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No. 305681
Prev thread:
>>66660"goth" girl instagram/twitter personality
"model/dj" in the way that all girls with some IG following can get a gig every 2 months if they're in LA.
Used to be a club kid, doesn't seem to go to parties anymore. Most of the people she partied/associated with 3-4 years ago have expanded beyond internet fame, layla has notably not.
Burns through friends like it's nothing
Currently in a Very public on/off relationship with lil peep. As a result she's publicly hanging out with soundcloud frat boys. Some unclaimed but predominantly moneyposse, and horsehead of GBC. Still has amicable connections to the HAM crew.
Has mental breakdowns on every platform she uses regularly, lurks her thread on here.
Fashion/marketing school drop out.
Only noteable income seems to be her depop store where among overpriced embroidered hoodies she sells things like her broken off nails or your name written on her face
"broke" but still hired an intern clone for said store
allegedly known to sleep with old men, have sugar daddies. TOOPOOR
No. 306012
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idk who this girl is but scrolling down she reminded me of pic related
No. 307118
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I truly can't tell if this photo is skewed or her head is really that damn crazy shape
No. 307763
>>307727moneyposse is a group of soundcloud boys who her bf works/hangs out with and that she's dj'd with. They're a lot messier than gothboiclique(gbc) which is what peep is in, and she seems to spend more time with soundcloud boys not in her bf's crew than with. I thought to include it because she burns though groups so quickly it's good to have a name for this crowd. She's honestly gotten a lot of publicity with the soundcloud rapper fanbase and that seems to be her crowd at the moment.
Horse head is a person in the la scene that layla has ties to from her club kids days a few years ago. It's notable they're still friends because again, she burns bridges so quickly, but it might just be because she's dating a member of his group now that they're being amicable with each other.
tl;dr nobodies but I knew the names of the current characters she's around and it might be relevant down the line so I used them.
I have no clue if that sugar daddy thing is true, I just copied that over to the new thread cause the old one was about to close & no one confirmed/denied.
Personally don't believe it but who knows.
No. 308305
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>>308280looking through her tagged pics on ig all of her fans are teens who are probably too naive to see that's she a lazy, racist "famous for nothing" cow.
im just tired of people only coming for her appearance like ok we have been talking about that since before the last thread ended, what else is going on? unless she starts looking unrecognizable it just seems annoying to keep bringing it up.
pic was from her tagged photos i think she exchanged one of her nails for weed. kek
No. 308349
>>308305>racistWhere did that come from? I never heard that she was racist.
And yeah, I agree with you but the farm is notorious for endless nitpicking. I kind of wish this thread would die just so there's one less thing to fuel her ego and her tween "fans" to sperg out over.
No. 308500
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>>308349she got called out right before/right at the start of when her and that guy Joey got together. i remember because it was a few days before she had that "show" in Austin. if u look at her old thread there could be something else about it but anyway she tweeted some hateful things about how not knowing english makes u retarded, calling someone a "tranny" and saying racist things about mexicans. this was the only screenshot i could find now but they were all from a long time ago, which if she had handled the situation well i could have found it in myself to forgive her because yes it was a long time ago, but all she did was post (and delete) a bullshit apology being super vague and basically said it was years ago and now she's different. but idk if she was really different i feel like she would have made a sincere apology to her fans especially when so many people tried to get her to explain herself.
No. 308522
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this is the apology she posted but deleted. she said the tweets were from 2010/11 but i remember the racist mexican tweets she sent were more from 2014. either way, to me this wasnt the best way to handle it considering how many people tagged her in posts about those tweets on twitter n ig. i remember this was exactly when i stopped following her on ig.
No. 308765
>>308012Ew she would call Cassidy her "assistant" to people?? That pretty awful. She's not a Kardashian, idk why she thinks she's important enough to have assistants. Cassidy was clearly just a friend. I don't blame her for cutting off contact, I wonder why she went back tho, probably bc she's pretty shallow as well and at least TP gives her some internet fame.
Imagine being that lame of a person lmao.
No. 308812
>>308571Idk man I'm not gonna start an argument about race here, especially based on what the dudes she hangs out with look like. I'm just saying that apologies on the internet for internet bullshit are never really meaningful and I don't understand why they're so sought after. I mean, why pressure someone for an apology if you're going to take it as insincere because they apologized under pressure?
And yeah leaving an apology like that up forever just draws more attention to the fact that once upon a time when she was a teenager and she said some dumb shit. Literally everyone does. Again, not white-knighting Layla, just pointing out that no one immortalizes every mistake and apology they make on social media for the sake of being, like, a good person or whatever. If they did it would seem really fake. I mean, if you were to describe the right response, how would you script it?
No. 309878
>>309825Peep could have any instagram clout hoe he wants but he's the one posting angsty shit on twitter while they where broken up, facetiming this bitch on stage and telling her to unblock his number. It's not a healthy relationship but you're a stupid fangirl if you think they're not both cows/peep doesn't want her.
And most actual GBC members are internet weirdos in their mid to late 20's, they probably have more incommon with layla than peep does. Plus while her a peep were broken up a lot of them were still following her and liking her stuff. She doesn't hang out with them but why would she? It's not like she's close with anyone.
No. 310240
>>309893yeah idk if they were friends like that but they were/are a part of the underground party scene in LA so everyone is a friend of a friend at the least.
And horse has 1990 in his SoundCloud name, assuming that's his birth year he's 26/27
No. 310784
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laylas assistant or old one ?? idk. posted this on her story, which looks like a photo of layla and savanna (the assistant) and she has her middle finger over it so im guessing layla fucked her over
No. 310961
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lol what did she get tattooed on her neck tho
No. 311542
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that tattoo is so fucking ugly lmao…
No. 311567
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laylas assistant gave herself this tattoo…. sound familiar? too poor or somethin like that ??
No. 311684
>>311567is this the same girl that had the picture of her flipping off the photograph w layla?
Does anyone know who her latest victim on snap is? It seems like she's gotten a matching tattoo with another random.
No. 311780
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No. 311802
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she went got it pierced
No. 311807
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Lmaooooooo gurl
No. 311821
>>311768Ya camera flash light on, loud as fuck, disruptive n entitled
Hopefully staff hocks snot in her food on the regular because she seems to act like this everywhere she goes
so depressed boohoo~
what a narcissist
No. 311830
>>311735oh man that's so bad
>>311828who's rachel?
& that fact that this bitch got dumped and literally went out and got a fucking neck tat is just too good for words.
You know peeps gonna be trying at her again in a few weeks too.
No. 312361
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shes so rude, she just threw her broken fidget spinner on the sidewalk when im pretty sure there was a trash can in like 10 feet. smh
No. 312765
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>>312413>>312701lmao i had a friend who reminds me of layla now. she was an emotionally immature cunt who'd never held a job in her life and freeloaded off her boyfriend's parents. she was such a cunt all the time i broke off ties with her. later on i saw her trying to tag along with some friend-of-friends who were yeah around 19-21 (friend of mine was like 25-26 at the time). it was so pathetic seeing her trying to hang out with these people who were just young and didn't know better and yet she still failed to integrate and just looked like a sad person who couldn't find friends her own age
No. 313003
>>312989You are most likely young yourself, when you get older, or you're supposed to realize when you get older that it is strange and creepy that an older person ONLY hangs out with teenagers.
OT but Nicole Dollanganger is an even more extreme case of this sort of thing
No. 313773
>>313600samefag but people are saying this new song is about her too.
You should hit up the GBC reddit if you wanna talk about peep tho, they'll have more info on him than us.
No. 313883
>>312989I do kind of agree here, like, it's weird, but it's not that strange.
There's been a bunch of that in this thread, like, someone posted a picture of her fucking littering. Like, is littering seriously milk?
She's a ridiculous person, same with Peep, and definitely a cow, but I don't think we need to reach to find milk here.
No. 313884
>>313883Forgot to add, it seems a little like posting one of the munchie cows saying they think they have a cold because they have a sore throat.
Like, they could be faking it, but it's a fucking cold, who gives a shit? Normal people do that too.
No. 314343
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Is it a reach to think they're sub tweeting each other? Peep uses his twitter so sparingly it's a little suspicious he tweeted so soon after Layla.
I don't know how either of them can live with such a petty dramatic romantic life either way.
No. 314399
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No. 314401
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I hope this thread gets moved to /sty/
No. 316553
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imagine being this ugly….
No. 316674
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Layla's delusional. She's going crazy.
She was even talking about "her" on IG live before going to bed and she was actually scared.
Also, her disordered eating is clearly getting worse and has been for a while.
No. 316936
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go watch @ccryme on instagrams story…. thats laylas old assistant & shes so dumb lmao
No. 316944
>>316837>I’m also just sick of supporting these huge corporate stores that are just ripping small independent artists off.didn't she steal clothes from a bunch of "small independent stores" and resell them?
>I see a good majority of it, but I don’t acknowledge it.except when it's lolcow then she has a fucking fit and screeches about it like a retarded chimpanzee
No. 316997
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>>316995Ok, at the bar now. Blurred out my friends' faces. Not posting my pic with him, lol. He had no fucking clue who Layla or "toopoor" was, said "probably some skank". Lmao. He's going to bed now (He's old) so I couldn't take any video. Too funny! He's kinda a prick
No. 317167
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big ass nose bitch lmaooo
No. 317261
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>>317167ugh, it makes her look like sam the eagle
No. 317885
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layla is back to old messy ways. she was on live drunk as hell
No. 317886
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Also seems like she may be wanting corey back. She's been liking his pictures and commenting on them since the peep drama
No. 317931
>>317902shapiro is one of the most common jew names.
though i dont think you needed even that after seeing that giant kike beak
No. 317975
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No. 317979
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>>317975@'ing successful artist/models he's friendly with w his tongue out & getting a flirty public response back
No. 318039
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i wouldnt answer her either.. & he probably dropped her cause peep did
No. 318229
>>318024I don't fw kiwi but isn't null like, insane?
Did he say anything else about her tho? It's crazy that she's even on his radar tbh she is a pretty mundane person.
No. 318436
>>318229Null has a lot of time to read every single thread and obsess about cows. Like you say, basic dull Layla is a funny one to single out though.
There have been a lot of ex-Kiwi posters flooding lolcow lately for some reason, whether Null's on another ego trip or what. Look for any thread where an anon is upset that people are speculating. FAX ONLY GODDAMN IT.
No. 318467
>>318229>>318436some time ago he made a "beauty parlor" section of the site, which was designed to directly compete with here. He's been trying to make sure every thread here is over there too.
I actually like kiwi but it'll never be as good as here bc
1. kiwifarmers aren't bitchy and catty enough
2. they do nothing about male posters shitting up the threads
he's salty that the admin rejected/ignored him and wants to replace this site, basically
No. 318596
>>318487The thing is most of gbc is older internet ppl who were around for MySpace &/or witchhouse-tumblr-internet-wave. Like they all do keep a low profile have somewhat normal lives and are aware it's a weird niche thing they do. It's real but they aren't like peep or some of peeps peers who I honestly don't think are being ironic at all and are trying to "make it", face tatts and all. I know peep has a lot of teen fangirls but l'd say most of the rest his fanbase in the us at least he shares w gbc which is aging emokids/hardcore dudes & younger weird internet kids.
I'd argue Layla is like Audrey Kitching level not Kiki. Audz is still out here doing whatever the Fuck she was doing in 2006 & almost all the band dudes she hung around w for clout have fallen to the wayside. I think the scenequeens of yesteryear have done far better for themselves than the band dudes. I'd imagine this trend will continue bc yeah the dudes are making flash in the pan music but there's some longevity to being a pretty media bitch. Then again in 2006 the thing to do wasn't get massively fucked up on xans & film it…
It's funny you bring up MySpace too bc anyone in the scene that's old enough to even tangentially remember MySpace is telling these kids it's a bubble that's peaking right now but totally gonna break & they need to be ready for it.
Also wicca seems like such a massively overwhelmingly normie ass dude does he have any milk? I don't know how someone can go from being a pop punk god to an internet musican & still be seemingly so fucking normal.
>>318467That is so sad. & I don't know what Kiwi is actually like but I imagine it's overwhelming male. It's just never gonna compete like, men just have no clue how to actually have real conversation about women positive or negative.
No. 318649
>>318596wicca/adam is pretty normal (i have some mutual friends with him and a number of people in gbc to be honest). he hasnt got any milk, i guess, but you're spot-on, anon, about how these are just older internet people who make work around nostalgia for a weird specific web era. layla's thread was really surprising to see on lolcow because so much of what she does feels like typical alt girl hoe shit (just on steroids) to me - and a lot of the milk in this thread just basically boils down to stupid music scene drama, just that this scene isn't local but is basically publicly taking place and centered on the internet, lol - but i'm glad that a good amount of people in it seem to "get it" or get that aspect of it at least.
with that (& all the talk about kiwi's users
>>318467 >>318586
