File: 1569880396700.jpg (272.33 KB, 1630x1080, 1569512713657.jpg)

No. 874933
Last thread:
>>868478REMEMBER: sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and blogposting and STOP POSTING ABOUT HER UGLY VAGINA AND HER ZITS
>thriving>nobody wants anything to do with her aside from 3 orbiter sex workers>begging for nail/hair salon trips, even though she was begging for rent money an hour ago>buys protein powder even though she went to the gym once and never again >>868628>cries that nobody likes her>drinking and smoking continues, drunk every. single. day>Shay, the hypocrite, creates a “callout” post against another cam girl for sharing her porn >>869058 >>869062>rants about it when no one cares >>869117 >>869120 >>869121 >>869124 >>869126>her orbiters excuse shay selling UNDERAGE porn as she was being groomed (she was not), cuz she was a child>went to the gym once (with no underwear!), walked for 15 mins on the treadmill, then took pics in the bathroom>mental breakdowns everyday because she is boring>11th account gone! >>870657 when will she get the hint?>gets some dumb follower to make her a new acc @dollythemattel, buys some more followers>says she will make a cam schedule, same thing she said two months ago but never did, doesn’t post it>snapchat deleted as well>”all my stuff keeps getting deleted :( i can’t work i’m sooo depressed. Send me money so i can go get drunk”>begs for money for groceries, an hour later begs for weed money, spends $100 on weed and asks for reimbursement >>872315>a day later begs for electricity bill money because her power got shut off >>872476>once again, a day later begging for money to get her hair done >>872977>becomes her true self >>873122 a cheap clown>doesn’t do promised video she begged people to subscribe for, because shes taking a “mental break aka shes lazy as fuck”>gives up on her diet after what, like a week and a half? >>873462 >>873957>gets her hair done purple, still crispy as ever >>873537>finally gets on cam >>873590 leaves after a couple hours of making nothing>goes as white trash, or as shay, to the fair >>873916>begs for money to go drink again, eats some fat donut (bye diet!) >>874468>walks topless home >>874385 disgusting.>”cute boy” taking her out for free sex basically>makes a discord >>874640 will never actually use itRules:
- no doxxing
- no vendetta
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- no discussions about abrattypixie unless something actually relevant to shay happens between them
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com (deleted) (deleted) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (deleted) (deleted) No. 874941
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No. 874952
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No. 874953
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No. 874955
>>874953She needs to stop making those faces, when you are zoomed out she looks "fine" but then when you look closer all the makeup thats caked on her face makes her look older.
Also offtopic, but she wasted SO much money on that powder and I hope she didn't pay for a gym membership.
No. 874976
File: 1569886022270.jpg (168.29 KB, 1058x831, Screenshot_20190928-022344_Tum…)

A few days old but some laughs from her Tumblr
No. 874987
File: 1569889153431.jpg (383.05 KB, 1075x1262, Screenshot_20190930-191906_Twi…)

No. 874988
>>874987I love how she's pretending she's going to be doing this all the time. You were drunk as hell, making a video for your sex account.
Also, are the laws different when you are video taping yourself?
No. 874989
File: 1569889380485.jpg (159.43 KB, 1079x562, Screenshot_20190930-192249_Twi…)

No. 874992
>>874987Does she really think that someone would give a shit to do that? She’s really in her head and is always the
victim smh
No. 874993
>>874992She's just trying to milk the fact she walked topless because she got a tiny bit of attention from it.
Even though she was drunk as fuck and putting herself in danger.
No. 875004
File: 1569892621221.jpg (627.41 KB, 1080x1337, Screenshot_20190930-201641_Tum…)

Your ass is still flat Shay
No. 875012
>>875004Her ass just has more cellulite now, along with the rest of her body.
She's always been pathetic and nasty, but she really let herself go and fucking fast. She's not super fat, but she's just really not looking good since she moved to OK.
She's ruined her hair and is continuing to ruin her body/face.
No. 875014
>>875004jeez why does she repost old photos? it really just makes it even more obvious how awful she looks these days. these pics have no filter and they're still 10x better/sexier than the shit she posts now, she looks like an actual person and not like a wax doll (not in a cute way Shayna, like in creepy dead-inside way)
and she's even wearing highlighter. I don't get it! what happened! she was gross then, but at least she had a work ethic and seemed to be enjoying herself. but then she took a sharp turn into alcoholism and it's just wrecking her looks and motivation and therefore career
No. 875017
File: 1569895993227.jpg (208.94 KB, 1080x1525, Screenshot_20190930-211244_Twi…)

So does she just go to dinner without any money and wait until someone sends her money to pay?
No. 875026
>>875020they have those?
serious question i don't go to sex shops or look for sex toys that much tbh
No. 875029
File: 1569898329461.jpg (16.88 KB, 480x320, ybrw.JPG)

>>874953thought the dark hair would make her dopey, stumpy eyebrows less noticeable. unfortunately not.
No. 875048
>>875037I mean, a meal shouldn't be more than $25 for a single person and that's eating heavy at a mid tier place. But I'm guessing she wastes money drinking where she eats and drinks from restaurants are way overpriced so even 2 cocktails can be like $20. Could just be her $40 bar tab and a $10 burger too. Or yeah, could just be scamming.
I wonder if she even tips restaurants and bartenders. She seems like the type that wouldn't tbh but then demand people tip her for absolutely nothing.
No. 875115
File: 1569935514220.png (2.82 MB, 1242x2208, 6EE1D691-CAB4-4EF1-B6CB-A8174F…)

No. 875119
>>875117Jesus Christ that’s terrifying
Thank you only fans anon for always bringing in the milk
No. 875129
>>875115Does she.. Not know what triple penetration means? In porn that normally means three dicks in an ass or vag, or 'divided' (lol) over the two holes, mouth not included
God i feel dirty for typing this all out but as a SeX wOrKeR she should know this shit
No. 875174
File: 1569950282780.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.04 KB, 1200x662, Mp0HSo5.jpg)

>>875166oh wow, the color on her hair is actually really bad, it's blue or pink in certain spots, how tragic.
this 'lingerie' or whatever set is not flattering for her, she looked like she was brushing her teeth with the pink dildo and as usual the video is super cringey with the fake moaning and demonic possession faces.
thank you anon for providing the content, i need a bleach bath now.
No. 875175
File: 1569950286648.jpg (15.95 KB, 256x198, Capture.JPG)

Some of the faces she makes, makes me feel like this is a parody of porn.
No. 875176
File: 1569950335025.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.05 KB, 275x230, wtf.JPG)

Like who thinks this is sexy? Then she was rubbing the small ass dildo against her teeth.
No. 875178
>>875174I bet her house is so stank, probably seems like pussy, ass, and weed all the fucking time.
She probably doesn't wash those toys and uses them and puts them right back in the open.
No. 875186
File: 1569951361315.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1136x640, IMG_0759.PNG)

>>875166She looked so disinterested the whole time it was actually pretty boring. Also the amount of dildo to teeth contact made me cringe
No. 875199
File: 1569953267244.jpeg (Spoiler Image,89.57 KB, 833x358, 165AE30F-75FF-4D52-8C4F-545505…)

I had to
No. 875204
File: 1569954564826.gif (9.1 MB, 640x195, Screenshot_20191001-132658_Chr…)

I cannot stop laughing at this. Does she not realize how stupid this looks?!
No. 875209
File: 1569954699806.jpg (296.8 KB, 1078x637, Screenshot_20191001-132253_Chr…)

>>875177I was one who likes the darker color, but her hair is so fried the color doesn't stay/can't even stay in her hair. Like what is going on?
No. 875212
>>875204Why did she stick her tongue out? I feel like she does this just for "goofy outtakes" or something later.
Like this is a joke, this isn't porn, this is a idiot making a parody is what I'd think.
No. 875242
File: 1569957998262.jpeg (Spoiler Image,64.76 KB, 458x452, 96FC1F55-5238-4BE8-81BD-9B13F8…)

>>875166I’m fucking confused guys. This is the first time I’ve ever dared to watch Shays shit, the whole time the dildo barely got past the head, 2 inches deep maybe?? and she was moaning like an idiot? What the fuck?? And it was really clear that she was irritating her vagina the whole time from lack of lube.
No. 875243
>>875230Was that supposed to be her cumming? When she made the series of the dumbest faces ever? I didn't even know. It looked like she was just done suddenly after 1 min of having them hardly penetrate her.
So was that the full vid? I hadn't really seen one of her full vids before. Wow. So those cuts are just part of it? And wtf was the fumbling intro? "So um yeah like… I'm here to…" There was more bad bj than there was DP. Nothing about her acting is engaging or sexy. I'm sure there's dudes that can get off to anything and all that, but… For something that was in the making for a week or more, this is really bad. Like other anon said, she calls herself the princess of porn and goes on about how she's such a star and then shits (literally sometimes) out the poorest and grossest quality solo amateur porn ever.
No. 875246
>>875243and is it me but doesn't the dildo seem to just flop in? Every time She does this it's like it's just plopped in, I can't describe it.
She always looks cold as fuck down there.
No. 875248
>>875247People hate on the BD a lot but shay would need a lot more money, quality and drive to do what she does, shit even Trisha gets more attention from her disgusting lewds.
And all Trisha does is eat and start drama, Shay's been doing this for how long? She'll never be on BD's level.
No. 875254
File: 1569959278629.png (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 1404x736, 463786.PNG)

>>875166>>875172Those blowjob noises are pure nightmare fuel. People spend money on this shit?
No. 875269
>>875268Her orbiter shows her tits and gets more likes, retweets and comments then shay walking around topless & drunk and putting herself in danger.
That should tell shay something right there.
She puts so much bullshit into aesthetic, buying a bunch of cheap ugly shit and how "hard" she works on her porn, just for it to get little to no attention and still look bootleg.
When someone's tits is getting more attention then you're porn you have a issue
No. 875275
File: 1569961539217.png (226 KB, 576x423, F5223681-66E1-4BB6-B93E-473B2B…)

>>875204I refuse to believe she thinks this is appealing. She looks horrendous.
No. 875282
>>875175that is a real grandma face she’s making there
like the buffet just ran out of crab legs
No. 875305
File: 1569964827972.jpg (Spoiler Image,373.78 KB, 1080x628, Screenshot_20191001-161418_Sam…)

No. 875307
>>875305What's it going to take for her to realize this isn't working?
Low sales won't do it. Lack of engagement doesn't phase her. Anyone else would watch this back and have a moment of self doubt.
No. 875310
File: 1569965415235.png (603.07 KB, 2048x1859, Screenshot_20191001-142844.png)

After the horrors we've seen here today, I doubt your producing anything "cute" Shayna.
No. 875338
>>875204I’m embarrassed for seeing this. All these pictures and gifs of her “triple penetration” gave me so much anxiety lmao. It’s soooooo bad and she’s just throwing this content out there for anyone to see.
I’ve never been able to get myself to watch her videos because anons do a great job of describing the horrors. And the photos/gifs make me cringe hard enough.
Is she like this during actual sex?? I wish Fupa would just come over here and spill the tea. We all know he wants to. Dude craves attention like a 16 year old girl. No wonder he never watched her porn. He’d probably never be able to get hard again.
No. 875357
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No. 875381
>>8753101k for no reason lmfao girl who are you kidding? Even if you were a full service sugar baby, that's more than you will ever be worth sorry to say, Shay.
She couldn't even make porn consistently enough to sell a "lifetime" of porn for that not to mention her parody horror porn quality kek
No. 875403
File: 1569978174292.jpeg (497.15 KB, 2048x2048, 177A4F45-2BEB-4AF1-B723-55CFDB…)

the absolute nerve of her to run to twitter demanding people’s money when this is the content she shits out. i also cracked the fuck up when i noticed the middle and top middle faces are judging eachother kek
No. 875404
File: 1569978225879.jpeg (Spoiler Image,471.83 KB, 2048x2048, 8E56AB75-55AC-45D1-9F0F-6EF578…)

sorry for samefag but i couldn't not add the dildo edition
No. 875407
File: 1569978843251.jpeg (149.29 KB, 750x1242, BF44675B-F68B-4D43-8846-BE20B9…)

