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No. 424115
The gift that keeps on giving!
>Joy. Joy/kati has claimed to have had a hard, horrible, abusive upbringing. Claiming that her parents were verbally and physically abusive. That her step-father's actions bordered on sexual abuse. Not only that, but she said she lived in "ghettos" and "trailer parks". If that wasn't bad enough, all her health issues that have plagued her since childhood, still haunt her today! Poor, poor, neglected, abused kati. Feelsbadman. Oh, wait! No it doesn't because it was all a lie! SURPRISE!
here's some highlights from the previous thread
>>399109 :
>deleted her JoySparkleBS channel, claiming too much bullying & harassment, but was due to show analytics from do5 videos.>still calling and texting rose, bio mom of do5 kids, reminding rose that she gave rose money and rose should be fucking greatful and should kiss her ass til the end of time.>played peek-a-boo with her Twitter account a couple times, to get the joytards in a tizzy.>joy and cultists drag shrubtime for (((lying))) & (((scamming))) people.>"family" anons decide to join the discussion after fall out with shrubtime/alex/red towel head>All namefagged post by "family" anons: >>415132 >>415237 >>415377 >>415407 >>415428 >>415432 >>415435 >>415498 >>415513 >>415517 >>415545 >>415557 >>415565 >>415587 >>415591 >>415593 >>415604 >>415618 >>415642 >>415657 >>415703 >>416161 >>416292 >>416359 >>416363 >>416710 >>416715 >>416719 >>416738 >>416770 >>417007 >>417008 >>417011 >>417013 >>417017 >>417024 >>417472 >>417655 >>418522 >>418716 >>420466 >>420508 >>420541 >>420971 >>420976 >>421040 >>423665 >>423709 >>423715 >>423933 >>423942 >>423965 >>423987 >>423991 >>424009>old photos of horrid childhood >>416671 >>416675 >>416676 >>416680 >>416699 >>416703 >>416758>requires paying patrons to show face, photo id, and voice confirmation to join patreon streams. >as of writing this post, she isn't fulfilling at least 3 tiers of patreon rewards. >also, hasn't streamed on younow for almost two weeks. >finally admitted that her and dom/"roommate" are "together".>denies using emotional manipulation to get money from her fans.>mystery illnesses still holding her back in life. >says she can't afford health insurance, info comes out her Grandmother has been paying for insurance that won't cover anymore visits til she gets the psycholical help she needs.Previous threads:
>>246848 #2
>>399109Temp thread from when site was down: kati drama having to do with her sycophantic sperglefucks belongs here:
>>336585Social Media:
Joy Sparkle BS main YouTube channel this here. Just in case.)
Spurpinklebow 2nd channel Sparkle Eff It 3rd channel PEOPLE, PLEASE READ!
•Frequently brought up topics linked here:
>>354796 please take the time to look them over as well as the summaries at the start of each thread. •If it's your first time posting read the rules: and usage info •lurk moar
•Do a keyword search (Ctrl-F) to first check if the topic has been discussed already, we try to avoid rehashing the same things over and over.
•If you have important factual information to share (aka milk) be sure to back it up with evidence such as links or screenshots. Attempting to pass off unsubstantiated rumors as truth will only get you laughed at and ridiculed.
newfags: Always leave the Name and Subject fields blank when you post. If it's not new milk put "sage" in the email field to ‘sage’ your post…if you are not sure if your post is milk sage it anyway. •Not saging correctly is a
bannable offense. If you make a mistake on a post you can delete it within the first 30 min.
•If her channel happens to come back, do not directly link her videos to the thread.
Do not post about Kati's family or exes or try to contact them. You can talk about them if Kati brings them up but do not refer to them by name.
Do not try to use us as your own personal army to go after Kati or anyone else, we are not your attack dogs. Thanks!
No. 424151
>>424115Top kek at the thread picture.
My god is she hideous.
No. 424219
>>424157I had asked this before but I know there's been a lot thrown at the family anons so they may not have seen my post.
I'm curious about her history with animals. How does she treat them? One of you mentioned that she had previously left a dog behind - could you fill in some more details regarding that?
There are some of us who have concerns about her newly adopted dog. I'm hoping she adopted the dog because she wanted to help it rather than as yet another token to prove to the internet that she's "such a good person."
Thanks again for your insight thus far. It is greatly appreciated!
No. 424251
>> 285338
"Even from the first encounter with my abilities I was forced to shut down. I had awoken one night with the ability of clairaudience. My third ear was turned on and cranked up on full blast with the sounds of energy moving and ghosts wanting to connect with me. I ran downstairs to my mother’s room screaming my head off and frantically crying, not able to understand why I had suddenly gone crazy. Days later, my mother found out from a friend that I was just psychic, and that it was okay; however, she warned me to never tell anyone about my ability or I would be put in a “crazy house.” Before my spiritual growth could even start, I was stunted on the spot.
Even though I heeded my mother’s warning, a bigger part of me felt I needed to connect with those around me. When I was thirteen I tried to open up to two classmates about some of my experiences. I explained to them that I had a team of angels I worked with and how I had a past life with one of them. Less than a day later it was rumored all over the school that I was a witch and that I talked to the devil. I had people throw bibles, crosses, and spit on me as I walked by. I was even called into the principal’s office about the rumors. I broke down, crying in front of the principal, and explained to her that everything is okay. I was spiritually-socially heartbroken. My heart remained in this unprepared state for many years following this incident."
True or nah?
No. 424268
>>424266Thank you very much for answering, family anon. Was there anything in her life ( again, as far as you can tell ) that you could point your finger at and say 'yes, this might be the reason that she's behaving this way, maybe this traumatised her'?
You don't have to go into the specifics of the event, I'm just genuinely interested in why she's behaving the way that she does.
No. 424271
>>424251Dang she really hates her classmates I guess. I am 100% no one threw bibles or crosses at her. I am 100% that she did not ever get called to the principals office for something like that or at all that I can remember. This is very strange to me because I don't recall her having such hard feelings about her peers. As far as I could tell she was well liked.
All of the other stuff appears to be grossly exaggerated. Now that I think about it though I have seen her writing before and she always exaggerates. One million became 10 million in one story she wrote that stands out in my mind.
No. 424278
>>424268Not really anything that should traumatize her. Parents divorced but many people come from divorced parent who do not act this way. Relatives on both sides have minor psychological issues but are well controlled with medication. Kati possesses all of the charactreistics of narcissism. But she also was very hperactive as a child but it was controlled with diet and other means. She was allergic to many things and had asthma, which is why she never smoked or took drugs. Alcohol was never something that Kati would ever consider. She was too much into natural things–not shaving, natural bathing products, vegan food and products. She wouldn't have money for basic things but go to expensive stores to buy organic food instead of places withing her means.
2nd anon family member
No. 424286
>>424277Interesting point to note here. Dropped out of school and married Taho.
How did that start, and how long did it last before she ran off? Did you ever see any interaction between the two of them? Would you say it was a relationship..or more of a business arrangement like she has claimed?
No. 424292
>>424290Well, I can clarify a bit of her claims towards Taho. I think the worst thing the man ever did whenever I spoke with them was raise his voice. If anything he was quiet and more focused on whatever he created. Kati did NOT treat him well. She always talked over him, cut him off and talked down to him. It was more of a control thing than anything.
When I visited her in KC when she had the loft (You guys said that you paid for that, correct? Or was that someone else cause it sure wasn't her.)..she had openly bragged about publically humiliating the guy. He wasn't the abusive was the other way around.
As far as going to OK..that seems to have been the one piece of advice she had taken because I was worried that she was going to wind up meeting a bad end at the rate she was going. Her 'contacts' had dried up and she had hinted that the people she had been around were unsavory in some form or other. Between that and her ex just seemed better for a change of locale and starting over. The thing that always stuck out in my mind..whenever it came to any kind of possible improvement she avoided it. Whenever it looked like she'd have to pay her way…she avoided it. (Like when she said that she was going to come down and visit, for instance.)
The more of this that comes out the more it sucks to be Dom. Hope he's got some sort of a backup plan for his own sake.
No. 424299
>>424278>>424277Was there a death in the family at that time, something along those lines? ( personal experience, I went completely off the rails when I lost a family member I was the closest to and being a teen at the time didn't help )
It feels like a 'no easy answers' situation. There seems to be no obvious reason as to why she would lie so much and to this extent, plus her general behaviour and the things she pulled. Because, I mean, these are some serious claims. Being homeless, trailer parks, abusive parents, being bullied/disliked by her peers…These
are things that could mess someone up, but they never happened to her. As well as her health claims, some situations are so unbelievable that it almost ends up sounding comical. I guess it could just be her personality mixed with some underlying mental illness/narcissism.
It sucks to know she bragged about humiliating the person she was dating.
Well, these are all the questions from my end - again thank you very much for answering family anons ( and Phil, if he's itt ).
No. 424320
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So, per the twitter box… Kati is getting her very own "no contact order" from a judge in MD… hehehe… she should frame it as it may be the first of many.
No. 424330
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No. 424331
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No. 424334
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is this true?
No. 424358
>>424307 Kati herself listed as one of her 'Angel Ascension sickness' symptoms over a decade ago in the article she wrote not being able to clean up after herself, being absent minded, not being aware of messes you have made.
I'm assuming this is literally Kati if you ask her to clean anything.
Also to sage your posts please type the word 'Sage' in the e-mail bar.
No. 424361
I've known many hoarders, never known one to think their hoarding and uncleanliness was a sign they were a heavenly being, that is so hilarious. Her delusions are unrivalled on this earth.
No. 424380
Katie was asked on stream why she didn’t pay for utilities since Dom(roomate @the time) wouldn’t allow her to pay him rent, or any bills, and she answered that she offered to pay utilities but that every time she offered, he wouldn’t accept it from her. So imo this is a situation where she is being 100% supported, like many wives and girlfriends are in. There’s nothing wrong with that, as it’s been happening since the beginning of time, and many men (or partners) are old fashion and chivalrous, which brings me to my issue of her lying, by crying broke, unable to work because of her mysterious illnesses, and bottom line; not needing money since she clearly had her own means. Another huge issue is this: many you tubers and younow or twitch broadcasters make tons of money and have lucrative careers but you never hear them speaking of their personal issues. There would have been nothing wrong with her making videos and/or broadcasting and making money, like any other personality, but she didn’t need to lie by incorporating her whole “poor me” bullshit in her act. She’s an idiot. She deserves everyone prying into her business since she talked about it all the time.
No. 424408
>>424380 she did say that but she also stated she does contribute by paying the utilities. It was when she was justifying not making payments she claimed she would make.
You have to right off anything she says unless there is proof because her responses aren't about truth, they are about fitting the narrative and change along with the narrative.
No. 424420
Samefag @
>>424408I have a question for Family Anons, if they are still willing to share.
Kati accused her mother of raising her to behave in an overly sexual, highly flirtatious way with all men to get her own way. She blamed this for being inappropriate to male friends and she only recently learned that this behaviour was wrong. I believe she also connected it to her stepfather being sexually suggestive towards her.
I think I know what your response will be but the more accusations that can be cleared up the better.
I honestly can't believe you are in a position where this is even necessary. I really do feel empathy for you all, especially Kati's mother who has been on the receiving end of some of her worst lies. It must break her heart.
No. 424422
>>424307Please, sage your posts (add sage to the email field).
And, of course Dominique cleans - Kati's too sick to clean, dontchaknow.
>>424320Knowing Kati; she's probably think texting doesn't fall under either category.
No. 424424
>>424330If anyone is in contact with this guy; can they please tell him to make Rose block Kati's number, if she hasn't done so, already?
Sweet natured woman who can't see the cruelty in others or not - if Rose is being harassed by Kati, there's nothing stopping her from blocking Kati/changing her number to help in stopping the unwanted contact.
No. 424434
>>424422Same fag
Forgot to add; don't be surprised if Kati claims that his message wasn't addressed to her because the father @-ed the wrong twitter handle.
Also, sorry for neglecting to sage my own earlier post. That'll teach me to post before having my morning coffee.
No. 424443
>>424436LOL - good luck with that!
For all the grief her lot gave the Do5 fans for making Rose (and her children) life a living Hell throughout the court case; Kati's followers aren't any better when Rose doesn't bend over backwards to appease Kati's self serving whims.
No. 424444
Link with further info. Just to clarify it looks like what we do over here, one is family related and can be obtained in family court but this one wouldn't be family related, we would call it civil over here, I'm not sure about MO. Anyway don't put too much stock in anything family related as it won't apply to Kati.
It was interesting to see breech of the order could be a felony., the most accurate as it covers civil matters. It confirms what I stated, it covers third parties too. No. 424478
>>424468People don't understand how someone with a normal family can turn out so messed up, it's easy if you think of it in terms of rebellion. Everyone knows teens rebel, but for some reason they're shocked that someone could turn out differently from how they were raised. I think that's why you're getting a lot of questions regarding her character growing up and her treatment of/from family members.
To be clear, I don't think that anon
>>424420 was accusing anyone. I know it must be very upsetting to hear these things, but these are awful rumors that Kati has flung out on her own, and repeated to her followers until they believe them. I believe the anon's intention was only to have you refute it so that if her spergs end up on these boards, they can see how many of the things she said were lies and slander against her family. From the way they worded their post, I don't think it was accusatory.
I apologize for all the intrusive questions you've been asked. The sad reality is that she has spent almost a year slandering her family, so naturally there are a lot of painful topics and hard questions that people are curious to hear the truth about. It's not often we would get this sort of chance to hear anything other than speculation from other farmers. Please don't get upset or answer anything you don't feel comfortable answering.
No. 424494
>>424468Thank you, you have my word that I will never ask again. I will refer anyone else who does directly to your post.
I do appreciate your response as I don't doubt just how hurtful this is for you all.
No. 424495
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The scumbag who lied about donating $400 to Alex is on a blocking spree. Apparently Joy and Mike is behind it.
I called her out for doing what Joytards do best Saying sorry and expecting instant forgiveness.
No. 424499
>>424495She probably lied in the first place after being prompted by Kati to do so (whether it was to lie about Alex owing her $400 in order to make him look worse than he already did or to lie that he owed her anything in order to get people to leave Kati alone - due to the negative backlash Kati got for not proactively coming to this one girl's aid).
Either way - this block spree shouldn't surprise anyone.
No. 424501
>>424478I feel torn for asking such intrusive questions. On one hand I understand how painful this must be, having to defend your family over insane lies that are the complete antithesis of the reality. But as you stated, the family also deserve a chance to clear their names, these aren't little lies, they are extremely damaging. And the fact they come from someone they love makes it worse.
As for Kati, I don't believe she is the way she is for any "reasons" as such. I think she has a personality disorder, along with true disordered narcissism. There are plenty of disorders that kick in during the late teens, early twenties. The fact she was spoiled and babied has most likely done nothing more than enable her behaviour for longer than most would have put up with the behaviour but I highly doubt it is was lead to her problems. But this is my speculation and the truth is I doubt she will ever allow herself to be professionally diagnosed.
Has she ever fallen as close to rock bottom as this before though? Maybe the fact that this has been so public might force her hand. This all went down on the internet, it's not like she can run to a different state and start over again this time.
No. 424513
>>424501I don't envy the hole she has dug for herself. Any prospective employer or real estate agent, friends or whoever she might meet in future, all it takes is one google search of her name and they will run for the hills. Her only real option to turn her life around now is to get professional mental help and start working at building a better reputation, but we all know she won't do that.
I wouldn't put it past her to be running phone and email scams on the elderly within a year or two.
No. 424608
>>424186No she has not always been so vulgar. That started after high school to my knowledge. I think she does it for shock value–another way of getting attention.
>>424219I trust Dom
>>424286It was described to me as a business arrangement.
>>424292Yes she avoids any improvement. And always an excuse. It is exhausting. I also saw her treat the ex that begins with a J in the same manner. It was more verbal/emotional abuse.
>>424295Yes that is correct. To my knowledge, Kati has never ever lived out of her car or been homeless. Even if someone would get tired of her messes and behavior, she would either move in with a different family member or back with an ex. Once she claimed I kicked her out and I didn't. I just asked that she be quiet so I could get a good night's sleep before my flight that morning for work. She does this anytime she is asked to modify her behavior.
>>424307you should have seen the nightmare of a mess she leaves at every house she has ever stayed at. It sucks being the people who have to clean it up after she takes off from someone's house. But its a multi-person job and so its easier if there is more than one person doing it.
~~~Family member anon OP
No. 424612
>>424601If I recall correctly, in one of his latest uploads, Phil's guess was that she'll come back claiming that she's pregnant or that Dominique broke up with her.
I'm betting on the former - only because, this way, she can add pregnancy complications to the slew of medical issues she has to suffer through.
No. 424645
I’m more interested in what is taking Kati so long to stream and address what’s been going on. Like, what is her take on the family anons defending themselves from her lies. How is she going to spin this? What is she going to say about the fact she never even met the children from the family tragedy? How she talked poorly of that’s part of the family, while at the same time pretending to be concerned. How she was never homeless, and freeloaded off family and whomever else would take her in. Etc..etc..etc…There is so much! What does Cy think of all this? Also, where is the apology to her “haters” for accusing them Of having Alex fired. Or how about the fact her family was not swatted? It was stated by family anons the afew months ago there was a wellness check on Joy, when she was getting suicidal thoughts, but Joy no longer lived at the address they went to.
No. 424669
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I may have added this on #13 but I think I couldn't find it when I went to upload it, anyway, Kati mentioning "side hustles and other work" that always struck me as odd, given the extensive work history, qualifications, and expert level at everything she has always claimed.
No. 424678
>>424660Here is a good question for Cy.
Cy, you are quite the young chicken. Why are you hanging out online with a 33 year old woman, that doesn’t leave her home, is dishevelled, exploits people’s tragedies, and lies about her family? Why do you keep this kind of company? Shouldn’t you be hanging out with people more your age, with lots of life in them, experiencing the world in a positive way? Involving yourself with stable people, who will add positivity, and a healthy outlook on life?
No. 424711
>>424709Please, learn to sage (add sage to the email field).
Also, look up the video called 'I don't wanna die' - that's the video where she admits to getting into screaming matches with doctors and nurses because 1) she feels they have a God complex and 2) if they were real doctors, they would have cured diseases by now.
No. 424738
What is it like for cost in the USA for mental help? Say for a psychologist? Joy doesn’t exactly need to commit herself. She could easily find a good psychologist, that would be able to help her identify any mental issues or disorders she may have. Then prescribe her whatever she needs with continued therapy, and monitoring of her meds to make sure they are working correctly. With whatever she may be diagnosed with, she can also find support groups that suffer from the same ailments. That way she doesn’t feel alone in her struggle, and they can share with each other.
With all jokes aside, mental illness is very serious and can also cause physical symptoms. I personally hope that Kati finds the correct help she needs and takes serious steps toward a healthier life. She’s not old by any means, and has every opportunity to turn a new leaf, and even possibly make amends with her family. They say they love her, and just want her to get help. It’s never too late. You can fix this Kati, if you really want to. I’m sure your family will be very supportive of you, while you get help.
No. 424752
>>424749Please, unless you have something new to share, sage your posts (add sage to the email field).
As for mental health treatments costing thousands of dollars - having a legit ailment that requires medication can cost just as much.
No. 424785
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Was advised by another helpful anon to also post this here because I dropped it in #13. Mikenactor reuploaded his Why I Dislike MrRepzion video, and here's Joy in the comments.
No. 424896
>>424608I'm not sure if you mean Jason or Jamie/Jaime..but in Jason's case yeah, no kidding. She tried to pull "little Kati" on us both and she got ripped a new one by me and kicked to the curb by him. And of course..then it was his fault.
>>424887She won't until she finds a way to spin it or people keep asking about it over and over again. She will have to address it and other things eventually because the counter-allegations are basically cruise missiles into her foundation. The only way she can choose to completely ignore them is if she's prepared to not come back at all…and given how some of her 'fans' are little more than rabid attack dogs..they'll gobble HER up if they get hungry enough.
>>424887 No. 424970
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Just leaving this here..
And Joy is lurking hard, she comes around to block people lol. And the thing with all this mental illness talk… maybe she's just not a very good person. I mean, clearly she knows she is wrong or she wouldn't be hiding.
The spergles may not see this thread, but it's referenced on Twitter often. She really only has like 3 people defending her over there, even after Ross's dad explicitly told Joy to fuck off. At this point it's whatever, you can't fix stupid.i really wanna know how Cy plans to spin this. I really wonder how Cy looks herself in the mirror.
Oh and don't talk about Russianbunny here or harass her or anything. She's a minor.
No. 424981
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No. 424997
>>424970Russiabunny, though a minor, is a Joytard and deliberately lied to feed into Joy's narrative because she was mad at Alex for making problems for Joy.
I agree that harassing her would be a bad idea; but I'll be damned if I'll ignore her own stupidity in support of Joy, just because she's young.
They won't learn shit all from their mistakes if you baby them. All you need to do is look at Joy for a prime example of what happens when you enable shitty behavior.
No. 425053
>>425026Please read my post carefully. I never said she should be harassed - because, that wouldn't be right; but I'm not going to turn a blind eye to her bad behavior, just because she's a kid.
This is one of those moments where a parent should be contacted to inform them what kind of people their daughter is getting mixed up with and how it's affecting her.
No. 425055
I'm likely the minority here by saying that I believe she is more asshole than anything. There's no doubt mental illness but not the great level that so many assume. I believe she had a family that treated her not only very well, but so good that she demanded that and more from everyone else while giving nothing in return. I also believe she had talent and at one time it made her very happy but she became bored with it and tested the waters creating aliases online and that gave her the power to be so many more things. She became an instant expert in everything, complete with super powers. Part of her mental illness is not having the lightbulb go off to say, yeah I'm doing some dumb shit, abort.
She definitely needs psych help but is no where near a place where anyone can do anything either way. You have to be a major direct threat to yourself or someone else. She could even say she will kill people, then 911 is called, they ask her are you going to harm or kill someone, she says no, they leave, case closed. It's unfortunate but true. Or like mentioned earlier, there's enough to get involuntary commitment and hours later she can sign herself out.
I think more than anything, she is a scammer and is lazy. Why pour blood, sweat and tears into a career singing when the unfortunate reality in life is that she will get more attention if she acts like a dick hole on YT. She knew she wanted an easy way to get attention and money and went for it, and it worked, but she's a greedy piggy and wants it all. She wants the attention and the pity and knew what to say to get it all until she took too much and started messing up while trying to be the hero and the villain.
Things she has said, like her language explanation for example, where she states she spoke properly but basically wanted to be more relatable to peers so she adapted more of a foul mouth. Yet had also said she grew up as white trash and that's just how they do. She's calculated in most every step.
I just think too many things in the world get blamed on mental illness, and that's also what she wants, rather than calling a spade a spade.
Her and onision are quite the pair of smug-selfish pricks, stomping on anyone to get what they want.
No. 425065
>>425057It seriously has to make you wonder how often she acts like that for the father to just wander off after she says 'I'm fine'.
In any case, dropping the topic out of respect for everyone else. Besides - this would be better off in the spergleberry thread.
No. 425104
>>424928As little Kati? Basically she would talk in a higher pitched voice like a child or like she was trying to act like a child. The rest of the stuff was largely a guilt trip. She was trying to get Jason to feel sorry for her and excuse how she treated and talked about guys..claiming some sort of undefined childhood abuse. Jason thought he was helping her or trying to anyway, and since I knew her he reached out to me and we spoke a bit about it, then we both spoke to 'lil Kati" and it all was really off. Mainly because my part of the conversation it was that she was upset with me and obessing over apologies and she was really hurt because she really loved me and all this other crap. (Yeah, she said that.) Jason and I talked privately and compared notes and he later sent me a conversation we had. That was when I got exceptionally pissed and ripped her a new one…largely for the same tactics she is pulling now.
That was one of the biggest red flags that helped me realize that she hadn't changed at all and that it was the same schtick all over again. In fact at one point I even told her "You're giving your critics ammunition and some of the things they're saying you're starting to prove right." Same head games.
Anyway. Back on topic it wasn't long after that he kicked her to the curb. He has moved on with his life since and he hasn't had anything to do with her in some time. You'll know him as the Jason from the Tumblr posts. He was in general kind of shy and reserved but a very intelligent dude with quite the creative side. He's always treated me with respect and I honestly don't have anything bad to say about him. He picked the wrong chick to shack up with but he's paid enough for that one.
No. 425154
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Poppie is going off at Kati and Tim. She thought they were friends, he is putting her in her place. Go poppie
No. 425191
>>425154Good for him. I am grateful that someone is taking her to task for her behaviour that she can't just wave away and say he's a hater.
I wonder how long she's going to hide.
No. 425209
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Awwww… Joysus wants to buy Keemstar a Christmas present! (I'm guessing that it's really her top fan and bestest wallet Coding that will pay for it… so, ask away Keemstar! Coding's got Kati covered!)
No. 425232
So I was looking at the first thread last night and some of the very first posts are Joy Tweeting out her analytics to prove her Onision videos weren't monitized. Fucking
KEK>>246857>>246858Also on her Spurpinkle Bow channel 1 million of the 1.1 million channel views it has gotten were from Do5 videos that she took down. Lucky girl that she still has those analytics for approximately 18% of the Do5 videos. Now all she has to do is show that on all those videos she was getting 23¢ per thousand views. Just based on the 6 million view that went down during September when R asked for videos to be taken down and the $1,400 total she said was the entire amount owed R. And she still hasn't donated the extra amount to R after she says her cult helped her figure it out in private.
No. 425235
>>425209Soo…is she implying Rose/fans are begging her for money, or?
BTW - is her 'past lives' video re-uploaded anywhere?
No. 425266
>>425209BEGGING YOU for money?! bitch, people have been DONATING MONEY TO YOU
Is this deluded woman seriously expecting anyone to believe this blatant lie? Surely not even her retarded spergleberries are that fucking dense.
Joy, YOU'RE the begging, grifting conwoman here.
My god I wish she would have a stroke or something
No. 425271
Am-I-making-money-off-of-DaddyOFive-Abuse-of-Children-Patreon- is the video where she claimed that she was monetizing the Do5 videos because she thought she could do something good with the money. Like, donate it to a charity, but was not sure where to donate it at the time. At the same time claiming she needed to find ways to make money for herself, to find ways to “get better”. Then gets into talking about opening a Patreon account.
No. 425274
>>425256That one's not there, sadly ( or I'm missing it due to being half asleep ), but thanks regardless anon. I'm going to definitely re-watch a few of these.
I'm wondering when she's making an appearance again - surely parts of her miss is.
No. 425295
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>>425266Of course they believe it! Lol she can do nothing wrong.
>>424278>Alcohol was never something that Kati would ever consider. Why?
No. 425328
>>425295>Why?Probably because archangel Michael didn't give her the green light to do so.
( Family anon said she went out of her way to buy all ~organic~ even when it went against her budget, so she probably thought of alcohol as poisoning her body )
No. 425367
Another rumor debunked by Kati herself: the video it is plain to see Joy/Kati has a cold sore.
What are cold sores or fever blisters?
Herpes Labialis
Google "what is a cold sore" heh heh
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Oh for the love of mashed potatoes…
No. 425456
>>425413Everybody knows you should always cater to the rich and 'powerful' before helping out the down and out commoners.
Clearly, Kati has her priorities straight.
No. 425521
>>425454Yeah, I took screenshots of everything and was gonna slap some tweets together but it got to be too much too fast.. I'll do it from memory best I can but Idk how close to chronological it will be.
So starting from her slip up on YN, people took to Twitter to ask her why she lied about being homeless. These people are swiftly blocked and she postpones her previously announced stream, then later it's cancelled all together. Haters and Joytards continue to demand answers, and a lot of them are angry that she's not working harder to try and help RB after the hysteria at the end of the livestream. In fact, she couldn't give a shit less about that girl, and when Cy is questioned she gives this flippant answer that pisses people off more. (It was basically like "oh yeah so I'm supposed to just drop what I'm doing and not spend time with my family yada yada; which in fairness Cy is/was? At Disneyland for a week.)
Meanwhile, Geekscucktoo, Stiles, and Kekistan start the first wave of playing attack dog. There's a lot of back and forth but the main takeaway is Kek offers to dox someone for Stiles in case Stiles wanted to pay the guy a visit and shut him up for good, and how they know Joy would like that. This pisses off Phil, whom makes the video linked in the last thread. (Oh and, shortly before this Stiles had been banned on twitter for 24 hours and then posted that video about the girl's suicide, plus him throwing out more threats at "the haters". Phil uses some of the clips from this in his own video.) Of course these are captured and used against him.
Stiles decides he needs to come back and "collect evidence" against the haters to send to the FBI and create a report showing off the "targeted harassment" of Joy so he came back even more unhinged, screen capping stuff with #Collected. (Nothing he collected even remotely fit his narrative..) He got himself banned at least twice during all this so I can't recall what is where, but the point would be he's now throwing out more threats, being extra crazy, and talking shit about Rose; accusing her of being an alcoholic and on dope and saying that's where all the donation money actually went.Other notable Joytards like Kattscratch and Janus start calling him out. (On the side: one of Janus's cats had passed so there was this moment of compassion between him and haters that really seemed to make an impact against the whole us vs them thing, everyone shared cat photos for a bit)
At some point someone calls the police. Twice, actually but idk where it falls in the timeline here.
Now people are even more angry because Joy will not call him off or disassociate from him, despite how she had just dragged Alex for something so minor compared to what Stiles was up to. Even the other Joytards are telling Stiles to fuck off and he's gone too far, but Joy is playing silent though lurking and blocking people still. Eventually she makes some posts that are the equivalent of sarcastically whispering "whaaanooo hey…stawwwpp" in a corner and essentially praising him for his efforts and saying the haters are not worth it.
People get angrier. At some point RB tweets that she had lied about Alex owing her $400, she had never donated all that and lied because she was angry. This obviously doesn't help things. Joy crawls back into the gutter.
A lot more back and forth goes down but the sum it up: Joy is losing patreons and some of them share their experiences on Twitter. 1 details how she finally opened her eyes to all the bullshit while another talks about how Joy was rarely actually there for patreon streams anyway.
The stuff fam canons say here gets capped and pushed around. A user Melinda, a rl friend of Rose, puts out caps of texts and emails that show Joy is still bugging Rose to this day. The gem of "I give you all my proceeds from the videos and this is how im repaid?!" Is posted. More outrage.
