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No. 895681
Hey art nerds! This is a thread for everyone's favorite starving artist, Becca "All give and no take" Hilburn!
Becca Hillburn is an artist and art supply reviewer currently living in Nashville, TN with her living ATM/fiancee. She's behind the blog Nattosoup as well as her very own YT channel. Her primary claim to 'fame' used to be art supply reviews and field tests, but now she's most known for her bitterness and mediocrity. Egotistical and whiny to a fault, she'd rather sit back and play pretend art teacher to her 2-3 student workshops and sell 2 dollar prints at 12 cons a year than use her Masters to get an actual day job. Her primary personality trait is her two-facedness, presenting as a pleasant and helpful teacher upfront while harboring whiny resentment and bitterness beneath. She's also the artist behind '7" Kara' - an all-ages webcomic about Becca's ADHD self-insert ripping of The Borrowers and Thumbelina, rendered in muddy watercolors that she could totally do digitally. Becca shills the fuck out of this comic, going so far as to get physical copies printed for her to sell at cons and donate to lending libraries.
>Has been on YT for several years but even with her 'popular' blog cannot manage to break 10k subs. The vast majority of her videos hardly make it over 300 views.
>Nothing is ever her fault. Blames 'baby artists' and fans for depending on her too much without giving her anything in return (as in, not throwing money and love at her feet).
>Considers herself a watercolor expert despite her muddy, poorly-mixed colors and weak grasp on composition.
>SCAD alumni. Apparently didn't network enough to land an industry job out of school.
>Allegedly used to spend 7k a month on video editing - even though her videos are meandering, rambling, poorly shot messes.
>Obsessed art supply hoarder. Begs her fans to email art supply companies on her behalf to send her free shit then turns around to complain about having no room for any more.
>Goes on about her ADHD so far as to make an entire vlog series about how it sux to be hur guise.
>Actively resents her tiny pool of viewers and students, talking shit behind their back about how they don't support her enough.
>Made her obviously uninterested fiance 'interview' her at a cons… Just so she go on rants about how underappreciated and overworked she is.
>Has a hateboner for the online stationery retailer (which she insists is an art supply store) because they refused to send her PR after she harassed them for it. Claims that she's single-handedly responsible for popularizing them, despite Jetpens being an established retailer before she started giving them 'free promo' at cons. She vagueblogs about them on a regular basis despite following their official social media accounts.
No. 895720
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god this is so bad, has she improved since the first few pages? also the website is really shitty for viewing a webcomic cus it takes quite a bit to load the page, kills the pacing all together.
No. 895762
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I posted this in the other thread, I just thought the face was so creepy in the last panel. Also, I can't quite understand what's happening
No. 895801
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>>895762I think you hit the nail on the head here, for someone who’s bread and butter is making comics, they’re all incredibly hard to follow and have really janky expressions.
No. 895809
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What is cast shadows
No. 895885
She shits on her few supporters so much that I can't tell if she made the comic to get fans or to gather a hater following so she can be passive aggressive at specific people without being called a bitch.
Also, everything she draws and paints looks like it's from a low-budget 90s cartoon. Having a cohesive palette like
>>895809 would help the muddiness, make the shit anatomy and questionable perspective less obvious, and would make the comic less painful to look at overall.
No. 895909
>>895728She HAD to be mispeaking when she said she paid 7k/month for editing. Maybe she meant 700 a month or 7k a year? Still way too much but more reasonable. Don't know what her fiance does for a living but I doubt his income is even that much a month.
>>895762I know going to art school doesnt necessarily make you good artist but holy fuck she has a MASTER'S in this. What a colossal waste of time and money to not even come out with prospective job contacts.
No. 895955
>>895938That's pretty much all art school is good for. If you manage to graduate without any job offers or contacts, you fucked up. I know people who dropped out halfway through and still left with multiple job offers.
>>895953>SCADAh. Explains a lot.
No. 896011
>>896000lol I found her through reviews of cons before she got involved with kiriska and how to be a con artist. She was super chill on her blog seemingly, but I think cuz she’s been doing cons for years and trying to get her mediocre comic off the ground with no payoff and now that social media is more integral to art, she really needs a therapist or some shit instead of spewing on social media how she feels entitled to success.
That being said, I just saw she’s planning to kickstart her book or something and I’m excited to see her eventual blowup cuz it won’t work out
No. 896297
Did Becca change her catchphrase? In the latest video she says "heeeey arty friends" instead of "HEY ART NERDS".
>>896080If this is what all her classes are like, then I can see why she averages at 3-4 students. Becca seems like such a dry, uncharismatic teacher, and this goes on for almost two hours. It's like she's giving a powerpoint presentation for a high school class she doesn't give a shit about. Looks like her class is a majority older people and retirees.
Lol, the majority of her comic examples are manga. Would it hurt her to be a bit less weebish?
No. 896755
>>896297Thing is with Becca, her “style” is manga-ISH but it doesn’t look like she uses or reads actual manga cuz if she did then her comics would make a fuckton more sense or just be better in general. There’s so much GOOD manga out there now, not to mention the classics like Tezuka and Urasawa, that she can’t lean on the crutch that manga is so “mysterious” and unknown, like every weeb with an internet connection reads manga. Her style seems more lifted from someone vaguely remembering what sailor moon dubs from the 90’s looked like except they were going blind and hadn’t seen them since.
Im so tired of these basic ass white women artists trying to get on with styles obviously lifted from manga, Becca just does it badly. It occurred to me since I frequent the baylee jae thread that she and Becca are quite similar in style ways but Becca wishes so badly to have the audience that baylee has
No. 897136
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What a take, Becca.
No. 897193
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was looking around her twitter and this is one of her recent uploads. the facial expression with the huge cheeks and triangle mouth actively makes me want to punch this character in the face
No. 897194
>>897191Oh god, she’s one of /those/ con people. I’ve seen too many like her in my own local con scene so I know exactly what you’re talking about. She’s very similar to a group of guys I know in town who make shit tier comics and get pissy when people don’t buy them at cons. Like they don’t get why it’s so unappealing to everyone but them. The only difference between them and Becca is that they have day jobs and none have a SO to take care of them financially.
Also, asking what people made while not disclosing your sales is such a tacky and cunty thing to do so I’m not surprised by this.
No. 897200
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Becca strikes me as dated. She's like watching a teenager from 2002 trapped in a 2019 30 year old's body. I don't blame people for not approaching her table at cons, traditional art does not compete well with digital art if the art itself and the use of the medium is not very good and her ideas are dull looking, ie, she was selling dark wood charms a la Holly Brown when the teens and very young adults that make up most of convention attendance will gravitate towards acrylic, bright colors and things that pop. If you can't tell what something is until getting super close it's not a good sign. But of course as someone from a time capsule she's pretty bad at digital art too and sticks to default brushes and settings.
The (lack of) editing in her videos is also boomer tier, what can I say. There is a video of her doing a voiceover tutorial and mid way you can hear her talking to her SO loudly and voices overlap because she didn't even mute the visual track. Her attitude is that of a milennial though lmao.
No. 897336
>>897306Yikes, this was hard to watch. Asides from the weird thing going on with the camera that made everything wobble, her saltiness at other people working on zines is unbearable. Her begging people to buy zines directly from her because of her “financial woes” is sad but not as sad as throwing in a mention of her dad dying because she was annoyed people were late with their zine submissions.
She said in a tone lacking empathy:
>they’re still shaking people down for submissions. I know life happens, believe me I lost my dad, I know life happens.That necklace is so tacky jfc
No. 897546
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>>897493Here's what she tagged this video with
The last one is weird
No. 897576
>>897193The legs don't even attach to the pelvis properly - and why is her right shoulder jutting out like that?
If this is recent, then Becca obviously doesn't know how to draw, period.
No. 897584
>>897576I’ve been a clarinet player for years and have worked with oboe players, it bothers me a lot that the instrument is that small and thin cuz a real one isn’t that small unless it’s a soprano instrument. It would be wider and longer, especially if the person playing it is younger and of a smaller frame, so like could she even be bothered to gather reference of someone playing one?
Especially if she spooges over manga so much, manga artists trace and use reference all the time but she draws like she doesn’t even look at humans
No. 898003
>>897930I've been in the same webcomic-creator circles as Becca before and running a kickstarter for your comic is 100% a vanity thing. Most people have small audiences, but set the goal very low, think $500-$1000 dollars. Printing an indie comic in a small run isn't necessarily expensive at all, thanks to sites like Ka-Blam, so successful kickstarters for no-name comics are not an anomaly at all. Take something like this for example: course, this is assuming she decides to be reasonable and set her goal to something low and realistic. She'll be out of her mind if she asks for more that $1000
No. 898427
>>898421Can't believe Kasey is just another evil baby artist who sucked poor Becca dry and then went on to be massively more successful than her like some kind of watercolor vampire /s
Kasey's personality is as bitter and shitty as Becca's so I can see why they used to be friends, but unlike Becca, Kasey actually works pretty hard tbh. Maybe Becca should let go of her unwarranted ego for a minute and realize she will never succeed without any work ethic.
No. 898620
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she runs an art advice blog but 90% of the time its just to self promo herself and dont actually give any useful advice. thank god for kiriska
No. 898649
>>898637I didn't realize how cheap her stuff actually was- and even then she barely sells many at cons. I wonder how even less she would sell if they were average priced.
Is it common to just be this pathetically unsuccessful? Like, I thought TwistedDisaster and Holly Brown were a really sad example of not getting anywhere with an art career but Becca somehow beat them
No. 898795
>>898649If you go back in her blog far enough to the con reviews, she also does $1/$5 commissions too and that’s what mainly sells for her at non-craft faires, mostly cuz like she never has anything for anime cons (idr if she’s done comic cons) that people actually WANT. plus she tries to shill her comic at them when like, people who do anime cons have stepped up and surpassed her by a great deal. Like for real, her commissions look like what you’d pay $1/$5 for, but seriously like how low is her self-respect in that you’d work for below minimum wage.
Like, she also has the aura of someone who’s so scared and unsure of their own work that they become defensive with massive overconfidence even though she seriously lacks the skill and it feels like she thinks she doesn’t have to learn anymore cuz she has a masters. The opposite is true of actual, good pro artists like a ton are just super humble and also keep learning in addition to also being teachers. I’m also wondering if Becca doesn’t do cons as often anymore cuz there’s so much more younger people who are way better at everything
No. 898801
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How Becca and her fiance met. It's not to hard to gather just how annoying and obnoxious Becca must've been in high school and university. I doubt she hasn't grown up one bit.
No. 898837
>>898801the way she speaks of him is really humiliating. if I saw my boyfriend speak of me that way, in public, I would get rid of his ass in a second.
it's not normal to think it's okay to say in front of the whole internet your fiance was 1) a rebound, 2) someone to practice confidence onto, 3) too greasy for you to love them.
she's a bitch and possibly slightly autistic.
No. 898907
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hscdds i think she's stalking this page
No. 899024
>>898801>make a new lifeWhy is she acting like her high school relationship was some decade-long marriage? You weren'r making a new life, you're just moving onto college. Jeez
And that's an awkward way to mention your fiance - it doesn't have that cute unexpected twist that those stories typically have, it just sounds rude
No. 899086
>>899081>OEL was a dumb marketing term used by TokyoPop referencing American comics that were vaguely manga-ish - again this tells you how long ago this was.This is hilarious because OEL was a term only really used by Tokyopop and I think Antarctic Press to pass off otherwise completely Western comics while still calling them 'manga'. It's kind of a death flag for comics. Even otherwise decent comics slapped with the OEL label went unsold just because weeaboo kids buying Tokyopop manga would pass it up in favor of 'authentic' titles. That editor sounds old and out of touch and Becca's dumb ass is stubbornly eating up that advice.
Becca keeps going to anime cons because they're more numerous and she's a weeaboo. She's just like Holly, consumed with wishful thinking, getting ego boosts off of seeing people buy their shitty merch.
No. 899515
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Idk what's she whining over in this? Her art friend critiquing her and not giving her "incentive/rewards"?
No. 899589
>>899515>I'm not a robot designed to give positive feedback and encouragement>Also only validate and say nice things to me or I'll be sad!!!Honestly does she listen to herself ever? She has no self awareness at all.
>>899518Yeah her fiance is definitely in too deep. He's been forced into a parental role because she's a womanchild with untreated ADHD and a giant ego and he's probably convinced himself that if he leaves her she won't be able to take care of herself.
No. 900278
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Becca is acting so desperate for validation on Twitter. Art Twitter's currently having a discourse over those children's art supply kits and she hasn't shut up about ~the alternatives~ for like two days straight. I get the feeling she's projecting too hard onto these hypothetical children that are getting the cheap art kits for Christmas.
No. 901490
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becca's hate boner against nsfw artists reminds me of
>>>/ot/482540nsfw artists aren't stealing your nonexistent spotlight, nor you being a kid-friendly artist makes you special
No. 901676
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Decided to check out her discord and Jesus Christ how inconsiderate do you have to be to take away from someone grieving over the death of a family member to “boohoo twitter is being mean, art supply discourse”
No. 901961
>>901676Wow, what a bitch. She couldn't even take a literal day to not refocus back on herself.
And she's like uwu my anxiety/SAD is so bad right now and twitter is
triggering me
She must have a legitimate problem
No. 902445
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I can’t believe she’s going on twitter, going on about making instructional art books for kids using THIS as examples. Like, this is worse than a Christopher hart anime book, it has no basis in any anatomy or structure at all
No. 902446
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Lol what the fuck is this swollen lip deer thing too, especially cropping her arm off like this
No. 902479
>>902446I can tell it’s done by Becca because her figures all have the same shitty posture and saggy boobs as she does
Honestly she and her bf looks really unhealthy, like bundle up it’s not impossible to get sun in winter.
No. 902561
>>902479OMG anon, you're right. That deer bust looks exactly like hers. (Although I don't mind "saggy boobs". Better than female characters beyond their twenties with fake boobs like porn stars.)
The picture itself is boring. A deer with ridicolous big lips, dark hair you can't see because of the sad green behind it that looks like haystacks. Nevermind that uninspired grey background and snow that looks like white blood splatter.
Is that deer going to be run over by a car any moment or what? lol
No. 905375
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No. 905422
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god i get mad at other art cows like holly for never learning anything but becs really takes the cake for most rage inducing style
nothing about this is racist but if i was black, i'd be offended because its just that fucking ugly that it almost seems like malicious intent lmao
No. 905808
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No. 905809
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No. 905810
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No. 905811
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No. 905812
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No. 905827
>>905810This is such an awful composition.
>>905811This is cuter than most of her characters tbh.
No. 905831
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Becca should abandon watercolor and find another way of coloring because this is all so cloudy. The shapes are all blobby and not dynamic at all, and there is no contrast to draw your eye in
No. 905832
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Maybe I'm nitpicking, but in grayscale you can really see how everything just melds together, especially in the top three panels. Nothing is defined clearly
No. 905864
>>905832I don’t think you’re nitpicky because you’re right, her value hierarchy with figures is lacking, like if she does any value studies she clearly doesnt understand the importance of it especially with local colors. Like in that first panel, she understands darker things need to be in the foreground but the cat blends in with the figure of the girl, why does it have to be there and why can’t it be lighter if it’s farther back? The tiny girl sticks out in the last panel cuz of relative value but why is her hair blending in with the darkness? Why does she also change positions without explanation?
I also agree with
>>905422 and this goes with the whole thing about value, like how dark the skin of the girl is is borderline offensive because she has no idea how to render black skin other than “dark”. Like the skin of someone with more melanin and pigments in it reflects the light a lot differently than it does white skin but the way she colors this girl is like if she’s never looked at a photo of a black person before. If she going to keep sticking to this style where she renders watercolor instead of doing something that suits her line work better like flat color washes, then she needs to learn how to render better and use colors correctly.
>>905857Well if she is reading this thread, I hope she knows she’s doing a disservice to people and kids by teaching them incorrectly and showing them she’s unwilling to learn and grow through others and continual learning. Just because you have a masters degree doesn’t mean you’re a good artist
No. 905874
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>>905811>>905827Yeah I think the unicorn girl actually is a lot better than her art right now. Like it’s digital so she didn’t muddy it with rendering and the understanding of clothing and anatomy is way better than her comparison image
>>905812Why does she always leave the rendering lines and sketch in stuff like this? Including this “convention sketch” she probably did for five bucks. It doesn’t look good with her style, it just looks like she’s too lazy to erase it since blue/non photo blue/red is used in the reproduction of a drawing. It’s like she’s too proud of her shitass anatomy to erase it
No. 905935
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I like that she gave Kara her mother’s speech bubble in the middle panel
No. 905958
>>905831I don’t think anyone mentioned yet that Kara switches sitting on shoulders suddenly in the next panel. This plus the speech bubble error in
>>905935 reminds me of how inconsistent Holly is with her comics too. Both her and Becca even have the same “paw hand” problem.
No. 905990
>>905831i guess her shitty watercolors skills can at least pull attention away from huge mistakes like that wow
>>905935also why do we never see the acorn mash in the bowls, its like theyre just eating air
No. 906092
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Someone who hasn’t read the comic, please tell me if you think this looks like Kara has a dirty naked ass or just some tan pants
No. 906145
>>906092lol it really looks like her whole ass is hanging out
The pants are so close to her skin color, there's only a slight difference in hue
But is she trying to climb up/down that ledge? It looks like she's just lying on a flat surface
No. 906178
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How can Becca spend time sketching and painting this without realizing it looks terrible? It doesn't reflect what she's saying in the least.
No. 906265
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>>906176Lol the thing is is that she DOES. If u look up any of her watercolor tutorials on her website, she does tape her work but she uses hardware store blue painters tape. Also I don’t know if she knows loose watercolor paper sometimes needs to be stretched/sized since a lot of them will be coated in a thin protective layer of sizing (usually it’s gelatin) and that fucks up your painting ability if it hasn’t been washed out. But she’s also just a shit painter
Honestly if she’s so adamant about “testing” art supplies (aka getting shit for free from jetpens cuz she’s an “educator”), she needs to try new tape like gummed paper tape or just a watercolor block cuz clearly her material choices are garbage and whoring yourself to companies who will give u free stuff isn’t working
No. 906345
>>906285"i want you guys to have help i want to see diversity in the artist alley"
2 min later "i just feel punished for helping my competitors"
a lot of contradictions for a 10 min video that wouldve been better spent practicing the art shes so upset about not selling
No. 906358
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>>905899I thought of this comment when I stumbled onto her Behance. They all are leaning left. No. 906424
File: 1576542302988.png (372.62 KB, 890x1270, Screenshot_2019-12-17-07-23-45…)

