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No. 2094652

Zoe Simone Lorange is a 20 year old pedo-incel pandering, hard drug addicted, self-proclaimed "denpa menhera girl", cluster B pickme e-girl streamer from Burbank, LA. She has been actively destroying her life for over a year now in an attempt to gain online attention. Zoe has been known within e-girl and otaku online circles for several years now, primarily due to her sanrio/anime consoomer bedroom and fabricated obsession with Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live, but rose to noteriety among the IP2 community at the start of 2024 after she started dating homeless meth addicted IP2 streamer IncelBinLaden and screamed "nigger" at Scientology protestors on Hollywood Boulevard. Ever since, her life has been rapidly going downhill and only seems to be getting more hopeless as time passes. Her streams have primarily consisted of hanging around with middle aged scrotes in a homeless shelter RV, tweaking out on meth in run down motels, getting into fights with her boyfriends/fellow tweakers, showing off her hoard of lolicon anime garbage, or on the rare occasion that streamed IRL, screaming slurs in public and being a general nuisance. Nowadays, she is hated by the IP2 community and has mostly resorted to spending a large chunk of her time desperately baiting for attention in incredibly depraved ways, such as suggesting she cosplays as 11 year old Natsumi Tsuji for her OnlyFans, or asking her incel followers if they would let her overdose so that they could rape her dead body. Despite the poor abused homeless larp, Zoe's parents are very well-off, with one working in the medical field. They have given her countless opportunities to get help and turn her life around, even offering to pay for her to study abroad in Japan, however Zoe feels no shame and only continues to act this way, as her desire for online attention, positive or not, is insatiable and comes before all else. Her cowish antics are known to have been going on publicly since at least 2020 and are incredibly extensive at this point, but unfortunately poorly documented.

>In April of 2023, former incels.is moderator Komesarj/Walter went viral for "ascending" and leaving the incel community, resulting in articles by several news outlets including Rolling Stone, as well as a KnowYourMeme page. It was later revealed by Zoe that she was the woman who he "ascended" with. She moved to Colorado to live with him 3 months after meeting through the incels.is Discord server and had their first "date" at Columbine High School. Unsurprisingly, the relationship did not work out, so she ended up moving back to her parents house in LA
>On Christmas day of 2023, Zoe met up with and started dating IncelBinLaden/LeperIBL/Nicholas Stephen Robinson, a schizophrenic, tranny fucking, meth addicted, homeless 35 year old streamer manlet, who wears a towel on his head 24/7 to cover his male pattern baldness. During the course of the relationship, they spent most of their time on the homeless shelter RV smoking meth and getting into verbal and physical altercations. They also had constant beef with Nick's ex girlfriend and fellow streamer cow Vegan Patriot/Shea Alexandra Browne, as Nick had cheated on her to be with Zoe. Eventually they all ended up entering a "throuple" together, but it did not work out and Zoe's attention shifted elsewhere
>SlightlyHomeless/River Stone McKeever is a 23 year old Kick streamer who raped a 16 year old in Thailand and got arrested in Nepal for propsing marriage to a child. He partook in several acting roles as a child, most notably featuring in S4 E12 of Supernanny. He is also friends with Ice Poseidon. On March 31 2024, Zoe got incredibly drunk on the RV and confessed her love for River on stream, which led to him deciding that he wanted to "save" Zoe and fly her out to NYC. Egged on by Mr Based/Jason Itzler, the plan was to get married within 48 hours of meeting for "content", which Zoe agreed to. In the end though, she changed her mind and the flight was cancelled, as he was too occupied with his yellow fever, which made her feel insecure and doubt his supposed feelings for her. They still met up a few months later when River was attending a local anime convention however, and ended up kissing
>Mike Strokeoff/Michael Ryan Eggleston is a 43 year old streamer known among the IP2 community for being a sex pest, drunk driving alcoholic, dog abuser and deadbeat father to a 16 year old boy. His twin brother Eric is the owner of the homeless shelter RV. Zoe's first stream appearance with Mike involved her fighting him off because he kept trying to grope her. In the midst of the SlightlyHomeless NYC plans, she drunkenly hooked up with Mike, which she stated at the time was an act of "self harm", however she quickly took this back after they soon started dating. Most of their time together was spent doing drugs in run-down motels, and it is rumored that Mike pimped her out for drugs. Zoe also ended up in a car crash due to his drunk driving. Eventually he ended up getting arrested for a possible domestic violence felony towards Zoe, but was released. Their relationship gradually died out after this occured
>Currently, Zoe is seeing a fat IP2 scrote named Jacob that she has drug fuelled motel sex with and brags about being beaten by, however it is unknown if they are officially dating
>Zoe's main reoccuring orbiter goes by Axel Mania/YoujoBro, an incels.is user from Canada who is supposedly in his 50s and is openly a pedophile. He is an ex-friend of Komesarj who is rumoured to have previously been in an e-relationship with Zoe, until Komesarj "stole" her from him. Along with Zoe, he also orbits many other adjacent e-girls, as well as pedo-pandering vtubers
>In Zoe's own words, she likes men who "are super old, have a hard time getting women, maybe have issues with balding/thinning, may be seen as predatory"
>She acts batshit insane in all of her relationships. Cheating, physical violence and death threats are common occurences, and she has supposedly also stabbed one of her ex boyfriends

Other social associations
>Frequently crosses paths with various male cows, including Andy Dick (famous comedian turned homeless drug addicted sex offender), Mr Based/Jazon Itzler (former notorious NYC pimp who murdered a model), Grotesque Subhuman/Todd Thundercock (incel youtuber)
>Along with male cows, she often has crossovers with other well-known female cows, some of the most notorious on here being Empathchan, Nika Petrova, Vo1dchan and supposedly Addy Harajuku
>Zoe has also made claims that she was friends with Bianca Devins before she was murdered
>Constantly falls out with her female friends, primarily Mel/happytimesails, a former failed 4chan nazi larper egirl from Pittsburgh who is now dating an AGP faggot. Her only longstanding female friend is Bridget/dnotresuscitate, an edgy slavaboo TCC pickme from New Jersey, who exchanged letters with Ted Kaczynski
>She been active within several online communities throughout the years, including the true crime community, incel community, sanrio/cutecore community, self-harm/ED community, and anime figure collecting community
>It is known that she is a long-term user of this site and is knowledgeable about various other lolcows, but has stated that she actually views many as role models rather than cows. She still lurks the threads that she is posted in, if not others as well.
>Recently had a Discord server where she employed pedophiles and minors as mods. Activities in the server that are known so far include encouraging minors to cut themselves and post pictures, as well as discussing sexual topics such as that she has eaten Mike's ass

(More continued in thread due to character limit)

Current Socials
Twitter : https://x.com/tweakerkei
Instagram : https://instagram.com/dexpuppyuwu
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@mindcntrlwpn
YouTube : https://youtube.com/@dexpuppynya
Kick : https://kick.com/dexpuppy
OnlyFans : https://onlyfans.com/dexxxpuppy
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/u/Cupofmilkinafield
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/hardbass_slut333/
Linktree : https://linktr.ee/dexpuppy
Tellonym (inactive) : https://tellonym.me/beautifulperfectangel

