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No. 477337
Jaquie Blake Beckwith, AKA chronically_jaquie, is one of the general Munchausen's/OTT thread’s (current thread
>>>/snow/470812) Munchie Queens.
Instagram: Google Doc spreadsheet She has a Patreon for people to pay her to be "sick".
- She appears to have maybe? a few genuine illnesses, but overall contradicts herself 99% of the time.
- She has two newly-separated button tubes but shoves crap food into her pie hole most of the day. Claims she cannot tolerate her formula, and has to get a special type, but can eat fried crap.
- She has a service dog (Harlow) who does tasks that she is quite capable of doing (like grabbing a blanket across the room).
- Her service dog does not get worked the way a service dog should.
- She will not respond to messages online (except on her Patreon) because of "safety issues" (though we're pretty sure it's because she wants money to talk to her).
- She will not allow people to send her mail because she is too sick.
- Refers to herself as a "genetic anomaly".
- Claims to have EDS, POTS, narcolepsy, cataplexy, autism, unspecified immune problems, a mutated mitochondria, and too many other things. Surprisingly, Factitious Disorder is not on her list.
- She appears to be copying Mary Frey.
- She loves her pain medication
She enjoys deleting comments that call her out, and has an excuse or explanation for everything, something that is found psychologically in pathological liars.
Everyone is tired of her, even her family, and some people in the Munchie thread, so here's a place to talk about her to your heart's content.
Previous thread
>>>/snow/477321 No. 477370
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>>477354Yes top kek for that pic anon
So I was reading about PCAs and came across this. And it makes me wonder why no doctor has recommended Atarax or the likes instead of IV Benadryl… I follow a girl that really has MCAS and angioedema (she actually looks swollen and rashed for hours after attacks) that uses Atarax because it’s supposedly more effective than Benadryl and doesn’t make you as tired or give that buzz… oh that explains why Jaq doesn’t use it kek. And by this description Jaq’s beloved zofran should help with itching as well.
No. 477391
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>>477379Kek and zofran at the slightest hint of nausea. Sometimes she 'pretreats' with zofran too, usually before special meals she "really" wants to eat. So she's dosing herself with shit not just when she
thinks she needs it, but when she anticipates that she
might No. 477396
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So she's reached a point where she is sitting up and three people can pile into her hospital bed with her for those sweet IG asspats, it's more than time to be off the pain pump and at home.
No. 477459
>>477435Her patreon account is down from its low 200 high and her subscriber count has stayed right around 97,200ish. I think she was really hoping the surgery would bring in the subscribers and she'd hit that sweet 100k goal.
On some YouTube stats site (not sure how trustworthy they are as I'm not a YouTuber) there was a channel predictor, they only predicted her being up to the 150,000 subscriber range in FIVE YEARS. Kek. Maybe she's maxed out already in how many people in the world would subscribe to her crazy train.
No. 477517
>>477396Poor Judd and Paul, they look so dead inside. :( I hope they break free and live normal lives someday.
Also, it's terrible, but I kind of wonder how much weight Jan would have to lose to not look fat in the face. Seriously, her face looks like she weighs 200+.
No. 477642
>>477370hydroxyzine is a known rescue med for mcas. But, comes in a pill and she somehow can't do that can she?
>>477371She's never talked about being on an H1H2 combo for mcas (first step, so if she is properly diagnosed or even has suspected mcas/mcad it should be done). She has said in the comments she is on neubulized cromolyn sodium, which does shit all for "pollen"
No. 477679
>>477669That is
really weird. I am really weirded out by Janiece, recently even more so than in her previous vlogs. She is going down the rabbit hole FAST. I don't think we've ever seen someone turn full on munchie so fast. I mean: Jaquie is weird enough as it is, but then Janiece comes along and is just SO much more OTT and obvious and as you say..
gleeful about her medical issues, her weight loss, etc.
I also don't quite understand why Jaquie seems to be egging Janiece on. It's almost as if she wants to turn Janiece into a mini-her, in a way that has almost an MBP-like quality to it. I don't really understand it, because most of the time people with FII don't like others to get as much attention as they are getting so they would rather ignore any symptoms their loved ones have that may or may not be serious. Yet Jaquie seems to absolutely LOVE the fact that Janiece now has GI issues as well. The only real explanation I can think of for it that makes
a little bit of sense is that she knows stuff like feeding tubes etc. bring more viewers and thus more money and she wants her BFF to share in the gift she found that is called YouTube/Patreon money. But if that were the case, she wouldn't be so obvious about it.
Does anyone have a theory about this that actually works? I am trying to wrap my mind around it, but somehow I just can't.
No. 477691
>>477669OK.. I'm not even halfway through Janiece's vlog, and I absolutely see what you mean.
Also: if they know there is some sort of alarm on that bed, why on earth does Janiece keep getting in bed with Jaquie? And why doesn't she get up the moment that alarm goes of? She has set of this alarm at
least two times, Paul has set off one, and instead of going "o wait, I was probably not supposed to do that", she just keeps lying there while Jaquie calls the nurse and explains that her friend just climbed into the bed with her, and if
maybe she wasn't supposed to do that.
No. 477699
>>477688Maybe Jaq is a psychopath and is setting Janjan up to seemingly have a lot of the same issues, but Jaq is cunning. I can see her convincing janiece she has major problems, helping her find the doctors to give her all the toobz and ports and toys, then setting off a chain of events that ends with janiece getting exposed as a faker. So that her own illnesses look legitimate and it draws the attention off herself.
Ooooh poor widdle me I soooo sick and my best fwiend I thought was sooo sick too was really copying me for attenshun and faking it. Waaaaaaaaa
Maybe reaching kek
No. 477729
>>477724Nope, not yet. I was a bit confused about that comment as well, but anon was refering to Janiece's vlog where it was mentioned that Jaquie had another severe reaction. They merely meant that if that is in Jaquies vlog, that will be entertaining to watch. I somehow doubt it will be in her vlog though, because Janiece said that "a lot happened
yesterday that we didn't film". So we'll just have to see.
I did notice in Janiece's vlog that Jaquie is up to a whole 22 ml/hour now. Wow!
For the record:
normally you go up by 5 ml every 12 hours or so. And that is for patients who are at risk for refeeding syndrome, which she is not. I get that her inestines were just operated upon, but upping with only ONE ml every few hours isn't going to get her anywhere. That just is way too slow.
No. 477781
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Both so sick and malnourished. It’s too sad. I’m crying into my cornflakes.
No. 477799
>>477781I know cars in the USA are bigger but are beds bigger too?!
In the UK hospital beds are about 100cm or 40 inches. With barriatric beds at 120cm.
No. 477810
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God it just keeps getting more disgusting that she has these people sooooo fooled. Anything for a longer stay.
No. 477826
>>477754I dunno if Jaq posted a vlog already about it but in Jan's the way they were talking about it and how they brought the crash cart or whatever but were just standing there looking at her, then she says she used her epipen. As another anon pointed out in the hospital they have epi they put in your IV (kek Jaqs favorite, IV
insert drug name here and it costs like $3. I think that's a good point and interesting that she said she had to use her EPIPEN. So maybe the doctors didn't take her word for it and didn't do anything because it was a panic attack (maybe about being discharged?) or just a rash and itchy from her opioids…or the zofran…or god knows what other things she's on that these are side effects of.
No. 477871
>>477765I used to think her anaphylaxis/angioedema whatever attacks were panic attacks made worse by the fact that she's a big fucking whiny baby. This latest anaphylaxis I think Jan's vlog how she described it was a little like the game of telephone and Jan's pretty dumb to begin with. Jaq said in this latest episode she woke up and couldn't breathe so she used her own epi pen. I think she's faking it for attention. She's fine doing the IV Benadryl at home for the "attacks" but using an epi if you know you aren't in anaphylaxis is pretty dumb. Unless of course, you're already IN the hospital when you use your epi pen.
If you claim anaphylaxis, use an epi and then call the nurse would they really be able to tell if you faked it or not? It's suspicious in the hospital she always has an excuse why she had to do it herself. Can't breathe, they're too slow, didn't one hospital tell her it wasn't anaphylaxis?
No. 477921
>>477843Could JanJan be supplying her with allergens? She's probably stupid enough to be manipulated into believing something like "wah wah wah, the mean doctors won't give me care unless I'm dying. I need to have an allergic reaction so they'll take a closer look at X."
I don't think Judd would give it to her, but I could see Janice doing it.
No. 477930
>>477869There's also a roux en y jejunostomy which is maybe a different thing but similar? Hard to say, because I googled it and the first page of results was all about roux en y jejunostomy being done in peds patients, and severely neurologically impaired ones at that. And apparently for at least a decade they've been able to do it laparoscopically. I'm not Jaquie but if I had slow healing from EDS and needed a procedure that could be done open or lap, I'd never have open. Slight medfag by proxy as my partner is a surgical tech–they do complicated procedures ALL the time that are laparoscopic. And if there's an unexpected complication (like Jaqs sooper speshul anatomy) they can often roll with the punches. Because, not their first rodeo. Only if something goes dreadfully wrong do they have to abandon lap and actually open them up. But almost always if it can be done lap, they do it that way.
Sage for MFBP (medfaggingbyproxy)
No. 477939
>>477921Jaq could be giving it to herself, hiding whatever in her bag or toothbrush case or camera bag. If she had to leave the bed to get it and the staff was at all suspicious of her that would explain why they alarmed the bed. Like that kid that kept getting line infections while in hospital and the nurses noticed it was often when his mom was there. So they put a camera in the room and caught her injecting shit (literally) into his IV lines. Or the other anon saying sometimes nurses will cover up the feed rate so the patient claimig feed intolerance can't see their feed rate. Or the other anon who posted the link to the people having what they thought was recurrent anaphylaxis, but it went away when they were told they were getting IV Benadryl or epi (don't remember which) but got a placebo and the anaphylaxis magically went away.
Nurses have pretty good bullshit alarms, especially with drug seekers and attention cows like Jaquie
No. 478062
>>478050Yeah, I've wondered that too. Supposedly the surgeon told her that an open surgery was better for this type of tube placement because they needed to space to rearrange the intestines. I'm not a doctor, but I know that that specific procedure can be done laporascopically. So I would assume that if a surgeon only does it as an open procedure, that is more the preference of the surgeon and their personal experience than anything else. You would think that with her shopping around and the way she (says she) always researches things, she would be able to find a surgeon who has extended experience with this specific procedure as a lap one.
I also don't really understand why they chose to do the roux en y. She said somewhere they thought is was the better option if you need long-term tube feeds, but with just a few Google clicks and not even really looking for an in-depth explanation of differences, what
I have found thus far is mainly that this specific procedure has the highest risk of complications than the other options. One of the possible complications is a backing up of the feeds in the arm part of the Y. Some patients even have to use an ostomy bag when they are disconnected from their feeds because the formula and/or mucus keeps leaking out of the stoma. Plus it seems to have a higher complication risk overall compared to the other procedures. AND to have it done open when it
can be done minimally invasive? Supposedly with EDS? If it would have been the first and only surgeon who would have proposed it then I could somewhat understand, but she shopped around to find him! She saw I think three different surgeons. And of course the researched them first so she saw three hand-picked surgeons, yet she couldn't find one that didn't prefer the open technique? WTF Jaq??
No. 478065
>>478050A more intensive (yet still totally unnecessary) surgery with a longer recovery means a longer hospital stay, more asspats, more possible complications to make into new “adventures”, more painkillers, more people taking care of her and catering to her every whim, and increased legitimacy every time she goes to an appointment or a hospital. That’s how she does things, she finds a diagnosis she likes, somehow manipulates doctors into giving her the gear to go with it (without ever having the proper diagnosis), and from then on people are a million times more likely to believe her even when she doesn’t have the right symptoms, because why would someone have a surgery/piece of equipment they didn’t need? The concept of being a munchie is pretty much unheard of by a good portion of the world. Medical professionals are used to looking out for drug seekers, but I doubt most of them have even considered that someone would fake so many illnesses and take it do far.
No. 478068
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>>477832I think she’s full of shit about hitting her head during this alleged sooper bad reaction. Hospital protocol is that anytime a patient hits their head from a fall or something, they MUST get a STAT CT — especially if the patient is on any blood thinners. Which she is! Jaq is on the heparin injections three times a day to prevent blood clots post op. Even if you have a freak accident and your IV pole whacks you in the head during your stay, you get a CT if you’re on anticoagulants.
And you know we’d have heard about it and had to sit through a sped up gurney ride to awful music all the way to CT department and back to her room if Jaq had to get a CT scan because that’s the type of shit she loves to do, y’all. It’s so extra!
Anyone else have the feeling she didn’t hit her head?
Also, if Jaq loves to be in control with the Epipen that she isn’t supposed to have while inpatient, what’s to say she doesn’t have her emergency Benadryl drawn up and ready in her drawer? Or even doses herself on top of what nurses give?
One of her sheeple (this pic) told her that she herself does the same thing (I’m guessing this person has adrenal insufficiency or Addison’s disease) and brings her own meds to the hospital because they are so slow to bring things… shows you what kind of following she has. Dishonest addicts just like their queen. I know this goes without saying, this is so dangerous! And Jaq promotes it. Shocker.
No. 478115
>>478065Maybe she's so far to crazy town that she's choosing all these procedures and operations
because of the towns of complications? If she was faking her GP before or exaggerating, with the rearranging of her guts that just happened now she WILL have legit problems. Maybe shes tired of faking and trying to keep her tracks covered and having a complication gets asspats, views AND a real problem she can relax and not have to fake.
No. 478140
>>478138Maybe she'll discover the wonders of mmj and she can trade favorite colors with janjan and keep the
chronically Jaquie channel name
No. 478186
>>478068She’s not special for getting blood thinners either, most hospitals give heparin twice a day even to people who haven’t had surgery. The risk is more how sedentary she is. But yeah, it’s super dangerous for a patient to bring in their own meds, and hospitals normally do not allow it, unless you turn them over to the hospital to keep and dole out to you correctly. There is no way they’d let her have an epipen, so I’d guess she’s hiding it and only bringing it out as a prop, just to remind people that she’s got allergies (since we know she doesn’t have a mast cell disease of any kind). Giving yourself an epi and then the hospital giving you another would probably really fuck you up, yes medfags?? And nurses are only slow with meds when they’re not critical, because nurses have lots of patients who are a hell of a lot sicker than miss munchie here. And you just have to wait a little longer, you still get them. It’s not like it’s life or death in jaquie’s case, since she’s not, and probably never was, having anaphylaxis.
No. 478259
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Wonder how long it will take her sheeple to jump all over this…Or for it to be deleted.
No. 478315
>>477433I have (relatively mild) GP, and don't relate to the "hours of vomiting". Once my stomach is empty, the problem is gone. I know everyone's different, but I can't think of a reason for continued vomiting afterwards if it's only caused by gastroparesis.
saged for blog/comparison
No. 478338
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>>477930On the whole open surgery vs lap… what do you guys bet Jaq researched which technique would likely get her the longest hospital stay (aka most drugz) and talked her surgeon in to that one? At one point (I want to say it was on their way to the hospital even) she was talking about how she and the surgeon were deciding between the Roux en Y or something called the Witzel procedure. Anyone have any information on the Witzel? I am weeding through Google myself on this, so I’ll let you guys know what I find out.
No. 478531
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She finally washed that nasty ass hair but still hasn't taken a shower or sponge bath. Skank.
No. 478563
>>478463Then we’ll have our final proof that she is indeed full of shit, so much that she’s puking it up.
It still doesn’t make a lot of sense that someone signed off on this surgery and thought it was a good idea. There is absolutely no medical proof that she needs a feeding tube, her GES would have shown GP if she actually had it, and instead it showed she didn’t have, not even mildly.
No. 478641
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How long are we betting…
No. 478674
>>478636Technically, she
was diagnosed with delayed gastric emptying: her test came back borderline slow. So she has a VERY mild case, which most definitely would not explain why she wouldn't be able to eat
at the very least a few smaller meals spread out over the day. Nor why she would need a feeding tube. And she was not diagnosed with delayed gastric emptying, but the GI at Mayo thought that made more sense. They didn't test her for it though. And although the treatment for it is breathing exercises and her local GI said that although he did think she had a mild case of GI the decreased accomodation could also be a factor, she somehow was never tested for it not did she do the exercises. Most people would be quick to do a simple and risk-free treatment like breathing exercises even if there was just a 1% chance it would help them, but not our princess. Of course not.
In all fairness to Jaquie (I cannot believe I just typed that) I could add that her GES that showed her having borderline slow stomach motility was done almost a year before she got her feeding tube. So
IS it possible that her motility has decreased. But because her GI didn't do a repeat GES when his patient with a very mild case of GP came back for a fucking feeding tube, we'll never know if she actually managed to slow her stomach further down by not eating and/or purging. Not that it matters: with what she shows us in her vlogs alone (so imagine what could be going on off camera!) it is clear that she should be able to sustain herself with eating and/or using liquid replacements.
No. 478678
>>478674While I was reading my own post, I noticed a pattern: Jaquie was told she might not have GP but another condition that could be helped with simple exercises. She didn't want to try them, and instead spiraled out of control and munchied herself into a feeding tube.
Janiece was told she needed simple exercises to fix her constipation issues, but doesn't want to do them because she has 'worse things going on'. (Though no one seems to know what she means by that). She is letting it spiral out of control, too. And she probably will try to munchie herself into a feeding tube as well.
Again I would say that
even if she would have other stuff going on, you'd expect someone to want to try the physio, first. If I were her, I'd want those exercises ASAP just to be sure that any pelvic floor issues were out of the way to be able to see more clearly what else - if anything - was going on GI-wise. Yet, no.
Maybe someone should tell Janiece that she can try and find herself a pelvic floor physio who uses anal and vaginal probes for biofeedback? She seems to be into butt stuff with her creepy enema-love. At this point, Janiece is just like a kid who doesn't want to go number two because she's afraid to. You know, anal phase and all. I wouldn't make fun of it if she actually went to see a PT for it and did the work, but since she is unwilling to do that, we can conclude she is absolutely stuck in the anal phase. Like the child who doesn't want to go potty and cannot be convinced to even try it, she doesn't want to try and solve her poop problems by going to the P(o)T(ty).
No. 478741
>>478674You make some great points in both posts here, anon.
Your replies bring me to ask a couple of questions and observe a some things that just make me go hmmmmmm.
1. Like you mentioned, why no repeat GES before going to the next (extremely invasive) step of her first feeding tube?
2. Why after the first kink did we not do any type of further involved imaging or testing on the tube and Jaq. Maybe like a study by fluoroscopy (I’m not sure something like that even exists but I bet there’s something) to check anatomy and hardware. I know Interventional Radiology can do all kinds of crazy cool things.
3. This is the one that baffles me… why on god’s fucking green earth where baby jesus rides a ketamine sedated mini unicorn named Bert… whyyyyy for duck’s sake did Wacky Jaquie “Who’s Dick Can I Suck for My Next Toobz” Blakewith… not ever have to trial this potentially “game chaning tool, y’all!” with a NASAL toob first? It seems so wreckless and irresponsible to just stick a toob in her crusty stomach without making sure that her weak ass jejunem can even tolerate that sweet KF nootrishunz.
Money talks and bullshit walks… or in Jaq’s case… bullshit RIDES in $15,000+ Barbie Cars?
No. 478792
>>478741I could not tell you the answers to the first two questions because I do not understand it either. I've wondered especially about the first point you mention. If you have a patient with a very mild case of delayed stomach emptying that could be treated by diet and maybe pills and they came back a few months later claiming to be starving, what would you do? I am not a doctor, but I know what I would NOT do: give them a feeding tube without further testing. I would do a repeat GES, gastroscopy and other tests depending on presentation and if those didn't reveal anything, I'd sent them to a dietician. If the dietician couldn't help them (enough) OR if either them or I had the slightest feeling that there could be psychological factors, a psych eval would be my next step.
