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No. 31633
A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.
If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
Previous thread
>>30265 No. 31660
>>31657oh so you are another retard, no one cares about your shitty yaoi bait pictures and yes it is a duplicate. And there is nothing wrong with sharing similar communities, Or are you mad that you can't bait in them the way you bait here.
>>31658they're a troll, go report there other thread as duplicate bait.
No. 31663
>>31661>pedophile trannylmao isn't that one of your friends and fellow trolls. No way you are throwing your own friends under the bus and now claiming they are bp because last time I checked there was only one pedo here and it was the lesbian larper.
>>31662KEK no way, you weren't getting attention on your bait thread so you deleted and reposted the same thing here.
No. 31671
>>31670are you talking about yourself
nonny? close the tab.
No. 31674
>>31670now what is this retarded middle schooler clapback.
You can stop projecting because i can feel your fat grubby fingers typing through the screen along with your dissapointed parents hoping you took a shower and stopped being a failure neet.
I am awaiting for your reply in the span of 2 minutes because I know you have no life.
No. 31806
>>31804What makes you interested in it and how blackpill feminism differs from just talking about the biological reality/sex transparenly. If those women don't hate womanhood,then are they okay with how female body is inherently sexually submissive/servile in sex? Basically sex/what we embody is a duality, men and women as SEX are two extremes. this is why sex for all people of all orientations is about power dynamics, Because sex is power unequal dynamic, woman is service to others in sex, men are not, women embody the unconditional selfless love so that's why due to our anatomy, female pleasure in sex comes from serving/being feminine only, at the core of us, we as women embody a surrender, men don't, to accept life as a woman, you have to accept different things than a man does.
How it's different from talks about reality? Usually people don't discuss what sex truly is, they discuss it in a dif way, it's more about talking about engaging in it. But I am interetin an accurate analysis of the reality And I wanna know what causes someone's interest in a subreddit like this,since my bp is just different than the usual ones.
No. 31807
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Seeing this shit after looking at a picture of a woman holding this man's hand to show his ereased tattoo, that was a name of his ex wife. He met the decades younger woman while he was still married to other decade younger woman and had a child with her that was barely a teenager, month later he was calling this woman his gf then got divorced the same year, they are in the entertainment industry so their priv info is online. She took this picture like she's feeling accomplished that she stole him, it's always the women taking those pics, it's never men competing over women as the stereotypes say.
The stereotypes about hetero relationships say: men are protectors, men compete over women, men cater to women, women are serves and chased, but the reality is the exact opposite of that, I go even as far as saying that women actually… Can't get hugged by men, yes they get hugged physically, but it's the female body that sexually embodies love.. and women and men as sex are created in relation with eachother due to reproduction, so the female body is made to love the male, and the children ykwim the hetero hugs are seen as a man being bigger than a woman therefore she's getting protected and shit. No. It's women who protected, nurture and keep men safe. He gets hugged with the awareness that she cares about him and loves him. She doesn't, she's the one that has to suck dick after the hugging as an exchange for the hug. Being hugged by someone feminine physically as a man vs someone masculine is different. Only men can get hugged truly. Genuinely, due to autism my brain sometimes resembles a moid brain so the sexual jealousy I sometimes feel of men pains me physically and makes me physically want to vomit and it's a 100% honest confession. I feel like such a slave, the words that play in my mind are the Hawk tuah woman like the question she was asked "what brings a man to BLISS"… ok a woman can't be brought to a bliss like that, she only psychologically experiences surrender and being a dick pleaser… Love = sex, sex = masculine/feminine dynamic like two extremes. Sex is power dynamic. Life is very bdsm coded. I am a slave slave if I am a woman not into serving sexually kek I hate it here… No amount of manipulative description of sex and the use of the word "loving" will hide what het sex as a woman truly is and how those women exaggerate how much the sex with their nigels serves them, because they simply are being humble and the male validation is enough for them. A woman who's okay with sex is a humbled woman who's soften up enough to accept this position. Sex is women giving themselves to men. What you experience mentally is the reality you live and what they experiencea is servile pickme "I wanna please him love him blah blah blah state" due to our anatomy which proves that those are not even a personal preferences. A woman could even develop fetish for men being hurt or crying, but she can't consume this attraction, trust me I know.
