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No. 399109
Joy is a 30-something year old Youtuber who thinks she has every ailment under the sun, despite never showing any proof of her outrageous claims.
She is obsessed with her threads on lolcow and kiwifarm, as well as dissent and "rumors" in general, and makes endless videos defending herself, without ever addressing the real issues people have with her. When confronted about this, she acts perfectly confused and innocent about why they would hate her.
Recent drama of note:
-She took about a month off of making Youtube videos on account of being so chronically ill she just had to focus on "getting better"
-Mere minutes after coming back to Youtube and despite being "unable to walk" several days earlier, and evidently unable to bathe to this day, she announced that her and her boyfriend Roommate have bought an old, disabled dog. This dog is brandished as a weapon against haters, because how could you hate or criticize someone who adopted a rescue doggy? Flawless plan.
-Recently tried to start fake beef with her fat friend Mikenactor (Obesion). It failed, and they both blamed the takedown of his fail video on other people, even though all evidence points to it being pre-planned and done by Obesion himself.
-She is back at her pre-leave schedule of excreting 5+ videos a day, including recent desperation such as a misinformed video on Las Vegas and trying to get attention by rehashing iDubbbz's Content Cop on Ricegum. Her ratings continue to be in the toilet, and her sub counts bleeds by the day.
-We last left off with her promising to "address the rumors" once and for all.
Previous threads:
>>246848 #2
>>376873Social Media:
Joy Sparkle BS main YouTube channel 2nd channel Sparkle Eff It 3rd channel PEOPLE, PLEASE READ!Many of the topics brought up in previous threads are linked for your convenience,
>>354796 please take the time to look them over as well as the summaries at the start of each thread. If you don’t want to look foolish/get banned the first time you post it will do you good to read the board rules and usage info and to lurk a while just reading before attempting to post so you learn how things work. Please do a keyword search (Ctrl-F) to first check if the topic has been discussed already, we try to avoid rehashing the same things over and over. If you have important factual information to share (aka milk) be sure to back it up with evidence such as links or screenshots. Attempting to pass off unsubstantiated rumors as truth will only get you laughed at and ridiculed. Always leave the Name and Subject fields blank when you post. If you are not contributing new milk/just giving your opinion please ‘sage’ your post. We are very picky about this and can usually spot a noob a mile away because they never sage their dumb comments. To do this put the word sage in the Email field…if you are not sure if your post is milk sage it anyway. Not saging correctly is a bannable offense. If you make a mistake on a post you can delete it within the first 30 min. Do not direct link to Joy’s videos we don’t want to give her extra views, linking to anyone else’s channel (except Onision/Lainey) is fine and encouraged. Try to find a mirrored version of her video to post instead or at least include the name of Joy's video in your post so others can find it later. Do not post about Kati's family or exes or try to contact them. You can talk about them if Kati brings them up but do not refer to them by name. Do not try to use us as your own personal army to go after Kati or anyone else, we are not your attack dogs. Thanks!
No. 399117
Forgot to include this recent addition:
>>398787Joy is extremely abusive to a child in the video linked in this post, even though she has claimed since day 1 that she is doing everything "for the kids."
She has quite the track record for being abusive and inappropriate towards minors. I don't hold my breath for this "nasty rumor" to be addressed in her upcoming video and stream.
No. 399120
>>399117Also, here's thread 12.5 - the Temp thread while Lolcows underwent some maintenance: forgot myself!)
No. 399131
>>399120Oh, thank you anon! I totally forgot. That thread has a lot of really great stuff in it, too.
Anyone catch how she refused to say Nick Monroe's name in the Nick Monroe video, but put him in the title anyway? What? And she casually said Chambers of the Heart's real name, real snakey of her.
She's released another video since the Nick Monroe one, now claiming to show the numbers behind her Do5 videos. According to her, this is one of the biggest rumors in her comment section this past week (it isn't).
As expected, she's only ever playing victim and rehashing old shit without actually bringing real receipts. She doesn't show anything in the whole 12 minute video. Makes a 12 minute video promising to show everything in a stream. What was the point?
No. 399197
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When looking at the temp thread I was reminded of her saying her friend (Alex) was fired for being a fan and until now I dismissed it and chalked it up to her ridiculously inflated ego but then I wondered if it might have anything to do with the fact that he’s in her streams (i.e., the one where she tells the 11 y/o to “rape her bullies,”) he laughs at that comment, and before that I think he said to “be whomever the fuck you want,” which doesn’t look too great. I was also wondering if it may have anything to do with the titles and contents of the 2 middle streams in the pic.
Saged for tin foil speculation
No. 399308
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I bet she watched 2 seconds of it and closed the video. Please Peter, do not fall for her manipulation.
No. 399310
Ever feel like an hour must have passed by but it's only been 4 minutes? That's how I'm feeling watching her latest video. A minute it.
>>399308Hope he doesn't contact her privately and spares himself the manipulation.
No. 399315
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so, you tweeted teamyoutube about it because it was a joke between you, joy and your viewers?
not sure why that would be required.
i could understand you contact them /if/ you were trying to make it look like it was flagged and were trying to pin it on someone else, though.
and the "just a joke, bruh" is a way to backpedal from a failed attempt.
that would make sense.
No. 399322
>>399315* pin it on someone else in the public eye
obviously, youtube would know you took it down.
No. 399346
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She is hemorrhaging subs so badly, savor every second, folks.
No. 399431
>>399313'DMS are open'
LOL! Since when?! It's always been 'Contact Cy if you want to DM me!'; now, they're suddenly open?
I like Peter Monn - I sincerely hope he's smart enough to know that she's looking to manipulate him to her side.
No. 399521
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About the dog adoption, a little reminder of Joy's feelings (and her words) on the matter, months back.
The same concerns she mentioned were recently brought up upon her announcing they'd brought the dog home and many of those commenters were verbally assaulted by her.
( Obviously clipped and collaged )
No. 399529
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>>399521Throwing this guy in here too, as it's related to one of her recent streams, when she guested the asshat driving a truck, because bitching on YouNow and fucking around with the camera is far more important than anything else when driving.
Surely joy, having her own terrifying experiences while driving, would know better than to stream with that dickwad?
No. 399555
>>399544I completely agree. It's sick. An animal should never be a prop. Then again, we're talking about a person who uses child abuse as a marketing tool.
I can't say for sure, but I think she said somewhere that it was roommate's idea to get the dog
No. 399557
>>399544Pets are like children (if you give a shit about them, that is); their respective bills can get ridiculously expensive - especially if you don't have insurance.
But, let's not kid ourselves - we know why Joy got this dog, and it has nothing to do with companionship/needing a service pet (honestly - how much help is a traumatized senior dog that's half blind and arthritic going to be to anyone?). It's all about virtue signaling.
'Look how awesome I am, guys! Unlike some people who only want puppies because they're cute; I got a dog most people would turn away because of their advanced age/medical issues. So I'm better than everyone else for that! Yay, me!'
And yet, how many times has she ranted and raved on her Younow streams since getting that dog - a dog she herself acknowledged is scared of loud noises? Hell, from what I understand, when her trucker friend started blasting his semi's horn on stream (which is loud as fuck!) she said the dog loved it!
That bitch's behavior royally disgusts me.
No. 399559
>>399555That's a lie and a half. Why would he get a dog when the only other person in the house who could care for it in his absence supposedly can't take care of herself most days?
I'm willing to bet getting a dog was entirely her idea; and she talked Dominique into it.
No. 399569
>>399557You're right about the truck horn, I forgot about that. She told him puppers liked it and he did it some more.
If you wouldve told me 3 months ago that she would be an even shittier person today, I wouldn't have believed you. I am having a really hard time understanding how she just keeps on being such a horrible person.
No. 399573
>>399559It's not like he's going to come out and defend himself publicly; she could say he approved of anything, or anything was his idea, and he's not going to say shit because he's a beta, spineless, pussy-whipped little bitch. Which coincidentally, is the only kind of person that would put up with her shit and continue to keep her around.
It's not like he's hideous, I don't understand why his standards are so low. He must have something seriously wrong in the head to keep her around, fuck.
No. 399574
>>399544 lol, she's already trying to munchie the shit out of that dog. She wondered in her video if dogs can get Fibromyalgia.
In before she's asking for donations for a whole host of munchie shit for the dog whom we strangly will never see(because it's ok), and she can shout at the 'haters' about invisible illnesses while still loudly proclaiming she(personally) has never asked for donations for herself for anything because she pays for all of her own stuff on her own. Pretty soon she will call the fucking dog a 'charity' and we will be bringing up all the shit she talked at Onionskin for even a convoluted implication that his wife is a 'charity'.
So she basically talked her boyfriend into doing everything regarding taking care of the dog for her. She found a way to keep Dom from ever leaving the house. We will have to take her to task when she asks for money because she very specifically said it's Dom's dog, he got it, he wanted it, he's taking care of it himself, and he is paying for everything for it. If he wants money donated for the dog he personally needs to show his own unobfuscated face and ask with his own words from his very own vocal cords.
No. 399585
Threadmaker Anon I absolutely adore the picture for this one with the juxtaposition of the photoshopped image of her face that is her channel icon next to a recent image of her actual face/pumpkin head.
>>399197No one really seemed to know the details with Alex losing his job and after reading lots of comments it turns out that basically he was loudly defending Kati during the 'Brown people are that color because their skin got infected with shit in the womb from anal sex' debacle and either he was telling co-workers about it or they knew about it and the higher ups eventually heard people talking about it. They were not comfortable with him publicly defending blatantly racist remarks because it was a "joke" and they let him go over it. He worked at Burger King.
So 'trolls who didn't like Kati contacting his work and getting him fired' is yet another on the mountain of lies Kati has told. He got himself fired by using his real face and voice to defend racism and be a dickhead to people on Kati's streams.
No. 399589
>>399585 They're being posted on a YouTube channel called 'Richard Stiles' so that he can attack channels with copyright strikes for her. This guy is a Flat Earther who believes CERN is trying to open a gate sealing a demon and says white knighting is one of his special skills.
There really hasn't been much in them. Just the usual munchie shit.
To save yourself some undiluted hell scroll through the comment to see if people have already highlighted things. Be brave fellow Anon.
No. 399600
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Here's another oldie I've had, it's interesting for the timeline she mentions. Sometimes I think she already has all her shit planned out, this is a great example of that from probably just over 6 months ago.
She goes on as if she is humble regarding her health, that she has guilt about Dom being her personal slave, and that She thinks its gonna be 6 months til she is up and fully operational again, and if not, back to the medical drawing board. Sound familiar??
It should, its something she had recently said in stream. Funny how she coincidentally predicted that around this time, if she wasn't fully operational, the Drs would be starting from scratch again, which is what she said the sliding scale clinic is doing.
No. 399621
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No. 399623
>>399621Wowwww ding ding the witch is gone
Stay gone plz
No. 399624
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>>399622afaik she didnt do the analytics stream, right? lmfao…
No. 399643
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>>399629>Aaannnnd she's crying.She's not the only one. I'm crying with Joy, too.
No. 399645
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What a joke she is. She's trying her hardest to cry and cry but she is evil and soulless so the tears just won't flow. Even her eyeballs know she is a liar and they aren't having it.
More of the same. "I'm not perfect" but doesn't actually admit her fuckups aside from a bad joke, which she still doesn't take accountability for because she has to add that people can't tell she is joking, she's always been told she has a straight face.
No bitch, your channel problems are 99.99% your fault. You lie about everything. She is being stalked every day, People are going after the dog and roommate's job, um…no. you are a liar.
It's not YouTube's fault, you're blaming everyone but yourself. Of course things haven't changed after your breaks, you won't even acknowledge a small percentage of what a shit person you are, let alone change. Why don't you even give examples of the things you've changed? Because that is also a lie.
Fuck every single YouTuber that defends her or asks her to stay, unsub to all of them. Now is the time they will feel the impact with all the demonetization. Which also isn't her fault, it can't be that she breaks tos before it's finished uploading , with her shit content, harrassement of others and tag stuffing. Nope, never Joy's fault.
Adding a screenie of one more lie, her motto that there's no picking on people, WE DON'T DO THAT HERE, YOU WILL BE BANNED and ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. But guess what, early on is a comment that refers to someone as a meth head, her response? Lol Russia, you're cracking me up, or something of that sort. More lies. Go to hell where you belong you freak
No. 399662
>>399645>Even her eyeballs know she is a liar and they aren't having it. Probably my favorite line in any of these threads to date.
>her channel is deleted and the videos were not saved. by herWhich is a load of shit anyway.
I agree with
>>399656 , she's just going to go quiet for a few days
tops and then start uploading on Spurpinkle Bow and Eff It and hope nobody notices.
No. 399675
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I feel like she only deactivated her channel. She craves validation wants people to beg for her to come back. I think once she's gained enough sympathy points she will make up some excuse about how her channel miraculously came back and 'I'm new to the internet I didn't realize I only deactivated it and not deleted it' deee duh dee bullshit. And her apartment is gross.
No. 399729
>>399675What a pig. I don't feel sorry for Dom's and his life, because he does it to himself but still, I can't imagine being the person that does everything and pays for everything, works all day amd has to come home to a pig in her pen. It has to smell so bad in there with all that filth, and in addition to joy who probably smells like sour milk and Italian hoagies. Just to add to the grossness, the way she is always smelling her fingers ew and her nostrils are always red like she is picking her nose all day and there's probably boogies and fart dents all over the couch. It looks like table salt there, like how much more salt does all her processed food need?
At least straighten up ya filthy animal.
No. 399741
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Sleep tight tonight, anons. Can you imagine Roomie's nightmares waking up to this every day? I'd be looking for a noose.
>>399729Fuck, anon, I wasn't ready for that much laughter at once.
No. 399742
>>399729That is really over the top nasty. I don't like her either but come on.
Saged for sounding like your mother.
No. 399765
>>399729The salt isn't for her food. It's St. Joysus fantabulous patented cure for Fibrorheumaticolupusmyalgia Munchifuckwitticus. Guaranteed to work when there is absolutely nothing wrong with you combined with a rabid need for attention and no other discernible talent with which to satiate it.
Her Nobel is in the post. Along with her Pulitzer.
No. 399770
>>399741One, two, Joy's coming for you…three, four, better lock your door…
>>399742Sorry Mom. For what it's worth, I smell like boiled pierogies in butter and onions + dominoes cheesey bread.
No. 399786
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>>399569I’m absolutely baffled. I just watched one of her streams live for the first time and had I not known I swear I could have been transfixed. She’s brilliant, not on a worldly or academic level, but in a manipulative and dangerous way.
In one of my favorite classes sociopathy and psychopathy were the main topics (psychopathy being a legal not a psych term was always stressed lol,) and she’s as good as some of the interviews with the real crazy cunning convicts. I’m talking Manson level good… the kook-aid was definitely purple today. Sorry for psych-fagging
No. 399788
>>399786She's not
that brilliant, she can't even push out a genuine tear or hide her batshit insanity for more than 14 seconds.
No. 399798
>>399786she's not, you came predisposed to feel like that. the cunning ones you talk about don't contradict themselves every five minutes, and they have control where she has compulsion / impulse. If she was really that good, she'd have 10x the subs and 1/10th the videos.
I've gotten so jaded with this bitch, the channel 'deletion' thing didn't even raise an eyebrow because of course she did that.
No. 399807
>>399786Lol. I love her content. It's like watching someone go on a descent into madness. I want to care about shit as much as she cares about onision or daddyofive. It seems like she's on a permanent cocaine high and I'm mighty jealous of that. She has such high energy. I know people in the comments on youtube even have said she has signs of opioid addiction. I wouldn't know because I've never dealt with that. I have always thought that people into opioids act like luna slater- the junkie who puts minimal effort in everything unless she's trying to get h. Maybe there are different levels to that shit, I don't know
I do think she is somewhat cunning in her manipulatiom tactics too. But that's not very hard. Mostly young people watching her vids, easily impressionable. If you pay attention to media and Hollyweird it's pretty easy to pick up on some basic manipulation tactics. The thing she fails hardcore at though is running a consistent narrative.
I'm a bit sad her channel is gone. She was funny. Her intros were straight up comic gold. "KEEMSTAR…ACKNOWLEDGED ME?" Cue royalty-free music. Just hilarious. I don't like younow so whatever.
No. 399822
>>399770Five six, better find those analytics
Seven eight she'll be up in younow late
No. 399852
I always thought she was addicted to pain meds. She has all of the symptoms of taking them (like she is on speed and feeling like she is on top of the world, insomnia) and the withdraws (not caring, being a slob, nausea, Diarrhea, joint and muscle pains, always feeling cold/her hoodie, anxiety, runny nose, Abdominal cramping, Low energy, Confusion "brain fog"). With addiction is obviously several mental issues.
I was on some high powered stuff for a long time, I know what its like and what to look for. She has said in several streams that she hasn't taken any of that, which I don't believe in the slightest. If she was in as much pain as she states, she would have tried pain meds.
I plan on seeing a GoFundMe for her dog.
No. 399862
>>399847Monn offered to help her, when she asked him to contact her, he asked how he was supposed to do so when her DMs were closed…but 'he' doesn't want to talk to 'her'?
The fucking nerve of that twat.
No. 399887
>>399862I'm not going to pretend I'm a huge Peter fan, because I have only watched a handful of his videos, but he comes across as pretty funny, intelligent and seems like a goodhearted guy from what I've seen. So, RUN PETER RUN, don't try to help. Make a vid here and there but don't jump down the rabbit hole. It's a bottomless pit of manipulation or getting berated if you don't buy into her BS. The replies she has been dishing out under comments of her latest videos were cringeworthy for anyone her age.
Also, Kati, WTF? I was really looking forward to potential fail of a stream tonight. ( Kek at the comment about people 'coming at her dog now', bitch please ).
No. 399904
>>399903No, I agree - but just in context with
>>399896since she said she's getting the FBI involved.
No. 399921
>>399909Are you surprised?
Cy is thoroughly up Joy's nasty cooch; she'll do anything for Joy.
No. 399935
>>399926Because she isn't doing this to clear the air; she's doing this to have people keep their attention on her.
If she tells the truth/reveals all, she loses her audience, and the narcissistic cunt can't have that happen. She's been doing this since day one.
No. 399992
>>399896She got doxxed again?
>>399949Her channels will all be back soon, she can't go without the attention and asspats
No. 399999
>>399926>>399786>brilliantshe's slippery, I'll give you that. she's goes in circles till she gets what she wants, is that brilliance though?
am I the only one who wrote her off as soon as I heard her speak? I've never found her convincing although I can understand how people who have come straight out of their abusive homes, would.
No. 400019
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>>399992>she can't go without the attention and asspatsEvidently, as she's already been on two long streams since deleting her channel only a few hours ago.
>>399999I wasn't
immediately suspicious of her, though I didn't really like her. But it didn't take long before I noticed the crazy back in January. How people have been strung along to this extent, I have to wonder if it's a matter of pride to not want to accept that they were duped, so they keep riding this wave to the sweet end.
I'm loling so hard at this tweet. She thinks he's serious. Jesus, she thinks he's serious.
No. 400029
>>400013Thonk Biddle Bat Needle Dick got me like Bonk!
I wonder what she spent all that money on?
No. 400040
>>400036It's funny that you bring up that "Gratitude" video, I was planning to post her "My 2017 Wish" video here again soon to show just how much she's fucked herself over from that pretend compassion she showed back then, constantly contradicted herself and behaved worse than anyone else. Comparing those few old videos from January/early February and any video picked at random from 6 or 7 months later, it's so obvious the contrast and how fake sweet and nice she was being before. Her entire demeanor was different, her posture was different, her voice was different, she took care in her appearance, she moved around a little from time to time. None of which she does today.
I used to think we were watching someone get crazy in real time, but now it's clear she's been like this from the beginning, and the initial "sweetness" and effort was just to draw attention to start with, and once she was happy with her growth she dropped the act and showed her true lazy self.
No. 400041
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She plans to come back because why would she not care about youtubes TOS if she wasn't coming back.
No. 400043
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No. 400045
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Yup Mike and Cy don't mean anything to her.
No. 400046
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OMG now she is going to start something with PEter.
No. 400049
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she didn't want to show her analytics that is why she deleted her channel. but as soon as she found out it is agains't TOS she knows she now has an excuse to come back.
No. 400050
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No. 400055
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she is coming back
No. 400061
>>400056If she stopped the whole "I'm sick" shit and made 1 video per day about a relevant topic she could be big. The problem is, Kati cannot do that. She has to make everything about her, thats why she is alone.
It's true, she is alone. There is no one there bar Roommate that cares for her, all her "fans" are mental cases and could not put up with her in reality. The truth is she turns everyone against her. She will never be accepted by a large audience, she will never be truly happy with someone. This woman will die alone, no one will remember her when she is gone. She will be one of those "Oh, she is dead? Huh." people. If she ever has children, they will grow to hate her.
Now im getting dark over a simple question but she is in a black space here. If it were anyone else they would have nowhere to go but up, but this is Kati and she keeps sinking lower and lower.
No. 400139
>>399999If you go into Joy's streams without giving it your full attention (i.e. - you've got her rambling in the background while you busy yourself with other things, like doing chores/working on projects, etc), it's easy to be sucked into her narrative. You know the topic she's referring to, you may even agree with her opinion - but by only half listening, you're not hearing just how insane she is. The moment you actually give your undivided attention to her ramblings - that's when the inconsistencies/insanity starts becoming more obvious - making one wonder how they didn't notice it in the first place.
That's how it was with a number of former Joy fans I've talked to - myself, included.
No. 400149
>>400139I first saw her when her videos first popped up in the Onision threads. I listened to her interview those girls. She struck me as manic, flinty, and saying fuck all.
I'm sorry for anyone who got absorbed into listening to her.
No. 400160
>>399996The reality is that most of what is said about her is true. Obviously I can't see every single thing mentioned about her but almost everything I've seen her accused of is accurate.
The things that are not true are usually things she makes up during stream, like people are trying to get roommate fired from his job. Or how she carried on being sarcastic about flying, it was an easy mix up because there's documentation of her saying she astral projects, which is easily confused with astral travel, so it's a minute detail that she runs with. She's often said she is "clearing up the rumors" and the rumors she discusses are just stupid random shit lies that she puts out to push that she is always being villainized, like her saying she owns special spaces and pockets the money.
Off the top of my head, the two things I recall not having any solid proof are the drug accusations and the pedo accusations, which I can easily see why anyone would think them and there's a chance they are true.
So many people feel sorry for her because that is what she wants. She will rarely apologize and when she does, it's half assed. She gets caught contradicting herself, often within minutes. Like saying she hasn't been able to get up and walk then saying she took the dog for a walk, and there's so much of that.
The people to feel sorry for are her family and the embarrassment she has caused
No. 400162
>>400061It's a "well at least she isn't suffering anymore" deal. She's so fucked in the head and more toxic than any YouTube drama, or imaginary "hate train" she thinks exists.
More of a hot mess express and she's the conductor. Choo choo!
No. 400166
Her main channel being deleted means people can post YouTube videos using anything from those videos without copyright strikes.
Kati's 2nd channel subscribed to Cy 12 hours ago. I don't find this surprising at all. She's threatened to delete her channel a dozen times. She's deleting the evidence because it didn't occur to her how much there is in her constant video spamming. She took down her Twitter because of the 'Child Onision fan comment response' video. Why wouldn't she take down her main channel? She doesn't realize others have all her videos archived. She's worried about TOS violations because she still has 2 YouTube channels. I think it's funny 1 day after an Anon posted a screenshot of he subcount analytics consistently being negative and getting worse she deleted her channel.
>>399902 Phil never doxxed her. The person who released Kati's full name here is thought to be someone she was being nasty to in an anti-Onision groupchat that she used her real name in. Everything else was publicly available or she released herself because as Phil would say, 'You just couldn't shut up about it.'
No. 400171
>>400139Funny you say that, I've had her on in the background and thought to myself, she really did change, and then I sat and glanced through comments and was like Jfc, she's worse than ever.
Just to add, months back when I finally noticed how excessively she talks in circles, I figured it was something she just started but she had been doing it all along. I just wasn't actually listening to it all but rather simply hearing it.
I'm gonna go all skeptic for a moment and say that it reminds me of a light brainwashing, repeatedly saying the same thing over and over. At the same time it's very child like, saying something so many times will add truth.
I also can't help but wonder if the misinformation she puts out is intentional, increasing confusing statements or words to get someone mixed up in their own head. Like her saying she is a hot mess, moments later asking what a hot mess is. Or talking about anal sex and anal rape, to later ask how anal is performed like she has never even thought about it. She does this stuff a lot. Question her on it and you'll get a response like "oh right bc I'm so dumb that I don't deserve to live right ?" Or "I've never done anything to u for u to attack me but fuck me right bc I'm just a piece of shit." Another element of her self destruction.
No. 400175
>>400147I immediately thought of her hurting the dog as well. It would be easy for her to say it died of old age.
There's no doubt she isn't an abusive person and full of so much rage and jealousy. She is the kind of person that would become jealous of Dominique giving the dog attention, and later take it out on the dog.
No. 400213
>>400191About joy and why I can see her as being abusive to the dog- She has an extremely short fuse and becomes aggressive very quickly, does not take accountability and everything is someone else's fault, is loud and doesn't acknowledge her actions as being scary or inappropriate, paranoid and thinks everyone is out to get her, she's self serving, has very poor judgement and altered perception of reality, impulsive and doesn't think things through, she overreacts.
Not to mention the countless scenarios and events that she has mentioned as taking place in her life with people she is closed to that have immediately raised red flags. Or how she views situations, like the Buzzfeed beta video.
Also, she has countless basic traits of an abuser.
No. 400225
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Poor me. Boo-hoo .
More of the same ol lies
No. 400226
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I hope Andy hands her ass to her
No. 400241
>>400191I'd say yelling oin front of a dog that is traumatized by loud noises is abusing the dog.
She's knows the dog has special needs; but chooses to ignore them.
No. 400247
>>400204It's one thing to playfully growl at your dog and it responds in kind; but if she cooed at it and it growled in response, it's giving Joy a clear warning that it doesn't like her and keep her distance from it.
Swear to God; if Joy ignores that very clear warning, it will bite her.
No. 400375
>>400373I'm not gonna post where he works in here.
Believe it or don't.
shrug No. 400378
>>400373 >>400372
while I would agree, some proof would be nice, can we move on from this? It just seems unfair to drag the roommate into Joy shit and if anyone needs to provide proof of that claim, I believe it is on Joy to do so.
No. 400384
>>400375Then I choose not to.
It's easy to claim that something was done; but without some proof to verify the claim, you're expecting others to take your word for it - which doesn't work when it comes to Joy's accusations.
Take a screencap of the tweet, block out the company name and post the edited link to prove it happened.
No. 400398
>>400392No, it isn't.
But considering Joy is accusing someone of threatening Dom - and someone is here claiming there's a tweet to prove it - some of us would like to see it, as it would confirm Joy's claims.
No. 400403
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I am not the one who originally commented that the complaint of a threat of Roommate's job was real. However, myself not being a fan of Joy, I also saw the threat - which was made more than once - and was disgusted by it.
here it one example.
There is so excuse for this behavior
No. 400409
File: 1507491298625.png (90.78 KB, 634x623, Screenshot (5652).png)

