File: 1538935397823.png (1008.66 KB, 750x1036, ariana-mcmillan.png)

No. 706068
PlasticandProud (pnp, Ariana, scorpioasshoe) is a 24 year old instagram "influencer" and plastic surgery addict.
Previous Threads:
>>638649>>673730>>686753Recent Milk:
> After their dramatic, public breakup antics, Matt Copp (aka MattCuck/DoorMatt) and Ariana are back together and moved into a new hovel in Philadelphia.
> Ariana continues to get poorly thought out body modifications, the latest of which are plumping her strained lips to Vienna sausage levels and bleaching her hair into a limp strawlike texture.
> PnP continues to do the only thing she is good at, spreading her legs for old men, and is working as an escort/sugarbaby. DoorMatt allows himself to get cucked on the regular.
> Most recently, Ariana has been "hinting" that she is pregnant, though whether this is a bipolar stunt for attention remains to be seen.SOCIAL MEDIA: No. 706101
>>706079She didn’t end up getting her period (that’s what she said) and this all culminated in her taking a pregnancy test yesterday …now she’s implying she’s preg and “confused” aka wants to abort … after that no underwear date there’s been no word from the sugar daddy . She was supposed to go to Atlantic City with him for an overnight but that got canceled on the Saturday before last ( aka not yesterday) …
Some of us think Matt told her / begged her not to go on the overnight … but who knows
No. 706109
File: 1538938458467.gif (3.84 MB, 568x320, 080DBDDA-AA77-4658-897A-35A68E…)

What happened here?
No. 706141
>>706133Can you post screen recordings or record from another device ?
Also, what’s even the difference between announcing it on Snapchat rather than Instagram ?? Obviously word is going to get around no matter what but I guess that’s the ~exclusive~ info you get when you have her snap
No. 706176
>>706109>can someone who knows me irl NOT jUST ONLINE online hang out with me I need it really badWhy can't she reach out to one of her friends herself? She's so self-centered Jesus
Also jfc can someone just explain what app to use to screen record and what platform to upload it to?
No. 706182
>>706079she probably thought her period was imminent at any moment. when I was preg I thought it was just mega PMS and that I'd start soon. it feels similar in many ways esp if you're not intentionally pregnant.
i saw an anon say their abortion was over $700 at pp, mine was like $450 there? either way still cheaper than spawning. for the love of god please don't have a baby you fuckup retards…
No. 706291
>>706267Her trashy parents created the monster she is today and it's often hard to break that cycle. Would I rejoice if she suddenly had a 180 and stopped being a horrible manipulative mess? Of course! Am I gonna count on that happening? Hell no.
She practically puts her entire life on social media because she's so dull and attention starved and I don't think it's unfair to make assumptions about her based on that.
No. 706367
File: 1538963662628.png (1.89 MB, 750x1334, 870E2997-37EE-421E-9103-E1A7A3…)

Can someone please explain to me what is so hard about sitting around by yourself in your house all day doing your makeup for selfies on the internet? She doesn’t have a job, doesn’t go to school….what is so hard? I really just don’t get it.
No. 706377
>>706374why do you have it then?
>>706367its so dumb how shes trying to act like some poor little victim who's fighting on despite it all like who is stupid enough to have regular sex and not use any bc, you fucking idiot
No. 706394
>>706374I think you still don’t get it. We. Do. Not. Think. This. Girl. Is. Worth. $10. I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire.
Don’t be trying to rationalize your dumb ass investment in this ho by trying to get us to spend money on her trash ass, jfc. We’re just saying, if you’re gonna contribute, contribute. Don’t spout off this “she said this” bullshit if you’re a. Too lazy to cap to b. (More likely) too dumb to figure out screen recording.
No. 706440
>>706425I know this is lolcow but this post is just nasty. Nobody is worth less than a pack of cigarettes. Like, her snaps may be but
she isn't. Just an instathot like any other.
No. 706469
>>706440…but nothing
>>706425 said is technically wrong?
PNP should abort this child because no child deserves to be brought up in what is surely an extremely unstable environment with an unreliable cluster B disaster for a mother. You can bet that her child would grow into an adult just as fucked up as she is, if not worse.
No. 706472
File: 1538974946595.jpeg (53.44 KB, 800x450, C6131D42-F8D8-45E1-B446-59EA4B…)

i can’t tell what’s more annoying, pnp’s obnoxious lisping/screaming rants and vague posts about being pregnant, anons talking about their own abortions/pregnancies/why pnp would never be a good mom (like they would), or the weirdos who actually bought her snap but are weirdly cagey about it.
she’s an absolute trainwreck but so are these threads with the unsaged blogging and sperging. bless the anon who keeps uploading her stories onto youtube though, i appreciate the effort and i’m sorry you have to sit through her entire rants to record them
No. 706603
File: 1539001980078.png (6.68 MB, 1125x2001, 1A68E248-AB79-4F6A-A725-A7864B…)

She’s definitely at the dr right now…
No. 706629
File: 1539006921709.png (3.51 MB, 750x1334, CECA7D94-EEEA-484E-A9E9-6CAECD…)

Her nose looks like its gonna fall of at any minute
No. 706643
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No. 706645
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No. 706659
File: 1539011052291.jpeg (183.81 KB, 750x1064, 8BA34B46-58C5-48E7-8487-FFC6FB…)

Good way to get a retarded kid Ariana, go smoke some more weed and fuck up your fetus yay #momgoals
No. 706668
>>706658This only delays the screenshot notification.
For those who are interested in recording without detection: google recording snapchat with Quicktime
No. 706669
>>706659she's really trying to be as edgy as possible right now.
theory (that is more of just a joke): she isn't pregnant, she got an std from her sd and told matt it was smth else and that she was pregnant. doctor today wasn't for an abortion, it was for std antibiotics.
No. 706685
>>706678It wasn't a story, I literally said it was a joke theory.
The way Matt posted "nervous but happy" obviously hints towards them keeping it and people still smoke when they're pregnant. Idk why you're all assuming she got rid of it–think of all the internet clout she can get while she's pregnant, she wouldn't give that up.
No. 706691
File: 1539014128283.jpeg (421.04 KB, 1936x1936, E7996339-9049-4254-A819-7F35AE…)

100% confirmed she was at pp. on the left is a pic from pp philly’s Yelp. Right is from her story. The chairs match
No. 706727
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No. 706735
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No. 706746
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I don’t know how anyone chooses to live jobless and knowingly taking advantage of every person around them but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 706749
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No. 706776
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No. 706783
>>706735nobody is that interested in you, ariana
i literally browse your thread when i'm on the toilet and have nothing else to do
No. 706866
File: 1539029127156.png (858.91 KB, 1080x4287, 2018-10-7_14-0-22.PNG)

Here's something I found while googling. I hope it's helpful for someone
No. 706882
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No. 707031
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No. 707152
>>707109ye im getting similar vibes after watching her whiny story but tbh she seems like a more well rounded individual than prolapsed and petty, she looks clean, well dressed, cute makeup looks, can prob look after her kid and probably doesn't bitch about her partner on a private snapchat… if people like the content pnp posted aside from her shit personality i can see her gaining followers from this.
relevant coz pnp is trying to call her out, saged coz it's not milky lmaooo
No. 707158
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No. 707307
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Wow a true hero
No. 707452
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No. 707457
>>707436>>707438>>707449>>707452alllllright. cute deflection, Ariana or one of Ariana's thuperthstans. How transparent.
If you think this girl's even close to as milky as prolapsedandloud go ahead and make your own thread for her.
At least she started off with a nice enough bone structure. Don't be jelly.
No. 707459
>>707436That says it all. A degenerate mom with cervical cancer who drives her car while ranting to the phone. Hilarious bitches. Going from "Haturs gonna hate, lalala, quack-quack-quack" to "Don't hurt mah feelings, I'm a fragile snowflake" in a glimpse of an eye. What dirty pit all these crazy coming from? What did their parents do wrong? And how are they even qualify for a driving license?
>>707456This girl got what she wanted — followers of Ariana and attenzion.
No. 707530
>>707500Yeah let’s try and keep things as factual as possible.
On another note, I sort of feel like this spiral she’s in began when she left her job with the dogs. Aka when the internet became her entire life
No. 707760
>>707753>>707753You're just as pathetic as you think the rest of us are. You read all the threads just to comment "ur all pathetic grow up!!1!!"
If you dont like it just go girl. It's not that srs
No. 707769
>>707758Because it WAS entertaining and now it’s just sad. Y’all are just reaching for shit at this point.
These things established: she abuses animals, she cheated on her fiancé and briefly broke up with him, she’s a scammer, she’s a plastic surgery addict and alcoholic.
However, i don’t think she’s into beastiality or incest. i fuckin hate the bitch too but these rumors are just so out there, too many vendetta chan’s here.
No. 707776
>>707753This thread attracts the biggest immature dumbasses. Half of you don’t even know how to work the site or stick with the actual purpose of the thread…PNP should have stayed a banned topic, it’s hard to get milk with all the sperging and it’s obvious she loves the attention.
Fuck off vendetta chans.
No. 707821
>>707797>>707793>>707777>>707769>>707753>>707743>>707742>>707735>>707728Mini-modding i know, but 9 not saged nonmilk posts in not even one hour?
Learn how to sage fucking dumb newfags.
No. 707951
File: 1539119688448.jpeg (167.93 KB, 750x754, C6A89F55-E539-48D1-864B-874999…)

