File: 1562033342271.jpeg (282.64 KB, 1661x851, 1561702646085.jpeg)

No. 830379
Previous thread:
>panhandling on twitter as usual>still claiming that she and fupa are no longer together even though one anon caught them out in the wild >>822349>creates a horrifying video where she humiliates herself (she really did) >>821454>said video claims she “pukes all over herself” but really doesn’t and scams once again >> 822212>continues to sperg on twitter that THE SW COMMUNITY IS OUT TO GET ME!!!>Shay gets diagnosed as being bipolar, continues to smoke and drink while taking meds #bipolarbarbie >>822257>circlepay closes, shay switches back to cashapp>goes to Texas with fupa leaving noodle in kennel care for 4 days>creates another video with more dry anal fucking, leaving shit stains >>825784>now wants to move to austinFollow the rules:
- no doxxing
- no vendetta
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- no nitpicking and blogposting
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com (deleted) (deleted) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (deleted) (deleted) NATHAN PERKINS (alias: Fupa; Fupapa):
>>>/snow/595275 (deleted)
Thread image cred:
>>828520 No. 830383
File: 1562034117043.jpg (Spoiler Image,510.93 KB, 1080x1423, Screenshot_20190701-212138_Twi…)

Lurking in the thread Shay?
No. 830395
File: 1562036255549.jpg (366.38 KB, 1080x1475, Screenshot_20190701-215727_Twi…)

No. 830402
>>830400Where did you get this information?! I can’t find it.
>>830401Jess is one her old friends from mass. They were very close and had a falling out when shay became a sex worker.
No. 830781
File: 1562089568142.jpg (778.91 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190702-124436_Twi…)

For some actual funny milk, looks like it didnt take long for shay to convert her sex cage to a dog cage. So gross.
No. 830782
File: 1562089611660.jpg (602.14 KB, 1080x1341, 20190702_124508.jpg)

>>830781Full post for reference
No. 830784
File: 1562089853345.jpg (208.73 KB, 1080x693, Screenshot_20190702-124852_Twi…)

1. A couple hundred?? To get your hair done? I doubt she spends over 100 to get it done considering she let's students do her hair. So scammy, shay.
2. Kek your outsides and insides are both utter shit and theres no helping it.
No. 830847
File: 1562096056339.jpeg (998.58 KB, 828x1792, 7F36098A-841B-452D-8B89-DE7039…)

Shay made it on a nail shaming group I follow and the comments have me rolling
No. 830875
File: 1562098997617.png (172.21 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2301.PNG)

(constant, neverending and staggering autism)
No. 830886
>>830878I did but I thought this was already over and done with by now.
Remember when Shays earlier threads were deleted because people kept posting about her family? Because thats where we are going again right now
No. 830936
>>830415>Dollyher name is Shayna lol
>>830876she was a shithead to her in life, yet uses her death to seem uwu solemn and sympathetic try to get retweets for clout. Girl why not fix your own addictions as an homage to an old friend you fucked over, rather than writing empty words, too little too late, on Twitter when no one gives a shit what you think?
No. 830978
>>830847Post some screens of the comments?
>>830875Stop bringing her up. Literally no one here cares except for you and that other autistic anon who keep mentioning her.
No. 830996
File: 1562111645413.jpeg (213.14 KB, 825x830, 23CB2084-622A-488B-B20B-F0D8A6…)

>>830978My favorite comment that isn’t on here says “is she even alive?”
No. 830997
File: 1562112012344.jpeg (211.73 KB, 828x595, D52CC8A8-C7D6-48BB-89CB-1C3139…)

No. 830998
>>830996omg yes thank you I never want to nitpick but the length of white part is so stupid. why does the white only cover the last quarter-inch, so her "nail beds" stretch an inch past the end of her finger?
she's so trashy and she mistakes it for ~expensive bimbo lifestyle looks~. same with exclusively shopping at forever 21 and aerie, but thinking she has ANY unique aspects to her wardrobe– no, Shayna, you're wearing what millions of teenage girls are also wearing at any given time. the only "original" things you do are unique because everyone else has the sense not to do them.
No. 831001
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>>830996 kek at these three. Images you can smell is spot on. Her whole life is as crusty as the cuticles. If only they knew shaynasty.
No. 831008
File: 1562114556580.gif (966.09 KB, 480x270, laffdj.gif)

>>830997>>830996Shay can't blame lolcow on these. Even normies think she is gross KEK
No. 831021
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Serving Grandma looks
No. 831429
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She said before she was going to remove this video
No. 831462
File: 1562184086151.jpg (101.28 KB, 1077x338, Screenshot_20190703-150033_Twi…)

Today on things that never happened. Who even spends that much at WALMART?
No. 831600
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Shay, Colleen, Jess
No. 831612
File: 1562200811950.jpeg (118.94 KB, 1242x269, D466673D-B324-4B98-93BE-3E3D0E…)

okay why would she need a go pro? She doesn’t have a partner who could use it for interesting shots, it would just be used like her shitty webcam sooooo….what’s the point?
No. 831614
File: 1562200820509.jpg (404.31 KB, 1280x897, tumblr_ntnxfz3o891rsoq23o1_128…)

Shayna honestly looked so much healthier in these days than she does now, she seems dead inside in recent pics
No. 831616
File: 1562200946688.jpg (1016.55 KB, 1080x1901, Screenshot_20190703-194013_Tum…)

Found this old ass pic on tumblr
No. 831624
>>831620OK. Explain to me how discussing someone (albeit in a positive way, with nothing but remorse over what happened to her and comments about how genuine and sweet she seemed) who also so happens to have passed, is such a horrible thing? Particularly when it DOES pertain to the cow in question. A lot about how their friendship ended, who shay was before (way more healthy, social, etc) and how she behaves in light of the tragedy, is revealing about who she is in general, which is what we discuss in these threads.
Like, it's not without fucking context. Just because you're offended, doesn't mean it has no place here. It is far more revealing of her overall shit character than her stupid fucking nails and the 17 goddamn idiot posts about her dog and whether she cleaned her cage…. Ffs.
No. 831631
File: 1562201764921.jpg (48 KB, 443x578, shaynafixyourteeth.jpg)

>>831615Shay's teeth have always been gross and yellow
No. 831657
File: 1562206179429.png (47.36 KB, 588x175, Screen Shot 2019-07-03 at 10.0…)

Tbh I'm kind of shook to see she hasn't donated anything to the gofundme or posted anything more about it. It's scary and pathetic how narcissistic and self-centered she is…
No. 831665
>>831643Not accurate. That was a completely different girl.
IIRC Jess made a comment about how tons of girls were jumping on the ""sex work"" train by charging money for access to private Tumblr blogs (it was a very vague, brief, throwaway comment that was accurate imo) and how lazy/stupid it was to go for "easy money" like that, Shayna of course took it personally and called Jess a jealous peasant. Shit probably happened behind the scenes/in DMs, but from then on they were not friends anymore.
Years go by and Shayna does not mention Jess at all, does not reach out to her when she struggled with addiction/went to rehab, basically pretended she never existed in her life at all. Now that she's passed she's taking advantage of the situation to gain sympathy and asspats. I would check her blog to see if she even deleted photos of them together, but I've been blocked forever lol.
No. 831679
File: 1562210303065.jpg (521.59 KB, 1080x1165, Screenshot_20190703-221758_Twi…)

Yup, she's totally grieving
No. 831707
>>831679you can just tell she's drunk in these. Although I guess that's not saying much, she's day drunk every day lately
>>831706if she weren't stretching like that she'd def have a muffin top as well
No. 831741
File: 1562220954933.png (6.78 MB, 1125x2436, 77E14600-2F03-4414-9CDB-C9D6F2…)

This picture is sad when you compare it to the other half of the room
No. 831744
>>831741Aw be happy for her anon, it’s the most furniture she’s ever owned.
(pre furnished doesn’t count)
No. 831746
File: 1562221901322.jpeg (205.41 KB, 577x519, D59D9002-C8EF-4C57-A98D-4FB3D9…)

>>831741Sorry for double post but how could you put something like this where you sleep.
That pillow is filthy.
Is she finally reaching Luna levels of filth?
No. 831808
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So she's just going to casually tweet about wishing she could own a slave.
No. 831859
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>>831808>>831841What's more noteworthy is her finally admitting shes not cut out for the housewife lifestyle she always bragged about wanting/getting with fupa. Kek. Now how long until she accepts shes not cut out for porn
No. 831885
File: 1562252466984.jpeg (745.07 KB, 1242x1335, D50AF293-A2DF-4F0E-B3B1-59C563…)

Tbh I think posts like this are her trying to seem relevant in shitpost and meme culture on twitter. She’s thinking someone is going to find her so amusing like the teenagers on tumblr that it will go viral and get her famous again. It’s pretty sad really how much she tries to keep up with these sad internet trends to attempt to stay relevant. It’s like some aging auntie who wants to try and get a younger dude and not be a lonely drunk 24/7
No. 831889
>>831885what the fuck does that bottom tweet even mean. is it supposed to be funny? it's just weird and confusing and kinda sad because we know she wouldn't have someone to share the bike with anyway. dildos are her only friends.
and the "muffin bottom" take is as old as time and stale as fuck. stop trying to make "Twitter famous" happen, Shayna, you peaked years ago. it's sad to watch her utterly fail to recognize she faded into obscurity long ago
No. 831928
File: 1562259067669.jpg (354.39 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20190704_175043.jpg)

Looking trashy as hell begging for money for fireworks lmao.
No. 831940
>>831741The coffee table is nice, but everything else just looks so bleak. What’s with these girls who are into the baby pink shit and not being able to keep their stuff clean and neat? You’d think it’d be a priority since dirt shows up quickly on light colors but I guess not if you’re a barely functional alchy.
Use some of the weed money for detergent like an adult, shayna. Your bedsheets need washing.
No. 831945
File: 1562261414620.jpeg (762.4 KB, 3464x3464, F18FFAE1-B398-45AA-ABA1-319069…)

The newest comments on her nail pic
No. 831961
>>831928briefly dissecting this:
(1) the fluorescent overheard lightning is giving her the illusion of a distended stomach and is washing out the colors in the picture making everything look even more decrepit than it is.
(2) the ratty space buns in combination with everything else make her look like a sweaty, rat-earred goblin, and
(3) something about her nasty nails and her disproportionately long hands and arms, just like in
>>831679, really seals the escaped cave cryptid look.
at least posing alongside trash seems befitting.
No. 831971
>>831928Wow, what a beer belly.
It makes her look even more disproportionate. The rest of her is skinny and then just a random beer gut hanging out.
(not trying to nitpick weight, just crazy how quick her path to alcoholism is happening)
No. 831979
>>831741This would look a lot better without the marble patterned blanket next to the “marbled” table.
And I absolutely hate the sex toys on the wall. It’s like when college kids keep empty alcohol bottles on their table or in their room like they’re trophies. It’s so pathetic. Get some erotic art or some shit on the walls.
No. 831997
File: 1562269769795.jpg (283.56 KB, 1080x1275, Screenshot_20190704-204807_Twi…)

Literally 250 in the bin then. I'm not sure there's anything dumber to spend money.
She also doesn't have a garden so it's fireworks at fupapi's tonight!
No. 832020
File: 1562272692818.jpeg (1.99 MB, 1242x2077, 809C2A2E-DC32-48B1-BF5E-E49AFC…)

>>831998Y’all told her that little smile looks cute and now she won’t stop and looks horrific
No. 832028
File: 1562273252535.jpg (428.31 KB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_20190704-154644_Twi…)

