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No. 243911
Previous thread
>>>/w/226912Once Again:
Sage non-milk posts. Being fat and ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk.
Liv / dreamy_pastel_princess / marshmallowbnuy
>changes username, likely to run from her ageplay and drama mongering past >>228903Anmitsu / hanikamibear
>French anachan that stole a dress and tried to sell it is still actively attending official lolita events >>231362Angeleeku / angeleeku
>outed as a furry fetishist >>231401>publishes furry lewds to her public facebook and wears fetish jewelry in lolitaSainte / alchemyandgold / suuushi
>still acting schizo on facebook, cgl and here >>229495 >gets an unfortunate soul on cgl to draw him not knowing who or what he is >>237664Momo / mahou.momo
>leaves social media likely because the TX comm is insane >>239436Lara / larasuzannne
>continues to post about lolcow to 19k followers, funneling them here and exposing her insecurities for anons to target >>227062>finally gets a clue and stops responding, souring the milk>Isha continues to post non-milk about her regardless >243118Toast / toastchaaan
>clout chases by posting her coord to Google maps >>227558>half asses informing people about sexual assault >>232361>outed as a ddlg lover shortly after >>242670 >>242779 >>242782>used to be close with DDZ, explains alot >>243510Ayu / babyduckenema / dearadagium
>also outed as a ddlg lover but, even worse, makes gross art about it >>242770 >>242809Nat / oatmilkchan
>continues to brag about being banned >>236368>sees herself as some kind of anti-porn vigilante >>236428>gets banned from tiktok for porn ranting >>2384>blogs about being canceled as if anyone cares >>243201>is now on privateDDZ / deedeezeta
>has a slap fight with some gross troon that wanted to expose himself in a spa >>232744 >>232916>makes a blog post exposing perverted community members >>238473>old milk resurfaces when gross vendettachan attempts to find dirt on her >>240723>poses with a gun to larp as a badass >>243119>speculation on if she's actually a troon continues kekIsha / stardustfantasia
>outed as the vendetta poster of Lara Suzanne and DDZ >>243230>once exposed changed bio to state she's underage and went private>is 17, violating the farm rules by posting hereESLchan / avo.odie
>spergs out when Mabel Kroger views her story to post her here >>243532 >>243546 No. 243914
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So are we going to talk about the columbian shot gun girl and 4chan Mabel?
No. 243974
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DDZ changes username and goes private.
No. 243980
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Colombian chan upsetto
No. 243997
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>>243991She removed me. Didn’t nat have more followers? We have no more mutuals anymore either.
No. 244007
>>243995tbh if i could change it i would, i mostly just thought those pics were funny and wasn’t sure on how to fill the space kek, no ulterior motives i swear. i also forgot ayu at the last second, but wish i added her more.
but my GOD did thread OP seriously change
feet pilled 4 christ* to
pilled for christ ?? i don’t particularly hate or love DDZ, but she’s game to poke fun of. changing it is outing yourself. it’s retarded to actually make the thread pic in praise of her. not everyone likes her, so it should be reflected.
it’s not even hi-cowwing to say her and/or her friends have taken the offense in these threads, because trying to change what happened in last thread is beyond pathetic.
No. 244011
>>244007Yeah nvm, ddz you’re a fucking cunt. Out of all the cows from these threads, nobody’s stooped this low to change the narrative.
why did a person who speaks openly against pervs have to be such a huge cow herself?
No. 244013
>>244008So Toast won’t get canceled because she cries "woe is me. She and her canceling posse are always huddled together, defending their own. Understand the narrative: people canceled Nat over pedo Brandon
So Pedo toast getting canceled will be ignored.
No. 244017
>>244014i was about to say, i think most sweetfags who are also weebs fall into the “pro/anti shipping” debates, where they call actual teens “puriteens” for saying that kind of content is sick.
i’m glad I’m seeing so many teen girls actually make boundaries for once. i read about how apparently there were school uniform protests in japan by girls who were sick of their uniforms being sexualized in the media.
if these sweetfags actually cared about social justice, they’d act on some kind of feminist solidarity. idk if it’s just me, but i feel like it’s mostly classic and gothic lolitas who watch true shoujo or old school shoujo anymore while most ott sweet weebs watch shit like My Dress Up Darling or other coomer romance targeted toward men. i know Lor is like that, her fave content is always for a male audience.
No. 244022
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>>244015I think you mean fake bitch Lara, who attacked nat and ddz then befriended them. She’s just one of those who shit talks and is a too-faced fatty.
No. 244024
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>>244022Here’s Lara trying to get nat and ddz canceled 2 months ago
>>222782 No. 244030
>>244029Lies. Lara doesn’t dress well
That fatso can barely fit into AP
No. 244031
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>>243982The retard is making it about race
No. 244045
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>>243984No Mabel or anything related. Just her stale 'based takes' and taking shots at coomers.
No. 244055
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>>244046nonners she wears communist china now, she switched teams kek
No. 244058
>>244046 Thinks
>>244055 is a Nazi uniform. Fucking retards.
No. 244064
>>244058>>244055i was literally talking about d.walkure.
ddz stans are so fucking defensive, i even said it doesn't offend me that much?? you guys are so quick to bite, and going as far as altering thread op is embarrassing.
No. 244087
>>244083holy shit this was just talked about last thread. you newfags need to keep up or stay on discord.
No. 244103
>>244013i think a part of the reason why toast or lor won't get cancelled is also because the call out stays in this thread. people are learning of these things via drama sites, so confronting them makes you "admit" you were lurking here (which is stupid because we know they all do).
they refuse to respond IRL or talk about it, so it's hard for people to broach the convo. DOn't get me wrong, i also think people are pro shipper weirdos, but I think someone has to make the plunge
No. 244111
>>244103it seems the only ones with enough nads to call out these types of freaks are deedee and nat but now they got sick of our shit and go private. they are both total screw ups but at least they brought light to the creeps lingering among us. all i can say is good job gals. they aint the hero we want but at least they do the dirty work.
and you know watchdog dont give no fucks. she loves swers and blm and every wokefag shit. she may as well be useless. she only call out girls for being terfs but not the ones who share sw to minors, girls who groom or girls who indulge in pedo and ddlg perversion. and toast is innocent black, no one wants be racist against innocent oppressed black girl pedo.
No. 244125
>>244124nice attempt to integrate, discordchan. feel free to share it, this is an imageboard.
>>244103nobody has to call them out publically, blocking says enough. at this point anyone still following her or lor or babyduckenema are sick themselves. even if people dont come here themselves, word gets around on discord. that's how these newfags discovered cgl and the farms to begin with and why it's gone to shit.
No. 244164
>>244125>go back to discord!!11u all keep saying the same thing, which means either one person is going this hard or ur little cult really are calculating. you do realize that defending ddz this hard when it’s been stated that the outfit wouldn’t even be that offensive is weirdo behavior right? she can be discussed without someone being accused of vendetta posting
ready to give up on this thread, seeing as it was biased and revisionist from the very start.
No. 244166
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>>243969yes it was which is why it was brought here.
No. 244167
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No. 244169
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>>243914also more spergout over mabel
No. 244272
>>244022>daatdarlingI see more neonazis in there lol
It's been a while since I saw Georgina Rose, nobody talked about her cancellation and being dropped of a book deal for her white supremacist tendencies? She has a lot of sockpuppet accounts too, she's a cow by definition.
No. 244282
>>244275Just because the 'Die Walkure' is German words doesn't make it remotely Nazi. It's the German word for 'The Valkyrie' and the Valkyrie are from Norse mythology, which is Scandinavian. DW designed by the Nipponese in 2010, which is obviously not 1930s Germany… And if you want associate 'The Valkyrie' to Nazis, did you know 'Operation Valkyrie' was an assignation attempt on Adolf Hitler. So the name Valkyrie doesn't make it Nazi either.
>>244280'Dark Secrets' makes it EVEN less Nazi.
bUt TeH nAmE iS NaZi agreement is even more retarded if we want to base it on this name. At least 'Die Walkure' is German words so it makes sense that a retard would call something with German words Nazi. Doesn't make them less of a retard, but at least I can understand why they make the (incorrect) association. Because retards tend to think gErMaN = NaZi.
No. 244297
>>244273>>244277>>244282"Die Walkure" is the name of one of 4 parts of a very famous music opera by Richard Wagner, who was Hitler's favorite composer. Wagner's work basically became synonymous with Nazism, and Die Walkure is one of his most well-known works.
I don't think anyone that owns DW is immediately a Nazi, but it's disingenuous to say there isn't a tie to Nazi uniforms with it.
No. 244299
>>244297why do we actually care, though? there's literal race wars in the US current day and we're focused on Hitler? Make it make sense.
None of you even truly care about the Jews, so why are you pretending?
(racebait) No. 244304
>>244301anon, nta but if you're calling anything german a nazi then you're the equivalent of calling anyone black a nigger
think about yourself for a moment
>>244297bUt HitLeRs fAvoUriTe cOmPoSeR wRoTe a SoNg.
holy fuck reach harder. i never heard something so stupid. is his favourite food racist too? HitLeR LiKeS iT sO nOw iTs rAciSt!!
(stop derailing about Hitler) No. 244310
Can we stop derailing about the stupid dress being nazi. It's not nazi and stop pretending to care.
>>244272What is the evidence of Daatdarling being racist? Was she actually racist or just a not wokelord so they say she is racist?
And can we get Columbiachan to release more names?
No. 244312
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>>244282>they don't know about the nordic symbolism used throughout the third reich which is basic primary/secondary school teachings.kek.
anyways, there's drama apparently on CGL and reddit concerning a person not being able to handle getting posted in the ita thread. speculation on them being one of liv/hannah's discord member? i haven't seen the reddit drama but i'll try to post caps
picrel, she's claiming that this getting posted in the ita thread is "vendetta!!!1"
No. 244320
>>244273The reason people called it Nazi is because of the hat, which has an admittedly very Nazi like Eagle insignia on it. The rest of the design is very generic military but that just tipped it over the line for a lot of people. The name (originally Dark Secret, but it was changed to Die Walkure when people got upset) also lends to the feeling of it being Nazi-esque. They probably should not have used a German name, but the fact is that Japan loves Nazi aesthetics. The uniforms were designed by Hugo Bass and did look nice; unfortunately they also were worn by heinous war criminals.
Unfortunately, in the US we have a rather surface level understanding of history, leading people to think that this design is based on Nazi uniforms, which it’s not, besides the hat. But most people also think all Swastikas are Nazi symbols when it’s really specifically the one going clockwise and tilted at a 45 degree angle. I don’t think we can really use Swastikas for anything now due to the association with Nazis, but some idiots will freak out seeing them on Buddhist temples, not being educated enough to know that Buddhists used the symbol for thousands of years before the Nazis, and it’s usually facing the other direction.
TLDR: the people freaking out about someone wearing Die Walkure are probably undereducated and using assumptions based on their under education to draw the worst conclusions about people they don’t like. Unless someone is literally preaching alt right shit and then wearing it, they’re probably not a Nazi and just like the dress.
(derailing) No. 244326
>>244320Eagles arent nazi symbols. Eagles are universal to just about every military. An eagle with a swastika is nazi. And its the swastika that makes it nazi, not the eagle. DW has an eagle with an M for Meta. Not remotely nazi.
Case closed. Stop reaching. No one cares.
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KEK Gtfomyjfashion posted toastchaaan pedo following
No. 244857
>>244823It's a drawing. Is she posting and participating in real DDLG things or is this just some obsession like fujos?
>>244817Make that make sense.
No. 244949
>>244942Being into LOLICON is crossing the line and feeds into the rape culture of children being assaulted. As a CSA
victim, this type of normalization is disturbing and only creates Pedophile safe spaces and communities like MAPS ( Minor Attracted Persons) being created. What Toast is doing is highly inexcusable and contributes to minors being manipulated by these gross things.
No. 244988
>>244949She has put off many rape
victims with her half ass TikTok PSA. Her unawareness and hypocrisy isn’t new.
No. 245061
>>245029i’m the anon that posted the first like, but the other posts were just examples of shit that the page she followed features (all l0licon)
did anyone else find more likes? i tried scrolling through, but didn’t see anything else. the one she liked was clearly a child though sitting on a grown man’s face.
No. 245247
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>>244668The page went private. Did someone harass them to go private?
No. 245341
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photo of pedotroon sainte without all his makeup on dressed as his favorite underaged anime character, he's so uggo kek
he's also got loli stickers on his car cuz he's a pedo of course
saged since not sure if this counts as milk or not as it's been posted in another thread awhile ago
No. 245343
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>>245341here are some of the many loli stickers supposedly decorating his car - note the one on the left flashing her panties despite being underaged
No. 245347
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>>245343last one: him publicly admitting on his fb he is a friendless loser and will die alone, the fate of every pedophile terminally online tranny
this is extra pathetic considering he has family/people he knows irl added as friends on fb so some of them saw this cringe kek
No. 245359
>>245354ayrt I guess I can see why you'd think that but I'm not a cow and haven't ever been posted in any of these threads - in the last thread a few nonnies suggested not posting about him since they claimed it causes him to post here but nobody has even been discussing him and yet he still keeps ban evading and regularly shitting this thread up anyways so I figured might as well post this stuff on him since it's clear he won't leave us tf alone either way
on one of his many alt facebooks (he's got 5 or so) he goes by jon, idk if that's his actual legal name or not, so that's probably why it says jonathan on the paper
the sticker post and pic of him are definitely from one of his alt fbs and he's claimed he likes cars/itasha while namefagging on /cgl/ before so it checks out
No. 245438
is a faggot. and everyone is ignoring him on /cgl/ now.
No. 245449
>>245399he's obsessed with momo and it's so fucking weird and unhinged as she clearly wants nothing to do with him and neither do any of the other women he makes creepy posts about
he was in this thread like a week or so ago making weird obsessive posts about her and on /cgl/ too like holy shit dude get a life and leave women alone - no wonder she deleted her social medias when she's got predators like him stalking her accounts
>>245438sometimes retarded moids or newfags respond to him but yeah he gets no replies from anyone who's been on /cgl/ longer than a day kek love to see it, I'm sure most people have his name/trip filtered too
No. 245470
Just ignore the troon he isn't even milky and nonnas are giving him what he craves
No. 245481
>>245467 >>245470I'm the one who posted it and I'm not the troon, sorry I didn't realize nobody found him milky anymore so I won't post about him again going forward
personally I think he genuinely doesn't like being discussed here - he doesn't seem to like negative attention or criticism as he usually leaves a butthurt reply attempting to defend himself and he reports/jannies (if his claim of being a janny is actually true) any posts about him on /cgl/
anyone calling him out in the discord thread seems to get instantly jannied
I don't understand why he would purposely get posts about himself removed if he loves negative attention
No. 245483
>>245481You sound new. Troons crave female attention and that is exactly why he replies to keep getting it.
The only time people should be warned is if he is in the friend finder threads or trying to lure newbies in with offers of lending his coom stained single brand set out.
No. 245486
>>245483unfortunately nobody in the new friend finder thread is able to be warned about him anyways as the warning posts get deleted every time
I suspect he really wasn't lying about being a janny
as is I never reply to him but you're right, if he wants female attention than posting about him is still giving it to him so I'll stop now
No. 245496
>>245472ddz follows one of the most confirmed pedos on here ??! and ur saying she’s cool with him? caps first
>>245481no you definitely are allowed to post about a fucking cow, it’s getting fucking ridiculous that anyone is somehow “distracting” if you mention someone else during a lull.
there hasn’t been milk for two days, how is posting about sainte a distraction? until toast posts, just gotta bide time.
No. 245502
>>245496Not sure if Sainte, tourist or just retarded but not giving attention seeking troons attention is not some distraction tactic.
These posts really smell like self post.
1st pic isn't new, 2nd as other nonna pointed out is questionable if it's even him and 3rd honestly is the only milk but screams please post me on the farms so I can insert myself into spaces I don't belong. Combined with everything else is a bit sus.
No. 245510
>>245496>>245481sainte technically deserves his own thread despite the backward logic
>>245502 has. yes he wants attention, but you shits invalidating others posting actual milk is making it so others still give him a chance
there's a difference between people like Lara and Sainte, as well.
Look, these threads are fucking full of mind numbing nitpicks to find cows. I'm sorry, but no, MOST of you people in these threads are newfags just due to the nature of being able to get trolled so easily from people you call cows. You literally believe shit that isn't real.
Seriously, (YOU) newfags are the literal reason why this community is so dogshit now. You try too fucking hard.
No. 245519
>>245510His own thread for a handful of milk? Are we this desperate for more dead threads? This board barely moves as it is
>inb4 hi sainteYou're crying about how everyone else is new but seem to be projecting nona or is it no lips lara reminding everyone she still exists because no one is talking about her
No. 245533
okay. but why are we not talking about pedo perv toast. and every time we start the thread gets derailed by some retarded shit like saintes dried up old milk.
>>244668 im glad to see someone is making this public. is this aubries alt account where she actually callouts swers?
No. 245534
>>245530So people don't know each other unless they mutuals on insta.
Interesting terminally online logic I guess.
>>245533Post her new milk or talk about her then? No one is stopping you?
No. 245542
>>245533anon, it's a general thread for the lolita community. if you want a focused one, create one. there's no fucking rule like this retard stated
>>245519 this is also rule breaking: "hi cow"ing and mini-modding the board.
fucking tired of newfags
No. 245548
>>245541Wow you really are a young calf aren't you're way under shooting nonna.
>>245542No one ever said don't make the thread just posed the question of is it really needed which is usually what happens when someone suggests such a thing. Keep malding at your own newness.
No. 245572
>>245541Please quit hi cowing with zero proof. Disagreeing with someone =\= the cow themself. please get a grip.
>>245533Derailed? The milk about toast quieted for 3 days. Talking in circles about already known topics with zero new milk is tiring. This isn’t a toast thread, there are multiple cows to discuss.
Don’t fucking worry, once something
new comes up she will be brought back up again. That’s how threads work.
Honestly the general mini modding on this thread is atrocious. Shit OP always leads to shit start.
No. 245603
>>245572anon, you're the fucking "hi cower" go re-read your post>>245519
report this faggot
No. 245607
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sainte is STILL harassing women on lacemarket on his alt account (he's stopped using his main lm account alchemy and gold for almost a month now)
here he leaves an assblasted review because he was blacklisted by a seller and didn't read her tos and tried to buy from her anyways
No. 245608
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>>245607here is the seller giving him negative feedback for him going out of his way to annoy her and calling him out for lying
No. 245611
>>245603How in the fuck have you reached the conclusion that this
>>245519 is my post (which it’s not)?? Are delusional now?
Starting to think y’all are acting as schizophrenic as possible to throw everynody off
No. 245617
>>245496>>245510after reading through the new posts it seems like the people (or singular person?) who are complaining about him being posted are just looking to tinfoil, infight, hi cow and mini-mod so whatever, I changed my mind and will continue to post stuff on him I find milky
if they don't find it interesting they can simply ignore the posts about him or post new milk from another cow
you're right and I agree with you nona but you shouldn't respond to their infighting attempts and hi cowing and other annoying behaviors - just report and ignore
No. 245882
>>245829this. how is it derailing to have concurrent discussions? how many hi cow posts will be made when an anon brings someone else up after 3 days of silence kek ??
i seriously think half the people in here need to read the TIM/TIF cow threads as examples of multi cow posting. posting sainte or ddz doesn’t end the discussion of toast, like just keep talking…?
No. 245948
>>244071She doesn't huh? looks to me like she does and it doesn't even fit.
No. 245998
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>>245976she changed her username remember? she just wore it in april, she's not sorry. sad how many people are liking this too.
No. 246001
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>>246000even proud to own 2 colorways of it and the shirt and tie and looking for more.
No. 246034
>>245998>>246000>>246001holy fuck we literally just went over this
>>244273 >>244282>>244320>>244326are we done yet?
No. 246041
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>>246000You’re right. Looks just like her
nonny No. 246043
>>245998isn't this the same exact reason why people hate DD?
tell me again why she is not cancelled
No. 246272
>>246229Glorifing military lolita.
We have this argument on every lolita platform every few month. And no one fucking cares except for
>Anons trying to pick a new target>Activists like toast and purestmaiden>Retards who are to concerned with political correctness over if somthing military themed is too nazistBut guess what any quality military themed clothing is going to look like a uniform and anyone who doesn't have the brain cells thinks anything that looks a little to good must me Nazi. No one cares about the ATP jackets with red armbands or the hundreds of taobao sets out there. Or the fact dwalkur looks more french than anything
Most lolitas only sperge about it because it's a rare expensive set and they don't have it. I see non itas getting posted in the ita thread when the vendetta was because it was anons dream dress and was upset someone else owned it
No. 246273
>>246197Wearing brand is not the same as wearing a Nazi uniform for the intention of wearing a Nazi uniform
But I am just responding to bait
From DeeDee and her minions no doubt.
No. 246279
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>>245496Haha how did DeeDee Not Zee the pedo’s discord chats
No. 246285
>>246280Considering this
>>246279 maybe they are cousins or whatever he calls people he obsesses over.
No. 246294
>>246279I was gonna argue that maybe this was a fake acct, but seeing as it has 70 followers and over 100 posts, it’s definitely real and not a burner.
If sainte claims they’re cool AND there’s a follow to back it up, that’s sus.
No. 246301
>>246293I see her posting black girls all the time and they follow her back and had loc in their bio also esl Chan is fresh from Colombia. She’s been accused of indoctrinating
POC multiple times
No. 246314
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>>246285So how did their “Friendship” break off? He is so obsessive and gross
No. 246317
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>>246282>>246288>>246291so she is still following sainte?? Knowing she does frequent this thread (her and nat both have literally shown screenshots of LC on their instagram stories, plus there have been LOC shit posters, so don't even try to deny it) does ddz somehow not know he is a p3d0? that seems unlikely.
they both changed their instagram names at around the same time kek, sainte's name is now Alchemy_and_gold, just like his LM.
No. 246375
File: 1662659439584.png (10 KB, 531x173, down10.PNG)

