File: 1518918902600.jpg (59.33 KB, 793x445, alyvslolcow.JPG)

No. 506705
General description from the last thread about what makes Aly, Aly!
>lying about intake.>lying about selfharming.>lying about purging.>lying about suffering from depression.>lying about suffering from panic attacks.>lying about suffering from OCD.>lying about "working" and making a drama about it.>calling a normal meal a binge.>obsessed with instagram, posts up to 10 a day.>getting mad if not receiving the amount of comments she wants and threatens suicide.>guilt tripping people.>asks for advice from followers but actually means "praise" >blocks and deletes people who offer any real help because it's not what she wants to hear.>disables comments on food posts, so that people can ONLY leave comments on her face and body pics.>doxxed herself and her own family members directly and publicly.>bodychecking and painting it as ~bopo~ when the only thing she wants you to say is that she still looks "thin".Cant use direct, so sorry girls (!)
Instagram: thread:
>>>/snow/478765Recap of last thread:
Aly continues daily with her usual food, Aly, food, Aly, regimine after disappering from instagram for a day, claiming shes going to change up her feed. She is aware of lolcow and sent an email saying we will be "found and hacked". She even called the authorities and urges her lovely girls to PROTECT YOURSELF IN EVERY POSSIBLE(!) No whiteknights show up to defend her. Meanwhile, she continues to posts half nude body checks from her parents bed with the virgin Mary looking over her shoulder saying "as long as haters make publicity they serve my ends." Yet, she has stopped wearing ridiculously long winged eyeliner.
Shes starting her new job as a "commercial assistant by the boss of a no-trading society" It starts on Monday, no, next week, NO! next month, No! in May? because that is supposedly when she will be moving in with Berto.
Our revovery queer is currently depressed because her thong photo was deleted by instagram, supposedly. GOSH! what will happen next in the very active life of Aly?
No. 507133
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Looks like she took farmers advice not to raise her eyebrows all the time. Kek
No. 507134
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No. 507135
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I read the first sentence as some sort of rap and now I feel like making a song using her word salad would be fun
No. 507234
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>>507216see you later then
No. 507380
File: 1518980787781.jpg (97.72 KB, 756x493, jfc.JPG)

So she's admitted her hair's a fucking shit tip. How long until she realises these parents bed selfies are as much a train wreck?
No. 507403
File: 1518981752241.jpg (162.05 KB, 538x904, ytho.jpg)

>>507380>letting my hair be without shameshe acts like she was a black woman who had been shamed for her natural hair or something, when she could easily stop the gel and henna and get a proper haircut for once. Et voila, she´d have very alright hair without any effort except for those weird fuzzy strands that always stick out
btw, this post has already been #reposted of course
No. 507496
>>507403Why is she acting like this is her natural hair? This is the result of gel, scrunch and blow-dry. Why can't she just do a soft wave? Why does it have to be stick-straight or crunch-curly. Aly, do you have a middle ground?
>>507380What the fuck Aly… this pic is so sad. It gives off the impression that someone forced her to take this picture. The socks, the red thong, the hair, the pose…goddamnit Aly, this is sad.
No. 507641
File: 1518993815993.gif (1.14 MB, 300x209, Jim-Carrey-Disgusting.gif)

>>507496ikr, the first thing I thought of when I saw
>>507380 was Amy Bradley (woman who was sold into sex slavery and whose photos surfaced years later on a sex site)
I wonder if
>>507380 was taken before or after
>>507403 like I don't know whether it's worse to make your mom take pics of you eating your 99999th donut after you've been rolling around half naked on her bed or get home from your donut photoshoot with your mom and then go into her bedroom and strip?
I hate that I'm even contemplating this, Aly if your goal was to make your haters feel psychologically violated then you've succeeded in my case
No. 508021
>>507403I thought she was leaning on a barbed wire fence
nope, just her hair
No. 508281
File: 1519030709409.png (539.75 KB, 636x940, Screenshot_1.png)

Another now-spoopy comparison
I'm starting to feel really pitiful for her.
No. 508340
>>508281I like how she dramatizes
>choosing a berry-donnie over her fave chocolate one because less caloriesWhen actually the
problematic thing was how she only focused on the hole and did not ate the donnie
No. 508363
File: 1519048386177.png (818.33 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6363.PNG)

Aly. This couldn't be further from a good look. Please stop immediately.
No. 508367
>>508363man this is sad
sorry but I'm a bit out of the loop with these threads, has there been any mention of how her boyfriend feels about Aly posting these underwear pictures all the time now?
No. 508519
File: 1519062204654.png (132.09 KB, 640x890, IMG_6377.PNG)

Actually terrifying.
No. 508629
>>508519She folded over that bottom bun. I notice she always picks at the top layer of her food.
Do you think she would ever admit that Berto and her broke up? What happened to all the kissing pictures while he lived in Rome? Why isn't that happening anymore?
No. 508660
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What job does she have right now? She's talks like she has a part time job.
No. 508892
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No. 509084
>when and only when we let go the "check"on a checking/comparison pic (wtaf)
>genuinely truly happysurejan.gif
No. 509108
File: 1519092956439.jpg (60.13 KB, 600x500, aly.jpg)

>if you answer not you will be blockedProgress pics generally means spoopy pic plus one now with food or half naked so I say lose the progress pics.
>>508363All I can think of with that hair is img, except the Lion's hair's in better condition.
No. 509268
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Haven't heard this one before. Her heart pump was about to explode?
No. 509274
>>509268If it was it wasn't ED related because she said that hospitaisation wasn't ED related and she never lies.
Seriously tho, I doubt it was THAT serious if she was allowed out after two days. She was walking around with a drip. P sure you'd be hooked up to more than that if your heart's not working properly.
No. 509362
>>509268What does "heart pump was about to explode" even mean? She probably suffered some regular (for a person with ED) bradycardia…
If it was that serious, as damaged or "exploding" she would have had surgery.
From medical sources
"The heart specifically becomes smaller and weaker, making it more difficult to circulate blood at a healthy rate.
Other affects of anorexia on the heart include:
Abnormally slow heart rate (bradycardia) when weak heart muscles cannot pump at a healthy rate.
Low blood pressure as a result of slow heart rate.
Deteriorating heart muscle along with other muscles in the body, creating larger chambers and weaker walls, which in turn make pumping more difficult.
Loss of reflex to constrict blood vessels to raise blood pressure.
Increased risk of heart failure as a result of the above effects.
The other side effects of anorexia, which include osteoporosis, muscle loss, fatigue and weakness, can also impact your ability to live a lifestyle that prevents heart risk."
No. 509363
>>509362Also, I had anorexia for longer than her 2 years, and I started having those complications after 7 years.
>>509274Defending her for a second, Italian healthcare for eating disorders is rare and extra costly. Hospitals are not adequate to face this kind of issue, in Italy we have like 10 years to recover for psychological issue, everything is still taboo.
No. 509407
>>509363sorry for the blogoost but same I only started having problems after a decade and i was at a very low bmi for a lot of that time too. there’s no fucking way she’s claiming these things after like 2 yrs of being snoopy..
also lmao when she talks about her hospitalization she keeps adding things to make herself seem sicker and sicker. obviously it’s all a lie. didn’t she once say that she had to be “fed by a tube” but was only getting fluids or something (which is super common like someone who drank too much would get fluids in they were taken to the ER)
No. 509430
>>509362>>509363>>509407Aand you STILL can't understand why the munchie threads should be banned
I'm going to go out on a LIMB and suggest that the pro ana thread and SADLY (rip aly) this too has been bled dry by munchausen parasites!
All you "med fags" are "MUNCH fags"
Get the fuck out
No. 509442
>>509407Why say snoopy? HUh?
I would hazard a guess you're the same salty bitch that keeps on, and NEEDS to be set apart
No. 509457
>>509363>>509430Hey, let me explain you what "Manchausen" is
"Munchausen syndrome is a factitious disorder, a mental disorder in which a person repeatedly and deliberately acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick."
Being med fags, or having actually experienced what we are talking about doesn't fall in that definition. Chill. "Get the fuck out".
>>509442I am the person who wrote
>>509362 and
>>509363. The other one is not mine, there isn't only one person who fucking talks by experience.
You dense cretin.
No. 509458
>>509407Why say snoopy? HUh?
I would hazard a guess you're the same salty bitch that keeps on, and NEEDS to be set apart
>>509457you sound SOOOOOO mad tho
(infighting) No. 509495
>>509430what the literal fuck are you talking about? do you even know what munchausen syndrome is?
just because many farmers here have had anorexia and have something to contribute from their own experience that is relevant to the discussion doesn’t mean it’s all the same person. ctrl + f the aly treads and you’ll find dozens of mentions of “snoopy” by people with very different typing formats
No. 509517
File: 1519146147401.png (175.65 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6397.PNG)

Oh no, those damn girls and their salads.
Aly's going "cunter current" to deal with them.
No. 509519
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No. 509520
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No. 509536
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>>509520We've been saying you're crazy for 2 years, Aly.
I wish she really would take a long, hard look at her diet though or else she really will legit be getting problems with her ~heart pump~.
>>509517Yeah, that place she ate at is full of girls with salads. Look at this one one of them posted to insta.
No. 509543
>>509519SHUT UP bitch your mom is there 24/7 she enables the fuck out of you omg i’m raging. fuck these people who say they have no one when they do. i get feeling lonely or shameful or having a hard time talking to loved ones but that is noooot what she’s saying ffs
and WHO is she there for?
has she ever talked about how hard it is for her mom to have seen her at her lowest weights and how she’s buying her a gift of appreciation or shit? NO. her boyfriend? NO. has she ever talked about the things she’s done wrong and how she wants to make ammends? NO.
No. 509578
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>>509543She thinks her poxy fake #motivation posts are the most amazing gift she can often her followers and in return they should all DM her personally (although she doesn't even read them).
As for having nobody to talk to, being a bottle-upper that wouldn't bother me, but hell yeah I'd settle for an enabling Ma who pays my bills and buys me lunch every day!
If Aly bothered to nurture some real friendships with people and not randoms online then she might find someone to share her feels with, but I can't imagine anyone could put up with her behaviour for more than a couple of hours without cracking up. She's an emotional vampire.
No. 509752
>>509719I always thought snoopy was just a common autocorrect of spoopy. My phone has done it without me noticing until the comment is posted and I'm assuming it's happened to others? And then if it happens enough people just start thinking it's a deliberate thing and using it bc board culture
Idk tho
No. 510055
>talking about the "out there" ofcdoes she mean her followers? literally when has aly ever "been there" for anyone except herself?
aly, please. show us ONE instance of you doing anything selfless or altruistic. just one.
and just two days ago you posted
>>508281 where if we're to believe anything you say, you're (and i quote) "GENUINELY TRULY HAPPY and HEALTHY"
>go "cunter" (lol) current and crush your brain, literally No. 510371
File: 1519195517556.jpg (379.45 KB, 720x1099, Screenshot_20180221-064400.jpg)

Our recovery queer is now basing her looks, teeth, hair colour on a croissant. So food obsessed Aly
No. 510376
>>510179Same anon of the decade - yes, you have a point. I did a bit of research - you are right but there are very few cases where the ED tears everything apart in such a small amount of time. Yet, it is possible.
I just don't believe that Aly falls into those rare cases.
Or maybe she does, being a snowflake.
No. 510378
>>510375It's like she tried to emulate the ~~Autumn Vibe~~ you see on Tumblr and fell on her face while trying to snap the pic.
M o d e r n A r t
No. 510427
>>509753I think their whole relationship is a process of trying to get it to work out, but it just won't. Both are afraid to make a break. This makes me think Berto must be a bit of a dick if the best option is to stick with Aly. If he was an interesting, caring, etc person then he'd have admirers because, let's face it, he's not ug. He needs to lose the facial hairs but that's only my personal preference.
>>509833I always thought anons who write "snoopy" just got "spoopy" wrong or it was autocorrect and others just ran with it. No big deal. We invented a word.
>>510371I'm too polite to say what this reminds me of (something diseased, I'll leave it at that. I hate modern. Why are they messing around with the basic croissant?
Just wanted to say the above and with my lovely girls a happy Wednesday. Keep it cunter current (!) and #fuckkale
No. 510435
File: 1519202272686.jpg (285.05 KB, 1074x1513, 1442408221804.jpg)

From a past thread where she gives an explanation why she's in hospital again.
No. 510634
>>510179umm but you seriously think ALY had those complications that she claims? obviously not lol
so the fact that she was at a low weight for a short period of time adds to the unlikeliness of her story. obviously peoples bodies are different but generally the longer you’re spoopy the more complications. I think that was their point.
No. 510735
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No. 510755
>>510736Her delusions have hit a peak here.
She went there with Ma to go to one of the eateries.
I see no conference centre at the CityLife Shopping District, and would Ma really follow her around for sushi or w/e the fuck she ate. No. 510758
File: 1519237738615.jpg (10.89 KB, 260x50, lel.JPG)

>>510755I forgot to add
SO proud or you Aly. Keep fighting. I needed thus today ~arm emoji~
and yes, she bleached her teeth.
No. 510815
File: 1519240900477.png (941.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180221-121413.png)

It's been a while since the last depressed post…
I wonder, what about her "job" is stressing her out? I wish she would explain what the hell her job responsibilities are. She said she was treated like a business owner? How? Why?
No. 510822
File: 1519241231662.jpg (23.7 KB, 351x150, Capture.JPG)

>>510815She was treated like a business owner because she's soooooooooo responsible and soooooooooo professional like that time she was asked to manage the whole of the sports store! (Translation into real worldness - she's talking bollocks again)
Lol @ her reply to the teeth whitening. oOOOoo someone hit a nerve ha
She's feeling disappointed in herself and everything. I bet she's listening to that Emo music.
No. 510830
File: 1519241635568.jpeg (27.62 KB, 257x248, BC963B07-E7D7-48EB-BDE8-B786FB…)

>>510427Lol u sure about that? I really don’t get how people think Berto’s hot
No. 510836
>>510830 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DID NOT SAY HE WAS HOT EW EW EW. I said he was not ug. Like, he's got eyes in the right place and that. Yeah, his teeth and gums are skanky, but he could not smile. No way do I think he's hot and dark eyed/haired guys are usually my thing. He could get someone as weird psycho looking as Aly with shit style and bad hair but not as mental.
Fuck me though, I forgot about his gummy grin. His teeth look rank. Hmm, maybe I need to rethink their compatibility but I swear I do not find Berto hot. I would rather have Pa C as my daddy (lol) if the sake of humanity relied on a choice between Bert and Pa C.
Notice how she's been heavily t riggered since she spent a couple of days with him for Valentines? She's only stable-ish when she doesn't see him.
No. 510837
File: 1519242338875.jpg (434.75 KB, 1000x1406, 0wSxN8L.jpg)

>>510800maybe she's putting a foundation filter and then smoothening out her skin
>>510830I dont think anon was saying he's not, just that he's not ugly. he's obvi not hot, he's very plain… and do you know how hot some italian men can get? I'd give him a solid 5. Pic related (i dont agree with some of these).
No. 510846
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>>510837I don't get why this one is rated 3. I like him.
Berto definite 4.
No. 510943
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No. 511027
>>510877I agree that Bert fits with the 5's. you could put his best picture in that row and it would be seamless.
>>510943you are hilarious.
back on topic, all in all, something is wrong with Bert if he is with Aly.
No. 511083
>>510943Dante could be the guy above him and slightly to the left in 15 years time!
>>510958Levels of attractiveness is subjective, yes. I mean, I'm the one who thinks the guy rated 3 is one of the most attractive. Maybe it was made by an incel, but a lot more often women are "rated" this way, and just as inaccurately imo. There're psychological studies all about attractiveness and shit (source: telly programmes). I don't think any of this should be taken seriously because irl everyone has their own taste.
Berto's personal insta has pics where he's obviously doing male model faces and he doesn't look bad. Of course personality and the whole package of a person is what makes them attractive, so if he's with Aly (shallow, narcissistic, doesn't appear to have any deep feelings for him etc etc) it makes sense he must be lacking in places other than looks. Obviously he's intelligent if he's studying medicine or w/e and graduated, so what the hell would he find stimulating intellectually with a woman who has zero interests and no hunger for educating herself? Sometimes I'm convinced she's a massive troll and really she's a fabulous compassionate, interesting, intelligent person who's amazing at trolling. Tl;dr to quote
>>511027>something is wrong with Bert if he is with Aly. No. 511294
File: 1519293271326.gif (5.58 MB, 320x554, 20180222_024537.gif)

>hi girls-a, sorry for the messier face and blanket after the breakdown. It's been a really really 'ard evinin-guh. I was tempted to delete the last update because I feel like I failed…blah blah blah blah….
Failed what though Aly? You accomplished everything you normally do, every fucking day.
No. 511346
>>511294She tries so hard to sound like a high achieving perfectionist who beats herself up if she doesn't SUCCED all the time, probably because it's like a trope in the ana community since lots of ~traditional~ anorexics are/were good students, high achievers, etc and their EDs were about perfectionism and pushing themselves as opposed to getting asspats on the internet from other wannas. (Tilly from the general pro ana thread is another who tries to come off this way, and even Paris with her constant discussion of her GCSEs.)
Aly can't pull it off though because we all know she has accomplished nothing other than a bmi of 10.6 (!)
No. 511354
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No. 511355
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No. 511384
>>510958it’s just lolcow. obviously it’s subjective. i was the one who posted the chart initially and ppl were talking about bertos looks and i was saying that he’s very average, and while maybe aly finds him a 10, most ppl would find he has far too plain of a face to model or be found universally beautiful, aka “10”. the chart was just for fun, youre thinking too deep, its not that serious
>>511346her fake perfectionism is just about getting attention imo
No. 511521
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No. 511523
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No. 511804
>>511664her hair looks like a mix of really dry and really greasy, wtf!?
>>511521i hate how she takes these myspace pose pics with pushup bras to make it seem like she doesnt have A cups. she talks about boobs constantly and i kek’d when she squeezed them together and was like ~omg so big~.
she either making up bullshit reasons as to why she’s recovered to cope w being a normal weight or she thinks she’ll gain attention by talking about her HUGE (!) boobs
No. 512029
File: 1519352322951.png (692.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180222-191615.png)