here is the person explicitly saying it is a threat. They also repeated the same later.
This is disgusting. No excuse
No. 400449
Jesus Christ, learn to sage, you faggots.
Now that we've proven the tweets are real, we can stop calling Joy a liar on that front. I, for one, am disappointed to see that VHS Archive was involved in these threats, as they are someone who provides a lot of backups we use and thus is unfortunately linked heavily to lolcow.
VHS Archive, you're a piece of shit for doing that. No excuse, no sugar coating that fact. That's abhorrent, plain and simple.
Now that we've cleared that up, can you fags stop smearing shit on the walls of this thread and either post something interesting or shut up?
No. 400488
>>400474This is how they get you, though. Believe one thing which makes other similar things believable.
Not saying I necessarily disagree with you, I'm just saying this is the sort of thing Joy (and others like her) does and counts on.
One of the other claims is that her mother's house was swatted. Do you believe that just because Dom's job was threatened?
I don't think her mom was swatted. Maybe someone called the police and they showed up at the door. But not proper swatting. Swatting has a very, very different connotation.
Shit jumped the shark when all these dummies moved everything to Twitter.
No. 400508
>>400488I agree. I hope people can avoid the 'because x is true, y must be too' mentality and I'm not saying
>>400474 is guilty of it either. It just happens a lot.
I don't believe they got swatted either. On what grounds, even?
No. 400509
>>400488>Shit jumped the shark when all these dummies moved everything to Twitter.Preach!
This fucking shit is complete idiocy. Those retards are not representative of lolcow and most of the anons here (at least, I would hope not). I personally have never even left a
comment on a single Joy video. I
only vent here on these threads and nowhere else, nor do I get into her personal shit or try to contact her spergs. I would hope that many other anons are the same, but obviously I don't know.
The people that went to the point of creating pure hate channels, parody twitter accounts, and whatever else they've been up to in order to fuck with her personally are legitimately insane people. This might be one of the most entertaining and reprehensible lolcows on this site, but fucking hell, she's still just a lolcow. Y'all are being god damn ridiculous.
Stop creating accounts for the sole purpose of harassing her on other public platforms, or disassociate yourself from lolcow completely. We don't want you.
Delete yourselves.
No. 400571
Regarding the swatting. IDK. I say IDK because there was a gal who admitted sending the police to a residence associated with Joy and if I was relaying that experience to others, I could see myself using the term "swatting". Especially if someone was so out of line that they not only sent the police, but sent the police to my mother's home rather than mine.
Note - I wouldn't be saying using the term to intentionally deceive others in regards to the level of the police response, but rather could picture myself using it as an easy, short way to express that someone escalated their harassment to the point of abusing the 911 system and sending the police to my house.
Also, if such did happen, the last thing I would expect is that my mother have and supply evidence of her experience to assuage a bunch of people on the internet, especially when I suspected that the person(s) demanding such was, most likely, one of the ones demanding evidence.
The only way to know what happened and
!) it was her mother's house
2) if it rose to the literal meaning of swatting
is by digging for her mother's address, taking what you learn, and then searching police logs. That's both way too intrusive and time consuming for me.
Who knows what the truth is. At this point, one can believe much of what is by both the main actor and their distractors IMO
No. 400596
>>400571Wow. The apologetics is strong with this one.
I hope you wouldn't be so sloppy as to describe a cut on your neck as a decapitation. Because people may see you as kind of histrionic and not believe what you say anymore.
The claim wasn't only in writing but spoken. Is Kati turning a new leaf from her usual babbling self into a new, improved pithy version?
Literally no one was asking for evidence but it supports your position so I could see why you included it.
Her mother's address is already public knowledge and she just drew attention to it.
While there are bad actors on both dies, it doesn't necessarily mean they are equal. I'm not VHS Archive.
No. 400611
>>400602Type sage in the email field in order to sage your posts.
Thank You.
No. 400616
>>400509Many people were actually defending themselves. Remember, Joy and Co struck first. They harassed many innocent people, of course some will defend themselves.
I like others haven't commented anywhere about Joy in ages. Seriously thought everyone saw through her. I was surprised to see her thread active again to be honest.
No. 400667
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As far as I can tell. this is the "threat" against the dog. It wasn't the foster home that was known, it was the name and contact info of the rescue that had placed an ad for the dog. The rescue is a well established organization that has regular business hours and not someone's home.
No. 400668
>>400664Could be a wellness check too then, danger to herself or others most likely. Could be the person was worried they didn't have the right address for joy so sent police to her mothers house as well to make sure someone would know to check on her.
IMO that's not a bad thing because if it had been an actual risk that anon would've saved joys life. But it probably wasn't completely in good faith because they posted about it here on lolcow.
No. 400678
>>400677Please sage your posts by putting sage in the email field.
Thank you.
No. 400680
>>400677Given the animals special needs (arthritis, cataracts, and traumatized by years of abuse), I sincerely can't blame anyone for getting in touch with the foster family.
A dog like that needs a stable environment with owners who can properly see to that dog's needs. Given that Joy is at home most days, she'll be the dog's primary care giver. We know how unstable she is (we've seen it in her videos/streams - all that frantic/manic yelling can't be doing any good for that poor pup). And. if she's to be believed, there are days where she's so weak, she can't even function.
But she's capable of taking care of a troubled, elderly, sickly dog?
No. 400697
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No. 400705
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check filename for keks.
No. 400707
>>400705Only Joytards find this crap amusing.
I'm doing searches to see if she's worming her way into more streams to talk about herself and I'm just finding all these low-effort, low-quality channels talking smack about her leaving. Obviously it's fine and dandy to talk smack, but it's sad that everyone criticizing her is so fucking low-quality, lazy and inept. If you're going to do an "expose" video, get to the fucking point, pleb. Nobody cares about your life story or you fumbling around with your phone.
I would give my left nutsack for someone to make an interesting or even mildly entertaining video on her. Constantly underwhelmed.
No. 400727
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Mister Metokur (aka Jim) has been watching the drama and commenting on Twitter. Wonder if he'll do a video?
No. 400728
it was nice when we came back from tempcow. the thread was relatively quiet and sane. now we're back to autism awareness month.
can we move on from all this fucking tinfoil about the dog and the roomie and the cops?
>>400707valid complaint, just 6 or 7 threads late.
No. 400732
>>400728Honestly I suspect it's partially the Spergs now that she deleted her channel. They think we're responsible for being "haters" and pushing her to the point of quitting, so their pathetic revenge plot is to spam up the threads and derail.
>>400727I hope Metokur does do an Internet Insanity on her, those are always thoroughly entertaining.
No. 400739
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just found this on her Eff It channel. anyone know if it's true that her channel was struck down?
No. 400771
>>400748People are still unsubbing from the channel she took down, lol
If she did get her channel struck down and not removed by choice, that means that again she is in violation of TOS by keeping the other two channels up.
In the stream she did with Cy on deleting her channel, she said it was "a ton of shit":
- she thought she was ready for Youtube again but she wasn't
- she deleted the do5 videos and lost all the views and then regretted it
- she got fully demonetized after trying to use the shooting for attention (poetic justice) and got sad because she couldn't get $$$$ any more - "I'm not happy on the platform, I can't make money on it"
- people don't like her and it hurts her feelings that nobody defends her (translation: big channels don't defend her and she only cares about your love if you're big enough to benefit her)
- Peter Monn made videos about her and for some reason she's using that as another excuse to ragequit
- overall she knows her content is shit and she wants to be better when she comes back someday
- people doxed her address and roomie's job so she panicked
- the final straw was "people finding the dog's foster parents and trying to contact them"
All very interesting timing, imo. The demonetization was obviously a huge factor, as the doxing has been constant since March or April and is nothing new.
She also implied that Cy is on the payroll and "will still have a job" with Joy in some capacity. Plenty of future milk left, by the sound of it.
She also says that the dog cries when roommate leaves her alone with it. Probably because dogs are empathetic creatures and can tell when you're an abusive asshole that is using them as props.
No. 400795
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>>400739Stumbled upon the answer on the stream comments on Cy's channel.
No. 400825
>>400701Quick OT: I have never seen any person more incompetent at screen capture than this fucking dweeb. His Younow capture from 10-5-2017 is an unwatchable disgrace and he should join Joy in deleting his channel.
Sorry for rant, it's the first video I've seen on his channel and I'm already raging. Un-fucking-believable.
Anyone else have proper captures of these Younows? I don't want to check VHS Archive and support her channel since she's been acting like a nasty dog.
No. 400834
>>400825Samefag, but during that stream (10-5-2017) she asks everyone to inflate Mikenactor's views on that stupid Taylor Swift parody song by having a "watch party" where she posts the link and everyone has to click it, and says that she's had it playing on mute in the background and keeps refreshing because she wants him to get as many views as possible.
For someone so afraid to get on the bad side of Youtube's TOS, she sure seems happy to publicly break them. She already deleted streams of her own where she asked people to create multiple sock accounts to sub to her and to refresh her videos so she could hit sub/view count limits to be able to monetize. She's filthy.
No. 400880
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When crybullies cry …
No. 400899
>>400880Classic Freudian slip there from Joytard-in-Chief.
Too much bullying indeed. Only BY St.Joysus of the Munchies, not TO.
No. 401007
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One of joys responses from her comment section that I never posted…
She offers assistance, "if y'all ever need more money hit me up, I'm good at finding other work and side hustles for myself and others," I wonder if she is referring to pocketing money from donations, since she doesn't have the receipts, booboo. Or if valid, where them hustles at now tho?
Then she's in complete shock over someone being able to buy subs. That was months ago, yet when more recently being accused of buying subs herself, she stated she was unaware that you could buy them, as well as suggested that someone else may have bought them for her channel without her knowledge. I'm not bringing this up because I think she did buy them, just documenting some of the games she plays.
No. 401044
>>401040That cringe bit from their last stream where they go "pickle Riiiiiiick"?
I hope he's working on a video on her. He might even be more into it now that she left with that kind of suspicious timing.
Other Youtubers on one of those FailureHatesYou streams called her out for being so obviously suspicious.
No. 401105
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it floors me she charges for people to watch these kinds of videos and is she really going to give refunds?
No. 401108
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No. 401111
>>401095From my interactions with her she could not counter and on tons of my posts I got large likes.
Its funny how she asks for receipts yet never provides any. A lot of people dog-piled her on that issue and her channel deletion.
Watch her claim hackers did it. The depths she goes is utterly shocking tbh.
No. 401196
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No. 401205
>>401128Whoa seriously?? Damn what am I going to read when I'm taking a dump :(
Also tommy c talked about her on his latest show at 13:30. Here's the link. No. 401211
File: 1507591342783.png (494.9 KB, 612x870, Ypf9IpH.png)

