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No. 66660
3edgy5me "goth" girl with a ridiculous amount of followers for doing nothing.
models for ~edgy~ tumblrina brands
this bitch has been selling her broken nails on depop and people have been buying them. right now she's having "fans" pay her to write their name on her head and take a photo.
she's also known to sleep with old men, have sugar daddies and she's into nymphet lolita shit.
works at the cobra snake store No. 66661
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No. 66662
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>>66661fingernails for sale
No. 66663
>>66662the fuck is wrong with people…
why would you want a random strangers fingernail??
No. 66675
>>66663>why would you want a random strangers fingernail??Voodoo?
DNA experiments?
No. 66676
>>66662Are those acrylics?
She has a video up ( of her cutting one of them off and one of her followers said that anyone questioning this is "basic and have no creativity". Wtf are her followers smoking if they think this is creative?
No. 66685
File: 1449000496261.png (499.1 KB, 817x600, Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 20.0…)

Have we found Felice 2.0? She even has the bad thigh tats down. Kek at the her comment to all the people saying her tat looks like "too pooh". 3edgy5me4sure
I'm thirsty and this looks like some good milk
No. 66692
>>66685>>People who have said that the poor looks like pooh are stupid.Yeah they're the stupid ones and totally not the people attempting to whiteknight some girl who got tattoos on her knees that are so shit you can't tell what it says nor the girl who has said tattoos. Yes, they're the stupid ones here…
Considering her fans are this retarded, it's no wonder she's been charging them $5 to write their twitter handles on her forehead and take a picture of it.
No. 66703
File: 1449003699998.jpg (28.44 KB, 431x573, tacky tack tack.JPG)

This is said in a lot of threads, but DOES SHE HAVE A SYNDROME? She's got a retard resting face, even when she's not doing a retard pose on purpose.
How old is she? She's either young and looks old or is old trying to look young.
Grow some fucking eyebrows and grow that fringe.
Jesus, what a fucking try hard, lul. She likes tacky shit, ew. GASP! a knife in her mouth…GASP! assassin stars … GASP! eating food topless. HAHAHAHAHA. omg, too much. No. 66705
File: 1449003814849.jpg (57.07 KB, 562x600, 3edgy.JPG)

To demonstrate the retard face.
No. 66709
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Samefagging then outta here.
She made the TOO POOH tootat herself.
No. 67001
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No. 67002
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No. 67003
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No, too pooh, you did not invent that hairstyle.
No. 67004
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>>67003Wrong pic, OOPS, I am just rly high rn guys
No. 67021
I heard that he refuses to pay for anything on dates and expects hand outs since he's 'a big deal' or something. Plus he's been hawking those bullshit penis pills for decades. Slimy old [spoilers]jew [/spoilers]
No. 67023
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He apparently bought her these things.
No. 67028
>>67023Or got those things for free because he's Ron Jeremy and pawned them off on a groupie.
It seems like she's headed down the Amor Hilton porn route with no pretense of anything else.
No. 67295
File: 1449152337012.jpg (109.97 KB, 804x602, UngroundablePic34.jpg)

>>67287In fairness, she's hardly the only Insta/Tumblr try-hard labelling themselves goth even though they've never indicated an interest in the music, lifestyle, sub-culture related interest or clothing for that matter.
People (especially Tumblrtards) love to label themselves with shit they don't understand if they think it will give them "cool" points. And Toopoor is no exception.
No. 67299
File: 1449152760561.jpeg (189.75 KB, 425x567, 2484.jpeg)

I mean have you ever seen someone so goth that it's practically oozing out of them like this, like seriously? That pizza badge and the "Have a nice Day" badge on her backpack in the related link pics clearly shows how goth and edgy she is, gawd! No. 67300
File: 1449152966035.png (662.47 KB, 949x610, toopoor.png)

>>67299I should mention: her real name is Layla Rose Shapiro (which I googled and how found the pics link from 2 years ago above!) as evidenced in this Insta of her failed drivers test: No. 67382
>>67287>>67299"Goth" has a lot of meanings. Off the top of my head I can think of fans of the Gothic music genre (e.g. The Cure, Type O Negative, etc) most of whom just dress like
>>67299. Or a goth could be someone who likes the stereotypical goth fashion but has no specific music taste. Or it could be cybergoths, or those people who think they're vampires, or it could just be a general insult for anyone who likes rock music and black clothes.
Arguing over what's a real goth is pointless. Most people's idea of a goth is probably Robert Smith and other than his hair and makeup he's pretty normalfag.
No. 67488
>>67483>>67487I agree with
Most goth and punk are subcultures that are closely related with the music scene and some will describe them as inseparable, while others think it's only a lifestyle, and others just a fashion trend. Punk is better at understanding it as a subculture and even a political movement. Some say modern Goth subculture is an offshoot of the 70s punk movement with similar ideology.
You'll have some intense arguments on what being punk means and to a much lesser degree, what goth means. Culturally, fashion-wise and politically they're all premised around anti-establishment so I guess that's a defining factor if you wanna judge some of these tumblrs by their "gothness."
No. 67502
>Also, 77punk have nothing to do with the subgenres.Jesus Christ. Not "77 punk", post-punk. Post-punk is the common denominator for all forms of Gothic music whether they be guitar based or keyboard (EDM) based.
The big divide with goth culture was in the 90s when the media started labelling stuff like Marilyn Manson as gothic. That's when it became as much or more about fashion and you started to get the Hot Topic jokes.
>So when you generalize it to just The Cure, you sound like a misguided dummy.Nobody is saying the only goths are The Cure. In fact we're saying the opposite! The term is too fragmented to have much meaning.
No. 67507
>>67502The only two comparsions you wrote were The Cure and Type O when those are just two completely different choices.
I thought you mean 77punk not postpunk because you weren't clear at all.
Goth is too much of an umbrella term so when you use the term loosely, please don't get upset with people getting upset with the incorrect terminology because that's when stuff starts to get put up in the air.
No. 67521
>>67499I didn't say anything about The Cure…
>Also, 77punk have nothing to do with the subgenresMost people have read up about punk, Black Flag, Sex Pistols and punk's influence on modern music, so I'll spare a tl;dr post that only leads to derailment. I suppose I was making a too generalized comment regarding punk's influence on other subcultures because it was such a big movement. It would probably be as general as me saying blues is the predecessor to modern music. The steps in-between are important.
>>67507I'm not disagreeing with the idea that goth is an umbrella term nor that tumblrinas aren't idiots for using it as an identity when they don't understand a single aspect of it. I suppose I was just agreeing with anon's argument that the approach to defining yourself as goth can be a little convoluted.
No. 67649
>>67589My point was that the term "goth" is so diluted that it's pointless. At least she has dark hair and eyes which is more gothy than half the shit on Tumblr.
I used to get called a goth all the time but I never considered myself one. The difference was that older people who grew up in the 80s thought that anyone in all black was "goth" but to me "goth" meant the white faced types. Then you started to get the cybergoths, then the fetish wear, etc, etc and I don't even know how we got to shit like pastel goth. "Goth" now has about as much meaning as "rock chick".
>>67521You don't give yourself enough credit. Punk is tied a lot closer to Gothic music than blues is to rock. Punk was a flash in the pan compared to post-punk so when people talk of punk they often roll it all together. Post-punk bands like Joy Division aren't even considered goth but often end up at the top of "best goth bands ever" lists.
No. 67650
>>67634Totally. We feel the same way it seems like. Not sure what I was trying to say in my comments but you got it.
>>67649postpunk is goth, im sry
No. 67652
>>67651You're not
>>67651, I am. Proof of what?
Are you some butt hurt teen goth who is heavily invested in her labels and doesn't like being told that it's all dumb shit?
No. 67653
>>67649I'm an
>older personand went to "goth" nightclubs in the 80s. What people think of as goth now isn't what it was then. There's also a big difference between what America sees as goth than the Brits do.
It's easy for the younger generation to do the "look" whereas back then, all you had to make your face pale was Leichner Clown White mixed with foundation and a few shops in big cities. Now you can drop into high street chain shops and dress up as a goffix.
No. 67657
File: 1449250095395.png (1.4 MB, 1319x530, banshee.png)

>>67653I made a dinky collage of old pics from my favourite club back in 1886. This is how your bog standard goff looked. Girls mostly tried to look like Siouxsie, men tried to look like Pete Murphy or Robert Smith. It was mostly about having a laugh with your friends and not having a stick up your arse about how looks best. ~meeeemories~
>inb4 fuck off lady comments. Let me enjoy my nostalgia yeah. No. 67664
>>67663<3 No mobile phones then, so there aren't many photos in existence really. Still, rather that than some twat tumblrina taking pics all night uploading them to ig.
Oh, only ONE girl used to wear corsets. That was the only fetish wear I ever saw. She's a semi famous fantasy artist now and still wears corsets.
No. 67697
>>67657Dat Siouxsie makeup!!! Thanks for this, anon!!!
Interesting that an anon mentioned Robert Smith up there; I did agree that many people will sum 80s goth down to him as the representation when he stole his look from the almighty Siouxsie Sioux. However, even she was a rabid Sex Pistols fan and emulated them at the beginning of her career. Indeed what's "real" is a rabbit hole.
My last post regarding punk and early gawth that doesn't involve how desperate tumblrinas are to use the label as an identity and substitute it for their lack of personality. It was a fun convo anons!
No. 67705
>>67657This is really cool. Thanks, anonette elder goth.
tbh I'm sort of envious of how easygoing goth seems like it used to be. nowadays it's like you have to ~prove~ your goth cred as though it's something that you earn a damn certificate for after taking a course.
Maybe it's just because the goth scene in my city is relatively small, though you'd think that would foster more camaraderie amongst us. but instead, the local goth night is like a pissing contest over who has the fanciest outfit or the most gothest lifestyle.
No. 68084
Anyone read this interview?
>"TBT to being a homeschooled 16 year old in Palm Springs. I used to spend full days hitting every thrift store in my valley to steal designer pieces (Versace, Chanel, Alexander Wang, etc) and post them on my Tumblr. Never got a following on there, it was just a place to view all my stoled gems. Eventually, deleted the blog. Years later, living in LA and struggling to find myself and make money, I tattooed Too Poor on my knees with a pencil and needle. From there, I wanted Too Poor as my user name and bribed the person using the name to change it for cash. I got the name, but never paid them."God, I want to slap her.
No. 204097
>>203998>>204013…i've realized there are people i know who are exactly like this.
pseudo-intellectual is definitely right, but the books they do read are hippie-dippie bullshit on crystal healing, edgelord biographies of murderers, etc. but nothing academic. the art they make is hack and talentless but you can't criticize them because their followers will attack you for "not understanding it" or "you can't do better who are to talk"
No. 204633
>>204622Are they actually "goth" at all? He dresses like a harcore fuckboi who is into shit like "Bunny and the Bear" and she dresses in a "heroin-chic" fashion pretending to be living in poverty when she's probably more than likely loaded with cash.
Nothing about either of them is particularly goth-like though.
No. 204634
>>204622omg his ig is so cringy
he has a tattoo of xanax pill art?!?!
No. 204635
>>204634omg it gets worse,
he has DADDY tattooed across his chest
No. 204687
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literally pic related
No. 204718
>>204717check some of the horrid things that boy has tattooed on him
i doubt he'll regret that if he doesn't regret every other one of his tatttoos
i.e. the xanax pill art, daddy across his chest, whatever the fuck his literal forehead tattoo says, etc.
No. 228161
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>>227852Holy shit, he reminds me of Nathan Barley in so many ways.
No. 228296
>>228064>>228161You guys have never heard of Lil Peep? I'm surprised, he's getting pretty popular. But amyways, who was her old boyfriend?
(I also found this video while looking up something about her, I don't know if anyone posted it before)
No. 235492
>>232392I mean he's getting covered by legit music mags like p4k & fader.
He's like a white washed up scenesters attempt at bubblegum trap which is hot rn
No. 235689 23-24 now, so, sad. her lifestyle already makes her look old, so she's going to look worn-out by the time she hits 28+ and then nobody will want to pose with her for insta photos anymore or let her hang around for blowjobs.
a wasted life will catch up fast.
No. 235872
>>235853i wonder if too pooh is among us
how's life being an irrelevant hoe?
No. 235879
>>235699One of lil peeps friends stole 300$ from the girl who housed them on tour in Seattle but other than that not really.
I think toopoor & lilwifisangel/golemprincess had a falling out bc too poor kept stealing Josephine's swag, which is pretty serious when you concider she & her whole crew are paid stylists/models. Plus she did used to work for shopjeen who are also scammers but I'd say for milk that's a reach.
No. 235943
>>235894Ok see I'm confused bc the way I've heard it it's always been lil Tracy, lil peeps tour mate/collaborator/gbc member, that stole from her like she said here on live & in some posts I can't seem to find now.
But seeing what's still up it seems that a "young bruh" stole from her??? Idk. Also I remembered it wrong, her friends housed them not her.
Sources(nsfw): ones from later & her stories still the same so I think she's telling the truth abt their crew being thieves just not which one exactly till later in 2016: No. 236049
>>236036You're right anon, too_poor has a massive hooknose and close-set eyes whilst the only thing they share with Shelley is the bulging eyes and the angular face… Shelley is therefore cuter.
>>235867Didn't they both get tattoos though? I recall that his was a lot larger than hers as well.
No. 236770
>>236741>>i dont see any of you shitty ass anons doing that Are you legit this slow or can you honestly not fathom why people would not essentially publicly masturbate showing how great they are on an anonymous website? BTW you not being privy to evidence ≠ evidence does not exist.
Sage for being way OT
No. 237142
File: 1484839880426.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.43 KB, 844x1500, IMG_0057.JPG)