No. 2094653

>Was previously a daily meth user who prostituted herself to fund her habit, still abuses countless other drugs including fentanyl and galaxy gas/duster
>Self proclaimed lolicon, constantly fetishises abuse, gets off to calling herself a rape & trafficking victim but also admits that she is neither
>Owns physical lolicon guro doujinshi
>Flips between criticising misogyny and calling herself a "radfem", to then asking her incel followers to rape her and fetishising TIMs
>Claims to have BPD, autism, schizophrenia, bullimia, is also a chronic self-harmer. Has been admitted to psych wards and hospitals countless times
>Frequently gets kicked out of her parents' house because she won't respect that they don't want her doing drugs in the house
>Claims to be 1/4 Chinese, constantly mentions it to fetishise herself to scrotes, however it is doubtful that she actually is
>Along with her menhera jirai larp, she also tries to embody a racist charicature of black people, enjoys stereotypical "hood" shit, talks about how she wishes she was black, and constantly reposts trashy black tweets
>Is almost exclusively attracted to balding old men, but claims to be a "repressed lesbian" whenever she is on bad terms with whichever fugly scrote she is dating
>Was formerly obese but lost weight while addicted to meth, which has resulted in her constantly taking pictures with her gut sucked in to try to prove that she is skinny. Has never actually been underweight in reality, even at her lowest weight
>Constantly goes on about how she hates filters and doesn't understand why anyone uses them, while also blatantly using them herself
>Other past antics include chasing Mike around with a butcher knife and trying to kill him, completely trashing the homeless shelter RV including smashing the windows, self-harming on stream, having sex on stream, kissing random old men on the street, hanging out of a car window while flashing her saggy boobs
>Brief rundown of older online history >>1983208

No. 2094662

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Thanks for thread op she seems pretty milky!
I’m genuinely impressed with her shooping skills because she looks so deformed. I always wonder how much shame they feel to be portraying such a fake image of themselves online but it’s got to be nothing considering they still do it. The super forced pose in picrel is so funny to me, she needs to stop sucking in so hard

No. 2094681

Recent milk / recap
Due to the fact that her antics are poorly documented, a lot of milk will inevitably be missed out, so this is just a summary of what has been posted on here within the past couple of months. (Forgot to post this when I made the thread, sorry)
>Has a schizo meltdown and rebrands to "lulu", makes a Tumblr account with an intro post tagging radfemblr and claims on Twitter that being radfem is her new grift >>2069863 , >>2069863
>Decides to pull a Nikocado and pretend that her dexpuppy persona was all actually a "ragebait shock project" and that she fooled everyone >>2070361 , >>2070375
>Deletes Tumblr account within a few days and deletes/becomes inactive on her other socials, but doesn't even last a week before making a new twitter to attention whore on and act like her usual self >>2073730, >>2074153
>Talks about how she misses her meth days, that she would obsessively search her name for hours and how getting attention for being a piece of shit felt better to her than any drug ever could >>2074176 , >>2074184
>Misses how people were worried about her during her active addiction, says it was the only time she "ever felt sick enough" >>2074200
>Thirstposts on Twitter over Isabella Janke >>2073730 , >>2074153 and makes TikTok talking about how she wanted her "soooo fucking bad", claims that she used to try to track down her socials that hadn't been nuked yet in an attempt to get ahold of her >>2074228
>"nothing will ever fill the void in me like being a degenerate crashout lolcow did and i will be chasing that feeling for the rest of my life" >>2074323
>Opens an OnlyFans account as she thinks her life is already over at 20 >>2086532
>Makes a Discord server with "secret cutting starving channels for us to enable eachother", says she will give away a free year of her OnlyFans to anyone who carves "dex" onto their body >>2086535
>Posts on OF saying that she is going to get fucked on film by her friend (Jacob) who was previously one of her haters that doxxed her, "he loves to torment and bully me", says that she will be "beat senseless". Claims that if she makes enough money, she will stream it on OF for her subs, and that if she gets impressed with even more money, "ill ruin my life forever and and dehumanize myself entirely by having a public robostream of it" >>2086597
>Announces that since being clean from meth, she now only smokes fentanyl >>2086629
>Tweets from and about Jacob are posted in the thread, includes pictures of hotel room with galaxy gas on bed, dialated pupils, mouth sores, and drug induced weight loss, "met up w a guy from twitter to fight him" >>2086632
>Posts long form youtube videos titled "why i cant stop destroying/humiliating myself for the validation of strangers who dont even like me", "excerpts from my diary as a teen when i was a hikikomori who considered myself a female incel". In the former she talks about her childhood and teenage years, that she was an outcast in school and started seeking online validation from pedophiles at a young age, became hateful due to the way she felt in society, developed an obsession with mass shooters and incels and fell into right-wing extremism, had a popular tumblr blog in 8th grade where she expressed fantasies about perpetuating a mass shooting, which then resulted in her school getting swatted and put on lockdown, she got expelled and put on a watchlist, etc etc. >>2086640 , >>2086642
>Makes tweet bragging about Jacob smashing her head into a door and punching her repeatedly in the stomach until she threw up >>2087054
>Beefs with @antagonistyczny on Twitter over Empathchan to compete over who Empath copies the most, posts photos sucking her gut in and contorting her back to look malnourished in an attempt to one-up >>2087273
>After presumably being kicked out of the motel that she was fucking Jacob in, announces that she is sleeping in a park and that little kids are laughing at her and calling her homeless >>2087470
>"i hate doing of and ruined my life" >>2088037
>Already made Pinterest board dedicated to Jacob, which is how his name is discovered >>2088228
>Tweets "nevada-tan of shoot when?", along with a video of her wearing a Nevada hoodie and pulling it back to reveal her body shape. For anons unaware, Nevada-tan is the commonly used name for Natsumi Tsuji, an 11 year old Japanese girl who murdered her classmate >>2088340
>Calls Addy Harajuku a "fat retarded bitch", claims that Addy tried to cancel her back in 2023 >>2090191
>Announces that she will be doing 24/7 streams once she moves into her new place >>2091026
>Posts more disgusting attention baiting tweets about being raped and necrophilia >>2093798 , >>2093848
>Starts sperging out on Twitter about how she was doxxed, complains that every time anyone does it, it's "ALWAYS SO HALFASSED" and "FULL OF MISINFORMATION" (untrue), tweets the doxbin link herself >>2094582
>Doxbin upload reveals that she "keeps plethora of com associated groomers in her circles as mods", is a "pedophile groomer", "talks to children and keeps then close", "smuggled in CSAM hentai materials from a trip to Japan"
>Makes tweet saying "I THINK IM SO BEAUTIFUL AND I DONT ALTER MY FACIAL FEATURES IN IMAGES OR VIDEOS ETC", proving that she is lurking the thread after anons commented on her using obvious filters >>2094589
>2 screenshots from her Discord server are posted by an anon who had lurked in it for a short period of time. Anon states that "a minor was her main mod. The minor would post her cuts in a self harm channel called "strawberry sherbert" and other e-girls would egg it on". One of the screenshots reveals Zoe talking about eating Mike's ass >>2094594 , while the other is about how she would have sex with Nick on the freeway >>2094623
>Makes tweet denying com pedophile claims and accuses denpachannel of supposedly stalking her since 2021, among other things >>2094607

No. 2094686

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No. 2094696

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So she is still smoking meth? She has been claiming to be sober from it for months now, but this reddit post is from 1 month ago

No. 2094706

Bless you for this thread, she’s definitely milky I’ve been following her since she started ip2

Last night she spammed her story with texts I’m not sure the context(censor and spoil all milk related loli/shota)

No. 2094713

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>not a pedo and the allegations are crazy
Whats this then? Seeing as Axel is one of her main simps and mods.