Unfortunately at this point VHS and Ebonard begin to just make shit up and throw it in the mix. Something about how Joy was running an identity theft ring by having people show their name and face before allowed on the patreon stream and VHS is pushing this idea that Joy is using Dom's mom's name to pay utilities. (The screen shot provided doesn't even begin to suggest that). But they also help debunk other lies such as Jon's claim to have never pimped Alex's PayPal. (Meanwhile, Alex can be found in the comment section of another video wherein he's admits to not knowing what to believe anymore since Joy said 1 thing but VHS had the proof against it.)
Somewhere in this mess, StayNegative's son dies but I don't know how or anything. Joy takes this time to virtue signal that "regardless of the nastiness we should send him positive vibes and healing" or whatever disgusting shit she said.
Now there are just receipts flowing like crazy that show off how Joy lies and manipulates. Clips and tweets from the horse's mouth that show off her scam. There's only about 3 Joytards still trying to defend her now. Mr Repzion calls her out for making patreon show their faces and she blocks him.
Anyway, the greatest moments is when Melinda and Rose's father come out the outright put Joy in her place and let her know they dont fuck with her. The Joytards prove that they are indeed actual retards, as somehow this message goes over their heads and they continue trying to grovel to the man about how it's the haters who are wrong, not them, they're just here to help. I forgot to mention that Melinda had been e-mailing Joy about a C&D against her from Rose's side but I don't know what happened with that.
Joytards continue to make it seem like calling out Joy is somehow related to Rose, even the father comes out denouncing this. However, he does want the fighting to stop. Still, evidence against Joy continues, esp since he revealed that she never had anything to do with the case, the shit about the evidence reels were a lie. (Shocking absolutely nobody..)
That's the basic jyst of it all I believe. The milk was flowing in ALL directions honestly, really was a sight to behold. As I type this, the evidence against her continues to pour out, she's still hiding, and all and all it looks like the game is completely over for her. She hasn't streamed in about 2 weeks now and that was licking post to Keem is the only thing she's put out in about a week. Diligent anons can find Joy and Cy leaving comments on other stuff, such as Mikenactor's latest attempt to be relevant.
I'll add more if any of major kek worthy events come to mind. I imagine this is already rather long. And yes, I know there is a spergleberry thread, however, all the fighting was ultimately on Joy's behalf so I think it related. Every so often a couple minions pop up and shit the pot again and it's even speculated that they're letting Joy use their accounts to come fight but remain low-key. Oh and there's this Warrior of Light Twitter alt that screams "I'm Richard" in every way possible bit it goes around denouncing Joy and agreeing with the haters and I do, it's just odd.
No. 425534
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Proof that Joy's evidence reels were nothing more than busy work from Tim Conlon?
No. 425571
>>425534 as we saw giving Kati "busy work" is ineffective as she delegates to minions and that takes all the credit.
It is nice to see everything we stated on here has been backed up by someone with acknowledge knowledge of events. There is a strict chain of custody when it comes to obtaining, verifying and collating evidence, there was no way on earth anything used came from Kati or her minions.
No. 425591
>>425534Being proved right about everything feels so satisfying. We all knew she wasn't some Super Speshul asset to court proceedings, but it is extra nice to have it properly confirmed.
Along with all the info from the family members and her most recent ex-fans - the whole thing is wonderful. With all my following of lolcows, rarely does one get their comeuppance so comprehensively. For once I'm not frustrated whilst on here, I'm just pleased.
I'm also astounded that this whole rollercoaster of a rise and fall has managed to take place in under a year. I mean, with Onion is has been a decade, and following that gets exhausting. I have never witnessed someone achieve a similar level of drama and manage to have the whole saga play out in such a short amount of time.
>>425521That Richard nutjob, what age is he? I feel like I have missed something here. I was looking through his tweets and replies and someone was saying he was 70? Surely that can't be right?
No. 425613
>>425521Nice summary. I've been following the various Twitter feeds too and this really covers the lot!
>>425604Charles Stiles… Mystery Diners…? No, no, not that…
No. 425626
>>425594 I know we have long since concluded that she is running things like a cult. Well "like" doesn't quite cut it, exactly is more apt, you can run through the FBI cult checklist and tick every box. So my question is, is this just a coincidence? Or has she actually gone through some "how to be a cult leader" program, possibly via Indigo, it just seems too 101 for it not to be something she has studied.
I can recall her saying she learned certain sales techniques, such as the "does that make sense?" Which is a trick used to manipulate the listener into thinking you value their opinion, etc. So would it be a stretch to think she looked into a way to mass control, rather than just being that way naturally?
For me it is an important question because if it is actively learned, that would suggest she has far more control over herself than I have given her credit for. I have leaned heavily on her being someone with a form/s of mental illness but that would make me think twice. As someone said further up, she's more arsehole than mentally ill.
Speculation alert!
No. 425824
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*I know what it's like to take advantage of people.
Fixed that for you, Face Herp.
No. 425826
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No. 425827
>>425626I completely agree with you here.
When it comes to cult leaders, you will find that they are narcissistic. That’s how the whole thing starts. It’s a group all about the leader, while the leader pretends (at least at first) it’s about some kind of goodness , cause Or spiritual enlightenment of some sort. Once the leader gains trust and feels the followers are conditioned enough, the requirements and info gets deeper. They are essentially ready for more conditioning and screwed up crap. I don’t know much about this stuff and have been looking into it because of this scenario with Joy. It all fits her to a T. I don’t think anybody argues that…just kinda trying to really put it in place, and look at it myself for what it is. It’s interesting…as I can’t imagine doing something like this myself. It’s a study for me, and learning. What makes these people do this?
Now I am tossing back and forth if she is aware of what she is doing, or is this very calculated and she has looked into this stuff, and actually went forward with it. Her manipulation tactics are extremely strong. She knows how to get what she wants through emotion and other things. Just because people follow her doesn’t make them weak minded, or unintelligent. Any person can find themselves swept away in a cult and they don’t even know it. I feel bad for her followers. They are shunned if they question their leader. It all says cult. It’s scary… anyway, enough of my ramblings.
No. 425835
>>425824>I've also given gifts to fansWho? When? What?
Knowing how kati loves to brag about very little thing, her giving something to someone would have been broadcast far and wide. I don't recall hearing or reading anything about her giving gifts to fans. And we know the charity thing is bullshite.
No. 425858
>>425824Raising money for charity is considered being taken advantage of ? Umm ok. And as if all that money came out of her pocket. Lolz
People weren't asking her to start all her bullshit with raising and donating, that was all her, as part of her act to be the hero.
I love when she destroys herself like this, it's evidence that all her kindness and compassion was an act and for bragging rights.
No. 425920
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Is this true, Joy copyright striked Richard Stiles Youtube channel till it was terminated?
No. 426008
>>425835Clearly, she's referring to that fax machine she got Onision.
No. 426028
>>425827I think Kati is actually just an awful person. (Sorry, family anons, it's just how I see it) and that's because she clearly knows what she's up to. Compare her to Onision for a second: He does not back down, he just knows when to try a new angle. There is never any remorse or guilt, he just works the crowd. He actually believes the shit he spews and narc injury is the only thing that gets actual emotional responses out of him. Kati on the other hand clearly knows right from wrong because she wouldn't run and hide whenever she gets exposed. Or poison wells. If she were actually that mental she would just stand by her shit and keep spinning, instead she runs off like a coward to let the tards take up for her, she knows damn well what she's doing is scummy or she wouldn't feel the need to evade stuff. Onion boy at least acknowledges stuff and then twists it up in his head to spit out his interpretation of events as "the real troofs".
Does she have qualities of certain personality disorders? Absolutely. But above all I believe she's just a con. A bad one. Like remember that stream when she got confronted by 2 people from her inner Circle? She was all self- righteous until she realized who they were and her face dropped and she looked like "oh shit. I've been caught!" And had to quickly recover, being live and all. Huge tell, imo. It's not always mental illness, some people are just rotten eggs.
>>425626The cult stuff I think kind of happened? It was a joke at first but… hey, maybe when she had been stalking Onion back in the day she did some looking into cults after finding out he had one, just like some of us are now doing the same because of her? Plus carry over shit from the indigo days, which seemed really cultish anyway. Wild tinfoil, ik.
>>425626"Cult leaders give members busy work to feel included" they also do it so the member doesn't have time to sit and think critically about anything. It's one of the steps to shutting down their ability to think.
>>425858She's said on a couple occasions that helping do5 was a waste of time for her. Rose not showing enough gratitude or licking her feet is what she calls "being taken advantage of" cause y'know, she's twisted like that.
No. 426037
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She spewing more of her "my videos helped convict them" bullshit.
No. 426054
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No. 426061
>>426054Apparently she cant stream, there was some shit with YouNow and she has shut down her YouTube channel.
She is also going on a mass blocking spree and getting her followers to do the same. Anyone who she deems a hater (aka anyone who questions her and shows evidence) is blocked.
No. 426097
>>425626she pretty clearly has a lot of problems with mental illness. otherwise, she would've been able to control herself and play things a lot smarter.
>>425626>>425830>>425827this cult shit is really a stretch. she's an abuser and a manipulator, but there is no unifying theory to rally around, any hierarchy is loose as fuck, she doesn't use 'corrective punishment' - it's either all love or gtfo because you did wrong. I could keep reeling off reasons but you get the idea.
If you want to loosen the definition that much, youtube is infested with 'cults'.
No. 426149
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Caught lying again.
No. 426183
>>426037Her behavior frustrates me so badly. She acts like the evidence reels she made are the only form of evidence in existence. I bet it doesn't even cross her mind that they could have gotten testimony from the actual children involved, for instance. She truly has deluded herself into believing that she's some savior.
>>426054She's actually getting called out on twitter for always saying shit like, "These are lies!!", but never showing any receipts or even stating what exactly the lies are. One of her former fans is saying that it was one of the reasons she got tired of Joy because she never directly addresses what the so called lies are. My mind goes back to the Peter Monn situation when she was saying he got so many things wrong, but when given the chance to clear things up, she really wanted him to know that she doesn't make 15 videos a day, she makes 3.
No. 426191
>>426168Ok, I’ll spit it out…
No disrespect to family anons ok?!
My tinfoil:
Kati’s reply to family anons may be:
A: This is why I have nothing to do with my family. They are abusive and out to get me. I go online to speak about my story, and my family comes on to hurt me more. My story is real and factual, and everyone else in my family try’s to hurt me. They always have, They are crazy, not me. They made me who I am…etc…etc..etc..
B: You fools! You believe all the shit talk on lolcow and twitter! Bunch of Shit talkers you are…all getting on the hate bandwagon! Those are not my parents and family on lolcow…ignore that and believe me. No more questions now, I’m getting emotional just thinking about it. Going to bed now…good night. Oh yah..I have something really cool for you next week…please pay to find out!
No. 426213
>>426191 D05 scenario
Poppie made it clear as
day that Kati had no part in rescuing R’s children. It was Rose herself! Rose is the warrior in all of this. Not Joy, or any other youtubers…I can give some respect to “philip defranco” as he called them out with his large platform. I personally seen Do5 before it was exposed and tried to report it. I was showing my husband and saying..this is abuse! And he thought it was all an act..and I argued it wasn’t. Well didn’t I prove him wrong, lol! (My husband)
She has her kids close to her and is doing what a mom does. If anyone is going to donate…don’t do it through a-holes. Donate directly if you want to help.
No. 426243
>>426028“Like remember that stream when she got confronted by 2 people from her inner Circle? She was all self- righteous until she realized who they were and her face dropped and she looked like "oh shit. I've been caught!" And had to quickly recover, being live and all.”
I must have missed this in all the crazy. Please be kind and elaborate?
No. 426272
>>426208Except we have been accurately predicting her next move and excuses from thread one and it has never stopped her from using them anyway and it she is still never held accountable by her spergs, they won't question it at all.
>>426097 Cult is a strong word, so I will downgrade to cult like tendencies she fits far too closely to the tactics to be described as anything else. And she has used corrective manipulation on many occasions, there have been many spergs who were deemed "out" for questioning her or speaking to someone completely in her out column, she allowed them back "in" once they have been in timeout for long enough and once they have begged and pleaded enough. Strangely enough they have gone on to become some of her stronger allies who now dare not question her directly or to anyone else in case she finds out. That may not be physical punishment but it is punishment nonetheless, basically adapted from real life situations to that of an online situation.
I wonder if there have been any studies about the evolution of this behaviour since technology has no doubt made it easier to build a base.
No. 426302
3 family members die in 24 hours
>Says she only just woke up>Three family members die within 24 hours>Death of the children “unnecessary”>Has a step-sister? On one side>Step brother on the other side. Car crash, “kids were ejected”>Says this is why she rants about “white trash” and is very angry>“Kids were fucking innocent”>Grandmother died a few months earlier>Still unwell and can’t travel, can’t go to funeral> “I have a small group of friends on youtube; they have the information, they know.”>“I already don’t have much family”>Implies brother in law was intoxicated on drugs/alcohol>“I know what it’s like to all of a sudden have everyone and everything taken away from you”>Thanks everyone for love and support>Says she’s “really big on the first amendment” and asks for no hate in the comments>“Maybe there’s some good in this, the kids aren’t suffering anymore. I don’t know if they were suffering”>Lots of deaths in the family over the last five years>Says there’s good in everything even if she can’t see it, then “I don’t know what good comes out of kids dying and their parents being on drugs, I don’t know”>Says she might never have kids [note: we can only hope] because she might not be able to give them everything>Says again she only just woke up>Says she won’t talk about them again No. 426303
Snow White saved my life!
Link:’s super manic in this one)
>“Guess who’s doing social media-ing”>Birth of her Twitter>“JOY SPARKLE BS… DISSECTS… OBSESSION WITH SNOW WHITE”>“Onision is fucking nuts and dark and I don’t want to do do,” says talking about herself is lighter>She’s a “Disney whore”>Snow White “is my bitch”>Watched it on VHS at two, had a musical on tape>Talks in the third person about it, then talks about talking in the third person>Talks about Snow White’s skin and how it’s so light so she won’t age, then says she can’t say that because “black don’t crack either”>“All my beautiful black brothers and sisters and my brown people y’all got melatonin y’all can’t age either”>“Anyway, she looked like me, she was just gorgeous, she’s beautiful, she has the dark hair, she has the skin”>“But why was I connected to her?” Talks about other Disney characters being hot bitches>Likes Snow White because “she’s got her Prince Charming coming to save the day, plus [unintelligible noises?] she’s pimpin’ on the side, gettin’ her to clean and shit. That’s a smart bitch. I don’t care who you are, that’s a smart bitch. She’s a businesswoman. And I liked that, and I saw that when I was little.”>Picture of her when she was three, talks about how cute she is and how she fought her mother to wear it to school>Snow White got sick then she got better>B-B-B-Brain fog>Theory about how Snow apparently got better because the dwarves worked at the mines with coal, like charcoal, and that detoxes you?>Apparently her cleaning helped her after the fact?>Talks about shitting a lot>“As you guys know I’ve been going through copper toxicity, which is a bitch”> “When detoxing there’s very little I can do because the copper did so much damage to my body, we have to be careful that what I eat doesn’t fuck with my adrenals, my blood pressure, and my blood sugar. And one of the only safe things my doctor said I could do when it’s bad is take charcoal.” [reach more] “And charcoal has been a lifesaver for me and I swear to God it’s helped me get ten times better. It ain’t for the faint of heart, ‘cause when you’re gettin’ rid of heavy metal poisoning it hurts and will make you go crazy. But! It has helped me massively.”>Says she feels like her two year old self was watching herself in the future>Says Snow White is her bitch again>Extreme close up of her photo again, says something like “LOOK AT IT LOOK AT THIS BITCH”>“I can’t handle anymore Onision”>Pimps her FB and Twitter again No. 426317
Family tragedy update
>“The situation has really, really been hard for a lot of reasons. If I look numb [exhale] Almost all day, on and off. You reach that point where you have a headaches in your eyes?”>“What’s happened is I’ve shared some information about it on here, and I didn’t realise how easy it was to look up. So, it’s out there. And uh, I wanted to avoid this happening”>Says people found the article, then says she’s put the article in the description… despite people not wanting to see it.>Says she shouldn’t be making a video but she is because she wants to share>Donation link in description>Has 19,000 subs at time of posting>Says there have been three deaths but pls watch the first video, which she’s linked>Two of them were children>The person doing the YouCaring, their brother, she’s reached out to him. She explained the situation [Kati, what] and got his permission to talk about it>Stepfather’s son was the one driving the car. Girlfriend was there? On their way to the St. Patrick’s day parade.>Hit a car, fender bender, didn’t exchange info as he had warrants out for his arrest and was DUI>Hit and run, then into a pole>Talks about what happened to the kids [I’m not mentioning in detail–family anons don’t need to see it]>“Parents were also under the influence, so didn’t have any awareness of what was even happening”>Lots of eyewitnesses>More about the children>Step sister on the other side died, but doesn’t really talk about it>Got information from family (implied–she says she spoke to the family, then got more information) about the children and the accident, but isn’t going to “repeat too much,” but it’s “horrifying”>He wasn’t meant to be driving, on suspended license, had warrants out, they’re both in hospital previously critical now stable>There are older teenagers who have to take care of things because “their parents are in hospital and probably going to prison”>“I don’t want to make this about me, but”>Doesn’t want family to know about youtube>“My family is very toxic for me”>Had a falling out with family last year because she “saw what was going on with the children and the family and I spoke out [I think she says she became ‘public enemy number 1’?] and I’ve been shunned. Which is fine because I’ve distanced myself because they’re toxic people.”>Feels guilty like she should have done more>Negligent parents, “these kids have been in and out of–not much to say, not much to say”>Says that part of the family left her for dead and don’t care if she lives or dies. “And they’re connected to my mom who’s really toxic, and I’ve been really scared about… about having anything to do with her.”>Put the video up because she’s upset and it’s selfless>Not the first time alcohol had been involved when driving or with the kids involved>Talks about the older kids and what they have to do>Has seen drugs and alcohol and so many people die>Doesn’t want to deal with her family but the “passionate, empathetic side of me really wants to help”>People are telling her to go to the funeral, but she spoke up a year ago and was told not to come back, then puts on a voice and says that if she comes back “they’re gonna kick my ass”>Is “not scared” of “kindergarten bully threats, schoolyard threats”>No one will beat her up because they’ll go to prison and they have kids they can’t take care of>“Really toxic, toxic situation”>Doesn’t live near the funeral, lives far away>A plane ticket is expensive and she can’t fly anyway because of Her Body and pressure changes, she gets sick>Can’t walk into a place with toxic people who want to beat her up>Will help in the distance>Didn’t know people would find it>Decided to make a video after it was discovered>Decided to embrace the situation because “it’s out there, what are you going to do? Let’s do some good, let’s make some money”>Reached out to YouCaring creator>Reached out to family>One time he trashed her room, spent holidays together, etc>Explained situation and what they were doing to them but asked them not to tell the rest of the family>Asks again for people to donate>Doesn’t know if they’ll live or not, so donate but keep it anon from their channel>Asks Onision fans to do it to>Putting aside her own safety and pride to step up and help, even though that side of the family hasn’t been nice and has put her in harms way>The victims are children who had negligent parents>This is why she talks about it>More about the kids?>Pls be sensitive bc kids>Last video she’ll make about it, didn’t mean to wake up and find all this out, is a pathetic person rn with not a lot of friends, younow and the video are all she has>Thanks people for donating and listening to her>Really sad situation>People make rumours saying she isn’t related and that she’s doing it for attention>She thinks it’s sad because people do that and so people should question it>Pls respect everyone's privacy (named everyone with their full names earlier tho?]>won’t be a depressing channel>names the kids again>Gives advice on how to drive kids anywhere. Keep saying they should have been in car seats [multiple times throughout the video] whilst also saying they were five and nine years old?>Pls don’t use drugs, get help if you do especially if you have kids>Says drugs and alcohol have been a theme in this situation for many years “and it finally caught up”>recaps the accident>Apologises for not being there but she needs to be there for herself and she can’t be around toxic people>More donate pls>Blah blah general wanking>Try to make lemonade??? Out of bad situations???wat???????
No. 426326
>>426191No disrespect taken. Thank you for being so kind.
>>426278We chose this platform because there is no reasoning with Kati. She has us blocked from every way we have to communicate. We chose this way to protect a fragile family member.
We would say the same thing we always have. Seek mental health treatment and therapy. Wake up and see what you have done to yourself and everyone who comes in contact with you.
>>426285 Yes, there were people of color at her school. That is a lie.
Kati does indeed exhibit "cult like tendencies". We have noticed that on her videos. I would say she developed those over the years. See had one marketing job at the very beginning of this where she was selling something–can't remember what–and it was like a pyramid scheme. And I am sure where learning alot of this from selling things. We used to say when she was younger that she could sell ice to and someone in Alaska. But she evolved. You all have been remarkably spot on with your descriptions and analysis of Kati. Every now and then it is far fetched but that is another reason we chose this. For years this has been observed by one family member then later another one and another one, etc. and to see all of you agree with us validates us in what we have been thinking. Kati is a fast talker. She can spin a yarn. Kati has talked her way out of numerous things that most people would not get away with. That has reinforced this behavior over the years. Also, Kati is big on apologies. We have apologized for things numerous times and it is never enough for her and it is generally something she has blown way out of proportion and we just apologized to get her to shut up. Kati pays lip service to people and gushes profusely about how she appreciates things but she really doesn't. It is only a means to get you in deeper with her. Here is something that helps explain Kati. It is from iheartintelligence: The Victim Narcissist
– The victim narcissist is the sneakiest of the bunch. These people are master manipulators who use affection and emotion to keep you close to them. They are very skilled at playing the underdog, and will often create or seek out situations in which they can do so effectively. A victim narcissist will have perfected their sob story. They will easily convince you that the world is out to get them, and that none of their misfortune is their own doing. A victim narcissist rarely takes responsibility for their own life and actions. They use blame and guilt to get what they want from others, often asking for unreasonable favors and handouts. A victim narcissist will become deeply hurt when other people can not – or will not – solve their problems for them. There are several other types of narcissist. But this one is predictive of her next steps as in
>>426272 and
>>426154 You have just been dealing with her behavior for 11 months. We have 15 years of this. We hate it. We don't want it this way. We love her–or the way she used to be-but we cannot condone this behavior nor can we have a relationship with her due to her manipulative and crazy (no other appropriate word available to me without more coffee) behavior. But when Kati put all of her behavior out in public for the world to see, we had to say something. When she made unfair and damaging accusations against family members, we had to address it. Please keep your digging. Another thought is that when Kati puts this on video, she can't slide out of it when confronted. It is there. No smooth talking. No trying to make the other person they didn't see what they saw. You really have helped us out and we appreciate it. Oh, btw Good morning.2nd anon family member
No. 426344
>>426326This would fit on tempcow more, but you might not see it there, so I'm posting it here.
I, too, agree that Kati is highly narcissistic. I'm aware you're her family, but please see her as a person first, not as a daughter, niece and what have you. What I mean by that is that Kati
will eventually be crawling back to you, regardless of how much she was bashing you in her videos - because all narcissists do.
Whether it be when the money dries out or any other time.
So when that time does come, put that family love that you no doubt have for her aside and really insist that she gets therapy/help because otherwise you're just opening the door for more emotional or even financial hurt.
No. 426393
>>426303I would just like to point out that Copper is an essential nutrient that is absorbed from our food by chemical processes occurring in the stomach and small intestine, not in the uterus or through the uterine wall.
It is recommended that you get 1mg per day with an upper limit of 7mg per day. Above 20mg in your system it can be toxic and above 150mg it can be fatal. If this occurs your body will naturally excrete up to 5mg per day through your bile and there is no detox to control this rate. There is chelation therapy, but that is different.
A Paraguard IUD contains 176mg of copper. Even if her body had absorbed all the copper from it through her uterus in a week her body would have naturally dealt with that in a month and I'm pretty sure the doctors would have remarked, 'Holy shit! Where did all the copper go?' when they removed her IUD.
If you look into the side effects of having mega doses of zinc in your system besides causing many of the symptoms she described it inhibits your bodies ability to absorb dietary copper. She was probably copper deficient! One of the things copper deficiency can lead to is rheumatoid arthritis!
Taking megadoses of nutrients is not healthy for your body unless directed by a doctor for specific conditions. A Naturopath 'prescribing' zinc supplements to 'detox' from excess copper is complete quackery. So is developing Fibromyalgia after recovering from it. It does not 'cause damage' on the way out. You can't 'stop your body from dumping' excess or 'be really careful about detoxing it'. It is essential for all oxygen breathing lifeforms.
No. 426422
This is interesting.
Socialblade for Twitter:'s trickling away followers but she's also unfollowing defectors. lol.
No. 426438
File: 1510934571289.png (150.97 KB, 836x1096, joysparklebs-twitter.png)

Keeping in mind, follower(s) refers to those following joy and followed refers to those joy is following.
Follower = ppl > Joy
Followed = Joy > ppl
This is obvi, I know, but it's a detail one might overlook when looking at this image which is why I'm pointing it out.
No. 426474
>>426278This isn't a rude question and its a question I've seen people asking on twitter.
We have been trying to talk but everyone that covers her that we could reach out to is a cow or they hang with cows (see spergs thread for all the examples). The only person I could have seen us reaching out to was Peter Monn but to be honest, he doesn't seem invested. Which is fine and he is smart actually for not getting too deep in.
Kati really painted Phil as a stalker very well. It wasn't until recently that I "got it" with Phil and understood that he wasn't so much a stalker as he was ringing the alarm bells. Also, her followers would not have listened to us if we were to say interview with him or go on his stream. She could way too easily paint us as associating with her "stalker."
So that left us with this forum. Sure there are idiots here too, but we figured if we could get Phil to confirm it was us and dropped a little milk to start that we would be vetted publicly so that everyone would know it was truly us.
Also, our family does appreciate the anons here that have invested alot of time into debunking her. We have learned alot from outsiders looking in and making objective observations.
Finally, lolcow allows us to anonymous.
My original goal was just to get her off of social media, and to defend my family from her accusations. I sincerely hope that she gets medical treatment for her mental illness, but I've not been able to convince her to do that. You all have seen how she is, complete denial. No matter how you explain it to her, she will find an excuse. If she can get on medication and get the right therapy, she may be able to figure out if there is something truly wrong with her physically. She may one day lead a relatively normal life. That is what would be ideal.
~~~family member anon OP
No. 426486
>>426474Unfortunately, its going to be next to impossible for her to achieve a normal life. The sad truth is that she's created too big of a footprint. No matter what bleach you scrub that down with, its the internet. Any job searching will find it. Its going to follow her for quite some time.
Not that I don't feel>>426326 here. You had 15, I had 10..and it really does take it out of you. I don't honestly feel that she's ever going to change..10 years, 15 paints enough of a pattern by now. This is..for lack of a better phrase..her true self. Wherever she can, she will con. If she has half a chance..she will be back at it again. Even if she can't do social media..she'll just go back to stringing guys along and playing them..hell, maybe even women too considering how things are now. I can see any number of ways that it might end..none of them are pretty. Just kind of brace yourselves as best you can for when that day comes.
Keep in mind that she could just throw any label at you and her diehards will simply accept it regardless. I had plenty of people that never met me go postal just on her say so. Didn't care to speak,just wanted to be ridiculous because they'd be seen as defending Joy and the rest of the herd would praise them. Everyone's favorite crazy Stiles believes she's sent by the light to fight the dark souls..and she encourages and attracts these sorts. (Something that has always bothered me.) Just the same, if you think the flack you have got in here was on stream or just the internet in general can be 10000000% worse and you have to figure that her lil cult will come at you simply for speaking, period. In their mind..if you're not with her you're against her and whatever they do your way from there is automatically justified because of that. So, perhaps its better that you've been sticking here for now.
Just keep in mind..its not going to go away. She's never really going to leave social media..and these cons are never really going to end. The end that comes to people like these even WITH intervention is never a good one…and all it takes is one of those crazies she associates with doing something dumb (which is likelier to happen by the day) and that's that. She'll con the wrong person, they'll get nasty..and she won't be able to talk her way out of it. I hope i'm wrong there.
And, i'm not a stalker. >_o I was ringing the alarm bells as loud as I could to keep as many people from getting suckered in and hurt as possible. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the writing on the wall. Hell, had she left me vid would have never been made or released and i'd have never even signed onto Twitter. just isn't that simple when it comes to Kati i'm afraid.
No. 426633
File: 1510951541993.png (16.86 KB, 511x241, Capture.PNG)

This is her response to fans asking for answers about the 11 months of lies and the nasty attacks from her Spergles.
"I'm sad I shutdown my YouTube channel. I do care. I really, really, really, care." She plans on pulling this same shit forever.
No. 426637
"Of course I don't care. I do care about your money and emotional validation, but not about you. I closed down my channel because too many people were on my shit and manipulating you all got harder. I will be back eventually, once enough people forget about the shit I've pulled, although now that I'm having sex with Dom again I'm financially taken care of, so I'm not too concerned with that. Later, naive fool. <3"
No. 426647
>>426326Thank you Family Anon. I'm glad you feel vindicated. Do you have any kind of "digging" in mind? I am an OG Anon and did a huge amount of digging before tapping out. If you have anything specific in mind, I may already have it. I think the reason a lot of us have been so accurate is because we are/were professionals in related fields. If you have seen one narcissistic, compulsive lying manipulator, you have seen them all.
>>426486 Phil? I'm not convinced that it is going to be "next to impossible" for her to clean the slate ready for the cycle to begin all over again. I agree that as far as online life is concerned but I don't think it will be too difficult for her to slide back into "normalcy" offline. I don't really want to give her ideas by saying why but it really wouldn't be that difficult.
I think the real question is whether she is prepared to go back to conning and scamming offline. I know her spergs currently give her money for literally doing nothing but look at all of the shit she gets from the rest of us. This is surely the most stressful period of her life, at what point will it become less of an effort to walk away and actually get a bloody job?
The more difficult we make her attempts at a comeback the better because despite her life being far more stressful and negative now, she still seems to be trying to hang on in there. She is still lying, deflecting & plotting her comeback.