There are 40 NICE comments on her most recent pic but she takes the time to respond to the only comment that isn’t kissing her ass. What is wrong with her?
No. 707979
File: 1539120618185.jpg (703.96 KB, 1080x1728, Screenshot_20181009-171724_Ins…)

We get it, you lurk your hate threads constantly and that's the hardest part of your life… she really addresses us in every caption.. but of course she doesn't care what anyone thinks..
No. 708008
>>707990Honestly, I thought she might be pregnant before she started all the hinting around about it. Despite her fillers, which haven really done all that much for her anyway…she’s getting that moon face you
get when you are pregnant. I’ve seen it so many times before. That and the sudden deep acne which she hasn’t gotten for ages.
No. 708038
File: 1539122532909.png (9.04 MB, 1242x2208, 89E9F1AE-A41B-4FF1-B5F1-0842CE…)

She is the most wishy washy person I’ve ever been exposed to.
No. 708252
File: 1539132151330.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, F2D0CA56-F59C-4ABD-9990-02171E…)

Who….is she talking to? Herself?
No. 708470
File: 1539140505449.jpg (89.51 KB, 540x745, img1003.jpg)

i've honestly…never seen anyone so delusional, she's just impaired. How can she be so blind and not realize she's just ending up describing herself? speaking into a literal fucking mirror?
she judges everyone right off the bat when they make one comment that doesn't entirely kiss her ass, people who criticize her with no intention to offend or harm her are immediately labeled as jealous, insecure or bitter. She doesn't know how to interact like a normal human being at all and thinks she's in any position to say everyone else is wrong. she's just a deranged, sad person who has no sense of reality
No. 708513
File: 1539144553373.png (1.16 MB, 1096x898, seductive.png)

>>708504It's really not that hard to read the rules. Stop blogposting. These threads have gone to shit ever since pnp posted about it and all of her followers
>>708499 came here
What is the deal with her boyfriend's cringy band? Seems kind of weird that she never posts about it/seems to support him in much of anything
No. 708608
File: 1539152527585.png (1.02 MB, 1242x2208, 65B313B4-59EF-4D75-A55A-4CBA4B…)

Was reading this article and immediately thought or Ariana lol
No. 708694
File: 1539164885650.jpg (Spoiler Image,403.03 KB, 1080x1748, Screenshot_20181009-195844_Ins…)

Pretty sure this is why people accused her of fucking her dogs along with the sus tumblr posts.
If you can't tell, that's a dog's erect penis that Ariana posted a pic of
No. 708714
File: 1539168146710.jpg (1.7 MB, 1920x2560, 18-10-10-06-40-42-014_deco.jpg)

Went through some pics and found these. I think her ex's new gf is were she found a lot of her makeup inspo. She was clearly jealous of her from the beginning lol so this kinda makes sense. I have more examples as well.
No. 708854
>>708694What in the fuck??????
This degenerate bitch (see what i did there) needs to never procreate.
No. 708863
>>708608She’s not a psychopath.
People love to use that word when they have zero understanding of it.
No. 708877
File: 1539187539078.png (5.81 MB, 1125x2001, 21F8A776-99A2-4B93-9EA7-ACBCDC…)

>>708857Here’s another pov inside. Same chairs again and same floor.
No. 709029
>>708896>I don’t wanna be yelled at for not sageing >doesn’t sage Had you actually just posted whatever this supposedly “juicy” detail is you wouldn’t even need to sage
I’m convinced that everyone who consorted with pnp at one point or another are all at least stupid
No. 709043
File: 1539195266330.png (7.17 MB, 1125x2001, 1EEDFD8E-4812-4B45-A069-CDD30F…)

god it’s like she reads this mess and spoonfeeds is things to post about
No. 709066
File: 1539197041781.jpeg (71.05 KB, 800x426, fellowanon.JPEG)

Sage goes in the email field anon I hope this handy visual guide helps!
>>708896 No. 709077
File: 1539198840196.jpeg (203.3 KB, 750x952, 77FB5719-1D64-4D28-8B9B-8CB770…)

God this photo just looks so filthy. Her fan page really does her dirty.
No. 709083
File: 1539199060645.jpeg (27.55 KB, 333x202, 80763925-1872-42C1-8958-B832EC…)

that pillow peaking out from the pillowcase is literally tinted brownish yellow. And the fucking wall is just as bad jesus
No. 709186
>>709169Damn, I wonder which of her delulu fans it is then..
Maybe it's Dasha from another thread. Ik she makes fake fan accounts and I noticed a bit ago that she was even liking pnp's posts and follows her.
No. 709612
File: 1539224614954.jpg (8.03 MB, 6000x4000, IMG_0759.JPG)

>>709508two hours ago she posted on snapchat
No. 709672
File: 1539229882583.jpeg (488.78 KB, 750x1087, 41AE6835-DF49-4169-8114-33046D…)

Anyone see this cringe ass video she posted trying to be sexy?
No. 709675
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No. 709679
File: 1539230211878.jpeg (111.74 KB, 750x378, F7223D9B-4917-40AF-A1D8-AEE107…)

Guess who liked this comment….lmao
No. 709704
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No. 709721
File: 1539232362706.jpg (550.43 KB, 1080x1693, 20181010_233051.jpg)

Girl, your arms are hairier than some men's, and ya got a $20 fold out table from Walmart to hold up the small amount of things you own. No one is jealous of you. Kek
No. 709754
File: 1539235105129.jpg (309.98 KB, 1080x1302, SmartSelect_20181011-011806_In…)

No. 709755
File: 1539235114067.jpg (140.47 KB, 1072x679, SmartSelect_20181011-011820_In…)

No. 709836
>>709746Ewwww, this is such a pedesteian, low class attempt at being sexy.
how many hours a day does she stare at herself in selfie cam? Why does she enjoy it more than anything else?
No. 709941
>>709746She looks like a toothless prostitute about to blow her dealer for her next fix. I actually lost it laughing when she starts licking the knife. Who thinks that's sext?
Does she really think she should strip??? I doubt she'll make much money if she is that cringe to watch in a video.
Also is there something wrong with her hips that she can't move them correctly? Like.. is she okay? Probs not
No. 709967
>>709746claims to promote positivity and confidence, tells people to have empathy and not be a dick
calls strangers ugly, judges and complains about people who should have no real effect on her happiness or success
it's not the internet's fault you quit your job and didn't make any type of goal or action plan to do something with your life and are resorting to trying to becomes a sex worker while shamelessly not being able to give up your spot in the public eye.
This isn't even your demographic? why wouldn't you try and distance yourself from all of this in order to be taken seriously as a sex worker? I'd never want to sugar someone who could so easily expose my life and privacy to the world through her Snap….
No. 710198
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No. 710204
>>710198Damn does this bitch ever go to sleep and wake up with new thoughts or does she just fucking pine on the most minuscule shit she can grab ahold of?
Get the fuck over it you sausage faced idiot. Move on.
No. 710216
File: 1539278547957.jpeg (150.5 KB, 750x607, 85FA3DF8-2A4B-41CD-8E4E-9F4500…)

No. 710217
File: 1539278637925.jpeg (45.28 KB, 738x257, CFED48BE-7A89-43EE-8416-DA17A3…)

> this page is for empowering women
> attacks other women for their appearance regularly when they @ her
>constantly tells women that they’re bitter/insecure/jealous/stupid
> told one girl “you’re jealous because your nose is big”
No. 710222
>>710217She must be completely incapable of believing that people can see right through her bullshit ~positivity only~ facade
I guess it only makes sense when she has hundreds of minions who believe her shit and constantly enable her to be a shitty person
No. 710264
File: 1539281487976.jpeg (45.94 KB, 488x221, 81D9216D-0B34-4B1B-ABFF-D15527…)

