File: 1570851424562.png (1 MB, 980x927, 20191011_223020.png)

No. 879344
File: 1570852156100.png (Spoiler Image,410.6 KB, 596x581, image 3.png)

Who is she pandering to with this shit?
No. 879407
File: 1570898090946.jpeg (1.55 MB, 3464x3464, C376F495-357D-478C-BE8B-7EB2F6…)

OP really did a shit job on the tread but here’s a crash course for the anons who didn’t keep up with the Erin sperg in the egirl thread
Social medias:
IGs @puppygrl (main) @poutypet (“petre”) @pocketsizee
Twitters: @pwurrs (main) @poutypet (“body” account)
Tumblr: @strawbberies
> delusional18/19 year old agere/”petre” wannabe kawaiigrl
> serial photoshopper + copycat + liar
> claims to be anti ddlg/pet play/kink yet calls her bf daddy and posts lewd content on her second accounts
> claims “petre” is non sexualized petplay yet has posted petplay content on her poutypet twitter
> lurks hardcore, it’s speculated that she has posted in the egirl thread
> cries about deleting and suicide every time she gets called out on her actions, never does it because she loves the attention
No. 879413
>>879407Thanks anon, OP's intro sucked ass
Sage for no contriboot
No. 879443
>>879407Lol holy shit that photoshop
Thanks for the decent intro
No. 879459
File: 1570911993121.jpeg (69.75 KB, 748x365, 84108030-84A0-421E-B56F-07DAC5…)

>>879413>>879443No problem, someone had to do it. Here’s some more info, I didn’t want to spam so I’ll just link the posts
Some of Erins copycat behavior
>>866897>>868673The girls reactions about Erin copying them
>>866906>>866909More ddlg drama
>>867140>>867141>>867155>>878183>>878510Pic related is Erin unedited. She hides and edits her nose the most, I’m sure you all can figure out why
No. 879464
>>879459she says she has lost a lot of weight, which i do believe, but i dont think shes lost as much as she tries to display being an uwu tiny girl? i feel like she uses a lot of angles/editing to seem smaller.
i just overall feel really bad for her because shes not helping herself and neither are her parents. shes my age yet has never had a job, isnt going to school, and just sits home playing final fantasy with guys she online dates for a week. its a depressing path, and its clear she already struggles with mental illness yet isnt trying at all or working toward getting help. and maybe the reason she is this way is because shes so spoiled, but i hope she gets a reality check. these online people dont care about her and pandering to horny guys who will only be kind to her to get off is exactly what she is against yet its all she sits home doing.
No. 879468
>>879464she’s definitely spoiled, she comes from a very well off family and her mother does nothing but enable her behaviors. It’s not just the weight, she’s 5’5, the American average but still she tries so desperately tries to be ~*uwu smol*~ and if anyone doesn’t kiss her ass about it she’ll act like a crybaby
She might be mentally ill, but it doesn’t excuse most of her behavior. Personally I don’t think she’s as sick as she claims, she just desperate for attention and throws a temper tantrum when she doesn’t get what she wants
No. 879473
>>879468yeah i dont think shes as sick as she claims nor do i think she can excuse most of her behavior with it either aside from maybe some things giving her anxiety/having an ED (she used to post all about eating "1 apple a day" to be skinnier. that being said though i think shes more than aware of even these minor excuses to not get better or try and get help so i dont know why shed complain so often when she isnt doing anything to fix it?
but i guess it all comes back to just being spoiled and not having any responsibility. she used to be terribly mean too, mostly to anyone who tried to help her or give her advice. not sure if shes still like that.
No. 879518
>>879468think I even recall her saying she was 5’6 one time? she uses angles and mirrors to make her look shorter
>> 879368and she uploaded this CRINGE “audio” to twitter of her moaning and whimpering like a child but deleted it because it was “too much.” I was soooo disgusted. She constantly sexualizes acting like a child, but claims she’s against dd/lg and has the AUDACITY to call out other people when she’s doing the exact same thing. Can’t stand her tbh
No. 879760
File: 1571008368555.png (34.93 KB, 602x357, imagee.png)

Who is she trying to fool? She only mentions "body updates" when it's convenient. I don't think posting almost nudes on Twitter = body updates.
No. 879769
File: 1571010490847.png (475.14 KB, 798x549, 000.png)

>makes YT videos and tumblr rant posts about how nymphet fashion was ruined by creepers and itz not sexual u guiz!
>also calls it jfashion but that's apparently different from nymphet fashion
>also poses in provocative poses on IG
>flaunts her "yaeba vampire fangs" like its speshul
>e-begs hoping to get sponsorships and win giveaways
>somehow living in japan now
No. 879775
File: 1571013235695.png (117.27 KB, 597x1200, image(1).png)

>>879760Someone "called" her out, and this was her response.
No. 879801
File: 1571018991699.jpg (299.25 KB, 1080x1207, Screenshot_20191013-220407_Twi…)

>>879760The whole "body updates" thing is gross af anyway. just say you want that sweet sweet pedo attention and be done with it, stop with the wannarexic baiting shit. It looks like most of the comments are gone now (and I think she edited the caption?) but when she first posted this vid of herself squeezed into children's underwear a TON of the comments were telling her the post had a fucked up tone and needed an ED
trigger warning. You'd think as someone "woke" always going on about how bad ddlg and kink is, she'd realize how much her shit resembles a wannarexic IG acc that might upset her fellow uwu soft gurls. Obviously she's not underweight, but she's clearly fishing for those "noooo ur so smol" comments. despite the fact that she's skinnyfat and looks like she's never worked out a day in her life lol
No. 879808
File: 1571022308432.jpeg (139.05 KB, 746x1086, 1BFC5C5E-0461-40F3-9837-60DF85…)

>>879801some dude commented this on a pic of her body KEK
No. 880224
File: 1571114010904.png (383.02 KB, 590x588, imageee.png)

I guess body positivity is sharing photos of your ass to the internet now.
No. 880251
File: 1571119713006.png (695 KB, 640x1136, 8B8CDED0-1C43-4FFF-AE76-A89556…)

>>879341Erin’s nose is so big and she always shoops it to look small and slopey she also has a longer face than she naturally edits
No. 880258
File: 1571121408781.jpeg (232.16 KB, 640x600, 46D4AC24-C489-44D1-804C-B301B4…)

>>879801“ur so tiny you don’t need to lose weight, you petite loli you’re totally not beefy and average heighted”
No. 880407
>>880258Holy shit that's what her face looks like? Lolllll the shooping shes doing is maximum tier
Weight loss aside, damn her features are busted. That nose and flat lips. She looks like someone's mom, puts the whole loli thing into perspective lmao
No. 880468
File: 1571169340835.jpeg (255.28 KB, 750x777, 1401B27D-97FA-4B30-8A8E-D5DF8A…)

i’m guessing erin broke up with with her final fantasy daddy of the week since she’s been tweeting about how she’s always abandoned
also she is the most confusing since she’s so desperate for male attention and centers her entire twitter presence around being pedobait wittle loli uwuuuu (the replies to this tweet are so funny because her loser orbiters are getting their fee fees hurt)
No. 880490
hell, kek. Can you imagine going to meet her, and thinking she's going to be a tiny kawaii uwu bean, and then that strolls up?
My only question is why?
No. 880515
File: 1571176641310.png (51.66 KB, 528x336, Untitled.png)

>>880258I can see why she freaks out about pic related as a compliment now
No. 880542
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>>880258 this is erin around 2017 when she was pretending to be an italian girl
No. 880549
File: 1571180049048.jpg (119.79 KB, 1151x2048, D9YuewJXsAA_Gr9.jpg)

>>880542Now shes trying so hard look like a child
No. 880602
>>880549The only reason she tries to look “Loli” is because she probably wasn’t getting any attention from regular guys, I’m not saying every girls image is based off of the fact that they want attention from guys (or girls) but most girls are lucky enough to just get that without even really trying. (When you go out dressed normally, but still get hit on) Erin has an goblin assface so she probably has to go the extra mile to appeal to some guys that are degenerate af and lowkey pedo by making herself all “ugu so smol!!! :oo uwu” toddler wannabe. her body is ok for an adult woman but it doesn’t match her loli image she try’s so hard for. Her face is undeniably very very ugly, and her personality is so clingy and attention seeking she is always craving validation and playing
victim if people call her out she considers it an attack so even neck beards will only put up with that for so long hence why she has a new one every other week
this poor womanchild
No. 880638
File: 1571191268124.jpeg (213.23 KB, 640x839, D8B6B3AA-7BF4-4081-8DF4-92FD9A…)

>>880612It’s grainy from being live and screenrecorded but this is her from when she had those glasses not off guard
No. 880707
File: 1571195257122.webm (5.68 MB, 640x360, wittle babie erin!! (1).webm)
>>880638i remember that account posted a landmine of of erin milk but then started crying about it so they archived it but i remember the first video from this set
the lana tease…….
No. 880752
File: 1571208599271.png (268.1 KB, 589x635, 1.png)

She's already started some drama. Glad to see she's copying people again. She took someone's header too.
No. 880760
File: 1571210870032.jpeg (896.08 KB, 3464x3464, 6A36425B-AC28-44CF-AB51-17F5D5…)

>>880752Erin steals posts and art sooo much because she has no personality
No. 880810
>>880781And it's seems to attract a lot of underaged posters (samefag?)
>you stole muh tweet!Wtf is that new concept? Tweet isn't some form of fine art lmfao
No. 880855
>>880638 >>880542
so how old is erin actually? did she say on her old accounts? i saw doubting that she's actually 18 and these pictures confirm it
No. 880902
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>>880855The most proof is to just take her word for it her age has been consistent when she was 17, she said she was 17
No. 881188
File: 1571301443674.png (338.75 KB, 603x560, pic.png)

And again…
No. 881306
>>881188Shes faking gifts? FUCKING KEK that's so embarrassing
I'd love to see someone DM her claiming they bought it for her
No. 881527
File: 1571356550797.png (46.9 KB, 599x515, m.png)

Guess she's already started her "why do people come after me :(((" act.
No. 881528
File: 1571356587543.png (37.5 KB, 600x355, photoshop.png)

>>881527Plus this because a few people were posting her old photos under her tweets.
No. 881546
>>881528“Actually makes me happy”
>going priv for a lil bit Mkay Erin
Also there are tons of wks and simps in her comments feeding into her delusion that she’s such a precious little kitten and she ignores all of them
But someone posts an old pic of her and she has a mental breakdown online if you can’t handle the heat stay out of the kitchen why would anyone with such a frail state of mind even make a nsfw Twitter
No. 881550
>>881546Of course she's doing it all for attention. She'll either be back on in a couple of hours or a day. It's obvious she's pissed because people now know she doesn't look like a ~presh lil kitten bby~ like her photoshops make her out to be, but an ugly, beady eyed trash rat.
>>881544Sage your autism
No. 881558
File: 1571359809812.png (307.81 KB, 640x1136, 6095991F-D640-4A51-BF15-2D1E1B…)

>>881188She blocked the girl who commented that?
No. 881574
File: 1571361941091.png (73.78 KB, 594x803, lx.png)

>>881558You can still find some of the convo through her replies.
No. 881577
File: 1571362508256.png (63.47 KB, 592x552, aaaaa.png)

She replied to this as well, yet isn't she doing the exact same thing?
>>881550 called it, she's already back off private.
No. 881591
File: 1571364356838.jpeg (279.15 KB, 640x881, DF701E33-7A14-48A9-8163-59764C…)

>>879801>>879341Sage for nitpick but she’s kinda pudgy looking in this pic but in other pics is skinny
No. 881594
File: 1571365040629.jpeg (140.41 KB, 319x550, 30A3B7E7-F5A0-4D43-B6D0-27B1AA…)

>>879341imagine making a nsfw account and talking about your mental health only for your simps to say stuff like this
No. 881604
>>881591I don't understand why she would post so many pics that would make her look stick thin and then post this, which makes her look average sized, if not slightly chunky. Also thinking about the fact that this face
>>880258 is what's cropped out of this pic is laugh worthy
>>881600Not really, she just seems like another one of the average cutesy ddlg-type girls. I think it's funny she called Erin out on her bullshit, even if the whole "copying tweets" argument may seem a lil petty
No. 881665
File: 1571394189980.jpg (196.38 KB, 1044x757, SmartSelect_20191018-031841_Ch…)

She claims to not be ddlg but this is from a ddlg hentai (onichichi 2)
No. 881716
File: 1571412623979.jpg (42.74 KB, 500x375, tumblr_cb30f98a2c0433a6c706e7d…)

>>879769This girl is quite annoying, she's adamant about desexualisation of lolita, but then makes edits like pic posted. She says stuff like "I don't mind posting my weight but pro ana blogs might feel bad about it", like that is just some backhanded way to compliment yourself.
No. 882149
>>881665Uggghhhh this is so gross, how tf does she think shit like this is okay? Also pretty funny though considering she’s regularly getting dumped by her online final fantasy boyfriends and has no friends or bf potential in person and is always bawwwing abt it kek
Sage for no contriboot
No. 882271
File: 1571508270090.jpeg (142.29 KB, 750x894, 0213B470-6BC8-4A37-83A1-7925F3…)

>>882149honestly whenever she tweets stuff like this it’s like whom are you talking about you only have final fantasy boyfriends for a week
also put sage in the email field next time
No. 882437
File: 1571538335854.png (35.93 KB, 595x360, petre.png)

Isn't she into petre too? Why is she trying to justify her gross pedo-baiting. "I age regress!! Don't make it sexual!! But I'll sexual my pet regression uwu"
No. 882557
File: 1571582853156.jpeg (464.39 KB, 1125x2436, ABFF0B07-E8DD-4957-B819-2E8BC4…)

>>882437Yes, which is funny considering she went on a sperg about only being petre on her Instagram story not too long ago, pic related. She wants to make people believe everything she does is due to regression and not sexualized but her “body twitter” says otherwise. It’s been a kink account from start.
No. 882584
File: 1571589983568.jpeg (140.95 KB, 747x844, 29CF836A-D64A-4933-836A-793A20…)

>>882557bitches just want an excuse to sexualize children and then claim it’s “to cope with trauma”
it’s obvious her “body update” account is just for attention because all the photos are lewd and very ~aesthetic~ but please don’t sexualize her she’s just a babie :((( pictures of her ass are not sexual :((( i know she posted lewd photos of herself but don’t sexualize her :(((
>pls don’t sexualize me when i post lewds No. 882585
File: 1571590325045.jpeg (219.22 KB, 1280x720, BAAE4023-EF11-4BD2-B4D9-3DBD5F…)

>>882584more proof of erin being called out by people for posting so many lewds while claiming to be ~~so unsexual uwuuu~
ever since she made her kink account she’s stayed on there so it’s obvious she loves her beta orbiter attention (her reply guys are so cringe tho i don’t know how she enjoys it)
also erin got dumped again by a nsfw twitter “”dom”” so hopefully we get some good sperging, has anyone kept a count of how many times she’s been dumped recently (i’m at 4)
No. 882718
File: 1571616862937.jpeg (Spoiler Image,395.28 KB, 828x1311, E341EF33-0297-4289-B96A-B0B5E6…)

“Here’s my boobs!! Also don’t sexualise me!!!” Plus the gross pedo talk with them being so “small and cute”. I think she has a size complex, especially with her being a very average height.
No. 882720
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>>882718her body shape is reminiscent of pic related kek
No. 882727
File: 1571618586968.jpeg (221.86 KB, 750x678, 26213FFF-5AEC-40F4-A8D5-6F56C9…)

>>882718her size kink coupled with her being like “my agere is unsexual uwu i’m wittle babie” is concerning like….it does not add up just say you love to bait pedophiles and get over it
No. 882739
File: 1571619485431.jpeg (195.07 KB, 750x606, 366FE2EB-5136-4952-B676-070093…)

>>882730pls don’t say that word please only refer to it at the you know what
>give it 2 weeks and she will post it. she used to say she wouldn’t ever have a nsfw twitter (even tho she would constantly post underage lewds on her old spam) and here we are No. 882761
File: 1571624958021.gif (2.51 MB, 350x200, bitch what the fuck.gif)

>>882584>>882585>>882718>>882727>>882739she's already posted a gif of her humping a pillow she might as well
No. 882916
File: 1571678631003.jpeg (Spoiler Image,134.49 KB, 1280x720, 205EF163-18D1-4FE0-9E7B-5B92C4…)

these two tweets were tweeted less than 24 hours apart LOL I AM CACKLING AT HOW DUMB SHE IS
>inb4 she says her nudes with hello kitty right near her nipple are not sexual
but again erin loves calling other people out for shit she does and acts so uwu confused :/ when people call her out
No. 882941
>>882916Oh my GOD she really did that lmao
I mean we knew she had cognitive dissonance from the whole “don’t sexualize my pictures they’re just body checks” (as if that’s better??? and then posting a vid of herself humping a pillow
No. 882953
>>882739Fucking disgusting. She's baiting pedos so hard. Can't believe there are girls/women that want to do this for asspats.
>>882941…any proof of the pillow thing? That's both hilarious and disturbing if true. Why wpuld you post something like that?
No. 882958
File: 1571686652786.jpeg (225.26 KB, 640x661, 9FBC5FEC-A772-4BA2-9B42-8CEE15…)

>>882953I’m not sure if this is it, she’s not jumping a pillow but flailing her goblina hips around
No. 882960
File: 1571686743523.jpeg (67.85 KB, 640x327, 2C86A657-3154-4970-A663-1247F8…)

Remember she responded to ppl like this instead of “Owo nooo….. can I block you so we can’t communicate I feel bwad!!! Hhhh :c”
No. 882965
>>879341>>882727>>882271Does anyone have the screenshot of Erin saying she’d sit on her gamer bf’s lap while he plays games, be a gamer gf, and cook for him and be smol and
It was when she used her Instagram @pwurring obviously she deleted it because she caught on to how stupid it was but omgg that was so “pick me”
@qwertyegirl posted it Before they turned into some MGTOW page and a girl named cinder ran it/made fun of ethots
No. 882980
File: 1571688508847.jpeg (Spoiler Image,329.74 KB, 750x917, 1C28A29F-7DB6-4EA9-AA4A-C3EB67…)

>>882953she has a video of her on her twitter profile
but i remember this
>>882958she posted it on her spam account with that caption and she was like thrusting her hips in the air in the direction of her care bear and everyone in the comments told her how weird it was and how it made them feel uncomfortable. those spam “exposing/tea” accounts spread it and she received so much hate she deactivated her spam account (which led to her making the instagram she uses now)
so basically she just moved to nsfw twitter so reply guys and daddy doms can endlessly praise her because she didn’t like how her spam following (mostly girls) would call her out
No. 883040
File: 1571693130486.jpeg (225.6 KB, 1114x1879, 79B5EF57-9AC7-4669-860E-6AECF4…)

>>882958No, she posted it to her kink twitter recently. I don’t recognize this IG, is it an old or deleted acc?
I’m honestly surprised she posted it bc it reveals how square her shape actually is and that her waist isn’t unusually slender, she’s just average and not toned at all going by the back squish lol. she just shoots it from the side, where everyone appears thinnest, and not from the back like this (and she probably shoops, idk.)
(nitpick ) No. 883063
File: 1571696487128.jpeg (231.82 KB, 828x1301, E78A9314-C09A-464E-8E24-5F3C58…)

