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No. 262531
Previous thread:
>>>/w/242949Discuss your (in)famous (ex-)Japan-vloggers here.
BEFORE POSTING: Please keep on topic. Post proof about topics before tinfoiling.
>>>/w/16634Sharla BACK LILY
Lily - ChrisAbroad's ex and ex-friend/acquaintance to most Jvloggers & Jun [not updated as often] [updated more frequently] [Jun's Kitchen, not updated much]
Emma Creative [Actual home website]
Oriental Pearl [Personal site]
Kelly Morita MILK:>Sharla went out for Halloween with friends >>>/w/262316>Chris competed in a few charity races and marathons >>>/w/261470 >>>/w/260948 >>>/w/249979 >Lily bragged about getting an interview as a developer, but no word on if she actually got the job >>>/w/262316>Chris learned how to make Family Mart style fried chicken in a new collab with Champ >>>/w/262316>Sam is making some conspiracies about Tokyo Lens when it should be obvious why they would block him >>>/w/260891>Sharla going goth >>>/w/255939>Anons asking who Kelly is >>>/w/260125 when they had a whole discussion about her and Pearl and about how Pearl left really shitty comment under Sharla's videos, so welcome to the thread, Kelly [She is now added to the list of vloggers] >>>/w/250113 >>>/w/256277 >>>/w/256278 >>>/w/256258 According to comments, Kelly is problematic, so seeing more from her should be interesting>Sharla struggling to manage her thyroid after surgery due to concerns about her body image, and possible BD developing >>>/w/254914 >>>/w/254992 >Chris is going to be training for a charity boxing match with a bunch of other YouTubers and he will be facing Ludwig >>>/w/250965>Archeological stuff happened and it's too much to greentext, so go read it yourself [anons kind of ignored it anyway because nothing really came of it and it got lost in between tons of threads, so it was new for now, but not actually new and all videos are gone] >>>/w/250533 >>>/w/250534 >Kim Dao is moving back to Japan >>>/w/250237>Anons found Lily's old posts where she used to promote her vlogs before privating/deleting videos and called herself a blogger >>>/w/248282 >>>/w/248280 >>>/w/249979 >>>/w/248423 No. 262549
>>262547OP and
>>262546 are not the same anon.
No. 262550
>>262547I’m gonna go out on a limb here and suggest it’s because this is lolcow and not a fan forum?
No. 262566
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>>262477Norm was there, so was Dogen, so there goes that theory.
No. 262618
>>262566He does indeed look like shit. Pretty fucked this asshole narc was invited
Look at that stupid face he pulls
No. 262619
>>262566what's Dogen's deal? I like his channel but he doesn't seem the type to mingle with the other more whimsical-seeming jvloggers.
especially Connor, I can see them annoying each other.
No. 262625
>>262619It's nothing dramatic. It's that Dogen is pretty a middle aged family man (in spirit since he's only mid 30s) who acts his age if not older and enjoys Japan from a culture standpoint and is like the only Jvlogger who took learning the language seriously and actually interacted with Japanese people. 90% of the whimsical Jvloggers are young or in perpetual adolescence like how Sharla was described and their interest in Japan is superficial because it's mostly about anime or food or that they were just too weird in the west and thought Japan was a place where weirdos can be accepted. Chris is actually kind of a bridge between these two groups and he more or less can fit in with almost any Jvlog channel other than something that's overly cutesy or marketed towards women I guess. Dogen vs Whimsical vloggers might as well be old British historian talking about medieval history vs Harry Potter fan channels. The audience gap is just too wide even if they're both British content.
>>262566I'm surprised he was there and didn't meltdown. What ever happened to him becoming a pilot? Maybe the stress of that is why he looks like a mess.
>>262552Sharla got away with breaking the law. I doubt there's anything that's going to happen to her now. I just hope she learned her lesson though she has kind of a bad attitude so I doubt she learned anything.
No. 262682
>>262597Sam is here for sure and uses our thread for material, but OP is Lily sperg
OP Thread #167
on lily
>Esther shaded Lily who is Chris's ex girlfriend he broke up with in Oct 2019 >>>/w/234566>Lily used to hang out and be in vlogs with the other vloggers and she used to make her own content which she has all deleted >>>/w/234558 >>>/w/234549 >>>/w/234571>Lily openly being angry and creating non-proof assumptions and then deleting them because she lost her clout from how farfetched it was and showing just how bitter of an ex she is >>>/w/234496 >>>/w/234497 >>>/w/234477 [An anon made the same claim without proof the same way Lily conveniently has a friend who saw] >>>/w/234474 >Lily still keeps intimate photos of her and Chris up after 2+ years >>>/w/234911 >Anons pointed out how unhinged her and Chris's relationship seemed compare to Chris and Sharla >>>/w/234943 >>>/w/234961 and desperate for collabs after he broke up with her >>>/w/234969 >>>/w/234859 [constantly threatening to neck herself]>Anons claim Lily misused pity funds from a GoFundMe to take herself on a trip in Japan no GoFundMe has been found or posts regarding it though >>>/w/234868on c and s
>Chris and Sharla both say in livestreams that he's not as allergic as anons have been making his allergies to cats seem, Chris has built up an immunity to Sharla's cats from being around them for so long >>>/w/234161 >>>/w/>Chris has a live stream where the he says dating Sharla is the best relationship he ever had >>>/w/236120>It was edited out of his video that he said him and Sharla started dating about "a year or two after JAJ" [which is a year after his breakup with Lily]>Sharla doesn't say why or when she commissioned this artwork for Chris. >>>/w/233324 Showed up in his apartment after his birthday on April 19th and she waited until now to say where it came from. all speculation is tinfoil, there is no way to know what this was commissioned for, facts are it showed up in April in videos after his birthday onlyOP Thread #168
on lily
>most of the thread was nitpicking anons mad that people were talking about Lilyon m and s
>"Michaela" posted on her super secret [but easy to find and know who it is] Reddit about her life and being sad and abandoned by friends but also talked about other person stuff >>>/w/240984 >>>/w/240948 >>>/w/240791 >"Michaela" possibly had an abortion >>>/w/240805>other anons complained that the "Michaela" might be bait like in an old thread where someone was LARPing as her>Sharla is back home in CAN right now while Chris is staying in Japan >no real new milkOP Thread #169
on lily
>Lily took 6 years to bother to learn how to cook simple Japanese meals >>>/w/246836on c and s
>Sharla posted a video of their apartment and updated some old decorations, added some new ones, and added storage which anons nitpicked to hell >>>/w/245219>Chris started his biking thing and so far they have raised over $300,000 >>>/w/245207>No other new milkOP Thread #170
on lily
>Lily bragged about getting an interview as a developer, but no word on if she actually got the job >>>/w/262316>Anons found Lily's old posts where she used to promote her vlogs before privating/deleting videos and called herself a blogger >>>/w/248282 >>>/w/248280 >>>/w/249979 >>>/w/248423on c and s
>Sharla went out for Halloween with friends >>>/w/262316>Chris competed in a few charity races and marathons >>>/w/261470 >>>/w/260948 >>>/w/249979>Chris learned how to make Family Mart style fried chicken in a new collab with Champ >>>/w/262316>Sharla going goth >>>/w/255939>Anons asking who Kelly is >>>/w/260125 when they had a whole discussion about her and Pearl and about how Pearl left really shitty comment under Sharla's videos, so welcome to the thread, Kelly [She is now added to the list of vloggers] >>>/w/250113 >>>/w/256277 >>>/w/256278 >>>/w/256258 According to comments, Kelly is problematic, so seeing more from her should be interesting>Sharla struggling to manage her thyroid after surgery due to concerns about her body image, and possible BD developing >>>/w/254914 >>>/w/254992 >Chris is going to be training for a charity boxing match with a bunch of other YouTubers and he will be facing Ludwig >>>/w/250965>Archeological stuff happened and it's too much to greentext, so go read it yourself [anons kind of ignored it anyway because nothing really came of it and it got lost in between tons of threads, so it was new for now, but not actually new and all videos are gone] >>>/w/250533 >>>/w/250534 (USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 262898
>Archaeological stuff happenedHere is a proper summary.
>Sharla and her friend Quinlan broke multiple laws by digging for artifacts without permission or a permit and by taking the artifacts home when you are legally responsible to hand them immediately over to the police >>>/w/250419
>Sharla lied to the museum staff about how she came across the artifacts claiming they just came across them when they had deliberately excavated them. >>>/w/250440
>she lied to an archaeologist about taking down the vid and then ignored them when they suggested turning what happened into an opportunity to educate viewers. She and Quinlan also made racist, ignorant and colonialist comments according to multiple people who saw the vid. >>>/w/250533 >>>/w/250534
>She lied to her fan about why she took down the vid, claimed they didn't do anything wrong. >>>/w/250412 What a cunt.
No. 262900
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>>262566Still friendly with Norm even after all the shit that he's done and that they definitely know about. I'm thinking that they don't care at all about his shit and likely aren't much different. Chris likes that bald and bankrupt guy after all.
No. 262909
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Chris was following bald and bankrupt on his IG and likely on his other socials too.
No. 262910
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>>262909P.S. I guess he unfollowed him after that post on his subreddit.
No. 263053
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To finally out to bed the Santorini debate …
No. 263085
>>263053Weren't anons saying in March that these photos existed before 2022 though, not 2022 summer? They were in Britain this past summer.
Also this doesn't matter as far as products go. Anons already said she was in Greece, that wasn't the debate.
No. 263146
>>263085No anon said anything about Greece in March! lol. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Covid kept Chris from returning to the UK since 2019. May 2022 was the first time he left Japan and they went to Greece together during that trip.
Greece was still being disputed, because some people were saying that she only said she went to Greece but not when. so her post clarifies once and for all that did she go to Greece summer of 2022, as discussed on here Back in June.
No. 263168
>>263063Actually anon, my argument has always been that someone from their inner circle spreads shit here, and the redditfags run with it.
Wasn’t one of the original santorini san posts like ‘trust me I just
know they’re there?’
Then someone with autism starts comparing white walls/apartments? And it magically turns out to be true?
Either that or someone literally stalks their every social media post
No. 263172
>>263169This actually kinda proves my point that someone who knows them posted here saying that they were in Santorini.
But they did go elsewhere after Cornwall anon so they probably were there this year, even if those pics are old. (don’t come at me, I was a denier too)
No. 263223
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>>263169Lol what? You’re an idiot. She literally said we went to Greece this summer, This year 2022. She only went to Europe once this summer with Chris, her Boyfriend, connect the dots use your brain. It’s clear that they went on a romantic trip together in Greece it’s not that big of a deal I don’t know why you want to fight it.
No. 263224
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I don’t know why y’all like to fight every thing.
she post a picture of of Greece a couple of weeks ago. And more recently she said in her comment section “we went to Greece this summer.” Why is it a debate that it wasn’t this year?lol
Also we were just guessing that her original picture of her skin care products may have been Santorini, based on the white walls, but we really didn’t have any solid proof, it was just a guess, a hunch.
But later, months later Sharla herself confirmed that she was actually in Greece.
Thus proving the theory right, it doesn’t have to be a mole or an insider, it’s just people using their brain, like you guys should try to start doing instead of arguing and denying everything
No. 263252
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>>263238Yes they are! What the hell is wrong with you? She posted that picture June 12 of this year!
No. 263255
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So Chris' subreddit had a big thread where they released their unpopular opinions. A lot of the criticism was just backlash to his new style and too many collabs. As well most were strongly against JAJ 4.
Surprisingly Chris didn't Norm out and responded well. He even admitted JAJ 4: Okinawa was terrible and that he learned his lesson to not make lazy content like that as well not to rely on collabs as much.
His fitness videos also seem to be decently well liked. I'm honestly impressed with how much Chris has matured and developed in the past half year. I think it's that he's actually taking fitness seriously now which has mental benefits too.
No. 264498
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In case some of the simps are still arguing that they don’t live together
No. 264514
>>264511 >>264511
It's a plushie you idiots
No. 264567
>>264548There apartment is so disgusting!
Sharla we know you come here, so a PSA
throw some shit away! Stop buying those ugly plushies, your place is gross!
No. 264803
>>262531>>264777i wonder what chris's fursona could be
maybe a cat too to match sharla kekk
No. 265260
>>262913Like those two people said
>>262901 >>262902 his behaviour has been on display in his vids for years. There's no way that Chris didn't know about it. If that's the type of guy that's one of his favourite YouTubers and that he followed on social media and recommended to his viewers…
>>262914The obsessed schizo fans are just upset that their precious jvlogger couple had a shitty start to their relationship and that their precious jvlogger queen is not as sweet and wholesome as she makes out to be and has done a bunch of cunty shit. I'm pretty sure that some of her friends have been posting here too.
>>264548Her entire personality has always been "I live in Japan, I like cats, Pokémon and gachapon kawaii shit."
No. 265410
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No. 265412
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He was actually right about this description kek.
>>250204 >>250282 >>262898 No. 265446
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>>265260I suppose she was always like that but it's a bit sad that she doesn't have anything else going for herself. Chris is the only thing keeping her from being a cat lady. She's very lucky to have him and shouldn't take for granted that the biggest jvlogger and emerging chad is doing so much for her.
Speaking of Chris looks like he just did another huge challenge to silence the haters that say he won't be fit. He actually likes fitness now so it'll only increase. The scary thing is doing this trek at the beginning of the year probably would have killed him considering he had to turn down similar offers. The disparity between the two Chris's old and new grows more everyday.
No. 265473
>>265456Yeah most likely will end up in a slump again during/after Christmas
But we'll see if he sticks with it or not. I'm guessing not as he'll be back in the UK for Christmas apparently and will definitely be gorging himself on all those fried foods and full breakfasts and he won't have anyone to keep him accountable
But again, we'll see, since this isn't the first time he'd yo-yo on his fitness plans
No. 265485
>>265459Bet S will push him to go back to gain weight.
Girl gonna stop Chris from realizing he can do better.
No. 265496
>>265485Sharla is really lucky that she was his "celebrity" crush from before he made it big. Unless Chris relapses into food I don't see her coasting on everything that isn't cat related being a good sign.
>>265490Chris has a lot going for him though.
No. 265583
>>265494I can't remember if he was being serious or cheeky, but didn't Chris also say that he'd have a 6-pack the next time he saw Connor?
Chris really doesn't understand what it takes to lose weight, nor does he understand the timeline it'll take.
Maybe working with former K1 Champ Nick Pettas, he can get into a decent routine.
I still think he's not going to be able to stick with it, but we'll see.
I agree with you about him only doing this for "content" rather than for his own good
No. 265847
>>265715How do you know, she didn’t get her cat from a pet shop?
Spoiler she did
No. 265856
>>265847Oh god please shut up, all of you. Why the fuck are you arguing over where Sharla got her cat?
Stop taking the obvious bait
No. 266027
>>266013The hell are you even talking about? There are many cat shelters and rescue organizations across Japan. Sharla's been involved with them herself and has friends who've worked with them as well.
Sharla always condemned pet shops, but bought a cat from one right after going vegan. She ordered egg product and ate fish right after going vegan for ethical and health reasons. Point is, while she was constantly complaining and preaching about being vegan, she never actually committed to being vegan and this is what annoyed not just anons here but her own fans because it was like she was only doing it for the camera and Taylor. If you're still skeptical, just read the first thread
>>>/snow/29300 She was called a fake vegan by Mimei and PDR ffs, and they would know. People would be less critical of her if she hadn't been so insufferable or actually tried being vegan and just struggled. It's the same with her recent weight complaints. She's complains about how strict her diet is despite drinking sugaring starbucks and regularly eating junk according to her own channel and insta.
No. 266077
>>266029Buying a dog/cat from a pet shop is a cunt thing to do overall; doesn't matter if you're vegan or not (the vegan thing just makes it more hypocritical).
Maybe buying pet shop animal is socially acceptable in asian countries who dont give a fuck about animals, but in western countries it's considered 100% unethical and you'll get backlash for admitting that you did. It's why the phrase 'adopt don't shop' is a thing.
(this is Japan) No. 266103
>>266096isn't her pet shop cat remedial? i thought it had signs of being inbred; like a strange tail or something. That cat came from some sort of fucked up source.
plus its a scottish fold too, even breeding those for their genetic mutation for the sake of it being "cute" is fucked up in the first place
just get a cat from a shelter, that pet shop got that cat from a fucked breeder
No. 266262
>>266243It's not just Sharla who likes Elon, Chris is a fan of him too
Bunch of morons
No. 266327
>>266267Na I bet they just moved the I bet.
It has a personal altar kek
No. 266364
>>266267Not really. At least in the podcast (Nov 13th episode at around 00:20:00), he danced around saying anything actually negative.
Sharla probably has no opinion and only had it because of Chris.
No. 266381
>>266364That's the podcast in general. Pete says something progressive out of nowhere and then Chris gets super uncomfortable and tries to walk it back in a way that doesn't egg Pete on to defend his position. My favourite of these was when Pete complained about PewDiePies latest controversy years ago and Chris got so nervous because he had to walk the line between not siding with PewDiePie but also leaving the collab possibility open as PewDiePie is huge. Pete kind of saves the podcast from being too scripted and corporate.
Chris definitely does enjoy Elon like he enjoys Bald and Bankrupt. He likes those showy wannabe alpha scrote types. Sharla I doubt actually cares she's just following Chris and probably just wants to have more than cats to add to her personality. There's really nothing about her that shows any investment in tech and Musk worship is mostly a scrote thing tbh. Chris is definitely in that youtubery Elon worship pretend tech bro sphere.
No. 266446
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>>266416Nah she's an Elon musk fangirl.
No. 266449
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>>266416Her best friend norm got even got her a lifesize cutout of Elon for her birthday.
No. 266450
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>>266449p.s. it was in her "I went to a crazy bar in Japan vid.
(2019 cardboard Elon is not milk) No. 266479
>>266451You guys are inviting scrotes here
Go to OT about Elon. Posting 2019 shit isn't new milk and that's the extent of this too.
No. 266496
>>266490And how do you know that she was memeing and doesn't just genuinely like him? Also no one said that this shit was milk.
>>266494Any time there is a discussion about Sharla like her friendship with Norm, her illegally digging for ancient pottery and lying about it, and now this, anons immediately try to shut it down or claim it's vendetta posting. The bias toward her in this thread is so fucking obvious.
No. 266512
>>266503Like I said, no one was saying that it was milk. I wasn't trying to start a discussion, a couple of anons said that she didn't seem like she would be into Elon and one said that she probably only had the wall pic because of Chris
>>266364 so I replied that she actually was his fan with proof, that's all.
No. 266519
>>266514Shame that none of the mods could be bothered to redtext the anons who were wasting up the thread with their witch-hunt against Chris's ex.
>Also that doesn't prove that any of them are a fan. Did you miss these tweets?
>>266446 You're assuming that she owns those things because she's memeing.
No. 266545
>>266384You'd think that, but Chris hangs out with PDP all the time now even without being in his vids. He's okay with being controversial when he endorses people like Bald and Bankrupt. I think it's fairly likely Chris is closer to the mindset of those guys and Norm than he is to Pete. Though I doubt he'd ever say his real thoughts out loud when it comes up because he'd look bad and probably upset Pete.
The podcast audience is way different from his YouTube audience and way way different from the audience he's been trying to court this year. The podcast is mostly 20-50 year olds who want to visit Japan and are fairly serious where as he's trying to turn his YouTube to have more of the zany TrashTaste teenage scrote memelord audience.
No. 266610
>>266545he's playing a dangerous game where he's hell bent on getting more subscribers, so much so that he's willing to change the type of content he'll do in order to appeal to a new more fringe group of potential subscribers.
The big risk is the alienation of his current audience, which is much larger than this new audience he's trying to reach.
No. 266645
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>>266563Instagram as well you can sometimes find glipses of Chris in PDPs Jvlogs. Chris also talks about PDP on trash taste.
>>266610I wouldn't say it's bigger but more dedicated. But it's pretty risky to try to swap a dedicated fanbase of adults who will watch and listen to the podcast forever if it holds up with the younger streamer hyper youtubery crowd that'll probably want a different kind of content after a year or so. But I think a big part of it is he wants to diversify so he doesn't have to be in Japan anymore. If it wouldn't kill his career he'd probably be back in England full time by now.
Though I think he should consider doing similar content about other countries if he's bored of Japan. Or maybe do something like bring Natsuki on a US road trip.
No. 266772
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Sharla and her lover chris out there leaving breadcrumbs
No. 266808
>>266799not hard to see how he ended up that way. Japan is often a place where it's cheaper to eat out than cook for yourself and the quality of food is worlds apart, particularly if you can't cook worth a damn.
Makes you wonder what other crucial life skills he never developed. You only see the best of Chris that makes it through the carefully curated editing process.
No. 266823
>>266808Maybe not so crucial but he has admitted he bad at anything manual.
Sharla also said (back when not revealed that she was with him) that he's terrible at fixing anything if requires his hands.
I think it was in a YouTube comment when viewer said she should ask Chris if he can help in the process of upgrading the house she and her friend brought.
He's the guy that cant hammer a nail it seems.
No. 266835
>>266799Like Lily a few weeks ago. She's so old yet only just learned to cook. Absolutely embarrassing.
Japan is one of the few countries words expected for you to almost always buy your food out. It's rare that people constantly cook in house.
No. 266868
>>266808I doubt it's cheaper to eat out all the time than cook for himself.
If he is also trying to get in shape and be healthier, he'll have to start cooking for himself rather than going out and eating oily and fried foods all the time. But we'll see what happens after his December trip back to the UK.
Probably will fall off the wagon and go back to his old habits when eating. Sharla looking a bit pudgier too in that video
No. 266869
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>>266866It is though. Maybe watch actual videos by Japanese people. It's so uncommon for people to cook with the price of fresh produce and meat in Japan. Been like this for years. Most grab breakfast on the way in and lunch. Dinner is at most what people cook, maybe 3 times a week. Families are a little better but because of the control over what your children can eat aside from school lunch.
Not going to derail about this anymore, but do real research, don't watch white youtubers. A massive 14% barely cook every 6 months. This is why 7-11s and restaurants are so expansive there. Its massively cheaper to get food out, freshly prepared, than to cook at home.
No. 266900
>>266869I'm Japanese and lived in Japan,
nonnie, and while you shouldn't be basing your knowledge on youtube (which you call research lol), there are thousands upon thousands of videos of regular Japanese people cooking on youtube,and many many cooking shows, so I still don't understand how you're getting the idea that Japanese people don't cook from youtube. Your weirdly cropped survey also doesn't state the sample size, where it comes from, and if people know know how to cook or not. Why do Chris and Sharla fans keep making up fake facts about Japan?
No. 266939
>>266903Use Google you idiot. This isn't just based on Youtubers. Anon was wrong that most people cook at home with a whopping 64% who rarely do. This has nothing to do if anyone can cook who do try to cook. Just proving
>>266866 wrong.
No. 266996
>>266993That's a fair question, anon. But I would recommend you proofread your replies in the future since your comment is dog's dinner basically.
You can check this video. Skip to 1:14
Chris Broad: "The only saving grace is, as well as getting fit, provided we survive, we are going to be raising money for a fantastic charity called the Immune Decificiency Foundation. They've done an incredible job helping Connor's wife and fellow twitch streamer Ironmouse, over the last few years"
Am I missing something?
No. 267003
>>266939Why would you ss a survey, crop all relevant info including what it’s about, and not provide a link to where it came from? This is lolcow,
nonnie. Not our job to google anything. For all we know, it could be how often people stub their toe. Even if we take anon at their word, the comment was that most Japanese guys Chris' age can cook more than he can and it's not expected that you eat take out all the time. Nothing in that survey disproves anything and it doesn't even prove that most people eat out everyday. If anything, it proves most people can cook. Most old Japanese men have housewives who do all the cooking for the family, which would largely account for the 14% who rarely cook, and that still doesn't indicate that people are eating take out all the time.
>>266961First it's Japan doesn't have cat shelters and orgs, when even Sharla's volunteered with them and as a friend who runs one. Now it's no one cooks in Japan.
No. 267050
>>267043People thought Chris and Connor were a couple before Sharla came out with their relationship. So Chris was being a little cheeky by mentioning the other person Connor is always hanging out with.
>>266797So this might be a dumb question but why do they even bother with TC? The channel is 99% dead, they claim it's not visa related, Okano Chris destroyed the company, and most of the videos they make seem like they are held hostage against their will. The only one who seems to benefit from it is TokiDoki Emma who mostly posts on that channel over her own.
>>266835>>266870Lily can cook French and European dishes. Of the three of them she also has the most real world skills and even is able to program. She's capable of staying in shape without making it an event for views. Not really sure why she's used as a bad example. That said I don't blame Chris for not being able to cook though he's wealthy from YouTube and Lily used to cook delicious meals for him. He doesn't have someone who will cook tasty meals for him anymore and he doesn't want to spend so much money needlessly so that's why he's learning to cook.
No. 267078
>>267075Is Lily the chef of the year??? Who says??? LOL
I don't think she's a great chef honestly as well
No. 267097
>>267075Doesn't sound like a healthy friendship if they're just exploiting Chris for views. Also youtube is the queen of social media. Twitch, twitter, tiktok, snapchat, facebook, podcast, instagram etc celebs all try to pivot some of their success to youtube. Emmas big on Twitch but TC is is sucking up her youtube potential. Though I guess maybe she just likes spending time with Chris. Too bad they never had a chance to go for it because I think they balance eachother well.
>>267078Lily is a great chef. She made great food which is why Chris never learned to cook. He'd either buy food with with fortune or Lily would cook for him for free. I don't see him ever becoming a chef.
No. 267117
>>266797Hello, I'm a long term Abroad in Japan "Stan" in both the YouTube spectrum as well as the Podcast. For years Chris Broad has bragged about his ability to create the perfect omelet and even said its the only thing he can cook and he can cook it well. See?
In the linked video (YouTube video) - Chris Broad of Abroad in Japan sets out to create an omelet for his partner, the fat Sharla In Japan. And yet - when he starts to make it, he has to LOOK IT UP on YouTube!
If he knew how to cook it so well, as he has bragged about on numerous occasions on the podcast as well as his videos and live streams across the YouTube spectrum of video entertainment, then why can't he just go to work on the omelet without looking it up first? Let's be honest - Chris is quite full of "shit" as they say, which is a popular expression to explain that someone isn't truthful quite frequently!
No. 267170
>>267112This is an image board.
Nonny is off topic and derailing if all they're doing is posting a random image that doesn't indicate what it's about and where it came from.
No. 267216
>>267202It was already explained multiple times why the image was a problem. If you didn't keep protesting, talk would've ended there.
>>267043It was a joke, but your question belongs in the Trash Taste thread. They could explain the context to you.
No. 267283
>>267204Yes you're right - they're different omelets. Then I don't get why Chris didn't just make it into a western omelet instead of mashing it all up into scrambled eggs lol….
Also did you SEE the amount of seaweed he put in the miso soup? Without rinsing it too. Then he like, tried to cut it with scissors. It was so embarrassing.
No. 267287
File: 1669082784644.png (864.08 KB, 813x584, from package.png)

