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No. 121374
Previous threads:
>>40202>>22555Taylor R is a “hardworking” “self-made” “successful” former model and Youtuber from Canada whose main claim to fame used to be copying Dakota’s embarrassing 2012-2015 living doll phase. She’s since abandoned this endeavor to copy Casey Neistat, the Kardashians, Jenna Marbles, Safiya Nygaard, and Valeria Lipovesky, among others. In the past, she has focused on bad DIY videos and boring 30-minute vlogs in which she recaps serious challenges from her week, including hiring an assistant, eating food, drinking Starbucks coffee, exercising, and seeing various scam artists (fortune tellers, naturopathic healers). Since then, Taylor has entered a narcissistic era, producing such high quality content as:
* How I Became the Most Beautiful Woman in the World
* Hong Kong Fortune Tellers Criticized My Face
* I Let A Top Hair Salon in Korea Do Whatever They Wanted to My Hair [barely true]
* I Let A Top Manicurist in Japan Do Whatever She Wanted to My Nails [not true; also lol it’s Dakota’s favorite mani person]
* Stuck at Home and Stuck in Life [in my HK customized house that cost millions]
* Surprising Husband with an Outfit from When We First Met
* What I Eat in a Day [flaunting her bones]
* My Husband Picks My Outfits for a Week
* I Ate Only Pumpkin Foods For A Day
Her newly minted husband, Tom Lip, bought her a giant engagement ring from Tiffany’s and a diamond wedding band with the bundles of cash he earns running “digital marketing” companies. One of these companies, MenClub, was exposed for featuring at least 8 underage (age 12-16) girls in skimpy clothing on their site. After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!) and insisted that she was never an escort, a claim no one ever made seriously. The purpose of the MenClub “private room” (which requires an individual to vet the applicant’s salary) is still unknown. Taylor claims that it’s for latte-making classes and "cigar nights." Tom's defense of his business ethics throws new light on Taylor's dolly phase, given that he immediately recognized how to monetize Taylor's "innocent" look while still dating her. Tom has denied any responsibility for Menclub’s content and continues to employ the perverted author of all the underage model features. The perv continues to comment on underage girls’ bodies and gets paid to do so.
It seems that most of Taylor's work since she started dating Tom can be traced back to his businesses. Taylor started out by working for Beauty Exchange, did work for MenClub (though she denied it), and was promoted by Studio 54. There are probably many other connections between Tom and Taylor's "success," despite her insistence that her "success" is separate from his. (He finances the entire lifestyle she displays on her blog.)
Taylor has started her own business, TOAT, which is a complete rip-off of Gwyneth Paltrow’s goop website, right down to the code, which her web designer copied and pasted from goop. TOAT is meant to be a lifestyle website, but is rarely if ever updated with articles; those that exist are practically useless. The real purpose of TOAT is to sell overpriced basic clothes with a huge mark-up for shipping and give Taylor the opportunity to be a model without actually having to have clients book her. It helps her get endless PR packages with products she’ll barely use, too! Taylor refuses to discuss whether the cheap-looking products sold on TOAT are made ethically or where they come from. Among her eternally sold-out products are a number of knock-offs, the most notable being the bee earrings sold by TOAT (rip-offs of Chanel’s bee earrings). Interestingly, TOAT is now the owner of the domain, and it seems Tom’s employees are listed as employees at TOAT. Yet there’s zero evidence of TOAT being registered as a
valid company in HK or in Canada. Hopefully this will be explained in the future!
Taylor still manages to be relatable after giving up modeling by purchasing two condos with Tom’s money (one in downtown Toronto, one custom-built in Hong Kong) and flying back and forth between them. Her new full-time jobs include getting her face thoroughly frozen with botox/fillers, traveling in first class & by helicopter for no reason, and getting pregnant by Tom.
She got IVF during a pandemic despite barely trying to conceive naturally, and after an embryo stayed in her for 2 weeks before jumping ship, she and Tom decided to “take a break” from IVF. Anything that happens in her life (such as an ovarian cyst, Covid19, her assistant leaving to do more worthwhile work, or a 2-week old clump of cells exiting her uterus) is immediately used and milked for views from her teenaged followers and brainless stans, whom she brainwashes with her unique blend of stupidity, pseudoscience, and defenses of her (and her husband's) moral failings.
Beware the white knights and stans in Taylor’s thread. Focus on the milk and ignore the filler, farmers.
Taylor’s Links: Lip's controversial site for men: links (no longer updated): No. 121383
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>>121380I wanted to make a better thread pic but I'm recovering from an injury and could only stand so much Taytay on my screen, even with painkillers.
Tom's face is from the attached pic. Taylor posted it on IG in this group of pictures No. 121427
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No. 121540
So I was looking for some evidence of TOAT's registration as a legal business. I fully understand that maybe my lack of Cantonese means I won't find it, even though HK has a central register of businesses in English and Cantonese. Regardless, I had hoped to find some kind of registration number or proof for its legal operations.
While looking for that, I noticed that the google result for "toat" company "hong kong" looked pretty strange:
Style – toat › blogs › style
2020 toat. goop ®. Company. About · Terms of service · Privacy Policy · Contact Us … By clicking "submit," you agree to receive emails from Toat and accept our …
What was "goop" doing in there?
I checked TOAT's code using a publicly available website ( are multiple references to goop in the code of the website, indicating that someone just ripped it off their site and forgot to change all the references to it. Even the alt text refers to goop.
<div class="footer__logo–wrapper"><img class="footer__logo–goop-logo__2LWvr" src="//" alt="goop"><span class="footer__logo–symbol__3Qw2l">:registered:</span>
<div class="footer__sections__1hdXd">
<div class="footer__section__260NW footer__section–company">
<button class="footer__section-header__ovrYO" data-slug="company">Company</button>
<ul class="footer__section-links__2LOtr">
<li class="footer__link-wrapper__3GnOk"><a title="About toat" class="footer__link__fiP5Z" href="/pages/about"><span class="footer__link-text__31t6J">About</span></a></li>
<li class="footer__link-wrapper__3GnOk"><a title="goop Giving" class="footer__link__fiP5Z" href="/pages/terms-of-service"><span class="footer__link-text__31t6J">Terms of service</span></a></li>
The title "goop Giving" in the footer (above, final section) refers to this part of goop's website: can save their "detective-chan" insults. This took 10m, tops, and I sat on it for weeks. It's funny though. I suppose Taylor told her web designer to copy goop, more or less. Why else would someone spontaneously do such a thing?
No. 121558
>>121540Kek all that money and they hire a web designer who just steals code from GOOP.
I’m starting to question just how much money Tom makes and whether the website stuff is just a front.
Only a tinfoil speculation of mine though.
No. 121559
>>121540Lord, does she believe in Goops bs too? People keep saying she's skin walking XYZ person, but I literally think she's trying to be the next Gwyneth Paltrow. She's been dipping her toes and testing the waters with some already stupid opinions.
Also, did Taylor really deny association with Mensclub despite her earlier years promoting it?
No. 121705