She’s having a “:(((( I’m so sorry I don’t know what I did wrong” freak out again.
No. 883075
>>883064She is not trying to make friends with her nsfw acc idk who she thinks she’s fooling that acc is just to get attention from weirdo men and kinky lesbo orbiters she doesn’t even like or interact with the people who compliment her it’s just a public Erin ass shrine.
>>883040Yeah she had @kittygjrl, @pwurring and @pocketsizee and now it’s @puppygrl on instagram
No. 883085
File: 1571699961133.jpeg (178.8 KB, 750x575, 8AA20049-C46F-4751-A311-8EB829…)

>>883075>hey guys just joined kink nsfw twitter because i just want girlfriends hehe don’t hit on me silly boys hehe u-unless? o.oalso guess she will be challenging herself and posting pictures of her you know what soon
she can’t put this challenging herself in to literal anything else like ? getting a job? going back to school? going to therapy? ANYTHING to actually benefit her since she is 19 and has been a NEET for the past 3 years at least? nope she will just continue to pity herself forever and sit in her room all day to take nudes for her daddies uwu
No. 883101
File: 1571701757844.jpeg (330.73 KB, 750x845, D72BED25-4D31-4FB0-8507-AC2035…)

>>883063I want to know the kind of mental gymnastics that goes on in her head.
Think anon earlier was right, this girl’s brain is just full of rot.
No. 883122
File: 1571704373521.jpeg (186.95 KB, 640x713, D5FD7C29-1314-49EA-A8F1-8E279B…)

She’s bragging and pandering to her orbiters about how she’s “just like a hentai moan uwu” and then to make it seem like she isn’t bragging she’s trying to seem all “insecure about it”
No. 883124
File: 1571705295343.jpeg (419.71 KB, 750x932, E9FE08C4-B2CF-4C1C-917C-2FC9FE…)

the instagram account @erinpainterr has been posting old pics of erin for a few years now. this “body posi” shit has been going on for years now. she has had a lot more instagram accounts than before kittygjrl and the way she gets shunned out of every community is similar to sssniperwolf.
No. 883137
>>883122How can she say her images are bodi posi and then be talking about what her "moans" sound like
Does she even know what bodiposi means?
No. 883178
File: 1571718635737.jpeg (300.21 KB, 750x764, 4D658089-577C-4207-A235-5DF427…)

girls who are too innocent and shy for nsfw twitter post nudes on their kink accounts yes that makes perfect sense
No. 883183
>>883101if she were a troll she'd be perfectly executed. Too bad she's legitimately retarded but more milk for us.
The shit she says is so unnecessary and annoying like
>>883178 and the uguu cute pink pussy comment. She's a classic cow with her cognitive dissonance, cringe, and selective memory and I love it.
No. 883186
File: 1571720471808.jpg (340.08 KB, 810x1170, IMG_20191022_130052.jpg)

"Too innocent n shy uwu"
No. 883189
File: 1571721528421.jpeg (302.71 KB, 1124x2206, 6ACB5D58-6C52-4131-A8DA-BE29C7…)

anyone saw the #angelgang stuff….
idrk but from what i can gathered Suri (@softbabyhearts) is a narcissist megalomaniac who manipulates ppl into joining her 'gang' and worship and praise her.
i'm posting screenshots from the call out post in a bit.
No. 883190
File: 1571721624270.jpeg (983.27 KB, 1125x2199, E5C637B7-0708-4376-B684-141AFB…)

1/5 she also does the Erin thing where she mixes ddlg and agere
No. 883191
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No. 883192
File: 1571721803247.jpeg (361.72 KB, 1124x2201, E0C8887D-C17A-4583-8CD1-AAB4E7…)

No. 883193
File: 1571721945684.jpeg (383.46 KB, 1124x2205, 230FE91E-1208-430C-ADB8-725896…)

No. 883204
>>883178She probably thinks she's not like the other girls of nsfw twitter uwu all those other sluts
>>883189Damn I remember this chick. She's cuter than the other DDLGs but there's something really off and unsettling about her. Any more deets?
No. 883222
File: 1571733412135.png (416.96 KB, 592x582, b9c566932fca20f9618e34.png)

She's posting totally-not-ddlg content on her nsfw twitter. Totally innocent guys!!!
No. 883226
File: 1571735938918.png (463.8 KB, 381x630, Untitled.png)

These DDLG uwu girls always come from a pampered background. No wonder they latch onto whatever, despite how cringey, to avoid working and becoming a responsible adult. It must be exhausting to be the partner since you're basically taking care of a literal child who doesn't do shit.
No. 883261
File: 1571754634070.jpeg (616.59 KB, 3464x2251, E2520BFA-59EC-47CE-899C-945781…)

found a few of erins old accounts. The usernames are pretty similar to some other Ig/tumblr girls, I guess she’s always been a skinwalker
No. 883285
File: 1571761029198.jpg (260.43 KB, 836x913, IMG_20191023_001524.jpg)

The attention-seeking is insane. She keeps posting about how its sooo cute but she wishes she wasnt so shy. For someone who doesnt want to post her genitals, she sure wont shut up about them.
No. 883296
File: 1571762814413.jpeg (788.49 KB, 2896x2896, image.jpeg)

How many emails does this chick have?
No. 883300
File: 1571763647915.jpeg (444.33 KB, 750x876, 1CA716CD-71F1-41D1-B2A8-40EC65…)

>>8832853 pussy tweets in the past 24 hour period and that’s not even counting the other tweets girl just post it and go
also funny how she changed the “18” in all her bios to “18+” (she never had 18+ in her bios but she did have dni minors), she really just doesn’t want to admit she’s not a “barely legal 18 year old babie uwuuu”
No. 883301
>>883297Seconding this. With that personality I can't imagine she has a lot of legitimate fans. I'm surprised she has as many followers as she does.
>>883300What is she even looking for here? Validation? I give it a max of two weeks of no one asking before she posts her roast beef vag because of "high demand uwu"
No. 883315
>>883301>>883300Erin is hideous progeria looking goblina who panders to pedos and tries to be so ugu babie widdle bergina tiny and pink :ooo
It doesn’t matter if she’s got the prettiest most flowery vag or some dark ugly curtains or even a
shudders jailbait loli looking one she’s got
>>880258 as a face and imagine bragging about how your vagina looks when ur face is about as pretty as one
I felt so gross typing that out imagine wanting your private area to be similar looking to a child she’s so disgusting
No. 883317
File: 1571767428181.jpeg (202.72 KB, 640x518, 595A6225-DFD3-4CD7-9BF8-EF06DB…)

“Look at window uwu”
She just gotta show them unimpressive average ass thighs off tho
No. 883322
>>883313one of her exes asked her if she is and ever since then she’s amped up her social unawareness (probably because she realized that every weeb neckbeard would worship her more if she was an uwu autistic loli) so i believe she’s just really dumb and hasn’t hung out with anyone irl for the past 3 years since she dropped out so her brain is just rotten from being online 24/7. she didn’t used to be like this even a year and a half ago so i think she just wants to be treated like a baby forever with no responsibilities but who knows she may actually be autistic
sage for armchair psychiatry
>tldr she is just extremely immature and doesn’t want to be an adult No. 883331
File: 1571769610348.jpeg (428.58 KB, 828x1667, 4BC7836D-4D10-4325-8093-893DF0…)

its scary shes had so many personality changes
No. 883337
>>883334Nta, but this was her ex ‘slip’ (@slipls) (he was a ffxiv ddlg eboy as far as i know), and he dmed her friend on instagram saying that he thought she was autistic. She proceeded to post the screenshots of their conversation on her story instead of directly confronting him, but then deleted it all when she forgave him because nobody else would give her the attention she deserved.
She blocked him on everything a month or so later, because apparently she ‘wasn’t sexual enough for him’, again posting it on her instagram story for everyone to know.
No. 883340
File: 1571771141236.jpeg (230.86 KB, 1080x1317, 3FB939C9-EBA2-4ABD-A196-848331…)

Any milk on @ang3lthigh?
No. 883346
>>883331I like how her body went so drastically from Instagram baddie to uwu loli
She just shoops it to whatever phase she’s in
>>880258 is the most accurate pic of her body
No. 883390
File: 1571777000730.jpg (214.7 KB, 1080x1029, Screenshot_20191022_144040.jpg)

Imagine this hobgoblin posting about her uwu tiny pink pussy
And I know lolcows meme is noses and nasolabial folds but christ thats an actual potato on her face. No wonder she shoops so heavily. Wonder if she could give me lessons kek
No. 883433
>>883422you really underestimate the power of photo editing apps, especially the super overdone uguu chinese ones these degenerates use. you literally change your entire fucking face with a couple of taps on the screen. and whatever few weeb orbiters these people might have are too stupid/horny
yes, anime pedos will whack it to literally anything that acts like a "loli" to notice/care about it so they really honestly think/delude themselves these women are uwu lewd loli goddessu, kek.
No. 883445
File: 1571781857741.jpg (179.09 KB, 1080x1062, Screenshot_20191022_160331.jpg)

our little shooped chola-chans 78th face.
No. 883469
File: 1571783942815.jpg (163.69 KB, 534x951, TDmWpGN.jpg)

No. 883484
File: 1571784830074.jpg (296.63 KB, 1080x1233, Screenshot_20191022_165246.jpg)

>>883469"please asspat me to stay guis!!"
OK nose-chan. everyone knows it's an empty threat lol. Hasn't she threatened to delete a billion times now?
No. 883493
>>883469she hates her instagram because people call her out and she isn’t surrounded by her orbiters and cringy reply guys
her twitter followers have no idea who she really is lol
No. 883527
File: 1571792091776.jpg (450.07 KB, 850x1555, 20191022_200601.jpg)

It still gets me that this is the face that's connected to all of her kawaii aesthetic uwu pictures.
No. 883556
File: 1571800571124.png (1.88 MB, 1372x1372, 6E9B02A9-E945-46FE-B60B-467431…)

erin currently getting called out on instagram , providing screenshots of the entire post
No. 883559
File: 1571801018823.png (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 1372x1372, AC5A7997-3AFF-45E9-B07C-432A6F…)

>>883558>>883556 3/3
also it included proof of her interacting with ddlg accounts when claiming to be “dni ddlg!!1!1!1”
No. 883563
File: 1571801906555.png (52.56 KB, 597x526, 6b9396841a21bfa.png)

Surely she's not THIS dumb? You're literally exposing your nsfw twitter to more minors and people who don't want to see it.
No. 883565
File: 1571802238372.png (324.59 KB, 1914x832, erin.png)

>>883300>>883556>>883317I'm not a big Twitter user– what happened here? The handle is the same, yet the join date is earlier?
Purposefully unsaged, in case this is milk.
No. 883571
File: 1571802761864.png (281.64 KB, 1270x1252, shypurr.png)

>>883569>>883570Thank you. This seems to clear it up.
No. 883574
File: 1571803197307.jpeg (272.03 KB, 750x1003, 9F4F88B2-7D8C-4857-8115-8A5757…)

>>883571the person with the username claims that erin knew they owned that @ already
i don’t understand if this girl is just super manipulative and snaky or dumb? probably both
No. 883591
>>883574Damn private accounts. Does she say more about her history with Erin? Not sure if sugarfangs and dwainty are talking out of their ass or not. It does seem suspicious that Erin just gave up her Twitter handle for any rando Instagrammer.
"Shypurr" sounds like a pun on "diaper." Hilarious if she didn't notice.
No. 883611
File: 1571816249491.jpeg (176.33 KB, 640x418, 4F96B962-4730-4C19-B53F-906DA7…)

She always talks about her “trauma” but what exactly is this? Isn’t age regression also a symptom and coping mechanism? I’m sorry idk much about mental health but I’m pretty sure she’s doing something wrong
No. 883618
File: 1571818191149.jpeg (87.85 KB, 828x1109, 750C80A7-578C-4058-BB37-5C41F5…)

someone made an instagram exposing her she still has the pic in her tagged photos loll
No. 883656
File: 1571835848141.png (48.77 KB, 607x514, d89e2774b938c9e760.png)

Bottom to top, sorry for the shit screenshot. She's playing the "uwu im a baby dont b mean im crying !!!!" card again.
No. 883657
>>883621Tbh I've found most girls suffering from childhood trauma(especially sexual) just become camgirl alt girls or ana-chans. These ~agere~ girls are just rich girls whose parents don't pay attention to them and whose friends don't see them as interesting or remarkable enough to claim as a best friend. They also likely don't have any talents of passions that motivate them to go to college so age regression is insanely appealing.
It's not childhood trauma. They're butthurt about their parents never spoiling them and being disappointed over how mediocre they are. Agere is just an excuse to get attention for acting 5 years old, something they feel they can't fail.
(armchair) No. 883729
File: 1571851488714.jpeg (283.94 KB, 640x635, 3717F89A-6A55-454A-960D-54D12B…)

Le erin orbiter seeing her real face vs her online persona
No. 883737
>>883733She claims she is 5’5”
The average height is 5’4”
I wouldn’t be surprised if she was taller and lying about her height to pander to pedos
No. 883882
>>883603to the shock of many people into age regression act like entitled brats.
The worst part is I have never seen a kid so spoiled and sheltered that they would behave like this on a public platform.
No. 883943
File: 1571876163714.png (114.01 KB, 640x1136, D6990E3C-C5E7-42B9-9E11-7A8F21…)

What is this about was there some drama? Or is she lurking here?
No. 884032
File: 1571889869291.jpg (175.66 KB, 1080x1080, PicsArt_10-24-12.03.18.jpg)

Girl is obsessed with likes. Jesus Christ.
No. 884043
>>883943>uwu muh imaginary traumaand then posts shit like this
>>884032>shy lil babieyeah, totally traumatized and not at all fetishizing pedophilia. confirms that she really just gets off on this and found a convenient excuse in "i was totally abused and that's why i ~age regress~ uwuu" like all of these ddlg weebs who don't want to quit larping anime child porn storylines. no amount of hello kitty posting and crytyping is going to prove any of us otherwise, stop trying erin, just admit you're a pedo already.
No. 884049
File: 1571894419185.jpeg (889.48 KB, 1080x2103, 727764956887117_20191024_00174…)

she pulls the same shit every goddamn day
No. 884105
File: 1571918979948.jpeg (251.49 KB, 750x938, 8637E016-0901-424E-A135-9B25FF…)

Considering when this photo was reposted, she would have been 17 at the very most (it may have been originally posted much before the reupload though.) Erin claims that she just turned nineteen but she was in college at 17 or under? I know that it’s possible to be in college that early but it’s suspicious coming from a girl who dropped out of high school because of ~muh anxiety~ and doesn’t seem sharp enough to graduate early. This photo is full of contradictions.
No. 884113
>>884105she said that she recently got her GED and you can’t go to college without having a high school diploma or equivalent? right?
i knew this bitch wasn’t actually 18
No. 884115
>>884049erin: pretending to be a child (yes, that's what your "age regression" is, face it) let alone pretending to be a sexualized anime little girl is NOT a healthy coping mechanism for trauma, especially sexual trauma. you're so full of shit if you think it is. no therapist would ever recommend something like this to cope, which really makes it seem your "trauma" is just something you conveniently made up to continue your
problematic pedo pandering for attention online. if you have any actual trauma (still doubtful!), you are just retraumatizing yourself acting this way. you can't say "don't sexualize it!!!" and then post shit about your vagina with anime little girl reaction pics and expect people not to take it the wrong way. imagine someone who was actually sexually traumatized as a child seeing your shit, how incredibly
triggering it is. go to myfetlife or whatever if you want to keep pretending to be a child for sexual purposes and stop posting on safe platforms and hurting people with real trauma who just want to move on, not dwell on it like your
toxic ass.
No. 884125
>>884105i think you’re taking the caption too literal i think it’s because she’s wearing a nike sweatshirt and this was her preppy normie phase, her age is the one thing she hasn’t lied about (also her classmates have posted her yearbook photo)
>>884115this tbh
the only way therapists/psychiatrist approve of age regression is through therapy under the supervision of a mental health professional (so like having the patient regress in therapy sessions)
age regression for sure is a way to cope with trauma but she just wants to act like a baby since she has said herself she is not in therapy
No. 884130
File: 1571926184991.jpeg (260.53 KB, 750x744, 41F21A20-9334-42A2-8A6B-8670A2…)

>>884125To be honest, I think it’s a variety of things she could be lying about. Her age seems to be an insecurity because she didn’t change her bio from 18 to 19 after her birthday, and when called out on it, she changed it to 18+. I think she was lying about being in collage rather than lying about dropping out of school. Also, my father dropped out of high school but went to collage so idk if the laws have changed from needing a ged or if it’s a difference in country. I really don’t think she is smart enough to get accepted into collage that early but I definitely think she was trying to give the illusion she was in collage.
(blogging) No. 884143
File: 1571931439356.jpeg (448.03 KB, 750x994, 4BB3E022-C9B6-48AA-B65F-4726ED…)

>>884130honestly when you put it like that….yeah i wouldn’t put it past erin at this point to want to be that aesthetic so bad that she would try to make people believe she was actually a college girl
also i guess we should start the erin posting her pussy bets soon because she just hit 3k on her nsfw account and keeps talking about working up the courage to post her uwu wittle pink cute pussy
>honestly sad how she posts this shit for free and won’t even make money off of it because she just wants to “make everyone (aka her weeb orbiters) happy”honestly looking at her replies is depressing its all neckbeards
No. 884272
File: 1571950312733.jpeg (120.77 KB, 750x1136, 7162CA28-A78F-4EF7-B271-D38238…)

>>883300more proof of erin’s weird age complex where she doesn’t want to admit being 19 now
>she used to love how she was “barely legal” also when she tried to get people to call her bella/bells kek No. 884279
File: 1571951129491.jpeg (127.14 KB, 750x903, B8BC0770-F5AA-4E6A-A3AC-31FE75…)

