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No. 796483
General thread for alternative cows. Featuring:
-It's Black Friday
-Toxic Tears and Jake Munro
-Avelina de Moray
-Adora Bat Brat
-Kat Von D
-minor cows: Sebastian Columbine, Dre Ronayne, Erin Micklow, Drac Makens
-new cows: Jude Bishop, Kady Rae
Previously on alt cows:
>Ruadhan guy calls out IBF. Goff YTers and their dog jump on drama
>Moray joins in then does miscarriage vid to prove she's above it
>TT defends her sellout self
>Jake models, is roasted. Song about bad home life. Ariana cover & MM ripoff vid
>herbs kisses IBF's ass, copies Angela's vids
>IBF/Matt both cheated. He's a player, she msged Owl. Divorce now done.
>IBF may repeat sham marriage in Scotland, rn still homeless but has time for festivals
>Adora strings along sireplague and coalcandy
>Kat antivax secretly now, makes #vegan palette with old shades.
>Bishop is a ddlg edgelord. Kady maybe self-posted, shit mom and attention whore.
>Seb still fake ace. Dre and Erin still posers. Drac still on break.
No. 796526
>>796513Is that four tattoos she's currently getting rid of? She's having laser on three others. Always seemed impulsive to me, very teen-like despite being a married mother..
She's one of those that attaches herself to fads like unicorns, mermaids, a disney character and uses it to cover a lack of character herself? She seems mostly harmless though.
No. 796537
>>796502Well I was almost gonna use that picture of cement? Paint? On Jake's teeth
>>796525Her recent posts are interviews and her wedding anniversary?
>She's one of those that attaches herself to fads…to cover a lack of character herselfThat's most of the cows here kek. Especially those using g0ff to be more interesting, instead of them being interested in it ("goff isn't the music, cos i don't like it and i still wanna be goff!")
No. 796546

>>796537> That's most of the cows here kek. Especially those using g0ff to be more interesting, instead of them being interested in it ("goff isn't the music, cos i don't like it and i still wanna be goff!")Well said anon. It's so flipping true. I mean that's why people like Angela & Ruadhan aren't exactly cows despite what some anons may believe. Because while they are Goth, you can tell they have genuine interest in it and don't use it to make them interesting. They both come off as having actual personalities and have lots to share about their experience with the scene as opposed to being a running QVC ad or mess of life considering hey don't do YouTube full-time and have jobs outside (at least Angela anyway, I remember Ruadhan said he has some physical health problems).
In other news, Snowy Lowther's new video was just… I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm older but I can't understand how someone would think their interest in Goth would affect them so much that it makes them have an identity crisis. All that tells me is that the person put way too much stock into something that should've just been an interest.
No. 796559
>>796525WHAT? I hate this bitch, she's so fucking fake. Tell all, with screenshots please
>>796546I am one of the anons who say angela and ruadhan like to involve themselves in drama. No one is saying they are cows or that they interest in goth in not real. I agree with you about them, they seem genuine people with real personalities and interests. Who also like drama. But we do too, a lot. Otherwise we wouldn't be regulars here, kek
Guess who's back with an attitude, complaining about call out culture and sjws despite being one themselves?
No. 796581
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So Kat Von Disease posted a pic on IG and decided to slam ReadyToGlare in the comments for exposing prayers for being shit when his daughter was raped. Two more SS to follow. The comment section is turning on her, sure to be deleted soon.
No. 796582
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No. 796584
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No. 796596
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Part 1
No. 796597
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Part 2
No. 796598
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Part 3
No. 796599
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Last part
No. 796610
>>796513I'm another anon that's always been irritated by Emily Boo too. She was a mermaid. Now she's not. She's a compulsive shopaholic, buys and then sells and buys again and then gets tattoos and then lasers them off and then repeats the cycle. The same thing with her hair. Her entire identity is wrapped up in the way she looks and she's been known to have a complete breakdown if she doesn't think she looks goff enough. She's not goth in the slightest, barely even alternative. I want to know what happened with Mojo Jojo though. That chick always rubbed me the wrong way. I don't know what it was, but she always overacted for the camera (they both did) and her gnarly jagged teeth made me gag kek
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 796651
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No. 796688
>>796605I went to Kat von D's IG page and i barely saw people telling her off, apart from the ones from the screenshots. She probably blocked and deleted those who call her out on her BS, which is typical.
And why TF is she bringing up things that aren't that recent anymore. Ready to Glare's video was uploaded 3 months ago…She's really desperate isn't she?
No. 796773
>>796559Yeah true, I guess some people like drama or at least reading it, it's a human thing to be curious lol Had I not discovered this place, I would've been stuck in the bubble of thinking people like IBF were the image they put on.
But it's just nice to know that there are a few honest Goth YouTubers who have personality and know what goth is truly about.
Though I'm not sure who you're referring to? ReeRee Phillips? Avelina? Sorry, these two are the ones I don't check on because ReeRee doesn't really interest me and Avelina bores me and she's just insufferable to listen to.
>>796610It's so sad because I remember when I first saw Emily Boo (before she became a Youtuber) on the Snog, Marry, or Avoid show when she was with her Ex and the two seemed quite cool in it. But then she starts YouTube, talks about the truth between her and her ex and then we learn that she's not even an actual Goth but just a fashion GOFF who lets her image define her personality instead of having a real one. It's just depressing because I used to like her but now she's one of the big 5 Altcows I just don't care for.
No. 796914
>>796912Right? Only the Raven Sparks thread where Emily is mentioned since Raven skin walks her kek.
>>796610She wasn't even a "mermaid" anyway, whatever that means. She just had blue hair. She always said she "used to be" a goth (she wasn't) but now says she is (she isn't) so yeah, I agree she just follows whatever is trendy like almost every other alt cow here. But at least she actually sells her stuff and does giveaways, unlike the hoarder TT.
No. 796962
>>796897I am new here actually, just came for the Adora milk. I know we're all assholes here but no one can find this link you say is here so why don't you just link it. I don't want to read the raven drama, that cow doesn't interest me after she left "Lydia" (that DOES interest me though kek) I want Emily milk. If there's a thread that you know of then share it with the rest of us
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 797000
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Mr Owl is looking his age lately, and I see he's doing what Jake has done and painted his throat black. Why do they think that looks good? Ibf is humongous in this video! Her stomach is almost as big as her tits kek
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 797014
>>797000Tbh weight gain aside, she looks much happier and "herself" with Mr Owl. It retrospect, it looks like she was putting on this personna around Matthias, it was not particularly genuine.
It was obvious she had set herself a certain "goff" criteria to fulfill, in order to validate her goffness around the ultimate source of tradgoff that she considered Germany to be.
No. 797075
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he puts in so much time and effort to look so ugly.
he literally only has this one look too.
same makeup
same black teeth
same black neck
he's the most unoriginal person on the planet
No. 797091
>>797075he looks absolutely inbred
honestly nightmare fuel
No. 797102
>>796546>Well said anon. It's so flipping true. I mean that's why people like Angela & Ruadhan aren't exactly cows despite what some anons may believe. Because while they are Goth, you can tell they have genuine interest in it and don't use it to make them interesting. They both come off as having actual personalities and have lots to share about their experience with the scene as opposed to being a running QVC ad or mess of life considering hey don't do YouTube full-time and have jobs outside (at least Angela anyway, I remember Ruadhan said he has some physical health problems).Yeah, Ruadhan has mentioned a lot that his primary income is Social Security Disability, and he also makes pins, his own music, and has a shift on a live Internet radio station to supplement. One of his old videos also seems he works part-time at a museum. He also seems to have some hobbies, is learning to speak Irish, and his pagan stuff at least seems genuine and not just a trendy topic that people like Dorian and TT sometimes talk vaguely about for views.
None of us would be here of we didn't get a chub for drama, though.
>So Kat Von Disease posted a pic on IG and decided to slam ReadyToGlare in the comments for exposing prayers for being shit when his daughter was raped. Two more SS to follow. The comment section is turning on her, sure to be deleted soon.Yeah RTG "exposed" Rafael by collating his own words from his own interviews and book. It wasn't some hard-hitting expose, it was a few minutes of competent search engine skills followed with some commentary. Commentary that plenty of people had already said before.
RTG should be ashamed of this? Sure, Jan.
>>796722I think RTG might be VERY mildly autistic, or at least share some key traits with the high functing autistics I know. What really sets this suspicion of mine is her facial expressions, or rather lack of them. She makes
maybe three different faces, which aren't all that different from eachothrt. Her face is like that old cat cartoon with twelve different emotions all having the same expression. It's a highly common, probably defining autistic trait, which makes me find Dorian's claim of ASD/Asperger's HIGHLY suspicious, and it's probably just another thing, like her transtrender BS, that she claims on the Internet for attention.
She also seems to have her shit together, though, unlike fake Ass-Pie, Dorian. RTG is a functional adult who just has opinions on the Internet, and sometimes it's opinions on delicious drama.
You can think she's annoying, but she's far from cow material: no over shares, her personality feels real (even if you're not a fan of it), she's a teacher and grad student (and she seems like she knows that being stupid online is bad for teachers and career academics). I see how people think she sounds condescending, though, but she's actually pretty nice to message with on Twitter and IG; that's another thing that strikes me as autistic over, cos her voice is a bit monotone, and her specific tone reads kinda bitchy, even if she's otherwise clearly happy about something.
If she
is autistic, then she hasn't said anything online about it (or I didn't see it), and
if she is, then of course it's her right to keep it to herself. I've worked with ASD kids, though, and she reminds me of high functioning autistic people, but if someone isn't familiar with how different their brains operate, notated to ours, then I can see why they'd seem annoying or bitchy.
No. 797204
>>797000He's been painting his neck black for yeeeears now
>>797014Agree 100%, let's hope she hers back to being more genuine, I used to like her
>>797075He did it! He managed to make me think he kiiiinda looked kiiinda cute ish when he looked like a chav. Congrats, Jake. Why is he doing it to himself? Ofmg
No. 797231
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>>797075>>797000To me, the vocalist from the Gazette will always be the only one to pull off the whole throat makeup thing. Jake looks so hideous with that makeup. It'n not even theatrical macabre look. Just a horrible mess.
No. 797259
>>797231it's something that only works in a stylized setting, like on stage etc.
not as contour for dummies with no hand/eye coordination.
No. 797361
>>797263What? That's a fact - goths were supposed to look like they are dead and rotting and rivetheads like they just left factory after hours of wielding. Not caring about smudging and straight lines was normal and even intended. What makes you think otherwise? The reasons why this exact case does it that way is irrelevant, he wears a makeup that originated in these groups and later were adopted by early Manson and spooky kids. All these styles are characterized by messy makeups.
>>797111He may be even Russian gopnik. That changes nothing in resort of style of makeup he wears.
No. 797387
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>>797374Take it easy, this is lolcow not the UN.
No. 797432
>>797361This is not a fact, dude, you are wrong as fuck. Goths are not "supposed to" look dead and rotting. This look is mostly associated with horror punk and black metal. You really have no idea from when goth makeup came from. The standard goth look comes from old horror movies, where the makeup was basically exaggerated black shading, especially from german expressionist. Dark kids of the past thought this was cool as that's it. As for rivethead looks, don't know and don't care kek
>>797375This kind of comment is way more interesting than endless hauls. Let the kids get interested in actual goth subjects instead of shillstar and makeup brands.
And yeah, whoever that anon is they are right: who fucking cares about ironing? If you want to iron your clothes then do it, but fuck it being a requirement for a good look.
No. 797459
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Erin micklow is posting screenshots of her convo with the girl who accused her of rape. Then she posted her texting the guys. It’s a lot of screenshots.
No. 797461
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Mostly stuff like this
No. 797472
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sage because nothing new.
in the last thread an anon asked for translation - I'm a different anon but I'm also curious for the translation
No. 797543
>>797436Oh my god, you are right! I forgot we are totally not allowed to talk about
the pettiest things here. My bad, let's debate endlessly about people's fat stomachs, this is not petty at all kek asf
No. 797560
>>797543The only time debating about fatties has a point here though is when the cow complains about it and does nothing, or is in denial.
Messy makeup/clothes also depends on the cow. Kaya is a slob so her non ironed skirt is obviously her being lazy instead of making a statement or going back to the scene's roots.
No. 797606
I thought I came here and explained myself and told you to stop talking about me but here I am listed in the intro??? Why don't you focus on people who deserve to be here or better yet yourselves! I'm not doing anything wrong and I've had a really bad few days with my crazy ex so I really don't need this shit. Stop talking about me or else I'm going to take legal action and if you're here Tyler I'm going to report you for stalking and slander. I'm not wasting my time here with you losers. You're just salty because I'm hotter than all of you and I'm not afraid to say it
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 797613
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>>797606IDK if you're the real deal but - kady's screenshots are pretty lulzy so. I don't think she(you?) will be dropped any time soon
No. 797616
>>797606I will never understand why do you cows think that because we like gossip we are losers, ugly, etc. Like you don't gossip. To be honest, I think we must have pretty good looking people among us because we don't fall for any pretty face on the internet. I, for one, I'm pretty good looking and I'm not afraid to say it (to quote yourself).
Try to sue lolcow or something, you're not going to be the first that tries and goes nowhere. Do you really think that each one of us will end up with a penalty for sharing and commenting screenshots of publicly available content on the internet that you provide yourself?! This is not going to happen.
For it to be slander, we would have to be making things up about you, which we are not. We provide commentary to people's posts, videos etc. You can't sue because you don't like our opinion.
And yes Kady, you are doing something wrong: you overshare. Which you really shouldn't, given the fact that
you post online that you leave your daughters waiting in the car while you have sex, and that they listen to you having loud sex with your boyfriends.
No. 797640
>>797606Not the cow, this wise anon decided to impersonate for the 2nd time.
They're banned for attempting to deceive the farm.
No. 797647
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is it even healthy for Kaya to be in the attic so much?
it's freezing cold, I imagine it's pretty damp in there. she's going to get sick sooner or later
No. 797648
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Samefag but Kaya literally hoards food in her attic.
it's all food that's full of sugar and salt of course. this is exactly why she can't lose weight
No. 797650
>>797640I don't know why you keep saying that I'm not me and I'm impersonating myself. Just because I'm not going to go out of my way to take a picture for you sad fucks? I don't care if you believe me or not but I think it's hilarious and you probably shoot down the actual people who come here to defend ourselves all of the time. Just because I don't hang around and defend myself because there's nothing to defend anyway and won't waste the time better spent having amazing sex with my hot boyfriend than taking pictures for you doesn't mean I'm not me. This proves how retarded everyone here is. It was probably Tyler that put me on here in the first place so I really don't care. You actually do me a favor by thinking I'm not me so you're all as fucked as he is
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 797653
>>797650Well then you must be that fucking thick then. You can’t sue anyone on here.
Take your flabby saggy old ass skin and go have that “great loud sexy” in front of your children, like the great mother you are.
And if you’re “not hanging around to defend yourself”, fuck off then? Keep posting your sad personal life online for us though, it’s great fun. Especially watching how much you fuck your kids up!
No. 797662
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>>797653Does this look flabby to you? I didn't think so. I'm hot and I know it and you just can't handle it or the free way I live my life. My kids are fine they're going to grow up and be confident women because of me. You don't like the way I live my life so stop looking at my shit! I'm not going to change anything for anyone just because a bunch of losers want to spy on me and make me look bad. Don't hate me cause you ain't me. I bet you're all fat ugly chicks and guys that can't get laid. I'm outta here, I have better things to do than hang around. I've proven my point and I've seen people on here saying that they think I'm hot so there you go, I get validation even in a hate thread!
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 797694
>>797662Men will fuck literally anything, even fat chicks. Even you, with those flat pancake tits. It’s not really a great way to validate your self and existence, but go off.
The file name adds fuel that this is a troll but either way- seek help.
No. 797710
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>>797684With posts like this it's hard to believe it's not her. Anyone else notice the sudden lack of over sharing ever since she first got mentioned here? These cows that pretend to be above it all but so obviously aren't crack me tf up kek
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 797754
>>797737Cue the "I'M not a vendettachan, YOU'RE a vendettachan! Like Kaya and IBF and Jake are milky enough to be talked about all the time, why can't other people get mentioned?? I
forgot we were not allowed to talk about anyone else sarcasm sarcasm" comments
No. 797765
>>797737I find it very odd that her sex posts and I'm so hawt posts stopped too. It shows that either it is her posting here or at the very least reading the site. Either way it's bringing milk
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 797824
>>797820There is no Emily Boo thread. Minimod anon can't admit she was wrong. "emily boo"
No. 797825
>>797819Well you're the only one not saging for posts without milk for one…
also mods have magical powers. just stop lol
No. 797943
>>797849I imagine they have since she did mention aaaages ago their landlord came over to check the attic was suitable for what they had in mind, so I'm sure asbestos was tested for too?
>>797895Well said anon, he was "normal" before trying to copy Neistat, now he's going for this retarded dark look. It's embarrassing.
No. 797994
>>796483She is such an idiot for explicitly drawing more attention to RTG's videos. All of them have actual proof of every fucked up thing her dumbass husband has said. Going on a crusade over it seems even more pathetic after her recent attempt to address other rumors was so widely called out and debunked.
Maybe they're scared the daughter or someone else involved will actually step up and publicly confirm it all.
No. 798082
Guess who is about to make a comeback Yes, the same company that was selling pikes made by owner of scam known as Gothic Shoe Company.
No. 798093
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Aaand this was her response:
No. 798094
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And here are the comments. And, of course, her mum wrote there, too.
No. 798099
>>798093Of course she's never outright said that, but the constant hauls IMPLY it
Why do people like IBF and TT always respond to criticism and negative comments toward them, even if it's just ONE, rather than acknowledge the positive comments? You know, the people who pay their bills.
No. 798139
>>798085 I translated the article (translation isn't the best as I used Google Translate but hopefully it could be of use to someone):
"The following YouTube soap opera, which at first glance looks like a multimedia mud fight between English-speaking ghost vloggers, has a quite serious background at second glance. The accusation: The "unboxing" videos, in which YouTube starlets such as Black Friday unpack huge packages of high-end brand-name clothes, would leave a completely overpriced dress code with the viewers, which young viewers can not afford.
trigger is the creator Ruadhán, who is quite rude about a video about Gothic YouTube star Black Friday. In the video "I'm so sorry", in which BF apologizes for her lengthy abstinence, she also addresses the many messages she receives from young people who "like to be Goth but can not afford it" (5 : 20) For Ruadhán the matter is clear, because in his video "Aging Goth Thinks That ItsBlackFriday Needs to Quit Her Crap" he says that Black Friday itself is the problem, (3:51) Because they're doing that "fucking" sponsored videos "from the brands Killstar and Punkrave, which would suggest to the kids to be a" real goth "only in these branded clothes. Reason are videos like "Biggest Killstar Unboxing Ever!" And other videos of this style, which are not for Ruadhán as an advertisement, "that they do not even mark!
In the past, when you talked to Daniela about the exhausted couches of his gothics club about Michael and Sabine, Youtuber nowadays throw so-called "reaction" videos in their virtual living room. Viewers can then enjoy the mind and the associated emotions and pursue their innate voyeurism.
Between those who earn money with advertisements, product placements and shop links with YouTube, self-promoters frolick with a certain need for a lumpy black mass of videos. For the viewer that is sometimes hard to distinguish - it should not be. Because only when YouTuber come across authentically, so lifelike and with all the emotional ups and downs, they gather many fans around their person.
It is sometimes frighteningly strange how "influencers" share their private lives in sound and vision just to satisfy the audience, and then in the next breath with a "haul" or "review" their other sponsors, sponsors and companies , to satisfy. Of course you can also be jealous if Black Friday gets a whole Killstar shopping delivered to you for free, but you must never forget the price you pay for it. To be commentated by spectators on his life requires a high degree of self-confidence. If you do not have that, break it. Sometimes even like in a soap opera - highly dramatic and full of tears."
No. 798174
>>798139I find irony in that Ruadhan 1337 bitches and moans about ebeggers and divorce drama when he begs for gofuckme donations and complains about his ex cheating him out of $$$ in his video descriptions.
Takes one to know one, I guess!!!!
No. 798193
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>>798174sage if no milk.
>>798094her mother is VERY overbearing. I wonder how her mother feels about IBF not refunding/not paying back viewers who bought "tickets" to the wedding she didn't have to Mister Owl before her visa marriage…is it the viewers' fault they got scammed or the scammers' fault for scamming?
No. 798208
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>>798174Huh, yeah, how bout that? Its almost like he was talking about something completely different from what you said. Really dinks a dunk.
No. 798247
>>798094Typical mindless "supportive" comments, vaguely praise the first person and call the other person immature/jealous. And Jesus IBF's mum needs to stop stalking her. Boundaries, anyone?
>>798236>Kaya: Maybe he's trying to offer you what I can'tPerhaps she's just joking how the guy has a dick and she doesn't.
But yeah their relationship must be platonic. Like they're together out of habit, and Kaya's YT cash ofc.
No. 798253
>>798094i genuinely wonder if freyja is embarrassed by her mum, because i would be embarrassed as hell of that were my mum. adopt a dog or something, karen.
also her fan base concerns me, it's like she can do no wrong in their eyes. a good fanbase should be able to accept
valid criticism. it's like she could commit murder and they would still defend her. no wonder her content (that is, when she actually makes it) is such crap.
No. 798291
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I'm calling it now, she's pregnant.
No. 798346
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>>798291She says she's not
>>798309Yeah she's probably just trying to hide her fat with that hand
No. 798597
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Christ, he's like some chubby half joker, half manson wannabe. How does anyone find this appealing.
No. 798610
>>798253At this point, she'd have to commit murder or do another big scam to wake up her gullible fans.
>>798368I was wondering what happened to her. Seems that things were a bit much for her to take and she took some time off and I agree, it's a good call instead of putting it all out there for everyone to see.
No. 798640
>>798597If this idiot smeared any more black greasepaint on his face, he'd get mistaken for a minstrel act.
Inb4 "it's not black face". I know hes not being racist, he just looks like a dumb ass from 1875 with all that shoe polish on his face and neck.
No. 798676
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>>798597All I see is this. He's such a dumbass
No. 798780
File: 1555618859923.png (274.17 KB, 507x354, Screenshot_2.png)

