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No. 454756
-sighs- This thread is gonna suck ass but here it is…
A 2edgy4u fat fuck from Boston, Massachusetts who once had high-quality “creepy and funny content” on YouTube with multiple series such as
Seriously Strange,
Why Would You Put That On The Internet (or something),
Twisted Tens and
Serial Killer Files. Other series came and went due to laziness or boredom but others stayed the same.
Once the adpocalypse came and somewhat affected his channel, Rob started bitching about earning little to no money on his channel in multiple videos. Soon he uploads less and less over time while the “ muh content is demonetized” spiel remains the same in said videos. His last video was uploaded almost a month ago.
Fans soon realize that Rob is becoming greedy as the days go by when the fatass earns more than enough to get back on YouTube but decides to continue begging (comments on his last video) for more shekels.
So before poor wittle Roberto pulls an Onion on his fans (he already has), this thread shall come to life!
It should be noted that Rob quit his job as a private investigator/detective to pursue the jewtube money-pot. From what I’ve read, he makes $110,000 a month from Patreon (yeah), Youtube and merch.
>Links:YouTube: Media:“Muh Donations!”: No. 454809
>>454756But his Patreon is linked right there and only $9k+ a month. Where is the other $101k estimate coming from? I doubt he is selling that much in t-shirts and making that month in ad revenue. Social Blade puts his monthly earnings between $1k and $16k.
e-begging is annoying but I think you're severely overestimating how much he actually makes a month, and not enough for him to deserve an individual thread.
No. 454841
>>454825OT but i've talked to rob before and he is a really nice dude! he talks and listens to his fans and treats them like equals.
this thread seems a bit vendetta-y, he really doesn't have that much milk at all.
No. 454896
>>454841People didn’t mind a thread for him when I asked in the suggestions thread, and I
did say it might suck. Overall this is just a “test-thread”, it can be discussed more or abandoned.
I also don’t hate Rob, I too like his content.
>>454855He’s also friends with Blaire White.
tbh I first thought it was cool that he was also a Christian (the “having a relationship with God and Jesus” kind) who was also into the dark and macabre side of things but idk if that still holds though. No. 454955
>>454809$9k a month is a $100k income per year on patreon alone.
For making youtube videos.
And that's not counting ad monetization and merch he sells.
He lives a very cozy, upper middle class lifestyle for doing next to nothing.
I wish we could have a megathread about greedy Youtube flakes who act like they're on skid row because one video doesn't rake in money. The horror! Heaven forbid they must WORK (re sit in front of their computers and record themselves some more) to produce content.
No. 454964
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He's got quite a racket here.
>for $150, I will send you a t-shirt that I get mass produced from China
>plus my patreon livestream and a mention in my project credits
>discount on muh merch too, so don't forget to buy and give me more money!!
>$50 a month
>every three months he sends you a shirt
21 people are paying $150 fucking dollars………
No. 454965
>>454955That’s it! He HAS more than enough money and sponsors to pump out videos per week and pay his editors/sketch artists who’s work is shown more than Rob himself on camera.
But… the man just wants to crank out “Top 10 scary stuff people do”, sit on his ass and make dat easy dough.
No. 454967
>>454965He's like an edgier Buzzfeed. All these "top 10" youtube channels are. Masquerading their opinions as actual content worth people's hard earned cash, and then being
entitled enough to complain when they don't receive the exact amount they want.
No. 454970
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>>454964This one is even more of a scam.
>for $225>I send you a $14-$42 product of your choosing>plus a signed script and printAssuming people pick the most expensive merch from the teespring, the $42 hoodie every time, he's making a net profit $183 at worst. And we all know those products aren't worth the prices he's selling for to begin with, so more profit than that.
I don't know whether to be annoyed by these blatant scams, or be annoyed at the people who fuel these frauds.
No. 454971
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No. 454977
>>454971Also, I’ve tried to look for the comment thread where some fans are realizing that their money’s not being put into good use but I think it got deleted. It was a long ass thread too, about 60+ comments to be precise (about 50/50 excuses and realizations).
I should’ve capped it. :(
>>454976The worst part; those same people were happy that they got an ad.
No. 454980
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Is he being anti-Semitic or…?
The context was that he was bitching about Lorde playing in Russia because money and going sjw about it (thought you were neutral Rob!) which lead to this…
No. 454982
>>454980I don't think he's being anti semitic, he's clearly making fun of the person because they said "Jewish run company's" are the cause of demonetization.
He's being tongue in cheek to mock that person for thinking Jews are behind everything.
No. 454986
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Edgy as fuck!
((End sarcasm))
No. 454987
>>454855y i k e s
didn't know about that.