>>884143god the poll is at 73% for yes and 27% no…also this entire tweet is a lot this girl need help and needs to leave her house
>>884276she did have an italian girl phase but she did say her family is actually italian but again just take that with a grain of salt
No. 884281
>she saidi take it as a no then. stocazzo
also she's fucking retarded if she really thinks it's normal to post your pussy for all the world to see. unless you're a literal sex worker don't do it jfc. there is no "pressure" to do it you fucking brainlet. no one cares about your beef curtains no matter how much you shoop them to be uwuuu loli pussy. maybe your two orbiters for a second but then they'll just go back to watching actual cp. that's your audience. they're just wanking to loli fantasies because looking at cp all the time is risky. you're nothing but a replacement, an old woman pretending and pandering but getting nothing. and you're getting older and older and can't soon keep up anymore… is it worth it?
No. 884296
>>884291pornsickness getting sicker and sicker now that we live in an age you can't "kinkshame" anyone, even pedos need to feel ~
valid~ and get a fucking medal for not raping a kid yet, this content is literally aimed at pedos. normalization of pedophilia in form of lolicon anime etc. and that shit becoming simply something cool and edgy to do even for normies. "i'm not like the other boring vanilla girls because i pretend to be a baby/puppy during sex". it's not cool anymore to be bisexual or whatever men used to find hot back in the day, nowadays you have to be a pants-pissing diaper-wearing catgirl loli to not be considered boring. and a lot of mediocre, insecure people really hate being seen as boring -> must follow cool new trend!!
No. 884297
>>884125She just wants to be taken care of and spoiled. She just doesn't want to have to be responsible for "adult" things. Age regression is just her excuse for being a lazy neet sack of shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
>>884143Her payment is pedo attention. Pretty sad.
No. 884309
File: 1571955702217.jpeg (226.28 KB, 1280x720, CA47AFDA-FBA4-4DDA-A099-71F936…)

well she deleted the post because even her orbiters were telling her to not post something she’s so uncomfortable with posting
but she believes posting a picture of her pussy is really gonna help her with her confidence
keep in mind this girl constantly posts how she’s too uwu anxious n shy to leave her house and talk to people so wouldn’t she want to work on that instead of whatever THIS is
No. 884320
File: 1571957442006.jpeg (68.11 KB, 750x586, A37CBFD1-4175-4832-8992-0AB147…)

No. 884368
File: 1571966273821.jpeg (377.53 KB, 733x1153, 63203A58-5EF5-46BA-B7AD-35A5FA…)

remembered when she begged for people to gift her things from her amazon wishlist and she promised she’d post pics in the lingerie off her list and it was all bought lol..but the rest of the list is just sad…imagine her orbiters buying her dog toys and little kid toys to get her attention
No. 884400
>>884368Imagine being married to someone for 15 years and finding out they buy stuff for a 19 year old big nosed goblina who is built like a meatball on stilts and shoops themselves to look like a child for their amazon wishlist and it’s just a bunch of toys and lingerie and chew toys
I wonder who buys her that
No. 884408
File: 1571974959114.png (Spoiler Image,304.38 KB, 599x558, 19ecad1404d33096ce.png)

At least it's not her "tiny pink privates uwu".
No. 884414
File: 1571975935949.png (703.18 KB, 492x899, 1aa172500.png)

Looks like she's deleting her insta too.
No. 884418
File: 1571977744274.png (3.04 MB, 1242x2208, 35CFC563-B67A-41FD-B571-0DA1F3…)

lot of her old posts are being reposted god this one sends me like erin you literally live with your mom….that is your caregiver
she says she needs a dom because she needs someone to tell her what to do all the time and make decisions for her and punish her? she basically just wants a parental figure who fucks her so i don’t understand why she thinks people believe her when she says she’s against ddlg
>also imagine being this pathetic
No. 884434
>>884408Nothing wrong with small boobs but something about this irks me like not everyone with little boobs draws attention to how small they are when they show em off.
No. 884435
>>884309>>879760“I’m not a sex worker!!”
Yeah sex work is way too adult-sounding and widdle Erin is too innocent and childish to participate in
It’s kinda insulting to SWs to categorize them w someone so exploitative and creepy.
No. 884456
>>884043it does not take a psych to realize that if she went thru CSA she probably has autopedophilia and sexualizes herself in an adolescent frame. Her sexuality developed around the intense focus of being young if that's the case. I'm in no way surprised she'd post shit like that.
It's not good, and she's just traumatizing herself over and over, but it's common as fuck, it has sexual maladaptation written all over it. She's like every other hypersexual young adult who developed deviant fetishism because she was part of the "my uncle touched me" club.
No. 884458
>>884450I don't see how outside of drawing attention to how her body looks
>>884453>Uses (presumed) small boobs as an insult/negative trait>Then uses insecure as a bad trait tooAnon…
(derailing) No. 884472
File: 1571998102881.jpeg (239.98 KB, 1280x720, C067ADEA-2709-44AF-85D2-92A30E…)

is this what her whole big trauma is?
from her online boyfriend when she was 17-18? i remember this “master” and she would constantly cry about him and her followers would be like girl it’s the internet you can block him
>also explains why she spergs out when any of her “papa”s interacts with a woman
No. 884486
File: 1572004259667.jpeg (149.39 KB, 828x872, 232E2E61-4739-4467-B5B1-08487E…)

>>879341I think she accidentally liked this tweet that’s part of a callout post for her kek
No. 884624
File: 1572035247084.jpeg (187.41 KB, 750x884, 424DE9AD-DDD8-4664-A2EE-D7C6AA…)

she’s 19 years old and acting like she doesn’t know what sex is she HAS to know she’s just pandering to peophiles at this point
No. 884636
File: 1572037694603.jpeg (179.33 KB, 750x655, 9583682B-B064-463E-A508-C6ED22…)

>>884624lol this was her tweet right before tweeting that (and two tweets before were her humiliation kink and then a gif of a hentai girl getting plowed saying she wanted to be “used” like that) her uwu so pure humble bragging is so weird and pandering
if you really were too innocent and inexperienced for nsfw twitter you wouldn’t be tweeting and posting your own nsfw content (?) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 884646
File: 1572040084173.jpeg (203.8 KB, 640x497, 8E8DC8B1-40E6-45EB-BD27-CB97FB…)

>>884633Stop whiteknighting her, she herself is a gatekeeper of agere. She deleted a tweet complaining about how people age regress and aren’t traumatized enough therefore can’t participate
Also yes that’s nbd her life is problem free which is probably why she gets herself into shit online
So what if her bf ignored her? It’s her fault for having that codependent mentality. Normal people in relationships don’t see their SO as their caregiver. most girls experience something like this in highschool and make nothing of it because they have way bigger problems.
Erin is a sheltered neet who doesn’t have to worry about finishing school, paying bills, or working so that being the “big event” that traumatized her is laughable
Also my life is not a trainwreck, it’s normal, sage for blogging but just because I had a bad relationship in my adolescence, doesn’t make me “traumatized”
there are people who actually did suffer relationship abuse, grooming, rape, etc. at a young age and Erin lumping her gross dom ignoring her into that category is the type of stuff makes people take women less seriously when they come forward with a story
No. 884660
>>884659nta but fuck off with your thread policing. hide the thread if it's
triggering you so much babby.
No. 884667
>>884659>”your shitty life”it’s not shitty enough to get
triggered at a thread on a gossip site gtfo if you wanna be told “all trauma is worthy uwu” go back to tumblr newfag
No. 884668
>>884659Erin HASNT experienced anything even slightly challenging in her entire life
The average 19 year old is worried about school or jobs and balancing them with relationships meanwhile she sits in her parents nice ass house, her biggest challenge of the day is “I wonder what anime gif I’ll pull off of google and post for my orbiters” it’s not even sex work it’s just for attention. The big thing on her mind isn’t college or work or anything of the sort that the rest of us worry about it’s “should I post my pussy on twitter?” And she’s probably loving this drama because it’s the most attention she’s gotten in a while stop thinking this attention whore actually has any real struggles or is a representation of a traumatized or mentally ill individual
No. 884680
File: 1572045483466.jpeg (247.77 KB, 1242x1523, E8D7EBCE-09C2-4412-B7A0-FADF89…)

see how bent her body is. She is making herself look tinier than she is(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 884700
>>884688This has to be Erin herself since none of us would ever say she's skinny kek
At least learn how to integrate better if you're going to shit up the thread with your selfposting
No. 884701
>>884691Those were all made by the same anon
Reminder to newfriends: read the rules and usage guide before posting No. 884744
File: 1572056949239.jpg (157.76 KB, 838x709, IMG_20191026_102857.jpg)

What is that?
No. 884751
File: 1572059486555.webm (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 640x360, electric chair.webm)

shes so shy she posts herself moaning on twitter i-
i had to hear it so now so do you all
>spoiler for nsfw audio
No. 884753
>>884751I had to open that through Dropbox cause my browser is so weird but holy shit I have never clicked out of something so fast. that was the most gut wrenching thing I’ve ever heard she tries so hard to mimic hentai noises (not a fan personally, but that’s another cultures standards so w/e) but she’s just an average American white girl it’s so cringe
Especially since those noises are coming from>>883390 kek
No. 884803
File: 1572085557095.jpg (15.95 KB, 361x879, 61KlOzj71NL._SY879_.jpg)

>>884751She sounds like a dogs squeaky toy, very sexy
No. 884856
>>884751>electric chair.webmfucking kek anon
but it does sound like you're just dragging a chair back and forth
No. 884904
>>884751This sounds like she might have raised the pitch in Audacity or something. If you've ever played around with Audacity, you notice little modulation/compression noises when you mess with the pitch. Listen closely at 0:08-0:10. This is pathetic, if I'm right.
It also sounds like she's trying to act as Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls having a nightmare (or taking a shit).
No. 885148
>>879769>>881716Ugghh I recently came across this girl because I follow a lot of jfash/himekaji instas and sadly a lot of them use the #nymphetfashion tag. Morbid curiosity got the better of me. I even watched her "criticism" video because I thought there might be some semblance of an argument within and I'd like to think I'm fairly open-minded, but it was 10 minutes of [citation needed] garbage. Alas.
I take issue with anyone who interprets Larme fashion as literally "dressing like a 14 year old girl" as it just comes off as incredibly ignorant of all the 50s/60s influences on Larme and the gal styles that preceded it. I'm too tired to articulate my thoughts on this properly but idk lads, as an old frilly lady I just hate that impressionable girls in their late teens/early 20s are buying into this shit and I really think Adrian Lyne has a lot to answer for
No. 885210
File: 1572140204467.png (197.25 KB, 602x666, ec5d78cb0f8fef7de.png)

This video is so cringe… Also it shows she's not really that "tiny", look at her thighs.
No. 885233
>>885210built like a brick shithouse, even with 80 layers of pink filters. i would love for all her orbiters to know that behind all these ugu tiniest innocent baby videos is this
>>880258 40-year-old soccer mom looking ass, though idk if it's that hard to guess from all the fat girl angles she uses.
No. 885237
File: 1572144349155.jpg (165.69 KB, 1080x597, 20191026_213922.jpg)

Uwu~~~ so smol with my thick arms and thighs~~ overweight babie uguuu
No. 885257
File: 1572146452146.jpeg (145.87 KB, 750x535, 8C73535B-C281-43F3-9042-081A9C…)

OH MY GOD did she just admit she’s in to “knotting” that means animals mating for all who don’t know
she’s either a dumb or even weirder ass bitch than we thought
No. 885262
File: 1572147445712.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.79 KB, 2048x1201, EGkvBODWkAAC-M1.jpg)

>>885237She tries to look so tiny uwu in her photos but the videos show how thick she actually is
No. 885279
File: 1572154038399.png (472.44 KB, 725x964, erin_nastyass.png)

>>885257Full photo for the anons
>>uwu so shy and innocent though No. 885311
File: 1572166530838.jpg (589.64 KB, 1080x1704, 20191027_032820.jpg)

Found a hardcore dolores haze cosplayer, her insta is
>is 24>writes creepy captions related to lolita/vladimir nabokov>glorifies the character humberts pedophilic love of dolores haze>adds these captions to her creepy pics>is married or a sb to a rich guy>also listens to and quotes lana del rey No. 885312
File: 1572166714832.png (2.43 MB, 1275x1414, 20191027_034252.png)

>>885311Some pics from her insta. Honestly its odd how fixated she is on this lolita/dolores haze skinwalking. And she has the money to support it for ever if she wants.
No. 885332
>>885314of course she edits, it is so shooped that if you went on meitu and just slapped on a random filter you'd look like her too.
don't these people realize that in the book dolores actually gets sick of humbert pretty quickly and tries to get away and eventually succeeds, just to end up being abused more, then underage married to a random hick, pregnant and penniless. and then she dies. uwuu so glamorous, such a love story
No. 885336
>>885334well i'd prefer the wig over your receding hairline, erin
>>880258can't wait to see her ratchet chinese cosplay wig.
No. 885421
File: 1572196326620.png (8.44 MB, 1242x2208, C6D6BDA9-52D2-468C-9CDB-99AA9E…)

>>885392she’s never had any problem posting lewd content, her old spam was full of lewds
it’s all just an act since she’s desperate for any form of male attention that she will even pander to neckbeards
>pic rel. screenshot of her old spam like the week she turned 18 No. 885718
File: 1572268014584.png (426.78 KB, 352x496, Untitled.png)

>>885311>>885312She looks like a different person in every single picture. There are some where she looks like a shooped alien preteen and some where you can see her real, adult appearance. Very creepy.
No. 885850
File: 1572289686258.png (Spoiler Image,205.66 KB, 603x527, Capture.PNG)

lol she deleted this
No. 885856
File: 1572290280478.png (64.41 KB, 666x360, ohreally.png)

>>885850NTA, her statement.
That humblebrag, I'm gonna puke. Looks kinda shooped.
No. 885859
File: 1572290435806.jpeg (293.59 KB, 750x779, 6F06C5A4-289A-4004-8804-B88A88…)

more humble bragging also in what world is she “smoler” than a stuffed animal this bitch is so delusional
>also lmao at thinking she’s so strong and getting so stressed out over a pussy pic with again her weird humble bragging about being so uwu pure n innie
No. 885868
File: 1572291593152.jpeg (263.72 KB, 750x831, 1C67F517-3F19-4132-96A8-9E6374…)

uwuuu i’m so insecwure abwout my wittle innie gwuys pwease
>also i was around when her nudes got leaked and LITERALLY NO ONE said that hahahahaha
No. 885911
>>885312>>885718Gotta say, she does a great job of hiding that horseface. At least her photos from an aesthetic standpoint are alright I guess.
>>885850>>885859>>885868This bitch gets more and more annoying every day. Being friends with her must be exhausting since you'd probably have to asslick her humblebragging 24/7. She's not even slick about it. She's a major hypocrite, two-faced, pick me ass bitch, NLOG, weeb, pedo and catfish all in one. Thanks whoever brought her up, I never thought she'd be such a cow at first.
> uguu pwease im getting bullied for my smol tiny pink totally not shooped, totally nothing to censor, totally not brown vag umuLiterally anyone who doesn't have long labia looks like that in that position, Erin. You're not ~smol~, you're painfully average at best. Also nice blur and whitening, we can see your chaffing marks on your chunky thighs you tried to hide under that sticker. Also your vagina is blending into the blanket, might wanna get that checked out.
No. 885917
File: 1572299906713.jpg (142.08 KB, 630x892, prettyface.jpg)

>>885868Lmaoooo "boolied for my uwu pwink innie pwussy" is the new version of this
No. 885920
File: 1572300112274.png (2.9 MB, 1757x832, meganfox.png)

>>885917Spot on.
Also made a collage of our new favourite cow shapeshifter-chan
No. 885983
File: 1572308718080.png (Spoiler Image,200.45 KB, 591x546, superinnieround2.png)

>>885850And she posted her bits again.
No. 886001
File: 1572310443154.png (2.62 MB, 1757x1241, shy.png)

>>885925Oops nice catch, fixed it for ya anon. She has so many faces I can't even tell kek. Left the tiny lips in there as a tribute.
>>885983>muh teacherIs she trying to imply she's an uwu schoolgirl whose teacher looks at her nudes? Erin pls.
No. 886004
>>885859She's 5ft6 and weighs maybe 140lb based on her slightly less shooped photos
Also note how her shooped vag pics are face down, I'm sure there's some lumps and bumps on the front that she can't meitu away
No. 886007
>>885997You can see some stretchmarks in
>>885986, or maybe it's just lazy photoshop/meitu?
Also her taint/whatever that pink part on her pussy is looks like a rectangle.
No. 886010
>>886003Agree. The soft uwu/nymphet group as a whole could be a goldmine, there are lots of potential cows out there just waiting to be discovered.
For example: the doelet/faunlet group on tumblr. They have their own amibo group and an urban dictionary all about their cult, they are supposed to be anti ddlg and the romanticization of children yet many of them are grossly obsessed with lolita.
No. 886011
File: 1572311756001.png (2.74 MB, 1628x868, smol shy chan.png)

>>886005She ~*thinks its abnormal*~ that she has an innie vagina. It's one of the most average things about her. I wonder if she's trying to shade other DDLGs for having longer labia though tbh.
No. 886013
File: 1572312159938.jpeg (336 KB, 1125x1683, 4E2B8179-2EF7-4F75-8F62-0EC442…)

>>886010SA, pic related. For real how can one be anti ddlg and the sexualization of children when your whole cult is based around lolita and other CSA themes?
No. 886018
File: 1572312868800.png (156.13 KB, 535x239, 21.png)

>>886016>>886007When she tried to shoop them out in
>>885984 she ended up with a weird grey blotch mark she put her username over (pic related).
>>885986 is still shooped to fuck and back but meitu can only do so much when your skin looks like
>>883124 No. 886028
File: 1572314222590.jpeg (204.38 KB, 1124x738, 4B2CBB19-CB1C-4462-AE64-5A8D3C…)

>>886015 Billie is not the brightest bulb, nor are her ass kissing followers
Some background info on doelets/faunlets for others that may be interested:
> created by tumblr user stupiddolly aka billie > doelets and faunlets (male doelets) are basically nymphets and sadbbydolls combined into one fuck storm > the group came into existence sometime after the porn ban, was originally created as a sfw space since the nymphet tag had been clogged with nsfw/porn> totally against ddlg/sexualization of children yet their entire lifestyle is based books and movies with csa/abuse themes> while Doelets/faunlets themselves are supposed to be csa and/or abuse survivors> stupiddolly herself will send you a message once you followed her blog to make sure you’re a Real Abuse Survivor, if you’re not you will more than likely get blocked (pic related) No. 886039
File: 1572314588853.jpeg (409.95 KB, 1125x1588, 85990B0B-2629-4250-B449-9943D6…)

>>886035Shit sorry guys. Forgot screenshot
No. 886073
File: 1572322492847.jpg (375.04 KB, 720x1148, 20191028_211211.jpg)

someone called out erin on her abuse story
No. 886074
File: 1572322574068.jpg (334.2 KB, 720x1091, 20191028_211231.jpg)

pt 2
No. 886103
File: 1572337163163.jpeg (Spoiler Image,54.69 KB, 1124x622, 98A44FAB-9F42-434E-B7C6-849A0B…)

No. 886108
File: 1572339242309.jpg (287.14 KB, 857x1140, IMG_20191029_165328.jpg)

So uwu innocent
No. 886127
File: 1572345755218.jpg (Spoiler Image,261.61 KB, 847x984, IMG_20191029_184220.jpg)

Anime girl obsession continues
No. 886147
>>886108well, she said she was into "knotting", aka actual bestiality. imagine being so starved for attention that you have to stoop that low
>flat, wide ass of a borderline overweight woman>"lil anime butt"weebs are wack
No. 886164
>>886127Imagine being this attention hungry over a SNOW picture with Aliexpress weeb panties
There's plenty of girls with a whitewashed pink aesthetic that aren't built like fridges, you aren't special
No. 886200
File: 1572362828744.jpg (178.56 KB, 900x1200, D_BX_C4XsAAWyBO.jpg)

No. 886205
File: 1572364040306.jpg (211.7 KB, 1000x1000, 1522561390398.jpg)

