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No. 21342
Thread for when you're at your peak and need to vent, scream or sperg about troons, TRAs, or related topics but don't want to shit up or derail other threads.
In a world where women are shunned for standing up for themselves, banned from using the word "woman", have their prizes and scholarships given to men, get told to shut up and take the girldick, that their same-sex attraction is transphobic, that their kids should have their body parts cut off - it's hard to not go insane.
The fear of getting cancelled, fired or shunned by TRAs and friends around you is weighing heavily on a lot of us, lc is one of few refuges where we are allowed to be honest. So go on, scream into the void about troons all you want.
Previous threads:
>>15330>>6924 No. 21345
File: 1701718739667.png (427.44 KB, 581x681, gofundme.png)

Saw this and thought how a big trend of how many people will start a "GoFundMe for a life-saver surgery to Thailand", if that's true. Granted, Thailand have been doing these surgeries for years, but they weren't cheap, IIRC.
No. 21346
File: 1701735754071.jpeg (300.56 KB, 1200x1200, buzzfeed.jpeg)

i can't get over the casualness of number 8 in this list of "wholesome" habits for women that buzzfeed just posted. i just don't know what to say. i shouldn't be shocked anymore but it still gets me
>>21342cute threadpic btw nona
No. 21361
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>>21343I love
terf shiba. Thanks so much for this,
nonnie No. 21363
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Stealing other anons pic from last thread since it got locked. Yes I remember these sort of drawings from my handmaiden days. Now that I'm peaked and can see it for what it is it's frankly disgusting and insane that straight people literally put on funky clothes and through that pretend to belong to a marginalized group. I'll be gloating so much when in the future when being woke will include cancelling creators over having made homophobic shit like this.
I think a lot of young female handmaidens are pro-troon because they are insecure about their own looks so when an ugly guy comes along and says he wants to be a girl that's an opportunity to no longer be the ugliest and least desirable girl. I don't think they'd admit it to themselves but I remember having similar feelings that I can now put words to. You'll never be the manliest girl with that guy around, you'll never be the most pitiful or least feminine because it will always be him so troons were always welcome for that reason alone. You almost expect them to worship you for being a real female as well. It's an ego boost.
Curious to see if any nonas noticed a similar thing to what I did: there's a lot less interest in troons who actually pass decently (teen twinks sometimes do before they age into adults) because you lose the "male in female clothes" appeal. The "popular" troons I saw were always the ones that didn't pass at all so that all girls were perfectly aware that they were male at all times. The ones who almost pass are just always creepy enough to put girls off, and they have none of the "look at my token ugly guy in a dress friend" appeal anymore. They're competition, but not in the way troons want to or think… suddenly reality hits girls that the guy is serious in pretending to be a girl and that he will try to infiltrate all female spaces. He's become a threat but they can't quite put words to why.
No. 21369
>>21363Most handmaidens / TRA allies support transgenderism because it's lumped in with gay activism and progressive politics in general. Transgenderism is pushed as something good people support, simple as that. You wouldn't want to be a Bad Person (TM) or a Nazi or a evil
TERF and get cancelled by your entire social circle, now would you?
What drives me crazy is how people wonder how others in past believed and went along with terrible or crazy things, yet here we are.
No. 21370
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>America has much to learn to Japan
Oh right, the Japan that is quite misogynist, racist, women cannot enjoy hobbies, unmarried women in their late 20's were called "Christmas Cakes" because "after the 25th they're not good" and many more. Are you sure about that???
No. 21371
>>21366I never see girls who support passing troons tho, it's always the most non-passing ones (the more obviously flamboyant gay the better) who get popular, like Dylan Mulvaney. You're right that a lot take pity on them for being "marginalized" but I didn't mean the girls were being neurotic about it, it's just usual teenage/youth insecurity. I was also thinking in person more so than online, online it's definitely virtue signaling.
>>21369>What drives me crazy is how people wonder how others in past believed and went along with terrible or crazy things, yet here we are.This used to be me too, I thought humans now knew better now than to go along with witch hunts and lobotomy scandals etc but it turns out I was wrong. That's what makes it so scary, men could take away female rights so easily and there's a big push by trans people to do exactly that.
No. 21376
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>not picking a genderless Pokemon or one with sexual dimorphism.
They don't even try anymore.
No. 21382
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>>21379>trans animalsSeeing this spread around social media as positive trans representation was one of the things that ultimately led to my detransition. I realized that even the "allies" saw me as a fucking joke, a beaver with tit scars and a pride flag and some shallow symbol of masculinity like a backward baseball cap. Did no one at any point find this imagery embarrassing and offensive?!
No. 21383
>>21379>>21382Let's not mention also that TRAs loooooove to show proof that "trans animals exist in nature" when: either they're insects or a hormonal problem make them look like the male or female version of their specie (in the ones where there is sexual dimorphism).
Like a lioness with mane due a high testosterone level, it is not going to call itself a lion or do not hunt with other lionesses.
No. 21384
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>>21381I did this once for another reason but I think it should still work: If you have any graphic/art skills, make a redbubble account and check what the largest sticker size and dimension is (a quick google search says 14 inches/35cm but I think it was a rectangle when I did it so make sure first). Then you create your stickers in a simple sqaure/rectangle pattern (see picrel) with straight lines between them that are easy to cut by hand. Upload the image onto the largest sticker and put it up for sale at the lowest price possible and then buy it from yourself lol. You can then hide the product again so troons don't find it by accident and get the account banned.
At least when I did it it was the cheapest and most anonymous option, all I had to do when I got them was cut off the squares from the big sheet and they were good to go and I could cram as many different designs as I wanted onto the sheet.
I like most of your sticker ideas, but I wouldn't say anything about "republicans" because on the whole it's really not a left vs right thing, it concerns everyone and is about common sense. I think having a crossed over transflag on each sticker would make it clear it's a sticker against trans ideology (so something like "gender isn't real" isn't taken as a pro non-binary argument)
Having some uplifting
terf stickers is also a good idea, something like "many secret terfs live in the area and are looking out for your female rights" or "you're not alone, fellow terfs keep men out of the women's bathrooms".
No. 21385
>>21382I remember this, absolutely disgusting propaganda to make trans seem like a cute fun thing for kids.
>>21383>Like a lioness with mane due a high testosterone level, it is not going to call itself a lion or do not hunt with other lionesses.As a nerd and secret
terf when friends would post something like that I would always rush to google the reasons behind it before replying and then come back innocently with factual arguments proving it's got nothing to do with transness in the animal world.
So I'd be like "wow cool lion! fun fact this actually happens because of a hormonal disorder in the lioness that gives her a bunch of serious health issues, one of them makes her grow a mane like a male would. Hmm hopefully she won't be killed by male lions over it if they mistake her for a real male… she is still smaller and weaker than a real male lion… oh wait actually that shouldn't be a problem because to animals visuals and hormones mean nothing about their sex, and they can still tell she's just a female since all of her biology is still female after all"
No. 21404
>>21385The same I was thinking when I saw that lioness with a mane. "She's still a lioness, she would be killed by other lions because nature is cruel in general. Or being unable to have cubs because there's no natural birth control pills for pcos in nature". But no, that lioness is totally a proof that trans animals exist!
Funny how they're all about trans animals, back in my old days people had to show homosexuality existed in nature against the conservative people. But now they use non-mammal animals to show trans people exist due a hormone/gene problem, not because the animal identifies as such.
No. 21409
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>>21404>Funny how they're all about trans animals, back in my old days people had to show homosexuality existed in nature against the conservative people. But now they use non-mammal animals to show trans people exist due a hormone/gene problem, not because the animal identifies as such.This, they're just using what gays and lesbians used back in the day. They copy every move.
Even hormone and gene problems doesn't mean people are trans or a third sex. The Wikipedia page makes it clear that intersex people due to hormonal problems still look/are more female or male. And btw most of them are actually male because of course xy would be more defective than xx. IDK why they have to drag intersex people into this.
No. 21410
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Just saw this on a Tumblr post about "not falling for propaganda" after a queer YouTuber got called out for stealing content.
>How dare lesbians believe they're the most oppressed!!!!!
No. 21431
File: 1702026813849.mp4 (4.79 MB, 1556x720, 1701986421869.mp4)

I don't get how any libfem could not be peaked by this, this is for the memorial of 14 women murdered by a pathetic man and instead they made it all about TIMs again
No. 21453
>>21444Make secret side accounts and follow all the
terf stuff without fear! Just make sure they're in no way connected to your real name/account.
Also do NOT make side accounts on facebook or related apps like instagram because even if you've clicked every single "do not show this to my contacts" and "hide this account" in existence they WILL show it to your contacts.
I was going to make a weeb/troon impersonating meme account on instagram a few years ago. I took great care in making sure nothing was related to my other accounts: brand new email, new fake name, fake pics, declined extra security like phone number, nothing related to me at all. Within hours of making the account my friend had it recommended to her as "Anon made this new account, check it out!" with my real name and everything. Just because I logged in (after having logged out from my real account) on the same phone as my real account. Even though I hadn't even added my phone number to the new account. I'm so glad I hadn't actually posted anything incriminating on it yet, I just pretended to my friend I was hacked and didn't know what that account was lol but since then I do not trust those fuckers at all.
No. 21454
>>21449ayrt I was exaggerating a bit lol I don't usually put it quite so bluntly even though I'm really good at "innocently" being transphobic without raising too many flags kek but you can often be a lot more blunt in person because they're scared to call anything out to your face and they can't read it over and ruminate, or screenshot to conspire with friends behind your back. I've taken great care to never mention any kind of social justice topic whatsoever to the people I do this too, I just act like an offline normie when it comes to those topics.
But to be honest if a group is so gendie that they openly talk about "transphobic dogwhistles" I wouldn't be friends with them at all, that's too extreme for me.
No. 21456
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Hate stalking is a retarded waste of time but this TIF I know is so dumb. You aren't male! You can't even tell me what a male is. Many of her tweets veer into MRA territory because she speaks from the position of believing she's being oppressed or excluded for being trans masc NB or whatever.
>reeee i want community with "marginalized populations" but I'm not actually a woman I'm a man and I'm being oppressed for that!
What the fuck are you talking about?
No. 21459
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Right, everything was fine and dandy until the white nation attacked… Or should we mention them how women and gay men were treated in ancient eras?
No. 21464
>>21460Totally. Even if TIF love to romanticize the hell out Antique Greek because "they were MLM", in reality they would have seen as object made to have kids, no access to education, vote, or even speak… Like women did. They even weren't allowed to see the Olympic games because moids were naked.
>British anti-hijra(trans) police.Should we mention them that in the Islamic era they were treated like servants? And seen like city's depravity??
No. 21465
Went to a social gathering recently. For hours I had to hang out and make small talk with two TIMs. One of the creatures was probably the second worst troon I've ever seen IRL. It was the spitting image of the lolcow mtf stereotype, Kikomi in the flesh: tiny crop top (showing off the widest waist known to man), plaid schoolgirl skirt (shitty stiff material, even though the skirt is supposed to be ~spinny~), black stockings and a TATTOO CHOKER. I haven't seen one of those since 2015. It always humours me to see what pornsick moids think women's fashion trends are. Greasy and unkempt long hair balding at the crown, mouthbreather/fetal alcohol syndrome pimple-ridden face, incel glasses to match the lanky and skinny male frame. Truly horrifying. At least this one didn't stink.
The other one, the stocky, compressed and stubble-ridden version of the first one, would constantly try to force a ~feminine~ laugh to no avail: the hulking baritone thunder-like laugh would come through. I might have nightmares with that sound in the foreseeable future; it was like someone put demonic voice filter over a tranny comic relief character from a shitty anime or something. This one reeked and didn't even try to be pleasant towards me. I saw him on Discord on his phone multiple times during the function. I can't believe even a single friend of mine tolerates this piece of shit.
They are a ~lesbian~ couple, obviously. I had to witness their PDA and them being a ~totes adorbs sapphic~ couple. Before they left they changed into regular nerdy dude outfits (random t-shirt, jeans and sneakers). It was uncanny to see the reverse magic-girl-transformation in action, to say the least. Goddamn.
No. 21534
>>21470Where I live trans people aren't well known. We also don't speak English as a first language. For a while there was this girl who had a very nice style, but she was very lonely, always on her phone in the bathrooms never speaking to anyone. And I thought she was interesting, so I wanted to speak to her, then I saw she had in her outfits a pin with a trans flag that said he/they/xe. Which is absurd because I don't think anyone where I live knows what those colors mean, they probably don't even know the bisexual or lesbian flags. So nobody respected her pronouns. That was a while ago, I had forgotten about her almost. After a few days I saw her, I heard she finally found some other friends to hang out with and removed the pin, so I have hope she realized no one knows about trans people here and she just continues her life with her new friends, much happier than before. I think she still considers herself trans, but at least now I don't see her on the phone all the time and shes more talkative.
No. 21553
>>21539>Prancing about in mockery of our pain, the pain THEY inflict on usSo true.
Some people would defend a certain group of troons who troon after seeing males (often their father) abuse them or others. They don't want to become men because of it, and eventually troon out. On the surface it seems like they're "not as bad" as an AGP who is motivated by a fetish… But that's really just them saying "I can't be a man because all men abuse and I don't want to do that" and/or "I don't abuse, so therefor I am not a real man but rather a woman". Both are fucked up ways to escape accountability for being a man, and it's saying all men are inherently abusing women and that's just how it is. Rather than being "one of the good ones", or working towards making men less
abusive, or helping
victims, they simply decide to… dismantle as many safeguards as possible for women and children who are actually vulnerable to men's abuse - just so they can hide with them, when they are a threat themselves. Their egos are so big and they are so cowardly they'd rather every single woman and child are put in even more danger than to admit they're men.
No. 21572
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>>21571But a TIM can write her as the main villain with an island full of terfs and that's ok? And in said book, TIFs are not recognized as men because TIMs needs more the estrogen than TIFs!? Once again showing how they like to bite their tail and then blame it to anybody else but them.
No. 21574
>>21568>>21566ayrt, i "decided" on canada because that's where my moid lives and i've only ever lived in shitty rural towns in the us my whole life so i found the change in atmosphere there to be nice with the exception of the fugly "progress" flags everywhere; because of that i've been lurking the radfem graffiti/tagging thread for a while anticipating that's what i'll end up doing.
what makes it worse is that i consider myself to be some degree of alternative, so even if i do find women i share interests and hobbies with i know they'll almost certainly be a gendie. </3
No. 21576
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Whatever you say, ma'am.
No. 21585
>>21583It's truly disgusting how Charlie trooned out after so many girls looked up to him. The only good thing about it is that it's a punshment in of itself, once they all get tired of the act all they've done is fucked up their own bodies and ruined their legacies - they'll be left with shame, embarrassment and medical issues that will likely last their whole lives.
I'm still waiting for the first "big" detrans name, I wonder who it will be. I reckon the first to really detrans will be the 0 effort enby celebrities, but they won't actually tell people about it and just hope people forget they were ever part of it. The first "real" detrans celebrity will probably be a female, it could have been Ellen Page given how clearly she's mentally ill and looks miserable all the time but she was late to the party and it usually takes 4 years or so. Males have the added hurdle that once they admit they weren't really trans/"a real woman" they'll be seen as a man with a fetish who went into female spaces - so at the very least they have to be gay men to avoid being seen as predators. It will be that or someone who's an autist who's too dumb to know they should shut up "for their own good" who instead exposes the truth. Not sure if there are any obvious autist celebrity troons though.
No. 21586
>>21585>I reckon the first to really detrans will be the 0 effort enby celebrities, but they won't actually tell people about it and just hope people forget they were ever part of it.I think Demi Lovato already did this when she changed her pronouns back to she/her (but don't forget she's still a
valid enby u guize!) and then immediately shut up about gender shit after that
>The first "real" detrans celebrity will probably be a female, it could have been Ellen PageNah honestly I think she'll kill herself if the delusion fades, she went so far so fast. She got deltoid implants ffs. I think she's more likely to get an arm sausage, although she might not because a deformed limb would probably tank her career even more.
No. 21593
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>>21586I was thinking along the lines of Demi, but she stated she is still an enby so she doesn't really count as she never actually detransed. You might be right about Ellen, she's so clearly extremely mentally ill that she might end up killing herself once she realizes her mistake. I think it will depend on whether she feels guilty having promoted it to kids (in particular lesbian girls like her) and if she wants to try to atone for it or not. If she dies without coming out as detrans she'll be held up as a martyr to trans more vulnerable girls and that will be her legacy. She will have to decide if she's ok with girls being hurt in her name.
Picrel is a fun little game to play, see which of these 4 trans people you think was (shockingly!) born as a male, and which 3 were afab despite clearly being he/hims and they/thems and not women at all. It's really super hard because you can never tell, sex isn't binary and biology is bigoted!
No. 21606
>>21581They're like kids saying that "boys have cooties" is the most controversial opinion they can give.
>>21602And sad thing is that boys that play with dolls or girls that play "man sports" grown up and change their activities/hobbies on their own, or find something "for their gender" that they do enjoy, and that's part of growing up and discovering new stuff or new hobbies. But no, once you're a tomboy, you must stay as TIF, according to these TRAs.
No. 21619
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Of course they had to use that flag.
No. 21630
Troons and hobbies genuinely fascinate me. I have never seen a TIF into guns or vintage computers or a TIM into gay fanfiction / yaoi. These are the people claiming to have some gendered essence and justify mutilating little boys for playing with dolls. You can clock a troon based on hobbies.
>>21602>Aiden spazzing out about how cool bugs are at 24 years oldI don't think TIFs understand that while they (usually) aren't hyper-feminine or barbie-doll girly, liking cutesy bugs or mushrooms or ukulele indie music is still very feminine. Very sad how most TIFs want to be taken seriously as a (gay) man instead of a boring, straight woman like the rest of us
No. 21649
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Moid pixel artist on Twitter I like apparently she/theyed when I wasn't paying attention. I can't tell if OP's friend is being supportive or making a crypto-terfy joke about his "pickle".
No. 21666
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picrel is related to another post about a boy who transitioned young and his parents hide his actual sex from everyone and had his scholarship for women's volleyball taken away after the coaches found out. I'm already mad he got away with it this far, but now I'm even more pissed seeing comments like this claiming he went through a female puberty because his natural one was suppressed before he even had the chance to do so. taking synthetic cross sex hormones isn't going to change the fact that it's still a male. I always have to see TRAs lie about biology constantly it drives me insane.
No. 21675
>>21655>is there something you've tried to peak people that did NOT work well?Do not just tell them they're wrong and brainwashed (they are), they'll cover their ears and refuse to listen.
Use general talking techniques, actually listen and be like "it sounds like you think this, is that correct? well my position is this…" "i understand x thing is important to you, but y thing is important to me"
Pretending to be a normie doesn't directly peak them but once they do start to peak they'll know you're a "safe" person who isn't brainwashed and in the cult.
No. 21678
I am annoyed how many otherwise cool women there are online who are TIFs or very pro-trans. I know it would annoy me to get along with people who never think for themselves or who are extremely suspect to social pressure, but it still hurts. Transgenderism destroyed almost every fandom / hobby space, especially for women.
>>21663That's probably why lots of women themselves troon out in the first place.
>>21666How confidentially incorrect. Such a cope to compare taking hormones to going through male/female puberty. I'm glad his scholarship was taken away, but my heart hurts to see another kid abused by his moronic parents
No. 21679
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Funny how that "works". The ones that cry and whine about pronouns are TRAs.
No. 21682
>>21679I get misgendered while playing videogames all the time and I don't give a shit.
Who tf cares?? Oh yeah I know, only people who know they aren't actually women, but men in a costume, kekw.
No. 21684
>>21678>Transgenderism destroyed almost every fandom / hobby space, especially for women.This is too true it hurts. You can't enter any fandom space anymore if you genuinely just want to talk about the topic of the fandom because all everyone's obsessed with these days is queer ships, pronouns, trans headcanons and whatnot. It's just so shallow. I don't know how the only depth of character that queerios can understand is gender identity. Everywhere I go, it's just "XYZ is akshually a trans auDHD
poc disabled fat queer non-binary girlfart narutogender
valid king that uses he/they/xe/xem/zim/za/la/bim because I said so and you're a bigot if you don't agree!" and they'll always draw them with grotesque titchop scars. Jesus fuck lol
No. 21685
>>21684it's literally EVERY fucking fandom that's infected and even when you can tell 99% of them think it's stupid they're all too scared to speak up and don't want to cause trouble because they've already been kicked out and seen groups banned for transphobia so they have to resort to eye-rolling behind the troons backs.
I do love it when a new person comes in to my fandom groups and they immediately start spewing pro-trans bullshit as a way to get in with the group, but the group is mostly people who don't give a shit about it so they just get ignored. Sometimes a fellow new person will start to agree with them but none of the regulars say anything at all.
After a few times it's so obvious what they're doing, they'll try to "casually" mention they're trans or pro-trans to get people to go "omg me too and you're so right, this is an inclusive group of all genders and sexualities and races, let's be besties!!!" because that's the script for all the woke groups they've entered. There is no need to have a personality or thoughts of your own if you can just repeat trans ideology and get praised for it.
No. 21687
>>21684>>21685I still remember when I explained something human anatomy and this troon came with "friendly reminder women can have prostates" and was so out of nowhere. Ma'am, we were talking about the women equivalent of prostate, not if moids have them too. "I have a question for AFAB people". Just say women, for Heaven's sake. A moid is not going to answer that for you.
And let's not mention the kinnies, but that's a horse of a different color.
No. 21717
>>21716Explaining the JKR situation has actually been super helpful in peaking people, because you can show the extremely nice message she wrote and ask what the person thinks about it. And then you reveal that was
it. That was all she said to make them send her death and rape threats about their girldicks, and calling her a genocidal maniac.
No. 21723
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>>21715>"jkr bad"I swear JKR's haters cannot comprehend sarcasm even in front of them.
>Calls her terf>gives this answer>"SEE? WE TOLD YOU SHE MURDER TRANS PEOPLE WHILE THEY SLEEP!" No. 21736
>>21723The group that reclaimed the word queer and proudly scream faggot and tranny in each others faces can't comprehend how reclaiming a slur hurled at you a billion times as a joke can be empowering?
If I screenshot every tif who calls herself a faggot, would they agree that's proof they're all deeply homophobic?
Although the true problem is they think
terf is a bad thing when it's not lol
No. 21741
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So the kids that murdered this AGP TIM (he had an Instagram with videos about it) were found guilty, but people are raging for their names or wish them dead.
But no, TRAs are the most peaceful people on Earth.
No. 21748
>>21743I definitely think that’s the case for the Kiwifarms-infamous tranny Landon Hiscock (who was also a gay man before trooning). What an amazing name - Land On His Cock! Now he’s Lana Hiscock - it’s a shame he didn’t change it to Lana Hercock - although now he has a frankenpussy installed so it’s a moot point.
I see a connection to that famous Margaret Atwood quote, “Men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will murder them.” I think that for some moids, being laughed at/made fun of (and thus emasculated) is a fate they find worse than death. If you read people’s stories on r/askAGP, a lot of men talk about having an emasculation fetish derived from an incident that happened in their childhood. I think I even read an account on r/antikink about a woman whose husband developed a fart fetish because some older boys farted on his face when he was a child (lol). For whatever reason, some moids, when they experience an emasculating trauma, can only cope by convincing themselves that actually it was hot and now it gives them a boner.
No. 21749
>>21748>Landon HiscockParents are genuinely evil for giving shit names like that to their kids, they always know and it's never an accident.
>I think that for some moids, being laughed at/made fun of (and thus emasculated) is a fate they find worse than death.Literally yes. People calling this guy gay his whole life while homophobia is rampant as well as the possible horror of realizing he really IS gay (don't know if he was or not but he's a troon so it's at least likely) is obviously going to affect him negatively. I've heard a lot of male detrans stories and they all refused to accept they were gay so they trooned out to escape it. They literally had their dicks removed, just so they could pretend not to be gay. I haven't looked into this guy in particular and I know anons are saying he's an AGP, but at least from the way he dresses in that photo, in actually somewhat fashionable ways for females as opposed to like slutty fishnets and maid dresses, he does seem to be on the HSTS side (I personally do think a person can be both HSTS and AGP tho).
>on r/askAGP, a lot of men talk about having an emasculation fetish derived from an incident that happened in their childhood.I recently heard a sex/fetish researcher say that all fetishes actually start with trauma, nearly always in childhood. It could be "minor" trauma like a kid peeing themselves and getting embarrassed about it (or like you said getting farted on), their brains can't handle it so they sort of reprogram the brain to associate it with pleasure instead as a coping mechanism and it turns into a sexual thing.
No. 21756
>>21751It's always women's spaces that get compromised… and since there are only 2 sexes the only result is that men go into women's spaces, while women still aren't allowed in men's spaces. So men get free range and women are forced into a specific space where men are also free to go. It's just so fucked up.
Honestly I'd email the shelter begging them to rethink it because those vulnerable women need sex segregated spaces.
No. 21774
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"Just be kind" they say as they take everything from women.
And even if you do what they actually want - shut up and play along at the expense on every person who isn't trans - then I still do not even for a second agree that it is kind to affirm these people's delusions.
Trans people are either actively delusional, traumatized or pornsick. There is no trans without mental illness. A mentally well-off person does not claim to be a different sex than what they physically are.
The last thing you want to do to help or cure them is to affirm them and add to their mental disorders.
No. 21783
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I'll write my book like I want and I'm not going to add no trans/nb no sense. Who is going to stop me? The TRAs police?
No. 21784
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>>21774And then they have the audacity to tell women that if they want to be as masculine as much as they want and still want to be called women, you have to respect that shit.
No. 21796
>>21783I strongly believe adding anything trans to your work is a future (social) death sentence for yourself. It instantly outdates your work and will immediately out you as someone who is gullible and was ideology captured by an evil cult.
If you're a creator of any kind, author/writer, artist, youtuber etc.. just nuke everything you've made that has ANY trans thing in it, because it can/will get you cancelled in the nearish future. I used to be a handmaiden as a young teen back on tumblr and I've made sure to delete everything trans related from then because it's a REALLY bad look to have been on the "castrate the gay and healthy kids!!! that will fix their wrong bodies!!! cut dicks and breasts of the autists!!" team. Luckily even my woke friends don't go looking through my several years old art so they didn't notice only the pieces that happend to have a little transflag suddenly disappeared.
No. 21798
>>21796Not mention also that they're not going to be happy with ANY stuff you add, for good or bad.
They'll whine, they'll cry, they'll do anything for the precious "representation", but as soon as you give them? They'll find split hairs to find ANY mistake or lack of representation for the TQ+.
See Hogwarts Legacy: They added a trans character so people could laugh at JK Rowling's stance, but wait… Is the character named Sirona? "oh yeah, is a Celtic goddess of healing associate-" CANNOT YOU FIND A GOOD NAME? IT SOUNDS LIKE SIR ONA? IS BECAUSE THE CHARACTER IS A TIM??
No. 21802
>>21798You literally cannot please them. If you think you've done everything right it will still change in a year from now. I mean just jump back to like 2018 or so when saying "being trans means they have horrible gender dysphoria, we must support these people" was the woke thing to do, that is now an incorrect bigoted way of looking at the super broad experience of trans people. "Some people don't have dysphoria, you're adding to the narrative that trans people must hate their own bodies you bigot" they now say instead. You CAN'T keep up no matter how woke you are!
So you don't want them as your fans and followers, they're the worst group to have looking up to you/your work.
They're convinced they're righteous and fighting evil bigots, and that it means they get to be as hateful and horrible as they want. Even mild pandering will only hurt you in the long run because once they think you're an "ally" you're now personally responsible for their life - so if you go against it you're now trying to literally genocide them. And they demand you keep up with their ever-changing mental delusions, you can't ever question anything. And if you pander all the sane people will be put off and silently leave, so you're left with only your violent raging baby audience of troons and TRA, and they're constantly looking for another
victim to call out.
No. 21803
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>>21741I saw a selfie by Ghey and it struck me how he was wearing the official troon uniform. This is the exact type of outfit that troons in my cold country can be spotted wearing outside in winter, no matter their age and size. They stand out like sore thumbs. Women are wearing thick jackets and jeans or maybe long trendy knit dresses. These males however always wear these short skirts and thigh highs and dorky shoes. No matter what country they all have the same universal role models: Animu loli hentai characters. Barf.
No. 21806
>>21803There were many videos of him in a woman bathroom and acting like an agp, but after his murder the photos and videos were taking down, probably by the family.
I'm not celebrating his death and is sad he was just a random
victim of some edgy guys, but TRAs using his death for the "genocide" idea is what barf me the most.
No. 21833
>>21825I remember there was an only-women illustrator group in Facebook that, suddenly, had to accept anybody BUT "cis men", but then again, why accept TIFs too? They're not "women" in their mind! And do not dare to point that out, you're a
terf if you do!
So now the group is a big joke.
No. 21865
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Shit like this that romanticizes transitioning is so infuriating to me.
No. 21875
Nonnas please help me out. How do "gay transmen" not feel ashamed? If I was LARPing as a gay man as a straight woman and insisting I was the gayest gay who ever gay'd, that would be the most embarrassing thing I could ever think of. I know they do constantly doubt themselves and are in an echo chamber + autism, but the social embarrassment and judgement would be too high for me to go public.
>>21865This shit is just religious babble. "Finding Jesus is all about loving yourself blahblahblah". Except you shape yourself through testosterone poisoning and cosmetic surgery?
No. 21884
I hate all TIMs but especially the ones who come onto the one bearable subreddit left for lesbians and try to poorly integrate themselves and refer to other TIMs as a third party to try to imply they're not part of that group. Guess what, it doesn't work, you'll still get downvoted and laughed at because we're suspicious as fuck and on the lookout for freaks like you. You can WK yourself and your fellow moids all you want but YWNBAW and you know that.
>>21875I think they do feel ashamed and suffer from cognitive dissonance as a result. Either that or they're so homophobic that they've memed themselves into believing it doesn't matter. I used to be part of some ultra-accepting handmaiden groups and even in those places, the TIMs would still have meltdowns every fucking day over feeling unaccepted and not "woman/lesbian" enough despite constantly receiving asspats and praise from the same "cis" women they claimed to feel so hated by. I'm convinced that "dysphoria" is literally just the shame and discomfort they feel when they momentarily surface in reality.
No. 21887
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Literally every time
No. 21895
"transfemininity is feminism"
"that is the most revolutionary thing i could think of"
No. 21901
>>21630i wonder why that is. i've met gay/bi men into willowy bishonen BL and i've seen hardcore right-winged women into guns (my mom is actually one of these) and a few women into tech stuff. but never what you said…
…actually now that i'm thinking about it i HAVE seen hsts into bl/yaoi but that probably falls into "gay/bi men"
No. 21902
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>>21857Ugh you made me remember that stupid artist that said "Time to celebrate the women's day greeting women AND cis women" on March 8th. Way to make everything about what women had to deal for centuries about men only.
Besides, funny how TIM want to be recognized as women in March 8th, but TIFs do nothing on Nov 19th, "International men's day" to be recognized as men too. Where are the TIF/Non-binary women claiming they have prostate cancer, testicular cancer or even depression or more? You're a real man too, Aiden, claim it so!
No. 22022
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More like "protect gay kids so they can become healthy adults".
No. 22038
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>>22031"if you're 14 and trans…" You know why they're "trans"? Because social media tell them so. No the evil
terf or conservatives. The same TRAs tell them that they're in the wrong body for… Liking stuff from the opposite gender.
No. 22041
>>22038How often do TERFs send random online hate, especially to teenagers? Sending hate mail is sometimes TRAs do, it's okay to tell a
TERF to kill themselves.
No. 22050
One of my closest and best friends of almost twenty years, the one that always used to be skeptical of things, shared gender critical memes with me and ranted about creepy men in wigs, becomes more and more of a typical themlet. It's not all that bad yet, but I'm devastated. I was a genderoid myself for a relatively long time in the past, but that's the thing that confuses me the most. Not only she was more on a critical side, I also told her everything about my journey, including how I peaked, how I reidentified, what internal process I had during every stage of my life regarding my dysphoria, how I overcame it, and how much assorted circles I was a part of enabled me. How does one listen to all this and think, oh yes, look at my severely traumatized, mentally ill friend developing serious, body dysmorphia-type identity issues based on internalized self-hatred from rotten societal standards, I guess after watching her waking up from all this I will become a themlet! The most bizarre part to me is how she recently told me that she feels that her development is stunted. I related to that, but she specified that she feels like she only started maturing now because she's interested in makeup the way 13 y/o girls were. Since fucking when "interest in makeup" is a part of mental development? Aren't you a themlet now, anyway? I'm so tired. I didn't expect one of the smartest and the most mature people I know to deteriorate that much.
This made me question group think and how easily our psyche can be manipulated. See, I have realized how much hanging out with wrong people even just online poisoned my brain, and how it is crucial to surround oneself with things that will subtly heal you. And she invited me into her friend group, where they're all teenagers or adults that just hit 20 or 21, all genderspecial women, all assorted emotionally immature individuals even by 20 year old standards. Mind you, we're 30+. She even admitted to me on multiple occasions that she avoids gendering herself because of social pressure and trauma from puberty. Why are you making this worse to yourself by becoming a literal control freak and police how people refer to you? She always was a bit controlling, but instead of addressing this she just started taking antidepressants to dull fully blown panic attacks from interactions with other people. Of course, her controlling issues became worse.
I hope she won't end up falling the cosmetic surgery pipeline. I think she's too smart for that, but who knows? I didn't expect her to become a themlet after all.
No. 22051
>>22050>I have realized how much hanging out with wrong people even just online poisoned my brain, and how it is crucial to surround oneself with things that will subtly heal youYou are SO wise for knowing this, it's so true. It also means you may have to leave this friend behind.
I think you should brace yourself and assume the friendship is over and then lightly confront her about these things you've said. As a former
victim of the trans cult it is NOT an option for you to hang around enablers of the trans ideology. That's like you being a recovering drug addict and she's inviting you to her newly found drinking group - it's bound to relapse you if you go and her even suggesting it is frankly rude and harmful. Tell her that, that you can't be friend with someone who enables the things that directly caused you harm for years, that you're still recovering from.
Also mention her hanging out with kids and young adults whose brains aren't fully developed (happes at 25+ years) isn’t good for her. Make her realize she's now the cringe adult trying to be "down with the kids". But also that being an adult doesn't mean that she has to act in x ways or not do "childish" things anymore. You don't have to do it all at once, you can test the waters by asking what she really meant with the 13 year old thing she said earlier. But in the end if she sticks with it you gotta leave, you're worth more being stuck with self-harming enablers who'll drag you down with them.