>>267286Adding, it's taken directly from a store-sold sealed package.
No. 267292
>>267286it's stored in water/brine for shipping and sales. of course you don't HAVE to rinse it - but not rinsing it is gross
nonnie. you do you.
No. 267334
File: 1669107424759.png (530.59 KB, 1000x998, Screenshot_20221122-082620.png)

Norm still having meltdowns in the YouTube comments. Hope someone makes another vid exposing him.
No. 267335
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Bald and bankrupt is in Japan now apparently. Wonder if Chris will actually collab with him.
No. 267457
>>267442NGL I read this and could hear Chris's voice, you captured it perfectly.
IMO - Too bad Chris's taste is outdated and boring. His editing is stuck in the 2010s, his music taste is from the 80s and devoid of an actual personality, and he is dull enough to not branch out or deem the unknown as 'bad'.
His content could benefit from more curiosity, he's got solid concepts but it all falls flat when he just does the same thing he's been doing all along. Ludwig critiqued someone's channel on his charity stream (as a
paid request) and advised this person to change it up as their content didn't evolve over time.
If Chris wants to increase viewership he'd truly benefit from updating his boring format of outdated graphics/corny voiceovers and his malding, unpleasant persona over his genuine charisma.
No. 267459
nonnie, work on it.
I don't think the point was to "gatekeep city pop" anon.. it was to point out Chris has a narrow field of vision for someone with the clout he has regarding being some kind of expert on Japanese culture after being there for ten years
No. 267735
>>267674Also what is up with male youtuber/influencers trying to become boxers/fighters? First Logan comes to Japan and shits all over the country then him and his brother get into this fighting thing, followed by tons of others.
Now Chris? What is the deal? Am I alone in thinking its super freaking disappointing to see him jumping on this bandwagon? It is it a desperate cry for relevancy or what?
No. 267765
>>267759he's always seemed kind of wimpy to me. like the kind of guy if someone threw a punch he'd flinch and cower. it's just weird to see him tryna flex like he's tough now (obstacle course races, bike ride, fighting) I kinda wonder if Sharla has been making comments about him not being manly enough…
and before anyone says "he's always ridden bikes, like journey across Japan 1" — when he did that ride he got a mountain bike to do a long distance km ride, and wore a helmet that fit him like a Childs helmet, he wore street clothes, he had no idea what he was doing and it was embarrassing…. he looked like a child learning to ride with training wheels riding bikes in the park on a Saturday afternoon.
on his new ride he at least had a road bike and the proper apparel.
No. 267798
>>267758you don't need to do a YouTube boxing match to "turn around" your health and lose weight
it's a weird clout chasing move that seems uncharacteristic for him
No. 267822
>>267798idiot he has to train for it, thus a health journey. don't watch the chess boxing match if its against your lofty standards, of how youtuber should behave
my lord.
everyone including the tt boys went to LA for clout, but god forbid chris doesn't diff
>>267798 No. 268056
>>267432Literally all I listen to while coding is Citypop compilations and I can't name more than two or three artists that go into these compilations.
Chill with the nitpicks.
No. 268135
>>268056Can you literally name any other Japanese music though?
The fact that people are like "yeah I like Japanese music… durrrr durrrrr "City Pop" durrrr durrrrr"
is really really sad tbh
No. 268198
>>268056 is right. This is just some dumb nitpicking for no reason.
No. 268233
>>268135That's Chris, except he says he hates Japanese music heh (35:30 & 44:49).
He says all the lyrics are the same, then proceeds to list a bunch of basic words. Probably the only Japanese he can understand.
No. 268271
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Poor Sharla, the weight gain has been massive for her, she’s gone from a size uk8-10 to at least 14 in a short space of time. She needs to get on that treadmill and change her diet
Not fat shaming here, I’ve had to learn the hard way myself
No. 268298
File: 1669504569238.jpg (1.29 MB, 1080x1649, RDT_20221127_00034955076748574…)