>>246317KEK he is already down 10 followers, funny how many people saw this page.
or actually, he's probably trying to trim down anybody that might leak his shit.
No. 246392
File: 1662662014110.jpeg (52.62 KB, 828x617, C7481438-D121-4B85-9361-B7459A…)

>>246375he has another ig account too pic related and was tagged in some photos on this one from when he went to meets - looking very male of course kek
>>246314ew he needs to leave momo alone and stop mentioning her like they were friends, clearly she doesn't want anything to do with this pedotroon or else she would've stayed in contact
No. 246415
>>246397wait who the fuck is
actually saying being a
poc gives someone a political pass? nobody said that in this thread. Quit making up arguments/narratives that you want to get pissed at. this isn't /pol/, argue what's being said, not your imagination.
and sure i bet it's a thing people for real say, but it's dumb.
>>246301literally who has accused her of that??? never seen that. i can imagine a non-
poc thinking
poc can't also be conservative, but that's not the same as someone actually accusing her of that. once again, making up a person to get mad at in your head.
No. 246437
File: 1662671208852.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 3464x3464, 8DF2E5CD-2619-4852-8CA6-ABB22A…)

Marked as spoiler for NSFW. Lolita caught liking diaper fetish post. What the fuck.
No. 246441
File: 1662671955397.jpeg (212.83 KB, 828x995, EB1DA007-E6C8-489B-9C42-B30394…)

>>246426here's a group photo with him standing in the back behind the blue haired girl
No. 246442
File: 1662671997482.jpeg (317.77 KB, 828x1317, 5AB74D26-ADE1-4E3A-833A-C3E8BB…)

>>246441him posing with some girl
No. 246463
>>246448Ddz needs to update her list
Add on
Toast, Sainte, and Lusiferin
No. 246655
File: 1662763274891.jpg (509.46 KB, 2156x1916, female.jpg)

Found this genderspecial chimping out on tt and instagram.
No. 246656
File: 1662763316427.jpg (659.2 KB, 2156x1918, stillfemale.jpg)

Can't find the account so guess it was a burner or she changed usernames.
No. 246657
File: 1662763341901.jpg (629.87 KB, 2152x1920, neverbeaman.jpg)

Who's gonna tell her we are most definitely transphobic?
No. 246682
>>246658went to her ig and she is an obese ita genderspecial kek these tranny orbiters are almost as pathetic as the predatory tranny moids they defend
also has something about hating jkr in her bio, peak mental illness
No. 246827
>>246751British national party, right wingers
>>246759interacting with cows is against board rules, and every post ITT doesn't need to be milk as
>>246807 says
No. 246920
File: 1662830089132.png (554.3 KB, 771x800, 92B91BFE-89B1-4499-A686-98F7EA…)