No. 2094716

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Here is everything related to the spergout that is currently on her IG story, does anyone have screenshots of the stories that she deleted? Not to defend her as she is also retarded, but personally I don't believe that denpachannel made the doxbin post. Judging by the wording, formatting, and the overuse of the term "skid", it seems like it was just made by some le epic hacker com moid. I'd guess that at most it could've been done by denpachannel's boyfriend or some other moid that she knows, but not herself.

No. 2094717

Always hilarious that she shit talks axel despite everyone knowing that she tolerates the shit that he does and had some kind of relationship with him in the past. I think she just does it whenever he pisses her off, but probably still talks to him in secret. Vidrel is an old clip of her saying she would go to Japan with him, which happened after she had already made the posts about him shown here >>2006872

No. 2094731

Thanks for the thread. Will definitely be easier to keep tabs on her now. I hope it won't go to shit just because her and other attention whoring e-girls lurk here.

No. 2094734

>"i'm not a pedophile!!!1!"
>collects lolishit
>takes money from pedophiles (Axel and others)
>admits in a vlog to doing single digit ageplay e-sex with various men online
>admits on stream she would go to Japan with someone she called out as an irl pedophile (Axel again)
>"764 allegations are crazy"
>multiple people in the discord were tied to kvlt/764
>one was doxxed and outed as a groomer for said com groups (weeble/raw fetus)
>her long term bff Bridget is a 1:1 com wannabe, a neo-nazi LARPer who tries her hardest to be one of those ~esoteric~ O9A NSBM anachan types
Why not just take your own retarded advice and own the fact you run in these circles with no shame? No amount of blaming it on grooming and absent parents will ever make it okay either. She loves playing victim and outright denying what's so obvious.

No. 2094748

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She will blame all of her actions on truly anything but herself. "Late stage capitalism" my ass.

No. 2094751

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She's such an idiot. These are the same thing. It's illegal where you live, Zoe. You are a pedophile and in possession of drawn CSAM. You posted it ON YOUR INSTAGRAM STORY.

No. 2094757

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It's extra funny when "lolicon" is literally just the Japanese word for pedophile, it isn't reserved for just anime shit over there at all like western lolifags like to pretend. The Japanese use the same word to refer to both attraction to real and fictional children, as they don't go through the same mental gymnastics of trying to claim that they're two entirely different things, and instead just openly admit that they're into both. She 100% knows all of this as well.

No. 2094764

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Of course the 4chan transmaxxing boymoder faggots are now flocking to her and she is welcoming them with open arms. I guess her brain is wired more like an AGP moid than a woman after all (and I'm sure her physical appearance makes them feel at home too, kek).

No. 2094772

KEKK so she’s a racist pedophile cvltfag but trannies are so heckin valid. She really will do anything for male validation

No. 2094774

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I had a sneaking suspicion that she got posted on /lgbt/, so I decided to sift through archives and I was right KEK. If it turns out that they followed her because they thought she was a fellow tranny, I am going to die laughing.

No. 2094776

This is so funny. First she posts her dox on main and now someone's posting her on /lgbt/. Those trannies are going to eat her alive when they find out she's just an ugly woman.

No. 2094782

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The double choker lol. This post was an advertisement for her of with the caption
>yes it’s hardcore full nudity
I’d feel bad for her if this wasn’t all self inflicted, she’s fucking foul
I understand that she’s a retard and all but I think I would kill myself if this happened to me holy shit kek. What a pathetic existence, she’s managed to squander her reputation with bottom of the barrel scrotes and has now moved onto the next best thing, incel trannies, all at the big age of 20! I wonder if she’ll still be going when she’s in her 30s although I doubt she’ll live to see them

No. 2094789

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The worst part is, the shit that she posted on her story isn't anywhere near as bad as the other doujinshi she owns. She has a physical copy of Mai-chan's daily life, a manga about a 17 year old sex slave who is immortal with regenerating limbs and spends her life getting brutalised/sexually tortured. The most notorious scene in the manga features an old man ripping a baby out of her stomach, raping it, and then putting it into a blender. No, I am not making this shit up, she even posted a photo of herself with the book on her Tumblr, pic related. She can't even try to pass it off as just being for edgelord internet points, as she has already talked plenty about how she enjoys getting beaten during sex, and offers "ryona" customs on her OF.

No. 2094790

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No. 2094792

she makes the quirkiness sound like its ironic but that's the one time she's actually being honest. It's so very authentically sad

No. 2094797

>mai chans daily life
oh wow she's so obviously fake and tryhard, this is like the only eroguro normies know about, it even has a movie adaptation. Next she's going to pretend shes so quirky and depraved and nlog for reading emergence.

No. 2094805

nta but her mal has more, along with other pedo shit. the amount of supposedly rewatched anime is pretty funny, looks like she just entered a random amount to try to bump her stats up.

No. 2094810

This should be a mandatory reply to every front pole whining about LADS and "female gooners".

No. 2094818

>oh wow she's so obviously fake and tryhard because she knows the NORMIE pedo gore rape hentai, she could never know the deepcuts like me and my pedophile discord scrotes!
jesus christ go back

No. 2094882

Zoe was live earlier today, clearly wasted as one does. Gloating that she was put on doxbin comparing herself to Chris-chan or Daniel Larson claiming to be a celebrity.

Rather a low bar to be setting for herself but when she has hit what is essentially the bottom I guess you need to start somewhere?
Chris and Daniel are better off than she is so maybe that's the goal shes setting for herself.

No. 2094903

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Axel her main simp/mod is known on the incels.is forum as Sheogorath.

According to a post he made about being 2 years away from 40, its safe to assume that hes 39 as of 2025, not 50+ as he frequently claims to be. Why he does this no idea but he frequently acts extremely paranoid borderline schizophrenic so it may be in relation to that.

No. 2094918

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Axel aka Jordan has just been ousted as notorious pedophile Tyciol, who coincidentally has his own ED Page


Further solidifying that she keeps a close circle of pedophiles. Nice one Zoe.

No. 2094924

ousted by who?

No. 2094944

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Holy shit, his face and area adds up with what Zoe has posted of him too. The age is also a match. It's 100% him. Who found this and how the fuck has he not been arrested yet?

No. 2094988

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I wonder if she viewed Soren as a "role model", would be very telling.

No. 2095005

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I am clearing house on anyone close to Zoe the pdfile.
Backtracked his identity through a series of usernames until someone tied him to Tyciol and I had to go down the darkest rabbit hole i've seen out of a tard in forever.
POWERWORD: Sheogorath on incels.is

No. 2095009

Have you archived his shit before he takes it down? He is retarded and has linked his accounts on almost every site ever to his carrd, which should make things a lot easier.

No. 2095016

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Not bothered to try and archive all the posts on incels.is hes got 20k+ but his current socials yes.
Truthfully not worried about him taking anything down, if he does he will be right back to sucking Zoe's ass within the hour on a different account which just clocks him immediately again.