Point two.. that's an excellent point. They never seemed so interested in
why Jaquie had repeated kinks of a tube with anti-kink technology. I have to say, before she went to the surgeon I expected the surgeon to tell her that another tube wasn't a great idea and to make sense of the kinking thing (e.g. by telling her/her doctor that you wouldn't expect kinking with this kind of tube). But that didn't happen and instead they seemed to think it was a great idea to just put in another tube.
The third question I can answer partially (yet still don't understand). She went to the hospital expecting to get a nasal (NJ) tube. As Jaquie tells it, she was approached by another GI doc when she was admitted and he told her that he thought a permanent tube would be a better idea because she would need a more long-term option. Of course,
before Jaquie went to the hospital, she told her viewers that she would be getting a nasal tube and how it was the best option because it could be easily removed. So if it turned out she was just 'in a flare', they could remove it after a while and she'd be fine. She also said that they would talk about permanent options in if I remember correctly a few
weeks, which seemed awfully fast to me (it's not uncommon at all for patients to have NG/NJ tubes for periods of basically everything under a year - and sometimes of course longer). But
after she spoke to this doctor, she was of course immediately on board with having a surgical tube, because "I need a long-term solution anyway". She basically said that right now she was able to eat only 5% and the tube would give her the remaining 95%, but normally she was able to eat only 30% anyway so even if she was out of her 'flare' she would still need 70% of her daily intake by tube.
Now that doesn't make sense on SO many levels. First of all, if she was really only able to eat 30% of her daily calories for a long period of time, she would have lost a LOT of weight. Not just five or six, or even ten or twenty pounds. If that goes on for a few months, a person can easily lose a third of their body weight.
Secondly: of course there is no way to know for sure if it really all happened the way she tells it. We can't know for sure if she really was approached by a doctor for a more permanent tube or if she somehow planted that idea in their mind. But even if it happened like she says it did.. I still don't understand it. If I was admitted for a nasal tube and my doctors suddenly started to talk about an abdominal (surgical) tube, I would tell them "no thanks, just give me the nasal tube and the information about the other options, and I'll make an appointment after a few weeks so we can talk about it". I mean.. there was no need for them to do the surgery right away because either way she would be getting her nutrition. She said that the doctor had told her that there was no need to put her through a tube placement twice and sedate her twice if she would need a more permanent tube anyway. But 1. there are ways to place an NJ tube without sedation and 2. it makes less sense to put a patient through surgery and put a hole into their belly when you aren't sure if they need that tube than it does to put a nasal tube into someone and
maybe have to put another one in later on. And erm.. it's not like she tries to avoid sedation as much as she can.
Also: there was NO WAY for them to know if her borderline slow stomach was the cause of her not being able to eat. So it's kind of stupid (not to mention unethical) to put someone through placement of a surgical tube before you know for sure they'll be able to tolerate J-feedings, like you also mentioned.
Let's also not forget that at this point, she hadn't even seen a dietician. I understand that there are situations when a patient is severely malnourished you don't have time to try different diets and shakes and meds. In those situations, they just put in a tube to make sure the patients regains weight and health first. But THEN you sent them to a dietician and try to wean them off of the tube feeds. They never tried this for Jaquie. I guess at a certain point when she had the tube other doctors and dieticians just assumed that they must have tried everything or else she wouldn't have that tube in the first place (which is probably the reason why she was able to find surgeons who were willing to put in a second tube; they obviously assumed she was really dependent on her tube feedings) and just went along. Hence why the dietician who came to see her in the hospital said to "keep doing what she was doing".
Question for US-fags: do GI-docs prescribe the formula themselves? Where I live, a dietician prescribes it and a doctor has to sign off on it. So there is no way you can be on tube feeds without seeing a dietician. I was very suprised to find out that Jaquie had never seen one before and only was refered to one after she already was on tube feeds for many months.
Also.. kek @ bullshit rides in a $15,000+ Barbie Car & the ketamine sedated mini unicorn named Bert. You may have just made my day.
No. 478813
>>478811>>The thing with gastroparesis is that even in severe GP- you don't need stomach movement for liquids.Is that always true though? Because if liquids will
always pass through the stomach, you'd say that GP patients would never need a tube into their jejunum or even a feeding tube at all. They could either do liquid meal shakes or have a gastric tube then, right?
Also: I know that sometimes botox into the pylorus is used as a treatment for GP. If that works that seems to imply that (for a certain subset of patients anyway) GP is caused/exacerbated by pyloric dysfunction or spasm. If the pylorus is shut closed, even liquids would have a hard time passing through. Right?
No. 478878
>>478870She also says that she "does want to work" in today's vlog which I don't believe.
All her student loans will be forgiven because she's unable to work. I've never heard of a such a thing. It also sounds like she isn't declaring her Patreon/youtube income then, right? The loan company would see that as evidence of work, yea?
No. 478887
>>478870She currently has 22 patrons. It will be interesting to watch the numbers.
Personally the quickest way to lose my interest as a viewer is to push a patreon page. I hate that shit. No, I am not going to donate money to you so you can sit on your ass and play movie star while I work. Lazy cow.
No. 478901
>>478878Federal student loans are not easily discharged for disability in the US unless you are (1) dead or (2) totally and permanently disabled or (3) file bankruptcy and prove to the court that you have extenuating medical costs that prevent you from paying back your loans (you or your kid has cancer and you are working but all your money goes to the hospital, for example).
She might qualify if she receives disability pay from the government, but would have to have received that every month for five years, I believe.
No. 478916
>>478890>>478887I forgot to add that the $400 threshold for Patreon reporting income to the IRS is an annual amount, not monthly.
Now, what will be interesting is that unless the money goes to a non-profit organization and people cannot be non-profit organizations, the money is taxable as self-employment income.
The way this works is that as an employee of a regular business, the employer pays part of your employment tax and the employee pays part of it. The tax goes to several government entities (social security, federal tax, state tax, in some states, etc.). When you are self-employed, you have to pay THE ENTIRE tax yourself.
I hope they are saving $$ back for the taxes. Sure, they can write off business expenses, but it's complicated at times.
No. 478917
>>478901Well, those three don't apply to her.
Is it possible they are not federal loans? I have no idea how that works in the US, but are there other options? Because she seemed to emphasize
my student loans (have forgiveness). Also, don't they take in account partner's income? It just doesn't seem to me like they have trouble keeping ends meet..
No. 478927
>>478917>>478901The only thing I've ever heard of is if you buy an insurance policy against the loan. But usually that requires death.
The question about Paul becomes complicated. If he didn't sign, the loan isn't his, but if she needs to file bankruptcy in order to argue extenuating medical circumstances, Paul's income would be included in the bankruptcy, so I'm not sure how that would work.
But, perhaps she borrowed from a parent or grandparent, and that person will let her stop paying. That would be a way that HER loans would be forgiven.
No. 478934
>>478927If she borrowed from a family member she
probably wouldn't have to fill out a form and let her doctors sign it. So I don't think that is the case.
No. 478939
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>>478259Don't worry, y'all! Jaq definitely does NOT have any mental health issues! She said it in all caps, so therefore it's true.
Also, because someone would dare ask such a silly question, they clearly need to go back and watch all of her drivel and her hours-long videos about her explaining her multiple sooper seeeeerious not at all psychological health "problems".
No. 478960
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There's another comment about the anxiety here. This stuff really offends her.
I think it's telling that she claims the nurses just stood there "staring at her" when she supposedly was in anaphylaxis. I really highly doubt a nurse team would just let somebody like….die.
No. 478970
>>478901The federal portions of my student loans were discharged and I'm not on permanent disability, because my disabling conditions
may improve according to social security. So you don't have to be on permanent (I medically requalify every 5 years for SSDI) disability but it did take about 5 years to get them discharged, plus a two year post-discharge monitoring where you have to report ANY income. And if you take out any new student loans in the monitoring period it reinstates the discharged loans immediately. I don't get why she thinks she can do this?? They don't seem to be hurting for money, it is VERY hard to get federal loans discharged. And she can't have worked to earn enough credits to even get SSDI so at best she's on SSI if anything and being married to Paul and having patreon and YouTube income would prob kick her off that as well. Just because you can't work doesn't automatically mean you get government benefits and what I'm sure she sees as perks.
No. 478977
>>478960Can we all take a moment here to appreciate the fact that Jaquie is roaming through her comment section, deleting comments she doesn't like and defending herself agains mean, mean commenters
while on a Dilaudid PCA pump because her pain is SO SO bad?
Wow. HOW is she not discharged yet? She is walking around on her own, she can sit up in her bed, she can play games, wave her arms above her head (anyone who's ever had even a very minor abdominal surgery knows that pretty much means you are all healed up), can pee, eat… WHAT are they waiting for? I know pain is supposed to be whatever the patient says it is, but in this case, the patient is clearly lying. They need to confront her with this and tell her that she simply doesn't need opiods anymore if she can do all that.
No. 478984
Food for thought:
What Can Cause Disability Benefits to Stop? Income Tax Tips for YouTubers: Student Load Forgiveness for Medical Reasons. (The sentence of most interest to me is, "A physician cannot certify that you have a total and permanent disability if, at the time of the physician’s certification, you are able to work and earn money in any capacity.") No. 479001
>>478989The way Jaquie tells us that happened, she was sitting on the edge of her bed and saying "I'm gonna pass out, I'm gonna pass out" because sometimes she does from epi. And then she did and she hit her head.
So she was sitting on her bed. And she knew she was gonna pass out. Just a suggestion, but wouldn't it be sensible in a situation like that to.. I don't know, LIE DOWN? Just an idea I'm trowing out there.
No. 479005
>>479001Jacquie? Avoiding a catastrophe? In hospital? No way!
Also.. If she hit her head, and they saw it happen, it can't have been very hard whatsoever because they would've had to do a CT scan. It must have been very, very minor, and they must have witnessed it. She's making it out to be so much worse than it actually is was.
No. 479007
>>478984Good find, anon!
I just wonder.. how could a physician possibly sign off on this in Janiece's case?
>>I certify that, in my best professional judgment, the borrower identified above is unable to work and earn money because of an injury or illness that is expected to continue indefinitely or result in death. I understand that a borrower who is currently able or who is expected to be able to work and earn money, even on a limited basis, is not considered to have a total and permanent disability. CLEARLY she would be able to work parttime, or with a flexible boss, or whatever. IF we would say, just for the sake of argument, that her conditions ar all real, I
still cannot see how she would ever qualify as having a "total and permanent" disability. There's just no way.
No. 479013
>>479007They're stupid for putting so much of this shot on social media. Do they think none of that is checked when they're claiming permanent disability at 21??? They're vlogging about how sick they are, but inadvertently showing how they have no problems with executive function or activities of daily living. Clean clothes every day, hair washed and blow dried, making meals for their loved ones and dogs, driving, traveling to see friends, traveling hours to doctors, going shopping, out to dinner.
I did the same pastry program as janjan at le cordon bleu, it costs $28,000 for tuition/uniform/supplies and you don't get an associates degree like her linked in says, you get a pastry certificate. Because it's a 9 month program. She seems so weird with food I can't imagine why she hose that field in the first place??
No. 479070
>>478901Believe it or not, federal loans are fairly easily forgiven. Private are the ones that you are stuck with. Self blog, but I was disabled (serious cardiac issue.) Simple one page form with three questions from my cardio and they were gone. If you pass away they also go away.
Private loans I am still paying on. Your estate will pay on private loans if you die and if you have a co-signer they will pay. My broke ass know this far too well!
No. 479099
>>479087This is also true when you've been ill a long time and then get better, especially if it wasn't expected you would get better.
You may have adapted your whole life and put off dreams because they just weren't possible.
Then they become possible which is amazing and everyone is happy but actually to process can be very difficult, as can independence if you've previously needed to have a lot done for you.
And that is for people who were legit sick and legit want to be better. Let alone people like Jaq.
No. 479103
>>479099Yep, my doctors told me that even once I regained normal function they wanted me to wait AT LEAST a year before I even thought about looking for a job or being on my own. They wanted me to have time to re-integrate myself into the healthy normal world and make sure I wouldn't crash and relapse just from restarting my social life and doing my own shopping, cooking etc
Sage for blogging
No. 479133
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>>479101Especially since anxiety is pretty much a given with at least hEDS, something about how adrenaline is released inappropriately. Also, anxiety and depression in general is super common in chronic illness, because it sucks. But jaquie only gets the good parts of chronic illness, so I suppose it fits that she’s one hundred percent sane kek. (Note on the photo, I disagree that counseling can’t help, also how cutesy the photo is. Pinterest is what it is. Anyone can benefit from counseling, and jaquie sure as hell is at the top of that list)
No. 479156
>>478916…that and business expenses are generally a good way to get "picked" for an audit kek. That would be interesting. I'm guessing none of these bitches even have a clue - can you imagine SDP saving receipts for all of these new fucking reptiles she's buying and then trying to "write them off as business expenses" because they are "stars" on her YouTube channel. Janiece and Jaq would probably try to write off their dog beds and Roombas.
Oh, things will really get interesting for them someday and I bet the don't even realize it. I'm going to eat this popcorn while I watch the dirt fly by into a pile from all of the giant holes they are digging themselves kek
No. 479164
>>478923Oh, I know! Today's vlog was nauseating. She was just a whiney, pathetic little child with a sore tummy.
She is so mad that she has wait until Feb to see her GI. It's hilarious because they obviously the results from her capsule endoscopy and if there was anything remotely concerning, the GI himself would see her… and before February kek. There is NOTHING wrong with you, JanJan. Whatcha gonna angle for next? Send Jaq a text, she's probably got a NotePad file on her phone with a list of symptoms and doctors for your next move… that's what besties are for, right y'all?
No. 479179
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>>478977Everything anon said right here. Just fucking send her home already. I can't believe that someone who can go down the hall and play Trouble in the "lounge" is still able to push her PCA button for her BIG WIN, Y'ALL! Fuck this bitch. I hope more of the sheeple start to realize how full of shit she is. I love that people are starting to call her out in the comments more and more. Soon she's going to just make her videos closed to comments… that's not suspicious at all.
No. 479195
>>479190Second, third and fourth that! Kek
But that IS why we call her adjustable Jaquie
No. 479223
>>479207Maybe she got too many comments from her rabid fans about how happy and surprised they were she was posting so many updates and vlogs and instagram s and realized she should actually try to play sick for a day
Or she's too busy vomiting her kate farms diarrhea into her mouth
No. 479224
>>479031I'm pretty sure most concerned primary care physicians would see their patient go through ALL of these crazy and traumatic medical conditions and hospitalizations… And at least suggest they at least talk to a counselor. There are counselors that specialize in people with chronic illnesses - because you're right, anon… that's a lot of shit for one person to deal with.
However, our girl Jaq seems to just bask in all of it. NO MENTAL ILLNESSES, y'all!
>>479068>>479087I always tell people that I see struggling (family, friends, etc) that it is okay to mourn your old life, because for some people there is no going back to life as you know it before once you get chronically ill. You are so exactly right. Jaquie, at least if she was truly sick, would be a lot more open with "the people" if she were a true "spoonie" because she'd know how fucking shitty life is for truly sick people. Some people lose their jobs… friends… family… etc. For example, what if someone was say… a wedding photographer… like if Jaq had chosen that as a profession and was already working as one when she started getting "really sick" and being hospitalized more and more. She could never do it again - and for a creative, that would be VERY hard to "just get over" like Jaq seems to do with a lot of things in life. She seems to have made "being a patient" not only her job, but her entire life! She knows nothing else. CLEARLY, if I were her primary care doctor, I would most definitely at least talk to her about talking to a counselor. For as many times as she's "had anaphylaxis" (if it were real) she'd be an absolute mess and probably need some type of counseling and/or anti-anxiety medication to help her for every ache, twinge or pain that "could be a reaction coming on!"
Yet, we never hear of her speak of these things… and my guess is because she's having fun and she knows that she can't die from a fake anaphylaxis episode!
No. 479230
>>479160kek no way AMT, who is so far up her ass, would ever allow that to happen! They'd drop everything and send a new tube that they call "The Jaquie" to production, just for her.
The fact that all of these OTT/Munchies want their precious "low-profile buttons" is really disturbing.
Instagram is basically like a free digital version of "How to be (an OTT malingering skankwhore) Like Jaquie for Dummies!" right now, we're on the chapter about AMT Buh-ons and Bravesoul Blankets.
No. 479246
>>479224Exactly. If she really cared about the chronic illness community she would be spreading awareness about CHRONIC ILLNESSES but she instead is spreading awareness about her
special unique to her because everyone experiences it differently chronic illnesses. This is very evident in her beauty routine "hack" (kek kek)..that vlog showed how out of touch with how
most people that experience her same chronic illnesses Jaquie really is. Because most sick People don't care if their hair is washed until their head starts to itch, they definitely don't care if it's frizzy in two tiny pieces enough to blow dry it and they're usually more concerned with important stuff to care if they straighten their hair. And THEN, you have to think about even if they WANTED to do all that, that physically it would be damn near impossible. I can't hold my arms up long enough to comb my hair so I cut it all off because it saved me tons of energy (chronically sick people know energy is worth more than time)
No. 479259
Don't worry, guys, she's still alive. Remember, JanJan said she was texting back and forth with her in the vlog.
>>479224Exactly, anon. Exactly. I've had her figured out from day one when I went to look at her IG account and she and Harlow had tens of thousands of followers… and she followed like 92. Clearly, she's just in this whole social media thing for the asspats and money… not to "connect with y'all" like she claims to love doing. Once I figured that out… That was when I started watching her train wreck out of disdain and just don't see how these people can't see right through her… I don't see how they can't see how she contradicts herself. Ugh.
No. 479304
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>>479238Another sheeple. Dropped $80 on a
blanket because of Jaquie.
Good on bravesouls for what they do, not knocking them at all..but does the girl that runs it get a salary? Because unless her salary remains stagnant no matter how much they grow, they're directly benefiting from munchies like Jaq blasting their name and products into the social media stratosphere. Do the FTC rules still apply to NPOs?
No. 479317
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>>479305Can said dicks be of the floppy hot pink and/or zebra striped variety? Just so she knows they’re especially for her? Kek.
No. 479373
>>479353Yeah there have been a lot of giveaways that she was raised very privileged and wealthy. She grew up living all over the world and in some pretty exotic places for just the average kid.
Now that we are on the subject of family. Do we know what the deal with her absentee brother is? We see him in one vlog (she comments on him cooking them all dinner that one day we saw him and says that he used to be a chef) and then never again and she never talks about him.
I have hunches but nothing concrete. First one - he doesn’t want to be associated with his whacko sister who is plastering her family and their lives (intimate things like family dinners, appearances of their cars and homes, etc.) all over social media. Or maybe they are estranged because he was the recipient of the majority of their parental attention and the only thing she could do to get attention was to become severely ill. I’ll try to find that one vlog he was in. Anyone have any info or ideas?
No. 479408
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She just posted the vlog. And now Jaq is so happy she pooped for the first time in a week. She says yes, pain meds can cause constipation but “I need pain meds!” She’s up to 24 ml/hr. So “I’m not tolerating my feeds y’all. Due to pain due to delayed healing.
And she says this about venting.
And then she says it looks like TPN will happen but “we” don’t want it to.
She continues to play Trouble in the family room with mommy - PCA in tow.
She still doesn’t look like she needs the fucking PCA. I’m honestly surprised the doctors haven’t just told her to suck it up and cut her from the dilaudid so she can shit completely and stop the distended belly and bloat. I follow a lady that just had a twin c-section and she got two babies cut out of her and went home the NEXT day. Jaq is such a pansy. She needs to stop the pain meds if she wants to fully get cleaned out. Despite the pain. People do it every fucking day.
“I make these vlogs for those who are going through a j-tube surgery.”
Too bad this is exactly opposite from the REALITY of a surgery like that. Seriously not even close.
No. 479412
>>479408Any chance the doctor is on to her and she just
thinks the buh-un is giving her dilaudid but it's a placebo? Is that ethical?
No. 479423
>>479416Yeah same! Notice she’s hit a bit of a plateau around 95k? I bet she was hoping for another viral video with her “anesthesia” reaction bullshit video.
