File: 1448427807774.jpg (194.27 KB, 1042x996, reallyreal.jpg)

No. 64096
Previous thread was near sage, and today's a BIG day
Last thread:
>>>/snow/56772 No. 64098
File: 1448428885795.jpg (243.98 KB, 1024x784, 1448378219639.jpg)

Here's the bingo card so nobody has to dig through the last thread.
No. 64121
>>64098Cheers anon
Grab your popcorn and clear your agenda, hospital control day is FINALLY here!!
No. 64124
File: 1448435883309.png (89.61 KB, 309x505, Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 11.1…)

She's having a shot of espresso, and anxiety is to the starts, everyone!
No. 64126
File: 1448435962404.png (553.84 KB, 575x559, Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 11.1…)

New cup for pre Day Hospital Control espresso?
No. 64142
File: 1448437690093.png (1.01 MB, 1079x1074, FuckingHUGEburger.png)

>>64140I just can't picture her eating all of that.
No. 64143
>>64142She doesn't look like she's "cutting it in half"
my mom is bulimic/restrictive/always dieting and she eats her burgers the same way. She mostly picks at the meat and veggies and doesn't eat the bun.
I bet Aly ate a few fries and was "too full as an egg" to finish the rest and her fam was probably satisfied with her picking at her burger for an hour.
No. 64149
File: 1448442261345.jpg (207.38 KB, 974x610, D.jpg)

Make your predictions for weigh in
No. 64150
File: 1448442339847.jpg (7.88 KB, 259x195, f5f5f5f5f5.jpg)

It's been 2 HOURS since she posted that cup.
I feel she is having intense talks and crying.
No. 64155
File: 1448443186412.jpg (242.04 KB, 1024x784, b.jpg)

Here we are so far
No. 64157
File: 1448443594260.jpg (306.02 KB, 1052x1535, Screenshot_2015-11-25-09-25-29…)

For anyone who can't see her IG
No. 64160
File: 1448444384114.jpg (65.98 KB, 587x595, claaaaw.JPG)

She probably doesn't tell them she has burger and pizza the night before.
>I feel pretty comfortable with the slow but continuous (!) weight gaining
I bet you are.
This is bullshit.
No. 64162
>>64159Yeah, so she gained less than 3 lbs in 10 weeks?? And that is somehow okay? The hell it is.
That much weight could easily be gained by eating a meal and having temporary food weight or water retention.
No. 64169
>>64156No, she waits thru thru morning for results - not until the next morning.
There's still a chance she goes in for electrolyte rebalancing - but seriously, FUCK her medical team. You've allowed a severely emaciated skeleton walk out of your care multiple times over the last 5 months. She's OBVIOUSLY doing harm to herself; how can she not be hospitalized against her will?
No. 64174
File: 1448446472898.jpg (605.67 KB, 1080x1080, Aly_realrecover.jpg)

>>64172Psh. Aly is healthy looking. Whatchu talking about, anon?
Photo related. I swear, everyone around her must be blind.
No. 64184
>>64182Austrian anon here - just checked up.
Lol, anon. pls stahp - this pic in my head lmao.
When I had a Bmi of around 12/13 I managed to gain 4 kg (!) in just a few days to avoid getting IP and I used to drink 3 l before weigh ins… so…it is possible to fool everyone.
(Btw now the Drs know about that because I wanted to be honest and told them. I don´t lie anymore!!!
And usually they check your urin, but, nevertheless, it is possible to fool the system)
No. 64186
File: 1448449334498.png (235.32 KB, 1132x522, Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 2.47…)

>As usual I did all the blood exams ? and I'll wait all the morning to know the results ? and.. Yeah, I'm praying for them to be good ??? But so far I had the weight in❗️ and gained another 1.3kg from the last Day Hospital Control ?? I'm kinda proud of this achievement ? and in truth I feel pretty comfortable with the slow but continuous (!) weight gaining ☺️ But most of all they told me that my blood pressure is finally improving and that means that I'm a step closer to an healthier MYSELFFUCK THIS SHIT, I AM ENRAGE
>>64170It's legitimately completely ridiculous and I still can't understand how the situation is being allowed to continue. Seriously, she is gaining in a month around what a lot of people are expected to gain in a WEEK in a proper ED treatment program.
>>64171Exactly. In my experience, weight restoration is THE priority when you're as dangerously underweight as Aly is. If she was in one of the programs I know of in the US, Aly would be on bedrest or wheelchair-bound with restricted privileges and closely-monitored mealtimes until she was at a safer weight.
>>64174It's crazy-making. I always do a double-take when I see a comment like that, but I just can't see what it is that makes people say that Aly looks "healthy."
>>64178Yeah, it's frustrating that our only real source for a lot of this info is Aly, the unreliable narrator herself.
>>64182I lol'd.
>>64184I wonder if they're even bothering to check her urine. But it wouldn't matter if she, say, drank a ton of water RIGHT before the weigh-in. I wonder if they even weigh her in a gown or something or if they just let her wear her street clothes. I want to yell at this alleged team of ED "specialists."
No. 64187
>>64186<quote> I wonder if they're even bothering to check her urine. But it wouldn't matter if she, say, drank a ton of water RIGHT before the weigh-in. I wonder if they even weigh her in a gown or something or if they just let her wear her street clothes. I want to yell at this alleged team of ED "specialists."</quote>
That´s why they checked the urine a few hours afterwards and if it was "supicious" they would check it again and maybe even weigh you.. just in underwear, no bra! No bracelets, no watches, no earrings. I once even got my blatter "checked" if it was full…
oh and you had to pee before hopping on the scales, they would listen to it and if the didn´t hear enough (lol) they just subtracted 200g of your weight.
No. 64188
File: 1448449962924.jpg (65.75 KB, 750x306, image.jpg)

No. 64192
>>64187Damn, that's the strictest anti-waterloading protocol I've ever heard of.
>>64188lol @ Aly eating over 3000 calories/day
>>64189Oh god, there better not be therapists who actually endorse this…are there?
>>64191I wish. I really thought she'd be fucked at this ~Day Hospital Control~. How long is she going to stretch this sham out for?? I keep waiting for someone to step in and stop her, but it's just not going to fucking happen apparently.
No. 64194
File: 1448453704923.jpg (32.27 KB, 309x266, delete and block.JPG)

No. 64205
>>64202Guessing all that salt and water is also what's keeping the BP up. Isn't it usually low in the emaciated? Unless her coffee keeps it high….
Also: how in the hell did she gain 1.3 kgs from last time I cannot believe it.
She's now gained a total of 3.3-3.8 kg since leaving the hospital in June if she's been truthful. [1.3+1.2-0.5+1(or 1.5)+1.3]
But she gained 4 kg (or was it 4 lb?) in hospital and looked SO much better whereas now she doesn't so what gives?
No. 64210
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No. 64211
File: 1448457381574.jpg (151.36 KB, 612x521, f2.jpg)

Lmao x2
No. 64220
>>64216It needs to be a calorific #BOMB if she's skipped her 7 cookies at breakfast.
I'm hoping they're in discussion about bad bloods, but I'm too disappoint to think that's an option.
No. 64224
>>64222Celebratory wrap
Update when she gets home
Welp, she's done it again guys. Recoverywinner~
No. 64233
File: 1448461901473.jpg (188.14 KB, 798x874, ic.jpg)

Update from icovery/body pic
No. 64246
File: 1448463965944.jpg (196.78 KB, 1321x774, Capture.JPG)

Pic is a farmer, right?
No. 64263
File: 1448467053079.jpeg (330.01 KB, 1201x997, image.jpeg)

Sorry to same fag but we got a comment updates.
Ember replied to the wrap post.
Some dude called her out on her croissant pic.
No. 64278
File: 1448468441790.jpg (96.53 KB, 940x591, Capture.JPG)

C'est possible?
Pauline referred to it in a v. vague way though.
But yeah this is boring as hale, I can't be bothered anymore
No. 64281
File: 1448468726498.jpg (200.22 KB, 923x586, scale.jpg)

What the fuck is this shit
1. I've never heard of such a scale. Does it really exist?
2. With such a shitty treatment plan set up for an anorexic, would they really have such a scale (if it exists)??
No. 64282
File: 1448468730155.jpg (128.55 KB, 933x601, Capture.JPG)

Last screencap just cos
No. 64284
File: 1448468798055.png (1.33 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-25-16-20-52…)

>devides body/water weight ;)))))))))
>dEvide tho
If my ~specialist~ Ed Clinic in London didn't have these super magical scales then I doubt your general hospital in Milan has them at all ouo
No. 64289
>>64280No tbh
If her mum knows aly has the account, there's no reason not to
No. 64296
>>64293Well if they're following her body fat %age or skeletal mass %age as an indirect measure of whether she's eating – and those are improving – then they're going to believe that her weight truly did go up and it's not just water.
I don't know what they're doing though.
No. 64299
>>64281That is such bullshit. How the fuck would that "devides" body max/liquids and actual weight? How would the scale be able to tell how much liquid is in you and food?
She is insulting our intelligence.
No. 64306
File: 1448470903978.jpg (Spoiler Image,193.47 KB, 925x577, nasty af cup.jpg)

What size cup do you think Aly has? Maybe the next time I get a cold drink at Starbucks, I'll reuse the cup (once!).
We have leftover Ensures (actual Ensures) from when my dad was ill, so maybe I'll figure out just how many "'useless' extra calories" Aly is adding…
No. 64307
>>64306I don't go in Alys thread but this shit bothers me. Like she thinks she is being so cool reusing a Starbucks cup but that's just so gross throw it away. People would think she's homeless if she tried to pull that shit here. Why doesn't she fucking buy a Starbucks container off Amazon.
Sorry just, ugh
No. 64313
>>64306>"I added useless extra calories to the mealplan"Why don't you eat an extra cookie for breakfast or add sauces/dressings to lunch?
>NOT IN MY MEALPLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oy.
On the other hand: we have a convert! See Living_for_rap's comments on the aly_realrecovery account
No. 64317
>>64307I don't think she's using it for coolness points, she just knows the measurements for this cup/feels safe with it for that reason
Why she can't exchange it for at least a new one of the same size is still beyond me, though. Probably some kind of stubborn ana logic. Like a new cup will somehow = more cals.
Or maybe her ex boyfriend used this cup once, kek
No. 64318
I've got a water counter on my scales and idek what the fuck it's for. When I first got them I was experimenting to see what happened to the water level in my body on different phases of the moon, haha.
As for Ma C, well…I've been SO tempted to get in touch and try to understand why she allows aly to pig out the day before a weigh in. I'm always uneasy when anyone mentions getting in touch with cow relatives though. So many questions I'd love to ask her.
>>64316Thanks. I was on the wrong parody account. Anyone with an ounce of common sense is going to doubt Aly at some point. I should think that anyone who's been following her for more than 7 months knows she talks a crock of shit.
No. 64319
File: 1448472936531.jpg (114.47 KB, 921x585, lies tho.JPG)

Aly says her last weigh in was 4 weeks ago. It was not. It was 6 weeks ago. So her weight gain is lower than 1 kg/ month. Just wanted to put that out there.
No. 64359
File: 1448477674583.png (366.83 KB, 500x600, Fuck this shit.png)