One thing that has really pissed me off is I noticed the fact that she has been insured this entire time, funded by her grandmother, only because she is terrified she will be landed with Kati's bills, like she has in the past, seems to be passing the spergleberries by without much notice. I will never understand wtf is wrong with these people!
No. 426656
>>426326Thank you so much family anons. I have been here since thread 1 because Kati's cultish like behaviour honestly made me realise she did not deserve a platform then the "I'm sick" video came out and it cemented what she pretty much wanted to do. Grift and exploit ever since I have spread info to the mainstream people on social media and people have come to me realising.
Thank you so much for speaking in confidence and pretty much providing enough evidence for people to turn away from Kati as it has made some of her oldest followers turn away. Thank you and stay well.
No. 426713
>>426474I say this with complete respect, but I don’t think all anons, myself included, completely believe you are really a family member if for no other reason it’s stupid to trust anyone on the internet.
You have definitely confirmed the general conclusions most anons have drawn.
No. 426721
>>426713Its always good to be skeptical. You would have to assume
1. we tricked Phil for over a week
2. her real family has stated they read lolcow…don't you think they would let you know if we were imposters?
3. that we gave permission for admin/mods to verify our IP's were coming from areas that fit with the information already posted and bet that they wouldn't check.
4. We were able to get photos of Kati as a teen on 3 separate trips to Europe that no one else has.
~~~family member anon OP
No. 426736
File: 1510960501767.jpg (2.34 MB, 4032x3024, 20171105_120023 (1).jpg)

>>426713Believe me us now? ~~~family member anon OP
No. 426741
>>426721You guys have provided overwhelming evidence that you’re related to Kati. She’s going to put her back out reaching to refute you claims. The fact that she’s ghosted since you started posting says a lot. Kati did a great job with poisoning the well early on. Her history of sending spergs to create deliberate confusion and cause derailment fuels any doubts myself or others have.
That said, for what it’s worth, I’m 99% convinced. As you say, skepticism on the internet is healthy.
I would like to know what Kati was like as a teenager. Was she a bully? I’ve always felt that she wanted to be a “popular” kid who never quite fit in but didn’t stop trying.
No. 426746
File: 1510961322460.jpg (55.73 KB, 480x640, 23666485_10155758426804647_180…)

I forgot when her crappy father and evil stepmother took her on a two week vacation all over the southeastern US. ~~~family member anon OP
No. 426770
>>426737I’m sincerely sorry if I have offended you. Myself and everyone else on this board is extremely grateful that you have come forward. The sheer number of theories you have confirmed is not only disturbing, overwhelming and disheartening but also deeply shocking and thoroughly repellent.
Kati’s previous methods of distraction has influenced the culture of this board and helped to develop an extreme level of skepticism about any claims made here. Couple this with the fact that this is the internet and it is understandable why anyone may still hold reservations. Again, I did not mean to cause offence nor would I ask to see any personal documents.
While talking with us is a great first step, think if you would like to reach a wider audience, you may want to look into contacting some smaller YouTubers. I would suggest someone like Battening, who has done a few good, in-depth “expose videos”; Failure Accomplished (more a streamer but talks about “YouTube community” and was involved in the D05 debacle early on, also he is associated with people like Andy Warski, Ranting Monkey and Irate Bear) or Dead on Dave (podcaster and associated with people like Leon Lush, WildSpartanz and ImAlexx) as a way of getting the story “up the chain” (so to speak).
Food for thought.
No. 426848
Looks like someone took the name: CREATED: Oct 7th, 2017
May have just taken the url recently though.
No. 426872
File: 1510975528151.jpg (73.75 KB, 721x432, 3483476.jpg)

>>426834No, but she HAS logged on to Joy Sparkle Eff It and deleted the most recent stream from it. Must have done it within the last day or two; I check regularly for activity.
What was on that stream that she wanted to hide?
No. 426877
File: 1510975762789.jpg (118.53 KB, 846x404, ssssss.jpg)

>>426872Samefag, here's an old cap for reference.
No. 426883
>>426878At least.
I only clearly remembered the most recent one because she looked so horrific in the thumbnail, and I suspect that she deleted the Test Results stream a while ago, because it wasn't on the page before I refreshed it. When I refreshed, I only saw the videos move one space up from the top left being deleted. It's probably not that noteworthy, other than proving that she has been active within the past 24-48 hours so she may be wiping unsavory videos before her return. Imo she'll be back on youtube by the end of the month.
No. 426957
>>426953Given that she has failed to edit out some really embarrassing stuff (nose-picking, phone calls, just to name a couple), I believe her when she says she's a tech retard. It's about the only thing she has ever said that I believe.
If she wanted that stuff in there, she wouldn't have lied about it later.
No. 427003
File: 1510993281540.jpeg (372.12 KB, 1212x2194, 7E29178E-C3CF-44AF-8594-A3D6F5…)

Didn’t catch much of the YouNow stream but she’s going over to Jaclyn Glenn’s stream now. Also I thought I’d share this for everyone to enjoy.
No. 427005
File: 1510993518792.png (431.45 KB, 887x451, cy01.PNG)

>>427003Cy's comment lmao
No. 427007
>>427001>Still associating with Kek who made threats and with Richie. Kek kept asking about Ritchie. Favourite comment: 'What happened to Richard. He got me in trouble.'
LOL. A big boy did it and ran away. Just who offered to dox someone for Richie to shut up permanently?
No. 427056
>>427025June? That's making me wonder about her being knocked up now too. I was pregnant this time of year last year, due in may and was just starting to show around this month. I'm a chubby girl too. Not like Kati, more evenly proportioned but if she's a month behind what was last year she could be starting the show and would explain her stepping away from youtube for a bit. My face got all glossy and chubby too early on it would come and go. I dunno. She could be knocked up or wants to cause speculation she is knocked up too get more pity and possibly fake a miscarriage. Fuck her if she does try that honestly but it's weird she's avoiding coming back to YouTube for 7 months and has been gone already for a month.god bless is Kati shows up late June with a baby and crazy ass "my birth story" videos. She'll probably claim all the male doctors made her uncomfortable because they were so attracted to her mashed potatoes. Ew
Family anons please let us know if she call she in a month or so to announce she's knocked up!
No. 427070
>>427025I do not follow these people, could someone summarize what the story is with JG and Social Repose etc. and why it is relevant to Kati?
A fam anon wrote:
>The dog will probably be fine. There are 2 people to watch it.This sounds like if it were just her there would be issues? Has she harmed or neglected animals before?
No. 427095
>>426933I think it's more along the lines of trans/sexual identities being trendy among the younger crowd right now, and saying she's asexual makes them relate/like her better.
Could you really put it past Kati to pull a stunt like that?
No. 427112
>>427078The skeptic side is all about tearing apart what someone has said in order to make then look stupid. They live to find contradictory statements in someone's bullshit, and she's already tried squeezing in there before but all she got out of it was "big names" saying they think she's crazy or scum, and… Coppercab.
I'm pretty sure they all know who she is via Onision, their shared enemy, but there's clearly a reason they don't talk about her.
Btw Cy isn't LGBT I don't think? At best I think I've heard her say she's asexual but… I won't go there.
No. 427122
>>427112>>427113Nope - just asexual, from what I know. And there are so many of the younger generation who firmly believe its an umbrella term that falls under the LGBT category.
I can't even with today's generation.
No. 427150
>>427137 JFC this thread is turning into a broken record of bleeding heart crusaders. They've already addressed the involuntary commitment thing multiple times. She's not a physical danger to herself or others so she just signs herself out. It's been done. As far as reporting her for fraud you would have to demonstrate people's specific reason for giving her money, most it's because they actually like her, and then you would need concrete evidence that proves she is lying.
There are currently about 30 people who pay to be in her private streams, only about half of which show up, and less than 100 show up for her YouNow streams. The prevailing opinion about her is disdain, disgust, and disbelief at the levels of lying, conning, and 'vitral' this idiot produces. She's not going to have some fairy-tale rebirth and if she tries people will laugh at her, hold her accountable, and not let her hide. Stop trying to recruit a personal army to take her down from the board.
We are here to laugh at her dramatics, not make our own to stop her.
No. 427153
>>426763I've been curious about this as well.
I believe her protect Eugenia phase was the first time she brought up her ED history and mentioned it a few times around then and again later on. One of those times claimed it began in her early 20's.
It definitely sounded like some BS, especially due to one of her biggest traits, spreading misinformation, in stating that most women suffer with an ED in their life. Then again when shitalking plainey for her pro ana phase as well as when she spoke of her family all being naturally heavy, so she had to work so hard to lose weight and began eating healthy that resulted in her being the smallest woman in the family.
No. 427200
File: 1511026701931.jpeg (84.75 KB, 1360x350, B950F05C-4C33-46A7-9A41-2CDA19…)

>>427175This comment on twitter is interesting. Joy very well may have tried to use this new account, to try and prove/trick people into thinking she can no longer show analytics.
No. 427204
>>426848If you hide a channel, and then re-activate it will it have a new created date? I thought she did have a custom URL before but that could be wrong, I'm looking through old screenshots to see if I have a shot of it or not.
Tinfoil–she could of reactivated it and deleted everything on it to show false analytics, she said in her stream that They were still there (which would prove she didn't delete it) but did she show proof? If reactivating it shows a new user created date then that explains how she was able to get the url. Or, she created it and sub botted to get the the url to keep her name when she comes back. I don't see a troll getting the url not to upload and videos or mirrors of her deleted vids.
No. 427266
File: 1511032586094.jpg (590.46 KB, 1072x1742, SmartSelectImage_2017-11-18-14…)

Literal. Fucking. Retards.
No. 427302
>>427266So, in that Joytard's head, the family anons should stfu and let Kati slander the family - because, it's more important to play along with Kati's narrative than it is to defend themselves against BS?
Seriously hope these morons aren't breeding.
No. 427498
File: 1511052027145.jpeg (204.55 KB, 780x1066, 27A6B00F-6349-40D3-A0AC-9F5A4B…)

Oh, Joysus! The kid can’t even be classy enough to give her friend a decent compliment. How embarrassing for Cy…She can’t help herself tho, cause she grew up in a “trailer trash” home.
No. 427501
>>427498Most people who insult something before complimenting it aren't being sincere when dishing out the compliment.
Sorry to break it to you, Cy - but Kati is passive aggressively insulting your sense of style.
No. 427507
>>427501I think this is the second time I’ve seen Joy insult Cy on her fashion. The last one was making fun of her sandals as she thought she was wearing socks with them, but it was just the style that kinda made it look like that. She even insulted her being queer then too I believe, and her fashion sense. Meanwhile Katie at home, sweating in her boyfriends hoodies, and wearing her pink onesie all day, with greasy hair.
You really shouldn’t talk Kati. Even if your joking around, as it’s to easy to point at your sense of fashion. Going for the homeless “look”.
No. 427519
In the last hour or so, Joy's just blocked one of her stalwart supporters and (until recently) patrons, snake_adia, on Twitter for calling her out over the Roommate lies and the rest. Snake has a sense of honour and loyalty enough, however misguided in this case, to claim she will not be sharing potentially damaging DMs. I respect the integrity there, but by not speaking out she's just going to enable joy to lead others down the same path - and there are a couple new wannabes coming out of the woodwork on Twitter to take over, too.
As for Cy and the sweater, that's just a bit cruel. She's obviously very pleased with it, even tweeted about it before she bought it to see what everyone thought, so of course joy has to kick her just to take the shine of her enjoyment and keep her down. I'm sure we've all had friends like this we've had to escape from, but that takes a modicum of self respect and esteem in not sure Cy has, such is why joy glommed onto her.
No. 427522
>>427519And what she said about the sweater wasn't even remotely funny, despite trying so, so hard.
The sweater is hideous but it wasn't like she asked Joy's opinion. She was just expressing how pleased she was with it.
> I'm sure we've all had friends like this we've had to escape fromFor sure. If you have a friend like this, run. Find friends who lift you up and don't bring you down. It's better to be lonely, even.
No. 427527
>>427522Unfortunately, Cy is young; and doesn't understand that what a backhanded compliment is - so liked Joy's veiled insult, thinking it was a genuine compliment.
As for the sweater - I kinda like it. Price is a little steep, though (oh, to have that expendable income).
No. 427554
File: 1511061230604.jpeg (145.14 KB, 706x503, 95AF361B-69C1-45B3-A088-FD9480…)

Poor illiterate Charles Richard Stiles posted in thread 13 because he’s to god damn retarded to use lolcow.
No. 427555
File: 1511061260039.jpeg (71.71 KB, 655x578, 91AAC937-7C1B-426A-91EC-7285E8…)

>>427554Same fag. Here’s the image from his post.
No. 427556
File: 1511061623206.jpeg (65.51 KB, 773x341, EBC907E2-CCBF-4EF9-998C-B50BE4…)

>>427554>>427555What do you expect from someone that’s so fucking stupid that they doxx themselves on YouTube.
No. 427584
>>427150thank you for being one of the few people in these threads who understands what this site is for.
>>427454I missed the fun of the joytard, but got a hearty kek out of this
>Nothing they have shared has shown them to be like Kati in anyway.and this
>>427171>You artistic fuck.(from yet another of the personal-crusade fuckwits)
why don't we just leave it to the 'family' to handle, since they've done such a good job so far.
No. 427599
>>427556He doesn't even live there. It's a past address. Bet you anything this sick fuck is hoping someone
will go there looking for him, just so they can get busted trying to harm an innocent stranger.
No. 427630
>>427599 Sure Richard
No. 427655
>>427477>>427554It's so funny to me that all of Kati's Klingon's first instinct is that people posting about her on an anonymous image board are doing it for fame and attention. It's really telling as to the type of idiotic blind sycophants who buy and cosign her BS.
It's really funny when they post their verbal diarrhea here without reading the board. Like, Richard we know you think Kati has mental issues, we posted where you said as much. Apparently to Joytards correcting someone's lies, slander, and personal attacks equals 'talking shit' lol
No. 427666
>>427640 I mean we have to wait for Eobard to confirm whether Dick gave him an old address on the claim or what looks to be a current address as the screenshot Dick posted doesn't contain that info
>>427555 it's just speculation.
No. 427731
>>427713My mistake, I wasn't aware that posting it on another site made it ok to post it here.
Carry on then.
No. 427756
>>427070It is quite obvious that Kati is incapable of caring for herself. We can safely assume she could only take care of another living thing with assistance for someone else.
>>427137 We have tried to involuntarily commit her. She just has not done enough for that to stick and we are all in different states now. We do not want anything bad to happen to Kati, just that she gets the emotional help that she so desperately needs. The people who have been conned out of money should be the ones to sue who for fraud. If it ever comes to that with us, we can do so. We want people to be aware of her schemes and to defend ourselves.
>>427459Thank you.
>>427475That is always a possibility for the future.
>>427663 No. No contact at all. Thank you
>>427025Kati always has mental breakdowns in June and Christmas. It has been that way for over 10 years. You have no idea what Christmas has been like in the past for us. And several family members have birthdays in June as well as Father's Day. She has a way of making everything that occurs in that month about her.
>>426778 Yes, she has a sister who is entirely normal. As children they were close. Kati has chosen to not get along with all of her family members except for one.
For the person who said her family is disgusting my response is Go to Hell. You have no idea what we have lived through if we were creating equal drama we would have done this from the beginning.
For the person who suggested Bipolar–you are correct. (I can't find that post.) And yes personality disorder greatly describes her behavior as well as the article I posted about Narcissism. 2nd anon family member
No. 427788
>>427777You are quite welcome.
2nd anon family member
No. 427805
>>427713>>427685I’m tired of seeing these assumptions made on this thread, this is an anonymous board and anyone can post here as long it follows the rules. Can we stop with calling people Joytards or fans of Kati because their opinion differs or they don’t think something should be posted. It’s not an echo chamber so stop trying to turn lolcow into one.
I’ve been called a joytard a few times all because I spoke up about the derailment that keeps happening, it’s ridiculous
also, the spergleberry thread is active and Stiles should be posted there.
No. 427844
>>427805Different fag.
I have been called a Joyfag, Cy, Joy herself, Phil (by Joy lol) since thread 1. For example, some threads back, I was called a Joytard and jumped on because I pointed out a quote someone took from Joy was out of context.
Not every time someone accuses of derailment or someone being a Joytard it is actually a derailment or a Joytard. Sometimes it is used just to discredit the poster and make them stop posting under the thin guise of board rules or whatever.
It unfortunate that some people want to control the narrative and be exactly like that which they are criticizing. This is not unique to her or Lolcow; it's just usually how it goes.
No. 427855
>>427844>I have been called a Joyfag, Cy, Joy herself, Phil (by Joy lol) since thread 1. For example, some threads back, I was called a Joytard and jumped on because I pointed out a quote someone took from Joy was out of context.Ironically, the ones who call everyone else a joytard look like the biggest joytards of all because they're helping her do exactly what she wants done to these boards: infighting, spamming up the threads with nonsense derailment that buries the milk, and to make us all look petty so she can discredit anything we post. I try to report those sorts of posts but people just keep responding to them and helping them to achieve what they came here to do. Please, if you aren't adding to the milk or commenting directly on the milk, just keep your accusations to yourself if you don't want to be doing Joy and her spergs a favor. I'd delete this post for being hypocritical, but I'd rather the chance that a few more newfags see it and take a hint.
No. 427858
>>427685Not a Joytard; can't stand the bitch. I just think it's incredibly stupid to be sharing addresses on the LOLcow forums.
>>427713Self doxxing, or no - you have no idea if the address being supplied is actually the address he's living at. For all anyone knows, it's a random address he posted to bait anons.
No. 427878
>>427871That's alot of assumptions, though - thinking it's his real name, let alone his real address.
The anons here are supposed to be smarter than Joy's ensemble of mental cases. Instead of automatically believing a word that comes out of that nutcases mouth; maybe use some critical thinking and ask yourself if his information should be trusted (the answer is obvious no).
Dropping the topic now; as it's way off topic.
No. 427914
>>427756 I can only imagine how bad Holidays were. Kati has talked a few times about holidays with the family due to being asked by fans, especially regarding her 'my family doesn't care if I live or die' comments.
The tales she's spun are: It starts out fine then every single person there turns on her, gangs up on her, attacks her, talks shit because they are jealous of her success and that she made a bunch of money as a rockstar businesswoman and they all expect her to buy them presents but why would she after the way they all treat her and never give her anything. They're all just selfish, jealous of her, and completely toxic so it's not even worth going, even though she would love to but. . .etc.
From what we know of Kati and this being the story she tells I can't imagine the unholy terror that the Holidays were with her. You definitely have my sympathies.
I do find it kind of fascinating that she does this type of shit every year in June and December. Thanks for sharing. This year during June she started telling everyone that her Ex had anally raped her frequently and then she started telling rape jokes constantly and the whole 'poo babies' fiasco kicked off. Last December she launched her channel and ranted at Onision for a few dozen videos (which turned out to basically be her shouting at ex-boyfriends), and made her 'My Brain is Sick' "I Don't Want to Die' and a few depression videos.
No. 428034
“ The blarg” is the only one she will allow to upload her streams.
Sorry, I’m having issues with typing for some reason. It’s been leaving words out and don’t know why. Very frustrating.
No. 428044
>>428032She most definitely goes on lowcow. Did anyone notice that as soon as gave evidence that she has gone underground since we started talking that she came back??? I know I noticed it.
>>428039True, however, she has not had a stressful life except for the stress that she has caused herself.
2nd anon family member
No. 428045
>>428039Yes, I caught the tail end of that convo, and didn’t mention it as I had no idea why they were even discussing coffee enema. Now I know, and you’re correct, a doctor would never recommend that. Unless it was good ol Doctor Google that advised her.
Oh, and she howeled with her dog, and spoke about getting her hair cut and donating it.
No. 428050
>>428044Oh, she definitely goes on lolcow. She is aware of everything, but is playing dumb. When family questions began to pop up, she was beginning to get ready to leave the stream. She didn’t chat too much longer after that.
Looks to me like she is hoping that if she ignores everyone’s questions long enough, blocks people who question her, begins erasing any evidence of her streams and history on YouTube, that she can start all over with a clean plate. Start a new shtick, and bring in some new followers.
No. 428073
>>428039I had to type that really fast so I couldn't explain then. I wanted you all to hear from the horses mouth why she believes she has PTSD. I thought phrasing the question that way it would seem more innocent and she wouldn't automatically assume it was a hater but rather a curious fan. Fail but worth the try.
But yes thank you for bringing that up because I did not mean that you can't have PTSD from other events than military combat. So sorry I would never want to offend someone who actually has PTSD.
Kati told her family that she has PTSD for a reason other than "abuse." I wanted you all to hear her say it herself. She told us she got it from being kidnapped. Phil did she tell you this too?~~~family member anon OP
No. 428106
>>428091Can you think of any other kind of doctor who would suggest a coffee enema? Because, I can't see a trained medical professional even considering such an option.
>>428034Awww…Richard Stiles must be crushed to hear that; after he had uploaded Joy's stream (with her blessing, mind you) for the last several months.
I wonder how he took the news.
No. 428109
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Any idea what this is about?
I've never seen a person mention poop ( or anything to do with anal/butts ) more times than her.
No. 428120
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>>428109She posts random stupid stuff like that once in awhile because she thinks it's funny.
No. 428317
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Family member anon, do you know anything about this citation from 2008?
No. 428319
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>>428317Also, do you have any recollection of these videos she posted with her ex?
No. 428351
(let's be real, there hasn't been any evidence, and as I've said before - this is the worst possible avenue for them to use, especially since they waited until her YT channel went down etc to bother saying anything. they're so late to the party, it's pretty pointless now)
No. 428357
>>428351Well, they did post pics we've never seen before. I'm not sure how anyone else could have gotten a hold of that, especially pics of her early years ( unless she's willy nilly sending them to everyone ).
I'm also sure Phil would say something if there was anything off about it.
As of now I'm just enjoying reading what they have to say, but if it turns out that it was all a hoax, then no value lost. We already knew she was a shitty person prior to all of this and I think a lot of her former fans kind of opened their eyes too. There are always going to be the extra delusional ones, but what can you do.
I do think she'll be back on YT, eventually. Hoping for it even, I miss her private life craziness.
No. 428371
>>428073Not Phil but the kidnapping causing her PTSD isn't new, although it was a different version if events. She spoke about this in her early days and details will be in earlier threads, I can't search on my phone.
Anyway she stated it was an attempted kidnapping which happened while she was in France and she blamed immigrants. She wrongly stated that France is dangerous because of "all the immigrants" which isn't true and stated she would never go back.
So kidnapping not new, but a different version, which is her usual MO, changing the narrative to suit her audience.
No. 428381
>>428357I've seen a lot of what they are saying that filled in some blanks and tied in with things. By now given the language used and the reactions it is actually pretty easy to tell who one of the family anons is. That person at least is definitely a family anon and they know the other person.
At first I thought it was either Kati herself or feeding one of her fans to do this, or Amanda because of the line about the credit cards and such. Enough has been stated to at least for me verify they are who they claim.
As far as this kidnapping stuff goes, none of that sounds legit.
>>428336Not exactly hard to do. She called it out pretty well. Most of the rest of it was a shitshow.Gotta give Tonka mad props for even trying to reign it in and not going NOPE and running.
No. 428388
>>428336Why would Tonka even talk to Kati? I thought he loathed her.
And is there a time stamp for the Based rant?
No. 428389
>>428388It was after the halfway mark at some point I think. (At least around 2:15:00 mark. Might be sooner as well because it got down and dirty.) Chambers in Tonka's words could have defended herself better but it was two on one. So they were looking for someone to help Chambers out..and Based came in. Joy was not a fan of those super chats either…but we weren't a fan of her telling everyone how they were the reason she took a nosedive on YT.
None of the parties involved really made themselves look good, but Based Mama really tore Joy a new one and gave her no wiggle room..and Joy and especially her "fans" in the chat lost the most. They made themselves look horrible above and beyond the usual before they got shut down.
No. 428394
>>428390She stuck around for a good deal of it. She backed off quite a bit after two of those SCs. Best money ever spent. Her and her cult really humiliated themselves tonight, outright.I don't think they even realize just how much.
Tonka on the other hand was just expecting Geekthulu and Chambers. Most of us did. You can hear him on the stream saying as much and trying to reign it in. Oh, I remember what the hashtags were now. #playingthecrowd and #perpetualvictim or something like that.
Never let it be said I never said anything to Kati's face. :P
No. 428410
Samefag @
>>428371 I forgot to add the kidnapping story was also one of her stories that got upgraded from kidnap to attempted kidnap.
I realise it isn't that important but thought I should clarify. Plus it is another example of how quickly and easily she escalates or downgrades things.
No. 428426
>>428412That's hilarious considering how much Kati will cuss and belittle anyone that speaks outs against her on her own stream with her little cult. It's funny how she wouldn't address these rumors on her Younow, but did it on a stream she thought no one would notice.
I know Based is probably a cow too, but she won't back down like Kati.
No. 428427
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Am I missing something? Am I at the wrong video or is it just that it hasn't been long enough since the stream ended?
Sage for stupidity.
No. 428435
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Twitter storm a-comin'. Apart from what other anons are pointing out from the Tonka stream, I'm in the dark, but Joy is still the victim.
No. 428440
>>428178Many years ago Kati was upset with everyone because we weren't feeling sorry for her so she took a marketing job in a southern state. It has been so long I can't remember which state. We all told her not to do it because it sounded shady. But she went anyway and then cried and said these people were kidnapping her. We didn't fall for it but her ex before he was an ex did.
>>42817 We told her if they did in fact kidnap her she needs to file a police report which she never did. That led us to believe it was bogus.
>>428313 I don't care. We will just give evidence to anything she says about us.
>>428317 Never seen this before but it doesn't surprise me. She has had tickets for speeding all over the country. I looked her up on CaseNet yesterday and found some things I never had seen before.
>>428319 Yes, I have seen these videos. They are real. But they are from 2007-2008
>>428371 Those are two separate incidents. The France situation she was more referring to was more recent. It was in the south of France. Probably the one of the last times she was there. Before going to Oklahoma.
>>428381 You are correct we are in communication with each other. The kidnapping was not legit but her story about it is.
>>428412 That is so typical of Kati. She issues ultimatums when she gets in sticky situations that she can't slither out of.
Kati's family never thought she was some kind of rockstar nor did we ever expect presents from her. We don't need nor want anything from her except for respect. We all have lots of money and make our own way in the world and would like for her to, also. We didn't respond to this for so long because we didn't feel the need to defend ourselves until we found out just how much she was saying. To those of you who don't believe us, I respect you for thinking critically but you are wrong. And I am certain you have figured out who I am and that is fine. 2nd anon family member
No. 428444
>>428371>>428410I recall this now, and her mention of an "attempt." This is the kind of stuff that makes me think she is just an attention seeking jerk. Just like her claims of heart problems(and other problems) that aren't real but according to her "almost"and and "near" problems count as a diagnosis.
Is this the same event that she later stated she was almost raped or there was a rape attempt ? I don't recall her stating they happened together but may be wrong.
Apologies if I've echoed anyone, the site isn't loading for me and I can only see a handful of posts.
No. 428460
>>428435A victim my ass. I shouldn't even be shocked that she's trying to spin it that way. I came in late to the stream, but people in the chat were saying that she wasn't even invited on. She kept sending super chats for attention and eventually got pulled in because she was asking to.
A thing that came out is that Rose played both sides because she was telling Joy one thing and then Chambers and the others another thing. It was pointed out that it could be that she was caught between a bunch of strong personalities and was scared. Joy, IIRC because I've slept since then, admitted that could be the case, but now she's playing the most victim of it all. She was supposed to show her text messages from Rose, but Based Mama said that might be illegal. Joy was supposedly looking into that, but then suddenly, it's so late and she has to go because wow, she didn't realize the stream was going to go so late. Joy and I are in the same time zone. It was about 1- 1:30 AM our time. She's been on YouNow streams yelling about things way later than that, but it was her chance to escape without ever showing any evidence and because Based Mama handed her her ass. Based Mama fucked up by telling her that sharing the text messages could be illegal because it gave Kati room to pretend to research if that was true and then make a million excuses for not showing them.
I loved the part when she kept yelling that Based Mama needed evidence of things, and Based kept referencing 14 fucking threads on lolcow and said Onision doesn't even have that many. Joy was like, "Oh, oh. So you don't have evidence." And then someone in the chat,I think it was Kattscratch, claimed that the texts on here are faked. It was a shit show through and through, but the things that Kati got called out on weren't just Rose either, but also for calling Alex's parents and telling an 11 year old to rape her classmates with Cy claiming that was her fault in the chat. Kati won't hear that her channel went down because she's a gross, toxic person. Instead, she's going to play this Rose thing for victim points the best way she can.
No. 428477
>>428460>It was pointed out that it could be that she was caught between a bunch of strong personalities and was scaredI believe this is most likely the case, not for everything but at least majority. She seems very shy and awkward, i am too and am a human doormat basically. I can't stand confrontation, am terrible at communicating and am almost paralyzed when stuck in between conflict. So while I don't think Rose is completely innocent, I do see it as her doing her best despite making some poor choices, contact with joy being the first one. Joy is the kind of person that listens and stores information, even small talk, so it may be later used as ammo and you'd be wary to even disagree with, as you'd have a real nightmare on your hands. Obviously nobody is exempt from her shit talk, not even Dom.
Joy seems to be going in a direction that she was scammed so she can try to convince the world that the shady person was rose all along and blame shift.
No. 428499
>>428460I don't think Rose is innocent either, but I doubt she's some mastermind that was planning to play everyone against each other all along like Joy and her spergleberries are trying to spin it. I think she was just a scared woman who just wanted her kids back and who reached out to anyone that she thought could help her. Knowing how she lost the kids in the first place, it's not surprising to me that she would end up falling for more manipulation.
>>428496I don't think she's going to breakdown because she still has her Joytards on Twitter saying shit like Based Mama was at fault for not saying anything about how Rose was scared of Joy. She can also use the spin that she doesn't have to show the texts from Rose because it's illegal, so now we'll never see proof of anything. She also has Cy taking the blame for what happened with the 11 year old girl. Joy is gonna be fine. She'll probably pretend to cry a little on YouNow, but it's already been spun that she's a victim in all this and it's everyone's fault but hers.
