File: 1450595663988.jpg (124.45 KB, 597x588, aly is actually a dead or fake…)

No. 73958
Aly has changed her account to try to show herself, but the more she does, the more obvious it is that everything is about her ED.
Insta: thread:
>>64095 No. 73959
And can I just hop back to the last thread and say that Aly's dad does
not have an damn ED?
>>73679You need to remember that we see everything through Aly's viewfinder, and that her ED touches every aspect of her life. (Hell, I suspect
you have an ED based on your theory.) Him preferring not to eat sweets/pastries and drinking water means absolutely nothing except that he has taste preferences, and that's
Also, the last time they were out, he had fucking coffee or tea (he's holding a packet), so Aly can fuck right off with her "He only drinks water!!" bullshit. Her ED is clearing affecting her memory.
No. 73979
>>73959Yes, God, the thing about her Dad having an ED was a joke that started here!
Maybe he just doesn't want to drink as much coffee as his withered daughter - nothing wrong with that. Of course she is obsessed with what other people are consuming and takes it as an insult that he doesn't want to pay for drinks and food at a cafe twice every damn day.
No. 73986
File: 1450627607387.jpg (246 KB, 1366x768, ali.jpg)

Someone's been deleting photos!! lalalala
No. 73989
File: 1450630198563.jpg (24.96 KB, 324x385, wtf.JPG)

No. 73990
File: 1450630577654.png (3.28 MB, 1242x2208, image.png)

No. 73996
File: 1450631642903.jpg (47.08 KB, 500x404, bys-crackedblack.jpg)

>>73989Gurl chill it's obviously cracked nail polish.
No. 73997
File: 1450631820050.gif (792.96 KB, 500x257, slow-blink.gif)

>>73991Wow, man…that's a real meaningful waffle.
Please tell us more, Aly. Your eating disorder chatter is fascinating.
No. 74015
>>73979From what Aly has said about Pa Casati, I've thought that maybe he's a "health nut" or he doesn't believe in eating junk food if you have more nutritious options. Pardon me if i sound all GOMI here, but maybe he was one of those parents who allowed no junk food/drinks in the home, and this is how Aly considers him to be thy cause of her ED. Maybe he made a comment about brioches rotting people's teeth out and making them fat. Or something. IDK.
>>73991This is her first mention of Male Best Friend since before she deleted all pre-hospital photos in the Great Purge, is it not?
No. 74019
>>74014Not sure. He sets off my closet gaydar, but ofc could be wrong. I'd bet most of her friends, if not all, are now friends out if pity. She's the one who sounds desperate to rekindle the friendship, although banging I about the thing he has problems with isn't a good start.
As for Pa, he looks a good 10 years older than Ma. His generation aren't into junk food as much because they were raised in homemade cooking and not fast food.
No. 74020
>>74019Soz for fkin autocorrect. Banging on *
Out of pity*
No. 74107
File: 1450662373706.jpg (46.64 KB, 558x554, 156 weeks ago.JPG)

>>74053I went to check on her "best male friend"s account. Must be difficult for all her friends when they remember looking well.
He's started using his ig again. Next post is his latest pic. Gaydar is pinging strong.
No. 74108
File: 1450662420661.jpg (46.17 KB, 585x522, boyband.JPG)

Is he in a boy band? That guy's eyebrows tho.
No. 74220
File: 1450722484916.jpg (144.26 KB, 1080x1080, Emoji hell.jpg)

>>74165I hope something interesting happens soon
No. 74241
File: 1450727436855.jpg (123.28 KB, 934x571, new old friend.JPG)

>>74220Not interesting, but we haven't seen this friend before. Is she building bridges with old friends or something?
No. 74455
>>74444Actually, yes! I've seen questions on forums like "I have a cold! Am I consuming extra calories?!"
It was actually pretty interesting though because if you look it up, someone has done the science to figure out how many calories are in snot, and another person posted to explain that our body is considered a closed system, so even if you're taking in calories from mucus, it's calories that were already in you.
(Here's a link for snot calories: )
No. 74494
File: 1450819978473.png (847.44 KB, 918x596, Untitled.png)

lmao another video. 'burger date with mama' bye
No. 74496
File: 1450820125442.png (534.2 KB, 874x580, 1.png)

she looks so uncomfortable. i still feel so fucking bad for her mum tho
No. 74607
File: 1450846517179.jpg (44.41 KB, 576x447, challange.JPG)

I just found this on instagram. I'd tag aly if I wasn't blocked. CHALLANGING (!)
No. 74655
>>74642totally right. are you new here?
this thread is about this and the previous was and the previous and so on….
you could just scroll down the Aly threads and randomnly stop and it would be the same or at least similar everywhere
btw: what does she say in this video?
No. 74675
>>74662>>74655To help you out,her latest video says
"Burger date with mama"
No. 74681
>>74675thanks anon!
k. so she has a "date" with her mom. cool. not
No. 74764
File: 1450905165183.jpg (29.38 KB, 312x388, ss (2015-12-23 at 04.12.00).jp…)

>>73990She has such a disturbing smile. It's genuinely uncomfortable to look at.
No. 74780
>>74494Jfc, she's so irritating. PEOPLE GENERALLY DON'T SMILE WHEN THEY'RE EATING ALY. It's weird.
At least she's not moving her hand in that circle motion while she swallows like all the other videos.
No. 74786
>>74764It's because it's a fake smile. She's imitating happiness with her face instead of actually feeling it. A genuine smile makes your eyes crinkle up at the corners. This type of smile is an imitation of one and therefore feels hollow and insincere.
A woman I work with has a smile like that and we all agree that even though she seems perfectly nice by all accounts, she "feels fake."
No. 74845
>>74782Do we have the same sister?
How old is she?
No. 74852
File: 1450934725713.jpg (19.99 KB, 183x275, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

>>74814This is it. Her eyes are blank like she has no soul. There's no sadness, no happiness, even no "meh". Even when her friends are forcing smiles for another Aly selfie their eyes express their pain.
Conclusion: Alybot or some kind of mind controlled guinea pig.
No. 74866
File: 1450939503983.jpg (294.87 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nuw03zTmWy1upnbl4o1_128…)

>>74792You're taking "crinkle" too literally, I think. (I agree with
>>74797 that lack of fat would make someone's eyes crinkle more though.)
But taken in a non-literal sense, most people's eyes
react when they smile. Take Ashley here, for example. Her lower lids are lifted slightly because she is smiling and actually means it. Despite having very low body fat, her eyes are still able to react to smiling.
No. 74879
File: 1450945931156.png (331.4 KB, 1257x613, dont call me dear.png)

Aly's account is stale af, but I still like to read the comments that sneak in. This is from that cupcake with the blue icing.
No. 74946
File: 1450978830369.jpeg (244.13 KB, 1198x1471, image.jpeg)

Aly posted another video today of her "eating" the tiniest piece of the gingerbread cookie, funny how the video cuts off right as she's biting down onto the cookie, there were comments calling her out saying she wasn't eating it, but I wasn't able to screenshot them before she deleted them. I can't be the only one who finds these videos unbearable to watch. It's like a circus act…
No. 74947
>>74946It's hilarious and sad. It's like the bites kids take when you tell them "3 more bites" and they think that counts, lol.
Also what the hell is she saying? "A sweet Christmas ????" It sounds like "tee-va," but is it supposed to be "treat?"
No. 74956
File: 1450986476914.jpg (166.98 KB, 540x911, IMG_20151224_124657.JPG)

No. 74993
>>74983Her face tells me she isn't any healthier than she was. Six months into recovery and she still looks fucked. I've noticed with anas that their faces are one of the first indications of looking better, but she still looks so old and puffy.
She deleted the video or is my phone being a dick?
No. 75059
File: 1451024224862.jpg (164.98 KB, 870x543, gingerbread repost.jpg)

>>74945>>74956Oh, I take back my jealousy. This is actually just the same cookie from a few days ago.
>>75046I think we need to re-visit the theory. The front camera flips it. In this case though, someone else is taking this video, so it'd be the back camera. I'd say she purposely flipped the video, at the very least.
No. 75078
File: 1451048597790.png (263.78 KB, 460x441, wp_ss_20151225_0003.png)

Aly's Christmas message has filled me with good cheered and made the day more brighten.
No. 75083
File: 1451050844848.png (231.4 KB, 412x432, wp_ss_20151225_0002.png)

>>75080It's hypnotic. So uplifting.
No. 75085
File: 1451051154161.png (22.48 KB, 459x130, wp_ss_20151225_0001.png)

>>75083Should include this deleted comment.
No. 75086
>>75078OMG, her eyes in that video give me the creeps. She looks like a lunatic. And when she makes that stupid "kissy face" I want to slap her so badly. Does she really think she looks cute? And her pronunciation is horrible, how can she even think she might be qualified as an English teacher?
She´s so arrogant and full of herself, I can´t stand this girl anymore.
No. 75095
File: 1451057670178.jpeg (171.36 KB, 639x889, image.jpeg)

Posted then deleted right away, she looks like shit.
No. 75101
>>75078>>75083>>75086When you cover her mouth while watching that video, her eyes look plain dead.
Like someone else mentioned above, her eyes are completely lifeless and don't move or react in any way when she imitates smiles or even kissy faces.
No. 75102
>>75086Ugh, the kiss though! And after the kiss, when she does a slow, creepy smile and her eyes just get bigger.
>>75101You're right, yikes.
No. 75110
File: 1451064970561.png (11.38 KB, 312x248, n.PNG)

That is not how a meal plan works
No. 75269
File: 1451127341714.jpeg (172.48 KB, 750x707, image.jpeg)

Finally, a christmas present that is completely unrelated to Aly's ED!
No. 75336
File: 1451165910582.gif (665.77 KB, 375x360, 1449525155243.gif)

Sorry, ment to post this.
No. 75397
File: 1451180219503.png (599.23 KB, 917x506, Screen shot 2015-12-26 at 5.34…)

Oh woooow, a cheap trinket from a brand that Ali thinks is fancy, as a Christmas gift related to her REALRECOVERY!
Much real life, never ED thinking any longer.
No. 75433
>>75397To be fair, that bracelet looks cheap but her auntie spent amost £100 on it, which is more than the ungrateful leech deserves.'s got awful taste in jewellery (as we know). This brend is truly awful. Shoulda gone for Pandora or Chamilia.
No. 75454
File: 1451209482794.png (433.23 KB, 476x462, wp_ss_20151227_0001.png)

Oh god.
No. 75538
File: 1451239378106.jpg (29.96 KB, 450x450, laughingcheeta.jpg)

>>75463>>75464You're golden, anon
No. 75596
>>75454Wow, a photo of Ali that hasn't been reversed! (my theory on that is she does her hair how she likes in the mirror, then panics when her hair is reversed in reality - so she reverses all of her pics to look like her mirror image.)
And she looks like cold shit. Her face is looking as spoopy as it was before she went inpatient in June. HOW can she not have been forced back inpatient? Fucking "supportive" family, loving this bitch to death.
No. 75610
>>75538I saw aly dumping fortimel
Down the drain one Christmas night just gone,
Oh what a laugh it would have been
If don casati had only seen
Skelly dumping fortimel last night
No. 75613
>>75454I want to see Pa Casati do some power chords. That open C isn't doing anything for me. I suggest a leather biker jacket too. He needs to be the one to sex up Christmas.
Someone wants a video of Aly singing. Please deliver.
No. 75617
File: 1451252792697.png (239.25 KB, 458x284, such recovery.png)

>>75615Damn, I'll have that stuck in my head all night now.
Here're two pics exactly a year apart. Face aged by 10 years.
1 of 2
No. 75618
File: 1451252907045.png (866.69 KB, 734x552, such healthier.png)

Possibly the same dress - a year apart.
No. 75755
>>75618That's the picture I was thinking of when I saw her recent picture of the red dress. Damn girl, dat face.
Much progress, wow.
No. 75769
File: 1451319612448.jpg (73.73 KB, 294x406, butter.jpg)

Well, I think we just found out what Aly uses to purge. I'm thinking:
>touches butter
>tears of laughter emoji
>"I'm soo recovered guys!"
>tears of laughter emoji
No. 75785
File: 1451328286336.jpg (27.98 KB, 287x182, wise.JPG)

No. 76311
File: 1451436957923.png (82.53 KB, 175x203, wp_ss_20151230_0001.png)

I went a whole day forgetting Aly existed. I didn't miss much. She made some whipped cream.
No. 76404
File: 1451481554638.jpg (918.83 KB, 2000x2000, WmDev_635870782280884131.jpg)

He's trying. He's really, really trying.
No. 76405
File: 1451481666811.png (807.95 KB, 599x593, Untitled.png)

absolutely disguting
No. 76474
So Aly deleted more than 30 photos already. Maybe she's getting tired of herself.
>>76311She looks bloated af
No. 76667
File: 1451559092859.jpg (107.36 KB, 634x388, joyful blondie child.jpg)

SO, Aly's gone to "the mountains" with her friends for a break.
Will she use this opportunity to:
- ingest even less than usual
- look at the beautiful surroundings and have an epiphany that she really wants to really real recover and have a nice life
Is this some kind of intervention? Will she survive all the walking? How will she deal without Ma C within 10 metres of her 24/7?
No. 76685
File: 1451573930332.jpg (188.21 KB, 792x1407, Screenshot_2015-12-31-12-45-41…)

When your thighs are as wide as your ankles you know you're winning the recovery game jfc!
No. 76703
File: 1451582377571.png (981.79 KB, 879x533, pol.png)

No. 76756
>>76708Martina isnt, Sonia isnt, Denise isnt… meanwhile the scarecrow posted 4 times.
I feel sorry for the dude that thought a hottie like one of those three would be there… instead aly-bot shows up in sweatpants.
No. 76758
File: 1451601446027.png (452.25 KB, 483x408, bot.png)

No. 76775
File: 1451609149389.jpg (89.52 KB, 603x497, christ.JPG)

>>76758Her friends all dressed smart, she's wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.
They ate burnt lasagne and something they scraped out of the waste disposal.
No. 76776
File: 1451609614888.jpg (8.33 KB, 392x288, spy anon.jpg)

