File: 1435936849941.jpg (53.7 KB, 538x586, nana blondie.JPG)

No. 131511
Restrict aly threads? Gone over our plan for aly recovery inspiration? Dang NO! Put those stupid #alyishidingfood thoughts away and indulge in some #DELISH #OILY #closeupporn debate about this ~inspirational~ #FIGHTER who is definitely looking better (…) Be strong, darlings…
Other ED lolcows also under the microscope.
Last thread
>>127911 No. 131539
File: 1435939512578.png (37.22 KB, 1138x96, Day treatment eh.png)

I'm glad that even some of her devoted followers have been asking when she's going back to her "day treatment" program. No responses from dear Aly so far, except for pic related. Sure sounds like a legit ED day treatment program to me…(the ones I've heard of in the US tend to run Mon-Fri from like 8 or 9am until 7pm or so, so you eat at least the large majority of your meals and snacks there - supervised)
If she's actually getting "treatment," it sounds like she's just going to meet with a dietician and a therapist once or twice a week, if that. I'm honestly shocked that that's considered acceptable for someone in Aly's physical condition, but then again, I'm underinformed about Italian laws and their healthcare system.
And I wonder why it's suddenly so hard for her to go out with friends to a buffet - she "risk[s] to restrict on the meal plan" now, but before, when she wasn't on a meal plan, she was eating whole pizzas and having pint parties, "gaining weight" on her own (lol), and apparently not having any problem with restricting?
Girl, your lies are showing like mad. It's okay to admit that you relapsed and were/are struggling. That's not surprising for someone with an ED. You'd probably get fuckloads of support from your legion of admirers for being ~so brave and honest~, but it's too hard to come clean after so many months of posting all of those lies, I guess.
No. 131558
>>131539> a buffetShe's said she has problems eating in public. Hmm…could it be because she actually has to be seen eating? No, no, can't be that.
>>131549I notice the gas huffing anorexic's ig has been deleted. She actually looks well on her latest fb pic after being IP for the 100th time. I hope she's realised she needs to stay away from ig instead of ig deleting it.
No. 131573
>>131567I really don't think Ash is going to live another year to be honest. She's looking worse than ever and it's happened over a short period.
>>131568I'd do it, but I suspect she already looks here. She's the kind of person who'd google her name/usernames. Maybe why she said damn instead of dang.
Can't stop thinking about that peach and raspberry sorbet. I could murder one of those right now.
No. 131581
File: 1435943219985.jpg (23.25 KB, 310x149, princess anna.JPG)

What's this? veganminger is A PRINCESS?!?
I'd be the coworker who would've written GET SOME HELP. No. 131595
File: 1435944859750.gif (54.08 KB, 500x282, U9yXgtK.gif)

>>131579A friend? For ash?!
No. 131615
File: 1435945987931.jpg (51.45 KB, 1342x224, denial.JPG)

>>131599He posted a pic of this girl says she isn't anorexia and it's just her genes, even though one of her ig photos is of her in hospital with kidney problems.
No. 131616
File: 1435946033645.jpg (98.67 KB, 442x627, genetic.JPG)

No. 131618
>>131544As much as I hate to defend Aly, her mom is not almost finished with her ice cream. The cup is still pretty full. It's just white so it blends in.
However, yes, Aly is letting her ice cream melt, and I would not be surprised if she threw it out after the picture. Maybe she claimed she doesn't like melted ice cream.
No. 131693
File: 1435959240625.jpg (13.94 KB, 588x111, how.JPG)

yes, aly, just how do you do it?
No. 131707
File: 1435960315664.jpg (100.89 KB, 963x592, so glamorous.JPG)

The Russian girl's family seem well off. Her house is something I can only dream of and she wears designer clothes. She loves to show her body…
No. 131708
File: 1435960341341.jpg (98.33 KB, 545x605, giraffe.JPG)

and those giraffe legs
No. 131721
File: 1435961149453.jpg (141.33 KB, 600x600, file.jpg)

She doesn't have anorexia though…and aly really does eat so much lush oily food.
No. 131735
File: 1435963270111.jpg (597.25 KB, 400x225, n508ff66c9d342.jpg)

>>131721she looks like a fucking holocaust victim
No. 131791
File: 1435968470766.jpg (214.65 KB, 640x640, 10624481_1454979264767674_1164…)

Metabolism: It's a hell of a drug!
No. 131792
>>131780This is her but you 'll have to deal with shitty google translate says she's 168cm (need to do a conversion thing) and weighs 39. I guess that's kg?
On some of her pics she's already got that old face or a 14 year old.
No. 131793
Someone linked her to an anorexic lover pag on vk and she said "it's not the first time" metabolism
No. 131796
File: 1435969468841.jpg (130.46 KB, 451x600, file.jpg)

>>131795Next step would be being a necrophiliac. He'd be an interesting case for psychologists. Him and that other one, Marc Pfennig. They're always hanging out at the skinny groups encouraging the women to keep losing weight.
This is the worse pic of that girl's legs I think.
No. 131819
>>131803She could weigh 39 pounds if she was reeeally short, like maybe 5 feet or under, but she doesn't look it. I do think she looks closer to having a single-digit BMI (which some people can survive at - it's not really "living" - for quite some time) than a BMI of 13.8, TBH.
I think she meant 39 kg, but that she's drastically exaggerating her weight.
No. 131821
>>131796Bit jelly of that bedroom
Never seen her before tho
No. 131827
File: 1435973988474.jpg (54.69 KB, 663x509, kek.JPG)

This Dave Carlson't another of the weirdos.
No. 131833
File: 1435974631479.jpg (69.17 KB, 641x650, kek again.JPG)

No. 131837
File: 1435975013025.jpg (Spoiler Image,46 KB, 604x403, bleachingmyeyes.jpg)

HOW does this guy think this is sexy? shudders
No. 131840
>>131837idk. an actual site for veiny women. jesus.
No. 131876
File: 1435979774538.jpg (78.31 KB, 607x638, 7.JPG)

>>131867Think he's given himself the name as a Shmegma ~tribute~
No. 131877
File: 1435979781323.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.17 KB, 604x299, assholegap.jpg)

No. 131883
File: 1435980131409.jpg (74.6 KB, 633x626, oh lord.JPG)

>>131876oh god. he's a member of a Shmegeh fan page.
No. 131989
File: 1436002549883.jpg (82.04 KB, 604x604, image.jpg)

Has anyone seen these photos before? I'm pretty sure it's ash…
No. 131990
File: 1436002583556.jpg (77.48 KB, 604x604, image.jpg)

No. 131995
>>131989>>131990Are these from vk? I've seen pics like this there thrown in with Ashley's and I've wondered if they're her. Usually she tagged them with her tumblr url, but idk. Looks like the type of shitty plastic jewellery/ugly clothes she'd wear, but never seen her look veiny.
Aly's ig feed has become so dull. Pic of biscuits, pic of Ensure, pic of pizza…zzz
No. 132008
File: 1436010424723.png (123.77 KB, 1202x270, no.png)

This caption makes me want so badly to punch her in the face. WOW you're SUCH a BRAVE ~Real Recovery~ WARRIOR so INSPIRATIONAL such COURAGE! Just say no to your ED - it's that simple, because FOOD is STRENGHT!
No. 132010
File: 1436011366359.jpg (94.1 KB, 453x604, image.jpg)

>>131995 Yeah, they're from VK, I've spotted a few I think may be ash, I did notice this one where the bands are very similar… Silly skeleton!
No. 132032
File: 1436014915588.jpg (115.16 KB, 640x827, image.jpg)

No. 132077
File: 1436022795266.jpg (70.76 KB, 309x372, fakefakefake.jpg)

>>132008Let's team up, because this caption makes me want to punch her in the throat.
Gosh, people struggle with recovery, how horrible! It's so easy, just add LUSH, DELISH OIL.
Sorry not everyone is as fake as you, Aly.
No. 132090
>>132077Omg. What a cunt!
>>132050She was probably put off using men for favours when her mum went apeshit after she found out her daughter was flashing her twat online and meeting up with men. She had a fight and baw baw tried to kill herself over it :( If she lived alone, I bet she'd do it (if she doesn't already).
No. 132091
>>132077Wow, fuck that shit. I am so done with this bitch. And yes, this is personal to me. I'm not proud to admit that, over the last year or so, I became severely underweight due to a combination of OCD-related food behaviors, severe functional GI problems, and overworking. I've been in and out of hospitals and am currently attempting to gain weight so I don't fucking die, and IT'S NOT FUN. IT'S THE OPPOSITE OF FUN. I suck it up and shove food into my face even when I don't want to, even when I'm in severe pain, even when I'm bloated and nauseated, even if I'm still feel full from the last time I ate hours earlier, etc. Fuck you and your heaps of LUSH (!), OILY (!), DELISH (!) foods, Aly. I shouldn't take this personally, but it just really grinds my gears.
No. 132095
File: 1436024433479.jpg (15.71 KB, 562x113, pick me pick me yeah.JPG)

Why are people crawling up her bony ass?
No. 132112
File: 1436027742621.png (6.67 KB, 203x249, images.png)

No. 132121
File: 1436029088890.jpg (21.66 KB, 295x292, baw2.JPG)

>>132119I report the severe self mutilation accounts. Some are still there after weeks, but others are gone the next day. No idea how it works.
I haven't read ToS, but going to now.
No. 132128
File: 1436030278628.jpg (41.07 KB, 590x223, b.JPG)

maybe an anon here. good to see this inbetween all the asskiss comments
No. 132267
>>132263Tattooing a skeleton means the guy is probably not reputable.
I do agree with you though and even if it was $50 that can go pretty far on groceries.
No. 132282
>>132275I get $130 monthly in EBT and it works out fine for me. I just stock up on fresh bread and cold cuts from Publix, and lots of chicken, Mediterranean vegetables, and spices from this ethnic market near me. I guess I don't really eat that much food, but I can't imagine spending much more a month than that.
I bet Ashley would spend >$130 daily on food. I see these people when I'm in line at stores and they'll have their carts half full with indulgent crap and it comes out to $150+ in one haul. Like, $5.99 for a fucking little bin of Haagen Dasz ice cream. I could buy two pounds of chicken breasts for that, which would be a meal daily for a week and a half if I was eating it every day.
I have no fucking sympathy for b/p-ers. You need to have the luxury of being able to afford massive quantities of food to indulge in those practises. Even if you're getting shitty McDonald's food or packages of beans, that still ends up being loads of money. So yes, if you regularly b/p, you are a privileged piece of shit.
No. 132301
File: 1436053613397.png (946.86 KB, 991x656, Aly 7-4-2015 2-2.png)

Soooo Aly isn't deleting these…I really hope she leaves them up instead of just deleting them when she gets back from dinner or wherever she is right now.
No. 132311
File: 1436055807075.png (1.02 MB, 953x631, so cheesy.png)

No, Aly. That's a plate of plain white rice. Do you think your followers are all literally blind?
No. 132314
>>132299Not the same person, but I do kind of hate fat people for that reason, yeah.
At least most fat people have some shame out it. This chick is an off-the-scale narcissist.
No. 132363
>>132282It's not necessarily about being able to afford the food though. It's also about faking it. I went into credit card debt to support my c&s problem because, as others have said, it's an addiction and a compulsion.
I regret it so much now. I wish I could say it was pure stupidity, but at the time, it helped me get through a rough situation.
No. 132367
File: 1436059930100.jpg (94 KB, 632x554, Blueberry and strawberry flag.…)

Random, but I think my favorite game is playing "spot the food in the description" on Ginger's account.
I was so happy to see this picture on her account today because it's the first time she's posted something that doesn't make me instantly gag. I mean, the cookie is probably nasty as hell in real life, but at least it looks pretty!
No. 132371
File: 1436060151261.jpg (97.15 KB, 949x579, mmm.JPG)

>>132367That cookie looks really underbaked.
On a similar theme, I just like looking at food and THIS looks delish. I saw the person's tag #girlswholift and thought it was a tumblr shoplifter kek. She's not a lolcow btw, just a random edworrior.
No. 132396
>>132389Belittling other people who're struggling with food is beyond disgusting.
Whatever ~real recovery~ is, it's the same as if she was trying to kick drugs or drink and she's saying "Oh I'm too good for AA, to sit in meetings where people are being all negative talking about how they want to drink!! Just put thoughts of alcohol out of your head and have a ROYAL day!"
No. 132398
File: 1436061739794.jpg (141.76 KB, 1152x768, 101021_0342_1.jpg)

>>132394I googled images of cheesy rice. This is one of the pics that have the least cheese. Nothing like that boiled rice she's got on the plate.
I know, it looks awful.
No. 132421
Perfectly sums up why I have no sympathy left for Aly at this point and kind of just want her to drop off the face of the Earth.
No. 132424
File: 1436064857819.jpg (209.66 KB, 720x720, buy me food tho .jpg)

I apologize for giving this ghoul more attention, but her poverty act is so offensive to me.
If Ash really got Coach frames from Target, here's the price.
Her mother probably footed the bill for the exam and the frames, but still. Orlando has multiple America's Best locations, where she could have done that 2 pair for $80 plus free eye exam deal. Since, you know, she can't afford food and all.
No. 132491
File: 1436072700495.jpg (18.26 KB, 287x206, arhg.JPG)

this is horrific
No. 132530
File: 1436081215405.jpg (368.65 KB, 1215x554, Shiiit.jpg)

>>132529I just came here to post that! Screenshots before deletion!
No. 132537
File: 1436083230146.png (1.45 MB, 656x2293, Aly 7-5-2015.png)

No. 132579
File: 1436098308867.jpg (58.43 KB, 360x480, vomitjuice.jpg)

damn i'm checking out the fit vegan ginger's recipes and what the fuck is this shit?
1. 2 medium size oranges, peeled
2. 1 cup water
3. 2 T protein powder of choice
4. 10 drops orange flavored stevia
5. 2 tsp psyllium husk powder
6. 1/2 tsp chia seeds
7. 1/2 tsp shredded coconut
8. 1/2cup fresh blueberries
9. Cinnamon, optional
1. In your vitamix, combine oranges, water, stevia, and protein powder. Blend until smooth.
2. Pour into a bowl and mix in psyllium powders. Add blueberries and stir. Top with chia, coconut, and optional cinnamon. Enjoy! "
a real life human being not only concocted that puke liquid and drank it, but decided it was delicious enough to share with the world. bitch must be so malnourished that anything that enters her body tastes good.
No. 132583
1. 1/2 cup fresh vomit
2. Two blueberries, for garnish
1. Pour vomit into a bowl, making sure it looks nice and chunky.
2. Put the blueberries in and then scoop them out with a spoon. You're ready to snap a pic!
No. 132586
File: 1436099080022.jpg (619.59 KB, 995x653, haters.jpg)