Update list on Lolitas to avoid following deedeezeta’s list
No. 246942
File: 1662833650832.jpg (133.68 KB, 1124x818, IMG_20220910_111206_314.jpg)

>>246941Samefag dropped pic
No. 246951
File: 1662834839547.png (20.72 KB, 803x350, xxar2Os.png)

>>246949to be honest no one liked snacks. he became a meme, but he definitely is into CP. these were pre-FBI requirements to hand over the information to them.>After some time on the site, he ignited controversy for his banning policies, where he would often ban users for minor misdemenors while allowing illegal or otherwise rule-breaking material to continue to be posted. No. 246959
File: 1662835317735.png (270.33 KB, 964x272, proof.png)

>>246951>clicks into url for a set of CPmore proof
No. 246988
File: 1662840498246.jpeg (410.7 KB, 1242x1178, EBA7CD1D-EFAC-4422-A09D-E7525E…)

No. 246993
File: 1662840769967.jpg (190.43 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault2.jpg)

>>246988you mean like this?
No. 246999
File: 1662841928250.jpeg (119.66 KB, 1242x320, 0E76D51F-851E-4559-9145-58DA04…)

No. 247002
File: 1662842135212.jpg (127.11 KB, 1195x746, i4jzJir.jpg)

>>246920if her bf is racist then she's racist
No. 247003
File: 1662842146858.jpeg (213.73 KB, 1242x400, 5D3BD5F4-9C85-42A4-B55A-B5F9DE…)

No. 247042
File: 1662844871001.jpg (181.6 KB, 1124x1592, IMG_20220910_141731_872.jpg)

Look who he's friends with, the other recently outed ddlg freak.
No. 247075
File: 1662846653840.png (5.93 KB, 508x162, moreproof.png)

>>247068taken from the con thread they advertised themselves in
No. 247080
>>247068Look at the black lolita tag on Instagram or look at toast’s page.
>>247070She was a decent lolita YouTuber and blogger. She wouldn’t go on a woke rampage or post about community bullshit. She was very prompt and had good ideas to share in her videos.
No. 247081
>>247079probably worth it to report them for the racist shit they are posting everywhere including
>>247075this is either snacks or beck
No. 247134
File: 1662859799826.jpg (322.58 KB, 1564x983, ddddddd_blog.jpg)

>>247122>>247127looks like she just changed the url
No. 247140
File: 1662861374103.jpeg (375.91 KB, 856x570, 7014DA2F-7690-4760-A784-DBF855…)

What Tyler do to deedee?
No. 247152
File: 1662863604490.png (99.68 KB, 590x900, shota1.png)

>>247005also joked about shota, just weird things to joke abt
No. 247208
>>247205Drawings are the same as being a real pedo. Don't be this retarded.
Also where does it say she wants real children? Did I miss that?
No. 247240
File: 1662878199332.png (608.03 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled9_20220910233627.png)

>>246920Unsurprisingly, the girl who dates a pedo follows people who post lolicon.
No. 247255
>>247225I'm not a scrote. This argument about drawings meaning the same as actually harming children is fucking boring. I'm asking if any of them have actually harmed children or created CSEM? Otherwise there's no reason to be in this thread because it's not milk.
>>247241You have got to be kidding me if you are calling this pedo material. Holy shit. Please say you are joking.
No. 247264
>>247159WT Snacks was a member of egl and comm_sales? What the fuck
No seriously what the fuck how did the entire getoffegl crew miss this? He’s been notorious forever.
>>247255This is the lolita community thread, not the only-people-who-have-personally-raped-a-child thread. A lolita dating WT fucking Snacks and him being involved in our communities is absolutely milk.
No. 247278
>>247264So… No one actually is a pedo. You could've just said that. Even the FBI says they hate tips on this shit because it's not worthwhile.
>>247275..It's literally Child Sexual Expoiltive Material. It's not made up. Take meds, but you're more worried about drawings, so makes sense you don't know what that means.
No. 247295
>>247282Then why hold off posting it? I notice like
>>247205 said no one is calling this out. The same with Toast, Sainte, Angeleeku, etc. If you don't share things outside this board it will never gain traction.
No. 247333
File: 1662892416640.jpeg (140.49 KB, 1242x318, F48EC71A-4E0E-4319-AE6D-9C3E14…)

>>247331Nah I’m seeing retards on ig defending it too, picrel. She still has followers it seems not many people have unfollowed at all. Like the other anon said there should be immediate blacklisting on cof, lace market, all comms etc. Immediately. Just like y’all did with everyone else.
No. 247348
>>247321Maybe it’s because nobody cares about a literal nobody liking cringey anime porn. Big deal, doesn’t mean anything to cancel someone with no following to begin with.
What’s up with all the randoms being spammed over fucking twitter likes? Like, the art is gross, but again, literal nobodies. That and the constant “dd is our savior, uncancel dd” shit is really embarrassing and out of place. What is even going on in this thread, for real?
No. 247359
>>247357Not even just the pedo crap, her bf thought it was uwu quirky to use racial slurs. There's a trip showing it was Snacks. This retard
>>247333 saying Beck changed? She's acknowledged his lolicon past and us still trying to defend him so I'll let you do the math. People only praise DDZ and Nat for calling this out, it's not that we like them.
No. 247374
>>247359Imagine defending a predator who’s collected CP. Yikes.
That kind of shit blows my mind. These Girls will fight tooth and nail to defend their greasy boyfriends but will be so quick to jump on other people’s wrong doings to be keyboard warriors. Why do lolitas attract the most degenerate males, good god.
No. 247375
File: 1662904757033.jpeg (84.34 KB, 828x606, 092CDE2F-56CC-4EEF-BC51-61C48C…)

>>247055This and she’s following a moderator who has been banned from all lolita groups for abuse on members.
No. 247448
File: 1662913925908.jpeg (213.75 KB, 828x1523, 8C6FF1D1-C7F9-44B2-BFD0-B3885E…)

This is kinda old news cause I saw this last December but couldn’t decide whether to post or not but just saw this guy in the ita thread and remembered, don’t know if that has been shared before either but never heard mention of it
This is @rambo_brite on Instagram (friends with fluffy tori and classic troon) followed tags around December last year, pretty disturbing, seem to be gone now guessing be either realized or was called out but not seen anything about it
No. 247449
File: 1662914019043.jpeg (195.36 KB, 828x1531, C33AF27D-7AE4-45FA-B31D-3E9098…)

At the very least guy seems to have a few odd fetishes and a thing for Muslim brides, pretty disturbing considering the vibes he already gives of and tori platforming him
No. 247450
File: 1662914196666.jpeg (709.03 KB, 1505x2872, D52D7428-B5D6-4DF8-869F-56E20F…)

The guy in question for anyone who doesn’t know showing off some fluffy_tori designs
No. 247455
Ok can someone explain to me whY people are thanking DDZ? Did she post about beck in her blogspot??
>>247439caps plz, that would be mighty juicy. however, she’s in so many discords though, so idk if i’d immediately assume death by vague association. beck probably hides her power levels in certain circles
No. 247457
>>247455she was hiding it this entire time.
So I would expect to see some sort've public commentary coming from people who are really trying to host a racist in their community. Even in all my years on 4chan, I know better than to spout racist shit like Snacks and Beck.
No. 247458
okay. this explains everything.
No. 247460
File: 1662915388570.jpeg (456.77 KB, 2676x2746, 7542B2A2-E531-4FB9-BB54-07C6F5…)

>>247455They follow eachother on Instagram although that doesn’t mean much. Note that Beck only follows around 600 people and Hannah follows 1.7k. Someone will have to acknowledge it.
No. 247464
Genuine question for the sweet fag wearers: is the revelation of hidden degens changing your perspective on your own interests? do u have a fear of association? i genuinely think sweet lolita has had a shift in the west (and tbh also in China). the pedo culture con scene is the only place some people are either getting into lolita or lolitas are gathering there and thus being
conditioned. like why the fuck are so many lolitas participating in Maid Cafes at anime cons??? embarrassing.
>>247321learn to sage, but cassis didn’t say no blm for anti-performative reasons, which would be fair, she just doesn’t believe in racism full stop. be honest kek.
No. 247473
File: 1662917050317.jpg (186.78 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20220911_102514.jpg)

>>247448Just looked and he still follows those tags and a bunch of nun ones too and this……
No. 247475
File: 1662917235731.jpg (91 KB, 1080x370, Screenshot_20220911_102811.jpg)

>>247473Safe to say it's a fetish.
No. 247477
>>247439So your not going to post the screenshots?
Idk why you discord anons can never post caps
No. 247480
>>247477Whoever this discord fag is never posted screenshots like last time with the ita posted here
>>244312 . Post caps next time of liv or Hannah running shit up than getting your panties tied up to not include caps.
>>247455Dee exposed the community
They much rather ban Nat over a predator
No. 247501
>>24749818+ meets should really be turned into 18+ community if they want to allow
>>247492 people into the community and at NORMAL all ages meets.
No. 247512
>>247511no. she didn't. quit trying to reach for things to vilify her about. she meant people who
expect women to be small. those are the weirdos.
No. 247521
File: 1662923207041.jpg (135.73 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20220911_120737_014.jpg)

No. 247543
>>247536this. i keep thinking about how we can preserve ourselves if we bare minimum kicked ppl out for this shit.
sage for blogging, but i just got mod status of my comm last month and i’ve already kicked 5 ppl based on their scrote ecchi cosplay interests. i don’t care. take charge sisters.
things will only change if we actually take positions of power and let people know it’s ok to have boundaries. because clearly there are a lot of girls who are just too afraid to say anything
No. 247545
>>247542>"NO U!!"get a better comeback, newfag. there's literal cows to discuss that have been brought up and you're still stuck on your vendetta that someone is able to be trolled, which mark this as a 'TIL'; the majority of the population can be trolled.
you're just an idiot.
No. 247561
File: 1662925241446.jpg (2.06 MB, 2162x3703, paedoapologistbeck.jpg)

Imagine being such a newfag to 4chan that you don't remember the most popular mod making paedophilia his identity. She's backpedaling and scapegoating Nat/DDZ because they're the hot topic lately. All of her "friends" are buying it just because she's popular. Beck, you're a paedophile apologist and you should be ashamed.
No. 247567
>>247553All of them are unhinged and so easily
triggered. Those Texas bitches loves to gang stalk, Discord 24/7, and talk the most shit out of their asses on boards. You all know which comm is notorious for this behavior and are filled with cows.
No. 247571
>>247561Which user is toast?
Thank you for the caps anon.
No. 247574
>>247561beckkattack (beck)
aiulura / aiu.lura (aiu)
mylesjennifer (jennkitty)
Name and shame the others too if you know them kek.
No. 247577
File: 1662926462053.gif (147.56 KB, 220x169, 4F26641C-8DBE-48BE-8BF9-64BDEA…)

