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No. 413936
Prev threads:
>>66660>>305681"goth" girl instagram/twitter personality
"model/dj" in the way that all girls with some IG following can get a gig every 2 months if they're in LA.
Has begun to take these ventures more seriously landing more gigs and going on small tours/on off dates outside of LA
Used to be a club kid, doesn't go to parties anymore unless she's hosting or dj'ing. Most of the people she partied/associated with 3-4 years ago have expanded into legitimate careers, something layla has notably not done.
Friendships still have a shelf life of 2-3 months
Recently ended the on/off relationship with lil peep to be snatched up by his friend and merch collaborator superrradical owner Tyler Grosso.
Peep is bitter and been seen lurking grossos shit, liking/encouraging shady comments by other people in the scene, urging fans to burn their merch collabs and posting old pics of him with layla with sad captions
Has reigned it in with the mental breakdowns on social media has instead got the supremely trashy love sick nouveau riche route
Her entire brand has now pivoted to an attempt at a courtney/kurt of the soundclout world.
Most of her content is now centered around tyler, their coupling, spending his money, and being a self styled brat
Fashion/marketing school drop out.
Only noteable income seems to be her depop store where among overpriced embroidered hoodies she sells things like her broken off nails or your name written on her face
Shipping times have gotten slower since getting with grosso, who's own shop is notorious for having month long wait times for shipping TOOPOOR
This thread is now open to the larger SoundClout universe.The "SoundClout" umbrella encompasses: rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, "fashion kids", models, and other miscellaneous factors such as the On Some Shit crew
As long as they are involved with the underground scene and have milk they may now be discussed alongside layla.
When posting new faces please include a short rundown of who they are/why they're relevant and the milk. Don't assume people will know who you are talking about, don't post nobodies.
No. 415397
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Even though she's with Tyler I give Layla less than 24hrs to start having a public meltdown bc of this
As for youngcococo shes just a basic ass, no milk there
No. 416014
>>415684>>415397First of all. That tattoo is fucking hideous.
But I want to know who cracked first. Because Layla showed off her crossed out peep tattoo the other day. Did she do it because he did it or vice versa?
No. 416104
>>416014she crossed the peep one out like 3 break ups ago. she still has the gustav one by her wrist so i guess we'll see
Also why is she following bella thorne and lilith levisis? I think that is strange considering all that has happened lol
No. 417178
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Let's talk about this lolll
No. 417400
>>417381Ahhhhh I thought there was like an actual fight between them besides the normal bitchy spats these idiots have, my bad.
>>417178I stg Bella is sucking a new face every week wtf even is this. Why is she so mad when there's so many other worse comments.
It's really unattractive to act that possessive for no reason when she's known to hop around so much, what's her point.
No. 417514
>>417400Apparently Arzaylea said the EXACT same thing when Bella commented on a picture of arzayleas ex.
How anyone can find modsun attractive enough to act this petty over, I will never understand
No. 418045
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who's nose is this?
No. 418223
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>>418045i honestly thought this was cass' bad ps or a nosejob since she has been off ig for a few days but i dont think it would have been enough healing time…
No. 418409
>>418223kek “it’s just contour”. bitch went heavy with her facetune app… or she’s wearing michael jackson’s deathmask.
her nostrils look so jacked up, just comparing them to the threads cover photo makes me suspect it isn’t just makeup.
No. 418602
>>418409LMAO right? Because a hook nose can totally become tiny and upturned because you threw the name of a recognizable brand out there as an excuse. She's on so many drugs I think she believes it too.
>>418330It's cute until you remember who tp is. throwing cash and drugs in her face is the only reason she's "So in love"
No. 418627
>>418045even on her SC vids, she's looking weird.
like she got some shit going on with the filters
and her cam rolls are similar too. she's cooking and it stinks
No. 418903
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>>418727Speaking of, it looks like her and tp are falling out for some reason, but I could be wrong? They don't tune into each other's lives from what i noticed anymore, or hang out.
No. 419073
>>419016fat nick is more popular than any of peeps old emo buddies
hes an opportunist which i guess is smart but the whole scene is pretty gross obviously
No. 419153
>>418748Everyone in LA/NYC would have a different nose after moving there if this was true
>>419016 He still following goth on everything the last I checked and goth is the still commenting on his photos though not as much anymore because he's getting dog piled
And I think the Tracy thing is pretty one-sided because Tracy since about March of this year has refused to play any shows with peep on the bill
>>419150 I heard Cassidy tried to cheat on horse with one of his friends while he was on tour but I'm p sure there was more going on, I wish I had more dirt tbh. But that relationship was doomed from the start Cassidy is an even bigger clout hoe than Layla is.
No. 420019
>>419631Youth Offending Team; stop youths from robbing stores and mugging people in the street
Hardcore bro
No. 420105
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I hope one day TP fondly looks back on her Instagram “career” and glorious moments like this.
Her fishing for attention and comments she doesn’t care about from followers is pathetic, she should try ODing for some grunge points instead of arguing with herself after two vodka cranberries and a shot of Tyler’s baby gravy about a picture she never planned on deleting.
No. 420362
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No. 422241
she needs to go back to black hair and her goth girl bullshit bc this is so fucking boring and lame. like at least then she was pretending to have life goals reselling clothing and designing her own even if it was terrible. i have never understood the appeal of people who post about partying/drug use on instagram, if you have to post about it you're a fuckin lame and you're self conscious as fuck if you always have to prove it. there's no way that kind of personality is actually fun at all to be around making the parties they brag about a complete waste of time and an embarrassment.
most redeeming thing she can do is make up for that HUMILIATING bullshit with peep and just break up with tyler no explanation. he's prob already cheating and he's an ugly asshole who used to hit on bella thorne right before she stole peep lmao, every second she's with him it's a cringefest. it would be cool if she didn't do such predictable bullshit and broke up with him, actually got sober, and took advantage of whatever clout she has now. she could design some shit and she has enough followers they could pay for it, if she saved the money she could do things for herself - that is the only thing that will undermine the rest of the kids she hangs out with, actually growing up. she's what, 25, 26? it's embarrassing and she needs to realize every moment she spends partying now is just going to make it so much worse when she wakes up from this shit. tyler has ALL of the power to break her heart now, if he leaves her who would want her and what would she even do with her life?
tl;dr (sorry guys, lot of feels being about her age and watching her refuse to grow up) she needs to get back her dignity and break up with tyler, hopefully make a statement about standing on her own and getting sober. sobriety makes everyone physically look better so her superficial ass can at least do that. use her current clout to sell some bullshit, make $$$, and brag she did something.
i know she won't, but she lurks here and it would be so much milkier if she stopped this shit and stuck it to peep and the whole crew of guys that just make fun of her. it's way past the point of her being young and dumb, she's turning into that fucked up older woman in the bar people torment for fun.
No. 423932
>>423592Peep moved on to Arzaylea, Bella to Tana Mongoose and then modsun (how does this guy land chicks I do not get it at all).
blackbear remains bitter.
No. 424016
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>>42393299% sure Modsun used this exact same caption but for Hannahbeth when they exploited their own secondhand attempt at a 70’s inspired romance, came out with an ugly clothing line and abused too many flowy floral shirts and bell bottoms in try-hard hippie couples pictures.
Bella Thorne is going to chew this guys heart and dick up and shit ‘em out by next month.
No. 424032
>>424016lol at scary kids scaring kids
this guy was a special guest at this thing i was at and he was the cringiest piece of shit.
No. 424288
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>>424016Sage for out of the loop, but it’s crazy to me that Bella is involved in this shit because she’s moderately famous, or at least she gets a lot of media coverage. Pic attached is from a Daily Mail snapchat feature on her and MS, loving that height difference.
No. 424371
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she's been doing an ok job of hiding it in most pictures but all of this idiot's hair is frying off… or maybe that maureen ponderosa dead tooth is accentuating it more here, idk.
No. 424691
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>>424549why are we still talking about pouya and fat nick being rapists. Isn't exactly new news. I know we're 3 threads deep but seriously people.. do your hw before you post
As for current events, arzaylea and peep have broken up. She's being emotional and he's binging on drugs
No. 425288
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No. 425309
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No. 425311
>>425308re-read the sentence. I think I read the same thing and it said "fentanyl mixed with heroin"
someone said that at the Tucson show random kids came up and gave him random xans - it's been pretty well known for awhile that certain pressers have pressed their xans with fenty/opiates.
No. 425319
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arzalyea just shared some texts and photos / videos. I wonder if she feels guilty because they just broke up and he wrote that shit about dying young and not being happy for more than a minute etc right after. No. 425322
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aw man his last post on instagram was so sweet :( RIP indeed
No. 425336
>>425322honestly looking at posts like these and a lot of his interviews on youtube he seemed like a sweet person, regardless of shitty relationships/ drug habits/ stupid tattoos. damn i didn't expect this i'm genuinely super sad about it
i know there's always the whole "you only like him now that he's dead/ are pretending to have liked them this whole time" thing that happens with practically everyone remotely famous, and he's probably gonna be overhyped from now on, but he did seem like a genuinely ok dude that just came from a really messed up place. i didn't love his music or anything but i always appreciated how much he was into like gerard way era emo music
No. 425340
>>425326>a legendare you retarded, anon?
Sage for non-contribution
No. 425343
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lol at her balding ass head. The nerv that she has to be promoting sugar bear hair gummies but walking around looking like this
No. 425344
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Whether he was high, thought it was a joke or this was his general reaction- people are going to get on Tracy’s ass. So many people are saying they wish it was Yung Goth instead. That’s so fucked up considering he just lost his best friend.
No. 425358
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Man as an experienced and recovered addict if I saw my friend like this my first reaction would be to monitor them, break out the naloxon, check his breathing.
No. 425359
>>425345It's sad that lil peep didn't have people around him who wanted to help him keep clean and keep him from killing himself like Gerard did when he was popping pills and close to dying. The xanax/party culture is too deep and unsympathetic.
I agree with everyone else here that I hope this will make people think twice about the things they take and the things their friends take.
No. 425369
>>425358he looks fucking dead in this. like, no joke, he looks like he’s already died. he’s turning fucking blue for fuck’s sake.
did none of these idiots realize something was wrong? how horrifying. imagine being surrounded by friends and being let down so fucking badly and having to leave this world that way.
rip peep. i’m not surprised but it sucks this happened. with a few more years and better friends and a good therapist i think you could have started to work through your problems and come out the other side in one piece. now you’ll never get the chance.
No. 425376
>>425371>>425375for anyone that isn’t familiar with agonal breathing, here is an accurate rendition of what it sounds like:
> of puts into light how a group of people fucked up out of their minds on drugs thought it could have been snoring. but it definitely wasn’t, and they should have known something was wrong just from his position and pallor.
No. 425389
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No. 425411
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Tweet from Peep’s manager.
Here’s a fucking idea: maybe you should have gone around and ensured that the friends of the CLIENT WHOSE WELFARE YOU’RE RESPONSIBLE FOR knew how to recognize a drug overdose emergency, shown them how to access naloxone when needed, ensured that he would have at least some fighting chance should it ever come to that. For fuck’s sake. Part of a manager’s job is to take measures to ensure that something like this never happens. Peep had a regular revolving door of faces he travelled and hung out with. How hard could it have been to put some Narcan on the tour bus and made sure at least one person knew how and when to use it?
No. 425432
>>425392This is fuckin true. I'm a east coast fag and you literally do you not buy dope here unless it has fentanyl in it, bc it's just better. And no ones selling straight h anymore except maybe Baltimore, New Jersey, Chicago
And honestly these niggaa are so stupid, peep is literally blue in that video, imagine fucking dying as a well known artist with your friends taping you instead of actually helping you not to die. Fentanyl and xanex, they could have saved him actually, even without medicine. They could have given him cpr and chest compressions while having him laid down with his feet elevated. It's a shame bc it works quite well and can make a massive difference. Even if it was just until the ambulance got there. What retards and shit friends. Out of all the clout retards I respected peep the most bc at least he wasn't a piece of shit and had sweet and good intentions. Fucking shame.
No. 425446
>>425438Fr peep was/is connected to Layla and it’s where everyone talks about that circle of people and layla herself here
Chill anon he died and tbh it’s really sad especially with how stupid the group of people he surrounded himself with
No. 425449
>>425438>like this is not a gbc discussion boardthat's literally exactly what it is but ok
you're probably one of those farmers that thinks they're a mod telling everyone to "sage their shit" in every goddamn thread
No. 425451
>>425448I'm OP & feel like such an idiot for leaving photog/videographer out of this but they count as SC too ovbs.
