File: 1657901667803.jpeg (733.2 KB, 1284x1364, terry.jpeg)

No. 229285
Previous Thread
>>208755Thread #1
>>54749Thread #2
>>166105Thread #3
>>197809Facebook: Facebook: Hall aka Manaknight is a self-proclaimed "famous" cosplayer, soon approaching his 40's who currently resides in Maryland.
Terry self proclaims to be NB and Asexual, despite otherwise being fine with being a male for 30+ years and regularly posting/sharing sexual posts/memes, "friends" with and regularly shares OF/cos thots.
40 con rules to room with terry being a minor is not part of that rules
>>212218Finally got covid after flying across the country to creep on gen z cosplayers
>>216399But that not going to stop him from going to cons
>>216747Finally got called out on twitter for it, but nothing of substance came from it
>>217116Shittalk his sister for things she done in the past
>>222804Went to AX where most of his cosplay fell apart and finally he lost his stupid they/them pin
>>225060Buying more fake breast to return
>>227336 No. 229310
File: 1657904628835.jpg (881.93 KB, 1079x1931, Screenshot_20220715-130243_Fac…)

after making that poll asking if people would date him, and clarifying he's not interested in dating, he now posts this. he's really trying to slim down which white gen z girl he's going to go after next
No. 229329
>>229323>>229316 I know it shit. It my first time creating one, I just base it off the previous thread. Next thread I’ll take what you said into consideration.
But to stay on topic here some screen caps from when we were away for a few days! Using a dead person for clot edition
No. 229330
File: 1657907112509.jpeg (269.31 KB, 828x546, E6A4A41F-2124-4A2A-91EF-86C9EB…)

>>229329Don’t know why it wouldn’t let me post this
No. 229332
File: 1657907228816.jpeg (97.18 KB, 828x345, 2F280746-1511-4FA7-9F56-B711E8…)

>>229331After complaining that he didn’t want a d cup
No. 229333
File: 1657907255975.jpeg (61.09 KB, 828x236, F1D43D1B-BFD3-48E4-9D72-DEC9A3…)

>>229332Watch it be filled with whatever flavor of the month minor possible
No. 229353
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>>229331Here's the story he had to post. Complete with the person in question in the very back.
No. 229355
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The bag he bought was for the person cosplaying Yuffie he had "an amazing time with" at AX. She's a normal age so I think he's making an effort with her. Especially if she's willing to cosplay with him more.
No. 229360
>>229331>>229353erik was a really good friend of mine and despite me having a feeling that terry would post something, this still pisses me off a lot. terry didn't give a fuck about him, he only interacted with him because he had a decent following.
if you really were worried about him, terry, why didn't you share the post about him going missing? why didn't you join the group on facebook specifically for his friends (cosplay and personal) to speak about him and his memories?
it's because you didn't really give a fuck about him.
No. 229369
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>>229353Cared so much, yet where are you in his memorial group?
No. 229373
>>229371Terry also hates to be seen with anyone who is not a <25 white or asian girl, so it stands to reason he didn't actually have anything to do with this guy. I'm sorry for your loss anon, it's very obvious from what you posted
>>229360that Terry is simply clout-chasing
No. 229386
>>229353the wording of this is so strange, too. "my friend has been found dead. he was missing for a while and found dead."
no. your 'friend' tragically died. if he was your FRIEND you wouldn't write it so nonchalantly.
No. 229389
>>229360I'm sorry for you loss anon. I took a peek at Erik's IG and he was an incredible cosplayer. You could tell he had genuine love for his craft. His props and cosplays were clutch. Thank you for bringing his presence to those of us who didn't know him. I hope he's at peace now.
Something that will never be said of clout chasing, insincere, attention seeking, POS Terry.
No. 229390
File: 1657929668436.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1284x1818, 200F7F54-2383-4FB4-9FC6-483B79…)

And he’s got to complain folks want him to be Ekko
No. 229424
>I got zero interests in cosplaying themTerry cosplays characters all the time that he doesn't know anything about. He dresses up for the popularity.
>>229401Yup. Terry doesn't want to be reminded of the fact that he is a black male. He probably knows Ekko is popular, just didn't like being told he's black.
No. 229439
>>229360In a similar boat to you, anon. I don’t normally use Facebook all that much but recently the only things I’ve used it for is for Erik’s search party group and updates on that. Since Terry’s posts sometimes have a lot of interactions, they’re occasionally the first thing I see when I log on. I had been keeping up with the search party and hoped to somehow find Erik safe. I went away for a while and came back to the first post on my Facebook being Terry’s. I found out Erik was dead because of Terry. I was furious. If it had been any of the people in the search party group I would have at least understood. Our questions and search coming to a depressing end. But I had to learn it from Terry’s fucking post because his stupid fucking friends posted nothing but “sorry for your loss” when Terry couldn’t even bother to help spread information about Erik when he was still missing. Waiting to make a sensitive post until Erik’s actual friends had known? Nooo, that can’t be, Terry’s gotta post a selfie with him to show how sad he was while the body’s still warm.
It disgusts me and angers me to no avail. I can’t tell where the line between my anger due to the mourning process and my anger over Terry’s blatant shallowness is.
No. 229456
>>229439Ugh, it gets worse, what an awful way to find out about the loss of your friend.
My sympathies with both you anons who had to see this shit.
No. 229462
>>229360>>229439I am so sorry to both of you. Mourning the loss of a friend is already hard enough without fake people like Terry coming out of the woodworks to pretend they were close to them for attention
>>229389Anon I feel like what you said truly highlights just how shallow Terry’s “memorial” post was. I mean you never even knew about Erik before now and you were able to write a much more kind and thoughtful post about him than Terry did. Terry’s post meanwhile was completely about directing all attention back onto himself. He’s fucking pathetic
No. 229600
>>229439Honestly narc/self-absorbed claims are thrown around all the time on this site, but the second a cow actually pulls off something as insensitive and downright gross as this is the time I really believe it
I wish I could say that I hope he feels ashamed with himself but I have a feeling he'll just scoff off criticism and act like he's better than everyone
No. 229664
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Which zoomer accepted this Squall to be his Rinoa?
No. 229668
File: 1658022008692.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1284x2048, EAA9F56D-928B-4E5C-8664-07EFC3…)

Stay away from Jinx Terry
No. 229674
>>229668None, because you're MALE.
>>229664I am wondering why she is hanging out with him. Has she not found these threads yet or knows how creepy he is? At least he's cosplaying with someone a little older.
No. 229738
File: 1658048535068.gif (2.63 MB, 640x640, lovelyti-tv-lovelyti2002.gif)

>>229664Not my OTP!
sigh>>229668Constantly farming for new shitty cosplays he can return, tear up or throw around his house after a "photoshoot." For the love of Hyne, please actually retire from cons you crusty old man
No. 230055
File: 1658102739281.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1284x1938, 2AFB3D1D-B24F-49B3-BE7B-9AE4BE…)

He must be in love with her to suddenly want to cosplay everything she is.
No. 230056
File: 1658102902524.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x2039, C53DBE80-8D58-4417-8CF4-AA47CC…)

Sir you’re gross as fuck posting this. You’re trying to get to see what your new zoomer love interest would use so you can fantasize about it. Sick perverted fuck go see a doctor.
No. 230093
>>230056Stunning absolute bare minimum bathroom you have there Terry.
If you told me a middle aged woman fresh out of a divorce lived here, I'd believe you.
No. 230313
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Imagine inviting a friend you’ve known for 9 years to your wedding, and then seeing them post on their story that they can’t decide if they should go or not because there’s a local con they don’t even like happening the same day.
No. 230319
>>230313If he does end up going to the wedding, I can’t wait to see him whine that the food is mostly stuff he “will not eat.” And that’s if the wedding’s food is buffet-style.
Though I’ve never seen him post about going to a wedding in the almost 10 years I’ve been acquainted with him, I can’t imagine he’ll change that now. Narcissist like him wouldn’t be able to handle going to an event where someone else is unequivocally being celebrated.
No. 230323
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Cropped out the comments with ships. Ningguang x Beidou was a popular one. The second I saw this post I knew where he was going to try to go with it. Good luck with that, Terry
No. 230353
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>>230323The wording lmfao. Of course it's 'who wants to be HIS partner' like he's famous
From the comments. I can't wait to see his awkward ass stumpy Ninnguang stumble around a convention
No. 230419
File: 1658190842913.jpg (564.99 KB, 1080x1357, Screenshot_20220718-203302_Ins…)

no one fucking cares that you're wearing a mask in this picture. no one cares that you wear a mask in general. stop virtue signaling because we all know you don't wear it properly 90% of the time and you've admitted you won't wear it if there's money involved
No. 230441
>>230313God this is just offensive! I can’t believe he’s willing to admit he’s considering missing a friend’s wedding for a small local con. The only time I’d think it was ok to miss a close friend’s wedding for a con is if you have travel plans you can’t change or commitments that you can’t pull out of (working/artist alley table/guest etc.). And even then most people would feel bad about it. But Terry is considering it just because he might get some attention.
I hope his friend hears about this and uninvites his ass
No. 230589
>>230487I'm inclined to believe it was more of a sympathy/goodwill gesture. Not so much a "hey you're invited to my wedding cause we're such good friends" and more of along the lines of
>Her, on a completely unrelated social media post: my wedding is this particular weekend!>Terry: oh that's the same weekend as AUSA>Her: oh darn! If you can come you should, it would be nice to see you!Most people at marrying ages these days aren't doing too many strict rsvp weddings anymore and just open the invite to their friend groups, from what I've seen. I highly doubt Terry has a female friend that he is close enough with to be specifically invited to her wedding; bro won't even buy McNuggets for a starving 17 year old at a convention, he sure as hell ain't buying a wedding gift.
No. 230900
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This is 100% assumption. Maybe perhaps the friend s/o knew you were a weirdo preying on people half your age?
It so weird he is making this narrative that the reason most people don’t like him is out of jealousy. Jealous of what? Some40 year old kisslesss virgin in a townhouse with too much money? Who can only get validation by cosplaying teen girls husbando while starving themselves on chicken tendies
No. 230937
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Everything about this is terrifying and hilarious.
No. 230952
File: 1658338632140.jpeg (1.83 MB, 1284x2227, 811D3DBC-F91A-4D74-80A7-B920F4…)

Short and stumpy, high AF Xiao
No. 231000
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This is such a creepy fucking comment made on her TikTok. He wanted to be in that video so bad.
No. 231271
File: 1658410416616.jpg (262.79 KB, 1080x1893, Screenshot_20220721-093238_Ins…)

knowing he's not going to get any negative votes, there's a chance we'll see Terry in fake tits at otakon next weekend
No. 231335
File: 1658422334077.jpeg (125.54 KB, 1170x451, E9CB9508-616B-4DFF-B607-5B505E…)

terry so subtly making his uhhh 3rd post about dating in what, a week?
No. 231384
>>231335God he’s such an autist. Even the people I know who are into astrology don’t say shit like this. And how does he know all these peoples’ signs to be able to know they’re Virgo/Cancer?
Let me guess, he’s a Virgo and the girl she’s chasing is a Cancer?
No. 231450
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>>231335Possible tinfoil, but the Yuffie he was cosplaying with was 29 back at AX, and she’s since updated her profile to say she’s 30 now. So she’s most likely a cancer, and is probably why Terry is suddenly posting about Virgo/Cancer couples.
No. 231546
>>231492It’s better than stalking girls nearly 20 years younger than him at malls. He’s still a creep obviously.
>>231528Agreed, his behavior is really off-putting. I don’t know if she expected him to be this much of an obsessed autist. All of the vague Facebook posts and Instagram stories directed at her is really creepy. Someone, like one of his “friends”, just needs to just tell him this is not how you attract somebody and to knock it off.
No. 231827
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Nobody wants to mail you their shit Terry…I bet he has only ever taken like a selfie at max with the op
No. 231960
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I can't even comprehend why this is so goopy
No. 231975
>>231960I hope it's done this way to match the character. I'm not familiar with the game.
I can't understand why someone who's been cosplaying for more than a decade would fuck up a simple paint job like this
No. 232054
>>231960We know that he’s going to complain about “not being able to use his phone” whenever he inevitably tries to take selfies with other people at cons. He complained about other cosplay gloves before. And I can’t tell if those are leather or latex, but those aren’t going to be tough slipping on and off if he sweats at all.
>>231993Almost thought it was polymer clay that he glued onto a glove. Hard to tell with Terry.
No. 232083
File: 1658620690998.jpg (5.07 KB, 300x168, download.jpeg.jpg)

>>231960This isn't even beginner level shit. Hell, this isn't even blind person level shit. You literally have to TRY to be this bad.
No. 232097
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Probably a nitpick but Terry’s too cheap to buy official merch / fan merch directly from artists so he buys a bundle of buttons with stolen art and knockoffs. As someone who has friends who have had their work stolen in this way: go fuck yourself Terry.
No. 232262
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Wall o text from the 40 year old
No. 232270
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>>232056Pro tier boot covers for reference.
Looks like he made it with duct tape tbh
No. 232310
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Bit of a nitpick, but does anyone notice his weird capitalization habits? How he’s always capitalizing acronyms like “LOL,” “BTW,” etc,? It’s definitely because of his age. But also he capitalizes “ITA,” does he think that’s an acronym?
For the record, Terry, ita comes from the Japanese word “itai,” which is the Japanese word for painful, like the way someone would cringe in pain from looking at you.
No. 232338
File: 1658698895783.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1284x1819, D6FF7830-D308-48BC-A761-1ADD59…)

How the hell does this look like Zack?
No. 232347
>>232345Some might say this is a practice version for his lacefront, but that would insinuate that the next one will look better.
His lace will be popping up bc he doesn't know how to properly prepare/secure it, and he'll probably wear it on top of his head instead of bringing it down to where his hairline should be. This dipshit burns though money faster than anyone I know.
No. 232378
File: 1658707635304.jpg (484.12 KB, 1080x1315, Screenshot_20220724-200639_Fac…)

why is he crossing his legs like he's holding in piss? it doesn't look cute if that's what he's going for
No. 232412
>>232310Literally this
nonnie, he types like what a boomer thinks a teenage girl writes like in her diary
No. 232422
>>232378I don't get Terry. is he gay? is he a creepy hetero that's into young women? Is he a very confused autistic person?
He used to be a rather normal dude. the lockdown really did a number on him
No. 232430
>>232422He's taking the now sadly traditional Autist route of assuming they'll get young girls to fuck them if they troon out. Just like in their animes!
It doesn't help that zoomers give him asspats on social media for dressing like a 14 year old girl from 20 years ago.
No. 232436
>>232422if you think self-absorbed is normal, he was a shit way before the pandemic too
>>229353late on this, but I knew Erik as well and I knew all his friends. Terry wasn't one of them. way to try and get clout off a dead person, Terry… taking notes from Moomoo I guess
No. 232456
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"don't worry ladies, I know your struggles now that I too have boobs"
No. 232468
>>232456I literally don’t know what the hell he is referring to. How would putting on accessories be harder with boobs? I have not had this struggle.
By “accessories”, does he actually mean putting on his ill-fitting cosplays that are way too small?
No. 232502
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The fuck is he doing with his face?
No. 232653
File: 1658796937799.jpeg (205.67 KB, 1284x514, C6A4DA10-59A9-47EA-8E7F-D7A4DD…)