>>875403i swear i’ll stop now please don’t ban me
No. 875408
>>875403These are the faces you make when you’re choking on spicy food. The fuck, Shay.
Just stop.
No. 875418
>>875407What a masterpiece.
Vote for next thread pic.
No. 875434
File: 1569982301426.png (37.12 KB, 1190x231, shay.png)

>>875410she uploaded on discord in the morning not so much today.
No. 875452
File: 1569987531824.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1304x2048, Screenshot_20191001-203801.png)

God her Twitter feed is bleak
No. 875453
File: 1569987659730.png (Spoiler Image,460.93 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_20191001-203710~2.p…)

Samefag but I found this after searching her name and…
No. 875460
>>875209i feel like it's a combo of having porous hair and bad application/cheap dye. like it was mixed but not very well and and that's why it's more blue in some places.
>>875246it definitely was poking more than penetrating, like even the dildo was turned off lol.
No. 875465
File: 1569990621628.png (12.08 KB, 600x121, orbit.png)

No. 875466
>>875453the scrote’s username is “infant abuser”. this is what pedo pandering gets you shayna, these are your adoring fans who want to give you a thousand dollars for no reason!
…or repost pictures of your sad ass onto their profile calling you a “meaningless whore”
No. 875491
File: 1570000192836.png (317.28 KB, 282x522, 456567.png)

>>875004She actually looks pretty good here tbh. Funny as she's trying to talk shit about her old pics when her new ones are all grotesque as hell.
>>875403Literally all I could see every time she made that ugly gagging face.
No. 875548
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>>875535spent more time than I’d like to admit on this
No. 875562
File: 1570026273234.jpeg (371.15 KB, 1242x1092, DF4B5237-B1EB-4670-A0CA-E0FF62…)

Maybe stop spending your money on stupid shit
No. 875591
>>874933She spent a bunch of money on bullshit and on props for porn she hasn't made yet because "uWU i'm depressed to work" what the hell?
We already said she'd do this but who would send her money, seeing that she's been out living life and happy until rent time.
This is really getting ridic, every month like clock work.
No. 875630
File: 1570040394852.jpg (145 KB, 1080x452, Screenshot_20191002-131055_Dis…)

The ass kissing going on in her discord is gross.
No. 875634
>>875630Lol, "Shay is down because she has no money, let's not pay her (because even we don't want to pay for her content) lets just kiss her ass!"
I have a feeling that Shay's going to whine about people wanting to support her with lip service and not paying her.
No. 875635
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What do you think is the longest she ever gone without lying?
No. 875642
File: 1570041291740.png (555.66 KB, 1242x2208, F08B0E17-1206-4314-A984-C8965F…)

Samefag but Jesus at this point when shay says she’s “editing” it’s like when a little kid says they have a stomachache to get out of something, and it’s just as obvious. Why do her orbiters put up with this? Why does she even HAVE orbiters? Everything she attempts to be can be found better executed and more regularly elsewhere.
No. 875692
File: 1570051404854.png (2.37 MB, 750x1334, E2D7747B-CE0D-427E-954C-85D65B…)

Is the bruise from a “cute boy” ?
No. 875706
>>875642Lmao after the last vid she posted I saw the level of editing she really does on a complete vid and it's pretty much nothing but bad cut & splice. Also the fact that she always acts like shes filming or editing is bullshit. If she was actually doing those things as often as she says, she'd have more than 1 shitty vid a month.
I mean, it took me a bit to realize the number of times she says shes filming or editing really didnt line up with her content production at all. So I assume her orbiters are even more dense and probs willfully ignorant.
>>875692Ever since someone said she looks like a troll doll, I cant unsee it. The purple hair really does bring out her troll facial features lmfao the nose. Oh and the lil gut. She just needs a bedazzled jewel over her belly button. I might edit a pic tbh it's so funny
No. 875707
File: 1570052964297.jpg (399.98 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-164834_Twi…)

She deleted this, kek
No. 875777
File: 1570064385381.jpg (101.63 KB, 1080x368, Screenshot_20191002-195928_Twi…)

Oh so edgy Shay
No. 875779
File: 1570064460623.jpg (Spoiler Image,793.67 KB, 1076x1717, Screenshot_20191002-195843_Twi…)

No. 875782
File: 1570064643520.jpg (65.1 KB, 1080x251, Screenshot_20191002-195908_Twi…)

What happened to her "glucose padre"?
No. 875787
File: 1570064915070.jpg (54.84 KB, 1080x721, Screenshot_20191002-200725_Twi…)

Yeah, cause this totally won't get your payment app shut down
No. 875788
File: 1570064939946.jpg (242.51 KB, 1080x834, Screenshot_20191002-200740_Twi…)

We'll see
No. 875794
File: 1570065858731.png (160.12 KB, 492x498, Screenshot_20191002_182346_com…)

1/2 none of her links on mfc are up to date kek
No. 875795
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No. 875807
File: 1570068604898.jpg (152.73 KB, 1080x718, Screenshot_20191002-210932_Twi…)

All those followers and only 12 votes
No. 875834
File: 1570072251513.jpg (103.39 KB, 1080x366, Screenshot_20191002-221047_Twi…)

Something to be proud of
No. 875835
>>875834wow her fans would rather see her punch herself in the face and probably laugh with their friends around an computer then see her body.
Wtf? She's proud of that? How much is she being paid? lol
I'm sure the people who want her to do that aren't getting off, they just want to see what they can make a camgirl do for chump change.
No. 875839
File: 1570074149209.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.07 KB, 1080x617, Screenshot_20191002_233223.jpg)

No. 875840
File: 1570074175440.jpg (Spoiler Image,237 KB, 1080x1020, Screenshot_20191002_233250.jpg)

No. 875852
File: 1570076728236.jpg (396.76 KB, 1280x1704, 413322dc-451f-4375-91c8-c0bcc5…)

I don't usually like nitpicks on appearance, but why would she post these photos of herself? I think this is the worst I've seen her look tbh..
No. 875853
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No. 875874
File: 1570079370134.gif (569.57 KB, 220x165, 11F3725D-4C92-42B0-9C05-3C7000…)

>>875856Holy fuck my sides are goneeeeeee
No. 875881
File: 1570080286216.jpg (152.73 KB, 627x1318, Shaytroll1.jpg)

>>875779I'm retarded and keep fucking up this post. Just trying to share my shitty Shay Troll edit lmao
Anyway, not the best but you get the idea. Similar nose and the eyebrows are literally the same.
No. 875957
File: 1570105020569.jpeg (146.14 KB, 750x1096, 4292DCCD-3FBC-45F4-87C3-829CDE…)

No. 875958
File: 1570105045237.jpeg (141.16 KB, 749x1088, 2984A961-2F43-4EA1-B176-3A5D39…)

No. 875964
>>875908 Truly, you are not only a muse if inspiration but a true artist humble enough to take criticism.
Terrific work!
No. 875967
File: 1570107865961.jpg (206.62 KB, 1075x704, Screenshot_20191003-080358_Twi…)

Another excuse
No. 875968
File: 1570108385339.png (3.33 MB, 2001x1125, 032D08F1-67A2-4383-A618-A14749…)

>>875966the beer gut’s in full swing
No. 875983
>>875968We all know her weight is a nitpick. But nobody can look at her old threads and say this bitch hasnt gained 30lbs simply since she's been in tulsa. That place has been the worst for her, it's brought nothing good and she is only hurting herself by staying there. She has to see the difference in her own body, its embarrassing when she posts old photos and looks completely different. I mean shay look at
>>693793 just a year ago when she first moved in with fupa. This is so sad.
No. 875998
>>875966Lol ok so this proves she can film and edit a vid in an hour or two. This is just as bad quality and effort as any of them. So tell me again why she only gets one vid out a month on average despite saying shes filming or editing like every day??
Also sad she couldn't reach her goal so she has to go film a vid of the fantasy of it basically so maybe people will pay her kek. She really sucks as a cam girl.
No. 876002
File: 1570115857695.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, 2E1F0486-A3D4-4D74-B274-EC0C0C…)

She’s on cam
No. 876008
File: 1570117322389.png (452.14 KB, 1201x2048, Screenshot_20191003-084124.png)

She's in a burping private.
No. 876016
File: 1570118086376.gif (15.36 MB, 330x504, 20191003_115254.gif)

God that was go miserably awkward to watch
No. 876025
>>876022From being intoxicated Shay. If you weren't drunk and high all the time you'd know.
She probably walked into a table or something dopey
No. 876044
>>875957i think when she says cum she just means orgasm
>>875968is that an optical illusion or is her ass a literal straight line lol.
No. 876046
File: 1570122589748.png (94.96 KB, 1188x446, Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 1.08…)

Yes. What a concept! And she still never delivered on putting a regular schedule together or anything like that. She's also begging for someone to buy her lunch again so the healthy eating lasted even shorter than I thought it would…
>>875968She could just position the camera higher and wear things that fit properly and it wouldn't be so bad. I don't understand how she can be in the industry for so long and don't know her angles or flattering lighting…
No. 876054
>>875908can you change the other faces to noodle and ribmeat and add some crusty dildos? this is wonderful though.
>>876046giving herself asspats all over twitter for doing what she should be, happy that ppl are buying her content. if she did this more than begging she probably wouldn't have to whine for every little thing, but she also can't hold onto money so she'll be back at it soon.
No. 876091
File: 1570130719438.jpeg (Spoiler Image,319.81 KB, 828x462, 1AB7572A-E99F-44D5-8E62-738B4F…)

Pepperoni ass on full display
No. 876094
File: 1570131081867.png (Spoiler Image,547.62 KB, 878x499, shaytard.png)

>>875844>>875856>>875908Not the original anon that posted, but tried my best
No. 876101
>>875692troll dolly mattel
i feel like this is the closest she's ever come to have her brows and wings meet. complete the circle, shay!
No. 876105
File: 1570133175803.jpg (189.6 KB, 1080x788, Screenshot_20191003-150550_Twi…)

Be prepared for horrible cringe
No. 876107
File: 1570133606462.jpg (165.9 KB, 1075x588, Screenshot_20191003-151311_Twi…)

No. 876128
>>876094omf thank you, the expression on rib is killing me.
>>876105oh look, she's already put the clown video off to the side in favor of lazier content.
No. 876151
File: 1570143633883.jpg (259.27 KB, 1072x893, Screenshot_20191003-180004_Twi…)

No. 876158
Also that's her idea of constant lol. Bitch when you work an actual job you usually do 6-12 hours.
There are people who do regular 12 hour shifts with 1 30 minute break.
This girl is fucked when she can't scrape by on sex work and daddy's generousity anymore.
No. 876191
File: 1570153203256.jpg (198.44 KB, 1080x672, Screenshot_20191003-203952_Twi…)

Why? We see her do this on cam all the time
No. 876213
File: 1570164115381.jpg (702.74 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191003-234116_Twi…)

Well that was quick kek
No. 876224
File: 1570167150005.jpeg (447.58 KB, 1125x1462, 0B368A65-82CE-4885-8FD2-A32DA5…)

discord update: orbiter giving her an account
No. 876226
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No. 876230
File: 1570167413148.jpeg (148.1 KB, 1125x400, 9737CB1D-E155-43B8-B711-2EC02E…)

(3/3) orbiter telling her to get the fuck off of twitter but she’s dumb so she’ll just keep losing accounts
No. 876240
>>876213i want to get off dolly mattel's wild ride
>>876224>>876226why is shayna so disgustingly thankless? or rather, why do her idiot orbiters let her treat them like this? "oh well i'll give you some videos whatever" by her own admission her career hinges on getting a new twitter account, the least she can do is be polite instead of acting like an entitled brat
No. 876243
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>>876226 so I looked her up again and um
No. 876244
File: 1570168114059.jpg (131.65 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20191003_224505.jpg)