Irrelevant but FUCK, almost all of her tattoos are so god awful especially that giant black blob thats supposed to be a bear on her arm. She looks like a high school detention room desk but has the audacity to rag on other people’s tattoos
No. 710313
>>709096I hope that worked never linked a thread before lol
No. 710343
>>710290 Ot but while smoking pot isn’t as deadly as smoking cigs, I wish stoners would realize it still can affect your body in bad ways, changes the way your brain works & does affect the lungs, especially if you start young.
And especially if you’re fucking pregnant don’t smoke any shit! smoking weed is gonna affect the baby’s development. Whether Arianna was/is preg or not I can’t believe fucking retards r really passing that around!
No. 710435
File: 1539291898349.png (6.98 MB, 1125x2001, AD35EDD3-6C66-475C-B02C-3B77E7…)

From her live the other day, I lost my shit when someone asked her how to do eyeliner. You’re asking the wrong bitch.
No. 710457
File: 1539293308010.jpeg (182.84 KB, 750x911, 204663EA-B7A7-452F-A55E-E79C04…)

On another picture.
No. 710594
File: 1539305461956.jpeg (261.61 KB, 606x845, 5A5D9CEB-F8A3-4B83-B25E-81979A…)

the fold out table is indeed awful bedroom furniture… but is her nightstand literally a drink cooler?
No. 710624
>>710613oh my goddddddd. Matt has failed to get her jewelry? What about that engagement ring that suddenly disappeared?
also thank you anon for the gift of snapchat videos, this is great
No. 710632
>>710608Says her sugar daddy
>is like her dad but he would fuck her >sent her home with a separate meal for mattv>makes her gush like a school girl its so sad she never talks about Matt like that
No. 710641
>>710543Adding that she mentioned how Matt couldn't give her jewelry to the SD and the SD got worried that Matt would get upset. She told the SD that it should be a way of showing Matt to step it up.
SD seems like a straightforward guy here. Pnp wants to make Matt compete for her attention?
No. 711068
>>711063>>711065Exactly, lol. We want her to keep up with her shenanigans. Also DoorMatt clearly doesn't gaf about his own mental wellbeing at this point so why should we?
He sticks up for her and probably has the same shitty inner personality she does. He just doesn't act on it because he looks like a homeless pillsbury doughboy but that's besides the point.
Remember, birds of a feather flock together.
No. 711302
File: 1539375528482.jpg (1.79 MB, 2560x1920, 18-10-12-16-18-30-373_deco.jpg)

I feel like us making a bunch of edits where she looks better would make her mad, no?
No. 711344
File: 1539377801489.jpg (1.8 MB, 2560x1920, 18-10-12-16-56-59-824_deco.jpg)

(Edit derail/spam)
No. 712003
File: 1539457510551.jpeg (475.96 KB, 739x1193, C4EAA47A-65A7-4BFC-B13E-940650…)

No. 712017
File: 1539459569483.png (2.13 MB, 750x1334, C17A75B5-6FE3-4DDD-AAF9-0CF4C3…)

I'll never get over the fact that that big ass gray blob is supposed to be bear lol, person who tattood that did her dirty
No. 712130
>>712104Tbh she doesn't have real connections to those people and she probably secretly annoys them so I can guarantee most will not follow her second account. They can probably see through her act.
Also… most of her following is from babytrash's boost on insta lol before knowing her Ariana got like 20-40 likes MAYBE a post. She got more attention for being thotty, met babytrash, blew up, then her acc kept growing when she played the victim in order to defend her shitpost of an ig account. She will not go back to that kind of following, there is no way.
As soon as people started exposing her, her account stopped growing. No one wants a new account from her. She wont get her followers back unless she gets her old account back. She doesn't deserve that tho
No. 712223
File: 1539477600885.jpeg (96.93 KB, 750x394, 0EDD742C-37B5-4FF7-A5A7-2D58F1…)

“Worked hard for what you had” lol her followers are just as delusional as she is
No. 712239
File: 1539478636237.jpeg (202.77 KB, 1242x715, 8A50DD43-B3C5-4452-A537-82684A…)

who’s manning this
No. 712449
File: 1539509228537.png (5.26 MB, 1242x2208, E3169CE0-9973-4E09-8D77-186408…)

Her fucking FACE I caaaant
No. 712516
>>712449she's had soo much work but she pretty much looks the same as her before…
like her nose got way bigger?? does that happen so quickly after rhinoplasty??
No. 712566
File: 1539536392369.jpeg (38.45 KB, 698x329, 2A3B9C23-86AB-4A4D-9799-47C8D8…)

>>712532She looks like an old woman who lost her teeth.
No. 712883
>>712863Maybe she should give someone $10 to their private Snapchat to get advice on how to get her shit back.
She should take this as a technological fucking divine intervention and get a job.
No. 713108
File: 1539596171462.jpeg (329.29 KB, 1125x1399, 851BA818-7F24-4662-8A39-91F7CA…)

Hahaha fuck what a dolt. I’ve never used this site before, hence my idiocy. I fixed it.
No. 713113
>>713108Can you learn to sage and also not seek attention for the posts you make on other platforms. Useful advice can be found at and
No. 713118
>>713108yeah we can tell.
no need to doublepost it and double the cringe, are you new not only to the site but to Ariana too? She gets comments like this under every pic, primo, and secundo - this comment is not a ~call out~, it's some autist parroting what they've read here spiced up with their own idiocy and cringe
No. 713450
Snap anon save us pls
No. 713483
>>713470Haha omg she’s even more disgusting than I thought.
Thank you anon
No. 713508
>>713470Ty anon
She is a disgusting mess. Why does she feel the need to record herself and brag about this behavior. No idea how people are paying for her snap unironically. She’s a nasty person inside and out
No. 713597
File: 1539640380425.png (3.63 MB, 1242x2208, 8C705708-BA28-4C45-8F96-9300BA…)

No. 713736
>>713459I read on an old post of hers that she takes lamictal–a mood stabilizer commonly prescribed to those with bipolar/bpd/mood disorders. I take it myself and I can attest that it will make you very nauseated if taken without food. Adding something as acidic as apple cider doesn't help either.
It literally says it on the bottle and one has to have some kind of self awareness to keep track of your moods/mental illness.
Sage for blog post
No. 713738
File: 1539649853350.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.23 MB, 6000x4000, IMG_0764.JPG)

Gag. I guess her front camera is coated with hair grease because now her snaps are clear when rear facing.
No. 713831
>>713824 "at one point we were trying for this"
No. 713845
>>713822"i dont want to have a kid before i get an education…. which ive always wanted"
she used to post on ig all the time that she hated school so much and would never ever go back…
"i have so much i want to do before sitting at home taking care of a kid"
all you do rn is sit at home all day everyday.
also the last time she had a scare like 5 months ago she was like matt and i never use protection and don't pull out soooo i could def be pregnant right now hehe i hope i am! and even quit drikning coffee cause she thought she was.. how are you all of a sudden shocked that you could have gotten pregnant when you dont try to prevent it at all??
No. 713959
File: 1539666741418.jpeg (277.84 KB, 749x1151, D50F0B2C-1CC1-4980-A1BA-16DCEA…)

No. 713961
>>713959All because people started to comment about her pregnancy after they saw her snaps.
What did you think was going to happen Ariana?? You broadcast your whole life, including your fucking abortion and expect people not to have commentary ? She’s deranged. Tbh I’m glad she hasn’t had access to her old account because she’s so powerless without her following.
No. 714104
>>714061Right??? Like I just had an abortion and not to blogpost but it’s just NOT something someone in their right mind blasts all over IG. What is wrong with her? She’s just using this as a way to gain followers and attention, like Jesus girl get it together. This is something serious and personal. She should just take a break from social media and get her life in order.
Watch her Snapchat the abortion kek. Post ultrasounds and turn it into some “bad bitch instathot” thing
No. 714122
>>714113D&C anon here–she's literally only have like three days of soreness and spotting, that's it. She'll be sugaring the week after she aborts probably.
Matt likely didn't even know she chose to abort until he saw the instagram live…
No. 714147
File: 1539701766140.jpeg (216.27 KB, 750x1042, 5C0B4A8F-E033-463D-98F3-503A8E…)

Super old but can we call her uglyandproud now please? Lol
No. 714250
File: 1539712629707.jpg (1.01 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20181016_125521.jpg)

She turned off all the comments on her pictures. Kek must have been getting too many people talking about her being pregnant and then ending it. How is she going to convince people to buy her snap if people ruin it in the comments?
No. 714277
>>714272 Write 'sage' in the email field if you don't have any milk.
Otherwise everyone's disappointed when there's no milk to read.
No. 714297
File: 1539718735788.png (1.56 MB, 1437x2291, Screenshot_20181016-143733.png)

even he couldn't wait for her to get rid of the witch beak… and look how fucked her nose is now that poor thing LOL
No. 714330
File: 1539722677699.jpeg (564.2 KB, 750x1173, 7A6B585F-A8E5-44F8-918A-EC65C5…)