Guys… I’m so afraid stuffed Harlow “stuffies” are what’s coming in the new “mystery merch” that she’s alluded to. You know, just like Mary and Peter put out the stuffed Ollie dogs. I’ll really throw up if she somehow partners with JellyCat (the makers of her nasty ass stuffed disease carriers) to make Harlows to sell to all of the delusional sheeple.
No. 479425
>>479422We just need someone that lives in the Tampa bay vicinity to keep an eye out for red brick 2 story apartment buildings
Kek I kid, I kid.
Maybe since janiece has an amazon wish list people buy and ship shit to her through we could just send it to her with gift receipts that say "for Jaquie"
No. 479433
>>479408Fuck, this bitch deliberately constipated herself with her motherfucking dilly on demand and you KNOW it. She wasn't in fucking pain using the pump, she trying to slow things down in an attempt to get TPN. Everytime she has angled for something specific she's whined how "oh noo but WE don't want to do that! It's only an option if I absolutely have to!" but we all know it was her goal in the first place. Of course she knows opiates constipate you! She is a lying, manipulative sack of shit.
I feel like her videos need to be backed up for when she eventually chimps out and deletes everything. There is so much incriminating evidence it's ridiculous.
No. 479449
>>479440I'm totally calm but people seem to be trying to find ways to get around the rules to bother her and it's been going on a few days now. Newfags seem unaware of the rules in general and apparently can't be assed to read them. Only time before someone actually does something stupid.
Create a thread on KF if you want to go there.
No. 479472
>>479421>>It'd be pretty easy for the doctor to verify she's full of shit if they suspect it and she's not really getting dilaudid but saying it's helping with her pain anyways.Not really. The placebo effect is a real effect. It can and does help people who are in actual pain. That's why we need placebo-controlled trials for treatment methods, because people tend to respond to the very act of swallowing a pill, having a doctor explain things to them, having the expectation it will work, etc. So if someone responds to a placebo, that does NOT mean they were lying about their pain nor does it mean their pain had a psychological cause. The placebo effect DOES however tend to be stronger for psychological and more subjective symptoms, like depression, fatigue or pain.
That was the end of my lecture. The answer to an earlier question wether it is ethical is no. Informed consent requires doctors to give patient all relevant information about their treatment. So it would not be allowed to switch the meds in her pump to saline, but it would be allowed if they she would agree with a therapeutic trial where they would give her either a placebo or an actual pain pill whenever she asked for it and she would
know that she could get either of those. I don't know if this happens in the US, but where I live that is especially common with ritalin for kids with ADHD. The parents get three kinds of pills: a low dose ritalin, a higher dose and a placebo. They give their child pill A for two weeks, then pill B and then pill C and keep a symptom diary. At the end of the trial period, the doctor or therapist asks the pharmacist which pill was which and sees if the diary makes any sense and if the pills really help or not.
Sorry, I'm lecturing again. I mean to say that they
could try something like that with her feed rate or with her meds, but only if Jaquie would agree with it. Now of course we know that Jaquie would never agree with something she cannot control, so that just won't happen. I agree with the law and the ethical rules that say doctors need to inform their patients to the best of their abilities because even a placebo that really helps the patient can ultimately damage the trust the patient has in their doctor or even in all doctors. But Holy Cow would it be convenient for
some people if they were allowed to do that kind of stuff. I mean.. who here believes that she would be able to feel the difference of ONE milliliter in a whole HOUR into her tube? I find that
really hard to believe.
Also: the whole pressure thing and the fact that her feed leaks out if she connects her tube without closing it? That is a known complication of this specific type of feeding tube surgery. I posted about that yesterday, that I had found articles that stated some patients even had to use an ostomy bag around their stoma because of formula and mucus leaking out as soon as the tube was disconnected. Of course her intestinal motility may be a bit slow after surgery and it could pick up from here, but she could also be stuck with a leaking stoma. Yikes.
No. 479531
>>479422>>479428>>479425STOP. Just STOP. We are not permitted to interact in any way off-site with any of the cows. NO loopholes. Just don't, and no it isn't just joking because people have literally asked if rules could be gotten around. Interfering in cow's lives is harassment and not okay. Period.
>>479436>>479449THIS. THANK YOU.
(mini-modding) No. 479547
>>479520It makes me wonder how she would react to the possibility of a cure.
Like, it makes me think she would be extremely resistant to any sort of "face saving" treatment for Munchausens because she is so attached to her specific diagnoses and playing patient. She's fucking psychotic.
No. 479551
>>479547Someone could walk in with a cure on a silver platter, and Jaq would say "we didn't think this was the right decision for me. My EDS just makes a cure too complicated with my anatomy." -cue looking away and hand through the hair-
She would never choose a cure. Ever.
No. 479577
>>479551Oh I agree 100% but I meant more in the context of a doctor finding her out and and trying to get her out of her Munchiedom. TBH I think we already know what happens when someone tells her she isn't sick: she finds a new doctor. There's only so long this can go on when she's plastering it all over the Internet.
Where's Dr. Feldman?!
No. 479625

>>479543Agree 100% anon. Hopefully she enjoys TPN-induced hepatitis.
>>479551kek silly anon, it’s her “metabolic disorder” that has no name behind why the cure won’t work for her. After all, even if she didn’t have the “metabolic disorder” she is only one of TWO people in the entire world.. fuck it, the entire universe.. with this genetic anomaly. There’s no way a cure will ever be found in her lifetime. Duh. So you know, anything to improve her quality of life and allow her to “live her best life, y’all!”
>>479557Wasn’t she supposedly doing OT and PT? kek I’ve never even heard her say a peep about a dietitian and her diet… except for the attached oldie but goodie YT vid. This video really gets under my skin. It’s like… how in the AF does she actually know that she
has tried everything - I guess it goes along the same lines as being handed a cure on a silver platter:
It’s simple. She doesn’t want to be cured. But she will try every OTT treatment that makes her look like such a warrior.
How do actual chronic illness fighters feel when she makes a video and lumps herself in as a fellow warrior to, you know, relate to her fellow spoonies—and then says things like: “Fellow chronic illness warriors - I decided to make this video on staying positive while you fight these turribllle illnesses, y’all!”
I really wonder sometimes what the cause was to originally set her on this path all those years ago.
No. 479640
>>479625Gag. This video makes me feel like she's talking to naughty toddlers.
As for the whole "fellow warrior" shit. I personally hate that term. Most of those "fighting" illnesses aren't obsessed with being seen as strong little warriors. We just want to live our lives.
I think those who use the whole "warrior" image are in most cases, OTT/Munchie since I'm pretty sure the first place you really saw a lot of the "X warrior" was in those with cancer. OTT Spoonies/Munchies saw how people commended these "warriors" for their strength and wanted that same kind of admiration for fighting a chronic illness/faked illness.
No. 479641

>>479581Oh yeah! Jaq’s probably seething and working her next angle to be on the news…
But I bet we can bet on who is even more pissed than Jaq…
SWF! I bet Amanda (who works for Disney and the farthest her media story went was her little podunk town in Nebraska kek) is so pissed off right now. She should be the one making the news at Disney, guys! She was unsuccessful when she tried to pull a Jaq/Harlow self-submission of her story in hopes it would go viral just like Jaq/Harlow… alas, it has not. Flop.
If you haven’t had a chance to watch Jaq’s skinwalker spoonie white female, Amanda (aka spoonielife_amanda on IG and The Spoonielife on YT) this video is one of my personal faves of hers. You really get to see her sense of entitlement in this one. She really starts to get on her rant around the 3:00 mark in the video. Bring your Kleenex, guys. My crazyradar goes of like mad in this video. She talks about “lifesaving medication” AKA that sweet, sweet IV Benadryl, too. Around 4-5 min mark.
No. 479651
>>479423Jellycat, as far as I know, have never collaborated with anyone so I doubt she'd be high on their list.
But ugh, I'm sick of seeing her stans @ing companies saying they need to give her sponsorship/free stuff/a shoutout just because she uses their products.
No. 479656
>>479578Reglan, compazine, small meals for GP
Pacing and compression socks and h20 for POTS
Physio and bracing only when needed for EDS
None of these are dramatic enough or invasive enough for Jaquie,but they're what the majority of people with these conditions do. It won't get you 90,000 subscribers on YouTube though.
No. 479667
>>479638I thought all U.S hospitals had opioid bowel protocol. Each place differes a bit but laxative and a stool soften and sometimes even senna are all part of what you are given if on opioids.
Not sure if the same applies in GI cases
No. 479668
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>>479641I'm afraid it's even worse than that for SWF – she totally went to Disney and had her dog meet Pluto the day before Julian did and no one gave a fuck whatsoever.
No. 479698
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Does it ever appear to you guys that Jaq puts on makeup and contours certain things to make herself look “sooper malnourished” and more pitiful? I notice it a lot when she is overdoing fakerface/sickface… it looks like she puts a ton of pale foundation on.
But now it really looks like she’s contouring her fucking hands to look more sickly and sooper starving without the nootrishuns! Y’all we may just have to supplement my toob not tolerating the feeds with a short rest for my bowels by doing TPN. TPN is a specially made just for me nutrition that is sooper unique and will only slightly damage my liver and knock 10-20 years off my life. But I’ve got to keep munching forward and live my best lies, y’all! Babe says it’s just another tool.
Left photo is her hand at home before this toob surgery and right is from her IG picture she posted yesterday. No color correction on my end, just placed them side by side.
No. 479704
>>477896Sage for opinion. Not my blog…
Her knuckles look like purging knuckles. My hands looked like that when I struggled with bul. Again. Sorry sage for for non blog
No. 479719
>>479667She could also just be throwing the poop pills away so she looks compliant and they’re “just not absorbed because of my EDS” and “combine that with muh delayed healing” says Queen Munch as she points to her round and obviously stuck out on purpose stomach. Nurses usually only really watch people taking PO narcotics (or old/confused patients) to make sure they are taking the medication properly.
Seems like a lot of work but I guess when she’s facing imminent discharge she pulls out all the stops.
No. 479729
>>479693CBD derived from Hemp is legal in all 50 states if sold as a dietary supplement because it doesn’t contain THC (Well it can contain up to .3% but above that it’s not considered hemp).
So idk why the hell they searched her room. I mean, whomever reported her could’ve been an idiot an not known that CBD isn’t a psychoactive.
(Sage for Weed Fag)
No. 479731
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She’s “working hard” so she doesn’t have to miss any more goodnight kisses, y’all! Gag.
Judd is like the biggest tool out of everything in her toolbox. He really made a lot of mistakes that anons pointed out often this stay. Really made him look like more of a douche.
No. 479734
>>479725Also, with the number of days without a BM, hospital would have started bringing out bigger guns of bowel regiment.
Miralax, glycerine suppositories, enema…
No. 479755
>>479719They can and should give her an enema. Maybe she'll think twice about actively making herself ill.
Impactions and paradoxical diarrhea are a huge possibility with the combination of EDS and GP but this bitch is totally fine on loads of opiates and not shitting for DAYS. Sorry, but if her digestive system was really so bad due to EDS her colon would stretch out and she'd currently be at risk for recurrent impactions. But she's fine. We've all seen how she eats and her diet is also terrible.
I don't see any "spoonies" or "warriors" talking about this fun part of EDS! Fuck her and all of her followers.
No. 479769
>>479766>>479745Who is WE? And you didn't tell ME to stop posting because until this post, I haven't posted anything about her and was just responding to someone else's post.
Just ignore what you don't want to read.
No. 479809
>>479782Has she ever mentioned having problems with crowds? Can you pick and choose which senses of SPD you have trouble with? It seems like if sounds overload your system, being at Disney with people walking every which way would
really overstimulate someone with SPD, noise cancelling headphones or not
No. 479827
>>479809I'm not sure if she's mentioned crowds and I really can't remember off the top of my head. I've never watched one of her videos and I refuse to give her a view. I don't have answeres to your questions as I (person you responded to) don't have SPD but hey neither does Jaquie! I'd assume it's not an all or nothing thing because that would be ridiculous, but remember she absolutely used to go to Disney without headphones quite frequently in her early vlogs until she started pushing SPD. Disney is loud even when it's dead because there is music constantly being piped in and there are always children. And animatronics. And vendors. All of the sounds overlap, too. It's just SO much going on.
Her headphones and v necks are props remind viewers she "has" SPD. I'm sure we could make a list of specific props that go along with each one of her "invisible" illnesses.
No. 479847
>>479809She’s stated that the loudness of crowds overstimulate her so she uses fidget toys to “self stimulate” along with her headphones.
She has however explicitly said that she “can’t make it to the deli counter at the grocery store” because the store is so overstimulating with the lights and smells and noises oh, my! So she has to have employees help her shop if she’s alone.
I call BS. If she can navigate to the bakery for her free fucking cookie, she can sure as hell make it to go get lunch meat.
Such horse shit.
She also says things like, “I have bad spatial awareness so Judd has had to guide me from getting hit by cars because I’ll just step out in to traffic.”
So you need a guide, but you can sit here and giggle at yourself almost getting hit by a car and needing Judd’s help. What in the AF is she smoking? The way she talks about “My Autism” always sounds so strange, too. And how “Judd was proud of me because I could have thrown a fit because it was so loud in the restaurant!”
All of this just screams - I’m a spoiled brat.
No. 479868
>>479847Oh ffs she's such an entitled little snatch. Maybe my experience with SPD in grocery stores is unique to me but I can usually tell before I even go IN the store that my brain is tired. And just like prob alotta other people with chronic illnesses, if you have a major symptom flare or meltdown in the middle of shopping
you fucking leave because that shit can be embarrassing and with SPD you can literally shut down and be rocking yourself on the floor. You don't get the employees to do your bidding, you get yourself outta there while you can still function enough to leave on your own. It doesn't come on out of nowhere and hit you like lightning, it builds up. But she can't tell when she's about to faint from her POTS either so…
(blogposting) No. 479875
>>479861I'm surprised she has never talked about struggling with depth perception while driving. If her spatial awareness is as bad as she says it is, wouldn't it have been hell for her to learn how to drive? You think she would have mentioned that.
Some people with Autism struggle with learning how to drive because their depth perception is shit. It looks like cars are going faster than they actually are. So, it's a lot of fun when people are honking at you to turn and you're scared of turning because you don't want to get into an accident. Because, again, cars look like they're going faster than they actually are. It gets easier to judge how far away cars are and how fast they're going over time.
No. 479901
>>479875This is how I drive as well. I feel for people stuck behind be but I legitimately feel like I cannot go. Luckily, I am overly cautious. I'm not on the spectrum (that I know of…) but I have a connective tissue disorder and shit leading to poor spatial awairness and miserable proprioception. This is visible if you watch me move around for any prolonged period of time.
Now that my shit is out of the way (please forgive me I'm just trying to give something to reference her BS) has she EVER mentioned proprioceptive difficulties? Or vestibular problems? Have we seen her bump into things a lot? Walk like a drunk? Wobble weirdly when trying to reach for something or anything of the sort? Of corse not! They are both so huge in EDS and you can SEE when someone has vestibular or proprioceptive deficits a lot of the time. She's only ever mentioned falls due to muscle weakness (which btw isn't much of an issue in EDS and certainly not something that would warrant a chair) but I've never heard mention of anything else.
She presents her spatial awareness stuff is just "Muh Autism, y'all!" and is too stupid to realize that she would have LEGITIMATE problems with spatial awareness and orientation if she actually had a connective tissue problem. We would see it.
No. 479904
>>479891It really fucks with you. You wonder if you're ever going to have a normal life or is this how it's always going to be. When I would have bad meltdowns and have to have my mom pick me up and drive me home, it would worry my family sick. I mean, if your loved ones are worried sick, imagine what it's like to actually live with this.
The thing is that just because you have Autism, doesn't mean that the world has to bend over backwards and cater to you. I mean, she can't expect a Walmart employee to drop everything they're doing in order to help her. And you can't always go shopping with someone. Sometimes, you have to go alone. And the best thing to do is to come up with a plan to get your shopping done with the least amount of stimulus possible.
No. 479905
>>479901if you have trouble driving to the point that you feel bad for the people who have to share the road with you, please stop driving ffs.
jaquie doesn't count because she's probably fine to drive since she doesn't have any of these conditions.
No. 479916
>>479905I didn't say I had trouble driving, I said I might wait too long to turn because I have bad depth perception, like many people do. I deliberately said I am a safe driver. Not sure why you're going after me when I made that clear. You might want get some help with your reading comprehension.
Idk about you all but I would not get in a car with Jaquie.
No. 479934
>>479922Have you ever looked up mobile stylists in your area? I don't live in a big city and we have some. Someone else here mentioned getting their hair cut at home in their chair with a head rest so they'll definitely work with you.
Jaquie is just lazy, vain, or refusing to give us the real reason. If she said she was clinging onto it because it's a security blanket and she's always had long hair and she doesn't want it to be just another thing her illness takes away from her, I would understand. I'd say, "yeah, me too" while looking at my scraggly curls and I might feel for the bitch but she never shows any legitimate emotion. Everything is so fake.
No. 479942
>>479934The thing is that I have to go to a salon because I have a Keratin treatment in my hair. I can't just use any shampoo or conditioner.
It's not that I'm being high maintenance about my hair. It's a necessity. Before I got a keratin treatment, my hair was a rat's nest 98% of the time. For me, trying to comb out a little bitty knot felt like someone was trying to yank my hair out. It doesn't help that I have thick hair. I could go to bed with no tangles in my hair, and wake up, and there would be tangles, and brushing it out would be sensory hell. And I don't live in a big city either.
(blogposting) No. 479997
>>479875Her main “complaint” about having to put her big girl panties on (or maybe more appropriately for toddler Jaq, a Pull-Up) is that it excruciatingly “hurts her hypermobile neck” and exhausts her. And her “POTS Doctor” has a limit of 20 minutes one way for driving and she can’t drive at night or when she “doesn’t feel good” that day. Which is quite terrifying when you think about Jaq behind the wheel especially since she’s got all of these exceptions. She’s never mentioned her SPD or Autism or depth-perception or bad spatial awareness being issues while driving. Really though, seeing her vlogs for the past year and following her “adventures” would make me scared to share the road with that crazy bitch. She shouldn’t be driving if she were really as sick as she claims/feigns. I bet the greater population of Florida (aka old people) are safer behind the wheel than Jaq.
My question is this: how does she make her way around town behind the wheel of a car if she can’t make her way to the lunch meat aisle of a grocery store without a hand-holding?
I bet if the store changed the location of her beloved free cookie station and set it up over at the lunch meat aisle she’d magically claim all of that (nonexistent) OT has really paid off, y’all. Or “I’ve trained Harlow to sniff out the free cookies and lead me to them.” Sure, I mean it should be an easy task for Har to pick up considering she just “took to scent training for hypoglycemia Alert so well” because of all those sooper low 84 blood sugar alerts she did waking Jaquie up and saving her life, y’all!
That poor dog. At one point, Jaq had her vet pre-treat Harlow with Benadryl for a routine vaccine. And then there’s that time Harlow had like two loose stools and Jaq practically called the ambulance for her. Jaq turned it into Harlow needing to go to the vet and get “days off” because she was so sick. It was like Munchausen by dog. So strange.
No. 480016
>>479997Obviously, if she actually had all these conditions she claims, she shouldn't be driving.
First of all there's her epilepsy and narcolepsy. People CAN drive with these conditions, provided they are well controlled. She wouldn't be allowed to drive early in the morning though, because she needs to wait an X-amount of hours for the second Xyrem dose to leave her system.
But there is also her terrible spatial awareness and the fact that she claims she would just "walk out into traffic" so she needs Judd to hold her hand when she is outside(?) Then there is the fact that she faints frequently and she claims that she cannot feel it coming and needs Harlow to alert to her. Harlow 'nose bumps' her when she alerts. But how will she do this when they are in the car? Harlow is in the back of the car, so she can't really warn Jaquie that way. We have her allergic reactions that require treatment with IV benadryl, which makes you groggy. We have weakness and pins and needles from 'nerve damage', hip subluxations that could be very dangerous if they would happen while she was driving, and of course there is her neck pain which makes it so she can't turn her head normally. Recently, she was supposedly also diagnosed with bilateral foot drop, so how can she drive a normal car?