Pt 2
No. 876266
File: 1570169602942.png (870.64 KB, 1125x1691, image0.png)

new twitter, got photo from her discord
No. 876282
>>876266The Barbie thing is so SO played out. Nothing about her is even remotely Barbie anymore. That needed to die after she stopped be blonde and only wearing pink. She's nothing like a Barbie. Ffs she can keep the Dolly thing but just drop the barbie thing. Ditch the Mattel thing too on that note. She really needs that real rebranding in general.
Also shes not even close to being an alt girl lol but it's hilarious to see her try to be so ~Goff grl~ off and on. Like all the other pathetic washed up e-whores.
No. 876313
>>876244lmfao why is she fucking threatening people like this? she has no pull anywhere and nobody gives a shit if people don't like her. her orbiters are only around to siphon off of the little attention she does get.
shayna, you're the master of looking bad. nothing you do looks good. she should stop making content and find something else that doesn't involve showing her mediocre face and body all over.
No. 876315
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“Tumblrs dead”
No. 876331
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>>876244Response to that post
No. 876342
>>876293Maybe for a month or two. I mean, six months if you're asking Shayna kek
>>876331this person clearly missed the part where Shayna sent a whiny DM and then immediately blocked her so she… couldn't respond privately
No. 876369
>>876337Because they do. I feel like some of Shayna's orbiters think her having this place is "publicity" and they truly think they have something to gain from Shayna.
This girl pops up because she wants to show up here and thinks Shayna's struggling ass will do the same
It's kind of funny, when Shays whining about bad mental health, when Shayna's social media gets shut down, these bitches aren't around.
But as soon as there's drama they pop up to defend Shayna, but they aren't sending her money, they aren't trying to help her mentally when the bitch loses it every week.
It's the same two people. They want a thread here SO bad
No. 876373
File: 1570202993530.jpg (62.39 KB, 750x562, IMG_20191004_112644.jpg)

Came across this one on the "If you follow Dolly.." list. It's like seeing Shay in a few more years and extra pounds. Right down to the poses and pedobait videos. No. 876375
>>876373Is this a parody?
Also, Linking this chick has nothing to do with Shay, I get it's kind of funny, but let's not give Shay a reason to be like, "See? People are copying me but telling people not to follow me…" rant.
it also comes across like a kind self post by this girl or a oribter.
No. 876396
>>876387I kind of went on a tangent, I guess what I was trying to say is she constantly brags about her aesthic, about people "copying" her, about how she's so creative and unique, but her whole Gimmick is the most basic thing there is to me.
I know Shay REALLY doesn't put much thought into it. She just pretends too. It'd be one thing if she remixxed it and did something different but she's doing something thats been done a million times before.
and now that she's dyed her hair she may go "Goth barbie" but won't put any effort into changing her background.
No. 876399
File: 1570207685575.jpg (27.38 KB, 584x214, Capture.JPG)

She says the same thing, does the same thing, it never ends.
No. 876403
>>876399SA- I'm Starting to feel like a year from now, we'll be seeing Shay on her 50th twitter account making these SAME tweets.
No one wants a job of struggling and defeat unless it's TRULY something they are passionate about.
Shay's not a musician, a artist, an actor. She's doing this, harming herself and wasting her money & time every day for something most people do to get extra money and move on from.
She's crazy that she still feels being a twitter sex worker is a "career". Every video she puts out she's making it harder for her to live a life outside of sex work.
No. 876404
File: 1570208138471.jpg (39.95 KB, 590x389, l.JPG)

Wow. I'm not even going to say "we called it" no, this is just her life. This is every month for her.
It's a tradition.
No. 876405
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No. 876406
File: 1570208270350.jpg (32.58 KB, 597x277, jj.JPG)

No. 876408
File: 1570208306131.jpg (16.73 KB, 581x88, jjjj.JPG)

No. 876411
>>876409>>876404But she needs $300 by tomorrow night!! You'd think she'd be working her literal ass off!
For these "bills" that she knows are coming every month, but never saves any money for.
No. 876430
File: 1570210877667.jpg (26.53 KB, 625x266, jjjjj.JPG)

She's working but…I feel these videos are going to be just if not more, rushed and crusty then her normal videos.
Has she even done the clown video?
No. 876437
>>876432I think Lana and that other Orbiter that she never did that Collab with who has a girlfriend (last time I saw) showed up here before to defend.
It's so obvious when her orbiters are here though.
No. 876447
>>876436I would really love for her to tell us what she expects to be the grand finale of her career? She's not making much money, people dislike her on twitter AND on tumblr. Her career has ruined her relationship with her mom, she's always "late" on "rent", she's self-medicating with alcohol and weed.
Does she expect that she's going to go viral, (which won't equal fame, in fact, it'll probably be for something gross & then she'll get harassed when people find out who she is) Does she think she'll be given an award? Does she think the pats on the back for pushing to do this job will give her praise?
She's not saving up for anything, she seems like she wants this to be her lifetime career. She's not going retire from twitter sex work at 45 and have a bunch of riches or money. I really don't know what her endgame is.
No. 876480
File: 1570216641944.png (616.48 KB, 1178x2048, Screenshot_20191004-121622.png)

Kek word got out
No. 876481
File: 1570216718951.png (936.12 KB, 1863x2048, Screenshot_20191004-121637.png)

No. 876498
File: 1570219317382.jpeg (264.47 KB, 1068x1061, 20DA9995-832F-4D60-A000-DBD7FC…)

Went back to old thread to compare fupas. She is isn’t fat at all but she has had gains from all the alcohol in her stomach and arms.
No. 876515
File: 1570223011297.jpg (548.81 KB, 1077x1167, Screenshot_20191004-160224_Twi…)

Yes, let's put a dirty bike on the rug you sit naked on. Awesome
No. 876521
File: 1570224840179.png (36.6 KB, 597x312, 2019-10-04_17-33-34.png)

oh no no no…
No. 876525
File: 1570225237712.jpg (28.98 KB, 592x148, Capture.JPG)

Nah, the one "cute" guy, comes to just fuck her in the ass and ignore her the reast of the week, Doubt he cares and doub Shay apologizes.
I know this is a "joke' but she's pretending like people come over to her house.
No. 876529
>>876524Same anon- I really wonder if those sex workers who hate people using their follower counts and trashing people for their follower counts call her out.
>>876527So true, she's going to start some shit, probably call out people, try to get them "cancelled" those two bitches will come & defend her, then her twitter will be deleted.
Funny how she thinks people are using her for Clout, bitch your social media is always fucking getting deleted. Everytime you buy followers you lose them.
There's ZERO cloutsto gain and the people talking Shit about Shay, don't gain anything from it.
No. 876530
>>876529Oh and she'll try to do the whole, "I'm telling Manyvids" shit again.
She's mad that when you search her name on twitter there's people talking shit. She feels like it'll work again but it won't, it'll end up the same way as last time.
No. 876541
File: 1570227953981.jpg (87.8 KB, 1080x557, Screenshot_20191004-232413_Twi…)

So cringe that she tweets this on every new account. It's not gonna take off and it's fucking stupid. Stop
No. 876586
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No. 876594
File: 1570234905614.jpg (269.11 KB, 1072x932, Screenshot_20191004-192051_Tum…)

No. 876595
File: 1570234958360.jpg (281.3 KB, 1077x1063, Screenshot_20191004-192007_Tum…)

Coming from the girl who tried to cancel another sex worker
Also Shay, you were not 15 when you made the "baby Hitler" comment and made the Trump video and made the dildo comment
No. 876606
File: 1570237971223.jpeg (197.78 KB, 1125x1333, 6CF2239B-B8FD-47DB-9808-54C6D8…)

we all knew she wouldn’t have rent money, she spent it all on booze and weed what fucking trash
No. 876612
File: 1570238840866.png (212.86 KB, 1080x1871, Screenshot_20191004-182141~2.p…)

Looks like she tried to set her unwashed cam girl minions on that girl. Lurk much
No. 876613
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No. 876614
File: 1570238960764.png (308.55 KB, 1037x1832, Screenshot_20191004-182214~2.p…)

3/3 (I meant 3 in the last 1 pardon my stupidity)
No. 876625
>>876594holy confirmation bias, batman
>>876521why even bring up followers if she's basically saying people with a range of follower counts don't like her? kek
No. 876646
File: 1570247397364.jpg (859.39 KB, 1080x3403, 20191004_224622.jpg)

I'm sure this will change nothing but go off shay
No. 876651
>>876646this is her most coherently-typed post in a long, long time, and it is still so horrible to read kek.
Shayna, no one owes you forgiveness. People are allowed to dislike you for the things you've done that have hurt others, people are allowed to talk about disliking you to their followers. it comes with the territory of saying so much shitty stuff on the internet. there will always be people who hate you, and despite your words, we've only seen you go downhill since you started sex work. where is the growth? your stomach?
No. 876652
File: 1570248466306.jpg (84.64 KB, 1080x323, Screenshot_20191004-230653_Chr…)

>>876646This is coming from the girl with over 10 suspended twitters and counting lol.
No. 876663
File: 1570250757227.png (604.71 KB, 1288x2048, Screenshot_20191004-214543.png)

No. 876676
File: 1570255785092.jpeg (338.05 KB, 1125x904, B82686BB-A40A-4DDC-ADA8-064B7E…)

I really wish she would stop talking.
No. 876680
>>876676Oh yeah shayna, you are totally up there with those award winning directors for filming the exact same video hundreds of times over.
On a side note, she has no idea how to use her discord server and it's so annoying she can't even be bothered to watch a youtube video on how to work it. Why would you jump into something when you know literally nothing about it?
No. 876773
File: 1570298671237.png (174.31 KB, 1080x1303, Screenshot_20191005-110342~2.p…)

Sugar daddy = dad paying bills.
No. 876774
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Kek that she retweeted this
No. 876789
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No. 876791
>>876373This is exactly why I don't take any of these whores seriously when they're whining about people interacting with Shayna. Most of them are just as pathetic and disgusting as she is, but they feel the need to virtue signal. The coddling of these degenerates itt is quite transparent, kek.
>>876402I remember a few (days? Weeks?) ago when she was going off on someone who said sex work was partially responsible for a porn star's overdose. Every time she complains about her situation, it's clear to me that she was trying to convince herself during that rant more than she was trying to convince the person she was talking to. She is miserable.
>>876658Because they're just as dumb and drama starved as Shayna's dumbass.
No. 876792
>>876594Difference between you and him, is he made the world better, yeah he may have said some shit but whatever, you said some shit and don't do anything for anyone but yourself.
Also, this just proves that people can grow, you cannot grow.
No. 876797
>>876789Like clockwork, she is scrambling to make rent for her dumpy, cheap little apartment, so she’s pretending to be some kind of findom goddess. It’s literally the only time she does this.
I still don’t get how she thinks findom/femdom fits into her ~uwu most submissive widdol babby bimbo princess~ schtick.
No. 876799
>>876789No one's ever going to send you their paycheck Shay. Ever.
I don't care if they are 700 pounds and dick is the size of a fucking baby carrot. They can watch hotter, better, cleaner, nicer girls or watch humilation videos online for FREE.
No. 876823
>>876822She's such an idiot, All she has to do is just say, I've grown, i'm not that person anymore.
As soon as you make an apology and start blaming other people, it sounds insincere. I think thats why people don't let it go. She never just says sorry.
it's always, "SJW!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! I was (insert shrinking number) years old!!"
If she was to make an sincere apology, not only about that but other shit, then all she'd have to do is post that whenever people talk shit.
but she won't. She's a dumb ass.
No. 876832
>>876823people who read that callout post and maybe don't know her/haven't made up their mind will see her reply where she is immediately attacking the person who made it and decide, at the very least, that she's an angry
toxic person and avoid her. she's really not doing herself any favors.
at the end of the day, it's all meaningless tumblr thot drama anyway kek.
No. 876847
>>876846it's because no one really cares much about her.She's a nobody and she for whatever reason thinks that her tumblr past "fame" means something but doesn't even mean anything on tumblr anymore.
Hence, why she's reposting old Tumblr pictures because she just wants attention.
30 people liked that post last time I checked.
No. 876849
>>876848(Same anon)
She has nothing to offer anyone, she can't even get the attention SHE WANTS, So what can she give others?
No. 876860
File: 1570317517448.jpeg (120.55 KB, 750x590, 3E909CC5-3AA9-4D94-A3C5-CBC817…)