The team is being disbanded?
No. 401221
>>401211This is sadder than when the Beatles disbanded.
At least Cy is still on the payroll.
No. 401232
>>401228same fag
Also - aww…poor Alex. He just made it in, too. Whatever will he do now?
No. 401266
>>401263>I left, and you still can't stop talking about me?Lol, you've been gone 5 minutes, you short bus regular. You haven't even yet been gone for as long as you "left" last time.
>get some evidenceUnfortunately, your detractors have consistently been the ones showing evidence, which you don't bother to acknowledge because you think if you ignore it, it will go away. How has that worked for you?
Not to mention that all of this is hot off the heels of a manufactured drama you did for a "joke" that also included planned fake takedowns of videos for sympathy and further drama.
Honestly, why
would anyone believe a word out of your mouth, Joy? Have you ever shown (not by twisted words, but by your actions) that trusting you or your word is a wise decision?
She'll be back with another channel e-begging before Halloween.
No. 401302
>>401268>she just wants to control what is saidTotally right, anon, and is evidenced by her "deleting" her channel, and all those unfortunate thousands and thousands of critical comments and dislikes.
What a shame it is for her, someone so obsessed with her image, that various anons and normies who never even heard of lolcow have been archiving her channels (including her comments) and her twitter for months.
This doesn't just go away because you "deleted" it. Sorry booboo.
No. 401337
>>401302She genuinely screwed up a rather amazing feat of crewing 60k subs in less than 6 months but instead of diversifying she stuck to the same old schlock because she is basic and not talented enough.
Her ego got the best of her and her naivety has become her ultimate downfall because she just constantly plays herself. If she was clever she should know about people logging everything she has done.
I think if she had any decency she should take down her Patreon immediately because its frankly illegal.
No. 401356
>>401352uhm, not sure against patreon tos = illegal.
just took a look at her tiers then, can't see any problems other than the vague 'come hang out with me wherever the eff' if she's still posting, doing private videos, etc, then it's not even against tos.
No. 401374
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jesus christ.
the inmates are running the asylum.
No. 401415
I wouldn't pin your hopes on Patreon doing anything. I was an OG anon and I submitted a bulletproof report to Patreon about her. They have very specific tos that they claim they take seriously and it is supposed to include behaviour on any platform Patreon funds support. I even quoted every tos she was in breech of, provided them evidence of every breech and they did nothing. I assume they contacted her because shortly afterwards she had a couple of videos where she finally credited her patrons, which was one of the complaints, however she didn't stick to that for long. Probably just enough to send screenshots "proving" she was doing it. And that was it. Patreon give no fucks.
Kati, I gave up following your bullshit a while ago (Joy fatigue is a serious condition) and I come back to see you are still playing the victim. You've lost everything you valued, everything and you still can't accept that maybe, just fucking maybe, that you are the one with the problem. I have never seen another YTer attract so much negativity unless they were completely deserving of it. Why do you believe you are the exception?!
Step away from the PC, go find a highly qualified (patient) therapist and sort your self out. Stomping your stinky hobbit feet at the world will get you nowhere. Just fuck off already.
Oh and stop making every justified attack on you an attack on every chronically ill person. Stop using the most vulnerable people as your shield, it's fucking pathetic. Stop trying to use your fake illness as an excuse to not criticise you, I have MS but I can still be a wanker occasionally, being ill doesn't give you a pass or make you above reproach. A thundercunt is a thundercunt, whether they are sick or not (you're not).
No. 401527
>>401514O christ no, please don't let her sing again. I thought her speaking voice was the most irritating, nails-down-a-blackboard noise ever….then I heard her sing. The military could use her voice as a brown weapon.
She must be pissed as hell that the choobs isn't full of vids bemoaning her loss. It's not even made a ripple; far as I can see not one person has even commented on this fearsome loss to journalism (and munchies.) Not even Mikenactor, her chief cuck, has made a "they chased away St. Joysus, waaaaaah" vid. Presumably they're all too busy crying?
Will Mike ever get out of her arse? Will Cy be able to find a reason to keep on living? Will St.Joysus eyebrows finally slide so far apart they fall off her ears? All these and more remain unanswered…
No. 401562
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She is seriously an incredible piece of shit, far beyond opinion, it's a fact. After all the months of nonsense about not removing the D05 videos, there's still a ton. There's no excuse for them to all not be removed by now. What will her excuse be, that she forgot about having other channels? Or she didn't know she should remove them from other channels ? It was someone else's job?
The "spurpinklebow backup" has way more videos in total than the spurpinkle bow channel and is polluted with her favorite activity of exploitating that family.
No. 401634
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She's solidifying the echo chamber. 1/2
No. 401635
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Updated from her patreon
No. 401644
>>401641Same. I have no fucking clue why these joytards suck her ass so hard. Other than they're just as degenerate as she is. Let the fucktards throw away their money. She's gonna burn them all in the end anyways.
My question is why is she acting like she doesn't have two (thought at one time she said she had four channels, so maybe three) other channels thay are still available on youtube? Plus her
No. 401651
>>401641Hanging out with Her Majesty St Joysus is enough reward in itself, is it not? I know if
I had money to burn,
I'd want to flush it on the off-chance I could have the chance to listen to that screechy, migraine-inducing racket she calls a voice, calling me by name.
I wouldn't
at all want to run my name through an acid bath to clean it afterwards.
No. 401802
>>401793A really good tester of this would be if she lost the majority of supporters.
If she lost enough patron$, she'd return to Youtube in a second. The truth will reveal itself in time.
No. 401811
>>401802True. The way she has gone through people in the last 9 months, it shouldn't be long before people start jumping ship or begin to be ostracized.
Once she's gotten everything she can from them she'll ignore them and turn the rest of the cult on who ever happens to be on the chopping block.
No. 401840
The seemingly random letters and numbers after the title are the original video id from it's original upload on the JoySparkleBS channel. This incomplete and out of order list may come in handy at some point for to find original upload dates or screenshots from archives (i.e. or … something.
- Onision Blames Youtube For Losing All His Subscribers LOL! dCwPoPAKTXY
- 50k sub TY, Fundraiser, Butts N Benji James #brownnips CjVhYXP2Ydk
- Onision Community STRIKE For Questioning Military Documents! How U Can Help! aOFq6xfr7qk
- Dear Onision, Mikenactor's Drama Will Never Be The Same NcQ1fZ2ZcoE
- Onision Debate NOT OVER! tuVEWHljtMs
- Charlie Chill It's KidBehindACamera & Angry Grandpa's FAULT! u2IWwocNR6A
- DaddyOFive TWO Community Strikes on MY Channel! BUT THEY ARE BACK! imJz0b0kAZc
- Onision Made a COPYRIGHT Claim On Me! tbSYxbTEbRo
- 'My Stalker' Onision Physically Threatened Me, Going To Police hqzIjfZcr94
- Onision SECOND THREAT From My Stalker! fdBzCXPtRQc
- Onision Dear Stalker KUgaCeat PE
- My Youtube Channel Has Been Terminated by DaddyoFive Fans WWLC74kQT84
- Re She Lied To You Pt 4 That's Sexist!!!! 7UU4Lk9lOMs
- 'Dear Stalker' Onision REMOVES Video Threatening to Sue Me! See it HERE! kFZF yvptR8
- Onision Copyright Claim Number FOUR, Blaire White & Others Hit Too! FKwqVo1rsHo
- Laineybot NOT ASSAULTED! Onision Lies Again! GBgldHzxBd8
- Lainey's Sister, Lauren, Crashes My After Debate Onision Stream d hBw3f9RLY
- Watch Lainey LIE & Crap Talk Me After The Onision Debate & Our Convo V61YLPHzHME
- Onision & Lainey Receives Death Threats & Threatens ME over it wuZYMx3FuAU
- Onision Copyright Claims Todays video within SECONDS! Evidence HERE GTFHi3 oOW0
- Security Concerns People Getting Scary With Me & Overstepping Boundaries lX3V0lDK7n4
- KidBehindACamera & Angry Grandpa Charlie Chill Apologizes Horribly! WhUY8xuJRkE
- DaddyOFive Is KidBehindACamera To Blame DAaj6FthPos
- Everything Onision & Whatever Happens 4JUmm8p5o o
- DaddyOFive Fans LOVE Kid's Being Hurt & Threats! jn7FH Gpkqw
- Assaults KidBehindACamera's Girlfriend!! Uploads Porn! Angry Grandpa Charlie Chill Acid! Keemstar Zm
- Onision Debate My Overview & BreakDown 1V24vXXeAmQ
- Onision Threatens ME With POLICE! Says I Threatened LAINEY! LOL! lNI2GTG4BY
- Onision Doxxed Me xXxe8v2DiNo
- Why I Got 'Upset' On Benji Jame's Onision Stream MvAupbiHIKs
- DaddyOFive MommyOFive Breaks Silence! Coming BackTo Youtube! boz3O3Kz4Wg
- Onison Says Tall Women, & Jaclyn Glenn, Are UGLY! & Not In love lol QjmUAEiH3l8
- Onision Starting A Fundraiser For Legal Fee's To SUE ME! LOL! FvZzVn1ayZI
- Onision SEVENTEEN Copyright Claims!!!!! u3IynNKcvL4
- KidBehindACamera Vlog on Charlie Chill Assault Girlfriend, Angry Grandpa, & Acid e3lYudtDsGI
- Pregnant Youtuber Killed La Monalisa Shoots Boyfriend During Stunt kvC 5fIYJsg
- Onision LIED About Suing Me! HAHA! HzP2UUnyNK4
- Onision Social Repose & Jaclyn Glenn Ugly! HORSEFACE! Zw8k97ymsH0
- Onison THIRD THREAT From My Stalker! 5rdhU7iRut0
- Onision RECEIPTS! SolubyD0fn8
- Re Mr Dapperton Exposed LIMITED TIME ONLY VID PL3STo bIeE
- Onision Sarah LiveStream & Corrections icpWdLhV4n0
- Benji James TWERK Stream! Wherever the eff it takes us! Also Looking Drunk CmtFCiSNAeY
- Vid Con Christian Burns KeemStar OWNS Fake Apology for Berating Joesph Hernandez! YX71840x9mA
- 3 family members die in 24 hours wnmlQNDS6 o
- DaddyOFive Mike Martin Violates Protection Order For Kids! 4ZCSk07HDj4
- Magnifying Gratitude Part 2 Damn Tech Issue! 4iVzYku9m0I
- Open to haters and criticism Live Stream! iBbPvELHkY8
- Shay Carl Cheated RHozVwNZJ0o
- MY 2017 WISH L 69etmQKgo
- Three Dead Trolls In A Baggie Episode 1 Part 1 zcdHsAyjV w f135 mp4
- Fellow big youtuber needs our help! 3WK YlKv0tQ
- Pewdiepie, Should Jokes be Crimes sjuCVf75O2k
- Onision How Many Copyright Content ID Claims Now U won't BELIEVE IT! 2 KKPxQC3Gc
- Channel Strike Update What Did Youtube Appeal Determine dupMFCLiFQc
- DaddyOFive Interview with Cody's REAL Mother 7eudecgDnN0
- DaddyOFive Convinces Cody He's Up For Adoption & Laughs Pt 2 0DKDZ5Z3RuY
- LEAVING SOON! & Very Scared ti76RrHdAZA
- DaddoOFive Emma Screams she wants to go home, but its EDITED OUT, pat 3 p6tFcLCJmCg
- DadddyOFive Cody & Emma's Mom, Rose, & Lawyer Interview! Part 3 y4uJPhX6nKo
- DaddyoFive KeemStar Interview Part 3 YsRexCKo2w8
- DaddyOFive Invisible Ink ABUSE prank Part 2 KcNuhiWirL4
- DaddyOFive Good Morning America Interview Lies, Acting, & Fakery Part 2 NdDWhpC7uTY
- DaddyOFive with Cody, breaks tablet Pt 3 NjvOu0lllBc
- DaddyOFive WHY this upsets me so much QfWHv SXngY
- Is DaddyoFive REALLY SORRY! Or is it FAKE M4K8F0bslXs
- DaddyOFive & Keemstar Interview Part 2 mOwUTtFsa0g
- Should I start a Patreon nOJPIodBNmw
- DaddyOFive After Keemstar Interview Excuses Part 2 Dm1FFZcQf8M
- Why Am I Losing Subscribers NuYaZJ8gNH8
- DaddyOFive pushes cody and gives bloody nose, breaks tablet Part 2 gxi1VeeX7Qg
- DadddyOFive Cody & Emma's Mom, Rose, & Lawyer Interview! Part 2 edAr6gPK8Dk
- DaddyOFive Forces Kids to SLAP Emma, because its just a prank! p0Hfs8qMmA
- WHAT is a Spurpinklebow! vbNFBWLBklc
- Getting sick, scared, and traveling in 10 minutes Lets get REAL jfdP4raOAto
- DaddyOFve BLAMEs Philip DeFranco Prt 2 5nwAaPWfdRM
- DaddyOFive CONTINUES mocking son for SELF HARD! j9wC8dbpg9E
- DaddyOFive Emma & Cody's Bio Mom & Lawyer Speak! f4zzNk7Vd0w
- Kid in Hail Storm Doesn't Give an EFF! Viral Video f TU6HaQV78
- Onision Threatens to Sue Me & Keemstar lol Ni1yr53izjQ
- DaddyOFive MAKES Alex SLAP Emma for FUN! Part 3 8U47c cZA0Q
- My Car Broke Down On The Freeway on the way to my BIG doc appointment! 6NQalSPqQkk
- DaddyOFive pushes cody and gives bloody nose, breaks tablet Pt 4 2OlI6UzsEXM
No. 401846
>>401840Thanks for documenting this, Anon. You're a good man*, and thorough.
(* As applicable, but I do hate to waste a good Lebowski reference.)
No. 401853
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I know this is joys thread, but I was googling lolcow bc 2lazy5me and I saw this…. why the fuck is chambers using lolcow and KF to sell her shitty tshirts. This is fucking blasphemy. And all for the supercheap price of $21.99 this heresy can be yours. Gtfo out chambers.
Sage for OT
No. 401890
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Just having a look through her Patreon reward tiers.
Not going to lie, $50 a month seems like a small price to pay to make sure people stop calling me.
Just when I think her arrogance can't be topped, she goes ahead and tops it again.
Saged for indignant outrage over something likely to be old news.
No. 401896
>>401853That shit goes on the spergleberry thread here tps://
What does that shit looking shirt have anything to do with this thread? Google must hate you if that's what it returned since it doesn't have anything to to with Joysus in it. This looks like a blatant self post and poster needs to GTFO and stop dumping her trash in here. Dump it in the proper thread where it belongs.
No. 402140
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>>402121Speaking of marketing and modeling, small collage of some random greatest hits :
No. 402560
>>402321He said he's going to send the adsense to her. With the way channels are being demonitized, across the board, she still ain't gonna get shit.
On another note, she's teaching her rabid stans how to play the victim.
No. 403020
>>402937If dom had kicked her out, that would have just been another thing for her exaggerate about, making up some sob story about gov. conspiracy to keep her down and they lost the apt., just like it's the gov. fault she's sick because they're poisoning the water and food. Or the "big bad bullies on the internet made it so unsafe they had to move, she wont be talking about rm anymore, for his safety." blah blah blah…
And what would Tim conlon's offer have anything to do with dom?
She took her channel down because she got caught and there's too much evidence for her to spin a sappy narrative to the contrary. More fans were getting snapped on by her when asking legit questions. She straight up lied about Peter monn refusing to talk to her and he came out and said he's never refused to talk to anyone and she tried to backtrack and say "oh, he didn't want to talk on the phone."(from cys stream)
Only the degenerate and new ones have stayed. This was to secure her echo chamber of ass kissers and fools who give her money.
No. 403077
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>>403020Agreed. She would absolutely love the opportunity to whine about living out of her and another abusive partner that did her dirty and left her for dead.
Speaking of another person doing her dirty, I wonder how much of her general shit talk is low key shade at dom. Like that time she complained about the other tenants in the building smoking pot and aggravating her breathing problems, that turned out to be him as the culprit. She probably plays mind games with him like that all the time.
No. 403566
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>>403555From what I understand, one of her old friends revealed that in a message on fb she told them she had herpes. They haven't posted proof so it really is just a rumour. It kinda blew up on twitter.
No. 403694
>>403616It would be a cryin shame if someone did. Such an invasion of her privacy!
Best show would be if she'd get on stream with jim.
No. 403881
Uhh, the herpes thing came from Kati's own mouth. Basically she got her IUD because her 'abusive' boyfriend who 'left her for dead, that she desperately wanted to marry and has cryingly told us of the plans she was making to try to keep them financially sound, didn't like wearing condoms.
Phil recently confirmed that she absolutely was having consensual anal sex with, she wondered to Phil how much was normal for a guy to want anal sex and if it meant her 'abusive' boyfriend was gay, so it's not a stretch to think if he was talking her into anal sex regularly that she didn't enjoy he probably talked her into P in the va G sex while not wearing a condom. It's speculated Kati chose the ParaGuard IUD because it's 99% effective at preventing pregnancy up to 5 days later.
As Kati told us: After she got the IUD, for the purpose of having unprotected sex, she saw red bumps all over her crotch around her mashed potatoes that she thought were Herpes. She never got them checked out and after a while they went away, you know. . .just like how Herpes go into remission?; but Kati tells us that because all the red bumps went away that means they aren't Herpes and must ge a side effect of the IUD, and we all know how scholarly Kati's medical opinion is.
Phil was saying, in his response video to Janus Zeal's 'decoration' of war, that Kati heavily suspected her boyfriend was sleeping around but that she herself wasn't being faithful either.
In everything we've ever heard pertaining to Kati's past she would persue sex aggressively, it was one of the few things in life that made her feel worthwhile and happy, and she had an extremely casual carefree attitude towards sex seemingly thinking it was natural to flirt with everyone all the time and had no problem taking it further if she felt like it.
Her entire 'women put their lives on the line every time they have sex', 'I don't care if I ever have sex again', puritanical attitude towards sex and personal grooming related to others finding you attractive is a recent development since her boyfriend 'left her for dead'. Just go look at her YouNow with 'DustyBalls' where she's posing her face, leading him on the whole time, revelling in his drunken drooling over her looks. That's the real Kati.
Ask yourself: Does Kati seem like the type of person who would have Herpes and not know, spreading it around despit seeing an outbreak and never getting tested?
Also, givin what we know of her history how likely do you think this is on a scale of 'zero' to 'I can't believe this stupid bitch'?
No. 403920
>>403850so she was threatened with all the attention she had so desperately been chasing and baiting and that made her freak out and go radio silence? lol nah.
No. 404015
>>403950Thats what she wanted from the beginning. Publicity from the big guys. Also didn't Keem help her get a strike removed? So Kati thinks she and he are BFF's.
The best thing to do is just ignore her and she will go away. She does enough to herself to fuck herself up.
No. 404090
>>404039>"We know why she left. She ran because of the realization that the internet doesn't forget and rarely forgives"Perfectly put and why she and her freak cronies believe poor Kati is just being picked on, harassed and taken out of context. She very rarely apologizes and when she does, its usually for something trivial and/or on a patron stream or random stream or half assed apologies.
There's likely no coming back from some things, like exploitating child abuse, especially when she still uses it as a marketing tool. A normal person would finally get it after 47786367224 video comments, telling her it's shitty.
Not to mention all the lies. Like denying mental illness but later claiming it, then again having it, then not. I'll stop there before going back into the rabbit hole.
So yeah, she's done herself in. Sooner or later those patrons will be tired of paying her to talk about her illnesses, haterz and YT toxicity, and realize their money would be better spent on legitimate charities or even flushed down the toilet. To use one of her own (and gross) quotes, Kati is the turd in the punch bole.
No. 404447
>>404439btw pls sage.
Anon was saying let's not bother with small stupid details anymore, eg 'she activated her twitter again'
the cow is dead, long live the cow.
No. 404468
>>404451I think it's quite telling how none of her supporters have gone running to bray praise/love at her since she reactivated the Twitter account. Not even so much as a 'OMG - you're back!' Goes to show how much they care.
Try queefing into the wind, Joy! I'm sure once they get a whiff of the stench emanating from your unwashed nethers, they'll come a running!
No. 404508
>>404418You sound an awful lot like one of her supporters.
Unfortunately, you don't get to call the shots. If you don't support talk of her, it's easier for you to simply not come here.
There hasn't been joy milk lately, but it's way too early on to say it's over, especially when she is dipping in and out of Twitter. I agree she is done, but that won't stop her from doing damage, especially while she continues to have patrons. She won't be getting the mental help she needs while she continues to get paid.
No. 404510
>>404464Not yet.
She's using twitter to test the waters. There's content brewing in her head and I can almost feel the vitamin D provide my body with the nutrition it needs.
Her hand is reaching out and almost touching the record button. It's coming
No. 404742
>>404679She says that she talks on autopilot and didn't realize that when that happened she would try to manipulate people (she didn't use the word but "make up people's minds for them")
How does her audience not realize she knows exactly what to say and per usual is giving them exactly what they want to hear? We all know she’s only saying that to seemingly “admit” some fault, whilst never really assuming responsibility (cuz again autopilot so she wasn’t even thinking so how could she possibly be held responsible?) Joy is guisingly intelligent (according to Joy, the oracle of all things, it’s academic intelllect from the alpha to the omega) and she is manipulative AF. Now that she’s “assumed responsibility” for “making up their minds” she’s displaying “insight” (she’s displaying an immense amount growth for one week kek,) while simultaneously showing how generous and what a martyr she is by giving the “haters” some credit, like she had some eureka moment, while still being able to claim “they’re WAY too harsh” (cuz how dare the net demand proof of X when you’ve claimed X and are seeking $ for X.) Notwithstanding she refuses to discuss anything so you either accept what she’s saying, and if you do you believe she had an epiphany and presumably will be more conscious not to “make up their minds” in the future, and if you don’t you need to gtfo of the echo-chamber cuz “her block game is strong.” She couldn’t have manipulated that situation better if she tried. JFC she never ceases to amaze me… then again my brain doesn’t think like that.
No. 404778
Does anyone know if there’s any truth to the rumor that Kati is an addict? Idk and don’t want to speculate especially about something like that but I was wondering if there was a med or psychfag who may be able to give some insight.
So many people, specifically former addicts, (if anyone knows, they do) have said they’ve seen signs of addiction; people have pointed out she’s perkier when she has X and is in withdrawal and bitchy when she’s out, a few have said they’d noticed her eyes pinned (I haven’t but that’s huge if true,) and it still bothers me how she got that much Lyrica (all the “samples”) from a Dr who’d never seen her, nor had she been diagnosed with something. I’m not saying sample packs aren’t given but they’re sample packs for a reason: to give it a go and if it works prescribe and if not nothing’s lost (there’s just something fishy there cuz she had 3/4 of a vitamin bottle white is a shite ton of pills but I can’t put my finger on it.) However obviously virginal Kati would never touch anything but marijuana and that was only one time in Canada where she swore on stream it was legal and that’s the only reason she did it. Then after much debate, even after Canadians told her it was illegal, she finally conceded and then said that she didn’t like the way it made her feel (remember this is the girl who said she didn’t like the way CBD oil made her feel yet CBD doesn’t have any active cannabanoids.) Unfortunately kek I didn’t see her “Am I An Addict” vid cuz I knew it was just going to be a redundant 20 minutes of her saying “no,” notwithstanding it was pure clickbait, however on every stream where drugs have been mentioned, she’s always sworn up and down that pot’s the only thing she’s ever tried and she “didn’t like the way it made her feel.” As she put it, “I like to be in control and I don’t like anything that would make me feel out of control and do something…”. Yes Kati: we know you dig control but many addicts also think they are in control of their situation too but that’s mere fantasy… sort of like the fairy tale story of a life you’ve lived replete with villains and heroes. Oh and I don’t mean to stereotype but with the kind of music her ex husband Taho made/makes it wouldn’t shock me if he’s experimented (if he did X she did too cuz although she may see herself as a leader, she’s just a follower, nothing more.)
No. 404799
>>404743I'm going to have to point out that this apartment complex seems to be a part of section 8. Not only are the apartments obscenely cheap (you get what you pay for,) but the reviews are horrible. simply goes to show that she associates with dregs of society. Oh, and lets not forget that it proves how much Meal Check, or roommate, if you must, is struggling financially. I could imagine he would have a nicer place if not for carrying her dead weight.
No. 404804
"Does anyone know if there’s any truth to the rumor that Kati is an addict? Idk and don’t want to speculate especially about something like that but I was wondering if there was a med or psychfag who may be able to give some insight."
As a former addict I'm 95% sure she is. It looks like opaite from my experience. Which are pain meds like Hydrocodone and Oxycodone. Below is a post I made 9 days ago. I'm not sure if you saw this or not.
I always thought she was addicted to pain meds. She has all of the symptoms of taking them (like she is on speed and feeling like she is on top of the world, insomnia) and the withdraws (not caring, being a slob, nausea, Diarrhea, joint and muscle pains, always feeling cold/her hoodie, anxiety, runny nose, Abdominal cramping, Low energy, Confusion "brain fog"). With addiction is obviously several mental issues.
I was on some high powered stuff for a long time, I know what its like and what to look for. She has said in several streams that she hasn't taken any of that, which I don't believe in the slightest. If she was in as much pain as she states, she would have tried pain meds.
If she is, I really hope she gets help. Its hard as hell to come off of. Her way of living looks like it too.
No. 404813
>>404804A. Congratulations on getting clean! That’s not easy.
B. Clinically I’ve thought all of those symptoms could be related to addiction but I don’t know enough about it and I’ve never wanted to speculate.
C. She says she’s been in a 10/10 pain, which we all know isn’t true, but if she was in 10/10 she’d be begging for IV dilauded. I’m prefacing the subsequent sentence with a saged apology: before I got sick I swore I’d never do anything but pot but when I was sick enough to be hospitalized (not like these asshats who go when they stub their itsy bitsy toe,) and was in that much pain, I didn’t know what they were giving me at the time, and tbh I was in so much pain I didn’t care nor did I even think about “my rule.” All I cared about was getting rid of the pain and I didn’t care how they did it so her saying she has this enormous amount of pain that just cannot be touched by any medication (which she has stated) is absolute BS. How would she know that no medication would touch her pain if she’s never tried opiates? I’m pulling a GW- “that does not make sense.”
D. Sage for self post, an asspat, and rote rage
No. 404919
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I'm bored and thought I'd make this after seeing her moments from the latest YouNow stream. I'm a petty cunt, I know. But the difference is disturbing.
No. 404961
>>404775I'll be crazy right there with you
>>404804you're seeing it because you're looking for it. I simply don't buy she's an addict, esp since everything you list is vague as fuck - most of it is common mental illness stuff, and some of it is (IIRC) bullshit that she just flatout made up, eg brain fogs
No. 405004
>>404908When trying to access a video on her channel, I get this message.
'This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their Youtube account'.
So, yeah - no deletion; just closed.
No. 405347
>>405022There was probably something in her twitter that she needed access to, like a private conversation or an old tweet, and once she got it she deactivated again. She will be back on there and active within a week, looking for asspats and attention for being such a good girl and fucking off for a while.
Did anyone capture the younow stream and mirror it on youtube?
No. 405410
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Kati definitely doesn't read or listen to anything her fans say. This girl said she's taking her mom to chemo early so she has to get some sleep.. Joy responds 'okay have fun girl!' Because, ya know, chemo is such a great time.
No. 405430
>>405404Right on. Her dipshits that fluff her ego encourage her to keep things private because it's "nobody's business." I'd normally agree with that but she isn't a normal situation and she constantly contradicts herself, doing more harm than any "conspiracy theories and rumors" could. Even still, many people would question a situation where someone outright declines profiting off of abuse, repeatedly, then claims abuse videos will be monetized for charitable donations, then backs out of that as well. Then there's all the wild health claims. She's made quite a mess for herself and has no shame when getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
If her fans prefer denial and want to ignore what's right in front of their faces, that's their choice, but what's wrong is wrong and they shouldn't interfere with the truth and holding her accountable.
No. 405445
YN stream blurbs (via her moments) for anyone unable to watch. In short, more of the same BS and delusions she's been giving :
She knows she needs a thick skin to deal with the lies but isn't quite there yet
People will bring things up and say "remember you did this" and the lack of forgiveness is frustrating
She's in a place where she says to herself she forgives people that hurt her and forgives herself, over and over
Her channel being 75% demonetized discouraged her but the biggest reason she deleted it was the harrassement. There's horrible people that want her gone and to hurt her and the people around her, for a channel that can't go anywhere til it's fixed(monetization?) it's not worth the harrassement or roommate's job
There's non-stop lies and people could easily reach out and ask for the evidence
She personally did not take in donations, all of what she took in was ad revenue
Content creators just want to create more drama to drag her
Response to suggestion of creating an analytics chart to post on Twitter and not respond: people will say it's doctored, she has to think in internet, and as damned either way
Response to someone saying that nobody deserves so much hate, even if they ask for it:
She doesn't want to be a whiner and compare herself to others, but others have done far worse and all is forgotten and moved on but not with her, she has theories as to why
Response to YT being dog-eat-dog / drama gets views:
She made the right decision by leaving YT,
She loves it but content creators have made it so toxic.
Mentions smaller YouTuber and her dms being open, they didn't write her because they didn't want to know the truth. They want views, attention and subs
No. 405789
>>405787Your friend is a liar, there is no evidence that anal sex causes bowel incontinence. If prolonged anal sex occurs than a prolapse might happen but because it doesn't affect the actual sphincter there is no chance of bowel incontinence. This goes to show you know very little about the human body or intercourse.
Go away you child
No. 405797
>>405789Looks as though anon might have … struck a nerve?
Hit a little close to home?
No. 405802
>>405797I practice anal sex with my partners. What he said is incorrect. Anal sex is safe if done properly.
Lets change the subject, all the 12 year olds are getting boners.
No. 405811
>>405802>safe if done properlyThey were talking about Joy.
I'd love to change the subject, but unfortunately I'm not going to give the bitch money in order to see what she's up to with her sad little party of patrons, so until she comes out of her nasty little diarrhea closet, we'll have to amuse ourselves.
No. 405834
>>405827I think that was officially killed weeks ago, even though it was a fun little tinfoil to don for a while.
The Blargh is definitely not Kati, but they are friends and they may or may not have some IRL connection (but it's more likely they just hit it off online because they're both addicted to drama). I was personally more fond of the conspiracy theory that The Blargh was roomie. That was a fun one.
It's a bit sad, even her spergs aren't tweeting about her anymore. Did they all abandon ship, or have they sworn an oath of secrecy? Stay tuned for the next manic episode.
No. 405839
>>405834Aw man, I was fond of it being Roomie as well. I think we all give them too much credit; I doubt any of them actually have the capacity to do half of it.
At least the 'fan' twitter is still going strong. How is there even a fan account in existence? Kati isnt Batman. What has she done to even get a fan to make a 'fan account'?
No. 405899
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What she's telling her patrons she earned from her Do5 vids.
No. 406127
>>405802 Uhh, you might want to read up on that. Recent studies indicate a correlation between receiving anal sex regularly and a weakening of the sphincter muscle over time causing issues with fecal incontinence.
As Phil recently stated Kati was engaging in consensual anal sex with Daniel so regularly that she was asking Phil how often was normal for a guy to want anal sex and wondered if how frequently he wanted it meant that Daniel is gay (No, Kati. If you're a guy who's only sexually attracted to other men it means you're gay).
It's gross but very possible that some of the issues she has where she describes needing to eat cheese every single day and avoiding vegetables are due to issues with incontinence stemming from a chronically weakened sphincter muscle. It's possible that some of her issues with 'chronic diarrhea' are simply because her sphincter muscle can't maintain closure during routine bowel functioning.
From how careless and ill informed Kati always is and what little we know of Daniel, and Kati's recent rebranding of it as 'anal rape', it doesn't sound at all like they were paying much attention to her safety during their anal exploits.
No. 406154
>>405949 'Spurpinklebow backup' isn't her channel. It was made by one of her fans after Do5 fans got Spurpinkle Bow taken down with mass flagging. After Spurpinkle Bow went back up this fan had been so distraught at the idea those videos could have been gone they asked Kati if they could make a back up channel for it and mirror all the videos from Kati's Spurpinkle Bow channel.
They didn't keep up on it though and it's just one spurt of uploading whatever they could 3 months ago. Doesn't look like they maintain it. They only responded to 2 of the maybe a dozen comments on the whole channel, 1 to say they aren't Joy and the other asking if someone can tell Kati the channel exists.
No. 406192
>>405899She is such a dumbass. Those patrons are gullible and don't need proof shown to them, they don't acknowledge anything aside from what joy says. She could literally grab one of her takeout receipts and show it on stream and say it's her bank statement with donation deductions and they would believe it, even though it says pizza hut on it.
It's the rest of us that need convincing and she just had an opportunity to show she isn't a rotten slag anymore, by telling the truth.
She has been reminded repeatedly about all her antics so the "I forgot" doesn't work.
My brain fog is brutal, to the point where I've forgotten where I was driving, but I sure as hell don't forget about owing someone money.
There is some good here and I will give her credit for it, she continues to make herself look like a scam artist and greedy piggy
No. 406217
>>406127one study with questionable methodology.
we're talking about someone who claimed to cure a tumor or whatever it was with some herbs usually used as pizza toppings. also, it's joy. she lies about everything all the time.
No. 406275
>>405974Oh, she's apologizes; but it's always an apology that is followed by a 'but…',
Every time she gives this form of apology, within seconds, she's either accusing people of being easily offended/taking her out of context/unable to take a joke (i.e. - her 'haters') or deflecting attention to someone else who she perceives as doing far worse than she has (i.e. - Onision) in order to make it seem like people are exaggerating about her own fuck ups or are unfairly targeting her while turning a blind eye to others.
No. 406334
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I miss her comment sections. Going through old screenshots is so funny.
No. 406478
>>406334I follow two cows, Onion and Joy. However when Joy got so insane I just sort of stopped attempting to keep up (the threads moved so fast) so I didn't check in on it all until like two days ago… And wow. In the month or so that I stopped keeping up with the drama she gained SO MUCH WEIGHT and clearly clung for dear life to that old excuse of "having to eat pizza" bc of her illness. I have Crohns and that bs pissed me off more than ANYTHING because it was just so factually untrue.
Anyways, since I'm not a newfag and since Joy deleted her channel (and I think Twitter?) I feel it's reasonable to request this:
The threads are way too long to sift through, could any anon provide a couple paragraph summary of the most important Joy drama over the past month or so? Like the stuff over roommates job, if they are dating, what Joy thinks/has said about her insane weight gain, why she deleted her channel?
I would REALLY appreciate a short comprehensive summary from someone who has kept up with it all. And inb4 "Lurk moar," if no one feels like it, that's fine but there's no harm in me asking.
No. 406805
>>406740 it's kind of what
>>406275 said. she'll apologise but it's like sorry for caring! or maybe I got something wrong but if I did it's (x)'s fault. I don't see either of those as apologies in any form, really.
when money has previously come up, she hasn't admitted any fault, in her maths or otherwise, she just kept insisting it was all good. now that she is safe from the general public, she admits some measure of fault. Sure, it's excused by the brain fog, but it's more than she ever said when she had to face her critics.
I take it as part of her campaign of martyrdom; now that she doesn't have to face anyone but her echo chamber, she can paint with bolder strokes and further inoculate her spergs against ideas of wrongdoing.
No. 406811
>>406805and nonapologies. sorry but is not an apology. and infamous example is the poo babies joke. first the non apology, then she rewrote the history to say the context was it was a response to the haters (she counts on her fantards not to go back and check. because if they did, they'd learn it most certainly was not the context at all. it stemmed from a conversation with roommate about "brown gingers" not about "haters")
the whole rewriting stuff is exactly what onision does, by the way. and she does the same exact thing of repeating it over and over so it seems true because you'd heard it before.
but i just don't understand why they call her onisheon! :D
No. 407438
>>407434Thanks anon! Am that anon and appreciate it greatly! :D Glad you weren't a dick about it lol
Will be around to read it whenever you get the chance!
No. 408364
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>>406021I was thinking that she might have gotten Dom his job too. I just can't for the life of me understand why he would willingly put up with her. He works and pays majority of the bills while she has permanently parked her ass on his couch. I can bet she hardly showers or brushes her teeth. She just said in a stream that those two sweaters she wears everyday are in fact his. She has turned his living room into a garbage dump and while he has to get up early for work she sits at random hours of the night screaming on livestream which he probably can hear. I don't think they are dating (maybe boning? But I shudder thinking of her getting down with anyone lol) she isn't attractive at all (sorry for sounding shallow but I think her personality also contributes to her ugliness) I doubt she pays much in utilities or anything for that matter, and she just seems like a terrible person in general, so I couldn't understand why he puts up with her. Why hasn't he kicked her out? Or why hasn't he himself ended the lease and moved to a new place? So maybe she really did get him that job and now he feels like he owes her? Not saying it's for certain but it's the only thing that makes sense to me on why he'd put up with her.
No. 408716
>>408364It's her MO to ensure she holds something over someone. It's what she has done with every one of her inner circle. She constantly reminds them about "everything" she has done for them too, to either keep them in line, or to ensure everyone else turns against them if they do cut her off.
There are so many examples of her doing this, Phil with the loan, Benji with his sub count, she would open his social blade while streaming so she could brag about his increase, she would take the credit and made sure he knew it. There are many more, I just haven't followed this for months now, so I can't remember.
Anyway, I can see the goal was achieved, we always knew she would only ever be left with the most loyal spergleberries, the fact everyone else has seen the light is the best that will ever be achieved.
Peace out Anons.
No. 409053
>>409051At this point Joy is fucked all she has is a tiny echo chamber. She is slowly losing Patreons 5 in a week and I expect when that dries up she will return to youtube act all nice for 2 weeks and then the illusion will shatter as she tries to succour more unaware people into Patreon. Her channel is screwed as she has screwed herself in the alg.
The more interesting factor from her stream was she referred to her and Dominque in a relationship it was a slip and she tried to recover from it. I have a funny feeling she wants people to know she is single so she can lure men. She will be quiet in November and December and return in the new year calling it.
No. 409066
>>409053>I have a funny feeling she wants people to know she is single so she can lure men.I have a funny feeling she wants people to
think she is single so she can lure men's wallets.
No. 409069
>>408868This is nothing important and I assume it's been brought up numerous times but I just need to have a wee tiny rant about it.
At the 33 min point you highlighted, she does that super fucking annoying thing of 'hurr durr here come the conspiracy theories' every time she alludes to something that could be construed as dodgy, or something the 'haters' have discussed in depth, or - and this is the worst one - anything completely ridiculous that none of us would ever in a million years run with. Ridiculous things that we have never and would never perpetuate.
It's like a tick she does it so often. Like a compulsion. It makes me rage every time she does it. Which I know is pathetic, but sometimes you just get annoyed over wee things. Seeing up her nose and her eyebrows are also petty things that rile me.
No. 409098
>>409090I know when they initially discussed selling merch, Cy was pushing for that cringy 'weed in the puss' as one of their slogans.
What does that line even mean?!
No. 409162
>>409159The full stream appears to be on that Richard guy's channel.
I'm going in. Wish me luck.
No. 409173
>>409098>>409147I don't know how she manages it, but Cy is kind of aggressively unfunny? like that 'amish witch' sketch thing, she was almost peeing her pants with excitement and amusement during that and it just … what? same with all her 'catchphrases'. if she wasn't stuck so far up Joy's ass, I'd feel genuinely sorry for her.
And Link Mountaineer would totally buy one of these t-shirts, if he can get an advance on his allowance.
No. 409234
>>409173"aggressively unfunny"
This has me rolling, it's the perfect descriptor.
No. 409334
>>409173it's going to be interesting when her spergleberries realize that she's just looking for ways to suck money out of them.
>>409098This is a reference to how Kati ran to the bathroom and returned so fast… apparently it only takes so much time to shove weed up her puss… seriously… people were questioning if she even managed to wash her hands because of how fast she ran to the bathroom and back and, at one point, she said something to the effect that she "pisses like a man, it don't take long to squirt it out" and I just wanted to puke hearing it. She is the most disgusting human I've ever seen and there's a reason people keep posting blue waffle at her.
No. 409342
>>409334I don't see that happening, actually. If they've come this far and still managed to stick with her, I think she could do just about anything and still expect their support. Apart from the mountain of shit before it, the whole blackmailing Rose thing should've ended the sperg circle but didn't.
(diff anon but thank you for the explanation of that by the way, I remembered the piss like a man bit but not the rest of it)
No. 409416
>>409342 From all the comments I've been seeing around different YouTube videos all of her spergcircle instantly turned on Rose from the moment Kati put out the blackmail videos.
The consensus seems to be, 'How dare she make a statement about her desires regarding her childrens privacy and then not answer Kati for 24 hours, then post a correction that didn't satisfy our Queen Bee and take another 24 hours to film and post the correct apology?!? Doesn't she know what our Dear Leader has been through?!?'
It's honestly insane watching her sperglefucks talk more shit and verbally denigrate Rose on more levels than Do5 fans ever did.
They have talked more shit than any, saying everything about Rose is shady, she's drunk all the time, unfit mother, money hungry, and on and on and on, literally all the things they used to bend over backwards and shoved their heads up their ass to defend they are now saying and taking much further. It's definitely not a cult though. Joy's own personal Ministry of Truth.
No. 409475
File: 1508992000310.png (1.25 MB, 1242x2208, 7B3DC177-BFD1-455E-99D6-01FE6B…)

