online woke HAES gals to take hideous quad chin selfies from a low angle and shit like that.
Finally caught up after being away from lolcow for a few months so I just want to add that this rancid woman should up her Topamax and take it consistently because it might actually prevent her from posting online. If she’s sleeping all day at least she won’t be bringing a revolving door of weirdos around her child! No. 2063433
>>2063385It it's the opposite, will she give me $5?
Hey Dana, I think you owe a fee $100 for all the cringe tou absolute unit of a bridgetroll
No. 2063712
>>2063700Yeh but that anon was prob referring to like, when you lie as a kid and say you didn’t draw a mean picture of someone but that your friend did and they get a detention.
like my friend writing “Tom licks dirty butts” in a note and letting this other girl take the blame kek it’s really not always a life or death skeleton, you don’t need to make a false equivalency here or jump down that anon’s throat you weirdo
No. 2063730
>>2063712that's why I said specifically it's weird to do this as an adult and over something serious. if you did it as a kid, that's not something you need to carry anymore as a skeleton to hide, it's no big deal. or if you did it as an adult but with very small and temporary consequences for the
victim it wouldn't be a "skeleton" you still think about for more than a week. that's why the comment smelled so
sus, your lie would have to be a life altering impact on the
victim and done as an adult for you to still be hiding it. people who lie maliciously to cover their own ass often target vulnerable women in their circles, it's all part of this pick me bpdemon brand of sickness
No. 2063746
>>2063689Ayrt, my comment was not NEARLY that deep!! No need to read all the way between the lines like this nona. I wasn’t comparing ~skeletons~ to devastating, life-altering shit because I don’t think most people
have shit like that in their past. Have
you done something on par with “I knowingly married a rapist and had a child with him (that he went on to abuse)” like Ms Dana over here? Or did you eat the last slice of pie and blame it on the dog like everyone else?
>>2063695Agreed, we need a containment thread. Her milk stopped being about polyshit a while ago kek
No. 2063897
>>2063695why do newfags always want a new thread? no weve already fucking said shes not getting her own thread multiple times now. just because she got exposed and got in her feels/sperged over thanksgiving doesnt mean shes going to keep doing that. shes back to posting usual polyshit now. IBF and
toxic tears don't have their own thread for years yet the alt thread does just fine.
>I would be very pleased to have a dana quarantine thread im playfully obsessed with her milk at the moment and get irrationally annoyed when other unrelated poly milk is posted (when that's what this thread is for!! lol)thats a you problem.
No. 2063900
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No. 2064015
>>2063955Please post ss or video. Maybe it was from a paypig/
john. If even Shay can find a male or two retarded enough to send her money, I bet Dana can too. Either way, if it did happen its probably fake or second hand.
No. 2064113
>>2064024They live in Tennessee right? 14 year olds can legally stay home alone. Helll in the 80s when I was 14 we all stayed home alone.
I’m definitely anti polyamory and anti Dana but some of ya posting about knowing the floor plan to her house is a bit obsessive.
(sage your blogpost) No. 2064133
>>2064113Pretty sure anon means Dana will be completely hands off once her child is a teenager which can easily lead to her kid getting into situations way over her head if not outright dangerous. Most kids are seen as responsible enough to stay home alone by middle school age but obviously they still need supervision and parenting.
Also, can all of you obvious newfags please read the rules conveniently linked at the top of every page and integrate? Lurk for a while before posting.
No. 2064163
>>2064136Thank you I was thinking the same thing. It’s been hard not to hi cow. Kek
>>2064151ntayrt but yes, I do. She can’t stand not having the last word and not being in control of how she is being viewed. The wk trying to deflect from her life choices with random justifications like it’s legal in Tennessee, sounds like her way of arguing too
No. 2064219
>>2064113Kek this comment is actually retarded, why are you wasting your time deflecting a statement that's
total conjecture? Was it too hard to spin "Dana Hare of Nashville, Tennessee knowingly married a violent rapist and had a baby girl with him" into something that Just Everyone does?
No. 2064226
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>>2064113We wouldn't know the address if it hadn't been publicly posted by Dana.
No. 2064231
File: 1733231091100.png (684.62 KB, 502x882, disgusting.png)

