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No. 9
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incoming dump of rachni's recent shitshows. first one is lydia from beetlejuice. (apparently).
No. 10
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bUt DoN't SeXuAlIzE mE!!!
No. 11
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No. 13
>>10what is that wig, am i in momo's thread
>>12Delphine i can at least understand, she's got a tight teen body but nigri is just uncanny valley tier by now, aside from her 4/10 face.
either way, your gf is a fool if she thinks you're calling them thots out of jealousy (is someone projecting..?)
No. 20
>>19i know,right?
Belle is one of the most desperate thots i've seen she tries so hard it's painful. She's what Juwune wishes she was except she's publically admitting being a huge slut with almost no self respect
No. 21
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How long till she breaks? Her fanboys already pressure her for nudes every day, she's already posted plain ass pics on her patreon before, she's def doing porn or at least full nude photoshoots once she begins to feel like her followers are moving on to the next big thing
>>20makes me wonder if june is seething at this girl's popularity right now, especially knowing how much of a pedo greg is
No. 22
>>21kek now i wonder too.
belle seems like a cunt herself (at least she's a little bitch given what OP said) and i would not be surprised in the least if she was but june is an obvious cunt and honestly she probably is boiling.
but once again once she gets older herself,her orbiters will turn away to another prettier,younger thot pandering more to their pedo desires like they always do until she turns too old herself,rinse and repeat. how pathetic.
No. 25
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>>22Once she ages out of the role she'll get bolt ons and either fade out or skinwalk some other popular costhot.
She started becoming more and more receptive towards online male attention once her sadboy sack of shit boyfriend dumped her,
>>22 so that's exactly what it's about.
She used to delete comments critical of her, like if they weren't overtly kissing her ass she'd get defensive or immediately delete them. I don't know if she still does, but they'd basically disappear anyway because of the amount of broken english "show me tittes pls" comments she gets fueling her ego.
When her follower count inevitable plateaus because there are no more pedophiles and anachans to obsess over her, she'll freak out and scramble to do anything to appeal to a wider audience.
Also, skirting the lines of including uninvolved people, where are her parents? She's been living in the same place taking half naked photos in the hallway since she was at least 16? She's left a lot of stuff on her facebook, old friends and relatives telling her happy birthday, but no parents. I found that her name is Mary and that she seems to think Belle is her actual name and not a stage name, but no guardians whatsoever.
She was taking nude images of herself before she turned 18 and posting them online barely censored. This girl does not have a single person telling her no.
No. 27
>>19they've always liked girls with that aesthetic like cracky chan and every fucking uWu trap that posts there
mostly because those people come there and force themselves, like im sure belle is doing now
No. 28
>>27>>20>>19jesus i just looked at her insta and the cringe is painful my soul left my body
No. 29
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>>28lmfao at this comment from a male though
No. 37
>>15should've called that inb4 "muh penis".
im into pussy. i dont have a dick. she has a tight body you desperate ana-chan.
No. 40
>>37Saying a girl has a "tight teen body" is fucking gross anon, it has nothing to do with being anachan or not and 100% has to do with you using the same pedoshit wording some btard who wants to lick her asshole would.
Saged my spergery
No. 44
Along with "lack of milk", but she is milky. People nitpick about random bullshit all day long in other threads waiting for cows to do something embarrassing. Yall are just overly defensive of skinny minis that aren't butchered yet. See: The amount of bullshit in lola's thread as well trying to shut it down before it started
>>41Belle has over half a million followers and people are clearly aware of her from other platforms. Stop.
No. 47
>>45I'm sorry you can't read?
Toopoors thread started for all the same reasons except for selling fingernails. Sorry you all have such high standards that "Girl who pretends to be sjw when it benefits her but panders to 4chan pedophiles" isn't interesting enough. You're all more than welcome to post other costhots you just don't and spend forever complaining like going "wow that's gross" comments don't happen in other threads.
No. 48
I'm the OP and I just stated what I remembered of her. I have no vendetta besides the fact that I see this bitch trashy pictures everywhere and it gets on my nerves
No. 54
>>53Thank you.
Moving on, what was the deal with her bf? Did she dump him to whore herself out? And jfc her crusty neckbeard fans are demanding.
I noticed a friend of mine follow her yikes
No. 58
>>56Ewww that bulge jesus, he looks like a creep, any more info on that?
>>57I believe that's exactly what she is going for anon
No. 59
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>>56I followed him a while back and it was weird because he's gotten a girlfriend, gotten married, and had a kid all within a year. It seems like he rushed hardcore. He has an 18+ patreon where I'm almost certain he does lewd photos–I don't care enough to look. Dude is just generally uncomfortable to be around, really flirty and not good at boundaries.
No. 60
>>59he's really oddly shaped for lewds if that's what he's doing
not that this ever stopped Momo
No. 62
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>>41>>46Fairly certain that she's here selfposting since she posted this yesterday
No. 64
>>59This man looks like a refrigerator I cannot imagine his lewd patreon is doing well??
>>63There's so much stylistic repetition in this thread (and bumping to talk about belle) that I'd definitely call self post tbh
No. 70
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>>69>she looks young!You are really sounding like a white knight tbh. Is being a ddlg thot that panders to the Shadman demographic really not enough? While it does seem like there is some samgefagging going on, it is ridiculous to act like she doesn't belong here.
No. 72
>>70posting the same 2-3 pics again and again isn't milk tho, anon.
we go through this
every thread. first it was with jenna moery, now it's this bitch. if we posted every DDLG shadman worshipping cosplay thot ITT it'd be full in a day. they have to be milky in
some way. the only thing possibly milky about this bella bitch is that she may have gotten fake braces. post milk or get out.
No. 75
>>68am the last anon you mentionned and also OP. If I was trying to samefag I wouldn't make such a dumb mistake fam.
>>69Instead of whining just talk about other costhots then,no one is stopping you. There is already enough milk as it is, read
>>70With all those samefag accusations though,I wonder if she actually made the first thread herself
No. 76
>>70her room looks like the kawaii section of Ali express came on a mid western Texas house
Why would anyone white knight weaboo wrapped white trash
No. 79
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Every time she posts "costume made by me" it draws attention to how little she makes her own costumes. Surely someone that insists they make most of their costumes wouldn't bother?
(also interesting to see that op got banned and the obsessive belle bumping all but died out)
No. 80
>>79I figured this thread was the same person posting about Belle, but god forbid I say something or they'll sperg about it.
I've heard J-Nig is cool in real life and all, but this entire thing is so annoying. What did she actually make of that costume? A bodysuit? Woah, big deal. Same with the bathing suit. Nigri, this is a beginner costhot level cosplay and I thought you were better than that.
No. 84
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>>80>I thought you were better than that.What on earth made you think she was 'better than that'? Jessica has been churning out poor quality garbage since day 1 of her cosplay career.
No. 88
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>>79this cringey bowsette/boosette/whatever faggotry has been a gold mine for all attention-thirsty, undesirable thots who go for the lowest hanging fruit for validation. it's honestly depressing to watch.
No. 90
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How about llillybetrose? Posted she was quitting cosplay because she didn’t enjoy it and backtracked quickly to delete all evidence of saying that when she realised Costhotism was her only form of income and jumped on the Bowsette train. BDD queen but only when it suits her.
No. 94
>>93Anon I have actively looked for belle milk once I saw these threads because it was clearly a self post so she seemed like a mess. All I found was:
>Cosplayed kotori in a purple wig then played the victim when she was called out>when asked if she mains said something like 'I don't play games she's just cute' then again played the victim when she got called out and announced she's never Cosplaying againHowever these are all things that happened literal years ago and there has been no milk since.
If the thread criteria was attention whore snowflakes who pander to ddlg/pedobait then the entire of insta would be in here. Posting everyone who acts young isn't milk.
Sorry for belleposting I'm just over it lmao
No. 98
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I think that cosplay is for all ages. But someone tell yaya if she's old enough to be the character's Mom maybe she shouldn't do it? Lol
Her hips look super small in this compared to her boobs.
Cosplay to flatter your age.
No. 101
>>99>>98yaya is never going to look good in cosplay. she doesn't care what flatters her or what looks good (if she did she wouldn't have gotten a boob job) she rose to fame because she shoop'd the shit out of her ugly ayi face and got fake titties.
sure she can sew and stuff, but she's never looked good.
No. 108
File: 1539969691982.jpg (153 KB, 1080x864, beach.jpg) was a photoshop/real life comparison thread and Enji and her white knights made it entirely about her. Just search for "Enji" in this and watch Enji and her white knights relentlessly defend her. I didn't know she was so spergy. Thread is just full of milk.
No. 111
>>110What the fuck are you talking about? I was just looking at /cgl/ cosplay threads earlier and saw all that garbage.
You seem awfully defensive.
No. 112
>>108that thread was a ride lmfao
>y-you're all just jealous!!!if that's not a dead giveaway then I don't know what is.
No. 115
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>>113Your tears are delicious reading in this thread and your fans are sperglords (lol at the shrinking fetish guy defending you in particular). Don't defend your basic bitch looks so much and there won't even be content.
Here's your sage.
No. 117
>>110Uh, there were multiple people in that thread anon, not just one. The whiteknight(s) were the one who brought so much attention to it. If they didn't freak the fuck out over someone not thinking their waifu was The Hottest Cosplayer Ever no one would have paid any attention.
You did this to your fucking self.
No. 119
>>100Ya. Someone tell Lori Lune/UsagiKou so we can watch her sperg out about how she’s the real life zero two
(Her thread here - her SM days are def vintage milk but this skinwalking zero two thing seems more befitting of this thread -
>>>/snow/712733 )
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The most beautiful cosplayer out there
No. 122
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>>120Did the photographer edit these like this?
So unflattering. Why did she not wear some pasties that were closer to her skin tone?
No. 128
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Wear!! A!! Wig!!
Every costume he puts out just looks bad and I think it’s because of his face. He either does muscular characters or skinny characters when he is in fact fat.
No. 129
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To get back to Belle I found this back in my files from last year.
Besides the fact that she's another bitch acting uwu when she's,well, a bitch,she really makes me sick. If you want to do sex work and be a megathot, fine but how she pushes the smol teen/barelylegal shit is disgusting. Not only has she been found posting NSFW pictures of herself while underage (and denying it) on her patreon which is pretty creepy already but now she's grown and knows exactly what she's doing : contributing to the sexualization of children.
It's sad because she has a cute face,a cute body,but that shit is downright vile.
No. 130
>>129"to get back to bell"
that's for old milk anon, sage next time–it isn't relevant when it happened a year ago and it's just a snarky remark.
No. 131
>>130Well,the "milk" is still there,she's pandering to pedophiles and milking the "barely legal" persona. if that's not milk then what is it?
saged this time though
No. 133
>>132Well apparently several people do since they were discussing her you retard.
She is one of the costhots. And I want to discuss her cringe. Die mad about it
(ban evasion) No. 135
>>134>stop being a vanilla sjw and acting like a 19 year old marketing herself as a teen is milkI agree it isn't sufficient milk but it's still disgusting
>It’s a popular porn catagoryugh, gtfo
No. 136
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Ichigei Cosplay has always made me feel uncomfortable she tries so hard to be sexy but her face ruins it also what is happening to that thong
No. 142
>>129Lmao did belle get unbanned or something, her telling someone they don't know the name of her camera guy isn't milk.
Also you have to varify your age on patreon I'm p sure so I really doubt she was posting nsfw shit underage. Literally none of this is milk
No. 144
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>>136This girl insisted to me that she made an obviously bought costume when this is what her craftsmanship looks like.
And it's a microkini, they're supposed to be that small but be… Cuter than this. Yikes.
No. 146
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Just seen these posts on midnaash's Tumblr. Does anyone have any more info on this? 1/2
No. 147
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It always annoyed me that she comes into her bfs streams and tries to make it 100% about her. I feel like she's probably hiding loads of milk lol
No. 151
>>148>>149The whole issue with this thread is that newfags use it and don't really know how. I'm sure Belle has drama, but the anons getting it aren't summarizing and are just posting old posts from years ago. The same thing happened with the Jenna Lynn girl, and anons eventually stopped posting about her. You can see from the thread OP that whoever made this new thread was a fucking moron, but likely not selfposting/vandettafagging.
All cosplay thots are going to have drama just due to the type of person cosplay thots generally are.
No. 152
>>149Snow doesn't even follow the no milk rule considering we have calve threads that keep thriving like the pixielocks stans who now have 5 threads dedicated to people dressing ugly in messy rooms(literally thats all 99% of the time besides self diagnosing and mental health spergs) a costhot who sells her nudes is atleast a step up and better than reading Momo threads where the Newfags need to eat Susu's ass every third post and mention her and Bunny whenever they can.
Belle is atleast fresh air considering she posts herself on 4chan and thats ground zero for cows. Especially the thot ones. When you pander to incels, theres inherently something wrong with you, but LC has had a weird influx of anons who wk or try to push subjects under the rug when they are posted, ie Belle, Susu, Bunny yet the lesser ones gets posted up and down and nobody bats an eye lmao.
No. 153
>>152that's not really true tho. people who think /snow/ is a free for all are just as fucking annoying as the ones who yell "vandetta!" at everyone ITT.
Instead of arguing a point that a farmhand already clarified, post some fucking content.
No. 155
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>get bolt-ons
>lie about it
>tell others they are perfect and shouldn't change a thing
No. 160
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Is it true belle took down pew die pie's video that had her in the thumbnail?
No. 164
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The reason there's no new belle milk is because she's new to a larger public and hasn't been around long enough doing this shit to drop a friend to spill your supposed "real" milk as opposed to 'old' milk that other cows totally don't have brought up against themselves and repeated to remind people why they're bad, totally just a Belle thing. She cleaned up a lot of her public image, and I'll admit I'm included in this, but a lot of people just don't know how to dig for stuff, new stuff. That doesn't mean she's irrelevant to irrelevant cosplayers or that she's "just like any other". Regardless of whether or not you think what she does is normal (hint: it's not), she's worth keeping an eye on. And again, by trying to keep Belle posters from shitting up your already shit nitpicky threads, you've made it impossible for anyone else to post because all of the reasons given for why belle isnt worth posting hit too many marks for other costhots. I'd also like to say Belle is 100% posting here. She changed her name and cleaned up her persona after the last round of people criticizing her. She knows these websites. She's worth posting about, if only because doing so is likely to trip her up more. It doesn't help that farmers have immediately dismissive attitudes, so trying to work to gather milk isn't going to work when others keep shutting it down without question. You would have a total of zero active posts on this website if you doubled down as hard as you have against posting about Belle. Post about other cosplayers if you want to, no one is stopping you, but Belle is going to keep getting brought up too. Complaining about every Belle post is just going to shit it up more, and you're doing her work for her.
No. 165
>>152Seems like you don’t really keep up with momokun threads as that hasn’t happened since they called momo out and delivered the biggest blow to moo’s cosplay career to date which was at the begining of the year. I don’t get why people get so
triggered when they are asked to bring up actual drama when trying to constantly discuss the same person. Threads where we post one off pics of cringy cosplays/fashion/thottery aren’t comparable to activley attempting a discussion around one individual when no milk is available. It’s not white knighting, it’s justboring to see people trying to steer threads into a dead end by wanting to revolve the whole conversation around someone with little to discuss.
No. 166
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>>164Your post is a good take on this whole Belle thing. And you're right, her popularity is pretty new as opposed to other cows. I agree that she's worth keeping an eye on. When Momokun first started getting popular, there was close to no milk about her either. Then she self-posted on cgl and everything went to shit.
Belle probably won't have this similar kind of downward spiral since her persona is more controlled unlike Momokun, but it's definitely worth keeping tabs on her for potential future milk. She's just not milky enough to repeatedly post about now.
No. 167
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Aside from Belle, which it seems is the only topic in this thread, can we talk about the black costhots who complain that being a cosplayer is so hard and stigmatized when really they are just ugly and their cosplays aren’t good
No. 168
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No. 169
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No. 171
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>>164I agree that belle is probably milky but just knows how to not run her mouth on the Internet. In
>>94 I admit the fact that she's ticking all the cow boxes (fake gamer girl, snowflake, Cosplays for attention etc) and pic related shows how much she edits her photos. The problem is that any mention of belle turns into an absolute fanfare with literally zero milk besides that she's ddlg/etc and it's just really boring. If I wanted to look at normal edited belle photos I'd look at her insta, they don't need to be posted here. And sure this happens with other people but not to the high level that people are posting about belle. It's a mess
Also, to all those saying "just talk about other cows" theres two screen shots that were completely ignored so people could talk about belle so honestly it's not for lack of trying
No. 175
>>172A couple of hers have been decent but for the most part they look like shit. She’s probably getting attention moomoo style for being body positive or whatever. At least unlike moomoo it looks like she actually might be.
Bottom left (?) posted on imgur and got most viral on her first post…was complaining all night in the comments that people were pointing out the obvious flaw in her Snow White costume, when I bet she would be the first to outrage at a white t’challa
No. 177
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>>176I was going to say post it on meta, but you know already…Here’s some rachniqueen for you anon.
>post tits on insta>DONT SEXUALIZE ME!!!!11Also she’s been wearing the same lingerie for over a month and is doing similar cosplays to moo.
No. 178
>>147No one who is secure in their relationship would need to make a post like this publicly unless it was to the levels of when people would say "jnig is just dating ryan so he'll make her armor' and that was everywhere. Where have people been saying that she cheated? If it was a private/personal/small time issue then she could easily just post about it on FB. She needs to make sure people think they're in a happy relationship when she's obviously10x worse than every other costhot (shout out to thost $5 assplug sets she used to sell on tumblr). Also it's funny she would say that when octopimp's previous relationship ended because he was cheating and it blew up in his face.
She's 100% in his streams making sure he's not getting attention from other girls because she loves leeching off the bit of fame he has because she's too abrasive for people to actually care about her past her lewds.
Also congrats on a 5 year relationship when you're both in your late 20s at least and arent even living together even though you live in the same state and neither of you have a job that locks you into a location
I'll never understand how and what people are jealous of them for? Ah yes I'm so jealous of momo tying her name to softcore porn. I'm so jealous of someone having to shoop eveything they post like sssniperwolf and I'm definitely jealous of someone who is so insecure in herself and relationship she only feels the need to jump on bandwagons that she can milk (She got mad at people calling out momo and sexual assault/harassment at cons because 'where were they when the cosplayingwhileblack tag was going around?' despite all of the girls she tried calling out having Rted a bunch from it) She only ever does anything to further her own goals. Like how all of a sudden because she's pushing her relationship with Octo, who does participate in FGC tourneys,more over the past year she's mainly cosplaying from fighting games.
No. 179
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>>177Figured I'd post in meta before I got banned, at least then maybe a mod would see it rather than a farmhand.One of my favorite male costhots in an older costume of his (by like, 4 months). I don't understand "Jedi" cosplays at all unless you're doing an actual character.
I think the only costume he's ever done that fits his body type was mid-life crisis Mr. Incredible.
No. 181
>>176If the belle thread didnt get locked we wouldn't be here. She's had tantrums over people criticizing her cosplays and got her ex boyfriend to try to get someone expelled for doing so, this is easy to find if you really cared so much about proving her innocence. She has a spoiled "pick me" attitude, always has and always will. It's not "Just that shes pupulerrr", but show me another costhot with a fanbase as big as hers who isn't on this website. Try. If this is how she used to act and she's really only gotten worse in every other way I don't doubt she's doing shady shit on the DL. It's already been said, but just a reminder for those with autism. God forbid people post nitpicky drama-less shit in a nitpicky drama-less thread. The last bout of true 'drama' was people bitching about Gavin.
Get over yourself
>>179I hate this fucking haircut. He looks constipated and his face looks like it was shooped on
No. 183
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>>178I actively follow her boyfriend and I hadn't heard anything about this until she decided to air her dirty laundry on Tumblr. She strikes me as the sort of person who hopes her bf fails to get popular so he doesn't get any female attention (but at the same time leeches off his shit by Cosplaying the exact thing he's playing on stream).
Sage cus pic is like a month old but she's always throwing a shit fit about how awful her bfs chat are. So supportive
No. 184
>>181>She's had tantrums over people criticizing her cosplays and got her ex-boyfriend to try to get someone expelled for doing soI'm one of the anons that thinks we should keep an eye on Belle, but you guys can't keep posting shit like this without screenshots or some other kind of proof of milk. All that does otherwise is undermine the idea that she has any milk at all.
>>183How ironic that she doesn't want her bf's stream following to look at her Tumblr and yet she shows up to events in skimpy cosplays in hopes of getting as much attention as possible. It's super sad that other female cosplays and women in the gaming community eat her shit up considering her former affiliation with Momokun and her repeated trash behavior.
No. 187
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>>184Well here's her ex-bf sperging hard in the PULL chatbox.
>>160I still say her going to the lengthes of FLAGGING PewDiePie's video is a cow-ish behaviour that pretty relevant considering her gets millions of views.
No. 190
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I'm gonna summarize some Belle drama so that anons can stop bitching. I'm making collages of some screencaps but it'll still take up several comments, >inb4 farmers complain about me spamming my vendetta
This girl is an ex-scene girl tumblr sponsored cosplayer, hardcore pedobaiting attentionwhore and if any other cosplayer pulled half her tantrums at 1 million followers, they'd have their own thread. I think this is just a matter of newfags not knowing how to write a decent OP and spoiling the milk by coming off as salty vendettaposters. There's a lot to cover so let me know if I missed any screencaps.
Cosplay drama:
>posts her Kotori (Love Live) cosplay to a LL group, but wore a purple wig instead of brown; users criticized the wig
>yells "it doesn't matter what color it is!", "i didn't have a brown one!", "cosplay is about fun not accuracy!"
>posts screenshots of the comments on her page to complain about cosplay being a "toxic community"
>admits she should've said it was inspired but keeps making salty posts in reference to it
>begins "lewding" her costumes by posting swimsuit cosplays and a completely random bikini armor version of Belle from Beauty and the Beast
>goes viral for cosplay, this time just long brown hair and pink cheek tattoos in bathing suit
>posts screenshots again because people pointed out that it's just a normal person in character makeup
>announces that she'll never cosplay again because people take it way too seriously
>continues to cosplay characters in free taobao costumes and unfitting pastel-colored wigs
>upon her PULL thread starting, a massive whiteknight attack took place in the thread and PULL chatbox and she changed her FB name
No. 191
File: 1540948824003.jpg (759.85 KB, 1010x5320, rMEUUzT.jpg)