>>237063Tho this really isn't new. She's done this or similar a bunch of times before.
No. 237498
>>237423Anon pls, I don't even keep up with this chick but the tiddies in
>>237144 are clearly very saggy, especially for that size. She's raising her arm and still has the kind of fold there that could hold up a pencil. Sagging is not necessarily a bad thing, but denying that those boobs are sagging is delusional.
No. 238114
File: 1485058878325.png (Spoiler Image,835.95 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1283.PNG)

Just instagramming videos of peep feeling her up
>pls stop deleting my stuff
No. 244706
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No. 244722
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I enjoyed this one (I did not add that text, she did LOL)
No. 249426
>>244722its weird cuz shes aware of how pathetic she is but also not
she is self-aware.. but also not… what a useless person
No. 249692
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>>249674Apparently Peep left her for his sidehoe and she's been on a bender ever since lol
No. 249873
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>>249789All 3 of them are hoes and using each other tbh
No. 250682
>>249641not right now. she's fucked up over her bf breakup and going extra nuts with the crazy narcissistic reblogs.
she might be 'living the life' now but what about in a couple of years when she's not hot on the internet anymore? she doesn't seem to work, probably never has a day in her life. she doesn't seem the type to have gone to college or pursued any skill or trade. her parents are obviously paying for her life right now, so what happens when they get fed up and all this shit she's done on the internet ruins her for any other opportunities?
disaster waiting to happen tbh. i've seen people like this commit suicide after their infamy wore off.
No. 252732
She went on a rant yesterday after some girl threw shade on her about how she started from the bottom and all that in a chain of tweets, but deleted them, the info she gave was:
- Moved to LA 6 years ago with less than $1000
- Her mother stole the $10000 her grandma left for Layla after she passed.
- Stepdad is in jail for fraudulent money. No mention of a dad.
- Dropped out of fashion marketing college or something 5 years ago.
That's all I can remember.
No. 252828
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>>252732And now she's reckless spending because of some dude that looks like he smells of dirty feet
No. 252838
>>252828>some dude that looks like he smells of dirty feetKek, entirely accurate. If
>>252732 is all true, then that's really sad. She needs a actual friend to help her and tell her that he isn't shit and apparently keep her from spending 1.5k at Louis Vuitton…
No. 252843
>>252828At first I thought this was petty and was like "this looks like average every day purchases though the fast-food is kind of sad, and then I saw the louis vuitton.
Girl can't feed herself decently, but she can blow $1,500 on brand name garbage. ~aesthetic~
No. 252926
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>>252838It seems like she actually liked him, I didn't save it but she was complaining a few weeks ago that he was leading her on and said he would call her and didn't, then she posted a screenshot of her pretty much begging to talk to him.
No. 252938
>>252838Yeah, it's a fact that she needs someone insightful to help her heal. Instead, the friend she has clinged to is Cassidy(@hotelshrimp), a heroin chic inspired blonde who came from Portland(she claims everyone there hate her ass really hard) and who incentives her to be trashy as fuck, smoke crack and indulges her into this fucked up designer clothes fantasy. Seriously, since Peep dumped Layla and she flew to New York these past days with Cassidy, they keep flaunting their Vouitton bags, scarves and shoes despite Layla frequently needing to beg for her followers to send money via paypal. This breakup destroyed her and all she has as support is Cassidy(currently on a rant about uncircumcised dicks on sc), her superficial friends and her online fanbase who praises her on every bad decision she makes. I feel sad. She is kind and you can see she tries to help her fans as best as she can, but she is so misguided. I don't see financial stability, I see her in a castle of cards.
also can't fathom why the fuck of all people she had a thing with Peep. when Layla and Corey were together she looked like she was having the time of her life and accomplishing good things. her mom still have pics of these two together on her profile (worth checking, a lot of pictures from the basic ass past of Too Poor).
No. 252953
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>>252938lol looks like corey wasn't happy with Layla
No. 252955
>>252941aw look at little blondie dyed yt too pooh
>>252843she looks like she cant afford shampoo either with that greasy af hair she always got
No. 252961
File: 1487289444071.png (845.16 KB, 598x572, Untitled.png)

toopoori may be slightly heartbroken, have no valentine, and feel alone as fuck, but people around the Fucking world are using me as a symbol of love to share with their friends and that means more to me than any headass boy, or a dozen black roses. ily guys so much. thank you for keeping my heart warm and fuzzy. hugs & kisses - TP
lol like she didnt just sit here and make all of these herself then take a pic
No. 252963
File: 1487289602878.png (265.96 KB, 253x414, 7900d34bb926cfa5f1b8585a59dd05…)

Is this her?? i can't tell.
Also I feel like she's trying to impress peep with her designer shit and bender
No. 252966
>>252963yeah it's her lmao
she was sooo basic back in the day, biggest inspo was miley cyrus pre-freakout according to her pinterest No. 252970
File: 1487290337541.png (189.99 KB, 750x940, IMG_7214.PNG)

tfw you make a voodoo doll of your ex, put it inside a Louis Vuitton plastic bag, take a picture AND TAG HIM, then later post a video of you messing with it on IG(
need me a petty freak like that
No. 252972
>>252963>>252941someone should tweet these at her lmao
>>252970this is psycho but not even in a cute way. like, you need a fucking life and you need some kind of self esteem because youre obsessed over some dude whos a shithead and didnt even care about you lol. sooo successful and above it all yet she does shit like this? sure if u say so, u dr seuss emo lookin dweeb
No. 252990
>>252966The link in her bio leads to an etsy she ran selling yarn covered headphones, is that what she did before being an edgy instagram model?
>Using everyday life as our canvas, Lil' Jammerz works to find new ways to help you separate yourself from anything "normal." Taking even the most standard items, and crashing them together with modern trends and materials.
>So bring creativity to the common, turn up the volume, express yourself, and never say sorry.Nothing screams expressing yourself like apple headphones wrapped in blue string
No. 252995
File: 1487293411327.png (46.26 KB, 750x662, IMG_7216.PNG)

>>252990OH MY GOD, how could I have missed the link?
one more unflattering pic of Too Poor for the collection. tbh she would NEVER take a photo like that nowadays
No. 252999
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>>252990Lil' Jammerz.
Lil' fucking Jammerz.
this name is the worst
But hey, at least she already had the skill of having the nerve for selling unsellable crap even before she had a fanbase that buys anything she has to offer blindly. Gotta give her props.
No. 253100
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it's truly painful to see someone rubbing on everyone's faces how unable they are to get over the end of a laughable relationship
No. 253103
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>>252970tfw when you're also not over your(psycho) ex partner and like a pic posted in january of you two
what the fuck these two are A Mess™
No. 253115
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Meanwhile peep's instahoe will probably move there just to get cheated on
No. 253139
Shit is going down, they're subtweeting each other.
peep tweeted this retweeted her own tweet that says she posted on her snapchat story about 40 minutes ago with the caption: "His dick didn't accidentally end up in your mouth" / "I have eyes and ears and a heart"
to wich peep replied a few minutes ago tweeting: "u mad" "U don't get it you never will" and quickly deleted
No. 253143
File: 1487309953825.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7233.PNG)

>>253139shit show's over, she's live on IG exploring tinder.
No. 253165
File: 1487313254337.png (16.38 KB, 640x138, IMG_2381.PNG)

Toopooh commented this on peeps latest Insta pic
>>253130 No. 253258
File: 1487339980077.png (46.47 KB, 596x434, toopoor.png)

>>253165>>253139Ugh, why are they like this?! This is frustrating just to watch, I can't imagine how it'd be seeing them act this way irl. They both need to step away from each other and social media, stop being edgelords, and Peep's new gf needs to realize that she's probably going to get cheated on too and not move to California. Jesus, the milk is good, but what a shitshow.
Lol @ her recent tweets…I don't know but her talking so sexually all the time kind of creeps me out. Like the video of her talking about dick in Denny's, her bragging (?) about cumming 7 times, and the top tweet here. Ew, she has 23k followers on Twitter, and I'm pretty sure none of them want to see that.
No. 253427
File: 1487355321331.png (1.16 MB, 760x1140, lillpeep.png)

>>253417his real name is gustav, which fits ''a guy who writes how much he loves hiking and adventures on tinder'' perfectly. he's a edgy greaselord and his music isn't that great, seriously i can only listen to a song or two before shutting it off because his voice is insufferable. not to mention how shit his tattoos are. i don't know why she even cares about him. she did have a bf before tho, look here
>>252938 No. 253480
>>253433>>253427So gross and embarrassing to think that he will most likely still have them on his body when he's an old man.
Imagine being 70-odd years old and having "DADDY" and a weed leaf scrawled across your chest. All for some cringey edgelord trend that's already dying out. Shameful.
No. 253482
>>253427that picture makes me a little nauseous, swear
layla's pathetic but i imagine she could do better than a guy who looks like he reeks of body odor all the time?
also the fact layla has so many pics of herself in a bathtub reminds me of a psych article i read recently that said people who take baths often tend to be suffering from a lack of emotional and physical comfort so they use a bath for substitute. it's kind of sad
No. 253487
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>>253258His new girl probably already got cheated on
No. 253498
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>>249797It's the Pete Doherty greasy trash bag charm
No. 253500
File: 1487363740283.png (125.09 KB, 671x899, IMG_7205.PNG)

>>253487kek, I guess she's past the denial phase. finally recognizing there's some serious loose ends between her man and layla. meanwhile, layla was in a tub with @vchillbruh to show she's sooo over it, another greasy ass twink with terrible tattoos(who am I to judge? I crush on Wrench from wd2 hard) only he seems to be very, VERY gay. At the very least bi. Don't know if peep is aware tho.
I know he's apparently trash for toopoor and is committed to the instahoe but word is he fucks around nonetheless. a few days ago this pic surfaced after layla said she wanted to punch a bitch or something, someone replied with this image and she liked it. don't know who is it.
No. 253587
File: 1487377060978.png (835.24 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2386.PNG)

Posted this on instagram and on said on her twitter she feels terrible and might actually be dying.
Cocaine is one hell of a drug huh
No. 253610
>>253587fucking gross, it's not the first time she does that since the breakup(posting blood stained tissue)
i truly don't want her to become hollixquinn #2672
No. 253614
File: 1487379947020.png (21.58 KB, 747x177, IMG_7282.PNG)