Shay, you show your ENTIRE life. You can't separate your porn life from your real life
No. 832029
File: 1562273304837.jpg (208.54 KB, 1080x651, Screenshot_20190704-154655_Twi…)

Nothing in your life is private. Especially since you posted a pic of your father on your sex twitter
No. 832047
>>832036she was never private with fupa. their whole relationship was public from the start, and fupa loves the attention although he pretends not to.
does she want us to believe that those are her "friends" taking pictures of her posing like an autist? it's clearly fupa. i swear this bitch is on crack, she makes no sense.
No. 832091
>>832020I didn't call the other smile cute, I just said it wasn't as scary as her normal faces. and this is not the same smile lol it really brings out the ape in her
>>832023maybe, except she abandoned her cat
>>832075lmao such a good point, ranting about privacy, but he is unsupportive of her """career""" (bitch when is the last time you actually got on cam?) and obviously doesn't want to be involved, yet she doesn't even have enough common sense to respect
his privacy
No. 832114
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Happy autism awareness.. I think.
No. 832115
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No. 832117
File: 1562287827800.jpg (74.87 KB, 593x573, Capture.JPG)

Shay is starting to run outta options
No. 832120
>>832117This was debunked and old
So long as Shay has a certain setting checked on her twitter, she's fine
No. 832123
File: 1562289738032.jpeg (930.39 KB, 1231x1519, 5ACF78C9-D512-44BF-B253-EC7671…)

>>832114This looks like an ad campaign to help mentally challenged adults..”don’t let Down’s syndrome and severe autism stop you!”
No. 832125
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Get ready everyone
No. 832132
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No. 832135
File: 1562292058771.jpg (Spoiler Image,672.09 KB, 1080x1500, Screenshot_20190704-210022_Twi…)

I just fucking can't with her
No. 832159
File: 1562295676761.jpg (Spoiler Image,632.71 KB, 1080x1506, 20190704_230009.jpg)

It's got 60 retweets now… we can all view this disaster completely free.
No. 832169
File: 1562300509772.jpg (Spoiler Image,509.09 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190705-002127_Twi…)

It's up on twitter
No. 832170
File: 1562300598023.jpeg (165.43 KB, 1242x386, 7291E300-2079-4AE0-A23B-47C746…)

>>832169When the right price is 50 retweets on twitter dot com
No. 832171
>>832170LMFAO yes bc so many people DEMANDED this ground breaking content!!! And paid for it HAHA
“My names dolly mattel and welcome to jackass”
No. 832182
File: 1562302777692.jpeg (Spoiler Image,548.84 KB, 1538x2048, 79A11AB0-BAF1-473D-B6AB-C9B290…)

what is with this special ed face?
No. 832259
>>832230 how much do you have to hate yourself to do this?
shay, in about 5 years or so your life will be completely fucked. oh wait, it already is.
imagine having nothing to offer in life but "oh hey i stuck something else up my butt".
No. 832358
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>>832171And yet she claims she doesn't read the threads
No. 832364

>>832352>CPSC staff received reports of five nonoccupational fireworks-related deathsduring 2018. All of these fatalities were associated with reloadable aerial devices,
and all five
victims died from direct impacts of fireworks. Reporting of fireworks related deaths for 2018 is not complete, and the number of deaths in 2018 should
be considered a minimum.
>Fireworks were involved in an estimated 9,100 injuries treated in U.S. hospitalemergency departments during calendar year 2018 (95 percent confidence interval
>An estimated 5,600 fireworks-related injuries (or 62 percent of the total estimatedfireworks-related injuries in 2018) were treated in U.S. hospital emergency
departments during the 1-month special study period between June 22, 2018 and
July 22, 2018 (95 percent confidence interval 3,900–7,200).
>There were an estimated 500 emergency department-treated injuries associatedwith sparklers and 200 with bottle rockets.
Source: looking at some very serious burn potential to very sensitive areas, plus god knows what the pressure change of it going off could do to her insides. Not to mention she's doing all this in a grassy field, which always brings some degree of wildfire potential, even if it's rained recently.
No. 832373
>>832292If someone else wasn't there that makes it even more retarded, what if it did go wrong?
This is the dumbest thing she's ever done. Unbelievable.
No. 832386
File: 1562343940183.jpg (Spoiler Image,273.97 KB, 1080x1725, Screenshot_20190705_122515.jpg)

No. 832387
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No. 832388
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No. 832402
File: 1562345022238.jpg (49.07 KB, 1069x363, Screenshot_20190705-174318_Twi…)

Please fucking dont
No. 832405
File: 1562345442175.png (4.02 MB, 750x1334, F5EF847F-A73E-4ACC-B452-46317A…)

Shayna needs to never wear white or these granny glasses ever again.
No. 832436
File: 1562349527823.png (36.76 KB, 594x121, Screen Shot 2019-07-05 at 1.54…)

No. 832443
>>832436“you’re not allowed to dislike my content I’m ICONIC”
the delusion.
No. 832489
>>832436Go to your doctor and sort out your meds Shaymantha
Seriously, the decline in her sense of reality has really sped up since announcing her new meds
No. 832494
>>832230She sooooo badly wants to be viral. It’s amazing and pathetic. I kind of feel pity for her. I think that’s been her goal this whole time, to be an internet sensation. The whole camgirl thing didn’t work out so now she does shit like this for retweets and crosses her fingers. And since it being an attention whore doesn’t pay the bills, she has to beg.
>>832292Fupa wants to be just as internet famous. Or at least ride shay’s coattails on the very slim chance she goes viral. He couldn’t handle getting roasted on the daily so that’s why they fake broke up and continue to lie about their relationship.
No. 832497
File: 1562355263676.jpg (200.61 KB, 1080x588, Screenshot_20190705-143345_Twi…)

Too bad you beg for every penny
No. 832520
File: 1562357468370.jpg (75.7 KB, 582x842, Screenshot_20190705-150959_Sam…)

Remember how she was flexing about her Hello Kitty knife? Welp
No. 832521
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No. 832545
File: 1562362435900.jpg (285.74 KB, 1080x1139, Screenshot_20190705-163253_Twi…)

No. 832551
File: 1562363269986.jpg (414.25 KB, 1080x1176, Screenshot_20190705-164726_Twi…)

Back to begging
No. 832651
File: 1562374526180.jpg (195.41 KB, 1080x708, Screenshot_20190705-195506_Twi…)

And your dog?
No. 832658
>>832651Like she cares about the dog. She'll just board it again and again now that she knows she can pay someone.
>>832169Her video's at 20,400 views and counting.
No. 832659
>>832651She doesn’t care about her dog. The only reason why she got her was to have people stop asking about rib and make herself look good. I really hope she doesn’t adopt another poor pup
>>832658If she goes viral, it wouldn’t be in her good favor. Everybody is gonna see her vile porn and putrid vag.
No. 832692
File: 1562379836886.jpg (112.57 KB, 1080x367, Screenshot_20190705-212301_Twi…)

Someone defending Shay after that guy was pissed about her disgracing the flag
No. 832693
>>832658I wonder if anybody even went to onlyfans to buy the rest of it. I highly doubt they did.
I don't get the point of trying to go viral if not to get more sales.
No. 832694
>>832521>pls pls pls send me money so i can have a meal2 seconds later
>haters think i'm broke but i'm NOT????
No. 832705
File: 1562381449427.jpg (Spoiler Image,400.51 KB, 1080x1046, Screenshot_20190705-215037_Twi…)

What does she need now?
No. 832720
File: 1562383964583.jpg (449.45 KB, 1080x1301, Screenshot_20190705-223229_Twi…)

Another story that didn't happen
No. 832771
File: 1562396385531.jpeg (36.28 KB, 640x363, B3081D4C-838C-4AFE-B800-2D60DB…)

>>832720>cried because a stranger spent $15 on herI’m actually embarrassed for her.
No. 832784
What a while leap from
>>832521 to
>>832720 No. 832954
File: 1562435173267.jpeg (356.29 KB, 1242x733, FCF41F6F-1E4D-4EAA-ADE8-D72C70…)

wow, she goes to Austin ONCE as a tourist and decides that’s where she wants to live. She needs help with impulse control. Knowing her she’ll move on a whim and throw out half the stuff she just bought because she can’t afford to move and then just beg for it all over again. She seriously needs help. Meds ain’t gonna fix this. She’ll be miserable AF down there like everywhere else.
No. 832994
File: 1562440965123.jpg (172.88 KB, 1079x504, Screenshot_20190706-142130_Twi…)

If that's the case shes definitely going with fupa.she couldnt afford this and him moving out of state from his kids could make it easier for them to live together. Tinfoil but the trip was for him a job offer. Maybe he got it and now they're going? Shes not leaving OK without him kek
No. 832996
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No. 832997
File: 1562441046098.jpg (Spoiler Image,503.15 KB, 1076x1276, Screenshot_20190706-142307_Twi…)

Here we go
No. 832998
File: 1562441070473.jpg (459.97 KB, 1080x1441, Screenshot_20190706-142324_Twi…)

No. 833006
>>832998Sucks to live in a place that reminds her of him?
But they still hang out and he's her only real life friend? Her weird cover-up stories arent making any sense
No. 833019
>>832998she has acted like where she lives makes her miserable and she needs a fresh start since she was a teen. like
>>832954 said she'll be miserable anywhere she goes. makes you wonder how much money she'll waste hopping around the u.s. before she actually changes anything in her life. and by change i don't mean adopting animals and clinging to scummy dudes.
>>832999>>833006the only way to know for sure is to go to kyle's facebook and see if he's shared any misogynist sperg memes. i would but i don't have fb.
maybe he goes to austin often for business and wants her to dwell there waiting around for him. so he can fully cement her status as side chick and free up his regular weekends for tindr.
No. 833039
File: 1562445107842.jpg (363.44 KB, 1071x1099, Screenshot_20190706-153115_Twi…)

And now blaming her illness
No. 833040
File: 1562445152734.jpg (316.32 KB, 1080x946, Screenshot_20190706-153229_Twi…)

No. 833051
>>833040wow. a rare moment of clarity.
however she literally just went on a vacation to clear her mind so i don't know what another could do for her.
No. 833071
>>832998>my lease is finally upshe moved in in March (if you remember she was staying in a hotel on Valentine's day and then "with friends" (fupa) for a few weeks until she got her current place), so it was a four month lease? tf kind of lease is that
>>833010We can only hope
>>833040moving from Oklahoma to Colorado and back is not "moving across the country". OK and CO literally share a border. stupid Shayna, look at a map sometime
No. 833089
>>832999doubt it.
sounds like she's just trying to cover her tracks of being caught with Fupa in the most thinly veiled way possible.
Shayna will never find anyone else that wants to deal with her vehemently disgusting, erratic, bizarre and childish self and Fupa knows no one else will want his predatory man-child ass either. plus, now he gets to get easy, free pussy from Shayna without any of the responsibility that comes with acknowledging that he's seeing her.
they're a
toxic couple that I don't foresee parting ways for a long time.
No. 833140
>>832954She got a taste of what a nice house or place to live looks and feels like in Austin. She probably had a sense of clarity and freaked out that she lives in a trash heap. Then she also realized she’s broke and has a dog that she impulsively adopted.
>>832998Is she suggesting she’s been stuck at a fupa’s place? A lease? What? This makes absolutely no sense. Is she suggesting her apartment reminds her of her ex?
I think the anons who are tinfoiling that Fupa got a job offer in Texas are on the spot. Texas seems like a total Fupa haven. Even tho Fupa is a shit dad, moving away from his kids isn’t an easy thing to do. So he probably hasn’t decided, but shay hasn’t gotten the memo and is ready to leave her garbage can.
No. 833174
File: 1562467634889.jpg (Spoiler Image,484.81 KB, 1077x1153, Screenshot_20190706-214706_Twi…)