>>425450This thread is SoundClout General now too, peep is soundclout royalty.
Laylas been pretty boring and when I brought up opening it to other SC people in the last thread it received a lot of support/ no backlash
No. 425462
>>425358yeah he was absolutely dying here. if he was takin xan then he would just go in his sleep. agree that the “snoring” was just death rattle.
this is so scary and sad. i feel really awful for layla and i hope she doesn’t do something stupid and end up hurt or worse. i hope this is a wakeup call for everyone involved.
No. 425471
>>425438I mean, this isn't a thread for just Layla, but I agree about the fangirling.
No-one gives a shit about how you felt about Peep personally, based on how he acted he was a shitty manipulative person who pretty constantly promoted drug abuse as some great glamorous thing, not some misunderstood sweetheart musical genius.
I feel bad for his family, but it's not like the world has lost some great visionary or some amazing person lost too soon.
It's not edge here, but it's kind of dumb to start being compassionate and talking about how much you cared about the person after they're dead don't you think? Especially if you're here, on a forum dedicated to mocking them.
No. 425473
>>425471people here aren’t soulless and it’s norma to be shocked and sad at someone’s death, even if they did shitty things and contributed nothing to the world. peep wasn’t some great visionary martyr but no one wanted him to die. and i think many people here actually want to see cows and flakes reverse their bad behavior and improve themselves.
so yes it’s perfectly normal to express remorse and remember the good things about dead people. peep wasn’t a murderer or a rapist, just annoying and reckless.
No. 425477
>>425473It is to some degree, and I agree, there's no reason to want him to die, but seriously, look at some of the replies here, just for some of the more extreme examples
>>425296>>425326>>425336>>425396The outbreak of people acting like they suddenly really cared about him and wanted nothing but the best is insane, considering we've been mocking him and laughing at him acting like a melodramatic idiot for ages now.
People are acting like he's a good person just taken too soon, when like you said, he was reckless, and like he's demonstrated over and over again, was a fucking terrible person who manipulated people constantly, used people to get back at other people, cheated on partners, lied about shit, glamorised drug abuse to an obviously young audience, a whole bunch of shit. It's sad when anyone dies, but he's just a shitty drug addict with a mediocre music career. He doesn't need a memorial.
No. 425514
Bexey deleted the video from his instagram stories. He posted this in his feed saying that peep died in his arms. he looks fucking high, they took so long to realize that peep was dead. I kinda hope lil peep death would be a wake up call for everybody but -i don't mean to sound edgy- I don't really think that this would change anything, they practically live for this aesthetic and even their managers expect they OD in some moment.
No. 425565
>>425411wow. what a piece of shit. i second what you said anon. 1. what an insensitive thing to say and 2. why the fuck didn't he have any emergency precautions for his fucking crew OMFG everyone involved is so retarded
side note I hope Layla is okay :(
No. 425583
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here we go with the social media pissing contests. all of Layla's cronies, and probably Layla herself, will be posting thoughtful messages about Peep, including comments about how Layla was his ~one and only~ despite the fact he had a whole other girlfriend when he passed. the only reason he kept coming back to Layla was bc she stalked his life and put up with his disrespect nonstop, I'm rolling my eyes already thinking about how they'll try to make it seem like Layla and Peep were a love story
No. 425588
>>425580I don't think so, she never got over him (remember all the breakdowns she's had because she tried to get with him again and he kept playing her) and given how obsessed she's always been with Peep I believe she's seriously hurting right now.
If I were one of her friends I'd check on her constantly. She's unstable and who knows what she's going to do
No. 425595
>>425583i think they both were special people to each other. tp is pretty nasty and clout hungry but i think her and peep really did have something. he had another girl but why was he so obsessed with her and tylers relationship on ig?
honestly this is sad but yea im not surprised this thread is so popular right now. back when she first started dating peep her thread was infested with peepettes and i guess they stuck around.
No. 425601
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>>425449Fucking underrated comment
>>425507Then fucking leave Jesus anon when kaddee died no one was like "shut up about kaddee dying it's not like this is a kaddee thread". I sympathize with you on the fangirling, but let the little ones have their fun. The nig died literally just a few hours ago. Wait a few fuckin days before you go around being
triggered by anons saying goodbye to a cow a lot of us dedicated our time to finding milk on. Jesus h Christ
MODS can we get maybe auto-sage for this thread based on this current mourning?
I'm just worried that anons autisim will quickly advance if we don't do something
No. 425616
>>425583"He loved you and died loving you"
What an irresponsible piece of shit tweet. This asshole shipped them so hard they've got the blinders on and are now speaking on behalf of someone who 1. they never knew 2. will never know unless they're super good at using a Ouija Board.
Layla doesn't need any more reason to feel like she's at the center of all of this. Like Anon mentioned, he had a whole few girlfriends since TP.
If TP's mourning gets obsessive she'll lose Grosso and then expect this thread to be lit the fuck up with some extra milky cringe.
No. 425636
>>425616"he loved you" would have been fine but "he died loving you" is such a shitty thing to say. the person who wrote that prob thought they were being slick but it's SO obvious that it's not an innocent condolence, she or he wrote that in hopes of making peep's gf (or any of his other love interests) feel like shit and inferior to Queen Toopoor. "I mean I know he wasn't with you when he died, he was dating someone else but he DIED loving you!" uh no, he died bent as fuck off of opiates and benzos and if he was thinking of ANY woman right before he died, chances are it was the girl he had been in a lover's quarrel with just hours before.
just watch, Layla's friends and stans will start saying (or at least heavily suggesting) shit like "if he was with you, he wouldn't have died" even tho Layla's a wannabe druggie herself and enabled Peep like no other bc she was desperate for him to love her
No. 425658
I've only heard about lil peep through this thread. I found out he died because I happened to be looking at someone else's phone screen while they were browsing their facebook feed.
>>425477Ya, I agree with this. I didn't know very much about him but it is weird people who were trashing him now are saying his death is sooo tragic. Changing your mind about someone because they died is always dumb.
No. 425666
>>425477>>425658Assuming that the people that expressed sorrow every posted before bashing him is also dumb.
Assuming people have changed their mind about how they feel… yup: dumb.
Stop being fucking dumb.
No. 425673
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I keep thinking of Peep’s mom. They were very close and he was clearly a mama’s boy from the way he would talk about her. I can’t imagine what she’s going through. You try to do your best with your children but eventually they grow up into adults with their own, sometimes fatal, flaws. You can’t protect your baby forever.
I hope some of Peep’s soundclout scumbag crew reaches out to her to support her. It’s the very least they could do for playing such a heavy hand in enabling her son down the path of aesthetic lifestyle and self medicating mental illness that took his life.
No. 425677
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So, bets on how long it’ll take for Layla to get a Peep tribute tattoo, and what it might depict/where on her body it’ll be?
No. 425724
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The fact that he had an entire team and not one of them checked was there to check up on him still pisses me off. I get that people party before shows and it was probably routine, but shouldn't there have at least been a bodyguard or his tour manager or someone besides his spun out friends in that bus with him? Especially when everyone knew about his drug abuse problem? Especially when his manager said he was expecting it? What the fuck?
No. 425801
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peep's final gf posted this image to instagram.
throwback or peep's corpse?
No. 425806
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There’s rumours surfacing with this girl and her brother that knowingly gave peep laced xans
No. 425807
>>425542>>425588>>425595i was thinking the same exact thing about the 'just like kurt and courtney uwu' parallels when i heard the news. she got what she glorified, in a sick sort of way. even though they were broken up at the time it seems like the majority of social media remembers peep with layla more than his other relationships. i feel the most for his mom and family, but i'm sure layla's going through some rough emotional shit, lolcow and the internet's cult of personality make it real easy to forget that these are humans behind their dumb personas. i feel for her and i feel worse that i don't really think she or his friends will turn this death into constructive behavior anytime soon
but i do genuinely pity her way more than some of his scummy ass crew, look at the way his fucking manager and tracy reacted to it, look at that bexey moron who made this whole thing way more gruesome and disturbing with that video of his LITERAL DYING BODY. this shit didn't have to be so rough like i feel like all the people this affects the most are so stupid that they're doing everything to make it all look even worse.
what sucks is it hasn't even been a full day and layla/gus are already being way over romanticized as some kind of tragic love story by their creepy little stans and that's not gonna do SHIT to help layla's situation. i wonder how much she's going to regret things she shouldn't even feel obliged to regret given how unhealthy/ manipulative their dynamic was, like (>>425677 beat me to it but) is she gonna regret covering tattoos of his name up? is she going to get an even bigger one in his memory now? probably
i also find the level of bella thorne being relevant to him to be overblown, they literally dated for like one day. but i guess it's because she's the only high-profile celeb involved in this
No. 425823
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No. 425831
>>425356sophmoric junkies always care about themselves first, sad but true. They figure he'll be fine, he does this all the time. Can't call the cops, we'll get arrested because drugs!
I hate this attitude so many young people have. If a person is dead/dying, the cops/EMTs are going to prioritize that, not the fact that someone maybe has drugs on them.
No. 425852
>>425831Honestly junkies piss me off so much. Peep just literally died on that bus and was obviously presenting the signs of OD and they were all too fucked up to notice or care, instead taking a video of him literally dying “oh he’s snoring lol #drugs amirite?” All of you dumbfucks failed him. Agonal breathing usually means the chance of recovery is better, too. They could’ve saved him.
I just hope Layla doesn’t double down on the drug use and goes to rehab.
No. 425857
>>425855People can die from taking a benzo and then having a glass of wine hours later. It can and does happen. You don’t have to be a hardcore xannie addict to die from mixing the 2.
Source: shrink threatened to section me when I told her I was drinking wine with klonopin to sleep because she thought I was trying to kill my self.
No. 425877
>>425871Fucked up. You'd think they'd at least check to see if they could wake him.
Looking at the table I think I can just see empty bags / pipes
No. 425884
>>425875So all his friends thought it was perfectly acceptable for peep to be passed out literally at the exact time he was supposed to be on stage.
What a great group of people.
No. 425892
>>425886You can be in agonal respiration’s for hours before dying. It looks like that’s what happened to peep.
…which means they just sat around getting high while he slowly died. holy fuck.
No. 425895
I wonder how long he would have been left there for if his manager hadn't been to check on him.
I don't believe that it was normal for him to be in that position without moving for hours, particularly if he was planning on playing a gig.
>>425893The girl who gave him the laced xanax has already disappeared from the internet but people seem to be trying to track her down and I assume it's the same for the guy in the video
No. 425900
>>425895tbh i’m more pissed about the retards he was partying with. like lacing shit isn’t cool (assuming she did and the xanax/booze combo didn’t do him in) but buying drugs is risky and why should you trust some rando drug dealer? his friends should’ve been looking out for him but they didn’t.
people are saying it was laced because “peep knew his limits” but it’s not about limits. any seasoned druggie can go at any time on any amount. a cokehead can die from a bump. booze and benzos just stop your breathing in your sleep randomly, that’s all it takes.
No. 425910
>>425601Only issue I ever had was the fangirling honestly. It's fair enough to say it's sad he died, but people are acting like it's some huge loss.
Don't think it's the same as Kadee's death though, there wasn't much fangirling over it, just people not believing her and some people saying that it's sad she didn't seek treatment instead.
>>425666What are you even trying to say? And it doesn't matter if you "changed your mind" after he died if you've been hanging around on a forum which constantly shat on him without saying anything.
Peep isn't less of a piece of shit because he died, there's absolutely no reason to change your opinion about who he was. It's sad he died, but drug addicts die all the time.
>>425685>a lot of people admired peep's talent, image, and legacy.Ignoring that his music was trash, what legacy? He was a mediocre soundcloud guy, he's not going to change the world or any of that shit.
>>425893Holy shit are you retarded? Odds are these people have no idea what agonal respiration even is, and just didn't realise he was dying, what fucking point is there to find out who they are and rip into them and blame them for it on social media? Unless someone knowingly sold him laced shit and didn't tell him (which I don't think there's any evidence for), the only person at fault for Peep overdosing is Peep.
It's sad he's dead, but you can't go and trash people for lack of medical knowledge.
No. 425912
>>425910>What are you even trying to say? That this is an anonymous board so it's stupid to try to say that people posting they are sad posted previously that peep was scum.
The people saying they are sad may have never posted before, so saying that they "changed their opinion" makes you look like a retard.