No. 22052
>>22048it will happen you know, because people love to gossip. Even if he makes into to his 70s there's gonna be old ladies in his care home talking amongst themselves like "i heard from Agatha that fat bloke called himself Lilith the lesbian back in the day, what a dick ay Margaret? Uninvite him from bingo"
He'll never be taken seriously by anyone, they're all like you behind his back apart from a handful of handmaidens (who will peak too eventually)
No. 22057
>>22041To TRAs, even saying "women" is a
terf whistle, so…
No. 22062
>>22051Thank you, nonna. Unfortunately I can't mention anything to her, she's aware of what is going on, but every attempt at even voicing your opinion on things that doesn't align with hers is enough to
trigger an angry outburst and accusation of pushing things on her or controlling her. That's why she's on meds in first place, in recent years she started to be absolutely hysterical if you dare to say anything negative about some trivial shit. Projection game is hard with this one.
I wouldn't mind her having younger friends, after all, a healthy social life must consist of as many age groups as possible, after all, I have some friends in their early 20s too. But in her case it's exclusively the youth and instead of getting enriching experiences she just gets mentally stunted.
I think I will just minimize my interactions with her. I'm not really a type to cut people out of my life completely, and considering that one of our old mutual friends dropped her recently, I figured this will just make things worse. But I will stay open for a honest conversation in case if she will come to her senses. She did express that she's afraid of growing up recently and clearly holds severe bias against "boring cis babymaking bitches", maybe one day it will click on a deeper level that it's misogyny. However, she did call me a hypocrite recently for calling out gender bullshit because I myself used to support it. How is this hypocrisy? It's called "speaking from experience". Times change too, maybe 10 years ago it was a new thing that people weren't fully familiar with, but these days we have tons of recipes and first person accounts on why genderism is brainrotting.
No. 22066
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Found this webpage and they only say "you have gender euphoria? you're trans!", "impostor syndrome? trans!". And they claim "they're not brainwashing people".
No. 22076
>>22062>every attempt at even voicing your opinion on things that doesn't align with hers is enough to trigger an angry outburst and accusation of pushing things on her or controlling her. Sorry nona but she is
toxic and you deserve better than that. It's not up to you to save her, you have to save and heal yourself first.
>considering that one of our old mutual friends dropped her recentlyMaybe this friend got fed up with her too? Are you still friends with the mutual so you can talk to her about it? At least then you'll have a person who knows exactly what you're going through with this girl.
No. 22077
>>22072You can see plently of followers to the "glam" HSTS trans influencers who pass decently enough on camera (think Blaire White) comment things like "I wish I was a trans too" in particular young girls do this. Trans women now get to speak to the US president and get a shit ton of brand deals, free stuff and money just from saying "i'm a girl" so of course there are kids who think that's something to aspire to be.
Better to be a cool and hip misunderstood trans than to be a boring gross cis oppressor
No. 22078
>>22073>i always knew you little shits would just delete everything and pretend nothing happened and leave the scorched earth behind for someone else to fix.Nah I just don't want to lose my job and be labelled a pro-child castrationist based on the opinions I had at age 14 on tumblr after being groomed by TRA. If I had been an embarrassing neo nazi at age 14 I sure as hell would have deleted that by now too. I corrected my own mistakes by removing them. I'm open to my close friends and family that I was a groomed handmaiden and am now openly a
terf to them.
No. 22087
>>21875The desire to be different through identifying as something that isn't their "AGAB", side effects of trauma experienced in their female bodies make them want to distance themselves from the concept of being a woman, internalised misogyny from society's expectations on the female gender, etc etc…
They could merely be fujoshi that want to be like the yaoi boys in the mangas they read. But this, despite being lighter than the reasons given above, comes from a place of self-hate and unhappiness as well.
No. 22092
>>22057The good thing with this is that it backfired on them. They called very reasonable people on their own side terfs for stating something that aligened 99% with their values instead of 100%, and kicked them out of the community over that 1% of wrong think. The betrayal then made the person question everything and after peaking further they really became a
terf. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy kek
The most famous example is JKR, in her initial posts she said things like "love and support trans people, they have unique struggles that should be taken seriously" but because she had added "sex is real and it's important to recognize that" they called her a
terf bigot to the point that she did become openly terfier and stopped pandering to trans people and instead only focused on supporting women. If they had just accepted her she may have invested in supporting trans people too.
No. 22112
Im glad it works for others but it makes me feel so hopeless when people say “if your friends would ditch you for being critical of trans ideology, those aren’t people you’d like to have as friends in first place!”
I peaked very early on and staying true to my beliefs, I strictly befriended non-handmaiden women and no trannies. Within the niches that make up my hobbies, that means I reached 30 almost completely alone, my only friends being a couple of normie weeb men so even worse hope of being a separatist, lol.
If the option is having human contact with people who would crucify me if they knew my beliefs, and just dying off without nobody to mourn me with the most unpolished social skills, I’ll pick the first. Always. Having to be a different person is horrible, but the alternative being having zero people around you with your same tastes is literally torture for me.
I’m still miserable but at least I can satisfy the animalistic part of my brain that asks me to belong to a pack.
I don’t belong and never will, and I know others can feel something’s a bit off with me. The decade of isolation didn’t help and I honestly hate this advice, personally. I’m very jealous of people who can find likeminded people. I recently moved to Argentina and it’s so much fucking worse, there’s NO young person into my hobbies without pronouns on their profile, and even those without will always ask for mine when they see me with shaved hair and “men’s clothing”.
And ugh, I can at least feign and make friends, but I couldn’t fake this to a potential partner and I’d never date a gendie. To think I’m going to die without a partner because I’m also strictly into tomboyish women with short hair and That aesthetic? The worst part is that I’m sure not everyone can be a gendie, obviously, but just like I gotta mask my thoughts, I’m sure they are too. Ugh. I wish I could find them but I also doubt either of us would feel safe enough to expose it when that could literally ruin my fucking life, all over male feelings and their wish to pop up boners by fetishizing women’s struggles.
No. 22122
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>>22107That was like a half a year after she'd already been demonized. Picrel was the real start
No. 22123
>>22112Try looking up local gc/
terf/detrans spaces. People who support those are obviously peaked and aware of the dangers of troon ideology
No. 22161
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I think some parents regret the time they bought a book expecting a girl drawing it and instead they found a moid dressed as a girl.
No. 22173
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moids like this crying over the idea of the precious gender roles they center their entire life around getting abolished seriously made me peak BEYOND my peak. like truly, what's so bad about a society where people's lives aren't categorised into a binary? where people can wear what they want to? cry harder
No. 22180
>>22173Sounds like a troll to me tbh, but I don't doubt there are some autist troons who really think like this so who knows kek
I've definitely seen some tifs cry about getting they/themed instead of the manly man he/him she thinks she is.
Either way I love it when posts like this are made because trans people can try to call them out for being terfs in disguise, but on what basis really? What about what they said is really incongruent with trans ideology? They'll smugly tell a cis woman that she has to accept being they/themed because it's "neutral" but to tell a trans woman the same thing would be seen as transphobic.
No. 22193
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>>22184Holy fuck, is like that TIF that said she wished she had breast cancer so her mastectomy wasn't that expensive. People can tell me "but muh intrusive thoughts" but one thing is thinking "how about I let overcook an egg" and other is thinking "what if I get cancer so I can get a flat chest for gender issues".
>>22187Me and you.
No. 22196
>>22193It's one thing to think it to yourself in your derangement, it's another to tell a real cancer survivor to their face that they are lucky for getting cancer.
It's also another thing to tell a woman that she isn't seen as a woman, and that being seen as a woman is bad. I need someone to give her a massive earful until she cries out of shame and embarrassment, she needs to know no transition will ever negate that she's a massive cunt.
No. 22197
>>22191i agree with
>>22192 report him for indecent wasting of your time and for pushing an anti-women ideology/religion onto people. Since "feminist" is in the name of "
terf" you can even say that as a female it made you very uncomfortable that this man went on a rant about how bad women who fight for female rights are (without mentioning he said "
terf" specifically). Also ask that you remain anonymous and he doesn't find out it was you because you fear he might get angry and violent since his views sounded aggressive to you.
No. 22198
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>>22196>>22193Luckily my friend isn't too hurt from it but still baffled by the pure audacity and how much there was to unpack from everything that was being said, like what
>>22187 mentioned.
Honestly I can't stop imagining the gendie now squatting over a microwave like Randy Marsh in order to get cancer.
No. 22205
Because AGPs have now been accepted in public instead of shamed they'll never stop voluntarily. Men will NEVER give up their source of coom no matter how bad it is and even if they know it's bad. The only reason a man has ever worked on/cured his porn addiction was because it's got so bad it didn't even make him hard anymore - he only did it to reverse the effects and be able to coom again.
No AGP ever complains about his fetish ruining his relationship or marriage - only the people around him complain. They'll call the ex-wife evil for not accepting it, but 10/10 times they chose the fetish over true love even when a divorce and being alone forever was at stake. AGPs will NEVER see their fetish as bad or harmful, to themselves or others.
Even among the ever growing detrans people the males are typically HSTS, former groomed kids, or autists. They're rarely former AGP who admit they had/have a fetish. There's that somewhat known AGP guy Phil Illy who is open about being a man with an AGP fetish but he instead works hard to normalize it for men who admit they're not real women. He is probably the "best case scenario" in that he admits in and stays out of women's spaces, but he still openly goes out in his fetish womanface clothes becuase of his AGP. So in a "best case" he still just wants everyone to cater to his fetish so he can keep doing it in public. He does not want a cure for himself because he doesn't see it as a problem that women are uncomfortable.
At the same time we can't just arrest every man who wears "female" clothes. That's stupid and wouldn't work. I'm 100% sure if they did make a law like that the AGP troons would just switch to casual outfits that could be read as male too. Plenty of AGP troons already do that, some express their fetish by wearing seemingly normal/average clothes like a big hoodie to be "uwu smol bean gf in big bf hoodie". Or be like my local AGP weeb troon who is obsessed with butch-ish women in suits, so a lot of the time his version of dressing as a woman is literally to wear suits that are typically read as male (his she/her pins still gives it away, and he openly calls himself a lesbian).
I think the only way to realistically solve it is to inform the general public about this fetish so they know exactly what it is when they see it, it would naturally bring back public shame and people would start staying closeted about their fetish and fewer would develop it (I believe it's partly a social contagion). The few that still go out get shunned, lose their handmaidens and no longer get catered to by society. Women wouldn't be shamed for being scared of them. It would also make it obvious to the AGPs that they're not passing. They know they don't, but they get off on people pretending they do and they get very angry if you don't play along because it ruins their fantasy.
No. 22206
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I hate the argument that troons should be allowed to compete against women in sports because "there are so few of them anyway, therefor it's a non-issue and we should jsut let them play". But every single male troon in a sport is directly affecting EVERY woman he plays with or against.
Imagine he's for example on a soccer team with 20 active players. They play a match against another team every month, also with 20 players. That's 20+(20x12)=260 women negatively affected in a year.
But of course the team practice is more regular, so let's say they train once a week. That's again about 50 instances of putting 20 women in danger. Just the practice of that one team alone would mean 20(women)x50(times put in danger)=1000 instances of individual danger and unfair play. And that's from ONE single troon playing against women while pretending to be one.
It's not a 1:1 situation (even in 1vs1 played sports), it scales upwards. One man can hurt hundreds or thousands of women on his own. In the end it's like saying "well murderers aren't that common, so it's a non-issue and we should just let them murder". No, we should not! Even just one person harmed is too much! Even just one women put in danger or unfair play because of a troon is too much!
No. 22211
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Won't someone think in the poor trans heterosexuals???
No. 22225
>>22224If your friend group is mainly online, just create an alt account and try finding like minded nerds. Hogwarts House in bio, no pronouns, and a lack of any and all discourse are all good signs. If your friend group is mainly irl try talking to the more "normie" ones one on one to try and see where they really stand. Low effort theyfabs are usually only trans to fit in. My old irl friends tended to go with the flow of group thought to keep peace, but tended to have some ~
problematic~ thoughts they kept to themselves. Tumblr and Twitter both have a sizeable population of nerdy terfs, just try putting yourself out there and remember to keep your main and the alt unidentifiable. Abuse the block button and any blacklists you have to weed out gendies. If you go to irl geek spaces you can always try playing dumb in regards to gender bullshit.
No. 22228
>>22224Find new friends before leaving them/you go mask off so you won't be alone. And if you do go mask off, do it kindly in such a way that if any of them are secretly doubting the ideology or later change their mind they know you're open to being friends again.
If you're gonna leave anyway you could attempt to start peaking them/one of them by asking things like "don't you think it's kinda weird that all colors are for everyone and not tied to gender at all… but if an amab toddler likes pink people assume they must be a trans girl?" and see where it leads them
No. 22230
>>22227I don't have kids so take this with a grain of salt. I think stating the truth (modified to kids language) is the best way.
She was insecure about herself and it made her feel really bad. A group of bad religious people saw that she was insecure, and they realized it would be super easy to get her to join their bad religion if they only lied to her and told her that only they had the cure for her insecurities. So they did that, they lied to her and told her really nice things until she joined their bad group. When she had joined they told her all sorts of crazy things that were all lies. They even said that her family is evil and can't be trusted. But I know you're not evil, and you know me and dad aren't evil. Nor is grandma or grandpa. We're all nice people! But she was so insecure and wanted to feel better so so bad that she trusted them, because they promised they would make her feel better. They tricked her into thinking crazy things were normal. So we don't hang out with her because her beliefs are now crazy and harmful.
No. 22248
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Troons tossing estrogen into the chicago rat hole as some kind of a funny joke meanwhile women cannot receive any for their menopause symptoms. I hate what the world has come to
No. 22253
>>22236>Why is Canada so troon pandering but doesn’t allow the same for people with mental illnesses?They love to cater the well-off straight men (who are pretending to be women), and they also hate mentally ill people and don't care if they don't get help.
They know they're not helping troons anyway, they just want their surgery money and the social justice points of saying they're woke.
No. 22259
>>22248>>22253I posted this song in the Spanish Feminist post and the lyrics might sound misogynist, but Jorge made them to show how some moids really think back then. Even now, 34 years later, nothing has changed except Jorge should add "We can take your image, your problems and your illness and people will believe us more than you".
BTW: The flag is the Texas one because using the Chilean flag was forbidden back then.
No. 22260
I’m exhausted, Same as with nonnie above, it’s impossible to date in this climate. I don’t seem to have the luck other anons do with finding other rads around, and it doesn’t help that I’m strictly attracted to gnc looking women. After a lifetime not being romantically involved with anyone, well! I guess TRAs won, as I’m ready to give up and pretend I fit right in with the gendies if nothing else to superficially satisfy my need for companionship. But I hope any of them reads this and knows there’s someone among their friends who puts GC stickers on toilet stalls, who discreetly drops “you will never be a woman” cards around every convention we go to, who vandalizes pro tranny shit everywhere I go, who makes fun of them online when they go overboard with their “anyone can be whatever they want and females can have penises” shit. We could go our separate ways and just respect each others opinion if they weren’t fucking deranged, alas, I’ll be the evil terf to infiltrate their circles if they won’t let us reunite. They caused this.
No. 22262
>>22256Nona you gotta talk to her about it, rip the band-aid off. Tell her you're scared she'll repeat your mistakes because she's talking about other people who are in the middle of their mistakes, and you can't watch her get sucked into an ideology and destroy her body like you did.
I know it might take some time to work up the courage though, put on Helen Joyce interviews about troons in the background while your gf is around and make sure she can hear it. Helen is a great
terf who doesn't just say "ree they're all deranged pedo freaks kill all men" but has very clear scientific positions while being very empathetic. She's a great spokesperson and explains things like why parents will be the hardest group to peak because they harmed their own child and can't face the truth of it. Just force your gf to confront the negatives of trooning a bit more.
No. 22276
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A troon who makes no other effort to pretend to be a woman other than wearing a large fake breast plate at my uni is a member for Society of Women Engineers.
I wanted to rage so hard, it felt like it was a joke but everyone is just going along with it.
Just imagine a gay man with short hair, no make up and giant fake boobs larping as a woman.
No. 22278
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Honestly sometimes I wonder what goes on in the heads of extremely overweight millennials who spent their formative years on tumblr who imagine themselves a vial of testosterone and a tit chop away from becoming a skinny faggy twink? My personal cow has a shit ton of physical health problems and genetic abnormalities (or claims to) and she thinks taking T isn't gonna immediately cause her genetically disadvantaged liver to check out kek. She's always loved larping as a gay man (ftm fandom dad!!1!) on the internet and self inserting into curvy little anime twinks getting fucked for a good 10 to 15 years now. Does she think her fat rolls translate into 'thicc' anime femboy thighs? And I don't mention her being obese as a simple hee-hee-haa-haa, she has exclusively self inserted into short curvy shota boys ocs getting fucked by her other male ocs 3 times their size for upwards of a decade. It's given her literal brain damage and cognitive dissonance so bad she can't even realize she's not some sultry little boytoy fag, she's a grown ass woman who's been unemployed her whole fucking life because of muh chronic health issues. To be fair, her mom is genuinely a psycho and her family is all genuine redneck white trash in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, but still.
God this troony shit is really just about the kind of porn some retarded shut-in sexually imprints in their teenage years and then wants to emulate for the rest of their life, huh?
No. 22286
>>22267Does the female symbol signify being a woman without leaving ambiguity for the interpetation that you're a troon? I've been trying to figure out the most blunt and non-troon-indulgent way to signal this for my social media, but I don't want to outright look like a
TERF as I make money off of my art.
No. 22291
>>21342Sick of troons in the games industry. Every single one of them I know said the most misogynistic shit before they trooned out. One I lived with (leeched off my roommate; a story in itself) became a ambassador for women in industry in a grand total of two months of being employed. Women enable it because if you don't you'll get fired.
Love that males get the opportunity to thrive in a male dominated industry, truly stunning and brave.
No. 22292
>>22287I understand and agree with you, but also I meant my post more about a body dysmorphia thing and not simply exclusive to fujos. Some people fixate onto that porn they saw when they were twelve and never move on from that, be it big breasted bimbos, lolis, big boob anime girls, furries, hypnotic snakes, femboys, twinks, etc. And they're too retarded to separate that from reality so they actively try to become that. Sometimes it's realistic and achievable like just getting buff, losing weight and changing your appearance, but if your true dream in life is to be a 3 foot nothing slutty loli/female girltoy or slutty shota/twink boytoy and you genuinely believe you can achieve that some day, just rope, genuinely. And don't troon out either, rope immediately and hope you get reincarnated into animeland, because that's only going to make the body dysmorphia once. If you're some fat, obese bitch who shlicks exclusively to femboys half her size in height and in width, understand you will NEVER achieve that. Likewise if you're some hulking faggot with mommy issues you will NEVER become a kawaii teenage girl that gets raped.
No. 22299
>>22298Im sorry anon, it definitely sounds retraumatizing. They victimize women in the most male way, and now they think they can identify with females? With their
victims? Why were they raping us, seeing us as objects? They KNOW what sex is, otherwise they wouldn’t have used theirs to rape. They knew what “women” is when they decided to prey on one. I’m so sorry. You will always have something that they will never have.
No. 22318
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I have a tranny I'm being forced to interact with/help at work. It's only over email, but whenever I see his ugly purple-haired mug and his female name and pronouns I get so infuriated. I wish I could block his photo/icon on Outlook, it's so obvious he's a man even at that size. Yesterday he asked about doing a video call and I couldn't request him quick enough.
Only upside is he uses/I've seen people use an abbreviation of his name that is a male name (probably his real name lbr), so I'm not forced to participate in his fetish as much as I could have been otherwise.
No. 22319
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I saw a gendie wearing the patch in picrel yesterday. The pure rage I felt towards this fucking retard. Probably an nlog TIF with internalized misogyny. If not, a homophobic TIM who is no better than straight men who jokingly claim to be lesbians. I didn't try to figure out it out as I was filled with spite and wanted to get away from them asap. I truly hate them all.
No. 22320
>>22259this moid dated an underaged, anorexic and drug addicted
terf, and continued to pursue literal children (<12) on facebook, he's not a reference anymore
No. 22335
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I'm in this fandom server and I'm too old to interact with the minors (I don't chat with them), but also I feel too old to understand the tifs/tims, gendershit and trans headcanons from younger than 25 years old fans. I know is for fun but is always a "kinnie" or "X character is totally a MTF" that make me think how fandom have changed so radically, even a 13 years old kid think is an anime character trapped in her body and is "valid".
No. 22341
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I can't deal with those disgusting crossdresser sissys anymore, I hate this fucking that hugbox subreddit at this point but the discord servers aren't any better and I want to post and show off my coords outside of my comm. I want to alog that repulsive tranny in the comments so much but I don't want to get banned from the sub.
No. 22342
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No. 22345
>>22341Troons ruined Lolita Fashion for me, honestly.
>>22344I'm not posting there, but I've been reading everything since hellweek started and I agree with you, nonna. And it's not just the mods, many posters seem to be a little too passionate about silencing women on this website. I'm fucking tired too.
No. 22347
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I'm so aggravated by the sports thing. The physiological differences between men and women are so obvious (even after years of HRT) yet liberals just continue to deny it until they're blue in the face, and lie that the "science has been settled" in their favor when it clearly hasn't? I feel like I'm being gaslit, like they're trying to Jedi mind-trick everyone into denying plainly observable reality and common sense? And somehow tons of educated, otherwise discerning people are just buying it. It's so destabilizing.
The Emperor's New Clothes is often evoked in this situation. It's not just that the emperor is naked and everyone's pretending he isn't. He knows that he's naked and pretends that he doesn't, and some of his subjects are so delusional in their devotion to him that they've truly managed to convince themselves that he isn't naked, and that invisible clothes are actually scientifically possible somehow. Also, the emperor threatens to kill himself if he doesn't get enough compliments on his new clothes, and tries to banish people who even imply that he might be naked. The majority of people know that he's naked, but they fear him and his zealots to much to say it. Classic preference falsification.
I feel so alone in all this. I'm crypto, and my elderly mother is the only person I've said GC things to. I respect the hell out of people who risk their careers and relationships to speak out against this, but I'm just not in a position where I can do that. I know there are other women out there who feel the same way– abandoned and gaslit by the party that purports to be feminist. I still consider myself a liberal and I will for the foreseeable future, but I wonder what the hell happened to the Left I grew up with. I watch old episodes of Jon Stewart and enjoy them, but his new episodes often just upset me. It's like he's reading a teleprompter full of shit copy+pasted from Tumblr.
No. 22356
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Trannies will die if they don't make everything about being trans. It's a cult, and its beliefs have simply replaced other retrograde religions. You have to pledge alliance to the cause with every one of your actions, make every little thing into a way to show fellow members your loyalty and dedication to the ideology.
For context, this shrine offering thing is over a rat shaped hole on the ground.
No. 22369
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>>22360>cunt boy>free PalestineSure, Jane. See how well people like you are treated in there.
Picrel: stop-having-fun.jpg
Jeez, don't they realize they sound like the conservative that claimed kids cannot read HP because magic is "evil"?
No. 22371
>>22370They will do anything to hate the "oppressor", so being antisemitic is an easier option. Except they love to ignore what happens in Palestine if you're not Muslim.
Besides the "if you stay neutral, you're in the oppressor side" shit.
No. 22377
>>22357nta but it likely refers to the troons on the cesspit known as leftypol. they have admitted to raiding lolcow with cp before and thought it was funny because they said that terfs/radfems deserve to be subjected to cp.
despite leftypol supposedly being a "left wing" site it is used by angry misogynistic racist moids who worship male troons and their viewpoints are pretty much indistinguishable from the retarded loser incel scrotes on /pol/ and /r9k/.
>>22345>Troons ruined Lolita Fashion for me, honestly.I agree with you nona. pretty much all the troons (especially the male ones obviously but even most of the genderspecial women as well) in lolita fashion spaces are pedophiles, fetishists, misogynists, fast fashion wearing itas, or some combination of those. it puts me off from posting coords/interacting in lolita spaces online and I also don't want to join a comm for the same reason - my local comm has a creepy predatory troon in it as is the case with most comms these days. it really sucks.
No. 22379
>>22374Yes same friend I mentioned above trooned out toward the end of her relationship with a psycho
abusive narc male. Couldn't just like go to therapy and work on trauma I guess. She said that most trans men hate wearing dresses when they're kids so it's total proof she's trans lmfao.
>>22371Yes I had to hide her stories on FB once the whole "silence is violence" shit kept popping up. God forbid you focus your energy on things you actually have control over
No. 22381
Just realized you don't really see people sperging out over cultural appropriation, it still happens occasionally but it's not to the same level as it used to be. Fat acceptance movement have also been steadily getting pushback and open criticism since sometime in 2023 (probably with the most vocal ones dying off kek). Hoping for this to happen with troons soon.
>>22377I'm a former lolita and have other friends that have phased out of it, and I don't fucking understand the disconnect for them with how they hate sissys but at the same time thinks autogynephiles are a
terf talking point.
No. 22387
>>22383I have posted it on "Islam hate", but even if you make the whole country become in Israel or Palestine, do they really think is will be easy peaky? People in the Bangladesh–India already have a problem with their nationality/address, imagine doing the same with Israel or Palestine fully.
Is like the same with trans issues: people will parrot stuff like "trans life matters", "save trans kids", etc.
No. 22388
>>22387My father, who is a Muslim but also very realistic, has a saying that "men who shoot best decide the borders" He sees no point in resistance in a fight you will lose and suffer, he doesn't consider it brave but rather foolish. It's the same thing with the Iranian protests, there was no chance they were going to succeed without actual military support. I know the people who supported them meant well but they were encouraging their destruction. Sometimes surrendering is the only option. It's just that Western leftists are genuinely very coddled, they don't comprehend what actual oppression from a government is like. they protest, disturb the peace to get their way and their social issues heard, and that's that. They don't comprehend the idea of a government protest where the cops beat you to a bloody pulp, send you off to jail where you are beaten, sexually assaulted, and die there. so with Palestine and Iran, they are applying that coddled frame of protesting upon a nation where the government has no concept of human rights or any for of peace.
No. 22389
>>22381>Just realized you don't really see people sperging out over cultural appropriationI've been saying for years that the reason I know troon ideology will die out is because I saw the former social justice focus of race die out. I used to see callout posts about cultural appropriation every fucking day, over the tiniest dumbest shit ever. Drew a characters skin one shade too light or dark? Racist. You wore a kawaii shirt? Racist. You braided your hair? Racist. You cosplay? Racist. It was all seen as righteous, and complaining meant you were a racist bigot. It seemed like it would never end, like these race "facts" were here to stay and like people wouldn't ever stop talking about it. Yet I haven't seen a callout post in literal years now, the phrase "cultural appropriation" pops up less than a handful of times a year when I used to see it multiple times every day. (yes people still talk about race but I'm talking about the specific SJW crowd that pushed this brand of it and coined "cultural appropriation" etc)
The SJW crowd are only mentally capable of focusing on issue at a time, it used to be race but switched over to trans. The same thing IS going to happen again. They'll find a new issue and forget all about the last one. Troons will be left behind, wondering why the donations stopped. Wondering why no one is pandering anymore, they'll seethe about transphobia but it's too late, the crowd has gotten bored of trans and is now busy fighting for some other cause. Idk what the new issue will be, could be climate, veganism, religion, war, disability. My best guess is that the mental illness fakers are just going to grow and it will be something stemming from that.
No. 22394
Have you noticed when talking with TIFs, they struggle to have a normal discussion about anything even remotely upsetting without A logging, throwing around either suicide threats or telling others to commit suicide, or even “I hope you get raped or killed”? They can’t debate or use logic whatsoever. I think the testosterone just atrophies and destroys their brains completely. With moids they are used to and built for the testosterone so can still be cunning and manipulative when they’re pissed off, but TIFs literally lack the self control to the point they basically sabotage themselves more than they ever insult anyone. I’ve come to stop feeling sympathy for them almost all together. Whenever I interact with them, they’re just vile people. But it’s hilarious to me how lacking they are in self control. All they ever do is self destruct. And when they tell me to kill myself online, not only do I report them so they get banned, I point out calmly that statistically they are the ones desperate to kill themselves. So I leave them completely seething, crying and screaming AND get them banned as well because they are literally incapable of anything other than telling people to kill themselves. Absolutely useless people. I hate trannies as much as anyone else but they can still do things with their life, like go out and be cheating athletes, CEOs, models, scientists. I’ve never seen a TIF do anything worthwhile EVER. They make their living via e begging or going to the newspapers bragging about being “seahorse dads”. Apart from that they’re essentially welfare queens. I think testosterone is a toxic substance that destroys everything it touches, but a male brain is hardwired to deal with a lot of it without completely self destructing. A male being given oestrogen doesn’t do even half the damage a female being given testosterone does.
No. 22398
>>22260where do you live
nonnie? I live in eastern europe and the gnc women I know aren’t tifs or gendies or whatever
No. 22399
>>22255I’m sorry
nonnie, but just letting you know, there are actual women (who aren’t gendies) who are into your likes and interests, you just gotta find them. may I ask, what are these interests?
No. 22400
>>22394> hate trannies as much as anyone else but they can still do things with their life, like go out and be cheating athletes, CEOs, models, scientists. I’ve never seen a TIF do anything worthwhile EVER.Yeah notice how tims get media attention and win prizes for getting a high leader position or winning in sports… just like males. And tifs get attention in media for… being pregnant or doing ads for period pads. You know, like only females can be and have. It's shocking that they can't see how hard they enforce gender stereotypes.
Of course tifs are raging, they were already broken and were then promised and memed into thinking if they only took testosterone they'd not be sexually harassed anymore, they'd get paid more, get more respect, magically grow taller and stronger, and be sexy desirable men that pass perfectly. Instead the anabolic steroids made them angry, horny, caused brainfog and a froggy voice yet even with a weak stubble they look into the mirror and see a messed up female. They know then it was all a lie but they can't admit that to themselves, so they become even angrier and take it out on everyone else. As if they can just make the terfs shut up, then maybe they can make their own thoughts of doubt shut up.
No. 22403
>>22388The sad thing is that there's a point that now they're comparing all Israeli with Nazi (granted, the IDF are atrocious) and calling them "colonizers". These people failed History 101: Both Israeli and Palestine lived there, and the ones that "came" from Europe are the holocaust survivors. How can they be colonizers if their ancestors lived there??
I know is off topic, but this Palestine-Israeli situation is getting off hands thanks by people that have no idea what they're saying. Is not the first time the Internet see this, but now we have noisy people doing stuff for pats in their back… Which leads me to think in the trans cult too. Before USA made gay marriage legal, the trans cult went to "oh right, we are oppressed too! Time to make us look like
victims!" where there are still countries where being gay is illegal (ironically, Palestine is one of these places).
No. 22406
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Even women who identify as nonbinary are getting sick of male troons appropriating female-only experiences. Hopefully it will tear the trans community apart in the future. (For context, picrel is from a post on r/lesbiangang by an Indian woman rightfully complaining that she's not allowed to talk about sex-based oppression in lesbian subreddits. The conversation is happening right now.)
No. 22409
>>22394Yeah. I off-handedly mentioned to a TiF that the history of Israel is complex and she literally screamed at me about how "genocide is not complicated," and that calling the situation complex is just an excuse "bootlickers" use to avoid picking a side. Which is fucking absurd because she knows that a mostly side with Palestine. The history of the region is famously complicated, there are literally people who dedicate their entire lives to studying the Israel-Palestine conflict.
This particular TiF wasn't even roided up. I think the internet enables sociopathic behavior, punishes empathy, and rewards absolutism. Also this particular person is just obnoxious in general. She's one of the people who stays in the friend group despite the fact that everyone secretly dislikes her because no one wants to be the one to tell her the truth and get dragged on social media. They tiptoe around her feelings because they don't want her to chimp out.
No. 22410
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>look for nearest bathroom
>only one is the gender neutral one
>open door hesitantly
>one toilet
>no stalls
>flimsy tampon box near toilet
>it was clearly the women's bathroom before
I just needed to wipe my nose.
No. 22412
>>22406I've seen this sort of thing on Tumblr a lot too. Honestly, TIMs and TIFs coexisting on social media platforms is the best thing that you can do to peak women. A lot of the rhetoric that emerged from TIF-heavy spaces was contingent on them never actually interacting with TIMs, but now that they're forced to actually deal with these men, they do not like it at all. Some dedicated TIFs will tut-tut at other women for not wanting to be mansplained periods and told that sister incest hentai is
valid, but swarms of TIFs are standing their ground because their cognitive dissonance can't withstand the entitlement of permanently online TIMs. Nothing makes TIFs value their unique experiences as women more than seeing men appropriate and mock those experiences. Many TIFs still clearly want to remain in female-only spaces, and are finally waking up to this fact.
No. 22413
>>22389>The SJW crowd are only mentally capable of focusing on issue at a timeYou're right about them dropping some issues to focus on new ones. I think some fights are just obviously unwinnable for various reasons and even zealous supporters lose their enthusiasm over time. It's really hard to deny the link between obesity and negative health outcomes, so the haes movement lost steam. Cultural appropriation is such a nebulous concept that most people just won't get why it's wrong for a white person to wear a kimono, and now only the most egregious examples get called out.
However, I've noticed they also try to group causes together and force teaming where if you care about one issue, you have to fight for all of them at the same time. i.e. no climate justice without racial justice, no lgb without the t, support your sisters not just your cis-ters. Trans activists have used their version of intersectionality to glom onto every other social movement. They make everything about them, which is why it's gone on so long. I think the only way this ends is with enough former supporters having negative personal experiences with trans activists, peaking, and denying them a place in other movements. Fortunately it's already happening. I hope we reach critical mass soon.
No. 22416
>>22413>activists have used their version of intersectionality to glom onto every other social movement. They make everything about them, which is why it's gone on so long. I think the only way this ends is with enough former supporters having negative personal experiences with trans activists, peaking, and denying them a place in other movements. Fortunately it's already happening. I hope we reach critical mass soon.And that's why I'm concerned that different actor on the right, including conservatives, religious fanatics, and extreme fascists, have realized how easily they can deceive a significant portion of left-leaning people by using the appropriate rhetoric. Just recently, xiran retweeted(then undid) Sam Parker, a well-known racist, anti-semite, and Mormon extremist. However, xiran is not the only one. Many progressives and even some radfems have also retweeted him because he knew how to say the right things. And he's not the only one doing this, there are plenty of anti-semites who are exploiting this conflict to spread fascist sentiments, and unfortunately, it's proving to be quite effective. like I genuinely fear what the future holds
No. 22421
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No. 22426
>>22356Last weekend I was at an anime convention that had big freestanding boards for attendees to write/draw stuff, and without fail someone had written "Trans Rights" on every single one. It's really not that different from a zealous Christian who writes "John 3:16" or "WWJD" on every available surface. Or for that matter, someone who's really into Qanon who writes "WWG1WGA" on everything.