Why those faces
No. 833182
>>833174her facial expression makes her look like a silverback gorilla but I somehow like these pictures more than her usual ones/could actually see how the blind men who pay for her content might maybe see some slight appeal?
…those pictures only though, all it'd take is for them to click onto another one for the entire thing to be ruined.
No. 833227
>>8324974th of July: fireworks pic Fupa clearly took and this tweet about going out to dinner with Fupa
>>832998Next day: sadposting
>>832954Ready to move to Austin
>>832998Still sadposting. Obvious fake story about the lease as another anon pointed out. Mentioning Fupa now and citing him as the reason for moving to OK (Shay I thought you two were broken up before you ever moved in with Dawn hmm?).
>>833039Aaand taking it all back.
It’s obvious that Fupa broke up with her again, possibly during or after the “fancy restaurant” dinner. Remember she was also recently tweeting about hiding the identity of friends IRL so I bet that issue came up again during the vacation. Maybe he took her back after her dramatic tweets about moving or maybe she uncharacteristically had a real moment of clarity and realised she was being impulsive. If he dumped her for real she’ll vaguepost about it soon enough.
No. 833238
>>833227tinfoil but fupa was witness to and broke up with her after the firework asshole nightmare. we know they were together on the fourth. he probably had an epiphany like "damn I better
actually get away from this bitch before she accidentally kills herself and I'm implicated, I don't need to risk my life just for some free sex"
No. 833480
File: 1562542532554.jpg (Spoiler Image,612.76 KB, 1080x1705, Screenshot_20190707-183501_Twi…)

More begging
No. 833482
>>833480I thought she wasn't doing sales anymore. What happened to making 2-3 vids a week and camming nightly?
Oh yeah, begging gets her by because these dumbasses keep enabling her manic ass.
No. 833491
File: 1562544762736.jpg (452.95 KB, 1080x1413, Screenshot_20190707-191229_Twi…)

No. 833497
>>833482She said she wouldn't be doing the "all my vids for $50" sale, which she truthfully hasn't done since then. She has been charging more per video than she ever has in her sales before. I wonder if anyone has taken her up on them, especially since her butthole firework fiasco. that gave her more circulation than anything else on Twitter iirc
>>833491how about put the Bad Dragon dildo to use first, like you said you would multiple times? and then just never mention it when the time comes?
No. 833522
File: 1562549707037.jpg (580.02 KB, 1080x1211, Screenshot_20190707-203435_Twi…)

Wtf are those nails
No. 833525
File: 1562550373240.jpg (Spoiler Image,182.43 KB, 1080x812, Screenshot_20190707_214344.jpg)

Her lazy rancid ass hasn't been on in almost a month… Wow.
No. 833557
File: 1562555173451.jpg (314.82 KB, 1080x1326, Screenshot_20190707-220604_Twi…)

One of her only supporters
No. 833725
>>833522Her nails are a mirror image of the little swatch booklet they give you at salons
I think the one anon is right about having students do her nails. They got to practice each color down the line
No. 833735
File: 1562598948860.jpg (370.37 KB, 1080x791, Screenshot_20190708-101310_Twi…)

Many vids posted her. Time for her ego to inflate 3x it's normal size today
No. 833749
File: 1562602323966.jpg (203.13 KB, 1080x1342, Screenshot_20190708-170905_Twi…)

Has she got more retarded?
No. 833754
>>833749she keeps hyping up basic things that happen to her. she's a shut in who barely leaves the apartment, so any basic human interactions make her cry.
Having the restaurant do a little birthday thing for her, that anyone would get? cries.
random dude pays for her stuff? cries.
she's seriously emotionally and mentally unstable. her reactions to the most basic things are incredulous.
No. 833775
File: 1562606609470.jpeg (10.72 KB, 205x245, 7B3B0F12-A808-4C6F-AA01-86B4D0…)

>>833749I wonder if she cries when the cashier at the gas station bags her beer in one of these.
No. 833778
>>833756the person making it probably saw her and was thinking “oh she’s probably broke and on drugs, maybe it would be nice to draw a smiley”
it’s a super common thing in coffee shops.
No. 833780
>>833778It's an automatic thing they do in about half the coffee shops I know
I do think she's looking unwell though, like a girl who's head isn't all there, she could be getting some pity-interactions
No. 833818
File: 1562613124233.jpg (276.42 KB, 1080x947, Screenshot_20190708-141138_Twi…)

Welp, there goes another snapchat
No. 833819
File: 1562613215308.jpg (167.25 KB, 1073x517, Screenshot_20190708-141311_Twi…)

Yeah, they are TOTALLY "capitalizing" off you Shay
No. 833820
>>833818It's just for ban evading isn't it?
You broke the rules therefore you are no longer welcome. It's like being barred from a bar. You fucked up, now you can't attend. Get over it. Move on
No. 833823
>>833818She posted a video blowing a firework out of her ass for free on twitter. she regularly posts her shit for free, you can also see her nasty porn for free on any tube site. is she seriously trying to act like she doesn't have to get naked for money?
what a deluded bitch…
No. 833836
File: 1562617362003.jpg (457.46 KB, 1596x2048, IMG_20190708_212129.jpg)

What a garbage edgy swimsuit. Anywhere family friendly she wouldn't even be allowed to wear that in. Plus when was the last time she went swimming? Fupa's business trip?
No. 833853
File: 1562618696232.jpg (120.41 KB, 1076x464, Screenshot_20190708-154306_Twi…)

Then stop drinking every fucking day and actually eat GOOD FOOD
No. 833854
File: 1562618772664.jpg (128.47 KB, 1080x329, Screenshot_20190708-154606_Twi…)

Honestly, stop kissing Shay's ass
No. 833861
>>833854imo people who hurt themselves trying to do extreme porn don't deserve sympathy, especially if she was making little to no money for it, it's just natural selection
When do you think she'll start trying to make herself prolapse?
No. 833894
>>833853where was this attitude when fupa was bringing you to the gym with him for free, correcting your horrible form, encouraging you to try any machine other than the leg press…? you basically had a (shitty) trainer then, and didn't have to pay for it, and you couldn't have been less interested.
she'd probably take the money and go buy herself burgers because "protein builds muscle"
all you have to do is take your dog for longer walks and you'll burn more calories and thus more fat. it's simple as shit Shayna.
No. 833895
File: 1562623162461.jpg (143.81 KB, 1073x452, Screenshot_20190708-165833_Twi…)

She's full fledged in the mentally ill sexworker uwu phase now
No. 833960
File: 1562630853485.jpg (101.08 KB, 1080x318, Screenshot_20190708-190728_Twi…)

No. 834049
File: 1562641699432.jpeg (206.25 KB, 1242x369, 9FDFA847-2406-48B9-A967-AE820B…)

I really don’t get this girl. She uses mental illness as a joke, yet wants praise and validation when she talks “seriously” about her mental illness. How can I take you seriously when you joke about panic attacks and disassociating, then want praise for doing basic adult tasks?
No. 834091
File: 1562647664635.jpg (873.31 KB, 1080x1774, swimsuit.jpg)

>>833836looks a bit too small.
No. 834352
>>834335The anon who saw shay and Fupa in the wild was pretty milky. Short lived tho, and I think since then anons are thirsty for more.
>>833818Gee, Shay. It’s almost like you’re being banned for ban evading.
No. 834366
File: 1562695218272.jpg (116.84 KB, 1080x394, Screenshot_20190709-125928_Twi…)

No one would! Those expos and award shows are for legit porn stars to meet their fans. Not some nasty "cam girl"
No. 834411
File: 1562700334672.jpg (211.86 KB, 1080x561, Screenshot_20190709-141914_Twi…)

Someone's been lurking. I think shay meant, what video should she plan and then never actually make
No. 834858
File: 1562749102035.png (30.74 KB, 300x359, results.png)

i did my best
No. 834873
File: 1562754202662.jpg (263.99 KB, 1080x1384, PicsArt_07-10-05.22.54.jpg)

No. 834880
File: 1562755654876.jpeg (250.98 KB, 1242x644, 8EABAB82-3439-4E93-BD22-9D1592…)

No. 834903
>>834880I'm not surprised she is saying this. She lets men treat her like absolute garbage. She's a pick-me who needs male validation cos women won't deal with her bullshit unless they are insecure, orbiting leeches.
We get it Shay, you love being a fleshlight for low value men.
No. 834937
File: 1562770102590.png (100.02 KB, 640x814, IMG_0513.PNG)

What was she doing up all night? I have a feeling "I didn't sleep last night" will be the latest excuse
No. 834943
File: 1562770686018.jpg (529.33 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190707-062709_Twi…)

Oh no..
No. 835030
>>834937>hopefullyYea she’s not gonna film shit today.
No. 835138
File: 1562790981384.jpg (135.61 KB, 1080x429, Screenshot_20190710-153534_Twi…)

Very sexy Shay. She probably won't clean it up
No. 835262
>>834937>I'm taking a bath because I deserve itI'm sorry what?????
>>835138This didn't happen
She's increasingly unhinged lately
No. 835294
File: 1562802103501.png (66.25 KB, 588x342, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at 7.40…)

I can't film today because I thought it was already the next day
No. 835308
File: 1562803170076.jpg (388.9 KB, 1069x1236, Screenshot_20190710-185852_Twi…)

No. 835389
File: 1562814884482.jpg (756.91 KB, 1100x618, ban_bus.jpg)

Shay has been posting a lot about #CowAppreciationDay on her twitter so I wanted to make a contribution. I like to imagine this is Shay after her July 4th fiasco, off to a better life.
Hope you like it anons, I put in lots of easter eggs for you. I hope they come across ok!
i also made this for thread 37 hence the bus number, but if another pic gets chosen idc
No. 835407
File: 1562817996874.jpeg (401.39 KB, 750x842, E393E056-27CF-45A6-B714-104ADB…)

Looks like someone lurked too hard and got butthurt
No. 835424
>>835389Bravo, anon. The attention and detail in this artwork is amazing. I love the fact that it's heart-faced Fupa driving a neon pink shortbus.
The only thing missing is Clover/ Noodle saying "mom?" lol
No. 835437
File: 1562823672571.jpg (141.07 KB, 1100x618, banbus2.jpg)

fixed. I wanted the amazon stuff to be her shopping spree but didn't know how to portray her asking for reimbursement. I also felt bad for Noodle so excluded her initially lol
No. 835638
File: 1562857383905.jpg (224.45 KB, 1079x599, Screenshot_20190711-100221_Twi…)

Kek she just woke up and we already have an excuse. No video today either. Not surprising for our scammy shay
No. 835670
File: 1562860148829.jpeg (76.02 KB, 640x396, 366C4205-A99A-4BF8-9398-0296CF…)

>>835651Lmao she answered your question
No. 835711
File: 1562864368983.jpeg (229.84 KB, 1242x588, F72B69DC-11F4-4D26-8762-6AE485…)