Sad that I had to spell that out to you, you are clearly not very bright
No. 425919
>>425911Yeah, I'm sure you're not a fan at all, what with comments like
>it won't be long before you find a huge number of posts from fans who are saying peep's music pulled them through depression/some of the roughest times of their livesAlso are you retarded? This is a board literally dedicated to shitting on people, and your criticism is that I sound like a dick?
Also I'm kind of curious, what did he actually do that helped people through tough times? Was it glamorising drug use and mental illness? Writing songs that glamorised those things?
>>425912Sure, and I can't say for individual posters, but if you're hanging out on a place specifically designed to mock people, in a thread specifically for someone, it's fucking stupid to act like we need to now show respect. He's not a better person because he OD'd.
You're acting like it somehow makes it less ridiculous that the thread has filled up with fangirls claiming he's a legend and changed peoples lives just because those same fangirls might not have shat on him before.
If you want to start a fucking memorial for him, go do it on tumblr or twitter or some shit.
No. 425926
>>425922Fair, should have done that earlier.
>>425921I'll ask again. Did you forget where we are? No-one comes here to be respectful.
No. 425931
>>425910it’s not even about whether they knew what agonal breathing is. him lying there, mouth agape, IS NOT NORMAL. druggies not even making sure he was just sleeping is irresponsible - and even if they were 100% certain he was snoring and not dying, why wouldn’t they move him to his side so he didn’t potentially choke on vomit? this is shit drug addicts know. and they left him to “sleep” when he was supposed to be on stage. medical knowledge or not, this is basic shit and his friends deserve to be dragged.
also we get it, you hated his music. no one cares. i’ve never even heard a song of his and it’s still sad to see him go. you sound like fucking onion right now.
No. 425934
>>425931also, there’s a screenshot of messages that says someone attempted to wake him up and he wouldn’t, and someone replied that it was weird he didn’t wake up right away because he’s a light sleeper.
they were trying to wake up a dying man, he didn’t, and they were just like “haha weird oh well” instead of calling 911. they’re fucking idiots and deserve some blame.
No. 425941
>>425937The fact that he used drugs doesn't make him a bad person. If you're mentally ill seeking out 'actual help' is easier said than done
>>425938I think everyone who was there is trying to backtrack. Bexeyswan, the bff/brother has posted a rant about how peep was just sleeping in the video he posted on his story
No. 425945
>>425944oh my b. i think something glitched. i was actually responding to
>>425937 , a condescending dickhead
No. 425946
>>425941No where did I say that using drugs made him a bad person.
Simply pointed out that he chose to self medicate for his mental illness and that being mentally ill doesn't make it ok to glamourize drug use. Which Peep did.
No. 425949
>>425358Peep is 100% already fucking dead here. The “snoring” heard by this idiot was likely cheynne strokes respirations.. the final
breaths the body is attempting to take against his CNS being depressed due to the overdose. The “oh” his friend says at the end of the video is haunting.
For people in the drug scene they are pretty fucking stupid. It makes me sad to think that he may have been saved with some narcan and quick medical care.
No. 425951
>>425946I just disagree with 'trying to excuse his abuse of drugs' considering he was mentally ill. It's a coping mechanism.
And if he was a serious addict, it's expected that drugs would be mentioned in his songs, since they were obviously a big part of his life.
No. 425961
>>425947>Do you know how much easier it is to self medicate than actually go and get help?I do but I am not here to blogpost.
>>425951He did a lot more than mention drug use in his songs. Kid had a fucking xanax bar tattooed on his body and was regularly posting pics/videos of his drug use on social media.
I am by NO means saying that because he glamorized the use of drugs that he deserved to die. But being mentally ill doesn't suddenly make unhealthy coping mechanisms healthy.
No. 425988
>>425976He met with fans before the show, went back on the bus during the opening acts, this is when he died/the police arrived
There's this video: is of people being escorted out of the venue. I'd guess that the story was already spreading by this point since you can hear a combination of 'what the fuck/why's it cancelled etc' and something about him overdosing
No. 426002
guys, remember: aspies lack empathy. let
>>425910 anon sperg out, she'll get tired eventually
No. 426011
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wait, what?
No. 426020
>>426011This is stupid. That doesn't make Layla a suspect of anything besides being a bitch. But we already knew that.
People just need to except that OD deaths are extremely common and stop looking for scapegoats. I get that it sucks and it's tough to think about, but Peep wasn't untouchable. Drugs don't care who you are.
No. 426023
>>426014while that does sound like some shit layla would do its a lot more likely it just pushed him to get take more xans to get even more fucked up and they happened to be laced
if anyones to blame is the girl who gave him the xans and his shitbag crew
No. 426027
>>426011i'm pretty sure they're referencing the ig post of layla crying where peep says some shit like "why r u being petty u showed me a vid of u sucking a guys dick" that was posted in the /mu/ thread
which has been floating around for a year and is the image for
>>305681 No. 426029
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>>426011This makes no sense. "the screen shots looked as if it were taken from peeps phone" So what, he leaked the screenshots of their "last conversation" for what…? "before 4chan possible removes them"? And everyone's apparently saying the girl didn't even know what a xan was?
>>426027That's probably what it was, espically since it just got reposted everywhere a few days ago and is making rounds again. Bad timing.
No. 426038
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No. 426048
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No. 426052
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literally EVERYTHING at this point aside from gustav being dead from an overdose is gossip. hearsay does not confirm shit, official statements and photographic evidence would
No. 426091
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I don't GAF about peep but this picture shows what a baby he really was. He looks like a child. He WAS a child.
No. 426093
>>426090Yeah; I didn't mean to post that to give these internet detectives any credibility, but that rumor is really spreading around twitter, so I figured I'd post it.
No. 426100
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>>426088woah, that's crazy. do you guys really think it was a murder??
No. 426215
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These pppped up on my fb feed not sure if they've been posted here
No. 426221
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>>426220Shit ignore that sorry on mobile won't let me delete
No. 426231
>>426230My doctor directly told me that you can't overdose on actual xanax, even when mixed with booze. He said that you can take 50 pills and just sleep it off for a few days. Sorry I'll believe an actual doctor who prescribes them instead of a random on a gossip website.
He died because the fentanyl and possibly the roxies, that's it. There's nothing more to discuss.
No. 426232
>>426230I've been talking benzos for more than ten years for legit reasons. Doctors hand them to depressed people for a reason : you have to go out your way to die from them alone.
I'm totally believing it could have been a contributing factor if he was also doing oxy or maybe that it was laced.
But come on, noone dies from downing 'several tabs' of Xanax. That's downright idiotic. Also, you don't die from Xanax and one wine glass, the doctor was just trying to scare you so you wouldn't do shit.
No. 426236
>>426234No. People are outraged and in shock so they're searching for an easy target to scapegoat.
If Peep truly mixed oxy, benzo, and booze he toasted himself. Pure and simple.
No. 426238
>>426232>>426231And my doctor told me that mixing alcohol and benzos is playing with fire. What’s your point? There’s plenty of documentation supporting that benzo+booze combo is dangerous if not fatal.
There is no real source on the drugs being laced. It’s a bunch of benzo abusers on social media not wanting to believe their favorite drug combination can kill them. It sounds like you’re in the same boat.
No. 426241
>>426238Kek. Watch out for that Xanax OD epidemic, it only takes 3 tabs and a beer!
What is your medical documentation? Fear mongering websites for old people?
Stop spreading misinformation, please.
No. 426244
>>426241lol why are you so defensive about your benzo addiction? why would you want to promote abusing xanax, even if it really couldn’t kill you?
i’m sorry your drug of choice might be fatal but stop detailing. this is about peeps fatal od, not your inevitable one.
No. 426249
>>425930I already explained this. See here
>>425477>People are acting like he's a good person just taken too soon, when like you said, he was reckless, and like he's demonstrated over and over again, was a fucking terrible person who manipulated people constantly, used people to get back at other people, cheated on partners, lied about shit, glamorised drug abuse to an obviously young audience, a whole bunch of shit.He was a shitty person because almost everything he did was selfish.
And no, in no way do most 21 year olds consistently cheat on and treat their partners like shit, that says a lot more about you than anything else.
>>425935Nah, lil peep played up his issues pretty obviously. I think most people in that crowd have got problems, but he acted insanely melodramatic over shit.
It's not the drug use that's the problem, as people said, drug use should be treated as an illness, but there's a big gap between simply using them yourself, and making them out to be a cool thing and glamorising drug abuse and mental illness.
Also I don't think I said anywhere that he deserved to die, I simply said that the fangirl bullshit is annoying, and we should keep in mind who he actually was, not the dumb image we get of who people were after they died, where we ignore the reality.
There are other people being morons in the thread with opinions similar to mine, but I'm not at all arguing that he deserved death, or that it's a good thing, nor have I implied that anywhere.
>>426002I've said a fair few times I empathise with his family, and think that his death is sad. Literally all I've been saying is that we should be honest about who he actually was.
This is my last reply on the topic, I've made my point pretty clearly a bunch of times now, and obvious peepettes are just ignoring what I'm saying and acting like I'm glad he's dead and think he deserved it. Rethink your life if you're spending your time defending a dead soundcloud rapper in a thread dedicated to shitting on said clique.
>>426230Unless you're mixing drugs, it's insanely hard to OD on benzo's alone.
Here's some proof for Xanax in particular,021434s006lbl.pdf>The acute oral LD50 in rats is 331-2171 mg/kg. Other experiments in animals have indicated
that cardiopulmonary collapse can occur following massive intravenous doses of alprazolam(over 195 mg/kg; 975 times the maximum recommended daily human dose of 10 mg/day).
You can technically overdose on them, but it barely ever happens unless people are using other depressants alongside it. You're not going to die from a few pills and a couple drinks, you'll just be pretty fucking out of it.
No. 426251
>>426249More on topic, where are these rumors of laced pills even coming from? I've not really seen anyone even say why they think it was the case, let alone like was mentioned earlier any sort of actual evidence.
Is this just flat out made up stuff?
No. 426253
>>426249people have been saying that it’s booze and benzos (2 depressants) that fuck you up, not benzos alone. keep up.
>>426251pure hearsay and some out of context messages. this mariah chick disappearing seems to have fueled the fire but if i’d been the last person to sell someone drugs before they died i’d disappear too. the drug dealer who sold kadee heroin got charged with manslaughter so even if the pills weren’t laced, they could still be charged.
No. 426254
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>>426251I think it was because there was a girl who posted online about being with him and giving the drugs to him. Search up ‘laced’ on twitter and you can’t find tweets similar.
No. 426256
Just thought it important to mention: if peep took something cut w fent, that doesn't mean it was "laced," or that he took it w/o knowing exactly what it was. Fent gets you really, really high. The effects can be extremely desirable. There's certainly a chance he could have sought it out. I'm not trying to tinfoil or anything, but he definitely could have taken whatever cut with fent FOR the fent.
That being said, when junkies nod off it's usually only for like a min and then they come to again, sometimes continuing the conversation like nothing happened. When you lead a certain lifestyle, sometimes you do just end up passing out, sitting up, wherever you happen to be. I really do not think peep's dead in bexey's video. Based on the amount of time he (peep) was passed out for and that there are other photos of him sleeping in that same position at different times (idr where I saw them exactly, I think it was some weird tp/peep stan account that showed up on my IG dash), I do believe it's likely he was just passed out hard, and that his friends had seen him passed out in that position before.
The timing, too, fits with a party lifestyle. You typically end up sleeping noon-8/9pm, which corresponds with the timeline. Also, agonal breathing aside, a corpse just gives off a different "vibe" than a living body. Call me a hippie (actually, please don't), but there'd be a certain "aura" of death about his body. I feel heartbroken for his mother, but happily she seems to be coping well so far. I hope his fans will get her through this horrible experience.
No. 426267
>>426253It is, but you really do need to take a lot of both unless you've got serious other complications. Polydrug use of any kind is more dangerous, but it's not so dangerous that it'll go from needing say 10g of a substance to dying after only a couple tablets and a glass of wine. You'll be hit way harder than you would if you just added the effects of the two together still, don't get me wrong, but you won't die.
Last part is what I'd assumed too. I'd seen a bit of what
>>426254 mentioned, but I just didn't see anything to say that it was intentionally selling him laced shit, let alone that he didn't want it, it's not like fentanyl gives you an unpleasant high.
Hopefully the people around him can come to terms with the reality of his death, that he was an addict and overdosed, as a lot of addicts do.
No. 426286
>>426283Unless you're so seriously mentally ill that you're disabled, you can still control your actions and make choices, yes.