>>886202pettanko, shes some mentally ill 22 yr old obsessed with being a loli
No. 886227
>>886209because they think being short means uwu smol, when in reality this bitch and the dumpy guy in
>>886200 have the same skinnyfat bodytype.
No. 886236
File: 1572369673748.jpeg (Spoiler Image,229.06 KB, 640x697, 20BA1899-67BB-476E-AC46-3F593B…)

She’s thirsting over some peen
Even as a straight girl I don’t get this it’s just a wiener bouncing
No. 886240
File: 1572370229087.jpg (53.44 KB, 601x356, daddy.jpg)

>>886227I think she is taller than him lol
No. 886241
>>886209Literally this
>>886228. Notice how loli obsessed girls are always below average, incredibly plain or dumpy looking, have a shitty body, and don't know how to dress or do nice makeup/hair or take care of themselves. They also rarely ever have jobs and if they do it's an entry level retail job where they work once a week. It's a scapegoat for quick asspats and validation from pedos who get off not on their looks but on thinking they're a retarded kid. Plus anime degenerates like lolis, it's just a quick thing to latch onto for e-points and a way to try and get out of adult responsibilities because im a bwabie uguu.
TLDR ugly fat lazy dumpy chicks migrate to it because it's low maintenance and they don't know how to take care of themselves but still want those sweet, sweet asspats.
>>886240>dating an asian manletSurprise: 0. Dating the plainest-at-best looking asian that would tolerate their shit.
No. 886244
File: 1572370640591.jpg (250.58 KB, 1046x750, DHPg1ilUwAEJ2gT.jpg)

>>886209Since it's not frowned on in Asia, girls who look the part work as loli's professionally.
In the west it's frowned upon and no woman wants to be seen as a little girl, so its just weirdos on twitter.
No. 886246
>>886244inb4 someone yells at you for this but
they're usually cosplayers. no one walks around like this normally and you'd get weird looks if you did. weebs have a serious mental disconnect.
No. 886281
>>886279i didn't say it was okay, but it's not just cosplayers, that's the point.
>>886280i'm talking about stuff all over twitter
currently still. the rise in popularity was a few years ago, but it didn't go away. and again my point is that it's not just cosplayers there, japan has degenerates too.
No. 886339
>>886228>>886227>>886241>>886147if any of you are familiar with the kibbe body types, gamine is the only body type that would befit this style (bigger head, small body, small shoulders and limbs and narrow hips) none of these girls have that body type, there’s nothing wrong with their bodies but none of them even match this Lolita youthful thing and it actually looks ridiculous
>>885237 very obviously looks like a grown woman
it’s like Adam Sandler in Billy Madison when he was wearing those kiddie clothes for comedic effect but it’s real life and she ACTUALLY thinks she is cute lel
No. 886349
File: 1572384724442.jpeg (226.73 KB, 1012x1800, 57D20CD7-7394-469F-9690-18283A…)

>>885983kek these are the mouth breathers she’s spreading for
No. 886432
File: 1572394339379.png (Spoiler Image,627.76 KB, 737x667, Untitled.png)

>>886406>watching most asian showsthere's your problem? no one dresses like a weeb loli normally unless they're a degenerate. asia isn't a weeb paradise where everyone runs around in loli cosplay. source: am asian. lived in asia. no one dresses like that publicly unless they're weird. just like in western countries.
if anything, maybe more "girly" clothes can look like gross loli clothes on the wrong body type. otherwise it's cute. feminine clothes there tend to have floral, pastel, frilly themes.
anyways. erin posted more of her grey alien shoop thighs. i don't know why she'd spend this much effort and time shooping her stretch marks when she could look into whitening creams or see a derm and fix it for real. same with the body shoop, just put down the fucking fork erin.
No. 886456
File: 1572396611717.jpg (13.2 KB, 400x400, 1531696883953.jpg)

>>886432how does she still look so musty with the exposure all the way up
No. 886461
File: 1572396861525.png (92.1 KB, 631x911, retard.png)

I don't know what's funnier - her lying about not using lube to appear uwu innocent or her really not using lube like a fucking retard.
No. 886463
File: 1572396945594.png (465.59 KB, 595x751, a242be4a87041c19fb.png)

This feels like an indirect? Not sure what about though.
No. 886465
File: 1572397088606.jpeg (370.95 KB, 750x941, EA493114-627A-4E60-AB8F-5B5B35…)

>>886463she relates ? what ? to a dog and cat ?
No. 886476
>>886461>not using lubeshayna tings!
She surprisingly follows shay too actually.
No. 886480
>>886457i'm japanese lmao. however i've studied/lived in all three east asian countries and literally no one dresses like that anywhere out of weeb areas. you'd be looked at as weird as you would if you went strolling down a street in chicago wearing that, possibly even worse because east asian culture is extremely judgmental about weebs. look in an H&M/F21 catalog and that's what everyone wears. people have such a deluded perception of asia i swear lmao stop watching so much anime.
>>886461she's not as innocent as she outs herself to be. inb4 tail plug pics incoming cause she figured it out~~ uwuwu
No. 886484
File: 1572399119582.png (205.84 KB, 614x890, d566a65f628f7355d43903.png)

Found what it's talking about I think? This chick was in a screenshot earlier in the thread. At the very least it's still milk. The watermarks are pretty similar.
No. 886503
File: 1572400980270.jpg (Spoiler Image,727.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191030-125723.jpg)

Sage for tin foil but what if her 'uwu pussy too small to censor' posts were directed at the girl who's sperging over her watermark being stolen?
No. 886520
>>886503>>886484There's no way she isn't kek. Erin seems to be skinwalking her a bit in this bizarre competitive way where she tries to be her but better. Too bad she just comes across as the bootleg version.
>>886517At least sage your powerleveling autism.
No. 886526
File: 1572404310582.jpg (198.5 KB, 1080x1292, Screenshot_20191030-135323__01…)

>>886520Glad I'm not the only anon that sees it, people like her all tend to exhibit the same brain dead behaviour kek.
Also it's been said before but the cognitive dissonance is strong with this one!
No. 886531
File: 1572404907874.png (Spoiler Image,3.29 MB, 1828x1592, 99.png)

>>886526Samefag as
>>886520But going down her twitter, this was the same chick Erin got
triggered about sexualizing Sanrio characters while she put Hello Kitty on her tit. Erin totally skinwalks her. Pic related, pretty sure she's stolen tweets but I cba to wade through the trash. I'm kekking hard at the one in the panties and the censor bar humblebrag, it was totally shade towards her.
If you'll excuse me I need to throw my harddrive into a volcano now.
No. 886535
>>886531Same fag here lmfao when I started following this thread I actually noticed her stealing this girls (among others) tweets too!
I just didn't catch-on it was the same girl until your post, thanks anon. Let your hard drive go in peace, it's seen enough kek.
And is it just me or does Erin appear more unhinged the further the thread goes on? She's gotta be playing up specifically for the thread, either that or her level of retardation is astounding. Sage for opinion
No. 886538
File: 1572406822959.jpeg (177.41 KB, 750x803, E7E7515A-5799-486F-9963-CBC31F…)

So the derek guy has a gf but erin is over here posting how he makes her happy and she’s obviously catching feelings for him LOL literally about to be a Dawson situation all over again. Watch her say uwu he took advantage of me im just an innocent little legal loli hehe uwu also she didn’t entirely delete instagram she has her alt @/pwurring and @/piglwet including all her other instagram accounts that are holding up usernames she doesn’t want anyone taking
No. 886542
File: 1572407902243.jpeg (148.2 KB, 1024x768, EB0FF24D-4B54-48FA-858A-9618FF…)

>>886538no self awareness at all LOL like this guy doesn’t acknowledge her at all
No. 886563
File: 1572413789348.png (443.16 KB, 1862x874, hwi2819sg21k.png)

Had a chat with bunears and here are some choice quotes about erin's skinwalking.
> bought the same tail as bunears
> lowkey trying to morph into a bunny girl now
> only decided to become a puppy sometime after the hentaipup drama and after bunears had a puppy acc
> bunears was never friends with her, erin started skinwalking her out of nowhere after she kindly boosted her post giving her 2k followers
> erin's poll about the wig
> erin actively using the same photo app as bunears
She's very aware of the shady things Erin is pulling including the pussy censor thing and erin still followers her despite her calling her out. Truly shameless.
No. 886564
File: 1572413881029.png (152.48 KB, 694x834, hwi2819sg21k21.png)

>>886563And their DMs regarding the Sanrio and watermark thing.
No. 886565
File: 1572413885674.jpeg (271.49 KB, 750x1292, 69B95DE9-EAFF-489C-B544-05CB98…)

To the person that said they didn’t have the photo, i’m still following james aka the boy she met with and he never deleted these photos. This was in 2017 when they met one another
No. 886567
File: 1572414566691.jpeg (241.34 KB, 749x1273, D7E60DBB-1528-4FA4-896F-D109DE…)

Erin last year during her marilyn monroe vintage phase, you can see that she edited her nose and admittedly used to/still does
No. 886571
File: 1572416983829.jpeg (234.49 KB, 750x792, 19E11C13-DB82-40FF-B40C-DC8219…)

who do you guys think this is about?
No. 886573
File: 1572417249029.jpeg (301.84 KB, 750x906, B4DF8260-AD84-46C9-90D2-32C799…)

uh oh erin is having a breakdown just wait for the suicidal stuff to come out
No. 886623
File: 1572437924942.jpeg (80.05 KB, 1024x768, 6C731CFF-523D-42FC-BD6A-C31224…)

her last e-boy (before derek) ethan also dumped her ass and started dating (irl) another one of his followers who is also in nsfw twitter and erin was harassing his current gf with her weird humble bragging
she’s also threatened to expose him when he first dumped her bc of her fee fees getting hurt
>ur bf doesn’t love u enough bc he said he’d delete 4 me n not u !!! uwu whore
No. 886667
File: 1572448507609.jpeg (1.1 MB, 3464x3464, 994E34E5-CF63-433A-ACC5-CE131E…)

Found some more gems of our Smol UwU Babie. Heavily edited cosplay, some proof she tried to claim she was Italian, and another shoop from her vintage/Italian phase. There is also a new ig account with the user pocketsizee, but it’s private. Since Erin is known for hoarding users and has a million accounts I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s her
>>886623She’s delusional thinking she can steal a taken man, even if she managed to do so it wouldn’t last long. They would drop her immediately after they realize she’s another photoshopped ham from hell and not the tiny loli girl like she makes herself out to be. She should focus more on the neckbeards that try to interact with her. At least they won’t ignore her kek
No. 886674
>167 cm lmao that's a pretty big "loli"
>>886671because it means beautiful uguu and she is totally italian and not just another plain ass inbred anglo
No. 886685
File: 1572449905014.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.1 KB, 800x538, mum260-cv.jpg)

>>886246sometimes cosplayers, sometimes they are cast as young girls for other things.
No. 886687
File: 1572450925352.jpeg (1.18 MB, 3464x3464, 81B7BC28-C4F2-4E9B-9464-67283B…)

More shooped images plus the story behind her “Bella” nickname she so desperately tried to pull off. Her eyes, nose and face shape are completely different in each photo
No. 886700
>>886674I thought Italians were more olive colored and dark, obviously there are lighter ones but this bitch doesn’t even look half her nose is a literal potato not the typical Roman one
>>886565She actually doesn’t look too bad here, I wonder why other candids of her look like an old ugly woman
No. 886716
>>886700I have relatives in Italy, skin tone varies depending on which region you live in but Italians will usually have an olive undertone, as will most people who are Mediterranean. If I were to guess Erin is probably Irish or some shit.
Saged for irrelevance
No. 886733
>>886700Italian here, many of us are really fair skinned and as
>>886716 said kinda depends on the region but it’s complicated.
Noses are also something that doesn’t depend on that so.
She really does abuse of the blurring tool tho, but her having features that don’t resemble the typical Italian’s doesn’t mean she isn’t Italian. I am kinda skeptical too but it’s kinda plausible since it’s full of Italian immigrants in the us so
No. 886745
>>886733Her features don’t scream Italian is what I mean lmao there are definitely some fair skinned Italians but the fact that Erin lies about everything makes it seem sus also her surname “Painter” is English
Race doesn’t matter but when you lie about it it’s ridiculous af this bitch is about as Italian as a sausage McMuffin
No. 886752
File: 1572459855376.jpeg (88.82 KB, 744x500, 96CFF454-7BB2-4D6C-862E-1B9E2A…)

Melissa McCarthy is miles more attractive than this beast
No. 886758
>>886745Please anon. Sage in the email field. What's with all the newfags shitting up the thread and not saging with their inane bullshit?
>>886752Lmao holy shit. 18/19 years old and looks like Melissa McCarthy. Unfortunate.
No. 886759
>>886687 there is no way it is humanly possible this is erin uwu
the shameless shooping is otherworldly
No. 886812
File: 1572469621549.jpeg (377.46 KB, 2048x2048, 08DFC931-7DBE-4EC3-80F5-9019CB…)

lmfaooo there has to be a bunch of other “erin spares uwu” floating around
No. 886827
>>886817“Bullied for having an innie” bro what
Also why were her nudes online at age 15, didn’t she expose them herself on her spam or am I missing something?
No. 886833
>>886817>>885868uwu :cccc why would anyone bully you for your tiny pink vagina when your face looks like it belongs to a Middle Aged dumpy thin lipped potato nosed beady eyed soccer mom with A big ol dumpy body that definitely doesn’t match this loli style
>>880258she’s not even insta baddie chubby her fat distribution is as unfortunate as her gross face she could probably look ok with working out and eating right instead of starving herself and posting pro Ana attention whore nonsense “uwu I only ate a happy meal for this week” and maybe learn a few makeup tricks and add volume to your hair to draw less attention from that giant appendage on your face
No. 886861
File: 1572477087588.png (854.18 KB, 828x1792, 72C49057-386C-4791-87F4-54CB91…)

>>879341>>886623Erin is so bitter… here she is replying to Ethan’s pic of his hickies in a gross passive aggressive manner just because he isn’t interested in her any more
No. 886873
>>886812I took a look and she looks different in each icon. I don't know how she can run around like that and expect people not to comment about her constant shapeshifting.
>>886861Her self awareness: zero.
>>886865They probably do know, they just don't care because she shoops herself. If they can fap to hentai, they could fap to a CGI shoop da woop pussy. They don't care about her at all, they just fap to her pics and move on.
My bet is that they all look either obese and greasy or auschwitz mode emo twink.
No. 886913
File: 1572483962611.jpeg (69.58 KB, 828x473, 7C220BD1-6520-4512-AE96-F01375…)

>>879341>>886624Liking this tweet right after this was posted, lurk harder Erin kek
No. 886923
File: 1572485175913.jpg (303.26 KB, 833x1209, IMG_20191031_092531.jpg)

Involving herself when it has nothing to do with her
No. 886936
File: 1572486877069.jpeg (94.66 KB, 1080x1110, image.jpeg)

>>886923She probably wants guys to flip out like that over her
>>886930They rlly don't lmao arguably almost everyone in this community is like that and has a whole other persona than what they are irl
>ham bitches like Erin pretending to be lolis >twiggy manlets pretending to be big dominant Christian grey daddiesImagine thirsting over someone online who you've never even met and is below average in appearance it reminds me of this meme
It's kinda sad tbh
No. 886982
File: 1572496074047.jpg (223.6 KB, 1080x1214, Screenshot_20191031-152458__01…)

She has one job and she's even trying to force that onto others.
Your mental health is your responsibility and no amount of uwu is going to change that.
No. 886987
File: 1572496688770.jpg (196.47 KB, 1080x1486, Screenshot_20191031-152931__01…)

Omg fanks guys ilysm for monitoring my medication consumption uwu ~ totally not capable of doing so myself because I'm baby
Same fag as
>>886982 No. 886989
File: 1572497081165.jpeg (158.58 KB, 640x435, 4136302D-221E-44E8-9A03-70C13A…)

>>886982>>886987Anyone who is actually like this shouldn’t even be in a relationship or posting their ass online she’s probably exaggerating but Jesus why is someone who’s so frail minded and thin skinned even trying
Just look at this tweet of hers this isn’t even remotely a good relationship for anyone’s mental health basing your entire self worth off of some scrawny nerd dom from nsfw twitter who will leave you for another e-girl loli in less than two weeks
No. 887002
File: 1572505663485.jpg (320.99 KB, 627x1216, IMG_20191031_150625.jpg)

Likes a post about being made to touch yourself in public, then right after likes one about refusing to touch yourself in public because others don't Vincent. Pick a side.
No. 887087
File: 1572542943680.jpeg (202.49 KB, 640x665, 20928489-9DBE-4796-AE75-0EF8BC…)

>>884272“calling yourself a loli is bad!”
No. 887090
File: 1572543530873.png (3.28 MB, 1125x2436, 35CB2643-F8AF-42B7-A0F6-9B5322…)

>>887087Erin is a walking contradiction. She calls herself the same thing on her faq highlight on her pwurring ig KEK
No. 887092
>>887087Why is she so accusatory and self righteous
>>882916She’s so quick to throw shade at people in the community (mostly other females cause she’s an insecure ass pick me) when she’s just as guilty as the people she yells at no wonder nobody wants to be friends with her or no wonder no loser Twitter dom wants her for more than a short period of time she’s so unpleasant and lives for conflict
No. 887197
File: 1572568527956.jpeg (249.96 KB, 1125x1834, BDE0C130-79AC-4A0B-B33D-049C27…)

Apparently Erin is now pretending to be Latino and goes by they
No. 887217
File: 1572570149341.jpeg (329.1 KB, 740x1251, 03BCE002-0EA3-4D3F-8932-B719B3…)

>>887212i mean i guess but it depends on if that acc is active or not. she put this on her main saying it’s her only tumblr lol idk
No. 887223
File: 1572571270222.jpeg (1.32 MB, 3464x3464, 3F9967B5-8A61-423D-8964-23E161…)

>>887217Looks like she’s barely posts on strawpurries. Again it’s only a possibility the other is her but it does looks like it might be. We all know she’s a liar and has way more than one Instagram, plus she hasn’t updated her media links at all. Who knows, guess we’ll have to wait and see to know for sure
No. 887240
>>887236Yeah lol and unlike in English when people playfully call themselves a “hoe” it almost always usually carries a negative connotation
>>883445 anon here refers to her as chola-chan so it made me wonder
No. 887243
File: 1572572721888.jpg (266.76 KB, 1080x1833, Screenshot_20191101-124406__01…)

>>887087This didn't take long top kek.
No. 887280
>>887262>>887270Honestly couldn't agree more.
Everytime this gets mentioned an anon magically appears claiming she's not 'milky' enough despite being one of the most active cows on this site kek
No. 887284
File: 1572582867701.jpg (241.19 KB, 1080x1339, Screenshot_20191101-153243__01…)

I wonder if she actually thinks she has an "irl anime booty" or is just happy pandering with what she got landed with lmao? No. 887292
>>887262this thread was made to move erin out of the e-girl thread I believe? so it always was directed at erin, just a very poorly done op.
I don't see the point of moving her again, she'll fill up this thread then just make the next thread erin #2 when the time comes.
No. 887297
>>887284Y'all smell that?
I wonder what her parents think of her doing weeb pedo pandering on nsfw Twitter, or what'd they think if they knew ik I'd be questioning my parenting skills kek
No. 887380
File: 1572617022173.jpeg (608.89 KB, 750x1231, 962F5295-8A07-49FA-A090-633BA1…)