“For my day off”
EVERY DAY is your day off shayna, you don’t fucking work.
No. 835714
File: 1562864481929.jpeg (295.85 KB, 1242x474, 26A28488-1F6A-4B7E-9561-B407B6…)

and here’s her excuse for why the video will turn out as a half assed piece of garbage so she doesn’t have to put in any effort.
No. 835729
>>835711>I'm going to film a video today>I'm going to take a nap before I film my video>I slept too long, I'll film it tomorrow>waaaaahhhh I don't want to film today either>I want to take the day off today, someone pay me $300 to do nothingthis wouldn't be a problem if you had done your work yesterday like you "promised". You act like you love your job but then you find EVERY excuse not to do it
>>835714normal people don't have the luxury of taking months off work just because they don't feel like working and/or don't feel well. and they push through and do their jobs anyway. tell us again how hard you work though
No. 835732
>>835711Living day to day isn't good with bipolar. Similar to how the instability when she was 'homeless' set her off, this instability with her income is part of whats
triggering her ups and downs
A normal job would give her stability but at this stage she's too far gone to function
No. 835745
File: 1562866461483.jpg (629.54 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190711_123135.jpg)

I just wanna point out her appointment was at 10:30 as stated by her, and at 10:32 she already got done with all the things you have to do when you see the doctor. Like getting your weight taken, answering any questions (how much you smoke/drink/diet/how you've been feeling) in 2 minutes… And I am in her time zone.
No. 835768
File: 1562868552537.png (67.37 KB, 597x753, 2019-07-11 14_08_58-Window.png)

she's such a crackhead
No. 835897
File: 1562883359270.jpeg (Spoiler Image,327.1 KB, 1242x1185, 0008CF0C-2A9C-4C67-AA14-B83F5E…)

her faces are tragic (1/3)
No. 835898
File: 1562883438872.jpeg (Spoiler Image,184.42 KB, 750x1334, DFC5B4EB-5686-4BD5-985C-1B456B…)

No. 835902
File: 1562883537032.jpeg (Spoiler Image,173.3 KB, 750x1334, 3A4C47D3-EAF5-4849-B32F-E84FF6…)

No. 835929
File: 1562885424599.png (331.02 KB, 750x1334, 4A25901E-D178-4BC8-8327-B00D99…)

Stop fucking cowtipping you idiots god damn how hard is it to follow that one rule? Jesus
No. 835966
File: 1562889607686.jpg (149.97 KB, 901x1200, D_O6HfmU0AAIr3Z.jpg)

Drinking while you are on antibiotics for bronchitis is almost as retarded as she looks here
No. 835967
>>835898Her face looks so bloated. And all that clashing pink…I used to never mind the color pink in general, but I’m suddenly starting to hate it.
>>835945This anon always shows up in shay’s thread to make some stupid mention about ribmeat. They never sage their autism and always mention the cat randomly. It’s probably Fupa. We all know he loves this thread. Best to just report the moron and ignore them.
No. 835972
File: 1562889902467.jpg (229.85 KB, 1080x927, Screenshot_20190711-190001_Twi…)

So humble Shay
No. 835974
>>835966I'm in shock looking at this, this is literally the ugliest that shay has ever looked. She looks like fupa except even fatter in the face. A bloated disaster, her lips are disappearing by the day what the fuck.
>>835898This picture as well is giving away how much worse she looks than she did a few months ago, this photo specifically looks like a bloated chubby 50 year old trailer park mom named brandy who's taking a smoothed filtered selfie trying to look young. How is this bitch still so narcissistic and over confident when she looks like this? I guess she's really good at blocking out the reality of how she's getting worse in every way daily.
No. 835978
>>835966God what's happened to her face?
What's the betting she still continues to smoke weed despite bronchitis?
Did she mention antibiotics? Depending on what ones, some are safe to drink on but it's obviously not advised. If they are reactive with alcohol she will be incredibly sick.
No. 835988
File: 1562891400996.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.34 KB, 1080x894, Screenshot_20190712-012854_Twi…)

You don't need a fucking band aid for a shot. She's so cringe.
No. 835992
>>835972Prescription copays, Shay. Nearly all insurance plans have them.
>>835978She hasn't named her new meds just as she hasn't named her psych meds, but when she first got sick months ago she talked about her albuterol inhaler not helping. She may have been prescribed a long acting beta agonist or corticosteroid or combination inhaler today. They don't dole out oral or IM steroids unless the inflammation is causing a breathing emergency.
And yeah, the endless blunts can cause COPD.
No. 836003
>>835992She didn't stop drinking in order for the psych meds to work properly so she certainly wont stop for antibiotics
She's somehow lost touch with reality more since starting the bipolar meds but seems happy to live in lala land for now lol
No. 836047
File: 1562897158375.jpg (Spoiler Image,560.29 KB, 1080x1450, Screenshot_20190711-210545_Twi…)

"Fancy" restaurant
No. 836064
File: 1562898319501.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1242x2168, B0766CE2-8424-4F57-B030-91628F…)

>>836049Jesus fucking Christ the bare ass on the toilet seat AND barefeet on the seat. And the bathroom floor?! Other people’s piss all over those shorts. Christ this is horrifying.
No. 836065
File: 1562898321421.png (Spoiler Image,2.31 MB, 750x1334, F31DFF9B-0926-4520-B180-492918…)

Her nailbeds are fucked.(nitpicking)
No. 836102
>>836065She's so gross lol. She fingers herself with all those open wounds and wonky claws in a public restroom. It's no wonder she has such irritated genitals, she introduces bacteria to there constantly.
Also does anyone else feel like she just put the band aid over that unhealed ass boil she's had for months kek
No. 836106
File: 1562902526627.jpg (Spoiler Image,476.17 KB, 1078x1347, Screenshot_20190711-223504_Twi…)

Why send money for the videos when she posts then on Twitter for free?
No. 836232
>>836047Epitome of trash, imagine if this was actually a fancy restaurant; who wears a crop top and what looks like track pants/shorts to somewhere upscale? doesn’t she have a
fill in the blank daddy to buy her nice clothes? Or will she post about needing a clothing daddy after reading this thread
No. 836242
>>836232or it's a
trash whore costume daddy kek
let's face it, shayna has no taste. you could give her a thousand dollars and let her loose, and she'd return with the same cheap f21 shit
No. 836320
File: 1562935480842.png (Spoiler Image,246.5 KB, 305x480, stankhegao.PNG)

>>836049She REALLY needs to stop trying to incorporate the ahegao face into her videos.
No. 836391
>>836320Any Tulsa anons recognize this bathroom? I want to look at their very fancy menu. That gold leaf just screams ‘classy.’
Also, this legit looks like a cryptid sighting.
No. 836393
File: 1562944648746.jpg (329.46 KB, 1080x1681, 20190712_111458.jpg)

More proof she lurks, she's now including the exact date and time in these e-begging tweets. also shay, no one will give you money if they know that they can just wait for you to impulse upload the video to twitter anyways
No. 836430
File: 1562948724509.jpg (194.73 KB, 1080x1345, Screenshot_20190712-172418_Twi…)

Lmao, she literally doesn't have any food in her apartment does she? Shay just learn how to fucking cook.
No. 836435
>>836430let her blow her money on take out and weed so she can complain and beg again.
when shay gets older she's gonna feel like the dumbest bitch alive.
No. 836450
File: 1562951192822.jpg (116.75 KB, 593x277, she mad.jpg)

expecting ppl to say thanks every time she posts the same rank nudes.
new snapchat is thebrattybarbie, bets on how long she'll have it?
No. 836472
>>835929Not everyone who disagrees with Shay is a cow tipper.
You guys keep forgetting there’s an entire community of SW that despise her without reading lolcow.
No. 836475
File: 1562953814422.jpeg (Spoiler Image,847.33 KB, 1242x1371, 46A10044-BC23-49C3-9EF2-88F27F…)

You can take the bandaid off Shay. You could have taken it off 24 hours ago.
No. 836493
>>836485It's much higher than it was yesterday
Almost like she read the thread and googled searched for the little map of areas that docs follow for injections
No. 836534
File: 1562958112053.jpg (202.22 KB, 1080x1419, Screenshot_20190712-200138_Twi…)

No. 836537
>>836430I wonder if she even owns a fridge sometimes kek
>>836534This..this has to be a fucking joke. She's trolling us, out of all contests, she thinks THIS would be a good fit? Maybe if they had a trashy crackhead e begger contest but social positivity. He detachment from reality is scary sometimes.
No. 836565
File: 1562960365586.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.78 KB, 1080x1179, Screenshot_20190712-203829_Twi…)

>>836534The glowing positivity from Shay.
Lmao, if she wasn't being sarcastic she's a god damn lunatic
No. 836580
>>836573Uhm yes herself of course. She has a very serious illness!
I'm being sarcastic for the dummies.
No. 836687
File: 1562967414226.jpg (329.59 KB, 1076x933, Screenshot_20190712-143521_Twi…)

Put in your bets for how long this one lasts
No. 836771
File: 1562972578097.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.07 KB, 1080x1557, Screenshot_20190713-000229_Twi…)

>>836769Welp, now this one's definitely not a farmer
No. 836825
File: 1562976324123.png (33.47 KB, 598x139, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 7.51…)

And her mood completely shifted because…? Did Fupa cancel on their Friday night date or what?
>>836769The expression on her face throughout the video looks mentally disturbed. That and her lack of coordination and the way she flails around like an idiot seriously makes me think she's on drugs.
No. 836854
File: 1562979081961.jpg (199.16 KB, 1300x866, shaygnar.jpg)

No. 836859
>>836854Why would Shayna ask for help? She's THRIVING!
lol good work anon
No. 836893
File: 1562980354649.webm (Spoiler Image,14.01 MB, 1080x1404, InShot_20190712_210428466 (1).…)

>>836769What is this supposed to be? Autist can't remove bandaid, throws tantrum then exposes gaping anus.
No. 836923
File: 1562981316866.png (101.45 KB, 586x573, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 7.19…)

>>836825This was her tweet a couple hours ago about going out and drinking tonight (and asking to be reimbursed) that appears to now be deleted, along with someone asking if she should be drinking while on antibiotics. I meant to post this earlier.
No. 837037
File: 1562989777262.jpg (651.45 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190712_234743_com…)

No. 837061
>>836893you can't tell me she's not hammered in this. otherwise why the fuck is she acting so bizarre? the heavy breathing like she just ran up three flights of stairs, the constant swaying and turning around, and her weird spasms in the middle of it… also yeah she has a perma-gape now, she's gonna have to start wearing depends early in life
No. 837083
File: 1562994166881.png (424.77 KB, 1125x2436, F4ECA191-54B8-4983-8D52-0A27A8…)

No. 837095
File: 1562995973166.jpg (285.73 KB, 604x1006, 20190713_003144.jpg)

She's already posting on snap about it. Loves how she said she had bronchitis 3/4 months ago, but now she says she just got it yesterday?
No. 837097
File: 1562996201415.jpg (269.2 KB, 609x1027, 20190713_003519.jpg)

Also begging for someone to make her a new Twitter, like that's going to work out. Clearly…from the past 20 times…
No. 837098
File: 1562996226819.jpg (273.65 KB, 605x1036, 20190713_003550.jpg)

No. 837143
>>837098SIS, TAKE A HINT.
At this point she's just being stubborn to prove a point, but she's only hurting herself; she's probably lost so many potential customers because she keeps remaking on a platform that clearly doesn't want her. These dudes just want a quick nut, and they're not going to follow some bargain bin thot around three different forms of social media just to see what her new account is.
No. 837162
>>837097>>836923Is Shay possibly the worse camgirl
>She begs but doesn't offer>Most of her tweets are just begging or complaining>She leaks too much of her personal life into her camgirl biz>Doesn't attempt to take even the slightest care of her body in which her income is dependent on>Refuses to listen to advice or follow supply and demand trends and forever reason sticks with the tacky Dollar tree Barbie aestheticLiterally the more thought I put into this the more it shows me how awful of a camgirl she is, most normie women would make much better camgirls, I'd feel bad for her if it didn't come to me the reason why she isn't making as much money as she could is 100% her fault
No. 837225
File: 1563025995393.jpg (275.15 KB, 596x1026, 20190713_085259.jpg)