Fuck this shit. All of it. I don't think my blood pressure can take it anymore. I shouldn't get so frustrated over a complete stranger whose life I have no stake in whatsoever, but FUCK it makes me angry. Fuck Aly's "specialists" and their ~magic scale~ and Aly's fake weight gain and fake recovery and fake photos and fake personality. Fuck this world.
No. 64364
File: 1448478343592.png (223.97 KB, 320x480, felicia.png)

>>64359Wait for meeee!
Dear Aly: see attached.
No. 64366
File: 1448478465824.jpg (42.74 KB, 636x358, fuck it.jpg)

The whole family are retards.
Grinning loon Ma C, chief enabler. Weird fucking Pa who has issues from his teens he hasn't dealt with and a backwards brother who's 14 and has a Goofy duvet set. Jesus Christ. Send the lot of em to Dignitas.
No. 64369
File: 1448478607633.jpg (10.5 KB, 209x103, kek.JPG)

Love the comment on the soup!
No. 64396
File: 1448483465320.jpg (115.87 KB, 939x579, ember.JPG)

No. 64404
>>64394Blocked, but feelin accomplished.
Ember blocked me then wrote that second message @ me. Obviously didn't want me to see her comment so I couldn't #bitchslap back heeeeheeeee
No. 64405
>>64404Aly checked her insta at this time of day? Huh.
You did good. Ember's a wimp. I saw her first comeback and all she could come up with was "blow me"
No. 64407
>>64405Ewww, ~
I'll make a new account later…while she's sleeeeeping.
No. 64409
File: 1448485508128.png (425.8 KB, 1080x1699, Eyeroll.png)

My contributions. Soon to be deleted.
No. 64413
File: 1448486017956.png (135.63 KB, 1080x518, Blahblah.png)

One more. Not blocked yet.
No. 64419
how is your comment
triggering srsly
No. 64420
>>64417Because her followers are just as delusional as Aly is. I think many of them want to believe Aly's "recovery" is what #realrecovery looks like, because that means they too can "recover" and still maintain their anorexic weight.
Or they just don't want to be insensitive and hurt the poor little blondie child's feelings, although Aly is a very condescending, haughty person if you pay attention.
No. 64425
File: 1448487938580.jpg (98.66 KB, 929x578, June.JPG)

Because I hate myself I looked through alllll of Aly's pics to screencap any weights mentioned from June - now. I do not have September's screencap (where she lost weight) because she deleted that one, but it's in a past thread. I'll post them here for reference's sake in case others are deleted.
No. 64426
File: 1448487957703.jpg (116.81 KB, 937x586, early july.JPG)

No. 64427
File: 1448487972006.jpg (117.6 KB, 936x583, july.JPG)

No. 64428
File: 1448487984930.jpg (119.25 KB, 925x587, august.JPG)

No. 64429
File: 1448488001869.jpg (114.05 KB, 929x583, october.JPG)

No. 64430
File: 1448488016816.jpg (116.26 KB, 928x584, november.JPG)

No. 64434
>>64431>Is this mandatory ana hospital weigh in routine for this skele?Are you new to the wonderful world of Aly?
(answer: yes, but every 4-6 weeks)
No. 64437
File: 1448488626574.jpg (68.6 KB, 714x613, september1.JPG)

Found September!
Pastry-face returns
No. 64439
File: 1448488665906.jpg (97.53 KB, 698x568, september2.JPG)

September caption (partial, left out the usual blah blah that was in part 2 on that thread)
No. 64478
File: 1448500684497.jpg (126.99 KB, 500x331, body-weight-scale.jpg)

>>64417I don't know. It's so weird. They have NO stake in Aly's recovery or her life whatsoever, they have no evidence that Aly is "#realrecovering" aside from what she herself posts on Instagram, they take a proven liar at her word on everything, and they rabidly defend her already-besmirched (and deservedly so) honor like she's their best friend or some shit. It's not like Aly would do the same for them and leap to their defense or fire back against "mean" commenters on their behalf or anything…she can barely bring herself to be civil to her own assholegap-patters in the comments of her own posts.
>>64435Hahahahahah #progress #realrecovery #recoveryispossible #kickana #edworrior #compulsiveliar #fuckingdelusional
>>64468Nah dude it's a
magical scale. It can also read minds.
No. 64479
File: 1448501179392.png (232.01 KB, 1140x724, Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 5.23…)

>>64478Oh, and Aly blocked me for this post, lol. She must reeeeally regret that mistake…
>I truely don't know about what you're talking about darlings [shocked face]Top kek. It makes me think of when politicians deny that they ever said things that people have them recorded on video saying.
No. 64489
>>64484Too bad. I liked surrealrecover, it was clever.
Goddamnit Ember, stop fellating Aly in public
No. 64495
>>64492How long do you think it will take ember to realize aly gives less shits about her than anyone else?
Or is this the only way she can keep herself relevant to us, so she gets talked about outside her own thread?
I would pay money to see aly call ember out on faking anorexia, kek
No. 64498
>>64495Ember is irrelevant anyway so there's no discussion to be had.
I've a feeling recovery_queenie isn't a farmer. Wondering if I should guide her to the alternate accounts…
No. 64501
File: 1448506535550.png (41.44 KB, 1136x98, Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 6.48…)

>"over night"
I am so sick of idiots doing this, acting like Aly ~just started #realrecovery omg it takes so long to gain weight how dare you expect her to look any different~. Even if they think Aly's account began in June and missed her first round of "#realrecovery," that's 5+ months ago. If she was in an actual treatment program, she could be weight restored by now. It's completely absurd.
No. 64505
>>64496Also, commenting on Aly's pictures almost guarantees you new followers… and not just Paris Melody Raven, although she will follow you for sure. I got new followers the couple of times I commented, and I don't even have an ED account. ED accounts probably get a lot of new follows.
Aly is so wrong when she says that her IG "isn't a social network."
No. 64512
>>64508She's taken this term away from university. Let's see if she resumes her studies in the winter term. If she does, it'll be more difficult to maintain her current controlled eating schedule. I wonder what'll happen then.
And yeah, I'm spooked that her intake is regulated to always cause approximately the same amount of weight gain.
No. 64522
>>64508I wonder how much her parents enable her, though - or at least her mum. Like, my mum has done as much to infantilize me as she can, and undermined any attempt to become an autonomous independent individual, and she emotionally blackmails me into staying living at home to act as a buffer between her and my emotionally and psychologically abusive father; she's a narcissistic martyr, and he's a malignant Narcissist. That way she keeps her baby forever (all she ever wanted was a baby - and she forgot that babies grow up, apparently), and doesn't have to address her serious issues with my dad.
I know, abloobloo and personalblog shit, but your comment made me wonder if there might be serious parallels with Aly. Who the fuck knows, though.
No. 64524
>>64484Thanks for the translation. Man. That's actually very sad. More believable to read her saying that than the rest of her facade. I really wish she'd post how she actually felt more often. At least then people can try and be there for her instead of cheering on a lie that doesn't help her.
If she was honest with her followers then people can actually support her. :/
No. 64528
>>64524That's what I don't get. The post was whining about having no one to talk to, but she
actively creates a situation where she has no one to talk to. She could be honest with her followers and gain a few close friends on there, or she could be honest with her psychologist and actually be helped. She's literally surrounded by opportunities of support, and she's throwing it all away.
So really, I was
>>63733, but I can only feel so bad for her. She dug and is digging her own damn grave.
No. 64568
File: 1448523736438.jpg (14.2 KB, 498x105, not a farmer.JPG)

Saved this one because it'll be deleted within the hour.
No. 64570
File: 1448524085508.jpg (148.45 KB, 1078x894, Screenshot_2015-11-26-06-57-31…)

No. 64571
File: 1448524204192.jpg (200.35 KB, 1006x1365, Screenshot_2015-11-26-06-57-58…)

No. 64585
File: 1448529045216.jpg (75.44 KB, 633x333, hallefuckilujah.JPG)

Some of the "fake account" comments appear to have made her think about gtfo the internets!!!
No. 64591
>>64589She must be bored as fuck herself of the same old routine. #recoverywin to lolcow because I think the accounts anons have made and the "hater" comments have opened her puffy eyes to how tedious and ridiculous her account is.
I hadn't thought about IP, but hmm… I don't know. It's possible she really has reached the point where she knows she's got to get her shit together.
No. 64597
>>64595Yeah, selfish of followers to tell her to stay because she's so ~inspirational~.
I hope she goes. If not for her sake, then for our saniity.
No. 64628
>>64585If she was actually genuine for once, it would definitely be a good thing to step away from this disordered behavior that is obsessively posting your alleged intake on instagram,
but I have a feeling that this might be her planning another "relapse".
She knows she can't keep fooling everyone for much longer, and that she can't "relapse" out of the blue amidst all those posi-vibes, so if she "took a break" it would be more believable to come back and announce that she ~hadn't been doing so well~.
I do hope I'm wrong, but then again Aly herself has admitted to lying to family, friends, and followers, and to hiding and deceiving people, so.
No. 64633
>>64628yeah i was thinking the same
idc if she relapses as long as its away from the public eye. that's her business.
i just don't want her lying to everyone via her profile
No. 64640
File: 1448552156557.jpg (210.81 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg)

So: a step forward.
Wonder if she'll still post daily, because second afternoon snack is pretty much always a recovery win challenge. But eh, on the whole, I like this decision.
No. 64644
>>64643Whatever she finds at the bottom of the bin
Hurray for no more disgusting fortimel pictures
No. 64647
File: 1448554481413.jpg (161.13 KB, 952x1042, Screenshot_2015-11-26-16-13-04…)

Next stage of anorexia: no touching the food
No. 64651
>>64640>her meal planned foods are pretty repetitiveNo shit there, Sherlock.
>>64647How claustrophobic is that place?? The walls look like a public toilet.
Anyway - thank FUCK she's going.
Next pro ana lolcow to take down?
No. 64655
I dunno that much about her though.
No. 64665
>>64658She's too young.
That crazy Emily girl?
No. 64667
File: 1448558257820.jpg (5.76 KB, 225x225, baw baw no one knows me…)

>>64665Wellllll, she was deleted but IG let her have her account back when she cried to them. So fucking sick of her histrionics though.
No. 64669
File: 1448558673944.jpg (26.28 KB, 472x424, same old.JPG)

>>64668Her account's as repetitive as Aly's. "I want to die" EVERY DAY, crying EVERY DAY, body check EVERY DAY, says she's recovering but is restricting. Can't believe they let her keep that account.
No. 64672
File: 1448558823774.jpg (40.46 KB, 308x580, ot.JPG)

OT but don't want another ash thread. What's wrong with her face here? Why is her chin suddenly so wide?
>>64670Yeah, she did that again yesterday. Didn't let anyone know she was okay.
No. 64674
File: 1448559342786.jpg (201.01 KB, 929x593, sundae.jpg)

Someone needs to correct her on this again.
No. 64700
File: 1448565806827.png (51 KB, 914x164, Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 11.2…)

Hangry cunt.
>>64571I love how she's seriously pretending that her little slip-up never happened. Tons of people have seen it by now and she's just going to blatantly lie about it. Wow. The only people who still believe her about anything must either be new to the Aly-scene or gullible/naïve/stupid as fuck.
No. 64701
>>64700If I can get a new throwaway account I'll post the whole thing to her IG so she can't deny it
Anyone else got one too?
No. 64708
>>64707I agree, we don't know what this new IG method of hers will look like could be even more hilarious than it is currently
She'll find it weird tomorrow not having to arrange her cookies
No. 64709
File: 1448568234452.jpg (104.78 KB, 858x575, IMG_0162.jpg)