She’s back on Twitter
No. 409476
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No. 409491
File: 1508995424748.png (62.67 KB, 601x476, G06eU5K.png)

Does anyone have any idea of what Kati has NOT released at this point? Like did Chambers admit to farting upwind of Rose or something? Her whole dump back at the beginning of Sept was a massive nothing burger, can't imagine what she is still threatening with.
No. 409506
File: 1508998462776.jpeg (193.88 KB, 1941x1105, CF56B513-8C89-4C1A-9DE3-0112F3…)

Weird tweet from Sinatra Says to Chambers
No. 409517
File: 1509000662823.jpg (356.08 KB, 1057x1068, SmartSelectImage_2017-10-26-02…)

What's she on about…
No. 410177
>>409475 And, as Nehgative Talk Radio said on his spoof news channel…
1) Why did Rose have to tell her the information; why didn't Joy just ASK HER FOR IT?
2) If Kati wants to donate that money to Rose; she could donate it to Rose's GFM page. Easy as fuck! Neg's even donating something himself to make sure the GFM page worked (it does); so, there's nothing stopping Kati from paying back what she owes.
>>409491No, asking someone to tell the truth isn't blackmail - but, threatening to release private information that could jeopardize a custody case if the person in question doesn't come clean (or, more accurately, tell your version of the truth) is.
How Kati doesn't know this basic fact is alarming.
No. 410288
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Something tells me that when she brings her "deleted" channel back, she'll say YouTube somehow restored it – "but I really did delete it!"
No. 410407
File: 1509130412176.gif (1.54 MB, 400x294, giphy.gif)

>>410288>youtube is working w me to restore them nowWhat a fucking liar. I love how she worded this!
No. 410517
File: 1509144916117.png (82.08 KB, 750x423, IMG_2635.PNG)

Joy just followed this twitter and this was one of her tweets.
No. 410773
>>410771 Mama live stream with Rose's father.
>the origibal criminal abuse investigation is still open. >father seems to be insinuating that the abuse is much worse than previously thought. >Rose cleared to take kids home months ago, but still only has partial custody, even after foster mom asked that the kids go home with Rose.>State child services has kids on a mental health track or protocol and won't release them yet. >Commenter in chat says it took 4 years to get his/her child out of state care for same reason so maybe has legitimacy. >Rose has lost at least 1 job due to taking time off for child services meetings, causing a set back in the timeline. >New criminal charges are pending and a new gag order is in place. >Previous order of protection was dropped against daddy of five. >Daddy of five and mommy of five have relocated to west virginia.Everything else is rehashing old info
No. 410786
>>410773New criminal charges are not pending… the statement was that new charges COULD BE made and that statement was by Based Mama who is not an investigator.
There was a lot of hyperbole in that stream. The father of the BioMom made the statement that MD CPS told them at one point if the children were not bleeding or dead they would not open a case. There is no way any CPS employee ever made that statement to the BioMom or her father. So, take the rest of what was said with a huge block of salt.
No. 410798
>>410786Never make that statement??
From the beginning of this, people who tried to report the abuse to authorities in Maryland said in live streams that cps workers they spoke to were rude, uncooperative and downright nasty, going all the way back to the first stream Rose was on.
I'm from MD. You live in a pixie fairy tale land of you think a MD social worker won't be an asshole to someone.
No. 410816
>>410798Not about child abuse, but I had the same thing when I called the police about an active domestic violence situation where the guy was lobbing broken glass at my friend and punching her in the face.
"We're pretty busy, is anyone bleeding? We'll get to it …."
Took them over an hour to go help her.
Sage for blogging, but it's true that sometimes the system does it in their own damn time and won't bother unless someone's gonna die right then and there. I find it totally believable that it's
possible they got that kind of response, even with previous history of reporting the problem or an open investigation against the abusers still pending.
No. 411554
>>410786Actually just had C&Y at my house a month ago, second time they've come out from false claims because I pissed the wrong people off (as they say) every thing was fine and dandy of course. They even told me they got the accusations over two months prior to showing up but since it didn't say the kids were dieting or seriously injured they weren't very concerned. Along with already checking up on me a few months prior as well. Eh I'm one of those people that feels like the only reason to be afraid of child services is if you're doing something wrong though so could be why.
But I also have experience with my sister getting removed by them when we were younger, she was taken because she was violent and a danger to me and my siblings though. It took 3-4 years to get her back even though my parents and house were more then fine. it takes a good while to get a kid out of the system even when your house is in perfect shape and you have been cleared so I more than believe roses dad. Sorry for a blog post
tLDR: child service people really will admit they don't really care unless it's a serious matter and it's not as easy as you're led to believe in movies and tv to get your kid back.
No. 411873
>>411556I have.
CPS had been called in a couple of times when I was a kid (my mother was an abusive bitch - her main target being my older brother). And they were incompetent assholes.
My siblings and I would tell them what took place in our household; but, when they'd interview my brother, he'd deny everything - largely due to the fact he was scared shitless of our mother, who was always in the room when the interview took place. But, because my brother said his siblings were lying and our mother never laid a finger on him, they believed him. So, the cycle of abuse continued until my older sister finally managed to convince him to get out of the situation.
TL;DR? CPS investigated, and did shit all to help.
No. 411898
>>411882That would be great if possible. I have tons of screenshots too if anything is able to happen, including her saying that she was unable to donate the money because GoFundMe would not take her card, on more than one occasion, as well as roommates.
I feel like even her constantly bringing up helping people so many times, and things like repeating how many subs she got Benji, going over his social blade, going crazy raising money for Alex after getting fired for being a lazy ass on his phone all day at Burger King, repeatedly mentioning her onision debate money raised was going to be donated, etc, those things are her drilling into people's heads that she is so selfless and charitable. (Same even for her medical records, to the point where her loyals argue she has always released all records, because she has drilled into their heads that she has.) But the reality is that is her painting the picture of her being an angel because she is a dirty scammer and if people see her in a better light, they won't question any shady business.
Even way back, she would say that she will not profit from abuse, when covering onion, and that has changed. If you really think about it, it's pretty messed up. She should have been putting a disclaimer on his videos that she no longer feels that way and would continue to profit from his abuse.
No. 411949
>>411882do you really think the cops are going to care?
some fucking nobody raised (relative) peanuts for a supposedly charitable cause.
Even if she had done it in the name of a registered charity (eg The Red Cross), you'd still have a hard time getting anyone to care, again partly because she's a nobody in channel size. There's also the bit where she didn't solicit direct donations as talk about donating adsense monies. If she'd set up a gofundme and then kept all the money, then … still nothing would happen. She could just claim that she did give the money in some way, and then how do you prove she didn't? You can't.
So if you want to join bar complaint anon and the autistic legion of justice, go ahead. you're just going to make yourself rage when nothing happens.
>>411898>She should have been putting a disclaimer on his videos that she no longer feels that way and would continue to profit from his abuse.this is a joke, right? "Hi guys, just letting you know that I will be profiting from child abuse so please turn off those adblockers!" fucking hell.
I know these threads have never understood that we're here to watch and laugh, not wave pitchforks and Save The Children, but come on.
No. 412211
>>412202>>411949I'm sorry for you that you only feel like a badass when you police lolcow. When you feel your rage has finally plummeted enough and you feel safe, feel free to put down your pitchfork.
Forreal, calm down, there's no reason to remain agitated over anons that dipped out threads ago. If you don't agree with our comments about joy then go away instead of derailing shit talk.
You must be one lonely cow IRL or are you joy herself?
No. 412239
>>412211>>412212This is the autism I meant. You guys are over here talking about calling the police because of a nobody youtuber who doesn't even post right now. I saw new posts here only to find it's just y'all reaching for the stars for something to talk about. Honestly, pathetic.
And no, I don't believe she's gone for good, but she's gone for now, so why are you still harping about an inactive account? And this thread reeks of samefag. (Probably the same one from the other thread who was trying to have people's kids removed over stupid comments made on live stream.)
I've been here since thread 1, not everyone who disagrees with you is Joy. (Just like everyone who disagrees with her isn't Onision, morons)
You sound like the You Dun Goof'd guy and it's painfully pathetic. And the fact that you answered so quickly… get a life already.
Cheers. Will return when /actual milk/ does too.
No. 412374
>>412239Good, go already, no need for the dramatic exit announcement. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that your cognitive impairment restricts your ability to actually think about things rather than follow your quick assumptions. And we know you're not actually leaving and will read this asap.
Joy isn't gone, she is still active online and on several platforms, she just isn't publicly rapid firing all over the place all day. This quiet time of hers is part of the victim planning for what is next.
No. 412498
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This woman is 33.
No. 412799
File: 1509517275803.png (969.74 KB, 2048x1536, E6019ADE-2C1A-43F2-8768-744C29…)

She’s losing it
No. 412812
File: 1509518814821.jpeg (314.74 KB, 1901x1394, 66587799-4101-4C6E-9AB5-00A2CD…)

I’m … concerned.
No. 412815
File: 1509519240364.png (436.63 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20171101-025149.png)

Um, what?
No. 412821
File: 1509519834474.png (207.04 KB, 366x363, Ukgrrz9.png)

She's rocking that mental patient look!
No. 412831
To save you having to go to those YouNow moments… transcript of what ever it was that she was reading. If you think reading it is painful… watching it is 10x worse… Imagine THE WORST ACTING you have ever seen and then stick a fork in your eye while hearing it.
—[begin transcript]—
I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to streak butt naked this morning. Hipnotize all of you and toss you alls into this orgasmic seizure some where in oblivion. I apologize, I can't help myself. Just watching my reflection butt naked. That's why all the girls just strictly say that I raped them some how. Even though they're straight. I turn them on! But, anyways, I saw some little guy get into trouble for it. I didn't mean to do it. It's just that you're so, so, weak! Just looking at my vampire image. Oh, and butt naked. But, you sure did lose control. Your orgasmic seizure was just so, so hilarious. You just kept on shagging and shagging into yourself so uncontrollably, what!? You actually, you passed out! I made you pass out! You need sex therapy because your sex addiction is getting in the way of your life and it's going to ruin all of your relationships like that. Or your could just simply get a heart attack and that's dangerous! That's what ruined my one and only last marriage. His aggressions with sex addiction. The tenth year all together, it killed it! He killed it all with his womanizing. I just didn't want him any more and continue to live in a lie for final years of our marriage. I'll never ever get married again! I'm happily and permanently divorced from Mr. Cruise.
<long silence while watchers continue to post stuff like "do you think this is a good idea? people are going to make clips from this." "Joy, what the hell! Please stop!">
When a man suffers from premature ejaculations it makes me want to [inaudible] T.P. prolong and keep him from cuming too soon, because I'm an older bi-sexual woman do you ladies read me? Men kill it all like that. They're too weak and want to cum fast.
A man like you can't handle me in bed like that. I want resistance. Look, you're already cuming, squirting, on yourself… for me? You have to hang on for 9 minutes. I'm like a cat. Tough.
I have pnemonia and I have my period, please save me.
Jesus Christ! Mary Queen, I saw your man's sex video with Yvette, well, I'm pretty much sure that it's wolverine guys getting it on with that Gorillo girl. I hope you guys are and have been divorced. Well. None of my business, but you've been accusing me with all your infidelity assumptions against me.
[NOTE: here she starts some sort of super over acting w/heavy emphasis on syllables and pauses between. some words are not 'words' but spellings of what it sounded like she said. Imagine this next part like those PAINFULLY over the top shakespear actors] Why? All these last 20 years you've been accuse-ing me. Angelica, togabacruise, even though the excelaunce, and the etcski revive-ing my ex-married cruise last name even though I too have been divorced from cruise since 2005. They keep corrupting and braging the laws with my old married last name. Well! Togatu! Which is my birth and maiden last name. Since birth! And, no, I'm not a ma'am because you're my giver and I'm your taker. I'm a very, very lady a-sexual, my sexual, she-bopping man cunt.
See buzz. No. Sorry, I can't date the local horny faced Rick Pimpano look alike with the salt and pepper hair and the freaky mustache that's litterally cumming on himself without even masterbating himself in front of me! He looks too gay for me. Not my type of man.
I don't want to run into Marry Queen's faces any more. Have some compassion. Fuck that. Assets. Fuck the money. I don't care anymore. We all lose in all these cases and I know it's hilarious for Mary Queen. Someday, my self wahahvie(sounded like) spirit will laugh at you and the Mary Kay's the same way, but eternally.
—[end transcript]—
No. 412835
File: 1509523257517.png (223.99 KB, 547x340, VcyqiLq.png)

Reaction consensus says… "Attention Whoring!"
No. 412837
File: 1509523430354.png (Spoiler Image,26.66 KB, 546x336, IMG_2632.PNG)

Happy Halloween anons!
No. 412899
>>412831 'I have pneumonia and I have my period ughh please save me!!!!' was said in the chat just before Kati said it. She read that from chat as if it was part of these scripts she was reading from. She looked like a hungry predator as she was reading chat looking at the reaction. Like a desperatee starving attention-whore.
Someone in the chat brought up a good point. It's 1:30 am there when she is doing this. Her boyfriend is sleeping with work in the fucking morning. Not to mention getting her eldery dog riled up in the middle of the night.
I wonder how much crazier she'll get if we all ignore her some more kek
No. 413681
File: 1509651225878.png (39.75 KB, 529x299, G3l2FJU.png)

is a spergleberry about to be set free?
No. 413727
File: 1509656458063.png (61.1 KB, 562x561, y354uQz.png)

this poster has been asking for an apology stream on behalf of someone for a couple days now….
No. 413728
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No. 413774
File: 1509660992410.png (48.25 KB, 625x329, Screenshot.png)

Pretty sure it's about Shrubtime.
No. 413799
>>413794Speaking of, (old milk) it's funny that the poo baby thing is now another story she spins. She pretends that she gave an actual heartfelt apology that took responsibility, acknowledging that "sorry you're offended" isn't a real one. It was during her comeback but before she deleted, I just found it so funny how she can pretend something has happened when it never did and the morons are like "yeah I remember that!" When its not possible. When they search their brain for the memory, how do they actually have one to find? Is it just an illusion? Are they piecing together other vids in their heads and only stringing together the words that sound like a genuine apology?
Other than "brainwashing" what would i even google to read more into this delusion? How do you convince people that they've seen something that never happened? Like, in the mind of a sperg… how do you fall for this? Genuinally interested, for science.
No. 413813
File: 1509665567516.png (76.54 KB, 750x609, IMG_2812.PNG)

She's live!
No. 413822
File: 1509666859827.png (60.44 KB, 750x476, IMG_2822.PNG)

My phone froze and this is what it froze on. Kek.
No. 413893
Talk about publicly shaming someone and embarrassing the hell out of him. He obviously isn't stable, and he has learned everything from her. I hope she doesn't push him over the edge with this dog-pile and he hurts himself. What he did was wrong, without a doubt, but damn its not as bad as they are making it out. She is throwing him under the bus so that she doesn't look as bad in other people's eyes anymore. She has partially blame him for her shutting her channel down. She is blaming him for people not talking to her anymore, which is the biggest fucking joke. She is blaming him for her haters hating her and making her look as bad in the haters eyes. Katie, as much as you are calling him a master manipulator, he don't have shit on you, you are so so so much worse and you do take money and you took superchats. As much as you try to point fingers at him to make yourself look better, everyone (except your cult) see exactly who you are and what you are doing. You taught Alex very well. It really shows how good of a friend you are, considering you never even watched any of his younow streams, that alone says a lot about you, and how everything is all about you!
No. 413905
>>413828To the surprise of nobody at all who has been paying any kind of attention over the last several months.
Glad you're back being dramatic, Kati! Soon her channel will be back too, and then the milk shall flow freely from her saggy teats once more. Amen.
No. 413906
>>413902Could someone please recap a gist of what this is all about? I can't seem to piece together an actual story or
trigger to what started this whole mess, everyone was BFFs 4 days ago. Now you're saying something about his mom calling the cops… I don't have a younow account I refuse to watch this hag stream live I'll only watch if I can fast forward through most of bullshit. Brief recap would be most helpful.
No. 413909
File: 1509676999105.jpg (60.24 KB, 817x158, please explain.jpg)

This was posted several hours ago and nobody acknowledged it. Of course they deleted the post. It's probably bullshit, but in case "family member" is still around, please explain.
(apologies if a mod deleted it, but I'm curious)
No. 413911
>>413906I'm the one who SPECULATED about the mom calling the cops for fraud. I did that because the whole stream seemed weird.
(a) She pushed that they thought he was over 25 as old as 28… has anyone thought he was anything more than 19yo? I could swear that he's also told his age as just out of high school, less than a year of college.
(b) Suddenly "roommate" has a name and they're together and she calls roommate by name multiple times in stream to re-enforce their togetherness.
(c) Alex has been giving Kati money all along and shilled hard for her in that stream. If he's mentally disabled (think about some of the statements he's made like a 12yo dog can learn to be a rescue dog on the fly, etc)… then there could be a case for fraud or abuse, especially if their private conversations were a lot of Kati inducing him to do her bidding.
Kati brought up conversations with the mother… Um… who the fuck calls the mother of a 25yo? I'm willing to bet that the mother called Kati to find out why her son was giving so much money to her on YouNow and to bitch her out for being a 33yo preying on a 19yo.
No. 413917
>>413911Yes, my bad, I understood it was speculation. I just jumped to, "if anon is saying this, this must be shit house crazy what am I missing?"
It is shithouse crazy. Because I could have sworn on one of her earliest streams he was a part of all the guests went around and said how old they were in response to something else, and everyone went nuts over him being "just a baaaaaaaaaybeeeeeee". And I remember thinking, "of course he is. He has a towel on his head." Anyone else out there remember this?
Anyway, none of it makes any fucking sense whatsoever and she's completely insane. Anything to get back in front of the camera and victimize herself. Weird on the roommate unmasking. Wonder if she forced him into it because she was "so so scared of Alex he is crazy in love with me stalkkkkkker I have to scare him off you have to protect me Dommmmm!"
No. 413933
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More weirdness… just a general tweet at no one and in response to no one?
No. 413946
File: 1509681375234.png (89.57 KB, 750x851, IMG_2852.PNG)

Just 9 days ago she guested Alex on her stream and they were laughing and doing that stupid heart thing she does all the time. He also manically was rounding up likes and bars for her like she did him in his stream. Didn't she say in her stream they've known about his deceptive ways for a while?!
No. 413980
File: 1509685938580.jpg (22.78 KB, 292x400, j.jpg)

>>413964>I admit I don’t know how much to believe.I believe them about Alex being a piece of shit. It doesn't make Kati any less shitty, though.
I really hope someone recorded the stream.
Pic because her hands kinda scare me.
No. 414007
>>413902Oh no! Say it ain't so! Joy habitually targeting multiple people with lower than average ability to know when they've been conned?
The blessed virgin Joysus would never make a habit of exploiting the vulnerable, and then turn around and dump them and publicly drag them…
I honestly hate her just for that.
No. 414018
You can catch a good 20 minutes of the stream on one of her YouNow moments (#24, I think- not sure how YouNow works off mobile). From what I understand Alex "lied about everything." You know, on the internet, where people are known to lie about stupid things like age and whatnot to impress others. Kati wouldn't know anything about that, right?
She claims that Alex made it seem like he was best friends with her and Cy. They were "close," but "didn't talk all the time." So all of their inside jokes that made little to no sense to anyone outside of their friend circle didn't mean they were "besties." But I guess what everyone's legitimately pissed off about is him allegedly going to "friends" of Kati's and telling them that she felt they were annoying. He wanted to drive everyone away from Joy- even Cy- so he could have her all to himself. He was crazy obsessed and in love with her. Didn't you see him commenting on the "Joy x Alex" fanart and calling her "bae?" Totally serious. No room for jokes. Kati is a goddess and any expression of admiration CLEARLY indicates that that person is a crazy obsessive erotomaniac that wants to have her "poo-babies." Oh, and they basically just want him to "go away;" in other words, abandon social media entirely.
There's probably additional bullshit that I'm missing but watching this stream seriously pissed me off. Not just because Kati and her groupies are dog-piling on this kid (who probably/obviously isn't the best at socializing), but she's also putting the fear of Joysus into her gullible fan base that any personal information they may have shared with him could be leaked for everyone and their dog to see. Seriously, what the fuck even is this?
Lastly- I'm sure Alex isn't totally innocent, but unless some legitimate proof is released (kek), I doubt he deserves to be ripped apart like this in front of all her spergleberries.
No. 414028
File: 1509691502507.png (121.37 KB, 750x839, IMG_2872.PNG)

Found this in her liked tweets.
No. 414422
>>414293Family member anon, please stop playing hard to get and post milk. And why do you delete your posts? It's not going to stop her seeing them. It's worth it to bring milk, since she probably already knows you're here anyway.
My condolences about being related to a lolcow (especially Kati, she's one of the worst).
No. 414434
>>414422Agreed. Family member anon, if Kati says something will happen to you if you divulge the truth - she's full of shit. The person who really deserves to share their side of things is Kati's mom. Kati has painted a horrible picture of her as an awful abuser and ignorant hick.
>>414397Alex's YouNow stream was a cringey fucking nightmare. The kid is still as delusional as ever.
No. 414440
File: 1509742347700.jpg (416.7 KB, 1065x1216, SmartSelectImage_2017-11-03-16…)