>>190Age, pedobaiting, and sex work:
>submitted an ID stating she was 18 to a cosplay page while she was underage, later got verified on Patreon and the age she still claims as her real one would have made her 16 at the time of the fake ID>started selling lewds as soon as she turned 18, broke up with her whiteknight boyfriend at the same time - he's been sadposting since>got her Patreon suspended temporarily as soon as she started selling lewd photosets (possible age concerns)>uses every opportunity to harp on about how young she looks>did Lolita (the novel) inspired "looks">sponsored by brands like "cutesykink">got fake braces, claims they're real but they disappear and reappear all the time>posing nude in public and in supermarkets to appeal to kinksters>claims she'll just keep selling nudes until she retires at 30, citing JNig as her idol No. 192
File: 1540949155804.jpg (222.52 KB, 747x2603, 0ryzgCA.jpg)

>>191And finally, photoshopping. I'll let this one speak for itself.
The FB thread also covered her making up a fake profile to comment her selfies under photos of her ex with other girls
>>>/snow/402508Hope this helps gain some context for the individual comments about her, on their own they may seem petty but in the big picture it just adds up to a lot of cow-ish behavior. No. 201
>>195Who cares? Plenty of people cosplay things they don't play. They person actually upset by it in
>>197 is the more sad thing tbh. It's literal dress up
(samefagging whiteknight) No. 203
File: 1540952952923.png (5.23 MB, 1440x10164, screencapture-patreon-belledel…)

>>192Forgot this screenshot of her Patreon perks. Exclusive content beyond her FB lewds starts at $50 a month and she has over 1k Patrons at the moment.
No. 205
>>203It's kind of weird how different she looks in that birthday photo. Even with the filter she looks a lot more mature and normal/less exaggerated. I'd guess it's still pretty heavily edited though.
>>204I don't see how being a camwhore and being a costhot are mutually exclusive. She's clearly more focused on cosplay lewds anyway.
No. 208
File: 1540960134239.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.89 MB, 935x25996, belle.jpg)

>>203I found a leak dump of her snapchat content, some of the pictures aren't very shooped and closer to her irl looks and others show a lot of sloppy shoop especially around the eyes, nose and lips. Everything is carefully styled to be youthful naive sensual brat teehee~~
There's tons more but it's mostly the same recycled poses and faces with changing outfits.
Also, any full nudes of her are shooped by thirsty males. She always hides her nipples under emojis, some of the leaks that pretended to be legit were blatantly shopped.
No. 212
>>190>>191Lmao thank you I was the one who originally posted about her and honestly did not know what anons wanted because they complained about everything and seemed to already know everything about her and how none of it was noteworthy. I was also trying to avoid posting pictures of her when she was underage because I wasn't sure about rules
on that
>>208 Some of those were taken when she was 16-17 too. She said her mother was a "model" and has helped her a lot and 'supported' her with what she does. CPS should've been called
No. 214
File: 1541080095926.jpg (213.87 KB, 1196x705, saltychans.jpg)

>>155>>156>>161>>159guess who lurks here
No. 215
>>214So does her lack of lips and brows weigh out to salty attention whore, cause thats the vibe im getting kek
Hope shes not mad her mom drank during pregnancy. FAS.
No. 220
>>214The fun thing about her is that nobody gives a fuck about her in her community. She is at most Austrian cons as a star guest but nobody cares about her. Why would any other coslayer care for a costhot?
Didn't think she would be so salty about a lolcow post tho.
No. 224
File: 1541099412202.png (2.19 MB, 1344x952, belle.png)

>>191As far as I know, her braces are real, she got them in October-ish 2017, she just posts old pics of herself a lot.
Also here's some old pics of her for comparison to now. Left pic was from 2013 and right one from 2015.
No. 226
>>214idk, who?
(No I’m serious I don’t know who that is.)
No. 229
File: 1541151559464.jpeg (93.02 KB, 900x600, 0ED889F5-EDE3-45DA-AE3A-8D35F1…)

>>226she’s a narcissistic costhot who has cheated on her boyfriend countless times, who burns bridges with her very few and constantly changing friends because of her gaslighting and toxic behavior, she scams her dumb photographers all the time and mostly makes them work for free, she tried to get someone banned from a convention just because she didn’t like them and said they sexually harassed her (which wasn’t true at all), she’s an open supporter of moomookunt, and much much more. I can’t believe she doesn’t have her own thread, she’s such a garbage person.
No. 230
File: 1541157816659.png (222.83 KB, 305x308, Screenshot_2.png)

>>229Isn't she married? And do you have any deets of that?
No. 231
>>224gotta love how she went from under-drawing her eye liner to make her eyes smaller (?) to putting on lower fake lashes further out than her actual eyes to make them look bigger (and somehow carried that technique into her current aesthetic).
at least there's some skill development (unlike with some of our other cows).
No. 232
File: 1541159903037.png (190.58 KB, 407x265, 40ceac7c47c246f6bb50684d65e843…)

>>231dropped pic, also:
is she going for the same droopy eye McKeyndra Kentucky goes for?
No. 236
File: 1541190621232.png (2.3 MB, 586x2755, wedding.png)

>>235She is, but she got anime married to her anime husbando at her anime wedding, so this is an interesting development. I'm not familiar with that anime she's obsessed with, but she def comes off as one of those people who thinks she IS that character and the only one who can cosplay them considering her whole wedding theme. (Not gonna lie tho I totally creeped on all her wedding shit when it happened cause I thought her dresses were really pretty, and I don't mind a nerd wedding at all if it at least looks nice)
Not sure if anyone else feels this way but….I tend to be less annoyed at cosplayers like Yaya or Ichigokitty who have been in the cosplay community forever. I kinda feel like "well, they put in their time in when there was nothing to be gained from it, they've paid their dues" ya know? Like compared to the other 5000 J-nig costhot clones that came outta nowhere in the past 7 years or so who are SUDDENLY giant nerds when there's money to be made off lonely neckbeards. Does that make sense?
Takes me back to the good ole' days of /cgl/ drama and devART and scouring acparadise/ for pics of those cosplayers.
No. 237
>>236I think they had an idolmaster themed wedding since she cosplays that one character all the time. The photos of the wedding was cute.
And I sort of get your logic. This isn't just some girl coming in to cash in on nerd money out of the blue. She's been here a while. I don't really care for it either way but I get your line of thought.
No. 242
File: 1541222990774.jpg (226 KB, 1113x537, notebook.jpg)

>>240Jesus christ she really does look like a child.
She's just turned 20 from the look fo this post from 2016.
The wholle "Guess my age" is super creepy imo
No. 245
File: 1541228588332.jpg (1.55 MB, 2160x2008, 18-11-03-00-00-36-708_deco.jpg)

>>244She looks like a cross between an awkward 10 year old and a frumpy 30 year old. I guess when you average them out you get her age so it works kek
No. 249
>>243This. I opened the IG account without reading the rest of anon's post and thought she looked like she was 20. Some anons on this board seriously seem to think that everyone who doesn't put on full instathot makeup and clothes looks like the're underage.
The "legal loli maid" thing is disgusting though. I have no respect for people who shill themselves as "little girls you can fuck uwu" no matter how they look like.
No. 250
File: 1541261478110.png (473.2 KB, 707x404, oook.PNG)

>>243>>244>>249how do you guys think she doesnt look young? she looks like a fat child. she does look young. she looks like every awkward 13 yo weeb i went to middle school with
i swear sometimes you guys love to claim people who look young really don't, just to be contrarian. she looks like the quintessential unattractive geeky middle school weeb girl tbh
No. 253
File: 1541283493233.png (2.12 MB, 940x1206, 327776746734.png)

BCharlotteD Cosplay / Charlotte Dolan
saw she was talked about before in the personal lolcow thread and figured she belonged here. she’s known in the dallas scene for being a giant snowflake and goldmine of cosplay cringe.
>21(?) year old cosplayer and “model”>acts cosfamous and has big ego despite cosplays always being cheap and lazy as all hell>literally buys costumes from halloween stores, walmart, etc.>‘alters’ them, then says she made them>thinks she’s the best Harley Quinn cosplayer in Texas>idolizes Jessica Nigri>has a youtube channel where she posts convention vlogs that always consist of of her getting ready in her disgusting room, then walking around annoying the shit out of other cosplayers or her “friends”>her “friends” just being the same tiny group of much older male orbiters that kiss her ass>lets those same “friends” grope her at cons>tries to be featured at the big cons in texas but is always rejected for obvious reasons>settles for guesting at practically unknown cons around the state instead>her booth at cons always consists of overpriced autographed prints, dollar store shit and more of her unwanted things for sale in a “bargain bin”>also displays various cosplay props she “made”>constantly begs for money/patrons and for people to buy stuff for her off her amazon wishlist but is always buying followers or showing off new video game junkher links:
Instagram: channel: No. 254
File: 1541283657008.png (1.57 MB, 780x1178, 7584875874457.png)

>>253one of her frequent orbiters. i can't help but feel a little bad for her.
No. 256
>>249This, honestly. Either 10-13 year olds must look old as fuck where some of these anons live, or 20-22 year old women must look like they're already in their 30s. She's just a short, stubby woman who can't into makeup like the other costhots can. The only way she could really pass for "underage" is because of her height and lack of makeup, and unless you're from the Netherlands or something, there are plenty of grown women 5'2 and below. Every homely chick at your local grocery store with no tits or waist looks like this.
Besides that, anyone who would publicly attach the words "legal loli" to their face in any way doesn't love themselves. Goddamn, that shit is not cute.
No. 259
File: 1541293949726.png (1.18 MB, 838x1118, 893748267176.png)

>>257sadly shes not that bad looking. if she just learned how to fucking do makeup and style her hair and actually put effort into her cosplays she could be pretty decent looking.
No. 260
>>208i despise belle because of how hard she tries to be tee hee childlike uwu but i'm also really jealous of her body and she has a cute face. I got neither of those and it hurts, man. That and she seems carefree/well off. So fucking unfair.
At least I don't whore myself out, I guess, that's a meager consolation.
No. 261
>>203Costhots basically selling escort services in their patreon tiers really make me uncomfortable. They're always trying to veil it as something cute and innocent like "I'll be your friend and I can send you messages to cheer you up uwu" but in the end it's just being a paid sugar baby. Belle's definitely not the only one doing this either. And regarding the other stuff, do you really want to make money by writing some guy's name on your body?
I remember when people laughed at anyone who said that Jessica Nigri and other costhots are ruining cosplay and making it all about sex work and nothing more. Well this is what we get now, barely legal DDLG girls with daddy issues posting trashy soft nudes making ahegao faces and wearing dog collars because they saw how well she succeeded and how much money she made off of thirsty men who are willing to pay anything to own just a share of some cute ~nerd weeb~ girl. Even the old washed up cosplayers who used to put effort and time into their costumes have now started doing "boudoirs" and bikini costumes because they saw how well it worked for everyone else. I can't decide if this is making me sadder or just angrier.
No. 263
>>260not to whiteknight but please don't feel bad anon. she will probably feel horrible about her online whoring very soon, if not already now. it's not good for your self esteem to only be known for your braces, skinny body and cute face since all of those things don't last very long. she won't be as careless when she can't get attention or make patreon money off her greasy orbiters.
No. 266
>>263Thanks anon,you're very right.
Although I said I despise her, I hope she'll realize her mistakes soon and turn around while it's time. Cashing on such an image can do so much damage to your self confidence later on. Especially when people are so ruthless online.
>>262Seconded. I really hate that it's becoming like that.
sage for my blogposting
No. 267
File: 1541574131434.jpg (133.53 KB, 960x960, 45513751_296758400935869_41026…)

Pengu-chan Cosplay
Instagram: effort overly edited costhot riding the coattails of her more notable friends, lives with her prop making boyfriend. Seems somewhat disliked in the Atlanta community for being fake.
No. 270
File: 1541588751461.jpeg (143.56 KB, 720x960, C838D6BE-CA2C-41D4-A6A2-8C4F47…)

>>269“She’s a German version of momo”
>she looks fine anon..? No. 272
File: 1541794513591.jpg (1.04 MB, 809x3720, 20181109_151543.jpg)

No. 273
>>272Wtf jenna’s comments make no sense. Why are so many people so
triggered when people say anything about copycats? Cosplay girls are like those tumblr artists who would get mad whenever someone said their oh-so-original-tumblr-style reminded them of another artist.
No. 276
>>275 What niche lol, all susu and bunny do is cosplaying only the hyper popular stuff from time to time and doing one shoot per month in like the most basic black lingerie that usually men like. Just because they have kept a certain tandard of quality standard doesn't mean they are "pushing boundries" and Susu's original tweet sounded very conceited and aggressive tbh, she's becoming really milky lately , she's super butthurt and aggressive at any hit of a negative comment
I do agree that copycats happen heavily in the costhot world and Jenna is trashier than them and has lower quality over all but damn does Susu think that she invented bread and butter
No. 277
>>272Of course straight out stealing an idea right when someone else did it is shitty but honestly Susu comes off as way too aggressive and conceited in these tweets. She's not doing anything original herself, what she's doing has been done a million times before. It's just basic thottery of shoving her ass and tits to the camera. It's the same poses, same characters, same fetishes. I don't see how she's "pushing boundaries" herself, it's the same sort of vanilla softcore porn you see on every adult cosplay/erotic model page.
Costhots trying to argue who's the most original slut is so laughably petty. They're all your basic attention-hungry bitches making money off of lonely neckbeards but each one of them thinks they're the one making ~actual art~ and everyone else is just a cheap mass-produced effortless camgirl.
>>276This. I guess she got an ego boost from everyone latching onto her anti-Momo statements and supporting her as mah kween just because she shat on someone every costhot is taking turns ripping apart now. I used to really like Susu and congratulated her for speaking up against Momo in public but this is just catty behavior now.
No. 278
>>272I knew Susu/anti moo costhots would start crumbling considering newfags kept posting her and bunny for no reason in the momo threads and the ego just kept being inflated from all the ass kissing and "yaas tell the truth", when all she was doing was directly ripping milk from the thread to post as tweets to cancel moomoo. Costhots have such weird attachment issues to what they do and claim ownerships over concepts that are copy pasted 3 years too late from hentai trends and popular ecchi mangas when its not an ebay/amazon/etsy bought lingerie set thats gotten popular due to some 9Gag/Instagram/Imgur lewd cosplay meme.
Can't wait for all their meltdowns now that the moomoo drama died and they have no scapegoat for when they get all aggressive and the thot jumps out of them.
(Its very redundant watching people who dress as slutted up fictional characters for neckbeards to try to sound as educated and smart as possible when no amount of buzzwords will stop the irony of y'all just being copy/pasted bodies onto the same stank micro thong and ugly ahegao while you try to discuss what is and isn't theft/copying.)
No. 279
>>272I hate to be one of those "hurrrr this isn't milk" anons, but why was this even posted? It just looks like two costhots arguing with each other on Twitter. Some other thot disagreeing with Susu is not milk, no matter how much some anons like her for "roasting" Momokun by passive-aggressively mentioning her on Twitter now and then (omg queen of shade yaas slay)
It was funny to see moo get called out publicly but it seems to have come at the cost of anons in the Momo threads being firmly wedged up Susu and Bunny's asses. Please let's not let this one get infected with this bullshit too, unless some actual full-on drama happens.
No. 280
File: 1541858669169.jpg (108.99 KB, 599x651, shad.jpg)

>>242thats a thing these days.
No. 283
>>280lol funny how like 99,9% of these wannabe "lolis" are just chubby to outright fat adult women with visibly adult (though fridge-shaped) bodies. uwu so childlike~
imagine being so ~not like other girls tee hee~ and desperate for male approval that even legitimate masturbating-to-shadman art pedos will do. all this pedo normalization is revolting
No. 291
File: 1541892677288.jpg (Spoiler Image,120.38 KB, 495x1199, what.jpg)

I was browsing through susu's twitter since she's mentioned here and i noticed her retweeting from RockysLight, another porn model cosplay thot. most of her pics are semi-nude on twitter… I went to her page and uh… else think it's kind of gross how she's marketing "soft erotica" to 16 year olds and gravure to 13 year olds? why would you acknowledge underaged fans when you're a cosplay porn star… the worst part is she's acknowledging the fact that she's
selling lewds to 13 year old… like she's allowing them to use their parents credit cards to pay for her lewds?
maybe i'm just a prude but it shocked me.
No. 292
File: 1541894922387.jpeg (211.65 KB, 333x701, 4E99E7ED-ABAA-4E82-BE2E-95B6E3…)