With the limitations she claims, she would need hand controls and extra mirrors to compensate. But she also claims weakness in her hands because she was training Harlow to give her wallet to the cashier because she sometimes cannot use her hands. So she wouldn't need hand normal controls, but a lever for acceleration/braking like the kind used by people with a SCI that have some arm strenght but no function in their hand and wrist. She would need a completely adapted wheelchair van (because if she can't lift her walker, she cannot lift her chair into the car) if she actually was as disabled as she is claiming. Although she probably woudln't even be allowed to drive, because she is not stable in any way. Yet she happily drives around in a normal car and the
only thing she complains about is
joint pain.
No. 480022
>>480016100% right on all of it, anon. It’s so scary when we keep deconstructing and reconstructing adjustable Jaquie and she intertwines herself more and more into Munchiedom.
So much is wrong with all of it. Remember in their early vlogging days how they’d go to Sam’s Club to buy the chicken for Harlow and we would get scenes of Jaquie speedwalking by with her walker? It was so fucking staged. And creepily is. And then there was the fact that she was a horrendous fake. It was almost like she had no clue how to use a walker like a disabled person. And imagine how fucking weird that all must have looked to any onlookers.
Over the months we watched her perfect the walker, then we saw her struggling with the Barbie Car and now she is at least not running in to people. Now we get to watch her (well once she’s done withering away due to starvation) struggle with braces and AFOs. I was embarrassed for her before, now I’m dreading the embarrassment that will be that of Jaq trying to figure out how to fake a foot drop and then magically be cured, but still very sick.
I keep thinking - what’s her next move? The. I tell myself nahhhhh! That’s too OTT. And then two weeks later I’m yelling “I fucking knew it!!!!” at my TV. Now my question really is… how is this all going to go down? All at once I’m guessing… major catastrophic events that reveal the truth. S then they all get shipped to the same loonie bin. Nah, that’s too OTT kek.
No. 480035
>>480022>> It was almost like she had no clue how to use a walker like a disabled person.Kek I did not notice that per se. Though I don't doubt that it's true. The thing about a walker like she uses (rollator) is that it is not meant to really support a person who has weakness or joint problems but it is more for balance issues. And of course also a bit of support, but if you need to take weight off a certain joint or if you have joint instability, the vast majority of people will prefer canes or crutches over a rollator.
I DO notice her extremely poor wheelchair technique though. She even put it in her new intro which is a little embarassing really. That way she displays so clearly in every single vlog that she has no idea how to push herself forward in a wheelchair. I have only ever seen such bad technique in very old people who were in their 70's or 80's when they first started using a wheelchair and who don't need it very often anyway. Like people who are recovering after hip surgery or the like. I've never seen it in a young person and most definitely not in someone who claims to need it long-term.
I'm not sure if she will like her AFO's though. They are quite bulky and limiting. If you are on your feet a lot and you have trouble walking without them it is worth it, but Jaquie doesn't get out of the house often and she is lying or sitting on the couch most of the time. She wants to be comfortable, so I don't think she'll want to wear her AFO's all the time when she is sitting down. It will be funny to see her try to drive with them, though. Well, if you don't have loved ones in Florida, that is. I don't think it's even possible to drive with those on. Or allowed, for that matter.
No. 480036
>>480035*very old
That didn't come out quite right. I meant it to mean much older than Jaquie.
No. 480049
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I decided to watch the “Admitted to the hospital…” vlog from surgery day again for anything I may have missed earlier.
Something kind of bothers me now that I noticed it…
Jaq showed great excitement at the hot-air bed blower thingie in her pre-op room. After Babe admires said machine and shows us this big ass tube that goes from the hot-air blower to right under the covers creating a luxurious cocoon of warm pre-op gloriousness, perfect fainting conditions for Jaq. At one point, Jaq says “I love this thing! It blows hot air and totally warms me right up!” Not one mention of her heat intolerance or her POTS being aggravated. She looked very cozy and not worried about passing out at all! Miracles do happen, y’all! Maybe her two doses of pre-operating room Versed have some sort of magical powers.
How is Jaquie, someone with such a horrible heat intolerance, 100% conscious and vlogging like normal while HOT air is being pumped right into her pre-op astronaut sleeping bag? And that blanket bag thing holds the heat in like a boss - it’s made of mylar and used for fire protection and such out in the real world. I bet she was bummed it wasn’t pink tho.
No. 480079
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>>480049So I have limited internet right now may not be able to post all the comments, but , there is a feeding tube group I mostly lurk on. This post is interesting. She posts here alot.
No. 480080
>>480079Same person who just posted the
Pic sorry. We all know she never ran it that high at home!
No. 480096
>>480080Yeah that doesn't add up. If she would run it for 23 hours a day at 65 ml/h, she would get almost 2250 kcal
from her formula alone. She is not very tall, not very voluptuous, female and
very inactive, so I'm guessing she would need
at most 1800 kcal to remain at a stable weight. Plus if she would run it at 65 ml/h and put 500 ml in the bag, it would only give her 7,5 hours of sleep. That's not much for a narcoleptic who claims to go bed early every night. Though in al fairness with 55 ml/h she gets over 9 hours which seems more feasible. But the thing is that she would have gained a lot of weight if she would consistently run that rate AND eat all the shit she shows us on camera. I'm pretty sure we can safely assume she eats more off camera, as well.
Although I have to say that she has also said she can now disconnect her feeds in the afternoon for a few hours. So technically it
could be true? But it's so strange that any time she slipped up and showed us her rate, it was at 35 or 45. 45 is the highest she has ever shown us.
But what's even more interesting is that she was SO careful lately not to show her 'people' her pump when it was running so we couldn't see her rate. She also wouldn't tell us what rate she was at. Yet she posts on a feeding tube board, using her own name and she is happy to share her rate there. Does she think no one with a feeding tube is following her? That she wouldn't run into someone who either knows her or just Googles her on a board like that? That's just stupid.
It's also strange how she tells her viewers in her vlog that her doctors have an idea why it is she is not tolerating her feeds right now. She literally told us that it's not that her body can't tolerate the feeds but it's just her intestines who have to heal from the surgery because everything was rearranged. She also said that now that she has pooped, everything will move along better and she'll probably be able to up the rate a bit more. So why is she trying to 'figure it out' by reaching out to her fellow 'tubies'? I don't get it. I also love how she says how her procedure was "a bit more extensive than how they are usually placed". You are in a friggin' feeding tube GROUP Jaquie, there's probably handfuls of people who have had the very same procedure. You are not special, and certainly not in a group like that. It's like how she has to add the 'open' every time she is talking about her 'abdominal surgery'. The laughing wasn't painful because she just had surgery, or even abdominal surgery, no:
open abdominal surgery. The way she drops that fact all the time
REALLY makes me think now that she actually chose the surgeon who preferred the open procedure. Though at the same time that doesn't seem to make much sense, because she clearly was terrified of being in to much pain post-op. Ugggh, I just don't know what to think anymore.
No. 480224
>>480220Good for you for not supporting her anymore. Also, I'm sure there's lots of other things you can do with that money!
Can you tell us something about that patron party though? We've been pretty curious about what goes on on her Patreon account and how she communicates with her patrons.
No. 480241
>>480239Hard to say. Guess it depends on wether they start TPN or not. I did get the impression from Jaquie though that
she was the one talking about TPN, not her doctors. But if they decide that she can increase her rate further at home they'll probably want to discharge her pretty soon (like today or tomorrow). If they for some reason decide that she will starve to death if they don't give her TPN, she'll be in longer. She will either try and make her stay as long as she can, or she will steer her doctors towards discharging her on TPN. We know she is following Aubrey, so she probably wants a part of that, too.
No. 480247
>>480224She was really self-centered. In past parties, she would engage with her patrons and respond to them. This time, if you mentioned something about yourself, she flat-out ignored it. She would only talk about herself and her chronic illnesses. She also mentioned that she can't go into some support groups because people hate her. You're the common denominator, hun. She would complain about her haters at times. Like, why would you even acknowledge it?
With what went on the patron page. We got early access to videos, patron parties and tshirt designs. The rest of it was like Facebook/Instagram posts, with status updates and pictures.
No. 480314
>>480308And they are not hot at all… People with heat intolerance, even MS patients and other demyelinating diseases can tolerate them.
She's a lying sack of shit who isn't head intolerent (hellooo hats and scarves) but these are nothing like normal heated blankets. They're not hot or heavy.
No. 480335
>>480096Bad healing with EDS is more like… incision failing to close or opening back up.
Or with Roux-En-Y, the anastomosis failing to seal, which means - well that'd be a really terrible situation.
Slow/sluggish digestion that can occur with GA (in anyone) isn't really related to the physiological process of tissue healing.
No. 480375
>>480350No hospital is better than being at home, unless you’re an attention-whore munchie. Anyone who isn’t a munchie wants to be home where they’re more comfortable, can get better sleep, it’s easier to poop at home, and you are much less likely to pick up an infection. If you actually have EDS, they want you out ASAP with surgery, to cut down on that risk as your skin does heal slower (but it’s the same for everyone else as well, sticking around when you don’t need to be there is asking for an infection or another illness). Jaquie is the queen of taking something that should either be a short stay or not even a stay at all, and stretching into an ungodly amount of time. Two or three days I could maybe understand, but 9?? It’s beyond ridiculous at this point. Especially with the flu and other illnesses being widespread, hospitals need beds and staff for people who are legitimately sick or who had real surgeries that are difficult to recover from. Not a simple feeding tube placement for someone who never needed it in the first place!
No. 480414
>>480375Yeah she’s milking it big time! Even Mary Frey who has CF, among other things going on making her more fragile than Jaq by a long shot, made it home from her j-tube surgery at right around one week if I recall correctly. And I don’t think Mary got a PCA either.
I was reading some recovery stories to gain some insight on the recovery and after reading about 10 stories of other people’s accounts, Jaq is just an attention whoring wimp. Most stayed 3 days total and it was just mainly getting the feeds started because it looks like they let it rest around 24 hours.
She needs an attention whore intervention where everyone just ignores her… what? I have to change my own feed bags? Push my own IV pole? Wipe my own ass? Where’s my pain pump button?! NURSE! Where’s my IV Benadryl! You were too slow! I
could have
No. 480416
can get home health nurses but as she’s told the sheeple ten thousand times over again… I need to be in control of my care! I’m the best at sterile protocol!
BTW I’ll go back and find the video here in a bit… but do you guys remember the home nurse that showed up for a nursing visit to Jaq’s home in a tank top?! Last time I checked, there are no tank top scrubs and to show up in civilian clothes seems tacky and unprofessional. I’m not even sure what it is, but there is something off with that nurse visit.
No. 480457
>>480448She was hoping that her latest keratine treatment reaction would get them their l00k subscribers. Might be the fact that she wasn't actually loopy and was hoping it went viral like Harlow getting the ranch bottle.
It wouldn't surprise me if someone complained about her being so loud. There are people who are in pain and they don't need to listen to that crap. I hope she either gets something written in her file or the doctor fires her.
No. 480574
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>>480572Commenter from the other day is pointing this out.
No. 480581
>>480470I posted my observation that little Miss Heat Intolerance was contradicting herself once again. She said how she loved how the new heater and the new mylar looking blanket in the new building “totally warmed her up!” The picture was just what she looked like when she was in the pre-op bed not that she was actually using a camping blanket. Hope that makes sense, I didn’t mean to confuse anyone kek
It’s just interesting how she can flip her heat tolerance switch on and off and can now magically tolerate it for whatever lame excuse she would have.
No. 480643
>>480641It's either a "look how sick I am" tool, or a psychological crutch. Remember how she suddenly couldn't eat at all when her tube kinked? Even though she eats solid food every day.
Probably it's both.
No. 480645
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>>480604I see her turning all jaundiced when all of her other medications + TPN start to adversely affect her like with some nice TPN induced hepatitis and some monster GI bleeds from her stomach surgeries + all of the NSAIDS (her IV Toradol that she likes to wave around at all of the other munchies on the OTT spoonie playground - look what my doctor gave me neener neener neener).
Ok, here’s a new scenario. So the RNY when used in gastric bypass surgeries causes increased risk for stomach ulcers and GI bleeds - especially at the GJ anastomoses areas that are freshly operated on and then compromised when using NSAIDS from here on out.
If Jaq continues to do her Toradol + Ketamine injections plus her at-home use of IV Toradol she’s on her way to some nasty GI bleeds. And any other meds she takes that have GI bleeds warnings. How extra is she going to feel with a sweet bag of blood hanging on her IV pole?
PS look who’s home! Let the fun begin, y’all! Over under on how many days until she’s back in the ER?
No. 480654
>>480647I think it’s creepy that they save their bands like medals of honor. There are a handful of these spoonies that chain them together for decorations like normal people do with red and green construction paper at Christmas. I saw one probably a good six months ago now that had so many bracelets linked together she started stringing her chain on the walls up high like a cute garland or string lights. W T F I’m trying to remember who it was now and I want to say it is a girl named chronically.sick.and.smiling being currently discussed in the regular OTT thread but she “got the idea” from another super disturbed spoonie. And I’m trying to remember who, but another chick has hers stored in a shadow box.
Point is, doesn’t matter who it is, they’re all creepy with how they think ER trips and admissions are an admirable spoonie battle.
That’s why I hate the Beads of Courage - way to go, you have enough beads on your IV pole, it’s too heavy to roll… you warrior, you!
And my thoughts about her discharge. As anon pointed out in today’s vlog she at first is “so ready to go home” and “getting fed up” to “definitely not ready” at the end of the vlog. And usually Jaq doesn’t just go home magically so fast. I wonder if her “team” caught on to her and sent her home when they found out just how badly the wool has been pulled over their eyes this whole time.
No. 480660
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People are starting to question her more.
No. 480669
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>>480666In addition to the programs that give them to kids, you can buy them for people. Oviously kids are who they’re intended for, but there’s really nothing stopping these cows from ordering them for themselves. The legit ones are crazy expensive, too, in the context of the per-bead cost (since most of these munchies have them for everything, including office visits and blood draws).
No. 480687
>>480669Damn that's ridiculously expensive! I hope they donate a good lot of their income to charity.
I don't see anything wrong with buying a pack of beads and "documenting" your life with them if that's your bag, but don't use something literally aimed at children (see also: those bloody Tubie Friends things that some adult munchies have).
No. 480710
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>>480706Yup, they’re a officially licensed? nonprofit charity.
No. 480716
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>>480641My Chicken Strip Mind Melt…
I started watching right before the feeding tube, so this was her 4-day GP hospital stay and I thought wow, this woman is really in bad shape.
Day 2 - Cannot eat…POTS/GP/MALS…(Isn't MALS treatable?)
Day 3 - Her POTS/main doc called her GI and her attending doctor to express his concerns about her lack of nutrition. She eats a graham cracker. I FEEL TERRIBLE FOR HER!
Day 4…IV Compozine working and guess what happened today?
My mind melted.
From starvation to chicken strips? Starvation vs. chicken strips? How can anyone not watch this study in contradictions after that?
No. 480718
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But wait! If you guessed that Janiece showed up on Day 4, YOU WIN, YOU WIN, too!!
Chicken strips, BFF, no more weak voice…ALL. IS. GOOD.
Until two days later, of course…
No. 480741
>>479758What the hell? Read what the prior responses were. Someone wondered if hospital staff watched Jaquie's vlogs. I posted that yes, hospital staff can and sometimes do watch the vlogs, because it happened to another YouTuber and there were bad things that happened because of it. YES, this anon right here - that was the last post I made before going to bed that day, so no one else "keeps posting this chick".
Yes, I said what Youtuber it was and yes, I gave details. Because I wanted to. I don't know who was bringing that YTer up before, but if this thread is about Jaquie and occasionally Janiece, perhaps, then quit bringing up other YTers like that Amanda chick or Julian or Mary Frey. We're all anons, remember? There isn't one person here with an agenda to promote that girl. Quit being so sensitive.
Sage for responding to the bitch-fest from entitled-fag.
No. 480883
>>480716Ugh… It took me MONTHS to eat even slightly normally after getting my IBD sorted, and I got better super quickly with meds. Weeks to even think of eating anything like fucking chicken strips. For a long time I was living off fucking baby food. I am literally offended by her bullshit, lol.
But then IBD is a legit problem that Jaquie perversely, disgustingly, wishes she had. It's gonna be funny when her high risk tube has complications and she's actually gone and fucked herself. Any actual GI patient does EVERY THING THEY POSSIBLY CAN to avoid being cut into.
(medfagging) No. 480903
>>480792And she doesn't even have MBI. Munchausen by internet means you are feigning an illness
online but not in real life. Jaquie has just plain old factitious disorder/munchausen syndrome.
And yes, she also
clearly has signs of narcissistic personality disorder. I'm not sure she would fit all the criteria, but does she have traits of it? Hell yes!
>>480654And they keep their bands on at home. She has like three of them, and she kept them on when she went home? That doesn't make sense. Normally you'd cut them as soon as you get the go ahead for discharge. If I would ever somehow forget to cut the band I would be horrified. I'd be afraid people would think I was wearing it on purpose to attention-whore. And I could MAYBE imagine you'd forget it if you were wearing ONE band after a simple out-patient procedure because you just get in your car and drive home. But she is wearing THREE and was in the hospital for days so discharge is a process. You don't 'forget' those. So she IS wearing them for attention. Not that anyone here would doubt that, lol.
The vlog was a blast. "I can't up my rate because of the delayed healing form my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome". Few minutes later.. "As you can see, my incision is doing very nice".
Honestly, I think she has no idea what delayed healing in EDS means. I'll tell you what it means. For one thing, it means that they shouldn't have done the Roux en Y procedure. Any intestinal anastamosis is dangerous shit in EDS. Since there are other ways to place a J-tube, this - and of course the fact that it was an OPEN surgery - was a very bad choice.
And she needs narcotics to increase her rate by ONE milliliter an hour. Yes, that
one drop every three minutes (that's what one ml/h amounts to) must really be making a BIG difference. That liquid narcotic they put through her tube likely has more volume and surely is pushed quicker than that. At
least they finally sent her home. Good riddance.
No. 480911
>>480903Right? Her bullshit “not talleratin’ muh feeds” is so tireeeed.
She sure flushes the toobs so fast tho - no probllamas there. And she’s the same retard that flushes her brand new j-tube with ICE water. Actually, it makes sense to me now. Jaq’s always doing stupid shit to fuck with her toob, ice water into the j-tube is definitely an invitation for some temporary and harmless severe tummy pain for our favorite malingering toddler to get some more of her Jaquie Juice. She loves the lala.
I hope there was at least one or two potty accidents in her bed overnight because she was so looped on dilaudid, Ativan and stool softeners kek it’s probable, actually… since she slept through that super bad anaphylactic midnight and quite dramatically had to stab herself with Epi while the nurses and rapid response team stared at her probably wanting to stab her for taking them away from REAL sick people. Code brown in Jaq’s room? kek
No. 480949
>>480941She wasn't diagnosed with asthma before? She uses Dulera which is a combination corticosteroid and long-acting bronchodilator inhaler. It is generally prescribed for more severe asthma and COPD. She should be taking two puffs twice a day.
Sage for asthma/COPD fagging.
No. 480970
>>479651Also she says they are 'the brand she grew up with' but they were only formed as a company in 1999 in the UK, I don't know when they went international but we're not talking about a brand that was her stuffed toy given to her as a baby. We're talking about things she has recieved since she reached the age most people stop being attached to a stuffie/ might still have their one from birth.
I know she has lived all over the world but I'm in the UK and jellycat weren't even stocked outside of London until the early 2000s in any chain store. It is only in the last ~5 years they've been stocked in the Children's section of our biggest chain of bookstores (Waterstone's)
I'm aware intense knowledge over toy stock is bizarre it is job related not a freaky obsession!TL;DR No way are Jellycat partnering, Jaquie is a big baby.