>>121652I didn't have the patience to look through everything. Ay the very least, the style of the footer and "wrapper" is taken from goop. If you poke around with google, you can also find her web developer having trouble with the menus and posting on a message board for help with them. The same goop artifacts are in the snippet of code he posted.
But do I think the entire toat site is full of references to goop? Probably not. I think some got changed but he just forgot to change them all.
It's funny that Taylor's obvious attempt to copy goop is reflected in the code of her website. Note that in her entire grrrrlboss spiel about setting up her business all by herself, she never mentions the employees, space, money, and connections given to her by her husband + the fact that her entire idea is a younger version of goop. Of all the inspirations she mentions for her business, goop is conspicuously missing.
When Taylor is actively skinwalking or ripping off other source material, she never mentions the actual source. When she copied Popsugar's unicorn ice cream video, she claimed she hadn't even seen it & had been inspired by other sources. She was very defensive and nasty despite having copied practically every aspect of the video.
Taylor's video's video is embedded.
No. 121748
>>121746Samefag, PULLtards were also infamous for nitpicking other people's posts so only The One Opinion about their favorite cow can exist. It was all just infighting and nitpicking lines in each other's posts.
Surveying the last thread wow kinda looks damning
No. 121757
>>121374Header took me out funny as hell. Is Tay still masquerading as a
girl boss?
No. 121785
>>121652TOAT isn't their competition and will be ignored by Goop but it's a telling find. Tom's company can't afford to hire real developers to make websites, when the one thing his company made was websites.
>>121711>anons pop byLiterally nobody does this on any thread here until recently. If you have nothing to post about the cow, just don't post and learn to integrate.
No. 122436
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What is this look called?(not milk)
No. 122437
>>121785Nta but I pop into this and the Venus thread just to observe the infighting now and again.
>>122436I'm not sure, but it screams Jeff Goldblum to me.
No. 122519
>>122446Pulltards think that this place exists to compliment or defend cows, which causes infighting.
I miss the good times on this thread. Like when Kaka posts were tagged and when Taylor's old af husband funding her life was exposed.
No. 122544
>>122536Here's a nice example of stupidity. is natural! Try to accept your body! But here's how to reduce the appearance of cellulite… the mixed messages make my head hurt.
This article is also a mix of stuff repasted from other places. I guess we can't expect anything more from her… but you know, what about Taylor's own cellulite? We'll never see or hear about that.
No. 122545
>>122536samefag but it's just the same people overreacting to someone asking what Taylor's look there is called. idk if anon was being sarcastic or not.
Those of us who are here for the interesting lulz and drama need to ignore these WK and hidden shit-up-the-thread posters. It's all intended to make the thread unreadable. Sad, I can't imagine getting irate because someone doesn't like another woman's clothes. And honestly, when Dakota would post her hideous outfits back in the day, we had a lot of fun laughing at her ugly boots and ill-fitting taobao dresses. It's not milk but it was funny.
No. 122561
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Is Taylor well known as an influencer in Hong Kong? Seeing as she got a benefit cosmetics ad spot she showed in her latest video for a few seconds, as if to remind us she’s still relevant as a model.
No. 122627
>>122561Tom owns beautyexchange, pays a team to run marketing for her behind the scenes, pays for her agency "managers" and upkeep.
She's a great person to use because she and Tom spend cash in various ways to make whatever she's doing seem a success or relevant.
No. 123138
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Everytime she gets her fillers redone she looks different. This time her upper lip is sticking out too much in an unflattering way. She must go to different places to get it done since if you went to the same…idk what to call them, beauty therapist? every time surely they'd remember what your look is and try to recreate it more consistently.
No. 123390
>>123139Note to stans: this is a saged question and not meant to offend.
Does anyone else feel like Taylor's hair always looks kind of unwashed or unhealthy now? I noticed it in her lookbook video (where it looked really greasy) and now it just kind of looks like she doesn't put much effort into it, or she's using bad products for her hair. It's always limply hanging or in this state that looks like she slept on it. It was kind of distracting when she was modeling the luxury dresses and hanging out at the mandarin oriental.
Or is this some kind of optical illusion because of the ashy color? Or a trend?
God I can't believe I'm scared to even ask about this because of the people who guard this thread. But I'm curious.
No. 123396
>>123390Blonde hair tends to look less greasy than darker shades. She probably also doesn't wash it every day and if she's using products in it it's likely built up. If I recall correctly, she's trying to go natural with her hair. I got a pretty good kek out of her trying the curly girl method on her hair. (pretty sure the curly girl method would make naturally straight hair look dirty as its meant to tidy up curls)
I use to be jelly of her old hair, but keep in mind she did a lot to her old videos to make her hair look "sparkly and healthy".
No. 123397
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Old milk, but I just realized Taylor has the same engagement ring and wedding band as Valeria Lipovetsky. We already know she's been copying her for a while but damn..
No. 123406
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>>123397Yikes, those are super personal things to even consider copying. This some single white female shit.
She should get an award for being the most expensive skinwalker on the board, she's almost as thorough as Emalee kek
No. 123429
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>>123397Nta, quick google search an… yep wow that’s sick actually
No. 123510
>>123501yeah, this ring stuff isn't very interesting. These are common styles and a lot of rich women wear these ostentatious settings together.
iirc, she kind of showed him what she liked for engagement rings at Tiffany's once, and then he went back and bought the one with the biggest rock. She chose her own heart-shaped diamond eternity band.
It always struck me as weird that she pretended not to want to spend money on a wedding, but she's wearing the cost of a wedding (and much more) on her finger. A wedding is a headache, sure, but it's also something people can enjoy attending. You're throwing a party with and kind of
for your friends and family. I see no need to do this if you don't want to, but when Taylor made it about money, I had to roll my eyes. She could have thrown a couple small parties for people to celebrate with her - I think it would have meant a lot to her family especially! She didn't want to, fine. The decision should be respected. But then don't talk to us about hOw MuCh A wEdDiNg CoStS while waving your giant diamonds in front of the camera.
I felt like the tension and fighting she alluded to before her wedding shower in Canada might have had something to do with all of that. She didn't throw any party celebrating her own wedding so her family felt obliged to organize something during the short time they were in town for the holidays. Yeah, it's a reach, but I was surprised that she didn't handle that more graciously. Or at the very least, don't have a fucking wedding shower when you buy everything you want 24/7. Book a room at a restaurant, treat your family to a meal, toast the union, ask for donations to an animal shelter in lieu of (expensive) gifts. That would have made a lot more sense than forcing your family to figure out how to honor your marriage. People like rituals, and it was clear her family just wanted to have some ritual to mark Taylor's marriage. On a brighter note, a shower was a good way to get Tom out of the spotlight…can't remember if he was there or not but showers are usually completely focused on the bride. bet that made the day a little brighter for some people.
Meanwhile, they have two luxury places to live, one of which seems to just sit empty.
No. 123583
read the news. there's a global pandemic going on. that's why they aren't going there.
No. 123595
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I was checking her YouTube follower count because I wanted to see how many she gained after hitting a million and…. does that mean she didn’t gsin ANY new followers recently?
No. 123596
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>>123595Samefag. She reached a Million subs in march 2019 jeez
No. 123617
>>123510old milk but for some reason the way she got married didn't sit right with me at all. You could tell she was excited for a big white wedding then suddenly its a pink zara suit with an ipad and skype set up for her family.
You can tell how much of a huge family person she is so i was shocked when she didn't plan for them to even be present as witnesses, even if it was just one parent or something. The whole thing was so rushed, makes me tinfoil as of why.
No. 123753
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>>123750Omg anonI just remembered that fiasco with the Vetements Sweater it was such a weird story. Why did she buy it and that whole selling aftermath was so messy and weird. It was obvious he put his foot down and told her to get rid of it…
Bonus pic bc he’s so nasty
No. 124000
>>123617Her family must
hate him though right? She's from a decent background, presumably privately educated and at age 31 is cosplaying as a teenage sugarbaby, flashing his cash and dancing around on youtube like an idiot. She blatantly has to ask his permission to make purchases like a sweater, it's infantilising. No parent would hope for this life for their adult child. I'd put money on them refusing to attend and obviously that would ruin the youtube fairytale.
No. 124030
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>>124000you're kidding, right? most families would just like that Taylor gets money from Tom. People are horrible.
Her videos are borderline retarded.
No. 124138
>>123935Tom liked her loli phase and tbh I miss that phase because she had some cute stuff, all in the trash now though.
>>124000She's middle class and her family gave her everything she needs, fairly normalfag until the weeb phase. She didn't go to private school or university, nor had the right social network to move up in life though. Being white in asia was her ticket.
No. 124766
I watched it on bilibili. It's hilarious how she thinks the current minimalistic/normie trend is actually "her style." It's a trend, Taylor.
"I don't really follow trends"
makes every other video about some trendI saw that little subtitle about how 90% of the clothes she wears for jobs aren't hers. It reminded me of that anon who posted in the last thread, declaring that Taylor is some all-important influencer who gets given things to wear left and right:
>>120518Since you read here, Taylor, we know your modeling clothes - the rare times you actually model - usually are not your own. But your haul videos and lookbooks and the clothes you wear to events like the Chanel party? All the useless clothes you bought to make retro Tiktok videos? Those were clothes you bought. No one gave them to you and you didn't rent them! Nobody thinks you got to keep the fancy dresses from your Mandarin Oriental ad, ok? We do see how many PR packages you get, congrats on having some agency finagle you endless free stuff for doing next to nothing. It's a real accomplishment!
How many vlogs did Taylor shoot where she was shopping for an outfit for an event?! It used to be all the time - and we saw her make the purchases. For some reason she doesn't want to own up to her wasteful shopping addiction. Better to come clean, I think, and stop buying fast fashion. No mention of TOAT clothes in this video, kind of surprising but she's abandoning her fake business anyway, it seems.
No. 125120
>>124138Her family home looks pretty big from what has been shown of it, didn’t her grandfather do something that made their family wealthy if not straight-up RICH rich?
I’m not even saying this in defense of her lifestyle or choices because I think she was incredibly impulsive and naïve, but is it really milk for an aspiring model to follow trends and try to marry into wealth?
I don’t think she could be called a career model though, especially when she said she would turn down jobs if she couldn’t have her circle lenses in and her appearance how she wanted it to be. I wonder if she was chasing another bag at that time, or was already spotted by Tom?
No. 125310
>>125120Did she really say she turned down "jobs"? Maybe what she meant was opportunities to audition? Because modeling auditions in Japan don't usually allow you to wear circle lenses, so she would've been asked to leave or told to remove her contacts before even auditioning.
But do you really think she would turn down bragging rights and good vlogging material over circle lenses? That sounds more like an excuse for her lack of modeling work in Japan. Remember her agent even admitted Taylor's looks weren't "in" and said she was sorry that Taylor couldn't really make it in Japan unlike in HK. That sounds more like she wasn't able to get the work, not that she was turning down offers.
No. 125327
>>125310She starts talking about it around 4:40, the entire video is an interesting watch though
She said she would say no if she wasn’t allowed circle lenses or dolly makeup and it lost her a lot of clients.
No. 125362
>>125358huh? she turned the jobs down specifically if she wasn't allowed to wear giant lenses. She was the one fucking up her eyesight while simultaneously losing job opportunities.
also she was the idiot for not choosing to wear prescription lenses. They make circle lenses for astigmatism but she chose lenses purely for aesthetics.
regardless i hate this video bc that thumbnail is not her eye. Circle lenses are not that unsafe if you don't do stupid things like Taylor did.
No. 125421
>>125120Parents are divorced, both live well outside of Toronto in an area where all houses are large and more affordable than if they were in the city proper. The family is typical middle class and father has a car dealership.
>>125344>She clearly didn't need the moneyShe was funded by Tom by then. The apartment, her fillers, her ridiculous room and spending on loli everything plus entry-level luxury purses were something she never had before him.
No. 125437
>>125421Where does she live then, Vaughn? York Region? I live in Toronto and even thought the prices are literally blasted through any thought of even entertaining owning a house I gotta say it still looked impressive.
Middle class/Upper middle class families I see out of Toronto have a home like those cookie-cutter detached townhouses you can see Canada’s Wonderland from.
Not saying anything is wrong though anon, just has always made me curious as a t’rono fag.
Also, with the way her sisters look and the weddings thrown, I figured they were all just aiming to marry into money. Her brother looks like a bum during Christmas vlogs, but he might have a good job despite feeling no reason to dress out of lounge clothes for Taylor’s vids.
>>124030I saw an anon mention here that Tom and her married faster than I’m sure she planned had aimed to for more of a Chinese luck myth, since someone in Tom’s family had passed away?
I wonder if she expected to get married in France, and Tom’s family and hers would be flying there (Except the ones who live there already). It’d be kind of funny if she actually had a real wedding, separate from the Skype and Zara suit one. Unless her own grandfather was already sick so she had to move quickly, I can’t remember when he passed away.
On the other hand, maybe she compromised having a small and simple wedding so the expenses it would have used to throw an elaborate one would be put into getting an apartment in Toronto.
No. 125569
>>125437>Where does she live then, Vaughn? York Region?She grew up in Grimsby, but the condo she owns is in downtown Toronto, in an expensive part of the city. I'm not that knowledgeable about Toronto, but I've been there for a conference. She vlogged her drive back to the condo, and I recognized the area immediately - it's near the big conference hotels by City Hall.
I don't know if her family still lives in Grimsby or not, but they have massive McMansions.
>Her brother looks like a bum during Christmas vlogs, but he might have a good job despite feeling no reason to dress out of lounge clothes for Taylor’s vids.Her brother has also modeled and plays/played hockey (not sure if for money or not, don't care enough to find out). He seems to be in the car business as well.
>I saw an anon mention here that Tom and her married faster than I’m sure she planned had aimed to for more of a Chinese luck myth, since someone in Tom’s family had passed away?Nah, his parents had already passed and it didn't sound recent. Most likely is that they had a shotgun wedding so they could buy that condo more easily. There's a lot of hassle when you are purchasing a place and your finances are investigated. Taylor didn't have enough to buy it herself so she needed to be legally married to Tom so he could purchase it. There's all these new restrictions about foreigners (esp. from China/HK) buying real estate in Canada. I'll leave it to the Cananons to tell me if I'm wrong about that, but that definitely seemed like the motivation for the wedding.
>I wonder if she expected to get married in France, and Tom’s family and hers would be flying there (Except the ones who live there already). It’d be kind of funny if she actually had a real wedding, separate from the Skype and Zara suit one. Unless her own grandfather was already sick so she had to move quickly, I can’t remember when he passed away.Her grandfather died - in her own words - "suddenly and unexpectedly" and I don't think there was known illness. Just one of those things that happens to old people - idk if it was a heart attack or blood clot or what.
I hate to say this, but I'm kind of scared of what will happen if Taylor is still a semi-active youtuber when her Nana passes away. We never heard much at all about her grandfather and then it was this giant thing that made her unable to work for months. Her Nana seems to have a more central role in her life.
That said, I hope she doesn't continue to milk the natural deaths of old people when so many are losing parents and siblings prematurely these days. Yes, it's sad when someone dies. it's horrible. But there's a clear difference between someone who has lived a long, full life… someone who is 75+… vs. losing a close family member under the age of 70, imho.
No. 125574
>>125424I don't know what she has now but during peak loli phase, Tom would buy her a bag for each trip or photoshoot. She had an LV speedy, a few Chanel bags, and a lady Dior that she used on the tv show where she wore pink.
>>125569The condo isn't near Cityhall nor any conference hotspots. It's in the king west area where tons of cheap condos went up and tatty office buildings converted to condos. They paid a premium for what they got, as it's not central nor luxury being a Thompson hotel residence. The configuration is such that everyone can look at you through the windows from every angle.
Like you said, they likely got married on paper to secure the investment property in Canada and paid the premium because they were desperate to close and have a place to stay during the months they were visiting.
No. 125612
>>125327TY. Yeah, I would take whatever she says with a grain of salt. She wouldn't have been allowed to audition with circles lenses in the first place, so what she most likely turned down if anything were auditions.
Her agent also said clients were more interested in mixed/half Japanese for TV commercials (the kind of work Taylor wanted) and lack of Japanese skills were also a big problem.
She had a whole PR team helping her while she was in Japan and still didn't make it, so it was never going to happen for her at least as a model or TV figure. But she had all the tools and money and could've been more successful on youtube had she put in the effort.
No. 125779
>>125582In the first 30s she said it was sudden and unexpected. If it had been a longer illness, I'd think she certainly would have been there during his last moments. But whatever it was, it happened so fast that she couldn't get there before they switched off the life support. (She was with her family on skype when they did that.)
I don't really feel like going through all these voyeuristic videos of her crying and stuff to find out what exactly it was, so I'll take the risk that I might be wrong. But everything about the situation aligns with "sudden and unexpected," i.e. not something that would prompt Tom & Taylor to have a shotgun wedding that no one could attend in person anyway. If you get married because someone in your family might die soon, generally it is to share the celebration (in person) with that relative, I think. I don't even remember if her grandparents were digitally present at the wedding. I hope they were though.
No. 125812
Late but whatever
>>123583Correct my if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they weren't going there before the pandemic hit.
In a video from two weeks ago Taylor says they're trying to save money so anon's theory they're renting it out seems plausible to me.
No. 126010
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not milk, but for posterity
No. 126025
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It was Taylors birthday and this was her cake… apparently Taylor Swift inspired by the same bakery where Toms cake was from
No. 126046
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She looks so strange in this video. Doesn't even look like her.
No. 126048
>>126025Your post plus the cake itself had me checking it three times before I got it
>It's Taylor Rs>Tiny Rosie dog>But also a blonde girl behind a piano because Taylor Swift even though we have never seen Taylor R make musicI'm assuming Taylor R has no kind of musical talent because she has the right kind of image and fanbase to make/sell music to imo. We've heard her offtune sped up singing, and she had a crisis when she had to do some singing as part of a promo. Anyway, an unusual choice for a cake design for a non-musical recipient.
No. 126052
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This hair from a recent IG post looks good ngl
>>126049Aha it's ok anon, I think even without the caption it was a confusing choice
No. 126068
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>>126052I agree, her hair looks good but also good on her color and style-wise. The curls look very lively on her and flatter her face.
pic rel is a screenshot from her latest video. She looks really beautiful here, the make-up looks natural and healthy, the curls look so lively and beautiful around her face and that periwinkle color of her sweater looks gorgeous on her coloring.
She'd do herself a favor if she sticks to this type of make-up and hairstyle. It's much better than the rattails she used to do that don't flatter her face at all (or still does? not sure) and the harsh make-up she sometimes does.
No. 126097
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>>126068This is infinitely better than the rat tails. She definitely benefits from it being shorter and more manageable; not sure if she’s just lazy with longer hair or it’s just too much work at this point, she has the time and money but never bothers unless it’s for a video.
Ironically given the birthday cake, I think something like pic related would suit her really well
No. 126453
>>126436Anon this "cow" has been completely milk-free since mensclub happened two years ago. There's literally nothing milky about this woman and everything that ever was milky is old milk and has been discussed over and over again.
If you're here reading or contributing you're just as much as an offender as me mentioning a tiny detail is cute. Because
nothing in this thread is milk. Nothing.
No. 126458
>>126453it's a pretty new thread, passionate anon.
>>121540 this was funny, and the records showing that TOAT registered were also interesting
No. 126684
>>124626Is she a legitimate hoarder?
Over the years I feel like she has done a ton of Closet Clear Outs and gets rid of a ton of things, then gets rid of another truckload barely a year later?
Idk it's kind of embarrassing seeing how much she buys and then just throws away. Really tone deaf to film as well.
No. 126743
>>126742Fair enough, I thought the same about the coasters, but why does anyone call her creative? Every DIY in this video was taken from someone/someplace else. (For example, the coasters are done with Lone Fox's instructions.) I've never seen her do anything original.
Is is being "creative" to just do DIY crafts? asking genuinely
No. 126757
With regard to menclub, there's no way Taylor was ignorant of what kind of site it was when she agreed to do an interview with them and be promoted on their social media.* I checked out MC's FB posts from 2012-2013 and they were much grosser than the current site is. Full of raunchy pics, sexual innuendos ("The weather is so…. wet today"). Some of the commenters were disgusted by how young the featured girls were. I screenshot some stuff, maybe will post it later.
Most of the article links from that time no longer work, so you have to play around with and wait forever for things to load. However, there's a pretty disgusting one from 2013 that literally advocates dating underage girls: quotations:
"She is in her teens, youthful and full of energy. She unknowingly infects you and makes you feel very young. Getting along with her is very simple. All practical issues will be left behind without any constraints. The relationship is really built with pure feelings. It is very special and precious. It makes it easy for you to love her deeply. You have a wonderful feeling all the time, as if you are dreaming. You want to proudly tell everyone how happy you are, but at the same time, you are also paradoxically afraid of others' eyes and worried that people around you feel strange."
"For her, your role should not be just a lover, you should also be her brother or teacher, because if she can have someone by her side, she will not only share life with her, but also encourage her to grasp the progress and growth of this golden period."
Taylor chose to work with Menclub and got involved with Tom while things like this were being posted on their website.
*Taylor did a Christmas interview for them in Dec 2013. Proof: No. 126771
>>126743It's more creative than most people who just buy. I am actually very artistic (without blogging) but I had a big mental block about actually
making things. You kinda feel like the shop thing will be better. So most people aren't creative as in physically making items or art, because they are insecure. Taylor is confident making things and honestly it's a better purpose than dancing Tik Tok videos. Obviously she is not a master artist but ahe has a good finish quality and aesthetic skill.
No. 126879
>>126473This. I'm sick of her fans coming in here to post compliments on whatever thing she bought lately while simultaneously trying to mod the threads whenever posts like
>>126757 come up again.
Idk how anyone can notice her hair when her face is botched from fillers.
No. 127198
>>127190NTA but I think it's possibly a cope whenever people see their favorite weeb with a disinterested partner. Like Rachel and Jun when Rachel says something sweet to him and he's like
not looking up from phone "thanks."
It may be the case asian guys are more reserved (caucasianfag here) but if your partner is a white girl would you not adjust your behavior slightly to match her expectations?
I think Tom and Jun do like/love their partners but they definitely don't show it in the way a Western audience expects.
No. 127950
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Now Valeria is copying Taylor or is that hairstyle so popular(not milk)
No. 128397
>>128153You summed it up perfectly Anon, it's so narcissistic and stupid. The outfits aren't even good.
Living such a boring and aimless life is one thing, but making a video that perfectly sums it up and broadcasting it to the world? Embarrassing.
No. 128777
>>128395New money HKers grow out of dressing shit once they get more affluent people in their circle and want to fit in. Thing is this dude is old af and dressing like a student using parental funds.
>>128403He shared that story. Also wasn't he mixed heritage and the part of his family in France middle class or something?
No. 128849
>>128777does he look mixed to you?
i thought his sister just settled in france, maybe she married into money.
No. 129120
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>>129010Tom himselfblikes to romanticize his poor upbringing (look at the comments on this post, he replies to a bunch of them saying they shouldn't view cage homes negatively, he was super happy to grow up poor - ).
He himself seems to do fuck-all for poor people in his own community, or at least, he and Taylor have posted maybe twice (period) about charity work - always asking their followers to donate, not showing their own work for charity.
Tom crawled to the top by exploiting overqualified women via Beauty Exchange (he bragged about paying them low salaries!
>>113071) and then doing some seriously shady stuff via MenClub (picrel). Early Menclub was a cesspool. I never really believed in all the tinfoil about it being a front for escorting, but there is so much disturbing shit in their post history from 2012-2014 that I don't know what to think anymore.
But hey, I guess those other lazy but totally happy poor people should just churn out their own wank sites so they can move out of the cage homes.
No. 129123
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>>129120Confused about Japanese hostess bars and whether kyabajo serve foreigners? Just join MenClub VIP room and they'll guide you through it. Right, as if an adult HK man with money needs help understanding what a hostess club is all about. I think they know the basics, don't you?
No. 129140
>>129123They do serve foreigners. Places that sometimes don't are usually soaplands, health, etc… brothels, basically.
Maybe someone here can confirm, but aren't hostess and karaoke bars in HK mostly fronts for prostitution?
No. 129144
>>129142Taylor's story is BS but there is probably some truth to Tom's, idk. It's a lot harder to look into Tom's story, but I'm not sure there's a huge benefit to lying about his past. Someone who knows HK culture would have to comment.
I don't get the feeling that he lied, but I do get the feeling that he believes other people get what they deserve. Yet in reality, just because he got lucky and made money doesn't mean he worked harder than those who didn't or couldn't.
Anyone with a brain knows that working hard will only get you so far. And what does Tom "do" anyway?
No. 129151
>>129139she worked for BeautyExchange first (it seems) and Tom then asked her to do stuff for MenClub. They had regular features with models and actresses (both porn and normal actresses) so there's no reason Taylor had to be an escort.
I personally don't think she was ever an escort - she had too much of a prissy, stuck-up attitude for that. I do think she knew MenClub was shady and gross, and she was happy to have promotion through MenClub because it brought her clicks. Imho she played up the "sexy underage-looking childish girl going to bed" pics for MenClub (who else were those weird pedobait pics for?). She didn't even delete the lascivious comments men left on her own official page.
She liked money and she liked Tom's wallet/personality/random grunting, so they dated after he got to know her via BeautyExchange and MenClub.
No. 129168
>>129123Wait is this the same
Private Zone that Tom claimed was just for winetasting and coffee making sessions or some shit? Like you need a private area of your site for that? Pretty good proof it's for what we thought it was.
No. 129226
>>129145Zoo is one of the most famous hostess clubs in Japan and one of the biggest in terms of size and number of locations, but not that exclusive. Almost all hostess clubs are really gaudy. They do serve foreigners but they might not have English or Chinese speakers. The places that ban foreigners are not real hostess clubs, so I bet Menclub is also talking about "other" aspects of nightlife.
From what I understand, it's common for HK men to take top clients to clubs/bars that provide "extra services". At least all the finance and other business guys I know have been taken to these places when they visited their HK offices. I would be shocked if Tom doesn't do the same for his clients considering half of Menclub's purpose seems to be promoting them.
No. 129372
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>>129168yes, that's the private zone referred to here. I actually was mindlessly looking through old MenClub posts just to try to find out more about that private area. I still haven't found out completely what it is. I did screenshot some early MenClub posts about private zone parties. They always advertised that girls would be there up until a certain point (maybe 2016).
I feel like the site changed/diversified a lot around 2016, but I have a feeling the grosser stuff just got pushed to more private areas (there's a private forum in addition to the private zone). Maybe Tom's advertisers didn't want to be associated with such blatant sexual content? I mean, for reference, men would comment about masturbating on so many posts from 2012-2015. Openly. Sure, that's what men do, but it wasn't deleted and in fact, that seems to be why those pics were posted anyway.
Pic attached is from the post used to promote/link the "advantages of dating teenage girls" article linked here
>>126757The girl in the photo was 15 at the time it was posted. Some men were rightly disgusted at how young she looks.
No. 129673
She made this recap 2020 video and used a pregnancy test for the thumbnail it's confusing people, a ton of ppl congratulated her in the comments, and her stans were castigating them for not knowing it's a negative test.
Classic attention ho behavior. One failed round of IVF (embryo less than 2.5 weeks inside her) and that's the thumbnail for the whole year. If you missed the single video she did on this topic, you wouldn't have the slightest idea what had happened.
No. 130327
I guess we're autosaged because of the idiots in this thread who cannot sage their trash.
Anyway, I am watching the second part of her holiday vlog. It's really something special. I'm not even a few minutes into it but she is vying for the Most Tone-Deaf Cow award.
Vlog here:"I think what we're all going to be doing for the next few months(?!) is figuring out how to style all this loungewear we've invested in during this pandemic. I mean, at least that's what I've been doing, thinking of ways how to dress it up and wear it out"
(Right, Taylor. We've all "invested" in loungewear and dressing up loungewear will surely be on our minds as we watch hospitals and morgues get clogged with covid patients in the first quarter of 2021.)
This is said as she hops from salon to salon doing pointless 'beauty treatments' (but she'll never top up that filler and botox with us, fam! that's private) while wearing a knit onesie with a blazer thrown on top of it. comments compliment her style, but this outfit is styled exactly as it is pictured on Zara's website, and wow, it looks… not like something a sane person wears in public.
She admits that she now travels through HK with a suitcase and changes clothes 3-4x in café bathrooms to shoot instagram photos and tiktok videos with her "assistant." Café bathroom changes during a pandemic… not even for legitimate modeling work, but so you can post on tiktok and instagram.
Are there Darwin award honorable mentions?
No. 130328
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She spreads her stuff all over the bench and her luggage on the ground. Changes into pajamas in public to shoot a tiktok video.
No. 130358
>>130328Eh, if you’re from a smaller town it’d definitely seem weird but this kind of stuff isn’t all that odd if you’ve ever lived in a big city. Plus she didn’t change her clothes in any real sense, she just slipped her pajamas over her normal clothes. I do agree that it’s a little gross though. I’d have to wash everything as soon as I got home o_o
Also I get what you’re saying, but I’ve seen tons of articles about loungewear becoming the norm since the coronavirus. I just googled it and the first three articles basically express exactly what she was talking about. (,,
So it’s not exactly off brand for a sometimes-fashion-vlogger to mention it or suggest loungewear styling tips.
No. 130418
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>>130358I'm from a big city, I've seen some wacky stuff - so yes, it's not the craziest thing anyone will see in a city. But she's doing it during a pandemic, that's what makes it gross and bizarre. Normal sane people are trying to limit their time in public places. They don't plan IG and tiktok shootings and change clothes in public bathrooms. I don't know how she justifies going out and strewing her things on a dirty bench/street/bathroom floor unless she really, truly believes that the world needs her rip-off tiktok video.
Loungewear is what it is. I don't think anyone who had the money to buy new clothes specifically for bumming around the house is going to feel the need to "dress up" glorified pajamas for public outings.
She missed an opportunity to make a covid origin joke. Either she is ignorant of the origin or just incapable of making a joke that isn't faux self-deprecating cringe.
No. 130605
>>130591“Rich” is a relative term (someone making $50,000 seems rich compared to someone making $20,000, someone making $500,000 seems rich compared to someone making $100,000….everyone looks dirt poor compared to Jeff Bezos.)
In any case, if you watch her Canadian vlogs her family certainly seems “comfortable.”
For the record, very very few already wealthy men are going to entertain a girl from a lower class background. One, to protect their assets, and two, because the cultural differences are going to be huge, even if they’re from the same country.
No. 130656
>>130420nta, I got some comfortable stuff for at home, but I don't understand the desire to wear it outside. People miss wearing real clothes, I think.
source: live in big Euro city , have never seen ppl wearing pyjamas or loungewear on the street. Just adidas kek
No. 130659
>>130457I'm samefagging but
HK shut beauty salons and gyms again and was having clusters related to private parties, hospitals, cosmetic services. They won't open schools until after Lunar New Year.
I mean, just because HK has fewer new daily cases than EU countries doesn't mean you should go out and do dumb shit. Changing clothes for tiktoks is pretty stupid behavior imho but i'm more interested in how she got her beauty treatments. I thought all those services in HK got shut down again on Dec 6/7.
My personal sad about HK is that domestic workers there are barely treated as human and they are suffering a lot bc of covid. No. 133840
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>>1336421. This an image board
2. It's her entire brand at this point. Is it seeing it but into words that is off-putting?
No. 134064
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Seems like IVF Saga 2.0 is starting soon. Maybe not being borderline anorexic might help with fertility instead of reading pseudo-scientific crap
No. 134318
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>>134064>>134071I don't think she has any of those illnesses, nor should she speak for any of them. Honestly, think she's being willfully ignorant to the fact that a great chunk of her failure is her fault. Her starving herself for years and taking various drugs for her skin probably did a number on her. Perhaps she should seek therapy first and find out why she ties her self-worth to her size/weight.
No. 134457
>>134435Strange brag, camgirl-san but that anon was talking about "how to marry a millionaire" - them paying for your sex work is not the same as you being their actual wife, a la Taylor.
Anon's point seems to be the old money millionaire type will generally not go near a small-town girl for a relationship, but Tom being new money/self-made means he was open to getting a normal wife, which is a quite unusual circumstance and not easily emulated. Most thin white girls who go to Asia will succeed in being sexworkers only, not bagging a rich man as a husband. It's not that common nor that easy - so I guess props to Taylor for that one.
However the culture among Asian businessmen of regularly going to girl bars and availing of sex work means Taylor probably has to deal with some hurtful stuff as part of Tom's "business" and just brush it off as part of the culture.
No. 134470
>>134318I would hardly call listing off a bunch of conditions that she probably got straight from the book jacket,"speaking" about them.
And I don't even like the stupid bitch, but blaming her for fertility issues is a low fucking blow. Plenty of very thin women including ex-models have no issues getting pregnant, even ones on a restricted diet. And she is significantly heavier now then she was when she was still working as a model.
I honestly think she may have PCOS. The persistent cystic acne and the areas where she gains when she does gain weight may be a clue. Of course without any real diagnosis it's impossible to say.
And in the culture she currently in, no matter what the blame will probably be passed to the woman even if it's the dude that's the issue.
No. 134555
>>134470if she had pcos, she would have had multiple cysts visible on ultrasound and at her surgery that time. not a single normal cyst that happened to twist her ovary.
taylor is promoting woo again for actual medical conditions and she can fuck right off with that. she does this all the time and everyone gives her a pass, god knows why
No. 134821
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Is anyone else giggling at Tom's starvation-level keto diet? I have so many questions.
Why is he doing such a spartan diet?
Who told him to lose weight asap? No one is holding any big events, after all.
Isn't keto primarily about low-carb meals? Why is this one so low-calorie?
Why doesn't he or Taylor make some keto food that doesn't look gross? Everything he is eating looks unappetizing. think this service costs around $41 (USD) per day based on the website. I wonder what Taylor thinks of all of this. Coincidentally, just after Tom starts his keto diet (which he told us isn't "an ad"), they got a gift of keto cookies from some company. It's pretty unreal what you get for free when you're rich.
No. 135035
>>134821kek, Tom is updating every day with this sad-looking 1970s diet food and ignoring all the questions people ask in the comments.
He said it wasn't an ad, but it probably is. Or he is getting this shit free. 1200 calories is a starvation diet for a man. Given the way Tom usually eats (rich meals, lots of meat, big portions), it's even stranger that he thinks this is a good or healthy way to lose weight.
Do you think he finally after all this time had his own fertility work-up and the dr mentioned something to him?
Imagine how it must feel to be Taylor:
- you have a long history of stupid fad dieting / EDs
- you have ongoing ED behaviors but you pretend to like your body bc that's trendy + you need to get pregnant for Tom
- the one "talent" you have is following recipes other people made popular a few months ago
- you regularly tell your followers to eat well and love their bodies
- you listen to goop podcasts and love all kinds of pseudoscience
Now your husband wants to lose weight as fast as possible and chooses a very unhealthy way to do it. Instead of involving you in cooking healthy or keto-friendly menus, he gets slop dropped off in plastic tubs. Your immature followers and stans all follow your husband on IG, so they're all watching him go on an unhealthy, expensive fad diet. He ignores every concern and comment about it on IG - why even post it then? Ah, well, maybe it is an "ad" after all, right?
I wonder if Taylor's mad. I wouldn't blame her. She'll have to address it and we all know she'll find a way to defend Tom's choice to publicly go on this diet. She defended MenClub, after all - twice! But this is going to make it harder for her to promote healthy living or "love your body" content. You can't stand by while your chunky husband eats 1200cals a day to LoSe WeIgHt FaSt, then turn around and tell your underage followers that rapid weight loss is unhealthy and dangerous.
No. 135076
>>134882Taylor ate like shit for years with her french fries, fried veg and weight loss soup. She's broadcasted how obsessed she is with being skinny it wouldn't be that much of a leap to think she'd go keto. Her fans seem to jump at anything Taylor tries just to potentially get an IG story mention from her. Not saying that I think she eats Keto, but her young/dumb fans could.
>>135035Highly doubt she'd be mad at Tom for starving or eating shit. He never seemed big on Taylor's cooking to begin with. Taylor has an unhealthy relationship with food and who knows maybe it's rubbing off on Tom. As you said, she'll defend it as she herself probably eats the same calories then goes to work out. She's always claiming to want to build muscle but never adds any extra protein to her diet either.
No. 135116
>>135076I mean, she's never made a single keto recipe and she just posted more carby stuff. But yeah, her followers are stupid so who knows.
It's creepy (or not a coincidence) that TOM is the one doing a keto diet (no reference to it on Taylor's accounts) but TAYLOR opens the keto cookies in her stories.
No. 135229
>>135076wtf are you talking about. She rarely ever ate like that. All of her meals were kinda basic healthy shit.
Also all of your posts sound obsessed
No. 135857
>>134821I mean to be fair, it’s hard to make meatballs look like attractive food…
They look pretty good to me. He’s probably starting off so low because his lifestyle is very sedentary. It’ll catch up and he’ll likely eat more. Taylor’s probably not doing it because it doesn’t seem like the ideal diet to get pregnant to. You’re pretty tired in the beginning. I
No. 135887
>>135857sage your non-contribution, even if the thread is temporarily on auto-sage.
those meatballs look moldy. anon above wasn't implying Taylor should do keto, but Taylor can certainly prepare better food than this and add things to it for her own meal.
I haven't heard of people doing such a low-cal keto diet unless they have had no success with a normal keto diet. I'm no expert bc I've never done a diet like this (and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone either). But lots of ppl in the comments asked why it was so lowcal.
>>135719nta you quoted but Tom's made himself an extension of Taylor's IG. Yeah a lot of people do keto, most of them aren't men approaching (?) 50 eating food that looks like thefitveganginger made it.
No. 136022
>>135887Nta but why do you care about sage
I think it’s very restrictive because he wants fast results. Easy logic. Also I don’t think he really trusts Taylors cooking and he’s just gonna “Baaaabeee” her all the time. Also why can’t he do shit himself? He has the bucks so obv he just buys the food online
No. 137044
>>137023I thought it was just a consequence of visiting that… um, I forget. Some kind of exhibition with reflective floors? Didn't she blur everything out?
I agree it was weird, because she could have cut all of that out, but why do you think she did it for Tom?
No. 137110
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She's destroying her face one filler at the time.
No. 137204
>>137023>>137041>>137164No, it was as I described it, actually. Here:'t find it on bilibili.
The "signing the wall" event with mirrors on the floor was different.
No. 137516
>>137495her last beauty treatment day was also during a locked down time, I'm pretty sure. That's why she folded it into a larger combined vlog.
I also found it weird because it does endanger those businesses.
No. 137517
>>137428I agree it wasn't milky ever but calm down. You don't have to recall anything since the video was linked.
I always hated her shitty clickbait titles involving her friends. Sharla's ignoring me; Sharla got her lips done; the time my boyfriend made out with my best friend; seeing up Micaela's skirt…
No. 137800
>>137646From her stories she went out to get them, I can’t guarantee she didn’t go to the artist’s home but the nail technicians I know (I know a few of them) wouldn’t work from home, not only because it’s inconvenient to bring all your equipment, polishes, stickers etc. back home, but also because you don’t want a potentially sick person who randomly roams around Hong Kong in the safety of your own home. Not to mention in a lot of estates security guards take your ID number and who you visit in case there’s a new case in your building and they can trace you down to make a test.
Add to it random lockdowns for testing that the government is imposing suddenly, it would be risky to bring your client home. There were some people stuck with hair dye/lightening their hair at the hair salon when one of those random lockdowns was announced. They waited like two hours with all the bleach and crap in their hair to sign in for the mandatory test.
I think she’s just selfish and dumb for exposing her technician, the least she could do is not tag this girl and her post. Even better - don’t show it online, just get them done and move on. She has to put everything online, I swear this girl doesn’t know what privacy means.
No. 137841
>>137800Yeah, I was gonna say, she showed herself going there in a vlog in Dec (during lockdown, I'm nsarly positive) and even talked about where the salon is located.
It's just typical entitled rich person behavior. Rules don't apply to them, and Taylor has to have what she wants. In this case, nails no one will see.
I also think this style of nail art is weird. I keep thinking the "design" is dirt or carpet fuzz or something. wouldn't this design be really easy to do at home as a diy?
No. 139394
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next thread pic has to be a collection of these blow-up doll faces
No. 139398
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>>134064>>134453The problem isn't the fact that she's highlighting, it's that she highlights things of no importance. and re-highlights the same information.
Like the main things that should be marked as important info are maybe the taking folate, and the three months line at the end.
But she haphazardly marks the entire page. And even worse it is THE INTRO TO THE CHAPTER which will have almost no good quality information, but instead is there to give the reader a brief overview of what is in the chapter itself.
Fuck that makes me more mad than it should, but that shit shows that she is not actually reading or comprehending the material, or even knows the difference between necessary information that should be marked to find easier, and garbage filler.
No. 139559
>>139394Everyone misses her old helpful videos and kawaii shit. Even if it was fake, at least it was curated and put together nicely.
She now morphed into some bizarro clickbait skinwalker doing old trends and I'm not sure who her target audience is supposed to even be.
No. 139882
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>>139559people who watch shit like this, ai guess.
No. 140005
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Midlifecrisis again?
No. 140012
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>>140005Imagine assuming the world cares about the length of your fringe or how you style it, or your nails,nor your "laminated" eyebrows or your boring and often bad makeup. Living with her must be its own circle of hell.
it's the Taylor show 24/7
No. 140684
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The nerd vest over oversized, oddly shaped dress shirt "look" continues to not work. She otherwise looks pretty good in her recent posts, though nobody thinks your too-short bangs are revolutionary MPDG risk-seeking like you do, Tay.
No. 140913
>>140783>>140685>>140684ok, it's just some dress she put with tights. She doesn't even try. her outfits are often exact copies of what's on Zara's website, or wherever she gets it from.
I always lol at anyone praising her fashion sense when she styles the clothing exactly as it is advertised.
and "scholarly men" anon? come on
No. 140972
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>>140913This is what I mean by what I think it reminds me of/imitating and why it doesn't work re: scholarly
No. 141258
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The image that immediately came to my mind when I saw that shirt…
No. 141281
File: 1615717146181.jpg (194.42 KB, 726x1280, 100053600666_43175.jpg)