>>253587peep tweeted this after her tweet saying that she might be dying
how they go back and forth is so entertaining and puzzling holy shit
No. 253681
File: 1487387124616.png (112.63 KB, 422x316, tp1.png)

No. 253682
File: 1487387189502.png (103.29 KB, 422x303, tp2.png)

No. 253686
File: 1487387246325.png (Spoiler Image,218.46 KB, 411x570, tp3.png)

No. 254041
File: 1487466022115.png (35.53 KB, 640x292, IMG_2392.PNG)

Peep types like an 8 grader
No. 254058
File: 1487469441645.jpg (61.65 KB, 486x409, IMG_7281.JPG)

>>254041that's too funny. instahoe had her head so far up her ass thinking she had hit the jackpot of pure love or something and that she got rid of layla for sure but then…there's this wonder of a message. and layla is left by peep on such a weird spot of "sup i love you but there's this really idiotic reason i can't be w/ u rn???,??"
I'd watch a reality show of those people. LA edgy models, instahoes, soundcloud rappers and their hype men, crackheads, twinks, pushers and the parents of mentioned above kind of people as special guests.
No. 254374
File: 1487528600291.png (39.89 KB, 640x307, IMG_2398.PNG)

No. 254459
>>254240twitter drama is apparently the only thing she's good at, and even then, it comes off as really desperate :/
someone needs to take her social media away
No. 254928
File: 1487623925588.png (987.69 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7380.PNG)

the gimmick never dies
No. 255049
>>254928when I was like 16, I did shit like this on tumblr for quick cash.
but here's the thing: I was fucking 16. she's a grown adult. this is pathetic.
people bought my shit bc I was underaged and men are gross.
what is even the incentive here…? she's so washed up. Not to mention the whole "sad boys/sad girls" bullshit thing has been over for easily 2 years now.
No. 255184
>>255017yeah. what makes it priceless though is that she got this SHIT on a whim because it was around the days her ass was freshly dumped by peep. she wanted to show peep, the new hoe and the world how ~uNbAlanCed she is, and took a chance because Cassidy did the "Live, Laugh, Love one". Now she sports this embarrassment.
layla's showcase of bad tats:
- iconic 'too pooh'
- 'ie cry hate'
and counting.
No. 255666
>>255296well, of course. all these dumb bitches who post pics of themselves nonstop to insta and try to act like they're hard and from THE STREETZZZ GANGGANG BRAT STEP 2 ME are delicate snowflakes who are just pulling a front.
she definitely buys followers and likes. nobody gets 9k likes on a picture and a piddling ~100 comments. she fake.
No. 255706
>>255689Honestly I'm with the anon whose impressed that she's actually selling her nasty old body parts
But I'm not interested until it's her ears and the skin she has peep tatted on lmao
No. 255712
File: 1487730251339.png (882.01 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1643.PNG)

Girl got herself a new scum bag?
No. 255714
File: 1487730407824.png (905.67 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1644.PNG)

Oh damn and she bought the ugliest, most useless pair of Dior glasses
No. 255719
File: 1487730551705.png (1004.35 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1645.PNG)

Sry for the photo drop but I bet her rich trash friend took this "pls make my poor friend buy useless ugly name brand shit"
No. 255722
File: 1487730813224.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1646.PNG)

Are those both her cuz she's like aging into a grimlin like her head is growing into that weird pyramid thing???
No. 255751
>>255740Lol she looks so decrepit
She looks like a troglodyte compared to the other girl
No. 255854
Her new thing is posting how expensive the useless brand shit she buys is, how long do yall think til shes actually poor?
>>255712pretty sure hes gay
No. 255907
File: 1487758656726.jpg (175.74 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20170222_021346.jpg)

Lol wtf
No. 256058
File: 1487793228425.png (36.99 KB, 640x367, IMG_2467.PNG)

Peep lead her on again apparently
No. 256294
File: 1487820363349.png (364.67 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2479.PNG)

He went live and said she's acting like a victim when she isn't and he called her a thot
No. 256305
File: 1487820992227.gif (207.91 KB, 340x249, 1448652927951.gif)

>>256294how do people live like this?!
No. 256408
File: 1487828532272.png (111.05 KB, 640x560, IMG_2480.PNG)

>>256297Apparently this is what happened
No. 256416
File: 1487829633149.png (371.83 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0161.PNG)

This also happened too, he's still following the afternoon delight girl on ig too, I think layla blocked peep because she doesn't come up in his recommended follows
No. 256419
File: 1487830223526.jpg (163.35 KB, 1024x1024, C5UueqBUkAEZzTq.jpg large.jpg)

behold some of the losers that buy her broken nails
No. 256443
>>255296she responds to literally anyone who tweets at her with petty bullshit bc it's all she really has, honestly.
she has some fans that will eventually move onto the next thing and forget about her greasy ass.
and she seems to think that makes her public temper tantrums….. acceptable?
it's just all so pathetic and i'm honestly growing pretty bored of her.
No. 256890
File: 1487921302580.png (1.53 MB, 1242x2208, tp3.PNG)

No. 256891
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No. 256892
File: 1487921427365.png (793.05 KB, 1242x2208, tp5.PNG)

No. 256895
File: 1487921514783.png (51.07 KB, 595x377, 0c20a66732add794581dd97e5cb9a1…)

>>256891>>256892She's a hoe and if this is true he acted completely reasonable.
Meanwhile instahoe wants to spill the beans
No. 256926
File: 1487929925981.png (180.35 KB, 1186x520, Screen Shot 2017-02-24 at 4.51…)

No. 258378
File: 1488087960820.png (62.81 KB, 750x510, IMG_7444.PNG)

>>257686lmao yes, can't blame her, sticking up for too pooh is now legit unpopular opinion
No. 258655
>>257686now it's not possible to leave a comment in her recent pics on IG as well
the backlash is hitting hard
No. 258676
>>258464it's ~sexy and mysterious~ for women to be manipulative and fucked up toward men until the man gets in a relationship with them. then he wants to call her abusive and nobody believes him. he should just 'man up' etc. plenty of girls exploit this.
i say as a woman who was in a relationship with one of these types of toxic women.
No. 259068
File: 1488168671200.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1691.PNG)

He's like, a woodsy hunter aesthetic twink
How evolved
No. 259074
File: 1488169071505.jpg (66.23 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1692.JPG)

>>255722Samefagging hard I kno
I used to be kind of attracted to her until I stared at her to long and notice she has the head shape of some sort of mongoloid? She's has this long egglike skull I would be interested to see it shaved its v prehistoric
No. 259586
>>259066he is
>>259074damn, thought the same. sometimes it looks like she's microcephalic, especially when looking from the side
No. 259640
File: 1488208154980.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1698.PNG)

>>259074She's weirdly reptilian looking
No. 259735
File: 1488221295681.png (725.85 KB, 581x591, 4e2eb1402a51e3fe75ba25410daab9…)

>>259731Sage for samefag but she reminds me of a hartley hooligan when she was a kid
No. 259887
>>259764There's no reason why she should be as thin as she is she eats junk everyday and binge drinks lol it's catching up with her..
TP no one is gonna like you if you're fat :/
No. 259963
File: 1488248765895.png (31.94 KB, 524x239, d923934bae99fea0f074819a2bf575…)

I think Layla sent this to peep's ex side piece because she constantly referred to him as ''love of my life''
No. 260149
File: 1488274711597.jpg (331.16 KB, 1242x1377, IMG_1776.JPG)

Dating a 32 year old degenerate nicknamed "Tuna" (center) who relies on SS, etc to sell his pills for money/xanax
No. 260166
>>260144 Is this your tinder fling? What were you thinking?
No. 260414
File: 1488304366153.png (167.89 KB, 640x1124, IMG_2547.PNG)

No. 261608
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No. 261610
File: 1488405182448.png (140.4 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7516.PNG)

No. 261648
>>260414I'd like to add that ''ending their break up on good terms'' is bullshit because I remember her crying tweets about how she's such a piece of shit before side piece even came along. And, Peep tweeting things like ''why does everyone treat me like shit''
>>261611I'm assuming it makes 15 year olds who smell of B.O and have no friends feel badass
No. 261947
File: 1488444245329.png (1.2 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2572.PNG)

No. 261966
>>261947I am so
triggered by her downsy looking eyes.
No. 262133
>>260414LIZA MINNELLI LIES. Good terms? What was all that shitshow on twitter then? Bitch won't admit she was heartbroken. kek.
I'm eagerly awaiting to see what will be her new fling.
No. 262175
>>260253Sure they do if you only eat a cheeseburger combo and some Fritos a day.
google the Twinkie diet, anon.
also if she's doing uppers she's probably eating sporadically.
if she's not doing hard drugs she just isn't eating much.
No. 262464
File: 1488517818021.png (432.11 KB, 1269x278, 043ea02d02d7cafe1131b312317130…)

>>262187It's not even a fair fight when Layla has 100k 14 year olds backing her up
No. 262493
>>262475yeah tuna is legit poor and toopooh is a fake or something
tuna has the power of used needles on her side
No. 262622
File: 1488555998443.png (94.42 KB, 633x657, scorpiotaurus.png)

I know most people think astrology is fake and don't care (that's why I'm saging this) but Layla is a taurus and Peep is a scorpio…Which actually explains a lot. They're both fixed signs and sister signs - and stubborn and unwilling to admit who's being petty. I took a screenshot of a page that explains it better than I can..
>>262613I'd love if someone made a thread like this. I don't know much about it myself but I've known a few of those types of girls and the second hand embarrassment is real. Reminds me of ginger bronson in some ways.
No. 269186
File: 1489456493997.png (82.39 KB, 750x485, IMG_1931.PNG)

Lol dam girl I can't imagine you're a peach to work with either
No. 269314
File: 1489478449919.jpg (189.06 KB, 986x1163, C62QvVyVwAAYIyk.jpg large.jpg)

>>269196A lot of people, apparently. They dug up more tweets of her saying nigger and talking shit about trannies.
No. 270757
File: 1489673905050.png (204.87 KB, 749x1091, IMG_1985.PNG)

How is she headlining an event??? What does she do? She's not listed as a DJ or anything? Wtf is this?
No. 270784
File: 1489679057362.jpg (143.96 KB, 1200x1186, CxH1Ff1UAAIgYbo.jpg)

>>270757she's gonna be sitting at a booth sucking cock for blow
No. 271230
File: 1489735339314.png (117.93 KB, 750x659, IMG_7819.PNG)

No. 271249
File: 1489738134634.png (92.7 KB, 750x572, IMG_7820.PNG)

>>271240yeah, fucking yikes
No. 272000
File: 1489829926572.png (372.97 KB, 593x518, Capture.PNG)

peep rt'd a pic of layla w some other soundcloud dude (the guy taggd him) & then tweeted he od'd.
Can both of these ppl just chill out for a minute.
No. 272276
layla is such an immature and annoying jew. her dad gives her a ton of money and she cant even buy cool friends anymore. she fucked up with corey, he seemed nice. i cant wait for her 6 30th birthdays over the next few years.
>>271313hollixquinn is her current tumblr. she got "sober" and now does everything except heroin. which means she's probably back on heroin.
No. 272731
File: 1489889531949.png (87 KB, 750x1161, IMG_7876.PNG)

thoughts on Layla's new sweetheart? I personally think it's a major upgrade
No. 272732
File: 1489889813590.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7878.PNG)

also how can a person be in the "ugh men" "dont date boys" post-breakup phase and simultaneously fancying a boy??? plus, fancying anyone like weeks after said breakup that almost KILLED her??? I don't know if it's a jab at peep's and instahoe initial situation, but she claimed this boy bought an one way ticket just to see her. she's in love, again
No. 272753
>>272746damn, she deleted it already. what the fuck was the point tho?
>>271313>>272276any of you know what happened between she and karman back in the day? and is she still "dating" lillith?
No. 272783
File: 1489894158029.png (97.69 KB, 750x1019, IMG_7881.PNG)

No. 272784
File: 1489894241786.png (113.43 KB, 750x1087, IMG_7883.PNG)