>>318596), one of the biggest things i notice when lurking kiwi is that their users are - yeah, men who are generally close to being cows themselves and are autistic as fuck. they have a really bad (sometimes no) frame of reference for other "scenes" or communities, even online, as a result and sperg about shit they misunderstand or misinterpret way too often (have seen too many clearly-ironic twitter jokes including "woke toddler" type shit taken as 100% serious), so you can guess how much worse they are at discussing women
No. 318650
>>318596Lmfao i just found out lil peep is ONLY 20 YEARS OLD that makes all of this so much funnier and v bad for Layla daaaaamn
Yeah I thought GBC was all ppl like WP bc of how obvious all of the recycled cultural reference points were, like it was all ironic good-bad type stuff. Now I see the divide with them and lil peep considering his age, omg this only gets weirder.
The only "scene queens" that appear to be doing well are bc they came from rich af families to begin with. Specifically Hannah Beth and everyone who used her for her connections like Jeffree haha. Remember Amor Hilton? She did the drug thing, and she was even in LA and still managed to fuck it all up. Those are the vibes this girl is giving me. Any girl who wants to make a living from social media has to work with other brands and come correct about it, then obviously know how to parlay it into the next thing that happens. She doesn't even have a good personality and I hate saying this but for real does anyone have any back story on why Peep and her were dating for so long or why her?
&yeah Myspace is always the ghost story to keep instagram famous people quiet. I was young when all that happened and was over but it was a good lesson learned. I'm about Layla's age so it's impossible not to give her shit for letting a 20 YEAR OLD run her omg.
And lmao no Adam has no milk, dated a girl long term who was shitty to him and cheated on her, that's it. Is in a new long term relationship. He's always loved goth shit tho so when witch house was a thing it was around when he quit his band and just did Wicca Phase.
No. 318699
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>>318649the typing styles are different because the people who are interested in this thread probably are into similar things/scenes that layla (because i'm not really sure what'd be super interesting about her otherwise) is in/around, and these typing styles (along with some of her behavior, on the lowest of keys) are more normative there - it's not really weeby/nerdy shit like momokun or game grumps.
i'm not really sure if i'd categorize it as a "tumblr" thing (though i do think a lot of her aesthetic developed on the website and that the shit you're seeing was definitely super popular on it) because figures like her (and people around "alt" [but not in the way that lolcow categorizes the goth "altcows"] music, be it GBC & fans or or people into lil ugly mane et al or FIDLAR-liking house show attendees etc. - most of these sorts feel like they eventually intersect) are way bigger on twitter/instagram now, but i guess i'll also say that alt kids have typed like this since the blogspot days
she's not really that popular if you're not a person who follows
A. GBC, or B. grimy alt (usually "goth" or "goth"-inspired in a very particular way, see pic)/art twitter/ig thots
No. 318704
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do you think she's wearing it to get his attention?
No. 318752
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>>318680This style of typing is more conversational vs like shit talking comradery ppl in /g/ & some /ot/ threads talk like this all the time. I'm enjoying it it reminds me of lurking on efagz& lj gossip comms as a bby teen. Layla's whole shtick reminds me of the scene queen & late MySpace/early 2010's era of gossip which was as another anon mentioned kinda just music scene drama for a period of time. & if yr familiar w that era & style of gossip, it is normal that some ppl living/besides it will take part.
>>318705& that's so wild anon honestly I was really young when the MySpace scene queens were a thing I only knew of Kiki/audz/hanna/jeffree/Raquel like girls on buzznet who were paid to go on warped tour & amor later bc of efagz & thought she was a total nobody that was just fun to laugh at (tho I thought it was so cool she was still in ap magazine l m a o to be young) I didn't realize there were so many ppl considered "scene queens" in the ~internet socialite~ way you know.
Yams was for real a visionary. Internet rap star w a goth bitch is a meme he was living in 2014.
Also lol I think peep is done w her for the moment at least. She's posting shrek porn while he's partying.
No. 319210
>>318699Maybe I'm lumping the toopoor aesthetic with the Dollanganger aesthetic (which thrives on edgy tumblr reblogs) because they type this way too to each other.
>>318752>it reminds me of lurking on efagz& lj gossip comms as a bby teen.Lol I can understand the nostalgia's sake. It's kind of like seeing the whole weeby "^_^ xD" style and being reminded of livejournal's prime if you were ever in those kinds of communities.
No. 319340
>>318752Nah I think they'll absolutely just keep spinning around each other for a while, it's not like he's really moving out of her circles or anything.
Kind of curious how "dm me I'm lonely" equates to being out partying to you though.
No. 319378
>>319365I dunno, just seems to me someone saying they're lonely and asking for dm's probably isn't out partying.
The moving thing is pretty weird though, you're right, if it happens at all. I feel like more milk comes out of peep at the moment than tp really, his weird obsession with taking this shit so seriously while also trying to emulate people like Cobain or Vicious and not getting that he just looks fucking dumb is hilarious to me.
No. 320350
>>319856layla doesn't have enough milk on her own to even be in snow, don't you think it'd be fair to have them both be topics? i thought people only cared about her bc of peep, she's had nothing new or interesting happen, all her old shit was dug up in past threads and it's tired.
now knowing peep's age i think he was only with layla bc she's controlling and was abusive in the past, he clearly fucking hates himself and is probably attracted to that level of control. besides her being a locally known instate goth he could use for aesthetic points, i think there was something 'legit' behind their relationship even if it was just that they fit each others weaknesses.
No. 320352
>>319856What difference does it make? This thread has been about both of them from the start, talking about her and peep is the vast majority of what goes on in these threads, why not just be able to talk about the milk that comes from him too?
>>320350I don't entirely know if he hates himself honestly, I think he idolises people that hated themselves, and clearly has issues, but I don't think he's on the same level as some of the more self destructive musicians he clearly looks up to, you know? A lot of it is clearly put on image.
The whole thing with Layla seems to me to be really image based honestly.
No. 320390
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Layla… girl… love yourself a lil
>>320350I'm interested in hearing why you think he hates himself tbh, I thought it was mostly an act but I don't really know anything abt him.
Tho I do agree that peep and tp feel something real for each other, however unhealthy & backwards.
No. 320392
>>320352I won't link it bc it's not really interesting, but there's an interview on youtube (first page if you search his handle) where he talks about his issues and drug use and for a 20 year old the drug use alone is going to fuck your head and destroy your serotonin. he's permanently covered himself in the most pathetic and thirsty tattoos to fit a dying trend, idk to me that screams self hatred. In the interview he said he went through some serious childhood abuse and bullying, mentioned no connection with his father. He's so painfully desperate I think he does hate himself but is too shallow/unintelligent so he pulls from destructive celebrities like every band guy/groupie ever.
Even Cobain was super constructed and carefully planned out, he just wanted everyone to think he wasn't, like everyone else. As far as I'm concerned until peep fucks a mentally handicapped obese girl to lose his virginity like Kurt did then he's nothing like his idol. Cobain just had good publicists, and Courtney (lol literally) buried anything that hurt her image, which extended to Kurt's.
No. 320397
>>320390here's the interview, but to save you time he just mentions a pathetic amount of drug use, bullying, and family trauma. i'm going off his mannerisms too and how he presents himself, it's just an obvious vibe. i'm more interested in how anyone would think he has a healthy amount of self respect when he doesn't seem to respect his own mind, body, or soul in any way lmao. how many stds and drugs does he fill himself with, toxic relationships and bullshit tattoos? for what or who? he doesn't value this, no one does, it's just the instant gratification of social media status. same could be said for layla.
and fuck why can't she just DM him or some shit. If she's going to keep this public mess going she needs to bring it harder bc she's so fucking boring lately. surprised she didn't post public nudes or write his name on herself for him.
No. 320417
She got his birthname blasted on her arm like a week into being together again like, she can't stop that. Maybe she'll make another voodoo doll lmao
>>320397My impression of peep was that he was a kid that came from a lot of privilege and was on some luna shit & doing a mix of play acting struggle with some risidual teen angst(I'm only a year old than him so I Get It wrt the teen angst).
He comes from a family of multigeneration ivy league alum & aside from his father says nothing but good things about his family.
"I had a fucked up childhood" isn't like a window into anything especially coming from a dude who's persona is a reimagined for the instagen sad sensitive emoboy. "Im just so fucked up and sensitive I won't make eye contact & got an unsure smile but I get mad alt girl pussy where the blow at" is a character thats been around since like, the dawn of teen-early 20's boys.
I wonder what makes some people act out, the only thing that raises any red flags to me is the history w heroin and the fact that he really doesn't talk abt his father/ is a total moms boy. He is a little withdrawn but a base level of drug (ab)use and some dumbass tattoos reads more rich kid acting out & knowing his parents will bail him out than some tortured soul to me.
No. 320426
>>320417tbf if he comes from such a successful family something must have happened to him to fuck it all up like this. you're on point about his persona, but bc he's otherwise so privileged why wouldn't he follow in their footsteps? i'm not at all saying he's deep enough to be a tortured soul in any way, but i think he hates himself enough to play act at this nonsense. i definitely think he's doing some luna shit, anyone that hasn't grown up in a real ghetto that may need to get involved with drugs to survive is always making the choice to do drugs in the first place, so it's all aesthetic and lazy instant gratification. if he does really have issues he's a piece of shit to blast them so much without doing anything legitimate to fix them.
he has around 400k followers, probably all kids that in some way hate themselves, forced or not. it's pretty fucked he has so much reach and doesn't offer any mental health insight along with his work. he just fucks all the underaged ones, adding statutory rape as another reason for them to hate themselves too.
No. 321061
>>320392I definitely think he's got problems, don't get me wrong, I just don't think it's a self hatred sort of thing. He's doing trendy drugs, and everything he does is really trying to garner fame in some way or another.
Cobain definitely did the same to some degree, but there was heaps of shit in there that just didn't fit that at all, breaking his instruments off stage, fucking up shows on purpose, refusing to play certain songs live even if they were hugely popular, all that sort of stuff, and obviously the suicide attempts.
I agree with what you're saying though, I think, that he's not really as fucked up as he wants people to think, but definitely has issues and just tries to pretend to be other people who had bigger issues, while missing the actual attitude that came with those people?
I just think that everything Peep does is designed to try to look like a self hating musician, it's all with a "hey look at me I'm so fucked up lol" air to it, rather than the reality, and the way he acts really contradicts who he says he is.
This post put it well
>>320417>"I had a fucked up childhood" isn't like a window into anything especially coming from a dude who's persona is a reimagined for the instagen sad sensitive emoboy. "Im just so fucked up and sensitive I won't make eye contact & got an unsure smile but I get mad alt girl pussy where the blow at" is a character thats been around since like, the dawn of teen-early 20's boys. No. 321071
>>321061Ok true I agree with that. I'm in no way saying he hates himself like we should give him sympathy or a break, just that no one would trash their lives if they didn't hate themselves to some degree. Like him putting on to such a tragic degree is such obvious overcompensation. But he's neither actively attempting suicide or seeking real treatment so I fully agree this is a huge act.
which makes it worse that Lola is so devoid of personality/depth that she latches on to someone that's only slightly more interesting in that he's producing a trendy product, who doesn't even want her back. was it ever established what she even wanted out of life?
No. 321081
>>321071Yeah, I agree there, he's definitely got some identity issues going on, but like the other person said, he's come from a really good background with a good family, just latched onto stupid role models when he was a teen and not really let go of that.
Lots of people chase that rock and roll lifestyle because they think it's cool and edgy sort of, not because they think it'll fuck their life up.
I think the big part that makes it look fake to me is the same as the person I quoted said. He acts like he's some fucked up sensitive idol, but then like a few hours later is hooking up with heaps of people and out partying and having a great time, with no real dysfunction at all. None of the musicians who were legitimately messed up really had that, they partied still, sure, but there was heaps of time where they just didn't, or would go get high alone instead.
It's just how the whole thing feels like a "Look at me I'm just like 'insert musician who died here'" rather than his own personal issues I suppose, loads of people put on this act for popularity.
No. 321207
oh my god this really is just a peep thread now
@ layla plz… shave yr head too or some shit we're turning into peepetts
>>321081I'm the person you quoted & think it's also worth saying that peep I don't think was into any particularly fucked up musicians, that's (almost) alllll other peoples readings. His fav band is the red hot chilli peppers, and it seems like he's on his gerard way shit w "I want my music to saves people's lives".
He's just a dumb weirdly magnetic teenager who's a little sad & writes about it, likes getting fucked up, having fun & blew up like 6 months into making music because of that weird magnetism(& I'm sure that background helped). Maybe because I'm in the same age group he is but I don't even think he has any pressing issues, like, everyone's kinda a mess mentally/emotionally in their early 20's/late teens, especially those with the safety net he does. I def don't think he views anything he does as trashing his life, it's just dumb shit you do when you're young, figuring it out, maybe do want a lil(lot) of attention and are dealing w that residual angst that comes with growing up.
His name is gustav åhr & his grandfather(who he seems to love) taught at yale ffs even a facetatt at 19 can't erase that kind of upbringing.
also can the anon's that know adam come back? I just realized people thought he died like a few years ago what was up w that??
No. 321468
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>>321382That is so fucking pathetic she's a grown ass women freak out over a 20 yr old. The Russian teens need to get more consistent with their taping of those things, I don't have time to watch her lives in real time.
Also I'm kinda hoping for these to be about some of those single use friends she has, that might be more interesting.
No. 321922
File: 1495773650715.jpeg (201.92 KB, 750x1334, 1495773555304.jpeg)

