File: 1560902012850.png (334.44 KB, 389x424, Lori's face of youth.png)

No. 54057
Usagi Kou/Lori Cerda/Lori Lune
Skinwalking cosplayer, known for skinwalking Sailor Moon and currently Skinwalking Zero Two. She has also been known to abuse multiple partners and is currently "engaged" to a younger cosplayer "KrookedKev".
>Believes she is the IRL perfect ZeroTwo, that ZeroTwo is based on her and everyone else is copying her>Suffers from an Eating Disorder and is proud of it. >She is know for abusing partners including mooching off family, demanding sex at inappropriate times, pressuring into engagement, cheating, stealing, breaking stuff, threatening to cry rape if she doesn't get her way. She has emerged from retirement to cause drama and abuse her boytoy.
Her Links:
Her Old FB - instagram - for a basic rundown on Lori thread:
>>24583 No. 54063
Her current Facebook: also noticed that both her and Kevin changed their Instagram profiles to say they enjoy spending time with their fiance, where it used to say boyfriend/girlfriend before. They must've changed that in the last couple weeks or so.
No. 54366
>>54341This is an image board, please post pics/receipts. I don't see which post you are referencing. All her recent posts look filtered to hell and back.
I mean, she's with Kevin for multiple reasons. He's her prop maker, photo taker, emotional punching bag, and meal ticket.
No. 54631
File: 1561248329917.png (17.44 KB, 453x218, 1cc240dcd5064390a1a9b68f8a1fa6…)

He's so desperate to prove to everyone he's not
No. 54643
>>54631With all this manic passive aggressive FB posting, is there a possibility it's Lori doing it? She did the same thing months ago when her weight came into question on here and conveniently she spammed her IG with pictures of herself calling herself a "smol bean."
I've known several people who have been in
abusive relationships and a lot of the abuse included the passwords and control over social media accounts. That said, it could very well be Kevin considering he's digging in his heels to prove everyone wrong that it's totes normal for a partner to systematically cut them from their friends and threaten to accuse them of rape.
No. 55166
File: 1561612242418.jpg (129.75 KB, 1080x1350, kevinshoop.jpg)

wtf how did kevin think this shoop looked good or was convincing in any way?
No. 55184
File: 1561627380921.png (296.58 KB, 458x495, 291501832061211.png)

>>55183Kevin out here shooping himself into this.
>>55166 No. 55228
File: 1561651365807.jpeg (189.36 KB, 750x1000, C98C218F-E3A7-43F2-9826-254D4A…)

No. 55229
File: 1561651443454.jpeg (268.9 KB, 750x975, 7FFD4A8B-C894-4640-97B0-D5609A…)

No. 55280
>>55229“Staying cool is important”
because you aren’t gonna roast in this suit?
No. 55559
File: 1561834537631.jpg (336.32 KB, 1080x1253, Screenshot_20190629-114701_Ins…)

Genuine question: does Zero Two ever have her foot showing through her suit like this? I'm a little confused by the way this looks…
No. 55612
File: 1561869792668.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x2143, 9CAC7DDC-3BD1-4234-8306-DBAD3E…)

Showing her shit for a toy… smfh
No. 55785
File: 1562017681462.jpg (128.39 KB, 1280x912, IMG_20190701_164356_522.jpg)

What a trouper <3
No. 55788
>>55785a lot of people that hate her (and by proxy him now) are going to AX including Moo. Wonder how all those people factors into the "minimal complications" of the good trip.
I don't know either of them in person. Does lori get up in people's face or does she hide from people who don't like her?
No. 55870
File: 1562095611683.jpg (71.61 KB, 1113x1280, IMG_20190702_142335_160.jpg)

>>55824She posted this on FB. It's an animated gif of a penguin attacking some guy, then it has a fake explosion. I think she does this before every convention though? Telling people not to mess with her or whatever.
No. 56222
File: 1562386743612.jpeg (163.75 KB, 750x670, 37413F4E-A679-4AAF-9D12-3B107E…)

Kevin finally went public. Screen recorded the video but it won’t let me post. She has like no reaction in it, probably because she forced it
No. 56223
File: 1562386814168.jpeg (243.5 KB, 750x941, 46B2CCAA-3EBD-4ECF-AC3E-147B69…)

No. 56227
File: 1562387847579.jpeg (374.8 KB, 750x1026, CFA7324F-50AC-4580-B2A6-7A1AA0…)

A pic from AX that wasn’t obscenely filtered by either of them
No. 56234
>>56225I don’t even know what to say about this “proposal.” He didn’t even put a ring on her. He just grabbed her hand and held it and they both had gloves on.
On top of that all she did was ask if he was “really sure” and then “then yes.”
Super super awkward especially considering what other anon said about them already being engaged. There wasn’t a need for this aside from attention.
No. 56237
File: 1562398684896.jpg (77.38 KB, 930x1500, 61E3foqg lL._SL1500_.jpg)

>>56227So busy cleaning the whole apartment and sewing his suit that she forgot to fix the open back shoe situation.
No. 56256
>>56225Haha what?? She says, "Oh boy," as Kevin gets on one knee, with no actual emotion to it. This was so weird and fake
>>56227also would it fucking kill him to lose the stupid emo fringe and style his hair at least remotely close to the characters hairstyle if they're not going to use wigs?
No. 56259
>>56254It’s “are you sure? Like sure sure? Then yes. “
y i k e s
No. 56263
>>56227Is it just me or does Lori somewhat resemble our Queen here?
>>56229twice the engagements = twice the attention
No. 56277
>>56265>>56271Honestly if any cow is going to end up in a murder/murder-suicide situation, it's going to be one of them.
>There is other crazier shitIs anybody around them trying to intervene? Why isn't either one of them in jail or court-ordered therapy or something?
No. 56292
>>56281I don't believe they were ever in therapy. I think Kevin said that during one of his posts addressing his concerned friends in order to convince them that him and Lori were ~working on themselves~ I think he only ever mentioned that once or twice. I think it was when Lori moved to Utah after he had to be rescued from Washington but I might be wrong. He has made so many of those posts trying to assure his friends that everything is fine, that I feel like he would have brought that up more often if it were actually the case. I think if they did go to a therapist it was probably only for a session or two before they stopped for whatever reason. Also, it may not be this way anymore, but back when I was in therapy it took quite a long time to get an appointment with a therapist as a new patient.
But I'm not friends with either of them so you may know more than I do.
No. 56295
File: 1562465182170.jpeg (287.47 KB, 750x1077, 3A56486D-14F4-4430-B3C3-DE69B4…)

Looking haggard af lmao
No. 56302
>>56295Aging hasn't treated her strong features well at all. That aside, I don't get why she went with such a neon pink color for the hair when Zero two has very pastel pink hair?
>>56237Best part of the whole cosplay is the suit, which she bought. Kevin's foam work is usually pretty good, but in all honesty, the back piece looks pretty wonky.
>>56227>>56299Anything for clout, that doesn't really surprise me if it's true. Lori is a super petty bitch.
No. 56310
File: 1562474054814.jpg (126.63 KB, 1280x941, IMG_20190706_213319_328.jpg)

>>56309Nevermind, I looked at the tags in the pics you found and I was in the wrong tags. I just found one
No. 56318
File: 1562480571262.jpg (115.03 KB, 908x1280, IMG_20190706_231920_740.jpg)

This is at least the third time they've gotten engaged lmao
Every single reply is "Congratulations!" too. Kev must have removed any of the "haters" off his FB already.
I wonder what his family thinks.
I was wondering: is he/his family Mormon? I only ask because Utah. I know there are non-Mormons in Utah too but I am just curious.
No. 56373
File: 1562535983993.jpeg (157.22 KB, 828x815, B3D09F79-B11B-489F-98A0-D79498…)

No. 56381
>>56373Do they not feel a twinge of embarrassment when their real selves get posted after they've spammed
>>56222 and
No. 56382
File: 1562544011218.png (946.72 KB, 981x439, irlanimu.png)

>>56380It's the lighting, he does have pretty deep set laugh lines for being as young as he is though.
>>56378He looks okayish tbh, if they were the same age at least. I think the startling thing is that he is so much younger than she is, but they both look to be in their 30s in candids. The difference between her edits and candids are pretty hilarious though.
No. 56394
File: 1562548197254.jpg (12.84 KB, 200x269, edz.jpg)

>>56390Lori definitely did his makeup, her winged eyeliner looks absolutely horrendous in the candids.
As much as I'd hate to admit it, because his personality is absolute trash, he has potential to be cute? He's not an awful looking guy, but the kawaii tiny anime boy thing doesn't work for him at all. Neither does the terrible emo haircut. It's a shame he doesn't take constructive criticism well, instead he's just going to keep screeching on about how much he looks like an anime boy irl, while lori aggressively shoops their pics and he rapidly ages into the emo dad meme.
Kind of curious what Lori is going to age into though, she already looks awful in pics like
>>56295 and OP
No. 56398
File: 1562548452536.jpeg (1018.91 KB, 1547x2580, 006E41AD-4863-486E-AF31-1A827C…)

Thought you’d guys like another candid
No. 56412
>>56398I actually really like this photo because I've never seen Lori make this expression. She has 2-3 expressions in all of her pics, from the early 2000s to now. At first I thought maybe the photographer caught her in a candid smiling moment but it also looks like the sun was in her eyes and she's sort of grimacing.
Keep the candids coming. I have a hard time finding them.
No. 56497
File: 1562638536644.jpg (310.8 KB, 1815x640, candids.jpg)

More candids
No. 56501
File: 1562642780469.jpeg (108.84 KB, 296x430, 9BD23A7C-318B-4AB4-A55D-28740E…)

>>56497I truly hate to ask but I’m pretty sure it’s shown before…is this is dick just chilling?
No. 56513
>>56423Her body is aging even if you can't see it outside the shoops. She's thin, sure, but she's probably not staying slender in a healthy way, which is definitely showing in her face.
>>56499He's pretty tall, definitely over 6"
>>56497Hiro is such a poor choice for him to cosplay. He's way too manly in the face and far too tall to pull off a tiny shota boy character, it just looks bizarre. He looks pretty decent as Bakugo though.
Lori's stupid ass shoes are still the worst. I don't get why she didn't just wear real shoes underneath instead of stapling down the boot cover to a platform shoe base. A pair of red wedge heels would be more accurate?
No. 56519
File: 1562655036805.jpg (92.07 KB, 1080x540, third_engagement.jpg)

Lori posted pics of the proposal on Instagram
No. 56548
File: 1562675945244.jpg (75.15 KB, 1080x1079, IMG_20190709_053125_291.jpg)

>>56501This is hilarious. Here's another
No. 56563
>>56562As an Ex Friend of Kevin’s, I vividly remember this. I don’t think the post exists anymore. He was throwing a shitfit and saying he wouldn’t wear dance belts because girl cosplayers are romping around without bras and so their nipples were poking out or something.
Thing is, at that time I think he had been to very few out of state cons, and most cons in Utah require family friendly attire (IE no visible or bare nipples even on men) so I’m not sure why he was going apeshit over it when most cosplay girls in Utah don’t even show anything off like he was ranting about.
No. 56729
File: 1562774755791.jpeg (2.09 MB, 1536x1534, 1CBF0D3B-B0E1-4FF4-B3DA-C3B947…)

Original shot vs what they posted. I guess she figures she doesn’t need the right hair color because when she exposes the photos to oblivion she can get closer
No. 56832
Kevin posted the proposal video on his Instagram:"So something special happened last weekend. I proposed to the girl I love more than anything @iota_zerotwo
Dont mind the awkward gestures, its difficult in a public setting for someone like me (shy, introverted) to work up the nerve, on top of having strangers film it. It could've been in a crowd, it could've been at home. But we both absolutely love this show and walking past a fitting set, in my favorite place with my favorite person seemed too perfect to pass up for something ive been wanting to make official for months. Even in anime costumes it felt right to me and I'd like to think that's what's important. I didn't present a ring because I was terrified of losing it + rings and plugsuits dont mix"
No. 56864
>>56832>>56859He should then explain why they have been engaged on social media ages ago…
Because it just seems like a stunt esp with that proposal being shitty on both sides.
No. 56891
File: 1562882185733.jpg (118.14 KB, 1280x788, IMG_20190711_145433_113.jpg)

I guess Lori sold enough of her nudes because she got the Zero Two figure(s) she wanted from the con
No. 56896
>>56891i don't understand their relationship dynamic AT ALL. Kevin isn't allowed to talk to girls/look at girls/comment on girls stuff/have female friends but Lori can freely post and sell nudes to neckbeards to fund her skinwalk figures?
why doesn't Kevin stand up to the hypocrisy? he just lays down and takes it and accepts it.
No. 56941
File: 1562901639112.png (4.28 MB, 2287x1350, different.png)

Here's another picture of them. Original on the left. Lori's reupload on the right.
No. 56943
File: 1562901937864.jpg (213.8 KB, 1080x1035, 20190711_202036.jpg)

Saw this in the comments of a friends post. Yikes Lori what's your deal you didn't even make your cosplay??
No. 56945
File: 1562902686220.png (420.73 KB, 469x596, lol.png)

>>56943Of course she's being super passive aggressive on a cosplay that is better and more accurate than hers.
Meanwhile Lori got on whatever the hell these things are
>>56941 No. 56953
File: 1562905163017.jpg (146.01 KB, 1280x937, IMG_20190711_200502_224.jpg)

>>56941Kevin didn't like this photo. Probably why they smoothed out his skin and under eye bags in the version Lori posted.
No. 56980
File: 1562916362651.jpg (375.72 KB, 640x3260, zerotwoshoedrama.jpg)

I'm hoping this is all legible. I combined all the screenshots she's showing in her FB post into one image.
No. 56989
>>56980Lori is 34 years old. 34. Imagine being in your mid-30s and still pulling the same shit you did as a teenager. She is literally coming after people that are most likely a decade younger than her.
I've been following her since the early 2000s and am still shocked. Lori has not and will not ever grow up.
No. 56993
>>56977>>56980She seeks out this girl's cosplay, acts passive aggressive in the comments, and then flips the fuck out when someone defends the girl? The cosplayer was so sweet though, it's really only making her look better.
I do love that Lori has resigned herself to ranting and raving about "kids these days" though. Really showing her age, kek.
No. 57018
File: 1562933590712.jpeg (192.74 KB, 749x932, CE0ACF08-68B9-452E-B701-B0B2DF…)