No. 272785
File: 1489894390749.png (177.66 KB, 750x1190, IMG_7886.PNG)

btw, I was going to say that I wished she would drop the hush hush act alrealdy and deliver his @ bc he's hot but I found him, here's the guy
No. 272790
>>272785That's "hot?"
lol Scrawny-ass thing..
No. 272820
File: 1489897940282.png (21.76 KB, 590x245, d3370a9b351237877b0d4e6df1ed0a…)

>>272785So much for peep being '''''''''''''the love of her life'''''''''''''''''''' lmfao
No. 272847
File: 1489903174505.png (17.03 KB, 416x203, IMG_7888.PNG)

No. 272995
>>272320Peep comes from money too tho. They're both dumb rich kids play acting struggle artists.
Or peep is at least, I'm not sure what layla's supposed to be besides a party girl.
No. 273099
File: 1489953541220.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7897.PNG)

>>273097It's on her snapchat story, she had the nerve to tell this herself. It's painful to rewatch
(in the one she looks like this)
No. 273102
File: 1489953735623.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7898.PNG)

she weak
No. 273103
>>273099Omg I never turn the sound on my phone for her my god that terrible whiny voice!!
She thinks her life is like reality tv and I guess in ways it is cuz here we are.
No. 273158
>>272785>95lol holy shit she needs to act her fucking age
>>273084i thought her whole thing was that she didn't do drugs or drink?
No. 273172
>>273158I can't back it up right now but I thought she does drugs for a while now. My tired brain can only think of her Xanax pillow tho.
Fun fact: I recalled her name incorrectly the other day as Sharpio (SHARPY-O) Fayla "TOOPOOP" Sharpy-o
>>272284Please make TOOPOOP the next thread name if she gets one (sorta want it to die tho, too)
No. 273181
>>273158nah, she actually drinks a lot, pops xan all the time, is a regular coke user and recently even did crack after breaking up w/ peep
>>273137ikr??? i hope the organization/staff don't pay her shit, not even the plane ticket back to LA. You can bet some of the djs performing were on something or drunk, but our goff princess dozed off and didn't bother to attend because of xan.
No. 273275
>>27327320, I think he was still a teenager when they started to date.
I know they're both adults & it's not even a huge gap but I'm just like why????/gross ew
No. 273305
File: 1489972884703.png (139.83 KB, 750x725, IMG_2047.PNG)

>>273287Damn she's totally a 24 yr old cougar I see that
also I cannot get over how strange her head shape is and her shit posture is not helping her
No. 273458
File: 1489986138488.png (18.61 KB, 750x153, IMG_7915.PNG)

g night
No. 273472
File: 1489987663996.png (225.32 KB, 1242x1837, IMG_2324.PNG)

she's not a real dj lul she plays pretentious parties for "internet famous" people and with shitty 'ironic' remixes and dumb soundcloud rap. Her soundcloud profile is a fucking mess.
No. 273841
File: 1490048492206.png (1.4 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7934.PNG)

No. 273865
I'm almost embarrassed to admit Too Pooh is one of my favorite cows. This bitch just airs all her shit out for nothing and it's so entertaining.
Never stop being a scumbag, Layla.
No. 273885
File: 1490052333587.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7940.PNG)

breaking news
No. 273887
File: 1490052470627.png (759.41 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7941.PNG)

No. 273906
File: 1490054849698.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7866.PNG)

>>273889lmao yes, and it must have been a call with a serious tone. He didn't even told her to pose too, he's ~*serving*~ and she's like caught mid sentence looking like a potato. but idk coming from a guy who posts his hairy everything on IG and his hand w/ jizz on SC, I bet he doesn't even think this is weird behavior
tbh I just watch his online steps because I want another source of Layla's fresh milk, kind of what I do w/ Cas and her other friends.
No. 274106
>>273917I feel like this girl would aestheticize almost any risqué charge she could get so I wonder what she's even going to court for.
Maybe it's super mundane & she's just playing it up for the followers.
No. 274175
>>273887I can't get over how misshapen her head is, it's weird… she's almost like a Hartley Hooligan. The only thing she seems to have going for her is her complexion, even though she abuses the shit out of herself. Otherwise, her nose is massive, her eyes are droopy and she seriously looks like she stinks of layers of sweat, vomit, unwashed cock/pussy, greasy hair and yeast infections.
I'm honestly not surprised the only guys she can attract are of her own calibre, it's like she's trying to live the life of a crust punk whose been given daddy's gold american express card to do with what she wants.
No. 274425
>>262597did anyone end up making this thread? im a long time lurker but would 100% participate in this shit
altho i like lauren, she's like a less trashy version of all these other girls albeit still with the drug habits and trust fund dependence
No. 274482
File: 1490134926486.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2086.PNG)

I like that she made this herself
No. 274485
File: 1490135151411.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7973.PNG)

>this was the first thing that my ex gave to me
then proceeds to toss it away and breaks it
No. 274510
>>274488Dude if stanky pussy came up and tried to act hard to me I would throat punch her without a thought and embrace her pressing assault charges on me. It's not cute to play pretend when you're over fucking 15 years old.
JS she is the type of girl to be raped by gang members so they could "teach her a lesson".
No. 274652
File: 1490143822699.png (16.22 KB, 682x135, IMG_7562.PNG)

>>274610what the fuck???
wish I could find a post with more "deviant" ratings but I just needed to express my feelings, try to take this traumatic image off my head and take a 12 hour long bath. please don't be into scat, layla. be a lolcow, not a horrorcow.
No. 274734
File: 1490148974107.png (167.62 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7978.PNG)

No. 274736
File: 1490149095278.png (267.68 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7979.PNG)

No. 274741
File: 1490149243038.png (126.73 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7980.PNG)

needless to say, they went on board with that. male fans.
No. 274742
File: 1490149335285.png (294.33 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7981.PNG)

No. 274757
File: 1490150464778.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7987.PNG)

No. 274763
File: 1490150689591.png (Spoiler Image,969.43 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7989.PNG)

No. 274796
File: 1490152658544.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7992.PNG)

>>274791ikr? in some photos it looks like the penis of the exceptional individual puked, in others it looks like it sneezed.
No. 274797
File: 1490152811200.png (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7991.PNG)

I really want to know the story behind that picture. Like, if that's what I think it is, how shitty. He nutted on another girl while thinking of TP?????
No. 275021
>>274763>>274796>>274783>>274791>>274796I literally just spent a whole minute dry heaving… and i just did it again just thinking about it.
Save yourselves if you've only just caught up on this thread today, do NOT view those pictures unless you can handle viewing an extremely unhealthy neckbeard's ejaculate… it's seriously not worth the curiosity.
No. 275167
File: 1490209767346.jpg (61.55 KB, 540x411, 16831169_10209901511951987_318…)

I keep seeing spoilered pictures but why do I keep opening them and ignoring people advising not to?
No. 275174
>>275021You fucking warned me and I did it anyways. Jesus fucking christ, I started gagging I'm gonna kill myself.
The edge points you have to be reaching for by showing off fucked up cum on a kiddie photo of you is astonishing.
No. 275204
File: 1490214241614.png (431.87 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2089.PNG)

Lmao tp
No. 275227
File: 1490215750543.png (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8009.PNG)

cant believe YOU
No. 275237
What's weird it's that as edgy as this people try to appear, they're normalfags(this kind of culture and aesthetic is becoming very popular), so It's not an expected behavior from this kind of ppl, they do crazy shit, but not that specific tier of crazy because reasonably, people frown upon creepy shit done to children. Had this come from a random horrorcow on some obscure chan/forum it'd be revolting nonetheless but at least somewhat unsurprising. I can only hope he did it only for that sweet shock value and jacked off to another picture instead, w/o even looking to lil TP. No, no. Actually, I hope that's not even cum, just some kind of cream/liquid soap. Still offensive and gross to just insinuate something like that. Too Poor is digging her own grave by reposting that, I wouldn't be mad if Tumblr callout post writers got a hold of that post.
No. 275285
File: 1490220275681.png (88.73 KB, 747x479, IMG_8010.PNG)

TP in "rap" lyrics 1/2
No. 275295
File: 1490221140330.png (76.73 KB, 750x646, IMG_8011.PNG)

TP in "rap" lyrics 2/2
No. 275327
File: 1490222817129.png (72.9 KB, 750x1007, IMG_8012.PNG)

Possible milk fountain?
>>275300i don't look forward to hearing vocal fry in quality audio :(
No. 275371
File: 1490225475317.png (58.5 KB, 750x744, IMG_8016.PNG)

>>275366dunno. I was searching for her name on twitter to see what ppl were talking about the #nutfortoopoor challenge and came across the tweet in this pic. requested to follow hoping it's gossip tho. If it's shitty edit material sign me the fuck off
No. 275399
File: 1490227218680.jpg (22.68 KB, 236x314, IMG_2098.JPG)

>>275374>>275374She really does I'm praying her lifestyle ruins it
But the shape of her skull makes up for it she does look like a pinhead pic related
No. 275761
File: 1490278588097.png (1.09 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8039.PNG)

OOOOOOPS I think her """bf""""" is not so into it as she is
No. 275764
File: 1490279221796.png (1.13 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8041.PNG)

He must think about her psycho demonstration of affection/jealousy after breaking up with peep, goes like "damn" and knows better than not associating publicly with her. After all, I doubt she wouldn't have told everyone who he is if he hadn't told her not to. She mentions him all the time, just doesn't share his identity(?) Pretty sus coming from a person who even takes videos of herself taking a dump and pissing/shares her location to receive stuff from followers.
No. 275798
>>275021Bless you and get well soon, anon.
>>275764>>275761Toilet paper could be staging this for pity points and such? I don't trust her
No. 275981
>>275973She's sperging out hard on her snapchat about the thread kek
"Finally calling your asses out you sick fucks" lul like we're the people posting baby pictures of ourselves with cum splattered all over it
No. 275989
File: 1490303109679.png (173.23 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8057.PNG)

hi layla ;)
what's with the attitude? we're obsessed with queens like Pixyteri, u ain't shit.
>sick fucks
said the person reposting a picture of another sick fuck who nutted on a childhood picture of her kek
get ur life right before your e-fame ends k bye hun
No. 276049
File: 1490309009031.png (2.25 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2353.PNG)

>>275989I went to screenshot but she deleted all of them and just has this up lol
Her last one about the thread looked like she just finished crying so i bet she's really fucked up rn and just realized how dumb she made herself look
No. 276070
File: 1490311076610.png (23.02 KB, 750x185, IMG_8059.PNG)

awwwwww poor lil thing
No. 276081
>>276073lol fuck
I'm baffled. Thought she was smarter than this. Would've suited her edgy persona more to shit on image boards and to not take it so personally. But I guess she really IS that sensitive emo snowflake persona.
Toopoor, you're smart and know how to work your followers, come on, you're better than this.
Just look at any thread and how horrible other cows are. You're not alone in the spotlight, there's room for everyone to be called out. And your fans still love you, so what's the deal???? Want the whole internet to applaud your clown circus and kiss ur ass and adore the freakish niche you cater to?
Except if this is another sheme which would make sense…
No. 276083
>>276082>>276073I kekd. That was brillant anon
Obvious sage
No. 276126
File: 1490315703716.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8060.PNG)

bitch wash this fucking hair with that shampoo looking cum of those fans of yours
i ain't "obsessed" with no goddamn greasy hair hoe
No. 276160
File: 1490318180983.png (886.15 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6512.PNG)

