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No. 331611
Made an OP description for next thread
>Adelaide Somers / Addy Harajuku (previously known as addychansenpai) is a terminally online 25-year-old weeaboo tiktoker and self proclaimed “expert” in j-fashion, anime, japanese culture, fandom, cosplay, conventions, and other similar topics she barely has any knowledge about. >General traits: hypocrite, insecure, thin skinned, and a moralfagging liar.>She’s known to lurk lolcow threads and has made videos about Pixyteri and Chris Chan, defending the latter as a “vulnerable grooming victim manipulated into raping his own mother”.
>Addy’s online presence can be traced back to the 2010s with multiple abandoned youtube channels focusing on anime figure reviews and general weaboo content. As of today, all her previous videos are privated, but remnants of her attempts at relevancy can be seen across different websites. >Nowadays, she spends her time dressing in poor attempts at j-fashion, wearing ugly goggles on top of her choppy hair, and creating low quality content for her impressionable young fanbase.>Some of her most notable examples of said low quality content is her virtue signaling and holier-than-thou tiktok rants discussing what she deems as problematic media: she likes policing others on what figures to own, what creators to support, and what anime to watch. However, Addy does not take her own advice on the matter, and regularly purchases figures from series that include lolicon, rape, self harm, abuse, and incest, supporting their creators in the process.>She regularly shills anime girl figures from NSFW sources such as Super Sonico and Saya no Uta to her young fanbase. encouraging them to buy figures, believing that anything that doesn't show a vagina or exposed nipple is SFW and “body positive”. Being an owner of a raunchy Super Sonico ½ scale figure herself, she sees no problem in recommending similar figures to teenagers.>Some of her most infamous tiktok rants include the multi-part series called “figures I regret buying” where she whines and complains about certain figures she “totally didn’t know came from a problematic series” and yet she does nothing to get rid of them, admittedly keeping them “tucked behind other figures” so no one can see them.>She will attack fans of Hetalia, Vocaloid and Homestuck, calling them problematic in her videos, but will make up excuses for all the anime and manga she likes. As an example, when asked if Menhera-chan “romanticizes mental illness and self harm”, she will defend its creator (Ezaki Bisuko) for being “a mentally ill man”, despite him being part of multiple verifiable controversies. So far, even though she’s aware of them, she still collects Menhera-chan merch.>Addy has an obsession with kawaii anime yandere characters. This is reflected in the things she likes: Happy Sugar Life, Magical Girl Site, Totono, and Needy Streamer Overload. She can be seen cosplaying, collecting merch, and recommending these series to others, even spotting tattoos of them. These, of course, tend to portray things she finds problematic, but since they fit her special snowflake yandere aesthetic, she will give them a pass.>Her surface level knowledge has been proven time and again to come from places like pinterest or youtube, resulting in piss poor attempts at educating people. Despite this, Addy loves acting as a voice of reason and a moralfagging know-it-all.>Addy has said she wants her content and tiktok page to be “a safe space that feels welcoming and warm” for her viewers, however, Addy is known to send large walls of texts defending herself to anyone who expresses any slight criticism or disbelief towards her. Rumor has it, she has sent self harm scars to at least one person that disagreed with her.>The degree of Addy’s lies has no boundaries. In an attempt to boost her credibility, she will often exaggerate and make up dishonest arguments that cannot be verified. One example is claiming that she has been attending cons since the 2000s, but if that were the case, she would had been a grade schooler back then, as her age (25 as of 2024) would easily disprove it. >Another lie: Addy says she has a “career in j-fashion”, however, despite her efforts at collaborating with western alt fashion brands, there’s nothing that could prove she has a career in alternative japanese fashion, as her badly put together fashion style proves otherwise. Her cosplays also tend to be of very low quality, but still loves giving advice on both fronts.>But the most egregious example of her over-inflated lies has been the claim that she has worked as a teaching assistant (TA) working with special needs adult students, despite no evidence being provided and no experience logged on her linkedin profile. This claim was made when defending Chris Chan’s heinous acts, to make herself sound important and knowledgeable on the matter. OTHER COWS AND RELATED PEOPLE
Robin aka “JuicyGirlTV” (previously known as JuicyBoy)
>Addy’s creepy trans mtf brother (the status of them actually being related is debated, but generally agreed upon). Known for his egirl transformation videos, Robin can be seen found making content on instagram, tiktok, youtube and twitch about his transition journey and general egirl-esque attention-whoring shit. His style is eerily similar to Addy’s, but comes as no surprise since he often borrows her clothes for videos. He is told to “kill himself” everyday (self reported) and regularly whines about “muh transphobia” on his instagram stories, and of course, Addy tends to chime in in support of him, dunking on terfs and supporting “tran’s women’s right to use the women’s bathroom”. Him and Addy can be seen hanging around other UK troons.>Currently dating in a t4t relationship. Calls himself a “puppy girl”.Latest milk:
>claims to be a TA experienced enough to talk about autist crimes and their accountability >>329396 but that's not what she went to university for >>329919 and no job of hers matches that description >>330546>thinks hetalia is problematic and harmful >>331073>while being a fan of shota/loli eroges >>329768 >>329558>spergs in the dms of a person who criticizes her for moralfagging while giving money to an eroge company, claims she doesn't support nitroplus and tsuji santa and only buys second hand Super Sonico figures >>330376>lied, preordered a 1800 sonico figure >>330341>defended chris chan, claiming he was groomed >>329122>shows more empathy for ghibli statues than chris-chan's mom >>330681>buys a konata figurine that has a mirror underneat so moids can peak at her underwear >>330846>encourages minors to buy super sonico figurines >>329146>thinks super sonico, the porn mascot from an eroge company, is body positive >>329187 also thinks galko-chan, a character from a fanservice manga whose author got arrested for possesion of cp is body positive >>329772>made a crowfounding asking for donations to cosplay a lewd sonico figure >>330240>supports menhera chan despite the author harsssing a woman for accidentally buying fake merch and encouraging minors to sell their bodies >>330808ADDY’S SOCIALS
TIKTOK - TIKTOK - - - - - sure to download her tiktoks and stories, upload them in case she deletes them!
>>>/w/329103 No. 331615
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how she got her job at bandai
more people need to get into saving her stories No. 331621
>>331611Adding more onto Addy + Robin:
>JuicyGirlTV (formerly JuicyBoy) before officially trooning out, made content wearing his mother's clothing and fetishizing e-girls, including forced sissification content. Addy and "Robin" (trans name, real name possibly but not confirmed to be Ashley/Ash) used to only acknowledge each other as friends, but now make frequent collaborations together as “sisters”. These TikToks have included Addy slapping his ass, the two sharing the same lollipop, Robin stealing and wearing Addy's clothes, competitions on who is the "better sister", and cringe trans videos. >On the numerous occasions where Addy has defended Robin, she has mentioned that they’ve done each other’s makeup on her bed. This somewhat explains the similarity in makeup style and is yet another example of the general creepiness going on between them.>Another commonality between Addy and Robin is that they both share a petplay fetish, and petplay ears have been shown hanging in both of their rooms. No. 331628
>>331624Only Addy's brother is trans and his trans name is Robin. We don't really know his real name yet.
Addy isn't trans. She just likes defending trans people because her brother is one and she also hates women.
No. 331629
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Addy commenting on her brother's status.
I think they've put a halt on the collabs together because he doesn't want to be caught in the Addy crossfire kek. He stopped posting as much after her thread was made, and also ranted a lot about "terfs" on his stories for a few days following its creation.
No. 331631
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New TikTok ranting about one of her favorite characters being criticized
>And also give a more sympathetic human look at a character that is otherwise kind of deplorable
Like what she was trying to do with real rapist Chris Chan?
>I'm not a shotacon
You might not be a shotacon, but you cosplay characters that are shotacons and consume content that contains lolicon.
>Being a human is an essence, being hypocritical sometimes
Trying to defend herself now?
There's probably more stupid points made in this video, but it's like I lose brain cells listening to her shrill annoying voice. I can hardly stand to watch.
No. 331637
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>>331631Is she retarded? The character in question isn't "shown to be a bad person" and her actions aren't meant to be condemned. She's literally designed as an uwu mentally ill fucked up vulnerable waifu, so moids can relate to her, or have their "i can save her" instincts
triggered. She's coombait, designed for moids who get off to self-harm scars and drugged-up girls with self-esteem issues. How can she be so fucking blind to the coom.
No. 331638
>>331636Not this shit again.
He's included as "other cows and related people" in the OP anon made because they're related to each other. He doesn't require a whole separate thread. He's just a side character to Addy that she's done some weird shit with.
No. 331639
>>331638if the other cows and related people section only has one person, it feels kind of moot and irrelevant
there's already a thread for those kind of people
just be prepared for any of her followers to ignore any actual evidence on here because they can just cry TrAnSpHoBiA because you decided to include him for some reason
No. 331640
>>331639Go complain to the mods on /meta/ again then. Clearly other anons think that he's relevant. I didn't make the new thread, some other anon did.
Btw, just one look at this site and her followers will see the whole site is "transphobic". /Snow/ isn't the only place, farmers hate troons in general.
No. 331641
>>331640wow milk standards are low. AddyHarajuku will 100% shut down any
valid criticisms here by blaming "transphobia" and her fans will just eat it up. I've seen it before, it's so disappointing.
(repeated derailing) No. 331645
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>>331631Funny how she only addresses the response to the first shota-related comment but not the second one. And she has the audacity to throw stones at Hetalia fans kek.
No. 331648
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>>331647>Who the fuck does thatThe same person that would tattoo a kawiwi-fied box cutter on her arm
No. 331649
>>331637This, calling NSO a "psychological horror that takes a nuanced stance on the influencer culture!!" is a huge huff of the copium gas. There are no real layers to the game nor the main heroine's character, it's a very unapologetic commodification of e-girl mental illness and a coom simulator for scrotes who like to see those kinds of women degraded. And yes, I actually did play through it and was shocked at how overrated it is, if KAngel's design wasn't so marketable for all the "she's just like me" girls the game would have sunk into irrelevancy. For someone who finds it worth it to bitch about Hetalia she sure is willing to overlook the huge elephant in the room of NSO being basically an edgy waifu simulator fetishizing mental illness that pretty much rewards you for enabling her.
>>331648Mental illness. That's all I can say.
No. 331650
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And she continues to bitch about social media as her job on Instagram
No. 331652
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>>331631>>331645People being surprised at all that Kangel is written as a shotacon fujoshi is pretty hilarious. Addy's not a fujo though so she can never truly be Ame chan.
No. 331653
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>>331652> Tfw the retarded chronically online mental illness fetishizing menhera is a fujoHow will Addy ever recover from this?
No. 331657
>>331650>First YouTube videoThat’s not true. She used to write figure reviews on another channel before she nuked it.
I wonder what she would stream though? Probably the lolicon and ecchi VNs she plays. Or LoL so she can cater to the scrotes that watch her.
No. 331660
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Only people who are regularly more incorrect about Jfash than Addy are the twittertards who hate Addy
No. 331664
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I don't buy this
No. 331671
>>331631omfg, every video she NLOGs harder than the last. It kills me that she always so patronising and thinks she has some big brain hot take and everyone else is a pea brained caveman and also underage. The game is not deep, it’s 0 IQ brain rot, the character was purposely insufferable the entire time, no one thought or ever said she was a good person, there is a difference between having the character as your pfp you can switch out in 2 weeks time and a tattoo you are branded with for life (cringe), on top of that highly doubt it is actually the same people saying that.
Also kek @ Addy somehow dropping an orange man bad in the middle, like OK?
No. 331672
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>>331631samefag but the tattoo in question jfc
No. 331686
>>331680>>331679Anon said how people will act. Unless someone is going to sit next to Addy and explain to the person what is going on, all someone who likes anime will see is a cute design. Especially people who do not know the source material. There are a few anons who didn't know the game too. Not everyone knows what anime is what and which character is which.
Her razor tattoo is the more obvious one.
No. 331688
>>331577>"the goal should be recovery!!1">literally tattooed a box cutter on herself, larps as multiple anime girls who cut themselves designed by moids who fetishize and glorify mental illness>>331579>"block me if you don't like me!!1">writes walls of texts towards in the DMS of underage girls defending her stancesChrist, she is dumb. Also what's up with her picking fights with teenagers? Imagine crying about being bullied by children, just take your own advice and block them all Addy.
>>331523It's insane she's trying to defend her right to show her tits to underage girls 10 years younger than her. Addy is giving "I'm just a 26 year old minor" vibes
No. 331700
>>331631>Being a human is an essence, being hypocritical sometimesPlenty of anons called on her hypocrisy, I am convinced she has been lurking her thread. Not surprising, since she already posted about lc before. Rich of her to cry about media literacy after her opinion on Hetalia.
She seemed to have deleted her Nekopara video
>>329560 I wonder why.
No. 331705
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>>331702I agree. It's also doing it publicly and on purpose with her face and persona attached to it, repeatedly, even though she's self aware and knows she's hypocritical. Why film yourself being hypocritical in the first place? She knows this and still wants to be an influencer with authority and portrays herself like this.
>>331700I also think she may be lurking. Who knows though.
No. 331708
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>>331631for addy, not agreeing with her opinions = alt right
No. 331709
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>>331631>I am actively very vocal to my own detriment>about how much I dislike certain types of media>certain animes or cerain types of figurines>um but I also like this characterthis is addy in a nutshell kek
No. 331712
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>>331611 I wonder where she could possibly be getting these cringe faces from
No. 331722
>>331721Colors have gotten so much better. Some areas of the linework look a little, tiny bitch blown out/bled where you see the blurriness, but overall it's not bad. Just the source material I guess? Where is the bad part of you? The shading and everything is fine. The artist though is way better than half the artists I see trying to do
anime. Addy came up with it, so it's her ugly design.
No. 331735
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>>331732NTA but the thing about tattoos is that as they age the flaws get more noticable and you can only do so many touch ups. There's so many elements that are going to age so poorly and the general population WILL notice a muddy smudge, and you don't have to be an artist or particularly into tattoos to see that.
Anyways Lolcow isn't the general population if you haven't noticed, we make fun of cow's tattoos all the time even if some don't look that bad.
No. 331738
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New instagram post
>The only opinion that should matter about how you look is yours! Theres no such thing as blush blindness, no such thing as having the wrong body type. Have fun with makeup and discovering your style (heart emoji)
No. 331739
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>>331737Nope, they're a part of it. I don't know how you can fuck up straight lines when you're essentially tracing.
No. 331745
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>>331740I agree to be honest. It would suit her so much better to go back to this hairstyle. That top is so ugly though, and her black bra peaking through is not attractive at all kek. Rule #1 of wearing a bra is to not wear dark colors under white tops, girl could had done so much better
No. 331757
Can someone please download and upload this? It has to be compressed because it's a long video. I think it's important to archive it in case she deletes it because she got mayor flack from it.
No. 331764
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Reel posted by the troon of her cosplaying the shota loving coombait e-girl.
No. 331773
>>331769She didn't say it defines it as a whole, but that it's a common aspect and look for the girls in the area. Also what do you even mean 'western jirai'? You mean Amerifags? They have as much understanding of the subculture as Addy does. They don't live in Japan and don't involve themselves in the actual host/hostess clubs for days/weeks/months at a time. A lot of these girls are teens and early 20s too. She should've brought up the combo of JK and kogyaru as the loose sock thing is more about that. Just because some westerners want her to specify everything down to the T instead of an overall explanation in 2 minutes, doesn't mean she didn't get the info accurate.
Am I missing something about what she said? It sounds like the comments are upset she just didn't give it a broad enough rundown because it is a massive topic with intricacies that depend on the people personally involved.
>>331772She covered the girls who are affected by the host club addictions being on the streets at a basic level, this wasn't a deep dive, not involving their personal circumstances since that's not really what the video is even about. She explained how the clubs are predatory and these hosts get their numbers and coax gifts and money from the girls. Simple logic would make you realize how this creates an addiction and desperation to be noticed and asked to be in a relationship. She uses the manga as an example because it's so common there's even media depicting it. She's not using it as a lazy example, she's using it as an example because her fanbase is related to anime, so they can understand it. She really needs to dumb it down further I guess though.
No. 331775
>>331773Don’t be obtuse on purpose. You know what “western” means; the western world has more than just Americans. Canadian, British, and EU jirai are just as misinformed and out-of-touch with Japanese jirai culture as Americans are— Addy and her circle are an obvious example of this. The reason people criticize Addy’s jirai content is because she tends to only discuss jirai as a fashion style and doesn’t discuss ‘lifestyle jirai’ when the distinction between ‘lifestyle jirai’ and ‘fashion jirai’ is important to these people. Essentially, many see discussion of and participation in jirai as strictly or primarily a fashion style as grifting, and when Addy DOES try to talk about real-life ‘lifestyle’ jirai trends and issues like Kabukicho culture, homelessness, and poverty as she attempted here, it’s beginner 101 lecture topics at best and straight-up misinformed at worst.
She’s trying to act like an expert on a nuanced and sensitive topic when her discussion of it is extremely basic and misinformed. We’ve known that this is what she does. I’m not sure what isn’t clicking for you.
No. 331779
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>>331778I don’t recall saying anything about tiktok comments specifically but she got backlash on multiple sites. Tumblr and twitter jirai were in agreement that she’s, once again, acting like the final authority on a topic she understands nothing about and doesn’t participate in. The QRTs like this one on the original tweet here are the flack anons mentioned. I brought up her jirai content as a whole because this jirai video is just another example of this overarching theme of her acting like she’s an expert on something she has very little grasp on and something she just isn’t connected to.
People were upset because it’s obvious she put little effort into researching this topic and, like another anon said, used a fictional manga as an example when she could have dug a little deeper for personal testimonials but she can’t do that because she’s an EOP.
No. 331784
>>331783But she didn't do a 10 minute video so the info she has is accurate for the 2 minutes. I get she doesn't research, I agree, but
>>331757 said she got flack for this take specifically and it comes down to she did a basic overall explanation and people can research more. Her info wasn't wrong, that's what I'm getting at.
No. 331790
>>331788Anons are talking about the contents of
>>331757 though. The other stories, if they have wrong information, then that's on her.
No. 331796
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New instagram post
>Whats your controversial fashion opinion?
>This is my (kinda?) controversial fashion opinion. I love alternative fashion styles, but I also don’t think it’s good to drag down others for styles or clothes that are considered mainstream
She says something about defensive alt fashion wearers and how they have no right to judge those who don't wear their style.
No. 331804
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>>331803The memes she adds to her posts are always so cringe kek. And afaik the "wanna get zappy" is something the character says that means she wants to have sex
No. 331806
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Addy is organizing and selling a lot of her figures
No. 331812
>>331796Addy does this too though. She seethes about anybody wearing coquette.
>>329876Yes, I know that it came from nymphette originally, but the teenage zoomers don't know the history and just think of coquette as "girly, pink, and lace". It's just a label for "girly" now.
She's talked about hating it because it potentially "promotes thinness", but we could also argue that jirai kei or menhera potentially promotes certain things. She definitely judges anyone not alternative.
>Improvements have been made!Still looks like shit.
No. 331814
>>331806So she got rid of the magical girl shelf and replaced it with NSO, the upper shelf is now only coomer figures.
This is sad if you think about it.
No. 331832
>>331796>I also don’t think it’s good to drag down others for styles or clothes that are considered mainstreamThat's…not a controversial opinion. That is the safest, blandest, most twitter-friendly slop that she could spew. The kind of "opinion" that does nothing but appeal to the
toxic positivity- ridden fanbase she manufactured. How boring and predictable.
No. 331836
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Addy trying to prove to the haters she doesn't only collect super sonico
No. 331838
>>331782Considering you can’t even spell the fashion name will lead me to believe you also don’t know much about it so that’s why you are not picking up the western community’s gripe with Addy. It’s not
this video in particular, it’s Addy’s fixation on speaking for that specific fashion style she is not part of
constantly and this just happens to be another video to add to a growing pile. A lot of Addy’s follower base are not aware of Jirai kei so will take what Addy says as fact which paints a community that already has a negative stigma to it in a certain light, especially due to Addy’s know it all attitude. There are lots of
harajuku fashion styles she can make videos on but Addy seems to be obsessed with the attention she gets from ragebaiting unhinged terminally online twitterfags with mental health issues. The manga she referenced was released 2 years ago on a style that is around 4 years old but once again she’s late on trying to hop on that bandwagon, just like she was several years too late to the menhera trend kek
No. 331839
>>331836Yeah, and other series are only 1%. So like, maybe 80? series with 1-2% percent and the rest is sonico and kirby. What is she even trying to prove with this percentage bullshit? Is she now "ashamed" of being a sonicofag?
Also, did she go private on myfigurecollection??
No. 331842
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>>331839Yes. Her profile is private now.
No. 331843
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>>331838>The manga she referenced was released 2 years ago on a style that is around 4 years old Nta, so Jirai girls don't wear that anymore?
Anyway, she always sounds so preachy. Vidrel. It's the trying to look like a know-it-all while barely knowing shit for me kek. Kind of like the kid that reminds the teacher that there was homework at the end of the class.
No. 331846
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>>331838It's also interesting to see how many videos she has on the matter considering she's not a jirai girl
Some of the criticism applied to the video cyber.grl made could be applied to her No. 331849
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>>331846She also tends to conflate jirai kei with NSO so that's probably where her obsession with the fashion comes despite not even wearing it herself. Yes she has a few pieces but the styling isn't very jirai imo.
No. 331851
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>>331806Looking at her collection from 2023 vs the one in 2024 she really did increase the size of it also don't buy the "my collection is only 5% Sonico". It might be that percent only because she collects a shit ton of other figures including all the NSO ones and a lot of Madoka and random shit trinkets. It still has its own shelf and it's an important part of her collection.
No. 331852
>>331850>especially with incorrect infoIs it really incorrect? According to Addy being Jirai = prostitute for japanese people.
>half of them are NLOGS which is why the twitter ED/SHfags are throwing meltys about ‘not being a Jirai lifestyler’ as a way to gatekeep kekSo is this just to gatekeep?
No. 331854
>>331852What came first the chicken or the egg? Some of the community like the fashion which happens to be associated with SH and take it as tongue in cheek, and some people who SH join the fashion as they feel seen. In the west there are tons of infighting in the fashion, between fashion wearers and life-stylers and between the Jirai keis and the Girly keis on the fashion itself as can be seen on the link here
>>331846 which I don’t believe is an issue in Japan itself around the fashion. It depends who you speak to on the topic. There is too much nuance that gets glossed over that can’t be covered in a 2 minute video by someone who doesn’t actively participate in the style to create PSA tier content about.
No. 331855
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>>331837Still thinking about this. Kirby figures are so readily available everywhere unlike Sonico, there's a lot of mini figures and they keep making more and more and that's probably why she has more Kirby than Sonico. But she never makes videos about Kirby or recommends Kirby figures to people, why didn't she recommend a Kirby figure to that teen that asked about the giant Sonico if she wants to ~keep teens safe~? And why doesn't she listen to teens when they say they feel uncomfortable around semi naked cosplayers instead of accusing them of ~slut shaming~? Why is she like this?
And she goes her way to make more videos about Sonico and NSO than anything else in her collection? Kirby is fat, pink, and barely wears clothes, wouldn't that make him a plus size icon too? He literally eats shit and gets fat (saying this with all my heart because I love Kirby)
No. 331860
>>331836It feels like she lurks more and more every day. I wonder if her fans even care about her sonico obsession or if this is about lc. It could be anything, but knowing she's aware of lc and searches about herself and sends DM explaining herself to random strangers makes me think that way.
>>331854>>331850Nta but as someone outside japan fashion I don't understand the issues about fashion types. The issue with women becoming hostess to keep their hosts predates 2020, and so does self harm. Does it really matter what's jirai kei lifestyle when it's not even unique to them? I guess by the strict standard would only allow to japanese women to be into the style, but ultimately they are clothes and the style itself doesn't look so special to me. I thought her video was fine, she wasn't saying in absolutes, just pointing out a connection. I agree it was surface level, but that's all her videos. Look at her pt video and you can tell she loosely compiled stuff from her threads.
No. 331863
File: 1721050343840.jpg (151.49 KB, 774x1032, shikabane___aggretsuko_by_thea…)