No. 480974
>>480941Oh, anon… remember nurses are just good for taking vitals and bringing meal trays? What does she know? Most nurses can’t tie their own shoes according to JanJan.
It sounds to me like she can cancel all of her appointments with medical doctors since she’s got Jaquie at her fingertips for all of her diagnostic needs.
From what we saw in today’s vlog, JanJan’s newest slave is coming to town in the form of her brother from Panama. Someone needs to send out the Bat(Shit Crazy) Signal and warn the poor bastard! There’s still time!
No. 480978
>>480975Or.. she known nothing is wrong with her and she wants to see her brother asap. Or, maybe even more likely, she is lying. Nurse suggested that she should go if it got worse or whatever, and she decided to make it sound like se was super worried about her but Janiece is very brave and doesn't
want to go to the ER so she is being tough on herself (kek) and didn't go. So she can read all those super worried comments on her YT later.
No. 480983
>>480979My guess is the NP told her :
“Congratulations! Everything is fine except your raging case of genital herpes! I called in a script. So… Sadly, this earth is stuck with your bitch ass another day.”
And so JanJan pouted and called Jaq. Read results to Jaq who then sent her on the rheumie goose chase. Or she asked Dr. Google.
No. 480995
>>480970Thankfully I was just being sarcastic about JellyCat making Harlows because she is just pretentious enough to think they would kek — however, I still predict that there will be stuffed Harlows next… The Frey’s stuffed Ollie has been out for several months now and in true Jaq fashion it shouldn’t be long. And that is going to rake in mad cash for “The Chronically Jaquie Family” ughhhh
Just a side note - I haven’t watched The Frey Life in probably four or five months. They got stagnant. Anyways, I watched yesterday’s video from them and holy shit, Jaq is just about as crazy of a freak stalker as SWF is to her. So many more things she is copying now.
Back to JanJan for a sec. was she describing a lung function test that she “tried so hard” to pass? She’s fucking insane. So much wrong with her and none of it is physical.
No. 481011
>>480950And Dulera is not cheap. It averages around $300 for 30 days.
Has she shown herself using an albuterol inhaler, other corticosteroid and/or bronchodilator inhalers, a nebuliser or breathing treatments, or montelukast (Singulair)? If her asthma is bad enough to require Dulera, then she should have had occasion to need other treatments. I don't watch her videos.
No. 481020
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Here's our AJ today. In yet another round neckline that's right up around her throat. Guess attention from SPD takes a backseat to having two stomas.
No. 481052
>>481038lots of people have reduced lung capacity, so albuterol will help. Doesn't always equal asthma.
My guess for the HR is drugs or anxiety
No. 481057
>>480978Would she blatantly lie when Paul is sitting right there tho? Although he looked bored out of his skull while she was blabbering on so maybe he wasn't listening.
I agree nothing is really wrong with her and she knows it and only wants to be sick when it's convenient for her.
No. 481069
>>481052But she has been seen using Dulera (screencap in the previous thread) which is reserved for more serious asthma and COPD. Dulera is prescribed when corticosteroid or combination inhalers which are not as strong fail to control the condition. She should have been prescribed any of a number of corticosteroid or combination inhalers prior to Dulera. Have we seen her with other corticosteroid inhalers or even albuterol?
Additionally, if she has trouble inhaling quickly and deeply without coughing she should be using a spacer.
No. 481115
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I just love her passive aggressive commenters.
No. 481117
>>481115They probably know the comment will be removed if they aren't careful.
I've also seen at least two comment the past few days asking "where did ypu get your blanket again? I know you've mentioned it, but I forgot". I really wondered if those were sarcastic or not..
No. 481132
>>481119It is a test for autoimmune conditions. However even a positive doesn't mean you actually have an autoimmune conditions.
In future though…have you heard of google!?
No. 481154
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>>481135It might help if you Google it right
No. 481168
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Did anyone see his comment?
No. 481175
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>>481168Kristi is killin' it
No. 481186
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Unsure if this is a troll or not, but still funny.
No. 481219
>>480977So yesterday she went on about how she loves NPs. Today she is giving the NP the "benefit of the doubt." And had to teach her "What POTS are about." She's nuts.
Further she goes on about how constipation must be bad because they wanted Jaq to poop in the hospital. Well there's a difference between occasional constipation in an otherwise healthy person and trying to regain bowel function in someone post abdominal surgery.
Then she has one loose bowel movement and says she's back to the worst diarrhea ever!
Hearing her talk about her pulmonologist appointment is pitiful. Poor JanJan doesn't like doing PFTs. No one does!
No. 481288
>>481279O wait, where's that anon who was a patron of hers until recently? Maybe they know if she reads here? We've had some discussions about that and anon mentioned she sometimes talked about her haters? Did she ever specify who she considered to be her 'haters'?
BTW: I'm pretty confident we'll be able to tell if Jaq would try to change how her scar looked. Besides, she'll have to know exactly how the different phases of healing look, when the scar starts to mature and how it would be different in EDS. On a side note, I wonder if her surgeon adapted his suturing technique to her having EDS. I'm guessing not.
No. 481296
>>481288I'm the Anon that was the patron. I do not know for sure whether or not she reads the things that are said on here. I believe she mentioned specifically people who commented on her videos. She said it was about 15 people who commented on her videos. The thing she did mention is that there were haters who said that she didn't really need her feeding tube.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if she does lurk on here. There has been a thing or two shared on here that she mentioned in one of her past patron parties as things her haters said.
No. 481300
>>481296>>>There has been a thing or two shared on here that she mentioned in one of her past patron parties as things her haters said.Example?
And I noticed in one of her hospital vlogs where she videoed herself venting the g tube that she said - some ppl think I can vent food through the tube but I can't, just air and liquid.
No. 481308
>>481296Interesting. Feel free to share more!
Did she ever adress the magic of her tube how she suddenly couldn't eat anything when it was kinked? Or ever mentioned people thinking her ketamine reactions are fake?
No. 481323
>>481311It depends a little bit on the location of the tube though. If it's high in the stomach, it's pretty much impossible to get much out.
Having said that, we all know that Jaquie purges through her tube. She admits to that herself. She calls it venting, but she means draining which is basically medical purging. Venting would be letting AIR out, but she takes out stomach contents. I think it's already super sketchy that she always seems to call draining 'venting'. If you only need to vent, patients are often instructed to let any fluids that may unintentionally come out go back into the stomach to prevent electrolyte balances and problems with digestion.
So yeah, she purges. We just don't know the extent of it. She could only be letting a little liquid out when she feels sick, or she could be eating ice cream and drinking hot chocolate to purge it after. That we don't know. I find it VERY worrisome that so many doctors in the US not only put feeding tubes in patients that probably don't need them, but also giving them easy access to their stomach so they can purge through their tubes. But it's totally only for relief of those very severe 10/10 symptoms, y'all.
And if they come back months later with dehydration and a very low potassium, their doctors don't seem to make the connection. Sometimes I think that med school in the US have affirmative action for idiots and every class has to have at least two?
No. 481324
>>481308I don't recall if she did or not. There were patron parties where I wasn't there, so it could have definitely have been something she brought up.
She also had some haters come up to her under the guise of them being chronic illness warriors who wanted to know the names of one of her doctors so they could know who would be a good doctor to go to.
In all reality, they wanted to know that information to have an idea where she lives. I'm guessing they revealed what their intentions were. This is why she says she wont reveal who her doctors are.
No. 481333
>>481324I don't really understand how knowing the name of her doctors would give you more information about where she lives than what she already tells us herself? We may no know her adress, but I'm sure people who live close can recognize the dog park and the neighbourhood.
O, for future reference: you are supposed to sage posts that don't directly contribute to the milk, i.e. posts that don't have a screenshot, embedded video or the likes. It prevents your post from bumping the thread to the top. If you write
sage in the email field, that will sage your post.
No. 481356
Jaquie's videos are like watching a home shopping club, with her plugging all of her devices: Infinity pump, tubie pads, AMT tubes, Kates Farm, Vog mask, Canon camera, SmartDrive Max, Tilite Barbie car, RoHo cushion, Sojos dog food, Hanger Clinic AFOs., Hasbro (Trouble game) etc. It's very very hard to believe she isn't getting kickbacks from some of them for her free advertising.
JanJan acts like she is on a psychedelic high with the shit eating ear to ear grin over her diarrhea and cheesing for a diagnosis–any diagnosis PLEASE, so she can up her game since Jaquie is presently winning. It must be so hard being in the shadow of the Master.
No. 481361
>>481323Sage for megfagging, but can agree and concur, most hospitals these days have specific TF protocols for checking what is called "aspirates" on tube feeds for patients who are fed. The nurse is supposed to check to see if the patient is tolerating the feed, and by tolerate, it means, the patient is allowed to retain 500ml in the stomach. Only if there is >500ml, is the feed allowed to be stopped. Also, the 500ml is supposed to be returned, for the exact reason the previous anon posted, electrolyte imbalance.
Most hospitals have an algorithm for >500, return the stomach contensts, stop the feeds, recheck in another hour, and if >500ml again, check with the physician or practitioner. If less than, restart feeds at half the rate. Or a similar protocol. Medfag source: ICU practitioner, consult in many hospitals.
No. 481362
>>481359That's not surprising. He's a cop…
(To sage, put the word "sage" in the email field. You can leave the name blank)
No. 481439
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She's taking a break from vlogging y'all! She could do multiple vlogs per day and social media posts while in the hospital but can't handle it from home. Is it because she doesn't want us to watch how much liquid narcotic she's actually using through her J tooob?
No. 481445
>>481433Her eating habits should be a dead giveaway to anyone with half a brain. I understand people with GI issues just saying fuck it occasionally, but the first day out of a feeding tube surgery?? Are you fucking kidding me??? This bitch could get by on 1400 cals per day easy, maybe even less, she's small and sedentary. There's no way she can't make that, considering what she can eat. If she has any real GI issues they're so minor she should just be eating several small meals and supplementing with Ensure if her cals are low.
My guess is that aside from being the sickest widdle fragile warrior angel, she wants a tube so she can purge without puking. That's why she didn't go for a nose toob first.
No. 481462
>>481433For someone that is so sick, has Autism and SPD, she doesn't look like it. First off, Texas Roadhouse is the WORST place you can go if you have SPD. It's known for being super loud.
And also, for someone with Autism and SPD, and has been in the hospital for 10 days, you would think she would want to go straight home and not leave for the next few days. Everyone with Autism is different, but still.
No. 481528
>>481525It’s so she can push that precious IV Benabuzz if she has an “allergic reaction”.
Also for someone who supposedly has MCAS and HEDS her skin does remarkably well with all that adhesive on it 24/7.
No. 481565
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Jac is at it again in the adult tubies group. Still having pain, is she so shocked to have pain after being cut open?
No. 481585
>>481565Didn't she like…JUST say she didn't expect to need the liquid narcotics in her last vlog? I think this is further evidence that she doesn't actually experience any/much pain on the day to day.
Also, can you give us the gist of the answers she gets? Does anybody tell her off? Question her? Etc?
No. 481713
>>481705That's because he probably has something to offer the world.
And now back to the milk…
No. 481780
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I feel like we should honor the anon who came up with adjustable Jaquie in some way. Along with the one who first wrote the words 'barbie car' and probably a few others.
Interesting comment, this one. I wonder if and how she will react to it, especially the last question. Although it might be interesting to see her responding to the first as well.
No. 481784
You guys! I just went back to see an old video of Janiece on raw feeding. That weird cheesy smile is NO WHERE to be seen. She still is a bit weird and says things like "Jaquie is excited to see me, because I am fabulous" and she was even worse at video editing (time lapse clips without any sound, it comes across as if someone forgot to edit the video) and she doesn't seem very comfortable with filming herself yet, but she is SO different there. It's almost like watching her twin sister. It's not even the fact that she doesn't talk about her health and her bowel movements, it's just that she is almost like a normal person. So weird.
I didn't embed the video because it's not very interesting and I saged because it's an old video and not about health so it's not real milk, but you can check out the link for an example if you're interested: I also still wonder if Janiece even knows what is considered diarrhea and obstipation. Someone mentioned it already, but in yesterdays vlog she said she had 'the worst diarrhea' after she went to the bathroom ONE time. Even if she was shitting pure water, you STILL can't tell how bad it is after you only went one time. I'm guessing she just has some loose stools and not even actual diarrhea, because she would go far more often if that was the case. In previous vlogs she would sometimes report diarrhea and constipation on the same day. Now while it may be possible to have loose stool one time and feel the need to strain the next time you go, constipation is most often defined by having less than three bowel movements in a week. She probably means she was having difficulty evacuating, which is perfectly in line with her diagnosis of rectal dysfunction for which she somehow doesn't want to be treated. She also seems to be obsessed with her bowel movements in general and has said before that someone told her that she needed to go every single day (having a bm two times a day to one every to days is considered normal). I already feel obsessed myself with typing so much about bm's, tbh. But Janiece takes it a few steps further. I suspect that every time she has a bm that is a little bit harder or softer than what she considers normal she calls is constipation or diarrhea. Maybe she also has
actual diarrhea or constipation sometimes, or has had it in the past, but when she went to the bathroom ONE time and already calls it 'the worst of the worst kind of diarrhea' (I don't remember what she said exactly, but she said it was very severe) she is simply not making any sense. We'll talk again when you went eight times in one night, Janiece.
No. 481894
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She hasn't responded to most comments, so I won't post those. Here is the only real thing she said.
No. 481895
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No. 481896
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And this one just for giggles, this person gets it.
No. 481912
>>481780Dammit when I first saw this I thought jaq was the one that asked the questions and was finally trying to find a way outta her munchie hole
No. 481922
>>481896Doesn't seem like they do, tbh. It seems like they think she had a roux en y gastric bypass, while she had a roux en y jejunostomy. Two different procedures, but they are based upon the same technique (roux en y).
The other aswers are kind of interesting. It would definitely be funny to go back and see how often she contradicts herself if you compare it with her vlogs. It's also a bit weird that in her vlogs she makes it out like she is this person who even though she is struggling at times, she is also the example for other people to follow. She even says that she shows everything, the 'good and the bad' because she wants other people to be able to relate and see what it is like to have this kind of surgery. Yet on this boards she is a different person, one who
seeks out others to be able to relate to so she knows what it is like to have this surgery and this kind of tube.
No. 481984
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>>481784She looked so normal before meeting Jaquie
No. 481988
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>>481984She was a pastry chef, right? Seems life a great job for someone with food issues. She was pretty thin until she got married in October 2015.
No. 482002
>>481990So we agree on that, kek.
But basically, when they got married she had a job, took better care of herself and now she is at home all day and pretty much watching netflix and lying in bed? That's just sad. Jaquie at least has her studies, although I doubt if she will ever seriously go through with that and find work. It seems almost more like she just uses it to look even more like a brave warrior who may need 15 years or more to finish yet bravely goes on despite
all of her very serious health issues. But Janiece doesn't seem to have any goals in life. Maybe getting her student loans forgiven, but that seems to be the extent of it.
I wonder what happened. Her ear issues she has had since she was a kid, but as I understand it her POTS and narcolepsy were only diagnosed in recent years. Both are issues that can seriously suck, but are also quite managable for the vast majority of patients. Most people would be able to hold a fulltime job, but she doesn't even work parttime. Nor does she seem to want a job. She doesn't volunteer, she doesn't help her husband out in the family business, she does nothing. I get that if you're having health issues you are not always in a position to find a job that fits your needs, but Janiece isn't even trying. She's not trying to work towards getting better like doing physio for her POTS or trying to find a job she can do sitting down or
even just doing some sort of course or schooling from home or in the evening so she has more options in looking for jobs. Nothing, nada. She has just given up on doing anything productive, it seems. She basically dedictated her life to being a
spoonie and collect more diagnoses.
When her shit problems started she was talking all the time about "that's what chronic illness is like" and it would annoy me SO much because she had no reason at all to assume her problems would be chronic. She had a tummy ache for a week and she already decided she had another chronic illness. That became a self-fulfilling prophecy and even after her surgery and all sorts of tests she still is in bed most of the time. Unless of course she has something fun to do, because then all of a sudden she can be up and around all day.
(Sorry for thinking out loud - I no I'm not really contributing. I just can't get over how she has changed and in so little time.)
No. 482022
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Huh. Apparently chewys also sells the type of socks Jaquie looooooves.
No. 482025
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>>482002A helicopter ride is a weird gift for someone with ear issues (vestibular I'm assuming?) since she was a kid.
No. 482031
>>482023She says 10. I mean
technically if you pull out a calendar or say the days aloud and count on your fingers like a toddler you get 10. She's including the day she got discharged, apparently early enough in the day she went home, got settled, slept 6 hours straight, woke up and still had time in the day to vlog and shove crap in her pie hole.
No. 482033
>>482027Everyone here agrees that they are full of shit.
For non contribution posts like yours, type "sage" in the email field or just read the rules.
No. 482045
>>482036Sorry, I wasn't quite sure what you were saying and thought it was worth letting people know how to sage.
You're absolutely right, they're totally capable of working part time at the very least.
No. 482050
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Look how nasty they both are here. Jaquie is somewhat excused because, surgery but there is zero excuse for Janiece
No. 482062
chooses to spend the bulk of her day, 7 days a week, making videos for YouTube and cross promoting them on instagram and god knows where else. She
chooses to do that in lieu of pursuing a part time job.
Choosing is a far cry from not being able to because you're sooper sick
No. 482063
>>482062I think what janjan means to say when she says she's too sick to work is that she doesn't have the
time for a job because it interferes with her friends and trips and other hobbies (YT)
No. 482072
>>482066Watch that video again and notice her wording. There is no loan that will ever be forgiven BEFORE you submit the paperwork and doctor forms. She is saying her loans were forgiven because she prob talked to someone in the loan dept and said she was sooo sick and couldnt work. They
told her about the loan forgiveness option and Janjan jumped to the conclusion it was just that simple and her loans were, how did she say it, poof gone! Unless Florida is the exception to the rule, ain't NO lender gonna forgive your $30,000 pastry school debt if you just call and tell them you're chronically ill.
No. 482098
>>482094She could pick other things with electrolytes, like coconut water. But you are right. She doesn't
want to get better. She wants asspats and excuses so that she doesn't have to do anything she doens't absolutely want to do.
No. 482105
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Kek love the user name, AJ HR.
No. 482148
>>482072Looks like janjan deletes stuff more than even Jaquie does. The day her vlog about student loans being forgiven was uploaded there were tons of her sheeple thanking her for the info and saying they were gonna do it too. Not trolls but her real fans. But a few people replied to those legit comments and asked her about the whole not having sent in the paperwork yet and cautioned her about giving false hope to other spoonies. Not only are those comments gone but she deleted
almost every other comment ANYONE made referencing student loans at all. Haha ooooops
No. 482159
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Jaqs skinwalker was literally just DYING a couple weeks ago, having a heart attack, and so super malnourished, but now can suddenly return to work???? Something isn’t adding up honey. And it’s pretty insane she has the decency to post it so blatantly.
No. 482174
>>482153>>482125My comment was entirely sardonic. However, dilaudid is highly addictive. Its rush is superior to that of heroin and its high lasts a short time; both qualities contribute to rapidly escalating tolerance, use, and switching to a ROA that has a greater bioavailability.
Sage for former dilaudid addict after having it too liberally prescribed for cancer.
No. 482180
>>482140I think she keeps her port accessed so she can keep dangling those tubes out the front of her V neck shirts, so no one ever dare forget how sick she is.
Also, on the V necks, using her SPD as a reason why she needs to wear those and only those is such bullshit, as evidenced by the crewneck shirts she was wearing in the hospital - when she was getting enough attention due to surgery. Or does Dilaudid magically sure SPD too?
No. 482204
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Was Jaqs going home from the hospital vlog sponsored by Dr Pepper or something? No exaggeration, the last minute or so of the vlog when Judds holding the camera (so Jaq has 2 hands free to shove an Oreo bar in her mouth) went like this:
Judd "I just got a Dr Pepper, I'll turn the label" as he turns to face label to camera. Jaq talks over him to say how much she loves her some ice cream.