It is your choice to keep this lifestyle
No. 232656
>>232653this man doesn't even work on friday. he can easily sleep in if he wants to.
I swear this man go to the arcade or the pet store every few days. you can tell people are sick of his sick. thousands of "friends" only 8 reacts
No. 232659
File: 1658799927966.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1284x1893, 21FD15F7-56C4-456F-9172-047C39…)

He’s got some weird fetishes.
It’s called eyelash glue to keep shit in place Terry
No. 232678
File: 1658808909019.png (3.22 MB, 1170x2532, F1873040-06CB-4C1F-97E8-720900…)

Insane question to ask Terry. Too divided of a question. What are you going to ask next, “Do you drink water at cons?”
No. 232746
>>232678I'm only slightly more concerned with the 1% that aren't wearing deodorant to a con… he asks the most inane questions.
>>232262This was immensely painful to read. Is he ESL? How is his grammar so bad? What the fuck does "he sees, of and her whale friend" mean??
No. 232801
File: 1658858810521.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1284x1732, 992F4A7D-C293-4D93-85D2-241797…)

Of course he would want to cos as Kuja so he can show off his junk to his teenage followers
No. 232805
>>232801was about to silver lining this about these "cosplans" at least being men until I read his caption
don't touch lighting Terry just please have some self respect
No. 232927
>>232659he kept making these fake attention statuses. People need to call him out. He's been cosplaying for 10+ years. He's a bad cosplayer, but he got to knew this already.
there is zero reason to actually mention "nipples". this man is disgusting.
No. 233064
File: 1658920812192.jpeg (217.2 KB, 1284x511, 1D3C91BE-2E5F-4091-B503-D88D64…)

Sir… Stop pretending that you’re a player.
No. 233072
>>229353Glad Erik was a passing phase for you, Terry! No word of his funeral (that you could’ve easily attended if you were SUCH a good friend of his), no further comments on him…just that original, attention begging post where he’s in the back of the image because YOU needed to be front and center.
I guess going to his funeral would’ve been to hard for you, what with not being the center of attention…
No. 233120
File: 1658940773767.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1284x2232, DA04176A-E808-4D38-A4B3-5E6F45…)

This is more than some folks do in their entire cosplay career…
No. 233159
>>233120wtf, since when has this ugly ass had any interest in Chrono
trigger or Castlevania?? has he even played those games?
No. 233190
>>233120Thought you were supposed to be quitting cosplay soon, Terry? Seems like an awful lot to do when you said you’d “retire soon”.
Also, we really do not need to see him cosplaying anyone with tight pants or leggings. I doubt he would wear a gaff, since he’s a pervert that’s showed his bulges online before.
No. 233253
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Other than Zack who else is a lacefront?
No. 233268
trigger is very old school. I would not be surprised if he have played it.
>>233120I saw the post and was going to say this. so many cosplays when he's supposed to be retiring this year.
No. 233369
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No. 233370
File: 1659013483496.jpg (284.61 KB, 1080x1809, Screenshot_20220728-090227_Ins…)

more selective with who you take selfies with? doubt it. you'll still end up with 1000+ selfies and talk about how popular you were
No. 233429
>>233423Samefag, it gets worse, he (never had a partner in his life) filled in three things of like cheek kissing and hand holding as partner only kekk
I feel like these lists are more approriate for young people to use, generally as you get older you won't feel like you got sexually assaulted because someone tapped you on the shoulder but if you're under 21 these type of charts are more applicable, however as this anon said
>>233421 the type of people who will be doing anything unwanted to you will also not be reading the damn list because their personality is to overstep boundaries and not listen to anyone
No. 233553
File: 1659050613370.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1284x1664, 39728F39-F455-4248-88C7-5E141D…)

He’s out in the wild somewhere now
No. 233575
>>233553Old Terrence doesn't like it, but he's a
poc. So when he cosplays someone that is it naturally looks better than clown style Miku. I have no idea why he thinks he looks so great as her.
No. 233587
>>233268I know it's old school. I still have my original SNES copy. But he has never expressed interest at all. It's so random.
>call me TOk, MR. T
No. 233672
File: 1659103826191.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1284x1477, 5F8E2FAD-DD59-478A-9CE8-ADE7D5…)

Lmao I love David. Sorry Terr he won’t edit you to look young and white.
No. 233674
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>>233672Samefag, but this comparison is shocking
No. 233775
File: 1659128300867.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1284x1668, 527CB3C9-368D-447B-85C8-8943C5…)

Why the eyeshadow for Zack… Zack doesn’t look like a drag queen…
No. 233790
File: 1659134958606.jpeg (845.5 KB, 3024x4032, 9C88221D-2014-4452-84B2-36BC12…)

sometimes I get kinda jumpscared when I notice he’s near me
No. 233793
>>233672I'm surprised I'm really saying this but he looks decent here for once, out of all the cosplay photos I've seen of him.
still doesn't know how to express for shit in photos with that blank ass face, but this is decent.
No. 233802
File: 1659140296119.jpeg (994.09 KB, 1284x1535, B287337B-E54C-4EC6-90C9-01D59B…)

Such a difference between the wild Terry and the snow app one
No. 233817
File: 1659150494371.png (7.18 MB, 1125x2436, 8ECF1A70-9FCC-4F13-972A-5DE699…)

Taken from an Instagram story
No. 233823
>>233817Geez he looks like a total sped here. Not that he usually looks good but this is the worst I’ve seen.
Also so much for being mr. always masked
No. 233828
File: 1659152427041.png (1.16 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20220729-223522.png)

>>233817Looks like that was taken indoors. Where's that mask Terry?
Terry without filters reminds me of that one middle aged aunt who was always plastered on boxed wine, a crooked wig and hastily applied makeup.
No. 233933
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Kamui Cos is shaking
No. 234097
File: 1659245468293.jpeg (451.79 KB, 2464x1737, B2ACAE28-C144-4E5B-A559-D9895F…)

lil cringe but our whole group knows about this thread and reached same brain during quiplash
No. 234169
File: 1659281259876.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1284x1786, ECA37E58-BC73-40BE-BC1C-0D671B…)

His wig reminds me of the pork chops he so loves…
No. 234194
File: 1659286979680.jpg (23.72 KB, 540x540, 1648486455623.jpg)

>>234169Oh for the love of god why does he wear feminine eye makeup for his male cosplays???
No. 234199
File: 1659287420012.jpeg (754.37 KB, 3024x4032, A501A8FE-5BF9-4907-AD3F-612B12…)

wild Terry sighting
No. 234244
File: 1659296182077.jpeg (37.59 KB, 640x359, 9466878C-53CD-47E3-B0DA-9B4026…)

>>234194SE makes their men prettier than most irl girls I don't like T but the makeup is appropriate
No. 234328
File: 1659310831484.jpg (73.34 KB, 1080x475, Screenshot_20220731-194055_Fac…)

I doubt it
No. 234590
>>234313I honestly think that every time someone walks by and yells “Sora!” he takes it as a compliment and not someone knowing the character. It happens at cons all the time and isn’t a compliment or anything really. It’s just kids recognizing the character. We all know that Terry’s costumes are nothing special; he buys Chinese factory costumes and his wigs and props that he does are terrible. No one is going to look at that and go “wow, that’s an amazing costume!” Maybe he gots some compliments that he baits out of people when he won’t leave them alone and asks what they think of his costume, and of course they’ll say shit like “you look great” to be polite. Terry’s lack of social skills keep him from realizing that it’s just people being polite.
Someone said that he was more normal before the pandemic… was this just in regards to him wearing clothes for teenage girls and stuff or was he better at social interaction?
No. 234802
File: 1659400916774.jpeg (1.92 MB, 1284x1578, 86FF4408-8EAE-433E-99C8-A34E93…)

He looks old and disappointed with not being able to stare at the zoomer’s tits
No. 234823
File: 1659403151503.jpg (259.93 KB, 1080x2000, Screenshot_20220801-211501_Ama…)

This man and his Amazon reviews with filtered photos.
No. 234839
File: 1659404491780.jpeg (538.21 KB, 1284x2318, A58D201F-6D4A-415A-9C80-8C2884…)

Ah here we go… which zoomer cosplayed as Yor?
No. 235054
File: 1659451357198.jpg (398.51 KB, 1080x1908, Screenshot_20220802-104213_Ins…)

here we go again. I guess since colossal texas is coming up it's time for him to throw his bitch fit again
No. 235319
File: 1659480760074.jpg (6.02 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20220802_17453540…)

Bless tagged photos
No. 235338
>>235139I’m surprised he’s not showing up to show off his Shinobu swimsuit cosplay and show off his gross chode to the cosplay thots.
Honestly it’s super weird how uncomfortable he is with people drinking, most people who don’t drink themselves don’t care about other people doing it as long as they’re not puking and stuff. And even if he doesn’t like party cons, why does he feel the need to announce it all the time? No one cares Terry.
No. 235605
File: 1659543667566.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1284x2088, D78F1346-3998-41A3-AB86-D39A2F…)

Released his reasoning for not giving out money. 1/2
No. 235751
>>235608>>235605He'd happily do it if it was a cute girl is the difference. He's just scared of new things, probably easy to walk and talk over when he's not online, and equates something happening with 1 person = all people are that way. Remember how his sister did drugs once and wants money too?
Again, Terry is very autistic and loves to play the blame game on the internet instead of fixing the issue like an adult.
No. 235804
File: 1659562638036.jpg (424.01 KB, 836x1450, Screenshot_20220803-173351_Ins…)

this is so cringey, and the fact that he shared it like he proud he got this kind of comment? he wants to be a zoomer so bad
No. 235822
File: 1659567509425.jpeg (919.5 KB, 1284x1733, 617A5D9E-FC49-4AE7-9113-2C84B1…)

Otakon recap
No. 235846
File: 1659570803840.jpeg (634.25 KB, 1284x1612, 644EF64F-26EB-42B6-977C-4C03BA…)

Bro you’re bald as fuck
No. 235848
File: 1659570975731.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1284x1230, 9FE67DF8-09F8-4410-8BBC-73E352…)

Such a stunning Zack cosplay.
There are bubbles in the buster sword, 10/10 on accuracy.
No. 235878
>>235822honey, you don't "might have to just give up those friendships"
they don't like you. leave them alone and move is so cringe
No. 236074
>>235846>a specialized fadeWhere?
>>232378>>235605He really thinks people care. Barber was probably just trying to talk to Terry and mentioned that his business was struggling due to covid and Terry took it as him asking for money. The same way he took a 16yr old asking for him to drive her to mcdonalds as her trying to use him for money.
No. 236269
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No. 236275
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>>236269I can't believe someone saw this man's ugly mug at the beginning and still decided to share the video and call him hot
No. 236299
File: 1659647680775.jpeg (457.31 KB, 1170x2532, 8D3173D6-7DC4-47E2-9AD6-D6CCAE…)

No. 236365
>>235913i can't tell if this is real or sarcastic. black people with hair surely needs different care than yt folks. Does Terry's barely there hair really require different care than non-black people?
I'm really curious why this man needs to spend so much money in hair care
No. 236371
File: 1659657082771.jpeg (527.65 KB, 1284x1003, 8F332428-64F0-4BD2-8B00-099AFB…)

He’s still mad about his barber.
No. 236383
>>236371is the barber taking money for future hair cut or loan ("never pays me back")
I can't tell if his barber is a horrible person or terry just imagined these outrageous scenarios.
No. 236408
>>236371There are many deranged things about Terry, but his relationship with his "barber" who is definitely just some guy down the road who hassles him for money for "haircuts" - while Terry is basically
bald - is one of the stranger ones. Like what the heck, what part of being fucking bald entails a haircut being a thing that happens, there's not a single fucking hair to be cut on that head, if anything it's a shave and he can do that himself. Like block the guy and move on.
No. 236409
>>235608>straight, longer, and in coloursyou're fucking bald terry, the other barber probably stopped picking up the phone because dealing with a delusional customer for $10 isn't worth it.
And afro hair is complex to cut and style, but the pertinent point here Terry is you have no fucking hair, you don't need a barber
No. 236574
>>236371I can't tell from his writing if he loaning money or paying for services in advance, either way, it's weird. But I also take everything Terry says with a grain of salt bc he always has some crazy outlandish claim as to why he's a
Sorry for semi-blog post, but I have a coworker who always seems to be in some sort of situation. Me and my fellow coworkers will suggest plenty of ways to handle them, and he always has an excuse as to why those suggestions don't work and just goes on complaining. Finally, we all just gave up and realized that he just wants to play
victim and go "woe is me". It's the same with Terry. He doesn't want actual real advice, like just go to a new barber, he wants everyone to sympathize with him and affirm that he's always poor
victim of things. He gets off on complaining
No. 236606
File: 1659712323940.jpg (64.71 KB, 1080x362, Screenshot_20220805-111108_Fac…)

I thought you weren't going to any cons next year, Terry. Odds are he is going to cosplay too. Dude just can't go to a con without cosplaying.
No. 236690
>>236606that's a surprise to me too. I don't think he's quitting con/cosplay for you. He;s just quitting out of state con, which ALA most certainly is.
I hope someone call him out on it in the status
No. 236729
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No. 236732
>>236729spoiler that shit!!!
he looks so unwell. I hope he gets the help he needs. I bet his zoomer fans be like "oh no, terry you look fabulous!" in the comments
No. 236769
File: 1659729130225.jpeg (526.69 KB, 1284x1129, 9D3890BC-0930-4016-BB56-C56F51…)

But my hair
No. 236792
File: 1659733665726.jpeg (77.22 KB, 1284x276, D7ECE391-BE19-4EF7-A5E1-7B44DA…)

He’s trendy guys
No. 236794
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>>236729Gotta love those that encourage him.
No. 236968
File: 1659756905816.png (Spoiler Image,85.02 KB, 244x540, 0038E6C4-1FF1-4F47-B896-19C15B…)

>>236729Holy shit
nonny he reminds me of the Jakovasaur from South Park
No. 237088
File: 1659784918974.jpeg (416.66 KB, 1284x1600, F7DCD1B1-5C15-4ECB-B6B9-46FD35…)

Idk what mobile phone game allows you to install and play and then tells you, you need more space so I am calling BS.
Also he’s going to cos every guy from it now to try to catch himself a zoomer.
No. 237116
File: 1659792176153.jpg (744.42 KB, 1079x1835, Screenshot_20220806-091838_Fac…)

please don't adopt special needs cats… I don't want him to adopt an animal in general, but especially not a special needs animal that he's just going to neglect and constantly abandon who need the extra attention and care.
No. 237200
File: 1659803956112.jpeg (553.6 KB, 1284x872, 24208838-BAFA-4176-9A3B-27F182…)

Enraged because this moron wants to try a gacha that he will not play past the tutorial.
No. 237211
>>237200Lol he said “I need to free up space on my phone” in a comment on the twisted wonderland post but then downloads another game? Make it make sense Terry.
Arknights isn’t even popular anymore. I barely see people cosplaying from it.
No. 237360
File: 1659822278558.jpeg (113.1 KB, 1169x653, 2F8B6632-921C-44A8-9D71-9B0DE1…)

Oh god here we go again trying to cosplay off popular zoomer anime series and then attempt to cosplay every character from said series. >.>
No. 237385
File: 1659826543245.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1284x2114, CAE028E6-B31D-4632-B08A-8BB44A…)