No. 428501
>>428499Samefag. Still getting used to posting here. I meant to quote
>>428477I usually just lurk, but the more this goes on, the more pulled in I get. It's funny because Joy thinks everyone hates her and her career went under because of D05, but even I started as a fan, though not a huge one.
No. 428524
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>>428518Yes. We are reluctant to show this because the certificates are fill in the blank and hand written. I can show those too but people will just say we wrote it in. You can't really change a trophy though. Kati played for 2 different basket ball teams in elementary school. Is this enough so that we can move past the "are they her family" discussions? ~~~Family member anon OP
No. 428526
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>>428518Here is where she played for the Warriors.~~~Family member anon OP
No. 428530
The basketball pic is nice proof to go along with the trophy. Well done!
No. 428532
>>428524Fine by me. I was on the fence but as i've said before you've proven enough that you are who you say you are. Its also pretty easy to tell who one of the family anons is if you think about it.
All in all, I doubt Joy will respond to what you're saying, and her spergs have demonstrated enough they'll defend whatever she says or does. I think given her reaction to it popping up on the Kumite that she IS taking it seriously..she just doesn't address it unless she thinks she can 100% spin it or wiggle out of it.
No. 428538
>>428532She knows who we are. She probably knows which one of us by name.
>> 428533No, we are not sharing these with the rest of the family due to embarrassment. Everyone knows she isn't playing with a full deck. If certain family member actually saw her videos, they would hunt her down and stomp on her. We are protecting people. Like I said, they know she is "off" and saying things just not the actual video. And no, the baby will be the center of attention.
2nd anon family member.
No. 428544
>>428533I also feel they have proven enough of who they are, but I asked them to do this, so there is no more wiggle room for doubt. An anon said previously here that there was no evidence. People have been trying to say it could be anyone with these photos for evidence, lol…which is bs. I have read the forum thanks and seen their evidence, and didn’t doubt.
Now there is absolute evidence it’s them, and that can shut up the nay sayers, and Kati and her fans have no more room to deny who they are. Much respect to the anons. Thank you, I understand how upsetting this is for you. Especially with the holidays around the corner.
No. 428552
>>428524>>428526No,seriously - anyone who is in denial on who you are after these latest images have got their heads firmly wedged in the sand.
Thank you for uploading these.
No. 428598
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Dom made an appearance in her most recent livestream.
No. 428603
>>428600Yes. It was terrible. Absolutely disgraceful.
~~~Family member non OP
No. 428630
>>428612That is disturbing, I feel bad for you all. I really do. Joy really needs to stay away from minors.
On another note*
The stream that happened on Tonka saw was interesting. Based mama going hard on Joy about family being on lolcow, only for Joy to laugh it off as nothing.
I find it far too convenient for Joy, that they are choosing now to battle out the Do5 drama and what happened behind the scenes. Perfect distraction for Joy, so people are not so focused on what’s really important here. The lies she has told her fan base for months.
No. 428642
>>428640No, as I said earlier, she was well liked due to her music ability and her older sister.
2nd anon family member
No. 428666
>>428630The best part for me was the ending; where Tonka (or was it AP?) voiced his annoyance that Kati was specifically invited into the stream to provide all this incriminating evidence to prove Chambers was lying - only to provide jack shit. It was also a relief to see both Chambers and Based Mama demanding Kati (and Geekthulu) to put up or shut up when it came to their accusations against them - but neither Kati or her Joytard could provide anything but heresay (best line was Geekthulu saying he had history to back up his claims…because that's how evidence works).
I hope these people keep on Kati's ass to finish her 'research' and upload all those incriminating texts.
No. 428748
>>428726I believe the lie she had tried to spin was that she signed in but there was nothing there.
But you can't sign into an account that doesn't exist
No. 428763
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Can anyone here grab a copy of the stream? It isn't currently available in all regions and Tonka said this.
No. 428764
>>428754Which was a pointless endeavor - as her Joytards didn't need the analytical proof, as they already believed her claims.
And making people pay to see said proof is utter BS.
No. 428778
>>428769I found it 'hilarious' that Kati actually admitted that she made Rose - a single, working mother with two kids, a job and health problems - make video after video 'clearing' Kati's name until Kati approved of the final product.
The fucking balls Kati had to admit that on stream - with countless people listening in - and think people would believe her when she said she didn't blackmail Rose.
No. 428794
>>428524>>428526Gosh, you're such an abusive trailer trash family, keeping her trophies and having her pictures neatly framed and most likely hanging up on a wall.
When making a new thread don't forget to include the links to these two posts, because they're undeniable proof ( & we had proof before, some just refused to see it ) that it is her family and that she's a massive liar.
No. 428902
>>428883shivers I don’t care what others may think, Kati is running an internet cult, whether Kati knows it or not, or certain anons thinking it’s far fetched, or her fans think they could never be caught up in a cult. Nobody in a cult thinks they are in one. Till they try to LEAVE! Kati and her followers make it a point to shun people who were once dedicated fans, and now have changed their mind. You can’t ask her a question that is uncomfortable without her a)calling you a hater b) blocking you c) ignoring you all together.
Joy can do no wrong…in her eyes and her brainwashed followers.
Joy on that Tonka saw stream….she demanded respect, like she is the boss, telling people to be respectful and watch their language, or else. What a hypocrite! She’s called people cu#t’s how many times on her streams to people? Loved how Based put her in her place, that she doesn’t deserve respect for the way she has behaved!
No. 428915
>>428883>If an apology and time to show you can build that trust back up again aren’t sufficient nothing else should be, especially opening your Twitter to two we’ll known liars and assholes.Pretty much. An emotionally stable ( or at least half stable ) person usually feels like crap after being lied to, may need some time to process and decide if they still want to be in contact with that person to talk it over and such.
You have to be off your rocker to ( at her age mind you ) demand someone over a decade younger than you gives you access to their account. & let's not forget that this is all going down online, they've never even met.
>>428902I laughed at her 'please be respectful so much'. It's like she can't decide if she's this "kind sweet angel" with "prayers and love <3" or this 'tough bitch' with "bitch you don't know where I'm coming from, cunt, poop." I guess it's whatever she decides might make her look better at that moment.
She also used "you automatically lost an argument because you got upset" ( something along those lines ) which is complete Onision logic. That's not how it works.
No. 428997
>>428945Let's also not forget the car dealership meltdown. How many cusswords were uttered there?
>>428965I would have love to see Based be less emotionally invested when it came to the Lolcow part.
Cue Kati manically laughing ( she does scare me when she's screaming/laughing like this, it does sound crazy ) and doing the "where's your evidence, lolcow, manic laughter" and when Based said she can easily contact her family ( which I'm pretty sure she meant here, not fucking calling them or anything like that ), Kati said something like how Based is 'threatening to contact her family', right?
At that moment Based should have just calmly said "No, they're posting on Lolcow and very kindly answering a lot of questions, they have also provided evidence and you have been exposed for lying about so many things."
I do understand it's probably hard being calm when directly talking to her crazy ass, though.
No. 429021
>>428997Yes! Earlier on in the stream (before Based came on) when Joy and Geek were mocking Chambers for mentioning lolcow, I was waiting for her to mention how her family is on here debunking so many of her lies. In general, this is where a lot of her lies have been called out, so it’s actually not crazy of Chambers to have mentioned it.
I’m not the hugest fan of Based, but it gave me so much glee to hear her rip into Kati. In fact, Kati reminded me of Onision in the way she was spinning and manipulating everything. It was nice to see Based finally get to put her in her place.
No. 429063
>>429051Oh family anon I didn’t believe it for a second! I was just demonstrating more of Joy’s hypocrisy. I didn’t believe her grandmother called her either or those names and I would hope that she’d never speak to an elderly woman like that, but to say such things about her grandmother and then admonish others for their language is such a cop out (I’m guessing she couldn’t think of anything to say, got flustered, and attacked the only thing she could, which was Based’s language.) With all of her discussions of her vaginal-looking mashed potatoes, poop, b-holes, how anal sex works, telling 11 year olds to “rape their bullies,” and telling a 12 year old to “come for me bitch,” among other things (and those are just a few of Kati’s hypocritical highlights,) who tf does she think she is telling anyone to curb their language? The bitch never ceases to amaze me.
No. 429065
>>429051Hey again, family anons. Did Kati ever scream at you, whether it be when it came to an argument or otherwise? ( both face to face and telephone conversations count )
If so, did that ever scare you?
I'm asking because - no offence - she was honest to god scary when she did that on Youtube. It always reminded me of a crime reenactment show right before someone got stabbed.
No. 429134
>>429127She had been badgered about her gofundme so much, she is now justifying buying toys for Emma and Cody as though it would be considered a waste of the money.
This is making my heart bleed.
No. 429154
>>4291511:05:00 Rose relates her idea to try to get information from Joy to see what information she supposedly had on Chambers and Nick. Rose says Based Mama and Chambers knew aboit her plan. Rose and Melinda agree that it was not a good plan and that talking trash about Based, Chambers and Nick to Joy was to get in her good graces.
I can see chambers going along with this, but I doubt Based or Nick would think that Rose playing spy was a good idea. They may have known about it, but from the way Based talked about it on Tonka Saw's stream, it didn't come across to me like she was a big fan of the scheme. Just my 2 cents
No. 429164
>>429145Around 1:06, Melinda asks if Kati asked Rose to do a charity stream with her after the gag order was lifted, and Rose says "she wanted me to do one, yes". Melinda asks how that went, and Rose says Kati was demanding 'everything' ("she wanted my passwords, she wanted my bank account information, everything").
Melinda asks if it was so "she could do the stream and try to save your gofundme?" and Rose says yes, and that Kati wanted Rose to donate (?) her own gofundme so Kati could make one in her name.
Melinda asks what happened when Rose refused, and Rose says that Kati got "really pissy" with her, called her a liar, because she wouldn't give her all her personal information. She's had threatening messages trying to figure out where the kids are, and people have been following her and the kids (apparently a group was while they were trick or treating).
Melinda asked if the slander started when Rose refused the stream, and Rose says yes, she started getting pissy and demanding when she wasn't getting her way and started blackmailing her.
Melinda asks how Kati blackmailed her, and Rose says Kati was threatening to release her texts, conversations, etc. Melinda asks if there was anything else, and Kati threatened to say Rose almost broke the gag order on a bad day. Apparently Rose stood up for herself about it and called Kati crazy, and told her "I was only talking to her because I was being forced to talk to her."
Melinda asks what Kati said about that, and Rose says Kati apparently didn't care, she wanted Rose to make the video for her (four attempts, pressuring Rose, telling her what to say, etc). Apparently she was talking to Rose one way on the phone, and another way via text.
No. 429165
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before patreon status… lets see if the joytards give a shit about joy being a scamming witch.
coding2011 has spent $675 on bars and given $100 in patreon to both Kati and Cy…she also sent the $300 fitbit… over $1k in support of enabling a manipulative, lying, con artist.
No. 429166
Melinda: Why do you think she was being so demanding?
Rose: She has a mental illness.
No. 429167
>>4291631:12:10 "Joy has an issue she needs to adress. She wouldn't such a bad person if she was medicated."
Too honest not to say it plainly.
No. 429177
>>429043I must be super old fashioned, then - because I grew up respecting my elders; and calling them foul names defeats that purpose.
If I ever called my grandmother a cunt; I'd probably end up getting smacked for being a disrespectful shit.
No. 429178
File: 1511261874360.png (44.92 KB, 917x620, twitter.PNG)

>>429165And her twitter stats.
No. 429179
>>429173It does make a lot more sense now.
Rose was being routinely pressured by Joy to do certain things with Joy backed up by her own attorney!
She had no allies except for Based and Chambers and Nick. Who were all apparently "harassing" her lawyer to get his shit together and work his client's case, as well as cut ties with Joy. The lawyer wanted to maintain the relationship with Joy against Rose's will.
I cannot imagine being under that much pressure, dealing with do5 crazy fans, a gag order that stops you from venting about any of it, cps down your throat and up your butt, making demands that you keep a job that they keep you away from, so you end losing it. Now add to that a narccisist lunatic who wants to sacrifice you and your children to the view count gods, child welfare be damned!
I'm now honestly just surprised Rose hasn't hired someone to Nancy Kerrigan Joy, just to give her something else to be concerned with! I wouldn't want this loon near me or my kids!
No. 429187
>>429063This was actually brought up in stream (telling the 11 year old to rape her bullies). Kati tried to defend herself (and the panel) that non of them were aware that she was 11 years old. BM pointed out that the chat of that stream was literally blowing up at them, screaming that she was a child/underaged.
Kati's only argument to that was that non of the ten people in the panel noticed.
Ten people (well, nine - as one was the underaged kid) didn't take notice of the enraged chat - not even Cy, the moderator of the stream, who's sole purpose is to manage the fucking stream?! - took no notice?
I don't think Kati realized just how incompetent she made that entire panel look with that weak ass excuse.
No. 429190
>>428883 Thank you for a further example, Anon. I was the one who made and defended the initial comment.
I think people wrong assume that all cults must be Waco, Kool Aid level but that isn't the case. I'm going to be looking into this more, to see if there have been any studies about the effects the internet has had on this. I know it doesn't seem important to some people but for me, the answers I find will change my opinion about Kati. A lot of her behaviour is written off as someone with mental illnesses/conditions/disorders but I think she has more self control than people are affording her…
No. 429191
I'm just at the beginning of the Tonka stream.
>>429185 Tim wants to be grateful that Rose didn't take my advise to find herself an actual family lawyer (with many Anons confirming they would donate to a new GFM to pay for) and get the new lawyer to file a complaint about his mishandling of this case. His behaviour would land him in deep, license stripping shit, so if he's a fucking thing to Rose, they know what to do. That slimy little prick should be down on his knees kissing Rose's feet for not reporting his klinker covered arse!
Family law is my area of expertise so to see the way he has behaved towards Rose, knowing it goes against every code of ethics and client privilege, truly boils my fucking blood!
Saged for rage.
To clarify, rage towards Dim, not the Anon who made the post.
No. 429192
>>429168More aggravating is the fact that Tim Conlon knew this shit was going on - and let it happen.
Just because he's working pro-bono doesn't mean he has the right to abuse his client. JFC - he deserves to get disbarred for allowing this to happen.
No. 429195
>>429192He didn't let it. He
encouraged it.
Rose said Tim was the one who was spreading the rumor that Chambers was the mole. He tried to get her to stop talking to Based, Chambers, and Nick, but at the same time he was talking to Joy and ignoring Rose's requests to stop.
That cunt could have ruined the entire fucking case. I am livid.
No. 429199
Samefag @
>>429191>>429195 Exactly! I already had serious issues with him, listening to all of this shit has confirmed everything and then some!
As you said pro-bono means nothing, it doesn't adjust any contract, or give any wiggle room when it comes to ethics and client/lawyer privilege, none whatsoever.
Rose's poppy, you need to take out this trash, I will find the original post I made as it contained lots of information, advice, links to sites explaining how to report concerns about him. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with this.
No. 429226
I found it, there was a lot of calling out Tim and his shady dealings with Joy and his own YT channel from the start of the temp thread.
>>7964 #
>>7966 #
>>I'm UK family law Anon so I can't give an exact plan given there may be differences but whenever I have shared info on here the laws have always been similar.
>>Step one. Rose should instruct Tim to prepare a cease and desist and serve Joy. If she no longer trusts Tim, I'm sure she could manage to type up her own. If she can't I'll do the bloody thing and she can copy paste it. It doesn't matter if it comes from a lawyer or an individual, both are valid. The cease and desist should include Joy and her pack of hyenas.
>>Step two. I would start looking into getting a new lawyer, use the GFM funds raised so far. After the way Joy has publicly treated her, I think it could kick start donations.
>>Step three. If step one fails, I would make an application for an injunction. This is literal harassment, with all evidence needed all over the internet and in Joy's own fucking words, literally threatening Rose into releasing a statement supporting her version of events or she will release private, protected by law, correspondence.
>>This should be walk in the park if it is handled correctly. Joy has served herself up on a platter, in front of the internet, she has used abused children for views and money, she has refused to comply with the wishes of their parent. It's open and shut. A judge would have to be insane not to grant an injunction.
No. 429244
>>428902We have discussed that, also.
>>428945We also have discussed her hypocrisy. I believe it is one of the characteristics of narcissism.
>>428965She has scared her family, also with this maniacal screaming/laughing. She has been escorted from our houses due to it. That is when she was kicked out. But she blew it out of proportion–it was just so she could calm down–not move out forever.
>>429043Kati's grandmother would NEVER use that word. It has never come from her mouth. My goodness!
>>429056Kati's sister is extremely intelligent. She excelled in all academic areas. Kati was an above average student but lacked conventions and would not always focus. The two family anons are college graduates. Both with bachelor's degrees and one with a Master's plus another 60 graduate hours. Most of her family has college degrees.
>>429051 That is one of the reasons we decided to speak out. There are children in our family which Kati will never be allowed to visit due to this language.
>>429065 Yes, Kati has screamed at us and it is scary especially when she did it to a 90 year old lady.
>>428997 I agree Kati is stressful talking to her. Our blood pressure increases just by the sight of her car in our driveway. You have pinpointed it exactly what it is like to have a conversation with her.
>>429163 We have made the same statement hundreds of times.
>>429043 Why do you think family members want to stomp her?
>>429063 My expression has always been give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves. That is one of the many reasons we waited to speak out. We assumed it would come out about how she is.
>>429190 I will look that out about cult behavior also. We have been wondering this also.
No. 429251
>>429244I am so sorry I forgot to tell I am 2nd anon family member. I don't know how to edit the post.
2nd anon family member
No. 429274
>>429244I've wondered about it ever since she stated she learned manipulation techniques in a marketing job. I've observed a lot of manipulating behaviour with her, the "does that make sense?" Which is constant, the clapping of her hands after making a statement, how she exploits weaknesses in people, expecting instant responses or "evidence" off others, (pressure tactic) yet always needing time when similar is expected of her. Hitching her wagon to sympathetic or powerful causes, to be her shield. The excessive praise and love bombing is one of her favourites. We have gone into these things in depth in earlier threads and you have years of up close and personal experience, so I will stop here.
I just can't work out if these are manipulations that come naturally to her based on experiences, or if it is something she has made an effort to learn. I don't know a great deal about the Indigo Movement, other than what was posted here, I have seen things calling them a cult but I'm not sure if that is officially recognised? Anyway, it could be something they expected members to learn to recruit and she has brought these techniques with her.
I'm leaning more towards narcissist personality disorder and that is it, I don't think she has anything else. It is everything she is, including the up and down moods that can often be mistaken for bipolar. for speculation.
No. 429284
>>429190Kati has way more self awareness then she leads on; she may not be academically intelligent but that what she lacks in that department she completely makes up for in her ability to read people, quickly con them, and knows exactly what to say in order to get them to do what she wants.
My second primary focus of study was cults and cult like behavior. If I can get some time I'll look for my notes and drop a primer here on the behaviors cultists share, but trust me, Kati shares a lot (even some like that crazy Christian militant army, Freelove Ministries with this scary AF bitch named Deborah Green,) and she's exhibited many of the same tactics (punishment, shunning, getting made fun of in front of the group, being given busy work so not only are they always working for her, they're constantly busy, and 24/7 are reminded of their leader (kind of like Jim Jones did with his constant sermons blaring on the speakers from dawn until dusk,) the amount of love bombing that bitch uses is tantamount to any other cult leader (in the beginning she lovebombs the f out of you until she knows she has you, you start giving her money, and the lovebombing ends,) and like other cult leaders who demanded all the possessions and money from their members Joy accepts gifts, demands money under the guise of being "chronically ill" while simultaneously playing the Polly Anna archetype (i.e., "Oh gosh golly gee guys you don't have to, what am I gonna do with you guys" etc.,) and even takes money from minors!)) If the aforesaid doesn't scream "cult" then idk what does.
Like the other anon said: you don't need a Jonestown, Shrinrokyo, Heaven's Gate, or Wako etc., to show something is a cult; they're just examples of extremely destructive ones so logically they're what come to mind when one typically thinks of cults and cult like behavior.
Cults serve their own purposes, which is solely for the purpose of the leader (sound familiar?) Additionally in cults the end will always justify the means so for Kati that means that if her "friends," -err she comes out on top, it doesn't matter what needs to be done or who needs to be stepped on to Get there. Notwithstanding there is generally complete authoritarian control which Joy definitely has over her spergs, she's use deception (muh "chronic illness") in order to recruit recruit members, uses untruths to get members on her side (she's lied about her past, all of her supposed illnesses, and the angelic ascension which, logically, is where all of her symptoms come from.) She's even added her own pseudo religious aspect by calling herself Joysous and telling her members to do the same and the spergs talk about "the religion of Joysous." She even put her face on a crucifix refs! Seriously, nj I've been suffering through her streams, and everything I've said has come directly from her or her members.
Furthermore she uses the two most primitive manipulation tactics (fear and guilt,) and she has such a hold of the over these people they're not free to think for themselves, and if they do think critically they're blocked and then shunned, so they fear thinking critically because they're afraid of being kicked out. She induces guilt by constantly enforcing how "sick" she is and how she's in so much pain that no med will touch it yet she can mask it much like her anxiety (both are physiologically impossible,) how she's almost died, fears she's going to die soon, and she's not going to be able to get either health insurance or treatment. With all of her "near heart attacks, near strokes, and near seizures" it's completely understandable why she's guilt tripping these morons into giving her so much money- I mean she is literally on the verge of death right? In Joy's own words, "At least cancer patients have it better off because at least they're getting treatment."
She also has come to let her members depend on her for everything, including how THEY're feeling, because how they're feeling depends on how their fearless leader is feeling so I imagine that must be one hell of a ride (see how her spergs are losing it without her.) Another way she induces guilt is by exposing other members' weaknesses in front of others like she did with Alex's lying about his job (as if she had room to speak about calling anyone out for lying.)
She drills it into their heads tha she not only "understands from an empathic level but intellectually as well," and others' inability to understand her, which makes sense because Joy is an expert on everything, even the brain which she described "as this big electrical current," which was absolutely funny AF.
She even has her own "lingo," which is specific to the group and uses those code words she posts on Twitter so only those in the know will know when there's a live stream. This way it's not only private but feels exclusive to those who are in the group and know the lingo, so they also feel closer to the other members who share the same knowledge while simultaneously feeling superior to those who are not part of the group, which makes the others feel left out so they'll do anything they can to get in. If you look at Scientology as an example, where there is so much loaded language and acronyms, you'll notice that Scientologist really only spend time with other Scientologists (this is in part because they're encouraged to do so among other things,) but also because they find it to be annoying speaking with non-Scientologists who don't understand their "Scientologise" (i.e., KSW, PSP, AD, and orgs, etc.,) and even refer to non-members as "wogs."
Members are prevented from learning that their world is an illusion and the leader will do anything in order to prevent his or her members from breaking free of their delusions and learning the actual truth; it's impossible to get her spergs to believe she's done any wrong regardless of how much proof has been thrown in their face. Now if that doesn't show that one needs to be deprogrammed I don't know what will.
TL;DR: Joy's running a mother effin cult!
No. 429293
>>429284 Epic post!
Was Deborah Green the one who forced one if her followers to bring her ailing mother to live with them, putting her to work until she died?
Or was she the one who banished anyone who would launch them in a shed to live, away from their children, if they so much as blinked the wrong way?
Sorry for going OT Anons but this fascinates me. Anon do you have a sock email I could contact you on? I would love to go into more detail about this without spamming the boards.
Saged for O/T
No. 429296
>>429274I have seen the ups and downs of bipolar with Kati since she was about 18 but the narcissism tendencies have evolved from about the age of 21. I do believe she is both which from my research is quite common.
>>429284I agree with Kati's self-awareness. She is also quite creative which feeds into what she is doing. It is unfortunate that she doesn't take these skills and get a real job. The cult thing sounds right, too. I think there is alot going on with her.
2nd anon family member
No. 429302
>>429065Yes. She treats us like how she treated the people at Ford except a little worse. I have even seen her grandma verbally abused and her throwing things all over her house. That is the type of shit she does where we have to step in and tell her to leave to calm down. Her grandmother is 90 years old and doesn't deserve that.
She also verbally abused me throughout my first pregnancy. She was verbally abusive toward me for just trying to deliver her a W2 that went to her grandmother’s house when she was in this area to go to Metro Ford and I was 7 months pregnant. In one of her screaming fits the day after Metro Ford she admitted she was jealous of my unborn child (as someone called it on lolcow that she was acting our because I got married and was having a baby) because it would have a better life than she ever had. WTF?!?! That is your unborn niece, and she can hear you screaming. Babies can hear in utero and my husband and I always kept that in mind. Her former dog was also in the car at this time (she was abandoned at my house by Kati when I was out of town for work and I ended up just keeping the dog), extremely excited to see Kati because she still remembers her and she was hiding in the backseat on the floorboard because she thought Kati was yelling at her. As if she isn't already messed up enough from being abandoned by her.
When I was 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant my mother-in-law was driving me home from a sonogram to see if they needed to induce me that day and Kati called. I answered the phone and she screamed at me that she had Lupus, and for me to call her mother and tell her it wasn’t all in her head and she isn’t crazy. I think that same day she had a livestream too talking about lupus and a few other illnesses. To find out later, it was just a high ANA test. She didn’t ask me how I was doing, or how the baby was doing…it was all to get me to call her mother and tell her Kati had Lupus. My mother in law was right beside me and hear the whole conversation. It was so embarrassing because you all know how manic she gets.
~~~Family member anon OP
No. 429317
>>429315She is not getting near that baby!!!
2nd anon family member
No. 429324
>>429284Thank you for this anon. It’s everything I’ve noticed too. It’s important to know cult like behaviour. It’s got to be one “
hell of a ride to be a member, I’m glad to be knowlagble enough to see the signs.
A cult does not have to be a religious or spiritual. Cults are specifically designed to worship the leader. The narcissist. This is what I see with Kati. As much as I hate saying it, or thinking it, this is the truth. I honestly can’t imagine what her family feels. I’m crying myself…I have a couple family members that are trouble, I’ve delt with a lot. This to me is just so sad..cause I actually can relate in a sense.
Some advise for family anons…. please take time for you this holiday. Don’t even look at this thread for a couple weeks before Christmas. Be happy and enjoy yourselves. You’re allowsed to do that! Hugs *
No. 429330
Saged for OT
No. 429335
>>429327The name of the baby niece has never been disclosed, nor that of her sister's husband. Please delete the comment and edit the names out before posting again.
>>429330 Thank you Anon. I will email you within the next hour.
No. 429342
>>429340I've reported the post, hopefully it gets their attention.
I seem to remember that screencap being posted here or on tempcow before, but I can't remember if the names were blacked out last time. Apologies for that anon's carelessness.
No. 429343
>>429274Please don't start any of that self-diagnosis shit. Psyhfag here and do you have ANY idea how much it takes for a mental health professional to make a diagnosis of personality disorder? Ethically, we're taught not to do that since that type of diagnosis can really eff up a person's life. Say she's a manipulator and a narcissist, just don't assign any diagnosis when you have never done an assessment or know how to diagnosis for something.
Sorry for sperging, armchair psychologists make me REEE like nothing else.
No. 429356
File: 1511287190069.jpeg (138.63 KB, 1024x740, 11921555-46F1-40DC-9B05-2E68EA…)

>>429315Original OP of this post. I do apologize I was pretty sure that had been posted here before. I apologize to the family member anon for posting it, and thank you to the farmhand that deleted it.
Here’s an edited version of it.
No. 429375
File: 1511288981347.jpeg (240.7 KB, 1024x918, 8214DDA9-1FC7-4331-A93B-98C916…)

>>429356Speaking of Kati’s Facebook. I forgot about this gem.
No. 429391
>>429384 They have answered that exact question numerous times throughout the thread. Rehashing is against board rules.
Here, these address your question.
>>429244>>426326>>426474>>426721>>426736>>426737>>426737>>427756>>428538 No. 429405
File: 1511292199177.jpg (47.99 KB, 600x600, d3iIlpS.jpg)

>>429375Also speaking of Kati's Facebook. Holy hell.
No. 429409
>>429394I think Indigo appealed to her ego too. As we have seen Kati can never "just" have a none extreme problem, everything has to be the worst extreme. To the point where a cyst she actually had becomes life threatening. Am I remembering correctly that you stated she had add or ADHD? Well that wouldn't do for Kati who likes to go to the extreme as if it makes her more special than others and a huge part of indigo was that children were being misdiagnosed with add/ADHD by quack doctors and that add/ADHD was actually symptoms of angel ascension, proof that a person is special, can channel angels, etc. That would be a huge pull to someone like Kati.
She seemed to get fed up with the movement because they had strict rules about the year of birth and Kati was born either a few years before or after their cut off date, so they wouldn't accept her fully as one of them either.
What are your thoughts about that Family Anon?
No. 429428
>>Many of whom I couldn't stand.(Destra in particular with her whole we should respect ritual satanic abuse and praise those that did it for enlightening us crap. I WENT OFF on that bitch for that bullshit.) Ultimately, Kati just didn't care until she thought things would affect her image.Wowser! That's a new one! I'm certain it is anyway, does Destra ring any bells with other Anons?
So she was good friends with someone who was pro-satanic abuse? This may fit with a theory Anons had about why she takes such a hard-line stance over paedophiles. Obviously a majority of people are against this but she took it to a completely different, obsessive level.
No. 429434
>>429428Pretty sure i've brought it up before. Destra claimed to be a awakened person and a star seed. In general she's one of those weirdos that looks for groups like these to see how many impressionables she can rope in for whatever screwed up crap she's selling. My big issue with that was that the doors were open to vulnerable people and Kati made it worse by not kicking that bitch into the wood chipper where she belongs.
In general, at first Kati wants reputable people around to make herself look good. After a bit, she either removes them, they leave, or there are falling outs…and then she replaces them with people like Destra or Zones or Stiles,etc. If and when they go mental…she can easily dub them as crazy and discredit anything they say..plausible deniability. If you look back this is something she has done quite a bit. Again, Indigo Abuse was basically a very small scale version of what we have now. She wanted THIS back then. Now that people seem to be more ruled by reaction and emotion..and we have people agreeing with and cheering on things today that would have been atrocious then..she sees it as ripe for abuse.