A million filters also helps, you stupid cow. You're still ugly, but now you're fake AND ugly and you have the gall to act like you're hot?
No. 798909
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IBF's remarkably tasteless take on the whole Notre Dame situatio
No. 798910
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>>798909i meant situation
No. 798928
>>79891and this is why she's a cow. Boo hoo, I didn't feel I'd be welcomed walking into a gothic icon and catholic church festooned in killstar luciferian trinkets. So rather than tone it down by simply wearing, i dunno, black, I chose not to see it at all and then play
victim about it. Fixed it for ya, twat.
No. 798947
>>798909But a gothic building got burned, the goff kween's got to comment.
>>798910Poor me, didn't have the energy to whine about being (rightly) asked to tone down for a holy place. And this tiny thing years ago makes me relevant to the burning now.
Lol what?
No. 799114
>>798910>>798928>>798973She's referring to this:
PARIS DRAMA - Louvre and Pere Lachaise Hate Goths
Published on Jan 24, 2017
No. 799243
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damn those wrinkles are bad.
I guess I assumed Jake would have a skin care routine but it seems not
No. 799308
>>799299>you can tone down your look if you really wanted to visit these places But her goffness would be tainted! Security are just meanies! But, they give her free stuff if she cries hard enough.
Seriously they gave free Louvre passes to shut her up.
She tries that crying tactic everywhere, instead of being an adult. Like at the UK border. She deadass thought that would work?
No. 799319
>>799283It was confirmed in Raven's thread that it was indeed Raven herself posing as Kady.
>>799243He looks older than Mr Owl
No. 799455
>>799308>they give her free stuff if she cries hard enoughMantra of every entitled person ever.
IBF does this with her patrons too. Whines that life is so hard, so they'll throw cash at her. Basically monetising petty drama.
>they gave free Louvre passes to shut her up.Oof, forgot they did that. But surely the passes have expired by now?
No. 799542
>>799538She's really running out of ideas kek
Tinfoil and reaching but I wonder if the racist allegations bothered her enough to do this
No. 799594
>>798910>>799215>>799114>>799308Dear God I fucking hate this cunt so much. If she actually cared about seeing these land marks she could just tone her look down for 1/2 a day. But no, her goffness is too important! She's clearly oppressed by the evil normies!
I think when she goes out she likes to be stared at and draw attention, in on of her videos where she dresses "normal" she pointed out that no one was staring at her and you could tell it bothered her.
No. 799608
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Moving back to New Zealand would be like quitting?
Did Mr. Owl change his mind about moving countries then? Wasn’t his reluctance the reason why they broke up the first time?
No. 799653
>>799639One needs a permit to move to Scotland too. Plus Scotland is still EU
and she’s already been booted from the UK once. You can’t just walz on in there with all of your worldly belonging and two cats and slip in on a tourist visa.
She fugged.
No. 799672
>>799651He has posted 8 videos so far (plus a re-edit).
Something something methinks the lad doth protest too much. A prime criticism is the fact that he does not address the accusations of financial abuse / extortion.
No. 799740
>>799538>"So sorry for my absence! Gonna return with better than ever content, i have cool stuff planned!">skincare haul video>DNA test videoFucking kek.
Just finish packing and stop covering it up with filler videos, and decide whether or not you're moving to Scotland already.
>>799653She got her UK visa reapproved
No. 799756
>>799697From previous threads and various postings on twitter/insta I'd say he doesnt. if he does he never talks about them, ever.
but IBF has mentioned "we want kids someday" implying neither has kids yet but plan to.
No. 799784
>>799740She got approved to come in and out as a tourist for six months, and that was sometime last year.
That is not permission to move there.
No. 799800
>>799215I never understand this story. I visited a lot of sacred places and cemeteries in France and NEVER i was kicked out ( and my way to dress is at another level than IBF in scarying people)
I really don’t undestand and i guess we have just a part of the true story
(blog) No. 799803
>>799800You can be sure that in addition to whatever she was wearing to bring attention to herself, IBF was also waving her stupid selfie stick around. She even said in some recent video that she’d rather ask for forgiveness than permission. Some of these places — I’m thinking of the louvre — require prior written permission to film, and plenty of touristy places ban selfie sticks.
So fuck IBF and her entitled princess act. It’s boring. And it’s not goff.
No. 799840
>>799832 Predators do tend to target unstable people; it makes them easier to manipulate, as they've often got some underlying issues that the predator can exploit, plus its easier to get away with things if the
victims are obviously actually untrustworthy too.
No. 799938
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No. 800040
>>799978was wondering if he needed permission or not, especially since the song is up for sale on itunes.
he's also planning on doing a cover of a song from repo: the genetic opera and putting it on patreon. since he's plugging that, i think it's really misleading to call himself a daily blogger since he neither vlogs nor posts daily content. he can't ever keep a regular schedule and the rewards seem pretty meager.
No. 800058
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It looks like Adora has dumped Sireplague who she was dating(?). There are photos of them together in March, but she is no longer following him, and posted this:
No. 800094
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>>800054>>800040>>799938>>800054[reposting from the last thread]
Inb4 he gets sued by Rodgers and Hammerstein! arrangement (or "cover") of an arrangement still uses the same source material and is subject to intellectual property law regarding the source material. song is credited to a total of 10 writers. But two of them — Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II — control 90 percent of the songwriting royalties, a remarkable split that reflects the value of evergreen song catalogs, and of the negotiating leverage their owners have when pop stars come seeking permission.
In an especially speedy turnaround, the deal for “7 Rings” was decided a few weeks before the song’s release in January, when representatives for Ms. Grande and her label, Republic, brought the completed song to Concord, the music company that has owned the Rodgers and Hammerstein catalog since 2017. Concord requested 90 percent of Ms. Grande’s song, and her representatives accepted without further negotiation.
Ms. Grande’s song “wouldn’t exist in its current form were it not for ‘My Favorite Things,’” Jake Wisely, Concord’s chief publishing executive, said in an interview.
No. 800231
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This is so gross. Bitch, who cares how much you spend. It still doesn't change how ugly your materialism is. Someone get me a bucket.
No. 800247
>>800231I didn't think I'd be defending miss horseface today, but I think she's just hoping on the bandwagon anon. There's a lot of youtubers spending 600+ on makeup brands or clothing to review. I think she's just joining in to get new subscribers.
No. 800381
>>800233>she's not goth, except she is
you don't have to like someone, but it takes more than that to negate someone being a goth
No. 800383
>>800231Hmm it's kinda hard to spent that much without leaving shop with a truck IMHO.
Unless she mainly bought perfumes
No. 800386
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Forgot to include photo, here ya go
No. 800392
>>800390ah, right
also 1 AUD = ~0.7 USD
No. 800409
>>800382including screen caps would be helpful.
>>800387idk how old he is but 17 isn't the age of consent in some states. if they're just dating and not having sex it's still creepy as fuck.
No. 800413
>>800409What happened to the other chick he was with? She age out of his preferred age range "'ew, she's 18?? What an old hag time to dump her!" kek. And is he still going around calling people 'beaners'?
>>799172Probably because they're actually alternative and her only interests are things 13 year old emo kids are into. Who knows, maybe Raven is trying to attract another child bride. I'm just curious as to why she continues to post on a thread where the majority of the anons are goths. She said the scene and the people and the music sucked, so why does sis keep bothering with us?
No. 800562
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Killstar given bitch more what do they see in her
No. 800652
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You are the definition of a transtrender, holy shit.
No. 800653
Just because xir only dresses feminine, presentes as a female in any and every way and dates like a heterosexual female it doesn't mean xir's a woman! Don't you see that her given name is the masculine Sebastian? God, people! Wake up!
But seriously, you are just a white middle class suburban mid 20s woman called Taylor.
(And taylor is even a genderless name kek)
No. 800654
>>800653Sorry, I meant her
chosen name. Her given name is Taylor
No. 800669
>>800652This just screams:
Bitch, get a hold of your unchecked internalized misogyny. You are an ADULT.
No. 800761
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Is it just me or is it hella weird that Adora altered her daughters dress to be shorter and tighter?
It's her underage daughter and she displays her body on a platter for all the weirdos on the web.
No. 800813
>>800652If she really wanted to be a guy who likes feminine things, like Jeffree Star or some shit, she'd get reassignment and then present fem.
>i was born a girl and choose to stay that way>i present as a girl of my own willCongrats, you're a girl.
No. 800884
>>800040If his version is up on iTunes, then it's cos he's using DistroKid, or a similar service that allots royalties to the original songwriter.
>>800652Yeah, SC has a serious case of Not Like the Other Girls. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt for a long time, but over the last few years, especially, she's made it really hard to.
There are really only a handful of people calling themselves Non-binary who I can really take seriously.
No. 800900
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found Angela Benedict on poshmark…imagine thinking anyone cares
No. 800966
>>800652Why do these women hate being women so much? Sebastian would be better off saying she thinks men are superior to women. "Non-binary" just means you don't care about what you wear, fucking clothes. She and Dorian don't have gender dysphoria, just two creepy grown women trying to be teenage boys forever. Both are heavily feminine and only date men, like most women, I don't get it.
>>800900I like Angela but she is almost 40 years old and is still talking about when she was 16 this and that. Just buy the damn bodice and go.
No. 800967
>>800952I don't see it as creepy either. You are a teenager, you find a cute dress that's too big, you want it to look better on your body, mom knows how to sew: mom adjusts it for you.
It looks totally normal, not indecent or anything. Like when you were a teenager you didn't wore tight and short clothes. Yeah, you all dressed like Shirley Temple until you were 18 kek asf
>>800900That's hilarious! It truly sounds like someone sarcastically impersonating her for the lulz but no, it's bitch herself! She's completely obssessed with her past and how it gives her some kind of goth cred. Which is weird because she still looks super young, the kind of person I see still dressing weirdly, going to shows and events, just living! But she acts like she only has these memories… bitch, get out of the house, go dancing, dress outrageously, live
No. 800978
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Looks like she moving .wonder when she hit Scotland or Ireland .like she doing it herself .
No. 801035
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What's up with her new photo? It looks cool but shooped into oblivion.
No. 801074
>>800702Meh give it a few more years and she'll drop this ridiculousness. They usually do lol.
>>800966Non-binary is just codeword for attention-whore who has no real personality. I'm sorry but most people I see using the term are boring girls who have no real personality and think that just because they wear an androgynous style, it makes them more interesting than they actually are.
SC and Dorian are the worst kind of this though, I must admit.
>>800967I kinda understand Angela's nostalgia. I can't remember which video it was but in it she was talking about how she wasn't herself for a decade when she was with this emotionally
abusive boyfriend who was always trying to change her and hated her interest in Goth. She wanted the relationship to work out not realizing how
toxic it was until she finally realized and got out of it.
I think the reason why she reminisces so much about her past and the 90s in general is because that was the time where she was very happy and then the 00s came and that is when she got into that
toxic relationship and fell out of touch with the scene for a good while.
So I mean, I can understand it to a degree.
>>801035Is that
Toxic Tears? Yeah, shopped out the max for sure. It's a cool pic but uh… lol
No. 801152
>>801035it's a shame you can still see her lumpy acne.
at 29 years of age she should probably look into getting that professionally treated
No. 801211
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Someone not having good Monday .love to see her doing this all bat Queen in her velvet
No. 801216
>>801207>>801209>Kaya is a famous peopleC'mon now, she's not
that fat kek
she will be 26 this year. I knew chav boy was older than her by about a year or so, she was still in school when he pursued her. I find it amusing how she tries to hide her age, it doesn't make you any younger Kaya
No. 801259
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Were dose it end with this toxic human has she ever heard of work not be lazy she waist of human get of your fat ass and do it . everything is money .
No. 801262
>>801226I find that kind of stuff so ridiculous. If you're gonna be renting a place, it's really not worth it because if you ever move out (and you most likely will), you'll have to re-paint the walls back to the way they were…
>>801259If she actually had a work ethic, she would've been able to have that garden by now. Look how long it took her to finally clean her attic lol.
No. 801288
>>801259What happened to the plants she put in last year? Were they all annuals? Or did she kill them all with her laziness?
>>800987Do we have an artist anon in this thread?
No. 801366
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Keeping your options open there, Jake?
No. 801368
>>801349That’s true, but most people, even most goths don’t paint an entire room, walls and ceiling, black. Trust me, I have been that goth, going over a purple, nearly black wall three or four times.
But yeah I’d also love to see her ruining some velvet.
No. 801386
>>798083>BTW notice that posts there were made around the same time Goth Pikes had their "holidays"more I think about that - the more it makes sense
It kinda seems like all or at least most of pikes were made by one team only in at least a decade if not longer. Under several labels of "disappearing companies" or as bulk orders from different alt shoes distributors. They are exactly the same models being sold by all these disappearing "companies" and also Undeground, Nevermind, Demonia etc. but with only different cutout of shoes. And Pennangalan even reposted on their instagram page ( ) exactly the same models they were selling in the past that are known to be made by (a team of?) owner of Gothic Shoe Company.
I certainly don't understand enthusiasm of people saying we shall wait until Goth-Pikes "ends adding new items to the shop" and don't complain.
They have not been contacting their customers for months now. Many people canceled their pay pal payments. And Goth Pikes acts like nothing fucking happened. Goth Pikes has been refusing disclosing closer information about their affiliations with Gothic Shoe Company for like a year now too. And Goth-Pikes "changes of locations" - initially they were supposedly from Germany, later they switched to UK only location in Glasgow and now few days ago Google was pointing their address as located in Berlin. No online registry of companies from both the UK and Germany contain any information about anything called "Goth Pikes" or "Goth-Pikes" etc or any company located at any of these disclosed addresses.
No. 801426
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>>801355So right she has everything have free she put this up showing her new killstar bedding price at 89.99.that was free to her still say she so low and sad how on earth do she things any of those fools that are fans going buy that you think she fixs it better on the bed .she told waist of human .I wish I had her life just give me free thing and people pay my way give me queen of goth.i can't Waite till she get big wake forest call .
No. 801460
>>801152 I thought she said she was getting her acne treated by her doctor?
(saged cuz no milk)
No. 801573
>>801349Eh okay I guess. I just think about the work you'd have to do to restore the walls back to normal lol.
>>801464I feel like Ruadhan 1334 gave her a bit of that though not about her boyfriend situation if I remember correctly.
No. 801580
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imagine what she looks like in the morning lol
my goth potato queen
No. 801745
>>801703Not the original anon, but there are some pretty serious studies indicating that the genetic quality of sperm degraded as men age, making it more likely that children they father after 40ish will have genetically linked health issues. To my knowledge, this isn’t yet fully proven, but at least a
valid theory deserving further research.
Nerd out.
No. 801747
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Never watched this video from Amy before, it's an hour long and the parts I skipped through are boring. I thought the desc was kinda interesting. Always found it weird she would put goth and industrial together, she is a rivethead, you'd think she knows the different lmao
>>800987It is pretty funny. IBF wearing white grease paint, a long expensive velvet PunkRave dress, with some big ass boots, and a veil with horns on top of her head just to get some paint and paint her apartment.
>>801442Lol, I'm starting to think Jake is only copying Manson because 1. He wants to be a weirdo so badly and 2. Because he's trying to revive shock-rock. I personally don't see his music catching onto modern freaky kids. He has that scene singing voice (can't explain it any better, reminds me of the vocalist from pierce the veil almost) and the music itself sounds like literally every normie "metal" band from 2013.
No. 801772
>>801747Yeah that was always one thing I really didn't like about her videos when she would use Goth and Industrial interchangeably with phrases like "GothIndustrial". Don't get me wrong, she's super informative with Industrial and she obviously knows a lot about the subgenres of Industrial. But it's annoying how she unintentionally (or intentionally) puts the two together with the whole "GothIndustrial" thing when they aren't the same.
And agreed on Jake, I know what you mean by the shock-rock thing but his music just sucks. I'm all too familiar with that "Scene" singing style and it's just horrid (no offense to those who like it) and his base instrumentals are generic as fuck and I don't see his band catching on neither.
>>801760My guess is that she'll probably try plugging her Patreon much more often or may even try some sort of scam and then make up some random excuse of some mishap that happened out of her control. I'd like to think she'd get a part-time job but yeah, she's been out of work for so long that I don't think she'd really want to go back to it. This is why she's better off staying in NZ with her money and saving up to live there
>>801768How old do you think she is? I thought she was born in 1993? It's just that her bad habits make her look older than she actually is.
No. 801807
>>801760IBF is a New Zealand citizen. she needs a residency visa to move to Scotland, which is part of the uk, which is still EU. It’s actually super difficult to immigrate there. Unless she manages to land a well paid job that’s not going to happen.
>>801772 said, we know that won’t happen.
No. 801861
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Her ex husband is away with his new girlfriend she left alone so why not go back home then go true this .
No. 801862
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Here's rest of milk what on earth is she thinking.big sad goth life what about poor cats she needs to wise up .
No. 801864
File: 1556828143246.png (868.47 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190430-195752.png)

This girl is such bitch I work in club were she is most weekends with her goth friends who all think they are Belfast best needs good wash and her nails so dirty under them .for Jake he is so nasty thinks he above everyone.i don't know why anyone won't be around them .
No. 801871
>>801864She's so contradictory
on the one hand she hangs out with "goths" (more like darkly inclined hipsters by the looks of it though) yet on the other hand she'll bitch and moan that Belfast has no goth or alternative scene so she can't do anything or go anywhere. Why can't she just admit she doesn't want to interact with ACTUAL goths because she's a poser?
>>801870>It's crazy how someone who loses their virginity behind a dumpster can still try to act so far up their own arsekek! do spill more, I can't stand TT and Jake they've always been so far up their own asses
No. 801876
>>801871I'm not very good at these replies so sorry for that, I normally just lurk and give myself a giggle at the fact that the majority of things on here are pretty accurate.
I've never liked her, I was just unfortunate to be a weirdo who hung about Belfast Waterfront/occasionally Bangor and was friend's with alot of her "bff's". Who when she wasn't around liked to tell me stories - true or not her mates hated her and I don't really understand why they kept her around - I suppose that's why she's no real contact with any of them except for Grant who's popped back up for the scene for some reason.
The problem with her disliking the scene is probably because she doesn't stand out as much as she did when she was younger - there's alot more "alternative/goth" people about Belfast nowdays and alot of them far more attractive than her so it's probably jealousy as well - especially when she thought she was hot shit back in the day. (Don't get me wrong if she didn't sharpie her eyebrows on, took them cheap dreads out and washed her roots atleast she'd probably would've been quite unique and pretty.) As alot of people can tell it's simply because she's hungry…For attention - that wasn't a fat joke.
The only real genuine spice I got was from my ex boyfriend, who back in her earlier tumblr days she'd post photo's of her and him from the Italian photography guy and refer to him as "Ex Boyfriend" - my ex claimed to me they were never a couple and even if he was extremely drunk during the majority of these "photoshoots" he'd not touch her with a pole. He always says she was filth and the fact is she's only ever around people because they "can't get rid of her" and now with a following gives people an excuse to actually make a bit of use of her before they chuck her.
But yeah, I've not alot more information because this was way back in teenage years and you don't know what's fact and what someone's just saying to give us all a giggle. As for this Jake freak, I've only been in contact with him once for a few minutes and thankfully didn't have to hear him or really look at him.
The only information I know of him is what I've read and that they met on that Vampirefreaks website yonks ago.
Summery really is she's always been dirty, a liar, attention seeking, "woe is me" attitude, fake friends, a leech & has terrible taste in men.
No. 801878
>>801876PPS. The information about the dumpster is from her ex "BFF" who used to be in the same photoshoots with her aswell. Skinny guy who used to wear them terrible plastic falls she wore.
I remember being in Burger King and looking out at City Hall at Kaya and her ex boyfriend(Matt) and him pointing and shouting about the place how her and Matt a few days prior screwed behind a dumpster, she lost her virginity and everyone knew because it was during or after a photoshoot(?)
No. 801882
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Poor cats that's all she has .cats need good home away from her .
No. 801898
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>>801878Do you wonder what people see in her .as she comes across to me in club as bitch she so up her self .I seen that other guy with long black hair with them and you can see Jake not happy when he's around but I think it all for fame. I just waiting for day she took back to real life and out of her queen of goth as she not like other on scene .also anyone on here she loves to drink loads and she ment to have depression .face is really bad .I hate seen them coming .and way they talk about people that give them money have saide what ever they won't fools will give as they so poor .I hope people wise up .
No. 801914
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I followed her because she's cute but she's always crying about money on her IG stories and shoving her ugly "girlfriend" in. She's just a trendhopper anyway she used to be a blonde nugoth with a huge twitter following. Now she's trying the whole lolita thing. I give it a year tops.
No. 801932
>>801914Anon It's a good idea not to follow poseurs in general, it's pretty obvious just from looking at this picture that she's a fake. They try so hard at the goth "look" but fail because they don't realize the look comes with the music.
>>801927Wouldn't doubt. What's with poseurs self-posting in these threads lately? No one is going to slurp their ass here and call them cute.
>>801898They think she's a good person. Kaya is a bully, all the things she made fun of in the past are what she looks like now. "Haha, fat girls amirite" now she is a fat acne infested mess.
No. 801942
>>801932>They think she's a good person. Kaya is a bully, all the things she made fun of in the past are what she looks like now. "Haha, fat girls amirite" now she is a fat acne infested mess.It's mostly because her fanbase doesn't know of her past antics and even if they did, they probably wouldn't care because people can change (which is true). Don't forget that Kaya puts on this sweet, soft-spoken persona. I fell for that which is what kept me from thinking ill of her until I started getting annoyed of her constant whining about her lack of weight loss while still gorging on unhealthy drinks/desserts she'd post on her social media.
She may have changed in the sense that she she no longer makes fun of fat people now that she herself became one of them but she's now a lazy, sloth-like e-begger who is pretty much on her last legs of e-fame before she loses it in her 30s when a new, younger mallcore girl takes her place.
No. 801947
>>801882excuse me but what the FUCK is her pillow. looks like she borrowed from tuna
why do these cows never use sheets/covers?
No. 801958
>>801898That's interesting because she always makes out she's not a big drinker or very keen on alcohol.
That electric board or whatever it's called, even her "exercise" is lazy… get a proper skateboard and use some skill bitch.
No. 801964
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What great life she has .don't work just dress up look sad in photo take money .bitch get a job grow up
No. 802006
File: 1556908922221.png (669.59 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190503-192128.png)

This grown man has something wrong with him this is for his next YouTube video he was on IG live .all his fan girls telling him you so cool love look .it's look that's long gone .
No. 802024
File: 1556914728206.jpg (35.36 KB, 400x400, tumblr_pquo8kzLRe1qikgkto1_400…)

i can't believe Kaya was ever this pretty.
Peachmilky admitted on IG stories that she was 28 years old. She's so much younger and prettier than 26 year old Kaya.
I bet it kills Kaya that Sophie is a big model in Japan
No. 802028
File: 1556915505340.png (1.99 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190503-212548.png)

So sad goth that so alone was at some farm today as her IG story more in likely with her goth friend.this person who never leaves the house.
No. 802048
File: 1556920702392.png (420.21 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190503-225349.png)

Wtf is wrong with him as he won't to drive get a car but his fans will have pay for it.told waist of space .Jake get real job and grow up
No. 802073
>>802048He is really insufferable.
Imagine writing up such a pretentious paragraph just to say
>I'm starting driving lessons soon so will need to increase my e-begging to cover the costs, so look forward to that No. 802154
>>802137What is the hashtagrinchkidsofbelfast supposed to mean?
Everyone knows about the feet/cleaning guys. She herself used to talk about that without shame. She had guys who were into foot fetish come to her home and she would let them smell her feet, socks and they'd pay by cleaning her house. If you ask me that's the only thing she ever did that I can respect hahahah at least she was offering the guys something in return being a domme. Now she just begs. I bet if she wanted to get back at being a domme it would work, there's a lot of men who would like to be submiss to a giantress, chubby or not.
No. 802161
>>801882Her poor cats. Also, does anyone know where her birds are? I'm sure she had birds… isn't it also kind of stupid to have birds when you have cats? Then you can't let them out of their cage! But why would I even think she cares about her animals' well being…
>>801947I assume it's because she's packing all her stuff in Germany but still… I wouldn't sleep without covers, it's gross.
>>802024Yes it's crazy, but she was just lucky with her metabolism when she was younger. Not anymore kek
No. 802203
>>801882Last night someone posted a screenshot of a pic IBF posted of Moonmoon needing a bath because she sat in paint remover or primer or something.
The post was deleted before I could expand the pic - anyone have a mirror?
No. 802221
File: 1556998223657.png (1.61 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190504-202635.png)