Literally what is interesting about her?
No. 321944
sorry this is off topic
I met a group of girls at a party that were having a conversation about soundcloud rappers they fucked. A few girls said they had sex with Goth and tracy. Tons of other guys were mentioned too, I don't know who most were but it was entertaining to say the least.
No. 322756
File: 1495876963946.png (1.29 MB, 1000x793, toobad.png)

IG vids are pretty neato
No. 322762
>>322756we already know she's done blow………and who hasn't. idk y its milky 2 do drugs
but her doing crack in nyc after her first break up was prettt funny lol
No. 323274
>>321922she looks rly cute here but her glasses are covering half her face and the guy behind her is SO UGLY. prime example of someone who needs a beard to make up for his chin nonsense
>>322806hoe does one get sold fake bars / why doesn't she just lie to psychiatrist like everyone else damn
No. 323365
>>323324go talk about peep on reddit, zero milk there
just another tryhard hypey internet rapper
No. 323581
>>323364Probably because you're retarted, and sage your shit.
Tbh there's literally no reason to have a Peep thread, there's an insta hoe one but not surprisingly died down pretty quick.
No. 323638
>>323581Nah that was pretty hard to understand. You're the stupid one if you really think a 24 yr old doing coke is milk
I'd personally be interested in a larger soundcloud gossip thread but I don't think this is the site for it.
No. 324256
>>323673dude that's so fucked up. imagine finding out your s/o is stupid enough to fuck w her, it's like finding out they're secretly a jugallo/into ICP. and she's bragging about it after saying some shit about 'women should support other women' and shit like that. it just looks so fucking thirsty.
there's a recent video of her with two people on a motorcycle driving into convenient stores bc thats soooo funny + cool. some dumb fuck is on the back taking a selfie and gets her phone snatched (lol) and they all start collectively whining that "she's underage" and gets the phone back from a cop. everyone involved is genuinely so ugly and repulsive and i hope they all overdose.
No. 324868
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That new blonde is not cute on her what was she thinking
No. 325037
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>>323096lmao. who even are these ppl really. this looks so boring and everyone seems incredibly awkward but thats all id expect from nerds who live on insta and twitter
No. 325130
File: 1496139670436.png (116.4 KB, 750x737, IMG_7287.PNG)

late as fuck but one of laylas exes named joei has a new gf and they seem super cute and happy. i feel bad for joei still because he got t.p tatted meaning toopoor and like 3 days later she dumped him for peep :/ and also laylas forehead tattoo "love you" was for joei also, he had one on his forehead that says "love me" they happened too quick but still, sad what layla did to him
No. 325634
>>324927lmao she never will bc with his name tattooed on her desperate wrist she can always be ready to namedrop him
>>325037they're literally all normie af and that blonde white girl is apparently underage. the dudes are fucking so ugly and she's too old for this shit.
her new blonde hair makes her look like such a lame mall bitch. the black made her look so much more fashionable and suited her personal look better.
how dumb she made such a drastic change to her really nice hair like immediately after peep shaves his head. codependency is so fucking ugly.
No. 326056
File: 1496226600587.png (1.62 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7459.PNG)

shes been hanging out with him a lot lately, new man maybe?? prob not
No. 326058
>>326056The dude's sitting naked on her floor, I'm pretty sure there's something going on between them.
That's not how people who are just friends act.
Kind of curious what's going on with his neck though, the red marks all over it.
No. 326194
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i really wonder what happened. layla and cody unfollowed eachother like a month ago
No. 326195
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No. 326712
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No. 327507
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No. 328769
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No. 329223
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Back @ it again, with a whole ocean between them this time.
No. 329228
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i think its sad people want chewed up gum from a crack whore
No. 329288
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pestering someone like this is embarrassing and pathetic enough but posting it publicly for everyone to see you acting like a clingy psycho is just sad
No. 329378
File: 1496640886286.png (3.18 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_0799.PNG)

>>329329on some hand i want to give her the benefit of the doubt because breakups are tough, especially one as public as this. but it's like she on this destructive path where she stays up until 5am fucked up on god knows what, eats atrociously, and posts snapchats of herself on the toilet going number 2. it's wild to watch and i can't look away at this point. sage cuz no1curr.
No. 329399
File: 1496648245342.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7774.PNG)

shes so annoying
No. 329557
File: 1496677668605.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0663.PNG)

they're actually a joke
No. 329767
File: 1496704068135.png (2.7 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0670.PNG)

she's so pathetic she'd probably drop everything and fly all the way to london just to get cheated on and left again lmaoaoaoaoaooo. how stupid do u have to be.
No. 329807
File: 1496709341978.png (265.46 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3375.PNG)

She's a mess, there's no way this level of drama is fun to live or broadcast
No. 329834
File: 1496711019238.png (5.23 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0676.PNG)

this is so pathetic and disgusting
No. 329910
>>329909I agree with what you're saying, that poster is a fucking moron, but if your friends are constantly attempting, they probably aren't serious about dying. Particularly if you know about their constant attempts.
I doubt Layla would do anything, but I do agree it's a shitty thing to laugh at someone who's clearly going through something, suicidal or not.
No. 329933
>>329914Yeah, regardless of if she's serious about it or not, she's clearly got some issues and I do think that she should seek help for them.
Wishing death on someone is just pointless edgy shit, especially when she's not done anything that particularly bad. I can get why some people didn't feel bad about Kadee's death or similar, because they constantly wasted resources that could have resulted in someone else dying, but Layla just seems to be melodramatic and immature.
No. 330181
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No. 330247
>>330229I agree that this is next level, she used to make her breakdowns glamorous & "cute"/edgy, like buying Chanel & the voodoo doll, that's like playing it up for the audience. There's nothing cute or glam about what she's doing right now, eating like shit, fucking up her house, & crying when she's not with her friends, some of who are actual teenagers.
It should be noted that all of peeps friends still hang out with her, on their own without peep. I think everyone around those 2 know they're together even when they're fighting it's really sad this is affecting her so much. He's really not worth the genuine distress she's displaying.
No. 330379
File: 1496794799036.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7915.PNG)

shes fine guys.
No. 330491
File: 1496800536797.png (29.61 KB, 278x288, toop.png)

After this stunt I can't see how she has so many stans. Her fans call other people out for doing the same shit she does, but she remains untouched. I wish she'd go to therapy or something and get off the internet.
Enjoy my shitty edit
No. 330509
File: 1496803133811.png (58.02 KB, 640x480, IMG_3378.PNG)

>>330480Peeps been posting I hate my life/I'm a bad person stuff & acting out too, they're both acting stupid. I think Layla's definitely struggling right now but I doubt she's in any real danger,
Can the anons who come in here complaining about her having a thread just fucking hide the thread or ignore it like I do the seemingly endless threads about gamers no one who isn't a nerd cares about.
Also what stunt? Are we calling some angsty tweets a stunt now.
No. 330820
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No. 331005
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She commented this on that Lilgustav groupie chicks page
No. 331218
>>330459no some people have actually lost people to suicide, or suffer themselves.
layla isn't in therapy or doing anything to help herself. if you're on so many drugs that literally DESTROY your serotonin so frequently, you'd want to die too. i understand she may have started using drugs as a way to escape from her very obvious low self esteem and i sympathize, but she clearly knows she has a problem and instead continues on so she can take instagram pictures. there's something very felice fawn about her making all of this so public.
it's fucking dumb how these people don't realize how great life can get when you stop participating in the hamster wheel of instagram. but then again we wouldn't have lolcow.
layla is obvious another idiot who fried her brain's reward system with drugs and instant validation of instagram. some junkie 15-minutes-of-fame nobody said he "liked her hair" and this grown woman wrote it on her wall. it probably made her whole month. and she doesn't even like peep, she just lives for the attention. she probably realizes this and that makes her want to die.
she needs fucking therapy, the life she has now is worthless and she contributes nothing and has no skills.
No. 331219
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tbh i laughed
No. 331402
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and shes back
No. 331410
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No. 331423
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wonder if this is for her haha
No. 331568
File: 1496966368114.png (248.19 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_2548.PNG)

haha I randomly came across a toopoor stan on twitter and was looking through her pics. it's mostly her nutting her pants publicly over how gorgeous and amazing layla is but then I found this.
lmao @ her stans hitting her up like they're her friends and getting butthurt enough to post about it on twitter when she doesn't reply
No. 331569
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>>331568the sad part is, she's right. she's probably one of the less pathetic ones, which says a lot
No. 332131
Sorry for the length, but this struck a nerve. If I need to sage this please let me know.
anon 5150ed for suicide: They give you hospital socks when you stay overnight, but they only give you ones with treads on them if you're unstable. This could vary from county to county (idk why but w/e), but I'm in the same state as her.
If she was 100% confirmed offline for an entire 72 hours, then she would have been on a mandatory psychiatric hold for attempted suicide, meaning 5150. If she got 5150ed it would go on record, she couldn't buy a gun for 5 years, and given her attitude there's no way she would have endured something like that without exploiting the hell out of being in an actual ward.
If you end up in the hospital/ER and disclose suicidal intentions, they will 5150 you. Sorry for quick personal note, but I mentioned something that merely implied a serious attempt and was put on hold. We are in the same state, different city, and seriously doubt it would vary.
This is a girl who intentionally overdoses recreationally to take aesthetic pictures and videos with underage teenagers so she can post them online for "credibility", because she is a fucking blackhole of a person, void of skills, of life goals, of any real love at all. As a reminder, she chose all of that so she could play a out a role to seduce a soundcloud rapper, who is acting out the same role.
This girl will never do anything serious because she is far too narcissistic. I know that word gets thrown around here a lot, but please let's all look at her a lot more critically considering her follower count and how serious this is. I wanted to like her because she seemed dumb and harmless, but even implying a suicide attempt publicly for attention is really fucked up. This girl has never seriously self harmed beyond taking too many pills, and making three times as many tweets about it. They obviously confiscate your phone is a real ward, so the next best thing she can do is vague-write, and purposefully keep her socks and bracelet on.
If you truly attempted suicide, you don't fucking keep those things on and take gratuitous vanity pictures for every social media platform you have. Literally none of her behavior match up with someone who just attempted suicide, and all she's doing is glorifying it to her followers. She's not thanking anyone for support and keeping the gory details to herself, the only difference between this and literally any other Saturday night overdosing is that she went to the hospital to collect some accessories for a photoshoot.
She has no mental illness, she is just a rich burn out with no serotonin left after her partying and shitty fucking diet. They may have just given her socks because she may have shown up in barely any clothing and heels, it may have simply been for warmth and comfort while she was being chemically stabilized from whatever pills she took obvious no physical wounds). Or, as
>>332029 mentioned, she could have gone in for any other medical condition, which is very plausible.
Lastly if this were real under any circumstance she wouldn't be posting and she would be with her family, seeing a therapist, going to rehab, etc. There's a tremendous amount of shame from this, and if you don't withdraw from the shame, you should be withdrawing from almost losing your life. You'd still be suffering from a great deal of delusion and instability, and with that you're just quiet. I know everyone of course is different, but with consideration to my experiences and all the experiences of everyone I've met in various group therapies for this, this is complete bullshit.
Again apologies for length, I just wanted to make it clear this girl went to the hospital, but she didn't disclose suicidal ideation/intent or she would have been 5150ed, and if she went for "accidental overdose" she does that all the time and needed more authentic accessories to get more attention.
Fuck her.
No. 332190
>>332131I get the tread socks anytime I go to the er. They are not just for 5150.
Sage for it.
No. 332197
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No. 334281
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No. 334595
>>334281lmao this is some dumb dbt book about coping, look at the corner. equivalent of self diagnose w false edge lord answers
layla you just choose to do shitty drugs with shitty people. get actual help or die but just fuck right off.
No. 335328
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No. 335387
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No. 335389
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I don't wanna say stop posting because I love watching her make a fool of herself for the internet but layla you need to stop posting
No. 335659
File: 1497475094237.png (288.44 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1057.PNG)

I can't believe people actually like this bitch, it's always like 15 year olds too
No. 335667
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i'm so confused what happened ????
No. 335689
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No. 335725
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No. 335726
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No. 335727
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No. 335728
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No. 335769
>>335746it's for drama and watered down content. she knows her life is boring so she's blowing this up as if anyone would stalk her. she's playing us.
>>335743oh so you're 14 bc the nu goth trend has been a thing since like 2011 and it's all been done in irony you dense twat
No. 337250
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No. 337302
>>337300Samefag oops I thought u meant Layla lol.
Same thing.
No. 337397
Sorry you're into nu goth and I offended you. Thinking it's all done in irony is pretentious and dumb. Pick up an Xmal Deutschland album instead of new killstar merch.
>>337250> masterbateI know it's not picky, but I hate the way she types. She's trying to seem as young and hip as possible.
No. 337406
File: 1497769370946.png (90.37 KB, 187x210, herd.png)

omfg i can’t believe she’s hanging out with Victoria Nguyen she’s literally 10x the cow layla is, honestly she desperately needs her own thread. milky as fuck on a DAILY BASIS, she just can’t help herself. its a wonderful shit show to witness. i’ve never made a thread but if anyone is interested her tumblr is catholicnun and her insta/twitter (main) is communistnun
sage for OT
No. 337435
>>336278No, you answered your own question; they are too dumb to actually know what goth is so they buy dollskill bullshit that's my fucking point. It's BLATANTLY not real goth, so it looks ridiculous when you compare it to the real thing. apples/oranges.
>>337397You're tonedeaf and insecure, once again we are on the same page in agreeing these girls are FUCKING OBVIOUSLY not goth, stating that they aren't makes you seem like you sustained a head injury that impacted your critical thinking. Nu goth is the dumb trend they're following, they literally never claimed to be goth. Don't even bother name dropping to make yourself feel better I can smell your desperation to adhere to an embarrassing subculture from here and it's pitiful.
(calm down) No. 337581
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No. 337582
File: 1497806949217.png (1.93 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9004.PNG)

"#healthytoopoor" this was on the same night.. okay.
No. 337586
>>337397I think you miss the point here that Instagram goths don't have any desire to be ~real goths~ and some even hold traditional goths with a level of distain. Irony might not be the right word but there's a level of self awareness/tongue in cheekness that sets internet goths a part from the type of goth to go to a goth club or make an actual lifestyle out of it.
Anyways peep just walked for vogue I wonder how her pseudo fashionista ass feels about that
No. 337715
File: 1497835001874.jpg (178.58 KB, 720x887, IMG_1606.JPG)

This is too real, I thought it was them for a minute.
No. 339268
File: 1498100753425.png (492.86 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1266.PNG)