>>76772I think anon could be listening to a number station. I'm sorry, I can't crack the code.
No. 76813
File: 1451624783491.png (812.76 KB, 827x635, blondiechildfromhell.png)

She keeps mentioning how much alcohol she's going to have like she's so desperate to sound cool.
No. 76825
File: 1451646265342.jpg (174.52 KB, 970x1332, Screenshot_2016-01-01-10-59-10…)

So her strong start to 2016 is a black coffee. Way to go
No. 76850
File: 1451662342751.png (622.56 KB, 979x979, img1451662286930.png)

>>76813Not one person is touching her in any pics??!
No. 77011
File: 1451725544849.png (1.03 MB, 1116x599, Untitled.png)

>>76850Left, NY 2015, right NY 2016.
No. 77034
>>77011Jesus, she looks like a different person… Who would have thought
Cigarettes, too much coffee and a diet of waffles, croissants and cookies makes you look and age like shit
thats what you get, when you eat biscuits for breakfast
No. 77267
>>77250She's too emaciated.
I think the concerns would be something along the lines of her fainting or having a heart attack while riding. In addition to that though, it'd be painful for her, and there's no way she could do anything more than have the horse walk around. (Trotting and running both require muscle strength that she simply wouldn't have anymore.)
No. 77282
File: 1451821343590.jpg (160.6 KB, 746x775, image.jpg)

No. 77298
>>77282Oh my god, her poor brother. Why does she think these poses are appropriate to do with family members??
No. 77301
>>77282Holy f…, what is going on with her hair? I never noticed that there is such harsh colour difference between the upper and lower part of her hair.
And why is she grabbing her hair like that? To show us how brittle the ends are? Someone needs to come for Aly´s hair with a pair of scissors!
No. 77348
>>77324Theres no chance in hell you girls have a younger brother… that picture is too much.
Imagine how many takes it must have taken for that ACTIONSHOT
Poor dude gonna end up a serial killer
No. 77350
>>77348Aly's brother becomes a serial killer
He kills only spoopy skellies
He ventures across lolcow
All of our ana calves are slaughtered, and one brittle, old cow - assley
Only ember whann is left, crying around the no longer reanimated corpses
"Wah wah why didn't he kill me? I'm Ana too, you guys!"
She wails.
Our only clue to the murders is this
>>77282 picture, which ember has found, and crudely photoshopped her fat face onto Aly's
"You see!!! He's trying to kill me in this picture! I am a SURVIVOR" ember wails, again
But all of her followers have been wiped out by Aly's brother's next onslaught, and her only replies come from herself
The murder saga continues
No. 77426
>>77350Anon my sides.
I want a novella about this. Truman capote cum Ember Allen Poo.
No. 77652
File: 1451923073079.jpg (14.39 KB, 191x268, nail polish.jpg)

I will never understand what the absolute fuck Aly does to her thumbs that the polish gets this bad.
No. 77815
>>77652I don't get all this nitpicking about how "gross" her nails are.
So her nail polish is chipped. And?
No. 77821
>>77815because it's always chipped. I'm not even one of the anons who has ever said anything about Aly's nails, but it's pretty obvious why a person would nitpick such a haggard thing on someone who puts so much time/effort into public/displayed 'appearances'. It's not like it's once or twice that it's like this, it's always like this, different photos, different colors, so she does put time/effort into her nails - it's also another visible representation of how her outward appearance is deteriorating along with her general health/mental health.
you faggots who can't get over nitpicking in snow of all places, the board the was made to essentially be trash, need to fuck off.
start going out and finding real milk and posting real cows if you're going to constantly whine and complain about farmer's observations of these trainwrecks. nitpicking, nitpicking /=/ discussion
No. 77879
File: 1451999925215.jpeg (205.79 KB, 640x983, image.jpeg)

She's obviously brain damaged because she had cocoa fucking yesterday and at least once over Christmas. I actually haven't been posting on here at all lately because she makes me so mad but seriously, is anorexia just straight up rotting her brain?!
No. 77904
File: 1452008949245.jpg (23.68 KB, 294x271, puffer.JPG)

On the caption where she's showing her Kiko brend make up, what does she mean
>and this lil vanish child couldn't ask for nothing better
Vanish child?
Ffs, I wish her eyeshadow would come with a card explaining how to apply it.
Her face is undeniably puffy. If she isn't purging, what else could be making her puff up?
No. 77905
File: 1452008967593.jpg (22.79 KB, 281x300, puffpuff.JPG)

…and her latest
No. 77908
>>77904maybe crying?
Im sure she cries a lot, that little weasel.
No. 77912
File: 1452010282224.jpg (382.3 KB, 931x606, cuntaly.jpg)

More of her being a huge disgusting cunt to her followers.
No. 77932
File: 1452014765606.jpg (304.85 KB, 935x601, firstinyearsmyass.jpg)

So today she posts a throwback (which was just a throwback to a few days ago) that she had her first hot cocoa "IN YEARS!". But the attached photo was posted 4 weeks ago.
No. 77956
File: 1452020668567.gif (1.36 MB, 361x360, 1452020436162.gif)

She looks like shes going to vomit into her cup.
No. 77977
File: 1452027201537.png (743.13 KB, 912x539, Screen Shot 2016-01-05 at 12.4…)

>>77761Right on schedule? Her mood is "all over the place" and she ate McDonalds today - I sense either a therapist appointment or a weigh in.
No. 78111
File: 1452066417640.jpg (152.97 KB, 1076x1480, Screenshot_2016-01-06-07-42-47…)

A picture from the trip, so looks like they don't like her as much as she likes them?
Translates as: And then you need the friend , that friend who needs no words or gestures you understand , that ready before you defend , then scold , one that does not judge you but loves you just as you are .
No. 78112
File: 1452066598376.jpg (198.75 KB, 1064x1213, Screenshot_2016-01-06-07-49-00…)

Where's aly? Did she actually go on the trip??
No. 78116
File: 1452068799014.jpg (23.56 KB, 440x600, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

Weird to see more pics of preskele Aly on her friend's fb. She had good legs. Anorexia's almost changed her appearance completely.
No. 78127
File: 1452075018687.jpg (170.32 KB, 900x1026, aly1452066598376.jpg)

>>78112Look closer anon, she's there.
No. 78138
>>78129It's Christian holiday.
On this day usually we say to little kids that an old woman "Befana" leaves sweets and gifts for them in a sock. Like Santa.
It's the sweets part that is #challanging, poor "child"
No. 78141
File: 1452079143663.jpg (7.33 KB, 267x188, aly hates this woman.jpg)

>>78138Ohhh, thanks for explaining. I only know 6th January as "the day to take the tree down".
I just googled Befana and I get her reference to her followers being "witches" now. I thought she was being a cunt to them again.
No. 78146
File: 1452084283500.jpg (139.81 KB, 530x539, IMG_20160106_064231.jpg)

Maybe because I'm in the US but dirty laundry and washing machines, in the kitchen, next to a stove, is the weirdest thing I've EVER seen
No. 78180
>>78172Yep, Britfag here with a washing machine AND a dryer
gasp in the kitchen.
No. 78188
>>78172Not the op but am a cadfag, most of North amurrica puts them in a separate room, closet or basement. Otherwise they don't have one at all, instead having shared building laundry (most apartments) or going to a laundry mat.
Nothing for us all to get our panties in a knot over, just small cultural differences op obviously didn't know of.
No. 78190
File: 1452098462630.jpg (229.6 KB, 1066x1334, Screenshot_2016-01-06-16-35-30…)

Dressing as a witch. Not a throwback so a new direction for her perhaps?
No. 78232
File: 1452106228784.gif (633.06 KB, 363x360, 1452105711546.gif)

I know we're sick of talking about her nails, but COME ON!! She left a chunk of polish on her skin in addition to the chip and lack of coverage. She's doing it to us on purpose.
Also, I live in America and my Washer and Dryer are in a small closet away from everyone. Im not saying your lower class if it's in your kitchen, but What about lint in your food?? Also I don't want dirty undies near my food, and I don't want food near my clean undies.
No. 78503
>>78341From my Insta-stalking it seems that the girls have been with their boyfriends for 3 to 5 yrs.
So wouldnt be that weird to take the next step. Maybe people in Italy get engaged at that age.
They seem normal anyways.
No. 78505
>>7850320/21 isn't that young, seems fine to get engaged at her age
I agree anon, it highlights how little aly has in her life at the moment, not too late though!
>>78341 No. 78506
File: 1452170566852.jpg (132.9 KB, 964x1421, Screenshot_2016-01-07-12-41-40…)

Sonia IG
3 years and 6 months
No. 78519
File: 1452177118492.jpg (28.75 KB, 409x354, dang.JPG)

>>78506They all do this PDA pic thing.
>>78517I wouldn't have figured that out without translation.
No. 78533
File: 1452180399540.jpg (9.35 KB, 146x84, chipmunks.JPG)

>>78526Her friends must hate her. If your friend was so bad at make up you'd have to tell them, wouldn't you.
I've been holding back saying this, but her cheeks really do say the B word to me. Chipmunk cheeks.
No. 78542
>>78540Those are just her hamster cheeks. Over the years she's learnt to store food in them which she can rid herself of later
Just a part of her clever ruse to trick people into thinking she eats
No. 78552
File: 1452185724644.jpg (115.82 KB, 613x596, full of joy.jpg)

My original plan was to just to put every capitalized word on the side of the picture, but then I pasted "NORMALITY" on her forehead and everything went downhill from there.
No. 78560
File: 1452188420835.gif (467.25 KB, 275x215, ron approves.gif)

>>78552This really captures the hell she's made for herself and her family.
Freakin lush, anon.
No. 78563
>>78552Sounds like she says wrap booger
Great collage of Alyisms!
No. 78771
>>78762I'd bet anything she's throwing up. It's the way she can deal with having to eat with people watching and to get them off her back that she wasn't eating enough.
Her electrolyte imbalance pretty much confirms it.
No. 78978
File: 1452350309434.png (20.29 KB, 480x138, wp_ss_20160109_0001.png)

>>78970Yes but its something she hasn't eaten for aaaages! Challenging!
I liked when I saw this comment. Her joyful Blondie child pisses off her followers as well as farmers.
No. 79519
File: 1452530869790.jpg (18.14 KB, 253x241, mani.JPG)

>>79408I feel this way when she refers to herself in third person…which is almost every post.
No. 79522
File: 1452532431230.jpg (141 KB, 603x596, free the humans.jpg)

Aly finally admitted in this post that her hair is a damn mess ("my mad hair"). She said this is because they got ready in the dark, but her hair doesn't look any different than normal.
No. 79845
File: 1452607388264.jpg (46.77 KB, 310x218, alli diet.jpg)

>>79835At the end of that video she gazes at the burger in the same way she does in all her pics. She's like one of those game show girls who show off the prizes by stroking them lovingly.
I'm not getting excited about tomorrow. Too much disappoint in the past. She'll get away with it again because her doctors are dickheads.
No. 79847
File: 1452608251973.jpg (144.46 KB, 716x960, IMG_20160112_070600.jpg)

I was looking through the tags of her "traditional kick-ed place" mama burger, and I want to try it. Looks good there. Plus the logo makes me laugh lol
No. 79848
File: 1452608398234.jpg (9.11 KB, 198x254, enid art.jpg)

>>79847Blimey, but racialistism!
No. 79869
>>79845ah the pills that give you loose stools if you eat too much fat
an effective means of weightloss indeed
No. 79877
File: 1452613662722.png (383.86 KB, 407x532, Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 3.45…)

Checked on Aly for the first time in ages and I'm glad I did because this manic smile at a burger made me laugh through the fog I'm in today. She is a treasure, even when she's being boring as fuck.
No. 79882
File: 1452615177380.jpg (29.85 KB, 280x209, IMG_20160112_101051.jpg)

She must be eating her polish for the extra calories before hospital day. So gross!
No. 79884
File: 1452615463294.png (921.51 KB, 916x587, 666.png)

it's obvious she's smiling out of fear lmao
also that last comment jfc stop the both of you are delusional
No. 79886
>>79877And the Oscar goes to … someone else. Gimme a fucking break, Aly.
Also, who are these enabling morons commenting that she looks so much better? I hope they'll be happy when she's dead.
No. 79902
>>79884God yeah. Her caption on the burger just makes it all the more obvious. Almost everything is capitalized, and we
know she's doing that out of fear, not excitement.
No. 79946
File: 1452630251586.jpeg (118.74 KB, 640x721, image.jpeg)

>>79882Comments on this pic.
Good to see Aly still isn't fooling Everyone, also good to see the metabolism shit is still a strong defence…
No. 79948
>>79925I think they've just given up. They're past denial, past bargaining, it's just acceptance and wait for death.
I'm sure they'll still mourn but it's not going to be any shock when she kicks it. Probably a morbid sense of relief.
Wasn't there some talk of cousins or some distant family member suffering anorexia? It's probably nothing the family is new to.
Plus, you can tell from Alys breakdowns the docs/shrinks aren't fooled and obviously discuss with the family.
Doesn't really explain why they won't put her into inpatient. Probably money issues/Aly probably guilts/threatens them to stay out of it.
The most disatisfying part of cows/flakes is you never get the full story. You never get all the juicy details. And even when she dies - we'll never get the full closure. We might not even really know, though I imagine some friend/family might mention it on Facebook.
It's just too naive to keep believing everyone in Aly's life has the skelly wool pulled over their eyes. They don't.
No. 80273
>>80251She's SMILEING because the docs aren't changing her meal-plan (!) because she's gaining.
Same old, same old…
No. 80289
>>80286Samefag. Just read her comment that
>as usual I wont post numbers on this accountWhen asked about her gain. Its not AS USUAL. She usually tells followers how much she gained. I deduct she gained a poxy amount which is the weight if burger and fries she's holding in and water loading.
No. 80290
File: 1452684581672.jpg (139.37 KB, 972x1338, Screenshot_2016-01-13-11-28-20…)

Forgot image
No. 80305
File: 1452687156178.png (787 KB, 845x597, cheese.png)