It looks like toxic lot were out in Belfast today this is person who has no life or money she has her goth crew .no Jake just two new guys .
No. 802222
File: 1556998340862.png (1.64 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190504-202552.png)

She just put this up about her hand .
No. 802226
File: 1556998742346.jpg (378.8 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190504-203720_Ins…)

>>802222And this one shortly after. Damn she sure made no friends, she painted all of this alone. I remember reading in one of her recent ''ask me anything'', how the german language prevented her from making any ''real friends''.
No. 802249
>>802226From what I've observed from her vlogs in Germany, it seems like the goths there don't like her at all. Sure she has fans (who were uh, pretty obvious as they were trying to dress as her) there, but everyone else in the background was glaring at her or rolling their eyes. Her few friends seem to have dropped her these days.
>>802154How badly must she smell for dudes who have stinky feet fetishes to come around and sniff her socks/feet? Kek. She needs to advertise her smelly feet again, maybe they'll clean her moulding wet clothes.
No. 802273
File: 1557009710078.jpeg (311.46 KB, 1536x2048, D5wLKDWW0AAH-Sq.jpeg)

Look at the dirty wallpaper and what's with the tacky pound shop Halloween material on the ceiling bitch if you're going to make the effort to tack shit onto your ceiling at least get some nice quality material bet that room is dusty af
No. 802296
>>802273I'm so glad l stumbled upon this kind of threads. eye opening af.
I've always had an issue with the hoarders on the goffside of yt., but l gotta admit, l'm more on the gullible side and didn't think IBF was putting an act during all this time.
No. 802305
>>802232All around, really. Twitter, tumblr, etc. But it was some time ago so you'll have to dig a little. Search for ot in the past alt cow threads
About IBF, I don't get why the last posts are milk. If she paints the apartment alone, "she has no friends etc", of she had help from friends it would be that she relies on others to fix her shit.
The cat sat on a spill of something she dropped but was already cleaning and she promptly washed the cat, I don't see what she did wrong.
Sometimes the insane nitpicking in the thread kinda takes the fun out of it, it seems like we're obligated to find a reason to talk bad about anything any of these cows do, when that's not the point. They do a lot of shit worth talking, there's no need to make shit up
No. 802311
>>802305I agree with you on the cat story. Cats are unpredictable and act as they please. I didn't see a problem with it either.
Her painting her whole apartment alone is definitely weird for me. If you were moving or smth, wouldn't you like someone to lend you a hand?
She said it herself, not having ''real friends'' in Germany cuz language barrier and stuff.
No. 802362
>>802311I see your point, but respectfully disagree. IBF has already proven that she’s shit at planning and providing a good home for her pets. Those cats are just accessories for her to be dumped off on someone else whenever to travels for months at a time.
When painting, it’s a no brainer to keep your pets safe in a separate area because they are little demons who do what they want.
The painting without help is just kind of funny, and then also pathetic because she did this to herself. I’m sure she’s getting tons of sympathy from her fans though. Instead of interacting with actual humans in meat space, she collects online fans who kiss her ass.
As for German goths not liking her, I’ve been around when she filmed at mera luna and yes, there were people were rolling their eyes at her, but she also had a horde of fans following her, making selfies with her. Plenty of German goths her age speak English, so I’m just not buying the language barrier as an excuse. Sure it makes everyday life difficult, but in a place like Germany, it’s not a barrier to making friends. Rarely leaving your house and when you do, having a conversation with a stick? That was the barrier.
No. 802370
>>802048An "independent" adult would EARN their own money to pay for things, not bum off their fans with shit vlogs at the laundromat. Jake and Kaya are both overgrown children that refuse to work hard, they want everything handed to them with no effort. Is he going to start up a Go Fund Me to pay for a car, too? Pathetic.
>>802273I still believe people who feel the need to deck their house out like this are posers. Most goths can live in a "normal" looking house, they don't need to prove themselves in this way. If you have the money to spend (that you earned YOURSELF not donated to your lazy ass) then go for it, otherwise why bother? It seems like peacocking.
No. 802386
>>802362I completely agree with you though.
Many germans are really good English speakers, you could see in her festival vlogs that many could actually reply.
I didn't buy that german barrier bs either, l just quoted what she said in a very recent ask me anything on ig.
Saying she has no friends at all, even though that Valentin Winter guy designed an outfit for her in his little modelling show and inviting her with many other friends around Christmas time.
The constant lamenting and lack of self-reflection is really off putting.
And yes, she screwed up big time with so many choices. The black cat, Thanatos, would be better off with Matthias, and moon moon should have never left NZ. and ofc the poor birbs need a better home too.
Girlie can't even take a proper care of herself. Highkey really worried about her pets.
No. 802388
>>802354She just doesn't learn. When they first moved from Osnabrück, she had to repaint some sections, but it wasn't as crazy as this time.
The initial white walls would have showcased the home decor better anyway imo.
So really, painting everything red and black was one bad choice.
No. 802389
>>802226I saw her recently saying that she moved all her clothes to a storage facility. Does that apply to all the furniture and home decor?
I'd like to know how this kind of stuff works.
No. 802394
File: 1557064375948.jpeg (628.5 KB, 1242x2001, 62319CB0-8FCE-45C5-B3EC-69E479…)

>>800058That cryptic post about things not going well was not about Sireplague. Doubtful it was about Coalcandy either.
Dating sucks. Got to be harder when you’re committed to a lifestyle and looking for someone who vibes (and isn’t a young thing)
No. 802431
>>802295Just watch anon, like all people like this she will be cut off at some point where the free stuff will cease coming and when that day comes, I am pretty sure we'll see her e-beggging more from her fanbase for money to buy the stuff. It's going to be interest to see lol.
>>802226Well if she actually bothered to really try learning the language, she could've probably made some friends but it's obvious she didn't and she relied too much on Matthias to translate for her.
>>802305Though gotta agree, these house cleanup posts aren't really much. But I think people are just fascinated that she has to do it on her own with help from no one.
>>802354Pretty much said the same thing, there's just no point painting from top to bottom a place you are just renting that you most likely won't be staying in forever. It may be all fun and games at first when you're beginning but the end result when you have to move just doubles the workload.
>>802362I've never been to Germany but if there really are a lot of people who speak English there then yeah, it really does come down to the fact that she cared more about her e-fame (carrying the selfie stick with her) then interacting with the world around her.
>>802370Eh I can see that happening where they most definitely will do a Go Fund me to get a car… And agreed, most of us Goth do just fine living in a normal house, we don't need to deck everything in "GOFF" stuff to show we are GOFFICK. But this is Kaya/Jake we're talking about, we already know they're the biggest posers of the posers of current day Goff YouTube.
>>802386Oh right, I forgot they did that. I'm sure if she asked Valentin or his friends for help, they would've probably done it if they had the time depending on whether they got close to her or not.
No. 802444
File: 1557080568064.png (1.84 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190505-191547.png)

This is grow woman sitting in nightdress and dirty mirror.this is her life just sitting around getting money for nothing they were to do 12 hours twitch today and not even done that .both are bad as each other to busy looking in mirror saying they are goths of belfast .
No. 802464
File: 1557083676280.png (302.49 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190505-200826.png)

Anon I think if she got job got away from internet but she such a bitch why post shite like this when for 2 days she was out with her goth friends .she needs to get her shite together and grow up .
No. 802493
File: 1557090694100.png (1.54 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190505-220847.png)

This grown man needs help .make up advice from dick head.
No. 802501
>>802431>I think people are just fascinated that she has to do it on her ownYep, especially since she's used to stuff being handed to her (and crying for the camera when they aren't)
>>802493So Mr Incredible had sex with Fasttrack, then threw the result in a tar pit. That's not so bad, since that would've been my reaction too.
No. 802504
File: 1557092653009.png (1.22 MB, 1123x589, impressions.png)

Jake wants to make roleplay asmr skin is crawling.
he seems to think he's good at voices too, can't wait for that trainwreck
No. 802540
>>802515For me, the blueish smear above his lip and those black teeth are just too much. And who needs a tutorial for this.
Asmr with this kind of look? Nah l'll pass.
No. 802618
>>802394I checked when the anon made that post and she isn’t following Sireplague but they seem to be friends still.
There are a few that she used to hang out with but doesn’t anymore, like Xilmordas, she followed him and hanged with him but not anymore either, and I’m pretty sure that a few months ago she wasn’t following Victoria (someone had made a post about it and it was true) but after a few days she was following her again. Maybe she’s just mentally unstable and is breaking friendships only to fix everything up after a few days.
And she hasn’t written anything about Ras after a while, maybe it was about him.
I feel kind of bad for Adora, whatever happened with the divorce hit her hard.
No. 802705
>>802626Since they got so much crap offered, he could at least put on some color corrector, to hide the stubble.
I'm no makeup professional, but when you wanna learn smth, you do your research. Honestly now l mostly watch ''normal'' youtubers, at least many of them are really professional and take their ''job'' seriously.
No. 802848
File: 1557229728797.png (1.98 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190507-123640.png)

Some milk that lazy toxic put up
No. 802849
>>802848When you cling onto so much crap, you can only struggle with organizing it.
She could just donate, or giveaway stuff, but we all know those aren't
valid options for her.
No. 802891
File: 1557245046829.png (1.17 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190507-123616.png)

Don't know if this is milk .
No. 802935
>>802764But there isn’t much milk about the real reason for her divorce. We know she def was whoring around with her boy toys but maybe the husband was unfaithful?
She seemed so into him that it’s so hard to believe that she threw her perfect (according to her) marriage and husband for some 20 something boy who surely would leave at some point.
No. 802951
File: 1557256117399.png (945.16 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190507-124003.png)

Now we going have his dark people doing this . so not goth or cool it's outdated.
No. 802988
File: 1557263755009.jpeg (365.08 KB, 828x615, 2CF128A0-9535-4A5A-90D6-0D6F5D…)

Another Killstar haul, what a surprise.
No. 803014
>>802988So she complains about people saying she only does hauls and unboxings, asks her viewers what they want to see, then proceeds to churn out the same shit regardless? God I hope her subs drop like flies and her channel dies
side note: that fucking ACNE and greasy hair. yikes.
No. 803056
File: 1557281504800.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1862, B838867F-C393-4174-B47C-63791E…)

>>802935There’s this cryptic message from April. She says she fucked something up 5 years ago. Wonder if that’s when she and her husband opened up their relationship maybe? Who knows. For someone who has such a public life, she is remarkably good at keeping the milk to herself.
No. 803087
>>802988Lmao, this is most of the "goth" side of YouTube. Hauls, insane people, zero discussion about goth music (if there is any discussion about goth music, it's always the cookie cutter bands we all know and love), and weird metalheads claiming to be goth. Had hope in Freyja, but she sold out. Also, did anyone mention her reviewing an emo album but totally ignoring the free one she got from Merciful Nuns?
>>803056I think Adora is going through a mid-life crisis ever since the divorce. It explains a lot of her actions, just her trying to prove she's still "got it".
No. 803102
>>802988Imagine being a person almost approaching 30 with no meaningful work experience, education or career.Kaya, if you're reading this, get something to fall back on for when your bubble inevitably bursts, seriously does she think this is going to last forever? At least Jake has
something to go back to it seems.She is playing a dangerous game here.
No. 803161
File: 1557327615865.jpeg (994.73 KB, 1125x1742, 8B56AB2E-D1BD-4BE3-B6FA-2CB04B…)

>>803087I mean she did post her dream wedding cake, is she still thinking about it? Also what’s with her obsession with minions?
No. 803185
>>802386Valentin Winter seems to be the only German blogger who keeps defending her bullshit on ig.
I heard Manicmoth once tried to suck up to IBF but was completely ignored. Not surprising that IBF doesn't have any friends if she's acts that.
Manicmoth is pretty milky by herself lol. According to some people from her home town, she always looks unkempt and greasy in real life, you wouldn't recognize her without make up. Blotchy complexion and bad teeth to match.
No. 803192
>>803185I don't see anything wrong with not being gothed/dolled up all the time. She runs her own online shop for jewelry and added clothes too, so you can only guess how time consuming and tiring it is.
I haven't heard about this, maybe you gotta look über trad goth to be her friend?
No. 803195
File: 1557335828600.jpg (460.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190508-181510_Ins…)

>>803056I took the time to scroll all the way down, and this is all l found.
No. 803198
File: 1557335944327.jpg (479.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190508-181537_Ins…)

Back when she was best friends with Cajsa. I dunno what happened between those two. Checked the other pics, nothing special, really.
No. 803229
>>803192>maybe you gotta look über trad goth to be her friend?I believe her qualifications for friendship are being an über trad goth and being a rabid fan of hers. A real friend would give her constructive criticism and advice but a rabid fan would tell her everything she does is perfect and right. I couldn't see IBF with real friends, only enablers and ass kissers who want to be YouTube's next goff kween.
>>803104E-fame hungry people never think of the after. When she's finally 30, the Patreon bux are dwindling, sub count going down because she's "old" to her very young fans. Next comes another mallgoth weeb who is skinnier and younger than she is getting all her followers.
No. 803231
>>803198The thing with her and Cajsa was like, Adora took her as her project girl like she usually does, I remember when she used to write all over the place about her helping Cajsa to ose weight and stuff like that. They did photos together, we’re always hanging, then Cajsa got a boyfriend that apparently didn’t like Adora and didn’t look too alternative. Around that time Adora was always talking about how she only had ultra goth friends, and all the crap with the UCG tag (Upper Class Goth). Then Victoria came into the picture and if you have followed her for years you will remember that Victoria didn’t look like she does now, she was like into the Lolita style and looked pretty Japanese dolly ish, not so goth.
But Adora gothified her, turned into a clone and Cajsas boyfriend and Cajsa started to kind of say that Victoria was copying Adora, that looked like her clone and so on. Adora had posted a big status on her Facebook about it, and had a pretty public discussion with Cajsa, of course those messages/posts are gone. But yeah that’s more or less what happened between them.
No. 803318
File: 1557359645029.jpeg (687.75 KB, 828x1538, D147F326-9925-4E21-86B5-B9E103…)

Ibf is rehousing Thanatos
No. 803323
>>803192über trad goth lmao. You made my day.
Nothing wrong with not being dolled up. But it's quite a stretch from plain face for office job to business owners can't be bothered to shower.
One particular story I was told about was how Manicmoth bragged she can wear fake dreads for 8 weeks straight without washing her hair. Wtf it's gross if true.
>She runs her own online shop for jewelry and added clothesHer clothing shop is gone. Official pr says it's merged with her jewelry shop. I suspect her business partner left. I wouldn't be surprised after all the weird stories I've heard.
>>803318aaand the animal abuser abandoned her cat as predicted. Happy, stable life with a kind person who will love him - it's like IBF is saying this is everything I'm not. It's totally revealing.
No. 803334
>>803323Heh l'm glad l did. I saw a whole lot of IBF's pics with ''friends'', and legit all of them were hardcore grufti. Seems like that's the requirement to befriend her.
If that's true about Manic Moth, then major ew.
No. 803337
>>803231Nah l didn't follow Victoria for that long, but l do remember her selling some pink and cutesy/lolitesque stuff from her closet.
I grew tired of her pretty quick cuz she's one walking billboard & her using a gofundme just to get in some fancy school in the US (I forgot what she wanted to study) was just too much.
No one was buying it and l don't even remember ppl giving her anything. This is some old milk though.
No. 803338
>>803328I don't understand either. Maybe his partner doesn't want pets in the apartment?
Highkey really sad about the cat. I couldn't imagine giving away mine. Hopefully he won't be neglected with his new owner.
No. 803369
File: 1557373390814.jpg (314.04 KB, 996x789, 785754675867.jpg)

Here's Ofherbsandaltars being the ultimate edgelord, putting blood in her booze ~just like a real vampire~. Put down Lost Souls for a minute and have a proper look at yourself, Dorian. This is terribly embarrassing.
No. 803420
>>803328The person who took in Thanatos is a friend of Matthias, so I guess he can keep an eye on him. I’m sure he has his reasons for not being able to take the cat himself.
I wonder what she did with the birds and the other cat.
No. 803750
>>803420She mentioned in a comment that she is planning to take her with her.
Didn't see anything about the birds.
No. 803772
I can't watch any of these OooOOoo Vampire! I drink blood! clips without feeling deeply, deeply embarrassed for the people in them. The more pretentious the person, the harder the cringe.
Here's another Jen having a goffik moment.
No. 803776
File: 1557409888555.png (518.85 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190509-154747.png)

This is one of Jake's And TT fan .
No. 803791
File: 1557411082825.png (1.49 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190509-155439.png)

Jake and band with toxic for there show tonight .look big head fat head .what is she like .
No. 803802
>>803776She looks like the same person as
>>802951 just in a wig kek
No. 803822
File: 1557417585064.png (1.89 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190509-175739.png)

What toxic bitch is trying to say don't forget to bring the money as we so poor I don't ever go out .
No. 803836
>>803369Of course herbs likes PZB. Both of their writing itself isn't bad but they really overuse the ~gay vampire sex!~ thing to the point where its like a crutch.
Also, for a while PZB called herself a trans guy while also not wanting to operate at all. Coincidence?
No. 803886
>>803336not a fan of them having a picnic in the graveyard but the farm footage was actually nice, minus the obligatory ~spooky~ attire. not having jake being an annoying cunt was also nice.
>>803822how did you get that from this post? she's just promoting his band's gig which charges a cover for everyone. some weird nitpicking and reaching going on here lately.
No. 803903
>>803822I see nothing wrong with this post.
Not everything is worth posting here.
>>803776This is useless as well. This is just some random girl.
No. 803950
>>803369I find it hilarious in earlier threads people were saying Dorian isn't a cow, she has no cowlike qualities, and she should stop being mentioned here. Now look at this shit. I'm wondering if she was posting in the earlier threads. Oh yeah, she only mentioned Skullgirdle when anon posted her video here. Dorian definitely lurks.
>>803903It's one anon who's screenshot happy posting random useless things. You can tell by the typing style.
>>803836Definitely not a coincidence. That's Herb's idol. Dorian's writing isn't even bad until you get to her edgy gay vampire blog. Sad.
>>803813Same, the only illness I've come across is usually depression, but the few with it had it pre-goth so the subculture had nothing to do with it. Also they seem happier as goffs, probably something to do with finding where you fit in.
No. 804269
>>803237True we do have Angela who kinda breaks the monotonous haul crap and is an actual Goth and even when she does do the occasional haul, she usually shares a little back story.
However there is another Goth YouTuber who actually talks about Goth music and that is Cadaver Kelly. So she's another one who actually talks about what Goth truly is about and knows her stuff (from what she shared, she studied music in college and applies that to dissecting Goth music). And like Angela, she also has a profession (she's an accountant) so that's even more incentive why she doesn't need to be another boring haul channel since she doesn't rely on Youtube for money.
>>803369That's…. Very odd and I can't imagine it would be good for you.
>>803813Same. While I don't really see many actual Goths in my area (though lots of metalheads who think they're Goth because they like dark makeup and black), the few I've met have been pretty chill. One did suffer from depression but depression is a normal thing that can happen to anyone so I don't count that as being "fucked up".
>>803950The thing with Dorian is that she used to be fairly fine to those who didn't follow her on social media. I rememner discovering her in 2012 or 2013 with her Goth tag video and she seemed fairly fine but then I looked more into her about the gender queer nonsense and her "Transness" yet looking like a conventional alternative woman (pretty much the first Sebastian Columbine of the alt scene). It really wasn't till about 2016 when she started becoming a lot more cowish.
>>804263I'm sure the cat will be just fine as the owner will actually make she he gets the attention he needs and won't be treated like some prop.
No. 804441
File: 1557469437896.jpeg (297.42 KB, 1242x1316, 46A596EE-C64D-4D89-A789-1361FF…)

Aaaand she’s here!
Wonder how long till she adopts new cats and leaves them behind. Oh and finds someone else she’s soooo in love with and needs to marry because “it feels right” and it’s totally not for the visa
No. 804555
>>804537she won't be welcome except by her ass kissing fans
>>804538maybe they don't want to be recorded by the gofffick shebeast with her selfie stick everywhere
No. 804667
>>804537Freya used to work for a ghost tour company when she last lived in Edinburgh.
>her name is not popularAre you an ex-co worker, or do you know any that have talked about her?
No. 804783
File: 1557517728419.png (1.28 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190510-214633.png)

I'm lost for words .
No. 804801
>>804783Are they for fucking real?!
Money to fly to Birmingham for the night though of course
No. 804824
File: 1557520274133.jpeg (244.59 KB, 1152x2048, D6MlQvQW4AEtkCK.jpeg)

All the effort he goes in to with make up for vlogs and when he has an actual gig we get…this
No. 804827
File: 1557520404350.jpeg (248.21 KB, 1152x2047, D6LPbfGUcAAeem5.jpeg)

Kaya didn't look much better.
No. 804841
File: 1557521238138.png (1.82 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190510-224355.png)

>>804801I give up with there fans look at this . these people need wise up .
No. 804869
File: 1557522668252.png (1.49 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190510-230823.png)

>>804827Look at this all clothing she gets for free like she never put any effort in .these are there fans .
No. 804904
>>804783>>804841Honestly idk what to say either. Imagine being that miserable, begging for food AND drinks online!! He should've just opened his emptied guitar case and played a (whack) tune, to get some money thrown at. I guess that's too much effort.
>>804827She looks miserable af here. I legit think she's on the verge of tears.
I can't believe how people can't have any dignity. Asking people to pay for your food when you can afford a flight to fucking Birmingham.
And actually finding ppl who're dumb enough to pay for your meals.
No. 804907
>>804441Life must be good, being able to fly across the globe, quite literally, while boldly claiming you're by no means well off.
Ofc now she'll be again too busy to upload anything, she'll probably drop another haul, as always. Or some boring ass shit.
No. 804913
>>804869I don't like to discuss people's fashion sense or anything, but just look at these people.
Alt people nowadays all wear the same junk, I see 3 of them Kaya included, wearing demonias & the ginger girl some killstar top (i'm. Pretty sure it is from killstar)
And you have the Manson shirt. Very goff indeed.
And these ''influencers'' dare saying ''we're not forcing you to buy anything, you can just thrift or make your own clothes ''
That's not the case for most people. And the scene is mostly just about the fucking hauls now.
>>804269I watched many of Cadaver Kelly's
Vids and l really liked her content.
No. 804923
>>804667I work for a ghost tour company. The turnover of employees isn’t as high as you’d think as people tend to stick around because it’s such a good deal, though occasionally will work for more than one tour at a time as self employed contractors. And yeah, those who weren’t well liked are still spoken about for that reason.
And yeah, I meant now we’d need to deal with the tantrum if she shows up and realises we can’t be bothered…
No. 804924
File: 1557526860181.png (224.22 KB, 326x326,…)