>>331858This is the epitome of Jirai Kei for Addy because she wears black bows, plays videogames, and sleeps at a net cafe, very landmine lifestyler
No. 331864
File: 1721050459616.png (722.91 KB, 608x1085, 1720942307801.png)

>>331857There's other things that also don't make sense. If she was a teen with terrible con experiences (posted in last thread, she talks about someone handing her a vocaloid yaoi doujin or something like that) why doesn't she listen to teens that are also currently having a terrible con experience like she did? In some years these kids will grow up and they'll make videos about cosplayers making them feel uncomfortable just like she does.
Why can she admit that people harassing ghibli statues are bad but then she will excuse Chris-chan from his behavior? No evidence of being a TA working with special needs adults. Hell, she even acknowledges that the needy streamer overload girl is a bad person but not a literal real life criminal that committed a real life tangible crime?
No. 331869
>>331864Because a bad con experience for Addy is people supposedly asking for a photo uwu as a grown adult that’s sooo scary, no wonder she cried! kek
No. 331870
File: 1721051033610.jpg (282 KB, 1152x2048, 451273081_18440977354030812_17…)

>>331869Well, about that… Kek. She just posted this.
Someone needs to download and upload that video though (unless someone already did last thread)
No. 331872
>>331864I tried looking up if this one was posted, but it seems it wasn't.
>On a serious note though, please do not bring your adult proclivities into an all ages safe cosplay space. Anime conventions will have a lot of families and a lot of young people.I get it that she pointed out some extreme examples, but the ending goes completely against what she argued against that 16-year-old:
>anime conventions can be all ages spaces but they are not designed for children>if people are allowed through security wearing what they are wearing it adheres to the con rules.I guess the guy with the sex doll in cosplay and the bondage duo she mentioned passed through security, so by her own logic she should have found another con to go. She only saw an issue when she was a teenager apparently, but now every teenager and kid shouldn't go to anime cons because anime is intrinsically degenerate and don't you dare complain about women in pasties, that's misogynistic.
No. 331874
>>331866I honestly think she gets something off the attention. I won't armchair her, but I would guess that seeking negative comments is part of her self-harm. Most online figures are aware people will say shit about them, and that's why they avoid seeking it out.
>>331867It is, there was a documentary on host club issues back in 2006, but I don't think addy was implying it was an exclusive jirai kei issue.
No. 331887
>>331879Funny how the randoseru doesn't match anything in her outfit.
1. She can't build an outfit for shit for a "fashion influencer"
2. She has to signal all the creeps at the con she's one of them.
No. 331888
File: 1721065322372.png (896.73 KB, 825x1049, Screenshot Catbugxox — MyFigur…)

>>331842Seems it's still visible when you're logged in.
No. 331893
>>331889It is an MCM bag, but like you said it's not even the right color for the trend in jiraikei, it's supposed to be the pastel pink one. I haven't seen those being worn in awhile, crossbody bags are currently what's in style or small handbags.
I've looked at her "jirai kei" outfit posts on insta and none of them read as jirai - she literally just wears something from dearmylove and styles the rest of the outfit in her typical e-girl cyber style.
No. 331904
>>331879I love how this picture most resembles a villain in a TV show for toddlers kek. Even the background looks like such a set. You know, those where they over-act and everything has to be simplistic so the kids get it. She has no clue what J-fashion looks like despite it being more accessable than ever thanks to globalisation (including Japanese content being more easily available and found on the internet and common western sites with either auto-translates or official English pages).
The same is happening to TikTok "gyaru" and other J-fash in the west now. I guess this generation is just doomed. They could have it all, but they don't care enough to take it. Calling stupid western e-girl and e-thot shit whatever label they want is more easy I guess. Addy is just the prime example of this for Jirai in this, but so much of them suck like this. It's kinda sad.
No. 331907
File: 1721075551685.png (2.92 KB, 900x600, IMG_9913.png)

>>331905>broad spectrum of colourskek stop trying to bait. It’s practically this by every single brand. There is no hot pink, no neons, muted colours only and occasionally deep fig red. Again if you’re not part of the subculture stop trying to do an Addy and speak for it. The only hot pink you’ll see on a Jirai is a monster can kek
No. 331908
File: 1721075550928.mp4 (365.67 KB, 1080x1918, An-QySlwGXW8HOicghzz4KLz0AhJq4…)

Addy's getting a server.
>>331872Please someone download this and post it.
No. 331910
File: 1721076035153.gif (9.48 MB, 300x534, 1720129895611.gif)

>>331909When I look at her I don't see Jirai Kei, I just see someone using jirai clothes for their own style.
No. 331911
File: 1721076435139.jpeg (82.84 KB, 784x652, IMG_9067.jpeg)

>>331910Good lord, how could I have forgotten to mention her makeup in my post too? Maybe I’m trying to repress it. We won’t achieve true salvation until she stops using that awful spiky eyeliner and hot pink blush/eyeshadow combo for jirai coords… or just in general.
No. 331913
File: 1721077926992.jpeg (116.1 KB, 736x736, IMG_9914.jpeg)

>>331910even the outfit is probably some ode to NSO, I know she looked in the mirror after and said “I am literally Ame-chan” kek
No. 331920
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>>331837If only I could grab them from the screen and give them to kirby-anon instead…She'd take better care of them than Addy
No. 331923
File: 1721083889019.png (4.38 MB, 2121x2024, 3635636346899323789.png)

>>331913She comes off as very chunnibyo with the memes she always includes at the end of her facebook and instagram posts
No. 331924
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This is not going to go well
No. 331932
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>>331927She just looks like your average 20 something british woman to me. It was either becoming kawiwi or becoming a chav for her
No. 331939
File: 1721092144175.png (2.05 MB, 2109x1055, 1721091641289.png)

I don't like diabolik lovers but seeing this in /ot/ made me think, why does she only collect coomer shit aimed at men? This basically would tick all of Addy's boxes, but because it's for women she would probably find it problematic kek.
No. 331977
>>331971>surely one of us is sad enough to have discord mod experience so we could get in lmaoKEK
Nobody with a respectable life has time for modding a server full of troons, crazy egirls, and dumb teenagers kekk
No. 331983
>>331679Nayrt but the design is cute. And at least she got a not too bad artist to do it. It's definitly not a bad tattoo. The colours are clearly edited tho (it's a freshly done tattoo, you can see the ink stain on her knee. Yet there is no redness. It's common to edit that out). My biggest issue design wise is that that pastel yellow hair will heal horribly, especially since these kinda edited just-done tattoo foto's are already sharpened and saturated. When the top layer skin heals over it making the whole thing less sharp (another tell tale that it's a fresh tattoo) it's going to pretty much dissapear and make it look like that part isn't coloured in. That'll look dumb. Should've made it brighter so it'll look better healed.
Anyways. That doesn't take away that it's dumb to get a tattoo of NSO. Just because it looks cute doesn't make it something you should admire so much you ink it on your skin for eternity. That's retarded, but so is Addy.
No. 332004
>>331983The red weird barb things are just gross to look at kek and to get a NSO tattoo just because she
mentul like me is manic people activities
No. 332017
File: 1721159847225.mp4 (336.52 KB, 1080x1918, An_fwko-7FRbSik3TosenO9fYa1VKy…)

Her discord is now live
Someome else besides me needs to save her stories
No. 332039
File: 1721176360087.png (153.07 KB, 1125x442, rules.png)

>>332017>lolcow, troon, nonnieShe just outed herself as a lurker, but all of us already knew lmao
No. 332040
>>332039Kek, why
nonnie? Dumb, but of course she'd include it.
No. 332041
>>332039Does…does she think
nonnie is a bad word or something?
No. 332045
File: 1721180509806.png (137 KB, 568x889, image_2024-07-16_183222745.png)

she's planning on doing streams soon. i'm just gonna leave the link here in case she does soon.
> No. 332051
>>332045So can't talk about any of
>>332039 as just keywords, but talking about furry inflation art as if that isn't automatically sexual in nature due to it being a fetish, isn't? She's an idiot.
No. 332063
>>332039she was fine mentioning lolcow in her videos until she got her own thread
>>332045>Internet angelshe wants to be that NSO character so bad kek
>>332057seriously wtf is she doing. And whatever trannies join this server are going to try grooming the minors that are in there, it always happens.
No. 332067
File: 1721204228255.jpeg (2.44 MB, 5667x3778, IMG_1553.jpeg)

so what exactly do you people find milky about this girl, besides the fact she’s bad at styling jfashion and hangs out with troons? god, lolcow has fallen so far from grace that the only milk in this thread comes from seething “lifestyle jirai” on twitter. u aren’t special for cutting yourself and having bpd kekkkk
anyways, i’ve had the pleasure of personally interacting with addy multiple times. this happened about 3 years ago. im an artist who used to make kemono ears for cosplayers and she bought from me a few times. there was a situation where addy was trying to find other artists to refurbish my work. i made a short story post on instagram, saying i didn’t allow this, and addy saw it and replied. she initially asked for a remake of what i made her, i let her know i could do it in the future, and then she went and tried to get another artist to do it. when i offered to remake them, she suddenly couldn’t afford it
she informed me she lurked around gossip groups (which i didnt know existed at the time) and accused me of writing the post in picrel. the “review blog” in question was actually just a website for shit talking people, similar to lolcow except it was just alogs and jealous bitches. i don’t even care if addy knows who i am, but im still kinda bitter it was implied i was the sole reason her friend was being shit talked.
i truly do not care about her coomer figure collection or the way she dresses, but i don’t think she should be messaging randos and guilt tripping them because they’re trolling and hurt her feelings. if she’s going to be an influencer, she needs thicker skin(sage your shit)
No. 332069
>>332067>so what exactly do you people find milky about this girlI just find delusional obnoxious weeaboos milky per se, I like watching them behave like retards. I couldn't care less about the jirai sperging or whatever shit teens are shilling on social media.
You might not understand this if you are a weeaboo yourself, which you seem to be.
No. 332073
>>332067>lolcow has fallen so far from grace that the only milk in this thread comes from seething “lifestyle jirai” on twitter. u aren’t special for cutting yourself and having bpd kekkkAre the jirai girls in the room with us? No1currs kek, she's just entertaining to some of us, people forget cows don't have to be horrorcows to have a thread
>there was a situation where addy was trying to find other artists to refurbish my work. i made a short story post on instagram, saying i didn’t allow this, and addy saw it and replied.I don't get it kek it's just cat ears, did she destroy them or something? What's wrong with refurbishing? It's a genuine question, actually
>she initially asked for a remake of what i made her, i let her know i could do it in the future, and then she went and tried to get another artist to do it. when i offered to remake them, she suddenly couldn’t afford it Welp that sucks
>she informed me she lurked around gossip groups (which i didnt know existed at the time) and accused me of writing the post in picrel. the “review blog” in question was actually just a website for shit talking people, similar to lolcow except it was just alogs and jealous bitchesGive us a link sounds interesting
No. 332074
>>332071i genuinely didnt even think of addy once until i saw she somehow had 2 threads here and was like "oh i know her". i see less of you guys posting about the chris chan & hypocrisy shit, more whining about the media she likes & how she looks. thats not milk
>>332073>Are the jirai girls in the room with us?girl go to twitter and search her name, its dozens of underaged self proclaimed jirai girls parroting the EXACT same stuff posted here. do you need me to link the posts? this entire thread seems like vendetta to me, just people sperging because she has a big collection and is popular on socials
>cows don't have to be horrorcows to have a threadso far, she isnt even a cow, shes just annoying and whingy when she receives criticism. cool, thats most influencers kek. theres hundreds of girls exactly like her that you could post
>What's wrong with refurbishing? It's a genuine question, actually its just looked down upon. its an artist taking someone elses work and deciding to fix it, you just dont do it, this isnt a new concept. i dont even care about what she did, i just never appreciated her being condescending and accusing me of rallying hate to some random artist she knew. this is a common theme with her, she writes messages trying to guilt people, and that was the point of my caps. that, and the fact its confirmation she also frequents sites made for shitting on people
(blog) No. 332077
File: 1721216089279.png (143.8 KB, 930x814, image_2024-07-17_043431976.png)

pretty sure it just passed the 24 hour mark the link was [removed](please no discord links)
No. 332078
>>332075Exactly. Every thread anons point out her hypocrisy. Ffs recently she went after a 16-year-old and made her apologize, and then went on a spergout about tweens on her IG. She’s a cow.
>>332074If you don’t think she’s milky, then fuck off. You didn’t really contribute anything at all. Why drop your conversation with her if you don’t care? The whinging about your fetish ears isn’t milk.
No. 332083
>>332074>its an artist taking someone elses work and deciding to fix it, you just dont do it, this isnt a new concept.Kek, next thing you know you can't take your clothes to a tailor because of the designers feelings. It's as retarded as lolitas getting mad at people altering the clothes they bought with their own money as if they own it to the community to protect them or something.
You ever seen how many people get tattoos fixed with artists being fine with it (and yes, I know in tattooing it's a touchy subject, but in the right circumstances it's fine to touch others work. In the wrong circumstances not obviously)? Or how old paintings get restored? Touching an artists work isn't an issue if done correctly (it's generally only offencive if done incortectly or without respect). If you can even consider animal ears art.
You made some animal ears and sold them. Now they're hers, she can do what she wants. And you already said yourself you can remake them. It's not like she's destroying a one-of-a-kind Remmbrandt (and even those get refurbished by not-Remmbrandt). It doesn't have such cultural value that it needs protecting. I don't like Addy, but you sound like a weeb artist that thinks she's too speshul as well. Those are generally the only ones who get mad at any kind of refurbishing or otherwise having their creations touched. No wonder you don't understand why she's a cow.
>so what exactly do you people find milky about this girl,>i don’t think she should be messaging randos and guilt tripping themBeside her hypocricy, acting like Vocaloid is horrible but her porn shit is SFW greatness for all ages, and her acting like she's the moral authority on topics she doesn't know shit about. Even you already give an example here of cow behaviour in your post stating you don't know why she's a cow. If you can't question her cowness without doing that, she probably belongs here.
But thanks for the caps.
No. 332089
File: 1721225428707.png (44.02 KB, 720x244, Screenshot_20240717-084643~2.p…)