Lolololol someone go kick her for me.
No. 339279
>>339275>>338973Ok it was prob another girl then, I didn't know she danced for Marilyn Manson. tbh 80% of these internet girls(lol) are doing more for themselves with their notoriety/brands than layla.
She's stared going to events again tho idk if anyone's noticed
No. 339292
File: 1498107768069.png (4.07 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1275.PNG)

what a fail
No. 340242
File: 1498250891891.png (188.49 KB, 750x1141, IMG_4564.PNG)

so it was 10 days for her to go back to her old ways
No. 340311
>>340242This is so sad… He hasn't even mentioned her at all since this
>>330820I know peeps busy with 2 fashion weeks & his debut but he still finds time to shitpost on ig about all sorts of dumb things that he hasn't mentioned layla is really telling. And makes her do nothingness so much more pronounced. Dial it back girl! Desperation is a bad look.
No. 340641
File: 1498324294933.png (58.27 KB, 1242x429, IMG_1317.PNG)

oh god
No. 340784
File: 1498341490032.jpg (168.56 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0218.JPG)

I don't think she'll ever get a decent tattoo in her life
No. 340785
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No. 340928
File: 1498364322189.png (Spoiler Image,4.16 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1323.PNG)

she's trash
No. 340929
File: 1498364358835.png (Spoiler Image,2.88 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1321.PNG)

she loves go look disgusting
No. 341116
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No. 342055
>>337838I… I have regrets.
>>337582Is she bulimic? This looks like a binge and purge meal.
>>340641They remind me of this pogo punk couple I know. How can you keep breaking up and getting back together? More importantly, why? Peep is like, 20 and to is unstable af. She needs to work on herself before trying to make a relationship with some horny 20yo work.
>>340928Oh good. She gives toothy blowjobs. There's nothing sexy about her.
No. 342779
>>342568i think she's borderline too. its classic and i think she's been bulimic before too. honestly ive gone thru similiar things and im younger than her so its like watching my own life but different.
sage 4 blog post but i actually wish recovery was "trendy" maybe she would actually try to get help…..
No. 343296
File: 1498731282164.png (3.73 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_7438.PNG)

I honestly think she looks cute here
No. 343366
>>343296She has a good look here.
The fried messy blonde and pinning after a 20 year old fuckboy crybaby at fucking 25 or something is NOT good look on her however.
But cows willing to do this to themselves are the whole reason this site is so entertaining.
No. 343671
File: 1498779313381.png (885.26 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3637.PNG)

Laylas sobbing on snap again and peep just posted this
No. 343675
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>>343671On twitter too with this caption and some shit abt being a bad person lmafo
No. 343719
>>343675W.e she was crying about I didn't see it she must've deleted it.
This little trash baby doesn't give a single fuck about tp. Wtf does she do this to herself for? I want her to ask herself that.
No. 343822
File: 1498798973996.jpg (108.6 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3648.JPG)

>>343719She just hates herself
No. 344064
>>343833Agreed, anon.
She is canned milk at this point.
No. 344079
File: 1498844061370.png (3.93 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1474.PNG)

This is disgusting. Does she thinks it's cute to be fuckdd up
No. 344115
>>344079Lmao that's just funny but unfortunate she relates it to her mental illness
Or she thinks this is edgy which is also funny
No. 344233
File: 1498864700620.png (1.04 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4447.PNG)

ive always thought t.p was extremely cute and generally enjoy watching her trainwreck, but fuck, her side profile is something else
No. 344373
>>340784i was going to say this one wasn't so bad but then
>it's upside down LORD
No. 344688
File: 1498947507585.png (591.95 KB, 640x1136, 1498864700620.png)

>>344233i wouldnt go outside with a head like that
No. 344804
>>344680Holy fuck that's so true and so sad.
Selfie angled tattoo.
No. 344957
File: 1499014451684.png (37.84 KB, 750x209, IMG_3720.PNG)

Whoever posted this leave this site forever you are somehow more annoying than her and you're not good enough to be a main cow either you literal idiot.
No. 345043
>>344233I always thought she was kind of pretty (spare the odd head) but I always knew there was something up with her nose somehow.
I guess this is why.
She could fish up Moby Dick with that thing.
No. 347744
File: 1499416999597.png (466.76 KB, 480x800, gsyC5to.png)

love this jew bitch
No. 348666
File: 1499541055822.jpg (65.22 KB, 750x882, IMG_0676.JPG)

and here is a screenshot from their facetime if yall dont believe me
No. 349201
File: 1499589397326.png (975.15 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3713.PNG)

Ahh I wondered what this was about also she must keep a close eye on this thread these post were less than 12 hrs old when she posted a response
No. 349303
>>349201She checks this page more then the posters do.
Anon took one and this is hilarious how she gets mad over shit she was going to show her followers anyway..
Did anon not care if they were outed to tps following to harass them though?
No. 349323
>>349303Even if Layla wanted to @ them if it's through email iMessage/FaceTime doesn't reveal much about the person your talking to, so I doubt she could.
You're right, she's totally gonna blast their "relationship" all over her accounts once peep gets back
& What everyone here is saying is echoing what most of her fans say anyways, no one is rooting for them anymore.
No. 349384
File: 1499621210331.jpg (112.56 KB, 750x766, IMG_0742.JPG)

i have a lil theory 1/2
No. 349387
File: 1499621278592.jpg (112.17 KB, 750x1098, IMG_0741.JPG)

i think the chucky is probably peep, cause awhile ago layla posted a photo of tiffany with a heart on her chest that said peep,,, 2/2
No. 349651
File: 1499647212828.png (1.13 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0784.PNG)

first off, her nails are ugly as fuck, second if shes still talking about this thread shes dumb for looking through it if her ego couldnt take it
No. 349829
>>342568solid black rose tattoos are the new livestrong bracelet from a decade ago
they the tackiest of tacky and it's how you spot a true lame, your edgy ironically bad tattoos can't save you now bitch you're like 5 years too late
No. 349840
>>343822Guys fuck sorry for the double post this thread is doing me in. I legit thought that fat ass face was Rob Kardashian no lie. His teenage metabolism is slowing down fast my guy.
>>342568She's what, 5'1? She's a midget, if she was actually eating those insane amount of calories she would balloon up, weight that short is so hard to control from what I've heard because there's obviously less places it can go.
>>343296They covered her mouth lines but she looks like upstate new york trash, someone friends with ember.
>>343823you're obsessed with a serial cheater and faking suicide for instagram fame. get your life sorted before you even respond here you filth.
>>344064tbh it should be a GBC thread, peep is a train wreck.
>>348666look he just needs a desperate and dumb courtney love to fit his kurt cobain cosplay ok, they're using each other just like their contemporaries.
No. 351647
File: 1499917645342.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1074.PNG)

her fucking hair im.
No. 352130
>>352123Uhh i wouldnt say its that, Never has tp ever claimed to be a fan of any of those things. She just has 0 self awareness of how stupid she looks.
However shes most likely an "outcast" from her insufferable behavior. She never keeps friends for long for obvious reasons. Cassidy only puts up with her because she's pretty much the same thot.
No. 352152
File: 1499998161827.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1130.PNG)

didnt she say this after her first meet up?? lmao she just wants attention
No. 352186
>>352130except it is because she literally captioned "geek squad" and has a "stereotypical ironic nerd" outfit on, keep up
>>352152her hands are fucking gross
No. 352790
File: 1500083663120.png (Spoiler Image,3.18 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_7556.PNG)

what the fuck is this
No. 353060
File: 1500146540467.png (393.77 KB, 547x500, poo & pee.png)

layla please just delete your social media. you're so much fun to watch, like fat strippers beating each other up on jerry springer, but it's really not worth destroying your body/life over.
care for yourself for once and not your image.
No. 353904
File: 1500266735340.png (Spoiler Image,3.76 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1950.PNG)

is nobody going to talk about how disgusting this bitch is, washing her dirty feet over dishes
No. 354560
>>353904If those are her dishes or someone else's I have no clue which one is more fucking disgusting.
Why not a bath? An empty sink? These trashy hoes have 0 self awareness then cry when you call them out for putting their disgusting behaviors all over the internet.
No. 357099
File: 1500671027453.jpg (Spoiler Image,841.31 KB, 1440x2269, Screenshot_20170721-165851.jpg)

If this is "herself" I'm already imagining what her future is like. Self explanatory why she's so lonely.
Double keks at Lilith for showing more of her gross personality
No. 358052
File: 1500797307807.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 640x1136, IMG_0897.PNG)

>>357099She lurks this thread so hard oh lord
No. 361400
File: 1501130839967.png (128.86 KB, 750x847, IMG_2081.PNG)

No. 361552
File: 1501161184770.png (670.37 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3853.PNG)

Peep is back home, cuddled up on another bitch & neither party has said a word, is it finally over?
No. 361707
File: 1501184896375.png (2.62 MB, 1440x2360, 20170726_093619.png)

Forgot to put this up. She was making a fool and a half of herself again and now pretends to be into witchcraft by buying some random books. How unique. "Sober"
No. 362204
>>361969Kek yes the sudden "WHOLESOME VEGAN" she's really trying to push the sober thing while tweaking out in front of her followers.
>>362042Of course it won't last long, she constantly needs new interests to shove in her followers faces for that sweet sweet validation.
No. 362800
File: 1501312397697.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2331.PNG)

hope she doesnt do the same shit to him as she did to joei
No. 362886
>>362800If this is the person that she's trying to "mentally fuck up" and use for "inspiration" next and not some nice random dude putting up with her then I give it a month or less for him to do exactly that to her.
Yo She complains a lot about how guys won't fuck her but dudes will fuck ANYTHING no matter what, so that has to say something about her. Just a thought.
No. 365013
File: 1501649176520.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2713.PNG)

how dumb is she "canel."
No. 365055
File: 1501654521599.jpg (463.6 KB, 1070x1847, tp1.jpg)

Looks like toopoo was just hacked on twitter. It's all been deleted now. Wonder if she was actually hacked or just looking for attention?
No. 365057
File: 1501654640536.jpg (449.96 KB, 1080x1842, tp3.jpg)

>>365056Nothing too interesting, but I figured if some kind of drama happened later that this might be able to provide some context?
No. 365626
File: 1501726005014.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2795.PNG)

she actually looks good here. she should do her makeup like this instead of the shitty makeup she usually does
No. 366386
File: 1501832913386.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2977.PNG)

No. 367228
>>365660>>365993>>366390Actually, the 'trend' (
shudder) of instathots pissing started a good year or two ago.
Some edgelord Spanish sex therapist/feminist started doing it and uploaded the pictures to instagram.
Then her followers and similarly edgy clothing websites caught on and started making their models piss during photoshoots while advertising their clothes.
Just proves what an easily influenced bunch of degenerates these people are.
No. 367234
File: 1501972897404.jpg (75.59 KB, 960x640, ew.jpg)

>>367228This is one of the pics I'm referring to. Plenty more where that came from, unfortunately I've forgotten the names of most of these shitty brands as they were so samey and forgettable.
No. 367486
File: 1502011905511.png (1011.38 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3407.PNG)

No. 367487
File: 1502011920821.png (1019.45 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3408.PNG)

No. 367488
File: 1502011947829.png (955.63 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3410.PNG)

she needs to get over peep shes such a dumb bitch lmao
No. 368336
File: 1502123505491.png (927.24 KB, 1440x1833, 20170807_122825.png)

Laylaaaaa you only get funnier! Literally got the first Google image you found tattooed…and how old are you again? Youre one of THOSE people that don't have a concept of having their own original tattoos. So you steal some random Google images. Its time to stop love.
No. 369274
File: 1502276599473.png (247.41 KB, 1242x1222, IMG_4545.PNG)

>>368595i was hoping they weren't really tattooed but when they kept being in pics day after day i realized she was dumb enough to do it. she reminds me of this girl kek
No. 369423
File: 1502297304971.jpg (209.11 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20170809_184514.jpg)

I didn't manage to screenshot it because I think she delete the snap but apparently he tattooed "too poor" on his eyelids
No. 369574
>>369508And they aren't even great tattoos. The "too poor" tattoo look like a stick and poke done on a bathroom floor. The letters looked so wobbly. Quite said how far these people will go for their aesthetic, even if it means making themselves look like a dumbass.
I wonder why all these people she "dates" get her Instagram handle tattooed on them. What's so special about her? Is their brain fried from the drugs? Does she give really good head?
No. 369687
>>369574Because the new aesthetic is not wanting a future apparently. I'm excited to see them in a couple years. The effort for validation from a social media will be their downfall.
Drugs are also a very big contributor. She seems the type to use teeth giving head. There was a pic in the thread of her giving head that looked kinda bad.
No. 369934
File: 1502361878176.jpg (396.4 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20170810_124417.jpg)

No. 370275
File: 1502407767044.png (1.45 MB, 1162x1559, 20170810_192659.png)

Fake for attention or not she's addicted to making herself look even weaker and stupider every time she fakes being sober to once again post this shit. What's the point of lying about sobriety?
No. 370325
File: 1502413609528.png (455.31 KB, 642x720, IMG_0197.PNG)

>>352790I think I might vomit. What's going through her head? I don't understand her at all.
No. 370579
File: 1502462506386.png (944.07 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170811-103936.png)

>>370325Nothing you want going through your head anon trust.
Nice lurk poor. Good to know you still get shook when people call you out on your stupidity
No. 370588
>>370579Gucci house? Bitch, please.
I stay away from instathots though maybe I need to start following. The whole pissing model trend is so bizarre to me.
No. 370591
File: 1502464128375.png (1.2 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6047.PNG)

Did anyone else see them on peeps IG live last night?
Layla said they're fucking engaged LOL
No. 370619
File: 1502466633784.png (1.27 MB, 1440x1451, 20170811_114752.png)