Doki put this up so… i guess? Maybe he saw some zoomers getting attention at Ota so he asked what from and they said Arknights.
No. 237540
>>237385Not to be a gatekeeping fag, but who the fuck cosplays like this? Like, there's so many people that cosplay because they love the character and are passionate about it, and then you have people like Terry who couldn't give less of a shit and just throws a Dart at the "what zoomers like today" board. How is he not burnt out/financially exhausted by it all? And for what? A few randos at a con telling him "I like your cosplay". It seems like he hasn't even made any ACTUAL friends though cosplay, so there's not that excitement of being around friends. He just kind of drifts around until he takes a selfie with someone and then it's back to being alone, staring down at his phone, wondering why nobody wants to meet up and listen to him compliment himself.
Sorry for the tism-rant.
No. 237611
File: 1659888291908.jpg (639.4 KB, 1079x1893, Screenshot_20220807-120437_Ins…)

so we can all stop the speculation comments. here. he's confirmed he's going to cosplay Reki.
No. 237809
>>237771He cosplayed this character from Genshin that is darker skinned
>>233672I think this is one of his better looking cosplays actually. It's strange that he hates himself so much that he will avoid cosplaying black characters, like how he was offended someone suggested he be Ekko.
No. 238073
>>237933we've gone over this plenty of times on the threads, but he can't be bothered with commissioning someone for cosplays. he'd find faults in them and demand refunds, which would ultimately get him blacklisted from the cosplay commission scene. plus I doubt he'd want to wait the time it takes to get a cosplay commissioned when he complains when a cosplay is delayed after waiting a few days.
he's into instant gratification when it comes to cosplay, not quality. he also needs cosplays he can not feel guilty about wearing once and then either throwing away or giving away to zoomers right after because he never cared about cosplaying them in the first place and it didn't give him enough attention.
No. 238222
File: 1659992083425.jpg (909.24 KB, 1079x1876, Screenshot_20220808-165455_Ins…)

yes Terry, you're the only person in the whole world who loves spaghetti
No. 238443
File: 1660050894520.jpeg (247.39 KB, 1284x603, 36083BE4-91C6-4AED-8076-E30657…)

It wouldn't be that hard to find a fruit like you in such a “racist and white” job
No. 238519
>>238443So the resident weeb recognized him from IG, and now because his weirdness is airing in the hot office gossip, that translates to ~the entire workplace~ being totally invested in knowing who he is, kek.
Do narcissists like Terry actually believe their own hyperbole?
No. 238535
>>238519this is pretty much the scenario.
I've had this exact thing happen at a previous job, but I present super normie outside of my weeb hobbies, so shit spread around super fast and it was mostly old ladies asking me about sewing and shit. Since Terry doesn't sew, or make 98% of his stuff, I am sure the conversations are awkward af. Honestly, it is flattering to have people show interest or being impressed with one of your hobbies, but in Terry's case, he is so autistic, he does not know how to properly handle praise or general interest.
No. 238555
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Treating himself! He must not have any cons to attend for a bit or something
No. 238558
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>>238443The last comment has me cackling
No. 238709
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No. 238724
>>238555his one meal of the day.
he goes days without eating also
No. 239039
File: 1660236999676.jpeg (510.2 KB, 828x2324, 409B1981-9090-4144-B91A-A301F8…)

What exclusively eating chicken tenders will do to a mf
No. 239075
>>239039He looks so malnourished. Sallow skin hanging on bones.
>>239051I don’t think the photographer wanted to tell a guy so autistic that his pose looked stupid, to avoid Terry’s tard rage. Terry probably would’ve argued with the photographer.
No. 239164
File: 1660263319408.jpeg (752.01 KB, 1284x2129, 16DD736E-83BA-4016-92C2-4C10D4…)

Vague posting about how you want a zoomer to love you is not the way to catch one
No. 239181
File: 1660266748683.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1284x2106, 4C049FDE-7345-4C57-9C34-74238F…)

Pop? You look constipated and ill with ashy elbows.
No. 239243
File: 1660271697446.jpeg (156.9 KB, 1284x382, 455A0916-EF33-4A37-B199-519635…)

Sorry zoomers you don’t get krusty’s attention for now
No. 239361
File: 1660317993625.gif (2.68 MB, 1284x2106, terry_wtf.gif)

>>239181he literally just smoothed out his skin and lightened his skin. Couldn't be arsed to fix the shitty wig styling, or the wristband on his arm.
(also, picrel is animated, you're welcome.)
No. 239362
File: 1660318258339.jpg (113.67 KB, 794x1185, terry wtf2.JPG)

>>239361also, he is so unfortunate looking, why are his eyes so close together? I bet this is one of the things he hates.
No. 239371
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Zack doesn’t look like he’s a drag queen with crunchy hair
No. 239423
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a new position with no pay raise, and makes you do manual labor that you clearly cannot do with how unhealthy you look? that's not the flex you think it is
No. 239434
File: 1660337138355.jpeg (358.15 KB, 651x1566, C0DA0288-5C8A-49DC-8AB8-2E5948…)

Terry finally talking about his plans for his “not going to cons much” year in 2023. Only a measly 7 conventions! How will he live
No. 239442
>>239427what a cunt
>>239423>i am small and not so strong fuck off terry.
No. 239455
>>239434again, mr I-Hate-Party-Cons is going to… more party cons!
he is essentially going to 1) high volume cons where he can bounce from group to group to take photos and feel important or 2)guesting at small cons and feeling important
No. 239457
>>239423that's some weird flex.
how weak is he? can't even lift 50lbs?
No. 239594
>>239585Think he could be abusing laxatives as a way to “lose” the weight? I can see him doing that.
An ED at his age, he’s in for a lot of health issues. Maybe that’s another reason why he doesn’t want to go to the doctor, being told how unhealthy his habits are and that it’s killing him.
No. 239669
File: 1660421338155.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1284x2035, 8A641C85-C4FC-49AD-AE3D-837489…)

You literally drove for hours to get fried chicken…. That’s pathetic.
No. 240055
File: 1660563415891.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1284x2117, BBE17F0F-6855-4ABD-9571-4D0AC5…)

I swear all of this attention seeking for a 40 year old can’t be good.
No. 240090
File: 1660575500530.jpg (202.99 KB, 1080x1959, Screenshot_20220815-085650_Ins…)

Lol he uses this for planning? Wtf does that mean??
No. 240137
>>240107I think that’s the autism in him. Trying to categorize everyone.
>>240090I guess deciding who gets to see his stories or not. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was also his way to scope out what zoomers he “might have a chance with”.
No. 240194
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>>240189tell me you don't know what autism is without saying it lol
No. 240268
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>>240245On Facebook? I just saw this bitching on Instagram. What a luxury to take 5 days in a row off like that every month.
No. 240289
>>240268sorry terry, MAJORITY of people don't have money or time to go to a con on WEDNESDAY
this one makes six figures and can barely write.
No. 240465
File: 1660701420299.jpg (1.3 MB, 3934x3513, InCollage_20220816_215318943.j…)

putting these two stories together because it's absolutely hilarious how he goes from "woe is me I'm not getting attention it's time for me to quit cosplay" to "so when I get this cosplay what size should I get it so I can fit my fake boobs and hips" in such a short time span
also maybe your reach has tanked because people realize you're mediocre and you just post the same bs everyday
No. 240860
File: 1660847327063.jpeg (699.61 KB, 1284x1306, 8571289D-627D-46E7-BFC2-9CCD93…)

Oh wow… what a surprise~
No. 240865
>>240860No one gives a shit Terry. Most people can’t afford to go to out of state cons every month, or they choose to spend their money on other things and only go to out of state cons a couple times a year, if at all.
I know people who literally cosplay professionally who go to less cons than him. He really needs to find a hobby that isn’t dependent on validation from people half his age.
No. 240995
File: 1660866976006.jpg (382.59 KB, 1079x1757, Screenshot_20220818-195632_Ins…)

of course he leaves out the only black character as an option
No. 241365
File: 1660962224722.jpeg (191.38 KB, 427x640, future-terry-after-skin-bleach…)

>>240995Boner robin 2: Electric boogaloo.
No. 241515
File: 1661015272930.jpg (381.47 KB, 1075x1911, Screenshot_20220820-130721_Ins…)

why even post about it then?
No. 241626
>>241515so did he reveal why he was in the area? looks like he didn't stay long. saw him hanging around another mall.
i cannot name another person who goes to mall every weekend
No. 241654
>>241515terry is such a classist and racist. Why none of his zoomer fans call this out? thought the z gen is supposed to be woke?
This is a man who makes six figures yet constantly buy/return shit
No. 241685
>>236769>>236371He posted about his barber on his “cosplay” account agin. I don’t even know how to summarize it. There are multiple comments and I can’t figure out how to screencap it.
At first I thought he’s being taken advantage of, but it sounds like he’s reverse scamming the barber? I don’t get why he’s bragging the barber could’ve charge him more per haircut. Wtf this man.
No. 241695
File: 1661095487884.jpg (416.16 KB, 1064x1867, Screenshot_20220821-092035_Ins…)

Terry can manage to twist a picture of other people to be about himself
You looked fantatsic when I took a photo
No. 241705
>>241695Eh, I think it’s just awkward wording… he’s trying to specify that it was at momocon (since it was months ago), not more recently. If he had just said “you guys looked great at momocon” it would have been less awkward but Terry doesn’t seem to have the greatest grasp of the English language.
Honestly I’m surprised he took pics of people and not a selfie, he doesn’t seem like the type to take pictures of other people
No. 241786
>>241776That’s absolutely true. He plays the race card even though he clearly hates his own skin color and looks down on black people.
It’s a mystery why
POC don’t want to do anything with him. they’re still looking out for one of their own.
No. 241836
File: 1661180824265.jpeg (602.59 KB, 1170x1490, 7FFFE28A-5E16-4E5A-997D-216734…)

These characters likely won’t even have a release date until the end of the year at least, most likely next. Terry’s con hiatus he’s been building up to is just really gonna be the same shit and he’s not gonna improve at all in his day to day life.
No. 241837
File: 1661180849078.jpeg (272.67 KB, 892x1564, B26934ED-DBEA-42D5-AC76-4EAFEE…)

>>241836Also comment section for this post starting out strong
No. 241842
File: 1661183903592.jpg (296.36 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20220822-115720_Ins…)

he typos a lot but this one has to be like a Freudian slip typo. "not big" to "bit big" when we all know he wants to date the zoomer girls he follows
No. 242047
File: 1661259966622.jpg (479.85 KB, 1080x2170, InCollage_20220823_090352490.j…)

dumb explanation as to why he's single and his stupid reply to a comment telling him to ignore people who ask. no one cares that you're old and single. we care that you're old and creeping on girls half your age. THAT is the red flag.
No. 242074
>>242047What a boomer! Where’s he getting these red flags from? Millennials and zoomers don’t care if he’s single or not sexual. It’s more acceptable now than any time period before.
Is he going to address the huge red flags that he mostly befriends and stalks young girls? Now that’s a red flag.
No. 242081
>>242048I know right? All he bragged about was how crowded his favorite cons were and how his cosplay dominated the cons.
He keeps saying he’s not a big people person but all he does at con’s is going from groups to groups invading people’s space and talk about HIMSELF. Eventually he would get tired of people ignoring him and finally leave.
No. 242093
File: 1661287578628.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1502, 1AEEA709-D409-4F34-AD64-6970EB…)

>>237387 tried to tell us but I believed
>>237611 with all my heart. Rest In Peace my eyes
No. 242101
>>242093What is it supposed to be
>from amazonYikes
No. 242121
>>242095>>242093I got knock-off GIR vibes from this. Getting those early 2000's flashbacks.
Idk who this character is, but it looks like ass.
No. 242122
File: 1661295971937.png (560.99 KB, 1000x900, 484C412D-5E94-4E9F-9B81-DFAA4C…)

>>242093He didn’t need to say it from Amazon. I can already tell from the picture it made from that cheap plastic fabric that will burn if you leave it in a hot car for too long.
The character is in middle school btw
No. 242151
>>237387 , fucking called it.
Also look at the way his lower legs bow, Terry please take vitamins.
No. 242153
>>242141lmao you imply that he actually watched it, which would be a credit to him
a lot of his mutuals/"friends" like sk8, especially with the recent explosion in popularity and posting since s2 + OVA got announced last week
No. 242162
File: 1661312236860.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1284x2060, EB3DE821-CAA6-4B7B-A484-7C97F4…)

Fucking Christ this caption gives me AIDS. He just had to insert the fact that he creepily donated the wig to a charity that “helps kids get into cosplay who don’t have supportive parents”. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that’s a real charity and just Terry’s way of hiding his creep status.
No. 242183
File: 1661317486352.png (4.19 MB, 1125x2436, 3320282D-E48E-4D6B-A769-CCA4D2…)

>>242164I know y'all hate this guy and I lowkey do too but it does exist lmao
No. 242188
>>242183as someone familiar with this organization: They only send cosplayers to family events in underprivileged areas to entertain kids (like discount birthday/party characters). They don't give cosplay items to children, despite the name.
Sounds like another one of Terry's "I had a bag of items under the table to giveaway!" stories
No. 242242
>>242162I think this might be more of Terry’s broken English. Translation:
>I did a charitable thing and donated to a kid with unsupportive parents!He probably handed out his shit at the mall or a con, not literally donate.
I can’t see him going out of his way to donate to a charity, since he tries to make a profit from everything first. And if he donates to a charity, Terry won’t get that sweet clout because donations are usually anonymous. He’s not selfless enough.
No. 242493
>>242162Sounds to me like he just gave it to Goodwill.
I’d never looked that closely before but wow, his makeup is so poorly done. Those eyeliner wings are so chunky and the eyeshadow is just unblended blobs on his face. There are a million tutorials out there now he could have learned from, even just scrolling through tiktok he would have at least seen some.
No. 242537
File: 1661471837179.jpeg (600.41 KB, 1284x1209, 5085C1CA-78F9-4AD7-B240-522B6D…)

Complaining about coworkers… Sir just go and report him and stop being a bitch?
No. 242549
>>242537Lmao instead of reporting him he's just gonna say
>did you guys know he stinkyAnd think that's gonna be it? Literally 5
No. 242635
File: 1661513498201.jpeg (736.37 KB, 1284x1733, 99914AB5-AFC0-4B54-8C2B-DA7CDE…)

Out of 2k+ friends… so little interaction.
No. 242641
>>242635Damn. Still 2k+? I got purged from his old account but he accepted me in his new ones. He still posted the samey stuff (non cosplay. Just rants) in his new ones so I always wondered what I’m missing.
Maybe he just post boring stories there to make his old account appear more personal?
No. 242661
File: 1661526192216.jpg (174.12 KB, 1080x1929, Screenshot_20220826-085901_Ins…)

Hes leaving a lot of his etc out… Remember kiddos, you need to act like you're not even there for Terry.
No. 242800
File: 1661546061791.jpeg (114.09 KB, 1284x392, FEC6DF40-28AF-463B-BC44-D5F10D…)

You couldn’t have gone the other times you were at the mall?
No. 242830
File: 1661555246024.jpg (109.71 KB, 1080x794, Screenshot_20220826-180754_Fac…)

why does he always have to put the pronouns in all caps as if he's screaming at people?
No. 242843
File: 1661558350528.jpeg (221.8 KB, 1284x509, 47B1AB1D-F198-47B7-922D-F42B33…)

Generic RIP sad I never got to meet you, but I’m sad you’re dead.
No. 242907
>>242843i guess after erik, terry realized that rip posts are great for likes and sympathy.
eat shit, terry.
No. 242912
File: 1661609806660.jpg (4.9 MB, 4096x4096, InCollage_20220827_081142787.j…)