So we have confirmation Mr Broad will endorse right wing sexist ideology.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 268309
>>268298It's not exactly endorsing, but Broad could have easily just not met up with this guy.
Guy has enough rumours and bad comments about him that Broad must have heard about and is wilfully ignoring them, no way to not know of any of it if he has looked him up at all
Curious how he'll try and justify this meeting
Also, is American Pete a fan of him too or is he just caught up in this?
No. 268313
>>268298lmao good job chris
This dude had a rape case thrown out due to a small technicality, claimed to bribe young Byelorussian hitchhiker for a blowjob for $6 or he'd leave her in the woods, has a bad history on pickup artist forums, finds babushka groups to talk to so the babushkas will tell their (grand)daughters to go talk to the new rich foreigner, etc.
Birds of a feather flock together kek
No. 268314
>>268298Finally milk of something.
Chris could indeed lose trust of some viewers if he does a collab or something with that individual.
Big yikes
No. 268315
>>268277they're each other's worst enemey kek
they're like crabs in a bucket pulling each other down when it comes to food
No. 268330
>>268271>>268316It's definitely not the best sign. Chris is getting fit and Sharla is getting bigger and bigger. I've seen this a million times. Guy has a mid life crisis in his 30s gets in shape starts to look at life differently wants to bring his partner on to join the journey she doesn't want to get fit seriously and then the relationship ends. If I was Sharla I'd be nervous and start hitting the gym especially with how abruptly he left Lily. I mean I doubt Chris is gonna come back from mountain climbing wanting to hear how Sharla bought a bunch of cat paraphernalia to clog up the apartment more and doesn't want to go for a bike ride with him.
>>268298Chris was always right wing and okay with
problematic people. It's obvious if you watch the podcast. He gets really awkward and clearly irritated with Pete whenever he says anything remotely progressive. His favourite book is Tokyo Vice about wannabe tough guy Jake Adelstein. Plus we all know Norm is his soulmate just that Norm doesn't have the restaint to dress up meltdowns as quirky British sarcasm. The only thing that would prevent him from doing a full collab is his chasing of analytics and ad revenue.
>>268324Black is to make you look thinner but Chris wears it to look cool. Whatever else he's actually succeeding at weight loss this time around.
No. 268335
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>>268298Posted in the AiJ subreddit too.
No. 268337
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No. 268339
File: 1669512896734.jpg (356.87 KB, 1440x1980, ASuperfanInJapan.jpg)

>>268335Apparently Chris is a superfan of BandB who watches all his videos. It's likely Chris begged Bald for the collab. With Chris moving towards fitness and away from Sharla it wouldn't surprise me if he was trying to incorporate BandBs PUA nonsense into his repertoire.
No. 268358
>>268330I really don't see S changing her lifestyle notably.
Bet she'll try to join him but grow tired and will just want to be with her cats and get pokemon stuff.
C just needs to meet more people that push him to keep his positive changes and well bye S .
No. 268360
>>268330>Chris was always right wing and okay with problematic people. It's obvious if you watch the podcast. He gets really awkward and clearly irritated with Pete whenever he says anything remotely progressive. His favourite book is Tokyo Vice about wannabe tough guy Jake Adelstein. Plus we all know Norm is his soulmate just that Norm doesn't have the restaint to dress up meltdowns as quirky British sarcasm. The only thing that would prevent him from doing a full collab is his chasing of analytics and ad revenue. You have some example for this?
I don't listen to the podcast so not sure how candid he is on that compared to his videos (not sure about the livestreams since I'm not going to sit through a 2 hour video of him just answering fan questions)
No. 268401
>>268394I'm not a scrote and I'm not this anon
>>268298>>268389Norm wasn't even there so what are you talking about?
No. 268454
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>>268394>>268390What bizarre ways to defend Chris for supporting a legitimate predator.
Anyways the unthinkable happened. Backlash against Bald was so bad on the sub that they decided to no longer filter out Norm criticism anymore. I think it's also obvious that Chris knows about the backlash. We know he has reacted to things posted here before and he definitely reacts to his subreddit (though he choose to ignore several posts warning him not to hang out with Bald and Bankrupt). Ironically Norm might actually lose the most from this since Chris wasn't overt enough but they decided to feed Norm to the wolves.
No. 268461
>>262531Chris already replied on Reddit. Seems like a reasonable explanation. Still, the hungry dogs of the subreddit and this
toxic thread will feast on this pointless gossip until it’s forgotten next week.
No. 268534
>>268360Chris has never expressed right-wing opinions. He's said multiple times how tiresome he finds the Japanese nationalist far right types. He's spoken on many occasions about being supportive of LGBT and minorities. He was Remain not Brexit.
Put up a single actual receipt of him expressing anything right wing. Otherwise you're just shitposting.
No. 268642
>>268640Several people: Hey Chris you might not want to associate with this predator who should probably be in jail that you're promoting.
Chris hangs out with him anyways
Chris faces obvious backlash
Chris: OMg I totally didn't know he was bad. Trust me.
Either way if it's judge of character alone were going about then his association with Norm already puts 99% of the posters here as better judges of characters than him. Chris should probably stick to his Jvlog niche considering how poorly he navigated this. Mainstream youtubers have more eyes on them for much lighter activity than what Chris tried to do.
No. 268647
>>268646And this is why that previous anon who said that Chris was having a "midlife" crisis is a low-IQ autistic teen, most likely. A guy entering his 30s is still 20 years away from a midlife crisis type behaviors. Chris is finally trying to outgrow his very prolonged adolescence (running off to Japan to be a JET because you can't handle growing your ass up in your home country and then falling backwards into a YouTube "career" is the most 21st century prolonged adolescence for a UK youth, everrrrrr) and he's hitting some roadblocks especially in who he's choosing to associate with…..
Weirdly he's foregrounded his body as his main project when he probably should be looking harder at his social network.
No. 268663
>>268650Chris literally helped him make a video and constantly promoted him. Please stop making the grown scote into just a helpless child who was entrapped or something. People constantly warned him about Bald and Bankrupt just lik he was constantly warned about Norm.
>>268643He's a total stoic who doesn't care what others think. Which is why he lied for years about dating Sharla and cheating on Lily, took down videos because of analytics, and was really upset when people told him JAJ4 was terrible. Nah he's super focused on what people think. Modern PewDiePie is a creator who doesn't care what people think.
>>268647I doubt he's going to make it to 100. But either yes he's having a midlife crisis. Suddenly making drastic changes in your life is a sign. Even two podcasts ago he made it clear that he's so obviously done with this phase of his life but wants the gravy train to keep coming. It is funny that Chris is in a mid life crisis and Sharla is in arrested development stuck in her teens somewhere just focused on hoarding cat collectables.
No. 268666
File: 1669612813330.jpeg (622.92 KB, 1242x1924, deletedclip.jpeg)

>>268662i dont remember which livestream it was, but someone posted the clip on his subreddit but the person deleted it but you can still see people comments about it
No. 268676
>>268663Sharla's got her life in order:
she's got that airBnB that makes her money and also a long term investment.
she's got her youtube which she gets money from new videos and sponsorships and passive money from old videos.
she's got her stationary business.
she's got her patreon.
and she's dating/soon to be engaged to one of the most successful youtubers in japan.
Calling this arrested development is such a stretch it boggles the mind.
No. 268698
File: 1669626271406.png (93.93 KB, 642x852, BRS.PNG)

The stuff in his book and how it connects to the RooshV and NoughtyNomads forums under the usernames "Vorkuta" and "The Ligurian" are already on the internet tbh.
No. 268714
>>268676You just rephrased that she makes a lot of money in a few different ways. That doesn't have anything to do with arrested development. It's been pointed out several times that she still acts like a teenager. Look at how many wealthy celebs who make more than Sharla also have arrested development. It's not a networth thing.
>>268666Bald and Bankrupt was brought up to Chris every couple weeks for several years now. He definitely knows. I don't know why he was so adamant to still meet with him and have to scramble lies to salvage his brand from the backlash. Next he's going to be seen wearing Yeezys and hang out JBP and claim he was forced to wear the shoes because Japan doesn't sell his size and he thought JBP was just a professor. It's kind of sad he admired learning Balds PUA schtick more than he valued his own brand.
No. 268727
how dare someone hang out with someone that doesn't conform to my personal world view.
get help girl, imagine getting
triggered over such a nothingburger, yikes
No. 268728
>>268727 you mean a creepy misogynist rapist? yea how dare people
you sound like a scrote trying to blend in kek
No. 268747
>>268663> I doubt he's going to make it to 100. But either yes he's having a midlife crisis.Nonnie are you 17? "Midlife crisis" doesn't refer to you having a crisis at the exact middle of your lifespan. Hooollly crap what an autist. A midlife crisis is when a man is in his 40s-50s and realizes he's gotten that old and never lived his life and taken chances/risks and suddenly gets a divorce, quits his job, buys a sports car, etc.
A dude like Chris at age 31 isn't having a "midlife crisis" you dingbat. That's a totally normal age to reevaluate where you're at and make changes. One day when you grow up you'll understand.
No. 268755
>>268676How did you come to understand "Arrested Development" as referring to earning potential,
nonnie? It is about emotional maturity not passive income streams. If it referred to ability to earn money then 75% of the known celebrities on Earth wouldn't be insufferably immature monsters.
No. 268766
>>268747There's a difference between reevaluating and panicking into a bunch of dramatic changes and declarations to change your whole lifestyle. Maybe it was his health exam or returning home but something shocked Chris to do a complete 180 on his content, lifestyle, and everything this year.
>>268727Maybe he can collab with Bill Cosby next.
No. 268772
>>268727Also doesn't mean every single person in that photo thinks like Bald either. No one is talking about the other 2 dudes at all.
>>268755>pokemon pokemon pokemon she likes cats and pokem shes living arrested development not mature because she has stuffed animals and likes disneyThat's how you sound, anon.
No. 268782
>>268697Acquitted only because the prosecution couldn't offer enough evidence. The judge was completely disgusted with him and didn't think he was innocent. Bald also claimed online that he only had sex with the
victim once with his friend, while he told the court that he had sex with her twice. The woman reported the rape right away according his own comments as well. The man himself admitted to driving a hitchhiker to remote location and threatening to leave her if she didn't give him a bj and bragged about having sex with teen virgins who're probably no older than his own daughter. That's the man Chris has been helping.
No. 268848
File: 1669680422049.jpg (279.54 KB, 985x1149, Screenshot The JAPAN You Never…)

"Thanks to Chris from @Abroad in Japan for all his advice behind the scenes. If you don't know his channel yet then definitely check it out for mad Japanese content that is ten times better than anything I could make."
archive No. 268852
File: 1669680721329.jpg (359.45 KB, 984x1606, Screenshot abroadinjapanchris …)

Statement Chris gave on his subreddit about his association with Bald and Bankrupt. No mention of him helping Bald behinds the scenes. Says he didn't have a clue about the rumours, but we know that isn't true.
archive No. 268854
File: 1669681046812.jpg (42.66 KB, 959x282, Screenshot This Video Caused A…)

Chris commenting on Bald and Bankrupt's video back in July or August. Someone archived in it September. This is what caused his fans to warn him about Bald. "Mate this really was bald and bankrupt extreme. Genuinely real edge of your seat stuff throughout.
An amazing pay-off to an incredible video - though sad to see the fate that befell the Buran. Glad you guys got away from the authorities safely!"
archive No. 268855
>>268852Funny how he mentions the "comments BnB made about Tate" but avoids mentioning the comments that have been made about BnB's rape accusation(s) and other horrible behaviour
Chris is wilfully ignoring the things that have been said about the guy, and still met up with him. As good as a film maker Chris thinks BnB is, he could have just as easily avoided any contact to protect his "image".
Granted, after seeing some of the comments in the reddit thread, he has all these people defending him and he probably rides the high that he can do no wrong when so many come to defend him.
No. 268866
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>>268861Turns out I was wrong about that. He deleted his IG account, that's why it's no longer in Chris's following list.
No. 268879
>>268876Chris's next video will be called "The Things I Hate About Japan"
True story
No. 268887
>>268883bald was and has been discussed in chris's subreddit before, months before. Chris monitors his own sub, he 100% knew.
He got caught in an ig tag, playing stupid and will continue to play stupid until his fans forget about it.
No. 268894
>>268889it was brought and discussed right here
>>268666 in his sub literally months ago kek
No. 268898
File: 1669693988226.gif (3 MB, 640x386, scrotesmell.gif)

>>268889the amount of anons here shrugging off the rapist sexpat Bald and chris hanging with him… is starting to give red flags that there's more scrotes here than I thought
No. 268908
>>268898Unless you guys actually produce proof, not things that are magically deleted, I'm literally gonna take Chris at his word. I'm not even a WK or stan or simp. This has to do with the fact that Chris doesn't bring this guy up constantly,
>>268666 this is deleted, so no proof here either. Pete is also there. Pete was there in the UK too. Honestly seems like Pete holds the company with Bald, not everyone else just because of proximity.
No. 268911
>>268883>not everyone deep dives in Google's people before they meet them. BUT BUT BUT Chris was on Deep Dive. The podcast from Japan Times. Episode 110.
And lest we forget, Chris and Sharla did Deep Dive TOGETHER in 2019 when they'd just begun dating. Episode 28. Title: "Chris Broad and Sharla — living the YouTube life in Japan" (and imagine, a full nearly three years after they did that episode together, stupid bitchy anons here were debating if they were "a couple" or not LOLOLOL fucking twats)
tHe DoTs ArE cOnNeCtInG……
No. 268916
>>268911lmao the nitpicking and in-fighting has gotten way worse ever since they announced they're dating. All over obvious no brain shit like them dating, when they started to date, the greek trip, now Chris playing stupid about an infamous sexpat. There's always a couple of contrarians at moments notice crying 'no proof' or 'not good enough' at obvious stuff.
And for whatever reason, other threads in /w doesn't have this problem. It's always been the jvlog thread with camped out autistic moids or twats ready to fight for their kfc couple.
Now there's proof that redditfags warned chris in his own subreddit months ago that meeting bald is a bad idea because of shit sexpat past and chris active on his sub everyday, and now even that proof isn't good enough. Nitpicker newfags always here and right on time as usual.
No. 268933
>>268927reminds me of this child
nonnie >>261996 amazed and proud of chris's big boy step of learning how to cook for once. Even though he forgot to wash the preservative brine off the seaweed, but baby steps to basic adult living i guess kekk
No. 269023
>>269010I also noticed, on his recent podcast, how he was talking about the eating of DEKAI quantities of Macodonarudo.
Chris will never really change. It's like he watched a bunch of hustle culture, redpill, bodybuilding videos on youtube, decided he was going to adopt a select few ideologies, and then ran the numbers.
Boring. Sharla's fat.
No. 269043
File: 1669771063572.jpeg (352.09 KB, 2048x1150, FinaeFcUYAAZifa.jpeg)

I swear Chris had a more pronounced jawline, but now it's gone. Looking like the blob here
No. 269048
>>269043oh cool post a photo with zero reference to time or place. real professional
nonnie. that pic could be from two years ago for all we know.
No. 269049
>>269043not a clue when the photo was taken
you had one job
nonnieand you fucked it up
also how come Chris doesn't work with natsuki anymore
No. 269051
File: 1669773807155.png (1.23 MB, 1254x1080, Screen Shot 2022-11-29 at 9.02…)

>>269048>>269049Alright, my mistake.
November 27, 2022
No. 269053
>>269049Natsuki is a cash cow but Chris did mention how unprofessional he's been behaving lately and how it caused significant production issues that incredibly frustrated him.
>>269023He is a bit of a bro hustle culture Gary Vee personality. But he'll put work in if he feels motivated enough. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Just somewhat annoying.
No. 269100
>>269057that was what, 8 threads ago? anon in
>>269053 said "lately"
No. 269175
>>269053What exactly did Natsuki do that pissed off Chris or was deemed "unprofessional"?
Chris might be over his skis expecting too much from Natsuki. Natsuki isn't a "professional" YouTuber, he's a professional hair stylist and a friend. What were Chris's expectations of him anyway? He's a goofball and clearly has substance abuse issues. So what, he was fun to make fun of his English and trot him out as proof Chris has "Japanese friends" but if he acts
problematic then Chris drops him like a hot bowl of ramen?
No. 269179
>>269053So you're not going to explain what Natsuki has been doing that makes him unprofessional and where Chris said this?
>>269124To be fair, both can be true. Natsuki can be unprofessional and Chris could be taking advantage of him. Or Chris could've been taking advantage of him at first, but now Natsuki has developed a big head and is acting unprofessional.
No. 269193
>>269189If he never changed his diet that isn't much of a health kick.
Do you have any proof that he didn't change his diet? Like literal receipts from their grocery shopping? Can someone go rummage thru their bins please?
No. 269195
File: 1669839441266.jpeg (403.76 KB, 720x983, awsh6Mr.jpeg)

