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No. 68012
Last thread
>>62881Current events:
> Venus announced she's filing for divorce after the (now deleted) drunk video where she accused her ex-husband to be like her momager.
> Won't stick to her stream schedule (as usual), blaming her ~mental health~ for it.
> Shows up to events and streams disheveled, greasy and clearly hungover.
> Anons found her manager and the company that promotes her (along other few gaijin youtubers), debunking her claims about starting her ~own media company~
> Izakaya event ft. Venus and other weeb thots went south, it is speculated that she got too drunk and caused some kind of major trouble. No one of the other girls took selfies with her, and the very few pics anons found were taken from her manager and customers, wearing a Miko oufit and chugging sake bombs.
>Something really shitty might happened, she made a IG post promising her fans that she'll stop drinking too much and taking pills (as if!)+General summary (from last thread):
> a 22yo weeb that escaped her batshit crazy, narcissistic momager> turns out she's just as much of a narc as her mom> publicly dragging her husband while being active on a sugar daddy-app (we know it's hers because it has a selfie on it she never posted anywhere)> appears to be drunk all the time, or pretending to be> is currently talking shit about and lying that her husband quit his job and lived off her money, even though there is proof to the contrary (she herself mentioned him working very often, her channel is basically dead and hasn't brought in revenue in a long time, her sudden need to earn money after leaving him…)> posting shopped ~*kawaii*~ selfies with depressing or suicidal captions like "daddy fuck me hard or I'll kill myself" and quickly deleting them> disappearing after getting some asspats and pity> after a few weeks: It's OK guys, I'm going to therapy and doing well, gonna upload to youtube again ^_^> never does it, or half-asses everything. soon disappearing again, since she didn't get as much attention and money as expected> rinse and repeat> her whole fanbase basically consists of people pitying her or neckbeards wanting to save her, since being a victim is basically all she does nowadyas> her friends get flooded with spergy accusations and messages everytime she has a public breakdown (often). never lifts a finger to stop it, which led to people distancing themselves from her> her streams consist of hard to understand passive-aggressive mumbling, random singing and staring at the screen looking bored> said "lolcow" instead of lowkey in one of them, confirming she lurks (hi weenos!) No. 68013
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No. 68014
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>ty for the thread btw!She also deleted the post about the event on her insta.
No. 68016
>>68013Well, hopefully she sticks with it and this isn't just post-embarrassment hangover regret.
>Every time I start forcing myself to do something I don't want to I tend to get addictionsIt sounds like she might still feel that 'performing monkey' is her only career option. Quitting social media entirely and getting a real job would probably do her a great deal of good; what audience she has left only consists of hate-watching jealous weebs and nostalgic pedos anyway
No. 68017
>>68014Jesus christ that does not look like her at all. She's really photoshopped herself to look Japanese.
>>68012Thanks for the new thread! Good pic.
>>67897Fantastic. Now Japanese people can sleep well at night knowing that WeebyMcWeebface the SJW anon is protecting their pop-culture from other weebs.
No. 68019
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Was this pic ever posted last thread? It's kinda ironic how she wore nice makeup and a yukata here but neither at the event.
Also posting her IG here since it's not included in the OP: No. 68027
>>68013I don't understand why she always has to promise things no one asked her about. what pills?
just washing that hair and putting out a video once a month consistently (while sober) would be enough for her fans to forget everything.
she never shows any progress before announcing how she wants to change. it's always "I had this idea 2 minutes ago and will totally do it, promise". that's how you know she's full of shit
No. 68028
>>68019she probably went to a kimono dresser for this. and she's using a billion filters (you can tell because her yukata looks smoothed and weird)
>>68026we still wouldn't be drinking as much as her!
No. 68055
>>68013Here we go again. Showcasing mental illness and her problems to the internet to score pity points. I bet right after she posted that she went to lolcow and pull to see the effect it was having (ie: are they going to wish me well, hope I get better etc, or are they going to see I'm full of shit and want attention). Guess Venus got tired of trouble and wants to attempt to up her reputation. Love how she made herself look as dishevelled as possible for those extra aesthetic points to go along with the post.
Oh and she
will continue lying. Let's not forget the lies about Manaki. All the lies she spewed that crazy marge accused her of (and turned out to be true), pater ad and pretending she doesn't know what sugaring is, the lies about
her studio and manager and the following posts her apparent friend made (amongst all her other lies):
>>62174>>62185>>62186>>68027>>I don't understand why she always has to promise things no one asked her about. what pills?pity grabs
No. 68057
>>68055The stereotypical BPD buzzwords (like the pills that were never mentioned until now, bruises that we have never seen) + the "pretty mess" pictures with the clothes carefully hanging from one side like a tumblr heroin chic post is so attention seeking it hurts. No hurting person has the mind to plan and edit pictures to pair with a cliche caption just to feed on some internet pity points.
Venoos, get off social media if you are really depressed, otherwise people will not take you seriously after so many "I want to get better uwu" posts.
No. 68060
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>>said "lolcow" instead of lowkey in one of them, confirming she lurks
Hi Penus!
No. 68063
>>68057Exactly. I can't imagine thinking "Gee, I feel so down with so many bruises and pain", soooo I know! I'll just sit next to a waterfall, make myself look an intentional and carefully constructed mess, pose for the camera and later pair that image with an equally dramatic, emotional caption, so as to woo my audience into sympathy once more. Like seriously? She repeatedly uses "her problems" as a means of phishing for compliments & attention. She wants her viewers to feed her ego, put her on a pedestal, deify her and see her as some poor, pseudo-deep girl who suffered immense hardship but rises like a phoenix from its ashes. If she's serious and needs help, take it to therapy and friends, instead of the usual self-absorbed, emotional internet drivel. She's still so disingenuous. I don't buy her bs.
No. 68068
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Venus' facebook photo, there's another guy on there who loved the photo and who Gaku asked to "please take care of Venus" in another comment? .. Yoroshiku is common though, so could be unimportant.
No. 68075
>>68016She's really going through the typical 'child star' motions. I feel so bad for her. She has zero idea what she should be doing or acting like because she's been so strung all her life. Hopefully, like you said, she sticks with it. A lot of people who were controlled by their parents like this take yeeeears like MCK. If her mom couldn't find out I wish she could go back to her actual home and try a normal job, try to be socially interested in things she wants to be interested in, not just what people around her think and say she should be interested in.
The pills thing though.. Oh man. Thats drug and alcohol abuse. Someone needs to be watching her and helping her stick with this stuff. Doesn't help that Japan is such an open alcoholic country. They don't have too much as far as drugs go, but you can drink practically anywhere and even kids can get shit from vending machines.
No. 68082
>>68068> I wish she could go back to her actual home and try a normal job, try to be socially interested in things she wants to be interested in.Not happening anytime soon, anon. Venus has stated several times that she's not interested in having a normal job (or anything that doesn't provide her a daily asspat fix)
Sure she was the breadwinner back when she was living with Margo, but we all can agree that recording herself eating/talking/dancing like a retard once or twice a week for youtube buxx isn't a job.
No. 68089
>>68013>bruises and pain>Doing things I don't want toConfirms her escorting, and then predictably resorting to drink and drugs to try to forget.
What baffles me is that Switzerland is a much more beautiful country than Japan. Why struggle in Japan when she could get a job in a beautiful country, and maybe even have support from her family?
No. 68095
>>68082How was she the breadwinner? Without her vile momager investing in their youtube and getting her out to the tabloids, interviews etc, she'd be nothing. There'd be no channel. No one would care and there'd be no income. Marge definitely exploited the situation but she
was working on the channel too, so that doesn't make Venus the sole bread winner. Marge should be ashamed though, that she didn't have another job to fall back on in case YT didn't work out. I guess she expected them to become millionaires.
>>68089She doesn't want a real job and she is obsessed with/fetishizes Japan and kawaii culture so she won't go to live in Switzerland anytime soon (unless she is deported for visa fraud). Remember, this is the girl who thinks she is a creative soul, eccentric and on the same level as Trump (her words) and felt perfectly fine putting down others who she deemed as "conventional". She even put down Manaki as being reserved and unambitious, which is hilarious, given that Venus, when she is not in the comfort of her room, is also reserved, conventional and generic.
No. 68122
>>68089Who the fuck keeps saying she should go back to Switzerland?
She hasn’t lived there since she was a kid so chances are she doesn’t want even feel at home there.
And she doesn’t talk to her family, she’s not going to maybe get support from them. It’s not like her location would matter, they don’t care about or support her now while she’s going through this shit storm in Japan.
No. 68125
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Damn she looks rough
No. 68126
>>68124The living doll is now acting as a living teddy bear.
I'm not buying her "ahhhh"
No. 68129
>>68062The anon never provided any proof, so I hope they don't come back to shit up the thread with stupid shit, unless they also have the receipts. Also shame on the anons who believed them without proof, it's pics or didn't happen!
>>68082>her actual homeWhat actual home? Some European country she lived in for a few years while she was younger? She seems to have most connections in Japan so it makes sense for her to stay there if she can work through her supposed visa problems. The only plus side of moving to Europe would be a better chance to get therapy, depending on the country of course, but other than that, she would be just as miserable there than she is in Japan, or even more so.
No. 68132
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>>68124Venus looking at the bar section like pic related lmao.
But honestly? Even though I feel like it's exaggerated to say this, something tells me that venus is a Sere/lorena 2.0 in the making. Idk she will go places, but not the good type of places.
No. 68135
>>68124It's so weird how she doesnt know what the fuck is happening (like with the coins and even her own character) with this job when she was probably given a script beforehand to read before starting to film.
And why the fuck is she filming her get ready with me when she knows people behind her are undressing??
No. 68149
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Tweet from natalia after the event she was at with Venus
I would bet money it was about Venus since they had a feud between them when they were both trying to be the imoutos of youtube
No. 68158
>>68140Shady and untrustworthy family vs sugar daddies who leave her "bruised," who will win?
Even if she is alone in Switzerland, she can make friends (iirc she speaks much more calmly when not in Japanese or English) and get her life sorted out. Being the novelty doll Gaijin is already wearing very thin. Does anyone
really want to see garbled streams in a plain empty room, or photos of her getting drunk or visiting sugar daddies?
When she does go elsewhere it's cringe and awful. Her ability to communicate in Japan is very stilted and uncomfortable to watch. I can't see things going any better for her in Japan than they did for Margo in Korea.
No. 68164
>>68149>>68155Don't forget, Venus's mom was the one who leaked Yukapon's peeing video she made for Akira/Junnyan/Jrcach at the height of
her popularity. I can imagine seeing Venus fail like this is very satisfying for her, like karma.
No. 68168
>>68164Akira, the pee video was made for Akira, then akira made it public, margo took the video and spread it across the web,
something like that
No. 68169
>>68158I see what you mean anon, she'd honestly be better off going to whatever country she has stable citizenship status in , get some proper therapy, and focus on becoming a better person and having a better life. But Venus has always been about easy attention just like Natalia and all the other wannabe uwu waifus. It's sad but unless they reflect and get better they never will truly be happy in life. Natalia looked like she was going the right path and that she actually cared about having a music career but she never wants to learn how to do things on her own or go through things the hard way so here she is pandering to Japanese neckbeards and creepy old men again.
It's like none of them have any passion for anything other than a desire for validation. So of course they'll never truly sit down and say "what do I need to do to live and be better" cause that takes work. Ironically it's more spiritually draining and stressful to do what they are doing now in comparison to the rest us working "normal" jobs, going to school and working hard to achieve what is desired instead of looking for short cuts. There's plenty of models, musicians, actors, artists, and those into STEM that aren't doing what they wanna do but are working towards it. I don't understand why pandering to Japanese incels is seen as such an easy alternative to these people when all they are actually doing is putting themselves in constant danger.
Tldr: Venus & friends think pandering to incels is easier than actually just getting a job and sticking to it until you get to where you wanna be in life. But they don't actually have dreams other than attention.
No. 68262
>>68129>>Also shame on the anons who believed them without proof, it's pics or didn't happen!A lot of their claims seem very believable though.
1. Venus living off of manaki? Makes sense given she's been living so shabby since they split and lied saying he leeched off her the whole time, which is easily disproved. Then took down the video. Also, did not make YT videos for extended periods while with him.
2.Venus fucking the malice manager? Makes sense given she said malice is fucking dead and blamed the manager as being inexperienced and letting her do what she wants. Takes no accountability herself and even admitted she only did malice to see what starting a company is like, meaning she never intended to go through with it, thus most likely screwing him over.
3.Cheating on manaki? Also possible, given she had a pater ad up and their chemistry was way off. Not to mention those pics her mom posted years ago. Also claiming she was gay and wanting to date girls while
with Mana.
4.Posting the slander video due to manaki wanting a divorce? Also makes sense and venus admitted to divorce later on, after the anon posted about it and before the public had confirmation.
5.Venus can't stay in japan if they split? Although we don't know if she has PR, she suddenly got with the Kitano manager, lied about making a company all on her own and even said it was "a life long dream" to start an advertising "company". Yet before that, she said she wanted to be a pastry chef and fashion designer. Therefore, she's likely doing the "company" for a visa (not life long dream bs), so the claim that she can't stay in glorious nipponland seems plausible.
6.Venus berates manaki? Have you seen their videos together? This was a constant occurrence and IS true. She even joked that he should be "put down".
7.Venus burned a lot of her friendships? Well Mikan doesn't seem to really like venus. and possibly tsuruko. Mikan talked about
toxic friends in a video. Venus doesn't seem as close to many of her public friends.
8. Venus tried to sleep with friends/their spouses? She tries to paint ella as her gf/gets really touchy. Something happened at her yukata event where nataliya tweeted/implied Venus was staring at her boobs. She kissed the other girl at the event and has spoken perversely of her friends before.
9. Will call the anon-friend out as a fake friend? She's called out manaki, her mom and even the malice manager. She even low key tried to make mikan look bad in a stream (
she doesnt have time for me, she's finding new friends, i hope she doesn't forget me) followed by
I hope she's happy even if she forgets me, i want the best for her, I'm such a great person while low-key implying mikan isn't.
Most of the claims seem possible, but we're aware there isn't 100% proof for some of them. And her marriage was definitely visa fraud.
No. 68266
>>68149the event was on 28th, this tweet was made a day before
natalia also made a video together with mikan and venus before, so idk
No. 68268
>>68262You must automatically assume someone is guilty if they’re accused of anything because hearsay is definitely
valid evidence
No. 68417
>>68268I never said I "automatically believed them" or it was
valid evidence (aside from Venus berating Manaki because there
is actual evidence of that in her videos). Looks like you can't read, anon, if you think I said the claims are
absolute truths.
No. 68425
>>68424She looks like a druck addict with her hair all greasy and that red make up under her eyes. Is that supposed to be the drunk-girl-make up she did a video about years ago?
What a boring video.
No. 68428
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the bad voice acting vid went relatively popular, was it posted on r/cringe?
No. 68432
>>68012>>announced she's filing for divorceShe didn’t say she was the one filing for divorce, her ig post said she was “getting divorced.” I personally think Manaki was the one initiating the divorce given how fucked-up she’s been the whole time they were married. Also why would she be the one to file when she needs that spouse visa, plus having to give up that nice apartment and comfortable easy life she had while married? No way she chose that. She had too many reasons to stay married.
Manaki on the other hand only “lost” his alcoholic lying mentally unstable financially noncontributing roommate by getting divorced. He had everything to gain and nothing to lose by bailing.
No. 68435
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>>68019>>ironic how she wore nice makeup and a yukata here but neither at the event.That’s because the photo is from back in July when she did a little video and photo shoot of her wandering around some shopping center wearing a yukata. It must have been right after she signed with that skeevy “manager.” She posted the video on her insta story in July, then on Youtube weeks later, the ‘On a date with myself’ video. Screenshot from the July video:
No. 68436
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>>68425what's up with the absolute garbage editing with her videos? Does neither venus or her manager/sugar daddy have the time to put some 5 more minutes into the making of it?
No. 68438
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Enjoying a beer with her charred fish.
No. 68449
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>>68448Those fish impaled whole on sticks, heads and tails and all look disgusting. And even worse when she picks one up and starts gnawing on it. Eww.
Also, what the fuck is going on with this photo? Her hoodie is falling off and looks covered in dirt or sand as does her hair and her legs. And she’s climbing around on rocks in those pointy toed little shoes?
And WTF is happening with her left leg?
No. 68478
>>68425I usually don't nitpick cows but she straight up looks like gollum with the pale sullen complexion, listless eyes, and stringy dark hair.
The fishing doesn't help with that mental image.
She is really starting to look like a Margo.
>>68471 Wooooow Venus, I'm sure your viewership has never seen fish bones before. Much spook.
Speaking of views, the low count on this video really shows how much of her subs are either bought or inactive. I feel secondhand embarrassment for her.
No. 68479
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People want to meet her and drink with her, anons.
No. 68491
>>68478Gollum on the riverbank eating fishesss is exactly what I thought about seeing this pic at
>>68471I don’t know what she’s thinking allowing herself to be filmed looking like this. It’s not the first time though, in some of her deleted videos from 216-2017 I remember her looking like she had been dipped headfirst in a vat of grease.
No. 68505
>>68447Thats not balding tho, it’s just the difference between the hair dye and natural hair colour
Didn’t she claim in video a few years ago the dark brown/black is her natural Color?
No. 68507
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Today's insta story from mizuki aka You Stole My Apricot. Do you guys think she’s talking about venus?
No. 68510
File: 1570345612305.jpeg (88.52 KB, 768x576, 0468B749-B696-4354-9CA4-57D6D4…) up from the new insta post, it looks like venus’ manager paid a lot for them to go
No. 68511
>>68438Am I the only one who felt bad for the fish lmao. They got impaled with a stick and then burned alive. I wonder who films her videos now? Not Manaki I assume. Her manager or one of his team members?
>>68458She might have slimmed/elongated them. Venus has kinda thick calves, but in her pictures her legs often look thinner and longer.
>>68507Possibly. I remember she posted 1-2 pics with Venus and when I checked again, they were deleted.
No. 68513
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>>68510Wonder what their "business" is.
No. 68515
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No. 68517
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No. 68534
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No. 68551
>>68515>>68513I wouldn't look away from venus being in a type of "rent a gaijin" position at this event. I mainly hear stories about this happening in China but I've heard of some in Japan too.
It helps legitimize whatever they're selling, be it a product, service or partnership. Venus being a "youtube star" who vlogs about Japanese culture can be an additional bragging point.
Example: No. 68553
>>68552Why would Rachel and Jun be better? These people don't watch youtube. They just want to feel like they're talking with celebrities and VIPS. Then they can go brag to their colleagues and bosses etc.
They're not gonna fact-check. At the very most they'll see that venus has 1.x million YT subscribers which is more than legitimate enough for them. Not that I think they'll go through the effort to check.
Also, Jun isn't a cute* and white young girl if you haven't noticed…
* she's cute enough for people who don't interact with many other cuter white girls.
No. 68560
>>68553Rachel and Jun are stale. They're boring as fuck and I'll never get why they hit 1 million subs. Rachel looks like a mole rat and Jun is a basic gook. Honestly?
All the foreigners that tend to do youtube there or try to model or prostitute always look ragged. You never get someone who actually looks good, with a healthy mindset, sane. They're always neck fat or pale skinny white men or white girls with a weeb or anime obsession. There is no in-between.
No. 68561
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Can anyone remember how she used to say her natural hair colour is a very dark brown? She said this in multiple videos yet you can see her light roots growing in the video she just uploaded, she is still adamant to this day that her natural hair colour is extremely dark, it baffles me as to why she lies about little things like this, she does this a lot and I’m seriously curious why, there has to be some underlying issue that makes her do this
No. 68564
>>68561She naturally has light brown hair - there is a picture of Venus when she was little of her winning some contest in a china dress back when she was like 11 or 12 with Margo and some woman. Her hair there was very very light.
Venus has fetishised and wanted to be Asian since she was 10/11/12. Since finding out about anime, that's all Venus's life has consisted of.
She will no doubt have a half Japanese baby. Anything as long as its Asian for her aesthetic.
No. 68565
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>>68562>>She wants to be a Japanese girl, or at least as close as possible YES to this. She does nothing as far as hair or makeup for any of these “events” but the one thing she always does is put those brown contacts in (and of course the dark brown/black hair dye.) Those “I look Japanese” lenses, every time.
No. 68571
>>68515If she thinks this “manager” dude is the one who will steer her career in the right direction she’s in trouble. Posing for pics with the ambassador of Benin is not gonna cut it, lol. I doubt any of her followers even knows what ‘Benin’ is. It’s just so random and weird. Manager dude seems extra clueless about how to promote his “World Famous Youtuber.”
And Venus doesn’t help her cause by showing up all sloppy, greasy and hungover for events and filming videos.
No. 68578
>>68575Not defending her but who knows how long she's been employed by this company without starting activities, or she was going to interviews with agencies and trying to get work so she dyed her hair to be more employable.
Another reason is not wanting to stand out in public, I mean some gaijin do the exact opposite and dye their hair blonde or bright pink to stand out even more, but if you hate getting stared at it's a lot more common among gaijin rather than just Venus doing it because she wants to be Japanese because she's such a massive weeb
No. 68623
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>>68621Lol, she is. (and it’s “almost” 750K, not “almost 1M!”)
No. 68624
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>>68623Speaking of pathetic, how about this?
“Part one of my
vlog series on making a media and advertising company! I show you
my studio!”
(Guess what? There is no part 2. Or any other parts.)
No. 68628
>>68625no, i mentioned it cos i read her description. Since i'm posting i want to point out again - esp. for the pullies reading who don't fucking get it- he didn't organize the fucking 'Benin business bureau' networking meeting
for Venus career for gods sake. He is doing his job and he brought Venus as his escort.
Whether him 'managing' her is just a little funny charade for him to be his sugar baby, or whether it is just a business relationship, all it is is him putting her on his rolodex of acts to book for the shitty functions he throws.
This stuff is not supposed to revive her viewership this is the cash-in-hand job she has talked about needing. '$200: chit chat at the embassy for 2 hours sort of thing'. Like the harpist
No. 68630
>>68621>>68623So she’s trying hard to pump up her views yet refuses to put even the absolute minimum amount of work into making her videos. I’m talking the most basic grooming here, just being clean for fucks sake. Washing her hair and maybe putting on a little makeup and some clean clothes. She films herself looking like a hungover homeless alcoholic who slept in her clothes and hasn’t bathed in days, all shiny and greasy. Does this basic fact not occur to her? I don’t get it. I mean this isn’t rocket science.
Is she autistic or something? What could be going on in her head that she does this shit?
No. 68631
>>68630I feel like she's trying to put on a show of being the poor depressed and alcoholic Venus that will "rise up like a dragon" just to get complimented and have people tell her how proud they are of her.
She pulls the mental illness card so often it makes real mentally ill people look bad. I've had it with Venus.
No. 68633
>>68631You might be on to something. Before she self-diagnosed herself as having bdp and was using that for sympathy grabs.
>>68624Maybe part 2 is the fish video lol. She went there with her manager and the description says "life in Japan" as well as the company stuff.
>>68632I honestly wonder if she did him any "favors" to enlist his help. I also wonder why she hid him from the public if he really is her manager. She claimed she
secured investors, but he doesn't seem like an investor if he's organizing everything for her and has what seems to be his own advertising company. Why not just be transparent, instead of hiding and outright lying, like she did with the studio.
No. 68640
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What was that? "Stop drinking lots of alcohol"? Not gonna happen apparently.
Venus is now following an account about sake on Instagram.
No. 68670
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>>68640Lemme guess…Weenus is trying to score an event with Sake Girl because free booze. And she’s discovered she really, REALLY likes sake and that shit’s too expensive for her limited hostel-staying budget (she’s a convenience store vodka-in-a-can/cheap wine girl on her own, sadly) so let’s see if manager guy can get her another bar hosting event!
No. 68671
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Weenus sez “sign me up, Sake Girl! I haz Kimonos too!”
No. 68674
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Manager guy’s company, Replinet Co. Ltd
Office address and registration address are both in Cambodia but they claim to be a “Japanese Advertising and Event Management Co.”
Described on website as “Media/Advertising” (sound familiar? Weenus’s make-believe Company is also in “Media and Advertising.”
Replinet says they do “Many events including Grand Opening, Sales Promotion, Kids Event, Fashion Show, Christmas and Halloween Event.” So what they mostly do is ~events~
“Not only Cambodian but also working with International clients.”
They have no Japanese address of any kind. I guess it’s cheaper to maintain an office in Cambodia as opposed to Japan but it just speaks to Manager guy being kinda low-budget and sketchy. No. 68702
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>>68676I know, that’s what everyone says, no standards etc. I still have a hard time believing that this haggard greasy creature is anyone’s sugar baby. Also it’s kinda amazing that she may not bathe, wash her hair or put on clean clothes for days at a time but somehow she always finds time to put those brown contacts in.
No. 68719
>>68702>>68674>I still have a hard time believing that this haggard greasy creature is anyone’s sugar baby>Weenus’s make-believe Company is also in “Media and Advertising.”to my mind this confirms the sugaring - because i remember on stream she said her company would be in this area because she had a "friend" who did that stuff and would advise her. She didn't say her manager which she could have. She said "friend" in a coy way, which now clearly referred to this guy
>but she looks sub-parwhy does everyone say this? Why can't a middle-income boomer have an arrangement with a cheaper baby? Why do people think the guy
has to be rich?
No. 68727
>>68719I believe that was in reference to making a venus angelic fan club website. She said she had "a friend" who would take care of that, which, you're right, seems likely to be someone from Kitano's advertising company intent on advertising our "world famous youtuber" and not one of her actual friends. She said she lives in Tokyo because
her office and
her studio are there and that she goes to live with Manaki on the weekends. Quite a few lies there, though. Also, let's not forget how abruptly she shut her stream off when someone entered the room. Why on Earth would she hide a roommate?
I wonder if she'll continue to vlog about "her company", given that all it took was one video regarding the studio for lolcow/pull to see through the bs.
No. 68729
>>68719>>Why can't a middle-income boomer have an arrangement with a cheaper baby?Just hard to see anyone paying for THAT,
>>68702no matter how cheap.
No. 68730
>>68702Who knows, maybe he's into hobophilia?
Jokes aside, I think these men go after stupid and easy to manipulate girls like Penus for several reasons, either because they know their income and assets aren't enough to keep a 'real' sugar baby, a savior complex, or even a cheap form or financial dominance.
An average sugar baby won't suck his dick in exchange of a lame fishing trip and two grilled fishes, but V will do it if it means she can stay in Japan and get free food and booze.
No. 68736
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Wonder how that HIRING is going?
She was looking for “staff” with “skills related to media and finances” lol
Funny how those “updates every Friday Saturday and Sunday on my YouTube channel!” never happened either.
No. 68738
So do you guys think venus
actually did some legal paperwork to register a company, or is the advertising company she talked about literally kitano's company? I'm inclined to think it's the latter and any paperwork involved was just Entertainment visa paperwork.
From:>>5 categories for entertainment visa
1.Mainstream entertainers [performance art] and sportspeople.
2.Those who support the individuals in i. This may include choreographers and trainers.
3.Those who are involved in the production of TV programs or movies.
4.Those involved in commercial photo shoots or sound recording.
5.Those involved in the “entertainment industry”. This includes those working as “hostesses” in bars, night-clubs, etc. Much of the complexity surrounding this SOR appears aimed at ensuring the well-being of individuals in this category.
>>Requirements for the Hiring Organization:1.At least three years' experience handling foreign entertainers.
2.In the past three years the Organization must have fully paid its obligations to foreign entertainers.
3.Have at least five full-time employees.
>>None of the following should apply to individuals involved with the organization:-Persons involved in human trafficking.
-Persons who have assisted non-Japanese nationals to engage in illegal activities.
-Persons involved in the use of false documents to assist foreign nationals to enter Japan.
-Persons involved with prostitution.
-Persons involved with organized crime.
If Venus was sugaring/escorting to get that visa, she'd be in legal trouble if exposed. Maybe why she pretended she didn't know what sugaring was?
>>There are also requirements for the actual establishment where the entertainer will be performing. These requirements include:-The establishment should not restrict its audience to certain groups.
-There should be a minimum of five employees primarily engaged in serving customers.
-Individuals with an Entertainer Visa should not participate in serving customers.
-There should be a stage area of at least 13 square meters.
-There should be a “Green Room” for use by the entertainers.
-The establishment should have at least five employees.
>>Non-Entertainers categoryExamples in this category may include the following activities:
-Movies production,
-Commercial photo shoots,
-Commercial sound recording.
In such cases, the Applicant must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
>>Supporting documentationWhere the Applicant will engage in theatrical performances, musical performances, sports, or other public entertainment (the following is required):
-A personal history and documents issued by an official organization able to certify the Applicants career and qualifications to undertake the proposed activities in Japan.
-Copies of the company registration,
-Statement of profit and loss,
-List of staff.
So it really does seem like venus has signed with a company/official organization that will sponsor her (applicant) entertainer visa, in the advertising category. She has also done hostessing gigs and theatrical performances (the play) as organized by Kitano and claims to be renting (or Kitano is renting) a studio (“Green Room” for use by the entertainers). This could be why she
suddenly developed an interest in bars and drunk titty streaming. Safe to say, she doesn't have PR and needs an Entertainer visa, BUT why would she lie and say she's established a company that has been "her life long dream*? Is it out of shame or something? Is she trying to hide the fact that after Manaki kicked her, she's in desperate need of a visa? Does she just like aggrandising herself and being seen as hard-working girl boss who never needed/used Manaki and can start a company just like that, on a whim? Is she doing something illegal to stay in Japan so she's being vague? Like what gives?
No. 68742
>>68738Venus doesn't have enough experience anywhere
but youtube, she definitely has an entertainment visa through kitano's cambodian company. That could explain why she is probably living with him- she had nowhere else to go and he was her ri ket to staying in Japan without a
real job. I can't wait until either this small fry company ruins her channel with all the weird, drunk content or lets her go for being a manipulative trainwreck.
No. 68743
>>68742Another thing I was thinking is perhaps venus is currently using Kitano/his advertising & media company, not only for an entertainer visa, but to learn how to manage an adverting company and then dump him like the malice manager and go solo? Though I don't see the point in that, as she could just stick with Kitano for a visa, instead of making things harder for herself by going solo, since she doesn't seem genuinely interested in any of this anyway (even mentioned in her deleted emotional drivel by the waterfall post).
Like just trying to see if there could be even a
smidgen of validity in her claims of starting a company, but it really doesn't look like it.
No. 68762
Some of you girls don’t want to admit how low men’s standards are. Just browse the gaijin gyaru or Sere threads. There are enough of sad sack, weird guys that would pay for these messy girls. Start thinking like a childless/divorced middle aged man who can’t succeed with normal women his age. lol
This Kitano guy looks like he’s trying to turn her into wife(but not Venus’ plan) and there may be findom element to that too. I personally don’t get the vibe that he’s a scummy guy, just a naive pushover. She probably sold him that story about how her husband was just as abusive as her notorious mother. Notice her style change? It’s all for this guy. Just like she started dressing in a more otaku “I’m an edgy Yandere” style when she was with Manaki.
So, she said she was in the PROCESS of getting a divorce? I’m 100% sure it was Manaki who initiated the divorce and she will draw it out as long as possible until she gets secures her visa through Kitano. If Manaki was that bad, and she was supposed to be the breadwinner and did not need him, a mutually agreed upon divorce(Kyogi Rikon, the most common divorce in Japan)would have been super easy to get and she would have been bragging about being a free, independent woman. But she indicating they are in mediation or the court is reviewing the case. FYI: In Japan, you can’t get divorced simply because you no longer get along or have fallen out of love. It must meet at least 1 of the 5 conditions: 1) infidelity 2) malicious desertion 3) uncertainty as to whether or not the spouse is dead or alive for three years or more,
4) serious mental disease without hope of recovery, or
5) a "grave reason" which makes continuing the marriage impossible.
You can guess who could check off numbers 1, 4 and 5. But the court process can still take a long time.
No. 68765
>>68762Yeah her exact words were “I’m getting divorced.” And I totally agree it had to be initiated by Manaki. She had too much to lose by divorcing him including her visa and lifestyle (as evidenced by her current living conditions and how she’s scrambling for a visa.)
>>don’t get the vibe that he’s a scummy guy, just a naive pushover. I think he’s just very low-rent and extremely clueless in how he’s going about promoting his World Famous YouTuber. And his office and mailing address being in Cambodia gives me shady vibes.
No. 68784
>>68743Well if so it wouldn't matter, I doubt Venus has the language or business skills to successfully run
any kind of company in Japan without a guardian figure running it for her behind the scenes. She can't even stick to a YT upload schedule when she's been making videos for almost 10 years now, come on. Venus, running her own company, successfully, that grants her her own visa to stay in Japan? No way, she just isn't that smart in a real world application like a business. She's too sloppy and temperamental to be a businesswoman. She killed Malice because there's no way to get a work visa just for being a ~voice actress~ to your own OC, yet the Malice manager likely lead her on to think she could if she slept with him.
No. 68786
There were people speculating that Venus may be eyeing an entertainment visa after the divorce cancels her spousal visa but I believe she is going for the business manager visa. If she gets everything in order before the spousal visa expires, she can start off with a 1 year business manager visa. People without a valid visa at the time of application can apply for a 4 month business management visa then petition for extended stay in order to change to full business visa after set up and requirements are met. The requirements for this visa are: 1) Office for business except home, 2) Investment more than 5 million JPY for capital, 3) Sustainability for Business (Business Plan written in Japanese), 4) Related career to your startup business, 5) Business Partner living in Japan. (You are required to have at least one staff member with valid long-term residency.)
As we can see from Instagram, this looks like exactly what she has been scrambling to prepare for the past few months. I really wonder if this was her own idea and she went searching for a partner or if Kitano suggested this path to her. There is a certain amount of personal history that will be reviewed by immigration after the application is turned in. Hence, the many deleted videos, Manaki’s presence wiped off the face of the Earth and all these random, uncharacteristic functions she has been attending. I don’t know how far they typically dig into an applicant’s online history, though. Kitano’s experience with organizing small functions and branching out into the niche category of foreign YouTubers in Japan plus Venus’ large subscriber count may be enough to satisfy the inspectors. It actually doesn’t seem like business manager visas are difficult to get as long as you have the money.
No. 68787
>>68786>I don’t know how far they typically dig into an applicant’s online history, though. Well, if she's going through a divorce at the samentime that she's trying this, which she is, they will absolutely look into the divorce and her marriage, and especially her persona and how she used and threw away Manaki. Plus, if Manaki is goin after her for marriage fraud, then whoever would grant her this business manager visa (immigration I guess?) could be tipped off to this being a scam, he could show them the acreenshots of her pater profile and her drunken IG posts avting like a thot before she suddenly got worh Kitano.
She shot herself in the foot and is now basically limping away slowly. She was set up nicely on her pedestal, I wonder why she got bored with it?
No. 68789
>>68787The smart thing to do would've been to stay with Manaki while setting up her business, meet all the requirements, then dump him when it's all ready.
Her YouTube channel wasn't a mess back then, too, so it really could've been her saving grace.
I'm betting she'll either abandon this idea and get into a fake marriage with her "manager" (or someone her manager sets her up with), or it'll fail and she'll be sent back to Europe. This business thing just doesn't look like it'll work out. She's not in the right frame of mind, and her manager is clueless for taking her to that charity event full of serious, older people with actual lives.
Honestly, going home wouldn't even be that bad for her. What's wrong with Switzerland? You had a good run in Japan, Venus. Maybe you can make friends with that weird rich Swiss weeaboo, Melonpan, and revive your channel with collabs. He might even help sponsor you to go back to Japan.
It'd be a better position than being one of those gaijin who ends up having kids in Japan and is stuck with a neglectful,
abusive and/or absentee husband.
No. 68808
>>68805There's so much editing and filters on these they may as well be videogame characters
Also appears to have been compiled by her pervy manager considering the "top 2"
No. 68823
>>68794Yep, Margaret is there, just waiting to pounce on her. She’s an embarrassing numbskull right now but I’d never wish Venus to be forced to reunite with that awful woman.