No. 2095071

that doxbin was 100000% denpachannel and her bf. If you've actually paid attention to denpachannel/deathsmiles.jp when she first wormed her way into this "community" from being genuinely obsessed with voidchan, you'd know its definitely a group effort between her and her ugly weird ass bf/husband

No. 2095073

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She's up and already making ridiculous excuses for her actions. What the fuck is "I still hang with them just to see how they mind work" even supposed to mean kek. Zoe, you intentionally seek them out, date them, are friendly with them, and have done so for years. You are 20 now and can't make the same excuses for it that you could when you were a child. You have demonstrated yourself that you have all of the necessary information to report Axel, but instead you decide to keep him around as you personally gain from doing so (and probably secretly like him), which is what matters to you above all else. You couldn't care less about the fact that he has openly admitted he is trying to seek out other underage girls to groom, is in possession of child pornography, and has been a notorious predator for over a decade now. If you aren't at the very least tolerant of pedophiles, then please explain why every single man you have dated has in your own words been a pedophile, or since turning 18, has had known proof or allegations against them. You won't, because we all know there is no reason for it other than that you like these kinds of men kek.

No. 2095077

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No. 2095080

Hi Dex!(hi cow)

No. 2095084

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It's funny she says this while having a literal pedophile who was a sysop moderator for a MAP wiki as her personal ATM and moderator. She's retarded.(sage your shit)

No. 2095087

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pirel, when you search Axel's old users you find this too. If you curb stomp pedos why do you keep this one so close to you?(sage your shit)

No. 2095090

i’ll always love you zoe/dex(whiteknight)

No. 2095092

Retarded ass doesnt even know lolicon is the japanese word for pedophile. So saying youre a lolicon is straight up saying youre a pedophile. Japanese people dont sugarcoat things like that. Is what it is. Anime child or not, youre a pedophile.

No. 2095093

She acts like Japanese lolicons don't do pedo shit like obsess over junior idols and consume junior gravure. "Muh drawings aren't real nobody's hurt pls no tip to FBI!!111!!"

No. 2095109

Given the fact that she was an idolfag, I wouldn't be surprised if she was into that shit herself.

No. 2095112

I could see it being denpachannel's boyfriend or some scorned simp who was scammed out of OF content kek

No. 2095113

bridget her slavaboo friend just got her info posted onto the bin under dnotresuscitate. is dex doing this herself?(sage your shit)

No. 2095118

It definitely isn't Zoe doing it kek, she's a typical tech illiterate zoomer despite being terminally online

No. 2095120

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Iffy on posting this as I hate that nonce cunt and don’t want to back up her claims but it’s plain to see that denpachannel is responsible. I don’t know why she didn’t post this on her main instagram but one of my mates was let into her private one. I’ll post more caps if anyone is interested.

No. 2095123

Please do post more caps of anything milky on there.

No. 2095125

File: 1741032950848.png (15.47 KB, 271x227, whatareyoudoing.png)

Only would Zoe think this is totally normal behavior. Pedo Axel and her underage mod in the private voice channel, and they were in there for 5+ hours overnight. Pays off to lurk sometimes

No. 2095138

server set name, not their handle.

No. 2095139

cover your underage friends instagram handle next time retard(spamming and deleting)

No. 2095141

Stop deleting and reposting the same thing reworded 5 billion times. That isn't her friends handle, it's someone she follows who also liked the post, but yes, she should censor it regardless.

No. 2095157

If she makes a mistake in her post, she has to delete it to repost it. If she had doubleposted to correct the info, she would have copped a ban. There's no winning with moderators that have sticks up their asses and like to over-police everything.

No. 2095174

There was no mistake or correction, she was just reposting the same thing 3+ times with several minute gaps in between, just with different wording and insults used each time, so it was all entirely unnecessary as she already got the point across with the first reply. I noticed her do this yesterday with another post as well, which is why I decided to point it out.

No. 2095247

Raw fetus? The german girl? My ex dated her. WTF. These circles run all over

No. 2095251

File: 1741054184816.png (113.41 KB, 434x375, methtality.png)

Yes that would be the one. Close associate and female extorter of cvlt/rebirth with rohan,kaleb etc..

Was in dex's discord for a while until dex's underage moderator invited some people and a random joined posting all her information and affiliations. Always going on about missing her boyfriend that soundcloud rapper 6snot who also had to leave the internet for a bit because surprise, he was also a pedo (no, the girl did not lie about her age he knew.)
Shocking; he was present in it as well. What are the odds?

No. 2095278

Is this the guys ass she ate out? Lmfao

No. 2095285

KEK 6snot was in the server? What the fuck, I hope more people emerge with caps. The crazy amount of notorious people she crosses over with is a huge part of what makes following her antics really entertaining.
Learn to read.

No. 2095287

How do you know about 6snot?

No. 2095307

File: 1741063182008.jpg (64.78 KB, 685x728, weird.jpg)

Excuse the awkward formatting, I cropped out the unrelated messages between them. Proof that Zoe gave a minor NSFW privs in her discord. They were posting lolicon, furry and BDSM porn in those channels. Totes not a pedo though!

No. 2095308

File: 1741063506495.png (Spoiler Image,201.7 KB, 395x503, brandonque.png)

Meanwhile in the nsfw chat….

No. 2095508

File: 1741117031049.jpg (195.45 KB, 1080x559, 8272646277375.jpg)

Jacob has apparently landed her in hospital with severe blunt head trauma. She is lucky that she didn't end up getting killed. I would say that I hope this incident at least causes her to learn to stop fucking around with abusive old scrotes, but unfortunately I don't think anything ever will until it is already too late.

No. 2095515

File: 1741118045221.jpg (240.92 KB, 732x1060, 18276473727.jpg)

Looks like this all happened because he was following some other girl, and she is now taking it all out on her instead of the man who did this to her. You truly are a "girls girl" and not just a deplorable pick-me, Zoe!

No. 2095517

File: 1741118876898.png (428.26 KB, 736x656, Screenshot 2025-03-04 130334.p…)

He posted this before they ever linked. Zoe was the low self esteem rebound he could beat on KEK. Pumped and dumped again? Womp womp.

No. 2095540

File: 1741123614860.png (24.71 KB, 715x186, Screenshot 2025-03-04 142604.p…)

No. 2095557

File: 1741127275902.png (38.6 KB, 746x273, vwictim.png)

She's really unraveling right now. Of course, blame a scrote for your poor decision making, rinse, repeat. I wonder if she's going to crawl back to Mike or actually try to shack up with "Axel"

No. 2095564

imagine pulling a cardi b and then playing the victim LMAO pathetic(sage your shit)

No. 2095571

File: 1741130110723.png (171.23 KB, 593x620, rockbottomdexparty.png)

Full blown addiction saga seems imminent, looking forward to how this one goes. Especially when she blamed mike for leaving rehab in the first place but its looking more and more like a self choice. Solidifying that absolutely nothing at all is her fault and she is just a victim

No. 2095574

File: 1741130293781.jpg (152.37 KB, 1080x597, 8228747828.jpg)

This has to be bait.