Annnd we've got a new one…
No. 837263
File: 1563030859607.jpeg (797.52 KB, 1242x1385, F61B275E-EEA2-4299-8BBB-634673…)

She’s still blaming her account loss on her “haturz” when is she going to own up to the fact that she’s IP banned and it’s not because mass amounts of “haturz” are reporting her?
No. 837267
>>837263She's off her rocker with all these sentimental posts about her 'community of committed followers' What community? A handful of twitter likes here and there?
She's constantly putting on an act to try and say "see haterz I'm doing great" and it's painfully transparent
No. 837268
>>837263Like clockwork.
Step 1. Make twitter account
2. Break TOS and get banned
3. Whine about getting banned on Snapchat
4. Get orbiter to create a new account
5. Sperg about how much you love your “supporters” despite how much the other camgirls hate you.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
No. 837294
>>837225I like that she used a photo where she looks like a ghoulish trailer park cowgirl.
>>837263I’m almost positive she knows why. But that doesn’t garner sympathy or make her a
victim. If anyone truly believed they were being targeted and getting their Twitter reported and deleted, they would contact twitter and figure out a solution.
No. 837299
File: 1563036505579.jpg (75.63 KB, 1080x455, Screenshot_20190713-173410_Twi…)

So what's it gonna be?
No. 837300
File: 1563036507264.jpg (255.08 KB, 1080x1040, Screenshot_20190713-094749_Twi…)

Kek, more talk about rebranding. Shay you've never even branded yourself well
No. 837301
File: 1563036775954.jpg (309.13 KB, 1080x1101, Screenshot_20190713-095228_Twi…)

Birds of a feather. Ofc this is who she's using to try and get her followers back
No. 837324
File: 1563040082198.jpg (247.2 KB, 1080x1149, Screenshot_20190713-100340_Twi…)

>>837318Looks like she's lurking too. She posted this right after
>>837301Was posted
No. 837331
>>837324Wow props to shayna for finding another camwhore who is just as delusional and bitter about ~haturz~
Also gotta love how these trashy cheap hoes really do have no lives besides thinking about dick although we all know shaytard doesn't actually have any interest in sex or anything, she just uses "sex work" to make pennies and get attention online due to not having any personality or actual intelligence or talent lol. Likely the same deal with this new loser.
No. 837340
File: 1563041162997.jpg (Spoiler Image,638.04 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190713-110357_Twi…)

She's already shadowbanned. Inb4 the upcoming Twitter sperg (1/2)
No. 837409
File: 1563043739400.jpg (659.16 KB, 1080x1717, Screenshot_20190713-114442_Twi…)

She's already going out to drink and posted a photo of the drink menu… Shay that makes it so easy for people to figure out where you are jfc
No. 837422
>>837299didn't she say this the last time her twitter was deleted, then continued posting the same stuff. she doesn't even know what her ~brand~ is supposed to be, how is she going to change it lol.
wonder how much money she's wasted on all the followers from deleted accounts. even bought numbers mean nothing now, and she'd definitely not making any of those videos she mentioned. doesn't seem like she's interested in being on cam, so is she just going to constantly beg?
No. 837429
File: 1563045977495.jpg (101.84 KB, 1050x538, themill-img.jpg)

What a "fancy" resturant, lmao day drinking at a Mexican place is tragic, I'm sure she'll say that she has "stalkers" but don't post something so identifiable
No. 837457
File: 1563050231264.jpg (275.41 KB, 1080x1140, Screenshot_20190713-153705_Twi…)

No. 837459
File: 1563050702948.jpg (472.5 KB, 1078x811, Screenshot_20190713-154220_Kik…)

It's Shay
No. 837466
>>837301Can't FIND alcohol? Is she underage?
>>837457>lets get a snack an i couldThere it is folks, she's been made a formal offering of $700. Is this finally the push into proper sex work? How fast you think he grabs the cash back and runs when he sees it?
No. 837477
File: 1563052259596.jpg (638.54 KB, 1078x1357, Screenshot_20190713-160944_Twi…)

Just more of a reason to sit on her ass
No. 837510
File: 1563055543630.jpg (989.05 KB, 1080x1437, Screenshot_20190713-170542_Twi…)

This isn't cute
No. 837527
>>837510she looks so grimy, really living the life being drunk in daylight and wandering around town with nothing on under that dress.
she hasn't even had the new twitter for a day but already has almost 700 followers and posted another gross bathroom video with almost 3k views. don't understand how that works, but starting off by giving away free content isn't much of a ~rebrand~.
No. 837528
File: 1563057729233.gif (3.12 MB, 202x360, giphy (2).gif)

>>837510She looks disease ridden..
No. 837537
File: 1563058695303.jpeg (323.45 KB, 1536x2048, 2A8F2F98-EDAB-47C7-80B6-B57641…)

>>837510….are all these donuts for her / the two of them? Jesus
No. 837542
>>837516Why are you so mad lmao. Is this that bratty pixie bitch? Trying to act like you’re upset that we are “increasing her popularity” because WKing didn’t pan out. Which is HILARIOUS because she isn’t popular and never will be.
Go be depressed and beg for dollars, bitch.
No. 837544
File: 1563058848207.jpeg (119.96 KB, 749x1101, 9E47231F-1718-4F3B-9C66-D95EAF…)

Diet: sugar
No. 837567
File: 1563059917602.jpg (579.69 KB, 1080x1587, Screenshot_20190713-181555_Twi…)

No. 837578
File: 1563061413260.jpg (246.56 KB, 1080x1160, Screenshot_20190713-164227_Twi…)

No one pities you for losing 1.5k organic followers and 11.5k bots.
No. 837619
File: 1563064955500.jpg (175.58 KB, 1080x1037, Screenshot_20190713-174225_Twi…)

Exceptional trashiness
No. 837640
>>837537Tinfoil, that she's got some kind of fungal infection under those nails. the ends of her fingertips are completely raw and bloody, and her skin is peeling back all along her cuticles. given how she doesn't own soap and is constantly picking at/shoving things up her ass. at this point it's more than just dry skin
>>837546you didn't sage, though
>>837604too true, Shayna has said that if you read/post on this site for any reason, she wants nothing to do with you. so you played yourself twice bro, we don't want you and neither does Shatna
No. 837667
>>837510Her teeth are almost as brown as the donut.
Deleted my other reply because I didn't refresh and see a Farmhand post, sorry. At least Shay proves me right that even with 0 followers she'd still attention whore and try to get money from them.
>>837578 No. 837683
File: 1563071069276.jpg (180.17 KB, 1080x523, 20190713_212337.jpg)

Delivering some actual milk, could this prove she didnt go to texas with fupa, and that shes actually escorting and went for some dumbass in texas?
No. 837693
>>837675>>837687>>837690Refer to
>>837659>>837683Unless fupa did move to TX temporarily for work, he used to go on extended trips to locations previously, didn't he? This tweet almost sounds a little bitter that she's not in Texas right now "living the high life". The ps4 could have been a bribe to keep her from whining.
No. 837705
>>837693It would make sense for her to try to shift fupa from boyfriend to "sugar daddy", mostly so she can still ~brag~ about him on social media without having to acknowledge they're still romantically involved. pretend he's someone else, and that he actually gives a shit about her (he obviously doesn't.) plus yeah sounds like passive aggressive complaining that he didn't bring her to TX with him this time. and for him to buy her a PS4, so he could use it too, or to shut her whiny ass up.
or she really did find a Splenda daddy. they're not that difficult to find, creepy old men will pay trash like Shayna $1000 a month for a weekly three-hour-meetup-for-hotel-sex arrangement. it's a good deal for him, if that's what's happening. or it would be, if Shayna weren't bottom-of-the-barrel quality. no matter who he is and what he's paying, he could do better than her.
No. 837712
File: 1563073287371.jpg (3 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190713_220041.jpg)

If anyone cares, shay was at The Tavern the other night.
No. 837727
File: 1563074381257.png (703.3 KB, 1104x806, menu.png)

>>837712>>837717This is what the menu looks like. It's a nice pub, but it's a pub.
No. 837729
File: 1563074457813.gif (1.5 MB, 500x280, E27C393B-02CB-4AF8-A0BD-CD3F0E…)

>>837712It’s like looking at a crime scene after the fact. But not everyone knows the horrors that took place on that toilet.
No. 837730
File: 1563074564416.png (1.06 MB, 702x868, fancy.png)

>>837727Really shows you where her standards are if this is "fancy". I guess she's used to the fastfood burgers that fupa usually buys her.
No. 837967
File: 1563115389401.png (6.83 MB, 1125x2436, B4349FAE-501C-4C40-9C87-BA9F17…)

Her fingers are more flaky than the donut
No. 837971
>>837968nope, the new one at @dumbbydolly is still up
would be something if it took her 2 days to lose an account kek
No. 838023
File: 1563125490622.jpg (227.86 KB, 1080x1549, Screenshot_20190714-183005_Twi…)

$200 worth of shitty crop tops again?
Shay buy some underwear.
No. 838071
File: 1563133346354.jpg (189 KB, 1080x697, Screenshot_20190714-144213_Twi…)

Something that didn't happen
No. 838072
File: 1563133381050.jpg (339.74 KB, 1080x1419, Screenshot_20190714-144150_Twi…)

Let's see how long the friendship lasts
No. 838182
>>838076Everyone get carded, my mom who's clearly 40+ even gets carded, it's so annoying when girls pull the "teehee I got carded! They must think I'm so young" thing
On an unrelated note why is she buying a physical copy of GTA? It's much cheaper on steam especially if you catch it on a discount day or if you buy it on the PlayStation or Xbox store if she's using console, such a girl gamer owo
No. 838189
File: 1563143681232.jpg (447.04 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20190714_233400.jpg)

Girl what is this outfit?
No. 838191
File: 1563143743574.jpg (529.96 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190714_233351.jpg)

>>838189Lime green with baby pink and blue denim. Yikes
No. 838196
File: 1563144187215.jpeg (148.07 KB, 735x759, 59E42F3B-0BBA-425A-AF3D-CB2265…)

Looks like she’s at Cheesecake Factory getting shitfaced, classy as always.
No. 838201
File: 1563144366708.png (3.52 MB, 750x1334, D5C1EA35-5908-4693-9376-20BDCE…)

Her eyebrows legitimately look stamped on kek
Her skin is SCREAMING to be washed so badly, my own pores feel clogged just looking at her
No. 838238
File: 1563148519455.jpeg (681.53 KB, 1242x914, 459A12A4-59E2-49EE-BA68-DEA3BD…)

>>838189her hands are HORRIFYING
No. 838255
File: 1563151956016.jpg (Spoiler Image,240.38 KB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_20190714_205119.jpg)

Still posting gross public bathroom vids. Tbh I feel like she's not wearing any underwear because she can't afford them kek. She looks like one of those drunk moms on Dr Phil
No. 838261
>>838255Wearing denim with no pants makes me feel uncomfortable.
And yeah honestly in all the shit I've seen of her she has that 1 pair of hello kitty pants, plain white cotton kiddy looking pants and a couple of Calvin style ones, like wtf.
It's all so unsexy too.
Shay you're supposed to be a camgirl, buy some nice lingerie for once.
I've seen her in a real bra once..
No. 838265
>>838238it looks like her skin is starting to rot off or something holy shit.
Shay get some fuckin lotion and lay off the claws
No. 838287
File: 1563157229304.jpeg (216.36 KB, 1125x2076, 49919A98-53C8-40D1-B430-18E805…)