I guess if this media management company thing falls through, maybe Venus can end up with Manager-san in a Cambodian village, doing deep-fried insect mukbangs.
>>68806Her title is misleading but these are all TikTok trends in Japan.
No. 68829
>>68794Any other (European) country where she can stay long-term without marrying some random sleazebag and where she has access to jobs/education/therapy will do just fine. I understand that she doesn't have a real home and doesn't want to leave Japan because it's just like Anime~ but in the long run it's not worth it.
While she was still with Manaki she would have had a chance to set up a normal life for herself, I. E. pursue a diploma, get as much therapy as possible, learn healthy coping mechanisms, make normal friends that are not attention whore weaboos etc. She had all the tools she possibly could have asked for: Financial stability, moral support even from thousands of strangers etc.
Instead, she ended up just like all the other washed up white weebs who go to Japan thinking they'll make it big as models just because they're white: Questionable visa status, only hangs out with other white people unless it's for "business", no proper job or pursuing an education, fake relationships for their own gain/potential sugaring, liveblogging their escapades on social media.
I don't get why you would want to be miserable just to stay in glorious Nippon. You can read Manga and decorate your pink bedroom with Sailor Moon merch in any other country of the world, and as a bonus you might even be able to have a social life and make a living without having to sell yourself. She has no future in the entertainment industry. She has no social skills, no talent for singing/dancing/acting and no working experience whatsoever. The only reason why her channel was ever successful is because as a teen she was cute from one angle.
No. 68847
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>>68786>>personal history that will be reviewed by immigration after the application is turned inI don’t think those drunk livestreams with her boobs out will help her cause much.
No. 68866
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>>68854She found Venus’s address in Japan from some Youtube document and repeatedly stalked Venus and Manaki there, showing up at their door and lurking outside the building multiple times and even tried to break into their apartment. Just because marge didn’t travel from Korea to Sweden when Venus was at Narcon doesn’t mean she wouldn’t figure out where Venus was and stalk her again if Venus moved to Switzerland. She absolutely would if they were both in the same country.
Marge might be calmer and less agitated now than she used to be but she’s every bit as obsessed and batshit crazy when it comes to Venus as ever. Her videos literally cosplaying Venus and responding to things she has randomly mentioned on her instagram prove that. The bitch is still psycho. I wouldn’t want to be in the same country as her if I were Venus either.
No. 68868
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>>68854Some more crazy: marge posted on instagram about where she’s living now in Basel, Switzerland and hashtagged it #birthplace. Marge’s birthplace is in Hungary. It’s Venus whose #birthplace is Switzerland. Tell me that’s not creepy as hell.
No. 68873
>>68871Switzerland is a big place with over 8 million inhabitants.
Marge will definitely find her Please.
No. 68877
>>68871>>She could have easily visited venus at any of her events in Japan, but didn'tShe likely was banned from entering Japan for quite awhile, plus she was too broke to travel to Japan for most of the time she lived in Korea. Do you really think she’s all normal and harmless now because she’s somewhat calmer? She’s still obsessed with Venus and she’s still disordered and unhinged. She’d make it her business to track Venus down if she was in Switzerland and travel would be much easier without having to worry about passports and airfare and such.
Why are you so invested in this “marge is totally harmless and nice, no problem!” fiction? Are you new here?
No. 68882
>>68876Stop with the strawman fallacy. I didn't say she
definitely won't try, just that it doesn't seem as likely, given Marge had ample opportunity to find Venus since the first incident & hasn't attempted to loiter/stalk/search, despite knowing the area Venus lived at & being nearby in Korea. What was stopping her from boarding a plane to loiter her area in the hopes of running into her? Nothing. Yet she still didn't do it (she even traveled to Okinawa so if she wanted to she could scrounge up the cash to do so). And even if she did try, the chances of randomly bumping into her in Switzerland are incredibly slim. There are MILLIONS of people living there (and an anon says she will
definitely find her). She even knew the
exact location Venus was at many times and never attempted to visit, despite being close by in Korea. Marge is dumb as a brick, but she's not that dumb to risk venus calling the police on her for stalking. Hell, maybe after the first incident, venus even threatened her with a lawsuit. And if she ever dares go to an event? Security/police will show her out. It's not a big deal.
>>68877So if I think it's unlikely Marge will go gallivanting across Switzerland to find Venus (given she had ample chances to & refrained), that means I think she's a nice, harmless wonderful person? I never said that, nor think that. Both a strawman and false dilemma fallacy. Will also add, I am not "so invested" in this. There are more posts "invested" in disproving what I said then there are of mine. If I am "invested", then you are equally so.
>>68878Looks like you can only see in black and white, not shades of grey. Tell me where I said Marge is a
sweet old mama with simple hurt feelings that I want to believe? Yes, Marge did try to find Venus, and she could again, but like I said, she had ample opportunity to do so since then, and hasn't. So there's an equal chance she won't attempt to break in again. Venus would sue her.
And do tell me how she would even find her address in Switzerland? She only previously found through copy right counterclaim/lawsuit reasons. Do you really think that out of 8 million+ people, she will actually run into Venus? I just think this "marge will find 1 person if they live in the same country" ridiculous. If it's that easy, then she can find her in any country, which begs the question, why hasn't marge found her again in Japan, since the first incident?
No. 68902
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Venus low key insinuating her public dress style has changed due to becoming more mature or a natural occurrence and not a sudden 180 due to a need for entertainment/business visa + need to project a more professional public image.
If she didn't need that, she'd still be dressing like an infantile, retarded weeaboo, so don't pretend like this is some natural change that occurred with time/growing up or that you're surprised, peenus.
No. 68904
>>68882You are very, VERY invested in this. Why is it so important to you to deny Marge would hunt Venus down and stalk her in Switzerland just like she did multiple times in Japan that you would write a fucking novel about it?
What part of “the bitch is still batshit crazy and just as obsessed with Venus as ever” do you not understand?
No. 68908
>>68878>>Marge went back to Japan, twiceShe stalked Venus more than those two times. There was another time she went to their apartment, hung around outside and talked to their landlord while waiting for them to come home (they were out of town visiting Manaki’s parents at the time.)
Then there was the time she stalked Manaki’s parents, traveling hundreds of miles across Japan by train to “warn them that Manaki was holding Venus as a prisoner in their apartment,” She got to their home town and called the cops, demanding that they notify his parents (they declined to talk to her) and that they call Venus to check on her welfare (Manaki put Venus on the phone to say she was fine and not being held prisoner.)
I think
>>68882 must be new.
No. 68909
>>68902ugh. weebs are just unbelievable. they all want to have their cake and eat it and then fuck themselves over away from their dream. just fucking be like normal trophy wives and get over it.
venus literally had a husband who regarded her as a goddess and she still needed to whine about "wanting more" and tried to keep her marriage to get the PR visa.
No. 68910
>>68902Yeah now she dresses like a homeless druck chick…
It's possible that all her cutesy clothes are still at Manaki's place. I still hope he just throws away all her stuff.
No. 68913
>>68903Agreed, was not disputing that, but you know that. You know the black/white/grey was in reference to you claiming I think marge is a
sweet nice hurt momma or whatever just because I don't think she'd find her in Switzerland. If I don't agree with you, it must mean I like Marge. It's just straw-manning my argument.
>>68904You are equally invested. Why is it so important for you to prove that marge definitely would hunt venus down in a country of millions, and why can she only magically do this if they live in the same country? It makes no sense logically. And the only reason marge found venus in Japan was because venus had to provide an address when she was fighting tooth and nail over the channel, not because she sleuthed out her location out of millions of inhabitants. Marge isn't going to magically find her in Switzerland, whether she's insanely obsessed or not. Venus can live in any country without worry, except with family in Hungary. But I concede, ad nauseam.
>>68908She hasn't tried to find her since Dec 2016. Even if she does, how will she find her, besides going to an event and getting kicked out/possibly apprehended? She could have done that in Japan too. Bringing up past shit she's done is irrelevant to her actual ability to find Venus.
No. 68922
>>68902>Venus low key insinuating her public dress style has changed due to becoming more mature or a natural occurrence and not a sudden 180 due to a need for entertainment/business visa + need to project a more professional public image.more like she had no time to pack her belongings when
Manaki kicked her out eloped with manager-san
No. 68924
>>68054Tbh it’s not hard to find or get drugs in japan but the consequences of getting caught are bad.
If you go to shady areas chances are you might be offered drugs, probably moreso when you’re white.
No. 68955
>>68913Okay, we get it.You’re on a Mission to convince everyone here that crazy Marge would totally not stalk Venus if they were in the same country. You’re not going to convince anyone who has been following the nutcase that 1) she’s totally not obsessed any more (she is) and 2) it would be too hard for her to track down where Venus lives (it wouldn’t be hard at all, 3) crazy Marge stopped wanting to see/talk to Venus in 2016 (see #1) and it would be too hard for Marge to travel a few miles to “talk to” Venus with no international borders or immigration laws to have to worry about (it would be much easier if they were in the same country, obviously.)
You’re not going to convince anyone who has been following this psycho to join ‘your side,’ no matter how many words you write, Sorry about that. You might want to give some thought into finding a hobby or some other more useful way to occupy yourself.
No. 68958
>>68913Are you autistic or just a pulltard? You're all about logic, when in reality, your only "logic" is things Marge did or didn't do in the past to forsee her future actions (or lack thereof). While we got you so many reasons why stalking is way easier if both parties are in the same country. Why you don't wanna understand that?
Your "logic" doesn't work like that because the locations of the past/present (Japan for Venus and wherever tf Marge is rn) and their location if they were both in Switzerland, is different. It's not about how "sane" Marge seems to you rn, but about how the risk is too damn high. Get it in your brain that you can't compare Marge when Venus is in Japan and if both were in Switzerland. In this scenario the location is one of the most important factors and not something which you can argue away with your "logic" ffs
No. 68968
Seems like many of you have a warped sense of what living in europe is like, nobody is waiting for somebody like her.
The unemployment amongst young people in southern countries is seriously high - and why choose an uneducated foreigner over a local youth? The job situation in the north might be better but the competition is also a lot higher, the vast majority there has an university degree. And while mental health care is better than in japan, it's also not as good as many like to make it out to be. Getting an appointment in a country with cheap medical insurance can take insanely long and there's still social stigma attached to it - otherwise there wouldn't be so many depressed people.
And if she was to go to switzerland or any of the other german speaking countries she'd still stand out, because considering she wasn't there in ages, we can assume that her way of expressing herself is probably on the level of a kid. Her cheap "business lady"-shtick would only gain mockery.
Retail work is so badly paid that it often isn't enough for just a small place in a small town - and do you think that Venus could really work as hard as girls working there? Not that anybody would take her weird and greasy looking mess. She never worked even remotely as long as 8 hours, she'd never be able (or willing) to do shifts standing up, doing dirty work and still smiling when costumers treat her badly. No excuses, no "I feel so sad/bad today, I have to go shopping for weeb things instead"…
The wisest thing would have been to put up with manaki (even tho he was sooo bad…) and use all the free time she had while leeching off of to get just a bit better, enough to plan a proper new start. She had what, 2 years? That would have been enough to get a high school diploma in some sort of online/evening school.
No. 68978
>>68902Lmao, i'm the only one that thinks that outfit looks terrible and cringy?
Well, at least she used to look like she showered.
Wenuus, we know that you only own a couple of clothes and thats the reason why your "style" is so much different now, otherwise you'll be wearing the same type of shit as before
No. 68993
>>68968>>She had what, 2 years?She had more than 3 years to get her shit together. She sat on her ass the whole time, coasting on her Youtube $$ until they ran out. Then Manaki kicked her drunk freeloading ass out and here we are.
And all this talk about could she live in Europe or not is a waste of time. She has no plans to leave Japan and especially not to get a fucking job. Those are for common ordinary people, not Celebrities like her.
No. 69000
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>>68978Looks like that outfit was from her chest-binding “I’m just a widdle 6-year old, tee hee” days.
No. 69019
>>68968Maybe her life wouldn't be amazing, but I'm sure there's some kind of welfare program she could live on until she settles in, gets her shit together and finds a job. It could be way worse, lmao.
The biggest issue IMO is Marge stalking her, so she'd have to go out of her way to fly under the radar and be secretive about her exact location. As long as she doesn't put everything about her life on blast (though being an e-celebrity has kind of groomed her into doing that), I don't think there's a huge chance of her getting found.
No. 69044
>>69027"she should just go to Germany. Extremely generous welfare state, also very accepting of mentally ill people."
It's not "very accepting" of mentally ill people. It's still somewhat of a stigma to talk about your mental illness, therapy or medication. But it's getting better over the years. And probably 100 times better than in Japan
No. 69186
>>68425>>68427yeah, it's definitely menhera style makeup.
Everytime she tried to bite the fish and said 'atsui atsui' it was so cringe. i dunno if she's trying to be act dumb or just is.
No. 69193
>>68968Totally agree. Returning to Europe is not that easy and as someone who moved abroad, I can understand why she wouldn’t want to consider it besides as a last resort.
It’s also expensive as fuck to uproot again. Not sure about the situation in Germany or Switzerland but finding a place to live is hell. At least where I’m from, you need a good salary before looking for a decent apartment to rent. You often need parents references and their payslips to better your chances of finding anything. It’s already hard to rent anything when you don’t have a regular 9-5 job, like being an artist, but being a YouTuber or influencer is even more of a joke.
Secondly either you pick to live in a big city with good public transport, and then it’s way more expensive and harder to find a place to live in, or you need a car to find any kind of job. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think Venus has a licence.
And while I don’t like her much, I can feel for her for not having much family members to rely on or even good friends back in Europe that could help her out.
No. 69307
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No. 69317
>>69307If I remember correctly this one is from the time when she was still with Manaki. She recycles months old content just like Margie lol
Once again nice fake eurasian shoop
No. 69323
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No. 69343
>>69334I think if she got deported she’s be homeless, which is a nightmare and I wouldn’t wish upon someone.
Then again maybe she needs to sink that low to get her act together.
No. 69370
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>>68621>>68623Weenus not gonna end up with anything close to 1M views on that video she got lucky with and tried so hard to promote. And her other videos get 20-40K views unless they have clickbait thumbnails like pics with former bff Ella. That won’t be enough to live on unless she’s doing something else on the side like camming or gravure (or escorting although I’m skeptical about that.)
She’s been posting only old pics on ig too. She must look pretty bad these days.
No. 69407
>>68958Not the same anon but I find this post so funny. In debate, you're supposed to use logic, not feeling & emotional drivel. Other anon is just saying that they don't think her momma will be able to find her in Switz & fair point so long as venus was secretive of her location. Yokohama where V was previously at only had 3M population & still her mom was unable to find. Now up that 3M to 8M – odds of finding her actually decrease. But if she knew the Swtz city V was at, that'd up the odds significantly as each city there has less than 1M so V would need to be careful not to disclose the area on SM. And it's completely fair for that anon to compare JP/Switzerland/margarets past/present behavior to reach a conclusion because you're doing it too & that's all we have to go on. Yes, it's cheaper to stalk in the same country, which may motivate mag, but it still costs money to stalk whole of same country so if money is so much of a deterrent, it may stop her searching whole Swtz. She had from dec 2016-summer 2019 deportation to continue search but seemingly didn't. If marg continued privately trying to find v post 2016 as
>>68915 said, then means, yes she will likely continue in Swtz & money isn't a deterrent but also further supports anons claim of margaret being unable to find her despite years of trying.The hardest part of going to Swtz imo wouldn't be her momma, it would actually be finding a place to rent in advance as she'd be going solo, no Manaki to leech off of this time. I honestly hope she gets deported but has some savings for hotel. I think in the long run, she'd benefit, & JP would have one less fetishizing gaijin loser to deal with.
No. 69409
>>69046EU, EEA and Swiss citizens can live and work in Germany without restrictions but she'd need to register. While she looks for work in Germany, she could receive benefits from Switzerland, and once she finds job in Germany, works and contributes to the taxes, she could apply for benefits there.
>>69323lol this post just goes show you how deluded she really is. Not only does she look like margaret, she also act like her. Now we know her third
trigger, among being called poor & lazy.
Also, she re-uploaded her "almost" 1M cringe video to her JP channel. She's hoping it'll get lucky with algorithm too and she'll get more money/followers for literally the same content. She's one lazy, coin-goblin bitch.
No. 69414
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>>69412a little bit of logic for you would be that anons, without even trying found where venus studio is in about 1 day. It's not that hard. post your twitter if you're so sure it's hard to track you down. i'll send you a picture of your house or your family member in like 1 hour
No. 69423
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No. 69424
>>69423Those are song lyrics from Cheer Up London by Slaves. Except the exact lyrics are “Put another 0 in your paycheck
Are you done digging your grave yet?”
Ever edgy, Venus! Nice pic from a million years ago.
No. 69428
>>69407It’s not a matter of total population of a country or even physical distance. Location can be ferreted out using the internet once you know what country a person is in. Easy peasy, marge has internet stalked before, she knows all the tricks. Step 2 is getting there, much easier and cheaper when there are no intl. borders to cross, airline tickets or visa officials to worry about. Just get a super cheap train ticket (like when she went on her epic hobo train journey across Japan to “find Manaki’s parents,” sleeping in train stations and Konbini stores.) The bitch is an expert on cheap travel tricks. Where there’s a will there’s a way as they say. And marge most definitely has the obsession er, will. She’ll get it in her head that she MUST talk to Venoos face to face to MAKE HER UNDERSTAND the error of her ways or whatever. Pick your obsession. Start the internet search and she’s off.
If you think she wouldn’t or couldn’t do it you haven’t been following along these past few years.
No. 69452
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No. 69460
Sameanon who wrote
>>68913 I think this has gotten out of hand. I never meant for my little comment to get this much attention or people to resort to ad hominem over it. That said, I think anons were getting confused between SEARCH for and FIND.
In terms of
finding her, no one here aside from
>>69414 and
>>69428 has provided any reasoning as to how she would accomplish this miraculous feat. I'll I've heard was:
-She's tried in the past so will
definitely find her (makes no sense; answers nothing)
-She found her address once in the past (she did not
find it, she was served it on a silver platter via counterclaim forms and got lucky)
-She's crazy and will
definitely find her (provides a motive but answers nothing)
-It's easier/cheaper to stalk her in the same country (still doesn't answer how she'll find her).
As for
>>69414 and
>>69428 I completely see where you're coming from and I assumed social media would be your answer, but if location is as easy to sleuth out as a reflection in the eyes:
1. Why is it that in like 2.5 years Marge was unsuccessful in SM stalking (and Venus has not been particularly careful on SM either),making it even easier?
2. Why would she suddenly be successful in SM stalking if Venus hypothetically moved after failure all these years? Or are you saying Marge, master of cheap travel, did sleuth out Venus but conveniently couldn't afford a plane ticket prior to deportation, nor took advantage of confronting her at events (which didn't even require sleuthing).
3. Some anons (probably not you) suggest she move to Germany or a diff EU country and no one cares. So Marge can't SM location stalk Venus there? Only in Switzerland? She can't find her despite the fact that EU/EEA citizens have freedom of movement around the countries of the EU, as otheranon said?
I honestly think anons are over-estimating Marge's ability here. Yes, living in the same country gives Marge cheaper access to searching, but I don't see how that convinces people Venus would be found. If she's stupid enough to post locations or host events, then yeah, but otherwise, I don't see living in Switzerland or another EU country as automatic capture. Marge's search would end with her in jail, imo.
No. 69462
>>69452Is she phishing for compliments/attention? How very Margo of her.
This comes shortly after her rant on alcohol, among other prior rants in the not so distant past so is probably a lie. Or is this about trying to make it seem like she's better off and not struggling without Manaki? Did she get her shady entertainment visa? Or is it just PR control?
No. 69494
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Her YT views are dismal. Like really bad.
I wonder if she’s even still with Manager guy. She hasn’t had any events scheduled since that disaster at the pub (which was never mentioned again by any of the participants except for that one selfie the other 3 took.) No mention of that play she was in, that seems to have disappeared. (That thing with the ambassador from Benin (lol) was probably scheduled in advance.)
No events, no sponsored posts, promotions, collabs, nothing. She doesn’t even have anything new to post on instagram and she’s barely putting out 2 videos/week (which no one is watching) and if’s been a week since her last one. I bet he dropped her because a) she blew everything he arranged for her and b) she can’t afford to pay him.
No. 69514
>>69497Yeah. Remember the post she made about wanting to drink less alcohol? She said she wanted to do it because she doesn't "want to disappoint you guys." not because it's fucking up her health, it's because she gets concerned/negative reactions rather than the asspats she's used to, and she doesn't like that.
It's so infuriating how many opportunities this girl has had to get her shit together and yet she just sits there and does nothing.
No. 69568
>>69558Her language skills are not as good as she likes to pretend. She can't even speak proper English. Maybe it's because she's drunk most of the time nowadays, but I can hardly understand her sometimes.
I doubt she has any real interests in languages. The only reason why she knows so many is because her crazy mom moved them from one place to the other. She never learned any by herself apart from Japanese because weaboo. Getting a real job is also much harder than posting two selfies and two videos per week. You even have to shower regularly and your boss won't care about your shitty childhood if you fuck something up.
No. 69571
>>69568Obviously she’d have to get a HS diploma equivalent and some college before starting a real career but she could get a part-time job in retail or waitressing while taking classes online. She had over 3 years to at least start working on this. She could start now but she doesn’t seem to give a shit or have any aspirations to do ANYTHING, not even a decent job on Youtube.
I had a lot of sympathy for her for a long time but these days not so much.
No. 69645
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No. 69650
>>69628Yeah…. I don't see what's so bad about the two of them running into one another. What are they gonna do?
Nothing. Just useless drama. So tired of people pretending Venus is in some kind of danger and ~needs protection uwu~
She should have put her big girl panties on and dealt with her family in person and grown up.
No. 69652
>>69650Wasn't Margo physically
No. 69653
>>69650Imo getting stalked by Margot would already be hella stressful and possibly a traumatic experience for Venus, even without any physical violence.
I still don't want her to stay in Japan, just because it'd be a good wake-up call for her but putting her in one country with her crazy mother is just cruel lol
No. 69662
>>69650Why the fuck does she need to go to her family in person?
It’s not exactly like Venus owes them anything. Her mother is insane and her dad wants nothing and has wanted nothing to do with her.
No. 69667
>>69650>> I don't see what's so bad about the two of them running into one another.No one is saying marge could murder Venus. The issue is what it would be like for Venus to walk out her door one day in Switzerland fo find marge lurking outside waiting to confront her. Which happened more than once in Japan. It would be a nasty shock and marge would likely make a big scene DEMANDING that Venus TALK TO HER. She might even grab Venus, that’s also happened before (at the airport in Tokyo, security had to be called.)
So yeah, that would be a(nother) emotionally traumatic experience for Venus to add on to all the others she has had. And she really doesn’t need another one of those.
No. 69674
still not the worst thing that could happen to her. She could end up a homeless drunk, fucking for a place to sleep.
If she is truly worried about running into her mother she can get a restraining order, change her name again to something non-Japanese andndye her hair and live a
normal life. It doesn't seem like Margo is still trying to hunt her down anymore anyway, and them being in the same country isn't dangerous because neither of them is a danger to each other. Dealing with a narc mom is hell but it's doable, especially once you escape them and get out on your own. Venus isn't so pwecious that she should be shielded and protected by some kawaii witness protection-type lifestyle playing kiddy in Japan forever, she's an adult woman who grew up with Margo and now doesn't have to rely on her anymore. She is just clinging to any vague excuse to stay in Japan other than "I want an easy life for being a white whore".
No. 69677
>>69676Lmfao, I actually do and my narc mom went to jail for trying to strangle me. Hence, why I say it can't be
too bad for babby Venus: restraining order, and call the police. She can be an adult and handle it like an adult, not like a dramatic toddler or a precious autist.
(blog) No. 69684
Y'all forgetting that margo wanted to see Venus' channel and career destroyed. Now that Venus did it by herself, Margo is just happily watching the trainwreck from afar.
No. 69712
>>69677this anon's right tho.
people who insist that you can't live in the same country as your abuser/stalker sound like coddled babies that never had a bad thing happen to them.
what are you gonna do when someone randomly decides to stalk or harass you, change your identity and move to another continent?
No. 69715
>>69712>>69692>>69681>>69679You guys really don't know shit about narc moms or dealing with one if you think Margo is more than a 3 /4 on a scale of 10. She never beat Venus, locked her in a room or kept her away from the internet, she indulged Venus from the time she started YT because she wanted to love off her, but stage parenting/momagering isn't inherently abuse. They are both entitled, lazy, spoiled and undereducated yet think they're gorgeous, infallible geniuses who deserve everything. Wether that's Margo's fault or not, it's Venus's true colors now. It's not her fault she turned out like this neccesarily, she could have tried to do better for herself instead of taking the easy way out and using people. She's fighting the inevitable and trying to make it seem like her childhood was so much worse than it really was, all because she
is a lazy, entitled narc who wants to stay in Japan and be lazy and spoiled forever, and if playing up her abuse and her mom's antics makes her think she has an excuse to have an easy life forever then she's in for a very, very rude awakening.
No. 69726
>>69645So what is this “BREAKTHROUGH” she speaks of? It’s not her Youtube views, that’s for sure. They’re tanking. Her “Company” she formed? There’s been zero evidence that even exists a month after she announced it- no instagram posts, no videos after that initial one in “her studio.” I think it doesn’t exist, except maybe on paper for visa purposes. No office or employees except in her fantasies.
So what gives? And why in her two recent pics is she hiding her face/looking down? Is that bloated mug beyond even her considerable photoshop skillz?
No. 69727
>>69719Some of us have been aware of Venus and Margo for as long as she's been on YT, you realize. Just because there's no proof of her
not being horribly abused, doesn't mean ahe can embellish her trauma freely. The severity of her abuse was analyzed back around thentime she broke away from Margo and got with Manaki, back when everyone was asslicking her and calling Margo a demon and even
then nobody was acting like she was being hit, pimped out, starved or kept away from people. All Margo's "abuse" is shit Venus could get up and fix herself by choosing to be better than her upbringing and completing the cycle, but she won't because not only is it difficult, but she wouldn't be able to use her childhood as a shield/excuse anymore.
No. 69730
>>69715I dunno,.. it’s really easy to label someone who “only” suffered emotional abuse as lazy or whatever. Like I get what you’re saying, some people have it way worse. And of course stalking
victims can’t always move to another country LOL. She doesn’t have any skills, so it doesn’t matter if she “deserves” to stay in Japan or “has” to move. It’s better she just gets better where she is now than moving into Margo’s direction. Just IMO. This thread’s too slow and boring, thank god we can discuss bullshit like this!
Also why tf are words like
victim or abuse written in red as soon as I post things?
No. 69732
>>69730victim always shows up in red.
triggered too.
I have to say if I were Venus and had a choice between staying where I was, 6000 miles and a closely monitored international border away from my lunatic stalker mom or uprooting myself and moving to the same country as her I’d damn well choose option A too.
No. 69733
>>69730Do yourself a favor and start using sage. But, Venus will never begin to heal/get better in Japan because the kawaii culture itself is
toxic, and aside from that and Venus's laziness she keeps forgetting that she isn't Asian, Japanese and didn't grow up with the culture. Granted, ahe probably has no real sense of self aside from her weeaboo persona of Venus Angelic, but trying to
stay Venus Angelic in Japan is gonna kill her or have her end up like Yukapee. She needs to leave Japan, and not just because she's somehow ~undeserving of kawaii culture~, but because she's way too unstable and maladjusted to get a decent adult life out of Japan without going back to school at the very least, and goinf back to therapy.
No. 69753
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>>69645This is such an odd pic. At first glance it looks like she’s doing an exuberant fist pump but looking closer she just has her hand kind of limply draped across that.. whatever that thing is. She’s trying to look all happy and excited but the body language doesn’t match what she’s trying to convey. It looks fake and her hugging a teddy bear just adds to the confusion. She’s pretty old to be doing this childish shit and she’s not pulling it off at all.
No. 69762
>>69753I saw this as her trying to look asian. Her last two pics have her looking down and this one is lightened and shooped in such a way as to look more asian.
She's been skinwalking asian women since she got her new manager/boyfriend
No. 69791
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>>69762>>69774Interesting. She talked about “learning to speak Chinese” back in May (when she first hooked up with Manager guy.) And now she’s been MIA from Youtube for over a week (and it’s dying rapidly, even worse than last year when she abandoned it the first time) while mysteriously claiming she’s “happier than she’s ever been!” and having a BREAKTHROUGH! while larping as a smol little Chinese gurl.
Is there a market for gravure/soft porn in China? Camming? She’s gotta be doing something to make money outside of Youtube. Her Youtube views have sunk to an all-time low of 9K/day.
No. 69797
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>>69790It’s just a dumb pic it’s not that deep anon.
No. 69798
>>69791Her english is barely comprehensible, I wonder how fucking awful her canto is going to be hahahaha.
Is she trying to break into HK and live there like Taylor? If she really wanted an audience, why not go for Mando and pander to the mainlanders?
No. 69802
>>69801Well what do you expect? Nobody who feels neutral or casual about Wenoos would be ITT. We're here to call her out on her bullshit.
What's your motive, anon? Salty because she sleeps around with Japanese weirdos and not with you? You sound like whiteknighting her just because we might be worse than your precious kawaii alcoholic.
No. 69803
>>69802>Well what do you expect?Anons not to be weird and autistic vendettafags (although it is quite entertaining sometimes)
>What's your motive, anon?I'm just here to point and laugh, as one should
No. 69811
>>69802I'm here kinda rooting for Venus but my feelings are best described as "casual" - the thread just helps me keep tabs on what's going on with her, as disappointing as that shit happens to be. I do think you guys are kinda extreme weirdos who were just waiting for the day your dislike of her was justified, so no not everyone here is like you. I usually don't post.
>>69800Yeah that post was bizarre as fuck.
No. 69823
>>69801The only reason to read this thread now is to point and laugh at the dramatic weeaboo psychos. Even if you tread carefully with neutral commentary, they'll fuckin rage and accuse you of defending her lmfao. As if we didnt have an entire banner and old threads of anons rooting for her when we thought she was about to do well.
Would it be too meta to make a thread to laugh at screenshots of lolcow's pt & snow userbases?
No. 69840
>>69826Well she has to be doing something for money because her Youtube channel is once again dead and she doesn’t have Manaki to pay her rent anymore. What that something could be is anyone’s guess but based on her recent tendencies I doubt it’s anything you would call ‘good.’
And that “company” she formed with the office and the studio and employees and investors? It seems that never happened. Oh well. So what now, Weenus?
No. 69911
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>>69823>>69801 you said it yourself, it's not like venus' thread is that different from the other ones, so maybe lolcow in general just isn't the right place for you?
idc about the nitpicking autists, at least they're sperging about venus - the actual topic - not about MUH FEELS
>>69908… have you seen dakota? sadly, everythings possible in japan. I want them to do a collab tbh
No. 69915
>>69913someone: "Why do you drink?"
venus: "because I'm a fucking alcoholic. I drink wine that's actually meant for cooking"
No. 69920
>>69917I don’t see this live on her ig (or YT)
Is someone recording it? Can you post it pls?
No. 69928
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venus not looking a day over 40 in her live stream, i have never seen her look this bad before, drinking everyday must be catching up with her, i hope she get's help for it before something bad happens to her health
No. 69934
>>69926>> she drinks because she can't express herself when she's sober. No Venus, you drink because you’re an alcoholic. That whole “I can’t express myself when sober” is an excuse. Ofc if she was in an AA group they would point this out to her.
It’s obvious part of her problem is how shy and awkward she is, especially when she forces herself to do public events like that fan meetup. She loosens up after a drink or two (alcohol being a social lubricant and disinhibitor) and gets more at ease and outgoing. The problem is she’s an alcoholic and can’t stop at a couple of drinks, she keeps drinking to the point of being a sloppy embarrassing drunk (like that drunk karaoke livestream and what probably happened at her last event.)
Does AA exist in Japan?
No. 69935
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another screenshot, i watched some of the livestream and it was like her previous drunk lives but twice as drunk and bad mouthing her management
No. 69943
>>69928Whew, she’s
really young to be looking this bad. To have those eyebags and that face at 22 is tragic. Her genetics plus an unhealthy lifestyle is a horrible combo.
No. 69949
>>69944Maybe she’ll be able to make her way back to her room via public transport/subway, if she quits drinking while she can still walk. Or maybe she’ll call manager-san to come get her.
The live was around 10pm local time. Hopefully she won’t hang around and drink til 5am like in her last drunk karaoke livestream. Random question: I wonder how often she goes out and gets drunk by herself like this? It’s one thing to sit in her room and drink but this is a whole different thing.
No. 69955
>>69928That's fucking rough, and I really doubt she's going to get herself out of this mess if she doesn't leave Japan, but then again there's nothing for her in any country except for a slight chance to get into therapy and AA. I didn't believe the tinfoiling of her being an actual alcoholic, but this is even worse than what anons were tinfoiling. This isn't even funny to me, just sad. She's never going to get her life back together and I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up dead in five years.
>>69949>I wonder how often she goes out and gets drunk by herself like this?She seems super lonely, so she might do this quite often to get company since she said she has trouble expressing herself when sober. She has always seemed super socially awkward and weird around people and alcohol makes it much easier to open up. Also she seems to crave attention and validation, and she's going to get a lot of it in a bar visited by locals.
No. 69959
There’s an AA chapter in Tokyo. They have a website with phone numbers you can call and a meeting schedule that’s open to anyone who wants to show up. (they’re in Roppongi. She knows the area, she’s been there for her bar events.) If she really wants help it’s right there.
Or she could go on feeling sorry for herself and posting attention–whoring livestreams. No. 69962
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>I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life
No. 69965
>>69944They'll let her stay for however long she wants unless she's being disruptive some way. In Japan you pay per hour or for a package (3hr, 5hr, 12hr etc) that can be extended (they call you once to let you know when time is up and you can say that you want to keep going)
When you leave you show your ticket-ID at the entrance and pay.
If she's puking her guts out then one kind soul may try to help her, but others may just make her leave. Or "worst case" scenario, call the cops. I have a funny story about cops in Tokyo (we weren't drunk or doing anything bad) and they came on their cute little police bikes. They were pretty nice lol.
>>69911I agree with
>>69801. Some of the anons here are salty AF and it's just… sad. Venus does a lot of bad shit but not everything is her fault. Also the people here who think she can move "home" to Europe has no sense of reality. If I were Venus, I would stay in Japan too.
People there are respectful, eating out is cheap and there's no Margo trying to hunt you down. (Among many other things that makes Japan a nice place to live)
Also, I don't know what Venus sounds like in her native language but her Japanese is at least OK conversationally-wise. Her English is atrocious. So she can at least communicate decently over in Japan.
No. 69967
>>69965Not in the
Wenus should go back to Europe team but imo among all these nice things one can find in Japan, proper mental health care sure isn't one of them.
No. 69968
>>69917You can go to Youtube and make a channel, then upload it on your channel, copy the link and post it here.
>>69965>>not everything is her fault. Sitting on her ass for 3 years mooching off her visa husband and refusing to do a thing towards getting an education or working to start a career in all that time is her fault. Making an attack video lying about her visa husband once he finally wised up and kicked her drunk ass out is her fault. Acting like a carbon copy of her mother is her fault (or her choice if you prefer. Same thing,) Posting-and-deleting attention-whoring livestreams and “I wanna die” ig’s (just like her mommy) is her fault.
Just for starters.
No. 69970
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does alcohol cause eyes bags like these and premature aging? or is it just genetic?
No. 69981
>>69978Are you kidding? Her English is average considering how long she's been already doing Youtube. I feel like her English was better in her older videos lol.
Her pronunciation is also wrong a lot of times. I don't mind her accent too much but her word-slurring is hard to listen to.
I don't think it's nitpicking.
(especially considering her "I speak 7 languages" videos like, no girl, you only speak like 3?? okayish? maybe??)
No. 69983
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>>69978Not “idiotic” or a “nitpick.” Her English is sloppy and slurry even when she’s not drunk and her mispronunciations are annoying. I can’t even understand half of what she says.
Foe example in that unfortunate fishing video instead of ‘the other 4 fishes” she says “da udder 4.” That’s just one small example of what I’m talking about.
No. 69989
>>69983Might even be a kawaii uwu engrish accent Margo made her use for such a long time she doesn't know how to speak normal English.
>>69988Is BPD Borderline? Or Bipolar? Because I honestly think she's bipolar. Her having devastating downs and ridiculous ups.
No. 70004
File: 1571439067450.jpg (66.94 KB, 528x404, Venus.jpg.145b84b9c69e9e308345…)