He's nowhere near that six pack.
No. 269197
>>269185Lmao what health kick? He eats shit constantly. He just posted a video where he eats from Mos Burger even though he doesn't even enjoy it.
He also said in the vid that he eats out every day. If he was actually trying to be healthy, surely he would be cooking at home instead.
No. 269208
>>269197kek at Sharla playing off camera "hostess"
also - he is happily flexing his $$$ openly now, evidence is that he used Power of Love and paid for the license.
No. 269210
>>269196Ryotaro is the one who ever tried to present himself in a professional space. If you look at him you get a suave connected businessman vibe and he does it well. He's the only one who's ever had a real professional job too. The rest are more independent filmmaker types and former English "teachers." I don't think it's fair to compare.
>>269195Connor can dress well if he wants to. He has a lot of pics of him dressing nicely. But right now he's at the phase where he'll be okay wearing the trash taste t shirt for the memes. Chris will just wear all black or dr jelly merch.
>>269197Let's be honest he's never going to learn how to cook or at least cook consistently. He has millions of dollars and is in a top three culinary country so he's happy just ordering out for every meal.
On a side note I'd love for Chris to go to France or Italy or Korea or even trendy parts of Japan or something and come back learning how to cook and dress well. He actually could be pretty amazing if he put more effort into it.
No. 269215
>>269196She’s trying to be a cool girl/one of the guys by putting no effort into her clothes.
She only dresses up nicely when she’s hanging out with a group of women, which seems to be increasingly rare for her.
No. 269227
>>269201Natsuki is a heavy smoker. That culture tells men it's okay to be a chainsmoker and alcoholic. Combined with the stress of having less business after the pandemic (Is Japan still closed borders?)
Natsuki is probably stress smoking and the constant delays for shooting are making Chris not want to see him as much. Natsuki is also a workaholic who seems to work 6-7 days a week.
No. 269248
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No. 269264
>>269248Sharla getting a "heftier" head here, compared to older photos. And her hoodies get baggier and baggier with each picture posted
Chris' nose looks like it's getting that permanent red alcoholic nose. He's also got that receding hairline kicking in.
No. 269278
>>269269lily did your California bf breakup with your crazy ass already?
the covid got you posting here a lot I see
No. 269279
>>269264People always talk about Chris' health but it's a bit worrying that Sharla seems to be worse off on that front. She's never been skinny but the gain is very rapid and she has the health condition. I hope it's not too severe.
>>269226His health report was bad but the videos show he's at leasy physically capable of things. I'd be surprised if he ever gets that six pack but he isn't on the verge of dying anymore. He's the healthy and fit one in his relationship.
>>269250I don't know why you think cooking and dressing well are hard. It just takes a little effort. I think Chris just needs to put himself out there. I thinks Chris should grow his hair out, wear better clothes, stop wearing so much black, stop dyeing your hair black, and of course learn to cook and cook at least half his meals. His life would be better.
No. 269283
>>269279Yes lily , you have said it like 100 times!
Sharla is fat
Chris can’t cook and fat
His hair is receding
Now keep writing this over and over
We love to see the rinse repeat
No. 269422
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>>269420His statement conveniently leaves out the SA allegations and predatory behaviour of Bald and Bankrupt, just mentions the comments he's made about Andrew "probably a rapist" Tate. He mentions some of his other politics, but definitely steers clear of mentioning the predatory stuff about Bald
No. 269424
>>269406>I give him and Sharla less than a year before they leave Japan, but the question is - what will they do for money? If Chris actually took film making more serious, he would have branched out into non-JVlogger content way earlier on and have that as part of his video resume. He's talked about being a director and wanting to shoot movies, but never does anything to capitalize on it, other than that 5 minute intro to JAJ:Okinawa.
They're either both far too ingrained into making videos about Japan to leave now or just have no idea on what other kinds of videos to make
No. 269429
>>269424I think Chris just romanticizes being a director - he doesn't seem to understand what that workload is actually like.
I think it's pretty clear that what he really desires is to be hired by BBC or some other big media company to be a presenter like James May. How could he ever direct a movie where his main source of content isn't him mugging at the camera and playing a trombone sound effect every three minutes?
No. 269430
>>269411I honestly doubt they'd ever work outside of youtube. These are two people clearly not built for a real job. Sharla is pushing 40 and has no actual skills for the workplace outside of maybe a cat shelter. Chris might have some talent filming and editing but he loses motivation fast look at the Okinawa series and frankly every journey across japan that falls apart release schedule wise even though the first Okinawa post was half a year after filming. There's a reason Chris is pushing himself to have generic YouTuber content and working chessboxing with Ludwig, gaming with PremierTwo, and random fitness. He's looking to see what sticks.
>>269424Every youtuber always puffs up that they want to be a real filmmaker. Most of them have no ability or talent for it. The biggest example would be those terrible channel awesome movies or the Angry videogame nerd going massively into debt to finance a movie everyone hated. Not optimistic about Chris Stuckmann's movie either especially after Zods snapped neck. His best bet would be something with documentaries and he's tried it. Maybe it could work for him but he stopped pursuing it because they didn't go viral enough. He's weak as a host for documentaries though as we've seen in Cat Nation.
>>269422He knows and he's lying. I mean this guy not only lied but forced everyone he knew to edit their content and he monitored online threads to cover up that he was dating Sharla and cheated on Lily for several years. He has no problem lying especially to his audience. I honestly can't imagine how paranoid and two faced you must be to do something like that.
No. 269457
>>269430Agreed Anon, Chris gaslights his viewers gently; Plays the bumbling British fool a la David Brent in an attempt to fool us
Steering the ship away from this - During yesterdays podcast he said something along the lines of “I wouldn’t want my kids to…” or something similar which gave the impression he’s not opposed to having them.
No. 269472
>>269451I don't think Chris actually wants to leave Japan, I think Sharla is pushing Chris to leave Japan. I mean compare both of their experiences. Chris was kind of a loser in the UK and just worked a bad office job and didn't even want to go to university and is upset with how rundown everything is. In Japan he's pretty much a king and as
>>269450 noted even PewDiePie worships him there.
Sharla meanwhile was popular in Canada and spent a lot of her time as a youtuber outside of Japan. She doesn't particularly seem to like Japan or have much of a connection or base there. She only will be in the expat bubble doing generic things. She's almost 40 now so she's probably tired of Japan and the expat life. It's not really a surprise that Chris is making a huge effort this year to diversify almost out of nowhere maybe it's Sharla pushing him to leave Japan now that they're serious.
>>269457>>269462Chris seems to sacrifice a lot for her. From the cat allergy to possibly kids and Japan. It's not really healthy. One day he'll wake up and wonder why he sacrificed his career to live in a British loft with ten cats. He hasn't had much luck dating tbh. He didn't work well with Japanese girls, Lily was a crazy stalker, and Sharla is restricting his life. But I think if he sticks with his fitness kick he'll find someone who is a good match. I always liked the idea of him dating Emma though.
No. 269495
>>269472"Sharla meanwhile was popular in Canada"
She was a nobody in Canada, things only changed when she moved to Japan and started doing youtube.
( No. 269504
>>269472He seems to have had a good relationship with his ex who joined him on the cycle across Japan.
Lily was a fangirl and a bit unstable yeah, but she didn't stalk him. He was the one who initiated the relationship. He shouldn't have had a relationship with a fan and used them.
Isn't Emma gay?
No. 269511
>>269504Emma is ~pansexual~ iirc. She was in a long-term relationship w an American guy who left Japan to go to back to uni.
I don’t get why people think that she and Chris would be a good couple though. She always talks about having mental breakdowns and he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to put up with that.
No. 269542
>>269477>Post the fucking podcasts. This is an imageboard.kek wut
podcasts are not images. you can listen to his podcast on literally any pod service. it's called "abroad in Japan podcast" you dimwit
No. 269569
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How are these people actually considered adults?
Sharla says her suitcase is too full of xmas presents so she has no room for clothes and will just have to buy all new clothes. kek have they never heard of getting another suitcase? or shipping a box to Canada so they can have their clothes after the suitcases are empty of the gifts? OR SHIPPING THE GIFTS?
How do these people function?
No. 269584
File: 1670005637118.jpg (57.8 KB, 1024x538, oldladyinternet.jpg)

