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No. 326842
Sarah "Best in Show" Spaceman is a Atlanta based cosplayer, motion graphics designer turned full time influencer, with 130k on Instagram. Really, she is a mediocre cosplayer, who is absolutely delusional about her sewing skills and obsessed with over-engineering and over-bedazzling every design she can get her hands on. She posts tutorials with her terrible crafting advice to Youtube for her subscribers to hugbox her and tell her she is The BEST cosplayer ever. She is a known sore loser who will throw public tantrums whenever her shoddy work doesn't place in contests or anybody criticizes her.
First thread:
>>79175Instagram: of last thread
>chronic photoshop abuser >>79338 >>79341 >>79716 >>80999>her terrible interpretation of sakizo looks like walmart's bargain craft bin threw up on her >>90448 >>105560 >>170676>claimed she INVENTED known sewing techniques because she's just that special >>167230>charges money for cosplay sewing workshops such as making puckered lumpy hats and cheap, ill-fitting corsets >>185753 >>274838 >>304535>made an absolute ass out of herself In Sweden when she couldn't win the NCC as an observer nation >>304535 >>305684>proudly admits to behaving like an absolute child and having shitfits when things don't go her way to shill for known terrible company Betterhelp >>308536>tries to reinvent the wheel by making wig death traps >>315582 >>316072 >>322312>makes herself even more unlikeable by acting like a brat during HM's Idolfest >>316492>publicly shames a bunch of cosplayers in her video for doing “bad” techniques for drill curls >>325264 No. 326843
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Did y'all see her new video?
>"I made this pattern too big and had to fudge it at the end."
>"I don't feel like changing the pattern"
>"go to my patreon to download the pattern!"
And in typical Sarah fashion, the seams don't line up. At least it's free ig
No. 328510
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>watching her latest video
>the teto wig unscrews and falls apart mid con
fucks sake she wont learn from this either will she
No. 328638
>>328510I do not understand how this happens. Like, why not just add a blob of hot glue or something so the nut can't come unscrewed? Or if it's supposed to come apart like that for travel, why couldn't she reattach it? It's still fucked up when she gets pictures later at 18:02.
Also maybe I'm just a joyless bitch, but it annoys me how she includes her and her friends being public nuisances in these con videos. Like 5 minutes of this vid is dedicated to her friends attempting to ram the ankles of other congoers with RC cars in the lobby. In her older holmat vlog she shows her and her friends climbing all over statues. You are 30 Sarah, you should know how to behave in public by now.
No. 329972
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Holy shit Sarah that corseting
No. 330193
>>330029Every time she releases a video it baffles me that she continues to tout herself as such a knowledgeable and important source of crafting knowledge, and then turns around and says "do as I say not as I do." …PEOPLE DO AS YOU DO BECAUSE YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE TEACHING THEM. I understand being on a deadline but she literally does nothing but cosplay, 2 months is plenty of time to make a cocktail dress with some dangly shit. At the very least don't be so vocal about "I got lazy so I didn't do it right," not to mention how tacky it is to just title the video "I got paid to make this shit teehee!"
She pisses me off and god I wish I could say all this in my comm but everyone worships her.
No. 330607
>>328510>>328638Why she didn't use a magnet rather than screws is beyond me. It would look less retarded too.
>>329972>>330389It's wild to me she gets sponsorships with such a horrible attitude. It shows that all these brands care about is numbers and not quality.
No. 331443
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>>330029"I got lazy"
stop saying the silent part out loud during the sponsored vid.
No. 334715
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>>334705Way better than Jill's strawberry dress, that's for sure. There quick cut/sews she should stick with. Maybe it'll help her learn techniques for more complicated designs and stitching.
Did you watch the video at all, anon? She got engaged. You missed the biggest part of this.
No. 334736
>>334715Chill out. Sometimes people don’t always finish a full video if there’s nothing more to get out of it.
Good for Sarah—it was bound to happen, and I look forward to seeing the dress.
(sage your shit) No. 335589
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>>335423The fact she didn’t think to add some beige organza to the hold the neckline in place lis terrible because the corset back pulls on the front.
No. 335629
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>>335609It is the fitting but the bodice wouldn't stay up or had proper structure because of the neckline. Sarah admits there could have been more she should have done to prevent that but lol oh well. Here's a better pic I swiped from Haley's instagram at leesielikes_lemons
No. 335681
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>>335629Here’s the back too.
No. 337149
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Sarah to be a judge at Anime LA masquerade
No. 341115
>>341109This video is a goldmine of everything wrong with this bitch
Sarah is so stupid and untalented she can't imagine someone making their own jacket without posting 800 progress photos
Claims judges try to deliberately break props to test their stability? Hope ALA contestants don't expect their costumes to be handled gently when she judges next month
She's so transparent sucking up to Yaya and shitting all over everyone else.
No. 341185
>>341109what gets me about this is her harping about how cosplay contests are about the chance to get critique and to make friends with other cosplayers, when her entire history with contests as documented here is being a sore loser.
I think vidrel from a few weeks ago is probably peak stupid though. Highlights include:
- Buys a train ticket and airbnb to travel to the Carolina ren fair, but doesn't get a ticket to the fair itself ahead of time, and they're all sold out.
- Has 10 hours to spend in Charlotte before the airbnb is ready, instead of finding something interesting to do she sits in a Starbucks all day and bitches about it
- She does this cosplay channel shit for a living now, so you'd think this would be the perfect time to make and show off a new costume, right? Wrong. She wears an old costume on day 1, and one of her friend's DIRTY CLOTHES on day two.
No. 344689
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>>344688I'm still watching through but the subtitles at around 9:45 are killing me, this bitch is really illiterate