Damn, I thought Sprout was doing better. Sounds like this is Thanksgiving lunch with her mom or something?
No. 64710
>>64709insta link?
I am so bored with Aly, I want someone new to follow.
No. 64711
>>64687She is, but I feel like she'd lavish in any sort of negative attention and agree with it, maybe end up injuring herself and blame it us. Her mom really cares about her (I saw that napkin note; so sweet) so hopefully she gets the support and help she needs to at least feel better.
What about the chick who set herself on fire?
No. 64713
File: 1448570300822.jpg (111.73 KB, 400x400, 57475298.jpg)

No. 64750
>>64674What the fuck does she mean be delved. I'm so confused by her use of it. Like wtf is delved what word does she actually need to use to sound proper. Ffs.
Well, let's see how Aly goes for at least a little over a week. I mean this girl doesn't have anything else to do with her life. It's like that one quote by that photographer who took pictures of that anorexic girl, "all she was good at was being anorexic." That's (sadly) Aly's only real talent and Ashley's. I mean what else will Aly do now with her life? Actually, recover? She's like Ashley all she believes she can do is be anorexic and fake happiness…. Then we have Ember who fakes ED and recovery and makes up all these problems when in reality she can just delete her account and live a normal happy life within a second. Smh.
No. 64793
I'm hoping for - but definitely not counting on - Aly actually stepping back from Instagram and focusing on living instead of carrying out this "recovery" performance. I think that getting off of Instagram altogether would help her a lot, but I can't see that happening unless she's somehow forced to do so.
She's being so ridiculous about this. She wouldn't get the comments from the "fake accounts" if she wasn't being such a liar and a bitch in the first place. She'd be getting real support and getting to "speak" like she feels she can't now if she chose to be truthful about her life. Instead, multiple times a day, every day, she chooses to continue spinning this phony, overly-positive "recovery" narrative.
Most of the comments that Aly deletes and/or says are from "fake accounts" aren't awful, mean, or bullying - sometimes they are, but they're often concerned or confused, sometimes frustrated, sometimes correcting, and sometimes even encouraging. It will be really gross and manipulative if she uses comments on her fucking Instagram account as an "excuse" to ruin her health even further (I'm not going to say "relapse," because she's never un-relapsed). It's not like she's getting nonstop comments telling her to an hero or something. People are generally just pointing out the truth or questioning her inconsistencies and lies.
No. 64822
File: 1448611737768.png (181.19 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20151127_0001.png)

Holy shit, she can't stay away. Is she going to post this explanation instead of food 7 times a day?
No. 64824
File: 1448612206879.jpg (151.58 KB, 1076x995, Screenshot_2015-11-27-08-14-51…)

Here's one we might see later, a throwback?
No. 64838
>>64835Figured it out, but thanks I had no idea you could do this. Literally got a notification a minute after.
Aly had her first ever (!) raspberry jammed filled croissant. So #challanging because different fillings apparently. Carpe diem and all.
No. 64839
File: 1448613362223.png (525.92 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20151127_0003.png)

Oh god
No. 64840
File: 1448613406736.jpg (169.48 KB, 942x1342, Screenshot_2015-11-27-08-35-57…)

>>64838The croissant looks pretty empty, a blob of jam but hardly filled
No. 64842
File: 1448613774350.png (32.08 KB, 475x167, wp_ss_20151127_0004.png)

Polite way of saying haven't you got anything better to do.
No. 64850
>>64846She wrote the caption though
She's had apricot filled, strawberry filled etc but this is a new win because we all know raspberry has the most gazillion calories
No. 64856
File: 1448616773859.png (848.28 KB, 935x593, raspberry kipferl 9w ago.png)

raspberry kipferl (=croissant) #1
No. 64857
File: 1448616800222.png (901.1 KB, 933x594, raspberry kipferl 3w ago.png)

raspberry kipferl #2
No. 64858
File: 1448616838881.png (911.3 KB, 932x590, raspberry kipferl.png)

raspberry kipferl #3
but the raspberry croissant is first ever!!
No. 64860
File: 1448618346378.png (29.06 KB, 440x138, wp_ss_20151127_0005.png)

>>64859I don't understand her interpretation of "meaningful".
No. 64863
>>64743i really don't get it because i live in germany and my doctor would have hospitalize me like a thousand times before when I were that thin.
They put me in the hospital at a BMI of 16.. so why the fuck does nobody do it with her?
I saw a post where she said that her doctor is informed and allow her to stay at home. WHAT THE FUCK she is 14 or so?? My mom would have driven me into the hospital on her own.. even when the only hospital would be 600km away
No. 64874
>>64872Shit. Sorry anon, I thought you meant aly duh.
Icovery -well idk. Its weird as fuck she's not IP seeing how she has so many health problems.
No. 64883
File: 1448629476541.jpg (54.01 KB, 640x640, i-would-give-up-drinking-but-t…)

No. 64884
>>64854If she was "too physically ill" or whatever to attend this term, I don't see why that would change by next term unless Aly makes some drastic changes here, and fast.
>>64876What? icovery? She isn't and doesn't look 20…it says right in her bio that she's 14 and I haven't seen anything to indicate that she's any older.
No. 64887
>>64872Someone should call the youth care imho
She said that she isn't allowed to go to school but does it anywhere..
Her parents are so awful. Dear god she will die before she even gains 2kg
No. 64890
>>64872>>64870>>64863I'm guessing she lives in a small town, and that her parents have known her GP for years and years. She has said that her GP would "give her parents another chance" because "he trusts them", which is ludicrous because apparently the doctor is so uneducated about EDs that he thinks it's as simple as her parents failing to feed her.
Her saying time and time again that they are ~searching for a good clinic~ is bullshit as well, because she wouldn't be allowed in at her BMI, she would need to be stabilized medically first, and during that time arrangements could be made to transfer her afterwards.
There is NO viable reason to wait at the state she's in.
No. 64920
>>64893yup, lush waffle is up!
so she will be posting at least twice a day….just as i thought.
at least the waffle is half (?) eaten this time?
No. 64954
> I want AN healthy BMISo, Aly, tell me more about you giving private lessons…
or do you mean
"I want an UNhealthy BMI"?
No. 65031
>>64882Please kill me too if I'm ever in that position. She makes me want to do every creative thing I've ever done or come in contact with. I
talked about trying crocheting once?? Time to go try it so I'm not like Aly!
She posted a picture of the Cathedral because… downtown is her interest?? This is so sad to watch her try to behave like a real human. Just admit your ED is all you have, Aly. You can try to get some real hobbies, but we all know you don't have any at the moment.
No. 65036
File: 1448664689077.png (68.06 KB, 1025x240, Copyright.png)

Copyright symbol. lolwut?
>Get those eyes darling ?
No. 65048
>>65047oh really? this is kind of sad…
I bet her new "hobby" will be
→ cooking
→ writing a cookbook
→ getting vegan (I´m not against veganism, but you know….if it is Aly…)
No. 65050
File: 1448669767458.jpeg (421.94 KB, 1241x1894, image.jpeg)

You guys did Aly ever acknowledge this drawing a fan made of her?? I mean I scrolled through the comments and the likes of the original post but I didn't see her comment or even like it. I even scrolled through Aly's Instagram but Aly didn't even seem to at least post it. What the fuck… Is she that big of a cunt?
No. 65069
>>65063She doesn't really show any of the symptoms of anti social. Like even the way she lacks empathy isn't the same, if that makes sense?
Plus she's way too consistent
No. 65132
>>65047Damn, that's really sad. And I was about to get all excited for her too.
How pitiful to live in a city like Milan and have no life outside your parents' home and the American cafe.
No. 65137
>>65132Is that cathedral across from the cafe or something? Like did she just swing around in her seat and go "look, interest!"
Also: news tie-in, in the post-Paris terrorist raids they busted a gang who planned a bomb RIGHT there.
No. 65166
File: 1448707798096.png (377.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-28-10-48-47…)

This girl is creepy as fuck
No. 65167
this girl is inspired by aly, she's ip, wrote a comment about how she had tears in her eyes thanking aly. did a video action shot of her ip lmao oh ………… god
No. 65188
File: 1448715934316.jpg (1.04 MB, 1359x2289, WP_20151128_12_47_50_Pro.jpg)

Hey farmers OVER HERE. Are you missing the Starbucks cup? Well here is mine. I've been reusing it for almost 2 years. It's cardboard so more hygienic than plastic. It's actually self cleaning so I've never even had to wash it.
Sorry no rotten fruit to post though.
No. 65215
>>65212yeah she used to show us the mug in pre-june photos. then it disappeared.
is that photo old? hmmm
No. 65216
>>65209Don't let it get you down. It's probably a book she just picked off the shelf to impress people that she reads in English.
Still no idea what she means by "English culture". Does she think the police solve crimes by smoking a pipe and wearing a Deerstalker hat?
No. 65217
File: 1448723900688.jpg (182.56 KB, 534x616, IMG_20151128_091715.jpg)

Why is she pointing at the words artificial existence
No. 65219
>>65217My mind problems give cryptogram my own proper artificial existence I crave.
Cryptic indeed, Watson.
>>65218It is.
No. 65234
>>65197It is very awkward, but not as awkward as Aly's videos. And the girl starts to go for a second(!) bite!
She's copying Aly to a scary extent, but clearly did not pick up on the one-bite rule. This is why sempai will not notice her.
No. 65239
File: 1448735300974.jpg (36.15 KB, 297x300, alternate reality.JPG)

>>65234This is why Aly needed/needs to stop her fake account.
No. 65240
>>65216>>65209>>65217Yeah I doubt she is actually/currently reading this. If she regularly read English literature her English wouldn't be full of such awful mistakes.
And judging by that accidental "diary entry" the other day I'm guessing her mind is too preoccupied with eating disordered thoughts for her to concentrate on reading anyway.
>>a relavant part of #realrecovery is relax and rest ? And as a wise man said: "you will have a great company, if you feel good with yourself." No. 65242
>>65234Aly noticed her though, she's FOLLOWING her!
>>65240Any other times she's been pictured reading, it's in Italian.
No. 65246
>>65217>>Book spine clearly bent>>Top of pages almost look discoloured/stainedQuite possibly not her book. Maybe belonged to someone else beforehand or is a library copy.
>>65240I agree. If she's at that reading level, she wouldn't be making the type of mistakes you mentioned.
Wouldn't be surprised if someone gave her their copy because they knew she's learning English, she opened up the book on a page that "looked good" and snapped a pic for insta. I don't think she's aware of the words she's
pointing at in the book nor how fitting they are for her whole insta persona. Judging by her level of English in her posts, I doubt she fully understands the meaning of those words. If she does, she has been dumbing herself down and pretending her English is worse than it is. Why? That's anyone's guess.
No. 65252
File: 1448738958781.jpg (18.95 KB, 607x119, 1.JPG)

So she put some marshmallows into a carton and took a pic to post on ig and claims to have eaten them.
No. 65254
>>65253Restricting calories is her thing though isn't it?
Why is she posting these anyway. She could've told us which film she was going to see, but NO, it's all about FOOD.
No. 65262
File: 1448743059503.jpg (23.84 KB, 500x370, follower.jpg)