No. 276166
>>276160great, keep reading then, layla ''lil jammerz'' sharpio. you're just wasting your own time and you definitely can't deny that those snotty tears when peep broke up with you were real. ''fake life'' oh yes, because your real life which consists of getting xanned out, not doing any of the very few things asked of you (like not doing your ''dj'' set recently), and selling your tacky fingernails is so much better. i swear, such a stereotypical stubborn, petty taurus and that's coming from someone who is a taurus theirself.
anyways, does she really think anybody cares about her here? this thread gets updated every few days at most and most people in this thread say that they've never heard of her before. we have much better (in essentially every way) cows here at the farms who are much more popular than her. i guess it's that superiority complex peeking through, ''
talks it about for hours i'm not mad! haterz make me famoose!''
No. 276194
>>276166You're so right. I've been pretty bored lately and not working everyday as before so I spend lots of time on here. I know most snowflakes but toopoop never seemed interesting at all to me, and her thread is slow af (this is the first a time I'm leaving a comment ITT). The only reason why it caught my interest again is because the was lurking and got immensely
She tries so hard to be edgy, I wonder how terrible she's going to feel when she sobers up and face everything she did to herself to get people's attention and e-fame. I mean we all already know she hates herself behind her self esteem. Laughing at the baby pic and making it seem funny shows how deranged she is. It's also quite sad if you ask me.
She is thinking too highly of herself as usual. You don't have any haterzz here, Layla. Most anons are just laughing at your cesspool of a life, not hating.
"Fake life" made me kek sooo hard.
>>276169 is so right, she documents every little thing.
No. 276210
>>276160Holy shit salty does not look good on you Layla
Lord forbid someone doesn't suck your ass and tell you how edgy you are
No. 276242
File: 1490325206692.png (37.39 KB, 750x214, IMG_8062.PNG)

>>276217's a rare disease, makes the infected stick with their dumb teenage username even though it doesn't resonate with them anymore
No. 276245
>>276211one time on a livestream, someone brought this subject up and she said something along the lines of "I'd(love to?) be a camgirl but y'all would find me"
true that, the sleuths of the farms can and will find whatever cringy shit you try to pull off
No. 276254
huh. now I realized
>>254065 is probably Layla. mistook it for a random newfag because of the ";)" on the name field.
No. 276279
File: 1490334009044.jpg (96 KB, 608x442, Untitled.jpg)

No. 276293
File: 1490335572629.png (18.68 KB, 750x172, IMG_8071.PNG)

>>276267yeah. I hope she doesn't go full exceptional individual in case they fight or something
good luck on the date layla dont fuck it up
No. 276392
>>276116She's obviously lying about that because she's only had a breakdown over seeing it now.
Someone cowtipped, most likely either Dasha, Millie, Ginger or Luna seeing as they all follow each other in a roundabout way and are more than aware they have their own threads here.
Sorry that the truth hurts you, Layla… either embrace it or sort your fucking life out.
No. 276404
>>276402Not to mention all the cows posted in /snow are low-tier heifers who didn't make the cut to /pt.
Only the most infamous and well known (and loved) cows end up in /pt, imagine not even being a worthy lolcow.
No. 276435
>>276279tbh, I like both looks but I get why you would hate on them. She just has a niche now. I think right is one of her better and more consistent photos (I think the real problem is the overflow of front cam selfies and less her style). Whether you like it or not you have to hand it to her that she does not fuck around with a ton of different styles like other cows, this is pretty straight-forward just what she likes and I can respect that. But that's just my opinion and don't mean to censor this threat like other anons
Honestly, if she kept her cool about the thread and wasn't so salty AND if she properly apologized for FUCKING UP that DJ gig like a goddamn brat / douchebag loser, I'd
unsubscribe to this thread in a heartbeat. For all I care she can have all the boy drama in the world and fill up and sell her own bodily fluids.
No. 276674
>>276279is she legitimately missing a part of her skull or something?
or maybe her mother forgot to turn her in her sleep as a baby and she formed a very sloped/flat side of her head?
either way i'm constantly baffled @ her head shape
No. 277695
>>277577retards do shit like this and layla doesn't even tag them to shout them out kek
>>277683read the fucking thread
No. 277729
>>277577"the shits" is such a bad term
i am imagining watery diarrhea
No. 277853
File: 1490561672987.png (443.11 KB, 700x700, 1472189182048.png)

>>277758That's funny that these chicks think that fucking a washed up rockstar is 'dating' and something to brag about. MM has fucked and dumped an ungodly amount of girls/dudes.
No. 277873
>>277740>>277758>>277853What worthy successors of … Rose McGowan, Dita van Teese, Evan Rachel Wood…
I like Manson and get why he would fuck around, hell, I even get why some girls would try to fuck him even tho he's old. But our Instagram generation projecting their need for attention and any watered down version subsitute for fame onto him, boning him to suck up that good left-over fame residue and bragging about it? Concerning.
No. 277917
File: 1490565939017.jpg (178.27 KB, 982x1200, CtUHZFzUAAA-l78 (1).jpg)

TP is mutuals (friends?) with this alternative model / harness maker chick Teale Coco who had a shoot by Terry Richardson (gross, but still a good gig and looks decent) with MM last year for a spread. It's actually a pretty cool shoot and looks fun (and less creepy than his other work). Wish, TP tried to do more things more like this
hint hint ..
wink …
blows kiss .. I mean, not shoot for dazed. But just have some higher ambition and perspective for herself
Pic from Teale Coco's twitter
>>277866I have to agree with anon who says this tour bus hook-up and all seems to be fake news. Typical fake story time until proven otherwise
No. 277966
>>277646I had to exit out of her livestream after some guy commented that he got her name tattooed on him, causing his girlfriend to
almost break up with him.
Why are these people so fucking idiotic? I understand stanning celebrities or people with actual talent… but edgy ig hoes? Can't relate… Whats worse is that these are the people that validate their existence/online presence. As long as they have fans they won't stop.
No. 277980
>>277952I don't recall seeing anything involving MM on her private account. That account is pretty much the same sort of content on her main, the most interesting thing probably being a couple of videos she posted of her playing around with some guys open wounds/blood then defending it because ~its her fetish~
sage for double post
No. 277992
>>277875yeah but still, it was at worst no deader than it was before she sperged out, the busiest this thread has probably been is right around her sperg out. don't see how that equated to that she made us all feel ~too awk to post~ about her.
sounds more like her wishful thinking, that either she actually made anyone feel bad with that or hoping by calling the thread dead it would die… but that's tinfoilhatting
No. 278028
>>278001wtf????? yeah, the day I found tp bf's insta he still followed her(hotelshrimp) now he's not following her anymore.
@deadmomsclub unfollowed too poor(still follows @vchillbruh)
@vchillbruh unfollowed cassidy(but still follows deadmomsclub)
how sad, she can't keep bfs AND friends for long.
No. 278034
File: 1490573668809.png (991.97 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8131.PNG)

she got a face tat
No. 278100
File: 1490577619206.png (20.61 KB, 750x178, IMG_8134.PNG)

it takes one cock
No. 278154
>>278034but her insta life is totally fake, you know, not anything as permanent or real as a tattoo right guys
nervous laughter /s
>>278042fucking kek
No. 278188
File: 1490583079896.png (1018.41 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8137.PNG)

he bleached his hair, i'm hoping she didn't made him do it to look more like peep kek
No. 278194
File: 1490583488005.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8135.PNG)

Her new tattoo. They wrote the same thing on the same spot, "love me".
o h m y g o d they've been dating for like DAYS AAAAAAAaaaaAA she's repeating the same wrong shit she did when she was in a relationship with Peep
No. 278206
>>278199this is like her curse, fuck.
I think none of these people care if shit goes South, they believe any tattoo of which the subject has been soiled just gives them more depth and edge and experience … even if everything happens in like … a week lol
Anyways, I wish them luck. Don't fuck it up gaiz
No. 278214
>>278100This is actually pretty cool and the best possible decision for their rs.
Yeah, she can fuck it up with her personality but sobering up seems to be constructive and responsible. With a clear head many things could sort themselves out
Also, that takes some balls to decide!! If Luna decided to quit using, farmers would be crying, singing Halleluja and giving standing ovations lmao. Props to her
No. 278267
File: 1490591319619.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8138.PNG)

I think it's for us! Awww! <3 Omg you guys, we take more space in her stories than her actual fans! Isn't it just marvelous?
kek u failure
No. 278383
>>278267it's really sad how layla tries to make herself seem like some girl to envy because she's so hip and gangster and busy making $$$ but she's sitting on her phone stalking fucking lolcow and getting her feefees so hurt she's brought us up multiple times.
go home to mom and dad, tp. sort your fucking life out. you're not a teenager anymore, you're supposed to be a grown-ass woman and reality is going to bite you in the privileged ass harder than you ever thought.
No. 278492
File: 1490636450237.png (1.14 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2910.PNG)

She's looking so aged
No. 278499
>>278492She looks bloated af
I mean really edgy
Really unique
No. 278507
File: 1490638038997.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2189.PNG)

Grandma TP is speaking to us
No. 278626
File: 1490649516997.png (926.6 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8163.PNG)

No. 278959
>>278492>>278500I don't know, he looks really average to me. Really average, but now with a bad dye job and stupid hairline tattoo…
TP just looks super bloated and gross. She seriously looks worse every time we see a new pic of her.
No. 279058
>>277646like she has any room to talk with the same exact stinky trashy aesthetic and shady tactics
BUT i do find it hilarious that they dislike each other, and kinda sad for tp that she can't even make genuine friends within her own obscure circle
No. 279084
>>279078you just described the entirety of lolcow like
it's literally a gossip website for internet personalities she aint special
No. 279199
File: 1490704725885.jpg (11.65 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>278626I swear I read thatkazookid first, dear lord
No. 279266
File: 1490715679969.png (669.61 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0395.PNG)

>>66660I'm peeing what is this
No. 280234
File: 1490831416262.png (918.4 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8223.PNG)

fingers crossed
No. 280578
File: 1490863871814.png (39.18 KB, 578x262, dcc924e56498e34c5afb5dc32b14fa…)

did you get dumped again layla?
No. 281958
File: 1490997813249.png (4.15 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0251.PNG)

No. 282282
File: 1491070287575.jpg (181.84 KB, 900x1200, C8MmN0fVYAEDIr4.jpg)

He looks way too young for botox face
No. 282285
File: 1491070398730.jpg (169.47 KB, 900x1200, C8MmODvVYAAH-Td.jpg)

Also, lol at them putting the camera into the corner of twink's new apartment instead of maybe on the kitchen counter
No. 282340
wtf did y'all notice joei and layla speak the same way????? like that "cash me ousside" girl? Layla always spoke retarded but rn it's TOO MUCH
btw joei is back to his hometown
No. 282344
File: 1491079429676.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8324.PNG)

OT but damn vchillbruh got money. thought he was just another disposable piece of layla's clique, but it's the bitch's best interest to keep the twink around.
No. 282384
File: 1491085497836.png (166.5 KB, 720x878, Screenshot_20170402-002107.png)

>>282340I'm not following their snapchats, so I can't speak on that and on ig the story is too short. He sure looks like it = obnoxious!! I listened to one of his songs and his rap sounds like his voice hasn't dropped.
>>282344This is pretty stupid for a guy who raps about not trusting bitches. Then again, he did dodge a relationship
If it's true what Peep said about her, she is honestly fucked up and abusive. But I don't really trust any info from anyone in that circle jerk
Peep seems to be super messed up and jealous in his last tweets.
No. 282386
File: 1491085632260.png (190.35 KB, 720x716, Screenshot_20170402-002046.png)

She vague tweeted about this: I don't really care if you cry
No. 282463
>>282461that tweet is just her trolling most likely lmao
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
No. 282470
>>282461In her video talking about going to ohio you can hear the sound of her snorting something while offscreen. not exactly the smartest thing when you were in court less than a week ago.
Also jesus she drawls like a fucking special needs kid.
No. 282509
>>282494Newfag that was before she swore off drugs
You can keep the rewards, I'd just as soon stay sick - The Cramps, "Bikini Girls With Machine Guns"
No. 282576
layla is sperging on snapchat. i think she's missing joei or something and that's valid, but that shit's just cringey.
"Can I be your favorite toy? Play with me, and be too rough. I want you to break me."
No. 282577
File: 1491116987239.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8333.PNG)