The fuck is this shit? It's creepy.
I thought this recording might be of her taking a bite, but she's just smiling at the dang cheeseburger. Why are people falling for this unless it just "feeds" their illness?
No. 80322
File: 1452690944437.gif (895.02 KB, 216x216, alyexpress.gif)

No. 80324
File: 1452692464423.jpg (196.52 KB, 1072x1361, Screenshot_2016-01-13-13-38-27…)

A ton of FAT Italian cheese, a TON of Turkey (1 slice) tomatoes (1/2) and lettuce (1/2 a leaf) such a HEAVENLY BOMB!!
did someone say delusional
No. 80343
>>80332In Aly's accidental breakdown posts it even gives away that the shrink/doctors are telling her negative things, not positive or OK like she tells us.
There's obviously some other reason for her not being hospitalized. I mean look at ash, in amurrica, whose uglier skelly and not in hospital.
I don't think this act is a good representation of the doctors. They must not be able to force her in under the circumstances.
No. 80346
>>80343I agree with this. I don't believe her when she writes about how they're pleased with her progress.
How long ago was it they suggested an IP clinic but she was really resistant to the idea? There's no way she'd go voluntarily. Her parents are irresponsible for not taking steps to have her admitted.
No. 80356
File: 1452704324534.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160113-115238.png)

This is is the fullest I've seen her face in awhile.
No. 80370
File: 1452706758456.jpg (590.8 KB, 1024x1365, PhotoGrid_1452706341044.jpg)

>But as usual I won't write numbers on this account No. 80386
>>80324The fuck is this? I'd ask for my money back if I got this pitiful wrap.
It looks like they put a discarded lettuce leaf inside and then jizzed on it.
#HUGE #realrecovery
No. 80389
>>80356Her face proportions look so fucked up. I'm with
>>80375 and several other anons now, bulimia cheeks for sure.
No. 80394
File: 1452709486825.gif (712.84 KB, 480x640, gif_20160113122401.gif)

23 week time span
No. 80395
>>80394You can't even tell which is the oldest and which the newest because of the lack of any kind of progress. Such recovery.
The only thing I learned here is that she likes to sit in front of balding men with glasses.
No. 80400
>>80394She needs to sort her fucking hair out. Please slap a brown dye on it, that growing out blonde straw is ridiculous.
Would be nice to eat so many calorific pastries and cupcakes etc and only gain 1kg, but then I don't puke it back up.
No. 80449
>>80431Yeah, and if we could send her those wrap pics and ask her if she sees progress. And what's this bullshit about not posting numbers? She's posted Her gains and loss before.
I used to be rooting for her. But, forget it. She thinks we're all really stupid, or that she's really clever.
No. 80624
File: 1452749093511.jpg (265.31 KB, 1080x1080, 12107588_1676863369266832_5441…)

Because eating all those meals and facing those "fear foods" means you need to shove down high calorie drinks afterwards. #relrecovery
No. 80752
>>80682What? Why wouldn't they? Remember that we're talking about her physical-only doctors, not one concerned with her mental health.
I'm also so confused as to why you capitalized "patient." She's a legal adult, so of course she'd be the one getting her own information.
No. 80783
File: 1452799927026.jpg (79.1 KB, 640x640, cwrap.jpg)

>>80402>>80394Nice to see Aly is still lurking here, because she posted her own ~wrap transformation pic~ kek.
>>I was the personification of AnorexiaHoney, you still personify your illness by making it your entire identity.
No. 80843
>>80836>>80830Yeah she only ever admits to those things way after the fact, like with her "lying about eating", her "relapse before the hospital admission", etc.
Watch her admit to many of the things speculated on here 6 months or a year from now.
Even if her BMI may be like 12 instead of 10 right now she is still very much in the throes of her ED, and it clearly doesn't match what she shows off on her feed.
No. 80932
>>80783It's funny because she originally deleted the picture on the left to conceal her previous rounds of fake "realrecovery", and now she reposts it to show to us that "did too make progress!".
It's also funny that she always uses pictures with completely different lighting, angles, and locations for her "before & afters", even though she has been taking hundreds of pictures in exactly the same positions for months and months as a means of body checking.
No. 80979
>>80783To me, that picture on the right looks heavily photoshopped (soft focus effect). Everything is so blurry. Look at her eyes. Her eyeliner, her lashes and brows look as if you were looking at them through frosted glass, while in the left picture everything looks super sharp.
I´ll believe her "amazing progress" in a few months when it gets warmer and when she´s no longer hiding her body under layers of clothes.
We´ll see how that scary sternum of hers will look by then.
No. 81226
File: 1452876090439.jpg (115.67 KB, 589x578, skele.jpg)

>>81130Okay I'll admit there's a little difference but not much. This shot is a lot better than the other one. It shows how her smile still sinks all the way into her cheeks because there's not actual fat there, and her skeleton hands are still the same as ever.
At 7 months into "recovery," she should be weight restored by now, not looking barely better.
No. 81301
File: 1452887027135.jpg (481.31 KB, 2048x2048, 1452886960828.jpg)

6 months difference
No. 81318
File: 1452890608865.jpg (213.91 KB, 750x960, IMG_20160115_133828.jpg)

Oops! Posted this by itself. I think I've fixed it.
Anyway I think it's funny she talking about others having no life When hers is so sad.
No. 81320
File: 1452892220331.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1072, Alyphonecases.png)

Ed sufferers are known to be obsessed with anything food related. Look at Aly's phone cases…
It is true, her ED is her life.
No. 81441
>>81360Her last ~day hospital control~ was a few days ago. She says she gained since her last weigh in but didn't specify how much. She also claims she's totally fine and her doctors are so happy about her progress and she's happy she can live her ~real life~ and still gain weight.
Tl;Dr nothing changed
No. 81456
File: 1452958424540.jpg (72.4 KB, 626x293, male pattern baldness.JPG)

Skele doth protest too much.
No. 81461
File: 1452960710791.gif (1.16 MB, 350x196, 3c512251143103316637444125_700…)

>>81343I shouldn't be laughing. But… topkek, anon.
No. 81497
File: 1452967333473.jpg (466.91 KB, 2048x2048, 1452967239990.jpg)

Does she need glasses or is she just that bad at painting her nails
No. 81505
>>81497If she took time out of her ED bubble sometime, she should search youtube nail, hair and cosmetic tutorials.
Funnier would be for someone to convince her to make some tutorials herself.
No. 81538
>>81532I presumed the parisss person was a farmer. I saved some of the comments.
She's doing that thing where she really doesn't care what h8rs think but needs to post about how much she doesn't care.
Seriously canNOT wait til she sheds the layers and her followers comment on the facehugger.
No. 81539
File: 1452972647482.png (35.38 KB, 480x187, wp_ss_20160116_0005.png)

>>81538This one made me gag
No. 81552
File: 1452976858049.jpg (551.15 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160116_132358.jpg)

I want to know why she deletes only negative comments if they are in English.
imstrongerthanyou is basically saying everything we say:
>your English sucks
>you want us to belive you follow a meal plan When you don't gain weight
>there are people who are really struggling ect…
(paraphrased useing google translate)
This was 8weeks ago, and it hasn't been deleted. I was looking for the parisssslove persons comments but can't find them. So, does she delete only English comments bc she only cares about what English speakers think? Just curious
No. 81574
File: 1452984537567.png (90.4 KB, 169x230, wp_ss_20160116_0010.png)

Those swollen salivary glands though.
Also prissiness over someone asking her about shhhhhh PERIODS.
No. 81759
File: 1453048614945.jpg (158.71 KB, 517x537, IMG_20160117_103529.jpg)

No. 81826
>>81763She didn't talk about her ED struggles though. She was basically bitching about her dad.
>>81813>who eats that many sweets day in and day out? Not Aly.
No. 81837
>>81826struggles in general. It's not actually ED related, but it's a start -hopefully- away from the sunshines and rainbows.
i think she's getting bored of her account herself, maybe that's why she's posting behind the scenes stuff now.
No. 81867
File: 1453060150618.jpg (222.3 KB, 535x789, IMG_20160117_134828.jpg)

No. 81896
>>81837Are you new? She's posted struggles like this before. She always "overcomes" them with coffee and pastries, which
SHOCKER she did today too. As far as emotional honesty, she's no better than she's ever been.
No. 81903
File: 1453064444862.png (34.51 KB, 462x201, wp_ss_20160116_0002.png)

>>81899One of those comments was by suspected farmer parissslove.
No. 81985
File: 1453072164260.jpg (88.24 KB, 606x418, dad1.jpg)

>>81949>>81954If my daughter had a history of lying, manipulating, hiding and throwing away food (
all things Aly has admitted to) and I could virtually watch her destroy herself, I would not smile and nod at her pretending to be recovering either.
If my daughter prepared pancakes and waffles every other day pretending to be in #realrecovery, I might raise my voice as well. And I surely would talk to her about coffee and cigarettes, both of which are notorious for being used as appetite suppressants or distraction from hunger.
Old screenshots clearly show that even by her own accord her relationship with her dad worsened DURING the worst of her illness (meaning as a result of it, NOT her dad being ~the cause of her ED~), and then the relationship got better when she "started eating again" (will post screenshot next post).
No. 82022
Uh… I don't know about you guys, but everytime I come into this thread and look for new pics of Aly I always do it hoping she's gained. I'm sure she will be an interesting cow even when she'll be not ana-chan anymore (and hopefully we'll get to see Dante again </3).
I have to say that… it looks like she's gained. Her face does look fuller. Remember when she hit the bottom like the left in
>>80783 ? Fucking eat, Aly. Stay away from deathzone and we will milk you anyways.
No. 82028
>>82022I can't even imagine her without a food/lack of food obsession. I think this is all she's ever going to be.
I always look at the other customers in ANHERO café
No. 82034
>>82005Preach that truth, anon.
Aly is no different than a drug addiction who will do or say anything to keep from changing. From refusing to grow up, to her manipulation of her family members (both against each other and one on one- there's one reason her parents are separated and that reason is called Alice), to her deep state of denial. To continue to placate and enable an addict is to prolong their addiction while ruining your own life. Ali's mom needs to taking her fucking cue from Pa - they need to stand together and give her an ultimatum. Either she goes inpatient, or she gets out. As long as she knows she can regress into baby hood and put her family members against one another, nothing will change.
No. 82094
>>82034I think we have all been saying this for a long time now. And I believe everything you say is true.
I guess I wanted to bring something else to consider, that just because Alice lies and is manipulative, doesn't mean her dad is a saint. He is right to be upset about his daughters ED. But I bet it comes in random out bursts. I bet alice is as stubborn as he is.
I'm not saying she's Great. I think she's shit. But I just have a hunch she inherited it from her dad.
No. 82208
File: 1453110179080.jpg (69.46 KB, 294x407, normal.jpg)

I'm so glad someone made this comment. Like goddamn it, Aly, your dad is pissed off over the money you waste on treats, not at your existence. Take a step back and realize that because it's quite obvious.
No. 82213
>>82094I think her dad is just stand-offish and at most, prefers to have things his own way. He's not a saint by any means, but he's in no way as "evil" as Aly tries to make him. Aly is shit because she's manipulative and only cares about herself, but her dad? It doesn't sound like that describes him. I mean, I definitely agree with you though that he seems to let things bottle up and then explodes. But honestly, that's probably the extend of his crimes, so to speak. I doubt he's done anything truly awful to her.
Today's outburst honestly sounded rather reasonable. Sure, he shouldn't have shouted, but he probably just had had enough. She comes home reeking of pancakes, and all he can think about is how much of his paycheck is going to cafes. How Aly just
has to have those pancakes even though they have a brand new waffle maker at home. How Aly just
has to have a coffee outside every goddamn day, even though he bought her a milk frother and coffee machine. How they have to eat special dinners now because
Aly is on a "meal plan," even though she never fills nor finishes her plate… Yeah, I'd fucking blow up at her too.
No. 82448
File: 1453135075780.jpg (167.21 KB, 641x920, Untitled.jpg)

Shit translation from German original by google. Obv "fake accounts.
Her brother has the dead eye in the sundae post.
(1 of 2)
No. 82450
File: 1453135133675.jpg (15.6 KB, 624x115, 1.JPG)

(2 of 2)
Comment before this one:
>@anorexicccx You trigger me sorry……
No. 82470
File: 1453138573122.jpg (219.12 KB, 1078x1139, Screenshot_2016-01-18-17-33-30…)

So aly claims that was her first MacDonalds sundae…
No. 82471
File: 1453138636417.jpg (126.64 KB, 1076x1485, Screenshot_2016-01-18-17-34-19…)

But here is a pic from 6 weeks ago of a MacDonalds chocolate sundae.
Also lurking much? Mentioned on here about lack of brother recently and here he is being posted on her IG
No. 82517
>>82471I bet, this was a coffee sundae, so in Aly world she gets to brag again, how BRAVE! she is.
Lets all pray, that she stays anorexic until she cant reproduce. Imagine Alys evil offspring throwing a fit in all of italys tackiest Cafes…
No. 82562
File: 1453152169089.jpeg (372.43 KB, 1261x1491, image.jpeg)

>>82470Found this comment under that photo, glad someone said it. Sounds like a farmer too.
No. 82576
File: 1453153463743.jpg (178.4 KB, 805x960, IMG_20160118_143407.jpg)

>>82562Her response.
I can't belive she thinks the flavor makes a difference. I thought you guys were kidding lol but she's serious about it.
No. 82583
File: 1453154785536.jpeg (321.42 KB, 1265x1409, image.jpeg)

>>82576Their response. Kek.
No. 82591
>>82517>>82576Always finding new reasons to get dem ass pats in.
The other day she had OMFG her VERY FIRST EVER #realrecovery #recoverywin DONUT… (…with a strawberry filling…) FIRST EVER in her WHOLE life.
Congrats Aly, you're trying new flavors, like your average blondie-child 5-year old.
No. 82628
File: 1453159466139.jpg (119.55 KB, 934x596, Capture.JPG)