>>141278>>140972yeah, I was just pointing out that she didn't even decide to put the vest over it. It's one piece.
I agree she has almost no fashion sense. Whatever she has, it's from copying others (or trying to) slavishly. I loled when in her closet cleaning video she claimed not to embrace trends, and to have found a simple, neutral style. What a crock of shit - the bland normcore stuff was on trend everywhere.
She is very lucky to have some kind of marketable look (blech) and a rich guy (gross), because she is the worst kind of dumb.
picrel: I enjoyed her post for International Women's Day, where she pointed out that this dish was "ho-made." yasss taylor you boss slaaay
No. 141378
>>141281>homade Kek anon A for observation
She’s just thin honestly. That’s usually all a model needs these days.
No. 141500
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What’s with the big blouse obsession now?
No. 141652
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Lori vibes
No. 141656
File: 1616001582454.png (1.88 MB, 1172x2048, Screenshot_20210317-181901.png)

and… this
No. 142220
File: 1616507449973.jpeg (300.8 KB, 827x1472, E2A6A54B-7DE5-417D-846C-1486CC…)

She got the vax
No. 142382
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>>142220Taylor, I hope literally everyone in your age bracket got it before you. Why on earth would you have priority?
No. 142578
>>141706>Smile Lipt (Mouth Corner Lift) surgeryTom must have funded it early in their relationship along with the fillers and other procedures to look like Dakota.
It looks like it was done really long ago and in need of a touch up though.
No. 142933
File: 1617028057849.png (87.87 KB, 500x486, mouthcornerlift.png)

>>142578I always suspected she had this done. I remember many years ago she made a video about how to apply lipstick or something like that and I remember noticing that the corner of her lips looked really weird in the closeup
No. 143207
>>142941The filler for lessening marionette lines probably from a few years back has hardened as well.
That's why you're seeing lumps under both sides of her mouth on some lighting like
>>141500 No. 143311
>>143207doesn't that filler just reabsorb? It's just juvederm or something right?
She's been topping up botox and filler constantly. I used to be on the fence and think people were being catty, but it's just too obvious how frozen her face is from the nose up. Nothing crinkles or moves naturally; it's why she overemotes to compensate. It actually makes hwr look older than she is and it's sad.
No. 143350
File: 1617231414439.png (2.46 MB, 1080x1897, Screenshot_20210330-121019.png)

what dreams of designing clothes?
she can't sew, can't draw, has never described clothing she wants to design, can barely dress herself (copies coordinates from Zara and H&M exactly), trend-hops, has no sense of style or original ideas or confidence…
No. 143381
File: 1617265281737.jpg (57.24 KB, 945x575, Screenshot_8.jpg)

>>143350>can't drawkek I sometimes have flashbacks of her short lived artist phase
No. 143393
File: 1617278783182.jpg (196.84 KB, 900x1200, CpgceeUVYAEhuFu.jpg)

I never saw this one, kek. I was looking for another drawing she did. What does "cream… treat inside mean"?? I thought this was about acne.
pic from No. 143394
>>143393I thought those were like Chinese condoms or something on that notebook roflmao
>treat insideI think she was wondering whether acne should be treated with creams (from the outside) or from the inside, by taking meds
>>143390… her French alterego could teach her about spelling lol
No. 143420
File: 1617300536418.jpg (54.71 KB, 700x494, hpb61us77bw11.jpg)

>>143311Not always, there are different types of fillers for different cases. After several years you may need to dissolve filler if it hardened into lumps.
It's pretty clear when she went overboard with fillers long ago and we're seeing the after. I remember sus anons here kept trying to claim her face was natural when anyone can spot it a mile away.
>>143393Maybe trying to push some MLM again.
No. 143490
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>>143420she looks a bit like Evan Rachel Wood there
No. 143494
>>143439why do cows always draw themselves? narcissistic children
she's 25 here
No. 144138
>>144129Could be ADHD?
Could explain the rapid shifting in hobbies and interests, no real sense of self, switching between editing for hours on end vs watching YouTube and Netflix all day, constant shopping, hyperactivity etc.
Just speculating here, I'm not a psych.
No. 144437
>>144138Though to be clear your list of behaviors are lol not adhd behaviours, like this one specifically is a BPD behaviour.
>no real sense of selfADHD and Autistic folk have no issues with knowing themselves, being honest and stubborn and not changing viewpoints or behaviors is more common.
Rapidly cycling between interests and hobbies should not be confused with an identity crisis. The rapid cycling is just due to being intensely interested in something, getting distracted, moving to another interest. You don't stop liking the first interest, you simply forgot about it.
The shopping addiction is uh lol also not adhd, not sure where to categorize that.
No. 145763
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Taylor wearing a $525 Chanel scrunchie. I guess she didn't tag it for a reason. Can't pretend she thrifted that. No. 146062
File: 1618926385874.jpeg (206.39 KB, 828x1410, A75BE22E-445D-4005-82A4-9E25BD…)

This bitch is so dense I can’t with her sometimes. Has she ever cared about her dig or the proper care? Today she finds out toy dogs are different than a labrador.
No. 146085
>>146062she is dense but I think a lot of people believe their dog's age "in human years" is just their age x 7. It's true that smaller dogs tend to live longer and be more active in old age. Pretty sure that does not apply to poor mangled super tiny teacup dogs like her own. Her dog has never been healthy and can never really be healthy. That's sad because poodles are naturally very intelligent dogs. I hate seeing Rosie look retarded all the time, unable to close her mouth around her tongue properly. As a dog lover, I just think of how much nicer her life could be if she were even
just a mini poodle. But no, only the tiniest freakshow dog for Tay.
No. 146200
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No. 146201
File: 1619013643818.jpg (41.03 KB, 717x1280, 100054000694_87659.jpg)

I just had to laugh at her "treating herself" yet again. Isn't that her whole life? Getting gifts and buying stuff for herself?
No. 146225
>>146201Yeah because getting fully vaccinated before most people in her country isn’t a treat right? She definitely deserves to spend some more money afterwards, you know, for being SOOooo brave.
I swear this b is getting more stupid by the day.
No. 146321
File: 1619083151457.png (Spoiler Image,2.98 MB, 2532x1170, Cheek fillers .png)

I was rewatching one of her old videos from September 2019, of course I’m aware of her « cheek modifications » but this is horrifying!
No. 146734
A little MenClub update.
Tom's hired a new perv to write demeaning and disturbing things about women's bodies. His name is 艾力克 (Eric). His articles have the same tone as those of 魏文青, but maybe he's not as much of a pedo as 魏文青 seems to be (he's the one who posted all those girls from 12-16yo).
Most of the girls featured in MC are still 18-21yo. Yay? If a girl isn't in this age bracket, there's some explanation of how she's "mature" and still has the body of a girl.
Eric tells the readers that some people like girls with a little meat on their bones. You know, like this one: calls her "slightly fat" (微胖). This was a trend last year in Chinese media - "microfat," "small fat." But it's still kind of a nasty way to talk about this model. Despite the fact that he backpedals a bit, wtf she looks like every other model they like to post.
Report on the former U-15 Idol Saaya: excitement with which he describes her previous gravure debut (at age 11) is gross. He goes out of his way to say she had F cups at age 12.
I was going to read further, but I'm disgusted again, that's all for now.
No. 146886
>>146698No i didn't, what did Louboutin sent her ?
I saw some french influencers/youtubers receive Louboutin cosmetics (lipstick etc).
No. 147184
>>147020who knows. I guess that's just where we're at as a society. Toat is dead, its IG page hasn't been updated in months. I never particularly cared about Taylor until her continued laziness and stupidity was rewarded again and again.
we should all give thanks to taylor for being alive
every breath she and Tom take is a blessing for all of us
the future of Louboutins rests on taylor's toes
No. 147185
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too much botox to move her eyebrows and smile
No. 149199
File: 1620439549134.jpg (713.88 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20210508_035954.jpg)

>>140913Anon was right, all she does is copy the website/store outfit, down to the fucking heel height of her sandals. And her fans keep kissing her ass screaming 'yaaas fashion queen, such an amazing influence'. One comment even said something like "i was wondering how
YOU'D style that skirt"…
No. 149337
>>149199oh I know, it's almost rage-inducing seeing her stans bleat compliments to her about her style. She does nothing innovative and copies slavishly.
I also appreciated the tiktok she did (quarantine disney princesses). First video was basically ripped off another content creator. Second video she ripped off the ideas people gave her in the comments to the first video. Would it have been so hard to add a little shout-out text to the person who suggested each idea? That would have been cute!
But no, of course not. And her stans just eat it up. Oh, Tay, you are so beautiful and creative and amazing, I lost my parents to covid but your creative tiktoks give me the strength to go on! etc.
No. 149478
>>149475It's full of various cringe moments where she cannot pronounce things correctly. But at some point she claims she was going to order her cappuccino in French and she got too nervous to do it. lol, sure.
A Leaf who can't pronounce French is one sad Leaf indeed. But couldn't she have done a bit more research for her breakfast? Why not go to a place with croissants? She had peanut-butter stuffed French toast with butter and corn syrup. And milk tea. It looked horrible.
No. 149700
>>149621I'm pretty sure his sis just married someone and they (for whatever reason) moved to Paris. He does not have extensive ties to France and his English is god-awful. He also has mispronounced French names (brand names, it's all he knows of the language).
Tom clearly did fuckall for this video aside from eat food and poop afterwards, so why are you WKing him here? Taylor, with her <100 IQ, still has her own connections. But what's more, if you watch the video, she admits to just using google search to find restaurants and at least some businesses. That's why she ate breakfast at a place that was not French at all (just had a French name) and why the florist was from HK, not France. whoops! haha
Since Chanel sponsored the video, they are the more likely candidate for helping Taylor connect with businesses. But knowing Taylor, she probably asked her assistant or other connections to get her the interviews. Who will turn down a rich white woman for an interview during a recession? She did almost no preparation for the interviews, asking repetitive questions and questions that seemed to include recycled sound bytes: "When you moved to HK, you had nothing, right? No job?" Not a good way to elicit this information in an interview…
No. 149792
>>149741We already know that Tom's businesses made Taylor what she is today. Sure, she didn't get Chanel on board by herself. Certainly her dead, stupid goop ripoff didn't entice any brands either. But she is signed with multiple PR companies and gets a consistent supply of free stuff for doing next to nothing. Possibly she got the opportunity through Tom's talent/model agency, with which she is also still signed.
>>149752 is still right. There's no way Tom, who speaks English the way he does, can speak French well. He makes very little effort to eliminate his heavy HK accent. People who are truly tri- or multi-lingual often have some "bleeding" between their second and third languages (in terms of accent,syntax). I doubt Tom is even capable of pronouncing a French r. Taylor isn't.
No. 149998
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In her new decluttering video she is showing off some dolls. Didn’t she get rid of the sailor moon pullip years ago? I think I remember her stuffing it in a garbage bag in an old video but I could be wrong
No. 150114
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>>150031have a second one
>>149998in that video, she saved two of the dolls, I guess those two. They look kind of dire from being shoved in closets but idk anything about doll value or collecting.
No. 150485
>>149998It's like she wants us to notice her considering the op image in this thread.
>>150114Imagine seeing this lying waiting for you…
No. 150494
>>150485I can't really put into words the visceral disgust I experienced upon seeing this pic. True, I'm not into significantly older guys or "dad bod" or any of that. Thank God. But this chubby doughy body, stubby limbs akimbo… the stupid decision to sunbathe in 2021… the no doubt designer t-shirt ceremoniously dumped on his sweaty face… the slobby shorts and outline of his p…
I'd walk out and never return
No. 155139
File: 1623255565550.png (1.8 MB, 1793x1080, Screenshot_20210609-181908.png)

latest vlog states that Toat is dormant because cOvId and because she wanted to be a tiktoker. Confirms that it was all just a resale cash grab for her, f the lifestyle magazine concept.
Yeah Taylor, people want to know you aren't selling cheaply made knockoffs. Which you are.
No. 155417
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Taylor on Instagram claiming that she designed the dress she's wearing from toat. Sure Tay.
No. 155485
>>155426yeah, do you actually believe it? It will be someone else's "design" packaged as her own. She already called all those resale pieces she sold "TOAT pieces" - when in fact they were cheaper knockoffs of clothes korean celebs were wearing. In what way were those "TOAT"? If I sell something from taobao in my depop shop, is it then "name of depop shop" brand?
she couldn't even source clothing made in more than 1 (later 2 sizes).
she has no ability to do anything but copy other people. her "designs" will be like those of every other d-list white influencer in asia: outsourced, cheaply made, overpriced, and bad.
the only thing i have ever liked from a white influencer living in japan was the sakura jewelry Rachel put out. But that was in collaboration with another company that asked her to work with them iirc.
idk who Taylor is kidding these days.
No. 155486
File: 1623380796253.jpg (182.15 KB, 900x1200, DIcSq9IVAAAfr-F.jpg)

>>143350>>155485We should make some predictions about these designs.
I think we can be sure of:
ugly beige normcore color palette
oversized baggy sweatshirt or sweater
some godawful flare trousers no one will ever want
picrel is a reminder of the last and only time Taylor ever designed clothing: her hideous merch.
No. 157235
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The bitch is body checking again
No. 157336
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What the hell
No. 157424
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>>157336It reminds me of how geishas used to do their lips…I mean, I understand what she's trying to do - with aging, the distance between the nose and the upper lip tends to grow longer and this way it can be made to appear short but…it's just doesn't look good
No. 158158
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>>158148Maybe she'd done of of those permanent smile surgeries?
No. 159033
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>>157336I did notice her mouth looking off as well the other day but didn't care to post but seems like I'm not the only one now.
No. 160517
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>>159751what happened to Carly?
in other news, Taylor's fav yogurt is $4.13 per 125g. It's plain, not even organic - seriously what's the point? If it were one of the flavors, I'd understand more but why not just get a yogurt maker for that price? It would pay for itself very quickly. The yogurt comes out creamier and you can choose what milk to use (whole milk, organic, goat milk, locally sourced..). The only time I would buy yogurt when I lived at home was to try some flavor; otherwise we made our own plain & flavored it ourselves.
No. 161166
>>160878A lot of rich people are actually tightwads about money, that's part of how they have so much money in the first place is never spending it.
>>160521Surrogacy is a human rights tragedy, so I hope they don't do it for that reason. (Seriously look into what happens in places like Ukraine and India, or the list of all the poor countries countries that already banned commercial surrogacy due to it being so bad on their female populations) That said I wouldn't worry about their "parenting" skills as they 100% will have some kind of nanny or au pair.
>>143393This is months old, but both of these are traditional Chinese medicine, though weirdly the containers have Japanese writing on them. Both have something to do with maintaining female fertility. The first one 當歸 (written 当帰 in Japanese variant characters on the packet)is pretty famous for helping regulate the menstrual cycle also contains peony… extract I guess? I am less sure what that is for second is these two things together: (桂枝茯苓丸) (薏苡仁)
I just noticed this tweet is from 2016 which is kinda interesting. I mean these medicines COULD be used to treat other symptoms, but the combination of stuff here screams "Menstrual cycle issues" to me. Interesting she was dealing with issues in that part of the body as early as 2016.
No. 161215
>>161166,,A lot of rich people are actually tightwads about money, that's part of how they have so much money in the first place is never spending it.''
BS right there. Rich people have money by taking advantage of poor people, funding law-makers to help them keep their money and using their influence to get things for free.
,,Taylor is so rich cause she never spends money'' GTFO
No. 161226
>>161185endo or PCOS would have been seen in that surgery. She had ONE functional (i.e., normal) cyst that unfortunately twisted the ovary. A freak accident that can happen to any woman. She likes to claim or hint at issues she doesn't have. She can't even pronounce endometriosis or laparoscopy.
Maybe she has hormonal imbalances, but endometriosis on her reproductive organs would have been seen as soon as they operated to untwist her ovary! It's possible they did not check her intestines or abdominal wall, but endo there rarely affects fertility.
No. 161874
>>161785nope, never
she also blamed herself for the embryo not sticking.
No. 162252
File: 1626624065922.png (3.16 MB, 1792x828, 5F2299E6-8A4E-4A1E-9C24-6D22B7…)

Has anyone seen Tay’s new blog? She seems really miserable throughout it. Moreover, you can see she’s pumped her face with more Botox and filler… I do hope she’s ok.
Also here’s a screen shot of her obviously hinting to her audience that she’s been in hospital.
No. 162753
>>162525kek actually my first thought was that she might have had realized how empty her life is. But it must have been just wishful thinking. I mean her life consists of eating at flashy restaurants, posing for Insta pictures and dressing in designer clothes. She must feel how empty the whole thing is. I wish she did something meaningful like volunteer or donate to charity or use her influence in a good way other than just being a narcissist on social media
>>162649Ah I didn't see that. I guess not then
No. 164369
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>>164144Maybe she is? Her outfit is highly questionable… it’s like she picked up her husbands shirt from the floor to quickly to an insta vid.
No. 164372
File: 1627377133950.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1197, Screenshot_20210727-110835.png)

>>164144loose clothing and maxi dresses are on trend right now, but she's showed her stomach plenty in her stories. You can also see her zip up her trousers here Picrel is not even a month old and shows a body that doesn't look even a little pregnant. Maybe it's old. idk
>>164369 her style has been awful for years. Just because she gained back the 5-10lbs she lost last year doesn't mean she's pregnant, but who knows.
More to the point, Taylor loves to bait and hint. It's rude to pick apart someone's body and speculate about pregnancy but she seems to invite it with those dumb "food combination" videos. Her cagey attitude about some things (pregnancy, medical stuff, botox, filler) contrasts with her fake "open" attitude about everything else. So you can be sure that she's baiting you whether she is or isn't pregnant. She just can't help herself; she has no other life. You may have a point about the egg, but it may also be the easiest one to bite for the video (I presume that is also why she didn't cram it in her mouth in one bite).
I used to be skeptical about the Valeria copying but it's gotten so obvious recently, especially after Taylor started copying these braids Valeria does. You'll see all the stuff Taylor is wearing on Valeria's acct.
bonus caption: "in my single days"
You mean, the couple months between the end of your 3? 4?-year relationship with a mysterious Asian guy in the financial sector and the beginning of your relationship with Tom? kek realistically there was probably some overlap, considering MenClub publicized your "single status" for ogling clicks. Coincidentally then the boss swoops in? Sure.
No. 164374
Valeria videos
boxy cuts her bangs (uggo look if you ask me) (#2 and #4) the same style. Earlier I found the comparison a huge stretch (and these vids don't prove anything bc they are just trends) but it's gone on for so long. To see it just scroll through Valeria's IG. It's like Tay with marginally more personality. Sorry for doubting the farmers who suggested this back in 2019.
No. 164596
File: 1627446001011.jpg (227.65 KB, 1077x1436, Screenshot.jpg)