>>22381>>22389Agreed, transgenderism is really trendy right now, but as with all trends they eventually die out as the younger generation finds new ways to be edgy. Getting a nose ring is much less rebellious if your mom, your middle school teacher, your dentist, and the lunch lady all have nose rings.
You rarely see people calling themselves scene or emo anymore, it's mostly just 30-somethings with boring hair, normal clothes, and corporate jobs who show up to their local club's Emo Nite dance party from time to time. In about 10 years it's gonna suck for all of the young adults who are currently proud tranz folx once they realize that they were just following a teen rebellion trend. It's a lot easier to cover up a shitty My Chemical Romance tattoo than it is to regrow your boobs or your penis.
>>22406>>22412Part of the reason I peaked was because 10 years ago I helped some of my troon friends start a group for troons (I was never a troon myself, just a handmaiden), and after about 2 meetings I realized that every other person in attendance was either narcissistic or just deeply delusional and mentally ill. Listening to trans women really is the best way to peak anybody.
No. 22429
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When you think they cannot have more victim complex…
No. 22444
>>22441I've also seen that anime. I guess because it's Japanese and not American/western it was presented as differently to the whole "men are women" thing that the English speaking world has.
All of that is to say that I kind of read it as a sad story of a gay boy who wears dresses to appeal to men because he doesn't understand his place in the world (as a homosexual in Japan, a country with much more rigid gender roles etc).
I have no idea if that's what the creators intended but I preferred that interpretation myself.
No. 22446
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>>22441Speaking of anime I really hate how prevalent it is in anime/manga to see a teen girl whose main caretaker is a lone "innocent crossdresser". That shit in real life is a massive fucking red flag for sexual abuse so I hate to see it normalized in any way. At least the uncle in this manga in picrel was open about it, but that doesn't take away the normalization of it and the fact that he still insists on performing his fetish in front of teens and calls himself her aunt/a woman. We know in real life men like this are about 90% straight AGP and 10% HSTS, and all of them lack even basic respect for boundaries of females (or they wouldn't have trooned in the first place).
In most cases you can tell it's written by a woman because they can't help frame these troons through the lens of their own femaleness, they want to make them seem like innocent women who just happen to be male, because they've been told that's what these people are like. Troons writing troons make themselves sex symbols of different kinds, be it uwu kawaii or just sexy or some personal fetish they have, because that's what they think being a woman is.
No. 22447
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This shit popped on my recommended, I wish their trans genocide fantasies were real
No. 22456
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Another Black month, another time people still misgender him and claim LGB rights started thanks by him.
No. 22462
>>22459same, i have so many mutuals i have to keep at an arms length because they're in this dumb violent cult
>>22461>It was always confirmed that he wasn't there when the riots happenedlmao but that is SO on the nose for the troon cult! it's lies all the way down!
No. 22464
>>22459Same. It seems like every single English-speaking girl on Twitter/Tumblr who draws fanart of my husbando is a he/they/it genderspecial. I'd like to make fandom friends to discuss my ships and headcanons with but I absolutely cannot play along with their tranny cult bullshit.
I have a TIF coworker (so I'm forced to interact with her, it's not like I have a choice). She's actually a very nice person - she's into sewing and cats (the girliest hobbies ever) so we connect pretty well since we have those things in common, but I (mentally) roll my eyes every time she refers to herself as "this guy" or goes into the men's bathroom. I assume she trooned out due to homophobic/misogynistic trauma from being born into a conservative religious family. I hope that she sees the light and detransitions eventually. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to bring up my gender-critical views to her, our workplace is EXTREMELY woke, and I worry that if I did she'd immediately do a 180 from being friendly to crying to HR that I'm a transphobic bigot who needs to be fired immediately for making her feel unsafe.
No. 22467
>>22464It's definitely not something you bring up to them, EVER. They are larping victimhood and reading into everything for a misstep, don't serve it up to her on a silver platter.
They won't listen to any well meaning advice anyway.
No. 22485
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I'm so tired of pretending to be anything other than mildly surprised and happy when I hear that another lesbian I know has started taking testosterone. I know this is such a common vent so I'm sorry but like how long can I keep this up! My wife handles it better than I do but one day I'm really gonna fuck up my social circle. I don't understand how these women can be so insecure about being women? Like I'm sorry have you seen a moid? Why would u want to be that? I think that for a portion of them is this some kind of perverted relapse of previous eating disorders/nlog-ism. These women aren't even young! Like 25-30 ish! I know we all say this but what the actual fuck is going on. Just when I think the craze is dying down another woman I know is taking T. I guess we will have to see if it continues to gen Alpha.
No. 22490
>>22489is there a camera or can't you just do it? if anyone asks it was that way before you got there. Or get a pen to scribble over it, or counter with several
terf stickers.
No. 22498
>>22497Have you seen the documentary "Shiny Happy People"? It's about the Duggar family, and how their TLC reality show "19 Kids and Counting" portrayed an idealized version of their lives, while behind the scenes the children were being exploited by TLC (not getting paid for their labor of being child actors). The documentary also talks about how 19 Kids and Counting introduced viewers to the Duggars' church, Basic Life Principles, which forbids birth control and encourages its members to perform child labor and train in a Christian separatist militia. Also the leader of the church molested children.
So basically, by airing 19 Kids and Counting, TLC sanitized and promoted this evil exploitative Christian organization - who knows how many kids' lives were ruined because their parents joined this church after watching 19 Kids and Counting?
My point is that I'm sure we'll get a similar documentary expose on "I Am Jazz" and transgenderism within the next 10-20 years.
No. 22500
>>22441very late but he isn’t trans, he’s a feminine guy/otokononko/trap etc. (if you’re referring to ruka, rika, the blond guy i can’t recall his name it’s been a while). his arc is ironically very anti trans as he admits it’s stupid to call himself a woman just because he wants to be feminine/that would make other people understanding him easier. in the manga anyway, there’s an entire chapter about it
all that said blue period sucks ass so whatever
No. 22501
>>22498lol nona you could have skipped right to
>"I'm sure we'll get a similar documentary expose on "I Am Jazz" and transgenderism within the next 10-20 years."I'm sure of it too though. There are tinfoils going around saying his sister Ari left the show because she's peaked a bit and no longer agrees with it. After all she is the only real daughter, seeing her brother Jazz being turned into the perfect little girl icon instead of her must be so strange.
I'm really keen to see what will take the family down. General backlash against troonism is one option. Jazz himself might end up realizing he's an abused gay/gnc boy, but he's been trained to be a doormat to his family so I don't know if he'd be able to stand up to them.
I don't know if there are even any studies on it yet, but what would happen if they give Jazz testosterone now as an adult? Male (adult) detrans people have desribed it as their brain "turning on again" when they go back. He'll never be whole again, but it would be interesting if it would give him some insight to what his body is actually meant to be like and that's what they're denying him.
No. 22502
>>22501Sadly I th ink it might just go out with a whimper without much fanfare.
Ever since Jazz got the axe wound he's been noticeably depressed and there are clips of him saying he doesn't know who he is anymore and (before the surgery I think) of him complaining to his mom hat he isn't the one that wants all of this media attention. Normies are slowly picking up on that something is clearly wrong and I have seen comments on social media of them pondering if he might just have been groomed by his mom, even the show's subreddit started questioning it all when these clips were circulating.
I think there have to be a big scandal that troons and TRAs can't hide or explain away with their regular excuses for anything to happen, I'm talking Gypsy Rose levels of sudden shock and reveal.
No. 22506
>>22502>Sadly I th ink it might just go out with a whimper without much fanfare. I think if Jazz decides to speak out himself it will blow up and become massive. Every
terf and gc and gay and right leaning person will want to cover it.
No. 22511
>>22510>Do you think it can become too late for some women to peak?No, never too late. Just like we see women who decide to troon out in their 40s all of a sudden there are also women who will suddenly peak. There is only one group who I think may never peak and it's parents who hurt their child through transition. They'll have to accept they personally did irreversible damage to their own child, which is too hard for some people to accept so they will stay ignorant their whole life to not have to confront it.
Can you figure out what it is your friends "gain" from not peaking? Do they have lots of troon friends, are they notorious virtue-signalers, do they feel it's the only way they can be against female stereotypes? If you can figure that out you may be able to target that area without even mentioning it's about trans people.
No. 22514
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Sick of this.
No. 22523
>>22519>trannies harp on about "busting down gender norms!! uwu!!"They do the literal exact opposite, I really don't understand how anyone can pretend they're in any way going against gender roles? They literally say if a boy likes pink he's a girl because no real boy can like pink. If a woman doesn't like being sexually harassed she must be a man, because real women love gettting sexually harassed.
There is only one explaination… And that is that ALL those people know that transwomen are men and transmen are women, so to them transwomen acting feminine IS still breaking stereotypes because they know they're just men. But they don't stop to think about it so they don't realize how transphobic they're being kek
TRA and handmaidens ability to hold literal opposing views at the same time is astonishing. The of levels brainwashing needed to get to that point is scary.
No. 22525
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This is peak gaslighting. I don't even like using this word because it's a buzzword by now but this. This is it.
>Constantly talking about transness>Push people to lie to doctors/make their own horse piss hormones>Change gendered languages (ex. latinx)>Constantly talking about inclusivity and how you're a bigot for only existing in their spaces>Crying oppression if someone doesn't want to be near their rotting crotches>Claiming that cosmetic surgeries are lifesaving>Suicide baiting >Demanding our spaces>"Protect trans kids!">Using said trans kids for clout
>"UHMMM sweatie are you sure that you're not the stupid here??? Who even gets PRESSURED ahah right?? Right?? Who even does this to kids anyway lol??" No. 22526
>>22525It's gonna come back to bite them in the ass once they realize they were the ones who got memed into it the hardest, while detrans people had the sense to break out of it earlier.
But let's say this person is right, and some people are just "stupid for getting peer pressured into it". That means you have to admit there IS peer pressure to medically transition happening. And it's, according to you, so bad that some people actually fall for it. And that nowhere along the way was there any safeguarding to protect these "stupid" people. And who exactly is stupid? It's people who are either too young and immature, or people who have developmental disorders. They are vulnerable people. So in the end what this person is doing is mocking vulnerable kids and disabled people for being "stupid pushovers" who got peer pressured into medical harm.
There is just no way to look at the post without reading it as the poster being a complete fucking asshole.
No. 22527
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Why not LGB kids?? They're the ones that get brainwashed for adults in this cult that "if you don't fit in this or that, you're not a real wo/man" or "better have an alive straight kid than a dead gay kid"?
No. 22529
>>22525>"And I say this, confidently, on twitter dot com, meanwhile I transitioned for an actual mental illness and totally not me consuming media and getting involved in online communities."Bet you can go on this bitch profile and find either yaoi/drag queens or other "trans culture".
In the replies people are saying that puberty blockers are okay to kids to give them time to figure themselves out. Do they think that puberty happens in like a weekend or something? In between ages 10-14, considering their retarded logic, a kid has plenty of time to figure stuff out and they aren't fully developed yet, how much "time" do kids need? They don't even know what puberty is, they think that puberty is boobs and deep voice, so either they are stupid and don't know that puberty is crucial for the development of the brain (and Jazz is the perfect example, poor guy is borderline suicidal, stuck in his kid mindset and can't figure out what is happening around him) or they know and ofc they want to stunt their growth so they can manipulate them better.
Their face is not clean in every outcome and yet, they try.
No. 22530
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This whole twitter thread is filled with narcissistic troons. I got banned for saying how I actually felt. A little blogposting sorry, but what peaked me is detransitioning. The moment you break away from the cult is when you are treated like a threat. These people will blame society for everything, but when it comes to detransitioners, they suddenly believe it's solely personal responsibility. Their arguments don't really hold up when you realize that most detransitioners are women and children. Our society cares more about troon feelings than biological reality. They listen to men who dress as women over women and then call women sexist for calling out how we aren't respected. Personally, I am autistic and was groomed into thinking I was a TIF by a TIM because I had interests in things men liked. It only took me 10 minutes to be evaluated and when I told the doctor I was autistic they said a lot of troons are autistic. Gee, I wonder why that is. I was peaked by the realization that I was lied to and I didn't agree with the troons around me. I don't think children should even be exposed to these concepts. I'm gen z so I basically grew up during this shit. Anyway, sorry for blogpost. I hope any desisters and detrans in this thread are doing better as well. I know you exist. Don't let these people suppress your experiences. I like to jokingly call it a tomboy genocide which is morbid, but it really feels like TIMs hate us out of jealously and want us to sterilize ourselves.
No. 22532
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>>22515the intent of the joke was that she "looked trans" because she had bangs and round glasses but that's still not right, she looks like a woman, and trannies who want to larp as a woman vaguely resemble her
No. 22535
>>22533I know, but isn't surprising
not how it evolve from "protect LGBT+ kids" to "protect trans kids only"? Like they only want straight kids at all cost.
No. 22542
>>22541We were both into anime growing up, had a light interest in yaoi shit, but never to a real point of fujoism. Eventually we got older, things changed, she told me one day out of the blue she found herself and she's "now a man." I was really concerned by this, but I told her that if she was happy, that's okay, but please don't do surgeries or hormones or things like that and she said she didn't have plans to. I suspect she got so stuck in fantasy due to all the anime stuff, she was autistic. Then she got really really sucked into online twitter communities that like talking about anime boys fucking, but shit like incest and all that, we weren't talking as much at this time. Fast forward to today, a shared friend called me and told me the news, brought up the police record to send me and everything. From what she understood, she (TIF friend) ended up in a Discord server with a bunch of people talking about this kind of stuff and eventually tried to "enter a relationship" (read: groom) a minor and share her all this yaoi rape porn. I've been brokenhearted because she was really nice, but I obviously can't defend or condone anyone that can do something heinous like that, autist or not.
No. 22544
>>22514oh my god I'm so mad nonnies
"woman….programming…science….computers…intelligent…apollo 13….astronomy… MUST BE A MAN!!!!!!!!"
fuck off
No. 22545
>>22544Same with Alan Turing: He had to get castrated because otherwise he would have been killed for being GAY? Nah, he did it because he was a trans woman!
I know some people take it as satire, but TRAs believe in anything.
No. 22546
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oh thats one of my closest online friends, a gnc guy, making jokes about eggs and estrogen.
No. 22548
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The process of shedding old friends and trial-and-error admitting to people you can’t indulge trannyism anymore, especially after desistance, is exhausting. I have a very close friend (moid, for better or for worse) who is a raging handmaiden, and it clearly comes from a place of empathy for trannies and their victim complex, but it still led to him telling me that he’s “assmad” when I was finally frank with my opinions on a bunch of shit.
I’m grateful he didn’t immediately jump the gun and block me, and instead told me he draws a hard line of disagreement (which I am honestly fine with), but it’s still painful every time it happens. I don’t even want advice, I just have many gendie or gendie-supporter friends, and was a TiF for two years, and I want some nonnies who also sympathise with this sadness to commiserate with…
No. 22552
>>22548It's hard! I'm so glad my friend gently peaked me and got me to see reality but the majority of friend groups I'm in are still woke and pro-trans. They all have grown ass moids crying and shitting themselves if you even mention Harry Potter or JKR in any capacity, it's ridiculous. I've never even seen a religious person this upset when their god is questioned to their face.
Maybe you can find some desist/detrans group support?
No. 22557
>>22554i technically live in a “liberal” area but there are plenty of conservatives (a few houses in my area still fly trump flags). i talk about my GC views with almost everyone (even if they have troon friends) and never really get any shit for it. though i think it helps that i dont have any friends that are super active in the LGBTQ+ community (even my lesbian/bi friends). the few males i speak to have been way more empathetic toward troons than any woman i’ve spoken to about trans stuff though lol
side vent but my husband has a troon friend from work that always has sob stories of being harassed by men for being a tranny (dude looks like a freak tbh) and it keeps my husband feeling pretty bad about any sort of shit talk about any tranny that isn’t overtly a pedo or sex freak. pisses me off.
No. 22563
>>22560The males I see who defend troons come in a few more variations. A common one is "my girlfriend told me to think this and she gets my peepee hard and I will not risk losing access to sex from her", they're the kind to just orbit their handmaiden gf without thinking for themselves.
But even more common is the troon friend; they have a male friend (who is NOT gay and therefor not a threat to them on any level) who troon out and that troon friend will indoctrinate them. However this works best the less close they actually are to the friend who troons out, because if they know first hand that they guy is a porn addicted freak who used to sexually harassse girls on the daily they don't buy his sob stories as easily. Usually they'll have 1 gaming or work friend who they kinda know struggled with depression, and now they finally found their true self and claim to be sooo much happier (but also everything they post/talk is about how hard being trans is). Because the troon friend is into women and stay out of male spaces (he's not "gaying it up" in there with his dresses and whatnot) and the guy knows women aren't actually into weak fail-males like him - the guy perceives him as no threat at all on any level. So he assumes women also see the troon that way, and he of course doesn't care to listen to any woman who tells him he is wrong.
And lastly there are absolutely pedos and predators who don't actually buy into troonism at all, but they want to keep finding easy
victims so they'll defend troons as if their lives depended on it just for that reason. TRA still claim "nobody would lie about being trans/supporting trans ppl" but we're talking about people who literally rape children, why the fuck would they draw the line at telling some simple lies to get what they want?
No. 22566
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>>22554I live in Eastern Europe and there are really no mtfs here. Only some gendies (not tifs, just like they/thems or nonbinaries) but they're a reaaaally small minority. I also didn't have to "come out" as a gender critical to my closest friends because they think the same as me kek(one month ago we had a conversation about anatomy and the differences between men and women). Same with my colleagues. Most won't even bother with this stuff because you barely see it here, but still have critical thinking to understand why gender ideology is wrong.
>my local board game store is infested with gendies. Almost everyone at DnD night is a TIP including lots of creepy TIMsdamn that sucks
nonnie, I hope no tims harassed you. In the city I live there's no local board game store because it's "fused" with a bookstore, along with figurines, CDs vinyls, some toys etc. it's like a conglomerate kek. But, in the capital, there are lots of standalone board game stores, and whenever I go there I don't see any creepy unwashed trannies or gendies. just regular nerds/geeks. They also have board game nights but I never participated in one sadly because I didn't have the time.
Is America really that infested with troons?
No. 22567
>>22566samefag, I forgot to mention that a few days ago I went to a bookstore inside a mall and I went to the manga section and there were lots of scribbles and doodles on the shelves, and somehow I spotted a "trans rights" written on there, but it was crossed off and next to it someone wrote: "no"
I also saw a "kek" written on the shelf right next to a weird caricature drawing
No. 22570
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This one isn't a negative vent, but a positive one. I think I peaked on of my female friends on trannies. It's a combination of me sharing my experiences leaving the cult and explaining how the cult hurts women. She said she felt the same and was afraid to argue against any of it! I hate to say it, but only women and conservative men will usually understand, but it feels so good to know that so many people are actually against this shit. They really are scared of speaking out against the troons. At this point I don't trust liberal men. Females will almost always have the capacity to see how troons are treated like gods even if they are very libfem. Conservative women and men are also good allies. The people that are really a threat are the troon sympathetic liberal men. They almost always act that way because they're chasers, troons,creeps, or trying to get handmaiden pussy.
No. 22572
>>22514This one pissed me off. Why can't nerdy women exist without their regressive ideology labeling them "men"? Do they not see how sexist this is? The OP also said they stated this because of her looks too, and I find it offensive to compare an actual woman's looks to a tranny, because holy shit we've all seen an unfiltered pic of a TIM and they look grotesque. YWNBAW.
On another note, does anyone generally avoid the TIM thread in snow? I can read the TIF one just fine, but every time I read a few posts from the TIM thread I get nauseous. Even a selfie of one of these men makes me sick because you can see how diseased they are both in and out. I mean, I guess it's no surprise that they are sick for believing what they do (and the porn they watch). I'm not the type to get sick over things on the Internet. The TIFs just make me feel sad. But at the end of the day, I don't truly feel bad for TIFs, because they're the same girls who will do a 180 on you the moment you slip up. They're cutthroat like that, and cannot handle criticism. This is from personal experience with TIFs, btw, I'm sorry if it sounds mean.
No. 22574
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>>22547>>22551I don't even like pastel colors or pink, but I swear I cringe each time there's something or a character with these colors and people screams "(said character) said trans rights!". No, they didn't, they were drawn by someone and used these colors because they're cute.
No. 22576
Suspend your judgement momentarily for this pls nonnies. I used to be a phone sex operator and one of my worst recurring customers was a TiM. He was a footfag and very early on sent me a photo of his hulking agp face. Notably he didn't mention he was a tranny, despite having the voice, this will come back later. Now even though I've had customers before who would say things about wanting to meet me, they would never really push or anything but this TiM was relentless. I think because he lived under the delusion he was a lesbian that he was different from all the other clientele and a viable dating prospect. I, of course, didn't entertain it because I could see he was getting really attached and it was grossing me out. We had this one call where he said "I have to tell you something……" and I was thinking, oh shit, he's going to admit he's in love with me. But no, he admits he's a trans woman, and that despite talking about his "clit", he's pre op. Without even thinking I was like "Yeah? I know?" and he got so upset, kek. Though he still continued to talk to me and it all blew up one day when he said he wanted me to move to the US for real and have a real go at a relationship. I told him absolutely not, this is a phone sex website, he is paying me and I had zero feelings for him. And even if I did, I would never fly across the world just to meet someone who's been metaphorically sucking my toes for the last few months for a few dollars a minute. He started to cry and asked if I ever had feelings for him, and I said no. He ended that call and never spoke to me again. Given he had a "girlfriend" 41% the year before our calls I'm inclined to believe it's likely he'd follow suit. He was pretty lulzy, believed he could be a comedian and would tell me jokes he's prepared for a stand up that were terrible. The only way I'd fly to his city would be to watch him bomb a set, lol.
Anyway I don't do the job anymore because I'm no longer a handmaiden and strapped for cash but unironically out of all the creepy men I spoke to he was one of the worst.
No. 22584
>>22581How woke is your campus? I don't want you to be unsafe and in risk of harm from violent troons!
Using suffragette colors, clearly stating "female sex" and such things should put off troons but it might also make you a target.
I wonder if it's possible to join a larger gc/terfy association and become a local fraction of it, so IF something happens you can contact them and they'll have your back?
No. 22588
I honestly just can't believe how mainstream this whole cult has become. I remember back in the day, when I was in high school (2016, lol) my friend came out as "nonbinary" to me and asked me to refer to her as they/them. I was like, okay, lol, I'll do it for now and tease you about it when you inevitably grow out of it. She never did. She helped me peak because I realized that all the girls coming out as trans were really just GNC girls that didn't feel comfortable in their own skin because of how society treats women in general. The whole message for women being pushed nowadays is basically, if you're not a permanent feminine ditzy bimbo barbie princess who loooves pink, glitter, shopping, heels, and makeup, then you obviously aren't a girl, because this is what girls are. MTFs (men) push this narrative to the max. I can't fucking believe that the world revolves around this cult and how everyone just follows it blindly. Do people not have a shred of critical thinking anymore? I hate sharing the world with such retarded specimens.
No. 22599
>>22588The annoying part is at the same time most normies STILL haven't heard of troonism. Ask a random middle aged woman about "transwomen" and she thinks you mean a lesbian who pretends to be a man as in "a woman who is acting trans". When you tell people who haven't seen troonism first hand they literally think you are exaggerating or a lying conspiracy theorist because they can't imagine people are that crazy, or that it's really on such a wide scale.
I told a gc relative who is fairly updated on online stuff about my online friend groups and how they kicked people out for being transphobic bigots - when literally all they did was saying they liked the game Hogwarts Legacy. And this is a group of grown adults. My gc relative was shocked, even though he had heard about it all he thought it was exaggerated and only happened in small extremist groups. So even people who are in the know don't fully grasp how bad it is unless they see it first hand. Since realizing that I've made sure to double down on telling and showing people when troons/TRA do something bad even if they seem like they're already gc.
No. 22605
>>22604I know, it's just really frustrating. Recently, one of them who I thought was a "good one," one who I thought might actually be for real and decent, went mask off and revealed himself to be just as fixated on tits as the rest of them.
I'm somewhat newly peaked and still coping with these shit realities and truths.
No. 22606
>>22605It's difficult when you're newly peaked! You have to get the concept of "good ones" out of your head because NO good man would ever troon out in the first place. To be able to troon out you requite a lack of respect for women and women's boundaries, to be so entitled you think you as a man has the right to define what a woman is just to suit your own selfish wants and needs.
Even a best case scenario, a troon who is a gay man at the core who loves women and female fashion and genuinely wouldn't physically harm a woman, still has to decide that he as a man knows better than actual real women what a woman is. And an even bigger if, if he's a troon who knows he's still a man but still chooses to troon out - then he is choosing the discomfort and unsafety of every woman just to please himself. It is mutually exclusive for a man to troon out or to respect women, both cannot be true at the same time.
No. 22626
>>22625wouldn't it be great if we could get a study on if there's a co-relation between male troonery and breast-feeding/bottle-feeding issues? You'd be skinned alive to suggest it in any other space.
I feel like that might be somewhat of an eye-opener. Not to shit on their mothers or anything, but I think it could be possible there's a link, and if we learned about it, maybe we could have fewer troons in the future. Just maybe.
Of course, there will always be pornsick males who just flatout do it to themselves.
No. 22629
>>22627Tons of issues can stem from our earliest years, and we develop special relationships with those who feed us. It's even suggested that our birth is the most traumatic event we ever experience in our lives. If some sort of trauma occurred with feeding, or a child stopped breast feeding too early, or they went about weaning in a cruel way, or any number of things, perhaps it left a mark to where they continue to try to fill that void or cope as an adult.
>>22628I don't care about their wellbeing, I care about getting rid of them and preventing more. If issues arose in early development with their relationship with breasts, I think there could be a link to why they are so fucking obsessed with lactation as adults. You know there are troons who only care about tis and absolutely nothing else. That's my only point. It is male entitlement, and they can choose not to indulge whatever compulsions they have, but if it's revealed something like that could stem from something that happened to them very early, they might get proper treatment and therapy instead of trooning out.
I couldn't say specifically what would have to occur, but perhaps a legitimate study could figure that out. I'm just genuinely curious if there's a link. People can feed their babies however they want, but if a good study came out stating that stopping breast feeding too early or in the wrong way can create a lactating-breast-obsessed troon, I'd listen.
No. 22634
>>22598thank you nona, i appreciate this website's existence and community. makes me feel less lonely.
today i woke up to bad news. friend in
>>22546 came out as trans, i feel like i jinxed it. ive seen other acquaintances troon out before but it didn't affect me that much because i didn't interact with them a lot + i knew it was always an online larp, which i hope thats also the case for this specific friend. but i feel so defeated, we're still SO young (he's 17 i'm 18) and this came out of nowhere, as if it some outside influence pushed him (
cough cough discord grooming).
No. 22637
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Oh my fucking god this dude in a hobby of mine pisses me the fuck off seriously. Here's a post he made
>I personally identify as Non-Binary, to be more specific I see myself as someone who’s brain feels wired like a woman’s but that doesn’t mind inhabiting a man’s body at all. Or as I always describe it “Girl OS in Boy hardware”.
What the fuck does it mean to have "the brain of a woman"? Retarded shit like this makes me want to scream. You don't HAVE a "brain wired like a woman's" retard - you're a man. You have a brain wired like a man's because on every single level you are a man.
Not only that, but all you do on your twitter is retweet big titty anime girls and pose your dollfie dreams like they're on onlyfans. Personally, I have never in my life met a biological woman EVEN if she was a lesbian or bi retweet shit like the garbage he jerks off to. The only time I have is when she's been a pickme wanting to impress men and gain orbiters for being not like other girls and totally like them. I am so fucking tired of men like him. Thinking he's in ANY way similar to women at all when he's just a regular fucking guy. It makes me fucking angry, I know I don't have to explain because everyone here gets it and I'm so grateful for that and every nonna reading this but damn.
I've met so many loser ass men who say shit like that. Like they feel more like a woman, that they relate more to women, it's just stupid and untrue. He is nothing like a woman. His brain's is nothing like a woman. He's just trying to cope with being a loser who feels like a "failure of a man" and because he's ugly as hell. Even when I was tranny-accepting, whenever men would say shit like that I'd always always think "but your brain is nothing like mine or any woman's I know, you're more similar to every single man I know".
But besides that, I just think it's silly and stupid to want to gender your brain. I have never thought anything like "my brain is wired like a woman's/man's" I've always just thought something like "my brain is wired like (my name)'s, because I am (my name) and it just so happens to be that I was born a woman".
He seriously acts and behaves nothing like a woman so I don't know where the fuck he got the idea that his brain is wired anything like a woman's from. Maybe some childhood trauma from being called a faggot by other men at school for not being masculine enough, that's my assumption. Men who say shit like that in my experience never have any respect for women, they never even listen to women.
I don't understand and honestly I'm past WANTING to understand, I'm done WANTING to attempt to sympathise with these men because they never ever try to understand or sympathise with women who dare be "TERFs" or have opinions that don't completely kiss their ass.
BTW, he's the dude who write VA-11 HALL-A. Starting to become a personal lolcow.
Behind the spoiler is the usual shit he retweets and likes someone tell me what the fuck is woman-brained about that. It's literally just what regular guys are into.
No. 22638
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>>22637Hideous ugly hair dye job typical gooner physiognomy but totes teehee woman-brained guys! Totally not just a regular guy… he's not like other guys. He's soooo special and different. Not a copy and paste of the regular weeb dude nope not him he has the brain of a WOMAN.
No. 22643
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>>22634>i appreciate this website's existence and communitythis. I love all the nonnies. even the schizos the baiters and the infighters.
No. 22658
>>22643The more I read and post about troons on lc, the more comfortable I've become in my
terf/gc views. There's truly no other female-only space like it where I get to see and hear women openly say what they actually think about troons instead of pretending to be nice and without having men and insane TRA attack them. Nonas have given me so much confidence in my own thoughts (unlike troon ideology that suppresses your own thoughts and tells you what to think), now if someone calls me a transphobe or
terf I'm like "yes, and? You're the homophobic misogynist who harms children so I feel comfortable that I'm on the right side".
No. 22659
>>22655Oh come on, don't be so harsh on her. A male admitting to being porn sick and hating women enough to begin trooning out is NOT her responsibility to "save". If anything she should cut his gross ass out of her life, going by actual statistics the second a man troons out he becomes more likely to sexually assault a female.
I would say though, if you truly care about someone who is trooning out you'd try to stop them. I'd reserve that care for family members who are still stuck with you even if they hate you for it.
The only other time I'd go for it is it's a person you're fine with losing forever and who isn't connected to the rest of your life, such as an isolated online friend who doesn't know any of your other friends. Someone who can't ruin your social life and expose you to others as a
terf when you're trying to help.
No. 22662
>>22655>it's like letting some destroy themselves due to their drug addictionUh
nonny the first thing anyone is told in support groups related to drug addiction is that it is NOT their fault or responsibility to help the addict
No. 22669
>>22667>if she's using topical steroid cream/ testosterone on her face she won't be able to touch me or the baby because it leaches from the skin? Nona you are correct about gels(/creams), you NEED to find out if she is taking T-gel and if she does you need to go ZERO contact with her and avoid any family gathering she's at as it transfers through skin contact (including through clothes, and it lasts for many hours after it's applied) it could literally give you a fucking miscarriage. You could accidentally brush her shoulder, get some t-gel transfered onto you, and have your fetus get effected by it - it's THAT serious (she is taking enough to make her fucking infertile after all). Warn every other family that has kids as well, imagine their sweet 5 year old boy accidentally bumps into her and then his voice starts to drop and he's growing facial hair because SHE made his puberty start? Nightmare fuel.
>also worried that being around me when I'm visibly pregnant and then the baby she will spiral down and kill herself with the regret over what she's done to herself.If SHE is dumb enough to kill herself over the drugs SHE chose to take, that is NOT your fault in any way. It's not anyone's fault but her own. You should let her know that if she ever comes around to it you'll welcome her with open arms and support, but that you will not pretend that she is something that she's not - and that's it. You can compromise by letting her say whatever she wants, as in you won't argue against her when she says she's a manly man the same way if a devoted jew came in you wouldn't go "your god isn't even real you dumbass" but you also won't participate in her gender religion whatsoever.
>that would mean my husband loses his sister for lifeShe could detransition one day. I don't think there is a single detrans person who thought they would ever peak or change their mind about being trans - until they did. Don't buy the lie that trans people kill themselves if you don't play along, that's just emotional blackmail. The more trans someone gets, the WORSE they end up feeling in the end. The MORE regrets they have, and the MORE likely they are to kill themselves.
No. 22670
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People are so ridiculous when is about to hate JK Rowling for donating money.
No. 22673
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Nonas you know how sex reassignment surgery for men is just inverting their penis? I can't stop thinking about the fact that men having sex with a "neo vagina" are literally sticking their penis… into another mans penis. Well, that and sometimes the end parts are made of the colon of the man, so it's a mix of an inside-out penis mixed with his feces tube. It's just so frankenstein-ian, it makes me feel sick to think about men fucking cut up body parts like that.
And honestly if this troon ideology keeps going, what's stopping these pornsick men from giving themselves multiple neo-vaginas in even more places where they shouldn't be? They go on about how much better they are than real women, there is going to be at least a few of them who think they can really be better by having 3 neo-vaginas, since they openly say shit like "being fucked is what being a woman is" and handmaidens STILL cheer them on, they'd think getting fucked by 3 men at the same time must mean they're the ultimate woman. I'm so scared of how far they'll take it unless it's stopped soon.
No. 22685
>>22684I had a falling out with a male friend when I mentioned how hard it was for detrans people and he scoffed, I asked if he had listend to any and he said "yes but I quickly determined they were
grifters so I obviously didn't keep listening". I cannot comprehend being so heartless you watch a gay man who had his dick cut off becuase he was told it would make him a cis straight girl, or a female kid who had her breasts removed because she was groomed into it and calling them "grifters". I long for the day his girldicked troon friends detransition too and he has to reflect on his own putrid self.