"……..we only know what is the truth ? I won't stop being what I am: POSITIVE&FIGHTER ?? and wish you a ROYAL sunny Sunday darlings ☀️ Don't stop believing ❤️"
so funny how she called the people calling her out on her bullshit "haters". tbh the way they worded their posts wasn't even very aggressive or bad.
No. 132591
>>132586She realizes that a smile is supposed to convey an emotion, right? What she's doing here makes her look like some kind of homicidal robot.
If she's going to sweep the other posts under the rug, why bother discussing them?
No. 132595
>>132579>"Ingredients >5. 2 tsp psyllium husk powder>psyllium huskMetamucil is a laxative that you can drink in powdered form. Psyllium husk is it's main ingredient.
So not is she an exercise anorexic, but she uses laxatives too.
No. 132601
>>132599She wrote on her blog that she's started writing a book
ahem so she's probably too busy. Sad because she was saying her only friends were her ig followers :/
She was posting less and less anyway. Maybe she's using her blog now instead.
No. 132605
>>132595>>132598Well, all the high-fiber food I can think of is also full of carbohydrates.
If I wanted to keep getting fiber while cutting out carbs I would probably use metamucil too.
No. 132610
File: 1436106664343.jpg (370.18 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)

Lol this exists
No. 132612
>>132606Her recipes contain surprisingly few grains for someone who runs that much.
I'm sure she gets lots of fiber from roughage and crap like that. She must be really paranoid about colon cancer or diverticulosis.
No. 132614
>>132610I followed!
Wonder who tipped them off to aly?
No. 132621
>>132478bitch is clearly not the happy ray of spazztastic sunshine she makes herself out to be. her comments to people on her IG are aggro as hell.
to me she's more irritating than other ED cows. how she's lording her phoney overenthusiasm and religious nutcasery is simply infuriating, as if there's something wrong with you if you can't starve and exhaust and delude yourself into thinking life is just GRAND.
No. 132624
File: 1436109076942.jpg (24.07 KB, 301x165, 1.JPG)

>>132621She's like aly in that way. Over emphasising how ~joyful~ they are is a way to cover deep misery. I see this with people in real life who don't have any mental illness diagnosed. Their lives are simply not what they want it to be, but they come out with shit like LIFE IS GOOD!!! I hate dishonesty. It doesn't get you anywhere.
Nice one whoever wrote this, but how long til it's deleted…
No. 132632
>>132586>Is it sth to be killed for? No! That's my favorite part. Go on a homicidal rampage bc nobody believes I maintain a BMI of 10 while eating these LUSH, huge, delish, and ofc oily foods? DANG NO!
Great strategic placement of her "wet" hair over her sternum, btw!
The more she puts on this façade and the more layers of bullshit she adds, the more disgusted I get. She will never admit her fake recovery. I feel so sorry for her poor mother. And for the poor girls who think they're failures compared to her, or that they have shit metabolisms because they're actually gaining weight. I feel bad for her sycophantic followers who attack anyone who dares to question their queen.
She's succeeding in doing what many others who are very very deep into their disease would love to be able to do: she's getting heaps of praise for how good she's doing, how inspirational she is, and how beautiful and strong and brave she is, but she doesn't have to actually change her behaviors or gain any weight.
No. 132664
>>132649To upload pics just click "choose file".
And she's gonna block you lol
No. 132669
File: 1436116524585.png (770.23 KB, 973x627, Wut.png)

No. 132674
File: 1436116837503.jpg (65.03 KB, 711x478, oof.JPG)

Guize, she blames us
No. 132680
File: 1436117114479.jpg (22.91 KB, 292x209, grr.JPG)

>>132679There was nothing to report. No selfies showing her emaciated. If she needs someone to blame, then okay, blame an anon IB.
Lol at aly's anger typos.
No. 132684
>>132681There really WAS nothing to report. I think you can email them to report a page?? I doubt anybody here would go to the trouble of doing that if we haven't done it for a cow like aly.
I feel bad for Sprout. She's really confused and lonely and I hope she makes friends through blogging. Her ig feed made me sad looking at what she eats. Nobody here hates her (from what I gather), and are generally concerned. As I said though, if she needs to point the finger at this site, feel free, but it doesn't take away her problems. GET SOME HELP YOU STUBBORN CHILD.
No. 132692
File: 1436118329105.png (801.93 KB, 1781x348, Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 12.4…)

Don't worry guys, Sprout will just use Pinterest.
Poor girl is so obsessed with food she'd never let herself eat.
No. 132699
>>132692thousands of pictures, wow.
it's like if I pinned loads of expensive clothes I wanted but will never have EXCEPT she could have her foods eventually.
>>132692 No. 132717
File: 1436121108201.png (827.27 KB, 973x642, Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 1.30…)

>>132707Oh god she used to look so…normal. It makes me depressed to see how she evolved.
I'm gonna go to the fanon wiki thread, this is a downer on my day.
No. 132776
File: 1436134048699.png (1.13 MB, 656x1683, Aly 7-5-2015 5.png)

No. 132812
File: 1436140838376.png (50.11 KB, 291x442, Screenshot 2015-07-05 at 6.59.…)

I'm keking so hard right now at @ally_beats_ed
No. 132816
>>132814I am the person behind like four out of five things she's pissed off at so lel
Sprout's spreading the word.
>NOR are you with us during every breathing second of the daySprout pretty much shared every breathing second of her day though.
>lol she admits Aly is full of shit but I bet she still worships her
>PAGES AND PAGESFor some reason this reminded me of "DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS". Which, by the way, is something people with severe anorexia can get against their will. Their bowels stop working properly.
>If you have something bad to say about us, say it to our facesWe've tried to multiple times, and we got "ARE YOU MY FUCKING DOCTOR? BLOCKED YOU
>The Girl Who Has Resorted to "Binge Eating"You ate like 5,000 calories of nut butter in one sitting. Is that or is that not binge eating?
No. 132819
>>132812>>132813>>132814Okay, I'll have a long hard think about our actions and maybe we should stop posting what we think abou….
Naaaaah. Stfu. They always want to involve themselves in other peoples ~dramu~
You got a few posts here, now piss off.
No. 132821
File: 1436141702252.jpg (31.84 KB, 285x265, wk.JPG)

Oh for Christ's sake - disagreeing with aly is now "cyberbullying". These people are so fucked.
We had accounts deleted. We comment H8 on everyone's ig. Sweeties, isn't that powerful.
No. 132823
File: 1436141812238.jpg (16.28 KB, 281x121, 1.JPG)

That tuna thing pic. She's cut a CHERRY TOMATO into five pieces. Is she trying to pass it off as a normal size tomato?
No. 132824
File: 1436141912791.jpg (14.37 KB, 281x211, Clarence_281x211.jpg)

Dear girls of the ED Instagram community,
Please consider actually recovering from your eating disorders or you will die.
And when you die, do you know where you'll spend eternity?
You'll spend it with me. Talking about Jesus.
No. 132826
File: 1436142309677.jpg (214.41 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg)

1. Get professional help.
2. Stop posting on Instagram and make friends with people who don't wallow in being part of an #EDfamily.
3. If you can't deal with criticism, switch off your fucking laptop/phone.
No. 132857
File: 1436145965558.jpg (588.53 KB, 641x1280, cookiedoughfraud.jpg)

This is more telling to me. Here's the difference in a Cookie Dough pint size package and the one that she posted. My guess is that dish she used is a little crystal pinch bowl, not a regular sized bowl.
No. 132908
File: 1436152430483.png (23.05 KB, 1101x538, Screenshot 2015-07-05 at 10.12…)

OH SHIT, @ally_beats_ed is GONE.
Guys maybe we do have magical powers
Let's try to get Aly to come here
No. 132938
>>132908Correction: not ded
>chocoally@icedfancy Idk who these people are but I did figure out that it had to be someone who followed me because they posted some nasty comments on their vile site while I had my account on provate for a few hours; therefore, the only way they could have seen my letter was if they were following me during those two hours. If those crim shows I watch taught me anything it was to stay one step ahead of the game. And I will DM you ❤She watches crim shows you guys. She's going to create a GUI interface using Visual Basic to trace our IP addresses.
No. 132942
>>132776>>132889That "" person is probably one of them.
"pics plz? :)"
No. 132955
>>132943>I feel like, as a kid raised in the 90s, I had a lot more common sense re:talking to strangers online…YES. "Stranger danger," especially wrt the internet, a new and potentially ~scary~ technology, was a big thing among parents of that generation. Even back when I was just talking in text-based chat rooms or playing Neopets, my parents kept a close eye on me, and I was extremely reticent about sharing any personal information whatsoever. Thank god. I look at my brother, who's six years younger, and he's all over Tumblr, Reddit, who even knows where else, sharing who even knows what kind of personal information, posting pics of himself that I'm not sure he realizes will essentially never go away, etc.
No. 132956
File: 1436165651337.png (1.42 MB, 657x2559, Aly 7-5-2015 5.png)

Comparison shot - before Aly woke up and went on a deleting spree:
No. 132957
File: 1436165750494.png (1.27 MB, 656x2192, Aly 7-5-2015 5-2.png)

>>132956vs. after the deletion and blocking that she did upon waking up..
No. 133009
File: 1436192029224.jpg (140.52 KB, 978x640, ICECREAM.jpg)

This is it. This is the last straw fitveganginger now you've done it. I'm 50 shades of done with you and your disgusting food but adding ice cream to something so pure as celery? you are a monster and you can't fucking taste your own food
No. 133010
File: 1436192167735.jpg (84.48 KB, 500x443, tumblr_lscadzaaQo1qgeygd.jpg)

>>133009too many of the people that say "weird but delicious" are fucking nuts
anyone remember undressed skeleton putting sugar free jello on everything…
No. 133011
File: 1436192313930.jpg (102.46 KB, 691x865, Bha4wIm.jpg)

>>133010Fiber one, sugar free ice cream, sugar free angel food cake.
No. 133044
>>133009maybe they eat that stuff so that they'll be put off to food.
you know, so that they don't enjoy it as much. if they did it constantly, they might condition themselves to not want to eat anything since they associate eating with a disgusting taste.
No. 133058
File: 1436201238521.png (118.89 KB, 1180x384, DANG YES!.png)

>>133009>>133010>>133011Nope nope nope nope nope fucking NOPE.
I was a severely restrictive anorexic in my young teens and I NEVER ate weird food combos like that - I'm not trying to say that I'm somehow "better," don't get me wrong, I just don't understand these horrific concoctions…?!?! I think the weirdest thing I did was dip baby carrots in salsa (which I legitimately enjoy the taste of; I'd fucking eat salsa out of the jar with a spoon though) and try to use just a tiny bit of nonstick cooking spray in place of EVER cooking in any significant amount of butter/oil (I wound up with some messes). Fucking vegetables with stevia and shit, though, what the hell?
Also, I like Aly's comment in this pic. That's DANG RIGHT, Aly! Screw that DANG meal plan (!) and just "eat" whatever you want! (eyeroll)
No. 133103
File: 1436207048885.jpg (16.07 KB, 275x125, 1436081215405.jpg)

when it's deleted it's true someone said
No. 133104
ginger might be the worst i've seen
oatmeal, ketchup, and vegetables do not belong in one bowl (and im a ketchup maniac)
No. 133116
>>133115Why don't you do what everyone else does and just read the posts in the thread that have been posted since you last checked it?
There are some really weird posts the last few minutes. I can't help but wonder if this thread has been reposted anywhere recently.
No. 133176
File: 1436211697051.png (10.16 KB, 224x225, download.png)

No. 133177
File: 1436211748295.png (295.72 KB, 378x423, Screen Shot 2015-07-06 at 3.41…)

as per OP's pic, she has been covering her mouth in almost all pics.
but you know she still got duck face behind that banana
No. 133191
>>133185Plus it's dang (!) so lush
She said damn once. I wouldn't be so bothered by her use of dang and damn if she used them properly.
No. 133195
File: 1436212352951.jpg (88.36 KB, 902x902, 11417329_1032653890101395_9257…)

>>133187I'm not sure, she recently uploaded a photo where she was smiling and her teeth look great.
But yeah, besides that photo she's been covering her mouth in photos lately
No. 133221
File: 1436213548246.jpg (34.61 KB, 479x250, yay.JPG)

I preordered a copy.
No. 133226
>>133221I feel like most vegans would even turn their noses up at the crap she considers good.
Take all your veggies and put 5 cups of stevia on them and you have a great snack!
No. 133230
>>133226Where did she even get her nutritional information?
I eat at veggie/vegan cafes sometimes, and there's no way anyone would ask for the things she makes. Vegan food can be so tasty but if I saw her food and hadn't seen any other vegan food, I'd be instantly put off.
The stevia on veg. No words.
I hate that #thisiswhataveganlookslike tag. It's as fake as if she put #thisistypicalveganfood on her pics.
No. 133271
File: 1436218284928.png (673.13 KB, 969x634, horse face.png)

No. 133308
File: 1436220582161.jpg (51.51 KB, 631x619, youdidnoteatthat.JPG)

I need to comment on this pic. She was "craving something sweet". If I have a craving I do NOT let it sit on the plate while I drink coffee. She also likes do dip croissants in coffee. Verdict, that croissant wasn't eaten. Not then, not ever.
No. 133321
>>133103You don't happen to have a larger version of that image, do you? My granny-chan eyes can't make that out.
I wonder if she deletes replies that are in languages other than English and Italian…
No. 133324
>>133321The only word I can make out of that is UNACCEPTABLE if I zoom in and squint.
I was thinking the same about the comment thing. Someone could post something negative in German or whatever and she wouldn't know although I'm sure she'd google translate it being so paranoid. If you put loads of heart emojis in she'd probably think it was complimenting her.
No. 133440
File: 1436234014936.png (51.41 KB, 1208x164, Screen Shot 2015-07-06 at 3.18…)

Soooo I see Aly's claiming that the reason why she stopped posting OOTD pics (and, presumably, why she went back and deleted almost all of her old ones) is that she "always received so many hurting comments" on them. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?? 99.9% of your comments are heaping praise upon you, and the other 0.1% you delete almost immediately, except for a few odd exceptions (pic related - why did she let that one stay up when so many others, even ones that were way less negative/critical/truthful/whatever, were deleted posthaste?).
Also, apparently her "new start since 06.15" means that all of those months before when she was in "Real Recovery," she wasn't really, REALLY in "Real Recovery"? Now it's super real, really for realsies REAL "Real Recovery"? But she won't openly admit that she ever posted anything deceptive. I swear, she thinks her followers don't have functioning brains or something - and, from what I've seen, she's right about a lot of them.
No. 133482
File: 1436236416173.jpg (14.57 KB, 318x366, Screenshot_2015-07-06-21-28-49…)

No. 133507
File: 1436237842385.jpg (38.86 KB, 504x824, Screenshot_2015-07-06-21-54-04…)