No. 70006
Venus needs to not kill herself but kill her Ego and just let a 40 year old middle class salaryman marry her and keep her
>>70005 not me but why, what the fuck?
No. 70007
>>69999Is Taylor still in contact with her? last time we heard about them interacting was that time T came to visit her for her birthday.
>>70006my guess is that anon is making a reference to Kiki
No. 70009
Come on all you guys who saw this, no one recorded it?
No one?
No. 70015
>>70004Mayne Margo is so obsessed because they look so similar. She thinks of venus as her little clone doll who ran away
Venus really needs some help from people who are not perverted salarymen or foreign escorts. The
she needs to go back to Europe club even continues on in her Instagram comments, from people who presumably never read lolcow
No. 70017
>>70013Do it, anon. For your fellow farmers.
I really don’t think anyone will laugh.
No. 70018
>>70015All these people handwringing about “omg she heeds to get
help!“ She can start going to AA any time she wants.They have meetings in Tokyo every week. That would be a start- if she really does want help and not just attention and handwringing.
No. 70022
>>69965Nobody argues that Japan isn't a good place to live, just that Venus should leave bc as long as she is in Japan she won't ever have a normal, decent life because she sees herself as a Japanese internet princess. That will follow her anywhere, but her being in Japan is actuslly bad for her because, well… look at her. She had every single opportunity when she moved to Japan with Manaki, and what did she do? Sat sround for 2-3 years, then started treating her husband like crap and shittalking him when he wanted to discuss their relationship and future like adults, hence where she is now. She's lazy, selfish and attention starved- do I think she's anywhere nesr as bad as Margo? No. I'm saying Venus is in the boat she's in now not because of Margaret or Japan or her childhood, but because of her. She had her saving grace & chance to start over fresh
while being completely cared for and spoiled 3 years ago, and chose to sit and play around instead of building a secure future for herself and all she has to show for it in the end is…. not even her kiddie toys or a visa. Now that she realizes all this, she wants another whopper of a rescue party to come in and give her a visa & take care of her for nothing.
No. 70023
>>70021>> she would rather be coddled and kept while making excuses for all her wild behaviors.Like Manaki did for 3 years, with her very own little pink bedroom and all.
>>70020>> her sudden interest in China/Learning Chinese again?That was back in May when she first hooked up with Kitano and her head was full of delusions about forming a company with office space and a studio and employees, oh and opening her own girls bar.
>>70018If she’s really drunk every day like she said she’ll need medically supervised detox. If she just quits cold turkey she might go into DTs and that’s just nasty.
No. 70024
>>70022Adding to this, the culture is actually probably very
toxic to her in fact:
>"the nail that sticks up is hammered down">huge social drinking culture>internalizing your problems to not bother others>shit mental healthcare No. 70026
>>70025That’s true, she would likely have mild withdrawal symptoms (tremors, anxiety, insomnia, sweating, maybe nausea and vomiting) and not life-threatening DTs with seizures, confusion, hallucinations etc.
I found this info: “If you are a woman of average weight and you have been drinking 6 standard drinks a day every day for a month then you have about a fifty-fifty chance of going through minor withdrawal, but it probably won't be life threatening.”
So a few days worth of valium or librium would probably be fine. Still not fun though.
No. 70032
>>69918>> >my management will be very upset. I don't care. They can take my funds away or whateverSo she’s still with that Cambodian Gaku Kitano manager guy? Why? What exactly is he doing for her at this point? Her Youtube channel is dying (again) and her ig is fading too, both from neglect. She’s had no new events scheduled since that disaster last month, no sponsored ig posts, nothing. There was that weird appearance at the Benin embassy or whatever, lol. But that’s it. So what is this “manager” up to? And how is she paying him now with her Youtube views/income practically nonexistent?
And what “funds” does she think he’ll “take away”? Funds from what, and why does he control them? This all seems quite shady.
No. 70034
>>70013>"I think this is going to end up on youtube and everyone is going to laugh at me"Girl, she was the one livestreaming on the first place. I wouldn't call this a moment of lucidity. She's just playing the
No. 70037
File: 1571462334194.jpg (1.33 MB, 2560x1920, 19-10-19-01-18-36-769_deco.jpg)