>>65259overly attached follower
No. 65273
>>65249>>65251Yup. English is not my native language either, and when I've been restricting too severely I could notice that I was having immense trouble constructing sentences.
I never made blatant and repeated mistakes such as "challanging" etc though.
No. 65282
>>65272top kek, anon.
do it!
No. 65645
File: 1448812064760.jpg (102.62 KB, 1072x781, Screenshot_2015-11-29-15-30-01…)

And we have this one to look forward to oh yay more food
No. 65664
>>65663I don't understand why people try to pass the blame for their own actions
Unless someone holding a gun to your head it's your own DANG! responsibility. I know people don't just choose to have mental illness, but in situations like hers they chose not to get help
It would make literally 0 difference even if her relatives magically were to blame
Like… "ok u know wat ur right, it is their fault. Now wut?"
Jesus christ
No. 65671
File: 1448825524839.png (34.96 KB, 1046x92, Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 11.1…)

This comment made me chuckle, given that we know for a fact that she did actually lose weight - and was subsequently hospitalized, albeit far too briefly - while on her magical ~specialist mealplan~
No. 65678
File: 1448827356701.png (4.61 KB, 264x46, jeseus.png)

probably took four hours because of her tiny ~struggling~ bites
No. 65731
File: 1448844333311.png (427.41 KB, 764x514, kek.png)

No. 65751
File: 1448850037179.png (29.32 KB, 1142x94, Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 6.20…)

kek, thanks anon
No. 66174
File: 1448874127294.jpg (61.29 KB, 503x577, speachless.JPG)

She posted a croissant for asspats.
She thinks her witch is hiding inside. Not so.
No. 66256
>>66174Seriously what is she trying to say with that post
A croissant is a croissant whether from a patisserie or bar
No. 66309
I hate those tacky bracelets she wears. Don't know anything about the BREND, but it seems like it might be plastic crap that's expensive because of the name?
>>66306Yeah, looks like she ran out of interests to post.
No. 66323
>>66309holy shit that bracelet is absolutely tacky
and there I thought you were just dragging Aly for fun
also lol @ her DEEP THOUGHTS about the charms she picked
No. 66329
>>66323I think the saddest thing is she picks charms entirely related to her ED. Like, what is she going to do if she
actually recovers? Throw out the bracelet? Otherwise she's just hanging on to her ED in some way.
No. 66339
>>66323No, I've seen her wear others and they look horrible, like something a 6 year old would wear from Claire's.
This looks like the one she's got No. 66350
File: 1448912332949.jpg (117.74 KB, 720x735, _20151130_113556.JPG)

Could this be Aly? I'd assume she isn't too happy about being discussed on MPA.
No. 66352
>>66350the English is too good for Aly
maybe a delusional follower white knighting?
No. 66355
File: 1448913040489.jpg (126.55 KB, 1074x1254, Screenshot_2015-11-30-19-49-19…)

Ma gandolfi sick of her being online all the time?! feeling sarcastic
No. 66361
>>66350'you have to eat much more food to gain'
Ok, so why isn't she eating much more food? People, I can't take them anymore.
No. 66374
You can't 'kill' your metabolism.
Quit spewing your fatlogic and get some accurate info if you're gonna go around talking about this shit.
No. 66391
>>66381A* first post to the thread! Sums it all up in a nutshell.
Aye, who started the REPULSIVE trend for the emojis and woop woop fuckyeahrecovery BS? Was it Aly? It's spreading like ebola.
No. 66396
File: 1448924829539.png (711.1 KB, 934x597, Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 4.04…)

I think I figure out how old her Starbucks cup is…
This is the most recent picture she posted of herself at a Starbucks…. Ew ( vomit emoji )
No. 66530
File: 1448956989836.png (310.42 KB, 766x476, ske.png)

LMAO the 'glass' thing
No. 66534
>>66396Starbucks hasn't opened yet in Italy so there is no way she could have replaced that cup unless she went abroad to another starbucks and she didn't take a photo of it.
No. 66537
File: 1448959638941.jpg (43.27 KB, 1076x515, 1444776116581.jpg)

No. 66545
>>66534The photo is literally tagged Berlin and Germany, and as
>>66536 is saying, we're pretty certain the cup is from there.
Likely, the cup is indeed 3 years old (not 88 weeks, which would only be just over 1.5 years), and the photo was an actual #throwback.
No. 66546
>>66536That thread had some false info, though. She has no actual
glass Starbucks cup; it was a lost in translation thing, calling non-coffee/tea cups glasses.
No. 66643
>>66629True. There's just less to talk about.
Though I'd say another part of it was people being so disappointed by the Day Hospital Control day that they gave up.
No. 66647
>>66643Yup. All that excitement then … nothing. There's no way I could stick another month of the same shots. At least her feed isn't as monotonous - no cookies, no ensure fortimel, no pizza, no awful soup or excuse of a pasta dish.
Not surprised she isn't posting any more "personal" stuff about her interests seeing how she has none.
I'll keep checking in on her to see if she's died or something, but I can see that whatever she is now she's going to be until the day she shuffles off. My own mental health is shitty, my life is shit compared to some but I'm so fucking happy I'm not Aly.
No. 66650
>>66647Cosign 100%
The parody accounts have stopped posting as well (I guess they were both farmers so not surprised)
No entertainment value left in Aly
And I don't care enough about ginger to delve into her backstory…though wow, that GOMI thread has some interesting projections (accusing ginge of being a sex worker on the down low, what)
No. 66678
>>66650I'm not sure what it is about Ginge that makes me want to avoid her. I can't seem to desensitise myself to the awful food combos she posts and I get second hand indigestion.
She's weird, but not enough to keep checking out. I mean, the way she naively posts pics of her cucumber in a bag and eating those pickles or w/e the fuck it is in a hot dog bun as if she's eating dick but says she had no idea they looked sexual.
We need to find a new cow.
Oh, this:
> When I'll finally win the war and when I will be completely FREE and NORMALNormal. Aly. Lol.
No. 66686
>>66647>>66678Agreed 100%. Aly has been boring for a while, but at least the threads were entertaining. Now everyone has lost interest she's just as dull, but posts half the boring pictures.
And Ginge just makes me sad, maybe a bit nauseous.
No. 66720
File: 1449005890600.jpg (213.12 KB, 1060x1365, Screenshot_2015-12-01-21-35-43…)

Here's something to cheer us up, a "progress" picture
I really wasn't sure which one was which
No. 66721
File: 1449005904484.jpg (296.91 KB, 1062x1571, Screenshot_2015-12-01-21-36-47…)

No. 66738
File: 1449008453446.jpg (169.57 KB, 698x508, worrior.jpg)

More accurate.
No. 66774
File: 1449015706008.jpg (99.63 KB, 923x542, best comment.JPG)

No. 66835
File: 1449021991257.jpg (109.58 KB, 909x554, pt 2.JPG)

>>66834and part 2
recovery_uuuu IIRC you're a farmer?
No. 66860
File: 1449025413106.jpg (97.36 KB, 932x577, Capture.JPG)

I love you, aly_realrecovery.
recovery_uuuu, pfft, don't think that, I was going to say your post was on point.
No. 66877
>>66721her emoticons
trigger me.
No. 66886
>>66653Further adding to our theory that her entire identity is her ED. How the fuck is she supposed to recover when she's literally dedicated a piece of her body to reminding her about it forever?
I'm going to bet the rose is somehow ED related too.
No. 66896
File: 1449044868235.jpg (211.76 KB, 1000x1399, Screenshot_2015-12-02-08-24-43…)

Another on point comment, esp the bashing of ember
No. 66918
File: 1449060349135.png (480.81 KB, 894x536, a.png)

i can feel the passive agressive lmao skelly
No. 66937
File: 1449068538649.jpg (34.43 KB, 287x201, dad guilttrip.jpg)

>>66918Personally, I thought Aly was the passive-aggressive one here. "No, dad, it's fine."
drags him through the mud onlineI just feel so bad for her father. He just wasn't in the mood for food shopping (probably just tired), and yet Aly has to make a big fucking deal out of it. How much you want to bet she went home and guilt-tripped him over it?
No. 66940
>>66927Doesn't her brother have Goofy bedsheets or something like that? I guess it's a bit more acceptable for a 14y/o to still have children's bedsheets though.
A 20y/o who is still obsessed with Disney's "muppets", however…
sidenote, so many young adults/teenagers these days seem to be obsessed with Disney and Disney princesses, if buzzfeed is any indication of that. I guess I can't relate because I never had fantasies of being a ~princess~ and I really don't see the appeal of Disney movies as an adult.
No. 66952
File: 1449074174592.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1648, Instaly.png)

This person commented telling Aly
>You're my recovery inspiration!
Went to their profile and saw this photo of Aly used as thinspo
#thinspoooo #thinspire
No. 66955
File: 1449076281552.jpg (250.08 KB, 1068x1586, Screenshot_2015-12-02-17-10-26…)

A muffin is a muffin is a muffin
No. 66963
File: 1449078462279.png (70.15 KB, 2592x434, I am struggling, yes, I am str…)

Top kek. I knew I'd wake up to find that Aly had blocked me, but I didn't expect that someone would have flagged my account (no pictures or anything, I'd only left like 4 comments on Aly's account and that was the extent of my Instagram activity) for self-harm, too. What kind of piss-poor response to criticism is that? Self-harm, really? I mean, I may have punched the wall a few times out frustration with Aly's BS, but…
No. 66965
File: 1449079627727.jpg (325.24 KB, 925x598, worstdateever.jpg)

She's mentioned before how she talks to her "sisters" about her ED. She has to be the most boring coffee date ever. I bet her friends grow so bored of having to sit there while she photographs herself and her food and laments about her ED because there is literally nothing interesting about her.
No. 66966
File: 1449079731940.jpg (9.72 KB, 236x214, angst.jpg)

>>66940I HATE what Disney's done to Winnie the Pooh and co. The original book and illustrations are gorgeous but Disney turned them all into a bunch of ugly cunts with less of a personality. They took out all the things that adults can relate to and turned it into shit. Disney are wankers. /vent
I collect Snoopy stuff AND CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PEANUTS MOVIE. Peanuts is way fucking cool though. No pink princesses there, yo.
>>66965Aly looks in her late 50s.
No. 67226
File: 1449136425346.png (546.65 KB, 824x526, wa.png)

this girl lmao
No. 67227
File: 1449136474306.png (487.85 KB, 828x528, wa1.png)

ps henriksen needs to be locked the fuck away
No. 67228
File: 1449136742411.png (252.16 KB, 788x518, lamoasoa.png)

O SHIT SHE LURKS lmao girl pls get help urself before judging
No. 67235
File: 1449138829101.jpg (8.14 KB, 81x19, datusername.JPG)

No. 67238
File: 1449139313445.jpg (85.54 KB, 803x580, 1.JPG)

No. 67251
>>67227>>67228>>67238How the fuck can this girl call out Aly? Oh, right, because she's just as sick and fucked up in the head as she is. Okay so she's pretty honest about what she's going through - I agree her photos are pure 'thinspo' for all the little girls on IG but her captions to show the ugly truth of anorexia. But she's also actively wallowing in her disorder, encouraging it even with this sick basic bitch ED slideshow. Her poor family must be suffering even more than Aly's.
shadow.midna what you said about aly is true but you're in no position to judge. Close the shrine to yourself, get some help and get down from that moral highground, because your IG and hers are two different kinds of equally fucked-up.
No. 67257
File: 1449145861310.jpg (32.65 KB, 567x359, shadow.midna.JPG)