>>56980“Broken spinal cord”
No. 57045
File: 1562948655075.jpeg (200.08 KB, 747x1097, 9338D00E-5B7B-4F4C-A31F-1E98FF…)

No. 57046
File: 1562948680352.jpeg (119.66 KB, 741x839, 208EA3A8-85CB-4241-877A-CBEF11…)

No. 57047
File: 1562948707010.jpeg (134.98 KB, 747x826, 408A2485-B04E-48FF-901C-AA627F…)

No. 57101
File: 1562967325801.jpg (67.93 KB, 1280x798, IMG_20190712_143205_037.jpg)

>>56977Lori either hid this FB post from public view or deleted it.
>>56980And this comment thread is no longer on that girl's Instagram post.
In other news, Lori already had her engagement ring and this was an attention grabbing proposal for the con.
No. 57104
>>57101it was posted earlier up in the thread that they've already been engaged for months. even pre-AX they both had "FIANCE" on their individual instagram accounts. before this too, kevin had proposed a year ago but then they broke up and got back together.
I think they just wanted to be known as THE cosplay couple that got engaged at AX so they did it Friday to be "first" but then there were a bunch of others that were bigger on Saturday.
No. 57150
>>57060>>57054Could be Lori-speak for degenerative disk disease and the spinal cord problems that come with it, given her history of scoliosis and sticking her ass out way too far to make it look bigger it's plausible that she does has spine damage that makes it uncomfortable or inadvisable to wear heels.
>>57018She could have a spine problem; some of the most common ones that affect the spine and incidentally the spinal nerve only have a crippling effect if you 'activate' the problem some how, e.g. by twisting your back the wrong way. If she is in that position then she isn't currently suffering from any major pain or mobility issues because that would put her in a world of hurt if she was even able to get into it to begin with
No. 57178
File: 1563016365636.jpg (292.02 KB, 1296x1728, 66373935_10217403637421979_911…)

Friend posted them in their photos for AnimeExpo. I swore I walked by them, but I was working the show and as such didn't stop myself. Enjoy the candid.
No. 57202
File: 1563035338006.jpeg (76.14 KB, 750x390, D339131C-CE09-4E9F-98BD-59C7AF…)

No. 57205
>>57194>>57197Dude needs to just accept he went from chubby to skinny fat and put on some shapewear and a dance belt already. Hiro is definitely a super unflattering cosplay on him though, leave it to the fakebois Kevin.
>>57202Imagine throwing all your friends away for a psycho who has been outted for abusing you, just cause you like her "small waist" and "nice butt".
>>57178They look so frumpy outside of the filters. The costumes are okay, but their shoes and hair both look super shitty. Ngl, Lori also looks a lot less "smoll" than in her self shots. Not in a bad way, but there's definitely a difference.
No. 57233
File: 1563058333483.png (1.59 MB, 2160x1350, lori_edit.png)

Is it normal/common to take photos taken by photographers and then edit the lighting (and whatever else) on them this much? Lori and Kevin do this with every single photographer shot taken of them
No. 57258
>>57233Again with the over exposure. She just kind of washes everything out, I suppose to "soften" her face? It makes her nose look smaller and makes her hair look less magenta too. Looks like shit though in comparison to the original. There's actual depth to the original image.
>>57256>>57257I don't think Lori is "ugly" necessarily. I do think she doesn't have a hairstyle and style in general that is flattering to her features, however. She has strong face with sharp features, a prominent chin, high cheekbones, etc. She has a very mature face that doesn't suit the whole kawaii anime girl shtick, much like how Kevin looks dumb trying to look like a tiny kawaii anime shota. The style just makes them both look older/haggard in a way.
No. 57273
>>57258Lori isn't ugly and this is probably a good reason why she's been able to get away with things for literal decades. Even Kevin's list of things he likes about her are all physical.
Her personality makes her horrendous though and no amount of beauty makes that worth it imo.
No. 57312
File: 1563123906079.jpg (40.72 KB, 604x697, uh what kind of pose.JPG)

So she posted this on instagram. Did she edit the coloring on this too? It kinda looks like it. I feel like she forced the darks to be brighter than they should be.
Also, what is with Kevin's pose? he literally looks like he doesn't know what he's supposed to be doing, or that he was caught in mid-movement playing red light green light.
No. 57315
File: 1563124987500.jpeg (69.97 KB, 960x960, 63B5C460-EA35-4A53-B78F-AF4635…)

>>57312Here is what Kevin posted which I’m assuming is the original but with a boarder added for Instagram
No. 57316
File: 1563125153239.png (600.69 KB, 750x1334, AE8D65DC-DCDA-4585-88D5-42010C…)

From Kevins Instagram story, guess they both edited the photos. Should have known because Kevin made his jaw tiny and high up again
No. 57319
File: 1563127800348.jpeg (81.23 KB, 600x722, 9FBB1AAB-927F-4C87-91CA-08BC47…)

>>57312he always does this awkward pose with hiro and I don’t get it because…hiro doesn’t have a “pose” you have to do yet he always looks like he’s caught walking. reminds me of pic related kek
No. 57322
File: 1563129608688.jpeg (847.48 KB, 2048x2048, 792DFE71-DF74-453C-AC41-BAED48…)

>>57312I honestly have a feeling that he knows nothing/minimal about Hiro and he’s just cosplaying Hiro because Lori wants him to skinwalk her dahhhlinng. Most of his other cosplays look like he at least knows how to pose as that character. I mean nothing extremely mind blowing and creative but at least SOMETHING more than “squat pelvic thrust with bent elbow”.
No. 57332
>>57322he was accused of this before and posted something about how he “does actually really like Hiro!” like he was being forced.
I think it’s in the last thread somewhere.
kevin always used to cosplay pretty flattering characters for his height/build and they were totally things he was interested in like LoL and zelda and monster hunter. Hiro is the one that stands out the most as a super odd choice.
No. 57348
File: 1563142207348.jpg (70.92 KB, 1080x1080, 66670599_2344646835774605_6390…)

Lori uploaded this
No. 57355
>>57353She usually curls them to have that weird volume. They look trimmed and flattened here.
So yes.
No. 57365
File: 1563149047933.png (538.83 KB, 680x684, 11c.png)

>>57348Her shoop looks like when someone ran the "momo" meme through some filters. kek.
No. 57402
File: 1563161734207.jpeg (72.9 KB, 1210x464, AB2F3A24-7935-4393-B1A0-C20D43…)

No. 57403
File: 1563161760891.jpeg (171.59 KB, 967x1307, 84E83F77-EF22-4D61-8692-3FD1C7…)

No. 57404
>>57402>>57403Omg they're doing this again.
Here's a 7 second video of Lori flirting with/winking at the camera: No. 57406
>>57405No, that was my initial thought too but his mom's last name is Hanft as well.
Can't wait for them to pull the "we go through hard times like everyone else but it makes us stronger than ever!!" bullshit again.
No. 57408
>>57406I know his family. That’s not his mom. No idea who that is.
But don’t worry guys, they’re working on it and they make each other happy!!!
No. 57411
>>57409I mean, she has literally threatened to accuse him of rape falsely if he doesn't bend to her will. This might be something similar to that, making a scene to make her look like the
victim and getting him to back down from whatever he found her lying about. She's gaslighting him.
No. 57412
>>57411Kevin said she’s the one who keeps “keeping secrets” but she is definitely trying to make people come to her rescue.
Maybe she cheated again like she did with Rikki. Wouldn’t doubt it.
No. 57415
File: 1563167288674.jpeg (165.84 KB, 750x1019, 3C31A2D3-57F9-4DFB-9E12-A2B3A9…)

No. 57416
File: 1563167312100.jpeg (154.36 KB, 750x1001, 8D3BCE6B-48AC-40FF-B47A-297F56…)

No. 57422
File: 1563170993624.jpg (150.18 KB, 1000x800, 966494_10152880474515431_11064…)

Really wish she would move on to another character.
No. 57424
File: 1563172951208.png (1.56 MB, 958x768, s002.png)

>>57416>>57422I never noticed that she shoops a bump out of her nose. Also, why does she seem to put blush/contour on her cheekbone? Is that just natural skin discoloration or is she that bad with makeup? It ages her face a lot and makes it look weirdly sunken in, in some photos.
I wonder which character she'll skinwalk next? I have a feeling she's going to drag zero two out a while longer while she's still with Kevin. He did just make her most of that costume after all.
No. 57445
File: 1563194225947.jpeg (107.76 KB, 827x424, 010AC383-7FF5-4B0E-9FC3-D8817B…)

No. 57462
File: 1563205347785.jpeg (108.01 KB, 712x1024, 997AB965-986B-49A5-9461-C84333…)

And in the middle of all this she still finds time to skinwalk. My guess is that she gets so attached to these characters because it’s better than being herself. Look at how shitty her dead end life and relationship is and tell me this hag wouldn’t rather live in a fantasy world where she’s a young anime girl.
No. 57488
>>57478 not quite…least our Queen would never be
abusive like her.
No. 57504
File: 1563228476665.jpg (89.52 KB, 1080x1350, 64697066_810359842671739_27873…)

No. 57505
>>57488Right, Pixyteri is selfish but she isn't
abusive. She just wanted to be loved.
But the level of cringe is at the same level as Pixyteri. I'm just waiting for the pooping pose.
No. 57520
>>57445So basically Kevin sent her two texts in all caps, which resulted in her pity posting on fb and tagging friends in that he "won't stop yelling at me!". Bitch, it's capslock, you'll be okay.
>>57450She's what, 34 years old too? I wonder how long she's going to keep this up.
>>57478Just imagine if she ever put on weight, it would probably be the end of her world.
No. 57643
File: 1563316378966.jpg (112.11 KB, 1080x1350, 65968623_3049600535080894_3377…)

Kevin posted this. Wtf did he do to his nose?! A+ face edit
No. 57644
File: 1563316746322.jpg (93.56 KB, 1280x809, IMG_20190716_153547_658.jpg)

>>57332>>57322>>57319>>57312It feels like he always ends up replying to this thread with the stuff that he posts. He was going for "crazy, disgruntled, adult looking" Hiro.
No. 57646
>>57644He is definitely lurking. That’s why he always feels like he has to explain himself.
Kevin, lurking here isn’t going to do you any good. It’ll just bring more bad attention to you.
No. 57682
File: 1563345341512.jpeg (2.72 MB, 2048x1534, 1A7E7D7D-A99C-431C-BB76-DB111F…)

Original VS her edit
No. 57723
File: 1563389170585.png (1.85 MB, 2160x1080, 2differentkevins.png)

These pics were posted together on Lori's Instagram. Interesting choice
No. 57728
File: 1563391203024.png (2.49 MB, 2430x1350, thesegoons.png)

Kevin's pic he posted yesterday on the left, Lori's pic she posted today on the right
No. 57793
File: 1563425291347.jpg (133.54 KB, 1080x1080, wtf.jpg)

Kevin's eyes are the size of dinner plates in this pic and he looks very uncomfortable with whatever Lori is forcing him to role play.
No. 57794
File: 1563425440301.jpg (215.97 KB, 1080x1350, bulge.jpg)

>>56501Thanks to this anon, all I can see is Kevin's dick front and center in this pic.
No. 57798
File: 1563429583003.jpg (119.97 KB, 1280x1137, IMG_20190717_225408_825.jpg)

Lori wants a whole group of DitF cosplayers like the Kewl Kou Klan back in the day! So far she has a few people interested and a few more have said maybe. How exciting!!!
No. 57799
>>57793Lori posted this video of her and Kevin running. about an anime girl and Area 51.
No. 57802
>>57682You can literally see the ghost outline of her old nose.
>>57728>>57793>>57795Kevin's bug eyes are actual nightmare fuel. Does he really think bulging eyes make him look more like an anime shota?
>>57796Nope, it's her real hair. The longest bits are extensions which are poorly dyed, you can see patchy blond spots in some shots.
No. 57941
File: 1563585547358.jpg (65.02 KB, 822x1280, IMG_20190719_181904_448.jpg)

>>57937I think they probably see it as "enhancing" their photos in order to look more like an anime character. Neither of them have issues with self confidence when it comes to how they look.
No. 58006
File: 1563656577570.jpg (215.24 KB, 1080x1350, 61622124_2354440234651800_6076…)

New candid
No. 58008
File: 1563657056871.jpeg (71.95 KB, 1080x541, E50A9108-F5EA-4010-9F27-1968EC…)

kev lurking again and trying to explain how he has a tiny nose irl.
No. 58009
File: 1563658712145.jpeg (249.75 KB, 1080x1341, CFE0B4C0-5BE7-464F-91F9-6FE965…)

>>58008I hope Kevin learns it’s okay to look like a real person one day.
your big eyes and pointy nose change with every edit anyway
No. 58011
File: 1563660368559.jpg (180.14 KB, 1080x1283, 67288178_1583331191802219_1247…)

Another one of these
No. 58013
>>58009>we got big eyes and small nosesYou have big eyes when you bug them out like you are unhinged, I'll give you that Kev. Also, his nose is average in size at best? Lori though? She's arguably has a very strong nose and somewhat narrow eyes. We all have seen the candids.
>>58006 is a great example
Kevin looks about 40 in that particular candid too. Yikes.
>>58011Very kawaii nosehairs Kevin. Very anime.
No. 58017
File: 1563662046306.jpeg (359.36 KB, 750x1174, sexyanimeguy.jpeg)

>>58012I guess you could argue that. I just think they both think they are really really ridiculously good looking and the reason they defend their looks is because they are cows. Cows always do that
No. 58024
File: 1563666751770.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, 2CBCE7F9-6EA2-468E-AEE2-6B23A0…)

Is this supposed to be ahegao lol
No. 58042
File: 1563686775695.jpeg (212.16 KB, 743x1061, DE52CF7D-235F-4EF5-B60C-185401…)