Taylor is struggling with acne again. Says she's on hormones. Maybe she is trying for a baby again after all. Chin acne is generally hormone related. I feel for her…acne sucks. But I still think the main fertility problem is Tom, not her.
No. 165628
File: 1627847385455.jpg (329.2 KB, 1019x1813, Screenshot_20210801_214818.jpg)

Tay must be so salty.
No. 166340
>>165510she's incapable of talking about anything intelligently and has no interest in discussing poor people or nuanced reasons for living as an expat in HK. Didn't you watch the trainwreck French video, where she asked each expat kind of bluntly why they didn't go back to France? She also visited two places that were not even owned/operated by French people (breakfast & the florist), because research is haaard - let's go shopping! She chose restaurants based on google image searches.
Her biggest concern in every video is looking good.
No. 168414
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Taylor will be hosting a show. Didn’t really get if it’s a podcast or what format. Looking Vorwand to the cringe
No. 168523
>>168414There were cameras so it may be an actual show, which is ridiculous considering she has no journalism major (or any education beyond high school despite all the money), and whenever she did ‘interviews’ on her YT they were cringe-worthy, also seemed she was never prepared.
I guess they needed a famous white host, I don’t see any other reason to put her in this position. JLou is mixed and speaks multiple languages, Joyce is Canadian born and her personality is better for TV. Either one of them would do a better job, and they both speak Cantonese.
What Taylor has to offer? Nothing really. She doesn’t speak Cantonese so she can’t really interact without help of a translator with those who don’t speak English. She doesn’t have any journalism background or skills to justify the choice. She seems awkward on the camera and fake when she pretends to be a professional.
I just can’t get through her videos for a long time already, and I won’t be bothered to watch whatever she will be hosting.
No. 169146
File: 1629790649929.jpeg (300.23 KB, 1170x1357, BFBCD101-9A2D-4A5D-810F-436C65…)

It seems Taylor will be hosting another season of Frontline Fashion, her friend Cara hosted a previous season. It seems quite low profile tho, never heard of it before and the views on YT channel are rather low even comparing to her own channel.
On another note, she didn’t post any picture on IG in nearly two weeks and she doesn’t show much of her face. I think either she is pregnant already or tries to get pregnant and that extra weight (she still looks slim but I think the difference is visible) makes her stay out of camera
No. 169359
File: 1629887179300.jpeg (205.97 KB, 828x1455, 2E80183F-934E-4B68-85D2-E1F57F…)

Why would a brand like Versace be interested in Taylor kek
>>169146> she didn’t post any picture on IG in nearly two weeksNew plastic surgery? Tbh I was always secretly hoping she gets kylie jenner rubber boat lips kek
No. 169734
>>169720All of the old shops were featured on TVB and RTHK before but for viewers outside of HK this is most likely first time to see them. Her assistant does a great job in researching and interviewing the people comparing to Natalie or Taylor herself (French video fiasco, still baffled how she showed 大家樂 there).
Overall a nice video from Taylor, surprisingly
No. 170007
File: 1630312787081.jpeg (56.9 KB, 828x746, FAC82603-F27A-483E-9532-CB03B6…)

>>169734> French video fiasco, still baffled how she showed 大家樂 thereFucking hate nonnies who are not willing to translate kanji/kana/whatever
No. 170029
>>170010If it was Da Ga Lo or Cafe de Coral it would provide you the same amount of information , if you’re not from HK you would need to google it anyway so what’s the difference if you google their Chinese name or English one? You still need to check what’s this.
Jeez Louise, chill
No. 170033
>>170029You basically said >can’t believe she showed xyz
How is anybody supposed to know it’s about a cafe/dog shelter/whatever taboo topic. You really don’t get it huh?
No. 170034
>>170033Umm, watch her video? Then you will know she brought her viewers to a fast food chain which she actually admitted.
Yes, I don’t get get making a big deal out of something so minor.
No. 170035
>>170034Why do you keep answering then? And from the video I would’ve totally understood 大家樂 right? Since I understand spoken chinese but just can’t read the language thx
nonny xx
No. 170036
>>170035I guess then your Chinese is as good as Taylor’s then lol
Going back to topic of Taylor, the new video from Redress with her as a HK host. Same type of presentation as in her YT videos.
First I thought the terrible blue dress is her own choice but it seems she got dressed up in one of the creations of the previous contestant. Yikes.
No. 170717
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Taylor is doing infertility series on her YT now, but I think it’s leading to pregnancy announcement. She did similar with Tom’s proposal.
On the screen she posted from editing you can see there are 3 episodes so far, and one footage is dated on first of September and is featuring an ultrasound. It’s either for transfer or it’s already in her. Considering she avoided showing her body recently I think it’s the pregnancy check up and she just passed the three months period.
No. 170797
>>170721me either
I hope she isn't, even though I grudgingly agree with you. She's obviously still puffing up and freezing her face. It looks grotesque.
No. 170863
>>170846it's fucking gross how she monetizes this "journey". I'm sure we'll never find out whether Tom ever got tested. She will continue to blame her (undiagnosed) pcos for everything, like a good handmaid. It turns my stomach that a woman would fuck herself up so much with hormones just to have a rich older guy's kid. No matter what she says in this video, she never got a medical diagnosis of pcos, and until we hear about Tom's jizz getting tested, I suspect they didn't do that either. She thought it would be quick and easy, since everything else in her life can be bought or maneuvered without delay.
If she is pregnant, I'm kind of surprised she is still getting facial procedures, like the anon above pointed out. I'm sure it's fine but if she's cutting out foods and stuff, doesn't make sense to top up on filler and botox.
No. 170970
>>170863Perhaps she just got a shitload of filler done so she would be “good” until she gives birth.
It honestly makes my stomach turn to think of her and Tom having a child. Her life could be so much more fulfilling.
No. 170980
File: 1630925006088.png (890.89 KB, 828x1792, 38D4A0B3-6E5B-4D41-AFC6-98A2B7…)

She didn’t even wanna use it for click bait huh? Now i know i don’t have to watch at least
No. 171003
>>170993you think?
I really hope not. I won't watch it until it's on bilibili. I won't give her YT money.
No. 171021
>>171008Agree with the anon I doubt she is. She’s not gonna post
>>170980 and then in episode three be like “you guyz i am pregnant what a surprise!”
No. 171031
File: 1630957503136.jpg (70.76 KB, 1118x610, Screenshot_3.jpg)

>>171021I agree with anon, the video says Episode 1. She's building up to something that's probably gonna be the announcement.
I didn't watch the whole thing, did she mention if Tom has ever got tested? I skimmed through the video and all I saw was her shooting herself with needless, getting bloodtests done, doing all the work while Tom was laying around being a pussy ('Omg the needle! So scary')
No. 171044
File: 1630967547098.png (77 KB, 1617x335, lmfao.PNG)

I can't find any mention in the YT comments about numbers 1 or 3, sounds like she's responding directly to people here. Maybe I missed it but everyone seems to be kissing her ass in the comments, has she always been this sensitive?
No. 171046
>>171044yes, she has
she also has obsessive stans who defend her
who knows what tests Tom had done? It's irresponsible to show infertility as a purely female problem, but Taylor doesn't really care about that
No. 171064
>>171060That’s what I feel too - first she stopped drinking coffee, then she got bigger comparing to her regular skinny self and eventually stopped showing her body completely like she’s gaining weight to visible point. That’s how her friend Jess was asked before she announced her pregnancy as her breast got visibly bigger.
And if you see her whole body she is wearing outfits covering the belly completely.
They also got a housekeeper which they didn’t have before - you could hear her washing dishes and moving things when Taylor helped Tom make a fajita and rolled it with him. She’s probably there to help around so Taylor is not doing any heavy lifting etc.
On top of that the screenshot dated the first of September had an ultrasound on it.
Add to it her comments on YT as ‘Yes, I’m in a happy place now’ etc. - these don’t sound like someone who really wanted a child and came to terms she can’t have one.
All the YT videos about infertility end up with pregnancy announcements and I’m 100% sure that’s the case for her. She’s just trying to get some clout before she can become official preggo blogger.
No. 171076
>>171044Confirmation she is pregnant, she is normally a lot more coolheaded than this. I can feel the ragetyping through the screen.
>>170717It looks like she's been working on these videos for a long time, hence the sporadic Youtube uploads including no monthly vlog for last month. The next upload is Wednesday according to the most recent (Episode 1) so it looks like she will be racing through these ahead of an announcement.
No. 171089
File: 1631003401935.jpg (78.4 KB, 1248x677, Capture.JPG)

>China starts strengthening grip over Hong Kong , there will be more taxes, security laws etc that will be put in effect soon if not already and will affect businesses in Hong Kong
>Suddenly Taylor shows us her quick cheap marriage which makes no sense because we all know Taylor was dreaming about princess wedding also Taylor's family has to be on Skype (this was pre pandemic, there is no reason her parents couldn't at least fly over)
>Right after they buy apartment in Canada, because supposedly they want to be close to Taylor's family (apartment stays empty, they continue living in Hong Kong)
>Tom: "Baby will be born here "(apartment in Canada that they don't live in at all)
>Taylor goes through all kinds of procedures while her husband keeps pressuring her and spamming baby baby babyTom wants to open a bank account in child's name to avoid taxes and China's new policies, that's why he is constantly pressuring Taylor. For him, a baby is a tool to keep his business and profits going.
If this was baby was out of love, why wouldn't it be born in Hong Kong? Why so much pressure? Expect Taylor doing a video about postnatal depression in the near future.
No. 171092
>>171090Taylor, for all her talk, is pretty traditional and backwards. When she made those videos defending all the underage content on Tom's site, that sealed the envelope for me. She is slavishly devoted to her husband and will cover for him even when he approves the sexualization of young girls. And while gravure is a thing in Japan, it isn't as entrenched in HK. He saw the opportunity to exploit that and Taylor was fine with it. I hughly encourage anyone with some time to spare to scroll through the old posts on Menclub's FB site - stuff from 2012-2014, which covers when Taylor was featured as a Christmas goddess and promoted numerous times. You will see how scummy the topics are: it is basically a lads mag, posting wank material and sexual innuendos every day. Back then, there was very little other content. This is the environment within which Taylor agreed to an interview, videos (since lost), and promotion. Then she went on to date the owner of such a business and sign up with all this other companies.
When Menclub presented her as an eligible bachelorette, Taylor made sure to say she wasn't attracted to the "male model" type. Implying she wanted an older rich dude instead.
Her previous relationship was ~4y long but there's virtually no information and no pictures of the guy anywhere. Tay wanted to present herself as a single teen for clicks, but there's this total vacuum regarding her ex - this, combined with the information that he worked in the financial sector, suggests to me it was another old rich guy. So Taylor is her own worst enemy here if she has any true ambitions for children. I suspect she doesn't have any urge to reproduce, aside from some sibling envy.
Her depiction of infertility as a woman problem is ridiculously outdated. Tom is on camera all the time. He can't admit he got tested? That's embarrassing for him? But begging for a baby isn't? What a clown.
Additionally, when I first watched Taylor, she was over-the-top modest (to seem younger). Didn't swear, said multiple times she didn't drink alcohol, said she was a homebody, pretended not to be comfortable showing skin. This was a ruse; later we find out her family is raunchy and has a tradition of sex jokes. I used to think she was religious or was raised religious. Now I see that this was an innocence act meant to draw men and young girls to her content. She wanted to be the teen gaijin angel, the inverse of Dakota's chara. Tom liked that Taylor best, and probably wants to raise a little princess girl in that vein.
No. 171095
>>171077late forties if he accurately represents his age
that they barely tried naturally is also a sign that they knew he would have problems. Taylor represents things as if they were trying like normal couples, but in vlogs from 2018 up to 2020 there were many months where they were taking "breaks," including when she was in Canada for Christmas and January, and when her grandfather passed away, and then later that year i can't remember why… it felt like every other month had a vlog explaining why they were not having sex and asking her viewers not to ask about pregnancy. Then in 2020 boom, fertility clinic.
No. 171218
File: 1631080975475.jpeg (344.64 KB, 1242x2208, E524F589-B715-4558-90D4-A68A65…)

No. 171222
>>171218Some farmer just collected all the main points that have been said here and yea it’s like
>>171219 said basically cow tipping. Funny taytay jumped right at the bait. Interesting how she doesn’t say „they tested him and he is fine“ or „he is doing this treatment to get better spermcount“. All I remember is him doing keto to lose weight.
No. 171224
>>171218lmfao Taylor try doing math
low forties fucking kek
No. 171225
>>171218how sly of her to leave enough of that username in there, too
cowtipping sucks though
No. 171231
>>171218"How do you know what I am thinking?"
Uhm, Tayor, dear. You made a video about it, breaking down, sobbing "I can't make Tom a father".
And then you're surprised that people assume your main priority is making him a father (your words), instead of becoming a mother and we are to believe that he is supporting you, instead of putting pressure on you when you show a video of him where all he basically does is run around shouting "I want a baby!". And don't tell us the "it's just a moment, you don't know the whole story"-stuff again, because you said in your video yourself that that's basically all he talks about all day.
Poor Taylor, maybe you keep telling that to yourself and believe it. But it's certainly not what your convey in your videos. :(
No. 171278
>>171269>corinna Mind sharing who your talking about?
Btw did you see the new video? She leavs it with a cliffhanger of her making a pregnancy test. It’s insane through how much struggle they went with injections, surgery and all those hospital appointments. I kinda hope they get what they want but I absolutely can’t understand the motivation.
No. 171282
>>171278Corinna Chamberlain is originally from New Zeland but grew up in HK, she speaks fluent Cantonese and calls herself more local rather than a foreigner. She was probably the only white female star in HK, mostly for TVB. She still has advantage of speaking Cantonese but Taylor is younger, has bigger online audience and her husband and friends are more influential.
As for the latest video, I have mixed feelings - if you follow her IVF updates she already mentioned on her IG that the pregnancy test came out positive but the pregnancy didn’t stick for long and she lost it. I mean how can you use such a tragic moment for a cliffhanger and more clicks?
On the other hand she actually says a lot of things about how IVF is in detail, as well all the things related - time, cost of freezing eggs etc. which is really valuable for some people.
No. 171288
>>171282I remember when she used an illegible pregnancy test as the thumbnail for her "year in review" video. She had so much botox/filler in her face that no one could tell she was crying instead of being happy so she got congratulations from a lot of people. Her stans yelled at them and told them to watch the video, but even in the context of that rapid video, it wasn't clear unless you watched the one video Taylor made about her embryo not sticking.
So she doesn't care. Tragedy just means more clicks. Sick
No. 171290
File: 1631131760826.png (2.27 MB, 2048x1916, Screenshot_20210908-220749.png)

>>171288 looks happy. it's a good warning against freezing your face. but what a thing to put as the thumbnail, too.
No. 171296
>>171218Jsyk I only shared this screenshot, it’s not my comment in the picture. It does seem like cowtipping cause those are pretty much exactly the things that were said here repeatedly.
I hate Tom but I feel bad for Taylor this time, what she shows on camera is not an accurate representation of her relationship.
No. 171312
>>171311(Also I don't agree with "
toxic" from the cowtipper, but the protecting ego part is accurate. Tom seems kind but all men lack empathy regarding "women's issues" like health and pregnancy, imo he is not
toxic and that's an unfair comment to make. But the other parts are true.)
No. 171326
File: 1631146383993.png (1.22 MB, 1069x1680, Screenshot_20210909-021033.png)

>>171296it looks like you cowtipped since Taylor's comment was posted "0 seconds ago" in your screenshot, not because of the stuff copied from here…
>>171311They don't get a lot of sympathy from me for "starting their IVF journey" on March 9, 2020, when it was clear a deadly pandemic was going to cripple the economy and engulf the world. That was the environment within which they thought, "Oh, yes, let's create unholy offspring."
I noted that not once in all these ultrasounds, did Taylor have abnormal cysts in her ovaries. Not one. Some PCOS.
Anyway if she is doing IVF, guessing her pregnant status based on a bloated abdomen or how often she shows her stomach is pretty dumb. Even failed IVF cycles cause puffiness and bloating. I don't even care if she is or isn't pregnant, but it is also really strange (imho) to link to a story about a baby with trisomy 13 who died after 1.5h if you are pregnant with a healthy child. To write that "every family has a different path and different burdens" is true and everything, but that is a devastating outcome of a pregnancy. Almost a stillbirth. idk sometimes I wonder if Taylor has mild autism, unfortunately not the kind accompanied by any autistic superpowers.
No. 171373
>>171326 Agreed. IVF sessions can also make a woman emotionally unstable too.
It makes me sad to see her this way but at the same time, every time u remember her "outfit I met my husband in" it makes me want to get her as far away as possible from him.
No. 171388
>>171336Yes, thank you for clearing that up!
Something that I’ve not seen anyone mention is the fact that she titled the first episode “I can’t get pregnant”. To me, that’s quite a definitive statement. Wouldn’t it be kind of hurtful for someone else who really can’t get pregnant to see this video, maybe even the whole series, and it ends with Taylor still getting pregnant..? Maybe it’s a language thing I’m misunderstanding or I’m reading too much into it but “I can’t get pregnant” sounds more like a conclusion to the journey rather than a start.
No. 171447
So frustrating that this thread is buried when there's actually milk.
>>171442Did you read the thread at all?
>>171445>>171439Please get a hobby outside of wk-ing some rich white woman who doesn't care you exist.
No. 171450
>>171448I thought so too but didn’t want to say anything as I thought it may be my imagination. For her normal skinny self the below breast area should be flat. She recently wears these loose dresses or sweats, even in the latest picture she hides her stomach behind the leg.
Tonight there should be a new episode, we already know that IVF didn’t stick but let’s see what other cliffhanger she’s going to leave us with. My prediction is:
She tells us it didn’t work
A lot of crying (fair enough)
Going for another cycle
Spreading it to one more video on Sunday (her highest posting time) which they will use to confirm pregnancy
No. 171457
>>171092I watched the first video out of curiosity (use hooktube if you don't want to give her views) after reading this and remembering the context of how much of a cow Taylor is even with the
sweet, wholesome persona.
It's honestly very weird to see someone who has acted like an eternal teenager continue to act like an eternal teenager, but with pregnancy tests? Like obviously adults can have fun and be silly but she is like seriously mentally arrested or something.
The visuals of her jabbing herself over and over are so disturbing and the whole thing is giving me serious child bride handmaiden vibes. It's uncomfortable to watch, I didn't finish and don't want to watch part 2. Tom is Tom and Taylor is so freaking out of touch with reality, I feel bad for that kid, boy or girl.
Her HK content can be interesting, but it feels coasting on her connections and appearance to get to the people and places that actually make the content interesting. Her vintage shopping video was so low effort and like "tee hee I'm a white model, will you dress me? Because despite being a model I know nothing about fashion!" She could have picked out her own outfits as well.
She just kind of doesn't put full effort into anything. You can't half ass raising a kid, but you also should have a life outside of them as well? It seems like the baby is just another project like TOAT that she is SOOOO incredibly "passionate" about before it happens.
No one knows how they will respond to pregnancy or motherhood until they've experienced it so it's kind of worrisome how hard she skinwalked Valeria and is itching to be an aesthetic mommy blogger. You shouldn't bank your husband's happiness, your whole future and your whole "career" on an unborn child.
No. 171461
>>171445I know I'll have trouble getting pregnant because of health conditions, my sister has the same one so Im sensitive to this topic. If Taylor is pregnant and just delays announcement (lie) for clicks, that is insensitive to other women in her same position. Because you just made us think you aren't pregnant by saying it isn't a pregnancy announcement.
But if she is pregnant and just thanked people for congratulations, then it would not be insensitive.
Tom shouldn't be in the video if not going to discuss his part of fertility.
No. 171465
File: 1631277176136.jpeg (183.37 KB, 828x1442, 7A02CB19-3C45-4A45-B645-5848F8…)

Pregnancy announcement in 3… 2… 1…
Also Tom looks disgusting
No. 171468
File: 1631279277596.png (2.73 MB, 750x1334, 5B562114-0CFB-4A88-8EEC-6C9CA8…)

Her boobs look bigger and the loose clothing makes me suspicious that she is pregnant
No. 171475
File: 1631281890939.jpeg (41.3 KB, 828x373, EA2B80F3-B0AA-4155-B56D-FF9783…)

No pregnancy
No. 171484
File: 1631284570513.jpeg (991.73 KB, 1170x1979, 6AFF21BA-BCDD-42AD-BD8B-95BB73…)

>>171477Judging by the comments, it looks like she successfully conceived
No. 171490
>>171487Nta but wow anon who spit in your tea?
I hope they never have success though and give up because it looks like such a struggle and pain to go through for what a fucking baby??
No. 171505
>>171487Hi, your comment sounds like when cows or their friends come into their own threads and post the most outlandish insults possible so that the cow can be righteously outraged about this site.
No one wants her to miscarry or suffer a life-threatening situation. We want children and people who act like children not to reproduce until they grow up. And for the record, I don't think it is possible to have an ectopic pregnancy with ivf.
No. 171579
>>171465This picture is really repulsive, I hate this angle and the image of Tom towering over her. And she repeats this pose here
>>171484Please stop lol, this is not cute at all. I think because of the additional context of living in HK with your Chinese husband, never travelling home even before the pandemic, and going through years of unpleasant IVF when surely 70% of the problem is the mid forties overweight husband. So the visuals of him in 'power' position just makes it even worse.
No. 171608
>>171605obviously, yeah. I have always thought she would end up doing surrogacy because she is too vain for all this shit. It's probably something she couldn't get out of bc her moneybags husband wants offspring.
And yeah, she is with him for money. As if Taylor the model would have dated a poor HK man without all these companies ready to promote her, someone who looks like Tom without his sketchy enterprises. No way.
No. 171613
File: 1631354224276.jpeg (347.49 KB, 1170x1994, 6E4BD29D-3EAD-4662-9A0F-1712BE…)