People with mental illness and drug addictions still are autonomous beings able to make decisions, it just impacts which decisions they're likely to make.
In fact any recovery process will highlight that you need to choose to want to recover to successfully do so.
Peep wasn't disabled, he was a guy who had some pretty apparent personality issues and made a huge amount of bad decisions that led to his death. That's without making any other assertions on his character.
No. 426289
>>426283They're things you can do something about but I doubt he was in that state of mind to, so at this time, he couldn't have stopped it, no.
But they are things that can kill you, regardless. If you get involved in any drug scene you will know people who die, people who do stints in institutions, who convert into alcoholics or struggle with depression later in life etc etc.
It's just the reality of drugs.
No. 426311
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No. 426315
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this thread better not get flooded with lil peep retards like this..
No. 426319
>>426316alright grandma but your friends shouldn't just let you die right next to them.
of course it's his fault for taking the drugs. no one forced him to do it. but do you honestly feel that if someone overdoses fatally, the people sitting around them have absolutely no responsibility to say "hey he doesn't look okay maybe we should check on him" and should just let the person die?
friends need to look out for each other. that's what being a friend is. yes, you're personally responsible for not taking too many drugs and endangering yourself. but that doesn't mean that people should watch you die and record it on snapchat instead of oh, I don't know, calling an ambulance.
No. 426323
>>426316My group of friends like to take drugs, we would not film someone passed out like that without making sure they are actually okay, I have woken my friends up to prevent them vomitting in their sleep, put them in the recovery position and taken them to hospital when needed.
This is what pisses people off, if your friends are doing drugs and pass out you should check on them and know the fucking warning signs regarding OD's, they aren't fucking 14 these people are adults who should know better.
And as far as I'm aware both Marilyn and Elvis were alone when they died and died quite quickly, lil peep was clearly unconscious for some time, in front of his friends and apparently none of them thought to do anything about it besides film him and then to leave him alone in that state.
I don't even like him or Layla but what shitty "friends"
No. 426346
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is this really peep? I found it on reddit but I’m having a hard time believing anyone at the wake would really take a picture like this…..? Spoiler because possibly upsetting, it’s “him” in a coffin.
No. 426363
>>426319Sure, but when you surround yourself with dope addicts, shit like this happens. People do not act responsibly when under the influence of drugs. I mean, this is not rocket science. But in any case, I have a strong suspicion someone
did notice but no one called 911 because OMG I the cops will know we were taking illegal drugs!!
No. 426372
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>>426360because he was edgy an made pictures in a coffin
No. 426448
>>426352Holy shit some of you are retarded.
There is no reputable source about the pills because the only reputable source is a toxicology report and that takes time. Sometimes months.
No one will be arrested for murdering peep when his cause of death has not been set.
And no, his fucking body isn't going to be released to his family for a wake less than 48 hours after he died. GET A CLUE.
No. 426480
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No. 426593
>>426585I think tyler's probably feeling guilty and layla is regretting spending the last few months just trying to make peep jealous etc. Her latest insta spam suggests that she still loved / had strong feelings for peep
I'd be quite surprised if her and tyler even remained friends.
No. 426650
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Oh my god people are actually believing this Mariah Bons bullshit
No. 426667
>>426665There's absolutely no evidence I've seen for her giving him laced drugs that kill him, because there's no tox report.
It's just people making shit up because they're incapable of thinking that maybe a drug addict just OD'd normally, without it being some big conspiracy.
No. 426668
>>426665She didn't brag about giving him laced drugs, and she hasn't been arrested
Oh and Tyler wasn't Peep's friend.
No. 426708
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No. 426821
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No. 426823
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No. 426903
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also i didn't expect his mom to facetime at the memorial. i'm not sure i could be able to have the same gratitude if i were in her shoes, we know damn well peep's friends were enablers till the very end.
No. 426917
>>426909>parentsHis father was never in his life, so wtg show you don’t know what you’re talking about.
His mother is by all accounts a very normal person, not white trash at all. She’s a high school teacher. see her on the left.
Sometimes the kids of perfectly normal and functional people go off the rails. It happens. Doesn’t make her white trash.
No. 426984
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20 yr old kid with a serious addiction to xanax and instagram smh
No. 427015
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No. 427016
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No. 427037
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No. 427058
>>427046Yeah like honestly peep seemed like a vibrant kid, of course he's going to remember his happy brother. But his happy brother also dropped out of school and admitted to being hooked on heroin for a small part of his pre-come up adolescence, and that's real and telling too.
Honestly I can't believe he's talking to media this early on, the body's practically still warm
No. 427062
>>426271, it doesn't matter
No. 427079
>>427041you're right. literally anyone has the resources to buy better drugs even through the fucking clearnet. only the most retarded people do dph especially in the position she's in right now. best case scenario, she's seeing millions of bugs crawling and warping around. worst case scenario, she'll be talking to lil peep, get a reality break once the hallucination of his body disappears, realize he isn't actually there, and that he died. it's just going to push a grieving person over the edge either way.
anons who said they hope she'll change her life around earlier itt have put too much faith in her. she's gonna end up the same way soon.
No. 427123
>>426921I don’t think it’s fair to place blame on the Mom. I’m sure he was a very different person when he was visiting home. She probably didn’t realize the depths of his issues. And he lived far away from home anyway so there was only so much she could do regardless.
Also, do people think Layla and Tyler broke up? It def wouldn’t be surprising but I saw some people mentioning that Tyler deleted all pics with her and suddenly Layla is back to being surrounded by her friends. I thought it was interesting that Cass (hotelshrimp) posted an ig story of layla’s Apartment saying “it’s good to be home” which def speaks to how toxic Layla and Tyler’s relationship probably was. It seemed like they were only focused on themselves and their drug/money binges for that month or so they were together.
I think Layla does some shitty stuff and is definitely annoying, but ultimately I do hope this was a wake up call for her. Drop the toxic boyfriend, control your drug use and surround yourself by people who legitimately care for you.
No. 427303
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Sorry but reading through the thread the last few days all i can think of is this scene from peep show
No. 427367
>>427098you sound like you're underestimating benadryl and deliriants greatly. benadryl is one of the worst drugs you can abuse. it comes with a terrible body load and does a number on your kidneys, bladder, and liver along with emotionally and psychologically fucking you up. shooting up some heroin or smoking some meth sounds a lot more appealing like
>>427041 said, there's much better drugs she can easily get her hands on.
No. 427388
>>427380Even if it was cut with something, unless they have proof that she knew and Peep didn't want it they're witch hunting for no reason.
Like people have said earlier in the thread, fent isn't some poison, it'll get you high as fuck, and loads of people want that. There wouldn't be a fentanyl crisis if it was shit and undesirable, loads of addicts will buy products cut with it because it's so much stronger than most other opiates.
I wish people could just recognise that people die, having fans doesn't mean that you dying is the result of some huge conspiracy, people die all the time.
No. 427441
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No. 427444
>>427400Exactly, you'd think people would at least wait for the tox screen to come out before they start claiming it was cut with specific drugs.
And I doubt it will either, junkies overdose all the time, if we arrested their dealer everytime an addict died there'd be no drug dealers left in the country.
No. 427461
>>427444they're in denial. they all love to abuse benzos and shit and don't want to believe that they could go any time, just like peep. there's gotta be a scapegoat so they have an excuse to keep getting fucked up every night.
>>427400i don't think she'll get arrested whether she laced it or not but these assholes are literally hounding her off the internet and her rep will probably be trashed irl as well if it turns out she's innocent and just gave him regular xanax.
would've been nice for post malone to be the voice of reason but he's fucked up all the time too, so too much to expect.
No. 427474
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>>427380Looool all peeps friends were dragging post for this
No. 427491
>>427380wow, post melone is a fucking dumbass.. how can you criticise people for turning an unnessesary death into a warning message for young people?? ya ok he is dead but in a few months nobody will talk about this anymore, so why not use the attention to steer kids away from abusing drugs?
Peep didn't just take drugs in private or to party or whatever, it was part of his BRAND which he was selling to teens. This cool aesthetic is dangerous and he fell victim to it. these people must have forgotten how impressionable kids are? what a fucking retard.
No. 427510
>>427465Even if there was some big ~conspiracy~, no one is probably going to jail for involuntary manslaughter.
Cops don't give a flying fuck about junkies.
Look at kurt cobain… there's a LOT of evidence of Foul Play, but the Seattle Police Department gave no fucks.
And Kurt Cobain was way more important than Lil peep
No. 427513
>>427490In what world is fent cheaper than heroin for a dealer? Fent prescriptions aren't exactly handed out easily, and it's fucking tiny in dosages, why would dealers cut their product with a harder to get product that doesn't actually add to the effect at all, or create a more intense addiction? There are people higher up the chain than dealers who do add other substances to the shit the dealers buy, fent generally comes in from international factories, which your local heroin dealer sure as fuck doesn't have access to. Odds are most of the dealers selling cut product don't even know that it's cut in the first place.
People generally don't ask for fent, but they're sure as fuck going to buy from the guy with the heroin that's strong as fuck, even if that's because it's cut with another opiate.
Fentanyl absolutely is added because it increases the potency of the drug, it's insanely euphoric, just has a shorter term effect, otherwise surely they'd just cut it with some harmless shit that costs like six dollars a kilogram?
Kind of ironic someone claiming that local heroin dealers are cutting heroin with fentanyl is accusing others of not doing their research though.
>>427510Yeah, the heroin addict who had attempted suicide in the recent past who was literally saved by the person who apparently killed him was clearly murdered, no way that could have been a suicide.
Kurt conspiracy tards are just as bad as the people claiming Peep was murdered.
No. 427520
>>427518Yeah, because your average dealer absolutely has the necessary chemical skills to synthesise fucking fentanyl.
Here's an example of the process by the way, no idea how reliable, but do you honestly think that anyone without training in the industry could follow this? alone accessing and synthesising all of the precursors?
Fentanyl's price per dosage is definitely part of why it's being sold, but it's also because the high is super fucking strong, just doesn't last long. If it didn't have a significant euphoric effect, they'd cut with a significantly cheaper easier to access drug or chemical.
No. 427524
>>427520Someone who doesn't know how to make it could just buy it from someone who does. And yeah it's used to make the high more powerful/addictive so that people keep coming back (if they survive it)
>>427521If she was in custody I'm pretty sure it would have hit at least one news site. There's still zero evidence.
No. 427529
>>427524Which they do, and those people are chemists in other countries, which is how they get it.
The dealers do not know how to make the substance, or know people who know how to make it, and aren't personally cutting it, they're just buying it from someone who buys it from someone else who maybe is cutting it there, or it could be cut before it's even distributed.
Your local heroin dealer doesn't have a fentanyl source of his own, generally.
No. 427614
>>427580Old? Isn't she like 19?
She def does look haggard for her age though, the tattoos, drinking, smoking, and pounds of makeup do not help her at all.
No. 427623
>>427580peep was a good looking dude but he was plastered in shitty tattoos and got fucked up probably every night of his life. him and layla just had similar interests.
i don’t think layla is ugly tbh. she’s got a fucked up head but she has a nice body. most people have some sag to their tits so whatever. the worst thing about her is how grody she is
No. 427632
>>427520>>427524>>427529The shit is made in China and it's cheap. There is no plant growth cycle or geographic or seasonal specificity like for heroin. It's travelling entirely outside the prescription system.
>>427530>>427531No she didn't personally lace his drugs, dealers are crushing up the pills and re-pressing them with this shit added in. She delivered drugs to him that may or may not have been laced, she may or may not have told him, and he may or may not have cared about that. This is why the "murder" claims are silly.
No. 427648
>>427580i dont know either.
i think it was probably a combo of first major love, which always leaves big feelings behind. i think they just had that unspeakable thing that connects you to another person… this sounds gay af lol but i honestly believe these two had that thing. i don't like layla and was indifferent toward peep but you can't deny they seemed to really actually love each other
No. 427651
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No. 427659
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>>427652Yeah, looks like it
No. 427687
>>427652His & Hers
Pretty sad
No. 427769
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>>427123Yes like I thought, Layla seems to have dropped Tyler. She's posting all kinds of memories of her relationship with peep. I understand the mourning but if you already have a boyfriend its weird, a lot of what she is posting of her previous relationship with peep is romantic and super disrespectful to tyler.
Which is most likely why he posted this. Layla stays grimey no mater what situation.
No. 427780
>>427769Honestly it's more like she was dating Tyler specifically to try to make peep jealous. The things she would post (the road head picture, talking about how Tyler's dick is bigger than a bottle of smart water) was all a show for peep to see that she moved on all to get a reaction out of him.