Judd "I loooove Dr Pepper. insert friends name here, she loves Dr Pepper"
Jaq giggles and says her friend insert friends name here and Judd bonded over soda
Judd "everybody loves Dr Pepper. It's Dr Pepper. I like Mr Pibb too but Dr Pepper is my favorite. It's my go-to. Anywaaaaaay <lackluster unenthusiastic> thanks for joining us on our adventure."
Kek then he blocks ugly cow face from being in the shot. Judd for the win!
No. 482211
>>482207Kek I was thinking maybe Judd took a little of her sweet liquid pain meds. Wtf was up with the name dropping of the friend randomly? I mean, they must have
really bonded over that Dr Pepper?
No. 482215
>>482210It's the fancy bed they financed. Probably a king with two twins that independently recline/elevate. Expensive ass bed or not, Judd has probably been on a dry spell long before it came about.
No. 482221
>>482215Yeah I was stupid enough to watch that one. Bit if you look at the distance between them it's like another persons worth, makes it look like either they separated the two halves or they both sleep on the edges as far away from each other as possible.
Oh I'm not even sure they will have consumated the marriage to be perfectly honest. Little miss prissy probably has a permenant "headache"
No. 482224
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>>482215Judd and Paul both looked SO over it in their last vlogs. At around 4:05 Judd was opening a juice or sweet tea for Jaq and she was praising him for figuring out she could use a step stool to get up on the sooper high bed. He actually rolled his eyes at her, handed her the drink, then she thanked him and he legit looks so stonefaced and he pretty much ignores her except for a yuppp when she asks if he's going to get food. It was a cringe-worthy encounter. I attached a pic of the look of a man who is thrilled his wife is home from hospital
Paul was just staring off into space while he was driving, probably thinking about the medical shit show his life is about to become. Poor Judd didn't get to watch the munchie slide before he had to live it.
No. 482259
>>482066>>482062Legally, they are both self-employed unless the accounts are exclusively in the boys' names. But, then, if they get any type of benefit because they are
not employed and unable to work (disability benefits, insurance, school loan forgiveness) they could be considered to be committing fraud.
No. 482268
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Re: janjans wishful thinking loan discharge
For the 3 year monitoring period she can't earn income over the poverty limit for a family of 2. Not sure how her being married to Paul would factor in. And she can never get student loans again if she does this, unless she gets medical clearance stating her disabling conditions are no longer disabling, and no matter what happens to her health wise she can't get any future student loans discharged. And the loan amount can in some cases be reported to IRS and considered taxable income. Oh, and the loans stay on your credit until the 3-year monitoring is up. Because until that point they're not technically discharged since any number of actions by you could get them immediately reinstated. I don't see janjan being that commited to the whole chronic illness thing that long term.
No. 482279
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Not really sure how this one got through her obsessive deleting…
No. 482285
>>482281YT has filters you can set and automatically block comments that contain certain words. I've always suspected that's one of the ways Jaq keeps a handle on the growing mountain of negative and trolling comments. Well besides letting her most loyal followers help patrol the comment section. Maybe it's a patreon level perk! Can you
imagine how many words must be on Jaqs no-no list if she uses that YT tool? Kek for her toolbox! And now she'll have to add tranny to the list after she googles it to see what it even means
No. 482414
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>>482279Definitely not even close to this comment, but there were a couple more gems in there
No. 482421
>>482414Anon did you mean to circle the comment
below the one you circled?
No. 482430
>>482159Why does she need Sadie at work? Serious question– what does Sadie do for her that she can't be without during work hours?
Also, she
can walk, so why can't she get a normal desk with normal chair at work and she'd only have to manage to walk from her car to her desk? I understand she may need to get up occasionally during the day to use the bathroom and such, but again, she
can walk, so that should be fine.
No. 482438
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This. Jaquies reasoning for doing open vs lap was that the surgeon wanted more room to work. Well that's why they pump your torso full of gas when they do a lap procedure. She claims to have sooper speshul anatomy but FFS they do this procedure laparoscopically on LITTLE KIDS all the time. And why do little kids usually have cute little pot bellies? Because their organs are more grown up sized than their child sized body so everything is just crammed in there. Yet they can still do lap RNYs. Wonder of wonders
No. 482462
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>>482450Wonder if her fancy new surgical wing of the hospital sprang for da Vinci robots during the remodel? Jaquie's sooper speshul problems and complications are exactly why they came up with the robot. And same goes for robot procedures as regular ol lap– if they have unexpected things happen they remove all the cameras and probes and open you up but open is generally the choice of last resort. Medfagging, source is bf who's been surgical tech for 30+ years
No. 482558
>>482450A surgeon taking in account her EDS would not only have chosen lap over open surgery, but they wouldn't choose a technique that includes an intestinal anastomosis (sewing two parts of intestine together) as these can leak. They can leak more easily in EDS and when that happens it's a potentially life-threatening complication.
Taking into account her EDS (we know she doesn't have it, but she wants everyone to believe she does and that would include her doctors) and if we assume - for the sake of argument - that she really needs a tube, a doctor would first want to find out why her tube kinked. A G-stoma is less invasive than a J-stoma and has less complications, plus she already had a G-stoma in place. They could try different kinds of tubes like a trans-J that would eliminate her stomach access but still enable her to do J-feeds. They could try different kinds of tubes. They could even give her a nasal tube while they tried to pinpoint the problem. But it seems like they didn't really try to find out why the kinks occured (I
really don't buy her "it's my weird anatomy and because I'm tiny" argument) but just went ahead with a second tube. And IF she really needed a straight J-tube, almost ANY other technique is less invasive than the one they did. They literally chose the
most invasive type of J-tube surgery with the highest complication rate. Yes, some other techniques are only suitable for smaller (as in: thinner) tubes so they could kink or clog more easily, but those are
minor complications compared to the more
major the RNY technique is associated with. If she really did her research, she would know this. And I'm not even talking about the fact that she doesn't NEED a tube. She has somehow surrounded herself with doctors who will go for the
most invasive treatment choice (saline infusions for POTS, a port vs picc lines or other central lines, placing a GJ-tube before a nasal tube or even a dietician referral, IV meds instead of oral or oromucosal, IVIG, Ketamine, sedation for simple joint injections, the joint injections themselves, a wheelchair vs rehab or even normal physio, a custom chair instead of a normal folding wheelchair for incidental use, all sorts of braces, and now the RNY jejunostomy) every. single. time. Combine that with her claim of immunodysfunction, EDS, POTS, MCAS and whatever I'm forgetting now that can influence the complication risk of sedation, surgery and other treatments (and
inactivity due to wheelchair use!) and it seems like all of her doctors are just really stupid.
And to be real: it's very possible that they are. But that's not because there are so many bad doctors out there, that's because our princess somehow
finds them. She probably asks other spoonies which doctors are inclined to do certain treatments, just like she did with her saline infusions. Remember how she doctor shopped for months until she found one who would prescribe them to her? And then he dumped her ass because he wasn't comfortable with it and she had to find another one? Both of these doctors she went to because other patients had recommended them as being "infusion literate".
No. 482561
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Comment form her most recent video. She said she didn't need the 'liquid narcotic', right?
I must say that I haven't noticed it myself, but it's hard to tell because she alternates her contacts with glasses.
That Tranny-comment about Judd is still there, though. So she definitely hasn't had time to patrol the comment section yet.
No. 482567
>>482566You forgot the video.
I haven't seen it yet, but my guess is she waited for her brother to show up to go to the ER. He was the sensitive and worried one, wasn't he?
No. 482569
>>482567Oops, sorry my bad.
Part watching it. She’s watching Frozen and has her husband sleeping with her cause basically,she’s a massive baby.
No. 482573
>>482571I watched and I’m sad because that’s 12 minutes of my life that I am not getting back.
Basically, she’s back in the hospital for having the shits….again! 2 normal colonoscopies and pill cam also showed a normal colon. What a waste.
No. 482575
>>482571I was trying to determine if I could see wether the hand issue was fake, but I couldn't decide. Plus she would have to know she was hypokalemic first to fake those symptoms, right? I'm not sure. They
could be real.
Her stroke symptoms though magically disappeared as soon as they started testing her. Just like her very serious heart issue went away by itself last time she had a
very serious health crisis and had to be rushed to hospital. Both times there was another seemingly unrelated symptom that landed her in hospital, and both times they ended up focusing on her GI problems. Hm.. are we seeing a pattern here?
No. 482587
>>482581I agree she must be vomiting as well to have really severe hypokalemia. I'm just not sure if she would be able to fake a symptom before diagnosis. Unless of course she is actively purging and knows what that can lead to.
Although.. I just remembered they said her ECG was normal. So how severe can hypokalemia be with a normal ECG? Any med/nursefags who know this?
No. 482613
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>>482597Jan has the best teacher, so I’m not shocked if Jan is being fed tips on how to munch it up.
However, we all know Jan is a fucktard and will screw up somewhere soon to tip her doctors off that she’s just another ED bitch trying to hide it as “GI issues” and/or gastroparesis with symptoms brought on by purging, abusing her BFF Fleet Enema and his friend, laxatives. Plus, the use of the inhalers to help get that potassium a little lower. Who knows, maybe she’ll get lucky and get a toob, too! Twinning, y’all! Probably after being found it by her own doctors and hospitals though. Never fear, I’m sure Jaq will loan JanJan her little black book.
Both of these bitches need to quit wasting the hospitals’ resources, diagnostic equipment and physicians, and all of the nurses and other staff’s time.
Oh, and her potassium can’t be too low — they only gave her the liquid to drink and want her to eat some bananas. And as anon said, normal EKG. My guess is she was just low end of normal because Paul never said exactly how low. You know if it was critical, they would have made sure that we know JUST how critical she really is! I guess telling us she’s on the stroke floor probably gives Jan a little belly twinge. She’s just that sick with all of her chronic illnesses, gag. Although it would have been fun to see her writhe in pain if they would have been low enough to do IV potassium kek. That bitch would have felt real pain for the first time ever if she had to get it in a peripheral line… yeah, there’s lido but it would still be really painful for Princess JanJan.
Question: when did Jan get her official POTS diagnosis? It was just like one day it showed up in her hashtags unless I missed her announcing her doctor diagnosed her. Which is possible because her vlogs were really horrific to sit through at first… well they still are, but a little more tolerable to look for milk now.
No. 482642
Now that I’m thinking more about the claw hands… everything I’ve read so far about people that have had critical potassium levels says that they feel the same symptoms in their feet. For many, the foot neuropathy-type discomfort is the first noticed symptoms. JanJan and Paul didn’t even hint there was any foot numbness. They also didn’t have pain in their hands… just numbness and tingling. Jan has said her hands are also hurting her. Very much pain.
Another hypokalemia symptom is chest discomfort because you know… it affects muscles… and isn’t the heart one of, if not, the largest muscle we humans have?
And I just read that if you have POTS, hypokalemia makes POTS symptoms worse - High BP and high heart rate. And now that I think about it, Jan nor Paul didn’t even mention those symptoms or that it was affecting her POTS. She seemed more interested in making sure her claws looked real and that she expressed how much pain they were causing. To me it’s just strange that neither mentioned POTS once.
And on that same note, does anyone know if JanJan is on any POTS meds like fludrocortisone aka Florinef? Apparently that specific medication for POTS causes potassium dumping. Now it’s bothering me and I may try to watch early episodes again to see if she alludes to how she was diagnosed, when and by which doctor. Which means I am going to have to watch her painful “All about my chronic illnesses” video that is sooo bad.
Maybe she saw how much fun dilaudid was for her bestie and her very unique case of hypokalemia (she said it, not me kek) causes severe pain, too.
Or did Jan get bitter seeing all of the attention Jaq was getting and wants the spotlight back onto herself. Oh well, this should at least be entertaining for the time being since our Queen is taking a break for some quality healing time and/ER trips for her mega dilaudid withdrawals.
These snarky bitches just get more pathetic as their web of lies just grows bigger and bigger and starts sucking more and more attention seeking girls in. Like SWF, Amy, and the likes… Jaq’s Patreon account is basically just private school for OTT malingering bitches and munchers to learn from the finest one around. The Patron Parties that anon described is just how I pictured it… Jaq’s Little Cult.
No. 482662
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Janjan needs a psych consult. I hope they included it in her extra speshul workup
No. 482667
>>482662I don't think se has hypochondria. Patients with hypochondria don't
want to be sick, but are convinced they
are. Though I it might be a factor (she seems obsessed with certain bodily functions that need not be named any more than they already are by Janiece herself) I think it's mainly factitious disorder. Probably with some eating disordered behavior as well. And maybe a malingering component, as there seem to be external incentives as well: not having to work, student loans forgiveness, Patreon/YT money. Hypochondriacs aren't gleeful over their symptoms and diagnoses, they are more - in more ways than one - worried sick.
No. 482699
>>482680I also think he said that because it's quite hard to explain things like hyperacusis or just hypersensitivity to sounds (and things like misophonia or recruitment) because most people who do not have any kind of sensitivity to sounds find it very hard to understand how a simple sounds could drive someone mad.
I do however think that the sedation was OTT. Janiece has said in the past that with wearing the cotton ball in her ear she hears sounds the same in her affected ear as in her other ear. If that is really the case, her hyperacusis can't be very bad. Although with her mention of it hurting with certain frequencies together with her hearing loss, it could very well be that she does not have hyperacusis, but recruitment instead. (See if you're interested in an explanation of the difference between the two.)
And didn't Janiece say she needed HOURS to wake up after any kind of sedation and it was so bad for her because it makes her narcolepsy go out of control? She sure was sitting up soon after this one. Even if we take in account the fact that they likely did not use a very high dose (because she could still remember it being loud) imo.
Her POOR brother though! He comes over to visit his sister whom he hasn't seen in ages and gets dragged to the hospital on his first day with her. That's just mean. Now of course we don't have definite proof of her faking this specific problem. But if you take it together with her last admission which also started with another seemingly unrelated problem that disappeared as soon as they got there (and was basically a front to see her GI and force him to give her more attention) and the fact that she was told yesterday to go the the ER but
refused, I'm pretty confident to say it was a set plan. She may also have some real issues going on, but the timing is all her doing. And remember how last time she went to the hospital after her GI didn't see a need to see her faster? She was pissed this week because she couldn't see her GI and had to see the nurse. Although she seemed quite happy with that nurse at first, I think she's still pissed that he didn't think it necessairy for him to be there during her appointment and she is basically forcing his hand -
again - to see her faster. AGAIN with a seemingly unrelated problem and AGAIN just after her GI refused to see her. And AGAIN she has them focus on her GI problems (because of the hypokalemia) after she went in with another problem (probable stroke) alltogether. HOW do they not see this?
One thing though: that hospital isn't build right if they have their mail tubes for lab work just over a patient room. That shit would drive most people crazy. So she does have
one valid complaint at last, kek.
No. 482820
>>482571She is on Symbicort now instead of Dulera. Both are combination inhalers containing a corticosteroid plus the bronchodilator formoterol fumarate dihydrate. Both come in varying strengths.
The second inhaler is ProAir (albuterol sulfate).
She should not be in possession of her own meds. They are supposed to be held by the pharmacy and administered and recorded by nurses.
No. 482825
>>482822Based on Jan claiming that Jaq bullied her into coming to the hospital even though she wasn't feeling well, I can imagine we might see Jaq visiting Jan and then it'll really be a shitshow.
Also, Jan claims that when Jaq was admitted, Jaq's pulmonary specialist checked her out since she happened to be in the room and coughing. Is that even a thing? Is that ethical?
Paul asked Jan's brother "how [he] thinks of the hospital care" which seems like a very strange question. Jan's brother seems uninterested in the vlogging business.
No. 482835
>>482820symbicort is no big deal, and can help with air hunger. It's been shown to boost PFT's in patients without asthma, but present like asthma. Hope she's rinsing her mouth after using it, or her teeth will be messed up.
>>482777I was wondering about that too. Was anyone watching her hands super closely to see if the "claw" changed from clip to clip? I thought I saw the right hand change but I'm not sure
No. 482933
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>>482835These few seconds caught my eye
No. 482954
>>482933Is she even hooked up to fluids in the clips from the second day? Because it looks like she still has the cannula in, but it's not connected to anything. I don't see any IV bags as well. Did I miss it? Because if she's not hooked up, that would pretty much proof she isn't dehydrated as she states. If she
really has anything 'going right through her' and has horrible diarrhea every time she eats or drinks something, they
would hook her up to fluids.
No. 482967
>>482954Doesn't look like they're monitoring her heart or blood pressure anymore either. Yeah the hospital must be
real worried about her kek
No. 482989
>>482954For needing to go to PT to strengthen her pooping muscles she has remarkable diarrhea control in being able to keep it confined to the bathroom. She's already overshared that she shit her pants a few weeks back. Hard to imagine with weak anal control and such bad diarrhea that even a few bites of food makes her almost immediately have to let out the worst diarrhea ever yet she can get to the bathroom okay and looks remarkably relaxed and comfortable.
As other anons pointed out, who's editing the vlog? Claw hands? And who's wiping her poopy butt every time she shits? And how
did she wake up so fast from the sedation after the MRI when she has said in the past it takes her hours and hours? Props though, she finally got mommy to brush widdle sickies hair in the hospital instead of just trying to pray the sick away. God, her poor brother.
No. 483033
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Kek her patreon has at least 3 different levels where you get a Skype session with her (top level you get 2) but every level also says "and all previous rewards!" So does that mean for $60 a month you get to Skype her FOUR times a month plus all the weekly emails and personalized raw diet crap? Her shit makes NO sense.
No. 483100
>>482899She might've held them there past when they were actually stuck for the video op, that wouldn't surprise me, but it probably did actually happen.
I've never been to pastry school but I've decorated cakes a lot with pastry bags so I know what you mean. The thing is the "claw hand" thing DOES draw your thumb towards your palm or index finger. The more you try to open it the more it will go back. It happens frequently to me and my blood work has never even shown low potassium nor do I have an ED.
I suspect Jan has an ED which is why i dug up old pictures of her and I think they support that. Purging would obviously fuck up her electrolytes very quickly especially since she's probably purging out both ends.
Unless she was throwing up or shitting uncontrollably every single liquid she should've treated it at home. I think she caused this herself and got scared when her hands got stuck because she wasn't expecting that.
I could be totally off but idk
No. 483250
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This comment! (Top one obvs)
No. 483297
>>482810Unless she is just taking a break from youtube and not from recording every second of her life. Extra days give her more time to edit shit out extra carefully. Especially since the number of people questioning her shit has climbed with her hospital stay. Just a thought.
No. 483427
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She lost two patrons today. She had been at 196. I realize it's not a huge decline but it has been quite a while since she's been able to break the 200 mark. And the numbers aren't climbing. I hope it's because people are starting to see through the b.s.
She did post last night on Patreon that she's still resting. I think she's laying low and only exposing herself to the people least likely to call her out or criticize her.
No. 483517
>>483508Anon, congrats on the
formerly part of your post! Can you tell us anything about what made you a former Jaq friend without un-anon-ing yourself?
No. 483523
>>483446Anon, can you clarify
what you stopped? You didn't reference any specific post and there's quite a few subjects flying around here since our girls Jaq and Jan are so popular these days
No. 483551
>>483548I'm sorry anon, that had to be frustrating and insulting and a whole range of other emotions. It takes a special kind of fucked up to lie about stuff that is so serious and life altering for people actually dealing with it. Not to mention each person that gets caught faking just makes it that much harder for people
actually dealing with invisible (and visible!) illnesses
No. 483571
>>483553Jaq is doing a lot of damage to a LOT of people. Hearing first hand experiences from people she's directly related to is going to be very helpful in helping us all put the pieces together. You definitely shouldn't have to expose yourself and I understand you're in a really tough spot here. But thank you for coming here and thank you for anything you can share. It's not easy knowing what to do but you don't have a lot of options with her being so high profile and so highly regarded by that many people. I really can't imagine your frustrations honestly. It's about fucking time Jaq had a wake up call and saw how her actions are effecting people, especially people who used to be close.