No. 715409
File: 1539815992372.jpeg (119.7 KB, 722x1298, 4473F818-2D0F-47FA-B6BF-EEFA8E…)

No. 715543
File: 1539823091647.jpg (39.76 KB, 540x960, 4325.jpg)

No. 715783
File: 1539842222437.jpeg (2.9 MB, 4032x3024, 91F60203-C97E-4028-9CF6-0BA4BD…)

No. 715786
File: 1539842245197.jpeg (3.04 MB, 4032x3024, E08C01CF-1551-46B0-A7ED-6A4BEE…)

No. 716007
>>715958One anon said that, and a) she literally talked about wanting a baby like a few months ago b) milked her pregnancy for clout or snapchat money only to get an abortion and c) goes from edgy shit like "it was a parasite" or "demon" to "I didnt want to give it a bad life~"
Its just abnormal and weird
No. 716117
>>716101Because without her huge following on insta she’s virtually powerless. All she does is stay at home and reply to comments all day but now that she doesn’t have nearly the amount of follwers she has nothing to do with her already boring life + she disabled comments anyways to avoid people talking about her abortion/pregnancy
Just think, a huge portion of the milk on this thread was from the way she addressed people in her comment sections and her repetitively long insta story rants that followed
No. 716233
File: 1539894258841.jpeg (293.45 KB, 750x1057, 3BCB99BC-24BC-4DE8-B498-244BD0…)

no milk but she posted this and almost immediately deleted it
No. 716316
File: 1539900613205.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 7F6602CA-3858-4228-8260-A2087D…)

>>716298I don’t think so.
No. 716318
File: 1539900691910.jpeg (75.11 KB, 750x571, FE6E4617-22BE-4EFB-B9C4-B4E5D3…)

>>716251Probably unrelated but I found it funny.
No. 716329
File: 1539901065095.jpeg (39.4 KB, 750x354, 041DD4F0-B0BC-4330-AA7D-24B290…)

Gave me a giggle! This is on Doormatt’s 3yr anniversary post.
No. 716368
File: 1539903814714.jpg (804.99 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181016-001904_Ins…)

Late but Babytrash posted this right as pnp made a new acc and was exposed by snap anons as being preggers lol
No. 716444
>>716368what do y'all think the probability is that kaycee will EVER come to this thread to spill the fucking milk? she definitely knows about this thread, im sure someone has sent this to her before.
sage because theres no milk now that ariana has no instagram lol. just tinfoiling and curious what other anons think
No. 716486
>>716444Probably slim.
If she were to spill information that only she’s knows about it could damage her image because you know pnp would call her out for stalking her hate thread or some shit
She has too much of an insta persona to maintain and I don’t think she’d risk it over Ariana
No. 716540
File: 1539918774724.jpeg (290.65 KB, 750x1081, 93CB6021-68CA-436D-BDDB-6710DA…)

Is she referring to the Adam Sandler movie? Kek I’d die if she was comparing DoorMatt to Bobby Boucher Jr.
No. 717090
>>717081As someone who has an eating disorder I’d say it’s more likely that the pregnancy is what
triggered this behavior and not that she USED the pregnancy to cover up b/p behaviors. I don’t like her I’m not trying to defend her but it makes a lot more sense if you understand ED
No. 717214
File: 1539995196884.png (1.78 MB, 750x1334, B7578D8A-5EF2-46E4-BD2B-39CC53…)

Why does she always does this pose
No. 717535
File: 1540040532647.jpg (251.83 KB, 750x1334, ariana-plushenko.jpg)

>>717214This photo gave me major Evgeni Plushenko vibes. Village fool hair fits also. Then I noticed pre-op she looked just like his daughter.
No. 717545
File: 1540042599030.jpg (76.4 KB, 960x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>717535Lmfao, spot on, except he doesn't have a daughter, I think you mean his wife.
She does look like both of them though. If they had a daughter, she would probably look just like Ariana
No. 717952
File: 1540101441797.jpeg (186.77 KB, 750x965, 8B20826A-A5AD-48E0-B81B-53D610…)

Guys Matt fucking liked this comment, this is gold (under Matts „thank you for 3 years“-pic)
No. 717953
File: 1540101466545.jpeg (41.05 KB, 750x1164, F7FBC4DF-043E-4BB1-9DD0-0C2567…)

Part 2
No. 717980
File: 1540109528226.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.98 KB, 720x1280, ED4A43D9-92AA-4730-998E-AF9C7C…)

Newfag here. Incoming eye burning image dump.
No. 717981
File: 1540109586099.jpeg (Spoiler Image,209.58 KB, 1124x1490, 4FC9FB0E-9202-4B59-AA31-4F6BFD…)

Whoever wrote that hit the nail on the head
No. 717982
File: 1540109645112.jpeg (Spoiler Image,427.5 KB, 1114x1755, AC3BC3EB-65A5-4FBC-B986-AB40F9…)

No. 717984
File: 1540109704450.jpeg (Spoiler Image,226.57 KB, 1125x1771, B4B994EC-7581-4620-9479-F55F8F…)

Extremely eye burning. Getting her pussy fisted. You have been warned.
No. 717986
File: 1540109761293.jpeg (Spoiler Image,400.22 KB, 1125x1901, 5C3C6DCF-0E48-47BF-AA1E-063E50…)

So classy.
No. 717987
File: 1540109809850.jpeg (Spoiler Image,277.53 KB, 1125x2238, A54BDD79-4BA8-4146-8CE5-13B49C…)

Another eye gouging pic of her std ridden genitals. Her folks must be so proud.
No. 717988
File: 1540109843913.jpeg (Spoiler Image,163.46 KB, 1125x979, F9DB6ADC-CB50-41AB-B75D-2B66AF…)

Never 4get
No. 717989
File: 1540109933099.jpeg (Spoiler Image,262.61 KB, 1111x722, CDD87077-0A6D-40D6-BF40-347A3C…)

Her face looks like her parents were related and conceived her when agent orange was dropped. Sadly the plastic surgery hasn’t done her any favors(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 718196
File: 1540144629516.png (1.64 MB, 750x1334, 95D3F4BE-CC12-4CBB-839D-6165D2…)

She’s live plucking her mustache
No. 718198
File: 1540144804729.jpeg (971.56 KB, 1125x1629, 3AB6FE10-B181-453A-AD2B-001AC0…)

Her ass is a god damn jungle if anyone was curious.
No. 718208
File: 1540145615893.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, 16AC285F-36B3-4058-8AB8-360CCB…)

No. 718214
File: 1540146672731.png (686.26 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181021-143031.png)

Quit cowtipping
No. 718258
>>718198her considering herself self reliant despite taking money for fucking old rich men and begging for money online for surgeries kills me lmao
if a distant future plan and getting dressed is an accomplishment..yikes
No. 718267
File: 1540151600345.jpg (177.02 KB, 1757x997, PicsArt_10-21-02.53.25.jpg)

pretty sure this is the person behind the cowtipping i literally capped these both off the second to latest pic on pnps old acc ?????
No. 718275
File: 1540152065378.jpeg (576.63 KB, 750x1044, B9C2EA37-A23E-4948-9ED1-CA1E26…)

No. 718278
>>718267If she posted this from her main she probably would have trolled her live from this account too?
Also as long as she’s no farmer she can cowtip as much as she wants I guess
No. 718355
>>718300>huge hairy ass/muffkek anon
>>718267No one cares Ariana. Stop doxxing
(hi (cow)) No. 718493
>>718300It's fine for people to not shave their pubic area. It has nothing to do with hygiene.
>>718360I think she meant that she hasn't showered in a while because she has felt bad over the last couple of months. Still sa.d
No. 718547
>>718493Agreed. It really has more to do with your comfort level and the preferences of your partner.
Hairy is fine, so long as you wash ya damn gash.
No. 718774
File: 1540233613904.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 1EB18148-950D-4038-A2A3-DCB925…)

Aaron posted this on his story today…anyone think that’s kind of weird given neither he nor kaycee follow each other?
No. 718870
File: 1540242295971.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, 130E1C04-E578-4E8B-8158-3B4699…)

No. 718937
File: 1540247656319.jpg (918.77 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20181023-002400.jpg)