No. 22693
I have a dear friend who came out as nonbinary 5 or so years ago. She's a lesbian and had a horribly abusive narc tradcath mother who kicked her out for being gay even though my friend had been suffering with a boyfriend who regularly raped her since they were in middle school just to please her mother. I was very accepting when she came out because I hadn't peaked yet, and she openly admitted to me she believed she was trans because of her (diagnosed) autism and her attraction to women. She still identifies strongly as a lesbian and is in a serious relationship with a woman now. She started talking about taking testosterone last year and was afraid of some of the effects, but everyone in her circle encouraged her even though she said she was worried she was just trying to run from her trauma. She said, "What if I really am just trans because of everything I've been through and this doesn't make me happy?" I told her I'd be there for her no matter what she decided and said she should choose carefully and not feel pressured. She's on T now. She's having all sorts of health problems that are associated with T and hormonal imbalances, but doesn't seem to realize that's the cause. I now feel so guilty for not more strongly condemning her decision to go on T or pushing her from it. Of course everyone in her circle would tell her to go on T, what was I thinking? I was just so afraid if I said anything too anti-go on T I'd lose her. She never got the masectomy and her voice is mostly the same, so I thought maybe she was on such a low dose it doesn't matter, but of course it matters. I hate this, it's so awful. I hate that I know exactly why she's doing this, I know exactly what she's feeling, and I know she knows that it's all a farce, but we can't just talk about it honestly because it's such a taboo topic and I think she'd rather die than admit it was all a horrible mistake. Too much of her identity is wrapped up in being trans. I'm just so upset. I'm going to gently ask her if maybe she's checked her hormone levels. I hope she doesn't get upset. I wish I could shake her awake, but I'd just push her away even more. I hate this stupid world, I hate that it took me so long to see what was happening to her, I hate it all!
No. 22694
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This has been all over twitter. Bullied girl ends up dying from getting beaten up in the girls bathroom. The only thing anyone will talk about it how it was caused by supposed "transphobia" and that libsoftiktok somehow manifested it to happen because she critiqued a teacher supporting trannies in the classroom. I don't understand how any of this can be called stochastic terrorism. This was probably a teenage girl going through a phase, yet trannies took the story and are using it to their own benefit. I tried to read articles about the circumstances. The girl didn't deserve to die, but I wonder what the fight was actually about. I feel disgusted by the people on Twitter using this for their agenda instead of acknowledging it was a girl who was probably bullied and failed by the school. If anything, it shows that no amount of lipservice paid to gender ideology will solve any substantial issues. I feel sad for her because she was probably a girl who didn't fit in, so she was misled into thinking she must not be a girl at all. All these idiots think about is gender ideology.
No. 22695
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>>22692I want a place where insights like picrel can be seen.
No. 22696
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>>22692I would like to see a detrans/desist thread with experiences, statistics, and other things that people can't easily post publicly without backlash. I know this is LC, but it would be nice to have a thread discussing it from the POV of eachother, friends, family with more focus on empathy and how we could potentially wake people up from this cult. I feel the rhetoric is extremely negative towards detrans already, so I would like to see some substantial discussion about the issue. Reddit, Twitter and tiktok haven't fostered any good discussion because you can't speak your mind without having to coddle TRA feelings.
No. 22697
>>22696Thankfully a thread like that already exists in /g/!
>>>/g/230474 Maybe it would get more activity in /ot/, but I think /g/ is the better place for it because then it’s less likely to be raided by tranny tourists
No. 22700
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>>22687The issue with that is that this is a mistake which causes infertility, cancer, PCOS, etc. Society has normalized it as the fix to any form of unhappiness with one's gender. It's propaganda and anyone can fall for it when it's pushed so heavily from the time someone is in middle school to an adult. People are easy to break down when they've been through trauma, are in
abusive situations, or have mental issues. I am all for personal responsibility, but informed consent clinics will give a woman testosterone in 30 minutes. No psych evaluations required. In fact, many of these clinics are being paid out by the pharmaceutical companies to profit off of these hormones. Testosterone is scheduled after all, so all that money goes directly to these companies. What do you think happens when planned parenthood can't make money from abortion in half the country? They have to shift markets. They're playing everyone like pawns. People are told to believe le science, but what happens when you turn a mental disorder into an identity? What happens when doctors give you a false cure to a false problem? All of this reeks of conspiracy. I know I sound schizo, but you need to think about all this, Nona.
No. 22703
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How we went from "genocide" to "terrorism"?
No. 22704
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>>22703I don't even like Libs of TikTok but consider me surprised when there are fake news.
No. 22707
>>22693I think you did well in telling her you'd be there for her no matter what she chose. It's not your fault she ended up this way nona.
Maybe carefully ask her "remember when you said this about autism and being a lesbian making you trans, how do you feel about that now?" and just listen to what she says. And even if she says "i now think i was trans all along" you can still counter with "that's great, but i still want you to know that if you ever change your mind and detransition i will still support you"
No. 22709
>>22702I don't think anon was baiting, it's a very normal opinion to have among GC people. I don't really agree with the statement either tho, as mentally ill people are unable to consent to the literal lies they are being sold. It's unethical and should be (probably is?) illegal for a medical practitioner of any kind to sell unscientific lies to patients.
Selling "I will make your broken nose straight again" just isn't the same as "taking these unnatural drugs that harm you and gives you early onset dementia will heal your self-hatred, make sure you cut your breasts off too as that usually makes your depression go away, also if you don't do it you will end up killing yourself so you have no real choice"
No. 22721
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Of course this does not apply to trans people. They love to claim that they're destroying gender or whatever but if a woman has a flat chest, short hair and wears typical male clothing then it's a troon (Naoto sperging in the comments) No. 22740
>>22738You're always welcome to come and talk here nona, I love that lc lets me be honest about gender stuff.
I've said it before but look into groups like beyond trans, sex matters, genspect etc. Especially on youtube and places that let you comment, it's not irl but you get to read comments and talk to other people who are fed up (make a separate youtube account tho so people can't link it back to you!). It's SO valuable to go into a public place like youtube and saying these things openly without facing any backlash and instead having people agree. The difference between random radfems and organizations is that the orgs are actually doing things and not just talking, so it feels very uplifting to hear about it. It also helps to see that these people are usually normal people, non-radfems, it lets you know you don't have to be a crazy extremist stereotype to hold these views.
There are a lot of radfems I respect a lot, but there are also a lot online who loudly do activism because they love attention and they get lost in it. A slightly twisted female who I knew was pretty big (I'd only seen her in the periphery but assumed she was normal enough) recently turned out to be in an open poly relationship where she pressures lesbians to have threesomes with her and her bf/husband, as well as knowingly keeping her unvaccinated dog that has a known record of biting several people's faces to the point of needing emergency care (wtf) near her small children. It's so annoying to find out that's the type of person lots of people have to listen to just because she's one of few making radfem/GC content.
No. 22752
>>22747Comment something like "you're not able to consent on behalf of other women, I for one do not accept males in women's single-sex spaces. If you think the lack of consent from women doesn't matter, then you're a danger to women's rights."
>>22749>>22750>It's annoying how kink is considered an axis of oppression/marginalization now. >now the "queer community" is anything that isn't vanilla piv sex. Do not kinkshame!!!One thing I'm proud of my teenself is the fact that I at no point, despite all of tumblr shouting "don't kinkshame" at me every day, bought into kinkshaming. I'm 100% pro-kinkshaming and will always be, and I'll happily tell anyone who brings it up. I do it while laughing as if I think they're pathetic (which they are and I do). My reasoning is that if someone comes up to talk to me about their sexual kink shit, that's sexual harassment because I didn't fucking consent to this sexual talk and assuming I'd be fine with it is sexist bullshit assuming women have to always be sexually available. I think it's gross, so I would obviously never initiate the conversation myself, and they never bring it up in private it's always out in the open (wouldn't be alone in a private space with these people to begin with). I will tell them to their face that I'm pro-kinkshaming, and to fuck off with their gross fetish. I'll even make the good old "what if kinkshaming IS my kink, check mate" joke.
No. 22753
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I hate how blind these tranny loving officials become so much so, that they start making up stupid shit.
No. 22771
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>>22767kek nona i’ve noticed the same thing with most moids. a guy i work with even admitted he usually thinks male troons are just extremely ugly women, even the ones that pass well. i think it’s because men are less aware than women are, so long hair + dress = woman (unless they notice the adam’s apple). i’ve shown picrel to a few guys and they just said that the dress wasn’t “flattering.” never mentioned anything about GiGi looking like a hulking beast. absolutely hilarious
No. 22774
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>>21376>>22768Adding more autism: It was based on the ep where Ash wanted to have a medal from a women-only gym, so he dressed himself as a girl while Pikachu had to use a fake heart on his tail.
And is stupid because in gen 1-2 Pikachu didn't have sexual dymorphism. Both male and female had the same tail style.
No. 22779
>>22765Love that you didn't play along and pretended it was groundbreaking or even a fun idea. Do these people not realize how regressive it is to say the one boy who isn't into stereotypical masculine stuff is the one who is actually truly a girl - because girls hate boxing and motorcycles!!! And boys who like feminine stuff such as dancing don't exist - only girls like dancing so he's a girl!!!
Boring as fuck. Regressive views. Will age like milk.
No. 22780
>>22767It's been noted on lc threads that women are better at clocking male troons and sometimes men better at clocking female troons. I'm inclined to think women are a bit better at it since we're "more social".
I think it also depends partly on how aware you are of troons, if you're not that aware of troons then there's not much of a reason to think the ugly baboon-faced woman with an unfortunately broad set of shoulders and flat ass is actually a man. I think men kinda subconsciously go "too ugly, not interested" and stop paying any real attention to them. Most men also cannot fathom why any man would want to be a woman, it's too far away of a thought.
No. 22781
>>22768That was the point I think! There are actual genderless pokemon they could have chosen, but they chose one that does have sex differences so they could be turned visibly trans.
>>22774Very appropriate of them to choose the look of a male who purposely pretended to be female just to win a female-only prize huh
Literally spot on!
No. 22784
>>22775>In all likelihood he will twist everything you say into a hate crime and publically tell his version to everyone you knowayrt, the thing is this enby-troon is a gross neet who doesn't know any of my other friends (and his are troon losers so he's made them already hate me for being terfy). That's the reason I was able to angrily block him without social repercussions in the first place.
Thanks to everyone who replied, I KNOW it's a bad idea to contact him but I get so angry he gets to sit smugly on his ass and think he is the saviour of the world when what he is advocating for is harming innocent kids, gay people, mentally ill people and real women - while protecting some of the most vile men to exist. Why does he get to do that unchallenged???
No. 22792
>>22779I’ll admit it was pretty satisfying to see him splutter when he realised that I was wholly unimpressed with that plot twist. He clearly expected me to fawn over it because I’m a young progressive woman and he thinks trans shit is the hot new thing all the cool kids are into. At least he isn’t a true believer because he didn’t freak out when I said that trans stuff like in this movie actually reinforces gender roles. Still, I suspect he walked away from this thinking I’m less enlightened than he thought and his crowd is just too avant-garde for me. Maybe when the number of detransitioners reaches a tipping point (our country is already hitting the breaks on child transition, thank goodness) he can make a movie about that and pretend he saw it coming all along.
>>22788Call-out culture for women:
>woman says men aren’t women>gets fired, doxxed, death threats, rape threats, threats against her children, people showing up on her front lawn>men: “Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences, Karen!” Call-out culture for men:
>man rapes women, beats his girlfriend, grooms children, abuses animals>gets a slap on the wrist from law enforcement if that>runs a dozen depraved porn blogs that break the platform’s TOS>offending blogs are deleted>men: “They are trying to DESTROY me! Help! Help! I’m being repressed! Come and see the violence inherent in the system!” No. 22795
>>22792>Still, I suspect he walked away from this thinking I’m less enlightened than he thought and his crowd is just too avant-garde for me. Possibly, but encountering this reality check was probably a good start to get him peaked. I think it works especially well if he wasn't a "true believer" because that kind of person just goes with the flow until someone starts pointing out the flaws for them - and I'm speaking from my own experience, that used to be me lol I know when my friend peaked me at first it seemed like her views were a bit too "extreme" for making fun of "poor trans women" just because SOME were gross weirdos, but now I'm the more hardcore
terf out of the two of us, she'll call a passing hsts she/her and I don't lol a man is a man
No. 22809
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I know it's not the core of the issue, but troons have ruined short hair for me! As a teen I thought women with short hair were cute, or badass if they were on the butch side, now it's just a sign that the person is utterly deranged. I still love unnatural haircolors but when the hair is short I immediately assume they're a themby and they become ugly to me. Men of course look even worse in the same hairstyle but they don't let that stop them…
I find it hilarious that ALL of them get a variation of the picrel hairstyle: ftms get it because it's shorter than the long hair they used to have and is therefor "masculine"; mtfs get it because it's longer than what they've always had and therefor "feminine"; enbys get it because they think it makes them ambiguous between male/female. (How NONE of the pull it off is a mystery to me.) As a result they all kind of neutralize each other and make it even more obvious who is male/female.
No. 22810
>>22809 as someone with colorful unnatural hair I also fucking hate that they ruined that, the amount of times I (extremely feminine looking) get they/themmed by woke-type people at artsy type events, and dyed hair sjw jokes is disheartening, and I’ve even had people in my life tell me they expected me to be a woketard basically before actually talking to me bc of my hair and alt style. It’s so annoying bc even back in the 2000s it wasn’t like that, colored hair, eyeliner, piercings, and alternative fashion was associated with ultimately harmless scene or emo kids and it didn’t have this political and identity signifier attached to it. my tinfoil is that zoe quinn is partially responsible for the stereotype, idk, I like my style too much to give it up for those types though so I’m just waiting for the trend to die off, hopefully sooner than later
No. 22816
>>22809>>22810>as someone with colorful unnatural hair I also fucking hate that they ruined thatMe too!!! I thankfully don't get they/them-ed since my hair is long and a typical "feminine" style apart from the color but people do assume I'm a woke braindead handmaiden at the very least. My hair is blue as well so "blue hair and pronouns" used to get on my nerves a bit, I turned it around though so if I'm in a safe place I'll go "my hair may be blue but I do NOT have pronouns!" in a jokey tone.
I've also realized it can be fun for me and my fellow
terf friend to sneak around woke places as secret terfs, nobody questions us when we look like we belong so they keep spewing their woke shit that we later report to gc friends and we all laugh at it together.
No. 22824
>>22822Any discussion about troons is appropriate in this thread! It's for venting and sperging about troons and related stuff that you don't wanna spam other threads with.
I've seen the names Alice, Lily and Luna stolen by troons more times than I can count and one of those is my own middle name so it makes me barf to see them use it. Me and my bestie both have uncommon first names but I've seen both of ours stolen too and dear god did that feel disgusting!
No. 22837
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Reading slash in public is cringe but it's not anything worse than what trannies jerk off too?
No. 22842
>>22837Seeing the TRA side try to make her out as "dirty old hag, delete the kiddie porn off your phone" is just so funny when ALL of it literally comes from trans people - it's literally their sides porn they're claiming is bad. So you agree, this kiddie porn fanfic stuff is gross and disgusting and no normal person would consume or create it?
Stones are being thrown in a house of glass right now kek
No. 22844
>>22843Yes, I thought that was obvious. She is researching how sexual fanfics make girls troon out, a well-documented phenomenon that tifs themselves openly admit to, so for TRA/troons to openly make fun of it is really funny when it's only directly attacking trans people. These girls tried to escape the "
problematic" issue of being a cis straight girl "fetishizing" gay men - only to discover that it was all ok because she was a gay trans man all along! But now TRA and trans people attack them by saying reading their fanfics is STILL gross and
problematic. These girls can't catch a break kek
No. 22847
I'm so sick of the idea that 'women do not have to be feminine' and 'gender roles are unnecessary and restrictive' are considered these super hateful and extremist takes. I'm sick of listening to people say that when a woman doesn't feel comfortable in girly clothes, that's a strong sign she's trans, or that anyone who doesn't conform to gender roles is transgender. It's sickening, and I wish it would all end. The way young tomboys are being treated by adults breaks my heart. I remember being told that I need to wear makeup and try to find more feminine interests, but now it's even worse, with them trying to trans you. Why can't people just let girls be girls? I especially hate that I can't even just appreciate female crossdresser media anymore. To be specific, I mean stories of women crossdressing as men. I dunno, I guess I just got fixated on it as a teen because I wanted to feel like I could act out a form of mock-heterosexuality, and got attached to female crossdresser characters a lot. Nowadays, you get people jumping on you just for liking that, accusing you of 'erasing trans experiences' and trying to bully people into calling these obviously female characters trans. The excuses they use are so god damn sexist. They even do this to real life women who pretended to be male just so they could live their lives the way they wanted. On a more positive note, I did discover some really positive and uplifting radfem accounts that focus on helping other women and positivity and I love them.
No. 22848
>>22847Same here, anon. It’s especially baffling because at least where I live, hyperfeminine women are the exception and a certain degree of ‘gender nonconformity’ is the standard. Everyone wears trousers, few wear heels, and many don’t wear makeup. Most women have a wide range of hobbies and interests, many of which would’ve been considered ‘unladylike’ in the past. Most have or want a career and being childfree is quite common and accepted. Being a SAHM is openly looked down upon. But still TIFs and female enbies will say things like “I know I’m not a woman because I hate wearing dresses and want to do karate” and everyone just nods along,
including the dress-hating women who do karate. You’d get eviscerated for saying that women should be feminine BUT ALSO for saying that not being feminine doesn’t mean you’re not a woman. People are so close to getting it but then their brains short-circuit when it comes to trans. How?
Fortunately most normal people I know aren’t quite far gone enough to decide on their own that historical and fictional crossdressing women = trans, unless they have a trans-identified relative who has ‘educated’ them on this point. I’ve given up on those because they’re impossible to reason with. It’s like a mind virus.
I’m glad you’ve found those blogs, anon. It’s so important to keep some positivity in your life and not get entirely dragged down by all the dumb shit that’s going on.
No. 22855
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I was watching a penguinz0 video about some band dude drugging his bandmate with estrogen in order to steal his girlfriend. Dude spent 5 months being unknowingly drugged by his “friend” and going to doctors for mystery health complications. Comment section was full of garbage like picrel. Things about “he can just get minor top surgery” and “well its weird that he got drugged in the first place cause estrogen is so hard to get” and “hey before anyone says anything i know this story is about estrogen but blabla trans people protection blabla”. Imagine being so fucking narcissistic that you take a fucked up story and still make it about you. Genuinely curious if they would ever make an mri study trying to find “gender identity” in the brain but instead find a correlation of gender indoctrination and loss of prefrontal cortex functioning and the ability to empathize.
No. 22856
>>22851Would not trust him;
A lot of the “lesbian”
TW are porn addicts. They talk about raping women who don’t respect them and them “falling to the cock” or worse things, and they think this is completely normal.
Unfortunately being in the weeb space I run into this a lot- their brain is rotted by hentai and they have conditioned themselves to see women not liking sex as secretly wanting it like it’s their dirty secret. Often you will see the woman screaming/crying/etc but speech bubbles saying stuff like “I can’t believe im doing this, am i actually enjoying this!?”.
Your friend was stupid to say that to him. Never be left alone with them, and do NOT give him a chance out of pity. Even if you do, it doesn’t make you safe, I would just grey rock this person and constantly pretend you’re busy.
No. 22858
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Oh seriously fuck off. Why is it always "women AND everyone else who doesn't "identify" as a man"? Yet it never happens to men, they always get to be just men
No. 22859
>>22849I haven't seen anyone say they dislike him, and if they do I assume it's young people who didn't know much about him to begin with. The group he reaches are older people who are blissfully unaware that this is going on, or they know like one troon grandchild but don't really know what it means. Dr Phil is going to reach a big audience who is hard to reach through normal social media so this is actually super great!
If you read comments on the ny times article about detrans people you get to see comments from humbled adults who thought the anti-trans people were exaggerating and lying, but once they saw one single article in times they realized it was all true. Sometimes these people just need a trusted source to confirm it and dr Phil might just be it.
No. 22860
>>22857>a common theory is that fujos have arrested development aroundWell yes, autism is common in fujos kek
But just for the record FAR from every tif or fujo is an autist. They're a very small population to begin with, they're just overrespresented in trooning out. Roughly 1-2% of the population are autists, meaning if just 10% are autists that's still a massive overrepresentation, but it still leaves 90% of troons as non-autists.
>or feel shame about their body and sexual urges. This prevents them from self inserting as the female in fiction. Yes obviously this! But the way I see it is just that other women are a threat to stealing their hot boy fantasy. Not every reader likes to self-insert, I've never done it with any media I've consumed (and if you wanna argue they are autists, they're probably even less likely to be able to do that). I've been close to fujos as a teen, I've NEVER heard them discuss things in a way that implies they self-insert as a male character, even when calling them "husbandos". Have you ever met anyone who got into yaoi/fanfics when they're NOT an insecure teen? It really seems like a fetish you have to develop partly due to shame about your own sexuality/body growing up.
No. 22861
>>22851First of all your friend was a fucking idiot for outing you like that, troons are more likely to be violent and commit sexual crimes against women and you were already his "target" if he is crushing on you.
Avoid being alone with this mentally unstable man, perhaps invent having a new boyfriend so he doesn't think he has a chance. You CAN still be polite and friendly as you would any other person, I wouldn't get close to him but at the same time if you treat him in an obviously worse way than others he might grow to resent you for being a transphobe who deserves violence for it. If you have ANY idea about his social media accounts it would be wise to look it up (behind his back) to see if he's writing things like "trying to bang the
terf at work".
No. 22864
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I wish being vocally anti trans wasn’t social suicide and possibly dangerous . Trans people will claim TERFs are genociding them while in the same breath threatening to rape and murder anyone (female) that disagrees with their choices. The second these agp mtfs come out they always make their whole personality about their paraphilias and we’re just supposed to sit aside and clap. No it’s not normal to age regress as a 50 yo and lurk where children are. No it’s not normal to want to breastfeed a child so badly you’re willing to put that child in danger.
I wish more normies would be exposed to the reality of trans acceptance because yeah a few years ago everyone agreed being trans was based on dysphoria but now anyone and their grandpa can be trans if their penis tingles when thinking about being a girl specifically a girl because these freaks all hate the idea of being called a woman.
No. 22866
>>22864Picrel is not even true, there are a few actual unhinged radfem terfs but most so called "terfs" aren't even radical feminists to begin with and have very tame moderate views. They literally take anything that accurately describes themselves and pretend terfs ae the ones doing it, it's so tiring. They even claim big burly terfs are out raping poor little transwomen who are smol weak beans who need prorection. Troons have made me actually realize what people mean when they say someone is projecting onto others, it's just so blatantly obvious.
I see the world peaking more around me every day!
No. 22870
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>>22860>>22857There's also a strong correlation with furrydom as well.
No. 22880
>>22879i don't know how most people haven't peaked with the amount of articles and news stories about troons being pedophiles and generally violent. i saw a tweet from a troon saying that an "innocent trans woman" was attacked by police for no reason, and with a quick google search it showed me that the "innocent trans woman" was actually exposing himself to women and kids and threatening to give them HIV. i don't trust them either, if they defend a pedophile from being misgendered or protest them being sent to a men's prison, they probably have some skeletons in their closet.
>>22873if these criminals were straight cis people they wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail for people to respect them. they're not recognised as criminals by TRAs and troons, they're recognised as "marginalised mentally ill trans women in need of help". i feel awful for the
victims family and the owner of the cat he killed, i can't imagine your pain and trauma being ignored because retards can't handle a tranny being called a "he". from what i've read he had a history of watching torture videos and was planning to kill someone for a long time. he got caught because he bragged to his girlfriend about what he did to the cat. i hope he gets what he deserves and i hope the family can heal most importantly.
No. 22882
>>22879I think another factor is that a lot of men are keen to distance themselves from other men who embarrass them. Some cultures created a ‘third gender’ category for these men, but if they’re calling themselves a type of woman that’s even better. Because that allows the comparatively normal men to say “See? Those aren’t men, they’re women! Women are crazy hypersexual narcissists who can’t be trusted. Men are logical, rational and civilised. Maybe some men do bad things sometimes, but clearly women are just as bad.”
If mentally stable, successful, charismatic and admired men were the ones trooning out in droves I doubt other men would be happy to humour them and attribute all their achievements to womankind. They’d be calling for this sudden worldwide mental health crisis to be investigated and resolved. But since it’s overwhelmingly sex pests, grifters, failmales and homosexuals, men as a class are happy to see them out the door and into the women’s section. They’re our problem now.
No. 22884
>>22870>insulin pump and cgmGee, I wonder if this person's severe chronic illness that requires constant management and forces her to wear uncomfortable medical devices 24/7 might be part of why she doesn't feel comfortable in her body
Oh well, I'm sure it means nothing and the best thing for this diabetic girl is to get on T when she already has a massive risk factor for heart disease
No. 22889
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Troonism incarnate.
No. 22891
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Saw this comment on one of those comedic “relatable” shorts about the way our menstrual cycles affects our mood, and what I could see there was only a couple calling her a terf or attacking her the last part (with one claiming “They aren’t the enemy. In fact, they are abused, murdered, and physically assaulted at an alarming rate.”). Rather there were mainly responses agreeing with her! Could 2024 be the year we see the beginning of the mythical mass peaking?
No. 22894
>>22892Nta but men see it as like, a naked woman coming into their dressing room = win for them. That and the woman isn't a threat of violence and rape, she's smaller and weaker so it's not that big of a concern.
Women are also less likely to try to force their way in real male spaces begin with (they go to trans friendly places where the "men" are fellow larping women), and a single man saying "lmao no get out little girl" makes them cry and never want to try again, unlike a hulking tim troon who will happily go and get his cock out again and again while threatening any woman who speaks up with violence. It's just not an equal issue on any level.
No. 22896
>>22855“Estrogen needs to be widely available for males, it’s literally a basic human right, it’s essential for trans people to feel at home in their bodies!”
“…akshually it doesn’t even change anything, most symptoms are reversible, it’s not such a big deal…”
Which one is it?
No. 22897
I'm worried I accidentally transed my best friend when we were young.
When I was around 11, my (lesbian) parents had this friend who wrote a book about "LGBTQIA+" history and gave me a copy at her book opening. My mums were terfy at the time and skeptical of it and eventually took it away but not before I'd read it cover to cover and it had made its impact on me. I was a little tomboy and always had been so I took all the troon stuff in it to heart. My best friend had been girly all her childhood but since starting puberty had been rejecting femininity and being more gnc, which was obviously a result of all the classic reasons: opposing the idea of womanhood and growing up because of all that comes with it, being sexualised, no longer seen as a child despite age, having to conform to all sorts of roles etc. She would be talking about wanting to chop her boobs off and almost did with a scalpel one time (I believe she experiences a mild case of gender dysphoria which is especially likely as she has autism), and subsequently I told her all the rubbish I'd read. She ordered binders online, cut her hair and changed her name when we started secondary school, lived "stealth" as a boy for years until she fell in with the gendie crowd. I also convinced myself I was a boy but thankfully snapped out of it before making any lasting changes to my life (I never 'came out' as it were), and for a while we bonded over it and were into transmed/truscum stuff. She is extremely offline to this day and doesn't have any socials aside from twitter which she got recently due to her TRA friend. Around last summer I was ecstatic and thought she was finally embracing herself when she admitted she was lesbian, and we were fwb for a couple of months before I met my girlfriend. But now apparently she's 'agender' and is looking to get her birth name legally changed, no doubt the work of her TRA friend she's super attached to, and unfortunately has a crush on. I still have hope as she's been asking to try on my feminine clothes and has begun showing similar signs that I did when I detransed, but I really don't want her to transition and mutilate her body. I know she would leap at the chance to start t. Any advice, nonas? All I want is for her to accept herself and for us to be able to talk about anything like we could before, I hate that I'm the one who get her into it, I hate that she's repressing herself, I am pissed beyond belief that trooning out is shown to be some sort of miracle cure to all your problems by the media. I want to peak her but I know any sort of mention of antitrans stuff would get me cancelled and cause a massive fall-out and she's an extremely important friend. I'm thinking of slowly getting her used to the idea that it's okay to be a butch lesbian or a gender nonconforming girl, encouraging her to borrow my clothes and so on, but I'm not sure quite how to go about it and I'm contantly cursing myself for introducing her to troondom in the first place although I'm sure she would have found out about it some other way. It's sad as she's a really pretty butch and actually a really interesting and unique person aside from all the tif stuff.
Please help me, I'm regretting it all so bad and I'm despairing over the fact she might go the full way.
No. 22900
>>22897Remember that it’s not really your fault for starters. Sure you showed her the book but the mass transing definitely fucked you over there.
I’m honestly in a similar boat and I’m approaching it the same way- but don’t be too hidden with it. Or rather, really push her towards tomboyish stuff. Show her tomboy fashion, eventually progress to memes and move from there, that’s what worked best for my friend. I got good results by being “look at how cool she is in this!” And really leaning into the whole butch gnc side.
I believe in you.
No. 22901
>>22897My best advice is to kinda do what you accidentaly did before, but in reverse this time. Keep talking about and showing cool butch lesbians who aren't trans, women who look cool and dress in both masculine and feminine clothes without having a trans/enby label, just like make it out to be this cool easy obvious thing that a woman can dress however she likes detached from trans labels and that's cool.
If she says anything like "that's such a transmasc look", "she might be an egg" or some other trans shit you simply correct it by saying something like "huh no she's really just a normal (maybe throw in "cis") woman, this is how women act and dress and they're so cool. Women are so versatile and can look good in any style!". Make sure to shut it down in a friendly way every time.
You don't have to directly attack anything trans, but just slowly say you're a bit tired of "labels" and you like the idea that women can do whatever they want without needing to change their identity. If she gets defensive saying "but being trans isn't a label" you explain "oh no I meant (cis) people who feel the need to label their clothes masc or femme when it's just clothes and makeup, like a woman wearing jeans isn't trying to be masc she's just wearing jeans, and if she's wearing a dress she's not trying to be femme".
If you get far enough and she seems open enough, start telling her that while others (like her) feel the labels help them for you personally your experience of detransing and going back to being just a woman felt so freeing and like everything finally made sense. Like you can now dress masc, or femme, or inbetween and you don't even have to think about how it reflects your identity at all - you just exist as a yourself, a woman, and the clothes are just clothes.
No. 22902
>>22889The FBI should check this man's hard drive.
>>22897What's it like to be a lesbian/bisexual daughter of lesbian parents nonna? I don't think I've ever (knowingly) met someone who grew up with same sex parents.
I'm bisexual (dating a moid) and apparently my mom (who married several moids throughout her life) is also bisexual and dated several women as well, but she never told me until I was an adult. She's a crazy bitch, but also I'm a crazy bitch, so it must be genetic.The girl I used to consider to be my best friend also trooned out, and we haven't interacted in a few years. I wish I had some advice for you but I'm not sure what to say. It's a tough situation to be in.
No. 22903
>>22901This is actually super helpful advice, thank you! I've already gone on a lot about how I hate labels and prefer not to box myself in or explicitly define myself, how I am who I am, and I just exist and all that. I've said how I hate microlabels in the past, she seems to not entirely be on board with the idea but despite this I feel like at least her shedding the "transman" label and moving on to agender is a step in the right direction, like, she's coming to terms with the idea that she isn't really a dude.
At the same time, however, I feel for her and understand her qualms as I have been through it myself: we've both been bullied and ostracised while we were at school for being lesbian and gnc - I've been called a dyke and seen as some sort of predatory lez (ridiculous that this still happens when real predatory men pretending to be women are praised and uplifted), she's been called everything under the sun and almost been jumped by a group of repulsive moidlets who called her a faggot. So, i can see where part of the aversion to being female or, more specifically, lesbian comes from. I hate how upside down everything is, real women and lesbians are under fire from literally all sides! Shrivelled up agp scrotes trying to invade womanhood and claiming to understand it more than actual women is about the least progressive thing in the world and yet it is lauded as the most.
I've been trying to get her into using pinterest etc as a style guide, showing her cool styles I think she'll suit, but as I said, she's averse to using socials of any kind and usually finds them boring or deletes the app after two weeks.
I'm so glad you mentioned that last point, it is incredibly helpful and I think that this is just the kind of thing that would put a stop to it. We are close enough so I think it won't seem too bad if I'm just talking about my specific experience - if she notices parallels with herself then that might get her to reconsider.
I think I'll start off by asking why she considers herself agender, and then when conversation is flowing I'll casually start talking about my own progression away from trans stuff and accepting myself as I am.
>>22900It's so good to hear that there are others like me in the same boat. Honestly, I love this website and how it's made me feel like I finally have a sense of female belonging. I think she's also growing out of her adolescent dysphoria, when we were fwb she was far from ashamed of her body or anything of the sort. The root of the problem seems to lie with her TRA crush/friend who takes her on trans rights protests, advocates for drag queen storytime and is a member of the SWP - she is absolutely smitten for this girl (who is severely mentally ill - alarmingly so) and seems to want to continue wearing binders etc outside of the house as, I gather, she's averse to the idea that detransing could lose her this friendship and (unrequited) love. I'm going to slowly work at her over time, I don't expect her to instantly change but slowly slip away from it like I did, I'm giving it at least a year with my help.
No. 22904
>>22902My situation is quite a rare one. My parents wanted a baby but couldn't afford IVF so they got a friend of theirs, my mum's roommate at the time, to donate them sperm and
my mum artificially inseminated herself with a calpol syringe. They didn't expect it to work but it did and I was born.
My bio dad is also a married gay guy so before I got made fun of too much for it, I would brag to kids that I had two mums and two dads. In reality they were more like uncle figures to me, I never lived with them or had a father-daughter type relationship with my dad, even when he did start being more a part of my life in my late teens, but I still love and respect him.
For the most part growing up with lesbian parents was good, I don't think it would have been all too different had I had straight ones, but if you're all females there's a level of closeness and understanding you get that I doubt I would have gotten had I been in a nuclear family. They split up when I was 15 which was really tough and I have a
fairly rocky relationship with both of them, but we were always an extremely close-knit and loving family, and they gave me a wonderful, albeit hippie, culturally rich upbringing and I'm so grateful to them for introducing me to so many things from a young age even while money was a problem. One of my mums is also quite loopy and put me through a ton of stress and guilt but I've come to realise that it was hard for them to bring up a mentally ill child and I shouldn't blame the way they handled it too much.
When they found out I liked girls and not boys they were surprisingly against it and told me it was too early for me to know and I was confusing friendship with love, but now we are able to talk about that kind of thing without it being all hidden and taboo.
No. 22905
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i'm so freaking mad that troons have ruined blåhaj. it looks so cute and squishable and is truly a feat of plush design but if i bought one it would just remind me of trannies every time i saw it
No. 22907
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Can't tell you how pleased I am to see an increasing number of anti-trans images being made using the trans flag colors! Hopefully they'll eventually overtake the pro-trans ones until the colors are instead associated with being anti-trans… and then back to just being neutral colors. Hate those fuckers for ruining a cute color combo.