You can see her belly sticking out a bit already, this doesn’t look like a hormonal bloating to me.
Also, she’s a terrible host - these hand gestures she did throughout the videos and here are so ridiculous. She doesn’t have any journalist or hosting experience and it’s just so cringy.
No. 171616
>>171613she's worn these shorts before so one could go look at previous times she has worn them
I personally don't see a belly puff there. but if she has had an embryo put in recently, she will be taking hormones to try to make it stick.
No. 171684
>>171635I was going to point this out since no one mentioned it before coz you're on point. It really stood out to me in Ep.2 when she revealed that only in 2 out of 14 eggs did Tom's sperm managed to penetrate the egg and get fertilized. Clearly Tom has very weak sperm and likely why they could have a child naturally as every cycle month there's a 1 in 7 chance of fertilization and so far the dice rolled onto the 6 in 7.
Not only that but when they implanted the first egg which was 1 of the 2 remaining in the natural IVF batch, she said that there was likely a chromosomal abnormality that lead to a failed pregnancy while her tests indicated Taylor herself is perfectly fine and nothing was wrong with her body (around 8:00 in Ep.3).
So not only does Tom have a 2 in 14 (14%) chance of getting someone pregnant, but also likely half chance (50%) it might have chromosomal abnormalities. And we don't even know yet if the other egg of the 2 also had chromosomal abnormalities. There's a good chance they might have a disabled baby… Even the remaining eggs from the ICSI batch could have chromosomal abnormalities.
It's so obvious that Tom is the issue and not Taylor. She's tormenting herself both physically and mentally to have this infertile man's baby.
No. 171690
>>171689sorry $525
mentioned here
>>145763it's not fake either.
No. 171693
>>171684Kinda concerning that Tom's spunk is so shitty it can't even impregnate an egg when directly introduced to it via surgical intervention.
Obviously we all know how men's shitty sperm, particularly older men, is connected to birth disorders and defects. I hope the baby turns out ok.
No. 171701
>>171684obligatory note that chromosomal abnormalities are a reason why any type of pregnancy (natural or ivf) might spontaneously abort, and it isn't necessarily Tom's fault.
But the number of eggs his sperm could fertilize without ICSI was quite low. I was really uneasy with them calling embryos babies and children and Taylor calling herself pregnant so quickly after implantation. How do you get to the point of ivf and act like total morons about the whole thing. Like no, the embryo is not an "ivf baby" - you are not necessarily pregnant if someone installs a blastocyst inside your uterus.
No. 171835
>>171826his voice in her stories
How can anyone stand it?
No. 171890
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ICSI has no benefits unless:
there is (severe) male factor infertility
you are doing genetic testing (don't think she mentioned this)
you already did a round and not many were fertilized
No. 171898
>>171269This anon makes a lot of good points. There's a video about how she recalls Joyce "slipping into her DMs" like she's just a normal person. Taylor would not have talked to her or be friends with her if she weren't famous.
Jessica Jann is Taylor's "best friend." She married Kenneth King, the nephew of David Li (Bank of East Asia chairman). The lavishness of this wedding cannot be overstated: is a list of just some of the rich and famous people in attendance: attending Jess's wedding as a bridesmaid with bleached platinum hair, Taylor made sure to catch the eye of the media:即時娛樂/290772/湛琪清姊妹taylor-r-係人氣youtuber-憑日系少女打扮迅速走紅 No. 171930
File: 1631551900896.jpg (260.06 KB, 2000x1320, 12170812-jessica-jann-and-kenn…)

>>171898Lmao her hair is so obnoxious. Tell me you love being the idolized token white girl without telling me you love being the idolized token white girl.
No. 171944
>>171890Good point. I wonder if they already knew that natural IVF might not work out.
Also, with IVF/ICSI you can select the gender of your child. I wonder if they weeded out all the male embryos and left only the girls remaining as Tom desired for a baby girl. Might also be why they went into IVF instead of trying naturally for a year or insemination (what is recommended for infertility or difficulty conceiving). Like how Elon Musk had IVF to get only sons. Coz out of 20+ eggs very little remained… It's pretty suspicious.
No. 171993
>>171956It was definitely a little attention-seeking combined with trying to live vicariously through her friend's wedding, they both married around the same time during Taylor's very brief platinum blonde phase.
Tom insisted on a rush job with a Skype audience. Taylor kinda showed up as the second bride there, and I suspect the friend sympathized with her considering the disparity between their weddings and went along with it.
No. 171996
>>171993Samefag, I started watching Taylor around this time, and she claimed the platinum was too expensive and high maintenence to keep up despite loving it, but considering how Tom wastes money on so many things, and Taylor is known for buying expensive junk, I think it was more she had an idea of a blonde bride which she wanted to fulfil, even if none of her other expectations were.
The rush wedding combined with making a healthy 30 year old suffer through years of invasive procedures to try and get one of his shitty sperms to stick makes me think Tom is quite a selfish man, I don't believe he is cruel or mean or anything but marriage and kids are important parts of a woman's life and one was a rush job, this one an unnecessary trauma. If he wanted kids so much why not start earlier since he's the older one; they've been together for what, 7 years now?
That plus giving her the impression they would be living part time in Canada, which her bios have reflected for years, when it's more like Hong Kong only with a Christmas trip home if she's lucky.
No. 171997
File: 1631584350080.png (1.98 MB, 1440x1675, Youtube.png)

She's going well for views, Taylor knows how to Youtube
No. 171998
File: 1631585029328.png (114.23 KB, 1440x750, Bio1.png)

>>171996Still samefaggin', here are the bios for posterity.
>"Living between Toronto amd Hong Kong" in bios for years>Has a wholeass apartment in Toronto which Tom promised they would be living in>Never leaves HK The man's selfish, issa fact.
No. 172017
File: 1631600886768.png (6.56 MB, 1170x2532, 68F216B7-538B-46E3-B7E5-2F85B9…)

Wow she’s retarded
No. 172055
>>171998I thought they stayed because of covid
>>172007 how do you know this anon? Is it still up for sale? I’d like to see the exposé
>>172017That dumb bitch said „it’s a broken toe“ but didn’t go to a doctor or ER and said in her story she heard they anyways can’t do much like ?? I
No. 172069
>>172052oh so it's a lie then
'not a pregnancy announcement'
= let me milk this and then announce
No. 172071
>>172055well they can't do much for a broken toe unless it's really bad. But asking how to heal it is pretty dumb. If you're worried, go to the dr. If not, make a little homemade splint/cushion for it.
Broken toes barely hurt after the first couple days aside from the swelling.
No. 172091
>>172062You could post a screencap and block out any identifying information about the realtor or address instead of posting over and over how you don't feel comfortable.
>>172071They can reset it for her so it heals properly and doesn't effect the way she walks or fits into shoes for the rest of her life? She has enough money to throw at multiple rounds of IVF, a doctor would do something for her.
No. 172111
>>172104seriously wtf this is against the rules of this site and once again, feels like some people want to paint this site as some horrible doxxing dangerous place. Fuck off, if she doxxes herself, fine, but she didn't and don't encourage people to do that.
Believe it or not most of us just want to laugh at the cows. Literally no one wants her address. Go try to lay traps somewhere else.
No. 172129
>>172062I don't think you need to post it anon, I believe you. I suspected it might be rented out but it being for sale is even more damning.
>>172017Take her to a Dr, Tom, he really is so lazy
No. 172164
File: 1631678576485.jpg (213.03 KB, 1024x1024, 20210915_130239-COLLAGE.jpg)