If you still have an account that follows her, this would be a fun time to go vote lol
No. 512181
>>511804>her hair looks like a mix of really dry and really greasy, wtf!?Her hair's friend by straightening and the greasiness is product. Unless she just washed it. Idk, but when you're hair's that fucked you need product to make it look decent (ie coconut oil on over bleached hair) it's TIME FOR A HAIRCUT, ALY.
>>511294>Failed what though AlyLol, I KNOW! She solved her ~perfectionist~ dilemma and fear of failure by doing nothing in her life so she can never fail #WINNER!
No. 512185
File: 1519359947380.jpg (47.9 KB, 360x477, Capture.JPG)

>>512181Ok, just went to check stories. THIS is the worst I've ever seen her hair. It's making me feel nauseous.
No. 512502
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No. 512717
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Sounds dumb alright…
No. 512734
File: 1519416003086.gif (5.82 MB, 320x554, 20180223_125125.gif)

>Ok I just need to ask if you can relate that you give yourself for others, and you feel invisible to them? tries to cry I'm sorry but I feel so lonely. I won't use direct, I just can't.
So, she asks a question and feels lonely, but won't use direct…mmmk
No. 512775
>>512734It would make more sense if she tried to say that she feels "alone" instead of "lonely"
Anyway, Aly, dear fucking god, we all have felt that way more than once. It's not something
that dramatic.
Please, FBI agent that has to check Aly, can you block all her socials for three days?
No. 512823
File: 1519421268897.png (727.32 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180223-142505.png)

>>512744It's a way to talk privately with your friends on Instagram.
>>512780No, all 3 stories are still up.
Plus this one
No. 512860
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>>512834She's turned off comments on her latest food pics. I've noticed she always does this when she posts an underwear shoot so people say how amazing she looks in the comments of that pic.
Idk anyone so needy.
No. 512969
>>512497I suspected she does when I saw
>>509520 because her lashes look like actual spiders there.
She really is going all out on "beauty" filters these days.
No. 513064
>>512969i think she’s just bad at mascara
but she definitely whitens her teeth and smoothens her face
No. 513113
File: 1519444777750.png (357.54 KB, 470x470, 27574427_1608716202542504_7434…)

I'm clearing out my pictures folder, just posting these two old shoops before they're gone forever.
No. 513115
File: 1519444848521.png (645.17 KB, 1080x1350, 23421433_1430960190334452456_3…)

>>513113Tried to shoop her into a normal person because I thought this outfit was cute. Failed obv.
No. 513256
File: 1519469551034.png (1.09 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180224-034144.png)

There she goes running away again…at 22 years old..
No. 513289
>>513256as if anyone gives a shit about a 22 y/o spending the night at her boyfriend's haha
someone call the police to report a missing person!!
No. 513317
File: 1519484248977.jpg (42.19 KB, 392x256, morons.JPG)

>>513256Are you an actual moron, Aly, for thinking spending the night at your boyfriend's equals "moving out", or do you think your followers are morons for believing your dramatic storyline in order to garner attention and sympathy?
No. 513343
>>513317Honestly her parents would probably be pumped to have her out of the house. She's an adult who doesn't contribute. She hasn't been legitimately ill in over a year but she's full NEET status at this point, and she seems to cause a fuckton of drama at home.
You're not 12 Aly, fucking move out and stop being so dramatic about it.
No. 513493
>>513317Omg I’m SCREAMING. she thinks spending the night at her boyfriend’s is RUNNING AWAY and moving in with him? This is a 22 year old woman, what the fuck? She didn’t even lose her entire life to anorexia like she claims. And it’s not like many of us farmers havent had eating disorders, and yet we can all see how cringey this is.
Many of her followers actually are morons.
No. 513555
File: 1519502966014.jpg (112.14 KB, 712x336, Screenshot_20180224-125850.jpg)

She also said last night that she is disappearing for the weekend. Yet she's already posted 4x so far.
But Match 1st she's leaving for real this time!
No. 514035
>>513724Water retention from a really unhealthy diet high in sugar and salt, plus she didn't have a very strong facial structure overall so it carries the bloat poorly. Tbh she looked way worse in terms of puffy face like a year ago.
She also seems to be above her set point then though she's still average/slim, and get body composition is probably terrible bc she never exercises and eats so much shit after having been spoopy for a bit. Like all get weight gain was fat…and hair product kek
No. 514080
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She's posting underwear and food-holding pic even on her alice_eleanor account, anyway.
>>514055She just chooses very unfortunate angles, this was her before the ED (and the shitty diet) - she has a fucking pretty oval face.
No. 514081
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that face tho
No. 514082
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>>514081>>514080I think it's stunning how she doesn't look like she's the same person.
Also, attached text for the cake pic
No. 514120
File: 1519566835932.jpg (16.07 KB, 337x240, unfortunate.JPG)

A beautuful couple
No. 514122
File: 1519567005278.jpg (72.25 KB, 607x566, unfortunate 2.JPG)

>>514120And a beautiful meal cooked by Ma. Idk what it is, but it looks like duck turds you see on river banks.
No. 514126
File: 1519568936073.png (14.18 KB, 306x59, 2018-02-25 14.40.26.png)

Is Ma Casati coming along?
No. 514151
File: 1519574369686.png (7.85 KB, 260x44, Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-25 um 1…)

>>514122It´s mum´s "speck spatzels" , and that´s the worst translation ever because "Spätzle" (that´s the correct name of this German dish) is not standard German, it is dialect and you just can´t translate names like this one.
No. 514227
>>514126Her interests are so unbelievably basic oh my god
Like every time she finally mentions a film she likes it's always a giant blockbuster or similar. Not that she needs to be a hipster or something but all of her supposed interests just seem like they're not actually interests and instead just convenient media to consume
It's tragic how she doesn't have a personality at all
No. 514271
>>514227I've thought the same about her taste in film. It's always Johnny Depp or Hollywood shite. The thought of Fifty Shades makes my toes curl because it's one of those films where women can think they're being a bit sexually edgy by watching it.
Most people, even cows have an interesting interest (okay, except perhaps the munchies, spoonies and anas who're mostly into looking ill). All that art and culture in Milan and it's lost on her. All she wants is an American chain pizza and McDonald's.
Thanks anon for explaining the duck turds. Pretty sure I know what it is now because they fry up a huge pan of it on the Christmas Market except it's a white colour.
No. 514408
File: 1519595162777.jpg (95.22 KB, 666x253, Screenshot_20180225-144109.jpg)

Yeah right Aly…
I've NEVER seen anyone ask her that. And if they did, it doesn't stop people from asking on her other posts or asking through DM.
You are a moron Aly.
No. 514913
File: 1519646177300.png (3.08 MB, 1080x1349, 20180226_125210.png)

This keeps getting worse…I wish she had at least pants on or leggings or whatever…
No. 515035
File: 1519661939512.gif (490.86 KB, 500x282, cringe.gif)

>>514913I warned all of yous this would be the best era yet lmao
All i see is
No. 515038
>>514914That's right, Aly, breathe in. Hold it…no, don't breathe out yet, keep holding that breath…hold it until I say you can breathe out…
And fuck me she's begging for people to tell her to keep her account AGAIN.
Ma C needs to change the bed linen. She's had the same cover on her bed for ages and her daughter's been getting her ass germs all over it.
No. 515197
File: 1519673387558.jpg (108.27 KB, 666x413, Screenshot_20180226-122306.jpg)

>>514080I don't see anything new in Alice_Eleanor.
Pic related is her asking if she should keep it open, and mentioning opening a smaller account
No. 515278
File: 1519679634162.jpg (101.59 KB, 719x301, Screenshot_20180226-141105.jpg)

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, then go see a therapist Aly, and not for the eating disorder, but your other obvious mental problems.
No. 515399
>>514913good god, that has to be the fakest, most strained smile she's contorted her face into yet
not one of these recovery era smiles look genuine or happy in any way
No. 515628
>>515319 then read this
>>515387 they are both talking about instagram in general.
I think its funny how behind Aly is on these instagram trends.
No. 515721
File: 1519722867761.png (394.32 KB, 1444x733, Screenshot_1.png)

Latest stories
No. 515722
File: 1519722902332.png (505.62 KB, 495x932, Screenshot_2.png)

No. 515724
File: 1519722964136.png (13.18 KB, 819x193, Screenshot_4.png)

And a relevant comment
No. 515784
>>515722I can't understand how there's people who believe her without a doubt. It took me only a few days to realise there was something wrong with her and that was almost a year ago.
All this ''anxiety'' and ''fear'' of eating when it seems she only eats fast food or similar it's…Pretty annoying. She was sick, she had anorexia…but not anymore. Her desperation for bringing up the same old ana habits (skipping lunch / dinner), wondering if she ''deserves'' desserts etc it's funny at this point.
I don't know how some people take her as an inspiration because she recovered from anorexia - which I'm glad for - but they can't see how she wants to kill herself when she doesn't receive comments or how she asks -maybe twice a week- if she ''lost everyone'' just because she's ''healthy''.
>STOP SEEING MENTAL DISEASES as a shameMaybe I should tell her that when she puts up that she's a ''pig'' because she ate too much or that she deserves to die because…Well, whatever excuse she makes up.
No. 515830
>>515628Is your reading comprehension ok? This
>>515399 anon clearly said that the day Aly posts a transformation pic they will quit life and that it’s at least the one thing Aly hasn’t done yet. Despite their shit English it’s still pretty clear that’s what they were saying kek
No. 515884
File: 1519747954315.png (150.12 KB, 323x291, 2018-02-27 17.09.19.png)

Doesn´t her super prestigious job start this week? I´m sure her face will look hollowed again within a few days.
No. 515895
File: 1519748715340.jpg (36.83 KB, 270x480, 28155406_160948027942174_42746…)

bullying people is the way Aly
don't be a dick kek
No. 515926
>>515914What sre you talking about? Her account is still there and public.
Did you mean she disabled comments?
No. 515967
File: 1519755288982.png (1023.55 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6545.PNG)

Bitch looks crazy.
No. 516022
File: 1519759117988.png (859.47 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180227-121741.png)

>>515967What about the algorithm? Is she just now finding out it's changed? How self-centered is she that she doesn't notice a change in the only thing she loves (Instagram)
No. 516265
File: 1519776599834.png (353.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180227-170403.png)

No. 516267
File: 1519776670203.png (845.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180227-170412.png)

Someone reported her spoopy pic and it's making her crazy.
No. 516629
File: 1519813187272.gif (4.89 MB, 600x1067,

No. 516677
>>516629She's done this fucking animal nose and ears thing to death. How is she so annoying at everything?
Wonder if she'll say her last spoopy pic was deleted again. Ofc it hasn't been, but Aly loves the drama even when it doesn't happen.
No. 516680
File: 1519821661870.gif (14.75 MB, 600x1067, alice casati.gif)

and ewww. "Something special", God, no.
No. 516732
File: 1519829758351.jpg (63.8 KB, 512x640, 28151918_2020168541572253_4260…)

>>516680We've got the special!!
No. 516734
File: 1519829814401.png (48.9 KB, 476x452, Screenshot_2.png)

>>516733>>516732And the super inspiring (!) caption
No. 516739
>>516737Not sure if that's her, but maybe she made a backup in case the other one gets suspended?
She does have her alice_eleanor account though.
No. 516872
While Ma's at work Aly rolls around Ma's bed with eye liner words written on her face, fake smiling into her phone. At 22 years of age.
>>516734You can ask help whatever your family situation. She's a fucking moron confirmed.
No. 516910
File: 1519843940006.jpg (80.26 KB, 450x650, a97738_912.jpg)

>>516907Her mouth is stitched closed! (Apart from one of her mouse teef poking through). Stitched closed because she feels she can't ask for help.
Second pic her dazzling smile has broken those stitches and she tells us we can ask help!
Creative genius right there. Oh wait, she stole the idea…
No. 517587 whole fucking post, I don't even know where to start.
>2nd 'surpirse' (+ hard images 3rd ▶️) >Just like yesterday when I've been told 'you got chubby, I unfollow you' 🔙> 3️ Past crêpes.>and actually my #killergaze when someone tells me: 'you know how many cals there are in it?! Everything is so cringe-y. I'm really starting to be embarrassed on her behalf.
No. 517639
File: 1519913328256.jpg (19.74 KB, 276x349, not eye liner.JPG)

>>517587>>517622You're only just starting to feel embarrassed?
So the surprise was her writing on her face? Incredible! Does she start work today
coughShe never did get that snowflake tattoo. Boo.
No. 517660
File: 1519916304946.jpeg (282.77 KB, 640x992, 09BB3AA5-6BAE-4B6E-A0BF-EBA549…)

So she mentions work in today’s post. Apparently now doesn’t start until Monday kek. Also the fuck is she trying to say with reunions??
No. 517662
File: 1519916366685.jpg (61.53 KB, 468x582, fuck me.JPG)

She's written a message to her body on her stomach
>>517660Idk but may you send her some strenght?
No. 517814
>>517662I hope shes used permanent pen
Allergic reaction?
No. 517826
>>517814She probably fuckdd up and rubbed it off or something
>>517660>work full timeSomehow I don't believe that
No. 517967
File: 1519937751177.jpg (832.75 KB, 1070x1378, Screenshot_20180301-215241.jpg)

I hate to nitpick, but what on earth is that streak on her face?
She also decided not to "close" her profile, what a surprise…
No. 517980
File: 1519938412205.jpg (22.71 KB, 336x344, iwouldnever.JPG)

I love when she forgets to whiten a single tooth.
No. 518137
>>516680it’s so cringey how she obviously pushes her boobs togeher to make them seem bigger for attention when irl she obviously has A cups.
all the things she’s insecure about, she tries to change, and then spews bullshit positivity about the things she actually likes about herself. Like how she’s all like “love your body!” - she actually does love her body (well, the attention it gives her) But she hates her teeth and boobs. Yellow stained teeth and small boobs dont give a lot of attention.
>>516265I get if you’re a small private mental health account and you’re upset that you’re getting reported because instagram is your diary or whatever, but aly is a big public recovery account, and she’s upset people report her when she breaks the rules?
No. 518217
File: 1519952110009.jpg (50.54 KB, 507x513, Capture.JPG)

>>518137> she’s upset people report her when she breaks the rules?She thinks she's being reported because anorexia is "taboo". She's convinced that's the reason insta give her warnings because, to her, they're squares because they want to sweep mental illness under the carpet. She has noooo comprehension that posting those spoopy pics can affect thousands and thousands of people who look at the #eatingdisorder hashtag. It's incredible, but not unbelievable for a mind like Aly's, that she doesn't see this at all.
I'm just an Aly hater atm because her house is warm enough to spend ages taking selfies wearing a bra and I'm shivering in thermals with a gale blowing through my wonky windows.
Her face looks grey/blue. I doubt she's heard of colour correction creams, why is her skin the colour of a two day old corpse?
No. 518366
File: 1519961966064.png (10.9 KB, 285x80, 2018-03-02 04.38.08.png)

I let it open and I´ll continue to post up to ten times a day.
No. 518370
File: 1519962260944.png (12.9 KB, 299x82, 2018-03-02 04.41.15.png)

No one is as hard-working as Aly. Does she seriously think anyone would believe this shit?
No. 518576
File: 1519985488658.jpg (478.01 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180302-111040.jpg)

The fucking poll. I can't.
No. 518618
>>518599I can't vote because I see insta online, but I'd vote chubby even though she's not. Wow, recovery much.
I want to know how far she's going to push these underwear shoots. I'm waiting for her to flash just a tiny bit too much to hurt insta's sensibilities and say it's taboo and delete her account. I'd love to see her whine about it Crying Emily stylee.
No. 518619
>>518599HEY ALY,
No. 518655
File: 1520000599137.jpeg (168.04 KB, 625x969, 4120891D-4A83-4AD9-A8C7-19259E…)

Please tell me this is a farmer
No. 518729
File: 1520007408376.jpg (99.39 KB, 810x591, Capture.JPG)

Going straight your man's after work with a bottle of champagne. Yes, that's exactly what it's like to live together.
No. 518736
>>518729That…sound more like the opposite.
But she did say they'll rent a house. Whatever that means to her.
Wonder if anything at all will happen on Monday.
No. 518762
>>517662can someone please tell me that they too remember when all this writing things on bodies and sewing lips shut was a thing back in the mid 00's? I feel like Aly is starting to make me doubt my own sanity(!)
>>517639I know right! My cringe-0-meter peaked a few threads back lol
No. 518766
>>517967see it's this kind of bullshit when I swear back n forth…. she's an elaborate as fuck troll
(OT but remember TFVG and that hotdog pic?)
No. 518776
File: 1520010860732.jpg (45.47 KB, 500x522, she killed kurdt.jpg)

>>518762I remember riot grrls writing things like SLUT on themselves in lipstick because Courtney Love did it.
(I googled for writing on bodies and it threw out artsy b&w pics of women with #feminist quotes scrawled on their chest and back).
>>518766Oh YOU. I'd repressed the hot dog image and you've
triggered me npw.
No. 518781
File: 1520011133684.jpg (103.7 KB, 1043x650, 2.JPG)

>>518780Omg…something weird is occurring (!)
No. 518784
File: 1520011236763.jpg (48.79 KB, 505x613, Capture.JPG)

It must be that … special … meat she eats.
No. 518930
File: 1520023555740.jpg (114.36 KB, 610x397, Screenshot_20180302-134330.jpg)

Is she setting up the scene for a future relapse?
No. 518952
>>518930I doubt she can restrict again at this point.
But the throwback pictures slightly support it, I guess?
No. 519063
>>518762It was def a thing in the early 00's on DeviantArt and such when it was cool to be all suffering-goth/woe-is-me, and to do crazy photo manips with PhotoShop.
>>518729So she's planning to relapse in a few months when the excitement of her new career is worn out, and the honeymoon phase of living with her man is over. Well then.
No. 519699
File: 1520099647332.png (1.48 MB, 640x1136, IMG_6555.PNG)