Ow the edge.
"Can I be your favorite toy? Play with me, and be too rough. I want you to break me."
No. 282614
>>282577Peep was posting angsty stuff abt missing someone on insta
And then like an hour later a pic of him w a Fucking foot shoved in his mouth same pov as this. I can't tell if that's a coincidence or not.
No. 283108
File: 1491205466705.png (Spoiler Image,2.17 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5747.PNG)

No. 283583
File: 1491260019665.png (932.24 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8358.PNG)

what's with this obsession of tp with people cumming on her photos? considering they were facetiming, she actually watched him do it lmao
No. 283631
File: 1491262968715.png (15.98 KB, 750x219, IMG_8365.PNG)

Bubba L knows
(what are those moves tho)
No. 283666
>>283583I don't want to imagine her trashy forced accent, whiny, high-pitched voice during sex. I bet she makes sure lots of people get to indulge in that.
Also bet she does the weirdest shit during sex
Those make out vids of them, one at Cody's place, make me wonder if she'd have sex at someone else's place, too. Or in a public toilet. Probably McDonalds (God I hate her obsession with fastfood)
Imagine minding your business at home and tp putting on a theatrical, crazy show nextdoor, screaming the house down
No. 284009
>>254058>I'd watch a reality show of those people. LA edgy models, instahoes, soundcloud rappers and their hype men, crackheads, twinks, pushers and the parents of mentioned above kind of people as special guests.Kek Im genuinely surprised this doesn't exist yet.
I personally know a lot of people who run in those circles (lil peeps friends, gbc ect)for several years. Good bit of deranged social climbers/"goth" instahoes fucking soundcloud rappers, almost everyone is on drugs and/or having mental breakdowns. It looks cooler online than in real life.
>>283855>>283937Either way she managed to downgrade to a no name. At least peep is successful.
No. 284124
>>284067instahoes* Sorry Ive never been to this site before.
Anyways.. so much drama/instability its absurd.
No. 284642
File: 1491361643372.png (44.62 KB, 750x391, IMG_8386.PNG)

she posted this pic on IG earlier today at this comment:
No. 284645
File: 1491361728884.png (24.24 KB, 750x158, IMG_8387.PNG)

if this is legit, maybe it's the video peep referenced and got his fee fees hurt over
No. 284657
File: 1491362379867.png (152.74 KB, 749x1018, IMG_8389.PNG)

Damn this is corey's new girl. I'd like this opportunity to say that I'm applauding with both hands and feet. Granted, he got a thing for the exotic ones, but she's so cuteee
No. 284713
>>284657what does this have to do with anything
smells like selfpost
No. 285843
File: 1491520278907.png (653.86 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8458.PNG)

her average haters are kind of exceptional
No. 285928
File: 1491535564821.png (70.14 KB, 747x447, IMG_8464.PNG)

people, we have ass-patters around us. kek. layla's stans don't even know how to raid, just as expected, you are as pathetic as your fav.
No. 286259
File: 1491590544061.png (114.11 KB, 746x733, IMG_9669.PNG)

she look like a rat
No. 286264
>>283586It's like he is dancing but trying not to look like he is because it wouldn't be cool.
Production value A+ kek
No. 286265
File: 1491591537963.png (111.29 KB, 720x781, Screenshot_20170407-145734.png)

>>283586OT but omfg
No. 287728
>>287437Omg is she that old? I thought she was like 24 trying to pull off 21,
Also doesn't that mean peep was 19 when they dated? She's the youngest cougar I've ever seen I guess g4u Layla
No. 287779
>>287437>>287728I wouldn't listen to this anon. Someone's been in here insisting she's a lot older than she is with no proof.
But layla is totally a cougar ether way lol. Peep was a teen for most of their relationship & I think her new boi is like barely 20.
No. 287798
File: 1491768510202.png (131.64 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3029.PNG)

>>287774Her lifestyle finally caught up to her i'm assuming
No. 287831
>>287819Either bait or a retarded teenager thirsting for his dick
>>287798She looks horrible
No. 287889
wew lad, for someone who claims the shit we say here doesn't phase her she sure is paranoid/throws jabs at us a lot
>>285928reading the thread with your mother???? what the fuck for??? that's rich
No. 287903
File: 1491775332153.png (1.09 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8544.PNG)

oh man samefagging but that's richer
No. 287904
File: 1491775414089.png (1001.04 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8545.PNG)

No. 287910
>>287903This bitch has gotten like 10 replies on her thread in the last 2 days & wants to talk about us getting off the computer.
I don't even understand her fixation on this site either the people in her mentions, comments and dms are way meaner than us. You can't talk shit when you lurk that hard layla
No. 288128
File: 1491789277167.jpg (82.31 KB, 540x505, ellexkayy.jpg)

Was looking at Tumblr and saw some art that looks kinda like Layla. Sage because irrelevant.
No. 288233
File: 1491799638501.png (116.49 KB, 340x191, pT0wgRm.png)

>>288128Sage for even more irrelevance but you've found some perfect Jill art
No. 288325
>>287903>>287904>too GollumWhat is this shit???
This fucking filter. I guess it's cool she's being polite but …. this ugly ass filter
No. 288367
File: 1491817821530.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8563.PNG)

>>288128she's straight up miserable, lurking this thread is her new hobby or something look at what she posted kek
use that time to hit the gym layla you've been looking rough lately
No. 288894
>>288618that's what happens when you put yourself in the public eye, hon. people are going to talk shit.
If you hate it so much then get a real job and stop selling your nails for Xanax lol
No. 289603
>>287903I think she's snapping about this thread so much to get her fans to come on here and defend her. It's clearly really bothering her. I'm in no way a fan but I don't think she's in a very good way and some comments here are plain mean (talking about her facial features and weight). I always thought she had disordered eating and the before tp pics kinda confirmed that for me. I would hate for someone to be retriggered into an ED by online comments. Eating disorders also have the highest rate of suicide among all mental illnesses and I'd hate for that to happen. With the borderline traits she shows and her being in the public eye, I'm concerned she really needs help of some kind.
But as far as this thread goes, tp needs to understand that being in the public eye will cause people to talk, it's the other side of popularity you have to deal with. No one is leaking private pictures of her. They are all photos, vids and tweets she's putting out publicly herself on the Internet. There's no law against screencapping publically available content and reposting it. The riskier the content, the more people will talk. I think it would be helpful for tp to be a bit more selective with what she reveals about her life if this thread is really affecting her. Keep early relationships on the lowdown before blasting it all across social media etc. When you live your life like a its reality tv show people start to see you more as a character and not as a person. They will bitch and gossip. That's just people and that's not going to change any time soon so I think Layla needs to have a good think about where she is, what patterns are occurring in her life and whether she wants to change them or not.
No. 289609
>>289603Eating disorders are indeed serious, and I'm sure that Layla could benefit from some sort of therapy, but she is choosing to read these comments. It's not as if lolcow is something completely unavoidable on the vast expanse of the internet. Again, I understand what you're saying, but the fact of the matter is that she doesn't need to come here. She is purposefully exposing herself to the very thing that bothers her so much.
Moreover, this is lolcow. This is an image board dedicated almost entirely to shitting on other people and criticizing their (often ridiculous) actions. No one gives a shit if they're being mean. This doesn't mean that we should lose all sense of empathy, but I think it's a bit ridiculous to even consider censoring our posts in the interest of kindness… when Layla doesn't have to be here in the first place.
No. 289642
>>289633Yeah she eats cheeseburgers n shit
why are you
>>289603 so sure she has an eating disorder?
TP is that u
No. 289749
File: 1491990047512.jpeg (87.88 KB, 592x594, image.jpeg)

Before and after
No. 289771
>>289747I found the """"infiltrated""""" fan!
wew lad u annoying as fuck with your unwanted tl;dr and blogposting take your ED ass somewhere else and stop embarrassing yourself
No. 289786
File: 1491998493894.png (156.72 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8617.PNG)

Hope they didn't break up yet(?)
No. 289787
File: 1491998515653.png (139.19 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8618.PNG)

No. 289788
File: 1491998590163.png (136.68 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8619.PNG)

No. 290406
File: 1492068040105.png (407.92 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9720.PNG)

no u not
No. 290428
>>290406holy shit they're all so childish this is pathetic, start acting your fucking age layla.
>>289786 this shit was probably about peep too
No. 290583
File: 1492109125484.png (151.42 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2674.PNG)

>>290428They're both wrecks but I think peep started this round of this mess.
No. 290589
File: 1492109517089.png (226.89 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2675.PNG)

>>290583Wow why is no one stoping him, I know you get bored on tour but this is verging on neckbeard shit
No. 290645
>>290589joei do something
joei: ok
films a snap of himself with a serious and tired expression while listening to one of his god awful rap songs in his car No. 291354
File: 1492137539390.png (147.11 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2700.PNG)

>>290645Peep: publicly declare love for your ex who you cheated on/cheated on you
Extra lol @ the fact even his fans are telling him to stop
No. 291420
File: 1492153094861.png (66.64 KB, 616x892, IMG_3085.PNG)

Don't be surprised when he cheats on you again
No. 291444
File: 1492159068348.png (59.87 KB, 750x450, IMG_8698.PNG)

layla crytyping i thought ppl didn't do that shit outside of tumblr
No. 291909
>>291444I'm dying
So glad they're putting this hilarious shit on display for everyone to see it's like watching two retarded chimps screaming at each other and smearing feces on the glass of their separated cages
No. 292080
File: 1492269903709.png (1.88 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170415-082054.png)

What's going on with Layla and Joei? He changed his SoundCloud song dedicated to her from a pic of her eating pizza to this… possible homage to Layla's video of her coke-dick incident?
Also anyone have his snapchat?
No. 292089
File: 1492270700642.png (709.27 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1322.PNG)

Ummmmm wtf is going on
No. 292160
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you can't make this up
No. 292174
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>>292080so weird. they still follow each other on IG though. btw in case anyone missed, that was the pic before he changed it
No. 292231
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>>292080I'm assuming he dumped her
wasn't she supposed to be flying out to see him?
No. 292353
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this was last night
No. 292412
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No. 292415
>>292412What a fucking mess tho.
I agree about some of her pieces that are cute but I don't think I'd buy any of her shit solely because she looks dirty as fuck 90% of the time.
And kek at her selling her broken nails for $60.
No. 292418
>>292411her car got towed, she owes like $400 or something.
>>292353he's a fucking asshole if he's just messing with her regardless of how stupid she is.
it's kind of annoying to me that people keep defending him because "layla cheated on him" when from what ive seen it looks like he spun that whole situation to make it look that way. when that drama went down they had already been broken up for a while and it seems like she was just over there for a booty call. i think in his comment on her pic he also said it was a video of her sucking a dick but in reality it was her snorting coke off a friends dick that she had posted on twitter which is still fucking stupid to show your ex but it wasn't her cheating on him. even if it was her sucking a dick, they weren't together at that time because i remember she had already been in breakdown mode for a while. i just think its fucked up that he twisted the situation to turn people against her.
No. 292439
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No. 292454
>>292439All of these pictures look like they came from 2008 Myspace. I'm sure she'd take that as a compliment though.
>>292449Yeah, definitely. I don't think anyone here (except Layla lol) doubts that.
No. 292456
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warning to anyone considering buying her stuff:
No. 292501
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No. 292506
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Yikes Layla I thought he's scum and uses girls like you told that afternoon delight girl
No. 292636
>>292418peep is a typical fuckboi piece of shit statutory rapist with no future sure but layla is disgusting for being an unfaithful cheater too. they're both a mess and neither of them 'win' in this situation
all they are rn is trashy entertainment like some kind of social media version of jerry springer
No. 292722
File: 1492374279615.jpg (148.18 KB, 1080x1080, 17881938_203045610188221_14538…)