Now that he's gone there no need for the show. She wanted peep to feel what she felt about Bella. Like we've all been petty lets not act like we haven't been.
I think when she heard about peep she just snapped. No more audience for the show, she realized that it was all in vain, that instead of just making amends with peep and telling him how she really felt she wasted time putting on a show and now she probably feels a little misdirected animosity towards Tyler for wasting time with him when she could have been reconnecting with peep.
She played a dude no doubt but this is an extreme situation that no one could have predicted.
No. 427850
>>427780Of course it's an extreme turn of events, even if I wasn't a fan at all of peeps lifestyle and music I couldn't help feeling so sad that he died. No one deserves that.
But tbh your whole post pretty much proved my point that Layla is a grimey player in any situation. Instead of coming together and supporting each other she goes fuck all to Tyler. After all the treatment he gave her nonetheless. Don't even get me started on how fake she's being suddenly friends with Cass again after completely dropping the girl previously for seemingly no reason.
No. 427861
>>427850i feel weird defending her right now but this isn't someone she broke up with 3 years ago. they were together until a couple months ago, and everyone knows how much layla has always been obsessed with peep. i don't think posting pics and videos of him right after he died is disrespectful, layla and him weren't a couple anymore and tyler and him weren't friends anymore when he died but they both chose to remember him by celebrating the relationships they
used to have
besides if tyler didn't want to get hurt he should have known better than to start dating right after she broke up with peep in the first place, when she was obviously looking for a rebound. and it's not like they were gonna get back together after what happened now.
No. 427926
>>427367but maybe she is just congested from crying/wants to sleep
kind of unfair of all the anons to just assume she is bragging about getting turnt on nyquil from one out of context photo
especially after her exes death
>>427380so disappointing that even Post Malone is spreading fucking unsubstantiated twitter rumors. I expected better of him.
>>427648lol I understand your post anon and I agree.
>>427650I think Layla can be a clown but I don't find her ugly at all. She has weird features but they work well together. Also, I feel so bad for her rn bc it's obvious her and peep both still had feelings for each other. The Tyler shit was a show and we all knew it. The fact that no one is even thinking about that arzaylea chick he dated for a month b4 he died says a lot. Also fuck peepettes attacking Layla. She lost someone very close to her, meanwhile, they didn't even fucking know him.
>inb4 random anons scream stop romanticizing them!!!I'm aware they had a
toxic relationship. Most of us on this thread are aware of that. That doesn't mean I can't make the obvious observation that he was indeed in love with her.
>>427780ia and find it tragic. it's crazy to me how hard ppl are going at her right now.
>>427861you're right. he's an asshole for not being understanding.
>>427857lol this
No. 427930
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No. 427938
I just wasn't sure if there was beef since I wasn't keeping up much other than Layla got with him
>>427904Don't get your knickers in a knot, it was a simple question from curiosity
No. 428147
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Tyler just posted this
No. 428331
>>428042It wasn't a social event. On Cassidy's live of peeps memorial Layla was on FaceTime the whole thing. She was sobbing the entire time. When everyone tried to get her to come she told them she hadn't eaten or slept since and could barely see straight and was afraid of crashing her car. Cass told her that she'd come over after the memorial and spend time with Layla and Layla asked her to pick her up some zzzquil because she needed to try to get some sleep.
She was showing the bottle in her snap because everyone heard her asking for it on live and she was basically showing that cass came through. She's not getting fucked up off a single bottle of zzzquil.
No. 428687
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Arzaylea is actually making something good out of this situation with her charity. I'm really hoping that some of Peeps xanax-romanticising rapper friends will share and support this.
Saw on his moms ig that she expected both Gustav and Arzaylea for thanksgiving, so I guess their relationship was getting kind of serious
No. 428738
>>428737I dunno if I agree really, if it's all going towards charitable causes I think it's perfectly reasonable.
If they held it in a month no-one would care I don't think.
No. 428746
>>428737You mean the friends that let him die while they partied on the tour bus and took videos laughing at how fucked up he was?? The friends that made the calls to get the very drugs he od-ed on?
Fuck his "friends" and fuck Layla too. Acting like a widow when she was fucking peep's buddy.
Arzaylea is the only one that seems like she is trying to make something positive out of this.
No. 428750
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That organization is a charity the same way to write love on her arms is lmao & I can't articulate why it feels off to me but I saw a lot of people that spent time trashing that scene and peep be taken aback by how tacky it is too idk.
No. 428765
>>428759This. From what I can see, she's grieving in a really, for want of a better word, positive way, by helping those around her while working through the feelings.
It's pretty insane that the people who instantly started a conspiracy theory that he was poisoned by his drug dealer with no evidence, and have been witchhunting some innocent person since are judging someone for holding a charity event in his name.
No. 428789
>>428759 I think she is truly grieving whilst layla is just pure cringe rn…I mean wasn't she the one telling him directly in her live from vegas he should leave her alone bc she is so truly happy with tyler and just wishes he'd be just as happy with az like concentrating on her only? And what happened to spookybaby btw? A few days ago they where like publicly proclaiming their love for each other but since peep died she has vanished from laylas life (or the other way around)
These people are all completely lost and tbh the only person (and I strongly disliked her actually before this whole shit show went down) I kind of respect now is azeylea or what ever her @ is
Just saying
No. 428796
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I'm sorry I just can't with those people ugh
No. 428798
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No. 428803
>>428789that spookybaby girl posted a screenshot of texts with peep that was kind of telling imo. she was probably peep's side piece and layla didn't know. people give layla shit for the infamous video thing (which she has denied over and over saying that it was a video of her sniffing coke off someone's dick, but who knows) and they tend to forget that peep was pretty unfaithful. not that it matters now, but you know
>>428798wait, is this recent? im not seeing anything from her on my ig feed for some reason
No. 428807
>>428797But it means she should stop trying to overshadow his actual real gf with whom he might could have had a real future… like try to support a sister?!
Cass also said in her live today when asked how she is doing they never had any contact whatsoever but she is probably hopefully fine end of story… nice one js
No. 428825
>>428803Yeah lol Peep had a London gf he had kept it hush hush too
And I realized I just think it's mark af to have people become SoundClout dare officers as a result of this. Everyone knows drugs are bad & nothing's gonna stop kids that wanna do drugs from doing drugs, peep ovbiously wanted to do drugs. The only thing that could have saved him and other dumbfuck kids was harm reduction education.
No. 428839
>>428825You're right that people do tend to become totally anti-drugs over deaths like this, but I feel like loads of people don't few Xanax as that bad, because it's a pharmacy drug rather than some street shit.
Raising awareness about the fact that Xanax can be really dangerous in certain situations is pretty important.
Also why mention that he had a London gf if you're not going to tell us anything about her? Do you have any evidence that he did?
No. 428849
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is it her? no one is gonna harass a random girl over a dead person, you might as well tell us
No. 428890
>>428756shut up. they posted a screencap.
>>428813what did they say?
>>428845yeah, I also don't understand what anon was trying to say.
>>428854sucks that everyone keeps painting Layla as this horrible cheater and that's why she lost him when he was actually the one who cheated all the time..ugh
also why cheat on arz? she is super pretty and seems sweet
No. 428893
>>428890the texts were about peep asking spookybaby to come over. nothing too blatant/explicit but that was my takeaway. maybe it happened before she became friends with layla
about this other girl, he was in london this summer, pre-bella thorne and arzaylea. i can't recall if he was on and off with layla or not at the time (but if he wanted the girl to be quiet about their "relationship" then probably yes) but this was months before he met arzaylea, which he started dating a month before his death
No. 428894
>>428803wait what is this spookybaby's handle? where are these screen shots
Also Blackbear just released an interview calling out a dead peep for using drugs and stealing Bella Thorne. Lol who hasn't she been with I mean for fucks sake she fucked Scott Dissick why is he even mad
No. 428899
>>428894sp00kybaby. as i already said the screenshot was on an ig story posted last week so it's gone now
funny thing is that what blackbear is talking about in that interview is that he unfollowed arzaylea for dating peep saying that blackbear and her were on and off for 6 years before that. and from what i've gathered by looking at this british girl's account it looks like she knew blackbear too? so that would make 3 chicks they shared lol
blackbear is corny as fuck by the way, nobody cares that peep dyed his hair pink and fucked bella thorne after you did, he fucking died last week. his music is trash also
No. 428903
>>428893They were a thing for a while, whenever Peep was in London basically, she has a bunch of videos of her in his house and pics in his clothes because she was there a lot. She was enough of peeps girl that when she started getting closer to bex he got a little jealous.
And I think he was with Layla for at least part of the the time she was his side girl because she has a soft spot for her like they were sharing him.
No. 428906
>>428849i thought she was some kind of music manager that all his friends knew? like she had more of a professioal/friedship capacity?
No. 428908
>>428903didn't you just say that peep kind of used her for sex? i'm confused
and yeah i've seen her repost a layla tweet along with something like "yes lay".. i know i would feel weird if my ex's side piece tried to bond with me but who i am i to judge ¯\_(ツ)_/
No. 428914
>>428910oh ok
thanks for the insider info anon really appreciate it
No. 428961
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No. 428977
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i feel bad for laughing at that first reply
No. 429015
>>428961And do they think his mom is in any way comforted by their "get turnt responsibly" or whatever bullshit? Maybe the hoodies were in bad taste but at least it's for a good cause, they're not doing shit other than witchhunting a girl because of twitter dms and doing the same drugs he OD'ed on "in his honor."
It's so pathetic how they're skirting around the fact that Peep OD'ed on drugs and bitching at people who mention it like Arzaylea and Post. Sure, he was depressed but you don't OD on depression, and it's not like it was a suicide attempt either. They're all in denial that the drugs they do can kill them at any time and they're clinging to every other explanation, like "the drugs were laced!1!!11!" or "peep was depressed!!!1!1!"
No. 429046
>>428977ia the "fuck xans" shit is in bad taste
shoulda just left it at "rest in peep"
also i am lowkey annoyed bc she did really only know him for a month lol but at the same time everyone deserves to grieve
also so many of these assholes need to stop getting so defensive over their whack ass drugs
like calm down
No. 429049
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No. 429073
>>428961>>428977This is honestly the shittiest way to act. Why would his mum hate her trying to raise money to donate to her and another charity, while raising awareness of the dangers of the drug that killed him?
I'm sure she'd prefer that to them making up ridiculous conspiracy theories and other ways to avoid having to admit that people just OD sometimes without there being some extra layer to it, and hurting innocent people around them.
I don't think I've ever been legitimately annoyed at how people posted here acted, normally they're just ridiculous, but regardless of how long she knew him, what she's doing is a positive thing to hopefully keep people away from drug abuse in the future, and they're attacking her over it and personally insulting her.
Just because she didn't know him for long doesn't mean she didn't care, a month is absolutely long enough to get attached to someone.
>>429046It's poorly worded, but I don't think it's in bad taste at all.
No. 429082
>>429079I mean I don't really agree with him being a nice person, I think he was a pretty shitty person overall, but his friends are being so much worse than this, and you're right, I really doubt he'd approve of any of this shit.
They're complete pieces of shit, beyond just doing crappy things, their first reaction to a supposed friend dying is to go out of their way to make shit up to defend a drug, and to say "Get high responsibly". This girl's clearly pretty devastated over his death, and their reaction is to say she has no right to be and that he didn't even care about her.
I have absolutely no issue with drugs or people using them, but it's shit like these people that makes me doubt that sometimes.
No. 429089
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>>429047didnt see that but holy shit is this sad. poor lady.
No. 429108
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she's taken out the 'FUCK XANAX' part from the hoodies
No. 429113
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Looks like she's back with Tyler
No. 429121
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No they still friends
No. 429128
>>429084He pretty consistently manipulated and used people around him, cheated on partners, glamorised drug use (not just in songs), a bunch of shit.
He's not a terrible human being or anything, but he's no better than Layla, and she was a pretty shitty person.
Does seem like he was better than his supposed friends at least. I don't get what sort of person acts the way they're acting, it's absolutely disgusting.
>>429089This is insanely sad, I don't understand how people can be so insanely disrespectful in the comments of even this.
You'd think they'd at least have the decency to not act like fucking trash in the comments of a grieving mothers post.
I do hope his mother is able to cope, and that the people around her are more supportive than the people that were around him.