She's getting another probably terrible tattoo.
No. 519728
>>519699Good lord, her pants are off so she's probably getting the fucking snowflakes.
I imagine there'll be a 50% increase in nudey shots now.
No. 519751
File: 1520102523586.jpg (40.98 KB, 469x512, Capture.JPG)

>>519699This is some quality work from that tat studio.
No. 519757
File: 1520102838990.jpg (38.87 KB, 478x450, Capture.JPG)

>>519741Oh lol and they also do microblading.
No. 519828
>>519824Uhh what? I mean, okay, you can get whatever tattoo you want but this is sort of…bad placement? Maybe if it formed a shape or whatever really it would be better. But this is just slapped on.
None of her tattoos really work together.
No. 519831
File: 1520110355850.jpg (16.84 KB, 299x168, symbolic.jpg)

>>519824How awful, but how fitting (!)
No. 519836
File: 1520110649851.jpg (88.72 KB, 600x380, snow.jpg)

No. 519865
File: 1520114227768.jpg (279.79 KB, 1080x811, Screenshot_20180303-225610.jpg)

>>519824In case anyone's been wondering about the meaning
No. 520042
>>519865is she 14?? Ffs this is so cringe even for her
*~I'm a ParAdOxX~*~*
No. 520352
File: 1520163493606.png (1018.02 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6562.PNG)

Sure Aly, suuure
No. 520393
File: 1520175075972.png (187.94 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6568.PNG)

Of course a family friend told you that you look better specifically 4 kilograms lighter. That doesn't sound like bullshit at all, Aly!
No. 520419
File: 1520179691186.jpg (66.78 KB, 793x396, alys co workers.JPG)

>>520352Sounds like she's been recruited into some kind of cult (!)
No. 520458
>>520393lolllll but she really did look much better in 2013, which was actually before her ED. imagine if you hadn't seen her since those pre ED pics when she actually did look toned, hot, and sane…and now she looks like this tragic mess with sallow skin, bad hair, no muscle, crazy eyes, and a puffy face.
the truth hurts Aly
No. 520505
File: 1520187980613.png (1.2 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180304-112513.png)

No. 520627
File: 1520197725032.png (854.1 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6572.PNG)

No no no no no no no
No. 520650
>>520627omg fuck no
are her panties slipping off her waist?
No. 520675
>>520627>>514913>>508363>>507380>>507134>>507133What are these?
Is she waiting for myfreecams to reach out to her about a "business proposal" or the likes?
If she's content having her boyfriend around then she would best stop because I doubt that guy will stick around forever like this
No. 520720
>>520627sorry aly please learn your angles
you look like a cow in this pose
No. 520880
File: 1520221206011.png (346.33 KB, 466x430, 2018-03-05 04.39.48.png)

Out with friends.
No. 521014
I can’t
Send help
No. 521039
File: 1520239268874.jpg (39.25 KB, 287x311, Capture.JPG)

>>520803Even google translate has to let her know her hair is shit.
No. 521043
>>520880Lol, I just noticed she whitened her own teeth and left Ma's yellow. Actually, that's not a friend, it's a co worker.
Hope the fun starts today with her new ~job~ (!)
No. 521055
File: 1520243287304.jpg (60.87 KB, 719x185, Screenshot_20180305-094609.jpg)

>>520627Are those varicose veins on the back of her right leg?
She also keeps quoting thats shes 3 kgs heavier now. She does NOT look better now- back then she was skinny but she looks crazy right now. Bloated patchy skin yellow teeth mottled skin bluegh and surely its more than 3kgs on those cheeks.
No. 521104
File: 1520250907228.png (327.11 KB, 308x550, no chin hi.png)

These do not look like tracksuit pants. Is this what she's working to start her new job?
She hates trackie pants but loves those chin hights? Sheesh.
No. 521108
File: 1520251152179.png (191.32 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180305-095255.png)

Aly has commented on every single one of this girls pictures and im assuming it's where shes got the idea about bed photoshoots from
No. 521109
File: 1520251260235.png (717.39 KB, 720x1036, 20180305_120105.png)

See pic
No. 521155
>>521113They all kind of copy each other.
>>521104What kind of job allows you to wear sweats (?) or are these just wide pants?
No. 521245
File: 1520268015195.png (7.1 KB, 238x43, Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-05 um 1…)

What a surprise.
No. 521311
>>521241I don't think anyone here honestly thinks she's fat or even chubby. It's easy to be bitchy about her though because she really is a dick. When she's pleading for comments about how thin and beautiful she is by posting undie shots it's infuriating and makes me (maybe this is the reason others do the same?) want to kick back and drag her down because she has such a high opinion of herself.
When she was bones it was painful to look at her because it's a natural response to feel somewhat repulsed by someone close to the black hole of death (!), now it's painful to look at her not because of what her body looks like, but how trashy her pics are.
>>521245I do not believe she has a job.
No. 521332
File: 1520276304831.jpg (42.8 KB, 652x217, Screenshot_20180305-115652.jpg)

Ok. Here is the point where she usually gains .2 followers somehow and suddenly
No. 521375
>>520627She's pretending that is living with Bert and now this… I mean, dou you imagine the scenary?
Aly: Hi! family, i came to visit you all.
Ma: Oh, ALy, I'll do pasta
Mateo: Let's see Dragon ball super
Aly: mom, would you lend me your bedroom? I have to take 9999 half-naked pics showinf off my new tatoo.
…. ok…
No. 521377
File: 1520278992648.png (484.7 KB, 1080x1981, 20180305_204239.png)

>>521338No? They're talking about her follower count that always jumps up to 47.5k after she loses some. Idk what that has to do with anas
Also, she beat her last fear food
No. 521386
>>521382Tight pants can irritate a fresh tattoo because of the moving fabric, so it's recommended not to wear tight stuff when it's fresh.
She could've put on a skirt or or something.
No. 521657
File: 1520298016370.jpg (30.36 KB, 598x337, lizzie.jpg)

>>521332She usually goes private because of ~haters~ and suddenly gets a buttful of followers. She lost the last batch p quick.
>>521382>>521386Aye, and when they start to scab up friction can pull the scabs off and it makes the ink patchy.
No. 522055
File: 1520352140154.png (508.09 KB, 1080x1851, 20180306_165957.png)

Here we go again…
>eating like young women do
Bitch you're 22, not 50
Guess she's now trying to hint again at a relapse, but can't actually do it.
No. 522056
File: 1520352248894.jpg (1004.1 KB, 1069x1453, Screenshot_20180306-170308.jpg)

>>522055How many of these does she have in stock?
No. 522059
File: 1520352551856.jpg (93.42 KB, 801x678, Capture.JPG)

>>522055Maybe you should just stop eating crap, Aly. The size of that portion is ridiculous and it's EVERY. DAY. so yeah, it will make you fat.
Life's a mukbang for Aly atm.
(Btw, the aly undies Pinterest was deleted because of the content and photobucket censored her ass and other pics. They're all repulsed (!)
No. 522078
>>522069She's been a bullshitter since day one on insta.
I think the wanting to be thin thing was never a massive part of her ED. She's thought she was hot whatever weight she was.
She's not saying anything about this fab new job is she?
No. 522130
File: 1520360052463.png (120.41 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180306-181306.png)

One slice has nearly all of her fat for the day and nearly twice her saturated fat. If she only ate this she wouldn't become fat but this plus wine crisps cookies macds… she'll be well on her way
No. 522134
>>522130Mcdonalds food is only slightly less than that.
I don't get how she can eat this crap daily. She really needs to learn what "deserving" aka "treat yourself means.
No. 522151
>>522140Wouldnt be surprised if she developed a full blown binge eating disorder. Not Bulimia just a non stop cant stop eating type.
Shes right she doesnt need to gain an ounce more but some dietician advice to figure out how to eat a balanced maintaining diet might help
No. 522171
>>522130880 calories. You could choose a large portion of something lush (!) and healthy to eat for those calories and stay feeling full.
An hour after feeling slightly nauseous after that cheesecake and she'd feel empty.
She's definitely not working what with Ma buying all this shit and taking pics.
No. 522189
>>522130do you guys think she actually doesnt eat everything she posts? or just eats half? cuz the sugary shit she does post has a LOOOT of calories, especially those fraps. we all know she lied aboit this in the past. can someone do a calorie count on her foods for a day or two haha
>>522151she defunitely doesnt have BED, look up the criteria for that disorder. she shows no signs of uncontrollable binge eating or binge hauls or stuff. she eats a lot of high cal foods, if she binged on that, she’s 1000% be much heavier now. she probably just has whatever is the opposite of orthorexia lol
>>522151don’t you remember? a dietician is a “step back(!)”
No. 522195
>>522189>do you guys think she actually doesnt eat everything she posts? or just eats half?I said earlier in this or the last thread I don't think she eats it all because of that pic where she'd literally just eaten a hole into that egg toast thing and she left all the crust and loads of the bread.
She's gaining weight though if you compare her first ~revealing~ pic to the latest. The food baby exploded and padded the rest of her body.
Her teeth must be rotten.
No. 522271
File: 1520370626230.png (702.03 KB, 1360x619, everything fail.png)

Tell all this to Pinterest and Photobucket.
No. 523006
>>523001Counting for yesterday
Chocolate croissant - 250-300kcal
That's Vapore Pumpkin Ravioli - 500 per plate
Oreo cheesecake - 800kcal as suggested
Pesto Pasta (imagining it's a regular portion) - 384kcal
Let's add up 200 kcal for alchool and chips if she ate some with the drink (I'm trying to count the bare minimum)
2134kcal if she hasn't ate anything else. Let's consider that she eats mostly carbohydrates and fats, the calorie total would be fine if it was balanced in macros.
Probably she walks around at least for an hour or two every day, so the total should be subtracted of 50/150 calories everyday depending on the activity level.
Imagining that she's 56kg for 170cm, her BMR is 1,347 Calories/day.
No. 523033
File: 1520426174415.jpg (58.81 KB, 291x560, thinntonic.jpg)

>>522271I mean it´s old news that her English absolutely sucks, but it amazes me how no one of her lovely ED-family members tells her! I mean at least
>tonicthey can NOT (!) all be unaware of the fact that this is the wrong word. They either don´t even read Aly´s word salads or they actually like to watch her make an idiot out of herself
No. 523045
>>521311Restoring weight from as low as she was can take years to properly redistribute. She looks normal, not really toned, but not fat/chubby. the thing that really stands out is her face, and I'm pretty sure that's from purging.
Her diet is awful, but during weight restoration a calorie is a calorie. She should have been eating balanced meals to restore vitamins and minerals, but it's not like the type of food was going to make a big difference as far as rebuilding muscle, fat, and tissue. It does make a difference in terms of the health of her skin/hair/etc. She should work on developing a healthy relationship with food that isn't obsessed with "treating" herself 7/24. There is enjoyment to be had in eating fresh whole grains and vegetables and fruit. When you eat a piece of cake every three days or something, it tastes much better than eating cake 3x a day.
I'd still rather see Aly being her annoying self than watch thefitveganginger give people pseudoscientific diet advice while going on 40-day grape fasts. There's a path for Aly to redeem herself; she just doesn't have the strength to stay on it yet. Her illness and personality disorders are still her identity. There may be a path for thefitveganginger to redeem herself too, but she's light-years away from it.
No. 523140
File: 1520442069493.png (523.76 KB, 1080x1664, 20180307_175904.png)

I'll take a guess and say it was a farmer that posted this?
No. 523148
>>523140She posted that comment in stories yesterday. I notice she said she REPOSTED so is she hungry for attention and using the same one comment for compliments today?
She's not struggling that much regarding eating if she's shoving a burger down her gullet during "work break".
No. 523347
File: 1520453162527.jpg (56.73 KB, 440x592, okay then er.JPG)

Not sure what this is about, but at least we don''t have to look at her crazy face.
No. 523414
>>523347leave it to aly to make Milan look like some dull soviet factory town
is she working the corner?
No. 523418
>>523347Guess the picture supports
>>523271 well.
No. 523427
File: 1520456639059.jpg (55.35 KB, 600x454, aly by night.jpg)

>>523414Bahahaha - looks that way. Prossie 4 pasta!
Wtf is that car with one wheel at the front?
No. 523583
>>523476Someone with shoop skills please put Aly and Berto in one of those.
Btw did she ever get her driver's license, or was she just making a huge deal out of those lessons never to mention it again?
No. 523598
>>523583She failed the test for texting while driving, fannying around with her hair in the rear view mirror and insisting Ma C sits in the passenger seat.
I expect she either had one lesson and sacked it or she was lying all along. Can you even imagine her driving though?
No. 523633
>>523427Those are little one seater trucks. They have a steering wheel like a bike. I saw them all over southern Italy.
>>523141She lives and says the same shit day after day after day. I’m so bored of Aly lately. And her newest grotesque panty shoots on her parents bed makes me want to avoid her threads more. I’m also annoyed how many likes per photo she has suddenly been receiving.
No. 523648
File: 1520472549981.jpg (25.92 KB, 308x455, Capture.JPG)

>>523633>She lives and says the same shit day after day after day.How can she not be sooo bored? When I feel like I really despise her this tiny (repeat, tiny) iota of sympathy for her lessens the hatred. Her life is so shit and she knows it. She's also increasingly mental. Idk where the likes are coming from. It might be because ED people were searching the hashtags on neda week? If you look at the comments though, it's mostly the same old sad stans - _gedanken_frei_ jm20749632 courtney.seifried mutatedgarden chelseychanges dogsandpositivity cupcakesandcardiology apple.646.orangeandblack tinydestiny and a few randoms.
Her life's shite, she looks a mess and she's going nowhere. None of the insta people give a flying fuck about her really.
No. 523812
>>523684Probably he does the talking, and she just listens as the loving girlfriend she is. (sarcasm)
Then she could go "I don't have much to tell, you know, I struggle…" so Berto would take her out and try to entertain her.
No. 523957
File: 1520518061643.jpg (31.94 KB, 306x206, Capture.JPG)

Oh Christ, what's she written on her face this time?
Note: Aly "busy" at ~work~ dancing to herself and filming it in stories.
No. 524205
File: 1520540470125.png (439.87 KB, 1080x1809, 20180308_211958.png)

Her dad had cancer…no wonder he's not tolerating her bs
No. 524348
>>524037Someone posted a youtube clip of Joan Ferguson (wrong thread I think) and then they deleted it.
>>524205She wonders if anyone else thinks of a pet as a member of the family. Jesus. The poor cat goes off to sleep on her parents bed to get some peace from Aly and she pops up with her damn phone.
I wish Ma would change the duvet cover/quilt.
No. 524353
File: 1520547677292.jpg (49.95 KB, 459x580, heroin.JPG)

>>524027Whew! Writing that on her chest and posting about eating cake is a great way to mark International Womens Day. I bet that this time next year that one pic of Aly writing on herself will have made the gender pay gap issue and FGM disappear.
No. 524393
File: 1520550491829.png (4.62 MB, 1125x2436, 2B148BE0-F1FD-47C2-8864-8070D7…)

Back to photo recycling…
No. 524413
With Ma C, ofc.
>>524029>>Guys, today together with flowers bring respect to women around you.Personally I do very well without gifts from men, tyvm Aly.
No. 524428
File: 1520553661989.jpg (20.25 KB, 380x265, 0.jpg)

>>524393Lol, she's really wanting to believe she's living at Berto's. She stays at Ma's once a week yet she's on her Ma's bed early this morning before "work" writing on her chest?
>>524413I rolled my eyes so hard it hurt my head at the comment about how men should give women flowers. IWD is about gender equality. Women are no more special than men. If anything, she could've gifted Berto some links to pages about discrimination in the workplace and how it's okay for women to work considering his 19th century views on that issue.
No. 524829
File: 1520614882685.png (664.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180309-095837.png)

>>524727Was it connected to this?
No. 525450
File: 1520680709135.png (673.77 KB, 464x622, Screenshot_1.png)

UUgh, how can she look so shallow?
Also, what a huge amount of likes she has on this.
No. 525501
File: 1520689777049.png (508.96 KB, 915x622, 15206807091351.png)

>>525450Her bloating bothers me, she eats way too much sodium
I got bored and edited it out a little, also she's starting to get some bad eyebags unless it's just the harsh light?
It's reminding me of the result of the Trisha Paytas diet, we all know her organs are failing from her awful diet
I can't help but begin to believe the same thing is happening to Aly now
No. 525609
File: 1520703355237.jpg (32.08 KB, 253x582, bodyposi.JPG)

>>525501The eye bags are real. There's a pic in the last thread and it looks like she's packed them for an around the world trip.
Oh look at her sucking in. I thought she loved her food baby.
No. 525970
File: 1520731127973.jpg (164.05 KB, 986x751, wheatgain.JPG)

What a #hater. Aly should invite Berto to lolcow so he can discuss this topic further.
No. 526131
>>525970I think she does look ~fatter~ (so much recovered) than she thinks she looks. She has body dysmporphia where she thinks she's prettier and thinner than she is.
She really does look better in the first pic but it's nothing to do with her weight. Like anon said, she suits the tan because she's the colour of a lump of dough now.
She also looks older than her age now but I can't figure out why. I'd bet her age was 29 or 30 ish if I didn't know she was less.
Her snowflakes don't look like snowflakes. They look like the Star of David. I'm expecting her to get her navel pierced to draw attention to how much she loves her stomach (that she sucks in).
I just wish she'd quit these horrible shoots on the bed. It looks seedy like a screenshot of some amateur porn.
No. 526132
File: 1520748856430.jpg (59.52 KB, 598x611, lip balm plz.JPG)

Dropped a pic. I was going to post this because she looks old.
No. 526346
File: 1520787230369.png (270.61 KB, 346x426, Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-11 um 1…)