Talking about values and contrast, I can't see shit
No. 906530
>>906285She keeps doing small town anime cons too, for someone that’s an “expert” she should know that of course her shit won’t sell, original art rarely sells especially when it’s a kids comic cuz people who attend those are mostly teens to young adults who only tend to buy fan art from fandoms they like. She’s very quickly labeling herself as a bitter bitch to not associate with too, she’s digging her own grave cuz she’s from a small community and of course people will know this.
>>906345What bugs me about that line in diversity is that like, if she goes to any con that isn’t her dinky podunk, 2k attendee or less cons then she’d see there’s already a bunch of diversity in AA’s. AA’s don’t need her to encourage diversity but she thinks she’s some sort of white knight innovator or something, she’s so delusional
No. 906546
>>906530plus her art isnt even close to an anime style (does she think it is?) it looks like a western how to draw anime book.
I assume weebs want anime and manga at these things not some 4kidz shit
No. 906895
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heeeeeere comes becca
No. 906907
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wait 2 chapters this YEAR??
jesus if thats her work pace then no shit she's getting no results
No. 906910
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>>906907I'm honestly wondering why she's so entitled and acts like her art is like the renaissance. That's the vibe I'm already getting from her reading this thread. And her nasty personality isn't helping her either.
>Saged for my rant about this pompous artist. No. 906965
>>906934Yeah a “superhero” con that’s super heavy in artist alley like emerald city up in Seattle is more than half women and nb artists. I know she’s on the AANI on Facebook so she SHOULD know that a majority of women do tons of cons and while there is occasionally weirdos, like grow a thicker skin and work on your marketing.
>>906907Tbh I expect this kind of slow pace with someone who works a day job but other than “teacher”, which it does t sound like something she does more than occasionally, what the heck is she doing??? Plus if she’s been working on it for so long, then why hasn’t she developed any shortcuts like most people do when they’ve been consistently working for years?
>>906896She seems to think she’s god’s savior to weeb artists for some reason just by virtue of age?? Which she never ever was nor does she change her ways in the evolving media/marketing spheres. Like it sounded like when she did her masters in SCAD, they barely had a sequential department and she had to create a ton of her own curriculum, so she thinks she’s an innovator in that means but like, get real Becca you only had to do that cuz scad took your money but didn’t know shit, that’s how a for-profit art school does. People don’t need to learn from her, she’s better off becoming like an elementary school art teacher rather than becoming even more of a bitter bitch cuz nobody listens to her cuz her tools and style are outdated as fuck
No. 906991
>>906971What? How dare you criticize Becca's beeeyuuutiful award-winning full-color water-color all-ages comic!
Seriously, though. I had no idea the production of this mess was that slow. All this 'grinding' and teaching she's doing and she hardly has 10 chapters over 6 years. She talks that shit up way too hard to barely have enough material for a full volume.
Becca, you're best off going back to school for child education and becoming a kindergarten teacher.
No. 907027
>>906920Wait, is that a porn comic in the thumbnail? It's a topless woman titled 'Eat it up.'?
>>906991I would not even feel comfortable letting Becca teach kindergartners - she's very fake nice and would probably be mean to the kids for not appreciating her genius
No. 907045
>>906942What the fuck? What does she expect to happen?
Becca stop trying to make Kara happen, it's not gonna happen!
No. 907046
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>>906971There are definitely plenty of other artists out there with better nuggets of wisdom than the entirety of what "knowledge" Becca has shared, who aren't even an ounce of how insufferable Becca is. It's like she wants to think the internet is as small and clueless as whatever tiny ass bumfuck town she lives in and that she's truly the weeb art messiah.
Part of me thinks she honestly doesn't care that much about art. How do you go about doing art for so long, even going to get a masters for it, and yet you still put out… this? She just wants the validation and the praise.
Seeing her only get to far and have to resort to making passive aggressive comments to her audience is like some sort of karmic justice lol. Becca has such a nasty fucking attitude, I'm glad she's stuck at the bottom of the barrel. Imagine just how much more insufferable she would be with hoards of fans patting her ass and giving her undeserved money. I'm surprised she's gone this long without getting kicked off her high horse yet.
No. 907111
>>906942OMG, I never thought about how long she's working on this comic. What the eff? And then there are artist's like Dina Norlund who coloured her comic in like, what, half of December (her plan were five pages a day for ten days). kek
Srsly, Becca needs to get her shit together an stop waisting her time with complaining.
No. 907251
File: 1576713508871.png (319.33 KB, 1080x1388, OK boomer.png)

People in chat: talk about distribution of wealth amongst generations
No. 907311
>>907251if becca is so desperate for money why doesn't she post her garbage tutorials on skillshare? maybe if she sees them flop horribly she'll realize she sucks at art.
seriously if holy brown could make money on skillshare maybe becca could too kek
No. 907374
>>907251Why is she so fixated on "young" artists? It's so weird. Like that's her go-to scapegoat for anything, from her non-existent career to Wikipedia dying someday. You would think someone who targets children with her work would understand that they are much less likely to have money than an older audience.
>they nickel and dime it out of me for freeSo not only are you a terrible artist, but a terrible businesswoman. But it's such a mystery why you're a broke nobody…
>>907311Seriously. There are so many ways to monetize your work that are loads easier than oversaturated platforms like youtube. Skillshare would be the best format since she likes to make tutorials so much. She acts like making free shit for other people to use and somehow skyrocket to success off of is her cross to bear, I think part of her must get off to playing as a martyr.
No. 907385
File: 1576733315736.png (92.95 KB, 602x711, Kohai.png)

>>907374Because she had this obsession with the whole Senpai/Kohai dynamic self-proclaiming herself as the 'Senpai'
she has toned it down since then, but here is old milk
No. 907399
>>907382nah, delulu people like becca can twist ANYTHING into not being her own fault. if she didn't make any money on skillshare or w/e, she'd just say the platform wouldn't push her stuff for xyz reasons.
>>907385considering the tweet in the OP pic has her saying "genkiness level" this shit shouldn't surprise and embarass me, but here we are.
No. 907430
>>907163Her youTube videos are rather short and she doesn't edit them herself so there is not that much time spend. Although she does a lot of them.
I work with watercolour myself, and yes, they are time consuming because of drying time but still. I think it's quite easy to colour more than a double spread a day if she would switch between pages while they are drying. Also the size she's working on seems rather small and her stuff is far from beeing full of detail or challenging perspectives.
The first volume has 110 pages, let's say the second one does also. That's 18 pages a year the last six years or 1,5 pages a month. Even if she spends half a year or full year on working on story/ research and sketches, she's really, really slow.
No. 907673
File: 1576797789539.jpeg (343.23 KB, 1301x1311, BF7B5F56-978D-4E66-A703-F18C8D…)

“Look at me, I’m SO. SELFLESS. Look at all that I do for all of you ungrateful shits.”
Does Becca think there aren’t tons of other small arttubers who do the same thing as a passion project? With how much she constantly has to state that she’s taking her own precious time, resources, and knowledge to do it, the less and less it comes off as a passion project and the more it just screams “GIVE ME MONEY AND VALIDATION (BUT MOSTLY YOUR MONEY!)” Her and Holly feel like opposite ends of the spectrum to me. Becca won’t let the fuck go of her failure of a webcomic/youtube channel/blog, meanwhile Holly can’t stick to a small set of things to sell/make if her life depended on it.
No. 907760
>>907399Yeah, this. Becca is uniquely impervious to any insults, advice, or suggestions. She's 100% convinced her artwork is great and it's the audience's fault for not recognizing that, and she's also convinced that she knows exactly how to market her work, despite all evidence to the contrary. She is like Teflon, and reality is but a small amount of cooking oil that will easily slide off of her.
She really is the anti-Holly Brown, who hates herself but inexplicably has a huge following.
No. 907865
File: 1576837042220.png (165.3 KB, 1080x838, Screenshot_2019-12-20-17-16-42…)

non-milk but wow?
No. 908023
File: 1576877783105.jpg (417.1 KB, 1597x928, Screenshot_20191220-223132_You…)

>>907621She went to art school, right? And yet I'm here marvelling on how bad her pencil grip is to get a drawing callous from a colored pencil here. Wow.
It would benefit her too, if she worked on the corect one, so her lines wouldn't be so heavy in general. Her fingers must hurt a lot.
No. 908061
>>908038Most artists I know get RSI’s in some way from drawing but half of them are not dumbasses and went to doctors to address shit. Biggest example is the comic artist yuko ota, who wrote a book/drew a comic about the nerve damage in her arms and learning to draw with her non dominant hand (she’s a similar age to Becca just more prolific and well known).
If her grip is causing her pain and damage, she should see a doctor instead of whining on the internet but she lives in America in a shit part of the US where there isn’t good poor people insurance so I’m willing to bet she either doesn’t have it or her fiancé has shit tier. I wouldn’t put it past her to whine about not having insurance to go see doctors on the internet for points
No. 908089
>>908061I noticed that many american / canadian artists (at least those doing YT artentainment who went to for profit diploma mills) have bad grip and issues with joints. Which is super weird to me, because if you go to traditional art school in Europe they make sure the arists have proper grip simply to avoid issues like it. I've heard that a very talented girl didn't get accepted, because the teachers saw her bad grip and posture during exams and told her to come back when she got it right. I had to take an art course for credit and the teacher from that art university made us effing stretch before and after 3 hrs long lesson. I kinda appreciate it now.
Looking at how Becca draws, my fingers curls on sympathy pain.
No. 908235
>>908089It’s a NA thing but with Canadians, they have universal healthcare so everything is covered cost wise but usually it takes months or so to see a specialists and sometimes I think someone like a physical therapist or masseuse are not covered by their universal care. It’s still better than Americans, we’re basically kind of fucked for preventative shit so getting treatment is hard, especially on a freelancer/poor person’s income and if you aren’t on healthcare plan through a parent (provided you aren’t over 26) or through a spouse or you did service in the military (through the VA).
But yeah, it might have changed slightly since I went to school, but most art schools don’t do anything that involves stretching or taking care of yourself. I don’t know if it’s a fully American thing, but there’s also a point of pride for lots of people to continue working their bodies past the point of pain, like if you listen to any stories about the animators on the first toy story a lot of them recall breaking their bodies to finish it. And fundamental classes definitely don’t stress the importance of grip, I just remember like they taught us cursive writing more in elementary school rather than something useful like how to hold a pencil correctly. I’m hoping with more awareness now especially online that there’s more of a movement to not mess up your body for art but who knows.
She’s definitely gripping too hard but she’s just like a baylee Jae where she doesn’t do shit to make her life better even though she has the means to. Like it’s pretty easy to recognIze you grip too hard if you develop pressure calluses and doing steps to prevent it like wrapping styluses in foam or learning to draw lightly. But just like her, Becca is stubborn and will not do anything to solve that
No. 908536
>>908462I feel like Becca is telling her 'audience' what she wants someone to tell her because she is all over the place.
Also, lol to her 'not being able to get crit' she doesn't come across as someone who would listen if she got it.
No. 908639
File: 1577035427541.jpeg (410.41 KB, 750x1008, 97549364-C5B1-4FFD-A7AF-6C8166…)

300-600 is incredibly cheap for a wedding dress that isn’t a cheap knockoff….what does she expect?
No. 908670
>>908622theres a lot of things you could do with the concept of 'little people' just having them being small humans living in a real humans house (but not borrowing their tems to use as clothes because thats 'demeaning' ??) sounds incredibly boring. Just…why is she making the comic?
Thats the problem a lot of kid lit artists have, they just make something because its easy and take no consideration to what kids actually like or want to read.
No. 908672
File: 1577041287679.jpg (70.94 KB, 410x360, A19998-2094680889.1514360872.j…)

>>908670like Hakumei & Mikochi, you can tell right away theyre not 100% human. I havent seen this anime but its already more compelling than just visual blandness
No. 908703
>>908639She could look into bridesmaid dresses, or any other white dress, or every other evening gown actually. A wedding dress does not have to be white.
Never understand why someone would buy a dress for 1k+ that they only would wear once (ideally).
No. 908786
>>908719Lol wtf
>>908718Shoujo main characters are all bland klutzy snowflakes too. Tbh her characters and writing feel very low tier 90s anime to me.
No. 908806
>>908701'a lot of readers like me saw Hermione as African british haitian and were upset when Emma Watson got casted'
yeah I call bullshit
No. 908924
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>>907430More about her process. Does she take very long time in digital lettering and editing, because if what she said is true she painted a page a day.
That aside, I think her comic would read better if she draw it digitally like this
No. 909892
File: 1577325625084.jpeg (179.11 KB, 733x922, 2A9C6CE8-BAA2-44AA-953F-53495C…)

Becca trying to make a wholesome and encouraging post for everyone only to turn it back into “give me money” again
No. 909896
File: 1577325775310.jpeg (372.42 KB, 750x964, 05DA9565-E96B-49DB-A887-B9208B…)

>>909892Remember when she said “I don’t have a sugar daddy”
No. 909954
>>909907That's not as "glamorous" as being a convention artist, I guess.
What DOES she want? Like, does she expect her youtube channel to take off any day now? Does she expect people to send her money for literally no reason? Does she think being a con artist is actually a sustainable income? I don't really understand her goals. It feels like she's trying to stick her finger in every pie (youtube, cons, classes, reviews, webcomic etc) but she is mediocre at every single one so none of them succeed.
No. 909971
>>909928Comics/webcomics actually did some kind of streaming con in 2014 started by Danielle Corsetto of Girls with Slingshots called ComfyCon where webcomics people had panels and held sales in their online stores for it. Iirc it was moderately successful because people actually READ the comics the creators were from and they had reach on social media. Becca went into this cuz she had a grudge against mechacon, she was too slow for FCFS and couldn’t beg enough to be put on the waitlist, and didn’t have an online store or a good streaming setup
Becca making her own streaming con and going to the lengths of setting her fuckin table up is just too funny and her expectations that people who would go to mechacon would see her LOL. She acts as though she’s the draw for these people when it’s like, you’re kidding nothing but yourself Becca
No. 910262
File: 1577393352121.png (50.71 KB, 678x569, becca.PNG)

>>909928If Becca wasn't so insufferable I might actually feel a bit bad for her after reading this entry.
I can't believe she actually thinks she has an audience though. I figured most of the people who would stop by her table at cons only knew her for her 'how to be a con artist' shit and not actually for her art, or were random passerbys with an impulsive shopping habit and saw cheap commissions available.
She mentions fleeting popularity, but what popularity has she ever enjoyed? And yet despite realizing that cons cannot be depended on as an actual source of income, she refuses to get an actual job (art related or otherwise). I know the post is 2 years old, but still. She also only got 2 commissions during a 6 hour stream. Did she take 3 hours per commission or just stare blankly at the camera for most of the time?
No. 910412
File: 1577405007905.png (1.73 MB, 1600x1067, Screenshot (510).png)

>>909928I am entirely new to this bitch but how DUMB do you have to be to think this is a good idea???
No. 910697
File: 1577472592694.png (129.09 KB, 599x505, udRs6pb.png)

Begga's asking for tips to buy what basically amounts to a bigger version of those foldable children's art kits.
No. 910732
>>910728It's putting the cart before the horse. People only seek opinions/help/tutorials from an artist
after they've earned a reputation as a talented and respectable, not before.
No. 910765
File: 1577487408029.jpg (14.34 KB, 480x319, 1531401087257.jpg)

>>910071becca is squeezing the life and money out of her bert from seasame street looking ass husband.
do skillshare you talentless leech attempt to succeed on your own or else you're proving everybody that's laughing at you right.
oh god can you imagine if she has children? poor bert would have to raise him on his own and also be the breadwinner.
No. 910772
>>910636Considering how much Becca begs and bitches about money, I don't think he is comfortably supporting her. Which makes it all the more confusing that he seems to be moving forward with tying the knot, but I guess he's just given up at this point. Sunk cost I guess.
>>910697No one on this good earth has EVER asked for an Artist Loft product review, and especially not from Becca.
No. 911279
File: 1577633034430.png (16.89 KB, 593x126, T0MYrQi.png)

I know 'cheap and accessable' are part of Beggar's brand, but something tells me that if she had the means to afford pricier supplies she'd be shilling them left and right without thinking twice. She's so self-absorbed and delusional that I could easily see her telling young artists to ask their parents to 'support their hobby' with expensive supplies if they were just a bit more accessable to Becca herself.
No. 911618
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I find it kinda ironic that she's the one answering this question
No. 911837
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No. 911925
File: 1577765552328.png (302.63 KB, 602x902, k_begga.png)

I have no words.
No. 911932
>>911837be kind
oh no someone tried to comment on her twitter and now she has to control the response
she used the same phrase when people complained they were being ignored in her art discord
No. 911987
File: 1577779875850.jpg (165.73 KB, 1200x675, garbage.jpg)

>>911925Pffft. Reminds me of pic related. Anyone who was even slightly artistically inclined as a kid had to deal with this horrible piece of junk.
Never, ever buy those kits that have like five different media in them. They're overpriced and they suck. Just buy small packages of things like paint or pencils until your kid figures out what they like.
As a kid, I literally got crayons from restaurants better than the ones in those kits.
No. 912294
File: 1577862985596.jpg (480.46 KB, 1080x1769, notmilk.jpg)

old and not milky but it's not art cows if they don't blame their uni and teachers for their art failure
also real improvement?
No. 912303
>>912302*adding: there is plenty of public universities in the United States that offer illustration and animation focused degrees, San Jose state in California is one of them, so there’s alternatives to expensive private art schools.
Tho begga ended up going to an expensive private art school anyway for her masters
No. 912320
>>912207God those swollen troll paws she draws on her 'chibi' are so fucking ugly. Truly
trigger worthy.
No. 912467
File: 1577909467840.jpeg (410.71 KB, 750x1005, 0EB80AAC-249D-433A-9392-2AA9AC…)

Looks like she’s gonna make her fiancé take care of the kid lol
No. 912616
File: 1577933918640.jpeg (540.48 KB, 1152x2048, 80D7F535-52F3-48FB-9949-492A42…)