No. 133557
That's too ridiculously funny… Hopefully some of her followers are seeing the deceitfulness in how she makes her food look bigger…
No. 133577
>>133574oh yes, her boyfriend came here to defend her. he's a dick as well.
>>133575i'm getting onto Cultwatch with this.
No. 133655
File: 1436251665470.png (934.18 KB, 658x1183, Aly 7-7-2015.png)

Whoa whoa whoa, what is going on with her hair here? And GODDAMN, those BONES.
>And with a great, SHOUTED "fuc*k you Anorexia"
That's kind of funny coming from someone who's been looking more and more like a spoopy skeleton every day for the past, I don't know, 9 months (?).
>So here I am, fighting harder than ever, pushing myself everyday more: I feel so positive and motivated right now and nothing will stop me: I'll get my body, health, beauty BACK
I honestly wish I could believe this. It would be nice to see her actually turn things around. I just don't think it'll actually happen.
Also, dat teeny cup and mini pastry, such calories, very recovery. AWESOME JOB ALY SO INSPIRASHUNAL!!!
No. 133659
File: 1436251988410.png (2.01 MB, 1276x1278, Cute and huge (!) shortbread p…)

>>133655Oh, and check out the size of that pastry compared to the previous close-up Aly posted of it.
>cute and huge (!) shortbread pastry with apricot jamHuge (!). HUGE. HUUUUUGE.
I don't know. Maybe she's actually so cognitively impaired at this point that she DOES think that's a huge pastry. Maybe she DOES think she looks like she's gaining weight. Or maybe she's just a lying, manipulative bitch. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but…ehhhh.
No. 133694
>>133640Well, I
am relieved. Oops at misreading. I knew someone who made soap out of breastmilk and sold it on etsy, so I thought ice cream was something someone would really do.
No. 133695
>>133655>crappy hair where?That bit at the front that looks backcombed to give volume because there could be some hair loss going on.
Nice to see she's got the confidence to wear a t shirt that exposes her bony shoulder and veiny arms. WHOP WHOP.
No. 133722
>>133711I was thinking how brittle it looks, but that's probably the bleaching? It's not thick hair though. That bit on top is definitely backcombed to give some height.
>>133718I'm grateful we don't have to look at her 60 year old smoker's lip lines.
Note how she said the PROOF of her eating that pastry is a pic of her dipping a bit in her coffee. Never actually seen her eating.
No. 133772
>Can't even calculate today's extra calories6 biscuits, one mini tart thing, a peach, a veggie burger, a bit of rice and some veg. Not even 1000 there.
>>133768Wonder why they chose to live with their dad? If he's the reason for her disorder, why? What a bitch to pin the blame on him.
No. 133776
>>133772I don't know that I can say she is a bitch to blame her dad. My mom was 100% the reason I had an eating disorder as a kid. She would call me fat in front of friends - tell me that I am clearly fat just look at my stretch marks. That was all during puberty and she was/is fatter than I ever was.
Funny enough when I stopped eating her way to deal with that was to come in my room and scream at me that I better start eating.
Sorry for the OT but that is one thing I will say I don't hate Aly for.
>>133655This shit though - if she was eating over her meal plan she wouldn't look so shitty. Fuck her for being a lying bitch and making everyone thing recovery is just soooo easy.
No. 133780
File: 1436281582092.jpg (41.3 KB, 550x412, alys cafe.jpg)

>>133776Your mum IS a bitch then, but we don't know why she's blaming him. If it was divorce, then that's a shit thing to blame him for if the marriage was bad. I'm speculating anyway, so I'll stfu.
>>133778google says: please Aly, made hospitalize
No. 133785
File: 1436282481645.jpg (149.39 KB, 974x637, delish.JPG)

i checked on gummybearprincess' account and it gave me a couple of cavities.
there're a couple of pics of salad with #cleaneating on them, but she's still existing on cereal.
No. 133799
>>133776Yeah, I'm with you here. Not to say people shouldn't take personal responsibility for their own shit, but parental influence can really fuck with you. I've never had a full blown eating disorder, but I also spent my child and teen years with my significantly overweight mother telling me I was fat. She'd point out specific places on my body or comment on how I looked in clothes. Then she'd blame me for being that way. She kept the house stocked in Pop Tarts, toaster waffles, chips, cookies, and we ate processed/frozen dinners or heavy meals most days. I had to go to work with my parents during the summers and we'd eat fast food for lunch every day. After I moved out and was able to buy my own healthy groceries, I lost 70lbs. My mom is still fat.
Yeah I know #personalblog and no1curr, but parents can really fuck with your head.
Aly is still a lying cuntbitch. She'd be showing SOME kind of visible weight gain by now but she's still wasting away.
No. 133811
File: 1436290229736.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-07-12-27-23…)

Ginger's pretending vegetables are cereal again
No. 133853
File: 1436295772411.jpg (11.89 KB, 296x53, amaaazing.JPG)

It's getting difficult to decide if some of the people commenting are taking the piss of if they're serious.
No. 133856
>>133811She's fucking disgusting.
Anyone who looks at that account will see she's seriously mentally ill. Milk with veg confirms it.
No. 133924
File: 1436304223903.png (669.3 KB, 981x588, Screenshot 2015-07-07 at 4.22.…)

Legit scared @becominghappyagain is going to get the beetus. This is her lunch.
No. 133940
File: 1436305552157.png (23.14 KB, 296x99, Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at 5.45…)

>>133924she only had a little bit of each
No. 133955
>>133942yea i cant imagine anything in recovery, whether 1 day or 1 decade, being able to eat that much and be completely 100% all is dandy with the world
i firmly believe ED is hard wired. certain people are predisposed, and once they get sick, even if they recover, its with them forever.
No. 133962
>>133924I want to put this question sensitively, so
TRIGGER WARNING incase it's not. You know how in recovery it looks like you're encouraged to eat sugary crap? Is that not a problem that some get addicted to the sugar, eat too much and end up legit overweight as in obese?
No. 134002
File: 1436311112736.png (1.13 MB, 656x1742, Aly 7-7-2015 4.png)

>>133815I've noticed she's getting more criticism in general (pic related; she hasn't deleted these comments yet). It's great, IMO. She still has tons of white knights, but her true colors are really starting to show, especially with all of the deleted comments and people getting blocked.
No. 134049
>>133811I can fucking smell it. Oh my god. This is legit
triggering something in me.
No. 134422
>>133776jfc, this sounds a lot like my mom. Her thing was always the "thigh gap," which came after her encouraging me to lose weight with tasteless diet foods when I was 13 (I dropped 27kg/60lb).
At first, in order to not be classified as a "disgusting fat pig," the thigh gap had to be there when my feet were shoulder width apart. Then it was when my feet were together. AND then it was when my feet were crossed. Now she screams at me that I need to eat, goes on and on about protein and tells me that I should be institutionalized.
So yeah, I blame my mom for my ED.
No. 134444
>>134422Thighs not touching when your feet are shoulder width apart I can sort of understand but when your feet are
crossed? That's fucking insane. Your mom definitely has issues. I hope you can get out of there if you aren't already, anon.
No. 134478
File: 1436367899520.png (227.01 KB, 536x541, tumblr_n82ahbOtjA1r5bvp5o1_540…)

>>134446yea my thighs are chubby as hell but i still have a gap (feet together)
No. 134494
>>134478That picture is THE most un-scientifically sound logic I have ever heard in my life.
Having a tight vagoo isn't even a good thing. Mine is really tight and inserting tampons feels like internal carpet burn and after 8 years together sex with my partner is so occasionally very sore and with blood spotting because my skin towards the back of my vagina near my anus keeps tearing to accommodate him. It fucking stings, not to mention I can never get him to last longer than 5 minutes.
No. 134524
>>134520I haven't because I never really considered it that big of a problem.
It only ever really occurs when I haven't seen my partner for a while. Like right now we're both at university so we only really get to see each other about once every 1-2 months when it's not Summer, but it's like every time I have a sex with him after some time apart my vagina "resets" and that first coupling is very sore and stings like I've been cut around the opening. After that I readjust though and it's fine again.
Bear in mind he is a big guy down there though, like almost 9 inches in length so I think it's just an unfortunate combination of big penis meets little vagina.
Does this sound like a problem to you? You're giving me second thoughts.
No. 134533
>>134524My ex was pretty big and he always hurt.
My SO luckily is perfect size for me.
No. 134551
File: 1436379651350.jpg (39.95 KB, 372x562, why.JPG)

OT about wagina's a sec. Why do doctors allow an IP with feeding tube DIET COKE?
No. 134665
>>134249you know what?
thank you, i think i realized i'm quite done with peeping into the lives of "cows" without any real drama.
No. 134741
>>134665sounds like ashley.
I still find these people fascinating and I will keep returning.
No. 134801
File: 1436406367746.jpg (27.67 KB, 594x172, n.JPG)

No. 134891
File: 1436418529473.jpg (1.13 MB, 1920x1920, sock puppets.jpg)

Okay…. So… I might be going out on a limb here but I think aly is creating sock puppet accounts. All three of these accounts have no posts and 3 or fewer followers and they all have a really weak grasp on the English language and are defending her against a barely mean comment.
No. 134897
>>134891That last person, the.contadino, could possibly be Prince.
I've said before, it's difficult to tell if these kind of comments are people taking the piss or if they're actually real.
I'll agree though. It sounds like her style of speaking/writing.
No. 134898
>>134891Imma fess up to being contadino (Italian for "farmer" - original, I know). Was trying to be so effusive on the HONESTY & TRUTH angles to highlight her obvious dishonesty & lies. Hadn't occurred to me that it could be seen as a sockpuppet, but now that you point it out Aly probably
would write something like that, except without any trace of irony or sarcasm. She probably would have thrown in a few lushes & delishes for good measure though.
No. 134900
>>134898She uses a lot of ! and ?
Aww, you're not Prince then :(
No. 134903
>>134900Yeah, sorry to disappoint, but I'm not Prince guize :(((
It scares me to think that I've been reading her threads for so long that her writing style has sunk into my subconscious to the point where I even punctuated like she does. As long as I don't start talking about oily this & lush that, I think I'll be ok…
No. 134906
File: 1436420151131.jpg (22.1 KB, 571x120, journey in imagination.JPG)

These ED threads have changed a lot of the way I think about products I see. I've started noticing Quest type bars and immediately think of this site.
>aly's journey into recovery
No. 134911
>>134909not a #OOTD!!! A #silly #fruit #delish selfie!
Because she knows we will report her full body posts and its too easy to spot the weight loss.
No. 134912
File: 1436420686988.png (1019.59 KB, 656x1581, Aly 7-8-2015.png)

>>134765THIS. I don't want to sound all pearl-clutch-y and "oh lord, think of the children!"-y, but a lot of the people Aly's deceiving are young, impressionable, and have eating disorders themselves. And she has thousands of followers who apparently believe wholeheartedly in the truth of the ~Real Recovery~ act she's been putting on. If I was one of those followers and I was actually in recovery from an ED, I'd be wondering why I was gaining so much weight while eating far less than Aly…
On a different note, I cherish this time of night because of the comments that appear on her posts after Aly has gone to bed, before she wakes up and deletes them. I really hope a decent number of her followers see them, too. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE! That ice cream cone is like an inch tall and ALY IS MADE OF LIES! ILLUMINATIII
No. 134914
>>134891I posted as "or1th3na." That was the only comment I made. Aly blocked me as soon as she woke up, it looks like. I wonder what percentage of her comments she deletes and how many people she's blocked so far?
Oh well. Time to make a new account. I didn't think that one comment would get me blocked, TBH. Whatever. I just hope some of these comments are getting seen before they get deleted.
No. 134919
File: 1436422189776.png (1.02 MB, 661x1671, Aly 7-8-2015 2.png)

>>134912kek, and here we have the comments AFTER Aly woke up and did damage control. And no, Aly, that really isn't "day treatment," pls stop
No. 134927
>>134922I think she'd be in even worse physical condition if she was eating all of the food she posts and purging it. Not that she seems to be in great health by any means, but I don't see any of the classic signs of bulimia when I look at her (e.g., teeth rotting out, wounds on her hands, broken blood vessels on her face, dem cheeks). My opinion is that she's just photographing food she doesn't eat (all of, at least). I'd guess that she eats things like that mini ice cream cone in front of other people to seem more "normal," but when she's alone, she photographs other people's food, throws the food away after taking her pics, or puts the food back where it came from after she's had her fun with it.
It isn't unrealistic to think that she DOES eat at least some portion of what she claims to eat, though. She could even be eating like 1200+ calories/day or something and maintain her weight or slowly lose.
No. 134938
>>134913It was the lizard people not wanting you to expose the TRUTH.
>>134927I think she eats a bit of what we see. Probably leaves quite a bit and gets away with it. Other things she puts back in the cupboard or throws away. I eat less than 1000 cals a day (fucked thyroid barely functions) and it maintains my weight. I gather that's low calorie for a day, so if she's got a normal thyroid function she's got to be eating less than 500 a day??
No. 135003
>>134922I think
>>134927 is pretty spot on about what she does with the food. She definitely doesn't eat all the food she posts, but she probably buys things like those miniature ice cream pots and tiny pastries and espressos because she tends to eat those things with friend in public or she'll mention she's with her family. She probably does eat those HUGE, LUSH 100-300 calorie 'meals' and then restricts for the rest of the day. I think it's a bit of a myth that anorexics NEVER EAT - they just eat under 900 calories a day over a long period of time, which constitutes a starvation diet.
That's how Aly and Ash function - they eat the tiniest amount possible to maintain their skeletal weights, but still just enough to keep their bodies hanging on to life.
No. 135024
>>135003>I think it's a bit of a myth that anorexics NEVER EAT - they just eat under 900 calories a day over a long period of time, which constitutes a starvation diet.Absolutely. I'm not proud of it, but I "lived" as a "functional," chronic anorexic for around eight years. I was very underweight and ate probably 1000 calories/day on average (which I know is OMG SO MUCH to a lot of anorexics, but if I ate any less, I couldn't function at all). When I lost some more weight and wound up in ~the danger zone~, even medical professionals seemed to be incapable of wrapping their minds around the notion that I hadn't just been "not eating." It seemed like everyone assumed I had literally been fasting, or maybe eating like 100 calories/day or something, for an extended period of time. Umm, no, if that had been the case, I would have been dead. I just figured out the bare minimum I could eat to survive. I was very weak and definitely cognitively impaired, though, and, looking back on it, my memories of that period of my life are pretty fuzzy. I count myself lucky that I don't seem to have done much permanent damage to my body, aside from osteoporosis. I actually feel bad for Ash, because she seems to have done enough permanent damage to herself that, even if she decided that she wanted to "recover," she wouldn't be able to live a normal life. I think, at this point, Aly could still turn things around, though. I just don't think she will.
TL;DR: Anorexics don't just "not eat," and eating the absolute minimum that your body needs to not die is a very bad idea, kids.
No. 135026
>>134914(I think you were referring to me, posting as or1th3na, not thoughts.puzzlement; I am indeed a farmer and stupidly assumed that Aly wouldn't get the meme, but she at least detected the sarcasm, because my comment was deleted and I was blocked)
No. 135035
File: 1436450452197.jpg (313.47 KB, 1078x1696, crystal bowl.jpg)