No. 58043
File: 1563686797355.jpeg (172.65 KB, 745x722, E25C2247-60B8-46C4-9BA7-E9F56E…)

No. 58044
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No. 58045
File: 1563687152191.jpg (135.69 KB, 1080x1350, 67580581_470382193792975_27786…)

No. 58064
>>58043Haven’t both of them posted about the other being physically
abusive towards them? But nah, the thread just made that up.
No. 58078
>>58043Wow. Imagine being that insecure lmao
Doesn’t he realize that every time he addresses this thread he sends more people here so they can find out what the hell he’s talking about?
No. 58088
>>58086They're both ugly, and clearly insecure about that because they post those bizarrely edited photos. Lori has a skinny fat/saggy body. That's evident with her arm in this photo
>>58024. A literal fucking Easter island head lmfao.
Kevin looks like a pug. They both need to work out cause being skinny fat isn't cute.
No. 58103
File: 1563751740649.jpg (142.31 KB, 1080x1179, 66778993_958421224498809_86762…)

No. 58111
>>58017>> not living their best lifea bunch of people who drop by every few days to mock delusional blowhards
>>living their best lifesomeone who writes entire encyclopedias about random drags from strangers
Sure, Jan.
No. 58115
File: 1563776119992.jpg (235.25 KB, 1080x1350, 66690127_149074189607493_30055…)

No. 59354
File: 1563835480203.jpg (88.73 KB, 948x1279, IMG_20190722_154335_887.jpg)

>>59350Lori recently mentioned in this post that she's going to have a "tiny wedding." - think your guess is most likely what will really happen
No. 59367
File: 1563843619563.jpg (15.27 KB, 275x244, 1563429583003.jpg)

>>59356In regards to this, image previously posted by
>>57798 No. 59371
>>59367so, an AX 2020 wedding with Franxx cosplayers?
why did I expect anything different? How does she know she won't be skinwalking something else by then?
No. 59435
File: 1563894410564.jpeg (82.95 KB, 750x363, BB13E591-DB36-4C14-8E3F-DDDC54…)

No. 59443
>>59435Does Kevin have any friends that she actually likes/allows him to talk to? Seems like she has an issue with all of them to the point where she has to outsource "decent" ones for him!
Gee I wonder why?
No. 59463
File: 1563926923482.jpg (220.45 KB, 1080x1350, stubbylegs.jpg)

No. 59476
File: 1563945248893.jpg (117.35 KB, 1080x1350, 66302120_2256746597971612_8177…)

No. 59498
>>59495It's not that they don't know that the shoop is ridiculous. When ugly girls make ugly faces in selfies on purpose, they think they're beating people to the punch so to speak. They believe if they look outlandish, the comments about their appearance won't resonate as deeply. Because they're looking ugly on purpose, right? The comments don't count because people aren't seeing them at their best selves. And so the defense mechanism goes.
It's no different here. They're just picking and choosing what attention to take. If someone says they look ugly uncanny, well duh, it's because the photos have been 'touched up' and hence creative license so of course they don't look like
themselves. If someone asspats and tells them the pics are great, they bask in the attention that they really did pull off looking like the characters.
It's the ultimate self-dupe of a narcissist.
No. 59503
File: 1563984549199.jpeg (129.41 KB, 750x1025, FA9EE867-57B8-4C38-B511-13E462…)

He just deleted this post
No. 59504
File: 1563984570618.jpeg (68.7 KB, 750x509, 2FF7E222-E38F-4155-830D-D35811…)

No. 59510
File: 1563985766448.jpeg (231.45 KB, 807x1081, B1B158C8-95E5-4D16-8496-4FAA40…)

Kevin posted this yesterday and one of his friends commented. For some reason Lori replies to that friend calling them a piece of shit. It was deleted this morning and now Kevin keeps posting about being sad followed by deleting it.
They are both childish
No. 59511
File: 1563985793198.jpeg (40.05 KB, 1080x481, E7B462FB-35EF-4A1A-B962-B9855B…)

No. 59518
>>59517A lot of kevin’s friends post here now since he first started mentioning the thread. they’re both probably paranoid and now have an approved “list” of friends who they know won’t leak things.
doesn’t seem like it’s been very successful. i wouldn’t be surprised if some people have them added now just to see their shenanigans.
No. 59520
File: 1563993241244.png (451.29 KB, 453x735, kevin.png)

No. 59523
>>59520there he goes again drawing attention to it and also only paying attention to the parts about how he looks.
kevin, what about lori choosing acceptable friends for you?
No. 59589
File: 1564024538862.jpeg (123.73 KB, 743x907, 28BB6AA3-7F3C-43F4-B1B6-4C63D8…)

No. 59597
>>59589Hey Kevin, here’s something that ain’t about your looks: your relationship is
abusive, you’re being manipulated by a woman 10 years older than you who has dead end life prospects, you’re being dragged down with her, and one of you is probably going to end up dead at the end of this if the content in your DMs - which came directly from you - is to be believed.
No. 59602
File: 1564027623588.jpeg (170.61 KB, 750x1030, 1CA72CF9-DF7A-48D6-8119-C88B34…)

The same friend of Lori’s who said Kevin’s eyes look creepy commented this and this was their responses. Kevin seems defensive and Lori seems to be throwing low key shade
No. 59603
File: 1564027654254.jpeg (138.17 KB, 750x946, 515F7738-CB48-4AFA-B9A9-0BC81C…)

No. 59605
>>59603“Shape wear”
Not me though I’m so smol darling!!!
No. 59612
>>59603Yes Lori, most of us have to put on makeup and wigs for cosplay because we don't base our whole identities around looking like a cartoon character and therefore have to add to our regular look for it.
You are the one who's weird, not the rest of the world.
No. 59614
File: 1564031278768.jpeg (226.22 KB, 750x982, 3B393552-D36C-4627-90FF-CB26FE…)

>>59511Lori is probably lashing out because the same friend posted this status a while back that is very obviously about Kevin.
No. 59625
File: 1564043835475.jpeg (81.76 KB, 1058x1058, F05B0881-897D-43B3-B8F9-A10B07…)

Meanwhile, Lori posted this on facebook yesterday.
She’s such a raging asshole lmao
No. 59633
>>59614Stop normalizing that people don't have their own agency and autonomy lmfao.
You know its petty "they're both shitty to each other" type
abyoose when the furthest that comes of it is wet sock social media posting by their friends as if shouting into a echo chamber will solve their narc issues and make them split.
No. 59635
File: 1564048238371.png (453.34 KB, 398x602, who.png)

>>59603>>59605>Shes just used to having to put on shape wear and a lot of makeup and wigsShe's so obnoxious and rude. Does Lori actually have any real friends or just orbiters because of her cosplay? I can't imagine she's fun to be around. She goes off over the tiniest comments.
>>59607Why does Lori shop herself into a who?
No. 59661
>>59651It's probably a combination of nostalgia. She enjoyed the chapter of her life where she was Sailor Moon and cosplaying with her friends. She probably also enjoyed the drama that surrounded the scene too. I'm positive she enjoyed the drama.
Loon's friends have grown up for the most part. A lot of them have moved on with their lives, I think. Age does that. You close chapters and usually you open new doors to new chapters instead of revisiting old rooms.
So there's Kevin who reminds her of that past. And he gives her adoration and attention, let's her have her way, and gives into the drama side of cosplay for her. In fact, he's mentally young enough to flourish in it and only see what he wants to see from it.
I think she's having a hard time accepting that her life isn't really going anywhere. She's 35 or something? Only works part time… Has less than others her age, even considering she doesn't have school loans (probably)…
No. 59673
File: 1564087782341.jpeg (274.98 KB, 750x1163, C62DAA26-BE32-4FDE-8D4F-2D8BEB…)

Apparently he left because his job sucked but doesn’t remember Momo having to arrange his rescue, him stabbing himself in the leg and loads of other stuff
No. 59674
File: 1564087845426.jpeg (462.67 KB, 1242x1786, C5577FFB-7F5C-4512-AE18-EC2118…)

>>59673Is this out of context Kevin? It’s your own post
No. 59676
File: 1564088111912.jpeg (129.79 KB, 750x668, abuse.jpeg)

No. 59687
File: 1564094291533.jpeg (169.66 KB, 750x1049, 6D0BDF25-7E6D-489C-8529-982B83…)

No. 59689
File: 1564094737802.jpeg (139.26 KB, 550x800, 30202232-464F-4599-9549-2EDF40…)

>>59687even when she wears a wig it isn’t right
No. 59690
File: 1564095085469.png (165.42 KB, 380x590, tumblr_mvpv3vtLOc1slnf7ro2_400…)

>>59687Using a wig that was clearly meant for Ryuko transformed but… lmao
Praying that she doesn't make the Senketsu costume because I really don't need to see her tits again.
(Also loving the kitchen trash bag look!)
No. 59694
File: 1564095911362.jpeg (64.67 KB, 750x493, 7C3483D2-C79D-4527-80E3-6A0731…)

>>59690It’s apparently kevin’s wig. maybe he was going to do the cosplay at some point? either way now she’s “claimed” it.
No. 59713
>>59709It's funny how many of the anons here are from his own fb. She's really alienated him from almost all of his old friends entirely. I want to feel bad for him because of how
abusive she's been in the past, but he's become so unbearable lately. It's like her narc personality has been implanted into him. He used to seem so much more chill, but maybe he was just better at keeping his crazy under wraps?
No. 59716
File: 1564102937296.jpeg (61.79 KB, 370x425, DF0FE345-16A7-40C3-9BBF-44E08B…)

>>59705LMAO it's Soni from the Kou Klan
No. 59791
>>59703Bless your soul for enduring Lori. I’m sure that “friendship” was exhausting and
toxic. You’re better off. I remember following you guys in the livejournal days and it just seemed like a very one sided friendship that existed purely for her ego. The level of skin walking and the need to turn real people into cartoon characters to live out her fantasy of being sailor moon is extremely disturbing and it’s crazy to me she still does it. I’m just curious what it must have been like to be in her inner circle.
>>59731Why do I feel like you are either Lori or Kevin afraid she is going to drop dirt on you?
No. 59807
File: 1564154207682.jpeg (150.87 KB, 750x945, 75D9B015-0687-4976-827D-6D069B…)

Kevin posted this. Then changed his comment afterwards
No. 59808
File: 1564154718523.jpeg (145.46 KB, 750x907, 4F8421E6-3721-4C9B-A8D7-4A230F…)

No. 59809
File: 1564154750505.jpeg (144.01 KB, 750x941, CD771F4D-67BB-4CB2-911C-3DB3F8…)

No. 59811
>>59807The flabby pink one spends an awful lot of time seething on the internet herself to be making fun of anyone else doing the same thing regardless of how much they weigh.
Also lol at Kevin's cope.
>it's not that we are judgmental, just don't piss us off so we don't have to whip out the fact that we were secretly judgmental all along!You won't even have fat friends left at this rate, let alone friends at all. What self-respecting people would stick around waiting for the axe to fall on them from these hideous narcissists? Run for the hills and let these two destroy each other.
No. 59812
File: 1564155651460.png (14.57 KB, 489x132, Screenshot (452).png)

this poor girl is about to get jumped on
No. 59813
>>59811Seriously. Not to mention these spergy rage posts are happening every single day. The friends that are commenting still have some sense by telling him to stop feeding the trolls but he likes “trolling them back” so it keeps falling on deaf ears. He’s being an idiot but relishing in it.
I cannot imagine either of them are pleasant to be around at this rate which is probably why more people are just giving up or becoming observers.
Why have you even had threads for 16 years anyway Lori? That’s the real question. Because you’ve been a shitty person for that long!
No. 59814
File: 1564156273779.jpeg (384.02 KB, 828x1282, 01BE6353-E561-4802-B87B-8D0D4A…)

No. 59815
File: 1564156504890.png (64.09 KB, 1066x368, Capture 2.PNG)

Guess Lori didn't like how Kev decided to reply uwu he's wrapped around her finger
No. 59817
>>59813I guarantee "Stop feeding the trolls" is just a polite way to tell them to shut the fuck up without incurring Lori's narcissist rage.
Notice how no one ever says "That website lolcow really has it all wrong about you guys!" Instead they always tell Lori and Kevin to stop posting so as to not give us more ammo, or say shit about the person they're attacking to stir the pot.
What nobodies.
No. 59827
>>59824welcome back!
i think she just loves any excuse to show her true colors and this is her equivalent of a Top 10 Animu Betrayal so she’s being as nasty as possible.
No. 59840
File: 1564163955607.jpeg (448.53 KB, 1242x2208, 0B56533B-E1DA-4253-AEC0-5B6D87…)

No. 59841
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No. 59843
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No. 59845
File: 1564164114184.png (304.46 KB, 1242x2208, 26C46E54-B8DF-44E7-A048-918562…)

No. 59851
File: 1564165073730.jpg (315.38 KB, 1512x2015, IMG_20190726_141404.jpg)

As someone who has watched this whole thing unfold from start to finish, Kevin is in MAD denial that this lunatic isn't abusing him. The way he's lashing out and defensive is so fucking telling.
Christ even saying for her friends to add him because he needs decent ones (yknow, ones who don't call her out for blatantly abusing him) hits every checkbox of manipulation. Psychotic cunt lol.
Shame too, I loved Kevin's work. Now the quality has gone down because he's too busy being bootleg 002's puppet.
Also top quality waist shoop. Why fuck with your waist when you're so s m o l
No. 59853
File: 1564165685356.jpeg (3.55 MB, 750x25030, C818D5D7-9BA5-4C95-9DCE-E78D23…)

No. 59858
File: 1564167114554.jpeg (62.15 KB, 487x650, 44DBA977-112F-420E-B2FF-284D20…)

>>59855An yes, the Jessie Pridemore who did Blackface? Shocking they’re friends.
No. 59860
File: 1564167705149.jpeg (558.84 KB, 750x4234, 250A9C4E-5F1D-4BA4-95CC-BD202C…)