So, I've been thinking Aly has been looking better lately. Compared to the progress pic posted, there is definitely, well, progress.
To double check, though, I went back to the beginning of her account (the New Beginning and hospitalization). Her face is definitely fuller than it was during the initial days of her hospital stay. But there are some photos taken a couple of weeks after discharge, where she looks much the same as now. I'm thinking the new weight gain is 95% facial expression and lighting. She's ditched old photo angles that would show the gauntness of her face (kissy face/sphincter mouth, as well as looking up into the camera). Am I way off?
Evidence A attached.
No. 82629
File: 1453159542201.jpg (114.07 KB, 927x599, Capture2.JPG)

Last day of New Beginning hospitalization.
(apologies for subjecting you all to dead eyes)
No. 82630
File: 1453159589329.jpg (124.72 KB, 931x600, Capture3.JPG)

Hello Dante
But besides the facehugger, the face looks much as it does now, or am I delusional?
No. 82638
>>80305Samefagging - sorry, am catching up to ms. realrecover after a few weeks off
Sweet Jesus, you weren't joking. The smile at the end is apex creepy.
No. 82685
>>82628I feel like her face only really looks "fuller" when she's been loading up on sodium just in time for Day Hospital Control weigh-in.
In her most recent selfies from the last couple of days she's looking more gaunt again.
No. 82773
>>82685Hmm. You're right.
So 95% lighting, angles, and hydration.
Her skin also looks more radiant lately - I thought it was maybe some fat, but no, it's too even. Makeup? Hydration? Photoshop? (I doubt this, has she shooped before? Never conclusively iirc)
No. 82788
File: 1453189535881.jpg (211.33 KB, 730x960, IMG_20160119_003441.jpg)

Are you Fucking kidding me? So she's keeping some comments but deleting others to make it look like shes so good at shooting them down? Hahahaha!
No. 82796
TW TW TW>believeningAre you fucking kidding me
No. 82944
>>82787Her sternal notch looks just as prominent now. I don't know if it's one of the areas that fill out later in recovery. But I think it's that there isn't enough fat in general. Her refusal to "put numbers on this profile" isn't reassuring.
I don't know about the bad bloods and EKGS and how they're all okay now - would that just be a positive effect of hydration?
No. 82951
File: 1453213522971.jpg (186.97 KB, 531x757, IMG_20160119_082324.jpg)

This last comment is too funny
No. 83017
File: 1453222341777.jpg (50.06 KB, 624x588, Capture.JPG)

I'm waiting for Aly's #1 fangirl to start with comments asking why she herself is gaining shitloads in recovery (because she's actually eating IP), and Aly's still a spoop.
I can see it happening because she's already curious about how much Aly's actually gaining.
No. 83054
>>82788This gives me so much secondhand embarrassment oh gawd.
It's like on The Office when he brags about how he ~totally showed them who's boss~ but he clearly doesn't handle authority well.
No. 83056
>>83008Embarrassing. She's been more off the wall (than usual) lately. Maybe her medicines need to be adjusted.
I just lurked on her account and saw the merry Christmas video. Blimey. She's terrifying in motion.
No. 83113
File: 1453234933090.png (595.58 KB, 824x480, Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 12.1…)

Oh, no! With all of these recovery wins, what news from Day Hospital Control could have made Aly have anxiety to the stars? Why is talking to her therapist about DHC so stressful?
No. 83114
File: 1453234973150.png (94.09 KB, 290x396, Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 12.2…)

>>83113Here's the rest of the text - it's a long one
No. 83123
>>83113She bitched about her dad, lied about what she's been eating and how the day control people think she's making remarkable progress.
I wasn't there, but she's predictable enough to guess.
No. 83142
File: 1453236876240.gif (702.42 KB, 400x160, frodofoam.gif)

>>83114I can't even bring myself to read this shit anymore because it's like being screamed at by someone on E. Every time she has a tiny coffee she needs to write three paragraphs in caps with minimum 30 emojis.
No. 83169
>>83084I can't believe she's actually
proud of telling a person on instagram that they are a FAKE who is LYING because…
she had a differently flavored sundae. No. 83190
File: 1453240512613.jpg (61.91 KB, 960x438, IMG_20160119_145202.jpg)

What do you suppose that means? Like free meals?
No. 83202
File: 1453241549878.jpeg (89.5 KB, 640x625, image.jpeg)

Girl: why do you write in english?
Aly: so everyone can understand me
Girl: but people that don't speak english…
Aly: they should learn it as it is the most spoken language, sorry for my frankness
i can't believe how pretentious she is and how much she thinks highly of herself, i think she's the one that should learn proper english spelling and accept it when native speakers correct her instead of acting all superior and shit
/rant . Sorry i'm just so fed up with her
No. 83217
File: 1453242401845.jpg (15.11 KB, 430x61, recoverywin.JPG)

>>83169Her #recoverywin sundae has slightly fewer calories than the one she ate a few weeks ago.
No. 83297
Her meals are the floor model version of their goods. "There's a 10% discount off those, they've been held and smiled at, but they're otherwise good as new!"
No. 83308
>>83296she purges the food whole, the store it in a corner of the fridge she has rent there and the next day she has another "fresh" waffle to eat, purge and repeat this game.
Would also explain the no wheight gaining and why she can afford to go to restaurants so often kek
No. 83317
File: 1453256225793.jpg (51.22 KB, 369x515, DANG VEGAN.JPG)

>>83296and resells it to…GUESS WHO!
No. 83342
File: 1453263805874.jpg (87.72 KB, 620x633, LUSH.jpg)

>>83305Maybe by tutor she means babysitter, she takes care of the cafe owners babies by regurgitating croissants into their mouths and teaching them poor english
No. 83424
File: 1453286807566.jpg (564.21 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160120_034349.jpg)

>>83420>>83362Are these the same guy?
who is Dante?
No. 83516
>>83490I think he's hot, but not as hot as Dante who always looks so well groomed. Swoon.
I like how Italian men actually grow their hair to a good length and it's nice and thick. I don't like how men here in the UK go for the clippers even when they're not even receding. I'm certainly hot for Italians.
Sage because I'm just musing about Italian stallions.
No. 83717
File: 1453372265946.jpg (175.34 KB, 763x960, IMG_20160121_032520.jpg)

Wow. Its really jarring to see something so diffetent posted by her.
No. 83720
>>83717>>83717She's posted photos from this "shoot" in the past as well, but they're all deleted. I find it interesting that she chose one that hides her legs, because in the past when she posted shots that included her legs she thought they were fat and said the legs scare her like hell.
I really do wonder if she looks at these old photos and sees how much prettier she was. Or if she looks at them and sees an obese whale and unloads some bullshit ~posi-vibes~ on IG.
No. 84028
>>73958I just checked the instagrams of two German recovery-instagrammers that were mentioned a few months ago (the ones that ate A LOT of chocolate for night snack)
They're both doing well! Visible weight gain on both of them, and they look beautiful.
For those who weren't around for the original posts -
No. 84029
>>84028Samefagging because I forgot my point.
See, Aly, it's possible, and it's quite fast if you don't fight it so much.
(though to be fair, although both have improved, forhappiness is still quite skinny and has a ways to go until weight restoration – but still, improvement!)
No. 84102
>>84080Maybe the point was to be sick. I don't know, honestly.
One of them did say she gained 17 kg (or maybe 24 kg total), so she must've kept something down. do worry for their pancreases. That is a metric ton of sugar and unhealthy crap. It's great that they're gaining weight and seeing a nutritionist…is there usually a plan to transition to more realistic meals once maintenance weight is reached?
No. 84124
>>84080i eat chocolate almost every meal
im a piece of shit
No. 84129
>>84102Hanhudloe lives in housing for young adults with EDs now and I'm pretty sure they won't serve as much chocolate and sweets as she had at home, though Hannah once admitted that she struggles with eating throughout the day and then allows herself the big night snack.
I think it's great that Hannah is open about her weight gain, but it bugs me that she posts so many before and afters, always showing off the same "before" pictures. Before and afters are actually often detrimental to those in recovery because a) they put the focus on the appearance rather than mental changes and b) they are often a way of the recovering person to show off their malnourished body from the past and to receive validation that they were very skinny.
All in all I think Hannah is a million times better as a role model and more relatable than Aly if you ignore the crazy night snacks (that she probably shared with her mum anyway)
No. 84297
>>84080it's a german thing. every german i know esp young ones just INHALE chocolate like it's a macronutrient. i swear to god it's got to be 25% of their diets, that and endless dairy products
anyone who's ever been in a german supermarket and seen the sweets section can attest to this
No. 84303
>>84297I´m not so sure…
I´m German and I have never seen anyone eating as much sweets as this hanhudloe girl (allegedly) does. I still don´t believe that it is physically possible to eat all this stuff without having to throw up.
But you are totally right about the dairy products. I only eat a bit of cheese from time to time, but many people here eat lots of yoghurt and curd and drink gallons of milk. Hanhudloe claims to eat 600 to 800 grams of yoghurt for her nightsnack (along with all the sweet stuff) and I don´t know how she does it.
No. 84304
File: 1453434983938.png (633.93 KB, 467x527, wxerctfuvyghjk.png)

what is in that cup?
No. 84307
>>84304really? The cup? What the fuck is wrong with you there are more important things to worry about in this pic!
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER HAIR? omg, someone shampoo it back to life idek. It's so dead and thin. I feel like it should be thicker. FUCCCCK.
No. 84308
>>84307Tbh I thought her hair actually looks decent for someone that has had that severely low a BMI for 2.5 years of #realrecovery
I have an ED and it doesn't take long for my hair to turn to shit, I guess it depends on what food you eat though.
No. 84420
>>84395She decided she wouldn't show them, because they were very repetitive.
Who knows if she's eating anything else or not.
Is it usual to check for vitamins during routine blood tests? Maybe Vitamin B12 or Vitamin D…but I know at least the latter isn't covered by my insurance so maybe it's expensive.
No. 84445
>>84420Well in my own experience most doctor's like to check for specific levels in certain vitamins, though it depends on why the doctor issued a blood test in the first place. I'm assuming they'll also check her iron levels.
I guess if it was just a routine blood test they wouldn't really look for vitamin levels, but she does have anorexia and is trying to recover so I'm assuming they want to make sure she's getting adequate nutrition with her meal plan.
No. 84452
>>84445>she does have anorexia>and is trying to recover>they want to make sure she's getting adequate nutrition with her meal plansnort to everything you just said. First off, she's not trying to recover, obviously. Second off, these doctors don't give a fuck. She's going to die on their hands because they think 1kg per month is acceptable weight gain. The
only reason she was put in the hospital again back in September or so was because of her blood. Otherwise they would have let the 0.5kg weight loss go. I'm guessing something in her blood was low enough to kill her or they would have just said "oh, eat more red meat" or something. They're incompetent like that.
No. 84632
>>84625Long gone is unknown alice_eleanor who whored herself with #instagirl #beautifulgirl #model #followme tags.
She discovered bullshitting about recovery gives her 1000s of followers so she feels free to delete anyone.
So few comments though. Why did nobody even ask about her blood test?
No. 84661
>>84632Someone did ask…maplesyrupauline maybe? The results are due Monday. Meanwhile her instagram continues to be mega-boring.
I am amused that she's getting fewer likes and comments than before, despite an ever-increasing number of followers. Trainwreck watch!
No. 84662
File: 1453510820101.jpg (173.88 KB, 1168x748, Capture.JPG)

>>73958mfw when comment starts off as sensible then veers into wtf
No. 84667
File: 1453511421391.jpeg (72.33 KB, 640x550, image.jpeg)

Idk how many farmers know/follow the blog Confessionsabouted, much less have a tumblr, but I was reading through it today and I saw this confession and I thought of Aly. I doubt Aly submitted this or has a tumblr in the first place, but this is fitting.
No. 84670
>>84665Dude. Fucking POKEMON were somehow related to her sister and the recovery process. I mean, whatever, like what you like, but not everything is about recovery
Also did she just print a photo that someone else coloured or are we meant to believe she coloured it? (because if she has a skill of some sort, that'd be nice to see)
No. 84672
>>84666That chest is truly ridiculous, can't believe she hasn't been called out for it
The orange bikini picture doesn't show anything that would match it
No. 84673
>>84625How on earth do people not understand how disordered freezing fortimel is?
and her excuse for not being able to eat icecream… like wat… she might as well just have said her ED won't let her eat icecream
No. 84675
File: 1453511828890.jpg (18.01 KB, 272x275, yumyum.jpg)

>>84670I had another look. I thought those pencils were real, duh. Pokemon is ~meaningful~ because it symbolises her friend loves Aly for loving Pokemon.
No. 84679
>>84670>>84675Derp I just read the comments…it's not her work, she just printed it and doesn't know who the original artist is.
Aly…girl…find a personality pls
(also- that photo is horrific, is this before her hospitalization?)
No. 84787
>>84783it's an attempt to eat a nutritional supplement (that, by design, is meant to get calories into you fast and easily) as slowly as humanly possible.
also pretending non-junk food is something else is pretty eating disordered. see "protein pancakes" etc
No. 84851
>>84783Because instead of actually allowing herself to have icecream she's freezing a nutritional supplement that shes probably forced to take.
I honestly don't even know why she would want to freeze it. I literally did everything to get out of drinking mine cause they taste nasty.
No. 84905
File: 1453570519806.jpg (74.84 KB, 586x590, pathetic.jpg)

Laughing at her piss-poor camera trickery. The thing is the size of her damn nail, but she's practically pressing it on the camera so it looks bigger. At least back in the day, she would throw some in the background so she could claim to be eating more. It's like she's not even trying.
No. 84909
>>84868>>84851Fortimel is actually nice though. Tastes exactly like milkshake, smells like milkshake.
>>84905But…but…IT'S BIGGER THAN THE CUP!!!
No. 84913
>>>/pt/135546Tripping down ~nostalgia lane~
Her captions used to be so much shorter and less shouty :( And there used to be actual discussion and drama while she was asleep
DAE miss old Aly_realrecover
No. 84923
File: 1453573955712.jpg (133.36 KB, 598x593, i think it might be extra.jpg)