No. 429460
>>429434This was new to me but I haven't followed it all for a while, I came back when I was informed of family Anons, so the Destra thing may have flown under my radar.
I agree with your assessment of her MO and of course it makes it easier for her to throw the "crazies" under the bus than it does nicer, or obviously vulnerable people like Rose, not that it has stopped her from trying.
I wonder if Stiles has anything to say about the copyright claims and how only The Blargh will be able to upload her streams. He was warned but he went off on one anyway.
No. 429473
>>429409I just saw the video made about Kati by Repzion. He is spot on. Kati does play the word/ mental gymnastics. AS for the Indigo stuff I do believe that was something she picked up on in France. I do know that she never used a microwave after going to France. She would act like it was going to hurt her. Now I know where that came from–radiation. Also, when she and David lived with a family member he didn't want the family member on the cell phone because he could feel the "waves". And yes, Kati goes to the extreme on everything she does. AS I said in earlier posts, she takes everything and blows it out of proportion. The things she believes in is just plain crazy. She needs to get off of the internet and crawl under a rock. How disgraceful! It's one thing to have a screw loose, but another to broadcast it all over the internet.
>>429416I have no idea who Destra is. Never heard of that person before today.
2nd anon family member
No. 429519
>>429486Annnd you have perfectly captured how I imagine her when she's either screaming or manically laughing, anon. She just naturally gives off that scary vibe that makes you wonder 'do I have the 911 on speed dial and where is my pepper spray'.
I really feel for you family anons, especially since you said her screaming is
worse than what we've seen in the car dealership video. Plus, yelling at/around a 90 year old woman? Way to go, Kati, you witch.
No. 429553
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I see she has been a tweet deleting spree again, she has deleted or hidden everything going back to the 7th of November. What is the point?
No. 429656
Rose says something that can't be true.
When Rose talks a meeting that she can't say what happened in, she says both Joy and Chambers contacted right after the meeting - suggesting both knew about the meeting. Rose goes to say that it had to be Tim that told Joy about the meeting and says the mole email was to blame it on Chambers.
But that can't be true.
The mole email was an email that was sent from Tim to Joy.
If Tim had told Joy the meeting was to take place, he wouldn't blame Chambers and Joy finding out about it on Chambers. He'd know that Joy found out from him and, for Chambers to find out about it, Joy had to be the one who told Chambers about it.
Yet his email - an email that was just between him and Joy - opines about who knew about the meeting beforehand and blames Chambers….
You know…
All though this conversation, they talk about different schemes they participated in. Then, the day after Chambers is called out, Rose decides to do a tell all.
Listen at 12:00. You'll hear Rose give an impossible explanation for the mole email that was written by Tim Conlon and was sent to Joy.
You guys screwed up bad cooking this one up
This is just another Chambers scheme.
That email makes it apparent and, because Chambers hates Tim, she doesn't even care if Rose loses her lawyer in her want to burn Joy.
I mean,, there is an email where Tim Conlon says that if Chambers/Nick don't stop, he'll drop Rose. Well after this interview - where rose shows YT gossip is more important than her case - he has very good grounds to drop her and, because of the accusations she ( and they ) are making against him, sue the whole lot of them.
no, I am not a Joytard. I think she has lied about many, many things. But what is going on right now? Just another scheme those ladies are running.
No. 429659
>>429656Why did Rose think Tim told Kati? Is that what she guessed, or was she told by someone? By Kati?
Rose is only saying what she thinks to be true. Can someone give me a summary of this part of the phone call?
No. 429665
>>429663I mean, tinfoil but if that's the case, couldn't Tim and Joy have organised that email to preemptively clear Joy and incriminate Chambers? Something along the lines of "email me and I'll post it later"
I mean, if you're claiming one conspiracy (Rose, Based, and Chambers) then it's only fair to entertain another (Tim and Joy).
No. 429668
>>429656Are you saying that it's impossible for Tim to have told Joy about the meeting and then claim that he didn't and that Chambers was the mole?
The email is that Chambers is supposedly a mole because five minutes into a secret meeting, Chambers called Tim 3 times. Why is Tim emailing Joy about this? What does she even have to do with the case? That's sketchy enough right there.
I typed what I could catch, but I am missing a few sentences here and there.
"Tim yelled at me because Chambers started calling me and Chambers was concerned about me. I called Based Mama crying because I got yelled at because of Joy and Chambers calling right after the meeting. He said that I told them about the secret meeting, which I did not tell them about the meeting. It's just a meeting I'm not supposed to talk about."
"He literally yelled at me about the meeting. All she wanted to know was how I was feeling tonight."
Later, she goes on to say that Chambers was the only one who called her with concern, while Joy just wanted info on what happened and to set up interviews. I'm not hearing what was impossible.
No. 429670
>>429667That's what preemptive means. I mean, it's a shitty lawyer trying to cover his ass.
I'm just saying that all conspiracies should be entertained. I don't think Rose would intentionally risk losing her kids for YouTube drama.
No. 429675
>>429656After listening again, I might agree with you.
I will say that Kati being a cunt and Rose being shady aren’t mutually exclusive.
No. 429677
>>429673Dude, she was slandered a lot the day previous and Kati has been running her mouth for months. Rose hasn't said a thing because of the gag order. And Tim was also pressuring her to talk to Kati and wouldn't stop talking to Kati on Rose's instruction.
Why don't you hush for a while and look at the information instead of jumping wildly from conclusion to conclusion.
No. 429685
>>429680>But no one - NO ONE - is going to pick up this case after they ask for records from Tim and talk to him for a bit.No need for such dramatic statements.
Sage goes in the e-mail field.
No. 429688
>>429673 Where did Tim ever tell Rose to stop YouTube? The last thing Tim said IIRC is for Kati to keep up all the Do5 videos for
some reason that Rose still doesn't know and that has something to do with some deal between Tim and Kati and
future projects .
Chambers called Rose during the meeting. Chambers was calling her a lot to offer emotional support, called during the meeting, then called after probably because she thought she got Rose in trouble or something. The whole point was that Kati called Rose asking how the meeting went when no one had told Kati about the meeting. So either Tim told Kati or Kati had someone following Rose. Tim was only upset that Rose was talking to Chambers and has always had nothing but the best to say about Kati.
My guess is the main one we've always had which is that Kati managed to get Chambers to put her in contact with Tim when Kati was cut off and from there Kati just gave his ego the biggest blow job and spun him all kinds of tales of the great publicity she could give him and all this fake shit about her professional career and shitting on the other people trying to help and Tim bought all of it because he's a slime ball who has without a word dropped cases and refused to take calls to explain why.
No. 429689
It was said that she called Tim three times DURING the meeting. It could be possible that she was calling him to try to get information OR, it could be possible that she didn't know he was in a meeting in the first place, which makes sense. If you know someone's busy doing a thing where they likely can't talk, why would you keep calling them? That makes no sense to me. I'm sorry.
You saying that Tim would let Joy have it is pure speculation on your part. You don't know what Tim would do unless you're the man yourself, do you? So all we are right now is a bunch of assholes speculating. What we do have is a series of patterns. Patterns that involve Tim working with Joy and emailing Joy about a case that has nothing to do with her, other than she made a bunch of videos about it and donated some of the money she made off of them to Joy and made evidence reels that weren't even used in court. In other words, the dude is a shit lawyer. No professional should be outsourcing work that he should be doing to a Youtuber. So we've established a pattern of favoring Joy and unprofessional behavior, haven't we?
Also, you keep threatening that Tim is going to drop Rose. GOOD. If she even needs him at this point, because what is being said on Twitter is that the kids are back with Rose, and they're now just working on getting home from Maryland.
No. 429703
>>429689Tim is no doubt a very shitty lawyer. When the info about wanting to work with Kati on 'future projects' came out everyone here was wondering if he lost his marbles.
He displayed unprofessional behaviour many times.
I'm not sure why that ( new ) anon is behaving like Tim "dropping Rose" would be the end of the world & that no one else will touch this case. Like, come on now.
No. 429709
>>429695So are we arguing that Chambers is a drama whore? Because I can agree on that. However, being a whore for drama and saying stupid shit doesn't prove that she's some kind of mole that knew Tim was in a private meeting.
Meanwhile, we have Joy over here going, "I know things, but I can't tell you guys what I know, but I know things!"
No. 429715
>>429695No sage. Hardcore defending Tim…which not-so-anon are you? Joy? Tim? Joytard?
Also, this is bordering on dingleberry thread subject matter.
No. 429726
File: 1511317726339.jpg (17.44 KB, 624x177, Dfx1SlI.jpg)

>>429712I'm trying to find out exactly what's happening. So far, I've gathered that there's another hearing that will happen in December, but it's not a custody hearing.
>>429695I agree it's getting to be more about Tim, Chambers, and Rose than about Joy. I'll leave it alone after this.
No. 429751
>>429718 Learn to sage newfag. Instead of just sperging out why don't you link to earlier posts where you were calling Tim out and "we all were acting as his
cheerleaders " if you want to make your point? You do know how to search the board right?
>>>/snow/336585 here is the link to the board where you can post about Chambers, Rose, and Tim if that's what you are interested in discussing. Otherwise your off topic rambling speculation is unnecessary. You are replying on an anonymous board as if people give a shit who you are KEK
No. 429762
>>429720She may have used Kati Jacopin.
>>429744Not to my knowledge. My trailer park doesn't allow a business. heehee Sorry I couldn't help it.
2nd anon family member
No. 429766
>>429665100% agree.
Joy has proven to be shady Kati, time and time again. People too often forget that she is a manipulator and go with the idea that if joy said she did it all for
the children, it must be true. Ummmm no, not true.
She is a liar and the gears in her head are always turning as she stores all information she hears, even in smalltalk, to be used against one or as a bargaining tool.
Even simply asking someone how they are is an opportunity to manipulate a conversation or cherry pick details to apply them to herself.
So yes, joy could have easily planned that out in advance and had Tim email her that because she is shady and planned on making bank off those kids, just like her whole channel was planned long ago. Personal opinions of Tim aside, that recording of him months ago, saying he's looking forward to future projects together was so inappropriate. He's the kind of person that would certainly participate in something as shady as a planned email of that sort.
Another thing often forgotten is the fact that joy was getting a ton of hate over the exploitation of d05 child abuse and was frequently being accused of negatively affecting the situation, before all of that drama happened with the group, then all of the sudden she flipped the script and accused the others of the same things. Realistically, she could have easily been the catalyst for the personal drama to divert the negatives attention from being on her.
No. 429823
>>429807Of course but at the end of the day, it is your choice to expose her. I just find it annoying that there are tolls trying to scare you off. I guess they are doing their job right; getting under people's skin. I understand why you chose this route and I do think it is very noble, especially continuing to post. I do hope your influence will do the most positive. (I do encourage you be careful with your language 'cause safety first)
But those goddamn toll joytards…
No. 429827
>>429807Kudos to y'all.
She betrayed her family and her viewers by claiming they and her ex "left her for dead over and over." That's a big deal and she should be ashamed of her self and apologize but instead dgaf.
No. 429853
>>429744I don't ever recall her charging for psychic readings..which is a good thing because she was never psychic she just tried to convince people she was. Especially at the time, if she had tried to charge anyone for that..especially teens and young adults she would have found herself in hot water fast.
>>429807This is true, there are no good choices out there. However, you folks have stated she more or less knows who you are. Its out there, on the internet. Its never going to go away…there will be fallout no matter what path you choose. I can't really disagree with your decisions..i'm just asking you to keep in mind that the internet is very much a different kind of jungle. Your input has already turned quite a few heads across the board and sent shockwaves in the right places. Expect fallout and probably expect it soon. The only reason she hasn't called you out is that she's still trying to figure out how to retaliate. I'm not trying to scare anyone, but Kati is a very unstable, mentally unwell person that has no limits to how low she'll stoop if she feels she can get away with it.
No. 429854
>>429789yes I get that and hey, why not. but they want it both ways - to be involved and to not be tarnished. internet drama being what it is, that's an unrealistic expectation.
>>429797I'm not trying to control what they do? I'm pointing out what should be blindingly obvious.
No. 429866
>>429776Considering the horrific things Kati has said about the family they have every right to defend themselves. Not that we believed it before they confirmed but if we were to believe Kati we'd think they're horrible, abusive, narcissistic monsters who never gave Kati the attention she needed… except when she was being beaten of course (i.e., the vid in the hotel room where she was "relating" to Emma and Cody by saying both her mom and stepmom would beat the crap out or her over and over with "that hairbrush and how her mom would scream at her and her sister etc.,) and if that wasn't despicable enough, she also used the deaths of family members she'd never met for financial gain while simultaneously disparaging that side of the family. If those things were said about anyone they'd want to defend themselves because not only did we only get "1/2" of the story, we just got stories she made up to manipulate others into giving her money.
Since it's an anonymous board unless someone doxxes them (against the rules) they'll stay anonymous; Kati is the only one who could call them out and say who they are, but if she were to do that she'd be confronted with the truth and have to take accountability, and Kati never takes accountability.
No. 429870
In addition to Kati's near strokes, near heart attacks, near seizures and having been left for dead, she's had terrible luck in the medical department. Let me know if I've missed anything:
Copper toxicity, fibromyalgia, anxiety, IBS, PTSD, depression, asthma, allergies, suicidal ideation, full body candida, anorexia, anemia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, and polymyalgia rheumatia. However she was lucky in that she was able to cure her "tumor" -err abscess with oregano (she likes to leave out that she also took antibiotics,) and hydrogen therapy (oh and she also "goes inside herself to meditate" so she "can regulate her body," whatever tf that means.
No. 429871
So I was just watching this video ( "EXTORTION How Nick Monroe Threatened Tim Conlon Myself Why My DaddyoFive Story). Old milk, but Kati says (at around the 10:20ish mark) that she has situational depression, anxiety, and ptsd (which she's apparently worked through).
This whole video is wild after listening to Rose's interview. The best bit is how Kati says she has insider information, but also that she hasn't made a deal with Tim.
Which is it? I mean, if she had insider information despite the gag order, was Tim just giving it to her and breaching it? Or wasn't he? Did he give it to her on the proviso that she not speak about it, because that constitutes a deal, doesn't it?
She can't have it both way.
No. 429875
>>429866defending themselves … to a bunch of anon lurkers on an imageboard who already hate Lati and doubt everything she says? OK, sure. I mean, she only spent like a year talking shit about them, and they waited to do this 'let's get her help' bit until after her channel died in the ass, but sure. They went from being terrified kati would know who they were to not caring about that but think of the children!1! in a matter of hours. they talk and post like farmers, instead of sticking out like newfags. Great.
no-one gives a single shit about their dox. it's the changing stories, willingness to spoonfeed whatever we want to hear, and all the changing stories that people like me are interested in. Milk dries up, thread nearly dies … and oh, here comes the family cavalry. Rightyo.
No. 429882
>>429878>>429875u guys, we know Kati's full name and what state she lives in. We know half her history because of the shit she talks about and how often she talks shit. We all know who they are because we know who she is. Maybe they want to defend themselves against the accusations in case someone they know irl decides to google Kati one day and stumbles across her madness.
They've said a few times they want to defend themselves, to try and prevent Kati hurting anyone else, and to try and get Kati help. They don't know what to do, so they're doing what they can think of. Maybe be a little less critical and give them an alternative, since you both seem to have everything worked out.
Btw–maybe they post like farmers because they read the rules?
No. 429883
>>429875 to me it makes sense that they would wait until her channel died. She has gone from having a large group of spergleberries down to one or two hardcore morons who would defend her if she punched a baby in the face right in front of them. I know I would rather deal with a couple than an army of the idiots.
The MO has changed as they have learned more about her lies and schemes, a lot of which they weren't aware of. And no doubt for the first time in their lives they actually feel empowered against Kati because they feel vindicated. That and so far Kati hasn't retaliated, which they were expecting her to immediately do. It's like skydiving, taking that first step out of the plane to jump is the most terrifying, once you are in free fall you start to relax a little.
I would be willing to answer anything after learning about all the damaging bullshit my family member had been saying about me and the people I love, after everything they had already put me through over the years, all in the name of making money.
Healthy skepticism is good but I believe them, they have asked farmhands to check their IPs, Phil has verified them, an Anon I trust and know outside of lolcow has verified them, they have childhood things that nobody other than family would have. They have posted photos of her on foreign trips, none of which could be found on the internet prior to that and contradict her trailer park life instantly.
And we have had the likes of Stiles and another spergleberry come charging in trying to shut them down, why would they do that if Kati wasn't convinced that it is her family?
They have lurked here before, so they know how to post.
No. 429891
>>429878My parents disinherited and disowned a sister for much less so can you blame them?
I think they should qualify for sainthood for not only having to deal with her for so long before she moved out (sorry I meant was kicked out of the trailer park and "forced to live homeless in the cold with nothing but her car until roommate rescued" her JFC,) but to essentially have their hand forced to come on some message board to defend themselves against ruthless allegations is ridiculous, but I think it got to a point where they've silently sat back, hoping it would stop and she'd get help but that clearly didn't happen, and they'd been bashed so much it got to a point where they'd had enough and needed to somehow vindicate themselves, even if it is on Lolcow.
I see where you're coming from re: the suspect timing but there's no way they aren't who they say they are because:
1. With all they've shared typical Kati would have already taken to younow flipping tf out, saying how "these supposed family anons are just haterz spreading disinformation to make me look bad so people will hate me when all I want to do is help," (like when she was hysterical because her ANA was 0.02+) or when she felt like she was having a heart attack and instead of going to the ER like most would do, Kati thought it would be good not only to take to Twitter to discuss her symptoms and get medical advice from "Dexter Morgan" (when ironically she constantly tells people not to take any medical advice from people on the net and will even call a health professional "Dr. Google" but she listened to that jackass? The hypocrisy kek!) As she told her "story" of hate and retribution she'd wave that victim flag with pride showing the world the martyr that Joysous really is; she "needed to go to the ER and she would have gone but Dom needed his sleep cuz he had work in the morning and he already does so much for me already. I can't wake him up just cuz I'm having chest pain and difficulty breathing." Seriously you know that's how she'd spin this if they weren't who they say they are.
2. They've proven themselves more than a handful of times. We may not know which family members they are but the info and pics they've provided is just too much evidence to dismiss.
TL;DR: The family anons have more then proven themselves to be who they say they are but if you assume they aren't, there's no way in hell that Kati wouldn't be all over younow playing the victim card, "cuz the haterz are so mean they're even pretending to be family members, and cuz they've sprinkled in minor details like where I lived and went to school, they almost sound believable but they're lying f**ktards! See how much hate I get? I've talked to much bigger youtubers and even they say they've never seen anyone get so much hate. Now don't you see how hard it is being me?"
No. 429899
>>429848Because abusive parents are keen on isolating the abused child in order to hide the fact they're being abused. They don't tend to take pictures of their abused children, take them on international vacations, or allow them to participate in social activities (sports/dances/etc).
Speaking from experience.
No. 429902
>>429883This is a good point. With a larger base, its harder to tell how many active culties there are, and that means X amount of people could start trouble with you at a moment's notice simply because Kati said something. Even from the few outward crazies we've seen some messed up have to consider the crazies that are
not acting in public but privately.Now that her stats have taken a nose dive it is much easier to speak out. This may not have been the best route to go with..but I can understand why they chose it.
They've been verified enough. I don't think it makes them Mother Theresa, but it doesn't discredit what they are saying.
No. 429903
>>429875In a matter of hours? More like a span of several months.
It's amazing how much shit a person will put up with before something causes them to finally call bullshit and react.
And you think all newfags are easy to spit? You are aware some newbies are capable of
GASP reading the forum rules before posting anything, right?
No. 429958
>>429911I honestly think that if Kati were to be asked to have family validate her abuse claims; she'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would do so. And I have a very hard time believing that an entire family would deny abuse claims.
Also, those photos prove Kati did not grow up in a ghetto/had a trailer trash family. If she lied about that, why not lie about abuse?
No. 429960
>>429927And yet, she doesn't - she chooses to hide behind why she can't reveal anything. It's always 'when the time is right'; which usually never pans out and, when it does - the 'evidence' is insignificant.
Also - sage your posts (add sage to the email field).
No. 429975
>>429874No she took broadcast journalism in high school. No college journalism. They don't even let you into a journalism school class until you complete a year of prerequisites.
I'm the one who went to a few J-school classes and decided it wasn't for me. She is basically stealing my story here. Also, it doesn't make any sense to anyone from this area. The Univ of MO has several branches. The branch that has a well known J-school (one of the top in the country) is not the branch she attended. If she went to school for this, why would she attend the wrong branch? You can also tell she never had formal journalism classes because she doesn't even care to learn how to pronounce names of world leaders correctly. There is a video where she is reading a news article and over and over she mispronounces the president's name. It shows that 1. she doesn't watch news. 2. she has no training in journalism.
>>429882Yes we post like farmers because we read the rules. If you go back to the beginning you will see that my first post I didn't sage correctly and I abbreviated anon incorrectly for quite awhile annon. Also, we have been lurking since April.
>>429929The insurance doesn't control her care like that. She was prescribed outpatient psycho therapy through the low income hospital when she went to the ER. They think its anxiety like all other physicians have said. Like she herself admits. So when she went back to the ER, they would ask her, well did you do your therapy? And of course the answer was no. So they would say, well we can't find anything wrong with you so we are going to again prescribe outpatient psych therapy. She never would go to the therapy and instead she would swallow hydrogen peroxide or whatever new age/alternative treatment she could find on the internet. The hospital for her inpatient stay a year and a half ago is a totally different hospital. They couldn't find anything either. They asked her to follow up with outpatient care (one of which was infectious disease) which she never did. ~~~family member anon OP
No. 429979
>>429813Thank you.
>>429823Thank you. I have finally spoke out and it is cathartic, therefore, as Tom Petty would say, I won't back down.
>>429827Thank you so much.
>>429843Good question. Kati uses something that has been around for a long time. She divides and conquers. She keeps people away from each other by making up things that the other one supposedly said about them. I have been aware of this for over a decade but could not get everyone else to see it. She always had one person to go behind her cleaning up her messes. The turning point was being jealous of the baby and never questioning how a pregnant family member is doing and the hideous video she made in regards to the boys. When I heard about that I was willing to respond but needed support. Kati lies about conversations and events. There is always a spin to the negative on everyone's part except for mine.
>>429848Kati was never a black sheep. Kati was the "baby" of the family and we all doted on her until all of this came out and we saw her videos. We all have clean records and there has never been any investigations regarding abuse. Plus, look at everything she has on videos. Anyone in their right mind can take a step back and see how she spins things and how she lies, gets confronted about them and then spins a new tale. I have confronted her and she would run to a family member and sing the poor old mistreated Kati song instead of stepping up and admitting her wrongdoings. She is always innocent.
>>429807Thank you but one person's has been on lowcow and someone had law enforcement sent to her mom's house due to her suicidal threats. So we have received some fallout before we ever posted. We have really been given no other choice but go public to defend ourselves, warn others and hope she will hit rock bottom and finally get the psychological help she needs. Now that I have seen how she followed Indigo and what they are all about I sincerely doubt she will get help. Our biggest fear is that she will end up being a little old lady pushing a grocery cart all over the city with all of her worldly possessions in it.
>>429860I think that would have been done by now. She knows she has been exposed.
>>429762Never heard of Robin West before. Kati has had period in her life where she excluded us. That is why there are gaps of information pertaining to her.
>>429776How correct you are.
>>429867That was one of those periods where she wasn't communicating with us. So you might be correct. We just were not aware of it. The more I read and the more videos I watch I realize how much Kati did hide from us.
>>429874She took a broadcast journalism class in high school. But no other formal study of it. She went to college for one year and only received about half a year's worth of credits. That was mainly freshman required classes with vocal music. The reason she only received a half a year's credit was because she got scabies from an apartment and didn't go take her finals. She was even given an extension but never finished. (characteristic of adhd)
>>429875I was not aware of her You Tube channel drying up. We have evolved as we have learned more things Kati has said and what she has done. We are not dumb people. We can read the directions of how to post and follow the examples set before us. Sorry you feel this way. If you will read all of our posts, 90% of our posts are answering questions to other people's questions or commenting on your posts.
>> 429878The tide has turned, we now disown Kati. This has definitely changed. After all that Kati has said and done and we are learning new things by the hour, I no longer wish for Kati to get help. I just want her to shut up–by the way–she has done this since we began posting.
>>429883We had hoped this would fizzle out. But so much has been said that we had to respond. Wouldn't you if you were in our position? Thank you for understanding from where we are coming.
>>429878Thank you.
>>429929It was prior to her going to Oklahoma the second time. Maybe summer of 2016? Kati grew up in a very nice home. One of the nicest homes in her neighborhood and school.
2nd anon family member
No. 429996
>>429989Yes, seeing that video really hit me in the face at how manipulative she is. TBH we laughed until we cried. I anxiously await part 2. And I agree how did we put up with it for so long???
2nd anon family member
No. 429999
>>429929I waited for fam anon to post answer. Am not fam at all, but in Apr 2017, Kati commented in video that it's been "almost a year to the day" that she'd been hospitalized. This would put it either late Apr or early May. I THINK the video was a video about being depressed that contained the story of how "roommate" wanted to get married and have kids and how that wasn't going to happen with her.
(Added timeline: based on Phil's video, Kati moved to OK end of May … I'm thinking on Memorial Day type time frame. And the 3 day hospitalization was definitely before that)
No. 430004
>>429999I believe you are correct with the date. I couldn't remember if it was summer or spring and Memorial Day does ring a bell. Sorry but so much has happened I tend to forget.
2nd anon family member
No. 430078
>>429979 Good lord, was she not living at home when she went for her first, and only, year at college? As far as I know the most common way to contract scabies is from prolonged skin-to-skin contact (+10 minutes) from someone already infested with the mites. To get it 'from an apartment' would mean she was sharing a towel, clothes, or bedding with someone who had an infestation in their skin without washing and drying those items first. The mites only live 2 to 3 days max when not on human skin. So she was either wearing someones dirty clothes, using their dirty towel, or using their dirty sheets when they had an active infestation of the mites possibly with red bumps and tracks on their skin and were itching themselves frequently? Or she was too embarrassed to say she was physically intimate with someone with an active infestation possibly showing symptoms. So literally as soon as she was living on her own she contracted a disease most common in the 3rd world and tropical climates?
Wow! lol Well there's a new one for illness tracker anon, it's rare because it's something she actually had lmao
No. 430085
>>430078She was living in the dorm and there was an outbreak. Kati just used that as an excuse to not follow through.
>>430083Yes, it does. This is a very painful process. I do not like to see her run down with her physical appearance. Kati has always been cute and attractive. It is her behavior that is in question.
2nd anon family member
No. 430144
>>430085>>430083Thank you for responding to my question, family anons. I'm sorry if it seems like a petty or shallow question. To be honest, your responses was kind of what I was hoping for. The reason is because people are painting you both as obviously horrible abusive people that don't care a lick for Kati and are just shit talking her anonymously. I think your responses illustrate that you do still care about her to a point where you're even willing to get a little defensive of her. I'm an older sister myself, and watching you all respond sometimes makes me think of how it would hurt me so badly if this was one of my sisters we were talking about. That's another reason I wanted to ask. Again, I'm sorry if I might have pushed a hard button for you guys.
I've seen the older pictures of Kati. She was very pretty. I think that's why some people have commented so harshly on her appearance because it's not as though it's something that can't be helped. She's doing it to herself because she hasn't had any real reason to keep herself up. She doesn't have to go to work and she's not trying to impress a man, so it's work she doesn't have to do. It's probably to her benefit that people do call her out on how she presents herself on camera, especially on other people's streams. It's one thing to do your own videos looking like that, but if you're going to go on with like Jaclyn Glenn, it feels so disrespectful to not brush your hair and frame yourself so your dirty pajamas aren't showing.
No. 430183
>>430144I would like nothing more than to have the free spirit, kind, loving, reasonable Kati to return to us. That is why mental health has been repeatedly requested for Kati. She was beautiful. But to see her now, it is not the Kati that I know. It has taken a toll on her. Thank you for being so kind and understanding. It breaks my heart to see her like this. However, I have come to the realization that unless Kati sees she has problems, it will not change.
2nd anon family member
No. 430189
>>430187If you're talking about Deb, she's tried to bully people a few times. Shes not very…stable. Don't worry about trying to prove anything to her because much like some of these others (Taunee and such)..they'll make excuses for Kati even if she told them to her face that she lied and suckered them all.
>>430183This is going to be hard to hear, but the person you knew is gone. The best you can do is prepare yourself for the will make it easier when that day finally rolls around. She has become someone that for a long time enjoys being like this and she has known a long time where that road leads. She doesn't care. I'm sorry that that's the way its going to be for all of you, this is hard enough as it is without having to bear that in mind.
No. 430225
>>430220Archive copy of her current tweets & replies: you looking at tweets only?)
No. 430237
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>>430225 how strange, I have no tweets & replies option available. This is what I'm seeing, pic related.
Maybe it is because I don't have the app downloaded. Anyway, thank you Anon.
Saged for O/T.
No. 430349
>>430220You're not the only one - I have that same issue. (last tweet I see is the one saying 'Where did I go?'
And, yes - to anyone wondering - I cleared my cache.
No. 430479
>>428440Sorry to bother you again, but can you recall anything from those videos or do you even have a copy of them (which I doubt)
I'm just curious.
No. 430691
>>430016Why d'you say Dickie the Nutbag is no longer supporting her?
That looks really chippy - sorry, I don't mean it to, just whatever words I use it comes over all EXPLAIN YOURSELF! But I don't do Twatter and coupldn't watch a livestream without chewing off my own foot even if I were in the right timezone, so what have I missed? And isn't he the real looney tunes bloke? Good luck to her if she has alienated him. .
Family anons - like most here, I really feel for you. You're stuck in these situations; either let the family mentalist drag you down whatever path her inner penguins dictate, or answer and get fried as "disloyal." This must be incredibly painful for you all and, even if nothing else comes from this, I hope you at least feel you've been heard. I'm so sorry.
No. 430708
File: 1511454047676.jpeg (653.98 KB, 1242x2836, 70324653-CE0A-479E-9157-9BE3DF…)

That’s a god damn shame for Kati if true. LOL Marry Christmas kati.