It's hilarious how he keeps insisting on cosplaying Gorou when it's one of his best cosplays to look slow and old in.
No. 243060
File: 1661645577595.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x1725, 6262D4A2-6CF7-44CB-9FE9-B5943D…)

Bet ya he wants to show his junk off
No. 243208
>>243060Yikes, he’s looking really skinny in this, maybe because it’s dark colored? Is he only eating one meal a day or trendies and fries now?
Terry is cringy but I don’t want him to die, he really needs to see a doctor and start living a more healthy life or he’s going to just collapse one day or something. Being taken to the hospital in an ambulance and probably admitted is going to be a lot more traumatic than going to a regular doctor and having a more healthy lifestyle.
No. 243236
File: 1661714310449.jpeg (838.74 KB, 1284x1939, 9C52C99D-AFBB-4BCF-B747-3A715B…)

Morphe’s known for being cakey so the fact he went with them for his new make up… I can’t wait to see how crusty he will be
No. 243345
>>243208he's not going to. I dunno why so many anons keep going 'aww poor baby terry please eat healthy' he is probably going to die before 50 of a heart related issue because of his poor health. You can tell he's doing something relating to laxatives
>>243267 as other anon said. Good riddance when he goes. he's a creep
No. 243703
File: 1661874623297.jpeg (514.34 KB, 1100x1346, BC804F7E-43F3-40A3-9C1F-88930C…)

Terry is madly in love with the attention his barber situation gives him. We get it Terry, you’re being scammed because you’re too autistic to recognize it without people half your age telling you so.
No. 243714
>>243703I don’t get why he’s so vocal with this particular drama. There were at least half a dozen statuses/stories in the last few months. All these whining painted him as very gullible (and he is) His zoomer “fans” will start taking advantage of him even more now.
I have no sympathy for him at all. Creepy fuck deserves it.
No. 243740
File: 1661885908681.jpg (357.8 KB, 1080x1784, Screenshot_20220830_134317.jpg)

oops I'm showing off how much money I'm wasting again and pretending as if it were an accident to seem quirky
No. 243820
>>243703How tf does anyone develop a
toxic relationship with their barber? I have a feeling this is so fucking made up just for comment section engagement
No. 243852
File: 1661900942909.jpeg (356.63 KB, 1284x2251, 2EA3E392-9096-4E4F-891D-9A98F3…)

Sir you’re bald AF and there’s no “fade” on your egg shaped head
No. 243981
File: 1661954405970.jpg (102.79 KB, 1080x544, Screenshot_20220831_085919.jpg)

why the change to "if you're able to"? before it was always no exceptions. not that it's going to stop him from whining about con funk at every con
No. 243990
File: 1661956217978.png (1.46 MB, 1242x2688, 30F213F6-8852-4CBD-8E7C-ED6666…)

“Unless I Dispise you” Jesus terry
No. 243999
>>243944I can see people maintaining relationship if it’s positive, but it seemed like the relationship has been
toxic throughout the whole pandemic. Of course. We’re only hearing from Terry’s side and his stories tend to be twisted (I donated my cosplay to charity so kids can cosplay!)
No. 244006
File: 1661959480132.jpg (922.61 KB, 1079x1750, Screenshot_20220831_102434.jpg)

>>243981nevermind he changed up quick with the whole "if you can" sentiment. also what's the point in posting 4 of the same kinds of these posts for a con?
No. 244010
>>243990Please, I can't picture Terry telling someone no for a picture. He can't remember every little follower he has, he just goes off of "have you heard of me?" and then puts on his brightest filter and dead stare.
I hope some anon is going to saboten for more candids of his Gorou.
No. 244118
File: 1661979321126.png (5.6 MB, 1242x2688, A2E69BD3-7BD8-406C-80B3-FFED2D…)

Imagine advertising that you’re going to sell something immediately after wearing it and not even going to wash or sanitize it gag
No. 244279
File: 1662042426091.jpg (251.95 KB, 1080x1619, Screenshot_20220901-092543_Ins…)

do something to you?? man he's really milking this barber "drama" for all he can
No. 244311
>>244279I'm sorry this is just bizarre. Someone regularly wanting an advance of like $30-100 to the point of harassment sounds like someone with a drug problem. I think the red flags would have been enough for anyone who isn't an autist to have blocked the guy ages ago.
Maybe tinfoil, but maybe Terry is too awkward and obviously anti-black no one really wants him as a regular at a babershop. He really needs to let go the idea that is egghead needs an uwu special fade and go to supercuts.
No. 244366
>>244279is terry really enjoying this attention? it makes him look so bad.
Dude kept leading the barber on don't even have the balls to tell him the relationship is over and planned to just ghost him. coward.
No. 244430
File: 1662078672983.jpg (152.72 KB, 1080x464, Screenshot_20220901_193032.jpg)

savior Terry to the rescue huh? no one cares. he only does "good deeds" to brag about it online
No. 244437
>>244279He didn't block the guy if he can still text and call him. He just muted the notifications. At this point I'm wondering if the guy is actually his barber.
>>244430If they're at risk there's no way they'd get in a cramped metal tube for hours with people who are maskless. He's really back on his masking obsession just in time to bitch about colossal east next weekend.
No. 244439
>>I just made someone and their child happy on the plane.The fuck you did. Now they are sitting next to an egotistical narcissist who probably talked about himself and his other "selfless deeds" for the duration of the flight.
I'd kill to tell him this to his face and watch him implode on the inside.
No. 244567
File: 1662160382867.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1284x1450, 462BEFA2-8278-49A8-A514-7A5207…)

The F is the ponytail?
No. 244574
File: 1662162538699.jpeg (883.26 KB, 1516x1828, B264008B-835E-4EF8-BDC7-17C579…)

>>244567Andddd a wild pic of it.
No. 244576
>>244574Literally sagging off his chest
Is that his bag or does he actually have a "friend"
No. 244578
File: 1662164104538.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1284x1520, ACFC3E1E-A1BA-451F-B7EA-230602…)

Some zoomer will bite
No. 244618
>>244576It's his bag. He's posted about his Inuyasha bag before.
He is there for that Yuffie cosplay friend though.
No. 244626
File: 1662175931568.png (137.4 KB, 253x220, 8140705710357.png)

>>244574Jfc he looks way more disgusting than usual here.
What the hell is that on his chest? It looks like a bra pad slipped out of the white fabric
No. 244657
>>244652 at first glance it looked like a huge gash. But it's a temporary tattoo? Seen here.
>>244567I'm dying at his titty pad just banging on to his skeleton frame for dear life.
No. 244704
File: 1662215842780.jpg (399.67 KB, 1078x1703, Screenshot_20220903-093651_Ins…)

there it is. the sole reason he decided to go to Sabo. wonder how much they actually hung out for how "super close" he claimed they are
No. 244739
>>244704I wonder if she’s encouraging it/actually talking to him and being friendly/making plans to hang out at the con or if she’s just not telling him to fuck off and to Terry that’s enough for him to chase her and fly across the country for a convention that’s pretty much only attended by locals.
IIRC she’s in her 30’s, which is good because it’s a more appropriate age for him to be interested in, but I’m still super curious as to their actual relationship (as in, does she see him as a friend or just a convention acquaintance).
No. 244882
File: 1662264926250.jpg (554.47 KB, 1079x1307, Screenshot_20220903_231537.jpg)

I would love to see a candid of this. no way is he wearing a dancers belt, so how's he wearing that and hiding his bulge?
No. 244978
File: 1662304356639.jpg (812.33 KB, 1071x1845, Screenshot_20220904_101230.jpg)

he's officially 40 today, but leaving 30+ in his bio so he doesnt have to admit it. wonder what he'll do if anyone says anything about him being 40 now that he can't deny it
No. 245446
>>245156This. It's literally just a thing that zoomer egirls do and they're his target audience. See
>>244957 for example
No. 245813
File: 1662525969313.jpg (427.07 KB, 929x1437, Screenshot_20220907_004452.jpg)

Lizard tongue is back with more.
No. 245849
File: 1662536517566.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1284x1949, D9AF9617-B057-40AA-B259-953CCA…)

SabotenCon report part 1
No. 245850
File: 1662536630411.jpeg (712.5 KB, 1284x1480, 8C685B5B-462A-47C7-A4B9-5ABD09…)

>>245849SabotenCon report part 2
No. 245870
File: 1662548418391.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1284x1963, FCE014A5-C4FE-4C92-8641-81E9A0…)

Sad you have 2-3k people that are your friends yet you buy your own birthday cake and no one bothered to celebrate it with you at Sabo
No. 245881
>>245870not even a candle. that’s so sad. and not even funny sad but genuinely sad.
>>245849>i rarely make a post like thisTerry you make this exact post after every con.
No. 245916
>>245870He just had like a dozen cupcakes to himself at sabo, why is he getting an entire cake for himself now too?
>>245850Gotta love how he needed to squeeze in that he doesn’t like 14-20 year olds at the end of the post. If only all the pictures of him with 14-20 year olds didn’t contradict that
No. 245969
>>245826>a-loggingDo you even know what a-logging is kek?
The tongue thing could be explained as him mimicking e-girls, but anyone not terminally online wouldn’t know that and find his behavior off-putting. It’s weird a dude would stick his tongue out specifically with kid-like characters. It’s creepy and I can see why his coworkers keep their distance, it all makes him look like a pedo. I don’t think anyone should pity a guy that stalks teens at malls or vagueposts for months about a girl that rejected him.
No. 246042
>>246027He may border on ephebephile but he’s not a pedophile. I think it’s less a sexual desire and more that he relates more to younger, immature people because of his untreated autism.
I don’t want anything bad to happen to him, but I do want people to speak out about his creepy actions so he can stop with cosplay and cons. He needs to grow up and act his age, if he hung out with people his age at cons it would be one thing but he wants to hang out with college aged kids. It’s weird and he needs to stop. But he won’t unless people speak out about publicly.
No. 246178
File: 1662604226806.jpeg (222.47 KB, 1284x606, 1F919CA8-A27F-4D57-BE71-B505DC…)

Imagination time
No. 246353
File: 1662654911746.jpg (96.78 KB, 878x273, Screenshot_20220908_123421.jpg)

>>246178someone commented calling his coworkers simps. gag. I doubt they're that interested in what he does especially with how shit the quality if his props are and he doesn't even make his own cosplays. so why would they be asking for commissions? like other anons said, it's either made up or he's being made fun of and he can't tell
No. 246452
File: 1662677076478.jpeg (173.41 KB, 1284x2315, 046D89D3-1B6E-47DA-AF70-2C16A8…)

Stop stroking your epeen Terry.
You look like a cheap stumpy wench in that cosplay.
No. 246458
File: 1662678524348.jpeg (727.15 KB, 1284x2065, 0DC0710B-28BB-479A-9568-23801A…)

You won’t attend the con anyway cause it won’t stroke your ego to your liking so why do you care?
No. 246484
File: 1662695165332.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1284x2078, 2F1CE76F-52A0-46AF-92FA-ACB1ED…)

Crunchyroll giving you a free trial isn’t something to brag about.
No. 246583
File: 1662741594027.jpeg (972.9 KB, 1284x2092, 1224D688-9596-4287-A7A9-4FB38B…)

Sir just stop.
No. 246586
File: 1662742574692.jpg (225.19 KB, 1080x1635, Screenshot_20220909-105455_Ins…)

No. 246642
File: 1662761116236.jpg (330.81 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20220909-180524_Ins…)

yeah. 30+10
No. 246670
File: 1662764814663.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1284x2179, ABB940B1-C0E5-46DE-B1CD-2E3884…)

He’s 1000% in love with this girl
No. 246686
>>246670Seems like it. That’s probably why he’s trying to make out like he had such a good experience at Saboten Con. He wants an excuse to go back to Arizona to hit on her.
I wonder if they actually hung out at all at the con or if she just took a selfie with him and then conveniently had to go do something else.
No. 246694
File: 1662771092469.jpg (524.44 KB, 1080x1866, Screenshot_20220909-205059_Ins…)

no shit. no one wants you at colossal anyway
No. 246738
>>246694He's so transparent. He just cares about getting attention and that's why he avoids cons where he'd get zero. Not to mention most party cons have a much higher average age.
>>246686Based off hall shots and her friends' stories, it's the latter.
No. 246907
File: 1662828973471.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1284x2242, 6CDC9099-0F43-405D-989A-3F85FB…)

No. 246952
File: 1662834851795.jpg (280.18 KB, 1080x1820, Screenshot_20220910-143241_Ins…)

but I thought he said he liked crazy crowded cons?? idk what else he'd be complaining about in this pic. I mean… he's going to holmat which brings the same kind of party crowd and shown interest in Dragoncon.
No. 246985
File: 1662839949998.jpeg (1.92 MB, 4096x4096, 165FDE05-4C0E-4CE7-A40A-0B6387…)

Our pal Terence is virtue signaling in the CCE 21+ Facebook group. Context: someone got kicked out of the wave pool for, in the OP’s words, wearing a bikini.
No. 247110
>>246985"Who knows"
Not you, Terrence.
People really need to tell him to shut up and sit down when he's only there to "I told you so" like a child in a forum he doesn't even care about. Fucking loser.
No. 247141
File: 1662861523503.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1284x2218, 9470E2A7-1FCD-4940-ACE4-F72FEB…)

It is the same eye make up you do for everyone
No. 247143
>>246952Cannot deal with what? People having fun? This looks like the cow party thing colossals are doing this year.
>>246985The other person is right, kalahari ownership has nothing to do with this. He acts like todd himself flew out there to harass this woman.
No. 247353
File: 1662899612900.jpg (84.47 KB, 488x516, 3e3.jpg)

>>247143Does Terry genuinely enjoy anything that isn't people "admiring him"? Not that they are, but he takes anyone looking in his direction as "my cosplay is such a hit, hurr hurr".
He never mentions panels, the dealer room, or hell, even other cosplayers besides the ones he corners into a selfie with him. He blows so much money and usually just ends up pouting about mundane shit after it's over.
No. 247719
File: 1662943271957.jpg (275.44 KB, 1000x1778, 8ab.jpg)

>>247141that shitty attempt at her eyebrows is hilarious. This wouldn't look so awful if he actually invested in a decent wig and actually tried to style it to look more natural/have a bit of movement and volume at the sides. The one he has right now fits him like a helmet.
No. 247753
File: 1662947379309.jpg (311.23 KB, 1080x1922, Screenshot_20220911-194903_Ins…)

Ew what's with the 3rd person question when his name is right above?
No. 247801
File: 1662955265554.jpeg (246.43 KB, 1284x541, 0DAC0C31-DD10-4121-9DB7-C5FF62…)

It’s been like a week you entitled fuck
No. 247803
>>247801this man is so dramatic. I'm sure his inbox is blowing up lol
calling it, in a week or two he will complain how much tax he's paying from working overtime.
No. 247890
>>247839He's been fucking off to cons, of course it's piling up. I swear his favorite past time is whining about shit and trying so hard to be seen as a
victim. His #1 hobby though is feeding his ego via zoomers. He's such a gross idiot.
No. 247984
>>247968Remember in the beginning of the summer some girl in the neighborhood used him for a ride to a cookout and he just awkwardly hanged out with the cats the whole day?
They never hanged out afterward. Imagine being so annoying people don’t even bother using you. What a sorry excuse of human being.
No. 248435
File: 1663088338892.jpg (326.27 KB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_20220913-105817_Ins…)