>>84913I miss those captions too. She shouted "extra" at us a lot this morning.
No. 84928
>>84923There's no more oily(!)
sake emojiChallenge is now spelled correctly
Strength is now spelled correctly (noooo)
No more #edworrior
Unbearable has now been changed to incredible (see pizza pic)
So much change, it's UNBEARABLE, I'm SPEACHLESS with sads :(
No. 84948
>>84928Crump is now crumb
Unfortunately, donut is donnie.
She writes a lot about being SPONTANEOUS but how spontaneous is picking up a fucking pastry LIKE SHE ALWAYS DOES on an arranged trip to a cafe?
Some of the Alyisms still keep me looking at her account
>for an HEALTHY and BRIGHTEN LIFE> BEATED it HARDER>The REAL ALICE WORTHED MORETalking in 3rd person needs to stop.
@itsbirdy should report for violation of copyright.
No. 84960
>>84948>@itsbirdy should report for violation of copyright.As long as she doesn't say that it's her work, is there a case for reporting?
Btw it seems Aly's abruptly forgotten how to construct words – SMILEING, BELIEVEING, CHALLENGE-ING. The errors with NOT/NONE are also new. God, I feel like I should get a degree in Aly linguistics :(
I'm happy to see DANG as dang ubiquitous as always.
No. 84966
Sage for samefag
What is she saying in this video? Is it English? The first word is burger, I think: No. 84981
>>84960This photographer's had literally 100s of tumblr accounts deleted because people posted his years old photos of some bands. He files reports saying they're using them without his permission, but that's being a fool on cunt imo.
I noticed the extra Es! That's one of the first things you make mistakes with/quickly learn its incorrect when you're learning to write.
She's saying BURGER TRADITION in that video. Kind of boasting that she's loading up on sodium and scarfing down carbs before weigh in.
No. 84998
>>84966"burger tradition"
sounds more like booger tbh
No. 85019
>>85002Because she's so fucking arrogant about her English. She literally thinks she's amazing at it. Granted, she did recently listen to someone about "unbearable," but that doesn't cancel out all of the deleted helpful comments.
Most people who admit that English isn't their first language on the internet are apologizing for it, even though they're writing better than native English speakers. Aly needs to learn from those people.
No. 85026
File: 1453594025266.jpg (106.77 KB, 906x580, told.JPG)

>>84924Addressed by original questioner.
No. 85034
>>85002she also deletes people correcting her. it's weird.
she's also remarkably bad at it and doesn't make the kinds of errors Italians usually make.
No. 85144
>>85120I can imagine that one of her other mental illnesses (which she doesn't tell us about) is going to manifest and she goes nutso or something.
Idk, but her attitude is so shitty and her view on her ~recovery~ so deluded that what we think is "quirky" Aly is really some kind of mental Aly.
There's going to be a shit storm when she has to show off more of her body after Winter. Especially in June when after A YEAR she's still got the facehugger and pipe cleaner legs.
No. 85161
>>85144The recent uptick in desserts, addition of chocolate/nutella/maple syrup etc has me confused. Are these in fact additions to her daily caloric intake (if so, good for her) or is this a repeat of last year in that she's not eating anything substantial except what she photographs?
I dunno if I'm being a gullible sort
Probably am
No. 85192
>>85026In case anyone cares. This bitch deleted that drawing instead of giving credit. I Fucking hate her so much.
At first I thought she was kind of cute, and at least not trying to be edgy about her illness. But, everyday I see something that pisses me off. Fuck her.
No. 85197
>>85192The picture is still up for me…? Scroll down a bit.
Hmm, now a cup of whipped cream and cocoa. Size unknown, but still. A couple of months ago this would have been unusual indeed. As another anon said, either there's been a monumental breakthrough or something's wack
But now there are realistic bite marks too, so she surely is eating something?
No. 85198
>>85195Yeah but how many people live in Milan? I hope the restaurants would have negotiated some ROI on their deal
In terms of ad stuff, I don't think Zara or Kiko or Guess would bother reaching out to her, they've got regular IG fashion bloggers (ugh) for that
No. 85217
File: 1453664587698.jpg (22.64 KB, 971x142, skele wisdom.JPG)

>>85197Pics still there for me too.
I was thinking how odd it is she posts food with two bites taken from it. I then went to mpa to see if they're still talking about her and found this.
She might only be able to eat two bites then leaves it. OCD or whatever.
No. 85276
File: 1453674387416.jpg (107.52 KB, 912x596, pulltheotherone.JPG)

This bullshit still.
No. 85278
>>85197"eating something" ≠ recovery.
You can eat two bars of chocolate a day and still lose weight because it's only 1000 kcal, so ~bite marks~, realistic or not, don't say shit.
>>85195>>85198Oh damn, never thought about that. I could imagine Aly showing off her instagram to various restaurant and cafe owners, being all like "look, I've got 35k followers and this picture of your croissant has 1000 likes, I'm giving you free advertisement!", and they were probably like "ummmm, ok, how nice, this one's on the house then".
No. 85281
File: 1453675659287.jpg (103.99 KB, 601x598, rip.JPG)

>>85278>You can eat two bars of chocolate a day and still lose weight because it's only 1000 kcal, so ~bite marks~, realistic or not, don't say shit.You're right. I was temporarily hypnotized by Aly's lies. I'm better now, and praying for the dismembered remains of her past "bitten" donuts.
No. 85282
File: 1453676489995.jpg (41.8 KB, 412x213, waste.jpg)

>>85281Aly is the reason the pigeon population in Milan is so high.
No. 85283
File: 1453677573218.jpg (43.52 KB, 312x858, oldaly.JPG)

>>85276To follow up: if she's really eating all that and is still that skeletal, someone should ask her how much she was eating when she looked like this.
No. 85304
>>85292Probably not. She's blogging only her most ~meaningful~ recoverywins now.
>>85286Don't know - IG fame? Validation? Wanting people to envy her?
No. 85308
>>85304>Validation? Wanting people to envy her?Leaning towards these. She's said she's a perfectionist, the caption she posted by mistake was her angst at not being good enough. When people say they're proud of her, how well she's doing, how beautiful she looks then maybe it makes her feel good that she's being praised for something.
Unfortunately they're praising her for something she's not really doing (recovering), so she must feel worse so idk why she bothers.
I still feel that she thinks she's shit hot. She wants people to tell her she's gorgeous and amazing etc etc.
I don't think she's doing it for fame, because she could really use her ig notoriety for all kinds of things, but even if she did something as little as a magazine interview that'd blow the facade of her "recovery". If she was doing it for real, she strikes me as the kind of attention ho who would really go for being some kind of ED awareness spokesperson in the media (free trips, free stuff, a LOT more attention…)
No. 85314
>>85313Samefag but - this would have been her in early February 2015 (if she took the photo the same day she posted it)
She looks the same now.
No. 85348
>>85335She's perfectionist. Losing weight is an achievement, losing a lot of weight is even more so, controlling your eating habits 24/7 is too, etc. Losing weight can get addictive, and if you're already predisposed to "want to succeed all of the time"/can't deal with failure, you can easily go too far. Most anorexics are perfectionists.
Eating disorders develop for the silliest reasons, they don't need to be
triggered by trauma.
No. 85451
File: 1453739877199.png (529.71 KB, 339x595, tosspot.png)

that hair
those claws
No. 85453
File: 1453740667209.png (642.05 KB, 588x591, hioljkhhf.png)

No. 85456
>>85291Of course not, in Italy this is considered slim. Anorexia is a mental disorder usually
triggered by insecurity, shitty family environment and such
No. 85474
File: 1453746898929.png (112.48 KB, 327x135, h.PNG)

>>85451If u wouldn't see the face u would think those hands belong to an old grandma
No. 85481
>>85474Totally. Especially with the colour of the nail polish. I think it's odd Aly never posts self care products. Don't most women love bath products and creams etc? I say thus because she could use some hand cream.
>>85470I know 2 anos who say it was comments about their weight (one being a dancer) that lead to their illness. The dancer was abused by her father for years though, so I didn't really believe it was only the weight comment that started her on the rexia road.
No. 85498
File: 1453750452531.png (767.39 KB, 413x512, tapatalk_1453745509517.png)

No. 85836
File: 1453824848663.jpg (119.34 KB, 1009x588, pt1.JPG)

Autoblock: engaged
(part 1)
No. 85837
File: 1453824865616.jpg (118.31 KB, 1006x587, pt2.JPG)

Part 2
No. 85843
File: 1453826358102.jpg (247.05 KB, 1078x1529, Screenshot_20160126-163711_1.j…)

Maybe because her idea of a recoverywin is HALF a ferrero rocher!
No. 85885
File: 1453836189872.jpg (9.61 KB, 261x193, wtfno.jpg)

> we shared it
c´m on!
No. 86138
>>85893 and oh goodness, perhaps I will try that next time. Just once. ;)
No. 86221
File: 1453911478757.png (974.93 KB, 587x594, hioljkhhf.png)

As usual, he's finished his whilst hers is still intact. He also looks like he would rather be abducted by aliens than do this selfie shit.
No. 86226
>>86221Bro is getting taller by the day.
I thought Aly was quite tall, but she's like 5'6- 5'7, which is close to average (avg height 5'5'' for white females).
No. 86254
>>86139I hadn't heard about that. Kinda desensitised to moth larvae having finding some wrigglers in a box I keep wool in and oddly I'm not as grossed out as I should be.
Ccasu marzum anyone?
>>86221So proud of you, Aly!!!1
No. 86743
File: 1453994278090.jpg (45.14 KB, 387x554, Capture.JPG)

Arm looks the same? Or maybe slightly bigger? I honestly don't know
No. 86752
File: 1453996161813.jpg (245.13 KB, 1056x1517, Screenshot_20160128-154520_1.j…)

She needs to add
>> cheers to leeching off my parents, being spoilt, wasting everyone's time and money, cheers to no longer having an education or any real hobbies apart from IG , cheers to REALRECOVERY!!!
No. 86927
>>86886Cereals are full of mites. When I found out I didn't eat muesli for weeks. Once I found a fucking COCOON in a can of mixed veg (don't judge me). If you think too hard about it it could mess your head up.
Sage for OT
No. 87094
>>86927I bought this organic all natural cereal and forgot about it in my pantry for a long time. Opened the box and the bag inside was filled with pantry moths. I'll enjoy my bug free chemical cocoa puffs
OnT-its extra protein for Aly
No. 87097
>>87094I've never heard of pantry moths. I've heard of weevils.
That cupcake pic on alys account…that is NOT a bite mark. She's spooned the thing apart. If you bit the cake it'd all look messy.
I've never known anyone mess around with food so much. It must be UNBEARABLE going to eat outside (!)with her as she breaks everything to look like a smiley mouth, or nicely presented. She tries to put off eating so hard that it's painful to see.
No. 87098
File: 1454046908914.png (25.97 KB, 460x135, wp_ss_20160129_0001.png)

Also getting out of posting an OOTD pic by saying she always wears a coat because it's cold. Way to get out of revealing her skeletal frame.
No. 87224
File: 1454084430396.png (969.6 KB, 926x592, hioljkhhf.png)

dad's face
no words
No. 87228
>>87224so she went to the cafe with pa and he SpOnTaNeOuSlY offered her a croissant even though posing with a croissant is what she puts other through every morning?? I bet it went like this:
Pa:(to server) can i have a croissant and two coffees thanks
they get to table
Pa: do you wanna do your picture thing???
also how can this be her beloved bar there's slot machines in the background jfc aly your standards are even lower than i thought
No. 87265
File: 1454090142292.png (775.49 KB, 933x598, Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 17.5…)

Guys, I've cracked it. She left this little clue in a reply to a comment (pic related); her whole life, this account, everything is a performance art piece in her favourite genre. She is a true artist, method acting the part of Alice Casati in real life.
No. 87269
>>87228everywhere is special for Aly
her Dad probably suggests this bar because it's not hellishly expensive like everywhere else.
I have this weird theory that her recovery is tied up with having to eat stuff at fancy cafes. Like she is telling her parents she won't eat unless she can eat out X times a day like a rich kid. And then she probably pukes it anyway. But just a theory.
No. 87354
>>87270How many years on fb and ig and not once has she ever mentioned going to the theatre.
She probably remembered tragedy is a genre from a uni lecture so threw that in to sound more convincing.
Yup, anyone not Aly would name their favourite playwrights or plays.
No. 87357
>>87270I'd guess it's meant not as a genre but as in greek tragedies. That's specific enough.
But maybe that's because I'm classical lit major, don't know how this sounds to most people.
No. 87467
>>87357What gives you that impression?
>>87354 sounds more on point. Aly just threw out "tragedies" because she remembered it from uni lectures. She's probably only seen a play or two through a required Theatre 101 class and doesn't even really remember them.
No. 87470
>>87467The fact that "tragedies" to me immediately refers to Greek tragedies gave me that impression
Plus the fact that she's Italian
Doesn't mean I believe she really likes them, just that if that's what was going through her mind to pretend to like, it doesn't sound odd not name specific ones.
No. 87474
>>87224the way she types annoys me so much
aly_realrecover? Came back to the American Bakery Cafè with Mum ??? for one of our FABULOUS and #realrecovery ?? friday afternoons together ?✨ and since mood was already SO UP ? why not to #CHALLENGE MYSELF MORE than EVER against my illness ?? Well, I DID IT GUYS! I ordered my FREAKIN FIRST EVER❕ TOO #RECOVERYWIN ? and TOO LUSH ? CHOCOLATE TOPPED ?? CHEESECAKE SLICE❗️??
?? OMFG my #edfamily I'm still SPEACHLESS from that HUGE ? BOMB of DELIGHT ?? and Mum too when I DEMOLISHED it until the last crumb as SECOND (!) #afternoonsnack ??? Ofc an ETERNAL #actionshoot proof was needed ?? cause the REAL ALICE was SMILEING ??? JOYFUL and CAREFREE ? PRIDE and SATISFIED ? and everyday more SURE that #recoveryispossible ? I swear that the reward is OVERWHELMING darlings ?? and yes guys, we ALL have the POWER to #RECOVER ?? I'm sending so much motivation, STRENGTH and positivity right now ?? So get them and BE BRAVE ? Be YOURSELVES and DESTROY your ED ?? ILYM ❤️
No. 87497
>>87474What annoys me the most is that she is constantly talking in third person recently. She didn´t do that before (or at least not as much), did she?
Her brain is obviously shrinking from malnutrition.
No. 87507
File: 1454160641870.jpg (226.36 KB, 922x591, alyandthechipmunks.jpg)