>>454974this vid pissed me off and i didn't bother finding out what it was about. i knew it was more of his passive aggression.
i've been subscribed to him for a while, and love horror. he's the only horror or top 10 channel i sub to that started doing this shit, not to mention the fact that he was already shilling for audible in like 90% of his videos before the adpocalypse. the scare tactics he employed about his demonetization woes were so obvious to me and seriously pathetic once people realized it wasn't too big of a deal and that most serious youtubers make a good amount from patreon.
this is far from the first bitchy video he's made.
he tried some boring live action type thing for a serial killer file and it was literally just clips of some paid actor standing around in nature doing nothing relevant to what was being said. shit was odd. the art he'd been having done for videos was (is?) way better and part of the appeal.
it kinda seems like maybe he isn't enjoying it anymore.
>>454983 I think this is a reach. he said "lol" and "conspiracy" and seems pretty obvious sarcasm to me.
anyway i didn't see the thread suggestion but i do support it. i've wondered if i'd see a thread on him for a while once he started really amping up his pity party.
No. 455013
>>454998>Cayleigh EliseYeah, I was gonna ask about her… didn’t she used (or still is) to be fuckbuddies with Rob?
She also stopped uploading three weeks ago
and has a Patreon.
Supposedly Nicole was abusive to Matt and left mean comments claiming she’s never abused him and called him a little bitch (lol), which was the reason for the breakup.
I’ve seen a Keemstar interview with Rob on the subject a few years ago.
>>455005The man is a cow with untapped milk waiting to explode, don’t take from us!
No. 455039
>>455037are we going to spam snow with *milkless threads
Sorry my auto correct is retarded
No. 455080
>>454970You guys don't seem to understand what the word "Scam" Means. People are getting what they pay for, unless someone pipes up that they never got their goods it's not a scam. Every single business runs on the model of buying shit in and selling it for a higher price, if someone is too stupid to google something they want, that is their fault.
We don't cover scams, either. This isn't a truth or exposé site. Even if there were a real scam, unless it's funny and milky it doesn't belong here.
It's possibly to have patreon tiers with zero perks and people will still choose to pay content creators they like. It is a choice on behalf of the people paying.
Also worth noting that yeah, on the surface it looks as if all of these youtubers are greedy fucks, but I imagine a lot of them are locked into rent, internet, phone etc contracts and the like that they can't get out of. I don't get how you guys don't understand that most people spend more than half of their income on shit like bills and rent, even when their income is really high. If it suddenly halved overnight you'd be absolutely fucked. Missing payments = bad credit = you are fucked, possibly forever.
I hate to pull out this old chestnut but it basically seems like the beef with this guy is that he makes money easily from stupid people and ya'll are mad you can't do that.
>>454980Obvious sarcasm my dude
>I bet the jews did this!Is an actual meme.
>>455037agree. This thread is PULL tier bullshit at best.
No. 456091
>>455005>>455037>>455231>milkOkay number one, you're on the /snow/ board, not /pt/. The reason why cows like Jill, Kooter, and Moo are here is precisely because they don't have milk but still do plenty fucked shit that makes everyone's eyes roll.
>>455080>people are getting what they pay forYet some of his fans are telling him he's not making the content that they're paying for, so no they're not at this point.
>We don't cover scamsYes, we do. We cover unethical e-celebs all the time trying to sell their overpriced products and services for ludicrous prices and acting like they're god's gift to earth for it.
Just to name two that aren't more than a few pages back:
>Delandra Barbie>DeerhoofAnd every munchie might as well be considered a scam artist too.
>all of these youtubers are greedy fucksBecause they are. Everyone has bills to pay, but it's called getting a day job. And certainly if he's living in a place where it's necessary to get $9k in donations every month then he's being a greedy ass for trying to live above his means.
>ya'll are mad you can't do thatAnd everyone who criticizes looks of flakes are secretly jelly, amirite?
BUT–this would be better off in the Youtuber General
>>260800 so we don't get newfags pretending to be mods.
No. 456097
>>454980Rob has not been neutral for a while now. Im a fan of his work, watched all his videos when I found him last year because its easy to binge and even when I knew all about the case or subject he was covering I watched it and thumbsed-upped it because I appreciated his work.
But he's really been a douche recently, and supporting Israel is gonna put him on the bad end of most of his cool skeptic friends.
No. 456099
>>454756Ugh I first heard of this guy from a "wahhh youtube is being mean to HORROR YOUTUBERS" circle jerk on twitter including him and another youtube horror douche "MrCreepyPasta".
Although I would argue while they're both equally douchey.. at least Rob isn't constantly posting about how they're going to put their dick in whatever the theme of the week is. (ala Mrcreepypasta)
In said circlejerk, both of them basically said "boo hoo poor me I'm such a victim pls give me money" and their young new-generation emo kid fans began to throw their allowances at them so they could continue to make their dollar store Jeff the Killer videos.