In true cringe weeb fashion. Does Addy speak even a lick of Japanese?
No. 332092
File: 1721226462647.mp4 (13.15 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1721226280425.mp4)

new tiktok about nyan neko sugar girls
No. 332093
>>332092Can she even talk about something she actually gives a fuck about? All she does is talk about stuff that's popular, then again, she only seems to have played lolicon visual novels with rape and gore, so I guess it only makes sense why she doesn't have anything else to talk about.
It's just impressive how she only does videos of random clickbait stuff, and you can only upload short videos on tiktok, if she actually was into anime and shit, she could post other stuff she cares about in-between the other stuff that she needs to get followers and likes.
No. 332094
>>332090I think her idea is to film with japanese influencers? She doesn't have any hobbies outside of shopping so any talent-based industry is not an option for her. Maybe her parents are the type to bankroll her even overseas because I doubt she's making
that much off tiktok. But I hope her plan works out so we can get Milkmas Nippon edition.
No. 332098
>>332092How is Boku no Pico worse really than any of the loli visual novels she promotes? Saya no Uta is okay but Boku no Pico is not?
>>332090This girl only regurgitates common knowledge and aesthetic animecore series from Pinterest. I can't even picture her watching anime by herself for fun. She has never worn anything I would see an actual Japanese person into alt-fashion wear. If she truly wanted to be some J-fashion spokeswoman, Addy would have to speak fluent Japanese and talk about current fashion trends in Japan.
Also I'm surprised that Addy not knowing about the Axis Powers and World War II didn't make it into the thread highlights kek
No. 332112
>>332109This argument is terrible because you can also use it to say things like Madoka are child abuse because even though they aren't real, they are getting killed. This is such a terrible argument. If she wasn't a monster, I'd agree, but the whole point is that she's not a human at all and the point of her character is to add to the main character's loss of humanity. The plot isn't the same as Boku No Pico. It's not a uwu lolicon VN or lolicon fodder. It has an actual impact for the story. Addy even explained this, didn't she? The character is an alien and she is the one that initiates the H scene even lol The whole thing is just a lovecraftian horror. This is one of the few games that are really not
problematic that Addy has played surprisingly. I'm surprised she's never brought up Katawa Shojo.
(derailing) No. 332115
>>332039>all ages server>proceeds to mention pegging in the rulesJFC let’s hope no 12 year olds google that afterwards. Was there any need to list the words out for minors to read?
Also kek at the FIRST word being lolcow
No. 332116
File: 1721239841973.jpg (272.79 KB, 1080x1717, 1000042887.jpg)

>>332039Something that I don't particularly get is why you need the 18+ or minor role, but you can't state your age, that's scummy in many ways and never works in the end because it's always better to let people say their actual ages, so there's no misunderstandings when talking to others, specially because she wants the server to be uwu for evewiwon.
That always ends up in drama or with kids getting groomed left and right because idiots don't know how to say no or block retards.
No. 332119
>>332098>Also I'm surprised that Addy not knowing about the Axis Powers and World War II didn't make it into the thread highlights kekTo be fair, I can't recall my history books in school mentioning the term "Axis Powers". We learned those countries worked together, and The Allies where mentioned by name. Italy was also barely mentioned, focus was on mainly Germany and Japan. I actually had to Google the term after everyone here made a ruckus about it.
Dunno about schooling where Addy is from, but not every country cares to mention that term I guess.
Still, if you go complain you should do research first and with one querry you find out the meaning. So it's no excuse for Addy to not know this, since she bosses everyone around "educating" them.
No. 332121
>>332117>>332118I get that, but the point is that if you're already stating that you're either under or over the age of 18, you may as well be able to say your age so you know you're not some 18 years old talking to some 35 years old, which considering how they all act around media, would be extremely "
No. 332130
>>332095It’s been established that Addy likely has a pet play fetish. Her wall is full of them. We aren’t seeing her wearing these ears with her everyday fashion like her stupid goggles, so they’re definitely used for fetish reasons. Her brother is into petplay too and there’s proof of that. Inb4 tinfoiling, NOT saying they do anything together, just that it seems to be a shared interest and they both collect them. Either way, anon coming here to sperg about her fetish ears being “refurbished” and claiming it’s the epitome of milk is retarded. This anon makes a good point as well, she was specifically referring to a petplay blog
>>332110>>332112>she’s the one that initiates the H sceneClearly you have not played the VN. Saya is also raped by an old man. She also raped another woman with the MC. There may be horror elements, but you cannot deny there’s lolicon in it.
>>332089Japan isn’t going to like her weeaboo tattoos.
Anyways, for being a lolcow lurker, she should know that weeby foreign influencers never make it in Japan. She followed Venus after all, that should have given Addy some insight, but these people never learn.
(tinfoil) No. 332132
File: 1721250218794.png (36.73 KB, 1199x192, venus_pal.png)

>>332130Speaking of venus, she said this in a comment, which made me wonder if she knows her. Every time someone would bring Venus up, she would only say how heartbreaking her story was, but this comment implied she at least interacted with her.
No. 332136
>>332119>To be fair, I can't recall my history books in school mentioning the term "Axis Powers". That's sad ngl
>>332110The brother seems to be very much into it, not so much addy, so maybe the brother took that screenshot. Or maybe the kitsu_creations friend of hers was the one who took it and sent it to her.
No. 332138
File: 1721253252297.mp4 (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, An9aGRrlVBwYeLVhkAW_ixh5g_gJ6B…)

Addy shared this in her stories
>I'm real life Ame-chan
Doesn't she larp as her too?(not addy)
No. 332142
>>332138>Competitive mental illnessAddy has shown her self-harm scars to her fans.
>Ur not a real jirai!!!Addy coming after tweens on the internet saying they know nothing about jirai.
>I’m irl ame-chanAddy has said this herself and goes after people in their DMs.
>”XYZ is so problematic” AKA cancel others for their own gain Addy called out a 16-year-old’s opinion, fans bothered her to the point where she had to delete her TikTok and make an apology. All this so Addy could complain about “misogyny”.
>Agree with me or ur out!Blocks anyone that critiques her and has messaged people directly.
>Rage bait contentHas posted videos for shock factor, like the cum black light video, which may or may not have been staged.
>Heavily editingAddy does this too.
This whole post is talking about what Addy does and it’s funny that she thinks she’s not any of these things.
No. 332147
File: 1721259924446.png (20.01 KB, 562x136, Screenshots_2024-07-17-18-44-1…)

>>332039Looks like she removed all the no-no words after we clowned on her KEK.
No. 332151
>>332147It was really stupid to include lolcow anyways. You know anyone that saw that was googling it kek. It might’ve been where fetish ear chan came from.
>concerning rhetoricSo I guess talk about jirai is off the table since it
triggers her.
No. 332153
>>332147oh girlie, first rule of being posted here is to not react. People posted her myfigurecollection profile, it loses items and goes private. People post a rule in her discord, it suddenly gets changed.
It's not even subtle lurking lol.
No. 332173
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>>332168Are you the artist?
(nitpicking) No. 332211
File: 1721329669770.jpeg (207.17 KB, 828x1307, IMG_9350.jpeg)

>>332195>vendetta I wouldn’t doubt there’s a few ITT but a lot of people seem to dislike Addy, I see her going viral on Twitter for being disliked like every 3 days and a lot of people commenting with the same sentiment.
No. 332213
>>332195Vendetta topics generally die out rather quick because they're just not milky and no one cares beside the person who has the vendetta. Most actual vendetta or just unmilky threads I've seen get called out and die withing a few posts. Yet we're already on the second thread and quite quickly so. If that many people have a "vendetta" against Addy, she's probably just bad enough to make so many people dislike her and milky enough to keep people posting.
At that point, it doesn't matter by who or why it was requested.
No. 332214
>>332195>this thread was suggested by a resident shitposter who has a vendetta against herShe was posted in the consoomerism thread because of her ridiculous purchases and the whining about "accidentally" buying figures that were very obviously from lolicon shows. She sort of became a regular there. After she made that lolcow video about pixyteri and was defending chris chan in the comments, that was when someone requested her thread in /pt/. It still took over a month for her to get a thread.
Lots of people were interested in a cow thread, it wasn't just one vendetta-chan.
>>332211Yeah people have hated her for years on Twitter. She's very unlikeable and no one likes that she think she's an "authority" over j-fashion and media. I've seen comments dating back to 2022 and there's probably some even further back than that.
No. 332216
File: 1721335093931.mp4 (989.44 KB, 1080x1918, An-lTw50qdpSQAIUrO9ulpgAqDMWtq…)

She never learns kek
No. 332223
>>332216>short video on anime/internet pop-cultureThis is way too broad of a topic to cover in a short video. What is she going to talk about? Yaoi paddles?
>Video essay on CuteCore being the highestThe "tweens" she hates are her own fans. I could only see young zoomers asking for a topic like this.
No. 332235
File: 1721385971497.jpg (242.08 KB, 1290x2293, C7F233FC-054C-4520-AF45-4D94D5…)

New addy ootd, filtered to hell coz of course but am I crazy or does it actually kinda look good at least from this angle no doubt the dress will be cheap as shit tho, she also really needs to stop with that neon pink blush or whatever that is it
No. 332237
File: 1721391144388.jpg (173.91 KB, 907x1243, 20240719_141200.jpg)

>>332235The whole makeup looks gross, I hate the orange contour + nose blush thing. I wish she would actually look at Japanese makeup
No. 332240
>>332235>am I crazy or does it actually kinda look goodI'd say crazy, because nothing about this looks good. From the horrid lace, cheap fabric and cheap plastic zip of her clothes till the filtered pinnocio looking nose. Not to forget the filter seemingly couldn't find her upper lip when she used the big-lip slider making is non-existent compared to the hugely enlarged lower lip.
Also kek, those fake freckles look like she turned on the dirt slider in Skyrim.
No. 332243
>>332238>>332241I mean, after I saw an influencer leave because of the racism even though she was just a preschool teacher, I don't think she would be able to handle the scrutiny if she were to have a job over there, just look at how she needs to DM people for any little thing, if she goes to Japan to live, she better do so only knowing how to read Japanese and not knowing how to interpret because it could get ugly for her.
Plus with her tattoos I think she basically banned herself from 35% of the fun of going to Japan which is going to onsens, public pools, the beach and ryokans.
No. 332245
>>332235Anon are you okay? She looks like a drag queen's attempt at Ramona flowers. kek
>>332241>>332243She strikes me as one of those weebs that would simply do things anyway, because she "knows better" tbh. I have a hard time believing she'd assimilate in any way and would just spend a few years doing touristy stuff with her few gaijin friends before ending up moving back home. Would be funny to see a hostess/maid cafe attempt from her though, given her clear repressed desires to be some sort of a kawaii e-thot.
No. 332248
>>332243>Plus with her tattoos I think she basically banned herself from 35% of the fun of going to Japan which is going to onsens, public pools, the beach and ryokans.Meh, all of this can be done. There are places that allow tattoos, you just need to look for one that does beforehand. And no, those are not all yakuza filled places like some people seem to think. That's mostly just people making up stories kek.
Even if you don't specifically look for those, using sporttape or medical tape to tape it off is fine. I went there for a project with a university and we had a little trip to the countryside. The university bought me skin-coloured sporttape so I could go onsen. And my tattoos are bigger than hers. If you're a foreigner, it's not that deep really.
Other than that, while most young people don't mind and many adults think in a "all westerners have tattoos" kinda way giving you a pass, tattoos give you some angry stares every now and then. But I think with her behaviour, she'd receive those anyways.
Don't get me wrong. She'll totaly will get fucked if she tries to stay long term in Japan. But tattoos won't be the cause of that. I do wonder if she will be the type to not notice the angry stares and keep preaching how the Japanese are so kind because they don't yell in her face or if she'll turn into one of those people who keep posting how Japanese people are evil and the country is so hard to live in for them not loving her bullshit and not carrying her in het dream that she'll be the instant cool gajin for being there. Most weebs who go there seem to end up one of those two. With a third option of becoming a prostitute and trying to confince everyone they love it.
No. 332256
>>332253Let's not act like the other weebs who got into prostitution all had the perfect body.
Now half of those other ugly weebs aren't exactly very succesful in that endevor, but I never said she would be either kek. If you're willing to go low enough to staying in magical uwu Nippon, it tends to give you just enough to live a misserable life there even if you're ugly.
No. 332259
File: 1721416601807.jpg (273.73 KB, 1125x1620, 20240719_141227.jpg)

>>332092Seems like she wants to attach her name to everything and anything alternative or weeabooish. Nyan Neko Sugar girls? Addy totally knows all the lore! Despite calling it "Filthy Frank humor". Melanie fanbase is raving over the newest perfume? Addy has it and knows everything! People just jump onto everything to milk it all for what it's worth to make content and claim to know everything when they're actually new to it all.
No. 332282
File: 1721465060363.jpeg (347.62 KB, 1170x1899, IMG_9988.jpeg)

How does she find the time to make someone else’s death about herself constantly and milk it for content and views?
No. 332285
>>332044>This is such a funny combination of words.Right?? Why "pegging" and "strap on" specifically instead of all pornographic/sexual terms? Why lolcow and not other boards/gossip sites? Now she changed it with our advice but still. So retarded and obvious.
>>332084She could have taken the screens any time not necessarily 3 years ago
>>332253Not only do plus size prostitutes exist in Japan (specifically catering to guys who like it), but the average woman working in a shady massage parlor doesn't fit Japanese beauty standards either. Prostitutes aren't models. Men in general are desperate but imagine men paying for prostitutes.
No. 332286
File: 1721470012512.mp4 (16.32 MB, Video-366-1-1.mp4)

>>332282downloaded the reel and added the transcript
>As a lot of you may know, Alex from Pretty Pastel Please passed away last month. Many people came out outpouring support, a lot of people sharing their positive experiences and memories of Alex, and I hope that the family can look at these comments and take some solace in how much good Alex did for the community around her. >But what I want to talk about is something that is becoming genuinely concerning for me as somebody who operates in this space and as somebody who communicates with a lot of people within this space. My talking on this topic is in no way to imply that this was the reason why Alex is no longer here, but it's no secret to a lot of us how the internet talks about Alex, and I've started to notice a genuine spike in toxic behavior when it comes to how we treat each other here.>And gatekeeping is nothing new. You find it in the cosplay space, you find it in alternative fashion subcultures, literally any hobby, fashion style, makeup style, whatever, will have people gatekeeping it. In the last year, maybe year and a half, I have noticed a drastic spike in the way that people interact with each other on online spaces, the way that people who consume content creators' media interact with content creators. >Of course, toxicity has always existed, it is notorious in certain spaces, but as somebody who really did experience some of the peak years of Tumblr toxicity, it is concerning to me how much we're going back towards that. >I don't know who needs to hear this, but I'm going to set this as a reminder. People of color are welcome in alternative fashion subcultures and in cosplay spaces, plus-size people are welcome in cosplay and alternative fashion spaces, there is no correct body size in order to wear a certain fashion, young people who are joining these spaces are allowed to ask questions and they're allowed to make mistakes, they should be made to feel welcome, not ostracized. >People are not obligated to tell you their medical history or trauma in order to wear a certain fashion style. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean it's open season to go hunting. >Alex is certainly not the first content creator to ever be on the back end of this, she will absolutely not be the last. I can't name a single friend of mine who is a content creator regardless of what niche it is, who doesn't suffer with mental health issues because of how they're treated online. That's just a fact. >Like, why are we running 14-year-olds off of the internet? Why are we counting down the days until somebody self-exits? I genuinely do not get the amusement behind watching other people suffer. I sincerely don't wish a fraction of the stuff that I have to deal with online to anyone. It sucks. Instead of reveling in the suffering of other people and being the online equivalent of a man who asks you to name three songs, just remind yourself that it's not that deep. Fashion is meant to be fun. Cosplay is meant to be fun. So when did it stop being fun? No. 332295
>>332286>but as somebody who really did experience some of the peak years of Tumblr toxicityWhy does she keep pretending she's a millennial? Tumblr fandom shit was active maybe late 00s early 2010s, so she was 10-15, how involved could she have really been at that age?
Also it's telling kawaii influencers make this all about Teh online bullies, like Alex's life was derailed by mostly irl stuff, divorce, moving house, pet issues, boyfriend issues, friend issues, appearance and surgery etc. Her guru gossip threads and dead lolcow thread were pretty insignificant compared to her actual irl life. Yet kawaii influencers rush to blame it
entirely on guru gossip or whatever which nobody even reads.
I saw Kelly Eden make a short Story post along the same lines, and a few others have been peddling this on Insta and Tiktok, it's not true. Most of the trainwreck for Alex was happening offline with her real life friends (taking sides during the divorce), home (moving to tasmania for example), pets (aka all the birds, problems with archie) and relationships (new boyfriends). Just reeks of selfishness for this to be twisted after the fact as a way for influencers to make it about themselves. It's just straight up lying when you know anything about what Alex had been doing the last few years.
No. 332297
>>332041I think she thinks we are retarded and would join her server and keep using specific lolcow lingo on there, thus she did an automute on these terms thinking it's gonna catch farmers. Like why would anyone use
nonnie or troon on someone's specific server? Just three lonely braincells bouncing around in there.
No. 332299
>>332286It's funny how she never talked about any of this stuff before getting her own thread on lolcow. Now she's constantly rallying against the big mean "internet bullies". Didn't she even make her own video about PPP using information from the farms?
>>332039And then there's this. kek
No. 332316
And petplay ear chan said Addy wasn't milky. I think Addy's behavior is becoming worse after the opening of this thread kek. She's literally using PPP's death as clickbait material to talk about her own stupid agenda. No one even bullied Alex for her style, people just criticised her for over-consuming because she would spend $1000 worth of chinese clothing for videos. Addy's a disgusting narcissist making the death of an unwell woman about herself.
>>332300Her brother is about 3 years older than her, so it wouldn't be surprising if she saw him using the internet and wanted to copy whatever he was doing, including using Tumblr.
No. 332318
>>332295I think the
>but as somebody who really did experience some of the peak years of Tumblr toxicityRefers to her lurking around tumblr drama blogs, like in this case
>>332067 No. 332321
File: 1721516588946.jpg (345.06 KB, 1529x2277, rx6LUQ5.jpg) didn't download the video because it's nearly 8 minutes long and isn't that milky (just showing off her figure collection), but I thought this part was hilarious and bleak.
>we have my super sonico pisces figure which was a gift from my partner last year>and I want to give an honorable mention to my Torpedo Sonico because she was a recent anniversary gift from my partner and I love herThis pickme is proud of getting a coomer figure as an anniversary gift. What a "cool girl" kek
No. 332323
>>332316>She's literally using PPP's death as clickbait material to talk about her own stupid agenda.That's one of the things I find the most disgusting about her so far. Literally using the "in memoriam" picture for her thumbnail and putting her whole face on top of it to talk about "how mean!!11!!" her jirai kei / jfashion haters are.
Fucking ridiculous and disrespectful.
No. 332325
File: 1721517814154.png (254.34 KB, 562x935, Screenshots_2024-07-20-18-22-2…)

It's been three days lmfao, groomcord gonna groomcord.
No. 332326
>>332325>We don't fuck about with predatory behavior>Only open for 3 daysThat was fast. Her fanbase consists of greasy gooners and troons (both men) and young girls. What did she expect would happen when making a discord that brings both together?
Her pickmeism and coomer brainrot makes her blind to how predatory men are. They're opportunists and she opened up a place that would make it easier to groom kids. So much for Addy wanting to protect minors.
No. 332327
File: 1721518677496.mp4 (17.87 MB, ssstikio-1721518081515_nyu3MCe…)

>>332321Downloaded the video and compressed it anyway. Kek at her saying drag queens should be inspired by Sonico.
>What a "cool girl".Truly.
No. 332328
File: 1721518958148.jpg (1.89 MB, 2294x1194, 3pc7t3F.jpg)

>>332325Some fatass moid reposting cringe anime memes. Likely trans if he's calling himself "Tsuki". This is who Addy's fans include.
No. 332330
File: 1721519703100.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.35 KB, 735x413, db60ca33a56fd5087b3c7de57bbaeb…)

>>332327Retarded ass comment but
Imagine that toy story was real and all the monster highs she collected during her childhood were slowly replaced with super sonicoom figures it would be so sad. No. 332331
File: 1721519990011.png (608.08 KB, 720x993, psyop.png)

Not milk but I find it funny how they have to beautify this ugly ass vampire in every piece of fan merch possible because he's actually ugly in game. And Addy can never stop making these retarded faces can she.(nitpicking)
No. 332332
File: 1721520370350.png (114.45 KB, 321x447, image.png)

>>332328Fatass moid indeed, this mf posted this in the server. moid literally is doing the leafy chin. tbh he looks like a pedo so im not surprised
No. 332333
File: 1721520511451.png (452.82 KB, 453x564, totesSFW.png)