Not only has she not been on cam or made new videos, she hasn’t posted on onlyfans since the 5th of July, which you’re supposed to post to daily, and yet she can post free nudes and videos on twitter. She hasn’t posted on manyvids since the end of June either. She’s literally just surviving off of begging and her “glucose padre.”
No. 838288
>>838286More likely she doesn't know HOW to do laundry.
Minor tinfoil, but what if she's constantly bringing in cheap F21 "hauls" because she doesn't have a washer or dryer?
No. 838295
File: 1563157916323.jpg (28.95 KB, 480x480, P6.jpg)

>>838201Is she wearing her nosering backwards? Usually that cap at the end is for the inside of your piercing so that it doesn't move around.
No. 838311
File: 1563160298868.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 3464x3464, D25862DD-DEC7-49AB-ABDE-44722E…)

Was going through old threads and thought this was pretty shocking. In case anyone forgot what Shay looked like just 2 years ago.
No. 838321
File: 1563162228415.jpg (577.74 KB, 1080x1339, Screenshot_20190714-224338_Twi…)

No. 838329
>>838313I was thinking the same thing, anon
If she goes to a shitty school nail tech place to get them done, I'm sure they don't clean their tools properly. And she fingers herself with these diseased mitts
No. 838330
File: 1563164866036.png (527.75 KB, 603x465, tr.png)

>>838321She looks like a troll doll with eyebrows.
No. 838333
File: 1563165869093.jpeg (233.86 KB, 720x1280, 62C77E59-09A0-4468-B0DC-5C6502…)

>>838311I always hate the “look how good she looked x years ago!” No Anon that was just a really really good pic. This is what she looked like back when she was just a weed blog. She’s always been gross and ugly, now she’s just fatter
No. 838347
>>838321Fupa date confirmed.
She really is nailing down the drunk auntie look tho god damn.
No. 838395
>>838333She's always had such unfortunate skin for someone her age. Also that overlining on her top lip is tragic.
Did she let her septum piercing close? That would have been a better choice if she wanted to be eDgY than her shitty nostril piercing.
No. 838407
File: 1563185543255.jpeg (134.37 KB, 688x852, 43A105A3-686B-4D82-B1C9-2F53FF…)

>>838313Ew, I think you’re right, anon. That is 100% infected and she’s lying about having an “acetone allergy”. Shay has been wearing fake nails for ages, if she was ever sensitive to acetone she’d know about it long time ago. And if she claims she’s allergic to a specific sort of acetone that salon used, that’s bullshit too. Acetone is acetone, there’s only one kind and either you react to it, or not. Not to mention there’s no real evidence acetone allergy is even a thing. What it can cause is contact dermatitis, but that’s not the same thing as allergic reaction.
Doesn’t matter anyway; bitch hasn’t got either of those, just staph infection.
>>838189Bit late, but wtf is happening in her armpit?Peep that caked antiperspirant and what I really hope is just filter fucking up the shadows, because otherwise we’re looking at some severe skin discoloration/bruising.
Also, what is that in the circle? A staph sore? Another bruise? Seems like a weird placement for a bruise, like she did it to herself, picking her skin or sth.
No. 838414
>>838201Worked in a centre with people adjusting to new meds and this kind of streaky orange make up and poorly drawn in eyebrows (with a lack of self-awareness of it) was eerily common. You'd slowly see make-up skills deteriorate with their mental state
With her leaving the house more often and her style getting 10 times worse I'm guessing she's getting breakthrough highs with whatever meds she started lately
No. 838473
File: 1563202938420.png (2.07 MB, 750x1334, 4EEB63EF-3A27-492D-9ACA-43E8D2…)

She posted these this morning and at first it just looked like her normal nasty mirror selfies until I zoomed in on her feet
No. 838475
File: 1563203004290.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, 3C571778-DE9B-4078-AF2E-CADCFB…)

What the actual fuck is going on with her feet? Does she have an acetone allergy on them too? (sarcasm) dear lord shay, GO TO A DOCTOR
No. 838506
File: 1563207336527.jpeg (414.07 KB, 1242x630, A5EB9CF1-73CB-4742-8478-7C806B…)

“I almost cried after a five year old STOLE my sandwich”
It must be hard having such a boring ass life that you cry over a child accidentally taking something that isn’t theirs. Good lord.
No. 838520
File: 1563208705284.png (Spoiler Image,5.42 MB, 1125x2001, 7EC2C9D9-9846-4B3B-82C3-B5D487…)

This may be a nitpick but it makes me so angry!! The fact that she tries on clothes without wearing any sort of underwear or bra grosses me out, others have to try that on after you like girl have some decency ffs. Saged for non contribute btw.
No. 838523
>>838520I don't get why guys like the whole 'flashing your vag in public toilets/dressing rooms' thing
She's looking like a junkie in all her pics today
No. 838524
>>838520This is why you wash your clothes after buying them in a store.
Omg does she try on swimsuits in store too? Dear god that's absolutely revolting.
No. 838537
>>838407Might be a birth control implant bruise. It’s about the same area they put it in the arm. Getting the old one removed and a new one put in can cause a nice bruise.
>>838475Jesus Christ shay. Beg for $10 so you can get yourself a ped-egg.
No. 838541
File: 1563212157493.jpg (166.37 KB, 1080x590, Screenshot_20190715-123508_Twi…)

Was she not just out getting food? Could've picked it up then
No. 838543
>>838540“It’s okay but I totally almost cried over it”
Okay shay.
No. 838565
>>838561What’s retarded is seeing one bruise on her arm and automatically saying it’s a bc implant.. If it was we would have heard about it for at least the last month. From the time she made the appointment because she would be “so nervous to get an implant” to the day of the appointment “it hurt so bad wahhh but I’m a big girl” to weeks after “my implant still hurts guyz someone send me money to make it stop hurting”
Just like the useless bandaid on the ass last week.
No. 838575
File: 1563217145157.jpeg (360.46 KB, 1242x1173, C02A3229-74A6-4AC5-8EC5-C8255F…)

We’ve got a new excuse chaps
No. 838576
File: 1563217306435.jpeg (241.75 KB, 1242x675, 2936D0B7-D24D-45D0-B6D4-0925CA…)

>>838575Also Shay is too dumb to appreciate anything above spongebob. She saw midsommar (which is actually pretty amazing).
No. 838734
File: 1563239827076.jpg (279.85 KB, 1080x994, Screenshot_20190715-201618_Twi…)

Another story that didn't happen
No. 838735
File: 1563239877874.jpg (400.31 KB, 1077x1230, Screenshot_20190715-201632_Twi…)

Positive for now, until her account is suspended again
No. 838736
File: 1563239927020.jpg (654.29 KB, 1080x1522, Screenshot_20190715-201659_Twi…)

Why, when they can find your nudes anywhere
No. 838746
File: 1563241419370.jpeg (Spoiler Image,341.49 KB, 1242x1185, EC70BB6E-462C-40BE-820B-DC357B…)

>>838736She literally just posted them uncensored on her last twitter like 4 days ago..
No. 838773
>>838565accurate, if it were birth control implant, there would be an incision mark and not just a bruise. especially from having an old implant removed, the scar can be almost an inch long and pretty noticeable. my personal tinfoil was that she pinched herself real hard to ground/self harm while in public. though it could have been from squeezing a pimple like she always did when she used to cam.
>>838734they probably saw the butthole firework video if anything. what a way to be remembered
>>838735>this line of work>businessbegging on Twitter isn't work or running a business, Shayna
>>838746thank you for finding this, I knew I had seen these pics already. she's so drunk 24/7 it's affecting her """work""" like it's not even funny anymore it's just pitiful
>>838759but anon, she drank 4 mimosas yesterday, that's the same as eating an orange with a balanced breakfast /s
No. 838774
>>838734And then her Uber driver clapped and asked for her autograph.
are her meds making her more and more delusional by the day?
Also, anyone could literally say this to ANYONE because most people are, in fact, on the internet.
No. 838813
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No. 838885
>>838841Lmao at her not even being anywhere close to her goal.
This is just sad, Shayna.
No. 838969
>>838841Wanted to be famous and go to lots of parties… Why is she so isolated now if she grew up full of dreams that a real extrovert would have?
And who the fuck 'wishes' for alcoholism?? even at 16 that's dumber than average
No. 838987
>>838980she used to live in suburban Massachusetts, where you need a car to get around as there isn't public transpo/Uber is less accessible that far from Boston (iirc her hometown is about an hour out from the city). She drove her parents' car/a car they gave her when she got her license. when she moved across the country she couldn't bring it with her either logistically or because it wasn't actually hers. On the west coast/in Tulsa/during her brief stint in CO, she's lived in cities where Uber is always around, and she has the
option of public transportation (even though she's admitted she thinks she's too good for sharing a city bus with the plebs because muh anxiety) so she doesn't need her own car to get to the bar and fast food restaurants and back.
No. 838991
File: 1563294717184.jpg (648.3 KB, 808x2048, Screenshot_20190716-093055_Twi…)

I don't support cow tipping but whoever did this gave me a mighty kek
No. 838996
File: 1563295023076.jpeg (557.08 KB, 1242x1010, 1EAF905F-7068-4330-A49E-E62269…)

“I just came up with the greatest idea!”
No, your “sugar daddy” ordered it and cane up with the idea for you retard
No. 839078
File: 1563307290259.jpeg (486.59 KB, 1242x1227, 3CA56A7C-480F-48CA-8B80-015DB8…)

the tweet said “diggin my new workspace” (aka her living space because the rest of the apartment is barren and I’m 100% sure that’s where she sleeps lmfao)
But look at all the fucking garbage everywhere, all over the floor. For fucks sake clean your home, at the very least clean your workspace.
No. 839088
File: 1563308207910.png (1.65 MB, 1125x2436, 483BF110-26C8-4F0B-BF08-63DD6C…)

Kek that pixie girl just posted this
No. 839116
File: 1563311321874.jpg (219.05 KB, 1080x780, Screenshot_20190716-160556_Twi…)

1. She is a narcissist
2. She thinks all her videos are going to be big sellers and they aren't
No. 839176
>>839095she posted a pic today of the dog on her twitter
>>839116>cute n hot afwill be the same as other videos but with different props/outfit. will definitely sell soo much while she's posting free nudes on twitter that no one's even asking for.
No. 839201
>>839078This one corner of her room is the only part that’s decorated right?
No. 839209
File: 1563322065507.jpg (212.58 KB, 1080x687, Screenshot_20190716-190716_Twi…)

No. 839211
File: 1563322182391.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2048x2048, 47B9CD87-83BE-4451-AA6A-455510…)