This is actually kinda sad…
No. 70041
File: 1571469075604.png (3.41 MB, 1125x2436, 173A834A-C49F-4B7E-B290-C03B1C…)

Posting here because I don’t know where to post about this girl.
But seriously, how much dick do you think she’s sucking to travel to 4 countries in a month while attending language school? (and obviously not working)
No. 70050
>>70041She is signed at a modelling agency for years now, she originaly went to asia first just for modelling, she also did university and comes from a middle class family, I dont think she needs to be sucking dick just to travel or get a modellingjob.
Venus on the other hand has neither and I have no idea how she can save her visa besides finding a new dude. Since working or a internship is apparently no option for venus. She should seriously stop this online downspiral and consider something else, I am sure there are reasonable ways to stay in Japan for her, but she feels to good for any it seems
No. 70051
>>70050Didn't she get a sugar daddy (or bf if you want) who was like waaaay older than her who got her modeling gigs in singapore? Basically like taylor with elbow-san.
And not long ago, in one of her instagram posts she claimed she was broke/poor. I would not put it past her to do lewd acts. It's not like she hasn't in the past.
No. 70058
>>70024Except the first three DO NOT apply to a foreigner like her, especially being a female, and your 4th example is greatly generalizing. Everyone likes to chant “Japan has no mental health care” without actually researching. Yes there is more of a stigma against mental health or admitting you have an addiction but it really depends on you status and family situation. More responsibility and dependents, the more you are expected to keep it together for everyone else’s sake. That is where the shame of failure comes from. Again, this cultural attitude is NOT relevant to a unsteady foreign woman who has no family, no employment and questionable visa status. Nothing is expected of her and she is not seen as part of Japanese society. She is not a salaryman. She is not a hardworking student. She is not a CEO, celebrity or head of household. Her audience is almost all overseas, so her failure does not reflect on Japanese.
Like the previous anon who quickly found English information for AA, there are many more Japanese resources. Just looking in Tokyo area for drug and alcohol addiction, 薬物・アルコール等の依存症, there are plenty of hospitals that offer everything from counseling, treatment, peer meetings and family support counseling. What was the context for the comment about being too high risk for help? Did she mean other people, like employers or friends, not wanting to?
Venus’ problem is not Japan, it’s Venus. She blew every opportunity to have a normal life, then passes by or rejects the help that is available. At this point, it seems she has absolutely no Japanese friends so there isn’t a potential support system. The only one she actually had was Manaki’s patient family and she threw that away. The Switzerland talk is very naive because it will not change anything for her unless someone there forces her into treatment. If she wants to stay in Japan, it’s all on her to change and no one else’s responsibility.
No. 70061
While this anon
>>70058 has some really good points, I doubt she can find any Japanese friends who listens to her problems (whining). She even scares non-Japanese friends away
No. 70063
>>70009Fucking this, milk happened and nobody bothered to document it because they pity her. This shit gives me the same vibes as the constant posting on IG that she continue to delete shortly after, as if her passive attention whoring never happened.
>"I think this is going to end up on youtube and everyone is going to laugh at me"People already laughed at her during the stream when you see at the comments
>>69928 and told her to get a fucking grip ("Jeder der berühmt ist, hat eine Verantwortung somit eine vorbildfunktion", means "everybody who is famous has a role model function"). The moment she decides to broadcast her pity party online, the moment she gives people a chance to laugh at her and not when somebody puts it on youtube.
No. 70065
>>70058That's true but at the very same time you cannot deny that there is a blatant stigma there in Japan where people are antisocial as fuck and slightly ignorant to mental health or any one even having problems.
Japanese are like the autistic grouping of Asia. They just suffer in silence and don't know how to really go about emotions. It's weird. There ARE groups to help people with issues, you do need to dig into the dirt to find these places. But its still taboo. People say "But it is in the West tooooo!" Yeah but you don't see Japan campaigning about mental health and other taboo issues. I mean - fucking hell. They're just ABOUT trying to accept women in schools and at work wearing trousers and seeing overweight girls in magazines. They're a futuristic nation with a mindset from fifty years ago. The whole culture is a front and everyone in it don't know how to human.
But Venus generally just needs help. Wherever she goes, she needs it. She won't go anywhere else, her main target has always been to go to Japan and live there since she probably saw anime at 8 years of age.
She fetishises asian girls. I'm surprised she hasn't got many Japanese friends to be honest. I thought she would want to befriend all of them and find herself a Japanese fucking kawaii girlfriend or something.
But I think they just make her feel on edge or self conscious because they're something she'll never be.
No. 70066
>>70057Taylor used Venus for views.
I think Taylor was concerned for Venus but at the same time I think she went all out to befriend Venus for subs / views.
Taylor did it with everyone. I mean, why not make a few bucks? Asian boyfriend, already in Asia, copying Dakota. May as well just befriend all the other weebs who were in Japan at the time. That group has split now with Sharla elsewhere, Kim and the Aussie chick with the sausage filler lips elsewhere too. Most have changed their aesthetic because they know the kawaii look has faded. It isn't as hot as it used to be online, the living doll craze is washed up and everyone can pretend to be Dakota Rose or an asian dolly using Beautyplus or Meitu nowadays.
Taylor saw a scapegoat and she fucking took it.
Mikan prolly doing the same
No. 70067
>>70037Why is it sad?
She's chosen to go down this route and refuses to get help. Until she's at rock bottom, on the street of Roppongi, homeless, anorexic and crying with bottles of whatever surrounding her, rats running past here and Japanese uwu host club boys filming her with their phones laughing, then I'll feel sad for her. Until then, she'll have to do something about it.
No. 70071
>>70062I'm sorry for you anon but please can we not start with "I feel bad for weenus because my mom…"
When she escaped from Margoyle the threads were full of it and we couldn't even document milk
Nothing against you in particular, I wish you well
No. 70078
>>70067Now THAT's a scenario. Shuddering at how realistic it sounds.
BTW, I've always wondered how she can stay so skinny when she's drinking all the time? Alcohol has so many calories, especially mixed with sugary stuff. And on one of her pity posts/livestreams she mentions only eating snacks, not real meals. I bet she means snacks and sweets from konbini? That stuff has so many empty calories as well.
No. 70085
>>70078Alcoholics are usually skinny. It seems counterproductive, but they don't eat or eat very little to reserve stomach space and calories for alcohol (and in case they feel sick). Even if they aren't consciously counting calories, they want the most bang for their buck with alcohol, so why use up all that stomach space?
She also might be getting sick the mornings after (or whenever she's drinking).
No. 70103
>>70057We don't really know if they're not friends based on a bracelet. She wears Taylor's watch (said she'd never take it off or mana's moms bracelet) but stopped wearing mana's mom's bracelet after saying that, but not the watch. Then she mentioned the tailor bracelet as proof she didn't stop wearing mana's mom's bracelet due to bad blood (yeah right). I assume they're still friends but since taylor lives in a different country, don't contact each other as much. Mikan seems to dislike venus though and distanced herself. She still likes some of her posts, so I assume she's keeping up public appearance, perhaps afraid of drama, slander video and losing followers (since she's a fame-whore who wants to be an influencer for the sake of having power over people (her words) & being revered).
>>70062You can say the same for marge then. I doubt she had a wonderful family life either, as one does not just become a narc due to great upbringing. Venus is now responsible for herself, as marge is responsible for her
toxic actions. I don't feel sorry for either. And that's what Venus wants her audience to feel with every one of these manipulative pity grabs. She always "invents" a problem as an excuse. She's been drinking for a while. Why is this coming up now? Because she used up Marge pity story, surgery story, ED, BPD etc.
No. 70116
File: 1571535036737.png (738.61 KB, 840x598, 009584493.png)

Could this possibly be a subtle jab at Venus? She mentions sugar daddies and parties and Roppongi where Venus has been frequenting lately. Or am I just reaching? Also hilarious and hypocritical that she would put down SD's and call it "super dodgy" when she has done sex work/had sugar daddies/given out nudes in the past to get the free things she thinks she's entitled to, as well as to fund her trip to Japan (now that she has some clout she doesn't need to resort to such behaviour soshe puts it down). She went with Venus' (close?) friend to her area, without Venus and then put down that (Venus' lifestyle). Is it some sort of shade?
No. 70136
>>70116I see no shade. That’s just what Roppongi is like and situations like that are very common for foreign models. Although I doubt the men were actual millionaires.
I honestly don’t think any of Venus’ old contacts have completely broken away from her or had a falling out where she would know they are finished. They really have no choice but to keep their distance as much as they can since she negatively affects their lives and careers. These are all adult women with their own lives.
No. 70137
File: 1571562713046.jpg (62.69 KB, 383x428, IMG_20191020_110948.jpg)

>>70116I doubt "millionaires" were dying to hook up with a girl looking like a goofy middleschooler but OK, Mikan
No. 70139
File: 1571565277166.jpeg (87.13 KB, 772x482, 0D698AEC-C91B-4973-ABF4-520CB3…)

I like how she’s pretending that drunk mental breakdown on stream didn’t happen and that she’s just perfectly fine and happy, she went overboard on the editing this time though
No. 70141
File: 1571568992680.jpeg (217.5 KB, 750x1097, 4FBFBAFB-7C75-4863-9BE7-772FA4…)

>>70139She deleted that post immediately after she posted it, didn’t get the caption in the pic sorry but it said sorry like spending the day with tsuruko
No. 70144
>>70137I know you were probably laughing your ass off but like ??? I don't know that Mikan girl but so many people were ugly as shit in school. It's different with people like Venus who shoop the shit out of their current pictures.
>>70139Like this… she tries to go for kawaii half Japanese eyes or some shit.
Also… fuck those greasy af bangs. Even with a ton of filters they look digusting af.
No. 70148
>>70127I mean, Taylor R is a good example that some millionaires want weebs
sage for ot
No. 70190
>>70139Pretty sure she did that drunk stream for pity. She wants another excuse for her behaviour, so she's playing up this alcohol thing, just like she played up her bpd when it suited her, her margo story, her hospital and surgery stuff, and even tried to play up (plus completely invent this time around) another "abuse" story with Manaki. Anything to get her fans and her gossip pages to deify her and make posts like:
omg poor girl, she's traumatized, thanks to her mom and manaki, subsequently putting venus on some uber special must protecc kawaii princess pedestal and excuse everything bad she's ever done.
A part of me thinks she's been reading her gossip threads and was like,
well everyone says I'm an alcoholic so I'll just roll with it and get sympathy and they'll like me again. I'm not even convinced she has a legitimate problem, due to the amount she's lied and manipulated. But if she really does have a drinking problem, she's definitely playing it up for pity points – which is disgusting, yet to be expected from her.
No. 70247
>>70191This. Around 2017, Venus asked her followers to donate money to Tsuruko because
she couldn't afford weeb crap :C and several people on the comments said
fuck off that Tsuruko should get a job to fund her hobbies instead lmao.
No. 70264
>>70191>>70247piper is genuinely awful. i used to think she was cute but in that video with mikan she was just so… annoying. and dismissive. mikan was giving her dozens of free clothes and even gifted her the first thing she ever bought in japan, and piper just acted like it was another average gift when mikan made a whole speech thinking it would be greatly appreciated lol.
piper is desperate for #japancred she only follows japanese influencers and acknowledges fanart from asian artists. leeched off her parents since she graduated, tried to make money off shitty cosplays and lazy youtube videos, and is now studying japanese in japan with no further goals.
so her and venus likely get along great. they both have cringey edgelord humor and are spoiled entitled brats desperate for fame and an easy life being freeloaders.
No. 70389
File: 1571698607768.jpeg (228.36 KB, 971x375, 6A234503-0501-4842-BF46-5BCD07…)

this header aged just as badly as venus herself
No. 70390
>>70375no ones stalking her or breaking into her room. she put herself out there and people want to see the cringefest, so what's the problem?
are you aware you can just NOT film yourself talking about your personal life and put it on the internet, if you don't want people to know about it?
>>70383venus: alcoholic who's drunk on cooking wine every single day, doesn't wash herself, looks like she's 30+ at just 22, no education at 22, looks down on people with a real job and is fucking old salary men instead, has regular mental breakdowns on her instagram for everyone to see
this anon: duh that's just a completely normal woman with contradictions & complexities uwu
No. 70394
>>70388Yeah right man! Bc you obsessing with a woman’s life on internet and judging her morality and flaws as its your life its pretty normal hun
you just sound whiny and has no life outside
File: 1571705630272.jpg (16.52 KB, 307x300, IMG_20191017_230720.jpg)

>>70391 learn some english lmao
No. 70465
>>70389Updated Venus site banners when?
Someone could make one of her and Margo side by side doing their sexy jung fraulein bikini dances.
No. 70476
>>70454Botox paralyses muscles and is for fine lines. Fillers are for sunken cheeks, or for creating cheekbones/jawline etc. Venus looks like she's 40 with sagging, bloated skin. Women that age can only be saved with a face lift and botox to slow done wrinkles. There's cheaper and cheaper plastic surgery clinics with its rise in popularity and one might even do it for free in exchange for promo.
Like others said, Venus's habits will destroy her face again. She's an alcoholic which causes water retention, and b/p's which causes even more water retention due to low potassium. Her body is a walking dumpster fire. It might not even make it past surgery since eating disorders eat away at your heart muscles and longterm anemia causes blood clots. Plus possible drug use?? Jeez.
No. 70509
>>70498God bless anon but just that?
Is there anyone here who has the full live or atleast the milky things?
No. 70517
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>>70498It does not work for me …
No. 70579
File: 1571819589257.webm (13.37 MB, 484x1000, YouCut_20191022_150403979_1.we…)
>>70498>>70517It's because European providers are blocking Zippyshare. You can still access it via VPN.
Anyways, I'm gonna post it as webm here.
No. 70626
File: 1571871301706.png (221.87 KB, 319x339, Screen Shot 2019-10-23 at 23.5…)

>>70618>>70467Venus would end up looking like Vanilla's scary ass
No. 70635
>>70629Not that anon but currently vanilla's face is fubar, a far cry from what looked like in
>>70626Agree with your second statement though, Weenos barely can afford konbini wine, let alone cosmetic surgery.
No. 70673
File: 1571890628502.jpg (Spoiler Image,474.02 KB, 896x780, Jcuxx8w.jpg)

I don’t understand why she claims she can’t get help from anywhere in Japan because she’s “High Risk”. What is so unique about her situation and physical condition that no doctor wants anything to do with her? She’s doing things like going out with friends, going to karaoke and posting selfies once in a while so she is at least functioning at a higher level that a wandering homeless wino covered in his own filth. I’m really wondering if she had a consultation and was extremely difficult about the recovery plan or treatment they worked out for her? No addiction therapist or hospital is going to refuse her like that, unless she means there is conflict with her ridiculous “dream” of running a girls’ bar and they can’t help her unless she commits to removing herself from that environment.
>>70629^You haven’t seen 2019 Vanilla, have you? (Click at your own peril)
No. 70732
File: 1571954835174.png (Spoiler Image,391.87 KB, 450x410, wtfno.png)