>>887371some potential proof (?)
she has brought up that it happened when she was about 14 so I do believe her
No. 887384
>>887380sorry but i believe nothing that she says anymore. maybe that someone talked to her online in a sexual way because well that happens to basically everyone but even a 12-year-old knows that she can just… stop responding? block him? it's the internet.
also it still doesn't excuse her pedo fetish. you'd think someone with these kinds of experiences wouldn't want to roleplay them 24/7 . and yet she does.
No. 887389
>>887384I think
victims act out still. I kinda do believe her, but you're right that it isn't okay to have a pedo fetish. A lot of the agere community doesn't want to admit it's unhealthy to act like a child, ddlg or not (it is ddlg but whatever they want to call it)
No. 887414
>>887371Do you even know her, personally?
she’s ALWAYS lying online for her uwu persona
I know you might think Erin is a liar but she Wouldn’t go THAT far because it’s insulting offensive to women who have actually been through that but we shouldn’t put it past her that that’s where the lying stops because as shown before Erin is a mean spiteful bitch to most other females
No. 887425
>>887414Anon I understand you’re giving her the benefit of doubt. But there are women that do lie about this. Either way it doesn’t matter what random people believe about it, her sexual age reg is fuckin weird and slightly disturbing no matter the reason behind it.
If it’s really used to cope like she says then she shouldn’t post it to the internet. That puts her in a super vulnerable place to literal strangers on the internet.
No. 887427
>>887414Erin would be the kind of person to lie about something that serious for
victim points, attention, or as a way to avoid being called out for her loli pedo shit by saying "I'm doing it cuz of trauma!!!"
She can't be a constant liar online and then expect everyone to keep believing her. It's unfortunate, but people lie about sexual assault all the time online. Erin probably just wants to say it because she thinks it'll make people leave her alone.
No. 887474
>>887440>>887440She’s not acting like a 6 year old tho, 6 year olds don’t show their asses off on Twitter next to a teddy bear or twerk in aprons
>>887090 or cal themselves lolis
She knows what she’s doing and it’s gross and not even real age regression, she’s using the trauma as an excuse which isn’t even a
valid excuse for her infantalizing herself and acting horny in the same sentence and acting so “innocent and smol” and pedobaiting
No. 887522
File: 1572639941569.jpeg (409.91 KB, 606x740, 2D994D0C-6BAD-4FFD-9C13-4B0198…)

>>887502>>887507>>887427>>887384Are you saying I’m not rlly a baby kitten anime loli, anon? I think I am about to cry… :ooo
No. 887549
File: 1572642852309.jpg (223.08 KB, 1080x1758, Screenshot_20191102-080928__01…)

>>887502>>887507Anything popularised on Tumblr tends to be full blown retarded kek
Also we might have to do some mental preparation for the horrors we're about to witness. Once, just wasn't enough apparently
No. 887551
File: 1572642934376.jpeg (319.74 KB, 750x1057, 0DC84AF1-FA62-4DD9-B1BC-C9CD5D…)

she’s literally just saying “buy me stuff because i’m not broke but i want you white knights to spend all your money on me hehe”
No. 887558
File: 1572644019024.jpeg (243.76 KB, 640x840, 600BAE04-4C31-4B27-98C8-D07D8A…)

This is just sad
No. 887591
>>887588Yeah I hope that never happens, imagine having a gross loli wannabe as a mom aside from the abuse and neglect, it’s probably very embarrassing
Plus Erin hates every other girl she comes across and sees them as competition so her having a daughter is a total hypothetical nightmare.
No. 887639
File: 1572654420381.jpeg (838.44 KB, 1936x3383, 368864F2-A439-4020-8304-F0D613…)

The Erin vs bunears saga continues. This bitch is insufferable
No. 887641
File: 1572654490342.jpeg (475.24 KB, 745x1294, 38CA13C2-70A3-4CA3-A529-9A5998…)

at least people on twitter are catching on to her bullshit
No. 887656
File: 1572657120102.jpeg (348.57 KB, 750x758, C29C7823-56B4-49A4-8003-D11C98…)

No. 887657
File: 1572657175413.jpeg (399.26 KB, 750x1117, 2D78C251-E1D8-4A04-8DC2-4A3108…)

she’s really playing up this “uwu i didn’t do anyfing wrong i swear !! :3” thing huh
No. 887670
>>887658I mean I agree, but going by the "my pussy too small to censor" saga she's clearly found a new
victim to leech (among others I'm sure) some semblance of a personality from whilst being just indirect enough to make Bunears look petty if she calls attention to it.
Textbook skinwalker behaviour if I do say so myself
No. 887693
File: 1572662210077.jpg (272.2 KB, 1080x1681, Screenshot_20191102-133409__01…)

>plot twist it's just Erin all the while thinking she's really clever for typing slight differences each time
No. 887712
File: 1572666566310.jpg (1.13 MB, 1920x2560, 19-11-02-14-45-14-693_deco.jpg)

I honestly find it hard to believe Erin has this many orbiters who care about her Twitter drama
I also find it strange some of the anons are mockingly using "uwu" in their messages to her, one even calling her an "uwu bitch" when that's the general consensus of this thread made for Erin lol?
>Sage for further tinfoil
No. 887713
File: 1572666622040.jpg (874.74 KB, 1920x2560, 19-11-02-14-33-10-370_deco.jpg)

No. 887751
>>887742It's definitely dumb enough to possibly be her kek
"People are here to Jack off. That's all you are to anybody :)"
- Weird considering I can't imagine Erin's WKs following her for wholesome reasons? Idk I'm probably reading too far into it but I pictured them coming from an angle that wasn't also super applicable to their queen lol?
>Sounds like projecting to me No. 887753
>>887712>>887713>>887742The only reason Erins neckbeard degenerate male followers would defend her is for brownie points and le possible internet coochie they aren’t noble enough to do it anonymously
I doubt (and kinda hope) Erin doesn’t have any female followers because she’s such a bitch to every other girl so I don’t think. That’s plausible either
>>887693 wtf is this person even saying ?
>>887657 she’s so insufferable we all know damn well she’s harassing that bunears chick on her tellonym pretending to be a fan of herself and being like “wahhh I would never do anyfing to stir up drama that’s bad :ccc” being a self righteous bitch and criticizing other girls will only hurt you so you should learn to be nice to your female counterparts in the community you big nosed ass goblin
No. 887757
>>887753Read it nice and slow anon, pic was related. It was a convo about her curious cat being aggressively spammed by anons
The plot twist is it's just Erin lmao
No. 887766
File: 1572686437183.jpg (271.14 KB, 818x1274, IMG_20191102_171947.jpg)

He never replies to her at all. She comes across so desperate.
He's not into you, Erin. Let it go.
No. 887769
>>887766 I'm honestly curious if she's on the spectrum, or takes solace in the fact she's basically playing a character at this point?
It's funny you don't even need to lurk his Twitter to be 90% sure he's your typical scrawny eboy hiding behind his sxc animu dp and exaggerated alpha dom persona kek.
>Persuing him is sure to do wonders for her self image No. 887851
File: 1572709706175.jpeg (302.29 KB, 750x791, 6C1B894E-8653-4CFB-9258-B349E5…)

uh oh guys she’s having a breakdown beware she might threaten to hurt herself LOL
No. 887853
File: 1572709848075.png (32.69 KB, 590x295, clowning.PNG)

No. 887862
File: 1572711137251.png (166.42 KB, 621x474, yikes.PNG)

>>887766this is honestly just sad. adding more to it
No. 887864
File: 1572711987983.jpeg (145.64 KB, 640x572, 471D7996-7BBB-4AEF-B027-B63905…)

No. 887869
>>887850Hard agree. Erin's goal in life is to be the off-brand version of whatever peaks her interest at the time. If that was all she wouldn't be half as milky. But if you've ever experienced the subtle (or not so subtle
cough Erin) ways in which these people 'compete' with their
victims you can spot it from a mile away.
I wonder what she'll do in response to the thread? Will she use our commentary to better her skinwalking or fade into the shadows like Kooters did? It goes without saying a lot of us hope she cleans up her act, but I'm pretty doubtful tbh.
>Saged for opinion sperg No. 887870
File: 1572713098634.jpeg (260 KB, 750x1075, 4EE8448F-934B-4CF8-9D79-B12784…)

wasnt she just posting about wanting to die LOL take your meds erin you clearly are bipolar
No. 887875
>>887870anon she is just an entitled fat neet
all her meds are over the counter
No. 887952
File: 1572721134251.jpeg (235.46 KB, 1006x1453, 950A7F45-4C02-43CA-867E-D11025…)

just some context: erin added my boyfriend on playstation, tried to manipulate me into feeling bad about not wanting her adding him and then went on a rant about me on her story.
i already knew that some shady stuff happened with her master and cheating quite a while back so i wasn’t just being paranoid
these dms are from maybe 5-6 months ago, i’m sorry for my horrible cropping, i can’t find the original ones. hope i’m doing this right D:(D:)
No. 888061
File: 1572733869268.jpeg (Spoiler Image,237.4 KB, 750x800, 25CC0636-778A-4F1E-B0DB-3AC205…)

she was just talking about wanting to kill herself and then just posts nudes where she (again) sexualizes sanrio characters
wonder if she was being spiteful with that as a fuck you to bunears
No. 888124
File: 1572739936053.jpeg (171.64 KB, 750x655, CF9DA43E-9FCB-4F02-9158-3B8BE4…)

They posted a thread about Erin and even HENTAIPUP retweeted it LOL erin is cancelled i bet
No. 888148
File: 1572743195642.jpeg (467.25 KB, 1125x2243, B3A9CCCD-9690-40A7-A8E1-7BA3A8…)

>>888124I see people are linking the thread, guess we better expect another influx of newfags
Anyways, Erins pitiful attempt at damage control is beginning. Playing dumb instead of taking responsibility, as usual.
No. 888165
File: 1572745386891.jpeg (339.8 KB, 1152x2048, 70DE913F-B2D7-44E5-8446-62568D…)

remember when erin got called out about suicide baiting and posting nudes on agere insta? me too
No. 888166
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No. 888188
File: 1572748904938.jpeg (302.87 KB, 640x474, C1BA8443-32F6-476F-A742-EB2B7C…)

Erin on why she’s so secretive about her age
if you felt like you wanted your childhood back so badly why are you on nsfw twitter posting things like
>>886989>>887558>>887870 No. 888197
File: 1572749233244.jpeg (89.08 KB, 586x563, 0A474AF2-CC53-4DBF-91DF-2B6BF2…)

she’s trying to get other people to defend her and is threatening to deactivate. cringe.
No. 888201
File: 1572749750688.jpeg (74.2 KB, 594x431, 88CAB5BF-5597-467F-A486-686095…)

this is so sad i actually feel bad for her now. she has no self awareness.
No. 888210
File: 1572750267088.jpeg (35.48 KB, 585x286, 87BA5797-F83D-4468-AF1B-47093B…)

>>888198she’s doing it to multiple people omg girl STOP
No. 888217
>>888201>>888197This shit is why Erin will always get herself driven out of whatever community she inserts herself into. She is so stuck in this “why is everyone so mean to me I’m just a little girl I just want to be left alone”
victim complex but it completely escapes her grasp that in order for that fake innocence shit to be remotely believable, she can’t keep antagonizing other girls and then going off on suicidal crytyping spirals. But she’s boring and petty so she won’t. She just loves to paint herself as a pure little loli in need of protecting when in reality she’s too emotionally stupid to do any sort of intentional self-reflection that considers others’ feelings. It’s all extremes
No. 888229
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No. 888232
File: 1572752405810.jpeg (845.76 KB, 3305x2575, 7EFD231E-B749-41DF-BE7E-D67812…)

>>888231It’s still on her twitter but here.
No. 888243
File: 1572753612589.jpeg (33.51 KB, 592x286, 915B0621-B8BE-4FE3-95CE-B1C268…)

She has serious issues with letting people go. The man unfollowed her, follows all the people who are “bullying” her and straight up ignores every single comment or message or post she directs at him. He doesn’t wanna play Minecraft with you, he doesn’t want your tiny censor bar pussy and he certainly isn’t gonna defend you.
No. 888246
i beg of you all
sage if you want to make remarks like
>>888221 >>888217
>>888200it doesnt lead to any milk discussion and its so bothersome seeing this thread constantly put to the front page with no milk
No. 888248
File: 1572754145738.jpeg (73.37 KB, 586x863, 5A4DDA9C-4E8A-4C6D-9080-A7EA94…)

she deleted her comment
No. 888263
>>887862 happened right after
>>887766 she's hilariously pathetically desperate. aww a wittle passive-aggressive comment because you feel targeted? but still trying to get his attention afterwards while he couldn't care less you exist.
this woman is just a shit manipulator.
>>888188it's really annoying she's messaging strangers to defend her.
>>888239>>888239she wants to be and feel victimized over something that never happened and wishes it did happen. she wants people to feel sorry and pitiful of her in hopes that'll get her free shit.
i believe she knows what she's doing, she's an adult. i see her age regression and being a "
victim" as bait for those pity points, but mainly targeted at men with questionable fetishes or whatever. posting nsfw while infantlizing herself.
tinfoil, i bet she's got fucked up fantasies and her sexualizing her childhood she never had because of "twama" is to find a man with dark fantasies. she's not looking for an actual relationship, because her average looks would ward of men who are into lolis. and a ldr will benefit more to her wishlist.
No. 888270
File: 1572757003942.jpeg (229.31 KB, 640x676, 3CC203F4-002E-4C2F-A07B-F11F1A…)

Someone on twitter posted a pic of her and said it was recent, she said it was years ago 1/1
No. 888289
File: 1572759472858.jpg (108.72 KB, 1080x489, Screenshot_20191103-163430__01…)

Literally no one asked Erin stop oversharing your making it incredibly obvious you read this thread. You know exactly what you're doing and nothing good will come of it.
No. 888291
>>888286Lmfao this anon. All the while being a passive agressive shot at the girl she's currently skinwalking for showing her unshopped coochie kek
There are layers to how unlikable she is but unfortunately it's probably the most complex thing about her
No. 888308
File: 1572769051071.jpg (243.84 KB, 1080x1674, Screenshot_20191103-191018__01…)

Wondering if anyone's seen this yet? Bunears went off at Erin for everything on her alt
>Image dump incoming
No. 888309
File: 1572769083549.jpg (289.43 KB, 1080x1603, Screenshot_20191103-191047__01…)

No. 888310
File: 1572769174290.jpg (296.05 KB, 1080x1460, Screenshot_20191103-191104__01…)

No. 888328
>>888272if she lost 100lb she'd be ana. It sounds like she's never lost weight or she's know that's a ridiculous number to throw out.
>>888189See egirls thread for reference of why this was made.
No. 888330
>>888310Funny how not only people in this thread notice all the little skin walking she's been doing but even random Twitter people are pointing it out to her
victim. Saying the same shit anons have been saying. She can't even hide her skinwalking
No. 888365
>>888336Ikr! Imagine being so wrapped up in twitter sex and your online persona.
It must be earth shattering for her when this twitter brigade bullshit goes down. Jesus. I wonder if one day she'll look back and just cringe to death over this nonsense. One can only hope.
No. 888447
File: 1572809647304.png (1.83 MB, 750x1334, C16AE05E-4423-4E50-BFD4-4BB6B7…)

>>888446this one is my personal favorite
No. 888528
File: 1572829212477.jpeg (129.27 KB, 640x342, 974A7469-9DAF-4004-A8F7-2A372A…)

It’s funny seeing her of all people retweet this
No. 888552
>>888528lmao erin, you do nothing but passive aggressively attack other girls and then play the
victim and suicide bait in your usual "what did i do,,://" way to make others seem like the problem when anyone dares to call you out on your shit. you go even as far as to message other girls' boyfriends because you see all other girls as competition and you must win uwu. i'm glad everyone now sees you for the manipulative narc cunt that you are and always were, apparently.
No. 888601
File: 1572856520262.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1125x1906, E0CABA63-77D8-43EF-9B9E-15890E…)

>>885311non Erin-related news: she really out here posting James Charles quotes as if she isn't cringe enough as is.
No. 888662
File: 1572880413988.jpeg (136.22 KB, 828x1332, C8E69853-A0CF-4CDC-B851-E5B644…)

>>879341Erin is already talking about wanting to reactivate insta & is already using a new new new nEW ig account… this bitch can’t stay off social media for 5 minutes
No. 888666
File: 1572881590854.jpeg (542.52 KB, 828x1463, DC5F266F-F657-409A-B2EE-D29413…)

> I don’t like being cooped up uwu
> spends all day every day locked in her room playing final fantasy and on discord to greasy simp “doms”
No. 888667
File: 1572881851729.png (1.2 MB, 828x1792, 14F92295-10A9-4046-9032-434065…)

>>879341Hilarious how even when she sad tweets from her nsfw account looking for sympathy these are the kinds of replies she gets… they don’t care about your life Erin, they only follow you for nudes. It’s nsfw twitter for crying out loud
No. 888668
File: 1572882026233.png (110.88 KB, 607x551, Screen Shot 2019-11-04 at 10.4…) looking for erin's twit and found her side account where she stalks people who blocked her & complains about people stealing her tweets, which she does all of the time
No. 888705
File: 1572884738881.png (785.74 KB, 1125x2436, 48666BDE-CD71-4247-834C-0F10AD…)

Lmao(erin painter selfposting)
No. 888756
>>888722>“girls can’t be sexist, bye”whoa now did she just say something nice about other females ? calm down Erin I think you’re forgetting that you’re a widdle innocent
victim loli kitten and every other girl is a big meanie with
gasp outie pussy flaps and doesn’t moan all high pitched
uncontrollably like you, those other nsfw twitter girls are soo experienced unlike you, you’re so innocent, a true loli
>>888668 what a dumbass she blocks anyone who doesn’t agree with her or coddle her but does this
youre probably lurking here rn, Erin you are gross and I bet you if your orbiters saw your real face and body they would run as far away as possible because you are NOT an anime loli you’re a tall fat bitch with an adult face that doesn’t even slightly resemble vanilla cake on final fantasy or whatever the fuck maybe try an audience of normal horny dudes instead of pedos and they’ll accept you until then you are one of the most entertaining cows on this site atm so keep it up
No. 888787
File: 1572891355990.jpeg (108.37 KB, 750x627, C6800FF4-8BD4-43D6-BA2A-36BFDE…)

but saying “uwu i wanna grind on master until he gives me permission to cum” is fine? ok goblina
No. 888794
>>888788She won't, it's not like she doesn't know what she's doing, she's very well self-aware. She wants to be a
victim, if she doesn't get any pity she would literally have a mental breakdown over this. Yeah sure she get's a lot of hate, but it's mostly due to her very own actions. I agree that people shouldn't make fun of her because of something she can't change, like her facial features, even if her shops are heavy. Her behaviour, however is something she could and should work on; yet all she does is throwing "uwu i didnt mean to do that im sowwy". She's not willing to change in any way. Honestly anon even if you go and give her support of any kind it will most likely go to waste - she won't change unless she wants to, and she doesn't.
No. 888842
>>888666i got laser eye surgery ))): i have depression ugh
i paid a couple thousand for eye surgery )))): i live such a good life boohoo
No. 888856
File: 1572898038086.png (2.15 MB, 1125x2436, 2F18955F-F4E9-4160-9E9D-185215…)