Dem bulimia cheeks. (Pictures are backwards chronologically because I'm a lazy garbage person.)
>>87228>slot machines I think those are arcade games. So that's…
less trashy.
No. 87567
File: 1454180473012.jpeg (7.71 KB, 235x184, image004444.jpeg)

> Bilateral parotid gland swelling in association with bulimia>>87507A lot of people seem to be misled by the fact that they're often referred to as "bulimia cheeks". To clear up the confusion, it's not so much your cheeks that swell up as the lower part of your jaw where you lymph nodes are.
No. 87569
File: 1454180633312.jpg (19.46 KB, 500x375, 20130925_222136.jpg)

>>87567Or your whole face gets bloated like this.
No. 87843
>>87826She's too bundled up right now, so it's difficult to compare her weight gain (or lack thereof). I am waiting for warmer weather.
Her posts from today show a thinner lower face and prominent sternum again so it's all angles.
No. 87844
File: 1454255888616.jpg (113.91 KB, 1004x582, Capture.JPG)

>>87843Samefagging but I just checked aly_realrecovery and found this. Can someone verify she was in the NY photos?
No. 87845
File: 1454256139968.jpg (36.63 KB, 353x524, maybe.JPG)

>>87844I think this is her, on the far right
No. 87859
File: 1454258277304.png (981.19 KB, 1153x651, majsl.png)

Is this some kind of bug or did she just…?
No. 87869
File: 1454259160335.jpeg (557.6 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

>>87845I don't think it's true. Her photos look nothing like any of the girls in Aly's.
No. 87890
>>87869First post on that account says she has an eating disorder as well
I have the same reservations as you but why would she be so upfront about what she's said if it's untrue? She must know it can be checked
No. 87909
File: 1454264409386.jpg (130.5 KB, 848x796, run alessia fucking run.jpg)

Friend confirmed.
No. 87945
File: 1454273673676.jpg (57.72 KB, 625x595, 1961648f4f90cea48c8b40eb86c903…)

No. 87946
File: 1454273814213.jpg (34.86 KB, 564x373, ff7c7fae388462cae630c3e135cb06…)

No. 87959
File: 1454276792699.jpg (13.96 KB, 215x154, a.JPG)

I notice she's growing some weird hairs, or is it thinning?
No. 87992
>>87962She's spending time carefully arranging her hair over that patch in latest pics.
Seriously, eating 2 pastries a day and that would put weight on ANYONE. Cupcakes, waffles, whatever, having been a little bit of a cake piggy in the past, it only took a toasted teacake and a cream cake added to dinner that made me gain around 14 lbs in a few months. (Suspect my boss was a feeder who wanted me to bulk up so bought me freebies).
Therefore, we can conclude, she is NOT eating any of this, except maybe a couple of bites. It's not possible to stuff yourself with multiple croissants and stay spoopy.
No. 87995
File: 1454283888244.jpg (73.45 KB, 613x579, maxi cookies.JPG)

(I'm talking these)
No. 88190
>>88023Not dumb, but we've pondered this before. The most logical answer posted was that Aly needed everyone to see how she saw herself in the mirror.
(Just for acknowledgement, someone did suggest it had something to do with the front/back camera on a phone, but it's the front camera pictures that are mirrored, not the back ones.)
No. 88218
File: 1454334760452.jpeg (93.94 KB, 640x561, image.jpeg)

She's basically saying that aly took pics of their friends' food and her portions were so much smaller that that. She only drank coffee and was constantly looking for an excuse to get up and move, she makes everyone lie and and take selfies with her with crepes and she only takes a bite
No. 88275
File: 1454344579421.png (65.09 KB, 326x585, hioljkhhf.png)

she's gonna do it again those pint parties i fucking swear
No. 88278
>>88195Who the fuck cares? Honestly. She's posting shit that's probably true about Aly, so who cares what her motivation is?
>>88224(On the cookie crumb picture)
>>88275>NORMAL people do that when they feel toNot really, Alice… Instagram recovery accounts are not normal.
No. 88280
File: 1454345533163.png (634.42 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Quoting anon from the other day, milk bout ta flowwww… Help me out people what do we want to know?
Turns out this Alessia girl is Aly's "male best friend's" gf
No. 88281
File: 1454345635318.jpg (79.86 KB, 403x514, Case.jpg)

This looks like something Ashley would have made if she had stuck with her iPhone case-making idea. By which I mean, it looks cheap and cheesy. And she probably paid way too much for it.
Side note: Aly still has palms! Her skelehands are not complete.
No. 88283
>>88280Wait, is she really 16 then? Is the guy younger than Aly, or is he 20 and dating a 16-year-old?
What I'd like to know: why do Aly's threats of "take a picture with me or I won't be your friend" work? Is her personality is real life worth it?
No. 88285
>>88283I think he's 20 years old dating a 16 year old, that's not uncommon in italy (am italian)
It's not that big an age difference, besides the age of consent in most european countries is around 14
No. 88286
>>88283I want to see any natural photos of Aly from that trip, where's she's unaware of the camera
Can you ask her if Aly ever got rid of her food
No. 88303
>>88280So 4/5 make an effort, one slobs around in joggers and a hoody
What you hiding Aly??
No. 88308
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Yay or nay? Alessias bf
No. 88309
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More screenshots to come, please ignore the non-native english speaker persona i have taken up
No. 88310
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No. 88311
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No. 88313
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No. 88314
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No. 88320
File: 1454351333097.png (283.87 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 88403
File: 1454365568851.jpg (94.87 KB, 630x577, mememe.JPG)

>Mum told me she was having an awful day
>Went to give her a cookie at her office as part of MY #realrecovery
>to show her I'M #realrecovering
>to show her I'M a fighting daughter
>see it really is all about ME and my #realrecovery
>fuck w/e was pissing my mum off
No. 88436
File: 1454367357244.png (124.31 KB, 618x484, yeahno.png)

no, aly, normal people do not eat entire pints of ice cream in one sitting. ffs.
No. 88437
>>88436Ahahahahaha! In Aly's world we're all obese because we eat pints of ice cream.
If she's really wanting ice cream, why not give into her craving (as usual) and buy a tub. She only has that gelato anyway.
No. 88479
File: 1454374139878.jpg (22 KB, 783x207, yes.JPG)

If I had the cash and inclination to eat at cafes, I'd TOTALLY do this. Even down to getting some Fortimel. I know it wouldn't be accurate, but it'd give a pretty good idea how much you'd gain on her diet if she was eating it.
No. 88557
>>88529Reading those mpa threads, most of the anas on there were blocked. I, for one, got pissed off with making multiple accounts to post after being blocked. Just like food bounces off the Aly bubble, seems like the negative comments do too.
Is she the first snowflake who doesn't keep up with all the online gossip about herself?
Not that we needed confirmation, but Alessia's comments to anon were pretty much exactly word for word the things we've said - doesn't want to get well because she'd lose attention, "she can't think rationally anymore".
Tbh, this girl has/had an ED so I'm glad she's not close to Aly. Compare her maturity at 16 to Aly's. Aly's regressing to being a child with all the pampering from her mum and the Disney/childish BS she talks about.
No. 88649
File: 1454411115920.jpg (231.11 KB, 1076x1536, Screenshot_20160202-110242_1.j…)

Princess Aly is having a melt down because lunch plans were cancelled. Get a grip woman! Make yourself a sandwich. Look after your brother and stop being such a selfish twat!
No. 88650
>>88649'mummy can't take me out to lunch because she works a full time job so just like that everything is terrible again :( :( what will i do precious ED family without my SUPER LUSH and SUPER OILY #RECOVERYWIN cafe outing that i'll take two bites out of and then vomit back up :( :( i am truly in #pain :( :('
jfc how can someone be that self-obsessed and totally unaware of the outside world… this bitch disordered as fuck
No. 88663
>>88649Brother is extremely ill. Lunch is cancelled. Her brother is so selfish, god. Ugh, now he'll get the attention.
Love the ano account mandatory ciggie shot.
No. 88666
File: 1454414236759.png (41.65 KB, 435x217, wp_ss_20160202_0002.png)

Ily, crotch_bat.
No. 88687
File: 1454424702843.jpg (157.47 KB, 914x804, Screenshot_20160202-144808_1.j…)

She was LOVING the fact mum was worried about her, spoilt little brat. My lunch was cancelled so I had to eat INSIDE! Poor me such a terrible existence having to eat at home.
She felt better as soon as mummy gave her money for croissants
No. 88690
>>88687Tbh, I think a lot of her behavioural problems are related to her extremely low weight- not because she's a bad person.
I was at a low weight once (not as a low as Aly's) and I can honestly say that I did not think rationally. Any change in plans would set me off the edge and the smallest things could make me angry/sad/depressed.
No. 88691
>>88687I have so much hate in my cold, black heart, but I'm not sure I have enough for how furious this makes me. I'd love to slap seven bells out of this self-centred self-obsessed bitch.
Also, "with a closed stomach"? I know she's Italian/ESL, but what the fuck does that mean?
No. 88699
>>88697A lot of people with ED's (Esp severe anorexia) have other mental health issues.
Like shes gotta have something else going on too which is probably why its so difficult to treat her ED.
No. 88700
>>88687So princess Aly brought home two croissants and mom had tears of joy in her eyes. Well, buying two croissants is really an outstanding achievement!
This bitch doesn´t go to school, has no job or any other obligations, she does nothing all day except taking pictures of food she doesn´t eat and posting endless rants about her "real recovery" on instagram. But if buying something at a bakery is enough to make her mom cry from pride and joy, why should she make an effort to get an education or a career? Mom must be the worst enabler ever.
No. 88706
File: 1454429573847.jpg (185.54 KB, 1072x936, Screenshot_20160202-161049_1.j…)

Now Dad has had to come home because precious Aly wants to go out for food again. Her poor family!
No. 88719
Back to Aly though:
I'm fairly certain Aly's brother has a stomach bug. Which is exactly why she's reacting like
>>88677 said:
>How dare my brother get sick I'M THE SICK ONE.He's probably not eating (because he's vomiting), so she's upset because
she's supposed to be the one who doesn't eat and gets attention for it.
>>88691It's been quite a while since she's used that phrase. It means she's not hungry, basically.
No. 88748
>>88705IF she actually has tears in her eyes I can guarantee it's from desperation and exhaustion.
If my deathly emaciated daughter brought croissants and I knew full well she wouldn't eat them (or restrict on other stuff), I too would find it hard to hold back tears.
No. 88800
>>88785The one where she says this
>>88687 ? I think your instagram is glitching. It's still there for me.
No. 88815
File: 1454444533428.png (597.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160202-110246.png)

>>88649 this one has been deleted
>>88800 No. 88859
>>88845Yep, it's a teary speachless epidemic in that household.
Also: ffff I missed the black and white cigarette drama entirely. Any good comments on the deleted post?
No. 88872
>>88859Nah. All were saying how brave she is and how she can fight it until
>>88666 pissed on her parade. Yeaaaah!
No. 88881
File: 1454457097189.jpg (67.54 KB, 626x609, smily smily.JPG)

>>88878It ended well for anyway. She got what she wanted.
I'm really starting to become disgusted with her mother tbh.
No. 88889
>>88815Ah, sorry. I guess I missed that one entirely!
>>88881Same. At first I felt bad for her mother because obviously she wants the best for her daughter, but yeah, now I'm just disgusted. She's fucking spineless. I understand she wants her child to be happy, but she's making Aly happy in the short run, while in the long run, this is going to lead to Aly's death if one of them doesn't get a grip.
No. 88900
File: 1454460608023.jpg (51.86 KB, 644x503, BLOCK.JPG)

Hey, guess what. No food is unhealthy!
No. 88903
>>88889No wonder Aly acts the way she does. Her family enables her, except maybe her dad.
If Aly had no financial support from her family and her family started making demands like gain weight or get cut off, she'd actually take recovery seriously.
No. 88907
>>88649okay i know she's acting like a total spoiled brat in this, but to play devil's advocate;
Does aly's anorexia come with some sort of OCD? We've seen some pretty convincing evidence in her pictures, and she probably eats out at cafe's everyday, so now she's probably linked that with 'fighting anorexia' (even though it's not really..) so when she's denied going out to the cafe to eat she thinks 'oh shit. I can't fight it today'.
Or she really is just being a little spoiled bitch and I'm giving her too much benefit of the doubt.
No. 88917
>>88907IF that's the case, she should be working on breaking habits with her therapist. If that's happening, then Ma isn't helping if she's leaving her sick kid at home to take Aly out when she spergs at a change in habit.
I was made to do so much really uncomfortable stuff when I was getting treatment for agoraphobia (different thing, I know, but still breaking irrational thinking habits is involved). I wouldn't allow ANYONE, including myself, "let me off" doing something I knew I had to do to recover. At the time I was living at the parental home and I'm grateful that my mum stuck to her guns and didn't let me get away with working on it.
Therefore…Aly could be OCD about it, but looks like she's doing fuck all to deal with it and shame on everyone around her who's allowing her to continue in her "comfort zone".
(Soz for the personal blog part but kinda relevant I think).
No. 88923
File: 1454463460676.jpg (18.33 KB, 306x134, nope.JPG)