>>70696Literally the photo in the article you linked is just as horrifying. wtf
>>70579Yikes. At least she's aware she's an alcoholic? I know she's a cow, but I hope she gets help. With her existing health issues, I can't imagine being an alcoholic is good on her body.
No. 70826
>>70732Venus' stomach is a stapled together windwock. I feel like she's one bad binge away from a life threatening situation. Unfortunately I feel like a situation like that would be the only thing to make her realize that her lifestyle is not healthy or viable. She already made the mistake of fucking up her health with an illegal weight loss surgery. The last thing she needs is to erode what little stomach lining she has left with booze and spicy foods.
Tinfoil, but I wonder if Venus is doing this on purpose. Not out of self-destruction but as another grab for attention?
No. 70829
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No. 70837
>>70829Oh my god she looks dead inside
also pls wash your hair Venus
No. 70839
>>70826>>70828I doubt she's only doing it for the attention, because she doesn't seem to profit from it in any way and barely posts anymore.
if she wanted attention so much, she could have it everyday, and money on top of it (as seen in her drunken livestreams).
>>70829it's a good look for her, I doubt it looks that good without a shitton of filters though..
No. 71057
>>71042The ironic thing is her hair doesn't even look washed at all
>>71055I guess it's because of the Snow app's shooped make-up; her outer lashline looks fuller on the right side
No. 71068
File: 1572106143202.png (1.15 MB, 1164x748, Screenshot_2019-10-26.png)

what's up with her arm?
No. 71071
>>71068forgot the caption: "I don’t like boring hotel rooms 💔"
when you roll up your sleeves so everyone can see your ugu selfharm-bandages
No. 71087
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>>71083we don't have actual proof.
some anons, allegedly friends of venus, said stuff about her.
while it's not hard to believe, everyone needs to stop treating it as proven facts.
it makes everyone on here look stupid
No. 71101
>>71094Could be or she's still with Kitano (he flaunts food and hotel pics on his fb all the time) so she might have gone somewhere with him. In that case, I'm pretty sure he's a sugar daddy. Why bring her to his meetings, an embassy and on a trip if she's not fucking him?
>>71087margaret also mentioned cheating (obviously could have been lying) but given how venus behaves and her drinking, I wouldn't be surprised if she really did cheat back in korea. I mean, she only married manaki for a visa, so it's not like she'd feel morally bad for doing it. And of course the pater ad. Venus had an ad on a
sugar daddy website and wanted to "fuck girls" while with manaki.
No. 71114
>>70389Another one made the garlic banner too and it was really cringe considering every other banner in contrast was basically mockery even if lighthearted. Not sure what to think of this though, it went from glorifying her and saying that she doesn't look like her mother at all but instead her aunt to
>>71110 omg she's a cc of margo. Proof that a cow shouldn't take their threads seriously at all, yet they all do. Had she not done that she'd have still been worshipped. She made a mistake.
No. 71124
Weenus posted this on her insta stories a couple of hours ago then deleted it 5 minutes later. Labeled “DEMO” like she thinks she’s gonna get a record contract or something. Sounds like she’s drunk karaoking again. have to let it play a few seconds before the audio starts.
Why does this drunk mess keep thinking she can sing? She mentioned she was taking “singing lessons” on her ig a few months ago too. Why??
No. 71137
>>71068she's just going with the menhera fashion because her depression and alcoholism are edgy.
>>71124it sounds like she's killing a cat. it's not cute.
No. 71156
>>71144Everytime she posts something her retarded fanbase is praising her.
> Wow! You're so good Binasu-chan! Such a kawiwi voice!Maybe that's the reason why.
No. 71177
>>71143Put the link in with an USA server
It's not worth it though I really hope she's taking the piss
No. 71179
>>71149>> Didn’t she say something about wanting to record a album or song years ago?I think it’s something she’s been dreaming about for awhile in her delusional little brain, being a Japanese idol. She said a few months ago on ig that she was taking “singing lessons” (because that’s what an unemployed shut-in with a dead Youtube channel should definitely concentrate on, lol.) Plus all the drunk karaoke she does, and now a “demo” makes me wonder if that’s what she’s doing at the hotel, shopping her ‘demo” around with Kitano or maybe auditioning. She needs a new source of income now that she’s abandoned her Youtube channel (again) and she’s either failed at or abandoned everything else manager-san has tried to line up for her (streaming, bar events, that fan meetup, ig sponsorships, that play etc. etc.) So next up—a singing career!
That might explain her sudden little burst of euphoria on ig after a longish absence.
No. 71180
>>71177can't nobody just upload it to Youtube, it's not that hard
anyway, her singing is awful… how does she have the courage to upload it? Baffling
No. 71190
>>71184>Aren't idol supposed to be actual teens anywayplus idols are meant to be ~pure~ and drama-less. Japan audience won't touch an alcoholic divorced-at-22 mentally ill attention whore with a 10 foot pole.
Moreover, bitch's too lazy she can't even stick to her stream schedule lmao.
No. 71228
>>71124She's covering a Russian folk song, Kayusha. It's actually a really beautiful and important piece of folk music, and she's just butchering it with semi-orgasmic whines.
She's so fucking delusional if she thinks she can ever make money off of music while being so obviously untalented to everyone besides her.
No. 71229
Venus just re-posted her 100 diy costumes video from ages ago and changed the title to "halloween costumes" for this re-upload. Her greed knows no ends, she literally just re-uploads the
same video to make quick bucks off her fans that watch (re-watch) it. She's also begging her fans to re-watch her re-uloaded surgery vid. She's
still milking that for money. She is gross.
>BTW I reuploaded my surgery video…it means a lot to me sp please have a watch! → >>71114She does look like margo. Whoever said that she doesn't, only said that because they deify her and demonize margo so of course in their deluded heads, their precious binasu-chan can't look like margo.
No. 71234
File: 1572246656278.png (602.33 KB, 813x593, blitheringapes.png)

this just goes to show she has absolutely no rapport or relationship with her fans. because this is obviously posted as a joke (imagine trying to pass this off as an actual picture of a human) but none of them get it.
No. 71246
>>71234WASH. YOUR. HAIR!
At this point I believe she is trolling us… how. How can she even bother using Snow for make-up if her hair looks like greasy shit?
No. 71247
>>71234what brand is the bunny plushie?
Also I am probably retarded but i don't get the joke….
No. 71249
File: 1572267150864.jpg (64.74 KB, 1080x422, Screenshot_20191028_065037.jpg)

Some anons where talking about her lack of education before
It's nice to know that you lurk here Penus
No. 71271
>>71263She did go to the trouble to delete all the old comments under the video though (so no one would notice it was old? idk) because making a new video is just too much wooork for poor Weenus. (And don’t forget she’s an
abuse victim and that makes everything she does Marge’s fault.)
No. 71279
>>71234This looks no different from all her other over-edited stuff though that she passes off as her on a regular basis though. I thought she posted that in relation to her "demo" vid?
>>71229Yeah, she deliberately left the Switch part in to try to manipulate viewers into subscribing to her. She deserves to fade away into obscurity, and thankfully, in time, will. She deserves no sympathy, no attention, nothing. Like
>>71262 said, anyone who's so eager to prove to everyone how sad and substance addicted they are, aggrandizes their "suffering" to pass off the narrative they want to the world, or plays the
victim, deserves not one ounce of pity. She's a manipulator, and it's obvious at this point. Not even her kawaii act, which worked for her for years, will save her now.
No. 71286
>>71277this, sadly she's too busy riding the visa cock carousel.
>>71283can't wait when tardgelics start asking when will she announce the giveaway winner
No. 71327
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>>71247>>71247Angelic pretty, lyrical bunny
It's expensive, I'm surprised she has one
No. 71332
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>>71246I'm pretty sure it's that trend of Japanese girls using wax to make their bangs and ends wispy and stay in place, but done badly. You're supposed to use a curling iron or roll curlers, I've seen girls doing it on straight hair with too much wax and it looks pretty much like Venus'.
No. 71560
File: 1572618449104.png (2.3 MB, 1440x1797, kawaii.png)

At least this photo has not been put through 100 filters, but I don't get why she just doesn't wash her hair anymore? I don't think it's the waxed bangs trend since all of the hair is greased and clumped, not just the bangs.
No. 71564
>>71560Weenus is wearing a Louis Vuitton scarf here. Escorting confirmed? They start at $675 up to $2200. Don’t think it’s a fake bc she’s never been into wearing/carrying labels before. Also that “expensive” pink bunny plushie in >>71237…both seem to be expensive gifts like what she’d get from a SD.
She’s really morphing into a mini Marge.
No. 71565
>>71560I think her hair is actually wet, not greasy in this photo since the other picture she uploaded said something about it being rainy and cold.
Still, what an awful picture. She really is just spiraling downhill.
No. 71567
>>71560reminds me of how she used to wear unironed lolita dresses, looking like a greasy mess.
like what's the point? it's not like you'll look good just because you're wearing something expensive
No. 71582
>>71564If she's suddenly wearing LV yet doesn't have a place to stay or access to her belongings, there's no way she's
not sugaring. She had nothing when she first legt Manaki, hence her trying to hard to pretend she was still doing okay
No. 71590
>>68012I wrote that venus is a cow and to stop whiteknighting her. i was ran off the marge thread because of it. I glad you guys are finally starting to see that venus is a cow. to give background on her merge came up with the video ideas but venus did all the work. so dont say she doesnt understand because she does. her persona is that of old school euro trash. so the passive aggressive isnt mumblings she knows what shes doing.
marge came up with the eurotrash disco sweet and venus is eurotrash subversive.
I still wish venus good luck but she used the youtube managers to get her channel, she used manaki for a visa, and it seems like she doesnt know how to keep her end of a deal but we shall see.
No. 71603
>>71234her fans do get her at all. she has even said it in videos. the wks told me i was stupid but she actually said it. it was after she left marge. if you guys remember her vlogging videos.
>>71247>>71327 the scarf and rabbit are knock offs. venus is in asia, knockoff capital of the world. I have never seen that rabbit at angelic pretty. their rabbits have different eyes.
didnt venus and marge use to steal clothes from shoots and other models? i could be wrong but i believe a euro model spoke up years ago. this wouldve been back when they did british tv.
No. 71609
File: 1572655799089.jpg (1.1 MB, 1410x1965, 20191101_214727.jpg)

The editing is so bad
No. 71611
>>71535These bunnies are purses/rucksacks, I don't know if they have any sound device tho.
Hey guise look what I digged from the trash ^o^ just like her mom allegedly found some expensive shirt in the goshiwon dumpster.
No. 71623
>>71603That’s the AP bunny. It’s 14,800¥ ($136) It could be a gift from Manaki that she recently got back from their apt, he used to buy her extravagant gifts like that BJD he got her for Christmas.
The LV shawl/scarf is not his style (or hers either) which is why I think it came from a SD or a ‘client.’
No. 71639
>>71637>>71623Now that anons mention it, Penus started wearing full brand coords shortly after she moved in with Manaki, didn't she? What if these were gifts from him too?
She likely owned a few pieces before (i.e that frilly AP nightgown Margo wore in leghair video), but most of her wardrobe used to be Bodyline crap.
No. 71652
>>71624She bought a lot of cheap Bodyline back when she was into Lolita (even modelling for them at one point, though that was a shitshow of its own), and not a whole lot of BTSSB or AP from what I remember. Mostly socks and other accessories. She did end up modelling for BTSSB at an anime con in 2014, though.
I remember when she tried to make "dollita" a thing, lmao.
No. 71660
>>71639could be, but there's no reason why she couldn't have bought everything herself. I mean, she must have made at least 3k/month to support herself and her crazy mothers shopping sprees back in the day.
and do you remember her shop? back then she had a huge active follower base, and everyone including lolcow felt sorry for her. must have made her a lot of money.
.. and now she has to drink cooking wine like a hobo, so she must have spent it all somewehere (probably on all that pink plastic shit and lolita).
No. 71702
>>68428>> the bad voice acting vid went relatively popular>>68434>> Possibly just got lucky with the algorithm,It finally got the 1M views she was after. Seems like it pops up in Youtube’s recommended videos in Japan because a lot of the comments are from people who recognize the Japanese actor she filmed with and he’s pretty unknown outside Japan.
It’s interesting because it gets a surge in views for a few days then fades away before getting another surge.
No. 71730
>>71637yeah, there seems to be a few anons that dont know what they are talking about. that also isnt an ap bunny.
>>71639manaki paid all the bils and venus spent her channel money. she said she had to use her channel money but she just went out and bought stuff. i think she said it in her starbucks video.
I think that her spending became an issue. plus its obvious she was getting tired of being a wife. i think she just used him for the visa. just like marge said.
>>71679is any of the japanesse anons still here? cause this brings up a good question. what did venus do with all the money. did her and marge really blow it all on travel, data, and websites. does anybody remember who bought their phones and macbooks.
I assumed a fan bought the mac book but they had multiples. then we have to remember that they kept flying to different countries.
to the old venus fans, do you guys remember this. i dont think the cons paid that well. to the new anons, both venus and marge travel stupid. instead of traveling in a straight line they bounce around. instead of staying a week they will fly out and then fly back.
i think marge lived her weeb dream and then venus did the same.
No. 71732
>>71730What did they do with the money? When Venus ran away and Marge followed her and they met at the airport marge said Venus asked her for the PIN # to their bank account because she forgot it and marge told her to fuck off and wouldn’t give it to her. So marge kept whatever was in that account and blew it over the next couple of years flying all over the world until it was all gone and she started living like a hobo from then on.
Venus spent whatever she had on that surgery and its after effects ($20K) and after that her monthly YT income went to shopping sprees and she hoarded Lolita dresses, plushies, toys and various other crap until she eventually stopped making videos altogether and that income dried up. Then she just leeched off Manaki until he got fed up and dumped her ass.
No. 71756
>>71743The sheer amount of crap she bought was amazing. I remember skin care tutorials where she’d go through 6 or 7 different products, cleansers, toners, masks, moisturizers, creams etc. etc. (and all pricey brands too) and likewise makeup tutorials using like 8-9 different foundations, concealers etc. (again not cheap brands either) with bonus closeups of her dirty raggedy fingernails as she troweled layer after layer of that shit on her face.
I used to wonder where she stored all those products.There must have been cabinets and drawers crammed full of her crap all over that apartment.
No. 71760
>>71730>yeah, there seems to be a few anons that dont know what they are talking about. that also isnt an ap bunny. She
did wear expensive lolita brands like BTSSB and AP. She'd never buy those cheap knock off lolita brands (as they're beneath her), so yes, she was into labels. Maybe not gucci and LV, but they're still labels in lolita fashion. She also wore high end makeup brands as a teen all the time.
>>71752Marge said they earned approx 80K and that was in one year alone. She's probably made more than 200k total since starting YT, though she lived lavishly, presumably spending a lot of it. She once claimed she invested some money as well, but I doubt much came out of that.
No. 71789
>>71781manas parents took the hamsters in, she said that in one of her livestreams. the cat belongs to her sugardaddy, so it's probably fine.
I felt sorry for the cat tho, the way v held it all the time looked painful or at least uncomfortable. and then she was like "cream loves me soo much!" out of absolutely nowhere, which means the cat must hate her guts lol
maybe that's where the bandages are from?
tbh, from the way she treated her hamsters (let them breed freely, put them in small, cramped plastic cages), how she "accidentally dropped" that dog once and broke his leg, and now that cat that tries to escape her all the time.. I don't think she likes animals that much, to put it mildly.
No. 71802
>>71797gee, if only someone had told her she's doing it wrong (everyone did), or if there existed a quick and convenient way to look up information on the internet. there was just no way to know you can't put 8 hamsters in a little plastic cage!
but I guess lurking 24/7 on lolcow and reading up symptoms of bpd is something she has time for.
(I remember she built them tunnels and stuff to appease her critics, but all you ever saw in the background of subsequent videos were the regular old cages. so.. she actually put in extra work to make it worse again.
that's when I realized she's an asshole lol)
No. 71806
>>71743>>71760multiple people have said that venus wore knock-off and third tier lolita brands. so since you insist i decided to re-look up venus clothes. i went back 9 years of venus youtube and i see no brand dresses. I see knock offs. i see a possible dress but that was part of a commercial so it doesnt count. the only brand i see are accessories like the other anons said. i see venus had a real btssb bunny a few years ago but the one in this thread isnt ap.
honestly it doesnt matter but if you are going to insist that venus is a label hog then you need to find some pictures. i checked. i even found a website that listed venus in an alice and the pirates dress and someone wrote -that isnt aatp dress-. lol.
i will say that venus knockoffs look nice.
>>71732whoever, gets to make the next thread should include this. this is perfect and explains everything.
i cant believe marge kept the bank account and still begged for storage money.
No. 71820
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>>71806.. you don’t have to scroll very far down on her Insta to literally see pics of her wearing brand lolita clothes. But the anons saying she never wore knock-offs are wrong too- has everyone forgotten the Bodyline drama? Basically she wore knock offs until Manaki showed up to pay for everything
No. 71906
>>71897He was too naïve to figure out Weenos real agenda. Perhaps he thought (like many of us did) Venus was just a poor traumatized
victim of her loon evil mother and once Margo were out of the picture, they both could live happily ever after. Instead he got a vapid snake who was too busy playing with baby toys and going out with her sex worker friends while her neglected hamsters were hoarded in small plastic cages.
No. 71912
>>71910Honestly I kek'd pretty hard, imagine identifing as your fashion choices and then gatekeeping your 'personality' on a thread full of anons. Some of the anons in this thread reek of jealousy, or in my opinion are little more obsessed than the average farmer.
>>71827>I am the only real Lolita, Penus is just a cheap knock offWho compares themselves to a woman who garners what small praise that's existing on this thread by doing something as simple as showering?
No. 71913
>>71765Marge provided proof though (I think she took a screenshot or something can't remember) so I'm inclined to believe they made that much, but I do see the motivation to lie as both her and Venus don't like being seen as poor. Venus had a million followers and was getting consistent views. 80K seems about right. Marge said it was the most they made in a year. No idea how much Venus made after leaving though but she lived lavishlyand hoarded a lot of stuff which I doubt Manaki bought all of it. She had a "high" with the channel while she was pulling the
victim act and milking the surgery and I assume she made good money at the time and then it fizzled out.
>>71877Venus made a self-pity, pseudo-suicidal
victim post about how she's a shut in weeb neet and at the end randomly added in she doesn't want kids with Manaki (probably indicative they were having marital problems). Then much later in her slander video and live stream she attacked Manaki saying he leeched off her and insulted/slandered him as being an unambitious neet and she was the ambitious hard-worker, despite admitting she was a neet in a deleted post.
No. 71927
>>71918I don't think she ever liked Mana, only what he could give her (Japan). I remember Marge saying (obviously could have been lying) that Venus thought Mana was gross, his kisses gross, he was cheap, took her highness to McDonald's, copied her, wasn't
special and eccentric like she delusionally thinks she is etc. It was clear to me that even back then, Venus didn't really like him and was just using him for visa whilst shit-talking him to her mom. Then she makes a video, saying Marge was the only one who trash-talked him and it
hurt her so much lmfao yeah right. She was just acting like an innocent little
victim to get away with visa fraud. I'm curious if Venus ever paid rent or split bills with Manaki? At some point she was getting good views and had good YT bucks. Surely she contributed something? She was definitely leeching post-surgery though when her YT went to shit.
As for the Korea cheating, I might be imagining this as I don't remember too well, but I could have sworn that Venus said she was drunk and she kissed the guy (and that was it) and that "it was a mistake" and Manaki visited afterwards or something, whilst Marge claimed she caught her in bed (and it was immediately dismissed as fake). Does anyone remember that? My memory is fuzzy. Later Venus admits (while married) she wants to fuck other girls and makes a pater ad so I could see her cheating, and a supposed anon friend of hers claimed she has cheated multiple times (no proof aside from the pater/fucking girls thing tho).
No. 71936
>>71933fuckoff cunt
he letched on a 13 year old fatherless (unprotected) wretch who did coy little performances on nico nico
No. 71951
>>71943Lmao what the fuck. You know Venus is not a child, right? There is no hard evidence that the guy ever did anything to her. Venus having to provide for both of them is a blatant lie because she's broke af sipping cooking wine. Taking advantage of a guy then turning on them and claiming they were
abusive as soon as the relationship goes to shit is a classic narc move.
No. 72012
>>71930>using that buzzword from reddit and/or tumblrCope, marge's a huge autist and can't contain her sperghetti squash at all but I know for a fact most girls who date a guy they feel meh about shittalk about him behind his back to someone they trust - in this case her mom. And I imagine Venus thinking she's too good for manaki and people here did comment how he acts and looks weird.
Offtopic, but I feel really disgusted at venus' "stans" who encouraged her (she reads the threads and does get influenced by yall) to go to her weird deadbeat dad who was worse than marge.
No. 72061
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Venus look fresh after day 75 of not washing her hair
No. 72064
>>72061she felt "a lot better" with every post she made in the last 2 years or so.
her life must be like a constant party by now
No. 72070
>>72061I need a
trigger warning for oily crap.
But hey, at least she’s not wearing brown lenses for a change.
No. 72139
>>72061god, she's such a covert narcissist.
"covert narcissists play on your sense of pity and they pretend to be this sad person with no friends. They display a more discreet form of narcissism and may appear to be shy, humble, anxious, but beneath this vulnerable persona is someone who is selfish, manipulative and has a grandiose sense of self."
No. 72152
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Isn't David that creep from her streams?
No. 72156
>>72152Yep that’s him. He lurks her streams and tells her how pretty she is and offers her money to drink Tabasco. I bet they’re DMing and he’s sending her more $$.
He’s as creepy as marge’s orbiters were. One more way she’s becoming a mini marge.
No. 72158
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This is how venus angelic fans/whiteknights look like(derailing, take it to the containment thread)
No. 72166
>>72159its not david,its some
problematic tranny.
No. 72174
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>>72152This could explain why she’s felt free to abandon her Youtube channel yet again—she’s found another source of easy income. Now she can go back to doing what she loves, which is…absolutely nothing.
I bet she skypes with David-sama multiple times a week. Does she do little dances for extra money? And how many other online “clients” does she have? She’s a shady grifter just like her mommy.
No. 72226
>>72215I think you've confused cheekbone surgery with jaw surgery.
Cheekbone surgery is what causes you to age fast, meanwhile with jaw surgery if its done right there is no fast aging.
No. 72227
>>72226well in any case i dont think she needs a real jaw reduction. if you look at her profile she doesnt really have a particularly strong jawline, it actually looks pretty weak,
>>68471 >>68449
if she really wanted a slimmer face she could probably try that maseter botox…and drinking less obviously
No. 72228
>>72174Yep, sounds like she might be doing sex work over Skype now. Pretty common for online sex workers from places like Chaturbate to do private shows.
I have no evidence she’s doing SW, so tinfoil.
No. 72241
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mmm good
No. 72242
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to the last drop
No. 72244
File: 1573327232250.jpeg (393.09 KB, 1078x1600, E12C9264-71FC-4260-BA1A-A6324B…)