No. 59864
>>59860They're going absolutely manic.
>n-n-no, our specific insults weren't to hurt our friends, it was bait so we could insult someone else! don't take it so personally even though our insults were super general and definitely still apply if you're not on our good side!It's honestly embarrassing seeing a woman in her 30s act like a middle schooler.
No. 59866
>>59853If what they say is true, then I feel really bad for Emi. But just to expose Soni like that, you drag in something traumatic? That Greg shit was just three years ago. Wounds are fresh. The problem I have is everyone is ready to point the fingers, and forgetting the real issue. Lori is fucking insane, and is no different than any other psychotic
abusive scum bag. Kevin needs to wake up.
No. 59867
>>59866Because DJRanmaS had to make it about himself SOMEHOW to feel relevant to the conversation. Then it exploded that much more to drag Soni and this poor girls is left reliving something horrible.
All these people are so disgusting.
No. 59868
>>59853there's a lot of white knights but I'm glad at least some people are calling them out.
at this rate the friend count will drop like flies even without seeing this thread because they're both defending shitty behavior. in public.
No. 59870
>>59858Jessie at least has the capacity to feel remorse and grow. She's come out more than once to apologize for this cos hasn't she?
I think we can all agree that thread is full of assholes, but Jessie has definitely matured and grown from her
problematic days. Soni is a fucking loser for leaking Jessie's nudes, Soni is a loser for whatever happened with Eri, and she's a loser for leaking Lori's posts. Lori and Kevin are also assholes too. No one is a winner here.
No. 59877
>>59870Last time I’ll say this, but I didn’t leak her nudes, I never told him to do anything, and I never leaked her posts. I have zero problem in confronting people I have issues with personally like I have done with all three and don’t need to resort to posting shit on the internet anonymously. (Only reason why I’m here anonymously tho not really was cause I got like a 12 hour ban for putting my name up earlier in this thread. Two of these goofballs have been blocked for years now and Lori is the most recent on the block list.
Besides most of the posts here were from Kevin’s FB and I’ve never been on his friend list.
You can take it or leave it, I don’t really care, but it’ll be the last time I even address these bullshit rumors. It sucks her nudes got leaked (I assume the SG ones?), he’s an absolute piece of shit for treating his ex like garbage and trying to get with underage girls, and Lori well… that just speaks for itself.
Happy Friday everyone!
No. 59879
File: 1564173436022.jpeg (96.58 KB, 477x526, A11DCCB0-4ED5-4F02-BFEC-D37B71…)

Soni if you’re reading this, I just want to tell you I 100% stan you.
No. 59881
>>59877Look Soni, I'm with you on the Lori thing. In fact, I remember all the drama since Pocky Box days.
But beyond that, I hope you didn't back Greg like DJRanmaS said. Eri didn't deserve that shit.
No. 59889
>>59883Off-topic. But genuinely curious
Soni are you still in contact with others from that SM cosplay group? or did you leave that behind entirely?
No. 59908
File: 1564175364887.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1117x1910, 18BC0B77-7910-4CD5-8469-7DBEB9…)

>>59899She wasn’t a part of the crew, she just made a couple of the costumes some of the kous wore. The website is still quality.
No. 59922
>>59920Sorry this has became a big ass cluster fuck for you. But Keep your chin up, and be proud knowing you're not a basketcase like Lori, and Kevin. Lori will forever be
toxic, and Kevin gotta just hope for the best and can only hope he'll discover, and value his self-worth.
Thanks for answer our questions, as crazy as they may have been.
No. 59927
File: 1564176871121.jpeg (1.24 MB, 3840x2160, 0EC9BD8F-D1F0-40B2-BA64-197C53…)

>>59922I called it in
>>59709 that this would happen so I wasn’t shocked when this shit went down. I’m good, I’m finally home from traveling for work, about watch some Master Chef with my partner (who is not
abusive!) and try to fight for housing on XIV. Ya’ll can keep dragging my family or whatever racists ideas you have into the fold, but literally everyone in my immediate family is a US citizen so good luck with ICE.
No. 59945
>>59944I think what would be good is if they took a break from social media and really focused on themselves and not anons or this site or even cosplay at all. But that might be too much for them to handle.
Kevin since you're here, take some time away. Take a break. Deactivate Facebook. Work on it with Lori and stop lashing out. Take the advice that's been given and stop mindlessly raging.
No. 59947
>>59944You're completely right, it's honestly very sad because it's abuse 101. This couldn't be any closer to what Lori wants. Isolating Kevin and herself completely so they're utterly codependent. Making him believe that any word against her or their relationship is just "jealousy".
Kevin we saw that leg wound. As much as I think your shitlord attitude right now is funny, I still really hope you wise the fuck up and realize you don't have to put up with someone wrecking your shit, threatening you, and keeping secrets from you.
No. 59950
>>59917God I fucking love how they came ready to fight and instead anons just calmly had a discussion without them, this is the best
Also, Lori and Kevin, I know you think that people who post here know you irl but I personally at least have absolutely no connection to anyone in the cosplay community. I was here for other cows but this drama is too good not to follow. As someone from the complete outside looking in you are both ridiculous crazies and I sincerely hope that you get help. Sorry for slight blogpost, I just hate them thinking that everyone has a vendetta… some of us just can't look away from the train wreck.
No. 59968
Oh boy, what did I miss?
>>59807>>59810I legitimately only told her to go on anon because namefagging is against the rules.
>>59812>>59814>>59860Lori really putting in the work to alienate whats left of his friendslist, huh? She's miserable.
>>59840>>59841>>59843>>59845It sounds like the situation with Kevin is the same exact situation with her ex. Also, it's definitely obvious she loves the attention/drama as she even said here
>>59809 that she missed the chan threads about her.
>>59853>I attract younger people because they think I'm 23Girl, you starting to sound like a pedo. Yikes.
Also kek at the girl Lori tried to tag in to help drag people going off on Lori for being a piece of shit.
>he came for me i was like little boi im oldLori has to chill with saying shit like this. She's almost 40.
>>59866Yeah, that was super fucked up and they responded with zero empathy to the whole thing? Just used her as a tool to further their narrative against Soni.
>>59888>>59892>>59894>>59897>>59899>>59900>>59903>>59907>>59911>>59917They finally cracked and had a full sperg out. Congrats anons. Lori is peak buttmad.
>>59958He tried to talk around it, you can almost see him uncomfortable with it and hesitant to join in at first. He's so desperate to appease her he went in and edited his comments though, she's in complete control of the dude. I hope he escapes someday like other anons have said, shame he's so easily controlled by a "small waist and nice butt" that he's willing to become her literal paypig and bitch.
No. 59981
>>59853Wow. OT but Heather Winter is batshit crazy herself.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised they are (now: were?) friends. Heather is legit crazy, she has a history of being violent and hitting people, stirs up tons of shit, has a history of using/fucking over/abusing friends, and is super twofaced. Kind of surprised she even stood up to Lori since she is a clout chaser. If someone like Heather can't find a reason to keep using you, you must've really fucked up lol
No. 59987
File: 1564196509138.jpeg (497.65 KB, 1242x1711, A2DAC7E5-9D8A-4814-B68E-BD1519…)

Trolling cow by daylight; cheating scum by moonlight. Always running from a real fight; she is the one Usagi Kou.
No. 59988
File: 1564196601160.jpeg (297.67 KB, 1242x2208, 028CA86D-CB4C-4823-AE39-1D820C…)

No. 59989
File: 1564196704646.png (235.17 KB, 400x578, 434C49D9-EBAF-414E-9E25-D48443…)

>>59988A porn star wannabe Ellie idol (collie bride) commenting to defend Lori from soni
No. 59993
File: 1564197708227.jpg (8.31 KB, 180x250, Koubanana.jpg)

Love me or hate me, it?s still an obsession
Love me or hate me, that is the question
If you love me then, thank you!
If you hate me then, ** you!
Love me or hate me, it?s still an obsession
Love me or hate me, that is the question
If you love me then, thank you!
If you hate me then, ** you!
No. 59994
File: 1564198375705.jpg (48.67 KB, 640x960, 10563056_559637777496830_25842…)

kevin how many dudes have been where you are. probably have herpes. sounds like lori cheated with rikki again and lies about it to you.
No. 60012
>>59995>>60003She was cheating on Kevin with Rikki and Rikki with Kevin depending on whose point of view it is, confirmed by Kevin himself here
>>59674The anon here who seems to be alluding to being Rikki, is saying she has been calling him. Which may be what Kevin was so upset about recently in
>>57402 >>57403 ? Without any receipts though, it's hard to say.
>Trolling cow by daylight; cheating scum by moonlight. Always running from a real fight; she is the one Usagi Kou.Ty for this anon.
No. 60016
>>59896Because he is okay being in a relationship with domestic violence and abuse.
>>60011I posted screenshots of every single page from Pocky Box on her last thread from waybackmachine. Enjoy.
No. 60022
>>59888Now Kevin don’t confuse your life with ours lol!! We all here have real jobs where we can afford to eat at a five star fucking resteraunt as well as amazing relationships where our partners don’t drain our banks dry for cartoon clothes and yell rape if we have other friends on our facebooks. No matter how much you try to defend your girlfriend you were only 10 years old when she was doing the same bullshit she was doing then so yes we know about her crap way longer than you! You are just in denial of your situation but truly I’m going to stick around just so that we can all yell we told you so she moves on to the next
No. 60040
File: 1564228858259.png (782.37 KB, 750x1334, F0BCA72D-0E36-4986-8997-420150…)

I decided to look at Lori’s old livejournal and oh, the irony.
No. 60041
File: 1564229196095.png (161.58 KB, 750x1334, DFA3FDAE-6979-496C-942B-C6C560…)

Also, this made me laugh. She really has not changed in over a decade. It’s sad. “I’m so hot I’ll get raped if I go out!!1!! XDDDD”
No. 60055
I missed a lot yesterday from working but man oh man.
>>59888>>59892>>59894>>59897>>59899>>59900>>59903>>59907>>59911>>59917I know it's been said already but hands down one of the best public freakouts I've ever seen from a cow. From emojis to eating microwave dinners to calling random people eggs to emojis to Kevin's fake tough guy persona coming out in full force when he's probably crying.
I haven't laughed this hard in ages.
No. 60065
File: 1564259150866.jpeg (8.03 KB, 284x178, index.jpeg)

>>60063the kind with the smiling fries that look dead inside/have more expression than any of lori's photos
No. 60086
>>60063he looks like he smells like milk or cheese all the time so I'm assuming easy mac
lori wont let him eat in the room with her because she's an anachan and probably complains about the smell. I'm sure she's given up on telling him to wash his fupa though. we know she's insatiable and wants the chub all the time.
No. 60090
File: 1564277448529.jpg (95.49 KB, 720x845, 67404195_2948545805162197_7333…)

No. 60148
File: 1564348838586.jpg (424.19 KB, 1153x695, 20190728_141735.jpg)

>It's not just a prop
>a show we really bonded over
>I made it to fit her with a lot of love
Sure, Kev
No. 60160
File: 1564352732194.jpeg (289.07 KB, 750x1585, 763295EA-CD07-42E9-8D60-9F25D3…)

No. 60161
File: 1564352902134.jpeg (95.24 KB, 750x1065, 53EEED35-2998-4049-8424-72C421…)

>>60160From the same thread
No. 60162
File: 1564352938730.png (471.03 KB, 750x1334, F100BE14-F668-4625-A640-65E456…)

>>60161The screenshot Lori posted
No. 60163
>>60161>>60162Oh man what a mess. This post
>>60105 just seemed like a troll post to me, designed to get a rise out of them.
No. 60166
>>60163Well, it looks like it's working? I'd feel bad for them but they both deserve it.
"I believe my Lori!!!" "He doesn't believe me, here's a cap of our private conversation".
Kevin and Lori I hope you both stay dumb as bricks, this truly is the gift that keeps on giving kek
No. 60167
>>60162Wow he is almost as bad as her.
He asked as if it was true instead of giving her a chance to react and defend herself. It's hilarious that he is learning how to be
abusive back.
No. 60169
>>60160Hey Kevin please stop taking this thread seriously. Your relationship is a mess but literally 0 people should be taking anon posts online seriously. Baiting is a thing that happens. Didn't you propose at this same con? You really think she ran off to shag someone in between that?
Neither of you are mature enough to be in a relationship, you're acting like 14 year olds.
No. 60170
>>60148Lori literally snapped at someone once in comments about how he ONLY makes props for HER. So I'd be surprised if she allows him to make props for other people, and if so, probably aggressively police who he is allowed to make props for. In other words, no cute cosplay girls.
>>60160>I trust her>but I really need the truth out of someonePick one, Kevin. She literally cheated on you with Rikki before, that info was confirmed and shared by you. It's no surprise he's insecure, she has a history of cheating and using people.
>>60161kek. So this is probably what they were arguing about previously. Tbh, she hasn't given him any real reason to trust her and she's just going to publicly gaslight him again until he bows down and lovebombs her into being nice to him again. It's pretty obvious they are both super insecure in this relationship, she polices his friendlist while he panics about who she's texting behind his back. I wonder why his name is set to "Riku" though and not something like "Hiro".
>>60167Just like Rikki tbh. She's going to use him up until she finds someone new, meanwhile she's actively making him look bad so when she does leave, she can claim he was the
abusive one all along. Kevin is playing right into her narrative.
No. 60171
>>60169Also this is an anon image board and most of us are random internet users. Despite you posting this all over Facebook, everyone is not conspiring against you as you think. Look at the other threads on /snow and /w
When people post attention seeking drama bullshit online, it attracts attention and gets discussed here and other places. It's not all about you, it's not personal, this site does not exist for your benefit
No. 60172
>>60168She's purposely doing it, so that she can emotionally blackmail him into staying and doing her bidding. There were already leaks of private texts between them where she threatened him with saying she'd publically accuse him of raping her if he didn't listen to her. It's how she keeps him in line and it's how she'll write him off once they inevitably break up. She's setting up the narrative that he's the insecure,
abusive one.
No. 60179
>>60175Lori has a loooooooong history of cheating.
She cheated on 1st husband Luis with Kelly (1st Seiya). She cheated on Mamo-chan #2 / Scott Lind. She cheated on Ender (Seiya #2) WITH ENDER'S BROTHER. She cheated on Kevin with Rikki. Who knows what other bullshit she's pulled.
Anon could be baiting Kevin, but it's Lori so anything is possible.
Cute to see Kevin learning how to emotionally abuse her. Learned it from the best but she is master and he only the apprentice. Watch out, dude. She's setting you up to look like the bad guy. It's called D.A.R.V.O. – It's called D.A.R.V.O. Deny, Attack, and Reverse
Victim and Offender. Mastering DARVO is Lori's only accomplishment in life.
No. 60180
>>60178Yes I know about that post from Kevin and it's clear to everyone (myself included) Lori cheated on him. But his language in that post says he thinks HE fucked up by accusing her of cheating, and that he's terrified of it. I'm not trying to nitpick. I just don't remember any posts by him where he actually says that she did cheat. He blames himself for the "accusations" instead. This post
>>60160 is the first one I can remember where he actually admits she did cheat on him.
No. 60182
File: 1564358105635.jpeg (432.25 KB, 750x4395, 6A49F2D1-2D33-4A20-B5BF-396FDF…)