>>332327yes, these all look totally sfw addy, especially the one of pochaco spreading her cheeks. Also of course she has a ramona flowers figure, she pretty obviously tries to be a "jirai kei" ramona, googles and all. kek
>>332331I thought she was anti bodypillow?
No. 332335
File: 1721521725248.jpg (979.95 KB, 792x1290, LuoHtA6.jpg)

>>332334I don't think Addy's bisexual, she's just baiting and pretending because in her online spaces it's considered evil or whatever to be straight. She vaguely categorizes herself as "fruity" like every other spicy straight and was highlighted as a "queer creator" by some IG account, I can't remember which one but it was in the last thread.
I think she's collecting Sonico figures to look like a "cool girl" and to impress moids, not because she's sexually attracted to the figures. Watch her come out with a "I love women!" video because we're speculating about her kek.
No. 332337
File: 1721521931886.mp4 (5.84 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_736783589947798659…)

>>332336Sure. I went ahead and downloaded it too. It's on her brother's Tiktok account. No. 332341
>>332337Kek of course the troon brother would be polyamorous
>>331923She calls herself fruity here as well.
No. 332344
File: 1721524486170.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.81 KB, 774x1033, super_pochaco_noodle_stopper_b…)

>>332333That Pochaco figure is something else.
>>332334>>332335>inb4 she cries about bi erasure No. 332346
File: 1721525230897.jpg (61.11 KB, 600x600, sonicomerch.jpg)

>>332334 doubtful, she's just a nlog pick-me who panders hard to men to the point she adopts their interests. She's a "cool girl".
>>332344Tbh, beyond the coomer bit of these figures, I don't really see the appeal. They have ugly faces and the quality seems incredibly low. Even the outfits are barely interesting because they are barely there? The gloomy bear sonico is probably the most detailed one out of the entire collection she has of them, but that's mostly because it's a collab. Surprised she doesn't own the cursed sonico figure.
No. 332347
>>331923>Feeling fruityHow the hell do you "feel fruity" in shitty clothing? She's definitely just being performative.
>>332344>inb4 she cries about bi erasurekek. ah yes, despite having dated 2 crusty moid "partners", we should know she's totally kweer because she consooms hyper sexualized anime figures, one including a pochaco spreading her ass cheeks. That'll be a funny response video.
>>332343Yeah, it's good that she kicked them out (bare minimum though), but this could have been prevented. Having a discord is good for milk, but most content creators don't have discords for this exact reason.
No. 332349
>>332337LMAO her fuckass animu 'idle animation' stance and leans towards the camera are hilarious, especially with those arms. She really is chuuni.
>>332346Because despite it being a gag figure, its still so fanservicey that she wouldn't be able to come up with the mental gymnastics necessary to virtue signal her way out of being asked why she owns it.
No. 332350
File: 1721526387900.jpg (1.34 MB, 1728x1305, qhUsMkw.jpg)

>>332327To Addy's whiteknights who come here trying to argue what she considers SFW: Addy thinks her hoard of bikini, playgirl bunny, and nipple pastie Sonicos only make up 6% of her collection. Picrel speaks for itself. She believes 94% of this is SFW.
The only SFW Sonico that I see on this shelf is her dressed up in the parka. The percentages should be reversed.
No. 332351
File: 1721526610813.jpg (97.03 KB, 1010x616, YuePcdS.jpg)

Addy also made this comment under her collection TikTok. Didn't she say that she wasn't buying directly from Nitroplus because she is aware that they make lolicon VNs and art/figures of characters as children?
She really doesn't care. As long as she can get her pink hair coomer figures.
No. 332359
>>332350>>332354Makes this comment from an "anon" in the last thread look pretty suspicious.
>>331424Apparently it's only NSFW if she's removing her shirt. I see maybe 1 figure in there pulling her shirt up. If that's the only thing that Addy considers NSFW in her collection, then she's retarded and coombrained as hell.
No. 332365
File: 1721529234386.png (307.25 KB, 1114x645, IMG_9649.png)

>>332364Nothing exciting. Some wayward schizo who used his real email to post kek
No. 332368
>>332347She dated a girl ages ago. They went on a date to see britain's got talent live. I don't think she talks much about her preferences anyway.
No. 332372
File: 1721529872033.gif (1.47 MB, 498x278, word.gif)

>>332350>SFWI don't think she fully understands what SFW means. If she were to pull out photos of these Sonico figures at work and show them to other people, it would cause an issue lol.
No. 332374
>>332325How little did she vet the mods before giving them power in this server? Wouldn't you choose people you were close with? We know she has irl friends, even if they're just her brother's friends, surely one or two of them could keep an eye on what has to be a small server?
>>332334No she's not lmao She has coomer brainrot and can't help but think sexualizing women is normal
No. 332376
>>332374Seriously, sonico is very blatantly male gazey. There isn't anything remotely sapphic about it. She even tries to claim that it's because it's "body positivity" or relatable not that she's attracted to it.
>>332351She really can't keep her lies straight, can she?
No. 332379
File: 1721534717956.png (Spoiler Image,756.91 KB, 668x1400, aliennine.png)

>>332373Had to look it up and what the fuck. The character in this scene is only 12 years old. There's a lot of graphic scenes of the little girls getting maimed or killed too. Surprised she's not into Made in Abyss tbh given her "tastes".
No. 332380
File: 1721535028710.mp4 (2.18 MB, 576x1024, 1720244384955.mp4)

>>332379She had a figure of the bunny girl
No. 332381
File: 1721536109527.png (Spoiler Image,2.57 MB, 1440x1676, aliennine1.png)

>>332380Of course she does, Made in Abyss is all about little kids getting tortured and assaulted. Flipped through more of the Aline Nine manga and the mangaka is a 35yo moid who draws shit like picrel for the chapter covers and acknowledges what he draws is brutal violence involving elementary school girls. He also goes onto say he relates most to the "borg" aliens like the one seen licking the naked little girl in
>>332379 No. 332393
>>332387The mangaka is pretty transparent with the fact he just wanted to write about "cute little girls" and that there's no real reason for the more brutal scenes other than he just wants to write it that way. He doesn't seem to actually care to write about female struggles rather than fetishize kids as seen in
>>332381>>332392Honestly if they had given Taruco giant tits like the other two she'd be a lot more popular with moids. It's funny because Sonico isn't even chubby, she's just very curvy with a flat stomach? Such body positivity. kek
No. 332394
>>332041Late, but I just realized that she probably thinks that "
Nonnie" is short for "Noncon" kek
No. 332396
>>332394no? pretty sure that’s not what she thinks. it’s just as
>>332297 says
No. 332398
>>332394That's such a dumb theory that I doubt even Addy would be able to infer that. Just look at how that word is used in our imageboard,
nonny. It wouldn't pass as anything but a way to say anon.
No. 332406
>>332325>blocked them within minutes>personally tooSounds like she did a great job at confirming both side of the story and giving the mod a change to explain himself kek. With how easy it is nowadays to take stuff out of context or even edit/fake them there should be some checking. If the UK would!ct have left the EU she would technically be breaking the law eith this.
Wouldn't be suprised she let someone like that becone a mod without checking, but still…
No. 332408
I know this threas is of addy haters but if someone came forward with allegations, are you seriously so blinded by your annoyance with her that you're standing up for the creep troon invading spaces with minors? Please take a moment to reevaluate yourself
>a crime in the euIt's literally fucking not sit the fuck down and stop blowing things out of proportion to make this retard look worse than she does on her own
No. 332421
>>332406>>332408>>332415You misunderstand me. I didn't say don't block moids… But anyone can easily fabricate stuff online nowadays too. The proper way would be to immidiently take away his mod status and block him from the server, then tell him why in direct message and give him one change to explain himself.
He'd likely would turn out to be a moid and would stay blocked, because Addy attracts moids. But for all you know it could've been a creapy grooming moid reporting someone he feared would cause trouble against him/out him as such because the moid tried on that person before.
Immediently blocking everything including direct messaging based on one allegation isn't the way to go. If I was a moid looking to groom minors, I would use such a policy to get rid of people standing up against me, while Addy can claim she's very on top of issues blocking people…
I wouldn't put such actions above moids or Addy, because we all know she doesn't really care. Just wants to make it look so. Because if she did, she would have vetted her mods probably in the first place and this wouldn't happen on day 3.
And fine, Addy would gave to be a company or actual proffesional (because if you're a proffesional such rules start to count as well for it to be illegal. And as much as she claims to be grant, she sucks too much to really be a proffesional. But under the DSA one has to be able to have "the option to contest" being blocked. Addy (if she would actually do social media proffesionaly) here is setting up a chat server, making her arguably a "online intermediary company" (if still a one-man "company" due to being a proffesional). And while rules are more strict for big companies, that rule counts for every one of them: No. 332426
>>332421Addy is not a company. Addy is an influencer. Did you even read what you linked? It listed companies like Apple and Amazon, not a washed up influencer who made a discord server. What is the point of even bringing this up when she's not able to be regulated? Do you even understand how the law works? Name one attorney that would even bother to prosecute under the DSA regulations. You fucked up with saying she could get in trouble, just drop it instead of further proving you have no clue how this kind of stuff works
And stop defending the moid, ffs. The dude is obviously a creep and "allegations" is a term people use to avoid being sued, it absolutely does not mean there was no proof. Do you magically know the proof that was being referenced? Why else would you so determined to believe that it might not be true?
No. 332427
>>332426Calm down. I never said she could get in trouble. It was a tiny remark to emphasize how stupid her actions where as that type of behaviour is being legally restricted for a reason.
But since you're so eager to defend Addy's actions: if you actually had read that link, you'd knew that the DSA doesn't only count for big companies like Apple. It counts fot every company that can be considered a "online intermediary company", but which rules count depend on the companies size and impact. Influencer setting up a chat server from a proffesional perspective could count as that, with the question more being if a Discord server would or if that's all under Discords issue.
Oh and, the first lawsuits and fines for the DSA have already started, while the need to comply has only started recently. Those are generally done by surveilance groups which most countries have. Of course they wouldn't have time to look at someone as insignificant as Addy. But of course you knew that. And once again. That's completely beside the point. Stop trying to focuss on a small remark to excuse Addy's stupidity.
>And stop defending the moid, ffs. The dude is obviously a creep and "allegations" is a term people use to avoid being sued, it absolutely does not mean there was no proof. Do you magically know the proof that was being referenced? Why else would you so determined to believe that it might not be true?Kek wanting her to ensure no moids abuses her lack of caring to stay undetected is defending a moid now.
Because of course, no moid could ever make fake allegations when trying to groom minors. And since we don't know the exact allegations, all we have to do is trust Addy's always honest words that it's undenaibly edited, which she checked and acted upon within minutes of receiving it. Sounds totally legit, what could go wrong.
Addy didn't vet her mods, and Addy doesn't vet reports she receives. That's the whole point. Nothing else.
It doesn't matter if this report was indeed a moid and should be banned or not. Because even if this one was. What's to stop the next moid of making fake reports if he needs to get rid of someone while Addy just blindly blocks everyone reported? With some photoshop, AI or even just evil editing it's not too hard to fake most stuff. But she both checked for that and acted within minutes. She must be a supermod to do that so quickly! Luckily she's there to do so and ban all the creeps!
You think her with her pick me behaviour will care if she banned someone earnest who's reported by a moid trying to cover his ass? While she can also block them and act the good care moderator?
If she just blocks people without actually looking into reports and blocks all direct communication to prevent people telling the other side, that's just waiting for drama. Can't wait for the moment someone calls her out on some other social media like Twitter on a moment it goes wrong kek.
(learn2integrate) No. 332433
>>332430Exactly, it's literally a discord. She's not using it as an intermediary between her sponsors and her fans (yet), she's using it to get a hug box.
Just imagine if addy hadn't blocked him and the allegations became public and it was revealed that addy knew the whole time but didn't do anything. That's all you need to consider in this situation. Block the creep and hope he ends up in jail.
No. 332435
>>332433ayrt and she's not even using it to get close to minors or tell kids to go watch nsfw or doing anything of issue right now. Just moids being moids as usual. At least she's banning them I don't know why the anon acts like she should do some internal investigation before banning. That's so unnecessary. Anon might be the one who got kicked with the tantrum and making up crap about the situation. The discord link was posted ITT, so I'm not shocked if some farmers joined. This happened to lolcow's own discord, farmers ruining it and getting raided. Sorry Addy, enjoy moderating that shitshow.
Like you said though, good thing she did something. Otherwise it would've been worse and block/kicking someone out asap isn't like it's keeping them from being in other discords with the same subjects. Addy doesn't have the only incel discord.
No. 332443
File: 1721595593068.mp4 (2.14 MB, 1080x1920, Video-469.mp4)

Yet another figures I'd kill my family for. The girl in the vid is her friend.
>>332327She also has a figure of octopi, idk I don't really care what manga she reads (it's not that milky nor interesting imo) but she has a thing for things that portray bullying. I wonder if she got bullied?
No. 332446
File: 1721597751012.jpg (Spoiler Image,136.26 KB, 874x1240, 28061295_2039156396100746_6136…)

>>332443My fucking sides, this big titty anime bishoujo version of Pinhead is so dumb. All her interests need to be male gaze, either a flavor of big titty or loli bait, I'm convinced she fried her head with too much edgy coom anime, and is now completely desensitized to how it looks. It explains why she thinks Sonico figures are SFW tbh.
No. 332448
>>332443It's all big tittied anime girls or little kids getting tortured. I'm not sure about the bullying part, but even the artist from one of the series she likes
>>332381 said he just likes to draw it and wasn't bullied.
>>332435Tbh her moving quick to remove the mod is one of the few things she's done right so far.
No. 332455
File: 1721603159571.jpeg (Spoiler Image,25.62 KB, 479x640, images - 2024-07-22T085942.733…)

>>332451The Miku fig is actually of Calne Ca, who has no variant without her tits out, ergo not really SFW if she tries to shill it as such especially because there's variants where she's entirely topless
No. 332458
File: 1721605850254.png (395.61 KB, 711x779, obviouslysfw.png)

>>332455>>332457She already owns this other Calne Ca miku figure as seen in her figure tour
>>332327 that is completely pant or skirtless though.
No. 332459
File: 1721606049674.png (641.68 KB, 488x823, aliennine_calneca.png)

>>332458Right behind her alien nine figures too
No. 332465
>>332461Sakura miku is too vanilla for her as she doesn't have her pussy/tits out and isn't from a series about little girls getting hurt I guess?
>>332462How many of her figures come from series like this? She can claim her Sonico collection is only 6% of her overall collection all she wants, but it really seems like another 50% is from titles with very questionable themes or scenes involving children.
No. 332475
>>332474Miku a shit honestly.
>>332451>Yuki Takeya figure that's from an anime with young girls sufferingI mean IT IS a zombie apocalypse anime.
No. 332476
>>332474Sakura Miku is such an ugly design in my opinion (as are most miku figs) but possibly the worst Calne Ca I've ever seen beats it by a long shot
retarded vocaloid sperging but it doesn't even have the excuse of being related to the lore, its just retarded coom. I don't understand why anons want her to collect good quality or what they consider to be good designs when I think all she wants to do is buy a plastic hoard anyways.
(no1currs) No. 332477
File: 1721621729953.jpg (62.13 KB, 600x800, 2161680-17ad6.jpg)

>>332475Also the characters aren't even young, they're close to graduating high school. Some of you guys think anything above sesame street is worth pearl clutching over honestly.
>Sakura Miku is such an ugly design in my opinionNot a fan of Miku either but this one is genuinely cute, looks nothing like Miku though.
(no1currs) No. 332481
>>332480I have a feeling she's adding all that because of the people who freak out about those things being allowed around MiNors and if they shouldn't be monitored by a parent to see who they are talking to and what they are doing online. She has to cover her ass as much of possible because otherwise you get
>>332427 people like this who nitpick like hell just because this stuff is around kids at all.
No. 332482
>>332477Anons are only pearl clutching because addy is constantly pearl clutching and they're trying to point out her hypocrisy in what she explicitly deems "
sus" and what she owns, how many times does that have to be posted?
No. 332483
>>332482With some anons sure I see that, but a lot of you guys are just genuinely pearl clutching and sperging about typical anime tropes.
I don't even get why you'd bother following Addy if you aren't into otaku culture anyway since she's not really entertaining without the 400 levels of hypocrisy to laugh at.
No. 332485
>>332483Anon, Addy spergs about typical anime tropes being
problematic all the time. She's only recently started backpedaling once people started trashing Kangel for being "
problematic". I'm willing to bet most of the people shitting on Addy are familiar with anime tropes/games/etc to the same extent Addy is at the very least, it's just tiring to constantly type out "Addy owns this but she called out ___ which is the same/worse" each time and anons just shorten it to "Addy owns __". I don't even understand the point you're trying to make considering that it's more likely the anons pearl clutching to point out Addy's hypocrisy are weebs, randoms wouldn't know anything about figure context like
>>332451 No. 332489
>>332477>Also the characters aren't even young, they're close to graduating high school.Pedo logic.
>>332482Exactly. There's an anon or two that come in here every once in a while just to argue about figures.
>>332483You don't have to feel offended on behalf of Addy just because we're criticising what happens to be your animu favorites and interests as well.
>>332487>I'm more under the idea that since she's an adult, she can own the adult content. She should stop misinterpreting what is "SFW" and what is "NSFW" then. She's saying it's okay for minors to collect SFW Sonico figures, but her idea of SFW has been very skewed.
No. 332491
>>332487Nobody was talking about children watching coomer anime, the contest is Addy owning sexualized coomshit figures and loli porn character figures while screeching about how
problematic it is to own figures from other sexualized coomshit sources. Hence the criticizing of the figures she wants to buy. I don't see anybody calling Addy a hypocrite for simply talking about certain anime online, or that she should force children to not watch certain things. Though she did try to force a child to be ok with looking at half naked cosplayers kek. It is retarded for her to be talking about Huniepop around minors- she could simply not engage with the conversation, but it's also retarded for her to have a completely public discord in the first place. Most streamers either just have private servers for friends, or have them paywalled somehow which filters out the actual children.
>Addy grew up in that 2000s era and then it became way easier since things became more accessible.Addy is 25, why are you acting like she's super unique and nobody understands how she grew up? There are tens of millions of weeb zillenials online.
No. 332494
>>332483>typical anime tropesIncest and lolicon might be common in a lot of anime, but I don't think it's crazy for non-degenerates to feel disgusted by that, anon.
>>332487I don't think anyone here is upset at an adult owning adult content either per se, it's more so she chooses adult content that involves characters depicted to often be elementary age children while turning around and trying to take some kind of moral high ground when it comes to dumb series like Hetalia.
>>332492This. On top of continuously getting caught in lies like claiming she only buys Sonico merch secondhand as to not support the company who made loli/babycon of the characters. Then she turns around and tells everyone she's preordered the cloth sonico figure. I don't get why she has so many defenders ITT tbh.
No. 332497
File: 1721644693128.mp4 (584.72 KB, 1080x1918, An8HhEm3Df2kTNpI88DYTIcrnY1M5N…)

Why is she like this
No. 332499
File: 1721646272896.png (2.06 KB, 266x130, 1707634293585.png)

>>332497>kawiwi blade >dog boneEven a fucking med box cant be free from her fetishes …
No. 332506
File: 1721653271743.png (834.4 KB, 720x1154, huh.png)

>>332504She cycles through shit quite a lot. You can see all the past phases she has gone through in her depop
No. 332510
File: 1721655286332.png (815.41 KB, 720x1069, 4525-355367744-465464.png)