Repost w date included, my bad.
No. 414441
>>414440No. There was never a falling out. Those two heffalumps are as tight as ever. Zones still pays Joy $100 monthly.
That screenshot isn't of Angel Zones. That account just mocks her and Joy. Doubt they will call anyone.
No. 414444
>>414434To be fair, she does seem like the type to put a horse head in someone's bed if she's pushed too far. I definitely wouldn't call her harmless, but on the other hand, if I was related to her, she'd have been on the receiving end of a restraining order years ago.
But there's so much I'm curious about that we've only ever been able to speculate on, like her potential childhood mental illness, previous cons and how she has treated family over the years.
I think most anons here have been very sympathetic towards her family and (unlike her friends) don't blame them for creating her or putting up with her shit. Family member anon, if you really are related to her and have a lot on your chest, here's as good a place as any to vent. It might actually do some good here, where there's already such a collection of her misdeeds that anyone in future who googles her name will be warned to stay far, far away.
>>414441Ok, that's why I was confused. I don't know all their screen names and dumb parody accounts. If you're at the point of creating parody accounts to mock a cow, you're in too deep.
No. 414458
>>414447I empathize. But nobody takes her word for even as much as a grain of salt anyway. The few that still give her money are abused dogs, they don't know anything but to give the master affection because she's conditioned them to do so. Her name is long mud, is what I'm saying.
You don't have to tell us anything if you don't want to, but it does make me wonder why you bothered to post in the first place. Seems like you
do have something you're desperate to say.
>>414453I feel so bad for her mom, I just wanna hug her. Kati has to be some real animal to betray a parent like that (unless she was abused, which lbr, nobody ever believed for one second).
That's why I think her family should really come together to drag the bitch. It's really unforgivable to treat your mother like that.
No. 414754
File: 1509763540297.jpg (20.77 KB, 600x136, Capture.JPG)

IS this true?
No. 414806
>>414754Anon….their handle is
How would they even know that she'd done that
No. 414811
>>414803Obviously there's no other way to refer to a specific anon without making up a name for them. They are the anon currently claiming to be a family member so I don't see why it's unreasonable to refer to them as such.
Of course nobody believes them without milk, which is why several anons have asked them to provide milk if they're going to post.
What's your issue anyway? This thread could use something to talk about, even if it is some bullshit we can immediately tear apart. It's better than endlessly speculating on whether Alex is a liar or not (who fucking cares). Let them post milk if they have it.
No. 414862
>>413933and this is the only thing Kati seems to give an actual shit about in the whole situation. The thought that people may have donated money to Alex instead of throwing it at her lies.
What really seems to infuriate her is that he's a better liar, manipulator, and more self-serving than she is; and that she can't move against him because he actually knows dirt about everyone in her little cult.
No. 414894

So 3 hours of public dragging wasn't enough, Joy & Turds were on his YN just…. ugh. It's sickening watching how they're going in on him while Queen of the Lies plays victim as usual just with even more typos. And he's over here just… going along with it all?
Is this shit a prank cause it makes no sense, I'm fucking LOST. If he was basically just trolling and gas-lighting YouTuber's for keks, what's with all this …confessions of his sins shit? The spergs are acting like he serial raped a bunch of refugee children when it's just your typical catfishing. Big woop.
The takeaway: All this emphasis on "betraying their little family" eesh. I posted
>>413799 and it's actually kind of terrifying how this literal cult just openly flaunts their tactics. There are 8 critera to thought reform (According to "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of "Brainwashing"" by Robert Jay Lifton). In this video we see clear as day:
1. Milieu Control. This involves the control of information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large.
-Her inner circle are freaking the fuck out about their "personal info and stories" being put out there. I'm sure we know why. Plus, obviously, them being her private little club in the first place. She also complains that he was talking to haters and "egging them on" somehow. Also planting seeds about how he was "talking for her" so only believe Cy and Erin like..? Nobody thought to ask her, their lord and savoir, about any of this? I just don't buy that, everything is always filtered through her.
3. Demand for Purity. The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here.
- You'll see Joy's shit typing in the chat, plus the video other streams, about how Joy and Fucks didn't know about his evil ways. They're innocent victims; he's a treacherous snake. They're so "hurt" for trusting him. If only they weren't so kind hearted.
4. Confession. Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality; members' "sins," "attitudes," and "faults" are discussed and exploited by the leaders.
-The entire debacle in a nut shell
5. Sacred Science. The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or for all humanity, is likewise above criticism.
- I don't need to explain this
6. Loading the Language. The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating clichés, which serve to alter members' thought processes to conform to the group's way of thinking.
- Making Mount Everest out of this bullshit in general, really. Manipulative and loaded language is her MO. Watch the chat for examples, all the hysterical cry babies will display these over the top word choices. Like he fucking shot up the place or something. Also, this is why those of us with brains literally cannot grasp how someone can be so blind, and why they think we're all just hating; why we see one thing and they see another. Different languages completely at this point, plus all her dumb inside jokes so they feel special and included. They only speak in delusional.
8. Dispensing of existence. The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious and they must be converted to the group's ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also.
-They're trying to smear him enough to fuck up his name and they've said they just want him to go away. Kati's trying to "warn" us all of how dangerous Alex is… bc he was lying about his age. We know this is part of preemptive damage control just in case he gets mouthy. Also a great way to make an example out of someone. This wasn't for her audience, it was something that could have been handled in private w the spergs but Kati loves herself a hanging!
I know none of this is news to oldfags and has been speculated since "Joysus" became a thing but ffs its infuriating to watch him sit there and play their games. It's not like anything he could ever say will be good enough for them anyway. She needed a token black to cover for poo babies and now she needs a head to roll in public so the others will see what happens if they fuck up too. He was always just a prop.
Once again we see Kunti use up some weakling until she doesn't need them anymore and just tosses them under the bus. This is like the 5th person ffs. Cy better watch herself it really is only a matter of time.
P.s. All this shit about him needing to pay people back and how Joy never pimped him out, it was all him… um? Did she not transform into an auctioner one day doing.. exactly that?
Sage for rant/old news/length/.. autism. It's just so blatant. (And for the missing steps, we've seen them before too. Just not as relevant rn.) Still a good case study though.
No. 414896
>>414862Who caught the part in her YouNow stream where she, CY and others threatened legal action if Alex thought to share any information he had on them?
Always got to love it when she and her crew can talk smack about a former ally as much as they damned well please; but God forbid said former ally say anything about them in response.
No. 414900
>>411577>So i just watched The Orville S01E07: Majority RulesHow prescient, now Alex is on his Apology Tour (see
>>414894) to staunch the flow of downvotes…
No. 414931
This whole Alex thing is bigger than we can imagine and Joy's hands are dirty, not that it's any kind of surprise. Shady Kati never changes, always the lying, manipulative scammer. Why isn't she standing by one of her favorite facts, that the brain isn't done forming til age 25, so what the fuck is going on here ? She certainly could have handled it all better, whatever really happened. She intentionally uses these younger lads for pawns and props for sure. Such a sicko.
Tbh, the whole raising money when "he lost his job because of being my friend" had too many holes in it from the start. I'm speculating that she was in on it. She knows that there's sympathetic people that would donate without even providing them with information on why they are begging.
The age gap between her and roommate is interesting if true. I have no problem with the gap and have dated much older men but I'm not a pro scammer that looks for younger people to manipulate, it can be dangerous for anyone to be with her but a younger person can really have their whole life destroyed. It would be quite the hypocritical situation, given her disapproval of her true romance onion and his younger wife in addition to all his young supporters or IRL friends that are under 25. I feel like this is one of a few things she wanted to let out of the bag before getting back onto YT, so she can automatically insist it's old news that she already talked about and not have to get into it or apologise for intentionally misleading everyone.
No. 414998
Cy beginning to tell the story of what happened with alex is ridiculous. Joy is a mess so I can agree with her that because she rambles, cy would tell it better but it's mainly between joy and Alex so no need for a 3rd party to tell Joy's side. She could have written it out in advance and read it on stream. The way joy rationalizes is so juvenile, like, if she tells cy lies and cy reads them aloud then cy is the liar, not her. And cy literally being her pawn is incredibly embarrassing and pathetic. Imagine being known as the "manager" of a deranged, racist, pro e-begger, child abuse enthusiast, indigo demon. I hope she ads it to her resume to claim her managerial PR experience and when they Google joy they can kindly place her application into the trash.
Then there's creepy mikenactor who ups the dramatics by stating:
"I'm numb to it"
"I'm still processing it"
"I'm mourning losing a friend"
as if they are in the midst of an incredible tragedy.
What do these people expect to happen, they're mostly selfish, shit people and selfish, shit people suck the life out of everyone else. The more time they spend up Joy's ass, the shittier they become, obviously, yet they are still so fragile that inner circle lies result in epic devastation.
I tried to understand why/how they are so shocked by Alex then I realized that they're not shocked, it's an act. From the first stream with him it's been as plain as day that he is full of it. But joy kept him around because he was her token black friend, she loved hearing "joy, please sing to us, please sing to us joy," and other fluffing, as well as adding him to her personal army where he could defend her as she manipulated him. If by the scant chance in hell she/they didn't see how fake he was, joy clearly still comes here so she would have known, but, lying is her favorite hobby, trumping stealing souls and singing.
She says they've been onto him as the lies have been unraveling, then why did she have him on her stream the other day, literally begging for money. All that drama happened and she knew he was lying to her and everyone else to the point where she assisted him in scamming money, and attempting to interfere with her personal relationship with Dominic, but she had no prob with bringing him on to beg for her.
Like always, she does more damage to herself than anyone else could.
No. 415246
>>415132I've been trying to explain the math on that to people. They always forget about her paying zero rent ever. If you have zero bills you could have $40K in the bank working part-time in 4 years, especially if you hide it by not keeping it in a bank. If you know you can put up an act that gets loved ones to pity your financial woes by footing the entire bill outright after the fact then it's even easier.
Makes a disgusting kind of sense now why she is always referring to her grandmother as 'the only family who cares about her at all', she's the only one who will pay for Crazy Kati's credit card debt. The only time Kati ever gives a shit about someone is if they give her money.
Remember the video where she was crying about how her ex wasn't making enough money to pay for everything for both of them? You know the one she wanted to marry and spend her life with who 'left her for dead'? The one who wished her 'Happy Birthday' this year and then she decided to call all the consensual anal sex they had 'rape' and then make rape jokes non-stop for 1½ months? Imagine what she'll do to Doormatnique if they break-up.
No. 415262
>>415223 Actually Phil didn't go into a lot of specifics about anything. It was more just a general 'this is what she does'/'this is the pattern' kind of thing to warn people. Sometimes he would specifically call her out on individual lies but at that point he really just wanted nothing to do with her. He offered to answer questions for awhile, but with someone who lies about everything like Kati it's hard to know what to ask and oftentimes Phil didn't actually know the answer.
Whatever you or anyone wants to share is welcome, but will be take it with a grain of salt. Don't worry about going over old things, just say what you want instead of trying to hunt down whether you are telling us about something we had confirmed info on or just had speculations. Anything you choose to tell us is certainly milky.
No. 415320
>>415285It's not all of it; but here is about 44 minutes of Alex admitting to most of the things Joy and Cy accused him of.
I honestly wonder if he's admitting to all of this in the hopes of getting back into Joy's good graces (he tends to get particularly animated when defending Joy directly - which is especially cringy).
No. 415348
>>415132I wanted to know if the stories about kati’s stepfather kinda sexually harassing her are true.
Sorry I can’t summarise Kat’s rambling word salad very well but she said her stepfather and her told non stop sexual jokes from when she was twelve. She realised it was wrong and then she and a sibling went to her mother who didn’t believe her, disowned her, called her crazy and spread rumours to the rest of the family.
For clarification watch Negative Talk Radio “JoySparkleBS LIVE - Let’s Chat About Stuff”. It’s a couple minutes long listen from 39:25
No. 415407
1. Kati has never been abused. In fact if anyone was abused it was her family. We have tried everything possible with her.
2. She has never been homeless. One of us would have her live with us. Then we would have all we could take and then she would move on to the next family member, and so on. Then she would live with a guy for a while; claim he abused her then move back in with one of us. And the cycle would repeat itself.
3. She would leave her things and her mess and take off. One time she even left her dog while the person she was living with was working out of town. None of us will let her live with us unless she is on medication, under the supervision of traditional doctors, gone through intensive therapy with traditional psychiatrists and to apologize to us for all that she has done to us. Kati has left things all over Europe, North America, Russia and Tahiti.
4. Kati has no friends due to her inability to get along with people. It is either Kati’s way or a fit sprinkled with lots of lies.
5. Kati would manipulate one family member against the other causing much chaos and anxiety.
6. Kati lies. She has lied about all of us.
7. Kati has all of the hallmarks of a narcissist. She didn’t become this way until she was too old for her family to commit her for evaluation.
8. We have successfully hospitalized her for a moment on several occasions. Then she would sign herself out.
9. Kati likes to cry abuse. That is one reason we have been fearful to go public it is also why we are fearful that she lives with us. Many careers could be ruined by her lies.
10. Kati is 33 years old physically but mentally she is about 13. Our blood pressure rises and we become nauseous when in her presence.
11. Kati has not always been this way. She used to be sweet, creative, kind and loving. This has developed with age. Her family is clean, homeowners, taxpaying citizens. We all hold down jobs unless retired with pensions. There is something else about Kati. Whatever she claims a person she is arguing with to be, she is the one who is really that way.
12. She projects. With all of the actors, producers, etc being accused of sexual abuse I am certain that will be her next cause.
13. Also, Kati doesn’t seem to think any rules apply to her. She has delusions of grandeur. Kati has never paid rent, utilities, nor held down a steady job. In fact she used to gloat about people who work full time jobs during 9-5. Hours. She laughs at the people who do what they are supposed to do.
14. We know of no miscarriages or rapes. And Kati would have been singing that from the mountaintops if it had happened. She probably heard someone else say they were raped or had a miscarriage and chimed in with her story.
15. It is very sad. Kati was a very gifted musician, writer and artist. But it has all faded away. Her family does love her. If she would just get medication for her moods and intensive therapy maybe she would be able to join the real world. It also doesn’t help her to have a platform for her ideas and people agreeing with her. I will gladly answer any questions you might have but do not contact me except on this venue.
2nd anon family member
No. 415428
>>415348Thank you for bringing that video to our attention. Kati came to me and told me the same story she is telling in the video above. I let her and her ex move in based on that story. I was just starting out. I had just bought a house and I told her that he and her ex could rent a room from me. She never paid me rent. Her ex felt bad years later and sent me a $75 check years because he actually has a conscience.
Obviously if someone tells you a story about harassment you are supposed to believe them. However, Kati started to quit jobs saying she was sexually harassed. She stopped working altogether. Then I started to notice that she was accusing lots of people of sexual harassment. In fact everyone that was male in her life had somehow sexually harassed her or abused her. When she stated that she couldn't be in the same room with her 13 year old step nephew because he was creeping her out, I realized this was a game to her. A 13 year old boy who isn't related to you is attracted to an older woman…gasp! lol. And that it when I figured out the story with her stepfather was mostly exaggerated. ~~~family member annon OP
No. 415446
>>415435If she's as ad as you say (and I don't doubt that she is), why does the family keep taking her back in/giving her another chance? I mean, even if she promised to go on meds/get therapy, etc - past history showed she was lying through her teeth each and every time.
So, why keep putting yourselves through that nonsense?
No. 415447
>>414811my issue is as you say - this thread needs something to talk about. and like I said, we've been down this road before.
some of the folks in this thread are like the joytards, they'll jump on anything as long as it suits the narrative. stupid rumours become hot topics of discussion (remember the time joy owned a charity?) the more 'the family member' posts, the more people are buying into it.
No. 415465
>>415440With all those heavy sighs when addressing his accusations, he vaguely reminds me of CWC (look up the name to find out what that train wreck is all about; as it would take too long to explain here).
>>415447I'm personally not buying it 100% for two reasons. 1) How did they even hear of this place and 2) After everything she's done over the year, why come here to expose her now? What was it about this particular incident that convinced, not one, but two family members to air Joy's dirty laundry?
No. 415503
>>415498I need to ask. One of you mentioned you are concerned she may find out you've been talking about her and could ruin your careers out out of spite by spreading lies.
She's one person against an entire family who can confirm she's mentally unstable. What's to fear?
No. 415518
>>415513My response is - look at the people who are conned by her lies; the very young (teenagers), the mentally challenged or a combination of both.
Intelligent adults capable of critical thinking are far less likely to buy into the bullshit.
No. 415536
>>415498 I certainly don't blame anyone for not fixing her mental health issues for her. It certainly sounds like you've done all you could in the situation without sacrificing your own lives to force her and offered help until she wore everyone down.
I would be interested if you could shed any light on her Indigo beliefs. From what we have uncovered it is clear that she heavily espoused those beliefs for many years. Even though Phil explained to us that she doesn't actually believe any of it and she just thought it was an easy group of people to manipulate, hide among, gullible to any flight of fantasy as there is no set doctrine, etc. I've always thought that one of the few consistent Indigo ideas that mental health is all a lie and that people don't have mental illnesses, that is just their unique individual expression and part of who they truely are, was one of the main things that drew her to it. It was a group of people who would never question her mental health or suggest therapy or appropriate medication. Like that British couple who were 'living under a curse', that was actually just health issues they had and their 2 boys having ADD and other mental issues, that were so grateful Kati was talking to her angels for them; and instead of suggesting doctors her and Taho were setting up a powerful energy matrix with them and others across Europe that was going to lift 'the curse' and also bring good energy and happenings for all involved.
Did she start hearing voices at age 12? Did she talk to 'angels'? Was she spit on at school and called a witch, outcast by everyone? Was this all a fictional invention she created in her early 20's as she was trying to install herself as Psychic Queen Bee of a group of lonely fantasists?
No. 415539
>>415530So….holy majestic screaming eagle. Heard about this through twitter and a few other places, so here we are. I thought this thing was dead but apparently not.
Okay, so, as far as the things I know of…what these 'family anons' are saying makes sense. Given the context I thought it was either Amanda Smith or legit a family member…its leaning more towards the second for me at least. There is too much of this that is spot on to be your typical run of the mill diversion.
"Family anons' should keep in mind that her more deluded echo chamber participants, especially the ones that like to make stuff up..they like to frequent these parts and turn people against each other. Kati said she had one of her Patreons looking into a dude's family and so on and so forth..if there's any truth to that, she's going to zero on on you regardless. Most of the crazier stuff tends to happen behind the scenes and she is incredibly vindictive. At some point, you should speak out. It is harder for her to rally against people that have known her and tends to bite her in the backside. Just the fact that 'family has spoken out' means at some point she's going to decry you publically and make her low key threats regardless. If you know something, and there are enough of you to back it up, then its harder for her circus to disprove. They've already seen it (Its on twitter)..and more than likely run to Kati for an extra pat on the head. So its out there. The more you run scared from one person,the more you tell her that it is okay to do these sorts of things…and get away with it. Your call, folks.
That said, i'm not sure how much all of you family anons know, but I am rather curious on the following:
-Indigo Abuse
-Her marriage and hookup with Taho/David.
-Her fallout with Amanda Smith
-The bankruptcy she claimed in 2013. (Most didn't know about this one until someone looked in public records)
-This bit with Tahiti and Russia as that's a new one.
-Anything regarding her use of illness or sympathy to manipulate in the past similar to what she does now, as she tends to repeat prior cycles from what i've noticed..just variations.
No. 415568
>>415557Good lord. I've been telling people for awhile, as speculation, that the main reason she absolutely refuses to get health insurance is that someone on record with her history of complaints they would have demanded she see a psychiatrist very quickly because it's cheeper to pay a psychiatrist visit then it is to pay for a bunch of unnecessary and expensive tests from a bulk cost analysis viewpoint.
This would explain why she can livestream from a car dealership, hotel rooms, driving a car, but can't ever capture a single frame of footage of a doctors visit. She gets tests that all come back normal and gets told to see a therapist before any further treatment every time. Basically confirms she got the Lyrica from a friend who sent her the remnants of an old prescription. Really makes you wonder what kind of shit-fit she threw to get that doctor to prescribe her Gabapentin. If I recall correctly all her prescriptions are out of date now. They were all only until the end of October.
No. 415587
>>415536Thank you! Most of us have sacrificed our own lives to help her in some way. She has really wore us all down.
The Indigo and talking to angels is fuzzy with me. She must not have talked to me about that very often. She wasn't spit on at school to my knowledge. She was called a witch but I think it was just once and it was because she was doing tarrot cards in the choir room. I don't remember her being outcast by anyone. ~~~family member annon OP
No. 415615
>>415465I was thinking that red towel head reminded me of someone and I couldn't place it. CWC was it.
So… when is joys "my family betrayed me! Again!" Younow gonna be?
No. 415632
>>415618You're thinking Indigo abuse and funding some sort of movement to create 'cities of light." I don't suppose she ever told you about the coffee enemas, among other things?
Actually, on that note..I am particularly curious about what she told you about David/Taho. Did she ever mention their breakup? (When they split and parted ways)
Actually…did she even tell you about their marriage or meeting up? She tends to be very TMI with no boundary lines so I can only imagine your own phone conversations, dear lord.
No. 415647
>>415642When was the last time they were together to your knowledge? Last I remember, I want to say they were trying to rehash something out over a business venture in France but it went sour. I want to say 08 or 09, maybe a little later.
Someone supposedly contacted him about other stuff and he's married with a kid now. Kati herself claimed the marriage was never valid in the US, any authenticity to that? I never did recall her getting a divorce though..and she always liked to dodge that issue whenever it would come up. France is very weird about its marriage rules as it is.
>>415644Agreed. The moment these posts popped up they might as well be tripping to run this to her. Its already making the rounds on twitter and she always watches that as do her culties. So whatever is going to happen is going to happen, might as well brace for impact cause she's going to be calling all of y'all going full meltdown.
No. 415659
>>415653Well, I got the news first on Twitter. If I can see it there, then all of her minions probably saw it well before I did. Kati is going to be going nuts, calling up family members and doing another car dealership meltdown. I would advise you family anons to record any conversations for your own sake.
Which gives me another thing to ask about to the family anons. Well, two things.
1) Has she ever pulled a little Kati before? Where she talks all baby talk like and tries to convince the person it is a different persona? She has tried this on myself and one of her exes, which was shortly before he got fed up with her crap. I'm wondering if that's the first time.
2) She's demonstrated a history of paranoia and severe control freak tendencies for some time now. Have you noticed the same and to what extent? Basically I guess i'm asking what is the worst you've ever seen her inflict or attempt to inflict on someone else before now?
No. 415696
>>415675 Her Patreon dipped to $473 when the month started and it looks like they only real change is that 2 of her cultists have decided to pledge $100 each this month so I don't really consider her Patronage to have grown that much despite the dollar value increase. That and since going dark a couple people have upgraded tiers to get their fix.
I look at it like when DarkSydePhil's Patreon is lagging and then a couple cultists donate hundreds at the last minute to add the illusion of momentum and legitimate commitment to the fund, like people think they are getting value for their money/herd mentality. We really don't know what she's been doing to manipulate these people behind the paywall. Maybe demanding more money due to no YouTube money, even though that was gone due to her actions weeks before channel deletion, and waning YouNow interest. Did she create a Patrons only Twitter account? What kindof crazy cult BS is she pulling in her Patrons only streams? The 8-minute reading she did publicly the other knight seemed like she lost a bet in one of those streams and had to read a raunchy Mad Libs they wrote. A few key people on Twitter seemed like they were in on the joke.
No. 415745
>>415700Each Anon is here for their own reasons and while the stated purpose of the board is to sit back and lol at the cow my personal hope is that, of her own accord, Kati actually seeks the professional mental health help she clearly needs.
I do agree that Anons going out of their way to press her on Twitter and trying to influence people in her life to force our cow into mental health treatment is definitely out of place on the board. This is just a place to post information, and while every Anon is an individual with free agency I would remind people that your efforts to to IRL influence Kati seem out of place to me. If you personally want to tip the cow this isn't the place to muster a charge or look for asspats for tales of valor about personal deeds trying to slay the cow. If people in the cows life are posting here, trying to verbally browbeat them into some type of action is the same thing. Just let them post milk and discuss. This is my opinion on some Anons seeming way too eager to take direct action regarding our cow.
No. 415797
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Out of curiosity how long have Kati and Dominic been together? She’s trying to pass the relationship off as a new state of affairs, but considering what has been documented in these threads, it came as no surprise when she confirmed they were together.
I was on twitter and that Richard stiles guy (the white knight freak) has been going off his nut and taking about rose being an addict and that she doesn’t have the kids.
Im sure based mama and chambers of the fart did confirm the fact on a cuntstream (I can’t remember which one but if anyone wants to know, I can find a link for it though I believe it was posted on the last thread). Also nick mon kinda outed the fact when he first dropped joy and chambers’ skype logs.
Iirc he didn’t edit them properly when they were released initially and that’s how everyone found out the kids were in foster care. Or am I wrong? Help anons, there’s been too much crap.
No. 415908
>>415647And, even if she does - so fucking what? It's high time that people (family and others alike) stop handling her with kid gloves and get it through her head that she is not immune to receiving criticism for her atrocious actions.
Time for Kati to grow the fuck up!
No. 415941
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Just wait til they finally figure out she ain't sick either.
No. 416019
>>415709Well looks like shady Kati is predator, according to her own standards. Perhaps this is part of why she often goes off against predators, so she can ensure its known how strongly she feels against them so others won't suspect her of the same.
Additionally, I still believe there's pedo stuff in her closet that will surface sooner or later and that she lied about her current relationship status to up the pity factor.
On another note, I've always believed her obsession with onion is that she is truly in love/lust with him and her videos about him were for him to notice her. The age gap similarity is hilarious.
No. 416041
>>415671All I’m saying is that this thread gets derailed by this crap and it’s no different from when piercedangel came and mucked it up.
There were rules in place and it was moderated, fact checked. If you believe it that’s fine but imo it just devalues the information given that is factual, have your conversations about such things on Twitter or in your streams, we already have new people coming here asking for summaries because of derailment and speculation.
I still expect anons to post ss’s etc when spilling milk or IMO it’s not worth the time to read.
No. 416071
>>416041I feel ya too. The tumor response threw me off considering Kati had previously said it was an abscess, before that I was buying it. I'd love for it all to be true but I personally need some more proof.
Plus Kati has an interesting crew of defenders, like I've never seen before. Everyone has a screwball or two around but she has a group of real whackos. They fight for her and are too stupid to realize how easily they are recognizable. Some basically come here to write negative bullshit so they can go on another platform and defend her from what they themself have written because they are so starved for attention and enjoy arguing. They're really quite the herd.
No. 416118
>>416041 >>415664Why haven't you been sageing your posts where you try to insult and delegitamize 'family member Anons' by calling them piercedangel over and over? It's almost like you're new here and showed up when milk was flowing to try to derail and distract.. .
>>415671>>416071 and you seem to be her to add legitimacy to 'the skeptic' by just echoing everything they said. What 'tumor response' are you talking about?
>>415600 this post where the 'family member anon' said there was some lump and never referred to anything as a tumor? All they said was there was an appointment to poke into it made for her and Kati didn't even show. It's actually new information that she was chewing all her herbs for 6 months and then skipped out on an appointment made for her. That's a new timeline. And yes, they posted plenty of information that hasn't been posted in any of these threads and if they choose to post more or have images of documents like the credit collection and court date documents that is welcome.
You Joytards really have no clue you stick out like a sore thumb when you only show up to shit on others when the milk is flowing. Shouting, 'that's not legitimate, be skeptical, I'm the lolcow police and I know the rules.'
What are you so scared the board is being derailed from? This mostly manufactured drama with Alex? There's not much to miss there. You're talking about clogging up the boards by referencing a request for a summary? That request was made because people stopped paying attention when Kati deleted her channel, not due to the boards being clogged. You shitters don't even make sense and you are the ones saying inaccurate things. By all means keep trying to insult people, chase posters off the board, derail, tone police, and shut down conversations. Why don't you tell us exactly what topics we are and aren't allowed to post about here since it's such a busy place right now we need to police topics? It's not like people are barely posting because her Twitter has been down and mostly inactive, her main channel is down, and her streams are all vague rehashes of nothing or private. We need to clean this place up right? It's so confusing and clogged you shitters can't even scroll up 28 posts to get your information correct. There's only been +1,400,000 posts up until now so 28 posts is a lot to search through.
No. 416287
>>416161Did the dealership ever press any charges against her for that meltdown?
Were any members of your family ever contacted by or swatted by the police?
No. 416292
>>416287No. In fact they sent a letter to her trying to make it right. It came to one of our houses. But we are so embarrassed by her behavior that we will never go back there.
Yes someone did a wellness check on one of the family member's houses but JSBS doesn't live there anymore. ~~~Family Member Annon OP
No. 416320
>>416161Well, suppposedly she's going live tonight, so you should brace yourself..any one could get thrown to the hungry wolves at this point. And the act of talking to me in a friendly manner or liking or sharing anything of mine seems to be getting people labeled an enemy and a traitor again so…yeaaaah.
If you'd like to reach out and speak privately, i'm sure you know where you can find me by now. A lot of stuff that you are saying does make sense…although (no offense)..I had chalked it up to either family member, one of kati's groupies being coached by her, or Amanda Smith given the credit card stuff and she was on the scene and pretty big on that one.
The other thing to keep in mind is that Kati's culties come in here frequently to turn anons against each other, derail, or muck things up as much as possible. This is why you're getting the response that you are. Its happened freqeuently enough to merit that kind of reaction. But, that should also underline to you that whomever you are..well, your cover is already blown. Kati will see these threads, her spergs have already run to her with this, and she'll know who you are by manner of what you know and your way of communicating. She's paranoid enough that she'll be running through every family member she's ever had a communication with..and from there i'm sure its not hard to connect the dots.
TL;DR..the moment you posted you were not, and are not 'safe'. And this 'threat' isn't much of a threat to her. You are never dealing with her, you're dealing with the loonies that follow her, or the ones she attracts because it gives them a justification to be horrible to others, like the Dark Souls guy that believes she's an angel of light and puts up her livestreams. All of this is stuff you should keep in mind. It's not going to keep her off the internet. She's a zombie that keeps coming back, and she's messed up her life now to the point where no job is going to take her. This is all she's got, so she's going to double and triple down until the bitter, bad end that will come. You should be bracing yourself for that as well.
Again, if you want to reach out to me, i'm not hard to find and i'll be happy to hear you out, but you should be taking all of this to heart I hope.
No. 416383
>>416362Well, I hope not either, but at some point if people are talking about being scared and worried about reputations and stuff..if you know what she's like and capable of..then you should very well know you're already compromised and accept the reality of the situation…what it entails, and what it will bring. And enough details that have been dropped would definitely point her out to whomever knows that information.
If they are as they say they are, then this is for their own well-being to understand this going forward. Any information is appreciated and will be taken with a grain of salt…just keep in mind the reality of whom and what you are dealing with. She's not going to just go away. It will not get better.
No. 416419
>>416041 Guys Kati's cult members want us to know that family member anon's are really just 'Joytards' here to derail and distract us from all the important Alex milk, because of how incredibly sneaky, devious, and twisted Joy's cult is. 'Quite the herd' indeed LMFAO
And they still don't know how to sage their shit and are responding to their own posts. I'm starting to think the one who knows how to sgae and keeps screaming about derailment and mucking up the thread is Kati herself. Hi Kati.
>>415810 Can't have people believing that Anons are actually decent people many of whom hope Kati gets the help from a psychiatrist she needs, can we Kati? Please, continue to tell us all what is acceptable for our motivation to post here? We're just supposed to call her 'retarded' in every post? It's not like the threads have been full of concerned people with professional degrees in mental and physical health the whole time right? No, only assholes who casually use the word 'retard' post here. Sorry it's not like the other lolcow boards you like Kati. Whose narrative is it that crumbles when the people on lolcow are actually polite, concerned, nice people who would like to see Kati stop hurting others? Well I'm sorry your shitty behavior filled your board up with such nice people and you hate it. Please, keep sending your asshole followers here, it's hilarious. The only posts I'm getting 'piercedangel vibes' from are yours.
No. 416464
I wonder if this post was the catalyst. lol. I questioned his story because I googled his insta and saw he just graduated high school. I didn't know you could serve alcohol if you were under 21.
No. 416502
>>416484Was reading some of Frizzbomb's comments. The ones that stuck out for me was 1) Joy and Cy now have full access to Alex's Twitter (it was part of his 'exile agreement' - like they ever had the right to claim his account, wtf?!) and 2) Cy got snippy at Frizzbomb when Frizz asked her to check in on Russiansbunny (the young follower who was particularly devastated by Alex's scam).
And, because the scum sucking bitch probably reads LolCow; I'll address her directly.
Hey, Cy - nice that you got your priorities straight there; using your family as an excuse to avoid helping someone who legitimately needs help after your idol helped a fellow ass licker scam people out of their money; but will forgo that same family if Joy needs you to be her mouthpiece.
No. 416600
>>416482 It's not like they haven't posted pictures here before. Where do you think the picture of Kati as a kid outside her house came from? We've known for months that Kati's family reads the board and posts here occasionally, they just stayed anonymous. This isn't some new thing out of left field, but I agreed it would help if they posted old photos of Kati, or some of these letters sent from the dealership or other agencies with addresses, mailing codes, and their name blocked out.
The only people who really seem incredulous about it seem to be the usual crew of cult members who crop up to shit on the board whenever Kati wants something hidden. It would certainly shut them up and be hilarious to see what they try to come up with next to derail and start infighting.
No. 416607
>>416600That pic of Kati and her sister (?) outside of that house was publicly accessible if you knew where to look. I found it about 2 days before it was posted by another anon.
I agree. Old photos, something along those lines would help.
No. 416613
>>416502I agree. I do actually have some old photos that Kati herself sent me once, I just never made them public. I think there was a prom photo, a baby pic, a junior high pic I want to say, etc. (I was actually looking for old photos of some drawings i'd sent someone and they popped up under just photos.Forgot I even had them.)
If they can prove that its them..well, it may actually not do anything. You see what Joy tells her people the moment she thinks she has anything to lose. Poison the well 10000% to get it ingrained that you're some horrible person or the enemy so they hopefully won't talk to you.
No. 416655
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>>416592I think the takeover was a wind up by VHS Archive. He later replies to a doubter that it's just propagating rumours for Joy to dispel, so I wouldn't read to much into that one. Alex also tweeted to say he retained control of the account but would only be checking in infrequently, which led to a fair bit of static from those accusing him of lying when he said he would absent himself from the internet until well into 2018. Looking again, his account has been switched off again.
Anyhoo, saged for OT (there is a thread for Joy's herd of Lolcows after all). Just thought I'd mention this much anyhow.
No. 416671
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sorry technical issues
No. 416675
File: 1510025235927.jpg (252.96 KB, 1536x2048, Kati Europe 1.jpg)