No. 429131
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i suspect his friends never liked arzaylea and now that he's gone they don't feel like they have to try anymore. they were a bit insensitive and harsh but i do agree with pic related to some extent, as soon as the news were out people turned his death into a cautionary tale about prescription drugs. yeah he was a drug addict which ultimately led to his death, and there are lessons to be learned, but his family/friends/fans want to mourn him by remembering something else other than the fact that he took xanax bars. they feel like this amount of drug talk is erasing his identity because he gets reduced to that in the media.
>>429113guess i overestimated layla, she's 100% back on her bullshit. besides i'm sorry but who the fuck is the audience for this gross shit right now. keep it private for once
No. 429135
>>429131What else would they connect it to? She's doing a charity event to raise money for a related cause and his mother, what else would she use than what actually killed him?
Also I think that's a cop out reason to personally insult her. The guy made pretty much his entire personality melodrama and drug use. If you think it's disrespectful you could simply say that there was more to him than just drugs.
You didn't see this same backlash when people were blaming some random for bullshit about laced drugs.
No. 429141
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Why is she saying a girl not her name ?
No. 429147
>>429136Have a look throughout the last few threads with him and Layla, there was a bunch of people he'd get with seemingly just to piss her off, if I remember right there was a fair few musicians he pretty much just used to springboard off of and then dumped them, a bunch of stuff.
And yeah, I'm not a big fan of his music, but he really massively misrepresents himself in them, from what I've seen in these threads he's really not like that at all.
A lot of musicians do that to be fair, no judgement on not accurately depicting yourself in your music.
>>429142 said is very true.
>>429139Sure, but I still think it's important to raise awareness of the dangers of the drug that literally killed him.
A charity just because he died doesn't really have much to it, in my opinion, people die all the time.
No. 429149
>>429137No he was a womanizer. He had a side piece everywhere. That doesn't make him a bad person though, probably more so a lovely dude filling voids. It's obvious he had a lot of them to fill. Addicts tend to over due everything, relationships and sex included, to make us feel constantly fulfilled. It's being dishonest but not an inheritily bad person.
He was failed by his team and his friends. He's manager should have had him in rehab, or had a no drug clause in his contract. But because they knew his damaged emo sad boi image is what sells they ignored the problem. They paid for those drugs. They put him on tour, an already grueling shitty situation for anyone and watched him kill himself.
No. 429215
>>429193 this is true…well, not a shocker.
i imagine when the tox report comes back saying he od’d the junkies will shit up twitter saying it’s a big conspiracy.
No. 429228
>>429214back to 4chan with you
>>429162just because there was another drug in the mix doesn't mean the xanax wasn't laced. at the end of the day every conclusion that people try to draw before the official reports are in in a few weeks (or more) is mere conjection. we won't know what actually killed him until then. and even then maybe it won't be possible to determine, they'll probably just say he od'ed on a bunch of different shit that was in his system
No. 429252
>>429228There's a lot more than mere conjecture involved in saying that an addict wit a history of risky drug use and abusing more than one substance at once likely just OD'd.
Calling the laced drugs crap conjecture makes it sound like there's any credibility to it at all too. There's not, it's pure fantasy.
>>429218Honestly loads of stuff can be tan, fentanyl can be tan in powder form too.
I don't get why it matters that much what he died of honestly. He very obviously wasn't murdered, the specific substance changes nothing.
The only person who should care is his mother, and that's for obvious reasons.
No. 429281
>>429147>>429149thanks, anons. i skimmed through before and thought i got the whole picture but i missed a hell of a lot. between the self deprecating songs, drug addiction, death, and romantic 'i jus luv u gurl. be mine. im suffering without u, ur perfect', i was thinking he was a sweet, tortured, but kind of intelligent, young kid with an ironic, grimy image. but he really was a cruel little dickhead poising himself as some kind of kurt cobain of the rap world for cool points, despite not being even a fraction as empathetic or truly tortured as cobain, from what i can tell. lame. kinda seems like all an act that went too far imho. he actually seemed normie as hell, cosplaying for funsies as his favorite suffering artist, with a twist.
No. 429452
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Calling it now. This shit is all over Texas & Arizona.
No. 429592
>>429281Yeah, he was definitely talented at presenting himself a certain way, but he was nothing like Cobain really, he was a pretty shitty person overall, and like you said, it all came across like a show in his music and personality, I think he was just a drug addict who was obsessed with image.
It's still sad he died, and his mothers posts are absolutely heartbreaking, but peep himself was just a complete asshole.
No. 429598
>>429593there's literally a screenshot from said side piece a few posts above and i'm sure there is stuff in the other layla generals too. it's no secret.
>>429568when cassidy livestreamed the peep memorial in la and facetimed layla at the same time you could clearly hear cassidy say "that bitch arzaylea is here" to tp. she acted like she cared by saying she hoped arzaylea had "a strong support system" on another live but i'm sure she's glad that gbc have shown that they don't like her, so she can do the same.
No. 429605
>>429598but peep and layla were on and off again, no? maybe he hooked up with London girl when they weren't together?
sorry just trying to figure out the whole picture
No. 429658
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>>429592with the way he tortured layla publicly and made the fool out of so many girls, and seemed to get enjoyment out of it, i think he was legit just a straight up little edgelord that thought himself special for manipulating girls. tbh after reading thru everything, i dont think any of his feelings for layla were genuine at all. it feels like he just enjoyed mocking/trolling her/taking the piss out of her and watching her fall bc she as the most messy/the biggest trainwreck/the oldest one, trying really desperately to fit in.
i went thru his twitter and he said (along with a bunch of other edgy shit) 'i'm a sociopathic sex addict, i just know how to hide it'. he seemed like every other little chantard, beyond the sensitive boi veneer. tbh and given the attn seeking, i dont get the feeling he was ever suicidal, just a histrionic, hedonistic ass. like layla, but actually way worse.
it's sad when any kid dies but idk, kind of a lot less sad when u realize its an act and he likely wasnt a sensitive soul trying to cope with his depression. still, his poor mom. she seems really sweet and doesnt deserve the hell of losing her child.
No. 429745
>>429658You could definitely be right,I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was just an insanely immature person with the relationship skills of a 15 year old, but I could see it being a more malicious way as well.
I agree entirely about the whole suicidal thing too, I think it's just part of the image and used to gather attention. Every single time something bothered him, he'd spam post about how he's so suicidal or make statements alluding to it, it's ridiculous melodrama that once again, I haven't seen people do since high school.
And yeah, I think he died from an accidental OD, and I think he was simply just a drug addict with a mediocre soundcloud rap career and a better image than most. It must be incredibly hard for his family though, especially considering how his friends are acting.
>>429593We're completely sure, there's been tonnes of scandals with him cheating, there's a post of him with someone else in the thread.
There's not actual videos of him fucking people while telling a current partner he loves them or something that obvious, but as far as that sort of behaviour goes, we know for sure he did it.
The person said simply no to you because there's not really much room to argue he didn't cheat on people here.
No. 429856
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So fatnick has gone and got one of peep's tattoo's done. I wonder if any one else in that crowd is going to do something like this (and probably regret it a few months later)
No. 429869
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>>429856Wigs got the wavey baby hand tats this this monstrosity, that video kid that came with bex got his pink panther neck one. Tracy got a peep in the middle of his god damn forehead, bex got that ugly ass horseshoe between the eyebrows, chel got good girl on her temple. They are all really bad. I might be missing some these people are ridiculous like I get grief is a thing but Jesus.
No. 429897
File: 1511347416569.png (3.19 MB, 1242x2208, F357CD68-DB35-465E-AC72-8D4422…)

Bexey, peep’s English friend who is the guy who posted the snap of peep on the bus just put up a song on Soundcloud basically documenting his perspective. Last bit of the song is really fucking sad
No. 429921
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…but his GIRLFRIEND is overstepping her boundaries huh?
No. 429923
>>429869Realhorsehead got that angel thing
Btw is oraculo like the worst tattooer they could find or wtf is wrong with literally every tattoo he does geez at least get a decent one!
No. 429924
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No. 430100
>>429922here's the lyrics for the whole song:
last part he's talking about is this:
No. 430149
>>430100the "our childhood was poison" line makes me think of that russian interview where peep said that weird stuff happened in his childhood that caused him to be depressed and "fucked up". not to mention that song on his album where he says he "went through every kind of abuse"
shit is sad
No. 430204
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No. 430209
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No. 430223
>>430100>I SAW YOU LIKE THIS EVERYDAY ON THE ENTIRE TOUR, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU WAS DEAD MAN.. AS IF I WOULDA RECORDED.So does that mean he's found out that Peep was definitely dead or dying when he made that video?
>>430209 Making plans on a future together after a month? Slow your roll.
No. 430236
File: 1511384793667.png (9.19 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_6375.PNG)

is this supposed to be a peep tribute
No. 430370
>>430165She's gross, but you could just tell her to fuck off and not associate with her anymore.
They were just two shitty people that became obsessed with each other for whatever reason.
>>430259Why are you talking like a thirteen year old?
No. 430496
>>430458Well peep was bi sooo
Arzaylea posted some text of her sending peep a really embarrassingly awful poem and he text back "aw"
I don't know something in his texts to her made it seem like she was way more into it than him. But two months is nothing especially when someone is on tour constantly
His English slam piece is wildn out on Twitter about peep like she was more than just a personal glove for his dick when he wasn't in the US. She even passive aggressively called out arz. She's so pressed she was never his girl. She was a moped to him. With that face tho I don't blame him.
No. 430524
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No. 430587
>>430586Cause this dumbfuck
>>428849didn't blur out her name, Layla found her and showed her this place she's paranoid as hell now, not gonna be getting anymore milk out of her.
>>430496Deleted now. Get in the habit of taking caps.
No. 430607
File: 1511432179681.png (41.66 KB, 617x354, 123464.png)

this english bitch really needs to stop pretending like she was more than just one of the hundreds of girls he fucked. Seriously, Chelji, since you're lurking - shut up. Also, throwing shade at a girl he actually seemed to care about just makes you look jelly.
No. 430609
>>430607What a pointless thing to say. I don't think anyone who says "fuck xans" is saying "fuck alprazolam in general, anyone who uses it is an idiot", they're clearly talking about drug abuse.
I'm pretty sure the post even said to take it only under doctors orders. If you actually needed them, you'd have a script.
>>430608Fucking this
>I think she made it pretty clear that the whole "fuck xans"-thing is about using them without a prescription.It just reads like pathetic addicts desperately trying to defend their drug abuse to themselves honestly. The same sort of thing that people who abuse oxy do when they go "At least it's not heroin".
No. 430611
>>430544he didn't stop being friends with fat nick and pouya after the allegations so those tweets are probably not about them
>>430607i don't even like arzaylea but seeing people call her "a fucking bitch" etc after they talk about how peep was kind and wanted people to spread love.. it doesn't.. make a lot of sense
No. 430676
File: 1511447242186.jpeg (60.77 KB, 591x570, image.jpeg)

>>430587I'd blur her name but it's all over the thread but here's a tweet she deleted showin her being bothered and lurking.
No. 430797
>>430608I don't think most people's issue with the messaging stemmed from whether she meant "fuck ALL Xanax" or "fuck abusing Xanax." I think the issue here is people not wanting to link Peep's death to a drug and to turn his mourning into some drug abuse awareness campaign. Same reason people get upset when the news media immediately brings up gun rights issues hours after a mass shooting. The body/ bodies are still warm and instead of honoring the dead and their lives, people are hopping onto a social issue and lecturing others about it. IMO it's completely disrespectful and I totally understand where they're coming from.
If people want to use Peep's death to warn against drug abuse, that's fine, but be respectful and at least give it a couple weeks before they jump into that narrative. I get that news cycles fast but human emotions and grieving is as it always was - slow and painful. You can't just start lecturing people about drug abuse when they just lost their son or brother. It's so inappropriate.
No. 430801
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>>430673It's literally against the rules, so much that it's in 2 different places
No. 430804
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>>430673Anyways coldy posted a cap and if wanna confirm this account is hers just go on the GBC Reddit they have caps from the same account.
I really don't know why some anons are so fixated on the money going to his mom. Did you forget Peep came from a significant amount of privilege and we spend the whole of his life calling him a rich kid? His family is probably not hurting for money, Oskar will probably take care of him mom if anyone needs to, but they have at least generational wealth Gus wasn't their cash cow.
No. 431111
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>>430817His grandpa is retired Harvard professor John Womack: Both of Peep's parents went to Harvard. His dad is also a professor of history and originally from Sweden, and it looks like Peep had dual citizenship (based on his mom's ig post). So he def came from an intellectual, educated family but that doesn't mean they were "rich" - privileged yes, but maybe not wealthy
No. 431130
>>431118I think his dad was the only one that was absent in that family, he seemed very close to his grandmother and grandfather.