>>804841>>804827>>804824I'm suddenly reminded exactly why they're both major cows, I don't even know what to focus on first.
Any one of Jake's Marilyn Manson knockoff looks could have sufficed??
That is NOT the face of someone happy to be meeting their fans??
I can't even find any words for the "send some drinks our way too" post??? Too bad e-begging can't buy you some dignity and gratefulness too, Jake, fucking pissbaby
No. 804934
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>>804924She post this IG few hours ago but I don't understand why they go to Dublin airport .as I'm sure belfast has two airport .they are just low life no class .to say fuck my life when she hand freebies hole time .
No. 804948
>>804904She always looks like she's about to cry. Jake doesn't even like her, he's too busy beating his meat to ReeRee and Kelly Eden and perfecting his bootleg Manson makeup instead of spending time with Kaya.
>>804824I cannot believe this. Jake has reach a new low. Copying Beavis & Butthead? Sad!
No. 804967
>>804934I did a quick search on and flights from Dublin are double the cost, so I think I found your answer lol
That aside, I am actually astounded at the free food bullshit, I didn't think these 2 could sink any lower
No. 804981
>>804934Ffs, always smth to complain about, end/fuck my life, what a joke.
Didn't their fans ''brighten up their misery''? They should e-beg for a flight in a private jet next time.
No. 804983
File: 1557532856575.jpg (422.85 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190511-005806_Ins…)

Thank you, my blind fans who pay for my food through my successful e-begging.
What was so stressful, the delay? As if they were the only ones involved. So dramatic damn.
It was so expensive = y'all get ready to give us some more money.
No. 805040
>>804841>>804783this is some shit tier begging. flights get delayed, it's not the end of the world. treat yourself if you want to be cheered up.
>>804824he wore more makeup on their trip to barcelona but couldn't even paint his neck black for a gig, lel.
>>804983no one forced him to go on this trip, bands put out plenty to tour and have merch, that's what comes with the territory. omf is he insufferable.
No. 805045
>>805040He lived in a bubble for too long and just expect blinded fans to pay for all of his expenses, be it basic ones such as food, or his music projects.
The sad reality is that there are people actually doing it.
>>804824Yeah, can't even put on the makeup he's so proud of lately, with the tacky blue mustache stains.
I bet the show was whack in terms of efforts as well. We all know how they both love the easy way out.
No. 805093
>>804983>>804841>here's our sob story now buy us food>thanks but you forgot the drinks>i was so stressed over this small thing but your hard earned cash made me happy for a few minsLol people buy this shit? Also the very specific way he asked them to pay, like he was planning this from the start.
>>805079I think cos of the ~stressful~ delay they didn't find much time, but weird they didn't do something, they care alot about their appearance (and not the inside kek)
No. 805137
>>804923She must have worked there years ago, so I guess whatever she did was bad enough that people are still talking about it.
Do keep us in the loop if you come across IBF.
No. 805235
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Well, that was quick.
No. 805306
>>804841OMFG… And they still asked for more? These people are ridiculous but their fans are even worse for enabling this behavior. So there you have it folks, this is why these two will never wise up until shit really hits the fan. It's called getting a job or at least a regular side gig, FFS.
>>804913> And the scene is mostly just about the fucking hauls nowCorrection, the poser scene is about that stuff. The actual Goth scene is still thriving (in some places more than others), it's just that the big GOFF youtubers don't showcase it. They don't showcase the actual Goth bands touring and meeting and interacting with the fans going to them, even at a Goth Rock night.
And the
Toxic Twosome's fans look exactly how I pictured them in my head. We already saw a peak into them when they did that meet up awhile back and were acting like obnoxious high schoolers and looked like MallGOFF Hot Topic kids, this is just a further look into it lol.
And no problem, I really enjoy Cadaver Kelly as well, it's so nice to come across another educated person who knows the scene and shows that in her videos.
>>804967> I didn't think these 2 could sink any lowerOh don't worry, they will lol. Many of us were saying that when that one fan donated $1,000 to them in a live stream (which they obviously blew through since they have no concept of SAVING money).
>>804983> y'all get ready to give us some more money.LOL just had to laugh when I got to that part of the comment because it's so true. The point is since these MFs don't work, they shouldn't be traveling through expensive means.
>>805045> The sad reality is that there are people actually doing it. And the sad thing is that it seems this will continue being that way because their fans are so blinded by how
toxic these two are. It's true that it's not our money and fans should spend it on whatever they want but it's just a shame that they give it to two ungrateful cows who are too lazy to put in the work themselves.
>>805147I think his music is ass but I agree, there are certain steps bands/musicians need to take if they want to be successful and THEY HAVE TO PUT THE WORK INTO IT. You get what you put out.
>>805235Oh my god… LOL
Now all we need is the announcement for it and that she needs some "HELP" to get the festivities started.. .Just a "small" generous donation will suffice…
No. 805337
>>805306Point taken. I was just pissed when l saw some goff fans of theirs, posing happily next to their idolized beggars.
I stopped following 99% of the alt people who do nothing but promote shitty fake goff fashion. I'm better off following genuine people,or hard working artists.
>>805286 This. Lmao.
She probably wants to do that grandiose über grufti weedings of her dreams, with skulls, pipe organs and whatnot.
Financed by her dear blinded followers, ofc. Let's not forget she's too broke to pay it herself.
They wanna live their fantasies with others' hard earned money, without even doing the bare minimum to be worthy of it (i.e, upload actual good content.)
No. 805356
>>805349Feels probably great, to be able to afford trips and making 'music'' through people's donations for the ''content'' you create online.
And the e-begging, you see other people doing it, so you give it a go as well, because you think ''you deserve it'' after all the effort you put in creating an unboxing video. Hollywood is quaking.
At first, it may be awkward, but you get used to it, & just interpret it as ''my fans giving back some love to me'' instead of thinking ''this is actually wrong, l shouldn't ask people to pay for my food, when l can fly to another country, and give a small gig ''
Just my interpretation. I'm tired of all the begging online, from Amazon wishlists to gofundme links.
No. 805443
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Begging for soap now.
No. 805484
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Can she not do anything for go to Dr and aske like any grown woman would do .
No. 805590
>>805522>>805526>>805527>>805532Sage if you don't have milk/images
>>805235I don't know why but I'm gonna be real frustrated/mad if she marries Mr Owl in Edinburgh…I don't want my dream wedding locale/setting to be tainted by that.
Where are they going to live anyway? NZ? Is he going to move to the UK? How would they get permanent residence there?
No. 805638
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>>805631Because of Ruadhan, IBF's channel has become stagnant. When she uploaded her DNA test video, she lost subs (which never happened before Ruadhan called out the BS). It also doesn't help that she goes weeks without uploading
No. 805669
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Julia hasn't been mentioned here for awhile, but I just saw this and…she agreed to be in a video on online freakshow channel, barcroftmedia which I'm sure we're all familar with.
>Point and gasp at the woman dating her granny!!
Like…why would you agree to this?
No. 805680
>>805669Because there whole relationship is a scream for attention. Maybe Maria, her ex, broke up because she didnt wanna be in front of the camera as much as Eileen.
The thing that bothers me the most is how she always puts "Lesbiange age gap couple" in the title of her videos, as if that is an important fact. Like "Getting matching tattoos with my fiancee" would have been enough but sure not enough to talk about without saying they are a lesbian age gap couple
No. 805704
>>805638Oh wow, I had no idea she lost more than 50 subs. And if she even tries to scam people again with the wedding (or starts traveling again to all sorts of different places), she'll most likely lose even more.
>>805694This theory seems plausible as well as maybe they are going for school as a way to get their foot in but yeah we will definitely see an influx of her boring Killstar Haul videos and lowkey e-begs that may be on the line similar to the
toxic twosome.
Mu thing is do you think her fans will get tired of the same crappy content which will probably cause her get a dip in her subscriber base? I just fail to see repetitive haul content surviving but then again, that's just me and everyone is different in their choice of entertainment even if I do think her fans are getting ripped off.
And oh you know Ruadhan will be on her like white on rice. He'll most likely get a little blow back from her fangirls/fanboys but a good portion will get the picture of just why she's terrible.
Speaking of which I have to ask. Who do you guys think is worse?
Toxic Twosome or IBF? Both are bad in their own ways though currently, I think the
toxic twosome are horrid after the latest e-begging extravaganda though if IBF does do the e-beg wedding… lol
No. 805916
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Jake your show was Thursday and you were to lazy to put makeup on.but for twitch your got your face on .it shows how lazy you are also he looking for his fans to give him 500 dollars as it was his birthday .I wish he just fuck off.
No. 805929
>>805722Nta but psychara and mai have been my faves, so i want to know if there's something wrong with them. I don't really care about interpersonal drama, but i'd like to know if they like, steal art, scam people or if there's anything super
problematic about them. Psychara seems more consumerist than mai, who is huge into sustainability, so i can imagine them disagreeing on that.
Couldn't care less about manic moth tho
No. 806040
Toxic Twosome, easily. IBF isn't much better, though. I'm sure she's saving up the monthly $1200 from patreon for an OTT wedding. Didn't she charge people for tickets to see the livestream of the wedding that never happened?
>>805770When will people realize that moving to another country isn't going to solve all your problems? I'm only 20 and I've seen it time and time again, people trying to move to the UK, Canada, or Japan thinking that it's the solution to their unhappiness
No. 806178
>>805916I'm starting to wonder if the reason he didn't wear the makeup at his gig was less to do with laziness and more to do with not wanting to put off potential new fans? Perhaps he thought the people in attendance wouldn't be keen on his look so toned it down. just a thought
>>806132This. I can't even imagine posting publicly about something so personal like contraception. She's just screaming for attention
>>806144Even their exercise is lazy, how about learning to ride an actual skateboard that doesn't do the work for you? lazy cunts
No. 806226
>>806144Imagine eating all kinds of junk food in the middle of the night, not doing the bare minimum of physical exercise, and then being audacious enough to complain about your weight!
What do you expect, maybe your dear fans paying for some training gear? It will end up covered in dust anyway.
No. 806482
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Just seen toxic bitch is trying to sell this dress
No. 806585
>>805484>acne and weightimplying that it's not her fault that she stuffs her face with shit food and then doesn't wash said face, it's the ~hormones~. Okay, Kaya.
in other news, Jake's 'WHY DO I DRESS LIKE THIS? AM I GOTH?' video is apparently on my recommended list on Youtube and the comments there are truly sickening.
Some highlights:
>You look so awesome!!! Your voice and hand movements give me Johnny Depp vibes. You’re so well spoken and inspiring. Keep it up!!
>your voice in connection with the way you look >excuse me while I faint >this is hot af >edit: after watching half of the video I'm glad your personality is just as awesome
>Goth ? Noo you are a supervillain !! I love it I have never seen someone with such a brilliant personality , been bullied for being different too but they can't understand it's just who I am , I'm Kay the goddess that's my thing that's who I am so it's refreshing to see someone like you to be so open and awesome (and handsome lol) anyway this goddess has just subscribed 😉 xx
>No, you’re a GOD. YOU AND KAYA ARE THE GOD AND GODDESS I ADORE. christ the youtube fanbase has low standards
No. 806615
>>806585It was in my recommended too, clicked out pretty quickly because he kept talking about patreon.
And yeah, they idolized him quite a lot in the comments. Saying he should do some story telling or whatever. His voice is nothing extraordinary tbh.
No. 806757
>> but usuallyYou sound like a scrote with that bullshit. Just because Kaya eats badly doesn't mean that weight gain and acne aren't known side effects of hormonal contraception that can affect anyone. Especially if you're on progestogen only or the implant.
Sage for medfag derailing.
No. 806789
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Jake said he is more sexually attracted to men and was looking to explore that more before he met Kaya. I wonder if that's why it seems like their sex life is dead.
He's making a video explaining why he talks with an american accent so I guess it is fake like we all thought
No. 806899
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Looks like Casey Strange ("Rozz Williams Scholars Society") is back at it.
No. 806954
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>>805929>steal art>scam people>super problematicLol that's psychara. They all sell overpriced crap but she is like the worst of them. Her stuff is poorly made and people have been complaining about missing deliveries. One of her tattoos is copied from Alex Tabuns which she never acknowledged. I love Psychara's aesthetics but she is a pos.
>mai who is huge into sustainabilityDid she ever deliver recipes for her allegedly sustainable collection? If braiding random fabric scraps is sustainable then the bums downtown would be green champions for eating leftovers. Imagine having a fashion degree like mai, you would be embarrassed to publish shit like this and even demanding money for it.
>couldn't care less about manic moth thoYeah literally no one gives a fuck about her, but she acts like she is going to be IBF No2. Apparently she even went off sperging about how nobody wants to see fatties and they don't fit into her stuff anyway and shit. The two-faced twat needs shut up and wash her hair.
No. 806980
>>806954Fuck man l really thought it's her!!! And she keeps warning ppl on her page, to not steal her art!
& how no one is allowed to have any of her drawings tattoed unless she's the one doing them!
And the recent story abt her, getting mad over people copying her slogan ''witches supporting other bitches'' when she's an art thief herself. Fuck man that some audacity.
No. 807033
>>806940He's a blast from the past, but most noteworthy:
* he's hardcore obsessed with his ex, like YEARS after the breakup still stalks her Tumblr, RBing her posts with super unhinged commentary
* literally lives in his parents unfinished basement at the age of 30 something, and not for the usual milenneal reasons, but because he be cray to the zee
* racist, sexist, homophobic. Also likes to throw "autist" and "asspie" around as insults, in spite of his own self-unaware display of too many ASD traits (including a failure to detect sarcasm and literally one facial expression)
* in spite of blatant homophobia, fancies himself the only One True Rozz Williams Fanboy. Guess he missed that memo about Rozz being gay.
* after spending his disability checks on rare Rozz Williams collectables, finds ways to scam Rozz memorabilia and rare merch out of others.
* speaking of rare merch, he loves to file bogus copyright claims on photos he owns a copy of, because nobody told him that's not how copyright works
* After a number of antics proving his dubious relationship to with reality, including too many violent outbursts to count, no one who actually knew Rozz wants anything to do with Casey, anymore (but most of that circle just really felt sorry for him, anyway, so it's no loss)
* has several restraining orders against him, from all over the US, probably outside it too
* Reeree Phillips allegedly cancelled her trip to the US after he threatened her with rape — or so goes the word on the street
* shouldnt even be online as it is a violation of his parole, but oh well, guess he sensed that other people are fans of Rozz Williams, and that can't be allowed!
* around here, though, he infamously impersonated a "friend" who came in to defend him, and couldn't have been more obvious about it:
>>>/snow/36266 No. 807061
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This is guy who's in gym everyday look fat head this is guy who done photos of him last week and done all videos .
No. 807063
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How lazy can she be why put this up looking for freebies from her fans .she also going on diet again how many diets has she been on .
No. 807078
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>>807010Never 4get this clueless cow
No. 807107
>>806615Yeah I'm seeing it pop on my feed as well. Not gonna watch but I'm seriously bewildered he has a idolizing fanbase. Must be just teen "GOFF" Edgelord girls lol.
And Johnny Depp? Exaggerating aren't we? Johnny is talented, Jake is…. Basic.
>>806739That may be true but bad skincare and consistently eating unhealthily constantly and consistently without some form of routine exercising doesn't help and we've gotten glimpses of Kaya's day life so uh… Yeah.
>>806789Why do I feel like he's only saying that because he wants more attention?
>>807063She's been on a couple but seriously this chick needs to stop with the Diets. She needs to actually start eating a little better and workout a bit. Doing these things will just be better in the long run because diets aren't a guarantee and once you go off them, you gain the weight back and more if you don't seriously tweak your ordinary eating/exercise.
No. 807112
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>>806177>>805680Julia definitely has a fetish with the old lesbian, huge age gap thing. It's not even a preference, from the way she treats her relationships it is absolutely clear she gets off on the whole thing, and exposing it is a huge part of it. She also really enjoys introducing her mom to her girlfriends that are older than she(mom) is. I can understand why Julia gets into these relationships: it's her fetish, but what about Eileen? She's a 61 year old.politocal correspondent, for fucks sake! It's kinda common to see older people dating young pretty things but the way Julia exposes their relationship online sexualizes and objectfies Eileen so much! Look at these fucking "mukbangs" thumbnails, they are literally posing as if it was porn. On top of being part of her fetish, exposing it this way makes Julia feel modern, edgy, free, open minded, etc. Bit what does Eileen has to gain from this? What is this woman thinking? Yeah, date, marry a young kooky girl, who cares? But do not expose yourself his way…
>>805669I think that's the same reason why she does it: so the title attracts horny men who are into this kind of porn, even the thumbnails alude to sex
No. 807134
>>806757NTA but I suspect Kaya was gaining weight and having skin problems even before she went on BC, but is now trying to blame it on the 'hormones'.
source: i've been watching her spiral downwards since about 2014
No. 807138
>>807134But we don't know for how long she's on birth control. Why is it so hard to believe that she is experiencing a very common side effect of these meds? Yeah, she's lazy, probably because she's depressed as fuck, and that's what is preventing her from losing weight and treating her acne. It doesn't exclude that these issues can be, at least partly, caused by the meds. A lot of women deal with those side effects, being it exercising, treating the skin with doctors, and specially changing meds. And to be honest, I don't see anything wrong with asking about other women's experiences with different birth control methods etc
Most doctors just push birth control, of course you want to hear from people who take the meds. Blogpost but: these days a doctor gave me 2 boxes of birth control pills even when I told her I was fine having me period and that I'm not having sex at the moment. I said I didn't want to take them, don't see any reason to but she insisted I should, so yeah, they are pushy as fuck
No. 807145
>>807112I feel bad for her mom. You are right, it's a fetish for Julia and all those titles and thumbnails are very intentional.
What a mess.
No. 807149
>>807078I don't know what's funnier, that the only thing that incoherent ramble essentially says is "I'm clueless", or that she mentions Slipknot as a goth band KEEEEEK
>>807107Who even uses Johnny Depp as a compliment in the year 2k19… he used to be incredibly charismatic, but he's laughingstock nowadays
No. 807262
>>806954oh wow, i'm really disappointed in psychara stealing her tattoo and shit, especially since she's so strict about her own art. i also don't know why on earth someone would buy a psypuff but not delivering is a shit move.
i honestly don't see anything wrong with mai's collection except being overpriced AF, reusing fabric is definitely more sustainable than printing new shirts for example. i don't plan on ever buying anything from her but i don't think there's anything embarassing about it.
>>807197> l was uneducated back then, l was young and now l have changedi also don't really see anything wrong with this response. do you still agree with everything you said 5 years ago on the internet? i probably would've posted something similar about wearing dreads in 2013. (except the slipknot thing, that's hilarious)
i'm always up for more milk from them and i'd love to see receipts of drama between them since they act all high and mighty, but IBF and TT are waaaaay milkier… their laziness, entitlement and e-begging is hilarious.
No. 807286
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We back on diet good old toxic tears post this .wonder how long this going last
No. 807319
>>807262No, the sentence itself is good, but you need to show that you truly changed. Saying beautiful things without action to back it up doesn't mean shit.
Now she's more into art theft, maybe y'all missed her ig story tantrum, getting mad at ariana grande for reposting her pic on her story, the one where she was holding a sign with her ''own slogan'', bitches supporting other witches '' and asking for credit and tagging. (This happened not too long ago).
She also was hella mad about some online shop copying the whole sign and making profit off of it.
Not to forget all her captions, ''don't steal my art or l'll kill you''.
But it's all cool to steal a whole ass tat. Go off, l guess.
So yeah, you know that dreads aren't the only thing she appropriated, & if she gives a typical online personality, it wouldn't mean shit.
No. 807323
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>>807078psychara's old tumblr is a milk goldmine. Nazi and NSFW gore gifs, casual racism aka "but I have black friends", "I'd date other races but only with blue eyes", "dumb asians can't read english hurrdurr". Geez. What did I just read.
>>807262Except she didn't change and most people including you would never post nazi gifs for edgelord points, not now nor 5 years ago. You sound like a nice person but you need to realize that there's no point in sympathizing with cows. They wouldn't be cows if they had an ounce of self-awareness in first place.
No. 807325
>>807262Nah, judging from your choices of words, you wouldn't try sounding edgy and totally disregard racism/cultural appropriation matters, saying that there are other problems that are far more important.
The reply was posted around NYE 2014 and it's by no means some ancient times.
But as you said, nothing beats TT/IBF 's milk lol
No. 807329
File: 1557952674206.png (177.6 KB, 647x401, psycharadumbasians.png)

>>807323because calling their staff dumbasses will solve your problem with this vendor. Smart.
No. 807332
>>807329>>807326Ofc, when people don't speak English, they're immediately seen as inferior. Same about not having blue eyes, in her books.
That's what happens when you're too obsessed with just your appearance, you'll end up forgetting abt fixing your shit behavior and nasty attitude.
No. 807337
File: 1557953530857.png (60.58 KB, 598x158, psycharabutIhaveblackfriendz.p…)