Three weeks ago (lunch with aunt and mum) someone wrote this.
Aly's previous comment was how the heating and electric wasn't working at home so they went out instead.
Nice excuse for that day, but didn't answer why she goes out to eat EVERY DAY.
No. 88951
>>88881"She got what she wanted anyway"
UGH that shit eating smug fucking look on her face. You're exactly right. She threw a tantrum, refused to eat any food because her outing with mama got cancelled, was pissed that everyone was focused on her brother, and like a toddler, she cried until her father came home from work to take care of her brother so Ali could get what she wanted.
These people need to take a hard line with this bitch if they don't want to spend the rest of their lives being miserable, bending over backwards to cater to their manipulative child. If she was a drug addict, they'd be the types to give her money to get high to avoid her temper, and then be wail the fact that she kept getting high. Same situation here. Nothing will change until they take a hard line with her. Cut the fucking cord.
No. 88991
>>88987Hah, remember when she had lipstick on her teeth and she said it was raspberry jam? Lol omfg.
The only thing that sticks to her lip gloss will be her hair. When she does eat she pops a teeny piece of whatever she's torn apart into her mouth. Ice cream has never passed those greasy lips.
No. 89019
>>88917no of course. I agree with you.
The only way to 'cure' a mental illness is to kind of desensitise yourself to the fear.
Her mother in particular seems like an enabler.
No. 89025
>>89015Ooo, that's odd. I would've checked for hater comments not long before she deleted and didn't see anything bad.
Nice of her to mention her brother's health today…oh, she didn't…but who cares because she's with Ma at a café with a croissant bomb in her claw.
No. 89030
File: 1454496820409.jpeg (180.53 KB, 750x842, image.jpeg)

>>89015It's obvious as to why she deleted it.
No. 89084
>>89081No, you must be wrong. If it were not BIG SIZED how would it hold a TON of cream?
>>89082I didn't even see it! What a fucking monster!
No. 89085
File: 1454520465849.jpg (14.34 KB, 275x183, images.jpg)

>>89083I. SO. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
No. 89086
>>89076Anyone else notice that she sent out posi-pistachio-vibes even though it was a #FREAKIN carrot cupcake? So she does copy and paste after all.
>>89083Whoever does it, please block out Alessia's name and other info. She really doesn't need Aly coming after her.
No. 89091
>>89089Though I guess aly_realrecovery could post it and block out her name/photo? Even though alessia's pretty much given that info out herself in her comment, kek
I just don't want Aly-loons to gang up on her
No. 89092
>>89083She'll just deny/delete or ignore like she did with her journal entry
It's just hearsay until alessia gives us real proof? Anyone can say a mate doesn't eat/ has a bad relationship with a parent
No. 89095
File: 1454522146636.png (852.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160203-175338.png)

I've just noticed something
The heart topping (width) is in the middle of the cake, on the second pic it's as big as the cake. Did she swap cakes and put the heart on the other cake to make it look like she ate the biggest one?
No. 89096
File: 1454522160145.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160203-175323.png)

No. 89115
>>89095>>89096Holy crap. Yeah, I'd say that's a different cupcake entirely. Maybe she bought both sizes and threw out the bigger one?
The same thing happens with today's cupcake, but it's not quite as obvious.
No. 89120
>>89092Jesus, what kind of proof do you need? You want the girl to break into the flat of that weird family.
I swear some people…
Be thankful, that Alessia was open.
No. 89122
File: 1454526125454.jpg (163.1 KB, 1150x676, Capture.JPG) SUSHI is a #recoverywin now too guys
Whoever asked about her brother - thank you.
No. 89136
File: 1454526474297.png (394.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-02-03-12-04-30…)

Some more people asking about her brother. She is one of the most selfish and delusional people I have ever come across. Her parents should kick her out.
No. 89145
File: 1454527862937.jpg (142.24 KB, 1068x1273, Screenshot_20160203-192946_1.j…)

>>89115The icing sticks out wider the heart on today's pic, but in the close up the heart is sticking out over the icing
No. 89146
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No. 89170
>>89096How fucking weird it must be to go through poses, pictures, swapping food and then letting her touch/rearrange your food
How her friends haven't all cold shouldered her I may never understand. I'd have flipped my shot and avoided her a thousand skelly years ago, what the hell…
No. 89177
>>89170Perhaps they appreciate the free food. Aly's got most to lose if they pissed her off. She'd only be able to hang out with her Ma then.
Idk, I can't deal with anyone so self obsessed or talks incessantly about one subject. It's not that I'm bad with mentals being one myself and schizoid partner. Even ED friends I've had have never been anywhere nearly as dull as Aly and rarely spoke about it.
No. 89196
>>89188wtf why?
She left greentext.stories comment up even though it also asked about her brother – maybe because it also praised her?
She's an odd one. Even if she did use bro's illness to seek validation for herself, she must know it's weird never to mention it again even if asked? If it's too personal to give out info about, why bring it up in the first place?
No. 89205
>>89201I had the same thought
Poor bro
No. 89324
>>89300There've been so many spoops discussed here who are, by some miracle, still living. How icovery still breathes is beyond me. Maybe that's because I've only known of a couple of ig anas who've croaked.
The way she behaves I think she'd more likely get sectioned for being a crazy over her eating disorder. Her mental health is reaaaally getting bad imo.
>>89323THE thing that bugs me most about her face is the way her mouth turns up at the sides. Hm…difficult to describe, but a bit like the Joker. I had a bad fall out with an ex best friend with the same mouth thing going on, so that probably influences it. Also, her fucking EYESHADOW. jesus god.
No. 89325
I'm looking for a pic to show what I mean about her mouth, but it's really most noticeable in her videos.
No. 89338
>>89324>THE thing that bugs me most about her face is the way her mouth turns up at the sides. Hm…difficult to describe, but a bit like the Joker. YES I have been thinking exactly that as well. The creepiness of her smile adds to the overall effect. Like the Joker, or "It" (Stephen King)
>Also, her fucking EYESHADOW. jesus god.Yup - the pink does her no favours, and the blending is nonexistent.
Agreed with other anons also - Aly's lolcow thread is the first thing I check after work even though she's wised up enough to make things quiet and kinda boring here
No. 89339
File: 1454554921779.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.44 KB, 960x540, 960.jpg)

>>89338Here I am, looking at my FREAKIN SECOND BREAKFAST #realrecovery
No. 89342
File: 1454555331537.jpg (15.53 KB, 197x217, ahg.JPG)

No. 89346
>>89331>around what time would you say it started getting worse than normal?Not that anon, but in hindsight it's been creeping up since probably November? It's been more obvious since the New Year. When it began, suddenly there was chocolate (only a little) and regular-sized dessert, but it all progressed very quickly to now where she's eating richer versions of her usual desserts, consuming rich chocolate treats without issues, eating multiple desserts (more so than before), and sounding ecstatically deranged whilst doing so. She was progressing into multiple-CAPITAL WORDS happy EMOTIONAL captions before as well, but they seem to be longer and more CAPITALISED recently.
>why?No clue. The disease itself atrophying her brain and messing with her thought processes (been there); or family dynamics? Or concurrent mental health issues – the Italian mistake post comes to mind
>so to me she doesn't seem to get any better or worse, just stuck in this perpetual cycle of saying 1 thing (#realrecovery #recoverywin) but doing another (not really gaining any weight)That's the way she wants it to be, I think. Her disease will not allow her to accept weight gain, but she wants the validation that comes with trying to fight it
No. 89350
>>89324It'll be around the time
>>89346 anon said. She's become - don't know the correct word - maniacal? That spelling doesn't look right. Anyway, not in the manic depressive sense, but the way she's saying MY THIRD (!) BREAKFAST and I COULD EAT A WHOLE PINT OF ICE CREAM ON MY OWN!!! Soon it'll be, here I am having my first ever croissant WITH A DIFFERENT BREND OF JAM IN IT!!! MY 5th #RECOVERYWIN BREAKFAST!!!
It could be around her birthday time, because that was when it was obvious everything she was posting was illness related, like the bracelet gift with the meaningful charms on it.
She's being so OTT and she doesn't even see it.
No. 89352
File: 1454556887753.jpg (36.84 KB, 406x412, jesus god.JPG)

>>89350I mean, how is this not batshit crazy. That's her SMILE OF FREEDOM.
No. 89355
>>89346samefagging, but I realised that this:
>ow where she's eating richer versions of her usual desserts, consuming rich chocolate treats without issues, eating multiple desserts (more so than before), and sounding ecstatically deranged whilst doing so. could sound like she is recovering. Except, there is none/very little of the accompanying pesky weight gain. If she was truly eating all that and progressively recoverywinning her way to weight restoration, I'd be happy for her (though not as happy as her dentist).
No. 89361
>>89352Dare you to watch this 10 times and sleep with the lights off
Hmm– she does look a bit more filled out in the more recent videos here.
No. 89436
>>89408Really? You really think she's gained anything beyond her tube feed last June? I don't. She might be fudging her weigh in with sodium / water / not going to the bathroom/ loading up on food the night before.
But she certainly hasn't gained anything more than a 2 or 3 pound fluctuation since she got out of hospital the first time.
No. 89476
File: 1454599162634.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160204-151723.png)

>>89122>I haven't had sushi since July!!!Aly darling you ate it a few weeks ago
Memory gone to shit
No. 89482
>>89436Yeah, you can see that her facial bones don't poke out as much as they did in photos like this:
>>84675It's not like a ton of weight or sufficient weight. It's just enough that her face bones are covered more. And her family will probably compare her to rock-bottom and be like , oh wow so much progress! When they need to justify giving up.
No. 89492
>>89436I'm not this ^ anon btw
Her ed has definitely aged her. She looks haggered, dry, pale and
crazzzzy No. 89498
File: 1454603544038.jpg (66.06 KB, 543x647, k.JPG)

I see someone suggested a "food or dog turd" game in Ginger's thread
It may be applicable here too
No. 89502
>>89498It's like she's grimacing and thinking; "I can feel the calories seeping through my fingertips".
No. 89511
File: 1454604584944.jpg (28.99 KB, 310x605, mmm.JPG)

>>89502How lush and delish (!)
Wonder what it tastes like
No. 89515
File: 1454605017699.jpg (27.37 KB, 480x360, image.jpg)

>>89499haha it's really getting out of control. when i first started following her her RECOVERYWIN captions were like . . . almost sincere? but now she's yelling positive phrases and recovery buzzwords into an empty void, they really don't make sense anymore. even if she were eating more and her brain were functioning better and all that i think just the sheer strain of photographing and documenting and narratating the life of her food would start break her down. she really sounds like she's about to lose her mind, i am genuinely surprised she has kept things going this far, like anon said above she has her whole family indulging in her mind games. i really can't tell what's going on inside this girl and it's a little spoopy
No. 89535
>>89499Nah, she didn't even yell "#RECOVERYWIN" which she has done in some captions.
>>89516I fucking hate "carefreedom." It's not even a
good fake compound word. It's just stupid.
No. 89737
File: 1454667621018.jpg (173.02 KB, 1078x1148, Screenshot_20160205-101807_1.j…)

>he is one of the main reasons for my ed
He just doesn't put up with your bullshit
Can actually see the anger in his face/hand , probably whispering under his breath FFS!!
No. 89772
File: 1454689769519.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160205-152430.png)

> a FREAKIN never tasted before recoverywin# topping
Memory fading dear?
No. 89773
File: 1454689826647.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160205-162959.png)

No. 89790
File: 1454696419016.jpg (41.76 KB, 425x681, sup.JPG)

>>89737>you're fast asleep in bed at 2 a.m.>you wake up when you hear a rustling noise in the corridor outside your door >it's probably nothing, but let me go check>corridor is empty>suddenly, rustling noise directly behind you>you turn and see this face>do you: 1) scream and attempt to run away? (turn to page 61)
2) scream and attempt to attack? (turn to page 63)
3) scream and do nothing? (turn to page 65)
No. 89794
>>89790I´d scream "Croissants are in the kitchen! Take them and leave me and my family alone!
Here also is my last money for coffee!"
other idea: scream and attack with a 2l bottle of oil (!)
No. 89947
File: 1454730455175.jpeg (61.02 KB, 425x681, image.jpeg)

No. 89953
File: 1454732080244.gif (7.27 MB, 312x240, ILYSM.gif)

I was reading comments about how Aly is becoming more and more manic and screaming at us and I couldn't help but think of this episode. so I made a coupe of these. haaaa!!!
No. 89986
>>89927They just look different. With the waffles, one has more nuts (could be scraped off though), and I think the sushi is a different variation. Of course, Alessia confirmed that she takes pictures of other people's food and also posts old pictures, so it's entirely possible that it's the same day, different person's plate.
(And now I'm just imagining her creeping around a restaurant asking people who just got their food if she can take a picture…)
No. 90023
File: 1454753662406.png (401.84 KB, 381x398, ew.png)

I always hope, she has a breakdown, when she doesnt post for a couple hours.
Pic: Is the Aly-Bot rusting? What is going on with her face?
No. 90068
File: 1454777196415.jpg (234.66 KB, 1074x1537, Screenshot_20160206-164431_1.j…)

Noooooo don't you DARE move to the UK! I need distance from the haggered spoopy witch
On a separate note, the donuts are back! Sign of her going back to old photo stock?
No. 90086
>>90068>"london is pretty shit ngl">>90070Please. Aly is too posh for Gregg's. I expect Pret's sandwiches at the minimum. More likely, she will discover London bakeries and tell us about them. I can't wait.
On another note, as she knows everything about London, I wonder if someone will ask her about it?
No. 90092
>>90089I clicked on the video expecting an earnest attempt
Thank god it was
Roadmen 4eva fam
No. 90095
File: 1454786546687.jpg (339.06 KB, 931x1223, download (9).jpg)

idk her latest #reoverywin made me think if those chocolate bars she fucked around with
No. 90097
>>90095 snap! Disordered eating, pissing around with her food, and her captions are madness atm!
What does nfl mean on
>>90086? Brain on go slow
No. 90099
>>90023I was wondering about what is on the board with the hand behind her?
maybe it says
"Don´t slap spoopy skeletons, although you feel the urge to do so!"
No. 90148
>>90102I hear the family are filing a missing person report when Ma is finished scrubbing the grouting with bleach one more time.
Aly's never going to move to the UK. She thinks London/being British is like a Sherlock Holmes novel. She's as delusional as Ash with her trip to Japan.
No. 90220
File: 1454814300490.jpg (183.81 KB, 929x595, aly donut comments.jpg)

More confrontational comments on donut pic inb4 they get deleted. For real I wish her family would put an end to this bullshit charade already.
No. 90283
File: 1454846970483.png (589.07 KB, 1440x1754, Screenshot_2016-02-07-13-06-13…)