No. 2095575


No. 2095578

File: 1741130559037.jpg (140.2 KB, 1080x416, 92914883.jpg)

No. 2095580

File: 1741130645152.jpg (133.25 KB, 1080x753, 928288384.jpg)

No. 2095583

Unfortunately I think not, I would not doubt at this point she is willing to flee the country to hide with a very notorious pedophile in Canada. Post's on Axel's Incels.is account have indicated that pre Komesarj she had asked Axel to marry her, only to cuck him instead

No. 2095590

File: 1741131699656.jpg (238.23 KB, 1401x1080, 92384122.jpg)

She legitimately tried to kill him.

No. 2095596

what even is i2p

No. 2095600

ice poseidon's gang of inebriates. she probably tried to invade other edgy groups but could only be accepted by a bunch of meth addict rage-baiting faggots kek

No. 2095607

Deserved. Men who get off on hitting women deserve to OD

No. 2095612


braindead take(sage your shit)

No. 2095614

File: 1741136548470.jpg (939.55 KB, 2793x3000, j.jpg)

This whole thing is just a complete shitshow. Here is everything he has posted so far. She needs to be locked away in a padded cell or something for her own good.

No. 2095621

>obvious bait is obvious

Zoe needs to face the consequences of her actions, she has skated getting in trouble stemming back to her arrest on the homeless RV after throwing a TV out the window and trashing the thing

No. 2095622

File: 1741137634354.png (41.12 KB, 604x286, 19210909122.png)

>hes completely deep in psychosis and i am the villain in his mind.
just admit you pushed him away by trying to drug and rob him, in turn, almost killing him. holy fuck. she is so retarded and manipulative.

No. 2095625

File: 1741138186518.jpg (112.46 KB, 1080x420, 827374782.jpg)

Zoe of all people trying to claim that someone else is the one deep in psychosis, KEK. Hate to side with a retarded scrote like him but his claims add up significantly more. Zoe posted on both her OF and Twitter about breaking her phone a few days ago, yet she is claiming that he is the one who broke it. She has also had a bruise near her cheekbone for days.

No. 2095636

fucking up your life this bad at only 20 is crazy

No. 2095637

File: 1741139680326.png (311.08 KB, 492x836, fet.png)

No. 2095641

File: 1741139860719.png (85.84 KB, 563x700, 04185606.png)

No. 2095642

File: 1741139895399.png (83.87 KB, 552x648, 04185646.png)

He emailed her mom KEK

No. 2095643

File: 1741140009449.png (69.98 KB, 660x545, 04185922.png)

No. 2095645

This giant public spergout is so fucking embarrassing holy shit, it's making me physically cringe. Put your phone down for once Zoe JFC.

No. 2095646

File: 1741140395580.png (48.32 KB, 671x387, 04190458.png)

No. 2095649

File: 1741140612120.jpg (88.37 KB, 666x379, 04190525.jpg)

>name doxxed on fucking pinterest
how is this shit even real? i'm crying

No. 2095650

File: 1741140725259.png (74.97 KB, 662x577, stop leeching .png)

No. 2095651

KEK him publicly acknowledging this is killing me.

No. 2095652

How so? Why the fuck would I care about a potential rapist? Give me one good reason why you think someone who likes to beat up women and gets off on it is somehow better than her. They’re both morons who deserve to OD.
Yeah, she deserves the consequences, but that’s also his consequence for being a brain dead moron and meeting up with mentally ill women. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. They deserve each other, and I’m not going to sympathize with him.

No. 2095655

He's a POS but she seems like a paranoid schizophrenic

No. 2095656

You're the minor mod from dexcord youve made that abundantly obvious by dropping this board on twitter. Just come to terms that your meth smoking whore idol Zoe tried to kill someone with fentanyl and now gets to sleep on the sidewalk for the evening. You want to know the best part? It's only going to get worse for her, watch.

No. 2095657

33 year old moid who loves Valerie and Her Week of Wonders and Alice, Sweet Alice btw. Normal film picks for a grown man btw.
She definitely is. The meth gave her those special powers.

No. 2095658

Hi, Jacob. Kek.(hi cow)

No. 2095659

File: 1741141229269.jpeg (67.74 KB, 800x875, lulshutupdex.jpeg)

Sorry Clover, not Jacob, but keep grasping at straws :3 Don't you have more children to groom with rawfetus your bestie for life? Run back to your pedo central discord weirdo(emoticon)

No. 2095665

File: 1741141481831.png (195.54 KB, 481x532, dexxed out.png)

mfw the alice's room orbiter didn't actually love me like he said he did on twitter so i namedoxxed him on my pin board, laced him with fet and then he emailed my mom so now im homeress pls sub to my OF

No. 2095666

They genuinely deserve each other, I don’t know why anons are defending him or even sympathizing with him. I remember when they used to humiliate men who were obvious coomers thinking they could probably just pump and dump their cows, now they’re defending them when he’s just a retard who probably thought nothing would’ve happened with him, when he knew she was some nutcase. He would probably do this to an innocent woman if he could, I just like it because of the milk. Who gives a fuck about some scrote like that? They’re both junkies who are pieces of shits.
LOL, nice hi cow, retard. I just don’t care to sympathize with a scrote who thought with his dick and probably thought him meeting up with some e girl who already fucked homeless men and probably has aids thought he’d be safe from it. You still haven’t given me a good reason why I genuinely should sympathize with him outside of the situation being funny.

No. 2095667

>hi cow
>sperg posting defending Zoe
>?newfag.exe initiated
LoL the memes write themselves

No. 2095668

“I don’t care about scrotes who beat up women oding and I think it’s funny”
“So you’re a Zoe defender”?
Are you a retard? No bitch, I think they both should OD and I think the situation is funny.

No. 2095677

File: 1741144132622.jpeg (142.86 KB, 1170x2080, 1723664686910.jpeg)

so does she lie about her race too?

No. 2095678

no but she’s only like 25% or less chinese

No. 2095680

Her mother is definitely not white, but she does not look Chinese at all either. More like Hispanic or South East Asian.

No. 2095682

she my fwiend i trust my fwiend(whiteknight)

No. 2095703

File: 1741150705823.jpg (371.32 KB, 1080x1257, 1000028303.jpg)

I'm seated with popcorn.

No. 2095705

And she hasn't gone live because it was a lie. Surprise surprise.

No. 2095707

File: 1741151423146.png (92.45 KB, 592x645, Screenshot 2025-03-05 000415.p…)

She is too full of herself to do anything. Suicide baiting your ex because he left you for trying to drug him, absolutely psychotic behavior. Hoping he actually files the report

No. 2095709

oh she doesn’t know shit about fent. depending on where it comes from and how it’s made/ingredients, it burns a yellowish clear, or white brown, or sometimes black.

it also depends if you’re freebasing or smoking it out of glass.

fentanyl isn’t new. it’s been around forever. when people referred to china white, they were referring to chinese fentanyl powder (hence china white), heroin is never white. it’s either a light-medium powder or a brown-black tar like substance.

No. 2095760

File: 1741175289243.jpg (416.13 KB, 873x1799, 828288482.jpg)

No. 2095806

File: 1741186337102.png (73.04 KB, 303x273, AHHHHH.png)

>go find someone else to do your weird discord COM shit with - Jacob
>tried killing this guy
>COM/764 allegations are craaazzzy - Zoe in relation to the doxbin calling her out.
>Literal pedophiles, Nazi larpers, selfharm and cutsign requests in her discord

Her friends want her to finish the job on this one, yikes.