This is what she made with the art kit she asked for money for. She said this took her 10 HOURS…
No. 912665
>>912616why are the eyes so up high? why does the character have liver spots? are those supposed to be freckles?
i like the weird plant she drew so she wouldnt have to draw legs
No. 912695
File: 1577955593224.jpeg (124.6 KB, 818x1200, q5FfKbBh.jpg:medium.jpeg)

wait i just realized she didnt even come up with the name of race of the little people in her comics herself, she just straight ripped them from another fictional story
No. 913109
File: 1578064641261.png (327.69 KB, 640x537, begga.png)

>>913066>surprised she managed to get a table>lottery based conwhy surprised anon?
Also, Begga just posted this to her YT. The bottom two heads are passable, but when she starts to add "anatomy" to the top two it just looks so fucked, I can't understand how she doesn't see how shaky that line work is in the top row compared to the bottom.
No. 913477
>>912914"Young artiste and their new-fangled tablets!!! Digital art isn't as AUTHETIC as traditional! Also you are the reason I am poor and shitty!!!" -Begga, probably
>>913476I agree, that sort of style is universally cute to both kids and adults and has way more character. Her "manga-inspired" semi-realistic style is ugly and kinda uncanny. It's like the kind of art former weebs who learned to draw from anime make when they're trying to to learn realism, except they usually advance past that awkward in-between phase pretty quickly while Becca has been stuck there for over a decade.
No. 914455
File: 1578347379560.png (280.63 KB, 590x475, eE7OKZu.png)

Why the hell did she use this mess as the image for this post? The first thing you notice is the weird pencil grip.
No. 914702
File: 1578373765397.png (31.48 KB, 653x534, karares.png)

Maybe one of her new year's resolutions should be to actually learn how to draw and stop being so bitter
No. 914838
File: 1578424136335.png (30.37 KB, 916x151, nsy.PNG)

Becca has been complaining in Discord as Youtube have marked her as a kids channel.
No. 914912
File: 1578436782365.png (49.1 KB, 946x275, Screenshot (96).png)

"I cant try out twitch you guys, it would make me actually focus on my art"
is that…not what she wants???
No. 914920
>>914912Okay, so she puts out tons of tutorials nobody asked for, goes on record calling herself a teacher despite her lack of skill, lack of charisma and minuscule audience then gets mad when people don't 'appreciate' her correctly.
Now she's considering moving to Twitch, where she'll have to build her audience from the ground up, get even fewer views per stream than she does per video and just continue being her same old mediocre self.
No. 914976
File: 1578444306528.jpg (135.45 KB, 1080x636, IMG_20200108_074442.jpg)

>>914455This is how you get arthritis.
No. 914984
File: 1578445172481.jpeg (377.49 KB, 2048x1547, Vn72K2DB.jpg:large.jpeg)

i love how the stick is going through her dress and crotch
No. 915128
File: 1578474479703.jpg (60.74 KB, 1080x592, Screenshot_20200108-100605_You…)

>>915125Samefag but Becca's hand for reference, so this is why she got a "drawing callus" on her hand…
No. 915201
>>914984>>915181yea, the broom makes sense and i like how the skirt poofs up, though the arm placement is weird.
>>915128i can't believe she was never told to correct her grip, there's no way no one noticed this. and if she knows she holds a pencil wrong she could correct it herself.
No. 915276
File: 1578512874210.jpg (675.39 KB, 2048x1547, IMG_0104 1 (1).jpg)

>>915219Same anon, with 5 min of free time. This is why it looks weird how she drew it (red lining the hem of the skirt).
No. 915279
File: 1578513126795.jpg (347.5 KB, 2048x1547, IMG_0104a.jpg)

>>915276And this is how it should look like. Tho whole pose if off balance and out of sync with the flight direction. So the skirt hole for the broom to go thru is the smallest issue.
No. 915466
>>915279Yeah Becca has no idea how clothing works, like on the photo
>>906358 posted from her behance too, she just puts t-shirts on everything without knowing how things work on top of a figure plus how clothing adds to character designs. Like she has a vague understanding of draping in your first edit anon, but it’s very “I looked at sailor moon once and now I can draw folds” because that dress would be shorter in the front and lower in the back with where her edges are. Your edit is much better cuz it suggest the skirt is a full circle with the bunching in the front, but the whole outfit is like etc especially with a giant bow obscuring part of her face
No. 915763
File: 1578614929113.png (434.53 KB, 585x493, p0RMO3h.png)

I don't think her method of using cheap paper for entire watercolor comic pages is working for her. Shit looks patchy as fuck.
No. 916072
File: 1578693198402.jpg (697.28 KB, 1244x1920, sHBkewZ.jpg)

>>916067There's nothing inherently wrong about doing a comic in pencil with watercolor in the style Becca does it. The problem isn't the medium, it's that Becca is just really bad with watercolors.
Beasts of Burden is another comic done in watercolor, which uses some similar techniques as Becca's. The difference is that one artist knows that they're doing, and the other one doesn't.
No. 916098
File: 1578696590646.jpg (83.49 KB, 585x792, beautifuldarkness.jpg)

>>916067>>916072Beautiful Darkness is a full watercolor comic and it's gorgeous. Great-looking, elaborate watercolors are very possible, it's just Becca sucks too much to pull it off.
No. 916114
>>916098Yeah, Becca's biggest failing is honestly just her own incompetence as an artist. There are many Twitter artists with much fewer followers than Becca whose art posts regularly get a lot more attention than hers, because the people who follow them actually
like their art. None of Becca's followers seem to give a fuck about her actual work, and most seem to be more interested in the reviews/resource posts.
No. 916245
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>>916098Since we’re also going down the watercolor comic hole here, Becca’s other weakness out of many is being stuck in the “I saw an anime once in the nineties” style she insists upon. BD’s like Blacksad are watercolor and a lot of European comics are very technically good in medium. I think Blacksad is digital now but are done in a style that mimics watercolors. But of course Becca has to be queen weeb except not actually
No. 916328
File: 1578745090203.jpg (657.85 KB, 1280x1969, 95e9cfb635be0c69d6dd1b8cc3c154…)

Hey, Becs, no excuse, there are actually american monthlies done all in watercolor. It's just all about skills. Which she'd have, if she didn't procrastinate.
(This ine is Ascender/Descender by Dustin Nguyen)
No. 916332
>>915860Why all the artcows have their workplace such a mess? Bayley and Holly too. They all hoard art supplies looking for next holly grail and their work is mediocre at best and yet they try to present themselves as art pros.
(And on the other hand there are the planner girls with sterile planner rooms and so fucking boring lifes they need to plan laundry.)
Is this a psychological thing? Peer pressure? Are those things related to how they present themselves because they try to live up to the stereotype of a messy artist?
No. 916834
File: 1578821110199.png (2.55 MB, 1242x2208, 63E155E9-67A1-488F-B609-426477…)

In 10 hours, she has spammed this same image 8 times in between extremely mediocre how-to-draw segments… just look at all the dashes… jfc Becca, you don’t have to post this obsessively to your non-existent fanbase because “algorithms”. No one cares.
No. 918305
File: 1579050989506.jpeg (256.93 KB, 750x1032, A108EA2E-BD83-4C1A-9BB1-4BB81B…)

oh yeah I totally want to be taught by master painter, begga.
No. 918428
>>918305it would look a lot better if she used masking fluid but i bet it would be too "sterile" for her
also what is that foot its like playdough
No. 918708
File: 1579127396134.png (3.75 MB, 2208x1242, D3712981-2330-4FF6-8F3E-85D7D9…)

At 1:45 her fiancé whispers “Michaels” to her because she referred to the product as being from “Hobby Lobby”… twice.
And here I thought her hoarded workspace was bad, it looks like her whole home is that way too. This is just miserable to watch. She couldn’t get a tripod setup for this so she uses that poor bastard to do literally everything? Jfc dude, don’t put a ring on this.
No. 918781
File: 1579132960687.png (1.71 MB, 1736x961, bec.png)

No. 918785
File: 1579133371704.png (3.58 MB, 1551x887, becca.png)

what is that face? why does she always make freckles look like liver spots. how can you draw for so long and still produce middle school art student tier work?
and she feels entitled to teach???
No. 918786
File: 1579133561570.jpg (98.33 KB, 540x790, same90.jpg)

>>918708i feel so bad for bert-fiancee. i dont even know if he's a decent person but no one deserves a womanchild as a partner.
No. 918883
>>918781She spent
five minutes on those? Most artists could draw a figure like that (and better) in half that time.
No. 918902
>>918677i think its supposed to be for parents, but
1) adults buy these because they're clueless, so they're not gonna look up a review saying if its good or not, and
2) they'd just read a quick one sentence review on amazon if anything, and not a video that's a fucking hour long
No. 918911
File: 1579152464426.jpg (222.63 KB, 1600x1199, file.jpg)

>>918883Yeah I didn't want to sound nitpicky but I thought the same exact thing. It shouldn't take her 5 minutes to do shit like this considering how long she's been drawing/studied drawing for. Pic related is just one I pulled from google but this artist does in 30 seconds what Becca barely accomplished in 5 minutes.
No. 918926
>>918914Becca is definitely one of those artists who thinks the more sketchy lines and unnecessary details you add, the more ~artistic~ the sketch looks.
Also I haven't seen the reference pic but the boobs on the jumping girl seem way too low set for a pose with the back arched/chest out.
No. 918929
>>918677I watched the video so you don't have to
She didn't know oil paint needed turpentine to use and complains that she can't swatch the oils because not even walmart has turpentine (they do)
the video is 20 minutes of overview, 20 minutes of swatching, then 20 minutes repeating what she said in the swatching.
If you're going to review these art kits at all a better way would be to have a 5 minute video showing artwork using the supplies, already made off screen not in real time… and then just say the pros and cons and prices of each and bottom line which you'd recommend to buy.
No. 918962
File: 1579161324364.jpeg (873.29 KB, 900x1840, A88AA546-DF6C-42B1-9FD2-4661AB…)

>>918926I can’t find the specific pose (she said she was using the pose timer and it probably pulls some poses senshistock only puts in her paid packs) but I’m pretty certain it’s from one of the jumping packs like this one so Becca doesn’t know anatomy well enough to actually put them on the pose. I actually thought in her drawing, the bottom of the ribcage she drew was actually the boobs. The bodysuit obscures the anatomy but someone who actually knows anatomy could still make a fluid figure and not the scary skeleton monsters Becca makes up
No. 919043
File: 1579175746388.jpg (149.1 KB, 1072x1023, bert.jpg)

>>895909Sage bcs late, found out bert actually works bioinformatics field. Bioinformatics scientst yearly income averaging 70k, google says.
No. 919401
>>918794Becca’s nonexistent editing has been spoken of to death but FUCK. Pretty soon after the whispering she also says “just cut it” like cut the video but left it in… this isn’t complicated editing. She literally does the bare minimum of drag and dropping shit into the timeline. She can’t even be bothered to slightly cut the end of the clip off. Does she even watch her videos back? Probably not. She’s definitely quantity over quality, watering down what tiny bit of quality she already doesn’t have down to nothing.
Did she pay $7000 a month for editing because she’s too technologically stunted or what?? Kids who start out making terrible videos for shit and giggles can even cut these things out.
No. 919608
>>919401I still think those 7k editing costs are made up.
Or it's the overall cost for all her videos bc she roughly uploads a video a day, so that adds up.
Whatever. I doubt she is paying for editing at that point.
No. 919863
File: 1579303483964.jpg (223.38 KB, 1054x1284, Um_no.jpg)

No. 919874
>>919043man based on that little ass picture it looks like bert is more talented than becca in the drawing department
what the fuck is she talking about? has she seen baylee jay? even holly brown for that matter still has some kind of fan following despite churning out garbage with a matching attitude.
she's really doing quite the feat in mental gymnastics trying to justify her lack of success. it's amazing how much confidence she has in her mediocrity.
No. 919925
File: 1579310038224.png (131.31 KB, 645x717, boofuckinghoo.png)

No. 919977
File: 1579316152432.jpeg (444.71 KB, 1108x1671, 6DCCFD9E-1CDF-4708-85EB-586357…)

>>919863She’s so fucking out of touch with art and comics that it’s embarrassing. We literally posted about Jill Thompson up higher in the thread with Beasts of Burden, she and like Colleen Doran and Nicola Scott have been in comics since the nineties. And western “big-two” type comics are of course predominately male, BUT if you look at indie and children’s comics, then the market is half of not mostly female? Manga, webtoon, children’s books, like the inherent perceived misogyny she has of an industry she’s not even a part of is an excuse. Like go fuckin sperg on cape comics but she’s stupid cuz that’s not a type of comic she wants to do. Artists like Raina Telgemier have been on the NYT bestsellers list bigger than cape comics and she does kids comics.
You just have to have GOOD art. And also checking out who she follows on social media, they’re all prominent industry artists and mostly female. Like this isn’t an excuse anymore, there’s been women in various illustration industries for years.
No. 920050
File: 1579339006877.jpeg (272.13 KB, 1080x1622, BvzP90E-.jpg:large.jpeg)

how did this take her 2 months to SKETCH
No. 920057
>>920050She says it’s huge so it’s taking a long time but if it’s digital how does size matter??? Does she only work on things at 100% size or something fucking stupid?
She needs to make up better excuses…
No. 920619
File: 1579479558068.png (257.48 KB, 1208x1102, Screenshot 2020-01-20 at 12.17…)

She was venting about how it's okay to want to see an end result from years of "investment" into her art.
No. 921152
File: 1579576333458.png (452.46 KB, 1080x1541, Muddy.png)

poor animal looks like it's dipped in a mud
No. 921182
File: 1579580064168.jpeg (110.54 KB, 546x680, L--FCfGK.jpg:small.jpeg)

why does she insist on drawing these ugly af noses? also the fact that she needs this much sketch lines for something this simple is sad
No. 921203
File: 1579583131672.png (8.84 KB, 768x480, FMV_(The_Faces_of_Evil).png)

>>921182Becca's art reminds me of the legend of zelda CDI animations, they are both on the same art level
No. 921247
File: 1579594601588.jpeg (260.4 KB, 1080x1540, rO701Szx.jpg:large.jpeg)

>>921152i put it in grayscale for comparison, it looks like a huge mush of shadows
No. 921259
>>921247the illustration itself is fine
but yeah, there's no contrast. Either the tortoise needed to be a lighter colour or the main character needed a brighter palette.
Doesn't help that the pants and her skin tone are identical to the tortoise skin
No. 921308
File: 1579616813790.jpg (674.84 KB, 2411x3017, becca.jpg)

>>921247It's really such a shame, because the illustration could actually be decent with some good colors. Normally you see amateurs draw polished turds but becca has flipped even that on it's head. Not only are the values totally screwed but she has no knowledge on color theory either, like how hard would it be to do a little bit of research? This artwork seems to be middle eastern/ south-east asian themed, so it shouldn't have been so hard to do a simple google search on colors and patterns they wear to use in your artwork.
No. 921551
>>921247I’m astonished she thinks black is a shading color like she hasn’t grasped color at all. Watercolor is supposed to be a transparent medium too so going 100% black on the shadows is just so amateur and sloppy
>>921308Considering she has no idea about whatever illustration industry she wants to work in, I doubt she would spend any braincell of hers doing “research” for an illustration. Her stuff always shows a superficial understanding of anything
No. 924140
File: 1580062229376.jpeg (104.79 KB, 640x480, 6E05F37C-EE77-47B3-B9C9-7DBFA8…)

Perhaps this isn’t milk— is it a common practice for artists to ask for donations to make a review? The markers in the screencap are $35.
She claims to donate them afterward.
No. 924192
>>921182Well, she's always been good at the bargain bin look. All it needs is muddy watercolours and a rant about how nobody appreciates her epic skills.
>>924140This would make so much more sense if she was asking for money to buy new art supplies to do commissions or something.
No. 924509
>>924140Catherine from Katnipp just reviewed the ohuhu markers just the other day and she was given those markers by the company. I don’t know what her goal was but it just really seems kind of cheap that you have to do a fundraiser for $35, like if your “job” of making art and videos isn’t giving you enough revenue to have a spare 35$ to make a video, then something is wrong there. Plus she has a patreon, she couldn’t just do that there?
I hopped over to her patreon and she has a long public post about being “newly inspired” to work but has ADHD. Was she even formally diagnosed or is she just self hopping that bandwagon? A lot of people in indie comics and creative industries online on twitter have adhd and I’m wondering if she just self diagnosed cuz of her issues but is now just milking it for sympathy instead of actually getting help for it
No. 924947
File: 1580213835349.jpeg (111.06 KB, 475x640, B8F42670-E27C-4B6F-8A88-E62644…)

From her watercolor tutorial she just posted on her blogspot
No. 925062
>>925033kek It's a change form her usual muddy colours.
>>924947She shades as if she would use markers.
And the arrangement is also so not pleasing.
No. 925396
File: 1580303412557.jpeg (114.85 KB, 640x429, E0A7F03E-1F3A-499E-AA28-561E58…)

>>925033>>925062This is from the same entry as the dessert one, it looks like she just uses straight up tube colors and doesn’t mix any of her colors together, which explains why they’re vibrant but none of the colors look like they’re blended like a marker in addition to her no knowing jack shit about color theory. Her palette is super clean too,. The other examples she uses a Japanese style paint set (cuz of course she has to show off more than one) and those have no mixing areas so like yeah, she has no idea how to use the mediums she thinks she specializes in
No. 925397
File: 1580303727819.jpeg (268.61 KB, 1200x1200, E927ADED-D9DD-4820-BA68-2FDF0D…)

>>925396Compared to more better watercolor artists (this is Iraville on IG), her palettes are always messy AF cuz she mixes her colors and that keeps them harmonious (and she said in an IG AMA she never washes them out either). Her style is clean too even tho she uses watercolor so I feel Begga blaming watercolors on her messiness is just another one of her excuses that’s not just herself
No. 925746
File: 1580356693516.png (138.7 KB, 1010x561, Screenshot (124).png)