So she finally posted something in the crystal bowl that shows its true size. Those are fucking apricots. That bowl is so tiny it barely holds two apricots. I think its safe to say when she has those HUGE DELISH ice cream bowls, she's barely getting a half cup.
No. 135040
>>135024lol at people thinking anorexics dont eat at all
im with you anon, eating the bare minimum to function
also im 5'2" so if i gain a few pounds its pretty obvious. ugh short life
No. 135052
>>135035Someone with one of those alt accounts should call her out on this, seriously.
Anyone notice how she keeps referencing her "meal plan" yet she's not eating anything with real consistency? Like she just photographs whatever and calls it part of her "meal plan". The only thing that she's added is fruit, which is funny that before she was 'eating' all of these dense high calorie foods and now that she's gone to the hospital she's eating fruit.
The meal plan does not exist. And she's obviously not in the day hospital program and has been ignoring/deleting any comments asking her about it.
No. 135081
>>135076>>135076Here here
as i stuff my face with chicken and rice
food is good for yer health
No. 135092
File: 1436458788384.jpg (175.34 KB, 1080x1080, 10932451_869045266506034_11864…)

>>135087Sternum more visible than before. Her boobs look strange, stuffed?
No. 135105
>>135024Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to imply the figure was 900 exactly; a person technically just has to consume less calories than their body burns every day for an extended period of time really. Hence why the vegan ginger's exercise obsession coupled with her ridiculously low calorie and nutrient intake is so terrifying. Sorry you had to go through that as well and I hope from your use of past tense you're recovered now!
Having said that, I guess even if Aly did eat the better part of her mini-meals then she'd probably still be emaciated, especially as she subsists primarily on coffee and tiny portions of ice cream. I just wonder what Ash's pickings amount to and consist of…
No. 135146
>>135092Oh my god she's wearing a SHEER TOP! I can't imagine wearing something like that at a low weight when you know people can count your fucking ribs from across the street.
She LOVES being emaciated. She wants to be stared at. I just don't understand it. When I was at my lowest any bit of attention made me so uncomfortable I would leave or just not go out in the first place.
How she seems to function so highly at such a low weight completely baffles me.
No. 135155
>>135137It's okay, we've got a full backlog of her selfies and ootds
>>135140Perhaps there's so much "honesty" between her and her family seeing the real side of her, she comes to instagram to put on a facade that all is well and happy
No. 135157
Wow she even deleted the comment from here:
>>134919"Oh so you're in outpatient, not in PHP"
Why would she even do that unless her intent was specifically to deceive people into believing she's receiving a "higher level of care" than she is? There is no good reason for her to have deleted that comment (or many of the other comments she has deleted). She doesn't want her lies about being in "day treatment" exposed, so she'll even delete (and probably ban the poster of) a totally benign comment stating a fucking undeniable FACT.
And this is why Aly grinds my gears - not because she's mentally ill, not because she does things that just about all anorexics do, etc. Because of this massive fucking deception she's trying to pull off for her thousands of devoted fans. It's really sick for her to constantly post about her JOYOUS (!) days full of excursions with friends, shopping, trips to the beach, restaurant meals, etc. and rub it in the faces of all of her followers who actually ARE in real treatment programs where they, you know, fucking RECEIVE TREATMENT instead of continuing to frolic around living their lives just like they were before.
TL;DR time, feel free to skip: Yes, I will admit that I have a gigantic chip on my shoulder here. I went through ED treatment about half my lifetime ago. It was hell. Being inpatient was hell. Downright mean doctors and nurses, painful insertion of IVs and feeding tubes, constant use of chemical restraints and threats to get me to comply, no phones or laptops or cameras or any devices of the sort, no walking five feet from the bed to the (locked) bathroom, no visitors except my parents, restrictions on fucking EVERYTHING (including what I was allowed to read and watch on TV). Being in day treatment was hell. All day, Monday through Friday. Nearly as restrictive as inpatient. Being surrounded by other patients with EDs who were constantly acting out and encouraging me to pick up even MORE disordered behaviors - no, I don't want to be your fucking "ana buddy" when we get out of treatment, fuck off. I missed half a year of school and spent it basically being babysat, doing shit like coloring in coloring books and knitting while being forced to rapidly gain a massive amount of weight (close to 50 pounds in the course of a few months). And THEN there were the years of follow-up outpatient appointments - multiple times a week; had to miss school for those, too - that only stopped when I turned 18 and ran the fuck away from it all.
And that's just my story. I know of others who have had it much worse - people who have spent literally years in inpatient treatment, for example, not to mention the people who have DIED. I know I should just brush it off and stop grinding my fucking axe, but seeing Aly make a mockery of this whole thing makes my blood boil. "La-di-da, look at me, I'm in 'real recovery,' it's so wonderful! I love food and everything's marvelous and I'm going to remain emaciated despite "eating" all of the things you wish you could eat without gaining weight, LOL!" FUCK YOU. Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck you.
I need to step away from this shit but it's become an obsession. I should have some fucking empathy, but instead, I have a personal vendetta against this girl who lives half a world away from me and has literally no connection to my own life. I am fucking pathetic and I fully realize it. I am a nearly 27-year-old failure at life, on disability, living with my parents, constantly thinking about suicide. I guess on some level, although it's really hard to admit, I'm really, really jealous of Aly, or at least of the façade she puts up. Who knows, maybe she's ~really struggling~ on the inside. All I know is that the act she portrays to the world makes me feel physically ill and violent.
No. 135160
>>135146>She LOVES being emaciated. She wants to be stared at. I just don't understand it. When I was at my lowest any bit of attention made me so uncomfortable I would leave or just not go out in the first place.Yeah, I think someone else in one of these threads observed that there seem to be two types of anorexics: the ones that flaunt how thin they are and the ones that go to great lengths to cover up how thin they are. I was one of the latter. No one saw me in anything less than long sleeves, long pants, and some sort of coat/jacket that went down past my butt to hide my sagging pants. I wore layers upon layers, even when I was hot, to try to make myself look bulkier. I hated being looked at so much that I barely ever left the house or had contact with anyone for YEARS. No one had any idea that I'd lost like 20 pounds fairly rapidly. Those habits are so ingrained that I still can't even bring myself to wear a t-shirt or shorts in public.
>How she seems to function so highly at such a low weight completely baffles me.Yeah, I figure she must just be getting barely enough calories to keep functioning, but she can't sustain being at that weight forever. If she falls and breaks a bone (I'd be shocked if she didn't have at least osteopenia, if not osteoporosis), or if she gets sick and loses a few pounds, or if she decides to restrict just a little bit more, she could die (or end up with serious and permanent health problems on top of what she probably already has).
No. 135166
>>135160being underweight even for just a few months can bring on osteopenia…
damn some of these girls dont know what permanent damage theyre doing…
No. 135186
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>>135092The only difference I see is her legs look thinner than in the older pics.
No. 135205
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>>135171I was srs. PS it's delicious
No. 135207
>>135166Yep, I was underweight and didn't menstruate for like six months MAX and when I got a bone scan, I found out I had severe osteoporosis. At age 14. Yay. I'm pretty lucky - I still haven't broken a bone, unless you count the couple of hairline fractures I've gotten in my hands from punching things (oops). I wonder what Aly's bones are like? I doubt they're in good condition…
Restricting is bad enough, but when combined with purging and/or diet pill abuse and/or laxative abuse, you can really fuck up your body. I'll never forget the laxative-abusing young woman I met who had to have most of her colon removed in her early 20s because of necrotizing colitis ;_;
No. 135227
>>135224FFFFUUUUCCCKKK the "hypermetabolism" excuse makes me so mad, because YES, that is actually a thing, but NO, it would not be occurring in someone who has consistently been eating like 3000+ calories of lush, oily food a day for at least months, if not a year (I'm not sure exactly how long her charade goes back - at least through last Christmas). Why the fuck would that suddenly occur NOW? When, from the looks of it, she was consuming LESS in the hospital than she was claiming to have been eating at home? WHY, ALY, WHY??? It's not your metabolism, it's not your genes, you're not visibly gaining weight, you don't look way different like some of your followers are claiming ("OMG SO RADIANT SO BEAUTIFUL SO MUCH HEALTHIER WOW GOOD JOB!") - it's all just fucking bullshit and I can't believe how many ignorant people continue to fall for it.
No. 135233
File: 1436477199097.png (2 MB, 1440x2019, Screenshot_2015-07-09-15-40-01…)

This is how big her crystal bowl looks when she's not holding it up with her fist.
No. 135339
>>135256I dunno, I get what you're saying, but I kinda think Aly's cruelty to other sufferers is mainly driven by her illness and she might actually be a nice person despite this ridiculous recovery facade. I get the feeling Ash is a douchebag to everyone ED or not.
>>135300Anon is referring to Ash
No. 135388
>>135339I don't think I would've particularly liked aly either way. She seems too hungry for attention, bitchy and competitive in general. I also don't pick up any sense of humour or anything interesting about her. She doesn't even seem to have any hobbies.
Let's imagine (try hard) that she's really doing the recovery thing. If a year down the line she's at a good weight and getting on with life, she's still going to be a blank who feeds off her ED asskissers.
Not comparing as such, but a person like Erika (who btw is looking obviously healthier despite shit life events) has stacks of personality (yes, some of that's disordered but who the fuck isn't to some degree). You can picture her making a go of her life. Aly seems so meh. She's supposedly studying literature but she never mentions what she's reading or gets anywhere near passionate about books.
aly's a dullard and I can't see that changing whatever her mental state.
No. 135393
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Posting this just because I'm proud of how Erika's going with her recovery. I know some people are meh about her, but you can't say she hasn't done well especially considering issues she's having with money and her relationship.
If I was in recovery, she'd be my ~inspiration~ I doubt she comes here any more, but idk, feel warm n fuzzy to see her looking on the right track.
No. 135439
Ash convinces people to buy her stuff. Aly convinces people that she's actually eating what she posts.
No. 135442
>>135436If an anorexic genuinely wanted to recover and saw pictures of this chick, could she be discouraged since the "recovery" didn't actually work?
Imagine how this would look if a 'former' alcoholic posted pictures of himself drinking 'ginger ale' with empty whiskey bottles all over and tagged them #realsobriety
No. 135443
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>>135440She's fooling people like the ones in the pic. Are they actually seeing a "transformation"? Do they think that she's gained by eating and that it's okay if they still look skeletal because she's "looking so much better"?
I see no difference. Even her facial expression is the same. That fake smile.
No. 135470
>>135443So what if people believe she eats what she says she does? And that person doesn't seem like she was harmed, she'd (wrongfully) attributing a positive change in her perspective to Aly by being "inspired" by her fake positivity.
I do get annoyed by how Aly trivializes the struggles of people who are actually trying to recover, and I do think that her OOTD posts are thinspo for many people. I actually think that people from MPA come here to this thread for thinspo and to screenshot her OOTDs after they're deleted from IG, but that's another issue…not saying that posters here should censor themselves for the benefit of those people, but if we're talking about harm to others it's worth mentioning.
Accounts like Prettyinthinn are more harmful than Aly, IMO, because she tries to make having an ED into a lifestyle. Like an ED is a choice that one can live with indefinitely when the truth is that it will inevitably kill you. She talks about how much happier she is with her ED and how she has managed to find this balance between starving and doing school work, and even gives tips on how others can do the same. I think she also posted once about hiding vegetables under a thin layer of starches so that she could get away with eating less and her parents would be happy. All that is fucked up. Aly just looks horrible and it's pretty apparent that she's lost her looks from her ED and is on her way to her grave if she doesn't turn things around. That seems like enough to deter all but the sickest ones who actively look for people like her to be "thinspired."
I think Ash is also dangerous in that she looks for these vulnerable pre-teens, like Eilish, to be friends with. I remember seeing posts where people would tell Eilish to eat more, then Eilish would lash out, and Ash would say something encouraging that behavior. I mean, really? Make friends your own age, Ash, and stop looking for kids to ruin. Plus, we did see her actually go after people, like Gia and Erika, and the harm and hurt that caused. Aly doesn't stalk her "haters" she just deletes them.
I will just continue to report Aly in the hopes that her account will be deleted.
No. 135487
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>>135393Another TL;DR here. Seriously, I know, no1curr, not your personal blog, etc. Just skip this post - I'm writing it anyway.
Seeing that picture makes me want to cry (in a happy way). I came across Erika when both of us were at our lowest weights. I actually had almost shaved my head right before she shaved hers, which was kind of funny. I was also having a hell of a time getting any treatment due to insurance, financial, and logistical issues. I was too "medically stable" (LOL, I could barely even get out of bed, but my electrolytes were somehow still fine, soooo…) to be kept in the hospital. I was repeatedly admitted, assessed, given IV fluids, told I was "stable" but severely underweight and needed to go straight to a residential treatment center, and discharged back home. However, no ED facility I contacted - and I contacted a large number of them from all over the US - would accept me because I didn't weigh enough. I didn't even know they had MINIMUM weight criteria. I could have gone to Denver ACUTE, but my insurance wouldn't pay, I'm poor as fuck, my family would have had to mortgage their house again to send me there, and I couldn't live with that; I hated myself so much that I figured it would be better for me to just die than to burden anyone with potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.
No one I contacted had any helpful advice or assistance to offer - they just kept saying the same things. "You need to be in residential." Well, they won't take me, so what am I supposed to do? "Then you need to go to the hospital and be in IP first." The hospitals (at least in my area) won't keep me when there are other people who need the beds and I'm "stable," and, regardless, I can't afford it. "Well, you really need to be in residential." Did you not hear me the first time?
At that point, I was so depressed, discouraged, tired, and in pain that I had completely given up and accepted that I was going to die - I was just waiting for organ failure to set in. I just wanted it to end. It was pathetic, and thinking about how I was back then makes me want to punch myself repeatedly in the face. I could barely even think, let alone carry on a conversation or do anything productive. Seriously - fucking pathetic. I can't believe I let myself get to that point.
Anyway, I started reading Erika's updates and seeing how she was choosing to get better for herself and her children. No one forced her into recovery, and she wasn't just doing it to placate her parents or something (I did that when I was a stupid teenager). She was another grown-ass woman, only slightly older than me, making the choices I was too weak and scared to make on my own, doing the things that she needed to do to get better. When she got sent home from Denver and kept eating and gaining weight by herself, even in the midst of such shitty circumstances, I started to think, "Maybe I CAN do this." And I have been. On my own. No thanks to the treatment centers that didn't even bother responding to me once they heard my weight (yeah, I know, liability issues; it was still pretty demoralizing). No thanks to the hospitals who discharged me in horrible condition and told me I just needed to go to one of the aforementioned treatment centers that refused to take me. I saw Erika do it, and I experienced it firsthand - sometimes, the only person who can help you is YOU, and even though helping yourself can be really fucking hard when you're severely mentally ill, it's not impossible. It's FAR from the cakewalk Aly makes her "real recovery" out to be, though.
I haven't made as much progress as Erika, but I'm trying, and I'm going to keep trying. Starting around a week and a half ago, I've been eating over 1,600 calories a day for the first time in close to 10 goddamn wasted years. I even got over 2,000 on a few of those days. And I've learned that nuts and nut butters are actually very tasty, not disgusting like I'd convinced myself they were. I just finished eating one of these - see pic - and holy shit, it was so good (delicious, NOT "delish"), I couldn't believe it. It was still scary as fuck to eat, though. But I'm going to do it again. I'm going to keep doing it. I want to have an actual life, not a miserable pseudo-existence as a pitiful waste of space and resources.
My experience is NOTHING like how Aly portrays "recovery." Here is what MY recovery has been like so far: I have more energy and feel MUCH better physically, of course. I've tried and enjoyed some amazing new foods, and I'm excited to try more. I don't go to sleep every night wondering if I'll wake up in the morning. I don't constantly feel my pulse to see if I'm bradycardic, tachycardic, or having arrhythmias. My family isn't as worried sick as they were about me. That's all great. However, I have nearly nonstop stupid, irrational thoughts about food, my body, gaining weight, etc. I'm physically VERY uncomfortable much of the time (thanks, GI system). I change my mind and decide to go back to restricting about 10 times a day (but I don't do it). My mind immediately goes to thoughts of self-harm and suicide after eating and when I feel like or think about how my body is changing. I have crazy mood swings and cry way too much. I feel like I'm having an extended episode of PMS. I'm very isolated and, most of the time, I don't even want anyone to see me. I could go on and on. I know I'm "doing the right thing," but it's definitely not all sunshine and roses.
Back to Erika - I'd never actually spoken with her until recently. I sent her a message letting her know how (I know this sounds cheesy as hell, but it's true) she inspired me and gave me hope that I, too, could find a way back from the hell I was living in. Her response to me, a total stranger, was so sweet and caring, I couldn't believe it. I cried like a babby. She let me know that, if I need someone to talk to, I can reach out to her. I only know her from what she's posted online, of course, and I'm not in any way trying to say that she's a perfect angel or something. But she is a fucking success story. She's beating the odds. And, unlike Aly, she's actually a REAL positive influence and a role model for her followers. I can only aspire to do so well in my own "journey" (I loathe that word) back to health.
TL;DR summary: Thank you, Erika. Fuck you, Aly.
No. 135489
>>135476THANK. YOU. i lost my period for almost a year and a half, but i was young enough that proper nutrition/health, etc., can reverse it.
Woot woot for bleeding and pain
No. 135494
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>>135476Yeah, I know. Too bad I've had to be on a high dose of proton pump inhibitors since I was 15 (I'm almost 27 now). I was put on them back before all of the news came out about how bad they are for you and how they fuck with your bones, but if I stop taking them, my reflux is unbearable and I develop ulcers and gastritis. I took calcium supplements religiously for years and my bone scans only got progressively worse. I haven't had a scan in a while now and I shudder to think what the results would be. Life lesson: eating disorders are bad, kids. Also, don't take PPIs from strangers. Actually, don't take them at all.
No. 135506
>>135056What's hilarious is that she keeps claiming that she doesn't know the calories of the meal plan, but then she'll let it slip that she's had too many calories.
Now, I think that's "too many calories" in her anorexic mindset, not the meal plan. But it still shows that she counts calories. So even if she was following a meal plan, there is no way she'd do it without counting calories of it.
No. 135515
>>135487I read it all!
>sometimes, the only person who can help you is YOU, and even though helping yourself can be really fucking hard when you're severely mentally ill, it's not impossible. That's so true. Mental health treatment is abysmal. My condition isn't an eating disorder, but one of the effects that was fucking up my life was agoraphobia. As an inpatient for x amount of months, the only thing I think helped was being given the right meds for depression. Out of the pit it was so frustrating wanting to live but not being able to even go out. The limited CBT sessions afterwards give you good advice how to deal with it but it really is up to you to persevere and do it yourself. It really is a slow and fucking difficult thing to do.
Anyhow, still got the mentals, but I got a life back. Still get setbacks, but that's normal.
Aly's joyful recovery, however, is far from normal.
I remember being told recovery takes patience and how difficult it is and I used to groan, but in retrospect I'm so grateful for the honesty. What aly's doing is kind of putting unreasonable demands on others to be as much a ~motivation worrior~ as she says she is and how it's such a breeze and she can shut out those "stupid" thoughts.
tl;dr fuck you, aly.
No. 135517
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Is this person talking about the stuffing in aly's bra?
No. 135541
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>>135516Awwww yeah.
I just did a Google Image search for "chocolate chip bar" to try to find an appropriate pic and got lost gazing at all of the beautiful brownies and shit. And then I realized…I was one step away from looking at #CHUNKPORN. #chipporn is OK, r-right guys? Right??? (pic related) I'm not aroused, I swear, just hungry and maybe drooling a little bit.
No. 135546
File: 1436511777811.png (1.19 MB, 658x1870, Aly 7-10-2015.png)