>>332508She listed it a month ago. She's always selling things she previously said she loved or was excited about. There's other examples in there. I wouldn't be surprised if one day she gets rid of all her Sonico shit.
No. 332512
Alien 9, Lucky Star, Saya no Uta = Ok
Monogatari, Nekopara, Hetalia = Not Ok?
>>332507Interesting how she used to have Nekopara figures. Addy really does seem like a Pinterest surface-level weeb. Which is fine and all, but why lecture others? kek with the cheap ripoff Kanna shit
No. 332514
>>332457She also owns the red haired insect limb version in sailor clothes. It's visible in one of her TikToks posted earlier.
Regarding your benefit of the doubt. Deino, the artist who designed this, has a shit ton on NSFW art with visible vaginas and tits out as well as BDSM images using this character. I'm guessing that's why she likes it rather than the horror aspect (in which sense I admit they are cool).
No. 332519
File: 1721660902277.jpg (278.22 KB, 1688x1080, 1000044240.jpg)

>>332515At this point I believe so, how come she has had shit like
>>332510>>332506And pic related, and not ever though "Maybe this isn't just cute stuff"? Those bikini/school swimsuit figures aren't something someone buys just because it's totally cute.
No. 332534
File: 1721680317370.jpg (1.61 MB, 1458x1086, TLnIgI0.jpg)

>>332527Literally who cares. No one here cares about the "ethics" of buying/reselling/refurbishing cat ears, petplay-chan. Go look yourself.
>>332513Kek that seems to be Addy's train of thought. Picrel, she owned this Lucky Star Miyuki figure, which should have gone against her own moral standards. I guess it's acceptable in her book though because the belt is covering her nipples, right? Like the Miku figure barely covering her vagina with a belt?
>>332523She likes hating on jojifuku, but she's no different than them when she's also consooming loli figures.
No. 332536
File: 1721685745383.webp (23.92 KB, 500x281, Izumi_Family.webp)

>>332534Do you guys think Addy believes what she says, or is she just making excuses because she knows she fostered a very autistic moralfaggy zoomie fanbase that would throw her to the wolves if she likes anything slightly
problematic? I remember when she said that lucky star wasnt lolicon because thats just the style of the artist, but forgot to add that Konata's dad clearly looks like an old man and that its a reocurrent joke that he's a lolicon. I genuinely dont know if shes playing 4D chess or if shes just a pickme who's blind to moid degeneracy and cant see when something she likes is for scrotes. Her logic is so flawed, i still cant understand how she thinks nekopara is lolicon but not lucky star.
No. 332543
File: 1721692221718.png (1.15 MB, 720x1323, likes.png)

>>332534She has Mezzo Piano in her likes
No. 332545
File: 1721692305398.mp4 (15.44 MB, 720x1280, F249CAADBF57F565C946F835C96CBE…)

What's the point of getting crazy about this sonico figure if she'll end up selling it anyway
No. 332548
>>332543Not that anyone should be wearing children's clothing (they should not, that's absolutely disgusting), but I'm sure Addy seethes at anyone able to fit into it. She was mad at coquette solely because a lot of thinner girls are into it.
>>332545>Freaking out over a repainted SonicoPainting could be something that she could actually do as a hobby. Instead, she consooms plastic and considers that to be something substantial about herself. There's no brain cells in that head of hers.
No. 332552
File: 1721711266284.png (900.03 KB, 820x1161, galko.png)

>>332543I thought she said she was no longer supporting this series why tf does she have a figure from it recently liked
No. 332557
>>332543addy absolutely cannot squeeze into a single mezzo piano piece. truly a delusional cow.
>>332548does she really hate coquette? that's surprising considering it's a lot more inclusive than jojifuku and the general cutecore community. i wonder if she'll pull the 'brave' influencer card when she's inevitably targeted by the anachans. or maybe she thinks she'll get another vice interview kek. though it'd be a lot easier for her to drop the cool girl act and just wear more feminine clothing whenever she felt like it. you don't need to hide under another jfashion style to justify wearing pastels, addy.
No. 332559
>>332557>does she really hate coquette?Yes. She did an interview and said it “promotes thinness” and was calling it
problematic >>329876In reality, there are a lot of fashions that favor and promote thin people more, it’s not exclusive to coquette. Pinterest, which is where Addy gets most of her research from, tends to do this. I’m sure her favorite jirai kei has the same issue. I agree, coquette is a lot more inclusive in that you only have to wear pastels, teens will call anything light pink with lace “coquette”.
No. 332560
>>332554She doesn't even follow her secondhand logic, she'd probably still buy one firsthand if they made more, the same way she preordered the $1000 kimono Sonico figure despite virtue signaling about Nitroplus making a baby Sonico figure. She doesn't actually give a fuck, it's just lip service to appease whatever person she's frantically DMing about how she's a good and wholesome person.
Besides, if she's such an expert on anime culture she should know that Japan doesn't give a fuck about animanga creators with CP. The Galko creator is LITERALLY OUT OF JAIL already and he actively posts on twitter! It took me 5 seconds of googling to find it. All she's doing is giving him free advertising by talking about his shit, doesn't matter if she only promotes ~buying secondhand~. Hell the Rurouni Kenshin creator was arrested in 2017 for CP and still kept his manga contracts and even had a new anime made in 2023. It's honestly baffling because she sold off her Senran Kagura figure, her Made in Abyss figure, but is still holding onto her Galko nendoroid/wants more? You sold figures from series sexualized children, makes sense to anyone who isn't a degen, but then the figure from the series created by a convicted pedophile who buys child porn is ok? It's just hypocrisy at this point, she virtue signals over fictional characters but doesn't give a fuck about actual children being abused.
>>332530>>332550To be fair, most of them were sold months ago or earlier? I don't think the Galko figure was liked 2 days ago either, it was likely around 3 months ago based on the sold times of the other depop listings. Depop changes the listing date to the current time whenever the seller updates the listing, but it stops whenever the item sells. Based on the shirt and the Galko nendoroid listing, she liked it 3 months ago. It's still hilarious she has those Galko figures in her likes from 3 months ago despite talking about the creator being an actual pedophile 7 months ago and saying she wouldn't support it anymore. Did she forget she talked about it?
No. 332562
File: 1721722509196.png (376.06 KB, 710x686, ef148e1a-09f5-4ac0-8d4d-ea5800…)

>>332559Interesting because she listed the bag as coquette and she usually doesn't tag her other clothes as that (because they aren't coquette)
No. 332576
File: 1721736526080.jpeg (212.59 KB, 1000x1436, IMG_2597.jpeg)

>>332543Reminder that this lolishit anime is heavily inspired by mezzo piano and retards like addy make it worse for the actual kids that wear the clothes
No. 332581
>>332566It's the opposite of coquette, a Japanese child's backpack is just autopedofuku. I know coquette began as a style based on the movie of Lolita and Lana del ray music, but nowadays it's so far away from what it was that it's basically just pretty floral dresses, baskets, flowers and big ribbons, you won't see anything else tagged as coquette on normie social media, the rest is just really similar to hime gyaru if you really want to assume everything comes from the grorious nippon.
If anything, Addrested developmenty tagging it as coquette only shows how much of a zoomer loser she is.
No. 332582
>>332559>Yes. She did an interview and said it “promotes thinness” and was calling it problematicThere it is. She doesn't find it
problematic that it romanticizes underage girls or young women in age gap relationships with smelly old scrotes who take advantage of them, she just doesn't like that she can't fit into the clothes. Jfc. Thinness is the least of the problems one should have with Coquette but of course Addy is a self-centered git who only cares about things that affect her on such a shallow level.
No. 332587
>>332586There's always some anon being obtuse for no reason to try to defend her itt. It doesn't matter if it's the norm on depop anon, it's the fact she'll aggressively speak out against something and then turn around and associate herself with it. This time it's something as silly and minor as a hashtag, but it's definitely a pattern of behavior for her.
>>332579Does she ever stand by anything she says? Anons have caught her so many times being a massive hypocrite so she can continue to mindlessly consoom.
No. 332593
File: 1721756736302.mp4 (398.77 KB, 1080x1918, An9pF9xG7g0VxPD6oMvhjOoE-KOEV7…)

Showing off her Sonico purchase.
No. 332612
File: 1721760537262.jpg (91.24 KB, 1050x701, 1000044659.jpg)

>>332611>>332606For you and your friend, since it must be hard to grow one.
No. 332619
File: 1721761034154.jpg (218.47 KB, 911x1014, 1000026526.jpg)

Did anyone save the uncensored screenshots? I only managed to grab this before they deleted.
No. 332631
>>332619>I have given 0 money to nitroplus or fujiCaught in a lie. Addy bought a $1000 giant Sonico figure. A few days ago, she was bragging about pre-ordering a kimono Sonico.
Addy should know that buying anything Sonico, no matter the company who created the figure, contributes to Nitroplus or Fuji because that company paid them to use her likeness. Simple copyright rules.
>I only collect the SFW Sonico figures More proof that her definition of SFW is completely warped. Her coomfried brain can’t recognize her Sonico figures are NSFW.
>of adult sonico as an adult collectorNot sure why she’s making this a big point when she has told minors that it’s okay for them to collect SFW Sonico.
No. 332633
File: 1721765235725.jpg (255.08 KB, 1026x743, 1000026531.jpg)

>>332628>>332627Can't confirm if these new ones are legitimate as the "Instagram user" part seems off while everything less looks OK. Checked a blocked dm and it doesn't seem to do the "instagram user" thing unless it's a message from a deleted account? Can confirm these are not the same DMs that the previous doodle anon provided though which despite the doodles actually look legit. She is known to dm almost anyone back, especially when faced with criticism though and the texts all seem to be similar in the way she types/talks? Maybe there's a difference in the dms via PC browser and app that im missing?
No. 332638
>>332634anon, at the end of the day, sonico is made purely for fanservice- not for the cool pickmes like addy claims.
>>332636nitroplus is gonna churn out shit based on every single fetish known to man because that's what adult companies do. above all else, nitroplus makes porn. it's almost like addy doesn't do any research whatsoever and has no issue lying out of her ass if it means she can fuel her shopping addiction and own underlying fetishes. she reeks of insecurity and desperation for validation and i hope people continue lighting a fire under her ass. this is what happens when you try virtue signaling while refusing to get off the fence. either addy's a disgusting coomer that panders to pedos and scrotes or she's an age appropriate jfashion influencer that's capable of giving sound advice, she literally cannot be both. not when underaged fans are thrown in the mix.
(remade to reply to and reference intended anons.)
No. 332640
File: 1721776913980.png (129.04 KB, 720x1252, 85787412468996432468374.png)

It's always weird when people outside the US get too handsy on politics from the US.
No. 332650
File: 1721788790071.png (Spoiler Image,361.37 KB, 1349x665, fuckingawful.png)

>>332622reminder that this is the art she's referring to, NSFL warning. It's "toddler" Sonico.
No. 332651
File: 1721788843588.png (Spoiler Image,384.67 KB, 1348x665, kms.png)

>>332650once again nsfl, if you have to argue that something TECHNICALLY isn't cp, you've fucked up
No. 332657
>>332633It's supposed to be from these screenshots
>>330376, it seems. I thought when people blocked you, their icon changed to the grey standard image.
No. 332658
File: 1721793694057.jpg (15.2 KB, 223x300, 103521.jpg)

>>332653also "nothing this company normally does” as if this isn't a side character in Sonico
No. 332659
>>332657oops thanks anon. The image didn't gray out for me when I blocked an account, but it also didn't give me a "instagram user" instead of their name up top. The new screenshots provided by that "friend" doesn't seem to match the original exactly either. It's weird, but maybe just someone trying to make the original look less than legitimate. We've certainly had a lot of random defenders and derailers in the threads already.
>>332650>>332651Honestly can't comprehend anyone trying to play this off like it isn't blatant toddlercon. The weird baby bikini art is bad enough, but the toilet training and breastfeeding fetishization is next level disgusting.
No. 332661
File: 1721797799503.png (371 KB, 676x723, furry addy.png)

Seems like she's past just cat ears
No. 332663
File: 1721799621407.mp4 (5.87 MB, 1080x1920, Video-652.mp4)

No. 332669
>>332350Maybe this dumbass thinks it's "slut shaming" to say plastic figures with massive cleavage out is NSFW and not SFW?
>>332361Can somenonny use his email to sign up for a bunch of stupid shit and scams kek
No. 332672
>>332633>toddlercon is not CPOkay so this stupid bitch is just an autopedophile, straight up. Trying not to a-log so hard
>>332663Kek at the Konata figure in a tight fitted children's PE uniform. Definitely not a porn-addicted gooner. Every single one of her "harajuku" outfits screams corny tumblr jfashion blogger from 2014/2015s
No. 332689
File: 1721831282212.jpeg (50.54 KB, 602x602, main-qimg-e6a1e2799782b9d19554…)

>>332686I agree, this imageboard is full of newfags tinfoiling and exaggerating the milk, it's getting annoying.
And referring to this as a "tight fitted children's PE uniform" is just retarded
No. 332704
File: 1721839033940.jpg (2.9 MB, 3464x3464, 1000044888.jpg)

>>332686>>332695No, you're right, anon, these two outfits are literally the same.
It's literally an ugly zip up hoodie with shorts that used to be actually white at some point, I've seen better quality shorts at a sports store than whatever she's wearing, you don't even know the real name of the style either, which like anon said, is Mizuiro.
Her outfits are just lame and cheap imitations of what the real fashion looks like, and she's honestly the last person that can say that it's because she doesn't have the money or the time to learn Japanese to get the stuff from the actual brands of the fashion styles she "likes", since she supposedly even wants to live off this hoarding hobby of hers.
Anyone can easily Google the actual styles she's copying (Mizuiro and Jirai Kei) and see the vast different between what she wears and what the girls that can actually wear the clothes wear.
The other two styles aren't even that clear, she just put on a bunch of ugly shit that resembles stuff you've seen on tumblr and pinterest.
No. 332726
File: 1721844219108.jpg (423.38 KB, 1290x2293, 452583489_18442686940030812_59…)

She has a AMA up right now on her Insta.
She posted this when talking about her job, I guess she felt the need to beag about working at Bandai. Which at this point I'm not even sure if it's true, given how she has lied about being a teacher's aide. Wouldn't she have to have some kind of degree or whatever on marketing, management or whatever to be doing "big meetings"? Idk.
No. 332727
File: 1721844328250.png (2.25 MB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_20240724-200004.png)

We also have an estimate date for the Japan trip, tbh I can't wait for this saga, Jillian's Japan trip thread was my favourite.
No. 332735
File: 1721847178368.gif (94.96 KB, 640x364, good-business.gif)

>>332726> had to do lots of big meetingsthis sounds like how a child would describe a managerial position
No. 332744
File: 1721853262742.png (656.47 KB, 720x1274, addy.png)

Posting some shit from her AMA, sorry it's a few screenshots.
No. 332751
File: 1721854892537.png (908.06 KB, 720x1267, laugh.png)

>I get laughed at on a daily basis on a mass scale
No. 332753
File: 1721855232004.png (752.53 KB, 765x656, school and work.png)

No. 332760
>>332686stop projecting
>>332726its still so fucked that she lied about that teacher's aide position. for fucking chris chan, no less. i seriously hope someone asks her more about it.
>>332754we all know she didnt play that shit. at most, she watched a video essay on it.
No. 332761
>>332747It's funny that this needs to be pointed out but how is watamote any more
problematic than these
>>332749 , what exactly are her standards for "
problematic" even? Can someone please explain? These mental gymnastics are too much for me
No. 332775
>>332761I like how she asks in parenthesis if it counts as
problematic. Even she doesn't know what's truly
problematic. She just throws her opinions out there and hopes they stick.
No. 332779
>>332774Nta, but is it? That’s just the character who is “
problematic”, and even considering that, she is always a butt of a joke, her behavior is always ridiculed, like “see, kids: this is bad, she is bad, don’t do this, you will be better as a person if you will participate in a normal human activities and be kind”
No. 332780
>>332774watamote the cringe comedy isnt more ''
problematic'' than an eroge that has shota in it
No. 332791
File: 1721881944173.png (34.88 KB, 661x464, images.png)

>>332786Ewwww I didn't know that (nta)
That said I think she likes it the same way she likes Lain and Lucky Star, aka just because it's popular in her egirl circle.
>>332785I have to wonder if she realizes what her razor tattoo means
No. 332794
>>332747>>332749>>332786Why does she talk about Watamote being
problematic while she brushes off Totono as just being "mature"? Would Totono not be worse considering all the porn scenes of high schoolers? She's not once made a video criticizing the themes of Totono, Saya, Needy Girl Overdose, etc.
No. 332797
>>332796Yes, Totono is far more sexual in that it actually has porn in it featuring children, so why wouldn’t she call it
problematic too?
No. 332798
>>332749>I think if they stripped the NSFW sex scenes in these games, the stories could be better appreciatedTotono's plot literally doesn't work if you remove the sex though, the entire point of Aoi's character is that she's a self aware eroge heroine.
>I hate having to give a 5min disclaimer before I can consider discussing themThen don't you fucking normie.
No. 332809
File: 1721915602141.jpg (37.33 KB, 500x500, 1000007109.jpg)

Her thick shiny foundation drives me crazy. It reminds me of the peanut butter baby, especially on her nose.
Addy looks pretty underneath all the makeup, compare
>>331869 to
>>331908 No. 332819
>>332815Said this in another thread, but it’s likely either A. Her actual fans who routinely defend her calling her pretty while trying to not make it obvious B. Ex-fans who simultaneously hate her but desire her approval like
>>332067 or C. Her selfposting, considering how often she lurks/her previously namedropping lolcow a million times
No other cow on /w/ or /snow/ gets this amount of omg she’s so cute without her ugly makeup and there are many girls posted who are similar or better than looking than her. Really suspicious. Or anons are just fuck ugly, who knows.
(tinfoil) No. 332834
File: 1721966381774.jpg (211.17 KB, 1290x2293, 452707465_18442954951030812_53…)

Which one of you fuckers sent this? Kek. I'm joking.
No. 332844
>>332842she's hoping if she shills for them, she'll get free products like every other tiktoker kek
>>332841weird to mention cardio in a comment about smelling kek, you would think if she's doing it everyday she wouldn't be so pudgy. really doubting she does any exercise at all
No. 332845
File: 1721983438200.jpg (322.63 KB, 754x1352, CcSgUon.jpg)

So Addy has a long and elaborate response for someone assuming she smells, but when it comes to someone thinking she's "queer", it's just emojis and no explanation? She's definitely just baiting and isn't really gay.
No. 332856
>>332845Why is it that weebs just
have to be gay or bi over anime cartoons? Shit barely looks human. At this point I would even praise the first weeb to admit to be straight instead of getting a gold medal in mental gymnastics to justify being part of the rainbow club.
No. 332882
File: 1722030766685.jpg (212.65 KB, 1290x2293, 453041323_18443102683030812_28…)

No. 332883
File: 1722030796847.jpg (174.06 KB, 1290x2293, 452930838_18443093965030812_47…)

This feels like a lie
No. 332885
File: 1722031139614.jpg (233.94 KB, 1290x2293, 452932168_18443028502030812_33…)

No. 332892
File: 1722032561731.png (671.64 KB, 720x1190, kawaiifashionuwu.png)

No. 332900
File: 1722035527840.png (1.08 MB, 720x1254, gay.png)

>>332853No she's totes gay for real
No. 332904
File: 1722036045999.png (495.68 KB, 720x1238, sorbet.png)