>>269576nonnie needs a link to the abroad in Japan podcast because
nonnie listens to the podcast in a web browser kek
here's an image for you dear
No. 269585
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She's really squeezing him up huh?
No. 269595
>>269592"that other guy" name is Connor kek
from trash taste? CDawgVA
wow r u serious
wut r u even doing here
No. 269608
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>>269577Of course she wants new clothes, she's grown out of everything she used to wear.
>>269585She's not been posting a lot either, I really do think she's lost a lot of interest in being a Youtube personality. I don't blame her, I'd find it pretty draining and annoying too. She's putting Chris in the thumbnails because it is what works, same reason why Tokyo Creative milks him any chance they get. Just look at the views here, they take that Chris bump every chance they get.
No. 269643
Chris and Pete are wearing the same clothes at the pub in Tokyo that they were wearing with Bald and Ben when they had drinks in Tokyo.
>>268339 We know Chris doesn't have many outfits, but Bald and Ben were in Tokyo at that same time that Chris was there with Sharla.
No. 269651
>>269051It might be from an abandoned building in Yamagata since Sharla was tweeting photos from Nishizaou Bussaritou. I think Chris may be releasing another video about abandoned buildings in Japan.
>>269643Sharla was Chris in Tokyo at the time that he was meeting with Bald. Chris has repeatedly expressed his admiration for Bald and he's a famous vlogger, so it's interesting that he took Pete with him for their chat instead. Suggests Sharla maybe didn't want to meet Bald or she was there, but didn't want to be on camera. I think the former.
No. 269679
>>269643With all that travelling over the entirety of December and possibly some of January, Chris is going to be way off his "diet" and probably crash again, well at least he can make another video about "finally getting into shape" again
Sharla still sipping on those heavy, sugar and cream filled coffees
Curious to see how Chris' chess boxing goes though. Doubt it'll be impressive as it's just two YouTubers who main physical activity is editing videos
No. 269683
>>269679Chris is going down in the first punch. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
I bet he's so scared. Does anyone know if it will be possible to watch live?
No. 269690
>>269688Alright, what do you wanna talk about then?
This whole thread is just about nitpicking the dumbshit these jvloggers do, and for the most part it is about Chris and Sharla and their silliness
No. 269703
>>269568I don't know why you're pretending like Emma is off the rails. She's way more normal and down to earth than Lily or especially Sharla. I think they would work out very well and that Chris should pursue it. Especially since Sharla is exploiting Chris for views as shown with
>>269585>>269569The presents take priority because she needs to show off to family as well neither her nor Chris are financially responsible so buying a fancy new wardrobe instead of packing makes more sense to them.
>>269602>>269659It's not really effortless. Chris just needs to show some self control. Connor didn't do any secret diets or hardwork he just ate healthier food and not as much for an extended period of time. Exercise is very good for you but it'll barely effect the scale. Chris doesn't seem to know this as he was expecting to lose like a dozen kilos from cycling in Hokkaido but instead gained a few and tried to waive it away as swelling and water. Connor is very deliberate and disciplined as well as open but not making his weight loss into huge annual events like Chris does. It does make sense though as he did well in an engineering program, is billingual soon to be trilingual, and seems to be the only Jvlogger who actually keeps up with the world and continual learning.
>>269679They didn't do the best job promoting it at least Chris didn't so there's a lot of seats left. You have to google around to find the tickets especially if you are coming from Chris' fanbase. I do think Chris would actually do decently as a boxer (no idea his chess skill). Chris seems to have a lot of power, decent endurance, but low pain tolerance. I have no intel on his opponent other than he is almost 10 years younger as he is a German streamer. But with the format Chris won't gas out. I don't see Chris falling off the wagon until after the chess boxing but it'll be off after that until he starts to train for the Spartan race 2. He won't ever lose weight though so I think he should probably consider strongman.
No. 269731
>>269730Because he was already advising Bald on his travels in Japan
>>268848 and never claimed he didn't know he'd be there in his lengthy explanation defending meeting with Bald.
>>268852 Funny how some of you or one of you keeps glossing over these facts.
No. 269745
>>269731That doesn't mean he condones it. He even said he didn't know about this shit. He doesn't run his subreddit, you know that right. Just because random people post things, online, where of course everything is absolutely real, he should listen to people who aren't even tangible? Be realistic, anon. Most of the creators don't Google or look in to stuff just because people are yelling about it online. The biggest thing is how cancel culture works and how so many people ignore what others have to say until they have first hand experience to determine things themselves.
No one is willingly ignoring Chris hanging out, but anons also aren't braindead enough to just take shit at face value. It's not even defending him, it's not jumping to conclusions. Since Sharla wasn't there, like anons are speculating, it could be that she might warn him or might say why she didn't want to be around him.
You need to relax and wait for more info. This isn't fun when you just want to jump to conclusions.
No. 269761
>>269730>Pete brought baldAnd how do you know that?
>>269745>He even said he didn't know about this shitIf you believe him you are naive as fuck. There's no way he didn't know.
>>262901 >>262902 If you wanna whiteknight him so hard why don't you fuck off back to his subreddit.
No. 269763
>>269734It's not really a surprise. Paolo is a bit of a dork but if you're interested in Japan his videos are way better. Just watch his Okinawa videos compared to Chris'. Paolo seems like a good dad and showed a lot of Okinawa, an affordable family hotel, travel tips, and Okinawa culture and sights. Chris meanwhile had a series where he was bragging about renting an expensive yacht, bragging about an expensive hotel, a weird dropped Natsuki loan shark plotline, not doing anything Okinawa related, and all that wrapped around clickbait titles.
As well Paolo is a normal open guy who mostly focuses his videos on allowing others to shine. Even vlogs focused on him are more about his family. Chris' videos are focused increasingly on his AiJ persona and his friends being flanderized rather than Japan in fact he's obviously trying to transition away from Japan content. Plus he's constantly lying on social media and having drama whether it's cheating, or forcing his friends to edit their content to help him cover up his relationship with Sharla, or now where he's lying to people to cover up his friendship with a predator.
I honestly think at the core Chris doesn't understand his audience or what appeals him to them.
No. 269776
>>269761Anon is just grasping at straws to defend Chris. Pete said before this happened, that he was meeting Chris to film something and to talk about some stuff they're doing (Pete is travelling to LA for the boxing event too and to the UK. I think he's the MC at Chris' event or something).
Most likely, Chris told this other guy he was going to be in Tokyo and he joined them after filming. This is probably why Sharla wasn't there.
It's not that hard to believe that Chris just wanted to meet this guy to talk about YT analytics or whatever, and is shallow enough to be willing to ignore everything he was told about him.
Most of his fanboys think everything he does is brilliant, anyway, so he didn't even have to explain himself. Just commenting on it was enough for people. Most of them believed him and even thanked him for clearing things up kek.
No. 269808
>>269789Even though this is tokyocreative milking them still in the year 2022 the dynamic is way better. Emma also dresses really well. Chris should let her do his wardrobe. Sharla just wears the same hoodie and is lazy in her collabs with Chris. I really don't get how people think Emma is more off the rails than her. She's more mature, isn't in arrested development, and takes care of herself.
>>269797This is hardly comparable to Sharla who probably weighs more than Chris now. I am glad Chris is actually losing weight now. I hope he doesn't fall off the wagon after the holidays. Probably the fear of boxing is keeping the motivation.
>>269770I never liked how much he milks "being mean" to his friends especially Ryotaro but lately even Natsuki for views. A few years ago he'd make one tongue and cheek Ryotaro comment usually because Ryotaro is suggesting a crazy thing like climbing a mountain. Now most of the collab is him "cheekily" talking about how much he hates Ryotaro and how much of a garbage person he is. Even Natsuki he'll like picking on now like pushing him into cold water. Or how he tried to ruin Connor's birthday with bungie jumping only for it to backfire because Connor is an open minded guy who doesn't mind coming out of his comfort zone.
No. 269845
nonnie I've lived in Tokyo and other parts of Japan. Most people around their age, ESPECIALLY people in entertainment/media/art/music/culture… dress a million times better than Sharla and Chris. The thing is, people just dress better in Japan in general than they do in Canada and the UK but it never rubbed off on C&S
No. 269852
>>269826Most major cities especially in alpha cities known in the region will have a fashion element. It's not over idealizing Japan. It's the same with New York, LA, Paris, Singapore, Toronto, Seoul etc etc. As well Japan overall is fairly respected in terms of fashion with it's elements in what it produces.
>>269821Chris and Sharla are influencers not office workers. It wouldn't kill them to not just throw on dark hoodies and Doctor Jelly shorts all the time. I would also say even PewDiePie dresses well. So they are pretty outlier.
No. 269868
>>269855To be clear Lily is batshit crazy, but Emma is great, she is sweet girl with some issues, just like most people. there is no smear, It’s just 2 anon trying to stir the pot, amd trying to make Emma and chris a thing lol.
1) Emma is very good friends with Sharla and is decent friends with chris.
2) If you watch any of Emma’s streams you would know she is allergic to drama. Emma is not the type of girl that would date a good friends ex.
3) Emma has a very particular taste in men, and chris isn’t it at all.
But more importantly, watch this space and bookmark this, chris and Sharla will be getting married soon. Soon like in a month soon. No. 269906
>>269859You're optimistic if you think Chris' fans are dramatically more loyal to him. If he transitioned to just being a zany youtuber in the UK then he'd lose a lot of views. Paolo understands why people watch him. The only Jvloggers who aren't dependent on Japan are the TrashTaste guys who could be anywhere in the world as long as they fought about stupid things on their podcast.
>>269868Allergic to drama is what Chris needs. He's been in the middle of it for too long. Though I agree that Emma wouldn't agree to going down that road.
No. 269930
>>269812Yeah cause he would totally admit to his fans that he knew all about bald's shit and still wanted to meet up with him to hang out and have a nice little chat.
Stop being a naive retard.
No. 269940
>>269939He lied about when he started dating Sharla. We went over this a few threads ago.
Just because you like someone's content doesn't mean that you have to believe every word they say and come out to defend them. It's not like a YouTubers never lied to their fans before. FFS
No. 269941
>>269939I mean there's literally like 10 of the previous threads that mostly revolved around Chris trying to lie about dating Sharla and cheating on Lily. He's actually a bigger liar than most people because he would delete old videos to cover it up and force his friends to edit their content to aid him in the lies.
>>269923>>269925It's for his fitness journey/attempt to go mainstream and at least it's chess boxing but I don't see him having a good time. His opponent is a decade younger, in better shape, and seems very fierce. The youtube boxing events have always been mistmatches but Chris has it almost as bad as OddsOneOut when he fought a muscular Austrlian guy four inches taller than him.
No. 269947
>>269422At first I thought he was just using it as an expression, but it's interesting that Chris specifically said he didn't have a clue about "
half the other rumours" about Bald.
>>269936Actually, his statement is shit even if you believe he didn't know anything when he met Ben. He admits to reading people's comments about Bald being a rapist in the thread, but instead of expressing surprise and disgust, or saying that he hadn't been aware of what Bald had done, was concerned and would look into it and be more careful about who he supports, he doubled down on defending himself by pretending Bald just has some different political views. None of the comments he referred to in that thread were just talking about a difference in views. His reaction is quite sick really.
No. 269959
>>269941Omg, are you in high school? Keeping a relationship secret isn't the same as lying. Get over yourself and your authoritative approach to needing to now everything about cows even when they aren't posting. No way you aren't being a retarded baiting fag.
Some of you make it very clear you don't care about milk unless you're making it up yourself to create milk. Braindead.
No. 269965
>>269923You are behind with your information, so I will give you some inside tea.
Papaplatte will no longer be fighting chris, he got injured while training.
No. 270045
>>270022I mean… it's kind of funny to imagine Chris
trying to be "manosphere adjacent" (kek) because he'd fail so hard at it that the train wreck would be extremely entertaining. he's a clumsy awkward dunce who never really became a man, fumbling his way to how he thinks a man is supposed to behave, but kind of getting it all sideways because real men don't need constant validation on youtube. so it's
hilarious to imagine kek
No. 270052
>>270047you stfu, you bring nothing but stupidity. I am telling you that Papaplat got injured while training and had to drop out of the boxing match. A new apponent was found for chris, you will see it in the boxing event next week.
if I am lying or making it up, time will reveal it, right?
(post proof) No. 270053
>>270050we clearly have different definitions of what it means to be a man kek
btw CHILDREN build "successful brands watched by millions" so again if that's all it takes in your world to "be a man" then I'd love to see what your husband looks like
No. 270064
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Response from Chris to a subscriber who said they unfollowed him after finding out about him socializing with Bald and Bankrupt. It was written after Chris had read and responded to comments in the thread about Bald's rapey past.
>>268852 The flippant attitude is very surprising, considering he'd just read and been provided evidence that the man he'd just met and helped is a self-confessed sex predator.
source: No. 270065
>>270064This isn't really milk.. Can we stop allowing crap from his subreddit to be posted here or something? He's not going to speak on anything more detailed because he doesn't want Bald to go after him the same way YouTubers have to use the word alleged at all times when discussing stuff like this.
You aren't going to get him talking more about this even if you want him to, anon. Stay on reddit. Your posts aren't milky and you're trying way too hard to keep bringing up Bald when literally nothing new has come of it. His replies are just him being a dick, but literally I like when creators mock people who think announcing they are unsubbing matters. It's the same type of narc crap people on Facebook would pull when saying you're thinning your friendlist and you may or may not make the list after pruning.
No. 270067
>>270065This is more evidence that Chris is treating rape allegations shared in the thread, which he acknowledged reading about in his own explanation of events, like they don't bother him at all. A cow acting like they don't care that they helped someone who bragged about forcing women to have sex with them and says women are responsible for rape? I'd say that's pretty milky.
Even if you accept what Chris said about not being aware, he was aware by the time he responded in the thread, yet he never once said anything about being surprised or upset by what he was told. That's very odd for someone who just learned there's a good chance their friend is a serial rapist. Do you think most public figures could get away with such a response?
No. 270073
>>270050By that logic Ryan Toys Review a literal kid is one of the manliest men of all. He's a nice kid but having a successful YouTube Channel has nothing to do with being a mature adult.
>>270064Idk if he's the next Andrew Tate like some are saying but he's definitely proven himself here to be not that different from Norm. Only difference is he normally has the self awareness to know it's bad for the brand but I guess one guy being upset about him meeting up with a sex trafficking predator was too much criticism for him to keep it under wraps. I think we can admit that being against sexual assault doesn't make someone a hater it makes them a normal human being. A recent similar situation is when they fired one of the try guys for having an affair with an employee. They took it seriously and responded and were open with fans. That wasn't even approaching the sick disgusting levels of Bald that Chris is happy to downplay while he's promoting him and lying about the situation. Chris at the very least would fit in well with Hollywood if he pursues filmmaking seriously.
>>270070I mean this is how he always handles criticism. He downplays what happens and tried to act snarky and unbothered even though he'll still be complaining about it months later. If he could get away with it he'd be telling his fans off like Norm for not liking his Okinawa rich guy miniseries. But because he's self aware he settled for a few snarky sarcastic comments.
No. 270139
>>270131NTA. But nice avoidance of the question. Anon is right. There's no new milk with it.
>>270134It wasn't good enough for you guys the first time. You wouldn't believe the apology anyway. This is why fans need to just stfu because no one actually cares.
No. 270146
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>>270021Updated match for Chris.
No. 270151
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>>270146Chris is in for it now. The new opponent has years of experience boxing and other martial arts and is in great shape. I guess this is the price he must pay if he's really trying to pursue the alpha chad persona.
No. 270208
>>270173I am inclined to agree, but I would have said the same that there is no way Chris would cycled 750 in a week, and he managed to dig deep to do it. I mean credit to him for trying something so publicly that he will most likely fail. Do you take risk? Do you push yourself to do something that scares you even if you will fail, in a stadium fill with thousands and live on stream ? Credit to chris for trying!
Your attempt to make fun of him is a self report of your insecurities my dear!
No. 270233
>>270208Lmao you’re preaching to the wrong people.
Most of the circle jerks who spend time their time in here have never accomplished a thing in their lives or pushed themselves in any way. That’s why they’re on here all day everyday.
No. 270242
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The scrote presence ITT, good lord. Where are the mods?
No. 270245
>>270208moral soapbox
nonnie at it again
No. 270253
wants to be an alpha-male "type" and that's all. he's desperate to be one. you either are or you aren't and you know it when you see it and unless you're a preteen prude who draws hearts over her i's and has never even been fingered then you can tell Chris is not now nor will ever be "alpha"
he's the quintessential
betap.s. yes I realize a lot of anons here are 30 and never been fingered but that's your problem
No. 270254
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>>270250It doesn't really excuse anything, but it's a reference to a hate comment he got a few years ago.
No. 270255
>>270250You hope his channel gets fucked from someone saying they are unsubbing and his response?
This isn’t your personal burnbook, go back to Reddit and reee about it.
No. 270288
File: 1670266178478.png (1.73 MB, 1792x906, Screen Shot 2022-12-05 at 10.4…)