I can't speak for everyone here obviously but anon you've got my support and I hope that by opening up about some of this stuff, you're able to start getting over all this bullshit she's put you through.
No. 483608
>>483594And also make people feel like shit because jaq has
so many things wrong but she gets so much accomplished (cleaning, social life, y'know–the things usually first to go when you're sick but not magic Jaq) and powers through her bad days. I watched a handful of vlogs before I saw lots of red flags but in that short time she had already made me feel like I just needed to suck it up and try harder. I've since realized I'm tougher than that bitch can ever even DREAM of being. All of us here that saw through her bullshit are. Jaquie is a pathetic human being.
No. 483637
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Not saging, ban me if you must.
For anyone struggling. You are not alone.
No. 483653
>>483608I hope this is okay for me to say. But one thing that I don't like is that she shows people that if you have Autism, the world is supposed to cater to you. And that is a really unhealthy attitude to have.
There are probably Autistic teenagers who look up to her, and are absorbing all of these things from her.
Say something that's offensive? You don't need to apologize. Just be like Jaquie. Don't acknowledge it.
Need to go shopping? You don't need to develop a plan to get through shopping with the least sensory overload as possible. Just be like Jaquie. Just get an employee to drop everything that they're doing to help you.
Walking through a parking lot? You don't need to look before you walk. Be like Jaquie. Just have a loved one with you at all times, and it's their job to pull you away from incoming traffic. Because you don't have spatial awareness.
No. 483657
>>483637Thank you. You don't know how much that just helped me.
I'll delete this post soon. Sorry for clogging the thread.
No. 483685
>>483623Anon I would recommend the book 'playing sick' by dr. Feldman. He specializes in factitious disorder/munchausen and in this book he describes not only the psychological basis for factititous disorder but there are also chapters about carers or other people close to them.
I'm sorry if this is too much self-blogging, but I am close to someone with factitious disorder in real life and it has helped me. You could even try and contact him through his site or ask if they can maybe put you into contact you can talk to. Just an idea.
Besides that, you are always welcome to read and post here. Just carefully consider if you want to risk outing yourself. I hope you find a way to heal from all of this.
No. 483709
>>483701One of
my main worries is always that when you're struggling to eat (wether it is due to GP, or IBD, or another problem alltogether) a feeding tube may seem like the easy way out. Finding a diet that works when you have GI issues can be HARD work. And when you are so underweight that you just
need to have a tube
temporarily to get your strenght back, and you are watching her vlogs, it might seem like the logical next step to get a permanent tube instead of slowly incorporating more normal food into your diet and at the same time decreasing the tube feedings. And I am sure that goes for a lot of her other problems as well. A port, a wheelchair, ketamine injections.. I'd like her see do rehab, PT, those therapies that are recommended
in the real world for EDS, POTS and pain issues in general and take time and effort to do. Because THAT is what normal people get and do, while Jaquie makes it seem like chronic illness means you get a new pink toy every other week.
No. 483713
>>483660>>483667I didn't delete the post because you're right. Maybe someone will see it and feel the urge to get help as well if they feel the urge.
I don't want to derail, but I've been dealing with depression for a few years now, I've been crying for the past 4 hours and wondering if my life was worth living. I came onto this board just to try to take my mind off things, and
>>483637 was the first post I saw by coincidence. I called and talked with them. It gave me some sort of hope, and reading both of your posts helped me as well. I never thought my source of comfort and solice would come from a few posts on an image board. Thank you, everyone.
Sorry for derailing. Maybe someone else will feel a little better tonight as well.
No. 483776
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Was looking to see if she was losing subs.. Okay so how has she already had a livestream on 1-28 with 2700 views when it's 3:40am in Florida?!
No. 483787
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In this vlog she talks about starting to keep her port accessed 24/7, and about getting IV benadryl but makes sure to explain and justify why they prescribed it.. then coincidentally has an allergic reaction at target. More justifying about how it's supposed to be pushed over like 3-6 minutes but at the hospital they do it fast so we will too This video is full of so many red flags and contradictions I wish it was the first one I ever saw and I would never have watched anymore.
No. 483788
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And this was in the comments from the same allergic reaction in target vlog. She hadn't even been doing YouTube that long when she applied to have ads run on her channel. In typical Jaquie fashion, she "only did it at the prompting of" her friend. Y'all, I just want to spread awareness, I didn't even know you could make moolah with the vee-logs til my friend made me do it. I swear
No. 483796
>>483787Honestly, the contradictions are why I can't stop watching.
This is all probably old news, but Jan has instagram…@janiece_life
Are her hands working again? Her insta suggests that they are, based on camera shots.
No. 483806
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January 1-14 subscribers.
What happened on January 12?? She lost 25 subscribers.
No. 483814
>>483787Wow…the timing of learning to push iv Benadryl and her reaction in Target is amazing! And, she even discusses potential allergic reactions in the opening! How wonderful that her opening coordinated so well with the daily vlog!
But…wait…the fan replacement fan discussion happened so quickly. Did Judd say, "tinnitus?" And then Jaquie says,"Lots of guns going off in his ears."
Is she implying that Judd has PTSD and that the fan noise helps calm it?
I guess there's no need to help people understand
that. No. 483843
>>483814>>Is she implying that Judd has PTSD and that the fan noise helps calm it? Is that in the 'allergic reaction in Target' vlog? If so, around what time? I don't really want to watch the entire vlog if I don't have to..
I'm currently going through Janieces and Orions IG from the beginning. It's not even close to being only half as interesting as Jaquies, mainly because Janiece doesn't post very often. On her personal IG she most of the time posts only a few times a month. Though there are periods when she posted almost daily at Orion's account, she doesn't go into her illnesses
that much. I have been able to pinpoint when she got her POTS diagnosis though and there is some interesting progression to be seen. Just be patient because I've got other things to do as well (thank goodness).
Just so you know. It's won't be very interesting, but it does give us an impression.
Anyone care to bet on todays vlog(s)? Will Janiece still be in the hospital? And will Jaquie be able to keep of the internet and her instant online ass pats? I guess we'll see!
No. 483871
>>483814I think they meant Judd has tinnitus and therefore he hears constant high pitched noise, things like fans can aggrivate that. Equally having background noise like a fan at night can distract from the tinnitus and allow you to sleep.
It isn't the same as PTSD or a mental illness.
No. 483896
>>483880She's having GI issues and is eating
bacon. That seems like one of the worst things she could eat. Also note that afer her tray is shifted to the side and she finished eating the bananas were still there.
She'll love the idea of a central line, probably. But I think she als is afraid it'll hurt. I find it REALLY hard to believe her diarrhea is so bad. I mean come on, going to the bathroom 30 minutes after you ate something? Normally it wouldn't even have left the stomach by then. And a pillcam about a week ago was almost normal and didn't show an abnormally fast digestion. Plus they're giving her food and think she can raise her potassium by eating bananas. If everything goes straight through her and the doctors/nurses
observed this, they would have her npo or on a liquid diet, and they certainly wouldn't rely on the oral route for raising her potassium.
I wonder how this'll play out. Maybe something IS going on with her GI-wise, but even if that is the case she is still the one making it worse by refusing to eat. The very fact that she could eat during her last hospital stay and pretty much stopped eating as soon as she was home, is proof of this. She even vlogged about missing the hospital food. And now she is eating
bacon? Yeah right. They should give her some fluids, make sure she is stable, prescribe metamucil, and refer her to a dietician and psychiatrist first. I
really hope they will at least have an eating disorder in the differential diagnosis, because even IF she has some obscure GI problem that somehow doesn't show up on tests, it is looking more and more that her main problem is psychological.
No. 483901
>>483896Kek but it's prob
turkey bacon so it's okay. One of Jan's commenters pointed out something called dumping syndrome that can happen after gallbladder removal. I'm looking it up now.
No. 483902
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From JanJans IG story
No. 483905
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No. 483907
File: 1517155222986.png (174.02 KB, 640x1078, IMG_4188.PNG)

Okay found nothing saying specifically gallbladder removal can cause. But ironically JAQUIE'S surgery can cause it. Maybe they were cuddled up in Jaqs hospital bed studying medical books together and they're having a bff amazing race to the diagnosis
No. 483912
>>483901Early dumping could cause diarrhea and I
think doesn't have the typical sweating/palpitations/nausea/etc. symptoms most associated with dumping? My memory could be off, but I think those occur mostly in late dumping. It is quite rare in people who did not have a stomach operation though. And of course Janiece keeps insisting it has
nothing to do with her gallbladder surgery.
No. 483916
>>483903But who wants to eat bananas when there's bacon? Just like who wants to drink that nasty Gatorade (or anything else w/ electrolytes) at home when it's soooo much more fun to be a sloth in the hospital and ruining your brothers visit and getting all the extra asspats because Jaqs fans need
someone to focus their worry on
No. 483931
>>483896Would she agree to see a psychiatrist? She won't even go to the butthole PT for the constipation that's (allegedly) so bad it has taken over her life. She'd just make a big stink about the doctors being terrible and 'advocate' for herself by doctor shopping her way into a diagnosis she prefers.
What do people think about Paul in all this? Does he really think she's ill? Is he just indulging her by going along with all this?
No. 483934
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Hard to see on this, but this was a boomerang of her petting the dog. Her fingers all wiggle. So her claw hands reverted 13 hours ago.
No. 483941
>>483931I don't think she would. I think she really
needs to, even if her GI issues turn out to have a somatic cause. She is clearly letting her illnesses taking over her life and she needs to adress this. I truly think she CAN be saved, if she would address her psych issues SOON. Unlike Jaquie, whom I think is already down the rabbit hole too far. (I mean, it
can be done, but in Jaquies case she would have to admit she was lying about a lot of her stuff. For Janiece there is still a way to get out of this AND save face.)
As to Paul: I
really don't know. At first he seemed the most down-to-earth of the four of them. Then he decided to be an advocate for his wife and wanted in on that whole Patreon shit and now he just seems to enjoy being his wife's hero. Not only does he go along with it, he explains stuff for her to her viewers, he advocates for her, etc. So I don't know. If they would want her to see a psychiatrist and have a good case for it, I think with Paul it could go either way. He could go full on advocate and tell them to fuck off and find another doctor, OR he could be the voice of reason and tell Janiece that they have to do
everything that can possibly help her, including a psychiatric evaluation. I honestly don't know which one is more likely at this point.
No. 483944
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So the reason they went to hospital was that Janiece had a drooped face and was slurring her words.
But.. how could they tell?
No. 483954
File: 1517158622072.jpeg (79.05 KB, 750x411, 82D9E00E-475B-49DF-B039-9EE2A2…)

For those of you wondering if AJ can stay offline during her recovery period - the answer is no. This popped up in one of the MCAS groups I’m a part of. The funny thing about these groups is that I’ve noticed really MCAS patients rarely ask “can I react to BLANK” because the definition of MCAS is being able to react to EVERYTHING. Plus she’s symptom digging to figure out what a bad reaction would look like because it’s impossible to find info about CBD oil through a google search.
No. 483985
>>483973I don't think that's your speaker, actually..
>>Is it possible Janiece's issues are somatic with the drop in potassium, etc., a result of the GI issues? The potassium drop is obviously a somatic symptom. The underlying cause however, be it restriction or other ED behavior, could very well be psychological. Even diarrhea can have a psychogenic cause or component.
The focus on a diagnosis is odd, but it is common in the 'spoonie community'. It seems like every symptom demands a diagnosis and when they get a diagnosis they are happy because they now have their 'answers'. In reality a large percentage of patients will NEVER get a diagnosis for their issues, especially when those issues are chronic pain and/or GI issues. That's just the reality. It doesn't even have to mean that it's psychogenic, it's just that not every pain can be clearly explained. Janiece is SO focused on having a diagnosis first, that she forgot she also needed to manage her symptoms right now. She should have been hydrating, taking a supplement that binds stool (like metamucil) and finding a diet that works for her. Instead she just refused to eat because it made her tummy hurt and demanded she be seen by her GI right now because she couldn't wait longer. But the reason she couldn't wait was because she was not managing her symptoms. She didn't focus on functioning better, but on getting her diagnosis.
No. 483988
>>483977Oh for ffs, I guess I didn't understand that's how medical diagnoses work. Everyone with a truly debilitating issue, just reject it right now and get a better diagnosis. You can do it. Be a warrior! Self-advocate!
I'm also confused about the inflammation in her small bowel. Wouldn't they biopsy it to test for Chron's? (Not completely clear on how that works, but I thought if the surgeon "saw" what looks like Chron's, they take a biopsy and the lab says yes or no.)
No. 483991
>>483954For someone who posted earlier in the year she was categorically against medical marijuana, that's a a slippery slope. Just sayin' I know it's not exactly the same,..
Also interesting that her "doctor" mentioned it…the same one hitting her up with the speshul K every month. Does she really expect people to believe her suit any more? Really AJ?! But the question will be…will she order it, go drive to pick it up herself or expect law abiding Judd to go buy it for her? I'm sure there are laws that prevent him from doing that. Even if SHE has some sort of prescription herself. Any medfag /law flags care to weigh in?
No. 484009
>>483993>>483988Ah, you're right about the pill cam finding the inflammation.
Her report of her GYN visit made it sound like the GYN was certain she is a candidate for endo testing. Endo can go without diagnosis
for years because people think they have GI issues.
No. 484020
>>483991>>483954CBD oil is totally legal in all 50 states. Some states require purchasers to be at least 18 years old, so Judd could buy it without any repercussions to his job.
I saw a big display of CBD oil at a gas station in Massachusetts in the form of oil, chewing gum, mints (I think), slips (like those Listerine breath strips). That's where I first saw it.
I asked the clerk about it. He said he found it helpful, "When, uh, when, uh, you're, uh, trying to withdraw from…uh…other stuff." I didn't ask him about "other stuff." I was afraid he'd have a panic attack.
I didn't buy any.
No. 484026
>>484009That's true about endo, but Janiece has never said ANYTHING about menstrual pains or even her GI issues having a cyclical pattern. Plus although endo could explain the bloating and stomach pain, the nausea and not being able to eat would be very atypical for an endo case. So I'm not really buying it. In fact I think that with the way she is going she is at risk for a misdiagnosis. If they would find endometriosis during a lap for example, it could be completely coincidental. It's true that endo can be very painful, but also true that sometimes women can have even severe endo and never even notice. Sometimes it is discovered only when they are having trouble conceiving and of course sometimes they have no trouble conceiving at all. With endo it's more the location that determines wether it causes symptoms or not than the severity. The same goes for the pillcam find, that could also be coincidental. As she keeps pushing for more tests, she keeps putting herself at risk for both iatrogenic damage and misdiagnosis (which can lead to even more damage). She doesn't seem to realize this, because she
wants them to find something. Maybe because she actually IS in pain (that's very possible imo, though I also think she is hugely exaggerating it and/or has a very low tolerance for pain) and maybe because she desperately wants to be sick. Possibly both.
No. 484053
Isn't it a little odd that Janiece landed in the hospital just a couple of days after she talked about her school loan forgiveness? I'm suspicious that she is looking for a documented complication/illness that would qualify her as disabled for her loan forgiveness situation. Her only chronic illness claims are vestibular migraines (when has she vlogged complaints of migraines?), Narcolepsy for which she has been stable–yes, symptomatic, but medically stable, and POTS, which can also be stabilized and/or prevented (medication,TED hose, fluid/electrolyte intake, monitoring climate exposure, etc). None of these are CRITICAL illnesses, even though they might be considered chronic. Not chronically ILL, just chronic fully treatable conditions, not disabling at all. Her GI symptoms of constipation/diarrhea are just that—symptoms—not a chronic illness. Probably chronic laxative abuse, since she has electrolyte issues and seems very concerned with the contipation side of things. A little bogus since she is just getting saline infusions with NO other electrolytes in the infusion bag. And she certainly would be on continuous telemetry if her labs were that off, because severe electrolyte imbalances cause heart arrhythmias.
On the other hand, she just witnessed Jaq getting lots of attention and emotional rewards for her extended hospital stay, so maybe that is her game. She doesn't want her brother's visit to rob her of attention. Props to her religious mother, who must have prayed the claw hands, because she looks cured!
No. 484064
>>484020You are completely right about it being legal.
What I don't get, is, if she is sooooper allergic to plants why would she even consider it? Clearly I am no chemist and could very well be missing something. But I do know people who are allergic to pot, so it's possible. Plus side effects say drop in blood pressure and lightheadedness can occur. So wouldn't that be bad for our delicate little AJ?
No. 484073
>>484064If she had any brains she would be willing to try it because those are pretty minor side effects if you consider what all the pharmaceuticals are doing to her organs. She won't stay a munchie for long at the rate she's going because she'll develop
actual, serious problems. Her beloved toradol is a disaster waiting to happen, ESPECIALLY with the high risk of GI bleeds.
No. 484081
>>483991CBD oil derived from hemp without any thc is easily bought online. It doesn't have anyone psychoactive effects and it's of questionable legality. Or course, depending on where you buy it it will be of queationable legitimacy as well.
I'm not sure how Florida medical marijuana laws are. If you want the good stuff with THC/CBD you can be "recommended" for it in my state, then apply for card. When you apply for the card you can name a caregiver who will get a caregiver card and can buy it for you. I think most states are similar.
I can't imagine Judd being as risk in his job over this.
No. 484086
>>484053YT is a job. And as anon pointed out with Jan's patreon obligations, that is potentially ALOT of work that she obviously felt confident she could do on a regular and consistent basis, because she took money from strangers under the agreement she would provide the promised services. Generally the way being disabled works in the eyes of social security, student loan vendors and such is that you have to NOT be able to do activities of daily living (dressing, showering, cooking, etc) to be considered disabled. Jan is confused and seems to think having a
disability is the same as being
disabled. Not even close. I doubt Jaq would even qualify if she tried because despite her numerous sooper serious conditions she has no trouble cooking, cleaning, shopping, getting dressed, administering her own meds, competing pretty high level executive function shit, keeping track of meds, port changes etc AND running 2 instas, a daily vlog channel that she films and edits with no help from anyone, AND managing all her patreon obligations. Oh, and can't forget all her various medical appointments and tests and surgeries. No FUCKING WAY is either of these girls even close to disabled.
No. 484092
>>484085Yes there is a difference. Jaq isn't employed at all though, much less by the federal government, so no problem.
When I got my med marijuana card one of the stipulations was that it couldn't crud state lines due to it being illegal federally.
No. 484093
>>484082About her patreon, the openings she has left don't
seem like a lot of work but anon added up how many Skype sessions, emails etc she would be on the hook for (in addition to however many patrons she already has that get weekly emails and monthly skypes) and it was ALOT
No. 484094
>>484088I know, but I wondered if there was a difference and somehow law enforcement officers were held to federal laws in some way.
I have no idea, as I said I'm not from the US. I just wondered if it being legal in the state you live in is always the extend of it. But you're probably right that it doesn't matter because he is not employed by the federal government.
No. 484098
>>484080Anon, geeeeezus get with the program, Jaquie DOES NOT HAVE ANY MENTAL ILLNESSES
No. 484107
>>484101Jan is 100% wrong. Now, is she stupid? Yes. Did she
intentionally give out horrifically wrong info? Mayyyybe. Prob not. She talked to her student loan company and found out it was possible, if you are unable to work due to illness, to have your loans forgiven. Because she's fucking crazy, she interpreted that it was
possible as it was
for sure going to happen because she thinks her seemingly minor chronic illnesses are the end of her working career. Except everyone keeps fucking forgetting that YouTube is their JOB. They have JOBS, both Jaq and Jan. Anyway, if you rewatch the student loan part of that vlog you can see how it's just wishful thinking. No loan on earth would EVER be forgiven before you even submit the application to have it forgiven.