Apparently she's on heroin. The Chrohn's Disease appears to be self diagnosed.
No. 67266
File: 1449148174798.jpg (191.08 KB, 948x1296, Screenshot_2015-12-03-13-08-07…)

Are they in a betting shop? Weird place to eat a croissant, maybe they have so much money because pa casati is a gambling king!
No. 67270
File: 1449149324297.png (253.38 KB, 539x304, screen-shot-2012-10-29-at-21-0…)

>>67266Gambler and market trader.
That cafe looks like a trucker's greasy spoon hangout.
No. 67276
>>67273Yeah, fuck you Aly. Your dad's not paying for no fancy ass bar.
>>67275Shhh, but the gold Tiffany necklace is probably a knock off.
No. 67278
File: 1449150667042.jpg (383.11 KB, 1536x1024, casati counterfeit haul.jpg)

Genuine BRENDS!!!
No. 67280
File: 1449150908005.jpg (70.15 KB, 420x281, alys boutique.jpg)

>coat from Zara
No. 67281
File: 1449150927153.jpg (54.93 KB, 800x800, foreign-fake-wig-wig-big-wave-…)

Wig from China
No. 67283
File: 1449151172177.jpg (38.61 KB, 400x484, recoverywin.JPG)

Advent calendar challenge.
No. 67291
File: 1449152089392.jpg (291.62 KB, 979x979, IMG_20151203_080444.jpg)

Real recovery??
No. 67292
File: 1449152136819.png (718.51 KB, 979x979, img1449151964880.png)

I knew he reminded me of someone
No. 67301
File: 1449154429716.jpg (115.21 KB, 1076x755, Screenshot_2015-12-03-13-48-56…)

OT but ember trolling crazy Emily and Aly now
No. 67316
File: 1449157896487.jpg (174.33 KB, 907x571, advent.jpg)

What the fuck is this bullshit? Aren't chocolate advent calendars super cheap? Why are they catering to her illness like this? "Oh, it's okay Aly. I understand eating a SUPER TINY CHOCOLATE, SMALLER THAN YOUR NASTY NAIL is too challanging [sic]. You can just eat one every other day!"
Like I knew her family was fucking ridiculous about letting Aly continue to die, but every time I think they can't surprise me, shit like this happens.
No. 67322
>>67316You can get them for a quid at Poundland. That's only cheapy chocolate, not like some brend chocolate. Poor bro misses out because he has to share with his sister??
I thought all advent calendars were chocolate.
OT but was browsing some anas on ig and one of the IP girls mother made her an advent thing where she gets a gift a day. The first gift was some Dior mascara or sthing. Poor Aly gets a chocolate every other day.
No. 67324
>>67322(this is her if you want to see what her present a day is
No. 67328
>>67322There are some advent calendars that are toys (like the Playmobil ones), so Aly's family might have a tradition like that.
>>67318Yup, and this probably isn't even the tip of the shit iceburg of stuff that bro probably has to do or not do because Aly
has to get her way.
No. 67373
File: 1449168588970.png (592.7 KB, 836x670, icov.png)

update from icovery 6 days ago
No. 67385
File: 1449170709091.png (467.73 KB, 444x661, wp_ss_20151203_0002.png)

>>67374I was looking at the accounts p.s.henriksen follows. Loads of those are like that. They use RECOVERY in their username but they're obviously not.
This one's been mentioned before here. She hasn't been out of hospital for long and now as part of her recovery (as in the name) wants to be skele again.
No. 67410
>>67238Poor baby.. Going through her instagram and she is really sick; getting massive tummy bloat from a few bites of food, peeing brown. Not good. She's refreshingly honest and doesn't seem brain dead like a lot of ED sufferers on instagram. Since she lurks here;
try and get help, honey. Easier said than done, I know I know. About the bloating, maybe you've developed a gluten-intolerance. Try some rice pudding, Kozy Shack; it's the shit.
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
No. 67411
File: 1449175780482.png (128.01 KB, 476x203, wp_ss_20151203_0003.png)

>>67410>isn't brain dead>uses coke, speed and opiatesOoookay
>>67406Throwing in some mascara clogged lashes.
No. 67420
I thought she was holding up a storebought fancy cookie that she intended to eat after lunch
But that IS her lunch, just wow
Also those patties are not filling…anytime I made a veggie burger at home (with bread buns, veggies, and patty) I'd be rooting around in the fridge an hour or so later.
No. 67427
>>67417hi mina!
I hate girls that do the whole 'haha im different from the OTHER girls!!11! im honest nd raw and cool :)))'
or in this case "im not like the OTHER anas :))) haha give me attention??"
No. 67452
File: 1449181500540.png (357.53 KB, 814x511, a.png)

'i doubt she has a life outside of her eating disorder'says you?
you're slowly killing yourself and broadcasting it?
No. 67457
>>67452>implying that slowly killing yourself and posting overly-positive shit about how you're "in recovery" is worse than slowly killing yourself and documenting it in excessive detail, including copious amounts of publicly-visible photos of your nearly-nude body (totally not attention seeking like those other girls, right?)>implying that playing vidya all day is so much more ~adult~ than engaging in what she deems to be kiddie shitThis one is definitely a specimen of sophistication and intelligence…or, rather, severe cognitive dissonance.
>>67454Unless the other people posting here also have Instagram accounts on which they post even more egregious "body-checking"/thinsposhit content than Aly, then yeah she (you?) is (are?) different. In a bad way.
No. 67468
>>67463To be fair to her, I was an iv heroin user for 5+ years without anyone seeing or knowing about it. I used dermablend and setting powder over my tracks (which looks like lines up and down your veins, rarely does someone have a big ol hole in their arm).
I also had plenty of cash because I was being fully supported by my spouse. No job, no responsibilities, and no lack of cash flow means you can buy up and enjoy whatever you like and remain absolutely 'functional' to the outside world. Plus, once your tolerance is up you're not passing out or nodding off, you're just maintaining a low level of "don't have feelings anymore".
And not everyone shoot heroin, to be fair. She could snot or smoke it. Or she could be full of shit, who knows. But even if she has plenty of $$, when you're getting high every day you don't really care much about food, nor do you feel hunger. I lived on cookies and wine during that time, myself. Opiates fuck with your insulin levels and you crave sweets even tho you aren't particularly hungry.
No. 67471
>>67463Agree, she reminds me of my 12-year-old self, and I was awful.
>>67465Indeed I am, but, to be fair, I did put "you" and "are" in question marks. I thought you might or might not be her. She said she lurks here, sooooo
>>67468Also true.
No. 67493
>>67479This, exactly.
>>67481Ah I didn't realize and haven't checked out her Tumblr. Well, it should come down, too, or Tumblr should take it down. It's not very "not pro-ana" to post pictures you know other people are going to use as "thinspo," but that's the point, isn't it? Knowing that you're ~someone's thinspo~? It doesn't make you special, it just makes you one of probably millions of other people with EDs who are underweight and have taken pictures of themselves.
No. 67496
>>67421>>67427B-b-but I'm not. I just have an overactive empathy gland.
Plus, my boyfriend used to be on the d-train and had older junkie friends. One of them spent an hour in the bathroom screaming and crying and came out with a plastic bag with a softball-sized rock of shit. Too hard to break up and flush. I think they ended up hanging the plastic bag on a fence. Junkies are grody.
No. 67519
>>67496Damn, that is some nasty Trainspotting shit (literally) right there. I'm sorry. Also, I think people (myself included -
were just "hi shadow.midna"-ing because of
>>67228 confirming she's in these threads.
No. 67574
File: 1449212200887.png (920.32 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-04-01-54-20…)

Uhh so anyone know what's up with Emily? I don't mind her much usually but ya
No. 67641
>>67574She just cries blood now, no biggie.
>>67583She literally updated a few minutes ago (I have nice timing!), and she's fine. I don't think she even attempted.
No. 67674
>>67574I'll never understand the thought process these people have
"I'm an emotional wreck who's selfharming??/? lemme take a selfie and write about it"
No. 67687
File: 1449257968290.jpg (31.75 KB, 301x254, hugs.JPG)

She'll be okay, she's got Jolty.
Tbh, I reckon a lot of farmers have illnesses similar to Emily's and feel the same things a lot of the time. I can't imagine recording it all over and over in public though, like
>>67674Some of them say it's for "venting" not attention, but if it was for venting make it fucking private with no followers. Buy a fucking diary.
No. 67691
File: 1449258963788.png (2.28 MB, 1868x1198, Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 11.5…)

>>67690The pic from her alice_eleanor account…posted 50 weeks ago. Damn girl, you fucked up.
No. 67692
File: 1449259867446.png (975.14 KB, 617x1424, Aly 12-4-15.png)

>>67690>>67691Better screenshot. Fucking lol.
No. 67696
File: 1449261885638.jpg (65.59 KB, 571x608, realrecovering.JPG)

This will be her next "progress" comparison pic.
No. 67703
Second major slip up in a week (?) WHY would she do this though. Like
>>67695 said. Why pretend to have a coffee?
No. 67711
File: 1449264824283.png (577.41 KB, 806x520, j.png)

What is this sorcery? It's not a closeup
No. 67713
>>67711She calls it spaghetti.
Picture too confusing. Where is the DANG OILY and emojis. What, what??? Who IS this person?
No. 67719
File: 1449265377490.png (302.86 KB, 516x432, well.png)

No. 67723
File: 1449265565997.jpg (23.34 KB, 585x198, mwahahaha.JPG)

>>67719THAT is anorexia. Not so glamorous huh.
No. 67727
File: 1449265943375.jpg (101.85 KB, 968x655, a2.JPG)

>>67724Do you mean like this because I think I'd lose the will to live if I had to screengrab every individual photo and caption.
No. 67733
File: 1449266080406.jpg (119.07 KB, 973x672, a5.JPG)

I'll keep the url in as #proofs
No. 67734
File: 1449266095331.png (310.25 KB, 812x388, aa.png)

>>67729yeah 139 weeks ago
No. 67741
File: 1449266813134.jpg (74.33 KB, 931x599, aly.JPG)

I like this one best.
No. 67744
File: 1449267044417.jpg (65.23 KB, 821x600, 11.JPG)

I think this is her first ever mention of an eating disorder. She also admitted to depression back then (before she discovered croissants cure it).
No. 67746
File: 1449267866506.jpg (76.84 KB, 275x239, 1439569483705.jpg)

No. 67766
FUCK YOU, ALY. RECOVER FFS!!! We need this get together. Off our tits on espresso and sugar rush.
>>67763I can't remember the last time I had a croissant because I don't like them cold and cafes don't warm them up (not freshly already baked). I like pain au chocolats best.
No. 67768
File: 1449269902041.jpg (103.21 KB, 860x602, drool.jpg)

>>67764Delved, drowned, it means the same thing ;)
Check this out. Two cones full of melted chocolate, served with ice cream. I'd be in heaven.
Now I wonder why Aly subjects herself to this. For an anorexic to be in that shop must be a form of exquisite torture.
No. 67779
>>67772If you guys wanna be delicate 50s housewife-chan go ahead, I'd eat that all myself
Do you guys think Aly's nail polish is just her biting/picking due to anxiety? I'm not really sure what else it could be
No. 67794
>>67768I'm getting anxiety just looking at the menu. it also make me wonder how she doesn't get anxious eating in restaurants all the time. or maybe she does and she just doesn't let on.
I can see why she always seems to get the crepes because it seems like the "safest" thing on the menu
No. 67903
File: 1449296592807.jpg (79 KB, 960x499, 390500_323602530990904_5231547…)