Sharla and Chris out to dinner in Canada with her family, Sharla orders a tea and Chris tastes it and immediately is disgusted by how sweet it is. Sharla gets defensive "It's not that sweet - Chris hates anything sweet in his coffee or tea"
in case anyone wanted a window into why their weights have diverged so much
also video features other insights into their food choices for all you obsessed anons
No. 270302
>>270294No evidence? This was not a 24 hour a minute five minute every single thing that Chris was doing. This is Sharla‘s channel not Chris. Also,
They are only there for 5 days and going to LA to train, so you can relax now.
No. 270309
>>270254Well, that just makes his reaction to the recent commenter even worse. Comparing a fan, who was either joking or being whiny about something super trivial in his vlog, to a subscriber who was genuinely appalled to see him support a sex predator.
>>270302They were drinking in Tokyo with their friends a few days ago and the match is this Sunday. There probably is an important reason why they had to go to Canada first instead of after the match, but you should avoid travel and changes to your training as much as possible when you're that close to the event. As for it being for charity, it's not like chessboxing is the only thing out there that he could do. Boxing in general is just dangerous, but more so for someone like him with no experience. Hopefully his opponent is rusty or will hold back.
No. 270376
>>270354There's no way Chris goes to the gym. If a white male YouTuber goes to the gym they're legally obligated to make videos about it, from their workout routine to their morning routine to their supplement stack to their gym clothes.
I'm guessing a couple 25lb dumbbells that he curls while he watches TV. He might also do pushups sometimes but you wouldn't know it by his chest. My SO is a gym rat, not only does he have a gym membership but we have a full dumbbell rack in the garage that goes up to 50lb, a squat/benchpress rack and bench with barbell, kettle bells, etc etc etc. He obsessively watches his favorite fitness YouTubers and is always modifying his routine. He also watches AIJ and some of the other JVloggers that I like. He said there's "no fuckin way" that Chris knows how to properly work out or goes to a gym at all.
(gym tinfoil) No. 270388
>>270334It's doable with full commitment.
Maybe not that shredded as the picture some comments above but some mild abs can be achieved.
No. 270389
>>270388Maybe if he was starting out relatively thin, sure, but him starting with a keg and trying to turn it into a six pack in 10 weeks, nah.
It would take longer than that, even if he was very committed to a training regiment and diet plan, with his starting shape. Not saying it would take years, but maybe 6 months
He's too unrealistic in his expectations. He eats better sometimes, but then in other videos he's clearly eating poorly and still drinking alcohol. Not sure if he just doesn't understand what he's doing or if he is just constantly rewarding himself for either having a training session or ate a "healthy" meal earlier in the day and can "afford" the calories
No. 270393
>>270387>started doing steroids which will just increase his aggressionkek you're off the deep end
nonniebesides you can't get steroids in Japan
No. 270418
>>270372Actually Chris and Sharla are in Canada and going to Los Angeles after. Those are two hotspots for PEDs. With how much they leave Japan now it's not that hard for Chris to time his cycles so he doesn't risk a Japanese jail situation.
In all seriousness though you're missing the point. I'm not saying he's on gear right now but he's pursuing the alpha male lifestyle which often leads to it especially when coupled with his body image issues. I just hope Chris understands that he doesn't need to do all that or hang out with Bald to be a manly man. He should appreciate just saying home with Sharla, Maro, and Tuna instead of becoming something he's not.
No. 270454
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Chris really needs to get some proper walking boots(sage your shit)
No. 270468
>>270456She wasn't memeing, she was a fangirl.
>>266446 get over it.
No. 270486
>>270485because it doesn't make sense otherwise. She doesn't go on about elon otherwise. Anon choose specific instances where it looks like she is using him as a gag or to make fun of who elon was before he really started doing stupid shit and pandering to alt-right things. Anons post is from 2018.
What the fuck.
No. 270488
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>>270486Samefag, but if this doesn't look like using him as meme shit, I don't know what is. Anons literally look at this and think Sharla is a bit-bro shill lol
No. 270490
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>>270488Definitely not using him as a prop and is seriously hard at work thinking about how to grind just like Elon. You even have commenters just egging it on and enabling it too. Anons even suggested these are all Chris's things too. So which is it, Sharla is all for Elon and fully, 100% supports him or these all belong to Chris? None of these posts look serious at all. Anons just want random derailing hot topic stuff like Elon Musk to complain about.
No. 270491
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>>270490She even took it to bars because her friend group egged it on too. There's a massive difference between Elon being an absolute meme online, offline before 2022. Then there is him now. Not to say he didn't have shit going on during those times, but everyone was making fun of him and doing this. Doesn't make them a shill or make sense they are. Especially when using his images like this. None of this looks dignified for someone you apparently support.
No. 270523
>>270491>She even took it to bars because her friend group egged it on too. Kek no, her bff Norm brought it to her bar party because she wanted it for her birthday.
>>266449 her friend group wasn't egging her on. Stop lying.
No. 270543
>>270531EXACTLY. I went through and a lot of Elon tweets people replied to were gone, no idea when though and probably not just this year.
>>270538Uh, they desperately are trying though. Just because anons used the word attack doesn't mean they actually mean "attack".
No. 270548
>>270464What? A simple Google tells you it takes 6 to 7 hours to cycle 100 KM per day. It’s all on live on stream they cycled the whole time and took a lunch break they were cycling up 8 to 9 hours per day.
Jesus what’s your agenda, you hate him so much y’all trying to gaslight people with outright lies.
No. 270556 - Chris and British Pete start to talk about Twitter.
24:00 - British Pete mocks Elon and his fanboys. Chris makes uncomfortable noises at hearing the criticism.
25:40 - Chris mentions that Sharla had the Elon photo and took it down, then says he hopes all this Twitter stuff isn't distracting Elon from his "mission" of going to Mars. No, Chris, all of the actually talented engineers are still working on that. Elon has almost nothing to do with it.
No. 270558
>>270556You gotta stop taking Chris's unfunny deadpan way of speaking as criticism. I didn't hear this as him supporting Elon at all at those timestamps.
This reach is getting ridiculous.
No. 270561
>>270555Everyone knows she was a fan! Its not a secret, the girl had a frame poster of him ffs. What people are try to equate is, that since she at one point liked Elon, therefore she agrees with everything that Elon is doing. Equally since Chris is sort of agnostic about Elon, the same people are trying to equate it to Chris agreeing with everything Elon is doing.
This is just another attempt to attack them and to paint them in a bad light by…. I’m going to say it Lilly!
The poster has an agenda it’s personal!
The poster is the same poster that’s keeps posting about Sharla’s weight, the alpha male boxing spurge, the cheating accusations and now Elon.
The poster has been very active on here recently because they have Covid and is stuck at home, we see you Lilly!
(hi cow) No. 270565
>>270562Elon doesn't even have actual degrees in anything, they were all fraudulent.
>>270561Its just anons trying to complain and grasp at straws. Stop hi cowing.
No. 270581
>>270561>Everyone knows she was a fanThen why are anons pushing the whole "she was just memeing" thing so hard when this Elon shit was only brought up previously to answer an anons question and no one was attacking her over it.
No one was equating that she agreed with everything that Elon does. Wtf are you talking about? Same for Chris.
No one needs to paint them in a bad light, they do a fine job of that themselves.
This thread is full of sperging anons, both nitpickers and whiteknights.
Are you going to accuse every anon who isn't fawning over them of being lily? You're the lily sperg, aren't you? Now you're stalking her twitter kek.
No. 270582
New AIJ Podcast
Timestamp: 26:02
Chris is telling Pete how he and American Pete walked across Tokyo in a day (not really though) anyway he was shocked at how few calories he burned.
He says: "During the day, we're burning all the calories, I CAN EAT WHATEVER I WANT. The first thing we ate was a dish literally called "Big Fried Chicken" and it was a massive chicken the size of a pancake and it was like 20 family mart chickens stuck together at once, then we got pizza, then we had yakitori, then we had burgers, and I probably ate like 5,000 calories during the day…."
In case anyone wanted context for the above anons talking about how Chris doesn't understand anything about fitness/calories/working out etc…. and the anons saying "Chris thinks doing fitness allows him to eat everything he wants to" - you were right.
He says he calculated that he only burned 1500 calories. And this is a guy who is supposedly trying for a "six pack"
He might as well just give up and drink six packs.
Timestamp 26:46
Chris: "Seriously, I was speaking to Ian, who comes on Journey Across Japan, and he loses weight by just like… being very careful with what he eats and what I"ve found over time is that it's what you eat really that defines if you lose weight or put it on. Exercise is like, one part of it? But it's more like what you eat, right?"
He sounds genuinely like he's made an entirely new discovery.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL well at least he finally figured it out I guess
Timestamp 27:12
Chris: "…oh and I remember on the walk, we also ate some Kit Kats… and I realized that the Kit Kats had eradicated most of my progress…
…but they're so good"
No. 270612
>>270581I don’t know what your point your trying to make.
What do you want us to conclude?
What’s your end game?
You seem to be dead set on making the same point over and over again!
It’s boring
No. 270613
>>270582Why are you so invested in this narrative?
It’s so bizarre. Does it make you feel better?
No. 270628
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Why is Sharla being petty over a rather minor and mild critique?
No. 270639
>>270550It was gradual but the ego was always there and growing. First it was him demanding not to be called a YouTuber because he's a filmmaker. Then it was all the lies and cheating. Now its him hanging out with
toxic personalities like Bald, trying to pick a fight with Connor while drunk, and now novelty boxing matches. He just keeps escalating the behaviour. In his mind he probably sees himself as a super macho tough guy who doesn't need to have any respect for women or his fans. Sharla may be a petty queen bee type but even she isn't going to be able to handle the road Chris is going down.
No. 270644
>>270556That's literally every episode of the podcast.
Something political comes up
Pete: progressive comment
Chris gets uncomfortable and tries to change the subject
Pete: Goes on a mini progressive rant
Chris gets really uncomfortable and makes some joke to change the topic
Pete thinks he's just joking and goes onto another topic.
Chris obviously still is pro Elon. I really don't get how people are taking his reddit comment which already had lies in it face value when he's so algorithm and feedback obsessed. He knows everyone on reddit hates Elon so he won't admit how he feels. Same with him not promoting the Bald meetup and it only being leaked because Balds friend posted a picture. If Bald had no controversy and was just a big youtuber, Chris would be spamming the meetup for clout everywhere like how he keeps talking about PewDiePie lately.
>>270582Chris losing weight is a lost cause. He could hire a nutritionist to get him a diet plan that will work or even just not have a bucket of fried chicken everyday. But instead he thinks he will outrun his dinner plate. All while massively overestimating his physical activity and coming up with coping excercises like oh must just be swelling not my diet. I think he should just embrace it at this point and just bulk up like a strongman. Maybe even try to collab with Eddie Hall.
>>270628Lets not forget these people literally are in bed with Norm. They probably view Norm as how they wish they could be. Sharla and Chris love attacking fans lately. Gradually it's inching towards a full Norm level meltdown. Though on some level Chris attacking a fan for being upset about Bald being a predator is worse than Norms comments who usually are just people who criticize his work not any association he has with predators.
No. 270650
>>270644Once when Norm was just starting out I asked him a question like "What camera would you suggest for someone just getting into vlogging" just to add engagement because initially I thought he might be a cool Jvlogger (I had only seen a couple videos) and he didn't have a big following.
His response was something like "I literally made a video about that, why don't you go find it"
That's when I knew he was a piece of shit and in the years since it's just played out again and again on many levels. Haven't followed him in years but none of the reported bullshit surprises me at all!
No. 270655
>>270653a boxing match that alternates with chess moves isn't a "novelty boxing match"
No. 270767
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I wonder if Sharla the Cat Lady and Sometimes "Vegan" still supports Elon now that his creepyass brain-implant company is being charged with animal abuses(stop with the elon shit)
No. 270808
>>270438NTA, but I don't think the problem is who's covering medical bills if Chris gets hurt. Getting injured itself is the problem.
I was wondering how good his chess game is and if he could end the match quickly by playing well or stall during the chess rounds. Chessboxing is 6 rounds of chess and 5 rounds of boxing, starting with 4 minutes of chess and 3 minutes of boxing. If a ref thinks someone's stalling, they can force them to make a move in 10 seconds, so there's no way he can prolong the chess playing. It can't be easy thinking of chess moves under that kind of pressure when someone's punched you in the face. It seems like you'd really need to train yourself doing both than train each discipline (boxing/chess) separately.
No. 270869
>>270859No, I'm not their mother. Most of these youtubers are kind of dumb, and if thinking that travel insurance will cover them, they might be in for a rude awakening. Although, it would be hilarious if after the chess boxing event, Chris (don't know anything about the others) makes a video complaining how he wasn't covered or how his injuries (if he gets any major ones) weren't covered
>>270867>Fights like this happen across international borders all the time.Yeah, but those promotions also require fighters, mma at least, not sure about boxing, to get fighter licensing and medical/physical/blood testing through doctors and then have their own separate insurances to cover injuries.
This where we have a bunch of goofs coming together for chess boxing, who have no clue what their doing, except for making a spectacle, will be in over their heads
Either way, its going to be hilarious to watch Chris try and box and play chess
No. 270879
>>270875>Did you forget how his girlfriend flew to United States and had surgery without insurance. And Who the fuck do you think paid for it?Not the anon, but did Chris pay for it? She might have been covered by BC's health plan if she's still holding onto a Canadian passport
Regardless, none of this is interesting, just as boring as the weight talk and the occasional talk of whether they're getting engaged/married.
Any updates on Norm's freaking out on commenters on his videos? That's mainly what I'm here for
No. 270881
>>270879yes this is BORRRRRRRING
but also yeah Sharla has Canadian health care, she's still a CA citizen. but also why do people act like she doesn't have her own money and is reliant on Chris? she's got more than enough to cover. jfc
No. 270943
>>270929oooh oooh ooh I have another completely hyperactive autistic worrywart sperg to add. Covid is spiking in Los Angeles right now. I have three friends who've already got it post-Thanksgiving who live there.
WhAt If ChRiS aNd ShArLa GeT cOvId…. omfg this is serious guys
No. 270948
>>270919That would defeat the whole purpose. Connor made a fun Japanese wrestling video. Chris has three goals to break out of the Japanese niche, to get fit, and to be seen as a tough alpha type of guy. He's gain none of that from doing a few chronographed routines.
>>270943Given Chris' politics and that he has complained about masks on the podcast before I wouldn't be surprised if he got it by not taking any precautions.
>>270869I also doubt he thought much about injury impacting him physically or financially. After eight years of complaining about his weight he still hasn't figured out anything about diet. He could even ask Connor who casually did it fairly easily. But he'll just have the same cycle.
No. 270950
>>270948>given Chris' politics what politics are those
nonnie? he's a lefty, he's talked multiple times on the podcast that he's for vaccines and covid precautions.
nobody fucking likes wearing masks, it doesn't matter what your politics are
No. 270959
>>270956Good thing Chris is going to LA. He'll find a lot of other people to hang out with who also downplay and try to sweep under the rug the predatory behaviour of their coworkers/friends.
>>270950He doesn't like doing anything that's good for him which is why he has been complaining about his weight for years but won't eat heathy or even smaller quantities.
No. 270968
>>270929I will not sleep until I know of chris and Sharla has a living will!
Did Sharla bring Sam socks for the plane
Did she bring sunblock for LA
Alpha male
No. 271060
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>>270976Roughly 1% of the entire population has celiac disease so I kind of doubt only 5/1000 who say they need to eat gluten free are truly celiac. COVID
triggered a bunch of folks to develop celiac so it’s even more common than ever before. I’m dumb med sperging but I bet you know someone who developed celiac disease recently if you know more than 150-200 (non-Asian) people.
No. 271100
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Surprisingly in the latest Sharla vlog Chris seemed a lot nicer and friendlier. Maybe being in Canada is good for him. He started going alpha male again during the eggnog tasting at the end berating and insulting everyone around for no reason. It wasn't even alcoholic eggnog either.
It was a bit cringe how half the gifts exchanged were cat themed. I've never seen anyone go so far into cat as a personality.
No. 271141
>>270881I think she is retired from jvlogging.
They just had a baby
No. 271224
>>271207there's a few vloggers I follow who had similar health wake-ups in their 30s and they did the thing where they interview and meet with trainers, or nutritionists etc. (wheezy waiter is one male one who, unlike Chris, is humble and looks to experts for advice - similar situation though, had some bad health info and started doing lots of interviews with experts and health challenges and working out, etc)
The issue with Chris is that he doesn't seem self-aware enough or humble enough to actually sit down with professionals and make a plan. He just blurts out shite like "I'm going to do FiTnEsS" and do "challenges" he can film for content. He clearly knows nothing about fitness, health, nutrition planning, or anything. And he's too full of himself to take advice.
No. 271230
>>271100Chris is lolling around with seemingly no energy, he looks and acts like a 50 year old man who just off his job as a tollbooth collector
this is what happens when you don't actually have physical fitness and eat properly
No. 271234
>>271100It's weird to watch Chris, a multi-millionaire sitting around on the floor of these Canadian hicks house opening up cheap gifts from Dollar stores.
My friend's cousin is a barely a millionaire from a tech job, and everyone goes to his house for Xmas and he probably spends 10k just on the dinner and decorations and everyone gets super fancy gifts and there's champagne and whatnot. Chris is probably worth 3-5 million and look at this, its just sad. He just sits around on the floor of his girl's house looking all poor
No. 271238
>>271210He promised to have a six pack by last month.
>>271234>Chris is probably worth 3-5 million>He just sits around on the floor of his girl's house looking all poor You're seriously overestimating how much youtubers earn. I agree that Sharla's gifts sucked, but many people, including people who make more than your cousin, prefer to have a low-key celebration and home-cooked meal for Christmas than spend 10K for a fancy dinner and decor every year. Keep in mind, it isn't even Christmas yet and Sharla's family is celebrating early for her and Chris. Also, have you seen Chris and Sharla's apartment and how they live? This isn't a step down.
No. 271239
>>271238Chris also pays for the AIJ studio, Sharla for another property in Morioka, and their place isn't exactly "working class" in Sendai anon, it's pretty swanky by Sendai standards.
Remember in this very place when anons were defending the idea that Sharla had moved to Sendai and rented her own place separate from Chris's? lol
No. 271241
>>271238I'm not "overestimating how much you tubers earn"
Chris has had 1M+ subs for years now. Currently 2.75M. His views have dipped in the last few months but for the last three years or so he's averaged 10M views a month.
He's been on YT and monetized for almost ten years.
If you don't think he's worth 3-5M easy then IDK what to tell you
No. 271246
>>271239I was referring to the decor and condition of Sharla's family home vs her apartment since anon was complaining that Chris must've felt uncomfortable and poor because her family didn't spend thousands on Christmas decorations when their apartment is full of cheap junk and cat goods. His family home in the UK isn't super swanky, either.
>>271241How much do you think 10M views earns? Before tax is fine. And where did you get 10M views per month? He does also earn from Patreon and other sponsors, so I'm sure he does well, but youtube takes almost half from ad revenue.
No. 271251
>>271246>How much do you think 10M views earns? depends on a lot of factors but approx $50k though could fluctuate between $25k and $75k (US dollars)
most youtubers make their money from sponsorships but when you're getting the views Chris does and have monetized vids, his YT ad revenue alone for one month is more than most people make in a year.
And add to that his Podcast, extra channels, and who knows what else he's into (Tokyo Creative, Tohoku Tourism, etc)
No. 271253
>>271251point is, they're both rich.
personally I think they don't want to make her family uncomfortable by making it evident how wealthy they are
No. 271259
>>271246YouTube has a 70/30 split.
70 percent to the creator, 30 percent to YouTube.
Chris and Sharla lives super lean, aka cheap. they don't spend their money on clothes (clearly). Their apartment is under 2k a month, they own a a use car.
I am willing to bet that together they have a pretty good nest egg in the millions.
aka millionaire.
I see much much smaller YouTubers living in mansions, multiple cars and expensive clothes etc. but these two are playing the long game lol.
No. 271260
>>262531>>271224Trains with the former Kickboxing champion of Japan.
Trains with the formers Boxing champion of Japan.
Conclusion: "Not humble enough to sit down with professionals."
There seems to be a big difference between reality and the world you live in hun.
No. 271290
>>271251You didn't answer my question about where you got 10M monthly views, but his monthly views for 2022 excluding December is 5.4M, so this year, he's earned a little over half of what you suggested if you're right. According to social blade, since 2020 until now, there have only been 3 months where he's exceeded 10M views. It doesn't go further back, but where did you get the 10M monthly views since 2019 and what were his averages in 2019? By the way, income tax is 45% if you make over 40M yen if you freelance or establish your own studio, plus 10% municipal tax, although it may be different depending on his situation with Tokyo Creative, excluding municipal tax. I did completely forget about his podcast and how much income he could be earning from that.
>>271259 Youtube takes 45% according to everywhere I've seen. Where is this 30% coming from?
No. 271338
>>271335Omg, shut up. Anons ignored that because it turned into a derailing alphafest infight. That was 2 weeks ago now anyway also anons have complained about the weight thing.
So no. No new milk. Thanks, anon.
No. 271371
>>271335No anon that is not what happens. For some reason this thread is not moderated like others here. I have participated in conversations like this in the past on other boards and have been redtexted for non contribution posts (even when saged).
It’s not about
shutting down the conversation at all, we can read and make our own judgements. This thread was never ever this active, and the conversation was never as granular to the point of nitpicking chris and sharlas weight/athletic prowess. The dynamic has changed, the audience is predominantly from Reddit, mixed with some oldfags like myself.
Forgive me for wanting a thread to be like it always has, but stop reeeeing that we’re trying to cover up Chris being a rapist sympathiser, cos that isn’t what this is.
No. 271494
>>271260Training once ≠ working with a trainer to establish a healthy workout routine, nutrition plan, etc.
I can tell you don't understand much about fitness, "hun"
No. 271558
>>271552ok it's pretty clear you don't know what the deal is
nonnie. he "literally" had a wager going with Trash Taste that he would have a six-pack by a certain date. it wasn't "sarcasm" kek
No. 271559
>>271549yeah. training once. he met with those guys once. that's different than going to the gym 5x a week and running and changing your nutrition plan.
man you anons must be so out of shape and gross
No. 271586
>>271580>Wager, uh huhYes? A wager. Do you not know what word that means?
Wager -
verb: to risk (a sum of money or valued item) against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event; bet. 2.
noun: an act of betting a sum of money on the outcome of an unpredictable event.
No. 271589
livestream of the weigh-in for the chessboxing match. Chris at 22:47 He weighed in at 184.6 pounds or about 83.7kg and has a reach of 69 inches. PJ Overtflow is taller and slightly lighter than Chris, 184.4 pounds and 73-inch reach. He said he was in chess club his whole life. I couldn't tell if he was joking.
>>271580It was official. Chris bet 500 quid and was supposed to show it off to Trash Taste staff on November 29.
>>270330 No. 271591
>>271589Chris opponent PJ was in Chess Club and has a longer reach than Chris and is in way better shape.
Lots of excuses for Chris to pick from.
No. 271595
>>271594it doesn't matter what people on this thread think
nonnie, Chris made a
Literal wager with Trash Taste - why is this so hard for ppl to understand?
No. 271597
>>271596First thing he did when he got to LA was to eat In N Out, and promptly declared it "overrated"
Which is a very 2010 thing to do
No. 271604
>>271599>probably knew he wouldNo I'd wager he probably thought he could do it. He's one smug
alpha male kek
No. 271609
>>271589This is going to be one hilarious "fight"
Curious to see if Chris turtles up and just takes a barrage of punches or if Nick Pettas was able to get him to throw something back without clamming up>>271589
No. 271616
>>271589>>271596Man did Chris have no muscle mass or something he doesn't even weight as much people made him out to be made out as such a grotesquely out of shape guy. You'd think he'd be well over 200 lbs at his peak and really he just went from 190 something to 180 something at what seems to be an average height. His weight is probably better than most guys his age. Or maybe he just stands out more in Japan regarding his size. His health report I don't think his issues are weight related more so inactivity.
>>271597Most of us outside the US hear about these chains all the time so it's natural he'd want to try them. If he wasn't already used to Canada he'd probably talk about reacting to Tim Hortons or Pizza Pizza or something. Plus most fast food isn't that good it's just that it gives us nostalgia
No. 271617
>>271616I think "Chris have no muscle mass" is a correct statement. My SO works out regularly and he looks muscular. He started out doughy like Chris. Chris has been doing "Fitness" for a year or so? By the end of the first year of my guy committing to working out and diet, he had really transformed and wasn't doughy anymore, he had some definition.
We think Chris is either a) not dedicated or b) is ignorant of the proper knowledge and training or c) both
No. 271625
uh…. no. Chris got a health check that scared him earlier this year and has been on a fitness mission ever since, that's what we're talking about anon, try to keep up
No. 271626
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Chris bothered Sharla about how he wants an Apple Watch in the Xmas video at Canada house, now he proudly puts one forward in his wrist
No. 271640
>>271639Did you forget about the part where all of his recent vlogs and social media posts have been about his weight and food? If it's
triggering for you, you don't have to continue reading or you can contribute something new to change the discussion.
No. 271711
>>271702Ticket prices:
event is at USC Galen Center, Los Angeles CA
No. 271754
>>271733MrBeast will be tuning in, people love an underdog and win or lose, Chris stands to gain a lot of new subscribers so it must be worth the possible humiliation or injury. But the demographic of his new fans is going to be very different from his current fans. I think most of the other influencers are gamers.