Jenna Lynn recently posted her fallout cosplay on and in the comments said it was a difficult cosplay to make. It’s obviously the same bought suit all the cosplay thots buy and the pipboy is from the collectors edition. What exactly did she make? Lol
No. 295
File: 1541901675141.jpg (Spoiler Image,211 KB, 620x1102, Pic_6.jpg)

>>294>>294Apparently regardless of which pack you choose, every patreon gets access to her "casual selfies" which are just a bunch of softcore nudes like these.
So she actively markets and sells her porn to 13 year olds…
I keep having to delete and repost the images because I keep forgetting to spoiler them, if that says anything
No. 296
>>283To be fair, that's pretty much how Shad draws his fugly Loli characters. They don't look like kids so much as flat chested, wide hipped 1st trimester goblins.
I'm convinced uggo cosplayers like ChelHellBunny and this bitch try to dress up as Shad drawings because no human being could ever be as ugly and gross looking as his art is.
No. 298
>>280 doesn't even look like a kid. It looks like a pregnant FtM with a giant bobble-head.
No. 300
Don’t be fucking stupid
>>295 and
>>294Teen rated games and movies with cleavage and sexuality aren’t porn. It’s literally a rating system she’s advertising
No. 301
File: 1541924624055.jpg (166.85 KB, 640x1050, 1518346370979.jpg)

>>297That's because she is an ana-chan. Pic related.
No. 302
potential marketing to underage fans aside, Rocksy always bugs me because looking at her near nudes makes me worry that the FBI is going to arrest me for child porn
No. 304
File: 1541931719128.jpg (492.08 KB, 750x747, 1517894149967.jpg)

>>303I feel the same way. Even though she starves herself to look "childish" and photoshops her face smaller and eyes bigger, there's something about her that doesn't feel childish at all. She just seems like an adult ana-chan who tries super hard to look like a loli.
No. 307
>>304Legitimately terrifying. If I saw this thing in real life, I'd throw salt and holy water on it.
Also that wig looks like an eight year old cut it.
No. 309
>>308The face shoop is not as drastic as with other cosplayers but she still does it , the extreme smoothing is always there tho including in videos, and the "oh ppl tell me I look like a kid" sounds like a humble brag and something girls like her are low key happy to hear. Anyway her content is pretty good but her attitude is shit if you follow her for a while, she gets
triggered everytime somebody associates her content with porn and lashes out at negative comments
No. 310
File: 1541992920882.jpeg (464.85 KB, 710x598, 85689232-6660-4D10-878F-366F66…)

What Hana bunny actually looks like. Here’s a fan photo
No. 311
File: 1541994123702.jpg (51.39 KB, 300x640, Gasai-2nd.jpg_640x640~2.jpg)

>>307Not only is that wig poorly styled but it's not even close to what the character looks like. She has feathered bangs not fucking horns or fox ears or whatever that is sticking out of the top of her head.
It really looks like her brain is being eaten by an alien parasite.
No. 312
>>4>>277I’m a day late to this convo but yeah.
I’m a fan of Susu’s work, but I have to say I find it hypocritical for her to say that models should focus on being more artistically creative when a lot of her sets are very bare bones compared to a lot of others models.
her lingerie is very basic; buying from Pocket Tokyo or Syndrome Store, literally buying lingerie that other costhots regularly wear already. There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with that, and I’d usually see other girls buying the same lingerie AFTER she does, but buying hugely common lingerie and adding horns or bat wings or whatever the hell and shooting in your bedroom is not necessarily ArTiStIc.
And yes, I said bedroom. So many of her fucking shoots are featured in her bedroom. It’s aftually refreshing to see her with an actual backdrop because she does shoots in that same bedroom ALL THE TIME.
I don’t think she puts as much effort into her content as she thinks she does, and certainly not compared to other models like Mokomihokina who sometimes will offer 130 professional pics a month, including 5 different outfit sets, and 30 fucking some odd gifs PER MONTH. Yet she has 500-600 patrons while Susu has 1500.
Susu relies on the fact that she’s one of the OG lewd models who offered non nude content. She also relies on the fact that her body is ridiculous compared to a lot of other girls. Those things I see very clearly, not her “artistic vision.”
To be fair, she is a fucking machine when it comes to marketing herself and integrating into twitch streaming with Bunny was a smart and lucrative move, but still, she needs to check herself.
No. 315
File: 1542001300618.jpg (84.21 KB, 750x738, 46221260_177654463174121_23712…)

>>310It's amazing that anons unironically defend her on cgl and say that she doesn't shoop that much while they shit on Zekia for shooping even though her shoop is less drastic than Hana's.
>>314No. She's trying to pass as Korean now.
No. 316
>>315That's because there's a handful of anons that religiously vendetta Zekia, come on now. They're in the irl vs online thread too.
Tbh I've seen Hana irl and she's not as bad as her candid pictures, but she's definitely miles away from her shoops.
No. 319
File: 1542029051308.png (608.3 KB, 720x905, Screenshot_2018-11-12-08-21-07…)

>>315>no she's trying to pass as Korean now That is pretty sad.
Her makeup is horrendous.
What's her REAL name? SEA cosplayers are cool until they start pretending or lying about being east asian.
No. 321
>>312>>320Susu is the only girl I’ve seen with an actual visual novel game, a sold out figurine, a comic on fakku which is a super popular hentai site, body pillows, keychains and is an official model for a swimsuit brand. To say she hasn’t pushed boundaries seems really ignorant. She really did change the game. If anyone was around for the Luna Lanie and Chelhellbunny drama they could understand Susu’s frustration with toxic copy cats. Momokun ripped her off as well.
>mikomihokina>only has 500 patrons while susu has 1500Lmao what is this a self post? I had to google her and she looks like those absurdly shooped asians. Her photos are all low res with skin airbrushed to shit. Also photo quantity doesnt matter if it’s the same pose several times in a row. It’s like those porn sites that just upload the whole photoshoot of a girl instead of selecting the very best.
No. 324
File: 1542044838931.jpeg (80.75 KB, 768x960, 140D0E14-13E8-4496-8709-7B7659…)

Here’s a candid photo of Jenna Lynn Meowri without the shoop. No idea why she is wearing a skin colored body suit.
No. 327
File: 1542044915838.jpeg (56.19 KB, 530x797, D382BF8E-F8EB-4412-9513-B309FB…)

>>326And here’s a photo she uploaded herself
No. 329
>”I don’t think she puts as much effort into her content as she thinks she does, and certainly not compared to other models like Mokomihokina who sometimes will offer 130 professional pics a month, including 5 different outfit sets, and 30 fucking some odd gifs PER MONTH. Yet she has 500-600 patrons while Susu has 1500.”Nice self post. You’re work lacks any sense of quality so there’s no need to be
triggered over sss. It isn’t her fault you’re tacky.
No. 331
>>224Not that it's rare nowadays, but she 100% got lip fillers, you can tell if you look at her pics now. A lot of my friends have had them and I've got a pretty good eye for spotting them.
Just funny because lip fillers and plastic don't come to mind when I think of the 'smol kawaii teen elf' aesthetic she's trying to push.
No. 334
>>333Doubtful, her interaction per post is way over the average amount for someone with 1 mil
>>332Isn't she a huge meme right now? Like being reposted by all the meme pages. The thirsty guys who follow those pages go follow her, but it's not like they're dedicated fans who'll pay her money.
No. 336
>>335ffs they're back.
i hate people who call her jenna lynn meowri. it's cringy.
No. 344
File: 1542151252876.jpeg (652.53 KB, 693x1073, D859F58A-CDBA-4DAA-A9EE-B4576C…)

Inflated lip trans looking Jenna Lynn self posts everywhere for attention. Go away Jenna.
No. 348
File: 1542749112732.jpeg (287.68 KB, 750x617, 2F256A01-C692-4E47-97DE-25BFCD…)

>>319Never mind she's still trying to pass for Japanese. She's actually Viet and her last name is Dinh.
No. 353
>>324>>325>>326Imagine having this much fucking filler in your lips but still having a long, extremely masculine philtrum.
God, she's fucking ugly. Like, she's really just genuinely a very, very ugly woman. And now her face is botched. Yikes.
No. 356
>>355Lol she doesn't realize that the biggest reason why the nyannyancosplay version blew up at all was because everyone was freaking out thinking she was a "trap" because she has a boyish body
Nobody really gives a shit about the stupid meme outside of that and tiktok trolling
No. 359
>>303She definitely looks like a kid though, a minor at best, but a lot of that has to do with how she photoshops her pictures. Without the shoop, she definitely looks her age (twenty something Im pretty sure). She has a thread on PULL, but Im surprised she's not talked about Snow more.
I do really like the aesthetics of her photos, but I also feel kinda weird about Ana-Chans being so glorified in weeb and lolita fashion culture. Lately though it seems like she's kind of gotten a bit better and fuller, but still kinda iffy sometimes. She once shooped her legs bigger as Kanna and denied the shoop initially after people were saying she looked different
No. 362
File: 1542879510072.jpeg (310.6 KB, 1254x2048, 97569B86-CB8E-4F37-859A-84B0BF…)

I guess we know who the Leighs' next victim will be
No. 368
File: 1543019301018.webm (Spoiler Image,6.61 MB, 640x640, tiktok.flopz_46548639_35842914…)

>>355It got worse. She seems to have decided on her niche: Your chantard bro's annoying little sister.
No. 371
>>368What the fuck is wrong with her mouth? Why is it shaped so weird? God this is awful. The pedobraces don't help.
Hope she cuts her tongue on a knife doing that someday honestly.-
No. 375
>>374Isn't Belle Delphine just her pseudonym? It doesn't sound like a real name.
Either way it doesn't seem like she works or attends university so her future is fucked even without these lewd photos of her on the internet.
No. 377
>>375Her real name is Mary and there's little reason to assume her last name isn't Kirschtein. But im sure there's some UKfags who will get tired of her popularity and start posting yearbook pictures soon.
>>373Because she gets monys for doing literally fucking nothing.
>>374"I'll retire by 30 with my thotting money" is her plan, lol.
No. 378
>>355>>368Imagine being this starved for attention. I've seen many thots but this is one of the worst.
Also her plan is so weak,she'll end up as a sex worker at best.
No. 379
File: 1543104476356.png (68.73 KB, 574x558, rzcF2Cc.png)

>>375>>377Her real name is Mary-Belle Kirschner. It's suspicious that she registered her company exactly one year after purportedly turning 18. Maybe she really just turned 18?
>>377>"I'll retire by 30 with my thotting money" is her plan, lol.In case anyone read this and thought it sounds fake, it's true. That's literally her plan. Good luck burning out in 2 years from the constant harassment because you chose the asshole of the internet aka chantards and pedos to cater to.
No. 382
File: 1543110555132.png (252.95 KB, 834x782, lol.png)

>>355>>364People are still not buying it lol
No. 385
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No. 386
>>368Her fall back is thinking ahegao is inherently sexy, but when you're dancing to shrek, cross eyed doing the loser sign all of the context is taken away and you just end up looking like you're doing a dumb face.
Also Idk girls who try too hard to be sexy just aren't imo, being this explicit of a ho is a turn off.
Also I know her patreon vs insta subs has a huge discrepancy, but I feel like there's only so many times you can see the same clothed/censored poses without getting bored, and when she puts videos like this out for free why bother paying
No. 388
File: 1543211996229.png (522.65 KB, 1440x2186, Screenshot_2018-11-26-00-59-16…)

Saged because Jenna but her instagram was taken down
No. 390
File: 1543257261962.png (244.93 KB, 720x384, 1.png)

So how old is this girl again?
No. 391
File: 1543257820021.jpg (105.01 KB, 1200x800, bob-burgers.0.0.jpg)

>>390with all those 68 snow filters stacked bitch literally looks like she's cosplaying bobs burgers
No. 393
File: 1543272612300.jpeg (399.74 KB, 1045x1600, 1FAB72CE-2600-4B50-A79B-7E64DC…)

Belle is currently getting caught up in the thot VS thot police battle where all thots are being reported to the IRS (UK - HMRC) for tax evasion for having premium Snapchats and Patreons. (Posters name not censored due to publicly being at the forefront of this crusade)
No. 395
File: 1543273937925.jpeg (31.67 KB, 400x400, 52F8EE8D-A202-4E35-ABB5-7D6CDF…)

>>393sage for OT, but i love how men are forever asshurt about how women can easily incur mass beta bucks off of their thirsty asses lol
No. 398
>>397Of course not, they're the guys who angrily jack off to porn and lewds but think they're above the girls who are in it.
I guess it sucks for them to have the neckbeards turn on them, but it was only a matter of time.
No. 399
File: 1543282503984.png (558.78 KB, 720x900, Screenshot_2018-11-26-20-29-46…)

Did Belle get braces to look like a teen pornstar? She looks like those pornstars who try to play up the whole teen ddlg thing. I bet she'll take this as a compliment–it's actually pretty disgusting and sad.
No. 405
File: 1543285375093.png (1.53 MB, 2274x938, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 6.22…)

>>399>>403They're probably fake. You can get costume braces for $30 on ebay.
No. 406
File: 1543285861025.jpg (41.82 KB, 750x702, mFOVift.jpg)

>>401>>403where have
you been? read the damn thread.
Examples of no braces until recently:
>>224>>192 No. 409
File: 1543286463685.jpeg (236.74 KB, 934x1920, 3779A89F-3F1B-41E3-A210-FBFF6D…)

>>324How does she get away with these shoops?
No. 411
File: 1543287638837.png (498.71 KB, 600x396, 2017_belle.png)

>>406>>posting old af photos of her from before 2016>>when she was under 18, before any of the milk or drama of her costhotteryare you retarded, anon? The oldest photo of her with braces on her insta was 2017. So she's had them for awhile now, you need to catch up instead of acting like they are new. But honestly this
>>405 is probably it. They most definitely seem fake for the ddlg shit. She's a pedobaiter, I wouldn't put it past her to wear them constantly (which probably isn't good for her in some way).
No. 413
>>412She had a thread of her own at one point iirc and it was a shit thread where all people did was nitpick her. She's also been brought up in the annoying Facebook girls thread.
This thread is mostly Belle because there isn't really much to talk about in regards to the other people in this thread. She's the "milkiest" (and I mean this in a very, very light way) of the people in this thread.
No. 416
File: 1543314098693.jpeg (145.9 KB, 639x859, 1F769E39-9E33-41C0-AE0A-7E7BA5…)

her pedo pandering is so blatant. the amount of creepy old men in the comments saying things like “you look so young very sexy” is disturbing
No. 419
>>417Where do anons complain she looks 'young'? Ive only seen people complain about her pedobaiting which is her dressing up and accessoring to look like a toddler not her just naturally looking prepubescent, cause she looks over 18 to any normal person who isnt a complete incel.
(am placing bets on it being Belle herself since part of her online troglodytes congregate on image boards she self posts in)
No. 420
>>415>I mixed up my photos with some other girl's, we just look so similar!How do you not recognise your own ass and underwear?
>>408Her bottom teeth look crooked, I'd buy that she only got braces last year because the betabux meant she could pay for them.
No. 421
>>411You can tell her bottom teeth were really fucked up, get over it. Even if top teeth are straight they’ll add braces there too for other reasons such as correcting an overbite. She wasn’t even that old, some people get braces way later in life.
If she was a normal looking girl the braces wouldn’t be an issue, it’s that she dresses like a toddler and makes baby faces that make the braces look infantile.
No. 422
File: 1543321462909.jpeg (98.97 KB, 541x915, 09C69FD2-1625-40A3-99F5-F56DC9…)

>>419it’s not really that she looks young, it’s that she purposely tries to appeal to an audience that is attracted to lolis. pic related she deleted this later but she’s clearly trying to dress up like Dolores Haze from “Lolita.” That’s not just accessorising like a toddler that’s dressing up like a fictional 12 year old child molestation victim.
No. 427
File: 1543362088816.jpeg (Spoiler Image,486.86 KB, 1366x2048, 02DB393F-3DF4-45D8-9B50-66BF25…)

I love hearing SS complain about lack of originality and “pushing boundaries” when most of her sets are this basic with some random hair accessory to be “different”
No. 431
>>430I’m really not understanding why farmers would be mad about an erotic model saying a lot of models rip each other off when there’s been a running theme of cows mimicking others. Momokun gets flamed for her copycatting all the time so I thought people agreed that it’s lame? But judging from this
>>312 blatant self post I guess it’s costhots themselves getting upset
No. 436
>>430This must be a self post, right? Because white knighting a coshot of all things lmao.
So I'm going to spell it out so you can stop playing dumb: maybe she was original in the way she marketed herself (not gonna fact check that, idc enough) but when talking about her content she's as basic as they come. And hey that's smart imo, crossing some lines would limit her in the future. But don't bitch about others when you do the same fucking thing as everyone
No. 438
>>422This. No sane person could ever think she looks younger than 20 but she's clearly playing for the pedo audience by sexualizing girlhood and that's what's disgusting.
>>436Every time someone so much as whispers a critical peep about SuSu we suddenly get some vapid anon screeching how she's Totally Not Like Other Thots and "Hi momo!!!11" accusations. We already know SSS and Bunny lurk this site so make of that whatever you will. Just ignore them.
No. 441
>>440I don't recall anybody nitpicking them in the Momo threads around that time, I only remember them being praised in a really creepy, over the top way. I could believe that some of the other thots have a vendetta against them since a lot of the costhots that are bigger cows are really salty about one another, but that definitely doesn't make SSS and Bunny exempt from criticism, especially when you consider that the Momo threads still occasionally get shit up with weird posts about them when they're not even relevant to the Momo drama anymore.
I understand that this site's userbase isn't a hivemind either, but it's also pretty weird that in the early Momo threads, there was mostly criticism of Momo turning cosplay into easy $$$ by throwing on a wig and lingerie, but other people who do the same thing are now aggressively white knighted.
No. 445
>>442No, I understand you were just providing context, I just think it's ridiculous when anons really do white knight them.
I never saw anybody nitpick them in the Momo thread but imo that's just as stupid as derailing the thread to praise them.
I get that it's not you specifically that starts foaming at the mouth as soon as someone criticises them, but I still think if they're posted in a thread like this they're fair game just like everybody else, and it's weird as fuck to see anybody go on weird tirades where they list all of Susu's "accomplishments" like
>>430 and
>>321 on a thread dedicated to shit-talking costhots. It reads like someone taking it far too personally tbh
No. 446
File: 1543451021376.png (127.81 KB, 302x296, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 4.20…)

>>427Nitpick: I hate her haircut and I think it makes her face look longer/more masculine. She looks cuter with shoulder length or longer hair.
No. 448
File: 1543453120206.jpg (65.43 KB, 720x503, _20181129_005332.JPG)

This is petty but midnaash's bf gave her a serpent night dragon card and she's just so oblivious. Between this and only Cosplaying what video games her bf is playing I feel like she's such a fake nerd lmao (also Istg she's illiterate)
No. 454
File: 1543476374047.jpeg (282.42 KB, 1242x1384, F9B36003-744D-4650-8AAF-A2E311…)

Sureee you did Jenna…
No. 455
File: 1543476578775.jpg (10.11 KB, 300x200, 1391365483952.jpg)

>>454who comes up with these bogus stories, let alone even thinks someone's gonna believe it???
No. 464
File: 1543504637478.jpeg (87.52 KB, 399x561, DC45E826-C218-4450-B05C-4B3E81…)