These clowns stay entertaining us though so I'm waiting for the milk. Amazing how you can throw so much of your life out there and still try to back track and say no one knows anything.
No. 370753
File: 1502476944973.png (196.14 KB, 1242x1728, IMG_4072.PNG)

and it starts …
No. 370769
File: 1502479389961.png (351.53 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-11-13-54-31…)

>>370753He changed it, I can't wait to see what bad decisions this session brings
>>370754The guy that got too poor tattooed on his eyelids got too poor tattooed on this eyelids
No. 370773
>>370754Didn't she also do it with the other guy she dated? All her peep rebounds will tattoo too poor on them and then she'll dumb them a few days later. Kinda shitty she does this to them but I can't feel bad for these people considering they're actually stupid enough to get a tattoo for someone they just started dating.
Also Layla is fucking stupid is she keeps get back with peep after he keeps cheating on her and treating her like crap. Grow a backbone and get rid of him forever.
No. 370940
File: 1502498870600.png (57.11 KB, 1242x497, IMG_4583.PNG)

No. 370944
File: 1502499153250.png (219.99 KB, 1242x1671, IMG_4586.PNG)

>>370942these crackheads need a reality show of their own
No. 370996
File: 1502502982414.png (68.52 KB, 1242x552, IMG_4587.PNG)

>>370972i checked out his twitter after reading this and whew, it's pretty shady. but then again 90% of soundcloud rappers could fit in this
No. 371057
>>370996Ty for the caps, I only know bones as a super edgey long hair soundcloud from like 2013, i feel like if it was directed at peep it would mention face tatts & not hair but thats so shady and specific it was def detected at someone.
>>370972What eles has peep done? Idk that I would call coming out as milk but i don't keep up with him that well & he deletes a lot.
No. 371132
>>371057yea plenty of people have talked shit about peep but i don't think bones specifically has. he's just disillusioned with the underground scene as a whole.
>>371097and his album just got leaked, it's called "come over when you're sober: part 1" (lol)
>>371098she means culture. it's a meme within that lil circle of her's, "did it for the culture".
No. 371138
>>370941yeah definitely need proof of this
dont give a fuck about peep but i wanna see lmao
No. 371152
>>371097it would be actually pretty funny if she still lurked this thread and found out about the gay stuff from here lol
by the way the butthurt male fans in his comments feeling threatened because he came out as bi are even more pathetic and hilarious than layla
No. 371323
File: 1502560143412.jpg (30.55 KB, 440x199, homosex.jpg)

>>371307lol yes come thru
We all want to see this guy get spitroasted apparently
No. 371950
File: 1502657489391.png (150.16 KB, 720x813, Screenshot_20170813-224841.png)

"what is therapy and medication??"
No. 371956
File: 1502658728674.png (1.8 MB, 1440x2223, 20170813_171026.png)

Attention seeking at its finest once again. How do her followers keep falling for it. All over a SoundCloud rapper my fucking god
No. 371957
File: 1502658777081.png (615.89 KB, 720x940, Screenshot_20170813-230427.png)

Peep plays her, that bitch Cassidy enables her, Layla will use twitter as a therapy substitute / stage for her meltdown until she offs herself in a couple of years
No. 371958
File: 1502658815664.png (1.42 MB, 1440x2157, 20170813_171046.png)

Pt.2 of attention seeking
No. 371965
File: 1502659277098.png (1.37 MB, 1440x2148, Screenshot_20170813-171723.png)

lmao cass pls
No. 371966
>>371962Girl, don't feel bad. She has the money and the means and the TIME to find and receive excellent therapeutic / psychiatric care. Also, this bitch does not want to die. Sorry for slight arm-chairing but the more "narcissistic" or histrionic/dramatic/hysterical/attention-seeking a person, the less they wanna die and the more they play themselves and others
>>371965cass is a fucking joke as a friend lmao
No. 371969
>>371965Gdi she locked her ig, is this a video or just a weird attention seeking photo
>>371956Did her and peep break up again, after 1 day? I can't keep up. He's not even in la rn
No. 371971
>>371962I really can't feel bad for someone who repeats their mistakes over and over WHILE making a mockery of those with actual depression. Who the fuck thinks "I'm gonna kill myself but brb first I'm gonna post a lot to milk this" fuck off to layla seriously shes trash for that. And she's going to look stupid as fuck when she comes back
Cass is another story you can tell she's rolling her eyes and gives no fucks about this meltdown
No. 371975
>>371950Lmfao at more than half the responses being jokey/unserious no1curr girl your shits so tired even your fans are laughing
>>371972I like how she chose an aesthetic modeling pic to announce her "suicide"
No. 371985
>>371956I can believe that she's suffering and has suicide thoughts / a deathwish. But I can't believe she would actually go through with it and severly harm or kill herself.
I even wanna see her do better in a way, get some therapy and her life in order and cut ties with peep. But it's not gonna happen
No. 372000
File: 1502665515774.png (3.49 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170813-190147.png)

Much concern for her best friend. you can just TELL on her face how worried she is about layla /s
They're both fucking clowns
No. 372071
>>371057>bones>the man who raps about loving nature, eating healthy, and poetic romance>edgychoose one.
that one tweet he made could have been directed at literally anyone since he thinks everyone in the scene is a retard except for his own crew. he disses people all the time
No. 372161
>>372071Last time bones was at his height of relevance (which isn't saying much) he was rapping about Columbine and glorifying mass shooters.
Sorry that nobody gives a fuck enough about him to bother listening to what he's up to now.
No. 372202
File: 1502701992762.png (639.28 KB, 720x986, Screenshot_20170814-110938.png)

>>372168N A S O L A B I A L F O L D S
hey cass, get your wholesome photo prop into therapy
No. 372203
File: 1502702106310.png (633.02 KB, 720x809, Screenshot_20170814-111056.png)

No. 372208
File: 1502702499717.png (833.91 KB, 720x1028, Screenshot_20170814-111040.png)

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to blame Cass for Layla's bullshit. But I do wonder how much she enables her. I don't hate her tho and she's not a cow
No. 372364
>>372244She's really pretty in that all american sweetheart way which is why she looks so weird in this
>>372000 pic. That harsh hair and eye liner dont suit her sorority girl face. Plus I'm pretty sure she went ham with that face tune on her eyes which also makes her look weird.
No. 372368
>>372161And no one gives a fuck about how much you dislike him.
>>372355They didnt get where u were coming from all they did was cherrypick one tape that focused on a certain topic. Guess the entire rap game is edgy because they all call each other out even in mainstream. You guys sound hurt that anon called you guys out n yall were first to get up in arms abput how "edgy" he is. Now stop derailing.
No. 372641
File: 1502753711433.png (129.34 KB, 720x910, Screenshot_2017-08-14-18-01-20…)

24 hrs later & shes back, I don't follow her ig so idk if she posted anything there
>>372515>>372453Both of you need to stop whiteknighting some random that has nothing to do with layla
No. 372652
File: 1502755164560.gif (132.05 KB, 201x200, topkek.gif)

>>372515>The last random line of your post makes you sound crazy as fuckStop projecting, darling. Calling other people crazy won't make yours go away.
>I bet you're one of those retards who thinks anyone with an interest in european history is automatically a neo naziMy fucking sides, I hope you stretched before that reach.
>boring meme reaction imageClearly you've never heard of safety squads closing down unsafe warehouse parties. The same kind that ugly dumb talentless degenerates like bones, Toopoo and Peepee are all about. Learn to internet and know your memes before telling people to 'go back to tumblr', you dense faggot.
Do you also want me to explain how sarcasm works while you're here, darling?
INB4 /pol/ safety squad meme becomes Layla's next tattoo.
No. 372654
>>372208The one in red looks a lot like Brooke Candy. I had to double take.
I don't think she's a cow either but anyone that makes a cow milker is just good in my books. Wonder if we'll see her cash in on the Peep drama or if they'll just keep posting vaguely homoerotic pictures for rebound value.
No. 372655
>>372208The one in red looks a lot like Brooke Candy. I had to double take.
I don't think she's a cow either but anyone that makes a cow milker is just good in my books. Wonder if we'll see her cash in on the Peep drama or if they'll just keep posting vaguely homoerotic pictures for rebound value.
No. 372953
>>372932Different anon here. Stop typing like a moron and shitting up this thread.
Fucking summerfags.
No. 373266
File: 1502888563679.png (191.64 KB, 1242x1504, IMG_4645.PNG)

layla, you're almost 25. looking for validation from people in their mid teens who only follow you because you're an "aesthetic" and you're a rapper's ex is pathetic. go do something else before you're 30 and your followers have grown too old to care.
No. 373295
File: 1502893196261.png (2.02 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170816-020552.png)

She was on live yesterday acting like she didn't just make an ass out of herself, asking for people to uber her home from the airport. Does she not have her own money? She likes to talk a lot of shit about "I don't care about you haters I get paid" where? Because a paid girl sure doesn't ask for as many handouts as she does.Also peep lopho trying to insert herself in more buisness as if she hasn't spent the last couple days getting dragged left and right.
No. 373312
File: 1502895199544.png (159.08 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2966.PNG)

>>373298Lilith accused lopholora of copying her. Also lopholora was featured in a music video by some SoundCloud rapper who allegedly raped a thirteen year old and she made an ass out of herself trying to defend him when people started without actually really knowing what was going on.
No. 373709
File: 1502933727623.png (73.25 KB, 720x459, 20170816_213256.png)

Clown is still milking this. She knows she's way too self centered to have any real suicidal thoughts. Just make them believe she does for AeStHeTiC
No. 373887
File: 1502943382645.png (71.43 KB, 640x465, IMG_4002.PNG)

Girl shut up, you're not gonna die, the most you're gonna do is milk daddies totally not deep pockets for some fluffy facility stay
No. 374059
File: 1502977492412.png (Spoiler Image,144.33 KB, 810x1234, IMG_4650.PNG)

lmao she leaked her own nudes. how desperate
No. 374230
File: 1502995822225.png (824.33 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9489.PNG)

No. 374256
File: 1502998973455.png (135.88 KB, 720x818, Screenshot_20170817-214039.png)

Friends, it's all good in trashland!!
>>374235>>374246Layla, I like your banana pillow!! See? No hate and based on fax!
>>374248>She's gonna kill herself by sending flowers hereWow, I'm tired
No. 374271
>>374256she has known about this thread for a while and continues to check it so really it sounds like she's just as pathetic as she makes us to be.
also just so funny when she continues to say we are fedora fags…..
No. 374326
>>374293She's referring to incorrect Statements such as Cass and her unfollowing each other
and she's adamant she's not using drugs
No. 374621
File: 1503041409110.png (120.7 KB, 640x874, IMG_1353.PNG)

peeps new vid out, girl in it looks just like layla. she butthurt? can never tell with these two…
No. 374773
>>374621Someone on here said thats shes a lesbian but idk where they got that info.
I've seen people comparing the 2 but I don't understand why they both kissed peep on record but besides that they look nothing a like and page is like, gorgeous layla is just pretty.
No. 374808
>>374621I'm sorry but I know I can't be the only one
triggered by the girls flat,stringy, greasy looking hair. Ffs peep couldn't have her at least wash and set her hair for a photo that didn't even require her face to be in?
No. 374888
>>374808The hair is pretty gross but grime is literally the aesthetic here. Peep looks like he smells of vinegary piss and dried semen. Layla seems like she reeks of McGriddles.
It's just what they're going for.
No. 375044
File: 1503106233484.png (173.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170818-212524.png)

This made me LAUGH I can't believe how many fools follow her. It's so obvious none of these people know what it's really like to work SO hard you need to take a break. I want to know if they even know WHAT she works so hard on. Please tell me. Or do they just tell that to themselves so they have a comeback? Layla is playing y'all hard if you think she "uWu needs a bweak fwom working SoOoOo hArD uWu!"
No. 375142
File: 1503114391133.jpg (40.88 KB, 736x552, nicetits.jpg)

>>375057Stop white knighting for those saggy fried egg tits, Layla. We know you lurk.
No. 375148
File: 1503115873733.png (105.72 KB, 598x500, kekkk.png)

Lol she just posted then immediately bawleted this. What a pussy.
Why delete? It's not as if you have any pride left to lose, you crazy desperate bitch.
>There will never be another us
What did she mean by this?
No. 375155
File: 1503116921121.png (263.4 KB, 591x442, nah hoe.png)

>>375148>'glo-up'>same busted hoe, but now with Silver™ hair and a few more badges of self hatred on her bodyWe get that you're trying to prove you're coping without Lil Peepee but it's not very convincing, honey.
Sorry your ex boy would rather have coke drip and be balls deep in another guy's ass than even entertain the thought of texting you back.
No. 375393
File: 1503163260669.jpg (644.1 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170819_191553.jpg)

Layla's habit of wearing lingerie / gowns out lol. Girl, you asleep? On the way to the bathroom for a quick wee? (I guess no cause she pees in the street)
>>375142>tinfoil>repeated nitpick>comparison more suitable for chellhellbunnychill out
No. 375426
File: 1503168061096.png (410.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170819-143756.png)

>the filthy feet
>the g-string laying shapeless and flat on her mixture of back and barely there asscrack
Oh no baby what is you doin
No. 375441
File: 1503169803394.png (92.02 KB, 720x445, Screenshot_20170819-210814.png)

No. 375518
File: 1503178768378.png (76.84 KB, 436x740, 1493355662630.png)