>>431120or she could just not eat unless it's for a camera/at someones insistence, I know a few girls like that
No. 431163
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>>431108This thing about the english girl who loves to lurk here reminded me of that unreleased peep song where everyone was speculating on who the "groupie teen" was, now we know lol.
No. 431173
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Pouya's gf has cancer
No. 431179
>>431115How much you weigh has nothing to do with what you eat (on a very basic level), and more to do with how much you eat.
It's not some super metabolism thing, it's probably just that she really doesn't eat much at all, despite it being mostly shit food when she does. Can't gain weight if you don't have the calories to put aside, unless you've got some serious illnesses going on.
No. 431343
>>431164Graduating from an Ivy League doesn't mean automatic wealth and success. My high school PE teacher went to Columbia. Also college profs don't make much either. His grandfather is certainly tenured but no prof makes bank. His family could have older generational money from something else. Seeing his house on his mom's IG, it looks like they're pretty average Long Islanders. (Sorry, didn't mean to single out your post specifically, just throwing out my 2 cents).
>>431173Omg that's really sad! Poor girl. Idk why but for some reason I kind of like her? She just seems fun and chill. I hope she beats cancer's ass! No twenty-something should have to go through that shit.
Sage for opinion
No. 432067
File: 1511669223897.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9771.PNG)

hedonism - back at it!!!
No. 432099
Are we off auto sage? I kinda liked it
>>432067Layla I know you still read this shit regularly, do something legitimately good for yourself for fucking once and leave tyler
No. 432113
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No. 432116
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That was so fast
No. 432117
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No. 432119
File: 1511681652951.jpeg (326.04 KB, 1936x1936, E7BBF5C0-85CF-4534-8499-FA482E…)

sorry this is the best I could do on mobile but LOL at Layla blocking people that aren’t even really “hating” on twitter
No. 432120
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I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't an empty threat
No. 432150
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isn't that layla's ex?
No. 432152
>>432120She won't, she never actually wanted to die and never will. She is not suicidal, no matter how badly she wants to be for whatever reason. Idc if people want to come out and make fun of me, but I am legitimately chronically suicidal and have been for almost all of my life. Group therapy has been one of the most helpful things and Layla is absolutely unlike all of us. I know everyone is different but this hits way too close to home to not say something about.
People might get messy and post some things left up to interpretation but if you're planning anything you've checked the fuck out, and if you do reach out it's to someone extremely close, completely random, or accidental. Peep's death was an accident so his instagram allusions don't really count, I'm talking about anything premeditated like Layla is implying.
I was legitimately convinced homegirl would have a REAL wake up call, check into a rehab, and emerge ready to pursue a new lifestyle. At the very least you could convince this vain bitch that rehab would make her look better. But I think against my sincerest hopes she will continue the theatrics of this spiral to baglady.
She will never give up the clout after Peep's death, which is actually so fucking revolting I can't joke about it. Whatever playacting shit she's doing now, she deserves, and I hope it defines her. That's what she gets for trying to co-opt the conversation about Peep's death so it can be about her faking suicidal ideation.
Layla go to rehab and cut ties with everyone and live your white girl life, or please actually die. The world does not need another person fucking up the already insurmountably distorted conversation about mental health and suicide. Stop putting shit up your nose, let your dopamine stabilize and fuck off for good.
No. 432160
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No. 432174
>>432116 and
>>432117are exactly
>>430706 again. she will never learn
No. 432175
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From Cass's story
No. 432315
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So apparently peeps grandmother too wasn't happy about Arzayleas charity
No. 432331
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lmao peep's grandma went hard on arzaylea
No. 432350
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Wise words ty lmfao
No. 432351
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Can we cancel him already like..?
No. 432485
>>432408Honestly, it is kind of embarrassing that Peep's grandmother is bashing her for her lip fillers and calling her a whore on Facebook. They could just denounce the merch instead of going after her appearance like high schoolers.
He at least liked her enough to take her with him on tour and plan to take her to meet his family for thanksgiving, which for a dude who was as close to his family as Peep was is a big deal. It wasn't actual love but it's not like she was just a random side piece like that London chick.
No. 432561
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His long time girlfriend just posted this. The page says "I've written you enough love songs so this doesn't have to be too long"
No. 432632
>>432564Oh pls she is already back with ty posting pictures and advertising his shitty clothing line like bitch pls how miserable can you be it's not like she doesn't have choices in life or is privileged as fuck Im sry but fuck this! Literally EVERYONE of them including peeps fam is trashy and self centered as fuck! It's not lole anyone of them makes tge world a better place at all they solely act as 'antiheros' dumb young and probably drugged out 16yo can look up to, idolize and identify with, if it wasn't layla and peeps it would be someone else with the same lifestyle but a slightly different face! Welcome to the selfish generation of overprivileged bored white kids
Sage for rant
No. 432637
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>>432628>>432628They are going to Japan
No. 432643
File: 1511775375785.jpg (31.44 KB, 418x294, IMG_6412.JPG)

>>432639cassidy 1 week ago: crying on live all distressed and disheveled, posting countless ig stories about peep memorials, talking endlessly about her undying love and support for layla and how everyone should be there for each other and stick together in times like these, calls herself "wholesome"
cassidy now: fucks layla's ex, proudly posts what looks like after sex selfies while he does the same, is now a ray of sunshine for some reason
No. 432681
>>432649you can’t really help someone if they don’t want to help themselves, no.
you could make an argument that his upbringing was trashy and made him the way he was but it’s water under the bridge now.
No. 432750
>>432331Wow, this is a grown woman? Even if what she's saying about Arzaylea is true and the girl is not a good person, that comment about her lips was just so random, petty and out of the blue it seems written by a teenager.
Also, it's dumb to shame a girl for having
temporary lip fillers when every inch of her grandson's face and body was full of
permanent tattoos.
No. 432859
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No. 432878
>>432745Why do all these Emmalita posts smell like self posts? Each post about her has the same type style, and she has never been mentioned until now. Every single anon who keeps posting about her all sound the same and keep calling her his poor true love.
No. 432901
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>>432886The ones calling her gorgeous have to be self posts, what is this shit
No. 433037
>>432587They have been trying to tell her to stop privately. She's ignoring all their fucking calls and trying to profit off their loved one's death who she knew for a month. I was originally on Arzaylea's side but to hear that she's been ignoring his family's wishes like this is disgusting. She really is playing up this whole thing. A knew the "portion" of proceeds thing was fucking fishy. She also said money was going to their family and not only did she NOT contact them about any of this she's actively avoiding their calls and messages.
How is it trashy to get mad when some insta-thot milks your son's death for publicity AND tries to profit off of it against his family and friends wishes?
No. 433146
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>>433144Whoops dropped the image
No. 433157
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>>433150That's true but these seem to be from awhile ago, peeps family had their service last weekend. I got then off twitter so I don't actually know
No. 433163
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No. 433180
>>433034How are you or anyone else going to act like she's SO fucked up over her ex overdosing when she was making it VERY public that she was fucking his friend when he was still alive? And peep was making it very clear how he felt about both of them?
If anything, Layla may have some regrets that she treated Peep the way she did, and that they were not on good terms when he died. Again, that is due to her shitty life choices.
Stop acting like layla is a fucking widow cuz Peep died.
No. 433358
>>433335how would that girl even find this place?
You really believe some normie girl that just lost someone is spending her time selfposting on an obscure imageboard that's know for youtube and weeb drama?
>>433288I'd pay money to see layla and cass, or any other clouthoe get into it physically.
No. 433572
File: 1511868178685.jpg (82.39 KB, 1200x960, FB_IMG_1511868133996.jpg)

Haha just found on fb
No. 433656
>>433572Bickering over who had a shitty tattoo first is so dumb come onnnn.
They both look like degenerates.
No. 433670
File: 1511889020649.jpeg (948.87 KB, 750x1088, 2FE68D21-87A2-4E04-8357-E422CB…)

Peeps Grandma just posted this. It really is sad that people are sending abuse to a woman who has just lost her grandson.
No. 433733
File: 1511893071997.jpeg (299.57 KB, 750x777, 4AEB748B-801D-4966-A8AC-280C57…)

Poor Grandma, I know people were saying she’s trashy for what she said about Arza, but she’s probably just so frustrated. Arza really needs to just disappear at this point.
No. 433840
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It was totally understandable they would be online trying to clear up misunderstandings and get scams taken down. Now that it's sorted I think it's mostly His grandmother that's been answering to people on fb. I don't think it's a very good idea tho. People are crazy and disrespectful idk how she's doing it.
No. 434196
>>434194We don't Mariah was a scapegoat made by the kids and grown ass women in the lilpeepdaily groupchats. They decided it was the drugs she gave him that killed him and then set the witch hunt off. They also spread the numbers for the police department in her area & had people file complaints against her so the department would be forced to investigate after her initial holding (which btw we never got any confirmation on, if an azfag could look into the public records it'd be useful)
Idk what the hell is up with people thinking affiliated randos are lurking, the only people we know lurk for sure are Layla and chelji because Layla cowtipped.
No. 434315
>>434077The authorities are a little late… or the media is…?
Don't be an idiot.
No. 434701
File: 1512007006511.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6738.PNG)

"Tyler and Layla's love warms the heart of friends and enemies alike"
Great joke. They're really not being subtle about the Kurt and Courtney act either.
No. 434822
File: 1512024554637.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, 11CD23BD-1B7B-450E-9CBC-14BCE6…)

Fuck off Arza
No. 434829
>>434822the cringiest shit i have ever read
like just stop already, girl
No. 434830
>>434793Corey and Cass hooking up surprised me way more than peep dying.
I wonder if it was deliberate, like Layla got with peeps friend, Lilith made fun of them as a couple which peep liked. I think it did hurt him even if he played it off. Maybe Cory has been planning to fuck her over for a while and this was the perfect time to do it, do to her what she did to peep. I dunno, sage for conspiracy theory but I don’t see Cass and Corey together if peep hadn’t died. Just feels off
No. 434858
>>432067i like that he just threw the dog filter on her fucking damn these people are legit sociopaths.
OT af i used to live in la and wanted to move back but this shit is showing me the light
No. 434944
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>>434565This is what she tweeted when the tana shit went down.
No. 434948
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Layla really is posting videos of Tyler eating her ass on snapchat
No. 435241
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>>434877>>434948I saw those post too, I especially felt for her when she was freaking out about her accounts which she uses to make a living off of to some degree. Remind me to never root for this bitch again
No. 435244
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>>435243I thought she might have actually grown a spine & learned something from peeps death guess not.
No. 435246
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No. 435262
>>434858what does dog filter have to do with being a sociopath? I am having a hard time seeing the correlation
>>434863"you loved me the most" that is a trashy thing to say about someone who died that you knew for a month lol jesus
>>435241I'm still rooting for her. Mental abuse is hard to get away from and Tyler seems like a piece of shit. tbh Layla should get therapy to figure out why she has a pattern of dating cheaters and manipulators.
>>435259social media is kinda her job tho idk
No. 435314
>>435302You need to stop
>>435249She literally has snaps with him from an hour ago wtf??
No. 435386
>>432513I fuck with what you're saying, and I am a relapsing addict (self medicating for treatment resistant depression) and am close to a lot of people that are drug addicts. Lack of effective and affordable treatment and the social stigma for mental illness is absolutely fucking insane to the point where being something as hated as a drug addict is better than having mental illness. Peep obviously had underlying issues with severe depression, self medicated and was able to have a social life and fleeting moments of happiness even though it was just his brain surging dopamine from the drugs. I have no fucking idea why people can't understand that; the SAME PEOPLE who bent over backwards to suck his dick for rapping about xanax/heroin/whatever addiction are the same assholes trying to mourn his death. Everyone fucking used him. He was the poster boy for their misery and him dying was the tragedy all those people needed to satisfying end his mythology as a tragic figure. My point is proven with all these emotional vampires sucking the last bit of clout from his memory by getting his tattoos and making money trying to bite his ideas/vision that he never got to complete. The conversation should be about how everyone around him failed him to use him; his Mother probably saw him having close friends and appearing happy for the first time since dropping out of high school doing heroin. I think his Mother should be left out just because he came from her body, obviously she's going to have the most subjective opinion.