>>839176Yeah. A photo of her dog EATING flowers (she even says she’s eating them in the caption). You know how many flowers are
toxic to dogs Shay? No probably not.
No. 839217
File: 1563322736049.jpeg (130.52 KB, 750x1334, 7C779FB6-4944-4513-A53E-4B43CE…)

this face is fucking scaring me
No. 839233
>>839229i have no idea why she always boasts about her makeup. It’s literally ALWAYS the same. She doesn’t even use blush or contour. It’s just no eyeshadow, thick black liner, the same false lashes, and caked on foundation with too much setting powder. She doesn’t even line her waterline for fucks sake.
She must really be delusional. She thinks wearing a crop top and ratty torn cutoffs she can’t even fit in anymore is “fashion”. She thinks doing winged liner every day makes her great at makeup. How can someone be this deep in their own delusion? She couldn’t smell her own shit if it was on her knees.
No. 839244
>>839088Backpedaling because she let it slip out that it was her. If it wasn’t you, you wouldn’t have even acknowledged reading the forum. Whatever. I hope their inevitable backstabbing leads to milk. This thread needs a good train wreck.
>>839078I knew she didn’t own a vacuum. Holy shit. No wonder her feet look like the inside of a public toilet bowl. Disgusting.
No. 839257
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No. 839272
File: 1563332333237.jpeg (881.05 KB, 1242x1369, 32188A6B-16ED-4CA2-A706-7AB2BB…)

Keep begging
No. 839291
File: 1563335916024.jpg (533.94 KB, 1076x1050, Screenshot_20190716-225735_Twi…)

Didn't she post on one of her other twitters that she doesn't like jello? Then why waste mom on jello shots?
No. 839301
File: 1563336875628.jpg (270.36 KB, 1080x1422, Screenshot_20190717_001016.jpg)

With her big red nose and stuffy face, she look like my old alcoholic neighbor that died. RIP shay. She look so wasted.(nitpick/no1curr)
No. 839307
File: 1563337979064.jpg (Spoiler Image,508.19 KB, 1080x1017, Screenshot_20190716-233213_Twi…)

Literally like all her other videos
No. 839312
File: 1563338871457.jpeg (184.28 KB, 1242x569, 981657EA-7FAF-4C86-AF61-8B4578…)

Not creepy. There’s like a 1/4 chance of this happening. It happens to a lot of us. It’s a coincidence. Calm down.
No. 839367
>>839312Yeah the length of a menstrual cycle and lunar cycle are generally the same so..
Is this whole 'thinking the universe is doing things' common in bipolar? She's reading into lots of little things lately trying to find a greater meaning or message in them
No. 839422
>>839307it's going to be painfully boring, but at least her genitals don't look inflamed. how sad that's a slight improvement for someone who's job is supposed to be selling sex, though it probably gets worse as the video goes on.
>>839367yup, isn't that why it was called moonsickness?
No. 839466
File: 1563381493346.jpeg (118.56 KB, 768x1024, 8DD766C4-7F6F-47AE-AC54-1E76A6…)

she literally looks like a gas station prostitute. Yikes.
No. 839491
File: 1563385885582.png (Spoiler Image,26.74 KB, 999x180, Screenshot 2019-07-17 at 1.48.…)

I'm new to this trainwreck, I've been reading through the past threads (from the beginning) and I saw comments about her voice, so I was like, "Huh, I want to hear how she sounds"
I found a video on XVideos and one on pornhub of the same video, I apologize if this has been talked about before. But lol at those comments.
No. 839495
File: 1563386140971.png (Spoiler Image,378.04 KB, 963x667, Screenshot 2019-07-17 at 1.45.…)

I'm the same person, Here are the Xvideos comments on a video with her in it, it's the same video. Again, I apologize if this was spoken about already I just found them funny.
No. 839523
>>839498When I FIRST saw the razor bumps and just how… unprofessional her puss is, I was like, "Okay, I'm witnessing something special".
Why is she SO SO dry all the time? How does she think or anyone thinks that's attractive? She's an SWorker who HATES to be sexy or sexual.
Let me stop derailing, it's just an rollarcoaster lol. As soon as LadyFingers entered the thread were I'm reading it's been an…expereince.
(genitalia sperg) No. 839553
File: 1563397023420.jpeg (572.22 KB, 1242x1844, 8F3F9D96-F72E-4BFD-A97E-44F736…)

Everything about this is. Gross.
No. 839559
>>839553Didn’t she recently tweet about moving out of her apartment and not even a day later admitted that she made an impulse decision because she was manic? I vaguely remember something like happening.
Also top fucking kek that Shayna thinks she can afford a house with the money she gets from her ‘sweetness father’ and ebegging
No. 839596
>>839585it wasn't as awkward as the others but i feel like one sees the whole video so why pay $15 for the whole thing. also confirmed her butthole winds up being red and irritated. didn't she do another video with the three plugs?
>>839595award winning material right there, she should be showered with money for coming up with such creative ideas.
No. 839601
>>839595“You think we can fit 3 secrets into the night?”
okay wtf does that even mean
No. 839641
File: 1563411310137.jpg (410.56 KB, 1080x1000, Screenshot_20190717-195507_Twi…)

So fAnCy
No. 839670
File: 1563414751623.png (Spoiler Image,704.72 KB, 1080x1542, Screenshot_20190717-214928~2.p…)

two people bought her new video (it takes at least 2 purchases to push the auto-tweet, you can set it to be more than 2, but we all know Shayna is gonna do the bare minimum for attention and to look "successful") and she rewards herself with a drink. five minutes later she posts herself with another different drink. we get it Shayna, you're always drinking and finding excuses to drink, you should just fill a camelback with booze at this point
No. 839675
>>839641>grocery store sushi>drinking bottom shelf red wine with fish>aloneFancy.
>>839601Lmao I was confused about this too. Is “night” a metaphor for her ass? And secrets is his dick ?
No. 839711
File: 1563420110055.png (81.21 KB, 187x158, oof.png)

>>839575Attractive as always
No. 839748
File: 1563431892852.png (755.16 KB, 658x636, smile.png)

>>839641her trashy idea of what is fancy aside, y'all notice how she shot the photo not
from her daybed but looking /at/ it, so that we cannot see the empty space that is the rest of her room behind her?
No. 839801
>>839553Isn't this the second house move that she's planned in the space of a week?
She quickly changed her mind on the last one cos she recognised it was all impulsive of her, fast forward a few days and she's at it again
No. 839823
>>839553More space? Girl why?? You only use one corner of your place. You have less furniture than a child. You don't use a kitchen. You're hardly home any given night or day. No friends. Etc.
She just gonna throw out what little furniture she has and beg for new shit again?
Is she moving to avoid cleaning? Kek
There's literally no
valid reason for her to move to a bigger space and beg for higher rent.
No. 839826
>>839823It really sounds like she's just unhappy with her life, and since she spends all her time either in her apartment or at a bar/restaurant, she thinks that moving to a new house will change that. That she'll leave all her problems behind by running away to "more space".
Spoiler alert, Shayna, the new house won't change your entire life around. You've gotta do that work on yourself first. Then move out to associate your new happy+healthy lifestyle with a different, fresh environment. Dragging all your problems+baggage to a new place isn't going to help get rid of the icky feelings.
No. 839864
File: 1563464463564.jpg (130.3 KB, 720x660, 20190718_084016.jpg)

Desperate orbiter is at it again watch out Shay
No. 839874
File: 1563465918778.jpg (241.01 KB, 1075x789, Screenshot_20190718-110347_Twi…)

Kek her bad mental health day is just because her and fupa are having issues. We know she has no friends so this must be about him. Maybe she found out hes been fucking other girls. That is if she didnt already know about it.
No. 839967
File: 1563481384582.jpg (111.05 KB, 1078x328, Screenshot_20190718-152038_Twi…)

Is someone realizing theywouldnt do well in a social positivity contest? I was kind of hoping she would join and then the lack of votes/support would be a reality check but I guess we will see
No. 839975
>>839874tfw you’re calm you can think clearer and when you’re not you can’t
she thinks she’s special lmao
No. 839992
>>839990I know it's all speculation about why she's upset, but my tinfoil is that she's realizing fupa is slowly extricating himself from her life and is having a moment of clarity where she's realizing there's nothing about her to keep him interested. she's a friendless, shut-in, alcoholic "camgirl" (though she hasn't cammed in over a month now) with no direction in her life. she's completely stagnant. he has so many better options to choose from, which is saying something, since he is also trash. So she can't be angry&sad, because she knows it's true, so she just has to accept it and be calm&sad.
or, you know, she could use it to motivate change in her life and improve herself for her own (and her fucking dog! and the cat she abandoned!) sake. but this is Shayna. She'd rather just drown her sorrows in a bottle of wine.
No. 839996
File: 1563484895315.jpg (171.52 KB, 1080x628, Screenshot_20190718-162053_Twi…)

No. 840010
File: 1563486307958.jpg (221.51 KB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_20190718-162108_Twi…)

No. 840058
File: 1563492006503.jpg (462.03 KB, 1080x1145, Screenshot_20190718-182002_Twi…)

Her face looks so round and full
No. 840065
>>840058looking like a 36yrs old AA whose kids were taken by CPS kek
i feel sad for her because she is willingly gaining for fupas fetish but her mood will get a huge blunt when she becames a fat whore and not and ~uwu thicc goddess ~. she is going trought life making male attention and vain narcissism her only purpose. what happens when that's gone? would she an hero ?
No. 840098
File: 1563496950308.png (5.59 MB, 1242x2208, 636EF376-12F0-4F4B-AF83-16A605…)

Isn’t this her hoodie?
No. 840111
File: 1563497849376.png (8.83 MB, 1125x2001, E01AB363-5C00-49E8-AC58-963CAF…)

>>840098Yep definitely hers.
No. 840112
>>840111>>840058This progressive change in her shape is so bad. Shes starting to look like she has some type of tooth abcess.
>>840098I think they've stopped trying to hide it, we all know.
No. 840147
File: 1563500403374.jpg (Spoiler Image,489.06 KB, 1080x1196, Screenshot_20190718-203957_Twi…)

Trying so hard to have an ass
No. 840150
File: 1563500472486.jpg (310.45 KB, 1079x1198, Screenshot_20190718-204102_Twi…)

Yeah, spending money is what she's high on
No. 840168
>>840157I shop at AE in the mall in my 20s, esp. for jeans. I genuinely want to know what your point is? Like is it super outdated? Cringey? Is AE a teen brand? I know F21 is teen garbage but AE has been great so far for me.
If you are an anon who talks about Shayna's cuticles, don't respond.
(no1curr) No. 840237
>>840168>>840171>>840174>>840175>>840177>>840193>>840208>>840212>>840213>>840221>>840235The great jeans derail.
>>840150Anyways. Do you think her tip screenshots are legit or no?
>>840098>>840111Good eye, anon. Wasn't she also caught wearing one of his shirts in Texas on her snap? It's funny fupa can fit into her hoodie fairly comfortably given how she's just "so smoll".
No. 840289
>>840058I regret telling her she looked better (not good, just better) doing simple smiles rather than her usual contorted facial expressions. she's trying to recreate the soft look, but it looks SO BAD and fake now. tension is good in the body, Shayna, not in the face. These look like someone getting their senior photos done while desperately trying not to shit their pants.
>>840088yeah that's what I mean. he's slowly phasing her out/replacing her. the nature of their relationship has definitely changed, even since they "broke up". she's getting back-burnered, and she's catching on.
>>840098ahahahaha what is he thinking?
>>840237damn this made me laugh so hard. y'all stfu about the mall
No. 840290
>>839670i like how she had to mention only two ppl had bought it and more should do the same. like, that doesn't make it seem as though she's interesting enough to get the sales.
this was also the ~fetishy~ content she had been talking about doing and i'm just like, where.
No. 840299
>>840282That's not what cheap means anon…
Also no college age kids ever wear anything outside of business suits apparently, a 22 yr old girl wearing jeans shorts and a tube tank is apparently unheard of and uncommon I guess
No. 840309
File: 1563515700659.png (Spoiler Image,9.01 MB, 1242x2688, 2F56DB80-EB59-495A-9387-CEC18E…)