Lil Peepee is really living up to his name. Can you seriously believe that his retarded "goffick!!" fans will excuse this? It seems like he wandered off a little too far from his special ed counselor because now he's even pissing himself for all the world to see.
No. 292736
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>>292722Greasy neckbeard living in his mom's basement and pissing in empty bottles is the Tru Goff Boi™ aesthetic. Idgi like even if you're in a car, you can just pull over or stop somewhere and go inside to piss. But knowing his creepy underage fans, they're probably like pic related.
Layla, tell your nasty ass on/off bf to drink some water. His piss looks like beer that's been left outside in the summer heat for months and probably smells just as bad.
No. 292799
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young love…so pure…
No. 292811
>>292807my boyfriend's pee looks exactly the same so i don't doubt its actually pee
>>292803now that she's back with him she'll go back to drugs lmao wasted your money on a gym membership laylay
No. 292814
>>292807One of his friends has a video of him doing it on his insta story. P sure it's actually pee
>>292803Oh my god I just watched this and it was so uncomfortable. Peeps on the east coast right now so this is old, I wonder what's gonna happen when he's finally in la again.
No. 293104
it reminds me of something i read before that talked about how kurt cobain always smelled awful/like piss
this goth/punk/grunge/whatever ~aesthetic~ is ok to admire from afar but in reality these people are just crusty af
No. 293308
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so apparently some girl talked shit about her and peep on IG live
No. 293472
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An assistant. She found on twitter.
No. 293567
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>>293472Just as ugly as each other, perfect match.
>>293480Lol, so Romy is basically Joei? No wonder Layla doesn't like her.
No. 293937
File: 1492525833479.png (154.89 KB, 438x180, you fake.png)

>>293788>>293778here are just a few examples. there is literally no way that someone has that many legitimate likes and so few comments.
she has a comment/like ratio of about 2%. this sort of thing doesn't happen with legitimate accounts or verified accounts because they don't buy followers or likes.
No. 294120
>>293517KEK. I love you, anon
>>293937Good point
No. 294214
File: 1492560061929.jpg (360.64 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_0444.JPG)

why are her fans like this¿
No. 294263
>>294214because her fans are autistic
>>294226taking frequent baths is actually an indication of emotional instability and a deep need to compensate for lack of physical warmth
No. 294953
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Looks like peeps got a new side hoe
No. 294961
>>292449He could be more lowkey about it, like not letting them post photos together and comment on TP's ig. One of the groupies commented something like "Scribble scribble" on Tps post just to start shit/get attention. Its a nobody trying to latch onto tp/lil peeps drama.
(accidentally replied to a diff post the first time)
No. 294997
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>>294953Looks like what you said is true. Peep was just on IG live (high as fuck) asking everyone to tweet, IG, SC, etc Layla cause she's not answering his calls and he needs to talk to her. Interesting.
He didn't just start with that, someone commented "toopoor" and he started asking where she was, shouted her name and then said she's not answering his calls.
No. 295009
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>>295007Original post - I just checked out her Instagram, just before she posted posted videos and pictures of her with peep and his friends this was commented on an old picture. From his page it looks like he's lil Tracy's brother (someone peep is friends with/in the same group GBC) so she's been planning this?
sage for stupidity/OT.
No. 295053
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Peep actually follows her on instagram, her name is Lylah I guess? Idk how Layla deals with this nonsense
No. 295078
>>295067Which Gbc member? All I can find is that one where Tracy's brother commented "u want me bc tracy?".
Shes hoping to be. Peep is def a reach for her. Even the lesser known members have WAY better looking groupies
No. 295095
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what the fuck are they fine already
No. 295133
>>295131Honeymoon delight girl is from Dallas, I've seen her around.
Don't know if TP is coming to the Dallas show though.
No. 295138
>>295136I saw that.
Houston is 3 hours from Dallas.
No. 295181
She obviously planned out the whole scenario with meeting peep, and it didn't work out how she thought it would. Now shes trying to weasel her way into TP/lil peeps drama. She doesn't know any of these people
No. 295235
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Sage for derailing. Last post I'm making of this girl I just find her provoking Layla entertaining. When has peep EVER blocked someone for Layla??? She probably just got uber annoying to him. Its No wonder since she comments on everything and tried facing Layla on her page before Layla blocked her too. She tried lmao
No. 295241
>>295227I don't see how that's derailing since we were dealing with the possibility of our protagonist, Layla, being cucked. And I don't see anyone trying to make a victim out of her, just laughing at her chimpouts and pointing how stupid she is for trusting this manchild yet again it seems.
(ot) Layla needs to find a boyfriend in LA, there was Ohio boy and now I doubt she'll leave her """business""" to follow Peep everywhere(talented or not, he's on the rise). You guys think they can maintain a LDR?
No. 295340
>>295244>>295276No one "won the battle". Peep blocked her, silvercat only assumed Layla made him do it. She didn't get what she wanted.
In case you don't know anything about groupies, she didn't do any of this with the intention of trolling. Even if she did troll, there were serious ulterior motives.
No. 295362
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apparently she's his weed plug so that would explain him following her
No. 295377
>>295362His weed plug she says…
How is she going to deny she rode peep and tp's posts on the daily. For just a weed connect she tried to get pretty involved.
No. 295435
>>295399>>295400If she does then that'll be some crazy shit. So let's hope she actually does roll up.
But IF you really about jumping her post the vids at least
No. 295468
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cow crossover
does every attention seeking ig "model" in LA know each other?
>>295399not really much to ruin is there?
No. 295525
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>>295399>>295400Can the recurring peep stans keep it in their fucking pants please? It's not cool to drop you listen to him, are gonna see him or are thirsty for his urine sea cucumber, no1curr
No. 295909
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>>295738He's been calling her his girlfriend for a week now, he never says her name but he's transparent as hell. She even tweeted this, it's pretty obvious/well known from what they post/say on IG live.
No. 295912
>>295787Samefag but I don't see how he'd be getting that many more followers from being with her? I get Joei using her for publicity because he was and still is a nobody but peep is a lot more known and even touring.
I honestly think he is in love with her or, at least lust. Not saying they're both not stupid for whatever motives they may have but I don't see him as smart enough to make up a plan like Joei did.
No. 296050
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disappointed with humanity
No. 296056
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Somewhat OT but she told her followers about someone named bitchtits or something and boom. Was taken completely off guard lol. She tried getting him to flash
No. 296516
>>295468is she…… insinuating that kreayshawn is copying her for wearing one of those dime a dozen instagram fake art ho berets? i thought they were friends??
also lol is dasha comparing it to mina 'copying' her looks (when we all know it's the other way around and dash wants to wear her skin)??? so many questions
No. 296857
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she reminds me of luna here
No. 296858
>>296857Who the fuck?
You're in the wrong thread dude
No. 296867
Im only on this site for this thread
No. 296875
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they were cute
No. 296908
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No. 296909
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w h y
No. 297151
>>297088KEK last person I expected her to be compared to. She definitely has a…unique head to say the least from what we all see from her pics.
How did you see her?
No. 297486
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>>297384This just makes the junk food she's always eating even worse, too poo is going to get chubby af
No. 297522
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Too poop 4 ever
No. 297846
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>>297837From what I saw there was a bed but I think she wasn't sitting against a wall on the floor
No. 297848
File: 1493001248165.png (678.19 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170423-212452.png)

The most cringe thing about that show was the fan girls
Then Layla zooms in on a girl,puts her on blast, "she gave me a blunt."
The audience was nothing but basic bitch jail bait.
No. 297998
>>297975Happy you got that out your system? Its lolcow no1currrrr bye.
>>297848The cringe has been all over the place every time she live streams at his shows. The 13 yo groupies are super aware of her and keep glancing at her constantly and some seeming visilbly uncomfortable with her precense, and why wouldn't they be when shes legit just sitting on the stage documenting every move.
No. 298040
>>297998Anon this is definitely the most depressing show I've ever seen. Lil Peep if one of those musicians that you go through a phase enjoying for a summer and then start liking Beyonce so boys will fuck you.
Fucking Too Pooh creepy ass waving her fingers at the audience on the video tho kek
No. 298814
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>>298806why does everyone with a stupid fggt opinion feel the need to fill out the name box
eyeroll No. 298843
>>298831>You mad?>I'll put my fucking name wherever the fuck I want!!!!!!! fucking
triggered kek. You might want to understand the rules a bit before you come in with that impressive ass lick. and thanks, it takes as long to attatch a file as it does to fill out the name and the email box… nice email address btw, you sure you're 18?
No. 298868
>>298806>honesty, the way she's been able to acquire such a huge fan base is impressive.not at all, ever heard the phrase "stop making stupid people famous"? it's a thing. teenagers love to make stupid people famous.
>if she weren't fascinating to some degree we wouldn't be here discussing her at all"we"? you think you belong here? fascinating? she's odd at best, this thread is beginning to slow down and there's other legitimately fascinating lolcows out there who were(and some still are)
literal internet nobodies, unlike too cult following poor.
and for the love of god, learn to imageboard or gtfo, ella sailor9mars.
No. 298977
>>297837>>297846>>297944I was there. She was sitting on the back of the stage next to the blocked off section. Where security would only let people if they were "with the band".
>>297998>13 yo groupiesEven as an exaggeration thats horrible. 13 year olds are not groupies, they are fans. They look young, but not that young. If I remember, the age of consent in Texas is 16.
No. 299230
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>>297848layla aka toopoor the 26 year old gangstaaaa has to attack little teenagers to feel good about herself
No. 299259
>>299213Oh god how can anyone forget the "witchcraft" bullshit
He still doesn't seem to have said anything about layla being his gf now on Instagram despite her own post on the matter. How that doesn't warn her with a big ass red flag?? I'll never understand.
Girls like this seem to enjoy the issues and heartbreak and running in place with trash that'll make sure to break you and ask for you back every month or so. You cant even hope for a legit answer when asking these girls "what makes you stay?"
No. 299447
>>299337She is! it's so embarrassing like yes you are in a van full of neckbeards, so edgeeeeeee
Some people embrace shit relationships like this to excuse their insane behavior. Like she got bored being alone and sober and "healthy" and somehow got peep to let her come on the rest of the tour??? That's so annoying I'm sure they all hate her.
No. 299484
>>299305Still way too old to be picking on teenagers
Pathetic tbh
No. 299525
File: 1493267391619.png (364.82 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170426-212755.png)

Uh oh, trouble in paradise so soon?
No. 299531
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Man, she's been looking so chunky lately.
No. 299595
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>>297848Speaking of jailbait.
Jesus christ
No. 299793
File: 1493318132073.png (68.63 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2895.PNG)

She deleted this right alway but that didn't last long.
No. 299818
File: 1493319721885.png (241.29 KB, 1440x2048, 20170427_144544.png)

Uhh the second comment.. can anyone confirm that?? I doubt its true but I dont have a twitter to check. Could be the reason for tps twitter post I guess if it turns out true
No. 299832
File: 1493321055128.png (556.5 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2893.PNG)

>>299818It's true, peep posted on that on ig.
Tracy posted the girl thing on twitter but Tracy should honestly be disregarded he's attention whore.
No. 299834
File: 1493321178999.png (775.28 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0789.PNG)

she took this down pretty quickly. she posted something else before this but i didn't manage to open it
No. 299879
>>299834why did she delete it, though? fight pettiness with pettiness, all in, all the way or nothing, we know she has it in her.
so how many days until they get back together place your bets
No. 299900
File: 1493329515150.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9183.PNG)

she posted this an hour ago
No. 299911
File: 1493330446642.jpg (111.62 KB, 540x607, tumblr_oovirqylna1tm1x8po1_540…)

Saw this and thought of her and pee(p).
>>299900Her hair looks flat, that's all I gotta say about that.
No. 300123
File: 1493349251978.png (2.12 MB, 1439x1792, 20170427_221112.png)

looking through her tagged pics… sure its mostly the unflattering angle bc she is pretty thin but…..
No. 300132
File: 1493349789079.png (2.09 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170427-230147.png)