>>247574You know they’re going to shit up this thread so they can bury this info. Can someone create a EGL master list on all the Lolitas to avoid. This includes thread Lolitas and their shenanigans.
No. 247578
>>247561“Nat wasn’t even alive yet”
And somehow she knows about it, planned this vendetta, and posted it?
No. 247593
>>247561not going to lie, i don’t really care about the drawings, but defending a known CP collector pedophile is fucking horrific. what the fuck.
“someone edited a ban reason wah wah wah” has he actually brainwashed her this badly? holy shit. i’m sick.
No. 247602
>>247577Working on it. Would a Google masterlist be preferred? Taking suggestions on what might be easier for everyone
All their Socials
Their crimes
No. 247608
>>247458What even is this…. I don't want to look it up :') I'm afraid to learn what it is honestly, but will a
nonny please give me a vague explanation.
No. 247609
>>247602some in past thread too
>>>/w/215519 >>>/w/215519
Alyssa Shea Duncan/birds_symphonia
LM: likelysugar
Angelique Owens/angeleeku
LM: AngryPrncess
LM: if-i-want-to-dance
Isha Preuss/stardustfantasia
LM: roundmidnite
LM: toastchan
No. 247629
>>247609Should we add sainte?
There should be sections like Pedo and degenerates list, scammers, etc
More people to add
Toycyborg / Abby Miller / "Wear frills do crimes"fatty
Instagram: Toycyborg
Brandon / Therealdrlove / Bearded-chan
Tiktok: Therealdrlove_88
Instagram: Therealdrlove
Facebook: Brandon David- Thomas Love
Pedo who got nat banned
Yasmine wambot /kitsunetsukiii
Instagram : kitsunesukiii
Twitter : kitsunesukiii
Autumns friend who been banned for extreme racism and abuse
Autumn (Autist Autumn)
Instagram : Voyeurism.s
Facebook: Autumn
>After being banned from Toronto comm for autism spergingand her boyfriend harassing members.
>Autumn is no longer dating the scrote who got her banned. Maria (Troon ring leader)
Instagram: @widowlifestyler @manglemarionettes
>A Polish psychopath who demands lovebomb favors from his Polish comm members.>>187947 >>187949
>Is the admin for the Poland comm on Facebook>>187980 >>187981
>When the Troon doesn’t get his favors, he pursues to backstab lolitas on /Cgl and lolcow.> Private his IG pages. Instagram: @gothic_cat_mom
kaneko - Jfashion shop
Instagram: @Kaneko.en /
>After the situation in the war between Russia and Ukraine, Kaneko announced that their shop will be closed with sanctions being imposed that are harming their business.>German lolita gets mad that the shop isn't talking about the Ukrainians despite Russia putting censorship on citizens.>Gerrman lolitas reeee over getting blocked for spew retardation.>Called for a cancellation of their business in the lolita community.Georgina Rose
>Popular witch Tiktok and YouTuber>got called out for being matey with some far-right (Allegedly)>>213656>recently dropped by all for flirting with white nationalists>Posted on Twitter about being canceled and how the accusations of extreme racism, Homophobia, and rantings on the discord screenshots are fake Liv / dreamy_pastel_princess / marshmallowbnuy
>changes username, likely to run from her ageplay and drama mongering past >>228903Anmitsu / hanikamibear
>French anachan that stole a dress and tried to sell it is still actively attending official lolita events >>231362Biblet rose
No. 247631
LM: deedeezeta
LM: sp00py
LM: Alchemy and Gold/Suuushi
LM: lovelylor
LM: wonderfinch
No. 247638
>>247631samefag, people whose LM I don't know:
Matt Drury/rambo_brite
Danny Wood/rosiebow57/babyrose357/dream_fluff357
Hannah Franke/rosequartzroyalty
Jennifer Myles/mylesjennifer/jennkitty#3462
i dont think we should add *channers like mabel, kind of hypocritical since we're here too.
No. 247651
File: 1662931574769.jpg (403.18 KB, 1079x2027, 20220911_172607.jpg)

>>247577dd updated the master list on her blog. should include herself kek. but its a good start.
No. 247662
>>247561>defending toast on liking a Loli pic“It’s just anime drawing”
>>244868Hi beck
No. 247664
>>247629Gwendolyn Lepsy/voyeurism.s
LM: velveteenchemise
No. 247673
>>247651This is why I can't even hate on DD too much. She's ugly and her coords suck, but at least she doesn't make excuses for coomers and troons. She calls this shit out and doesn't care that people say she is a transphobe nazi
No. 247680
File: 1662934013598.png (220.7 KB, 828x1061, nice.png)

who is surprised?
No. 247690
>>247651kek i fucking love it when cows help take out cows, popcorn ready.
>>247680did beck post her pedo shit to her instagram? if not, idk how damning this would be.
No. 247692
>>247690jfash posted it yesterday
>>247131 so the news is public. they were even talking about it in their discord which they're in.
No. 247866
>>247464I think Lolita is becoming a bit like gyaru. As in, people get into it from moe animu characters, rather than because their tastes and personality "naturally" align with it. This is overwhelmingly true for sweetfags who are more likely to be just regular anime loving weaboos, and therefore more likely to be into questionable stuff (such as pandering to the pedo scrotes that frequent their fandom spaces). Obligatory "not all sweet lolitas !" mention.
The problem with subcultures that are appearance-based is that they're ultimately pay-to-enter. You can get in if you buy the right costume, regardless of what's on your mind. There is no fool-proof way of gatekeeping or proving one's genuine interest or intention.
I wouldn't be surprised if all the sweet coomers migrated en masse to jirai-kei fashion since it appeals to unhinged otakus already and is increasingly fetishized as well.
>>247629I don't think Kaneko should be on the list, they didn't actually do anything afaik, besides, didn't the owners literally risk their lives at an anti-war protest ?
>>247612People only bring up muh feminist roots because they need to justify their consoomerism to themselves by pretending it's a radical act, and larping as a feminist is trendy
No. 247914
>>247867ntayrt, you're right that it's usually not sweet lolitas that appear in anime but it's really common for sweetfags to get into lolita because they're huge weebs. At least where I live, almost every sweetfag is heavily into cosplay and obsessed with anything remotely 'kawaii' because they're huge weebs and like the other anon said it usually means they're some sort of coomers as well. Not to shit on sweets but I wish gothic or classic were the face of lolita, that way you'd actually have to be interested in the fashion to know about sweet and we'd have a lot less ddlgfags. Although gothic and classic would probably bring other sort of freaks, we'd probably have a lot of classic tradthots and gothic bdsmfags (which is kind of happening already)
Wish the lolita gen thread on /g/ was more active because it'd be interesting to discuss
No. 247921
File: 1662993596357.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.54 KB, 1216x720, 2.JPG)

>>247914heads over to /g/. one of the first threads to pop up. nope the fuck nope.
No. 248035
>>247464Sweet has always been like this, at least in my comm. I’ve never met a sweet lolita who wasn’t a huge weeb and most of them are into anime with poorly disguised loli- or shotabait like Kuroshit and Dragon Maid. They often cosplay these characters, too.
Even when they’re not openly into DDLG they’re usually obsessed with looking super young (comments like
>>247521 are not uncommon) and buying stuff from the kids’ section of stores. This is often accompanied by a lot of seething bitterness towards real kids. They actively seek out products and activities marketed towards prepubescent children and then get upset when they have to share that space with… children.
>Ma’am, this is a playground.With some of them I get the impression that they’re innocent (and a bit developmentally stunted) and that they genuinely don’t see the underlayer of coomerism that’s ubiquitous in their favourite media. I know one girl who was super into Melanie Martinez and had no idea there was anything dark or seedy about her music or imagery. With others I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if they were into kiddie stuff as a fetish. I won’t lie, I’m always a bit relieved when I show up to a smaller meetup and there are no sweet lolitas there.
No. 248110
File: 1663015879199.jpg (253.98 KB, 828x1015, 1662900562481720.jpg)

Is my tinfoil hat on too tight or wasn't the ok symbol outed for a alt right dog whistle?
No. 248131
File: 1663019324138.png (1.93 MB, 1124x1810, amketinfoil.png)

>>248128why post 2015, what's significant about that yr? I notice that's when they started hanging out February 2015 and that's incidently when she made her twitter account too. starting to think he rlly convinced a young girl he's innocent but then why is she joking abt it? I feel bad if she was groomed into this and thinks it's ok.
No. 248161
>>248136exactly, a 23-24 year old was not fucking groomed. she was old enough to know that saying the n word hard R is bad and same with make pedo "jokes"
she literally has peter pan syndrome and keeps talking about how she looks like a 16 year old boy (she does not)
how much could that stuff have been fake if he's still comfortable with people coming up to him and "signing their loli shit" ??
No. 248178
File: 1663026531394.jpg (389.2 KB, 485x750, definitelychanged.jpg)

>>248153ayrt ok yes they definitely knew each other before though. not only that but this shows even further she was aware of his 4chan loli persona and encouraged it on social media. she's a poor liar, is this faked too Beck? this is from 5/20/2015 and he posted that she drew it and he designed it. No. 248240
File: 1663035563425.jpg (60.13 KB, 1080x592, IMG_20220912_191456_928.jpg)

>>247680At what point do we assume the ppl still following her are ok with paedophilia?
No. 248246
>>248240we don’t. some lolitas do actually touch grass,
nonny. not everyone stays up to date with community drama.
No. 248504
>>248484there is legit something wrong with you. sorting through beck’s 3000 followers with a pitch fork is absolutely insane.
you seriously think everyone checks this board religiously? keep telling yourself that.
we are going after people who are in those chats and therefore definitively
know what’s going on.
No. 248506
>>248504calm down, nona. i'm
>>248240 and i'm pretty sure we're half hearted joking and checking ppl we know DO lurk this board like
>>247680 >>247460
No. 248663
>>248638You’re half right
nonny. They’ll do that to anyone they already dislike, but look the other way once it’s coming from inside the house.
No. 248965
File: 1663201520240.jpeg (421.05 KB, 828x534, F19A88EF-A573-4369-95EE-64815A…)

The cow is on camera
No. 248992
File: 1663206813166.jpeg (Spoiler Image,70.53 KB, 828x438, 6F6DEB52-4B0C-47A4-84D8-782DD1…)

>>248965The photoshop is crazy
No. 249004
File: 1663208000665.jpeg (106.64 KB, 828x796, 673FE804-BD6C-493C-8415-952AEF…)

>>248992>>248992The comments are flooding in now.
No. 249014
>>248965Why do cows agree to go on this show?
>>248894The amount of damage control your group has tried doing is embarrassing.
No. 249042
>>249041Do you have any actual milk besides "her house is ugly"?
If not quit clogging up the thread
No. 249044
>>248966Eh, honestly it’s not too terribly milky, she didn’t say anything too crazy. The outfit she wears at the beginning doesn’t do her any favors, but she must have a pretty small frame because she looks like she’d be too big to fit 1/4 shirring but she does. I think it’s just an unfortunate body shape.
I hope she just moved some stuff out to the living area for filming, that sucks for her husband if she decorated the whole house all pink and stuff lol.
>>249014I was scouted for one of those “what not to wear” type shows once (in lolita) and I was going to do it because it paid well (a couple thousand for being on the show plus a new normy wardrobe which I needed for work anyway), I was going to buy some Bodyline to be the stuff that gets tossed lol. I assume that’s why a lot of people do it, I can’t imagine you expect to get good feedback for doing something most people consider “weird”.
No. 249158
>>249054You’re not wrong anon, looking back it would not have been a good idea, but at the time I was a broke college grad who was struggling and the idea of a couple grand for a few days of “work” was highly appealing.
However, Lara is like 30 (?) and should know better. It doesn’t seem like she needs money either. It was probably an attempt to get attention/clout and it seems like it’s going to backfire based on the YouTube comments
No. 249216
File: 1663266961440.jpg (190.52 KB, 1080x1045, 2.jpg)

>>249214they say this but they name dropped before and gossip before about racists dee dee zeta, why is this racist not ok to talk about?
No. 249217
File: 1663267020863.jpg (85.48 KB, 1080x564, 3.jpg)

>>249216It was even the mod that said not to gossip tjat name dropped. I looked and both mods follow on instagram
No. 249231
File: 1663269643086.jpeg (165.07 KB, 600x1334, 2017CD9A-C4C6-4C74-8FE7-FD4E91…)

>>249216You mods for sure hate gossiping and name dropping lol
No. 249233
File: 1663270081557.jpeg (383.76 KB, 828x1004, 908A4BEE-D94B-4BC5-B4BF-ED289A…)

>>249231Name dropping is okay when it’s someone I don’t like!1!1!1!!
No. 249238
File: 1663270519497.jpeg (185.75 KB, 1080x2402, 5B176720-8ED3-403D-9F47-227291…)

>>249237“Please try your best to stick to the facts” but any conversation about beck is shut down? They also have a channel specifically for gossiping
No. 249244
>>249242LOC should change their name to
terf trifecta
No. 249251
>>249244What's wrong with being a
terf? Literally nothing wrong with that and anyone who thinks differently is probably some gendertard.
No. 249254
>>249251Don’t derail
>>249214Interesting that they have a drama channel but as soon as someone mentioned their friend “tee her no name dropping”
No. 249259
File: 1663273106564.png (2.9 MB, 1430x1462, fakedscreenshots.png)

Is this screenshot faked too, Beck? What a thing to joke abt.
No. 249260
File: 1663273238647.png (1.28 MB, 768x1024, unknown.png)