>>807323obligatory I'm not a racist cuz I have black friends excuse.
No. 807341
>>807337Speak their minds:calling Chinese people dumbasses cuz they may not be able to understand english.
Saying ignorant shit, like ppl from all ethnicities gotta have blue eyes otherwise she'll pass.
No. 807359
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I'm trying to find the "tentacle hair" debacle (she does use that tag but I specifically remember some tantrum posts), found this instead
No. 807375
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She's even interacted with everyone's favourite Irish goff youtuber!
No. 807384
>>807144While technically true, changes in hormones (such as birth control) can make it more difficult to burn calories. In non-trans women, hormonal changes like during pregnancy (including birth control that mimics pregnancy hormones) contribute to that cos it turns out that a fetus needs calories to grow, so it can take something like twice the effort for some women to manage their weight on birth control.
She's still put on a lot of weight, over only the last few years, and she gets really eager to blame it on all kinds of meds, so you're not 100% wrong, and no one really thinks that you are. It's still more complex than just "calories in, calories out". Birth control complicates the situation for most people on it.
>>807329If she thinks that Chinese shop staff are dumbasses for poor English, then what's her opinion on the fact that IBF lived in Germany for a couple of years and still needs a translator for "nein!"?
I guess different rules must apply to other spoiled white girls…
No. 807419
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>>807393Because boy be cray!
No. 807448
>>807033Holy shit, I had no idea that was Casey! I remember him from the VF days. I feel sort of conflicted about his initial callout video now. Back in the day, having Casey file copyright claims against you was like an initiation into being a Christian Death fan.
He's threatened some friends over the years and I distinctly remember him mocking suicides in the scene and targeting close friends and loved ones of the deceased. He also loathes heroin users despite all of his favourite musicians being junkies at some point.
It's obvious that he's struggling with mental illness and I've know quite a few people over the years have tried to look out for him but they all end up burnt out and hurt. Ultimately, I hope he can find the help he clearly needs.
Thanks for all the info anon. Do you know if he's still active on Tumblr?
No. 807451
>>807112I don't think this is actually her fetish. Wasn't she on the pastel goth trend for a bit, then that died, now suddenly WOW MUH CREEPY GAP RELATIONSHIP! This old woman gets her views, and doesn't seem to mind it. Also hate Barcroft, why do they keep giving poseurs a platform, ugh.
>>807323I'm sure she's still racist, too. Fine, go be racist. Just own it so people can avoid you. I never understood people who denied they were, surely their friend group knows and accepts it as they're usually racist too.
No. 807455
>>807149> Who even uses Johnny Depp as a compliment in the year 2k19… he used to be incredibly charismatic, but he's laughingstock nowadaysYeah he's a joke now but he used to be good and it's silly that people would think these two are the same unless they're talking about Johnny Depp now lol
>>807249LMAO. The plot thickens. So was he gay all along and was using Kaya as a "beard" or is this just a pathetic cry to try to break away from Kaya and get that skinny Goff chick that he subtly pines for?
>>807262> i'm always up for more milk from them and i'd love to see receipts of drama between them since they act all high and mighty, but IBF and TT are waaaaay milkier… their laziness, entitlement and e-begging is hilarious.It's hilarious now but shit is gonna get real for them when the e-begging stops working… lol
>>807384Her weight gain wouldn't be a big deal (aside from health problems but those are her own problems) if she actually was honest about it.
We're not saying that medication doesn't affect the body with weight gain but there are ways to help control it a bit through proper nutrition and exercise, which Kaya has shown time and again that she can't stick with it. She's a lazy glutton and that only enhances the weight she's already gaining from the medication.
She has so much free time to be a bit active. She doesn't work a job, she doesn't go to school, she doesn't have an active hobby, she has no side hustle… Her crappy unboxing videos don't take that long to make. I mean seriously, she can't spare 20-30 minutes of her day to an exercise activity and balance out her meals? Isn't Jake a supposed fitness expert (Kek)?
Just saying anon, she's not making things any easier for herself.
>>807451>PAstel Goth trendOh fuck I forgot about that. And these people wondered why actual Goths didn't take them seriously? lol. But yeah clearly she's moved onto the next fad which is dating people significantly older than you. As soon as that trend ends, I won't be surprised if she dumps her as soon as the views start decreasing.
No. 807476
>>807448Oh yeah, at some point, it was like you weren't "a real Rozz Williams fan" until Casey somehow lashed out at you.
I haven't been on Tumblr for a couple years, TBH, so off the top of my head, I can't say if he's still active on there or not.
He's had a hate bone for Ruadhan for years (like before R transitioned to Male) because who TF knows. Probably cos he thinks being a fan of anything is like being a Highlander immortal and "There can only be one!!" Maybe it's just cos people can actually stand being around Ruadhan for more than 5minutes before the paranoid ravings and nonstop autistic rocking make everyone in the room uncomfortable.
(sage to be on the safe side — not saying that Ruadhan
isn't weird and he's open about being heavily medicated, but he seems well aware of his issues, so he's not much if you're looking for a trainwreck. Maybe once in his life, but it looks like he's actually grown up?)
No. 807519
File: 1558002057279.jpg (197.96 KB, 1053x1721, Screenshot_20190516-111844~2.j…)

Looks like it took him a grand total of sixty seconds, complete with a.. Chest butt hole? What even is that meant to be?
No. 807537
>>807482Yeah they got together as teens, and it's been 8(?) years. At least go have some fun before settling, no wonder he keeps thirsting after others.
But Jake settled with kaya so he could move to Ireland away from his family, and then cos of her YT cash. And now maybe he feels pressured to stay from fans who only know him because of kaya? Either way its not a love relationship, and not really healthy.
No. 807563
File: 1558014686366.jpg (159.69 KB, 960x636, dir-en-grey-14.jpg)

>>807519Looks like it's supposed to be this Kyo/Dir en grey look
No. 807580
File: 1558019050155.jpg (38.48 KB, 500x375, Pietenband.jpg)

>>807479>we dutch are just speaking our minds easily no hate bro>zwarte piet blackface everywhere for Sinterklaas>but muh tradition is not racism>anti zwarte piet protests attacked by rightwing mobs >throwing bananas and doing hitler salutes>totally not racist kekekefun fact: the dutch were one of the last countries to abolish slavery in europe.
No. 807591
>>807519Ngl, if it wasn't for the weird thing he drew on his chest, this came pretty good l think.
I read in the comments regarding his ''am l goth'' vid that l didn't bother to watch, he apparently likes Kyo from Dir En Grey.
>>807577It would be nice if he did smth original and not copy others, indeed. But this kind of people lack creativity and a sense of individuality. He just wanna look cool and appeal to his fans with OTT makeup.
No. 807602
>>807078I don't get the whole "stolen way of doing your hair" dispute. Both brided and locked with teasing grease/wax styles were also known in Europe oth very damn ancient (figurines from stone age) and quiet recent times. Rastafari very likely adopted dreadlocks from group of Hindu hermits that came to Jamaica during British trade times anyway.
Also shaving sides (various "mohawks") is known all around the globe.
>>807323Yea, like being interested in gore or Rob Zombie movies is rarity among "dharkh"alt people… seriously?
>>807326Are you attracted to every possible physical traits yourself? I seriously doubt.
>>807359Here she's damn right.
>>807375and the point being?
No. 807613
triggered kek
seriously got the impression that some ppl here know the cows since they go out of their way for bullshit defense.
No. 807659
File: 1558035586044.png (1.18 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190516-213541.png)

WTF Is he trying for last week he did a show put no work into it .they both on twitch he like this .this is grown man acting out .
No. 807693
>>807613Remember that one time The Gothic Alice was talked about for one hot second, someone went and told her
immediately, and then either a fan or she came and told us that "we're all jealous of her because she's overcome her introverted psyche" Good times, I'm still not over that
No. 807724
File: 1558048288223.jpg (102.27 KB, 608x617, july 2017.JPG)

>>807676I was looking for some kind of review/feedback from someone not a "fan" but haven't found any.
This old one makes me smile smugly.
>The problem is Munro himself…Yup.
No. 807855
>>807724this is so harsh haha!!
Munro are nobodies so a review of them in the first place is weird.
it seems like the writer hates Jake too, which is understandable but I'm pretty sure these people aren't meant to let what they feel personally effect their writing.
all in all 10/10 review lmao
No. 808039
File: 1558127210044.jpg (125.06 KB, 956x1731, IMG_929283034.jpg)

>>807693unmistakable attribute of a cow: Anyone not sucking their ass is a jealous hater. Cue eye roll. Gothic Alice is aging badly, she looks like tranny these days.
>>803323it's ded. Sucks to be manic moth right now.
No. 808043
>>807602I doubt psychara is some kind of anthropology wiz like you implied. She doesn't know where she's stealing from and she doesn't care, that's the hallmark of cultural appropriation.
You can like Rob Zombie movies but posting them with your actual face next to it makes you unemployable. Unless you are some spoiled rich kid who never plans to have any career like Mara, it's a dumb move. Same applies to her bitchy and ignorant racist ramblings.
>>807656I'd pay to see psychara in blackface lmao. That would be actual milk.
No. 808352
>>808341At least she is very creative with her looks, supports a shit ton of independent artists instead of buying constantly from shit, fake goff fashion. Not to mention that her channel has lots of various content, not some stupid unboxings and ebegging bs.
Abt her tattoos, they may not be the best, l just hope she doesn't charge too much.
So yeah, her place is definitely not in this farm.
No. 808360
>>808352Don't get your panties in a twist, WK green newfag, Alex is still a
valid goff but nobody is or should be immune to being mentioned here (also remember that she doesn't really do videos anymore because she couldn't handle any comments that didn't agree with her)
I s2fg whenever Alex gets mentioned, at least one WK crawls out of the woodwork to say WELL AT LEAST SHE'S NOT DOING [x thing that Kaya and IBF do] Yeah, we all know that, hence why she's never talked about here?
No. 808449
>>808360 She did post two weeks ago tho. When there's smth milk worthy, then post it. Useless nitpicking isn't interesting.
I have been following her for quite some time, so be sure I ain't no devil's advocate of hers, nor a ''green newfag''.
No. 808478
>>808461I don't remember seeing any cow behavior from her during all the time l have been following her & if you did see smth, just share it.
That's what I meant.
If there's nothing worth sharing better shut the f up instead of useless bickering.
No. 808483
>>808478Do you realize…. that the first comment you replied to…. was saying "TGA is this and that,
but she's not a cow"…… You've been prolonging an argument about literally nothing because Alex…. is not….. a cow… and nobody is arguing that she is? What are you defending her from? Get some reading comprehension and for fuck's sake, learn to sage and learn to pick your battles instead of trying to get the last word in
No. 808754
>>808744Oh man, I was wondering this too. His Facebook says he's single and most mentions of her have been taken off. She still has a pic of them together on her page all hugged up together. Maybe he lurks and doesn't want us to bother her? But no one in these threads has ever cowtipped so… I don't know. Who knows, maybe he really is a serial cheater.
>>808461There is an anon who refuses to sage, there is a post a little bit upwards too of I believe said anon (>>807422) not sageing yet again, if you look at the Facebook page where they were reacting to comments, it's Ruadhan. You can tell it's him because he types how he speaks.
No. 808853
>Who knows, maybe he really is a serial cheater. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. It may be true that IBF is "asexual"(I think it was just at that time in her life though to be honest) - but Matthias did strike me as a wandering eye kind of guy.
No actual milk, kinda wish some friends would chime in and spill some
No. 808860
File: 1558250532055.jpeg (969.45 KB, 1125x2436, C3C2AD75-9C4D-4DC4-8F25-2F69F9…)

Sage for no milk but im a friend of IBF, she hasn’t said shit about Mathias. Screenshot of her last post on Facebook.
No. 808881
>>808754Ruadhan stop if it's you. I like watching your yt, honestly don't embarrass yourself here pls.
>>808853>>808860Why do both IBF and psychara claim to be asexual? Is it supposed to be their special snowflake trait?
It's like them saying "nobody wants me cuz I'm fucked up but I don't want anyone to know it, I'll claim I don't want them instead I'm SO smart".
No. 809187
>>808884I wished people would go to a good doctor with their health issues rather than milking it for attention and pity-laced e-begging. Maimagi used to do it with her fibro, it was annoying as fuck.
Call the ambulance if it's life threatening and don't overshare online.
No. 809430
>>808881>Why do both IBF and psychara claim to be asexual? Is it supposed to be their special snowflake trait?This is the blog that's often used as sauce on this specific thing for IBF. like I said, I think it might have been for that moment in her life. She was in a bad/not great relationship with some guy in Edinburgh while she lived/worked there. I think depression, working, him not being a great partner, etc were all factors in the "I don't have sex right now" thing.
you know, lack of stability. which she's still putting herself through. I guess paired with endometriosis maybe she still doesn't do sex much.
No. 809527
File: 1558364067340.jpg (203.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190520-154624_Ins…)

>>808039Follow up to the Manic moth issue with her store
No. 809604
>>809527Were the clothes she was selling actually good? Because I'm assuming they were just merch for her fans, meaning a black/green t-shirt with her logo and name she goes by. Which sounds pretty boring imo, she's better off selling the loads of jewelry she has on Etsy. Seems like it sells pretty good as 1,600+ people have bought it.
>>808858Yes! And then when both of them were surprised they weren't let into the bone church, neither of them thought "hmm, perhaps we shouldn't wear satanic symbols and bones in a church where peoples ancestors are laid to rest" instead it was full on "oh em gee! Discrimination bc we're goff!"
No. 809701
>>809674>used to have a British accent>i consumed mostly US media>moved to Ireland at 18, nobody had my accent, i also kept watching American stuff>started using American words for YT so they can understand me>P.S. trying to make an upload schedule for once, it's sooo stressfulOk but how can you get the accent just from watching TV? Unless you watch it obsessively and never talk to anybody. You know what, I can see Jake doing that actually. He also talked like 99% of the media is American so.
And good luck with the schedule kek.
No. 810255
>>809674as an Irish person he's full of shit.
yes we have a lot of american programs but we have a lot more British programs. We have even more Australian programs on our television
that doesn't change your accent unless he was a complete and utter shut in 24/7 watching friends on repeat.
stupid video and he's boring makeup is really starting to annoy me now. can he not come up with ANYTHING else??
No. 810478
File: 1558455123438.jpg (664.45 KB, 1440x2437, Screenshot_20190521-170920.jpg)

I get the feeling that she wants to open a shop. Does she not realise how fucking expensive Edinburgh is to live, nevermind have a business? Jfc.
No. 810773
File: 1558479478329.png (702.07 KB, 580x627, oh piss off.PNG)

"send me gold jewellery"
No. 810841
>>810478Her patreon+youtube income will help her.
Idk who's worse, ebeggers or the idiots who give to ebeggers
No. 810850
>>810781Didn't she say, ages ago, that she'll make cool stuff for her online shop on storenvy? Just checked and it's full of stupid shirts. (Lol throwback to her saying she also make nice pins and all she did was slamming her logo on some.)
Too lazy to even manage an online shop, but wanting to open a real one? Ok.
No. 810852
File: 1558488794205.jpg (323.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190522-023148_Ins…)

>>810773You guessed it right, she even posted about it on her ig story as well as a regular post.
Forever an ebegger + hoarder.
No. 811065
File: 1558535776839.png (411.04 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190522-163206.png)

She never stops .
No. 811072
File: 1558536243771.png (1 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190522-164001.png)

This has been added to her wishlist as it's going be her birthday so she hoping some of her fans will buy it for .as she has to have it .
No. 811160
>>811081If she does open one, i doubt it'll be successful. She hasn't shown to be very art-y, and her shirts online are just merch. Nothing wrong with merch but doesn't warrant a physical shop, original designs might.
Unless she leeches from her fans or someone like Avelina, make it a collab, then scam them out of the contract when they're not needed.
No. 811169
File: 1558549490539.png (387.15 KB, 598x526, manicmoth.png)

>>811081>>810987Spot on comments, anons. IBF is gonna fuck up big time since she's clueless. She can't even care for pets, now she wants to run a store?! Someone call the ambulance, this woman is retarded.
>>809527The manic moth lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Her so called label is only held together by spit and tape if a single failing supplier nukes her whole clothing line. She sounds like an incompetent ass who chose to shift blame to them rather than admitting she did run her business poorly.
Pic related. It's the self-congratulatory sperging manic moth posted on her bday. "Proud independent business owners" don't throw rude and unprofessional tantrums in public, they would make it work. What a dimwit.
No. 811180
>>811169Typical flake post
>I was bullied because I was so speshul so pity me>But now I made it I'm so happy my life is the best now (suck it haterz)Like we haven't all seen her whiny posts, and seriously, is there a single flake that hasn't claimed they were bullied in the past?
No. 811213
File: 1558556094789.png (111.29 KB, 807x579, 1337milk.png)

>>811180more flake post: hardcore cringey manic moth biographical fic found on wattpad.
I can't even… this chick is seriously deranged.
Full-blown narcissistic personality disorder on display, nice.
No. 811219
File: 1558557319612.png (1.68 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190522-172552.png)

All you get we have no money please help us now she be on London for this with Jake and the it's there fans be paying for this .
No. 811243
File: 1558560669436.png (648.03 KB, 983x2083, Manic Moth Parasitic Friends W…)

>dweeb irl but imma queen in ma head>bby don't hurt me no more>trve soulmate I can smell u in my dreamz>angsty circle jerk>no relationships were mutual in my life uwu>but I still long for uuuuu>everyone is just a parasite like meNah it's just you. It's not mutual if you've got nothing to give. Lights are on but bitch ain't home.
No. 811331
File: 1558570407074.jpeg (214.15 KB, 1181x700, A93AEB34-5109-49F2-8404-F4F0FD…)

>>810478But she need a roof until begining anything else…….
No. 811352
>>811338>>811331Or maybe she should have saved her money instead of spending it on plane tickets, and sold some of her clothes, since she has so much shit.
No worries for her, the first time she posted about her being in Edinburgh, someone already offered her a 'room to crash in'.
She can't obviously learn shit since everything is kindly handed to her.
No. 811364
>>811338For real but watch, one of her fans is gonna offer her a place and she's gonna learn nothing from this hardship. She's such a terrible planner. She should've saved money ahead of time before she did this or heck, like
>>811352 suggested, she should've sold some of her clothe because Lord knows she has a shit ton that only heavy up her luggage and would sell for a reasonable price to help get her by.
But I do agree with the rest of you that her shop is gonna fail so bad because she's already shown she loses motivation quickly, isn't very artistic to warrant worthy merchandise, and lacks poor ethic since she can't take responsibility for when she fucks up. It's just not a good idea for her to do something like this that can put her in a deep hole financially.
No. 811518
>>811331She never plans, does everything on impulse then loses motivation and runs away. But she doesn't have to plan. Her fans enable her and give her free shit so she never has to own up to her mistakes.
She knows this and uses the shit out of it. And it means she never grows as a person and keeps pulling the same shit. Surprised her fans can't see a pattern.
No. 811567
>>811219This is why they'll never change their ways. Everything the
Toxic Twosome does is validated by their fans and they're then rewarded with shit like this.
No. 811573
File: 1558616792818.jpeg (380.99 KB, 1756x2431, C3A8CC9E-5BAC-4214-83B8-764171…)

Sage for potentially stale milk, was looking up “Goth Pikes” stuff for a friend to prevent them falling for the scam, found this and IBF’s mum’s comment is…like dude the post was from 2017 (hashed together to make it fit in one image lol)
No. 811596
File: 1558620900027.png (901.57 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190523-152534.png)

Just seen Jake put this up on IG why do people give to this nasty human
No. 811736
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>>811630This. I have no clue why anyone would own a dick candle.
No. 811763
File: 1558644607960.png (1.85 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190523-224742.png)

Wtf is wrong with him .he is such a dick head
No. 811764
File: 1558644755745.png (186.29 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190523-224652.png)

He do anything for money people are crazy to pay into this .toxic pair never stop looking for money .
No. 811769
>>811736The store looks to be some kinda pagan shop. Psy is probably shoving them up her cooter. I assume the same thing for Jake, probably shoving them up his ass kek
>>811573I don't mind the look, Nadia was a teenager here. IBF's mom is crazy and probably thinks only Freyja can be goth.
>>811331>Or longer?Time for the battle of who's the biggest fan of YouTube's goff kween. People will be begging her to live with them, she won't have to pay any kind of bills, just living in some randoms house and being ~spooky~
No. 811790
>>811764can Jake legally make money off reading someone else's book??
and fuck me £10 to get to listen to his incel voice for hours on end? no thanks.
No. 812092
File: 1558684083528.png (176.46 KB, 910x531, looney karen macleod.png)

>>811573based on what I've seen about IBF's mom…
The lady is at least 60 and she acts like a deranged teenager who lives vicariously through her equally immature daughter. Apparently IBF's parents divorced when Freya was 1. If I was IBF's dad, I'd _thank god_ I don't have to wake up to this psycho Karen every morning. I remembered this story about Karen allegedly harassing someone on facebook
No. 812110
>>812092Wow, karen is fucking crazy. Also where did this come from anon? Got any more milk?
>>812093I'm not even sure if she officially changed it or just changed it on social media. People in previous threads have speculated that it may be so that when people google her they won't find her embarrassing social media past that's under her real name. I think its just so sound more special uwu.
No. 812115
>>811945Maybe but he's still a try-hard. As far as I've watched him, he's still posting (almost) nudes on a regular basis though.
>>812092kek, no wonder IBF is so mentally fucked up and hopping countries desperately trying to start a life away from her crazy ass mom
No. 812132
File: 1558692359743.jpeg (401.36 KB, 1125x915, BD3CF772-7F3A-473B-948F-F2954D…)

Facebook fag from a few days ago, I did some stalking into IBF and found some lol worthy shit. The first is this isn’t her first time asking friends to crash on their couches in Edinburgh.
Also I found this gem of a comment on the post where she asked her friends to pledge to her Kickstarter so she could go to Disneyland.
Saged and spoilered cause these are old posts but interesting nonetheless.
No. 812133
File: 1558692408101.jpeg (Spoiler Image,370.42 KB, 1125x2436, 85FDAA14-C8C5-4793-BCCF-905A4A…)

I want to give this commenter a high five.
No. 812159
>>812093It's the Gaelic version of her surname
MacLeod actually means "son of Leod"
NicLeóid means "daughter of Leóid" so would be the more traditional way to use the surname
No. 812209
>>812133>Her jobs barely pay her enoughGTFO. She doesn't have a "real" job and she barely takes her "Job" seriously, what is this bitch talking about? Are her fans really that much up her ass that the feces is covering their eyes to what's really going on?
The girl who responded was speaking truth. She can't just save what little money she gets in a rainy day fund? No one forced her to move to another country, let alone an expensive one. She's just a incompetent jackass who acts before she thinks when it comes to life decisions and often chooses wrongly. Give me a break. I'm sympathetic to people who deserve it, life happens to the best of us but it's different when have someone like Freya who can't take responsibility for her piss-poor actions.
>>812115> kek, no wonder IBF is so mentally fucked up and hopping countries desperately trying to start a life away from her crazy ass momIf she wants to get away from her mother than she should do what every normal person does and get a JOB (or at least save money), save up money, and then move away from them.
>>811769> Time for the battle of who's the biggest fan of YouTube's goff kween. People will be begging her to live with them, she won't have to pay any kind of bills, just living in some randoms house and being ~spooky~I'm waiting for that to happen because you know it will lol How much you wanna bet that when Freya becomes more irrelevant, whoever put her up in their home will make a video called "My experience living with ItsBlackFriday and why it was terrible" or something like that? lol. "They say never meet your idols.. I learned the hard way…"
No. 812243
>>811769Psychara claims to be asexual but her tumblr has quite some questionable posts kek.
>>811890Wow Karen is a crazy bitch. I don't even like IBF but I don't wish someone like Karen upon anyone.
>>812209sums it up. Adults go to work and don't beg their way through life. Loled at "My experience living with IBF and why it was terrible". I hope someone does exactly this.
No. 812313
>>802273 That's actually nice wallpaper, shame it's been hung with gaps and covered in what I guess are make-up smears. So many mallgoths put that awful Halloween fabric up in their houses, not surprised
Toxic Tears has it.
No. 812340
File: 1558722910506.jpg (198.56 KB, 720x1280, 20190524_193009.jpg)

Here, we already have a candidate. Probably a few more reached out in private, because she deleted her most recent post about it.
>>812133I legit lol'ed hard at it, because l thought I was reading the now deleted post.
I don't understand why there's still so many people not seeing right through her bullshit and still enable her heedless behavior.
No. 812434
File: 1558733496507.png (Spoiler Image,528.12 KB, 917x1455, tyjfghy .png)