>>462>so over the top and dramaticLmao
No. 467
File: 1543505825209.jpeg (325.92 KB, 750x968, 7FBDE438-95B0-4DA9-B259-4CD101…)

>>462Are you really going to come with no screenshots?
No. 468
File: 1543506113274.jpeg (141.92 KB, 1125x793, E7E95582-368C-4477-8471-7D2B7B…)

>>462It seems like an “anti lewd girl” post honestly
No. 470
>>461I remember when I pointed out that it's hypocritical to jump on Moomoo for making a sexualized Kanna cosplay and praise SSS, even though SSS made a sexualized cosplay of Wednesday Addams, a canonically underage character. I got anons grasping at all sorts of straws saying she totally "aged up" the character just because she added lingerie, or that there's another Wednesday Addams who is 18+ in a musical so it doesn't count (even though the 18+ Wednesday Addams design was completely different from SSS's cosplay).
Shit's pathetic and disingenuous.
No. 471
File: 1543506682960.png (6.67 MB, 1242x2208, E4269445-7811-44E7-94A4-A65122…)

“Sarada Uchiha is 11 years old”
No. 477
>>473NTA, but no one's talking about that or Vannelope. It's in reference to
>>461. SS being a liar. I don't know/care about Bunnyayu, so I don't know if she did it, too, but it's on topic.
No. 484
File: 1543507618039.jpeg (143.98 KB, 750x713, D5E39A9D-C3C0-469D-8A23-5CA5D4…)

>>476>>477I don’t see any posts of ss saying she never did lewds of canonically young characters, only saying that Bunny hasn’t. I can’t find any lewd cosplays of canon underaged characters by bunny. And ss admits to doing it so where are people getting that she’s lying from? No one’s posting screenshots to back up what they’re saying.
No. 485
>>484i personally don't give a fuck if people are lewding underage characters. they're
characters. pedos don't want sluts with boobs cosplaying their precious lolis. DDLG and nymphet shit is more
problematic because girls trying to look more juvenile is much more pedobait than adults making child characters look adult.
No. 486
File: 1543508974385.jpeg (36.7 KB, 550x419, E100176A-8ABF-4D29-9A68-FF0BB7…)

>people not posting screencaps to go with their claims about a public twitter dramafest that just happened
>people ignoring screenshots
The fuck?
No. 489
File: 1543509266975.jpeg (21.14 KB, 225x225, 075420CD-6E95-41AE-A737-91EDF9…)

>>465>>466Are they actually retarded?
No. 490
>>484So you're saying that SSS fully admits to doing lewd cosplays of underage characters but sent her neckbeards after the Twitter user who pointed it out, if
>>464 is to be believed? That's just as shitty, if not worse. If Bunny replied to the post but SSS ignored it because she knows she's guilty of it then that's cowardly as fuck imo.
>>485I don't care about that either, but anons were pointing out that many posters in the Momo thread were losing their shit about Momo lewding an underage character while white knighting SSS for doing the same.
>>450>>452I feel like the anons criticising SSS in this thread are deliberately having their words twisted around. My point was that many posters criticised Momo for being a costhot. The fact she originally wanted to be more like jnig lite or her edits being shitty isn't really relevant to the fact that the shitty "boudoir" with lingerie and a wig was what people were pissed off at. It's still the exact same shit that SSS does, even if the editing is better, she's less fug than Momo, she markets herself better, etc.
No. 491
File: 1543510138011.jpeg (358.88 KB, 750x1031, 22999BC7-1D3E-4D48-8D58-635078…)

>>490Dude the person accused bunny of sexualizing vanellope because she did asmr or whatever and bunny and susu said that asmr wasn’t sexual and that bunny didnt do lewds of the character or any “child characters”. Why aren’t you sharing any screenshots? It’s like you’re ignoring what the drama was all about.
Why do you keep making post after post saying the same thing about “people hate moo but not sss”? You even say you made the same posts a bunch of times before.
No. 492
File: 1543511111673.jpeg (270.35 KB, 1125x1174, 456EC006-C6CD-4C00-81F4-80A584…)

>>491Literally their response to this was saying they were mistaken about the vanelope asmr video. They still stood by their point that they have done questionable lewd shoots of children in the past so it is easy to be led astray by this. I don’t think they’re really wrong in their accusations but jumped on the wrong thing.
No. 493
File: 1543511293791.jpeg (85.41 KB, 480x1024, A4B8C1CA-7220-4C71-BA29-A743EF…)

>>465So THIS is the pic _jpegs is having a conniption over. This is what prompted them to call bunny a pedophile, make like 50 posts back to back and make their account private like 3 times for. SJWs really are something else. Also lol at them bragging about getting views for their hysterics proving it was all for clout.
No. 494
>>492It’s been pointed out multiple times in that whole ordeal that Bunny didn’t do “porn shoots of children” like they claim.
>>464Why are there no screenshots of the lewds Bunny did of kid characters if she’s done it so many times before?
No. 495
>>491What are you even talking about? This is the first post I've made about the ASMR thing. The post I made that I was referring to is
>>441 but go ahead and believe I've made a ton of posts if it helps you sleep at night, I guess?
And I'm not the only person who pointed out the SSS white-knighting is hypocritical. Momo is obviously way worse, if I liked her I wouldn't be posting on lolcow, but I don't think that means that other people are exempt from criticism for doing the same things she does.
I also don't understand why I replied to a post about people criticising SSS's lewd cosplays of underage characters and you've jumped back to ASMR being non-sexual. I never said anything about Bunny in that post. Honestly you seem like you're deliberately missing the point in some weird attempt to defend them.
What screenshots would you like me to post? I don't think I said anything that I haven't backed up, but go ahead and correct me.
No. 498
File: 1543512061484.jpg (312.7 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_20181129_111635.jpg)

They're both on some weird shadman levels of fuckery tbqh. Maybe I'm a prude but stuff like pic related rubs me the wrong way, even if it is just part of their betabucks marketing schtick.
No. 500
>>497You can think whatever you want, but that was my observation of it.
I'm familiar with the concept of anonymous posters, thanks. I'm saying that the predominant opinion in the early Momo threads (in the "thicc samus" era) was that she's lazily profiting off of a hobby she doesn't give a shit about by throwing on a wig and taking photos in her underwear. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with it, I'm just pointing out that most of the posts I saw in earlier threads seemed to be of that opinion.
No. 505
>>502I'm not sure if you replied to the wrong post but that's what I'm saying.
I never saw anybody criticising them. If anything, I saw really weird OTT praise for them that kinda gave me vague selfpost vibes.
I've seen weird OTT praise for the people spilling milk on a cow before (Asherbee in the OrangeCitrus thread, Isa in Raven's thread, etc) so I dismissed it as that, but it's starting to seem strange now that the milk has died down.
No. 507
>>502>>505Oops, same anon, but unless you're saying that you don't think that was the opinion of people in the Momo thread?
Susu and bunny started "actively giving milk" at least a year after the Momo threads started. I'm talking about literally the first or second Momo thread.
No. 508
File: 1543513309892.jpeg (240.29 KB, 750x574, EF13C4C8-C6F7-4592-900F-934B0F…)

>>464They deleted most of their meltdown but this gave me a real laugh. Reminds me of whenever momokun gets flamed to shit for acting an ass then posts about “omg you guys are so supportive”. Imaging using a serious accusation like pedophilia to garner attention for yourself then bragging. It just helps the actual pedos in the end since people can take claims less seriously
No. 512
>>511Nayrt but who gives a shit if someone else said that in the Momo thread? Either it's the same poster or someone else thinks that too. There's no post in the Momo thread mentioning them in the past few days so it couldn't have been recent.
Also I'm not sure whether they're right or not but they're implying that SSS has/may have a boyfriend who takes her photos that she doesn't mention, not that you can't date a woman if you've had a boyfriend in the past.
No. 515
File: 1543519387217.jpg (205.23 KB, 540x641, KzdXLbe.jpg)

>>508>tantrums over costhots sexualizing fictional children characters>same fujoshit probably wants to bang Naruto in the same breathReally, anime was a fucking mistake LOL
No. 521
File: 1543520793337.png (123.35 KB, 720x529, Screenshot_2018-11-29-11-30-05…)

>>517Please continue to be mad over shit that doesn't matter in the real world. Fake boi fujoshits shouldn't be commenting on hypocritical shit like this tbh. Are SSS and Bunny saints? No.
No. 530
File: 1543522620708.jpeg (519.45 KB, 2048x2048, D8B00DEF-D73E-49EF-A010-3B4914…)

>>527Okay NOT calling Mod a pedo or anything like that as Squall isn’t even real and I don’t think aging up cartoons is pedo.
but how does _jpegs follow someone who has done the same “lewding of underaged characters” photos she is trying to attack “costhots” for? This is clearly not about “pedos” or else she’d go after men too and not follow ones who do what she’s going on a crusade against.
No. 531
>>517it is really obviously self-posting. belle gets the same influx of wks whenever she gets posted, people claim it is vendetta or selfposting to try and distract the thread. honestly just ignore it. it is obvious that SS and bunny read this thread, and are trying really hard to maintain their image as "cool costhots" or some shit. i don't even have a problem with them but the mass whiteknighting whenever
certain people are mentioned is suspect.
No. 532
>>519Lmao there are more people criticising them than just myself, anon, and I was literally
replying to a post talking about them.
Do you think everyone you don't agree with is the same poster?
No. 535
File: 1543523346371.png (1.15 MB, 2048x1536, PicsArt_11-29-12.27.01.png)

Are you fucking done with the sperging now? Pathetic lol
No. 538
File: 1543524026279.png (2.25 MB, 2048x1536, PicsArt_11-29-12.34.17.png)

>>536That's the point bby
No. 540
File: 1543524741622.png (4.13 MB, 1773x1773, PicsArt_11-29-12.51.12.png)

No. 549
>>548Not to be a tumblrina but do couples need to display affection to be considered a couple?
Not saying something is manufactured about SSS/Bunny but I can't agree with couples needing to slop all over eachother to be considered a couple.
No. 552
>>547Because apparently you cant be a feminist/progressive/whatever but also find issue in creating a softcore porn fandom that they decide to take root in an all ages community while making money off of men who think they can fuck you or be their virtual gf's cause they gave you a monthly fee.
If you say 'hey thats gonna look bad on me(the entire female populous) cause if i dress like anything other than a nun your creeps are gonna act like I will treat them the same way you do, sweetie'
Thats rude and I should just be happy our dear thots are living their best life spreading their ass cheeks to simulate the latest shitty hentai manga for the cum tributes they totally love to get cause they know they cant have their cake and eat it too
/b tards are scum of the earth and when you are a thot who panders to the scummy audience I will laugh and take great enjoyment over the irony of a snake eating itself.
No. 557
>>555These two have negative amounts of chemistry. It's like they just met. Why so many white knights itt pretending like they're not blatantly faking their relationship for neckbeard attention?
And yeah, their mannerisms are really annoying.
No. 562
>>555I don't believe for a second they're in an actual relationship.
But I guess it's the best way to win cash money beta dollars, and have a safeguard.
No. 570
>>569I didn't even finish reading this post after "proove", it's too whiny. White knighting is pathetic.
I was stating my opinion, as were other anons, I'm sure. I don't actually care what they do, I don't personally know these people, and whether or not they're faking a relationship for clout doesn't concern me outside of the sheer entertainment value.
What I said is simply how things look to me based on that video. Stop coming to the costhot thread if you're going to get buttblasted about anything that doesn't praise your favorite costhots. This is Lolcow.
No. 584
File: 1543544696852.jpeg (161.67 KB, 702x1144, 1E3066AD-82EF-4096-ACB0-9882BF…)

Bunny is lucky she has this tits and a cute body because that face is done for. She is the true meaning of the word butter face.
No. 587
>>584I always thought that too.
Like, Susu I can understand why she's popular and gets money thrown at her but with bunny I just don't get it.
No. 591
>>589>>590anyone got candids of her? i follow them both on insta, but sometimes susu's body confuses me.
bunny isn't cute at all and tbh her body isn't that great either. she looks like she's apple shaped or a chubby upside triangle.
No. 594
File: 1543546997653.png (4.01 MB, 1242x2208, D9513243-BAD4-4A4B-B786-98DFBF…)

>>591I’m going to upload a few.
No. 595
File: 1543547043788.png (4.71 MB, 1242x2208, 8C4BFA5B-8089-4CCD-B65B-CFB731…)

No. 597
File: 1543547115346.jpeg (Spoiler Image,483.69 KB, 1242x1500, C50E38F4-6641-47AB-808F-3C8253…)

Compare this to
>>595 . She looks so different.
No. 604
File: 1543553205512.jpeg (450.7 KB, 2048x2048, E491EBE5-5CEC-4699-9034-6A8855…)

>>599When will this nightmare end?
No. 610
>>594They look good here and they looked good in their youtube videos and twitch streams. Calling them ugly is a stretch and everyone has unflattering photos at cons.
>>604Wow this meme is still going? Tiktok was a mistake.
No. 611
File: 1543564031820.png (3.57 MB, 1242x2208, 922EDAFA-5555-4068-9F30-E761E0…)

>>610This is a twitch screenshot. Sure, they’re not hideous, just too average af looking girls with a good editor and photographer. Bunny looks like a middle aged mom, SS looks manly IRL.
No. 612
File: 1543567142826.jpeg (405.04 KB, 1242x1533, 930F5442-F563-4A08-86F3-BAF6B0…)

Susu and Bunny look fine irl imo.
Susu looks pretty much just as skinny, with a small waist and wide hips here (for her height.)
No. 613
File: 1543567336495.png (4.96 MB, 2208x1242, 436753B7-70BC-4E79-A236-847041…)

Also her butt seems pretty big naturally, but maybe it’s the angle.
No. 614
>>566Where? There's been 0 proof of this.
>>565Who the fuck even is _jpeg? No one cares about them; the spergs that keep bringing them up sound incredibly butthurt and make it even more obvious that they're Susu/bunny wk or selfposting
No. 616
>>612bunny still looks like a stumpy middle aged mom, even with half her face obsured.
are you one of the ones who's been wking them?
No. 619
>>614>Who the fuck even is _jpeg?This. I didn't even bother to read the retarded screenshots when scrolling through and at first I thought _jpeg was an internet slang term or something. It's simply embarrassing for the WKs to throw a massive fit and ree over anons criticizing muh precious kweens SSS and Bunny. I hate all costhots equally and that _jpeg seems to be just a salty thot who wants to stir shit with the famous people to get some exposure. They're all ruining a hobby that's meant to be asexual (at least to a degree) and fit for all ages. They're all contributing to the reason we have people like Belle Delphine who unironically brag about retiring at 30 with the bucks they get from internet prostitution.
The issue with SuSu lewding kid characters isn't inherently that she's doing it, the issue is that the WKs are screeching about Momo doing it but tripping over their words trying to defend SSS/Bunny for doing the same exact thing AND supporting Shädman. Momo used the "it's the aged up version!!!11" excuse just the same. I thought people crying over Moo doing it was retarded and think people attacking SSS/Bunny is just as stupid because they're adult women but the hypocrisy is what irks me.
As for the other thing, Susu is a bitch for vagueposting about "other models" ripping her bit when she's just as tacky and unimaginative as they are. The "relationship" between her and bunny is also clearly scripted for neckbeard wish fulfillment. They're not complete narcissistic trainwrecks like Momo is but god the spergy WKs derailing and intentionally misreading the anons' points need to fuck off.
No. 621
>>619Jesus, anon. Share your jealousy more. They are actually dating, its not fake. Su did the shadman thing before he was outted and hasnt worked with him since. And they arent REAL people, characters. Not like shes having sex as them or something. The difference is Moo purposely pulled sexual poses as Kanna whereas Susu showed her ass? Moo actually went out of her way to simulate shit. Theres a huge difference and even then, its fictional characters. No real pedo looks at this and thinks its okay. The girls in the outfits are old, ffs. Theres zero correlation
Dont freak about me defending her. Its just about thinking logically and not overreacting. And shit, let them be catty. Its entertaining.
No. 623
>>621I too love to date my coworkers for monetary gain, that's so completely normal Anon teehee.
God some of you are so fucking dense. I couldn't care less if they are ugly or not, it's people who pretend to date to take advantage of lgbt perks without understand the actual struggles it entitles that irks me. Lipstick lesbians are toxic and insulting. It's obviously a catch-22 argument, cause it's easy to say couples don't have to prove their love, but when you are blatantly taking advantage of your followers by pandering a fetish to them to sell, instead of you know, just being in a regular lesbian relationship, when there's a problem. Keep enjoying the forced Boob jiggles and awkward acting if that floats your boat though I guess. They love your money so so very much.
No. 632
>>627Nobody gives two shits about the fujo girl because it's transparent as fuck that one or two posters keep bringing her up to steer the conversation away from Bunny and Susu. She's a chubby SJW, it's not like they're rare or interesting on the internet.
Since you're getting so worked up about posters having no "evidence" to back up their claims (but never explained what claims you're even talking about, just vagued about it), why don't you give me an example of someone getting "mad" about the Twitter girl? I never saw anybody giving enough of a shit to get mad about it.
No. 633
>>621>Su did the shadman thing before he was outted and hasnt worked with him since.Outted as what? He's always drawn loli porn.
>And shit, let them be catty. Its one is stopping them?
No. 638
>>636nta but are you kidding? the retard who she replied to (whose post was only made a few hours ago) replied to a week old post. anon only replied to
>>379 to prove the retard anon wrong.
No. 643
>That's as stupid as saying everyone who likes Love Live! is into children. It's that stupid.Shadman doesn’t just draw cute lolis. He draws literal child porn, as in children getting penetrated. That’s way different than something like love live!
Not only that, not sure how he was “ousted” he’s been an openly sick fuck.
No. 646
>>595bunny looks special ed here.
why do they both insist on these short and unflattering haircuts?
neither are cute enough for the length they've going for, and for some reason they style themselves like they're from the early 2000s.
susu looks skinny af irl though. that's what confused me about her T&A
No. 654
File: 1543680234347.jpeg (287.43 KB, 533x810, C5E77F99-3604-4830-85A3-B0FE22…)

>>653I remember a little while back he got a bunch of twitter posts talking about the real kid art and his account was suspended. But still after that Jessica Nigiri cosplayed his hideous Kylo Ren and Jenna Lynn Meowri cosplayed his faul out OC
No. 660
>>659Making a thread about him would honestly accomplish nothing. All the milk you would be able to find would be that he’s a vile person (but I mean he draws irl lolicon and laughs when someone insuiates that it might make that underage celebrity uncomfortable so that’s not too shocking). He’s in love with that part of his persona and he likes making people angry about it but so do his fans that follow him. He acts like a shitty anime antagonist trying to corrupt the “innocent youth” and “
trigger the sjws” with him lewding the lolis all before he has to tend to his mid morning ego jerk session on twitter/discord.
It’s why the whole “well there’s a market for it so you can’t get mad at them!” defense is particularly disgusting. The fan base will canabilize these pseudo loli costhots as soon as they move on to their next ahego waifu princess. All these women who interact with him are doing is normalizing what kind of content he creates. Take one look at his “art” and any adult would be able to see the particular repulsiveness in the audience which is attracted to that kind of shit.
Whatever makes them coin though is obviously
body positivity for woMEN!! and shouldn’t be criticized
No. 661
>>655Or when he got his ass sued for drawing porn of 11 year old Dafne Keen, the little girl from the Logan movie. I can't for the life of me understand how are there still people defending him, aside from greasy neckbeards.
drawn porn of a real child, it's not real so don't call him a pedo! /s
Whoever willingly associates with scum like Shad is scum themselves, period.
>>659We used to have one, I can't find it right now though
No. 662
>>660you're right and I figured it was a pointless case, as it'd either be filled with his dicksuckers or people going, well he isn't TECHNICALLY a pedo. I honestly cant believe he's not in jail but I mean at the same time, figures with how things are.
>>661that was what made me aware of him- I was on some film site and it came up and I saw the image. I have a baby and it made me want to curl up and die. like, if I were her parents I would go after him with a bloodlust. he did MULTIPLE IMAGES of that actress being tortured it was fucking horrific- I will forever regret being curious. I really didn't think it could be that bad
No. 663
File: 1543688325137.png (461.94 KB, 635x635, 2D56CCC7-D75A-4262-B3C7-4870CD…)