This is from Aly's Facebook, and I think it's my favorite picture of her (though better quality would be better, of course). It's 4 years old, but she looks better as a brunette imo.
No. 67930
File: 1449308418955.jpg (17.05 KB, 282x94, english fail.jpg)

This bitch tutors English. Not even saying my English is perfect, but good god.
No. 67933
File: 1449314165018.png (3.14 MB, 1824x1824, Photo Collage Maker_jWS2y7.png)

Nothing can convince me that she didnt take two snaps in one sitting with different angles and ~tourned~ over the pancakes before layering them differently. These are basically identical ffs
No. 67935
File: 1449315684665.png (48.89 KB, 596x262, Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 3.33…)

It seems like she's making up this fantasy where the people who run all of the restaurants, cafes, "bars," etc. she frequents are in love with her and do all these things just for her (like giving her free shit and making things "special" for her). I have a hard time believing it. The only thing I can see these people being is concerned about having such a spoopy skeleton as a regular customer. Maybe they think she'll actually eat and keep down food if they give it to her for free or make it "special" somehow?
No. 68002
File: 1449344426267.jpg (65.05 KB, 630x326, zza comment.JPG)

Cute spelling of sceletion. I will use it in future.
No. 68010
>>68005But how would she be a happy blondie child if she doesn't have blond hair?
How would she be special?
No. 68094
>>68076yesss the counter-transference is so strong in "mama bear," she needs to get herself some clinical supervision asap.
but shit, good question. I think the mama bear scenario is worse, bc Alexis likes being a revolving door patient and doesn't care how much money and resources she's wasting, as long as she gets to be treated like a little kid.
I mean, neither one of them is getting better, but at least Aly isn't wasting a hospital bed (tho i know how much we'd all love to see her strapped to one with a tube up her nose. i know i would).
No. 68172
File: 1449395222077.jpg (31.01 KB, 288x196, ed daddy.jpg)

Omfg. This is one of the benefits of Aly's followers absorbing a ton of bullshit. In addition to believing that Aly has huge organs and hair made out of fat, they also believe her dad has an ED because a farmer mentioned it once (as far as I recall).
No. 68188
File: 1449402542010.png (2.29 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-12-06-11-47-04…)

she probably only had that though kek
Not that she drinks her afternoon snack anyway but she probably skipped it all together for dis
No. 68192
File: 1449403776504.jpg (109.62 KB, 397x533, IMG_20151206_060512.jpg)

How does she even have any boobs left?
No. 68200
File: 1449406924348.png (124.82 KB, 176x268, a.png)

i am laughign so much at her face here holy shit
No. 68205
File: 1449407621364.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, 1.png)

So this girl ed_souls is using another photo of Aly for "thinspiration" and pretending she doesn't know the girl in he photo, although she had this photo of Aly on her account a few days ago…
>>66952 No. 68207
File: 1449407809902.png (269.56 KB, 1080x1163, Yetcalledheryourinspiration4da…)

>>68206Yet… she called Aly her inspiration on Aly's Winnie the Pooh photo 4 days ago.
No. 68216
File: 1449414161798.jpg (1.35 MB, 2048x2048, collage_20151206080035759.jpg)

Jfc Aly! You know damn well that it was a tiny cupcake, almost the size of your brain
No. 68224
File: 1449417610709.png (283.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-06-08-48-13…)

No. 68243
File: 1449422206088.png (208.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-06-10-15-52…)

No. 68244
File: 1449422853065.jpg (30.28 KB, 513x175, uhoh.JPG)

Jolty to the rescue.
No. 68251
>>68248Interviewer: So, Miss Jolt, where did you train for this position as mental health support worker
Jolty: Instagram!!!
No. 68252
>>68251This gave me a good giggle.
At least she seems to actually mean well.
No. 68277
File: 1449431763865.jpg (125.77 KB, 1211x420, Batlol.jpg)

>>68272Hi Alexis S. McDougall! You seem to be a bit naïve when it comes to putting personal information about yourself online. You might want to think about being a little more selective about what you (over)share in the future. But damn, girl…
>being this new>all dem assumptions>dat internet badassery No. 68280
File: 1449432159812.png (819.5 KB, 2202x1120, Delete yourselves from this un…)

>>68277Also, screenshotted for posterity. I'd be happy to delete myself from
this universe if I could end up in a cooler one, BTW, but I can't remember the keyboard shortcut.
No. 68317
File: 1449445126440.jpeg (105.9 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

>>68272>>68272Have fun kiddos
No. 68452
She's butthurt because never2old2recover called her on her lies.
No. 68496
File: 1449478417974.png (43.1 KB, 1138x136, Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 12.5…)

This makes me think she isn't going back next semester, or at least that she isn't sure whether she'll be able to. I still can't believe she's managed to avoid actual IP or any increased supervision after all this time of what sure looks like fucking around.
No. 68529
File: 1449495342958.jpg (233.22 KB, 2048x1366, s.jpg)

the friends she sees to this day + her sister
No. 68530
File: 1449495413185.jpg (77.93 KB, 960x728, 427949_407407959277027_1564485…)

i wonder what they think about how she is now
No. 68531
File: 1449495528538.jpg (147.64 KB, 960x720, 580028_485820241435798_6390912…)

honestly what the fuck
No. 68563
File: 1449505994498.png (650.77 KB, 924x575, dickin around.png)

i swear, didn't she have a turkish coffee she claimed to be hot chocolate at a restaurant not too long ago???
No. 68602
File: 1449511975521.gif (1.71 MB, 360x363, 1449511152444.gif)

Ok one more. these are really easy to make. She really only has about 4 faces. This one has 2 of them In it, sit down look at food, and stand up look at food.
No. 68613
File: 1449513212394.jpg (78.56 KB, 640x427, cool cat.jpg)

>>68609Right. It makes me feel all [pic related]
No. 68650
File: 1449515630440.jpeg (401.82 KB, 750x744, image.jpeg)

Does no one have anything to say about this? I feel like it has been completely overlooked.
Look how papery the skin on her shin is + that potentially huge bruise… This is the most skin Aly has shown in months
No. 68686
>>68652I thought those lines were really dry, cracked skin where she needed moisturising.
That's a really bad tattoo, but if she likes it wth.
No. 68695
File: 1449518763288.jpg (43.01 KB, 208x397, IMG_20151207_140352.jpg)

Put the paint back on the nails, for all of us PLEASE
No. 68838
File: 1449529845172.gif (1.05 MB, 370x360, 1449529716078.gif)

The deeper I go into her instagram, the more patterns I see. And I can't stop making these. She makes It so easy. This time I wanted to try making an animation of her eating.
No. 68844
>>68833Doesnt look like the result of purging to me, just bad upkeep of nails.>>68838
>>68838These are seriously freaking me out, she's like some sort of robot
No. 68932
File: 1449544253382.jpg (63.45 KB, 298x387, 13464578ff020e9af8b85.jpg)

Jesus Christ you guys, she's like a next-gen Realdoll. Anyone seen the second episode of Black Mirror?
>mfw the real Aly died a while back and her family couldn't cope with the loss of their daughter so they brought her back as a creepy robot copy thing and are running her Instagram and taking her all around Milan and posing her for pictures
No. 69015
File: 1449590527577.png (2.87 MB, 1870x1202, Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 7.54…)

This "new direction" thing, it's pathetic - with every post, she's showing that her entire life really does revolve around her ED. And this right here, coming from a 20-year-old…fucking hell.
>Disney addicted child
>And at last yesterday I bought Chip to mark the "time for change" and the awareness that I'm finally getting my real life, freedom and normality back
She actually thinks she's living something close to resembling a normal life. Jesus.
No. 69016
>>68961> I got to a fairly healthy weight in just 3 months. congrats! that is realrecovery, but I´m sure u have to struggle smtimes
nevertheless, congrats
No. 69018
As a step of recovery I bought myself headphones and a subwoofer - lol
but thats only my opinion. Imho this disney stuff is boring
No. 69022
File: 1449592656923.gif (987 KB, 500x262, h.gif)

>>69015even her toys are ed related???
No. 69025
>>68961Good for you 'non! I hope your continuing to do well.
>>69015What the actual hell? My sister is an ED-chan, but she'd probably throw out all that infantile crap in a second. She's annoying, but at least I can be thankful that she doesn't want to be a baby or treated as such. All these ED IGs are unbelievably creepy with their toddler toy fixations.
No. 69038
Sorry I'm on my phone
No. 69039
File: 1449596943549.jpg (240.84 KB, 926x590, it's as plain and boring as al…)

>>69037I was
just about to post about that lol.
Like wow, 150 calories (at MOST, some say 112)! What a #recoverywin, what a worrior! What a lying sake of shit!
And bullshit they only had Nutella. I don't believe that for a second.
No. 69068
File: 1449604119990.gif (2.14 MB, 360x640, 1449603954039.gif)

empty crepes delved in sugar..mmmmmm
No. 69085
>>69015did anyone else notice that she said "I have them by my side (or better said: in my bag)" She actually carries these ratty old stuffed animals with her in her bag all day long (!)
they've probably witnessed her throw out countless fortimels and recovery win extra(!) treats… poor things…
No. 69097
>>69015>these toys are a symbol of my recovery>so is my rose tattoo>and also my fighter tattoo! (biceps emoji)>my charm necklace symbolizes my ED strugglesIt's like nothing in her life has a purpose unless she relates it to her ED for completely inane reasons.
Yeah good luck detaching yourself from that mindset and actually gaining a life back, Aly.
No. 69118
>>69090'tis I!! But Seriously, Alice does most of the work by being so OCD about her photos. I use a free abdroid app to make these. She is definitely the most fun to gif.
After watching the Ember, Emily and Ashley threads, Its refreshing to come to Alice's with her (((posi vibes))) even if they are fake vibes. I sincerely hope she gets better.
No. 69233
>>69091Yeah, I'm pretty sure she has at least one. Tsum tsums are becoming a bit of craze right now, apparently.
>>69097Yup, exactly this. If it was just things that she owned, that'd be bad enough. But tattoos that are on her body forever? She's fucked.
With the rose tattoo, I think Aly completely misunderstood her grandmother. I mean, she quotes her correctly:
>My Grandma used to buy me roses when I was a child to remind me that our existence is precious and that struggles are part of the game>struggles are part of the gameOkay, good. But then…
>we have to BEAT the "thorns" and be strong, if we want to BLOSSOM like beautiful flowersGoddamn, Aly. First off, roses don't "beat" thorns; that's not how plants work. Second off, your grandmother was literally trying to tell you that life will come with both beautiful and hard times, and you must accept both in order to be strong and beautiful.
Not "Eating disorder thoughts, you're wrong and I'm right! NYAAHH!", but rather something like, "I'm having a disordered thought right now, and I acknowledge that. It does not mean I have to act on it."
Like fuck it's not even that deep of a message and Aly is still too shallow to get it. That's just sad.
No. 69257
File: 1449660042894.jpeg (173.94 KB, 750x688, image.jpeg)