>>812110She is. I believe this story because she's notorious for fighting people in online comment sections. That was from an old PULL thread, hence why these posts are saged. Here is another comment thread from the "surprising mr. owl" video featuring Karen fighting people. I had to edit in her now deleted comments LOL
No. 812445
File: 1558734069991.png (2.11 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190524-220745.png)

Sweet fuck please just go away Jake I'm sick of joker look .I wonder what Belfast thinks of this .
No. 812449
File: 1558734483796.png (Spoiler Image,326.06 KB, 766x682, looney karen macleod 2.png)

Might I add that someone else on that PULL thread suspects that the "shopping with my mom" NZ vlog was posted to improve Karen's image after making an ass out of herself on IBF's social medias.
>>812092Here is the rest of it
No. 812477
File: 1558737757695.jpg (120.81 KB, 720x960, 20190525_083803.jpg)

>>812132Freyja has always been a member of it looks like shes changed her name on her profile and taken off her profile description. She used to have 'to be famous' as a goal… still couch surfing by the looks of it. Get a job luv. Youre not that special.
No. 812479
>>812461Can you spill any milk on what went down between Nadia, Mr Owl, and IBF?
Also…wasn't she like 18 when she was with Mr Owl? Who is like…32?
No. 812568
>>812479Nta but I've come to the conclusion that basically, Nadia was a rebound. Owl doesn't even like younger girls, he dates grown women around his age. He got with Nadia because Freyja hates her, and Owl was mad Freyja left him for a younger guy. Also for anyone wondering why Freyja hates Nadia, apparently it's because she believes Nadia is stealing her look, which is hilarious. Ones look is from overpriced
darque brands, the other one's look is mostly thrifted or DIYed. Also, according to an anon who knows Nadia, Owl hurt her pretty badly with that. I don't know what he was thinking messing with a 17 year old girl, even if he was just trying to get back at Freyja.
>>812209Her fans are always excusing her, she has an entire Patreon where they give her money probably thinking it goes to her rent and food but instead it's most likely going to clothes and makeup.
>>812132Had to look at this post twice, almost word for word identical to the post where she was begging to live in her fan's homes.
No. 812680
File: 1558792704711.png (39.15 KB, 703x207, 374018379.png)

>>811540She's not the only one. Found this on manic moth's travel vlogs. She is evading questions about how to budget your trip, only says she stayed with "friends". Freeloading her way to Japan would be more fitting.
>>812568Horrified that a grown adult would prey on a 17 year old to get back at his ex girlfriend. It's childish crap that was bound to hurt people involved. Freyja's attitude towards Nadia is also all kinds of wrong.
Toxic people.
No. 812775
File: 1558808115620.png (300.43 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190525-191127.png)

Didn't post right this is what toxic bitch wonts
No. 812823
>>809701I almost want to be fair because some people just pick up accents, especially if they were raised in a large city with a big immigrant population. I had a roommate who's boss was South African, and the ex would have a slight accent if they called me from work. The ex would lose the accent after abt 5m talking to me.
We all know that's not what Jake is doing tho.
>>810781Or check the thrift shops and rummage sales, clearance racks, ebay
Nope. Just easier to hint at trolling for gifties
>>811736Sage for no milk, but sometimes a spell calls for a dick with a wick. Can't explain why the Toxic2 have one, tho
>>812568If anyone is stealing anyones look, isn't it IBF whos stealing Elvira's eye makeup look?? But those tacky red contacts makes it technically diffrent so tgats fine then??
No. 812827
>>812775>>812777It's a super common belief that customs charges are a completely random thing that only happens to some packages for some reason? I think it's because they're quite bad at enforcing it in the UK. In countries with better postal services packages don't get overlooked as often.
but yeah there's an HMRC page on it one google away, it's not exactly esoteric information. Definitely fishing for gifts or bragging.
No. 812829
>>812568I know we all know Nadia was a rebound - but I'm hankering for some juicy details on what actually went down when he broke up with Nadia and ran back to IBF.
Is there milk on her actually finding him hitting up IBF online? Or whatever else was going on? Was IBF talking to Owl the reason Matthias noped out of the relationship? or was that just the cherry on top of other stuff?
No. 812848
>>812746How can you confirm? Who are you?
>>812829Yeah, this. And we all know they kept talking to each other, as they said they were still friends, there's even videos when she says this. If you mean that they were
talking to each other about feeling
stuff for each other you'll have to at least say
what they were talking and from where you got this information. Yeah, they talked, we know, milk, please
No. 812855
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I give up on this video he say something about them both moving that belfast is shite wonts move any milk were they going also they both are only Goths in Belfast it's worth watch to see shite he comes out with
No. 812913
>>812829Oh! That's what you meant, lol. Oh well, hopefully I helped someone who was wondering about that situation but didn't want to lurk the previous threads.
>I know we all know Nadia was a rebound - but I'm hankering for some juicy details on what actually went down when he broke up with Nadia and ran back to IBF.Me too. But every time we ask a friend of Nadia's or an ex-friend of IBF's… Silence. It's really annoying and defeats the purpose of even posting that you're so and so's friend on the thread. Obviously we're going to ask what really went down.
>Was IBF talking to Owl the reason Matthias noped out of the relationship? or was that just the cherry on top of other stuff?Since no one who knows them is answering, all we have is speculation. Most anons (including myself) are leaning more towards the Matthias was cheating thing. I mean fuck, he just got with that Chrissie(?) chick in like June, and suddenly they randomly broke up. Maybe he can't hold a relationship, chicks really do keep cheating on him, or he's a serial cheater himself. I mean, I did hear he was very flirtatious. But that doesn't always make one a cheater. I'm going to assume it will take an anon making a loud and very wrong post for one of their ex-/friends to come in here and spill the milk we've all been waiting for.
No. 813016
>>812775It's so obvious that she's fishing for the designer to send her the dress for free
>>812855So he promises his patrons a metal cover a month, does this for what, 2 months and now switches to audiobooks? I don't think he realisees the effort that goes into them either…
No. 813028
>>812855Anyone else find it incredibly irritating that the moment Kaya started to actually work on the attic, mr narc also started filming in the attic…
He has a recording/filming "studio", it's one of the bedrooms in the house. She got the attic. It took her forever to get off her ass and attempt to make it useable - but at least she did.
Wtf Jake
No. 813186
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I think he needs to get some help as this is not goth as I don't know what he trying but it's all for views and fan girls
No. 813206
>>813186that is fucking awful holy shit.
I noticed in Kaya's recent get ready with me video, her shadow pallet is falling apart. I wonder if Jake ever shares all the makeup he's buying himself with her. he seems to go through so much of it and Kaya's been using the same stuff for as long as I can remember
No. 813207
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30 year old unemployed man fails to be edgy in Belfast.
He actually gets the poor woman who works in the costume store to film him putting on a stupid hat
No. 813244
>>813029> Commercially minded "Goth"/Alt Rock boys have channels currentlyI don't think there are any tbh. The only Goth guy channels I can recall are Cemetery Confessions, Accumortis, and Kai Decadence and they aren't popular or as big as the likes of IBF or the
Toxic Twosome but to be fair, they are actual Goths and not poseurs like the
Toxic Twosome are. I feel that people who make actual worthwhile content that genuinely relates to Goth (including women) don't get as much attention because actual Goth is not mainstream, nor was it meant to be. The fact that Jake finds some success is because he strikes out with the poser Mall Goffs as I don't know any actual Goths who actually like or watch him or Kaya for that matter.
>>813186Fucking nightmare fuel LMAO "Hello ladies"
No. 813322
>>813215You can replace this vlog with any of his others and it won't make a difference.
>brags about board, taxi's home>mundane chores>hates on Belfast, nothing to do, no goth scene, no goths except them>says will try new thing on channel (which he'll then forget in a month) and half of it's on PatreonAnd kek at "we don't have friends cos nobody looks like us." Already forgot the goths in your Manson video, who Kaya also hangs out with now?
Also kek at whining about Belfast. He's only doing it to seem cool and like he has high standards, but won't actually move - as long as kaya has that YT cash, he'll stay to leech off her.
No. 813336
>>813244Don't forget CaligoBastet, who is a sweetheart IMO.
As for Kaya, I feel like she needs a few things:
1) Dump Jake
2) Connect with someone who can be a proper adult-friend and give her the necessary tough love to get her life together
No milk to post, but I'm sure there'll be some soon when Jake 'n Kaya try to move, when IBF inevitably posts another video(its been a month…come on woman)
No. 813446
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Maybe if Jake made a video about voting it would be more interesting than the shitty chore vlogs he churns out.But that would require effort and thought
No. 813464
>>813446I'd love to see him try and talk politics. He seems to think these elections will have an impact on the UK parliaments deliberation on Brexit. EU elections aren't going to reverse Brexit you fucking retard that's our Commons and Lords that get the say since the public voted Leave.
Farage has been in EU for years he's even been giving off in their council meetings and it makes no impact on UK delegations.
>>813215Forgot Belfast being the capital it meant there was no clubs or any night life.
He's deluded. There are plenty of goths in Belfast, I can think of a handful off the top of my head that would be out in the bars and clubs around Belfast often and are involved in Larping and gaming etc. There are plenty of alternative people and the ones that do go out are the ones that get the music venues to do specific club nights. Sure Jake even says he only listens to Metal he's not particularly into goth music anyway so would he and his pop music loving gf even want to go to a goth night.
They don't have any friends cause they're fake af and everyone knows.
No. 813474
>>813336Yeah, Caligo may be nice and all, but l do think he belongs with the other poseurs. It has been some time since l watched this ig story,but he legit said ''l hate goth rock music'' and mostly listens to other stuff. I.e anything but proper goth music.
I'm not really fond of ppl being goth just for the aesthetics.
No. 813476
>>813336Also, there's smth bothering me, since y'all mentioned that he is now squatting the attic, after she finally managed to get some work done in it.
Is he actually helping her with that? I watched her chatty grwm, & she said she has no one to help her with the garden. What is he doing that is so important, that he won't give her a hand? Clown makeup and ''vlogs''?
No. 813490
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You're still doing it wrong.
No. 813516
>>813336> Don't forget CaligoBastet, who is a sweetheart IMO.Oh right I forgot about him but honestly, I never considered him "Goth", I considered him a "Rivethead" like Amy Nekrotique because he has never talked about, shared, or expressed interest in actual Goth music. At the most it was Indusrial Metal so I'm just compelled to believe he's an Industrial Metalhead/Rivethead. But yes, he is great too.
And why are you guys so sure that if Kaya dumps Jake, she'll become a better person? I feel like you all give her too much credit. Look at IBF when she was single after she broke up with Mr. Owl. She was still the same kinda person. I feel it'll be the same for Kaya where she'll still be an e-begger who doesn't want to get a job or side hustle and will still have her fanbase to enable her just like IBF fans enable her actions.
>>813474> "I hate Goth rock music"Oh wow I didn't know he said that. Well there you have it, all the more reason why I don't consider him a Goth though it was obvious he was not into the genre since he never talked about Goth music. I liked Caligo for his personality though so I'll always have a soft spot for him, I just don't consider him Goth.
>>813493Oh for sure. As far as non-Goth alternative guys, Caligo is a-okay in my book. He's actually likable and yeah, he's an attractive guy which helps with his more extreme looks that even Jake cannot get.
And he certainly is only attracting young mall goffs. Did you see the picture of his fans, they're exactly what you expect them to look like lol
No. 813560
>>813028this is such a dick move. the whole reason she took the attic is b/c she wanted a space for filming, and once she actually got it together he just invited himself into the space without having helped make it presentable.
>>813215the level of cringe in this video, omf. his regular vlogs weren't ~spooky~ enough so he's going to film the same boring shit in this makeup and try to upload 3x a week. someone is fucking desperate for views/adsense. not so casually mentions ppl can send him stuff he'll open on camera, still using that store for his mail. ppl probably weren't interested in being on his patreon for shitty vlog music so he's going to use other ppl's books to sell instead.
>>813322that was one of the most annoying parts. like she was just posting about having ppl to hang out with, did they already chase them away with their horrible attitudes or what?
No. 813886
>>813474I'm glad someone said it. He doesn't even "look" goth (obviously because he's a rivethead), most rivetheads look like him and Amy Nekrotique. Real question is, why do these people want to be goth so bad. You hate the music and the lifestyle and are obviously into another music-based subculture, why not identify as that? Pretty pointless to identify with a scene you seem to loathe.
>>813689>blah blah do I have to do this to be goff Kaya responds with rambling and something about you don't have to listen to one kind of music to be goth. Kaya no one said anything about exclusively listening to goth, liking the music is literally the bare minimum.
>>813186I just think it's weird he dresses like this for streams and YouTube but when it comes to his concerts, (y'know, where you're really supposed to put on a show?) he's bare-faced and just stands there. Seems very boring, I don't understand how he has fans, shockingly they aren't coming from Kaya's channel either.
No. 813962
>>813886>Kaya no one said anything about exclusively listening to goth, liking the music is literally the bare minimum. That's what these poseurs never get! I don't know if it's just defensiveness on their part and they're trying to make up that image of the evil elitists who dictate what you have to do to be goth so they don't have to think about what they're doing. But it's so ignorant to completely dismiss the fact that it's a music based culture and it's not enough to know a few songs so you don't look like a poseur (isn't that what Kaya sait at one point, not in these exact words but similar?).
It's the same with hip hop culture. You wouldn't dress in hip hop style AND identify with hip hop culture without mainly listeting to the music. Of course there are also poseurs and hipsters who only dress like that for the looks but they usually don't make it their whole identity except maybe they're really stupid kids who don't know better.
I think Jake gets his views exclusively from his "extreme" looks. When he still was dressing as a chav no one really cared about his videos except a few of Kaya's fans. He probably is attractive to young mall goths since there are no real alternatives on Youtube except the male goth youtubers that focus on content instead of looks, or they have looks that aren't meeting their expectations. Since he hasn't really changed anything about his content except that he looks like a Marilyn Manson wannabe, it must be that. I think the chances of clicking a video are higher when the person in the thumbnail looks extreme, also their teen fans don't seem to see that he's cringey af and a negative, whiny bitch that needs to grow up because they're mostly too young and lack life experience.
His music videos might also have had an impact on his views, to me it seems that young Youtube viewers like it when the people they watch make music, even if it isn't good (for instance, Social Repose) because it gives them the feeling that they "discovered" something on their own? That's just speculation though.
No. 813982
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>>813886>>813962They use the word ''Goth'' because it's one of the most popular alt genres. Not many know what a rivethead is, so they'll spam their posts with every hashtag/key word with goth in it.
The irony is strong with the file l attached, cuz now, even the goth^3 is for poseurs.
No. 814140
>>813886> I'm glad someone said it. He doesn't even "look" goth (obviously because he's a rivethead), most rivetheads look like him and Amy Nekrotique. Real question is, why do these people want to be goth so bad. You hate the music and the lifestyle and are obviously into another music-based subculture, why not identify as that? Pretty pointless to identify with a scene you seem to loathe. Amy Nekrotique seems to somewhat be more honest about this as she does say she is a Rivethead or "leans more towards Rivethead". The biggest issue with her is how she lumps Goth and Industrial together by always saying "GothIndustrial" (I.E: "GothIndustrial Music", "GothIndustrial Club", etc). There is no GothIndustrial, both music are different genres with different characteristics. And her saying "GothIndustrial club" and only focusing on Industrial is just a "why even bother" kind of thing because she hardly if ever talks about Goth music. I like Amy because she knows her shit with Industrial music and is one of the only channels who delved deeper into its subgenres but I wish she would stop implying Goth and Industrial are one and the same, they aren't.
As for Caligo, I feel like the only reason he considers himself Goth is because he's another one of those people who thinks that just because he wears black and likes dark makeup, it makes him Goth when it really doesn't. Like I mentioned, I do like him but he needs to stop calling himself a goth and start calling himself a Rivethead because that's all he is. And it's true that if you look at Rivethead guys, Caligo's look isn't that unique. No hate but it's just if you look at bands like Psyclon Nine and Deathstars, Caligo's fashion looks just like theirs.
>>814052Because she's L A Z Y. Jake or not, she's a lazy ass who can't commit to anything.
No. 814310
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what a stupid looking dickhead.
he bought himself new urban decay and morphe products for this look and poor kaya gets to use the same falling apart cheap palette over and over
No. 814504
>>814442I can't unsee it now, thanks. Loooool.
But seriously, when y'all decide to post his pics, set them as spoiler images, l get the creeps everytime l see them lol.
>>814376They're currently getting more patrons, so people are really into the edgelord makeup, l'm afraid.
They see this as inspo to ''be yourself'' and not give a damn abt what others think.
No. 814540
>>814135accurate. the outfit was confusing to me b/c the jacket and hat did not go with the shirt/pants/shoes. video would've been better if he got more of the festival and less of him blathering on.
>>814504it's nice ppl are being inspired but they could do it without supporting a pair of do nothings. the rewards are fucking laughable and i bet they spend most of what they get through patreon on bills or bullshit to maintain their ~spooky~ identities even though they probably have a horde of crap that barely gets used.
No. 814728
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>>814310ill see myself out
No. 814895
>>814714this reminds me that she only shows her cat on ig. what happened to that bug thingy she had?
kind of looking forward to them moving b/c they have to haul all the crap they have to somewhere new and will likely complain even though it's their choice to do so. also new ~freak vlogs~ from jake that will be the same shit in a different place and stroking his own ego over ppl looking at him b/c he's in full makeup to run errands.
No. 814992
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Avelina ''treated'' herself to 10 pairs of killstar shoes. I'm glad that many people are waking up. (But ofc there's always a lot of wk defending her and shit)
(Excuse the sloppy editing, tried to squeeze a few replies in one pic)
No. 815000
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They love free shit way too much.
(I saw the pic she took with j*, idk what went through her head when she ut that ouftit together.)
No. 815016
>>8150051- they're also vile
2- they don't want to support anyone, they want free expensive shit, no matter where it's coming from
>>814992This bitch. Even if she has paid for all those 10 pairs of shoes it is still pathetic and itll irk people. We already know that she likes to buy huge amounts of the most expensive shit and brag about it (remember the video of her receiving a lot of black expensive gothy furniture for her new house?). We know her dad is rich but I guess it doesnt fully explain it, my guess is that hubby also has a VERY good job, like Allison's(kazlovesbats).
Avelina is bound to piss people up more and more because she can't stop bragging. That'll make everyone antipathyze with her, not just people who get mad at her for her claims to be goth but is just a barely into metal woman. Even her band is not even a lil bit close to goth in any fucking way. She's just a rich brat who is not good looking so she wants to "win" by having a lot of shit. Like she thinks having a shit ton of ornate black furniture from that outrageously expensive brand, all the makeup, and 100s of killstar shit will outgoth the other goths.
Avelina is like any other richy rich girl we met in school, except she is
darkly inclined (kek)
No. 815190
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Is someone visiting attitudefest this weekend? Psychara and Manic Moth are going, but they don't even mention each other on ig. Maimagi is notably absent. Last year they were still best friends ever kek. Psychara is now jumping the clothing upcycling train with Nina Hexna, effectively stealing Maimagi's project from last year.
I really wanna be a fly on the wall for MILK.
No. 815206
>>815190Just checked, Psychara no longer follows nor likes Manic Moths pics kek. MM still follows her art ones though. I knew it will go down eventually.
Mai is probably no longer invited to Attitude fest cuz she dissociated herself from promoting fast fashion.
No. 815224
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>>815206I think Mai doesn't want to meet Psychara.
>>815016>is bound to piss people up more and more because she can't stop braggingthat's Maimagi lol. Literally sitting in the home she just bought and be like "I'm not rich". She is fucking ignorant.
No. 815247
>>811890No Wonder why freiya doesn't want to live in NZ with her , she is absolutely nuts
>>812479Not that Anon, but what I know for a fact :
* IBF cheated on Mr owl with Matthias ( this is the reason why she never explicitly said anything negative against Matthias who cheated on her , because she cheated in Mr Owl with him, and maybe didn't want Matthias to spill the truth)
*Mr owl family gave her money so she could go to Germany,and Disney , they where very pissed of when she anounced she wasn't dating Mr owl anymore
*ibf was very pissed off when she found out Mr owl was dating Nadia and she even posted on Facebook about Nadia copying her , then got upset when nobody was in her side
No. 815259
>>815211She has already said several times that he has a very good job as a businessman, that's why he can't expose himself much. That's why he wears that horrible horrible wig. I'm surprised we never talked about how bad and obvious his wig is! Apart from his cringey look they both look like they're good people. Husband makes a lot and Allison lives a very well off life, with that huge beautiful house, they travel a lot and they spend a lot of money on that vanity project of a band they have, Allison doesn't seem to be a leach, she is a manager at a hot topic, does online tarot readings and commissioned artwork. I'm not even a fan of this bitch and got quite surprised by how good I talked of her!
Her style sucks for quite some years now, she can't sing for life, she hops anceatry like crazy and hubby's wig is embarrassing. There, I feel better now kek
No. 815263
>>812479actually according to the previous threads Nadia was 16 when they started dating, because that's the age of consent in NZ.
>>815247can you please say what your sources are, or provide evidence if you have any? I'm getting really tired of people making bold claims on this board with 0 evidence. it would be really easy for literally anyone to make up shit here and post it as fact.
No. 815277
>>815224What is the deal with Mai and her wealth? I remember when she bought that house and I watched the tour, I thought to myself that it wasn’t the kind of house a broke woodland fairy witch would be able to afford doing whatever it she does to make money.
>>815190Kek, I find it entertaining how so many of these friendship circles always dissolve in a matter of time. These girls were literally inseparable a few months ago.
No. 815305
>>815263>>815247can you please say what your sources are, or provide evidence if you have any?
I’ve heard the same as that anon wrt IBF/Matthias mutually cheating on each other but I don’t think there’s any way to prove it. Unless someone wants to hack IBF and dig up written communication with Mr Owl.
No. 815400
>>815277Rumors say Mai got her hands on inheritance. She was piss broke before that chunk of money came in.
>>815263It's hard to provide sources without revealing who you are. I got the gut feeling that this anon is probably from IBF's inner circle.
No. 815422
>>814504> They're currently getting more patrons, so people are really into the edgelord makeup, l'm afraid.They see this as inspo to ''be yourself'' and not give a damn abt what others think.
Meh let them have their fun because it won't last forever. Edgelord makeup only impresses young kids but they will grow older and realize how dumb it looks and not want to see any more of it. That or Jake's laziness will set in and he'll stop uploading as much.
>>814714> her views have plummeted over recent years to the point Jake now does better than her in terms of viewing figures.So in a way the tables have turned and now Jake will be the breadwinner sorta speak. I mean I think both people are insufferable twits but Jake does seem to be more active with his channel than Kaya and unboxing videos are fucking boring as shit so it's no surprise people would be so turned off that they would unsubscribe her. To young eyed viewers, they're more likely to click on a edgelord makeup tutorial/look video than another unboxing video.
>>814895> kind of looking forward to them moving b/c they have to haul all the crap they have to somewhere new and will likely complain even though it's their choice to do soKind of like what happened with IBF with the paint thing? lol
>>814992To the person who was under Avelina's post, uh no? The culture is still there and more REAL goths are coming out every year and sharing the music as well as new bands. Avelina is not a Goth, there's a reason no one in the actual Goth community talk about her (or
Toxic Tears), these people's fans are only impressionable teenagers and mallcore young adults who think they're goth because they were those brands.
>>815016> 1-they're also vileVile attracts vile as they say.
And Avelina would dry up if people would stop mentioning her. She's just a materialistic person with nothing interesting about her at all. She's not a Goth, Her music sucks, and she has no real interesting hobby… I mean what is there to look to her for unless you're someone who cares that much about shopping…
>>815247Like I mentioned above, if IBF doesn't like her mom that much because of how embarrassing she is, she should've just done what normal people do. Get a job, save money, then move out. Problem solved. My guess is that because Mr. Owl was still in school and didn't want to do an unnecessary move, it ruined IBF's little plan of finally escaping NZ and since she's too lazy to do the work herself, she tried to look for her meal ticket to get out and voila, found Matthias and used him to leave NZ. Obviously blew up in her face (lol) but yeah. Won't be surprised if history repeats itself in Edinburgh.
>>815259Lol Yeah Allison may have her cringe moments but she's not a bad person, she works to get the things she wants (she worked hard to earn money to pursue her true hobbies even if she's not great at them, it's admirable), and she doesn't sponge off of her fans. And I actually didn't know her husband wore a wig LOL
No. 815492
>>815422Wait up
>[Allison] works to get the things she wants (she worked hard to earn money to pursue her true hobbies even if she's not great at them)She works, and works hard at that? I've followed her for years and I've never seen any mention of work, it's just "my band Esoterik" or terrible art from her (not arguing with you, I'm genuinely surprised)
No. 815500
>>815492Oh I'm talking back during her KazLovesBats days. Before she started touring full-time with her band Esoterik, she was a Welder and she worked at an airport. She talked about this in an old video called "How to get a job while being Goth or Alternative" or something like that back in 2015. She unfortunately took it down for some reason before she deleted all her videos but in it she talked a bit about the jobs she did from waiting tables, working at Hot Topic, and then going to trade school to learn welding and got a job doing that at an airport.
I think once her husband got his well-paying job and was able to support both of them, she started pursuing her hobbies full-time from art and work with Esoterik around mid-late 2016.
No. 815503
The anon who mentioned the dreadful social repose as the person Jake is skin walking( as well as Manson of course) is spot on.
Social repose took a long break from YT and doesn't post constantly like he once did. Maybe Jake can nab some of his teen fans, in my view SR is even less talented than Jake (who to be fair,is a decent guitarist)but possibly even more obnoxious/entitled.
SR real talent was Ebegging his young fans to donate to his tour fund so he could buy a better car to more comfortably tour and bang his many groupies,yeah I know it's insane.
This occured when SR was a huge YT channel ( plenty of ad sense income)and was selling plenty of CDs and merch( self released music so he got all the profit)he was still greedy enough to ebeg for a car.
If Jake blows up, he will become even more insufferable,if that's possible.
SR grew his channel with his extreme makeup/costume looks including robotic wings which don't match his very lame music. SR also did many covers of hit songs, somehow not having the videos taken down for copyright infringement. Jake does one cover song and gets a YT strike.
And of course both these up their own arses edgelord morons constantly refer to themselves as "Goth".
Alison seemed ok,pleasant enough and she is a good visual artist..which I respect.
Sadly she appeared very very materialistic on YT, always focussed on shopping.fair play that she bought the stuff and didn't get loads of freebies or ebeg.
I don't get WHY Brady( Alisons husband) wears the wig? Is he ashamed to get on stage with what I assume to be a short, office friendly hair style? Or perhaps a shaved head? You see plenty of guys who do, and still look "cool",no big deal.Or is he trying to disguise himself completely so no business colleagues will find out he is in a shock horrorband? They do live in Oklahoma so maybe it would count against him at work.
No. 815530
>>814310Lmao, where's Jake's #1 fan at to come defend this look. They were in most of the previous threads defending his fail Manson makeup.
>>815263That's the thing we were complaining about, they like to mention they know these people or they're their friends, but when we ask them to spill the milk they vanish. It's not like they stop posting either, they just ignore people who ask for proof.
>>815503>Social ReposeI remember that guy, never understood why he got popular either. Of course his channel is dying, apparently he got exposed for something. Kinda weird, but nowadays he looks like a really ugly 3rd member of Drab Majesty that they won't let perform on stage or show in music videos.
No. 815555
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No. 815611
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No. 815733
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>>815500For the record , here is Brady ( and yes, his wig sucks)
No. 815756
>>815503It does seem like Jake is gonna follow in SR's footsteps as a pathetic ebegger who has no real peronality, is a fake goth that no actual Goth will take seriously, and as soon as he dumps
Toxic Tears when his views start to surpass hers, he'll be touring and banging his edgelord groupies lol.
I almost even forgot about SR because you're right, his viewership has dwindled considerable and when he stopped dawning the ridiculous outfit as much. Just goes to show that he and others like him really are boring individuals who think their looks will keep people around.
And to be fair, back during the earlier days of Alternative YouTube, brand sponsorships weren't really a thing so it makes me wonder if she would've become a brand whore if they were a thing back in the day lol.
And on Brady, it's not a big deal if he chooses to wear a wig but he should really invest in a better one, it's the current year and wigs have come a long way haha.
No. 815917
File: 1559306478789.png (28.24 KB, 1088x149, Kidwhatareyoudoing.PNG)