From April, she lost weight
No. 375530
>>375393>Calls insulting Layla's ugly tits that she won't stop flashing 'nitpicking'>Goes on to throw some lame shade about Layla's negligee (which is probably the prettiest thing about her)>Somehow thinks that isn't nitpickingEither you have saggy tits and you're
triggered, or you're a summerfag.
How is calling Layla a lurker tinfoil hat, dumbass?
Can't you read?
>>374256 No. 375636
>>375270Literally if she just stops being such a desperate mess in public and starts curving him when he hits her up you know he'll go insane.
I'd say I feel bad for their shared friend group but they all signed up for this.
No. 375671
File: 1503199790308.png (802.59 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5208.PNG)

ok in my opinion i think its fine for a women to post photos of her body cause its hers but layla makes sure she posts her personal shit like how she took a pregnancy test like no one needed to know that, and shes gonna get mad when people call her out for it too lol. shes so predictable at this point
No. 375685
>>375636That's the funniest thing about this whole situation. She has absolutely no game. She's crying like a little bitch over Peep's peepee, like he took her virginity or something. It's an absolute shitshow. She's fucked enough guys, you'd really think she'd have learned her lesson by now, but nope.
>>375671Ah yes, good idea Layla, take pregnancy tests and snapchat them. That's really gonna win your ex back.
She's really exaggerating her crazy now, playing it up as hard as she can for the sympathy and likes. It's actually revolting.
No. 375731
>>374059honestly, if these are what her unedited tits look like, they look fine to me, they're shaped weird yeah but eh, they kinda remind me of some 90s porn drawing boobs
when I was seeing all the comments about sad saggy tits I expect complete udders or tubular breasts but they're
sage for OT and disagreement
No. 375941
>>375671Wow. Just wow. Don't even with this Layla. Don't breed. You'd do yourself and the entire earth a favor if you let your genes end.
Also did anyone see the live where Cassidy couldn't keep her mouth shut and almost got her ass beat by a big ethnic woman lmfao She was so shook.
No. 375947
File: 1503253559739.jpg (337.88 KB, 720x859, 20170820_141917.jpg)

>i have so much on my mind
What you mean is the drugs are fucking with your head. You express yourself pretty clearly on social media. The only thing enigmatic about you is why anyone would wreck their future as much as you have.
By explanation you mean more backtracking and lies to cover every part of your life you yourself chose to expose on social media. Noone's fault but your own, And you don't exactly keep anything behind closed doors. But please. Continue to act like you're not bothered by the consequences of your own lust for social media attention. If you put it out there. People will A. Ask B. Comment. Even you can't be stupid enough to not understand that Layla.
No. 375949
File: 1503253716471.jpg (330.13 KB, 720x880, 20170820_141839.jpg)

>i don't have to explain all the lies I contradict myself with wahh! It's none of your business what I post publicly uwu!
>makes a post for everyone to see
>tells them to ignore it
10/10 cognitive functions
No. 376188
File: 1503279824803.png (2.99 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_4546.PNG)

is it that hard to go to a fucking washroom you stupid cunt
No. 376212
>>376188Honestly in some cities/when you're fucked up it is, I just don't understand her fixation on this really mundane slightly risquè thing a lot a party girls do
>>376070That was my favorite part of all of that like lmao no one cares anymore girl. The first time even people here, myself included where a little concerned, now you're just a joke to fans & ~hAterz~ a like
No. 376777
>>376757They're such a stereotype. Talentless, aimless rich kids with nothing else to do but get fucked up all the time and piss their future up a wall. These idiots are a dime a dozen.
Then they have a week of sobriety and become smug, self-righteous assholes, lecturing and spurning others for doing the exact same thing they've been doing for years.
The drugs they do aren't even addictive, it's easy to give them up. They're acting like they had a full blown heroin habit lmao. These dumb cunts.
No. 376780
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No. 376840
File: 1503363805111.png (57.13 KB, 1242x316, IMG_4886.PNG)

how is layla gonna react when these two smash?
No. 376893
File: 1503369546864.jpg (191.86 KB, 1300x957, milky.jpg)

More fresh milk for us.
No. 376895
>>376840If I were Poopoo I'd be crying into my line of ketamine right now. Bella Thorne has a great ass and you KNOW she's a freak in bed.
I almost feel sorry for you Layla. Almost.
No. 377004
File: 1503387317276.png (51.74 KB, 750x525, IMG_5309.PNG)

she needs to get over him lmao
No. 377098
>>377034not most people just you peepettes and other sc listeners follow her because of peep…
she had quite a following before they got together
No. 377686
File: 1503463301841.jpg (300.73 KB, 596x788, 20170822_233521.jpg)

No. 377694
>>377686this is such bs. anyone with actual ptsd wouldnt be out and about taking selfies to whine to their underage followers about being
triggered. shes such a fucking cunt cant wait until she goes back into her cycle of drug abuse and ruins her barely salvageable self
No. 377745
>>377694Just her use of the word
triggered makes me want to put her back in the freezer.
>>377721Your guess is as good as mine. I have no clue wtf Layla is talking about. What Mexican? Are you implying that she ACTUALLY lifted a finger once in her life to work kek
No. 377882
>>377820Exactly. She's been doing quite the self diagnosing lately. I doubt she even really knew what PTSD was when she posted that. I completely forgot about the whole deportation thing.
I'm willing to bet the freezer thing was pure accident and she wasn't there long but she's broke as fuck and needs to sue for some money somehow.
No. 378003
File: 1503509644652.png (66.41 KB, 750x570, old milk.PNG)

>>377745>>377820Old sour milk but this is what we're referring to.
Someone dug up her old tweets and she made a fake self pitying apology to get people off her back.
So ugly.
No. 378009
>>378003Tbh this just proves what a sheltered rich girl she is.
Probably didn't like having to work at Dairy Queen (or whatever it was) or being outside her rich Palm Springs bubble + having to mix with ~the ethnics~.
Her family is rich so it's not like her lazy ass had to work anyway. Maybe her parents got sick of her shit and staged an intervention.
No. 378021
>>378003Lol I remember this drama.
Some chick posted the screencaps (as well as ones where Layla is calling people nigger) to her instagram.
Then all these ig cholas started giving Layla shit for it. She got scared of all the big bad Mexicans and was forced to apologize kek.
So stupid to alienate herself from the current LA xicana circle tbh, seeing as they're so popular.
No. 378674
>>378622Times are hard when a bitch can't afford cheap box dye while affording cigarettes and fast food I guess.
Next time she should go to someone who knows what their doing and not trying baby's first attempt at processing a level 10 to level 2-1 jfc.
No. 380017
File: 1503733404105.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5478.PNG)

shes so ugly lol
No. 380260
>>380254You have to be 18 to post here bb
>>380233Screenshots please she always deletes shit
Also lol@ her always posting about this already slow thread when it doesn't get a post for a few days. You probably check your thread more than any of the posters Layla. Are you so starved for attention you get hurt even when the gossip sites don't post about you.
No. 380262
File: 1503772635272.png (153 KB, 750x903, IMG_1731.PNG)

How could anyone hate this beautiful human being? :(
No. 380278
File: 1503773351847.jpg (15.81 KB, 320x320, 14553091_1847258805510280_2296…)

>>380250These are the people that support toopooh.
btw, blurring ur skin to hell and back doesn't make it look good.
No. 380281
File: 1503773472562.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1733.PNG)

Y'all are just mad because you don't look like this
No. 380285
>>380277Where's your info then, anon? Don't talk pussy shit if you're lower than too pussys vaginal floor.
Also how is an online presence the same as someone's family you don't love her she definitely doesn't love you bc she loves a nigga who's getting ass fucked
No. 380298
>>380294kek she's definitely freaking the fuck out right now.
can we get get a farmhand? what's taking so long?
No. 380312
This is the most action laylas threads ever gotten including both times she threatened suicide
>>380294How the hell are you a teenager and stupid enough to post your shit on an imageboard.
Fr we need a farmhand there are kids in here using miley Cyrus as a sympathetic figure for some incoherent whiteknighting
No. 380405
>>380282PuLl uP wE fIgHtiNg
…..Little girl, if you don't sit down and munch your poptarts.. Where is your mom while you're about to "PULL UP" for a mid/late 20s emo kid I'm DEAD. Layla would never fight for you, or any of her fans. So don't get busted and lose any hair on that ghetto trash scalp of yours trying to look big and tough.
People can and WILL be reposting as much shit as they want because -gasp- she puts it out there herself! So point to me where people are stalking her here. Pretty sure everything here hasn't been "dug up" or "outed",Even you can't be that stupid but I mean you just posted your info and you're about to fight for Layla so that in itself speaks for your intelligence.
No. 380424
File: 1503785931318.png (558.78 KB, 609x1180, 20170826_181121.png)

So remember whorekayla (now bluntbongkayla) that was trying to lie about tp? She got blindsided and got her ass kicked. The two whores thay fought her are super milky and I didn't believe that they had told tp they beat her ass until-
she has way too much time to immediately respond to these girls.
No. 380740
File: 1503833785823.png (Spoiler Image,1.48 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4485.PNG)

she's naked on the bathroom floor and omg can't stop shaking !!
No. 380790
>>380740IMAGINE being this much of an insufferable mess when you go out.
Laying on a filthy bathroom floor naked acting "uwu so sick and shakey!" While having the energy to show social media.
Cassidy's such a raging cunt to everyone that breathes that I cant see her finding these antics cute. She has to be sticking around for clout.
You post shit like this but "I'm fuckin sober guyz you don't know anythinggg"
No. 380791
File: 1503844903046.png (3.72 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5466.PNG)

she is trash
No. 380978
>>380834Get help jesus christ if you're actually layla you're clarifying things on a site dedicated to talking shit a day after sending your teenage fanbase here to get doxxed. How many times a day do you check this shit? Why do you even care? Are you getting off on the fact that there's more than 1 person that isn't your mom sincerely telling you to do something to help yourself out?
No ones glamorizing or manipulating anything except you. Stop using ~mental instability~ for clout bc clearly is backfired.
No. 380986
File: 1503858958581.png (538.33 KB, 720x1045, 20170827_143040.png)

>>380834If this is really you then what happened to this? None of this poem even applied to you bruv, don't play yourself more then you already have..
>glamourizing>every post here doing the oppositeI'm weakkkk youve literally brainwashed yourself into thinking that's all people think about you, seriously get help.
No. 381021
File: 1503863243985.png (11.03 KB, 547x103, 68589594.png)

She's so nice to her stans. Guess they like being treated like shit just like Layla.
No. 381175
File: 1503879697524.png (746.99 KB, 720x1105, 20170827_143108.png)

Can't speak for the other random girl but these two are way too caught up ruining their own lives, meanwhile no hearts broken over this trash. They can keep hoping tho.
No. 381273
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No. 381274
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No. 381391
File: 1503900571347.png (849.12 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170827-230609.png)

What is going onnn? And Tracy unfollowed Peep on IG…serious milk involving TP?
No. 381426
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No. 381427
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No. 381635
>>381391No tracy does a whole of uppers and starts talking shit on twitter every 2-3 months like clockwork. He's deleted his music off soundcloud, tried to fight his videographer & producer, and "left" gbc/"beefed" with peep all in the past 4 months.
>>381420Adam "got kicked out of the hardcore scene for being a scumbag 'if statutory rape is wrong I don't wanna be right'"-22 the soundcloud scene sure is full of class acts
No. 381643
>>381244I know. This was on Laylas page.
>>381413That's kinda the staple of these greasy SoundCloud rappers it looks like
>>381427Oooo wow deep. Way too edge for me!
Idk why these cunts talk so much shit about Bella as if she's not a literal success over their "laying in a bathroom naked overheating on cigarettes" lifestyle. REALLY girls you seriously can't talk lol. Bella, whatever milk she has, still runs laps around you two.
No. 381858
File: 1503954120566.png (4.36 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5690.PNG)

ew she's so ugly
No. 382187
>>370773the dumb bitch will literally do anything to grow her social media accounts, even if ppl following her are just there to laugh at her
she's throwing away her life and dignity for followers who don't even like her its fucking ridiculous
No. 382191
>>374230i dont trust anyone w/o self harm scars that says they're gonna kill themselves
fuck her
No. 382483
>>382191Anon, are you in jr high? cuz most suicide victims above the age of 13 have don't have 'self harm scars' foreshadowing their deaths
Saged obvi
No. 382758
>>305681i mean her drug use, lack of self care & self respect says she obviously has issues. just because she doesn't cut as her form as self harm doesn't mean she doesn't mean she's not going to kill herself.
either she's going to get worse or get better
or it's basically all attention seeking
sage because layla sucks
No. 383666
>>383544Wow, the level of entitlement is beyond words.
I think she was homeschooled in the end, and used that time to shoplift. I guess she must have had a bit of conflict at school too. It seems to follow her around. In her interview vid she did say "too poor is manipulative" which is funny because it's people here who manipulate her words, (according to her).
No. 383780
File: 1504197027681.png (134.19 KB, 750x1067, IMG_5793.PNG)

she will always find a way to drop peeps name lmao
No. 383966
File: 1504215014737.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5903.PNG)

shes reaching, your honor
No. 384191
File: 1505001659298.png (169.09 KB, 750x1248, IMG_2204.PNG)

so she's apart of slutwalk, I wonder if amber rose knows about the racist shit that layla said before
No. 384494
>>383966She means 3 months of trying to play idiots.
Also gotta love the ugly, cheap stamp on looking heart tattoos. The terrible decision aesthetic needs to go
No. 384702
>>384554She's been way more heated and
triggered over Bellas success in getting peeps attention. She's so mad about it, it's great kek
No. 384713
File: 1505090165717.png (348.04 KB, 1242x1179, IMG_5316.PNG)

this was the worst possible time for lolcow to undergo maintenance cause the amount of milk from our favourite jew in the last week or so is unprecented. she went full sperg over pic related and STILL went to peep's show because "she will always support him" kek
No. 384725
File: 1505091843049.png (40.52 KB, 649x362, IMG_2069.PNG)

wtf is this
No. 384726
File: 1505092178350.png (9.46 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5323.PNG)

also thought i should mention how hotelshrimp is looking worse day after day ever since she reconciled with layla. she went from pretty blonde girl to this "toopoor with less unfortunate genes"/corpse bride look in a matter of days
No. 384917
>>384909I did. I didn't know if Instagram notifies for screencapped stories or I would've capped it on her ig.
So petty and pathetic.
No. 384990
File: 1505146944939.png (217.56 KB, 1242x1236, IMG_5278.PNG)