There's some Italian-language dramu going down on Aly's latest breakfast post…I ran it through Google Translate and attempted to clean it up a bit (I'm not fluent in Italian, sorry if this is shitty):
>michillotti: Can I tell you something without you getting offended? Because in any case it is not my intention to offend anyone. But why lie so shamelessly about the amount of food you are taking? What is the point?
>>michillotti: If you ate really even half of the things you post you'd be much better! It would make more sense…
>aly_realrecover @ michillotti: You think I make photos of food that I prepare by following a meal plan to the letter or go to the restaurant and then not eat? You realize that it's ridiculous / unfeasible?
>michillotti @ aly_realrecover: It would not surprise me sincerely because the portions that photographers do not eat even a person who weighs 100kg
>michillotti @ aly_realrecover: The point is that I do not understand what it may serve to do so…Fine, sorry for the controversy, hope it will bring you to reflect
>aly_realrecover: They are portions of a meal plan given to me by a dietitian DCA*; do you want to ask her? ;) If you have comments to write these things do not just follow me! Thank you and good day
>michillotti @ aly_realrecover: I do not need to ask anyone because not only she has studied nutrition, then you fall ill. Besides the fact that no one is saying that she has given you this diet. I only say that is unfeasible (anatomically and physically) you can take the amount of food. Calm down, if this is the problem I will not follow you anymore
>aly_realrecover @ michillotti: Ok, it was a pleasure and goodbye!
>michillotti @ aly_realrecover: And also accepts the comments you do not like, I do not understand why you are so stirred up. Maybe think it over. If you accept only the comments of the people you worship it is meaningless
*I think she means a dietician who is registered with the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (?)
Slow clap for michillotti, telling it like it is.
No. 135548
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I went back to the first thread and grabbed some pre-hospital pics to compare to- she's clearly not gained any weight. I think the only reason her face is fuller is that she's more hydrated.
Sorry for the shitty collage. I'm on mobile.
No. 135550
>>135542Hah, you beat me to it. But there's more! I did my best at translating.
>_elenasjourney: Ali do not listen to her! Honestly they do not seem exaggerated portions of food, I think they are right portions for those who must gain weight as you should eat according. @michillotti excuse? That is bho*, I see much better and I do not see why she should lie. @aly_realrecover Keep it up please!>michillotti @ _elenasjourney I assure you that if she ate even half of the things she photographs, she would not need to be hospitalized. In any case, if you go talk about it somewhere else, certainly not here in your profile. It does not seem right either. And in any case, perhaps it would be better not to give heed to you rather than to me. To tell her, "Well done…you are very good" does not solve anything!>_elenasjourney: But if she was hospitalized and given a food program do not think that she does not follow from! I'm talking about now since she was in the hospital, not before…I think it is followed by competent doctors, and I like many others have seen big improvements cmq* if you want to write me direct on>albanicola: (in English) She knows absolutely nothing about eating disorders and nutriens needed. Please educate yourself a little bit before writing things like those. @michillotti>michillotti @albanicola I guess you understand Italian. I do not speak English well and do so before. If you want to pretend not to understand what I'm saying go ahead, it is PHYSIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR HER STOMACH TO INCLUDE THOSE QUANTITIES OF FOOD. So please, before you advise others to learn, try to study something yourself!*I have no idea.
No. 135554
>>135506And, of course, she immediately responded with the number of calories in a Fortimel when someone asked her. You know she knows this shit off the top of her head. The anorexics I knew in treatment were, of course, obsessed with calorie-counting and trying to find the lowest-calorie food options, even if it meant cutting out only 5 or 10 calories (there was a lot of "OMG GUYS I snuck into the kitchen and found out that the PB&J sandwich is like 10 calories less than the cheese sandwich!"). The dieticians were constantly debating with people the validity of the way "exchanges" were calculated and getting in arguments over things like exactly what size orange qualifies as a "medium orange" or how our baked potatoes weren't all identical ("My potato's slightly bigger, NO FAIR! I'm not going to eat!"). Seriously, I never met an anorexic who was just like "whatever, I don't care how many calories are on my meal plan, and I'm going to eat as much as I want on TOP of my meal plan, too!" Not to say that they can't or don't exist, I'm just very, very surprised by and dubious about Aly's behavior.
No. 135571
>>135157Aly doesn't want to get better, but wants endless praise. That's why she does this. She insults the basic intelligence of everyone by keeping up this charade, she insults people that are struggling with EDs by saying they should just be ~happy carefree children~ who realize ~food is so DELISH~. You say you live with your parents. Aly is an adult and still being taken care of financially by others (I think she lives with her dad?).
She's an attention whoring, lying, disrespectful mooch. Yes, your life is shit, but is being a spoiled princess worth it if you're also an awful person? Anyway, I doubt she'll live for much longer.
I have a similar background to you. I totally understand that deep self loathing that comes with being unable to take care of yourself, with being a burden, with being incapable of being a functional human being. I get it. But, to be totally honest, I'm
glad I'm not Aly. I'm jealous of how much money she seems to have access to, but she's an awful person.
You might be an awful person too, I don't know, but you at least have some decency. You feel bad about inconveniencing others, you feel bad about hating some girl you don't even know in real life, you don't have an instagram that's basically a shrine to yourself, you don't insist that you're totes perf and people who are struggling just need to try harder. Morally, you seem to be a hell of a lot better than her. Be proud of that.
No. 135607
>>135603I like that michilloti person's pics. The holiday ones and the chihuahuas.
>>135541I'm aroused. When I saw that pic of aly's where she'd put some choc chips on her huge bowl of frozen Fortimel, I was so sad when I realised that after taking the photo she probably dumped the choc chips. Brownies don't do it for me, but these little square things are fine #closeupchipporn
No. 135610
>>135571Just adding that it's not especially weird for a 19 year old to still live with their parents in Italy, especially since apparently she doesn't need to transfer for uni, but I agree Aly has issues
>>135550If you post the originals, I'll happily translate them.
No. 135612
my favorite places
No. 135617
>>135554yea ~*zomg 3x inpatient*~ here and the best case scenario i've seen is one girl always ask for extra item during night snack.
other than that, everyone stuck to plan. maybe because everyone wanted out asap.
i never saw anyone on the tube and there were people probably in the low 70lb range.
again just restating no one was EVER aly's level of euphoric
No. 135627
>>135625God damn that sucks. Erika is trying her ass off and keeps getting more bad shit thrown her way.
Then we have Aly who doesn't have a care in the world besides her ED and lies her ass off.
>>135609Yes - she is somehow eating tons of calories and not putting on shit for weight at all. When your BMI is like fucking 10 she would at least have put on 10lbs or so by now.
To just maintain she would have to be eating like 900 calories or so. The two Fortimels would add up to around 500 calories alone if MFP is right. Add in all the super lush and oily food and she should be gaining so much faster. Sorry for the obvious information she just irritates me so much.
No. 135631
>>135609> These are portions from my nutritionist's meal plandoesnt mean you're eating them / keeping the food down
i think she is confused why people are commenting on her portions
aly we are not saying "wow why are you eating so much" we are saying "wow how can you eat that much and not gain?"
No. 135639
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If just one of her goddamn lemmings comments on how her legs look "better" I will lose my shit. How does she even walk on those disgusting sticks?
No. 135644
>>135639legs crossed, sitting in a chair and still thigh gap
walking dead status
No. 135650
>>135609Thank you, I felt like an idiot trying to cobble that together from Google Translate and dictionaries…
>>135625FUCK NOOOO!!! I didn't check her page for a while and was just hoping she was doing well in treatment and was away from all of the shitty family stuff that had been going on. I can't believe how much crap she's had to wade through ON TOP OF nearly dying from a severe chronic illness.
No. 135654
>>135627Erikas fundraiser link frustrating that she actually wants to get better but is having money problems, and that Rachael farrokh scammer raised 200K. Not to mention all of the gofundmes other nonsense on tumblr
No. 135656
>>135639>>135644Reporting that shit.
How many pictures can get taken down on an instagram account until it gets banned?
No. 135658
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>>135654Going to donate. Just can't decide how much. I'm tempted to give a lot, but I don't want to feel like a chump if Yustas just takes the money or something. I wish I could directly pay off some of Erika's bills. I totally would. I'm a relative poorfag, but she needs the money more than I do right now.
On the topic of Aly, dat not-so-subtle bragging about her follower count…stay classy.
No. 135677
Erika's going to bounce back after all this. She seems determined to dump the useless husband. She must be feeling stronger mentally now she's more nourished so that's going to help. I like how she really is honest about recovery. A few weeks ago she admitted that with other things going on she'd been neglecting her eating schedule a bit but was back on track.
>>135658I was just going to write
>>135675 No. 135771
>>135749>>135751I'm the anon who made that embarrassingly long post, and I just wanted to say thanks - I originally came here for the entertainment and stupid drama, but I've stayed because of the presence of truly kind, intelligent, supportive farmers. It sounds ridiculous, but really, without this site, I'm not sure I ever would have stopped wallowing in self-pity and gotten my ass into gear.
I started out following the Ashley threads and went on to find this bizarre community of super-disordered people on Instagram. I realized that I REALLY did not want to become one of those people, and my eyes were opened to the disgusting fact that I was pretty much already there. I'd just been shutting off my brain, autopiloting on toward death, and remaining in deep, deep denial about it all. It's been difficult, frustrating, and painful - again, NOT joyous (!) whatsoever - but I've finally started taking action to avoid becoming another miserable, bitchy, wheelchair-bound spoopy skeleton (or just plain old dead).
And Ash, if you're reading this, I want you to know that you're my "reverse thinspo" - you make me want to eat, not purge, and become a healthy and functional adult, because I never, ever want to end up like you. I'm truly sorry for whatever happened to you that shaped you into what you are today. Despite your many flaws, I really do wish the best for you. Your life must be hell, and even if you "brought it upon yourself," even if you're dragging other people through hell with you, even if you're actually a completely rotten person at your core, I still wish that you could heal. I want to believe that you just have a really bad case of the hangries and that, if you put what's left of your mind to it, you could at least regain enough of your health to be able to go to Japan NOT via air ambulance…
Oh, and I REALLY wish I had the cash to donate to Erika. What a mess of a situation. I feel guilty but also incredibly lucky for my mostly-supportive, non-abusive family (and lack of children).
No. 135796
File: 1436564803109.png (1.09 MB, 658x1802, DELETE DELETE DELETE.png)