No. 430785
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>>430588I think you're right. I remember her often saying to the effect of "the gag order was only for those involved but the courts were public, i even had a lawyer friend say he was going to go down and sit in but he got busy" and knowing how she lies, and new info from the others, it sounds like that was basically a half truth. She probably asked and the person said no (which is what Based said on Tonka's stream) It always sounded weird but she kept going with it as a defense for being called on putting out info.
>>430691Not that anon but yeah, I took note of it as well. Plus I'm still certain the Warrior of Light account is him, and that account points out her shit and keeps talking about how their mind continues to change the more crap he sees from her, how it keeps getting harder to defend her.
No. 430791 Says is on Tonka Saw's channel asserting that it's all Rose's fault for all the do5 drama with Joy.
Sinatra makes assertions about things that have already been disproven (chambers go fund me for car repairs) and basically gives no evidence for anything other than maybe Rose was confused by all of the "strong personalities" and completely ignores all of Joy's insanity and attempts to totally control Rose and her finances. He asserts that Chambers scared Rose into freaking out about Joy, even though we all already know that Rose was panicked because she thought Joy was having her followed.
This guy is an idiot drama whore. He doesn't know any of the reasons people became concerned about Joy's unstable behavior, he just makes conjecture about things already covered, yet he presents it like it's all new information and he is the only one who has the real scoop.
I would say don't waste your time, but Cognitive Thought is pretty funny today.
Happy Thanksgiving, American Cows!
No. 430807
>>430588You know, I wonder if this is a key to how people still support Joy. There's so much bullshit that comes out of her mouth and that she ends up involved in, that I honestly forget about a lot of things that happened. I do remember her mentioning her mysterious contacts that were telling her things about what was going on in the hearing, but I had forgotten about that until you mentioned it.
>>430791Sinatra is a drama whore, but at least he admits it, unlike Joy. He never plays the, "I don't like drama. I don't want to be involved in drama, but let's fan the flames of the drama" the way that Joy constantly does. He's also called out Chambers a bunch because it's true that where there's drama, there's Chambers finding her way into the middle of it. I felt like we should mention that here because Joytards on Twitter are whining that Joy gets called out for spreading drama, but Chambers never does. No, Joytards, Chambers has been called out by multiple people for it.
No. 430829
>>430814That's true too but the way she isolates her family I'm sure she can't have very many life long friends left. I guess a fan makes the most sense, just seems odd that it wasn't some young teen or some really old disabled person like the ones she preys on. (That's alteast the impression I got from Rose, I could be way off).
>>430708She also can't strike any of her Younow streams. Younow owns those and gives permission for anyone to post them in the TOS. If she posted it to her channel first she could strike, but since she isn't anyone can post them. She doesn't own them, Younow does and she would own them if she posted it to YouTube but she isn't. That's why the blargh doesn't get striked all the time. It's also why some people like Jaclyn Glenn sometimes posts hers that she knows will get views first so that no one else can.
Also, she gave the Blargh permission but I don't think they have posted a single one she she did that. Kek, maybe they are done with her too.
No. 430832
>>430814Kati will not set one foot near her niece. The family will not allow someone who admits to introducing weird ideas and discusses anal sex and lies about her family around that little girl. She might as well find a different circus! No one was ever that way to Kati when she was a baby and she will not be that way around her niece.
>>430796Why would she have friends the way she treats her family.
That is why she has "internet friends". She can keep them at arm's lenght so they cannot see her for how she really is. She does indeed prey upon elderly (her grandma) and young teenagers. No one in her age group would have time for this nonsense. Most people in their 30's are working like crazy on their career or their home or their children. Very few have time for this circus. I am sorry to sound so cruel but Kati wrote this script to this whole fiasco. I have put up with this for way too many years. Happy Thanksgiving.
2nd anon family member
No. 430890
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What is this shit? Some kind of secret code she created for her patreon’s/cult members so she can tell them to go out and harass people with out actually coming right out and saying it.
No. 430903
>>430890Sounds like someone has really lost it. Eventually it will catch up with her. SMH
>> 430832One of the many reasons she is not stepping near that baby!
No. 430909
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>>430890Reposting this because of the similar… language. God this is so stupid.
I'm loathe to say she's using poorly chosen codewords because they should be subtle and not so totally obvious and stupid, but it's possible she is.
God damn it, she's a fucking child.
No. 430924
>>430862 Funny to me is that casting a birth chart is literally as easy as typing a date into a search bar. It's like, 'Happy Birthday I typed something into Google and printed it out, so it's handmade."
I doubt anyone here is interested but after she let her birthday drop and claimed the casting of a birth chart for her niece thereby proclaiming belief in Astrology I cast her birth chart and it's actually really fucking funny. I could make a long post going into all the ins and outs but the TL;DR is that she's basically a self centered, shallow, needy, stingy person who has relationships that are too unconventional to work, likelihood of troubled marriages, etc. . .I just found it incredibly funny looking at because if she believes in it than she should be aware of how bad it is but she does nothing to work against it.
No. 431007
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No. 431008
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No. 431015
>>431008>I hope we can find some cures soon>weI know this is a nitpick, but given Kati's personality, it's so telling that she words this in a way that implies
she's helping find a cure, kek
No. 431049
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No. 431057
>>431049There’s a YouTube glitch/hack going on and
Kati wants to be relevant. A lot of channels have gone down even big ones eg Dramaalert, iDubbbz, mrrepzion though YouTube is restoring channels as I type.
Sage but just putting this here to prevent derailing and tinfoil.
No. 431125
>>430016"Why d'you say Dickie the Nutbag is no longer supporting her?"
Its easier if you just read his Twitter wall. You don't have to have a Twitter account to read it. are some of his post/replies:
-Talking to VHS about Kati
"At the core, it's because the haters vilify me for bullying them back. If she's okay with me, she's okay with a bully, by hater logic, which she does give credence to. That, I can kind of understand, but believing lies that she should've known better of me = one-sided friendship"
"I didn't see a screnshot, but Joy told me in messages that she takes back her permission, then told the world on YouNow that she only permits Blargh. Blargh only posts Joy's relevant zhit. It didn't even post the last one where Joy disavowed me. I have it, but I ain't posting it.
She'd told me in messages, it was the second time she freaked out over rumors that were blown out of proportion, the first one I didn't have anything to do with, it was 100% made up. She said if I don't stop she can't associate with me, so I said why should I associate with her.
Saying she's only letting Blargh to do it is the same as disavowing me, without saying it plainly. Also you can see in VHS's video how many times she read a name, then saw the comment was addressed to me or addressed to her about me, and she opted not to read the comment out loud"
"I'm very disappointed in Kati. I tread close to, but I never crossed any lines, but I get under the haters' skin probably better than anybody. So they exaggerate, spin & lie me the rest of the way over the line, and Joy's first reaction is to believe it. It's very disappointing."
-He is chatting with Snake_Adia (She was a big Joy supporter that no longer is. She is extremely nice and respectful to everyone, pro Joy and Anti Joy)
"I don't defend Joy anymore…. You don't realizYou believed that gaslight shit about me threatening Josh that keki framed me with. Did you find anything of an actual threat from me? Joy did worse that insult me, she belittled me, and valued me less than less creative "creators" who haven't fought for her as hard as I have.e that the number one Joy hater is Joy. She doesn't fight them, she pleads her case to them. She needs the approval of"disapprovers."
"Adia, I have distanced myself from Joy, because of issues with her that I don't like. But that doesn't make the haters right. What positive thing can ever be accomplished with hate? I'm disappointed in Joy to the point of it hurting a little, but I wish her the best.
That's all I'll copy and paste, here is a lot there. Come to think about it, why aren't ou on Twitter? Next to this place, its the best thing to read up on what havoc her and her couple of brain dead minions are doing. Word of advice: If you plan on being honest with Kati or asking her legit questions that don't cater to her narrative of being the most self righteous person in the world, you will be blocked by her.
No. 431148
Here's a link to screenshots of her twitter dating from today back to late June I tried to go back further, but her twitter crashes my browser lmao.
And in case something has been deleted in the last 24 hours, here's the album link for screenshots of her twitter (late August -
yesterday) No. 431151
>>431135Why does everyone love that one so much? I think the one where she shows her bra funnier.
But I’m here for the lols so ….
No. 431166
>>431135 I think I have that video uploaded on my BS Detector channel on Vidme. I'm on my phone atm, I will check on my laptop. I'm sure I posted it on here in previous threads, because I thought she came across as foaming at the mouth, wetting her knickers with the excitement of what she considered a total takedown of a Kyyathy over a single Facebook comment.
It was called my fight with kyathy, or Kathy, something along those Libes.
No. 431167
Here is a link to SJW gets rant, family Anons shoud watch this as she makes a bulk of her homeless claims and trailer trash, abusive family claims in this video. This was
triggered over a single comment on one of her videos, someone stated she shouldn't use the word trailer trash as it is offensive, this was her overreacton to that one comment. She got a lot of heat over this video so initially deleted it and issued an apology.'m just uploading the video where she talks about her argument with Kathy, I will drop the link once it has finished processing.
No. 431168
>>431135 Here is the video you are looking for. it doesn't play straight away, it may need another few minutes to process.
No. 431169
YES! Thank You! This is the video I'll have to rewatch the Kathy one to see if that rings a bell. Yeah family anons, if you haven't already watched it, check it out. Is that how she would act at home? If so, I cannot even image the amount of patient you and your family have. She would have been homeless if she acted out like that in my house or if she did that around me towards another family member. Yeah is was a reaction (overreaction) to a simple comment. This one video, screams mental illness.
Thanks for the help to the other anons!
No. 431180
>>431169Just curious but does anyone remember her follow up to this? I sure do since I was so thrown by her rant and then she posted a vid claiming she and the commentator had hashed it out and were good now …
but guise she’s hard hard done by right?
Just wondering if I’m remember properly or no. Sage for irrelevance
No. 431192
>>431169Oh sweet Jesus! YES This is exactly how Kati did indeed act when living with us. I can't watch it all due to my PTSD–lol–I just can't be around it. But I did take notes as I watched it. First the hand clapping. That is a diversionary tactic. It distracts you. It is also intimidating because it leads to you thinking you could be pancaked between those hands. Second Kati has never even been close to a ghetto let alone lived in one. Kati has not been homeless except in her head or right before she went to OK the last time because none of us would permit her to live with us. Would you after seeing this? Normal people would get their own home when they are 30 years old but not Kati. Third this is so typical of Kati setting the rules. That way she can control the situation. Fourth I don't know why her speech contains y'all. This was not in our vernacular nor hers until I heard this. Fifth Kati is saying she does not object to criticism. What a joke. That is why she is going off like this. Someone actually made sense and put her in her place. I agree with the critic. She is being blatantly racist. She did not come from a family of racist. We are all liberal democrats. Sixth she gave a hint as to why she is so upset when she mentioned this critic must be a peer or someone in college. That is because those people can't be intimidated by Kati and mind f**ed. That category of people can see through the bs. Seventh Kati is just being a bigot. How shameful. Her family is definitely not that way. This is exactly why we have come on lowcow to defend ourselves from this vile venom that comes from her mouth. Thank you for allowing me to see this. BTW I had not seen this until you posted it. The other family member may have but I never viewed her stuff directly simply because I never wanted to encourage her and I knew she would get money from views and I did not want to contribute. Sorry if I have run on sentences but I am livid!
2nd anon family member
No. 431203
>>431008So…no apology for making an incredibly tasteless joke after people have stated they knew a loved one who died from it.
No. 431212
>>431192I'm the anon who uploaded the videos, this video here (the first one I posted SJW gets rant) is what made a lot of people finally wake up to her. To this point we did have the threads as we knew something was off but this was when the mask truly slipped and we got to see what really lay underneath.
She ended up removing the SJW Rant video from her channel and ended up posting an update, I think I have that too. Basically she screamed this poor person into submission and a lot of her still hardcore followers did too, as they knew who she was talking about. So she put out an upload looking smug, telling people it had been settled, leave the commenter alone. And as I said when I posted it, all the poor commenter had said was maybe stop using the words trailer trash.
This is why I truly empathise with you, I can completely understand why this
triggers you. I can't stand to listen to her anymore, I documented a lot of her stuff so I've listened to her a lot in the past and I just can't anymore. I get an overall sense of dread the second I hear her. And I could choose to turn it off, I can walk away, you had to live like this! I honestly don't know how you managed to maintain your sanity and health, she is an emotion vampire, she sucks every ounce of feeling out of people. I don't know how you did it, you are a strong person.
And thank you for highlighting why she dislikes college educated people, you have confirmed another theory.
No. 431329
>>431279 'It's a shame Cy will never see the light and expose Kati. Maybe if Kati keeps publicly insulting her fashion choices… '
Cy would need to be capable of understanding how backhanded compliments work, first.
No. 431415
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No. 431439
>>431434Maybe she was having one of her 'good days' at the time.
Funny how none of the Joytards who believe her illness claims don't question the fact that she has more good days than bad ones.
No. 431530
>>431512 Read the board, and learn how to sage already. This has been gone over so many times. All she ever had was asthma. She was only in college for part of a year, not a lot of chances to come down with anything. This was literally just discussed. She contracted scabies. This isn't Twitter. Click on the icon in the upper left corner that says 'Rules', read them, lurk more, and please stop clogging up the board by rehashing. Also please learn grammar and punctuation. Were you asking a question? You didn't use a question mark. Were you asking if she went to college, or if she ever contracted a disease while she was there? It was very unclear.
Honestly what is with people asking family anons the same question for the 4th time in a row? Read what's already been posted. This isn't a websearch bar, it's a place to post new information regarding the cow. Hit Cntrl+F and type in the term 'college' and it will show you any posts containing the word college.
No. 431534
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No. 431642
Tinfoil af:
>>430909–The squash is very peppermint today
-Shit is going down, I'm still being called out.
–I wish the flutterpinkies would fart sable so we can focus less on tartlets and more on diarrhea
-I wish the haters on Twitter would fuck off so we can focus less on haters and more on the bullshit that errupts from my mouth
Peace Pavilion
-i want peace and/or telling the cult to retreat
–Speaking of turmoil TP in the gutter gazebo. Everyone reconvene
-Possibly saying there's a cult member acting up, causing internal conflict. Cult meeting on Rabbit.
>>430890–Emergency on the flutterpinky front
-Crisis on Twitter.
–So much squash continues to peppermint and they can't even see the everfler (do5 reference meaning "overflow") that needs a terlet.
-Someone keeps posting proof everywhere that I'm an awful person (Squash could be a specific "hater" like VHS or EOBS, someone known for showing receipts) and doesn't realize they need a bunch of hate(ers) themselves.
–We need more fart sabling today. GET TO WORK!
-We need to make them fuck off. Get to it, loyal members.
removes hat No. 431645
>>431642It's like the last words of Dutch Schultz. Only he had an excuse…
'Come on, open the soap duckets. The chimney sweeps. Talk to the sword. Shut up, you got a big mouth! Please help me up, Henry. Max, come over here. French-Canadian bean soup. I want to pay. Let them leave me alone.' No. 431666
>>431125Sorry, my internet's been fucked. Thanks for this.
Twatter drives me nuts - if it can be said in 21 characters it's very often not worth saying. And St. Joy of The Fruitcakes would block me immediately anyway, as she has the ability to say nothing useful in hours and hours of mentalist ramblings. You lovely anons pick out the best bits without me having to chew my own intestines. Ah NEEDS you guys!
No. 431679
>>431642Sorry… but there isn't anything deep to those tweets… she's gibbering like a crazy person for attention… the crazy shit is going to be her cover in the future to say "I was doing that on purpose and now they're calling me crazy because they can't take a joke"….
While she is fucked in the head and needs mental heath treatment, she's not so fucked that she doesn't know what she's doing… she's only fucked enough to not be able to control it and she knows she has no control of herself, so she lays these 'traps' to excuse her disgusting behavior. Just like her perpetual "Oh, look, now the keyboard warriors with make a new conspiracy theory <paws air and lays out stupid 'conspiracy theory'>"
She's clearly been mentally ill for a LONG TIME and has learned how to protect herself from intervention. She's determined to remain mentally ill at all costs. Paying attention to her diversion tactics only feeds into her ability to avoid the mental healthcare that she clearly needs.
To Fam Anon… this is not shade on you, you did nothing to create the creature that's been feeding off innocent, mentally and medically fragile people. She is responsible for her own actions and she's fully aware of them and how inappropriate they are. If she were not aware, she would not see any need to defend them.
No. 432072
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Umm. When did she ever say it was just put on private?
No. 432105
>>432072She never had. She actually closed the account. she put her account on private, the videos she put up would still be accessible by URL. Since the videos are gone, she has closed the account.
No. 432188
>>430189After watching Deb on twitter this weekend, I totally understand why she isn't worth the effort. Honestly, I don't know how a lot of these people attacking a woman going through a child custody battle sleep at night. Clearly no real world experience like Kati. Its really just a shame that its online for anyone to see. I'm so sorry to bio mom and her family that they got spun into this web. No one deserves this on top of what she is going through right now.
>>430691Yes that described our dilemma perfectly. And although this is emotionally difficult, it does feel good to be heard. Thank you for your kind words.
>>430846Her influence on young people is scary. Almost every guy she gets with or friend she makes she convinces to them to quit their job. She doesn't participate in society the way a normal 33 year old does so she doesn't know what she is talking about. I'm worried these young people may take her extremely dangerous medical advice.
>>430862No Kati doesn't give gifts, but if she had given me this it would go in the trash with the rest of her "new age" advice.
>>431135I don't think I was paying much attention at that time. I saw the update video I believe. I've had time to watch it now. As far as I know, Kati has never even been to a "ghetto" or trailer park. Kati has never lived out of her car. It appears to me she is acting here and yes cringe. Her videos like Metro Ford are where she isn't acting and she is just manic.
>>431679 I agree this is what 15 years of untreated mental illness looks like. My working theory is much like yours, she has built up walls around her to keep her illness from being treated. From fear of Western medicine to conspiracy theories about the government–its all to keep her from getting the mental health care she so desparately needs. I also agree that she does know what she is doing. Its so hard to differentiate the two things because her terrible personality and her mental illness can overlap so much.
I want to clear a few things up so the correct information is out there. Kati doesn't have doctors in her family. I brought up the masters degree with her parents to illustrate that she didn't come from "white trash" as she claims. The incident with the dog wasn't two years ago, it was 8 years ago. That is one reason we didn't immediately answer the question because it was a long time ago.
~~~family member anon OP
No. 432210
>>432188 I found the point about Kati trying to talk people into quitting their jobs interesting.
It was only a few months ago when she was trying to talk Mikenactor into quitting his job and the idea seemed to be that he would be her sassy gay sidekick online for a living, I think the only reason she keeps him around is she thinks he adds an air of legitimacy to her wild bullshit and he's been manipulated into backing her up 100% on anything she says ever. Mike has made claims before of being an abuse victim and that he's very easily manipulated, and I think Kati saw easy prey. He's admittedly extremely lonely, look at him describing random internet drama with Alex as he is 'grieving the loss of a friend'. Mike fell for her constant lovebombing and within a week of saying he was going to keep his 'friendship' with her offline he flipped entirely to saying he was going to publicly defend her and attack on her behalf forever, and now he abuses people on behalf of an abusor. I wonder if Mike is even capable of seeing the truth about her through his brainwashing.
This seems to be a definite pattern of behavior Kati has that involves holding power over people close to her by being able to claim responsibility for their livelihood. We have her trying to give Phil a doctored resume with her as the contact. She's always saying how she got her boyfriend his current job, and she hired him herself on the job with the OK Thunder. She has talked about how she got Amanda jobs when she was trying to discredit her. There was the video where she was crying about Daniel's job not paying him enough money to support 2 people and a mystery illness, and I wonder if the frustrated tears she showed us had anything to do with her trying to get him to quit his job and him refusing? We have the comments she made telling everyone who watches her to come to her if they ever need a job.
If you have any insights into what drives this behavior from her, i.e. specific goals she might have, reasons she has tried to get people to quit jobs only to 'get' them new jobs, etc I would find that interesting from people who have known her. It certainly demonstrates how extremely manipulative she is towards everyone in her life.
No. 432216
>>432210 I'm not a family Anon, however there are more examples of this type of behaviour. She doesn't just use jobs as leverage, she does it with money too. She used money against Phil, she uses the money "she" (her followers) donated to Rose, whenever she was streaming on Benji's channel she would open Social Blade and constantly interrupt him to comment on how his sub's increased crediting herself for this, she did the same when he was receiving superchats. She would note the exact sub increase and superchat amounts and made sure to claim responsibility for them all, to the point where Benji was crying about how grateful he was and how he owed her so much. I could give more examples but you stated it yourself, it is about power.
It is a well known con manipulation technique. You make an individual feel like they owe you big time, the bigger the value of the "gift" the stronger the hold she has over them. She gets many benefits from this type of behaviour, their loyalty, she initially looks selfless, like an altruistic person, it is a shield to hide negative behaviour behind, at some point she can call in the favour and the person on the receiving end feels like they can't say anything against her. If they still eventually turn on her she uses her "gift" to paint them as the bad person. It is the most effective, easiest way to get yourself into the power position, hence the reason lazy Kati uses this technique on everyone.
No. 432260
>>432216You are so correct! Also if you study narcissism like I have done, it is very common to do something considered nice only to gratify herself and making her feel powerful. As for getting people to quit their jobs I believe she does this so that she can justify her inability to hold on to a job. It all goes back to stroking her ego. She has to feel important and if someone can do something she cannot then once again it strokes her ego. I agree with everything anon family member op stated earlier. Thank you everyone for all of the support and understanding. It is refreshing to see that other people can see through Kati, also. She tends to turn things around and makes you fee bad if you give her any advice or awareness.
2nd anon family member
No. 432282
>>432216My personal favorite, her carrying on when the DO5 children were removed from the home, "WE DID IT!!!" As if she was primarily responsible and went on to thank her subs for their help.
She is gross.
No. 432296
>>432216>>432210YEP, YEP, and YEP again.
God, that resume was horrible.And worse, because I didn't accept it she acted like I was the most ungrateful thing in the world and went on about how I should apologize. I told her to get bent.
The only real things you need to understand about Kati is that she operates on a triangular axis of money, power, and control with control being the big one. Control over image, control over fans and how they view her, control over money, control over environment or those in her environment. Control of power dynamic..that means starting something with others to
prove to herself and others that she is the Alpha. Her interactions with both Nick and Onision are exactly this..and that is why anytime the bit between her and Onision has been questioned in any way that paints her as the loser..note that this is when the obsession re-emerges. If you've seen even a year of it, it should be enough to actually see what is right in front of your face unless you have an unhealthy attachment to her and refuse all information put in front of your face.
I kept telling people that's how I can tell who the "hidden Joytards" were. It was that obvious. They'd come in with the lil PR niceguy routine and on a dime flip and we'd be like "Well duh, of course you were. Old news. Next?" (Hidden is a bit of a joke, carrying around a neon sign is about as obvious as you can get.)
No. 432393
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No. 432476
>>432469If I have an upset stomach/digestion it helps to eat light foods, if I ate heavy carbs ( pizza, pop corn and whatever else she eats ) I'd be in a lot of pain.
As for water weight, I think up to 5 kg can be normal ( roughly 10 pounds? ), so that'd still make her 182 pounds. How much water weight does she think she has?
I know some of this has been discussed before, but I just can't believe she is still peddling this mentality. Just say you eat pizza because you like it, damn.
>>432472>she don't think her family would really come on hereWhy not? The 'my mother said she found her people' came from her own mouth. I don't believe she hasn't read any of this ( or Cy for that matter ), kek, not at all.
No. 432521
>>432469 Aluminum and Mercury aren't things you would be 'high' in. Your body doesn't use either of those elements so any is pretty bad, let alone 'high' which would be poisonous. Mercury would give you severe sensory impairment and Aluminum would basically just kill you if you had it in your circulatory system. Both are only treatable through chelation therapy. Also not something your doctor would see on a test and just say, 'Oh, well we'll work on that. It's fine for now. See you later.' They would want to know where the fuck you are ingesting poison from so more people don't get poisoned. It's some of the most complete bullshit nonsense she has uttered to date and this is the second stream she has claimed to have high levels of Aluminum and Mercury out of the blue and she's talking about copper toxicity again. This is some padded cell throw away the key levels of schizophrenic delusional shit and anyone who still finds her nonsense convincing is a complete moron. If she said any of this shit to a doctor her next appointment would be with a psychologist.
Sage for rant in disbelief humans exist who believe her BS.
No. 432526
>>432469She wants to put her tests out with a bigger youtuber like jacyln Glen.
strange how she couldn't think for one second that perhaps JG might have enough shit of her own to deal with? and she might not give a solitary fuck about joy's goddamn blood tests? what a cow!
No. 432532
>>432469Actually, I think that's exactly why she said Jaclyn Glen. Jaclyn has her own shit to deal with and won't be bothered with Joy's bullshit, so Joy can go, "Oh, well I wanted to show my blood tests on Jaclyn's channel, but she's too busy/upset over Richie, so oh well! Can't show my blood tests! Thank you for the 50 likes. Thank you for the bars! Love ya, girl!"
I wish I wasn't late to the party, or I'd ask someone to suggest she try Jeff Holiday. Since he's always making those videos about debunking pseudo-science, it would be interesting to see what she says just about the suggestion.
No. 432534
>>432526My sentiments exactly, aside from the fact that she goes on about how toxic YT is, so why bother? She only embarrasses herself by saying such stupid nonsense.
She won't go through with it, even if jg agreed to read them, it will be some story of how they somehow disappeared, lost at sea with her analytics. Plus we know how joy interprets test results, claiming to be high or low when her result is in the normal range.
No. 432537
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Found this in my Shady Kati Catalog, related to her recent keemstar tomfoolery. She's dusting off her hero cape as we speak, cy will give it a good pressing and scorch away the scabies as she prepares to save Keem's christmas, despite being scorned from all the people that have taken advantage of her.
Here's(possibly) one of those people?
I don't recall ever hearing anything further about it, and we know Kati loves to talk about how generous, kind and compassionate she is.
The person apparently left her first comment when she started her channel, prompting kati to offer her a prize of some sort.
How cool would it be if that person was here now?
No. 432625
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>>432521Since we know Kati gets all of her “symptoms” from the web (certainly not Pete reviewed journals kek,) and prefers holistic medicine (so she won’t have to confront psychiatry in the west,) perhaps this is where she’s getting the mercury and aluminum BS?
No. 432704
File: 1511790236399.jpeg (79.03 KB, 960x540, 2936ADFB-4EDA-44FD-8AB0-A0954C…)

>>432690Her apartment complex has an exercise room.
No. 432839
>>432704It's really no wonder she "snatched" ( I can't think of a better word ATM - I think Dom's an idiot for being in a relationship with her ) Dom - she gets a decent apartment, exercise room within the complex ( that's not even a thing where I'm from ), he's paying for most of the shit, she gets Patreon money for…basically nothing, sitting on her ass, doing jack shit but eating pizza.
She sure made it from living in ghettos and trailers. /s
No. 432930
>>432839One time I tried to get Kati to go to the dr and get diagnosed for her mental illness so that she might qualify for section 8 housing since she claimed she could not work 9-5 kind of jobs. But she refused saying she was too good for that. So much has happened with her that I had forgotten this but seeing her exercise room in her apartment complex jogged my memory. This was before she went to OK the first time.
2nd anon family member
No. 433003
>>432930>But she refused saying she was too good for that.That's not surprising to me at all. She definitely comes across as 'too good for stuff' even though she has not much to show for it, intellectually or otherwise.
Do you believe her when she says that she's not reading what you're posting here? ( Cause I don't and I think every anon here would agree )
No. 433128
>>433003That's one of Cy's jobs. Read here overnight and present a precis to Her Maj at 9am SHARP! And no, there are no days off.
Her spergs are nuttier than she is. I'm reading that thread for the first time and hooooly fuck. I hope Cy's research includes a defence for when one of 'em goes postal and Kati gets done for incitement.
Cy, include this in today's precis. It's better to have no friends and retain your dignity than pay AND slave for a manipulative nutbag. Who lies to you.
Adding to her latest medical rubbish is "coming off Prednisone." That is absolutely, emphatically NOT how it works with RM. Well, not for people who actually have it.
I really am seriously bemused by how she has any supporters left. They must be as thick as mud.
No. 433159
File: 1511822288488.jpg (8.47 MB, 8274x2792, MOTspread1.jpg)

>>427666Thanks for confirming that it was Eobard aka Donavan. He denies it, of course, tried to blame it on Kati using his name to frame him. I find it ironic that someone said I'm retarded for not knowing how to work lolcow. The irony being, well, if you don't know what the irony is, carry on lollers. You're lolling your life away. I maybe a couple times on Youtube posted my address to keyboard warriors threatening to dox me, because I actually don't give a shit. Are you so devoted to your lame cause that you'd take a road trip and risk things not going your way once you got here? You really got nothing better to do with yourself? The only thing you lamoes would have the balls to do is false reports to the cops. But these cops know me, some were my classmates, including the chief detective. I told him he might get crank calls about me from internet trolls. He said don't worry about it.
I wasn't wrong when I white knighted Joy, because I thought I was right at the time. It is perfectly right and proper to defend someone who's getting picked on. I changed my mind when I realized she's not against what you're doing. She likes it. She feeds the trolls to get them to feed her drama. She's playing you just as much if not more than she's playing her sycophants. Another reason I changed my mind is because she tried to treat me like someone she owned, and I honestly was sincerely just taking up for someone I thought was being unjustly picked on. I won't join you because what you do is a waste of your lives. I'm not against Joy, I'm sad that she's wasting her potential. She could've been so much better than this.
I used to ship from that Copperhill address. I'm still there, but my shipping is handled by CreateSpace now. If you send a fifteen dollar check to that Copperhill address plus 37317, I'll dropship you a book. Just for US residents, because I don't know the international shipping rates. So, foreigners just get it from Amazon, I guess.
No. 433168
>>433159Oh stilesy…if you thought you were right at the time, but you're not now..then guess what? You were wrong to white knight her. Basic, simple logic.
Considering the lengths you went to..she barked, you yipped..its hard to say she didn't own you. Are you or are you not still paying into her Patreon? So, by vote of your money, you are still supporting her antics regardless of your little speech there.