This has gone on to full blown horrorcow tier, usually there's grace to a spiral, some semblance of a descent, Zoe just slammed the ground at mach speed.

No. 2095814

>woman ends up in the hospital with a concussion and severe injuries
>fag who chats with teen girls and wants women to call him master merely gets a scratch in his fist
>HE'S the real victim!! she needs to be locked up forever!1!
so much for being a manhating site.

No. 2095822

File: 1741188287856.jpg (306.11 KB, 1080x1284, 71736467274.jpg)

They're both complete pieces of shit, it's just that his claims add up significantly more. I said that she needs to be locked up in a padded cell not only because of what she did, but because she also keeps putting herself in danger and clearly can't function in society. In the continuation of the thread, he said that she was banging her head against the shower tiles, which no doubt would have contributed to her injuries significantly. I don't doubt that he was abusive towards her but she is also batshit insane and has made several tweets about making "false rape allegations" etc, so not only do her claims not add up, but she can't be trusted regardless as she's a compulsive liar.

No. 2095825

File: 1741188878088.jpg (145.09 KB, 889x886, 8172763737.jpg)

Can't find caps but she also made a tweet a while back saying something along the lines of "might as well rape me because I'll accuse you of it anyway", among other shit

No. 2095831

File: 1741191359824.jpg (84.71 KB, 640x747, pleas.jpg)

>woman ends up in the hospital with a concussion and severe injuries
She literally asked him for it on twitter and has posted everywhere she wants to be beaten by a scrote. She is not a victim in the slightest. Maybe only a victim of her terminal NLOGgery.
>fag who chats with teen girls and wants women to call him master merely gets a scratch in his fist
Zoe is 20, not a teenager. Plus Zoe loves groomer men who chat up little girls, like Axel. Those are her primary friends aside from her edgy egirl larper group.
>HE'S the real victim!! she needs to be locked up forever!1!
Nobody is bleeding heart for him but he did post evidence she was doing sus shit trying to drug him. If this is true, the claim that she tried to kill him for initiation is more likely and yeah, that's grounds for going away. You're such a fucking retard. Wouldn't be shocked if you were one of the teenagers Zoe sent to his DMs begging him to forgive her and be her uwu daddy paternal figure to help her heal. Kek.

No. 2095833

he probably is another pedo groomer or at least abusive, but i don't doubt Zoe really tried to drug and rob him, she's a piece of shit too

No. 2095834


youve got to be retarded when the evidence is right in front of you(sage your shit)

No. 2095836

Here's hoping they commit her to an intensive rehab/mental health facility or retreat. This psycho needs to be locked up, with no access to the internet, and under heavy supervision at all times. Her parents seem to have failed her but they can attempt to make it right. Although I do wonder if it would only be a temporary fix. She sounds like the type who'd be right back on her bullshit and with a vengeance as soon as she saw the chance.

No. 2095838

Straight up BPDemon activity here. Insufferable. Dude will get what's coming to him but Zoe needs an ice cold glass of reality dumped over her head. What a spoiled shitstain she is. She will not learn if people keep coddling her.

No. 2095841

File: 1741195178547.jpg (492.53 KB, 1080x1424, 9865465456.jpg)

No. 2095843

the best thing zoe could do at this point is to have another retarded meltdown and kill this moid in a murder suicide, two pieces of thrash taken out

No. 2095848

Interesting point to say her parents failed her. They gave her everything, put her in rehab, got her out of trouble in the past. She notoriously has been bailed out by them but will do everything in her power to crash out.
Last time she went to rehab, her parents paid for it and she blamed mike for leaving but she left on her own to continue to do drugs and stream. She has them in a hostage situation, she gets kicked out she crashes out and worsens things, she stays, she does drugs, sneaking out to get them or get them via mail, crashing out IN the house. No matter who or what has been done to prop her up out of her situation, she will kick the rungs out and go right back to the bottom of her own choosing. She is utterly hopeless without being stuck in some isolated amish community out in the middle of no where with 0 electronic contact with the outside world.

No. 2095908

File: 1741209561349.jpg (167.44 KB, 1080x942, 38266462.jpg)

Did anyone catch what his last tweet was before he locked his account?

No. 2095911

The dickguarding itt is insane.

No. 2095914

This. Seems like he’s lurking hard, of course this fag is saying shit like “so what if I like hitting women it’s ok because it’s consensual”. Zoe please do a murder suicide so both of you are taken out KEK

No. 2095916

Its probably C125 himself. He's lurking. Zoe's retarded friends are posting here too and it's obvious which 'nonas' it is.

No. 2095920

This is true but you also need to remember that we are on /snow/, not everyone here adheres to the rest of the sites culture as many anons only use the cow boards.

No. 2095941

>not everyone here adheres to the rest of the sites culture as many anons only use the cow boards.
NTA but this is news to me. Do you not consider /snow/ a "cow board"?

No. 2095963

I do consider /snow/ a cow board, that is my point. Many of the people who use /snow/ only use /snow/, or use it along with only /w/ or /pt/. This site is a lolcow site, first and foremost. The feminist culture of the site is mainly a result of the off-topic boards. It's unreasonable to expect everyone to share these values on the boards dedicated to cows, as many don't participate in the rest of the site, therefore labelling every anon who sides with him as being the man himself is dumb. It is evident that he is lurking at the very least though.(derailing)

No. 2095982

Kek definitely, I believe he’s been posting too and it’s very obvious which ones are him. Having a breakdown because some anonymous women think he’s a retard. They’re actually perfect for eachother

No. 2095991

File: 1741227617371.jpg (284.67 KB, 916x1128, t.jpg)

Imagine thinking that a fat middle aged man with an entire youtube playlist dedicated to videos of him being a sex pest is your soulmate, jfc.

No. 2096069

>Going on this long of a tangent and labels basic moid criticism as ‘feminist culture’
You sound and write like a newfag who can’t integrate, none of you are being subtle with the posting and its either KF crossposters (the obnoxious politicized language really gives that up), the methhead moid himself or one of their the terrible two’s twitter orbiters.(derailing)

No. 2096079

I can smell your Y chromosome through my screen ugh(scrotefoiling)

No. 2096349

File: 1741330251265.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.05 MB, 960x452, hogkgd.mp4)

She's Shayna tier already. Hairbrush up the ass at her parents house with no door. Wtf. Broke ass can't even afford lube or a real toy

No. 2096350

File: 1741330439668.jpg (24.68 KB, 559x460, 51aa1ab9cdfdf66629c3a7d8e4857c…)

Thanks nonnie. I want to die now.

No. 2096352

File: 1741330711572.jpg (73.38 KB, 887x1557, meow.jpg)

Begging for housing on instagram after posting your most recent dox. Galaxy brain move, Zoe.

No. 2096364

File: 1741337408557.jpeg (282.2 KB, 1179x1961, IMG_6051.jpeg)

posted and deleted kek

No. 2096434

She really needs to drop the ghetto bad girl act but at this point she might be better off embracing it kek

No. 2096450

She can't decide if she's a ghetto tweaker, nippon hime, 1/2-1/4 Chinese or regular fat white girl. At this point I don't believe anything she's said so she's probably not even Asian. She does squint really hard and would LARP as Japanese cosplayers in incel groups kek.