She looks about 3 months pregnant on her latest post judging by how the dress looks a lot tighter on her. She seems to be wearing the same black dress from May 5th and it doesn't look as tight then. I think she probably had a successful ivf round two in mid or late June(don't use emojis)
No. 172169
I am imagining she is taking her time editing episode 4 where she'll reveal the successful IVF, family and friends reactions, and probably recap what the last 3-4 months have been like. After that she'll focus on vlogging her pregnancy, morning sickness, weight gain, sore breasts etc etc. And if her pregnancy is going well(which I do wish for them) she'll probably be posting vlogs of The anomaly scan at 20weeks, The gender reveal, The baby shower, The nesting instinct, The baby nursery, The false labour, The real labour, The delivery and so on. She'll probably go to Canada at some point to have the baby meet it's grandparents and relatives etc. I wonder how a drastic change in her YouTube content would affect her fanbase/views etc. She may leave YouTube or at least decide not to reveal the baby publicly but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what direction she'll take with it all.
No. 172170
>>172164>>172168>>172169As riveting as your obsession with Taylor's womb is, this dress is Versace RTW and the one in May was from Claudie Pierlot. You did all that work to dig up a pic and didn't bother to see that she answered questions about where both dresses are from?
Emojis aren't used here and your fantasy about her pregnancy belongs anywhere other than here.
No. 172175
>>172170The bag and shoes are versache but nothing is mentioned about the dress. It looks the same as the one from May 5th unless you can post proof it's not
Taylor is not your average weight/height. She is a model and is below average weight so unless you're blind it's obvious she is either pregnant or very bloated to say the least
No. 172186
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>>172175you're lazy and obsessed. dug through to may 5th but can't be arsed to read
No. 172188
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>>172175Here you go. Do your research next time. btw go fangirl somewhere else
>>172180She never asked you to pick apart her body. She actually asked for the opposite. But regardless this brainless bimbo should not set the standards for what is ok and not ok
No. 172192
>>172189Not sure why you're so hyped/angry but the reply about the dress was posted v shortly after I had already posted here
So u can quit barking at people for speculating and over a single emoji.
No. 172267
>>172189I'm not the original anon that speculated, but again I don't know why you're so pressed that people are doing exactly what Taylor wants them to.
I think it's unlikely she'll post all the content that anon speculated anyway, she stopped putting effort in after 2016 or whenever she last did daily vlogs and interacted with her audience a lot.
There will be some bare minimum, tangentially related fashion, shopping, fitness and so on but I don't expect any huge changes.
Taylor's main interests have never changed and a baby will just take the place of Rosie as something cute to film.
No. 172314
>>172267and as someone else wrote before, Taylor has asked people not to speculate about whether she is pregnant in the past, and didn't her last vid end with her saying she learned not to ask people when they would have kids amd stuff like that. So if you love her so much, why not just wait for her inevitable announcement?
I wonder wtf is going on with toat
No. 172317
>>172312ayrt, if you don't enjoy reading people talking about pregnant Taylor and then with-child Taylor, it's gonna be a rough next few years for you
nonny. It's quite clear she
is pregnant, these videos have been in the drafts for years and are only now being posted. So this kind of commentary will continue.
No. 172355
>>172314This isn't a fansite.
Ever since PULL went down, these Taylor threads have been so unintegrated. The last time she was fun to read about was when the old af kermit the frog voiced husband was revealed by mistake and it was outed that his businesses were predatory.
No. 172363
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Her social blade looks weird she gained 3 times 10 k followers since she started the ivf series. Initially i wanted to check her views but this looks weird.
No. 172411
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This bitch
No. 172420
>>165510Super late but I agree. After years I finally decided to watch one of her videos and I actually really liked it? Stuff like cage homes has been done so often already plus is too dark for a lighthearted yt channel with a main audience of teens but travelling around HK? There's gazillion of youtubers doing vlogs in Korea or Japan but barely any content about HK/China. She has the time and money to travel around and it was really nice to watch (especially since she didn't went with her old husband), she tried lots of local food and so on.
Obviously never gonna happen now that she's a soon-to-be-mom but that's a direction I would have liked her channel to go to.
No. 172423
>>172412And if they transferred the girl embryo, that gives them 2 girls…just what Tom wanted huh.
She's supposedly 13ish weeks now. She she knowing wrote those dumb stories like "waaah not really a pregnancy announcement guys, I too struggle like my friend who's baby died hours after she birthed it. You don't know my story!" and was just counting down the days until she got out of that 1st trimester danger zone lol damn she's really got no bread in that bloated head does she.
No. 172427
>>172423Can’t fucking believe she actually wrote that “not a pregnancy announcement” with those emojis. What an asshole.
ONLY 3 years of infertility, that’s nothing.
No. 172432
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No. 172435
>>171021>Agree with the anon I doubt she is. She’s not gonna post >>170980 and then in episode three be like “you guyz i am pregnant what a surprise!”lol exactly what she did
after posting about her friend's tragic pregnancy
No. 172450
>>172430You summarized the situation well !
+ the pressure of her husband to have a baby ASAP, i wonder what would have happened with her if she was really unable to conceive.
No. 172493
>>172426Um because creating a human life isn't something to take lightly? Especially if it's a little girl and her father is a fucking creep?
This is who Taylor has always been. Sorry for those too naive/unwilling to see through half a braincell, dumb blonde but so sweet persona. She has no issue marrying this morally reprehensible troll looking man to live comfortably off of his money.
Now she's dragging innocent life/lives into the world for her own financial security, profit and content because she has no other ambition or direction in life. Hope they hire good nannies for when Taylor loses interest or gets overwhelmed after a week.
No. 172496
>>172495Plus if taylor doesn't have PCOS and barely fucks his husband, why is she so desperate? She's the one who seems to beg her husband to give sperm, if they tried for 3 years, so since Taylor was 29 and she doesn't have problems…why didn't she get pregnant? Doesn't ring a bell that maybe is HIS problem and HE should get tested? I don't believe half a shit she's saying about him being tested, because she's the one that's crying, she's the one that's getting blood tests, ovulation tests, things up in her vagina, ultrasounds, while he looks barely there. He is the problem and Taylor is so stupid, I don't know if I'm sad for her and her baby(-ies) or not.
No. 172505
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Anyone knows the brand of the necklace she's wearing here? It looks expensive
(sorry for low quality cap)
No. 172527
>>172469Taylor's only talent is manipulating and hiding information lol
There has always been something off about her (and him) that you just can't put your finger on, pre-tom and post-tom. Then whatever little info leaks or comes out, a lot will make sense.
No. 172532
>>172521oh that's all for show. They picked the most famous clinic in HK to do the ivf. They decided to do icsi alongside normal ivf - many couples can't afford icsi even if thsy can afford normal ivf. To do icsi, a special doctor has to pick the best looking and motile sperm to inject inside the egg. It damages the egg somewhat so there are risks of birth defects with this method. What's more, as an anon said, no real reason to do icsi if the sperm are fine. There are some troubling studies about higher rates of intellectual disabilities and genetic problems in babies born via ivf, but icsi has a higher risk: fundamentally support people making this difficult decision on their own, but even if I were baby-crazy, those icsi studies are especially worrying.
Did Taylor mention if they did any kind of genetic screening?
I think there's another anon who mentioned being uncomfortable with Taylor calling an embryo a baby (specifically that a "baby" was being inserted into her uterus). I agree that this is bizarre. If she thinks that, then she has some frozen babies on her conscience.
No. 172537
>>172529Probably mentioned the book because it's a sponsorship. Before Ep. 4 went up, she had an interview published with Lifestyle Asia just 2 days ago where she mentioned the book and how much her ego loves the encouragement for her false infertility while she has some sort of inspirational power fantasy over actual infertile women.
The fetus is at 13 weeks and so far she's already milking the unborn by having a YouTube series for her own popularity, a fertility book sponsorships and magazine/blog interviews. No. 172549
>>172431I know what site I'm on, but that's so unempathetic. 3 years of infertility are hard, and no matter how much money you throw at the problem there is no guarantee that it'll work out.
>>172496Testing for males is basically "jerk off into a tube, let's look at the sperm under a microscope". The female part of the equation is just much more invasive and complicated, which is why there are so many tests.
The fact that they did ICSI shows that it was a problem with his sperm quality, though of course there could be something wrong with her in addition, egg quality is not the only deciding factor.
I wish her all the best though I have a feeling that pregnancy won't be what she thought it was.
No. 172560
>>172493Late to the party, did she pretend she's unable to get pregnant, purposely bankrolled pity engagement on youtube, all the while actually pregnant? Then made a fake episodic arc for clickbait, only to announce the pregnancy at the end like a twisted fake documentary?
This type of manipulation is long past bad taste. It's some next level shit. They don't even need youtube's dollars, so the motivation is for attention.
No. 172570
>>172555She's just spreading false information at this point. She's sponsored by the clinic and giving them a promo through linking them across social media for sure.
But a quick Google search reveals that a basic round of IVF in Hong Long costs $10,000 to $20,000 depending on the quality of the private clinic. Considering she picked out the actual top 1 private fertility clinic in Hong Kong, it's definitely at the $20,000 point. On top of that, that range is for only basic IVF, but she's had ICSI too, which is even more than $20,000+. I'd estimate that for the total two rounds of IVF/ICSI, they spent $40,000+. And they for pregnancy care, the costs will be even higher.
No. 172581
Taylor reminds me of a manager I once had. She was in her late 30s. We were opening a new location of our company and she fucked off constantly for mysterious reasons (come to find later it was IVF related) married a guy she had been dating for 6 months at the courthouse, got pregnant and dipped, leaving an inexperienced team to do her job. Probably had something to do with an inheritance because she had exclusively dated women prior to that. People can be really scummy and shameless, it has really made me side eye people getting IVF and their motivations.
>>172570A sponsorship makes the most sense. Or maybe Tom has some connections. Rich people are always giving other rich people discounts and freebies.
Why she's going online to pretend that IVF is more affordable than it is is beyond me. Like I'm pretty sure zoomers see right through her "relatable" gimmick with how knowledgeable they are about high fashion brands.
No. 172590
19.000$ and they "need to save up"? Says the woman who can spend 500$ on a scrunchie? Who owns more channel and Lous Viton bags than an average woman owns socks?
Whoes husband paid 2.5 million dollar for a condo just so they didn't have to stay in a hotel while visiting Taylor's parents?
Yeah, my ass, I am sure you had to "save up" for that. It's pocket change for Tom, so who are you kidding? We see the luxury live you are living, we see your condo, your clothes, your meals, your fancy Paris hotels, because you keep showing it off. It's quite tricky, right? Trying to come of as modest and relatable, but at the same time owning luxury items where the only point in owning them really is showing them off to others.
No. 172602
>>172587She’s definitely deleting negative comments. She pretty much announced that she’d do so after she got angry at previous comments about what a
toxic bitch her husband is
No. 172619
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It's wild to me that she made a whole saga out of this while her channel still has a creepy white supremacist url that she uwu tried so hard to change. I guess money means more than anything and explains her dad's crass reaction to the news.
No. 172621
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I really feel bad for that kid or kids.
No. 172632
>>172623her first explanation is even more hilarious = lucky numbers!!
No. 172636
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>>172621I wonder how many Pepes have reached out to her because of her screen name.
No. 172639
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>>172632>>172636Start watching at 3:08. It's comedy gold.
>Dramatic music>Pretends that no one ever explained this to her previously (there are screenshots of her previously telling people that she isn't linked to white supremacy 1488)>"I don't even know what neo-Nazis are">Superimposes search results over her face>"OMG they're right">"It stands for … everything bad" No. 172640
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Tom's hair really throws me off. His frizz is out of control and he looks like a frump. Taylor always looks completely polished from head to toe but Tom looks homeless. He should spend some money on his hair. Go to a salon, ask for some advice. He looks like a slob. I'm speaking as someone with very frizzy hair when I don't follow a certain hair care routine. I would be embarrassed to be seen like this in public.
No. 172653
>>172623Are you implying she used the 14 words reference on purpose? Anon shes just a dumb piece of bread she has zero knowledge about politics like the non said
>>172652 i truly believe she didn’t know and i believe she didn’t know neo nazis.
No. 172688
>>172652I don't see why this is such a stretch. She has literally coasted on her whiteness ever since going to Asia to model. She got her meal ticket and obviously values money over everything else. She knew she was too average looking and talentless to become an influencer in any white majority country,
so she moved on the the ethnic group most likely to worship white people.
>>172627>it's not in her YouTubeIt literally still is, did you even look at the image before wking? It's easy enough to change an ig handle. I find it hard to believe YouTube you outright refused to change a channel name that had such negative implications of it was such an uwu honest mistake and not something she has lied about like, oh idk everything?
No. 172733
>>172706>>172709>She's ignorant about history so there's no way she could be raised to casually be into white supremacy!You sound as stupid as Taylor. Who uses the day they were born and the year and then pretends not to know what it means multiple times when confronted with it? 88 isn't some crazy scary
trigger number to zoomers.
No. 172734
>>172656We don't know for sure if her "friends" didn't contribute to exposing Tom on Pull or lolcow because they did go on there/here. They didn't expose him, but I think Mimei and Duncan once implied things weren't as they appeared, like Taylor wasn't living by herself or supporting herself financially. Still can't believe pre-beauty/mensclub, there were actually people who thought Taylor was able to afford everything through her few modeling jobs and "investments."
What happened to her dog(s) btw? Are they still around?
No. 172741
>>172733>88 isn't some crazy scary trigger number to zoomers.Your insane sperging in the thread would suggest otherwise, it's the day and year she was born, move on. My first internet accounts had my birth day in them, it's also incredibly common for people to use their birthyear in accounts and email addresses, etc. It was particularly a Millennial thing since zoomers are more likely to call themselves things like fuck.kitten_evilDDLG rather than their name and birthday like the more normie Millennials. There's no conspiracy, all her followers are just women who like fashion and vlogging, so what's the benefit of having a speshul fascist username?
We've also seen her family on videos and they're just normal Canadians. Not a nazi flag to be seen. You sound crazy.
No. 172745
>>172741Ooop,found the WK who wants to pull the "well I'm an actual millennial" card. Joke's on you bitch, I was born in 89, have tons of friends with their bdays in their emails and handles, and guess what genius? No one uses the day the were born without the month, and literally no one uses the date and the year together. You should also know this, but you're too far up the ass of some wealthy scammer with no empathy who doesn't care that you exist.
Oh wow, white supremacists need to have Nazi flags flying? Lmao why do you think the KKK wears hoods? Because hateful people know they are in the wrong and they keep that stuff secret because they don't want to be excluded from polite society for being hateful assholes. That's why they use dog whistles like 1488 you absolute knob.
No. 172749
>>172745>No one uses the day the were born without the month, Anon you're replying to, my post literally says:
>My first internet accounts had my birth day in themIt was also my lucky number. This concept is not as wild as you're making it out to be.
Your mad sperging reminds me of the "bitch eating crackers" meme, you're trying so hard to find something to be angry at Taylor for it's getting ridiculous. This weeb who has lived half her life in Asia and married an Asian man, with absolutely zero signs of racism or white supremacy, but you decide to lose it over a screename she chose in like 2014 since that's the solitary straw you can grasp at.
No. 172755
>>172749An account with the day and month would have the day in it. It's no one else's fault you used poor wording to covey your point. It's your lucky number? Good for you! Did you also include your birth year after that? No? Then what the fuck does your anecdote about your first Hotmail account have to do with anything?
>absolutely zero signs of racism or white supremacyA willfully obtuse WK like you would say that kek. White person moves to east Asia to literally perpetuate whiteness as the beauty standard for a living, only dates wealthy, crusty old Asian men who love white women, and cultivates the image of a naive white girl, emphasis on girl, for a living while never learning the language of the country she lives in or that her spouse and in laws speak, only associates with white and Asian people, used to constantly reference and idolize racist Kardashians (which I'm sure you would argue can't be racist because they date black men).
I could go on, but people like you would rather bury your head in the sand and pretend racists are some rare mythical boogeymen and that your precious Taytay couldn't possibly be one of them.
No. 172760
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>>172755Nothing you say here is disproving my hypothesis, where's the evidence other than
>racists exist>She is whiteShe's literally just unfortunate enough to be born on the same date assigned to some fascist nonsense, that's just bad luck. But also worth noting this "number" is not common knowledge, I only found out about the 88 thing a few months ago. Most people just see a random series of numbers.
There are so many provable shits in the world, I think your possibly well-meaning ire might be better directed towards people who have evidenced wrongdoing, rather than these flights of imagination pertaining to her birthday.
No. 172767
>>172734Back then, no one believed Taylor was supporting herself even though that's how to she displayed (and said) it. No one believed her 'investment' or girl boss story neither because she's such an airhead too. She may have been good at hiding her cashcow, but she was so detached from the reality of living in Tokyo as a normal person it was obviously money was coming from somewhere. She never showed what jobs she was doing (nor anything could be found) so it obvious she wasn't working that much. People were assuming maybe it was trustfund money then. Nothing about her made sense, hence the interest about her i guess
surprisingly none of the other jvloggers exposed Tom, it was actually a lolcow user who figured it out. After Taylor's failed idol career and decided to just be a youtuber, she shared Tom's pic. Soon someone on lolcow went through her ig follower list and found him, and of course that he's also her company's ceo. After that, everything about her just clicked and made sense
No. 172781
>>172773Sage your shit.
Nta, but you sound unhinged. There’s no way Taylor, who thought there was a World War III, knew what these numbers stood for
No. 172841
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Just why… why.
First giving herself a pity party for not conceiving but she was pregnant all along
Plus the nasty comment to the woman who lost her child like “omg I’m so sowy u.u … btw I’m preggo!! Teehee”
Mayor dick move
No. 172866
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>>172865>>172841oh gross. this video is fucking disgusting
can we not get this thread unautosaged?
No. 172867
>>172866I personally can’t stand her and never liked her. She’s a user and a spoilt cunt. Her husband is ugly and he’s just a pay pig.
More hafu white babies to sell out to asian companies when they’re older. She’ll force them to be models solely because they’re half white. Gross.
No. 172868
>>172485Oh that kid will be on all the designer shit and she’ll milk the baby videos
They all do
No. 172898
>>172891She’s due in match i think? So she’s third month now i guess that’s why she is revealing it now.
The bitch is sick but I’m happy she’s milky now and showing a little of her true colors.
No. 172899
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>>172891Since she's quite skinny (the arms and legs are still pegs) and she's on quite a backlog with posting, I suspect she's about 5 months in (or even 6) already. Some women don't get a big baby belly until later on. Jasmine Chiswell is 6 months in and has a similar size, pic related.
Also it's just anon tinfoiling about twins, there is no confirmation.
Wonder how silly the handwringing
uwu don't speculate on her baby belly anons from a few days ago
>>172171 >>172189 >>172314 are feeling right now kek.
No. 172902
>>172898I think that might just be the 'internet' due date meaning when she will be posting about it, it's likely to be earlier due to the backlog. She always posted on a backlog or time delay even when she did daily posting, for example recently doing monthly vlogs but for the previous month (etc)
So we can assume any dates are not quite correct. She also will need time to compile, edit (or get an editor) while recovering from the birth so I don't expect that to be 100% accurate.
No. 172940
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she’s so fucking ridiculous posting this as if it wasn’t a conscious choice on her part not to milk her difficulty conceiving for years. had she not made her ~*journey*~ into a multi part series or throw a constant pity party about her troubles she wouldn’t have to “hide” anything.
No. 172987
>>172899>handwringing uwu don't speculate on her baby belly anonsI wouldn't be surprised if it's just one anon sent on behalf of her, attempting to steer conversation away from all the correct predictions. Nobody cares what this cow wants or wears, yet those posters did.. one was even bringing up Toat, kek.
Anons here are quite savvy and predicted everything, which makes this whole situation so milky.
No. 173001
>>172981Pretty sure anon was referencing her hiding her pregnancy WHILE leading people on that she wasn't pregnant and was still struggling with infertility for clicks and asspats.
Now she's doing the same thing about having twins. Thats obviously the reason why she's showing so quickly.
No. 173091
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No. 173101
>>172899I was one of those anons because I feel like fucking sperging over her belly sets women back and is sick behavior. I'm no Taylor fan, I don't care about her uterus or what godawfull spawn is inside of it. Go ahead and call me a stan or handwringing, you are one of the ones estimating her pregnant progress and comparing her to other preggos and probably running your hands over your own empty belly emulating her
Taylor tinfoiled herself about twins, educate yourself
No. 173102
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I can't see any indication of twins because her ultrasound only showed one fetus in her uterus that'd only bigger than average, unless they're conjoined or some other mutated crap.
But I noticed that they blurred out the baby's name on the data page (Taylor's name is already known so no need to hide it) + they left the sex visible… They're having a girl.
No. 173105
>>173102of course, tom probably sex selected like elon
>>173070>pretty skinny white girlmediocre Caucasian model, who is an adult woman
>young skinny and beautiful white womengod fuck off
>rich Asian guywealthy HK man 15 years older, who runs a website for men to wank over models and porn actresses
>scapegoatHave you reviewed her recent and past behavior?
No. 173109
Dumbass Tom thinking he'd get boy girl twins from one implanted embryo splitting into identical twins kek They both wonder why the baby is so big, but have they seen the size of Tom's giant head?
>>173102If you've got $$$ you can do genetic screening on your embryos and that gives you the sex of each one. They probably knowingly tried the girls first lol
No. 173114
>>173105You know you’re seething in jealousy when you can’t accept the fact that Taylor is attractive. Seriously anon, I don’t stan for Tay or her lifestyle but she
is attractive. She obviously gets work done like other 30+ rich white ladies. So what? Hair is on point, has a slim, athletic body. She is far from being mediocre.
About old wealthy Asian men, well I’d be surprised if I can find one who isn’t into much younger sugar babies. From a western point of view it sucks but that’s just how things work in that part of the world. You’re reading too much into a cultural thing.
No. 173123
>>173114Sage for blog post but I'm married to a reasonably good looking Asian man my own age a with half decent salary who allows me not to work and be a SAHM (he's not a millionaire but some years he's pulled six figures). I am a billion times fatter and uglier than Tay and probably uglier than Shayna.
Asian men are not more superficial than other men.
Tay can obviously find a richer, better looking man than I can. It doesn't matter that she's in her 30s.
Tom is a fat, awkward and old and doesn't even make any effort to look groomed or presentable.
There are a few possibilities here:
1. She wants the upper hand in her marriage. She wants a subservient ugly beta husband who worships her and is grateful to kiss the ground she walks on.
This is either because she's insecure or grandiose. She doesn't want to be with a man who has other options or will leave her. She wants to be in the driver's seat at all times.
2. She's a lesbian/asexual and doesn't really like men. She just happens to like Tom as a friend and she forces herself to be with him.
3. She has a frumpy old man fetish
No. 173147
>>173123anon, don't put yourself down. There are lots of reasons for people to be compatible and you seem like an intelligent, cool person. Unlike these cows with less than a handful of brain cells, cows trying to masquerade as teens.
agree with the rest more or less but taylor could never be a lesbian. she's too insecure and well, I'm not at all getting lesbian vibes from her. Though she let menclub post a crude remark about her & her friend having a homoerotic sleepover.
No. 173184
>>172426not a wk but she looks great for her age, most women look expired and fat as fuck if they had a child by then
plus she has that cute babyface that helps with looking young
No. 173187
>>173123Anon what’s the point of this blog post? You’re comparing your young 6 figure husband to older wealthy men? By your own account I assume he makes around $100.000 a year, that is the bare minimum to support a stay at home mom and kids and by no means I would consider him wealthy. Any salary lower than that isn’t worth being locked up in home and knocked out by your husband anyway. I sincerely hope he stays loyal to his family but you don’t even sound like he has enough cash to spend on a decent sugar baby to be honest.
And what I don’t understand is based on your self description you are not an attractive person yourself but you’re wondering why Taylor married Tom? How would you feel if people judged you and your husband and compared you to other women?
No. 173198
>>173101You sound unhinged, I don't understand how calm comments about how many months in she might be are unacceptable to you but writing deranged things about "godawful spawn" and imagining anons running their hands over their empty bellies is?
Why the fuck would anyone run their hands over an empty, flat belly to emulate a pregnant vlogger? This all seems like projection from a mad Taylor stan in denial, "educate yourself" kek
Sorry I don't sleep with a Taylor R bodypillow like you anon. Watercooler talk about whether a woman is pregnant/how far along she is is much more normal than your insights and offerings.
No. 173202
>>173123Let us not vlog about our husbands and their income ITT, also I'm sure your appearance is not how you describe, most women have low confidence and underrate themselves.
Relationship dynamics are more about goals than anything, people may marry for money, status, or they may just have a goal in mind of a family.
Taylor to her credit has done better than most white women moving to Asia, who all seem to end up as sexworkers. I think she does love Tom and puts a lot of effort into their relationship, it doesn't seem like sugar baby/trophy wife stuff to me.
Many relationships have differing attractiveness in the partners, and differing feelings between them, everyone is unique and this is to say you shouldn't compare yourself to them to find answers about your own unique situation.
No. 173221
>>173217imo it was a style she was just naturally into when young, and obviously living in hong kong had easy access to. The kawaii style was what Tom liked too. I think there's a video where taylor shows their first date outfit (or when they first met?) and he says something along the lines of him preferring that young kawaii style still; which gave people a wtf side eye look considering his company involves 14 year old russian girls.
Taylor delved deeper and attempted to be an idol like kota (like that fake dummy pink bedroom), and back then tom was called 'tripod-san'. She gave up being idol, and seems like matured into a more mature simple style.
No. 173357
>>173221I think Taylor just likes to get attention by any way possible. She stood out in HK. She saw Kota going viral for being a fake photoshop doll and saw she could do the same with less photoshop and by doing procedures. There are pics she took that are undeniable copies of Dakota pics (esp all those ones she took on her bed).
Of course she naturally looks better than Kota ever did, hence we got sperge-chan.
But kawaii isn't cool anymore so Taylor figured out other ways to get attention by copying Kardashians, doing fake out wedding content, "moving" to canada, dying her hair a horrible color, and obsessing about her own appearance (i let x do whatever they want to my hair/nails/eyebrows/butthole). Now pregnancy. It's self-obssession.
No. 173362
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Mikaela spoke about her feelings towards Taylor’s pregnancy on her insta stories today.
No. 173377
>>172745anon, taylor is too dumb to be a nazi. I'd let this one go.
she's so myopic she may as well be single-celled
No. 173383
>>173361This is probably why she has so few genuine IRL relationships. From a glance at these threads, Tom is her only constant?
It always seemed like the other jvloggers tolerated her because she'll help bankroll whatever activity but she was never relevant on her own. Even the jvloggers seemed to have closer relationships with each other where Taylor aims to centre their stories around flexing something or herself.
No. 173426
>>173104>>171326How was she milking it and making it about herself by sharing her friends story and telling her followers to read it? Did the pure eebul bitch buy the last fake louis vuitton bag from a HK market place that you wanted or why you so angry?
I wonder if the kid will be autistic since Tom is so much older than her, and since Taylor seems kind of low iq too
No. 173484
>>173392This, the full context of the situation paints an messy picture when it comes to Taylor's lack of empathy.
Micaela would never say what she honestly thinks, because anything other than a positive message would be inappropriate.
No. 173485