She has been using this Twitter for all of two days and it’s already partially shadowbanned. No. 876868
File: 1570318705675.png (848.91 KB, 750x1334, 1E5617DA-A488-4238-8382-53B5A8…)

Girl, stop with this wannabe femme dom shit, you’re supposedly a sub, not a switch, not a dom, a stereotypical sub sw, nothing wrong with that but stay on brand and in your lane
No. 876869
File: 1570318768482.jpeg (162.19 KB, 750x918, D487D018-1A67-43FC-AAF1-1B5305…)

Shut the fuck up, if tumblr’s dead stop using it
No. 876871
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No. 876876
>>876871? this doesn't even make sense, why can't she just say thank you? her eyebrows are drawn on anyway, so they aren't her natural looks.
Going viral on tumblr means NOTHING Shayna and "OwO mental illness" is so sexy to see on a sexworker acount.
No. 876881
File: 1570319282563.jpeg (95.9 KB, 750x466, 684283D1-FDB2-4266-8F42-A679DF…)

This random guy on tumblr reblogs shay’s shit all the time and she reblogs his just as frequently too, his blog reminds me of fupa’s before he deleted it, wouldn’t be suprised if the guy running the blog is a wannabe fupa who just wants shay’s attention
No. 876882
File: 1570319368555.jpeg (480.48 KB, 750x879, 52134DA2-2397-4158-A02E-6AB663…)

One dollar per video? That’s just sad
No. 876883
>>876881Shay's going to get fucked up one day messing with these sickos because she's desperate and think it adds to her "aesthetic".
She loses her mind over twitter bitches but she needs to fuck be thinking about, all the "rape me, beat me, I like being fucked up owo" shit she posts online and the men who watch it.
She doesn't try to hide much of her location and makes it clear she lives alone. All it takes is one crazy dude.
but I guess
toxic bitches are more scray to Shay.
No. 876888
File: 1570319911688.jpeg (65.56 KB, 750x286, C537E0D4-A476-4BE5-A883-B7E54B…)

So the weekend hookup isn’t paying for the uber
No. 876889
>>876885And she's reckless, she'll get with someone, let them do whatever to her. (like with fupa).
She has zero respect for herself and she thinks that makes her "Sexy" but it's just fucking dangerous. She doesn't care about the men she fucks or meet online.
No. 876902
>>876888She must really live out in the boonies if it costs $25 to get to big ol’
Downtown Tulsa, kek. Damn.
No. 876919
File: 1570325900687.jpg (234.04 KB, 1080x1170, Screenshot_20191005-203813_Twi…)

That's not something to be proud of Shay
No. 876949
File: 1570334101807.jpeg (155.78 KB, 750x1074, 65B7C946-01DD-41FA-9436-0DC050…)

“Rinsed” lmao
No. 877023
File: 1570371886617.png (Spoiler Image,3.22 MB, 1125x2436, 2840C202-3F2D-49ED-A3FC-9724E2…)

she got her dads money and chump change yesterday, woke up and felt like hot shit because she begged for bills money
she also looks greasy
No. 877029
Shay's actually worst off than she was when she started.
The worst thing to me is if she ever leaves this "career" alone, the bitch won't have ANYTHING to show for it.
Not one thing. She's not paying her rent on time, she still doesn't have a proper bed or furniture.
She's in a small ass apartment, she spends all her money on food, weed, and alcohol.
No car, nothing, she's saving her money for nothing.
And it's not like Shay's having a blast doing this, nope, the bitch is depressed weekly and everyone hates her.
She literally has nothing but proof that a year or two ago, her ass had a little bit more going for her then she does now. She's only going to decline.
Sex work has done NOTHING postive for this dummy, but I have a feeling she's going to keep at it until something really bad happens.
And instead of blaming herself/her actions, I bet you one day Shay's going to be "anti-sex work" but for ALL the wrong reasons.
No. 877059
>>877053I feel like she thinks she'll be seen as some hero or something. Or maybe Shay really thinks she can't do anything else.
It's just sad how blatant it is that she's super depressed.
No. 877081
File: 1570382737502.jpg (52.99 KB, 621x404, gjg.JPG)

I love how one mintue she's trying to do Fendom, the next she's saying shit like this. I find this shit so gross btw.
I hate all the bitches who do this nasty, "treat me like a baby" baby talk shit.
No. 877082
File: 1570382975740.jpg (44.92 KB, 574x498, fjfj.JPG)

No. 877083
File: 1570383003214.jpg (33.51 KB, 399x499, fff.JPG)

No. 877084
File: 1570383056434.jpg (36.97 KB, 477x513, vjvj.JPG)

No. 877085
File: 1570383200544.jpg (17.91 KB, 587x95, fhfhf.JPG)

The smallest things amaze her.
No. 877104
File: 1570386935305.png (88.99 KB, 1194x352, Screen Shot 2019-10-06 at 2.35…)

>>877081The different is that she's not saying it as a sexual/submissive things but because she doesn't want to be an adult and does not want to have responsibilities. She wants someone to pay rent/cook/clean/do her taxes and tell her what to do so she doesn't have to use her brain. You can't fuck anything up if you don't need to do anything except for "bE bABy"
No. 877113
File: 1570387623088.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, 0B2A0BFD-F122-41EB-B2BC-CACFF8…)

>>877105Pretty sure they’re these amazon knockoffs
No. 877131
>>877119My favorite part of their relationship is how they out scammed each other. They both were two idiots, who got with each other for different reasons. Shay's was for "attention" and for someone to take care of her/complete her "Sex worker persona".
His was to have someone he could use to get all his gross sexual fantasies out of, someone dumb and young.
I feel she truly thinks that some guy with money is going to take care of her while she does nothing.
When it'll never happen.Shay's whole thing is "You can do anything to me" which may attract someone for a bit, but once they get bored and see you have no other uses, she'll be left with a fucked-up body, mental health, and self-worth.
She gives so much of her body to porn and these men, and she gains NOTHING of any value in the end.
Look at Fupa? She did all this shit for him, just to end up alone and worst off. He also was trashing her.
No. 877239
File: 1570407055071.jpg (207.56 KB, 1080x1027, Screenshot_20191006-191024_Twi…)

Did Shay send this to herself? Cause that's how she types
No. 877240
File: 1570407079060.jpg (181.22 KB, 1080x686, Screenshot_20191006-191040_Twi…)

Oh please
No. 877247
>>877240The countless nudes on the internet say that. Also the whole fupa situation. Or how you give away all your vids for something as simple as someone making a new twitter for you.
Or how you fuck and give every dude you fuck anal with no condoms (because thats safe) You don't value yourself Shay and no one else does because they see you don't.
No. 877256
File: 1570410951232.jpeg (62.08 KB, 750x277, F01B1ECF-C9B6-4F4D-B6BB-B85522…)

>>877240She posted this on tumblr too, lmao
No. 877259
File: 1570411008542.jpg (Spoiler Image,397.1 KB, 1080x730, Screenshot_20191006-201602_Twi…)

So instead of a "cute boy" is now a "play partner"
No. 877262
>>877259I know there's people with this kind of kinks, but it's sad to see someone do this just to keep a man around and get attention.
As I said before, in the end she's left with a fucked-up body, they just move after they use the dumb bitch who lets them do whatever.
No. 877287
>>876402she probably knows deep down that her options are limited. either go back home and asking mommy and daddy to help fix her life and deal with the humiliation all her stupid choices have caused her, or make camming work.
If she wasn’t so stupid she could have definitely made enough to live comfortably being a e-thot, she started at the right time.
No. 877325
File: 1570428287882.png (13.33 KB, 432x145, Capture.PNG)

>talks to fans>4 hours later>>877240repost because i forgot to sage
No. 877412
File: 1570459224769.jpeg (339.21 KB, 1125x2077, E1169113-CCF4-4EF3-8184-7E5EE6…)

tldr: some other SW made a similar caption and she’s mad she’s not popular as she thinks she is
No. 877413
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No. 877415
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No. 877416
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No. 877417
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No. 877419
File: 1570459789597.jpeg (164.24 KB, 1119x728, BEBB8C6C-C56B-4A4F-A101-64D6BD…)

finally, a public tweet about it
No. 877420
>>877412>5 page rant because some popular sex worker captioned her photos “calling your dad”I want to find this funny but she’s so pathetic and sad I can’t find it in me to laugh. Jesus, Shay. How sad your life has to be that you’re actually salty someone had the audacity to caption 3 fucking words that you yourself once used.
I just can’t with this bitch.
No. 877421
>>877417i love how shes such a punk shes afriad to call someone out with more REAL followers.
>>877419she probably wants a orbiter to find the person and bother her
No. 877423
>>877419She’s the epitome of basic and uncreative. The fuck is she even talking about. She doesn’t have a creative or original bone in her body.
And she’s also been caught blatantly copying others too before. That whole fishnet body suit/knife picture. Like come on shay. I know your life is dull and sad but stay in your lane.
No. 877432
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No. 877436
File: 1570463075731.jpeg (656.98 KB, 1125x1311, 0F8ADE40-7D5F-462A-B3EF-CB2C6D…)