>>271616>His weight is probably better than most guys his age. If that's what's considered normal in your country for a 30-year old guy of his height, i don't know what to say… To be fair, it wasn't just his weight that concerned him, but also the other test results and how his health had taken a toll on him physically and mentally, making it difficult for him to do tasks, potentially affecting his work etc.
No. 271763
>>271761Your'e saying Chris Broad is guilty of not researching something in Japan that he makes an opinionated video about?
Impossible! Shocking! Breaking News!
No. 271768
>>271761Anon I want to get serious for a minute with you. This point your'e making is really relevant. One of the things that has always bothered me (and my Japanese partner) about Chris, is how he fails again and again to exhibit any depth in his work. Even when he makes a doco like he did about the tsunami and its
victims, he somehow took a powerful event and rendered it with surface strokes only. He doesn't seem capable of doing any real in-depth research. We think he just isn't that smart at the worst or just likes taking shortcuts at the best. It's always disappointing. The only time we think he managed to break that curse was the video about the Nakagin capsule building in Tokyo where he did seem to do some actual research, he even learned some architecture terms to share. But otherwise he is incredibly shallow and surface-level in almost everything he does. It's really a shame that the biggest gaijin Japan youtuber presents such a cartoon level understanding of Japanese culture and history.
No. 271771
>>271769that's interesting. yeah chris leverages the general ignorance of his audience.
we've been really into Craig Mod recently who has a newsletter (not a youtuber) and is very much about Japan history and also the modern long-distance walking culture in Japan, doing things like walking Basho's routes, etc - he leads guided tours in Japan but is a writer and researcher. Good stuff. Mature, thoughtful. Makes Chris look like the absolute child that he is.
No. 271784
>>271772>What's also strange is that he went there again with Sharla according to her, so she wasn't even curious to look it up and he didn't even think to have her try to find anything in Japanese either? Even inputting the address would come up with something.Did they actually go a second time, or are they trying to pretend that Chris went alone once and then went back again with Sharla after? My money is they went once only and for some weird reason just said "Chris went alone"
If they actually did a second trip though, Chris would have to have done some research to learn about it, especially if it was interesting enough for a second trip, otherwise why else go again?
No. 271793
This event is so obnoxious. I hope it's a humbling experience. If he wins by some miracle, he'll be even more insufferable.
>>271768Probably why he hasn't been able to make a movie yet.
No. 271796
>>271793The cringe supreme
Chris is going to get humbled
No. 271806
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>>271799he's already cocky as hell so if he gets a victory he'll be insufferable
No. 271807
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Well, in the background you can see Chris Broad's section of the locker room with what I assume to be a "yard" of Reese Cups
He's going to be walking out pudgier than ever
No. 271808
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Just a small snack that Chris brought kek
No. 271815
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And he enters throwing out candy of course
No. 271816
>>271805Odds1Out got completely destroyed and it didn't effect his career.
>>271815Say what you will but it's nice seeing Chris' team all support him. A bit weird gow the other guy didn't get much of an intro. Also we finally have definitive answers to the people obsessed about Chris height and weight (5'8 and 180lbs). The average American man is 5'9 and 198lbs so Chris was hardly the extreme of obesity that people acted like he was. Also why is Connor back in America already?
>>271808He was throwing them to the crowd. Kind of a bad idea since there's nut allergies but one of his personas is the candy man that he goes as every Halloween.
Crowd that is pro Chris in terms of being fans is also 62.9% predicting
Overtflow winning.
No. 271825
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No. 271843
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No. 271857
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That was the weakest way to win. He basically lost chess and he wasn't much of a boxer. He won because his opponent was a buffoon and kept making illegal moves and messing up the clock.
No. 271863
>>271856His previous rival was from Germany.
He would have been offered the same cuz he has to travel too.
Chris won in a crappy way in a crappy box and chess thing , nothing else.
No. 271867
>>271865What scrotes? Only them can understand box or chest?
Also this ain't Reddit write normal you
No. 271869
>>271863The previous rival wasn't as well known, regardless of location. I am not talking about this guy, as I know nothing about him. I am talking about Chris and his ego, and the clear favoritism from the commentators cheering on him.
My comment was about abroadinjapan not going from Japan to LA, stop grasping at straws. Other players flew out and I am not commenting on them. If you had an BJJ fighter in the match, you'd expect a lot more, this guy didn't care to defend, attack, or engage.
No. 271875
>>271869So you think only Chris got a fixed match?
The previous guys are more known than Chris even.
His rival dominated in boxing ,Chris was only stalling.
He has a decent stamina at least above coach potato level.
In chess both were a mess so it's a silly win .
No. 271879
>>271847I don't know how you could think this was the title match when it was 4 of 9, and his face wasn't featured in a lot of the promo.
>>271859Overtflow seemed really nervous from the get go. Maybe he just choked. Still nice of him to join last minute unless it was rigged.
No. 271887
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No. 271902
>>271900watch the vid
nonnie you can see overtflow barely trying to box Chris, he was even leaving himself open most of the round for Chris to have a good chance at punch, but Chris still couldn't land anything, he was too spastic
No. 271916
>>271902Overflows style is counterpunching. Which is pretty stupid for an amateur chess boxing match where there's less than five minutes of boxing across three rounds.
>>271904This is possible too. Only the Myth, the guy he fought, and Botez actually seriously attempted boxing. This was novelty youtubers chess boxing for charity with no actual rivalries or motivation to try. You'd be a bit of a jerk if you seriously tried to knock out people.
>>271909He seems like a nice guy at the very least.
I'd love for Chris to do something with Shogi or even Go after this.
No. 271985
>>271972Maybe they had it confused with the six-pack wager this entire time? I can't find anything about charity for the event, but Ludwig did a big charity stream last month that raised $300,000.
>>271784He was trying to make it seem like an extra spooky place by hyping up his being alone, but I don't think it would've made a difference if Sharla was there on camera. People actually like to go there at night when it's more spooky, but it might be too spooky for Chris lol
No. 272088
>>272072Did you not read any of the other threads or even read the site name?All the threads are mostly negative towards the subject and Chris, Sharla, and Norm are the only jvloggers regularly doing milk, cringe, or drama.
What else would we have in it? Paolo is humble and a good father posts? Connor is an intelligent and kind hearted man posts? Lily has a lucrative developer job now posts? Rachel and Jun are uncontroversial posts? PewDiePie reviewed a book?
Meanwhile in just the past few weeks Chris met up with a sexual predator got lambasted by his sub for it, lied to them to stop the backlash and then went around mocking fans who were against assault. All followed by punching Connor while drunk flying across the world to get into a fist fight and attend a Christmas gift exchange where everything was cat themed for some reason. I wouldn't say I hate Chris but he's definitely controversial and the bad boy of the Jvlog community. He's entertaining to watch and the only time he put up a bad product was JAJ Okinawa which was just so he can claim his vacation as a business expense. The Jvlog thread is probably the best one on here because of Chris/Sharla/Norm constantly having over the top antics. None of the others have queen bee blacklisters almost getting deported after stealing Japanese artifacts for content. Or the world's angriest man hyping up becoming a pilot as a second side hustle along with claiming to be the greatest non Japanese shamisen player and casually attacking his audience, before clearly failing out and never mentioning it again. This thread is gold.
No. 272101
>>272088Hahaha, You’re like the school bully who ends up looking like a fucktard at the end of the movie.
“Chris won’t win”
Chris wins.
“Chris won’t lose weight.”
Chris loses weight.
“Chris made a shit series called jaj:Okinawa. A tax deductible holiday. Blah blah blah.”
Chris has a smash hit tax deductible holiday watched by a few million viewers, and liked by over a hundred thousand people.
He goes from strength to strength. He wins every SINGLE time WITHOUT fail. And it’s a beautiful thing knowing no matter how much you write or complain or froth at the mouth or circle jerk, he will always make you look like a cunt. He will always win. His story keeps getting written while you waste your existence with every single breath.
(moid) No. 272126
>>272101I never said he couldn't win or lose weight. I honestly don't know a thing about boxing and he has lost weight in the past why would I say it's impossible? I do think the weight will come back though. Like I said I don't hate him I just find his antics hilarious and entertaining in the spirit of the site.
>>272091>Why do people keep making fun of Chris/Sharla/Norm?Me: Explains why giving recent examples to back up the fact that they're lolcows
>Noooo you can't mention those things because I love Chris and Sharla! This thread needs to just worship them like I do. Face it they're lolcows. None of the threads here afaik are fangirl subs and out of all Jvloggers it's those three who are the biggest active lolcows. There's enough people in their comment sections praising Chris as the next Spielberg so it's not like you can't find a community to praise them if you think we're too mean. But we'll be here to laugh at their antics.
No. 272196
>>272180He was paid to come into the event at the last minute due to the original combatant suffering an ear malady.
He was likely paid a pre-arranged sum and part of the deal was to let Chris win. It should be pretty obvious.
Chris paid Ludwig who funneled the funds too Overtflow. Chris was worried about damage to his brand if his opponent dropped out and then Chris failed to compete in the ring, because he'd hyped it up so much. When Chris found out it would be Overtflow, he increased the sum (through Ludwig's holding company) in order to guarantee that he would not be killed in the ring, and to win the overall competition. This is why Overtflow pulled all punches, stayed open for Chris to attack, and also botched his chess (keep in mind Overtflow was a lifelong chess competitor and knew what he was doing the whole time.)
It's quite obvious to anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills.
No. 272201
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No. 272225
>>272201lol tokyo lens worse than Norman bates
luv it
No. 272244
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did u know there was also a slap fight between Ludwig and Connor
No. 272245
>>272244But anon, that's not
boxing. This whole event was just for fun. I don't know how anons are taking it so to heart.
No. 272266
I've only just recently become aware of all the Norm drama and especially the drama in and around Jvloggers in general. However I am wondering if anyone has any sources to Norm's wife kid etc etc or is this just speculation and text confirmation? Feel free to correct me on that.
However I decided to do some digging in and around Norm myself and found a couple interesting things; is a Japanese wiki Norm has about himself and if anything, this gives us a little more information we can use to search about him, especially in Japanese and his name to go along with it.
One key note from his Wiki page is his TV show appearance as detailed here: the above, we can indeed see that norm was on TV and played as well. Doing a little digging around this, he appeared to be quite active on a Shamisen forum ( where he publicises this. One interesting comment is from a user stating "It was also nice to see Norm’s baby with Mom(^O^)" but this could be in reference to his Shamisen, but who knows, just quite strange imo. But he posts a now deleted video of him playing on the TV program.
Another thing I managed to find was an old all Japanese interview that he did contains information that "he begged to become a disciple" which reinforces the wording I read a few topics back that he might have just pestered them enough to get that? But again, imo. did find another interview he did in Japanese, that touches on him going to Japan, leaving then subsequently returning. In this he also states that personal relationships were a big factor in the whole thing, which could also tie in to the story (have yet to find concrete proof but correct me if im missing this as I've not personally read anything) that he has a wife and kid "Yes, but I didn't realize it until I returned to Canada. What I thought was a deep friendship was not, and what I thought was a one-off relationship turned out to be a relationship that is still going on 12 years later", mentions 12 years later so unsure if this is business contacts or wife/kids (this interview was conducted in 2019) But still makes for a semi-interesting read and can be found here; rule 3.2) No. 272314
>>272282there's "evidence" that norm's married and has a kid, this is old af news
lern 2 sage
No. 272356
>>272248If that's true, it's kinda impressive how active he's been. Wrestling, bungee jumping, cycling marathons, pole dancing. Can't say the say the same for some other jvloggers just complain and refuse to exercise or try something new despite being in Japan longer. The Hokkaido cycling was really his charity project, too.
>>272282Evidence, including photographic evidence, for everything you've mentioned has been posted numerous times over years. Even his surname gives away the fact that he's married to a Japanese woman.
No. 272371
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The arrogance begins
No. 272381
>>272371you poor thing… you are going from board to board to try to drum up hate for chris. meanwhile, he is like "I could have done better, I want to improve, I was disappointed in my performance" etc. so arrogant huh?
Or did this go against your narrative you have been trying to spin on here?
No. 272398
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Since anons don't know how to cap. Not really milky, but LA to London next.
No. 272463
>>271825I honestly can't believe this is one year of fitness. I was 220 lbs at the beginning of 2021 (thanks pandemic) and worked my ass off throughout the year and dropped 40 lbs. Ok that's not amazing but still I felt soooo much better and looked better too, got to buy a bunch of new clothes and wear some old ones that I'd not been able to fit into for over a year.
It took a lot of hard work including total restructuring my diet and quitting alcohol and most of the sugar. I started by walking longer and longer and eventually jogging (still feel a little too heavy to really run but I'm working on it)
So to see Chris looking like this after a year with barely any muscle definition and carrying so much body fat, when his goal was to get in the "best shape of his life" is not impressive. I know for guys it's all about muscle definition and losing their boobies and belly. I think I read somewhere else that Chris lost like 7kg in a year which is 15lbs. It's not nothing, but it's not really impressive in one year transformation. He also doesn't appear to have any upper body development except for his biceps and triceps which makes me think that his "working out" is just curling dumbbells. Otherwise he'd have better shoulders, chest, lats, etc.
He needs to do more cardio and cut his calories a LOT.
No. 272467
>>272463You writhing this on an anonymous shit posting site is so stupid! You clearly are obsessed with chris weight and fitness, so why dot you send him you manifesto…. I mean a letter. So that you can sleep better at night knowing that he now knows that you are loosing sleep over his fat ass.
He will surely will have all the time in the world to read this letter between traveling through London, Europe and japan, drinking and partying with his real life friends, and fucking his girlfriend, while you fret on and on about his weight!
No. 272472
nonnie why u so
triggered No. 272482
>>272467seriously doubt they're still fucking
though the night he "won" the chess boxing, they probably did it in their hotel room, and chris kept on his boxing gloves
No. 272494
>>272491You need to get a life
nonnie, honestly coming on lolcow just to pick fights with anons is a million times more pathetic than shitting on Chris and Sharla
No. 272500
>>272463He only lost 15 if you take into account what he weighed after what he gained in the UK. Overall, he only lost like 10 pounds from the start of his fitness thing. It's kinda crazy how little he lost when you think of all the training he supposedly did. We know he ate a lot of crap during the bike-a-thon, but still. You're doing much better than him
No. 272535
>>272506dude she's went through 3 apartments in a short amount of time while she was in Australia. She doesn't have a personality and knows she only gets views when she drops money.
petty of me but it tickles me kim is still trying to find her niche, meanwhile i saw melodee on NHK news recently promoting travel to japan in 1st class flights&hotels. how's that "college degree" kim lol
No. 272559
>>272558One time John Daub posted a video where he showed his junk on accident in an onsen when he opened his legs with a towel on. It was a huge scandal and he had to take the video down then reupload it, and he made an apology video about it.
Then many years later he made a bad business deal and his channel was taken away from him by scammy video production company, and now he has a channel that is a shadow of the former channel, and all the videos he worked on for ten years are owned by that scammy company.
That John Daub?
No. 272560
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>>272558Chris's channel really took off in the wake of the John Daub Only In Japan fiasco. I'm not saying those things are in any way related but the timeline definitely lines up. They went from being friendly competitors to Chris totally dominating the space, while John Daub was doing what Chris was trying to do for years before Chris. Chris always talks about how when he started doing videos in Japan, no you tubers were really making that kind of content, but he was basically ripping off Only in Japan (John) the entire time. Major difference - John actually worked for NHK.
Screenshot is from the video where John tried to explain how his channel was stolen from him and he was starting over
No. 272571
>>272570A lot of vloggers have names that involve Japan/Tokyo too:
Tokyo Lens
Sharla in Japan
Abroad in Japan
Sugoii Japan
Find your love in Japan
Paolo from Tokyo
Life Where I’m From [Also has a red circle logo]
Experience JAPAN [Has an inverted take]
No. 272572
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>>272571are you blind
nonniea logo involves more than a word you moron. look at the fonts and layout. wow. dumbass
No. 272676
nonny is jealous
No. 272723
>>272565He's a guide or at least used to be for NHK's Journey's in Japan and still does other NHK work like appearing in Living in Japan. It's possible his main income isn't from youtube anymore.
>>272564Micaela's reddit account and her stories about having multiple abortions and unwanted pregnancies, controlling and lazy husband, morning bjs, cheating ex, uncaring friends and horrible parents, then deleting the account right after it was shared here. Chris lying about when he started dating Sharla and editing it out of his clip right after we talked about it here, and unfollowing a big butts fetish account right after that was also posted here. Norm opening a studio in Harajuku when he's supposed to be in Kyushu at flight school. Norm also supposedly getting hit by a car, but uncharacteristically not sharing any photos of the accident, injuries or time in hospital, said his pinky was broken in the accident, but that pinky had already been broken two months before in another vlog, and the bandages worn in his video about the accident were fake and just to take off for the camera.
No. 272748
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Confirmation that PJ (Overtflow) was told to go easy on Chris (AbroadinJapan) at Ludwig's Mogul Chessboxing Championship. I think PJ had been subtly or not so subtly implying the same thing on twitter and youtube since the fight, not that it wasn't obvious to most people. think she's referring to this livestream: No. 272768
>>272761It's only a problem for the Chris simps here and anyone involved like Ludwig, who's been putting Overt down while praising Chris. Pretty much everyone could tell Overt was holding back.
>>272764No one here was expecting him to get a six pack except for the one or two fans who've decided to stay here. People were laughing about how unrealistic it was. Chris is the one who bet money and he was serious if you watch the clip.
No. 272827
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As if living in Tokyo she wouldn’t know where to buy metal tshirts, they’re literally everywhere . She just had to let us all know she has a partner who probably doesn’t shower or wear deodorant on the other side of the world
No. 272830
>>272729If you're going to lie make it believable. Sharla absolutely hates children. She was even attacking a teenage fan a couple months ago for daring to hope she and Chris would have a baby. Even Chris seems like he's not ready for kids on his end. It's more likely that Tuna and Maro (I know they're both scrotes) are pregnant than Chris and Sharla.
>>272748That explains a lot. Everything was biased for Chris in general there. They didn't even do a proper intro or interview for Overtflow. Poor OvertFlow they brought him on just to treat him like that. I wonder if they could face legal action for this given that people probably bet on the matches.
>>272768>>272779Actually pretty disappointing that they are attacking OvertFlow like that. Chris really is pursuing an alpha male image and even Ludwig is trashing OvertFlow. Only Connor isn't being mean. I hope Chris' new alpha persona is just a phase.
No. 272833
>>272830She didn't 'attack the fan'. She told them to basically fuck off. She has gotten comments like these before and it's probably worse now that she's open with Chris and people are now going to harass her about it just to piss her off now and then on purpose now too. Every adult woman should absolutely normalize not having kids by telling people off by even asking about it. Don't pretend that fan was polite. It's as rude as a parents demanding when they will have grandkids after you just start dating someone. It's weird.
Overtflow agreed to this. There's no pity here when he actually fights big names all the time real matches that don't involve slapping and chess. There's no way legal repercussions could even come from this either because people illegally betting it their own issue. No one forced people to bet on the match and especially one that's clearly, as a whole for the entire event, comical and just meant for entertainment. That's like people betting on WWE when it's scripted. They'd be a dumbfuck.
No. 272835
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>She didn't 'attack the fan'. She told them to basically fuck off
So she attacked the fan. No wonder she's so close with Norm. Either way attacking a teenage girl who was a fan and then plastering it on multiple social media is just petty and lame especially since Sharla is a grown woman in her mid 30s who should have more maturity and self control.
Also there are laws against rigging events. Ludwig would have had to disclose and disclaim around the event if he's rigging matches. As well the event was broadcast live throughout the world, gambling isn't illegal everywhere.
Also OverFlow just confirmed the match was rigged. I don't know if there will be a lawsuit but it just shows how toxic Chris has gotten if he's mocking OvertFlow who could threw the match for him while the event handlers were openly pro Chris. It also makes sense why the old opponent was some German guy that Americans had never heard of. They were always gonna rig it for Chris.
No. 272836
>>272835>Also there are laws against rigging events. Ludwig would have had to disclose and disclaim around the event if he's rigging matches. As well the event was broadcast live throughout the world, gambling isn't illegal everywhere. kek
nonnie you know wrestling is "rigged" right? it's entertainment, the whole thing was just a show. this isn't the fucking olympics
No. 272838
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>>272827I know someone Lily can ask about metal shirts and hoodies and super cool male costume jewelry, who is a total rebel. Lily if you're reading this I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.
No. 272841
>>272836Lol stop playing me this wasn't promoted as a scripted macho nonsense drama like wrestling. This was promoted as a legitimate sports competition. There are rules. It also wouldn't be the first time a youtuber broke the law without realizing it. How many of them are actively promoting dubiously legal scams at the monent? Even McDonalds Monopoly had a bit scandal. Chess Boxing is stupid but it's a real sport and real reps. I'm not saying they will get sued but they did open themselves up to potentially getting sued by rigging that match.
>>272840Because he's a martial artist and they keep trash talking him. I can't imagine the unmitigated gaul to force someone to throw a match and then go around town trashing them as pathetic. They could have just been humble.
No. 272845
>>272844I'm surprised anon isn't complaining about CDawg not being
alpha enough, since they love using that word, and sucked it up to actually do a boxing match instead of a slap fight. The word entertainment doesn't exist apparently.
No. 272847
>>272845there's a big difference in how both connor and chris act on camera. connor is not affraid to engage in self deprecating jokes, he never takes himself too seriously and rolls with the banter hurled his way.
Chris is the total opposite, he takes himself very seriously, almost never makes jokes at his own expense and gets defensive when on the receiving end of banter. He also acts as a bit of a bully and plays it off as horsing around.
No. 272878
>>272871While I don't think Chris is a bully, per se, I do think he tries to make his sort of humor as "I'm surrounded by idiots" and the commentary and insults he provides be the comic relief.
I didn't watch that whole cereal stream with Ludwig, but I saw the last 15 minutes or so and Chris was pulling that with Ludwig, too. Telling him his dance looked like he was having a stroke (this is when you know Chris isn't that funny, since that's the go-to comment for ridiculing dancing), or that his hair looked like he did cocaine. Both times, Ludwig would just respond with, "oh…" Or "what…" I don't think Ludwig was sad or hurt or pissed, but that the dynamic fell flat with him.
Chris just assumes the "HAW HAW WOT A MUPPET" dynamic and that isn't bRiTiSh SaRcAsM.
No. 272880
>>272878I agree with you 100%
Chris's whole thing is banter. Except he's terrible at it.
No. 272881
>>272878It says a lot that Chris would have insulting stroke
victims as his go-to. He's the kind of guy who would have voted for Dr. Oz instead of Fetterman and then trolled Fetterman supporters by insulting him because of his stroke effects.
No. 272884
>>272879Chris is, above all else, a wimp. Like most bullies.
He whined endlessly about having to ride a horse and how the horse was mean to him. He's not a man. A man would have ridden the horse and been excited about it and been able to handle it without wilting like a flower and then blaming the horse. Tells you everything you need to know about who Chris is.
The kind of guy who pushes his "friends" into ponds with their clothes on to laugh at their expense, and blames the horse he doesn't have the skills or manliness to ride properly.
No. 272885
>>272884Chris is a lot like most narcissists anon… being an insensitive jerk to everyone around them and then playing the
victim whenever possible.
imagine that - a youtuber narcissist
No. 272895
>>272884that's a good analysis anon.
It also reminds me that Chris used to introduce Pete as "England's Top Japanophile" (the first year or so of the podcast). Pete was clearly uncomfortable with that but Chris kept doing it. Finally Pete put his foot down and made him change it. Now he is introduced as England's Top Japan Enthusiast. I don't understand why Chris has to give him such a cringey superlative title in the first place but that's Chris for you.
All that said, Chris consistently does take a self-superior attitude towards Pete and mocks him whenever he can - it's not healthy banter it's Chris acting out his insecurities. Pete is a super successful media professional and has been for decades - before he went full time podcaster he was paid to interview celebs that Chris could only dream of meeting. Pete built his successful media career in actual media, not YouTube. This is why I think Chris always feels threatened by him and tries to take him down a peg in all these weird passive aggressive ways on almost every episode of the podcast.
Chris has a MASSIVE insecurity complex and it comes out a lot when he's doing the podcast with Pete.
(samefagging) No. 272897
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>>272809She's insufferable. And she looks like Janice the Muppet to me.
No. 272916
>>272901since when is amateur psychoanalysis "tinfoil"
you need to lern wurds
nonnie No. 272917