Cool filters, Terence.
You can tell how much he loves Gorou by how he rolled for him during his banners in Genshin. Oh right, he doesn't play.
No. 248443
File: 1663089290989.jpeg (586.28 KB, 1284x1553, 0017215F-1BBF-4022-9716-D3D0FA…)

Which zoomed blocked him?
No. 248452
>>248435Is his tongue weird like that or from his filter?
It’s so gross to see a 40 yo dude sticking his tongue out like a zoomer. Would someone please cancel him for good?
No. 248469
>>248443I wish someone would take this as an opportunity to tell him he acts like a fucking creep. I’d do it myself if I had had any interaction with him and wouldn’t look like a troll, but alas. And also no cow tipping, I know. But honestly, someone needs to come out and tell him to his face. That’s the only way autists understand.
Honestly, just him stopping with the female cosplay and no more pics with his tongue out would be a huge improvement.
No. 248545
>>248443Poor Terry. Boo hoo, he's such a
victim. I love how he's like "I-I don't understand! I complimented them, followed them (and hovered over them until they followed me back) and even took a selfie with them!!" As if that somehow equals a friendship.
No. 248592
File: 1663112432090.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1284x2181, CAAAB23D-AB1C-405E-B53E-8EAAB7…)

You’re still fucking bald
No. 248596
File: 1663112670268.jpeg (2.38 MB, 1284x2042, 202BF206-F627-4BBB-B981-B4748A…)

Sir like go play your horde of games
No. 248757
>>248745>>248596Does he hang out with people at the area are there or just take videos of the a machines? At this point I would rather him hang out with zoomers versus just being by himself at an arcade one hour away. That’s not healthy behavior at all.
Remember when he was really into cats? He used to post about cats on a weekly basis before cons were back in full swing. Why can’t he just pet some cats instead of stalking zoomers at arcade?
No. 248822
>>248757he should be hanging around people his own age. not zoomers who are young enough to be his kids. and it's not like there aren't plenty of people his age who are into the same things who would be willing to hang out at round 1 or do anything else with him, if he weren't such a pretentious creep. but since the people old enough to be his friends see how unreasonable he is and don't want to be his friend, he has to prey on the younger, impressionable crowd who are accepting because he's "uwu enby, ace and
poc" so they get their brownie points
No. 249163
File: 1663254629867.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1284x2160, D5193F66-D52B-4F0A-8FC0-9C645D…)

No. 249181
>>249163Literally just bragging about how much he earns here, very classy, and overlaid over a photo of a bed yet again,
>>247753 this is creepy imo
>>248443Someone jumped in the dms to warn them kek, good for them
No. 249311
>>249163I’m sick of these humble brag statues/stories
Of course people will tell him to not do it. And he will do it anyway and then complain about how much tax he’ll be paying.
No. 249521
File: 1663339684679.jpg (155.85 KB, 1080x659, Screenshot_20220916_104812.jpg)

You don't even play Terrence! You played the game once and then decided to cosplay all the genshin characters cause it's popular without knowing who they are. GTFO!
No. 249573
File: 1663357309242.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1284x2118, 8216BE84-965B-4407-AFCD-551237…)

Who the fuck donates old glasses that others probably can’t use and his big ass head probably deformed them?
No. 249591
>>249573Lots of places take glasses donations. The lenses have to be changed out but the frames can still be used.
Terry does plenty of cringy things but donating glasses is totally normal
No. 249670
>>249573This is a completely normal thing to do and many glasses-wearers do it. Frames are expensive and this way lower-income people can get them free or discounted. Sometimes you nonnies are the embodiment of that "look at that bitch eating crackers" meme kek
>>249577People don't call him out for anything ever because he's black, period. They don't want to get cancelled. Unfortunately this is the kind of climate these days online.
No. 249711
File: 1663589951403.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1284x1392, C8AAECCA-E8EF-4CDC-950A-89A151…)

Lightening himself because he’s not that dark
No. 249712
File: 1663590054136.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1284x1756, 00E58574-2DE2-40AE-B149-B7F2B6…)

What is going on with his boot? Is it made of paper?
No. 249714
File: 1663590125901.jpeg (385.11 KB, 1284x2212, CA7EE9E7-8DB4-4C9F-9351-30EFE3…)

No one would like to see you in a revealing cow outfit Terry.
No. 249719
File: 1663591858194.jpeg (394.15 KB, 1284x2080, 90B4DA21-D8D3-404A-B00C-25049C…)

He also decided to repost this on IG for zoomed bait reason.
No. 249731
File: 1663593571503.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1284x2232, E52F88FC-15C9-4855-B091-167713…)

Sir… NB Asexual my ass
No. 249740
File: 1663599108258.jpg (272.74 KB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20220919-104950_Ins…)

dude goes to one AZ con and thinks he's suddenly going to be Mr popular on the west coast. you're an east coast cosplayer, of course more of your followers are going to be from the east coast idiot
No. 249748
File: 1663602343558.jpeg (969.46 KB, 1170x1480, FFAFD34C-CA41-4320-BEED-D6F910…)

ah damn Terry forgot that he shit in his diaper before posting these pics
No. 249758
File: 1663604181309.jpg (549.95 KB, 1080x1800, Screenshot_20220919_121508.jpg)

in response to him buying a VIP katsucon badge. his logic never makes any sense. it literally is just "I go so I can brag about how I got a room and other people didn't"
No. 249767
File: 1663606651277.jpg (375.46 KB, 1080x1876, Screenshot_20220918-082526_Ins…)

Eula has been on his polls for months. And he's fucking weird and is probably enticed by that fabric up his ass. But he wants his followers to want it too.
No. 249833
File: 1663622894727.jpeg (96.32 KB, 1284x378, 03998131-7440-4D6C-B721-177D23…)

This raisin doesn’t deserve the money
No. 249851
>>249833>uwu I make $300 in 4 hours>I got a payrise this weekThis man just continues to prove why he has nobody in his life, rare for someone who's eternally online to be
this tone-deaf like the places I hang around online are full of autists (lolcow included) and every other autistic person still manages to see their own life and related public statements in the greater context of social happenings, upheaval, current affairs, news, and others life experiences.
To brag about your income in this economy, with cost of living increases, sky-high house prices,
abusive employers, gig work, affecting everyone especially his target age group (under 30s)
To reach 40 and never care about other people, never think about them or how they feel, yet demand adoration for your aliexpress cosplays, his problem is narcissism, not autism.
No. 249888
File: 1663639666469.jpeg (277.93 KB, 1284x809, 662055BE-D118-410A-BFDB-9D67CF…)

RIP to everyone :(
Cause he totally means it from the bottom of his heart.
No. 249947
>>249912at his age he needs to start taking a multivitamin if he's not gonna eat correctly, that's why he looks like sunken in shit
I agree with the nonna who said they don't want him to die - he's gotta take better care of himself. instead he just buys a shit ton of junk food and trash ass cosplay.
No. 249994
File: 1663682028811.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1284x2120, 6214058F-9ABF-42A9-BE84-FCD699…)

Wonder what is with his sudden interest of doing an Rei or Asuka cos?
No. 250037
File: 1663692288424.jpg (172.11 KB, 1073x834, Screenshot_20220920_124347.jpg)

why does he keep talking about the bathroom? he really does have a bathroom related fetish doesn't he?
No. 250040
>>250037LMAO I know comments increase engagement but him responding to himself on his own post just gives off "I forgot to sign into my other account" vibes. He really does have a bathroom and private body part fixation. Maybe he thinks talking about something so private he feels like he can call people friends if they talk about it with him? Usually specific and private topics like that are reserved for people you know really well.
>>249994There's also the idea that he might think owning DokiDoki cosplays give him more clout because they're the "It" cosplay maker right now. People actively seek out Uwowo and DokiDoki/Delusion cosplays and it's like a whole dumb little fast fashion community.
No. 250065
>>250037How many of these "I want to imagine you using the bathroom" posts does he make a month? Jesus man
>>249888People's shitposts about the Queen were more sincere than this, if you're gonna write something so rude and halfassed as
omg rip to everyone just put your phone down. These are people with lives and families.
No. 250094
File: 1663704735589.jpeg (770.62 KB, 1284x1369, 118EEE33-826F-43B5-9499-805AAB…)

No. 250131
File: 1663709363634.jpeg (416.3 KB, 828x876, BC940BB3-3503-4CC7-B4E6-6E3170…)

Small nitpick. But this just show that old man terry can’t understand shitposting and will flaunt his money no matter what.
For context, magfest raise their prices. Not katsucon.
No. 250139
File: 1663711376464.jpg (69.39 KB, 950x950, FB_IMG_1663711300369.jpg)

>>250102It's this. Going around fb right now.
No. 250178
File: 1663719332695.jpg (446.19 KB, 1068x1340, Screenshot_20220920_201401.jpg)

This narcissist really has his own cosplay photo as his phone bg
No. 250180
File: 1663721065393.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1284x2077, DBB53404-3079-44B2-B902-B91081…)

Bruh… you’re sick in the head
No. 250278
>>250178>>250245Terry's AGP is showing.
>>250264Yep, we've seen his con candids where his top was literally sagging so low his bra pads or whatever were showing
>>244626 He doesn't care. If his genitals slipped out, he would likely pull the "non-binary" card and say that people were body-shaming him or whatever.
No. 250343
File: 1663766872902.jpg (255.84 KB, 1080x826, Screenshot_20220921_092559.jpg)

Mr moneybags doesn't know how to read the room. good for you that you have that kind of money to put down for a con, but everyone else realizes it's ridiculous
No. 250378
File: 1663779454635.jpeg (563.69 KB, 1284x2199, B731DAA7-0E0B-4964-84E9-DC25C1…)

Lmao no sir it’s because you have no friends at all, and no one can stand being around you for longer than a second.
No. 250431
File: 1663793951098.jpg (798.03 KB, 1080x1980, Screenshot_20220921_165829.jpg)

pirate mommy? god please someone get him away from the gen z kids
No. 250445
File: 1663800887187.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1284x2231, 9526C292-4F7A-4E51-9070-CE6727…)

Sir you can’t lie, we know the lack of likes pisses you off
No. 250519
File: 1663852179124.jpg (528.33 KB, 1080x1917, Screenshot_20220922_090825.jpg)

ready for the "omg they took so much money out for taxes from when I worked all this overtime!" essentially bragging about how much he's making yet again
No. 250523
>>250519Imagine bragging about being a
victim of broken labor laws.
No. 250541
>>250519His work has very flexible schedule. He said it before that he gets paid extra if he works during the weekend.
He CHOOSE to work every day he works. I don’t understand why he then complains about it as if he’s a
victim of a bad labor practice
No. 250544
>>250529He’s likely salary, but I believe you can still get paid OT if the company chooses to do so. It’s hard to tell because the way he writes is so weird, so him saying he makes “$50-$100 an hour”, he might not be saying that it depends whether it’s OT or not, he might just be saying it’s somewhere between $50-$100 but he doesn’t want to specify. Which… no one cares how much he makes so it’s stupid either way.
It sucks to have to work a lot but that’s what he signed up for and the fact that he takes time off for cons every couple weeks in the summer probably contributed.
No. 250549
>>250178>>250245Late to the party but I thought the same until I realized it’s probably more likely he was in the middle of posting the story that he posted here:
>>250378 since the timing works for it.
I wouldn’t put it past him to have his own demented selfies as his phone bg though. Makes me curious.
No. 250623
>>250607Tell me you have a shitty job without telling me you have a shitty job
Not the same anon, but some of us salaried workers have to work for free. Sometimes being “forced”.
No. 250723
>>250644>>250589imagine people actually felt bad for this guy making $80+ per hour
>>249163This was literally one week ago.
He can decide the night before whether to go to work and make $300 let me tell you, I'm jealous of him.
No. 250742
File: 1663888430930.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1284x2229, 9244BDE2-2DD5-48E1-918C-E54D91…)

They’d not be worth much sir.
No. 250799
>>250772i swear he made these posts only for the attention because it's the same costumes again and again. the comment section is disgusting.
>>247801Remember he's supposed to nothave a life yet he has time to make all these cosplay posts and talk to people for hours
No. 251034
File: 1664021996367.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1284x2245, FBEFBD45-07FD-4490-A5CA-593EF0…)

No you’re just an egoist
No. 251037
>>251034How can he post con reviews talking about the 100+ "friends" he saw and then post this? Anyone with half a brain like
>>248443 is going to see this and wonder what the real reason he has no friends is. You're just creepy and self-absorbed, Terry. That's why people avoid you.
No. 251087
File: 1664047266816.jpeg (731.84 KB, 1284x2236, C0FCE6D0-1C93-48DF-8219-AF290B…)

Teehee oops
No. 251121
File: 1664061690723.jpeg (807.58 KB, 1284x1255, C42ADCE2-6927-4488-B286-12F8FA…)

Holy shit did he buy dancer tights so he can stop flashing the world?
No. 251144
>>251142isn't that covered in "weird barber subplot"?
don't forget his weekly posting of video games he never played. or maybe played one hour and then moved on.
otherwise good job with the list!
No. 251151
>>251121he's probably buying the female dance tights and not the proper male ones that hide the junk.
Also, does he not realize that the majority of people buy this shit online? What he is buying is probably marked up 30% since it is in an actual storefront.
No. 251170
>>251156>>251160>>251160sizing for dance tight can be tricky af, since sizes can run differently even within the same brand.
Find what you want on Discount Dance Supply, then go search for it on amazon and read the reviews over there. Amazon prices are also typically cheaper.
Also, I feel like there are some fellow dancer nonnies in here.
No. 251204
>>251170Lol former dancer here.
Anyway it would be great if Terry got a dance belt, especially with him ordering Eula, but I’m afraid that he wouldn’t know about it. Let’s hope someone at the store suggested that he get the male tights or a dance belt, but who knows. He’s not very tall so the woman’s ones would fit him, and I’m not sure if men’s dance tights come in nude (I always remember seeing black and white). Let’s just hope he got a dance belt too.
No. 251245
File: 1664138268091.jpg (136.8 KB, 960x960, 36389791_10110296533032198_768…)

>>251204he previously wore a dance belt when he wore tracer thank god but who knows if he'll remember
No. 251257
>>251245how long ago was this? considering the more recent photos he has been taking of
>>249748 and
>>249719 he clearly doesnt think he needs it (could also be bc he thinks he is NB which means he doesnt have a dick??? idk)
No. 251271
File: 1664148115375.jpeg (626.5 KB, 1284x2209, 68654102-E87B-4E06-A1B8-ADF9EC…)

Ah yes suggest a $200 case for your zoomer barely getting by followers.
No. 251498
File: 1664227518987.jpg (107.4 KB, 1080x558, Screenshot_20220926_172456.jpg)

that's a lot of liars in the comments
No. 251513
>>251498Sometimes k think he’s an alien. Who uses “friend/friends” in quotes like this?
Bet you another zoomer drop him and we will have a new rant soon.
No. 251537
>>251498Does he normally get this level of interaction??? Wtf
Also who puts friends in quotes like this
No. 251562
File: 1664237706754.jpeg (258.43 KB, 828x1540, 8A686C55-8ADB-41CC-890D-18B40F…)