That hair…
I need to fly to Milan with a pair of scissors.
No. 526357
File: 1520788676512.jpg (32.72 KB, 254x575, not interested.JPG)

>>526346The way he always stands there with his arms at his side. If my SO did that I'd be insulted. I don't even mean a full on PDA, but fucking hell Bert, a hand against her arm wouldn't kill you.
Btw, is Ma out with them? Who took this pic?
No. 526367
File: 1520789614130.jpg (13.52 KB, 291x64, hater.JPG)

>After yesterday's comments 🔙 I can't say I feel at the top: that dumb impression 'I eat too much and I'll get fat soon' 😑💭
Is this the comment she means because it's a classic case of Aly twisting words.
No. 526675
>>526046I think she looked better then too, but we should be a bit careful. She was much younger then. It's not healthy to stay at the weight of a 16yo or however old she was then.
EDs do age you. I agree, she needs to sort herself out and develop healthy habits. But I think she can do that in a way that acknowledges that she isn't a gangly teenager anymore.
No. 527038
>>526675She doesn't look worse because she's bigger, she looks worse because she doesn't take care of herself now and is physically unhealthy and mentally unstable. Before she was healthy and ~tonic~ with a glowing complexion and nice hair and a style that suited her. She posed, but in a normal teen girl way. Now she's sallow, puffy faced, with terrible skin and hair and atrocious styling choices. Her poses are embarrassing and her makeup and facial contortions make her look visibly unstable.
It's not about her weight. She looks like shit now regardless of weight.
No. 527072
>>526675She was 18 in that pic.
I wrote above somewhere that it wasn't her weight that's making her look awful (not the anon directly above) but I don't see why it's not good to stay the same shape as when you're younger. I looked shit at 18 and my body looked better after discovering shit like aerobics at 21.
Anyway, weight isn't the point. She just looks shit. I wouldn't even mind those underwear pics if she had nice, flattering undies and not the same two ill fitting skanky bras. She's putting herself up as a reborning (!), sexy woman with boobs but looks like she's wearing 2nd hand underwear. I don't get her. How can see not see??
No. 527108
File: 1520868006408.png (641.5 KB, 468x602, Screenshot_1.png)

from her latest post 1/2
No. 527113
File: 1520868259483.png (60.59 KB, 505x546, Screenshot_3.png)

>>527108Forgot her caption to her post
No. 527260
File: 1520878853292.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, IMG_6699.PNG)

What a fuck
No. 527269
>>527266Yeah but where are the parts she thinks are
triggering definitions and OFFENSIVE epithets blah blah?
No. 527276
File: 1520880323422.jpg (60.3 KB, 546x240, Screenshot_20180312-124244.jpg)

From the last post
No. 527332
File: 1520884718822.png (2.94 MB, 750x1334, C79CEB25-3AB4-4F56-BFDF-E2853A…)

I can’t put my finger on it, but something about her face is so much better here than in most of her posts. Maybe because her expression isn’t exaggerated or manic looking and her eyebrows aren’t raised.
No. 527582
>>527553Something about her skin made me think filter immediately. Her pinkie looks blurred. Is there a blurring/softening filter?
I wish she'd whiten her bottom teeth as well as the top. Her top set look like pearls resting on crumbs of cheese.
It does help that her eyebrows, however badly shaped, are actually in a normal eyebrow position on her face.
No. 527585
File: 1520904282533.jpg (52.77 KB, 573x648, maybelline age rewind under ey…)

>>527582That was me. Okay, I zoomed right on in. I really think she's blurred herself.
No. 527754
File: 1520915199319.gif (4.08 MB, 662x871, 8384.gif)

I like to check in once and a while and put together her new "thing" aside from her underwear shoots… it's been this…
No. 527762
File: 1520916053905.png (12.46 KB, 292x62, 2018-03-13 05.38.31.png)

>>527274Remember, my lovelies: LIFE IS ONE! Whatever that means.
No. 527798
>>527762It's like… we only live once, so… enjoy? maybe…
In spanish there's a popular quote: "la vida es una" and the "google" traslate is "life is one", spanish and italian are similar and Aly is the "false friend" queen/r
No. 527908
>>527271>>527798yep, in italian we say "la vita è una (sola)".
i think the most fitting saying we have is "parla come mangi" (speak the way you eat). it means to speak in simple, clear words. aly i wish you'd speak like you… oh wait, don't.
No. 527962
File: 1520953548349.jpg (34.67 KB, 285x282, Capture.JPG)

>>527892Yes! I carry 3 shades around with me because I can suddenly decide to refresh with a darker red or w/e.
So now she's telling us she'll be in London next week because of her super important job.
No. 528007
>>527967and with all that managed to get a job that requires her to travel all over the eu for free. I won't believe it until I see pics.
Seriously, I want to know what kind of job would take her FULLTIME to travel with her awful English.
No. 528031
File: 1520959135378.jpg (20.2 KB, 406x206, Capture.JPG)

>>527967Bizarre that she's working a busying (!) job but she still posts lunch at the same time as always and she's with Ma. I'd love to know how much her mum spends on food for Aly.
>>528007Unless she's signed to a dodgy crime ring that trafficks girls to Thailand or wherever, she aint gonna do no travelling.
I reckon she'll come up with an excuse why she can't go, she'll not post and say she's been, or she's bought a green screen.
If I wasn't totally skint, I'd even get the train to London and seek her out using the geotags if I thought there was a chance she'd be there. Investigating, not stalking (!)
Finally, I'm not going to indulge in the does she purge debate, but she looks like she's storing her nut stash in her cheeks here.
She still hasn't told anyone what this job actually is…
No. 528055
>>528031She mentioned traveling to London almost two weeks ago (
>>517660 ) so I agree with another excuse incoming.
No. 528057
File: 1520961879295.gif (1.06 MB, 400x226, houston.gif)

>>527962Does she mean Houston, Texas??
No. 528720
File: 1521008616608.jpg (40.17 KB, 682x190, Screenshot_20180314-001934.jpg)

She posted this under the picture of her in a blanket by the window. It still doesn't make sense what her job is. What is it?
No. 528738
File: 1521011424699.png (143.51 KB, 640x1136, 374615BD-016F-4C7A-82B4-2E1CBD…)

>>528720A job description of commercial assistant - this sounds very responsible for someone like Aly.
No. 528743
>>528720>>528738It's an entry level desk job (from a few different job description sites I've read). I don't see why she would have to travel. The companies HQ could be in London, but that doesn't mean she'll work there, they're probably branched out to different countries.
I'm still waiting for Monday to see what happens.
No. 528913
>>528743lolol she wouldnt, at least the company wouldnt be paying a dime out of their own pocket for her to travel
it’s so cringey how she doesnt know basic shit about the workplace and thinks her desk job that basically has her working as a secretary = much success
No. 528989
File: 1521043563486.jpg (25.75 KB, 298x194, Capture.JPG)

>>528913Ma and Pa are going to make her quit her job before Monday?
Yep, no need to travel with internet. Why fly when there's Skype.
Latest pic she's holding pizza. Good to know she can take regular lunch breaks even though she's doing aaaaaaaaaaaaaall this (!)
>>528738 No. 528990
File: 1521043649429.jpg (61.88 KB, 487x600, lol.JPG)

Posed angst.
No. 529032
File: 1521045981045.jpg (92.68 KB, 809x594, Capture.JPG)

So busy she just posted this to beg for comments and #SFS on the post about her being destroyed by Ma and Pa's words. 🙈
No. 529278
File: 1521060559681.jpg (16.89 KB, 210x228, living dead.JPG)

(She actually looks like a corpse in that recent undies shot. I'll spare you the body).
She needs to use bronzer and a light lippie.
No. 529292
File: 1521061048198.jpg (51.78 KB, 334x596, really.JPG)

And she's sticking with this thing about her folks wanting her to quit her job.
No. 529482
>>529292>>528989This is one of her least believable lies. She's been weight restored for over a year and she does nothing ever, why the fuck with they try to discourage her from working a sedentary entry level job? Are we supposed to believe they want her living at home uselessly until she's 50?
She's setting this up to quit before she's even tried it. That's sad af (!)
No. 530017
File: 1521139336030.png (2.6 MB, 1080x1346, 20180315_193917.png)

Another writing and one "troll" account mention. Guess someone hit a nerve.
No. 530020
File: 1521139355638.png (167.64 KB, 1080x650, 20180315_193947.png)

No. 530113
File: 1521143071078.jpg (62.12 KB, 480x270, aly n berto.jpg)

>>530020One of the last things Aly exudes is confidence.
She thinks instagram's a ~safe space~ where nobody can attack her [less than] 5 year relationship? Hahaha. Such confidence. If anyone attack my relationship with SO I wouldn't give a shit so definitely hit a nerve somewhere. I wonder how long those two clowns are going to drag their sad relationship on for? It'll be sooo hard for her if this trip to London happens because it's a holiday with Berto. She won't be able to do kissing photos in front of the Eros statue.
No. 530303
File: 1521150288217.jpg (31.63 KB, 616x442, dick.JPG)

>>530272She's weird about comments about Berto. As much of a mystery Aly is, it's glaringly obvious a lot of the time how she's manipulating to get comments she wants. She'll fish for compliments, fish for ~advices~ but make it obv what she wants to hear BUT when she starts bitching about Berto she deletes anything negative about him. I once wrote "Your boyfriend sounds like a dick" after she'd mentioned something she thought was anti feminist and she blocked me. Idk what she wants people to say to her when she slags him off. I thought she'd want people agreeing he's a dick.
No. 530951
File: 1521213531499.png (48.66 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6777.PNG)

We got a blacked out post!
No. 530952
File: 1521213553596.png (844.05 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6778.PNG)

No. 530954
>>530952well…she is one.
Sooo, I guess soon enough we'll see a post about how she can't travel and how it's her parents fault.
No. 530981
>>530951Oh, I missed her blackout posts so much!
>>530448That clip she posted "at work" was odd. It looked like a call centre, but she had her open bag next to her and she was doing videos on her phone. AT WORK? I'm not sure what's going on, but this "job" definitely doesn't involve travelling.
>>530815So jealous of her corpse white, untoned body (especially those over the knee socks) and that relationship where they argue all the time, break up for over a year and it seems to involve nothing but going for seafood at the weekend and watching Netflix on a laptop screen. #relationshipgoals
No. 531076
>>530954Seriously like how fucking old is she? You’re a grown ass woman Aly. ASSUMING this whole story is true, why wouldn’t your parents let you travel? Thought you and berty were living together?
How about putting on your big girl panties and tell your parents you’re a strong independent woman who don’t need no man(!). You just sound like a whiny 16 year old who’s parents said you couldn’t go on a summer trip.
Fuck outta here. You’re so desperate for attention it’s sad and pathetic on so many levels it makes me ill.
No. 531093
File: 1521227966753.jpg (42.09 KB, 300x392, Capture.JPG)

>>531052I almost took a screenshot of the place when she did a panorama camera move, but didn't.
She's going out for seafood now I think. She'll need to make arrangements for London (!) so she won't be living with Berto this weekend, will she?
I wish she'd sort her grammar out instead of throwing in long words to impress. She's so bad at verbs it makes my toes curl, like curly kale, and here she is again with her hate boner for kale.
No. 531110
File: 1521229540246.png (856.5 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20180316-134039.png)

I'm going to post the panorama from her stories too. I think she works in a mall.
No. 531117
File: 1521230308827.gif (6.02 MB, 320x554, 20180316_135520.gif)

>>531052I don't think this is the same story that anon was describing. But still she is talking about work, but she's in a sushi place.
No. 531120
File: 1521230539181.png (2.03 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20180316-134119.png)

>>531117me again, last one.
No. 531145
File: 1521232490630.jpg (79.06 KB, 932x600, Capture.JPG)

>>531117The one I wish I'd saved was where she was sitting in front of a phone thing in a kind of curved cubicle with other phone things. Just loads of those curved cubicles.
Also tagged her "workplace" as a mall
>>510755 Could be customer services? One of the things they offer is food delivery. She might do take out calls lol.
No. 531192
File: 1521235621243.jpg (313.17 KB, 682x722, 20180316_152630.jpg)

You spent all day posting to your stories though…
No. 531249
>>531145I know she first mentioned going to check out this new mall like a month or two ago, but can't find it from her nauseatingly repetitive posts.
And now she works there? Yeah right.
No. 531333
File: 1521346607935.jpg (369 KB, 652x880, Screenshot_20180317-221120.jpg)

The fuck is this Aly? You look like you smell something fishy.
No. 531557
File: 1521365140747.jpg (166.81 KB, 1080x1920, 29090916_568600056845911_23151…)

Sooo this weekend she was "at the man" even though they live together.
As for London, loads of flights to Heathrow are cancelled because of severe weather. Could be convenient for her.
No. 531801
File: 1521394829182.png (13.35 KB, 271x93, 2018-03-18 18.37.25.png)

I don´t think I´ve eve seen her "well maked up".
And yes, mirrors and especially phones are obviously the two things she avoids most.
No. 531810
File: 1521395472946.jpg (18.3 KB, 294x111, sex apples.JPG)

Yum, I lOOOOOOve sex apples. sOOOOO juicy (!)
No. 531862
File: 1521400514954.png (715.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180318-130348.png)

Hi everybody guys!
Why doesn't she count her food posts and her instagram stories as "being present" ?
No. 531867
>>531862Because she's the Queer of Recovery and we KNOW that we're only allowed her full attention when she posts a serious pic asking for advices or strenghthth.
>>531863She's hoping it goes away like all the other lies she's told that she ignored. Her followers are brain dead sheep. I might ask about London, or mention it. Stay tuned (!)
No. 532108
File: 1521416539485.jpg (162.81 KB, 1080x1920, 2.jpg)

>Back to family pressure
Yet she lives with Berto. Yet she's going to be in London.
Has she forgotten the lies she told us?
No. 532157
File: 1521419124467.jpg (358.08 KB, 540x1036, 20180318_182344.jpg)

>>532140Nm. I found it. She could mean next next Monday…?
No. 532168
>>532157Nah because she said
>>531557 about not being able to post on this Monday.
No. 532624
File: 1521449942931.png (499.76 KB, 439x868, Screenshot_1.png)

"I'm not like the other grllls" is a bit of a new thing.
No. 532631
File: 1521451609130.png (184.47 KB, 622x814, IMG_6843.PNG)

How convenient.
No. 532667
>>532631Well we never saw that coming (!)
>>532637Yeah it's loads better now. Tbh I even checked flights last night to see if she was going to use that as an excuse but everything was fine.
She's going to have a bad day af.
I think this means she hates her great mall job and she's going to leave (!)
No. 532705
File: 1521464193566.jpg (589.64 KB, 1080x1740, 20180319_135608.jpg)

No. 532816
File: 1521478174606.jpg (34.44 KB, 390x386, Capture.JPG)

>>532705Sooo, her boss is stuck in Rotterdam. She expected to go to London this morning. Why didn't he let her know last night? How usual is it to hop back to Milan then straight to London with an employee?
Aly, you're so full of shit. You're a ridiculous clown. Look at your pose in this pic. How can you not see you're ludicrous?
No. 532820
>fuck off DMing me everybody, I'm pretending that playing pool with Berty and Sonia in a tacky Cowboy themed burger bar is wild and I'm tooooo busy. I don't fuck*ing care about your problems.NOW
>oh i wasn't there for you, shall I delete account or may I ask you helping? No. 532836
File: 1521480020542.jpg (19.98 KB, 265x115, whut.JPG)

No. 532844
File: 1521480386725.png (92.66 KB, 640x1004, IMG_6845.PNG)

Realrecovery, not even once.
No. 532853
>>532816Not at all usual.
>>532836Lol what, didn't she say she signed the contract already and works full time?
No. 532882
File: 1521484480494.jpg (164.13 KB, 828x1472, 29087500_162044777941953_87642…)

>Tell me I'm valued. Validation or I will arm myself…in my bed, at my Ma's…not Berto's, even though I live with him (at weekends).
No. 532892
File: 1521485250750.jpg (54.91 KB, 368x653, bawbaw.JPG)

No. 532895
File: 1521485648565.jpg (95.26 KB, 801x601, attention plz.JPG)

(Aly meltdown spam)
No. 532903
File: 1521486418047.jpg (80.95 KB, 690x460, 20140218-Syria-Photo-Gallery-M…)

>>532895Sorry Aly, I'm too busy. I've been washing my make up brushes and I'm painting nails. You can't expect me to give you any attention when I'm beautifying myself. Serious business ~crying with laughter emoji~ Going to sort out my skincare product bags next, phew!
See, I was meant to be going to Syria today to do my humanitarian work (I know, I know, I'm a wonderful person) but the aid van's in for repairs so I find other things to do.
Img me in Syria last week helping n shit. I'm also living with Christian Bale and he's demanding sex constantly (!) Sorry if it hurts your sensibilities.
She's getting worse isn't she, with her lies.
No. 532905
File: 1521486509741.jpg (124.67 KB, 1080x1920, 29089776_616021332068374_78699…)

Yes, Aly, you ARE wrong on soooo many levels.
No. 532907
File: 1521486781251.jpg (168.01 KB, 1080x1920, 28763688_174954956636977_12583…)

Fuck me, can't keep up with her blurb today.
No. 533025
File: 1521495762603.png (1.11 MB, 640x1136, IMG_6849.PNG)

No. 533036
File: 1521496714106.jpg (48.44 KB, 336x485, lawl.JPG)

>>533025Bahahahahaha. If I felt like shit after a panic attack (although Aly manages to post on ig while in the throes) seeing that comment would make me smile and think, ahhh dear. Humourless bitch.
>THANKS to the few kind girls who tried to give me support
>fewYup. Few.
No. 533153
File: 1521502622208.jpg (48.85 KB, 442x437, _20180320_013311.JPG)