No. 60185
File: 1564358283383.jpeg (128.15 KB, 750x856, BFD08063-E0C1-4ADB-A1F1-699F5F…)

No. 60186
File: 1564358481629.jpeg (64.39 KB, 573x207, 3A422059-B679-4B73-8F75-CC7833…)

so he admitted it once again that she controls his life and he’s miserable. is he gonna try to backtrack when they inevitably make up like he always does?
No. 60187
File: 1564359169649.jpeg (244.37 KB, 750x1502, 1B9C1CFF-EB0D-46E1-8F52-725A93…)

No. 60188
If you’re gonna get this upset over random anon saying things that may or may not be true I think you know what the best course of action is.
Also any anon can come in here and say anything and it will cause them to argue. They never posted any actual proof but it seems like Kevin believes it. That’s healthy!
No. 60191
>>60182>>60186>>60187Kevin, she's manipulating you, gaslighting you, and making you look like the bad guy and her like the
victim. She's emotionally blackmailing you. Run away while you still can.
No. 60202
>>60170sage for OT but it’s from no game no life
their messenger nicknames are characters from the game
No. 60203
>>60167They've both vapid
abusive fuckers who deserve each other
No. 60204
File: 1564376248882.png (213.84 KB, 444x449, 1457997163200.png)

>>60182Kevin has no one to blame but himself. he was warned by friends and family to stay away from this succubus, but here we are. This is some damn good milk though
No. 60228
File: 1564406854720.jpeg (138.43 KB, 1373x960, 01E1741E-6659-4A3C-8267-6A01FD…)

No. 60234
>>60221He is not too young.. He knows deep down what’s happening, but refuses to acknowledge it. He would rather lie to himself and believe that Lori is his “best girl” when it truth he knows the relationship is
toxic. It’s as if he is afraid of not being able to find anyone else.
No. 60240
File: 1564411921324.jpg (4.76 KB, 180x180, FB_IMG_1564248227609.jpg)

Aside from her "relationship", what I feel needs to be discussed more is this bitch is a fat shaming racist piece of shit who calls for ICE to deport people on FB and tries to knock them down when they are on a personal journey. Honestly you are a garbage. Person.(post caps or gtfo)
No. 60282
File: 1564433185614.jpeg (101.65 KB, 750x487, 82DA3C7D-2085-498A-975C-2B00E1…)

No. 60286
>>60282seems like he's back to lovebombing. I guess these posts from yesterday are gonna be conveniently forgotten then hm?
>>60182>>60185>>60186this push/pull relationship has to be exhausting.
No. 60290
>>60282The price of admission requires him to prove his love and devotion through Facebook status after Facebook status, or less invoke the wrath of another day of fighting and being forced to leave for work with extreme anxiety because she refuses to talk to you.
I suppose if your only chance to show Looney Lori that you trust her is to shitpost about the very forum that forced you to question her, nice strategy. Hope it works.
No. 60305
>>60302Lori doesn't have a better back up dude to run off to, so she isn't going anywhere quick. Kevin houses her, pays for her living expenses, and builds her cosplay. Until she finds some new, young, dumb, useful boy to do her bidding, she won't unlatch from Kevin, she's a parasite.
Kevin is almost the perfect host for her. All it probably takes is her threatening to leave, then being nice to him for a day or makeup sex and he's right back to being wrapped around her finger. It's pathetic.
No. 60306
File: 1564440169564.jpg (68.23 KB, 419x576, kevinsphone.jpg)

Lori and Kevin are my fav couple
No. 60315
>>60313She used to hang out with 15 year olds when she was in her early 20s. I think it's a mix of being emotionally and mentally stunted, wanting to seem and remain youthful, also younger people are typically easier to manipulate due to lack of experience. They are more moldable. And she wants a man she can mold and control. We can definitely see that via Kevin.
I could see her sneaking around behind Kevin's back for some easy money from a sugar daddy, but she'd never go public with something like that, it isn't "kawaii". An old sugar daddy can't cosplay her shota anime boyfriends after all.
No. 60347
>>60337>>60105lmao this obviously isn't Rikki. Just a troll to get you guys salivating. You guys are that gullible to take the bait.
Either that or it's Kevin or Lori at this point lel ( ° ʖ °)
( ( ° ʖ °)) No. 60349
>>60347Their entire argument from yesterday was because of an anon on here trolling. Kevin believed it with no proof. Anons always ask for proof.
I would actually believe it’s either Kevin or Lori posting again because of all the emojis.
No. 60350
File: 1564452850141.png (516.55 KB, 1914x729, lol.png)

No. 60351
>>60350kek, this is beautiful anon.
>>60349There's definitely a lot of newfagging happening in this thread lately between lack of sage and emoji use. I think some of it is people wandering in from Kevin and Lori constantly talking about it, but they are absolutely lurking here still.
No. 60472
File: 1564549521450.jpeg (248.77 KB, 1242x1692, BEE2AD81-9815-46B5-8D36-47886A…)

Caption is petty and spiteful against that other IG user she went on against (outfit was hard for other cosplayer to wear). Is anyone else super disturbed by the cringe videos she’s been posting? Her cosplay is not 100% accurate either. And further more, why is having to be the “better” cosplayer so important? At her age she should have a lot more to feel accomplished about in life. It’s desperate and shameful that this is her reality. I hope Kevin leaves forcing her to work again/ do anything to contribute to society.
No. 60634
>>60604Considering how she basically lives in her cosplay, they probably do stink by now. I can't imagine they get much of a wash very often. Kevin already admitted that he hardly bathes as it is.
>>60623>>60624He might if the girl was cuter and more notable in the cosplay scene than Lori, which might be why she feels threatened by any girl that fits into that box. He's incredibly shallow, and was a "fan" of her before they initially hooked up. He's just a fanboy with low standards.
No. 60638
File: 1564629136124.jpeg (46.43 KB, 640x400, 147C55CD-6D63-4136-B3D4-BFD80F…)

No. 60667
File: 1564645242160.gif (2.62 MB, 382x480,

i guess she gets really bored to act so retarded
No. 60722
>>60667She’s trying to passive aggressively demonstrate (again) how comfortable her costume is and how she can spend ALL DAY!!!! in it
All. Day. Every day, clearly.
No. 60725
File: 1564689770620.png (1.75 MB, 1859x1068, magicalshoujoprincess.png)

>>60711But she's a magical ~*~ageless~*~ shoujo anime princess!
She doesn't need a career, personal goals, education, plans for the future, or icky human adult responsibilities – those are for plebs and ugly old people. She's wayyy too ~*~ kawaii ~*~ for that old fogey peasant shit.
No. 60729
File: 1564691186381.jpg (217.84 KB, 1600x869, composite_15646909551842.jpg)

2004? Going to the movies in cosplay.
2018? Still going to the movies in cosplay.
Lori hasn't changed in what…15 years?? So yeah, no wonder she feels 'ageless' lol
No. 60739
File: 1564699471974.jpg (67.17 KB, 500x725, 371til.jpg)

No. 60747
File: 1564702181935.jpg (66 KB, 494x601, noooooooooo.jpg)

>>60742I don't think Kevin really has a choice
No. 60754
>>60667She's got the crazy eyes, like Heather Sparkles
You can never be cute when your eyes say "I will stab you at the drop of a hat."
No. 60775
File: 1564714720285.jpg (114.13 KB, 1589x325, 5647143988391.jpg)

>>60771dunno, I was under the impression she just did camming fetish stuff, if any work
No. 60810
File: 1564755570550.jpeg (166.71 KB, 750x942, 9F6CF7F8-28F2-4CE1-8B47-5627F8…)

Im not sure if this has been posted. This was a comment left on the video where she “has to file down her horns because she’s pisses off.”
I snorted.
The excess of filters may hide her age, but I’ve always thought her voice was a giveaway.
No. 60823
File: 1564764826154.png (1.34 MB, 1628x1028, lovehottopic.png)

>>60810yeah Lori's lying, she loves her some Hot Topic
No. 60847
File: 1564773795704.jpg (425.66 KB, 1045x1393, FaceApp_1564773753626.jpg)

The future.
No. 60870
File: 1564780100212.jpg (96.74 KB, 474x999, FaceApp_1564780071497~2.jpg)

Oh lord. I think someone needs to stop me.
No. 60881
File: 1564781788878.jpg (691.99 KB, 1080x1350, FaceApp_1564780337855.jpg)

>>60873Then just one more?
(newfaggotry) No. 60886
>>60882we've discovered kevin is a cow too so i think both of them should be included.
>>60881 is hilarious and would be a good candidate.
No. 60915
>>60810It's funny watching her try to act so pretentious about not shopping at HotTopic when she literally works at Forever21. HotTopic is mostly weeb shit and band tshirts, how does that not appeal to someone who basically lives in their cosplay?
Also, her buying her hairdye at HT explains why her hair usually looks so shit.
No. 60924
File: 1564805821519.jpg (31.58 KB, 551x370, Picture1.jpg)

Does she not cease to look like a bitch in the rare pictures of her with black hair?
No. 60925
File: 1564807364264.png (159.54 KB, 1280x1230, tbw.png)

poor Kevin
No. 60980
File: 1564857926077.jpg (58.84 KB, 600x800, 10294_10152162806690431_212441…)

>>60924She had a dark hair phase that wasn't so bad- healthy weight, more flattering bangs, and imo the witchy shit looked more age appropriate than the weeb shit
No. 61001
>>60980The makeup still isn't great, but seeing this and
>>60924She really does look so much better with the dark hair. She has a mature face that clashes with the "kawaii anime girl" routine she's trying to pull off, especially when the filters aren't there to smooth everything over to the extreme.
>>60925kek, that second panel. I don't know if I'd go as far as to imply Kevin is cute though.
No. 61038
File: 1564897925032.jpeg (184.18 KB, 972x1296, 16773185-A531-460E-ADC3-3ECC32…)

I agree. Lori style was always a gothic Lolita type of style. This person her was her last husband and to be honest was the only time she was fine with being herself he was about a year or two older than her and was a black smith. He was her reason for coming to Washington state. It’s sad that she has fallen back into her delusions but this time it is much much worse as if she is trying to literally escape herself
No. 61076
>>61055Wait so she has already been married twice? Making Kevin her THIRD marriage?
(Not that it's actually going to happen obviously, considering how they act towards each other.)
No. 61095
>>610761st husband- Luis in 2001 (btw Lori was 15, he was like 25+ years old)
So Luis allegedly raped a cosplayer in Lori's Sailor Moon group in early 2000s (2003?). Cosplayer was then tried to convince the rape
victim to commit suicide by downing a shitton of Aspirin
2nd husband- Jeff in 2002, married for like 3 months
3rd husband- Steven, cheated on her immediately after wedding
There may be more. Tough to tell.
No. 61157
File: 1564989470995.png (105.61 KB, 789x747, muffdiver.png)

>>61153>nickname: muffdiver>hobbies:… I'm straight, just gotta make sureShe sure does know how to pick em.
Thank you for digging up such old receipts anon.
No. 61252
File: 1565063808247.png (31.78 KB, 772x473, kou.png)

>>61189So she's been married three times and engaged how many? Thank god she's never had kids. Her profile on the old sailor moon site said her dream was to have a daughter and name her Serenity/Rini.
No. 61263
File: 1565070985880.jpg (110.36 KB, 776x378, skinwalksm.jpg)

>>61252literally a hundred percent skinwalking. most of her answers about "herself" are straight copied from sailormoon's actual character bio.
No. 61320
File: 1565115540890.png (2.58 MB, 1343x3435, scotttestimonial.png)'s testimonial about the $60 "engagement" ring
No. 61321
File: 1565115645705.png (6.41 MB, 4026x16384, scottresponds.png) response from Scott about the ring debacle
"This is for you lori, you pathological liar with borderline personality disorder and all of her brownnosers. NONE of you know the situation, so keep your airheaded comments to yourself. I paid for that fucking thing after being HOUNDED for a moonstone ring that she wanted for cosplay purposes. Yes it WAS 60 dollars because I specifically remember the price tag reading 57.99. I even had to pay to have it re-sized to what it is now, so in actuality it's MORE than 60. Whatever, I don't care. Yes, I DID lose it because I misplaced it when I TOOK IT BACK from where you were living. I didn't STEAL ANYthing. Did you pay for it?? No? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP. I honestly don't care if you're the one that bought it back. You were ungrateful for having that ring because when I said it wasn't an engagement ring you got depressed. So, based on what we have here, you've got no right to make any type of complaint about this. You would've paid me for it if I found it earlier, huh? I highly doubt that seeing as how you couldn't pay for it in the first place since the only job you even bothered getting never lasted more than three months, yet you wanted it so badly. You can have your ring back, but you can take your twisted logic and your false sympathy and shove it waaaaaaay up your demented ass.
EDIT- For your information, bitch, my mom paid for about 200 dollars worth of material for costumes you made, Endymion included, and you NEVER paid her back ANY of it. Plus you made it on HER sewing machine, and if she didn't have one I don't think there would've been costumes in the first place. Yeah, it belongs to me, so just shut your sewer hole."
No. 61325
File: 1565116947902.jpeg (58.02 KB, 539x960, ent205735.jpeg)