No. 2096493

File: 1741373222307.png (357.53 KB, 719x831, fentanylfridays.png)

Zoe was seen asking r/meth users if her bag was cut with fentanyl with some users saying yes.


The story from her sausage finger'd moid is seeming more and more true by the day.

No. 2096511

Kek meth users trying to act bad in the comments

No. 2096555

File: 1741387178856.jpg (1013.47 KB, 2366x2500, 9392747753.jpg)

It seems like nasty faggot men are the only group of people who like her anymore kek

No. 2096556

File: 1741387180846.png (853.31 KB, 864x1750, 1000006193.png)

Her reddit profile is a trip

No. 2096566

How is this not a honeypot subreddit? Did meth get legal in the us?

No. 2096568

File: 1741390651359.jpg (65.59 KB, 1080x362, 09790879.jpg)

What the hell.

No. 2096587

File: 1741394068439.png (372.4 KB, 828x1101, IMG_3146.png)

Screenshots from dexcord, spliced together to avoid doublepost.
Weeble/Rawfetus from 764 affiliate group cvlt just casually throwing it out there followed by Dex totally justifying owning NOT csam material.
>its just lines.
Doesn't make it any more legal Zoe!

No. 2096592

Can you just dump all of the milky screenshots you have from the Discord all at once rather than posting them randomly? Same goes for the other anons who have any too. The sooner you do it, the more relevant, and it's also better for archival purposes if they're grouped together.

No. 2096606

>meth tweaker who looks middle-aged
wow im surprised she isnt jumping his shit

No. 2096615

aww yeah because being kind of chubby and having the potential to be able to lose weght in a normal way is SOOO MUCH WORSE than being a dried up tweaker raisin ewhore who's only soul mate is an old man.
not that it matters because she was still a deplorable human being even back then

No. 2096617

File: 1741401537138.mp4 (665.38 KB, 480x640, ssstik.io_dexpuppy_17286746102…)

I can't get over how much she looked like she had down syndrome. Not even an exaggeration. I feel like she must have some sort of birth defect.

No. 2096620

File: 1741402465512.jpg (774.22 KB, 1080x1612, 848266254.jpg)

The censored photos on the wall include a dead cat hanging from a tree btw. Is there a single evil scrote trait that she doesn't find acceptable?

No. 2096621

File: 1741402586765.jpg (45.34 KB, 1080x202, 48276464.jpg)

I guess animal cruelty isn't something she shies from herself either though.

No. 2096622

File: 1741403043098.jpg (139.49 KB, 1055x1076, 1000061187.jpg)

It's insane in juxtaposition with how she used to present herself.

No. 2096624

File: 1741403622948.png (829.8 KB, 1748x1252, bigpileofshit.png)

Sorry in advance for the organization nonnie, Here are the ones I thought were rather good from the discord and I may have more elsewhere.
>minor both bragging about owning and posing with a 3D printed firearm
>saying shes not bald only for simp Axel/Jordan to post a pic proving otherwise
>tagging everyone hoping they die
>general paranoid delusions / Sam Hyde stalking her kek (claimed she used to hear him laughing at her)
>Possibly sleeping with Eric, Mike's brother when she was under the influence
>A prior instance of being kicked out of the house by mom (seems to happen a lot)
>boyfriend Jacob making sure the simps give money and attention to ONLY DEX PUPPY
>angry about having a buzz lightyear jawline
>confirming hotrailing fentanyl on twitter but thats just common knowledge at this point

No. 2096625

File: 1741404086225.gif (709.37 KB, 220x165, kekw-dow.gif)

wait i thought she was just using a rando's pic, she actually looked like that??

No. 2096632

File: 1741404974878.jpg (609.2 KB, 1080x1283, 098583.jpg)

Yes it's actually her kek. I don't think she posted her face back then, but you can see that her hair and skirt match up with this old post.

No. 2096635

File: 1741405187260.jpg (1.21 MB, 1080x1741, 9958385.jpg)

The room also matches of course >>2096617

No. 2096657

No wonder she's hellbent to stay on meth. She'll snap right back to being a chonker if she gets sober. Holy shit. She does look retarded too kekkk

No. 2096685

>tries to be the quirkiest chungus on earth
>loook look arent i mentally ill and cool and schizo???
kek i love it when attention whores fail

No. 2096705

File: 1741439419486.jpg (60.69 KB, 1080x228, 958388583.jpg)

How long until they get back together?

No. 2096707

File: 1741440067090.jpg (90.81 KB, 1080x456, 95737378583.jpg)

Has anyone else witnessed her talk about this? I don't doubt that she did say it, but I've been following her for years and this is the first I've ever heard of it. Found in >>>/ot/2433019

No. 2096724

all this AND she broke beautiful k-on merch… when will her reign of terror end?

No. 2096725

she was cuter before ngl. another kawaii chubby girl lost to drug usage…(learn2sage)

No. 2096732

Yes anon, its her justification for her behavior and actions, she made that statement in her discord and im pretty confident she had tweeted about it in the past too. After all you can't be rele jirai or menhera without being a victim. Except shes more a victim of her own circumstance from purposely seeking out older men online including anyone with incel forum clout (confirmed by notorious moid Todd Thundercock). Why she ended up engaged to Komesarj and why Axel is so salty about it and clings on. Some side lore; Originally She had reached out to Axel to become engaged only for her to cuck him and move in with Komesarj while larping as cosplayer minmin. Whatever will fit her narrative to make her seem more true to whatever aesthetic she desires, she will make up a delusion and convince herself its real to ride it.

No. 2096743

her obsession with Isabelle janke proved to me the idea of someone hurting animals is something she is totally fine with. its fucking insane to go from a "soft girl" personality to being so abhorrent

No. 2096749

File: 1741453632271.jpg (107.05 KB, 1242x1364, 69bd7c4e7fc570309c57fcb5417915…)

shit she said from her old account years ago when she was pretending to be a "sweet kawaii collector"

No. 2096750

File: 1741453655413.png (92.83 KB, 1242x715, ddd369511c6dc7f3e221ada60a4122…)

No. 2096751

File: 1741453727273.jpg (101.87 KB, 922x1533, 8e1f01c2bde769995f3a2c2b06b084…)

yeah she always always trying to start shit

No. 2096756

File: 1741454120876.jpg (198.13 KB, 1106x1135, 1718947157731.jpg)

Don't forget about these ones as well. Absolutely hilarious now knowing that she said this shit while she was obese. 1/4

No. 2096759

File: 1741454153286.jpg (68.2 KB, 1080x537, 1718947179116.jpg)

No. 2096763

File: 1741454487721.jpg (79.32 KB, 1080x756, 1718947296009.jpg)

No. 2096765

File: 1741454549148.jpg (191.97 KB, 1080x1163, 1718948162905.jpg)

4/4. I wonder what the trannies and gendies she panders to now would think if they saw this.

No. 2096768

File: 1741454673079.gif (2.51 MB, 498x372, deathlaughs.gif)

meanwhile she was heavily breathing, pecking away at her screen with her massive sausage fingers before binging more japanese candy kek. what a self hating freak.