Dana Hare from Nashville, TN. not only married a pedophile rapist despite being warned, she used her mother's wedding dress to marry him! Bleak
No. 2064266
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(sage your non milk)
No. 2064302
>>2064285narcs always pull out this one whenever they're exposed or facing backlash, deflecting the accusations by showing off an expensive/rare item and thinking they're above everybody else for it (ie Heather, Alida, Joke, etc). Dana just thinks she's special but she's just following the same textbook all narcs copy.
>>2064301seething and still not learning how to sage!
No. 2064347
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>>2064341I'm confused about the timeline of her and Matthew. So they had a child in 2017, and married after 2020 (here her maiden name is still being used). Then divorced was filed 2022.
Given that knowledge, she lied about his abuse and rapes happening after their separation. Remember the earliest case of rape was 2012. Even in 2011 we was arrested on drug charges.
No. 2064351
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Redundant info but regardless, Dana is a fat toothless pig who would rather buy herself an ugly 1k wallet than finalize her divorce. She is STILL legally married to a pedo rapist and child abuser. The case is active.
No. 2064354
>>2064353Married name = Hare
Maiden name = Chencharick
Moid = Vedepo
(sage your shit) No. 2064355
>>2064347You're right, she did lie about the rapes occurring post-separation. Also I wasn't aware she had the child before the wedding! From now on, everyone, it's "Dana Christine Hare (Chencharick) had a child with known rapist Matthew Alan William Hare THEN married him",
not "Dana Christine Hare (Chencharick) married known rapist Matthew Alan William Hare AND had a child with him"!
>>2064351Lol! Lmao! Perhaps even kek!
No. 2064359
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>letting your spouse fuck other people is peak altruism guysit's pretty funny how polyfags pretend to be morally superior for… having multiple fwb.
>>2064338go spend time with your daughter dana
(hi cow) No. 2064366
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>>2064347Ayrt, nona you've given me such an idea! I didn't even think about looking up court records myself… Found a couple traffic infractions for Danal in Florida, nothing seems very juicy (she did get her license briefly suspended as recently as 2022 for failure to appear kek, see picrel & read bottom to top). I was able to confirm in these records that her DOB is 04/28/1993, if that's new info to anyone. I think it's relevant to know because there is/was another Dana Hare from Orlando, and the DOB narrows any records down to our gal. I'll check Tennessee records next.
No. 2064371
I made a dana thread lets move there
>>>/snow/2064363my first time making an OP its not the best.
No. 2064377
>>2064358For the love of fuck learn to sage. But you present some interesting info… If she was involved with Eli as early as 2020, why did she wait so long to file for divorce? And why does the child support lawsuit
>>2064347 use her maiden name, but the divorce filing
>>2064351 uses her married name,
if they were already separated? She would have had to legally change her name between 2020 and 2022 to the name of the man she was allegedly separated from.
No. 2067138
File: 1733922028515.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1500, IMG_5832.jpeg)

Chris formerly from Mr Beast is in a polycule now.
No. 2069231
>>2067138Trans,poly, and a pedo
Need to start a Bingo card for these degenerates
(learn2integrate) No. 2071413
File: 1735218540066.mp4 (10.31 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_AQNo_ei-fB…)

Deranged man in cat ears got married but instead of spending his wedding night with whatever swamp monster he married his spouse is off fucking their sidepiece.
Because it's so kawaii cute n quirky to cuck yourself on your own wedding night. Truly living free. Seriously, i think he could had been such a good looking dude but instead he waste that jawline on being a degenerate freak.
No. 2071577
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This made me cackle nonnas
No. 2071714
>>2071643>>2071578Not saying he would be THE guy and geez, calm down nonas.
This one at least have a jaw line and nice teeth, better than 87% of most trannies. And ofc it's sad to see this bs sweep up gay guys and lesbians. This bro could have been 50% of a average looking Midwest gay couple.
Now he's This. Lost potential is what gets me frustrated in cases like this
No. 2073129
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(sage your shit)
No. 2074064
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No. 2074873
File: 1736216038237.jpg (832.89 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20250106-201214_Red…)

If the man you are fucking already has a gf, bleed on her sheets to display dominance kek
No. 2074965
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No. 2074974
>>2074965the dumbass tif who drew this actually worked on steven universe. patient zero.
their throuple lasted less than 3 years btw, the details are in the animation cows thread
No. 2075009
>>2062578"i don't believe in feminism"
No. 2075044
>>2074969>hen he died and people realized the friends were all sock puppets.KEK what a sad life
>>2074965So if i got it right Shelby is female, and Danny is a feamle troon. They married each other but missed dick or whatever so they decided to let a man named Brian fuck both of them. Or is that another troon and they're all women? And then like
>>2074979 is saying one of them left the other to just be with the man instead..?
God what a mess, and extra embarrassing when having made a comic like that about how much they all totally love each other.
No. 2076082
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They really do always look how you'd expect.(wrong thread)
No. 2076329
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