No. 90286
>>90283I should NOT be laughing. Ima terrible person.
Did she post a pic of her leg or is it an excuse cause she had ro go IP?
No. 90287
File: 1454847383348.png (917.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160207-121525.png)

No. 90289
>>90287Yeah whoops I forgot to post the picture thanks anon for helping!
She's probably going to be happy, she'll get a lot of attention because of this.
Also an excuse for not eating.
No. 90292
>>90290She's going to force Mama casati and her sick brother to buy croissants for her obv
Now that she's the sickest she deserves all the attention(!)
No. 90294
>>90291Tbh we live in the same city and drivers are dicks to pedestrians. Nothing that can't be avoided with some attention.
>>90293I was thinking that too.
No. 90307
>>90290A very dramatic development. Depending how badly it broke and if she had surgery, she will have recovery time, painkillers and not much movement initially. I know someone who was wheelchair bound for a week. She has the potential to go nuts here.
How TF is her leg going to heal with her starving herself?
Also, it's 'respite', kek.
No. 90310
>>90307Yeah I imagine having an entire leg in a cast would suck for anyone - navigating, showering, using the loo etc all much more difficult. I feel bad for her (for once) and even more for her parents as they're having an awful month.
Kek at the comments asking her to eat properly for healing to take place. I wonder what her non-plastered leg looks like.
No. 90323
File: 1454858957215.jpg (141.14 KB, 632x935, Capture.JPG)

GOMI orthopods are stating this isn't a real cast. I welcome their experience and expertise if they are familiar with this type of injury, but in the mean time I looked it up:!ut/p/a0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKN_A0M3D2DDbz9_UMMDRyDXQ3dw9wMDAwCTfULsh0VAXc5ElM!/?basicTechnique=Fracture%20management%20with%20limited%20resources&bone=Tibia&segment=Shaft&showPage=redfix#stepUnit-8It appears that for proper casting of tibial shaft fractures, knee flexion of 10-15 degrees is required, and the lower leg slightly externally rotated to maintain proper alignment. A straight cast is wrong.
No. 90330
File: 1454861058124.jpg (67.41 KB, 785x726, Capture.JPG)

>>90328If it's a minor closed fracture, without arterial (and nerve?) injury or compartment syndrome, it can be managed non-operatively with a cast. See picture.
No. 90338
>>90335I feel horrible saying this but honestly on the whole, she was lucky in that it could have been much worse for her.
It is a big thing to happen though, and it's a wise decision to suspend her account for that time. I hope this will allow her to rest and start gaining weight from whatever food she does eat. And maybe if she needs more supervision at home, she can't get away with skipping meals or hiding food as easily.
No. 90351
File: 1454865333768.jpg (13.43 KB, 276x183, compo.jpg)

No. 90354
>>90352I guess it's because rational thinking people sometimes find it difficult to imagine what it's like to be brain starved.
This is when her account becomes interesting.
No. 90371
File: 1454868952179.jpg (17.42 KB, 320x320, lel.jpg)

>>90323I don't usually go to GOMI, but looked for them talking about Aly and can't find it. Is it a Members Only thread?
Weird to see they've only just picked up on Ash.
No. 90391
Maybe she was in a car that was involved in a slight fender-bender, hit her leg on the door, and shattered her osteoporitic bones. Technically, if you're in a car that's in an accident with another car, you were still "hit by a car."
>>90372I read the last few pages of the gomi thread and they mention a couple posts that Aly's deleted: a photo of… tuna pizza (shudder), and a dark post where she mentions her brother and says something about wanting to "end it all?" Does anyone have screencaps??
No. 90404
File: 1454875373113.jpg (207.18 KB, 1056x1720, Screenshot_20160207-200055_1.j…)

>>90397Nothing on ma's fb
The whole report swaps between gender so could be her. 5.30am, out for a walk before anyone else wakes up.. sounds like her!
No. 90410
File: 1454876029690.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160207-201210.png)

This is her IG map
No. 90412
File: 1454876051144.png (429.15 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160207-201218.png)

This is where accident happened
No. 90425
File: 1454880684689.png (825.51 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160207-213046.png)

After zooming in on the pic it doesn't look like her
No. 90434
File: 1454882893781.jpeg (86.33 KB, 640x925, image.jpeg)

>>90426I wonder if they're lowkey making fun of Aly, or doing it on purpose as a way to exclude Aly from their lil group when she eventually logs on to FB and sees it? Because we
know Aly doesn't do buffets.
No. 90468
>>90460its like in middle school where a group of friends would have an inside joke and exclude one person from the joke (or they
are the joke). They probably make fun of Aly as much as we do.
No. 90508
>>90507You can IG anything, even a stay-at-home recovery.
The problem for Aly is that her daily schedule involves all these food-based outings and IG moments that are designed to deflect eating the food.
She must be in crisis right now. I would hope the hospital will force feed her just as a result of her coming in there with this break. Who knows, maybe she has a tube in right now.
Whatever it is, it's not in her carefully arranged plans so she'll be freaked.
No. 90579
>>90532her cast, duh.
No. 90608
There's a "cast" like hers pictured here: can google translate the blog post if necessary.
No. 90653
File: 1454954910646.png (2.06 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>90634The image is flipped & mirrored just like all her other ones
No. 90821
>>90819She said
>As regard my #recovery I keep following the usual meal plan on the crutches photo
Macarons photo (speaking about Ensure)
>Me and Mum bought them on Saturday at the mall before the car accident and I haven't been able to eat them since today cause they reminded me everything which happened that eveningNice excuse there. So she'd been shopping with Ma before the accident. One of the comments that made me laugh on GOMI was someone wondering if she was standing in the middle of the road taking a donut selfie when she was hit. Imagine if she was!
No. 90823
>>90821I think maybe the driver did´nt see her because she is so skelly.
Actually I do feel sry for her. But I did not know what really happened
No. 90845
>>90812>>90839I'm with first anon. I've never had friends who had photos of themselves draped all over their partners. Maybe I've never known anyone romantic??? Idk. It always looks a bit desperate, and I hate to see people engaged/married at a young age.
I know everyone's different, but as 2nd anon said, it's nice to still have the first blooms of love but I'm too much of a realist (ie jaded old bitch) and feel bad for them because it inevitable wears off.
No. 90855
File: 1455003977964.jpg (169.79 KB, 1078x1209, Screenshot_20160209-073955_1.j…)

Her face is bothering me. Has good lighting has softened her or has the weight gone on in two days?
No. 90856
File: 1455003990817.jpg (210.22 KB, 1050x1333, Screenshot_20160209-074151_1.j…)

No. 90867
>>90861(Different anon, so sage for off topic, but not samefagging)
And a not yet famous Ryan Reynolds plays the protagnist's love interest!
No. 90869
>>90867I'm anon above you, so I can confirm you're not samefaggin.
The search result came up with a youtube upload. Idk if it's the full film, but I'll watch it for Lynda Carter if it is.
No. 90872
>>90641My guess is that she felt faint/distracted/whatever, fell, and maybe a car then bumped slightly into her or something, but I can't imagine that she was literally "run over".
She claims she only spent the night in the ER, a lot of which was probably waiting time.
I don't know what the health system is like in Italy but certainly someone who got RUN OVER BY A CAR would be there for much longer.
No. 90945
>>90632>>90911It was
seven cookies. Six around the cup, one in her ugly hand or spoon.
(Though I did just find a picture in my album with six cookies–she only had 5 around the cup–so I'll forgive that. It reminded me that there was a time where she was going back and forth between six and seven cookies.)
No. 91115
File: 1455090714204.jpeg (53.85 KB, 750x846, image.jpeg)

No. 91159
>>91158Which can't be helping her leg to recover, although high in cals not particularly useful for strength or recuperation
Also. Who eats a pastry with a knife and fork?? Use your god damn fingers!
No. 91160
File: 1455119423996.jpg (214.65 KB, 1072x1458, Screenshot_20160210-154945_1.j…)

No. 91171
>>91160I think this is the most unkempt I've ever seen her hair.
>>91114That's exactly it though. She's thinking,
I can't move around all day, so why would I eat? Because, you know, #realrecovery is all about fidgeting enough to burn off the few calories you do eat.
No. 91200
>>91180aaah should we tell her?
Naaah….she's fluent in English after all. She probably is drunk.
No. 91584
File: 1455187237806.jpg (61.14 KB, 639x270, aly is depress.JPG)

She posted an old pic of a sunrise.
From this caption, I'm taking that she's given up on #recoverywins because she can't go out and get Ma to buy #recoverywins.
Idk why she's stuck indoors. She's using crutches, she could manage to get out somehow.
Still, think of all the cash her mum and dad are saving.
No. 91585
>>91584Yeah it's weird that she just doesn't go out with crutches? Is she seriously going to stay indoors for 40 days straight?
Heck, if she's THAT weak I'm surprised she hasn't asked to hire a wheelchair to get around. Extra sympathy points too, she'd love it.
No. 91587
File: 1455188948988.jpg (92.82 KB, 764x1517, Screenshot_20160210-155241_1.j…)

Same anon but I noticed this on her pic from yesterday
No. 91594
>>91587What are you pointing out?
If you're looking for bulimic hand scratches, I just don't really see that in this picture.
I have my own theory as to what happened.
- Aly went jogging
- Fell or got some kind of stress fracture or got hit by a car while jogging. I assume this because she won't tell us any details of how this car hit her.
- Before she used to either buy food out and throw it away OR she purged it.
- Now she can't purge well with a broken leg, so extras are out of the question. OR She can't hide/dispose of food like she used to while out. So again, extras are out of the question unless only little bro is home alone with her.
I don't blame her for not going out yet, but agree that a normal person would go out soon.
No. 91610
File: 1455203291967.jpeg (41.52 KB, 639x309, image.jpeg)

Recent comment on her newest picture…. Wow mega cunt alert.
No. 91614
>>91610Eh….she is right. Crutches are a huge pain in the ass and as I said upthread, it's very tiring. Also isn't Milan a very old city? I know in Boston there was a lot of cobblestone. If Milan is similar I imagine it's not easy to get around on crutches while having to do a lot of walking.
However, Aly could get a wheelchair and her parents could drive her places.
No. 91631
>>91610I think Aly misunderstood zazzaling and thought she meant that Aly had gone out to take the picture.
It doesn't make her reply any less cunty but it explains the emphasis a bit.
No. 91632
File: 1455209130004.jpg (164.6 KB, 996x1353, Screenshot_20160211-155625_1.j…)

>>91626There was no caption, bet she's writing her essay now
No. 91634
>>91584>recovery is possible and I'll keep believing it with all my soul I just have to be patientSo I know she's crap at English and she doesn't mean it like this, but I still think she's inadvertently admitting she's not recovering: you don't have to BELIEVE something is possible if you ALREADY KNOW it's possible, right? And why does she have to be patient and WAIT for it to happen if it's already happening? It just smacks of desperation, like all her emojis and CAPITAL LETTERS. Like a little kid who knows better saying, "Santa Clause is REAL I believe in him with ALL MY HEART AND SOUL, right Mom?! Right???!!!11!!"
sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm a bit doped up rn.
No. 91643
File: 1455209796156.jpg (20.22 KB, 236x333, e9f5ca74d8d1f21c3bf8e6d67bcd56…)

>>91625She's never going to cope in IP where they put you on bed rest and limit your outings. Can imagine she'd be the biggest bitch ever
No. 91665
>>91635It should be a lot easier, but this is Aly. Any excuse to "relapse."
On that topic, I bet she'll claim she can't gain weight now because then her cast will be too tight…
No. 91681
>>91635Ikr? Like, "Oh woe is me
waily waily and much gnashing of the teeths and stamping of the feets Everything I've lost, it's the end for me!"
Bitch you really don't get that there are people out there who actually lose limbs or the use of them forever? You just broke a fucking bone.
Unless she's self aware enough to know she's going to choose to stay sick, thus never recovering because she's not eating enough to heal.
No. 91703
>>91697But those people aren't spoopy, right? I can see Aly not having a lot of energy, let alone doing it all on crutches. It's probably why she drinks so much coffee.
Also, another reason I think she drinks a lot of coffee is to fake her heart rate and make it more normal than it really is.
No. 91728
>>91703No, they're not spoops although the old guy with the ill fitting prosthesis is obese, so that's got to be difficult.
Yup, I'm totally getting the impression Alys put her realrecover on hold. How is being housebound making scarfing treats impossible? Oh, sorry, she has to eat them outside.
She won't have an accurate weigh in til Thi cast is off, right? I predict a tube very soon.
No. 91841
File: 1455263759727.jpg (114.21 KB, 1078x722, Screenshot_20160212-074330_1.j…)

Not seen this yet I'm guessing as its 9am Italian time
No. 91850
File: 1455275646307.jpg (79.21 KB, 640x640, 12725123_964521663642376_19455…)

>>91849Oops, dropped pic.
No. 91858
>>91856She said she risked her life in the accident…
It's going to be a while before we get a weigh in, but look forward to the bloods! I doubt they'll let her skip bloods just because they cant get a weight.
No. 91860
File: 1455279959461.jpeg (152.97 KB, 640x875, image.jpeg)

>>91850This comment was under that pic, & I'm pretty sure that's the question we all want to see answered…
No. 91868
File: 1455282588027.jpg (83 KB, 960x580, IMG_20160212_060835.jpg)

No. 91895
File: 1455292311375.jpeg (154.44 KB, 640x899, image.jpeg)

Another phantom captionless image that was deleted.
No. 91901
File: 1455293195831.jpg (185.53 KB, 972x1508, Screenshot_20160212-160510_1.j…)

Forgot pic
No. 91906
>>91886If her friend doesn't "get" and enjoy the Aly-isms as much as we do (and her general patheticness), I bet she had to hold back from laughing.
>>91901Lol, Aly, yeah right. You really ate all those.
>>91901Dammit, even Ashley uses a wheelchair. Take some inspiration from her ffs.
Her hair's becoming a nest for something.
What IS it that makes her face look like an alien? Speaking of which, in not so bright light the facehugger would be clearly visible.