>>249259This was definitely not a self post by snacks or one of his friends that day he and Beck and co were joking about looking under lolita's skirts.
No. 249294
>>249290go look at the archives and see for yourself, thats the beauty of 4chan.
>>249288that's the babylita hq
>>249214 No. 249316
>>249314Opinion from an onlooker from the outside, looking in:
respect bar is at an all time 0 for these vet girls.. lots of people from the outside feel the same, because we have an objective lens and aren't biased.
No. 249346
>>249316Are you really surprised? These are the same people who will start witch hunts for no reason and act confused when people don’t like them.
>>249329 said, a lot of people secretly agree with what Nat has had to say. She’s said and done some shit herself, but she seems to be the only one with enough balls to call it out.
No. 249391
>>249375please tell me how MAGA and AOC have anything to do with
>-Racist slurs>-Misogyny towards women, because they can't be raped>-pedophillia>-4chan incels like WTSnacksu fucking retard
No. 249393
>>249391I can’t believe the ok-symbol
triggers you. Using the ok-symbol doesn’t mean Beck is a Nazi
No. 249394
>>249393anon, I think you're quite literally fucking mentally defunct if you think politics has anything to do with those bullets.
also pls let me know how I have anything to do with the OK sign. do u think this is one person posting on here? it's not, u fucking idiot
No. 249402
File: 1663295375023.png (868.76 KB, 1354x784, theydidit.png)

>>249393Imagine welcoming people to wade through your personal stuff and then it happening, right after.
No. 249428
>>249421>political affiliation and not over things that actually matter. Like being a predator.Sad world we live in.
Snacks loves WK'ing himself tho
>>249375 No. 249544
>>249244Terf Trifecta. Kek they say it like it's a bad thing.
Terf Trifecta sounds pretty based. Where do I sign up? And who is the third? DD, Nat and ?
No. 249549
File: 1663346872102.jpeg (1.13 MB, 3464x3464, 803C8BA9-DD4B-4A91-991F-34EFE0…)

>>249539definitely nat. pic relevant. my vote for the new thread pic
No. 249590
>>249539Hated and Cows are totally different things.
The lolita community has no concept of what cows are.
No. 249678
>>249566I wonder how the modern lolita comm would react to unseelie_allure and the dollification forum debacle. Would they still hate her for endangering minors, or would they defend her because kinkshaming bad? Most of the creeps on that forum probably identify as transwomen now.
>abduct abduct abductRapeblossom would definitely be hated, though.
No. 249683
>>249678Sauce? Ams newfag. Plz spoonfeed
No. 249804
File: 1663613096352.jpg (61.94 KB, 1042x706, IMG_20220919_113952_922.jpg)

Birds of a feather kek. What's the tinfoil relationship here with DDZ and Beck both friends with Sainte?
No. 249805
File: 1663613389482.jpg (157.22 KB, 1050x840, Hammer .jpg)

>>246279>>246375Should probably warn people following and being following by to.
No. 249925
>>249877Not wking but the only sceesnshot is of him acknowledging there was self-harm occurring not grooming. And lots of us interact with other minors in the fashion, it doesn't make us predators. Like
>>249886 said there's no proof so it's hard to take seriously. Pics of him soliciting sex? This is an image board.
No. 249930
File: 1663656888149.png (152.79 KB, 1398x404, creepy male.png)

>>249925are you daft? of course someone who was mod of a pedo grooming server isn't going to admit outright it was in fact a pedo grooming server
look up r9cute discord and reikos trap harem discord for more info on how gross the stuff that went on in the servers was, those are the grooming servers he was associated with
here are posts where he is in the servers
>>>/w/222341>>>/w/222342pic from archives is him trying to get women to meetup for sex on /cgl/ (implied by cuddle or "do other things") and in every single friend finder thread he posts in lately he specifies he is looking for a chiaki nanami girlfriend (note that chiaki is 17) and claims to be a female despite being male
it's not normal for a mid 30s male to seek out and befriend little kids on facebook, that combined with him being mod for a grooming server, wanting a gf like his underaged highschooler anime waifu and posting photos from yuri manga featuring underaged girls and incest is disgusting
here from the archive is him making a post with the same image hash and filename he has used while namefagging - complaining about how he hasn't had sex in awhile and how its driving him crazy has also made posts on /lgbt/ and /r9k/ looking for sex/gfs too that you can find going through previous threads or just searching 4chan archives for yourself
No. 249933
File: 1663657455788.png (376.31 KB, 1922x1242, insane troon.png)

>>249930here is his response along with him later deflecting while being confronted about being a mod of the cp grooming server and confronted about him not leaving the server despite all the shit that went down there
basically "uhhh its ok I did all that because I've changed!" - an admission of guilt, that yes all this disgusting pedoshit was true but he's totally not a pedo groomer now since he has "changed" (despite still acting like the exact same predatory creep he was while in the server)
No. 250029
>>249933>>249930Does this idiot even know that they don't need to namefag themselves and maybe that being anonymous might be what he needs to stop feeling
triggers by shit? Looks like they invite the criticism by not only interacting but acting like past actions don't matter, however I am with
>>249925 in the fact that we haven't had a single screenshot of proof about greentext or him soliciting sex. You can't take SFW convos and force them to be NSFW and come up with a pedo conclusion from that. It's absurd.
No. 250043
>>249930Ayrt the issue I'm having is he said he left after a week and if there's only 2 screencaps of him talking in there about self-harm and finishing his chores then it seems to check out? I'm not saying the server wasn't used to groom or post cp but it seems like he was kicked before or shortly after it happened or screencaps would be dropped. Even in
>>249933 it's just heresay there's no proof posted. The minor fb thing, he could have found her via cgl, tiktok, ig. She wears lolita. The sex post is in the feels thread, others have posted similar things in there. I'm ready to crucify him too
nonny but only with pic proof.
I agree the minor anime girls is gross. No benefit of the doubt there.
No. 250062
File: 1663699859028.jpg (79.99 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_20220812-221950_Ins…)

>>250046he commented on her ig 5 yrs ago and 2.5 yrs ago, these were dropped in our discord a while back. that was her that liked the first one. so they have known each other a while that much is true. it would be nice to have input from momo on this, she would know more. 1/2 but saging for old news
No. 250089
>>250046>>250062it doesn't even seem like he's actually friends with momo, to her he's probably some random troon moid who likes and comments on her photos
>>250029>>250043he is a pedo because he knownlingy joined a groomer discord, became mod of said discord despite all the gross stuff posted in there, and willingly stayed in the pedo server and admitted to all this and doesn't even apologize or realize how gross this was - again he says it's ok because he "changed" while still presently being a disgusting freak
that along with him being completely obsessed with underaged anime girls and he's posted hentai featuring underaged anime girls too and even has a big poster of it in his room, man is a pedophile who is attracted to minors simple as
plus his deranged harassment of random women on lacemarket and his occasional misogynistic comments here and on /cgl/, he is a deranged freak and he had a reputation for being a predatory harasser and was blacklisted from most lolita spaces and by some sellers on lacemarket as early as 2018-2019 (way before he was even mentioned on lolcow btw)
it doesn't matter if the 14 year old he talks to wears lolita, it is a massive red flag he is talking to a minor as a 30 something year old man - she is on a totally different maturity level and if you look at her fb it's all older men being creepy, combine that with the fact he keeps mentioning wanting an "apprentice" and wants an underaged anime waifu gf it's fucking nasty and pedo behavior, normal non-pedo men want nothing to do with talking to little kids online nor do they have an underaged anime waifu that they want a gf to resemble
it's also weird for him to trawl around /cgl/ friend finder threads and use it as if it's some dating site where he can find an underaged lolita gf alongside lying about the fact he is male, I can only conclude he is trying to get unaware lesbian women to add him and has bad intentions considering he fetishizes lesbian relationships
stop trying to make excuses for this loser, he is very open about this stuff because he's too fucking retarded and mentally ill to turn his namefag off when he posts or step away from the screen, he's been acting creepy online in the cosplay and lolita communities for a decade or so now so it's pretty obvious by this point he isn't "trolling" there is something mentally wrong with this failedmale and his disgusting behavior and inability to remain anonymous on an anonymous imageboard is finally catching up to him
sorry this is probably already a long post but I want to add one last thing - he doesn't even care about lolita fashion, he can't coord for shit and just hoards AP dresses/accessories and he uses it as a way to insult and one-up women as if it's some sort of competition along with trying to get women to befriend him by saying he'll let them wear his dresses
he doesn't give a fuck about the fashion itself or being able to coord, it's a way for him to harass and meet women and make himself feel superior with his male ego since he has more dresses - he acts like lolita is merely some weird AP hoarding competition along with a way for him to get a gf
No. 250100
>>250093sorry kek I know it's long idk how to break up posts or whatever, using spaces in between just makes people screech "reddit spacing!"
the discord was a tranny grooming discord - they would try and get kids to cut themselves, take hrt/estrogen, and send nude/lewd photos of themself (so cp) along with making tons of creepy sexually inappropriate comments regarding kids
it was advertised as a troon pink pill/grooming server too, there is no excuse for being part of a disgusting server like that especially being a moderator - anyone who isn't a freak would immediately leave after seeing the shit that went down there
No. 250107
>>250104yeah you're right I should've been more brief and used greentext instead of writing a long spergpost but too late to delete so oh well, sorry nonas
tldr he is a creepy predator who needs to fuck off
No. 250123
File: 1663707746398.png (275.64 KB, 704x1296, faked.png)

>>250089The issue is theres still no proof linking him to that stuff.
>>249930>r9cute discord and reikos trap harem discordYou mean this one? (pic realted) Can we focus on pedos outed with unedited screenshots now like W.T. Snacks?
No. 250132
>>250123what? he posts the underaged anime girls/hentai when he ban evades here, on his own facebook, tumblr, and all over /cgl/
along with his comments about wanting a chiaki nanami gf (again she is 16-17) on /cgl/ and has posted pics of his room on his fb with the creepy underaged yuri poster plus when he harasses lacemarket sellers he does it on his personal accounts where he has bought and sold shit on before
he does all this shit I mentioned with his name and identity attached to it
also the r9cute stuff is definitely not a "joke" or shitposting, idk about reiko himself or his separate server but there was definitely gross stuff going down in the r9cute server (it also wasn't owned by reiko and was an entirely separate group of pedo troons/moids)
sexualizing little kids and encouraging them to share self harm pics and lewd photos is not a joke nor shitposting, wtf? why is it ok when pedotroon sainte does this shit but all of a sudden not ok when beck and snacks do similar things? both are pedos, both have evidence for this, and you can talk about both at the same time in the thread - a knowyourmeme page containing nothing other than a random dude saying "trust me bro I talked to this guy and it's fake with edited screenshots" doesn't prove anything either
No. 250255
>>250190yes that's obvious and still doesn't change the fact he was mod for the grooming server and friends with those kinds of sickos along with the fact he wants to find someone just like his underaged anime waifu
he is still a creepy pedo and caping for him isn't going to make him any less disgusting
No. 250270
>>250261no, he was a moderator of the server while a bunch of gross pedo grooming stuff took place in the server and could obviously see all the shit happening in there and didn't care to leave the server or report it or whatever, basically at best he's indifferent to pedo grooming activities/was friends with people who did that and at worst he participated in them too
why are you so adamant on trying to defend this pedo moid in particular it's weird, are you going to start defending beck and snacks or toast next? give it a rest already
No. 250310
>>250294 this is the lolita thread, the other mods and pedos in that server aren't lolitas so even though they're gross and likely milky why would we go after them here? they have nothing to do with lolita community other than having sainte mod their grooming server - some of them already have threads on kf anyways
sainte is a creepy unhinged pedo harasser who tries to insert himself in lolita communities and hoards AP dresses hence why he is being brought up in this thread
pedophilia is sexual feelings directed towards children - it doesn't mean he has to be directly grooming a child or sexually abusing one to make him a pedo
he's made it very clear he's attracted to minors (pedophilia) and hangs around others who are also pedos or at least did while he was in that server
cape for this pedo all you want but go somewhere else to do it, everyone hates pedos here except you apparently
the cross dresser thing is a massive cope as if you even pay attention to these threads most of the cows itt and in all the previous threads are actual women and not trannies/crossdressing moids despite there being tons of them in lolita, only the ones who've done gross/milky shit like sainte get brought up here
I'm not going to bother going back and forth with you anymore as there has already been plenty of evidence posted/discussed and even if sainte straight up assaulted a kid irl or was caught with actual cp you seem like you'd make up some lame excuse for him, have fun continuing to cape for an insane pedotroon "crossdresser" kek
No. 250376
File: 1663778286498.jpeg (145.44 KB, 1792x576, 6DE9FCA9-D85D-4E1C-B865-2AC432…)