I hate that Erin asks for gifts from her low life pedo followers. She’s so privledged and spoiled irl, she doesn’t need any help with gifts. She sits on her ass all day wanting to be a 4 year old instead of being an adult and getting a job. Why is she asking for gifts from followers when has mommy & daddy pay for all her stuffies and sex toys UwU. Like get a job lmfao. She’s literally a scum to society. what a waste of space
No. 888880
File: 1572898818956.jpeg (137.48 KB, 750x572, 780C9396-A3F0-4437-8A51-B24321…)

>>888662nta but update she just changed the accounts @ to @purinpet HI ERIN
and is literally pretending like she didn’t just get called out all over twitter haha erin please don’t stop being you, you give us endless milk
No. 888883
File: 1572899028123.png (311.99 KB, 640x1136, 840CAE47-D4F6-4EB6-B816-AEF9C2…)

>>888788She ignores supportive messages and only pays attention to drama and treats everyone who’s not a mutual like a fan
Image dump 1/3
No. 888887
File: 1572899115277.png (236.14 KB, 640x1136, 94211422-35CA-49E6-BF7F-2D279D…)

(these are from @pupmotel’s Erin highlights btw)
No. 888891
File: 1572899209944.png (308.49 KB, 640x1136, 2736B02F-573C-4C5E-A9B3-C02B1B…)

She doesn’t deserve her followers or support because she’s such a bitch to everyone and ignores all the support she receives
Img 3/3
No. 888936
>>879341>>888898I REMEMBER ALL HER STARVING POSTS???? she once captioned a picture of her body saying something along the lines of “doing an apple slice a day diet!” so i commented and i tried to tell her how it wasn’t healthy and going down a bad path so she argued me, said she isnt starving herself i should “shut the fuck up” and that im just bullying her/starting drama and blocked me.
before she started the “uwu im
victim. what ???? i never said that! omg :(“ denial bullshit she would just straight out insult or block anyone who actually tried to give her help or constructive criticism she didn’t wanna hear. unless you’re male or have something she wants to use you for, you’re useless. even kissing her ass as those screenshots above show doesn’t work.
this has been going on far too long for me to feel any empathy. i do hope she gets help because i don’t know how she will ever make it if she doesn’t start growing up now, but shes completely aware of her shitty actions and doesn’t care for the help. its one thing to behave like her or struggle with mental illness but its another to deny your wrongdoings and dismiss any sort of help. shes spoiled and feels very comfortable in this false mind shes created for herself so i don’t see anything changing unless she gets a wake up call.
also find it funny that this thread is the only thing she hasn’t called her white knights out to defend her on or mentioned on social media, because she knows they’d see how she really is.
(rule 5.3) No. 888945
File: 1572904974937.png (Spoiler Image,8.31 MB, 1242x2208, 685DB243-1709-40F0-9567-3D39E0…)

used 2 follow Erin on ig, have so many ss of her posts bcuz they were so embarrassing,,,, this 1 is my favorite bc her nose Photoshop was so bad and everyone was calling her out on it
No. 888948
File: 1572905104484.jpeg (Spoiler Image,92.17 KB, 1242x687, 61096B91-DD4A-4FEC-AAED-125EA3…)

Also,,, don’t understand whats so anime girl uwu ab her ass when it looks like this… disregarding the photoshop on her waist xaxaxaxa ok fatty(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 888973
>>888668Not sure if anyone noticed but this is her literally harrassing her prior stalking
victim, the one that deleted her IG for a bit because of Erin
No. 889064
File: 1572919061008.jpeg (364.81 KB, 1242x1270, 746E326D-76AA-433E-9FBF-95977E…)

I wonder how many times she’ll be ignored by this eboy before she gives up?
No. 889162
File: 1572929406757.jpg (348.34 KB, 720x1148, 20191104_204828.jpg)

erin photoshops herself into oblivion but when she thinks any other girls is photoshopping that's just… not ok:( uwu
No. 889184
File: 1572932167942.png (2.46 MB, 1125x2436, DD174FA7-201E-4B51-B36B-E7A357…)

>>889162Here’s the photos she’s talking about bending btw
No. 889190
>>889184Fuck off Erin you deplorable turd. Even if this girl is photoshopped her angles alone prove she's less shopped than your shapeshifting ass. What an unnecessary and transparent comment, I'm glad you got called out kek.
You're incapible of fashioning a desirable body even with editing so you're taking out your insecurities on other women.
No. 889197
File: 1572936065586.jpg (166.26 KB, 1080x1093, Screenshot_20191105-173323__01…)

She straight up reposted a previous tweet that gained heaps of traction… her attention hunger/clout chasing knows no bounds. At least she remembered (because she was corrected kek) it's obviously 'sexual harrassment' and not 'sexual assult' this time lol.
Lucky she corrected it, because going by her flawed logic she's a sexual predator herself :^)
No. 889198
File: 1572936385152.jpg (95.99 KB, 1080x575, Screenshot_20191105-174402__01…)

Same fag as
>>889197>Pick me my pussy is the most breeding worthy uwu No. 889244
File: 1572952544656.jpeg (308.48 KB, 750x919, F364ACA5-586C-4A66-A3FB-FD21B9…)

I find it weird that HENTAIPUP is now an agereg person? Like she really just promoted her sfw agere account on her nsfw account. I’m pretty sure she only looked into agere after the Erin drama she had with her including this thread being linked in one of her tags. Whats next? The entire nsfw twitter people gonna become part of agere community?
No. 889271
File: 1572958310072.jpeg (281.99 KB, 640x636, 98D15C6C-D98A-4C58-B21E-C276C8…)

>>889259>>889154She traces other people’s art and passes it as her own
No. 889315
File: 1572968308758.jpeg (1.5 MB, 3000x3999, D4AD4FB9-3DD7-4158-B7A0-515ED3…)

Can she pick a face
No. 889462
File: 1572996148780.png (649.12 KB, 1125x2436, 2CE33A2A-A1CC-4F98-AD42-A597C7…)

She’s at it again with “UwU I don’t know anything”
No. 889463
>>889462was just about to post this like why does she want to put this out there so bad she’s just gonna get creeps who want to “corrupt” her i mean look at her replies
anything to appeal to get that sweet sweet pedo attention right
No. 889468
File: 1572996702979.png (651.38 KB, 1125x2436, F1FFFC3E-924D-4CE2-8CB5-4B1BA2…)

She says DM me but in the comments people are saying they do and she doesn’t respond. But once someone calls her out she says “I have too many dms!”
No. 889470
>>889462“Everyone’s so confident on here”
Yeah and you’d like to knock that right down, huh Erin? She shits on ever other girl in the community whenever she gets the opportunity “Don’t sexualize Sanrio characters”
“Eww what the fuck is wrong with you calling yourself a loli?!”
“That is photoshopped”
and look at the replies “someone needs grooming” that’s some actual pedophile terminology
Kek at their names, Neko and hornyguy
No. 889478
File: 1572997420576.jpeg (394.95 KB, 750x906, 6FD0795A-65F6-4657-AA89-B8CD33…)

she is so weird even copying the e boy she’s obsessed with tweets
No. 889485
File: 1572997976086.jpeg (541.03 KB, 1125x1118, CFC2F9E7-8B30-49B4-830A-07490E…)

her tweet right after saying she’s soooo “shy n innocent n inexperienced” lmaooo. Really? Inexperienced? She’s been in nsfw since she was like 15 & fucks hella ffxiv daddy’s n 30 year old tinder dates(erin painter selfposting)
No. 889486
File: 1572998158044.png (2.37 MB, 1125x2436, 555C9D4C-B493-4B09-8619-05063E…)

No, Erin. You’re tall and fat.(erin painter selfposting)
No. 889509
>>885983as much as i love vagina like the dyke i am,this made me fucking retch, i feel like i'm looking at CP.
Holy cow,i never saw someone pandering this bad,not even Belle Delphine is at that level of pedobaiting and this bitch is pretty high.
Seriously,she needs to get some therapy ASAP,it's frightening to see these girls transforming into these dumb slutty bimbos or dumb widdle babbies for the enjoyment of men online because that's the only way they feel worthy.
(blogpost) No. 889515
>>889462yes you’re so inexperienced erin!
didn’t she literally shove a large cat tail buttplug up her ass the other day? she needs to stop with this “m so childish and inexperienced aaaa” bullshit.
No. 889538
File: 1573005051505.jpeg (318.38 KB, 750x1117, 56B0FAAE-0BDB-4EF5-9B17-813CD1…)

post from her instagram account about the trauma her “master” put her through when she was 17-18
No. 889548
File: 1573006848714.jpeg (25.6 KB, 500x328, images (5).jpeg)

>>889538This is the first thing that came to mind after reading that sperg
No. 889578
File: 1573014456524.png (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 1188x1255, 76ae2cc73768e05325c78fb035459f…)

has this been pointed out yet?
No. 889601
>>889578Good spot anon, I think she believes if she copies aspects from multiple
victims she's less likely to get caught.
>>881591 Tried to find her photos in apoutydoll's apron but I think she deleted them because anons thought she looked chubby kek. Luckily it's saved in the thread.
No. 889602
>>889585"i dnt know what i did wrong ive never seen their account before so i didnt steal anything :((( will delete my account if itll make u comfy but im so confused :((("
I swear
No. 889603
Samefag as:
>>889601I just realised Erin was calling herself poutypet too kek
>>881591 No. 889604
File: 1573018064006.png (3 MB, 1125x2436, F4CA02EA-2215-4563-BAE7-0294F2…)

Oh hey
No. 889608
File: 1573018660545.jpg (183.65 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20191106-163507__01…)

Normally I'd assume this is Erin but she used the correct "you're" so who knows
I'd still keep an eye out on her curiouscat it's bound to get spammed when
>>889604 blows up. Unless Erin reads this and my reverse psychology is working kek
No. 889613
File: 1573018888175.jpg (115 KB, 1080x795, Screenshot_20191106-164121__01…)

This is so accurate
No. 889630
File: 1573021120649.png (1.12 MB, 1125x2436, 3434F794-6B7C-4378-AB2E-A3A9CD…)

She claims to be in and out of therapy but I can 100% promise you no therapist would ever condone posting the content she does and claiming she’s a baby I’ve gone through sexual assault and emotional abuse for years and I wanted to post nudes and such for approval but my therapist repeatedly told me how bad it is and how it’s re traumatizing and makes you an easy target for harassment unless she’s doing this as a shitty form of self harm or somehow never told her therapist she’s doing this shit she clearly has never gone (also people only claim she’s never been abused or harassed because she has been caught lying so many times and she has willingly trigger so many people’s Ed by calling herself overweight and not tagging her shit)
No. 889635
File: 1573023632656.png (364.85 KB, 1125x2436, D6C070D7-9B31-4CA5-ADFF-63A567…)

No. 889639
File: 1573024066460.png (561.88 KB, 1125x2436, F045D1B0-48B1-4AEA-9931-40766C…)

No. 889642
File: 1573024879869.png (585.54 KB, 1125x2436, 56B6BC2C-4291-406D-885C-70B38D…)

Well now we know she reads this or at least knows about it anyone have anything they wanna say?
No. 889648
File: 1573025492097.jpeg (122.38 KB, 750x1276, A55AB813-46BB-4153-85B3-D8CB41…)

like you dont stalk everyone else you copy LOL(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 889652
File: 1573026172136.jpg (186.53 KB, 848x575, IMG_20191106_154226.jpg)

She liked this but it's exactly how she sounds
No. 889669
File: 1573028247271.jpeg (253.6 KB, 750x912, 8AEE0FFD-FE34-401C-B3BB-7B05F7…)

she just retweeted this LOL imagine backing up someone who literally is copying her mutuals constantly(Erin Painter Selfposting)
No. 889671
File: 1573029399516.png (357.77 KB, 750x1334, A8629B12-7263-472A-9E74-F530F0…)

No. 889673
File: 1573029510182.jpeg (148.77 KB, 720x1294, 69B6CE4E-EF7A-4E6F-8E46-463598…)

No. 889675
File: 1573029610298.png (268.14 KB, 750x1334, 2613ED5B-C0E3-4DC0-987D-C8839B…)

No. 889683
File: 1573030823986.jpeg (301.7 KB, 750x933, F7AC6BD1-DF9E-4F3B-9B56-9FDDCF…)

Not sure if anyones noticed this but apoutydoll is into ddlg and Erin stated she doesn’t follow or let ddlg people follow her? So she’s being a hypocrite LOL
No. 889684
File: 1573030953521.jpeg (230.75 KB, 1242x1747, F6F07B43-1BB7-4482-B601-E3F84C…)

Also want to point out she’s into CNC and i believe Erin is uncomfortable with that since she’s a victim? Not sure correct me if i’m wrong anyone, but here’s a closer look at the chart apoutydoll is into
No. 889700
File: 1573038116674.jpeg (159.4 KB, 750x629, 4C1C7204-991D-4400-B8E4-13D032…)

erin face it you won’t, you can’t live without attention from your orbiters
>also she says she fears for her LIFE bc of us lmao calm down girl we don’t care about you that much your internet presence is just funny to watch because you’re so embarrassing
No. 889721
File: 1573040752129.jpeg (1.02 MB, 3464x3464, 85442555-5F3C-40B0-A279-FD51D9…)

She fucked this guy named Ryan from tinder in under a week of knowing him (swear it was like the third day of knowing eachother they fucked) and he stopped talking to her after lmao
No. 889737
File: 1573043585901.jpeg (152.15 KB, 750x770, E7B8CA71-4B66-4AA7-904E-1E3D72…)

She’s throwing shade now
No. 889770
File: 1573054702016.jpeg (288.04 KB, 750x1096, D4C1622C-3C0C-4940-A5B7-5FCC8C…)

or you’re just posting sad tweets because you want people to beg for you to stay so they can see free lewds of you since you’re such a legal loli
No. 889782
File: 1573057009422.jpeg (599.91 KB, 828x1216, 208063F1-9016-4CFD-BF12-995B4E…)

>>879341When has Erin EVER been able to “deal” with people calling her fat and ugly… she spergs about it constantly
No. 889790
File: 1573058451769.jpeg (217.53 KB, 750x583, D762E20A-8DEE-4B6D-A0A6-A012D1…)

isn’t erin anti ddlg? but is liking someones post that’s into ddlg as well? wouldn’t surprise me if tinypup is someone else she’s gonna skinwalk considering they only have 21 followers and aren’t known
No. 889812
File: 1573060996096.jpeg (118.36 KB, 750x695, DA507E74-A40C-4CFD-897B-4CF966…)

another breakdown, we should start a game of “guess how many times will erin have a break in 1 week”
No. 889813
File: 1573061128415.jpeg (315.13 KB, 750x1173, D0C340DA-B41F-42FC-A811-4828A1…)

she deactivated LOL
No. 889820
File: 1573062261116.png (337.41 KB, 1125x2436, C7A70C5F-0A5D-47E8-9B32-FD5C45…)

Who actually believes this shit anymore? Let’s see how long it takes for Erin to activate her NSFW twitter again cuz she misses the attention from her pedo old men fans(erin painter selfposting)
No. 889823
File: 1573062484913.jpeg (244.87 KB, 750x874, 5015E2C8-5DF4-43FB-A054-BB5954…)

Erin sweetie you constantly copy others and are a hypocrite but once called out and exposed by other mutuals you decide to delete and hide. You did that with instagram and now twitter? Your parents probably divorced because of you
No. 889826
>>889823Maybe if she tried writing an actual, formal apology instead of saying uwu im so sad I ruin everything everyone hate me im sowwie )))):
I think another person posted a tweet referencing that they can’t take apologizes littered with baby talk and uwu seriously, which I agree with.
No. 889827
File: 1573063106063.jpeg (275.78 KB, 750x1195, A8D3821F-3BDC-4B97-8C57-4C6DFB…)

“body twitter acc” you mean your nsfw account? for interacting with nsfw people?
No. 889828
File: 1573063120953.jpeg (124.08 KB, 1125x751, D82D33A7-7123-4A78-A2FD-37691D…)

Is this a new final fantasy e-boy daddy? Or an alt account?(erin painter selfposting)
No. 889829
>>889818lol yeah unfortunately. most people
literally just see her as a vagina. when will she realise no one wants to hear her whining?
No. 889846
>>889642LOL, she's acting like she has orbiters from r9k (which is awful in itself but at least indicative of being desirable) instead of people calling her out for being a complete skinwalker, liar, manipulator, etc.
No one thinks you're interesting.
This thread is to get people to realize you have no self-awareness and should be avoided.
No. 889850
>>889820i hope no one actually falls for this. self-flagellating is never an apology and should never be part of one. calling yourself evil and frantically saying you feel bad changes nothing. if anything, being aware you're a bad person while still refusing to make changes makes you even worse than people who aren't aware.
this is typical narcissistic manipulation. she wants people to coddle her and go "uwu noo you're not bad sweetie!" because she's crying while exhibition guilt. she wants the guilt to be seen as irrational.
guess what Erin? it's rational. you should feel bad.
No. 889911
File: 1573079098635.png (74.37 KB, 753x745, erin.PNG)

looks like erin is getting called out on her "self pity uwu" tweet
No. 889932
File: 1573085375028.png (3.27 MB, 1125x2436, 3508D3A4-626D-404B-8B3A-E9A146…)

is she really posting underwear pics on her sfw agere account? Is she serious? Does she ever quit lol(erin painter selfposting)
No. 889935
File: 1573085992850.jpeg (330.18 KB, 750x1190, 05815F3D-CF0E-4234-B03A-673F63…)

THAT PERSONS COMMENT HAS ME DYING. Whichever one of you commented that you have me laughing hard
No. 889937
File: 1573086045958.jpeg (357.35 KB, 750x1207, C23535DB-6B90-423A-87DB-377EDE…)

She’s reposting her stuff again yikes
No. 889940
File: 1573086253434.jpeg (358.46 KB, 750x1096, 4F253A45-3304-4176-BC35-F15496…)

She’s blocking anyone that likes that girls comment. Like you’re posting PANTIES and THIGHS which is nsfw. You have sfw agereg people following you for a safe place and if they wanted to see someone in their panties they would go to nsfw twitter on a nsfw account. Disgusting and disrespectful to her own “keep nsfw stuff off my feed uwu” bullshit
No. 889941
File: 1573086311544.jpeg (661.03 KB, 1242x1448, EE37A344-6030-49AE-BA2C-D6908F…)

LMAO. She’s DELUSIONAL. “It’s not nsfw cause I don’t have a cock in my pussy” is apparently the new standard for NSFW.
No. 889944
File: 1573086530057.jpeg (87.55 KB, 828x433, B8D4D737-21EC-41FE-8C87-30C6C4…)

this puzzles me so much lmao she always interacted with ddlg accounts, why is she suddenly grossed out by them now?
No. 889945
File: 1573086620388.jpeg (308.26 KB, 1242x860, 5AB59FC8-81C1-4748-8CC9-6EA63C…)