Grandpa Ferenc is concerned. He posted this song from the 1980s about a lonely little girl lost in the dark in a cold, cold world on his ig
No. 72249
>>72232She's not worth a book, that would just feed her narcissism. You can just go over to the narc reddit threads if you want to read about similar stories.
>>72231She'll end up like Marzia if she gets filler/botox. Better natural and aged, than plastic and creepy looking.
No. 72253
>>72238I honestly believe that her drinking is bs and a pity-I'm an abuse
victim guys!-grab and not nearly as serious as it looks. She reads her threads and she's aware what people are saying. She especially likes the posts with people who are genuinely concerned for her, whether they like her or not. So what does she do? She posts a video of her chugging some booze. It's all for show - just like her bdp was. And her anxiety. And all the other crap she's made up, embellished or aggrandised (including her life with Margaret and Manaki). Venus, you are a piece of shit on par with your mother, except your mother is actually and disturbingly more honest than you. You don't deserve an ounce of pity. Should be locked up in a mental institution with no internet connection, you pseudo-
victim and manipulator.
No. 72257
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>>72253What about that 5am drunk karaoke livestream where she was so sloppy drunk she could barely stand up and she face-planted in a bowl of ramen? That was real and I doubt it was an isolated event.
No. 72259
>>72257Doesn't matter if she was drunk or not. My whole point is she cycles through excuses or "problems" to continue staying relevant and getting pity. As long as people pity her, they won't see her as a manipulator. They won't see her for what she is. She reads her threads and is like, "okay, people are concerned about my drinking, I'm going to show-case it more often now! I'll get drunk and film it! They'll say it's serious, it's all Marge's fault, I'm a
victim, or give me ass-pats and tell me how concerned they are for me!" That's what she's doing. Anon who said covert narc is probably right.
Plus, she's had a drinking problem for years. Only now is she showcasing it. Because she needs another excuse for why she can't live after she milked her surgery, her bpd, her abuse stories, her anxiety and everything else to death. I have no doubt she enjoys drinking, but she's using it to paint another woe-is-me narrative.
No. 72270
>>72265Thanks! This is what I was trying to say in
72258 (same anon)
No. 72274
>>72253While I do believe she's got issues (who wouldn't after living with Margo?), I think she exaggerates everything that helps her build this broken sad girl persona. The anxiety/being a neet (when she loooves attention, has no problem filming stupid shit in public, being obnoxious around strangers, whoring herself out to david-sama and co for a few bucks), the claims of self-harm and cutting up her arms and bleeding everywhere (when we've seen unclothed full body pics and never once a scratch, until she decided bandages in full view were her new fashion item of choice for that gross insta post), the bpd/psycho schtick (every fucking word just sounded too calculated for maximized pity points, just too tumblr-y, paired with posed selfies edited to the moon and back supposedly in the middle of a mental breakdown, sure), and then this drinking thing, conveniently broadcasted whenever she fails to meet a deadline or deliver content she promised. She needs to be seen as ultra mentally ill, so she will always have an excuse for being a talentless waste of space, scamming her viewers and accomplishing nothing. She cycles between "I'm so much better you guys" and calculated mental breakdowns to maintain the audience on edge, always worrying and understanding and accepting her poor behavior.
No. 72279
>>72274>> this drinking thing, conveniently broadcasted whenever she fails to meet a deadline or deliver content she promised. I agree with everything you said except this one thing- that drunk karaoke livestream wasn’t some calculated event posted to distract from her failure to meet a deadline. It happened in April this year during a time when her YT had been dead for months and she had nothing promised to anyone. And she livestreamed it when she was drunk off her ass and thought she was rocking OUT, and deleted it once she sobered up. So it seems more like a drunk “oops” moment than some calculated move to shore up a fake image.
Also it happened right around the time Manaki broke up with her which explains why she never showed that part of her (drinking excessively) before - she was still married up to then.
No. 72283
File: 1573351792548.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, AFB548B5-70EB-4D20-A65A-96AADB…)

Damn David must have given her a big fat chunk of change, huh?
No. 72294
File: 1573358234350.jpeg (504.77 KB, 2048x1536, 26736881-3A66-466C-84E0-E22584…)

>>72288Agree 100%
She’s Margo 2.0 to an uncanny degree. In some ways even worse because it’s manifesting at such a young age (I get the impression Marge didn’t start to come unglued until she was a few years older) and because she’s so sneaky and fake about everything. Say what you will about marge but she was always 100% outfront with her crazy and never tried to put on a fake innocent persona. She was batshit and didn’t care if everyone knew it.
>>72283If that’s a professionally done manicure I’ll eat my hat. Those are the saddest looking nails I’ve ever seen and it looks like they were painted on by a 6-year old. And her fingers look fat and deformed.
No. 72325
That video at
>>72238is just a clip from the stream. Here’s the whole thing (it’s from last summer, July I think) It’s just another livestream with her reading comments from the viewers only it’s all in Japanese.
There are several streams like this from the same time period, I think around the time she talked about making a “Japanese only” channel. She did it for a short time then abandoned it, like she did with that Malice channel and everything else she does.
No. 72326
File: 1573404231233.jpeg (Spoiler Image,158.72 KB, 650x419, 82F0F7E9-D0F5-4275-A42A-00015E…)

>>72302Her real hair colour
No. 72330
>>72327I'm dying. I've never heard "Straßenköterblond" literally translated. Unless it's an actual term in English?
But yeah, that kinda shade is like a mix between brown and blonde. But Japanese would always call it blonde, just because she's a foreigner.
No. 72331
>>72330lol no we just say dirty blonde but street dog blonde is way funnier
Thank you German language for existing!
No. 72337
>>72232Writing a book would be a huge waste of time. The only thing that makes her story unique is the YT infamy, frequent moving across countries and Marge being stupid enough to broadcast her insanity on TV and the internet for the whole world to see, which obviously made people more sympathetic. Girls like her are dime a dozen though, and so are
abusive narc parents forcing their children to live out their failed dreams of fame and success.
>>72288I don't doubt that she has issues. Her pretty much not doing anything including keeping up with personal hygiene is textbook depression. The drinking problem is hard to deny at this point. Body image issues wouldn't surprise me, either. Her problem is that she's stuck in a loop where every time she feels like shit, she pulls some stupid stunt on social media to get asspats and feel validated, and as long as the asspats keep on coming, she'll keep on seeking attention because it's easier than going to therapy and dealing with your issues. Mental illness sucks, but there comes a time where you need to grow up and realize you're not entitled to other people making you happy just because you've been through some tough times.
No. 72352
>>72349She said she's 100% swiss. Isn't she half Hungarian?
And she's slurring her words so bad … makes it hard to listen to
No. 72354
>>72351First: I know aegyo sal (or namida bukuro in Japanese) is a thing. But this just looks like a gremlin with zero makeup.
Second: Ironically, her eyebrow makeup is WAY too light for her horrible jetblack dyed hair.
No. 72355
>>72349her laugh has always creeped me out, it doesn't sound natural or amused, but kinda empty.. just weird. it's not even the fake animu girl kind, but more like someone who simply has no idea how to laugh.
and her singing sounds like someone trying to imitate a kid, with purposefully bad pronunciation and singing out of tune.
when and where did she even post these, and did she take drugs or something? something about her face and movement seems weirder than usual.
No. 72356
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She couldn't say セフレ (sexfriend) without laughing and acted all embarrassed. Is she 12? Mentally yes, I guess, but for someone who's looking for sugar daddies that's just dumb
No. 72359
>>72356To be fair acting this coyly is such a turn on for Japanese guys, especially older ones.
BTW that manga's title really sounds dumb. Basically "how to be a sexfriend becoming a girlfriend".
No. 72363
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marge and mini-marge, having fun sitting alone in their rented cubicles.
No. 72366
File: 1573429911957.jpg (65.67 KB, 845x624, 669760.jpg)

Just noticed this in one of the clips…
No. 72378
>>72377Maybe it's not fresh and she just wears stained lounge clothes without bothering to remove the stain? Which is gross if the case.
>>72315She took it down quickly though, so her manager may not have seen it and I doubt he visits her gossip threads or even speaks English well. So who knows?
>>72360she probably only said she's gay because at the time she was having marital problems with Manaki,and in case he divorced her then, it's easier to say I'm gay so I had to leave him than he kicked my leeching ass out. In the end, she decided to go with a slander, I'm an abuse
victim round 2 act to explain the split.
No. 72379
>>72366fucking hell, even with the heaviest of flows she'd had to ignore it for at least an hour to become _drenched_ like this, or be wearing her pad for a gross amount of time after it's been fully soaked.
she's a fucking savage
No. 72381
File: 1573434433068.jpeg (144.16 KB, 1008x1198, E52A4676-5E2C-43C1-A9C1-898CF3…)

>>72366Yeah, that video is a 40 minute-long trainwreck. She obviously just rolled out of bed, sat down and started filming without even brushing her hair (or attending to other hygiene issues.)
No. 72382
File: 1573434722322.jpeg (163.34 KB, 1130x1150, 81B9B718-3BDE-48BD-BA2B-AC050B…)

>>72381Spent the first few minutes yawning, still half asleep. Then reaches for her favorite beverage, a can o’vodka and swigs on it throughout the whole thing.
Why would anyone record themselves doing this shit?
No. 72400
>>72354They're maybe a touch too light but you do realise black eyebrows rarely even suit black hair? Majority of people have eyebrows that are naturally lighter than their hair - enabling for a softer effect. Darkening the eyebrows does the opposite, it can often be harsh and extremely ageing which is something Venus does not need help with.
Saged for general makeupfagging.
No. 72408
>>72366>>72395I have a really heavy flow too, and still have occasional accidents where I need to make a mad dash to the shower (to ya know, clean up because I'm not a dirty weeb)
Why does it look BROWN? In all my many leaky accidents, I don't think it's ever been that shade, unless it was the first hour/ last day of my period.
The color alone makes me think she's been sitting in it long enough for it to even turn brown
No. 72418
>>72408she might've gotten her period in the middle of the night, blood turns brown after drying and sitting there for a while
or it's just shit idk
No. 72424
>>72408Probably dried blood but she didn’t bother changing her clothings so it keeps getting wet with more blood.
Her pussy must smell absolutely rank if she can’t even be arsed with changing her pad yikes
No. 72429
>>72366>>72381This is the second time her period has been publicly shown.
It's worse this time around, though, because it doesn't look like blood.
Venus' entire fall from grace reminds me of that one depressing K-ON doujinshi where all their adult lives are miserable, or the ShindoL one.
Kawaii living doll/internet idol becomes a sugar baby becomes a slob NEET in Japan. She's an alcoholic, her depression's gotten so overwhelming that she's lost 99% of her motivation to take more than the absolute bare minimum of care for herself, people are constantly making fun of her online, and the bulk of her remaining fans are either not paying much attention anymore, or they're gross old men.
It's actually sad to see. I know some anons think she's just doing all this for "damaged girl" attention, but the period stain and unwashed hair makes it obvious she really has fallen off. No one publicly humiliates themselves this much on purpose, there's literally no gain to it.
This whole lifestyle really ate her up and spat her out. At this point, the best choice for her would be to give up on Japan (and maybe even life as a public figure in general), and maybe go live with her family in Europe until she can build a new life. I'm sure they'd even protect her from Margo, Grandpa Ferenc seems sympathetic to her.
There's just nothing here for her anymore. I don't get why she doesn't see that. She's just embarrassing herself.
No. 72433
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>>72366Wait did she shit herself??? Or is that period stains? Either way it just shows how uncaring she is about herself
No. 72435
>>72429I agree that her depression is very severe indeed. She needs to learn to love herself and to have some self-respect, nobody should be treating themselves the way she treats herself…it’s like she’s killing herself slowly and doesn’t even care.
>>72422I agree at this point, at least in jail she won’t have any access to alcohol and won’t have to fuck anyone for a place to sleep. The fact that this girl would benefit more from JAIL than from her current situation is really telling of how bad it’s gotten.
What is her idea of rock bottom? Because that’s where she seems at right now, so why hasn’t she woken up yet???
No. 72452
Does anyone has the link to that doujinshi?
No. 72459
>>72435>> What is her idea of rock bottom? Because that’s where she seems at right now, so why hasn’t she woken up yet???She once said on ig that she’d much rather stay in her room all day with the shades drawn than have to go out. It seems she’s content as long as she has a room with an internet connection and a steady supply of convenience store junk food and cheap booze.
aka Marge 2.0
No. 72468
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>>72465Same anon here, can't delete my post. If you don't want to have to sit through all the sex scenes, someone wrote a summary of how each character ends up here: ends up having the least sad life, IMO.
No. 72470
>>72468>>72465Thanks for the links.
I didn't expect it to be that way (extreme NSFW) so I guess I'll go with the summary lol
Sorry for the OT
No. 72493
>>72429Venus is a typical narc and it's her way or no way, the continuous
victim of her tragic abuse story and the cause of her own demise.
Her life in Japan is the definition of pure shit. However, she will do whatever it takes to continue to live out her kawaii uwu anime girl dreams in Japan even if that means becoming a degenerate slob with not an ounce of self respect left within her.
Living a pampered life where everyone caters to you like a fragile child has made her incapable of living life as a normal adult and she still expects that sort of treatment. Because she's not getting it on the scale she was, everything is spiralling out of control and she's falling deeper into a hole.
No. 72494
>>72410>she's not even wearing a padDidn't Margo once said she doesn't use toilet paper?
Big reach ahead but knowing how gross Margs and Venus are, they probably just sat on their shit/blood stained asses while at home to avoid
wasting precious youtube money on hygiene products.
No. 72526
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No. 72527
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>>72526She just posted this on Instagram. I’m I too naive to think her visa renewal means she may consider going back to Switzerland to get help?
No. 72534
>>72531We shouldn't assume too much, if this is going to affect bleedus positively I just hope she doesn't screw it.
I kind of wish the That Is It doujin was discussed way before this passaport update. Just to say that Fat-Jelaus-Talentless Mio inspired her to at least contact a familiar.
Sage for OT but Yui is not that bad either. Sure dead sis and childhood trauma but she has a stable job and is pulling it way better than the rest with her head high.
No. 72535
>>72530But we have no evidence of Zsu or her other siblings being like that. Margaret herself didn’t say anything particularly bad about her family except her father and (I think) grandparents. If there was something to expose about Zsu or the other two, she would have said it by now.
It would be a dream if Venus could go there for recovery, then get assistance to go to court with her mother. Legally settle everything once and for all. Wishful thinking, but I hope Venus considers handling things the right way.
No. 72546
>>72527lol that edit.
no one would've let you through with that photo, cause you've got a fat meaty face and beady eyes, venus
No. 72548
>>72528Zsuza is NOT a good person and is similar to Marge. Remember the "modeling" pics. Marge posted a few pics and never claimed to have worked or made a career out of modeling. So what did "good" Zsuza do? She posted a jab at Marge with an ugly-ass picture of herself, complete with a holier than thou caption that read something like, "posting one picture doesn't make you a model", basically saying
I'm so good and would never pretend to be a model like you bitch despite Marge not even pretending. So how is she "good"? She's a
grown ass woman, who resorts to petty drama and jabs on social media, JUST like Marge and Venus and she's not even an internet presence (can only imagine if she had more spotlight). And let's not forget her publicly messaging Venus telling her to skype with her. Why tf would you post that publicly for everyone on instagram to see? Did you want your 15 mins of fame? Or did she want to spite Marge (
I talk to your daughter while you're estranged haha bitch). Don't be fooled by her. We once thought Marge was alright too.
And don't forget how Ferenc posted that book (likely due to Zsu) which Marge translated about prison inmates or something, WHILE she was in detention. They were basically mocking her and simultaneously offered Venus (who had a comfortable home with Mana) a house while Marge had no where to go and they refused to help her. Marge might be a bitch, but she's still ferenc's daughter. And this is what these "good" people do. Please. Zsuza is a bitch just like Marge. And just like Venus.
No. 72551
that whole family just seems
toxic and shady af
No. 72552
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>>72534>bleedusAlso yeah I don't think going to her family would be good, she'd be better in a psychiatric institute in Europe before living by herself.
No. 72561
>>72527getting a new passport doesn't mean she will go to Switzerland wtf?
she can't sit around with expired documents for too long, even if she's currently staying in Japan.
however I guess she edited that passport pic afterwards for posting it on IG, the actual one probably looks even more rancid than her real self
No. 72568
>>72548Regarding the “petty drama and jabs on SM,” Zsu was caught up in the “poor victimized Venus” melodrama at the time, (as was everyone here, hence the “Good Luck V & M” banner that was made, remember?) and she was shocked and horrified by what marge was saying and doing (along with everyone here, again.) Plus Marge had isolated Venus from the family for years. Taken in context it’s not surprising that Zsu would vent on SM once in awhile. Plus as marge’s sister she knew better than anyone how delusional marge was about her days as an aspiring model, lol.
Ferenc’s ig post about marge translating the book was him being the proud papa, not to taunt marge. He’s an old Hungarian guy and devoutly family-oriented. Family is always First and if a family member does bad things they’re still Family. And the Bible teaches forgiveness as well. There was nothing “mocking” about it. And you don’t know that they’re not helping marge. In fact I think there’s a good chance they are. Neither one of us knows one way or the other because they’ve all been relatively silent on SM.
To say “the whole family is crazy” based on their very infrequent IG posts is, well, CRAZY. As opposed to marge who was clearly crazy, not to mention obsessed, delusional and paranoid based on her incessant ig rants and physical stalking. Comparing her to the rest of the family and saying “they’re ALL CRAZY” is ridiculous. There’s no comparison.
No. 72577
>>72572Simple weeb logic:
I'm special desu because I'm naturally almost Japanese~
I'm special desu because I was born as a kawaii blonde foreigner~
No. 72586
>>72568if she wanted to help, no need to show it off. if she wanted to talk shit about marghul, she could do so in private with her whole family, friends and venus.
but apparently this was not enough, a wider audience was needed.
that's how you spot a narc instantly.
I mean, V is desperate and probably selling her body to survive, don't you think it's odd how she never tried to suck up to zsu and the rest of the family to get some money out of them? you know very well she's not beneath that.
there must be some very good reason she's never even replied to their comments.
No. 72609
>>72568Zsu posted JABS at Marge. Doesn't matter if Zsu bought into Venus'
victim act. A decent, "good" grown adult DOES NOT do that, especially to their family. They don't stalk their sisters IG just to post a modelling jab, despite Marge not publicly claiming to be a professional model. That just shows us a GLIMPSE of Zsu's character flaws. They are similar to Marge's. Ferenc said he cant/won't help Marge and offers poor
victim Venus a house and NOT to Marge, who needed a place to go at the time. He doesn't invite Marge to the family gathering, only Venus. That book post WAS to mock. The timing is too impeccable. Imagine "praising" your daughter for translating a prison book WHILE she's in prison. That's disgusting and obviously not praise, though narcs will disguise it as such. Marge once briefly said, Zsu was one of those pushy Christians or something. I would not be surprised if that was the case as well. Just from what little we know, she was already showing character flaws and pettiness. Imagine what she's like in person then. She's not a "good" person. No one said she's "as crazy as Marge", just that she's clearly a bitch, and maybe, if she was running a YT business with her child and they suddenly left, she'd unleash crazy rage. There's simply no way of knowing that last part. My point is she does not seem like a "good" person, but a petty one.
No. 72620
>>72561>> getting a new passport doesn't mean she will go to Switzerland wtf?It would make sense though. She has no more hubby financially supporting her and she has been incapable of maintaining her YT Comeback and has once again abandoned the channel so no more income from that. Plus her Japanese visa is probably in peril, plus she has no friends left in Japan. Running back to Switzerland where she has a relative who would probably be happy to let her mooch off them makes perfect sense at this point.
I really don’t think she is capable of living independently. She needs someone to take care of her and someone to leech off.
No. 72634
>>72628That spouse visa is most likely gone though. Suddenly acquiring a Swiss passport right now looks like she might be choosing to leave Japan before getting deported (unlike her mommy who had to be dragged into detention before getting booted out of Korea.)
Of course it’s all a guessing game atm because she’s a woman of mystery.
No. 72639
>>72633Ferenc confirmed she replied one time when he was offering her a house. He/Zsu made it seem like it was the first time she ever did.
>V's family is perfectly normal…From what we've seen of Zsu/ferenc, that doesn't seem to be the case, but I doubt ALL the people in the family are
toxic. I think they would be enablers though because they bought into Venus' embellished sad girl eternal-
victim act.
And perhaps Venus isn't going to Switzerland, but to Hungary to get that house? She could plan to travel anywhere, but she did say she wanted to visit Switzerland again. Or she could be doing what
>>72550 mentioned.
No. 72642
>>72550>> maybe she is only going because her visa situation in Japan didn't work out and she is using them, like everyone else she does.Bingo. She’s single, unemployed, broke and about to lose her visa. She needs a place to crash and another source of support she can milk. She’s had absolutely no interest in Switzerland or any of her relatives there for the past 3 1/2 years and now she’s suddenly obtained a Swiss visa? Why the sudden interest in her Swiss homeland now?
Answer: she didn’t need them before. She had her stooge visa husband paying her bills and supplying her visa. Now that’s gone and she needs someone else to latch onto. Voila…Switzerland!
No. 72645
>>72634suddenly acquiring a swiss passport only means that her old one probably expired and one needs a
valid passport for all visas to be
valid also. you can't expect to stay in japan on a
valid visa if your passport is expired
No. 72648
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>>bleedusCheers, Anon, you made my day
No. 72655
>>726541. it's not something that happens every year, not even once in 5 years
2. swiss passport cover is pretty
3. to show off her passport pic, obviously
No. 72712
>>72690Have you seen the U.S passport? It's ugly af
I would totally show off a swiss passport. It's simple and sleek.
No. 72751 remember when a lot of y'all thought this was the tru venus even though she's been copying margo's sarcasm humor here.
reposted for sage
No. 72774
>>72772Leave the Internet and fuck off out of Japan for good while she's at it. One less piece of manufactured weeb trash that the country has the deal with. There's nothing for her there, she has no proper job, she's a shit show health wise, nobody loves her and nobody cares about her existence except for her young and naive fans who lap up anything she has to say & the cucks who have a pasty white BJD loli fetish who throw money at her when she streams.
It's both sad and pathetic.
No. 72780
>>72777It's more of a case that social media is literally her home and followers, views, subscribers and likes is all she has known for years. She's fixated on the rush that her fans give her when she milks her life troubles and downing alcohol while prancing around in period blood stained shorts. The attention they give her fuels her will to continue being a talentless hack.
She may not seem "active" but you can't deny she's hell bent on being the popular online persona that is Venusangelic she once was for as long as it takes despite nothing working for her and not getting better.
No. 72789
>>72780i think she might like the numbers ticking over but i have never got the impression she regards her fans in any way that would make their attention exciting? like the way her humor is always an in-joke with herself
against them, the way she just tosses them these bullshit lies you wouldn't try to pass off to anyone you thought you would ever encounter one day - it's like how addicted could she be to attention from ten thousand ants or plants or bot accounts?
I could consider what you mean about her online identity being her home if it was a constant - but it's not - it's like she logs in every month and goes 'uh.. what am i like on here again? i forgot.' and makes up a new voice
No. 72805
>>72790So, it’s all Bad Mommy’s fault, right?
Poor Weenus, victimized from birth. What a tragic story.
No. 72823
>>72819abuse is not a competition anon. it affects every person differently. and those who hav (or create) a wider network of support have a better chance of making it in life. she was moved from country to country with no-one to turn to, family full of snakes, and no roots, in a bed with her crazy mother every night. that she probably has a personality disorder now is not too surprising. alienation is a significant form of abuse even if the rest of it never existed.
the fact she's a raging weeb has only impeded her chance at recovery (when she had one), because she's in the worst culture for dealing with mental health, and would rather bury her problems in booze, karaoke and expensive plushies.
No. 72853
>>72823>>72838Nobody said abuse is a competition. Yes, she went through shit. Does it explain, at least partially, her attention whoring, queer baiting, lying, fraud, scam, etc? Yes. Does it excuse it? I don't think so. We aren't bullying the poor kawiwi little girl, just watching the trainwreck. If gossip about her makes you feel bad, maybe you shouldn't come here. It's pointless to try to defend her cuz that won't stop people from wanting to gossip, nor encourage her to take better care of herself. On the contrary, she gets off those ass pats.
No. 72858
>>72853Who is defending or excusing her here? Are you the "I hAd A nArC mOm AnD i'M nOt MiLkiNg It" anon?
>Nobody said abuse is a competition>sooo many people on this earth that have gone through WAYYYYY worse>>72819Yes, some people have had it way worse than her and still manage to be better off than her, and some people have had it way easier than her and still manage to be worse off than her. That's how human psyche works, everyone is different and gets affected differently by different things.
>>72805Yes, it's Margos fault that Venus ended up so fucked, but it's Venus' own fault that she acts like a bitch and lies. Yes, she most likely was victimized from birth, because her mom is batshit crazy. I'm sorry if anons discussing this
triggers you.
tl;dr Venus' upbringing explains her shit now but doesn't excuse her bad behavior. Autistic narc anons pls leave.
No. 72927
>>72848Exactly. Yet out of all the cows here, venus tends to get a pass for her malicious behaviour with the same old
"poor girl it's not her fault i hope she gets help". Venus is not a helpless
victim, she is a manipulator. And if she is a helpless
victim, then plenty of other cows who get shit on are helpless
victims too. i suspect the sympathy for venus comes from a) her successful manipulation of the narrative/her audience and b) those who grew up with narcs and are projecting with a preference in remaining willfully ignorant of venus' maliciousness.
No. 72929
>>72790>venus singerYeah that video was so cute but also proves she was meant to be an attention seeker on youtube lol.
t. I also said the same things as Venus when I was a fetus but I am thankful my mom didn't let me become an a-whore
No. 72943
>>72929i read this like wow, to me it's hard to believe that a baby would naturally aspire to be a 'photomodel', but since this person di… oh, never mind it's
>>72930 this person being a samefag
No. 72956
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She posted this earlier this day. Wonder about which relationship she is talking about, I mean she has no friends or fam to judge her …
No. 72957
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I wonder who she's talking about? New fake lesbian lover?
No. 72966
>>72958She wants to flaunt more of his prezzies on ig but she knows people will start asking questions about where they came from. She’s testing the waters to see how her 12 year old fans will react to her SD who’s probably close to her grandfather’s age.
All speculation of course.
No. 72992
>Link to her Japanese live streams (from PULL)
>From PULL in regards to her japanese streams:"I am surprised no one has mentioned yet how in the livestreams (not just the Japanese one) she is always holding her alcohol cans in a way that they can be seen by the viewers clearly on purpose. Someone being embarassed about being an alcoholic and/or aknowlidging she has a problem would try to hide it, but not only is she holding the cans in a way that the label is facing the camera so it can be recognized, but she is akwardly holding the cans in midair after taking a sip, instead of putting them down somewhere. No normal person holds a can like this. You take a sip, you put it down. If you don't have a tabe you will hold it in a more comfortable position instead of ifiting it all the way up.I have zero pitty for this girl. She is clearly doing this for attention."
Have to agree. She intentionally holds the cans (most of the time) so the label can be CLEARLY read by viewers. While, I don't doubt she enjoys drinking, she's calculatedly showing it off and spinning a narrative. As she did with all her past issues before this.
>tinfoil but thought it'd be worth speculating: Is it possible Venus is doing all this so she can use "mental illness" as a means of getting more out of her divorce with Mana and documenting the process? Or potentially sue Manaki for emotional distress/personal injury damages to squeeze some extra coin out of him?
"A spouse’s mental health issues may reduce or increase that spouse’s share of the marital estate depending on your family’s circumstances. Specifically, mental health issues can interfere with your ability to support yourself or your family. A judge may award you additional alimony or a larger share of marital property or assets if your mental health prohibits you from working or makes it difficult to hold a job"That said, Manaki could fight back & claim mental illness as the cause of their divorce.
Also, in the second video in the playlist, the poor cat (that hates her sociopathic ass) pushes her door open and she freaks out (just like in the deleted stream when someone entered the room she supposedly lives "alone" in).
No. 72997
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>>72993>> It could possibly be about Manaki?Why would her “friends and family (lol) disapprove” of Manaki though? And why post about it now? That makes no sense.
>>72992From my limited knowledge of divorce in Japan (consisting of google) they don’t have alimony. The divorced spouse gets a one-time payment when it’s finalized. Aside from that, why would she continue to put on a drunk act after the divorce was finalized if that’s what she was doing?
As far as the extent or severity of her drinking vs. it being just an act, I keep going back to that drunk karaoke livestream where she’s so wasted she’s staggering and slurring and literally faceplants in a bowl of ramen. That was no act.
Plus there was that bar event with the other 3 “idols” (lol again) where they took a selfie afterwards but “forgot” to include Weenus, and one of them hinted on Twitter about feeling very sad about
someone (the photo at the top of this thread being from that event)..that Weenus never mentioned again, despite promoting it extensively on ig beforehand…connect the dots and it adds up to an out of control sloppy drunk Weenus that humiliated herself and embarrassed everyone there. The girl has real issues.
Of course she could be going out of her way to use it for attention and pity points too. Both things could be true.
No. 73077
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No. 73086
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No. 73093
>>73086stop talking about how you've totally changed for the 1213457 time and just show it, venus.
this is getting old
>>72957something tells me she'll be back with manaki soon, or at least tries really hard to make it happen.
you don't casually post old pictures you made while you were still with your ~abuser~, especially showing off his gifts, which she's done a few times now.
guess life with
abusive psychopath manaki wasn't that bad after all?
No. 73129
>>73094I hope not now that her persona is shattered. She isn't some kawaii popular idol who loves cooking.
She's a drunk washed up nobody who rode the living doll phase, made nothing of it and is just mean spirited.
As for Venus's situation, she could literally have shat out a few cooking or vlogs or anything and kept her channel alive. She can't blame Margo for everything. At least the gargoyle made her actually make videos, it was seriously her only job.
No. 73148
>>73086>>73093Yeah, hopefully she does get her act together, but it's easy to talk about improving your life but it takes a hell of a lot of effort to do all that is necessary to make meaningful and lasting changes, especially for someone who has no point of reference for what a well-adjusted, emotionally stable adult looks like.
You know how studies indicate that someone who talks about working on a project is less likely to complete it than someone who doesn't? It seems to be the same for cows and self-improvement; they talk about 'getting better' on social media, get some validation for it, which satisfies them and allows them to slip back into their shitty habits because they've gotten their reward feeling. Venus needs to get off social media and struggle through her problems so she can't be disrailed by attention; it's easy to see her slipping into total low-functioning NEET life like Luna Slater or Taylor Dean, especially with a substance abuse problem.
No. 73181
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Looks like her old kawiwi room in the background. If Manaki actually decided to take her crazy ass back, then I have no ounce of pity for him IMO.
No. 73252
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Hmmmm I wonder what this is gonna be about …
No. 73403
>>72943Wut? I don't even…It's very normal for kids to dream of being stars or of being famous. In fact I find this more of a childlike dream than an adult one. Anyways, I agree with you all that the obnoxious autist needs to stop, she's sperging on kiwifarms (is it called like that?) too, I noticed it and I don't even have an account there lmfao.
>>73252I really wanna know so bad too. I bet it's her coming back with Manaki.
>>73248That's really sick if this is the case.
Also she is dressing better and better? I guess lurking on your own threads does pay off.
No. 73411
>>73403Just saying, I was one of the people saying how people labeling her as a
victim and blaming everything on her abuse from her mom needs to stop, and I noticed someone else posting who was agreeing with me, so those posts weren’t all made by the same person obviously… so I don’t think anyone here is “sperging”, it’s multiple people agreeing on the same statements. But anyways, based on her latest posts do you guys think she’s back with Manaki? That would explain why she posted about worrying if friends and family would approve of her relationship, because Manaki’s family is probably disappointed af if he’s actually back with her, plus it seems she was back in her old room so…kinda looks like they might be back together. I’m kinda shocked tbh
No. 73435
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>>73430>muh poor precious simp boyremember, he 'fell for' venus when she was an exploited child camgirl-lite dancing for men (like him) on nico
No. 73436
>>72997>Why would her “friends and family (lol) disapprove” of Manaki though? And why post about it now? That makes no senseWell her mom disapproved and threatened to delete the channel if she married manaki. This was what venus said when she left and needed to garner sympathy from her audience. Then in the recent slander video, she said her mom forced her (which was an obvious lie). Mana's parents would also probably disapprove. Idk about her friends though. And we don't know if her divorce is finalized, though I have no idea about the alimony thing.
>>72996Well she did hurt margo lol. She also used her virtual tuber manager then dumped him when he was no longer convenient and blamed him in a live stream. Probably same will happen to Kitano. She seems to have hurt some of her friends too (assuming those posts from the alleged "friend(s)" were legit, hurt Mana's family, and she cheated on Manaki. Why do people dislike her? Because she's fake. A liar. Probably pathological. She embellished and aggrandizes her struggles, is manipulative, probably a covert narc, vindictive, uses her mental illness for money, uses her family and drama for money, committed visa fraud, greedy af, uses other people, thinks she's gods gift (she compared herself to trump, said she's eccentric and shit talked manaki in her email to marge when she got the surgery), mistreated animals and uses them as an accessory, is a hypocrite (remember when she publicly outed marge for shit talking manaki? Guess who was also shit-talking manaki with her mom?). God, the list of why she's such a fake horrible bitch goes MUCH farther than she's "just self-destructive" and hurt Manaki. Like no. Stop minimizing. I have no sympathy for her. And the other anon is right. She
is like marge.
No. 73437
>>73428If they did get back together, my assumptions would be because a) she's tired of being broke b) Kitano may have kicked her after she told him to go fuck himself c) she was unable to get an entertainment visa with Kitano d) she got sick of being seen negatively, so if she gets with Manaki, eventually people will forgive her for being a marge clone e) possibly just using Manaki and they will break up again, but not before she collects some
proof to demonize him in attempt to fix her reputation.
I really hope he doesn't cave and get back with her. She's a narc and an emotional vampire. He'll get fucked over.
No. 73439
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Isn't this Manaki's car?
No. 73441
>>73435Delayed pedophillia…really makes me think….Also, Yukapon was exploited too? Is it really hard to grasp for some of you that she was born to be a weeb aidoru and that it's quite normal?
>>73439She's so fucking predictable. But I will not be too certain of it, just in case I'm wrong.
No. 73447
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>>73442No, that's one of her old lolita dresses
No. 73453
>>73448She’s said that before, and what was her very next video? Lolita clothes haul. I pointed it out and her fans got super pissed and defensive. Saying dumb shit like “just cause she doesn’t wanna wear Lolita dresses doesn’t mean she can’t collect them” followed by a long ass post about how dumb I am for not realizing that.
Plus she has to keep wearing these clothes if it’s what her sugar daddy likes.
No. 73685
>>73672you mean this one?
>PULLoh no what will you do without posts like
>i had Dream about her>am i the only one that find her lives relaxing? its so relaxing>[7 paragraph rant about bisexual erasure] No. 73687
>>73685No I mean the new one she is about to record… but struggles because it was "too awkward". She's awkward af but with him their akwardness reaches a point no human should have to witness.
IDC about autistic PULL posts. Lolcow isn't free of them either. I just need some tinfoil hat theories.
No. 73749
>>73741>>73711Exactly this. She thought she could fuck whatever she needed out of her managers, without realizing she's nkt the first lazy, spoiled narc brat to try that and fail. She needs Manaki to stay in Japan, hence her playing up her pitiful, alcoholic slobbery
after prematurely bragging about her success post-Manaki.
Fuck Manaki Okada if he takes her back. If he does, he's the ultimate pedo doormat.
No. 73762
>>73749And with the sudden question to her fans on Instagram about if family and friends didn't agree with a relationship, it's obvious this is aimed towards the so called "
abusive" Manaki who has treated her so poorly but poor
victim Weenus needs reassurance that she's making the right decision going back to such a bad person. Another ploy to milk her shitty life story and throw others under the bus.
No. 73775
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She’s on ig asking for advice on what “aesthetic” she should go for
No. 73777
File: 1574657445087.jpeg (275.11 KB, 1074x1647, BA815AE0-7282-4652-826B-422027…)