>>172767There were delusional people on PULL who'd claim she might be a good investor and played the stock market or could cover her lifestyle with her modeling work.
>>173217Dunno about HK, but she had people (a small team through her agency?) helping her with her style and videos in Japan in the beginning, Tom also preferred it, there was Dakota, and it got her a lot of followers and media attention. She went through a very brief kpop phase and vegan phase, too, or is she still pretending to be vegan?
>>173392It wouldn't be that surprising if her recent experience gave her a new perspective on life or she's trying to put on a brave front, she just went through a really traumatic experience and that's not something that can be processed right away, but Micaela was kind of a resentful person not that long ago over pettier things and as Taylor continues to milk her pregnancy, she might change her mind. They're jvlog "friends" and mutual friends through Sharla, which is another reason why she might be polite about what's going on… for now.
No. 173534
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Pregnant Taylor is the most annoying chick on earth i swear. She’s picked up RawBeautyKristi tier habits of relying on the internet for medical information. How long until Taylor goes full crunchy mommy “no chemicals so that’s why i sell DoTerra essential oils”?
No. 173547
>>173485Yeah Micaela has really fresh wounds, and loss and stillbirth are things that hit hsrder down the line. When friends give birth, when those kids hit milestones, etc. Plus she's always brown nosed Taylor because they look pretty similar and I feel like she lives through her sometimes.
Plus rich people IVF doesn't carry the same stakes as your average married couple going through infertility. When a normie couple fails a round of ivf, thats a good chunk of their income. A lot of people go into debt because of infertility, and a failed round means so much more. Also lol @ them milking '3 yEaRs oF iNfErTiLiTy' when they outright stated they took a year off of trying
No. 173597
>>173591Her channel stalled because she kept taking breaks and crying about her mental issues, only to come back and pretend everything is great but follow it up with another year long break, make another crying confession video etc. Then there was a whole body posi warrior phase once she got fat.
Then there was the whole drama with her being constantly jealous of her boyfriend and undermining him all the time with passive aggressive posts and videos that were really off putting for most normal people to be exposed to.
She didn't just stall, she's a big mess who acts like a mess and she messed up repeatedly all on her own.
No. 173613
>>173430Anon I think Taylor looks really good (for her age or just in general) but it’s not nice to shame other women in her age for their appearance. Mind that although she has healthy eating habits and exercises in moderation she also gets skin treatments, Botox and filler. It’s not just her effort, but also a matter of the procedures she can afford. Most 30+ are overworked, unlike Taylor who doesn’t have a stable job, they have families and kids so they may not find enough time to work out.
Women don’t have to look good, let’s start with that.
No. 173642
>>173622They have internalized scrote ideology
Or pick me’s who are “totally not like the other 30+ girls
No. 173681
>>173613“30+” “they have families and children”
Agree with the rest of what you said but the average age of first time mothers in Hong Kong is 30-32. I guess purely in terms of age, Taylor will fit right into society
No. 173888
>>173361>delusionaldelusional about what exactly? i think you should stop projecting anon.
This thread is so interesting to go through. As a woman who doesn’t get jealous of other women, how do some of you not realize that you’re displaying coping mechanisms? Taylor, a beautiful rich e-famous model, is a ‘basic white bitch’, what she has done is easily achievable, her looks are all artificial, she’s going to dry up like a prune soon anyway because she’s ancient etc. all of that is a cope. If it’s so easy, you wouldn’t frequently an anonymous board of bitter females to talk all this emotionally charged hate. Women like Taylor who live their best life don’t have time for this, let alone all the time that you have. Also even more interesting is how much rage you get at the supposed idea of another female being “vain, self-obsessed, vapid”. Why does that more than anything make you so angry? I know why. You’re below average and very spiteful about it, that’s really the only thing that makes sense, like a female incel expect instead of being angry at Stacy for not wanting you, you’re angry because you’re not her. So you come to lolcow to create an echo-chamber where equally spiteful women form a mob-mentality and live in a fantasy world where women like Taylor are the ugly, malicious, and delusional ones. A projection of all the things you are that you display in your posts clear as day. Ok.. ban me now, and deny it. It’s all a delusional cope.
No. 173908
>>173888>Women like Taylor who live their best lifeI have no words, wow. Who knew getting knocked up by a gross millionaire was so aspirational to so many.
>because she gets angry at other women who she precieves to have self-confidenceIf Taylor had self confidence, she wouldn't be in Asia. In her home country she's just another run of the mill average well off woman in roots sweatpants. People who have things going for themselves don't move to other countries to use them as a backdrop and be a sugar baby as a substitute for having a personality. Maybe that sounds cool and aspirational in your teens and early 20s, but there really is not anything enviable about her life or public persona that warrants the wks she has.
No. 173918
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>>173888It's weird how emotional and angry some nonnies get at /w/, especially on threads about women who live in Asia. At /snow/ anons only get angry at pedos and troons and zoosadists etc, but here people are angry at a basic woman for making boring clickbait videos, sharing a story of her friend who went through a tragic event and pretending to be a relatable girlboss. Getting angry for a non offending cow or a flake should be a sign to log off for a moment and watch some puppy videos. Don't seethe, just point and laugh.
So, who wants to start taking bets on how long it takes for Kiki to try to trap some Asian dude with a pregnancy? She must be seething with jealousy now that Taylor is getting some extra attention that pregnant women and new mothers get.
No. 173937
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She’s doing a Q&A now
No. 173965
>>173953That’s why she will never leave Asia.
She wouldn’t be able to do this sort of content in Canada, there will be nothing “exotic” or unusual about her. She won’t be able to go to a fortune teller and make a video like “I let a stranger name my baby”, just to spin it into how “local” she is despite being a foreigner (even tho she isn’t any of it). She built a whole “career” and persona being an attractive white female in Far East.
No. 174005
So did she get work done while pregnant or not?
>>173918Funny you should bring up pedos…
>>173938Would a good mom willingly have a kid with a guy who makes his money off men creeping on little girls in swimsuits? Do some of you have amnesia or are you new here?
No. 174024
>>173888>>173890You came here to this autosaged thread call other women posting here "ugly and insecure" and praise your goddessu Taylor, the white e-famous top model. Get out, no one cares about your opinions, especially when they come paired with hypocrisy and misogyny. No one calls her ugly, they say she made herself uglier with fillers and botox, an undeniable truth. Or you wanna debate that too? She can no longer emote.
There's nothing worth emulating in this airhead. Don't you remember - since you're a big taytay fan - how she wanted to give birth in Canada? She said that many times. Surprise, now it's HK.
She also conveniently left out some very distasteful aspects of getting fertility treatment in HK. A woman must be married and have her husband's consent to have fertility treatment in HK. No single women, no unwed couples. You can be single when you freeze your eggs but must be married to actually use them for fertility treatment. Taylor never could have gotten IVF at a public hospital, because she is not a citizen; public hospitals also prohibit women over 40 from getting IVF (a pretty low age to draw the line). She also would have had to wait 18-24 months on average for the treatment. Naturally she and that lump of a husband lumbered to the best clinic they could find. Save up money, my ass. Those two buy whatever they want whenever they want and always have.
No. 174025
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>>174024dropped pic of Taylor's frozen forehead and eyes
No. 174034
>>173888>as a woman>an anonymous board of bitter femalesPress x to doubt, you clearly have some issues with other(?) women to project so much on the users of lolcow, and calling women "females" is highly suspicious, othering behavior that usually only penis-havers use.
If you read carefully you'll see plenty of people admit she put a lot of work in for her achievements, comparing her to her peers and people attempting similar it's clear it was no fluke. She works hard but it's a gossip board where people can vent without being comment-bombed by stans.
No. 174036
>>173888Samefag, you also seem preoccupied with looks based on your lengthy comments, thoughts and projections on the topic, which again makes me doubt the whole "not jealous of other women" thing. Or you're only "not jealous" because you assess them and think you look better than them, which is
still unhealthy behavior and no better than what you're critiquing.
Also way to write a novel as response to one throwaway comment.
No. 174038
>>173890I missed this add-on which confirms my assessment above, mighty kek anon. Strutting around comparing yourself to other women and assessing them all as ugly is
just as unhealthy as being envious of other women. It's hilarious you think you're the superior one when your behavior is so unhealthy. anon who genuinely doesn't GAF about other women's looks since there's a lot more to us than being perfect fuckdolls for men. Get a grip anon.
No. 174044
>>174034Post reads like a self-hating wk just telling on herself instead of a random scrote.
Taylor was never above sending wks to forums or posting. If it wasn't for her constant reactions to the threads here and trolling Ostrenga stuff, we would never be blessed with happenings like spergchan.
No. 174055
>>174034Agreed, "females" is a giveaway. I'm ESL but have been learning that this adjective shouldn't be used as a noun except sometimes for animals. The "bitter females" writer sounds a lot like some of the earlier posts in this thread accusing us of being bitter and jealous if we did not bow down and confessbthat Taylor was a beautiful successful white woman. It was so wtf I couldn't even find words to respond in English.
>>174044Sometimes posters here have suggested Sharla or Taylor's family. I think some of those people might post, especially her brother (when we received these "ok detective" posts a lot whenever an anon wrote more than two sentences). But this scumbag also made a really stupid and wrong video about Taylor. Jealousy among women is a main theme, as if this shithead would know anything. He gets a lot wrong about Taylor, I mean „facts“ are just false.
No. 174074
>>174061>>174061She was always angling for old rich guys.
See this article: farmer translated it:
>>>/w/22973>Single Doll-like Model Back on the Market>The very pretty doll-like model Taylor R, like Chrissie Chau (fellow model), has recently reverted back to being single and "back on the market." She broke up with her boyfriend (who works in the financial sector) of 4 years several months ago. Don't think that a model's love life is very exciting or that their Valentine's day is going to be extra romantic though. Taylor, who has been in 2 relationships, just enjoys cooking at home with her boyfriend (her specialty is seafood spaghetti) and watching movies.>She isn't worried about being lonely this Valentine's day with no boyfriend and plans on hanging out with her female friends. Her requirements list is very simple: his personality is the most important, and must be able to make her laugh and support her work. Pretty-boy male models are not her cup of tea, they're better off admired from a distance. No. 174163
>>174075I met a girl once who was dating a MUCH older like granpa age man, not attractive in the slightest, who claimed guys our age were "too immature." (She was pretty immature herself in many ways and a weeb, so that was obvious nonsense)
Some women just like the powerplay of being the default hot one even if there's no money involved.
No. 174169
>>174151oh lmao those old photoshops lol
I think japanese agencies saw what happened with the first big photoshopped filler white girl like Kota who snuck in, they learned their lesson and wouldn't fall for it again. No wonder taylor couldn't hack it lmao
No. 174173
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>>174151The line blog is so interesting because it looks like her body proportions were edited in a lot of photos to make her look shorter. Like this one:
No. 174174
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>>174173In the same post, this image which looks like her real proportions
No. 174175
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>>174174A normal pile of things for an adult Canadian woman to be interested in:
No. 174176
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>>174175I feel like the guy on the right suffered when this image was edited, this looks ridiculous
No. 174177
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>>174176She looks good here with the short brown wig (I only started following later so I missed all of this phase)
No. 174178
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>>174177Taylor's ridiculous clothing choices while pretending to be an American teenager:
No. 174179
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>>174178Nightmare fuel photobooth photos since she's already skinny with eye enlarging makeup+lenses here:
No. 174432
The Volkswagen Up All Night Vol 2 cm Her chin.
No. 174491
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Gender reveal in a few hours. I'm guessing boy by the blue shirts.
No. 174592
>>174586Haha yea compared to other times i've seen her giddy with excitement in videos, this was pretty low key and seemed kinda forced (and now regretting putting in videos about how much tom wanted a
>>174586). I mean no doubt I'm sure she's happy to have a baby either way, but there's definitely a vibe of disappointment lol. Plus I wonder if they're thinking if it's worth going through another 3 years of IVF for another 50/50 to get their dream kawaii daughter to milk for videos. Anyways, I think it's better this way.
No. 174596
>>174519She looks so disappointed.
You can tell she wanted a girl. Tom on the other hand just gives me such weird vibes… I am really worried she might suffer from postpartum depression after all this is over, and its been shown Taylor has had some issues with ED disorder and I worry that she might have resentment with the weight gain…I've been watching her videos for years, and she just doesn't seem happy in any of the videos about the baby. I hope I am completely wrong and things really do work out, but I just don't feel like her life style will work with a new baby. Unless she has a nanny at all times. Who knows, time will tell.
No. 174654
>>174596Of COURSE she will have a nanny. I don't have a doubt about it. How would a baby fit into her lifestyle of traveling around, going to events, going shopping, going to fancy restaurants all day?
And we are talking about a girl who needs a hired assistance just for doing…what exactly? Making videos? She is even overwhelmed with doing that alone, so how is she supposed to raise a baby 24h a day if she can't even do most basic things without an aissistance, despite havinga ll the free time in the world on her hands.
No. 174675
>>174575Being mixed with white is a status thing in practically all of Asia, whether it's men or women.
>>174530The ultrasound has the mother's info, not the baby's. It may sound a bit redundant since they're at a maternity clinic, but ultrasound is used for other things as well.
No. 174683
>>174681On top of that his Hong Kong home is worth nearly 5 times of that - there are units like theirs going for 65 million HKD, since they face East and it’s newly renovated they could easily get 70 million HKD at least for it which is over 11 million Canadian dollars or nearly 9 million USD.
Even if they pay mortgage on it they still need to have enough in bank for down payments and to receive a mortgage this size.
No. 174691
>>174667oh she doesn't care at all, you're right
what is a gender neutral name for a boy anyway? These names are always masculine names given to girls or weird stuff that whatever Musk named that kid. Gender neutral names for boys are just boy names, because apparently it's only cool to be gender neutral if it means erasing anything associated with women. There are no boys named Sue, though maybe someday.
No. 174713
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What dead ancestor is she praying to, lmao? How long has she lived in asia and she still hasn’t learned not to stick up her chopsticks like that when she eats. God. Just use a fucking spoon. That kid is going to come off countrified as hell to its asian classmates/friends.
No. 174830
>>174829>>174828In case you missed it,
They're is also incorrect, they're is a conjunction so she said:
They are sour and spicy soupIt should be:
Their sour and spicy soup (their: belonging to)
Sorry for patronize but you seem to think there was only one typo there…
No. 174834
>>174733You didn't understand the reference anon was making. It was about the fact that you never stick your chopsticks in food like that unless it's an offering to a dead ancestor.
Tam Jai is a restaurant.
No. 174846
I wonder if the kid would become an incel if they moved to Canada, or do hafu boys only turn incels if they have a white dad and an asian mom? Tom was for sure some what disappointed because he wanted a daughter and he's an ass for that, but I think that Taylor really doesn't mind that much, other than for Toms disappointment. She really does give some boy mom vibes like one anon said. I predict postpartum depression for her unfortunately since she clearly has eating and self image issues and the baby is huge so her body will change a lot
>>174834Not everyone in the thread is a weeb who knows these things, nonna.
>>174740Eww wtf you degenerate
>>174839I don't think it's super unethical to choose a gender for your child if you already have a kid that's the opposite gender and you want another. The world needs more girls and less boys anyways kek
No. 174856
>>174846I'm really not getting the she would make a great boy mom vibes you all keep echoing. Like she has a nephew she bought things for and was nice to on camera. She's also very affectionate with her dog, that's not a reflection of how she would be as a mom. Especially if PPD comes into play. If it was a daughter that "you ruined my body" resentment could easily be channeled into stage momming.
People think sons are easy to raise because no one wants to teach men accountability. They need to be protected, but not in the easier to grasp way that girls need to be. It's a different set of challenges.
No. 174862
>>174837I'm not Asian or caring about it. I just explained what the original anon
>>>/w/174713 meant about praying to ancestors.
>>>/w/174733Hier someone replied defending Taylor "participating in Asian traditions" lmfao
No. 174863
>>174856I've never once gotten an actual sense that Taylor likes children or wants one. She has all these vlogs and whenever she is actually with kids, the spotlight is on herself and she has to play Santa/"cool aunt" with them. She gave her nephew stuff her sis didn't want him to have, too.
I just get no real connection. And that itself is not an insult. I'm fucking awkward as hell around kids
No. 174866
>>174851>coping old man-shagger>>174856I don't think she'll get PPD, she has Tombux so she can just surgery away any pregnancy sagginess, and she already goes to the gym daily pre-pregnancy so that will be an easy fix.
Question if there are any Chinese anons reading. What do you think of her bilibili account? It is frequently updated with new videos with embedded Chinese and English captions, and unique thumbnails with Chinese text, plus the video descriptions and pinned comments by "Taylor" all in Chinese. My browser auto translated it and the way "her" Chinese text is phrased reminds me of how Tom writes in English.
Do you think she has an assistant to make this content or does Tom help? I wonder how many staffmembers she hides:
>Cook/cleaner heard in recent videos>Filming assistant (off-camera, used to be Natalie) >Someone helping her Chinese-language uploads No. 174868
>>174734I get a strong sense she’s extremely worried
Maybe after all this time and effort trying to conceive she’s terrified of losing the baby or it doesn’t seem real quite yet?
Tom though just seemed bored and disappointed. Men who exclusively want daughters kinda creep me out, especially Tom in light of how much he sexualizes young looking girls. Not saying he would abuse his own daughter—just that it’s a uh a little uncomfortable
No. 174877
>>174866I'm not Chinese but it's bullshit that she doesn't release on youtube and bilibili at the same time. Gotta get those bux at the expense of her Chinese audience. Her last video before gender reveal took 5 days to get uploaded there.
granted I watch on bilibili so that I'm not giving a pedo-apologist married to a millionaire views and money via YT.
No. 174936
>>174879double post but absolutely
She used to feed Rosie royal canin, an awful and overpriced food for dogs. Especially bad for toy dogs prone to teeth problems and orher health issues.
Rosie has peed several times inside bc of Taylor not taking her out. As a dog owner sometimes this happens, especially if a dog is in a new place or on new meds, but it shouldn't have been repeatedly happening in 2016-2018. And then she chose to film it rather than learn from the mistake. She was told specifically to stay home with Rosie after her surgery, that Rosie needed to wear a cone or other protection so she didn't disturb her wound, and that Rosie should not be too active or left alone. Like one day after the surgery she already was violating these things. Then she was taking her pokemon hunting and stupid crap like that, and then leaving her alone for a few HOURS. Not you know, just to run to the store. But hours!
My fav rich person vid was when they ordered lunch and juat straight up ordered chicken for Rosie, like it is normal to order delivery for your dog. And yeah, they ordered it just for her, probably had a ton of salt and other stuff in it.
No. 175025
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I think her bilibili thumbnails are a lot better than all her YouTube thumbnails.
No. 175155
>>174891My favorite part of the mensclub saga was everyone denying the private room section being escort services related despite it ticking every single box.
Not one part of that webpage gave any hint about a social club atmosphere; wine-tasting events, yachting, golfing, car-show meetups, private dining etc.
>Inb4 they don't have country clubs in HK like Canada Yes they do, and this is not how social clubs with paid membership work. Some are invite only where you have to associate with other people in the tax-bracket to get an invite, some you apply to join. It varies. But this was none of that.
I don't think they were necessarily pimping out the girls featured on their website. At best, they were affiliated with a club-promoter like service to 'rent' female entertainers.
The website was littered with raunchy content, a millionaire businessman being involved with salacious event hosting (or connecting other rich men to escorts) isn't too far-fetched.
While very possible that this wasn't entirely Toad's doing, he definitely knew about it.
No. 175283
>>175155>denying the private room section being escort services related despite it ticking every single box I don't remember anyone here denying this. It was one of the most interesting reveals when some anons went down a rabbithole and found hints of where Tom's money came from.
He didn't get his connections and funding from thin air. Journalism and community type websites could only go so far with advertising and sponsorship dollars in HK. He probably has a ton of dirt on certain people for insurance, too.
No. 175622
Tried to embed but lolcow says image is invalid? husband's mag is back to creeping on schoolgirls or Tom's readers just really love bubble socks… The first two photos and the article referenced come from a Japanese gossip mag for women, but the tweets menclub shared of girls in school uniforms were not in the original Japanese article, and one is from 14-year old idol Misaki Sugii 杉井美咲. Hope the couple doesn't try again for a girl.
No. 175629
>>175623oh god please. she said that because somewhere in that empty head of hers, she remembered dimly that gender reveals are stupid and associated with gender stereotypes. She wants to do it for clicks but said the gender neutral crap because she is a walking talking focus-group driven blob of cells. She has never had an original thought, she's not gonna start now.
Fucking hilarious how they will do icsi, associated with birth defects and learning disabilities, but taylor obsesses over whether she can eat mayonnaise or use bio-oil like every other pregnant woman does. Pick a lane already
No. 175630
>>175623oh fuck samefag
sorry I forgot she only had girl names
maybe you're right anon
No. 175658
>>175629She probably compartmentalized the whole IVF process (which is traumatic) and otherwise considers it a normal pregnancy, which the rest of her preg content tends to reflect.
Seems her heart was set on a girl…or is it Tom's heart? I think she was upset at the thought she disappointed him more than anything, since this baby fever is mostly Tom's doing.
No. 175675
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Since she has been eating more and not over exercising, she got a butt now, she used to have flat pancakes for an ass.
She’s gonna have a lot of body dysmorphia after she has the baby.
Maybe she’ll make videos about “how to get in shape after pregnancy” or some bs like that
No. 175696
>>175694yeah, p sure her sisters have boys too.
so another luxury hotel is giving her a babymoon in exchange for ads. I think the number of 'staycations' she and her chode husband have gotten is getting extreme. She also just promoted some pinkwashing company that gives pompoms to breast cancer patients or some shit. Donate to them, look what they gave me to promote them… that kind of shit
No. 175728
>>175629Really!!!! Wow you’re so delusional.
Her names Taylor which is why like she said she likes the gender neutral name , you are really looking too far into this, not many people also like trannys so why would she. I’m sure you all think she’s a monster or something lmao
No. 175773
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How is Tom not embarrassed to accept this? What a dumb loser. Like he can't buy his own staycation and pregnancy pillow for his spare tire.
No. 175793
>>175773Just another relatable staycation when they need to get away from their multimillion dollar condo deliberately isolated from the poors in an urban forest!
>>175782What's with this site being overrun by newfags who don't know how image boards work?
No. 175802
>>175793Considering this thread is on autosage it's just the one illiterate British newfag from what I can see. Please switch autocorrect on and sage, newBrit, we can all tell which posts are yours.
>>175729I do agree she won't have the kid transing out, for one by the time the kid can legally have trans treatment the trend will be well gone, puberty blockers etc won't come into play for 13 years or so. Plus she is generally conformist and has shown no interest in LGBT topics, these things don't come out of nowhere. Much more likely is her having a second child which happens to be a girl.
No. 175978
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I am so fucking over her staycation posts, relatability my ass. Get a fucking grip, Taylor. Your inbred, useless puppy mill bastardization of a dog eats organic beef burger and fucking surf and turf, are you shitting me? And don't get me started on the "my first prenatal massage teehee", why not announce your first prenatal shit while you're at it…
No. 175984
>>175981aren't most of her audience Chinese now (along with Western audiences interested in Asia)? She has Chinese subtitles on her videos now and she works closely with Chinese Hong Kongers now. also I imagine that most of her fan base are older Gen Z and Millennials who are old enough to marry and start out having b babies, but idk
>>175978you sound very,very
triggered over a harmless dog… lol, get help
No. 175996
>>175988do you know what was especially fucked up about buying Rosie? The puppy mill owner in HK announced that Taylor bought this dog and ALSO that Taylor was moving to Japan. In her video "Rosie moves to Tokyo," she had been separated from Rosie for 4-5 months because of quarantine rules. why the fuck didn't she just buy a dog in Japan if she already knew she would be moving when Tom offered to splash out for a deformed dog?
and the reason people get upset about the dog eating at the Retard Ritz Carlton is because of the price of feeding a dog Ritz Carlton food. It's kind of an extra slap in the face to people who have actually suffered during Covid. And that's most of humanity. Almost everyone has had to forego luxuries and staycations and vacations, but not Taylor - she gets those for free. Why? Because they're rich. Does that make sense? Nope.
No. 175998
buying puppy mill dogs encourages people to breed more. it's inhumane.
No. 176007
>>175996By this same token, the fact that I spend hundreds of dollars on feeding my dogs every month is a slap in the face to COVID sufferers.
Thing is, the pandemic may limit the things you can do like travel, but it, for many of us, does not take away our priorities. Rosie was already fed fancy takeout and gourmet dog food. Other people having COVID doesn't mean Taylor will stop feeding her like she always has.
In my country, most people did not forgoe luxuries. In fact, spending on luxuries like take out, delivery, streaming, and shopping went up! Because people were bored, had extra money from not taking vacay, and wanted to do something.
Also, since when did not taking a holiday mean you suffered from COVID????
No. 176022
>>175978>>175984that fucking dog
triggers me too
it looks/acts like it's been lobotomized
No. 176038
>>175802I do remember a vlogmas episode where she was talking about the transwomen VS controversy with her sister and Tom, she seemed to be in support of the trans models. Tom kept croaking at her to put what she was saying on her social media and tell her fans. This was likely just posturing for woke points.
Taylor is not going to forcefem her son. She is going to get ivf in a country where she can select a girl, then emotionally neglect the son. This could lead to transing, but I doubt it. The kids will have nannies and ample opportunities to succeed including therapy, so the chances of transing are slim. Unless, of course, the kid stumbles upon Tom's spankbank. Then it's game over.
No. 176064
I think the target audience for these luxury experiences are 港女 which is a term used for HK girls who are vain, money hunger and want to be treated like princesses. They would demand gifts like luxury bags, fancy dining etc all paid by boyfriends to show off on IG. She will see Taylor as the person she wants to be - spoiled, living expensive lifestyle. She will follow her on social media and then demand same treatment from her boyfriend.
That’s why more and more guys look towards mainland and foreign countries to get a wife as your stereotypical HK girl would demand much while not providing anything in return. She think she is the grand prize and he should pay up for it. Gender stereotype of men should earn more than women is still strong here.
So yea, in case you wonder why Taylor gets all the pampering she could afford herself - it’s to attract people like 港女. And her boyfriends will have to pay for all the extra pampering, fancy dog food for their cute puppies named Momo or some other Mochi (I kid you not, every other dog in HK is named either Mochi or Momo) so it can be posted on the dog’s IG too.
Like I said, even decorations are paid extra so to match all the picnic set up, personalized bathrobes etc. he will have to pay even more because it’s not only they have to go to the same hotel, the girls need same spoiling as Taylor did.
You would be surprised how many of these HK girls will actually end up going.
Taylor is like the ultimate dream come true for these girls - she can afford all these things anyway, without sponsorship and yet she still gets it for free. You can’t get any better in the eyes of 港女.
No. 176092
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>>176088This video is really funny. Leave the bilibili comments on, and then use google translate to translate the site (it's an option on mobile). It will translate the comments. Seeing her Chinese viewers answer English-language brain teasers while Taylor is stumped… it's hilarious. No. 176128
>>176125I'm tempted to sign up for an acct on bilibili because her Chinese viewers noticed a lot of signs about Tom before English viewers did. They comment on things I never noticed in her old videos, mostly wealth-related. I see it in the comments going across the screen, but I wonder if there are more things in the comments.