Can’t tell if autistic or actually that dumb
No. 889946
File: 1573086685168.png (334.45 KB, 1125x2436, 1BB96FE0-4ACE-454A-B1F2-8D33A2…)

Why is she playing stupid. She must actually be mentally retarded to think underwear pictures are sfw. She really gets upset if she goes 5 seconds without posting her tiny innie pussy teehee uwu >>.<<(erin painter selfposting)
No. 889947
File: 1573086796422.jpeg (266.31 KB, 750x1195, 6275139C-4CC9-45E2-A5FF-CFCDA3…)

Is she dumb? She already dealt with this before the first few times she posted similar content.
No. 889951
>>889935I mean, I get she’s gross and annoying but i don’t think insulting her and calling her obese makes anyone better than she is, it’s equally pathetic.
However, it seems like she cares more about these pathetic insults instead of responding to people who keep calling her out. She just blocks them and refuses to give a reply, which will never not be funny to me.
She is objectively delusional and acts in a disgusting manner, but giving her any type of attention only fuels her ego. She hides only when she faces real arguments that aren’t written in babytalk.
No. 889953
File: 1573087226791.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 3CB86AF3-1728-429C-97F7-654BB6…)

Hi I’m the girl on Twitter who got blocked for calling her out lmaO. I’m so done with her bs. “This is a sfw account I won’t post my body uwu !!” immediately posts pictures in nderwear u can literally post JUST ur stomach(cowtipping)
No. 889954
File: 1573087236392.jpeg (236.19 KB, 750x1182, 2D7CA0AA-9F39-4942-AFA9-4BDEEE…)

Explains a lot lol
No. 889956
File: 1573087256557.jpeg (205.22 KB, 1125x1503, 6DA755EF-C529-4032-8529-80251D…)

at least she admits to it tho(erin painter selfposting)
No. 889957
File: 1573087417388.png (120.55 KB, 341x605, erin.PNG)

she put her twitter on private
No. 889963
File: 1573088315519.jpeg (127.6 KB, 750x1058, F115E66C-C8E4-4754-996C-A50088…)

she can’t be without social media she’s already gonna reactivate her main insta
No. 889966
File: 1573088641921.png (1.01 MB, 828x1792, 08FCFD22-39C0-4B86-8C1B-8086A8…)

she blocked me because I liked a tweet, how pathetic do you have to be to refuse to even reply to actually v a l i d arguments made against you?
She’s creating this godawful bubble where she’s this innocent incompetent baby when in reality she’s just a huge fucking manipulator.
Erin, if you’re going to read this (of course you will) just know that everyone knows how shitty you actually are.
You can change your behavior, be a good person and recognize your mistakes like a normal fucking person does.
But no, in order to maintain those four pedophiles and dumb ass fifteen year old littles as your followers, you just HAVE TO embarrass yourself even further.
If you want to stop drama, fucking apologize and get your shit together, get a goddamn job and don’t complain every two seconds about people wanting to cut contacts with you because you’re so manipulative and toxic.
If you want them back then be serious for one goddamn second and apologize. It’s not that hard.
No. 889970
>>889953if i saw this literal nude on my feed i can guarantee it would upset me, i’m not even an age regressor i just like to keep my feeds free of nsfw stuff.
considering most of her followers on pwurrs are age regressors she definitely posted that pic knowing it would upset people,, how gross.
i hope she gets shunned out of every online community she joins.
No. 889974
File: 1573090418445.jpeg (318.67 KB, 1242x900, E4CE9155-5A79-40ED-87A0-DBB49B…)

repeat after me, your tummy pictures don’t need to include your panties and pussy.
No. 889976
File: 1573090716143.jpeg (207.98 KB, 750x1208, 313DADA4-2D19-4D2A-ABE4-FF3B0D…)

No. 889979
>>889976Tbh this is going a bit too far. Like, it’s not even a “oh that’s the Internet” thing because here y’all yell at her for bringing other people down and then say shit like this.
If you’re gonna call her out, point out her actual flaws instead of acting like a retard. I’m not even defending her because she needs to be called out but this ain’t the way to do it. But whatever, she’s gonna block anyone anyway.
No. 889987
>>889976Whoever sent that message is gross as fuck, it’s unsure whether she got raped or not. Let’s not say shit like this to people even if they’re acting deplorably, it’s not going to prove your point
Still wondering why she sexualized kids’ stuff if she experienced cocsa tho
No. 889998
>>889986Honestly assumed the same as you anon.
Regardless, whoever sent her that message is a massive tard. Although picking on her looks is easy there's clearly more important things that need to be brought to her and other's attention. If it wasn't already obvious, calling her out in that way just gives her ammunition against us and helps her to validate ignoring the truth we keep exposing. Let's not give her anymore scapegoats when she's capiable of fashioning them out of thin air.
At the end of the day she knows how she looks, if she didn't she wouldn't be compulsively shopping her photos since she's had an internet presence. There would be no need for her to constantly be on damage control and she definitely wouldn't be so passive agressive to other women, that's for sure.
We can't teach her self respect but we can certainly call our her behaviour in an attempt to prevent it.
>Saged for opinion sperg No. 890008
File: 1573094777402.jpeg (649.59 KB, 750x1231, 002E38B3-8ED7-412F-8253-F49B6B…)

i feel weird arguing about the validity of someone’s rape but she did mention she was groomed when she was 14 by a man (in person im assuming), but again still doesn’t explain why she copes with it the way she does
No. 890011
>>889976So, are we sure that she didn't make an account and send this to herself? I agree that this message is super fucked up but I dont think she is above this tactic to get pity points and play the
No. 890056
>>890049Anon having sex with someone that’s younger that that states age of consent is rape bottom line.
Not legal fagging since there’s loopholes and shit like that but legal adult having sex with legal minor is rape. Circumstances don’t matter, don’t matter if they’re dating or not, or if she “wanted” it or not, don’t matter if either of them regret it or not. It’s still rape.
No. 890061
File: 1573106126961.jpg (298.68 KB, 1080x1963, 20191107_005508.jpg)

New e boy?
No. 890062
File: 1573106192715.jpg (429.81 KB, 1080x1920, 20191107_005517.jpg)

No. 890063
File: 1573106228003.jpg (532.08 KB, 1080x1972, 20191107_005525.jpg)

No. 890073
File: 1573110127550.jpeg (411.46 KB, 750x1205, 482CF706-6D08-4995-A6D0-2CAE6F…)

No. 890074
File: 1573110154186.jpeg (141.7 KB, 750x792, 1705F877-9AE2-4DE2-A2A9-696688…)

these are the only people she’s following currently
No. 890092
File: 1573116540120.jpg (385.62 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_20191107-194135__01…)

>>889675Looks like her sperg last night before she deactivated actually worked on some people. She's got her WK's in bunear's call out thread… How the f
No. 890095
File: 1573117117486.jpg (1 MB, 1920x2560, 19-11-07-19-56-21-736_deco.jpg)

Samefag as
>>890092Wtf are her wk's even saying? Can anyone decipher this lol
No. 890119
File: 1573128811625.jpeg (960.44 KB, 1125x1528, 449863BE-2028-4085-B91D-E60637…)

not sure if anyone knows this chick but I know she’s had beef with Erin in the past. One of the only things I’ll defend Erin on is that usedpet accused Erin of copying a piglet build a bear from her. But the exact same piglet bear was posted in ads all over. Erin didn’t copy her. Idk why she feels entitled lol(erin painter selfposting)
No. 890150
File: 1573137923359.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 828x1792, F484C058-40EE-4167-B41C-AF693F…)

>>890142stolen from the egirl thread
yes, that’s her in the pic and this was on her second blog before it got deactivated. on instagram she seems to be in the agere/petre community, yet she sexualizes both of them on her tumblr.
No. 890154
File: 1573139772681.jpeg (468.38 KB, 750x1190, 909BEB70-53E6-43B0-A188-E0A906…)

No. 890168
>>890165Hi whiteknight. She still has her trash tagged as ddlg and agere so what’s the excuse for that one? It’s still sexual.
Just because someone disagrees with your favorite egirl doesn’t make them Erin
No. 890197
File: 1573145883310.jpeg (173.31 KB, 750x633, 9DE05B1F-8894-4678-829A-B73A24…)

Look at these prices LOL mommy and daddys money i swear yet she acts like she’s broke and can’t afford stuff(erin painter selfposting)
No. 890200
tinfoil: Erin is
>>890009 and wanted people on here to validate her twauma , until someone who knows her personally comes forward and confirms that Erin isn’t lying about it then we’ll know whether or not she actually was raped (despite everything else she says being total bs) stop derailing this thread with the rape debate even if she was groomed by that dude, it doesn’t excuse her gross pedo behavior and Erin if you’re reading this right now, you’re still an ugly turd
No. 890217
File: 1573147971933.jpeg (30.52 KB, 275x275, 536D44B7-FE13-43F4-B3AA-7B8ED9…)

Aubrey might be milky, but it’s nowhere near Erin levels. Pic taken from back when Erin skinwalked her to death
No. 890218
File: 1573148031355.jpeg (255.2 KB, 828x1166, B59916E9-1A5F-4A51-8A01-0AEFCC…)

she went from being 100% uncomfortable with nsfw stuff, then 100% comfortable and pretends she never said anything about being into agere (into as in into the community)… so which one is it?
no one is telling her she shouldn’t be proud of her body, she actually has a nice body but she shouldn’t put that shit on sfw. it’s not that hard.
No. 890222
File: 1573148191987.jpeg (926.64 KB, 1125x1923, 379BB94F-F7D9-48A6-8769-2DB28C…)

Aubreys response to Erins antics
No. 890233
>>890232no need to state the obvious.
and my reply was more-so directed to all of the white knights / newfags itt who think that you can't talk about someone if they aren't as milky as erin. that's not how it works. if someone has any milk at all then it's fair game to talk about it.
No. 890234
File: 1573148903987.jpeg (460.53 KB, 750x1054, F9873CD3-28E3-45BA-974E-229078…)

guess she has a new Daddy also you’re not very slick with the asterisks erin
bet she will be back on nsfw twitter by december to post lewds in this
No. 890267
File: 1573153864143.jpeg (263.16 KB, 1124x2001, B6D20313-7179-4766-B588-0D5315…)

when ur 19 still asking for mommy n daddy to buy u expensive Christmas gifts lmfaooooo
No. 890312
>>890296lol no, this derek has never interacted with her at all. i'm pretty sure the asterisks are something lame like "daddy". probably she just bought it for herself and tries to pretend she's so popular she's getting gifts now, kek.
>>890299all these twitter "doms" look like basement dweller nerds or students at best, they're all like 19 years old, i doubt they have any real income other than bank of mom and dad or a part time minimum wage paycheck from mcdonalds lol. well i mean chinese bootleg crap like that ugly piece of shit set she posted costs maybe 20 dollars maximum so i mean… technically he can afford to send gifts to these pathetic hoes but why would he, they're already thirsting over him as is.
No. 890316
File: 1573158541751.png (1.66 MB, 1125x2436, F7FFC47C-E7BA-48CC-97EB-D44247…)

Derek says he’s with some girl who goes by kt
No. 890317
File: 1573158709991.png (1.13 MB, 1125x2436, 76932DAA-8371-46B8-9DBA-887A1A…)

She seriously has dog toys and children toys on here…Also like mlp season 1-3 and that shit is on Netflix I’m pretty sure
No. 890330
File: 1573160981360.jpeg (82.5 KB, 640x427, A384FBFD-E2E0-4B89-8B74-457AE4…)

She told someone to
“go fucking rot”
No. 890332
Samefag as
>>890330 here it is
>>882960 No. 890346
File: 1573162987475.png (7.68 MB, 1242x2208, 12021026-E8C3-4A7C-ABC6-BC857A…)

usedpet just posted this selfie. she looks really different in this picture compared to her others ?
No. 890370
File: 1573165473274.jpeg (Spoiler Image,461.23 KB, 750x1030, 74D8039D-0F5D-4353-8216-5069C4…)

No. 890371
File: 1573165495459.jpeg (Spoiler Image,448.11 KB, 750x1100, 959B16C5-C580-4911-9B3B-241187…)

No. 890374
File: 1573165522745.jpeg (Spoiler Image,390.26 KB, 750x1096, AA011CBE-785E-4954-A17B-592280…)

No. 890375
File: 1573165550189.jpeg (Spoiler Image,340.29 KB, 750x679, 9C9C225A-741D-46D0-81B1-735092…)

No. 890376
File: 1573165584637.jpeg (190.68 KB, 750x956, FB2F36C5-FA77-4604-B053-8D1EDB…)

No. 890378
File: 1573165983895.jpeg (1.67 MB, 3464x3464, 35B5A141-A468-44FB-AAB7-E4DF4A…)

Some of her photoshop fails
No. 890383
File: 1573166737206.jpeg (398.96 KB, 1280x1280, A92F129E-21DD-462E-A737-B5320D…)

This appears to be the closest thing to what she looks like in real life, but even then this is high exposured, full of make up and edited. Her top lip is obviously it’s real size in this photo.
No. 890394
File: 1573168644924.png (9.45 MB, 3782x2160, bigoof.png)

>>890382>>890378"Nymphettes" LOVE to skin-walk this girl. They make a career out of it lol.
No. 890400
File: 1573169496911.jpg (171.59 KB, 1080x1032, Screenshot_20191108-103115__01…)

>>890234They cycle continues lmao
No. 890427
File: 1573173679937.png (1.35 MB, 828x1792, 5C360FFB-A107-4C3D-8A72-16F2F4…)

>>889813This looks scarily familiar…
No. 890430
File: 1573173892958.png (271.31 KB, 594x535, 2511296cb3339f3b36d.png)

>>890427They're asking for a set Erin herself already owns.
No. 890431
File: 1573173905559.jpeg (112.03 KB, 828x825, 159C7087-F2B9-448A-BA4E-522734…)

>>890427Not to mention this “legal loli” thing. Either Erin is back and really stupid, or someone is trying to very obviously pose as her?
No. 890439
File: 1573174373130.jpeg (777.14 KB, 1242x2148, C2B33E02-8445-4A85-84E6-8A646F…)

yeah this isn’t erin, she doesn’t type like that or use emojis. it’s probably someone from here honestly and if it is erin then.. gross
No. 890465
>>890234Didn't she make a big deal about how she's only a dog and cat, never a bunny?
>>890296Probably wants everyone to think it's Derek since she's obsessed
No. 890492
>>890427I think it’s another acc that was stalking Erin a bit. This acc had exact same pfp and banner (they changed their name a few times so might again, original name was egirl_account and I think there’s a screenshot of them commenting on her stuff in here)
No. 890521
File: 1573193758635.jpg (1013.62 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1573193723985.jpg)

Guys its erin… look at the fabric lines on the bed… pics from @ekittyprwiness twitter account and purinpet insta
No. 890532
File: 1573195451068.jpeg (428.83 KB, 828x1227, 63F38289-2A32-4312-9481-A61270…)

>>890531Is that really a coincidence though? Same pictures Erin posted, on a almost identical account, in shitty uwu style, with even the same media Erin has posted on her twitter and probably ig? Listen, all I’m saying is it’s likely this is someone pretending to be her. The person behind the account is making it really obvious that it’s supposed to be Erin. People are catching on so I’m curious as to what the end goal is.
No. 890556
File: 1573202273301.jpeg (505.07 KB, 750x1115, 9012B761-9BDA-44F5-9273-7A1903…)

I believe you new comers to the thread need to read up and not repeat stuff. Also Aubrey doesn’t work because she has some sort of “cancer” that makes her pretty much weak. I don’t know her age and she’s super secretive on that so if you ever asked she’ll probably block you.(erin painter selfposting)
No. 890627
File: 1573222203411.jpeg (Spoiler Image,163.62 KB, 1080x1101, 18806B3F-9102-46EE-A7D3-AE7CCE…)

This is the image i was talking about, i had to go through my old phone. Aubrey posted this but the cover photo was some cookies and cream so that if you clicked that post and swiped right you’d instantly see this photo. I also found other screenshots of Erins post about Near (the husky she recently gave up)
Aubrey probably does have a lot of milk on her but she’s done a good job at cleaning it up. I was in the live stream when a random joined to insult her and she said “okay erin” to the person which caused the whole Aubrey disabling for a while and Erin acting clueless.(erin painter selfposting)
No. 890630
File: 1573222926751.jpeg (418.35 KB, 726x577, 56549FA3-A199-4EE5-9A1B-441DDC…)

Here are the screenshots of Near situation including the reason on why. It’s the same reason that happened to the first dog she had.
Anyone know a good way to make a collage?(erin painter selfposting)
No. 890648
>>890630she had another dog? what did she get another for if this exact same thing already happened omg, i’m starting to believe she’s actually mentally behind.
also who names a dog Near? poor animal
No. 890665
File: 1573229164556.jpeg (447.18 KB, 750x1202, 14905536-46F5-4DC0-867F-C50A09…)

>>890659This is why you’re probably blocked Anon
(erin painter selfposting) No. 890667
File: 1573229387175.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x1683, 9E79D0F4-0D0A-47FF-B524-AD3E06…)

doesn’t she live in New York ?
No. 890676
>>886074 >>886073
I wish there were more proof about this though.
No. 890683
>>890676I’m currently looking to see if i ever got any screenshots of when she actually posted that but i did find a screenshot of Dawsons instagram and he’s still pretty active. His instagram is @/Dawsomee. Thank god i’m taking my time to scroll through these screenshots for that thread i made about her ex master.
Dawson is erins ex master who she claims was
abusive. She constantly kept contact with him during the time they were together especially when (in her words) he was seeing other girls in real life. She continued to talk sexual with him knowing he started seeing a girl he liked and she even took the time to message the girl’s herself saying he abused her and would yell at her making her cry because he liked it.
I’ll update if i find more screenshots. For now i recommend you guy’s messaging Dawson for his opinion and his side of the story. This was all during 2018 fyi.
(erin painter selfposting) No. 890686
>>890667shut the fuck up, first of all you're not a little girl, you look like a 35 yo mother of two irl so quit with the loli shit. you're a boring sad adult woman with not an original bone in your body. you constantly and blatantly copy others, put down others, shittalk them and then play the
victim when you get caught. you never ever truly apologized for anything, you just put on your uwu woe is me narc manipulation show, every fucking time. that's why people talk about you and find you repulsive. you're a skinwalker, liar, an overall nasty person behind a very seethrough cutesy uwu anime loli facade. maybe try changing your ways and apologizing? get a fucking job or go study something instead of neeting all day online and maybe people will gain a tiny bit of respect for you? it's not too late.
No. 890687
>>890667i’m in a very similar situation to erin due to my physical illness, what
valid reason is there for her to be at home all day in her pajamas? she has never had a job iirc and is completely spoiled. god i hate this girl so much, she acts like a middle schooler and not in a good way.
No. 890689
File: 1573232885971.jpeg (139.76 KB, 720x1193, 0821FD18-1643-4258-9790-03A900…)