kek, aly went on a deleting spree in the comments on that leg picture, but maybe she's logged off already, because there's a big fat comment (guessing it's from a farmer) that's been sitting there for a while now screaming "delete me!"
No. 135858
>>135800unfortunately truth doesn't seem to matter, as her fangirls carry on singing her praises regardless. that comment has already been followed up by more ass-licking:
>@aly_realrecover you are beautiful ❤ only 19 yo and so inpirational and strong. You inspire me so much, don't let the negative comments get you ❤ sending you much love from Sloveniayes, ignore the facts. such inspiration, so strenght, what an amazing recovery worrier. i just wonder how long this will go on and how it will pan out.
- will aly's account get deleted, and, if so, will she return?
- will she eventually get tired of playing the game and abandon her account?
- will she turn into another ash and keep updating her instagram with food pics and ~*~cute selfies~*~ from a wheelchair as she slooooowwwwwly withers away?
- will she suddenly die and leave everyone hanging, waiting for an update that will never come?
- will she actually really, really, really, for realsies this time, seriously "real recover"?
only time will tell!
No. 135873
>>135796I wish I could take credit for that comment, but it's not me.
If I was aly and SERIOUSLY really real recovering for real I'd leave that comment up. When I gained weight it'd be a big fuck you to all her doubters. As it is, she isn't really recovering and it'll be deleted, but I'll be looking for any responses before it is.
I donated to Erika when she created the account but jesus fuck I've got debt recovery on my back so can't help out financially. Anything non cash based I'd willingly help her out with if I could. If I had a $800 tacky Tiffany necklace from an ex to pawn, I'd do it.
No. 135876
File: 1436572483118.jpg (36.25 KB, 252x276, jfc.JPG)

What kind of sick fuck would think that's the reason someone would post "negative" comments.
No. 135902
>>135876My god all of these hangry chicks have severe brain deterioration. The whole point of @semantic.syntactic's comment is that Aly is NOT, in fact, eating "all this food".
You know the biggest thing that pisses me off is that she is getting away with practically admitting that she was in danger of refeeding syndrome after MONTHS of stuffing her face with oily pasta, entire pizzas, and whole pints of ice cream. WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID.
No. 135928
File: 1436577819876.png (164.43 KB, 1312x338, Screen Shot 2015-07-10 at 6.20…)

>>135876Pic related is who. Dat user icon…100% pure ED chick right there. Tell me I'm wrong.
Seriously though, I do not understand how people can be that dense.
No. 136016
>>135494It's awesome, isn't it? Let's see… would we rather have discomfort now plus increase the risk of esophageal cancer, or would we like to fuck our bones and have a B12 deficiency?
And silly me, I thought I wouldn't get stomach problems since I don't purge. Eating disorders are awesome.
No. 136031
File: 1436590445372.jpg (101.74 KB, 423x750, tumblr_nqzpaoudqF1rbh7czo1_500…)

This picture just seemed really relevant to this thread.
No. 136076
File: 1436596724648.png (1.67 MB, 657x3451, Aly 7-10-2015 2-2.png)

Fucking lol, this exchange is still going on and this idiot white knight is unbelievable. She was presented with a fuck ton of information on Aly's shenanigans and she doesn't refute ANY of it, she just says "I tend to live by the optimistic 'innocent until proven guilty' so if she states these things on her account, then I accept them." BUT WHYYYYY??? And hasn't Aly been "proven guilty" a great number of times? I just do not understand why people would believe these things unquestioningly when they're so full of holes and stuff like Aly's EXTREME comment moderation is going on right there for anyone who cares to watch. Did these people never learn about the concept of critical thinking? Ohhhh what a world.
No. 136105
File: 1436604432825.jpg (41.01 KB, 268x313, dat chest.jpg)

Oh gross her chest… reported.
No. 136113
File: 1436607035131.png (2.39 MB, 1080x1080, shooped.png)

>>135092Blurry bits circled …
No. 136121
File: 1436608292180.png (71.82 KB, 604x304, Screen Shot 2015-07-11 at 2.47…)

Dear fucking lord. These white knights. I am going to be sick. Are they all actually delusional? I just don't get it. They can't REALLY think that she looks like she's gained weight and is ~sooo much healthier~ than before, right? They can't REALLY believe every word that she says is the gospel truth, right? RIGHT?! How can you possibly trust someone when the proof of their lies is so blatant and all over the place? I can't make myself understand. Maybe I'm the one who's going crazy here. I don't know anymore.
No. 136127
>>136121It's probably a bunch a delusional Ana/ED girls who see Aly as an inspiration- in all the wrong ways. Aly proves that you can be a liar, that you can fake a recovery, and still be praised. That you can lie about eating LUSH (!) food and continue your old habits yet claim that you're sooo in recovery.
Basically it's many Anas' wet dream: Continue their ED behaviours secretly but also be praiseed for recovery.
No. 136150
File: 1436619147958.png (1.26 MB, 989x647, Capture.PNG)

Fixed that for you, brave ED worrior
No. 136171
>>136137i thought thats the shadow…
man farmers have a knack for seeing things in extreme detail, sometimes to a fault
No. 136224
File: 1436630198752.png (1.12 MB, 662x1799, Bitchy McBitch.png)

>>136210And she legitimately has people telling her that she looks better/healthier/GOOD and like she's gained weight. My jaw can't drop any further at this point.
I also can't believe what a nasty bitch she was in the comments here (see pic) - she then went back and deleted her own comment once she got called on how rude it was. Nice job, Aly. Nice job.
No. 136238
File: 1436632323340.png (4.11 MB, 2500x2000, OCDelicious breakfast time wit…)

I found a new source of OCDelicious photos: No. 136257
>>136171>>136149Oh, I wouldn't be critical if anyone else had a stained tablecloth. Aly seems to think she's above all and someone wrote a comment how she makes "all her meals look classy". I was thinking lol because she has chipped nail polish, lipstick on her teeth and chipped plates AND NOW, quelle horreur, a stained tablecloth.
I like the owls. They deserve better than to be coffee stained.
>>136150She looks hours away from death.
No. 136258
File: 1436634610638.jpg (10.9 KB, 244x47, duh.JPG)

The intelligence of her followers. She explained how she makes her frozen Fortimel (which most think it an INCREDIBLE ORIGINAL idea)…
No. 136259
File: 1436634804186.jpg (91.06 KB, 843x567, uh oh.JPG)

Is this how veganginger started with her recipes? How long until aly's putting spinach with milk?
No. 136278
i'm not defending aly but putting cookies and choc chips in a vanilla ensure-type thing isn't concocting jesus
No. 136308
File: 1436641846230.png (3.57 MB, 2500x2000, OCDelicious dinner time with s…)

>>136238Here's another from the same user. Dinner. ;_;
No. 136310
File: 1436641932912.jpg (34.52 KB, 254x278, uh.JPG)

Okay, so she's taking exaggeration to a whole new level. Trying so hard to sound like she eats SO MUCH.
No. 136316
File: 1436643224455.jpg (51.52 KB, 542x587, a.JPG)

She looks really ill. Those dark shadows, the colour and texture of her skin. How does she manage to get away with minimal "treatment"? Her face is getting hollow again. She looks fucked. How long until the most hardcore aly worshipper starts questioning why she looks so bad?
No. 136327
File: 1436644874711.jpg (74.11 KB, 641x654, 1.JPG)

I found this girl on vk. She was a member of one of the proana groups and she posts pics of her bonez.
I see she does ballet and I've noticed a few of the EDs from that area of the word are dancers or gymnasts. Where do they get the energy from when they're so weak?
Not a lolcow, seeing how proana doesn't seem to be considered a problem where she lives, but this is her No. 136346
>>136137Hey now, be nice.
She probably just spilled some vomit on there from her purge bowl.
No. 136351
>>136327No way they can dance. Their joints couldn't take the effort.
Bunch of liars, honestly, probably trying to make their lives more interesting for the internet.
No. 136359
File: 1436652923894.jpg (39.92 KB, 587x355, 1.JPG)

>>136351There're pics of her doing dance shows. I always wanted to be able to do the splits.
Aly needs to gtfo off the internet. Ash was a leech for cash but nobody looks at her and aspires to be her, whereas aly's way more damaging in that respect. We should petition instagram. She's a fkin danger.
No. 136367
>>136361It makes me sad because it reminds me of when giraffes slip and their legs break because they fall in this position.
If I had a daughter, there's no fucking way I'd get her into ballet (not being sexist, the men just seem more athletic build).
>>136363Fuck. Ouch. Yup, that's the reason people need some fat. Bones need to be cushioned.
>>136365She's a cow for putting herself up as thinspo, but I'm not sure if she qualifies as a lolcow in general because she isn't lying about her condition or scamming anyone. She's not putting herself out there as an e celeb, so…
Of course she's a dick though and definitely likes the attention from the skinny lovers on vk.
No. 136369
>>136349I kind of agree, but I also think that there comes a point where you just have to be responsible and avoid this sort of media if it
triggers you. And a more general point (that I'm sure wont make some people happy): I see a lot of people posting here who have struggled with EDs for years and are in their late 20s and on disability and they sound angry like they're projecting that on Aly. I dunno, I think you guys still have a chance to turn things around and that lurking here and being angry at Aly isn't productive. Aly is an idiot, and I report her pictures and hope that she gets deleted. But I feel like a lot of the anger towards her is misdirected anger and frustration that would be better used in working towards recovery. tl;dr Aly sucks, but if you're obsessively reading these threads because you're a chronic case and you're projecting your anger (from misspent years with the ED) at Aly then maybe it's time to take a hiatus.
No. 136371
>>136369Tbh, I've often wondered how the ED anons deal with being on the Ash/Aly threads. It's good to read about anons who see them as reverse thinspo, but I don't think I'd put myself through the risk of
triggering if I was in recovery or recovered.
I made the mistake of going on a crusade and trying to get self harm ig accounts taken down, but found that after a long time it was making me think and act on impulses. I didn't think it'd bother me, but yeah. I walked away.
No. 136390
>>136369>I see a lot of people posting here who have struggled with EDs for years and are in their late 20s and on disability and they sound angry like they're projecting that on AlyWell since it sounds like you're directly referring to me (the anon who, earlier in this thread, stated that they are nearly 27, on disability, and have struggled with a chronic ED), I'll just say that I don't find these threads "
triggering" in any way. Yeah, Aly makes me angry, but not "
triggered," and I don't see how that anger is a bad thing. It makes me try even harder to get myself away from being anything like Aly. I AM "working toward recovery," but I also have a lot of free time, and I spend some of it on lolcow. I don't see how I'm "projecting" wrt: Aly, though. I try to get her harmful shit taken down off of Instagram and I follow these threads, that's all.
No. 136392
>>136389Instagram really are a bunch of twats. I've seen more anti pro ana accounts taken down than the number of harmful accounts I've reported. So fuck em.
Tumblr - could be issues with identity , the way we had to refer to Ash as "A". If it was to happen then, yeah, blogger or sthing.
No. 136397
File: 1436658322365.png (8.47 KB, 496x215, vomvom.png)

>screenshot from Ashley's blog
I seriously just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
No. 136404
>>136392Hmm… Ash is A, so we'd need a new nickname or something. Like how questtorecovery was Sprout (though that was more a term of endearment from the OCDelicious crowd).
We could easily nickname her Lush or Delish or Sake (for the emoji). Any preferences?
No. 136423
File: 1436664830817.jpg (30.61 KB, 550x545, ocd.JPG)

This person exists on Greek yogurt, Quest bars and Starbucks. I really can't tell if she's reposting the same pics over and over again, her meals are so similar (pic related) anon might be interested.
No. 136453
File: 1436668313850.jpg (61.14 KB, 497x611, 1.JPG)

>>136449She has people gift hentai to her … plus she posted this on tumblr, although when she ever pays bills idk and no idea where her $ come from
No. 136463
>>136458it's not on her wishlist, but Neckbeard sent her some and she drops hints that she's into it. someone said they'd sent her a gift and she said "please no more porn", so idk.
i get the impression she doesn't get many gifts these days.
No. 136464
File: 1436670784873.png (408.77 KB, 473x531, veganvom.png)

No. 136474
File: 1436673759104.jpg (53.09 KB, 386x460, 1406232661969.jpg)

>>136399Who is Jackie? I want to see the face of this weirdo, also is there any proof this happened?
>>136399 No. 136480
File: 1436675329569.png (840.95 KB, 2000x2250, OCDelicious sexpresso time wit…)

>>136476There were sooooo many more photos, I had to limit myself here. I could have gone on and on.
No. 136487
>>136480For the love of all things redundant… @_@
Those photos could be turned into one of those photomosaics. It would be a photomosaic of a sexspresso, of course.
No. 136494
>>136487That would be awesome actually.
>>136489What, like a flipbook or something? It'd be all spazzy since she's not holding the cup in the same place consistently, unfortunately.
No. 136506
>>136392Any idea how much do we have to cover up her identity to post about her? Like if I post photos from her Instagram, do I have to blur out her username?
>>136413Ha, I like aLie!
No. 136512
>>136474Seriously, anyone ever seen a photo of Jackie? Is ash the only one to mention her name?
And I thought of a better nick name. FortimAly or fortimel Queen
No. 136522
File: 1436692582582.png (864.12 KB, 2100x2400, OCDelicious PM snack with reco…)