But as far as his brother goes, he grew up in the same cultural atmosphere as Peep and knew what he was up to. I don't care how "bitchy" it comes off, his brother failed him too. I wonder how much he got paid for the interview, do you think he donated the money towards addiction research? Are any of these mother fuckers with thousands of followers talking about research opportunities, alternatives to popping pills, or keeping the conversation going about talking to your friends and being there for each other? If any of those people really had Peep's back, they would be honoring Peep's memory by actively fighting the demons that killed Peep. The drugs didn't kill him, his nonexistent self esteem and self love did while he covered it with chemicals because people love a train wreck.
TLDR His mom will always be subjective, his brother and friends failed him and there's evidence of this in how they're handling his death. They all obviously have the right to mourn, but none of them are actually facing what really killed him. He was hanging out with shady asshole users for years, his family quotes his lyrics about suicide and self medication, but they saw his follower count hit the millions and like literally everyone ever thought that overdose/death wouldn't touch him. They let this happen.
No. 435388
>>432561that is the ugliest fucking thing and to get it facing herself on her thigh oh my fucking god these people deserve it.
maybe process his death authentically first instead of trying to jump on that clout.
No. 435414
>>435384>>435387He like was calling her a cheater idk the rest because I didn't see the tweets but one of her responses was calling him out for getting jealous that peeps public funeral and his birthday are so close together she said something along the lines of "you think I'm leaving you for someone that's dead/to go to a funeral I can't even go To because I can't afford the flight"
I really would not put it past grosso to get mad and threaten her for wanting to go to her on/off boyfriend of a years funeral.
No. 435456
File: 1512107193985.jpg (631.52 KB, 1440x2057, 20171201_004406.jpg)

She is so annoying
No. 435457
File: 1512107282959.jpg (534.79 KB, 1440x1920, 20171201_004425.jpg)

She is so annoying
No. 435485
>>435393I'm sorry to hear you're so depressed, I understand this isn't the place I think just reading the whole thread and watching all his friends pretty much masturbate to his death obviously annoys me and I wanted to call it out. Thank you for saying you're not trying to be insulting I appreciate you, there's just a fuckload of uneducated or inexperienced petty opinions here.
>>435397I'm not here for therapy or mental health advice you dumb bitch.
>>435408Fuck you.
No. 435533
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No. 435546
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>>435533I think that disgusting photo Layla just posted of grosso with her foot in his mouth was somehow less disturbing.
This girl needs a friend. Or at the very least she should take mommy and daddy up on that rehab offer.
No. 435554
>>435483 I said the disorder coupled with her behavior "makes sense" not that she definitely has the disorder fucking chill
You said "every fucking teenager acts like this" first of all no. No they do not. And second she's NOT a teenager anymore
I'm not erasing accountability I'm just saying she has a LOT of obvious sign and symptoms. I've known several borderlines (my best friend from high school was borderline) and I don't think they're all awful human beings. However, that doesn't mean she can't have the disorder AND be a shitty person on top of that.
Like you said it's SPECULATION not a diagnosis
No. 435568
>>435535lol ok shrimppussy, you wish. no matter what damage shrimp does she will never be layla which is actually really fucking sad and she needs to set better life goals. layla is too stupid to realize how much power she gives people by respecting their attempts to belittle her even though Peep wrote a song about how her public self-victimizing behavior only validates the abuser. her tweets calling out tyler actually made people here slightly like her because she wasn't drowning in a weak persona; at least "too poor" as a character was supposed to be cold and stylish. I don't think she realizes people fucked with her as a brand, not as a person, and unless she re-brands and gets her shit together no one will support her and someone as lame as shrimp can and will steal her brand.
best move i think is for her to just go to rehab and move to another major city, rebrand. she would be the only one in that embarrassing circle to take Peep's death seriously and get help, moving to another city would prevent her from letting old toxic people in her life. If shrimp's behavior doesn't make her question her life choices literally nothing will
No. 435571
>>435566Her fans are all idiots. If this was true, which I HIGHLY doubt, she would gain my respect for being an amazing actress and creating such a trainwreck of a character
No one who dated Peep for as long as she did could possibly be sober though let's get real
No. 435579
>>435566Issa troll. A lot of girls/ppl with followings will start telling obvious lies and poke fun at newbies that fall for them. It let's the built up audience feel like they're "in the know" with their online fave and makes new people that catch on feel like they're a "true fan" because they get it now cultivating more loyalty within the fanbase.
>>435561Right? Class has really been the biggest surprise to me. I really thought she was a harmless girl. Painfully baisic clout thirsty social climber yeah but not "my ~bff~ just had a dear friend/lover die lemme fuck then go to Japan with her ex" evil. I don't understand what angle she's playing what does she even gain from doing all this? Does she really just hate Layla?
No. 435583
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>>435435i don’t give a fuck about 5sos and their fandom but this is actually pretty milky and i’m surprised no one replied. a lot of people here really wanted arzaylea to have good intentions and defended her endeavors but this only confirmed what i was really suspecting all along: that she is so shitty that i wouldn’t put it past her to milk her late boyfriend’s death for money. also nice to see her faux spiritual bullshit is a leitmotiv in all of her “relationships”
also noticed how she dated/fucked post malone and had beef with her ex roommate pageruth, who were both involved with peep at some point (pageruth being the girl in the awful things music video). cloutifornia truly is a small place.
No. 435588
>>435583Peep only dated her because she had been approved by other dudes at least at his own level of success, and is young and pretty. He just used her as a status symbol lmao, I actually think it's pure karma everyone in his life now has to deal with her as a complete nuisance being EXACTLY the same fake ass bitch she was when he knowingly dated her stupid ass.
Aside from like a person actually dying this really is black comedy. Peep used women and surrounded himself by idiots that made him look better and talented only by comparison and now he will forever have to suffer them rewriting his story, each rewritten version a self-insert fan fiction by a new superficial toxic asshole. Never forget he chose these people for a reason.
No. 435591
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>>435583 when did she date post? Since when was that a thing
>>435588 why are you so cheesed that his family has to deal with the toxic people who stuck around for clout, let him OD and did nothing wtf even if you didn't like him that's a thing to be so celebratory about
No. 435594
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>>435591back in 2015, when he wasn’t “famous” yet and she didn’t have her god awful lip fillers.
No. 435602
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>>435597just google arzaylea + “2014” “2015” “old” bruh
No. 435624
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This face just screams “Layla look!!!! Im feeding your ex boyfriend rice!!!! See???” It’s sad.
No. 435643
>>435626you're not even exaggerating that is funerary make up on top of literally the worst hair color she could chose. layla you're getting clowned by a giant fucking chin wearing a pound of drug store foundation that still can't hide it's adult acne. LAYLA. IF THIS ISN'T CLEAR TO YOU NOW THIS IS ROCK BOTTOM AND YOU ARE CHEWING GRAVEL. DONT LET HER GET TO YOU WE KNOW YOU GOT THE RECEIPTS TO RUIN HER JUST RELEASE THAT SHIT, GO TO REHAB. TYLER LOOKS LIKE PEPPER-ANNE IN KURT COBAIN COSPLAY YOU LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.
>>435641i'm a diagnosed sociopath that was misdiagnosed as borderline so i'd bet you can suck my dick
No. 435701
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LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL she is being dragged beneath the damn concrete by grandma
No. 435725
No one cares about your mental issues stfu about it already.
>>435701So much tackiness on all sides ugh
No. 435751
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These two break up like once a day. A social media soap opera
No. 435874
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>>435597Lol. Also looks like she has had a nose job as well. Too bad there's nothing she can do to fix her tiny, mean-looking beady eyes & terrible writing skills.
I'm still puzzled as to how she can write "maybe our hearts are moulds" in a poem and not cringe so hard the phone falls the fuck out of her hands.
Lastly, can she stop already with the private message posting between her and Peep? Way to invade the privacy of a dead man and ensure that he can't fight back or put in his two cents.
God I cannot stand her.
No. 435876
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Before the nose job & fillers. Yikes.
No. 435883
>>435861she's a drug addict bottom line, abusive men are attracted to her because she's easy to manipulate, everything she does socially signals she's available to be used, and in turn she is using these men for clout. when she gets bored of the social script she'll recover, her family has a financial safety net for her and she knows it. we're seeing her at her weakest and she gets enabled at every turn so she has no incentive to grow into her power as an independent person. i think peep's death makes everyone's bullshit really obvious in a way that's "not fun anymore" so she might stop based on that.
tbh she could just open some nastygal/dollskill reselling store, she's enough of a social vampire that it's a skill she could lucratively market because she knows what people with no identity will spend racks on. she should look at past clout whores like OG audrey kitching, who she low key aesthetically resembles, and just mirror their actions. i really hope her break up with pepper ann is real because she barely has to even try to flex on people like shrimp which is so fucking sad in itself
i just want layla to rise into her Strong Nosed Bitch power and slight these people because she's not the hero we want but god dammit she's the hero we need
No. 435887
>>435751she read
>>pepper ann in kurt cobain cosplayand told him she wouldn't suck his dick on live anymore y/y
No. 436029
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>>435643 Omg lmfao Im living for this post solely jesus
Also on another note: whats good tana
No. 436030
>>435883Top kek
She's been known to lie about her age as well, she's supposedly 25-26 so the end will be closer than we think. Imagine the type of man stupid enough to stick his cock in this bitch after she's stood on the corpse of her ex for $$.
She may say there's no one else for her cuz "Peep loved her the most" but reality is there's no one else cuz ain't no other dude want to die to turn into a shitty sweatshirt about Xanax, lol.
No. 436034
>>436030Trueeeee lol
Hope this whole shenanigans find an end soon tho
No. 436060
>>434673Isn't lil pump 16 years old? What's wrong with this woman.
Also can we refer to Tyler exclusively as pepper ann from now on.
>>435899I live for this drag
No. 436071
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lol so cass is like reppin this monster cuz someone told her she looks like her
No. 436075
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Did peep date Palatin (lilgustav)?
Being curious
No. 436120
>>436071i didn't know about shrimp until her association with layla and i don't think i can name a person more unattractive than her. like in theory she has individually attractive features but all together i just want her to live stream setting herself on fire like the garbage can she is. the person pictured looks like the poster woman for body dysmorphia if i ever saw one and i feel empathy in a physical way when i look at her, it's sad. everything about her is fucked with beyond dragging it and i just wish her peace. why anyone would stan her is weird as fuck but still i have not and will never go to shrimp's instagram to see how deep this goes bc indulging shrimps existence that much feels like legit self harm
shrimp managed to take someone like layla who has 3 threads under her belt and make HER look good by comparison. layla could go on some snakes in the grass rant and isn't WHAT WILL SHE DO NEXT. LAYLA. YOU FUCKING POTATO
No. 436203
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No. 436213
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I haven't been following this thread lately but I spotted Layla on Kreayshawn's insta-story, she's at a hamoneverything party standing on a platform and dancing to peep's music.
No. 436255
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Jesus christ I never liked peeps but I slowly start wishing it should've been ty instead aswell
No. 436257
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No. 436259
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No. 436260
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Sorry for the quality but it seems like there is hope! ty posting he doesn't want to be himself but a dog instead (funny he didn't realised he already is a bitch soooo) and layla looking really good on her own back with the hair and everything like yas bitch now you only need to keep consequently getting your shit together ! Do it Im all here for someone truly taking a turn! Don't disappoint me!
No. 436311
>>436284Pepper Ann is a fucking narcissistic asshole who literally is 'famous' for doing nothing like do you realize even Kim Kardashian did more positive in this world? How sad is his existence…
>>436071Tbh she seems really sweet and even more important she never bothered noone on insta or otherwise for that matters so calling someone who is obv sick a monster is even for this thread really low…
>>436260Nevermind first she said she was drunk as fuck, 30min later she is sober and never drank a sip and now she is talking about how bad alcohol makes you feel again….
No. 436341
>>436338I think she posted that about the friend being gay after she posted a screenshot of a text message some friend sent her about something funny & sexual. Wasn't PA. But honestly Corey is ugly af too and so is PA. Peep was the only attractive guy she's really been with IMO. I wonder who she'll be with next… its jut sad to see someone who clearly has hella followers and fans not actually do more with that advantage. But I feel like this is her image and like others have said a healthy happy cleaned up
Tp would be boring. Her who charisma and allure is built around her train wreck of a lifestyle and without that she'd prob still have fans but nowhere near as many.
No. 436453
>>436443Bro I'm Fucking blubbering
New Thread:
>>436448 No. 436518
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tyler subtweeting layla some more
No. 436525
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more subtweeting
No. 436543
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