Look at teenage Kati! Her terrible family took her on vacation to Europe multiple times as a teen. Its just the white trash way. We'd leave our trailer park every summer and gallivant all over Europe. Poor Kati. Such a tough life!
No. 416676
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No. 416680
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No. 416693
>>416675What a rotten bitch she is. My life is parallel to the life she claims to have had and I'm disgusted that she would lie about it. It makes her do5 tantrums even more repulsive that not only did she significantly profit from that families abuse but also used it as an opportunity to gain sympathy for herself and paint her family as a group of abusive, careless, trashy and selfish narcissists.
Bless you for all the hell youve dealt with related to her
No. 416699
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Speaking of grandpa, going back to these photos, (Directed at the family anons) here is one she sent of her and grandpa. These were sent something like 07 or so and I forgot I even had em for a while.
No. 416703
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I'm not sure if this one is from prom or so, also. Maybe you can provide clarity, family anons. There are one or two on here that might have family members so i'm refraining from putting those out unless that's alright with y'all.
Just want to say this is the strangest trailer i've ever seen. I really should have noticed that sooner. Oh well. (But hey, i'm just some random dude on the internet and we were never close friends. Sure. Okay.)
No. 416758
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>>416738Here's another one. Trying to sort through the ones that don't have family,etc in them. One of them has I want to say five people in it, all of em kids. Kati is present and i'm sure her sister as well.(Four girls, one boy.)
Another has her in a silver dress with some lady posing, similar backdrop.
One with her and I want to say a sister in halloween clothes with someone in a pink sweater taking the can see them in the mirror but the face is hidden by the flash. (Kati seems to have a thing for snow white, it seems.)
No. 416782
>>416758So, basically…Everything she shared about her home life was bullshit?
We all know that you can live in a nice house and still endure abuse, but in this case everything seems to be a lie. From trailers, drug problems, psychos…Just, why?
No. 416786
>>416770That would be correct, i'm actually looking at that picture as I read that. By the way, kudos on the design, it was a very well put together costume. I'm sorry to hear that things went from that…to this.
I certainly would hear stories. Not a lot of specifics but she would often claim that no one loved her and ask what that feels like. It was weird too. She always knew what to say to try and gut the mood and put you down without outright say it. She had a lot of ugly things to say about her mom and such, and again..i'm sorry to hear this is the bitter truth of things. The more I hear at least, the worse it tends to get and I can only imagine how y'all feel in your corner of the world right now.
For what little its worth, you have my condolences and sympathy. Kati is someone that was possessed with a lot of talent and decided to take it and turn it towards all the worst sides of the human edge that on, to revel in it. It has to be heartbreaking to see, and no one deserves to be put through that.
No. 416799
>>416758That glare tho… this looks like the kind of shit you'd see on Snapped as they discuss how there were signs of mental instability in the early days.
She ever show aggression towards peers or anything?
No. 416851
>>415536Like that British couple who were 'living under a curse', that was actually just health issues they had and their 2 boys having ADD and other mental issues, that were so grateful Kati was talking to her angels for them; and instead of suggesting doctors her and Taho were setting up a powerful energy matrix with them and others across Europe that was going to lift 'the curse' and also bring good energy and happenings for all involved.
What in the actual fuck? Can someone please tell me if this is in earlier threads or was this shit she’s stated and since deleted to cover her sorry Archangel Michael ass? Sage for non contrib
No. 416884
>>416502Wait hold the phone>>416502
Seriously, he had to give them access to his twitter to be let back in and he agreed? What fucking parallel universe in?
No. 416885
>>416851Yes, it was posted in Thread 11
>>371369 Here is the post that links to the website again.
No. 416892
>>374632 So according to the duration listed for all her medication she must have had to get her prescriptions renewed right? Everything is past the duration except the thyroid medication. I don't think she was ever taking the Gabapentin except the one time she took all her medication doses at the same time and kept Tweeting about how she was dying because her cult member Nathan Graves told her on a livestream the night before that was the best way to take medication, instead of following the fucking written instructions on how to take them, and she took a double dose of the thyroid medication because she couldn't remember which was her gut medication and which was her thyroid medication.
I wonder if she got any of them renewed? Did she call in a renewal just for the Prednisone?
No. 416938
>>416892In a recent stream, she claimed prednisone was down to 5mg and she had 2 weeks to go. She claimed that and the thyroid med was the only thing she was on.
She dropped the gabapentin because side effects and it was "basically the same as lyrica" … I suspect she found out it was used to treat mental illness.
She dropped thy lyrica because it "wasn't doing anything" … again, suspect she figured out it is used to treat mental illness in addition to fibromyalgia.
She claims to have dropped the pizza protocol, but that moon face has to be coming from somewhere… video evidence suggests that the pizza protocol has been replaced by a drive-through protocol.
She's not made any statements about pedialyte lately (chronic o.d. of the potassium in it could easily explain 90% of her symptoms and 100% of her "IBS" effects if she were slugging it down like water over an extended time frame).
No. 416942
>>416709If there is anything to learn from Kati and Chris Chan its thats mental illness and overruling narcissism wreck people but the people around them.
Leading to the Kati today who lies for pity money and sympathy. She has lied profusely about her family making them look like monsters whilst most of us knew it was false this does validate a lot if its an elaborate troll kudos because good work but this is pretty good and time line wise it fills in a lot. Her stream today will probably be a kick back at this to try and shut it down but with the comments on videos she was getting even her loyal fans are starting to realise now.
No. 417028
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>>416942Nah, I think it's gonna take a bit longer for her to spin up a decent enough story this time. She fucked up by admitting she's with Dom and there are now people asking for their money back because they realize they've been played. A lot of people are angry over how little fucks she's giving about Russian and want her to get her 400 back. Plus she's been caught lying about pushing Alex's PayPal and how close they were/egging him on, plus doxing him and basically everything about that 4 hour dramatic ass mess that was his public humiliation has rubbed a lot the wrong way. And ofc, family anons on here, plus her cultist have been on the attack on twitter. And it's been revealed that Nathan has been hanging with "the enemy"…(pic. Full exchange on twitter.. which I think it's interesting that she's not losing her shit over this. Tinfoil: Nathan doesn't come around as much so I assume that means he doesn't have the kind of info Alex did so she doesnt need to blast him.)
Lots of milk tbh. Probably too much for her. Even her Twitter activity is surprisingly low- apparently just coming around to block people.
It's times like these that I miss the comment section under her videos.
No. 417057
>>417024I'm still skeptical if you're actually a relative or not, but thanks for answering q's and such. You don't have to make separate posts for each question. If you just tag the posts you want, you can get a good bit in one post. These threads have a total post limit.
I could see kati ending up like Chris chan, but instead of being surrounded by toys, she would be surrounded by hoodies and headbandz! Lol forcing her geriatric dog to do tricks on stream.
No. 417141
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>>417028Lol, and just look how they try to control who people talk to and what they talk about. They don’t want to piss off their leader Joysus, and ruffle up the cult members.
Maybe I should have posted this in the spergle thread?
No. 417144
>>417141Yes, Janus - because, clearly, someone who has known her for ten years has no idea what they're talking about and are just making things up about her.
Best believe the woman you've only known for a scarce few months and know only what she wants you to know.
No. 417166
>>417136I could also see her, in a couple years maybe, when the attention dries up and she's played out every single illness, that she would say she's transitioning to a man.
I know Chris has serious problems and a sad life, but kati should really look at what the internet has done to him
No. 417267
>>417024How does Kati usually treat animals/pets?
I ask because there are people who are concerned about the dog she recently adopted. I saw you mentioned something about her leaving a dog behind somewhere. Could you elaborate?
And thank you for coming here and answering questions.
No. 417280
>>417243I’d also like to add, that if Joy try’s to claim her family is doxxing her….
IMO, it would only make her look worse. She has slandered her family publicly for months on end. Her family has every right to defend themselves, and clear up any lies.
This has got to be really hard on the family, when all they want is the best for her. I can’t imagine how her mother must be feeling. A daughter you raised and loved, to have untreated mental conditions, and now it’s all up in the open for everyone to gawk at. Sad really…I feel for them.
No. 417334
>>417259Either that, or she says the pictures hide the reality of what life was really like behind the scenes.
Which would blow a hole in her claims Alex's mom isn't abusive based on her conversation with her - where she claimed his mom can;t be abusive because she was super polite to Joy.
No. 417342
> pretty good life traveling to Europe and things like that with the familyThis doesn't speak to her character or theirs.
> That they love and care about Joy, and want her to get some professional help, and begin to lead a more healthy, normal lifestyle. That seems like family to me. They don’t come across as they wish any ill will on her.How does posting here get her help?
I'm not defending Joy as much as I am questioning her family's motives. Based on the snide little comments accompanying the pictures, they are here for themselves, not her, and posting out of sheer spite. Much like that email KYATHY sent Kati on her birthday where KYATHY made it all about her instead of her daughter's birthday. You know the one where she says she found "her people" here on lolcow. Because, you know, we're all SUPER CONCERNED for Joy, just like they are. :)
IANAD (I am not a doctor) but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts KYATHY is a narc and Kati has fleas.
No. 417349
>>417017Thank you for your candor and although I don’t have one ounce of pity for Kati I feel absolutely terrible for all of you who have to endure being slandered to not just her echo chamber but the net as a whole. Trust me we believe you but her spergs have been indoctrinated to believe anything she tells them is false and not to “believe any lies people make up about her,” (which Btw is one of my absolute all time favorites,) and sadly they actually do.
She’s cried stating “she knows exactly what Cody and Emma are going through,” and as accurately as I can remember she “knows what it’s like to be verbally abused and to be made to feel like you’re nothing and you think it’s normal cuz you’re a kid and you don’t know any better,” blah effin blah… crying… more BS continued. She further doubled down stating verbatim that her mother and stepmother “beat her with hairbrushes or just about anything they could find to hit” her [sic] “with.” The slander is strong with Kati and she does not deal well if she’s not the focus of attention, and if she isn’t, she’ll do anything to make it happen (i.e., Cody and Emma, taking over Phil’s stream, taking over Benji’s stream (for 3 hours mind you,) where she manipulated people to donate $ for her to tell her “magical cooch” story, but after she got all the $ she “didn’t feel comfortable talking about it,” how she made Nathan’s “time of need” all about her, and how she made Alex’s lie re: his age (right she thought he was 25-28 just like she believed the 12 year old to be 18+,) this ridiculously huge deal and again,) made it all about her cuz she had to tell everyone she called his mommy (who tf does that shit?) She’s also discussed “near strokes, near heart attacks and near seizures,” and how “she’s been left for death and doesn’t want to die,” etc., oh and I almost forgot about the time when she doubled her thyroid med & blamed the internet cuz she listened to “Dexter Morgan,” cuz he said he’s a Dr so he must be, much like Link with his PhD (“Paging Dr. Google, paging Dr. Google, please call the main line,” lol.) And we all know what a normal person does when they “feel like they’re having a hard attack,” screw the ER and take to Twitter because logic. Sorry there’s just so much BS to sift through; I need to make one of those walls they have in ‘Criminal Minds’ with different colored threads connecting the various BS breadcrumbs to the next. God I’m so sorry for your family.
I’ve actually compiled a list of 15 diseases including the abscess & the “full body candida.” Asthma and allergies are listed so those are actually real, and I’m presuming anxiety is cuz she admitted it (remember no fibro just anxiety, then fibro from 3-4 Drs, then got called out, and it was just one, then a few, and we’re now back to 0 cuz it’s “gut issues.”) Sure Kati, ‘Okay I believe you! Jump in the line rock your body on time. Okay I believe you.’ ?
I’m trying to figure out something and was wondering if you could possibly help. You said the behavior change was in her late teens so I was presuming 17–18 but according to her ex friend Amanda this pattern dates back 20+ years back so I’m wondering if you may have seen anything prior to 17. I’m trying to ascertain whether or not she would have presented with or would have been able to be diagnosed with conduct disorder; did these symptoms present by age 15 by any chance?
Also you mentioned she was fine as “long as her energy was put into something good.” And if it wasn’t then what happened? ?
Thank you and if you don’t feel comfortable answering please don’t cuz I don’t want her spergs doxing you (I have a pic of a DM where she’s talking to a hacker- it’s not specific but the twitter name says it all) nor do we walk you to feel comfortable cuz you’re amongst friends family anons and idk if I can speak for anyone else but I’m glad to welcome you here (it seems like many are too!)
No. 417367
>>417351As an example, one of the captions reads "Her terrible family took her on vacation to Europe multiple times as a teen. Its just the white trash way. We'd leave our trailer park every summer and gallivant all over Europe"
Also, pretty sure, in context, they were posting the pics to confirm they /were/ her family and not, like, some rando trying to confuse everyone… … … … lol
No. 417403
>>417342That "email" was a claim made by Kati. We don't actually know that her mother said that, or if there even was an email.
You write like a true blue Joytard.
No. 417408
>>417367I think things got a little muddy. I read the captions.
This post asks about the "family members" and says they have pics that kati sent them…
>>416613And this one
>(Directed at the family anons) No. 417413
> My point is that it demolishes the idea she lived a “poor trailer trash life” as she would want everyone to believe. Usually when you hear two sides of a story, it’s somewhere in the middle.Totally agree with you.
I should have included this in my previous post but didn't: I think they are trying to paint a wider picture. They are also using it to indicate how they aren't part of the problem, only she is. Generally, that's not how it works.
I don't think they are doing it intentionally but the travel bit might also invoke envy from those who wish they had that kind of life. Just something to be mindful of.
> As far as “snide” comments go, they are obviously hurt and angry (I would be too).My position wasn't whether it was right or wrong, but what their motives were. So, are you agreeing with me that their motives are malicious and not out of concern, then?
> That "email" was a claim made by Kati. We don't actually know that her mother said that, or if there even was an email. You don't believe it. I do. Thanks for letting me know how you feel!
No. 417419
>>417342International travel in the 1990s speaks volumes about her family. That is not something the working poor would have done or even lower middle class. Even upper middle class may have done it once, but not repeatedly. It requires passports and airline tickets were not cheap. Tickets for a family of 4 would have been a significant expense.
Abusive families tend to isolate and value privacy… international travel would be sort of the exact opposite.
What would be Kati's motive in blowing up all of the lies that she's told to this point? She's already admitted that she's been soliciting donations because she lives with a boyfriend that doesn't keep her in the way she'd like… so, now she's soliciting donations as a child abuse survivor who was never actually abused and likely upper middle class (so, very well off by most standards).
You wrote:
> KYATHY is a narc and Kati has fleasThis sounds like something Kati or Cy would write?
No. 417422
>>417413I can agree, or a least understand what you are trying to say. No family is perfect.
“So, are you agreeing with me that their motives are malicious and not out of concern, then?”
I can agree that there may be some mailicious motives, only because anger and hurt feeling can make a person say and do things you normally wouldn’t. A person can care and be concerned, at the same time be angry and vengeful. I know this through experiencing my own family and the way I have felt.
No. 417429
>>417413Motives of anyone involved do not matter if the information is true or factual.
The truth appears to be that Kati's horrible childhood traumas were all made up. She lied about them.
The truth appears to be that Kati's death threats to her and those around her were all made up. She lied about them.
The truth appears to be that Kati is a con artist taking a lot of people for a ride on some spurpinkle bow express because she's a fully able bodied adult unwilling to find any other form of income.
No. 417444
> Abusive families tend to isolate and value privacy…… lol wut?
In your world, all abusive families live in cabins in the mountains with the goats. Ok, cool. lol.
>>417429Again, I wasn't speaking to whether it was true or factual, only to their motives.
> The truth appears to be that Kati is a con artist taking a lot of people for a ride on some spurpinkle bow express …lol. Agreed.
Again, I'm not defending Kati at all. She's a liar, manipulator and a con artist FO' SHO'. But, I'm not exactly buying all the bullshit from the other side, either. I know we all have our pitchforks aimed at Joy, but we can still be critical. Joy can be a liar AND her family could be assholes at the same time. It isn't binary.
No. 417474
>>417461I'm sorry you went through whatever it is you went through. You didn't deserve it. <3
Not every experience is the same as yours. There are many different types of abuse. Not all leave marks. Some people are conditioned to not say anything by the abuse.
This is off topic now. Maybe we can just agree to disagree.
No. 417637
>>417342Between this and the apple does fall far from the tree comment, it reeks of one of her fans trying to poison the well.
>>417351I posted three in total, and described others that I had but did not post because they contained family members that may not want them shown, so as I stated there i'm not going to post those public unless they give the okay. (Although I did describe said pictures.) The others were from the family anons.
>>417367Consider this for a moment. Kati has been trash talking them a while, while you might see it as snide..the fact of the matter is anyone would be upset and that would come out. Although it does kind of point to certain identities as i'm sure others have easily figured out.
>>416699This is one of the pics that I posted that she gave me of her grandpa. Heck, in the pic I actually addressed the family anons in it. Same with the prom one and the one with the glary eyes.
I also said that if the family wants to reach me, i'm sure they know where to find me.
>>417419A lot of good points here. We know that Russians frequents these pages and he's one of her favorite harrassers. (Usually by the way he types and so on.)
This also brings up a good question as to what is going to happen to DOM in the future. "Lives with a boyfriend that doesn't keep her in the way she'd like." Sooner or later that greed is going to hit again. The bit about abusive families and isolation and privacy is also pretty on the mark.
>>417429Spot on excellent point.
>>417472That was me (Phil) and she had sent those to me, herself. Long time ago, although she didn't talk about the trailer park stuff til much, much later. I had forgotten I even had those, honestly.
And yeah, people want the truth. Just keep in mind what its been like for close to a year here. What I said well above about what to expect and why people could be tense is something you should very much keep in mind.
Okay, 2nd family anon (or first if you like) someone passed me some questions along to ask. If you can or would like to, then awesome and I appreciate your time.
1)Did she compete in club gymnastics for years and compete at level 8 or 9 before quitting?
2)Did she get injured on the balance beam and if so what was the injury?
3)Do you believe she was/or is ADD and or ADHD
4)Did she sing in a private choral club or just school choirs?
5)Did she get voice training or study under a professional Opera singer for 7 years?
If I get more questions i'll pass em along. (As far as how I found out about this, it was posted on twitter when y'all started posting, as I stated in another post. So its already making the rounds like crazy and she def. knows.)
No. 417754
>>417361She will mirror any illness or symptoms someone describes to her, and say it back to them as if she's the one who originated it. She did it to me with specific personal details that I told her and she had never mentioned, then suddenly that was part of her experiences. I don't even know if she knows she's doing it.
She does it to people in chat, on lolcow, in streams, in skype conversations, anywhere you give her medical or illness information, she will adopt it as her own.
>KYATHY>>417678>using emojis on lolcowI spy an outsider!
No. 417758
>>417678 >>417474 >>417444 >>417413 >>417367 >>417342 >>417243 Hi Kati. You really have no idea how obvious you are do you? Funny watching you try to work out your spin here on lolcow first. I believe you have just demonstrated when people are desperate enough they will try to poison the well as it's being drawn from. Especially if they have such a high opinion of themselves they think no one will notice their identity or that it's poison. Please keep doing it though. It's hilarious to watch because only you and your acolytes are buying the BS your trying to float. LMFAO
>>417136 Could you please teach your friend how to sage their off topic derailment if they want to keep posting here, and blindly agreeing with your posts and furthering your derailment attempts?
No. 417794
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Too busy trying to think of a way to spin what's been said on lolcow from family anon or just trying to avoid streaming altogether until her fans forget about what's been said here.
No. 417807
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No. 417836
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No. 417858
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>>417794Called it
Has this been made public before?
No. 417872
>>417858Not on here as far as I can recall. But Dominic has privated his profile from the last time I had looked at it (couple months ago)
But there were bread crumbs somewhere on here before that made it very easy to find. Just not outright links to his twitter account.
No. 417886
>>417824Oh Kati. You really ought to work on your spelling. It’s sad when bad grammar is the dead giveaway that Joy is typing. Did your awful family not let you go to school?!
It’s not a just “a little truth nuggets,” girl. But that was a cute attempt at minimizing it ?
(emoji) No. 417937
>>417807 >>417794 Hmm, where have we seen those little heart emojis recently? Hmm, I can't quite remember. . .oh wait
>>417474 There it is. Trying to tone police the board, we definitely need you to tell us all what is and isn't off topic Kati, thanks for your concern and leadership. Why don't you go ahead and tell us what we should be posting about? You seem so interested in steering the conversation just make us a list of acceptable things to post about already. Thanks hun.
No. 417953
> tone policeApparently, it's "Let's use phrases we don't understand" day on lolcow today.
Please stop. I'm concerned you are going to hurt yourself with all that reaching. Plus, you aren't furthering the conversation at all, blindly lashing out like this.
I guess the new tactic of Kati's minions is to call everyone Kati to get people worked up into a tizzy. (tongue planted firmly in cheek)
No. 418115
>>417824Btw donating your Adsense to Rose has never and will never make you above hate. Quit saying that like it trumps all arguments. When someone does something good it doesn’t erase all of the bad they’ve done. The fact that you even think that donating money is relevant just proves that you did it for personal gain.
This is not the place for your textbook manipulation tactics, Kati.
No. 418315
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Alex left a comment in Joy Spackle's video (link above) saying he was going to give the money back.
No. 418406
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>>418369However doesn’t Kati know hackers? If so they could change the IP yes?
No. 418411
>>418406there are many ways to change or obfuscate an IP address, it doesn't need 'hackers' (a simple google would do)
I don't know why folks think she would be able to post here without the urge to name herself, or why she'd get her hands dirty when she has eager tards like Cy(st) to do it for her.
No. 418451
>>418420I'm still not sure there is milk or if it is genuine imitation milk like product.
as for the 'everyone is kati' bit, yeah. it's getting embarrassing.
No. 418550
>>418522That post was to tell Kati and her crew to stop mucking up this thread. It was supporting your generous postings (both anon family members).
Kati and her followers are trying to push your valid postings out of view by dumping trash posts in to make your posts look much older than they are.
Additionally, each of these threads are limited to 1200 posts then a new one has to be started. When the thread is w/in 100 posts, you'll see a notice posted to the thread. Typically, an anon will make a new thread and put the link in this thread. But, if for some reason they cannot do that (because the posts were run out posting other things)… simply go to the bottom of the page, follow the Catalog link, and look for a new thread that will have a picture of Kati and her name on the title.
No. 418585
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So now there are physical threats against people. These are the kinds of people Kati have following her, she should be far more scared of them than any of us here.
No. 418596
>>418585 So now there are physical threats against people. These are the kinds of people Kati have following her, she should be far more scared of them than any of us here.
Isn;t it funny that, for all Joy's claims that neither she, nor her followers, resort to bullying/violence; but here you have some asshole offering to provide private information to an unstable man to silence one of her critics - claiming that Joy would approve of the action.
Maybe someone ought to remind them of their idol's proclamation.
No. 418604
>>418585We are long overdue for one of kati's
we don't do that here, any hate or harrassement is not welcome here warnings, but I guess they may be done with now, as she can't afford to tell anyone they aren't welcome anymore.
No. 418610
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The funny thing is her last tweet was her last tweet she actually thanked him for his kindness and support.
No. 418659
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>>418585Yeah, Richard got himself banned or something for basically being a cunt to JosheyC. The Twitter battle keeps escalating in Kati's name while she as usual pretends not to see any of it.
The betas that cling to her pubes have shown themselves to be tapped and aggressive. "But we don't do that here" kek, ok Kati. If that were true she would have told Janus to fuck off months ago when he was threatening to rape people in her honor.
No. 418690
>>418684Oh agreed, She fuels the fire. I hope the Family Anons see what she has become and what she has created. Richard would most definitely kill someone for his queen. He has said as much, look how he carried on over a 24 hour ban from twitter. His rage was at the wrong person.
Do you think Kati will throw Kek or Richard under the bus? If she doesn't it will look so bad.
No. 418697
>>418690But we all know doxxing/threats are totally different when it applies to Kati. When it's done in her name, it's not blind idol worship - it's merely self defense; and, because she's 'so sick' with all these mystery diseases, her fans do it for her.
The fact that there are so many of them that truly believe that's what they're actually doing terrifies me.
No. 418699
Not sure if this goes here or not, but Shrubtime has been commenting on Joy Spackle's video trying to explain the situation.
Saged for link repost. No. 418736
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More of Shrubtime's comments.
No. 418737
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No. 418840
>>415941Oh trust me, WE ALL know she's not sick!
Please black out twitter users name, as they have a right to stay anonymous, as well.
No. 418873
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In the comment section. They are trying to shut down. " The Bullies" AKA people who are standing up to Joy/KAti.
No. 418882
>>418684a bunch of retards having a slapfight on twitter is funny, not dangerous.
(I see AussieguyShano trying to stick his oar in still. fucking retards all the way down)
>>418690kek what are the 'family' going to do about it, post here some more?
No. 418898
>>418882A guy was offering to doxx another guy to an unstable Joytard; and you think it's funny?
What 'funny' is that the dumbass actually thinks that they wouldn't be held accountable if Stiles acted out on his threat. Not only would they be held accountable by providing the address, but they're also incriminating Joy, as well - seeing as they believe she'd appreciate it if the 'troublemaker' disappeared/went silent.
No. 418965
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>>418898yeah I do think its funny, because you know what would've happened? fucking nothing.
>>418908do you know where you are? and aww sorry I hurt your feelings shano.
sorry for not clutching my pearls that a twitter fight is omg so dangerous!1! it's almost like this shit happens all day every day and nothing ever comes of it.
No. 418976
>>418965You're right - there was an attempt; at derailing the topic. Nice try, though.
I'm sure Joysus appreciates your effort.
No. 419066
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I'm just gunna leave this here. How apt.
No. 419115
>>418809Jesus Christ. I thought he was a nutjob but jesus, this guy is nothing but a psychotic narcissist who has such an over-cumbered sense of grandeur its actually deeply unhinged. This guy thinks he is a freaking psychological genius but goddamn btw what the fuck is it with Psychos and Flight of the Valkyries.
apologies for being off topic not been in all day.
No. 419422
Geekthulu actually thinks he is converting people to the cult. first i thought Geek had some integrity but after reading through all of the shit storm that was Kek he is nothing but a joytard.
No. 419458
>>419422He's been well and truly cucked for a while.
RIP what little masculinity he had remaining
No. 419784
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3 people paid her $100for this tier. but how can she reward them this part? Process videos
Credits on an upcoming video.
No. 419786
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one person got her $50 tier and the same thing. Process videos
Credits on an upcoming video.
No. 419789
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7 people got her $20 dollar tier. Credits on an upcoming video. she is not fulfilling it so why is she allowed to get the money?
No. 419821
>>419803Are we even sure that the girl was actually his cousin? Wouldn't put it past a guy like Stiles to use footage of a strange child (and her suicide) to promote his cause.
Either way; it's disgusting! Especially that part where he said - if you white knight - you'd be swimming in pussy instead of keeping it in your pants (fucking ew!)
No. 419850
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Lol what a pathetic piece of shit.
No. 419933
>>419928More evidence that Kati and her joytards are SJWs at heart. That picture is an iconic meme.
Kati hasn't been on YouNow in nearly a week… thought they wanted weekly streams to keep partner status?
No. 419937
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OMG The dudes certifiably.
No. 419983
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come out come out wherever you are. olly olly oxen free. lol.
(Liking posts from 6 and 8 hours ago. When you're around but trying to ghost. lol)
No. 420011
>>419850kek wtf would you even report that for? and what has him so butthurt now to
trigger all this?
No. 420276
>>420250I'm honestly hoping she cut and run. Not because I like the idea of innocent victims losing their money to a scam artist; but in the hopes that, by disappearing altogether, it'll finally sink in to her delusional cult that the only thing Joy cared about when it came to them was how much money they shoved at her without question.
But, given that she's outright admitted to scamming them for the last year and they STILL defend her actions; that isn't likely to happen.
No. 420490
>>420467you're assuming they never tried; but, if you look through this thread, you see that both family anons say that family has always stuck out their necks for her - even paying off her debts, in her grandmother's case.
So, it's not a case that they haven't tried to get through to her; Joy just uses and abuses, taking what she wants from them and casting them aside when she's done.
You can't help those who don't want to be helped.
No. 420519
>>420508I apologize that the question was
triggering for you. Kati has said many things, and all we know is Kati’s side, which plenty have being calling BS on. I agree that you shouldnt have to reach out when she doesn’t reach out to you. You can’t baby her, her entire life. We don’t know the whole story. People are trying to find out your viewpoint, and what the truth is. Try not to be offended.
No. 420533
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Richard finally went crazy enough (turning on the other culties) to force her out of hiding. She isn't really telling him she disagrees with what he's doing though.
No. 420536
>>420467Give kati a warning for what? She deserves everything she has fucking coming to her. You can't treat people the way she does and not expect reprecutions.
>she doesn't contribute anything to society>she's a leech on whoever will take her in>lied about her family and how she was raised >she blackmailed a single mother>told an 11yo to "just rape em" (rape so funny goys!haha!)>threatened to strangle a 12yo>Says poc are conceived from literal shit>intentionally triggered someone with PTSD >threatened legal action against a 17yo for bs reasons>she publically embarrasses those who fall out of her circle Fuck, what else do you want to add to the list? She's a fucking deplorable sorry excuse for a human. Run! Go save you qween!
No. 420556
>>420536I think what I have said and asked has gotten completely twisted now. I’m not arguing what you are saying. You are talking the obvious here. As for the warning, I agree she didn’t give family warning, so what comes around goes around. I’m just the type of person that would confront the individual, and say what’s what. That’s me tho, I can’t speak for others or what they would do, and I’m not judging or assuming. Just saying
I was curious if they were in any kind of communication whatsoever during all this, especially the daddyofive stuff. That’s all…nothing more nothing less.
To family anon: I understand how emotional this must be for you. More than you would know. I honesty didn’t mean any disrespect, or tried to come across as if you did nothing to help her. That’s not what I meant, or what I was suggesting with my question. I can tell you care about Kati and have tried to help.
I feel sorry for her mother, as no one would want this for their child no matter what age, and feel betrayed like this.
No. 420609
>>420599The funeral having taken place doesn't mean it was paid for (it could have been paid with credit).
So, if Joy wants to help him - she should DM him, ask for his paypal and pimp the shit out of it. Have her fans donate money to a noble cause, for once.
No. 420626
>>420619Agreed, she needs to stay far far away.
What she does need to do is get on YouNow and clean up this mess. Even her fans are worried about Kek and Dicks mess. She refused of course.
No. 420644
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Maybe I'm just petty but like for real… fuck off Kati. Just leave the man be.
No. 420660
>>420644It's that first line that gets to me.
'Pls show kindness, even when others are not' - wtf is that even supposed to mean, in this case?!
Also 'If there's anything that can be done please let me know'. For all anyone knows, she could be sincere - but, with her past behavior over the last year (using other people's tragedies for self gain), this feel like she's baiting.
>>420645Or do the real thoughtful/tasteful thing and offer condolences in private instead of broadcasting it on her Twitter to make herself look good in her remaining fans eyes.
No. 420681
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What “shit talking” Kati? The fact you lied for months that roomie wasn’t your bf? You did this to gain sympathy from your followers, so they would throw money at you. Making them think that he was just this poor soul that wanted to make his own life, but instead spent his time helping you. That you felt bad about this, but had no one else to help you.
No. 420748
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>>420733Check out Melinda's twitter. She's got a bunch of evidence, most notable being the proof that Joy has still been harassing and profiting off of Rose, and that Tim is allegedly drafting up a no contact order for Joy.
A lot is going on over there, im just trying to capture it all before people decide to start any damage control. I'll post more when it does down, or at least a summary.
Her most loyal have turned against her, and each other. EOBS's Twitter has a very long story from a day 1 supporter saying she finally realized Kati's full of shit.
No. 420753
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>>420748Twitter has been going nuts this evening! Even Rose Hall Dad shared a piece of his mind with Joy and her “cronies”
No. 420776
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Apparently, RussiaBunny lied about having donated $400 to Alex, because "she was angry with him." Something about this doesn't sit well with me. I watched the part of the livestream that had her in it. She was having an obvious anxiety attack. I didn't really buy the $400 thing to begin with (thinking maybe it was an exaggeration), but that didn't look like a claim made solely out of anger.
No. 420802
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Rose Halls Dad wants nothing to do with Joy or anyone trying to exploit his daughter and grandchildren.
No. 420803
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No. 420842
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No. 420874
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>>420644 This is the kind of thing she's talking about. She's saying, "I know he's a terrible meany and deserves whatever you guys do to him, but right now lets be nice to him because we're better people than he is." Real nice Kati.
No. 420891
>>420842This pisses me off to no end!
Not only she she painting herself as the hapless victim; but acts like she doesn't deserve all this backlash because SHE donated more than anyone else!
To Kati/Joy: BITCH, PLEASE! First and foremost, donating money/being the top donator to any charity doesn't make a person immune to criticism; especially when that 'top donator' causes nothing but grief for the person they claim to be helping.
Secondly - YOU ARE NOT THE TOP DONATOR!!! To be that, all that money had to come out of YOUR POCKET; which it DIDN'T!!! All that money you donated was collected from a group of your loyal fans who wanted to help Rose out, NOT YOU!!! The fact that you're taking all the credit for other peoples generosity fucking sicken me!!!
(end rant)
No. 420915
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Hope you guys can read this.
>>420848This is what Cathy said about Kati's lies/ Richard's psychosis. 1/2
No. 420917
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No. 420944
>>399109>>420776Omg at how on point this parody is. I'm dying. She should do a series if she doesn't already.
But on a side note, I don't know what to think about this shrubtime situation. I thought it was way over the top what they were doing to him when I watched the livestream, but then I clicked on a video of another girl talking about her experience with it. A joy fan so yeah grain of salt, but the way she spoke about Alex made him come off pretty horrific, so at the same time I don't have sympathy for him.
No. 420954
>>415132 So, as far as I know the story Kati has always sold her fans is that she was living with her ex who 'left her for dead' and she just happened to be lucky enough to have a super duper friend who got her out of there and then picked her stuff up and took her in, because her family doesn't care if she lives or dies. You said she lived with her mother and then grandmother for 2½ years total before moving in with Dom.
With her followers starting to open their eyes to her lies based on her lying about Dom being her boyfriend I think it could help to have certain details about this. Does this mean she moved in with Dom from her grandmother's house? Did Dom pick her stuff up from her grandmothers to move in with him? Did she drive herself down to where her is?
Just having an accurate account of the events as they occurred regarding her move in with Dom would go a long way towards getting her followers to understand the depths of the lying as they are now open to the idea she has been lying about her living situation. If she was living with her grandmother at the time I understand if there are certain specifics you wouldn't know, Phil has said things kept coming back around from shit she has pulled and that was what prompted her to cut and run from Missouri.
I appreciate you taking time to answer these things family anon and only ask you share what you are comfortable with. Thanks.
No. 420967
File: 1510415499367.jpeg (28.26 KB, 339x191, 05826A58-7188-49F1-9614-B1ED10…)