No. 925764
>>925652God it looks like she has dark circles or even black eyes bruises. Is that supposed to be blush or shading?
Plus Becca shades every section individually without giving the whole thing an overall light source
I will say that I like this better than all her other stuff though - the colors aren't too gross, and the edges are reasonably smooth and clear
No. 925769
>>925652Art like this makes me think Becca art is hindered with her using watercolors. Dont get me wrong it's all still flawed with or without but it seems like she doesn't have the foresight needed to use a medium like watercolor which takes some more meticulous planning than for something like digital art on a tablet where you can erase and easily change things if needed to.
It's still all flawed fundamentally though and the first real improvements should be made there regarding things like composition, proportion and basic color theory.
No. 925772
>>925764She pillow shades and it kills me.
And of course her lack of knowledge with values doesn't help this. Her darkest dark is just the dark red on the belt/tassels and hair bow, but that's it. It's not even that dark or in the right places, assuming the light source is coming from the top or upper righthand side.
Her work could look slightly better if she did something as simple as adding thin lineart in black or brown ink to separate the mud puddles of color. Not full hard lines.
Just something to help reinforce the forms and give more of a sense of depth. But as
>>925769 says, she seems to lack the foresight to experiment and think about her work this way.
No. 925862
>>925746It’s hilarious her unawareness of everything around her cuz like, people think you’re entitled Begga cuz you keep trying to extort supplies from jetpens and running your grudge all over social media cuz you think you’re the queen of webcomics cuz you work ever so hard.
I don’t know what point she’s trying to make with this cuz is she mad at younger artists for actually working paying jobs to buy supplies? Is she surprised that labor + time = money, not realizing she literally had a fundraiser two days ago to get 40$ ?? Like ok go off
No. 927568
File: 1580704686440.jpg (262.28 KB, 1080x1225, IMG_20200203_104917.jpg)

No. 927589
File: 1580717217303.jpeg (134.39 KB, 940x788, EPuok9CXsAAF1Mj.jpeg)

these chibis look like theyre jazza's
No. 927598
>>927568Honestly she's such a paradox, it seems. On the one hand, she's saying how good she is for making tutorials and art supply reviews, but at the same time complains and complains about not being famous and not being recognised.
In her discord, she was saying how it's not wrong to expect returns from what she's done, like commissions or comics. She was saying how if she puts energy into it, it's fine to expect something back. When the reality is that online art, webcomics, and youtube are usually fruitless endeavours. Not many people go into these fields expecting a direct return monetarily or popularity wise. People make youtube content or webcomics because they want to, and maybe sure they might have the idea that they want to be noticed some day, but for the most part it's incredibly disheartening to expect it.
Anyway that was a blogpost. Becca needs to learn how to enjoy art as opposed to thinking of it as a money maker. Maybe then she'll start to improve.
No. 927614
>>927568Im on her server and she has a tendency to make everything anyone says about herself. It's quite annoying.
In the vent channel, someone will vent and she will say "Oh, I know how that feels, when I was working on Kara.."
You can tell how bitter she is. If she was sincere she would have way more connections in the art world, but just like Holly, she likes looking down on people and thinks she deserves better.
No. 927749
>>927568>If someone wants it for free, they can look it up. It's there now?? The internet didn't just come into existence yesterday Begga. This is no longer the early 2000s. Free art tutorials are abundant on the internet nowdays, 99% of them much much better than yours.
It's no one's fault but her own that she's an idiot and thought her knowledge was worth anything and spent god knows how long putting out shitty tutorials when she could've been working an actual job or improving herself.
No. 929080
File: 1581042687983.png (162.53 KB, 596x384, V8HpaD9.png)

I can't help but think that retweeting this was some kind of passive-aggressive remark on Becca's part.
No. 929210
File: 1581071365885.jpeg (264.39 KB, 1080x1498, bne0vysy.jpg:large.jpeg)

not milk
found this on r/choosenbeggar and i doubt this is our begga but i honestly would not be surprised if it is
No. 929221
Just for the sake of entertainment I choose to believe it's our very own Becca
She would probably blame her lack of response on her adhd, and then insist that the week she 'spent' working on this project was wasted, and since time=money, she has been robbed. Robbed of time, of course, that could have been spent working on her comic that she barely has time for because she is always being used for her skills and not compensated!
Poor, poor Becca
No. 929448
File: 1581120222235.png (543.79 KB, 1042x2796, becca is fucking rude2.png)

discord anon here :) i deleted >929423 because i didnt want to doxx the other person lmao. reposting so anons can read it
No. 929460
File: 1581121622798.png (204.52 KB, 1002x1350, beccamessage.png)

>>929448>>929442Ok I did what I threatened on doing and shot her a message. I don't even care anymore, her attitude towards everyone is so awful and someone needs to say it to her straight up. Sorry that the formatting is garbage, writing a such a long message on a small chatbox was a mistake.
No. 929473
File: 1581123801766.gif (220.39 KB, 500x378, 54654854.gif)

>>929460kek narcs like becca don't learn and won't ever learn. you just outted yourself to her and now she can be a perma
you can show her how horrible she is, use all the evidence and thoroughly explain it to her but you'll achieve nothing. in her little narc mind all she can she is shes a
victim and a martyr forever and always and nothing will change that.s
No. 929485
File: 1581125245003.jpg (3.03 MB, 2029x2934, ENUFdUzWwAAQLdC.jpg)

>>929442I think the best part is that the artist Becca was talking to is a better than she is, and actually knows how to use her tools well, and actually seems to have people who enjoy her art, looking at her social media numbers. Becca needs to seriously pull her head out of her ass. This artist's works looks way more professional than hers
No. 929562
File: 1581137591276.jpeg (875.48 KB, 1218x1600, ffvf.jpeg)

the rabbits in the back are either on a hay wall or the ground just chose to stop continuing beyond them. becca really cant do perspective can she
No. 929575
>>929460She is such a massive condescending cunt. How hard is it to discuss different art methods without getting defensive? Does she also not realize hair dryers have a cool and a low setting?
”oh you sweet dear, I forget you are a student and thus inferior to a professional such as myself" barf
No. 929612
>>929562Yeah, she always draws feet like that on her figures so there’s no plane definition so the legs are different lengths. And the rabbit in the foreground is smaller than ones in the background, so her sense of scale is still off as well, like if she is supposed to be small then why is everything similar sized? If she knew what a horizon line was then it’d help the image but since she’s always right and never wrong, then it’s OUR fault for her image is incorrect.
>>929555I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a personality disorder on top of the adhd, she’s a complete narcissist to the point where she can’t see any of her flaws and she’s so used to being the only artist teacher in her area and head that any critique is an attack on her. She paid her way to her degrees but she wouldn’t be able to work with an editor or an agent or something with her condescending and shitty attitude, she’s lucky she even gets work teaching ten year olds at an art store.
No. 930005
File: 1581256283731.png (445.99 KB, 1280x433, tumblr_q56rwceP2c1x4dymxo1_128…)

>>929556>Hell in a sense she even reminds me of dobson.Lets not go that far, despite her many many faults Becca at least has an outer shell of normality and some common sense, she doesn't even come close to the entitlement and hypocrisy of Dobson
No. 930405
>>930340Wouldn’t she have applied for a school teaching position by now? Tinfoil, but I doubt she’d make it past the interview process because I can’t see anyone wanting to work with her for more than a 2hr workshop.
Speaking of, She’s not really an art teacher. She’s a workshop teacher. There’s a huge difference between putting in 40 hours with 100+ students and 4 hours for 6 kids and 2 of their parents.
No. 930859
>>930584I'm not surprised they told her it doesn't count. Just because she has a masters in anything doesn't mean she's got the background or knowledge to teach in a proper classroom setting. Like
>>930405 said, there's a crazy difference between "teaching" a handful of kids/adults for like two days out of the week for a couple of hours, versus hundreds of students with 40 hours in the classroom and god knows how many more outside of it. I've tried to watch some of her workshop videos but it's so fucking boring- how would a classroom of 30 kids deal with that? She also just goes on and on about a whole bunch of irrelevant shit lol.
No. 930866
File: 1581436176249.jpg (511.79 KB, 1080x1423, 20200211_094705.jpg)

Apparently requesting for kofi donations for her reviews is Becca's way to stablish strong boundaries with her audience
No. 930954
>>930866why is she making absolutely everything negative, her bitterness just oozes out of everything she writes.
she could have said "sometimes my audience wants me to review supplies I wouldn't usually buy for myself, ie really cheap or bullet point markers, since money is tight you may want to consider donating if you would like me to diversify my reviews", way easier than all that whining.
>even WALMART !!lol
No. 931152
File: 1581467491362.jpg (350.61 KB, 1080x1895, IMG_20200212_073055.jpg)

Am I the only one who think the old one has better colour? The new looks oversaturated and muddy.
No. 931212
>>931155Bullshit. Even if it is different settings, you can still compare them with value contrast especially because there’s no lighting other than ambient lighting.
The first one is better because the overall lightness of the watercolors helps the art out a lot even though the colors are roughly all the same and the shadows especially on the first panel are the same colors as the trees. The line work works with the watercolor better. The second one is intelligible with saturation and value contrast, if it’s a different setting then make like the last panel more obvious that it’s different, right now the house is blending into the background of like an alleyway or something? You can’t even tell. Plus the lighting makes no sense, if the figures at the bottom have shadows underneath them, then why do the shadows on the bucket and round things going to the left? Why doesn’t the house also have a cast shadow that strong and why doesn’t the clothesline and the stuff on it cast shadows? It benefits the first one that there isn’t strong lighting or she tried to do fancy shadows cuz the line work is still more solid
No. 931295
File: 1581500897669.png (201.34 KB, 1080x1488, Bdhebdjaj.png)

I feel sorry for him
No. 931297
>>931295Her cats love him for some reason? They're probably sick of you, Becca.
Also, Joseph says he's already too involved in her nonsense. He's clearly uncomfortable and being forced into it. I feel bad for him too.
No. 931985
File: 1581667595219.png (4.45 MB, 1029x1800, 952CDA41-7839-4F04-B21E-836F49…)

Her IG stories are obnoxious in how she lays them out but at least you can see exactly how she overworks a piece to death.
No. 932265
File: 1581726793574.jpeg (1.77 MB, 4096x2304, EQg08GYWkAMiJkm.jpeg)

this guy/girl looks like theyre high
No. 932282
File: 1581728549104.jpeg (587.62 KB, 2160x1440, EQxMdHoW4AAcIaq.jpeg)

its just a sketch so why does she already have 27 layers and a group
No. 932356
>>932282the way she has all those tabs out at once stresses me jesus
>>932355but theyre all visible, so everything we see now consist of all 27 layers plus the group
No. 932359
>>932282>>932357If you really zoom in on the image, in the thumbnails for each layer you can see little bits and pieces from all over the drawing. Hard to discern exactly what each one is, but it looks like every single element has its own layer (for example I think layer 24 is the 3 large leaves behind her head).
I'd bet the group is probably the low-opacity sketch you can slightly see under the current sketch, wouldn't surprise me if every limb had its own layer.
No. 932372
>>932282Jesus this, her editing and how she couldn't figure out how to screen record on her phone makes me think Becca is on a boomer level when it comes to computers. I get what she says about not having had as many resources and tutorials from a young age as kids do now, I'd understand being delayed in advanced video editing or digital rendering but this is inexcusable. She's only in her 30s and she's had the same access to those resources kids have herself for years now.
Makes me think she had too much pride to look up any tutorials and she fell off technology. Not good when she's trying to make a living from doing art online.
No. 932377
File: 1581758334248.jpeg (733.66 KB, 1600x1063, EQmSK7OXsAcl6er.jpeg)

1/2 so did she not even look at a size reference for this or..?
No. 932378
File: 1581758363273.jpg (66.01 KB, 500x392, 61xXZmIY0JL._AC_.jpg)

2/2 because this is how big an elephant ear plant is
No. 932388
File: 1581761436583.png (208.46 KB, 1080x1007, Screenshot_2020-02-15-17-08-43…)

Why she thinks she is a victim so much? I have literally never seen anyone actively ridiculing her art talking trash or argue with her except here
No. 932390
File: 1581762702871.jpeg (63.18 KB, 726x410, elefantöra.jpeg)

>>932378offtopic, but the elephant ear can be bred to be alot smaller and is also common as an indoor plant.
No. 932402
File: 1581764809626.jpeg (425.22 KB, 2160x1440, EQxKG2GXkAAMjOV.jpeg)

>>932397that definitely seems likely given this sketch has at least 43 layers and the only difference is more flowers
No. 932414
>>932377I've literally visited botanical gardens where the elephant plants were this size. It makes sense to exaggerate proportions in art.
Why is the art thread like this
No. 932553
File: 1581804898096.jpg (715.25 KB, 2289x1288, 7inchdld.jpg)

another decent image wasted because shitty rendering everything is so dark it has no contrast or value. I start to think she's reverse midas at rendering
No. 932571
File: 1581808915966.jpeg (745.24 KB, 1600x1100, EQneR5SXkAEM5e4.jpeg)

so does kara have measles now or what. the attempt at blush and freckles just looks like a bad rash when becca does it
No. 932731
File: 1581852794501.png (273.84 KB, 1080x1331, Screenshot_2020-02-16-18-28-56…)

Tinfoil, but the most likely "nagging" her mother does is probably that she would stop obsessing over kara.
No. 932743
>>932727Man, reading this really infuriated me. I’m so sorry she did that to you, anon. She really should drop this “teacher” bullshit because she really doesn’t have anyone’s best interests in mind besides her own. Sabotaging others while in a position where people look up to you is such a shit thing to do.
I hope she languishes in mediocrity for the rest of her life.
No. 932758
File: 1581864372784.jpg (151.26 KB, 1080x1230, IMG_20200216_214601.jpg)

>>932729Old tumblr post (2013 I think) but damn I don't think she's purely joking
No. 932815
File: 1581880414888.jpeg (530.85 KB, 2048x1365, 9DF8056B-9AE6-48C1-BDD0-E9F606…)

31+ layers and there’s a scroll bar that goes up…..
No. 932870
File: 1581900346685.png (227.07 KB, 462x449, a4d5e823f66da3c0618912327b6519…)

Same Anon that posted about her giving me terrible advice at 17. Pic related because that is my art from when I was 16/17 when we were talking. So not that great but yeah lol I was a junior in high school ffs.
The advice she gave me just pissed me off so much, I never really thought of her after that till I saw this thread. She needs to stop hosting workshops for kids. Thank you everyone for agreeing with me hahaha, I was really nervous posting that reply. I don't really have a public art presence anymore just because I'm shy. If she finds this thread I'm sure I'll get an email from her but maybe not, I draw very differently now.
No. 932881
>>932829Well, no one forced her to be a pompous bitch way into adulthood. She made her bed
>>932870Damn, that's even more irritating. Becca's muddy coloring NOW doesn't even come close to this old drawing. Who the fuck does she think she is lmao
No. 932921
>>932870What the fuck, this is miles cuter than her work. What an absolute cunt. Not to wk you but this unironically looks better that her current art by a long shot.
Honestly I'm starting to see a pattern, I think she feels threatened by young artists with potential. She got really mad at Noel earlier (
>>929448 ) and she's way ahead of Becca in skill, appeal, and straight up Twitter popularity. I think Becca is just a plain old crab in a bucket
No. 932979
>>932829She treats any company who wants to work with her with an obnoxious level of entitlement. She still shit talks jetpens after all this time. It’s Becca’s fault if companies don’t want to sponsor her. Still some companies send her stuff for free and she whines about not being paid for a review when she’s not obligated to do one.
What company would want to deal with her???
No. 932991
>>932921Wasn’t she also shit talking Kasey Golden cuz she knew her back before she moved to Canada cuz kasey did a couple cons with her so she said she taught her everything she knew and thus felt owed that kasey should help promo her cuz she was successful?
>>932829If she wasn’t a huge entitled bitch about everything and feeling “owed” success and publicity, then yeah this thread would be a bit mean cuz her work is boring, weak, and not notable. But this thread and what started out on the salt threads came because she tried to start a fight with jet pens on twitter cuz she thinks she’s entitled to them because she claims she brought them their audience. She’s a cow cuz she’s delusional and has no idea how her industry should work, like she blames sexism for the non-success of her comic when like nearly all of the comics on the NYT bestsellers list are all kid comics, and she’s clearly spiteful and jealous of other artists despite “knowing” more cuz she paid for a “masters” from SCAD.
I’m pretty sure she knows of the thread by now cuz she’s said like at least we’re not doxxing her, which apart from the one anon who wanted to white knight and stuff to make her know she’s a bitch, but mostly her hubris and stuck up-ness about being all-knowing is what keeps her from learning from this and other artists in general
No. 933164
>>932829I think she's fascinating to watch and that she's earned this thread. It's her reward for all of her hard work.
I'd been following How to Be a Con Artist and reading her materials reviews for years, but I never knew she was like this up until perhaps a few months ago when I compared her tone of writing to Kriska's in one of the Artist Salt threads. It was one of those "I thought it was only me" moments, so it's good to know that it wasn't. I noticed her tone when reading the merch articles, but I noticed it even more on her Natto Soup blog when I was in the process of learning about using watercolors in my work and searching for tool reviews. Even though I was learning, it was clear, in a lot of her reviews, she didn't know what she was doing but wouldn't admit this despite being an "expert."
It would be one thing if she were some eccentric watercolorist with an inflated ego but largely harmless. But if she were that, she'd likely have a real following.
Instead, she makes a strong effort to reach out to children and I feel as if this wasn't the case years ago. She went from 'all ages' to 'young artists/kids.' She's the epitome of
>>932989>>932870No wonder she felt threatened. She clearly had an eye for potential, but where it could have made her into a good art teacher, she chose to try and weaponize it. I'm glad you didn't take her """advice""".
Saged for blogpost
No. 933266
File: 1581992694142.jpg (421.37 KB, 2289x1288, karabenson.jpg)

>>932727>>932870>>932921>>933164That's rich coming from someone whose "cute" and "beautiful" art style resembles this.
No. 933318
File: 1582019808083.jpeg (243.53 KB, 1080x1531, DtXJpuUv.jpg:large.jpeg)

becca just dumped a bunch of her stuff in someone's art promo tweet, which is valid but she made like 15 tweets and even started promoting an art supply in it too?
No. 933383
>>932815Is every side of those rectangles on its own layer? Something must be seriously wrong with this woman
>>932829She acts like she deserves everyone's attention, so I don't see anything wrong with giving it to her
No. 933388
>>933318>When Pentel doesn't give her a sponsor'I have supported and promoted this company free of charge for so long, but this is the last straw, I will never use Pentel products again!'
>>933019Yes, but nowadays both partners usually have to work, but Becca basically gets to loaf around, teach a couple of workshops, complain online, and not work on her comic
No. 933440
>>933266Every time I think back to how she described herself as creating "beautiful watercolors", I want to die.
>>933318The upper right style is almost passable if for no other reason that it isn't a blobby nightmare.
No. 933516
File: 1582070102287.png (485.13 KB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_2020-02-19-06-53-47…)

then pentel, next faber castell
why she do black skin so ugly, it's patchy too.
No. 933604
>>933516God there are some problems with that picture. The blooms shriek overworked crap. Why the hell doesn't she lift/scrub???
No. 933661
>>933653Ironic because she went on a tirade on her discord over the fact she's a professional who doesn't use a hairdryer to dry her colours and therefore waits for each layer to dry fully. And she said that way she can work on three or four illustrations at a time.
No wonder they're all so messy and blotchy, she can't focus on one for long enough. Just use a hairdryer, solve your problems!
No. 933670
File: 1582109821549.jpg (225.72 KB, 800x718, IMG_20200219_175340.jpg)