Many of the Chinese commentary on her IVF videos questioned how wise it was to do all of this stuff, the health of it. Lots of "survival of the fittest" remarks and some criticism about how Tom is treating her - and how can you think otherwise when you see these videos. Some of the things we talked about (how he towers over her and is touching/grabbing her stomach all the time) were brought up by the Chinese viewers too. Sure there are positive things but it's far from all praise.
No. 176137
>>176136>see her as some goddess who shows how you can afford a lifestyle like that That would be "by being a young European blonde attractve woman". Not sure that advice is helpful to so many Chinese woman?
But, yeah, I am sure she has a lot of audience that see her life as a "life goal" and admire her for it. But I don't think there is any useful advice for woman who wish for this life to gain from Taylor's channel. It's just material for gloating and being jealous - if you think that life is worth being jaelous of.
No. 176140
>>176137Are you sure? Of course that blonde fetishing is still a thing but I see many of those rich Chinese men with actually women who aren't even blonde in most cases lol
This stereotype is getting a bit old that they find only European women attractive. In fact in many questionnaires, asian men prefer women who look closest to their own race just in their eyes "More beautiful". That aside, her content is 10 posts of her luxus life and 1 titktok styled post. Basically a show off account where she even lately links what she wears lol
No. 176286
>>176140Yes, I am am sure that that's the only advice Taylor can give.
Never said there aren't old rich dudes who aren't into Asian girls, but if you go to Taylor's channel because you want to find andvide on how to find a rich sugardady as a Chinese woman, you're not going to find anything useful there, because Taylor's (!) success is based on her looks.
No. 176393
Not sure what that other anon is about with the white force here. According to menclub, they actually have a preference for brunette/black hair/ asian girls if anything.
Taylor has her own field in modelling and fashion and most photos I've seen of her advertising in hong kong, there is more asian women seen and Taylor is the only blondie in the bunch.
Years change, taste change we aren't in 90s blonde fever anymore.
Taylor seems like a friendly person yet the person who hangs around people who only benefit her. The rest is completely isolated lol.
Just wait until the kid is born and elbow san take matching outfit photos with legsan
No. 176444
>>176404guy is 100% into women looking "kawaii." make of that what you will.>Inspired by his girlfriend who loves cute Japanese clothes, he also founded the Velvet website in 2009, selling and buying from Japan, with prices ranging from hundreds to thousands. There is a very early picture of Taylor posing with others at Velvet. She probably knew his ex, who was also involved with Velvet. The language barrier and scanty documentation means unraveling that is difficult so I can only work on it when I feel like it. But I think Taylor started working for/with Tom pretty early, earlier than she portrays.
No. 176450
>>176404Yeah because whole hong kong has only one fashion magazine and elbow san can smuggle taylor to the front.
Stop having such outdated delusional views in 2021 that only white women are successful in asian media. If you're rich (Taylor in this case got lots of advantages thanks to that riffraff tom), good looking, you get the same advantages and treatments as her. If Tom married a black girl instead, she would still exactly get treated in hong kong like taylor , not all models are white.
That anon sounds almost racist here lol fak off
No. 176475
>>176450Sounds like you're deliberately obtuse and want to call other people racist for acknowledging reality. Tom has tons of connections through and outside of beauty exchange. It's not one tiny little magazine. How do think Taylor has gotten gifts, PR, and event invitations from luxury brands? How do you think she is able to maintain relationships with rich socialites who add to her clout and give her even more opportunities?
What the fuck do black women even have to do with anything? Tom would never date or marry one because they are not valued the way white women or even another Chinese woman would be. Like how stupid and oblivious to Asian culture and beauty standards do you have to be to make that argument and believe it?
No. 176481
>>176404We were talking about the tastes of most Asian men and if Taylor's target audience are white women looking to score a rich Chinese sugardaddy or husband.
>>176444Great find. Wonder what happened to his ex, if she was Chinese, if there was overlap with a certain someone and who dumped who. How much of Taylor's "kawaii" look was Tom? Is he most interested in the kawaii than the whiteness?
No. 176482
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Rosie looks crazy in this image (cropped by me) though Taylor looks genuinely happy and relaxed in her latest Instagram photos.
No. 176483
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Anon above talking about Taylor's "modesty" of the past had a point…
(on the staycation discussed above)
No. 176484
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>>176483Another happy one. I hope the baby is healthy, all things (Tom's age, risks of IVF) considered. She seemed so anxious in past years so obviously there was a lot of pressure for this to work out.
No. 176486
>>176481What is it with the racesperging on lolcow lately, give it a rest. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of Asian beauty standards knows it can be surmised:
Asian, but paler like all the Asian tv series, models, dolls, everything fits this criteria. There is no white worshipping, Tom is just a guy who wanted a trophy model wife and Taylor fit the bill of what he specifically wanted. I'm sure if he wanted a beautiful Asian woman he could have that too. It's not that deep.
No. 176528
>>176494EE girls are pipelined all over the world and it has everything to do with the fact that they grow up in poverty and are willing to put up with much more abuse than any average woman would out of sheer desperation to stay and that it turn makes them in demand.
Not because of some magic EE beauty genes.
No. 176544
>>176530>>176528They go to Asia because they find work there. They aren't being pipelined to the US or anywhere outside of Europe because other markets aren't obsessed with white people like that. Asia is their most popular market outside of Europe. That's why they go there. It doesn't matter if they are treated poorly and exploited. That happens to all models everywhere who aren't nepotism models or sugar babies like Taylor. Sorry y'all are dense. Like really dense and in denial about something basic.
Yes, white models are prolific in China, HK and Japan! Because they are white! Eastern Europe isn't some bastion of amazing model genes, it just has a lot of poor, desperate white girls and women who know they can support their families by being thin and white in Asia. There's nothing controversial about reality.
No. 176548
>>176544idk how you are both agreeing and disagreeing with this notion, obviously "unusual" looking models will have an easier time getting booked in a location where their appearance is rarer, however it isn't the mealticket everyone thinks it is, and the vast majority of white/other girls going to Asia end up in sexwork, not modelling or other fame. Even if they start that way (Venus, Dakota)
Taylor is the exception, not the rule. And she only really gets the odd job, she never really got famous
as a model. Her audience remains mostly English-speaking.
No. 176550
Taylor's agent said her lack of success in Japan was partly because of her being white, so being white can only get you so far. We'll never know how successful Taylor would've been on her own since Tom played a role in her work and probably not only in HK because he has deep connections to Japan through mensclub and beauty exchange, and now we know about Velvet.
and about mensclub, while it still exists, their story about Japanese school girls and loose socks that linked to the 14-year old's twitter has mysteriously disappeared from their front page while the other Oct 4 articles are still there. I archived the story just in case No. 176555
>>176550Cope harder. Her lack of success in Japan was due to her wanting exclusively to do dolly makeup and circle lenses. She said so herself. Had some poor EE model tried to pull that shit she would be laughed out of the agency.
>>176548My entire point is that Taylor is the exception because of Tom and her finance bf before him. She never had to live in a cramped model apartment and risk getting human trafficked if she couldn't pay back an exploitative debt. These girls do legitimate modeling before they go into debt and have to become sex workers.
I literally said white models find work in Asia because they are white and whiteness is glorified, and probably the same 1-2 posters are having tantrums REEEEing that's impossible because white models are treated poorly! And of course white people are exotic and literally no other poor skinny race is exotic! Like it isn't some universal truth of modeling and the fashion industry you will be taken advantage of if you aren't protected by name or outside wealth.
No. 176563
>>176561I don't think sperging means what you think it means (aspergers = basically being retarded, so proper english is sperging
in the thread, sorry to be pedantic about something so stupid)
Aside, the anon you're replying to seems kinda neutral on the whole thing. There are several of us ITT with varying opinions, but generally white/euro models who speak about their Asian modelling experiences don't have a lot good to say about it.
I think you might be misreading that anon too, they seem to be saying the eastern european (read: russian/ukraine) models are preferred due to their low standards specifically. Not white models. But this is all offtopic since Taylor's modelling is about as
valid as her TOAT store: a hobby for an already wealthy woman to do to try and validate her lifestyle.
No. 176581
>>176561Seethe harder. Asia and Asian men in power are the ones with a white women complex, not someone pointing out the obvious to people who want to stick their heads in the sand and irrationally call others racist.
>>176559Get a life asslicker. She made it abundantly clear that booking modeling gigs was not her priority and maintaining her dumb baby anime eyed foreigner image was. What "partly"? Because in the video I watched she made it abundantly clear multiple times that her stubbornness in sticking to that style is what cost her work.
Taylor was never a legit model in the way that she was not subject to the same pressure to do things and change the way the average model does.
No. 176840
>>176803>34* Taylor is in her mid thirties alreadyShe's 32.
>No real hobbies or friends.The hobbies part is true. But I don't understand the obsession in this thread with trying to pretend she doesn't have friends. It's obvious she does and always has. She had friends when modeling in HK. Friends when she lived in JP and friends when she moved back to HK. Plus maintaining several long distance friendships.
No. 176869
>>176865Not sure I find it "disturbing", just tasteless and not funny - but so are a lot of Taylors "little sketches" in my opinion.
And "pregnancy taboos" coudl actually be a fun topc, because there are so many absurd rules. I am sure a funny video could have been made with this topic - that didn't include shooting anyone.
No. 176907
>>173953>>173965It's culturally completely normal in Chinese culture to have a stranger help you name your baby according to the stroke order and shit. It's a basic bitch thing and that's how you end up with the Chinese equivalent of generic names like "Aiden" or "Emma" but it's not unusual or weird at all.
RE: Trans. I think 0% chance she would trans her child. It's literally not a thing in Asia (Chinese speaking areas at least) the way it is in English speaking countries right now. Even in English speaking countries you're starting to see more and more people speaking out against child transition. If you look at what happened to that poor kid Jazz Jennings, it's not pretty. That's a flash in the pan fad that is going to go away just like how people don't really talk about having "indigo children" anymore
No. 177494
>>177483oh hard agree. If I ever have the money to spend on luxury hotels, I won't be spending it on those chains. There are a million better and more ethical places to stay. I've noted the companies* giving her and other rich influencers endless gifts as well; I'll avoid these brands as much as I can.
Before stans screech that I'm jus jealous and won't ever have money: nah, I'm working hard to get ahead in my career. I've always made pretty deliberate decisions with my money, and if a brand offends me somehow, I have no problem never buying from them if I can avoid it. Small, big, doesn't matter. I encourage everyone to do the same if they have the resources and choices available.
No. 177513
>>177494No need to defend yourself
nonnyI’d rather see her staying at cool and interesting air b n bs than sone random rich people hotel. Even if i had the money I’d stay at something more exciting like these super modern tree houses
No. 177609
>>177557She can't even count. She hasn't even been married 3y yet, and claims she's been undergoing fertility treatments for 3 years. lmao. They didn't even see a dr after allegedly trying naturally for … who knows. a couple months? They didn't start any treatment until june 2019 (and then that was just ovulation induction).
My biggest WTF was how she got the date of her "non-sticking" embryo wrong. She put in the video Jul 30 & Aug 1 when it had to be early July based on her IG stuff. How do you get that wrong if it was so devastating? js
No. 177689
>>177678you know what else is kind of interesting? those "explanation" videos of Taylor educating us all about menclub and how it's just HK culture and we don't get it? She never put those on bilibili, because she knew her Chinese audience would see right through it. She's got every other video up there, even ones she's removed from YT. But those? Never uploaded.
Thanks for keeping an eye on MC perv articles. Tom is such a POS and Taylor is too, for normalizing this.
No. 178104
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Tay bragging on her Instagram story that her very pregnant self can still fit into a top from 5 years ago. Lol ok.
No. 178125
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Watching one of her slightly older videos, I stumbled upon this subtitle clarifying her event attire, which i found kinda interesting.
If she is that loaded with money, why isnt she buying them? It appears she likes to pretend to be even more wealthy than she is by showing up in designer clothes only, every time she knows its in public and important, yet does not own these things… Then again I'm wondering as well since when she is important enough to have big brands borrow her stuff. She didnt say rent, so I guess no money is involved?
Strange dynamic. Rich, but not rich enough to buy, not important enough to be lend designer couture, but apparently it does happen. 90% is not little.
No. 178174
>>178142The $500 hairtyes and $1,000 bags and shoes (personal collection, not for events) say otherwise, nonno. The apartment she's in is worth millions according to anons above who are au fait with HK house prices.
It may not be
her money but she has access to it/lives in it (essentially) so don't fall for the relateable act.
No. 178201
>>178127>>178138Anon who posted the videocap here, yes, I know that being lend brand clothes is a common practice IF it is for an event or job related to that specific brand, but she didn't specify that.
If that would be the case, there wouldn't be any irritation to it, but she made it sound like she is going to all these business or whatever events and having big designer names always backing her up with borrowed clothes, a practice you would normally expect with some A List Hollywood actors or celebrities, not some C level youtube ex-model. I have a hard time believing Prada, Dior and Co are lining up to lend haute couture to Taytay like that.
And as the other anons pointed out, if she has the money flying out her wallet anyways all the time, it's strange she isnt splurging happily on entire outfits for those big events and milks it for content, but rather just borrows.
No. 178246
>>178201From what I could see she definitely owns medium Lady Dior bag (41k HKD), Chanel Boy (45k HKD), LV speedy (10.5k HKD), Gucci Queen Margaret bag (3000 USD), Fendi Monster - around 1800 USD, Chanel classic (around 62k HKD), Celine Teen Triumpage (30k HKD),Prada 2000 reedition nylon bag (8k HKD), little YSL bag (11k HKD), Dior saddle bag (29.5k USD). That’s only from her “private” events like dates with the old bag or going shopping, I don’t think that hideous LV outfit was her idea lol.
So adding it all up her private bag collection costs approximately 274k HKD or whooping 35 thousand USD.
I didn’t count the Olympia bag from Burberry or the neon LV bags as they were event bags, but the bags that showed up very often at different points in time.
Someone has to be naive to believe her claim she had to save up for IVF, her bag collection even second hand could easily cover that. Not to mention multimillion dollar homes they/her husband owns.
It’s a slap in the face of girls who REALLY struggle with fertility (not just rush it because they want it NOW) and who is watching her complaining she had to save up while laying on bed of money. So many people save up for years or go in serious debt for IVF while she pretends they also struggle.
To me her IVF is purely just wanting something happen ASAP because she’s not used to not getting anything she ever wants immediately.
No. 178258
>>178246$35,000 of handbags, so relateable lol. Her image has always been a scam, from back when she was a model living in Japan "alone" and going on expensive trips abroad "alone", all the way to now when she "struggles to pay" IVF at one of the more expensive clinics (anons speculating it cost more than her stated amount) meanwhile her bag collection alone is worth more than that.
I guess that is how Tom keeps someone so above his league, but it's sad to be that materialistic. Like she spends all her time away from her family just so she can stay with moneybags, and now going through the stress of IVF and childbirth when he could've just hired a surrogate. But then he wouldn't get to be "Daddy".
This is all an egoboost for him.
No. 178259
>>178258Samefag, I don't care about money or items (no jealousy here, I know how much things actually cost to make - far less than the price tag - and have the skills to design and make them myself if I really wanted them) but there are clear signs of her missing her family, crying on camera every birthday, extremely upset about her grandpa dying and her not being there even years later.
And then signs he is controlling her carefully. Whenever she dresses outside of neutral Asian fashion he is critical, like recentlyish when she tried a vintage/hippy style when she got the bangs. She liked it, he didn't, happens every time. Every time she expresses her silly side with some random crafting he always looks down on it (she does this rarely now, but her Christmas crafting was very good imo and even saleable, still there was embarrassment when he finds out she handmade rather than bought - why be ashamed of that if the item is store quality? Because he's even more materialistic.)
I think she is a nice girl and it's a shame to live a life that is all only his way.
No. 178263
>>178246anon, you are absolutely right about her ivf whining and why she was upset (couldn't have it happen right now). This is absolutely why she tried naturally for a couple months and then started jumping into ivf procedures. She elongates the timeline to make it look longer than it has been, but it's all a sham. Thanks for doing all the research on the bags! Very telling.
She also had a Stella McCartney backpack (gift from Tom).
No. 178264
>>178263samefag, but her Chinese audience has been remarking on her money forever, it's funny. I go on bilibili and turn on google translate to read the comments scrolling across. They knew from the earliest videos. I mean, I did too, but there used to be so much defense of taylor.
Taylor has claimed to be self-sufficient since age 14, but she herself said she didn't even start modeling until after 16 (was it 18?). She didn't even go abroad for the first time until age 20 (her own words). Obviously she is sensitive about this subject, because there is no part-time work for high schoolers that makes you self-sufficient at age 14. Does she think that being able to buy her own Starbucks means self-sufficient?
No. 178279
>>178259the bangs thing was played up so the video would get viral. "I ruined my hair because Vogue cool trending pandemic hairstyle quirky pixie manic dream girl"
Everyone told her the bangs looked fine, because they did. I also tinfoil that she did a big filler/botox topup during this time, because her face got so frozen and plasticky again.
No. 178310
>>178297>>178307At this point it's so disingenuous it should count as emotionally manipulating her audience, especially those too young or sheltered to have critical thinking skills. She's "so dumb" but trying to appear humble and relatable has been a part of her brand since the beginning.
She refuses to drop the act even while milking her carrying the spawn of her glorified sugar daddy for clicks and views. Who is to say if the shrewd marketing strategy is coming from Tom, her, or some other management team, it has always been off-putting. No one likes being blatantly lied to.
No. 178371
>>178125that's how being rich works,
nonnie; rich people get so much shit for free
No. 178439
>>178297>I don't understand even her obsession with showing herself as " I have not that much money " but at the same time she shoves her one thousand dollar bags and designer stuff into the cameraI think it's quite simple: She is trying hard to come across as "relatale" to her yung audience. She doesn't want them to know how rich she (=Tom) is and how much money she has without ever having to work for it. No matter how often she claims that she "worked really hard". Sorry Taylor, you didn't. You don't even know what hard work is. Hard work is getting up at 5am in the morning to unload trucks for a supermarket and then go to lectures completely tired and overworked after that, just so you can pay for university. That was my life, so it freaks me really out when someone from a privileged family with a pretty face considers smiling for a camera "working hard".
At the other hand that's the WHOLE point of owning luxury items like luxury brand bags. They aren't really prettier than bags you can get for $20 at some cheap chain, they are just way more expensive and their only point is to "show them off". If you can't show them off to anyone they don't serve a purpose. If you just want something pretty to put your stuff in you could just as well get a bag from H&M.
So Taylor has a conflict here: She wants to come off as modest and relatable to her audience and also not let it show how easily she can get everything (including a baby) with money. It's all her "hard work",you know? But at the same time she wants to show people all her luxury items, becaus ethat's the point of them.
No. 178465
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>>178442That pic looks like it was made on those crappy image generator sites that your grandma uses to post on facebook, or something made for 2007 MySpace.
No. 178633
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>>178586Exactly, i think this picture sums it up perfectly:
I'm in my luxurious ritz carlton suite!!… but look at my humble pajamas… But can you see the Gucci sneakers under the seethrough table I'm wearing although I'm inside and in my sleepwear?…But check out my relatable doggy!…Next to the hundrets worth of custom food?
It's hilarious.
No. 178685
gucci shoes through glasstable although in pjs is killing me lmao
We just
have to know about them, as if the big ass suite doesnt shove the wealth in our face enough, better make sure.
No. 178698
>>178633 nta but from the way you talk about her I can just tell you all are from pull
just let the girl live her life maybe if you did instead of seething and over-analyizng everything that she does you could get the gucci sneakers and a vision of financial stabilty too! nothing milky in her still being rich
No. 178702
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>>178698>I can tellDidnt come from pull, never was on pull.
In this video she specifies that her dream wedding would have been in france, maybe outside paris in the countryside, in a beautiful garden, barefeet and with lots of flowers. So pretty much the opposite of what she decided to do?
No. 178704
>>178703same here
nonnie, as I said I think that this thread is filled with people from pull or people who would fit there very well and their jelous rants about every detail of someone eleses life. Still the one thing that i am extremly uncomfortable with is that site and the fact that her money is coming from something like this and how she was hiding it and did not ever react to it properly. Im ranting myself now but i think that it kinda makes her unwatchable becouse those are actual young girls being exploited and her just going mute about it makes her horrible.
No. 178707
>>178698Ah, the classic let her live, you're just jealous, she's not so bad WK.
The whole reason she sucks is that her wealth is from dirty money and that she tries to hide the source of that money. Because living in luxury because your husband stays rich exploiting young girls isn't relatable and kawaii.
>>178706Can you stop trying to make us all look deranged by association?
No. 178746
>>178740lmao that discount shotgun wedding had to have been due to tom wanting to quickly buy up some canadian real estate
why not just register the marriage, tom can buy his canadian mansion, and do the ceremony later? am i missing something lol
No. 178762
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So Drake's album cover is a famously lazy and dumb effort from Damien Hirsch, a group of pregnant women emojis, all different skin and hair colors. There's like two white women out of twelve: does Taylor do? "Recreate" the album cover by replacing all the
poc women with herself. Had to give us an action shot of her putting on a shirt for some reason, too. I'm no rabid sjw but this is some real tone-deaf behavior from TayTay.
Soon we'll need a new thread. I thought maybe collecting her o-faces into a collage would be funny. Thoughts? These posts have some of them, thanks to the anon who inspired the idea:
>>139396>>139395>>139394 No. 178786
>>178762What is she supposed to do paint herself brown? Bit of a really non
The O-face idea is great! Maybe some talented anon can make a thread pic! Hoping the new thread isn’t gonna be autosaged and can be on the top.
No. 178791
>>178762Holy shit anon go touch grass. God forbid
POC not be present and center for every fucking thing. Especially in a picture done by one single white person lmfao
No. 178808
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It is I, Irony~
No. 178927
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>>178808Her fucking face shape jeez
No. 179003
>>178957She copied someone who copied someone.
Who gives a fluck about this?
She replicated the photos using her own image.
Not a big deal.
This is a perfect example of the weirdos you meet online:
triggered because a white preggo lady posted a 12 pic collage of herself instead of photoshopping random
POC in too.
Anyways, can we move on? There's actual milk more interesting than this derailment.
No. 179006
>>179003Everyone has moved on you weirdo. Not everything needs to be an SJW/anti-SJW culture war.
It was poorly done and narcissistic. It's typical Taylor to hamfistedly shove her pregnancy into a Drake meme (cuz Canada guys! Lol so relatable!!)
No. 179029
>>179006Everyone has been talking about it since you posted it 2 days ago.
POC complaint didn't work and here you are again trying to find a new angle. Talking about Canada when Taylor is one of thousands of all nationalities who recreated that photo.
It doesn't matter how you spin it.
It's a total waste of time and ridiculous in the extreme.
Move on.
No. 179054
>>179029For what it's worth, I am the one who originally posted it, and then I stopped talking about it here
>>178793. Anyway, I'll try to make a collage for the new thread later unless someone else wants to.
No. 179210
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stereotypically annoying parent arc is by far the worst.
No. 179374
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after stumbling upon this thread a while ago, i started watching her vlogs (the referenced ones and some older) and questioned how accurate her "lazy spoilt ho" image really is.
before anyone kicks me in the ass yelling whiteknight, no, certainly not, I too perceive her as often times unaware of her privilege, airheaded, and dont get me started on toms side… but several anons painted her as if she is never doing anything useful, while in her vlogs i got a sense she is actually working as a pretty average… freelancer? like, she produces content for a decently big fanbase and does collabs, works for brands, does hosting stuff etc. Of course that could never pay for her displayed lifestyle, but its not "nothing".
same i thought about the "she only uses dumb expensive taxis" which i couldnt confirm. there are plenty of occasions she rides the tram or bus like everyone else. There definitely is truth to her princess-head-in-clouds image, but she does not strike me as being completely out of touch with reality.
No. 179380
>>179374No, she is not working "pretty average freelancer". I work as a freelancer. I get up in the morning, I work 8-10 hours a day, have a break for lunch and to walk my dogs inbetween, am finished late afternoon, do groceries, clleaning, cooking, eating and go to bed tired. Repeat next day. Off on sundays. Freelancing doesn't mean going shpopping, traveling, rearranging my wardrobe, going to the gym, going to fancy restaurants and filming myself while doing this.No one said she is doing "nothing". But it is far from any proper job (whether it is a freelancer job or an employment really has 0 to do with it) or even "hard work".
And, no, there are not "plenty of ocassions" where she rides the tram or bus. If she ever did it, it was an exception. Taylor was asked about her constantly driving around in taxis and she even claimed she does it because she would not feel safe going by public transportation because of possible stalkers….
No. 179381
>>179380>And, no, there are not "plenty of occasions" where she rides the tram or bus. If she ever did it, it was an exception. There's a video from back when she was in Japan iirc when she meets some other jvloggers and has an uber embarrassing moment of slightly slipping on the train!! (sarcasm) so by the fact she thinks this is unusual speaks for itself. tbh she mostly gets driven around by Tom these days rather than taxi.
>>179374I agree she works, just not in the hard slog way many viewers are accustomed to in their own lives. So to them it looks like constant vacation. Same as many influencers, the fact their life is fantastical and idealistic is why they have viewers. Most viewers do not consider this work by their own definition, even though it isn't nothing.
No. 179563
>>179445>the fact she thinks this is unusual speaks for itselfBasically I meant it was clearly a very rare occurence for her (not the same anon who brought up the topic originally) - in the video she acts like tripping/falling on the train is the most embarrassing and unusual thing to ever happen. Tom "14 year olds featured in my sexy schoolgirl articles" elbow-san was already in the picture then, (surely being associated with him a far more embarrassing deed) - they were living together as far back as her fake bedroom tour video.
So just agreeing with the consensus that Tom's money has always been paving the way and she will never be a relatable hardworker like some people want to project.
Though imo Taylor is still more hardworking than many e-celebs (the bar is extremely low there, blurry photoshopped images and videos REEEing on the floor being common) but still less than your average fulltime worker.
No. 179601
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I feel like Taylor just looks so strange showing off her belly. It normally is no big deal when other mom's show off their baby bumps. Hers for some reason is just weird. Probably because she would rarely show it off. What a stupid couples costume.
No. 179680
Don't remember which vlog it was but she was on her way to meet Sharla or some other jvlogger and got lost taking the train, admitted it was because she almost never takes public transpo. Her taking taxis had nothing to do with "stalkers." She lived with Tom from the beginning she was in Japan and he always drove or they took taxis. She rarely ventured out on her own and owed much of her vlogging content in Japan to Tom and other jvloggers who'd plan and take her out. She was too scared to do things by herself because she's shy and couldn't speak Japanese, not that you need to know Japanese to explore Tokyo. A lot of her at-home content, which was filmed in the house Tom rented, was copied from more famous youtubers and she had hired people helping her with her early Japan videos which is why the editing and overall quality was better back then. She's deleted most of her jvlogs from youtube, but when you looked at her videos as a whole and remember she was in Japan for years, she didn't do that much, especially that final year. Without Tom paying her living, taxi, travel and other expenses, she would've have been able to afford to make a lot of her videos, even if he didn't also cover those expenses. The expensive gifts she gave her jvlog "friends" are even more cringe now knowing it was her boyfriend now husband who made that all possible.