"i'm getting ready to kick some guy in the balls"
"i never leave my house"
"i lost my car so i have to wait for matt"
the way she does her make up is goddamn scary. doesn't look like she ever cleans her brushes.
No. 718945
>>718937 She lost her car?
Also I bet it KILLS her that only 50-60 people tune in to her live vids lmao
No. 718962
>>718945Someone asked why but she obvs didn't answer
Yeah i was wondering if it's always that low, it was actually the first time i saw her on live. I cant get over how fucking gross her hair is. The colour and "cut" like girl are you even trying
No. 718968
>>718870What in the fuck. It looks like frogger knocked a bunch of shit over. If you're going to be a stay at home, at least clean up.
I've seen street rats with better living spaces
No. 718998
>>718990he's a grown ass man anon, anyone can recognize a bad relationship. it's not like he's supporting her in school or something, he's supporting her fuckin some old guy, getting an abortion and losing her car. he dumb
No. 719289
>>719253Read the rules, stop namefagging and sage your shit.
You can find her porn in older threads or even on google („Scorpioasshoe porn“).
No. 719453
File: 1540305966839.png (3.85 MB, 1125x2436, D303306F-8C0C-4E93-93E4-8FD58F…)

No. 719754
File: 1540332116081.png (3.56 MB, 750x1334, 54EE50A2-7CA9-4CEC-BC42-DF6B13…)

She’s hitting the explore page again..
No. 719795
File: 1540334911949.jpeg (189.26 KB, 750x1011, AA3C56B1-ED05-4B9E-BA89-5BE7CE…)

I guess she’s keeping the baby after all.
No. 719861
>>719795 Can totally see her doing some shit like milking the pregnancy specualtion. Take pics of cribs or baby toys, maybe even an "I'm throwing up so much" and then in May when everyone asks, she brushes it off, "I never said I was pregnant, you guys are so nosy"
>>719754Everyone explore page changes every few minutes or so depending on the content you already look at. No two explore pages are the same, she'd only pop up on pages associated with the tags or accounts closely associated with her.
No. 719896
>>719795Peep all the fast food cups and dirty bowl on the nightstand lol
I get that she’s disgusting but can’t she just move the nasty stuff out of the shot at least so the people of Instagram don’t have to see? She’s got no shame
No. 720445
File: 1540421211589.jpeg (244.09 KB, 750x1027, E8CC960D-08DE-4E9D-9871-BA2AAD…)

No. 720446
File: 1540421249382.jpeg (27.29 KB, 276x239, C1F8F4D5-F856-437C-B353-B0DC81…)

No. 720449
File: 1540421287766.jpeg (28.46 KB, 213x290, 2E42941D-0A8E-4EBE-9608-A272E6…)

No. 720648
File: 1540439240983.jpg (1.37 MB, 2048x1536, Superimposed1540439235143.jpg)

No. 720650
Someone made a NSFW subreddit about her on Reddit if anyone cares enough it's
https://www.reddit. com/r/PlasticAndProudNSFW (remove the space)
No. 720658
>>720650You can post links here, idiot.
Post screenshots or sage your post next time
No. 720738
File: 1540448584256.jpeg (160.62 KB, 750x1334, B6B66108-4A57-468E-84DF-A49FE5…)

For real tho
No. 720778
>>706866Just want to add to the anons post, for anons that want to record snapchats without having to do a lot of work, want to be sneaky, and are using iPhones
1. Go to App Store
2. Download (for free) “Record it! :: screen recorder” by DIGISET LLC
3. Go to your settings on your iPhone, click “control center”
4. Click “customize controls”
5. Add the screen recording app to your controls (the menu that pops up when you swipe up, the one that has the flashlight on it)
6. Open Snapchat, go to pnp or whoever’s snaps, at anytime swipe up to your control menu
7. Click the icon for screen recorder (it will give you a 3 second countdown to prepare to click on her snap)
8. It will start recording, there will be a red bar on the top of your screen (similar to the green bar of a phone call)
9. Record snap, picture or video for as long as you want
10. When your done recording, click on the red bar at the top, that will stop the recording, you can also swipe up to your menu and click the screen recorder icon, hold on it to open it in a pop up, and click “stop recording”
NO NOTIFICATION WILL BE SENT YOU ARE SAFE12. Video will be saved to your iPhone videos, and within the screen recorder app itself
13. Upload video onto Imgur, tinypic, YouTube, etc.
14. Bathe and share in the milk, rinse, and repeat
This is the
easiest way to record pictures and video of snapchats without the cow receiving notifications and without having to clear data and caches for non-tech knowledgeable anons, good luck and fucking post that shit here!
No. 720782
>>720777If she would just eat edibles and take liquid thc she could avoid the harm to the baby but no, too selfish. The harm of smoking weed in pregnancy doesn’t come from the thc itself, but the carcinogens from smoking and inhaling it, which has over 6,000 of the same chemicals as tobacco smoke. It’s the smoke itself, not the product. Using a water bong or vape decreases this risk, smoking in blunt or joint paper increases it. Also with weed, and like Ariana, you take big hits and hold it in for a long time, prolonging you and your babies exposure to the carcinogens in the smoke. Which can lead to neurologically issues in the baby due to exposure and can cause pressure and swelling to their brain, which causes developmental issues for the baby. And I’m pretty sure she was drinking and doing coke, so yeah…. ain’t no edible for that that won’t fuck your kid.
No. 721100
>>720930>you really just wrote all of that>you to write all that as if someone actually gives a fuck……
>7 sentences>on a site with no character limit>2 min to type>on-topic response to an anons post>contributing >saged>no milk rn“You spent all your time writing all that! What would drive you to do that?!!! The baby will never exist! No one fucking cares!!!111 REEE!!1”
Ariana, that you? Did you finally learn how to sage? The irony of bitching “no1curr” about a random normal post, while posting a spergy cunty response yourself, that even less people give a fuck about kek
The levels of autistic infighting all over this thread are sus af
No. 721109
File: 1540495774486.jpeg (225.76 KB, 1125x1158, CA0C6B4B-F7FE-4718-B5A8-AFE45B…)

SW and prostitution was created to oppress and own women, where a woman’s only value was in the most primal and degrading sense. Even tho modern day SWs have more power and security, it is still made for men, by men, to be used and abused by men. It’s borderline rape, because you’re having sex with men you would otherwise never have sex with for money, which is form of force. If you talk to any true SW, majority of them will tell you that they started working in this field bc they had nothing else to turn to or they need the money. The IG SW scene is a gross representation of true sex workers. They glorify and romanticize something that is actually really serious, and is often the lowest point in someone’s life. (I tried to sage this cause it’s not actual milk, just my frustration with PNP and her digusting glorification of being a SW)
No. 721252
File: 1540507978738.jpeg (82.33 KB, 750x750, 5D1E114A-AE42-42AD-8733-EB4924…)

Apologies if posted already
No. 721253
File: 1540508156446.jpeg (104.43 KB, 625x1205, E0D09A52-796C-436D-A69B-4A2DFB…)

Why does she make these fucking faces
No. 721260
File: 1540508638405.jpeg (94.42 KB, 698x230, 75B94272-661B-4F4B-BD42-291365…)

So nice and funny and interesting like me!
No. 721387
>>719712sooo she made matt drive her to this ball dudes house…
in the end of the video shes like "omg i'm not shy at all i have no chill"
and 2 days ago she said she cant go to the makeup store alone cause she had such bad anxiety. which is it?
No. 721432
File: 1540525918297.jpeg (485.42 KB, 1031x1428, CA44C244-E5FE-4371-B771-3A1F49…)

You guise are just jelouss bcuz her beauty is so radiant that it can bend wooden door frames!!!!! You WISH you were hot enough to warp ceilings and cabinets!!!!
Bonus: look at that godamn pushed in disfigured thumb on the right side
No. 722081
>>721238additionalFirst directions for downloading screen recorder:
>>720778When screen recording snap chats
1. Open Snapchat, go to cow stories
2. Don’t click on story yet, but keep app open right before you click on indivisible stories of said cow
3. Swipe up your control menu
4. Turn phone on airplane mode
5. Make sure everything’s off (WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular data)
6. Press the screen recorder button (red bar at top will appear)
7. Swipe down to remove control menu
8. With Snapchat still open, click on the cow’s story you want to record
9. Record story
10. When done recording video or pic, click the red bar at the top to end recording
11. Pop up to end recording, end it
MOST IMPORTANT TO AVOID NOTIFICATIONS12. While still in airplane mode, push power button down
13. Don’t slide to power off though, instead push the home button
14. The power down screen should disappear and the Snapchat app that’s still up should visibly flicker, meaning the app refreshed
15. Double click menu and remove Snapchat app from app menu que by “grabbing” the app and swiping up to remove it from your home button app menu
*if you have an iPhone that still shows the power down screen when you push the home button and does not refresh the SC app, then when you get to the power down screen, restart your iPhone (google search: restart iPhone [insert which type of iPhone here]) usually by holding down the power button and home button at the same time, hard, not letting go for a while until the screen goes completely pitch black (older iphones). Or hitting, quickly, the up volume button, let go, hit the down volume button, let go, then quickly push down the power button hard, for a while until it goes pitch black (newer iPhones)
Hope this helps! Also YouTube has many videos showing you how to do it with a video aid and you can search based on your type of phone (including Samsung, other smartphones). All the YouTube videos use the same app as well (record it! by digiset, mentioned in the first post linked above)
No. 722252
File: 1540646788921.png (4.86 MB, 1242x2208, 02C603A7-A426-4543-ADFE-2EB089…)