Sorry if this has already been in earlier threads since it's one of her old ~spoop for motivation~ pics, but she just posted this and I'm crying of laughter.
No. 533189
>>533153Is the flubber in the background her #motivation?
She looks rough as old boots. Look at the fag ash. Spoop or recovered, she's still an embarrassment.
No. 533705
File: 1521550507224.png (736.16 KB, 469x621, Screenshot_1.png)

>>533704first image of this post
No. 533744
>>533710She forgot to put commas between the words
>IT'S NOT COURAGEOUS a comfort zone escaped challenge, skipped meal, calorie calculator on our phone.She seems to translate everything straight to English, which doesn't work like that when you're translating. She's really getting worse at this.
No. 534018
File: 1521573980822.png (744.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180320-132429.png)

I wish she would stop talking shit about other girls. What happened to women's power?
No. 534050
>>534018Not everyone can stuff their gullet with pounds of sugar, Aly.
>noticing what every girl is eating and how muchMuch recovery
No. 534112
File: 1521580584017.jpg (18.56 KB, 264x306, split endz.JPG)

>>534018Idk if she's talking about Ma (the friend), but her own friends aren't spoopy. Sonia is heavier than Aly, and everyone else in her ~social circle~ (Ma) aren't spoopy either. We'll still see Aly wearing a bikini soon (mon Dieu).
Loled at her only just noticing her jeans are tighter. We noticed that a few months ago. RIP chin-highs.
Her hair's snapping off by the kg (no numbers (!))
No. 534139
File: 1521582075062.jpg (38.64 KB, 233x600, Capture.JPG)

Is this supposed to be a spoopy #tb? To me she looks fine and I'm not even ana chan. If she'd started tonic up at this point and gained weight, she'd look good. I'd say, well it's okay she's all untonic if she's happy with it but she obviously isn't. I wish she'd book into a one or two classes a week just for something to do and also for her general mental/physical health.
One thing I'm relieved about is she's stopped going on about her periods. No mention of ~period hunger~ this month (!)
No. 534756
File: 1521622802205.jpeg (286.67 KB, 746x1009, AD533D3F-AC06-4647-9363-E327C6…)

Even cupcakes is seeing through Aly’s bullshit here
No. 534783
>>534756This gives me hope. Hope that her eventually all her Stans see Aly's BS. (Dogsnpos is a tough nut to crack tho). Only when Aly's on a rant they see it. We see it in every post.
Yup, all cupcakes says is true. If other women get something positive out of healthy eating and/or exercise then that's great. It's beneficial.
I don't understand why she's so against it. If it reminds her of her behaviour when she was spoopy then that shows she's far from mentally recovered.
She likes to brag she's different from "other" girls (who are vanish and eat kale) yet she wears make up (and thinks it makes her look attractive) and poses in underwear to look desirable even though she's not a spoop.
Live and let live, Aly. These health conscious girls and women will probably live longer than you. If they're ED free what business is it of hers.
Happy Wednes-YAY, lovely girls (!)
No. 534846
File: 1521640125799.jpg (703.02 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20180321-144635_Chr…)

>>534756She actually wrote a whole caption as a reply lol
Also no mention of her job. Again.
No. 534898
>>534756Did Aly delete this comment? Or did cupcake?
The comment section in the latest post is full of girls bitching about "let Aly have her opinion!" And "if you misunderstand then you are disordered"
No. 534953
>>534846she still doesn't fuc*ing get it (!), like just because someone doesn't eat a full piece of cake along with wine at like some random afternoon girls chat sesh doesn't mean they're disordered or on a "medical diet". it's not actually that healthy to eat a big slice of cake plus wine every afternoon??? like thinking this is "restriction" is why the majority of people in western countries are overweight or obese. and i'm not saying that it's ~
problematic~ to have cake at a random time, just that it's also perfectly fucking normal NOT to, and it isn't that fucking deep.
she is so insecure it's tragic.
No. 534955
File: 1521652976897.jpg (392.44 KB, 712x891, Screenshot_20180321-111939.jpg)

No. 534960
File: 1521653106712.jpg (136.13 KB, 746x598, whatstime.JPG)

How did the length of her (full-blown) eating disorder suddenly change to 4 years again? Oh right, it's Aly.
Also that is… a highly specific time to catch a flight.
Stay tonic, guys and girls.
No. 534983
>>534960Oh fuck yourself Aly with your bullshit lies. Christ, she's fucking possessed.
First nutella pancake? She was packing those into her colon like crazy last year.
There's nothing interesting about you and you're the one who wants women to be skinny. Okay, not women, you want YOU to be skinny.
Ohhhhhh…shut up innit. Choke.
No. 535039
>>534955I love these recovery girls claiming they're over their ED's when they /constantly/ post about food or how their bodies look. You're not recovered for shit. Switching from eating nothing to eating only junk food and sugary stuff is STILL not healthy.
Bonus point if they start to bash other women eating as they please like our dear Aly there. You were insecure and stil is insecure, bitch.
No. 535083
>>535039Yeah, if they're so recovered they should get on with life elsewhere for distraction or to catch up on life. Aly should've moved on from the whole food thing (she's even talking about #fearfoods still when her only fear foods appear to be vegetables, fruit that isn't on a cake and kale) and distract herself with life elsewhere and not keep posting constant reminders that she used to be a spoop and on an on and on about weight and thigh gaps.
Summary: they're still too fucked up to save us all from it and do something else to post about. Aly tries, but it's all lies but why break a habit of an insta lifetime.
No. 535101
File: 1521664554600.jpg (27.82 KB, 292x181, Capture.JPG)

Right. And this. Erm, "society" likes skinny women? Says who? Being "skinny" myself (health problem, nutrients, absorption etc blah blah said it before here blah) I think I do a lot more than any of these bitches who're saying skinny women aren't strong enough to fight injustice. Fuck me, are they 12 or something. I may be small but I am FIERCE (!)
I reckon underweight women get as much stick as someone obese. Obese people even have their own clothing ranges. But y'know, meh. Aly's followers are dicks so I'll cool down.
No. 535138
File: 1521667521952.jpg (238.51 KB, 705x735, Screenshot_20180321-151716.jpg)

>that hater can't touch me!!
And yet she asks if she can post about it, then posts the comment in her feed. Posts 2 photos about it. AND posts it all again in her stories…lol ya Aly…you don't care at all.
No. 535155
File: 1521668586125.jpg (16.11 KB, 201x283, pearl drops.JPG)

>>535154Also jealous of her shiny white front four teeth #nofilter
No. 535284
File: 1521675473977.png (175.87 KB, 640x979, IMG_6877.PNG)

fuck, dropped pic
No. 535326
File: 1521677657836.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, E50245F9-5147-4BC5-B977-B88642…)

Aly claims to be able to breathe just fine.
My diaphragm aches just looking at this photo.
Give those chin-highs back to jesus.
No. 535349
File: 1521679122271.png (1.78 MB, 972x1729, IMG_20180321_173745.png)

Wtf is she trying to do with her lips?
No. 535447
File: 1521685589148.png (871.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180321-202331.png)

I am very excited to see her greetings from London.
No. 535481
File: 1521689069051.png (46.95 KB, 295x493, 2018-03-22 04.22.51.png)

More haters.
No. 535749
File: 1521731718992.png (1.17 MB, 929x534, tragedy.png)

So she's writing stuff on her face again.
No. 535798
File: 1521737567738.png (1.16 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180322-104922.png)

She decided to wear an old, too small, ed dress to a party.
No. 535800
File: 1521737760532.jpg (262.05 KB, 719x887, Screenshot_20180322-105331.jpg)

>>535646She hung her ED dresses on the hook in her mom's room where the virgin Mary picture hangs.
No. 535886
>>535760Seriously. I know all girls have veins there, but something about Aly’s veiny boobs makes me ill. My breasts are veiny due to breastfeeding but they aren’t as vibrant and spider webby.
It’s like in the movies when they want to depict something that is diseased, they use vibrant blue veins.
No. 536038
File: 1521756726241.jpg (5.2 KB, 299x169, mary wept.jpg)

>>535800I recognise that slutty one on the right from some old photos where she's in a club with Denise. The one on the right is nice although not my style.
She must've gone to Ma's especially to take that pic (seeing how she lives with Berto).
She should start investing in new clothes instead of spending Ma's cash on pasta. Maybe I buy too many (charity shop addict) and make too many (knitting addict), but her lack of interest in clothes is something I find strange. I suppose they reflect a persons personality though and so … yeah.
>>535886Are the veins because she gained weight? I'm one of the older farmers and I've never had veiny tits (never been pregnant). I've never seen someone so young with them.
No. 536487
>>536387Her followers tell her she needs to keep eating like she's still trying to get to a healthy weight. Aly's definitely a healthy weight yet she still stuffs her face with calorific crap as if she's trying to gain.
I reckon she's got a problem with eating now, like she can't stop. I'd say she's heading for high end of healthy.
I want to see her do a mukbang with donuts. The feeder thing would bring in good dollar. Lying on Ma's bed with FEED ME written on her face, shoveling her donnies or nutella pancakes in and washing them down with faps.
Predict she's hungover after her glass of Babycham last night. How does she get every weekend off work and when exactly is her ~business trip~?
No. 536504
File: 1521794264777.jpg (150.87 KB, 592x698, iliketosmellmyownfarts.jpg)

>I dOnT FiT tHe sTaNdArDs
>I´ll have you guys know that I actually am conventionally pretty but act like I´m such a bold brave bOdYpOsI wArRiORrr
>I could be a ~zero size~ in a few weeks
>curvy is totally the opposite of society´s beauty standards!!!1
No. 536585
>>535637pretty sure they meant to say all..
>>536487this is literally the reason why anorexics in recovery need (or ar least really should have) a dietician. they need to eat BALANCED DIETS mechanically first. but noo to Aly a dietician is a step back
No. 536763
>>536487Her followers are anachans or ex anachans so of course they are rooting her on to stuff her face. I mean….look at her. That’s no glow up. The moon face, the pasty, translucent dry skin, the dead hair and brown teeth. They root her on and Aly gets further and further from her “hot athletic tonic blonde” past.
It’s just a bad remake of Mean Girls when Cady tells Regina to eat her diet bars, but they’re really high calorie weight gain bars.
No. 536764
File: 1521831504724.png (948.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180323-125555.png)

What's wrong now?
No. 536921
File: 1521847249419.png (921.31 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180323-171729.png)

Out of the ED recovery context, this could be about drunk driving and alcoholism recovery.
No. 536952
>>536585Okay, last time I'll mention this (I'm anon who has problems gaining weight because of medical issue) BUT nutritionists/dieticians are so good. If I didn't get one as part of treatment of this condition I swear I'd pay to see one or find a class. Everyone should have some grasp of what they're putting inside their bodies. If she thinks they're going to make her stuff her face to get "fat" (erm) then she's dead wrong. I'm discouraged from eating junk to try to bulk up because, well, there's little nutrition in it. She'd look so much SO MUCH better if she sorted out what she ate. Even if they prescribed a good multi vit/mineral pill for her or vitamin shots if she's lacking in something. (Okay, won't mention it again).
Earlier she made a typo but I think she corrected it? She said something about when she was 27 (instead of 17). She really does look older than her age and it's nothing to do with weight.
>>536921>>536948This makes me mad tbh. Yeah, you'd get banhammered for this here.
Last pic in stories
>just got homein her bedroom at her parents place.
No. 537195
>>536952dieticians are useful even for the healthy average person i dont understand how she thinks it’s a step back
>>536921>>536948yeah but like… drunk driving isn’t okay, no matter what the law is. you’re impaired and operating a large machine than can kill someone in a second. jesus i hope one of her WKs calls her out on this
inb4 “it’s probably just 1 beer” posting a picture of alcohol in a car isnt cool and what does it have to do with recovery
No. 537270
File: 1521890760918.jpg (283.01 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180324-122026.jpg)

No. 537344
File: 1521903894224.jpg (676.62 KB, 1080x1862, Screenshot_20180324-160349_Chr…)

She still doesn't know when she's "going to London" lmao
No. 537451
>>537270WHat a cunt of a response.
Try this Aly:
“”I didn’t mean to come off as if I was drinking and driving. My man and I were enjoying a couple beers and chatter in the parking lot for a while before we took off. We had such a great time we didn’t want it to end! My apologies if I have offended you in this misunderstanding. It was not my intention.””
No wonder you don’t have any friends.
No. 538324
File: 1522024379464.jpeg (802.75 KB, 750x1078, 2122856A-78C3-46A4-B7A8-C0F82B…)

Everything about this picture is wrong.
>that pizza
>those sheets
No mention of London and Aly is still pretending to enjoy being a moonface and totally not missing her hot tonic blonde past.
No. 538618
File: 1522075335870.png (744.39 KB, 544x851, Screenshot_1.png)

McDonald's salad. No comment.
No. 538634
File: 1522076703682.jpg (128.08 KB, 691x408, Screenshot_20180326-090219.jpg)

Wonder why these next two days in particular are going to be "though" for her…
No. 538660
>>538634Since she claimed to be going to London either today, tomorrow, or the day after, she has to distract from her lie with something UNBEARABLY HARD. Demons, beatings, salads without dressing, etc.
>>When the going gets though the though get going.Can we please get this on a tshirt though?
No. 538760
>>538342italian pizza isn't that phenomenal, really.
I remember when I first went to italy with my family, we were all super disappointed about the pizza there.
No. 538824
File: 1522098064663.png (161.79 KB, 640x1102, IMG_6938.PNG)

I've noticed Aly's not too busy with her suuper demanding dream job to comment paragraphs on her asskissers' photos, when she would supposedly be at work.
No. 539150
File: 1522123911635.png (856.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180326-220829.png)

Reunited…Aly was just taking pics in her mom's room just Yesturday.
No. 539306
File: 1522146727743.png (134.86 KB, 452x661, wp_ss_20180326_0001.png)

>>539150I didn't have internets for a couple of days and had lolcow blocked…long story blah blah BUT good to see what anons made of her though days ahead.
This was posted. Late, but felt it's worth mentioning.
No. 539409
File: 1522162989681.png (164.21 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6951.PNG)

Remember guys, hold your hand thight and greet your teeth!
No. 539424
>>539409Aly, You live with your boyfriend remember? You can just stay there, you don't have to sit alone with your dad.
LoL at the starving and drunk…like it would happen by accident because her mom isn't in town to stop her and Aly can't take care of herself.
I thought she was going to send that hater greetings from London. She doesn't want to mention it anymore? She was soooo sure she was gonna be in London…
No. 539484
File: 1522173442849.png (83.26 KB, 640x774, IMG_6952.PNG)

New boomerang post, she's hit a new level of weird-looking
No. 539486
File: 1522173525185.png (198.11 KB, 640x985, IMG_6953.PNG)

Text to go with it.
No. 539523
File: 1522176136390.png (8.31 KB, 285x44, 2018-03-27 20.07.23.png)

Yeah, that would be really interesting!
No. 539538
File: 1522177367824.png (893.51 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180327-125942.png)

Omg, I haven't seen my mom in less than 24hrs… she called and I'm crying
No. 539543
>>539537Apart from being an enabler, Ma seems pretty cool. The kind who would've travelled and hung out with artists.
Deep, DEEP attachment issues with mummy.
No. 539548
>>539523Oh god this reminded me. I had the feeling she's about to quit this job when she was talking about seeing a therapist. It's luke she's gearing up to get her stans to tell her she should stop working because it's making her relapse.
Couldn't post when I thought it (no internet), but I'm still thinking she's going to leave soon. Vibes n all that and she's lazy.
No. 539586
>>539486why does she think her shit is so revolutionary? this would MAYBE be making a #feminist statement in like 1950. OMG WOMEN CAN EAT ALONE OMG WOMEN CAN HAVE A JOB ROSIE THE RIVETER IS MY INSPIRATION
it's 2018 man, stahhp
No. 539611
>>539486She just grabs onto any strings she’s can to feel special or empowered. She has no idea what people are thinking. She’s probably taking a million selfies and looks fucking weird, posing with sushi and never eating it.
And that’s why everyone looks at you weird Aly.
No. 539647
File: 1522186222761.jpg (195.54 KB, 703x619, Screenshot_20180327-152637.jpg)

She acts like her mom is dead
No. 539653
>>539647She must cry over her Mozart Balls Mon-Fri when she's at home with Berto. Oh, wait…
Srsly, I'm embarrassed at what she wrote and I didn't even write it. How does she not see how pathetic she is?
No. 539970
>>539684Oh shit you’re probably right. Why else is she all fucking weird about her mom being gone for a couple days?
Also, wasn’t it last May when Aly talked about moving in with berto? I wouldn’t wish Aly’s life on my worst enemy. It’s so sad and BORING. She’s literally going no where in life. No school. Entry level dead end jobs that she hates.
If Aly was my relative I’d probably resent her.
No. 540012
File: 1522231077574.png (585.42 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6958.PNG)

poor frail weak aly
No. 540016
File: 1522232484391.jpg (101.69 KB, 640x1137, 29089768_123869245122830_68103…)

>>540012Can't see this story, but she posted this as last
No. 540022
>>540012>overwhelmed and weakThat'll be the physical effects of too tight chin highs
>>540016Tuesday? Was this yesterday or is she all confused again?
No. 540027
File: 1522235461841.png (933.03 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6971.PNG)

No. 540074
File: 1522245682543.jpg (226.56 KB, 746x682, selfhamscreams.jpg)

guess this is supposed to be a sassy or snotty way of talking about her problems, but it doesn´t work well
No. 540171
File: 1522257475418.png (170.92 KB, 640x795, IMG_6974.PNG)

She's back to scrawling nonsense on her face again.
No. 540230
File: 1522260811128.png (1003.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180328-121131.png)

>>540171She doesn't even care what's on her face. She just wants you to look at her boobs.
No. 540379
File: 1522272287592.png (585.4 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6977.PNG)

No. 540387
>>540379It's not like her feelings of guilt stop her shoving those burgers and carbs down her throat though.
Too many skinny #tb s today. I doubt she posts them in celebration she's now a healthy weight.
No. 540440
File: 1522276079048.jpg (143.17 KB, 653x478, Screenshot_20180328-162628.jpg)