>>660Shad owns Loli sex dolls
No. 666
>>655Yeah I'm not one of those people who condemn all lolicons as true pedophiles (even though it's gross as shit) but Shädman is genuinely vile as fuck with all the sick stuff he does. There's a certain line of Not Okay you cross when you start drawing underage porn of actual real life people and retweeting cosplays of your sexualized loli drawings.
>>660This, there wouldn't really be milk other than that he just draws disgusting stuff and has an equally disgusting fanbase.
>The fan base will canabilize these pseudo loli costhots as soon as they move on to their next ahego waifu princess. All these women who interact with him are doing is normalizing what kind of content he creates.This, this this. All of this.
>>663Absolutely heinous.
No. 669
File: 1543694538315.png (Spoiler Image,8.91 MB, 1242x2208, 4845DF40-CF91-4A0F-B7C1-72DD4F…)

SS looks good here but bunny is just tragic looking
No. 673
>>667The Nigri milk has overall been dry recently because she hasn't gotten into much drama and people really don't give a shit about her anymore, she's old news and gotten boring and stale. You can say that she's a whore who lies about her implants a million times but the when you say it a million plus one times it gets old. I for one didn't even know that she's done a shitty Shädman cosplay.
>>671Also this.
>>669This is what SS calls original with effort put into it? It's the same pooping pose and generic retarded pornstar face every costhot makes in their photoshoots with a cheap set.
No. 675
>>663>hangs his own art on his wallsOk, every artist I have ever encountered that has done this is always a psycho.
Also his art looks like it came from those ugly toon porn sites, but I guess if you do niche shit people will eat it up.
No. 676
>>669Legitimate question but why do people PAY for stuff like this?
There's so much free nudity and pornography on the internet that is easily accessible, so why pay a bunch of rando weebs to get semi-nude?
No. 677
>>395That's basically the equivalent of saying "I love how people get angry at this big group of weirdos that wallow around in pig shit all day."
Being shocked at people's lack of standards does tend to get a negative reaction from some, yeah.
No. 681
>>679Nta but I actually had no idea about that, I never lurk the moo threads. That solves the white knight mystery.
Can anyone post it/tell me which thread it happened in so I can?
No. 686
>>679Thirding the request for thread!
>>685Nta but no one's asking you too, maybe you should calm down lol
No. 689
File: 1543811654954.jpeg (Spoiler Image,174.24 KB, 700x1066, 4C46C006-ADB8-46A8-B310-5ABDF5…)

SS new boundary pushing photoshoot. I find it so cheap that she charges patrons to see her in outfits that were sent to her for free. It’s so low effort.
No. 691
>>4>>688I saw a video where this dude tried to do an impromptu interview with her, asking her why people find lewd content interesting instead of traditional nude porn. I can’t find the video right now but I’ll link it it I find it.
Anyways, she was really cold and short with him in the screenshots of their conversation.
Is she normally like that? She seems to be the kind of person who is cordial to her fans in person, but if you seek her out online or try to have a real conversation with her, she’ll be cold or uninterested in you unless you have something to offer her in regards to her brand.
Would you say this is true?
No. 694
i don’t like costhots as much as the next guy but I have to agree with
>>692. can we stop shitting up the thread with your hurt feelings and focus on actual milk?
No. 700
File: 1543868655215.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.65 KB, 640x640, 43597821_518453201956833_21202…)

copy and pasted from here
>>>/snow/743104 told to post here, my bad if this I'm doing it wrong, at least I read the rules if it means anything
Was browsing randomly and then found this, honestly don't think she's much content, since this type of cow seems common nowadays, but I've never posted here and perhaps it'd be good attempt to contribute once at least
Some of the milk there is to be gotten from her: the people who don't want to click the link - She's basically just another insecure SJW cosplay thot who doesn't want to be "shamed" for posting half-naked pics online to garner followers/attention and money,
who lives off donations from her male orbiters and SJW followers, with an amazon wish-list open for degenerates to buy shit for her, also does the weeb appeal cringe shit and doesn't like to be treated like a camgirl "Don't flirt with me " in this picture of her Insta profile even though all she posts is either cosplay or lewd shit link she has in her insta profile of her donations, Amazon wish list and Twitch patreon/donation supported half-naked e-thots the new wave/form of camgirls?
No. 702
File: 1543873747327.png (305.27 KB, 992x462, Screen Shot 2018-12-03 at 4.48…)

>>700She also sucks at photoshop.
No. 704
File: 1543873886327.png (444.04 KB, 812x542, Screen Shot 2018-12-03 at 4.50…)

No one should ever be this happy to meet Momocow and Cuckette
No. 706
File: 1543883825844.png (77.86 KB, 604x691, heidi.PNG)

This chick is such an asshole. '/I/ would do it this way and other people dont because they dont know how.' and then the entire 3rd tweet… how does she think people LEARN to become those pros if they never do it because they see cosplayers with a bigger audience saying stuff like this?
Maybe im over thinking it but she just comes off as so elitist and self absorbed
No. 707
>>706You might not be able to use leather/vinyl/spandex for everything. There's a ton of different ways to do satin stitching to where it can look really beautiful. More beautiful then just top-stitching it. Literally most people who apply satin stitching to costume or clothing work doesn't use the big wide stitch that quilters will use. Either technique is going to take practice to learn to do.
>young sewistsI think that's the part that bothers me more. It just reminds me of someone trying to act like a mom when no one needs you to do that.
No. 708
File: 1543890537508.jpg (28.65 KB, 400x400, 1Ca3ILkN_400x400.jpg)

>>706Heidi seems super pretentious. She would be nowhere if she wasn't ProJared's wife.
He raids her streams all of the time and that's where most of her donations come from.
Yeah her costumes are nice. But she's boring as fuck and one of Arda wig's favorites.
No. 709
File: 1543895476748.jpg (103.11 KB, 750x1334, LUlYPJP.jpg)

At this rate she'll be camming by early 2019
No. 710
File: 1543895814317.jpg (59.89 KB, 1024x522, njbogazr05221.jpg)

not really milk but made me lol
No. 711
>>706Heidi is elitist and self-absorbed and what's funnier is that most of her fame comes from her husband. A lot of her professional gigs come from her husband being known by game companies and the gaming community.
Her fanbase is equally insufferable and stuck up. I know quite a few people who are fans of her through cosplay competitions and they all share her ~more talented and knowledgable than thou~ attitude.
>>707This. Plus there are times when fabric appliques or lace appliques suit the costume better aesthetically.
Heidi does try to be a cosplay mom, especially to younger cosplayers on Instagram, as if she was truly that much of figurehead in the cosplay community.
No. 717
>>711The other thing about just top-stitching stuff like pleather/vinyl is that if you fuck up, the hole from the needle is there forever. You lose that clean look you were going for. At least if you fuck up with regular satin stitching you can rip it out.
Her technique isn't that much easier for beginner sewers either.
No. 718
File: 1543943116836.jpg (150.87 KB, 683x1024, 920685_881634565267533_6444854…)

>>706I'm an oldfag cosplayer of 10+ years and I absolutely despise this attitude. So many older cosplayers do this shit and don't realize how detrimental and discouraging it is to the younger ones. I've seen satin-stitched applique that looks amazing, and also leather and vinyl applique that looks like absolute shit. Satin stitching is difficult to correctly master but it's not WRONG to use it. These people have spent so much time at the top that they've forgotten how it feels like to be a novice cosplayer and treat their social media like an echo chamber. It's helpful to point out actual tips and advice (i.e. "Iron your seams open, seal your foam carefully before painting") but people learn what works for them through experimenting. You can have your preference regarding a technique but judging by the worst of it and fucking
posting about it on your public twitter as a public figure makes you look like a pompous asshole. Just go on anon and vent on /cgl/ about muh unpopular opinions like a normal person if it annoys you that much.
And while we're on the subject, the topstitching on her samus zero suit looks tacky and out of place. It looks like a green screen spandex suit that tripped on some vinyl pieces that got stuck despite the reference picture clearly having a smooth shine to its surface. She claimed it's because of her ~artistic choice~ and combining matte and shiny surfaces adds ~depth~ to it but that's bullshit, it just looks awkward an unauthentic. Her costumes aren't really anything special, they're rather simple and plain in design and don't seem to experiment or take a lot of effort.
No. 719
>>717Topstitched vinyl also puckers like a bitch, especially if you're using the wrong stitch settings. The puckering looks especially horrendous when the creases catch all the light next to a matte surface, like in here
>>718 .
No. 720
>>716Ayrt. Not that I know of. I've only ever seen her list "professional cosplayer" on any of her social media whereas other "professional" cosplayers like Cowbutt Crunchies and J. Hart at least mention their other jobs in passing.
Also I guess this is a cosplayer general now since Heidi might be a leech but she's not a costhot.
>>718Holy shit anon you took the thoughts that I've had about people like Heidi and managed to put them into words. I hate how the cosplay community has more or less divided itself into costhots/fame mongerers and pompous elitists. It feels like there's no middle ground anymore.
No. 721
>>720> I hate how the cosplay community has more or less divided itself into costhots/fame mongerers and pompous elitists. It feels like there's no middle ground anymoreWow. This.
And it feels harder to fit in when you’re someone who does have a following, albeit smaller, and doesn’t want to be in either of these categories
No. 722
File: 1543955069691.png (13.48 KB, 830x278, 2018-12-04 21_24_07-Start.png)

No. 725
>>720People like her often don't see a lot of other costumes people have made or network with other cosplayers simply as fellow hobbyists, they're only there to gain social media benefits from them. I do a lot of contest judging and I've seen people use all sorts of techniques with their costumes and you can either rock one completely or mess it up. In the same contest someone could have satin applique done so well it'd left your mouth hanging open, and someone make it look like a slobbery mess. It's stupid and ignorant to put one over other, it's all about the context of the costume, your skill preferences and presentation. You wouldn't tell people not to use worbla because you saw someone construct a steaming pile of wrinkly shit from it, and you wouldn't tell people not to use EVA foam because someone didn't seal or buff it correctly.
These so called "cosmoms" just want to preach to conceal their own ineptitude and to feel powerful, no matter how much they try to disguise it as "just helping m'youngins out sweeties uwu".
No. 726
File: 1543962780347.jpg (58.4 KB, 395x580, 11935_revolutionary_girl_utena…)

>>718The only one of her costumes that look really amazing is her Zelda costume. I'll give her that (and i got to see it in person during katsu) really incredible detail, but her attitude is a huge turn off regardless.
Oldfag cosplayer of 10+yrs here as well, but her attitude turns people off. Everyone has their own technique and she comes off as very 'my way or the highway.'
>>720This. the division is one of the reasons why cosplay is strictly a hobby for me and i dont get why people are so extreme with it so much.
No. 730
File: 1543968848738.jpg (683.95 KB, 1500x2250, 33114665765_5dbb84093e_o.jpg)

>>718>>719Yeah that puckering looks real bad there.
>>726Her Zelda is fine looking. But this costume has been done a million times before. And for whatever reason (maybe her boyfriend's association) every big cosplay paetron girl was sharing her Zelda. You get one girl who had some skills in sewing and she's what they see as an expert.
The top-stitching on her gloves is such a weird choice.
No. 733
>>732 No because she's not constantly showing them off and being like "teehee braces"
She has her mouth closed in 90% of her pics and does actual cosplay not just thot pics.
No. 735
File: 1543979291919.jpeg (542.26 KB, 750x936, 7870C433-9411-45AE-B97A-2D2281…)

>>732She’s a real cosplayer who does real builds. Not a costhot. Also if you look at this 23 year old woman with a woman’s body including DD tits and think “pedobait,” you might be retarded.
No. 737
File: 1543980942400.jpg (70.61 KB, 640x960, 47090562_2148208058542879_7378…)

this girl is in all the cosplay facebook groups and everytime someone tells her something not nice about her cosplays she says they're jealous of her boobs
No. 741
>>721I'm like that too anon. I'm not a fan of doing big builds which take a long time and would rather do smaller, but still intricate builds.
There's pretty much no one who fits into this category. You're either making Sakizos and Hannah Alexanders or shoving yourself into the latest fotm lingerie that neckbeards are into.
>>725Imo this elitist attitude and "cosmom" thing are ruining the community just as much as costhots are.
It's tiring to hear about how "better than u" a lot of these people are, especially if their so-called talent comes from being funded by other people like their parents (Angela Clayton) and spouses (Heidi), leaving them with essentially infinite time and money to improve on their old techniques or try new ones.
The thing that I hate the most about it though is that because so many famous cosplayers have this kind of attitude that anyone who's remotely good at making their own costumes feels the need to adopt this attitude as well.
There are still cosplayers like J. Hart, December Wynn, and Cowbutt Crunchies who are talented and down to earth (for the cosplay community anyways), but even they're a minority now.
>>737Wow, those are by far the worst bolt ons I've ever seen in my life. They look more like bad pec implants than boobs because of how far apart they are.
No. 746
File: 1544012723302.jpg (166.55 KB, 513x869, 040302.jpg)

Cannot believe Nana Kuronoma is going that far to disguise her boob job.
This tops everything.
No. 747
>>734How the fuck is wearing braces milky or "ripping her off"? Lots of adults wear braces to correct their bite.
>>730> But this costume has been done a million times before.Lmao, I was thinking the exact same thing but was wondering if I'd be too petty to bring it up. The costume has been done to death and there are so many tutorials and references for it that it's the basic bitch pick of the non-costhots. It's relatively simple in shape, but has enough details and a recognizable character so that it's a popular choice.
>>741>The thing that I hate the most about it though is that because so many famous cosplayers have this kind of attitude that anyone who's remotely good at making their own costumes feels the need to adopt this attitude as well.Fuck, this. The moment someone starts getting a following they crank up the elitism and start posting all the backhanded "advice" they can. Often they're not even THAT talented, they had one semi-nice costume that got them exposure and that's what they're going to ride for a few years on. I guess Heidi got so much admiration from the leather-applique tarp of that Zelda costume that she considers herself some sort of an authority figure in that field.
>>746Do you have anything to back it up? I find it hard to believe that anyone would be psychotic enough to lie about being a breast cancer survivor in order conceal a tit job.
No. 749
File: 1544014826155.jpg (96.64 KB, 395x803, 213.jpg)

>Do you have anything to back it up?
She tried to explain the sudden increase of her breast size by using “tricks" and push-ups a few years ago.
No word ever on her breast cancer till today. No signs of any kind of cancer treatment on social media or whatsoever even though she's always in for any attention she can get.
If you've ever seen reconstructed breasts and compare it to her nudes you'll see her story is bs.
No. 753
File: 1544037711863.png (5.51 MB, 1500x2300, hanashoop.png)

Shoop-chans are now trying to protect themselves from being called out by wearing costumes only to cons and not for shoots so that people can't compare their shoot photos to candids, but it's not like that does anything.
No. 759
File: 1544042965833.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.79 KB, 640x440, breast-reconstruction-options_…)

Breasts are reconstructed using tissue from several areas of the body. Does she have the corresponding scars?
No. 762
File: 1544048507202.jpg (701.49 KB, 1911x1695, scarsnotfound.jpg)

>>759no visible scars and same goes for her videos
No. 766
>>765 "artistic" lmao
People pay her to go to cons and people are fans of her and expect her to look like the person she presents online.
No. 768
>>766>>766yes anon, "artistic". any photographer worth their salt isn't going to edit in a background, or fake fox tails but leave in someones eye wrinkles or stray wig hairs.
i don't think its right to lie about editing or photoshop every candid photo or do dramatic editing to body proportions and facial features. but editing in and of itself isn't wrong, it depends on how its used.
No. 771
File: 1544068867564.png (998.37 KB, 796x746, sfaewiaofpeasdf.png)

>>754>>761Sorry anons. I posted that image as more of a shoop-chan example than what I was talking about in my post. My bad, should've clarified.
Pic related is one of her costumes that she wore to cons but never did a shoot in though.
>>755>>763She's definitely just a very average looking SEA girl without shoop. Neckbeards wouldn't look twice at her if she didn't try to shoop herself to be a pale, delicate ~so Japanese~ waifu.
>>765I feel like the images I posted show how different she looks shooped vs. unshooped.
The bottom row, especially the left vs. the middle, is the fairest comparison out of the three since they were both taken at the same con in similar lighting, but even then you can tell that her face looks pretty different.
No. 772
File: 1544076152866.jpeg (371.17 KB, 750x997, 27C5931B-BD11-4E5C-AFC6-93F16C…)

Hana bunny says she doesn’t photoshop. She just uses a silicone body suit that has silicone breasts like drag queens wear
No. 773
>>772ot but
>herskinjfc that's so fucking creepy. crossdressers, trannies, and all other agp men should be gassed. why didn't anyone learn anything from silence of the lambs?
No. 776
File: 1544080213235.png (2.3 MB, 2290x900, 54A56599-7F0B-492E-BD6A-F320E8…)

>>771There’s a pretty good fair comparison of her from the ot thread
No. 782
File: 1544104796276.png (196.37 KB, 503x480, h7.png)

>>776the first two photos are both from her standing in the same spot on a stage at a convention. she's completely unrecognizable, and she lies about her shoop.
Pic related, her "before and after" with a preshooped "before".
No. 783
>>780She used to be open about the fact that she shoops like in
>>782 but now she lies and claims that her edited photos are what she looks like and that she doesn't shoop.
It's obvious to anyone that can see that she abuses Photoshop to the point where she looks like a digital painting, so what's the point of lying about it?
>>781What could she do to shoop herself better? Her current shoop style ticks off all of the boxes on the "reel in the yellow fever neckbeards" checklist including whitening her skin, giving herself giant eyes and a dorito chin, and giving herself just enough curves to have some sex appeal but not appear ~too lewd! >__<~
No. 784
>>734Idk I thought the belle complaint was that we were quick to shit on everyone else but no one cares to do it to belle, this is the literal opposite of the belle complaints from the beginning of the thread
>>782Lmao jesus I thought this was her doing her version of that image at first, not the same person
No. 785
File: 1544134893157.png (126.73 KB, 625x548, Untitled.png)

Poor lil Nana got sad that nobody believes her stupid breast cancer story. Oh no, nobody in the community likes you.
No. 787
File: 1544144849017.jpg (280.72 KB, 2048x1384, 13316790_10206261141480038_540…)

>>783Even in the comparison photo in
>>782 she lied about shooping. She was claiming that the "before" photo was unshooped, but she already shooped her face/body.
No. 788
File: 1544144906393.png (2.22 MB, 1033x1724, h12.png.0d4807d9216a36828f7f77…)

>>787Pictures from photographers (some of which already filtered/edited her, but not to the level that she edited herself)
No. 789
File: 1544146391432.jpg (333.18 KB, 1852x818, nanastory.jpg)