No. 722253
File: 1540646830466.png (3.44 MB, 1242x2208, 9E3C4147-BD58-40AF-81CD-A4E9FC…)

No. 722383
File: 1540667596858.png (3.76 MB, 750x1334, 76567BC3-E6B2-4097-8C7B-988B11…)

No. 722386
File: 1540668125215.jpeg (136.81 KB, 750x970, B7FB5A69-92D2-4052-8E9E-C90604…)

No. 722400
File: 1540670904733.png (3.82 MB, 750x1334, B00D0D45-6575-47E1-A9BE-42CA7F…)

No. 722404
File: 1540671404770.png (780.62 KB, 750x1334, EF96A100-7449-4C2A-8888-77250C…)

No. 722451
File: 1540677779319.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, 6E06A74B-E893-4FE4-BAFA-5E2CB7…)

No. 722645
>>722404She wrote 24 times “I”.
And 8 times “me” in 1 sentence.
That’s a talent right there.
No. 722862
File: 1540750992780.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1125x1849, 87A14783-F282-4939-914F-F5DF4F…)

Holy fuck that greasy hair tho. The drowned rat needs a shower ASAP.
No. 722907
>>722870…which doesn't make it less greasy. She said she puts oil in her hair as a part of her haircare but what's the point of having oil in it
all the time? Shit's just greasy, she achieves nothing
No. 722978
File: 1540762203359.jpg (475.22 KB, 1080x1843, Screenshot_20181028-172315_Ins…)

Wow, what a great model. She really knows how to put an outfit together too. Oh and Carrie totally got blood poured on her face and tits only! Right in places that show up in selfies because the hs boolies wanted her to at least take an aesthetic selfie after dumping pig's blood on her. That's how tht movie went! 10/10 thotstume
No. 722982
File: 1540762388627.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181028-172417_Ins…)

Her bragging about people knowing who she is (from ig not the 'stume) then she later uploaded a video saying she had no idea she met people who knew her lmaooo this girl is sad
No. 723136
>>722978>>722982You’re looking way too deep into those pictures. It really wasn’t hard to see who she was trying to be, most people probably would know she’s trying to be Carrie. And the outfit doesn’t even look “thotty” or whatever at all ?
I don’t think she’s bragging about people knowing her from ig either? I’m pretty sure she’s talking about people freaking out over her costume not her in general? Stop nitpicking things to put in this thread just because it’s slowed down since her IG got disabled.
No. 723218
File: 1540793256366.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 640x1136, 12AED1B3-307F-4582-B332-3407B1…)

Eww, that looks like a horror movie shot. Next time she goes to a spooky party she should just take naked DoorMatt with her. Apparently she’s into gerontophilia.
No. 723290
File: 1540813227907.png (2.14 MB, 750x1334, 622EF159-8D7B-4259-A15C-B48A48…)

Literally no but ok
No. 723293
>>723290who tf does she think she is foolings. they still look like they're about to burst.
speaking of her lips, am i the only one who hates the thread photo? it looks so fucking gross i want to barf everytime i see it
No. 723303
File: 1540816442000.png (1.99 KB, 374x16, hideprolapsedanus.png)

>>723302>>723293Beside file there's an option to hide the OP pic.
No. 723330
File: 1540821501249.jpg (115.59 KB, 377x633, 20181029_065732.jpg)

Gross proportions
No. 723344
>>723330this is so… odd?
it looks like she taped the skin from her stomach under her tshirt so it looks more flat. it's just so weirdly stretched upwards. and the way her thighs cover her vag is a bit off, I'm heavier than her and it doesn't happen when I sit like this. Idk some failed editing in general
No. 723402
File: 1540833532746.png (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB, 750x1334, D2B9ED70-888E-40B1-B3D8-B4F58B…)

No. 723498
File: 1540844265040.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1100x1844, 0DDEE658-7C8E-420A-896A-7CEA03…)

Try getting a job and having any literal purpose at all……..
No. 723518
File: 1540846145378.jpeg (1.73 MB, 3264x2448, 4D318743-E5F2-45C5-9D8A-5209F3…)

I think the friend she was referring to before is Aaron. On snap she talked about her best friend doing something really shitty..I’ll post proof in a bit
No. 723593
File: 1540854835445.jpeg (122.78 KB, 750x954, 26CA5D53-5D75-4827-B498-C21FE7…)

No. 723594
File: 1540854858846.jpeg (186.02 KB, 750x963, 75665151-30A7-4710-B53D-7DB5C0…)

No. 723595
File: 1540854888543.jpeg (210.7 KB, 750x967, 43320AC5-BA38-4743-AA39-F7DEA9…)

No. 723596
File: 1540854915025.jpeg (163.87 KB, 750x973, F5E39CC5-010C-40FD-82A6-007971…)

No. 723597
File: 1540854938853.jpeg (183.19 KB, 750x975, 95F4DFE9-6B18-4D8E-A714-11D527…)

No. 723758
>>723742Over time the coke would eat away at her sinuses and cartilage and even some skin and in order o combat the damage her nose would swell. The damage would also be nearly irreparable since she'd have no tissue. So yeah.
Of course in the eyes of Ariana, "it's great, you're just bitter cause you don't do coke."
No. 723762
File: 1540885897191.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.48 KB, 960x720, slide_42.jpg)

Unlike weed the stigma for coke is very real. One year of coke with her going at it at least once a week is going to leave her with a hole in her septum. And those are forever.(spoiler needed)
No. 723801
File: 1540896037128.png (4.71 MB, 1242x2208, 06B58843-0C6E-4AED-A331-5FC5AA…)

No. 723818
>>723801LMAO this is so embarrassing honestly
he looks like one of those 13 year old boys that find makeup for the first time and try to start a MUA insta
No. 723841
>>723606She also just had an abortion. Her hormones are still trying to balance shit back out and she will probably be depressed/be affected for a while.
Abortions are relatively quick but the after effects remain for a while.
No. 724020
>>723934Lol you're reaching. She posted on her story another angle of the makeup.
I doubt Ari knows how to fully use Photoshop. She probably knows facetune, but that's about it.
No. 724166
File: 1540948470554.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, image1(10).png)

Tbh you're just an ugly person Arianna
I have some friends that work/go to that bar I'm sure she will be the most annoying person ever
No. 724337
File: 1540977269139.jpeg (465.12 KB, 750x840, 34B2877D-575E-43DB-9A68-28AE24…)

It’s like she chooses the worst possible pictures of herself for her glow up posts lol
No. 724340
File: 1540977314731.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, 3ACB1AB9-4863-411E-ACBF-69B35E…)

No. 724344
File: 1540977448455.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 03798420-9C4F-4B4F-8B7F-208969…)

No. 724396
File: 1540989383616.jpg (385.85 KB, 1080x1173, Screenshot_20181031-083423_Ins…)

>>724394Lol karma
Also I think it's funny her injection specialist offers complimentary consultations while Ariana charges for people to ask about the surgeries she constantly posts about.
No. 724501
File: 1541012704330.png (9.62 MB, 1242x2208, EDE0EF92-09E6-455D-9085-273E0E…)

Um….didn’t she punch HERSELF in the head….?
No. 724529
File: 1541016797903.jpeg (971.73 KB, 3264x2448, 342B756B-9FC1-419E-9563-FFA384…)

Pretending she doesn’t constantly starve herself or constantly spends money on going out to eat or spends thousands on surgery.
No. 724987
File: 1541098675831.jpeg (161.69 KB, 750x911, 6EE604B5-8281-4A39-9E02-78AF63…)

Got bored, lurked twitter, and found this. Feels nice to know people outside the thread agree 1/3
No. 724988
File: 1541098697052.jpeg (169.41 KB, 750x876, 020413CF-DB11-416D-BAFD-E2582A…)

No. 724989
File: 1541098715244.jpeg (135.07 KB, 750x763, 4B487137-F1E1-4872-A9C7-358330…)

No. 725085
File: 1541112024207.png (1008.04 KB, 750x1334, 81C00975-F048-489C-8398-5C296F…)