No. 540460
>>540442Promotes all food except the healthier alternatives to her crap other recovery accounts post. Except those who choose salad with kale for lunch. Except anyone who eats food based on good nutritional value because they're obviously promoting #dietculture and oppressing women when really they like the energy and mental wellbeing that comes from a balanced diet. Fuck off, Aly. Take some blood tests then come back to us and tell us your diet's not causing you to look and feel like shit.
That's what I say.
No. 540603
File: 1522287119308.png (261.37 KB, 480x553, wp_ss_20180329_0001.png)

>>540483Dr Google thinks it's this.
No. 540648
File: 1522291530311.jpeg (657.93 KB, 640x797, AB45AC44-1639-4481-B10A-34BBF3…)

No. 540888
File: 1522332100795.png (780.52 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6983.PNG)

No. 540924
File: 1522340133126.jpg (309.98 KB, 540x1027, Screenshot_20180329-100945.jpg)

>>540888Is this dumb bitch crying over eating a wrap? She used to "eat" one of those every single day. I've made at least 2 or 3 .gifs in the past 3 years of her with them. She really wishes she was still sick doesn't she…
No. 540940
>>540648>>540171>>540888>>540924This is exactly why she should be transferred to a separate unit dealing in unmonitored mental issues aside from a dietician
She went from eating nothing to eating non-stop.
Her recovery was eating chocolate and other junk to the point that she became so accustomed to eating shit that she doesn't know anything else, refuses to actually eat what's good for her like everyone's been saying AND everything in moderation
The girl needs to be put in an institute somewhere in Italy before she suffers a cholesterol induced heart attack unless the diabetes kills her first
No. 540987
File: 1522347086098.jpg (380.9 KB, 680x939, Screenshot_20180329-120726.jpg)

No. 540990
>>540987Hahahaha you beat me to it.
She really is a lizard person in a human skin-suit.
No. 540999
>>540987This is heartbreaking to see one so fragile suffering so hard.
Brb going to DM her to stay strong.
Ma should never ever leave her baby home alone again.
No. 541081
File: 1522355339944.png (818.46 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180329-142647.png)

No. 541754
File: 1522432518921.jpeg (426.03 KB, 1125x2164, 1559E59B-24BD-413B-AF90-E082B8…)

No caption been up for more than a minute.
No. 541787
File: 1522434376545.png (362.7 KB, 480x620, wp_ss_20180330_0001.png)

How can she not be bored with eating cake every day.
Her face is starting to look like a cushion.
No. 541837
File: 1522437886724.jpg (259.36 KB, 934x736, farstretch.jpg)

No. 541883
File: 1522442566852.jpg (419.04 KB, 720x1022, 20180330_143953.jpg)

Maybe it would help if you let people comment on food posts?
No. 542091
File: 1522456588241.png (465.78 KB, 481x508, Immagine.png)

Ok, I was watching this and something hit my attention…I know that place and didn't Alice said that her "important job" is near her favourite restourant? This is Bicocca Village, a fucking mall. She works at a mall. No way she works in one of the near office because without a college degree no one is gonna hire you there.
No. 542128
>>542091She likely works at the information center. She still hasn’t mentioned London so it’s likely that the anon who suspected it was Ma, who was actually going to London, was right.
I’m pretty close with my mom too but I don’t have a fucking crying fit when I don’t see her for a few days. She must have really been pissed she couldn’t go to London.
No. 542134
>>541967I'm finding it fascinating watching her gain weight. Tbh, I like fuller figured women (not obese) and generally think they look more attractive than thin girls BUT Aly's just not looking good. Idk if it's because her repulsive personality's clouding my judgement or what, but her moon face is really odd and those half naked pics are a big turn off. I want her to get heavy enough on junk food to get mildly ill just so we can be all smug about it.
As for the alcohol, she drinks light lager. Has she ever even drank spirits? It'd be funny to see her drunk post on whisky. Everything she posts is self censored so I doubt any time she's said she's drunk and posted is bullshit.
No. 542246
>>541787It´s really astonishing how her body is still comparatively slim in comparison to her face. Yes, she has zero muscle and probably has a high percentage of body fat, but if I saw only her face I would suppose it belongs to an obese person.
How does she do this? But if she keeps eating like she does, who knows what she will look like two years from now…
No. 542476
>>542430>>542465Honestly, mixed with her high sodium, high fat and high sugar food/beverage intake
When you mix all of that with beer, you're going to have a constantly puffy face
She still doesn't even eat/drink right so imagine adding alcohol to that mix
No. 542483
File: 1522510426009.png (472.19 KB, 698x412, IMG_20180331_173143.png)

The face of happiness
No. 542549
>>542483Oh my…I kinda feel bad for her, I always knew she was a trainwreck but this it's just too much.
I wonder when will she stop with all the attention seeking, been following her since May of last year - well, until she blocked me - and imo she just got worse and worse. I mean, what could happen next? I think she couldn't relapse - and I wouldn't wish that to anyone, nor Aly - even if she claims she's -that- scared of her mind because that's just BS. Keeping up with her lies another…three? two years? even her most devoted followers will get tired of her…I think?
No. 542559
File: 1522518091285.png (807.71 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180331-113840.png)

She needs more comments guys!
What the fuck would deleting it do? Your still gonna be eating that chocolate, your body will still be the same…
No. 542561
>>542559Aaaand this is why almost instantly I don't feel bad for her anymore kek
>regretting this SHAMELESS POSTShe only wants to hear that of course, she doesn't have to delete it and how proud her followers are of her! Another words that don't praise her will be deleted / twisted and shown in her stories, sooo…
No. 542608
File: 1522523674137.png (1.1 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180331-131024.png)

>>542483How is this face different from this face? LoL
No. 542616
>>542608But Aly, that's your happy face you make in every picture! Lol
Guess she might be spending easter without Ma
She's also leaning her head back a bit far.
No. 542633
>>542134I find aly really fucking unattractive and it's got nothing to do with her weight at all. I have a good friend who most definitely weighs more than her but I think she looks super lovely
I also want to see her balloon, if only because I think it's justified. A lot of people really try to stick with a balanced lifestyle after they gain weight in recovery but still have the bad luck of looking quite out of shape because they fucked over their body. It would not be fair if aly'd get to eat all that junk and stay slim/normal
No. 542674
>>542608I hate her lipstick. Why cant she ever do anything subtle? I appreciate that she changed from neon red, but she went the opposite direction and went for corpse brown. Also, the way she lines her eyes, again, I can appreciate that she stopped doing the crazy ass wing, but now she doesn't do any wing, not even a flick. Just a black line all around her eye. Makes them look so small and sunken. Like, she died and her eyes are shrinking. Her whole look reminds me of a bloated corpse.
Why doesn't she understand subtlety?
No. 542699
>>542338she’s just trying to make people worry about her. she doesn’t have an alcohol problem. i wouldnt be surprise if she started claiming alcholism soon. one drink a few times a week is hardly concerning. many people drink a glass of wine for their dinner.
she always blackposts with shit like “Guess I will either going to get drunk or starve” meanwhile she goes out with ma and has a tiny glass of wine lol. she’s histrionic, she needs this attention
No. 542714
File: 1522530100063.png (775.63 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7051.PNG)

No. 542716
File: 1522530153496.png (807.45 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7052.PNG)

No. 542724
>>542716Then she goes and posts the same exact post, but with her eating ice cream added on to the swipe…
I dont get it…was she freaking out because she didnt post a picture of her with food yet today? or what?
No. 542730
File: 1522531424433.gif (4.93 MB, 320x554, 20180331_151701.gif)

>I'm just so sorry to every body who left a comment on the post I deleted, and reposted. I feel so guilty. And yeah, I can't use direct right now. I feel unable communicating, i dont ask help or support becsuse i dont derserve it this evening
No. 542763
File: 1522534536546.png (47.63 KB, 1080x234, IMG_20180401_001529.png)

No. 542833
File: 1522540199546.jpg (98.3 KB, 720x855, _20180401_024042.JPG)

>>542790Same. And how do Aly's lovely girls react? By indirectly calling this skinny model fat.
How can these people not see she's batshit insane, or are they all too? I mean, the woman's waving a snoopy egg around in ill-fitting underwear and fake grinning like a maniac..?
No. 543169
File: 1522581186600.jpg (527.42 KB, 720x1280, 20180401_130355.jpg)

Checked her stories
>seems to have finally cracked that Snoopy-egg
>enjoy your fucking chocolate!!!!!1 (for breakfast, along with cookies)
>yesterday's pointless hate waah waah
>need to survive (!) this day
>OOTD: THAT skirt.
No. 543180
File: 1522583586526.jpg (22.96 KB, 164x219, 20180401_135242.jpg)

No. 543191
>>543169So she really is wearing the skirt as a belt now.
Never change, Aly.
No. 543359
File: 1522603483256.jpg (441.29 KB, 2896x2896, 20180401_112251.jpg)

Just for fun
No. 543378
File: 1522605420021.png (158.69 KB, 640x874, IMG_7066.PNG)

That fucking pose, that fucking skirt. Just stop Aly, stop.
No. 543421
File: 1522607644573.jpg (1.65 MB, 2896x2896, IMG_20180401_123205.jpg)

she wore the same outfit for Easter last year
No. 543426
File: 1522608778122.gif (6.34 MB, 320x554, 20180401_124745.gif)

Last one guys sorry.
So this is her actual bed… I know we laugh about her posing naked in her mom's bed all the time, but I think there was a part of me that didn't want to believe it.
No. 543486
File: 1522613402590.png (1.01 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7069.PNG)

No. 543488
File: 1522613458363.png (170.07 KB, 640x848, IMG_7070.PNG)

No. 543503
File: 1522614903689.png (1.04 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7071.PNG)

Stop with the fucking 'food baby' it's so gross dammit
No. 543581
>>543573I imagine Aly crawling through the waste hunting for discarded chicken nuggets and donnies, stuffing them in her mouth.
Sooo is she ever going to mention her business trip again, or like her opportunity to be a poster girl is she going to let it slide and hope her faithful followers never mention it again?
No. 543619
>>543359PLEASE make this the next thread photo. It is glorious.
>>543486Im all for body positivity and blah blah blah, but photos of her “food babies” makes me ill. Maybe because she calls it a food baby. Pregnant women are beautiful…you are a bloated mess, Aly.
No. 543627
>>543619I second the pic as new thread one.
Who even invented food babies as a phrase? It reminds me of all the other childish ana words like bloobs and nanas. Her stomach's no longer flat (and so what) so it shows she still has body issues if she's pretending stomach fat is food.
No. 543660
>>543581seriously why have none of her followers asked about London? especially after throwing a fit "greeting haters from London soon"
She is counting on no one mentioning it. and shes right, so far none of them have said anything.
No. 543725
>>543359Aly is unable to smile properly anymore
It's merely a ventriloquist doll doing its best to imitate basic human emotion
Not sure if it's the bloating preventing normal human function, but she just looks crazy
No. 544332
File: 1522691742299.png (1.59 MB, 640x1136, 9CD2F9F7-ACF9-4D87-8B08-7ACD6A…)

I’m thinking she doesn’t know what she’s saying by pro life jajaja
No. 544398
>>543552three or four course lunch + chocolate egg is the norm. nobody cares about jesus unless they're religious, and even so, for most of us it's all about eating huge meals with your family. same goes for christmas.
it's pretty obvious you gain some weight during festivities, but then isn't it the same in other countries? you just accept it and eat healthier from the day after. she only makes a big deal out of it because deep down she knows she can't be spoopy again.
also here chocolate eggs are not just for children, it just depends on the brand. some brands cater to children, while others are for adults. it's only weird if you're 30 and get a my little pony egg from your parents…
>>544332lmao she definitely doesn't.
No. 544467
File: 1522701501268.png (805.49 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7093.PNG)

No. 544469
File: 1522701541926.png (1.18 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7091.PNG)

No. 544531
>>544467So now she's trying to appeal to the anas who do the Disney thing who behave like 6 year olds.
Boo boo she's eaten her egg. No more Easter. Boo boo. Grow the fuck up omg.
No. 544537
File: 1522706136317.png (290.66 KB, 510x557, floatingwings.png)

>>542674So she's still reading here, she suddenly changed her eyeliner again. This time it's… floating in mid air?
No. 544585
>>544537Before anon said it was a filter I was going she'd been playing with false lashes. I'd kill to see her walking around with a pair not glued on properly.
As for filters…time to ditch the animal nose, Aly. Overused or what.
No. 545141
File: 1522756002064.png (21.7 KB, 307x215, Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-03 um 1…)

She seriously thinks she lives in a difficult situation. And she´s back to talking about periods again.
No. 545153
>>545141I hate how she doesn't get that millions of people experience the same thing every single day. She thinks she's soo special (needs).
She hasn't #updated yet. Possibly scoffing donnies because ~period hunger~.
No. 545158
File: 1522760055365.jpeg (41.77 KB, 749x154, 1854CD94-12A0-4035-AED5-D0ED47…)

>>545141It’s called Histrionic personality disorder, look it up x
No. 545258
>>545251They are still together and according to Aly, live together, except Aly eats and sleeps at home lol
Also, someone ask her about London? She hasn't mentioned it, or her job for like 1-2 weeks now
No. 545365
File: 1522782693207.jpg (729.93 KB, 1079x1532, 20180403_211000.jpg)

>>545267Back then she actually seemed to put effort into her appearance. Now she seems pretty lost on how to style herself…or pose.
She keeps tilting her head back more and more.
She also won't be able to ride "recovery warrior" train forever
No. 545408
>>545375She likes it, she just wanted followers to say she looks gorgeous.
TW latest shot is underwear on bed again.
No. 545460
File: 1522787890958.jpg (62.75 KB, 430x638, recoverytrain.jpg)

>>545365>riding the recovery warrior trainchoo choo lovely girls!
No. 545540
File: 1522791589318.png (95.41 KB, 1080x450, IMG_20180403_233840.png)

I wonder how long this comment will be up
No. 546035
File: 1522843683992.png (1.06 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7119.PNG)

I'm cackling
No. 546153
>>546125My god it's like she's 10 years old
>my words are MINElmfao
Also, no update on London or her job, guess she just won't mention it ever again
No. 546168
>>545365holy SHIT. imagine seeing this on the streets. she may as well be holding a sign that says “I HAVE HPD”
>>546125Piss her off by telling her you won’t delete, and that she needs to watch her words because she’s making you suicidal af or something.
She’s so stupid she literally quotes people constantly without giving them credit. You’re giving her credit. Fucking idiot
No. 546176
>>546125woooooowwwww in stories she all " kinda appreciate it..tried to contact them lol"
what a fucking cunt..Tell her you thought it was a good thing to spread her positive message around the globe, and that you think its best if you continue.
No. 546191
>>546174Half tempted to post that lol
>>546176'Fraid I can't DM her at all. I feel too depressed and might self arm. Aly_quotes will continue. Intellectual property my ass.
No. 546227
File: 1522865459505.png (829.8 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7130.PNG)

What an unflattering angle.
No. 546228
File: 1522865530105.gif (6.56 MB, 320x554, 20180404_120703.gif)

Sometimes, I think she just likes looking at her face through the front facing camera. Making faces at herself for a few hours a day.
No. 546358
>>546191>half tempted to post thatDo it, haha
>>546227Wtf? Does she purposely take unflattering angles so she can get attention for being ~much recovered~ now or? She’s clearly still thin but with some of her angles you rly can’t tell
No. 546381
File: 1522874955287.png (1.27 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7133.PNG)

No. 546395
File: 1522875367838.jpg (106.72 KB, 449x650, nikki01.jpg)

Ok so I've been wondering for the longest time what Alys face reminds me of and I couldn't figure it out but I just realised she looks like these fucking weird human face masks some people like to wear ew
No. 546405
>>546381Woah, wait. When she feels bad she isolates herself? How extraordinary!
>>546395God, there was a tv docu about people who do that. They were all in a club being…like that. Must make your face sweaty. Aly does have the same blank face thing going on. Even when she's smiling her eyes are vacant.
No. 546414
File: 1522875752346.jpg (42.08 KB, 615x375, aly and co worker.jpg)

(That docu was called Secrets of the Living Dolls. I just remembered. This one even wears Aly style clothes!)
No. 546431
File: 1522876617333.jpg (44.86 KB, 660x224, Screenshot_20180404-151527.jpg)

I wonder if she went through and deleted people? Or if she really got that many unfollows.
No. 546567
File: 1522884127407.jpg (92.83 KB, 652x294, Screenshot_20180404-171821.jpg)

>to exhausted to ham
>what a wierd thing to say
It sure is…
No. 546592
>>546567I hope she threw that fucking skirt away.
She feels mentally exhausted and fucked. Too much so that she can't self arm. Damn, here's me thinking that's
precisely the frame of mind of a person when they're most likely to arm. How oddly optimistic she is when she's feeling like arming. She really is very special!
No. 546600
File: 1522885790086.jpg (285.98 KB, 720x1073, 20180405_014858.jpg)

No. 546611
File: 1522886752670.png (375.5 KB, 626x388, sedative-thumb.png)

>>546600B&W. Must be serious.
No. 546683
>>546664she doesn't want to
trigger her delicate recovering followers, god forbid they see a word written down
No. 546835
>>546567>threw away some clothes because "I´m too fat to wear them" boohooshe said 3/4 of her clothes are from her years and years of being anorexic so actually, YES Aly, you must be too big to wear them!
What she pictures as such a tragic thing to do is something reasonable for once!
But ~the skirt~ won´t go anywhere. It´s Aly´s traditional Easter skirt.
No. 547010
>>546875Oh man, this is PERFECT.
Can't post pic but she ate chips with meatballs with BEER in BREAK LUNCH, inmy country drinking alcohol in laboral schedule is an illegal act, does this doesn't apply in Italy, I know they drink wine eith every meal but one thing is wine and other beer
No. 547017
>>546875This is scarily accurate.
I wish we could get ma's perspective on Aly. I'm really curious what she would say.
No. 547040
File: 1522940862643.jpg (67.06 KB, 366x655, 11.JPG)