Lori's brother Pablo got arrested for attempted robbery in 2016
fb"A Port Washington man was arrested after he threatened a woman in an attempt to steal her vehicle Monday night, Port Washington Police say.
Authorities received multiple 911 calls regarding a suspicious man walking on Main Street in Port Washington, between Port Washington Boulevard and North Maryland Avenue, who was trying to enter multiple vehicles a 6:31 p.m.
Police say the man, identified as 25-year-old Pablo Andeas Cerda-Salazar, also tried to steal a woman's vehicle by threatening her."
(3.2 Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.) No. 61412
>>61323I don't think these LJ caps were ever posted before?
Man what I would give for caps of her LJ, I bet it is a goldmine of milk.
No. 61457
File: 1565192548047.jpg (100 KB, 281x285, wedding_ring01.jpg)

>>61401The only Sailor Moon ring that I remember is pic related. Usagi got it from Mamoru though
No. 61494
>>61401>>61457>>61481I believe the ring from the DeviantArt photo is the one in question. It wasn't a replica of Usagi's engagement ring, she was obsessed with moonstone during her Sailor Moon skinwalking period, asked Scott to buy her a moonstone ring she liked, and then whined until he agreed it was really an engagement ring (based on his stories).
Interestingly, they appear to still be friends on Facebook.
No. 61497
File: 1565219975675.jpg (212.41 KB, 1080x1079, Screenshot_20190807-161731_Chr…)

>>61494An old LJ entry of her claiming the moonstone obsession isn't Sailor Moon related
No. 61501
>>61497i remember the old genvid site about her, her kou klan members said anything with a moon on it she would buy. even if it was ugly, even if it was a really cheap or bad smelling cosmetic, literally anything
what a weird person lol
No. 61541
File: 1565253569257.jpg (119.93 KB, 1080x1350, 68683955_444022573111982_15994…)

No. 61593
>>61541>>61565>>61568kevin looks good here. cute actually. not SNOWed to hell or with bug eyes. he looks good. but i would assume this is actually how they look to just go out. lori thinks she IS 002 so this is just her default look to do anything. now that she's bought contacts it'll get even worse. i wonder what people say when they see her in person.
at least she's flattened her bangs now instead of volumizing them like before?
No. 61627
File: 1565306194600.jpeg (262.2 KB, 750x1142, C7033DE3-4D85-4A03-A5B5-082324…)

No. 61636
>>61605Yeah, cute is a reach, but he definitely looks better without her extreme abuse of filters. Dude needs to get a real haircut though, he looks way too old to still have that unkempt emo mop on his head.
>>61627>lori cooks better than she claimsLiterally just a leaf of lettuce with some scraps of meat and a slice of tomato thrown on top. kek.
No. 61637
>>61636Yeah, cooking is a real stretch here. There’s nothing “cooked” here except maybe the chicken, which is really just a bunch of sad looking pieces.
It’s funny that they insulted the anons by saying they eat microwaved food and fast food when it seems like that’s exactly what they were doing!
No. 61806
File: 1565436572935.jpg (129.17 KB, 952x1280, IMG_20190810_042830_754.jpg)

No. 61811
>>61806>>61808There's something really funny about Kevin busting his ass working full time, while his 35yo girlfriend sells pictures of her shooped butthole online. Meanwhile Kevin isn't even allowed to talk to other girls. kek.
The pink frilly bedding which are obviously her choice of decor and the meals she "cooks" for him just add to it too.
No. 61812
File: 1565441956983.jpeg (167.63 KB, 693x1056, 6000F103-6A60-4BFA-92F4-09CC29…)

I wonder if Lori is bothered that a porn star makes a better zero two than she does and that made her decide to lewd zero two? She hasn’t done lewds for a while but all of a sudden indigo drops new zero two content and Lori is right behind her. Saged for tin foil.
No. 61822
>>61806I don’t think #animethighs look like sausage casings…
Maybe Kevin is so deep into this whole thing he’s the one taking the pictures
No. 61828
>>61811we all know it’s “her” apartment anon. all the decor is stuff she picked. pink sheets, fairy lights etc
maybe kev gets a 2x3 “man corner” somewhere that we haven’t seen where he can hide there with a camera in case lori needs to take a flattering angle for her lewds.
No. 61843
File: 1565492313535.png (127.02 KB, 500x561, me-helping-my-girl-film-for-he…)

>>61822Kevin is literally this meme. kek.
>>61828>>61841He's reached peak cuck levels. What a pathetic existence.
No. 61848
oof, it must be really shitty when you spend your whole life working to pay for your gf and she just sexts up dudes all day and sends them lewds cuz you don't make enough $
No. 61915
File: 1565581150034.jpeg (166.23 KB, 750x1070, 3FBF680F-7EB7-4637-BFED-270491…)

No. 61916
File: 1565581178544.jpeg (64.81 KB, 750x473, 8AACEE04-E384-4478-B64E-C86721…)

No. 61917
File: 1565581205375.jpeg (90.81 KB, 731x422, 65831A06-C933-4230-AB85-0D400F…)

No. 61927
File: 1565590772960.jpg (62.13 KB, 816x1279, IMG_20190811_231157_799.jpg)

Cosplay Selfies from the month
Sweet Strawberries
Boudoir and lewd sets, up to 40 photos
*includes cosplay selfies
No. 61964
File: 1565629982773.jpeg (90.41 KB, 750x408, C4D6C3C9-B115-4AE6-A2E8-2DA74B…)

Behind the scene of what? All their “photoshoots” are already selfies, Lori doesn’t make her outfits, just buys them, she could show us all the snow filters and meitu filters they layer on their photos
No. 61974
File: 1565633241439.png (1.34 MB, 1876x1124, zyxabc.png)

Wonder if their cosplay bullshit is a smokescreen for Kevin's cuckold fetish?
No. 62011
File: 1565652211870.jpeg (493.92 KB, 1367x2048, D4A0CD85-D33C-4B75-8D08-B19311…)

No. 62012
File: 1565652234942.jpeg (532.98 KB, 1367x2048, 914D0C42-E243-4D65-8A08-304219…)

Why doesn’t he wear a dancers belt
No. 62013
File: 1565652257322.jpeg (803.21 KB, 2048x1367, 5376DB79-1FA3-4AA8-BED8-EB3086…)

No. 62030
File: 1565658123851.png (489.66 KB, 556x449, yanasty.png)

>>62012Shitty costume aside, this is straight up nasty looking.
No. 62045
File: 1565670088605.jpeg (124.4 KB, 750x646, 30D2C5FC-F339-4261-B1AE-4072D1…)

How old is she? 34? I’ve seen women who are 45+ and don’t have lines this bad
No. 62066
>>62065Are they natural? Yes. Are they more shocking and accented because of how much she edits her face? Also yes.
The under eye lines are the most prominent thing anyway, and that’s caused by volume loss as you age.
No. 62103
File: 1565722005006.jpg (46.13 KB, 1162x1280, IMG_20190813_114614_905.jpg)

No. 62130
File: 1565736067352.jpg (80.63 KB, 715x1280, IMG_20190813_154034_243.jpg)

Lori added a new tier today. Now there's a $10/month option, in addition to the $5 and $30.
No. 62281
>>62265He'd better pay up or else Lori gonna accuse him of rape, go fuck Rikki, and demand some self-injury as further cuck punishment.
Kevin, are you happy you dropped out of college to be a minimum wage NPC paypiggy for Lori?
Are you glad you put your future on hold to be the whipping boy for a deranged, aging otakukin? Thundercuck beta male is a shit-tier choice for an occupation.
Lori is a Cluster B parasite. She's the type of sick that doesn't get better, even with a shit ton of therapy and psych meds. It's only gonna get worse, man.
But you've received a shit ton of warnings and red flags so it's your choice. Has Lori promoted you to Official Lewds Photographer yet? Or are you still only allowed to slather vaseline on her nips between shots for her "boudoir" sets?
No. 62577
File: 1565993745682.jpg (201.44 KB, 1600x667, superkind.jpg)

"always be kind, you never know what someone's going through"
No. 62612
File: 1566023529598.jpeg (240.38 KB, 1132x1574, 4121C1AC-94F5-4EDE-B265-745DF3…)

The character zero two doesn’t stand around with a blank eye buldging expression She is so unlike the character that the skin walking doesn’t make sense.
No. 62619
File: 1566031378515.jpg (131.16 KB, 1479x448, 660290304568.jpg)

such tiny noses
No. 62628
>>62612I'll never understand why she thinks these edits look good. The blurry over exposed skin, the fuzzy noses, the big bulging eyes, and underdeveloped chins. Is this the kind of body dysmorphia trying to be a "cute anime boy/girl" causes? Cause it's hideous.
>>62610Easier to pick the easy target and sperg out about it. She's obviously super threatened by Sonnya which is kind of hilarious. So many people on both of their friendslists can't stand her and Kevin is on thin ice with a lot of people now too.
No. 62785
File: 1566139538062.jpeg (295.63 KB, 750x2218, 99F2D147-0365-4037-B04B-489574…)

No. 62791
File: 1566140754716.jpg (823.04 KB, 1440x2618, Screenshot_20190818-230601__01…)

>>62785Really going for that "uwu I'm so smol" vibe by choosing the loli oni. those horns are too huge for the character, Kevin couldn't get the scale right?
No. 62795
File: 1566141277559.png (3.55 MB, 1080x2700, ^_~.png)

Is this the outside area at their apartment?
No. 62853
File: 1566164216783.png (46.04 KB, 447x516, Kevin1.png)

No. 62854
File: 1566164254380.png (29.29 KB, 458x317, Kevin2.png)

No. 62859
>>62853Typical "I don't care let me write a paragraph about how I don't care and am very u bothered" cow post
Also I think anyone who uses "XD" beyond high school is pathetic but we already know that's where him and Lori are both at mentally
No. 62904
File: 1566181777111.jpeg (43.12 KB, 750x178, 119928BD-72BD-4087-9CF8-786342…)

No. 62909
File: 1566184324863.png (90.81 KB, 1055x819, darlinginthecuxx.png)

I am not an artist but I think this sums up things well
No. 62920
File: 1566189436290.png (1.33 MB, 1656x2048, Screenshot_20190818-233601.png)

I don't really know what she's supposed to be here…
No. 62931
File: 1566196956555.jpg (829.29 KB, 1440x2556, Screenshot_20190818-230601__01…)

>>62920Highly inaccurate version of this
No. 63040
File: 1566251013663.jpeg (105.06 KB, 750x913, 768491CC-33E1-4D46-8363-9AC92A…)

Her eyebrows are fucking pink and shouldn’t she be wearing a brace for this supposed spinal injury?
No. 63053
>>63045She doesn't wanna smile because then that missing tooth will be obvious, or her aging. Either or.
Not sure why the latter matters much since she can just blur them away like she usually does.
No. 63054
>>62920Lori straight up looks like a trap here. Her torso/chest looks like a twink's. kek.
>>63040The wig is unstyled/wrong, the horns are way too big, the ears are way too big, her eyebrows are the wrong color, the sticker she slapped on her forehead is all wonky. All in all, this is pretty trash, even by Lori's usual standards.
>>63043She shooped her chin tiny here too. In the process making her neck look thicc as hell.
No. 63088
File: 1566265125860.png (79.75 KB, 359x307, tooth.png)

>>63075Whichever one this is. Not sure if there are newer photos of the tooth in question given that she never smiles, but this one was posted in the previous thread.
No. 63092
File: 1566265887223.png (13.7 KB, 503x134, Loriyoung.png)

No. 63093
File: 1566265920818.png (329.62 KB, 508x696, Hypo.png)

No. 63095
File: 1566265950605.png (8.29 KB, 387x114, godsatphotoshop.png)

No. 63105
>>63092Everything about this post is classic for a woman who is past her prime and insecure about her age to say.
Being 30 isn't even old, but when you have no job, education, skills, or anything worthwhile to show for it? No wonder she feels like such a hag, clinging so desperately to this fantasy that she is brimming with youthful beauty ohoho.
It's pathetic and absolutely hilarious to watch how self validating and delusional she is. Keep it coming you crazy cow.
No. 63110
File: 1566269318710.png (8.99 MB, 1242x2208, 54F1458D-57F6-4C1A-98D2-26735A…)

No. 63131
File: 1566275197048.jpeg (694.51 KB, 750x920, F15D328D-4B86-4A26-8B0A-DA9FF1…)

I know this photo has been posted already, but this was a CON FLOOR PICTURE taken by a PHOTOGRAPHER with an HD CAMERA. This is what they both actually look like when they aren’t overly filtered. There is a difference between being self-confident and being self-absorbed.
No. 63150
>>63131This is an unpopular opinion but I'm looking at this picture, and I don't think Lori or Kevin are ugly are ugly at all. I even think Lori looks good for her age. To me what makes her a cow is this
>>63105 She has been doing this same shit since me and Kevin were in middle school.
No. 63156
>>63150Nah, anons have said it in the past that they don't think either of them are actually straight up ugly. Just read up the thread. Sure, she looks good for her age, but definitely looks mature and not some fresh faced 20 year old like she seems to think. Kevin isn't ugly either, but his skin is pretty awful for his young age and shows signs of premature aging, he looks like he needs to hydrate desperately. Other than that, neither of them know how to do makeup or style themselves well which makes them look worse. Also, yeah, their personalities are actual rancid dogshit, so there's that.
Tbh, I think Lori peaked during her renaissance fair looking phase. The dark hair suited her and with her kind of odd, angular face, the elf bullshit actually sorta worked.
No. 63186
>>63150I agree she isn't hideous. She actually has high cheekbones and that helps her age well. She looks good for her mid-thirties.
She doesn't look 22 however. She tries to emulate early 20's with her hairstyle (bangs hide the forehead lines) and her juvenile fashion and makeup. The filters don't make her look younger just more uncanny.
No. 63196
>>63092She doesn't look to be in her 20s at all. Yet I'm sure with the way she acts and is childish in every other life aspect, people get confused because she's
acting like someone extremely immature. Not like someone in their 30s. Especially if they've ever read the things she posts on social media.
It's a backhanded compliment, but Lori is too desperate to believe she's youthful to see it for what it is.
They actually mean you're infantile, Lori.
No. 63257
File: 1566327216510.jpg (144.97 KB, 620x827, hmmm.jpg)