>>420961They’re talking about this picture.
Here’s a link to a better shot of the lanyard from kati’s Instagram. No. 420973
File: 1510416235920.jpg (135.9 KB, 752x745, curious.jpg)

>>420971This mean anything to y'all?
No. 421020
File: 1510419775446.png (181.42 KB, 1271x503, trllll.png)

this is from last night
No. 421023
>>421020From last night?
That last text says 'May 8th, 2017'. Last I knew, we were in November.
No. 421025
>>421023The first one was in May, the others were not. That's why they aren't dated in May but at a relative time.
This was originally posted on the temp board last night.
No. 421091
File: 1510425789485.jpg (218.05 KB, 1066x1144, SmartSelectImage_2017-11-11-13…)

"Top donator"
No. 421174
>>421160And that's the excuse Joy (or was it Cy?) uses when people call her out on giving Alex so much grief when she herself lied from day one.
'People asked about our relationship, and I never confirmed or denied it. So, I wasn't lying!'
And, because we know she, or her dimwitted minions, read Lolcow…
To Kati: When you choose to withhold an answer to a straight question because you know it'll ruin your narrative about being homeless/financially crippled, YOU! ARE! LYING!!!
You deliberately mislead your followers into believing you were in dire straits; feeding off of their generosity and lining your pockets with their limited funding. Spin it all you'd like - you're a fucking scam artist for doing that!
No. 421270
File: 1510440252539.png (78.95 KB, 640x426, IMG_1953.PNG)

Grandpa Hall is fucking pissed, yo. I'd love to see him set up a channel to call her ass out.
How the hell are her fans seeing this and still sticking by her?
No. 421277
File: 1510440938415.jpg (33.67 KB, 389x438, Capture.JPG)

No. 421287
File: 1510441568587.jpeg (69.69 KB, 1250x345, 2ECEC43B-4D1D-46CD-9AE4-FE33D7…)

>>421270Haha! I know it’s great…Grandpa is out there kicking some ass!
No. 421329
>>421297I just watched the video titled
Family tragedy UpdateWow, so much in there. From her talking about how toxic that side of the family is to her, but she is going to still ask for people to donate to them during this time (because we all know that she is always the better person). How her mother is toxic, etc..etc..trailer trash coment somewhere in there, and some hillbilly talk. Her being accused that it may not actually be her family, and so on. Is this where she doxxed herself too because of the news article or something? In the video she was saying people dug up info on her or something because she talked about this tragedy publicly.
Please excuse me family anons, if you are reading this as I know this particular subject may be very touchy. I’m not expecting answers from you for this.
No. 421471
File: 1510460935374.png (604.56 KB, 1366x704, Untitled.png)

No. 421526
File: 1510468623142.png (190.29 KB, 1244x828, Capture.PNG)

I was going to post this in the Spergleberries thread, but after little Richie's Twitter tantrum and Kati's response to it I just found this too funny.
Richie says he's aware that Kati is an "insecure egomaniac" and that he thinks he can help her because he is too. Help her. . .to not be insecure about being an egomaniac KEK
Also found it interesting that she would exclude people from Patron privileges they have paid for if she's 'mad at them'.
No. 421535
File: 1510470151460.png (77.46 KB, 1270x469, Capture.PNG)

>>420915>>420917And here is Richie's final response to this person. He threatens to post whatever identifying info he has on her in Kati's next Patron stream to shame her in front of the group.
Coincidentally Kati's last Patron's stream on the 10th was titled 'Patreon on lockdown'. In the past she has forced people to provide ID before being allowed in her streams that they pledged for access to, and we have the girl who said Alex was having her do background checks on Patrons.
Sounds like a real fun place to be. Kati's Patreon has lost about 10 people in the last couple of days. It looks like a couple $20 and $10 left and several of her $2 and $3 Patrons finally got sick of her shit. It's only about $65 but that represents 12.5% of the total number of people there were.
No. 421540
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No. 421541
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No. 421542
File: 1510471037696.jpg (36.43 KB, 563x265, Capture.JPG)

No. 421544
File: 1510471764271.png (128.66 KB, 798x895, Screenshot 2017-11-12 17.01.48…)

Robert hates Kati, he said so today.
No. 421545
File: 1510471784063.png (102.36 KB, 798x908, Screenshot 2017-11-12 17.01.56…)

No. 421546
>>421526>>421535Ewww, it’s so obvious Joy is running an internet cult here. Her followers are constantly ready to shame people who leave, give them threats, curse them out and abuse them. It’s like “how dare you leave the cult you traitor!”.
The way Joy makes rules for her paying Patrons, Id’ing them, background checks, excluding whomever she’s mad at….I think I’m going to be sick. To treat people this way is so vile, so despicable, I just don’t know what to say.
No. 421547
File: 1510471948037.png (98.26 KB, 799x910, Screenshot 2017-11-12 18.28.28…)

No. 421548
File: 1510472325457.jpg (24.14 KB, 566x391, Capture.JPG)