Out of curiosity I read her "beautiful watercolor comic" and this particular panel makes me snort
No. 933674
File: 1582110674955.png (27.14 KB, 675x335, begga.png)

She posted to her blog on Valentine's Day, and I couldn't help but get a good laugh out of this.
I almost feel like she's obtuse enough to not realize the irony of her saying any of this….but it's also likely she's just trying to make it look like she's got it all figured out because she's a pwofeshional uwu just living her best life.
No. 933740
File: 1582134268452.png (392.22 KB, 687x816, begga2.png)

I thought maybe she had mentioned him earlier on in the post, but I just re-checked and nope. In fact, she starts off the blog post by talking about how Valentine's Day is never about romantic love to her, and her mom is her true Valentine. She doesn't even mention his name. She might mention him in the video of the blog though.
>>933695kek I think the part she added about "reasons why you love you" is also just her trying to justify her narcissism.
This girl is trying so hard to look like a wholesome, artmom, watercolor guru.
No. 933938
File: 1582162227044.jpg (136.14 KB, 836x836, c348638c76609e00ea51afd67c3392…)

I can't be the only one who's noticed how her webcomic is just a much shittier version of Arrietty. I get that it's supposed to be based off of Thumbelina or some bs, but I swear I saw somewhere that she loves Studio Ghibli so wouldn't put it past her.
No. 934083
File: 1582189084251.jpeg (742.29 KB, 1152x1473, AD232294-2299-4912-9012-3CC969…)

>>933938yeah tiny people in a large world are not super original, she even blurbs The Borrowers in her description of Kara, but she doesn’t know anything about character design even though she has “character design” in her portfolio. But same as what
>>933965 says, why doesn’t Kara wear clothes that look more handmade like the actual Borrowers? And how did they get doll clothes that look like that if it is the case? I honestly think she hasn’t written anything about Kara other than like what her initial story is, like if you’re gonna invest so much into this then why wouldn’t you think this out more?
Reading the salty good reads reviews was fun tho and seeing she had self rated herself to boost the rating up
No. 934099
>>934098It's on here: atrocious site interface and slow loading)
It is the premise that makes it Arietty bootleg, to sum up the story:
>Dad hates human, he hides knowledge of human from Kara. Oh, his leg is also injured and is bed ridden>Because they are informed that humans are moving in near their living space, they planned to move.> Parents argument, mom is raised near human, dad's fear is baseless yada yada.>Kara of course being rebel, tries to escape on her own and in her way befriend a human (Naomi)> Kara likes Naomi at first, Naomi gives her food, doll house, and dresses.> At certain point Kara has an unreasonable tantrum because Naomi gave her dress, she hurt her arm and leave.> Kara back home, mom is worried, more argument with dad, the moving is postponed, dad fall from the stair… Wait what? The chapter ended? No. 934100
File: 1582194474065.png (415.7 KB, 1080x1138, Screenshot_2020-02-20-17-22-51…)

Samefag, I recommend reading the comic because it's a goldmine of "Beautiful and adorable" art and storytelling examples to poke fun at.
This particular scene cracks me up
No. 934102
File: 1582195176640.jpg (487.27 KB, 720x1085, tumblr_ol0tsh4P5M1w5w15ao1_128…)

wait kara has a love interest?
No. 934103
File: 1582195559839.jpg (683.13 KB, 1280x944, tumblr_onlc00R8wz1w5w15ao1_128…)

ok this is an example of how becca is terrible at visual storytelling. this page is mean to shock the reader cause the grass has been cut or whatever but there hasn't been a page showing what the grass looked like before and the family didnt hear the lawnmower, which would probably be really loud, so the readers have no idea what kara's "oh no"-ing at until she expositions it the next page
No. 934213
>>934099>>934083It's not just the premise. It's also her lack of solid worldbuilding that works against her big time.
Everything that makes up the world Kara lives in, is regurgitated from some other story. The name of her little people (personally I think 'lilliputian' as a word is ugly, clunky, and outdated), the way they interact with the humans,, the lack of information on their background… I mean it's fine to take inspiration from other things, but you still have to add your own ideas and concepts in between to tie it all together, which Becca has not done.
It doesn't feel like a real, live, breathing world of little people exist in Kara's world. Kara and family just feel like more human characters that just happen to be small.
>>934103If you hadn't of explained that, I would have thought she was "oh no"-ing because they put up a chain link fence.
No. 934248
>>934100LOL it looks like he's magically warping to another dimension
>>934102Is Kara mentally disabled? 'I hope I can see you again' means exactly that.
No. 934277
>>934083What the eff. That's one holy grail of cowness, rating your own book, publicly without shame. Thank you for looking it up on Goodreads, I've never thought someone really bought and read Kara. One reviewer's name is also Joseph Coco, guess it's her fiancé?
>>934248I thought "What's that supposed…" refers to him kissing her.
>>934103Is that Kara's mum in the background? It looks like she's been hanged,
No. 934314
>>934103He way these pages are misaligned with each other is anger inducing.
>>934102Cmon don’t have your girl look like she’s flashing him in the last panel Becca, the skirt isn’t that long why does she need to carry it?
No. 934408
File: 1582239886247.gif (343.22 KB, 862x596, ewsnKSD.gif)

(blogpost I went to SCAD)
I've been reading this thread for awhile and just came to the realization that if she went to SCAD as a graduate she should have be able to have had access to work closely with professors. The illustration department and seqa departments have always been closely linked.
Daniel Powers in the illu dept is specifically a watercolor children's book illustrator and there is no possible way she could have not gotten (or at least been recommended) guidance from him, and yet here we are.
No. 934436
File: 1582243311583.jpeg (68.4 KB, 459x489, oF-wP5zV.jpg:small.jpeg)

found the arrietty rip offs. first we have this which is pretty much an exact copy of one of the scenes from the movie
No. 934437
File: 1582243377458.jpeg (640.48 KB, 1276x1897, Dzxxxmz9.jpg:large.jpeg)

then theres arrietty's iconic pin sword
No. 934506
File: 1582254313019.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x2484, narcissism.jpg)

>>934083>>934277The full review. It just speak for itself when the longest, most positive review is written by her.
Prepare your sick bag, folks.
No. 934580
>>934516I had a classmate like that when I was in art school (if you could call it that, AI is garbage). I had a pretty competent teacher for an illustration class that gave a student a D because he was tired of seeing her repeat his classes and wanted to be rid of her. I honestly couldn’t blame him because she was delusional about her skill level and pretty obnoxious about insisting on turning in animu trash.
I’d hate to have been stuck in courses with Becca, I bet her classmates have horror stories.
No. 934613
>>934408She went to SCAD and got her masters in the sequential art program and showed some of her work in this blogpost , which is all ink and pencils so do both branches overlap? Like the school I went to had comics as a class you could take in the illustration major but everyone took illustration core classes which included one where we had to work in watercolor.
She has waxed poetic so much about going to art school for her masters and like reading this post vs comparing her work now, it’s like do you even take your own advice?
>>934580Lol I went to a school that basically was “pay for a degree” and there was a ton of different people at different art levels, like the only way you could fail out of a class was to not do the assignments but you’re an asshole to yourself since you’re paying so much money for school why aren’t you doing it? But yeah Becca reminds me of just those average students who do the assignments to pass but don’t know what the current art landscape of the industry she wants to be in looks like. And since she was in a masters program too, I wonder if there wasn’t a lot of emphasis on foundations since you’re expected to have known them
No. 934615
File: 1582277461382.jpg (417.73 KB, 1028x1600, Inks2.jpg)

>>934613It's no surprise that she sucked (and still sucks), but her black and white comics looks WAY better than what abomination Kara is.
No. 934617
>>934437What's the point of copying another story this closely like this? It's reinventing the wheel, especially since Becca's story has nothing new to add or say. It's not like she's subverting, commenting on, or parodying Arrietty in any way– it's just the same story with the characters renamed.
This is why it's important not to get married to one idea if you're an illustrator– your screwed if the idea is crap. It's better to have several concepts on the back burner.
No. 934628
>>934617On her review in
>>934506 she said the currently nonexistent volume 2 and 3 are the turning points that will subverts aforementioned stories.
IMO not an excuse for a lacklustre, bootleg of a volume 1.
No. 934640
>>934615Yeah like what the eff is happening in here still isn’t super clear, especially that last panel, but when she’s limited to only line and ink it’s slightly stronger. Like it shows lots of her foundational weaknesses a lot especially in anatomy and leading the eye around the page but it doesn’t have the muddy watercolors making it more shitty looking
Also this is slightly related, but fellow art school anons does it also irritate you when people refer to teachers/instructors at art schools as “professors”? Like they don’t have professorships or PhD’s like at actual universities, they’re usually just older working artists (heck some didn’t even work in an industry after a while). it’s like the sign of those pretentious dumbass people at school like Becca who have no idea how art works
No. 934659
>>934640>fellow art school anons does it also irritate you when people refer to teachers/instructors at art schools as “professors”?Why would it? It's tradition in art academic circles showing respect to your teachers. IMO stickling to their trade/academics titles is more ridiculous and pointless in art world- are you calling someone who only has MA level education a Master? Then PhD a Doctor? Maybe your teacher's assistant is a Bachelor? "Bachelor Anderson, could you pass this to Master Smith, please?"
It's changing only recently because of generally laxer societal rules in adressing people and what is respectable way to do it. Doesn't matter in the long run. 40 years ago calling your teacher by their name just because they are older working artists would be unacceptable. They are not "just" that, which is why they teach.
It's a you issue if you percieve it as pretentious, not Becca's.
No. 935072
File: 1582333010387.jpg (126.02 KB, 427x640, Satellite-001.jpg)

>>934615Yeah like this isn't amazing but jfc it is 10x better than Kara. The best thing Becca could do is let watercolors go.
No. 935166
>>935072She's still packing in waaaay too many details into each panel, but this is so much easier on the eyes than Kara. You still get kind of lost in the details, but it's not so hard to refocus. With Kara, you get lost in the muddiness and that's it. You can't even read it.
>>935162Lol it reminds me of those comics in old Highlights magazines.
No. 935211
File: 1582352990497.png (297.67 KB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_2020-02-22-13-23-11…)

>>935206Real word artist?
CMIIW but isn't it what you have to do being an ambassador? To only promote and be dedicated to a certain brand for a period of contract. Does she think when she's being a Faber Castell ambassador, that means she can also shill Prismacolor while sucking on sweet FC money.
No. 935214
File: 1582353805146.jpeg (452.4 KB, 860x1300, 0CA62E30-63B7-4765-83D1-926DFA…)

>>935211She’s really gonna pitch her art to people to get them to buy faber castell stuff?
>With Faber Castell supplies you too can make beautiful traditional art like mine!!! No. 935419
>>935072It's better than Kara, and it makes me feel that Becca only wants to do children's books because she thinks it's easier to write
Also, this page has the same problem with lack of eye contact lol
No. 935587
>>935177American public universities are like giant daycares. I went to a no name state school because my parents wanted me close like begga and the professor they got to teach my life drawing class was a collage artist who told the class he didn’t know how to draw the figure.
“Fine art” degrees at public universities here are for art historians kids. Sage for blogpost
No. 935675
File: 1582427257574.png (472.19 KB, 632x392, becca.PNG)

It genuinely confuses me how Becca has all these guidelines to make her art less flat, yet when she inks it, it becomes flatter than a fucking board. I don't get how people even manage to sit through her videos either, 40 minutes of a speedpaint that should easily just be 10 minutes.
No. 935678
File: 1582427434290.png (433.59 KB, 437x335, beccaa.PNG)

>>935675For anyone interested in seeing the final "product"
No. 935703
File: 1582432599352.png (333.65 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_2020-02-23-11-35-41…)

No, you screwed up.
No. 935706
>>935675These guidelines:
am I a joke to you?I don't understand how you can build a form with guidelines and then end up with a result which has 0 of those forms.
No. 935743
>>935675It's like….somewhere between sketching and lining, she starts to not see the figure as a whole, but as separate lines and shapes, kind of like how each line and shape gets a different layer when she does digital art.
It's ironic because usually the foundation of a drawing is constructed with basic shapes and lines, then built up to a cohesive figure as the drawing progresses.
Her process is so backwards, but she's such a 'real artist' and 'professional'.
No. 935897
File: 1582479973818.png (32.3 KB, 1132x644, 39763f4c7303fd9f6659280e6e5792…)

Did Becca forget to pay for hosting? No. 935908
>>935793Maybe YOU are just horny anon. Nothing so far she's made gives any indication that she gets sexual joy out of it (at least, as far as I can see). Maybe if she had Kara in a romance with a human? Like a Bee Movie situation. But nothing so far gives off "I'm drawing this to get off" vibes.
Many artists (especially ones with ADHD, I speak as one myself) tend to get obsessed with something and hyperfocus on it, sometimes for years. So it's very possible that's all it is. That's also tinfoil, but also likely.
It's also possible she kind of forced herself to latch onto "the little people" as a gimmick and pushes being "family friendly" so hard because she it's her "brand" and she wants to fit herself in that crowd. It feels like she thought she was going to post Kara online and take over the art world by storm with this unique, clever, and intriguing comic in beautiful watercolor.
No. 935946
>>935921kek definitely not Becca.. just calling it like I see it. Until she has actual evidence of sexual tensions in her work, or some form of porn by her pops up, it's hard to say that's the case. Not saying it isn't possible, just giving other possible reasons.
She's delusional about herself and her work, it's likely she thinks she's doing something groundbreakingly amazing and that's why she pushes it so hard.
No. 936002
File: 1582493919032.jpg (145.04 KB, 600x600, 5b0e99fe7f4cf94eb8b1510f-large…)

>>935329fc does sell paints (guache, watercolor and even oil paints) but there's a reason they're not well know for them. their paints are on the cheaper side and are mainly for beginners and kids to use at schools. i feel like they would suit her artwork though
No. 936022
>>935703Usually it's hard to make a cat look really ugly, but somehow Becca manages
>>935793Lol it's a stretch but I love this tinfoil
No. 936121
File: 1582512559384.jpg (771.35 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_02-24-09.45.03.jpg)

>>936022>>936059Pick your fighter.
No. 936265
>>936158If they bought it on wish then it’s probably just a bootleg watercolor palette using the Faber-Castell name. FC is more well known for pencils, though they also make like student grade kits and Becca reviewed their watercolor markers.
>>935211Faber Castell has a link on their page about what their brand ambassadors do which yeah that’s clearly what it is. I can’t help but think she was trying to shake them for more free stuff but also is too stuck on being a watercolor artist to try pencils so just blames the company for that instead of her own choices. The contract says you can only use their products so how hard is it to say you’re not a good fit for the company rather than like burning any possible bridges on Twitter
No. 936330
File: 1582551880266.png (130.37 KB, 500x500, persian_alola_form.png)

>>936121God, it has the same weird features as the Alolan Persian. I would say Holly's cats are cuter
No. 936547
File: 1582581329025.png (1.08 MB, 1180x980, Screenshot 2020-02-24 at 9.53.…)

No wonder Becca's coloured for Naomi are super muddy but also somehow overly saturated. She doesn't have a good variation of warm and cool colours, nor does she have a good variation of blue tones. They're all so bright.
No. 936659
File: 1582598652439.png (813.63 KB, 1080x1645, Screenshot_2020-02-25-09-40-49…)

>>936547Said that this is the result of the pallette, my eyes are burning. Muddy dark colours with clashing bright colours, you're right.
No. 936747
>>936659I know this is an older painting, but for some reason, there is something fundamentally better about this one vs her usual tripe like
>>935214I didn't know why for a while. But now I realize, it's because this is one of the rare times she did a solid black line art over top of the watercolors. This painting is a muddy, blotchy, ill-colored mess, and Naomi looks like she has the mumps, BUT overall this is little better than her usual thanks to the line art.
It really helps disguise the color tangents, overlaps, and bleeding. Too bad she can't seem to realize this.
No. 937044
File: 1582675666265.jpeg (64.84 KB, 253x450, 385CF847-CCE3-4971-8484-4E3B16…)

>>936659It bothers me so much that you can easily google “playing an oboe” and get a girl of a similar age as a reference in the first results and yet she goes by “knowledge” which makes it look more off than it should
No. 937073
Anons, in
>>935703 you can see she has another palette with some mixed browns. I doubt she's using the small one for skin tones. Guess it's more for clothes and stuff.
No. 937104
File: 1582684763799.png (198.99 KB, 884x1565, Screenshot_2020-02-26-09-30-39…)

> I'll use the proceeds from this tier to purchase the item, and film a thorough review for YouTube, as well as pay my editor to edit subsequent videos.
So, how much is the video editing cost? Who is this "professional" editor that costs 7k a month?
Tinfoil, but it's possible the editor is actually herself/bert given how bad it is for an actual professional. The 7k is just to rouse sympathy and gain the sweet money.
No. 937246
File: 1582712532860.png (251.43 KB, 1080x1367, Twofaced.png)