Her scar really is horrible. Guess the scars under her boobs will be fucked up too.
No. 725122
File: 1541117927740.jpeg (Spoiler Image,508.16 KB, 1124x1903, 9BC7B817-0D10-4A83-A792-0737B0…)

I wouldn’t worry, no one wants to bang your scummy, plaque infested boyfriend kek
No. 725314
>>725279Calm down. Also nobody fucking cares what you’re doing for a living.
Anyway, you’re right I don’t like Ariana but I would say her scars are horrible even if I liked her cause they simply are.
As anon before me said it’s not just the scars themselves but also the placement. They’re not under the boob but literally on them? And the implants are supposed to drop more which will make this even worse.
It’s just a shitty boobjob.
And Ariana probably made it worse with only showering once a week and never wearing that special bra she’s supposed to wear after such surgery.
No. 725399
File: 1541178236990.png (1.72 MB, 1080x1205, IMG_20181102_115554.png)

>>725279 okay so to be fair and not just hating on pissnpoop; the incisions were kinda under the boob/in the crease they were supposed to be when they were first done, but the
surgeon knew they were gonna fucking drop, so why in the fuck did he do them so high still??? she's gonna have fucked up scars regardless of her not taking care of them lol just another completely botched as fuck surgery under her belt that she's sooo incredibly proud of
No. 725439
File: 1541183493111.jpeg (285.28 KB, 750x854, 89F7B037-275E-4ECD-A5AC-2C1007…)

Anybody notice she’s gained weight? She looks so much better with actual meat on her bones vs looking like a cracked out skeleton
No. 725551
File: 1541196908431.jpeg (24.63 KB, 273x262, A2516D8A-1497-433C-986D-4FF2BD…)

No. 725552
File: 1541197046517.jpeg (89.34 KB, 441x801, 75CE4ED9-9A7F-4E95-8858-9299C5…)

She can’t take two seconds to take out garbage that’s probably been sitting there for days before taking a photo
No. 725557
File: 1541198081780.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, 4063728C-5EC7-45E1-8A3C-789188…)

Because it’s true kek idk when she thinks friendships are one sided. You have to offer support and interest to others like any relationship. Not just sit at home, poor and wanting everyone to come to YOU. You’re not helpless but when you act like it people cut you out. Idiot.
No. 725597
File: 1541201505458.png (611.16 KB, 750x1334, 8772B49A-511E-4B8D-85B7-A7638E…)

No. 725960
File: 1541261636932.jpeg (Spoiler Image,80.84 KB, 750x732, ECCCA262-211C-4565-8EED-F50EA5…)

The stains on her legs are fucking nasty, probably hasnt showered in a while again
No. 726028
File: 1541273582393.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, 0A7B716E-40E3-4419-B618-0F7FE1…)

She’s on live right now if anyone wants to watch
No. 726062
File: 1541277203709.png (1.61 MB, 750x1334, 4B3BBA63-C492-47A9-86E1-2FEBD7…)

love how a week or two ago she was all like “woW lOok my HAIR so soft uwu” and now it looks like fried hay lol
No. 726066
File: 1541277456149.png (1.47 MB, 750x1334, 8BB1FFDD-181E-47DE-8EC4-D5E47B…)

this back shot of her head…..!!!!!!
No. 726162
>>726053Where’s Snapchat anon at?
>>726066Eww that’s really a horrible shot.
No. 726406
>>726324Wow she’s just such a bitch but what’s new. Thank you very much though!
Could you also post where she hits herself in the head?
No. 726555
>>726324she feels like the parent because he doesn't splurge on her? being an adult doesn't mean recklessly spending money on someone
girl is so lost and materialistic jesus
also all this money she uses to buy him expensive things and get endless plastic surgery could be used for savings, better living conditions (seriously their home is disgusting), put towards education or more life enriching and fulfilling things
i cannot understand her priorities or what she focuses on in her relationship when she criticizes it
No. 726626
File: 1541362540322.jpg (Spoiler Image,417.42 KB, 1080x1064, Screenshot_20181104-151519_You…)

Screencap from the yt video one it the snap anons posted.
Bahahaha look hoe hilariously uneven and stiff they are
No. 726686
File: 1541369156633.jpeg (287.99 KB, 750x1101, 1EE72C37-8D64-4904-9997-4024E0…)

No. 726687
File: 1541369312436.jpeg (236.57 KB, 750x835, 99DE0FCD-B882-4701-941C-4DBEDE…)

I think this photo truly shows how unproportionate her new breasts make her seem.
No. 726769
majority of us understand the struggle of depression, but PNP is so unwilling to help herself at all. not even that but she hates the act of showering regardless of her mental state, she says it all the fucking time if you'd actually pay attention kek it most likely comes from her poor upbringing, her mom probably never enforced proper hygiene routines because she wasn't around enough, and when she was around she was strung out and didn't care.
which I'm gonna blogpost here, my mom was the same way but as a teenager I realized showering was necessary. i struggle from almost the exact same shit PNP does and actually getting up and doing shit makes it not so awful. she just has zero drive to fix herself and for that, ZERO pity given to her. mental illness doesn't fix itself over time like said before over and over. she wasn't doing this bad when she was working and doing modeling gigs, she just needs to get back to doing something daily, like a fucking job besides trying to live off the fucking internet because it's not working in her favor
(derail) No. 726821
File: 1541390222406.png (3.52 MB, 1242x2208, 55544E68-5C36-46EB-9015-7C6887…)

No. 726874
File: 1541399397497.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, 1FDEFF90-6D3D-486E-B0BA-DB2082…)

Why is she lying about such unimportant things like her hair colour?
She has had red hair. You can even find pictures of it on her old account?!
No. 727049
>>727017Nah its not pnp, its one of her stans.
Shows how mature her fans are
No. 727051
File: 1541436472919.jpeg (132.93 KB, 678x945, D3D5BF8A-4102-4E13-9357-71EA68…)

She even did a Dolls Kill shoot with red hair kek
No. 727132
File: 1541450568651.png (3.09 MB, 750x1334, 224D1D29-45B7-4658-B15B-5D7412…)

No. 727136
File: 1541450746715.png (1.47 MB, 750x1334, 01951E91-39A0-4340-B5DB-1DB4DB…)

>hate spending money
>need more money
>always broke
>begs followers for money
Are. You. Kidding. Me. Lmfaooooo
No. 727185
File: 1541456292289.png (2.57 MB, 750x1334, 24082D67-7A05-4F69-98A5-BDE391…)

Ew she is so creepy, it never has been over her heart??? More like on her ribs but still pretty close to under her boob. I totally believe that incest theory now
No. 727200
File: 1541457655383.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, 87233A63-72DF-4295-9317-DD27E2…)

But hates herself and has nothing to show for anything
No. 727249
File: 1541464319957.jpeg (116.1 KB, 750x551, 3C0EF602-A09C-4D8F-B86B-EB77C8…)

I think she’s talking about this person on her snap right now.
No. 727257
File: 1541464965386.jpeg (122.99 KB, 750x1171, E639CE12-17BE-4CBB-99A9-464DE1…)

Alright who’s got the vendetta this time?
No. 727394
File: 1541487025286.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 83174249-6955-4C56-B078-D02C6E…)

Does this dumb bitch mean “less than” lmfao
No. 727522
File: 1541521155475.jpg (435.18 KB, 1080x1375, Screenshot_20181106-111704_Ins…)

Wasn't she just complaining about how she does so much more for matt than he ever has for her?
No. 727544
>>726324You can tell she doesn’t understand the difference between love and financial support. Or at least doesn’t make an effort to separate them as actions by another person. Must be the result of growing up with next to nothing and associating affection with “getting stuff”.
>>727522Literally posts about how Matt has done so much for her in 4 years and the support he provides her but has no loyalty. Literally sells intimate details of their relationship for 10 measly dollars. Like way to put a value on your love lol
No. 727546
>>727522Why is her blurring her name out like it isn’t all over the internet? ARIANNA MCMILLAN WE SEE YOU, GET OVER IT
I wonder if she even remembers she’s posted screen caps of her Facebook profile and convos with Matt showing BOTH their names on her original profile
You have LESS followers now, stop acting like the paparazzi won’t leave you Two alone
No. 727562
File: 1541525138729.jpg (1.15 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181106-122335_Ins…)

Lmao this bitch is so,so,so fake on her public accounts
No. 727563
File: 1541525214545.jpg (1 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181106-122403_Ins…)

No. 727564
File: 1541525257855.jpg (1.11 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181106-122432_Ins…)

…. really, now?
No. 727565
File: 1541525298383.jpg (635.86 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181106-122444_Ins…)