Lol @ 2poops whole fucking life. What is her new ~assistant~ doing during tpoos little escapade? Think about it wHO would hire an assistant and then go on a fucking bender tour a week later? How fucking professional of her. ( I'm basically waiting for peepee to kick her out after getting sick of having to ask her to shower u know? And that's huge cause he don't shower either)
And lol at her loving such a pathetic drug. Who the fuck enjoys feeling immobilized for 18 hours of the way? Benzo junkies are fucking dumb and most who abuse it just do it for the aesthetic who don't wanna step up and do meth or Crack.
And she's definitely started getting fat cause she eats nothing but fast food now. She posts A LOT of shitty looking meals now. Back in the day she probably was ~too poor~ to afford food making for a skinnier toopoot . I can't picture this cunt being able to make anything besides a sliced hot dog in the microwave.
I don't know how to sage because I'm a newfag. BUT THIS IS PROBABLY SAGE. A steady lurker not a poster. Soz in advance.
No. 300179
>>300123CRIKEY GURL.
fucking hell this pic would've turned out just fine if she didn't insisted in doing this pose/having this posture
No. 300184
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So, she was whining on snapchat about how healthy she is even tho she's not a twig anymore.
No. 300193
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>>300184Saw one of her prepubescent fans posted this. She looks a little heavy, no?
No. 300213
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No. 300218
>>300213since she lurks and she keeps doing this to herself I have to say this.
Wearing your pants above your belly button like an old man does not hide your belly, it makes you look like you don't have a torso. So does not wearing a bra so your boobs touch said grandpa pants. Lift those sad boobs, wear longer shirts and low riding pants to give the illusion of a waist. If you are sad about your gut wear a belt around your waist or a dress. And straighten your back damn it, that also makes you look thinner and taller.
I mean, is it that hard? It's like telling a little tween how to dress her body.
No. 300237
>>300226I personally re read what I wrote. I still believe she is making herself look heavier than she is by slouching, wearing her pants super high and letting her boobs hang low.I honestly didn't read the rest of this thread. I just saw these pics and they
trigger me.
>>300213>>300184>>299531 No. 300246
>>300226>>300230If you two are getting
triggered by something as small as that, then you should probs redirect yourself to another site.
No. 300247
>>300226Lol stfu obvs layla whines about this shit irl or to social media """friends"""and you're just a fucking stan
Anyone can see she's a wreck, she's the one putting all this shit out there it's not being pulled out of thin air.
Bye now.
No. 300265
>>300204No shit she's literally posted screenshots & refers to lolcow by name on her snapchat
>>300254This is a gossip site, it's kinda the point & compared to the shit she gets in her @'s, comments & dm's this is child's play, at least we don't come at her.
If she's here it's because she wants another source of cruelty.
No. 300389
File: 1493391255970.gif (882.12 KB, 350x233, C30421C1-ADC2-4E51-9B7B-C9585F…)

>>300193Immediately thought of this
No. 300558
File: 1493407013637.png (225.7 KB, 391x480, 20170428_151551.png)

It gets funnier the more you look at her
No. 300708
>>300226Since you're new, I'll spell it out for you. Lolcow is a forum version of Jerry Springer. We're all here to laugh at the internet train wrecks who gladly put themselves on display for others to be entertained by. Toopooh clearly wants attention. Nobody is forcing her to read the thread. Get the fuck over it.
And ain't nobody obsessed with toopooh either. She's on /snow/ which is for cows who aren't even interesting enough to be on /pt/ due to the amount of people following them. She's a BORING cow, pathetic really, so she'll remain on the boring board.
No. 301150
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No. 301153
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No. 301385
File: 1493531808394.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.29 KB, 320x236, IMG_6222.JPG)

Hey toopendeja, i know ur reading this, remember this? Stop flaunting ur shitty ass relationship. U look mad stupid fam, especially since your man doesn't show you off anymore like he did when he was tryna get you. looks like ur witchcraft no longer works or he just wants what he can't have.
No. 301455
>>301441>DA for riverside countyContrary to what most think, Lawyers and DA's are not rich, especially in California. Even more so if she has siblings and her mom doesn't work/is a stay at home mom. With 60/70k to (maybe) 6 figures after taxes they'd just be getting by. Its not super poor but its nowhere close to being actually wealthy.
>>66679I'm just quoting this for reference.
No. 301536
>>301519imagine having to do shit this desperate to keep your man
can't relate
No. 301540
File: 1493562824580.jpg (447.51 KB, 1079x994, Screenshot_20170430-093110.jpg)

>>301532Speaking of which, this shitty website can't stop doing articles on the guy. And we all know how the public likes to make no-talents famoose.
No. 301570
File: 1493565803864.jpg (32.44 KB, 453x309, gustav.JPG)

>>301453>>301519Literally had to look up "Gustav"
Maybe she can pretend to be a Hungarian anime fan later on in life
No. 301573
File: 1493566769705.png (1.71 MB, 1440x2072, 20170430_113646.png)

So you get his name and he gets a…this
Seems legit!
No. 301734
File: 1493590457455.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1095.PNG)

I don't understand. She got his rap name on her finger. Then crossed it out. And now, this? Im making an educated guess and saying that he still has her name and hasn't covered it up yet. Because this is the same font he has of Layla's name.
No. 301831
File: 1493601018386.png (Spoiler Image,715.46 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1098.PNG)

This is the girl behind the lilgustav account.
No. 302053
>>302022I mean, he's hardly mainstream, he's kinda big in one scene.
There's someone like him every few years, who gets a bit of traction, a couple websites pick up on it, it seems like a huge deal for a bit and then it just dies because they're really not that great, and only really sell because of their image, which gets old (and isn't really anything new anyway).
No. 302086
>>302082Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's just done a tour of about 20 or so places in the US, not a world tour.
Behemoth is more mainstream than he is by a huge amount, and I don't think anyone would call them a mainstream band.
He's doing okay, don't get me wrong, but he's not some big mainstream success, he's done a couple tours where he plays a few dozen clubs across the country. Most people who get to that point never go any further, and I don't think it'll be any different for him, especially with who he is as a person.
No. 302102
>>302097This, what the fuck?
"Mainstream" means that if you asked someone in the street if they liked (blank) they'd know who tf you were talking about. Mainstream artists also get airtime on radio and tv.
Peep has none of these
No. 302112
>>302095When did he do this? I googled it and the absolute most I saw was some reddit post from last month mentioning that he wanted to do a Europe tour and one mention of a single show in Germany.
Not saying it's not true, just that I just can't find any mention of it at all, which seems weird to me for an actual world tour (doing a show or two when you're already international is not a world tour).
I just don't see him having the international audience necessary for a world tour to be worth a label funding (and I don't think he's actually signed with anyone anyway).
I don't think he's anywhere near mainstream. Cult following like the other anon put it is best I think.
I'm curious though, do you think that a band like Amon Amarth or Steel Panther or someone are mainstream? Like, they're a hell of a lot bigger than Lil Peep, right? And they're pretty well known in their niches, but do you think they're mainstream bands? As in if you mentioned them to someone who wasn't pretty into those genres that they'd know who they were?
No. 302123
>>302116I did, most I saw was a post from this year where he just listed countries.
Nothing I searched showed up with anything like that, and the one show I saw in Germany people said there was like 50 people there.
>>302119How do you know all of this?
Like, I get that you might know he toured if he did, but how do you know the venues?
No. 302129
>>302126Yeah, I'm kinda getting the impression they're making this up for some reason.
Like, fair enough I might just be retarded and not be able to find the tour, but as if you'd know the sizes of the venues of an international tour.
Don't get the point of it at all though, if they are.
No. 302132
>>302123The Russia tour was sold out.
>How do you know all of thisWent to his shows in different regions. After awhile its common sense.
>>302126If you say so.
>>302129Venues like that are always the same size. 600-1000.
No. 302137
>>302132>The Russia tour was sold out.Yet there's nothing about it anywhere? Like, absolutely no mention I can find?
Seriously, just give me a link, prove me wrong here.
>Venues like that are always the same size. 600-1000.How do you even know what the venues were?
How do you know if the tour sold out or not?
He's done a couple small tours across the US that went okay at best from what I can tell, and you're claiming he's done an international tour as a completely independent artist that was filling bigger clubs? Surely you can see why I'm a bit skeptical.
No. 302150
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And Europe.. literally all these things are on his public IG, y'all really gotta sit here and argue about it?
No. 302171
>>302150See, was that so hard? Literally all I did was ask you to just give me a link because I couldn't find it.
Though I do think you're being a bit misleading, he only seems to have done a couple shows in Russia, and one in Berlin and London, which seriously only have a couple hundred there at max, and it looks like he posted videos of all bar maybe one of his shows. It's also only one tour (if that), not "world tours".
Still great exposure, for sure, but hardly mainstream or a huge world tour.
Compare that to the other band I was talking about, Steel Panther, who did by an Australian tour the year after, and another international tour this year.
They're still not mainstream, because you just honestly won't ever reach the mainstream as a certain style of music. Peep has a good cult following, but he's not close to as big as Panther, who aren't really anywhere near mainstream, which was really all I was saying before it got derailed.
I'm using Panther as an example because I saw them play a festival by the way, but there's loads of bands I could use, including smaller ones (and bigger ones too).
I'm kind of curious why you're here if you're a peep fan honestly, he's just as big a cow in this thread as TP.
No. 302179
>>302171I'm a Totally different anon who posted these y'all were just being so annoying lol
& I am here for the drama, like everyone else
No. 302193
>>302187Fair enough, though I wasn't meaning the comparison to be the main point, just that he isn't mainstream, or close to it unless he changes up a whole heap about himself and gets a massive breakthrough.
I think it's pretty much done now anyway though.
Am I the only one who finds it confusing to actually keep up with them though? Like, they're so fucking vague and inconsistent when they talk that it's hard to tell what's really going on I find.
No. 302275
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why her ass built like a hexagon????
No. 302486
>>302103that doesnt make you mainstream fuckass
>>302166seriously where are these greaseball loving autists coming from
No. 302553
>>302512From the photo of her sucking his dick saying "going to New York" I'm gonna have to say yes.
It'd be funny tho with all that money and hipster Cred that he'd go live with his mom tho lol I bet they get an apartment in the city maybe or just visit n go back to LA
No. 302640
>>302553Yeah no I was under the impression it was just a visit to ny, I think moving out of la would prob be career suicide. Plus it seems like peeps has little warmth for where he's from.
It's just he's a mommas boy, I can't imagine he won't see her, and if Layla's their I wonder what would happen.
No. 302835
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I don't think she went with him.
No. 302944
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y i k e s
also, can you all shut the fuck up about whether or not head ass peep's mediocre fame is mainstream or not
No. 303877
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Sometimes I think her fans are funny.
No. 303881
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I noticed tealecoco unfollowed her on ig. Seems like many ig acquaintances just drop her now. Since toopoor's whole life revolves around her internet persona, that's actually worth mentioning.
I think Layla should see a therapist and psychiatrist. But she really only cares about junk food, junk dudes, designer clothing, twitter/sn/ig, weird lingo and cum from her creepy fans and she's already self-medicating, so …
No. 305132
>>303881She's a pretty classic case of the downsides of social media I think.
Shit she should have got therapy for a long time ago got rewarded because she posted about it constantly and got attention for it, so just upped the game instead, and surrounded herself with other similar people.
This is by far the trashiest scene I've ever seen honestly.
No. 305400
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No. 305543
>>305482I can do it but I wanna update some info since this thread is a year old.
Dose anyone know if she still works at the corba snake store?
Or actually done any modeling/even claims to be one?
No. 305552
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Side note: peep's pee looks p healthy I'm v surprised
No. 305654
>>305552this is why you have no friends layla
this is why you're still a nobody on insta while other social media ppl you used to know are doing shit with their lives
No. 305683
new thread here bc this one's close to locking:
>>305681This was my first time making a thread, I hope I did it justice.
No. 305708
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she actually does look around 28 irl
No. 308966
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She doesn't give a shot anymore,wheres the self respect?
No. 319624
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No. 319628
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Her face when she seen a guys balls get tickled by vibrator .and asked "how did it feel"
No. 319631
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No. 319847
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No. 345407
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its funny how much u guys have got wrong in this(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 421443
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No. 551435
>>551432No fucking shit Sherlock, this is the first thread, it's 2 years old.
There are 8 total threads about Layla and other soundcloud train wrecks.
Lurk more.