No. 484128
>>484123And it's interesting she isn't worried and overly paranoid or cautious about any of the new and random meds she got in the hospital. Did she research her stool softener? Go on message boards and quiz people if they reacted to Senna? She seems to not even know that a lot of MCAS and allergic reactions in general aren't to the actual medication but the fillers or binding agents used in it. Classic AJ picking and choosing what she
thinks is normal behavior for each of her maladies
No. 484157
>>484128Allergens are lurking in all kinds of weird unexpected places. A compound often made from basil is commonly used in root canals but why on earth would anyone know that unless they had a basil allergy and researched all the places it's found. Jaq should prob do more research about her MCAS and common allergic reactions to half the pharmas she's on that have fillers commonly reacted to. Plus you'd think she'd want to find meds that have the
least risks,
least side effects, and help with the
most symptoms so as to lessen the risks of reacting to something. If you're allergic to everything taking 2 drugs instead of 15 seems like a no brainer. Risk mitigation.
No. 484166
>>484159Kek I hope she gets a DUI
I always wonder if she secretly has a record whenever she talks about how she can't see specialists outside Florida because she's too "ill" to leave the state. Apparently she's never heard of traveling partway one day and the rest of the way the next?! Or does her ankle monitor give her anaphylaxis once across Florida state lines
No. 484177
>>483764Sorry forgot to reference what I was talking about
Sage for I'm an idiot
No. 484199
>>483954Kek anyone think she's so dumb she doesn't realize CBD can come from
gasp marijuana? That would be hilarious if she thought it was just another rando pharmaceutical
No. 484212
File: 1517172400872.jpeg (246.42 KB, 750x1334, 635527FB-D959-40C8-8A9E-18C5FF…)

anon posted Janjans personal insta, these are the comments from a picture of her eating a GIANT slice of pizza, notice how she comments she has had it multiple times before
Someone speculated that she could be eating a crappier diet now to make any current illnesses worse but this is proof she has had longstanding issue with head fatty gp unfriendly foods, and this is long before feigning all this illnesses she has now! She has many contradicting pictures on this and yet she chooses to not private it? Doesn’t she expect her raw lifers to go looking? Anyway worth a look
No. 484214
File: 1517172515742.jpeg (284.31 KB, 750x1101, A79E0A35-CE16-4F74-B29A-2EC450…)

Here’s the photo she brags about eating it all, what a difference we see in JanJan now
No. 484220
>>484202Agree with this anon. AJ attempts to maintain this good girl mentality so therefore can't do
gasp illegal things and so has to figure out ways to make them bad for her, e.g., anaphylaxis.
As other people pointed out if she truly were miserable she'd try what she would need to in order to get pain relief or just feel better., but nope, better seek the approval and asspats of the internet first.
When you think about just how little of TF she is really getting …one ML an hour is less than a normal freaking person swallows in extra spit, and it took her ten days in the hospital to increase her TF 25 ml/h to her new J tube, which in GP, theoretically not have any problems. Why isn't her jejunum working after surgery any more? It shouldn't be paralyzed for 9 days after surgery, and unless she has a full ileus (and we were all well aware she pooped), should be working just fine. Why?
Wow…sorry for the tangent!
This girl is just making me angry. I cannot figure her out. I can't figure out why they did her surgery like that, I can't figure out how she waste insurance money. how she has so much energy!
Sage because I added nothing.
No. 484229
>>484212Hmm chocolate donuts and apple juice followed by when are we going to da club? Did Janjan used to do
gasp ecstasy??
No. 484252
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this photo was a couple posts after jan shared a photo in a wheel chair at Disney with her prince, so she gets the dog and uses the accessories before she’s even disgnosed, still trying to find if or where she mentions pots.
It seems she wants to live two very separate lives, wants ass pats and attention but also wants to post like a normal girl on insta. I believe this is why she does not vlog much around Paul’s family because the normal ppl she interacts with on a daily basis don’t see her sick struggling ways because u guessed it, she doesn’t try to fake it and the cameras not on! if this is true gives further weight to the idea that Paul’s just along for the ride and is going to continue to enable this behavior
Who knows perhaps he calls her out behind the camera?
No. 484264
>>484253In an old hospital v log Mary played a joke on the nurses that involved Dr Pepper.
I feel like many munchies on YT including jaq and also Aubrey in the munchie thread want to achieve her likeness in order to get more following, not only do they want to be sick and get her ass pats but they want her personality that somehow ppl find likable.
Although jaq is younger than Mary she does the same ott behaivior to be cute like her in hopes of getting more followers.
On the topic or jaq raising awareness as her goal on yt clearly that’s not true, setting up a patrion charging ppl for nothing more exclusive than what you get on her channel is darn rediculous. It’s a further indicator she’s in it for the money
No. 484271
>>484262I think chances are just as high that was a joke (she probably wasn't autistic yet, kek) than that she said it because Jan
actually drank a lot.
No. 484288
>>484264The Frey life, while OTT and mildly annoying sometimes in a cutesy sitcom kinda way, is actually doing a service to chronically ill or disabled people rather than a disservice. People bag on Mary for not taking extraordinary care of herself every second of the day. She has a serious disease that will most likely cause her to die very young. I feel like she does a good job of making daily vlogs about being sick, but not
about being sick. Her illness is one part of the vlog and they show just as much normal people stuff and regular life. It's not every sentence being my CF this and my CF that. Cf is part of who she is but doesn't define her. Jaq would be lost without her diagnosis and she's an empty boring shell of a person. Not WKing Frey life but at least she's genuinely sick and not faking
No. 484348
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Apparently getting hitched again. Wow. An August wedding in Florida and the bride has heat intolerance.
No. 484412
>>484402In a normal person I would say, sure, of course. Jaquie wants the most attention, the most extreme, the most severe everything. She'll shoot toradol, dilaudid, ketamine, have multiple surgeries and a
port basically with no questions asked but she's going to research mmj because everyone is taking it? No. If anything, it's not special enough.
No. 484443
>>484419Sage for blog or off topic
I found this site after being skeptical of AJ YT channel and her antics. One thing I came to recognize is that there are many ppl here for the same reason and like the anon here last night who interacted with AJ. I just wanted to say props for those out there with some sort of chronic illness who seriously make an honest living day after day and choose to make something out of their lives instead of going down the spoonie rabbit hole.
No. 484477
>>484443someone linked this site (specifically the general munchie thread) to a spoonie group chat i was in and mentioned how poor innocent jaq was being criticized
checked it out and now im here
No. 484496
>>484483at the time i followed her and now i dont, it was a few months back and ive been following jaq's thread on and off
but personally i think she sounds mostly full of crap after seeing the discrepancies
No. 484497
>>484475That a great theory! I was thinking she was telling him she was going through the dilaudid too fast or that it wasn’t working, or just some other drug seeking behavior that put up a red flag.
Just to clear up some posts here:
She did say CBD, which can be made from hemp or MMJ (medical marijuana). CBD from hemp has no (or trace amounts of) THC. CBD from MMJ is only legal in several states.
CBD from hemp is legal in all states. It is illegal federally, but is rarely enforced, and can be mailed across state lines. CBD does help with pain, whether it is from hemp or MMJ, which are both cannabis.
The best pain relief is given from a 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD. This is only legal in MMJ states
No. 484586
>>484477Welcome to the farm. So many spoonies come here expecting to be pissed off and offended, but then they read the threads and realize we have a point about the people mentioned.
>>484546Whoa, just wrote similar!
No. 484598
>>484546my initial thought was that you guys were just taking the piss out of people for no reason, i did find some things odd about jaq but i attributed it to being new to her channel and not knowing the full story, so i just took her word for things.
i wasnt planning on sticking up for her though, just wanted to see what the fuss was about
it still messed with me a bit, couldn't look at some people the same way
No. 484599
>>484598That's what pisses us all off about Jaq and everyone else faking or exaggerating. You shouldn't
have to look at people differently because you should be able to trust that they wouldn't lie about such serious stuff. What Jaquie does is dangerous in SO many ways including that it makes viewers start questioning everything. Their doctors, their friends with chronic illnesses, their parents, treatment plans, THEMSELVES, and on and on. It's dangerous as fuck to deceive people about their health. She's no advocate, that's for sure
No. 484739
>>484728I only saw julian post a few times and I give him mad props for being diplomatic about it. I thought it took real balls to come on here and announce who he was, and say
anything at all knowing in all likelihood Jaq lurks here at least randomly. Personally I would only read a site like this about a friend if I was skeptical or saw some red flags that made me curious, but obvs we can't know Julian's motivation. People asked him why he was friends with her and if he believed her. He said pretty much he had no reason to think she was lying and that she was a handful but meant well. I can only guess that since he seems intelligent and actually does have some of Jaqs claimed conditions…that he saw through it and removed himself from the crazy train. I hope. Which could explain why he stopped posting here maybe? I get that he'll prob never come here and give everyone all the milk as much as we wish he would. But luckily for everyone Jaquie doles out the milk herself like snack time at preschool.
No. 484759
>>484741You win, anon! That's one of the main ways she gets away with it. She preys on honest, good, and decent people that question
themselves before they would question her. She has so much persuasion, if only she could have used it for good instead of evil. I'm glad you found the farm here so you could have validation for your gut instincts and hopefully let go of any guilt you felt from doubting her illnesses.
No. 484778
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>>484715She's not totally absent. She posted on her Patreon on Friday night and again today. I still think she's sticking to her safe groups which are spoonie support sites and people who give her money. Everywhere else has people who have become too openly critical.
No. 484859
File: 1517201196082.png (62.84 KB, 624x1081, IMG_4194.PNG)

It's in the 'Great News!' vlog, timestamp in pic. For obvious reasons I'm not posting a pic of her instagram racial slurs. Jan and Jaq are looking more every day like walking talking lessons in how to NOT treat other people.
No. 484870
File: 1517202695551.png (161.07 KB, 639x1010, IMG_4190.PNG)

Soooo many things weird about this. First, she's described as a social media influencer. Not YT creator, not vlogger, not chronic illness advocate. Social media influencer. And Harlow didn't TRAIN to be a medical alert dog, Jaq says she just naturally knew to alert to her rapid HR, POTS induced faints, low blood sugar, seizures and allergic reactions. But everyone would know that's bullshit so that she's trained sounds better. And, she was out of nowhere struck with illness at 15 yet started training service dogs including after she got Harlow training dogs for the same breeder?? If I was 15 and suddenly diagnosed with a chronic illness I probably wouldn't go out and get a job, paid or otherwise. Or plan far enough ahead to know that I would need a service dog down the road and better start learning how to train one now
No. 484879
File: 1517203530747.png (181.77 KB, 640x1083, IMG_4193.PNG)

Oakley was Jaqs dog but she said she gave him away because he got attacked by a dog and traumatized. According to Jan's insta he was also HER service dog. And now he's Jaqs daddy's. They played hot potato with Oakley
No. 484881
>>484877Oh but she just doesn't have
any idea how sponsorships work y'all. Kek
No. 484901
>>484885With Jaquie I feel obliged to point out that since she rarely shows what leads up to harlow alerting, she could just as easily be putting a treat on her lap to get an "alert" or have trained her to "alert" to a command word or gesture. Looks can be deceiving. My dog "alerts" just like Harlow and all I have to do is hold a treat in my hand and set my hand in my lap. My other dog paws me insistently as if I'm in medical crisis but all she wants is for me to throw her ball. If I filmed it and edited it right they would look like the best service dogs in the world..but they're pets and not
actually alerting.
No. 484908
>>484901Kek lightbulb! What if Jaq misinterprets harlows behaviors as alerts and subconsciously
triggers what she thinks Harlow senses coming? Ermaghad she nose bumped me, I'm having anaphylaxis, better start itching. ERMAGHAD now my arms are all red!
No. 484911
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1/2. So the first time Janiece posts about Jaquie is May 15th, 2015. At this point they've known each other for 4 years, but they don't seem to have been close at all as Janiece never mentions her, and Janice seems to have her friends commenting on her posts a lot/tagging friends in posts.
No. 484913
File: 1517205650878.jpg (735.56 KB, 968x1705, Screenshot_20180128-234226.jpg)

2/2. 3 months later, all of a sudden Janiece has a service dog.
No. 484914
File: 1517205728853.jpg (233.39 KB, 1079x748, Screenshot_20180128-234657.jpg)

There's this interaction, which I found interesting.
No. 484920
File: 1517205965149.jpg (268.49 KB, 802x1378, 20180129_000511.jpg)

Last one.
This one just made me roll my eyes
No. 484925
>>484914Kek yet more proof of her calculated social media plans
Have these idiots never heard of the concept of going through old social media and cleaning out sketchy or incriminating posts and pictures or ANYTHING that can be taken out of context? Jesus h Christ on a bicycle
No. 484927
>>484920Top kek so she's even rude to
herself??? She is nuts. Pretending to comment your friend as your dog? Cheesy but okay. Rude commenting your friend as your dog then telling your dog (thats really you) to shut up
No. 484930
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No. 484939
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>>484926These are from random videos…touch the face, look to the side, we know your tricks cow.
No. 484959
>>484939Bless you anon, bless you.
Seriously though it's weird how many of these she's in hospital or something. Gotta ham it up and look REAL sick for the cameras.
No. 484986
>>484968Lol watch out anon, Jaquie might see that and think if she switches to the pain pills/no sleep combo she'll
actually be funny and creative
No. 484999
>>484982Kek but at least you don't make a vlog all about it or take a trip to the ER for the photo opportunity, you just
go about your business despite it. Horror of horrors! A normal chronically ill person! :)
No. 485000
>>484999No, instead I come here to be amongst a great community of munchie haters. I get to share my sick meme skills and make y'all laugh. Win-Win.
But, back to the milk and images!
No. 485031
>>485028I wanna thank the academy for this award in "Memey Munchie Callout Posts" it really means a lot to me and the thousands of other chronically ill people who are sick
badum tss of munchies getting asspats and lying to the medical community.
No. 485032
>>485016oh my fucking…"Jaquie's Munchie Dick"
tears anon, legit tears
No. 485042
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No. 485046
>>484475I'm afraid it'll be on top of the ketamine and joint injections. She said in a previous vlog just after she said her pain doc (who is apparently not even an anesthesiologist but a rheumatologist) was 'not done tweaking her pain management', or something like that. So they're probably looking for something
on top of her special K.
No. 485065
>>484960O my. You, anon, are a true artist.
(Now how many of these can we print? Kek.)
No. 485069
>>485035Almost like we're humans after all, eh?
I'm sure most people in the so called spoonie community think we are mean assholes who just like to make fun of sick people. Truth is.. behind every keyboard is a real human with real human emotions and feelings. Empathy included. Surprising, isn't it? </sarcasm>
No. 485074
>>485056Wait.. that can't be right. Everyone knows that anything Jaquie puts into her stomach just sits there until it starts to rot and she has to purge.. er.. drain, no
vent it out eventually. She
nibbles on food just for the taste. Haven't you seen how malnourished she became when her tube was kinked and she didn't have
nutrisiun for three whole days? She couldn't eat at all!
Maybe Janiece has taught her how to ingest her pills rectally?
No. 485084
>>485075Psst, anon: I'm really glad you had a good laugh. Really, I am. But you should sage any posts that don't contribute to the milk by putting 'sage' in the email field (and leaving the rest blank). Personally I don't care about it, but some anons will pretty much keelhaul you for neglecting to sage. Just a friendly reminder.
O, and have a glass of water (but sip slowly!)
No. 485088
>>485086Never mind, then. I thought maybe you were new and didn't know how to. We've had some new input recently (and welcome all!)
But it was a simple mistake. As I said: we're almost real humans over here, kek.
No. 485153
>>484939I can never get over how good her hair looks.
I'm not even claiming "malnutrition" here and my hair is nowhere near as full or healthy as hers!
No. 485193

Janiece is still in the hospital.
For those who can't watch her (as I understand all too well):
-They sent an OT to do exercises for her hands. Right hand is a lot better, left is getting better but still not much dexterity. The lack of strength looked pretty real to me, her hand trembled when she tried to squeeze the ball like you would expect when you are trying but the muscles are either tired or just weak.
-Both of her brothers are there now.
-Dietician confirmed she has to stay on a bland diet, with no diary and high sodium b/c of POTS. She still doesn't seem to eat her bananas. They have her on ensures, too but also keep feeding her solid meals.
-She says she already gained "a lot of weight" (in two days? Sure, Jan. Plus, they either are weighing her every day which almost any dietician would recommend agains, or she just thinks she has gained a lot.)
-She asked for something to improve her apetite and the NP agreed to try it for a few days. I have NO idea what they are giving her for this, as I don't know any drugs that are intended to do this (although some drugs have increased apetite as a side effect, of course).
-She doesn't know the difference between electrolytes and vitamins
-She says they gave her potassium via IV but didn't comment on it hurting and the short shot Paul did of her IV bags didn't show potassium (though I couldn't read them all).
-She didn't mention being on abx, but there was a bag of metronidazole on her IV pole. I don't understand why they keep feeding her abx when there is no known infection, especially since she already has diarrhea
-One doc mentioned a procedure (Janiece said a surgery) to do a biopsy of the small intestine, but the NP said no since they didn't do it in their hospital and she was at high risk of complications. This being Janiece, we of course can have no idea what procedure they were talking about.
-They are going to wait for the Prometheus test they would do for autoimmune disorders (or Crohns specifically? I'm not sure) and asking if they can come to the hospital instead of her home (as they were planning to do).
-According to Paul, once they get the diarrhea under control the rest will fall in place on it's own.
-The rest was pretty boring.
No. 485194
>>485193There is one drug I know used to increase appetite that is a HOT commodity amongst drug addicts and stoners - Marinol.
It’s basically pure THC (the stuff that makes you high in MMJ) suspendes in sesame oil. It doesn’t get everybody high, especially if you’ve built a tolerance, but if you’ve never had pot before it can make you pretty high especially if you get a big dose of it.
The FDA approved it for anorexia or loss of appetite in patients undergoing chemo or AIDS treatment. But it can be prescribed for ANYTHING your doctor wants- it’s just considered off label use. My Psyche prescribes it for anxiety and pain relief in vets with PTSD.
No. 485196
>>485194Thanks for the info, I did not know that one. Probably either pretty new and/or not available in Europe.
She said she sometimes does suggestions to her doctors and she asked the NP for 'something' to increase her apetite. I think it's a bad idea unless you have AIDS or are doing chemo or whatever, but that's just me. Janiece said the NP said that it wouldn't be great to be on it long-term, but that they could try it for as long as she is in hospital.
I don't get it. Not having an apetite doesn't mean you can't eat. Plus she already has Ensure. She claims that everything goes right through her and she doesn't absorb anything, but obviously if that were the case they wouldn't keep feeding her as it'd be no use. Having more apetite if your body doesn't retain anything is also of no use. But I'm sure no one here is really surprised that things don't add up with Janiece. After all, they never do.
No. 485225
>>485193Anon, I thought she said she gained weight too but rewatched that part because I was like wait wtf?? Because it's jan she's kinda hard to understand but she really said she was gonna keep drinking the ensures so she
could gain the weight back
No. 485231
>>485194Kek I used to take marinol and threw it back up half the time. Janjan wanting meds for her appetite struck me as lazy as fuck. She's eating, if only a few bites here and there, she needs to get over herself and suck it up. And it's ironic that her
right hand, the one she uses to text and type to her fans, is magically all better but the left still doesn't work? But they're blaming this on her electro imbalance right? I thought she was faking the hand shit. She had to watch her hands very closely to make sure they looked broken enough with her bad acting. I'd love to see her left hand not working when she is NOT staring at it in concentration because I suspect it would get "stuck" in a completely different way. Also found it sooper interesting that the NP who she may or may not think is good at her job said NO NO NO to whatever surgery was discussed and jan said ok and dropped it. New conspiracy idea—Jan and Jaq had a big blowout about munchiedom. It made Paul and Judd fight too and that's why in Jaqs last vlog Judd seemed like he detested her.
No. 485232
>>485196It's been around for over 30 years.
Dronabinol – trade names Marinol or Syndros – is a synthetic form of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is available by prescription in the US, Canada, Germany, and New Zealand.