>>250370Whatever chemistry momo and sainte had is just getting grossly obsessive from sainte. Whoever called out sainte must’ve made momo realize how much of a weirdo he is. Or maybe she herself posted him just to be done with him and his obsession of spamming her inbox daily.
No. 250382
>>250376She probably saw the screencaps and did it to protect herself, she drops people that ruin her image. Glad she left, the community is
toxic, losing freidnships over it is silly.
No. 250504
File: 1663839328495.jpg (2.02 MB, 1944x6732, tranny hrt psyhop.jpg)

>>250132>>250190>>250259Didn't they also ship HRT to minors, or gave them ressources to create their HRT of their own?
Sadly I didn't save the most disturbing collages about r9cute, with underage boys being encouraged to cut themselves by a rapehon. Does anybody have them?
No. 250510
>>250504I think they gave them money/resources where to buy that infamous sketchy turkish or brazilian blackmarket hrt (the otokonoko pharmaceuticals one) with the lolis on the packaging
you can just google r9cute discord and there are some random altchans and forms with screenshots or do some quick image searches through r9k archives
also two collages here:
>>>/w/222341>>>/w/222342 No. 250657
File: 1663879307877.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1170x2109, E71F91A4-F380-4806-A048-EC938F…)

ita brand gloomth is letting literal porn stars model for them now apparently. this girl's a suicide girls model + has onlyfans on her profile + posts softcore porn on ig
No. 250671
File: 1663882185658.jpg (63.93 KB, 828x1277, IMG_20220922_142902_842.jpg)

Very nice Lor
No. 250673
>>250657Gloomth is already shit tier/not lolita. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone actually want their shit. I see their LM listings just sit for months.
>>250670>>250671Spoil this shit, jfc.
No. 250674
>>250657This outfit is sick ngl
And gloomth isntns lolita brand
No. 250675
>>250674>sickas in a cancer on society?
>>250670>>250671spoiler please my god. and im not surprised, lor has "modeled" for gloomth before, which makes me think the owners are coomers too to be picking a multiple pornrotted individuals as their brand ambassadors
No. 250676
>>250670>>250674It's not directly lolita no but the Lucy degen tagged this shit lolita BOTH times she's modeled for them.
>>250671This goes in the lor containment thread.
No. 250719
>>250676that and the tens of thousands of porn tagged as Lolita on Instagram.
if there's no milk dont go looking. someone will show up eventually to do something stupid. just give it a rest
nonny No. 250738
>>250735 Gloomth is still worn by itas and when it's a vaguely lolita looking dress being tagged as lolita on a page advertising sex work it's not difficult to connect the dots there. It's absolutely milk that this brand is using so many swers and those 'models' think it's meant to be lolita. I'm calling DDZ kek.
No. 250760
File: 1663891993452.jpeg (17.22 KB, 250x333, nope.jpeg)

>>250674It's basic at best and the dress looks like a sad attempt at mimicking twirling ribbon.
No. 250762
File: 1663892156586.jpeg (53.81 KB, 480x640, NRkbAKxYb6PssLPfhkxgsSSDtcjZY2…)

>>250760Baby did a similar one too. Gloomth is the wish version of these dresses kek.
No. 250765
File: 1663892925595.jpg (63.49 KB, 424x640, 8f9dd1efc7f889c6341f322ed164d8…)

>>250657Gloomth used to have very cool pieces back in the day, I would consider them just handmade lolita. Nowadays it's pandering too much to the weirdo instagram zoomer alt crowd, the quality has diminished a lot and I would not recommend it. I remember plenty of anons liked Gloomth as a one-time purchase thing on /cgl/ back in the day, the dresses themselves have always been hit or miss though.
No. 250904
>>247499>Seattle comm mods don't even like kidsWho does? I think all comms should be 18+, most of the lolita community is adult women anyways. If people are concerned about them going out meeting adult strangers, then it would be best to not encourage them to join at all until they're of age. I don't even think they should be on our discords, kids get preyed on via discord servers notoriously. People forget that normal looking women can be creeps too.I hate having to babysit someone's obnoxious poorly dressed and probably broke teenager. I don't like having to watch what I say on discord because there are literal 14 y/os there, my community was all mid 20's-30's until recently, and it's completely changed the vibe online and in person.
Get rid of the kids for everyone's sake.
No. 251054
File: 1664031465250.jpeg (124.16 KB, 828x705, FE731FA6-32A5-4D1A-81FD-CB6AF3…)

And he’s banned
No. 251055
File: 1664031513891.jpeg (67.12 KB, 960x617, 80C39680-95E3-4C05-96B8-64F83B…)

>>251054Sainte won’t be spam posting here in 2 years
No. 251079
File: 1664041430361.png (742.29 KB, 926x642, Capture.PNG)

>>250657It's even worse than you think. Her models are legit irl fetish prostitutes. Stolen from BTB.
No. 251082
File: 1664044779476.png (Spoiler Image,245.56 KB, 383x634, SPOILER_unknown.png)

>>251079how are you going to sell yourself as the "goth gf experience" and then yeet your teets?
No. 251107
File: 1664056441655.jpg (357.34 KB, 1454x946, IMG_20220924_174758.jpg)

>>251079yoooo wtf is this. gloomth linking hookers on ig. i thought no way this aint real. sure enough. egl escort fo real real.
No. 251193
File: 1664112750687.jpeg (268.22 KB, 1242x1628, 962B44C3-89EA-4CA1-B62B-42C37C…)

>>247561i just fucking remembered something, can’t find the post from either last thread or the thread before last, but someone mentioned that there was a post on that wannabe btb tumblr account (picrel) that accused an admin of CoF of being a DDLG blogger… and Jennkitty (who is defending beck in her discord group) is the admin of CoF
tinfoil: i think this beck shit has been brewing for awhile, and people attempted to report to jenn and she shot them down.
No. 251207
>>251193Got any leftover hats
nonny? This was the third "secret" too so it was someone aware of the page before it was posted about here and cgl. Just out her, anon. Let's keep this train of exposing degens going.
No. 251248
File: 1664139706099.jpeg (452.73 KB, 996x1753, 49B3F04D-E265-4509-8394-8D8C2F…)

>>251239>>251207so she’s why Nat got kicked from CoF, and why brandon is still in there.. And the discord convo is proof that she lurks so she definitely saw Brandon’s child-lesbian fetishist art. these people are leading the way for this fashion to go straight into the dumps.
she’s literally defending someone who used the n word r in 2016-17, and is dating an infamous pedo/lolic0n enjoyer. handmaidens plz die challenge.
nitpick but holy calves
No. 251267
>>251248COF admins are mostly ita and have allowed degen posts before, it's not some surprise that they're part of it. fb groups are a cesspool now like the rest of them
>>251193is that even tinfoil? seems likely given she admits it isn't the first time it's been brought up. even if all the screenshots are ~photoshopped~ and ~totes fake~ like she claims dating a coomer former 4chan mod is cringe enough as is
No. 251268
>>251253that is a bullshit reason to get kicked out of a group that is explicitly about a fashion. Also did she post that stuff in CoF? No. so why does she get kicked out for actions outside of the group? makes zero sense.
even if kinkshaming was "too mean" (it's not), it's not like being a kinkster is part of an oppressed identity? it's so fucked up that they get protection, when it's literally a sex interest. people can dislike other people's interests.
No. 251402
>>251396you realize it’s retarded and obvious as fuck when you keep begging people to stop talking about it ?
this is drama site, and this thread is about complaining about whatever the fuck is going on in the lolita community. if you don’t like seeing it, gtfo. we can talk shit about whoever.
No. 251424
>>251396nta but 'learn to deal with it' is an ironic statement.
>you will NEVER DETHRONE ME AS RESIDENT DAILY LOLITA GROUPit wouldn't be hard for people to move platforms
>posting on lolcow to defend themselvesthe sad thing about this is it makes it all too obvious you've been in this thread the entire time
No. 251439
File: 1664211660713.jpg (535.61 KB, 1080x2235, Cch.jpg)

KEK jfash posted cotton_candy.hime for bashing religon and lying. Why do lolitas think shit talking with random people us a good idea?
No. 251440
File: 1664212520264.jpeg (264.31 KB, 759x1330, 7567E907-FEF0-4AD5-9F1C-D913DE…)

>>251439And ToastChaaan for liking pedophillia
No. 251455
File: 1664215636835.jpeg (83.42 KB, 630x907, FE25FBF4-978B-473C-A58A-83B9E7…)

>>251439Here’s the message she left
No. 251458
>>251439>>251455imagine reaching out to some faceless drama account from your main and airing a stream-of-consciousness dirty laundry essay about someone you dont like. ashleigh seems really mentally unwell in general though, her raging about the troll asking if she's trans is wild. if anything i'm surprised this account didn't try cancelling her for Doing A Transphobia
the watchdog account is retarded too with their catholicism wking, but accounts like that always are.
No. 251466
>>251454They accused it of being Nat even after Beck herself admitted shes too young to have been there.
>>247561 My tinfoil is that discord posts eachother, see them posting Alys
>>244200 and Jenn
>>245998 two cows thatve never been brought up before and dropped with no context or a fake one (obvious Jenn and DDZ don't look alike)
>>251458Catholics and scientologists kek!
No. 251467
File: 1664217607851.jpeg (570.65 KB, 828x1030, 5F12697C-6597-4691-8295-A89871…)

>>251440Biggest crime yet
No. 251490
File: 1664224150996.jpg (252.86 KB, 846x1652, 308821350_614764860100993_4910…)

Kek love Ashleigh used to follow jfash and it was all okay til she was posted.
No. 251491
File: 1664224999570.jpeg (341.27 KB, 828x1435, E2983C35-C948-4008-9A73-29D9EF…)

>>251490She sending her army to harass the page
No. 251493
File: 1664225866644.jpg (1.02 MB, 2584x1788, hypocrit.jpg)

>>251491and to no ones surprise the minor defending ashleigh is on some ddlg shit despite saying no ddlg in her lolita acc bio
No. 251503
>>251474agreed, this is stupid. i get wanting to let people know that they don’t allow vendettas, but the statement “all religions are
valid” is fucking worms for brain logic.
no, they’re not all “
valid.” try telling that to the women who are forced to carry rape babies or experince femicide.
gtfomyjfash should’ve just said “no” and kept it pushing.
No. 251504
>>251466>>244200 is
>>244169did we really need context?
No. 251507
>>251504i thought estotericpictures was a mabel burner? they were following mabel and other UK normies iirc. idk where digitalangel96 is from but her acc is ratchet too she posted a nude. how long til jfash posts that? kek
>>251505anyone 16+ can be posted to the farms
No. 251521
File: 1664236217505.jpeg (362.94 KB, 1125x1126, F9CE3AB2-E875-4407-8FD2-ACF585…)

over a little backlash? you need more balls than this to run an account like gtfomyjfash kek
No. 251600
>>251521Kek weak as fuck. Sorry, some religious ideals suck and should be shamed.
>>251568Who the fuck is targeting them? I doubt more than 3 ppl actually dm’d them. Again, they need to thicken that skin.
No. 251637
>>251611exactly. this account only has 170 some followers, most of the views come from lurkers because it may not be safe for people to even identify themselves as following this acct. Privating shows that they just wanted to protect themselves and they clearly can’t take criticism which is annoying. i just can’t believe they thought defending one of the largest religions in the world was uwu progressive!!11
at least BTB or the secrets tumblr will go as far as posting content that is critical of them. it ain’t that deep.
No. 251698
File: 1664291792414.jpeg (46.44 KB, 828x221, 0D71296A-0DD6-4580-BFE1-ECB25A…)

>>251440“We’re not the same pedos”- sainte
No. 251704
>>251698Meanwhile there’s no proof sainte did anything people are claiming
Here we have proof that toast is obviously liking and very into CP loli porn
No. 251710
>>251704I think sainte is the least of our worries rn with these two lingering in the Lolita community
>>251439>>251440Seriously, these are the people behind cancelling others while being very shitty themselves. Allegedly people from becks discord seen up close on toast sharing screenshots from 4chan and starting shit up with her buddies. It’s why people like DDZ uses their platform to call out community psychos.
No. 251722
File: 1664293757075.jpeg (236.35 KB, 767x1319, 7164588D-D98A-45A6-8422-E9B4CB…)

>>251440Here’s another toast slip up from the discord
No. 251724
>>251721anon, don't you think it's a bit more unhinged and newfaggy to blame every anonymous post on Nat?
none of what I said was unhinged, it was pointing out how you act and think, along with many others. I personally don't have paranoid delusions and completely understand how anonymous boards function. Do you?
No. 251725
File: 1664293886318.jpeg (675.65 KB, 828x817, 19FB5494-752A-4A78-8AB9-70A20B…)