>>785She could easily put an end to this and post documents but she rather posts over 20 instagram stories contradicting herself.
>Option 1: waiting and chemo>Option 2: Remove the inner breast parts and add implantsCould someone with knowledge in that field elaborate?
>I took my regular holydays for operationYou get statutory sickness allowance in Austria and don't have to take days off.
>If people asked me I tould them it's an amazing push up braShe lurks.
No. 791
File: 1544154422092.png (404.94 KB, 626x679, Sayathefox.png)

>>789Sayathefox did the same thing. She lied about going through cancer surgery when in actuality she went to Korea to get her whole face and body done, homegirl still looks busted without makeup and that horrid azndesu photoshop.
No. 792
File: 1544156227686.jpg (28.33 KB, 400x400, vivid.jpg)

>>790speaking of dorito chins ,costhot vividvision has the most heinous one.
No. 793
File: 1544164118701.jpg (284.32 KB, 960x1280, 1435784970747.jpg)

>>792Holy fuck that's some Eikkibunny level shit. What is with costhots and dorito chins? They actually look worse with dorito chins a vast majority of the time.
No. 796
File: 1544181255570.png (264.26 KB, 630x555, Untitled2.png)

>>786Here is the translation
>To say that you had breast cancer and to show off that you have new breasts is so shitty> I love the Austrian cosplay scene >the worst thing is that the person got her whole boobies removed to get bigger ones. I'm pretty sure nobody that had actually breast cancer would think about getting bigger breast. > Honesty I don't want that this women is associated with the Austrian cosplay scene. Can't we just take her and put somewhere else?>perfect idea, bye "miss first lady of Austria">Nobody is surprised about her shit anymore No. 797
File: 1544183632989.jpg (73.19 KB, 640x800, 39960664_1691061547686486_2939…)

>>792Holy fuck, this girl. You posted one of her better edits too, as absurd as that sounds. I honestly thought her account was one of those joke over edited picture accounts at first.
No. 799
File: 1544183998286.jpg (834.66 KB, 2419x3226, Mc0FDwM.jpg)

>>798And then a picture of her I saw someone post on reddit
No. 801
>>799How the fuck is she not embarrassed by seeing this?
Why on earth would you shoop yourself so much that you're not even the same person anymore? Like, save up for plastic surgery or get a fucking grip and accept what you look like.
What level of poor self esteem is this woman on
No. 803
File: 1544194279405.jpg (1.57 MB, 3200x2560, PhotoGrid_1519745317721.jpg.86…)

>>802Yes, her 2nd nj is busted af in the frontal view that's why she photoshops her nose heavily, she also tries make herself look asian with the shop. When someone else takes her pics at cons she usually shows the side of her face to look less botched, irl her nose is not that thin. She used to have a large and crooked jew nose, her first nosejob wasn't bad, I guess she wanted a kpop nose and ended up with a botched nose. Her other plastic surgeries came out ok but her breast implants are so obviously fake.
No. 806
>>805It's ridiculous how she's always begging for donations when she's actually from a rich family. Saya loves lying, she lied about working "multiple" jobs, working 7 days a week and 12 hours a day all while going to university. She's hilarious af, all her lies are so damn obvious too. Saya deleted a bulk her of pics on social media and she's hasn't posted anything in awhile. I'm guessing she's getting more plastic surgery
>does ig tell who looks you up? Idk about that. Do you have any caps of her going off on her hAtUrZ?
No. 808
>>806I wish I capped it earlier because it's gone now. Didn't know you could delete stories from your IG. She was ranting about how she could see who was searching her account/watching her stories on IG cause it pops up ( didn't mention where though ) Also, that she didn't care about them or waste time thinking of them and how sad their lives must be to always be watching her.
Sorry I didn't catch some screen caps. She almost never gets talked about, and it was so out of the blue as all threads that have mentioned her aren't or are dead like the one on PULL. To me, it came off like she was trying to spark people talking about her again cause her popularity is kinda dying. ( I guess if that's the case then I'm doing what she wanted ) These stories were actually posted to her personal account (
I also didn't know her family was rich. Thought she paid for everything she had with her scam money, as her home looks basic and not that of a "rich family".
No. 810
File: 1544208793693.png (Spoiler Image,734.54 KB, 1080x1193, Screenshot_20181207-105111~2.p…)

I'm sorry um what the fuck is this Nazi aesthetic looking shadman shit?
No. 812
>>809Is there any posts in past threads about this or screenshots of her sharing the posts?
>>810Looks like someone’s ban wore off.
>>698 No. 816
File: 1544211947851.jpg (60.71 KB, 187x326, Sayathefox 2.jpg)

>>815Sayathefox after her first nj no photoshop
No. 817
File: 1544212157139.png (61.89 KB, 720x265, Sc.png)

No. 818
File: 1544212209816.png (493.66 KB, 466x807, Sc2.png)

After Korea plastic surgery
No. 820
>>819Awhile ago saya said that she was naturally good looking cuz she's half turk and italian, 0 surgery. Another time she said she got septoplasty done for "muh breathing" problems, then she got hella mad and said all her haturz are ugly and jelly of her and lightly admitted to getting ps done and said it's not a bad thing.
I don't think anyone would care if she didn't try to hide it so bad by photoshopping her baby pics, deleting all of her old photos and lying about having cancer surgery when she had her dolly rework plastic surgery in Kr.
No. 821
File: 1544214363061.png (139.27 KB, 246x310, Screen Shot 2018-12-07 at 3.04…)

>>816>>818You can't really compare an over the top photoshopped picture vs a candid before shot.
Here. This is her current face.
No. 822
>>821Whoever took that def shopped her face. That does not look like a candid,
>>803 looks more legit
No. 823
File: 1544215688211.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1530, Screenshot_20181207-134455~2.p…)

A not so subtle shoutout to us
No. 824
>>823>that one thin corner of black she could had easily cropped outIf she wanted to
trigger a farmer, she accomplished it. No eye for detail.
No. 825
File: 1544220965500.png (8.03 MB, 1242x2208, 87A0E692-3F43-48E4-A783-66D805…)

Jesus Christ why does she photoshop like this?!?
No. 826
File: 1544221757580.jpg (69.91 KB, 443x960, vv.jpg)

>>799>>801Sageing for no proof but I knew her years ago and if she's anything like she was back then, shes always been a spoiled brat who knew how to get herself attention. Believed herself to be above other people, I'm assuming because she's staff at her local convention. If anything I think they just have her on as the "token pretty Asian cosplayer". I use "pretty" lightly here obviously.
This girl believes she's hot shit through and through, always has. Probably why she hasn't has plastic surgery yet.
No. 829
File: 1544238192997.jpeg (659.25 KB, 2048x2048, 0662A706-728A-4B2D-9EE5-BB606A…)

>>826I don’t know how she hasn’t been called out for this sooner.
No. 830
File: 1544238257529.jpeg (590.47 KB, 2048x2048, 598120F9-FFB7-4790-8D8A-B2D766…)

>>829Sage for double post but I wonder how disappointed her fans are when they meet her irl
No. 832
>>737Late and not that anon but her name is Khainsaw, I’m in the same community as her.
She prides herself in being edgy and aggressive. Likes to argue and challenge people over petty things. Everything is an argument for her, it’s exhausting. Also she’s friends with Momokun, and defends her.
I will admit, her craftsmanship in person is pretty good. And she at least puts genuine effort in her cosplays.
Sage for no contribution.
No. 833
File: 1544242756126.jpeg (445.2 KB, 2048x1923, CC09C567-899D-43ED-96C4-88E44F…)

>>832Probably should’ve at least posted one of her good cosplays
No. 834
File: 1544243267493.jpg (475.05 KB, 1000x1177, sjdfioewjo.jpg)

>>830How do people recognize shoop-chans in real life? Especially VV because she looks so different from her shoops.
No. 841
>>840Its just a shadow…..
The bath has the shadow too
Not everything is a photoshop fail
No. 847
File: 1544384725341.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.94 KB, 640x853, ripxqutdodp11.jpg)

>>846Have you seen her rug?
No. 848
>>826"Probably why she hasn't has plastic surgery yet."
She's admitted to having breast implants though.
No. 849
File: 1544469013612.png (184.34 KB, 294x306, 1534406444554.png)

>>730Zelda is like an obligation for elitists now
No. 850
File: 1544487869339.jpeg (135.99 KB, 800x1200, A2B67200-7ABC-4BAD-BBE3-39F599…)

Why are these costhots so embarrassingly lazy? She used that god awful meitu makeup option and you can see the edges of her drag queen chest plate near her “boob window.”
No. 852
File: 1544489827872.png (996.2 KB, 800x1200, fake.png)

>>850You can see the difference in skin texture in this one and if you look near her armpit you can see the edge of the plate. It's slightly too yellow for her skintone too. She really goofed on this one huh. Also not saying it's impossible but I have never seen someone with natural breasts that size with areolas that small for where her nipple bump is.
No. 857
>>851It's a play on words, anon. A double meaning
>>855It's clearly a plate though. The skin texture is completely different (plastic and smooth) compared to her atm and tbh, the colour doesn't even match her hip, which is just as frequently covered as her bust. Her fat tits were probably just saggy and unflattering
No. 861
>>859>>855Ok cool explain the obvious top of the beastplate showing through the sweater. It cant be her collar bone because it's way too low.
Also I've personally never seen an editor make blurring look so plastic since It usually just looks 'photoshopped' and I'd say if the editor was worth anything the arms that are framing the boobs should have gotten editing attention because it's pretty obvious even from the thumbnail.
No. 863
File: 1544573986273.jpeg (40.18 KB, 750x324, 62258725-B6EF-4A2C-922D-BA3D64…)

…oooook then…
No. 868
>>867>>867Eh theres better paying jobs out there that let you home office and not have a public thot record your family, future kids, spouses etc can see(ever after death yay), she will never have any other legacy online or otherwise besides weeb porn and whats the chance that shes gonna elon musky her money into anything wise that on its own could produce more money for her future like stocks, land, investments or even a good retirement saving?? Nah its gonna be renting mcmansions and buying figurines and ps until her content becomes stale and she moves on.
I mean you either burn out like nigiri where your looks are shot, the body dysmorphia from photoshopping got to em (the fillers really top her leather skin cake) and you make petty cash dressing up while each day less and less people in your community know you and you are invited to cons/online shows out of novelty rather than interest.
Or you go full moo becoming an irrelevant meme people shit on whilst clammoring for your next viral cosplay and sinker deeper into desperation.
(Im being melo dramatic but if the large amount of costhot threads around imageboards have proven one thing is that few to none just drop this shit and leave once they taste even five seconds of fame/being paid 1$ to spread their legs in a bad wig)
No. 869
>>867>>868Just to clarify, I mean $9,480 per month. Thats around $113,760 p/a.
At least Nigri and Moomoo put effort in to their cosplay in a way I guess, have professional shoots and make appearances at cons, Belle does nothing all day.
No. 870
>>868I've thought the same thing. She has quite a unique face/body and lives in the UK, which has a population of 65 million or so.
Her local town probably all recognize her, as well as millions across the world. For showing her ass on the internet. She needs a full new identity and look to progress in her adult life. People pay a high sum to help you fuck up your life. She can't delete this stuff, those dumb photos and videos are online forever. Teenagers don't really plan for the future, which those men are banking on. So it seems like a lot of money now, but this shit is permanent.
No. 871
File: 1544582013842.png (419.12 KB, 772x544, ss tasha.png)

>>850>>852There were like 4 other photos in this set that made it pretty obvious she wasn't wearing a breast plate…Tasha is pretty big…and like another anon said, the editor clearly blurred her butt, face, and tits since those are the main selling points of the photo. Breast plate doesn't seem as obvious here as it does with JLM.
No. 874
>>871explain the obvious top edge of the breast plate showing in the other picture then?
Also how does this prove that it's not a breast plate? every seam where it would be showing is covered. Why is she hugging her arms to her sides, making her arms look far and if they smoothed out the other things why not shoop out those super awkward back rolls. I dont know why you're wking so hard but it's a breast plate.
No. 875
File: 1544590589661.jpeg (128.95 KB, 960x1280, 45B86D7E-E8C2-42EA-92A3-9919B1…)

>>871Yikes she’s huge now
No. 877
>>873There was a whole thing mentioning that though (like them spending buckets on RENTING mcmansions with seemingly no real thought of future investments or savings)
the name thing…idk how many cows have had their threads or cos pics directly linked to their name with a single google search.
One picture linking you to your cosplays and its over, one Reverse image search, i mean its endless oppurtunities to find your work even if you dont connect your name to a brand you made. Especially when that work is literally you taking uncensored pictures of your face (the nr1 thing used to identify somebody kek)
Personally I just dont think any of these girls once they get more grounded, realize patreon thot isnt resume quality and stop basing their lives solely online are gonna be happy 40yr olds who sit on rolls of saved thot cash working a 9-5.
I especially think theres gonna be major regrets exposing themselves to that kind of audience too and im calling it years from now tbh.
No. 879
>>849Kek this is true. It's because it has all of the elements that elitists like to brag about like fidgety small details and being able to do armor and sew.
>>873The other anon is right though. Not a single one of these costhots has savings or a retirement fund. Just look at Nigri and Moomoo. They spend all of their money "flexing" by buying random shit, eating out, and commissioning expensive cosplays.
Besides it only takes a few months for neckbeards to move on and find a younger, cuter costhot to thirst over. I'd say Belle will only be making that ~$10k/mo for another year, year and a half before she has to find some other source of income or go back to school.
Also Belle does indeed actually have her name attached to her costhot handle since she registered her company using her real name and "Belle Delphine LLC" is the first result that comes up when you google her real name. If any future employer googles her at all, she's screwed. Her only chances of finding work are at like a grocery store or a similar low end line of work.
No. 881
File: 1544606445678.jpeg (82.39 KB, 750x391, F62F8595-9371-432B-A92B-FEA13B…)

Kek at Heidi's snippy reply to this question. Awful hard to keep up that fake cheery personality isn't it, Heidi?
No. 882
File: 1544607031927.jpg (140.89 KB, 744x744, CwTIp_GVEAIVDtY.jpg)

>>791That's not sayathefox, it's Katya Lischina
No. 883
>>867>she does pretty much nothing deserving of it.Look at it this way: her name and face will forever be affiliated with making ahegao orgasm faces, DDLG fetishes, semi-nudes, thongs and overall whoring your self-respect out for neckbeard bucks. I think 10k/month for a few years is a pretty cheap price tag to put on your reputation.
>>870Yeah, what this anon said.
>>873Get real. None of these people have retirement funds and only the very top 10 of them make enough money to last longer than a couple of years. Producing and shooting cosplay non-stop is actually pretty expensive, especially if you're commissioning pieces and paying for photoshoots like a lot of the thots are. And like mentioned before, a lot of them are renting a McMansion instead of saving up and buying their own property, essentially burning money instead of putting it in the bank. Unless they're Jessica Nigri their "career" will last 5 years tops, nowhere near enough to save up the money. 500k Twitter followers don't convert to 500 000 bucks, most of these thots are wasting their time for maybe a couple of hundred bucks a month.
And another thing like proven here
>>880 , these people have no marketing or business skills outside of self-posting on /cgl/ and reddit to gain a quick following. They have no idea how to take care of customer relations, they're quick to get into twitter fights and post passive-aggressive instastories because they don't have a professional PR team taking care of their public image. They don't have any business models or processes so they end up screwing their patrons over for lazing out and not sending out their monthly rewards. How are you supposed to build a long-lasting brand with these skills, on something as flimsy as selling tit and ass photos when the internet has an attention span of maybe two weeks and the market is oversaturated already?
The people who are jealous of the money these girls make - don't be. What's the point? What's there to be jealous about?
No. 884
>>867I don't want to brag but 100k a year is nothing so hard to attain nowadays. Yes a lot of people won't make it but it's accessible to a lot more people with an internet connexion and/or access to classes or internships to learn useful skills.
I'm making close to that after getting a master's degree and my partner is self taught in 3D modeling and animation and has a pretty niche job.
My point is, before you see those numbers and start thinking about being an e-thot, think of your own value. What's on the internet stays on forever. At least by being an escort you'd be somewhat anonymous and nobody could dig up much dirt on you. Most companies don't like ethots because they don't want to be associated with negative advertisment or creepy stalkers disrupting the company's workflow.
Plus do you really think you can stop being a ethot at 25 and live off of the money you made for the rest of your life ? Even something like 500k sounds like a lot but then you gotta remember you have to pay taxes on that and renting a mcmansion isn't gonna last you forever.
Can you really imagine someone like Momokun or Nigri making bank being the center of attention, going back to a 9-5 job where they're paid 10% of what they were making and being yelled at by their boss ? It's already hard enough going back to having a boss when you're a regular freelance.
No. 886
File: 1544621826058.jpeg (59.68 KB, 500x507, 3C67DD3C-219F-4557-B5FD-E6E645…)

>>883>>884Genuinely, the only costhots I feel I can be sure of are thinking of the future ahead and down the line are actually Nigri and Yaya, the two who I absolutely credit (or blame) for getting cosplay the the place it is today - more well-known outside of nerd circles, which is excellent, but also highly sexualized both in and out of the community and filled with girls trying to follow in their footsteps.
For Yaya it's obvious. Maybe it's because she got her "big break" a little later on in her life and she's older than most of these girls, but she knows she can't rely on her looks (which have never been spectacular to begin with) and her tits forever. So she's purposely made her name synonymous with cosplay and has made herself a permanent spot in it. On HoC she was being called "The Queen of Cosplay", so even to normies that's what she got known as. She started her line of ears and wings, then her pattern and fabric line, which had a bad rep at first but now are pretty loved amount cosplayers. She's definitely not one of the hottest women in cosplay by a long shot anymore, but she's still known for solid craftsmanship and has built herself a reputation that's going to last and now has various means of income based on it.
Nigri on the other hand had a shit reputation up until just a few years ago, and I really believe that at a certain point she must have come to the realization that her income is based on her looks and rep as well, and she's getting older as well. She's calmed down a /lot/ and has upper her game from what it used to be. She used to be known for her boyfriends and friends making her stuff and taking credit for it - so she learned how to do it herself and has proof of it, and now she's known for busting out crazy builds. She had a reputation for not sending out rewards and skipping out on events - now every month she proves she's sending out hundreds of signed photos, does giveaways all the time, and interacts with her fans constantly and seems to have built a solid community around herself. Plus she made that clothing line with her boyfriend or whatever, puts out tutorials, all that. Same sort of concept - definitely not to Yaya's level, but she knows she has to have an impact beyond her looks.
I hope I don't sound like a WK, I just think it's interesting. They pioneered getting paid to Be Hot in Cosplay, and are the reason all these girls are following in their footsteps hoping to achieve their levels of fame and income, but I really think the two of them more than anyone have realized it's not built to last.
No. 889
>>886Nigri didn't stop at showing her tits around, she also created a lot of connections during her career and essentially made being a costhot a thing. If she wanted to quit being a titty model she could pull a Yaya and start her own business in the industry, she surely has the strings to pull to make it happen. She bought a house which is always an investment to your future. She's been a lot smarter with her money than these girls, but then again she's had her parents managing over almost everything she does, and later her boyfriend has been her business partner. She took a ton of sponsorship deals and disguised them as fan gifts to promote during her mail Monday and got away with it for the longest time, the only things that made dents into her career was her ditching the fan meet to go to an aquarium, the Fit Tea fiasco, and the time she sold prints of a photoshoot without the consent of the photographer or paying him his share.
And by god she learned from all of them, ever since that she's been extremely careful from displaying any public controversy and resorted into being an inoffensive funny meme queen i just make them costumes guyz tee hee. And naturally she matured, she's almost 30 by now. Someone like Momokun or any other stupid costhot keeps repeating the same fucking mistake over and over again, sending her reputation on a downwards spiral for the millionth time. Getting into catty social media fights, cheating their patrons, compulsive lying, ignoring their fans, burning a shitload of bridges instead of connecting and so on. It's just girls with mental issues and personality disorders not being able to handle fame and money.
I still hate Nigri for monetizing and sexualizing cosplay and manipulating her audience, but I gotta give credit where it's due. The bitch knows how to play the game.
No. 891
>>887it's clearly a breast plate. the color is different from the rest of her skin, and her nipples in
>>850 are in the middle of her breasts…which is not where they'd be.
No. 893
File: 1544631529798.jpeg (53.39 KB, 655x393, ABBDC8B6-5710-4AD4-B5F1-F28289…)