>>251513Kek you called it anon. Wonder if this is the same zoomer girl that he kept posting about for months. Ofc he’s too chicken shit to remove them himself
No. 251577
but also how do people see posts like this and not think about how weird it is that he just sits there and waits for someone to remove him as a friend? it's just weird to be that obsessed with someone who he already knew didn't give a fuck about him. like the only reason he would have found out is if he's constantly stalking her page
No. 251597
File: 1664242913464.jpg (215.55 KB, 1080x607, Screenshot_20220926_214048.jpg)

excuse me, better meals than at home? you make shake and bake pork chops and cereal. that's just a huge insult to your parents
No. 251599
>>251597His writing is so bad I can’t comprehend half of his message and I don’t want to reread it.
He probably “eat better” now because he can eat all the junk food (chicken fingers) he wants while his family actually follow a normal diet.
No. 251604
>>251597I think the poor grasp of english he has hides the real motive of this post, which was to imply college was a recent enough time in his life that he could reasonably compare it to now.
This would be like a 20 year old comparing what it was like getting spoonfed in a high chair versus cooking for themselves.
No. 251609
>>251604oh shit you're right anon. this is such a weird way to write about something that happened 20 years ago.
anyone able to decipher "and i have yet to go there yet but i am soon" He could he have yet to go to his hometown? ever? or since the pandemic happen? my brain hurts from reading Terry speak
No. 251674
File: 1664280430541.jpg (137.22 KB, 1080x510, Screenshot_20220927_080616.jpg)

>I like to work
>has made multiple recent posts whining about the amount he's working
okay Terry. sure.
No. 251676
>>251674How can someone “accidentally” see privileged info at work and then post about it?
Everyday I’m amazed at this barely literate man making six figures as a defense contractor.
No. 251734
>>251688I read it as he was avoiding looking at it and suddenly decided to and was acting shocked by the results
Honestly not too uncommon, I've done the same thing and got mad at myself for giving so much of my life to a bullshit company lol it's probably the most stable thing he's ever said imo
No. 251805
File: 1664320306290.jpeg (363.5 KB, 1284x1988, 8CF725C8-1F83-4DA3-BC02-CF261A…)

I promise you that teen doesn’t know who the fuck you are and it didn’t make their day
No. 251810
>>251805Why the fuck is he at the mall on a Tuesday? Does he just go there after work? It really makes him seem like a predator.
Also I doubt it “made his day”, he probably thought it was weird that some old dude was talking to him about cosplay.
No. 251817
>>251813Goes there to talk to teenagers
>>251805It's really amazing he hasn't done anything dodgy yet, all the red flags are waving
No. 251844
File: 1664346182700.png (1.83 MB, 1284x2778, D1607A5C-1B4C-490E-8884-EE2C27…)

>>251805Oh my GOD how are people not seeing he’s a predator?!
Picrel Terry there’s are several reasons you have stomach problems, and they’re all entirely your fault.
No. 251869
File: 1664365563080.jpeg (138.83 KB, 1284x393, 277C9D13-532C-4D44-92A8-B6CCF5…)

Oh wow Yikes this is the same thing just a different paycheck Terry.
No. 251870
File: 1664365669445.jpeg (645.51 KB, 1284x1903, 6775FE63-1887-4F27-B95C-0D7871…)

>>251869With someone actually saying maybe he shouldn’t post statuses like that.
No. 251872
>>251870That comment chain enrages me. I feel bad for the commenter. The terry fanboys just attacked her.
What’s wrong with these people? Imagine staning for someone making six figures, who likes to brag about it constantly, and then complains about making so much money.
No. 251874
>>251869Totally called this lol
>>250519Terry posted this
Zoomers: omg he’s being taken advantage of. Heart emoji. Terry please don’t overwork yourself
Terry-speak: I’m going to make the biggest paycheck ever in my life next week!
>>249163Terry: I will never tell you how much I make
Also Terry: I make about $80 per hour in OT
No. 251905
>>251872>>251869When most people earn that much a month and that's just his taxes for a week? It's really disgusting to flaunt your wealth imo especially when he does absolutely no good with it, doesn't even feed a pet with it. Just all spent on cosplay junk and his oversized house. No friends, partner, complains about visiting his family, never does anything for others except for the one time he gave away his used cosplays and wrote 28638484 words about his amazing kind deed. the embodiment of selfish.
The people crawling up his ass in sympathy are probably thinking he might throw them a few bucks one time, this is the same man who writes lengthy statuses about how he wouldn't even buy a friend a burger at a con.
I think an anon said upthread he works for a defense contractor or something? Keep enjoying that blood money I guess
No. 251964
File: 1664394719352.jpg (55.16 KB, 946x356, Screenshot_20220928_155001.jpg)

>>251869>I won't ever tell the real numbers I make>posts the exact amount to the cents of taxes he gets taken out of a bi-weekly checkyou might as well just tell people at this point. you want them to know anyway
No. 251982
>>251964I don’t know why he’s being so mysterious about it. he wants people to guess and gets a thrill from it? Like you said. Pretty baller for him to just drop the tax he’s paying down to the cents.
>>249163He’s previously implied he makes $75+ an hour when he works overtime.
No. 252037
File: 1664425192173.jpeg (114.89 KB, 1284x485, D5143A73-AC09-4136-92E9-1AC888…)

RIP Black guy that I never really listened to his music cause I’m such a big K-pop fan :’(
No. 252039
File: 1664425406577.jpeg (392.63 KB, 1284x915, 8F6CEE3E-2866-4852-A5B4-EF603D…)

Maybe if you weren’t busy stalking malls for zoomers and buying every cosplay Dokidoki has to offer you would’ve been packed sooner?
No. 252041
File: 1664426785392.jpeg (314.88 KB, 631x1559, 7FFF3B97-4DFC-491E-B492-CDA3FE…)

Terry gets criticized ONCE and has to clear up that it’s not all daisies and roses at his job because he uhhhhh gets up at 6am and doesn’t get an hour for lunch (30mins maryland standard btw). Maybe lifts a box and gets a bit dirty. So fucking sorry for the modern day slavery he has to go through.
No. 252046
>>252041I mostly get to avoid people in my position, but that is what i like.
Would someone please translate this terry speak for me?
No. 252048
>>252039This man gets out of work every day at 3:30. His last con was three weeks ago. He’s not working on cosplay except taking selfies.
How much time did he spend at arcades and malls? He’s not packing for con. He’s packing to visit his family. Make it makes sense please.
No. 252049
>>252041He doesn’t travel internationally simply because he has to disclose that info to the government? What the fuck. That makes no sense at all. Is he working on some secret project?
The government should google his name and ask him why he likes to hang out at malls and arcades in his spare time and harass teen agers
No. 252076
>>252054Exactly! Aside from the rigid 6:00-3:30 schedule, nothing he complained is bad at all. And he seemed to enjoy being able to leave work at 3:30 and do normal stuff. Most of us can’t leave work until after 5 or 6.
That 6-3:30 schedule sounds like hell to me, but the six figure pay and 2X OT pay makes it a good deal.
Someone should call him out on this long essay. Nothing here is that bad!
No. 252082
>>252041Translation from spoiled cunt:
-I have to go to work
-I have to clock in on time but get enough PTO and free Fridays to go to a dozen cross-country trips yearly
-I get a paid lunch
-There's a government NDA??
-Sometimes SOMETIMES there is manual labour
-I get to sit in a cubicle by myself all day
No. 252100
>>252041He commented a lot of people quit his job because of the above reasons, but he stayed because of the high pay
I wonder how many people quit because they didn't want to deal with this creepy racist ass. Remember this guy went to other people’s computers and changed the screensavers to Genshin ships
No. 252104
>>252041So he has to deal with normal job shit? Give me a break.
Most people don’t get unlimited PTO, they get either a certain amount upfront or accrue it each pay period. Most people have to save up PTO or take unpaid time off to take extended trips, which he could certainly afford to do. He needs realize how good he has it. Lots of people work shitty jobs where they get no PTO and paid shit. I hope people rip him apart on this status.
No. 252105
File: 1664464153449.jpg (304.88 KB, 1080x1494, Screenshot_20220929_110741.jpg)

I have a hard time believing this coming from the same man who constantly whines about people saying they want to hang out with him but never making plans
No. 252164
File: 1664478004604.jpeg (979.67 KB, 1284x2161, 96EAD91A-BC15-46EA-8FBE-F17C6D…)

Then wear them you man child?
No. 252167
>>252152He has quite a decent collection of video games and consoles. The wall of games should worth something.
Other than that. Crusty wigs and cheap cosplays
No. 252172
>>252164>>252169anons, Terry forgot to pack his glasses for the trip.
Imagine owning two dozen plus pair of glasses and not packing one.
No. 252192
File: 1664492087218.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1284x1549, 1C68D04D-E0B1-43AB-AAE7-ECD803…)

Cat looks like it gives no fucks about you my guy
No. 252198
>>252164Is he coming down with Covid? He goes days without wearing glasses (or prescription lenses) during cons. Today he spent most of the day flying.
I don’t get this man at all. All he does is whine and his zoomer fans treat him like god.
No. 252204
File: 1664494559762.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1284x1406, BC3B6BEF-EEF6-4FB8-9996-CCC8A5…)

Probably staring at you cause you smell like chicken tenders
No. 252206
>>252204Is this the same sister he shittalk countless times?
>>222804 I wonder if she knows
No. 252244
File: 1664505241456.jpeg (716.52 KB, 1284x2260, 6F434FFB-D0CD-4FC9-B7A5-D47840…)

You wouldn’t have kept it because you’re never fucking home and you want to be “responsible”
No. 252251
File: 1664505805644.jpeg (707.72 KB, 1284x2256, E82600DF-EB8E-49F7-8734-6159E9…)

>>252244Idk why he reposted the same thing with an edited caption, but like sir it doesn’t change the fact you’re like never home.
No. 252273
>>252204"My mom thinks I'm cool" Milhouse vibes.
This one could seriously be the next thread header with that pose and caption.
No. 252283
>>252279I was wondering why he used the text to block out his hand. It looked to me he was channel surfing using the remote. But anon you’re probably right. Fucker probably was eating chicken fingers and the dog wanted some.
Btw how can someone being so skin and bones have a weird double chin like that.
No. 252321
File: 1664540184734.jpg (299.67 KB, 1080x1860, Screenshot_20220930_080944.jpg)

these "test" are easy to fake for the results you wants. there is no way he could have answered everything on there truthfully and came out 0% cis
No. 252323
File: 1664540954588.jpeg (154.77 KB, 1242x785, EAC42E7E-355D-41BE-BB66-8F65AE…)

>>252321How the fuck is he intersex? I'm pretty sure that if he was actually intersex, he would sperg about it 24/7. I absolutely hate how the gendercult appropriated of a real condition that affects actual people which didn't ask to be born that way.
Like, sorry dude, but being ugly doesn't mean you're intersex.
No. 252335
>>252321>>252323These tests are so inaccurate and unhealthy. How can an educated 40 yo old man promote this to zoomers?
As far as intersex goes, the questions are pretty obvious. I assume this one and other likes it would up the intersex score “The body I was born with matched the notions of what one would expect of a traditional man or woman”
No. 252345
>>252335Giving this test a try and oh my god are the statements retarded
>I express my gender identity in a way that challenges or expands people's conceptions of gender.>I explore my gender identity in ways that more traditionally-minded people haven't even considered.>Having a definitive gender identity doesn't make sense to me.Some of these are very obviously meant for the intersex crowd, and oh my god he must have been lying his ass off on some replies to get the 0% cis. Which I wouldn't have cared too much about unless these questions didn't mention situation that could be very jarring for the person.
>Many people have been confused or surprised by the sight of my unclothed body>Medical professionals have tried to talk me into removing certain ambiguous traits I have (or have had) because they wanted me to appear more like a traditional man or woman.>Medical professionals have at some point told me or my caregivers that I should consider genital surgery so that I could live a "normal life." No. 252366
>>252204He posted the uncensored photo on Facebook. Turned out he was just playing with his hands and not eating food. I’m not going to cap his veiny hands. No one need to see that
His sister is as much of a hoarder as he’s. Why would anyone need eight plus consoles scattering around the house?
No. 252489
File: 1664582137816.png (724.55 KB, 712x734, 45.PNG)

No. 252493
File: 1664584443033.png (Spoiler Image,7.75 MB, 1284x2778, 53948E84-3451-4363-8869-F78215…)

>>252366For the viewing pleasure of others
No. 252494
>>252489Terry just admit you’re an incel and not “asexual”. This is so disgusting.
I wonder if we’ll be seeing a half-assed apology post soon for sharing this. I guess it depends if any of his zoomer fans complains.
No. 252504
>>252489>>252498I seriously think it's part of the act. Finds something clearly sexual, play uwu so innocent dumb for new followers, they see he doesn't even understand sex so why would he want to have it.
But yes. Prepare for that copy paste "let me say im sory" apology.
No. 252592
>>252504>>252498>>252495>>252494I’m genuinely surprised nobody complained this time. Especially the post he shared appeared to have previously removed before. It IS a sexual post
let’s see if Terry will keep pushing the envelope
No. 252843
File: 1664674362019.jpg (135.1 KB, 1080x809, Screenshot_20221001_213113.jpg)

>>252321???? he just proved that the results and the test itself is bs. he took it again and changed his answers to get the result he wants
No. 252845
>>252843“Transgender a little bit too high”
He comes off a bit anti-trans there. Everyone knows these tests are bs but he had to expose himself like that
No. 253029
File: 1664721234214.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1284x2197, C8F0CF7C-4975-4173-B878-3AC84D…)

Sir you spend more on a cos you wear once what is stopping you
No. 253665
>>253659Someone commented something along the line of “the things in this list are not really that bad” and he replied
“I actually made this because plenty of people actually THINK I get a lot of time off and flexability at my job or people talk about how they want to know what I do so they do it as well. In reality the stuff I do at my job isn't like many professional positions at all and there are plenty of people who would likely be fed up with it. This was actually made in response to another status I made about pay/etc.
Basically you can say my job has similar restrictions a lot of hourly jobs (retail, food industry, etc.) has despite having various degree/experience requirement…so many are put off by it.
But I deal with it because of the pay is good. Many professional positions out there (which we have as well at my work) allow for a lot of freedom, which is why many opt to do them instead of work my position. There are reasons most don't stay at my job for the above listed and more.”
I only copied the text and dm it to someone to laugh at him. Now I regret not screencap ping it because he deleted the statuses shortly after.
No. 253745
File: 1664814838748.jpeg (331.88 KB, 1284x2296, BDE2D3E1-93C0-436B-BF16-0FC1FA…)

Ahhh yes classic Terry wanting to cosplay little boys
No. 254120
File: 1664875466642.png (1.3 MB, 1170x2532, yikes.png)

>>254021Here you go anon.
No. 254270
File: 1664909736368.jpeg (620.33 KB, 1170x1636, 8E13024C-97BA-457C-87D2-2E225E…)

>>229285Bro what is his barber on
No. 254278
>>254270This man sure does know how to block people on socials that he doesn't want seeing him being a creeper towards girls half his age but sure seems to have trouble hitting block number on his phone.
He wants this drama.
No. 254553
>>254535He mentioned in one of the statuses/comments that he was actually getting a really good deal out of it. So at one point he was taking advantage of the guy. Something happened. Maybe the guy caught on to it.
This barber story is going nowhere. Any new tea? He’s adding new people to his game account. Anyone checked out how much he’s actually playing the massive amount of games he been collecting?
No. 254562
File: 1664982094732.jpg (332.82 KB, 1080x1796, Screenshot_20221005-085611_Ins…)