Every community on YT has it's cows. The "Horror" community on YT has Rob Dyke, MrCreepyPasta, KingSpook, Snuffbomb, and ThatCreepyReading. Some have threads of their own, I believe… but their milk is on par with non-horror cows with offenses ranging from being racist af (ThatCreepyReading) to sleeping with + knocking up fangirl and paying for abortions (MrCreepyPasta). Almost all of them are known for scamming their fans financially as well.
No. 456161
>>454998I subbed to him shortly after he abandoned his WWYPTOTI series, and he seemed to have abandoned it for good as I guess the creepy content got him more attention. Which is funny since he sure did try to get attention with all those cleavage thumbnails.
>>455013Wait what, is Cayleigh seriously fuckbuddies with him? I know he promoted her (I think she won some contest or something but I could be remembering incorrectly) but didn't think they even knew each other irl.
And yeah I miss her more standard content. When I want a creepy video, I don't always have the interest for something 30-60 minutes long like these subscriber storytimes. But assuming her YT persona is anywhere near genuine, I hope for the best for her and do wish for more content from her as others have said. She's quality while still remaining down to earth, but going MIA is going to make her seem less tangible to her audience.
Rob's been intangible for a long while now, and more than ever since his whole "WAAH YOUTUBE IS TARGETING VIDEOS JUST LIKE THIS ONE" bullshit he plastered onto every fucking video before seemingly giving up completely.
No. 457187
>>456091Kooters doesn't have milk? Yeah, ok.
Besides regular youtuber greedy shit, what fucked up things does Rob do?
No. 457257
>>454756Well. he is not forcing his fans to pay for his videos
so i don't see the milk
isn't he raising a baby?
No. 457390
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>>457187>>457257>>457339>where's muh milkObnoxious.
No. 457702
>>457390kooters have milk for other ..many.. reasons
OP, if you hate him that much, find something to talk about
this is boring.
No. 457976
>>457850I posted twice (counting this one)
that's barely "excessive" and "awful insistent"
(stop) No. 459434
>>456404>>456550There was another thread about MCP specifically
>>256829 but it lost traction after he was forced to scramble and put out the comic books he was scamming people thousands of dollars for was starting to come to the public eye
i've done some looking into it as well and yeah just a quick glance over this dude's twitter and the vid that was pinned to the front page of his youtube "Draw my Wife" shows he's super shitty. he even confirms in that video that his now-wife is a fangirl he shacked up with and paid for her ring with money he asked his fans for (even though this was before the adpocalypse and he was spending money on 2-3 vacations every month or so FOR said fangirl-turned-wife)
saging for non rob sperg
No. 460113
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Honestly facts are that he barely post on his channels.
He stopped contributing to his gaming channel, he barely post on his Main channel and when he does it's effortless bs and content he either use Wikipedia for or had fans send info and most of his info is incorrect. He demands to be paid when only person I think should be paid was when there were actual illustrations which he didn't use for long. Before he even got demonetized he wasn't making many videos to begin with. Now he's a trend hopper, washed out dude who quit being a private investigator and sex offender counselor for YouTube. He had 2 jobs he quit FOR YOUTUBE. His Instagram and Twitter is full of "feel bad for me" bs mixed with douche bag behavior. His claims to working on weight loss is clearly untrue considering he looks 2-3x bigger from screenshots from lives streams he does every 2-3 times per year for which he ask for money just to be noticed. Before he did his YouTube based on creepy and horror based things he would upload on ifunny and Imgur a lot of those cringe wannabe meme post. He's 30 years old now and still expects his teen fans nurture him.
Now people can say he's not milky enough but trust and believe he will expose his true nature soon enough.
No. 460879
>>457976What the actual fuck admins?
stop what? replying to another farmer?
who made all this morons admins, they get
triggered with everything
(the term is called "infighting") No. 460894
>>460879Instead of fighting with the admins and shitting up a thread that you don't even like in the first place, why don't you go post in a thread that you're actually interested in? Honestly, no one cares if you think he's milky or not. Get over it.
Can we please get back on topic?
No. 461229
>>461153You seem a little too mad there.
If you don't think he's milky than why even check this thread.
Why do you want it to die so badly you're just contributing to it more with your complaining.
No. 461487
>>461383Oh this totally deserves 9k a month.
It's just hilarious to watch him shit post on twitter and complain about YouTube and make the whole Logan Paul situation about him and his monetization issue.
No. 461560
>>461484Wait who lurks? Rob or that Creepypasta guy? Legit didn’t expect that.
You also mean sites like PULL, right and he hasn’t found out about us?