>>863>>866Terrible and tryhard memers.
No. 894
>>887It's clearly a breast plate, having tits doesn't mean much. She was probably just uncomfortable having her areolas hanging out the side
>>890I wish the dumb wk's would learn to sage
No. 895
>>887It's clearly a breast plate, having tits doesn't mean much. She was probably just uncomfortable having her areolas hanging out the side
>>890I wish the dumb wk's would learn to sage
No. 896
File: 1544644630112.jpeg (210.71 KB, 845x1600, 929ADE6E-30AA-4B3D-AE52-143D87…)

>>893Incoming spergIt honestly hurts my feefees. It’s not even so old it’s become an ironic meme and is therefor hilarious in a bad way, it’s just really cringe and the second hand embarrassment hurts me deeply kek. I honestly feel she just types “memes neckbeards like” in to google and uses the first 3 results on images for content to pander to her semiretarded audience.
She honestly believes she’s that
3edgy5u animu meme dream waifu as opposed to looking like pic related desperate for some basement-san dick.
No. 899
>>896>>897Agree. She's just so unfunny. She reminds me of some rich white mom who's trying really hard to be relevant to her kids
(also it really bothers me how heavily edited her skin always looks like she's almost cgi)
No. 901
File: 1544670857397.jpeg (234.51 KB, 750x1102, 3D54DF58-AF72-4E04-80D9-7ECAB1…)

I thought this was a different person…
No. 902
File: 1544671724646.png (Spoiler Image,628.57 KB, 496x764, 5CDADAA8-8A7B-4BA1-AB8D-518184…)

>>896Lmao she’s trying way too hard.
Saged for OT but is it me or does she look like she’s trying to emulate like… the ~edgy loli~ shadman aesthetic? Idk I could be wrong though.
Pic related.
No. 904
>>901>all that warping around the waist and face>no collarbonesis she actually a fatty-chan?
also i hate how i can tell how bad her makeup is through the shoop. it must get exhausting having to keep up and appearance that isn't even yours. internet attention does weird things to people.
No. 909
File: 1544721212361.jpg (338.26 KB, 1562x2366, _20181213_170957.JPG)

Anyone know what provoked this cry for attention?
No. 912
>>911nta but the comment means she used to look like this
>>875but is now huge in
>>871 No. 917
>>907Wew I knew Belle was garbage but putting yourself out as a "irl shad loli"?
Imagine being this desperate for dick and attention jfc. She's disgusting.
Any thot pandering to shad and his fanbase needs to get beaten up in a corner
No. 918
File: 1544845740748.jpeg (910.5 KB, 1564x1564, CC140F2C-6D66-4CF2-B361-BEC18D…)

Just want to say I recently met this cosplayer, and she was extremely rude. I recognized her from her MHA cosplay so I told my friend and she loved it, when she asked for a photo she ignored her or at least seemed like she was. Then my friend asked again saying “excuse me can I get a photo?”. She just looked at her said “yes fine” and took a photo but was visibly upset and not into it. I understand not wanting to take a photo. And we would have been fine if she said “not right now, I’m on break”. Because hey we understand it. But she was straight up rude about it. Don’t take the photo if you are going to not try to even be nice about it. It really upset my friend because she really liked her and her costume. She also really doesn’t look the same in person? She was much more thick and seems to photoshop herself. She was mentioned in the thread before
No. 921
>>915I don't think Holly is really friends with anyone in the cosplay community anymore since she stopped cosplaying and attending cons. That's the thing about these types of friendships though, once they can't use you to promote themselves, they drop you.
>>916It's snippy in comparison to her other replies to comments. Her other comments are like "Thank you! I'm glad you like this post!" with lots of exclamation points and emojis. Definitely not milky though, but then again, this is /snow/ and half of this thread is whining about Belle.
No. 922
File: 1544891247909.jpg (138.22 KB, 1200x900, saya 2.jpg)

>>816That pic is Saya before all of her plastic surgeries. This pic is her a few years ago when she had her first nj
No. 923
File: 1544891376430.png (214.4 KB, 347x474, saya.png)

>>791>>882Despite all the work she had done in Korea, she looks bland without makeup
No. 930
File: 1544999943849.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1434, 53334E97-71C9-48DC-AE1B-9C2D6E…)

I get makeup makes a big difference but wtf how did she get so much “younger” looking…so much shop
No. 932
File: 1545009380260.jpg (75.33 KB, 720x482, _20181217_010842.JPG)

>>930Idk I think she looks significantly older?? Pic related. Belle p much looks her age, she just tries to play up being younger with eye enlargements and braces etc
(side note where did her butt go in this photo lmao was it edited before or is this just unflattering)
No. 934
>>932Holy fuck what is going on with her nose and the corner of her mouth in this video jfc
She has such an ugly smile too honestly, the braces don't help
She really is like an ugly Shadman drawing come to life
No. 935
File: 1545011415650.jpg (35.66 KB, 632x527, _20181217_014548.JPG)

>>934Man you're right her mouth is like heath ledgers joker why is it going that far back lol. Her nose is often janky too
No. 937
>>935Now I can't see a gang weed meme without her appearing on it.
Thanks anon
No. 938
File: 1545077114704.jpg (312.81 KB, 1386x2560, _20181217_200051.JPG)

Her personality is so dead, I can only imagine what dull shit she writes in her patreon letters
No. 940
>>938For real tho. She's such a boring normie, honestly. I'm starting to think she just Googles dank memes and lurks 40+ year old men's Facebook pages to pander to her neckbeard audience. As for what she probably posts on her Patreon, I imagine loads of oudated 9/11 memes "jet fuel can't melt steel beams
dabz" smh
No. 941
>>938This patreon leak is interesting:
>Before i get into detail i need to say there will be no snapchat from me this month.For my subscribers: Everybody on my $50+ tiers will still be added to my new snapchat (belledelphine_s, please send me your username) and you will remain added until the end of the year as you'll still get the month you paid for. (i will post my regular snapchats through the whole of december). I am still working on getting out all the other tier rewards from October and this month so you will still receive those.
>So as to whats happened: Well this month has probably been one of the most stressful time of my life and i feel like everything is falling apart and im running around trying to fix it by myself. Because of this i am not making the snapchat content i want to. I have been missing days out of pure exhaustion and i dont have the energy to make the content you guys deserve. i want to make content i enjoy making as much as you enjoy seeing it.
>i thought for some reason when i moved out into my own house i was going to be able to start making better content straight away (i lived in my room and i had a whole photography studio set up so it wasnt even a bedroom anymore) but ive come across SO many huge unexpected problems and i need a month to get my life back on track again. I dont know how many of you saw my long snapchat i made about about being threatened out of my apartment that i was going to move into, i wasn't over reacting this actually happened and we did phone the police but they never came to the scene so i knew i couldnt live there. I found a much bigger place (because i was making more money this time) and signed everything to move in on the 31st oct. While i was waiting to move in i was living in the spare bedroom of my friends house because all of my stuff was boxed up, my bed got broken while moving it and there wasnt any space in my room to even put the mattress down so i just packaged a bag and stayed with my friend for 2 weeks.
>Mail issue: During this time i payed £300 to open a PO box. And on the 20th a letter arrived confirming the address for the PO box so i posted it on my instagram and snapchat straight away. Days pasted and i was SO incredibly excited. i decided i was going to pick up ALL the packages on the day i was moving out (31st) because i hired a huge van. I had a million followers on instagram and a lot of people in the comments/messages were saying they were going to send gifts from tv's, teddies, and furniture/cutlery/toasters (things i need for my new place) so i was expecting around 300-500 packages. When i went to the PO box i gave in my ID and they came out with around 6 small letters (which i still GREATLY appreciate but i just knew this wasnt all of them because i've seen order receipts of large items people have bought. I asked if there were any more items and they said no. so i assumed maybe they havent delivered yet. I asked my friend to drive me there again (i cant drive) the next day and the next day to check if there were any more packages and there was nothing. i got home that evening and checked my messages and somebody told me something was wrong with my PO box because all of their items they had bought are being returned. so frantically i checked my emails and there it was. They had emailed me saying they had closed my P.O box
>"We reserve the right to withdraw the service immediately and without prior notice where you have breached any of the terms of the agreement, where we believe our reputation could be brought into disrepute or suspect that the box is being used for any illegal or fraudulent purpose."
>i couldn't phone them as it was evening so i frantically kept thinking wtf happened. the next morning i called them up and they said they closed my P.O box because of suspicious packages being sent and ALL packages after this point are being returned to seller/sender. Packages without a return address get sent to be opened and destroyed. I must've called over 10 different postal companies to try and track these parcels but i dont know the tracking number as i didnt buy them. I am so so unbelievably sorry for anybody who sent anything. words cannot describe how excited i was to get those packages. If you bought anything online you should get a refund with whatever company you sent it to as it will be returned there. With people who sent a parcel and it didnt have a return address on the back i dont know what to say. i dont even want to think about what letter/gift you may have taken the time out to send me. i feel so bad for you. I have tried to record a video (as i promised to make an unboxing video) because thats what you guys deserve but i just havent been able to.
>Another huge problem i have come across if with all the furniture i bought. i posted on snapchat when i bought it all. They tried to deliver my furniture a day or two ago and their truck couldnt come up my drive (as its very steep) so they have delayed it for when they have a smaller van. i wont get most of my furniture just before christmas so i have literally no furniture in my house. i have a sofa and a mattress to sleep on lmao. I've bought furniture with multiple different online shops (because it has to be delivered as i dont have a car) and i have to contact them all separately to tell them that their large truck wont be able to go up the steep road and they'll have to get a van. I've had 3 huge orders that have tried to be delivered but have had to turn around.
>Along with this im having to try and figure out how to pay bills and try and find water/gas/heating/internet companies before my heating gets turned off. I've never paid a bill in my life and im having to figure this all out now. I've been buying gigs of data until next month where my broadband thing gets put in.
>I've also fallen out with a close friend and i think thats just the breaking point for me. I need a month to sort out my life before i can get back to making the content you paid for. I dont want anybody to feel like their money is being wasted. I really hope you understand. Again i'm so sorry :( No. 944
File: 1545086139526.jpeg (50.69 KB, 632x527, 8FB8C695-A83F-454A-95AD-3088DC…)

>>941> i decided i was going to pick up ALL the packages > i hired a huge van. > I had a million followers on instagram > saying they were going to send gifts from tv's, teddies, and furniture/cutlery/toasters> i was expecting around 300-500 packages. > came out with around 6 small lettersLORT I WEPT
No. 946
>>938The second comment sounds like he was saying he wasn't attracted to her, thinks that's strange, and is wondering if she's a tranny.
Her reply?
I'm not a guy, fap away. No. 950
File: 1545136640598.jpeg (141.78 KB, 620x620, B10D51C0-F221-446B-9C7A-65519E…)

>>941The lip shoop…
all of her patreon content is so low quality lol
No. 952
File: 1545143170584.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.05 KB, 640x1136, ku46ndwcaz221.jpg)

Some guy edited the exposure and you can see her vag. Not to sound like a male poster or anything I just think it's hilarious since she refuses to even show nipple lol
No. 954
>>944Oh god why is that so funny. She was sincerely expecting all of that? I almost feel bad for her because she just seems so naïve to think all of her “fans” would really send her that kind of stuff? When the majority of them are most likely basement dwellers and 13 year olds who don’t have a lick of money except for what they can spend on her patreon.
Forgot to sage, sorry
No. 959
File: 1545155713193.jpeg (113.06 KB, 500x231, 5DC0C6F0-0FBB-4E5C-9431-7A1432…)

>>941>>944>>952She’s digging herself into a deep hole that’s going to be really hard to get out of. People in her life, whether it’s going to be family members, friends or future employers are going to search “Belle Kirschner” and end up finding pictures of her vag. She probably doesn’t care though seeing her business is registered as her real name. If she’s going to be doing this stuff, she at least needs to be more careful.
No. 960
>>941Tinfoilhat-san but do you think she was kicked out by her parents. I mean, why would she not wait until she’s got the keys to her property before she “moved out” and have to stay with a friend? Then not know how to pay her bills, wouldn’t her parents help her set up all that sort of stuff when she’s moved out unless her parents bagged up her things and screamed
> BE GONE THOT!while launching her clothes across the front yard.
Also noticed her P.O. box is in Brighton, did she not live in London? You know who else lives in Brighton? That’s right! Her
dankmeme daddy PPPpppppPPPeeWdIiiIIIIePIEEEEEE
Did she intentionally move in hopes of meeting up with the dankmemer she’s been lusting for or being featured in his videos after he used her as the cover of his youtube videos? Or is it just a
No. 961
>>943>homophobic This sounds interesting, I want deets.
>transphobicWho cares? he wouldn't be wrong.
No. 966
>>941Why did she think that she would get all of these hundreds of packages when its just thirsty edgy boys who want to fuck her?
Also did her parents not prepare her for the real world by charging her rent? She's an adult and she's clearly earning money.
She's better off moving back in with them at this point, if she's never paid a bill in her life then she should at least prepare for it.
No. 968
you? You can clearly see hers.
No. 971
File: 1545164961635.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, 40AD392C-8F17-408E-9604-C30F79…)

>>970I found the image on!gallery-439-22134and saved it and after playing around (it’s not as clear as the OP as I’m a n00b to lurking for labia in the depths of shadows but it’s there
No. 972
File: 1545165024516.png (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB, 750x1334, D23A2FE1-AA1F-46CC-A9E2-F49672…)

>>971you can slightly see it through a quick change of photo exposure
No. 973
>>960Yeah that was my thought too. Brighton isn't that huge either (i bump into people I know there every time I go & I don't live there) so she's def gonna be stalking pewd.
>>959Tbh at this point even if it was a shop, there's so many shopped pictures of her tits that it'll look bad to an employer regardless of whether or not they're real. What employer is gonna see a seemingly naked photo and start examining it for photoshop lmao
Also I keep hearing rumours that she can't read lol. I mean obv she's competent enough to enjoy all the dank memes but idk her spelling is pretty attrocious so I'm guessing she had a failed education
No. 974
File: 1545167164950.jpg (646.89 KB, 1080x1920, dumb bitch university.jpg)

>>973there's an instagram for ~fun cute facts~ for belle, but all the posts were taken down. idk who ran it but there are some screen shots. this one says she didn't finish secondary school, so if it's true then yeah she didn't finish school lol what a fun fact…
No. 975
File: 1545167182676.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.29 KB, 316x563, Belle_Delphine_8_004.jpg)

>>973Samefag but yeah when you're posting photos like this it doesn't make a scrap of difference if you're showing your nipples or not lmao. The only time that distinction matters is if you're trying to fap to her
No. 980
File: 1545169445897.jpeg (Spoiler Image,54.41 KB, 679x381, 362BE1D2-99FF-455F-B5F9-91AFBE…)

…oooooooook…..(Spoiler needed)
No. 982
>>941Tinfoil but now I'm thinking about this I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the thot audit. Her 'uwu I'm sad and I have to pay bills I might quit being a lewd model' could in part be due to being hit? Then again I truly believe she's just too stupid to understand how to pay bills etc
>>980How does she manage to make a virgin killer look so unsexy lmao. Won't do nudes but happy to post ass cum gj belle
No. 983
>>941>so i was expecting around 300-500 packagesOh no honey what you doing
>>965This, nobody besides Twitter snowflake assholes gives a shit about m-muh transphobia.
>>982>Won't do nudes but happy to post ass cum gj belleHonestly, these thots are happy to do the most degrading fetish photoshoots ever but for some reason think they're better than the rest simply because they're not showing their full vagina or nipples. It's ridiculous.
No. 985
File: 1545171892560.jpg (67.73 KB, 960x720, nice donkey.jpg)

No. 987
File: 1545173570334.jpeg (227.31 KB, 460x1600, 524A363C-3D35-4724-8795-105C3B…)

>>944sorry but just picturing the scenario is killing me
No. 995
>>985Oh jesus this just isnt the same face she's plastered all over the Internet lol. She's really dorky looking and actually pretty unfortunate here
>>993All evidence would suggest it. She's known for constantly popping up in comments of yt videos that mention her or her PULL thread or w/e. It's speculated that she self posts too (and has made a lil reference to lc on insta). Belle is completely self obsessed she spends all her time googling herself lmao
No. 996
File: 1545182304588.png (992.63 KB, 1094x756, nikki .png)

Her boyfriend/ social media manager/ photographer is a grown man, couldn’t he show her how to do the bills.
No. 1001
File: 1545184737050.png (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 952x1170, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 8.57…)

>>1000>>999sure, i will. rachniqueen started doing lewd patreon shoots despite constantly bitching about "not being there to be ogled at" and despite making more money, her cosplays are still absolute shit.
No. 1002
File: 1545184825630.png (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 800x1166, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 8.59…)

This is definitely "Mass Effect", like if you took away the helmet, you could definitely tell who she was even trying to be, right?
No. 1004
File: 1545185010889.png (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 1852x894, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 9.02…)

Such a vegan, right? Does she even think of the cosplays going together or does she just find a set of lingerie that kind of has the same color scheme and rolls with it? Nice to see she still isn't taking any of the metal out of her face.(spoiler needed)
No. 1006
File: 1545185189579.png (1.75 MB, 886x1180, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 9.05…)

how is this patreon worthy?
*this man also has a child.
No. 1008
File: 1545185398985.png (2.31 MB, 1188x1164, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 9.09…)

>>1006Jesus, gross. The bulge he gets in his airbrushed muscle-suits looks like garbage and like he's overcompensating.
No. 1010
>>1006This is so fucking funny. whos paying for this?
Poor farmhands
>>972That is wonderful. Good job belle.
>>993Yes. I can almost guarantee that she's posted in one of these threads bitching about how people talk about her too much. Belle has a little milk (which is a lot compared to just pointing and laughing at ugly people being ugly) and someone still has the audacity to go 'ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stop belleposting'. def not suspicious.
No. 1014
>>1011happens without fail. every time she becomes the primary topic of this thread a certain anon spergs out about how we're clogging up the thread - which is fair. but the usual thing to petition for is that the cow in question gets their own separate thread, not that we stop talking about them with a spam dump of other people to talk about instead of belle.
someone please make a separate belle thread. she is clearly the cow people are most interested in compared to other costhots in this thread.
No. 1015
File: 1545203743502.jpeg (166.84 KB, 1242x878, 5642FD96-666A-42CE-B687-96143E…)