The photos Shays referring to are old as hell and look like they took 0 effort. I doubt that girl even knows who Shay is.
No. 877446
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I'm so unique and special everyone should give me credit for my overused ideas!
No. 877447
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poor shay, having everyone laugh at your failure of a career and constant begging for money is an obsession
No. 877448
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Sure Jan…
No. 877466
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>>877460She dirty deleted it because she's a scared bitch since apparently this girl will give her a follow. What's wrong, Shay? What happened to you being hard and WaNNa FiTe? Afraid this girl with an actual loyal following with drag your nasty, trashy ass?
No. 877469
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Someone's feeling bold on Twitter today for sure
No. 877476
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>>877466“I don’t want to start any drama I wanna be positive and mind my own business” - shay after accusing someone of copying her and subtweeting her
No. 877478
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>>877476Already some Shay related shade under the post. How does she not realize that causing drama like this and acting publicly entitled is going to blow up in her face
No. 877483
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Shay is probably fuming that this poor girl wasn't immediately canceled
No. 877496
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Ya she's just gonna get dragged more because she brought this up
No. 877499
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So you decide to be a spiteful cunt and attack some random 19yo sexworker minding her own damn business? Ya know? That thing you were supposed to be doing? MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS?
No. 877502
>>877499Hpw do her orbiters not see this? Shay's a fucking shit starter and gets her lackies to bother people and that one Orbiter Bratty shouldn't even be involved!
if they don't care about her scamming they SHOULD care about the fact she shit talked someone, got a ugly orbiter to bother them because Shays such a fucking punk, and now it's because she's broke??
Didn't she get upset when that Lana girl used mental health as an excuse but Shay's using, "my accounts! I'm broke"
Shay starts SO much shit, it's crazy. I hope she keeps this up and every Orbiter who jumps to fight her battles, get drug down with her. Shay will not and HAS not done the same for them.
She was literally upset this girl looked 100% better than her.
No. 877504
>>877502EVERYTIME her account get deleted Shay starts trouble. If Bratty is lurking here and Lurks hard enough to find this bitches page to bully her, bitch you need to look at how this makes you look.
You are protecting someone whose blantantly starting shit because they are miserable, dumb ass.
No. 877508
>>877436Lol first of all Shay, you took that pic at least a year ago if not longer, so it's not like you JUST oh so creatively did a photoset with that concept. Second, you're not the only one who has the I'm ~bbygurl taking ur dad's money and attention~ gimmick and you never have been.
But of course in her mind, everyone is just soooo jealous of her and her… uh… "success" and "fame"?
Bitch probably didn't even see the profile of a crusty nobody like her honestly. Shay is way off.
Even her orbiters told her not to start drama and call attention to herself, but the stupid cunt just can't help herself.
Also really petty of Bratty. Get the fuck over it, you're all unoriginal hoes pandering to whatever gets you money & attention.
No. 877512
>>877469WTF? this isn't even about some shit you said at 19 dumb bitch, stop trying to make it about that.
And that's the problem, people told you were "Special" for nothing when you were a child and you aren't.
Someone who felt they were Special, wouldn't be having unprotected sex with every boy they fuck after not knowing them for long.
Someone who felt they were special, would take care of their body and value themselves, someone who felt they were special, wouldn't allow men to ABUSE them, use them up, but have an fucking STRONG hate for women.
Someone who felt they were special, wouldn't call their mother an cunt because she hates her daughter does pedo pandering porn.
Someone who felt they were special, wouldn't be sleeping in a child's bed, always late on rent, self-medicating, doing the same thing days in and days out expecting different results.
Someone who felt they were special, would try to be the best they can be at what they are doing. Take their health and bodies seriously.
You don't think you are special Shay. You tell yourself that because it helps you sleep at night.
I have NO issue with sex work, but it's blatant that sex work is fucking tearing you apart. You aren't a bad bitch, you aren't a good person, you've become bitter, misogynistic, shit starting and a fucking asshole.
You do not value yourself. Your depressed and you are doing all this to prove us and Mommy wrong. Meaning you are hurting yourself, fucking with others and making a fool of yourself. You aren't EVER going to be famous for this. Nothing is going to come from this. You aren't saving for anything to come from this.
No. 877515
>>877509She keeps using the "teenage" excuse because she doesn't want people to look into other shit she's done. I also feel she thinks saying Teenager excuses the Custom she did as a ADULT, talking about her as a child and talking about underaged Camming.
She won't even @ the girl because she's scared. By the way she still hasn't apologized and she's making dumb tweets as if she did nothing wrong.
They bothered someone and Shay went on a "Woe is me rant" it's really crazy and I hope she continues this so that people will see the bitch she is.
No. 877516
>>877448Except you don't keep your head down. You're the biggest hypocrite and you literally just posted drama shit on your discord then made a vaguepost tweet about it because you literally could not shut the fuck up and move on without saying anything about the dumbest shit. Then wonder why all the "meanies" come for your stupid ass.
Don't be dramatic to try to get asspats, no one wants you to kill yourself or die. Everyone wants you're
problematic, failing, lying, drama having ass out of the SW comunity and tbh some people here actually feel sorry for you and want to see you get your shit together and if you could do that, there would be no drama or no reason to laugh at you here.
>>877502Literally her discord orbiters told her to not say anything and move on, that the drama is not worth it. But she can't be rational.
No. 877526
>>877522How about an apology? I bet that's going to make Shay upset because she probably still feels that she did something wrong.
I just find it funny that Bratty was lurking here, JUST to find this girl and bother her.
Shay thinks she's slick, like she probably hated that Bratty actually @'d the girl and asked her straight up about it, because we knew Shay wasn't going too.Shay was just going to vague post her like she always does.
I hope Shay's mad that Bratty's retweeting her.
No. 877527
>>877503This cycle is literally insane. She will tell people to not be like this then turn around and be just like that.
If you're not making money, then work harder like all those tweets you posts and rt say Shay. Don't tell people not to fuck with you then go and fuck with outher people. YOURE the one who has to get by on pity scraps. It's going to hurt you more than it will hurt the other person. It gives people more reasons to dislike you. That girl's post got hundreds of views and 25+ shares. That girl is getting boosted, you're getting dumped on. Way to go.
>>877520 It's out there now. They can delete all they want but they fucked with someone nice with a following and it got seen and supported. Like I said, that's what's so stupid, what did they hope to gain when they had the most to lose?
No. 877528
>>877448People are negatively attracted to you for two reasons.
1. You are a negative person
2. Maybe it's a sign telling your ass the chump change and humilation isn't worth all of this.
No. 877532
>>877469I'm fascinated by the fact that in her 22/23(?) years of life, she has just stumbled upon consequences.
Shay that's not the kind of dumb that's cute, and definitely doesnt go with a femdom, Boss, baby image you're trying to cultivate
No. 877533
>>877489then she goes off and retweets how complaining about sales or at fans doesn't help get sales. she does this constantly, saying it's "illegal" for her not to get tipped or bitches when her pix get little interaction. if she spent more time making content and less creating drama and whatnot, she'd be selling more.
>>877499your sales are down b/c you don't produce content consistently or get on cam regularly. like she gets all happy when she does sell vids or gets tips but the goes right back to begging and posting caps of every time someone sends her a few bucks acting like they're handing over all the money they made that week.
No. 877534
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Shay LIKED THE POST but didn't say sorry. So did Bratty, If she came at her publically she should apologize publically, I don't want to hear about "I reached out privately" that because Shay can't stand to be a good person.
No. 877535
>>877534SF- And she doesn't want to cause attention to what she did, but bitch we have the discord messages, the deleted tweets, and everything.
You fucked with this girl and now you are trying to clean up your mess and pretend it never happened.
If Shay felt she copied her, why would she even care what she had to say?
because shay wanted to cause drama and bother someone better looking them her and doing what she does better. Why not publically apologize?
Just like she wanted Luna to do? This person made ONE picture and Shay got so
triggered by it.
No. 877536
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Hahahah Shayna, stop being mad that this girl can pull off the style you've been try hard-ing at for years now! Salty about the fact this girl doesn't have to cake her face in 20lbs of makeup and played-out eyeliner? Salty she runs her business better than you at the age of fucking 19, you fucking retard? Girl barely posts up nudes and still gets more likes and retweets while Shayna's nearly blown out asshole gets barely a like. I fucking can't hahaha Shay, go take some more heavily filtered pic making that dumb puffer fish face you be making hahaha
No. 877537
>>877536and worst part? I bet this girl is going to be done with this shit in like a year, maybe she'll save up to do something bigger, maybe she'll go to school etc.
its been 4 years for Shay. FOUR fucking years of getting worst and worst in every way possible.
No friends, shady men who just want to fuck her, nothing to show for all the pain she's put herself through.
Seriously Shayna, go the fuck home. I don't even find this thread funny anymore, I come here legit disgusted and confused by Shayna.
No. 877540
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Legit tho. Baby Toothache DOES run her business better. The most NSFW shit she has is her tits. If you wanna see her completely nude and fucking herself, you have to PAY for it. Like…ya sex workers are SUPPOSED to do. Shay just posts that shit up for free, and everyone knows it so why pay?! Shayna tryin to act like she OG can girl but doesn't know basic 101 sexworker business practices. Lay off the fucking weed.
No. 877547
>>877413"Medium Pinkish" is Only synonymous with Shay I guess? and what set up did they have?
Let me guess, stuffed animals? string lights? Pink shit? you know shit that people who DON'T do sex work sometimes have in their rooms?
I know a fucking YouTuber who has a similar background as that, Guess she's copying Shayna too.
Or the thousands of other sex workers who she got HER Style from.
Shay puts fireworks in her pussy, but there's twitter sex workers who get paid just for flashing a tit or porn stars who get paid more then shay in 2 weeks, in a day from just fucking. Who also maintain dignity and have lives.
Shay, you do the most for nothing and then you do the least for cash. You've been doing this for years and have nothing to show for it. You lost more then what you've gained.
No. 877549
Yeah not to derail about this Baby girl anymore but a few points just to show how washed up Shay is and the difference between someone doing well in SW business and someone struggling and failing like Shay.
1. She retweets other SWers constantly
2. She posts cute/sexy lite lewd photos and maybe a a tits only nude every now and again
(not her full gaping asshole or flashing her vag every other post and tits/ass EVERY post)
3. Has clear prices for her services at the top of her profile
(doesn't constantly do sales because she's scrambling for money, giving her content away, or changing the price from post to post)
4. Posts are about sex things only to entise customers
(Not drama or every stupid little thing that happens or fake stories or venting/complaining or anything personal)
5. Has been doing this for ONE YEAR, seems happy, looks good, seems to be doing good, probably not going to dedicate her life to this
(not since they were underaged and has nothing to show for it, living in filth, begging, looking haggard, binge drinking and smoking weed all the time, refusing to call it quits)
6. Regular interactions, nice following/orbiters, has one account, etc.
7. Has a gimmick and sticks with it - little sub
(doesn't change style or kink/role every other day depending on what will get the most attention/money)
8. Decent face, natural makeup/hair, looks clean, different tasteful attire, takes care of body.
There's probs a lot more, but these are just a few things that really prove that Shay needs to stop. She's hardly better than a crackwhore on the street at this point. Always talks about being a bad bitch and being so pretty and good at her "job" but when you look at any other SWer, you see a shocking contrast to how they run their business and why they aren't begging for rent money or demanding to reimbursed for dinner. Girl had her 15 mins of fame on the tumblr wave.
It's done Shay, it's over. You're bottom of the barrel and only getting older and worse. Your behavior doesn't help.
Anyway, we should probs drop it about the Baby chick and leave her out of this nasty thread lol.
No. 877552
>>877415>>877503Shayna screeches about positivity and ~supporting other sex workers~ but the SECOND she sees a similarly-captioned-but-superior-in-every-way photoset from another SW, she immediately tries to get them canceled.
remember that littlesativabug (iirc) photoset with the floral-print knife that Shayna saw and immediately ran out to buy a floral knife to copy, but swore up and down it was a coincidence?
she clearly feels threatened by other women and sees everything as a competition. but she's so bad at her job she knows there's no hope for her to "win" by playing fair, so she tries to tear them down with her attack-orbiters instead. all while gaslighting them saying that "I'm a hard-working SPECIAL angel who loves girls and supports everyone and spreads endless positivity!"
the mommy issues are unreal in this one, I'd love to meet her mother and see why Shayna's this bent out of shape about all women now.
>>877540lmao this is too accurate. inb4 Shayna tweets that she's going to "change things up and keep more-revealing content exclusive for my onlyfans and paying customers" like she says every month or two
No. 877555
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She’s really butthurt about all of this.
No. 877560
>>87755522K was the most she ever had. The fake follower purchasing decreased each time because she didn't have Dawn or Pixie helping her as much lmao.
As far as real followers that would support you, well, you'd have to be a genuinely nice person Shay.
No. 877561
>>877555Yes a big following with the same amount of interaction. The number matters so much to her, it's crazy.
Like yeah you have 15k fake followers and robots, but you get 4 comments and 15 retweets on a good day and thats when you are retweeting the same tweets over and over again.
It bothered her the girl had 30K and looked better then her. That was all.
No. 877565
>>877555My life is a joke becuase twitter followers. Her priorities in life are all fucked up. Still no apology to the girl she tried to "Cancel".
Someone who was sorry would'nt just like a post, they'd retweet the picture with a apology.
No. 877567
>>877476how dramatic. In a parallel universe we'd have a thread on her instead of Shayna. I wouldn't be surprised if she posted underage nudes or "lewds" just like our flake considering she's only 19 now according to another anon.
also this
>>877536 is kinda psychotic, I wonder if its one of the girl's neckbeards? It's always a wild ride when Shayna drags someone else through her trashfire (like dawn and fupa).
No. 877575
>>877567The tweet was obviously sarcastic, she's boring ass hell and doesn't seem to be going down the desperate road as Shayna did and is.
She's literally some chick on twitter actually trying to make money from Twitter Sex work.
We don't know if she did sex work underaged and I doubt someone like this would ever have a thread here.
Funny how you came to nitpick her response to Shayna bothering her and people comparing her to Shayna. But not Shayna.
I admit the fawning is over the top, but thats what Shay gets for bringing some rando to everyone's attention just to bully her.
You kind of sound like an orbiter.
No. 877582
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WHO THE FUCK IS AFTER SHAY? TOS? Why do people fall for this, "it's other people's fault" it's like she's a fucking child blaming her imaginary friend for shit she obviously did.
No. 877584
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No. 877586
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So Shayna admitted earlier that she was pissed because her accounts being deleted and she tried to cook up some drama, hoping people would feel bad for her and she could steal followers from someone.
Just like she did with the Luna girl.
Shayna thinks she'll go viral for calling people out, you know cancel culture which she "hates"
what a joke.
No. 877587
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No. 877598
>>877596I don't care about Luna, I'm just talking about how Shay starts drama (like she did with the luna chick) to get attention.
PERIOD. Every time her account gets deleted, she gets mad at someone and calls them out, to get her orbiters riled up and to make people pay attention to her.
I don't care to know, want to know or need to know about "Luna" outside of the situation I'm talking about with Shayna.
The other day Shayna was taking her anger out on tumblr on someone.
No. 877612
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Oh please Shay
No. 877613
>>877612It's like she's constantly finding reasons to excuse her behavior so she doesn't have to change.
So is she going to stop smoking weed and drinking? Is she going to seek treatment?
No. 877619
>>877617It really does bother her that so many women, in and out of sex work, can do so little but get so much attention.
Yet Shay has to go to extremes to get attention. Not even like she NEEDS too, she could've gotten an normal job, went to college, maybe kept her generic "all pink barbie" bullshit going and maybe stood out in a way that wasn't, shoving fireworks in her pussy, getting slapped while getting fucked with a pacifier and all the other gross shit she's done.
I wish she knew that she could be special in ways that weren't harming herself. She doesn't have to prove shit to anyone but she badly wants too.
As I said before, If she felt she was "special" then she wouldn't need the validation constantly. She'd value herself. She tells herself this so she can sleep at night.
She wants everyone to know and love her (which is impossible) and being a "Quirky" girl on a campus or at a office isn't enough for her.
So I guess she wants to be the "Quirky" sex worker who ends up in a psych ward or something. I wonder what it'll take for her to realize this shit isn't for her?
No. 877621
>>877619Same Anon- Also the whole "Club 27" thing is such dumb basic thinking. I truly feel Shay feels that like celebs who died at that age, that by the time she's that age, she'll be famous or infamous, and when she dies the whole porn world will be shaken.
No. In fact, they'll probably blame porn, drugs and mental illness. It won't be big news, it'll just be, "Man, remember Shayna? She's on the school website? Yeah, she went into porn, was addicted to weed, alcohol and attention and she ended it"
That's really it. It'll affect her family and people who knew her and not in the way she wants it to. It'll just be a story of a lonely girl, who made bad choices and refused to get help.
Hopefully, it never gets to that point.
No. 877639
>>877621But anon we totally want Shay to kill herself right?
Why do all cows think farmers want them to commit suicide when people actively say they don't or and kinda throw out helpful advice.
Hey Shay, it's simple, if you stop being a
problematic cunt these threads will die. You're suicidal cos your own life and decisions, not this website.
No. 877648
>>877639Shay thinks farmers want her to an hero because she reads the threads and realizes how everything said here is true. How she was privileged and she managed to fuck it up because she wanted to follow a trend on Tumblr. How she almost lives in squalor because she can't manage to do her easy job and get money. How she can't even afford to change her ways because she uses "mah mentul illnuss" to excuse her shit work ethic. How she's so starved for attention, she'll start drama and play
victim the whole time. How she needs to buy followers, sell her "porn" for pennies, piss on herself, literally beg strangers for attention to even be noticed. It hits too close to home and realizing this makes her think she's got nothing to live for.
No. 877697
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never forget
No. 877703
>>877702nope, have we ever seen her jump into their "drama" (If they had or have any) and help them?
All her orbiters are users anyway, just like her. Shay's not happy not because of the "
toxic women" but sex work and the consequences that happened ONLY because of Sexwork.
I'm sure Shay may have been a mess in her own regard, but every single scandal down to this very thread is because of SW. I'm starting to think maybe she doesn't have anyone.
But then again, i'm 100% sure her dad won't let her back until she quits and then he'll have to help her clean up her life, while not trying to solve the issues SHay has with her mother.
No. 877714
>>877697Repost because I deleted this and then decided to post it again
Is there anyone here who’s been following shay on tumblr for a little more then two years and remembers when she talked about how she’s herpes positive on there? Not a tinfoil because I remember it very well but not down to exact details, it was an ask that she received, I don’t remember what was asked exactly but her answer was about how she is herpes positive and then added some very half hearted positivity about living with herpes,I always think about that when other anons nitpick about her vag because it really looks like herpes sore near her vag in this, not ingrowns. She posted a screenshot of a video with her vag out in the middle of an outbreak on the same herpes post I think she even made a photoset from that video too
No. 877723
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Didn't see anyone post these, thought it was interesting because Shayna HAS charged people for retweets?
No. 877724
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And more shit talking her mom.
No. 877727
>>877724I'm sure thats not all she said and adults CAN outgrow being bipolar, Shay was probably fucking using it to excuse her fucked life choices.
I guess her dad's side is all fine, no drama no issues, but her mom's side (the fact her mom lost her parents as a child and Shayna constantly treats her mom like dirt) is the scum of the earth?
And Also Shay's doing not ONE thing to solve being Bipolar, she doesn't take her medicine and probably drinks and smokes while on them
She doesn't take it seriously so why should her mother? Who she called all types of names?
No. 877729
>>877727SF- Also, Why is she armchair diagnosing her mom's side?
I believe without a doubt, that not only did Shay make her mom a villain but so did her dad, she acts EXACTLY like a child who had a parent who was always excusing her and blaming other parent.
I would NOT be surprised if her dad blamed her mom for divorce, blamed her mom for Shayna having to be a big sister etc.
If her mom's side is mentally ill shouldn't Shay be more sympathetic? instead of getting upset that mentally ill people have trouble getting help?
Especially since as a mentally ill person, she struggles every day?
No. 877731
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When will she introduce this person?
No. 877733
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Collared my ass, she has no respect for BDSM. If you want to use it as an aesthetic, fine, but don't pretend like you respect collaring or BDSM.
No. 877736
>>877727Do u mean outgrow the traits of borderline, anon? Not to nitpick, bipolar is an organic disorder so while you can definitely learn to cope, I wouldn’t say growing out of it is possible
Shay is still retarded regardless and this fishing for sympathy points with her boo hoo bipolar ~diagnosis is pathetic
No. 877737
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When did she take this? I thought one of her paddles broke? But all of them are on the wall
No. 877740
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No. 877748
>>877733because she's not into BDSM, she's into whatever she can do to keep a "man" around and get attention, off and online.
Ask me? She meets weirdos who she lets beat her ass, there's no rules, nothing, just creeps who meet a girl willing to let them do anything and want to do whatever they can before they get bored with her, or Shay gets too clingy.
No. 877749
>>877746Nah she just made it hella cluttered. The wall has way too much going on it's almost a fire hazard. Her table is covered in cheap crap. Her day bed still has nasty faded pillows on them that she probs still hasnt washed since she rubbed her nasty vag on them.
She probs posted this because we saw that Babytoothache girls room set up and it was cute and tastefully done unlike Shays "living room" sad ass set up.
No. 877757
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No. 877760
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So she's dating herself?
No. 877765
>>877760I thought she was a princess findom 2 days ago…. I get being performative and stuff for money but Shes just all over the damn place.
secretly hoping it’s a real person and another dumpster fire human that we can see some milk from. Or she really is lying. I feel like if it were a real person she definitely would have made real content with them already (not pics of fake facials and broken paddles)
No. 877771
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Here she is already wearing that collar before
No. 877772
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eyes roll to the back of my head
No. 877776
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The stuffed animals bags against the fairy lights is such a fire hazard, yikes
No. 877784
>>877765yesss I don't believe there's a real person, even just based on this picture
>>877771 of her alone in the same bathroom where fupa went with that blue-haired woman. she's petty enough that she would have taken pictures with someone else if she had someone there. but I would definitely welcome a new saga with another TumblrDom nasty boyfriend she's found. just hope she doesn't get killed
>>877776Imagine walking into an apartment full of trash and clothing and weed stench but there's this terrifying pink-sex-toy-decorated child's bed in the corner. with a young dog waiting to come inside from the tiny patio and a cat that hides 24/7. and a half-naked woman drunk and high off her ass being really fucking weird about just existing in front of you
No. 877787
>>877771This one would be better but it's still just one that comes with the beginner bondage set she bought forever ago that includes cheap rope and paddles and a blindfold and shit.
These other two are cheap fashion collars. The pink spike one is tacky as hell. If a dude really did get those for her he's a broke ass moron. But it's more her tacky taste that she probs spent her Amazon cards on. It's just such a poser thing though. Like other anon said, being collared means y'all are serious. I'm not even heavy into the kink but this bitch is so dumb it hurts.
No. 877791
File: 1570502672302.png (1.67 MB, 2048x1543, Screenshot_20191007-224416.png)