>>272840Overtflow does seem to care because he's been to responding to everyone across twitter and youtube about it. He's also been getting harassed by some overzealous fans and trolls telling him to quit boxing forever. It doesn't matter if he was paid because without him, they probably would've had to cancel Chris's fight, which would mean no money and exposure for Chris, and if Overtflow hadn't held back, Chris could've been really hurt and their fight would've ended early, so they should both be thankful instead of shitting on him.
>>272841It wasn't fully promoted as a legit competition. The fighters were influencers and gamers. There were many organizational hiccups, errors, and things that the refs missed or messed up throughout the entire event. The clock even stopped at one point while Chris was playing chess. Anyone with a brain could tell Overtflow was pulling his punches. The problem is how Chris and Ludwig have been acting after it's all over. I watched their part of Ludwig's stream and now completely understand why Andrea called him out for being disrespectful. 1:21:15 He admitted he was biased towards Chris, but kept arguing that the fight was balanced and Overtflow wasn't holding back, but just fighting poorly. He overpraised every little thing that Chris did so much that you'd think someone paid him to say those things while being a complete ass to Overtflow, the guy who stepped in for them at the last minute and extended their fight. Supposedly, Chris has promised Overtflow to show him around Japan when he visits in the spring, so it'd be nice if he could show some gratitude and repay him in some way for the shit he's been getting on his behalf.
No. 272925
>>272917>He's also been getting harassed by some overzealous fans and trolls telling him to quit boxing forever. Post caps or links
ffs where do you think you are?
No. 272928
>>272927People commenting about it is not the same as being harassed. Also hes an adult and he can tell people that they're overreacting. Which they are if people are actively harassing him. Anyone who took this seriously needs psyche evaluation. Just like anon said that people would sue for some reason if they placed bets, which would've bee
illegally, outside of this entire event. Anons are just saying anything they can because they know that it makes other people in this thread reply to their shitposts.
No. 272940
>>272917Where did you see Chris being an ass to overt flow? How has Chris acted since the match that was so bad?
Only thing Chris has said was that he was not happy with his performance. He has not said not a single bad word about OF.
No. 272943
>>272917Ludwig cheering for or being Bias for Chris to win does not equal to your silly theory of cheating! You have no proof other then you are but hurt that Chris won And have some sort of weird hate agenda!
Chris has said nothing nothing bad about OF.
Chris in fact spoke badly about his own boxing, he said that he didn’t it perform well, and wishes that he could have done a better job in both boxing and chess! No bragging, no ego!
Your accusation about bullying is empty and silly!
This was suppose to be for entertainment and not a career. Some won and some lost, it’s not that serious!
You are insane