No. 22908
>>22903You have a realistic time frame and you're being such a good friend for trying! I wish you best of luck nona! If you need to vent or want more advice us nonas will be here trying our best to support you.
My own little advice is to make sure anytime she mentions anything at all that goes against TRA and towards peaking, do a little "love bomb". Tell her that it was really thoughtful of her to say such a thing, that the topic she brings up is really interesting and you'd love to explore it with her more, tell her you like it when she is being analytical and smart like that, or that her snarky comment towards an AGP was really funny and on point! My "theory" is that if these people ended up being lured into the cult because they lacked community and attention then giving them that "social reward" can lure them back out.
No. 22912
>>22905I feel the same
nonnie, I have one a friend gave me that I would hug at night (before I got a cat that wants those hugs for himself kek) because it's a perfect huggable plush on top of being adorable. But now I always feel like I have to hide it whenever people that don't know me very well yet come over so I don't accidentally falsely signal to them that I'm a troon.
Honestly, it really fucks me up how much they made me afraid of being mistaken for a troon just because I don't fully fit in with what's considered "feminine" within their very stereotypical and slim standards.
No. 22914
>>22909>She’s even admitted herself she isn’t that bothered about the activism, and only goes because of her crush going.Tell her (through a "I personally could never…" narrative) that a life led by activism is going to be tiring as fuck, and not at all fun. "Fighting" (by showing up and screaming slogans with handmade sign for hours while people awkwardly go by not giving a shit) for something you're only lukewarm about is such a waste of time. And no one is actually helped by you wasting your time anyway.
And living with an activist with a mindset set in stone will get you nowhere, they'll only blindly care for their "cause" to the point that they neglect loved ones, such as your friend now feeling she "has to" go… for a cause she admit she isn't that bothered by.
No. 22915
>>22912I think hiding it is sad but wise tbh. If I went to a new friends place and they had a shark I'd wonder if they were an "ally" who'd lynch me if they knew I was a
terf. Would be sad if they were secretly a
terf too but both of us were afraid to speak up because we think the other is an TRA!
No. 22918
>>22914This sounds like a good method. She's a person with strong morals (as am I) but I can tell the Socialist stuff and protests just aren't for her. She took me to a prochoice one once, counter-protesting prolifers but it didn't seem to be anything much apart from a whole lot of screaming on both sides, and she got bored pretty quickly and honestly seemed disengaged with the whole thing. She was less concerned than I was with the actual cause. What I did notice was that there was definitely a sense of belonging between her and her fellow swp members, likely because half of them are creepy old TIMs so she probably feels like they can relate over being troons, but even that seemed convoluted and infighty.
I think her mindset is 'as long as I get to go somewhere with the person I love, it being for an important cause is a bonus', rather than said cause being the reason for her going. I really don't want to lose her or for her to become unrecognisable on hormones so I'm gonna really try my hardest at this without raising suspicion. I just know she'd flourish if she became true to herself.
No. 22927
>>22851this person asked me if I was sure about me being a woman. srs.
the thing about this situation is kinda weird but here is my theory, I've know this person for a few years bc we are mutuals on Facebook, we used to like the same indie band and the Fandom is not that big so everyone knows everybody.
I'm a butch, emo hair, dress up pretty much like a emo skate kid.
what I believe is that since I was empathetic towards this person, who is a completely neet with rich parents, they started to have feelings towards me.
I don't mind talking to this person at all and I'm not going to lie, feels weird treating him like a men even here where I'm anonymous.
I feel for this person life, this person is extremely depressed and has not 41% itself because of his mother, who is sick with some serious illness.
anyways, he is always talking about not liking woman, not being able to fall in love with a men, having some problems with sexuality bc he grow up alone and scared bc of over sexual behavior of his friends, saying this since we talked a about this a few times.
one time while we're talking about dating in a group chat he told that he does not want to have a man who has a penis.
later that day he asked me about my gender.
I believe he is trying not to go crazy, I can feel that he likes me but I believe that he is coping with that he is not a faggot.
I know that he was bullied in a serious way when he was young because he was "soft like a girl".
I actually don't know what should I do, I don't thing I should do anything at all.
weird situation.
No. 22933
>>22927>this person asked me if I was sure about me being a woman. srs.Whenever people ask you these dumbass idiot questions I find the best thing to do is to pretend you are a mental health researcher and ask them questions to make them talk. You have to act calm and therapist-like, bordering on treating them as a child but not in such a way that they catch on. If I was asked if I was sure about being a woman, rather than answering I'd ask "what makes you ask that?" and they'd answer some shit like "well… you act more like a man" and I'd counter with "i see, and what does it mean to you to 'act like a man'?".
Usually they're so narcissistic that they just keep talking kek if there's another person present they'll usually peak from hearing their dumb answers, if we're alone I tell my friends and family afterwards and we all laugh about it.
No. 22937
>>22933I give him a real answer, that I had my phase of thinking that but I actually got help and not affirmation care, that my problem was low self-esteem and hatred for d
feeling different, since people always told me that I was "looking like a man" I ran with it and with help of some TiM on the internet I started pretending to be a boy.
but that changed when I worked out on my mental health and find out that I needed to find new friends who would not keep calling me a man.
he didn't asked again, I can't save his "soul" but I can be a wake up call.
No. 22942
>>22939That just sounds like DID is the next big social contagion, which is also bad… But if they're really just knowingly using it as an escape from being trans then ok, it's better for now if they don't get surgeries and hrt that harm them.
I kind of wonder how many people are actually knowingly pretending to be trans just to fit it (or to hide that they're really a
terf kek). A lot of enbys put no effort at all in, I assume there are some who know neither they nor their friends are really trans (as in they know it's not real) but still play along. I think it's something I could have done as a teen, but I simply cannot even pretend to be on the side that mutilates kids so it would have failed due to that.
No. 22943
>>22932I’m fucking devastated nonas. I just went on a walk with my tif best friend and turns out she’s going to this clinic to get her first injection for this contraception thing that blocks the production of FSH. Thank god it’s not testosterone. I asked her about if she’s gonna ever start t and she seems pretty on the fence about it, she said she’s worried it would make her stop liking women due to the different hormones and that she knows women wouldn’t really like her because her body wouldn’t be fully female, and that even men wouldn’t. I told her that it affects libido and talked about how it’s irreversible, she seemed receptive enough.
Then, get this, she talked about her crush (I find it funny that she knows she likes only women even though her crush is a he/they fakeboi) and it seems like she’s being completely strung along and treated like shit. Apparently this TRA girl is now an anarchist and bails on seeing her so that she can meet up with these much older anarchist friends in this organisation she’s in. My friend can’t join because she knows she’ll be absolutely left out, when they bump into eachother at protests she ignores her. She blocked her on Twitter without giving her a reason despite not doing so to other friends, then went on a two week holiday to Spain without telling her even though they were on the exact same street at this protest. She makes plans just to bail on her on the day of, flakes on basically all plans my friend makes with her and makes excuses, and yet is constantly hanging out with these anarchist people. She told me a bunch of other stuff as well and I feel terrible for her. I hate the TRA loonies sm. This girl knows that my friend likes her and is taking full advantage of that in every way she can.
Also worth noting the TRA girl has deep scars, cuts and stitched up scars all up and down her arms and wears short sleeves absolutely everywhere.
No. 22945
>>22943Sorry they're treating her bad, but that's also good news since it would be so great if she could get away from the troon group.
I think you should try to convince your friend not to take those injections. Tell her she's being hurt by that group right now, and she's being hurt by her crush. That's incredibly stressful!
Try to convince her she shouldn't be making ANY hormonal changes until she's mentally stable and unstressed - tell her messing with her hormones is like starting an extra puberty for no reason, or like an extra period with extra pms.
Those are natural hormonal changes, and if she found those in anyway hard to deal with… then taking artificial hormones/blockers will be even worse to deal with! It would just be giving herself extra pms! Try to frame it as "you can still start it LATER when you're mentally stable". Get her to pause.
And if you're brave, ask if she thinks maybe she just wants hormone changes just to fit in with the trans group better? Does she REALLY think she needs those injections? Or does she just really want her crush to notice her?
Maybe sure to hammer in you think the crush is terrible and how she shouldn't hang out with those bad people anymore because she's worth so much more than that.
No. 22952
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I'm a very androgynous woman who struggles with presenting femininely, any event where I have to wear a dress and am expected to wear makeup makes me want to cry. I florish when I dress like my favorite male characters. I love wearing suits and ties, they flatter me more than a dress and skirt ever would. I'm so tired of TRA's asking me if I'm an enby or if I'm FTM. I'm so fucking tired of it, nonnies. Stop invalidating my womanhood just because I don't perfectly conform to your stereotypes and let me dress like my husbandos in peace.
No. 22959
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March 8th is near and we are suddenly going to get comments like "Happy women's day to all women and CIS women" or "Not a Happy women's day until trans women are accepted" and all that fucking shit. Moids have two days for TRA's illness, go to be a TIM somewhere else.
Besides why "Happy women day"? It was born due a tragedy where women and men (more women than men) died due a negligence and bad working treatments, is not a "happy" day to celebrate at all.
No. 22960
>>22952you sound like you have a cool style nona! hope you throw their misogyny back in their faces
>>22958jesus nona that's so scary! if i were you i would save a bunch of samples of troons skinwalking normal women (both from upset women who are
victims of it, and creepy posts from troons talking about wanting to wear their targets skin etc) to show my boss/other coworkers… you lead with something like "hey i know this sounds crazy but i have some concerns and i want to show you some stuff…" and then at the end be like "you know how robert chose MY name as his new name?" while looking scared and concerned. "I don't feel safe at this job anymore as long as he's here".
No. 22965
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Disappointed that there are no LGB female-exclusive dating apps and I was considering making one in the future if I can, but I realized that even if it withstood the protests from the TQ+, it would probably become a cesspit for freaks like picrel + the fact that there is no way to determine TiMs pics aren’t edited. Dating as a lesbian radfem is bleak these days. I wish I could meet a butch radfem irl.
No. 22966
>>22962yeah, I'm thinking of not really engaging with him anymore. as for the other people I'd like to do that but I worry they might turn on me instead even if I feel like they're just playing along
>>22965that screenshot is so disgusting, literally just rape and conversion therapy rhetoric. and yeah a lot of gnc women are just trans now unfortunately
No. 22968
>>22965>troons: "we would never harm a fellow womyn, we LOVE womins">also troons: "let me tell you about my plans and fantasies to rape women, specifically ones who are lesbians, and yes it's with my dick"I hope they all drop dead from hrt cancer
>>22966>as for the other people I'd like to do that but I worry they might turn on me instead even if I feel like they're just playing alongTry to test the waters? You don't have to go full
terf right away. You can even accuse yourself first and be like "is it bad that I don't really want anyone with a dick in the female restroom?" and see if they take the bait, at the very least you remind them that he doesn't magically lose his dick.
No. 22978
>>22976ywnbam, cry about it. like
>>22977 said there's tons of tifs in their 30s that wear em, the girl in question i was referring to is literally like 24 years old
No. 22979
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Somebody dared to wish happy international women's day at work slack and of course the local "NB" moid had to shove trannyism there
No. 22980
>>22979Damn, they're so predictable
>>22959 called it
No. 22982
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>>22979>>22980Is not new anyway, this woman got tons of backlash for posting that bullcrap and claiming how much she loved trans women.
No. 22983
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>>22982And talking about the devil: of course they're Palestine women. You know who aren't included? TIMs.
No. 22984
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I wish all handmaiden a pleasant please stfu day.
No. 22993
>>22991If you got together and she were to peak, what would you do? Would you be able to tell her that you knew the whole time? Would you be able to keep up a lie so deep to your significant other falling into a delusional cult?
There are lots of things to consider. I personally would think it's best to stay friends and try to peak her then try a relationship because it seems too intense to keep up such a lie to a tif
No. 22998
>>22991I'm having the exact same problem and I agree with
>>22997 that it comes down to how dogmatic she is about it. The woman I'm into is one of those TIFs with zero intent to medicalize at all, only does the pronoun thing on the internet, and is a diagnosed autistic terminally online fandom nerd who's been drinking this Koolaid since she was 13. She's incredibly sweet and funny and has a thing for me, but despite having feelings for her too, I thought it'd be wrong to date her and decided to try and gently peak her instead. It's been two whole fucking years, nona. She's only very recently come to me all on her own to basically pre-peak, saying things like she's not a man, she hates how people act like sex based oppression isn't real, "why does questioning any of this get called TERFy," etc. Still hasn't dropped the pronouns, but I think it's because her internet friends would cannibalize her for doing so. Understand it might take awhile for your crush to drop it, and even then, sometimes the best you can hope for is "well it wasn't for me" as opposed to having full-blown GC politics. I'm a lot more open to dating this girl than I was when we first met, but it's only because I really do think she's on her way to desisting and will be more likely to if she has someone like me around she feels comfortable confiding in. I'd never consider it if she was a hardcore TIF who demanded I call her a man and stop saying I'm a lesbian and put the flag everywhere, it'd feel unfair for us both. So there's a lot to consider in your case, tread cautiously and good luck.
No. 23019
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TRAs: Please use "people with uterus/penises", "People who can birth", etc!
TRAs: Please do NOT assume the gender of the baby.
TRAs: Please do not say my kid is gay because he likes toys aimed at girls, he might be an egg soon!
JKR: Does this
No. 23022
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>>23011I remember seeing this on facebook about 8 or 9 years ago and it was the first time I started to think maybe trans activists were full of shit. Literally only feminine women and masculine men are outside of the umbrella. In spite of the message that "no one can tell you how to identify" a lot of people started identifying as trans just because the definitions of words had changed.
No. 23023
Just need to do a slight vent but just need to unload what's been on my mind. I had my peak trans back in 2018 and I ended up outing myself as a "terf" because I couldn't take it anymore seeing my friends yammering on and on about how "oppressed" and "marginalized" they are, some being outright homophobic saying that it was "transphoia" if lesbians don't date TIMs. And then the JK Rowling stuff happened and they were saying she eas a "violent transphobe, something in me snapped and I couldn't do it anymore and I just went off telling people what's what.Unfortunately this resulted in me losing all my friends and I have been on my own ever sense. And whenever I would try to make new friends, unfortunately being someone who likes gaming and anime, I eventually realized that trans crap was inescapable. I remember meeting a girl in a fandom group and slowly building a friendship only for her to see that I shared the Kellie-Jay Keen video of her confronting that a big TIM and congratulating her for standing her ground and she called me a "transphobe bigot" and blocked me and then made a warning post about me saying that I should be avoided.
Ever since then, I've more or less been on my own. I have my parents who are boomers and never really bought into the gender bullshit which is nice but aside from them, I don't really talk much to anyone anymore these days and I will admit, it's been pretty lonely.
To those who are afraid of outing yourselves for fear of losing social connection, I totally feel for you because living this way has been pretty difficult, your social life really does change if you go public. Thankfully I still have my job and I don't see myself losing it because it's in retail. But I'll admit tht there are some days I wish I never peaked or never went public because the isolation is pretty brutal and it's ironic because I'm not an introvert at all but to go from having a small group of friends to none is like night and day.
I discovered Lolcow a bit before I peaked and I'm so thankful for this place and how most here are not mindless TRAs, this site does help me mentally remember that I'm not alone and that there are others who see through this bullshit and won't entertain it even if they may not be as open about their views in public which again, after being public myself, I get the fear. The reason why I went public is because I wanted to be an example of someone who stood up and said no to this and I naively thought that could continue living my life despite being seen as a "terf" and for the most part, things have been fine, it's just the social aspects that took a nosedive.
Anyway just needed to get that off my chest.
No. 23027
>>23023As someone who is stealth
terf only in some social groups and open in others I can tell you it's SO exhausting to be around TRA/handmaidens all day. It's enough to make you suicidal to have to pretend that cutting up mentally ill gay teens is a good idea, or to pretend a literal pedophile is "slaaaay, so fab" because he is wearing a sparky dress with a boner while ogling the kids. I've slowly moved onto leaving that group for the peaked group because those people are frankly just not worth it. They're not "friends" if the entire friendship depends on me agreeing that kids need to be cut up.
No. 23032
>>23023Similar to what
>>23027 said if you have to walk on eggshells around your friends, are they really your friends? If transgenderism become truly socially unacceptable, then these people would shift positions overnight. Do you really want to be friends with people like that, not thinking for themselves and going along with whatever is in vogue?
Maybe try finding normie apolitical types irl. Join something like a hiking club or gym group
No. 23036
>>23033Agree with you 100%. I've been called out a lot by radfems for being "too harsh" on TIFs and it's fucking ridiculous. They are literally traitors. What makes things worse is that if you talk to one, or browse somewhere like r/ftm you'll see that they openly admit to fearing moids. It takes a special kind of sickness to openly side with the oppressors, and that's why I am not open to dialogue with TIFs and why I'll never cape for them. I think also as a GNC lesbian, I noticed their thoughts regarding lesbianism and gender non-conformity earlier than my straight, feminine friends. It's hard not to see the seething hatred they have for lesbians (because how dare you not centre moids in your life you fucking
TERF) and gender non-conformity (you're just a closeted FTM, real women dress and act like bimbos) when they're allowed to say with their whole chest and call it "commentary on gender" or w/e and I can't even call a spade a spade.
No. 23037
>>23022"Trans is not a costume!!! It's an identity!!"
>Lumps transvestites in the umbrellalol so they admit its just clown face
No. 23038
>>23023i feel you nonna, i experienced this too. i had entire groups of people i was friends with for 10+ years collectively block me for wrongthink. i wasn't even mean to them in particular or anything, i usually just ragged on kweerios in general and how misogynistic and homophobic they are. i was very open about my disgust towards tims though and i guess that really did it because muh poor transwomen. even though i usually posted receipts, like of that alok dude who said little girls are kinky and shit.
i have since moved and switched jobs (unrelated to losing said friends, kek) so i'm not scared of them ruining my life or something but, like you, i'm into hobbies that are infested with handmaidens and gendies. it gets pretty lonely sometimes. idk where you live but i started taking non credit classes at the local community college and that helps. currently i'm taking a language course, but i also signed up for a one day cooking course next month and for a garbage clean up along our city river. i have yet to make any friends but being surrounded by normies of all ages is very nice since they're just normal about things and not constantly virtue signaling to the imagined woke police in their heads. i know it's daunting to get out of the nerd shell, though.
No. 23043
>>23030This is my fear. I'd like to write F/F, but one of the characters I like is a fan favorite of TIMs because uwu girlfailure useless lesbian she's just like me! (even though this is an obvious misinterpretation). I don't want them to feel seen or heard or validated. It's so hard being into F/F these days.
>>23023I feel you on wishing you could un-peak. I have actively tried to "go back" and convince myself I'm wrong, retracing ideological steps to remember how I started believing in the trans stuff, but I just can't do it. It's like trying to convince myself to believe in Santa. I've basically isolated myself from most of my friends because it's really hard talking to people and knowing they'd treat you like Hitler for daring to say you don't believe in gendered souls. I think if you have a lot of community online and in fandom/nerdy places, the social consequences will be much more apparent. Hope you can find friends who understand you nona.
No. 23049
>>23027AYRT and believe me, I totally feel your friends. All my friends were TRAs/Handmaidens and when I peaked when I did, it took a lot to hold back and tell these people to get a fucking grip about the reality involving trans ideology. As lonely as I feel, I do feel a sense of freedom no longer having to pretend that gay teens cutting themselves up and pedophiles are actually just misunderstood "Transwomen". But again, if you plan on going public just be aware depending on where you are, it can have some social backlash. But you say you found a peak group and that's awesome to hear, I wish you luck!
>>23032To answer your question, hell no these peopel were never mu friends, especially with how quick they were to drop and shame me, it was horrible. It's to the point where I think about what I will do when this troon bubble bursts and people finally come back to reality. If any of them were to try to apologize to me and want to be friends again, I seriously have trouble thinking I could accept their apology after how quick they were to throw me away like trash on the sidewalk.
I already go to the gym and I'm thinking of getting into rock climbing so I'll keep this in mind, hopefully I can find some normie folk in that activity.
>>23033Agree with you anon. I used to have sympathy for TIFs but ever since I peaked and spoke out, half of the people who give me shit are TIfs and even when you try to be understanding to them, they still shit on you and my sympathy has run it's course. If they want to fuck up their bodies in their piss poor attempt to be something they never will be, fine fuck it, it's their body and they'll have to deal with the consequences. The only ones I feel for are the teenagers who don't know any better at this point.
>>23038Right on but I especially feel you on how even when you try to come off as reasonable when explaining why the trans cray is bullshit by not insulting anyone and just showing receipts, they still take it the wrong way. "Oh you're cherry-picking", "Not ALL transwomen", etc. It's absolutely mind numbing .
Thank you for the suggestion of trying a community college course just to get some social interaction, I'll definitely give that a try! But yeah, not easy to break out of being a nerd. It fucking sucks that the thing that gave us so much comfort has turned into a poison. I mean I still enjoy video games and anime and still partake in those things but I miss being able to socialize over it you know? keki.
>>23043>It's like trying to convince myself to believe in Santa.That's the perfect analogy to describe why trying to un-peak is borderline impossible. I can't do it either or rather, I wouldn't make it very far when I stumble upon stories of TIMs committing heinous acts against women and children.
>I've basically isolated myself from most of my friends because it's really hard talking to people and knowing they'd treat you like Hitler for daring to say you don't believe in gendered souls.FFR, I remember someone said I was a "nazi" because of my anti-trans views. That and/or conservative (which I'm getting fucking tired of being called, Knowing reality is not a "conservative" thing).
>I think if you have a lot of community online and in fandom/nerdy places, the social consequences will be much more apparent. Hope you can find friends who understand you nona.So true. I typo'd in my OP but I'm actually pretty introverted and the internet gaming/anime/geek fandoms were once my safe haven, I'm sure it was for a lot of us but now they are just
toxic pits that you either have to tread lightly on or be cast out of. But thank you for the encouraging words, I do appreciate it.
No. 23051
>>23049>FFR, I remember someone said I was a "nazi" because of my anti-trans views. That and/or conservative (which I'm getting fucking tired of being called, Knowing reality is not a "conservative" thing).They don't even realize how much they are actually helping nazis (or maybe they do…) by constantly saying the sane, logical, based in reality opinion is tied directly to nazis. It only makes the nazis look good! And the nazis themselves don't even have to do any work (well the troons who are legit nazis do some of the work). And all the "conservatives this and that" is having the same effect. Barely any
terf is conservative, they are literally feminists (as is in the
terF name!!!) who are mostly against conservative opinions.
But the good thing is that since troons don't "know their enemy" they're doomed to fail. A troon confidently going to a trans topic debate to "shut up the conservatives" is going to struggle when the opponent is actually not an old conservative but a modern leftist lesbian feminist.
No. 23055
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Picrel unironically helped me peak. Once you notice how much "transmisogyny"(don't forget how it's so much worse than other kinds of misogyny!!) is just creepy incel-to-trans-pipeline males being upset women treat them like other creepy males you can see it everywhere.
No. 23063
Last night I was at the bar with a couple of male friends of mine (I know), two of whom have theythem girlfriends, the kind with dyed green hair and cakey makeup. I'm fairly certain they know I have terfy views but gender shit doesn't really come up in convo.
Anyway the third one was lamenting about how he wants to find a girlfriend, and one of the former two said something about how he could transition and be his girlfriend instead, and then started fishing for compliments like "if I transitioned would I be a pretty woman?" I bluntly told him no, he's got a strong male bone structure and a beard, estrogen would do nothing about either of these things and he would look like a man no matter what. I think they were all taken aback by my honesty, but it felt good. I'm worried about this particular friend trooning out because of his gf's militant genderism and the fact that he's autistic, skinny, and sensitive. So I hope this was a bit of a reality check for him. I know for a fact I won't be able to put up with him if he does troon out, playing socially enforced pretend with a man about womanhood is something I just can't do anymore.
No. 23065
>>23063Nicely done nona. That guy doesn't know it but you may very well have been the one to save him from ultimately runining his own life, simply by being honest. Of course I also expect him to go back to his gf and tell her about it and she'll forbid him from ever seeing the evil
terf friend again. She's probably been "grooming" him to troon out to a they/them too by saying he'd make such a pretty girl so they can be a t4t queer couple, because dating an evil oppressor straight cis guy is shameful to those women.
No. 23069
>>23063theres not a single man that envisions his womansona to look anything less than a 10/10 turbobabe. really shows you how much confidence the average man has and how much they love and adore themselves
this is why male depression and male mental illness is not real. men are actually neurologically and physically unable to experience self loathing
No. 23071
>>23065My highschool friend has been dating this skinny autistic guy since we were teenagers, he went from watching pewdiepie and saying the n-word to transitioning fully..? It was a total shock/seemed sudden but I don't really keep in touch with them. Reading this made me wonder…did she groom him into transitioning or at least encourage him?
>>23063Why is it that "autistic, skinny and sensitive" guys are high risk for trooning out? I know four of those types I grew up with and now they are all TIMS, one of them even got a neovag..
No. 23072
>>23063To be honest anon, the fact that he’s flirting with his male friends while in a relationship and straightforwardly asking people if he’d be attractive as a woman (and expecting to be told yes) indicates that he’s already in the early stages of AGP. Normal men don’t fantasise about morphing into a hot girlfriend for one of their lonely male friends. I’d be bracing myself for a troonout if I were you.
>>23071Autistic men usually spend much of their time online, have trouble empathising with other people (especially women) and are often on the lookout for a magical fix for their problems. Before trans ideology was this pervasive most of them were convinced that getting a girlfriend would be that magic fix and would end up on incel forums. These forums tell them that girls live life on easy mode. Nowadays they’re being told that they can BE a girl and live life on easy mode while being liked by everyone. They all think they’d be hot girls because hot girls are the only ones they themselves ever notice. As far as they are concerned, to be a girl is to be desired. Then when it turns out that putting on a miniskirt and taking estrogen doesn’t fix their problems, they can blame it on transphobia.
No. 23078
>>23076Ayrt, I'm not
>>23063 I'm someone else making stating a more generalized question because I can't for the life of me wrap my head around tranny logic
No. 23081
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Canada is so fucked up stg
No. 23086
>>23072ayrt. Yeah, I know you're right. I will not be surprised at all if he pulls out they/them pronouns at minimum soon. It frustrates me because he's like a younger brother to me, and I see how impressionable and eager to please others he is. He's exactly the type to be caught up in this kind of fad. It's part of why I pushed back on it so hard when he brought it up. I don't want him to ruin his life, but there's really nothing I can do if that's what he chooses.
and yeah
>>23065 I don't blame her completely because he's grown and makes his own choices, but she's definitely the type to push a hetero partner to identify differently for kweerness points. What's funny is although she's a devout nonbiney, her name literally means "her" in french lmao.
>>23081fuuuucking kill me I hate living here, troonada never quits. it's like being surrounded by zombies.
No. 23090
I am so fucking sick of my handmaiden friends and even relatives and their absurd activism. They're all so obsessed with ~trans rights~ and they insert the stupid topic in completely unrelated conversations. It feels like they're all autists whose special interest is TRA and they just can't shut up about it. And I know it's all the result of brainwashing because we're eurofags and troons aren't really a problem here. Yeah, you may see some freaks or two downtown but the majority of them are too scared to leave their echo chambers so they just stay inside all they. But most of the women my age I know are unfortunately just as terminally online twitter users who get brainwashed by white american troons' accounts and they believe the whole "we are getting genocided!" lie. It's so absurd, it makes zero sense to be so invested in the "rights" of ugly abominations on the other side of the world. It's insane how all of my friends and a close family member collectively lost their minds. And their vitriol against terfs is so extreme, they use it as a synonym of nazi. If I didn't know how brainwashing twitter can be I'd think they're all secretly troons, there's no other reason to be this obsessed with this shit.
Another thing I unfortunately have to witness are 2 moids in my major trooning out. One of them is a 6 foot tall lanky scrote who was very ugly even for a man. But now he goes by a feminine name, wears his dry frizzy hair down and uses cutesy emojis after every sentence. With the other one it's much more obvious that he spends way too much time online because he can't stop using absurd twitter phrases, he wears tranny flag gloves and badges on his backpack and also he carries his fucking blahaj around campus and on our lectures. He's a themby but will probably troon out soon. Oh and they both obviously throw hissy fits whenever someone makes the grave mistake of using he/him for them. They are retards but as much as I hate to admit it, they're not nearly as annoying as my libfem friends who can't shut up about the poor tranny genocide. I don't think we should always agree on everything with our friends but this is getting out of hand, they're not treating it as just a difference in opinions but as if I'm a nazi/karen/privileged white cunt (yes, their actual words) just because I don't kiss tranny ass. It's getting way too much, I'm just going to meet new people who don't dwell online 24/7 and stop dealing with these retards.
No. 23123
>>23119>My 14 year old daughter identified as a TIF for about two years.For the sake of your daughter you should cut all contact with him and his gf, until he stops. The harm the ideology did on your child already stole 2 years of her life, to see him parade it openly as a good thing is insulting. Imagine being a child/teen, being groomed into this horrible sexually driven pedo cult and thankfully making it out alive - only to see your own uncle proudly be a member of said cult. If your parents then let him hang out around you, wouldn't that make you feel unsafe and like they weren't protecting you?
There is 99% chance a themlet thinks your desisted daughter has just been forced to detransition because of you, the transphobic parents. And TRAs favorite pastime is grooming kids under the guise of "saving" them - always behind the parents backs. They're an actual risk to your child.
No. 23130
>>23127because they get tricked into being progressive with shaming tactics. "it's like homosexuality, remember conversion therapy? let's be on the
right side of history!" so even when they think peak thoughts they put it out of their minds. despite all this cult-like behavior they can't see any connection.
No. 23133
>>23109I'm sorry this happened to you anon.
>what can be done about this?Women who have been made to feel unsafe by men in women's spaces need to do what the detrans activists are succeeding with and take legal action wherever possible. This is why it's especially heinous to allow men into women's prisons and shelters; they're the most disenfranchised women and least able to fight back. I've read about women imprisoned with men who don't even tell the guards about the incidents of sexual violence because they're afraid to be seen as snitches and be punished for it. The women with the most influence and money have got to do all they can to help change things, especially with what we're working against. I think JK Rowling has been amazing this way, between her massive donations and Beira's place, I can't tell you how many recently peaked normies have told me something along the lines of, "well I believed everyone when they said Rowling was a transphobe, but when I looked into it myself, I saw that what she said was actually reasonable."
No. 23134
>>23087In 2011-2012, i was required to have a reddit for a job i had. I discovered mra and red pill around then. It was a horrifying experience for me, because i realized just how many of these people i had met without knowing.
Fast forward to today, I have recently found out that reddit admins are apparently all troons. Not surprising to me in the slightest. It's depressing.
No. 23136
>>23123Very good points anon. I guess I didn't fully consider everything you mentioned because my daughter rarely sees my brother, and never without me present. I don't trust him to not try and push non binary or gender fluid shit on her. Of course he would think he was doing something good and kind, because he refuses to see the truth about the "trans movement." She definitely agreed that the flag in his house was gross and cringey as hell. You've given me much to think about, thank you.
And I'm sure his gf 100% thinks my daughter only desisted because of her "ebil transphobe parents." Not because she realized she and all the other middle school TIFS she knows were all clones of each other. Not because she started to get a bad feeling in her gut every time a friend would call her by her fake boy name. Not because she came to the realization that she is a girl who just doesn't give a shit about traditional femininity and outdated gender roles, etc. Nope, just the transphobe parents lol.
No. 23137
>>23090I'm the person who wrote
>>23023 and I totally understand your frustration anon. I'm not in school though so thankfully I don't have to deal with something like that but my thoughts go out for you. If it were me, I probably would just give these assholes the middle finger, you're totally in the right for not kissing troon ass, don't give those fucks the pleasure or validation, they don't deserve it.
All that said, try to do what some others have suggested by joining a hobby that doesn't tend to attract terminally online people, it's really our best bet at this time to try to meet people who haven't been brainwashed.
No. 23141
>>23135Only one relative knew about my views but she may have forgotten about it. 3-4 years ago I hated troons but didn't know that admitting it can get you canceled (I didn't spend much time online and had never seen the crazy handmaidens yet). So one day I got into an argument with a TiF who had a mental breakdown because I refused to call her a he. I told my relative about it because I was convinced the TiF is crazy (still am) and had to share with someone, but then I had an unpleasant surprise: my relative turned out to be a TRA and she started lecturing me, telling me how disappointed she is, how she hopes my beliefs are a result of lack of knowledge and not malice and how I am speaking from a privileged position and I should try harder to grasp how hard the LGBT community has it all. The entire time she was so condescending and acted as if I'm an "oppressor" because I am white and straight. I got sick of her lecture because she was rambling for at least 2 hours so I told her "ok I'll think about it" just so she leaves me alone. Afterwards she didn't speak to me for days even though we used to chat daily. That's how I learned my lesson and since then I've been crypto. On one hand I feel guilty about it because I feel like my silence and compliance contribute to the problem, but on the other hand what am I supposed to do? Get into hour-long arguments with brainwashed retards who may be crazy enough to even try to ruin my life because of it? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Sorry, got a bit carried away but I agree with you. We've come to a point where the delusions of TRAs are way too severe and the best thing you can do is simply ghost them so that's what I'm doing. I can't ghost my relative unfortunately but I can just ignore her I guess.
>>23137Thank you nonna, I also feel you because I've seen how people you've considered friends can abandon you INSTANTLY the moment you share your true thoughts. With such people you have no choice, you must either wear a TRA mask every single moment you're around them or you should never talk to them again, no in between. And I relate with what you said about gaming and anime, I'm someone who used to really enjoy MMOs since I was a child but now my favorite one is flooded with troons. I don't wanna let them ruin my fun or deter me from pursuing my hobbies but if I see one more ~transbian~ talking about taking her ~titty skittles~ unprompted I'm gonna alog I swear. But I 100% agree on finding hobbies filled with people who aren't terminally online and brainwashed, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I've wasted enough time on twitter dwellers who put the feelings of coomers on the other side of the world before mine, a "friend" they've had for years. I hope they have fun with their brainrot because I'm sick of it.
No. 23147
>>23141For sure anon. I wish I coild assure you that if you did come out, there would be people on your side but unfortunately at this point in time, I don't think that will be the case for you since it seems like your friends and family are neck deep in TRA nonsense. I lucked out because my parents are old and set in their ways which for once is a good thing when it comes to this lol. But even with that, it can feel lonely but I just came to accept that this is my new life now for the time being and that I'll just pursue my rock climbing and try to make some new friends through there. Just know that you're not alone, we understand your frustration and are fed up with it as well. I wish that more would speak out but after living the life I have for about 2 years now, I can understand why others would not want to be open.
