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No. 326842

Sarah "Best in Show" Spaceman is a Atlanta based cosplayer, motion graphics designer turned full time influencer, with 130k on Instagram. Really, she is a mediocre cosplayer, who is absolutely delusional about her sewing skills and obsessed with over-engineering and over-bedazzling every design she can get her hands on. She posts tutorials with her terrible crafting advice to Youtube for her subscribers to hugbox her and tell her she is The BEST cosplayer ever. She is a known sore loser who will throw public tantrums whenever her shoddy work doesn't place in contests or anybody criticizes her.

First thread: >>79175
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahspaceman
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/sarahspaceman
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahspaceman

Recap of last thread
>chronic photoshop abuser >>79338 >>79341 >>79716 >>80999
>her terrible interpretation of sakizo looks like walmart's bargain craft bin threw up on her >>90448 >>105560 >>170676
>claimed she INVENTED known sewing techniques because she's just that special >>167230
>charges money for cosplay sewing workshops such as making puckered lumpy hats and cheap, ill-fitting corsets >>185753 >>274838 >>304535
>made an absolute ass out of herself In Sweden when she couldn't win the NCC as an observer nation >>304535 >>305684
>proudly admits to behaving like an absolute child and having shitfits when things don't go her way to shill for known terrible company Betterhelp >>308536
>tries to reinvent the wheel by making wig death traps >>315582 >>316072 >>322312
>makes herself even more unlikeable by acting like a brat during HM's Idolfest >>316492
>publicly shames a bunch of cosplayers in her video for doing “bad” techniques for drill curls >>325264

No. 326843

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Did y'all see her new video?

>"I made this pattern too big and had to fudge it at the end."

>"I don't feel like changing the pattern"
>"go to my patreon to download the pattern!"

And in typical Sarah fashion, the seams don't line up. At least it's free ig

No. 328182

The materials she chose are so ugly.. looks like an outfit a senile quilting gma would make.

No. 328510

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>watching her latest video
>the teto wig unscrews and falls apart mid con
fucks sake she wont learn from this either will she

No. 328638

I do not understand how this happens. Like, why not just add a blob of hot glue or something so the nut can't come unscrewed? Or if it's supposed to come apart like that for travel, why couldn't she reattach it? It's still fucked up when she gets pictures later at 18:02.

Also maybe I'm just a joyless bitch, but it annoys me how she includes her and her friends being public nuisances in these con videos. Like 5 minutes of this vid is dedicated to her friends attempting to ram the ankles of other congoers with RC cars in the lobby. In her older holmat vlog she shows her and her friends climbing all over statues. You are 30 Sarah, you should know how to behave in public by now.

No. 328669


My gripe is her BRAGGING about "the power of a fosshaped wig" that she never felt the drill melt off her fucking head. I would rather feel my wig shift & know there's a mishap that I could address immediately. It's embarrassing, not cool, to stand & take photos in front of "fans" like that.

No. 328705

because it was unnecessary and haphazardly done. she only does stupid shit like that cause wants attention. it's not innovative or a good idea it's just dumb. bitch took drill hair too literally.

No. 329972

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Holy shit Sarah that corseting

No. 329992

How do you be sewing as long as she has and rather than improve, your skills seem to be reverting to pre-beginner levels?

No. 330002

Where is this still from?

No. 330029

This video was a paid sponsorship (even boldly announced in the title) and during every section she says "I got lazy during this part and it looks like shit but idc."

If I was the game sponsoring this dogshit video I would be pissed.

No. 330050

Her nails in the firsr half of the video were heinous. If you're doing close ups of your hands then clean them, or at least throw on some polish or something to hide the filth.(nitpicking)

No. 330059


Right? If I was shining nikki I'd be pissed too. What really chafes my ass about this video is like…. aside from the design being glittery, it's a pretty simple shape. Two months is more than enough time especially since Sarah's whole job is cosplay. It isn't like she has a full time job on top of it… So for her to be so blase about how terrible it looks when it's a commissioned costume is SO INSUFFERABLE.(sage your shit)

No. 330193

Every time she releases a video it baffles me that she continues to tout herself as such a knowledgeable and important source of crafting knowledge, and then turns around and says "do as I say not as I do." …PEOPLE DO AS YOU DO BECAUSE YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE TEACHING THEM. I understand being on a deadline but she literally does nothing but cosplay, 2 months is plenty of time to make a cocktail dress with some dangly shit. At the very least don't be so vocal about "I got lazy so I didn't do it right," not to mention how tacky it is to just title the video "I got paid to make this shit teehee!"