She loves inserting her opinion in shit
No. 332905
>>332875Could you post it for posterity?
>but "long haired gamer boys" got her to continuemeanwhile she's currently dating the most basic balding pasty consoomer moid.
>>332882Kek, of course she has to make this shit up after we're calling her out on being a poser. Sure Jan.
>>332900Going hard trying to prove she's gay. That one anon has a point, I don't think we've ever seen Addy even crush on a fictional woman like she does with crusty Astarion, let alone a real woman. Sonico doesn't count, because Addy says she's a "body positive icon" and doesn't specify that she collects Sonico because she thinks she's sexually attractive or whatever.
>>332891Yup, just more exaggerations to make her seem like some wise elder. She probably thinks dyeing her hair with koolaid was alt.
No. 332906
File: 1722038284267.mp4 (3.08 MB, 720x1280, Video-452.mp4)

>>332875>>332880>>332905's the video, it's actually
>Short alternative bi women deciding to never date men again>Floppy haired gamer boysMind you she had been dating a man for at least 3 years at that point based on her old instagram posts
No. 332910
File: 1722038815451.png (1.37 MB, 1640x612, addyfakebisexuality.png)

>>332906Here's a video she made in 2020 about tfw no goth gf (screenshot because it's just a montage of artwork) while dating a moid. Why has she not made a single video fantasizing about dating "alt men" or some other stereotype her current male partner doesn't fit? Wouldn't both men and women be viable options? Or is she only ok with talking about potential women because she wouldn't ever date one? It's like she gets her idea of female attraction from moid posts only. No. 332911
File: 1722038923611.mp4 (2.78 MB, 720x1280, Video-351.mp4)

>>332910>>332906and another video about tfw no goth gf while dating a man. even one of her fans commented on it
No. 332913
File: 1722039086322.png (485.94 KB, 702x629, addy1.png)

posted in 2021. Meanwhile she's never talked about alt bf stereotypes or anything and has only posted about the actual man she's dating, guess her moids are ok with her "fantasizing" about having a goth gf but only want her to talk about how she's so in love with them, probably because they know it would only stay a fantasy whereas any irl male stereotypes would be an actual threat. Doesn't seem very bi to me
No. 332916
File: 1722039453886.png (358.21 KB, 366x573, floppy haired gamer boi…)

>>332906>floppy haired gamer boysmeanwhile her bf is going bald
No. 332935
File: 1722064331031.mp4 (5.06 MB, 1080x1920, Video-363.mp4)

>>332932She likes patterns a lot
No. 332936
File: 1722064511836.png (544.11 KB, 512x749, 4534763773.png)

>>332935What could had been
No. 332938
>>332899I doubt she plays it, there are a lot of random streamers playing it as a meme so she's probably just jumping on the bandwagon for views.
>>332936Did she slap a filter over this one or something? No way just a wig makes that huge of a difference, right? This is like a yassified addy. kek
No. 332939
>>332938>Did she slap a filter over this one or something?Yeah she slapped a filter over the last one. Her lips are much bigger.
>>332929With her whole "smol uwu" shtick, I wouldn't be surprised if he's older. These kawiwi girls are all the same, chasing after old moids.
No. 332940
File: 1722073243621.png (573.7 KB, 525x863, yassssified.png)

>>332938If jfashion is her career then she really did choose wrong
No. 332947
>>332938>No way just a wig makes that huge of a differenceYeah, there is a filter, but I genuinely think that wig does make a huge difference for her, judging from recent posts about “goth gf”. Opening eyebrows and framing a face with more intricate haircut would be a big improvement, imo. But that’s nitpicking, although if she insists on being a fashion expert… lol, should’ve known better?
Also kekd at her Harajuku surname, wow
No. 332955
>>332928>>332946The only JP brands she seems to own and talk about are ACDC rag and Dearmylove which are both absolute shit quality and overpriced for what they are, even though ACDC is pretty cheap. Even Liz Lisa and Ank Rouge are miles above them in terms of quality.
There are dozens of other brands that make clothes in the styles she likes that are slighty higher quality, but are more expensive such as Reflem or ililil. None of these current trendy brands are insanely good quality or ethically produced like she likes to virtue signal about, but she really seems to only buy bottom of the barrel stuff.
No. 332960
>>332928She just has no idea how to coordinate. Like
>>332952 said "she leaves her house in everything she owns", she wears all the pieces and accessories she has without thinking over the coherency of her outfit. Add to that her 2005 emo hair and the cosplay headgears she always wears and she always ends up looking like a mess.
No. 332961
File: 1722109525758.png (456.31 KB, 1165x418, Screenshot 2024-07-27 124412.p…)

Not milk, but addy is now one of the first things that comes up when you search super sonico. This is her legacy. Kek.
No. 332962
File: 1722114199243.mp4 (689.71 KB, 720x1280, 864B313C8554C593E5C39527EFC3D5…)

They are currently at a convention. I understand wanting to meet addy, but who would want to meet her brother?
No. 332964
>>332961never posted anything itt before, didn't really know much about her because i'd always skip her videos because of her absolutely punchable face, and the fact she thinks flailing her hands around is good body language when in reality she just looks like a sped. she looks like a neglected dog in the pic that shows up, like her hair is all matted and tangled because her owners have never brushed through her fur. although lolicons make me furious, her face and mannerisms actually make me even more furious. she
triggers some deep rooted anger within me and i just had to type it out. fuck this woman, why does she look like that? please put your hands down for a single fucking moment instead of slapping them towards the camera as you talk with the most smug side smile smirk i've ever seen.
No. 332968
File: 1722117176338.png (317.24 KB, 566x707, addy.png)

>>332961This being her legacy is very sad. I believe all people
(aka, women) deserve a fair chance or two in life, everyone deserves to make things right and to redeem themselves if they made mistakes or were wrong and scrotal earlier in their lives, because society isn't kind to people
(women) and they brainwash us with scrotal, nlog ideas, specially when you're terminally online and sheltered like Addy. But this is depressing. I'm sure she sees it as the coolest thing ever and I wouldn't be surprised if Nitro saw this and decided to sponsor her (again going towards directly supporting the creator of Sonico like she said she wouldn't do). If she regrets this in the future it'll be very hard for her. Every "Cool Girl" has their own moment of realization and she will either double down or change, and hopefully she will.
No. 332969
>>332885Aka she's not a caring person
>>332882>You used to be mean or a normie when youngerThat's not what "cool girl" means
>I was very obviously not straight Lmao
>>332947I agree. Longer hair suits her better than the choppy ramona hair.
No. 332976
>>332900>>332906>>332916So which is it then Addy? Gay or bi? So fucking angering
What the hell is with these retarded, very obviously heterosexual libfem women that date the fuck ugliest post-wall fat ass moids that love to call themselves gay? Like why is it always the straighest women alive. Is this a result of having absolutely 0 lesbian friendships or family members? How do you even end up this embarrassing and classless. Gonna assume she drags her nasty redneck looking moid to pride parades too.
>>332968She's 25, she's had plenty of time as an adult to unlearn any of the shit that might've caused her to become a mega coomer pickme autopedophile (porn addiction/online grooming/conditioning herself to become aroused to unhealthy things) just like plenty of women in this age group do and plenty of nonas do on this website and other spaces online as well. The only reason she at 25 years old is still happily drooling over lolicon figures and super sonico figures is because she enjoys it and sees nothing wrong with it. You can only give women like this the benefit of the doubt for so long before you start to lose sympathy, and before she becomes less of a "
victim" of our hypersexual culture and instead a perpetrator literally showing little girls online that it's good and okay to buy naked super sonico figures and to ask your parents for them.
No. 332988
>>332972Robin isn't Addys brother, they became friends through Tiktok a few years ago.
Juicy is Welsh and Addy from the south of England. It's only recently that Juicy has adopted a 'posh' English accent from following voice feminisation vids online which for some bizzare reason seem to teach that feminine voices have to sound like you're doing bad GCSE drama performances of Mary Poppin type characters. They're definitely not related.
No. 333008
File: 1722199817988.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1284x2066, 2FF8EAC0-4984-4D1E-A90B-3892A6…)

>>333000Instagram post from 8th Sep 2020.
Caption reads:
'So my pal @juicyboytv came and visited me, and as expected I couldn't resist dressing him up. We ended up filming lots of stuff that did super well over on tiktok, and generally having a laugh as I attempted to fix multiple makeup botches. Making friends online through mutual interests & hobbies has been so amazing for me the last few years. I'm hoping to eventually meet all my online pals IRL'
No. 333009
File: 1722200054390.jpg (457.39 KB, 1368x1222, juicyboytv.jpg)

>>333000Not that anon and I don't know shit about British accents, but she has multiple videos over several yrs between 2020-2022 referring to him as her best friend/pal in alone and group settings. She calls her other friends pals so it's not a special term of endearment either. It's more likely they aren't related because why refer to your sibling who dresses in the same style and makeup as you do as your friend for years? It's not like either of them were hiding their interests or anything.
No. 333010
File: 1722200154746.jpg (178.9 KB, 700x1064, 1.jpg)

>>333009She also tells a fan who asks her to adopt them that she only has experience being a big sister, so it's likely she has younger siblings that don't participate in her social media
No. 333011
File: 1722200185439.jpg (251.85 KB, 1364x619, 2.jpg)

>>333009And here's her calling her other friends pals, so again not a special term for a sibling or something.
No. 333013
File: 1722200751402.mp4 (3.13 MB, 1080x1920, Video-746.mp4)

No. 333042
So who do you think started the ugly black/pink hair? Did Addy copy him or did he skinwalk Addy?
>>333037They aren’t wrong, she could still be getting some kind of kick out of pretending they’re siblings. Tbf they were also both hideous and looked similar, same potato faces.
No. 333043
File: 1722245412534.png (318.07 KB, 720x1058, makeup.png)

>>333033>>333027The timing is interesting
No. 333044
File: 1722245945201.jpeg (1.49 MB, 3899x3376, D671F1F6-D20E-4273-AF37-C322E6…)

>>333042The both having part black and coloured hair was just the trend in 2020 with the rise of e-girl content.
Juicy copied Addy on the AliExpress wanna be Ramona Flowers goggles. Wears them religiously to cover the severe balding.
No. 333048
File: 1722251779326.png (790.27 KB, 1080x1080, click looking ass .png)

>>333013so people say she looks cute without makeup itt and she couldn't wait at least a week before posting "just a reminder. I'm cute without makeup!" At least stand up straight and take off the blurry ass filter off your face jfc not even jill is this blatant catfish.
and before the wks start. her skin looks like that overly airbrushed click meme google tiktok filter please
No. 333062
File: 1722264690014.jpg (143.39 KB, 1072x1068, 1234567.jpg)

>>333013Kek. No make-up. Only eyeshadow, lower lashes, contacts, and seemingly drawn eyebrows. Possibly some baselayer too but her skin is so blurred out it may also be the filter.
No. 333063
>>333062Nona, it's literally a beauty filter cracked up to the max so the blur is also the most there is.
Tuna uses something similar, with clearly digitally added on lashes.
No. 333073
>>333068Do they live together now? He has twice as many followers as her on tiktok, so if they both make money off of tiktok's creator program he probably does better than her.
I don't think he got kicked out because he was already openly crossdressing and doing egirl makeup tutorials since 2020, long before he trooned out last year. I feel like if his family had issues they would've ditched him long ago. It's not much different other than he and Addy making videos about transphobia now. A common troon complaint is that they didn't get to "live childhood as a girl" and Addy is a huge handmaiden, so I think it's related to that. It's still incredibly creepy, what's wrong with referring to each other as best friends?
No. 333076
>>333073We're talking about a moid that has a fetish for being a woman and a woman who thinks is cooler than the north pole and is into incest stuff, it was almost logical at this point kek.
He gets to larp as a "sister" who skinwalks his sister, she gets to do weird videos for the world to see, gets a few followers for being the ultimate handmaid that 100% accepts troons and manages to finally look ugüu small compared to the hulking troon, so now she doesn't need to film with real women that will show that she's not exactly the prettiest real animu character on tiktok.
Like, does she even have any videos in which she's next to another woman? As in, in the same frames, next to a woman, not pointing at her and pointing at herself.
No. 333082
>>333073Addy lives with her boyfriend down south, close enough for her to commute to the Bandai office in London.
Robin lives in Wales and has been streaming/making content in the same tiny bedroom for the past four years. Used to make content with other Welsh cosplayers but since transitioning doesn't seem to bother with them anymore. Posted stories of going to see family for Christmas, so doesn't live with them (no screencaps as months ago sorry.)
Not related. Live different parts of the UK entirely. Just stays round Addys for any London events/cons they go to together and bulk make a load of content every time.
No. 333084
File: 1722293301479.jpg (327.54 KB, 1290x2293, 453195853_18443626186030812_81…)

>>333073>I don't think he got kicked out because he was already openly crossdressing and doing egirl makeup tutorials since 2020This, and his mother seemed to know about his content, since I think she appeared on his early videos, didn't she? Someone posted screencaps of him trying on his mother's shirt last thread.
>>330517 >>330519
>>333076>look ugüu small compared to the hulking troonActually, he is a manlet, lmao. Picrel.
>does she even have any videos in which she's next to another woman?I think I have seen a vlog from one of her friends who isn't into alt clothes, but is a consoomer and a sonicofag. Addy hung out with her friend to consoom and buy minisoo shit. However, I don't think she made similar content. It's true she doesn't seem to post content with other women, even if other women do post content with her. If anything, she might post on her stories about it, like maybe sharing the stories of her female friends, but nothing else.
>>333082Anon, who are you.
No. 333086
File: 1722293435528.mp4 (417.17 KB, 1080x1918, An8v9NPrq_4TUKV8vC0Iaj7RAmyE7D…)

She's going to be modelling soon
No. 333088
>>333086Not much of a flex. I've seen con fashion shows for BTSSB (Japanese lolita brand, for those who don't know) and the models were all uggos and fatties. I expect it to be the same for this "fashion show".
>>333084>Anon, who are youI'm wondering the same thing because this is a lot of information to know. Anon has got to be an ex friend or something, right?
No. 333090
>>333088I mean it makes sense, con fashion shows are all volunteers, so they generally take what they can get.
>>333089Looked up the assistant brand manager role she hypes up so much. She doesn't meet the qualifications for the job judging by their current job listings, you need a minimum of three years experience in the field on top of a bachelors in marketing/business. I'm not sure why they'd hire her unless she has some sort of an in?
No. 333091
>>333089Yes she once mentioned living close to Bandai
>>333090She explains how she got the job here
>>331615 No. 333094
>>333090I'm suspecting she already had an "in", like a friend on the inside. Not sure what her family does, but it's possible there were connections.
>>333092Perhaps Bandai counts social media as "experience"? Kind of ridiculous.
No. 333112
File: 1722377834627.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1284x1439, D5C409DA-5985-4D89-92C0-E6A4D7…)

Juicy just posted photos from a premiere and tagged a friend in them. Looking on the friends account there are many photos over the years of them both together.
>>331621 speculated is correct.
No. 333122
File: 1722389389910.png (282.71 KB, 720x1265, roblox.png)

>>332899Am I tripping or is she directly addressing her thread?
No. 333125
File: 1722390350139.png (599.41 KB, 720x1256, hatoful boyfriend.png)

No. 333131
>>333125Don't tell me see calls the stupid pigeon vn
problematic too
No. 333134
>>333122Could be her referencing this
>>332899 lmao. Between this and the adam sandler thing, I'm getting more attention from her than her followers will ever get. Kinda sad. She has already forgotten about her discord and she doesn't seem to be working on the cutecore video she promised to do, kek.
No. 333138
>>333131My girl, people who actually played HB in full know it's about severe trauma, has child death, decapitation, body horror, genocide and a lot of other stuff.
I wonder if she actually completed the game and would talk about that.
Also wonder if she'd say it's
problematic or whatever.
No. 333148
File: 1722431185116.jpeg (32.19 KB, 739x415, images - 2024-07-31T230430.598…)

>>333138Okosan turns into a fucking pudding, how is it not a massive shit post
No. 333165
File: 1722449293132.jpeg (35.72 KB, 314x339, 59879B2E-AB94-4768-B94B-10BF46…)

Both Robin/Ash and Addy lurk the page so hard. It’s as if they’re just refreshing it constantly.
The mate tagged in the post on
>>333112 has been on a deleting spree of any photos of Juicy on his account. An account called @lazulitefilms was tagged on the photos with Juicy in, those accounts have been deactivated from Instagram and Facebook too. Something to hide or just embarrassed?
>>333125I feel there are so many topics that could be spoken about content wise, like new Japanese fashion trends from actual sources in Japan. Just dragging up not too long ago weeb popculture is pointless when it’s still in present memory. It’s not nostalgic or interesting to ‘deep dive’ such topics like HB. The anime figure videos are a bore too.
(off-topic) No. 333187
File: 1722476516843.png (1.3 MB, 1080x2256, Screenshot_20240801_023742_Sam…)

Was telling a friend about addy and her shilling porn figs to minors so went to look up this fucking fig for context and look who's face is in the top 5 image results. Fml this girl is gonna make herself unemployable with this shit I swear
No. 333188
>>333131She calls it one of the weirdest she has ever played
No. 333190
File: 1722477499264.mp4 (384.34 KB, 1080x1918, An-helaGl5sDZyd7oNNghMP9AQpXy7…)

Addy did another q&a
No. 333191
File: 1722477745710.jpg (457.25 KB, 1290x2293, 453615089_18444066757030812_63…)

>>333190Here's what she said about "gently approaching" people that don't like her
No. 333193
File: 1722477949499.jpg (527.75 KB, 1290x2293, 453655291_18444082309030812_18…)

>>333191Stuff about influencer friends
No. 333195
File: 1722480003883.png (9.99 MB, 5083x2205, tips about her job.png)

>>333194>>333192Here's more about her job
No. 333197
File: 1722481956202.gif (6.05 MB, 400x711, ezgif-4-557bab79c6.gif)

No. 333200
File: 1722486254367.png (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 1400x788, 1000048548.png)

>>333188Weirder than totono?? Spoiler because of ugly anime girl that she has cosplayed before doing a weird ass face on bed while saying something retarded.
No. 333205
>>333200I don't know why you even brought this one up. Yes, compared, the pigeon dating sim is weirder. Mainly because Totono is an already constantly reused scenario/trope. Dating sim is a thing, but this is birds and like this anon says
>>333148 Saya No Uta is even stranger than Totono too. There's no many other games that are.
No. 333211
File: 1722497196187.png (515.95 KB, 640x477, shhwhtthfck.png)

>>333208I am the anon who brought up Hatoful being dark. Because it is. On the surface it would seem a weird shitpost game and most people regard it as such.
I just wonder, how she would compare explicit sexual content including minors like in Totono among other shit to the actual stuff that happens in Hatoful.
And if she would address a surface-shitpost-deeper-horror game the same as she adresses her favourite porn shlock which is apparently worth it on the merit of psychological horror.
Doesthedogdie for Hatoful includes child (the heroine is a child)/animal abuse and death, drug use, cannibalism, being burned alive, amputation, mutilation, torture, body horror and so on and so on.
And sure, it's birds. It is still described.
My main question is how would she compare that to explicit drawings of the same things she thinks are okay because the plot is good, lmao.
Also tbh I am a bit of a Hato nerd and I am tired of misinformation about it. Because it does get into very dark uncomfortable themes. But most people say it's "haha funny bird game", at most "with a twist".
If someone is going to be bothered by the horror in Hatoful, you should not just say it's a joke game. Because someone who came for funny pigeon dates will get so much whiplash from the true route. And the sequel. Which explicitly has suicide and a diary of a suicidal person in full.
No. 333227
File: 1722530557266.mp4 (408.51 KB, 1080x1918, An8C-9SSFsirJZxVu5F6wGNnTGPEfo…)

What does she mean with consultation?
No. 333239
File: 1722536199799.png (645.29 KB, 720x1234, snow.png)