>>23144Yeah sounds about right. I wasn't really on Tumblr but I've heard how a lot TIFs and TIMs would run all kinds of "emergency" donations that turn out to be scams. Sorry you got ripped off but at the very least you learned a lesson. Donating for a cause is fine but don't waste it on people involved in troonfuckery, it's a waste of money.
>>23146That sounds pretty awful. i hope your friend's nigel doesn't troon out but he sounds like he's a bit porn-obsessed and with how pervasive AGP is, it's a flip of a coin on whether he'll give into it or not.
No. 23152
>>23139the thing that's crazy is how they argue that therapy trying to help them is conversion therapy when it's obvious that the surgery is that. otherwise it wouldn't have existed as a form of conversion therapy
against homosexuals in the 50s and in middle eastern countries. just because it's framed as a compassion thing doesn't make it less obviously conversion therapy.
No. 23154
>>23153>Certain fandom that's overrun with gendies tooOh god, is it Genshin Impact? kek
I feel you though, as nice as it would be to have our own forum or Discord server that was troon free, you just know it would be invaded by seething troons who will "infiltrate" to "expose" our tRaNsPhObIa when there isn't any and the brainless TRAs will rage and try to cancel it. Because god forbid there is one place on the internet that will not cater to troons and their mindless sheep where people can relax and just have fun like the good old days.
>would be overrun by edgy commer moidcels who hate troons for all the wrong reasons.Yeah this would definitely happen as well unfortunately unless the mods worked to ban them.
But there's a small glimmer of hope that something like this could work. I mean Lolcow has been around for a good while and despite the initial attempted takedown awhile back, it managed to survive. And so has Kiwifarms so maybe there is some hope that a troon free server could exist.
No. 23155
>>23154KEKKKKK was i that obvious?
now guess which fave of mine gets troonified despite literally having two Xes for eyes… anyway, you're 100% right on the money with your analysis. i do think someone might be able to make it work if they kept it very underground (only extending invites in private to trusted people type deal), but unfortunately that'd require connections most of us are sorely lacking. another option would be to brand the server as small/selective and quietly kick anyone who mentions troonism out, but that's also a very delicate dance. god i really wish this was simpler. if you ever do decide to go for it though, i'll definitely be rooting for you.
No. 23158
>>23147I wasn't really on Tumblr but I've heard how a lot TIFs and TIMs would run all kinds of "emergency" donations that turn out to be scams.
I don't think this girl in particular was even just trying to scam people, she was genuinely deluded and thought she deserved all the money (and that her parents not playing along was "abuse") because everyone in the movement genuinely sees themselves as perpetual
victims. I did learn my lesson though! Honestly I'm glad it was a tif and not a tim so the money at least went to a girl kek
No. 23159
>>23146>Sometimes when I see cases like this of damned if you do damned if you don't, I wish I could unpeak myself and live a more carefree handmaiden life where everything was simpler and lacked nuance or discussion.Sometimes I really feel this too, but it quickly passes when I think of the harm I would be accidentally supporting. Like it's not just men being degenerate porn addicted freaks, it's also irreversibly harming actual innocent kids. Poor teenage girls who are
victims of csa who try to escape their bodies but get their chests and genitals mutilated, and sterilized so they can never ever have the comfort of a biological family. I'm glad I peaked, I could never live with myself if I supported something as awful as that.
No. 23162
>>23155Ntayrt but I am
>>23024 and the character you're talking about (specifically her ship with
Furina) is what inspired my post kek. I autistically counted all the fics that gave her a dick and it was over half, I wanted to die so badly. It's just so frustrating. Even TIFs in fandom I know have started to question why everyone rushed to make a mildly GNC character trans.
No. 23180
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Riding the subway the other day going to work at 8:30 in the morning. I had the misfortune of seeing a troon sitting on the handicap seats btw.Dressed as a "nurse" white short shorts, and a white jacket with black X's over his nipples. A bad blonde wig, smeared red lipstick. Mind you it's not warm right now either in Toronto either and he had his twig legs sticking out and sleeveless jacket. I saw some other women in the same area, subway was pretty packed too, looking at him with disgust. I was secretly hoping they were terfs too.
No. 23185
>>23155AYRT and sorry I wouldn't know which character since I actually have never played the game, I just know that Genshin Impact has attracted a lot of TIFs & TIMs who revel in troonifying the characters and I could only imagine how that must feel for sane people who just want to play and enjoy the characters and their stories without all that troon crap haha. Anyway yeah all of what you said is true and I'll take it into consideration, I may end up making it anyway just to test the waters because I'm sure there really are a sizeable amount of people who would appreciate something like this.
>>23157AYRT and I hope in time your sister and cousins come around. Hopefully there will be something that will peak trans, we all have that happen at some point that wakes us up, some longer than others unfortunately. Anyway thanks for the positive words, same to you!
>>23159Same. Even if I tried to humor myself to go back to being a handmaiden, being aware of the degeneracy that is the reality of trans ideology and having to be reminded of it when a new story comes out of a teen being sucked into the ideology or a de-trans coming out and sharing how the drugs and/or "surgeries" fucked up their health before they are even 30 and so on, I would peak right the fuck out. I think it's because we are the ones who are far more compassionate for these poor
victims (excluding the AGPs, they're just freaky fetishists who need to get a grip) and we don't want to see people hurt themselves and not realize it before it's too late. Some of these people need that dose of reality, that one person who tells them that they are wrong or that they are making a mistake.
>>23160>What fandom isn't overrun by gendies now?Yeah, even kid-friendly things like Pokemon now has become a bit of a breeding ground with troonery.
>>23180Fucking hell anon, what a way to start your morning kek I'm sorry you and those other women had to see that. Hopefully this guy is not a real nurse.
No. 23188
nonnies i am perhaps peaking… where do we go from here?
about a decade ago in my trans friend groups, it was common for trans women to get called out for sexual assault, pedophilia, and degenerate kinks, and they'd be properly ousted from the community afterwards. nowadays, most of my dashboard on tumblr talks about being pro-kink, protecting trans women at all costs, and ignoring the stereotype that trans women are predators, even when it's true.
the aggie thread on here was very reminiscent of several trans women I've personally met. it's crazy how much the trans circles have changed to protect predators and prioritize male feelings. when baeddels teased trans men calling them "shrimp dicks" on ye olden tumblr days, that was transmisandrist, but now that just seems par for the course to make trans women feel better about themselves.
i've lurked lc for awhile so that's probably why i'm so aware of all this, but pretty much all of my friends are trans (mostly FTMs) themselves. we silently avoid AGP types, but it's like no one's allowed to say WHY those MTFs are so predatory…
in a convo with friends, we talked about how most of our abusers were AMAB trans, and it immediately got shut down as "terfy." even just pointing out the truth isn't allowed? it really is an echo chamber, and it's gotten so much worse over the past decade.
No. 23190
>>23186My husbands sister is TiF. If she came out of it then we would welcome her back with open arms. I doubt she will though, shes had her tits removed and has the monobrow and face scruff coming in. Thats really the only person I have that directly is affected.
I'm pregnant and we worry that her seeing me pregnant, then the baby will make her spiral and she will try to kill herself again. She cut my husband off because of a talk they had before she "came out" as non binary, although it was 6 months after the talk that she decided to cut him off for 2 years.
Her parents have told me they are waiting for the phone call to say shes finally killed herself. If they protest any of her decisions, not just troon shit, they will be cut off again. So they are held hostage so they can have access to their daughter.
I think shes under the impression that I'm very lefty, I dont think she realises my views align with my husband if not go further.
Shes a nice person, but its obvious when we've seen her who the people shes been hanging around is.
At this point I hope she somehow finds a hard right guy shes interested in and that through that he might be able to break her out of this whole tranny shit.
When we told her I was pregnant she said "I wish I could get a girl pregnant". Yuck.
His family asked if we had names picked out for a baby and I told them our top pick, she said that thats on her list too.. Sorry but I'll be using it.
This turned into more of a rant sorry, feels good to get out the frustration.
No. 23197
>>23186When I peaked I had about 5-7 people who I'd considered to be my good friends unfollow me on social media over my views and I haven't talked to or run into them since. I sincerely doubt they'd ever randomly apologize to me if they suddenly peaked and realized I was right because 1.) it's embarrassing to admit to someone that you were wrong, and 2.) it's been a few years and I've moved on with my life (met other friends) and I'm sure they have too. It's kinda main character syndrome to sit around waiting for people to realize you were right to apologize to you tbh. If I've managed to live for a few years without these people in my life, and they've been doing the same, we probably weren't as good of friends to begin with as what I'd assumed.
I guess that if they hypothetically did apologize to me one day I'd be like "…so what finally peaked you? Spill the tea sis."
No. 23198
>>23188Welcome to peaking nona! If you're able to talk about terfy points to your friends one-on-one I think you should do that. If you can peak even one of them that's great! But remember it's NOT your job to save them. They can only peak if they decide for themselves to face their doubts.
When I peaked I often felt lonely and found a lot of comfort in watching detrans youtube videos, it was so nice to hear people who had been right in the middle of it talk about it and how they got out and are now slowly healing instead so I definitely recommend doing that. It's also helpful to hear what made them peak and decide to detrans, as you can then if you want try to bring up those topics with your own tif friends.
No. 23199
>>23180>I had the misfortune of seeing a troon sitting on the handicap seats btw.Dressed as a "nurse"I think the only morally correct thing to do when something like that happens and other women are around is to subtly signal to them that he's dangerous and they should stay away. Like a little head nod as to say "let's move over to the next carriage" while glancing at the dude to make it obvious he's the reason. Might not work well when it's packed though.
>>23185>even kid-friendly things like Pokemon now has become a bit of a breeding ground with troonery.Not "even" nona, it's "because" they are kid friendly. The groomer troons target them on purpose. Sadly I think there a re actual pro-troons working at game freak/the pokemon company now as the games have started to embrace some troonery shit.
No. 23200
>>23186>if your friends and/or family abandoned you for trans ideology came back and apologized to you, would you accept and take them back?As a base my answer (assuming it seems genuine) is absolutely 100% yes, I would love to have them back and I would forgive them. Partly because I was also once an innocent teen who got tricked into supporting it before peaking, so I know how brainwashed the cult keeps them first hand. I know the other side seemed super scary and intimidating, and I thought the lies were true too! And in the end I just want them to go back to normal.
There is however one troon friend who I had a falling out with. He sexually assaulted me so he can beg on his fucking knees and I will still never accept his apology. To some degree I think troons like him, who sexually assault people, are the ones who will never peak and come around anyway because they'd have to admit to being gross predators all along.
No. 23201
>>23162ayrt. back when you posted it, i was actually wondering if your comment was about this particular pair but thought i was just being schizo kek, i guess i should trust my genshit instincts more. that's absolutely disgusting though. i don't spend a lot of time in fanfic circles, but i am a notorious regular when it comes to finding art of her and i've seen so many people troon her out one way (TiM) or the other (TiF). i can't stand it
especially since i'm already autistic enough about her characterization as it is, she would not fucking do that. it's very intriguing that you've seen TiFs question it though. hopefully that's a sign of better things to come, because honestly the current state of affairs is untenable, at least for my sanity.
>>23185best of luck, nonna, and thanks for the sympathy. if you do go ahead with it, perhaps the friend finder thread would be an okay place to advertise it? i don't know if server advertisement itself is allowed there, but a buffer account nonnas could message for a link might do the trick (and serve to filter any unwanted pests).
No. 23203
>>23188Welcome back to reality anon. My advice from here is for one, try to get used to not calling these men "trans women", call them what they are, men. Part of what needs to be done is to reclaim language and definition again. Women are adult human females, not men who think they are women because they get off on prancing around in dresses and high heels while wearing makeup. So try to revert back to objective language when talking about these people. If you want to acknowledge the "Trans" part, just call them "trans-identifying men or maleS" and vice versa with women who have bought into the cult as well.
Number, I second
>>23198 of watching de-trans content just to see how these people were tricked or suckered into the ideology and take what you learn from them and keep key notes in the back of your head when you hear trans-identifying people describe why they think they are the opposite sex. Along with this, I would recommend watching some gender critical content. Magdalen Berns (RIP) is a good place to start, she was a lesbian radfem who was one of the first YouTubers who actively pushed back against trans ideology and though she is no longer with us anymore, her content still holds up. Peak Trans is another good one to check out, her "Transgender ideology Awful Arguments" playlist is definitely worth a look.
As for your friends… If you do plan to be more vocal about your views, be prepared in the possibility that you may lose some, if not all of them (depending how deep they are in the ideology). It's just a sad reality of what can happen if you go public not propping up troons but especially troon men.
Good luck anon.
No. 23221
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>>23188I wish I had a based
TERF friend IRL who I could’ve bought this card for, but I don’t, so I’ll just share this photo of it with you instead.
No. 23228
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i just saw this screencap for the first time today and it made me mad.
No. 23240
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Trans identified men whine about being so "oppressed" and then continue to get special treatment and opportunities based on being trans wherever they go and no one is allowed to complain. They've never been oppressed, just entitled and privileged. Even more so than so called "cis" men.
No. 23255
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Looked at upcoming artist alley artists listed for a convention (picrel is just from google) and some had the cringe gender stuff as usual… seeing their violent they/them pins I was hit with this smugness. They will never be able to hide from this mistake. Their great nephews and neices (because they've ruined their own fertility so they won't have kids of their own kek) will wonder why their old auntie was a gender-nazi, how she could be so evil she wanted innocent teens to have their breasts and dicks cut off. And auntie can't deny it because these drawings, pins, the photos… it's ALL of her lifes work. She can't act like "w-we were just trying to live peacefully as ourselves!" because the art is literally violent and depicting weapons, quirky hrt drug pills, and depicting mutilated female chests. Their posts literally say "kill and punch" their enemies, who are normal women who are against them.
I know these people haven't realized it yet, but it's kinda funny when you've peaked and you know that these people will either die on their gender hill, hated by everyone around them for their gender-nazi opinions OR they will have to shamefully face and denounce their old gender-nazi views and forever be embarrassed that they ever fell for it. And since they're selling at a convention, even if they do peak they'll have to live with having directly profited on the gender-nazi movement. Maybe karma is real after all.
No. 23256
>>23240this is absolutely ridiculous. whose dick did this creepy skinwalker faggot have to suck to get a bit part in a disney show. i i never want to see this rapey fuck whine about being a
victim of "transphobia" ever again and i hope hontrapoints finally comes out with some substantial allegations after this announcement
No. 23257
>>23240Hated seeing him in BG3 as well. Pretty sure PhilosophyTube is hated by other troons and his family is rich with connections
>>23228Nonnies, every time you start to get mad at troons, just remember there is a lot of evidence that HRT ruins their health permanently No. 23261
>>23259Sperg out here, but I don't like seeing people get hurt either, especially children and the mentally vulnerable. Nobody "deserves" medical problems. But I also don't care about AGP troons who hurt women and abandon their families.
I go back and forth on how much I should pity troons. Almost everyone in the gender cult will groom others at any given chance to troon out themselves. I've come to conclude that our government and medical institutions shouldn't be enabling this shit anyways. And I have nothing against detransitioners.
>>23260Same. I do the opposite of what TIFs do and love my body
No. 23262
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I'm about to turn into one of those cranks who hang out by the side of the road with a cardboard sign about the lizard people. There's this het gendie couple living next door who keep trying to ingratiate themselves with me and my wife as totes kweer besties uwu and I can't fucking stand it. I want to put a whiteboard window up in my window and change it out weekly to whatever I think will psychically torment them the most. Sorry for being insane nonas I just can't stand this shit anymore.
No. 23279
>>23248>>23254“Intersex” is practically a fetish term at this point. They’re picturing themselves as futas or some other kind of fantasy/scifi porn trope. People who truly have a disorder of sexual development can name which disorder they have and what the consequences are for their health (even if they usually prefer to keep that private). Anyone claiming to be some generic kind of “intersex” is broadcasting a fetish.
I hope your friend gets out of that relationship asap, anon. It sounds like a recipe for sexual abuse.
>>23261>I go back and forth on how much I should pity troons.Same here. I pity the ones who were trooned in childhood but I’m really conflicted about adult TIFs in particular. On the one hand I can understand how they got where they are and I empathise but on the other hand I hate how many of them are actively hurting other women and girls. Not just indirectly by supporting gender ideology but by grooming young kids and trying to get women who speak out against them fired and blacklisted. I avoid interacting with the TIFs I know in real life because they have no qualms about trying to ruin other women’s lives if they don’t fall in line. I know some have contacted a woman’s place of work to lie about how she made them feel ‘unsafe’ (when they’ve never even been there) and another woman had to close her online shop because these TIFs organised a massive boycott and harassed her customers, all because she said she loved Hogwarts Legacy. Meanwhile men who’ve said truly awful things about trans people just get scowled at for a bit and left alone.
I think of it as a cult. To what extent can cult members be held responsible for their actions when they genuinely believe that what they’re doing is for the greater good? I’ll admit that the obvious misogyny makes me feel less forgiving. If they really believed they were ‘protecting trans kids’ or whatever, why ONLY go after women and not the men who make the laws and commit the violence? How much of it is cult brainwashing and how much of it is opportunistic misogynistic bullying now that they’ve got an acceptable target? I think I’ll have to judge on a case-by-case basis, at least for the people in my personal life.
No. 23281
>>23279There is a line where after getting sucked into an evil ideology you're no longer just a
victim of it but now a perpetrator of the ideology doing harm to others. I think you have to judge it on a case by case basis. There are a lot of former TRA detrans people who have turned around and and are now worthy of respect and compassion as they actively fight against trans ideology.
No. 23286
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Great, so children that started HRT at 14 years old (according to that study mentioned in this ugly comic) are still taking it into adulthood. This only proves that teenagers are being turned into forever patients, which isn't what I would call a good thing.
No. 23335
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Seeing the planet fitness tranny debacle where everyone is caping for the tranny juxtaposed with the Mexican guy who killed 3 women with an axe is making me genuinely want to kill myself tonight. I’m a detranny and it triggers my dysphoria, not because I think being a moid is better but because I just hate being a woman in this world so much it makes me want to die, and no matter what the radfems say, I feel like nothing’s changing, in fact, it feels like trannies are gaining power with each passing day. I just want to die.
No. 23349
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Yuri/femslash fandoms on twitter have become unbearable thanks to deranged "transbiam" tims. It's gotten worse recently too, people used to make fun of people like Andrea Ritsu but now everyone is like that.
No. 23359
>>23349I've met Andrea ritsu in real life at conventions several times, he scares me. He might even recognize me, that's how often I've ran into him. He walks around with no attempt at looking or sounding female (he posted he's getting boob implants tho) so all you have to go by is his she/her pin.
I naturally accidentally misgendered him almost to his face, he was just next to us but thankfully he didn't hear it. The people I was talking to didn't even react to the misgendering because he's so obviously male.
Not only is he looking like Male McDickhaver he also spews lies online about LGBTQ+ stuff that's easily disproven with just a simple Google search. He's a brainwashed autist who I think genuinely 110% thinks his lesbian/yuri porn addiction truly means he IS a woman, that's why he's so freaking scary.
No. 23363
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>>23359He's apparently also getting his dick chopped of soon kek
I've met him at conventions too and he really is creepy as fuck, he hangs out with an alarming amount of teenage girls.
No. 23365
>>23363>I've met him at conventions too and he really is creepy as fuckgod nona the possibility of a fellow secret
terf being around the conventions I go to makes me so freaking happy you have no idea!!! Kind of wish there was a secret
terf signal to send out, maybe harry potter stuff but idk
In most cases I'm against troon surgeries as they harm the person, but I genuinely find this guy so creepy and predatory towards vulnerable young girls and lesbians that I kind of just don't care… in a "yes please take yourself out of the genepool and get rid of your libido and dick" way. I don't know how else to protect girls from him and he's doing in on his own accord, so.
No. 23430
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do you agree with picrel? I've seen a few others(both here and on radblr) complain about how much TIMs specific hatred of attractive men quickly outs them.
No. 23472
>>23430I agree with
>>23431 the difference is simply because lesbians who hate men are just a group of women - they hate men for all the reasons women hate men. And TIMs are just men - they hate men for all the reasons men hate other men.
No. 23524
>>23522I read a really good line on LC a while back from a girl explaining why she used to go along with transgenderism - "I thought maybe people would start taking feminism seriously once men started becoming women."
That's probably why I used to be a handmaiden - when you have no prior knowledge about transgenderism, sure, maybe you can swallow the "born in the wrong body" narrative, but more importantly you assume that if a man identifies as a woman, he has empathy for what women go through. And maybe some MTFs do pay lip service to actual women's issues, like abortion access, unequal pay, sexual harassment, etc.
But the more you get to know trannies, the more you learn that they don't actually care about the issues that actual women face, they're more concerned with the discrimination that only MTFs face (and by "discrimination" they mean "I should be allowed into the women's bathroom, women's locker room, women's dorms, etc.") and that they have no deep stake in actual biological females' issues, like abortion, because they cannot ever become actual women, and some trannies even get turned on by things like sexual harassment from men because it's "validating".
No. 23530
I have two TIFs and one enbie in my class and honestly I just feel sad every time I think about them but at the same time I wanna avoid them. One of the TIFs is very shy, she doesn't talk to anyone but the enbie girl who seems to be her best friend. She looks like she's skinwalking a goth anime husbando, using baggy clothes to hide her feminine figure, and every teacher misgendered her so she started wearing a "he/him" pin. The other TIF is honestly very chill, I didn't know she was one until I saw her go to the men's bathroom, she dresses so feminine tho and even when trying to be GNC she ends up looking feminine. For one of our assignments the other day she did a piece showing the moment she discovered she was trans and she used the ugly flag, it reminded me that even if she's chill, she's still a TIF big in the gender cult shit. The enbie girl is very annoying, she's very Twitter, she also sucks her thumb like a baby and has messed up front teeth as a result. She probably has some unresolved trauma or worse, she's showing a cringy fetish in public.
Even if I complain about all of them, they haven't done anything bad to me personally and they honestly could be nice people, but their gender status makes me wanna stay away. It's a shame, they could be nice girls and they've been nice and friendly to me personally so it feels kinda wrong for me to vent right now about them, but I know there's no good trannies or gender people. I'm very gender critical, so even if I wanted to be friends with them, it would be a horrible idea because sooner or later the conversation about gender stuff would come up.
No. 23531
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woof woof nonas!
No. 23532
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clickety click transwomen are men and they give me the ick
No. 23533
>>23531>>23532love your work
TERF shiba nonna.
No. 23539
>>23522>A lot of women make the mistake of believing that trans-identified people (especially the men) are as reasonable and considerate as they are.Yup. A big part of the issue is most women, including TIFs, don't understand how TIMs think and operate. It's easy to "support" them in the abstract, but once you actually deal with an AGP who thinks your existence boils down to bras and makeup, and then realize you're not even allowed to talk about it anywhere or feel uncomfortable, something shifts. You realize that although your support was freely given, it cannot be freely revoked. And that's a scary feeling, because your reality is incongruent with what you're being told reality is. We are all told that TIMs are, more or less, like us. They just want to pee, they're reasonable, they're afraid of men like we are, they are suffering and kind-hearted and nothing bad will happen if we affirm them. The only people who are against this are the right wingers who hate us, so really, it's a no-brainer, right? Besides, there are so few of them, it hardly matters, and if you ever do come across one, you probably won't even realize it unless they tell you! This is a comfortable worldview, a safe and nonthreatening image of a docile TIM who is basically just a woman who was born with a disability. But it's just not fucking true. That's why they're so invested in maintaining this myth, because their support is contingent on everyone believing it.
No. 23543
>>23539>You realize that although your support was freely given, it cannot be freely revoked.This is true and why you should take caution when cutting of male troons from your life. Distance yourself slowly, blame it on being busy and tired and whatever else. I used to be a supporter of the lie of "trans rights" but then peaked. I still had the same friends as before. Eventually I got fed up with a troon friend, I argued some (frankly mild)
terf points and he refuted them with such grossly harmful troon propaganda that I snapped and blocked him. This turned him into an obsessed stalker who was insistent on "proving the
terf wrong", the shitstain called my parents up (he had never met them, he found the number online), made numerous attempts at contacting me and showed up at my fucking house multiple times.
If you aren't close feel free to just block them. But if you're actually friends like we were… take great caution as men don't take kindly to females rejecting them. Slowly phase them out so they don't get suspicious, I was half way there but couldn't keep it in all the way to the end.
No. 23547
>>23505Yup, and then all of the TRAs in that fandom ignored what was happening by claiming that it was a
TERF psyop to make troons look bad
No. 23555
Sometimes I wonder what did I do to deserve knowing two tims who wrecked my life. Like I wasn't even a handmaiden, I genuinely didn't care but
>Be 14, find guy in high school with same interests
>Nice let's talk about videogames and shows
>Guy suddenly drops out and texts me when I'm at school, telling me that he feels depressed
>Suicide threats here and there if I did go to his out
>He asks me if he can borrow my makeup like ok sure
>Eventually get fed up with his suicide talk and leave him
>He troons out
>Be 20
>Meet nerdy guy in a local games shop
>Nice let's talk
>It's this hell all over again with suicide shit, him claiming depression and rotting in bed, poor finance control (spending shit like 800usd on videogames but when I invite him to go to like mcdonalds he suddenly doesn't have money and then tells me that "I'm always out having fun and I do not care abouthim")
>Constant attention craving, doesn't respect my boundaries, calls me up at night because he wants to argue and he remembered bad thing I did a month prior
>Ghost him
>He troons out
Even after years, those two people really ruined me. I think it's some kind of fucked up personality disorder and surely it plays a role in troonism but I found myself being a lot colder, seeing any genuine interest in me by others as suspicious, I do not open up as easily as before and since they told me, both, that my hobbies were stupid, I cannot enjoy them like before. Yes, I need therapy, but they need the rope, I may be sensitive but these men are dangerous.
No. 23556
>>23552I don't want to be specific because I don't want to reinvigorate aggression towards her even if she seems to have long since abandoned her accounts (shit got really bad, like they doxxed her and were telling her they were going to come rape her IRL), but the person in question here was a popular GIFmaker in the fandom in question.
It was a definite peaking event for me, that people were so willing to just abandon this person to such heavy threats of real harm and harrassment and that they were more willing to believe that women would do this to another woman than any other explanation. It made me curious so I went and lurked in radfem tumblr for a long time after that and never saw any of the women there show behavior that would imply them inclined towards such vile shit, as opposed to the constant depravity and now-apparent gaslighting on trans blogs, especially those of TiMs.
No. 23557
>>23556I know the incident you're talking about, and it's worse than that. The girl in question was a non-English speaking minor who blocked a TiM for telling her to suck his girldick IF she was a radfem. He went off the deep end after noticing multiple trans women had been blocked by her, and harrassment escalated until her information was handed off to a Korean MRA group and she was assaulted IRL.
The most insane thing to me was that TRAs insisted it was a
TERF psyop despite the fact that the TiM in question openly admitted to starting the hate campaign for the aforementioned reason, all while being openly racist in the same post. Both the racism and sexual harrassment of telling a minor to suck his dick were consistent with the type of harrassment she received. It was insane that people had such blind faith in troon goodness in this situation.
No. 23596
>>23567Mood lol, when it comes to "female" fans, she's largely loved by bisexuals and troonbians, I've noticed. Her alleged female attraction feels so fake though, it's blatant that she was written to pander to males with her OOC (it's not gap, and if it is gap, it's shitty) moe moments. The troons always seethe over the inferiority of Blue Lions fans too, because they're misogynists who hate fujopandering just like Edelgard's other moid fans.
Source: I'm a lesbian and the stupid discourse around 3H still gives me a headache to this day.
No. 23608
>>23594I think you just have to never say anything people tell you to as a principle. If you start doing it people will exploit it, and even if they don't well-meaning fans will want attention so they'll spam shit for you to say.
If anyone happens to be a crypto streamer and is worried about it happening to them, practice some deflection lines. Let's someone writes "can you say trans rights uwu". Best option is to ignore it.
If you accidentally read it out loud, you can follow it up with "well I just did. And User ABC says…". You don't give it any emotion or attention and move on to the next immediately. So even if they save a clip it's clearly just you reading something with no interest.
Another option is saying "I'm here to play chill games not to speak about human rights issues" or "oh I don't do requests, it gets annoying and clogs up chat". If they keep going remind them spamming requests gets them banned.
No. 23609
>>23608>I think you just have to never say anything people tell you to as a principle. If you start doing it people will exploit it, and even if they don't well-meaning fans will want attention so they'll spam shit for you to say.Minecraft youtubers and any "safe/wholesome" streamers like OTV are an exemplary case study of this. Once you apologize for one innocuous thing it opens the floodgates for your fans to make you apologize or virtue signal over some retarded shit every 2 weeks. Taking a stance on something creates precedence so if you're silent on anything people will automatically view that as suspicious because "you commented on x so why not y? Are you somethingphobic?"
I feel like female streamers in particular are doomed no matter how hard they try to curate their audience unless they establish themselves as extremely edgy from the get go. Vivziepop isn't a streamer but her content was never really PC and yet she still garnered that audience somehow. But moids can basically get away with saying anything.
No. 23611
>>23609Exactly this. If you're a content creator you should never comment on any social justice cause ever. No matter how tempting and obvious it seems, if you need to vent/talk about it do it to friends and family in private.
And never really apologise for something you did wrong. Just stop doing it/change if it's needed. The people who are vocal about you denouncing your minor mistakes aren't ever going to be satisfied, and the people who are on the fence will see that you stopped doing whatever it was. Most people are lenient and will let a lot of mistakes pass, people who are vocal are a small group of loud outliers.
No. 23621
>>23567I agree 100%. I like her a little, but Edelgard (or worse, Edeleth) fans are really unbearable.
> tim* freaks who like to imagine that they're trans female byleth so that edelgard can slob on their knobI already hate hentai fanart (childhood trauma lol) in general, but fanart that portrays female characters as trannies enrages me so much.
>>23596> she's largely loved by bisexualsI've never seen a (actual) female (openly) bissexual who is a fan of Edelgard or ships Edeleth. Also, I've seen some retards in Twitter headcanon her as a lesbian for some reason and they call anyone who says otherwise "lesbophobic" even though the canon says otherwise.
No. 23626
>>23567I don't interact with the fandom but when I played the game I shipped them because I liked how the female protagonist gets to be the hero and marry the princess for once.
>>23596It's not misogynistic to oppose pedophilic porn addicts. Fujos are pathetic fat cuckholds and an embarrassment to all women.
No. 23643
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This is kind of embarassing to admit but I'm so fucking mad. I can't stop thinking about this shit. Trannies have been living in my head rent free for the past couple monts. How could I believe any of it? Why was I so ignorant? Why didn't I question it until now? I feel like an idiot. It's like I fell for a scam. I feel betrayed as well, because I adapted my trans-accepting views not from trannies themselves, but from other women - intersectional/libfem handmaidens. I'm livid. All I do now is sperg on the internet all day and find more and more shit to be mad about. It's consuming me, like I'm trying to compensate for all these years of being a fucking retard. Hope I will get used to this new perspective and calm down soon.
No. 23646
>>23586 said, make sure your husband is peaked. Show him Gender critical content so he sees that not everyone is blind to the trans bullshit and will let it fly.
No. 23648
>>23642why would I have solidarity with literal pedos? should we also force ourselves to have solidarity with women like Gislaine maxwell and other evil women?
And yes you're a cuckhold because if your brain wasn't rotten from porn and male supremacy you would fuck the hot twink yourself and not watch a big strong masculine man do it for you. there's literally no difference between fujoshits and porn addicted males.
(fujo derailing) No. 23650
>>23638It is so annoying when they project on sci-fi/fantasy characters and use them as some kind of gotcha.
>Well this woman had her consciousness transferred to a male body and still identifies as a woman!>Well this character took a magic potion that changed their sex complete with a fully functional reproductive system!>Well this amorphous spirit being took human form and chose to look like a boy and now everyone agrees he IS a boy!>Well this character is a magical being who can change sex at will or even have both types of genitalia at the same time!>Well this character is a bodiless consciousness stored in a computer and doesn’t identify as male or female!>checkmate tervesOkay but none of that shit is real. TIMs aren’t reincarnated or brain-transplanted women. Hermaphroditism does not exist in humans. Nonbinary-identified people have the same sexed bodies as everyone else. Nobody can survive without a body. None of this “proves” anything other than that some people really like to fantasise about this sort of thing.
There are plenty of stories about humans flying unassisted, or breathing underwater, or living for thousands of years, or having offspring with non-human creatures, but I don’t see anyone trying to change society based on these fantasies because none of that is actually possible. Just like changing sex.
No. 23662
Finally had a true peaking incident. I ran in a lot of trans friendly spaces for many years, and was a handmaiden, with only TIFs as friends, never having really interacted with a TIM. Before this incident, I had been lurking in a lot of GC and “TERF” spaces for quite a few years, including here. At first, it was just out of curiosity, but then I began to understand what I read and watch and began a slow shift in my thinking, even if fully internal. I pretty much was crypto, still among my trans friend group, rolling my eyes at their trans jokes and whatever, but never saying anything. The incident that fully pushed me over was when I was playing a game with my friends, and one person invites her “girlfriend” to join us. For the first three days, this girlfriend doesn’t speak in call, but types pretty plainly in our chat instead and just plays the game. I just assume she’s shy and tried to be nice. Finally, one night, “she” unmutes, and it’s the most masculine male voice I’ve ever heard. Prior to this, our entire friend group was female, trans identity aside. And once they had invited this man, he immediately made it clear he was a creep, linking art of “lesbian” futa/TIM porn in our group chat and talking obsessively about his personal feelings of being a trans girl and his lesbian desires. I was deeply uncomfortable, but since all my friends are TIFs or handmaidens, they let him stay and became close with him. I am just creeped out, and it felt violating to not only have to allow a man into our space, but also accept his lesbian fetish as “wholesome and valid”. It was just disgusting. He also is just so overwhelming male, in hobbies and tones and taste, that it makes me want to throw up. He sent a cutesy photo of him holding a plush over his face, and his hands were so distinctly male, so was his body and hair, all in this layers of cutesy pink filters and amazon basic outfits. One of the real infuriating points was one of my friends, a younger butch-ish lesbian, floated the idea of being trans to our friend group. This male immediately jumps and encourages her to do it, and that if “they feel they could be a man, it’s because they are one”. I just feel tired. I care about my friends because they are nice people, and offered me friendship and kindness when I needed it, and made good memories. But it’s hard to feel this way now that I’ve peaked, and still be able to be around them or this creepy TIM.