Terence looks awful in bob style wigs. It makes his face look more masculine and longer. Combined with a weird fitting bodysuit this one is going to be an A+ trainwreck.
No. 254615
File: 1664994570594.jpg (660.38 KB, 1079x1879, Screenshot_20221005_142757.jpg)

omg rip to another person that Terry can pretend to have been friends with for sympathy
No. 254674
>>254615I doubt Terry ever interact with this guy in real life. At least he put in more effort this time.
Fucking terry is so disgusting.
No. 254701
File: 1665006391874.jpg (260.36 KB, 1080x1787, Screenshot_20221005-174536_Ins…)

>>254615you know he follows the thread when he posts shit like this
>I absolutely knew him No. 254708
>>254701I never thought to question whether he knew the dead guy, but now I'm 100% sure they barely knew each other.
Terry, I know you read this. Please stop using dead people for clout. you're doing a bad job faking you know these people.
No. 254892
>>254758yes. he mostly (90%) took selfies with white zoomer girls.sometimes you see a random dude or black person. maybe terry just couldn't say no.
He used to take more selfies with men back when blerdcon started around 2017
No. 255134
File: 1665063648408.jpg (584.64 KB, 1080x1838, Screenshot_20221006_093746.jpg)

how many times is he going to make these compliment fishing "I'm just going to disappear from the community" posts before he actually follows through?
stop pretending you haven't done anything wrong to ruin any of your friendships. you're a narcissist who is insanely rude to people who even try to give you a little bit of advice or criticism. of course you're not going to keep any long-term friendship
No. 255146
>>255134He’s been making a lot of statuses these last few days after comic back from visiting family
Dude. Just log off the app and touch some grass. Play your games. Leave zoomers instead
Instead he went to the mall to take photos of cats so he can get likes from zoomers
No. 255206
>>255190This is a bit sad but I'm pretty certain when he says 2-5 years and 8 years he's talking about his Facebook or Instagram mutuals as "friends" and the "friendship" ends when one of them unfollows the other. Not actual real irl friends which he never posts about.
This also means he watches his follower list like a hawk and takes note of anyone who has exited the list, which is backed up by his many posts on the subject.
No. 255243
File: 1665074506707.jpg (542.27 KB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20221006-123456_Ins…)

he literally went on a trip to visit his family and then complains that his family was around the whole time he was there? I don't get this man. if you don't like your family, then don't visit them? also the attitude of him expecting food when he arrives is gross. especially when he knew his mom was sick before he left… you're a grown ass adult, you can take care of yourself.
No. 255291
>>255243he complains like someone in their 20s (that's generalizing. I rarely see anyone complain this badly). Dude is 40. I know he's autistic but come on.
Everything he writes is exaggerated. you don't have to stay with your family. but HOURS AWAY?
He's just upset none of his zoomer fans wanted to meet him. If he wanted to drive around he could just rent a car.
Also that photo is gross.
No. 255391
>>255243i feel bad for his family. imagine it’s your first time seeing your weird son/brother in years and you just want to spend time with him, talk to him, and try to be helpful by giving him some nice hand me downs because he can’t dress himself. you end up getting irritated with each other a few times during the trip but it’s nothing unusual because most parents and their kids have that kind of dynamic sometimes. but then he goes online and talks shit about you (AGAIN) over things that aren’t that serious and acts like he doesn’t want to visit you anymore. and on top of that, he expected you to coddle him and feed him like a baby the whole trip.
yeah they’re
victims LOL
No. 255704
>>255243This is why he's a 40 year old virgin, the most simple human interaction is apparently a problem to him
>mom is sick>wow what a bitch she didn't make food for my arrival!!>dad is also sick and on medication>wow this is infringing upon my imaginary social life!!>absolutely no sympathy for his sick parents>Bear in mind his parents must be 60-80 years old >apparently dad giving directions and his mcdonalds order to Terry is?? rude or bad somehow?? Just completely normal things??>They asked me where I was going when I wanted to use their car>Dad tried to give him some clothes but it wasn't to his tasteLiterally complaining about his family speaking to him at all, like his dream life is clearly the one he has where he stews in silence all day. Nothing here is unusual or worth complaining about.
No. 255738
>>255134We do hate creeps here, Terry. Please leave.
>>255243The photo he used gives extreme serial killer vibes yikes. He really makes the most mundane shit so dramatic. Oh no, your apparently quite sick mother can't made you dinner. Why don't you make dinner or pick up food for her? I don't get why he's been complaining so much lately about not being able to go out late when he's also said he goes to bed at 8:30 during cons and has a problem with other people staying up actually late.
No. 255758
File: 1665107204024.jpeg (145.52 KB, 1284x399, C525DCD2-3006-4A0C-9EB1-23D2A7…)

Gotta get something that caters to HIM cause his parents and beloved zoomers do not
No. 255797
>>255758i saw that and was really confused about the "catered to me" part. I get the old fridge probably don't have smart wifi. Ice maker though? that should be standard in a lot of house fridges.
ok. i get that some fridge might not have ice maker. but "catered to him"? why is he so dramatic about every mundane thing
No. 255840
>>255243I would hope this is a wake up call to how fucking narcissistic he is to anyone privileged enough to see this story. He's an adult, a well off adult, and it's disgusting how he whines like a toddler. His parents are kind to want to see him because he sounds like even more of an asshole reading this status. I bet moneybags Terry didn't even buy his family the McDonald's. Why would he when he can't even do that for his precious "friends".
This type of attitude confirms even more that he uses dead people for clout. He doesn't give a shit about other people, let alone his older sick parents.
No. 255863
>>255243how does he post statuses like this and then wonder why people keep dropping "friendship" with him?
He's the only super autistic person i know. i am really struggling to understand how someone can be so narcissistic
I feel sorry for his parents. Imagine seeing your son for the first time in 3 years and all you eat with him is mcdonalds. Come on terry. how about you cook for them instead?
No. 255873
>>255243Did he really feed his 60+ yo sick parents Mcdonalds? Parents he haven't seen since 2019
THIS MAN MAKES SIX FIGURES and has no partner or children.
Can we cancel him for good so we don't have to deal with this piece of shit?
No. 255949
>>255940I knew Terry for almost 10 years and can confirm. I don’t know what
triggered the change. I don’t recognize the man anymore. He’s always been a bit awkward but not this rude and narcissistic. Maybe it’s a combination of his autism going untreated and midlife crisis?
I really hope he gets the help he needs because more people will leave him and his chicken tender diet will kill him now he’s in his 40s
No. 255952
File: 1665147000576.jpeg (967.88 KB, 1125x1972, 0023B029-2D92-4496-990A-11B81E…)

“I do what I want” says the man who is afraid of admitting to his family that he wears glasses and won’t get a cat because his family will hear it in the background during phone calls.
No. 255953
>>255952so that's why he brought home his golf clubs. "hey dad i haven't seen you in 3 years. here are my well used club!"
I really wonder how much he's exaggerating here. his parents seem like they tried to help their son to be a well rounded individual but he's just too autistic and never got the medical help he needed
about the cat thing. I have no evident of it but his family seem to be cool with his sister's cats?
No. 255955
>>255952lol at "he does what he wants" and him afraid to wear glasses. so much that he didn't just not wear in front of his parents. he didn't bring them on the trip.
>>255243His eyesight is pretty bad. he admitted to it. Probably why his father complained about his bad driving. He could've gotten himself in trouble here admiring not driving with corrective lens
No. 255978
>>255953It's possible the reason he thinks they'll be so critical about him having a pet is because he has proven in the past that he can't take care of one. Probably either didn't bond with the family pet at all or make an effort to take care of it, or managed to beg his way into a fish or something and it died because he neglected it.
He doesn't seem like the type to actually be able to care for an animal, whether emotionally or physically. He never shows himself interacting with other animals when he does post them (always just a "this person's pet loves me" when it's literally just sitting there watching him be weird), and he's also constantly away from home because of conventions and all his overtime at work. And when he is home he's changing his clothes ten times a day and taking mirror selfies.
Normally when someone makes the effort to post a claim like "blank loves me" it's followed up with proof of why - a video of you playing with a dog, petting a cat, a bird on a shoulder, etc.
No. 256018
>>255978that is a REAL good point. One i never considered. And that surely do explain a lot. It's been proven that Terry tend to leave things out.
His concept of love and caring is very twisted. I really made this teen's day by telling him I recognized his cosplay! No, kid didnt care and would rather creepy old man leaves him alone.
No. 256045
>>255952Kek loser had to throw in "I like mini golf though!" so the zoomers don't assume he hates golf and leave him out. I'm sure the only reason they tease his glasses is how stupid the lenses he picks look on him. He thought Sucrose with round glasses looked bad on him, there's your cue Terry, you are ugly with round glasses.
His narcissism is just on different levels though. "My dad should be interested in my hobbies, not the other way around!"
No. 256323
File: 1665186119214.jpg (195.47 KB, 1080x1720, Screenshot_20221007_194002.jpg)

I don't understand the reasoning behind him putting random words in all caps like this? it just screams boomer to me. but also I noticed he posted it on his ig story and deleted it to repost with different wording. he deleted the original before I could screenshot, but it was worded as if the option was there specifically for him
No. 256739
File: 1665269718589.jpg (253.71 KB, 1080x1799, Screenshot_20221008-165225_Ins…)

Here we go again. They met 7 years ago and he hoped they would meet again for his selfie collection.
No. 256746
File: 1665272223633.jpeg (1011.17 KB, 1170x1812, 54A2389C-855C-4381-A81D-D901AF…)

posting what
>>256740 is referencing and status afterward to show how torn up Terry was about her suicide
No. 256807
>>256746For fucks sake. I wish someone would call him out for this crap.
She committed suicide after struggling for months. I’m sure he never noticed or offered any support to her during that struggle, because he only sees people as props.
I found out that 2 friends of mine passed away this past week, and it’s really fucking hard to deal with and if I saw Terry making a thoughtless comment about someone I knew I would fucking go off on his ass. He probably wouldn’t actually care if his own parents died.
No. 257105
File: 1665371828946.png (1.65 MB, 1284x2778, BE9C7980-CCA7-4912-A8C6-8E561D…)

No. 257107
>>257105Bitch. Buy a diary. Write in it.
Then burn that cringe shit.
Your "friends" are most likely farmers now.
You are a trash human. You have zero empathy for others or life. Your responses to your "friends" death(s) and your parents health
says everything anyone needs to know about you. You can't even pay others to be your "friend".
You will die alone and miserable if you don't get fucking help.
No. 257109
>>257107The fact that his “friends’” deaths and his parents getting sick is literally an afterthought to his possessions breaking. That’s like… psychopathic.
He should just stay in his big house with his stuff and leave everyone alone. He doesn’t care about people, he cares about getting compliments and feeling important. I’m glad I don’t have any real connection to him because I’d go off on him.
No. 257139
>>257105>both my parents ending up in hospital/urgent careYeah we saw how much he cares about that when he went to visit them and complained about the fact they were sick and didn't cook for him?
>>255243He most definitely will post complaining if they/one of them dies since he sees other people's lives as inconveniences.
The fact he put "also a few friends died" and parents going to urgent care/being sick in a footnote when the main bulletpointed list is about his refrigerator, Switch and Wifi?
Like for most people the sick parents and loss of friends would be the main thing troubling them, not their fucking games consoles and appliances.
No. 257141
>>257107This post exactly, he honestly is a low-level sociopath and that post says it all. The way he prioritises devices over human life. This is why he will never have a partner or close friends, who wants someone in their life who thinks a bit of technology is more important than their
No. 257168
>>257105Why did he put the switch down as almost the most important thing? He barely played it. Got it replaced with a newer model and immediately trade it in for an oled model immediately after doing a poll.
This man grew up so privileged and this status confirmed it. A switch over sick parents? He made multiple posts complaining about his parents while they’re so sick they ended up in the hospital. I’m raging.
No. 257179
>>257105when his parents die he'll just end up making posts about how annoying it is they left him with so much stuff he doesn't want and doesn't know what to do with.
it's amazing how no one else sees these kinds of posts and doesnt realize how selfish he is. only his own life matters, and if there are people as an afterthought, they're only there so he can whine about how it affects him. he doesnt actually care about what happened to them.
No. 257195
File: 1665412985019.jpeg (262.08 KB, 1284x1033, 00152799-8AD2-4C14-9073-14918A…)

So busy to go to GameStop, Round 1 and shop at malls.
No. 257200
File: 1665414425279.jpg (59.19 KB, 1080x365, Screenshot_20221010_110457.jpg)

why is he taking rooms for a con that sells out fast when he doesn't even know if he wants to go? he really just likes to flaunt his money around huh. stop taking rooms from people who actually want to go dipshit
No. 257236
>>257200That’s disgusting. What happened to not traveling to as many out of state cons? Zenkaikon is a small con attended by teenagers… oh I got it now.
Its pretty sad that he had the balls to post this, and then react to every comment except the one that said they or their friends couldn’t get a room at the host hotel.
No. 257237
>>257141Not to armchair but I think he’s just autistic with very low empathy. All his posts seem like he’s trying to mirror what he thinks other people would say in his situation, but since he has no understanding of how people function and his world revolves around him only, he comes off as a narcissistic asshole.
He’s obviously been very sheltered by his family, they probably know something is off about him but have never taken him for testing or a diagnosis since that was seen as shameful back then. Now he’s a 40 year old who has no basic social skills and he’s doomed to be a loner weirdo creeping around cons forever.
No. 257241
>>257105How can he post this and not even 24 hours later make another post about Anime USA. Sir is your life hectic or not?
Is this constant change a symptom of autism too? I’m genuinely curious. Terry clearly needs professional help and I wish people would suggest that instead of encouraging him to go to cons.
No. 257545
File: 1665500749104.jpg (1.14 MB, 3774x7135, InCollage_20221011_110159911.j…)

I love seeing people getting tired of his ignorance. like, had he never been to renn faire before? it's always sold out in advance around this time because it's the end of the season and when everyone wants to go (like commenter says). he acts like it's just some new popular trend he can jump on board with, and that's why it's "suddenly" selling out.
No. 257587
>>257545Found the thread. It looks like the commenter is one he wants to meet. He mentioned buying his tix so they scan see each other.
This explains why he actually replied to this comment versus the other ones he just left on read.
No. 257628
File: 1665512060243.jpg (312.4 KB, 1080x1796, Screenshot_20221011-141257_Ins…)

stop cosplaying shit just because it's popular. of course he posts this the day the anime comes out
No. 257685
File: 1665529845115.jpg (549.25 KB, 1079x1195, Screenshot_20221011_190931.jpg)

the filter is literally on his tongue. this looks so stupid.
No. 257772
>>257628god it’ll be funny tho. cause a norma person would just buy a woman’s suit to fit themselves. he’s going to buy the shittiest quality cosplay and it’s going to fit terribly. cosplays that are just normal clothes require effort to look decent.
also aside cause he doesn’t care enough to say it himself. i hope his parents are okay. he’s at the age where he could lose them. it’s fucked that he doesn’t care.
No. 257818
File: 1665588355506.jpg (1.51 MB, 3896x6007, img_20221012_112135874.jpg)

another instance of Terry exaggerating to make himself seem more important. claims job is offering him 50k to relocate, when the email clearly states 5k-50k. while 50k is in there, I doubt he'd get that much when that's the high point of the range. also wondering how many people in his company this competitor sent this recruitment email to? I have a hard time believing they are targeting only him
No. 257826
>>257818Pretty creepy he specifically mentioned Arizona as a location. He's fishing to see if they'd want him there.
Kek at him thinking the 50k is what he would get too. He's insanely stupid.
No. 257828
>>257818Of course they aren’t only reaching out to him, but he’s too self absorbed to realize that. He also doesn’t seem to realize that he’s have to pass interviews to get the job, he can’t just e-mail and say yes and they transfer 50k into his account. In either case if he did and they searched him, they’d see pictures of him sticking out his tongue and that would be the end of that.
Interesting that he mentions Arizona again though. That girl he likes there better run.
No. 257851
File: 1665601341639.jpeg (106.02 KB, 815x284, A55B0875-F552-4C64-983E-356542…)