Cow crossover
No. 333243
>>333238Now with her experience from Bandai on her CV and it being a big brand, it’s probably quite easy for her to find freelance clients through Indeed or even people coming to her on their own accord for consultations.
>>333239Claims to be a trans/NB ally yet immediately ‘she/hers’ someone with they/them in their bios.
No. 333247
>>333243I do not believe for a single second any brand outside of dropshipping bullshit is approaching her for any "advice" about how to post on social media for updoots and engagement. She makes videos talking about plastic titty figures and Japanese cartoons kek
>Claims to be a trans/NB ally yet immediately ‘she/hers’ someone with they/them in their biosGood, who gives a shit.
No. 333249
>>333238I don't know why you keep complaining about qualifications when they are right in your face. >growing fanbase
>grabbing attention through videos>how to work the algorithm>has an idea of what people in that demographic want to seeThere's a whole lot of things she has going for her that makes her payable to be a social media consultant. Stop being ignorant because she doesn't have some degree about this. No one online who is an influencer has a degree on how to be an influencer and social media ambassador/liaison/consultant. It's just something you do.
No. 333359
>>333271>if you need me to explain what she's done please dm!>for people asking me, let me make a story!!she's craving attention so bad it's ridiculous.
ot but i'm reading the snow thread and 2 years ago there were anons entertaining and defending the she/they pronouns, wild
No. 333363
File: 1722697343137.mp4 (1.78 MB, 720x1280, C941D80EA70AA9916B582134926DA6…)

There's no way she's as "smol" as she says she is(nitpicking)
No. 333379
File: 1722722413864.jpg (76.44 KB, 937x768, 1234567.jpg)

>>333368Doesn't matter for the point. Even if you wanna ignore that she's not short without those shoes either, this is not the body of an uwu smol person kek.
I'm kinda suprised she posted this, normally she tries to use angles that hide how huge her body is.
No. 333383
File: 1722728398338.jpeg (22.47 KB, 190x266, IMG_0605.jpeg)

>>333379She’s not even particularly fat, she’s just painfully average in every way.
Doesn’t seem like she’d be particularly memorable by any reach so she probably just got into surface level weeb shit and has her tard goggles and pink streak to have her own “trademarked” look bc otherwise, she’d be any other doughy, weeby white girl.
No. 333384
>>333379It's funny because she's called herself "a baby face that still gets carded uwu". No one is thinking she's under 21, for a lot of places it's just standard to ask to show ID no matter the age, you could be 50 and still get carded.
At most, she just dresses like an immature sped in high school trying to be an "alt" egirl for attention. That's the only reason she may get mistaken for being younger. Not a good thing.
No. 333389
>>333386I'm not specifically in the UK, but I'm in "the west" and most liquor stores card even if you look well beyond 21, it's just standard procedure for most. Many bars have that policy as well. What I'm saying is it's not the flex Addy thinks it is to say "I still get carded". If she thinks she's getting mistaken for a smol uwu young teen girl when she gets asked for an ID, she's wrong.
>>333385She is 25. The only possible reason she could be mistaken for younger is for the retarded way she dresses herself. The Hot Topic pants and goggles make her look like a stinky immature weeaboo.
>>333387>But she ain't no baby face like she implies she isDefinitely not, her face looks in her 20s.
No. 333402
File: 1722747133315.png (612.34 KB, 720x1255, hmmm.png)

What is this drama about?
No. 333422
>>333412Just because your tiny brain can't comprehend how things might be different around the world doesn't mean they are.
So many fucking tweens here now.
No. 333443
File: 1722825153512.mp4 (567.58 KB, 1080x1918, An9NQFe-kVLIufrIgfDz4c1SiWyVUE…)

No. 333445
File: 1722825305342.mp4 (1.6 MB, 1080x1920, Video-24.mp4)

No. 333459
>>333454The video from the show was so awkward. The hulking posture, cringe poses and frumpiness. It was a painful watch (could another anon post it as it wouldn't upload for me).
Juicy hiding the ever receding hairline under a combo of a thick headband and those ugly ass goggles, plodding down the stage with a face like a slapped arse.
The girls look the part and then they just plonk that token fried haired frump in the middle.
I suppose the other unknown girls look more what Listen Flavour has as models theirselves (minus LF's crazy editing of their models faces) but those two just stick out like sore thumbs. The fact LF probably paid in merchandise to them to 'showcase' the collection. Honestly a waste of time, nobody is inspired to buy those pieces seeing that.
(this is an imageboard) No. 333472
File: 1722893330317.mp4 (2.32 MB, 576x1024, 8a1ec1c9a6b98826e27257dd9b678e…)

>>331611Addy reposted this tiktok which is funny considering how many times we've seen her be into incest media so like addy choose which one it is or do you just wanna be ultimate moralfag
No. 333473
File: 1722893372861.png (1.38 MB, 1080x2168, Screenshot_20240805_222122_Tik…)

>>333472Samefag with screenshot proof of her reposting it
No. 333475
File: 1722903809014.mp4 (3.24 MB, 1080x1920, An_35ZCTqSvuBU1mHqtwpPW4nmc6ab…)

>the entire Skins cast is Jirai Kei leaning
This woman babbles about ragebait so much, but she is the first to use it, kekw.
No. 333478
File: 1722906557249.mp4 (19.04 MB, Snaptik.app_739974538444623388…)

>>333477Full video, will try to post the transcript soon
No. 333498
>>333478Only posting some parts:
>What is the most toxic J fashion style and why is it always Jirai-kei? You are giving the 2000s EGL community a run for its money. This is apparently going to be my most controversial fashion opinion, but I don't think that you need to have an ED, you need to actively SH, you need to be open about your trauma in order to wear a fashion. It's genuinely scary to me how many young teenagers who are femme-presenting are feeling the need and pressure to do these things or be open about these things in order to wear Jirai-kei fashion. Or any type of fashion style.>As somebody who was a CAMS kid, a regular hospital resident, as somebody who's had these issues for over 10 years, I can tell you with certainty, they are not something to be proud of, to boast about, and to encourage to others. It is okay to struggle with these issues, to have these issues. I unfortunately know all too well how it feels to be in that headspace, but what isn't okay is to use them as an entry requirement to what people can buy with their own money and wear on their bodies. And I'm gonna be honest, if you want to wear Jirai-kei fashion, I wouldn't even encourage you to join a community or make friends within that space, because more often than not, the space isn't a healthy place to be in. And I can't lie, there is an inherent sense of privilege from a lot of people when you are able to sit in a heated home, complaining about poses or fake Jirai-kei girlies>And again that's a good thing, you don't want to have to do papa-katsu, you don't want to have to do compensated dating, it's not necessarily a choice that many of these women and girls have. But to sit there and speculate on other people's well-being and if they deserve to wear a fashion style that you yourself bought into is insane to me. It is insane to me to punish other people for not posting harmful content. Just a reminder that you don't need to have a certain body type, skin color, or you don't need to disclose certain issues or have certain issues in order to enjoy a style. We're going by the Western Jirai-kei standards of who can wear the fashion. Most of the UK who are teenagers in the early 2010s or before would qualify. Recovery is an ongoing process. Avoiding triggers and being able to manage triggers is an ongoing process. But I would never and have never encouraged anyone to see these issues as something anything other than they are, which is an illness. It's trauma. Please don't feel like you need to prove anything to anyone when it comes to a fashion style. No. 333499
>>333478I can't even comment on the content of her video with how distracting her twitching out the entire time is. Girl settle down.
>>333454I always assumed he borrowed Addy's stupid goggles but he actually has his own pair. How does his blatant skinwalking not make her feel so uncomfortable?
>>333491There were probably some stragglers but even in my city where we didn't see trends until 5 years later emos had all moved on to be hipsters by like 2010.
No. 333500
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>jirai peter griffin
No. 333501
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Not milk so I'm sageing but I guess some nonnas could find it interesting.
No. 333503
File: 1722953844709.png (486 KB, 770x664, 8d75a3d1-ff87-4993-a760-42622c…)

>>333402I hope the "keep women safe" part is genuine.
No. 333511
File: 1722961199493.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1284x2274, 5FC94ADC-9E1D-4340-BCF2-246AD4…)

>>333505I think the sperging and BPD spiral she's on is because she's getting cyberbullied on twitter. They're mostly children but she just continues to take the bait…
No. 333517
>>333511That skirt / blouse combo is made by a western brand so I'm not surprised the quality may not be the best
No. 333521
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>>333519He looks just like her.
No. 333522
File: 1722965948151.png (1.24 MB, 1039x740, holy friggin sweet.png)

>>333519How unfortunate kek they have the same silhouette
No. 333526
>>333511There's a lot of infighting between twittertards hating on her and defending her. She's simultaneously an easy target for the jirai kiddies to shit on who are terrified of being over 100 lbs and of posting any selfie without 1000 filters on it, and an easy target for randoms to project onto because she's overweight and average looking, the more "relatable" looking influencer has been blowing up more in all tiktok spheres lately. Without knowing the context behind why people hate her (
victim blamer and rapist apologist with defending Chris Chan for raping his mom, constant misinfo about jfashion, misogynist, pretending to be bisexual, lolicon who calls other people "
sus" for liking similar media, calls people out for "romanticizing" their mental illness while using her own as a shield, bullying literal 15-16 year old children, hypocrite in general, etc) it just looks like teenagers making fun of some random fat girl for her looks.
No. 333535
>>333503>I hope the "keep women safe" part is genuine.She supports troons going into women's bathrooms and troons beating up women in sports. Of course she doesn't genuinely mean it.
>>333521>>333522KEK I really thought this was fanart. Literally the same.
No. 333536
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No. 333554
File: 1723017560199.png (60.15 KB, 300x100, 1722978047810.png)

>>333547The booth vendor gifted it to her and now I wonder if she did it out of spite kek
No. 333557
>>333536>Literally harassed a 16-year-old for "wrongthink" and has made multiple IG stories bullying tweens on TwitterShe has no self awareness.
>>333547I thought the same thing since we've seen Addy commission art of herself before.
No. 333562
File: 1723045017256.jpg (166.31 KB, 482x800, IMG_7602.jpg)

non-milk but this is her to a T from here >>362429 why is this phenotype so common
No. 333584
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>and for anyone wondering when I first got into hello kitty, it must have been when I was around 4 years old
One day she is gonna claim she was born with her stupid dyed hair, like the chuuni she is.
No. 333589
File: 1723083479400.png (700.32 KB, 1080x1080, 1000010235.png)

>>333536I actually came across this yesterday. Then I got on LC and saw that y’all were talking about this, which I obviously associated with what I had seen. I felt too lazy to go back and screenshot it, so here it is now. It doesn’t seem that far-fetched since we know Addy lurks everywhere, but I’m saging in case it’s just my own retardation. The Jirai Kei Reddit girlies have been debating whether it’s
valid for them to call themselves Jirai. This post gained a lot of traction, with comments praising OP and asking if they’re mentally ill and dysfunctional enough to be Jirai kek. Now onto the bullying part. Please enjoy this tale and read along with my beautiful screenshots… No. 333590
File: 1723083545422.png (977.83 KB, 1080x1350, 1000010240.png)

>>333589Someone also posted about SHEIN selling Jirai Kei clothing. Comments discuss the poor quality, concerns about lead in the clothes, child labor, and the usual shenanigans. Then, a wild commenter appears. Meet margarine hater, a loli/shotacon who loves yaoi! She’s too poor and fat for authentic Jirai Kei clothing, and the girlies do NOT want to accept this, kek. The OP from the previous post ends up in a fight with her, calling her out on her perversions, her lack of fashion sense, and ultimately telling her to kill herself! No. 333593
File: 1723083650460.png (755.43 KB, 1080x1350, 1000010244.png)

>>333591Our sweet heroine posts on the subreddit, calling out her fellow landmines for all of their isms and phobias, but the fight only intensifies. Everyone bullies her for her innocent shopping and media preferences. The end. Rest in peace, Saint Margarine.
(post proof that this is addy or stop the tinfoil) No. 333600
File: 1723097410114.png (365.86 KB, 720x1258, 1.png)

More Addy jirai yapping
No. 333612
>>333602Great uplifting message addy, so why choose to mass consume media about child abuse/SA/incest that doesn't treat the subjects with respect, why tattoo that stuff onto your body (a literal kaweewee boxcutter), why pick a fashion style (within the past year mind you) and call yourself a member of a style revolving around "landmine" behavior? I just don't get it. She seems to want to be a
victim so badly for just being a slightly chubby kid or something.
No. 333613
>>333602I think some old pics of her have been posted on her threads and she never looked like an anachan so the ED she's speaking about sounds performative to me. I mean, she's not fat not don't look like she ever was but clearly she was never frail and skinny
Also funny how she feels the need to list off her mental illnesses just to say you don't need to have them to wear jirai kei. It's like a weird brag, especially given the sick community around
No. 333650
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No. 333651
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No. 333652
File: 1723157850873.png (1.2 MB, 720x1264, avocado.png)

addy's proof of calorie counting
No. 333663
>>333652The blatant post-lurk of her trying to ‘prove’ to us she was heavily disordered when she’s always been a midsized UK 12 (yet thinks vanity sizing makes her a 10).
As nonas have said, giving disordered ideas to her young audience is a massive yikes.
No. 333670
>>333669>>333652It's like she's purposefully trying to
trigger the rattlers. If she really was eating mostly avocados for many years straight she'd look like our very own unicorn princess at best. Even that one ana body builder ate more than that and she was sticks and bones. Awful lie, and awful encouragement to her child audience, I'm sure they won't try to follow in those footsteps.
Watch her have a melt down after lurking here.
No. 333673
>>333670I don't understand why she had the need to take a screenshot of that avocado post just to "show the haters". "Look! I totally did starve myself ten years ago!" whatever man, what about all the people that will see that and follow her example? She really didn't think this through. You can say "don't starve yourself" without being and attention seeking person. Because showing that online really comes across as attention seeking. Also no
trigger warning? Even the ghibli statue video had one.
No. 333675
>>333651kek it does
why is it milky?
No. 333680
>>333652I mean, this is very mentally ill behaviour (just not in the way she thinks it is) so good for her for being on-brand I guess? Kek. Repeatedly bringing up how people in these fandoms/fashion subcultures will shame you and promote thinness, then posting stuff like this, is
very sketchy.
No. 333697
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>>333651I know it’s really easy to see the resemblance but it’d also be funny if she stole this joke off of CapsuleBunny who said the same thing
No. 333716
>>333714Anon, she's saying here
>>333652That all she ate ever since she was 15 Yeats old was an avocado
>this was my only mealCoffee, green tea and that she would go to the 24h gym.
She's implying that she was an orthorexic anachan who would workout daily with only a single avocado, coffee and green tea as fuel.
She's not being vague, she's clearly saying that, if she was like
>I used to have an EDAnd that's it I would understand giving her the benefit of the doubt but I don't think you can workout daily eating one avocado a day and then looking like Addy does who resembles a fridge or a barrel at worst and looks normal at best.
She's clearly larping as an anachan because that's what all weebs are obsessed with, but she knows she will never be able to wear the mezzopiano, so she has to pretend she doesn't wish she was anachan levels of skinny.
No. 333718
>>333714she’s not an ana chan. even jill who said she was ana as a teenager was not underweight but still clearly on the lower end of bmi at that time. a side effect of anorexia is weight loss because you literally starve yourself. addy has always been chubby/overweight based on her old pictures. with her consistent higher weights it’s more likely she has binge eating disorder or bulimia, it’s offputting for her to larp as ana. i guess she can’t get enough mental illness asspat points from having them though so she lies, people are more sympathetic to ana-chans than the other two
>>333706there are WAY more fatties that are just fatties than recovered anachans.
(derailing) No. 333720
File: 1723311669884.png (682.65 KB, 720x1259, sephlepod.png)

She always says shit about how much she loves sea animals and can't even spell cephalopod right
No. 333721
>>333652an avocado has 300 calories at best.
add the light mayo and that's 350 calories in the best case scenario. addy is outright claiming that is the only meal she has all day. even the most extreme anachans will low restrict with 600-800 cals for a longer period of time. addy's body has always been stocky. why lie like this? most of addy's problems would be solved by growing a thicker skin and not arguing with teens
No. 333722
File: 1723314569643.gif (14.33 MB, 600x1297, IMG_4394.gif)

She looks like fast Morshu in her video of her defending Aoi from last thread
No. 333738
File: 1723362546469.png (555.34 KB, 931x496, memes.png)

The memes she tends to showcase after her outfit pictures are so gross
No. 333742
>>333738She surrounds herself with nasty gooners and troons, and it shows in her choice of memes.
>>333652She loves to over exaggerate and even flat out lie about things if she thinks it makes her look "wise". There's no way she was only eating 1 avocado everyday. She would've lost weight and yet all her photos show her being slightly overweight. She really thinks people believe the stupidity she tries to sell.
No. 333770
>>332286This is so weird to me like obviously I feel bad that PPP died and don’t get me wrong I do believe there were people who were happy about her death, I mean this is the internet people will act shitty like that all the time no matter what, but I feel like she’s just using this to promote her dislike of gossip websites like lolcow and GuruGossip, can’t speak for GG as I don’t lurk there much but nobody here wanted Alex dead and no one was happy when she died beyond like 2 anons who got banned anyways. The only time I’ve seen anyone on any gossip site be happy when a person died was KiwiFarms and even then they only really have that attitude for like pedos and stuff
No. 333778
File: 1723409241854.gif (13.71 MB, 648x810, A3AC00CA-323D-429D-8991-2793B6…)

Her editing on her newest post is insane. Just casually shaving half her face and chin off. She can’t go a single video or photo anymore without putting heavy face changing and slimming Snow filters on. I sense a BPD episode behind the scenes what with her manic rants and trying to ‘prove’ how mentally unwell she is to Jirai Kei kids, along with the total reliance of heavy editing. She needs to just log off and touch grass.
No. 333782
>>333725I went looking cause I wanted to know too, here ya go nona:
>>329427She talks so much but doesn't have anything to say. She could've just responded "1. Many people don't play these kind of games (pornfried coomer shit)and wouldn't know who Aoi is and 2. I was engagement farming." Simple as.
No. 333789
>>333774Yea, the cause was released yesterday, so while Addy didn't know it still makes her look dreadful. But being honest I'd rather she don't remember to update regarding. It'd probably be just as tone deaf as her first and like
>>333770 said no one wanted her to die especially of something that's extremely rare.
No. 333794
File: 1723448951036.jpg (132.58 KB, 1200x676, paula-vazquez-via-ap-152474307…)

>>333778face really goes from jpop idol to some potato farmer woman
No. 333797
File: 1723465255712.mp4 (1.86 MB, 720x1280, 9C447C27A2A692462D583D907FCF4A…)

Place your bets, it'll be a septum or a lip piercing
No. 333803
File: 1723472180241.jpeg (117.06 KB, 613x352, IMG_9877.jpeg)

>>333797wtf is that, did the filter freak out?
No. 333815
>>333797Why is the pink at the back of her head way longer than the black tufts sticking out the side of her head? If she’s growing out the undercut she should have just dyed it black at the back so it matches the rest, it looks so peculiar.
I’m guessing she’ll get one of those really cheap looking septums with the ball either end or an eyebrow piercing, I know you won’t be able to see it because of her fringe but I feel that might lend to why she would get that..
No. 333828
File: 1723497157077.jpeg (157.55 KB, 1144x661, 6847AF81-81E0-478E-8C0B-BFE493…)