Her hair is obviously falling out
No. 69283
File: 1449670363091.jpg (17.33 KB, 278x191, because youre worth it.JPG)

>>69257The ends are in worse condition than Ashley's wig.
No. 69301
>>69287Her hair looks rather thin, and that's perfectly expected from someone in her condition.
The ends do look like they're from bleaching, but they still look worse than Ashley's wig (maybe because it's real hair and has more potential to split? idk).
No. 69311
File: 1449680102952.jpg (165.16 KB, 924x595, englAsh.jpg)

She has to be just fucking with us now.
"Challange" was at least mildly understandable (at least until people corrected her) due to pronunciation. This doesn't even make sense.
Also, I bet she cut that ball on the top in half because she's insane.
(Though this sundae does sound good.)
No. 69320
File: 1449682011839.jpeg (574.61 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

No. 69344
>>69337If she refuses, her fans will say it's okay because they understand she must be sensitive to her unbearable weigh gain.
I personally don't want to have to see those scouse junky grey sweatpants and ugly boots again.
Her padded bra is hilarious though.
No. 69367
File: 1449690414023.jpeg (304.26 KB, 1273x1673, image.jpeg)

Too lazy to make a burn account for this, but really wanting to point out that these girls clearly only want ootd photos for more thinspo. Secret lives should stick to kissing Ash's bony ass. I don't think Ally will do anymore ootd without those massive sweatpants on to hide the fact that she's not recovering at all. She's gotten so damn predicable..
No. 69374
>>69367I follow secretlivez and actually she's anti thinspo. Think you have her mislabeled. what about 4everthin?
I'm interested to see what Ally does
No. 69424
>>69316Good god, did she just convince them to pour coffee on her sundae?
>>69325Exactly. If I saw anything, I let it go because people make mistakes. But when she's bragging about being and English teacher
and completely refusing to listen when people try to help her with English mistakes, fuck that.
No. 69427
>>69419She's posted before calling Ally out on her fabulous "real recovery" in the past, maybe just trying to get a response from her. I'm sure someone has a screen shot
Isn't her Dr.'s monitoring her social media? Thought she said that
No. 69432
>>69334>>69337>>69374>>69421>>69427Btw, nooblet(s), you don't
have to put anything in the email field. It's kind of ruining the point of being anonymous.
No. 69683
File: 1449722405181.gif (281.43 KB, 500x333, anigif_enhanced-buzz-9172-1428…)

>>69614>>69679Aww, how adorable! It's trying so hard!
No. 69751
>>69283Her extreme fried hair and split ends
trigger me. Holy shit– take a pair of shears to it already, Aly!
No. 69806
File: 1449732958780.png (35.55 KB, 854x114, Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 11.2…)

I just noticed this. Is she fucking serious? Why/how is she going almost two months between ~Day Hospital Controls~ now? That's such a joke, I don't even know what to say. I'm shocked that she isn't being monitored at least weekly. She could easily lose enough weight for it to be fatal between now and her next weigh-in. That just seems so grossly irresponsible, I have a hard time understanding how "professionals" are engaging in this BS and letting it continue indefinitely. I can see Aly conning her family and friends into thinking she's trying to recover, at least to some extent, but her fucking doctor? Her "ED specialist" dietitian? Really?
No. 69809
File: 1449733756533.jpg (184 KB, 1008x995, Screenshot_2015-12-10-07-47-29…)

At first I thought this plate was empty, but now realised its just lighting making the crepe disappear
No. 69810
>>69688Aww again! I know I'm feeding the troll but this is too funny to me like wow some wannarexic is just coming on here and getting so offended that we're not upset by her bullshit.
>>69704Oh, definitely. We just meant that to point out that the fried ends might not be from malnourishment, that's all. Since she lurks, maybe she'll chop them off now. Of course, then she'll post a picture of the trimmings so she can relate it to her ED.
>>69806That's absolutely fucking ridiculous. There is no reason for this. They're just lucky that Aly appears to be resilient or they'd have lost the patient to death by now.
No. 69830
File: 1449746209293.jpg (62.41 KB, 750x270, image.jpg)

Guys wtf is this true?!?!! Because it would explain EVERYTHING
No. 69836
>>69830As far as a quick search tells me, that's not true because that's not how Instagram works.
YouTube works like that in the sense that vloggers make money off views, but that's mainly because of ads.
For Instagram though, you have to get paid by brands that you're promoting. (Which is possible since Aly has well over the 5,000 followers recommended for this method.)
Now Aly might have a deal with McDonald's or jewelry companies. I just don't know if I can see her doing that, but hell, maybe the Starbucks cup has a purpose after all. (Which would be hilarious since the one fake account joked about that.)
Sources: No. 69916
File: 1449768311659.png (935.4 KB, 1180x528, meaningful.png)

She posted more ED related meaningful jewellery.
It was a BRIGHTEN day for her. She's too happy of wearing it again.
No. 69922
>>69916And her mum build it for her
She's winning the war!! Alllll by herself
No. 69924
File: 1449769901915.jpg (24.32 KB, 359x299, last christmas.JPG)

Her hands weren't even skele claws 51 weeks ago.
No. 69929
File: 1449770352393.png (405.76 KB, 495x366, time travel.png)

These two pics are less than a year apart.
No. 69943
File: 1449771428313.jpg (70.79 KB, 931x596, c.JPG)

She was still spoopy, but it hadn't caught up with her face. She had some kind of social life too. I can't believe her body's not even thinner than this now.
No. 69949
>>69948It's weird how when I use to see these #OOTD before she deleted I thought she looked deadly thin. SHE DOES, of course, but now she looks even worse.
It's not only her face that's aged, she doesn't have the angular shoulder blades and her arms look less like sticks.
I hope that this time next year I'm not looking at how she is now and saying the same thing.
Wake up, Aly ffs.
No. 69951
File: 1449772361097.jpg (18.93 KB, 615x119, whut.JPG)

No. 69955
>>69951Ya, what recipes? LOL
>>69949Does she ever update that other instagram?
No. 69957
File: 1449772837827.jpg (79.64 KB, 929x595, sc.JPG)

>>69955Naw, this was the last pic.
No. 69971
File: 1449775738069.jpg (29.71 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1449768414944.jpg)

No. 69977
File: 1449776536974.jpg (24.31 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1449768401865.jpg)

Pt 2
No. 70000
File: 1449780377336.jpg (466.58 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20151210_134138.jpg)

I think its the lighting, but her cheek/face seems to be comparable to her old pics.
No. 70033
>>69951Actually the ED market is pretty big, right?
As an example, gets plenty of endorsements for bars. These sponsors know what they are doing and what their markets include, and they include EDs.
No. 70223
>>70169Not to mention all of the "hair dye" where her "hair" changes length/style for once, and then only keeps the color for a couple of days, but shows no sign of the faded color.
>>70157Actual links: don't know why, but your links have it as
https://i.instagram and so it makes it not work for me.)
No. 70257
File: 1449855819676.jpeg (Spoiler Image,175.62 KB, 640x726, image.jpeg)

Hadn't checked IG until now & as I'm scrolling down this comes up and I swear I thought it was Halloween again, but according to Aly this is what #realrecovering looks like…
No. 70261
File: 1449856712827.jpg (136.73 KB, 528x533, IMG_20151211_115724.jpg)

At least the ends of her hair look better today
No. 71261
>>70264yes. happens mostly to bulimics and
b/p anorexics.
No. 71271
>>71265No. Only one is type 1, the others type 2. A female diabetic I know is obese and type 2.
Idk what causes diabetes but I know it's not all sugar related
thank YOU.
No. 71305
>>71271Type 1 is present at birth and the pancreas doesn't work properly, or works very little.
Type 2 is when your body doesn't use insulin properly because of insulin resistance. Usually obese people get it as a result of their weight, but skinny people can get it too. The pancreas at first is able to make extra blood sugar but struggles and can't keep up.
No. 71326
>>71305I'm quite small (5'2", 110lbs) and I've tested pre-diabetic for about a year. If my body can't get its shit together, I'll have Type 2 in the future.
Ans as you said, Type1 you're typically born with, although in a few rare cases you can get adult onset type 1 (usually happens in your 20s at the very latest).
No. 71359
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No. 71360
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No. 71361
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No. 71362
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No. 71363
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No. 71364
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No. 71376
How did they not notice she was losing weight? Aly was always thin, but the difference between this
>>71359 and this
>>66860 is crazy.
No. 71379
File: 1449894855889.jpg (208.63 KB, 894x960, IMG_20151211_213142.jpg)

>>71368It is really interesting to see her being normal.
Pic related, she has convinced herself that she IS normal.
No. 71382
File: 1449895099616.png (156.14 KB, 470x729, wp_ss_20151212_0001.png)

I think I missed a drama?
No. 71464
>>70257I immediately thought of her Halloween picture as well.
Such improvement, much wow.
No. 71480
File: 1449925546492.png (35.41 KB, 478x479, Bait.png)

>>71479I think there's some space between being "quite small" and being a fatty. 110lbs/5'2 is a BMI of 20,7 (according to the new BMI calculator) which is normal and not fat but also not super small. The smaller you are the lower your BMI has to be to look skinny. A 5'7 person with a BMI of 20 looks quite different than a 5'0 person with the same BMI. Also, someone who brags about their stats on here doesn't deserve better.
No. 71486
>>71479No, the point is that's she's fucking
normal, not "quite small." She literally could have left it as "I'm quite small" and no one would have questioned it, but then she threw out stats.
>>71480I think it quite honestly depends on the person and their weight distribution, no matter what the height.
But I absolutely agree on:
>someone who brags about their stats on here doesn't deserve better. No. 71495
>>71492No one actually thinks this except mentally ill people, it's just the dumb ass ana chans trying to
trigger each other and bait people into sperging out
No. 71538
File: 1449945513856.jpg (45.99 KB, 351x444, arent we beautiful.JPG)

She's applied her eyeshadow differently. She's put the shading colour on the brow bone and the highlighter where the shading should be.
No. 71542
>>71538I think she purges. Her exposed teeth/lack of gum is a typical indication. (And she can't stay that spoopy while eating all of that)
Also her skin looks so thin as if it would rip if she smiled wider
No. 71543
>>71538Aww it's like she got her 'My First Make Up' kit. I'm shit at make up but I've never gone out looking this much like a tranny. Pair this with the nail polish transgressions and it's a wonder she ever thought ootd pics were a good idea.
>>71492I'm such a fatty. Ya know what? I don't care. People might tell me "there's nothing of you!" and they would be wrong, but fucking hell, a bmi of 20 is not fat. I haven't weighed myself in maybe a year, but I know my bmi has gone up to probably the 21.5 - 22 mark due to muscle mass alone and recently i lost a little pudge, but I'm not fat, or even slightly overweight. This obsession with numbers (yes, aware of the irony of posting potential bmi numbers) is more unhealthy than the obsession with food/calories/eyebrow goals
No. 71545
>>71543Stoooooop throwing out stats, people. Goddamn it. It doesn't matter, and no one cares.
Seriously, none of us are like "Hey, I wonder what a particular anonymous weighs and why they weigh that." Not one person reading this board thinks that.
No. 71547
File: 1449947094598.jpg (252.61 KB, 933x595, everything is about her ed-- j…)