No. 2096770

All this for male attention from the bottom of the barrel. There is no recovering from this level of NLOG. Jfc

No. 2096771

File: 1741454880220.jpg (596.36 KB, 1080x1327, Screenshot_20250308-092604_Tum…)

never 4get that this is the photo voidchan decided to base their entire personality off of

No. 2096781

this is why i can't stand when newfags start feeling bad for her and think she's some victim of internet predators. she actively sought out this stuff and she had soooo many years of being able to better herself and chose not to

No. 2096783

i agree but zoe and voidchan were friends at the time. and that entire friend circle at the time were always copying each other. so its clear why void molded into having her whole personality based on it. void even used to say homecoming was their favorite SH game

No. 2096784

File: 1741455992267.jpg (81.83 KB, 736x734, 2fabc6e9e4be4ebd03f97084ca9ad6…)

Zoe wasn't original either, she was just copying this image. She isn't the "blueprint" at all like she tries to claim.

No. 2096786

i agree none are the "blueprint" but they certainly all did copy each other is what I mean

No. 2096787

I was just going to post this. None of these girls have a single shred of originality.
Homecoming is objectively the worst in the series, unsurprising they'd pick it to flex being uwu horror gamer girls

No. 2096791

KEK Millie Graves 2017 pic as the blueprint. All these girls just want to be like Nicole and her calves. Copies of a copy of a copy.

No. 2096797

its crazy that things that could bring someone comfort, plushies video games etc…they turn into a strange tense competition. like its crazy seeing these morons fight about who did what first or who is authentic vs who isn't like shut the fuck up and play your games, collect your cute shit, watch your animes and just shut up. if they love these things sooo much and are the really "blueprint" they'd spend more time doing those things instead of seething over each other

No. 2096806

How do you know that? Nonas ITT have a lot of info but with no caps.

No. 2096810

>>2096806 i know because I used to follow all of them consistently even back in mid 2019.
you're right tho I should've provided an image, i know mention of this it's in another thread somewhere

No. 2096811

File: 1741457530438.jpg (198.59 KB, 1080x779, 9594737757.jpg)

Nta but here's an old cap from her tellonym. No idea if there's still any actual evidence of it though.

No. 2096816

there doesn't need to be evidence anyone who was following zoe in 2020-2021 knows she was in that egirl friend group with voidchan and m4d0t5uki etc

No. 2096818

considering she likes to claim that she was friends with bianca devins i'm just going to lean towards it being cap kek

No. 2096819

I have no caps of the member list but Chloe/kuro vo1dchan's dickrider was in Dex's server. It's likely vo1dchan was lurking there too. Aki Nyaa is a mod for Dex's youtube and she was in the leaked gc caps when vo1dchan was cancelled.

No. 2096823

And most people here weren't following Zoe in 2020-2021. It's standard to provide caps.

No. 2096832

Why are you so defensive? This is an imageboard.

No. 2096833

tbh i just assumed most people in this thread at least knew the basic things like that

No. 2096835

Anon you can just post evidence and go. Doing this weird posturing just makes you come off like a personally invested poop toucher.

No. 2096836

yeah you're right but its weird seeing people posting screenshot and sitting around wondering "hmmm is this really true??" when it was stuff that was very out in the open at the time. but as the thread even states all of her antics were poorly documented

No. 2096837

thats fair lol

No. 2096840

File: 1741460526813.jpg (35.86 KB, 600x450, 1624561095997.jpg)

The self-posting ITT is palpable. Just namefag already Zoe.

No. 2096846

File: 1741461428766.png (127.44 KB, 524x501, fuckoff.png)

Sort of a bold assumption to assume anyone really gave a shit about the fat kawaii wannabe who was just latching onto any aesthetic at the time deemed popular. She is a known liar and can't ever produce evidence of being friends with anyone she claims. Where was she in all the vo1d gc leaks?

No. 2096856

File: 1741462540615.jpg (354.04 KB, 2198x1515, 069758385.jpg)

Posting this in response to >>>/ot/2435339 as dex talk was starting to shit up the other thread, plus this should documented here anyway. I managed to dig up some screenshots of Tumblr posts talking about her boyfriend, back from when she was being cancelled in 2020. I think her claims about dating a pedo incel for 5 years seem to add up because of this, but I am curious anyway as to why you think otherwise. Something recent that also solidifies this all is a clip on Kick, where she mentions that her ex ran an irony meme page https://kick.com/dexpuppy/clips/clip_01JHD82AAGVYBGYPNBHFAF69BA

No. 2096862

Another thing to mention is the date shown in her old instagram bio (10-27-2017) >>2096622 . Being together for 5 years would imply they broke up sometime in 2022, which adds up with the whole dating timeline. She also talked about this ex on one of her streams several months ago and said he was fat and Swedish (either that or some other kind of euro), but unfortunately I don't have any clips. I wonder if he could have been the "Edin" mentioned in Jacob's twitter posts >>2095614 , >>2095822 as that name is obviously not associated with any of her other known exes.

No. 2096880

File: 1741465167325.jpg (333.25 KB, 1080x1232, 9587373748.jpg)

Found this post in an old thread, linking Zoe and gutturalsnug (voidchan's best friend at the time) as being friends. I guess this confirms it.

No. 2096882

not really kek, there hasn't been direct proof of friendship with vo1d nor Bianca devins. Sending them a message =/= friends. Funny however that the screen includes her having drama with her current "bestie" Bridget

No. 2096892

File: 1741466637974.jpg (177.08 KB, 979x1142, 85775737375.jpg)

According to other posts in the thread, Bridget was a former 4chan egirl and used to date gutturalsnug kek.

No. 2096894

nonnie this has nothing to do with Zoe, nobody care's about Bridget and her wannabe schoolshooter nazi shit and how she used to be a lesbian.

No. 2096895

Quentin Tarantino

No. 2096899

>nonnie this has nothing to do with Zoe
? The first post definitely does, it's related to her being in that friend group, which anons were debating and asking for proof of. Bridget being a 4chan egirl also opens up other possible associations that Zoe could've had, considering they were friends back then.

No. 2096900

>she is friends with the ex of a friend of vo1d
>she talked to a friend of vo1d
kek, waiting on the direct link between them and not just her asskissing vo1d thunderthighs in the DM or her meatshield friends

No. 2096906

File: 1741469457326.png (77.38 KB, 961x278, toddthunder.png)

This is always refreshing to see, Todd Thundercock/GrotesqueSubhuman (guy with an acid attack fetish) revealed prior Zoe was purposely going out of her way to message anyone of relevance in the incel community, including how she met orbiter Axel/Jordan and asked him to marry her

No. 2096974

File: 1741483609631.jpg (283.06 KB, 2215x823, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-W3KX…)

Axel made his Twitter public again, and his recent tweets reveal that they are indeed having one-on-one contact. I guess she really has given up on pretending that she hates him.

No. 2097015

File: 1741493154042.png (40.39 KB, 754x371, Screenshot (526).png)

https://x.com/YoujoBro/status/1897853362785116326 I looked at his twitter, he said "you were 13 from then" what a freak. shes so fucking pathetic lmfao

No. 2097112

File: 1741522014829.jpg (143.94 KB, 1080x599, 95837747.jpg)

Apparently she is moving out now, I wonder if she will stick with what she said about doing 24/7 streams

No. 2097157

>My own place
The irony in knowing she's certainly moved in with some moid. Is it really your own place if there's a 40 year old meth addicted pedophile in the next room? Kek

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