No. 63432
>>63413Lmao, please.
Sometimes I wonder if Lori and Kevin spergpost their own thread with shit like this just so they can turn around on social media and pretend to be
Makes no sense when "farmers" suddenly want the cows to die when they bring so much entertainment.
No. 63538
File: 1566381129733.webm (197.72 KB, 640x800, Loriscratch.webm)
No. 63552
>>63538People are really attracted to someone that's so flat chested? Lookin' like a trap.
>>63432I'd be willing to bet my soul that they do that. Especially Lori, even back in her Sailor Moon glory days she always found a way to paint herself as the poor, innocent
victim. You'd would think after a decade that the act would get boring.
No. 63559
File: 1566392425064.jpeg (362.38 KB, 828x1320, 342E9142-8A00-4CAC-A57E-12F477…)

No. 63571
>>63538She straight up looks like an ugly trap here, kek. What an unfortunate body type. The makeup and editing make her look downright ghastly too.
What is the weird doodle tattoo on her hip of?
No. 63584
File: 1566401704794.jpeg (118.57 KB, 828x581, 520F90F2-A9F8-4318-93ED-2174E9…)

Someone got blocked saying something Lori didnt like
No. 63587
>>63584Looks like the second account for the person asking "Do you think this to much" in
>>63559 She's out here blocking anyone who doesn't kiss her ass, so insecure.
No. 63620
File: 1566412016297.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 2560x1920, 19-08-21-11-26-02-549_deco.jpg)

>>63538A weird choice to channel Jeff the Killer when trying to make costhot porn but hey, i guess you gotta distinguish yourself from the tbousands of other girls doing the exact same shit somehow…
No. 63631
>>63619Why can't she smile with a closed mouth? It would be more natural than the derpy faces she usually puts out….
Her eyes really contribute to the uncanny valley feel. Dunno if she opens them too wide or what but they look dead instead of playful and attentive.
No. 63637
>>63631But anon, smol anime girls don't look like real living people so why should Lori??
She's so focused on making her eyes look huge and animu-like both by bulging them out and with the help of meitu that she can't give them any life or expression. Then again the soulless, dead inside stare is an accurate representation of who she is so it makes sense that she looks that way kek
No. 63800
File: 1566515677096.jpg (21.33 KB, 400x404, blinkmotherfucker.jpg)

>>63538why doesnt she ever blink??
No. 63910
File: 1566594627860.jpeg (245.52 KB, 750x958, BD01209F-99F7-4A41-A44E-1956CD…)

No. 63992
>>63991Funny considering Lori has plenty of fat female friends, guess as long as she feels more attractive than them she isn't threatened, just like in the case of Kevin and female friends
It's pathetic and I almost, almost feel sorry for her/them. She's obviously insecure as fuck.
No. 64123
File: 1566722924989.jpg (149.56 KB, 750x937, IMG_20190825_014900_468.jpg)

No. 64180
File: 1566761099899.gif (266.67 KB, 678x523, 001.gif)

>>64139Lori entered lots of cosplay masquerades back in the day but was eventually banned from most because she cheated and got caught. She lied about making costumes herself instead of buying them from others, notably Setsuna Kou. Lori is a pathological liar.
"According to the latest on cosplay underground (as I call the local rumor mill) all of your cosplay awards that you've won over the years have been REVOKED! You've also been banned from the following masquerades: Katsucon, Otakon, Anime Boston, Anime NEXT, Anime USA, Anime EXPO, Fanime, and NYCC." No. 64205
File: 1566772224190.jpeg (251.94 KB, 828x563, 03597526-83CE-4829-9242-5CB724…)

Nice try
No. 64208
File: 1566772955872.png (5.44 KB, 644x123, pig.png)

>>64205I got this one. Maybe different kinds of Spanish dialects?
No. 64237
>>64205Do you not know Spanish? Cerdo means pig cerda does also mean bristle or horsehair, so that's where the surname comes from's still funny though
No. 64239
>>64205Cerda also means pig or sow, white knight.
Also here is the audio from her sperging about Scoot's confession. (I can't upload the mp3.) No. 64310
>>64139I live in the same area as Kev/Lori and I would honestly love to see them enter a contest so I could be front row to that dumpster fire. Not only has Lori taken credit for things she hasn’t made in years past, but she has taken at least partial credit for the stuff Kevin has made for 02. I compete and judge locally and it’s very important to most cons to discuss who made what in a group setting. Also? Most cons require somewhere of 40-70% of the costume to be made by hand, so Lori’s flight suit is immediately out of the question since I would say the neck brace, horns and thigh pieces would only fall around 30% in my opinion. (And we all know she HAS to cosplay the character she skinwalks.)
Sage for sperging.
>>64269Can confirm that he has entered contests and placed. I believe one of them was the Monster Hunter cosplay he made.
No. 64486
>>64376She’ll probably have a new character to skinwalk by then. I don’t understand why she’s even hanging on to 02 this long. That show took a massive nosedive in popularity toward the end and absolutely nobody gave two shits about it anymore once it was over.
Ditf crashed and burned hard.
No. 64895
File: 1567144985468.jpg (83.41 KB, 976x1279, IMG_20190829_230315_115.jpg)

No. 64998
>>64962I'd believe it's this over anything else.
Does Kevin like being a cuck? Probably not, but he also knows that if he can manipulate Lori into selling some lewdie nudies it means less time he has to slave away at his job to pay for absolutely everything.
The best way to manipulate narcissists is to make them feel like they've gotten their way. Maybe Lori is basking in the attention but now she'll also no longer have an excuse to not contribute nor do nothing all day.
Kevin is willing to deal with the treatment and so be it.
No. 65168
File: 1567388646120.jpeg (209.19 KB, 828x826, FEE21C15-8A7D-470E-B875-A87D02…)

No. 65185
>>65168Lori: uses the exact same filter every time
Lori when someone asks what filter: "Idk!!!! Totally random!!!"
Bet she's saying this do that way they can't "copy" her
No. 65195
File: 1567434675934.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 5B3A02E8-8A09-40A1-B0B0-20B4FD…)

Sure Lori… her eyes look crazy
No. 65197
>>65168*random SNOW or meitu filters
Fixed that for you, Lori
No. 65292
>>65254I said the same thing in the old thread, kek. She has the face, body and even hair for it.
Incels don't care about Utena, so at least we dont have to suffer through ~aged up Utena lewds~
No. 65368
File: 1567560534334.jpeg (168.1 KB, 750x1067, 1BFA9BA7-04A2-413C-8377-131AEC…)

No. 65437
File: 1567647231736.jpeg (307.57 KB, 1242x1503, 3B1C9704-E8F0-40C9-8BB1-A299E5…)

Claims she has sever back injuries and cannot work or contribute to society She uses back pain as an excuse to not have sex. Posts nothing but bad arched back poses in inaccurate costumes for quick cash. Role model of the year.
No. 65439
File: 1567650464457.jpg (20.59 KB, 400x400, 40956943.jpg)

>>65426She'd literally make more money per month working minimum wage…part time.
All the while degrading her romantic relationship and making a fool of herself.
No. 65534
File: 1567718940921.gif (2.29 MB, 275x180, 1515310459970.gif)

>>65531I bet he'd make more money from gay men and women. rofl
No. 65625
File: 1567798839323.jpg (181.36 KB, 1080x1253, 67807824_2614258425272846_2083…)

No. 65630
File: 1567801761084.jpeg (813.24 KB, 1242x1698, 1261953C-DD97-4487-8AEE-A20483…)

Ok.. sooo… Kevin actually looks hot here. I don’t know if he is a natural blonde but I think he looks the best with blonde hair rather than jet black. The jet black just washes him out. He would make an amazing Siegfried/ nightmare. Oops I forgot he can’t make any alterations to his looks or else he won’t fit lori’s overplayed aesthetics. So sad.
No. 65632
>>65630How does he look hot? Part of his face is covered.
Guess that's the only way he can look hot kek
No. 65642
File: 1567807937114.jpeg (605.34 KB, 828x807, 42E8395E-9E92-4183-AD2A-5F93B2…)

No. 65680
File: 1567827477180.png (1.19 MB, 698x916, 1560228411712.png)

>>65625Her editing is so bad, you can hardly make out her form in this. Why bother with blurry, overly saturated and smoothed out softcore when there's hundreds of other ethots producing higher quality content. I guess she's desperate to hide her age though. It's a far cry from OP's pic or
>>65642>>65630>kevin looks hot>>65669>kevin is fine as fuckAnon, please. He's not hideous, but he's nothing to write home about. Just look at
>>63131Also, while some of his cosplay are decent, his personality is garbage. They deserve each other tbh.
No. 65685
>>65675You just gave Lori the most inflating complement she could receive. She's terrified of aging.
>>65669>>65680He's not ugly by any means, but he's not remotely attractive enough to make up for his hollow personality; nobody is. There doesn't seem to be much going on behind the eyes, which makes him a good match for a similarly hollow person like Lori
No. 65726
File: 1567879398535.jpeg (88.41 KB, 750x302, 0352148D-07F5-47E7-8945-328D25…)

this comment is now deleted from kevin’s IG.
anyone know wtf happened with these two?
No. 65727
File: 1567879508460.jpeg (186.26 KB, 750x996, F12F3A0F-BA81-4325-BC11-5F568E…)

>>65726pic the comment was under
No. 65736
File: 1567883502464.png (305.42 KB, 640x400, motherboyXVII.png)

>>65687omg Kevin is Buster
No. 65737
File: 1567883731406.png (321.59 KB, 640x400, motherboy.png)

someone please please please shoop their faces on, I am not good with computer
No. 65747
>>65745Kohalu posted this status about
abusive relationships on FB some months ago and it was super obvious who it was about.
>>59614So I’d probably say that’s why she’s being passive aggressive whenever he comments on Kevin’s props. She’s done it here too.
>>59511 No. 65753
>>65737I second this please shoop this lol!
That kaholo dude has a pretty large following Kevin would be dumb to let Lori ruin that friendship they could create some epic stuff and he could take him much further than Lori ever can. Kevin just does not make a good Hiro and as stated the black hair makes him look worse than he really is.
No. 65818
>>65770oh shiiiiiiiiiiit i love it so much thank you
is there a lori thread on KF?
No. 65819
File: 1567978247870.png (527.61 KB, 637x397, accurate.png)

>>65726>>65727She's actively driving away the dudes now too? I'm kind of surprised since the guy has a decent amount of followers in comparison to the both of them and his comment wasn't even rude. He must be one of Kevin's friends that didn't like Lori or supported him when the abuse accusations came out.
>>65736>>65737>>65770It's funny how close this looks to their candids with only some minor editing. kek.
No. 65843
>>65819anon… this is truly a work of art….
Next thread pic?
No. 65856
File: 1567998364438.jpeg (143.13 KB, 1205x471, 1430014E-1FC9-49BD-83B5-72D742…)

No. 65905
>>65903maybe she's going to use that as an excuse as to why she skinwalks/gets obsessed with these characters? obsession with one particular thing is a big quirk with autism.
No. 65929
File: 1568075623102.jpeg (733.19 KB, 2048x2048, 7E6E68A3-7C02-4B05-8602-4DFBB0…)

Not sure if this was noted yet but you can see how much she slims her jaw but the warped as fuck pictures behind her.
No. 65945
>>65929This is hilarious, this is the kind of Lori content I came to see.
Excellent work, anon
No. 65948
File: 1568082759134.png (8.82 MB, 1125x2436, 9838BBDA-EFB2-4600-97F6-F74BCA…)

I’d make that face too if I had those claws on me
No. 65949
File: 1568083077686.jpeg (314.62 KB, 2048x2048, 58C1520E-7DB5-4C5D-AEB6-F2AD9C…)

March 19 Lori posts a video on fb where the first second of it shows her fave before it rubber bands to the snow filter.
Here’s the comparison. So much for that “natural” jaw she claims to have.
No. 65960
File: 1568093593779.jpg (128.86 KB, 1280x869, 1568093606042.jpg)

No. 65966
>>65960God I never understood Lori’s posing or her need to be looking away from the camera all the time while Kevin looks at the camera lol it’s so fucking weird
>>65948You can always tell someone’s age by their hands
No. 65970
>>65960Look at that arched back
Here I was thinking she can't work, contribute to society or act like a goddamn adult in any way because she has a mysterious broken back
No. 66195
>>66168So that's completely insane.
She's burnt bridges left and right. Logically, it doesn't seem like a winning strategy to alienate yourself via non-stop thundercunt behavior when your very survival (food, water, shelter, life basics) depends on leeching off others.
Does she have any real friends? Peers? She is so very fucked as her forties approach
No. 66257
File: 1568313029279.jpeg (249.75 KB, 1125x1485, 3F6445B4-7E45-48E8-8BDF-980136…)

No. 66258
File: 1568313069218.jpeg (232.62 KB, 1113x1397, 3003D111-6314-4BD0-83AA-58C588…)

No. 66259
File: 1568313101017.jpeg (259.58 KB, 1125x1382, 5FBBB166-DE4D-4F54-A98C-5F28A8…)

No. 66263
File: 1568313834643.png (3.08 MB, 1920x2400, bunnyiguess.png)

>Excuse the lack of makeup, its a lazy day. Here are shots of my finished bunny suit. I made this for a pat♡reon set and im pretty pleased with it.
No. 66264
File: 1568314565967.jpg (59.97 KB, 450x600, 88347cbac6897143d55aed2fa31a65…)

>>66263Looks more like bunny Haruko Haruhara. Same crackhead vibes.
Zero Two had an official bunny figurine. The bodysuit, shoes and ears are all completely wrong.
No. 66269
>>66165Holy shit the accuracy of this schedule though. It's so sad for someone her age. How does she not just wake up and realize she has nothing of her own worth anything. Nothing she can truly be proud of?
>>66263It's too bad she Meitu'd the fuck out of these pics. She might've been actual cute in them before all the filters. Jesus
No. 66270
File: 1568318250064.jpeg (450.41 KB, 1238x1538, ECF7FFF2-61A9-463C-9514-273FD0…)