She pisses me off and god I wish I could say all this in my comm but everyone worships her.

No. 330389

How is she both lazy, rude, with an ugly face AND body AND bad at everything cosplay (sewing, crafts, props, wigs, makeup) and STILL this full of herself?! Just how? Pick a struggle or at least grow in some area after all these years..

No. 330607

Why she didn't use a magnet rather than screws is beyond me. It would look less retarded too.
It's wild to me she gets sponsorships with such a horrible attitude. It shows that all these brands care about is numbers and not quality.

No. 331242

She didn't prime the fucking EVA pieces properly and even admits it, my girl here put one layer of mod podge on them and called it a day. The lacing on the back looks like it's falling apart and the armors are way too big and bulky compared to the original design, the gradient on the dress is barely visible, she's missing half of the arm jewelry, the wig is ratty, the horn is opaque, who the hell paid for this? Did she get 20 bucks and a coffee out of it? Don't do commission costumes if all you're going to do is a sloppy effort to which you even call rushed and lazy yourself right on the camera, as the client I would put her ass on a black list immediately.

No. 331443

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"I got lazy"
stop saying the silent part out loud during the sponsored vid.

No. 333717

Sarah posted a video about “the biggest cosplay contest cheating scandal in years”

No. 333800

she's six months late into this. why share now to dig up old wounds?

No. 333965

I guess the "wig pro" thing wasn't working out because her saw contraption wigs kept falling apart so now she's testing her wings in the commentary channel genre. It wasn't even a "big scandal", people cheating and competing with costumes they didn't make happens once in a while.

No. 334516

Her bitchy personality fits better as a commentary channel, but if she wants to stay on this path she needs to be faster with coverage and get caps immediately before her subjects delete everything. Not that I expect her to keep with this. She gets too much of an ego boost with her dumb wig messes and falling apart cosplays.

No. 334705

Sarah just posted a video making a new strawberry dress. She mentioned the original strawberry dress she made was falling apart hence why she's making this one.

No. 334715

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Way better than Jill's strawberry dress, that's for sure. There quick cut/sews she should stick with. Maybe it'll help her learn techniques for more complicated designs and stitching.

Did you watch the video at all, anon? She got engaged. You missed the biggest part of this.

No. 334736

Chill out. Sometimes people don’t always finish a full video if there’s nothing more to get out of it.

Good for Sarah—it was bound to happen, and I look forward to seeing the dress.(sage your shit)

No. 334748

All I did was fast forward it.

No. 334749

I love her dress it’s so cute and looks like something I’d want to wear. 100% agree on it being way better than Jillian’s kinda funny they both chose strawberry themed birthday dresses. I don’t mind Sarah too much when she just makes videos about sewing normal things and talking about her interests. I’m happy she got engaged and hope their marriage will be happy too.

No. 334755

Agreed. I loved this dress and would absolutely see myself wanting to make this as a beginner. I do hope she continues to put out these kinds of videos that would help folks build a good foundation.(sage your shit)

No. 334762

I wish she'd make more videos like this instead of coming up with new lobotomy contraptions to glue wig hair to. The dress is so cute and it doesn't look as frumpy and heavy as her cosplays.

No. 334772

I mean she's going to be making her wedding dress.

No. 335423

What an absolute hack job she did on her friends wedding dress in her new video. Id be so upset if I was the friend

No. 335429

The way she said she didn't want to work on it at the end because she was bored of it and because it wasn't for herself… why would you add that in the video. Just seemed rude to the friend. Why not just say "I was having a hard time because of burn out" or something.

No. 335589

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The fact she didn’t think to add some beige organza to the hold the neckline in place lis terrible because the corset back pulls on the front.