When cows collide
No. 1018
>>996I think that her natural face was pretty (not godlike pretty, but yeah, if I didn't know her I'd think she's cute), she just fucked it all with those awful lip fillers.
Now she just looks like your typical Geordie Shore chavette, but with retarded ahegao faces. Fitting consequences I guess
No. 1022
File: 1545239165540.png (2.32 MB, 1018x1050, Screen.png)

>>971You can see her vag even without the exposure change.
No. 1026
>>1022God her actual face is aging so quickly for someone pretending she's a hot young teen on the Internet. She has the nasolabial folds of someone in their thirties lol.
Also she really can't dress herself geez. Who wears a floaty elegant blouse with cargo pants
No. 1028
Stop arguing and just make a thread, someone already posted a summary starting here.
>>190Then those who don't care or think she doesn't deserve a thread can hide it. Simple.
No. 1029
>>9She straight up needs to get rid of those fugly ass facial piercings. I was super confused one day when I saw someone post "sexy" on her picture and she was like "dOn"t CaLL mE sEXy!!!"
da fuq
No. 1031
>>1028she already has a thread in here, but a farmhand locked it. >>688616
you should unlock it.
No. 1033
>>1031It's a terrible thread that meets none of our criteria.
The requirements for new threads are displayed right in the thread creation form, so we always lock these threads and a new one has to be made.
No. 1034
File: 1545350610374.jpg (442.37 KB, 1486x2560, _20181220_235819.JPG)

Chiarocosplay blacking up for their short ow film? I didn't even realise it was her. Clearly she knows this isn't okay by the way she hasn't posted any of her blackface on insta lmao
No. 1036
File: 1545363952843.png (1.11 MB, 1026x762, 1231335354335.png)

>>997he owns at least 25% of her company lol
No. 1040
File: 1545416643034.png (2.54 MB, 1525x2048, Screenshot_20181221-132258.png)

Is there any milk about originalkiller.clown and her boyfriend?
No. 1041
File: 1545419101045.jpeg (32.18 KB, 391x500, Screenshot_20181217-062022-01.…)

>>818>>816>>922>>923Did Saya get more surgery? Her face looks different again
No. 1042
>>1041Damn, that jaw shave is Wendy tier.
To answer your question, who knows. All her selfies are shooped and filtered to hell and back, I guess you can only see how her actual face looks like in candids and irl
No. 1045
>>1044You've obviously come from her IG or some place as you've posted this twice. Here and on her own thread.
Best advice is to not look here and don't WK as it's pointless.
No. 1046
>>1040Not sure how milky it is, but Sam‘s ex boyfriend is in prison, she met and started dating her new boytoy within the span of like 2 weeks and they got engaged a few months after.
Apparently she‘s hugely into ddlg now. Jason I think is his name is the more quiet guy even tho he makes a decent Joker - even character/acting wise.
Sam‘s the annoying girl, constantly getting fired without a real reason (at least thats what she says, Who knows the real reasoning) and then starts to sell cheap cosplays lewds and beggs people to buy them. She‘s friends with a lot of cosplay thots and worked at a strip club, even doing cosplay strip shows.
Thats all I remember, most things happen on her insta stories so I can‘t provide pictures because I didn‘t screenshot them.
No. 1047
>>1040Not sure how milky it is, but Sam‘s ex boyfriend is in prison, she met and started dating her new boytoy within the span of like 2 weeks and they got engaged a few months after.
Apparently she‘s hugely into ddlg now. Jason I think is his name is the more quiet guy even tho he makes a decent Joker - even character/acting wise.
Sam‘s the annoying girl, constantly getting fired without a real reason (at least thats what she says, Who knows the real reasoning) and then starts to sell cheap cosplays lewds and beggs people to buy them. She‘s friends with a lot of cosplay thots and worked at a strip club, even doing cosplay strip shows.
Thats all I remember, most things happen on her insta stories so I can‘t provide pictures because I didn‘t screenshot them.
No. 1048
File: 1545588100217.png (2.69 MB, 1384x2048, Screenshot_20181223-125858.png)

>>1047That scrawny dude? In prison? Damn lmao.
Yeah, the ddlg and doing ahegao in public places (like a Disney park, yikes) is so cringy.
No. 1049
>>1048Yeah, the one that was literally always topless. I‘ve found a screenshot of our DM‘s where she‘s told me about him being in jail. Nor sure if I should post it or how easily she would know that it‘s me.
I also remember her literally making out with a stranger during the party of the convention where she met her current guy. One of her friends had it as a highlight until Sam and Jason where official.
No. 1050
>>1049That's sloppy. They got engaged mad quick, it's so weird. Jason is somewhat older than her though, right?
We used to be friends and she would wet the bed apparently so the ddlg stuff is apropro.
No. 1051
>>1050Yeah he got her a promise ring and Sam was all like „no, no, we‘re not engaged ahahaha“ and an hour later she acted as if she never said it was a promise ring and announced their engagement.
She also moved in within the first two weeks of their relationship and I guess is living off of him ever since.
No. 1052
File: 1545620820388.jpg (32.9 KB, 931x524, 694940094001_5858796438001_585…)

>>1002>>1001I've been trying to figure out who this bitch looked like and I finally figured it out.
She looks like Gypsy Blanchard.
No. 1058
File: 1545705897031.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x1845, 151C252A-4AD5-4331-95F7-E34C0A…)

Nice job using your kid as a cosplay accessory, douchebag.
No. 1059
File: 1545708831343.jpg (119.41 KB, 800x1000, hieeee.jpg)

>>1058Ross Mathews as Cable
No. 1062
File: 1545795582298.png (159.07 KB, 435x261, gb.png)

>>1052>>1054kek, even funnier since gypsy did cosplay
>>1034big yikes
No. 1063
File: 1545890493056.png (2.05 MB, 1854x1102, Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 12.2…)

i still cannot fathom how this chubby faced manchild has a lewd patreon.
No. 1068
>>1067She’s making a full size Orisa cosplay
She’s nothing like Belle
No. 1069
>>1067She is talented but after meeting her a few times she's very self centered. Also when she doesn't get 1st place in a comp she gets physically frustrated. Last con I was at she got 3rd and the look on her face wasn't pleasant, like she expected to get first place with no questions asked. Almost as if she showed up in a costume she rushed together from the previous year, put it on an hour before the comp for a cheap win, took it off and sat at her booth right after, looking at the other competition she did deserve 3rd but clearly wasn't happy about it.
I've also heard from others that she's very spoiled and that make a lot of sense when you see how she acts. Nice on the surface though.
No. 1071
>>1067Because Belle is totally the one who created elf ears with wigs
LittleJem has already been discussed and Jem actually cosplays rather than just putting on a costume and taking nudes in them.
No. 1072
File: 1545943195629.jpeg (437.55 KB, 1242x1751, C0F6A212-80CA-485F-A0F4-2006BE…)

Sad thing is people did mention it and no one on the team or Overwatch Twitter acknowledge it. Just a huge disappointment.
No. 1080
File: 1546040615819.png (435.46 KB, 480x579, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at 6.41…)

>>1079samefag but HOLY SHIT does she ever spam her pictures with tags. This chick is THIRSTY for attention.
No. 1081
File: 1546040842829.png (550.31 KB, 924x570, 122309.png)

>>1076Shooping has somehow gotten worse but it looks like she's gotten work done too. She has a complete different face.
No. 1082
File: 1546119241080.png (300.1 KB, 1439x938, Capture _2018-12-29-16-32-28.p…)

I found this absolutely hilarious
Martin wong isn't a thot but gabby is and she's been calling out people especially during the moomoo drama
No. 1084
>>1080Eh, a lot of cosplayers do this. Fe Galvao did it as well and it's how she got followers. Ain't that big a deal imo.
>>1081Is this bitch trolling?
>>1082Oh god who cares. Fat thots are so insecure.
No. 1085
File: 1546133878754.jpg (70.97 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20181229_173538.jpg)

>>1082Martin Wong fucking suuuuucks. Gabby is right to call him out here and is not the first, here he is butthurt he can't use the n word when black people can.
No. 1086
File: 1546135665425.png (70.67 KB, 626x606, Capture6.PNG)

>>1082all of the sex worker cosplay girls he shoots with, completely destroying him in the replies is incredible
No. 1090
File: 1546138324972.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181229-185048.png)

Pt 1/3
No. 1091
File: 1546138532729.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181229-185055.png)

PT 2/3
No. 1092
File: 1546138599994.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181229-185101.png)

Pt 3/3
Oof that's a big yikes. Say goodbye to business with the Cosplay thots lmao
No. 1100
File: 1546169763860.png (335.19 KB, 570x946, Screen Shot 2018-12-30 at 3.34…)

Jnig got her noisy little bitch to shut up looooooool
No. 1102
>>1082Am I the only one who doesn't see a problem with him shooting what he likes? It's like the whole Victoria Secret trans shit again. If he was a preference to shoot and you dont like that, dont shoot with him? It's not a problem for you, you dont have to work with him. I've heard even from across the water he's a top-tier cunt and not so nice to work with if you dont have a huge follow count, so they will benefit from "not being his type" anyway.
There are PLENTY of photographers who will shoot fat thots and POC thots ffs
No. 1103
File: 1546274114039.png (996.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-12-31-11-31-28…)

Is there a reason why Saya is releasing a photobook? Does she think she's a celebrity or something? Even the likes of Yaya and Niglet doesn't have something like this
No. 1104
File: 1546274318418.jpg (87.52 KB, 1200x720, DpagrRwWsAAk3Ne.jpg)

I imagine all the pics are cringey af
No. 1108
>>1107It is when that preference is based on race though lmao But he
can shoot whoever he wants, and people who notice whatever weird pattern he has with choosing nearly identical white women can point that out if they want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>1108I can see you're a newfag
There are plenty of togs in my neck of the woods who shoot Asian only, i'm in the UK. No one screams racism then, it's a preference. People might not like it but if a tog only wants to shoot with certain people than that's it, stay clear of them. People do over here. It's clear their photography takes a hit because of it. That Tog who is known for shooting Asian only is stayed well clear of and people lost interest quick. He has no shoots with anyone after it, even with his fellow Asians.
There are plenty of togs who shoot anyone and everything, costume good or bad. This guy is a known cunt, i have zero idea why this is an issue to begin with. Why you are screaming about racism when he clearly has more milk in other areas. For example, Taking duo cosplayers and only asking to shoot one and refuse the other which was mentioned in one of the twitter threads linked above.
>>1109>toglmao tog is just another word for GWC, also learn to sage if you have to derail about race.
Anyway I love how this guy's whole point was basically "if sex work is work and nothing is wrong with it then give me pussy" and it's hilarious how he's trying to backpedal about it. Male photographers are always trash.
No. 1114
>>1098I don't even know why anyone would take exception to this guy rightfully being called racist when he's over here
>>1085 finger wagging about others supposedly being racist. If he can dish it out, why can't he take it?
No. 1123
File: 1546481621991.png (1001.33 KB, 844x630, Qw37X7g.png)

smh girl did you get lost on the way to the nymphet thread or something
No. 1124
File: 1546482291976.jpg (171 KB, 1007x1475, 63DAeZA.jpg)

Too late to delete, newfriend.
>I-I knew you'd find it anyway!!
Sure, that's why you censored your icon but not anyone else's.
May your cringe follow you around.
No. 1125
File: 1546528957383.jpeg (453.33 KB, 1125x1880, E15C3420-760A-49A4-8358-A15CC9…)

I found this costhot on my IG feed, his name is Princegutzcosplay and he’s basically a poor man’s Leon Chiro. He has 37k followers and pays art accounts to feature him. His cosplays are low effort and he always manages to incorporate his abs. I don’t know if he’s milky but I thought it was hilarious that he was doing sexy cosplays of the Madagascar penguins, Ned Flanders, the Grinch, etc. He also did a genderbend of Hayley from American Dad, which seems to be a popular character for costhots.
No. 1133
>>1132this. it's getting old. JL is as standard as they come!
>uninspired costhot>probably shoop'd and plastic as hell>lazy cringy idiotit's so easy to post shit about her, yet these idiots come in with tabloid style rumors and no caps religiously.
No. 1134
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>>1133I’m not the poster above but there’s lots of upset Jenna Lynn patrons. She seems to be banning those who are complaining
No. 1135
File: 1547019469191.jpg (297.75 KB, 1080x1182, 20190109_003158.jpg)

Since screencaps were requested. These are from pull. Some patreons of hers went on the thread to post about her and her crap.
No. 1136
File: 1547019497733.jpg (600.61 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190109-002925_Chr…)

No. 1137
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No. 1138
File: 1547019745136.jpg (473.96 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190109-004115_Chr…)

(Sorry for spam)
And this is from her twitter. Basically waited 3 months to resend out Halloween stickers but blocked people who brought it up.
No. 1139
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dumping here because costhot/Jenna related, another crappy anime weeb clothing company has popped up and is using ~traced thots for their designs. art stealer extrondaire momokun is doing her best TUFF GIRL impression to shame the company…mostly because they used girls she tries to suck up to like Jenna.
No. 1140
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>>1139second thot seems to be gumiho.arts
No. 1144
File: 1547858161098.jpeg (117.68 KB, 268x500, BE1154C0-5DF4-4A3E-BFC2-6A6F36…)

A certain photographer was streaming the other day and showing some pics he took at a con. This one of the all natural beauty Jenna Lynn popped up.
No. 1146
File: 1547880479006.png (239.66 KB, 572x593, j.png)

>>1144damn she got some deep ass laugh lines
No. 1148
File: 1548291835967.jpg (502.54 KB, 1167x749, Screenshot_15.jpg) this girl who is basically a Belle Delphine skinwalker.
Her nose Photoshop is atrocious.
No. 1149
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Pic dump incoming
No. 1150
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No. 1151
File: 1548292274693.jpeg (172.45 KB, 625x1044, 21DB6CAA-73A6-4341-8C85-D12D81…)

She photoshops her head so small, it makes her body look giant in comparison.
No. 1152
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Last one, because she doesn’t have many pictures on her Instagram. Somebody on the Belle thread said she’s prettier than Belle. Imo she makes Belle look cute in comparison.
No. 1154
>>1153Her persona could be a new version of Belle, maybe she could call herself “Belly Delchonk”.
Honestly, the shameless copying of Belle is pathetic. I’m not even a fan of Belle, but damn, get your own persona.
No. 1162
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That one‘s pretty sad/funny.
She changes from fakeboy to selling cosplay nudes back to fake boy every few months and usually beggs her followers for money. Not sure if I can dig up some things from her first lewd account.
No. 1165
>>1155She has a wide torso to begin with a little extra weight on her middle, as you can see in
>>1151 and
>>1152 , which would be fine except for the fact that she shoops her head so small that it makes her look 10x fatter than she actually is. So yeah. Compared to Belle she’s quite the chonker.
No. 1168
>>1167I think Belle is cute. In lots of pictures she looks like a nice, warm, and shy 14 years old. Like „what an adorable kid, I would surely help them with homework”. But then she opens her mouth and a spoiled, rude brat comes out, and it turns into “I am calling your parents”.
I feel like all these girls have the anorexic type of mentality, except they take it way too literally - they don’t want to be adults, who have responsibilities. They want to have toys, plushies, dress up like a child, have a “daddy”, have people pay them money and buy them gifts for just their existence, etc.
(no1curr) No. 1169
File: 1548576696374.jpeg (39.13 KB, 750x476, 57522559-BC93-4E93-82CF-B5B5CF…)

>>1168>I think Belle is cute. In lots of pictures she looks like a nice, warm, and shy 14 years old.Fuck off fedora with legs
No. 1174
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>>1152What the hell is up with her shoops? Ridiculous..
No. 1175
File: 1548653360733.png (2.17 MB, 1080x1596, Screenshot_20190127-212259~2.p…)

My IG is blowing up with stories on random cosplayers talking about two cosplayers who went and did a dangan rompa shoot at a fuckin cemetery lmao. I get it's edgy and cool to take pics in a cemetery but in this day and age you would think these kids would know better
No. 22554
>>1175Oh man, these two are mega drama whores. The one on the left is DiscountYam, a 19 year old who recently started selling way overpriced lewds with god awful makeup and cosplays after they moved in with the person on the right, snowthesaltqueen. Snow ALSO sells overpriced lewds with unbrushed wigs, the same makeup for every character, and frequently they both lewd underaged characters.
Both of them only answer tells on Tellonym that they can come up with a “good” comeback to, but don’t answer and delete comments that actually call them out and make them look bad.
They both claim to have DID and are kinnies.
They both have spam/vent accounts where they post uncredited artwork and talk about wanting to hurt people they don’t like.
No. 25889
File: 1548657467568.png (2.28 MB, 750x1334, 0F408D4F-6EB1-4B2F-8A80-6725DE…)

>>22554Going to triple post here cause posting images. Also, snow is 20, I forgot that.
Here is a screenshot of snow advertising their nsfw Patreon on the same Instagram they feature their underaged friends on, and where most of their fans are also underaged.
No. 27656
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>>22554>>25889Here is a screenshot of a “cosplay” discountyam lewded and sold at $45 for 20 pics lmao also posting on their Instagram where they mostly have underaged fans.
No. 29449
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>>1148 Im not offended by this11!!11!
No. 29451
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No. 29452
File: 1548670913787.png (938.57 KB, 750x1334, low standards.PNG)

No. 29464
>>29452The username for this account is in every screencap, hi anon
This girl has 36 followers on Facebook and is trying to sell lewds. I suspect a lot of her likes and follows are bought on her IG.
Unfortunately for her, I've seen this play out. People are never interested in the copy, however good it is, only the original who did it first. It's a timing thing.
No. 29620
>>29570jesus christ this is the second time i've seen this post
they're real, same as belle's are real. When she closes her lips over her teeth, her lips are puffed out from the braces.
No. 29652
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sad(wrong thread)
No. 30422
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>>1175Remember when big cosplayers like Yaya Han did graveyard shoots? Pepperidge Farm remembers
No. 31365
File: 1549142217495.png (Spoiler Image,451.35 KB, 751x811, 3bedff8871dc9c3f3db04151516fda…)

I know this is a reach, but every time Susu (i believe shes mentioned this) and Bunny mention how their breast are natural I can't help but think about jnig frowning because of her fake balloons
No. 31491
>>31478Because nobody does. They’re only really used as a comparison like in
>>30422 and
>>31365It’s going to be crazy to see the current wave of costhots being mentioned in the same way that Yaya and Nigri are now, though.
>>31487Someone with BDD isn’t gonna focus all of their body image issues on two other costhots, though?
No. 32468
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Can we add to the I’ve had no surgery ever costhot?
Lillybetrose is the UK low cost nigri with alcohol add ons and con bailer.
No. 36259
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Screenshot of jennalynnmeowri at katsucon.
If you think this is bad…i can confirm she looked 10x worse in person.
No. 36364
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Ohmysophii is way too old to be doing this. Not to mention her make up skills are insanely bad. How the fuck are you incapable of doing make up when there’s tutorials literally all over YouTube?
No. 39625
File: 1552361900464.jpg (1.05 MB, 1408x1440, katiecaps.jpg)

Sorry for bumping this older thread but I had to share the train wreck that is KatieCosplays insta story today. I didnt get the screen grabs but luckily a cosplayer on twitter grabbed them.
I edited them in to one picture so i didnt spam the thread so hopefully its legible. Read them top left to right
No. 39626
File: 1552361951963.png (406.47 KB, 515x884, katie8.PNG)

>>39625And from the thread on twitter here is another gross gem
"my brothers dating a japanese girl for less than a yr cant wait to be an aunt to a halfu"