The shape of the suit in general isn’t accurate, the color is off. Her hair color is wrong. I think she does look beautiful without her badly done makeup
No. 66276
>>66263I’d really like to see these pics without any filters, facetune or other shooping.
Something about the softer hairstyle and less make up really suits her.
But I guess we’ll never know if it’s just the filters…
No. 66313
File: 1568345111625.png (71.53 KB, 298x427, nah.png)

>>66263>>66277>she looks adorableShe still looks spooky af anon. She turns the eye size up to max every. single. time. kek
I'll agree that the lighter/softer look is an improvement, but let's be real without all the editing and filters, her hair is still neon pink irl and her face still looks like OP. There's no way she looks anything like this glowing blur of an anime girl in real life.
>>66281I don't know if any farmer would be that desperate for this dull cow's bad shoops. Either she hooked herself a new neckbeard or she bullied Kevin into it to prove himself to her and try to drum up more sales. I'm guessing the latter.
No. 66323
>>66313It does seem suspect, but I think other anons are pleasantly surprised at how much better she looks without the heavy eyeliner even though she still shooped the everloving Christ out of herself.
Everyone knows she looks miserable without the Meitu/shoop, but she also looks miserable with her heavy eyemakeup AND the Meitu/shoop. All in all, even with the bloody awful editing she always does, this isn't THAT repulsive to look at.
No. 66406
File: 1568501122918.jpeg (487.83 KB, 1242x1783, 72C1D7FB-8D38-461E-945F-8FAD78…)

No. 66409
>>66406I think she thinks because she isn't using
as much make up that we won't think she's using filters/apps to alter her face. We're supposed to believe her eyes are naturally twice their actual size.
No. 66414
File: 1568516788527.jpg (88.75 KB, 1205x1280, IMG_20190914_001203_666.jpg)

imagine announcing to everyone that you pay for her lewds. proudly
No. 66454
File: 1568574939085.jpeg (180.96 KB, 750x1732, A8667D3A-FEE1-4BDA-83F6-5B7BA6…)

No. 66489
>>66462>>66474You know he's barely holding it in too, considering he freaked out on Facebook over a single post in this thread where an anon claimed to have fucked Lori recently.
Selling nudes is sex work, Kev. It's a slippery slope that will lead to much more if it hasn't already.
No. 66513
File: 1568608656077.png (371.52 KB, 530x317, ttlynotedited.png)

>>66406You know she's been lurking and is tired of us roasting both her shit eyeliner and magenta hair. She's smart to take our advice, but her editing is still pretty extreme.
No. 66566
File: 1568689307997.png (257.63 KB, 727x535, BunnySuit.png)

She def still reads here, mentioning that she made the top different
No. 66569
>>66566>>66517Lori, put foundation over your brows as well as your face, and then use makeup on them to get them closer to your hair color.
in b4 "I dOn'T wEaR fOuNdAtIoN b/c i'M aN aGeLeSs 20 YeAr oLd TeEhEe"
No. 66598
File: 1568743353279.jpg (39.43 KB, 1280x484, IMG_20190917_110104_552.jpg)

No. 66613
File: 1568764244075.webm (688.08 KB, 480x600, deadstare.webm)
No. 66623
>>66613Can't tell if it's the poorly made bunny suit or she's put on weight recently. She looks surprisingly doughy in this clip, still slim of course, but def more skinnyfat than her semi recent anachan looking pics.
>>66620Exactly this. kek. The robot movements are unsettling as hell though.
No. 66626
File: 1568777721221.jpg (114.02 KB, 787x1280, IMG_20190917_203434_531.jpg)

No. 66666
>>66658That's in, what, 5-6 more years? By that time, Lori will have replaced Kevin with some fresh, gullible blood to leech off of. Her current cuck is looking more and more like a dried up husk of a human being everyday. Kevin might be approaching his expiration date.
The good news is that, despite dropping out of college, he can now add "fetish photographer" to his shitty resume. So…yay?
No. 66692
File: 1568861081668.jpg (67.54 KB, 467x960, lul he mad.jpg)

Lori posted this on fb with the caption "Lul he mad"
No. 66693
File: 1568861113921.png (671.48 KB, 512x699, lori wants to lose more weight…)

No. 66694
>>66693Kek. This is basically a response to
>>66623 seems like she did gain weight and is excusing it as a sweet tooth and her "broken back" keeps her from exercising. She still wants to be an anachan though.
No. 66746
File: 1568943658332.jpeg (43.42 KB, 221x275, 00F35D7E-A26B-4229-9DF3-617B3E…)

What is this character even supposed to be? This weird pose just looks awful.
No. 66755
File: 1568959282744.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.99 MB, 540x304, zpgZB8T.jpg)

>>66749I mean, isn't that basically the show? The girls looking like they're getting doggy fucked while piloting Evas with titties? sage
No. 66783
>>66775Not that I know of except that she thinks she is the character.
If I had to guess it was the coincidental way she and Zero Two wear red eye liner. She used to say she thought the creators of Darling in the Franxx must have based Zero Two on her because she wears red eye liner under her eyes.
No. 66850
File: 1569030417493.jpg (165.89 KB, 765x600, 3fd991d892141b7437be30f9b2f05d…)

>>66834>>66829i guess it's a modern anime eva ripoff. The main character is called 02 and is coincidentally red like unit 02.
No. 66891
File: 1569053068231.png (1.65 MB, 2160x1287, mannequin.png)

Her face is so smoothed out it looks fake
No. 67029
File: 1569148838640.jpg (200.07 KB, 969x1279, 1569148761195.jpg)

Looks like Kevin might start a tutorial Patreon soon
No. 67063
File: 1569186712814.jpg (60.45 KB, 1080x1269, supportmycosplay.jpg)

No. 67069
>>67063Is this…supposed to be sexy? Maybe if she cropped out her face
Does anyone else think she edits her body? I feel like she wouldn't have that much an ass given her anafhan lifestyle and not working out.
No. 67076
>>67029There's barely an audience for female cosplayers with their tutorial patreons.
Poor Kevin is too deluded to realize that cosplay tutorials made by a male will not bring in the monies like Lori stripping half naked for neckbeards does. Wearing a pair of horns doesn't mean she's not cheating on you dude.
No. 67103
>>67063>>67069Her legs are looking a lot thicker here than usual tbh, right leg even looks like a cankle, though the angle really isn't helping. Only thing giving her a decent ass here is the pose, she's arching her back, and those straps are cutting into her thighs a lot as well as propping up what butt she does have.
>>67068Her face is always unsettling to look at in these edits. Girl looks like she's making creepypasta porn. kek.
No. 67105
File: 1569210900161.jpeg (352.04 KB, 750x1202, AEF19761-F556-496A-8091-80F8C3…)

>>67063Wtf is this ham foot? It’s almost as big as her calf!
No. 67119
File: 1569217478332.jpeg (111.23 KB, 750x1086, 1528918597056.jpeg)

>>67105This isn't the first time it's been noted that her foot was the same size as her calf in a pic. I can't tell if it's just terrible editing or she has unusually big feet for her size.
No. 67121
File: 1569217945837.png (520.96 KB, 482x632, wtf.png)

>>62011 to compare. Can confirm, her foot is actually the size of her calf. kek, how unfortunate. How tall is she again?
No. 67124
File: 1569222202527.png (302.66 KB, 986x732, 224.png)

>>67123Spot on, anon. She says she's 5ft on an old blog from her Usagi Kou days. Makes me wonder what her shoe size must be then tbh. She's got hobbit feet. kek.
>>67122Maybe her big flat feet will appeal to dudes with a trampling fetish.
No. 67129
File: 1569228785340.png (11.45 MB, 4865x3186, longfeet.png)

No. 67130
File: 1569228899091.jpeg (518.57 KB, 750x1043, D64885FF-8A62-4583-BBB2-B744B0…)

>>671245 foot EVEN! Don’t forget to be unnecessarily specific.
No. 67150
File: 1569253218774.png (1.09 MB, 1280x3193, oldhag.png)

Saw this on her insta. This isn't me
No. 67153
File: 1569254150773.png (486.55 KB, 1280x1483, perfectfeet.png)

>>67152Actually, anon, her feet are perfect
No. 67157
File: 1569256678041.jpg (87.04 KB, 1280x1228, IMG_20190923_093633_363.jpg)

Really? "My boyfriend laughed at your comment about me being old"?
No. 67166
>>67129Goddamn look at those nasty Fred Flintstone feet. jfc they are like disproportionately big compared to the rest of her body. Fucking yuck
Isn't she always going on about how ~*~* uwu so smol~*~*~* she is? Lori needs to start shooping those flippers along with everything else. Maybe her next identity is gonna be dolphin-kin?
No. 67169
>>67150"You look like a 1500s slave to the king"
aside from blatant lookism, is Kevin being 1) antisemitic, 2) retarded, or super weird Mormon-y?
because it sounds like something a weird-ass homeschooled kid would think is witty. everybody knows that he and Lori are Mensa rejects, but wtf?
(btw, yes, Kevin's family is/was Mormon. his sister is still in the church & his parents were heavily involved in LSD stuff in the past.)
here's my theory as to why Kevin refuses to wear a dancer's belt with cosplay — he can't take off his magical Mormon "temple garment" underwear.
No. 67173
File: 1569264233713.png (1.14 MB, 1670x1088, corporatebondage.png)

'ive worn bondage gear to work. All clothing can be part of every day life.'
No. 67175
File: 1569264634834.png (1.19 MB, 1838x1074, d1.png)

No. 67176
File: 1569264674960.png (57.59 KB, 664x392, d2.png)

Trouble in Paradise?
No. 67229
File: 1569283809172.jpg (133.24 KB, 945x553, awkward.jpg)

>>67217>>67217the temple garments thing was a joke.
anyway, not sure if Kevin is 'homeschool-y' weird or just 'double digit IQ' weird – the two tend to overlap.
it's pretty clear Lori's borderline intellectual functioning is a result of her poor Latina gene pool, shitty family and personality disorder/s (def not autism lol). maybe she's contagious – interactions with him (esp recently) are just fucking awkward. he's either really really exhaustingly thirsty for approval or smug. dunno what he was like pre-2017 but c'mon dude
–so i know you check this thread and, yeah, the pic is for you, Kevin–
No. 67230
>>67153Ah yes, the hallmark calling card of every mutually respectful and healthy relationship: The foot fetishists that show up on your girlfriend's lewd social media posts.
Kevin, you are an absolute cuck. You laugh because if you didn't, you'd cry.
No. 67231
File: 1569284417056.jpeg (695.27 KB, 1242x1650, 41D96B56-BB9C-44D7-AC9D-FCCD6D…)

>>67157People are so retarded and kiss ass it’s pathetic. Anyone with working eyes and a brain knows she edits her pictures to hell. Her skin is not Snow White with no lines her jaw is no where near this delicate and slim, nose isn’t that sharp and small, and most her eyes are not as big. She is trying so hard to hide her age is laughable! She has managed to make herself believe that she naturally looks like this because she is very sick mentally. She hates herself so much she truly believes she has the looks of a 22 year old. All the comments are of course kissing her ass when they know damn well she a liar lol. I sure wish people would start snapping pictures of her and posting the unedited versions.
No. 67238
>>67231That 'callout' is super cringe because it gives Lori the opportunity to simultaneously play
victim and self-righteous.
Lori actually has laugh lines and wrinkles that she hides because she's ashamed of aging?
Has a healthy tan to her skin that she shoops to snow to try to look asian?
Does hateful things to her own body like push in her waist because she's insecure about not looking like her anime characters?
Those are what makes Lori look bad. Not that she's older. She's nasty because she's mean, condescending, and has delusions of grandeur.
If any one of you from here posted that please reconsider the way you go about it because now this just gives her ammo to insinuate anyone with criticism is just a ~*~jelly hatur~*~
No. 67241
>>67238Yeah calling someone an old hag is always a lame/non insult. Everybody ages. It's like making fun of somebody for sleeping. It's a stage in life that everyone goes through.
I don't get what Lori is saying in her defense about not needing to abuse filters. Is that her way of saying she still abuses filters, but doesn't need to because she's adorable?
Her interactions with those foot fags are pure cringe. She should be embarrassed.
No. 67245
>>67241I think she's implying she doesn't use filters (when she does, and edits the shit out of herself, and anyone who isn't fucking retarded can tell ESPECIALLY next to her candids). She's basically lying about it here, which imo is worse than using them at all, and THEN saying other people do it, but not her, not Lori the uwu ageless vampire Zero Two skinwalker!!
So her being up her own ass about how young she looks and how she's "genetically blessed" (girl…no) while simultaneously asking why people rage over beauty is hilarious. You, Lori, rage over beauty, or rather what you think you have, because you know deep down, the truth of the matter is you're ugly inside and out.
No. 67254
File: 1569297431068.jpeg (127.68 KB, 639x602, BDB9F395-BAAB-413E-9DDB-BA4F45…)

Footfags will really get off to anything, huh? Imagine Kevin coming home from a full days work and Lori asking him to take feet pics for her new friends.
No. 67278
>>67255Just the usual neckbeard incel types that you would expect to publicly admit to wanting to smell a woman's feet. She's tagged pics with things like "booty", "animethighs" and "thighhighs" so it's really no surprise these guys are popping up in her comments.
Homegirl still got hobbit feet tho.
No. 67286
>>67121My dude that pic is perfect. She must wear a size 10 in women's
I vote collage for next thread header, this pic included.
No. 67303
File: 1569356782679.jpg (50.97 KB, 450x634, 10686915_1495167847391337_4189…)

>>67286The talk of Lori being a Hobbit made me think of this picture. Just a lil Photoshop and it would be a perfect thread pic. Just give Kevin/Kayne horns to represent what a cuck he is.
No. 67317
>>67311I'd guess at least an size 8 tbh. Most people around that height wear somewhere between a size 5-7. I agree though, it probably doesn't help she's all torso and an on and off anachan either.
No. 67349
>>67322Thank you anon, you are a true artist
Seconding the headbands. Can you also add like a tag to her shoe that says size 10?
No. 160458
File: 1626114579526.png (141.96 KB, 958x425, 23.PNG)