>tfw you’re getting smoked by children on Dress to Impress.
No. 333838
>>333778>Everyone I don't like has bpdOh brother… I don't like the bitch but sometimes ya'll are so fucking petty. She's just average, not fat, not ugly. Just average.
>>333791This, some editing but it's nothing that drastic.
No. 333841
>>333801I thought she cut her own hair considering how awful it looks.
>>333836Just report the whiteknight, it's probably one of her retarded pickme friends or the many troons that orbit her.
>>333839She looks better with long hair, but insists on having the "Lain" haircut to look special (ed). Those side pieces are way too wide for the style she's trying to go for.
No. 333855
>>333847It is, I thought about that too kek. I guess bleaching just a small streak is too difficult. She’s “alt” in the way that any egirl TikToker buying pre-made, copy-paste shit is “alt”.
Watch her now make a video whining about how “not everyone can DIY!1!! uwu”
>>333853Exactly. No one is jealous of her plastic bag wearing, troon ass kissing, tween girl seething ass.
No. 333861
>>333859Did you even read? Addy doesn't cut or dye her hair, she goes to a hair stylist. It’s in her TikTok. So yes someone is actually willing to take her money to do a shitty “anime” haircut.
>>333860>phobicKEK called it, we got a tranny or a handmaiden. Crawl back up Addy’s ass where you came from, faggot.
(taking the bait) No. 333866
>>333864Your whole post before deleting it was about how it’s OK to do your own hair, but she doesn’t even do that.
Anyways, Addy inflates herself as the most alt person ever. That’s the only reason why anons are nitpicking about that. Even you said lots of alt people cut their own hair because they can’t get it done in a salon. If she wants to be this uber alternative spokesperson, she could at least try DIY. It’s not even that complicated of a cut or dye.
No. 333878
>>333828This is what she looks like without the pounds of makeup and fuzzy uwu filters?! I gasped.
>>333833This is strangely accurate right down to the 5 o'clock shadow somehow. I'm in shock at her real face nonnas.
No. 333904
>>333896Anon, this
>>333828 is clearly not her real face, it's a cherry picked screenshot from her live. She can't change her britbong milkmaid face that much without a masculine filter on. Vidrel is her face with no filters. It's still way different but it doesn't look like that filter at all.
No. 333934
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How is content creation as bad as customer service?? It's really not
No. 333940
File: 1723573953408.jpg (300.6 KB, 1080x655, 1000026772.jpg)

>>333889>>333904kek, sure anon. She looks exactly the same. That IS her real face.
No. 333971
>>333813Nonnie won the guess.
They’re over ten years ‘out of fashion’ and they weren’t cool back then.
No. 333975
>>333969Did you see how she was trying to make a private server with her ass-patters because she just kept flopping and losing over and over again against 14-year-olds? Lmao.
She didn't manage to create one, but by the middle of the stream, majority of her followers were playing in the same room as her and she kept getting 1st place. Then she was like "uwu you guys, I don't deserve to win, I don't, noo uwu". And her whiteknights have the audicity to come here to tell us we are jealous, kek.
No. 333976
>>333975Nah I jumped in near the end when she was making that “Devil Wears Prada” outfit so I missed that part. I thought it was weird she won because those kids wouldn’t know that movie kek.
She always needs validation and asspats, it’s really pathetic. It’s why she goes into people’s DMs whenever they have a different opinion than her or criticize her. She can’t handle it. She has really thin skin for an “influencer”.
No. 333999
File: 1723640712648.jpg (536.48 KB, 1290x2293, 454658254_18446542735030812_51…)

>>333940She was wearing makeup.
No. 334003
>>333999She wore makeup for yesterdays stream, as probably saw posts on here from her makeupless stream the day before and felt she needed her e-girl war paint.
I’m not sure if you’re insinuating the screenshot was an edit, but it wasn’t. That’s just how she looks, which is okay and just normal. It’s more just pointing out the stark contrast to her actual face and the ridiculous image/video manipulation through Snow and Instagram filters for her content.
No. 334011
>>333940she should stop with the clown paint, black dye and ramona flowers skinwalker haircut BPD girl from 2015. she can keep the pink streak, but the black dye only emphasizes the moon shape of her face and makes her features harsher. the ramona haircut also emphasizes this, she should decide it's either short hair or long hair, not both.
for the eyes, she has close set eyebrows, meaning you can't abuse heavy eye makeup because it doesn't turns out to be good most of the time. simpler makeup suits better for this combo.
as for the lips, it's ironic she doesn't do anything about them while trying really hard to be a menhera egirl uwu. it's because she wants to be a jap menhera and not a western egirl, and most japanese makeup doesn't include lipstick. not a lip makeup expert but i don't think it was a good idea to get snake bites with those thin ass lips, because heavy pieces draw more attention there and it only suits to people with big lips. a single labret would've been better.end of the sperging.
No. 334012
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No. 334013
File: 1723659740688.png (964.76 KB, 720x1244, decora.png)

this is the girl with a career in jfashion
No. 334014
File: 1723661222239.jpeg (1.99 MB, 1284x1564, E40E33F2-56AC-4387-800A-AEF274…)

>>334013This new nose contour she’s been doing as of late is abhorrent. She’s toned down the crazy filters and editing on this one to a milder abuse of the Snow sliders, so that’s an improvement. One thing for sure is she looks so much better doing a normal happy smile and not that autistic side smile her and Juicy both do. Genuinely so much nicer to see.
No. 334021
>>334012Her answer describes perfectly her attitude towards anything. Just spew the bullshit that seems the most sjw/tranny-leaning and hope it clicks, without really educating yourself or doing anything to make her brain work.
>>334014>One thing for sure is she looks so much better doing a normal happy smile and not that autistic side smile.Miles better, I can't believe there are people over 16 that still think anime and cartoon expressions translate well into real life.
No. 334026
>>334022NTA but you’re kind of bringing that fight here if you’re going to argue about that.
Anyways, Addy probably wishes that she could sue for “cyber bullying”. She’s also made it clear she hates JK Rowling.
No. 334032
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No. 334050
File: 1723679254730.png (78.57 KB, 1314x290, dopaminedressing.png)

>>334049Obviously you didn't read close enough.
>decora inspired hairclips>I love the concept of dopamine dressingShe doesn't say it's Decora, just inspired and that she is "dopamine dressing". Decora is a lot more color-coordinated. She is just slapping pm whatever crap that she has on hand. Dopamine dressing doesn't equal Decora.
No. 334051
>>334031"Dopamine" style is trendy in China.
>>334049That's not what decora is.
No. 334097
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No. 334098
File: 1723729475392.png (827.49 KB, 720x1216, 534558732367_462573223674.png)

these are literal dragon ball z toys
No. 334134
>>334132KEK nona. That's an insult to manatees.
>>334111Exactly. I agree with most of the sentiment, but it's cringe that somebody from the UK is trying to tell Americans how to vote. None of this affects her so this is just virtue signalling. She should worry about her own country's problems.
No. 334151
>>334135>>334143>>334144How does US politics affect Addy?
>>334149She’s just parroting whatever she hears online.
No. 334157
>>334144>>334135>nonburgers say America isn't important and needs to stop thinking tits the center of the universe >"the results of the American election will affect us all"Which is it
She's an idiot for commenting. Influencers need to stay in their lane. It's the same thing as cryptobros claiming they're not financial advisers in the same breath that they give you financial advice to buy whatever shit coing they've got
Influencers always think their opinion is gospel, I'm not surprised to see her spout on about shit she doesn't understand. It doesn't matter if her audience is mostly American, no one in her audience is old enough to vote in the first place
No. 334166
File: 1723762140806.mp4 (9.46 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_740344872664932688…)

>I'm gonna go ahead and assume this person is probably quite young
Why does she keep ragging on teenagers for content? This is probably just rage bait anyways and she fell for it. She has no original ideas of her own.
No. 334198
File: 1723810501192.jpg (234.17 KB, 700x525, typicaladdy.jpg)

>>334166>This is probably just rage bait anyways and she fell for it.She didn't fell for it, she knows exactly what this is, but she chose to milk the ragebait to make more ragebait and stir up drama with a teenager.
>>334194Basically this. I guess this is why she insists so much on acting like a woman that never got past her "14-year-old weeaboo" phase, to be part of communities full of them. She loves to take advantage of the naivety of minors, either to get asspats from them or to argue from a position of power (being a known influencer with a bunch of followers).
No. 334203
File: 1723816150931.mp4 (515.76 KB, 1080x1918, An8sB0LO4R6ajIAbiRsBF8gOyOVI0A…)

No. 334205
>>334166I couldn't stand another second of her flapping her fat mouth to spout some condescending know-it-all bullshit so never go through the vid but I hate how unoriginal Jirai kei fashion and makeup is . Everyone just tries to copy a cookie-cutter look with hardly any variation, unlike lolita or gyaru of the past, hell, even coquette has more originality. No one is making it their own, they're just buying the same cheap ugly fast fashion outfits, doing the same overdone meitu/snow filters, same boring hair styles, etc. With most other fashions there's room to take inspiration and make it fresh and your own while still staying true to the theme but it doesn't seem to be the case with jirai kei. I am sick to death of it as an edgy subculture.
>>334189GIRL, SAME. I can't even watch her vids muted because her expressions alone are so irritating and smug as it is.
No. 334234
>>334189I uploaded the vid and couldn't even get through it myself kek. I watched maybe 30 seconds and then clicked off because it's so boring and yet grating at the same time.
The only thing of note is Addy acknowledging this person is young and doesn't know a lot, but is choosing to lecture and rant anyways just so she has something to post.
>>334194True, when she's arguing with teenagers with little to no experience, the playing field isn't even.
>>334204Kek very accurate description.
>>334209Yep. She's really slimming her jaw here and her lips are not really that big. If she wanted attention to her lips and was going to put a needle through them anyways, she could've gotten filler.
No. 334247
>>334245Kek is someone going around shooping all the cows??
Why? Petty comic book villain behaviour fr.
No. 334267
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No. 334277
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No. 334280
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>>334166this could be turned into one of those SJW caricatures
No. 334283
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>>334277Forgot to sage and the site won't let me post
No. 334289
>>334287They are referring to the japanese term for gay, 'okama'. There are crossdressers in the show on both male and female sides. The show is progressive and Haruhi shuts stuff like this down pretty quick. The whole story is putting rich people in their place.
How the hell does that go over her head and instead she see '
problematic anime uh oh'. Do these girls literally only read context at surface level or what?
No. 334290
>>334283NSO, Magical Shoujo Site, Totono, Alien 9, Saya no Uta, figures from School Days, figures from Oreimo are all okay because muh media literacy
But Hetalia, shipping Len and Kaito, and the "slurs" in Ouran are too much? She just hates stuff for women. She wants to be both an animecore egirl and someone who virtue-signals about muh
problematic anime at the same time
>>334289>Do these girls literally only read context at surface level or what?she doesn't analyze content herself. other tiktokers virtue-signal about slurs so she does too. someone has to tell her that monogatari was
problematic because she never watched it herself. so much for being always different
No. 334307
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>>334245Kek at people speculating I edited the screenshot. Here’s the image info. No editing app, just a screenshot, date and time from when her stream was running. She just be looking like that.
No. 334323
>>334321Kek I think that anon is underage. No adult would get confused over an obvious filter.
>>334307She really does look like human Shrek. Damn.
No. 334325
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No. 334327
>>334325Kek she's still lurking.
>>334326Anon, that's just what she looks like without makeup. You can see she still has the large face during these unfiltered interviews
>>333904 >>333913 No. 334331
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>>334326I’m not even the type of farmer to rage about cows being ugly, but she heavily abuses filters online and you need to let it go nonna. IRL she has a square face, double chin and a bit of a potato nose (partly because of her dogshit makeup that also makes her eyes look smaller)
These are untouched caps from the interview you can watch yourself upthread kekw, nothing wrong with her looks but it is insanely jarring compared to how she presents herself online.
No. 334344
>>334331This is really bad kek, she's like when Jillian was trying to go out wearing drag makeup, it looks like absolute shit without filters and editing apps.
Plus it's weird how she clings to that horrid hairstyle when there's more trendy styles, like the wolfcut, that could actually suit her face instead of making her look like a roblox character.
It's like she wants the "karen" hairstyle but wants to keep the full bangs because she thinks her forehead is too big or something.
No. 334369
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>block quietly and don't upset the poor little baby moid that has mental issues, girls! uwu!!
No. 334372
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>>334344>"karen" hairstyleThat's not a Karen cut kek. The hair and the goggles are Ramona Flowers manic pixie dream girl aesthetic, which she needs to be quirky and speshul.
No. 334386
>>334289Crazy how it's okay to sexualize children though. Is she going to virtue signal against a titan like One Peice because of the okama stuff too or is she too afraid of the blow back from an actually popular/current series?
>>334331Hard to believe she's only 25. I'm sure the shadows being cast by her ugly haircut really isn't helping either, but her overall face shape is so weirdly jowly for her age.
No. 334400
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>>334331ditching the fringe and kawiwi alt grrrl style would do her so many favors
No. 334458
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So many filters on
No. 334459
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No. 334470
>>334458People must be shocked when they meet her offline, she looks nothing like this. Also whhhhy is she going into such obnoxious detail over the snake bite recovery uwu? I get this is baby's first piercings, but everyone knows the process/swelling/etc? Who cares? Does she have no irl friends anymore now that the tranny has a boyfriend? She sounds lonely.
>>334459What is the joke supposed to be here?
No. 334493
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I can’t believe she’s trying to sell this manky necklace with badly yellowed resin for £10 and listed it as ‘Very Good condition’ sorry does she have eyes? It needs chucking in the bin. Looks like it’s been around a chain smokers neck for the past ten years.
No. 334503
>>334459Is she going to spontaneously combust if she doesn't simp for troons every 72 hours? Compare how she talks about JK Rowling and interests popular with woman vs Chris Chan / this pedo creep here
>>334369 and coombait for men
>>334470some troon made a joke observation about jk rowling's house having black mold because she had a mural on her walls in the background
No. 334529
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over a decades experience?
No. 334553
>>334540She doesn't glorify mental illness but has a tattoo of a cutter on her arm, kek.
>>331648I also didn't know you needed to build a portfolio and a CV to wear clothes, what the fuck? Kek.
>>334529It's just idiotic, people turning fashion into dumbass clubs is what makes newbies misinterpret and fuck up everything. Does Addy think that the world is an American cartoon with cliques everywhere?
No. 334572
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Addy complains about the consumerism of alternative fashions and says if you buy a Dollskill bag to seem alternative, you aren't alternative
No. 334574
>>334572She really must be running out of ideas. This whole rant was insufferable.
I guess for her, it’s OK to buy “pre-packaged” alt fashion made in sweatshops as long as the brand has a Japanese name attached to it.
No. 334575
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>>334572Kek, posers amiright Addy. Imagine trying to hypocrite your way into an aesthetic and then pretending it makes you authentic/an authority. She seems particularly pressed about this one, don't get me wrong it is retarded garbage but I wonder what exactly
triggered her ire kek
No. 334580
>>334578Oh yeah, she's completely right, I just think it's funny for
Addy of all people to get so riled up about muh lazy posers kek
No. 334588
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>>334098This is the full video
I don't really care if people display whatever they want in their own home but it's Addy and her big ass super sonico figure we're talking about
No. 334590
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Real alt people are strong enough to not care about people hating their looks and don't need to make videos beefing with teens and old people because they dared to look at her funny
>>334587She used to collab with Romwe all the time for starters
No. 334591
File: 1724257157840.gif (15.73 MB, 480x853, ezgif-5-edd247d3d2.gif)

>>334590example. She could block those comments without having to make light of them
No. 334607
>>334590Is she supposed to be using the old person filter here? Kek it looks like her unfiltered face.
her hair looks especially horrible jfcSomeone pointed out that Addy goes for teens and couldn't hold her own against 20 yos or someone older and now I need someone that age to call her out. She's legit bullying/harassing teenagers to feel superior and it's gross and pathetic. It's so lame that her followers haven't noticed.
No. 334621
>>334598I think maybe anon is referring to menhera and is shortening it to men for some reason? But it’s not even menhera that’s mentioned in the post (even though she likes that too), it’s jirai.
Those screenshots show she’s a hypocrite about “never ever glorifying self harm” though.
>>334595These look disgusting. What’s worse is someone actually bought them. That or she marked it as sold herself.
No. 334656
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Addy fattyjuku you look nothing like this character. The snow face chopping filters are getting to her brain n gaslighting her into thinking she’s a animu girl.
No. 334670
>>334669I'm surprised she's not claiming autism, POTS, or fibromyalgia.
>>334663My take was that her video on the DK bag was correct but hypocritical. She constantly moans about gatekeeping, fights with lifestyler jirais on twitter, and considers herself jirai for owning like 3 coords. She doesn't make her own clothes or cut her own hair
No. 334688
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brother made a video about this controversy
No. 334689
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wft is she talking about? No one is making her do anything kek
No. 334690
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another video on parasocialism. I guess having a thread and beefing with teens is getting to her
No. 334697
>>334688Friend not brother. The size of his gut in this video is repulsive. He’s been stacking on the pounds unsuccessfully hoping it’ll give him ‘tits’ by the looks of it.
>>334691She has on stories in the past, but I can’t quite remember if she claimed autism or just loosely claimed to be ‘neurospicy’.
No. 334701
>>334698You could call him "brother" then ig kekk
>>334690Filters didn't work quite well this time. You can see how square her human shrek face is
No. 334759
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Interesting how she changed her makeup style after it being constantly bashed on her thread
No. 334763
>>334761This is an outfit that an edgy 13-year-old would make.
>>334760Do people really need a daily update about piercings? She needs to get a journal.
It’s hard to even see whatever swelling she’s mentioning because in every single photo, she has a heavy blurring filter on.
No. 334764
>>334761She wants to be an early 2000s Gaia girly so bad. Surprised she hasn't made a "um actually " video about neopets/gaia online/maple story yet.
>>334763Tbh I think she just wanted to take selfies while she briefly had lips from the swelling. Of course she had to throw the yassifying filters over too though. The play by play of mundane every day things makes her sound lonely and like she has no friends.
No. 334768
>>334767It's an improvement, but we need to see what it looks like without the yassified face-slimming and eye-enlarging filters. I know she's wearing circle lenses + eyelashes (remember how crusty they were?) but they still seem a bit too wide when compared to candids
>>334331 I got a feeling she still looks like a sped.
No. 334793
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No. 334795
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anyone want to get the full video?
No. 334796
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No. 334797
File: 1724450340184.mp4 (10.87 MB, 576x1024, 1000007306.mp4)

more fast fashion sperging while wearing a polyester blouse
No. 334798
>>334793It could be just coincidence, but does anyone else find it peculiar that Addy doesn't have any friends that wear jirai or menhera? It's like only she can look "edgy" and no one else. Most group photos of her are with girls wearing pastels.
Kind of goes along with why she only picks on people that aren't from her own age demographic too. Meeting another person her age that wore her style would probably intimidate her.
>>334797But Addy has been sponsored by Romwe before. Don't think she's ever mentioned regretting it or whatever, she just goes straight to criticising other people like the huge hypocrite she always is.
No. 334806
>>334798Tbf she made a whole video about regretting the Rowme collab
>>334804I don't get it either, she seems genuinely unintelligent and sloppy to me even by Tiktok influencer standards. Dunning-Kruger-chan
No. 334811
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>>334804she's definitely at least a little self obsessed the way she yaps and films herself
No. 334812
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that makeup
No. 334813
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No. 334822
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>>334812her makeup still looks extremely heavy. can our j-fashion afficionado look at how japanese people tend to do their makeup?
No. 334823
>>334811i was wondering why she has this kind of hairstyle and then it hit me: she does the same thing vicki shingles does kekeke she’s like hiding how square her jaw is with those front sideburn pieces. and then i saw this
>>334793 and it’s like what vicki does she covers her jaw and chin area with her hands esp in pics she isn’t taking lmao that photoshop is almost as bad as shingles but clearly she’s not drunk enough to give us a real work of art.
No. 334830
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>>334823clocked that shit immediately. the only thing that slims your face is losing weight, even then though she will still have a block head.
No. 334839
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>>334807A lot of legit japanese brands (fast fashion or not) are usually partially gaudy.