>>815832Found this under her video. I cringe at the thought of a kid talking about the
toxic twosome in school
It's also crazy how long she's been a poseur - since her early teens. Jesus. get yourself an identity already that's not fake
No. 815920
File: 1559307510474.png (671.98 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-05-31-05-42-54…)

Didn't she say her goal was 10 more pounds 25 pounds ago?
Her sleep schedule is erratic as ever. She said she was on 3 hours of sleep in this video. She drives to her usual spot, gets stoned in the car, takes a lengthy ramble while rambling. I skipped around, might return to it if the comments allude to anything interesting. No. 815968
>>815944And she's not even that old, just 1/4-ish through life. And that's coincidentally when people go through changes in what they want to do with themselves etc but kaya seems…stuck? As a person?
Like she thinks her YT "career" is indefinite when she puts in 0 work, and she has no interests apart from ~g0ff~ and gardening (remember she said she gets and drops hobbies quickly? Doesn't even do that anymore).
No. 816144
File: 1559347220358.jpg (681.22 KB, 1080x2220, 987357687.jpg)

Life is pain. Life is only pain, guise.
No. 816148
>>815555Her “horrible baby-bat” looks were a lot better than the looks she lands upon presently. She hasn’t found a direction she’s comfortable with in her current physical state and it shows. Not that there is anything wrong with that, we all grow differently, but she looked more put together when she was younger because she was essentially dressing as such, young. She had a lot more confidence, friends and wasn’t with Jake. I truly feel he has encouraged unhealthy behaviours and influenced her negatively. I feel like she had so much potential when she was in the budding stages of their relationship and his
toxic hold hadn’t taken over. I know this is a pretty philosophical rant to go on over a picture but it says a thousand words. She just isn’t happy and isn’t addressed the narcissistic, smug bastard elephant in the room that is Jake. The evidence is clear from their older videos in mag (if you can be arsed watching any you’ll always find one sky remark or dig at kaya from him) and systematically that can tear someone down. Even when they play the fucking sims he makes viewing uncomfortable by how much he goes on about how sexy they are. Sim characters. He really is wreckless when it comes down to considering her feelings and insecurities, or even treating her like a fellow human being. I’m surprised that their “fans” don’t see this as they are exposed to their content willingly on a daily basis. I also get the feeling that their is little to no sexual chemistry in their relationship anymore. I understand that’s hard to convey on social media but…. if you compare a couple (I know they are
problematic af but bare with me) like Trisha paytas and Jason Nash… despite the toxicity and volatility of their relationship, there was still some minor degree of attraction? With kaya and Jake I get none of that. It’s truly sad to see. I know that the longevity of their careers is coming to an abrupt end soon, but they will move onto other ways to swindle people, beg, borrow, scam, gas light viewers and people into giving them what they want and funding their parasitic lifestyle as long as vulnerable people feel sorry for them. I hope it ends soon, not just for everyone’s sake, but for theirs too.
No. 816185
>>816144I would say she's being melodramatic at this point. I'm gonna guess something went awry with Scotland residence?
>>816148Your sympathy is pointless and wasted. If the bitch can't see the hole she's in, that's really all on her at this point and when the inevitable crash happens, that will be on her. I used to be sympathetic to her but it's already been like 2 years. Either you get it or you don't and you can't get help unless you help yourself. If she's that blinded by how awful Jake is, WELP that's that. And plus
Toxic Tears isn't great in her own right neither with her constant lazing about and whining for things instead of actually working for it. In some twisted way they are perfect for each other because I can't imagine other people willing to put up with them (well maybe Jake if he gets some desperate groupie).
Sorry if this sounds heartless but I would be saying the same thing you said back in 2017 because there was always instances of Jake being all kinds of bad for her but it just wore thin.
No. 816192
File: 1559358848725.png (100.24 KB, 920x352, 3517542196209.png)

>>816156Tbh they don't make a lot of money afaik. Brands like Killstar or Punk Rave either don't pay or pay very little at all. Psychara's family is somewhat well off, her mom is an overzealous idiot like Karen MacLeod who makes an ass of herself on IG. She has talent but is lazy as hell since her family is enabling her. Manic Moth is debt-ridden and her earnings aren't bragworthy.
Really hate the fake woke attitudes like you do but what I hate even more is when they try to pass it off as the result of their own work when it is not.
Maimagi pic related
>rolling in dead old folk's dough>all my own hard work bought this housesmh your followers can't do it if their family is penniless, you shameless liar.
No. 816236
>>815422You are wrong about that , ibf had many shitty jobs when she was living in NZ, and already living with Barnaby , for some reason Mr owl didn't give a shit about marrying ibf back in NZ , he proposed but didn't have the intention to actually getting married , it's funny, everybody thinks ibf used Matthias , when Matthias way or living is basically using other people , freyja and Matthias are really alike , they just use people , and care about themselves, ) ask all his exgf lol , when I say ibf uses people I mean her followers.
No. 816247
>>816229If you've followed this thread and the last you'd know she got back with Owl at the very least in Dec of 2017. IBF and Matthias got two apartments in a new town in Germany and after months revealed they were getting divorced.
Various snippets from here and there suggest IBF and owl were hitting each other up before IBF/Matthias moved, or that the reason for "two apartments" was because of the breakup but they kept it quiet.
some even speculate IBF convinced Matthias to get two, to use one as a studio…and then kicked him out/kept the main apartment after the breakup. It's a decent chunk of speculation with a smattering of implications and truth scattered around.
Anyone have an idea what IBF is up to in Edinburgh? She must be sleeping somewhere right? Someone must've seen her out and about in town by now certainly?
No. 816257
>>816247I think that anon was just confused if they're still together because normal people don't try to move countries without their partner when they just got engaged lmao. With IBF it's also not unlikely that she breaks up with him in silence since the Matthias breakup/divorce also came out months later. There would definitely be a backlash if they'd flip flop and announce their engagement/upcoming marriage got cancelled again.
Oh yes, I'm also looking forward for anons taking pictures of freezer in the streets. Does anyone know on what kind of visa she is there? Is she allowed to work and rent a flat?
No. 816287
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No. 816293
>>816229> It seems more obvious than ever that IBF needs mental health support: actual counseling, not just happy pills…perhaps guidance from any friends/ family in NZ who aren't complete enablers( like her mum) who can bring her round to the idea that she is responsible for her own happiness or lack of it in her life, due to her own choices.I don't think IBF doesn't have any friends in NZ. If she did, she would be talking with them or something. I think she really only has her mom and Mr. Owl there and she seemed to care more about being YouTube famous than making genuine friendships that aren't based on superficiality.
>>816236If this is true then fine, it wasn't easy then but still, running away to a country you don't even know (seriously, she didn't even know how to speak German competently) was incredibly stupid and the worst part is she expected people to feel sorry for her failed sham of a marriage and it's obviously she's gonna do it again.
No. 816350
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No. 816445
>>816350There's messy as an aesthetic, and then there's Jake trying and failing.
Its obvious his new "aesthetic" is all just superficial spoopy shock value, to prove he's goth again after his chav phase - its all copying and nothing that makes it unique to him. Aka he's in a mall goth phase. Skin walking Manson, visual kei, possibly rotten_hollow (who happens to be the "daddy" of Jude Bishop, Jake's #1 fan kek).
But then he turns around and looks normal at a gig… Afraid people would've made fun of him? Lol.
No. 816458
File: 1559426987733.jpeg (431.21 KB, 1125x2436, CE7EC589-A60E-423D-8D6E-3D7BA1…)

She’s pulling the woe is me shit on her fb too
No. 816459
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No. 816554
File: 1559436965250.jpeg (304.17 KB, 740x1123, 7856B1C8-2786-4EF2-9A7C-9841E2…)

Look who’s thirsting in Reeree’s comments. Is it confirmed he’s broken up with his lady?
No. 816580
>>816350Gangrene who?
Anyway, Jake looks like shit in all of his attempts to be alt. It will always come off as try hard, no matter how OTT or toned down he looks because he isn't alt at all, just a normie dude into some metal. I wonder if he claims goth because metalheads would call him a poseur and a fag, that and he knows the kiddies will come flocking to him because they think goth = black shit and really bad "metal" music
>>816459Probably tried to find a Scottish goff husband just to stay in Edinburgh and all of them said no. Now she's depressed, kek
No. 816602
>>816507I wouldn't say she's there quite, it'll start happening when people tell her to shove off when they get tired of her moaning all the time. She dug her own grave, she'll have to deal with it herself as she's the only one who can fix the problem.
>>816600Don't give her ideas now lol
No. 816624
>>816554He Brooke up with his sugar mommy not long ago ,
>>816293I don't know what it's wrong with her ,she doesn't think about the consequences of her actions
* Fucks a guy she just meet while being drunk as fuck , not thinking that maybe this guy could hurt her or worse.
* Goes to live to another country with no money , no friends ,without even knowing the lenguage
*Gets drunk as fuck despite the fact that she takes depression pills.
No. 816663
File: 1559452252333.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.68 KB, 460x576, gross lol.JPG)

have you all seen @punk_noir on instagram? idk if he's a cow so much as a bit of a wanker, all he ever does is post pictures of his crotch
No. 816775
>>816624> I don't know what it's wrong with her ,she doesn't think about the consequences of her actions* Fucks a guy she just meet while being drunk as fuck , not thinking that maybe this guy could hurt her or worse.
* Goes to live to another country with no money , no friends ,without even knowing the lenguage
*Gets drunk as fuck despite the fact that she takes depression pills.
It's because her fans enable her. She only has her mom who is nutter and Mr. Owl who's a bit of doormat to be honest. She has no honest friends and her fans constantly gas her ass up. She most likely won't get the picture until she finally hits rock bottom and her fans won't be willing to bail her out financially like they used to (same goes for the
Toxic Twosome).
No. 816871
>>816783Your right.
Jake looks like a Juggalo going to a Manson concert. Or a Mansonite going to a Gathering of the Juggalos. Take your pick
If he was half way of decent a person he maybe could get away with it.
No. 817048
>>816663no bulge, dick must be tiny. 1/10
>>816624Can someone fill me in? What's the story of this guy?
No. 817848
File: 1559654982086.png (464.59 KB, 636x511, old bitch.png)

I know Jake is almost 30 but I just can't get over how old he looks in the makeup he does.
he looks like a small old man playing dress up.
how can someone as vain as him not have a skin care regime
No. 817874
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No. 817883
>>817874>broken government >dreary peopleWhat the fuck does he think barcelona has to offer? He sounds like any white dude glamorizing 'tropical' countries and wanting to move there because they perceive foreign culture/lands as a new oppurtunity for anything from friends to bussiness (usually with a sense of smugness.) When truly all the issue lies in them being a douche canoe and having nothing to offer regular people, so they bet that language barriers will make up for that flaccid cock they call a personality.
How many days would he have to stay before his instagram is decorated in blue water pictures talking out his ass about 'the grind', edgelord spirituality and how you can do whatever you set yourself out to do.
No. 817886
>>817874he really has nothing to offer the world. he's getting his followers to pay for him to move to Barcelona next year just so he can sit inside.
is he going to learn the language? is he going to get his own place or sponge off Kaya's dad? the weather in ireland does suck at the moment, especially for June but christ was a little bitch he is complaining over some weather. oh no he can't vlog himself skateboarding to collect mail and then take a taxi back?? what will we do without them
No. 817892
>>817886I have problems imagining THIS
>>817848 on a skateboard.
His forehead wrinkles are as bad as Tony Bomboni, the asmr tit. Even his make up is as bad.
Moving out of Ireland would make it all disappear though, Hanging out in the gothic quarters, skating about at the age of 29. Every day there're sparkly people and pink sunshine!
No. 817898
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No. 817959
>>817638Which one has a sugar mommy? And who is it?
>>809604her Vespermothfashion store and ig are completely gone the last time I checked. Pinterest witchy gal stuff, nothing special. Her newest product is a cheap looking calendar for over $40.
No. 817964
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No. 818053
So Sebastian did a time capsule type of video looking back at her old videos and I had a feeling it was a phase. I mean from what I remember, she said that when she was younger she couldn't really express herself up until her mid middle school years so it's not surprised she latched onto Goth to get an identity but she ended up engrossing herself too much where it did take over her life which is something you dhouldn't really do.
I will say though that she's probably one of the few people who can say she went through an actual Goth phase since she actually knew the music and did participate with the actual Goth scene (drama and all). I do think she embelleshed a bit though because the Pastel/Kawaii thing has been "in" for a long while now but eh, whatevs.
>>818003For real. It's not like they actually do anything lol.
No. 818287
File: 1559728921933.png (513.03 KB, 1080x1683, 20190605_110145.png)

Honestly would you even be bothered begging for a microphone this cheap?
No. 818289
File: 1559729121723.png (167.66 KB, 1080x574, 20190605_110126.png)

Jake finally realises e-books aren't going to be the easy meal ticket he was hoping for
No. 818292
File: 1559729573810.jpg (177.46 KB, 1080x1921, 60938594_856480108050601_17542…)

She's leaving Scotland?
No. 818336
>>817883>>817874He just wants to skate around lmao. You're not a skater on a mechanical board you fucking dickhead, and your big day to the tall boats festival lasted a couple of hours and kaya and jake sat away from majority of crowds and shit. Always laugh when bloggers talk about people approaching them and this and that but there's never footage.
At least with his work ethic and him ending up homeless in Spain he wouldn't freeze to death!! Score!
No. 818359
>>818287They're laziness knows no bound. Or you know, you could just do a quick side job to earn some money and pay for it yourself? Eugh…
>>818290I think it's because she noticed a drop in her subscriber base like she mentioned in the video but like, what does she expect? She spent the good part of her Youtube "career" dabbling in one particular subculture and then just completely tries to rebrand herself. Of course she's gonna notice a huge loss of subscribers and media attention since she's more or less "normal" now. I mean I get she's still alternative but what she's doing now is also being done by a lot of other people on social media so it's gonna take her awhile to build a new base and that's gonna depend on how interesting her content is which it isn't all that imo.
No. 818405
>>818257i feel like that's just how her face is but the more dramatic makeup made it look different. noticed she deleted a ton of photos from her ig and has put up new ones just to delete as well.
>>818349agreed, he could have chosen something that was easier to read but it seems like this is going the way of his supposed monthly metal covers. wonder if he ever did that song from repo or just gave up on even trying.
No. 818416
>>818414Yeah seems she wants to prove she loves Scotland and was ~meant to be there~.
…So when she finds a house and a new husband there it'll be all good!
No. 818515
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>>818481Seaweed. Nice on toast.
No. 818546
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No. 818570
>>816192>>816192Thanks for the caps. I avoid Psychara’s comment sections and haven’t kept up with her in a few months, so never noticed her wacky mom defending her against criticism. I don’t know if I can call her ‘privileged’ but a lot of her behavior and life choices struck me as someone who doesn’t understand what it’s like to have to do things out of necessity vs. ideology. It’s almost like she’s compensating for something, though I might be projecting.
Also, wtf kind of bullshit is Mai Magi spewing? I don’t know how much/what kind of deposit is needed to buy a home in Denmark where she is, or what their mortgage policies are, but in general she just makes it sound much easier than it really is. She doesn’t even mention interest, taxes, maintenance? And I’m assuming their minimum wage is around 14-15 USD equivalent, which is barely enough to live off of if you’re not working insane hours.
No. 818759
>>818649he thinks he's so smart but listening to him is actually painful.
he actually calls people with mental illness weird, bizarre and freaks and compares mental illness to an exorcism??
No. 818761
>>818649Jake recorded his first audio book and he's already thinking of giving up.
he's shocked that it took 2 and a half hours to read when he was hoping for 40 minutes.
"I may have to rethink how many audiobooks I do a month. it's very hard to read"
you fucking dumbass! it's not like you have an actually job Jake. You literally have all day to read books you lazy cunt
No. 818776
>>818759for talking so much he wasn't really saying anything, i think he just likes the sound of his own voice. and wtf, how do you make a video of 'labels are bad' and then come out with this.
>>818761not surprised, and yea, it's not like recording himself reading is really taking away from him doing anything else. he's probably trying to do it all in one go instead of in parts and just editing it together.
No. 818915
File: 1559849370503.png (962.92 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190606-202554.png)

Looking for more freebies and new TV .
No. 818951
>>818759>he actually calls people with mental illness weird, bizarre and freaks and compares mental illness to an exorcism??Kaya is mentally ill so I'm assuming he's insulting her. I don't understand how he could say mentally ill people are freaks when he's the one skinwalking Marilyn Manson in hopes to get a following the guy used to have back in the day.
>>818053Sebastian is annoying. I think she would've went through the typical "goth" phase if it hadn't been for Patsy, who she was competing with. Snowy should learn from her, she's still clinging onto goth even though she only seemed to like The Cure and Siouxsie. Which is why it was easy for her to say you don't have to like the music, as she only likes "mainstream" goth music
No. 819040
>>818951> Sebastian is annoying. I think she would've went through the typical "goth" phase if it hadn't been for Patsy, who she was competing with. Snowy should learn from her, she's still clinging onto goth even though she only seemed to like The Cure and Siouxsie. Which is why it was easy for her to say you don't have to like the music, as she only likes "mainstream" goth musicI don't know much about this Patsy person. I saw her mentioned in a previous thread. I'm assuming she took Sebastian under her wing and showed her the ins and outs of Goth when she was a baby bat? I heard that Sebastian was trying to imitate her Deathrock look.
Either way yes, funny you mention Snowy because you're right. When I look back to the times she would talk about her interest in "Goth", she only talked about The Cure and Siouxsie And the Banshees and the thing is, those two bands didn'r make just Goth records, they made a lot of pop records too and I can't help but feel she really only likes the pop songs, not really the Goth songs but I'm open to being wrong. Nonetheless, I can't recall her mentioning any other Goth bands so it makes you wonder if she was actually into Goth or just wanted to look Goth hence why she had the opinion she had that pretty much tore her reputation.
I want to say she's genuine because she's friends with Sweeney Deville and he is definitely into actual Goth.
No. 819221
File: 1559901803536.jpg (355.43 KB, 757x1093, Screenshot_20190607-035752_Fac…)