Here’s another screenshot i found on my old phone. There are others but this one is worthy to post.
Notice how she literally used Ryan for sex but is acting like she’s an angel that never had sex before and is so pure uwu legal loli erin uwu(erin painter selfposting)
No. 890691
File: 1573233004910.jpeg (236.29 KB, 750x1064, B3CA4381-2CBE-47AC-8CC1-ACB03F…)

Just checked her comment section and here’s her reply on going to college.(erin painter selfposting)
No. 890692
File: 1573233044098.jpeg (1.46 MB, 3464x3464, E55089FF-6A18-425C-89B6-D645CD…)

is there any milk on this girl? i’ve been following her for quite awhile and she seems to copy one of my mutuals posts and stories pretty often? she’s also very preachy and bitchy to anyone who politely assumes she’s into ddlg/nsfw.
No. 890702
File: 1573234028273.jpeg (Spoiler Image,83.37 KB, 720x1193, A5C97453-9480-46B6-A635-770A33…)

Cinawoll here again,
Here’s the screenshot i found of Erin admitting about her Master aka Dawson fucking a minor and saying should she leak his full name. I couldn’t find the screenshot of her leaking his full name and instagram telling us to go ahead and attack him.
When i tell you she’s literally disgusting I MEAN IT. I know that nsfw twitter people are still looking at this thread so please warn people to block the following user accounts she owns:
@/pwurrs (twitter)
@/piglwet (instagram)
@/purinpet (instagram)
@/pwurring (instagram)
@/angrwy (instagram)
@/pocketsizee (instagram)
@/littolest (instagram)(erin painter selfposting)
No. 890724
File: 1573235144613.jpeg (128.02 KB, 720x1033, 332B6CEE-CE2F-4984-9467-B311C9…)

does anyone remember this Gio kid? I know he still makes new accounts and is apparently an older man catfishing as a 14 year old? He’s been saying he’s 14 for 2 (?) years already and i’ve had horrible experience with him during the summer over a username he accused me of stealing but i found this of her leaking his real name when nobody even knew his real name except erin
No. 890731
>>890726 Anon this may seem corny as fuck but I’m genuinely sorry for you and whoever had a similar experience because getting your days ruined because of this inept right here must be terrible
>>890724 does anyone know more about this kid? also hey there, other proof of erin being an edgy bitch to whom the concept of critical thinking is completely foreign.
No. 890743
File: 1573237626959.jpeg (107.16 KB, 698x677, 77DF5160-3502-4A1F-8303-500609…)

>>890731The only thing i’ve known about that kid is he buys shoutouts for his new accounts from a girl name Jaelle (she has hella milk on her) and that he username hops a lot. He used to post story times and once said Lil Pump wanted to fuck him which nobody believed. He used to also post about scamming tips and how sugar daddies paid for his lip injections and nose plastic surgery but never posted if he ever got any? These are apparently him but he photoshops his face different
(erin painter selfposting) No. 890746
File: 1573238163304.jpeg (529.17 KB, 1242x2137, 09A7B796-453D-4ED6-81B8-577E06…)

“at your service, master” let me guess, she’ll be posting her gross petplay nudes on that account too.
No. 890751
File: 1573239184206.jpeg (253.76 KB, 1242x1073, 1A9BD7AB-7B40-434E-8C52-B7BA05…)

No. 890760
>>890729Stop making Erin seem like a
victim, that’s exactly what she wants people to do so it excuses her nasty behavior. She’s a fully grown adult and is capable of knowing the consequences of her actions, sitting inside all day for her self diagnosed anxiety you guys know damn well her trauma is just part of her online image and when ppl call her out on it she’s like “Owo no don’t say tht please!” this isn’t an Erin pity party.
No. 890834
File: 1573252049921.jpeg (209.36 KB, 828x1112, 9110C1C3-CFE0-4902-96CC-4DE049…)

oh no
(fourth repost. icon was showing goddamn I’m sorry)
No. 890841
File: 1573252584550.png (796.15 KB, 640x1136, C9B0B781-FAB5-46E4-A67D-132DCF…)

Here is an old tweet that Erin deleted but it’s proof that
>>880258 and
>>879459 is actually her idk if people were still having a hard time believing that they were the same person
No. 890844
>>890667>>all i do is watch scary youtube videos in my pajamas all dayJfc get a job, you're a fucking adult. If you have so much free time, how do you beg for shit and promote your wishlist? Maybe just…. work? Even just part time would be good for her, my god. Get her out of the house and talking to people her age. Also "I'm only 18" - people usually start working at 16. Tons of high schoolers have part time jobs, by 18 you should really already be acclimated to job life in some way. Imagine being this spoiled rotten. It's disgusting.
Also it seems we have a lot of newfags who don't know how to sage. Clearly it's all these ddlg chicks who hate erin flooding in here but, fuck, can ya'll check the rules before posting, at the very least. Thanks.
No. 890867
>>890839apparently she used to do that when she was really little but she basically wants to do the same thing now but sexually because petplay tingz. which makes everything kinda creepy. I just hope it’s just a coincidence
sage for retarded tinfoil-ish take
No. 890913
File: 1573260079922.jpeg (602.25 KB, 750x1155, F5FCB97C-6B89-4B6C-8556-9CE9F3…)

No. 890922
>>890913has she been lurking and realising how many people shes disgusted and upset? hopefully.
she still has that annoying victimising attitude, im starting to believe its just her personality at this point.
No. 891041
File: 1573310671011.jpeg (536.7 KB, 750x1191, 3742D3DE-3FEE-48D8-A5EC-98500B…)

ok ms know it all(erin painter selfposting)
No. 891060
>>891041why is everything she posts as advice, about HER? shes not even posting what shes "learned" to others, shes posting about how she essentially thinks she should be treated.
idc for this girl anymore. shes pulled this shit for years, fake positivity/fake awareness of her actions. if you were uwu so sorry or uwu grown, you wouldnt still be pulling the same shit for YEARS. actions speak louder erin painter.
No. 891073
>>891044Shut the fuck up, goblin your past extends to last week when you were called out for literally skinwalking as another girl and then claiming she was ok with it,
>You never apologized for doxing your master and making serious allegations >being involved with him while he has a girlfriend >You never apologized for posting your ribs to your frail minded agere audience >you acted like it was everyone else’s fault when nobody wanted to see your “soft” totally not sucking in stomach and underwear on your sfw accHer apology is inspecific af and she STILL tries to act like the
victim with her “uwu ppl r so mean I’m trying tho!! >.< :o”
I can’t believe people STILL support this person
Erin isn’t trying to improve, she’s trying to get people to still like her despite it being known that she’s a gross liar
>>890702>>891024 “Master fucked a 16 year old when he was 20?”
>She’s still calling him master tho she’s so petty, I would feel bad for this Dawson guy if he wasn’t a DDLG weirdo all these people are gross
No. 891144
File: 1573332667918.png (290.9 KB, 640x1136, 69A46701-4927-4499-AF25-F23531…)

She deleted this off of her @pwurring account but look how desperate she sounds
No. 891186
>>891044>everything bad that has happenedThis really sums up Erin’s problem in a nutshell. She still refuses to take responsibility or even acknowledge that she did wrong. Bad things didn’t just
happen.. That makes it sound like it was completely out of her control. Some unfortunate event. But she
did bad things, she
said bad things. Repeatedly.
No. 891189
>>891166this, also the thread pic should definitely include these real unshooped photos of her
>>883390 >>880258 right next to the uwu pedo pandering, kek
No. 891214
File: 1573341915766.png (644.4 KB, 640x1136, 13E84B55-CCB4-4ECA-AC92-5B7B11…)

Why isn’t she acknowledging @pwurring which is still up?
No. 891230
>>891144always the most emotionally stunted losers who think relationships are all uwu video games and cutie huggie time sexi uwu
id expect this from a 14 year old, not an adult. and no erin, this isnt a compliment, it's not naive or innocent, it's indicative of stunted mental growth and you being an abject retard. maybe get a fetish for being stupid? some girls are into that you know
No. 891241
File: 1573346105987.png (1.99 MB, 1628x868, themanyfacesof.png)

does this work for the thread pic? an anon made some way better ones earlier but they contained nsfw images
(if anyone is better at making collages go ahead and post and i'll make the thread if you are uncomfortable w/ that)
No. 891245
>>891241Wait… does she seriously think her shops make her look underage? She has an angular face that makes her looks older, even her shops don't look like anything close to a "loli". Even when she was 15 she looked 30+.
Erin, just go be a camgirl, at least you'd make some money instead of being a neet
No. 891254
>>891241the pic of her in glasses at the top in the middle looks like every girl who liked homestuck on tumblr in 2012-2013
would NOT be surprised if she came from that community and has a dark secret deviantart past too. would make sense considering she has a drawing tablet doesnt she, considering she digitally traced someone's art
No. 891264
File: 1573350355683.png (653.15 KB, 750x1334, 5946DD64-E974-48F8-9FFF-36D082…)

I once changed my ps4 username and shared it to my twitter and i don’t know how or who she was at the time but she literally replied to my tweet saying i copied her instagram username like ????can people not add W in their username???? does she own adding W’s into a username?? Pissed me off honestly like okay? sorry you owned that name on another social media but i don’t even know you
So why is she getting upset over someone taming a username they probably didn’t even know she had. Prwincess is literally a name your typical cutesy girl would think of and if it was available then hello…they have every right to claim it(erin painter selfposting)
No. 891298
>>891041Yes Erin, we will continue to remind you of your bullshit until the day it stops, or you delete your social media. You might not like having your "growth process" criticized but that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't looking forward to it kek.
Oh and btw it's incredibly tacky of you to be giving advice, even if it's just a guise to directly address the thread. I know 14 year old kids who's actions aren't as transparent as yours.
No. 891375
File: 1573386697484.jpeg (433.19 KB, 750x1277, A07D34C9-84CD-4FFE-99C9-3B8677…)

anyone know if there’s any milk on this girl? don’t know her exact age but she’s in college and her entire gimmick is looking young and making herself look younger. claims she’s not a regressor or into DDLG or any nsfw community. gets asshurt when people are sexual towards her but has posts wearing petplay gear. i just think she’s really annoying but i’m not sure if she’s milky enough to be posted about.
No. 891377
File: 1573387236444.jpeg (352.66 KB, 750x1287, F28243E9-A577-4C73-9D9D-EA8BB1…)

>>891375samefag but cringe.. she’s a literal ADULT i’ll stop posting her if it’s not milky enough it’s just mindblowing to me how these adult women can get through life acting like children all day.
No. 891390
>>891377God bless the Disney cast for dealing with these freaks. For my sins I am a regressor myself, and know of a few girls in the community who just act like absolute tards in public at meets. Literally couldn't go to them after seeing them running around in fucking pinafores and onesies clutching soft toys and shrieking.
I mean I expect most people Just think they are special needs and they wouldn't be far wrong.
No. 891393
>>891390I was wondering if all age regressed were like the above example. As long as you aren't fuckin being a dumbass in public, you do you. Glad that at least there's some folks in that community that see how retarded the others are. Doesn't acting like that in public violate that fetish rule "don't be forcing others to see your bullshit, they aren't consenting"?
Sage for pointless commentary/dumb question [probably]
No. 891434
a lot of her old selfies:
depop:>>891377i'm pretty sure there's a rule at disney where people over the age of 14 aren't allowed to wear costumes (srs)
No. 891472
>>891447 she also openly said that her ‘dom’ doxxed her to ‘show her how easy it actually is’ and everyone keeps telling her that she’s in danger (and she is) yet she keeps denying it and contradicting herself every other day. she also just said she hates lolcow because “they stalk people” yet she was quite enjoying making fun of other girls on her spam. it’s always good and funny until it’s about you huh?
seriously what’s wrong with her and people endorsing this.
also anon let’s not doubt what she said about her being beaten, that shouldn’t really be a topic of discussion.
>>891411 it’s probably because of sfs or something but she’s so hypocritical.
No. 891663
File: 1573441983867.jpg (1.78 MB, 1920x2560, 19-11-11-14-11-56-929_deco.jpg)

>>891434Sorry but what the fuck am I looking at? I know it's a trend for insta thots to pose like this but Erin this ain't it
No. 891725
File: 1573454980865.jpeg (415.05 KB, 1242x576, D5DD8AFD-B9CA-4750-90A0-38C16F…)

>>891447she posted this and idk what to say ab it so
No. 892268
File: 1573559675065.jpeg (623.74 KB, 750x1334, 5A6F7070-489D-4EE8-B7C4-1C98A4…)

this is so fucking gross. how hard is it to just buy the women’s ones, you fucking adult?????
No. 892512
>>892268but anon how else are people going to know she's the wittlest little loli???:(((
>>892474kek f21 sizing runs large, it's not like she is so ~smol~ just for that. there are plenty of places with "petite" sized adult underwear, that's just a shitty excuse to keep pedo baiting with kids' panties.
No. 892566
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is this her real face?
No. 892660
>>892474Aubrey is actually really small and it’s unhealthy type of small. She is recovering from an ED still and it’s understandable with wearing children’s underwear if you’re paper thin like eugenia cooney thin and even regular xs panties fall off.
But i think people actually only wear kids underwear because of their designs, some brands only make designs in children size for some weird reason. But it’s still pretty weird when adults wear kid underwears.
Also why did Erin even get upset over people catfishing as her? She literally told people before that it was okay for them to use her pictures to catfish. Hypocritical of her honestly.
(erin painter selfposting) No. 892679
>>892657what's "unproblematic" about being such a pedo panderer that you have to tell people that you wear little girl underwear? could've just left that out but of course she had to make it all about "tee hee i'm such a tiny little girl uwu"
>>892660she's not any smaller than any other "petite" younger woman, stop WKing her. if she stopped larping a little kid she could easily find underwear for skinny adults, shit just order from aliexpress or something, chinese sizes are a lot smaller than western ones. piss poor excuse.
No. 892823
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>>892679You clearly don’t know what WKing is LOL. Are you that retarded? Do you need to take your time to read something? Stating a girls size isn’t close to even being a WK. Adults wear kids underwear’s because they can be small. You’re that dumb aren’t you? Nobody gives a shit about what someone wears.
Anyways Erin just posted this on her story.
(erin painter selfposting) No. 892889
>>892823Bish plz. Making excuses for these pedo panderers is wking. They only mention the kid panties for attention, so the whole "it's only for the fit, so petite" is dumb.
There is absolutely adult underwear for small ass bitches, even in burgerland 'Merica lol. At any place that sells panties. Source: 4ft 9in woman at 89lbs that doesn't desperately cling to "loli uwu I'm so smoll n spechul" horse shit. My buddy is about the same size as her and doesn't wear kids shit. But if the kids section really makes you feel cute n young in the face of the inevitability of aging you do you, smoll bean sis lmao.
TLDR, only fetishists announce wearing kids shit.
Sage for miniblog.
No. 893037
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>>892971besides the obvious shooping, doesn’t seem too milky. why do you think she should be posted here?
No. 893274
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>>893245got you some vvv minor milk anon!
she seems to make a lot of these “bf” application things despite being taken lool. she reposts a lot of petplay and ddlg related stuff and quite often starts drama from what i can see. she’s also hideous lol. sorry for the bad collage but there’s some of her retweets and gross tweets.
No. 893281
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god she is a freak
No. 893634
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Why do these girls always pretend like people are calling them fat or their almost nude old men bait photos are normal?
No. 893635
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No. 893636
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No. 893671
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she looks like a massive weeaboo or asian fetishist. it’s funny because all of these ddlg girls tend to try look asian. i guess it’s because they’re usually quite petite and younger looking lol
No. 893674
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>>893651hey anon here’s a mirror selfie she posted . the shopping on her leg looks pretty fake imo
No. 893682
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another mirror pic. she looks average size honestly. she looks like she lives in absolute squalor though, her room is filthy
No. 893781
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No. 893784
File: 1573821719748.jpeg (854.45 KB, 1242x1596, 8D53C6E5-431D-40DF-B964-1CF2A4…)

obviously ddlg and pet play yawn. i’m so sick of these ddlg bitches hiding behind agere. i’m not even in either community but at least be honest you freak
No. 893789
>>893781She looks like a white girl.
You guys are actually fucking retarded if you think she looks at all Asian, jesus christ. Get glasses.
No. 893829
>>893789She definitely looks Asian in some of her photos and she looks like my friend whose half Korean. Just cause you disagree with someone doesn’t make them retarded. She may NOT be but she does look like it frequently.
Also I don’t have an issue with people being agere and having nsfw twitters but saying your little age is 5 on your nsfw twitter seems… so gross? Literally no way to defend that.
No. 893867
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Anyone got any good milk on this girl?
Her name is Nika and she’s part of spam community or used to be. She used to post pro ana stuff on her spam saying she’s recovering but she really isn’t. In under a year she went from goblina to a toothpick who sucks her stomach in to show her entire rib cage. She recently got into a car accident and people are saying earlier that day she was asking for $300 from her followers (she always asks for money from them) and allegedly spent it all on xans which resulted in her accident.
No. 895509
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>>893245i hate her chin, why does it look like that
No. 895649
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>>895509she always looks really repulsed, like she has something that tastes gross in her mouth and she’s trying to not gag?? pic included is an example. idk she just looks old and haggard and ugly
No. 896825
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No. 896834
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Okay I've been following @toddlerprincesss for about 2 years now and this has yet to be the creepiest encounter of hers that I've seen. She posted that this girl @pinkiemilki is using her picture as her own profile picture. Turns out it's more than just a misunderstanding, she (pinkiemilki) is an age regressor that honest to god believes she's five y/o, and doesn't want to take her picture down. Sounds like a case of skinwalking at the very least, or catfishing entirely. She posts some of her own pics on her account but I'm assuming a few of toddler's followers have messaged her in the beginning, including myself and she just doesn't want to use her own image or images that would be okay to use.
She says it's not piracy on her story, and toddler argued that it is copyright infringement which is illegal. I've seen my fair share of catfishers but none this psychotic. Pretty sure she's jealous and wants to look younger than she is because frankly she looks like a middle aged woman but girl let it go just choose another damn picture
Who knows what this lunatic will do next honestly
Will post more screenshots in another message, kind of new to posting here.
No. 896837
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>>896834Screenshot from toddler's story.
No. 897227
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i think toddler is overreacting in all honesty. it’s JUST a picture of the back of your damn head. she posted 16 things about this on her story in total (i screenshotted all jic it turned out to be milky). she claims it traumatized her lmao.
No. 898894
File: 1574962806914.png (771.41 KB, 960x532, wtf.png)

Anyone have milk on Evie Lupine?
She's also a creepy ddlg but unlike other freaks she presents herself as a reasonable, self aware person online. In her age restricted videos and livestreams her facade quickly fades, I'm curious if there's milkier content than that tho. Like, cmon usually these types of people have a hypocritical side, no?
also in pic her body is weird asf, she looks like a child doll with an gigantic head wobbling around to keep balance. whoever fucks her is definitly a pedophile and I hope they never breed.
No. 899953
File: 1575178904037.jpg (Spoiler Image,244.06 KB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20191201-163546__01…)

>>898894>She looks like a child dollKek this reeks of self post, don't kid yourself anon