Anyway enough derailing children. Let’s all get back to what really matters. This face.
No. 840357
File: 1563531445304.jpg (Spoiler Image,465.33 KB, 1079x1158, Screenshot_20190719-051538_Twi…)

>>840309Full post, we know these vids wont happen
No. 840361
>>840357Honestly surprised she's sharing these unflattering pics lately where all her new wobbly bits are highlighted by the bad lighting
This is the girl who bangs on about wearing hello kitty pants from the kids section and wants to be seen as 'so smoll'
No. 840398
File: 1563542818842.jpg (Spoiler Image,346.17 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20190719_142634.jpg)

The bottom corner.. what crap is on her floor? What a dump
No. 840441
File: 1563549075932.jpeg (139.39 KB, 750x865, 98CC5654-2935-4177-912F-189948…)

This bitch is going to get gangrene on her hands soon if she doesn’t stop
No. 840517
File: 1563559022190.jpg (149.29 KB, 1024x512, aiportraits_1563558146.jpg)

I put Shay through that AI portraits thing. Kek
No. 840522
>>840441Isn't this Shay in an nutshell though? Instead of just getting rid of something thats hurting her making her worst, she just slightly Alters it?
Kyle Perkins is now "hidden", Horrible Dye jobs slightly less horrible etc. Her whole life is slightly getting rid of shit thats bad for her and harmful.
Or replacing it with worst shit thats slightly less worst.
No. 840542
File: 1563560319879.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3464x3464, 00AFBD04-7EE3-4C68-A8E7-B7D1AC…)

Who brags about spending hundreds of dollars shopping and then this is what she has to show for it???
No. 840561
>>840542Both pairs she got are hideous
Dunno where the rest of this "$250 spend" is cos the jeans are $60 each.
No. 840567
>>840561probably spent it on weed and alcohol like
>>840030 said
No. 840662
>>840655They end up on the bathroom floor.
Lol if she did she'd be begging for washing powder and a "laundry daddy" kek
No. 840679
>>840675I think he probably did it for her.
Let's see if we ever see that white top she got vomit on again or she just threw it out.
No. 840681
File: 1563571202022.jpg (516.48 KB, 1080x1029, Screenshot_20190719-162003_Twi…)

These look awful
No. 840691
File: 1563571819645.jpg (656.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190719-222937_Twi…)

>>840681Lol Jesus what a mess.
No. 840694
>>835437Bus driver fupa gave me an audible cackle
No. 840712
>>840694agree, anon made it so great i need to laugh at it before entering her thread.
>>840691why are they so thick? the paint job is terrible and the metallic strip thingy doesn't even reach the edge, just no. the skin around them is also fucked, it's making me gag.
No. 840794
File: 1563581400107.png (48.75 KB, 612x597, 2019-07-19 20_09_05-Window.png)

did another one of her accounts get deleted or is she just being dramatic for attention?
No. 840847
File: 1563589071518.jpg (167.12 KB, 1080x702, Screenshot_20190719-211716_Twi…)

Jean's and a crop top?
No. 840909
File: 1563594607905.jpg (257.73 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190719_224958.jpg)

No. 840912
File: 1563594713546.jpg (210.86 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190719_224956.jpg)

No. 840915
>>840912Oh man, she looks really bad. As someone whose reading the past (I'm on the great tumblr sex purge, i'm the same person who mentioned they were reading everything earlier in this thread) it's crazy how she keeps looking worst and worst as time goes on.
And those braids, NO girl. She looks sad.
Depression, disappointment, resentment and lies are embedded in her face. It's sad.
No. 840918
>>840794Because you never bothered to petition twitter to get it back. Like how stupid are you? I don’t know why she doesn’t try still. They might actually let her keep an account if she just MADE AN EFFORT. Always a
No. 840926
File: 1563596184913.jpg (25.8 KB, 388x375, 1563594713546.jpg)

This is the face of a girl who'd steal our fathers hearts & wallets. Remember this face. Beware. She gets 2 or 3 likes on twitter. She's dangerous.
No. 840939
>>840909>>840912Her legs look so stubby since she put on the weight. The skirt/top is sorta cute, but what is the awkward trouser sock and flower combat boot combo?
>>840919Definitely not her place, her carpet is a much lighter beige, though just as filthy. Her base boards are painted white too.
>>839078 No. 841017
File: 1563615092181.jpg (666.55 KB, 765x1020, sekushiiparkranger.jpg)

>>840912glucose guardian taking her camping uwu
No. 841048
File: 1563632109827.jpeg (796.43 KB, 1242x1179, E410E0BB-8C85-41AC-ABA7-A616A5…)

No. 841055
Oh yes, she's living her best life posing for another mirror selfie and taking pics pf other people having a better time then her because she's to busy talking about how cute her basic outfit is.
yes. Her best life indeed. I bet if we look close enough we may See Kyle in the crowd
>>841048 No. 841067
File: 1563634345873.jpeg (8.88 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

>>841048>posing in front of bathroom doors with transgender symbolswhat if Shaytard has finally embraced that fact that she looks like a ghoulish MtF, pussy/ballsack and all.
she'd probably earn more money and get more attention on twitter by posing as a trap than by being
uguuu daddy's busted and crusty widdle gorl No. 841069
File: 1563634500346.jpg (30.21 KB, 388x375, step0001.jpg)

No. 841070
>>841050The best part is knowing that she either is going to these places completely alone (I imagine it’s most of the time) or she’s out with some tiny dick loser who doesn’t even want her kek. Imagine being at a club/bar and looking over to see a bloated,
crusty, pink haired girl, drinking alone while taking selfies.. what a depressing sight.
No. 841126
File: 1563643036659.jpeg (68.29 KB, 305x517, 299D6F85-2B90-4732-B7ED-647D5C…)

I was rereading some of the old threads to see how far we’ve come, and found this gem from like 2 years ago.
How wonderfully ironic.
Sage for nothing new.
No. 841201
>>841037>looks like itLooks nothing like it, anon? The carpet and baseboards are entirely different colors.
>>841047The carpeting and baseboards don't match the interior of her place. She might have taken it while she was out somewhere.
>>841186Could be a gay bar. Straight girls party at them all the time.
No. 841304
>>841285Let's be real, it's obviously fupa. There is no one else. And if it wasn't him she wouldn't have a problem showing who she was with.
Who goes on a night out and only films/pictures themself?
No. 841349
File: 1563669816446.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x1594, 9A2F9B54-6E03-4850-8F0C-D4DC8A…)

She really thinks this was a fire outfit lmao
No. 841350
File: 1563669874253.jpeg (881.3 KB, 1898x2048, 58E8F1F4-D813-4C01-946E-735D28…)

>>841349And the amount of sucking in…why? It’s extremely unattractive especially from this angle
No. 841351
File: 1563669938988.jpeg (916.95 KB, 1864x2048, 837FA968-3AC7-4669-B68A-9AA2E2…)

>>841349she looks so unhappy to even be alive. Tbh I’d probably have that look if I lived like that.
No. 841368
File: 1563673776025.jpeg (126.63 KB, 1242x231, 072F4EB6-4E94-4590-82AA-361ABE…)

>>841363I’m almost certain she equates posting a tweet with actual work. Based on tweets like this it’s extremely obvious. (she posted a pussy pic with it but no one needs to see that, maybe that’s her trying to validate herself saying she “worked”, kek)
No. 841392
>>841386Just imagine seeing all the shit your dad did online, like wow. Hopefully, he gets himself together but I have zero faith in Kyle, I still think he's a horrible
abusive cringey, forever 15 freak.
I do think the cat is better with him, however. Shay doesn't even take care of herself.
No. 841393
File: 1563676599955.jpeg (Spoiler Image,572.45 KB, 1242x1294, F44F64A3-59BC-4195-8E2F-1063B7…)

Imagine being this fucking bold and awful.
No. 841420
>>841382 already said that
No. 841456
>>841351she looks like a sad weird army clown
>>841382NOOOOOO when she adopted the cat, she answered an ask saying she couldn't get a dog, because Rib couldn't be around them. this is awful.
>>841390we can only hope. I hope she has a breakdown and surrenders the animals for their own sakes. anyone would be better than her as an owner.
No. 841548
>>841393Prob the healthiest looking vag pic she's shared, though you still make out some mild shaving bumps
I feel like partially shaved would be better than looking at angry razor bumps but she wouldn't do that cos 'baby'
No. 841565
>>841456She said they met and weren't thrilled with each other. "They just need their own space for now"
What space?
No. 841627
>>841565so the cat will be confined to the one bedroom for the rest of her life. what a great life you've given these animals, Shayna!
I swear does this girl even have a brain? what the fuck is she doing, at this point she's dragging other living things down with her, it's so irresponsible
No. 841680
File: 1563734227669.jpeg (250.16 KB, 1242x683, 29642797-1A2A-4C8C-895F-C76C0D…)

It’s like a one room apartment… it would take an hour to clean…
No. 841715
File: 1563738952125.png (328.33 KB, 587x405, 2019-07-21 15_56_08-Window.png)

No. 841736
>>841716when we still had active snap anons, one of them posted a cap about a month back of Fupa with a new cat. said it was his. It was tan and white iirc.
I wonder if Rib and the new cat started fighting, and Fupa immediately booted her back to Shayna, since his cat comes first before the semi-abandoned cat he's been watching for his "ex". They seem to have gone out together on Friday night, so I'd be surprised if something happened then that led to him returning Rib. I feel like we would've gotten a lot more vague sadposting from her if that were the case.
Maybe this is all part of him carefully removing her from his life, slowly enough that she doesn't pitch a fit, and giving back the cat is part of that.
No. 841737
>>841736samefag, maybe he really is moving to Austin and she was trying to chase him up there but realized how desperate she seemed since they're not even together? and he's refusing to move ribmeat across state lines to take care of it for her?
this whole situation is so weird
No. 841793
>>841762The main/living room is her camming room and (it is speculated that) she has an air mattress in the separate bedroom. whether or not she sleeps in there or on the child's day bed is unknown.
I think Rib is locked in the bedroom based on the pics of the cat tree, the light source is to the right of the camera, but the window in the camming room is directly to the right of the day bed, and we haven't seen the cat tree on the left side.
all speculation, but literally none of the options are good for either animal. all three of them must be so stressed, but Shayna can just drink and smoke until she doesn't care anymore.
No. 841805
File: 1563751174517.jpeg (Spoiler Image,768.91 KB, 1242x1682, E9FD8A73-D160-4606-ADFA-38D48D…)

What could she possibly be buying??
No. 841810
File: 1563751576468.jpeg (151.09 KB, 1242x314, 7B5BC863-2200-44B6-9DC7-EB2C66…)

Lol whenever she doesn’t make any money she tries to post fin dom shit like this and it’s so transparently pathetic.
No. 841826
File: 1563752729742.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.1 KB, 749x1193, IMG_20190722_004445.jpg)

I dunno man… Is it normal to just have one super veiny tit? Idk what's going on but it is strange right?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 841831
>>841828Yes but her story makes no sense. There is no talk on the internet about her claim. So she's the only person on the planet or she lying/doesn't know why.
Veiny titties is normal. But just one and when they're so small, it's not.
No. 841875
File: 1563757777286.jpg (Spoiler Image,856.79 KB, 1080x1942, Screenshot_20190721-200850_Twi…)

Her feet are so fucked
No. 841885
File: 1563759249434.jpg (447.19 KB, 1080x1494, Screenshot_20190721-203301_Twi…)

Oh please