After reading what she did to
>>932727 anon, I wanna throw up reading this
No. 937346
>>937104I used to do really basic video editing as a kid and it absolutely blows my fucking mind how she or her supposed video editor makes the mistakes that they do. Her types of videos don't need a dedicated video editor because they aren't complicated to edit and she's not on a rigorous video uploading schedule. It's literally just cutting out excess fluff (because she goes on and on and on and repeats shit that can be taken out to simplify whatever she's explaining) and making sure there's no issues with audio overlapping/cutting out too soon/missing (which is a very frequent issue in her videos). If she took the time to watch back her video even once she would be able to see all of these issues, but all she wants to do is immediately get them up and onto youtube for those sweet, sweet pennies (or maybe even none at all since her channel has been marked for kid's content). She's definitely a quantity over quality type of person and it shows not only in her videos but in all of her art too.
If shes highballed that number to gain sympathy, she just looks like a fucking idiot instead. It's literally the equivalent of walking into a store, handing over thousands of dollars, and getting a product that is
clearly fucked up or broken. Even if she made a mistake and meant to say $700, $70, even $7!! she still looks like a fucking idiot for paying any money to anyone for the final product that they give her.
sorry for video sperging, it just really riles me up whenever I decide to check out a video of hers and there are these glaring editing issues lol
No. 938310
>>937857Bert actually has a pretty decent income IIRC? but definitely not enough to pay an editor 7k a month for any extended period of time. Especially considering that the editing has always been super basic and full of mistakes.
I think that Begga just misspoke, exaggerated or flat out lied, she does all three of those things consistently.
No. 941318
>>941161Of course she'd do that tryhard cutesy voice for Kara
She's such a weeb, i bet she only watches dubs of 2000s anime
No. 941341
she's still stuck in the 2000's anime phase and never grew beyond that
No. 941400
File: 1583436305125.jpeg (251.38 KB, 1242x527, 62CA4931-FEF9-4D2A-9D79-14A7AD…)

>>941302>>941318She has people credited as VAs in the info.
This “motion comic” is just so piss poor in its execution that I can see her sinking a ton of money on inexperienced people who are just barely fluent in Adobe After Effects. But it’s not like they were starting with solid work to begin with. What annoyed me the most besides the pacing was the obvious photoshopped out pencil silhouettes of the characters in each frame. Like, jfc clone stamp it out or something!
No. 941406
File: 1583436815724.png (1.47 MB, 1800x1440, 004DB132-9497-437E-BFF3-5D70EB…)

>>941400Samefag but I decided to search the site just because and theres that familiar block of text about Kara…
No. 942425
>>941161This is so bad I barely know where to start.
For one, why does the cat purr so loud, so long? And why does Kara react as if she had no idea it was there when it jumps on the box, as if she couldn't hear it? How has she read about tigers, yet doesn't know what the common house cat is? Why did she ask "what's a pancake"? If she really didn't know what they were, she'd think it's just a name and not realize it's a food.
Is this Naomi and Kara's first time directly meeting? Why is it so lackluster and chill? This is giving me a headache.
I can't believe Begga calls herself a writer.
No. 943266
Take a shot every time she says Kara
(P.S. This video cost me $7k to edit) No. 943632
>>943266kek i didnt realize it was looping and i thought i was having a stroke
she sounds so pretentious.
No. 945231
File: 1584155896582.png (245.76 KB, 1080x1379, Screenshot_2020-03-14-10-17-46…)

Strange thing is she's so adamant to push her content to children, while adults with more attention span can't even comfortably sit through any of her tutorials.
27 more replies are her promoting herself.
No. 945273
>>945247The problem is that there is nothing about her art or channel that is appealing to children. If you look at any popular channel that is pushed for kids, it's very easy to tell why it's so successful with that demographic - art style, music, colors, etc all designed with what appeals to children in a certain age range watching youtube. Nothing about Begga's rambling, disorganized, self-important bullshit and hideous kind
-of-anime-but-not-really style appeals to anyone, but least of all kids. If she bothered to do any research at all to figure out how to have a more successful online presence she'd realize this, but despite being 30 she still thinks she's just entitled to views and money and that the success fairy is gonna show up any day now with the audience she deserves.
No. 946086
File: 1584328463161.jpeg (422.48 KB, 2160x1440, ETF9ycaWAAQFKT1.jpeg)

who the hell holds a knife liek its a pencil? also 39 LAYERS
No. 946144
>>946086It looks like only the ten most recent layers are visible here. I think all the other groups are different drawings.
Ten layers is still way too goddamn many for a sketch, though. Something like this should have ba maximum of two.
No. 946203
File: 1584367221223.png (185.06 KB, 1080x605, Screenshot_2020-03-15-06-56-32…)

>>946202Her work desk is a whole mess, ew… How can even you work?
No. 947130
File: 1584563309032.jpeg (247.21 KB, 1080x1731, -9HBkoeu.jpg:large.jpeg)

so she wants an art style thatll get her clout, not one that's personal to her or reflects her progress or anything like that
No. 947176
>>947130here's the thing these arent 'styles' the three non-chibi heads are the top are basically identical with SLIGHT and honestly negligible differences (i.e. if those all showed up in a comic no one would say it's off model) the only difference in the chibi style is how the iris is drawn. There's the other one that could still be the same style bust just from a more detailed scene.
She really is playing at being an artist with these half assed claims of 'substyles'. None of these look Ghibli at all.
Tip: you cant claim to draw in different styles while drawing the hair and facial anatomy the exact same way
No. 947377
>>947130None of these look remotely like ghibli, kiyohiko azuma, or disney afternoon. She desperately needs to broaden her skill and be open for new things, instead of clinging to her ugly methods.
sage, but I notice the lack of activity with her usual egocentric bitching? is it because the cowtipper or it's just dry milk season?
No. 947382
>>947377I just checked her twitter and she just now posted a multi tweet sperg about her shitty cell coverage but she refuses to change providers. And previously, it’s actually her birthday today and she’s trying to peddle her YouTube channel as art education for kids at home with the recent quarantines. It’s been slow for her recently but with social isolation and self quarantines, she might be out of work since people have been told to avoid crowds (though I don’t know the situation in TN).
>>947130This is a stupid exercise cuz it isn’t “style”, it’s just different kinds of eye shapes and proportions. She already HAS a style and if she actually took the time to learn anatomy and her basics instead of whatever it is she does now, cuz it’s clearly not working, her style would be ok. But I think if she was clearly looking for clout, she’d be more in tune with what brings you clout in art spaces like IG and Twitter, she more is like stuck in the 90’s vision of being “the first American mangaka” cuz she still thinks she’s anime senpai
No. 947647
File: 1584666236716.png (2.23 MB, 750x1334, 32B62A18-003E-470B-A364-280208…)

No. 947702
File: 1584675894144.jpg (314.18 KB, 992x1200, Becca.jpg)

>I'm late and missed animal crossing preorder. I'm upset so nobody can talk about it in my vicinity!
No. 947718
>>947647kek she isn't even pointing at the sign with her left hand.
That sign gives me major "8 year old's first lemonade stand" vibes. What is even the point of this? Is she trying to appear like a ~real artist~ by posing next to a ~handmade sign~ in her front yard, as apposed to just drawing an ad like a normal person and posting only that?
Becca this does more harm for you than good. It just showcases that you are bad at composition (for both the poster and this photo in general), bad at lettering, and out of touch.
No. 947867
File: 1584722085995.png (145.59 KB, 500x554, select-your-fighter-yard-yard-…)

>>947805It's true a lot of people on average can't seem to create a well designed sign that is actually legible and makes sense (pic related is case and point) but like.. Becca is an 'artist'. She is a person who prides herself (way too much) on her "skills" with visual arts. She shouldn't necessarily have issues with letter crowding, tangents and eligible lettering. Especially as a "comic artist" who creates "beautiful watercolor comics". I know she doesn't do traditional lettering, but the point still stands.
It blatantly shows just how bad her skillset (or lackthereof) actually is.
No. 948819
File: 1584971088740.jpg (835.12 KB, 1080x1541, 20200323_074236.jpg)

It looks like the gundam has a dick
No. 950058
File: 1585266359564.jpeg (11.96 KB, 360x278, EUEUnmaWsAgw5RX.jpeg)

first of all, these dont even look that different. and why would chibis have a different structure for gender? chibis are literally meant to exaggerate proportions. and this was meant for patrons?? like she thinks people actually wants to pay for this??
No. 950358
File: 1585361195653.jpeg (36.27 KB, 400x278, A656213E-F6DF-40B9-9C8A-163E9B…)

>>950249Yeah every time she does “designs” that are just standing they’re always tilted off to the side like that and she doesn’t correct them. Which just shows she has no knowledge of standards in the industry, like in character turnarounds they can stand contrapposto like this but still look balance, and no knowledge of how planes work in a 3D space like the ground
No. 952209
File: 1585657495891.png (2.9 MB, 750x1334, anisa.png)

>>947647i was going to say she looks like low shelf anisa but anisa is already budget
she's dollar tree anisa
No. 954183
File: 1586020289257.png (289.86 KB, 1080x1029, Screenshot_2020-04-05-00-10-41…)

I'm creeped out
No. 955684
File: 1586305840483.png (504.68 KB, 595x559, FoSNZWv.png)

I know this dead horse has been beaten to mush but how could she possibly look at this and think "Yeah, this is a good representation of my skill."
The painting is so blotchy and uneven.
No. 956687
>>955817She strikes me as a person who would full out Karen about it if she was criticized cuz they don’t “understand” that it’s children’s comics or understand watercolor is the way it is cuz she uses it like that. Probably on social media as like a subtweet but definitely on that discord she has.
But she also strikes me as a person who has never had her portfolio reviewed seriously by other artists or like at all. It doesn’t seem like she makes any effort to get better by making friends in the art world, like the groups she was in like Ink Drop Cafe have disbanded and she doesn’t participate in like the artist alley international group on fb despite running that AA tumblr with kiriska on tumblr. And she doesn’t go out and shop her book or portfolios to known comics publishers, like she is still in the idea that kids comics/manga is impossible so she’s THE senpai of it
No. 957290
File: 1586640437472.png (33 KB, 592x265, E1Q6ncj.png)

Classic Begga.
No. 968060
File: 1588431471903.png (1.5 MB, 1086x1150, wtf even is this.png)

Sage for not being milk, but I got Begga's sponsored ad on my facebook today and it's just awful. The cover image she chose doesn't display the title properly (look at the tangents the title has with the window) and you can barely read the tagline. Also that description makes 0 sense. How is this girl a "writer" of a story when she can't even use English properly?
I checked out the actual facebook page and one post in particular caught my eye. Sorry if it's been pointed out before, but I noticed that in this drawing, Kara has backwards hands.
These are mistakes a 14 year old learning to draw makes, not a "professional, real artist making beautiful watercolor comics".
No. 968211
File: 1588453901621.png (2.75 MB, 750x1334, image0.png)

I currently live in New Zealand and I woke up to this monstrosity in my instagram stories.
No. 968327
File: 1588481883330.jpeg (867.81 KB, 1159x926, A285724B-B1C6-46F5-BC08-06F9CB…)

>>968211>>968060Why do people always have to start shitty marketing copy with questions? Like if this is supposed to be marketing her and her comic, none of the copy she wrote explains what the heck these are nor does her weeb ass username explain what she does. The one tweet she has for FCBD is more what she should have written for these. But I guess you gotta use that stimulus money somehow
No. 969855
File: 1588781695483.jpeg (593.21 KB, 750x1108, 405EC8D8-E43E-4979-960A-5D405E…)

Looks like she’s making ads for the Kickstarter
No. 969950
File: 1588793575555.png (488.05 KB, 492x572, lmao.png)

>epic tiny tale>your favorite tiny people comic>>969936Maybe she thinks, if she says this kinda stuff enough, it'll become true. Or she'll convince people to see it that way.
But I wouldn't put it past her to actually believe this tripe.
No. 971051
>>970244Wait, she paid for an ad for her Kickstarter before starting the actual Kickstarter…?
Every time I think her decision-making can't get any worse, she somehow surprises me.
No. 971154
>>970243I think that's supposed to be a spider?? I'm not 100% sure.
Her watercolors make me sad. They shouldn't be this fucking muddy and dark. Why can't she just find watercolor tutorials and apply what she's learned. Even if her anatomy is wonky, at least she could claim the colors are good.
No. 972473
File: 1589228272028.jpeg (523.33 KB, 750x1004, FEA00C24-A77B-4648-A27D-90A759…)

Becca continuing to complain nobody gives her attention for her tutorials, probably brought up due to the current scad drama
No. 972823
>>972473>The fact that I did this should be enoughReally? No one owes you anything, Becca. It's your own fault you wasted so much time making crappy tutorials that even kids don't want. You don't get a medal of honor just for making them.
She acts like she literally forged the path for online art tutorials and she deserves recognition for her contributions to art history or something
No. 972848
>>972473Becca, no one cares how much time you took out of your life to make tutorials, especially when they are just low-level illustrations and spotty information.
Does she really not understand this, or is she pretending to and convincing herself that people will eventually be stupid enough to fall for it?
No. 973084
File: 1589322740574.png (367.98 KB, 1080x1970, Screenshot_2020-05-13-05-27-29…)

Everytime she puts "support local artist/convention artist/webcomic artist/art educator/small business" shit I always feel she's just talking about herself.
I know Instagram stories aren't required to be aesthetically refined, but this is embarrassing to come from an "art educator." The texts are barely readable.
No. 973272
>>973178You don’t need to know anything about vectors to use a cricut, they COME with their own software and there’s tons of tutorials on YouTube from everyone that does either stickers or vinyl. Like Katnipp at least has two, it’s what her store uses for her planner stickers. She’s really just making excuses for her own failings at this point and now it might be too old at this point to sell it.
>>973136The thing about her selling the books for lower is not just shitty on her part to other artists cuz that was less than what the physical book cost during that Kickstarter (the book cost 40$ as a exclusive to Kickstarter, so 50 is reasonable) so she’s devaluing the art of like 200 other artists, many of whom also work in kids comics and satellite industries, but also cuz she’s eating into her OWN profit as well. Like often if you’ve contributed to a book, they’ll sell you copies at cost depending on your contracts so like, by selling it under MSRP for whatever reason (I suspect it’s cuz when she was doing cons like she has no confidence people will buy shit that isn’t priced as low as her 1$ commissions) she’s missing out on profit. It’s scummy on a lot of levels but also I find it hilarious she isn’t listed as a contributing artist anymore on it
>>973084gRaPhIc dEsIgN iS mY pAsSiOn
No. 976363
File: 1589923562206.png (728.35 KB, 570x1829, pointless newsletter.png)

Becca's been sending out these newsletters to promo the comic and it's just hilarious. She included everything.
>Badly drawn, painted, and composed cropped images from the comic
>Assuming people care to know or would know what people in her personal life these characters are inspired by
>bragging about it taking 6 years to do 200 pages, as if that's an accomplishment
>bragging like she's the first person to do a comic in a traditional medium
>letting her cat lick her paint water and just taking a photo of it instead of preventing it
No. 976407
>>976363“6 years to do 200 pages”
That’s less than finishing 1 page a week…
No. 976493
>>976407The fact the pages look as horrendous as they do for the time she took in making it is extremely sad lol.
>>976363I also had a good chuckle at the part where she mentions getting insight from other artist friends for editing. Who wants to bet that’s a flat out lie? That or she did ask and she ignored any
valid criticism they had.
No. 976513
>>976407LMAO wow like does she think this is how comics and books work? No company is gonna give her an advance to draw a book if it takes her SIX years to make this one, like if it takes you a full week to do a page then maybe do something else? Like if she was able to multitask this could have all been done before the century ends.
>>976363Every day she reminds me more and more of a baylee without the twitch stans, from her shitty and slow art, to the hoarding of supplies and now of the like blatant disregard of her cats in her space. Like paints have dangerous pigments in them and cats are small enough to where small amounts can get them seriously ill but lol sure it’s cute
No. 976545
File: 1589963833115.png (247.62 KB, 1080x822, kekku.png)

How do you mess up a study this bad? She didn't post the reference but christ… The colors… The perspective… And the japanese writing looks like scribbles.
No. 976710
File: 1589996737166.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1818, EBB953BE-BEFA-4E86-ACA8-A1D489…)

Some fool on my Twitter TL RTd her link to the Kickstarter launch page.
No. 976711
File: 1589996920913.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1684, E4FECFF9-1FC4-4849-9F52-65ACE0…)

Can you really call it a hiatus when it takes ages for you to update anything to begin with? lol
No. 976993
>>976875Around the 50 minute mark is when she starts complaining about 1001 Knights (Please put time codes or something next time you view anything of interest so others don’t have to suffer her hour+ long ego wankfest)…
The sense of entitlement she gives off is so extremely off putting it’s no wonder no one wants anything to do with her professionally. That and her art is just so damn god awful.
No. 977061
>>976363“When comics for kids was an anathema“
…. what
When has that ever been true?
No. 977252
File: 1590090290805.jpeg (749.25 KB, 983x2110, C1AC0B70-7D3F-43FA-9E63-C5702F…)

>>977061She’s SO delusional and out of touch since she is stuck in the archaic notion that comics are only DC/Marvel in the US but I doubt she has even gone to a bookstore in EVER. Those aren’t even the comics she wants to do but she has this weird notion of like “defying” them cuz she hasn’t researched ANYTHING about kids comics and they’re different than monthly issues, tho it’s not like she can compete with artists who have to make pages for monthly’s. Nearly ALL of the top selling graphic novels on the NYT bestsellers list are ALL for kids
No. 977521
File: 1590116742178.jpeg (94.08 KB, 438x640, 1209D35C-1A8B-445C-B7DB-E48738…)

>>977497Omg the kids must have been screaming that Smile, Raina telgemeier’s first graphic novel, was not done in watercolor! Like how dare this non watercolored art be wildly successful and be on the NYT bestsellers for over 224 weeks! there’s NO love for kids comics! /s
Like seriously Begga, get a fuckin grip on reality. Kids like stories that are easy to read and look at. She’s missing out on wha actually is happening in the market but won’t take anyone’s advice for it. And I swear she’s just good a SEO cuz she’s one of the first results for “watercolor comics” (In an incognito window) but also like, there’s a reason why most people don’t do watercolor comics. Cuz you have to work FAST and you traditionally work in teams
No. 977539
File: 1590118588182.jpeg (52.63 KB, 500x729, aidan-koch.jpeg)

>>977521watercolor comics definitely exist, obviously not as much as ink or digital, but they are definitely one of the more common mediums compared to any other type of paint, and certainly more than charcoal or 3d comics (even though those exist as well) but the comics that are in watercolor are usually light and airy (pic related by aiden koch), and don't have many layers, so it doesnt take as long. Becca makes everything so dark and insists on putting on tons of layers, not only making it muddy but also making it take way longer to wait for each layer to dry, especially since she went off on that kid about how she refuses to use a hair dryer.
No. 977574
File: 1590128766735.jpeg (203.1 KB, 600x916, C03656FC-F012-445D-A742-F34311…)