And the decision is…a different one every week you guise! (lol she can’t even get it together to wash her hair and put on clean clothes, much less portray an “aesthetic.”)
I’m always amazed that other than delusional pipe dreams about Forming a Company and being a Big Businesswoman this girl has NO aspirations or ambitions of any kind. Nothing beyond “how will I amuse myself today?”
No. 73808
File: 1574698335640.jpg (298.12 KB, 806x592, 201911253.jpg.39517a21579276d3…)

So she finally got her old kawaii shit back but as someone on pull pointed out this looks more like her sd place we've seen on drunk lives than Manakis, so I don't think she's back with him. He isn't That level of retard (at least I hope)
No. 73810
File: 1574699682282.jpeg (331.38 KB, 1074x1312, 808427A0-DDCE-4D84-B8D3-80F80C…)

>>73808No that’s the old place. Same walls and trim. Weenus is back in her kawaii pink little nest, courtesy of the poor fool she guilt-tripped into taking her back.
No. 73811
>>73810lmao she has no shame.
I so look forward to that promised video and her unsuspecting fans reactions.
how can you even talk yourself out of this? there's no way she won't look like a dick to everyone.
she really is.. low iq, is she
No. 73825
>>73815I hope they are not back together. If I was Manaki, I would never go back to someone who used me, leeched off me, slandered me to the public, cheated on me etc. Then, before getting back together, makes a public post saying "everyone is against it" (because Mana is such aN eViL aBUseR).
I wonder if she's still working with Kitano, or if he kicked her after she told him to go fuck himself, so now she has no entertainment visa option and ran back to spousal visa option?
No. 73830
>>73829Given how she carefully likes to play
victim and gaslight along the way, he probably doesn't understand her behavior to the extent we do here, as picking apart narcs is a mission. The language barrier if anything makes it far more difficult to understand her true nature, which is a self entitled cunt that thinks the world revolves around her.
No. 73832
File: 1574707473794.jpg (132.78 KB, 478x750, tumblr_mw5rc3JmEj1r76gowo1_500…)

>>73808I thought about this photo of little Margo, can't unsee
No. 73834
>>73808So “librarian chic” = baggy dress, big cardigan. hair in braids and oversized glasses? Since when do librarians wear baggy clothes with their hair in braids? Looks more like “hobo chic” except her hair and clothes actually look clean for a change.
How fucking lame. She really is pathetic.
No. 73838
File: 1574709987272.jpg (59.11 KB, 514x717, _20191125_192712.JPG)

>>73808Definitely Manaki's place. The light switch has what looks like to have Sanrio decal around it and can be seen in other selfies she's taken before when she was still with him.
No. 73852
>>73825Manaki has been a fan of Venus' (i.e. a pedo or close enough) since she was a kid, and he doesn't exactly have much social currency to say the least…this is probably it for him. If he doesn't tolerate her shit then he's probably going to be single for the rest of his life. Venus has the upper-hand here; many social rejects would choose to remain in an unhealthy relationship so that they don't risk dying alone. When you're in that situation then it's not as simple as shutting your partner out of your life.
>>73832Unironically A++ Eastern Bloc aesthetic
No. 73853
>>73830>>73851True, plus the language barrier makes it that much easier for her to manipulate and gaslight him into feeling sorry for her and taking her back. She knows all the right buttons to push and that poor fool has no idea what he’s getting into. He has some kind of savior complex and she preys on and exploits that for all she can get out of it.
>>73846is right, they really are perfect for each other. The perfect
toxic dysfunctional couple.
No. 73858
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>>73808Can we talk about how sad this half-assed attempt at an “aesthetic” is? She doesn’t even pretend to give a shit anymore.
No. 73859
>>73808I know Venus does nothing day in and day out but would it kill her to watch some beauty and fashion channels? It’s about time penus learns how to look put together.
And I don’t care if she’s with mana again or not. IMO she should leave Japan and go to school and hang out with normal people, but if she can’t grow up and he takes her back…hopefully they don’t have kids.
No. 73877
>>73855Couldn't they just cancel the divorce papers if not finalized (if they really are getting back together)?
>>73853I think there
is a language barrier to an extent, but Manaki was aware of the lolita stuff and many other things that apparently
embarrassed him, which is why he got off social media, he even privated his videos for a time when Venus sent her rabid fans after him, so pretty sure he knows what she's said, her slander video etc. But it still does make it easier for her to manipulate, gaslight him etc.
No. 73887
>>73862She doesn’t have to go back to Switzerland
>>73873Yes, clearly there’s nothing wrong with running into a psycho mother who tries to ruin their own child’s life.
No. 73920
>>73912Well he was essentially a fanboy of hers back when he first started crushing hard on Venus during her living doll days. No doubt he still thinks and acts like one so of course he'll worship the ground she walks on no matter what.
Pussy whipped and desperate to have a white irl dolly waifu in his life which works out well with her dream to be a pampered, lazy & useless NEET forever stuck in a childish room.
No. 74002
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why is anyone surprised he'd take her back?
can you imagine your partner telling his 200k followers that you're regularly molesting young girls? or your partner having a life threatening and unnecessary surgery in secret, being always drunk, insisting on making videos together where they treat you like a retard in front of their 1+mil subs,…?
any normal person would have left her ass after half a year max. it has always been very clear that manaki is deeply damaged somehow
No. 74019
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also her reaction
No. 74036
File: 1574880748313.jpeg (480.07 KB, 1086x1634, 05274898-EBB5-4B14-A716-42C2A0…)