No. 335609

Isn't this just a fitting? She's standing in the sewing room. It looks way better than the one Jill made for her family for sure though lol

No. 335629

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It is the fitting but the bodice wouldn't stay up or had proper structure because of the neckline. Sarah admits there could have been more she should have done to prevent that but lol oh well. Here's a better pic I swiped from Haley's instagram at leesielikes_lemons

No. 335632

I thought that was Mikan for a second. The full photo looks better than I expected ngl

No. 335659

She is spiteful to the core, she is changing an heirloom for a friends most important day, and she can't even pretend to be happy or interested in doing so

No. 335681

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Here’s the back too.

No. 335688

This is kind of pretty, ngl. It's very fanciful purposely. Considering it's like a cosplay wedding almost in the type of outfits they are going for, this feels really on brand.

No. 335710

Maybe it's just me but I really hope she also took some photos without that giant cosplay thing stuck on her head lol…

No. 335722

I agree because the wings on the headpiece look so bad.

No. 335763

Looks like jemma kuma and mikan mix

No. 337149

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Sarah to be a judge at Anime LA masquerade

No. 339450

No. 341109

Is she transitioning to a commentary channel? Her last several videos haven't involved making anything at all. This vid is about a cosplay reality show from 2014, is 2+ hours long and is honestly just about entertaining enough to listen to at 1.25 speed while doing chores. Only posting unsaged because the last 20 min have actual current year interviews with both Yaya Han and Jessica Nigri

No. 341115


This video is a goldmine of everything wrong with this bitch

Sarah is so stupid and untalented she can't imagine someone making their own jacket without posting 800 progress photos

Claims judges try to deliberately break props to test their stability? Hope ALA contestants don't expect their costumes to be handled gently when she judges next month

She's so transparent sucking up to Yaya and shitting all over everyone else.

No. 341156

It's so goddamn telling when you pretend Jnig has been anything but a blight on the cosplay community overall. At least nowadays OF model gooners get called out for simping and being valueless losers.

No. 341176

The way she over explains what a "cosplay competition" in this video and multiple videos like it's some mathematical hard to grasp concept is so cringe to me. She speaks like she is the authority of cosplay yet she hardly makes shit and when she does it's always mediocre. She's way better at talking about cosplay than doing it.

No. 341182

She's barely got any real competition or judging experience and yet constantly harps on about contests as if she's the gospel, but is confidently wrong about so much. Her NCC video pissed off the European competitive community massively

No. 341185

what gets me about this is her harping about how cosplay contests are about the chance to get critique and to make friends with other cosplayers, when her entire history with contests as documented here is being a sore loser.

I think vidrel from a few weeks ago is probably peak stupid though. Highlights include:
- Buys a train ticket and airbnb to travel to the Carolina ren fair, but doesn't get a ticket to the fair itself ahead of time, and they're all sold out.
- Has 10 hours to spend in Charlotte before the airbnb is ready, instead of finding something interesting to do she sits in a Starbucks all day and bitches about it
- She does this cosplay channel shit for a living now, so you'd think this would be the perfect time to make and show off a new costume, right? Wrong. She wears an old costume on day 1, and one of her friend's DIRTY CLOTHES on day two.

No. 341195

This video was crazy to me for the fact she traveled ALONE on an overnight train out of ATL. The trains there are full of sketchy moids and I would never in a million years feel safe traveling alone overnight on public transit in ATL. Why didn't she or her fiance or some friend offer to drive instead- going by train feels like a horrible last resort - especially with the timing being shitty and having to wander a strip mall for 10 hours.

No. 341374

The train stop is in a shitty part of Charlotte too. It’s near the homeless shelter.

No. 344379

Latest vid featuring boogerbangs

No. 344398

the bangs look so crusty… her usual wigstyling methods are questionable but somehow this is even worse

No. 344688

ALA video is finally up

No. 344689

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I'm still watching through but the subtitles at around 9:45 are killing me, this bitch is really illiterate

No. 344690

I saw this on the front page and i burst out laughing, I guess I'll follow a new cow lol

No. 344691

Kek same

No. 344711

This seems almost intentional because she thinks its funny though

No. 344808

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No. 345010


Interesting that Yaya chose not to post this. Thoughts?

No. 345045

learn to embed and sage next time

No. 346058

Drama content suits her a lot better than her shit builds. She should be milking drama for all it's worth, it's not like there's much coverage of cosplay drama from other channels.

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