Back to Aly!
She wrote a letter to her "sister" about–guess what?!–her ED! This girl is a damn saint. I can only imagine interacting with Aly must be annoying as fuck. She probably finds a way to make everything about her ED.
Friend: "Hey guys did you see that new show last night?!"
Aly: "Oh, I didn't because I was eating ;) dinner because I'm totally recovering ;) from an eating disorder! tears of laughter emoji I ate ;) a donut yesterday afternoon though!"
No. 71684
File: 1449975272883.png (1.37 MB, 1141x604, secret_livez.png)

>>69374Definitely anti thinspo.
I found these looking at old Aly pics on the account that's been revealed as P S Henriksen on vk. Just a few of her deleted #OOTD
No. 71770
File: 1450016253487.jpg (36.44 KB, 306x306, delved.JPG)

She's been delving her struggles.
No. 71828
>>64095you know aly is happy as fuck, that her "sister" is feelin down. these girls are so hot, im sure shell find a new bf soon.
meanwhile old aly calls teaching a little family friend the english via google translate work.
i used to feel sorry for her mother… but she seems nutty too "crying when i bit into the #recoverywin donut"
No. 71891
>>71832Or she'll die and we'll see that too! :D
This really can only go two ways, anon. We've all known that since the beginning.
Even if she does actually recover, it doesn't change the months upon months of lying. It doesn't change the fact that she's a shitty person for lying for so long. It doesn't change the fact that through all her lies, she just deleted the evidence rather than own up and apologize. So, sure, she'll be recovered, but so what? I will continue to see nothing but a lying, phony bitch. Now go and have a nice day.
No. 71894
>>71891She's lying because of her eating disorder. Anorexia makes you lie to the people you love, it makes you paranoid, selfish, angry and crazy. It's part of the disease.
Anyway, whatever happened to making mistakes and growing from them? What if she recovers and stops lying? Will she ever be forgiven?
No. 71902
>>71894Fuck that. Fuck blaming an illness for one's own actions. As I said a long, long time ago, if she had only lied to her family and friends, it's understandable. To bring it on Instagram and lie to 10k, then 20k, and now 30k, people? At that point, you're a horrible person, not just an ill one.
She hasn't grown from shit! Perhaps,
perhaps if she actually owns up and admits that she did a shitty thing by lying for so long, and apologizes for all of it, I may see her as a less disgusting person. But if we're perfectly honest? She thinks she's getting away with all of this, she will never admit to her past mistakes, and she will never apologize for them. She's made all of that quite clear.
No. 71972
>>71962That is entirely plausible and healthy!
So you just happened to contort your naked body naturally when the camera turned on by itself, and your phone also automatically uploaded those pictures to instagram, but since you were completely aware of having created thinspo fodder, you managed to slap your URL on the pictures just in time so that pro-anas would think to themselves
"Oh, this would totally be thinspo to me if it weren't for the URL. Bummer!"Dat atrophied brain, I swear to god.
No. 71986
>>71983I'm pretty sure she chose to stay home because it would be easier to fool her brother than go out to a restaurant.
i can imagine Aly doing something like tossing out her piece when her brother isn't looking all while exclaiming how LUSH and oily(!) her 'zza tastes.
still shitty, still manipulative
No. 72080
>>72001 Just the coffeeshop selfies with a different friend each time, just one, and always the exact same pose & angle. So spontaneous and joyful!
I really wonder if her remaining friends arrange alternate coffee dates with Aly on the days 'Mum' can't be there, sort of like babysitting. They know that otherwise she'll sit around the house while everyone else is at school or work, and probably not eat.
No. 72102
>>72080It really does seem like her friends have a rotation, like when someone is in the hospital for a prolonged time, and people obviously can't visit every day, but they still do occasionally out of obligation.
Those are sad friendships, because you can't exactly evolve together or even alongside when one person has been at a complete standstill for 2 years and counting while the others have ongoing lives, careers, possibly starting to create families at some point.
No. 72108
File: 1450082905930.jpg (21.74 KB, 291x291, s10000.jpg)

Loving the new 'do aly!
No. 72166
File: 1450092908131.jpg (157.74 KB, 519x553, IMG_20151214_053315.jpg)

No. 72178
File: 1450095468856.jpg (115.9 KB, 1034x634, Screenshot_2015-12-14-12-16-22…)

So now Sonia is on IG, I wonder if Aly will start heavily editing her past posts to hide the bullshit
No. 72181
File: 1450096318945.jpg (48.02 KB, 540x540, 081031b477ac32a6dba0bfe8168f37…)

All time favourite snack at the barkery
No. 72214
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>>72175This is my down town with the girls look
No. 72291
File: 1450117468153.png (106.83 KB, 1136x352, Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 10.0…)

THESE COMMENTS. I cannot believe that anyone would think Aly would be in any way fit to be a fucking PSYCHIATRIST, especially one who works with people with EDs.
No. 72376
File: 1450127127930.jpg (13.6 KB, 345x146, like this.jpg)

>>72291>psychiatrist…cheer you up…keen listenerBitch obviously never visited a psychiatrist. Cheer you up. They're some the biggest bunch of humourless cunts on the planet. A psychiatrist just dishes out drugs and plans treatment. S/he doesn't tell jokes. They tell you they don't have a magic wand, so they're not a fairy either.
No. 72427
>>72393Dude, people have to stop contacting people who know the cows in person. This ruins the milk.
This Sonia chick seems to know Ali is a nutcase. To Ali, Sonia is her "sister", and best friend. But notice how there are exactly 2 photos of Ali on Sonia's insta - a huge group shot from Sonia's bday party, and some club photographer caught Ali in the background like a year ago. Chances are, Sonia knows Ali is a piece of work. My guess is that Ali begged her to defend "The Sweets Queen" on insta, to "proof against the haters".
There's no need to bother this girl who, if Ali isn't lying, is going through a hard time. She's got enough on her plate having to deal with a narcissist 'friend' without weirdos on the internet bothering her.
No. 72499
>>72495Samefagging to tag
>>72468Because I accidentally deleted some text
No. 72675
>>72660To be fair I have a feel that her friends see her as being dead already. Like this isn't some big shocking reveal, yknow?
I also imagine anything in English she doesn't really get/bother with. Probably commented and then ignores the IG.
No. 72894
File: 1450238776865.jpeg (136.59 KB, 640x883, image.jpeg)

This made me giggle
No. 72922
coffee dates don't seem to be very "spontaneous" or "carefree!" like aly insists they are, REPEATEDLY… what with the carefully staged selfies that are all EXACTLY THE SAME.
I can imagine the conversations as they coordinate their schedules to make sure aly gets her little supervised outings.
No. 72984
File: 1450260038700.jpg (183.87 KB, 920x592, aa.jpg)

can you imagine how uncomfortable aly would've been here lmao
No. 73018
File: 1450274213652.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-12-16-06-53-39…)

New photo up. She's definitely not looking any better.
No. 73019
>>73018Nope. Arms still stick-like, hands still skeletal, sternum still protruding.
How does her face look better though , idgi
No. 73022
>>72984when you see it…you'll shit bricks
ft a corpse propped up among unsuspecting italian teenagers
No. 73049
>>73032Right? That was one of the first things I thought too. Who the fuck eats a sandwich with a fork and knife? She could at least
try to be convincing that she's eating, even if her emaciated body shows she isn't.
No. 73064
I'm surprised she doesn't eat her cappuccinos with a fork. Sifting the foam makes it less calories; everyone knows that.
No. 73138
File: 1450291133382.png (47.6 KB, 108x193, a.png)

is this person taking a photo of her LMAO
No. 73236
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No. 73249
File: 1450324740788.jpg (103.37 KB, 1015x677, a18.JPG)

>>73231IT'S RECYLCLED! Here's a ss from the day she went private…
No. 73250
File: 1450324787768.jpg (110.63 KB, 944x701, now.JPG)

…and here's a ss of the same page right now. She even deleted the cat pic.
No. 73266
>>73249I KNEW IT!
ty for the screencap, anon.
No. 73267
>>73236Samefagging to kek again
Think she was going for "alone vs lonely" here…
No. 73301
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i am so sick of her shit tho
No. 73312
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LMAO can yall imagine if this was some kinda pro ana red bracelet
No. 73313
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No. 73314
File: 1450358017904.png (24.03 KB, 640x117, l.png)

what have i just discovered
No. 73337
>>73332Oh man, first gen pro-ana sites. I wish I could read a blog post about how it was back then. What were the posts like, what were the replies like, was there even such a thin as posting photos of thin women to "inspire" each other, etc.
But thanks to this latest generation of pro-ana, it's kind of difficult to find it without running across, "PRO ANA STANDS FOR
No. 73341
>>73312She's rocking the Fifi ponytail at Nhero again, I see. She's been stressing how
chic Nhero is lately, which makes that hairdo even funnier to me.
No. 73349
>>73337It was a whole different world. Of course the internet in general was different back then so it was kind of ugly and disorganized and the chat room was glitchy. But there was literally no "thinspo", the word didn't exist and also since everyone there actually had an ED why the fuck would anyone need to "motivate" themselves with shooped angle pics?
It was mostly people just being able to speak openly about the ED, treatment, whatever.
I was young at the time but generally the average age seemed a lot older than in the current scene. Like mostly 20s and up. I was one of the only younger teens. Most people had had EDs for a long time.
There was also a lot more anonymity. And of course that was before social media was really a thing, and definitely before the entire internet became about notes and validation. It was much more of a community thing.
No. 73420
>>73416I'd like to know her definition of CHIC. I remember googling this place when we saw Dante. I'm sure it's part of some Travelodge type bargain hotel. A cafe bit mostly for customers.
God, I hope Dant didn't an hero there. He did look depressed.
No. 73505
File: 1450414578422.jpg (96.46 KB, 596x628, 1446118068254.jpg)

>>73420>>73416>Cafe an heroMy gods
No. 73512
>>73349That sounds so fascinating! And thank you for sharing your experience.
>>73356I noticed that a few days ago, but I thought I was imagining it. I think we're right though, and she is deleting some photos again.
No. 73532
this girls account is so fkn whoa like her eating disorder is all she has
No. 73590
File: 1450444603754.jpeg (32.03 KB, 537x529, such oil very scare.jpeg)

every time she says "scaring" this is all I can think of…
No. 73605
>>73603She loves him but he doesn't care for her, so Alice says. He cares so little for her that he
triggered her ED, on purpose.
No. 73612
File: 1450453889812.jpg (225.77 KB, 958x628, daddy dearest.jpg)

>>73605Yeah, I think we're supposed to forget the multiple times she said shit like, "and my beloved WHICH DOESN'T INCLUDE MY DAD." Or ALL the times she's blamed her dad for her ED (which I wish I had screencapped too.)
No. 73655
>>73641I see him more as "doesn't coddle, pretend, and put up with bullshit", unlike her enabling mother. Of course she finds it upsetting when she's called on her shit and treated like a normal adult. To Ali, she's a special happy blondie disney child who should never be left alone for one minute, like an infant.
Shit, if she were my daughter, she'd probably hate me, too, because I do NOT have time for that bullshit. Grow up and get out if you can't even go to school or get a job at age 20.
No. 73679
File: 1450475762677.jpg (204.97 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

On the photo with her dad someone else mentioned her dad having an ED. I always got the feeling that he had one. And then in the caption of this photo she says he usually just drinks water and drinking LEMON TEA (!) was a big step for him.
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