Weenus is happy again. She’s got her meal ticket/caretaker/enabler back. No more worrying about paying the rent, how she’s gonna get her drunk ass home from the bar or losing her visa. She’s back in her pretty pink room with Manaki the human doormat who takes her to see cute fun places. Life is good again!
No. 74100
>>74066>She must have done something good to lure him in.The bar is so low that perhaps staying sober for 3 days in a row is good enough for him.
>>74069These mood swings are just like Margo's lmao, so predictable.
No. 74224
>>74221Then he's an even bigger doormst and puss than we thought, because she
was sloppy drunk and unwashed for days at all hours of the night and morning for weeks. What kind of good husband playing along with a publicity farce would let that happen? She was really struggling, and god only knows what she did to get him to take her back after 2 years of 0 improvement or maturity.
No. 74227
>>74114He's getting close to his thirties. He's 26-28 now? Sorry I don't remember his age. Maybe he's worried he'll end up forever alone so he took her back without thinking rationally.
>>74221The blank walls weren't the studio (which is not penus' btw). Some other dude owns it. The blank walls were another apartment she was staying at with someone else (possibly her manager or sugar daddy) which she lied saying she lived alone in. There was always a dog barking and that poor cat she abused.
No. 74235
I’ve been sensing this damage control ever since she got caught with dried period blood all over her in the drunk live. like the shift from “i’m a yandere BPD!11!!” to “oh uwu I think my rebellious phase is over” happened directly after anons were discussing her rock bottom here. sage for mild tinfoil
from this
>>72366to this
>>72956 No. 74262
>>74221This theory doesn’t “explain” anything.
- If he wanted to be out of the spotlight all he had to do is ask her not to show or mention him on ig or YT, no need to invent some fake breaking up act.
- He was at the event because he was trying to keep things amicable at that point. She put out the attack video just after that when her resentment of him boiled over and she lashed out, in true narc/borderline/whatever the fuck is wrong with her fashion.
- Venus was having visa issues, that’s why the sudden urgency to “form a company” when she had never had an interest in anything like that in the past 3 1/2 years
- The shitty bare room was where she was forced to live after he kicked her drunk ass out, not some ‘studio.’ She was obviously living there with at least one other mystery person, a cat and a dog. I think she was couch surfing in that room since she was so careful not to show any part of it (except for once accidentally which she immediately deleted.) No bedroom was ever shown, just that one crappy bare room.
What you’re saying makes no sense.
No. 74284
>>74221Any normal human being would just clearly state “Hey, the pressure of social media is too hard for my shy nerdy husband so he’s going to stay behind the scenes from now on.” That a completely understandable circumstance that even her most brain-dead fan could comprehend! Then her fans would be like “Uguu. Oh, we understand. Mental health first! Do what you have to do.” End. Nobody would suspect anything foul or complain.
But instead, your suggestion would show that Venus is actually more INSANE than anyone could have possibly imagined.
> Explains the two apartmentsWhy would needing a temporary apartment for work in Tokyo require a complicated backstory?
The only thing that is 100% true is that Venus is an emotional manipulator, despite knowing the pain of such abuse herself, and she enjoys the feeling of control when she is creating confusion. It would have been so easy to give short, not too revealing explanations for what is happening in her life but instead she chooses to be evasive or baiting in the worst ways possible. An she’s fully aware of how it affects the people who cared about her and wanted her to get better.
I’m starting to think returning to her mom wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world anymore. I used to be scared for her but she has proven she is no different than her mom.
No. 74305
>>74284She's a fucking grown woman, why would seeing her mother be as bad as seeing the devil in flesh? It's not like she's not capable of the same shit.
>>740132017? that's when her ass was still kissed LOL.
No. 74329
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>>74319mana was active on insta when v wrote this, so couldn't have been under arrest (they both shared stories about a new game they bought right after the post was made).
so if it really happened, it obviously didn't happen right at that moment, so why post about something like that on april 1st and not any other day?
screenshot from venus' comments then: she kept deleting questions about it, and basically ignored everyone. her apology post was only made on april 6th, 5 days later.
imo it was pretty obviously a "joke" and she reveled in the drama for 6 days till she felt like telling everyone that her husband isn't molesting girls after all.
No. 74335
>>74327Would y'all stop treating bleedus as some helpless 5 year old kid?
Since she's old enough to advertise herself in sugaring apps, she can file a restraining order on margo's ass as well.
No. 74338
>>74337What “stupid shit,” that Weenus isn’t some poor helpless little
victim? That’s not “stupid shit,” it’s the truth.
No. 74341
>>74338Nta and I'm not trying to minimod but yes, the debate itself is stupid. I know, the spergelics with their "poor wittle
victim uwu" narrative can be annoying but please don't derail the thread any further, just report and move on (or don't engage with them).
No. 74345
>>74335It depends on maggros mental state. there's only so much a restraining order can do when some batshit crazy lunatic is sprinting at you, dead set on stabbing you to death no matter the consequences.
idk if she's that crazy though, only venus would know.
>>74337lol dude stop "genuinely" asking people to stop talking about something. pretty much everything we talk about here is worthless anyway since venus isn't providing any milk rn. like, I wonder what kind of intellectually stimulating quality entertainment you're looking for? bet you shit up this thread often enough yourself, but it was ok since ~it was just you~
No. 74354
it's possible to think venus is fucked up and margo is also fucked up. black and white thinking about heroes and villains doesn't work here. as a pair of people, they're pretty fucking interesting and neither of them are stable. I don't think it would matter if they are together or apart at this point, venus would still have trashed her stomach and be a drunk, margo would still be violent, greedy and oversexed. idk if it's the same anon pushing this idea in the thread that margo is uwu innocent? maybe some old margo stan, kek. she's proven violent and does illegal shit like trying to break in. she's not right in the head and don't pretend she is, there are threads filled with receipts.
>>74351that whole situation was shady as hell, manaki never spoke or posted about, right?
No. 74361
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Any ideas what we can expect? Inb4 Uwu Manaki and I made up, I'm still married!
No. 74364
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>>74361“I’m giving Manaki a second chance you giuse even though everyone I know is against it!” Thereby setting herself up as a brave and saintly abuse
She really needs to stop trying to work this Happy Little Girl look with the ribbon on the top of her head and the uwu kawaii poses. She can’t carry it off anymore with the face she has now and she just ends up looking like Margo trying to be cute.
No. 74366
>>74351>What do we really know about Manaki’s personality? He likes hamburgers and hates himself?
>was obsessed with Venus since she was 14 and he was 20>showed up at Disneyland when she was 16 in the hopes of meeting her>started dating her when she was 17>married her when she was 18Manaki is, and has always been, a creep.
People ended up giving him a pass because once Venus got away from Margaret, everyone realized Margaret is a severely
abusive psycho. Venus acted quite mature for a while after that, and seemed genuinely happy with Manaki, so everyone
wanted to like him because they had high hopes for Venus.
And now that Venus has gone off the rails and everyone hates her again, everyone wants to believe Manaki is a sweet baby angel who's being preyed upon by the dastardly Venus.
The fact is, Manaki is an adult man that was obsessed with a 14 year old "living doll" and did everything he could to get in her pants and have her all to himself.
The Manaki stanning in these threads is embarrassing.
No. 74372
>>74364This kawaii uwu image she's put back on makes it clear that she's back with him. Got to keep the husband's loli fetish in check right?
>>74366He's literally the Japanese version of a neckbeard but creepier given his back story, a loner, clearly a doormat, pussy whipped and desperate. It's obvious Venus is manipulating him, which if he was remotely normal, we could feel sorry for him to some degree, but it's hard to show sympathy in this situation.
No. 74379
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Any updates?
No. 74381
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How exciting! Venus trying to remain relevant and keep her fans.
No. 74388
>>74381What a joke!
And first off, she can stop misspelling words. It ain’t cute. She can’t even make a Patreon? She’s going to abandon this dumb fan club and the 5 old men willing to join it in a weeks time.
No. 74398
>>74366Agree with the creep part, but wasn't he at first reluctant to marry Weenos (which he ended doing anyways) because he thought she was too young for marriage?
>>74381lmao it will flop like every other project
No. 74404
>>74381I don't understand why she speaks that way. She expects gullible fans will pay her but calls it a "shitshow"?
I'm guessing she hopes farmers/haturz will give her the first month 5 bucks, and plans on not uploading anything after a few weeks hoping quietly that people will forget about it.
No. 74417
>>74398to marry, not to be in a rel with
this is irrelevant nobody wants to get fuckin married that fast
No. 74425
>>74366>showed up at Disneyland when she was 16 in the hopes of meeting her>started dating her when she was 17>married her when she was 18Showed up at Disneyland after being in contact with Margaret first, then Margaret orchestrated their “dating” and “marriage”. Lol. That sad fucker didn’t even go on his own Paris honeymoon( Margaret and Venus did) and Margaret bragged about the marriage never being consummated. We all know he’s weird and his idol infatuation was inappropriate but let’s not act like he was an unwanted pest, doing his best to force himself into their lives.
>>74381Wait, did Doormat-kun decide not to financially support her or something?
No. 74435
>>74433Venus stans claim it was all just a "mistake" and that she didn't mean to make such a "joke" and she's miraculously changed since then if you bring it up with them.
No, she's a fucked person with a fucked up mind. The fact that Manaki enabled her to get away with making the shit joke makes it worse. They're perfect for one another. A pair of sad cunts with not a single ounce of self respect left.
No. 74472
>>74425Glad I'm not the only one who remembers Margul trying to marry Venus off ASAP thinking it would grant them
both a Japan visa. Margul didn't turn on Manaki and take Venus to S. Korea until she realized that wasn't the case. Marge pushed Manaki and Venus together for that visa, and Venus can dent that all she wants but before they were married even Venus said they didn't spend much time alone together.
When Margo took Venus to S. Korea and tried to find her another meal ticket sugar daddy, I bet Venus realized how easy life in Japan with Doormat Manaki would be and spun the "eeeebil mommy margul tryna sell me for $$$ to creepy Korean men!" narrative to get his help rescuing her and hiding her in Japan.
Then, after 2.5 years of living like a spoiled ageplay princess she wanted more, and when Manaki wanted something in return she threw her tantrum and tried to turn everyone on
him. Upon realizing that failed
and that she's not cute enough to just fuck her way through life, she "straightened up" and ended her "delayed puberty" and playing up her alcoholism ("I'm a mess without you, Mana-senpai!! Don't divorce me from my JP cocksucker visa!!!").
No. 74490
>>74472I think the cherry on top of all this is that besides knowing Manaki is an emasculated wimp, Margaret made the bold claims that Manaki had Gender Dysphoria, possibly gay or bi, was a
victim of child abuse and used to be an obese shut in(body issues and mental illness?). That just makes Venus’ willingness to go along with her mom’s original plan, then accuse Manaki of being the bad person, extra twisted. Like, imagine all of that personal history being true and Venus was still constantly shitting on the guy and not defending him when they were “happily married”. If someone you love was being accused or insulted, wouldn’t that break your heart or make you upset? That cold attitude really changed my mind about Venus. It makes Venus look like she has no empathy for others at all.
No. 74511
>>74435Let's not forget how she stated Manaki was her pet and he had to be taken to the vet to be "put down". Really fucking sick. Imo, the molesting "joke" was venus trying to leave breadcrumbs that manaki is a vile person for when she eventually left him. Let's face it, she married him for a fraudulent visa marriage, not ever planning on staying with him forever. Slandering him, complaining about him over the years, not defending him from claims
>>74490 mentioned, it's clear she didn't give a shit, except for her selfish desire for an easy visa.
>>74381"radio shows" sounds like she is still with Kitano? He has a radio show business.
No. 74517
>>74511She probably got the idea from him, but I can't imagine Kitano still working with her unprofessional, sloppy ass unless she was putting out, and if Manaki is back in the picture I doubt she's
that reckless and stupid. I bet she's planning some DIY online "broadcast" as some kind of comeback, if Doormat Manaki did take her back he might have at the very least insisted that she do
something other than spend his money and treat him like her footstool.
No. 74518
>>74490Marge spilling the beans on Venus when she ran was really a good thing in hindsight, because now we know they
both planned to use him for a visa from the beginning, Venus just ditched Margo and went solo as soon as she had the chance and a more gullible, compliant handler in her dream country. Anyone else remember Margo claiming she and Venus would laugh at Manaki together before the S. Korea split?
No. 74596
>>74511>>74562This anon is insane. Couples make edgy jokes all the time. It's not well received in public if you're not in on the joke but you have to be autistic to think this is abuse or shows Venus true colors.
Real Venus milk when?
No. 74598
>>74596If it was just the joke I would agree with you, but this is not even close to the first time she's talking shit about Manaki.
Even back when they were just dating, she had a phase where she renamed all their videos together "[…] with my EX-boyfriend" and ranted on Twitter about him (although that was back when Venus was still with Marge, so of course nobody would ever blame her for that). Then suddenly they were married. Then suddenly V left the country and Manaki could go fuck himself. Apparently not even he knew what was going on, they were just gone all of a sudden. But as soon as V realized that she would have to "massage" clients with mommy to make a living in Korea, she conveniently went back to Manaki. But now that he threw out her alcoholic ass, he is a controlling abuser and just as bad as her mother. She very obviously hates his guts and thinks she deserves so much better, but as long as he can provide for her she's going to milk him for all he's worth and laugh about him behind his back.
No. 74628
>>74596shit anon, you must have gone through lots of abuse in your life to think that was normal.
and no, it wasn't a funny joke between them, as manaki never played into or commented on it in any way.
and no matter what they thought was funny, a lot of her fans truly believed - for 6 whole days - that manaki was some sort of sexual predator, and spammed his instagram. venus was completely ok with that.
No. 74632
>>74631Especially now that she
knows he'll take her back after shittalking him, accusing him of abuse and being a sloppy, unwashed whore.
No. 74640
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>>74598And then there was the time when one of her drunk livestream viewers asked what happened to Manaki and she smirked and said “I had to take him to the animal hospital and have him put down” and they all had a good laugh over that. That’s some sick vile shit right there.
And she continues with this sweet innocent little girl act despite being the sick asshole she is.
No. 74648
>>74596How do you cite 2 different posts
>>74511 >>74562and claim they are both the same person? Please share.
No. 74710
>>74648They must be convinced that anyone that criticizes Venus or admits Margaret was correct about anything must be the same person. Not either of the people they quoted but many of us her were Venus fans for a long time before we finally realized what she was really doing. I seriously hate Margaret and was overjoyed when the arrest rumors came about but Venus has revealed herself to be a very cold, unsympathetic person. What is worse about Venus is that she had so much power in the situation due to her fanbase and she’s able to play off the cute but sad girl schtick while Margaret was always old, haggard not so attractive loon who had seemed to have no genuine personality of her own.
Nobody wants to be Team Margo! If Venus actually straightened up and tried to get better, continuously went to therapy, took responsibility for her
toxic behaviors and acknowledged that she hurts people, I think most anons would finally be happy and not complain.
>>74640It’s really weird how she flipped back to this after months of “Dark Venus”. Who is thus for? To win back Manaki? Manager is frustrated and wants her to return to the old style?
No. 74756
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Also if you wanna chat in her retarded looking discord server or whatever it is you can do so for 500 yen a month. Though I beg to wonder who will actually pay, so screenshots are lovely.
>>74725>spoonfeedingAt least now I know why the penus haterz and absolute spergelics are autistic as hell.
No. 74758
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>absent mom
>absent mom
>baby lana
?????????? Does she just like to make up personas she's the opposite of? It's why I am puts tinfoilhat on sure she's not an actual alcoholic and is basically being a big baby.
No. 74779
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does anyone have a photo of her handwriting so we can compare?
No. 74787
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>>74779would be funny if it was her, but I doubt it
No. 74801
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For the jury's concideration
No. 74840
>>74774I think she's Venus, she has same hands, voice and handwriting
>>74812>>74788Do you know she's acting on the internet while being "VenusAngelic"? If that person is she, she's simply being normal here. We don't really know all aspects of her life even if we gossip about it. Venus could work and not telling it to her followers.
No. 74842
>>74841It's weird because someone asked her in the chat to talk in German and she couldn't… she said she is not used to talk in German anymore because she didn't speak it for a long time.
So it's weird she has german accent if she cant speak it.
No. 74843
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>>74840>same handsnah, venus kinda has stubby weird thumbs, you can get a better look in some of her shit makeup tutorials. this person's thumb looked normal to me from what i could see
i can hear some general similarities in the way they pronounce certain words but the accent is still different, it's not her
No. 74863
Anonymous now No. 74862
>>74840>>Venus could work and not telling it to her followersSo you really think Weenus ~could~ be working hard somewhere in secret? Sure, and I ~could~ win the lottery next week too. The chances of either one happening are equally infinitesimally tiny.
No. 74866
Definitely not the same person although they sound somewhat similar. Venus' voice is brittle and nasal, unlike this chick's. Her accent is also heavier and slightly different since she's Swiss. Also lbr Venus would never get an actual job. She thinks blowing middle-aged Japanese businessman is better than working like a normie.
>>74842>It's weird because someone asked her in the chat to talk in German and she couldn't… she said she is not used to talk in German anymore because she didn't speak it for a long time.Typical weaboo/obnoxious foreigner move. Mira/Jihadijin3 tried to pull the same stunt a couple of years ago by claiming she is forgetting English. You do not mysteriously forget your native language after moving to a different country as an adult unless you have brain damage, but spend any time abroad and you'll always meet at least one self-hating asshole who refuses to interact with other foreigners and claims they are forgetting their native languages because they are so totes immersed in their new environment.
No. 74894
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>>74843She has Marge’s ugly deformed-looking nails, as well as many of her most unfortunate facial features and personality traits.
No. 74895
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>>74894And her tendency for premature aging.
No. 74901
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>>74883No. It's a variation called Brachydaktylie Type D, which isn't dangerous but ugly. For example Megan Fox has it too.
No. 74902
>>74898Source is myself, always thought that's what caused it but
>>74901 is probably more on the money. My mistake.
No. 74905
>>74902How old is anon?
Also how TF do I sage?
No. 74927
>>7490526, I sucked my thumb until I was like 12 or something. I'm not very medically savvy.
This is all beside the point though, I don't think that video is of her. Like another anon said there's just something off about it. Maybe someone's trying to pretend to be her or something.
No. 74935
>>74840It's not a "character". She has spent too many years doing stupid dramatic things without real profit, just for fun? It doesn't make it untrue just because a bunch of randos talk about it in a forum.
I'd love it to be fake, but I doubt she has a secret real job. Specially with her drunk streams at any hour of the week.
No. 74972
>>74969Serious question: what are the odds of it
not being Weenus? Another girl with a similar accent, similar thumbs, in Japan and teaching Japanese online to survive?
I kind of see how it
could be her, and yeah, she would fudge her situation and how much she works if she were trying to come across as someone else, especially after it becoming so known what a lazy, entitled brat she is and how she feels too good to work a real job? Sage for tinfoil
No. 74986
>>74972IT . IS . A . FUCKING . GERMAN
NOT. A . S W I S S
File: 1575758003476.png (7.53 KB, 390x470, e4c6a202efb6bb4b48e1bff276abbb…)

>>74986>constant infighting over whether it's a swiss or german accentNever change lolcow
No. 74994
>>74992loool that's so funny anon, how do you come up with this stuff?
but really - this is like if someone found some birtish chick talking and a bunch of brazilians made 40 posts about how is it [american cow] because they can't tell the difference.
I think this might even be what has happened
No. 75035
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No. 75042
>>75037Do you even have to ask?
(No, she didn’t.)
No. 75148
>>75107Already too old by Japanese standards and she's barely old enough to drink in the US. That says some pretty sketchy things about Japan.
White weebs must know all about this given that's the culture they're trying to pander to. Do they really think they can coast off of those 12-year-old looks forever? Europeans age like bananas compared to Asians.
No. 75181
>>751512M subs… 2k views. OUff
btw, in the reflection at the start you can see who's filming. it looks like manaki to me.
No. 75182
File: 1575951899444.jpeg (218.65 KB, 982x1316, C9EE1171-4B2B-4E54-89A4-A4A486…)

Weenus for some reason posted some of her paid fans only private chats on the public fanicon site linked on her instagram bio. Talking about getting shit on by da haterz on instagram so she only feels safe chatting with her fans. (Unfortunately there were only 2 other people on the chat which seems to indicate her paid fans are few.)
No. 75184
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>>75183>can you post a screenshotnot really. it's so faint and vague that you need to look off to the side of the moving image and let your unconscious do the recognising. if you try to explicate the details the impression will dissolve.
this is where to look though.
No. 75185
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>>75181I think it’s creepy manager-san, filmed at around the same time as that awful ‘fishing’ video (a couple of months ago, also likely filmed by him.) She has the same hair and haggard look in both videos.
No. 75186
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>>75185Same hair
I really doubt Manaki is involved to the extent of filming her videos at this point.
No. 75190
>>75151Her acting like she couldn't do anything was not cute at all. The chef seemed truly pissed at her.
He is not even that strict, she is just unable to follow simple instructions without acting like a baby.
She could never handle a real job
No. 75199
>>75190You know, it would be somewhat entertaining to have a series of Venus trying out different jobs like this. I was honestly laughing when the guy was getting pissed off. Imagine the potential wtf reactions of other store owners and managers. We already have the unbelievable voice acting fail and this ramen shop semi-fail, so might as well make some money off cringey “Venus does___” content rather then falling apart on gross live-streams. She’d also have interesting opportunities to get outside without much planning.
I will say, Venus did take the scolding rather well in the end and didn’t throw a crying fit or give up. Kudos to that.
No. 75211
>>75199You do realize the chef didn't actually scold her, it was all acting (very shitty acting from venus' part tho), so of course she's not going to throw a fit. If that was a legitimate job she applied for and got, her attitude to that would be entirely different.
>>75182lol she's probably afraid people will catch onto all the manipulative shit she does and is trying to avoid that. Which just makes me think she is hiding a lot more nasty and malicious behaviour.
No. 75212
>>75182Love how she calls people who criticize her as "haters". Because of course, poor covert-narc
victim venus can never do anything wrong or worthy of criticisms. It's just them nasty, meddling haterz! Such an ego-centrist.
No. 75214
>>75182who's shitting on her though? there are hardly ever negative comments on her instagram, so she must be actively looking for them elsewhere.
I've said it before, but to me it seems like she is kiki-tier obsessed with them haterz, to the point where she's afraid of expressing herself in any way and where most of her posts or comments read like they were aimed at them ("join my fanclub and be part of the shitshow!" etc).
her edgy and bitter writing style just doesn't fit the kind, encouraging comments she gets 99% of the time
No. 75218
>>75185>>75186Amazing. 99% of times farmers vastly exaggerate when they call somebody "haggard", but looking like this at the tender age of 22…Jesus
Just a couple months ago, who would have ever thought that one day Kooters has her shit more together than Venus? Absolutely nobody lol
At this point I think that even a reunion with Margo would be possible, something like "We reconciled and want to try getting along again!uwu"
>>75214Anybody who dares to give her advice (even if followed by a "btw I love you, you're so pretty!") is an evil hater.
No. 75225
File: 1575987195002.png (1.38 MB, 1062x1864, wenoos.png)

>>75199>We already have the unbelievable voice acting fail and this ramen shop semi-failDon't forget the bar fail and absometal (not the voice acting, but the other video where she had no idea about the characters (not even her own) neither the plot)
>>75152next thread pic suggestion
No. 75291
>>75223I actually had such trouble finding dry shampoo in japan. that would be a good video idea Veeeeeenus: “how to fight the gaijin grease”
sage for non contribution
No. 75382
>>75229Agreed but at least she didn't overedit the fuck out of herself this time like on her pictures, tik tok videos, thumbnails, her passport lmao, some of her live streams (like the mukbang one didn't look like her? she either used a camera app or lighting or something). At least in this video she looks mostly like herself, haggard or not (aside from her eyes, pretty sure she had the aegyo tape on once more since her eyes aren't naturally that puffy) and maybe light smoothing.
I'm actually more bothered by the fact that she was allowed in food production with a full on fringe and loose tied hair. In a restaurant you have to clip your fringe and hair fully back and even wear a hair net. It's part of good food handler practices.
No. 75385
>>75280True it was really embarrassing and cringy, whether acting or not. venus really can't act if that's what she was going for. I personally assumed it
was shitty acting, so much that even the staff found it stupid, but had to go along to promote the restaurant. I don't think they take her seriously at all. But I still agree she doesn't behave properly in general. She's never really worked so she doesn't have a professional work ethic and willingly spent her time post-Margo playing in her room and recording videos of herself acting like a weeaboo retard.
No. 75401
File: 1576129424699.png (69.75 KB, 247x500, 5df1c9cc18f77_Screenshot_20191…)

venus sponsored/shill for the app confirmed
(this was posted on pull with no more context)
No. 75426
>>75423I’ve been watching her fan club chat for several days now (you can see it on the website she links to in her ig bio for some reason, without paying.) I’ve seen maybe 4-5 different people max, with 90% coming from just one person, and long periods with no chat happening at all. If that represents the # of paying members I assume that # is very small.
So how much income can it be yielding, for Weenis or the company? I’d guess it’s pretty tiny. Plus she hasn’t posted anything on the site for days now. I wonder if she gives refunds to anyone who might want their money back?
No. 75460
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>>75458Yeah this is what a day on Weenus’s fan club chat looks like- there’s like 3 people total on it and most of it is from one of them.
No. 75472
>>75460I don't understand this at all, is she listening to her manager? Is he that bad that he would tell her to do a fanclub she'd abandon instead of patreon where she could definitely make more money.
This is just sad.
No. 75474
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No wonder her teeth are piss yellow if she does this, this girl really doesn’t give a rats ass about her health does she
No. 75512
>>75509She wasn't ~forced into the spotlight~, Marge saw the chance to use Venus and her weeaboo YT hobby to make money and she did it. Venus started making videos on her own in the very beginning.
As for "poor weenus", no, she's has 3 years to get help and straighten herself out in the best situation she could have asked for, and instead she showed her true colors.
No. 75896
File: 1576691551332.jpg (369.29 KB, 720x1126, 20191218_184948.jpg)

Really brave of Peenus to go out looking looking this greasy… yikes, I really hope she at least washes her body regularly.
No. 75907
File: 1576698121241.jpg (21.73 KB, 272x255, Screenshot_20191218_204038.jpg)

At this point I can't tell if she's trolling or if she actually thinks this is totes kawaii.
No. 75908
>>75907Weenis there’s a chunk of your face missing
Lol she’s given herself a digital face-ectomy
No. 75954
File: 1576729208215.jpeg (203.11 KB, 1089x1242, 850A8307-A5BA-4B3A-9DF1-8C5D36…)

>>75893>> Venus messaged me about four or five months ago to do draw a logo for her new businessso this must be the logo she went with—that’s some high quality work right there, don’t you think?
And I guess manager-san must have dumped her if she’s doing this stuff on her own. Too bad.
No. 76084
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I hate how obvious it is when she washes her hair
No. 76092
>>76084And her fangelics still claim that her bangs are waxed or something and that her depressions make it okay to be a disgusting greasy mess.
In regards to the photo, the anime girl looks so generic like every fucking Japanese girl ever. Venus is pathetic.
No. 76093
>>75893Lmao 150? What a ridiculous price. Even though her logo is IMO horrible, she probably got it for $20 or less.
She could have contacted you, but it’s not like people don’t ghost each other all the time when they aren’t interested in something. Unprofessional, rude, it happens all the time so there’s no reason to still be thinking about it months later. Yes even if she’s a “celebrity”.
Also, Venus is uneducated and has zero business experience so why would you expect anything from her?
No. 76109
>>76099Even if Manaki took her back, I don't see him keeping her for very long unless she makes some big attitude changes. He wanted to have kids, have her help out with money, and I guess to just grow up (a little) and she responded by dragging his name, accusing him of things, acting like a nasty, sloppy drunken skank and trying to prostitute herself to find a way to stay in Japan.
I don't think Manaki has taken her back 100% though, if she's still this greasy looking then perhaps the pic she posted from her kawaii room at his place was just him letting her come get some of her clothes and things?
Tinfoil, but what if she's back in touch with him but
not with him again? Like to discuss the divorce.
No. 76143
>>76137lol did she put a filter over the video to hide her haggard looks?
also, this was really fucking painful to watch.
No. 76158
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>>76143idk if it was a filter or just shitty quality, underexposed, poor lighting or all of the above but overall just a sad piece of crap video. She really doesn’t give a shit anymore.
No. 76185
>>76137she never even mentioned who the fuck that other girl is supposed to be lol
I know she mentioned her on instagram but come on