Wow, butthurt over losing followers, eh.
No. 547118
File: 1522949334969.jpg (7.83 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>>547101She wore that skirt when she was a spoop. I remember it from her #OOTD from that era (screen shots on my old laptop). She wore it when she was getting less spoopy as well. Why the aversion to buying new clothes?
No. 547126
File: 1522950075494.jpg (31.63 KB, 402x394, Capture.JPG)

Now she thinks that posting old pics is the reason people are deserting her:
>fter yesterday's ups and downs I noticed I lost a sh*t load of followers 🔙 and I well imagine the reason why 😅💭 The truth sometimes is sad and ugly to see; don't you think? 💁🏼
No. 547244
>>547127>>547146>>547191Eh, yer all a bunch of pissheads (!)
Back on track, she's really worried about her declining follower figure (o no, numberz #
No. 547255
>>547244LoL I know, I was being a jerk on purpose. I think it's a bad idea to drink then work with tools or medical equipment. I agree with you.
But we all know Aly doesn't have a job with that many responsibility. Or else she would actually talk about it the same way she talked about stocking shoes or babysitting kids. I really feel like she doesn't work at all. She would have more to complain about. No job is free from complaint.
No. 547258
>>547255I have not one second believed that she has a job that pays her anything.
SHe cannot maintain herself living together at Berto's because without her mom spoiling her she couldn't afford all those lunches, drinks and apparel.
No. 547292
>>547258I think it's work experience that she doesn't get paid for. It's difficult to imagine what she'll be doing in a years time. Yeah, she can't afford to move in with Berto (I don't think she wants to leave Ma tbh), and she isn't doing anything to actually do real work and is really unenthusiastic about working.
When she's eventually financially independent (probably in many years time when her parents are dead), she's not going to be able to afford eating at cafes and if Bert's the only one working I can't see him forking out for the good fork to for her pasta and pancakes every day.
No. 547350
File: 1522960866977.gif (1.94 MB, 320x554, 20180405_143914.gif)

No. 547351
>>547350Two hard days of what?
Also her posting shit at 1am and stuff lime this just confirms she's not working.
No. 547380
>>547372I'd find someone else as recovery inspiration, someone who didn't eat crap like she does and someone who makes the effort to do some exercise.
I know that a lot of the time anas are made to gain weight fast and some end up lumpy like Aly, but the fact she has noooo intention of sorting her diet out and really slags off anyone who eats salads and kale and gets off their arse and walks or w/e nooooooooo.
She looks like a sack of porridge when she's sprawled on Ma's bed.
No. 547526
>>547380The thing is, aly isn’t even as lumpy as that pic/angle/pose makes her seem to be. She takes all these awful pics where she looks way heavier and worse. Yeah she’s skinny fat and has cellulite but so many of us are too. Aly is still thin.
Why does she pose like that when it makes her look so much heavier?
No. 547553
File: 1522975590821.png (772.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180405-143817.png)

She highlighted her own crazy eyes. Pic related
>>547526It's all for the bopo. You can't be body positive unless you have rolls and veins and bulges.
No. 547784
>>547737Her eye skin is crepey. I've been studying it for a while. It looks like she wears a really sticky primer and it all sticks
>>547526 but I doubt she bothers with primer.
>>547526Her body doesn't bother me. I might've sounded judgemental about lumpiness, but it's really that I hate her body because it's Aly therefore repulsive. In reality, her body's fine but her personality makes me hate anything about her. That and her attitude towards people who don't want to eay bricks of cake every day.
No. 547839
File: 1522993424398.jpg (41.35 KB, 326x222, blawarriorbla.jpg)

Aly always raaants about
triggering co-workers/family members/strangers and her totally ~warriorfighter recoveryqueer badass ED-bOoTy KiCkInG~ mojo.
But if someone actually ever said something like
>wow you really are a good fork aren´t you lololoShe´d probably not say a word. Just storm off to the bathroom to film a b&w loop for her stories and ask halp.
What a fucking loser (!)
>>547350I´d love to punch that smug bobble head lol
>>547785imo you don´t have to correct autocorrect/spelling mistakes like that anon, it´s self-explanatory most of the time
No. 547940
File: 1523018466962.png (103.33 KB, 640x956, IMG_7169.PNG)

I know we joked about her needing to throw away the chin-highs, but they're not even zipping up properly anymore. Christ.
No. 548070
File: 1523032181290.jpg (240.34 KB, 1080x642, 20180406_182705.jpg)

Didn't a farmer say something similar?
No. 548071
>>547940That's simply because aly has already recovered but her "ED Warrior TM" shtick is all she has left
She even deleted a person's comment congratulating her on recovering
No. 548090
File: 1523033595527.png (58.27 KB, 433x541, wp_ss_20180406_0001.png)

I hear that the owner of this account can't raise up after discovering her idol's a cyborg bully.
No. 548170
>>548161The last one just quotes "Aly", instead of her username, and one of the posts is without credit.
Funny how that's bothering her
No. 548201
File: 1523038044011.jpg (9.52 KB, 300x168, images.jpg)

>>548161Not blocked by Aly, but maybe Aly will get blocked for bullying (!)
>>548170Considering she took bodyposipanda's "count orgasms not calories" as her own yeah. Obviously she must've reported the account, but it hasn't been deleted because it isn't thief of if intellectual property.
that's my favourite after I KILL ME
No. 548223
File: 1523039050077.jpg (48.72 KB, 285x387, Capture.JPG)

Someone else is going to be ruffling her jimmies tonight
No. 548453
File: 1523059267715.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, 7882A6B9-5A46-4F42-94DD-FC6D57…)

Can we talk about the food baby growing in Aly’s face? And why her face is so red? Do you think she’s sucking in and holding her breath?
I’m also keking at the comments telling her how great she looks.
No. 548475
File: 1523062296789.jpg (196.1 KB, 720x1280, _20180407_033554.JPG)

I got a copypasta. Not even scared of being blocked in case she still lurks here, she must've sent the same to everyone. And then shared it in stories. How personal.
No. 548716
File: 1523098867380.jpg (414.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180407-130047.jpg)

Hi Aly
No. 548743
File: 1523104449553.gif (2.23 MB, 400x200, latte.gif)

i hope this is real
No. 548753
>>548746Reply, not Replay Aly.
I hope reading this board will maybe help to improve your English
No. 548763
File: 1523107231554.png (6.42 KB, 254x25, Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-07 um 1…)

So, are you proud of it?
No. 548783
File: 1523110559860.png (52.41 KB, 306x256, raiseawareness.png)

>>548746wow you sure showed us!
>"give them ZERO importance">checks lolcow to see if she still has a topic, posts on her thread, makes an entire ig post about it with links attached so that all of her followers can read about her bullshitlmao ok!
>I don't want to renounce to my #raiseawareness aim because of a ridiculous website.this is bullshit and you know it. you can raise awareness in so many ways besides an instagram account.
believe it or not, your ig selfies don't have magical healing powers, much less so on your disordered followers. it's so obvious you do it for attention, everything is always about you, you, you.
"sacrifice"? what are you, mother theresa? sooo dramatic
No. 548801
>>548738You know what's really weird?
To be 22 and literally depend on social media and approval from strangers, to still be dependent on your mother, to write on your face like it's 2009, go out to eat every day on your parents bill and not feel even slightly bad about wasting their money and to constantly lie on social media for approval.
Oh and Aly, when's that trip to London going to happen?
>>548796Been thinking the same thing. It just shows how much they care and take her serious lmao
No. 548811
>>548738Girl please, you talk of "getting a hobby" while most people here study, have a job, hobbies and friends while you're on instagram begging for attention all day long… You should get a hobby, if anything. Delete social media, they're affecting your life way too much and it's unhealthy. You live in a big city, there are so many things you can do. Reach out to your old friends, go out together, do something.
>>548763You wish. You will never get to /pt/, Aly. Yours is second-choice milk
No. 548813
File: 1523114738914.jpg (24.77 KB, 194x476, 2.JPG)

>>548805I thought it was a wonky filter, but who'd want to look like they had high blood pressure? Then I thought perhaps she'd started using foundation and blusher and fucking it up royally (!) as she would. Something's going on though because her neck is a totally different colour.
No. 548868
File: 1523120677029.jpg (25.65 KB, 302x149, 1nodirect.JPG)

>>548863Yes! I came here to elaborate on this. She isn't using direct because she cant figure out who is from lolcow. And she cant figure it out because she sends the same copied text to everyone. and I think that is hilarious.
No. 548878
File: 1523121479993.jpg (1.43 MB, 1080x1350, j.jpg)

No. 548886
File: 1523122160562.png (120.71 KB, 237x266, Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-07 um 1…)

>>548878My goodness, she really takes pictures from the most unflattering angles.
Not long now until her face is going to explode.
No. 548889
File: 1523122223259.gif (2.68 MB, 320x554, 20180407_112720.gif)

Yeah, we see you dumbass.
No. 548893
>>548889Nothing says "I don't care" like posting multiple times about how much you don't care
No. 548894
File: 1523122496814.png (6.39 KB, 280x43, 20180407_1.png)

Thanks, much appreciated!
No. 548896
>>548885>>548886Shopped version of
>>548453, you guys.
No. 548921
>>548889I love how she thinks she's being smug and pissing us off without realizing we're laughing at her.
She has the mentality of a 14 year old from 2009
No. 548936
>>548889You DO care Aly. Otherwise you wouldn’t be spending time trying to prove how “unbothered” you are. It’s ok to be bothered. You’re just mad because a lot of what we say is true. You’re a self-centered, IG addicted brat. And you lie…constantly.
So how about a little ownership in how you are constantly posting photos of your gross skelly past self, constantly
triggering little girls and lying constantly about your life.
No. 548941
File: 1523125786144.png (259.35 KB, 480x480, Dark_Blue_Moon_Emoji_large.png)

>>548453She's looking more and more like the moon emoji.
No. 548947
>>548889I feel good and I didn't even have to push my tits together for a selfie or, once again, feed my face with sugar at some tacky ice cream shop that looks like a laundrette.
It feels good to live alone in my own apartment too without needing mummy 7/24
No. 548950
>>548889Of course you aren’t negatively affected by the ~haters~, Aly. You love the attention. Look up histrionic personality disorder, Aly. All you want is attention. All your fake suicide threats, your invisible self arm and fathers beats. Begging your followers to tell you if you’re fat. You even killed Jack Fisher, so you are the cyberbully! #RIPJack
Sometimes I feel like she has some narcissistic traits lmao
No. 548959
>>548950Well…she is a vain and stuck up bitch
I hope she keeps responding, it's entertaining. Also, still none of her followers are defending her lmao
No. 548968
File: 1523127609128.png (599.05 KB, 750x1334, CCB889B8-4049-43B1-A9DC-1855FD…)

No. 548977
>>548968Why does every cow always use that cry-laugh emoji when they become bothered about something lol.
No one believes they're just shrugging it off, it just looks a little pathetic.
No. 548981
>>548968Aly, you block people who try to defend themselves on your instagram (or ones who have a differing opinion to yours). Doesn't feel good, does it.
You were banned because you broke the rules and we take rules very seriously here at lolcow.
No. 548982
>>548968So unbothered.
Next she’ll have “lolcow are cowards” written on her manic face.
No. 548987
>>548968>they are insulting me and I got banned?Lmaaao
I hope they lift the ban, I want to see how she defends herself and her shitty lies
No. 548991
File: 1523129332679.png (589.31 KB, 767x437, 1431549412497.png)

Enjoy your pizza party, Aly. Remember the days when you used to pretend to eat because you were a real #worrior? You kept that lie up for 18 months and now pretend your account didn't exist back then. Did you know this is the reason you first came to lolcow's attention? You actually admitted at this time you were relapsing. Stop with the lies and maybe we'll stop calling you out for them.
No. 549046
File: 1523132701529.jpeg (356.88 KB, 2200x2000, ACE4C3D9-7963-49BF-B884-ED8FD5…)

Wow, you really can’t live without me!
Don’t worry about the ban, guys: we had much fun today but I’m not gonna spend my days on here as you all seem to do. I already got bored: you write A LOT you know? How much free time you have? I Doesn’t it sound incredible that you have followed me for THREE YEARS? You give me so much importance, attention and SO MUCH to talk about, that is exactly what I want right? Thanks so much for everything, I’ll be back when I wanna laugh.
I feel HONORED to be your main thought and obsession but really, find yourselves a hobby: it would be more constructive
No. 549047
>>548968Shrieking "YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW ME" is not ~defending yourself~, it's called being a 12-year old spoiled little brat. A defense involves actual arguments.
Calling us cowards, cyborgs, etc isn't defending yourself, either. It's textbook projection/deflecting blame.
No. 549059
File: 1523133495889.jpg (63.6 KB, 541x480, johnny-cash-finger-2.jpg)

>>549046I'm Johnny Cash. Here, have one back. Playing guitar is my hobby, what's yours? Posing half naked on your parents bed, huh? Constructive.
No. 549060
>>549046This is hilarious
I'm surprised you actually figured out how to post
And instead of actually putting up arguments you act like a child. Oh honey…
No. 549061
>>549046Wow Aly, you really can't live without attention on the internet!
We already got bored: you write A LOT you know? How much free time do you have? Doesn't it sound incredible that you have posted lies and emoji salads for THREE YEARS? You give your ED so much importance, that is exactly what you want right? Thanks so much for everything, we'll be back when we wanna laugh.
We feel HONORED to have you here delivering milk but really, find yourself a hobby : it would be more constructive.
No. 549062
File: 1523133539937.jpg (116.23 KB, 750x750, justflirtinwiththecam.jpg)

>>549046What can we say. We love you because your life is so compelling.
They see me drolling.
No. 549068
File: 1523133960660.jpg (25.17 KB, 401x397, 2.JPG)

She's here because she wanted her followers (the active ones, like six or something) to defend her, but they don't care.
Hey, Aly. Throw this skirt away. You're not a size 00 any longer.
>>549066Is that…a… (?)
No. 549074
File: 1523134495645.jpg (12.01 KB, 287x287, c9AqVHLL.jpg)

>>549066I don't want to know
Aly must be happy as fuck now that she has a new source of attention
No. 549082
>>549046Girl, I have an eating disorder.
I follow you on instagram.
And you are…embarrassing.
Everything about you is cringe personified and it has nothing to do with your recovery. It's your obsession with legitimizing all these attention seeking behaviors, and the delusions that come along with it. It's okay to feel bad. It's okay to be sick. But if you can't understand why we love to "hate"…you'll probably never understand, by now.
And don't flatter yourself…you're a drop in the bucket.
No. 549090
File: 1523135928317.png (41.85 KB, 433x336, um.png)

>>549066All I see is a pocket with loose fabric hanging outwards… idk how to explain, my English is shit.
No. 549181
File: 1523142506387.jpg (69.91 KB, 633x403, christmas.JPG)

>>549172Of course she did. That post reeks of sugar rush.
>>549112Here they are having a sing song when Aly was fake recovering. It was a thing back then that when she felt low it was absolutely NOT connected to her ED, whereas now every time she feels low it most definitely is (!)
>Food has been not a problem, but a pleasureA couple of months later her leg was shattered (!) in an almost fatal incident where she hit a car. It was at that point she actually really did get her shit together and started eating. (And now she never stops).
No. 549204
File: 1523144560765.png (219.42 KB, 508x430, slow.png)

what kills me about all this, is for as self absorbed as she is, it took aly this fucking long to finally make it here. im dying.
No. 549288
File: 1523152175634.jpg (283.79 KB, 1165x887, IjCjSS5.jpg)

No. 549810
File: 1523213238080.jpg (337.51 KB, 652x888, Screenshot_20180408-123827.jpg)

Is she forcing out a tear? Why is she so bad at conveying different emotions?
No. 549861
File: 1523217776858.jpg (48.63 KB, 477x595, ugh.JPG)

>>549810Lizard people don't have real emotions.
>After 10 days I'm finally gonna be reunited with my boy-friend this evening 💑 and I ended up freakin out about the weight I might have gained during holidays: 💬 'He will stop loving me', 'I look chubbier', 'I'm not gonna go out.'#feminist
This pic. Body is nothing to be ashamed of, but cringe factor is.
No. 549873
>>549866I imagine that tonight she's going to be banging on to him about how much she's eaten, how much weight she thinks she's gained, asking him if she looks chubbier, asking him if he loves her. That might tip him over the edge. He's spent a normal ten days and he comes back to her. Jesus.
Good to see Ma changed the bed cover at last. It was on there for months and what with Aly leaving her germs all over it…
No. 549951
File: 1523221994499.jpg (21.47 KB, 570x479, HulkHogan-765628.jpg)

>>549919Bad make
up and a weird mouth. She looks better without makeup imo.
>>549941Yeah, does look like she borrowed a leg from Hulk Hogan.
No. 550039
File: 1523227569221.jpg (16.37 KB, 281x79, 1_are you joking.JPG)

is this a joke?
No. 550047
File: 1523228377708.png (1.97 MB, 1360x623, 02.png)

>>550039The first part is for sure.
No. 550073
>>550039I came here to post this too. We’ve seen so many suck-face photos of them it became sickening. And pretty clear she only uses berto as a photo prop for her IG life.
I usually don’t care or mind when I see a photo of two people kissing, but something about those two locking lips makes me ill. Probably because it just looks phony.
No. 550078
>>550076It's bad when you can almost make a moving video of her by putting together selfies from the same time or in the same location (the bed).
>>550073I noticed that in the earlier Berto n Aly pics he's a lot more tactile with her and now he just stands there with his hands at his side.
It's like she MUST post a kissing pic because ~muh OCDs~ so, yeah, he really isn't much more than a cone of meatballs on a stick to pose with.
No. 550100
File: 1523232659706.jpg (32.12 KB, 274x236, 0versus how YOU recover.jpg)