>>816554He flirts with every girl, even me. Pixilated this girl for privacy since she has nothing to do with lolcow.
No. 819229
>>819221>even meSince you bothered to pixelate this random person I can assume it
is you.
IBF seems to have a bad radar for creepy guys, who flirt with everyone, like voltaire. Maybe being asexual means she isn't good at picking up more subtle signals.
No. 819237
>>819229It's not me. I just respect her privacy. Im not gonna self post him flirting with me, I'm not that conceited.
>>819231A more stable one though.
No. 819419
File: 1559943620162.jpeg (494.33 KB, 828x1544, 9A40CE1D-9C2A-4358-BDAA-9FB65F…)

Well, well…
No. 819466
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No. 819518
File: 1559974339325.png (2.21 MB, 962x1444, adora2018.png)

>>819478This pic was posted a year ago by a different anon. top is unedited, bottom is after the anon edited to make her less 'haggard'.
see altcows 5 thread
saged because no new milk
No. 819552
File: 1559988478479.jpeg (287.6 KB, 968x571, 6C0FF497-D84A-4345-B96F-F52B42…)

>>819478Here you go anon. This was posted in one of the older forums. Adora doesn’t look that young when you see her in real life, you realize quickly that her real age shows but she’s very good at doing her makeup. I’ve seen her in real life and she has a lot of wrinkles under her eyes and her skin looks a bit damaged, she’s almost 50 after all. She does this raccoon eye makeup because it hides the under eye area that is so wrinkly.
But her body is still very nice. Even though she lies about the boobs being natural, even when she said herself many years ago that they were implants.
By the way her husband was briefly in some new relationship a bit after they had separated, the lady looked kinda nice but she was normal looking, def not alternative looking, and also seemed to be around 40 or so. It didn’t last for too long, it was probably some rebound relationship.
No. 819596
File: 1560001187575.png (794.17 KB, 1543x1080, 20190608_143901.png)

That bath looks grimy af
No. 819599
The way he talks is insufferable! He's on such a high because of his yt success, I'm predicting he'll drop Kaya by the end of this year. He's been thirsting after alt/goth girls on social media for years, there's no way he stays with her now that he managed to get on her level of popularity.
>>819596to be fair, that might just be an old bathroom, and if the tiles are painted they end up looking like shit
No. 819731
File: 1560022578972.png (1.2 MB, 520x921, mess.PNG)

>>817964TT filmed outside the window in her instagram story and as you can see, their neighbours' backyard looks fine while theirs is a jungle. The weather is just an excuse for being lazy cunts as always. I'm actually surprised she filmed that lol.
(it wouldn't let me upload the vid so here's a screenshot)
No. 819818
>>819731Kaya always talks about the neighbours hating them but I don't blame them.
I love how she's blaming the weather about not being in the garden, whereas when they weather was nice she was blaming her sad moods or being tired.
No. 819889
File: 1560046185455.jpg (981.96 KB, 1586x1920, 19-06-09-03-49-49-140_deco.jpg)

>>819552>I’ve seen her in real life and she has a lot of wrinkles under her eyes and her skin looks a bit damagedShe doesn't seem to try to hide it though. A while back she posted this, pointing out she's got laugh wrinkles around her eyes because she was asked it in a comment how she could look so good for her age, and I think she answered she probably look older up close in daylight or something similar.
If she calls that wrinkly as being 45..
I watch her Instagram videos and she isn't too scruffy. She looks early 30's. Not 45
No. 820105
File: 1560102374879.png (2.24 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190609-184506.png)

No. 820121
>>819889I know 45 year old women with less wrinkles (and no surgery). That photo doesn’t even show her face so well, and she doesn’t look in her thirties, come on now. But as I said before, the body looks great especially for having gone through three pregnancies.
Thing is, her husband could find himself a woman that looks prettier, unlike what the anon said. Adora isn’t that breathtaking anymore, a big part because of her behavior that has shown that she’s an attention seeker.
No. 820229
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No. 820260
File: 1560126332473.png (185.74 KB, 679x398, 210843795193.png)

>>818570'privileged' is very fitting for her. Pic related. Psychara can't bothered with a job, while many students are taking two jobs to pay for college. She is way too much up her own ass.
The average house price in Denmark is around $300,000. No way Mai Magi is paying that with her own work, it's probably family money from both her family and from her boyfriend's.
No. 820264
>>819518>>819552Omg Adora is the red woman from GoT. She looks really old without her ig filters on.
>>820239Showing her followers it's broken is already the first step. She is setting them up for later e-begging.
>>820246Have you seen their bath and their garden some posts earlier? They are both nasty and will neglect stuff until they are beyond repair.
No. 820270
File: 1560128280138.jpeg (Spoiler Image,343.05 KB, 1205x1188, CE0A718D-A9CA-4BDF-B19B-D094BF…)

Someone seems not alone again.
No. 820390
>>820270The only way this could be milky would be if it tied to his and IBFs breakup in some way. Like if he cheated with her or something and someone came forward with legit proof.
Otherwise, good on him for moving on in life?
No. 820396
File: 1560163136737.jpg (732.33 KB, 1079x1639, Screenshot_20190610-133716_Ins…)

IBF looks ginormous, looks like she could eat TGA for breakfast
No. 820413
File: 1560171274391.png (849.16 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190610-135146.png)

No. 820426
>>820396I was about to post this. She looks like this in most pictures she doesn't take by herself
>>820229You would think that buying a decent laptop to edit videos would be your first priority as a content creator kek. She's been having problems like this for years. Their living costs can't be that high with all the free shit they get.
No. 820553
>>820396IBF was drunk as fuck when I saw her last night. Whatever. She is so over.
And no, I didn’t take a photo cause the venue is especially cool and no photo no bullshit. And I won’t ruin that for that cow.
But yeah Matthias was there too and looking happy. Good for him.
No. 820616
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What the fuck is he like .
No. 820618
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No. 820631
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Only 4000 views and almost 600 likes… What is the world coming to
No. 820668
File: 1560212921708.png (32.73 KB, 706x253, Screenshot_2019-06-10-16-26-40…)

A comment on jakey boy's latest vid
No. 820694
>>819518Ohh, a bit more "dry" skin indeed. But I still give her cred for actually posting the picture like that. The edit was not by her, but tge anon you said.
Most alt models edit their pictures into cartoons these days, at least she keeps it somewhat real.
No. 820716
File: 1560224333379.jpg (1.07 MB, 1440x2053, Screenshot_20190611-043703.jpg)

Ew. Ew. Ew. No one asked for this. Why would you do this.
No. 820721
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>>820716Seems like he's found someone more fitting to skinwalk lol
No. 820750
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>>820716How does Jake manage to be simultaneously low rent and OTT?
No. 820753
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In the genus rockstaricus dramaticus, less is more.
No. 820830
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No. 820880
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>>820830This is the person who bought them the TV last time, responding to TTs latest begging.They seem to be financially struggling themselves but admit they won't ask for money because 'no one cares'.TT and Jake don't, that's for sure
No. 820935
>>820880Totally agree. How many times per year do they whip out the old “our tv is broke, my laptop is broke, my camera is broke, my phone is broke” schtick? Also, she and Jake are moving to Barcelona (apparently, if it does, watch that
toxic relationship explode like Chernobyl) so they clearly are well and truly into their con mode, guilting as much money they can from people. On another note, It’s cool that Jake is branching out creatively, I just can’t help the “grooming” vibe I get from him. He openly talks about how he creates content for views alone and how he recognises people don’t like certain content, so has tailored his entire aesthetic and personality around what other people want. The content and direction is considered and intentional, he knows that baby bats are lapping this shit up and exploiting it as much as he can, even if he is doing it poorly and looks like a total nonce.
No. 821084
>>820631what was asmr about this? he was so close to the mic it sounded like every other video. cringe that he thinks he can ~improv~, try it out at a club and see what happens.
>>820935right, just like he was trying to pander to companies with that chav ~phase~ before going to his manson ripoff ~spookyness~. he doesn't care about creating the content, he likes the attention it gets him, the views, ppl posting about his vids on their ig stories, etc.
No. 821224
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>>796483Freezer is not quite looking like the beautiful goff queen she likes to portrait in her tagged instagram pictures from WGT
No. 821225
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No. 821226
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No. 821227
File: 1560344742216.png (1.11 MB, 800x1065, Screenshot_2019-06-12-06-01-15…)

Dorian got extensions.
No. 821235
>>82122735 years old, still living with mummy and all she does is online shop, obsess over her own image and ruminate about her various addiction phases.. Yeah no wonder she's always giving out advice in her vids, I mean what a success story!
Pretty sure her aspergers diagnosis is how she has the mum wrapped around her finger. People with aspergers are typically nowhere near this delayed and she obviously views herself highly so why the refusal to function as an adult?
Lazy and entitled, could somehow afford a bottle of Jack Daniels every single day when she was going through her alco phase
No. 821239
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>>820631Definitely not a script there.
And how was this ASMR? Just talking close to a mic is not it. But he knows people will click if they see it in the title.
>>820823Dorian has the pound land PZB title. Published books on ~gay vampires uwu~, and being "trans" while not wanting surgery, check.
No. 821245
>>821240She's obsessed with rehashing the same few stories about herself. Drugs, eating disorder, whiskey drinking days..repeat
Alot of people struggle to manage financially when they've drug and alcohol addictions but she's always had it cushy and still been able to do big make-up/clothing/scent hauls. Nice for some! lol
No. 821359
>>821348In the last year or so she has gone from gorging on huge bars of dairy milk chocolate to eating salads and dropping a good deal of weight again so I wouldn't say her issues around weight and food are past tense
It's like she's just addicted to being addicted, whether it's prescribed pills, illegal drugs, food binge, shopping binge, starving.. she goes from one to the next and never has a healthy balance. I swear it's because she refuses to grow up and function like a normal mid thirties woman. Disorders and addictions mean she's 'too ill' to grow up and work/pay rent.
No. 821395
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No. 821396
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No. 821412
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No. 821531
>>820396I'm not gonna shame her body because we all have different sizes but I have to admit that she looks really different when she's not in her signature camera angle when doing videos, it's very surreal…
>>820631You gotta remember that YouTube's userbase is mostly teenagers and he's already tapped into the edgelord girl bracket. Personally I think he looks horrid but then again, I'm no into the "2edgy4you" thing.
>>820666The ironic thing about this is nothing about this look screams "Goth" but eh, young tweens don't know the difference.
>>820668Oh honey… Careful what you wish for because the grass is much greener on the other side…
>>820823> I can't stand Jake and his fake ass persona but I give him props over Kaya for trying new ideas and making an ass out of himself. Tho he thinks he is a genius. Even funnier.More entertainment value than her endless unboxings with a few lame diys thrown in.EUGH… I hate to agree because Jake is insufferable but I have to agree. He at least tries new things that aren't boring ass unboxing videos. He's still cringy but at least some entertainment can come with it so that should count for something.
>>820875Jake needs a meal ticket though if things keep up like this, he'll be the bread winner and will leave her for one of his tween fangirls.
She needs him (or feels she does) because she has sub levels worth low self-esteem.
>>820935FFR. How much you wanna bet that the TV isn't even really broken but they're trying to scam out extra cash for Barcelona? I just find it hard to believe that their tv just "broke" all of a sudden. I've had the same TV for 6 years now and it works just fine.
>>821235I think the sad thing about this is that with all the freetime she has, she could be diving into her hobbies like music and making more of it. I'm not a big fan of it but it could bring in some money flow for her because what's gonna happen when her mum passes away? She went be around forever… She reminds me of Chris Chan…
>>821396Oh please. With all the free time she has, she can learn how to use a new program. Give me a break, the suggestion was good. Get a cheaper damn laptop and learn to use a different editing program, she doesn't even do that much intensive editing anyway. Eugh this bitch…
No. 821605
>>821595She used to promote that horrendous book a lot in her older videos. I took a peek at some of her writings on her other blog, was surprised because it's actually pretty good, then went on to her vampire blog and it's literally just her self-insert gay vampire boi talking about getting fucked in brothels or saying something snarky. I was thinking she would continue copying Angela's videos about being a goffick teen in the 90s. Is she still pushing her transtrender nonsense? She's referred to herself as a woman/girl multiple time recently.
>>821235She's been coddled by mommy, daddy, and step-dad her entire life. Both her parents are well off, they enable everything she does. I bet you her parents pay for most of the shit. It's how she's able to get all this weed, alcohol, other drugs, clothes, makeup and wigs etc they're giving her money and they need to stop. It's obviously not helping her in any way, she's going to do as she always does. Relapse. It looks like she's already done that on her ED, next is drugs, and lastly is self-harm.
No. 821617
>>821605>self-insert gay vampire boiGive us the screenshots already!
>>821606If there is inheritance, they would get the money. If Dorian had three brain cells she'd buy property like Mai Magi, otherwise she would waste it all and cry about it online like TT.
No. 821622
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No. 821623
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No. 821724
>>821623She’s such a moan!
I don’t understand, why can’t she use Jake’s computer for a while?
No. 821968
>>821622oh joy, can't wait for him to make a video about it putting on a dumb voice.
do he and kaya share a computer for editing? if not he could, idk, let her use his for a bit, but i guess it's easier to complain.
also, if the weather is shitty, just suck it up and film inside. as insufferable as jake is, at least he's been consistent with making/uploading videos lately, while she's on a whine fest
No. 822144
File: 1560518023494.png (2.48 MB, 1440x2059, This is normal.png)

Why is Adora posting photos in bed with a 20yo in "matching pyjamas" when he has a long term girlfriend tagged in his profile bio?
Would you be ok with your boyfriend posing in bed with a woman 24 years older?
No. 822148
>>821396Always excuses, get a different editing program. It's 2019, there's hundreds of amazing ones for very little money.
Equipment keeps breaking probably because Ireland is below the optimal operating temperature, however buying new equipment to break again is not the solution. You have to keep computers on permanently in Ireland, on standby. She is probably not doing that.
No. 822181
>>822138The weather can get to you in Ireland, but you get on with it, don’t you? They have more resources than most, a rehearsal studio, a spare studio in the house, an attic. The girl is depressed, I wish she would do something about it, it’s easy at our age to just float along, living day by day but I can’t see YouTube lasting forever for her, at least not in the current format. She’s depressing, I know she’s a goth but, jeysus, lighten up!
No. 822247
File: 1560540122775.png (512.89 KB, 720x940, wp_ss_20190614_0318.png)

Jake made it to YouTuber on the rise on the Trending page (for me anyway, and I'm not subbed to him), this must mean he had a spike in subs. Meanwhile kaya is whining about breaking stuff and the weather… Maybe he
will surpass her? And dump her even? Place your bets everyone.
>>822189P.S. Kek at Roly he's also full of BS, asserts he is non binary, then says he's not just cos he thinks the "community" is mean about it. Proof it was a fake label all along.
No. 822297
>>822189Doesn't this dude focus on things relating to goth? Why is he even bothered about Kaya, he should let her fellow ~darkly-inclined~ people give her advice, she also thinks goths are evil elitists so there's that too. I also think because he's a SJW he thinks he can't be critical of some women, despite him sperging about Adora. Totally agree with the host getting all preachy and full on Tumblr. It's why I refuse to watch their race in goth and dumb Tumblr gender stuff, I dont know why he even made a video about the first one, goth is a music-based subculture any race can be goth.
>>822144Mid-life crisis. She wants to be 20 again so clings to kids barely out their damn teens. She doesn't look "old" at all, I dont know why her age is bothering her so badly.
No. 822352
File: 1560553239209.png (620.25 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I know the picture was posted before, but the comment below from itsblackfriday's mom… Strangely the comment disappeared after I went to the picture again. Guess it was deleted.
No. 822404
File: 1560560043480.png (976.95 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190615-005138.png)

Lost for words .wtf is wrong with these people
No. 822435
>>822414TBH, Mr. Owl seems generally sweet but not very bright, or at the most he cares enough about IBF to put up with her nutty mother.
Matthias probably just laughs at her because it is pretty funny that she’s so determined to paint him as this philandering wife beating womanizer, and yet there doesn’t seem to be a lot of evidence to back up this fact, so who knows.
No. 822478
>>822468CC had IBF and Mr. Owl on as guests, about five years ago. I think within the year they had IBF back on, but this time when she was married to Matthias
The interviews where not memorable, then again, this was back when the podcast had 3 hour run time, which might have had a hand in me losing interest and not paying much attention to what the guests where saying.
Here's the link if anyone is interested No. 822526
File: 1560586137760.jpeg (123.02 KB, 461x551, E66DC880-8F74-4D09-85A1-94BF40…)

This is part of TT’s reply to CC’s comment on her “Here it is” video. She says that she can’t talk about the music she likes, but she apparently enjoys goth music, and when has she ever really tried to talk about that in a video? She also says she’s been “in the scene” for over half her life…what does she think “the scene” is? She never goes out to concerts or to club nights or the countless European festivals, she never even shares goth music she likes or spend her own money on goth shops (gets shit for free). What does she think the scene is? Posting pictures of your outfits online, apparently.
No. 822593
File: 1560607470138.jpg (43.52 KB, 217x591, freezer.jpg)

>>822561 i kinda think she just doesnt want to be on camera any more, all the photos from WGT she looks so uncomfortable and drunk
No. 822680
>>822468The host is pretty crazy. I remember the episode where he said he got shit or whatever on his chair from using buttplugs and needed another one, I thought he was joking (I hope he was). I don't know why he even talks about people who aren't goth, the only Goths who watch Kaya's videos are the ones laughing at her in this thread. Besides that it's only neo-mallgoth kids who look up to her and Jake, no one else cares.
>>822526Now I don't want to see CC's comment. People like her ruin the scene, they tell people it's all about sp00py clothes and being you (uwu) but nothing about the music, because they don't like it. Criticising her is not "damaging" anything, it's only weeding these people out.
>>822564I would have watched it if he got Zakkari to host it, as she is black and goth. That way she could share her own experiences etc
>Maybe if the episode had looked more into how real racism can sneak into Goth under the guise of the 5edgy4u stuff that's been around since Siouxsie wearing a Swastika, it would have been more relevant to Goth specifically.He's too #WOKE for that. Would've made a better episode too. I didn't know about the white supremacist drama, I was thinking of that morbidly obese woman from a few threads ago who said goth is for white people and then started sperging about Naomi Campbell.
No. 822831
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Well well well…
No. 822848
>>822831I find it odd that IBF would be friends with someone who apparently abused and gaslit her like her mummy always says he did.
Me thinks Karen has been fed pork pies on the situation.
No. 822910
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>>822887I wonder what she told her patrons about Matthias because some of them are surprised at a reconciliation. It doesn’t really make sense for her to become friends with her abuser (alleged) but she probably realized that her life with him wasn’t any worse than her current vagrant existence.
No. 822933
>>822930I’m honestly surprised Matt is still willing to speak to her. Her mother trashed him from here to the Himalayas, and IBF never really did anything to stop her. Unfortunately I’m not a Patreon sponsor of hers so I’m also in the dark as to what she said. This is both very juicy and sad for some reason.
I hope Mr. Owl is okay.
No. 822950
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Waiting mom’s reaction.
No. 822972
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No. 823114
File: 1560711618274.jpeg (177.19 KB, 1536x1025, BDB6C10A-CBA1-44A7-BD3E-A94910…)

>>823108Sorry for double posting, I just noticed this comment on Manic Moth’s Attitude Fest vlog and had to screenshot it in case it disappears.
No. 823201
>>823108It's the victorian picnic in Leipzig for WGT. Mai is recycling old Manic Moth looks, it seems she found another stepping stone after using Psychara to climb up the instagram ladder.
>>823114They aren't friends anymore. It's very obvious but everyone involved are cowards, they are afraid to say so in public. Fake bitches.
No. 823255
>>823201I thought it was just me who felt they were fake/catty.
I wish they’d say something, people are going to notice.
No. 823564
>>822297Yeah same anon. I won't lie, some of his podcasts were nice to listen to for background noise but I never noticed how SJW'ish he can be until I started seeing the race and gender stuff pop up. Utterly ridiculous because any race can be Goth (I'm black and have been into Goth for about 5 years now, no problems at all) and it was never about gender. One thing that low-key annoyed me with him sometimes was how he tried to make Goth out to be some philosophical thing. It isn't.
And exactly, Kaya and darkly-inclined cronies who whinge about not being taken seriously as Goth (Because they aren't Goth) are not exempt from being called out or critiqued.
>>822404>Legend WUT? Legend for what? His music is shit, his look is not original, he's whines about trivial things (not as much as Kaya but still). I swear I hope the person who wrote that is a tween lol
>>822435Mr. Owl seems whipped. He seems like a nice guy but the shit Freya put him through and the whack mother, any sane guy would've got out by now, some things are not worth it.
>>822468> It's true,Cemetery confessions host has covered actual goth music and subculture in depth for quite a few years now. He has kind of backed himself into a corner IMHO. As the channel can't grow unless he attracts more normies,alt folks as well as retaining hard core goths. Tha's the the thing though. You are not gonna get popular on YouTube talking about actual Goth stuff because actual Goth is not mainstream. So if you're trying to get popular on YouTube, being Goth isn't gonna get you far. I mean the only real Goth who has had a modicum of success is Angela Benedict but that's mostly because she doesn't really talk about the muusic that much and mostly focuses on Fashion. It just feels more authentic because you can tell she actually enjoys Goth music.
And yeah I remember that video where CC pretty much putt IBF,
Toxic, and Adora on blast with their nonsense. They called that segment the "Gothquisition". That's why I was surprised to hear CC commented on Kaya's piss video.
Nice to hear Parma was likeable on the interview and didn't cave into that bullshit tumblr gender nonsense. And eugh Roly, such a attention-whore lol.
No. 823593
File: 1560879159864.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, D1FFA4AF-6FB6-4F96-86DB-03A754…)

TT moaning again, this time about learning Spanish.
I have got news for you, Kaya. You better learn a little Catalan too if you want to really immerse yourself in the culture.
You are welcome.
No. 830110
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Any guesses about what it will be?
No. 834179
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>>823114Anyone any idea what happened?
Maimagi and Psychara have friendship tattoos! People are starting to notice really slowly..
Manic Moth is definitely involved in some way
No. 834221
>>834179Manic Moth sided with Mai when she fell out with Psychara. Manic Moth begrudges Psychara for being the instagram top dog among them and being thinner than her, that's why she was so eager to take sides with Mai, who she reportedly considers inferior and non-threatening.
With friends like these you don't need enemies kekeke.
File: 1562959446626.png (272.19 KB, 480x266, Schermafbeelding 2019-07-12 om…)

the fucking right picture im crying
No. 836560
>>836554please watch the part at 25:02 from this video
it will not disappoint u guys