No. 23668
>>23657>>23664Crochet and knitting are so captured, it’s insane. Most of them are TIFs (look at all these men defying gender roles wow!) but occasionally a TIM will barge in and it’s a miracle that doesn’t instantly peak everyone. I’ve never seen a TIM who was remotely skilled at these hobbies but they don’t have to be; they can make a small lumpy crocheted trans flag and the entire community is falling over itself to compliment him and tell him how amazing he is. A woman posting the same lumpy rectangle in a different colour combination would get one or two likes and zero comments. The glass elevator applies to normal men too but at least the “cis” men who amass a following tend to be designers. A TIM only has to post a selfie holding his mom’s knitting needles and he’s declared knitter of the year. So brave!
>>23662I’m so sorry, anon. It really only takes one TIM to wreck a female friend group. In the past when everyone hated a friend’s shitty boyfriend at least we could talk shit about him behind her back but you probably can’t even do that now because muh transmisogyny. I hope you manage to get rid of him somehow, ideally before anyone else medicalises herself.
No. 23670
>>23668>Crochet and knitting are so captured, it’s insane. Most of them are TIFs (look at all these men defying gender roles wow!)This never stops being funny and ironic. You'd think it's people who are tomboys or effeminate men who feel more aligned with the other sex, yet it turns out it's overwhelmingly feminine women and masculine men. They (women mostly) are so afraid of "accidentally" fitting into any sex typical stereotype for their sex that they have to pretend to be the other sex, or both, or neither, so they don't accidentally affirm the big evil patriarchy. Instead they're actually a
valid manly man non-woman doing crochet, giving birth, being sensitive and emotional, reading yaoi, being a stay-at-home-dad, cooking and cleaning up after their tim "girlfriend".
No. 23677
>>23676>Who the fuck actually wants that apart from an extremely small very obviously mentally ill minority?If you compare the trans debate to gay issues it really shows how forced the acceptance is and how they're letting a deranged minority govern laws. Gay marriage wasn't legalized in all US states until 2015 and that was when polling showed over half of Americans supported it but on the trans side people are treating "should TIMs be in womens' sports?" like an actual conversation when the conclusion is pretty obvious and barely anyone supports that position. It's the same as the bathroom issue. Being generous I don't think normies cared about that topic (some people were fine with passing MTFs) until trannies started pushing that anyone could go into womens' bathroom regardless of appearance and now they're defending middle-aged men when no sane person agrees. Even Instagram lists neopronouns when maybe 0.001% of the population doesn't think that shit is retarded.
Troons are genuinely detached from reality and have zero grasp on what the average person thinks because they're stuck in their echochamber but god knows why liberals still kneel and grovel to their every calling. It's like they think there's no limit and you just HAVE to support every stance they have when they're clearly delusional
No. 23680
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>>22500> his arc is ironically very anti transThis is common with some (if not most) of the "femboy" characters that trannies self insert, like Nagisa (Assassination Classroom) and Chihiro (Danganronpa).
Also, I had posted about my hate for Edelgard/Edeleth tranny fandom, but now that I think about it, it's so ironic. Her backstory is
having trauma and a shortened lifespan due to being used as a lab rat by the same group of weirdos who created the nOn BiNaRy representation in the game, lol. So, therefore, my conclusion is that El is a crypto-
terf pretending to be a genderfluid tiffany (
~le Flame Emperor~) and
crests experiments and demonic beasts are the in-game version of "life-saving gender-affirming care"…
/j>>23668> they can make a small lumpy crocheted trans flag and the entire community is falling over itself to compliment him and tell him how amazing he is. A timmy can fart in their faces and retarded handmaidens will still be saying it smells like roses and calling him brave and stunning.
No. 23684
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Good news for nonas who want to wear sportswear that are actively transphobic and pro-women! This new brand called XX XY athletics endorses Riley Gaines (swimmer who was forced to compete against that massive troon Lia Thomas) and they even used detransitioner Chloe Cole (child survivor of trans grooming and medical abuse) as a model for the clothes too.
I can't buy as I'm not from the US, but it makes me happy to see them take a bold stance like this and be 100% pro-females and anti-troons. Really wish I could buy from them to show my support! No. 23692
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I'm fucking done how everyone enabled it…
No. 23695
>>21342>>22851This guy is very much depressed, god, i feel bad for him.
We talk a lot, he has been opening up to me about the problems of his choices and i swear to god, people just dont talk about this enough.
He was taking blockers and his dick does not work anymore, 27 years old, with a dick that does not work, of course you're fucking depressed dude… that's evil, evil, evil.
Would be normal for me to not feel sorry but i do, i feel sorry for this person, i feel sorry that people made him believe that ''trans joy'' was the answer.
He stop taking blockers.
also, he does not know that i know his private twitter, he does not post or talk about porn/sex at all, dude is really depressed, he was crying talking about not being able to feel pleasure and being afraid to talk about this to doctors again.
this industry is evil, they only care about money for real, this is disgusting.
No. 23699
>>23694idk I might still buy one just to send a message. but i'd also happily donate 40 to a
terf/gc charity if i could find one
No. 23700
>>23695If he stopped taking blockers at least that is a start. See if you can find a male detransitioner video online to send to him and ask if he feels like that guy.
The good thing is if is a loner without friends, that means he doesn't have a bunch of narc troons to keep him trans, so if he's presented with a better option he might take it.
No. 23703
>>23702nayrt but I think both of you make great points, however I also wish I could buy from them just to make a point (I'm in the EU). Troons and their handmaidens are going to lose their absolute shit once this company comes into their radar and I want them to be an at least semi-successful brand that can take a stance for women and against troons. It's small things like this that might also peak others that weren't sure that standing against trannies was even an option.
I'm also usually more for donating to charities, but I hope you see where I'm coming from with my thoughts.
No. 23712
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do any other nonas hate when there’s a strong tomboy not typically feminine and troons will IMMEDIATELY label her as “trans man” or whatever other retarded term troons use?
i see it happen a lot with this one character in this one anime i like and it annoys me so fucking much. of course trannies would see a character who doesn’t follow gender roles and immediately label them as trans kek
No. 23714
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>>23713kek. i remember seeing discourse about that character awhile ago. typical “hes transmasc whatever the fuck coded!” and i agree, they just really hate gnc women. troons will talk about how much we need to “abolish gender roles” yet when they see a female character who doesn’t fit gender roles they’ll immediately label her as non-binary/trans or whatever
in case any other nona’s are curious what character i’m talking about, it’s hungary from hetalia. i saw art of her with top surgery and it got me pissed. she’s not like other female characters in the series, she’s masculine and doesn’t take shit from the male characters of the series.
sorry for the sperg but it’s just been getting on my nerves how troons will always talk about abolishing gender roles yet turn around and apply gender roles to characters who don’t fit the norm
No. 23716
Sigh. I think I vented about this earlier, don't remember which thread it was, can't find it either. In short, I have a close friend who currently hangs out in discord servers full of teens and very early 20s adults. She has been generally deteriorating in many ways, and recently we had a weird talk where she told me that it's strange how she seems to currently go through things I did years before. Aka "realizing I'm trans", getting prescribed a cocktail of psych meds and refusing to actually work on her issues, instead spiraling and being neurotic about self-diagnoses and questioning what is wrong with her all the time.
I'm really upset. You know the saying, only idiots learn from their own mistakes? I don't see what's so cool about going through things I went through, especially considering that I'm currently psychiatry-critical, fully recovered from mental illness I was diagnosed with, and clearly am skeptical about trans activism. And I wasn't hiding any of this, I openly sent her a lot of radfem/rad-adjacent posts throughout these years, even the recent WPATH leaks. She herself sent me some gay youtubers that talk about how dangerous and bad trans activism is. The list goes on and on, we essentially discussed everything you can possibly think of and she always agreed.
What even happened? Just, what, why? We're in our 30s and she's slowly descending into madness. I can't even say anything to her anymore, because she starts accusing me of forcing her to do things. Which I find ironic. People who are so easily manipulated tend to get very defensive when you're just merely suggesting something.
The strangest part to me is that at one point she called me hypocritical for expressing concern that everyone has a gender identity nowadays. I'm still not sure what's hypocritical about it. Just because I did something doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to criticize it, in fact, quite the opposite.
No. 23719
>>23716I think you need to have a serious talk with her. If I read it right you're detrans/desisted? and were harmed by meds and the harmful thinking of the movement in the process. In that case I would tell her what she is doing is like becoming an addict in front of a recovered addict - the very presence of it hurts you and is a risk of relapse. You cannot be around it anymore because it's a legit concern for your own safety and wellbeing. Either she stops or you can no longer be friends. If she still wants to become a trans addict that's on her, but you don't have to let her drag you down with her.
You can even give her the option to choose: either she lets you question everything she does out of concern for her, as you've been through that trauma before and knows it's bad, OR if she can't handle that you simply can no longer be friends and she is free to choose that option. You can not watch your friend willingly destory themselves without you being allowed to even question it, that is simply not an option.
No. 23721
>>23719Yes, I'm desisted, thankfully no transitioning, but psychiatric meds I was prescribed to fucked me up real hard. When I tried to tell her that, her replies were your typical "everyone's different", and that time was the first time she seriously lashed out on me. The first time in 16+ years of friendship. It's so weird… I notice she seems to be feeling "validated" by getting prescribed same meds as I was, and continues to self-diagnose herself with that. Who in their sane mind would do that? She wasn't like this before, it's like, someone just swapped my friend during the lockdown. When I think more about it, trans activism dealt immersive mental damage to me as well, which she knows about and was the one to point it out back in the day. Absolutely surreal.
Thankfully, I have developed clear boundaries, so her destroying herself doesn't really prompt me to relapse, me moving out and generally having a different life surely helps as well. That said, you're right, it's impossible to be friends with someone who just does … this. I don't think that I consider her a close friend anymore because of that, too. I definitely will have a serious talk with her next time she'll come to me asking about these things, that way she won't accuse me of "forcing" things onto her. Until then, I'll wait and watch. As sad as it all is, having some sort of a personal lolcow around, helps me not to go back to my old habits and thinking patterns, because I see how pathetic and miserable this existence is and looks like to others. Thanks, nona.
No. 23729
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>>23657>>23668>>23670Late here, but holy shit I hate how obnoxious these people are in knitting / crochet communities. It's also funny how TIFs will have their own distinct fashion style, art style, and typing style.
>all lowercase>lots of exclamation points and question marks>twitter and tumblr slang, crying and skull emojis>soft disclaimers not to offend anyone before writing about their emotions>button-down shirts, vests, beaniesAs if anything in picrel isn't extremely feminine.
No. 23730
>>23729I followed Emma for a hot second thinking she’s just a normal young woman with short hair because she doesn’t have pronouns in her bio, but I guess that’s naive.
>masculine crochet patternsYeah I guarantee no actual men are crocheting these for themselves.
Tangentially related but I’ve been looking for pullover knitting patterns for men and found several with bust shaping. Moob shaping? If your pattern is truly unisex then whatever but if it’s clearly designed for female bodies and modelled only by female models then why tag it as male? Most TIFs bind their breasts if they don’t remove them altogether so who are you trying to reach here exactly?
No. 23739
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>>23730Sadly she recently uploaded a video where her feminine friends shave her head and you can hear thrm referring to Emma as “they”. Because of course if you don’t like being feminine, you can’t be a woman! Woman=femininity. So progressive.
No. 23740
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A super-woke straight male friend of mine posted this on facebook. It took every ounce of willpower not to comment “Unironically yes to all of these”
No. 23748
>>23740Point 6 is rich considering the whole existence of TIMs and the discussion about them in women’s bathrooms and changing rooms.
>you might be feel unsafe with men listening to you pee Karen but they feel more comfortable that way, so shut up! >>23742I’ve been noticing this a lot more even outside of gender stuff. People can have a self-image that wildly differs from reality and the Kind Thing To Do (tm) is to play along even if you know it to be objectively false. Someone could lie to your face about something that happened ten minutes ago and you’re not allowed to contradict them because that’s “mean” and “unnecessary”. I had a coworker who essentially identified as being on a healthy diet so none of us were allowed to call attention to all the junk food she ate right in front is us, even when she was complaining about starving and not having had anything to eat all day. The waste bin was empty, even if it was full of candy wrappers. Those are from yesterday! Sure the cleaner came in earlier this morning but she must’ve forgotten to empty the waste bin, and anyway someone else must have put those wrappers in. Shut up!!
I understand not going out of your way to poke at someone’s sore spots but being told to ignore the evidence in front of my face is actually crazymaking.
No. 23760
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No. 23774
>>23748>I’ve been noticing this a lot more even outside of gender stuff.Same. It makes me wonder if it was always like this and I just didn't notice, or if we really are entering into some weird childish regression where we're all forced to play along with whatever LARP someone has constructed or else we're not allowed to go to recess. You're just not allowed to call out posers anymore, everything is so artificial and fabricated. No matter how wildly incongruent someone's self-perception is with reality, you have to validate it no matter what. In an environment like this, is it really any wonder we have so many trannies, including the low effort ones who feel like they're going out of their way to push public charitability to the breaking point? The only thing that's protected is identifying as another race, but I'm sure even that will fade with time. You can even identify as a literal child and it's fine if you use the right language. The only criteria for being something is saying you are. Mouth breathing retards who insist they're super smart, women who'd throw up at the sight of another woman's pussy identifying as lesbians, "non-sex repulsed asexuals," men who say they're women because they like K-ON, people who eat chips all day and refuse to move off the couch saying they're health nuts, it all feels like it's part of the same phenomenon. It's just so confusing to me, it really does feel like it's enough to make you snap sometimes. I feel like I missed a memo or something. Blue is red and up is down, and if you point it out, everyone acts like you're evil.
No. 23777
>>23774I blame Tumblr politics seeping into mainstream leftist spaces for this. The main principle of Twitblr-esque activism is that everyone is
valid, you know yourself best, gatekeeing bad, etc. There's basically no room for introspection unless it aligns the current SJW hegemony. Think you might be trans? Well you are because cis people NEVER question their gender or feel alienated by strict norms! Think you might be detrans? Um sweaty don't listen to those conversion therapy terves. This mindset used to be limited to mental illness in regards to self-diagnosis and anti-recovery but it spread to everything like you said. If this type of politics was stuck in its own echochamber I wouldn't care much but it's everywhere now because people are desperate for approval that their fee-fees are
valid and the Tumblr mindset is a perfect hugbox for that.
No. 23793
>>22570I was actually able to peak a somewhat liberal male friend recently just by talking about JK Rowling with him. Though idk if it was peaking if more of just having him open up that he doesn't actually believe in all the "trans rights" shit that gets spewed in our mutual friend group.
It really does seem like most people in reality do understand that this is horseshit and that theres a big difference between women and TIMs but people are being silenced by whoever is in power currently to not say anything that could end up getting them an HR complaint and ruining their livelihoods. It really sucks.
No. 23795
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woso spergout incoming, sorry
>Korbin Albert (new rookie player for the USWNT) got caught reposting MAGA shit and schizophrenic bible thumper rants on tiktok, ranging from attack helicopter-esque pronoun jokes to “pray the gay away” conversion therapy sermons
>she also liked a post saying Megan Rapinoe deserved it when she tore her achilles
>picrel is how some players and journalists have responded
anons I’m tired. how is “transphobia” the issue here? fuck all the lesbian players who have to work alongside a homophobe, the sacred tranny cow matters most. I felt bad for Rapinoe at first despite her handmaidenry because mocking her injury was just mean spirited and bad sportsmanship but with her eagerness to throw women and girls under the bus, I struggle to care. she fights tooth and nail for the rights of cheating misogynistic perverts to steamroll all over women’s sports because she’s retired now so why should she give a fuck? to me that’s even more of an affront than Korbin’s religious delusions. USWNT has been outspoken about gay rights but it completely cheapens the message to tack tranny shit onto it, because unlike gay athletes, trans athletes actually pose a threat to other players and the integrity of the sport.
>By openly making fun of pronouns, liking and posting transphobic and homophobic things - sheds a direct light on the harmful and hateful ideas keeping trans and queer people unsafe in this sport.
don’t ever make fun of pronouns, it makes people unsafe, but let’s give big hulking males free rein to overpower women, break their bones and creep on them in the locker rooms, what could go wrong? I’m so sick of this willful retardation, I’m sick of seeing tranny flags at every game, I’m sick of people pretending like they don’t know exactly why sports need to be segregated by sex, I’m sick of people lying about “trans kids” being banned from sports, I’m sick of people who are hellbent on destroying women’s sports claiming to be fans of women’s sports, I’m sick of being lectured by out of touch celebrities who will likely never be touched by the consequences of this shit.
No. 23796
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Loving no fucks given J.K Rowling era
No. 23803
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No. 23804
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>>23803Love this.
I hate having a TIM coworker because any time I try to tell anyone in my real life (who I'd hope would have some sympathy for me) that I don't like having to be in close quarters with a mentally ill man, they assume I (a bisexual) am just being homophobic to this poor gay man, why can't I just be OK with him wearing a dress if that makes him more comfortable? It doesn't matter to them that he wears a lesbian pride necklace, they don't understand AGP, they assume any man who wears a dress must be gay, and if I try to explain AGP to them I just sound like a conspiracy theorist.
Me: Can I please just talk about the elephant in the room? I don't want the elephant coming into the women's bathroom with me.
Them: The elephant identifies as a giraffe, that's a giraffe in the room with you. Why can't you just be nice to the giraffe?
No. 23806
>>23804I think you have to teach those people about AGP first. Don't even say there's a trans guy, say there's an AGP at work and explain what it is and how they're straight. Only at the end can you add that he's "lying" and pretending he's trans and that's why he gets away with it. If they disagree you add "omg you're just proving why his plan worked, even you who have never met this predatory creep started defending him the second trans was mentioned, even when I just told you he is literally faking it"
I think it may be worth to stop saying the word trans, describe reality first, example: A man in a dress attacked a child in the women's changing room. He was found to have pedo porn on his phone upon his arrest. Staff regularly let him into the changing room because he had a dress on and said he's a woman, despite many women complaining.
"Trans" has become too untouchable, the word makes people turn off their brains. I think it helps when you don't use it, because the second you do the other side just gets ready to fight.
No. 23813
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>>23804You gotta bring them some proof this is actually happening. Seeing is believing as they say. Start with the breastfeeding (the worst degenerate thing trannies could do) and work yourself up.
No. 23818
>>23816Genuinely idk why you give a fuck about the empty lip service they post on their page to the point where you stop being friends with them. Gender shit will most likely never come up in convo anyway and if they're real lesbians like you described you know they're not going to start pulling up with some trannoid "gf". Just ignore it. They don't even know what a
terf is anyway
No. 23824
>>23816I'm pretty sure if I go back to my old tumblr there will be some old "fuck terfs, how can they just hate innocent troons??" reblogged posts kek
Most terfs were once onboard the trans train in some capacity, they can peak nona. Unless they're actually bringing up troons/terfs regularly you can slowly peak them by mentioning degenerate behavior without mentioning the word "trans"! Or start with wpath, the recent medical scandal that hurt trans kids by using unscientific methods.
I know it sucks and it's hard to feel alone in this, but you can come and vent here on lc any time you want! And if you do manage to peak some people that will feel sooo good to finally have someone on your side! My friend peaked me and now I'm a bigger
terf than her kek (she still thinks trutrans has some value) it's not impossible nona!
No. 23827
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oneitis seems to be supportive of trannies .. nonnies… it's tough out there nonnies….
most of his interests are infested with trannies so it was inevitable. he agreed on some of my gc takes (sex change is impossible, trans "healthcare" is harmful etc) but is still fine interacting with them and consuming their content and that alone is making me hurl. he doesn't care enough to look deeper into all this gender bullshit so he just accepts it because that's a nice thing to do. I'm just waiting for the right moment to point out how fucking sexist and degenerate they are. at least he's normal about feminism (not a self-proclaimed feminist, just a normal guy with empathy and common sense) so pointing out their misogyny might work.
sorry for nigelsperging I'm just really frustrated rn.
No. 23837
>>23831>How did your friend peak you?Good question, I think all nonas who were peaked by someone should share how it happened!
For me she'd first talk about AGP troons here and there and would be like "be honest, do you think I'm too mean?" being a Good Friend I said "um nah, it's totally fine to vent" even though I did secretly think she had gone a bit too "far right" (which I now laugh at thinking) but I let her keep doing it. In my mind I could at least argue against it if she said something super ebil twansphobic, but all the examples were clearly of actual degenerates. So in my mind it started as her raging about a tiny minority of bad troons, and while I was worried that might reflect badly on the majority who were poor innocent Tru Trans, I could at least agree they were bad! And we could agree the "fake trans"-AGP fetishists were even hurting real trans people while also preying sexually on women and kids! That let me mentally accept that "SOME people who call themselves trans are evil sexual predators".
She then very importantly showed me Blaire White videos - this was honestly key to me peaking. It showed that she was NOT just turning into a far right evil transphobe, because she liked and listened to this real trans person! Who also passed better than 99% of the other troons, meaning she (I would have thought "she" at the time) made more of an effort and in a way was "more" trans and knew better than angry Tiffany with green hair and goblin pronouns. This trans person was openly making fun of annoying gendertrenders and degenerate AGP too! So then I learned trans wasn't a monolith of far left opinions, and that making fun of them is ok, deserved, and quite fun.
That opened the door to me learning more about trenders, detrans, puberty blockers, women's rights etc. I went down the medical path out of curiosity, and then the detrans path - and that solidly peaked me hard.
No. 23855
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There's no way she's going to win especially in Australia where they love them trannies. What do you guys think?
No. 23869
>>23860The guys I know who make edgy offensive jokes are all very pro-trans. Rape jokes, racist jokes, holocaust jokes, incest jokes, dead baby jokes are all fair game but don’t you DARE snigger at the 2m tall ghoul in a Miku cosplay and :3 face mask who just lumbered by because transwomen are THE MOST marginalised people evar and joking about them is UNACCEPTABLE. These guys got their whole personality and value system from reddit. They’re not exactly activists but they sure love scolding wrongthinking women. I can imagine them going to a trans rights protest purely in the hope that they get to scream at or even punch a woman.
The men I know who make fun of troons do so very cautiously and only after carefully reading the room to make sure no TRAs are present. They generally think TIMs are weird creepy losers and TIFs are ugly and annoying. Most are by no means gender critical or sympathetic to feminism, though, and will still say terfs are unreasonable even though they agree that TWAM and TMAW. They think women should just stfu and accept all the crazies so that they, men, don’t have to deal with them. They don’t want TIMs on their dating apps but they don’t want them in their bathroom, either.
No. 23871
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I can't believe it's finally happening. Good news at last
No. 23882
At work today I walked behind a customer who read as male at first, but then I saw a tattoo of a constellation behind their ear and instantly thought "this is a woman". Ended up speaking with her and it was indeed a TiF, whose voice seemed completely unaffected by testosterone even though she'd obviously used it (beard, red fucked up skin, etc.)
I have no animosity towards this individual, but it does make me wish there was a way to have the average trans person realize how few people actually view them as the sex they want to emulate. Especially TiMs who legitimately think they pass just because no one gives them shit about being trans, not because they read as female but because "misgendering" is social suicide now. It is soooo easy to clock them, but they walk around deluding themselves that no one can tell, because no one straight up says to their faces "you are quite obviously a man/woman." I feel like if more of them knew the reality of the situation, that everything about them radiates their natal sex, they would give it up sooner and just accept themselves. The aspect of encouraged mass delusion has been so harmful. And it drives me nuts knowing smug men think they're fooling me, when the reality is that I'm well aware they're men but can't risk even implying they're male without jeopardizing my employment.
No. 23901
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Just an observation but I don't see any trannies participating in this.
No. 23904
>>23903dead ass thought wearing one of my nice dresses for the occasion. my moid says he's one of the stereotypical TIMs (the gross side part, horrible clothing choices and i guess has a really deep voice)
i still am in a crap ton of awe at the fact it even happened tbh. so glad i didn't go up for Christmas this year
No. 23931
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Got this shown to me on Instagram, I'm so tired of seeing idiotic posts like this. "Nature isn't binary" where is the point of half-male-half-female then? Show me exactly where it is. Show me the third gamete. Like if there's no binary in nature how come all those fishes that change sex that troons keep pushing change from one sex to another? Why don't they change to be both or neither or halfway, or to a third or forth sex? How come it's just male or female?
The fuck do you mean "it's a spectrum" when this binary is older than humans, you can tell the sex of fucking plants. The denying of science is killing me, it's so frustrating. I imagine this is what scientists felt like when religious people came in like "lol no of course humans didn't come from monkeys, because god made us! Haha look at this dumbass who thinks he's related to apes!"
No. 23933
>>23927Screenshot it for future proof. These people will silently switch sides and pretend they were always on the good side when the time comes, don't let them get away with it.
Peak people around you: partners, family, coworkers, friends. You may not be able to peak strangers online but you can peak those you love and care about.
No. 23940
>>23938>you know your side will "win" in the end simply because it is the truth. fr. with time things will eventually sort itself naturally because mother nature is never wrong.
>>23932normies are definitely beginning to peak. twitter isnt the world at all and theres no coincidence that most anti trans videos online (and even right wing stuff in general) get millions of views by people all over the world. Or the fact that Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023 despite all the cries of "transphobia" by twitter users.
By the time the 2030's come around people will see this as nothing but just another craze western society has went through like every other decade and their political movements in the past.
No. 23949
It's so interesting to me how differently women and men react to gendie stuff. I think my mom is peaking, and probably would've peaked faster, but my dad is so indifferent to the whole thing that my mom clung to the "be kind" liberal mantra because it's so fundamental to her identity and she didn't have an outlet. But sometimes it feels like she's surprisingly angry and indignant about it. I think it's because she had an AGP coworker in the mid 2000s before all this blew up, and after he came out, he started sexually harassing all the female workers there by stroking their bodies and sniffing their hair and even tugging at their bra straps and asking their cup sizes. The women's restroom became an "all gender" bathroom, so they didn't have any women's restroom anymore. But they were told they had to tolerate this troon, and my mom was always clearly uncomfortable but pretended like she wasn't. But every time I show her some retarded Reddit post one of them made and gently nudge her towards more GC thought, I'm surprised at how worked up she gets. She said it feels like it's "crazy making" to have your fundamental sense of reality denied, and my dad shrugged her off again, but I agreed with her, and it makes me wonder how many women are out there feeling this way and just too afraid to speak up.
No. 23951
>>23920bf has a little shit box chevvy cav. a 1999. the doors have no real issues other then the passenger window is finicky. he was going to get into my boyfriends back seat behind him. kept pulling at it and pulling at it. the car was unlocked. bf thought maybe it was frozen. (spoiler: it was not frozen). so my boyfriend was just like "here" and opened the door. the fucker also stood in the way of the door, got CLOCKED with it, and nearly fell on his ass. my boyfriend admits to laughing. god i wish i had been there lmao
>>23921 i am not the most feminine in the world and am a chronic tomboy but i am pretty good at weaponizing being a girl against troons (not the first time). easy to arrange that. i mean the original weird assumption stemmed from a joke about us having kids lol
No. 23952
>>23949Its no surprise men act more indifferent towards this than women do. Women are targeted a lot more by these people because of how easygoing and nurturing they tend to be, and are having their spaces infested by the same people society as a whole would call a creepy predatory pervert 30 years ago.
Its absolutely maddening to basically be told to not have boundaries and to override your instincts otherwise you cant make a living so its no wonder your mom feels relief she can vent about that with you.
I feel lucky that I live in a more conservative part of the country at least so I dont have to deal with that bathroom shit or the average troony toon stories I read on this board because I would be going insane.
No. 23961
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daily reminder to hate troons
fuck them for appropriating holocaust
fuck them for abusing women and children
fuck them for their backwards sexism
fuck them for being shit pedo perverts and walking abominations in general
No. 23992
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Troons (mostly just autistic women) on a virtual pet game called flight rising being overdramatic on a salt blog over the fact that harry potter fans exist. I have never even watched or read anything from Harry Potter but I'm contemplating making an account and naming all my pets "Joanne" just to bother the overflowing amount of TIFs on the site.
No. 23996
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>>23989>trans people have bothered me 0 times in my lifeEverytime I read something like this I just think back to the women's only shelter that said No!! to trannies and it got defunded because of them. so dumb, its not about annoying it's about our rights as women, just because it didn't happen to you personally doesn't mean other women didn't experience this.
No. 24025
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>>24022Pic related.
I have known women who made this claim but I also know for a fact that they’re lying, because these women had TIMs in their social circles who they’d go out of their way to avoid in real life. They’d fawn over their selfies but would try to reschedule every group outing the TIM RSVP’d to, and if one of these TIMs did find them out in public they’d make any excuse to dip out of the conversation. The gut feeling is still there but they’ll deny it when people are watching because they want to look virtuous and enlightened. And those women in prisons and dv shelters who can’t simply walk away? Well fuck them I guess.
No. 24042
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My favorite genre of retarded scrote horror has got to be the strangely specific influx of bearded diaper ma'ams I see sperging out in back to back unbroken replies to a completely normal comment about women's day. The disappointment is that they only shadowbox their non existent opposition with some variation of 4 or 5 talking points with few deviations from the typical regurgitated lines. This degenerate actually gave me a laugh by going off-script and revealed that not only does he think the dictionary definition of female hinges on the definition of male as a primary explanation for 'what is a woman,' but also provided the most disgusting profile picture I've seen in a long time. Spoiler image to save nonnies from puking.
No. 24047
valid, especially when a lot of troons pretend to be more informed about what they are doing to themselves than they actually are and are genuinely convinced telling them otherwise is a form of bigotry when all you are doing is saving my from experiencing medical malpractice. If we can't at least take down the troon cult, i'd rather the outcome be that the most transphobic people on the planet are the evil surgeons and doctors who sign off on this shit, giggling away whilst crafting some mentally ill person some horrid abomination that's supposed to be genitals. I say this, because through it all, there's no way you can be so brainwashed and ever truly consent to all this.
No. 24054
>>24045>as dumb as it sounds, but what really irked and peaked me was the fact that men and women being gender non conforming are always seen as "early signs" or corced into a trans identity by other trans people projecting.There is no dumb reason/way to peak, all of it is fucking stupid and eventually there will be a final drop that makes the glass spill out all the water. Some people peak from deep troonism from something small like iirc a detrans person said she peaked just from the thought "if I'm a real man, why am I looking up surgeries (like mastectomy) that can only be done on women's bodies?" and for some reason that made her mind click and it took away all the years of indoctrination. Sometimes that's all you need, a tiny thing that lets loose all the doubt you had pushed away until then.
One thing that helped peak me was troons saying they were like black women (I'm white) because "they're so naturally masculine, like us transwomen". For some reason I found it easier to see through their lies when I wasn't the one being the
victim - it's often easier to stand up for your friends than it is to stand up for yourself.
No. 24058
>>24056The stereotype that many surgeons are sociopaths is based in reality. I have no doubt that many of these gender surgeons make fun of their patients behind their backs, or even right in front of them while they’re under anesthesia on the operating table. I used to work closely with neurosurgeons who’d openly say that removing brain tumours from anyone over 60 was a waste of time since old people are useless and it would be better to let them die, but they were getting paid so lol whatever. Then on the occasions where they did get a younger (female) patient they’d make horribly misogynistic and sexually charged comments about her, one man joking that a female patients would still be “hot” if he messed up and left her brain damaged. Reporting them to HR was no use because surgeons are so valuable they can get away with nearly anything. The profession attracts narcissists who have no empathy and want power over others.
In fact, didn’t that one morbidly obese TIF (Ryan? Ryland?) who was mangled by Gallagher say that she overheard her and her assistants making fun of her? Something about being a whale with a blow hole? I 100% believe that’s the norm for these gender butchers. Some of them may be better at hiding it, but they all have disdain for their patients. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be in this line of work.
No. 24064
>>24055She didn’t comment on the accessory, Harry Potter, JKR, or feminism/transgender debate in any way, so I’ll take it as a win. She also doesn’t have pronouns listed on her social media profiles, so I’m cautiously optimistic that she’s not a member of the gender cult.
I think I’m gonna continue wearing my Harry Potter accessory as a “conversation piece”/litmus test when hanging out with new potential friends. If any of them try to lead the conversation into “JKR bad!” I’ll just pretend to be a clueless normie and be like “haha what are you talking about? I don’t really spend much time on social media so idk what JKR said on Twitter…” and then change the subject and nope out of friendship.
It’s so sad that I, a bisexual feminist, have to go underground about my views - it’s like we’ve gone back to the days where it wasn’t OK to be openly gay and you just had to whisper “…are you a ‘Friend of Dorothy’” to a man and hope he wouldn’t beat you up afterwards. Meanwhile, if I was a member of the queer cult I could openly declare my views and identify my fellow cult members by having pronouns in my bio and a dozen gender and sexuality flag pins and stickers all over my belongings.
I’ve had 3 separate friends, who don’t know each other, randomly recite the “JKR bad” litany to me, totally unprompted, in person, so that’s why I’m so wary. Maybe they assume that I’m a TRA since I’m bisexual and have colorful hair and tattoos, so they worry that they’re not allowed to say they like Harry Potter around me without the “JKR bad!” qualifier for fear that
I might cancel
No. 24075
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If we're racists then trannies are misogynistic
No. 24076
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i’m freaking out and want to rip my skin off because my university has one gender neutral bathroom in the libraries, and it isn’t just a single stall one, it’s a full on bathroom. yes women have to share it with men and trannies simultaneously. it’s the only bathroom on that floor and i’ve used it out of desperation multiple times. it only hit my stupid ass today after looking at that post in the gender ideology thread that any moid could easily put cameras and noone would suspect a thing. i feel sick. the predatory moids on campus can easily take advantage of this. there’s multiple incidents of women being harassed in that library. not only that, but i can’t even adjust my top in the mirror because of moids near the sinks. i felt confused and disgusted and awkward when i saw them in there. and some fucking tranny had the audacity to write that stupid “a twans girl pissed here and nothing happened uwu” in the stalls. each and every day i peak even more and suprise myself. i hope they all chop their cocks off and have to dilate in pain forever
No. 24078
>>24075all we hear time and time again is "women aren't allowed safety nor are they allowed to question it" i'm so tired of it
>>24076grab multiple pens of different sizes, write terfy messages over the troon message over time (like one every few days or so) and make it look like it was several different people joining in by switching pen and different writing styles.