>implying you're somehow not an "ugly bitch" yourself
btw, she hinted at some sort of social media disappearance for the 7654th time on ig. she's not gonna last more than a week i reckon
No. 385195
>>385167she is, but i wish she'd just drop the heavy eye makeup and black hair.
the LA goth aesthetic was a mistake
No. 385218
>>384297iirc she is mixed and i think she would care, she has been vocal about colorism so i would think she'd care if this girl said someone who couldn't speak english should get deported. but she probably just doesn't know about it. im sure she or someome with slutwalk thought she'd be good for publicity. i wish people would stop using her as a model.
>>384713he has the worst taste. i hate talking about him because this thread isnt about him and i hate when he is mentioned without her in posts (peepettes: we dont really like him either?) but bella is another hot mess. she looks like a nasty groupie with a bad boob job. honestly she doesnt even look famous shes just another annoying cow imo.
No. 385478
>>385428yea ig goth is a thing…like just because YOU don't like it doesnt mean its not a trend. like you can read it and know what im talking about and you used the phrase too.
everything is just a look though.
No. 385495
>>385492im not trying to read as defensive but on its surface what is goth…..
a bunch of people who like to wear black. its just factual to say it is a part of the goth subculture. i feel like you are taking being "goth" super seriously….like you sound like a middle schooler trying to say someone isnt goth enough to be considered goth.
No. 385527
>>385487There IS a thread where she gets posted about, and she really isn't that milky.
PLEASE lern2sage for fucks sake
No. 385788
>>385487Barely hotter & cloutless
Also are goths like really touchy? People regularly come in Layla's thread up in arms over the goth descriptor even she's like the a perfect archetype "goth bitch" the internet rap scene talks about.
No. 386194
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No. 386676
File: 1505411911719.jpg (281.15 KB, 700x450, medium_2017-09-13-4ec11df486.j…)

No. 386786
>>386684I personally find Bella greasy and unattractive but I mean she has a good couple mil followers, has been in movies, voiced a game.
Versus Layla who likes to post about her diahrea episodes and pissing in the street, has no real job to speak of and zero future.
Not much contest there when that gets taken into account
No. 386805
File: 1505440389265.png (61.34 KB, 696x877, savage.png)

>>386676holy fuck the comments on this news article are hilarious.
No. 387944
>>387364learn 2 sage if your only adding your opinion but i agree
more than annoying it is sad. she left her long term relationship for him which means she either stayed in a relationship she wasnt really about or left a guy she loved for a guy with clout.
No. 387992
>>387982She was seen with a buy like 3 days before these were taken according to a rag and her type is just white tatted dudes. Peep is totally gonna get lost in the mix.
I think layla was also actually into peep but it wasn't healthy at all. Or maybe she was at least at first because the second(?) time they broke up when peep was losing his shit because she was actually trying to get over/ignore him it seemed a lot more natural. Now she just seems desperate and like weirdly obsessed. Her and peep were on the same level as far as clout when they started dating now peep had a little more but she's been mentioned in the last 2 pieces of press peep did. If she's just after clout there's no reason to be so extra even just being peeps ex is furthering her image.
No. 388770
File: 1505741310301.png (585.01 KB, 720x889, 2017-09-18 09.22.07.png)

they were doing shrooms all weekend
and she said on live that Peep was her rebound and she never loved him… LOL
No. 388771
File: 1505741343941.png (444.13 KB, 715x802, 2017-09-18 09.21.36.png)

No. 388775
File: 1505742161781.png (5 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5375.PNG)

>>388770well her "sobriety" didn't last long lol
also kek @ cassidy's dumb ass comment
No. 388922
File: 1505753527583.png (211.21 KB, 750x1185, IMG_2395.PNG)

>>388801He has his ex's name tatted on his stomach too I'm disgusted, her name is Madeleine and she's godly compared to gross Layla
No. 388938
File: 1505755266867.jpg (40.68 KB, 600x450, CLwfghzUAAAQ8xG.jpg)

>>388922she looks great on instagram but godly is an overstatement, i'll agree that she looks better than layla though, of course
No. 388942
File: 1505755885878.jpg (41.43 KB, 325x453, IMG_0158.JPG)

>>388938That versus this? lol yeah
No. 388950
>>388775Alcohol is natural, it's made from grains and fruit.
Heroin is derived from opiate poppies. It's technically natural too if your definition of natural is "comes from the earth". Even cocaine comes from cocoa leaves and is pretty fucking pure and natural before its stepped on.
Like the argument that "drugs that come from the earth are good" is just a bullshit excuse.
No. 388992
File: 1505761501875.png (828.56 KB, 574x599, 8a909b2304485e4745dab34f4bb0ec…)

3 dudes in a week, is she finally gonna settle with Tyler? oh i mean, at least until Peep decides to start fucking with her again
No. 388996
File: 1505761879103.jpg (156.46 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_obzcj3Uw691up7391o1_128…)

>>388922Sage for not layla but kek this ex?
No. 389152
>>388775Oh shut the fuck up Cass, don't be more of a head ass because Layla is the only friend you have. You're the same type of people that say "weed isnt a drug it's natural uwu"
>>389148Wouldve loved to see that but tbh I fully pictured grosso texting peep if he can bang his ex and peep being completely whatever about it.
No. 389163
>>389155Well the boy clearly has a type.
Tyler himself was tweeting at Bella not too long ago wanting to bang her lol
No. 389734
File: 1505892120635.jpeg (189.29 KB, 1242x2208, C6A5FF0A-62FA-4DB3-A754-A5D86D…)

saved this for when the thread came back
No. 389740
File: 1505896651896.png (6.48 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5411.PNG)

No. 389756
File: 1505900896151.png (5.12 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5412.PNG)

>>389740he was also talking about how he misses "his boyfriend".. can these people be any more messy
No. 389761
>>389740"low key"
not even, she's fucking obsessed w him lmao. i'm sure he's well aware.
i'm so done with this messy trashy "alt" lifestyle that people glorify these days. can't wait to see what these idiots are doing in 5-10 years, if they haven't killed them selves.
No. 389825
File: 1505921082477.png (2.04 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3398.PNG)

This is sooo bad omfg
No. 390081
File: 1505944181382.png (392.06 KB, 1242x1788, IMG_5423.PNG)

Oh the irony
No. 390111
>>389825I saw that and I thought it was sharpie like I can't believe that's a real tattoo. Shout out to Layla for continuing to finesse these boys into getting tp tattoos I guess.
>>389734Is this supposed to be peep? Lmao I find that so hard to believe with how insanely obsessed layla is towards him, how could she not just give he what he wants? She couldn't ignore him to save her life. I bet it's one of her other cloutless man accessories.
>>389756I think I was watching this one but not paying attention. Did he actually call makonnen his boyfriend? Finally?
No. 390652
File: 1506030931802.png (747.89 KB, 720x991, 20170921_174816.png)

"I have no intentions of having a future that isn't probably living off of sucking dick for a couple bucks in the streets, so let's get more horrible tattoos instead of getting nice ones cause I'm soooo suicidal and will totally do it one day hehe!"
People… Seriously look up to this??? Ytho. Get a job. Get a hobby. Fuck
No. 390747
File: 1506041192824.png (1.81 MB, 1200x1196, Screen Shot 2017-09-21 at 7.42…)

No. 390748
File: 1506041218981.png (1.29 MB, 1190x1186, Screen Shot 2017-09-21 at 7.43…)

self proclaimed loser
No. 390777
>>390650i think she did and thats why there was a string of snapchats saying she's not good enough
sage for tinfoil
No. 390783
>>390748I AM CHOKING
This is fucking hilarious.
I truly believe she tries to make herself as ugly as possible. Never stop being entertaining Layla please. I can't believe these people are real.
No. 391147
File: 1506113009504.jpg (40.24 KB, 679x518, lol styling.jpg)

>>391033She worked at Cobrasnake's shitty clothing store The Cobra Shop for a bit. Pretty sure this is no longer the case but who knows.
No. 391492
File: 1506184468186.png (264 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-23-12-13-41…)

>>390871she's definitely not sober anymore
No. 391498
File: 1506185105756.png (246.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-23-12-13-09…)

It was probably crack that she smoked tbh
No. 391562
File: 1506189356717.png (1.13 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170923-135240.png)

>>391406I wish I could tell you I knew what that was and I don't but that response is so bizarre I'm gonna have to look it up now. (Obvious sage)
>>391498After all this she still acts like her followers should pay for her own expenses. Where's grosso to pay for your shit? I doubt shes had an actual job in her life and this heffer is in her mid twenties. Sad
No. 391836
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No. 391837
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No. 391838
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No. 391914
>>391837This should end well!
What is she doing in San Francisco? Folsom Street Fair is today, but that's not her bag.
No. 391951
File: 1506277155457.png (740.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170924-141430.png)

What the fuck is with her drug induced sperg out on snap. Incoming mini photo dump but there was alot more, she's just going nutsey.
No. 391952
File: 1506277215014.png (1.21 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170924-141455.png)

(Saged mini photodump 2/4)
No. 391954
File: 1506277246315.png (763.27 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170924-141501.png)

(Wtf is she even going on about 3/4)
No. 391955
File: 1506277327414.png (610.56 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170924-141515.png)

(4/4) of her weird "I'm better then you while still acknowledging I'm a piece of shit" rant
No. 392096
File: 1506293157228.png (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4616.PNG)

No. 392485
File: 1506368802874.png (158.72 KB, 750x1191, IMG_2554.PNG)

what's interesting is he follows peep and peep follows him back
No. 392486
File: 1506369060766.jpg (196.65 KB, 1242x916, tumblr_oma19tgZTL1vgmlyho1_128…)

>>392485yeah, they were friends long before layla came into the picture.
No. 392785
>>392638>LA soundcloud sceneUnfortunately its not just in LA. The guys on the middle and right are close with a few of my friends. I know too many people who have overdosed and/or ended up in jail.
>>392676>half>HALFNo more than 3 of them are in serious long term relationships and aren't cheating scumbags/messes. Birds of a feather flock together.
No. 393171
File: 1506464154608.png (881.62 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8358.PNG)

she was shooting for dollskill like two days ago (idk why i follow dollskill on snapchat don't ask)
No. 393556
>>393428>assblasted homie hopping slut detectedNoone spergs out over a fucking simple sage, we all know that's not even what you're mad at. Please stop you're embarrassing.
>>393171I have not seen one model from dolls kill who's asthetic isn't surrounding the "I'm a broken witch fairy doll with mental and emotional problems that loves weed Xanax and SoundCloud rappers uwu!" I don't think Dollskill even make legitimate sales anymore.
No. 393660
File: 1506537575867.png (100.24 KB, 640x869, IMG_4408.PNG)

People are assuming these are bout layla, are we about to see a soundclout show down over some girl neither one of these dudes actually cares about?
Peeps been calling Layla a groupie in a song he's preforming in Europe, there's no way he actually gives a shit about her.
No. 393673
>>393669Song is older than I thought but starting @ 1:05
"My new bitch, on a movie screen,
& My old bitch she a groupie teen"
Pretty obviously about bella & tp
Also learn to sage jfc
No. 393841
>>393673she isn't a teen though? she's 24.
by the way peep is possibly even worse than layla, he's gonna make her dump the tyler guy (his "friend" let's not forget), they're gonna get together again and then he will move on to the next "disney bitch" after a month or less leaving layla alone and desperate again. aaand the cycle continues because she's dumb as fuck and can't recognize the pattern
No. 394042
File: 1506573421596.png (598.44 KB, 928x589, Screen Shot 2017-09-28 at 12.3…)

>>393660those might've been in response to this? lol i think bella has a new girl in her life
No. 394055
File: 1506575260954.png (61.35 KB, 611x273, Screen Shot 2017-09-28 at 1.06…)

peep x bella lasted like 3 days… LOL
No. 394578
>>393841She's not a teen but the whole song is name checking his friends in the public eye & he's only been involved with layla & bella super publicly. There was that honey whatever girl in texas but that was hardly public and he went right back to layla.
And I know!! laylas honestly just been a super sad person now. But I'm going to laugh so hard went she goes back to him if/when he decides he wants her again. Everyone but peep is gonna look super awful in that situation. I do hope it starts some beef between peep/his friends/gbc & srrr+co. Just bc that'd be entertaining as fuck.
>>394055Maybe, the too peep narrative it still really strong so when I looked at the replies on the tweets everyone was speculating they were abt Layla. Plus bellas known to get around, I don't think anyone was expecting peep catch feeling for her when her rep is thot major.
No. 394800
File: 1506699891623.png (153.93 KB, 605x640, 20170929_114041.png)

Handmade shit usually does take 3 weeks but A.all she's doing is badly embroidering an already made hoodie. With a machine..
B. With this arrogant and rude a response as a so called business you won't see much more while acting like that and glorifying it like it's something to be proud of.
Layla ffs you can't even run a small depop what are you doing
No. 394887
File: 1506714404375.png (1.24 MB, 1074x1647, 2017-09-29 13.43.37.png)