>>251722I remember seeing Venus angelic posting this slobby sexualized mental illness photo
No. 251743
File: 1664298594088.jpg (216.65 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20220927-100333_Ins…)

>>251729Yea anons shizoposting abt Nat is Isha, Caitlin and a few other seattlechans like Allyson. They never shut up abt her on discord. As mods you think they'd control their mouthes better.
Anyway jfash posted the convo to their story but no word who it was Ashleigh was arguing witj.
No. 251744
File: 1664298629956.jpg (227.77 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20220927-100349_Ins…)

No. 251745
File: 1664298656062.jpg (196.67 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20220927-100357_Ins…)

No. 251747
>>251490>not my bio saying don't follow if easily offended>jfash doesn't follow her backKek
>>251464Ashleigh was caught in another lie, love that for her. Also changed her story from her dad being the focus to her so she could have an excuse to hate catholics! Not to medfag but is she a pathological liar or something?
No. 251751
>>251746It's not hi cowing or tinfoil look at the screenshots this thread and even last retard
>>247561 >>249231 esp Isha has been harassing Nat and her friends for months at least.
No. 251752
>>251751agreed, the screenshot shows there's constant skitzo posting from the CeeGeeULL discord
fucking newfag cancer
No. 251755
File: 1664301625418.png (67.35 KB, 538x114, skitzo.png)

>>247561let me spoonfeed you guys. you are listening to someone who blames NAT for everything, but yet says this
No. 251769
File: 1664305671370.jpg (309.35 KB, 1080x2287, Screenshot_20220927-213318_Gal…)

>>251743Has nat + co written all over it
This is quite old bc tbh little price is an unreliable source/definitely a liar/ stretcher of the truth but hey, apparently someone likes to rant pro life views so
No. 251800
File: 1664316840748.jpg (2.25 KB, 232x19, skittles.jpg)

>>251792what a sperg post
>>251797you're right, it's perfectly normal and sane to start comparing a 16 year old girl to how someone caused agoraphobia in your best friend as a child when you're a 38 year old woman. Perfectly. Normal. to draw those parallels.
No. 251887
>>251729this, i can’t really make sense of all the hi-cow posts. it doesn’t help that we know for a fact that they all lurk so it’s not even wild to assume they’re posting, including nat, but there are more ppl talking than i think ppl in here assume.
the amount of times i’ve been called nat is kinda hilarious lol
No. 251918
nonny. Calling out the Nat schizoid posts makes them double down, that's the only reason I do it. Yes I am Nat. You are Nat. The entire internet is Nat, even before she was born kek
>>251893 What's wild is she's been private for idk a few weeks now and they're still seething over her. Fan behavior. Guess they're not taking it well that they're the new cows since the Nat milk dried up.
No. 251930
>>251743why the fuck are we defending this forced birther? Has the world gone mad, regardless of how you feel about Ashleigh she’s really
not saying anything insane here. I bet this account is bunnakins, she already got cancelled once but she definitely has these views.
No. 251980
>>251962Same. Would like to speculate above leaker-chan likely just got tired of seeing all of it from Beck too.
>>247573 leaker-chan who else is banned from the discord? is there a list?
No. 252115
File: 1664467906676.jpeg (524.6 KB, 828x1443, 979DEC36-09C6-4E18-8F55-B5CF25…)

The pedo is begging for money and refuses to sell her glamour dresses for funds. No. 252118
>>252115when did she have surgery? and for what? not even questioning it, i just haven't heard anything.
plus, if you don't have minimum 2k in savings, why are you purchasing 300-400 dollar dresses?? She could easily have that much saved up by now, and that's not even including accessories that are worth 50-60 bucks, and the amount of (shitty) wigs she goes through.
There's nothing i hate more than a Sweetfag who can't save. it's always them
No. 252120
>>252116Just reading this sounds off. I could understand that she really needs help and the American healthcare system being trash, but what about the everyday people who works hard pay off debt? Then her explaining her “lavish” expensive dresses were bought before her medical debt? It just screams I had money before I irresponsible lost it and wants people to pay for my responsibility.
>If you feel the need to hate post here just pretend you didn’t see it. Typical
No. 252124
>>252120our medical system sucks, tbh i dont think because other people have to suffer everyone should, however it's clear she didn't even think to save whatsoever and that's the annoying part
she clearly HAS the financial capacity. She is in a luxury fashion
No. 252125
File: 1664469373821.jpg (640.21 KB, 1080x1769, Hypocrite.jpg)

>>252115>>252116She also posted a TikTok/reel where the audio basically makes fun of asking for money, insinuating that she wouldn't.
Actual audio:
"Breaking news I actually could use your support, but I've convinced myself that asking for help would make me a burden, and instead of giving you the choice, I'm going to make the decision for you by never asking and suffering in silence."
>>252118I know people's medical stuff is a sensitive subject, but if she's asking for money, she really needs to tell people what it's for. It could be elective plastic surgery for all we know.
No. 252138
>>252127I was about to say, sage for self blogging but I accidentally got left with a 2k medical bill I wasn't expecting, but the hospital accepted a 200 a month plan since hospitals usually don't get anything back and sell it to collections.
hospitals would rather you pay some than none, or wait too long to pay it off completely.
No. 252173
>>252125Biggest scum move IMO
The audio was so distasteful
No. 252219
>>252215 said, I don’t see how this is relevant to anything. I thought we already established that guilt by association is stupid and doesn’t actually prove anything.
No. 252222
>>252116What is her “glamorous” job that lets her travel but she can’t make ends meet? My best guess is flight attendant but I was under the impression that they get paid quite well?
The fact that she doesn’t mention what kind of surgery this is for (you don’t get the luxury of privacy when you’re begging for handouts) and the fact that she refuses to sell her dresses make it seem really sketchy. Even if she kept a dress or 2 that were sentimental, if she sold the rest she’d get at least part of the money she needs for this surgery and people would be more will to help. If she’s not even willing to sell her fancy Japanese dresses, it doesn’t seem like it’s a surgery that’s urgent or even necessary. She’s more concerned with her “glamorous” (but low paying?) job and glamorous dresses.
I hope she gets nothing.
No. 252286
>>252276Which one are you? Kek never seen so many people this bad at hiding their online footprint. Hope someone else drops the rest, gn
Aiu#0642 = @aiulura @aiu.lura
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill
romeo#3055 = @bunii_boy
Reira#5451 = @butterbutterfly
Caitlin505#5468 = @abhorrentfrills
beck#2603 = @beckattack @everydayalemon
alys#0310 = @digitalangel96
Lise#1908 = @sc00ppy
victorix#6766 = @agentlemandoesnotconga
zepplis#6640 = @zepplis
ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty
Radical Eddy#1987 = @radicaleddy
pastel-princess#0753 = @marshmallowbnuy
Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
rougeaerie#2278 = @rougeaerie
pyuukin#4112 = @pyuukin
evasiqe#8696 = @evasiqe
No. 252295
File: 1664525998354.png (67 KB, 210x416, alovelyspring.png)

>>252293>>252213>>252287discord's UI highlights your name in the sidebar when you're offline. at least the other leakers were smart enough to hide their tracks
Jessi it's zoomy only = sparklepegasus#1031 = @alovelyspring
No. 252298
File: 1664527220299.png (2.78 MB, 6792x4000, Untitled-1 (2).png)

sage for autistic post but small compilation of mentorship related interactions. pretentious itas with a power complex
No. 252300
File: 1664527607621.png (1.99 MB, 4000x4000, Untitled-1 (3).png)

samefag, special post for this girl because somehow all her mentee posts are nat related
No. 252304
>>252298Bullying furries and drag queens out of the fashion is
valid tho
No. 252307
File: 1664529516225.png (62.64 KB, 233x168, haggard.PNG)

>>252302No wonder she uses a face sticker, took a look at her instagram and she's haggard.
No. 252322
File: 1664540236613.jpeg (103.55 KB, 828x249, 06097B37-9ED5-48AB-A9DA-886DD5…)

>>252116She want you to pay for her surgery AND other expenses so she can start streaming and doing art.
No. 252346
>>252215>>252277mods trying to coax people to screenshot.
>>252233u requested it, just remember that
No. 252355
File: 1664549588124.png (337.3 KB, 1536x282, howaboutlogsthen.png)

>>252233if screenshots aren't
valid, then maybe years worth of logs will be for these local communities to run through and see their community members participating in active drama and drama boards?
No. 252361
>>252115>>252116Sell your dresses then! I stg, this girl is trying to get her own thread.
>>252124Hard agree on the healthcare stuff, but I've seen her post burando often enough that she should be able to cover her own medical costs.
After her recent pedo "allegations" she can fucking die for all I care. People should spam links to the gtfomyjfash callout on her all over these e-begging pages.
No. 252369
File: 1664552068038.png (748.53 KB, 800x450, 9C0A0106-D189-4668-9F26-F0CBF0…)

>>252115I’m glad that people are seeing through her scheme. She expects the world to bow down-to her and her shit online wokeness.
>>252134I was a volunteer too and she only showed up to things that appealed to her like the VIP party. Never dealt with such a deranged volunteer staff who runs off when they’re needed.
No. 252377
File: 1664553702128.jpg (22.55 KB, 413x270, 9a0.jpg)

>>252355I miss old lolita drama when it was all salty and contained on drama sites like cgl, lolcow, btb. Now it's all dogpile vendetta and who can we frame as a pedo, ageplayer, sissy.
Half of the cows in the summary haven't done anything in years. And the cows who are still active somehow avoid being posted or added to the list. Very suspicious but I'm not surprised they are the ones who talk the most shit in the discord log.
Maybe if we didn't harrass the milkiest cows personally so much they wouldn't hide and we could keep milking them.
No. 252382
>>252380idk saving 5 yrs of a chat is pretty dang unhinged
kek that it starts with charyb, glad that psycho is long gone
No. 252398
>>252382Normally I’d agree with you, but these type of people are the first to throw shade and be petty, but run away with their tail tucked between their legs as soon as they are on the receiving end.
>>252355What a dumb take. The internet is the internet. There is no “safe space” to discuss drama.
No. 252400
>>252398"safe space" free of judgement from people who are the ones judging. sure seems
No. 252401
>>252391>>252268At least we have the decency to stay anonymous and stay in our lane or we risk a ban.
The chat is insane and some of the notorious users have very obvious typing styles that I definitely recognize from here.
Just confirms for me how much on here is complete bullshit
No. 252412
>>252411well, the misclassification by the lolita community that /cgl/ was drama in the first place was the first mistake. meanwhile they all participate now.
it wasn't, but it sure did kill it.
thanks #seagull and your shitty LCF feed, fucking newfags
No. 252417
>>252415Its called ctrl+F,
No. 252425
>>252420search for cows
receive milk
No. 252432
File: 1664564271580.jpg (3.35 MB, 1842x2968, Fat_ugly_edgy_ddlg_vetteditas.…)

>>252286Thanks for the list nonna
Just missing Aiu and Radical Eddy from your list.
Feel free to change out photos or correct any mistakes. If I have the wrong person to the user. These are all nobodies to me so I'm just going off by what I found upon search
No. 252440
>>252438If someone here doesn't know who @mylesjennifer is
they don't belong here
No. 252451
>>252440Are you OK
nonny jenn was already outed way upthread
>>247574jennkitty#3462 = @mylesjennifer
melomania#8041 = @meloman1a
No. 252466
>>252460sometimes cows are just milky
other times they are the living impersonation of one
this is one of those times
No. 252527
>>252286Cake#9854 = @abbie_666
jellophish#3131 = @oceans.tears
jennkitty#3462 = @mylesjennifer
melomania#8041 = @meloman1a
lori#7634 = @loriibarbie
starstarfairy#3297 = @starstarfairy @sweetjujushop
revan#2618 = @ebonhawkrevan
cardinalcopia#8144 = @kdycu
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
Neeks#0146 = @neekymomo
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku @pastel_hashira
ghostlie#7579 = @ghostliekim
Chocolatelapins#7723 = @chocolatelapins @_chocolapin
No. 252529
File: 1664600492127.jpg (81.5 KB, 1293x562, grossyuk.JPG)