you're an embarrassment to the BDSM community you greasy cunt
No. 877794
>>877791You can tell these must've just come from amazon or wherever she ordered them.
Also, it's funny that I'm positive she brought these herself, even if she is with someone, we know she brought these for them.
Which is fucking sorry, lol. I sense a picture of her on a leash with a mysterious hand.
No. 877808
File: 1570505180640.jpg (244.21 KB, 1080x1397, Screenshot_20191007_232554.jpg)

Yeah… No thanks
No. 877832
File: 1570510316050.jpeg (442.07 KB, 1125x1320, 3811E94B-39A2-40B8-A2F6-8671C4…)

She’s really trying to milk this one for all it’s worth.
No. 877839
>>877834Us because we were just speculating that she wasn't in an actual bdsm relationship but that it was just her or some
abusive sack of shit lol
No. 877843
>>877733I guarantee she was just using "collared" to mean "wearing a collar," with no understanding of what it actually means in the BDSM community, and when people started congratulating her she backpedaled so she wouldn't look like an idiot for not knowing what collaring meant.
an actual collar is only supposed to be put on/removed by your partner, or with their permission. It should be something high quality that can stand up to being worn every day. These are going to fall apart within a week.
No. 877849
>>877846Shay will probably show a hand, but I still don't believe the person she's with knows more about this shit then she does. Could be someone just going along with this dumb bitch just to fuck her.
Shay brought the collars, they must've just came today, she got dressed and put them on to take pictures. I bet on friday, she'll have some pictures when he comes for his weekly fuck.
Probably a loser like Fupa, happy to have someone to fuck and beat up on. Doesn't care about rules or anything.
Just taking advantage of a high idiot.
No. 877861
>>877536why are y'all rooting for this pedobaiting woman?
no one find it creepy how doesn't even look 19 and dresses like a fucking 8 year old?
yeah she's such a successful businesswoman, making money by further normalising the sexualisation of what children look like, and things associated with children.
go her! so much BETTER than shayna, who tries the same but is just too ugly to actually pull it off!
y'all been drinking wood varnish?
>inb4 ur just a jelly shaynasty whiteknight No. 877892
>>877889Not those "vanillas" you're replying to, but being into BDSM doesn't automatically make you tough just as being vanilla doesn't make you a weak pussy. FUPA couldn't even take some online hate and I have no doubt he's into some kinky shit.
On that note, I doubt she's with anyone, but it would be more entertaining if she were. Worse for her mental health, but she gives no fuck. Do you think she's above having some orbiter pretend they're her dom?
No. 877904
File: 1570542094463.jpg (325.31 KB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20191008-084120_Twi…)