No. 550259
>>550100I thought that comment was from a farmer when I saw it but it look legit (cute cats).
I doubt Berto really gaf how she recovered because he wasn't even around during the crucial time. She doesn't appear to drag him to McD's or 12oz coffee joint, so even though he's getting tubby himself I don't think he's as keen on junk food as Aly.
One thing I don't understand about her (in a list of 1000s) is how she HATES Minnie Maud as much as kale yet she seemed to gain eating the same type of thing/frequency as those doing MM. (I only know about MM from what I've seen on ig feeds, so I might be wrong here).
Should be hearing about London soon. People won't let it lie and she can't not talk about it. I bet that all night she begging Berto to take her to London.
No. 550302
>>550259Speaking of berto…anyone else find it weird that she never seems to join him or his family for anything? I get she has a “job” or whatever. But why not on your days off go visit him and his family? Berto has been gone for like two weeks and she didn’t take a day or two to visit.
Last time she did, I think it was Christmas and she claimed she had to go start her new job. But that turned out to be a lie too. It was obvious something happened between them or between her and his family.
No. 550442
File: 1523262336398.jpg (128.97 KB, 544x726, _20180409_112427.JPG)

How is this comment still up.
No. 550525
Do you mean she doesn't deserve it because you're a WK or she doesn't deserve it because she's too big a repulsive twat? If you mean the latter then who'd want attention like this? If you mean the former, please leave.
No. 550544
File: 1523273840320.png (666.29 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-04-09-06-30-09…)

No. 550562
>>550544so she screencapped the lolcow post for her story, kek
still lurking I see
No. 550625
>>550532That's the case for literally every cow we talk about here on lolcow. We are still going to talk about them.
>>550562I noticed that too! LOL wtf? Did she only respond because it was posted here? did She want people to know where she got it from in a subtle way? Or is she just dense?
Hi Aly!
No. 550683
>>550441Hahah I saw that too! kek
>>550544Lol what a lying cunt. There’s literally proof on here that she DOES send the same messages to everyone. Oh my god. I hate her
No. 550719
File: 1523294053247.jpg (88.67 KB, 589x593, crap.JPG)

Another bite towards diabeetus
No. 550722
File: 1523294771792.jpg (90.94 KB, 806x588, man alive.JPG)

1. Ungrateful bitch
2. Her mother's retarded too.
3. Another spoopy pic posted
No. 550734
>>550726Ma doesn't even see how much weight her daughter gained.
>>550730I felt grr as well at this but because I never developed a "womanly" figure because some of us don't. Not that I ever aspired to because I like to impress with my wit, charm and intelligence and not a pair of veiny saggers.
No. 550763
>>550761I think she's been studying lolcow for some time. She's been aware of it for months so she must've picked up on sage etc. She's probably spent a loooooong time reading all her threads.
If anabanana's a farmer, thank you. I love you into pieces.
No. 550770
>>550768I am writing I LOVE YOU on my stomach as I drape myself across my elderly parents bed and dedicating those words to you (!)
I'm still loling that she tried to make a hashtag of her own invention work
No. 550775
File: 1523298529627.jpg (74.07 KB, 789x655, thief.JPG)

ALY, THIS IS THIEF OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY!!! and you threaten @aly__quotes with deletion.
No. 550789
File: 1523299274450.jpg (30.66 KB, 640x336, fb.jpg)

Reported Aly's post for theft of intellectual property. She didn't credit the group OR this poem she borrowed the vessel thing from. She'll probably get deleted now because I also reported all the spoopy pics #boycottthebefore
No. 550806
Attention, Alice Eleanor Casati
Please get your hair cut, colored, and styled by a decent professional. The ends are dead, it's fried, and the color is unflattering.
Please throw out all your ED clothes and update your wardrobe to include styles that flatter your figure. This isn't "shaming," it's honesty. You will look great in clothes that fit you right and look current and fun. For the love of God, throw out the skirts from your anorexic days that you're currently hiking all the way up to your ribcage to squeeze into. Holding onto sick clothes to prove you can still wear them is not healthy.
Please visit a makeup artist who can help you update your makeup look to complement your face shape and coloring. Your eyebrows are overplucked, your lip color is unflattering, and your look is dated.
You're welcome.
Love, lolcow
No. 551046
File: 1523312977785.jpg (88.72 KB, 792x553, this isnt a scale ya know.JPG)

this triggered her
No. 551404
File: 1523340104910.png (7.74 KB, 281x61, Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-10 um 0…)

"My smile when I play with my hair…"
Yeah, playing with my hair is my favorite pastime too, always makes me smile. How old are you, Aly, five?
No. 551564
>>551124Srsly how is this
triggering? Like does she just have to blow everything out of proportion on purpose or did this meme ACTUALLY
trigger her? The former makes sense, the latter is just so cringey wtf
No. 551595
>>551404why is she only her smile
specifically while playing with her hair?
No. 551611
I found myself here because of the link Aly posted in her stories. I knew there was something quite weird about her, but never dug too deep, i just followed her out of curiosity. I followed her back when she was gaining absolutely no weight "eating" ridiculous amounts of unhealthy food and that's what got my attention in the first place.
I have myself recovered from an eating disorder (anorexia) and what she's doing is just so harmful. I used to have a recovery account too, never as big as hers but I was still pretty involved with the community, with something like 3000 followers. People like her (she's not the only one, but defo one of the biggest accounts/influencers) made me believe daily pint parties were normal, that the only important thing was gaining weight no matter how unhealthy you eat (which can be true in the early stages of recovery but honestly it's not a good thing for anyone to do it like that. The point of recovery should be to learn how to eat in a healthy way, yes treating yourself too, but not daily or at least not at every fucking meal/snack). I was surrounded by this stupid mentality and well, I got what was gonna happen, and WILL happen to Aly too, I got overweight and hated my body even more. I don't blame the community, it was me who chose to feed myself that way, but promoting this whole "aw eat all you want!!!!" mentality is actually harmful. My health was still terrible and I lacked of so many essential nutrients despite being overweight… I just ate like shit. Well, I'm better now, I don't have an account anymore and I'm healthy. But it makes me so sick how she (they) encourage this "lifestyle". Yes, you will get fat, and yes, your health will be shit too.
I went through some threads and discovered so many things that are wrong about that girl, on top of this super unhealthy way of eating. So thank you Aly, for posting the link because it made me open my eyes about you hahah (and sorry, my english is probably just as bad as hers)
No. 551627
>>551611Thank you for sharing. What you wrote should be seen by everyone who follow Aly. Especially by her lol, but it's not like she was ever capable of taking in information.
Glad you wrote this here though because many people will see it thanks to aly's linking.
No. 551668
File: 1523374607325.jpg (203.86 KB, 600x284, ScareThePast.jpg)

Aly, maybe instead of wasting all your time inserting shitty emojis into your posts, spend a little proof reading them? Your "inspirational posts" lose meaning so easily.
No. 551703
File: 1523379069581.png (300.59 KB, 272x682, 2018-04-10_18.46.39.png)

And…another transformation pic. She must really miss her emaciated body.
Could it be that her face is the part of her body where weight loss/gain shows the most? I always thought her face was the scariest part of her body when she was skeletal and now that she is skinny fat it´s the fattest part (well, at least for me).
No. 551709
>>551611I love how the only person who came from Aly’s profile to lolcow changed their mind about Aly. That’s awesome. We aren’t just a group of ~awful bullies and haters~ like she claims, though of course we can get pretty mean sometimes, but generally we’re calling out Aly on her bullshit, her own bullying and lying and manipulating.
For example: There’s been a few people who’ve come on Aly’s profile claiming to be suicidal and Aly deleted their comments and blocked them simply because the comments weren’t about her. She constantly publically humiliates anyone who disagrees with her in her stories to her thousands of followers. Her loving followers send very hateful DMs to anyone who isn’t an asslicker. And she absolutely does send the same messages to everyone - it’s been proven. Once she even sent a bunch of people “Do I look fat here?”
And of course, just browse through all the threads to learn about all her lying and guilt-tripping. She has very superficial emotions and uses stuff like depression, sucide and self-harm to gain attention. She was really upset when her psychiatrist didn’t put her on anti-deps, lol. She’s claimed to suffer from self-harm and awful “father’s beats” and then a day later she posts a bikini pic with not even a scratch on her body.
No. 551750
File: 1523382322895.png (2.07 MB, 750x1334, F5E3BECF-4415-4DC6-8AEA-558767…)

what the fuck is wrong with this dogs idiot? she literally mailed Aly a bunch of chocolate?? why?? someone send this bitch some coupons for some vegatables.
No. 551775
>>551750She accepts mail and gifts now. Remember when she used to use that janky Starbucks plastic cup all the time but refused offers of a real one from followers?
Dogs is possibly a closet farmer and wants to speed up the diabetes.
No. 551820
File: 1523386535430.jpg (60.68 KB, 281x343, 20180410_204822.jpg)

>>551750>amazing painting, I'll crinkle it by spreading all the other shit I got on topDogs lives in the Netherlands or in Belgium, doesn't she? Must have spent a few € on shipping costs alone. At least from Germany to Italy, you'd have to pay at least 7 € for a small package.
All to be rewarded with Aly's uuh smile. Totally worth it
No. 551833
>>551611This is why she never screenshots anything from here, she knows people would agree with what's posted here
>>551777It's a "thing" with them. They follow fitness and recovery blogs to see the girls gain and to
trigger themselves
No. 551855
>>551840Just playing devil's advocate here:
Aly's diet is crap but it's still much better than her seriously emaciated period. If you had to pick emaciated Aly or current Aly, I think we'd all pick current Aly, because as annoying as she is, no one really wants her to starve herself to death.
No. 551902
File: 1523392221079.jpeg (239.07 KB, 750x1115, 621D9FD3-353A-4C18-97BB-BB20BB…)

Aly’s idea of healthy. Gobs of cheese and ham.
No. 552000
>>551750>>551820OK, it seems that we won once again against teeth, eyeliner and now she finally dyed her hair.
I think dogs has a business with her girlfriend and they sell that "art" pieces with candies and Aly bought that stuff. I don't believe that dogs' girlfriend wanted to give away her work to a stranger in other country plus shipping costs.
No. 552013
File: 1523398733243.jpg (20.24 KB, 271x320, p.JPG)

>>552000I think you're right about the painting (not sure about the hair yet). This was for sale on her girlfriend's fb page and now it says out of stock.
Wow, buying friends!
No. 552051
File: 1523401490815.png (55.54 KB, 720x411, 1512758330040.png)

>>551709>And she absolutely does send the same messages to everyone - it’s been proven. Once she even sent a bunch of people “Do I look fat here?”kek, never forget
No. 552111
File: 1523405285819.jpg (424.71 KB, 720x885, Screenshot_20180410-180208.jpg)

>>551820I don't think she dyed her hair. I think it's a filter.
No. 552474
I also came from the link she had posted and i tried to read all the topics, but it’s too much, haha. I don’t know how to feel about Aly when i see you guys pointing out so much things that lack about her.
I agree, she had a bad diet, she can’t take any opinion that isn’t hers and she is very immature. I just don’t know how to feel about her.
When i had problems with my weight, I followed her on instagram, and she helped me with eating. But not in a good way. I kept on eating junkfood. And yes, i gained weight, but it wasn’t healty. Later on, i got help from a dietician, who actually helped me see how only eating fries, donuts, pasta,… just isn’t healthy. I was bloated, my body wasn’t healty and my skin was a disaster. Eventually, I even stopped eating meat and I feel so much better and I am so much happier now.
I still follow her on instagram, because I though she was a good person and she kinda helped me in the beginning of my fight, but I think I’m going to unfollow her now. You guys really opened my eyes. I see she lies a lot, and i hate liars.
Thanks again for making mee see her, for how she really is. (And sorry if my English is a bit off, I’m from Belgium.)
No. 552489
>>552474All these anons who end their post with "sorry if my English is bad" shouldn't bother writing that. I wouldn't know English wasn't their first language because they write better than me!
Good to hear you're doing well. Yeah, nutritionists/dieticians are good and I think it should be taught in schools. I see one for reasons other than an ED and in the beginning I had no clue what a "balanced" diet was. I mean, I knew about protein, carbs n shit, but didn't realise how little calcium and whatever I was getting.
Anywaaaay, Aly's just a nasty, manipulative person. I remember back in the days when she was pretending to have pint parties and she looked like a skele. There were comments from people complaining how they were following what Aly was eating but they were getting "fat" and Aly wasn't.
Most of her followers came for thinspo or to watch the trainwreck and now they're there to watch the trainwreck. She's as cringe as a Russian dating site but I can't look away.
Oh, in stories she's posted a babble about how she's planning "a special post" for us. More scrawl on her face?
No. 552503
>>552489Sadly no scrawling, just spoopy pics with waffles.
I also think she's buying likes, she got about 150 likes in 2 minutes but virtually none of those accounts follow her?
No. 552548
>>552489> Yeah, nutritionists/dieticians are good and I think it should be taught in schools.Where I am in Canada healthy eating/nutrition part of the school curriculum in health class. Do they not teach you about healthy eating in grade school where you’re at? Sucks
>>552519Haha, the only two people who came from Aly’s profile changed their minds about her. Aly loves to make us seem like these awful people who spend 20 hours a day insulting her, but really we’re just calling her out on her own manipulation and lying. She loves to call us bullies and tells us to get a hobby but she’s just projecting. No one’s hating on her because of her ED/evident personality disorder… we just hate it when she fools her thousands of followers into believing something completely false and unhealthy. Like how recovey = McDonalds everyday
Also, it’s funny how she thinks there’s only a couple of us on here… there’s a ton of us who probably don’t spend more than 10 minutes on lolcow a day. That doesn’t exactly take up a lot of time. Meanwhile, Aly’s on instagram 24/7.. hm.
No. 552628
File: 1523467013650.jpeg (322.59 KB, 750x1106, 4F387A75-5811-4869-9864-EFFCDA…)

Reason #1083849 for her anorexia: schoolmates told her that she needs to lose weight on her legs
Also lol @ this projection. I seriously doubt anyone has ever suggested she gets a boob job other than her own self
No. 552689
>>552474(is this how you reply to someone? not quite sure ^^)
Funny thing is i'm also from Belgium! (i'm the other anon who came here because of her link)
No. 552692
File: 1523470698448.png (169.72 KB, 1090x752, alice.png)

No. 552710
>>552692this is so simple, and I love it.
>>552689correct, and when you don't have anything new to add, and just want to comment, put the word "sage" (no quotation) in the email field.
No. 552734
>>552692Omg, Ma looks so cute! More pls, anon. If I was a publisher I'd beg you to illustrate a book about aly srecoverj ourney.
Definitely next thread pic.
No. 552792
>>552734Tysm eveyone! Had some free time at work today, I’ll make some more in the future!
I am also the creator of
>>466700 , the pic that Aly posted in her stories kek
No. 552815
(I'd actually be so thrilled someone made a picture like this
>>552692 of me, Ma and Berto I'd want to show it to them. Sadly, Aly has no sense of humour).
No. 552838
>>552833Yep, it's like when she posted pics of her with "stranger girl" wearing bikinis. I bet stranger girl didn't know they were going to be posted on Aly's public ig for body comparisons. Even though she had a hot body, I'd be livid if I found out Aly posted pics of me on her account without my permission.
She really doesn't care about anyone else. It's scary.
No. 552893
File: 1523481857353.jpg (15.63 KB, 500x251, gotta-catch-em-all-gap.jpg)

>>552879That's something I'd do if I went to Milan. I'd be disappointed if I didn't catch her. I think I'd die laughing if I saw her with my eyes irl. Good luck, anon.
No. 552944
File: 1523484668011.jpg (20.71 KB, 385x346, fiiind hiiiiiim.JPG)

>>552938THIS. He was at NHero last time we spotted him (over two years ago). Posters. Print out posters and stick them EV-ERY-WHERE. Actually, he's more important to find than Aly.
Look at him. Ohhhh m8, my poor heart.
No. 553175
File: 1523501848916.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1245x1432, 3D969F60-73F9-43A4-8868-B3D962…)

Aly in a few short months…
No. 553229
File: 1523507798278.jpg (258.77 KB, 651x965, Screenshot_20180411-221347.jpg)

No. 553311
>>553226Ungrateful bitch!
>>553229This totally reminds me of the portrait photography my friend's dad did in the 1980s. Shame we'll never see her photo wearing a graduation gown.
(I'm tempted to print this out and put it on my wall haha).
No. 553384
>>553311>tempted to print this out and put it on my wall Even as a joke that’s incredibly weird
>>553175NGL I thought this was real until I read the text
No. 553468
File: 1523545931092.jpg (123.09 KB, 574x614, accurate.jpg)

>>553455tfw you realize
>I have become this monster! No. 553499
File: 1523549333094.png (1.56 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7258.PNG)

No. 554035
File: 1523584939769.png (641.88 KB, 651x965, attackondonnies.png)

>>553679>>553229the picture gives me more of an Evangelion vibe but this fits Aly better.
No. 554097
File: 1523588485436.jpg (350.99 KB, 755x1066, Screenshot_20180412-204734.jpg)

>>554035I came here to post another one I made out of boredom and saw this. Thank you anon lol
what is it about Aly that sparks so much creativity?
also, here's another one.
No. 554194
>>554146omg SAME!!
also, I’ll be putting these on the art account!
No. 554239
>>551820>Dogs lives in the Netherlands or in Belgium, doesn't she? Came here to post this because I noticed the dutch text, cookies and cote d'or.
Probably Netherlands because I see a lot Hema and i think I see some Liquorice in there (wich most Belgians don't like). Allthough there's cote d'or too and that's Belgian.
No. 554244
>>554035>attack on donnieslol
may I ask how you lovely artfags made these kind of collages, what program do you use?
No. 554256
>>554244I use a samsung tablet with s-pen, and an app called artflow for these
>>553229 >>554097
I also like meitu for distorted effects like this
>>548878 and
>>553175 But I didn't make these, so IDK what they used.