I'd primarily fake a few male messages to make the troon think men are after him too. He's obviously not scared of women as a male but if you can make him think the men are after him he'll actually be concerned (and if angry staff complains about the text you seem less likely to be the culprit kek) Something like "REAL men protect REAL women (not men in skirts!)" or "male feminists against transvestites", "if you've got a dick, you ain't a chick" "
draw a dick with an arrow pointing to it from the troons message bro, this you?" kek idk be creative.
No. 24079
>>24076You should write an email to your university administration complaining about it. I doubt they’d expel or otherwise penalize you for just speaking your opinion. Maybe your email won’t actually change anything, but at least it’ll let whatever university administrator who reads it know that not everyone on campus is on board with the gender neutral bathrooms. If enough people complain about it, maybe they’ll change the policy eventually. That’s how we got into this mess - a bunch of trannies complained about ~oppression~ until governments and academia bent to their will, so more women stepping up and doing the same is what needs to happen to reverse the course.
I also agree with
>>24078 that you should grab a bunch of markers and write a bunch of TERFy and scrote-y graffiti all over the bathroom because fuck trannies - make them cry.
No. 24080
>>24076I’m so sorry anon, that sounds miserable. Do the toilet stalls have full floor to ceiling doors and walls at least? Are there proper sex segregated bathrooms on another floor?
I’m no expert on laws and regulations but at least where I live, it used to be a legal requirement for buildings to have bathrooms for both sexes built into them. In some of the really old buildings they had to convert men’s bathrooms to women’s bathrooms on every other floor which wasn’t perfect but it’s at least better than making us share.
Anyway I agree you should fight fire with fire. I’d write the words
>CHECK FOR HIDDEN CAMERASimmediately below the troon’s message. Not just to mess with him but as a public service announcement. It’s a real risk when you let men into women’s bathrooms, and not all women are aware of this yet.
No. 24091
>>24076You should write the same thing and just spin it on them like "a
terf went here and no troon died" since they're so intent on thinking we're literally genociding them 24/7.
No. 24108
>>24106Unless you reply on her income I'd just go full
terf on her tbh, while still being compassionate for her delusional views. It's harder for parents to cut off kids than it is for kids to cut off parents from their lives.
Before doing that tell her (in an unrelated to troons way) if you ever got dementia or was sucked into a cult that you'd want her to always assert reality and never lie to you about it and let her believe in false things. Then ask her what she would want you to do, if she was the one saying unreal delusional things, would she want you to assert reality or to just let her be stuck in the lies?
If she says she'd want to be stuck there then fine, let her be I guess. But if she says she'd also want you to be truthful and not lie to her then you know you gotta be honest about troons too. Don't do it right away, but the next time you see her it's
terf time. You don't even have to bring it up yourself, but whenever it comes up naturally just be fully honest about it.
No. 24150
>>24106Don't shut up about it. You don't need to get into a fight with her about it, but trans rhetoric falls apart at the slightest logical questioning. I believe you when you say she's intelligent – all you have to do is plant the seeds of doubt, and if she continues to listen to the insane things they say, she'll come to realize on her own that it's all sexist bullshit. Be patient!
>>24117Nice work, anon!
>>24127This is how detransition really goes for most people. No one wants to admit they've made a mistake in medically transitioning, especially when TRAs will instantly jump down your throat for speaking about any bad trans-related experience. Most trans-identifying people are also socially surrounded by other trans-identifying people, which makes it even scarier. The crowd of adoring cultists cheering you on when you started will turn on you as soon as come out as "cis" again. I've been seeing this slow, silent backpedal more often lately, especially among "transmasc nonbinary" women. Always glad to see the pronouns disappear from someone's bio.
No. 24151
Hello nonnies, I'm an oldOLDfag. Like attended h.s. in the late 90s old. So here's my vent. Back then we had this kid, he was very effeminate, obviously gay to everyone's eye by even 7th grade. Well, about sophomore year he became she. Understand this was NOT DONE then, much less in a small rural town. Still, since he wasn't annoying about it, no one bullied. This was the 90s and we were all psudojaded and accepting. The school put him in special ed, he had to use the teachers bathroom, eat alone, etc. They kinda Ryan Whited the kid. We learned his mom was rapidly dying of cancer. It was easy to feel bad for him. Anywho, his mom died and he got quite a bit in her life insurance. Went nuts with getting bolt ons at 17, developed a nasty coke habit, dropped out, got onto doing shemale porn and fucked off to Florida. Typical behavior considering all the mental issues he had not delt with. This was my only in person experience with a tranny (remember internet was virtually non existant) so I've always been a bit sympathetic towards them myself. He wasn't a bad kid. Just REALLY confused and a victim of a shitty system. I thought they all were.
Well, I think those types of trannies, the confused but relatively harmless ones are long gone. All I see now are these ANGRY violent men parading around in women's clothes/identities. The more I read of their personal thoughts, the more I see it. It's like, all those pathetic creepy cowardly guys that want to violate women but are too scared to physically try it, they wear our skins to try to invade our spaces.
They spend so much time hating JK Rawlings because she has a socially bad take? (Given the times it is seen as one) They threaten her life? Do they not know how much she has given to help women? Not a pne of them say SHIT about Andrew Tate. The man who rapes and violates women? Ignore his LITERAL CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN but attack a woman who has helped and put her money where her mouth is? I don't like Bill Gates or his wife, but I readily admit they have done so much good for curbing diseases all over the world.
I am so glad to see young ladies standing up for what they see. You girls collect the evidence and form your own opinions on what you see. I'm so proud. Keep up the fight.
No. 24152
>>24127Let her detrans in private and come out with it when/if she's ready. A lot of detrans people also have a period where they first go to non-binary before ending up back on their real sex, she could still be in that phase. They also get A LOT of hate for detransing, and having given birth recently she's not in a position where she can handle a bunch of negative comments and her TRA friends all leaving. It's better for her to collect her thoughts and heal from the trans cult before sayng anything in public.
If you happen to run into her or feel brave you should compliment her longer hair or if she's wearing makeup, it kind of lets her know it's ok for her to be more feminine.
I've actually seen a lot of former TRA women say they only peaked once they had a child, that made them realize it's something only women can do and how special that is.
No. 24158
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Gender dysphoria really needs to stop existing as a diagnosis and get split into different ones. As this tweet says the cause is different for males and females and should thefefor not be considered the same thing at all.
"Sexual/libido anxiety" or something for males, and for girls it would fall under some "sexual trauma" category where they're trying to escape being sexualized.
If there are rare cases where a male, I would assume a csa victim, fears the sexualization from men around him then he could get the same diagnosis as the females. But that's extremely rare. Usually the males grow up to fear becoming bad like those men, they don't seem to fear being the victim again.
And if there are females who wants to escape their own sex drive out of fear and disgust for what they'll become and casuing harm to others that would again be a different diagnosis than what is presented in 99% of cases.
No. 24163
>>21342was watching a series about chris chan with a friend and she pretty much peaked in front of me after seeing chris talking about how he found out about being a ''trans woman'' and i told her ''oh, most part of trans woman find out bc of porn''
she got her phone looking for this type of discussion on reddit and that was enough.
Thank you chris chan for being such a retarded, i hope more and more woman see this shit for what is it.
No. 24192
>>24185I don't think they can just yeet Sirona out now, he's such a minor character anyway that you barely notice him.
But I'm also looking forward to future successes of the HP fandom! Can't wait for the series.
>>24186kek I also didn't know about HL until troons told me not to play it, thanks for the free advertising and rec
No. 24230
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It finally happened today, the last member standing in my former art college friend group officially claims trans. There are ten of them (5 women and 5 men) and with today's addition, nine are now themmies while one is a transwoman. I'm not surprised that this last one bowed to the pressure, he was surrounded by gendies verbally circlejerking about how special they are and was the last boring cis left. And then when he started dating a TiF who got him into drawing furry art, I knew all bets were off. Cue today's instagram drawing of he and his girlfriend as a "T4T gay" dog couple and new they/them pronouns in bio.
Not a single one of these people expressed any desire to be something other than their natal sex when we met in our first year, fewer than five years ago. I'm happy that only one of them (the TW) seems to have undergone any medicalization, hopefully for their health it will stay that way. Nobody can tell me social contagion isn't a real thing. Trans people are less than 2% of the population, yet made up about about 75% of my graduating class, how does that work out?
I hate that I can't escape this obnoxious, sexist, homophobic religion. Especially among people my own age. It feels like a zombie apocalypse.
No. 24256
>>24244>it feels like any tranny I've seen irl whether they were a TIM or TIF had some sort of indicator that they were trans on them.>>24246>Most of them aren’t obsessed with passing but with making everybody play along.Exactly. They don't actually WANT to pass - they "pretend" and even tell themselves they do, but no man wants to lose his rights as a man and to actually be seen as a real woman. They don't want to lose their trans-privilege of talking over real women, taking their spots, easy wins in sports etc. The real reason they want to pass is to get status within the trans hierarchy aka with other men. The "passing" troons are seen as better so they want it, the same way they'd shoot roids up their ass to get muscles to make other men think they're strong and cool. If troons were actually treated as women there wouldn't be even be half as many troons as there are now.
>so that everyone can tell they’re special and need to be tiptoed around.Funny thing is they HATE when you tiptoe around them, they want you to be clear that "troons ARE women". You can't just "play along" you have to really think they ARE women (or men, or theys, but men tend to be the most aggressive about it). They used to say "pronouns are about respect" but they regret saying that now because they think pronouns are reality. Remember when it was "preferred pronouns"? That's now considered transphobic beucause pronouns aren't "preferred" but "facts".
No. 24289
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>>24286Get a lock asap.
If your door has a keyhole but not a key it may still be lockable, I have a door like that I can lock with a screwdriver.
You can maybe try the paper trick, you put a small piece of paper (may need to be folded) in the doorframe so it falls down when someone opens it. Can be done to a drawer or wardrobe too. Take a picture of it and take note of exactly what height you put the paper on, in case the person is aware of the trick and is trying to cover up.
Put a note in your drawer that says "if you can read this, smile you're on camera" to scare people off… but then it would be better if you actually had a camera.
No. 24311
>>24305I guess try to tell her stories of trans people who transitioned long time ago and suffered the consequences? For example my friend who transitioned at 15, with hormones and top surgery, is alsmot 30 now. She's still trans but has all the medical problems. It seems fine for the first couple of years when you only have acne and see the "fun" changes but the imunity diseases stack up over time and when you get older it's worse and worse. Even the women who enjoyed their life living as a man still struggle with the medical side that isn't worth it. A lot of trans people lie about it but those who are honest will share their medical problems and that they wouldn't do it again. Now that my friend is older she has a stepchild and suddenly the ideas like "my life will be short but that's okay if i enjoy it in a man's body" are gone and it turned into sadness of her not being with her family long enough.
It's better for those kids to do drugs at this point instead of hormones because of how unhleathy it is. She can be as masculine as she wants you sister, but why should she take this nasty drug that makes her ill in the end? I guess that's what i would talk about for start. How the health problems tower over the good feelings you might have from the way you look.
No. 24312
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i'm considering isolating myself from my current friend group. i'd rather go back to being a lonely loser thank hang out with hardcore tranny supporters, especially when one of them thinks she "might be trans" (her brain seems to be permamently rotten by ao3 yaoi fanfics and the fact that she's an autist doesn't help)
No. 24322
>>24320>>24321I appreciate the advice nona, surprisingly, one of those gendie friends is sympathetic towards womens' issues and tends to want to leave TiMs out of it but unfortunately also consults the other gendie friend for advice since she thinks both POVs are
valid. At the time I didn't want to butt in because I feared I would have said something incredibly TERFy. The other gendie friend doesn't seem to know how to handle TiMs being arrogant in womens' issues and prefers to be middle ground, opting for staying on the safe side like I said and even going as far as saying 'there are more than two POVs' which is bullshit lmao. It kind of confirmed for me just how unaware that gendie friend is in general to the big picture, also because she's adamantly sex-positive and also downplays the issue of human trafficking. Not worth the friendship imo, I'll out myself as a zoomer and admit I'm graduating soon so I don't think I have to keep rubbing elbows with the two of them anyway.
No. 24370
>>24353Same. Even when you were convinced you had to be inclusive and you tried to tell yourself that you "know" they're women… you still actually knew they weren't.
>>24369Male troons get praised for their successful high positions in jobs, female troons get praised for being sensitive birth-givers. It really baffles me they don't see it themselves.
No. 24385
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>>24381I know it sucks, I try to not expect much from artists as they are still strangers but Zheani was disappointing as her work did centre around being female. I left proof since this is an image board, but spoiler for Troon. Salvia is the troon and has been around the non binary nlog Jasmin Bean
No. 24418
>>24417The caricature shit is really just a red herring. Funnily enough that artist actually dislikes troons and made a drawing of Keffals way back on KF. But that's what makes me think the commission he drew isn't transphobic because the difference between his old one and the Muta one are leagues apart. Imo the old one can reasonably be considered transphobic because he went out of his way to draw a mustache on him meanwhile the new one is just Keffals being ugly. It's funny how no one bothers to come to the conclusion that the drawing looks ugly and masculinized is simply because Keffals is an ugly male.
Trannies will say "I'm not defending Keffals but the thumbnail is transphobic" and then never want to discuss his wrongdoings, they just come up with a new excuse each time. The first time it was because the information came from KF so we can't talk about it because muh transphobia, then Destiny made a 3 hour long video and we still can't talk about it because muh transphobia, they discount all of the other commentary channels talking about it too because muh transphobia… yeah there's totally no pattern going on here at all. You will never convince me troons just want to be treated like normal people.
No. 24438
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I hope this encourages more women to speak out against the tranny menace.
No. 24444
>>24438I really wish more celebs were brave enough to speak out about troons already. Especially men, fuck them for being scared when women are the more vulnerable group and it shouldn't be on women to call out these fetishistic moids.
I think sooner or later some famous (likely old) gay moids are going to get so fed up with being told their same-sex attraction must include tifs with vaginas that they snap and come out as GC. It will be someone who is at least partly still relevant, so that they're forced into hearing about troons on the regular until the snap happens.
No. 24449
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saw this on r/blackpeopletwitter and unsurprising many of the commenters miss the mark. I sincerely don't see how there's a difference between transgenderism and people who claim or want to be a different race because they relate or prefer certain aspects of another races culture. It is 100% no different than man claiming they're women because they prefer femininity over masculinity or aspects of femininity and the female body. different but same concepts, yet everyone will agree and call out the race fakers yet we have to just blantly accept womanface because "muh identity"
No. 24462
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I really love this artist's work but am severely disappointed they've bought into gendie nonsense. they have an oc that's pretty much a butch woman, calls the character a woman, but also says she's nonbinary. according to the artist it's because they mean to say she's biologally female but mentally identifies as neither?? (I'm mostly using they to refer to the artist because I don't know if it's a male thembie or female but my money is betting on female).
No. 24463
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>>24462it annoys me even more because she has another oc who's her cousin. a crossdressing boy who isn't labeled anything like nonbinary or whatever. he's just allowed to exist as a gnc guy but not Alex. Nonbinary shit has annoyed me to no end because not a single person on earth regardless of how conforming to their gender roles know what feeling like a man or woman is suppose to mean because there's millions of different ways to be a man or woman. how is it somehow more freeing to claim you're neither instead of being a man or woman the way YOU want to rather than what society expects you to do.
No. 24471
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No. 24484
this video and the comment section… I just don’t understand how people can logically come to the conclusion that gender identity can’t be “innate”, based on their own feeling of lacking a gender identity and their observations of the world around them, and yet end up begging troons to convince them to transition or that the ideology of transition makes logical sense - in the comments she replies to someone saying she should “go on t” with “bet”
No. 24514
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>>24471reminds me of this kek
No. 24515
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friends in a gc were talking about which resident evil moids they headcanon as TiMs and lesbians. I literally had to mute the gc before i said shit.
why do people constantly try to slap the lesbian and trans label on moid characters? why would I want some ugly hypermasc moid representing my gender and sexuality? fucking retarded
No. 24543
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Of course they would
No. 24560
>>24557Wow nona that's (mostly) great news!
I think you should lure her in to the troon boards. Try to explain that there's a difference to "real" troons and AGP, and that the board is 90% focused on fake troons and that calling them out is actually benefitial for real trans people who get lumped in with them. I mean there are troons posted who literally go into women's restrooms to masturbate in diapers as a fetish, ask her if that sounds like a real trans woman or an AGP who "pretends" to be trans for a fetish?
Save some carefully selected example posts from the threads showing AGPs. Then occasionally fake-vent to her, saying stuff like "omg sorry I know you don't really like those trans boards on lc but I really have to vent about this weirdo… I honestly really do think he's AGp and not trans for real…" and send a screenshot of some deranged loser. Make sure to also add some messages like "i hope you don't think i'm transphobic for this! i'm really not!!!"
"do you think i'm too mean about these people? sorry i really think they're harming real trans people by acting like this…"
Hopefully she'll start to peak a tiny bit and will eventually check out the boards out of curiosity. If she stays on them long enough, she'll peak.
No. 24589
>>24566You read the post all wrong nona, these are women who always were feminine but thought they were too ugly to be girls, they just finally chose to be themselves instead of escaping into being a caricature of men.
It also does NOT mean they can't be "neutral" looking, the reason they're "feminine" is because they're biologically female and not trying to look like males anymore. They can still be tomboys if they want, which is a form of femininity. Ain't no fucking male tomboys around, and no tomboy acts like a man - they act like a tomboy, which is a female exclusive experience. I'm curious, why do you think "feminine" isn't just a neutral state that women exist in, why do you think androgyny is what is neutral?
No. 24592
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>>24563OP,just for the record this was the image that made me post that… where's the costume?
No. 24593
>>24591>Colloquially, no one is using "feminine" to mean "pertains to women," so no one will assume that's what the post is trying to say.Clearly some people are though. If a book said "in the dark mist a feminine shape appeared" most people will assume it just means "a woman" rather than "a person with a huge badonkadonk and massive tiddies".
>in that case, all TIFs are inherently feminine because they are women.I would agree with that though? They are feminine and it's what they're trying to suppress and escape from (and fail to do because they aren't men)
No. 24676
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>>24675>I swear nothing will ever changeIf you want to see more positive news try following detrans activists. This news just dropped and it's pretty big. The lawsuits are finally coming!
Another positive change: more and more states in the US are banning medical transition for minors. The US was/is the breeding ground for troon ideology so them turning against it is massive.
If you look at videos of trans athletes "winning", the crowd cheers for the actual female winner when when she's announced for the second place, while the crowd is significantly more silent when the man who "won" gets announced, often some booing can be heard as well kek
No. 24714
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>>24676There's a lawsuit going on in Canada too.
No. 24745
>>24730ayrt, aw nona glad to hear that! I grew up as a "tomboy" who never fit in with girls, I didn't exactly want to be a literal boy but I felt proud any time someone called me "boyish" or said I wasn't girly.
As I grew older I realized I didn't fit in with the boys either, because I wasn't one. I was always drawn to the tomboyish characters in shows, I had short hair and bought boys clothes. I loved seeing cool girl characters who weren't girly either, but they were still part of the girl group and treated the same as everyone else. Watching those shows I realized that the way I exist is a normal "variation" of girl. They weren't expected to join the boys instead, they weren't treated as flawed or weird, they didn't have to look down on girly girls but were friends with them instead. The boy characters weren't like them either. It just clicked that tomboy is just an expression of femininity - and it's so common it's even a trope in shows to have a token tomboy!
No. 24757
>>24745nta, as someone that was struggling to get in touch with what she considered her "feminine side" after growing up as a tomboy it was so freeing when it hit me that there are so many different ways to be a woman and how to express femininity. I wish gendies understood this very simple concept.
Like I still feel like an impostor when I wear a dress but it's just because of regular body dysmorphia and not because I'm actually a man.
No. 24759
>>24758>idk, I think this is a bit contradictory. A comparison for you to think about: I was a tomboy as a kid, and I knew another tomboy. My hair was long (and tangled af kek) because I gave 0 fucks about my appearance. I sometimes wore boy section clothes because they were more practical, but I didn't mind girls clothes because, again, I didn't care about my appearance at all and thinking about how I looked wasn't ever on my mind. I liked stuff like dinosaurs, pokemon and star wars - they were said to be for boys, and didn't care for dolls. I didn't call myself a tomboy but I knew others sometimes called me that and I didn't care.
The other tomboy had a short haircut that she styled to look cool, and only bought clothes in the boys section that fit her exact tomboy aesthetic. She wouldn't be caught dead in a dress. She liked gaming and talked about "boy" games. She strongly identified with the label tomboy and didn't like activities that risked harming her fashion, like sports.
So here we have 1 girl who is gnc by not caring about appearance, or fitting in with a certain social label/standing. And another who is VERY gender conforming by placing a lot of time, energy and value into curate her perfect look, caring deeply about her hair and fashion every day, trying to fit into an exact social role in comparison to her peers. But simply because of the aesthetic she chose she is suddenly considered gnc. And the first having long hair and occasional girls clothes makes her gender conforming automatically.
No. 24763
Encountered two TIMs in my life. The first was a clearly gay kid in middle school, conservative religious family, and several older brothers who were demanding (one was in trouble with the law and one was severely disabled.) Parents seemed nice enough, but culturally conservative. Declared to me that he had a crush on me, which I didn't really think of that much becuase he never brought it up again, then when we went to different High Schools he transitioned. Whenever someone asked me about him I'd always have to lie and say I was happy he figured himself out, even though I was convinced it was because his parents were so homophobic it was probably the easy way around it.
In my later teens I made a friend who was again sheltered by his christian parents, and I suppose I introduced him to music and books that somehow constituted a rebellion in his mind. Towards the last year of high school he would hand me letters just as we'd part for the day, very much confessing and insinuating I had some occult knowledge. We moved together for uni, and while I was a dumpsterfire of EDs and substance abuse after getting assaulted during the first party week, he decided to troon out, and wear skirts for our roommate movie nights. He eventually told me he wanted to fuck his younger sister, who was an accomplished dancer who by the sounds of it had her shit together. A year after I had a nosey peak on social media and saw pictures of her in clothes I'd seen him in at a later date, as he'd stolen them. I hope she's doing well, I really do.
I've never checked up on either cause I want to memoryhole the whole thing. Feel like I got the whole spectre - the badly performing HSTS and the perv AGP.
No. 24798
Not really a vent, just couldn't think of where to put this. I had a good friend who I saw as very intelligent. We had great conversations and I really enjoyed her company, but then I moved and we our exchanges slowed down and were limited to emails. I sent her one before I officially peaked where I was questioning tranny logic. It took over a year, so long that I forgot I said that, but she replied telling me she was nonbinary and kind of shut down my talking points (which was super unlike her, she normally loved picking things apart and talking them to death). I was so disappointed it took me another year to reply. I went back and forth on what to say. I was worried that if I didn't validate her, she'd cut me off. I feel like the tranny topic really shuts people's brains down and causes them to behave in really extreme ways, so I was readying myself to lose a friend of over a decade. But eventually, I did reply and gently pushed back on her claims. Recently, I got an email from her where she finally confessed she'd also been on the verge of peaking, and she told me was trying to hold her tongue because the cognitive dissonance was too overwhelming. She's since gone back to identifying as a woman and had some really lovely thoughts about matrilineal connection and the beauty of biology. I'm so relieved, nonas. If I'd just toed the line to get along, I never would have found out that she agrees with me. Something somewhat similar happened with my mom, where I put some GC thoughts out there and left them to marinate for a long time, and then she finally felt comfortable telling me she agreed, and secretly always had. It makes me wonder how many women out there are just suppressing what they know to be true because they're too afraid to speak about it, even to women who they know would be safe to tell.
No. 24908
>>24795I genuinely want the trans/pro-trans person to answer their stance on all those topics every time they make a public appearance.
If the person can't give consistent answers and everything is contradicting itself, at least everyone should be able to hear it. You can't invite a flat earther to talk yet not adress the fact that he thinks the earth is flat and that it infects every other thought he has.
No. 24912
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>>23931>"The thing about biology is that nature doesn't really do binaries, only spectrums"Oh yeah? Like how male birds lay smaller eggs than female birds? Oh wait, no, no they fucking don't.
No. 24916
>>24912Same kek
Where's the sperm-egg combo then? Surely if there's no binary system going on and it's a spectrum there would be a spectrum of sperm-egg with most being roughly half/half "speggs" in the middle?
No. 24943
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I have gone by a nickname of my given name for over a decade at this point. I love it, it’s unique, it’s cute, I get compliments on it often. Except it’s starting to become a popular name amongst trannys and I want to fucking scream.
No. 24950
>>24909That was me! I actually recently started a business with another
terf but we are gonna be doing freelance stuff until we have the finances to make our own games. I hope someday we can expand to bring in more people
No. 24956
>>24947>>24951op, if you have suggestions of how to make it sound believable then hit me with it! I'm considering doing it with a vpn, or having a (
terf) friend do it
No. 24995
>>24968>>24972>what you wrote sounds like an obvious caricature of pooners.ayrt that's because it was literally meant to be an obvious caricature just for lc kek of course I wasn't ever gonna send that!
Thanks for the suggestions nonas!
No. 25047
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No. 25049
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>>24947speaking of "front-holes" the Canadian Cancer Society apologized for using the word Vagina in this post.
No. 25050
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>>25049funny I don't see an apology on the fact sheet for Men.
No. 25057
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I hate how this art works well with the LGB flags, but with the Trans flags feels like it says "I'm not sorry for being a degenerate homophobic moid".
No. 25254
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The city I live in used tax money to paint some police cars with the lgbtqrs flags…and as if that isn't bad enough they're giving trannies free rides (instead of ya know the elderly or those who actually need it).yes honest they're doing this.
Also seen more flags of the new new flag with the intersex symbol more than before.
No. 25302
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>I feel like a wolf in sheeps clothing
No. 25336
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>arrived here a month ago
>already got tax payer funded plastic surgery
No. 25413
>>25340When the word
terf comes out of a males mouth I knows he's either a tranny fetishizing paraphiliac aka a faggot or he's a terminally online brain poisoned rightoid who orbits the most unhinged of online radfems for some crumbs of pussy and validation. Stay away from males who know literally anything about this conflict
No. 25514
>>25493Good luck nonna. A lesbian Genshin artist went on a "transphobic" rant and even after getting called out and shat on by TRAs she's still soldiering on. There's still people that quote retweet her with stuff like "op is a
terf" but as long as you make good art most people don't care.
No. 25559
>>25514>There's still people that quote retweet her with stuff like "op is a terf" funny thing is i've secretly made side accounts to follow and support
terf/gc people so whenever my woke friends try to cancel someone i had never heard about for being a
terf i instead go to follow them kek
No. 25679
>>25614I feel this. I was also a handmaiden and at one point truly believed "well, if they just want to be left alone and they're not hurting anymore, then what's the harm in humoring them and calling them "she/her"? I slowly peaked over the years after learning about the countless rapes and abuses that they say "never happens", the shenanigans and attention-seeking and belittling of women in sports. And finally, witnessing firsthand: two different shitty, dangerous,
abusive scrotes from my old friend group domestically abused their girlfriends and then suddenly trooned out 2 years later and started calling themselves "lesbians". I just had enough of the chicanery.
No. 25860
>>25417Genuinely, this was one of the most helpful things I have ever read after being in an
abusive relationship with an agp.
I think the way male troons abuse women is notably different than regular abuse. So many women end up being skinwalked, demeaned, and fetishized specifically because they are female and trapped in a relationship with a pervert. When he would sperg out and call me a fucking bitch, cunt, etc, I was able to realize something was wrong and that he was misogynistic. But when he called himself a lesbian, which he learned via yuri porn? That should be considered another form of misogynistic abuse, but I didn't know it at the time, and nobody else talks about it. If you talk about how you were abused by a male troon, everyone rushes to "her" defense and assumes you are lying. I hope eventually someone will research rates of DV done by male troons.
No. 26008
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>>24943>>24955just know that it isn't actually their name and doesn't belong to them and they're just half formed jealous creatures slithering around on the ground
>>25838>and that I'm turning into JK Rowlingermagerd…. not the wildly successful and beloved author who is literally correct and if anything has been softer on trannies than she should be. how frightening
No. 26035
>>25838>he's just such a "be kind" sort of person.i feel you nona, i'm in a similar situation. i wish people were less afraid to be harsh in their judgement. not everyone deserves kindness
>I feel for other types of trans people sometimes but AGPs insult me to the core of my being.same, i can somewhat sympathize with HSTS bevause they troon out of extreme self-loathing and societal pressure while AGPs simply chase the coom.
can't your boyfriend see that tranny guy is a pervert? and if it's important for him to be kind, maybe try pushing in this direction, but focus on people who actually suffer from gender ideology? children doing irreversible damage to their bodies thinking it'll cure their dysphoria actually deserve kindness unlike some greasy agp scrote
No. 26037

>>25838>But my bf is worried that I'm being brainwashed by the detrans community (I'm detrans but I don't participate much, I'm busy living my normie life) and that I'm turning into JK Rowling. Make him watch the student asking about JKR video (linked) and explain that all she has ever done is stand up for women's rights. Say you're willing to discuss things with him if he has questions, remind him that you are detrans and that means you have a deep understanding of the trans mindset and community. Make him read JKR's initial trans post (in which she quite literally said she supports trans people but that we still need female only rights) and ask him to point out exactly what's bad about it so you can discuss it. Remind him that that's literally all that made her the most hated "transphobic" person by trans people. Don't just dismiss him if he points something stupid out, but listen and give him your perspective.
Tell him some things like women's (females) rights and "trans rights" are directly opposed to each other, that's just the way it is. You can't ever have any kind of safe guarding AND be all-inclusive at the same time in any area. You can't have female-only spaces AND allow males with their dicks in (they're still male, and an inverted dick is still a dick so there are no "dickless" transwomen, as there are no female transwomen).
There is no "being kind" to both groups. Either you 1) are kind to a small minority of males who already have access to ALL male spaces and ALL genderneutral spaces by default - and let them into the one safe space for females, simply based on them being the kind of male who REALLY wants to go in there. That's their whole reason. They do not "need" female spaces, as they already have access to ALL those other male and genderneutral spaces. And that harms EVERY female as it means there are no longer ANY female-only space, because those males are now let in. So this option is NOT kind, and is unkind to every females on earth.*
2) Or you are kind to females and let females have their female only spaces. The small number of males who want to get it may get their feelings hurt. But they still have access to ALL male and genderneutral spaces, so nothing in their life changes.
*in case of "but troons are at risk too". Male on male violence is not for females to solve, females should not have to sacrifice their safety so a small minority of males can be safer from other males. Those males also already have access to genderneutral spaces, so if the "male only" space isn't safe they still in many cases already have another option. Females are not safe in genderneutral spaces because they have males in them, so we don't have that option as a safe space.
And further if we grant "unsafe" males refuge in female spaces, then why should that not also be true for disabled, weak, gay, or elderly men too? They are also at more risk of other mens violence, but we know sending them to the female space is ridiculous.
Also ask him to consider why there is no such thing for females - why can't you send a female trans man to be safer with males? Because males are what makes it unsafe.
No. 26041
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No. 26053
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By the standards of the synthetic left, Marx and Engels were “transphobic”. If commie troons were real Marxists, they'd KNOW women are crucial to the struggle—and you’re not going to win half the population over if you obscure our biological reality
No. 26151
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Starting a new job on Monday and just found out that the other new recruit (who's supposed to be collaborating with me at all time) is an extremely online TIF from school who's attempting to go stealth at her new big boy coder job. I suspect that she knows I'm a big bad terf because I've been „misgendering” her in front of our mutual friends some years back. What do? I suppose the right thing to do for sake of my job would be to play along with her yaoi larp delusion and he/him her the entire time, but I don't want to betray my terven morals and pride. What are some subtle ways to misgender troons that don't get your ass fired? I already do everything I can to entirely avoid gendering TIMs in every day conversation (my language has grammatical gender and it's almost unavoidable) to the point where the phrasing I use is extremely awkward lol but at least it doesn't pander to their larping
No. 26155
>>26151I would act confused and use they, even though I know it’s not better, but using they is a way to misgender while also keeping plausible deniability of being a
terf since wokeies use it when “they can’t find out the pronouns“ of someone. When I was a handmaiden working in retail I did refer to a TiM customer as they cause even in my brainwashed state I just couldn’t call him “her” I did apologize after even though I didn’t need too but I never got reprimanded for it either so it’s not that bad. I remember the TiM not liking that I used they but also he couldn’t try to get me in trouble for it either since I posed it as a “mistake” when it wasn’t
No. 26442
>>26331It’s possible, but it’s totally out of your control what happens. A male friend of mine is into lesbian romance stories and it could just be typical hetero stuff (I like yaoi so I’m hardly any better) but having read so many AGP stories it just sets my antenna off. If he did transition I would just stop talking to him. Your friend’s boyfriend has the risk factors. Do you want to ask your friend what she’d do if her boyfriend transitioned so she can think ahead?
I’ve decided I don’t want to hide all my beliefs anymore. I can’t come out totally because all my friends are some flavor of gender woo supportive. (The people I’ve met who aren’t tend to be awful conservative men. Not worth it.) But they like me and trust me enough I think I can at least show skepticism. I’ve been supporting trans stuff less and less anyway. I’m mostly tired of pretending to care. Honestly ignoring them when they sperg about JK Rowling or rolling my eyes when they talk about misgendering is probably more effective than any argument I could provide them.
No. 26498
>>26331Sounds like he'd be a perfect troon
victim, but it also used to be a common "joke" for guys to wear maid outfits at cons and such so they could be stuck in that era
No. 26676
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No. 26689
>>26676I love how they compare literal genocide and bombing and starvation and war to getting called a man by someone in public and then having a bunch of handmaidens donate $50k to their gofundmes as a "
victim of a hate crime"
No. 26831
>>26331Ya that's a high tranny risk.
>He's a decent guyHe can't be that decent if you're even aware that he likes anime lesbian porn
No. 31491
>>29963Since 2X is rather inactive, come hang out with us at the Gender Ideology Hate thread
No. 37330
>>22694This is why I hate conservative trans haters as much as I hate TRA shit.
This was a 16 year old girl who didn't want to identify as a girl because her dad was a fucking rapist who was just about to get out of jail.
What Nex needed was a support system and someone to help her get through her trauma and find a way to get out of her shitty home situation. But instead this grifter trump sucking psycho puts Nex in the same category as predatory pedophile AGPS by putting a big fat target on her head for likes and retweets.
As much as I hate troons, dunking on them is a fine art that's best done by radical feminists. Not by soulless right wing social media grifting assholes who are just as complacent as trannies in making life hell for women.