Sure shayna, that's what it is.
No. 877925
>>877907Yeah especially if it's for content like the person asked her or for her "I'm such a ~bdsm bby~" pics. Definitely don't need to show a face. Tbh I think even orbiters and shit would try to figure out who he is. Not just her "hayturz". But no one will really know if she doesn't post his name or social media names.
He's either not real or one/both of them are too embarrassed of the other to post with each other kek. I feel like if he exists they're not serious like she's pretending. Shes the Friday night fuck so he wouldn't want to post with her.
No. 877929
>>877904No one full doxxed him? He gave away his own name and people only wanted to know what city he lived in because Shay was moving to/living with him. They were public as shit about every nasty thing lmao.
Then the ex wife found out. But no one tipped her, that was her own shit and since they were posting all their gross shit, yeah she saw it.
I don't think anyone contacted his family?? He talked about his sister being a junkie or something and being related to Anthony Perkins. It's a rule that we don't involve family members.
Stop making excuses Shay. He real or nah? Pics or it didn't happen.
Even your orbiters are curious.
Just be smart about it and don't show his face or social media.
No. 877934
>>877723What in the fuck is this retard trying to say with that second tweet? I thought I was having a stroke while reading it. Also, this is grand coming from the pathetic failure that used to charge $100 to "give advice" to other sex workers.
>>877729I wholeheartedly agree with this, specially because in the post she bitched about being a big sister, she basically crucified her mom for going back to work, so I wouldn't be surprised if she blamed her mom for everything and her dad egged her on. It's tinfoil, but if true, he deserves the monster he created.
>>877760She truly chose the absolute worst aesthetic for herself, she looks so gross and washed out in light colors (even fatter).
>>877820Drinking water isn't gonna help those, only fillers would.
>>877916I wish the Tulsa anon who spotted Shayna and Fupa ended up stumbling upon Shayna and the new possibly fake dom, kek.
>>877929>>877930Yup. Someone did tip the wife.
No. 877940
File: 1570548931952.png (68.57 KB, 582x305, Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 11.3…)

>>877904She's claiming that other people are responsible for breaking her and Fupa up. It's amazing how it's always someone else's fault. I'm pretty sure she's still with Fupa though.
No. 877941
File: 1570548953918.png (930.82 KB, 2048x1785, Screenshot_20191008-110016.png)

It's all the haters fault guys, it wasn't her being a lazy slob and expecting to get pampered 24/7 while not working, of course not.
No. 877944
>>877941shay: "i wanted to show them off and people couldn't handle it so they broke us up uwu"
fupa: "bitch lied and misled me"
why the fuck is she so devoid of self respect? like she's willing to lower herself or lie for the kind of man who'd leave her alone all the fucking time and toss some pennies when he wanted a friday fuck? jesus christ shayna
No. 877964
File: 1570553158974.png (1.79 MB, 1125x2436, 51B771E4-FD3C-413E-B6AB-23FC95…)

She fucked up and forgot to block the username on this one
No. 877966
>>877964"draining wallet" Yeah, I'm sure the $50 this dude is giving you is "draining him"
Imagine being a sex worker and the only thing men pay for is meals and nails, things the dude whose cumming in your ass, probably giving you STD/STI won't even do.
I wonder if this dude, knows that for free he could probably fuck Shay if he acts nice enough.
No. 878010
File: 1570560475917.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, 46B68195-2D0D-4FC5-89A9-0ABEE5…)

Why the fuck is she reblogging this shit
Shay, you’re not edgy popping pills and shit that is the last thing you should be doing
No. 878012
>>878010Posts this-
>>877612but then is like "uwu drugs"
No. 878041
>>878035She doesn't stick to any phase she tries.
Remember when she watched WWE for 2 days and bought the network lel. She's prob forgot to cancel and is forking 9.99 a month for something she doesn't use
No. 878047
File: 1570566786936.jpg (355.76 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20191008_213238.jpg)

>>878045And here they are
No. 878049
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>>878047I'm thinking this is where she goes. I don't seen here but I see some almost identical to ones what Shay has had previously
No. 878057
>>878049>I don't seen hereChrist what am I on
No. 878064
>>878059It wasn't their place to tell her but like I said, they're dumbasses so it's not like she wouldn't have found out about their bs eventually. Fupa choosing his kids over her was only half the reason he distanced himself from her anyway. She's just delusional and wants to make excuses to not have to show she's seeing someone real.
He posted all his own nasty chode and fetish shit himself lol. No one outed him more than himself.
No. 878084
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No. 878093
File: 1570582306363.jpg (205.31 KB, 1080x773, Screenshot_20191008-195127_Twi…)

Says the girl who sends nudes in order for people to buy things for her
No. 878104
File: 1570583919170.png (64.88 KB, 530x412, Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 9.18…)

Much sad
No. 878109
File: 1570584979460.png (26.41 KB, 442x123, Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 9.35…)

what about… being active on MFC and mv???
No. 878115
>>878109I know it's mainly because she's ban evading, but it would be really funny if it was orbiters of that girl she was harassing the other day reporting her.
Either way, that's what she gets for starting drama for no reason and being a hypocrite lmao.
Like we always say, if she just cammed regularly and focused on content, promoting on her discord or adult websites. She can use her fan twitter page and tumblr even to post schedules. But then she can't post the same 5 tweets she wishes will go viral, bitch and complain, get into drama, and poor girl flex every time someone sends her $15.
No. 878122
File: 1570587737809.png (632.53 KB, 1806x2048, Screenshot_20191008-192135.png)

Kek she was begging someone to buy her weed in her discord earlier
No. 878126
File: 1570588660988.png (96.63 KB, 700x467, Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 10.3…)

She should get a job at amazon since she like it so much!!
No. 878130
File: 1570589970404.png (213.94 KB, 571x1796, Screenshot_20191008-195722~2.p…)

Kek she's talking about joining reddit now, please do it Shay, they'll eat you alive
No. 878131
File: 1570589991821.png (491.04 KB, 651x2048, Screenshot_20191008-195731.png)

No. 878142
>>878126"what would you even do though"
tfw even your asslickers know you're literally incapable of functioning on a normal basis in regular society kek
>>878130>>878131can someone explain this "budtender" shit to me because it's creeping me the fuck out
No. 878145
>>878047that is a sad spiderweb. bet they'll be partially grown out by the time she actually makes the video.
>>878126>running my own businessliterally where, she posts videos on other sites and just links them. then there was that one time she collabed with someone to put her face on shirts no one bought.
No. 878169
>>878145"boring regular job" she must have fucking children in her server.
also,maybe strip? but Shay's too fucking lazy and would get her ass beat the first day or quit because she'll be jealous of the other girls and attempt drama.
plus she can't dance
No. 878173
>>878169now i can't stop thinking about shay making these
>>875403 faces while stripping at the pole and i am SENT
No. 878178
>>878171she'd probably try to bring that pedo pandering shit there and they'd kick her ass out.
In fact, Shayna would last one night, probably break some rules, barely dance, have asscne and then whine about how, "
toxic women" are and who they were jealous of her.
She may even bring up tumblr or pretend she is famous on the internet.
No. 878179
>>878160She's too lazy to do that. Thats too "regular"
I'm still shaking my head at the dumb bitches who are supposed to be "fans" and would rather watch her fail, fail and fail again, then her actually find a stable job.
It's not like she could'nt work a day job and sell nudes on the side for extra money.
These dumb bitches are half the reason why Shay's so mentally fucked, no one tells her to ever try anything new, it's always some ass kissing and back patting around the harsh truth.
Just like the "I'm special" shit she falls back on.Whenever someone says the obvious they are haters and want to see her fail.
but people telling her to legit keep going are truly laughing at her ass and/or as dumb as her.
No. 878180
>>878169I was going to comment she should strip. But then I remembered how much shay hates putting in effort, hates other women, and she dances like a broken flailing-arm-tube-man. Stripping/dancing requires a lot of energy and strength. And Shay got winded on the treadmill after 15 minutes.
She would be better off as a budtender or a bartender. But again- those jobs require effort.
No. 878182
>>878180It'd be so fucking good for her to just do that, she could dress tacky, meet people and just live a normal fucking life and STILL doesn't have to quit porn.
it's like it's all or nothing with her and pure laziness.
She's also NOT special,not in the way she thinks. It's not like people where she live thinks she's a celebrity or some shit.
She seems like she hides she does porn, maybe not to men who may think it's "Cool" because they want to fuck her.
She's not special online and since she wants to be special so bad, maybe if she worked somewhere, she could bring that pinky tacky shit to the workplace, then she'd stand out in an small enviroment and not be hurting herself.
No. 878222
>>878189Just makes me think back on when she recently retweeted some post that sadbuffoon girl made about how she sometimes wishes she could have a regular job like everyone else. And that people are sooo lucky that they get to go to work for eight hours and space out/do nothing until they go home and get a "easy" paycheck. Like, how out of touch can you be? kek.
>>878160Working a counter at a sex shop isn't an awful idea, it's basic retail and probably requires little to no skills. But she's also dumb as a rock and doesn't take care of her toys or know how to use lube, so there's that.
>>878184Imagine being as old of her with zero skills and zero experience. Also googling her legal name links back to all of her various lolcow threads, on the very first page of the search.
No. 878271
File: 1570630626956.png (1.25 MB, 1312x2048, Screenshot_20191009-071644.png)

Her Twitter is back and only has 9 followers k3k
No. 878274
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No. 878275
File: 1570631266277.png (1.06 MB, 982x2048, Screenshot_20191009-072557.png)

No. 878290
File: 1570634921273.jpg (20.9 KB, 581x246, Capture.JPG)

No. 878293
File: 1570635074466.jpg (51.8 KB, 574x469, fhfh.JPG)

No. 878294
File: 1570635100850.jpg (17.74 KB, 578x172, vv.JPG)

No. 878327
File: 1570642126043.jpg (43.71 KB, 589x349, Capture.JPG)

You can tell that even if Shay's close to a MRA, she's so used to be treating like shit from men, that the smallest acts of kindness given to her from a man always amazes her.
Or she just feels everyone's out to get her or jealous.
No. 878328
File: 1570642194892.jpg (34.01 KB, 592x486, jdjd.JPG)

No. 878349
File: 1570644763538.jpg (101.34 KB, 720x439, 20191009_111151.jpg)

Again, she always says she's editing multiple things, but like where??? What vids?? Her editing is the lowest tier splicing ever and that's all she does. Why isnt she posting more than one vid a month??
Also how long has she been talking about this fucking clown video?? People get bored of waiting and stop caring Shay, it doesn't build hype. Just put it out or don't. Dudes will move on and jack it to something else.
No. 878367
File: 1570646453114.jpg (73.98 KB, 1080x632, Screenshot_20191009-193942_Twi…)

Speaking of her possible herpes recently, she retweeted this.
No. 878385
>>878382Either shay is visting the thread or someone with herpes got offended kek.
Also nta but it is milky in the sense that it was discussed in the thread literal days before she retweeted a post about it after not mentioning her herpes for a long time. It just proves she lurks here
No. 878433
File: 1570657817752.jpg (Spoiler Image,180.17 KB, 750x1334, image0-19.jpg)

No. 878451
>>878327oh you mean like regular ppl who actually know how to responsibly spend their money? no mention of bills and lol at "for a while", which means she'll be begging tomorrow.
>>878441every time she brings her arms close to the camera i was horrified by whatever is all over that hoodie.
also she bought that dumb clown costume like two weeks ago and still hasn't made the video.
No. 878453
File: 1570661185404.jpg (423.78 KB, 1080x1141, Screenshot_20191009-174410_Twi…)

Please Shay
No. 878501
File: 1570669045860.jpeg (469.29 KB, 750x1099, 2D75CBFD-FE89-41CD-8548-3A7B8A…)