You didn't think she was being unjustly picked on. In your own words, from your video "being a white knight gets you pussy." You're not misunderstood, you were and are a bully. One that is no better than Kati herself. Also your words as you are both "insecure egomaniacs."
(I have the screenie of that too, so please, by all means tell me I didn't see that.)
Thank you for not joining us. You're more damage to any cause you join than you are a help, and one less crazy is a welcome thing. ALL of you could have been better for this, you just act like idiots and come up with the most outlandish excuses. Don't worry though, I don't care about your address. Other than trying to rile up the others I could care less about you or your hotbed of neurosises.>>433159
No. 433186
>>433159Takes 8 days to perfect a response,
8 days later, still retarded.
No. 433195
>>433191Did you … just try to shill your crap?
Richard my dear, you are CLASS. Thanks for the lols.
No. 433196
>>433159I'm sure this is going to get deleted - but before it does - what exactly is wrong with you, Richard? Why are you posting here, no sage and all?
I'm glad you're not supporting Kati anymore. Thanks for confirming that she pays more attention to us than the people who actually support her and seeing that she likes to own and control people ( even though we all knew that anyway ).
No. 433201
>>433159The fact that you would proudly boast about white knighting - anyone, not just Joy - is just sad.
You do know what the purpose of being a white knight is, right? I'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with defending the 'innocent'.
No. 433209
>>433196LOL - you actually believe him?
The fact that he's here, trying to warn us about how Kati is playing us (as if the anons had no idea) is just a way for him to get her 'haters' to lay off of her.
He claims he's done with her - we all know he isn't. He wants them mashed 'taters.
No. 433212
>>4332081) You couldn't afford me and…
2) I don't illustrate for shitty content.
No. 433213
>>433202And yet that's easy to do in most of your tweets and videos for free.
>>433208Interesting idea, but a shiny cover on crap is still crap no matter how you wrap it. You didn't learn that from dealing with Joy, so I doubt you'll get it now.
No. 433218
>>433212Nor, at a guess, do you do so for vanity publishing. And my publisher holds it in equal disdain.
Awww. Poor Dickie. We're supposed to be impressed.
No. 433221
>>433209TBH - I'm not sure if I believe him, but if that's his genuine opinion that's still one more person who saw through her crap. At the end of the day that's a good thing, even though Richard seems ( is ) pretty crazy and a massive attention whore.
If he still wants her mashed potatoes ( kek, anon, that made me both laugh and barf mentally ) then he's just an incredibly sad individual. If this is an attempt to 'shut the hate down' it's not going to work either.
No. 433233
>>433215Stiles, buddy…remember the insecure egomanic part? Throw projection into the midst. Thats basically your works, comics included. You're a sad, sad little man and you have my pity.
>>433223Agreed. Is it a bad idea to post the link in here and send him on over?
No. 433235
>>433219Lol? From a supposed AUTHOR? Fuck, that's funny…
Why is your superhero made of Lego? Ah, what did we do before Amazon Publishing came along? How many boxloads of your masterpiece are in the shed, pet? At least VP is relatively cheap now.
Bored. This is like shooting Joy in a barrel.
No. 433237
>>433224Hey, genius - this is where you belong.
>>>/snow/336585Now stop mucking up Kati's thread with your ineptitude.
As for your address - it probably isn't yours to begin with. No one is that stupid/pathetically desperate to check it out in order to verify it.
We're not deranged Joytards, after all.
>>433232 No. 433242
>>433159No one here wants to buy your comic book.
I'm glad you've seen through her bs though. Good for you.
No. 433340
>>433320Yeah, she's like SPECTRE. We'll never be able to follow the workings of her giant mind.
What was that bullshit about putting her channel back for "analytics?" We know that's utter shite, but d'you reckon she was fishing to see what would happen? Sitting there expectantly awaiting 80,000 subs….gets 31!
No. 433389
>>433159Holy Batman! Stiles is posting here now? Wow it really has come full circle… #Spergtastic
Sage for non con
No. 433399
>>433202JFC I need to get on ish stat. We're talking clutch material here. ???
Thanks Richard!
Sage for non con
No. 433427
>>433423Nah, you belong with your soulmate Angel Zones. I'm sure you two would be a match made in some form of Heaven/Hell/Whatever.
Oh and go with the thread link >>>>>>/snow/336585
..since your stuff is up there and all. So just follow that rainbow and have run with that.
No. 433485
>>433481Somehow he and Kati follow the same dumb shit Bible, where they have special rules, regs and definitions that only apply to them. They put out their own personal information and once someone copies/pastes it, they have been so wronged.
Onision happens to follow that same shit Bible but was wrongfully accused of doxxing Kati when Kati posted the address in question in her own video yet still has the balls to lie about it, despite screen shots that show it on her special magic channel that disappeared.
These are the kind of freaks that shouldn't be allowed to internet
No. 433490
File: 1511847130168.jpg (140.93 KB, 1440x812, IMG_20171128_002805.jpg)

>>433487This is from her video on her main channel, the title included "ONISION demands an apology" and she shared their private messages, that included him saying he had her address. She ended up blocking her address in her video with a picture of Dwight shrute, but didn't block it out the whole time so the Dwight photo faded out, revealing the address and dox she claimed.
No. 433497
>>433417THANK YOU.
I have no idea why the fuck farmers are humouring this asshole.
No. 433661
>>433643That would be actual milk, only you lack a single ounce of credibility, so I don't think any anons will be shaking in their boots about law suits.
Ban evasion is against board rules.
No. 433663
>>433661Samefag, part of me would
love to see Kati try to pull any legal battle out of her ass, especially since the slander she used against her family is on record and much more egregious than anything they've said so far. Any judge would look at Kati, hear her talk for 10 seconds, and clock her for the mental case she is. Apart from wasting everyone's time and money, the attempt would be creamy and hilarious.
No. 433667
>>433583Tracking various things re: her anal “rape,” “illnesses,” “jobs,” “academic experience” in broadcast journalism while being a “professionally trained” opera singer despite “getting into” Juilliard, and things she’s said re: her Archangel Michael and her “ascension,” among other things I can’t think of Atm (but I know there’s more.)
Thanks for the great idea re: the possibility of anons who’ve been here since the beginning. If there are any anons who’ve been here since the first thread if you could add anything I’d greatly appreciate it. I was planning on reading all the threads to find new info as all I’ve compiled is either from her vids and streams and I’m sure there must be milk I haven’t yet heard of. Thanks again and if anyone would like to contribute anything please share. I was also thinking of possibly entering it into the Encyclopedia Dramatica when it’s finished cuz Kati’s needed a page for so long. I’m baffled that she doesn’t already have one.
No. 433671
>>433663When she made the accusation of abuse and being homeless and all the other lies we considered a lawsuit against her. So if that is what she thinks she can do, go for it little girl. She will be the one to lose. Maybe then she can get committed for evaluation, diagnosis and medication with therapy. That would be the best thing for her. And as soon as she opened her mouth she would be slapped in a straight jacket and taken to the nearest psych ward. So Kati, sue away!
>>433643 The word you needed is they're. Not their. The word their shows ownership.
2nd anon family member
No. 433748
File: 1511894886366.png (78.46 KB, 720x803, 20171128_184530.png)

In other news, Joy is down to 66
patrons (63 at a tenner or more) and $632 per month, and gearing up for a live stream. Or not.
No. 433787
>>433725Dude. I know EXACTLY what you're
Playing at - joy is telling you exactly what to say & where to say it, which posts to respond to and which ones to completely ignore. She did the same thing to me & you're pathetic for not seeing through it.
Do yourself a favour & do what I did. Get rid of your social media, get off the motherfucking internet for a while, get a life, relax and watch her burn from the sidelines.
alao sorry for posting here people - I really don't post often, I mostly just lurk once or twice a week to see what the latest in the kati shitshow is, its nice to see she's crashed & is burning!
No. 433831
>>433813I was just thinking that I needed a copy of her crazy videos as evidence that she has defamed her family. Thanks for the offer. I really appreciate it. If I need monetary help I will definitely know where to start asking. But the way I see it since she started all of this then the judge can determine who pays attorney fees and court costs and I doubt if it will be us.
2nd anon family member
No. 433837
Ya got me. I'm jealous.
I'm jealous of her being in her 30's but having not one single financial asset, profession or achievement in anything. Needing somebody else to house, transport, feed and basically Adult for her. Having such a pitiful life she needs to glom onto others obsessively, to the point of being oblivious of/not caring about harming them. To be evading debt collectors. Having a hoodie that walks to the washer of it's own accord. Having a small ecosystem evolving on top of her head. Of being so needy of attention she makes up blatant medical lies and medical professionals will no longer treat her. Of being so mental you can see her listening to the penguins in her head. Then arguing with them. And, most of all, for managing to drive away absolutely everybody who has ever been involved in her life through a combo of lying, manipulation, misdirection and downright tantrum-driven screeching like a stuck pig.
Not forgetting, of course, being envious as all hell I don't have a series of wannabe nutbag "authors," "physicists" and "angel channellers" screaming in impotent fury on my behalf and throwing out endless strawmen, PHEPH fallacies, false equivalencies, ad hominem attacks and every other logical fallacy.
Yep. Jealous. I too wish I were an entire universe of crazy in microcosm. But life's a bitch, so I just have to read about this great good fortune whilst picking my nose on the potty.
No. 433864
>>433843>>433831Joys not scared of your idle threats. You’re have posted on her multiple times that you’re not gonna do anything because of how it will effect other family members and your jobs.
Well guess what you vile pieces of shit, Kati is going to sue the shit out of you. She’s actually mentioning hand delivering the court summons to you on Christmas.
>>433864So Kati is admitting that we are indeed her family posting on lolcow? You might want to alert everyone because she still has "fans" on twitter saying we aren't her family as an excuse not to read this thread.
I have freedom of speech just like she does except everything I have said is true so I'm not sure what kind of lawsuit that would be but whatevs. ~~~family member anon OP
No. 433894
>>433725Richard, if people wanted to get attention, posting on lolcow would be a poor choice. People on here are all anonymous as per the board rules. I am not jealous of joy. I feel sorry for her and I think she needs psychiatric treatment.
However, I don't want her scamming other people online. People may not heed the warning but peopen should still be warned.
No. 433898
>>433864Kati started this and we were quiet thinking it would run it course kind of like a cold, but she couldn't leave it alone. So we are putting an end to it. All we are doing is telling the truth in response to her allegations and her lies. Now everyone knows what a con she is. Unfortunately you can't seem to think on your own to decipher this. Oh, I forgot, you don't know the difference between their and they're. That is a third grade skill. How could one expect you to think critically. And really–becaus??? the word is because. You really need spell check or a dictionary. Maybe some online tutoring in English would help. How old are you? 8 or 9? I did hear that Kati was corrupting young children. You must be one of them.
2nd anon family member
No. 433924
>>433892It would be great if Kati did file a law suit against the family members (I'm in for donation to the defense funds and I have a set of her videos along with screen caps of her commentary)… But, back to you and your mashed potato queen… as soon as that law suit hits the dockets… She's wide open to discovery over her ENTIRE YOUTUBE career. All accounts and all data still held by YouTube and by Twitter. Not only that, but for any claim she made, so pretty much ALL HER MEDICAL CLAIMS will be discoverable. We will finally see just how many hair sample analysis (complete and utter woo) she had done to support that copper toxicity. It'll also draw in that bankruptcy attorney that she claimed solicited her as an escort. (Many people still have that video!) And, many of her other "wild claims" as proof of the fact that she's mentally ill and should be hospitalized and put under a guardian until she gets her head straight.
So, I am all for your skankarina filing a law suit. AND, she can't deliver it herself. The courts don't accept that. So, if her attorney said she could, then she needs to find a different attorney.
No. 433954
>>433928Family anons, Kati isn't stupid enough to file a suit against you. She knows that her entire history on YT can be dug up, including her earnings for the do5 vids. Since she said she would donate all earnings from those vids to the cause, and knows damn well she didn't, she isn't going to risk catching a charge of misapropriation of funds. Even Mr Dickie knows she didn't donate ALL the funds and that's why she deleted her channel in perfect timing to avoid showing her analytics.
But I would legit love to see her try. She would have to eat crow breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
(responding to bait) No. 434024
File: 1511916511212.jpg (134.74 KB, 605x677, OFFICIAL SUMMONSDOC.jpg)

>>433842Oh my god can you imagine
Tim Colon
Joy Sparkles
Together at last to fight the evil family anons
I'm tearing up thinking about how absolutely hysterical that would be - Kati, DO IT!
>>433864Apologies farmhands, but I laughed so hard that I made a noise my body has never produced before. If what he says is true and she really does plan to do that,
1) She obviously has no idea how a summons works. HILARIOUS that she would think
she could hand-deliver it on Christmas Day.
2) Even if a Court Registrar or a police officer
did deliver a summons instead of laughing her ass all the way out of the Magistrate's building, they wouldn't do it on Christmas Day.
3) She has revealed, yet again, what a lowlife scummy vindictive bitch she really is to try to ruin a whole family's Christmas just so they notice her and her righteous anger.
Joy, please get Timpacted Colon to hand deliver the summons to court on Christmas Day. Pic related.
No. 434033
>>433954To be honest, I don't think she is that smart to know her Youtube data can still be viewed by Youtube and presented to a court if needed. I also think she is dumb enough to file a lawsuit against them, I don't think it will actually happen though. In her head, everything is about her, she is always right, she is thinking why wouldn't a judge side with her.
I originally thought she was making everything up for attention and sympathy. Now I'm starting to think she is ill enough and told those lies to herself and everyone else for so one that she actually believes them now. She can't even distinguish between fact and fiction on certain topics anymore. Hell could you? lol After telling so many different lies to different people, who could keep up with all of that.
I'm not sure why I feel so wrapped up and involved in this situation, but I have truly come to despise Kati! I keep putting myself in the shoes of the family, it would crush me to know someone was saying something like that. Not to mention there are real world consequences that could damage their jobs, other family relations, and friends. She is sick to only think about herself and trying to lure sympathy from her brain dead fans to send her money. Yeah she didn't have never asked for money, but she knows exactly what she is doing with reverse psychology and her fans are either too young, mentally challenged, brain dead, and/or vulnerable to notice or care.
Thank You family anons for posting here, you could post your drivers license and a YouTube video with your information and her stans, Denise and Deb (she is a very nasty person) still would not believe who you are, and the other 5 stans she has will never look at why you are posting here (to defend yourselves and give a second side to the story). They only want to believe that its either one of us posing as a family member to make her look bad, or that if you are real that you are doing it for your own evil personal gain to make her look bad. I have had better conversations with my damn dog than you can have with them.
Oh and Richard, I'm not sure how much of these threads you have read, but it is pretty damn obvious that your Oklahoma Potato isn't allowed to be around her daughter, therefore I'm sure they are going to be wrapping up presents for her and inviting her with open arms. That sounds like a perfect way for them to stress out and ruin their XMAS. I'm sure it would be nothing for Kati to let all of the kids know that there is no Santa and if their parents were better people then they would have received more presents or some bullshit. Kati really is a disgusting, self-righteous, self-centered monster with munchausen. She is probably perfectly healthy other than that, and being out of shape. Well maybe other than herpies too, but that is something that she would have brought on herself.
Family Anons, please don't stress out about a lawsuit, that is just extremely laughable to me.
No. 434101
>>434059Mention of the video first appeared in the first thread. One anon summarised it in post
>>247922 and it was reportedly deleted by post
>>277544. Perhaps a kind anon had a chance to add it to a private collection…?
No. 434116
File: 1511927579901.jpg (45.53 KB, 1038x172, past lives.jpg)

>>434101According to this thread, this is the title of the video, I'll check if I have it backed up, but I wasn't cataloguing her channel yet when this was uploaded & deleted. If anyone else has it, it's one of the best ones to showcase her lunacy.
No. 434143
File: 1511931258809.png (4.84 KB, 432x122, Capture.PNG)

>>434116 This is the title of the video.
No. 434181
>>434143Just checked, I have this one. Watching it now, you're right that it's the one where she talks about past lives.
I had forgotten how god damn annoying her voice and mannerisms are. What a treat to go back and watch her while she was still lovebombing and being "cutesy" with her voice. /s
4 minutes in and she's already cried twice, mentioned
>fibro>brain fog>being nearly dead 6 months ago from the IUD>copper toxicity>it's healing>"heart arrhythmias">lots of chest pain>faints>extreme weakness>meditating through her blackouts>collapses>needing help walking>started losing vision>near heart attacks>near strokes>near seizurescried again because 4500 people care about her, but she hates calling them "fans" because that implies they're "fanatic" and she doesn't need the ego. (lol)
A few more choice quotes:
>Getting things like attention and fame are easy to me … it's been easy my whole life.>What I want to do in life is not to get rich and famous and successful. I think that's possible, those things are part of my life plan, that feels correct to me, but that's not the goal. The goal is to be the best person I can be and help as many people as I can.>I had a lot of people like Onision in my life growing up. I had it in my family.>I wasn't perfect, I had a huge ego at times, I could be really overbearing, I could be intimidating - not, like, meaning to be - I could be self righteous, I could be arrogant ….. I could be manipulative.>I'm kind of an esoteric little fuck.>When I tell you how I think and feel about things, I want you guys to know I will never try to push my narrative onto you I just genuinely want to share myself.>There are so many fucking paths to becoming the best person you want to be, or whatever somebody wants to call "God"(is she saying there are paths to becoming God??)
>I know that I have seen visions of what I would call a past self that are so real and so intricate. And in 3 seconds I've seen a whole lifetime of a movie that I can't– that feels more real than us talking.(if this is true, she should have gotten her head checked a long time ago)
>It's not imagination. One day I'll get into, in my opinion, the difference between visions and imagination. And I've been scared my whole life of getting successful, really at what I love, because I saw some really bad things that I think I might have did.>I think there were a couple points, somewhere in the Medieval period …. I've seen two different things. I've seen one where I'm in a position of power, I don't think it's ever been like the queen or the ruler of the country, but you know it's like, back in the day they had like they kinda divided everything up, so you'd have like the king and the queen, and you've have these kinda like– I know this isn't the right word –you'd have like fucking regional managers, and district managers, and local managers….. (bla bla bla)>I've seen two lifetimes. One, it was, I was in charge of a bigger area, both were women– I was a woman. And I was horrible … I don't recognize that person. I have visions where like, just for fun I would have somebody's head cut off, and I can see what it looks like. I don't watch violent movies, I don't watch gore, I don't watch horror movies. I can't make that up.(lol)
>I remember what it felt like, it was– you got off from it.>And I think I either started or was a big proponent of war in the wrong way. I feel like it was kinda around the Spanish Inquisition era, you know.(the Medieval Period was between like 400AD and 1400AD, the Spanish Inquisition period was 1478-1834, so this gave me a lol)
>And then I had another life, this one was like a smaller village, maybe 500-1000 people, and I kind of oversaw it, and I was just kind of an honorary asshole, but I don't think it was as bad as the other one, but I think I have a karma with my health.>I saw, I had visions of– there was a man that worked for me. And what it was was that it looked like there were big fields where people would farm, on behalf of the overperson (bla bla fucking bla) And there was a specific older guy, who had a family, and I started to secretly poison him to death for fun. And I would poison him up until a certain point and then I would stop and I'd let him get better and then I'd do it again, just to fuck with him. Just to kind of play with him, like an experiment. Like boredom. And I don't know if I killed him or not, but that fucking haunts me dude. It haunts me.Then she goes on about how all the Gregs in her family made her feel evil for so long, and how now she knows she's not evil, and she believes
everyone has the ability to change, whether you're alive or dead or a ghost or an alien.
>I know what it's like to be hurt and abandoned and have the whole world come down on you.>The Onision videos aren't monetized. It's not about money. I'm secure enough in my ability to make money, even being sick, that I don't need to make money off something dirty, off of something dark, off of something abusive. Unless I was gonna funnel the money into something, but that doesn't feel right, and I wouldn't do anything without Billie and Ayalla's permission.>I have what I call my trifecta in life. House the homeless, everybody has free food, free good healthy food, and access to medical care.There are a lot more really funny things she says, especially in hindsight. The only reason I've transcribed so much is because I don't yet know how/where to upload it anonymously. If anyone wants it and knows a way, just say so. I've tried to do my best getting the highlights down word for word but holy hell she rambles a lot. Brain fog!
No. 434184
>>434181I found this, but it seems to just be a archive link to the video that only shows the comments. I hope BS or VHS can upload it to DailyMotion or VidMe>>434181Yeah, I know exactly what you are talking about with the little girly/baby voice act. That gets right under my skin, she is so damn fake its cringy, Yet her psycho stans eat it up. I remember when I did that, I still believed in Santa Claus back then.
No. 434185
Looks like I stopped transcribing too early.
>If this channel continues to get successful, and if I continue making money off of it, you know in big ways, that's what I want, I wanna give back to you guys. And I'm not fucking around by saying that, I'm being genuine and I'm being sincere. Every one of you should have a home to stay in for free, every one of you should have access to good healthy food that's not poisoned, and good healthy medical care that's not poisoned or pushed on by drug companies. You deserve that. And I deserve that. And I promise you, as my channel grows, that's what I'm gonna work towards.You deserve free housing, food and healthcare, do you Kati? You
deserve to have a home to stay in for free? No wonder she treats everyone like shit and takes advantage of their hospitality and goodwill, she's the most entitled fucking brat on the planet.
>Can't do anything now, but that's my promise to everybody.Maybe that's why this video got deleted. She started making money soon after this and didn't want to have to fulfil her promises of giving it all back to the community, so she just pretended she never made them.
She also says in this video that even in this life, she has been Onision and "accidentally hurt people" and will talk about it one day. Did she ever end up doing that?
>>434184Her early comment sections are great, thanks anon.
No. 434198
>>434024 This letter is amazing!
I think I have a copy of the past lives video, I'll check to see if I have uploaded it to vidme, or I will upload it. I will drop a link when it is ready.
In all seriousness family Anons, I hope venting on here has helped you in some way. I can only imagine the heartache Kati has caused you all over the years and at the end of the day part of you still loves her. I just hope you have got to the point where you aren't constantly upset.
No. 434202
>>434181This is why I think those "past lives" were her making an actual confession so that she could move forward with a "clean slate" in what she believed would be her domination of YouTube and start of a "power career" and being "famous".
If she believes that past lives shit…that could easily just be the memory games a child murder would play on themselves to allow them to deny (avoid responsibility for) what they'd done.
No. 434210
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>>434205>>434185>>434181>>434143>>434116I just love it when a plan comes together.
No. 434214
>>434210 This is the first time I have listened to her for months and so far I haven't gone into meltdown mode but she hasn't gone shrill years…
And this is the closest thing to self awareness I have ever witnessed in Kati, she hasn't got to the past life visions yet, she is talking in present tense. "I can be egotistical, pushy, manipulative…" Yes, yes you can, you are in far more control than a lot of people give you credit for.
No. 434220
>>434205Nice, I'm watching it now. For anyone that plans on watching it, be sure to wear boots, because her BS is deep in this one. She is so damn fake. It is funny that she gives Phil a shout out and talks about how good he is.
I agree with the person above that said this could be her way of coming clean. I could see her doing something like she describes.
No. 434224
>>433898Maybe the mentality of an eight or nine year old; but the guy is actually in his early 50's.
So, more like a mentally challenged middle aged man desperate for nookie.
No. 434283
>>434235you didn't learn anything from your time as a joytard, did you?
the rest of you: come the fuck on. I remember when this cow was new and those first exciting threads trying to plumb the depths of her fuckery and navigate through all the calves she spawned. I remember the autism creeping in, and the wanna-be crusades. I remember the fucking rumours that just wouldn't die because people had joy-fever and would take anything. and now here we are. people are actually taking richard fucking stiles seriously. they're offering actual responses to his raging sperg. truly, you have become the joytards you stare at.
also, the lawsuit will never happen because a) kek at the 'family' being real, and b) kek at the idea of kati actually putting in the time or effort that would take, so that she could go into an arena she doesn't control.
No. 434359
>>434319 No problem Family Anon, I still have a few more to upload. I don't have everything but I'm certain I have the most important/relevant stuff.
I think she has fallen out with every person she name checked in that video. Konstigo was on the receiving end of her abuse and had to contend with the cult going after her, despite only being a minor.
At this point I don't think there is anything left that she hadn't claimed to have experienced. Levitation is another, visiting heaven at her whim, talking to the Archangel Michael who was her spirit guide. A lot of crazy (I'm atheist too) things.
No. 434540
>>434185Awww. She promised to pay my mortgage and buy my dinners. You saw her, that's what she said. Ka-fucking-ching!
(Ye gods. The mental is strong in this one.)
No. 434621
>>434587 It is a Kait Marie Smith AKA JoySparkleBS related meme. People used to ask her if she was into girls or had she ever been with a girl and every single time she would proudly state, 'Nope, I don't like mashed potatoes!' and act like that was some widely used colloquialism that everyone knew about and sounded cool.
So invariably every time she said it when she offered no further explanation people would look at her like 'I don't understand WTF you are talking about or how that answers what I just asked you at all and am now worried that you are severely retarded,' and she would be forced to awkwardly elaborate what she meant.
Her tactile experience of her own and other women's vaginas, as she has experimented with women before, is that the internal consistency of a vagina feels exactly the same as if you were to stick you fingers, genitalia, tongue, etc into a pile of mashed potatoes; she also finds the food mashed potatoes to be disgusting and hates them.
The faces are just her normal faces that she is pulling all the time. And now you have had a glimps into the unbridled insanity that this cow embodies. I urge you now to run from this thread and don't look back for your own well-being.
Would family anons care to comment? Has Kati had a stomach turning hatred of mashed potatoes her whole life? Does this relate to a specific incident? Is this the most off the wall lie she has told?
No. 434632
>>434587Then do what other newbies are encouraged to do - read through the other threads instead of expecting people to give you a summary.
And sage your posts (add sage to the email field).
No. 434689
>>434621Kati has not liked soft mushy foods since she was a baby. It is the consistency. She never liked pudding, masked potatoes, applesauce, yogurt, etc. But I never heard of calling a vagina masked potatoes. That is new to me.
>>434319 You are correct we have not asked for donations. We don't panhandle. We have more self respect to do that. However, people have said the will gladly donate.
2nd anon family member
No. 434774
I don't know how to do this and
I don't have a cow in the race…I was speculating that more than one apple falls near the tree…but what do I know? No. 434810
>>433894Speculation…I have read most of the family anon posts,if not all.I do think they are legit BUT here they sound a lot like "Joy"…
Side note:in the family anon comment about the mashed potatoes they say "masked pototoes" TWICE..what I am speculating here is that these family members my be very much like her,damaged.
These things run in families.At the end of the day…everything has to be taken with a grain of salt.
No. 434854
>>434573 Well this thread went downhill quickly.
To clarify to the morons (Dick, Pepperidge Farm Anon) who took my offer of a donation seriously, what part of bwahahahahaha, bwahahahahaha,that proceeded my statement made you think I was being serious?! You actually think Dick was being serious? You give proof before "milk" like that is taken seriously. In my next paragraph I even said, now in seriousness, which should give you a further clue that everything that proceeded it was a joke on Kati.
Hell, even if Dick could give proof, do you honestly believe she would dare? IF she said it, it was nothing more than a lame attempt to sound like the victim as usual. How many people has she threatened to sue at this point vs how many people she actually has? Zero.
No. 434857
>>434810I believe they are legit. They've posted so much photo proof that the only thing we haven't gotten yet is a birth certificate.
I haven't gotten the impression that they sound like Kati/are similar to her ( I do enjoy reading their answers and opinions ) - but I agree that it's something we can't know at the end of the day. The only thing we do know for sure is that Kati's zero joy, some sparkle from unwashed hair and all bullshit.
No. 434899
>>434882You can hate a person's actions (in this case - Kati spreading lies about her family so she can be a victim in the eyes of her fans) and not actually hate the person.
The family anons have repeatedly stated they want Kati to get the mental help she needs - tat doesn't sound like people who hate her; but people who love her and want her to get better.
Kati refuses to listen to their pleas; so, what are they supposed to do when they find out she's been going online, spreading vicious rumors about her family abusing her from childhood? Stand by and take it in favor of standing up and speaking out against it?
No. 434914
>>434904Kati opened herself to so much scrutiny by telling so many lies and inconsistencies. Had she not made such claims people wouldn't have tried so rigorously to find the truth, but she did, and although an exorbitant amount of proof had been given (well before family anons even came on here,) her stans refused to believe their savior had lied about absolutely anything.
After being emotionally beaten down for so long the family anons felt they had no other option but to defend themselves and without stating exactly who they are I think Lolcow was their only option. They've only confirmed every lie we'd already caught; it's just great having a first hand source to actually confirm it all. They don't have their own agenda nor have they debased her; they've merely defended themselves against her lies… and can you blame them?
No. 434919
>>434774 >>434778 >>434882>>434904 >>434916Kati Marie Smith is a lying con artist and the fam anons are doing a public service by confirming what was already known just from observations of her actions online.
It was Kati that used her family to rope in gullible idiots to pay her money to sit on her crusty, oily ass online all day whining about how terrible her life is when she doesn't have a damn thing wrong with her. She used her family to rope in old women who feel a need to mother and 'get it right this time' and young kids who think that being held responsible their actions is just totally UNFAIR!
Kati is unwilling to make a life for herself. Instead she leeches off the gullible (and finding people dumber than her is a trick in itself!) so that she can sit around all day with a potato chip feed sack shoved over her face.
The problem with her choosing to be a con artist is that she really never was smart enough to make a living at it. That's why we're all getting to watch her spectacular faceplant into the shit pile that is her life of her own making.
No. 434922
>>434916But it's okay for someone to verbally slander their family on a public forum, potentially ruining their families/careers as a result, right?
Besides that, Kati has been ignoring her family in a private setting. So, the family anons only option are 1) ignore Kati and let her continue to try and ruin their lives or 2) bring it out on a public forum in the hopes that either Kati takes notice and gets help or inform her stans about how unstable she is and save themselves, instead.
Enabling Kati's behavior is not the solution to the problem.
No. 434924
>>434810Excuse me for my typo. I meant mashed potatoes not masked potatoes. Using my glasses would have helped along with both hands. Please pardon my error.