>>136480And some PM snacks. So redundant.
No. 136538 we talked about the hclf vegans?
like this girl is "recovered" from her ed and her poor starving body is obviously crying out for something other than raw fruit because it's not digesting that 3500 calories very well
this just seems like a way to binge without worrying about it. i mean she ate 2kg+ of papaya in one go. her poop must be insane
No. 136547
>>136539How can she think she's healthy if her lips go blue in warm melbourne winters.
It doesn't even snow there. I mean it's 11 degrees there right now.
No. 136556
>>136538She looks perfectly healthy to me.
>>136540Being a hclf vegan myself, I can say that it is a pretty amazing lifestyle. I feel a million times better health wise and have so much energy; I really enjoy eating lots of wonderful fruit and have meals that are cruelty free meaning my conscience is clear.
No. 136562
>>136560Did you miss the part where she says she's recovered from an eating disorder.
That's not weight restored.
You sound orthorexic.
No. 136564
>>136556HCLF veganism is a weird ana cult
you tards are starving yourselves of vital nutrients. HCLF vegans are literally afraid to eat nuts. they eat 0 protein. this is idiotic
No. 136586
>>136584her skins looks dehydrated and like an old persons tho. like it's paper thin.
her hair is nice though but i wonder how much of that is hairspray and expensive products. and i wonder how it looks in real life and not just posed in pics.
No. 136592
>>136527>>136552>>136553>>136554Why thank you. I'm having fun with it. I don't know what I'll do with them…I keep wanting to make bigger, better collages…
>>136535She goes to Starbucks 3x/day sometimes and often mentions that the baristas must hate her for always getting that damn Frankendrink. I have no idea how they even charge people for that thing. Real venti Frappuccinos are what, $4-$5?
No. 136597
>>136592I used to have a bad starbucks habit. Not even an ED thing. I did it for the caffeine/ease. Now I just buy shitty coffee in bulk and drink a few cups in one sitting to start my day.
PSA for coffee drinkers: DO NOT brush your teeth directly after drinking coffee. I'm dealing with some teeth issues now because of that. FML. Ignorance is costly
No. 136618
File: 1436714539937.jpg (195.55 KB, 990x634, 94275482.jpg)

Aly is not all fake sunshine and fake rainbows today and I really fucking like it.
No. 136620
>>136618She's found out people are suspicious of her JOYFUL CHILD act so she's throwing some depression in.
The way she writes i love you at the end makes me cringe.
No. 136621
File: 1436714758064.gif (601.74 KB, 300x300, spazzyhand.gif)

>>136522your collages are the bomb.
>>136587the autism is strong with this one.
No. 136622
Seriously, you need to do something with these things.
I'm going to search really hard for more collage material for you. This is going to take a lot of beating though.
No. 136629
>>136620That's perhaps true, but one of the most harmful thing she does is make it seem like ALL recoveries should be beautiful and positive ALL the time or it's just a fake recovery. I'd love to see her cut that shit out more than anything.
As long as she claims to be struggling with eating food, she can keep lying about eating it. She'll get caught in those lies anyway–either by her parents or death.
The fake-as-fuck positivity can go though. Stop making others feel like failures because they can't put on such a front all the time, you know?
No. 136644
File: 1436716552593.jpg (51.32 KB, 575x574, ahg.JPG)

this pic is scary. her body size compared to her head.
No. 136649
>>132424As somebody who actually scrapes by monthly for food and dire necessities, this really pisses me off. When I just got my glasses recently, after going a year without any after my pair broke, I got the cheapest ones I could. I think they cost around $30 - $50 and have some shitty design on them as a result. Fuck this stupid cunt. If she was really as poor as she claims, she wouldn't be spending almost $200 on a pair of glasses.
Sorry for the blog post, but this shit makes my blood boil.
No. 136655
File: 1436718121867.gif (734.58 KB, 200x200, spazzy starbucks.gif)

>>136624here's another. looks like she's shaking it like a maniac.
No. 136656
>>136655or Parkinson's Disease
>>136649I think it' stupid to pay that amount on a first pair of specs. I've worn specs/contacts since I was a kid (well, contacts when I was a teen), and it wasn't until late 20s I bothered to save up for a nice pair after always going for the cheapest range at my opticians. If I barely went outdoors or didn't need to wear them full time, there's no way I'd spend a lot. I just get the lenses replaced when my prescription changes (upside of more expensive specs is I actually look after them better and so far haven't sat on them).
No. 136738
>>136689There are three theories out there:
1. She doesn't realize that "super oily" has a negative connotation in the English language,
2. She wants to appear like she's eating a TON of LUSH calories,
3. She's so deluded that she thinks everything is oily (specifically, her mother uses a normal amount of cooking oil so stuff doesn't stick to the pan, and that's a HUGE amount to Aly).
No. 136776
>>135796"guessing it's from a farmer"
lol you left that comment obviously because the X is next to it to delete it.
No. 136830
>>136113OT, sorry, but everyone is nicely dressed in that pic.
Why must murica be so lazy.
>>136316Must be exhausting to post all this food you are pretending to eat all day kek
No. 136854
>>136839What about smegma?
Is she still gone and boring? I really wonder what she looks like currently.
No. 136895
>>136857To be fair, native English speakers say they're depressed when they're feeling brief sadness.
But I completely agree that she seemed to be trivializing depression, especially when she was sad for half a day and then perked right up. (Of course, that was after ice cream, so it may have been the purge-induced euphoria.)
No. 136901
File: 1436775111450.jpg (13.15 KB, 299x85, throat punch.jpg)

>>136895Then again… going through her old shit and found this comment. I know it's a common stance to have, but it's usually a stance people who don't have and/or don't understand depression take.
So my vote would now be "no, she definitely doesn't have depression."
No. 136944
File: 1436791876937.jpg (603.95 KB, 1227x1260, Untitled.jpg)

NEW and IMPROVED aly with 10% more lush & oily selfies.
No. 136946
>>136901i think if you are severely depressed/anxious to the point that it affects you physically (ie anorexia or other issues) then at least TRY anti-depressants.
yes there are all different kinds and affect everyone differently, but i feel like they teach you "wow i can go outside/eat food/talk to others/enjoy my life without crippling sense of despair" so that once you get off the pills, you realize its possible. when you are so deeply depressed you dont even think its possible to reclaim life.
No. 136978
>>136958the smaller container is the same calories.
it has more calories per mL.
regular = 1.5cal/mL
compact: 2.5cal/mL
No. 137047
>>137043It wasn't too hard for me to hide my ED from family (until i passed out from malnutrition or something), all i did was pretend to eat meals by taking them in my room.
I'd literally just have bags of uneaten food in plastic bags, and I'd wait till nighttime to dump them.
Rinse and repeat till the lies catch up with you.
(Sorry 4 derail.)
No. 137055
>>137043It could be that she spits bites into her napkin. That's just the tip of the iceberg of ED tricks.
For her family's sake, I hope it's merely that she ate the meals at the restaurant and restricted later.
I feel so bad for her brother and mother. They look like nice people. Her brother is only 13, and his eyes already look so sad in pictures he takes with Aly.
No. 137058
>>136946I thought I had a handle on my depression up until I started taking anti-depressants. When you're so fucked up for so long, you start thinking of it as normal.
I hate when people tell horror stories about how they took anti-depressants and had a bad reaction, therefore NO ONE SHOULD EVER TAKE THEM. Motherfucker, I took birth control pills and had a bad reaction, that doesn't mean no one else should take them. Different meds affect different people differently.
(I starting taking anti-depressants because I'd developed postpartum depression and psychosis. I was 100% against anti-depressants up until that point.)
I wouldn't be surprised if Aly is depressed. We know she's fucked in the head, but she isn't exactly honest about her imperfections, so our armchair psychiatry is mostly speculation.
No. 137089
File: 1436816240729.jpg (551.23 KB, 1370x1190, REALrecovery.jpg)

She's definitely losing weight. Here's a shitty collage showing her totes real recovery.
>>137047I think most/all of us assume she's not eating in private. The question is what she does when she's eating with other people. Does she spit her food into a napkin as
>>137055 said, does she purge, does she
only eat with other people, does she fiddle with her food the whole time and then claim she's full?
No. 137091
>>137089Her teeth look too healthy to vomit, maybe she abuses laxatives.
Probably a fiddler though.
No. 137120
>>137118are they perfect though? have you been to a dentist? 7 years on bulimic, my teeth werent perfectly white but they didnt hurt or look fucked up or anything at all and now i need 2 root canals and 3 crowns.
just my advice but go to a dentist just to be safe. otherwise you lucky, girl
No. 137127
>>137118Uh, ignore this if this is inappropriate or
triggering, but what does 'using water to purge with [your] stomach muscles' mean?
>>137120>>137124>>137125Some people just have much stronger teeth than others. I brushed my teeth maybe once a year from the ages 14-19 and two years later, my teeth are still fine. I would go to the dentists for my yearly cleaning – brushing my teeth for the first time a day before the appointment – and they would gush over how healthy my teeth were, and how I clearly took very good care of them. It's a genetic crapshoot. Really stupid to assume that everyone who purges has shit teeth.
Also, my guess is that Aly purges, but infrequently. I think that if she eats out with her family and has more food than she'd like, she'd purge then, but that would be maybe a couple times weekly at absolute maximum. I don't think that would fuck your teeth up that badly.
No. 137132
>>1371271. chugging water and vomiting it back up to wash the food out of the stomach. DO NOT DO THIS DIPSHITS. DO NOT. YOU CAN DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
2. sorry but 8 years, gotta be some damage at least moderate
No. 137139
>>137132MPA service announcement thanks
but true advice
even though i used method #1 for all 7 years and here i am
No. 137168
File: 1436828164938.jpg (214.66 KB, 733x1600, dcs-2232b_2z.jpg)

>>137139Lite salt for you
No. 137172
File: 1436828974430.png (101.62 KB, 1196x312, yep sure.png)

lol @ "ask them if you don't trust me" - how can anyone at all believe her by this point?
No. 137173
File: 1436829141445.png (135.96 KB, 1218x420, day hospital program she said.…)

>>137172annnnnd "day hospital program," fucking lol. who does she think she's fooling when she posts pics of her doing shit obviously NOT being in a "day hospital program" all day erryday???
No. 137176
>>137172I know she's being rhetorical, but sure Aly, give me their name and number. I -will- ask them. Because no, you are not gaining weight, and until a professional tells me such, I won't believe it.
(Of course, even then I'd be skeptical due to scale-fooling tricks…)
No. 137204
>>137193>I don't know. I can't take it >anymore. I might have to stop >following this thread cause it >gives me so much fucking rage. Seriously. The anons who post here with EDs are really harming themselves by following this thread and seem irrationally angry at times at this girl. You're not the first one who's said something similar.
>Two years later I'm in the >healthiest relationship of my >life, finishing school and >looking for jobs to be a real, >contributing member of society.That is awesome. Keep it up! Be proud of your recovery. And if you need to protect it by staying out of here, then you do you.
No. 137212
>>1371761. someone should actually ask for the info of her "specialists"
2. how the fuck do you "fool" a medical instrument in the presence of medical doctors
No. 137213
>>137204I dunno if the anger is irrational, but i do agree that girls with EDs should be wary of this thread.
I personally don't post here that often, because its hard for me to see some of these girls so thin and not recovering too.
No. 137221
>>137168Thanks i needed that so i dont die while flushing
No. 137233
>>137124>>137125>>137149Too lazy to reply to all the comments but I have a cleaning every 6 months and an X-ray every year since that's what my insurance covers. also got my wisdom teeth removed a couple months ago.
Even if my teeth are "still damaged" and you can only see it through an X-ray the point of my fucking post is you might not be able to tell if aly has been purging for a couple months.
But I think I'll just continue to lurk this thread just to see if any of them die because fuck contributing, you all are the angriest cunts on lolcow by far.
No. 137253
I'm non ED so aly doesn't make me angry in the same way she must recovering anons. She doesn't really make me angry as such, but her downplaying of the bitch it is dealing with mental health issues pisses me off. I hadn't read that comment she made about how anti depressants are never needed because you have the strenght inside you. Bullshit. So I can relate to that feeling that she's making people feel shitty or weak for doing things she says as an expert she wouldn't. She's probably worried anti depressants would give her the munchies.
Also dislike intensely her shitty personality and way of treating people.
I'm sticking around because I want to see what happens 6 months from now (if she's still alive) and she's still a skeleton and trying to pass off that she's gaining weight.
>>137193> I've been struggling a lot lately and seeing Aly seemingly live a normal life while she's thinner than I ever was is fucking with my head. Probably best you don't follow her, but remember she isn't living normal life. She's putting staged photos up on ig with a lot of lies about how well she's doing. She'll be feeling like death a lot of the time. She thinks people on ig really care but they don't and she spends way too much time obsessing over a stupid account.
You beat it and I don't want this dumb bitch to make you ill again. I don't really give a fuck what happens to her because even without her disorder I imagine she's a hideous person.
No. 137310
>>137233Okay, while people may have sounded a little malicious, their point is that it is impossible to be unaffected by purging. I think they just wanted to make sure you knew that.
I'm sorry, but I do agree with that. Your teeth may be okay now, but it won't remain that way forever. Just be as careful as possible.
No. 137366
File: 1436879151802.png (439.98 KB, 795x605, Capture.PNG)