"[07-Oct-21 03:30 PM] Chryse#0151
But yeah I think lucid's right
[07-Oct-21 03:33 PM] cardinalcopia#8114
[07-Oct-21 03:33 PM] cardinalcopia#8114
I see now
[07-Oct-21 03:33 PM] cardinalcopia#8114
I was just like what
[07-Oct-21 03:33 PM] beck#2603
You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense."
You guys really hate esl speakers, don't you?
No. 252540
Texas is being a mess on cgl rn
>>252434Let me guess, you’re in sainte’s discord server?
No. 252542
File: 1664605380897.png (156.35 KB, 1730x864, backwards ass.png)

these homophobic spicy-straight child porn enjoying itas…
No. 252543
File: 1664605713673.jpeg (410.22 KB, 828x1401, 7B42541D-8289-41DA-9D2D-974444…)

Guess who went public and is sperging about this. Her entire story is unhinged ranting.
No. 252561
>>252286>>252525>>252527weird that Rilu#7942 = @dlakfoa isn't in here despite being a known pos also in some circles
most of these fuckers seem unrelated to mentoring and babylita/inactive for years
not to tinfoil but the milk smells kinda funny aside from anon being deranged
>>252561Most of these people have posted in the leaked chat from 2021 and later
So which one of them are you?
No. 252569
>>252564>>252566i had a brief run in the server which is why i can attest to some shit she and some others were posting that seem gone now
i'm not reading 5 yrs of shit to find out what happened
wouldn't know if they scrubbed and dipped or what but pretty smart before the blowout, kek
but i can admit my vendetta cuz i hated seeing some of these bitches at meets + online
No. 252571
>>252233Stupid question but which server is this? Is it the infamous "vetted server" that's brought up all the time? I can't be bothered to keep up with discord shit.
Anyway it's funny to see a comm member denounce lolcow as "rancid" when she has all but admitted multiple times at meetups that she's a regular in the Pixielocks thread. You can't pretend to have gotten all of the latest dramu from being a ~salty seagull heehee~ when cgl hasn't had threads about Jill in years.
No. 252607
>>252572Thank you
>>252586Ayrt, Dutch comm.
No. 252662
>>252286>>252527JessAnne#4592 =, @theodore.kittycat
Wabbie-chan#4020 = @mania.wabbit @wabbie_chan
ImNewHere#9064 = @scottywbishop
jeunefille#4045 =
ataraxia#7301 =
GildedGhoti#7362 =
Lucid#9208 =
nosoi#4773 =
No. 252672
File: 1664642254573.png (10.55 KB, 2397x80, beleted.png)

>>252670reposting the comment that everyone is replying to
No. 252677
>>252672if an admin or mod ousted beck in the first place, then you'd think they would ban her but nope they would lose their lil apologist orbiters
understand that you got posted from a mod, beck
No. 252692
>>252681exactly. considering
>>252215>>252277and more always coaxing for screenshots
then we have
>>247561 posting a compilation for free without a ban
>>247573answering a question for the banlist
why don't you just ban here instead of ousting? instead you've decided to create distrust by milking someone in your own server
tinfoil, is #seagull a honeypot? did they post
>>252233 too?
No. 252711
>>252697So who leaked it then?
Also, I’m guessing whoever bothered to download the entire log did so at the beginning of September and held onto it for a minute. The log cuts off begging of September. I highly doubt these morons could go all weeks on end without saying anything in the drama channel.
No. 252721
>>252711well it looks like one leaker was conclusive and the other
>>252709 is a mod
No. 252740
>>252711It was Momo
No. 252750
>>252553This is FAR more horrifying than people are reacting. i also realize now that so many of them were in fact keeping this thread active and constantly trying to change the subject.
This was a kid, and they fucking made goaded her into everything. And they only turned her in the moment she said one word against Brandon.
They also heavily defend him in that fucking server.
No. 252753
File: 1664646845088.png (148.28 KB, 609x349, celestial2.PNG)

>>252286don't forget
celestial#8008 = @bumblebat on twitter, and celestial is usually in her name. idk her instagram
She's the same bitch in Liv's crew who posted on the Paradiso page that someone from her group had Covid, saying she was "irresponsible" for not telling the WHOLE event. Even though the girl told everyone she was in proximity to kek. she was on thread pic last time
No. 252761
>>252752>>252754>>252757>>252758>>252760Stop being so obvious about wanting the milk to stop and changing the subject when we're trying to discuss what's going on.
The community has been through worse, and you're not going to end the conversation on it by flooding the page with "no one cares hahah!11 guess the community's over!!"
No. 252765
>>252761sperg quote. meme not relevant.
1. /cgl/'s intention is to be an anonymous collective of information, posts, dumps. - not drama
2. LCF has become the place to vendetta post, not talk about cows. because let's be honest, the cows are hiding.
3. #seagull is full of delusional accusations and vendetta hatred on local community members, internet users, and constantly posts about cgl posts, LCF posts, and collectively they dogpile on users
No. 252770
>>252763fucking cringe. cgl was not a drama website, newfag.
#seagull is a drama server.
No. 252771
everytime one of them is posted, a derailed conversation starts.
Celestial is posted
>>252753followed by
>>252754>>252757>>252758Rosequartz is posted
>>252763followed by
>>252765>>252766>>252768>>252770Like two minutes a part, discussing
everything BUT the actual content of this huge milky drop.
No. 252775
>>252770you understand this means nothing when CGL is actively being used for drama in multiple threads? it's purpose =/= current reality.
also, hannah talks about lolcow too so kek no defense to be found.
No. 252780
>>252776normally this is a bannable offense in local communities
what fucking happened? mods? are you really going to let local shit stirrers continue to fuck up shit for everyone?
No. 252790
>>252786anon if you're going to defend your
toxic harassment channel, maybe you should moderate better
No. 252799
File: 1664651082445.png (402.14 KB, 900x900, babythebaitshinesbright.png)

>>252798Don't feed into the derail, it's obvious bait. Let them keep making things up, I have my popcorn.
No. 252802
File: 1664651370359.jpg (632.36 KB, 1080x1079, Hsjej foek.jpg)

No. 252805
>>252662Help I can't find
ImNewHere#9064 @scottywbishop
On instagram or twitter? Can someone help. They've said a fair amount of shit and I want to see their face
No. 252812
>>252802so this is the ugly bitch that was Nat’s “mentor” teaching her at the ripe age of 15 how to shit on itas on CGL?
I hope people understand that Grooming isn’t just sexual. it’s conditioning someone in an unequal power dynamic into behaving in a certain way for your own benefit (or in this case, amusement)
No. 252815
>>252781yup, it was already obvious but now that this thread is filled with derails and it’s slowed slightly , it’s becoming incredibly clear. hope more farmers find this
>>252813that’s even fucking worse, she’s a huge fucking hypocrite.
No. 252817
File: 1664656678125.jpeg (692.6 KB, 1038x1839, 43524911-523C-4546-BD4C-4C211B…)

>>252793Are you sure? Deedee sure do loves to rangle thread fatties on her personal account.
No. 252818
File: 1664656947280.jpg (185.24 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20221001-164153_Bra…)

>>252805That's his IG name his FB name is Scotty Bishop. His LM: pic related
No. 252820
File: 1664657078860.png (666.53 KB, 1242x2208, 75845482-3171-4DFE-9099-2CC806…)

>>252817Cupcake hime was asking for it when she was bullying rose out of lolita. It’s clear as day that deedee sends out people to stalk and harass others too. Everyone is hypocrites in the Lolita community
No. 252826
>>252822i was about to say that these are fucking ancient.
let’s stay on topic.
liv, hannah, celestial pig, and everyone else on that server literally are just as
problematic as anything Nat said, but even worse because they’re much older.
fucking freaks. my question is, who will bite the bullet and really talk about this? it’s hard when these bitches have monopolized their governing power
No. 252835
File: 1664664061792.gif (276.39 KB, 275x199, 1663883230539.gif)

>>252831>Wardrobe full of rare expensive angelic pretty all NWT or ripped from the one time they tried it onAngry at teens on the internet for only owning "cheap" clothes and actually wearing it out and taking photos
Just enjoying their life
No. 252839
>>252838yeah there is no good newfag /cgl/ user.
zoomers are the scourge that killed the board, as seen by them naming a fucking drama channel after a /seagull/ inside joke. fucking faggots.
No. 252940
>>252571Who are you even talking about anon??
Anyone who is so publicly/openly “anti drama site/ CGL IS EVIL AND TERRIBLE!!” tend to be the biggest users from what I’ve seen
No. 252963
>>252939This. the hate boner for nat in here never fucking makes sense when she’s been used and discarded by people 5-10 years older than her.
she’s a
victim, and these people are sick
No. 252982
>>252975learn to sage retard and quit hi cowing
nice to see Texas is up early, isn't it barely 5 am there?
>>252963>>252939it is not abuse but it is beyond cringe to be baiting her and obsessing about her and claiming to be 'mentors', when they all claim to be stalked and we're obsessed with them. projection much?
No. 252983
>>252975Ok #seagull-chan. If Hannah is getting her undergrad degree then she's definitely older then Nat who just turned 19…. Like
>>252963 said about 5 years difference. Also means Hannah was an adult abusing a minor she volunteered to help.
No. 252991
>>252975not trying to blog but the amount of times i’ve been called nat or alyssa is hilarious. does your group chat seriously think people are incapable of sympathizing for someone who got doxxed as a teen? And if either hannah or celestial-fatty were her mentor, then no, they’re not the same age.
#seagulltards are absolutely brain dead.
No. 252993
>>252992kek, spoke too soon, and now i’m LOC, got it.
you’re not going to win this, and this isn’t about having a personal army. no one is directing action, we are talking about the hypocrisy of this group and their bullshit. your defenses are so fucking obvious.
No. 252996
>>252993You can keep caping for Deedee and her little tradwife friends, I’m happy to sit back and watch the cows at work. Her only saving grace was being a
terf, she’s still a dirty fetishist and I’m not going to forget that so soon. The discord drama is super convenient for her, it feels like we’re being forced to care about it. Most of those people are literal whos.
No. 253040
File: 1664722747036.png (35.62 KB, 1244x331, unknown.png)

>>253030They're trying everything they can: hi cowing, posting old screenshots, impersonating, claiming they're all nobodies to deflect. How would newbies feel to know you hate them?
No. 253049
>>253047You mean this Alys?
>>244200 kek. Oldschoolers and sweets like Aiu/Anna are always the dramamongers.
No. 253064
>>253036Making a blacklist will be the way. It should be completed soon compiling all the
Discord users, Texas Lolitas, and fetishists in the community.
No. 253066
>>252940There are people in the comm who openly admit to being jaded salty seagulls like it’s some badge of honor. However they still say that they only frequent the “nice” threads and were definitely not involved if a comm member was posted in the ita thread or is being shit talked. If they admit to looking at the ita thread it’s only to check if their friends were posted, of course. And if they themselves were posted then suddenly cgl is full of ugly jealous losers with no life again.
Lolcow is much more focused on gossip and also notoriously terfy. Good allies aren’t even allowed to like HP anymore, let alone hang out on a website that openly mocks troons.
No. 253068
>>252991This. You'd have to be some kind of sociopath NOT to feel bad for a mentally unstable, low class teenager who was lured in by adults pretending to like her, and then abandoned and shunned when a scrote preyed on her. They keep making up some strawman about "defending DeeDee" to try to deflect.
So who were the girls who did this? I only know of Hannah (an adult) and Isha (who is still a teenager). Any other caps?
No. 253072
>>253071nobody was talking about her i just said that since everyone who defends nat gets hi cowed/accused of being her, just like how if you criticized hannah last thread you would get hi cowed as alyssa.
can you all fucking calm down
No. 253084
>>253073>>252996Everytime there's a derailment, I'm going to post another cap of them saying slurs, even though they're totes against it and are vEry VErY mad that nat said one as a teen kek
[28-Apr-19 03:31 AM] alys#0310
back then saying nigga etc was acceptable as a meme somehow until black people said "hey uh please don't do that"
>context: trying to defend pewdiepie for saying the n word hard r like only 3 years ago. [06-Dec-21 12:01 PM] alys#0310
you know what? yes. this is exactly what lolita is about and even what the book itself is about. you are so right. i can't with twt normies they have the big retard and it's terminal
No. 253111
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>>253104Ayrt my bad, you're right I didn't even notice it and assumed she was 23 so 4 years. Pic related.
No. 253121
>>253118kek right you are.
she's dating Angeleeku too, the cows collide. she is actually crazy i knew her she is severely mentally ill