No. 421550
>>421540Oh, you don’t want to be a part of this anymore Joy? Then why don’t you piss off and leave R alone! Stop calling and texting her. Stop acting like she has to repay you for anything. Those donations came from people who wanted to help R and her children. It was not from your own pocket. The ad revenue on the YouTube vids came from you exploiting R’s kids. None of it was ever your money. Your bragging is disgusting.
>>421541Then Joy has the nerve to say she has even helped R more than her own father! Careful up there on that high horse, sweetie…cause it’s a long way doooowwwn.
No. 421552
File: 1510473513943.jpg (148.29 KB, 1569x493, DOT0mzHXUAAmxKw.jpg)

No. 421553
File: 1510473588065.png (118.33 KB, 1881x921, Screenshot 2017-11-12 18.54.26…)

>>421548Seems like 2 comments have been removed.. So she is silencing her own patreons
No. 421557
File: 1510473957176.jpg (29.79 KB, 561x197, Capture.JPG)

Poppie doesn't like Tim either.
No. 421558
>>421548What does
Patreon on Lock Down mean?
Does this mean she’s not streaming for her patrons right now?
I have a feeling she may be waiting for her main sidekick Cy to come back from her vacation, until she does her next stream. That way she has her “yes man” at her side and they can control the stream easier, and answer only questions that make Joy feel comfortable, toss in the usual word salad.
No. 421562
File: 1510474403867.jpg (33.17 KB, 570x303, Capture.JPG)

No. 421567
File: 1510475107109.jpg (34.08 KB, 552x397, Capture.JPG)

Melinda has a point Kati is still using Roses name to make money.
No. 421569
I haven't been here for a long time, another Anon informed me about the new developments. I was Illness Anon, the one who documented every illness claim, along with some other stuff. Such as posting the video about her asking Mike what anal sex is, despite claiming anal rape. The BS Detector, email me to confirm it is me if you must, there are other Anons on here I talked to via that email, so it can be confirmed.
I'm just giving examples because I have something to add, nothing major but I'm hoping I earned enough trust points to be given the BOTD without exposing my source.
I have known for months that Joy was in a relationship with Dom, just to add it to the timeline. I can tell you that I heard it from the horse's mouth directly. At the time I thought it was purposeful baiting to see if the info would be revealed and she would know where it came from. Now I'm just thinking she is an idiot for constantly referring to him as boyfriend to someone she knew didn't like or believe her. Proof of what I am saying does exist but it isn't my proof to reveal and let's face it, it's not groundbreaking info.
I hold my hands up, I thought her constant boyfriend references wouldn't be important. I thought all she would say is that it was nobody's business and that would be the end of it. I didn't expect that out of all of her unhinged, abusive, controlling behaviour, that her spergleberries would draw the line at her having a boyfriend. It is crazy to me that this is where some of them have drawn the line.
To her family, thank you for finally speaking out. It must have been a comfort to see so many strangers supporting you,doubting
any of her allegations without you having to say a word. It is great to see so many of our assessments confirmed. I'm sorry that you have had to deal with this behaviour for years. Maybe this will result in her finally accepting that she needs professional help.
It is good to see that Rose is finally following the advice to C&D Joy and I saw a tweet further up (why is the scroll moving do slowly?) saying Tim was preparing a no contact order filing, that sounds like the C&D was ignored, as that is the next step.
No. 421576
>>420936They're on EOBS Twitter. I tried to go see if I could find the source again but there's a lot to sort through. I really wanna say these were from the comment section under Stiles' video where he used that teen's suicide for leverage. Unfortunately (well, not really tbh) the video is private now so I can't check.
>>421569I'd really like something more damning here than just your word. I believe you but you know we need the horse's mouth for it to actually count.
I'm not surprised that her having a bf is what tipped them off, they were able to open their eyes to how long she's lied and how low her lies will go. So, rose colored glasses off and her cult losing their collective minds while she leaves them hanging… basically this was the perfect storm. It seems like Kattscratch is really the only one shes got left (and maybe Cy) but I wouldn't be surprised if that's her alt or Katt let's her use the account to snoop whenever she pretends to be MIA. Through the course of this, all the other "big players" in her defence club have been able to admit that something fishy is going down. Also, that Russia chick admitting she lied after putting on such a performance really just exemplifies how much emotional manipulation goes on in that group. It was very telling to me how, besides the usual few, Kati literally had nobody else defending her. She truly has lost ALL of her "fans" minus those who pay to stick around… and as we saw, even they're beginning to leave.
No. 421577
>>421569Thank you, Illness Anon. We've missed you around here!
Can confirm, as someone Kati doesn't know and who only messaged her a few times on Skype at the start of her channel when she was much more open to fans contacting her, she was very open with the information that Dom was her boyfriend. It's surprising that she took this long to admit it, considering we can only imagine how many people like me she casually revealed this to. If it was really that important she shouldn't have been so obvious about it in my opinion. I didn't know at the time that it was such scandalous information that would turn people away from her, I thought it was totally normal for a woman to be dating the man she's living with and getting to do all sorts of things for her, especially doing so and bragging about it publicly on record on her channel. I repeat: so obvious.
No. 421602
File: 1510482039510.jpg (69.42 KB, 843x373, 872d26c1-f3d5-4c11-a8b9-35bdca…)

I'll just leave this here
No. 421603
File: 1510482077981.jpg (75.72 KB, 547x330, ecd4cc9c-9596-4630-8dc8-ec0f31…)

This one too
No. 421624
>>421577 thank you Anon, I'm not staying, I've enjoyed being away from the madness too much. And as predicted, she has been the architect of her own downfall, it was just a matter of time.
I feel sorry for Dom, he has no idea he is in an abusive relationship but I also think there is no point in anyone trying to warn him. He's in too deep, he isn't going to believe a word anyone else has to say about her, she has already long since conditioned him, the poor sod. He will find out the hard way, just like every other person in her real life.
Well it was good to catch up Anons, enjoy the milk!
No. 421683
>>421535Sorry for the tinfoil.
So if shady Kati is running background checks on patreons is it safe to assume she’s basically just running an identity theft ring?
No. 421692
>>421683My thoughts exactly. Be very careful with your interactions with this scammer.
She said a while back on younow(in the past month) that she is cataloguing all the commenters. I noticed how much attention she pays to people who criticize her and I wouldn’t put it past her to have a list of you now people etc.
She doesn’t have the right to run backgrounds on her patrons. She is irresponsible and untrustworthy.
Don’t give her any personal information. She will use it against you.
Exiting in a cloud of sage No. 421726
>>421701I think it is fair to look at it as a domestic abuse case. He's like any other victim, she has probably ground him down to a shadow of his former self. I dread to think of the head fuckery that goes on under that roof. She has no doubt convinced him that she really is sick and every hospital and doctor is wrong and she's right and he probably won't dare say otherwise because we see what happens if anyone disagrees with her. On top of that she has him convinced the entire world is against her, so that adds pity points too. I bet he thought she was going back to their earlier days when she had the miraculous recovery one day after taking meds for her "official diagnosis" I bet it got his hopes up for a hot minute.
Now to the tinnier tinfoil. On the chance it isn't tinfoil, don't forget that YT comment Amanda left alluding to Kati being an identity thief. Nobody should trust her with any information. I would say that is basic advice in general but that comment should be the cherry on top. If any of her Patrons are stupid enough to give her their private information then they are truly too stupid to pity.
Saged for speculation about Dom & Tinfoil.
No. 421759
File: 1510509800784.png (225.81 KB, 518x384, victor and hugo.png)

she doesn't just get turn on the nuttiness on camera, that's who she is. so he's probably just glad she has something to occupy her and provide a conduit for her crazy. if he's 'in on it' he makes an amazingly incompetent partner in crime.
No. 421803
>>421781first you argued that he was enabling by doing nothing at all, now you're saying he's actively part of it but behind the scenes. OK then.
(shame you're not going to respond again, the condescension was so pleasant. /s)
No. 421841
>>421816Do you know what enabling even means? It means you can sit back and not say anything or be passive which enables the person to continue their behaviour. You can also enable them by telling them what they are doing is ok, encourage the bad behaviour and justify it for them. In the end, they are both pulling money into their household regardless of Doms stance in this.
Learn to read. You feel sorry for the guy all you want. …cough
No. 421909
File: 1510519216320.jpeg (739.87 KB, 1242x1757, 5B5A7E8A-174B-4C18-95A7-B1C1BC…)

>>421861According to Mr. Rep it’s a violation of patreon TOS. So I would think it could be reported.
No. 421912
File: 1510519401593.png (534.53 KB, 2048x1536, 43249C1F-EB5C-4447-8798-2D700E…)

Patreon Terms of Use conduct:
Illegal Activities - Don’t break the law or encourage others to break the law.
Abuse - Don’t harass or bully others, or promote violence or hatred towards others.
Personal Information - Don’t distribute others’ personal information or otherwise abuse it. Creators with access to their patrons’ personal information should not use it for anything unrelated to Patreon.
If Kati has been taking people’s personal information, giving it to Alex or whoever else to make background checks, that means she has been breaking the terms of use and could be reported for this. Also with Richard Stiles trying to take people’s personal info and pictures to post in stream for others to see, is against terms as well.
No. 421946
File: 1510520644627.png (232.38 KB, 2048x1536, 6190F3A5-ED6A-4CF0-A390-6F10D3…)

A Patron also has every right to remain anonymous on Patreon. Only thing required is proper payment information.
It’s sick to think she is asking her paying Patrons to provide her with their personal info. All doing this behind the scenes in secret. I hope her Patrons see this, and learn what their rights are, and what she is doing is wrong.
No. 421969
File: 1510521896305.jpeg (155.88 KB, 781x1100, 6D734748-70D9-43DB-A82D-ADD997…)

If this hasn’t been posted before, there you go.
It’s Dated Sept, 24
No. 422183
File: 1510530228361.jpeg (787.61 KB, 1242x1641, 68890B8F-C9E9-4CB8-AAB0-A8D466…)

I would expect Joy to sperg out some time soon.
No. 422584
File: 1510546264211.png (122.04 KB, 640x809, IMG_1956.PNG)

Might be overreaching, but am I the only one who thinks he might be turning on Kati? He's been a bit on the quiet side.
No. 422610
>>421583If you are new to posting you should go take a look at the rules. It will will show you how. To sage a post that has no milk, you need to type
sage in the email section. Then make your comment and post.
No. 422657
File: 1510561244530.png (425.12 KB, 500x589, Pifju7c.png)

Tweeted by VHS Archive.
No. 422660
File: 1510562171854.jpg (441.38 KB, 1074x1066, SmartSelectImage_2017-11-12-12…)

If we get a thread #14 please pleaseeeee use this
No. 422700
>>422584Even if he was talking about Kati; who would take him seriously after his last 'backstab joke'?
For all anyone knows; this is just another BS stunt - you know, for the LOLs. XP
No. 422849
>>421969Another thing about asking for real names and photos of her Patrons…
Patreon has an age rule that patrons must be 13+. That is just one of the reasons you don’t ask people for their private info and pictures. You could be asking minors for their photos, which is creepy af!
No. 422866
Hey guys, to all my older patrons, and new ones that come in, let me give you a small overview:
I had a youtube channel called Joy Sparkle BS. I took on topics such as Onision, DaddyoFive, Austin Jones, ect. After countless doxxing attemps and nonstop stalking/harassment, I have recently deleted my youtube account and have my twitter deactivated.
While I absolutely hate doing this, I felt it was necessary for not just my health, well being, and safety, but for that of those around me too.
I spoke w many of you about just deleting patreon all together, but the majority of my patrons said they wanted me to keep it up and were happy to continue to support me.
I will be making a private twitter just for patrons, as well as doing streams throughout the week. I will be changing the tiers on how I do things shortly, as some of the prizes were regarding my yt videos.
I don't have all the details worked out as to what I am going to do w this page or if I will continue to make video content for you guys, so just pls be patient with me as I navigate how this is all going to go.
I will still be on younow from time to time, and still love to connect with everyone. If anyone is upset/concerned about their rewards for the month of October please send me a private message with your paypal and I willl gladly send you your payment back. I just want to make this fair for everyone while I protect myself.
Thank u so much for all the love, support, and kindness. just the kindess alone, means so much to me, and I am so grateful I've gotten to know I truly humbly thank you, and I look forward to continue hanging out with everyone soon.
No. 422882
>>422866Did she post this on Patreon or something? But then everyone on there would know she was a YouTuber and what she covered. The intro is redundant regardless of who she was addressing, but particularly her own fans.
It's very well typed (for her, it of course still has some abbreviations), but I assume that's just because it's sort-of an 'official' kind of announcement. Still weird to be here without context.
No. 422952
File: 1510601199696.jpeg (115.11 KB, 412x1024, 016EAFAF-F8B6-4E91-8871-033788…)

She needs photos and voice confirmation to join her streams. What a nutter.
No. 422961
>>422952Off topic - please look up through the thread before posting anything. I swear, this screencap has been posted half a dozen times, already.
And, unless you have something new to share, please, sage your posts! (add sage to the email field).
No. 422967
>>422952She is nuts. She doesn’t need face or voice confirmation. A paying patron has a right to protect their image and name online. If people are causing grief in the stream, all she has to do is block them. Even the Patreon rules suggest that. She is going against the TOS.
By the way Kati, please learn the difference between there and their.
No. 423267
>>422952The sheer levels of paranoia and self importance here is astounding. She's acting as if her streams are information trade offs between secret agents or something. Fucking hell.
Has anyone made a point of saying to her that patrons have the right to anonymity, as per the Patreon guidelines? I'm very curious to see what Olympic gold tier rhythmic mental gymnastics she would perform to reason why her streams are so much more important than the silly matter of the TOS.
No. 423314
>>422866this is actually pretty great, the psycho bitch has been chased off youtube and twitter (re: patron only account) and is merely relegated to spewing her filth to the small bunch of dregs who can be bothered clinging to her shit
she's preaching to a tiny, unremarkable, and inconsequential group of speds.
nobody believes a word she says anymore, her name is mud, nobody is stupid enough to associate with her, people are loudly distancing themselves.
she's not circling the drain anymore, she's down it, and it's excellent to see. she deserves nothing more than ridicule and dismissal.
No. 423356
>>423267Haha, secret agent Joy! That thought made me laugh so hard! If she could, she would be doing physical
pat downs at the door.
If she is not YouTubing, her Patreon will go down the drain eventually. There will be no new patrons and only the ones she has for now. Soon they too will get tired or broke from paying her money. She’s not living up to her rewards, and her streams are not frequent. Her private streams can’t be any better than the ones on YouTube. It’s probably gossip and “shit talk” as she likes to say.
No. 423526
File: 1510649374726.png (3.65 MB, 2048x1536, C9CCF78D-E263-4F40-954C-0BF3BC…)

It’s super secret stuff guise!
No. 423558
>>423346I'm assuming this is the tweet in question? it is Joy they're talking about; I wonder how they came about this gossip/news and who committed her - because I think it's a very safe bet she didn't commit herself.
No. 423598
File: 1510661752400.png (32.13 KB, 736x628, Screenshot 2017-11-14 23.10.34…)

Good to see Twitter actually doing something. I wonder how many videos he will make about it and i wonder who he will accuse?
No. 423599
>>423594Is there any point making a #14 yet? If she is withholding milk or if it has otherwise dried up, there's not a lot of reason to make a new thread
this is 100% not me baiting her into doing something stupid in public for attention if she thinks her h8urz are going to start ignoring her but seriously.
No. 423665
>>421345Yes that money went to the older brother's gofund me–had nothing to do with Kati. And their gravestones are really beautiful. A few days after it happened was when Kati revealed she was "youtube famous" and had thousands of subscribers. We saw the video and hoped that her step family would never see it because it is so terrible.
>>421402 They are estranged.
>>423335 Not to our knowledge.
~~~family member anon OP
No. 423688
>>423558Take anything VHS says with a brick of salt. She's thrown wild rumors out there before. Js.
>>423599It would be good to have one ready in case she eruptes after everything that's been said. If she knows the thread is almost locked, she seems to ramp up her drama.
>>423612Has there been any actual confirmation that that is in fact roses father? Geez, everyone believing anything and everything at face value. Question everything.
>>423672He means she mailed them through the post office. That's an old timey way people used to share information. ;)
No. 423731
File: 1510677405687.png (11.46 KB, 266x169, Capture.PNG)

Here's a post from under Richie's upload of Kati's raunchy Mad Libs nine minute stream 1/2
No. 423734
File: 1510677717196.png (20.46 KB, 842x208, Capture.PNG)

and also this from one of her Spergleberries under the raunchy Mad Libs video. What the fuck? How? What? How? 2/2
No. 423756
>>423372how about you read the rules and stop being such a raging autist
>>423688VHS also went a bit cowish not long ago. how quickly people forget. then again, as you say, everyone believing anything at face value, because we've learned fuck all from previous threads. thirst > all
>>423715you want to help her fans … so you're here? OK then.
No. 423765
>>423756I was joking. If anybody is being a raging autist, that would be you. Getting all pissy and snotty.
Anyway, I’m done looking into this shit. It’s way to negative and depressing. Taking a break from it. Till next time.
No. 423770
>>423672She sent them via email. This was a while back and I didn't even realize I had them til I was looking through old photos and drawings sent,etc.
>>423762Sorry. Was totally not paying attention. Fixed now.
No. 423790
>>423756“you want to help her fans … so you're here? OK then.“
Don’t be an asshole to the family anons! They are helping to sort through the lies. If the Spergles read it, they can make up their mind about Joys cult. It gives them a chance at least.
In fact, I’m sure it safe to say, you are a Spergle.
No. 423820
>>423721I respect family anons saying they dont wanna answer about stuff she hasnt lied over but I think anon is asking because iirc I wanna say she implied the step father was either abusive or sexual towards her. I can't remember what she said tbh, I just know it was when she was in the hotel room co-opting stories from Cody and Emma to draw parallels between Do5 and her own upbringing. I really feel like there were pedo accusations in there, I just can't remember and ofc the channel is down. Don't even know what title to look for on the mirror channel.
I just wanted to toss that out there. As far as I know, she's got an accusation for everyone in the family except the grandmother. I remember thinking "wow 2 parents, 2 step parents, and they're ALL pure evil?"
Sorry y'all had to deal with these kind of accusations in the first place.
No. 423933
>>423820I answered the step father question in this thread already. I personally can't prove it true or false but Kati claims everyone hits on her. Second Family anon answered this as well from their perspective.
Just to clarify she has referenced 2 step dads she just never clarified that there were 2 different people. She tells a story about when she was very little and her mom took her to Family Dollar and they yelled at her or something. I can't remember it exactly, that was step dad #1. The one she is claiming was hitting on her is step dad #2. So its 2 parents, 3 step parents and they are all horrible according to Kati.
Just so you all know, she also hates all of her aunts, uncles and siblings. ~~~family member anon OP
No. 423942
>>423826I can't remember Kati talking about not monetizing videos until DO5 but I could be incorrect.
>>423939 No,twice. The third person is still referred to/called step dad but they are only common law married but they have been together for over 20 years. ~~~family member anon OP
No. 423963
> Just to clarify she has referenced 2 step dads she just never clarified that there were 2 different people ~~~family member anon OP+ 1 biodad
> The third person is still referred to/called step dad but they are only common law married but they have been together for over 20 years ~~~family member anon OP2017 - 20 years = 1997
Kati was born in 1986.
I do not know how much over 20 years so I arbitrarily tacked 2 years on.
1997 - 1986 - 2 = 9
No. 423987
This is what the deleted post said:
>>423945The age of 9 you are throwing out there is way too accurate to be someone just getting information she puts out. Is this Kati? I believe it has to be 33 - 20 = 13 not 9 so how would you know she was 9? Hi Kati! ~~~family member anon OP
No. 423991
>>423987Yes I deleted the post because as soon as I posted I saw that you were off on the birth date and how you figured it out so I deleted it. I still think its off that Kathy(i)'s name is also spelled two ways–kind of how Kati spells her name two ways. I don't like the lines of questioning this morning. Its really rude. So we are exiting at this point.
~~~family member anon OP
No. 424025
>>424009Even in the family tragedy videos, she claims that one of the family members of the boys actually wanted her to talk about it on her channel. Pffft, yah right! She talks about those poor boys, and then turns around and completely trashes their family…all at the same time. Yah, I’m real sure the family wanted her to do that. As if! Then acts like she’s better than them by asking for people to donate. She’s always gloating about how much better she is, even to the people that are supposedly horrible to her.
Her comment to Negs (he lost his son) on Twitter was extremely shitty of her too!
No. 424034
>>423964Yeah, back when those Do5 videos were the most recent, we had a lot of discussion here about panic attacks and how she clearly wasn't experiencing one. Lots of people here actually have them. I think at the time that may have been something that made a couple of fans come to their senses? IE, like here, there were people who actually had panic attacks and saw her video as lying? I can't be sure though - obviously there has been a steady stream of people coming to their senses since these threads came from the Onion thread at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017, so I may just be getting confused.
But yeah, her 'panic attack' did piss a lot of people off. I know when I have one there is not a chance in hell I would have the ability to focus and speak to a camera.
>>424009Those videos were a nightmare at the time. Watching her use those boys' deaths for her own 'I am the nicest person in the world' agenda was horrible. Especially since she was going on and on about how that branch of the family were all terrible wastrels (pot meet kettle) which was none of her audiences business! The whole business was a very inappropriate move for her. But then, this is Kati, she doesn't know the meaning of the word 'appropriate'.
On a separate note, family anons, your answers are much appreciated and there are a good number of people here that are grateful for your input.
No. 424037
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Not Kati
No. 424058
>>423994Sorry to be going over a bit of old stuff, but, in the third video in this post, a wee bit before the halfway point, she quietly says 'this isn't something you'd want to make up for attention'. This is a wild tiny tinfoil, but that makes it sound like there are other things she would think are fine to make up for attention? I'm probably reading to far into that but it's what it seemed like to me.
Also, she says at numerous points that she 'just woke up'. Exactly who just wakes up to bad news and has their immediate thought be 'I must film myself talking about this to my YouTube channel! This is important information that I just must tell to the internet on a platform specifically for having an audience!' Like, I could understand if you made a post on Facebook to you family and friends or if you had a blog that you used like a journal, but YouTube? I don't understand that at all. Well, beyond doing it to manipulate your devotees and further your victim narrative, of course
No. 424076
Question for the anon family members.
Have you ever thought about having Kati involuntarily committed? It honestly might be the best thing for her so she can get the help she obviously needs.
Hers some info about doing that in Oklahoma. No. 424403
>>423942 No, not the do5 videos.
>>423994 Yes these videos! They were originally uploaded to YT and she was called put for having the ads switched on them. She claimed it was a mistake but now that it gas happened she would put the ads on all of videos discussing those boys and her family situation and she would donate all proceeds to the GoFundMe account. She was asked to provide proof of doing this repeatedly and she never did. So this was officially the first time she made money off the pain of others despite promising all the funds would be donated to the family of the boys.
I'm pissed with myself because I stopped following all of this and deleted so much stuff. I had a comprehensive breakdown of every time she had claimed she would donate vs the times she actually did and this was number one on the list. I'm working on trying to retrieve everything.
No. 424743
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So Mikenactor reuploaded his Why I Do Not Like Mr. Repzion video, and found this in the comments.
No. 427496
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It is possible for me to think she has character flaws. It is possible for me to think she's full of shit, to a molehill extent. It's hard for me to foresee that I'd ever think she's a bad person. BUT, in the unlikely event of that unlikeliness occurring, I'd walk away like yesterday's news. You obsessors are pathetic. Get a fuking life, instead of centering it around other people's lives.
If not for me, people would still be saying "Help this happy family rebuild their new lives" bla bla. I stated two contradictory truths, upset some fragile folks, but they looked into the first contradictory truth and saw I was right. The narrative changed to "Free R & the kids" bla bla. But I'm the bad guy for pointing it out, and supposedly criminal for the second contradictory truth. Why haven't you looked into that one yet? Oh and, um, how much trouble am I in for agreeing with CPS? Ha, ha, shut up. I got three first cousins older than "Poppy", so he can kiss my analhole. There can't be blackmail without dirt. Whatchu hiding, Robby? What if Joy had told a whopper as big as R's doozy about the reunited family needing that help? Oh but that's different. Yeah it is, and I know the real difference. But I'm not against the gravy train fund. I want all you who only like R as a side reaction of your Joyhate to donate every damn thing you have to their gravy train fund. But, keep in mind that you are responsible for the losses of any good person you entice to donate to a cause that you've made your mind up to be sure of, without making the effort to find out how sure you should be.
I'm gonna wipe your lols away Donavan aka "Eobard". Full prosecution and the piss sued out of. You may have gotten away with it before, but not this time. You should've known. How could you have not figured I wouldn't let it slide? You gonna get a lesson about living responsibly in the world of adults.
No. 427549
>>427496Hey it’s
Charles Richard Stiles
151 Bob Bell Circle
Copperhill, Tennessee 37317
Learn to post here you fucking retard.
No. 427550
>>427549Glad someone finally called old dickies bluff
Suck it stiles
You truly are a freak and authorities should be notified