>>727564Lmao this is the meal he brought her btw. looks like a frozen dinner
No. 727613
File: 1541530368644.jpeg (252.38 KB, 750x1198, DFC9E25C-50FA-40DF-9FAE-A916D4…)

Okay, so the ride to the airport was leaving in an hour and he drove around to find her package for two hours? So they didn’t get their flight because of that or what?
Kek, I call bs.
No. 727659
File: 1541536175218.jpg (2.79 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20181106_122206002.j…)

>>727564Ew, are the fillers spreading outside of her lips?
I highlighted the area I'm referring to. The circle below is her chin I believe? If it's not the fillers spreading then it's just her chin so disregard this…
>>727562If this bitch would just tell her therapist everything she laments about on social media she'd actually be able to find herself. She's totally lost and has no idea how to love herself much less someone else, but she's good at pinpointing issues in her life which isn't easy for everyone to do.
It's really pitiful but she's just so nasty, mean, and lazy I can't be arsed to actually wk this chick
No. 727751
File: 1541548315672.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 57D73040-BFBB-4BA8-A58E-1B4887…)

>>727564She doesn’t fucking work and Matt brings her home dinner every single day, yet we’re supposed to believe she financially supports him?????
Also her lips are literally a butthole.
No. 727851
File: 1541568900130.png (3.2 MB, 750x1334, E5652373-0AC0-46CD-92D8-530946…)

Seriously? Ew
No. 727853
>>727833Doesn’t seem that way. No one would need to hack her shit anyway, there’s no gain from it. Literally nothing has fucking changed except she’s gotten more depressed…. now she’s spewing as much as she did before lolcow turned her BPD into self-destruct mode.
Because of the knife video, she was locked out of her account, who knows, maybe she was selling vids and pics in DM’s as well.
No. 727973
>>727955No, unfortunately not. Anybody can go to a pet store and take home a ferret whether they know how to properly care for it or not.
And like stated above they’re VERY smelly and a lot of work but I’m sure she’d ignore that seeing how she already lives in filth. She’s so impulsive but this is especially cringy seeing how she’ll be responsible for keeping another creature alive, and we all know how that went down with her crested gecko.
No. 728013
File: 1541608383311.png (190.88 KB, 573x394, 2018-11-07_11-31-32.png)

>>728001>>728006Just schadenfreude tings
No. 728018
File: 1541608779537.jpeg (273.22 KB, 750x997, 9BCB599B-643A-47A0-9CBD-1CCDCE…)

“Torture you for the rest of your life” seems pretty accurate
No. 728023
File: 1541609285703.jpeg (180.56 KB, 741x910, 506D9922-66A1-4E07-B80C-D0A23F…)

No. 728024
File: 1541609302492.jpeg (222.95 KB, 667x928, 65581113-C6F6-4F2E-BD6C-E9F34D…)

No. 728045
File: 1541611688904.jpg (Spoiler Image,474.89 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181107-112424_Ins…)

No. 728061
>>728049Nobody knows for sure but it’s generally assumed that he dropped her. She clings onto any opportunity she can get and she’d proably never let go willingly because she has no standards.
Whatever happened to the sub guy who was supposed to come over for a few hours while she pretended to be a dom? She probably got scared when she read this thread and realized he would know she’s a fraud if he has any experience with those types of relationships.
No. 728069
>>728021Haha Right? I was about to post that too.
Only Ariana can make a „happy birthday darling“ post start with a picture of herself an a question about her hair.
She posts so much anyway she could have made an extra post for that hair thing. But nope, that man who doesn’t support her while she does everything for him has to wait, kek.
No. 728081
File: 1541615662544.jpeg (35.21 KB, 602x181, B2658ABC-1E2A-484C-B88A-949320…)

>>728080Her “job” is basically summed up in her bio lmao. Desperately hoping people buy her content from platforms that are in no way meant to be main sources of income to live off of.
No. 728087
File: 1541616722653.jpg (733.32 KB, 1080x1833, Screenshot_20181107-135219_Ins…)

Soulless eyes and shameless scamming
No. 728093
File: 1541617372442.png (3.21 MB, 750x1334, 494ED933-A2DB-4349-B3B3-FA379C…)

She’s literally giving away things she can’t sell off her depop for dosh points KEK
No. 728094
File: 1541617489701.png (3.35 MB, 750x1334, 763E87E9-E520-49B9-98BB-F389A8…)

>>728093Samefag but she posed in this NAKED! No underwear, no bra, NOTHING! She better wash that shit before sending..
No. 728114
>>728105There was. My cap actually stops right before she said she told him and he said that he'd try to be better but she felt unsatisfied because he always says thid and directionless.
The fact that she had to write this on snap..or the fact that they're years into this relationship and having these sort of communication issues is alarming.
No. 728152
>>728006Same anon. Intervention is my fave. Glad to know I'm not the only one morbidly fascinated with dumpster fires!!
>>728018>MEeeee>you frustrate me first and foremost>u used to b 23 now ur 27 omgYes Ariana time passes and people move up in age good job. It's 4 years not 20 jfc
>compliment immediately followed by complaint>here's a picture of MEEEEE>>728093That floor has for sure never seen a mop. Most certainly not since they moved in.
No. 728161
>>728018“You frustrate me so much”
“You make me tear my hair out”
“Here’s a picture of me and just me not you”
Oh and happy birthday
And yeah as everyone is pointing out, she is back on her scamming bullshit because clearly the SD was done with her.
No. 728172
>>728168It’s $40 more dollars that she would have had towards the appointment.
I hope the Dosh turn out isn’t good now that she doesn’t have 70k followers.
ALSO, did she say she made $70k a year from her hustle? But you don’t have money for a $150 doctor appointment?
No. 728193
>>728187She wasn’t making that at the dog place. She was making $35k. She said $70k when she quit because she blew up on IG.
She even asked SD to help with taxes because she’s never made $70k.
No. 728295
File: 1541628616410.jpeg (404.66 KB, 2048x2048, 4D7F2897-2B5D-4315-B610-489BFB…)

Top is a review on Depop bottom is the item the girl got ripped off on lol
No. 728362
File: 1541635109648.png (2.7 MB, 750x1334, 981954E3-F5EF-4485-B191-59F7CF…)

My really milky so saged. But Matt is watching a hockey game without Arianna on his birthday. Lol
No. 728455
File: 1541642878539.png (346.36 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20181107-180700.png)

from Kaycee's tumblr
No. 728501
File: 1541648453277.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, A5CBE82B-ED6F-44BF-8CA6-3A4EFD…)

@/Latinamilk is hanging with ariana and using a cooler as a chair. God this is so nasty.
No. 728566
>>728559God her side profile really shows her old face a lot when not carefully posed.
>>728562 And no, she probably didn’t clean her brushes I doubt she even does so regularly for herself.
No. 728704
>>728678She said that there were too many dogs for her to handle. They bit. Two puppies. Coworker drama. They wanted her to hit the dogs.
They brought in a professional trainer and she flipped out and quit. Probably because she knew she was about to be outted for not knowing shit about what she was doing. Just because you trained your own dog doesn’t make you a certified expert.
No. 728706
>>728597tru anon tru it wasn't milky my bad
>>728559>latinamilk kekekThis chick is doing her dirty by posting these pics
Looking at her stories she seems insufferable too
>they/them uwu No. 728811
>>728706She was on snap talking about how she's never tried xanax and did it last night for the first time. She said she doesn't remember shit. Latinamilk gave it to her.
The thing is tho Latinamilk seems to have her shit together. She escorts, does some stock trading, random porn gigs, and travels and seems pretty happy and stable. She claims that she can use xanax in a healthy way.
She is what PNP envies perhaps?
No. 729022
File: 1541729776039.jpeg (166.66 KB, 750x1146, 2C05DAFE-C079-4F6E-A51E-7757CF…)

Whenever she’s bothered she makes a post about how she’s so0ooOoo0 unbothered. She’s so transparent. I love how she gives us all her own milk(emojis)
No. 729195
File: 1541736375255.jpeg (89.16 KB, 750x1185, 50CC2129-8F6B-445A-AF13-2338AE…)

saged cause no one cares about abcdez but lmfao
No. 729306
>>728949>Not too milkynot even milk at all.
not even about this thread subject.
still can't sage.
No. 729543
>>729521Because half of this thread are pnp-tier ig thots with half the followers
>>729505We get it you’re a better whore than she is…sorry the bitch doesn’t give you the attention you seek but at least read rules b4 posting
No. 729574
File: 1541786335300.png (3 MB, 750x1334, 9CF8C6F9-F554-412A-AF20-BF1792…)

say goodbye to weaseling out of that fee kek
Ps - would make a new thread but never have before and don’t want to fuck it up