>>977539Yeah I think it’s really a means of finding how they can work enough for you. I like this one cuz of the reasons you say, the washes lend a lot to the airy ness of the comic. I’ve cited Jill Thompson here before as an example of another watercolor comic artist too, she’s worked both in children’s books and in capes for years. She can be super bold and vibrant like this story she did for a hellboy/beasts of burden crossover, but it’s also all about being clear and maintaining a balance and not to mention as well, good watercolor and drawing skills. Becca acts as tho this kind of stuff doesn’t exist so I can’t wait to see her try to guilt people with a terrible Kickstarter video and it probably not reaching her goal or it being super low and the massive blowup she’ll have about it after
No. 977973
File: 1590212050739.png (247.73 KB, 1080x1187, Screenshot_2020-05-23-04-23-23…)

>i hope neurodivergence is trendy so i can milk it and get paid for making mediocre work.
old, but that's very woke of begga.
As if her adhd arietty rip-off self-insert isn't enough.
No. 977988
>>977973This really just shows that she's so out of her depth because…. there are tons of stories about this.
I would actually venture to say that a good majority of YA comics are about neurodivergence but there's no point in labeling it as such because most kids in that age range dont want to be 'different' and want to be 'normal' so then reading a story they think is just a 'normal' story that includes characters dealing with those things unlabeled it what actually helps.
She's such a full of herself hack that she cant think for two seconds beyond 'I with i could get paid for pandering my victimhood to kids'
No. 978622
>>978397I’m adhd anon again and I totally know if she was asked this question IRL she would say she can’t multitask because of the ADHD because she uses it so much as an excuse. It’s harder to multitask than normal brains cuz in an adhd brain, it’s hard to delegate tasks by priority BUT it’s not impossible. It’s just the fact she works so inefficiently and without taking any guidance from others is the real setback, it’s not JUST the adhd but she uses it so much as a crutch and excuse instead of working WITH it and bettering herself.
Like yeah, what is really stopping her from doing more than one story? Or like, working on multiple pages at a time instead of one at a time, which is what I would do especially if it’s one scene so that you don’t have to continually mix colors like she does and have multiple washes. There’s so many better teachers out there about ADHD too like, she’s taking this whole thing about having it and making that her new senpai-persona since she can’t be anime senpai anymore. She reminds me so much of baylee Jae cuz like what the fuck else are they doing with their time other than their jobs that make them so slow
No. 978648
File: 1590362096202.png (405.59 KB, 1080x1231, ugly.png)

Painting she did at the livestream.
Nitpick, but aside from the ugly face, close-set eyes, ugly anus lips, wtf happening to the shading on her stomach? Looks unblended.
Also I think Becca fails at drawing scales, her tail looks like it's dipped in a green tempura mix and fried.
No. 979126
>>978857I don’t watch a lot of stuff but I heard a lot of good about How To ADHD, I really liked and enjoyed their ama on reddit they did a while back so I have their channel bookmarked. For online resources, I enjoy Black Girl Lost Keys cuz she has content related to adhd and being a PoC. And for comics, I find Adhd Alien kind of repetitive but her comics are clear enough for most people to relate to them.
Plus idk what Becca is talking about when she thinks she’s being adhd senpai to kids cuz there’s a lot of content for kids that aren’t neurotypical. Like that’s a big element of the Percy Jackson series, Rick riordan wrote them for his son who was adhd and dyslexic so they’re very popular with kids and how relatable they are for them
No. 981143
File: 1590844717263.jpg (34.35 KB, 619x238, dfasdfg.JPG)

how not to capitalize on a tragedy: an image
No. 981252
File: 1590870935927.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, BCACAE3C-4537-4CA4-B14A-4507E6…)

>>981143When people mention important tweets being hidden by twitter, it’s usually about certain social movements or controversies. Her Kickstarter is apparently what she considers an important tweet right now
No. 981460
File: 1590909359316.jpeg (189.82 KB, 1151x302, 25126D3E-EA89-4BDA-B121-44626E…)

>>981252Imagine being this white and ignorant that you think your Kickstarter, which isn’t even going ON, is more important than twitter during a time when people are risking the pandemic to protest systemic and violent racism.
Then I saw this tweet where she said having a mental illness is equal to the struggle of being black and it’s like, fuck off it ISNT?
No. 981662
>>981501ADHD is not a mental illness, it's a personality disorder, but is similar to Autism in that you're born with it and it is generally not harmful to others.
Comparing ADHD to uhhh people getting beaten, shot and suffocated by cops is really somethin'
No. 982602
File: 1591138285306.jpeg (266.49 KB, 750x801, AE9818DA-E7F1-43BF-A1CC-858D6F…)

She’s getting married July 27th
No. 982705
>>982602She's really acting like her possibly not being able to get married is an important issue right now? People are dying and she's acting like she's the biggest
No. 983130
File: 1591271008227.png (729.6 KB, 866x552, Screenshot_2020-06-04 Profile.…)

Lol I came across Becca's amazon profile as I was browsing art stuff
No. 986722
>>986680Did she even launch the Kickstarter for her book? Why buy advertising WEEKS in advance and not even launch it?
She’s doing the whole pretending to be woke thing too on twitter with retweets and it’s not a good time for white people but she’s already thrown the money for it down the toilet, just launch it and call it a loss even sooner
No. 987533
File: 1592197293709.png (350.94 KB, 646x1374, pointless newsletter3.png)

Another newsletter from our watercolor kween.
Excuses about getting work done and begging for reviews on amazon/goodreads. Or rather, begging for praise. If she got real, actual, honest reviews she'd want to delete them all kek
I also love that she doesn't seem to consider that the reason she doesn't have the audience she desires is because of (a lack in) quality of content and her personality.
But no, it can't possibly be her fault! The internet just has no taste! /s
No. 987660
>>987533Maybe I'm not knowledgeable about watercolor, but does rain really affect drying time that much?
Also, that poor cat has a right angle for a back
No. 988026
>>987660I mean if you live in an especially damp house or in a swamp then there might be some effect because of the humidity, but honestly I see no difference in weather with watercolors. Like unless she’s completely saturating the paper or like painting in the shower, watercolor isn’t like oil paint, it’s SUPPOSED to dry fast, at least within the hour.
She also doesn’t use like a hairdryer to expedite the process either cuz she’s a “purist”, so these are entirely excuses as to why her art sucks instead of Becca learning to become a better artist
No. 988299
File: 1592392221210.png (502.28 KB, 750x1334, 20DA0E24-6EAD-4A4C-A85F-2CCBFC…)

….but Becca, you are a bitch
No. 988936
>>987660Yes and no. One time half day rain does little. Month long rain season changes a lot. My own experience is that bigger difference is Winter/Summer with different temperature and air capacity for accepting water. But. But if you are good painter that knows what is happening and how to deal, those are blips changing very little.
TBH the biggest difference in how watercolors behave is due to water quality. It can really change how paints disperse or granulate. But again, Becca's not really good enough to notice.
No. 992019
>>991891can you give some details on what her relationship with her fiance is like >
do you think really really love each other >
No. 997653
File: 1593332054614.jpeg (214.02 KB, 933x628, 1F2CB09B-A605-4354-9337-D01433…)

What’s going on with the nose? It looks kinda like a second mouth if you stare at it for long enough. Also I don’t know shit about watercolors but I’m pretty sure that whatever top left is supposed to be, it shouldn’t look all stained like that
No. 997778
>>997653Less muddy than usual. Improvement?
The rendering on the nose does make the face hard to read, you’re right.
I don’t know about the left corner, it’s either an attempt at a cloudy texture or she made the paper too wet and it’s warped causing the pigment to pool.
No. 997893
File: 1593365105731.jpeg (225.78 KB, 1242x1084, 43000A17-776C-4708-A51B-D0088A…)

Old-ish milk but why is Becca so obsessed with the supposed advantages men in comics have. In the past she also tweeted about how if her male fiancé wrote Kara it would be popular. I’m just amazed that she can blame her shortcomings on literally everything but her lack of talent
No. 998617
File: 1593451742775.jpeg (411.15 KB, 1337x1737, 24FC1743-21C7-4CD6-AEB1-CED91E…)

Becca’s entitlement is honestly incredible. In her mind, simply because it exists it deserves the attention she wants. The actual quality or demand for her reviews is, to her, irrelevant, because she thinks because it exists, it deserves to be consumed. She fails to realize no one is enticed by her muddy and mediocre watercolors or her shitty editing.
No. 998627
File: 1593452315228.jpeg (358.21 KB, 1288x1522, D2D9F312-1BD4-463F-8FB3-155451…)

>>998617Samefag and maybe a bit tinfoil but her reviews feel like they’re just an excuse for Becca to shill Kara. Or maybe she’s just incapable of drawing any other characters. Idk
No. 998697
>>998361Can't believe she's failed on all fronts. In the age where it seems like there's so many artists successfully running a business of of their art, Becca is a sad outlier who represents what is the probably majority of artists- people who just don't succeed in making a whole career out of their art.
>>998617>>998627Her original tweet isn't wrong, but it's so funny how entitled she is.
I'm making the content, but need your help in getting it to other artists who need it.
I don't make it for it to be kept a secret" fixed it for you Becca. I don't think I've ever seen an artist who puts out tutorials basically beg for people to share it.
No. 999015
>>998697Yeah she has this mindset that she’s entitled to have success as an artist because she has a degree and can produce artwork but she doesn’t have the realism that most people who have art degrees have other jobs to make money and also know the genre of art they want to go into. Like there have been dozens of books on how to market children’s books, which is what she IS making, but she’s either too thick to realize it’s a children’s book or like is too elitist cuz she thinks comics are higher art than children’s books. Suspecting the latter.
>>998617>>998627Her tutorials are also NOT useful? Like there’s dozens of much better, well produced and well scripted/edited/filmed tutorials on YouTube and she has nothing to make hers stand apart other than Kara. This is even before we dig into the quality of her artwork. She does nothing to stand out but feels entitled to attention, I wonder if she even watches YouTube videos.
>>998399A man already made Kara. It’s called The Secret World of Arietty. I watched it recently and it’s like she ripped off the character and entire plot of it or at least all the unoriginal tropes of small people, fearful parent and human friends. Which in turn is an adaptation of the Borrowers. Like it’s so amazing how blind she is to put all this effort and years into not even finishing a story and she thinks it’ll pay off.
No. 999621
File: 1593551009983.jpeg (705.72 KB, 2048x1365, 2C8DAD62-4C67-4B3F-8E7D-EFEF62…)

Over a hundred layers for this sketch… how?
No. 1000198
File: 1593578177347.png (584.3 KB, 1161x749, 2020-07-01.png)

middle school warrior cats vibes
No. 1000253
>>999621Has a masters degree… still doesn’t know how to draw a believable pose.
She must think every stroke of hers is GENIUS if she felt the need to have that many layers to preserve them lol Goddamn it’s excessive.
>>1000198What is this? A lion? A fluffy dog groomed to look like a lion? She’s terrible.
No. 1000754
File: 1593647734130.jpeg (228.5 KB, 1242x943, DE463C0A-85A0-4A0D-BE02-75FBB3…)

>>999621Kek, does Becca lurk?
No. 1000880
File: 1593663692037.jpeg (212.14 KB, 1242x399, 42436542-C022-44C7-98FF-F6C099…)

>>1000754I guess her masters education didn’t cover use of the lasso tool.
She definitely lurks because why else would she post this today after it was talked about here. It’s not like any of her followers critique her openly on her twitter.
No. 1000882
File: 1593663923822.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1706, BB07871A-DCD6-4885-B7E2-F498DF…)

Never misses an opportunity to inflate her ego.
No. 1000931
>>1000754She definitely lurks, this thread isn’t very long so earlier she’s said like someone told her of it in her discord and at least we’re not doxxing her. And tbh she does more damage to herself and her own career than a doxxing ever would do, a lot of anons have given her more advice here than what she’s probably ever seen in her life but she chooses to latch onto the sketch thing, lmao ok Becca.
But seriously like, that many layers without merging as you go just screams “I have no confidence” especially as she has tangents and no idea or perspective.
>>1000198those lines mean nothing when you don’t know basic ass anatomy, even for animals. It doesn’t even look like anything, just like a symbol drawing of a lion, when it has more in common with a bean than an actual animal
No. 1001387
File: 1593751416018.jpeg (727 KB, 1335x2048, -DRPDCXq.jpg:large.jpeg)

love how the reflection has a completely different face
No. 1002923
File: 1594002200852.jpeg (699.02 KB, 1363x2048, zBk-u6cJ.jpg:large.jpeg)

her composition is infuriating why is kara looking up out of the frame and then looking down also out o the frame? you want to draw the viewer's eye to the center of attention which is the room, and kara is looking in the exact opposite direction she should be in each panel she's in. also the cat(or is it that?) looks like fat little flies and naomi looks like a huge splotch of muddy colors
No. 1002930
>>1002923All these years of drawing Kara and her coloring still looks like something out of a children's activity book.
Becca, honey, I know you're a starving beggar artist but please invest in decent-quality watercolor paper for your serious project. I know it's 'economical' to paint your longrunning, deeply personal magnum opus on the cheapest paper available, but your water control just isn't good enough to settle for the cheap stuff. Your artwork would look marginally more viewable if you let a better quality paper do some of the heavy lifting.
Everyone who knows anything about the medium knows that image quality can be made or broken through the quality of the paper. After paint itself, that's the one material you should never skimp on if you want your artwork to look its best. Cellulose paper is fine for experimentation and swatching but she should at least aim higher for her monitized project. Or at least use an affordable full rag paper. Even a cotton/cellulose blend would be fine.
Ideally, Becca would save herself loads of money and just go digital with a pseudo-traditional style. But we all know she won't do that.
No. 1003097
>>999621I finally figured out why her art is so flat, her lines have no weight and don't incorporate light and shadow at all.
Becca we know you're reading: stop drawing just outlines and add some shadows to your sketches.
No. 1003502
>>1003097She relies on the painting to do the “shading” for her rather than line weight but isn’t good at that since she doesn’t factor in things like value or mood or tone into her painting at all. She tends to just make up a local color palette and goes at it rather than like, thinking of a color palette and sticking to that. She also doesn’t have a sense of light and shadow like you said, everything is colored rather arbitrarily rather than having a consistent lighting
But I also do think her lines are super flat because she has no understanding or anatomy of volume, you can see it with the “lion” drawing but also any of her sketches cuz she draws on top of circles but doesn’t understand what they represent. That’s why the lion’s body is a bean and not like, a rib cage and pelvis with muscles on top of them.
>>1002930I super agree, she uses the shittiest paper and it sometimes feels like she doesn’t know how to stretch watercolor paper cuz of how terrible the paints look on top of them. She’s a supplies collector like baylee Jae so it doesn’t surprise me she’s more focused on the paints and other supplies she acquires then cheaps out on the paper. Like an Arches block is more expensive than a cheap cellulose paper but there’s videos on YouTube from actual career watercolorists comparing how paints work on them and it’s a real big difference (like this makkocino video is real simple about it
But agreed, her digital stuff someone uncovered was decent, if she let herself experiment rather than like be locked into this idea she’s a watercolor painter, she could find a medium. Especially with comics, it isn’t about the art quality necessarily, it’s about storytelling and speed and she has neither.
>>1002923This page is super fucking confusing cuz yeah, there’s no transition from when she’s on the cat (I THINK that’s her cuz it’s hard to tell with the dress blending in with the floor), looking up then like magically ending up on some sort of ledge? Like I guess she’s trying to do the thing in animation where a character runs around fast in one area while talking but like, I didn’t even realize the brown splotches are supposed to be anything? She doesn’t do any visual effects and it’s blotchy AF while the shapes are not visually anything except boxes, so it doesnt make sense and it’s not clear at all. You can also see how “precious” she is about the watercolor since that first word bubble is super small (and would get cropped out by the printing bleed, she doesn’t factor in print in her paintings either) and there’s so much weird unused empty spaces.
Plus the door switches sides?
No. 1004858
File: 1594327525848.png (439.7 KB, 591x697, soon.png)

Her Kickstarter is actually launching.
No. 1004860
File: 1594327676969.png (746.46 KB, 586x869, really.png)

>>1004858Don't support her because you like her work, support her cause she has 'paid her dues' okay?
No. 1004896
Don't forget that this is AN ALL AGES WATERCOLOR COMIC. As in, it's a comic for ALL AGES drawn in beyuuuutiful[citation needed] WATERCOLOR.
I get that this is a marketing tactic on her part, but Becca's so damn graceless and hamfisted with everything she does.
>>1004860This is the crux of Becca's problem. She acts like she deserves things just because she's "given back". No, Becca, you're not automatically entitled to people's time and money just because you gave a little bit of yours years ago. She really makes it sound like she only does things for others if something is in it for her. I bet if she actually had a dedicated audience and made it like she desperately wants to she'd be worse than Holly.
No. 1004902
>>1004860Well this is a fairly bold statement to everyone she's ever signal boosted to give her a quid pro quo, whether they'd agreed to it or not.
Despite her presumptuousness I kind of feel bad for her because I feel like she's letting herself in for a big letdown if her KS doesn't get funded. But still, "support me because I supported other people" isn't the greatest sales line I've ever heard.
No. 1005239
File: 1594406504392.jpeg (1.41 MB, 3999x2999, B407E24E-3DE7-4FD7-95A1-A2E691…)

Begga’s sharing illustrations of Kara with these descriptions to boost the Kickstarter… her narcissism is more blatant than ever
No. 1005270
>>1005257But anon!! They haven't been done in the form of a BEAUUUUUUTIFUL,
watercolor comic!!
lmao but seriously, begga needs to get her head out of her ass. Isn't basically every comic in existence someone's passion project? Becca thinks she's so special but in reality she's the same as everyone else in this dog-eat-dog art world, it's just unfortunate because she's fucking awful at marketing herself (guilt tripping is not good marketing!!). She hasn't even been able to find a dedicated niche audience for her comic because it's stale and awful. It's not because its some kid lit shit that it gets almost no views, it just sucks. Kids have access to the whole ass internet now, why the fuck would they want to read some muddy ass shit like Kara?
No. 1005321
File: 1594416652413.png (515.82 KB, 478x676, adfz.PNG)

I feel like this is so misleading and is there to insinuate that she won.
No. 1005324
File: 1594416808167.png (147.61 KB, 962x590, sfgx.PNG)