No. 461937
>>461560Rob lurks his threads
On 4chan and other lolcow threads that even mention his name somehow he pops in to pretend he's a chick and calls himself hot and attractive and sexy. I seriously thing he looks up his name just to find if he's been mentioned in anything. He obviously can't handle critics considering he will blast a child on twitter to have his fans call them idiots and attack them.
No. 462333
>>461937>On 4chan and other lolcow threads that even mention his name somehow he pops in to pretend he's a chick and calls himself hot and attractive and sexy.Whoa! How is this dude
not a lolcow? What the hell…?
Little by little he becomes Onion 2.0, just less narc-ish/sociopathic. Geeze
No. 462411
>>461937holy shit that's pathetic. are there any screencaps of this sort of thing? he always did seem to have a super fragile ego.
>>462371yeah i'm right there with you in that tinfoil. the only benefit-of-the-doubt explanation that really makes sense would be that he has a backlog from over the holidays.
but if he lurks imageboards for his name, he probably knows about this thread.
newsflash rob: the video in
>>461383 has such a horrible and boring thumbnail that my eyes completely skipped over it in my sub feed. i only went back and looked for it after having seen it posted here and not remembering seeing it on youtube (though i still haven't watched the video).
this is probably the 3rd strike of him doing something obnoxious/pathetic to make me lose respect for him. i haven't watched his videos in a while at all and at this rate will just unsub.
No. 462490
>>462371I don’t think his fans will realize that the uploads aren’t just for them, they’re still doing the #KeepYoutubeCreepy hashtag thinking Rob; their dark lord and savior has finally returned to them w/o paying attention to the quality downfall.
Poor imbeciles, the lot of them!
>>462474Any caps or archived docs? This is getting interesting! Though I wonder when will Roberto give us a shoutout.
>>462481Those girls are older than 18, right??
No. 462498's a thread about him made last year that went all the way south at the mention of trump supporter.
This strikes me as his typical argumentative behavior I see on Twitter especially on his rants on SJW or Tumblr and use of calling everyone Communist/Commies.
im curious about this Neo Nazi claim though that I saw in that thread.
No. 462505
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Rob barely post content that his patreons ask for and he complains about YouTube demonetizing him but he is such a hard working content creator that it takes ages him so much time to make videos with quickly searched google images and nag about his money issues but continues to buy unneeded bullshit like a 3rd generation clay face remodeling of a dead famous gangster, continuously find something to bitch about on Twitter and be high and mighty when it comes to things others do yet never take fault or responsibility for his slacking and only throws out "muh depression I wanna die" when people question him.
Rob you're 30 and used to counsel sex offenders while you sit on Twitter making fun tumblr and anyone who has any sort of views supporting human/LGBT/woman/minorities rights and calling them a bunch of names than playing off as "I have (group I shit on constantly) fans who don't see any issue" as a response when people don't kiss your ass.
He complains why he's not monetized, complains why other youtubers are given more fame and attention when they don't go out of their way to shit on people, they upload every week or even daily, they put time into videos, and they simply don't use sympathy as a way to win them pussy and fame.
Also about the Lorde thing he said on twitter its clear he's a little mad about the money thing and how she didn't cancel her whole tour.
Rob not everyone cancels and delays things none stop like you, business is business and that's why she makes the big money and you have to e-beg and throw the sympathy card out to fans to donate to you.
No. 462521
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No. 462522
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No. 462523
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From live stream
No. 462524
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No. 462552
>>462523>>462524holy hell when was this? he's massive.
also i hate that pointy beard of his. idk why another youtuber would want to look like keemstar with the whole gnome look.
>>462505rob's not one to talk about anyone being "insufferable as fuck."
No. 462557
>>462552Apparently in November are when the live stream photos are from since I collected them from his tagged images and they're 3 days apart so I suppose the 27th? I've wondered why he doesn't show himself in videos or photos below his neck anymore.
Also same about the beard thing I always thought I was weird because I imagined his chin was just a sharp dorito until I saw photos of his beardless.
I see he's turning into a boogie 2.0 instead the Francis character isn't a persona
No. 462571
>>462552The pointy beard is supposed to make him “sinister”-looking (what I think anyway).
>>462557He needs to lay off the blue apron meals
No. 462574
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Current pic
No. 462577
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>>462574You can see his chunky arms here, now a single selfie since May or June
No. 462806
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Sure Rob it's totally not for your ego and you totally are an amazing human even though you decide to let everyone know about your donating and how you "help all the ladies" with you're kind and compassionate words~
You fat fuck.
No. 462811
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Rob is very intent on having a career without having to do hard work.
Watch as he complains Twitch isn't paying him as much as he dEsErVeS