Peep's still thirsting over Bella
No. 394988
>>394887Mannnnn I know Layla had to have SEETHED over this. But anyone with half a brain would know peep is trying to play his little games he doesn't miss her.
>>394925I think they're just baiting. Best to ignore.
No. 395663
File: 1506825476525.png (3.27 MB, 750x1334, 8E3E854E-04D7-433E-A71B-E7F9E0…)

oh my god her real nails look so disgusting and grungy here, look at her thumb. You can see the dirtline where the fake nail meets real nail ಠ_ಠ
No. 396109
>>377675i lowkey thought she was cool af when i first discovered her thread and thought peep was super lame and tryhard. but she was so cool because she did not give a fuck and wasn't this spineless insecure little whiner. her appeal, and honestly anyone's imo, was based on attitude. she's really cute and no one can take that away from her but herself, and being this strung out dumb bitch playacting this wounded druggie shit is so embarrassing. like she legit used to have iconic feeling moments, but that was when she took care of herself because she knew she deserved it.
i think she's just psychotically butthurt about losing association to peeps 15 minutes, not him, and realizes that kind of fame won't happen to her. she needs to reevaluate the fuck out of her priorities because right now she still has a sizable platform and she's pissing it away to victimize herself to 13 yr olds.
sorry i just have a lot of feelings, i feel for her but not in a way where i ever want to support this victim shit.
No. 396500
File: 1506922316815.gif (558.58 KB, 400x160, please stop.gif)

>>396468>It's not about clout for her. She lurves him. It's obvious.>She and peep are both humans and they are not immune from the whims of love.Neither of them are famous enough for this level of fanfic.
No. 396515
File: 1506925605752.png (3.46 MB, 750x1334, 2576D9F7-3CAC-4DA5-A321-2396AE…)

god help that beak
No. 396550
File: 1506935512750.jpeg (258.84 KB, 800x1199, 80574626-D265-400B-9066-04281D…)

Bad timing on her part, yikes.
No. 396566
>>396468omg bitch go fuck yourself peep is not even LOWKEY emotionally abusive, did you read those crazy obsessive texts he sent her ???? the best thing she can do is wait until he tries to get at her and ghost the fuck out of him and cherish whatever shred of dignity she has left. my entire point was she's so disgusting when she's a little whiney bitch, and then you come along saying she has to "do her while she waits for her man to stop fucking groupies/bella thorn"? how old are you oh my god this world is so sad
layla fucking grow a pair and start a career, learn to be likable
for yourself and enjoy your life. i literally want to see nothing more than her being so happy it kills peep and watch her curb him. i dream big.
No. 396567
>>396515no her nose looks fine, so many girls have strong noses who cares about making them feel bad for it. the fact that she doesn't just get it fixed like some weakling who let some dumb girls get to her is cool and i respect her for at least carrying that well. kiki looks like such a little bitch for always hiding her nose instead of just being proud of who she is because the internet would make her feel bad. it's lame as hell.
>>396550i hate watching girls just destroy themselves over dudes. i know she lurks here so what's up layla, do you really think he's going to respect you watching you lose your shit over him doing exactly what he's always done, which is be a giant fucking manwhore? go fall in love with someone better and actually healthy and he will feel like shit. stop making peep the standard how much do you enjoy publicly humiliating yourself?
it's like watching my friends in high school only she's permanently fucking her life up because someone is using her for entertainment. i must have a low threshold for people hurting themselves bc i really can't with this bitch it is not fucking cute to be such a victim omg. grow the fuck up and respect yourself woman, clean up and stop embarrassing yourself we don't even have to do any work this is ridiculous
sorry guys i'm losing it over her girls have just been so mother fucking weak and it's disturbing
No. 396597
what's with all the shitty letters to Layla in this thread? we get it you want to see her succeed even though she's proven to be a manipulative piece of shit time and time again. she reads these but you guys have to know she doesn't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks of her if it's even a little critical.
>>396550holy shit terrible timing and she still hasn't deleted it. oof
No. 397441
File: 1507066177357.png (3.38 MB, 2528x1392, Screen Shot 2017-10-03 at 5.27…)

oh boy…
No. 397570
>>396611no she needs to fucking build something
for herself not for some even more worthless piece of trash to "pine over". do all you bitches really just look at things relative to whatever dick you're chasing? oh my god
No. 397811
File: 1507129251323.png (Spoiler Image,10.72 MB, 1242x2208, CFEB92BC-4F46-498A-9712-52765F…)

she looks trashier than usual
No. 398042
File: 1507154261507.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, BC8D81DB-8237-4327-870B-252F5C…)

No. 398043
File: 1507154292184.png (490.37 KB, 750x1334, 0DA02831-4396-433F-91CC-A35B3D…)

No. 398044
File: 1507154319449.png (953.23 KB, 750x1334, 9EB5E981-B4BC-4FF8-8856-D759DB…)

No. 398046
File: 1507154345971.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, EEF91C81-0C5D-4FF4-B384-727810…)

No. 398086
>>398048It's an open secret yunggoth fucks teenagers exclusively. There's actually countless accounts of goth going for very young girls.
No one cares, the SoundCloud scene is full of trash. Layla isn't much for girl power so at least she's not being a hypocrite about happily being friends with outed serial rapists and predators.
Lol @ her saying she cares so much about her young fan base when she's hanging out with people that will prey on them then shame them for being taken advantage of after with no remorse tho.
No. 401046
>>400898Was for sure drugs. He wished he was that important of a rapper to get stabbed. They all did X and drank alot on Cassidy's birthday and all their come downs were bad.
Wouldn't be a loss anyway, if he died TP would just latch onto another of peeps friends after fake grieving for a week or less.
No. 402222
>>402060i want her to kill herself just because she's faking very serious mental illnesses like ptsd and suicidal tendencies while manufacturing said chemical imbalance her fucking self with heavy drug use.
i don't care what anyone says she chose her problems and deserves the consequences, especially for prostituting real issues. fuck you layla.
No. 402492
>>402060Layla was never sober she was just bullshitting her fans like she always does. Anyone who believed it was 100% idiot.
>>402469I saw that and it made me laugh how much she flaunts what she spends with other people because then the next hour itS "uwu send me money on PayPal or youre fakeeeee I have no money but I'm omw to a whole different state with no hotelllll"
The drunk driving thing kinda made me share sentiments with the above anon about her killing herself. Shes nothing so I don't think even Tyler would mind much if she was finally gone.
No. 402641
>>402492she's not even self destructive she's just a bored rich kid that literally does not understand her actions effect others. I'm honestly surprised she's lived this long, wasn't there some tumblr famous rich girl who overdosed trying to pursue a heroin addiction for clout? why can't that be layla
if she ever was involved in a car accident because of her drugged out bullshit she would only care how it ruins her image. there is literally nothing likable about her and i used to try to defend her bc peep is so lame.
>>402469really sorry about your dad anon, I'm a stranger but I'm sending you love.
No. 402774
File: 1507855081215.jpeg (169.45 KB, 750x1071, 6786DFCA-6A07-45FF-BB9A-1B1BBC…)

No. 403219
File: 1507935517223.png (1.05 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171013-185709.png)

Was just about to post that I saw this and keked loud. Ohhh man thisll be good
No. 403227
File: 1507936722901.png (1.25 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4674.PNG)

>>403219This is it? Ty has the same one with s on it for superrradical. I don't think it was a proposal if this is what anon was talking about
No. 404211
File: 1508090643607.png (1001.35 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171015-135731.png)

Lmfao you're kidding me. First of all she looks terrible. Second of all Layla really has to ask the stupidest shit of her followers to feel relevant. Who really ASKS people to cosplay them I just..shes just going to scam them afterward. From the way her depop runs its obvious she won't give anything to the winner.
No. 404779
File: 1508192915452.png (1.04 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171016-182334.png)

>>404758The irony of me saying that and-
Well Tyler wouldve more then likely posted something about it being "AMAZING" if it was all that. He just wanted to show the internet what tp will do for the gram. How does she not know people aren't laughing with her?
No. 405272
File: 1508283689205.png (440.67 KB, 1125x2001, 27CFCC3F-C93D-4841-A717-A105F3…)

Can’t even give helpful advice to trashy bitch
No. 405556
>>405272Pff what did that girl expect from someone who tells her fans to meet her but are only acceptable if they bring her cigarettes?
Her fans are just as spastic as she is for thinking she's a nice person and deserves nice things.
No. 406799
File: 1508564594410.png (393.8 KB, 1080x1920, 20171020_224046.png)

No. 406815
File: 1508566854478.png (982.74 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5837.PNG)

>>406799i went and checked and i don't know who's sadder between
- lilith levisis aka clare buley aka "i edit my body into oblivion and try to look/act as much as a crackwhore as possible but my daddy is a lawyer and i will make him take down this PULL thread if you don't stop making fun of me and ruining my college opportunities" somehow suggesting that if you don't do heroin you're not as REAL as her (lmao)
- tyler grosso desperately trying to prove how REAL he is in an ig comment so everyone can see that he's not a phony and he actually does crack guys!!
- lil peep still not moving on and openly lurking on grosso and layla's photos on the daily despite the fact that he's now dating some duckfaced thot that he is claiming really hard with a suspicious timing
just nuke los angeles in its entirety ffs
No. 407222
File: 1508628124142.png (1.07 MB, 720x1024, 20171021_185334.png)

Was Lilith targeting this pathetic post? Honestly Kurt wouldn't even want to be in the same state as this skank muh less have her anywhere on his damn property?? But you know all the edgefags swear Kurt would be their best friend.
No. 407238
>>407222That caption reads like a post from a 14 yr old's edgy hipster tumblr. I guess she's back to appealing to her main demographic.
She looks skinnier also. That's great considering she was going the Kayla Day route there for a minute.
No. 407483
>>407238Seems like she's now forcing herself down the Courtney Love route lol
Whoever owns that house now must be so sick of try hards posing outside
No. 407498
File: 1508674616397.png (178.2 KB, 720x1027, 20171022_081345.png)

When you're 2edge to process a simple joke and you take it as an "attack to my 3edgy lyfe omg how dare them I MUST let them know I am a thrift queen it MATTERS IF PEOPLE KNOW MY CLOTHES ARE THRIFTED U GAIZ"
She got so fucking defensive lmfaoooo is she 4
No. 407548
File: 1508682888088.jpeg (650.9 KB, 750x1271, 699CF7C0-8182-40C9-9775-F2A8D6…)

LMFAO at this cassidy tier edit
No. 407674
File: 1508696710804.png (613.26 KB, 716x1147, 20171022_142130.png)

>>407548Kek dude speaking of Cassidy tier edit (this isnt Layla ik but the IG hoes thread is dead as fuck) she posted this after already telling people this is shoped and she shows her real body all the time. How headass are you to frame your PHOTOSHOPED nude, but then to tell people to practice self love???
Her and Layla are the literal perfect example of girls who have 0 self love. No wonder none of them have ever had stable friendships or relationships of any kind in general.
No. 408095
>>408054~heroin chic~
i honestly wonder if these people actually do drugs with the way they constantly talk about it.
No. 408164
>>408095I'm sure they don't. People who actually do drugs don't brag about it. Generally they try to keep it on the dl. It's funny bc I'm sure layla and tyler think they're hard af but to anyone with a little street cred they look so fake and naive. It's cringey.
No. 408222
when have y'all ever seen Layla this over the top about letting people know how much she "loves" anyone??
Yea sure Layla you love his willingness to throw his cash around for some notoriety and easy mediocre pussy
No. 408287
File: 1508785495171.png (149.47 KB, 1242x902, IMG_5899.PNG)

lmao it's already over
No. 408465
File: 1508800583822.png (178 KB, 640x991, IMG_2111.PNG)

No. 410319
>>410274i dont want one that bad, but now that layla is almost indistinguishable from the rest of these people in that group you might as well lump them together.
besides her drug use and new relationship what has there been to talk about? thats not even milk people are just being mean because they dont like her but that makes for a fucking boring thread, but whatever.
i doubt there will be a third thread on her so i will see you when the soundclout thread gets made.
No. 413310
File: 1509593432883.png (101.66 KB, 640x1006, IMG_4860.PNG)

Lil bo peep seems to be less than ok with his collaborator snatching up his sloppy seconds even tho he's parading around a new girl.
I'm the anon that summarized and continued the layla thread. I don't mind doing it again if no one else wants to but is their even enough milk/interest for her to get a new thread? I also don't have anything against having the next thread be a Layla thread but also opened up to the larger SoundClout world the way some people have been suggesting if that's anons are into/wouldn't have an issue with
No. 413534
>>413432No worries, it's kind of a chore to do it I know.
If no one has any objections I'll make the new Layla + SC thread once this one hits the 90's
No. 413816
>>410319I kind of agree. A picture of her not looking her absolute best is hardly milk, and the best we get at the moment is her being self pitying and dumb at the moment.
Calling her ugly isn't really much either, and we all know she's trashy as hell.
No. 413887
File: 1509673156851.png (114.65 KB, 640x891, IMG_4863.PNG)

I wonder if this thing with Layla is actually cause a rift between ty and other SoundClouds close to peep or if it's just sadcrybby/bro posturing
& all right guys jesus it'll be up in like 30 minutes. Layla's thread normally moves at such a snail pace I didn't wanna make a new thread when this one still had a good 2 weeks worth of posts left in it.
No. 413928
>>413887Of course it's driving a rift between the two soundclout idiots who used to be cool with each other that's what self absorbed homie hopping hoes are perfect at I'm afraid.
And I agree this thread probably even has more then 2 weeks of responses left.
No. 413934
>>413928lmao well I was just about to hit post on the new one when I realized I didn't have a thread pic since people seem to be frothing at the
mouth for it so oh well I guess we're pretty close to the limit anyways
And peeps been known she's a clouthoe I can't believe he's really so hurt about it. Do you think it's an ego/image thing or is he really in his feelings?