>>137233Less than 1 year of purging using your method. My teeth looked awesome too and I've always taken care of them: floss, brush, xylitol gum. Never binged. Only occasional purging.
Appearance doesn't say much about the health of your teeth. Just saying. You probably have more problems than you think, and I'm sure your insides are fucked too.
No. 137373
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Aly is on her 4th coffee today. Definitely not suppressing hunger or cravings….
She might have a heart attack from all that fucking caffeine in her tiny body.
Outside of coffee I'd say she's had like 500 cals today. And that's being generous. #reallyfakerecovery
No. 137376
>>137233People may have been "the angriest cunts" about it but I agree with them. You cannot purge for 8 years and not expect damage and digestive enzymes are always present in puke. You seem a little sensitive so maybe you shouldn't contribute though.
I assume Aly only eats in front of people and then restricts the rest. She could be purging but sensitive anon is right about the fact it can take awhile to show.
No. 137378
>>137373Oh fuck, now
that'd be interesting. She blames her fainting on the heat, but how would she pass off a heart attack as ~totally NOT her ED~ ?
No. 137391
Ironically, aly is hogging the #noproana hashtag on ig.
I found potential collage fodder. Borderline/full on OCD recovery person. She writes on bananas and posts too many Starbucks strawberry smoothies. No. 137392
>>137391i think those are just homemade smoothies in a starbucks tumbler so at least she's not spending hundreds of bucks on smoothies?
wtf at the writing on bananas though
No. 137442
>>137415I was wondering how she'd suck that up with a straw. It'd make her ears bleed! Looks more like a sorbet.
>>137426It bothers me too, but it's an irrational thing where I kind of think the ink could leak into the banana. It doesn't seem right to write on food with ink.
No. 137456
>>137445I agree the rants itt are unnecessary and have lots of projection buy i still find those threads fun, specially seeing her own followers turn against her.
When she stops being funny people will stop talking about her, like they stopped talking about ash.
No. 137474
>>137469It's also therapy in a way for me. A kind of reality check so that if I start to display any of this behaviour I know to get in touch with my psychiatrist for a review.
>>137471The doctor called for a weight check? Of course she'll report that she's healthy and gaining…as i obvious
ahem No. 137534
>>1375082fab4ana crying
Some of her other tags were 2cool4ana and recoverforboobs
No. 137577
>>137445Completely agree. There is nothing lulzy or entertaining about Aly, Sprout, or Ginger. They're just sad, pathetic girls going through the same shit a lot of farmers apparently have. They don't really engage in drama and are mostly depressing.
On top of that, these threads are now full of shit posting and personal whining and take days to catch up on for no reason. I really wonder if it's just the same people constantly posting, because it reads that way.
No. 137589
>>137577Ignore the thread then
>>137583Doubt that
No. 137627
>>137505Boy!! Her proud of dem sternum bones!!
No. 137631
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>>137627aye. show em off more with that tensing up thing.
Having a catfight with someone as skinny as she who is as fond of her legs as irecover is of her ribs# No. 137632
>>137631sunnyaliss 2 weeks ago
>You comment on each other's bodies instead of taking care of your own body. You are so much focused on other people's recovery - so how can you find time for yourself? yet trawls other accounts to comment on their skinniness
No. 137639
>>137583wtf? i think you're way off on that assumption. I've never spoken to her, let alone been friends with her. i think most ppl in these threads would say the same.
>>137577so then why are you still reading them?
No. 137695
>>131508Theories include:
- her online friends
- her neckbeard lover
- her mom actually has enough money and just doesn't let ash spend it on binge food
- her disability paycheck
No. 137700
>>137505Shit, you could make a collage out of her repetitive "look at my skinny arms and chest bones–I mean food! Look at my food that I
totally ate!" photos.
No. 137702
>>137577probably is the same few morons who think we're actually interested in reading shit that should be left to their personal diaries, but then again 99.9% of the ~*~speshul snowflake~*~ eating disorder stories/"my recovery journey" posts etc are practically identical so who knows
seriously y'all need to wake up and realize that your mental illnesses don't make you look cool or interesting or whatever you think you're going for, they just make you look like pathetic, attention-seeking fools. i don't know if pathologically telling your life story to every single fucking person ever is a side effect of brain damage from starvation or what, but seriously, just stop and leave
No. 137707
>>137577Yes and the same shitposting about how there is nothing funny happens at least once a week. It is the fucking internet if you don't like this one small section then ignore it.
I only really hate Aly because the say she talks down about people struggling. I am sure she is miserable too but there is no need to make your followers feel like shit especially given that many are likely younger girls.
Ash hasn't really been doing anything besides getting a tattoo when she says she is poor. Stupid yes but she is likely as good as dead so if it makes her happy it is whatever.
No. 137718
>>137707I think it's ok to not want this board to suck and be annoyed at posts going hard downhill.
Anyway, how did Ashley get a ride to her tattoo? That's not a taxi she's in (looks like a front passenger seat with a seatcover). I really want to know why her mom doesn't force her to get help. She has to be hardcore enabling.
No. 137722
>>137713lol not so with ana. its a competition with those girls, when they see you gain, they feel better about themselves for staying skinny, yet at the same time, they want you to suffer as much as they are so they constantly go around
triggering relapses in each other and cursing each other with "fatness" so they can be the skinny one of the group.
ana friends aren't real, they're the first to stab you in the back and suck you back into the disorder.
No. 137735
>>137732This. When people say "you look so much healthier" an ana chick is going to interpret that as "you look fatter". These sick girls need to not have ANY feedback about their physical appearance, full stop. There is no right thing to say to them. Saying they look sick and disgusting makes them feel like failures and saying they look better
triggers them and makes them feel fat or can cause a relapse.
The first step in any supervised recovery should be no unsupervised Internet access whatsoever.
No. 137755
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>>137475Holy shit. I knew she was predictable, but
wow all the same.
No. 137766
>>137702This is a bug bear of mine. I've known one girl from a music forum for over 10 years and she's a fb friend. All this time she's found an illness to go on and on about. She kind of forgets she has the previous illness when a new one comes around. All her posts are about being a "disabled spoonie" although she spends a lot of time jaunting around Europe on travels.
(Oh yeah, one of her past ~struggles~ was apparently an eating disorder).
Oh yeah, it always has to be the "latest trendy illness", or something rare.
>>137707I kinda left Ash alone because I really do think she's on her last legs. The message was put out that she was scamming and I think it worked to some extent.
No. 137794
>>137755That doesn't even look like the same burger from her earlier post. She either removed all the bacon and dripping cheese, or maybe the mcbacon was really her brother's and she's pictured here with a plain hamburger, no lush condiments.
> Day Hospital Control (badge emoji? )What does that even mean? It sounds a lot like weight, vitals, and labwork. How will she convince the doctor that she's gaininglife if her vitals are in the shitter and if her labwork results come back next week and she tests positive for being fucked? (It's a given that she'll be trying to fool the scale)
No. 137795
>>137733that's different though, because she's actually recovering
…also she's actually really beautiful…
shields self No. 137797
>>137746i can see it now
a sea of middle aged women engulfs lolcow
the first post is made:
" search engine"
No. 137852
>>137795I agree. The comments Erika gets about being beautiful are usually about her face anyway because she rarely shows her body (which she's actually becoming proud of).
>>137807I'm not saying the issues that led to Sprout's illness aren't major to her. Obviously they were. But reading her ~my story~ the main issue was weight control at an early age, then she relapsed because some guy she had a crush on at school found out and everyone teased her.
If she didn't have her pathetic "I don't believe in therapy" attitude, she could deal with her issues better than someone who, say, endured years of physical or sexual abuse as a child.
I hope she decides to become an adult, but the longer she leaves recovery, the more her brain's going to get fucked and stay at the age of an immature 16 year old (see Ash for eg).
No. 137855
>>137853They don't need their own threads. It's much better to have general ED threads.
And fuck. I didn't even see that icovery was only 14. That's so fucking sad.
No. 137875
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>>137855Yeah, general ED thread is enough. Too many anons complaining about having this ONE as it is.
No. 137934
>>137887>>137855Yeah I nearly fucking died when I saw it. I found her IG a few days before this thread and noped right out of there. Poor kid.
>>137875 yeah that's a fair point.
Could someone give me a tldr on sprout and gingerthulu?
No. 137943
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No. 137954
File: 1436938296178.png (127.84 KB, 1210x272, Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 10.2…)

WTF even is this "Day Hospital Control" supposed to be? Control, like in a scientific experiment? And yeah, right, you're "not allowed to have anything else for #breakfast." I'm sure that's exactly what's going on. Your "day treatment" program that totally exists and is 100% legit said, "No, Aly, even though you're hungry and want so badly to eat tons of lush, oily food so you can gain weight, you can only have coffee and cigarettes this morning. Stimulants only; no calories. Starve, bitch, starve!"
No. 137968
>>137954The experiment being conducted is meant to test the hypothesis that #realrecovery from eating disorders is a status obtained primarily through regularly maintaining the attitude of a 'joyous child.' Foods of 'lush' and 'oily' composition will be administered in massive quantities to two sample groups being tested in this experiment: Group I will consume these edibles while sustaining the mindset of a 'happy, joyous child,' while Group II will be administered the same amount of food as the first two groups, but will not consume any of it, instead opting to think happy thoughts in lieu of nutrition.
We at Second Day Hospital Control ™ predict this experiment to end in favour of Group II, proving things twofold: most significantly, that #realrecovery is facilitated not by the amount of food consumed or the amount of weight gained. Rather, we hope to conclude that #realrecovery is instead attained by the amount of positivity the anorectic subject radiates (hereby being measured objectively by the amount of emoticons used in their writings). Despite our expectations for Group II to continue losing weight due to never eating anything, garnering numerous other health complications as a result and eventually dying an excruciating, early death, none of that matters, because the subject will be a 'joyous child' in his mind. The scientists at Second Day Hospital Control ™ feel justified in deeming Group I to be a lot of utter duffers, failing miserably at their tasks to eat their 'lush,' 'oily' food.' Instead of simply being positive, they dwelled on misery and their ridiculous fears of fatness, impurity, contamination, and other silly thoughts which they simple refused to 'just get over' with the magic of joy and sunshine. Clearly, we may conclude that eating is not the way to recover from eating disorders.
In conclusion, in order to facilitate #realrecovery, subjects will be encouraged to never eat anything and instead constantly maintain a mental mantra of happy thoughts. If the subject thinks a sad thought for even a second, they are complete failure, and they deserve to be fat and ugly. Positivity is the only way, baby!
No. 137982
>>137934Ginger is as crazy as ever.
Eilish still doesn't have her instagram back and has stopped posting on EilishEats.
However, I discovered that she is far too easy to find online and I now agree with
>>137737 that she needs all internet access taken away from her, holy fuck. She last tweeted 15 hours ago, so she's alive/fine.
No. 137992
>>137991How old is this one?
She buys 2 bikinis even though she never puts them on in front of people, even though she puts them on, takes a selfie wearing them and posts them on a public ig account. Oh dear.
No. 137993
>>137992And the emaciated arm strategically placed to cover neither her ribs or her hipbones.
No. 138008
>>138003>1.2kg in the last 15 daysslow clap WOW I am floored, considering the rate of weight gain at a lot of treatment facilities is more like 1-1.5 kg/week and Aly's "weight gain" is probably mostly/all water.
>"Croissants are still kinda a fear"Really? 'Cause she sure was "eating" a lot more "scary" crap (including various HUGE (!) lush oily pastries, candies, and desserts) before she went into the hospital. Huh.
And yeah, she ate breakfast at the hospital, maybe for fasting blood tests or maybe because they wanted her to eat an observed meal (I doubt her alleged "day treatment" program is that responsible). Who knows. She didn't have to ~only have coffee and cigarettes~ for breakfast like she was making it seem.
No. 138016
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So her "Day Hospital Program" didn't even last until lunch…hmmm…sure doesn't seem like much of a "day treatment" program to me. Sounds like she had an outpatient appointment in the morning and that was it. I wish she'd stop leading people on and making it seem like she's actually in a full-on treatment program.
No. 138044
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>>137943Found your cheese and bacon
No. 138100
>>138093That weird closeness with her brother makes me wonder if he helps her with her deceit. Maybe she bullies him or pays him off.
2lb gain really is fuck all. I posted earlier about having a fucked thyroid and have to eat 1000 calories a day to maintain my weight or else I gain. I thought I was being harsh saying it was fuck all only gaining 2lbs when I could do that in 2 days if I had 2 Fortimels with my usual meals, but I really do think she's not eating what she claims. Absolutely not.
No. 138135
>>138044Yeah that's what I figured was going on. That's so awkward, though. I'm just imagining the interchange:
>"Hey, let me take a closeup of your burger!" >"Again, Aly? What do you even do with all of these photos you take of my meals? Okay, I guess, but can you hurry it up and stop touching and rearranging my food? It's getting cold…">>138096I assumed it was either that whoever she was allegedly seeing at the hospital wanted to do fasting blood tests or that they were actually going to have her eat a supervised meal there (how does she get out of that? I thought that was a component of just about every ED treatment program). It just seemed weird that Aly made it sound like ~omg they wouldn't let me have any breakfast except my coffee and cigarettes boo hoo~ and then later she posted…breakfast! (a wee croissant and more coffee, of course)
So, what I'm gathering is that her "day treatment" program involves her going in for an appointment what, once a week? Maybe twice? And she only stays there for a very brief part of the day, as evidenced by her photos of the rest of the non-hospital-y stuff she did afterward. Clever. She could at least
pretend that she was staying at the hospital for more than just a little while in the morning.
No. 138143
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>>138123There isn't a psychological component, though! You just need to use strenght and be joyous and positive. Any "mental health" problems you have will vanish. Just don't listen to "Ana" (or your depression, your schizophrenia, whatever) - it really is that simple!
No. 138159
>>137943At what age should a child of normal intelligence be able to look at her face and realize she's putting on a fake smile?
And how old are these people completely unable to realize she's putting on a fake smile?
No. 138170
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When was her first relapse? I've been looking through old pics of her and can't find any where she looks like she was ever at a good weight. Was her first recovery the farce we saw pre her 2nd close to death hospital admission?
No. 138175
>>138170The first relapse (the only one she directly admits to) was back in the fall sometime. That's why she looks a bit better then.
Then she went back to "real recovery" for a few months before relapsing all over again, except that she never admits to it this time. As far as I can tell, it happened sometime around January or February, judging by the additional weight loss.
No. 138217
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>>138202To be fair to this guy, he's got nothing on alice_eleanor's attention whoring ways.
No. 138222
>>138192I find it odd she had FIGHTER tattooed in English.
>>138170For someone who has body issues, she loves tight clothes. Could those crotch skimming jeans be any tighter?
>>138217Can't decide if he's gay or not. Not that it matters, but they seemed close even around the time she had a boyfriend. I know she's very tactile, but I wouldn't particularly be keen on a straight male best friend posting how gorgeous I am (which I am ofc) on an ig comment when I've got a boyfriend.
No. 138225
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>>138170At the beginning of that alice_eleanor Instagram account (over 2.5 years ago), she looks like she was at a normal weight. Her face, tho…
No. 138234
>>138170she looks normal here though…??
dem jeggings -_-
No. 138238
>>138234>>138236In that pic she looks okay. It looks like she's always been careful what she eats to stay slim and maybe that's the problem.
No, I don't understand how she really thinks she's something special at any weight. Could be an attention thing. I feel bad for her brother because I imagine most of her parents attention is focused on her when he's about to hit puberty and all the shit that comes with that.
I wish she didn't have a shitty personality so I didn't dislike her so much.
No. 138283
>>138222She does love tight clothes and showing off her body. I'm still not over the fact that I've seen her camel toe. Not enough brain bleach in the world, sadly.
>>138224I think some people just wanted to make sure she was alive.
No. 138285
>>138281Yeah. I was confused. Old age, y'know :(
His tags are similar though, the followforfollow thing, almost as if they were trying to get noticed together. My mistake.
>>138283Camel toe = nothing. Pray we never see her #assholegap. NO, ANON, YOU HAVE SCARRED ME FOREVER WITH THAT IMAGE.
I'm glad Sprout's not active on the internet. I hope she's working things out in her head after DTing from internet. I'd love to see her back 6 months down the line and she's all healthy and adult. Not sure what the chances are, but there's hope.
A while ago an anon said that Eilish was the one they thought had most chance of recovery out of all these people on the thread. I was like hmm idk, but maaaaaybe.
No. 138368
>>138290So happy for her!
If you read this Erika, I'm proud of you.
No. 138371
>>138285It's all good about the mistake. It was probably more that you didn't check out his instagram rather than old age. ;)
Oh gosh, I hope we never see her assholegap. No thank you! The camel toe shouldn't be too bad, but it's Aly, so that might be why it bothers me, hah.
I'm also glad that Sprout isn't as active. She has posted on her Twitter, but she hasn't posted on Instagram or blogs, which is great. I hope it's a step forward. She claims that blogging everything lets her vent, but I really think it just drives her further into her ED, especially when she's getting praise for eating so little.
I hope little Sprout can recover. She needs to give up some of her stubbornness though, accept that therapy can be helpful, and realize what is her disorder. (Mainly, realize that no, the lower-calorie option does not taste better; that's just her ED talking. The therapy would help her sort out what is her ED and what is truly her.)