Oh yes, this 100% happen
No. 257859
>>257851Please stop being a narcissist with these posts Terry.
It was creepy as hell when i saw one of his girl cosplays at a con.
No. 257905
File: 1665615841821.jpeg (167.44 KB, 1284x547, 1AFA5A22-4A59-4E0F-99AE-4ABF29…)

That’s what happens when you buy a house???
No. 257939
File: 1665625958081.jpeg (173.6 KB, 1284x450, F1FC5E28-A1DD-4D5B-B236-47F918…)

I can’t waste my money on MAGFest so I bitch and moan about it.
No. 257942
>>257905I don't get "now i pay to have my AC/Furnace go through a tune-up twice a year" sohe never tune up his furnace. I though the usual schedule is yearly?
no doubt his "house" is falling apart. This man is incapable of taking care of anything
No. 257946
>>257939why does he even need a hotel room 30 minutes from his house?
good that he stopped coming to magfest. we don't need him creeping on zoomers there
No. 257990
File: 1665655249117.jpg (414.77 KB, 897x1338, Screenshot_20221013_025906.jpg)

Can someone tell him to stop cosplaying Toga like this! She is a minor! I want to puke! Why the tongue, Terry!
No. 258010
File: 1665662271317.jpeg (363.76 KB, 1284x721, 0E2D36A3-714C-41E7-A513-3FE80D…)

Sir stop faking for clout
No. 258011
>>257990The poses are fine for Toga. Minors do this all the time.
What’s wrong is a 40 yo man cosplaying Toga like this. Especially when we know he’s an incel that stalks minors.
No. 258032
>>258010>I am VERY queer too.Terry has shared sexual posts about women and hentai photos with female characters, but I have never once seen him share a sexual post including a man or male character. You’re not gay, Terry.
Or does he think that because he’s non-binary, that makes him a “non-man” and therefore a totally queer lesbian? You’re just a creepy straight incel Terry, nothing more.
No. 258037
File: 1665674465492.jpeg (954.6 KB, 1284x1774, 761AB546-790D-4D28-86B4-CD0399…)

No. 258068
File: 1665683164068.png (Spoiler Image,6.09 MB, 1284x2778, 484EAD40-8DC6-4175-ACEE-7333DF…)

No. 258073
>>258070I take that he’s having the fridge delivered and installed? Nothing unusual about this. I don’t have a pickup to carry a fridge home
Look at this man having to take time off from his six figure 9-5 job for appliance install. No pity from me
No. 258113
>>258068I wouldn't share this shit with my closest friends or significant other. Meanwhile we have boomer Terry over here boasting about his Fridgedare to barely legal teens hoping to drop panties.
Fucking pathetic.
No. 258126
File: 1665701342748.jpeg (405.94 KB, 1284x2242, E8AE4A67-ED72-4256-BFEE-E4F14B…)

Such variety
No. 258129
File: 1665701515965.jpeg (495.02 KB, 1284x2229, 07BE1443-F7C8-4770-BFD8-0A06F4…)

>>258127Can’t you hire someone to do it since you’re so busy Terry?
No. 258136
File: 1665702294661.jpeg (39.98 KB, 700x483, F2B0C6E1-F871-4014-B3D1-2606F6…)

>>258129He so desperate to get people to come visit his home. Pathetic.
No. 258245
File: 1665719854457.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1284x2227, 3269F604-544E-493E-8586-841B53…)

So busy indeed.
No. 258331
>>258327Dude could’ve just gotten a mini fridge. This fridge thing is yet another attempt by him to show his wealth. You aren’t going to attract zoomers this way, Terry, you didn’t even want to buy food for your friends.
And if waffles, fries, and chicken are all this man eats, no wonder he looks malnourished. He’s got enough money to eat balanced, healthy meals but no.
No. 258357
>>258245I thought he’s busy and don’t have time to even meet people and now he’s heading to a con on Friday? Terry please make up your mind!
He removed me from his old account so I can’t look it up. Didn’t he hate Anime USA? I swear he always said he ghosted it because of some drama. Surprised he would take time off his busy working schedule to go to a con on Friday
No. 258422
File: 1665785727729.jpg (910.37 KB, 1079x1915, Screenshot_20221014_181426.jpg)

wtf is this?? wasn't he whining about the no mask policy they originally had before they updated it? but he won't wear one for a stupid video?
No. 258430
File: 1665788919524.jpeg (2.33 MB, 1284x2245, 823E8A97-FB92-4A1E-B35F-3226D3…)

That’s the highlight of your day? That’s pretty pathetic.
No. 258519
File: 1665836540386.jpg (224.55 KB, 1080x1911, Screenshot_20221015-081915_Ins…)

genuinely terrifying
No. 258520
>>258519his tiktoks are so awkward and uncmfortable to watch. dude stop whitening yourself.
at least he didn't do the tongue thing. which he only does with (mostly minor) female characters
No. 258682
File: 1665892431568.jpg (663.01 KB, 818x1363, Screenshot_20221015-235043_Ins…)

Terrance spotted on a insta story looking haggard and stupid as always. Cropped the poor zoomer out
No. 258683
File: 1665892678035.jpg (116.82 KB, 502x924, Screenshot_20221015-175030_Ins…)

>>258682Here's another one kek looking pretty dark there Terrance
No. 258698
>>258683“But I don’t look that dark”
Ok terr
(learn2sage) No. 258802
File: 1665937840874.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1284x2217, 034EBD28-1E13-4E03-BC23-7C222E…)

Bro you do it all the time why the sudden complaining about the drive?
No. 258848
File: 1665945778153.jpeg (858.22 KB, 1284x2283, 394B141C-27E7-40DC-B103-55DE85…)

Ok bro still hunting for zoomers we see
No. 258943
File: 1665970048803.jpeg (949.68 KB, 1284x1121, 4FB061A5-22DF-41CD-B540-432E51…)

He’s nostalgia tripping maybe?
No. 259112
File: 1666026596963.jpeg (872.3 KB, 1284x2269, 155296B2-3FCB-4E2D-894A-015E4F…)

Least the height will be accurate.
No. 259163
File: 1666045222068.jpg (736.51 KB, 1079x1780, Screenshot_20221017_181921.jpg)

last chance to beg him to go to MAG. lmao idk why he even bothers mentioning that as if people actually want him at any con he goes to
No. 259187
File: 1666056130396.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1284x2200, ACC5AC56-2418-41C6-886A-5E6C6C…)

Bro stop proving you’re ancient
No. 259191
>>259190>>259157i have known him for 10+ years and he did talk about FMA from time to time. he never cosplayed from it though. it does seem to come out of nowhere. probably got
triggered by a zoomer he's stalking.
No. 259194
>>259187I mean… it’s true, but zoomers probably don’t even know what is or what this picture is about. And in 2011, wasn’t even the main place that gatherings were happening, it was more on Facebook if I remember correctly.
He tries to act young but then posts shit like this. Which would be nostalgic if he had friends his own age, but most of the kids he wants to hang out with were in middle school at the oldest in 2011.
No. 259197
>>259194>>259187EBK post this cap on his facebook Anime USA 20211 nostalgia post. No idea why he thought it's a good idea to share it
Why he tried to act young to these zoomers and then constantly post these ancient time content. Make up your mind, terry
No. 259213
>>259157FMA had a notable anniversary recently that caused a bunch of collabs, merch, new mobile game is coming out, and a new (2nd) live-action movie
He's probably legitimately interested in it given his age/its classic status but he could be also trying to bandwagon the revival of interest
No. 259273
File: 1666095298621.jpg (87.1 KB, 1080x348, Screenshot_20221018_080900.jpg)

>>259213>>259191anon is right about someone
triggering his need to cosplay from fma, and it not just being a random idea. I'm not doubting that he's probably seen it in the past with how old he is, and may like it… but let's not pretend he's doing something out of his own love for the series, and not because he wants to get someone's attention like always
No. 259282
File: 1666100425399.jpg (278.73 KB, 1080x1831, Screenshot_20221018-093848_Ins…)

why did he share this blank meme? hasn't he only been to Sabo? is he trying to bait AZ zoomers into doing the meme so he knows where to stalk them?
No. 259473
File: 1666147599320.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1284x2228, 64FDEC5D-B4D4-4B3A-BD9A-E55B79…)

New cosplay
No. 259480
File: 1666148989230.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1284x2117, AEED18C0-3925-4C9D-A14B-08010A…)

Always bragging, never humble.
No. 259490
>>259480Hasn’t he always been anti-Xbox? Why did he get one out of the blue just to play one game.
It’s sad that he has all three current gen consoles and new games every week, yet barely play any of them
No. 259494
>>259490He probably plays them but doesn’t post about it because he doesn’t get attention from young kids for it. He wants to make friends with young cosplayers, so he posts about cosplays from popular series.
He probably thinks people think he’s cool when he posts all of his purchases but he doesn’t realize how tone deaf it is to post all this to college aged kids who don’t have much money.
No. 259543
>>259534this! I hate that he buys the cheapest art/accessories. Always mass produced, never from artists. And then keep flaunting his game and cosplay collection.
We get it, Terry. You have money. Now hire a maid and clean up your house it’s disgusting. I hate that he always have random shit on his floor when he takes his selfies.
No. 259556
File: 1666195428954.jpg (321.7 KB, 1077x1811, Screenshot_20221019-115848_Ins…)

I hate how he posts about watching anime like this? he did the sake thing when he watched the first episode of chainsaw man. it's so robotic. why doesn't he actually talk about the series he watches or what he likes about it? he just powers through them and goes "I watched it." like it's some kind of accomplishment. it just makes his interest in anime seem so insincere
No. 259610
File: 1666208174677.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1284x2249, 9744F559-33D3-4BB1-8729-C67A37…)

Do it so we can see how stupid you look
No. 259655
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Get faster internet?
No. 259674
File: 1666228589060.jpg (424.03 KB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_20221019-211259_Ins…)

same shit. new year. we know you're not actually thinking about quitting, stop with the crocodile tears
No. 259685
>>259681I mean, I’m mid thirties and I go to cons and have fun, so do lots of my friends who are the same age. However, I don’t know anyone who goes to as many cons as he does that aren’t doing so for work (artist alley/guesting etc.), and I don’t know anyone who is so stuck on getting attention from random people.
It makes sense that his mental health is bad, because his life is completely empty. He clearly doesn’t like his family based on his posts when he visited them, he has no real friends, and he’s not passionate about his work. He should spend some of his money on a therapist to try to figure out why he’s like this.
Does he even actually like cosplay? It seems like he did used to do characters that he was actually passionate about, but now he just does what he thinks is popular and will get him attention.
No. 259754
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cry me a river. he's really playing into the teenage pity party now
No. 259760
>>259756unfortunately, while I agree he needs professional help for a multitude of reasons, he won't. he knows if he does he won't get the sympathy he wants. professionals aren't going to hold his hand and go "awww Terry I'm sorry the teens are so mean to you" they're going to tell him he needs to stop hanging around immature kids that cause this stress and drama in his life, and make friends his own age. but he doesn't want to admit that he's 40, so why would he want to hang out with people who remind him of his age?
besides, with all the exaggeration and lying he does about other people and situations he's been in that we've seen, I don't think getting help will do him good. he'll just end up lying to them too about everything, and make things worse off for him in the end.
No. 259773
>>259754I really hate the vagueness of his statuses. Most people reading this would think someone did hateful thing to him. Knowing him he probably wrote this status after another (or more) zoomer dropped him.
No means no, Terry. Stop stalking people who don’t want to interact with you.
No. 259781
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>>259773lol thats exactly what it is. or even it's not about new people dropping him, he's just still hung up on all the people he's talked about a million times that he swore he wouldn't talk about anymore
No. 259821
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>>259754this comment on that post feels especially nail on the head because while it’s right, Terry does not have any genuine connections. He can’t even bother to cosplay and put effort into things he actually likes and plays. Terry IS the clout chaser that befriends people using superficial reasoning. Cosplaying solely what is popular or just off its design is definition superficial.
No. 259844
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please. please. please. this would be so cringeworthy I want him to bring his fucked up genshin cosplays to work
No. 259878
>>259480Over the span of two fucking days, this man bough a console and SIX games.
I’m all for showing off but this is so excessive. How can he just throw money around like this yet nickel and dime his “friends” during cons
No. 259883
>>259773>>259781I totally called it! I don’t understand why his fans tolerate his weird obsession of people who just decided to leave him. Based on everything we have seen so far, they didn’t even do anything or say anything to him. All they did was unfollow or don’t reply to his messages.
How’s this behavior healthy? Maybe for a teenager but definitely messed up for a 40 yo man. Why’s he so salty over some teenagers who don’t want his creepy ass around.
No. 259923
>>259883It’s not even people “leaving” him really. It’s people unfriending or unfollowing him. Because unlike normal people, he pays attention to that shit and gets pissed off about it.
Terry, having a conversation with someone (if you can even call it that, more like forcing them to listen to you talk about yourself) once or twice does not make you friends. Taking a selfie does not make you friends. At best you’re acquaintances. No one wants you to “not exist”, they just don’t want to be borderline stalked by your retarded, geriatric (compared to them) ass.
No. 260156
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says the man who accepts thousands of friend requests and won't go to a con that doesn't have at least 100 friends going. okay.
No. 260288
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Bro… do people even care to be your favorite?
No. 260411
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I do not understand how this man can have 16.5k followers and get the same engagement I do with 1k
No. 260551
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No. 260688
File: 1666538404696.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1284x2238, C9C80BBB-FDA3-41A9-BD4A-B767B1…)

Ah yes… Nothing like going to a ren fest in weeb attire.
No. 260711
>>260616he's definitely going to try it. he said in
>>249714 about a month ago he was considering it since he saw it trending at cons. even though I'm pretty sure it started at his least favorite con, and its a party thing which he would also hate to be around, so why bother?
No. 260839
>>260688To be fair, it's the last weekend for the fest, which is usually "anything goes" – it's pretty lax anyway but this weekend in particular has extra stormtroopers, marvel superheroes, etc.
That said you'd think he'd wear one of his cosplays, I went on a normal weekend and still saw some random genshins and stuff;"last weekend" only gives him more leeway.
No. 260917
>>260688Did he just go to the ren fest by himself? It looks like he just watched joust and then took a few shaky videos.
Two weeks ago he sad he’s busy af now he has so much time to waste. wtf
No. 260919
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No. 260920
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Please grace us with your bad props
No. 260924
>>260919I don’t know why he felt the constant need to tell the world he’s non-binary. The fact he has trouble figuring what to wear to ren fest says more about him cosplaying NB
Modern RF outfits can be made general neutral easily. Did he even try?
No. 260977
>>260919>>260924He wants to dress up with elements from both male/female, instead of whatever neutral usually means. He’s one confusing man.
Every time he talks about neutral/andro, he prefaced it with comment that he can’t pull off female looks. Dude you’re sitting on tons of money. Stop buying throwaway cosplays and new games everyday and get some surgery done.