>>1005321Everyone's entry is listed, highest scores first. She's on page 3 out of 4 in the YA/middle school fiction section.
No. 1005426
File: 1594440048262.jpeg (169.27 KB, 996x2047, EeugM1kv.jpg:large.jpeg)

$50 a month for the same thing the howtobeanartist tumblr does better? really?
No. 1005600
File: 1594503017026.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1521, C3666FD6-FE4B-451B-A848-E2CD28…)

This came up in my FB feed… blocked it.
No. 1005602
File: 1594503357923.png (217.61 KB, 1242x2208, 39FC0A18-8980-479E-A351-C30180…)

>>1005594It’s up to 20 now. I’m honestly shocked by this considering literally no one has interacted with her Twitter about it the last few days of her promoting it. To my knowledge, I haven’t seen people bombarding her with messages of support and backing it. I wouldn’t put it past her to shell out to those third party companies that spam you at the start of a campaign to boost it since she’s already paying for FB ads. Possibly Twitter and IG too.
No. 1005627
>>1005600>>1005618Seriously, why did she choose this particular image? It's so random and even though most of her art is pretty ugly, it's usually not this bad. She has plenty of decent illustrations on her Twitter she could have used here instead.
Also has anyone else noticed she hasn't been on the How To Be A Con Artist Tumblr in months?
No. 1005631
File: 1594508792713.png (219.33 KB, 1080x1131, Screenshot_2020-07-12-06-05-20…)

The colours, layout, and composition of the cover makes me cry.
No. 1005634
>>1005627It’s a video, not a still image. The one she made into a “motion comic” and hired people to voice it. It’s really jarring and not very well made.
>>1005631Fucking yikes on this layout… it’s like baby’s first book cover. I hate that she insists on drawing any logos and chapter break text traditionally too, she’s not good at it and it’s just so ugly. This really screams amateur art… I won’t be surprised if this plateaus hard after a few days. I’m sure if even one person drops a pledge, we’ll hear about it.
No. 1005639
File: 1594510780171.jpeg (177.1 KB, 750x524, EEA9C42C-2C28-4669-BF2A-7F3A76…)

4 years for another 4 chapters….she will be working on this when she’s almost 50
No. 1005670
File: 1594515269794.png (772.45 KB, 1274x717, Screenshot from 2020-07-11 20-…)

Live now. also just said "I don't really talk about my comics that much because I'm so busy talking about art supplies…" like lmaoooo ok bitch
No. 1005751
>>1005748She must be using targeted ads. But I can’t get over how self serving and boastful all her promotions for the KS come off as.
She really is delusional about her skills lol I can imagine this would put a lot of people off. In the KS, she also put that one Booklife quote under “Praise for Kara”. They probably have to be polite in those reviews.
No. 1005772
File: 1594533635615.jpg (1.44 MB, 2475x2268, IMG_20200711_153729_409.jpg)

Her sense of colors is the worst. This looks overworked and unfinished at the same time.
No. 1005792
>>1005776Not that anon but this would be a 'cute drawing' if some teenager/highschooler did it
Here's just a list of basic art rules she got wrong:
Where's the light source? Each item seems to have it's own
Obvious perspective mistakes on the cake and the decorations being too sloppy for such a neatly decorated cake.
If the stand that Kara is on is the same as the one the cake is on and the cake is closer to the camera why is the closer stand's trim smaller on the page than the further one?
Tangents all over the place but mainly the cat's head and the girl's elbow
The layout has too much empty space and could have utilized the rule of thirds but ignores it. Both above and below Kara have nothing that draws the eye.
There's also the usual garbage anatomy that most beginners can do better than. If you can explain to me how a cat's skeleton would fit in that blob with eyes and a tail then maybe i could see it as a nitpick but for someone trying to get their book printed and has been working on this comic for years?
These critiques are more 'nitpick' but: Why is the icing white on the outside but pink on the inside? Why are the strawberries either not on the same plane as the icing or are completely haphazardly placed on top of the cake? How come the character has a piece of cake on their fork but their slice of cake is pristine? Why is kara's cake for herself bigger than her torso and how is she gonna eat it? What is going on with the large pitcher/kettle's shape?
I could go on but these are basic things that even an average person would be able to see arent right
Becca refuses to do minimum referencing/research and ignores basic things because she's too busy drooling over getting to use her precious watercolors so the base drawing gets neglected.
No. 1005795
>>1005772I thought this was them eating cake in the bathtub at first.
Among a million other things that are wrong with this picture, is the big one supposed to be aware that the little one is even there? Yeesh
No. 1005796
>>1005772Why the hell would you put so much of the same color in one detailed picture? There's not contrast and it just looks like a muddy mess.
Like, she couldn't be fucked to not make the dress, and the table cloth, and the cake stand, and the shadows on the teacups and plates blue? And add better highlights to make the black girl stand out more from the dark foreground?
No. 1005800
>>1005772- and why is the strawberry on the girl's fork so much smaller then the ones on the cake like even taking perspective into consideration, its still way too small compared to the ones in the foreground. Also kara's cake is a completely different cake and their outfits dont match so it ends up feeling like 2 different pieces frankensteined into one.
- the cake looks both flat and mishappened cause she didnt shadow the left part and it looks like she didnt know how to draw a cylinder
- that spout on the teapot(?) doesnt look connected to the teapot and instead looks like its connected to the teacup
- also did she not plan the coloring for the cake whatsoever cause it looks like its not iced since both the inside and outside are cream colored but theres a random magical jam lining
No. 1005947
>>1005799Lmao yeah. I mean we here to bitch but who hurt that anon.
They right tho. But like it is just a mediocre anime drawing it's not deep. I guess it's just cuz Becca is so rude lol people can't help it
No. 1006064
File: 1594590382760.jpeg (379.9 KB, 750x828, 242428AC-8CC0-4EF3-8EF3-FA686E…)

Becca once again ranting about how she thinks she’s owed the world for recommending watercolors to someone
No. 1006068
File: 1594590423882.jpeg (446.76 KB, 750x1025, E49F7CB9-3EDF-4745-A695-4716C2…)

No. 1006100
File: 1594594349575.png (44.99 KB, 444x225, Screenshot_2020-07-12-13-13-44…)

When seeing the prize for the backers being this img i wonder why their faces covered in acne/moles and oh no those are sweat drops
No. 1006192
>>1006068Sheesh calm down Becca your Kickstarter's doing fine. Start the guilting and shaming when it's further along if you think it's not gonna reach its goal.
Seriously though does anyone respond positively to this? It's like she's sub-tweeting all of art twitter for not constantly signal boosting her stupid comic.
No. 1006383
>>1006016Karen just means you're throwing a tantrum like a child when someone disagrees with you lol. I'm not the anon that told you to calm down I was just agreeing with them because you were acting
triggered over an anime drawing which I also said was
valid in a way as Becca is overconfident and rude af. There's no need to freak out every time someone has a dissenting opinion is all, literally just chill.
No. 1008768
File: 1594992994592.png (855.54 KB, 696x876, Screenshot_20200717-083208~2.p…)

Seen on beggas insta, the butt "M"
No. 1009136
File: 1595047541116.jpg (406.38 KB, 1080x1670, IMG_20200718_114241.jpg)

I don't think a muddy comic with awful lay out will help young, emerging, and struggling readers. Hell, even we are struggling to read it.
No. 1009186
>>1008826>>1008878This is where I feel she has no idea nor has any friends who actually work in comics. Like if it takes her 3-4 hours to do ROUGH pencils, she’s not working efficiently nor in a way that makes her appealing to be published. These are all problems that can be solved at the thumbnail stage, like she clearly doesn’t plot or script out where her script is going to go and like what is going to get covered up with word bubbles. She passes over her pencils like they’re going to be full illustrations, which she treats them as, not like an actual comic cuz a person reading one isn’t going to pore over the page for more than a minute so you have to be clear on what the heck is going on. She is none of that.
Plus she’s going to be sorely disappointed that like, most publishers will not print a full on book like this, she’s going to have to redo it to fit any publishers formats and I bet most of them won’t accept a pitch that’s like “it’s taken me ten years to half finish a book”. If she had any friends who actually worked in publishing, I’d bet they’d have told her this by now but frankly I think she’s too stubborn and foolish to accept she just can’t waste her life doing ONE magnum opus
No. 1009331
I just checked her Patreon and Kickstarter, and as expected, she's not doing good, and she complained about people not supporting her multiple times.
I know she says it's an ALL AGE comic book, but it looks and feels like the target audience is 7-13 years. Of course people, online, who make their own money, usually 18+, aren't interested in that, she's completely delusional to think otherwise. Even if they were, not in a poorly drawn, boring one like this one.
Not to mention she way too long to complete her work. I honestly feel bad for her, that she can't see that her work is not bearing any fruit and she's just wasting her time not at least trying to do ANYTHING else. I hope her husband got $$$, because she's not going to make shit unless she realizes that this isn't going anywhere.
Truly the most delusional artist out there.
No. 1009493
File: 1595106257620.jpeg (556.56 KB, 750x1084, AE1C4EE6-0030-44A3-AB95-720F2D…)

Cringy out of touch caption aside, she’s been using # gianttiny on her art recently, and that tag is a size fetish tag….why is she associating her child character with a kink community….? Is she trying to catch a new audience?
No. 1009569
>>1009186She‘s not even reacting to the comments on her videos if there are any. How does anyone expect her to have any friends. lol
>>1009493lol It totally looks like weird food kink art.
No. 1009578
>>1009331Her KS is almost halfway after about a week, isn't it? That's not bad but it's hard to tell because there's often a dropoff after the initial phase of any KS.
What's her Patreon?
No. 1009624
>>1009578From what i've seen unless you're a huge KS asking for tens of thousands of dollars you gain most of your backing in the first few days and you might have some luck if you get a couple more at the end of the campaign but it's not looking great for her if she's not even halfway through.
She would probably do better if she just said 'this is a comic I've been working on and I'd like help getting it printed and I would like to continue being able to work on it' but she keeps acting like her shitty passion project is this grand teaching tool that's a gift to mankind and will fix every problem in the world.
No. 1009677
File: 1595132046014.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1608x1940, 18A42091-6770-4360-8F1C-89363B…)

>>1009624I mean that’s what patreon is for rather than KS. KS is to make a product, like a printed collection like this one, but ongoing support is more patreon’s thing. However, her patreon is a jumbled mess of whatever the fuck she’s doing she thinks she’s an art educator and everything is just related to like, her “instruction” and the discord so that drags her down a LOT especially since none of them mention her comic. Like she’d probably make more if she wasn’t so gung ho about being an “instructor” cuz that’s usually not what people sign up on patreon for, especially cuz she just releases the videos on YT anyway and her art is real bad. What makes HER so appealing vs the many other artists who are on patreon too? She doesn’t even know that.
Plus she has way too many tiers and I’m also dying laughing at this ten dollar one with the commissions discounts. Like, ffs Becca you sell commissions for a DOLLAR at cons like, have some self respect and stop charging yourself below poverty rates especially when you’re telling people they can get discounts if they pay you more monthly for what you charge
No. 1010067
File: 1595209367531.jpg (393.25 KB, 1080x1917, Begga Kara Contest youTube.jpg)

Popped up on my yT. She's running a contest for Kara.
No. 1010305
File: 1595268123720.png (335.05 KB, 589x608, Screenshot from 2020-07-20 14-…)

Prizes are too bad at least. I misread the tweet at first and thought she was giving away her old used shit kek. Wouldn't surprised me if she pulled that shit one day.
No. 1010768
File: 1595365095641.jpeg (198.23 KB, 750x1164, 67695D5F-E217-405B-849A-D04DC1…)

The comments on her Facebook ads have me laughing
No. 1010956
File: 1595397660320.jpeg (123.72 KB, 882x1079, 47B46CD3-B4A4-4775-9FBF-B1CECE…)

Her Kara art is so goddamn off putting. Nothing about it is cute or charming, no matter how much she claims it is.
No. 1010996
File: 1595415100191.jpg (206.82 KB, 640x640, IMG_20190321_182635.jpg)

I don't know but I feel she is regressing/stagnating. The first chapter cover looks lighter and more charming than her recent over-saturated low-contrast style.
No. 1011011
>>1010956>ctrl-f "measles">1 resultI don't think y'all have talked enough about how this "Kara" looks measles diseased. It's
No joke, this is the kind of bad illustration that would give me nightmares if I saw it as a child in a book. Fuck, even as an adult I find it unsettling. I'd rather you spoilered it because I keep seeing a severely diseased child, not a cute freckled child.
That's all I have to say, I don't follow this thread or know who this is, I just had to comment on the disgusting measles. Ewwwww
No. 1011155
>>1011011I don't disagree about the measles, but for me the really unsettling thing about
>>1010956 is what on God's Green Earth is going on with her nose and mouth. Like, I cannot distinguish one from the other, it looks like she's an Animorph transforming into a dolphin.
No. 1011390
File: 1595481790015.jpeg (79.22 KB, 659x680, mXMaMZWo.jpg:small.jpeg)

i know shes trying to go for the cute "chubby hamster cheeks" aesthetic but it just looks like kara has mumps. also it looks like shes chewing on a pimple or something, not peaches
No. 1011444
File: 1595492521607.jpg (1001.61 KB, 1400x1879, b44d6536399551.57d461bbeb96b.j…)

>>1011431This. Pic related is older but also really disturbing.
No. 1011664
File: 1595528010768.gif (4.31 MB, 336x252, SomeUnknownAmericanshorthair-s…)

>>1011444>>1011484It reminds me of "Eat your pea, professor"
No. 1012086
File: 1595607167717.jpeg (457.41 KB, 900x1229, A7252E56-0D1A-43A3-911B-502B23…)

>>1011804At this scale it’s probably the cat’s.
No. 1012163
File: 1595620122746.jpg (286.86 KB, 1029x1080, 20200724_131722.jpg)

Becca arguing with boomers on her kickstarter facebook posts, kek
No. 1012165
>>1011444I can't deal with the upturned elf noses she gives characters, combined with the anime eyes. One of the most unappealing western-anime combo art styles I've ever seen, this is harder to look at than My Life Me and that's saying something. She's lucky she's selling to clueless parents because I doubt many little girls are into this artstyle, little girls are shallow.
I know I would have never picked up a comic like this from artstyle alone, if I could pick and wasn't stuck with whatever my family gifted me. I wanted to at least look at cute appealing characters if the story wasn't engaging enough. I wouldn't be surprised if kids who read this do because they have been gifted this by a family member and have no other choice or keep the comics around but never actually read them
No. 1012459
File: 1595668274449.png (275.22 KB, 730x1181, Screenshot_2020-07-25-16-10-44…)

What an abomination
No. 1012812
File: 1595728527200.png (483.51 KB, 589x736, Screenshot from 2020-07-25 21-…)

>>1012528This is the only other tweet I could find about it besides the prizes. No end date listed. Looks like there's only two entries so far.
Honestly not sure what she thinks she's going to achieve by flooding her timeline with her own shit. Just make a separate portfolio website and link it in a pinned tweet that highlights/explains her work. Her spam is really offputting, not sure how she thinks she's going to attract an audience by reposting the same ugly drawing 30 times in the span of 2 days.
No. 1012871
File: 1595739330553.png (250.35 KB, 1080x990, Screenshot_2020-07-26-11-54-19…)

What the fuck is that mouth? She looks like a measles ridden snapping turtle human hybrid.
No. 1012876
File: 1595741204356.png (982.06 KB, 822x740, LifeIsPain.png)

>>1012871Idk, looks a bit more like a bird's beak to me, I think it would be a good addition to the story.
No. 1012902
File: 1595749009734.png (90.67 KB, 300x188, 0B85FD54-8CFE-4F42-AA23-35CABE…)

>>1012871She’s super queen of symbol drawing, this looks like she saw it in some manga or like when people eat in ghibli movies so she does it instead of like, actually using reference and not just straight up copying shorthand from manga. It distracts from the creepy looking hands at least
No. 1012915
>>1012528>>1012812Someone posted the original contest tweet with deadline here:
>>1010067The contest ends August 1st and there doesnt appear to be any rules beyond "draw your favorite Kara character."
No. 1013180
File: 1595802985479.png (60.58 KB, 1080x352, Screenshot_2020-07-27-05-35-41…)

Her wedding is today
No. 1013299
File: 1595832871355.jpg (666.76 KB, 2268x4032, 20200723_011346.jpg)

Sneak peek of the wedding dress
No. 1013592
File: 1595891048324.png (299.48 KB, 809x956, Screenshot from 2020-07-27 19-…)

>>1013301>>1013356Found the dress since most likely bought. She says in her wedding vlog that she bought the lace overlay separately (starts talking about it here
>>1013463 around the 13:00 mark), so it's her own fault that it looks weird and off. How is she an artist and can't tell that they're too different colors that don't mesh well? No. 1013630
File: 1595895965794.jpg (318.75 KB, 2048x1152, Ed9ksotWsAAkLfY.jpg)

The look on his face
No. 1013751
File: 1595911476048.jpeg (409.08 KB, 2048x1152, 50573CF4-2A09-4AA2-814A-3B3F1B…)

His face is the face of realization of what he’s just done
No. 1013755
File: 1595912244600.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1242x1400, C1DB7EDF-1699-4943-BB9E-0BC7DE…)

She’s an artist yet she’s never seen a pair of scissors apparently…
No. 1013788
File: 1595918596638.jpeg (15.37 KB, 488x552, 30B4FB47-4F08-48B2-8CE9-C914F6…)

>>1013755I think they’re supposed to be dressmaker scissors but she doesn’t use enough reference or have the knowledge cuz the reason they’re shaped like this is because they let you cut fabric flat on the table, so the handles of her scissors don’t make sense especially cuz the large handle is backwards as well as the hand
No. 1013810
>>1013751She said she didn't mention the wedding much because she couldn't invite many people and didn't want people who know her feel left out. Who cares? They would find out one way of the other, and if they didn't understand keeping it small during a pandemic of all things (why she chose to do this when most weddings are being cancelled is beyond me) it's their problem.
The sad thing about all of this is that I don't think the wedding was in her mind much, in the vlog she sounds like she just wanted to get it over with, which makes sense with rushing it during a pandemic instead of waiting another year to have a good wedding. She's extremely fortunate of marrying someone so supportive yet all she can think about to the last minute is Kara and the kickstarter.