2nd anon family member
No. 434928
>>434922You are so correct. She has blocked us on all fronts plus whenever we last spoke with her it was nothing but rants and raves about how we owe her and we have never done anything for her, etc. We didn't want to do this but she gave us no choice.
>>434774 and
>>434778I read your articles. But there is one major reason these are not applicable: Kati is not a child. She is 33 years old yet has behavior indicative of a child. As I have stated numerous times Kati did not start this behavior until her late teens early 20's. There is no drug use nor alcoholism in her family; however, there is some mental illness.
>>433894 Had we acted like Kati we would not have successfully held down jobs/professions for decades. We do not think the world or anyone owes us anything. We provide for ourselves. We are independent people who are tired of her rhetoric. Please read past comments.
2nd anon family member
No. 434950
>>434925 I can assure 100% I'm nobody's fool. I knew Joy was a hypochondriac and told a few lies all along. I ignored it and let her be as it was an internet persona and most stories told by an internet persona are untrue. That poor woman is getting more hate than Do5 got and I don't like it. Her own family are even starting to join in and bully her from this cultish site and it doesn't reflect the thoughts of the majority.
I haven't donated a cent/penny to her but the fact her family are deliberately trying to obstruct her life and any chance of making some money is absolutely disgusting to me. It shows them in more of a bad light than Joy/Kati could ever do.
No. 434957
>>434925Except we didn't involve ourselves. Kati involved us. She did it the moment after I called her to inform her about 3 deaths in her family on St. Patrick's Day. Don't you think I feel guilty about that? People begged me not to tell her because she was so unstable but I thought I was doing the right thing. My courtesy phone call to Kati resulted in that God awful video. I didn't know she had a youtube channel then. She did involve her mother in every "kyathy" video she made or alluded to.
>>434950Kati ruined her internet career and future job prospects outside of the internet herself. That is one reason we waited to talk because the last thing I needed to hear the rest of my life is that I ruined her youtube career. If we are preventing her from making money off the backs of people she has lied to and doing nothing for that money then that is a true statement.
I'm sorry but you are a fool. Kati created the hate that she gets with her treatment of minors, exploitation of abused children and their mother, questioning someone's military service, exploiting other tragedies for views, I could go one and on. I'm unsure how posting some proof that we are who we say we are and telling our side of the story is bullying. You know what IS bullying though? Getting in front of 60K subscribers and making fun of your family. Reposting it when someone makes a webpage with a definition of a Kyathy which everyone knows is a projection of her mother. Reading private birthday emails out to everyone. In what world is that not cyber bullying?
>>434952I'm sorry that we learned how to internet quicker than Kati. The hatred from Joy isn't a small amount of people. Its from everyone who has ever known her. Phil, Amanda, her entire family, almost all of the people she shouted out in earlier videos…do you think we are all the problem or Kati? ~~~Family member anon OP
No. 434967
>>434931Provided the mentally ill person gets the proper medication, sure.
However, Kati denies having a mental illness; despite the fact that she had readily admitted early on that she had been diagnosed with anxiety disorder by three separate doctors - which she refuses to accept.
Un-medicated mental patients won't accomplish much in life.
No. 434968
>>434950Kati's online persona is a fake…really?
Then I assume you think the same of - say - Onision, Jake Paul and Ricegum, yes?
No. 434972
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>>434957Okay, this is only my second post but something feels off here. I believe the family anons who initially posted pictures and the like. BUT very recently there posts have seemed to change, and with it anonymity a rule on this board I can post as "Family anon—" and know one would be the wiser. I'm personally listed in the darkest shade of black on Kati's "list of haters" so this is not defending her in the slightest. It's actually me wondering if Kati, Cy, Geekthulu or a handful of others could be impersonating the family to discredit them. The spelling errors, and the fact that you posted virtually the same message twice… Like it was given out to be placed on here. If I'm wrong, I wholeheartedly apologize.
-Sage for second post ever and serious speculation about intentions of Kati and family
No. 434986
Look, bottom line is Katie is an asshole. It was totaly ok for her family to come in here and defend themselves, but like her they should understand that with all that there will be criticism. I think it’s the fact that they keep on coming on here over and over. I mean it does look a little suspicious, and frankly I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinought so. The moron isn’t even on YouTube anymore. She only goes on younow, and not even that much. A ton of morons go on younow and make money for nothing. She rarely even mentions her family anymore and when she does it’s vague statements. Joy is a liar, but there are a few things she’s said that weren’t pure lies, like for instance: Joy says her family is on the heavy side/ the family denies this- if anyone has seen a photo of certain close blood family, they would see this is not a complete lie. I would post photos from Facebook but apparently it’s not allowed. (Unless I’m wrong, and then I would show the board) I still think Joy is a liar, but I know what I saw. It is true that most people on here would not stand for their family bashing them, espescially when they are down. This really is not proper behavior. It’s like they are beating the thing into the ground. It’s dead already, YOUVE stated what is false and what is true. It does look like besides protecting your family name, you want to hurt the poor sow. Why? I can say with much confidence that family posting on here are both females. Have either of you ever been as skinny as Joy when she was looking good I wonder? I am just writing what it looks like to some people on here. When you participate in a slander fest and don’t stop even after your object gets off YouTube. No mentally healthy sibling or parent would go this far after they have made their point. It’s like Joy, with the onision videos- she just wouldn’t stop. Even after we all got the point of what she was trying to say…..she kept going and going and going like the energizer bunny. You all can tear me apart for saying this, but at least I know I am not alone in what I think. If interacting with the people on this site make the fam feel better, by all means continue with it, but also know that we are only looking for juicy milk. I think the cow has went into retirement for now.
No. 434991
> Reading private birthday emails out to everyoneSo, you DID say you found your people in lolcow on or around her birthday back in June and that email WASN'T fake. Good to know.
>>434967First of all, I was speaking generally and in reference to the family, not Kati.
Second, wrong. Sociopaths, narcissists and some others are completely able to function regardless of their mental illness. In fact, some of them even excel and achieve great things BECAUSE of their mental illness since ethics, morality, empathy, etc aren't factors in these people's decisions.
I thought this was common knowledge…
>>434986great post. thanks.
No. 435077
>>434950 Hi Taunee, nice? of you to join us lol
This is the best plan you guys could come up with? Have several of you play rule abiding anons and samefag up the board with Joytardedness? All that points out is how upset Kati is that her family have told the truth about her. You're a couple weeks too late to try to discredit and smear them. I'm sure family anons would point out posts claiming to be them that weren't.
Well, at least you Joytards sperging around the board with obvious attacks on behalf of 'Dear Leader, Keeper and Protector of the Sacred Mashed Potatoes' was somewhat funny. But it's totally not a cult. Have fun soothing her ego while she foams at the mouth for the rest of December lol
No. 435142
>>435129Its the assorted roster again. Let's see..Deb, Angel Zones, Taunee, Denise..its amazing how much time they have to keep into this.
>>434989Stuff like this puts you through a whole range of emotions even without having to deal with the crazies around her. Good luck with the baby, the holiday and everything.
No. 435157
>>434986I really do not see the relevance to our weight . Unless you have lived in our place it would be impossible for you to understand why we are so upset regarding Kati. We were just answering questions. I was very angry after watching the posted videos, which I had never seen before. And I was flabbergasted at the nastiness of someone who kept being put out to pasture. If you will notice when you think we changed, it will probably be around the time of the videos and pasture man. No one has been speaking for me and I do not want Kati hurt. All I want for Kati is to come to terms with her destructive behavior and get some help. I want her to be a productive member of society and have a nice life. I know what it is like to have things said about me which are untrue since that is what Kati has been doing to me for quite a long time. I have only spoken what is true about her and answered your questions. I am following the steps of the other family member and take a break from commenting. It's funny, though, how people tried and tried to get us to comment and now that we do, you chastise us for it. I know it is not everyone and am so appreciative to the ones who have been so compassionate. And yes, Kati is off you tube for now but there are other venues she has available to her and I know Kati. Just because she is off now does not necessarily mean she will be tomorrow. As for me, I am not known to back down from anything. I am a strong educated woman.
2nd anon family member
No. 435345
>>434991Socipaths (APD), narcissists etc. are not mental illnesses. They are personality disorders and notoriously difficult to treat. There is a huge difference between the two things.
I don't wish to fight anybody but family anons are understandable within context. They cannot contact her safely and they know she comes with a collection of particularly virulent, tho largely impotent, supporters. Their continued speaking out is likely nothing more than a need to be heard and as to why here is obvious. They had no way of judging what level of support she had; here at least gave them a fair chance of having their say. Maybe it's not how we'd like our families to behave, but we're not on the receiving end. Their reasons for posting don't have to be complicated and they don't have to be noble. They're fucked off and want to offload.
As for bullying - well, Kati slagged them on YT where anyome could just come across it. Here, the cows actually have to come and look - neither Kati nor anyone else gets a waiver granting them immunity when they make themselves public. If we went after her or took it to her yes, it would be bullying. But we haven't.
Just my take on it all anyway.
No. 435353
>>435345In the context of the thread, it's a distinction without a difference. Just because you can function, doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with you. Another example would be functional alcoholics. Furthermore, some mental illnesses are spectrums so you can have one and still function.
It should be obvious but I guess I actually have to say that it's pretty obvious the family is not going to share their faults or admit where blame might lie with them. That was the point but, you know, reading for context is more difficult than rote memorization.
I'm just curious Kathy, since Kati had like 3 fathers before she became a teenager, did you use a turnstyle, revolving door, escalator, roundabout or something else to manage that?
No. 435362
>>435260Sadly a lot of these last posts reek of spergleberries and Richard.
Thanks for answering the questions we had, family anons, I'm sure a lot of us appreciated it.
No. 435395
>>435391Actually, it was addressed in a previous thread.
I don't care; it's just relevant to the discussion that you can't be bothered to follow.
No. 435523
>>435440 Ctrl+F and search the fucking board if you are that far behind the conversation. We're not rehashing something everytime someone comes in demanding a summary and proof. It's been posted. It's not anyones
job to act as your navigator. What is the modus operandi is that before you post on the threads you read them first so that you are up to speed and don't repost things that have already been said, and if you can't be bothered at least try to search the board first.
Hit Ctrl+F type in '3 fathers' 'three fathers' '3 dads' 'three dads' and search the board so you can find where it was posted about. And if everyone could go read the rules and learn how to sage that'd be great.
Apparently we have some newfags on the board. Click the icon in the top left that says Rules and read them. Kati and her minions come in and sperg up the boards with samefagging periodically since the first thread. Please don't take the bait and clog up the thread with derailment and bickering, that is the point. This isn't Twitter, posts are anonymous so the attempts to have drawn out debates are ridiculous. Anyone getting their ego's wrapped up in anonymous posts needs to take a step back.
It was addressed, by family anons no less. It's no one else's job to keep up with the thread for you. Why don't you go find where family anons posted about that and if you have something to say to further the conversation from there quote it and write your post about it?
An opinion about what constitutes legitimacy and stating you don't remember something just clogs up the thread, it's not a blog. lol at the cow, don't become the cow.
No. 435605
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Does anyone have this video? I checked the thread and the archive sites but I don't think it's there.
No. 435614
>>435440No problem!
>>423933>>435541Is it "Let's use words we don't understand" day again here on lolcow? lol.
No. 435616
>>435345Yes, Kati is a self centered, narcissistic cunt as a feature of her personality. That is IN ADDITION TO the fact that she's bat shit crazy… like her paranoia (da gubmint' killin' us ya'al!) and her inability to control her desire to inflict emotional pain (Onision, Do5, Alex)… So, Kati does have personality disorders… but she is ALSO mentally ill and bat shit crazy.
>Largely impotent supportersYou mean like the one now serving 1yr sentence for attempting to carry out a hit list of people who'd been mean toward Kati? That sort of impotent? Kati clearly is a dog whistle for emotionally damaged people and do you think that guy (who was intending to injure a woman on Kati's behalf) is the only one? I could give a substantial list of concerns with her fan base, but I won't because THEY are also mentally ill and Kati is taking advantage of them for her own benefit.
No. 435656
>>435616Got a link that can confirm that bold statement?
Otherwise, I'm calling horseshit.
No. 435749
>>435617 Spurpinklebow backup isn't one of Kati's channels. It is a fan made backup. A fan was so distraught at the idea that Kati's videos could just be gone like that when Do5 fans got Spurpinkle bow struck down that when it went back up they asked Kati if they could make a backup. Kati never acknowledged them but ala Gabe the Pony had said multiple times in videos that anyone was allowed to mirror and share her videos.
The rule is not to directly link to videos on her channels to prevent her from gaining monetarily from the traffic. Kati has no control over Spurpinklebow backup and the channel isn't monetized.
>>435605 Here is the requested video No. 435778
>>435769Pretty sure that anon is lying through their teeth as a means to make Kati's stans appear more threatening than they actually are. The only thing that came remotely close to the scenario that anon was going on about was how one of Kati's fans was offering Stiles a 'hater's' home address so Stiles could shut the hater up, permanently - which, the fan claimed, Kati would have greatly appreciated (that fan claimed that he was clearly joking and Stiles just took him seriously - but, really, that fan knew that Stiles is unstable; so the excuse of it being a 'joke' is incredibly weak).
The other tell tale sign that the anon is lying is that they didn't bother supplying the name of the fan; or even a link citing a source to prove their claim is fact.
No. 435833
>>435616Phil stop posting that bullshit. It never happened. You’re just pissed because hardly anyone but the joytards and YOU are talking about Kati on Twitter anymore.
I’m beginning to think you and Kati deserve each other.
No. 435860
>>435617>>435749Thanks guys. Is this one downloaded somewhere? Knowing she lurks here and having brought attention to that channel it's only a matter of time before she tries to strike it down.
6 mins into this shit and I had to take a break. Holy shit. This is what narc injury looks like.
No. 435913
>>435833I didn't post that. Anyone by now would know how I post and I don't type like that. Want to try again?
Oh, and you clearly missed the Pathfinder stuff, thanksgiving stuff, getting sick stuff cat pictures and pretty well everything else but sure..okay, whatever bro. Oh, forgot the new jackbox party pack for streaming and having fun too. Wow.
On an unrelated note anyone with vidme links should pay attention to this and move stuff accordingly: (TL;DR Vidme is suspending services soon.) Thanks.
No. 436012
>>435913Thanks for the heads up.
>>435605Samefagging, sorry I missed the part where it was stated the vid is now downloaded. These vids on the backup channel are great as you can see the mania (narc injury) in all it's unwashed glory. Thanks to anons who pointed out how much worse she got while needing to prove how right she was. It's a good catch, context I had mistaken as something else prior.
And family anons, thank you for all you've provided and I hope you have a great holiday. The nature of this board being anonymous makes it seem like a bunch of us are suddenly being nasty, but it's obvious the people acting like that and questioning your motives are Denise, Deb, Taunee, and AngelZones. I guess they got bored of twitter. They're all horrible people and predators too, so don't let them get to you. All they have is a friendship with a lunatic that they have to pay for while you have a loving family, careers, lives… you already won over them. So sorry they're disgusting and turned their claws on you.
Sage for non/con and taking bait. Just didn't want fam anons walking away thinking we're all shit people.
No. 436022
>>435264>>435208As this anon wisely stated in order to raise a stable family you need to be able to love. Kati doesn't love anyone but herself nor is she capable of loving anyone else. She takes no accountability, and moreover she doesn't have any remorse or guilt, which makes her potentially really dangerous. I went through my trusty DSM and although I can't diagnose I will say she met every single criterion for both NPD and ASPD; an individual who has NPD comorbid with ASPD is potentially extremely dangerous; the malignant narcissist is probably the most toxic combo of all disorders. They are ruthless, remorseless, vindictive, and lack guilt. They tend to play the victim and they feel entitled to say or do certain things, yet if someone else to do it, they would take offense or say it's wrong. Although they have no problem hurting others, they easily feel belittled, and as a result said individual would resort to a host of defense mechanisms. Sound familiar?
Since she craves attention so much if she was a mom I could totally see her having Munchausen by proxy so she could get boatloads of attention "for being such a good mother,") meanwhile she's slowly killing the kid. Furthermore do we really want Kati's DNA to be replicated? Perish the thought.
Sorry. Saged for psychfagging
No. 436039
> First off you are going off of what shady Kati has said about her.Wrong.
> You don't know if she had all those failed relationships. Wrong.
> She is the cow here not her family.Wrong.
No. 436042
>>436039Someone's channeling Donald Trump.
If you're not getting all this info about Kati's mom from Kati; where are you getting it from - her archangel, Michael?
No. 436047
>>436042Yes. Archangel Michael can follow a thread.
Hey Kathy. I'm just wondering since you pretty much admit to no wrongdoing or faults or anything in these threads, do you think you're criticism of Joy being the same way might be projection?
No. 436059
>>436057I'm also Phil, Joy, Cy, and Richard. I think there's at least one more I'm forgetting.
I'm also loling at the armchair psychologists who are totally (deliberately) missing the triangulation by the family.
The difference between Joy talking shit about her family was she wasn't inciting anyone to do anything about it. However, that is not the case with the family coming here to people who are already on a witchhunt.
No. 436067
>>436061We built a fire. The fire was already burning. They threw logs on.
I was speaking on taking action not taking sides.
No. 436290
>>436158By posting here, where people were already harassing her, they encouraged further harassment. This is demonstrable by the fact that the posts they made here got back to Joy. Whether you think you "chose" to use these posts against Joy or not, congrats, you were manipulated by the family to do their bidding.
It's been pretty clear throughout the thread that many of you can only think in binary (ie one is a "good" guy, the other the "bad"; if you talk poorly about the family, you must be defending Joy, etc.) but what I am saying is there is no "good guy" in this situation.
No. 436297
>>436290I think you need to learn the definition of harassment before accusing people of doing it.
But then, what do I expect from a Joytard?
No. 436301
>>436297I am obviously not using a legal definition of harassment. If things stayed on here, then I would tend to agree with you. But they didn't.
As if on cue, a simpleton binary thinker proves my point. Thanks for that.
No. 436321
>>436301I think it is you that is suffering from an inability to see nuance. You're expressing the opinion that talking publicly about someone if they're your family is just bad no matter what. Everyone else has been looking at the circumstances and has been saying over and over again that this is a situation where publicly speaking out against Joy seems to be called for. If Joy was just a run of the mill lolcow and her family came on here to further make fun of her, I would definitely come down on the side that they are fucked up for doing this. However, Joy is a lolcow who has made huge accusations against her family, even going so far as to imply some family members were at fault for the death of children. This is one of those situations where there is no black and white to what is good and evil here. We can argue all day that punching people is bad. But if someone punches you first and you punch them back, I'm not going to fault you for punching them twice as hard so that they think twice about the next time they want to go punching people.
Also, people shitting on the family appear to think that just because someone is family, they should have special rules and get away with things that other people shouldn't. If I was friends with someone and they went on YouTube lying about me and talking shit, I would drag their ass and make sure as many people as possible would know that this person is full of shit. Why should it be different if it was someone in my family doing the same thing? If anything, having someone shit talk you in front of a YouTube audience must hurt more knowing that it's your own damn family member doing it.
And finally, what Joy gets is not even close to harassment. Every YouTuber is subject to criticism. She just seems to get more than others because she is exceptionally shittier than others.
No. 436322
>>436158and there it is, full circle. the 'family' has been happy to put the boot in, but like the joytards you're gonna ignore the bits you don't like in favor of a narrative you prefer. also, there's still the obvious bit where they came to a fucking gossip board full of trolls to 'help kati'. so mature.
>>436290>many of you can only think in binarymost sensible thing said in this thread for ages.
No. 436326
>>436321"You're expressing the opinion that talking publicly about someone if they're your family is just bad no matter what."
Nice strawman and way to run with it! I guess when you aren't good at argumentation, you have to make up for it some way.
No. 436343
>>436339Nice backpedal. Man, you are really bad at this.
> You can read what you typed, can't you?Funny, I was wondering the same thing about you. lol.
No. 436344
>>436339Way to not answer a simple question and to instead derail and deflect.
> Man, you are really bad at this.Funny, I was thinking the same about you.
No. 436353
>>436322Because attending one of Kati's streams would be so much better, right? Kati and her salivating sycophants would totally treat them with dignity/respect if they chose to address her accusations directly.
Doing so privately would be the best option for everyone involved. However, seeing as Kati refuses to do that and insists on repeatedly dragging her family's name through the mud in a public setting, why should the family stand by and let her do that? It's their lives/reputations she's fucking with - why is it okay for her to do that; but not okay for the family to defend themselves?
At least here, they can have a semblance of privacy, where they can freely defend themselves without the worry that they'll automatically be labeled as the enemy simply because Kati says they are.
No. 437530
>>437189 I don't agree with you at all. She doesn't want her critics to stop, she thrives off it. You just listed every reason why nobody needs to bother anymore. It's well known that she stirs shit up every time the attention dies down. Not the actions of someone who hates the attention, she has a histrionic personality and thrives off the drama and thrives off playing the victim.
The worst thing that could happen for her is to be ignored by us. VHS Archive obviously finally got that memo, good for her.
As for Kati, the internet is forever, vidme dying doesn't mean all those videos will disappear, they will be made available if necessary. Her YT is gone, her YN streams are twenty minutes of shire once every other month, no sane person is throwing their money at her anymore, no sane, person is taking her dangerous medical advice anymore, her family have been able to defend themselves. Other than discussing her latest bowel movement, what else is there?
Peace out Anons, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas.
No. 437932
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Well she lost a $50 patreon. So I guess that's less pizza and subway she can stuff her fat face with.
No. 438304
>>438043I'm sticking around, but I agree that this cow is milked dry ( unless there's more kek worthy younow streams to come ). The good thing is the interwebz doesn't forget and neither do we.
As soon she's back, some cool anon is going to point it out - rightfully so, because she quite deserves it. Until then, adieu to you and
>>437530. Happy holidays!
No. 439508
>>439348Oh Billie (Angel Zones) it must be killing you that no one is talking about Kati anymore and if you post shit like you did here on Twitter you'll get another 7 day suspension.
LOL you fat fucking toddler.
No. 439516
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>>439508 too late?
I have no idea who Angel Zones is, i just went to twitter and this is what came up.
No. 439522
>>439516Her new account is @slurpy4me
She's a joytard that has had some run ins with the law for molesting elderly people at a nursing home she worked at. Her technique of molesting them involved glitter on their genitals. She called it glitter parties.
She's quite a vile human being.
No. 439536
>>439516AngelZones is one of Joy's top patrons, dishing $100 monthly plus YouNow bars to Joy's slovenly couch potato lifestyle.
>>439535JFC if that's true then it's further proof Kati surrounds herself with equally disgusting, criminally minded people. Can't say I'm shocked.
No. 439690
>>439666>>439686I know they're doing their best to shit up the thread, but any further talk about these fuckwits should really be moved to the Spergleberries thread. We can all talk about what a degenerate criminal Angel Zones is over there in the land of irrelevance where she belongs. In this thread, report their derailing posts and ignore. All this taking of the bait is embarrassing.
Enjoy your holidays, everyone. I'm dreaming of a Kati-free Christmas …. just like the ones I used to know ….
No. 439695
>>>/snow/336585Here is a link to the Spergleberries thread. Instead of taking the bait anyone who is not a newfag or a Joytard can post all they want to over there about: Phil, Angel Zones (Billie Combs), or anyone else that course corrects to maintain an orbit around this cow.
What they really fear is running out of fuel to maintain their orbit around the black hole full of poo babies or be spaghettified as they end up in Kati's rapidly expanding. . .list of minions she has thrown under the bus. Stop giving them the fuel they need.
No. 440250
>>440209So basically she is the same disgusting, hypocritical, lying piece of trash as she was last year at this time, unwilling to behave appropriately or take accountability for her actions and has no plan on being a normal grown ass adult as she prefers manipulating others to see her as a poor victim of every day struggles and harrassement for no reason.
Obviously, the scam must go on.
She's probably been crying into her ring light, rehearsing thousands of manufactured #metoo fabrications, based off of real life events that took place online, only she flips the script and paints herself as the victim in all her years of initiating inappropriate sexual contact to scam men for money. It's probably killing her to not take advantage of things right now.
No. 440272
>>440250It's horrifying how insane she is to hear these stories of these women in Hollywood being assaulted and her first thought is "oh god, repressed memories, returning, me too, me too, #metoo, this is all about me"
I think she might really believe it, she has this pattern of hearing something for the first time and immediately repeating it back to others as if it happened to her, even if they only told her about it 10 seconds earlier. It's like that amnesia where they can't hold things past the short term memory because it never transfers to long term memory storage, only she is always glitching out: hearing something and thinking it came from her own long term memory. Her brain is scary. She needs so much medication.
Sorry for spec, that's just how weird and creepy she comes off to me.
No. 440277
>>440203>"processing how toxic it's become?" She's been saying that for months and months and its only a reminder that she's innocent and all the others are the bad guys.
>"it's finally calmed down in the last week" Obviously referring to here and/or twitter. Too bad that until she actually stops being a shit person, her theatrics will be documented. What's sad is that there's been far shittier yt'rs that have at least been able to find it in their icy and greedy little hearts to man up and apologize for some things. Kati really is the worst.
>She didn’t like people making fun of his acneApparently not enough, considering she also made fun of his acne. Again painting herself as innocent.
Her comment about others not having the balls to walk away from their channels is hilarious. And I thought she wasn't bothered by the repzion video, now she's saying that a bigger yt'r made a video and people chose to believe it. So it's all his fault now.
No. 440288
>>440250>>440272Just to clarify, when I mentioned manufactured stories, I was referring specifically to Kati seeing it as an $opportunity$, not the movement itself, given her history of using a tragedy or unfortunate event as a marketing tool.
It's very sick. I can't imagine being close to her and how one sided any relationship would be. As if being a personal slave to someone (so lazy they won't even bathe themself with out "help") isn't enough, she also sucks the emotions and life out others, then goes ever further and takes their unfortunate and terrible events as her own. The girl has no shame.
No. 440866
>>440724 Her $2 and $3 Patrons only make up like 18% of the total dollar amount of her Patreon and I don't see a lot of them dropping because they are paying $2.50 or $3.50 for their pledge if it means that she will see more money instead of having to pay the processing fees for 37 pledges from her side.
Interesingly though since December started 2 of her $20 Patrons dropped to the $2 or $3 level, another 2 of her $20 Patrons pulled their pledges, and 2 of her $10 Patrons pulled their pledges. She's lost a couple $2 and $3 Patrons as well.
No. 442053
>>441723I fucking hope tommy c does another stream on her. He
triggers her to all hell lol Also iirc the family anons mentioned June and December are the times when kati usually fucks out.
Not gonn lie … I need some milk.
No. 442216
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New patreon post from the dead horse, it's a long one
No. 442217
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No. 442219
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No. 442222
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No. 442300
>>442219It's okay if you guys can't or don't want to be a patreon anymore but let me guilt trip you into saying I'm sick and will go bankrupt if you do pull your pledge.
She's still just as scummy as before.
No. 442343
>>442222 So a doctor prescribed her an anti-biotic/anit-parasitic and she magically is 100% cured from her 10 years of angel mutant diarrhea.
>I have exhausted most avenues with my doc on what to do with my health. My doc is out of other options ATM.By now we all are familiar with what she means by this. Her doctor has cut off the pills and is refusing to treat her for things she doesn't have. One of the side-effects of Flagyl is a metallic taste in your mouth so that's what has her claiming Aluminum & Mercury poisoning, which Aluminum poisoning would just kill her and Mercury poisoning would have severe and obvious effects. There are also real treatments she would need for these, her doctor wouldn't say there was nothing they could do, but here we have Kati riding her megalomania high and she knows more than a doctor and is going to figure out cures for all these conditions with her own research and supplements instead of medicine. We're right back to Kati on the radio show telling everyone she cured an inoperable tumor with herbs and prayer/meditation and that you can cure anything on your own.
This is probably what has her Patrons dipping out. She's again claiming she has auto-immune disorders(non-specific, probably all of them, how scary), chronic inflammation when she has shown test results that contradict this, Fibromyalgia that multiple doctors have told her she doesn't have and the most recent one cut off her pills for it that she refused to take anyway, and random metal poisonings that anyone knows are complete fantasy after doing 10 seconds of research. All of which she is pretending her doctor 100% confirmed but just shrugged and said, 'Oh, well there's no treatment or specialist for the half-a-dozen chronic illnesses and poisonings you have so I'm just going to turn you away. You
definitely don't sound like a completely delusional person with panic attacks who invents illnesses.'
No. 442363
>>442300>>442343Took the words right out of my mouth.
She has to be one of the most special warrior showflake / savior crusader cows ever.
Please Kati, save us all, free us from the shackles of chronic pain and inflammation with your top shelf Mrs Dash. You're far superior than any physician with their bullshit med school and I just know that the extensive research you've conducted via Dr Google is going to cure everyone in the world.
Now pardon me while I get my credit card to pay you for your wonderful existence. Please think of me when you're simultaneously receiving your Nobel prize and Walk of Fame star.
No. 442449
>>442343>she knows more than a doctor and is going to figure out cures for all these conditions with her own research and supplements instead of medicineAnd of course we won't be "writing out what [she's] taking and how" because she's not a medical professional and wouldn't dream of giving advice which could harm others - or, umm, be quoted at some future date too prove she's a nutjob who believes non cancerous tumors can be cured by a quick astral projection to heaven for some of that angel healing and attuning one's mind to the spice rack…
I've lost track of how many times she's moaned that her channel could not be what she wished it to be because of muh illness. Six two and even says she 'cures' herself inside of three months, ditches the sickie narrative and rides again under the Spurpinklebow banner with a whole new shitshow for the terminally gullible to enjoy.
No. 442458
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For the archives, found amongst her latest flurry of indignant rage against the haterz.
No. 446498
>>446477Oh poor poor Joy.
That said, it's probably because she's got nothing more to offer in terms of a thread.
No. 446543
>>446499>bullying of joyfucking kek.
also, 2 things. 1) who the fuck is Luna Blarp? and 2) don't bother answering 1 because who the fuck cares (apart from you)
also, sage your fucking melodrama
No. 446620
>>446222New thread
>>446617 (sorry, first time, probably looks like hell.)