I cannot with that tag
No. 878502
File: 1570669113300.jpeg (199.99 KB, 750x1108, C2BC1D1E-0ECF-4957-91D5-6F4769…)

Flirting with the wannabe Fupa on tumblr
No. 878503
File: 1570669177513.jpeg (89.87 KB, 750x321, 0941E65F-13DF-44A3-AF14-FBC26E…)

That’s actually so pathetic, her tumblr has gotten shut down before but she got it back after a day
No. 878504
File: 1570669241449.jpeg (142.6 KB, 750x495, 99BAD5E5-E980-40E3-85E4-B4CAF8…)

It’s called common courtesy
No. 878523
File: 1570674658118.jpg (310.36 KB, 1078x1273, Screenshot_20191009-213056_Twi…)

No. 878544
>>878523posts like this really drive home the fact that she's isolated
She needs some people her age to talk to that don't want to fuck her, not like that'll ever happen of course
No. 878545
>>878542It’s SHAYNA not DOLLY.
Please stop revealing yourselves, newfags
No. 878546
>>878538Ugh I totally thought about this but I didn’t want to say anything because I personally find a bunch of the Fupa tinfoiling annoying. But why would he make it so obviously him? He is just as empty headed as Shay.
I don’t have tumblr so I can’t see the account.
No. 878548
>>878538If we are going to go down the fupa tinfoil rabbit hole, I don’t think shay and fupa ever parted ways. Wether or not they’re still romantically involved is another thing but they’ve both been far too quiet about the breakup for their emotional capacity. I think the reason he’s pretending it isn’t him is because he doesn’t want to be doxxed, he misses the tumblr fame and even tho shay has a hell of a time keeping accounts up he still clings to their
tumblR famus days and that’s exactly what every interaction between shay and this “letsplaymurder” smells like. It’s almost like we are back to last year watching them interact.
No. 878550
>>878538If we are going to go down the fupa tinfoil rabbit hole, I don’t think shay and fupa ever parted ways. Wether or not they’re still romantically involved is another thing but they’ve both been far too quiet about the breakup for their emotional capacity. I think the reason he’s pretending it isn’t him is because he doesn’t want to be doxxed, he misses the tumblr fame and even tho shay has a hell of a time keeping accounts up he still clings to their
tumblR famus days and that’s exactly what every interaction between shay and this “letsplaymurder” smells like. It’s almost like we are back to last year watching them interact.
No. 878565
>>878555>>878555I don’t think OP is saying they’re together, but it would make sense. Shay has no reason to be in Oklahoma, and handled that “break up” with far too much grace. They’ve both been extremely tight lipped about the whole thing, and when it all ended the first time they made it clear that it was due to some outside factor not wanting her around. I wouldn’t put it past it them to pretend. When they argue maybe fupa takes a few jabs on fb with those memes or stories about the “ex” and shay makes some sad tumblr posts about her ex.
I know there’s absolutely no milk here and it’s all tinfoil, but it is plausible and the new letsplaymurder page is a thinly veiled attempt at hiding who he is at best. He will slip up soon enough
No. 878569
>>878565Anon you are responding too-
I find it soo funny and sad, this grown ass man, cannot fight the urge to stay off of tumblr and get the attention, that if this is all true, he's just fucked everything up again or he's going too.
If thats him, thats probably the sorriest part to me. He has a job and kids, yet he wants to hang around literal teenagers and Shay on Tumblr.
He's the male version of Shay.
No. 878570
>>878565Wouldn’t it be the ultimate scam tho? Based on his snap story revealing he wanted to remake his biggest reason for deleting and not wanting to come back was that cowtippers doxxed his work. Recently on fb he said something about needing a haircut for an interview because he looked “bummy”
Maybe he lost his job? Or came extremely close and that’s why he managed to stay so quiet for so long. Shay and him tried to reconcile in Austin and something clearly happened to make the trip go awry.
If he’s saved face with his job or got a new job maybe he’s feeling bold. Fupa thrives on attention as much as shay does and they are a match made in heaven.
No. 878648
File: 1570720501774.png (763.24 KB, 1938x2048, Screenshot_20191010-081405.png)

We sure woke up cheery
No. 878650
>>878648Same shit different day, I bet she's in her discord trying to get her orbiters to bother people.
I love this because she's showing how drama filled she is.
And how much of a coward she is, she refuses to fucking ever call people out by name.
No. 878654
File: 1570721786624.jpeg (1.33 MB, 3024x4032, 9FD9B064-3FEC-4F61-9087-3E003C…)

ah yes the usual dirty morning picture and sperg, a classic
No. 878656
>>878654She always looks like she smells like hotdogs and her breath smells like baby shit.
She looks gross.
No. 878660
File: 1570722201123.jpeg (635.95 KB, 1125x1562, D2CAC93E-E17A-4D6E-A047-513491…)

>>878648here’s a continuation of that tweet
she’s seething every morning because literally everyone hates her
No. 878661
File: 1570722485847.png (388.63 KB, 2048x708, Screenshot_20191010-084723.png)

Full sperg
No. 878664
File: 1570722672644.png (104.18 KB, 1080x514, Screenshot_20191010-081627~2.p…)

Maybe this is what set her off? Idk
No. 878668
File: 1570723375524.png (673.65 KB, 1370x2048, Screenshot_20191010-090018.png)

Aaand more ft. Orbitor
No. 878669
>>878668Since October began this bitch has constantly started drama, along with this orbiter.
She must not have anyone to talk to, is she was here to make money, why does she care so much about what people say?
The dudes (the small amount their is) who want to buy her porn don't give a fuck about her drama, they just want fucking porn.
No. 878672
>>878648should have stopped tweeting at “why do i even bother”
why DO you even bother shayna
No. 878684
What has Shay ever done for other sexworkers? She has a friend with 100K followers that she could've done a collab with but Shayna was too fucking lazy to make it work. She had sexworkers take her under their wing, try to help her and she screwed it up.
She has about 3 or four bitches, who think they have something to gain (they don't) who defend her, but she barely retweets them.
Shayna only wants support but doesn't give it.Shayna is so fucking selfish and gives the bare minimum expecting others to give them her their all.
Her mark on the world, if she doesn't change, will be a tale of caution.
A story sexworkers use to warn newcomers.
Someone whose selfish, lazy, toxic, angry and who is harming herself & taking out her depression on everyone around her.
and she's not Nice or Friendly, we JUST saw how she spazzed out on that chick, but when she does something people aren't supposed to call it out and instantly forget it. It's only cancel culture, when it's being done to Shay, not when Shayna's doing it.
We are "SJW" and Toxic, but she can talk mega shit and not say sorry to the person she affected.
No. 878698
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I guess if you don't kiss Shay's ass 24/7, she has no need for you. This is why people don't bother to be nice to you, dumbass.(rule 5.3)
No. 878700
>>878694She's very
toxic and unhappy and projects that shit onto others.
Thats the biggest risk of interacting with Shay, she gets these idiots feeling bad or thinking they have something to gain, but she'll never do the same for you.
She uses people.
No. 878704
>>878702No, it's not.
> Do not alert a subject to their thread or take any other action to lead them to (cowtipping).Never once did I mention the threads nor the website. Reread the rules before you try calling someone out.
No. 878711
>>878701If you interact with a cow don’t come here
to tell us about it. It IS cowtipping and enjoy your ban I guess.
No. 878733
File: 1570731435180.jpg (57.86 KB, 631x594, fnfnf.JPG)

No. 878736
>>878733"talking to her personally" why does the goals always change for when people are able to dislike or criticize things Shayna does?
So we aren't allowed to judge her for old things, we aren't allowed to talk about the new things she does, now we have to talk to her (and probably get no response) before we make a fucking opinion?
Did Shayna talk to that girl about the picture she posted before putting her on blast??
fuck off you dumb orbiter. You'll never get a thread here and you are leeching off of someone who wouldn't do the same for you.
No. 878738
File: 1570731698917.jpg (24.77 KB, 585x205, ffjfj.JPG)

>>878733and also like clock work every single fucking time we talk about how selfish Shayna is or she starts drama she retweets something to try to make her look like she gives a fuck.
No. 878760
File: 1570736070114.png (478.24 KB, 2048x2014, Screenshot_20191010-123346.png)

Apparently she had more salt in her
No. 878767
>>878760Bitch relax lmao jfc she's really on one today. You don't have enough people or anyone really in your REAL life to even treat you like shit. Unless you're talking about the dudes you let raw fuck your ass and smack you around. But we all know you would neeeever talk about men like that.
Just all those internet bitches! They're the ones ruining your life! /s
Look in the mirror you dumb, delusional bitch lol.
No. 878773
File: 1570737717822.png (523.87 KB, 2048x1151, Screenshot_20191010-130130.png)

She's just on one today
No. 878774
>>878773"Why is everything to negative"
Focuses on the most negative shit, when she should be focusing on being a "bad Bitch" and money.
No. 878787
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No. 878806
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More toxic and overly aggressive behaviour from shayna and her ass-kissing orbiters
This thread of tweets is from her latest smoking video (the one where she can barely get her legs up… not even close to over her head)
No. 878813
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>>878806"I don't understand why no one likes me!! I'm literally like the sweetest, most positive person! Why does everyone treat me so horribly!!!!"
No. 878814
>>878806She's such a femcel, notice how she always makes sure to add gender when it's a female.
Also, I'm so sick of these orbiters constantly defending her, do they not have lives and jobs to do? All they do all day is hang under dirty Shay making sure no one fucks with her.
it makes them look like assholes and drama-filled, not good.
No. 878817
The ditsy bitch and the gummi girl follow her around all day and only comment on negative shit hope they are being paid for it!
No. 878818
>>878814They so badly want that lolcow clout.
But also, I think these girls are just dumb and naive and don’t realize that she has her actual father to fall on for money. And that she’s not as successful as she like to make people think she is. Shay is literally the definition of the worst friend. So the only reason she has orbiters is because they want something from her.
She knows this. It’s why she bitches all day long. You are what you attract. And you’re not a good person shay. So you’ll never attract good people.
No. 878819
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except you make MAYBE one video a month. so I guess shes just talking about other sw'ers, not herself because this in no way aplies to our shaynasty.
No. 878821
>>878818This is very
valid in the fact that she likely pretends her dad doesnt send her half her bill money every month and just says she makes it herself lol
No. 878823
>>878819Nah, people on youtube do this shit all the time in VLOGS, I even know someone who burps on youtube. Yall bitches are NOT special nor creative.
As I said, I know females who are fully clothed on twitch and make what you make in a week in a day.
No. 878825
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Why would you tweet this?
No. 878831
>>878823Shay lacks any kind of personality to be a successful twitch streamer or YouTuber.
That’s why she’s in a revolving cycle as a failing sex worker.
No. 878834
>>878831For some reason she thinks she's so interesting that if you put a camera on her people will flock.
Again, Shayna just thinks her existing means she deserves shit she doesn't.
No. 878844
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didnt she try to say she shaved her head coz she got raped? lol
No. 878850
>>878844What?? People have been rocking half-shaved hair for years and getting shit shaved in your head isn't fucking "out there" the shit has been a thing for fucking years.
What is this dummy talking about?
No. 878853
>>878844>>878850Same anon-
Lol, "Creep people out"
No. 878859
>>878858seriously this reads like something from, r/imverybadass.
"I shaved my head" "i got something shaved in my head, so weird, so creepy!!"
No. 878861
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It's already on the internet Shay. People can just Google you and see it
No. 878875
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No. 878892
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No. 878918
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No. 878920
>>878918It sounds like she's talking to herself, kek.
Also that stuff is disgusting, plus it's caffiene and liquor. It's an upper too which means her brain is going to be running wild. I can't wait for the milk.
No. 878923
>>878922Not to get too OT but some b/c works better for others. Not really a one size fits all kind of drug.
>>878918Seems like something that would give you the shits. Enjoy I guess?