My honest opinion on the screenshot: female anatomy Is what causes these behaviors. I used to that women who have rape kinks are not even worse than other types of women, I would even feel more bad for them if they actually don't wanna willingly participate in sex, but instead get roleplay being forced, because your position in sex as a woman is not your personal preference, it's forced onto you by physical limits. That's why ftms act the way they do despite transitioning or whatever. They still experience horniness in female anatomy. I experience it too and the distance to my sex attraction maybe me almost not realize that I experience physical feelings of horniness since I don't relate to female position in het sex and don't wanna be it, it's like beyond our control often. That's why men can't stop being misogynistic too, it goes against their self interests crested from their physical identity., they can't agree with feminist things… It goes against their sex desires duh…. They often won't even pretend to agree. The thought of it probably makes them angry like in a sexual way. Like nullfag said, we will never be as interesting to other women as men are and when I realized it like two/three years ago I felt like physically vomiting as well… Just as when I get mogged by an autistic moid, because my mind resembles their and I see what they get in life sex/romantic life wise and I'm my stomach hurts. Womanhood - sex slavery!! "That's a subjective view!" Yeah, because I don't like sexual submission or femininity unlike youuu, that's my whole point.
No. 31816
>>31633>ok a woman can't be brought to a bliss like that, she only psychologically experiences surrender and being a dick pleaserOh for the love of… the
clit nona. The fucking clit. Stop pretending women can't experience pleasure sexually and we only get dicks shoved in us.
No. 31854
>>31853You're the one who sound moronic. I didn't say they are useless, I said that vaginal orgasms are stronger than clitoral orgasms which is true. Read SA
victims experiences, you'll see many of them say the orgasms they had during rape was more intense than any other. So, you won't achieve that intensity by rubbing your clit
No. 31865
Can yall retards stop sperging about useless shit and pay attention to my actual BP take here
>>31850You have been arguing about the same boring shit for the last 6 threads. Blow Job chan has Schizophrenia and she physically cannot comprehend anything yall say. She will post her shit anyway, just ignore her.
No. 31867
>>31850Porn is both sexes sexuality expressing itself, porn pretty much exposes the dynamic we embody to the core, it's fully naked to the eye and you can perceive all I'm talking about where, but you all will use the word porn to ridicule me and paint pictures of sex as "not real reality"
Also as someone who hates female sexual submission, out of hatred my brain sees women on porn thumbnails are piglike looking bodies, shaped like a pig esp while on all fours from male pov, their bottoms look wide as fuck from behind and with the vagina in between the ass fat lumps it looks so humiliating and piglike, resembling a submissive pig. Not fun. This is ltiertmy view bc I hate submission, the power dynamic is real natural and obvious and creates those feelings in me like ofc I'm gonna fuckin feel this way duhh. Nobody even confirmed me about my concerns or the way female bodies look like in those thumbnails and all they do in the videos, but the couples gone wild subreddit looks literally the same or WORSE while it's "amateur".
So yeah my view is insulting, because of my hatred for the inherent female sexual submission , getting fucked on all fours or sucking dick or clit and vagina functions and the way sexual release works in a female body.
Ik what stereotypes about porn say, but not all porn is completely artificial and fake view of real life, or moaning or screaming professional porn blah blah
You can see real human bodies in porn and human sexual anatomy and other shit. I had a breakdown involving those sex realizations before being exposed to porn that much as thebretardst will say it's bc of porn as if getting penetarted from behind irl is different psychologically, less submissive, less vulnerable, different mechanism, oh jeusus nah it's not. Also I explained the reasons for my hatred due to which I wanna talk about what reality objectively is and already explained that the hatred is my subjective view, but objective is the submission and femininity blah blah blah which people immediately see as if I said the words inferior and degrading, they come to those assumptions by themselves through hearing "femininity" "submission". Anyway enough the usual pig insults, I just wanna talk about what reality is and analyze it without people shitting at my posts and using parts of the to nitpick and troll like
No. 31869
>>31865Can you confront me about that subreddit I linked tho?
Stop saying I have schizophrenia while I talk about actual real things
abusive cunt while are you all so obsessed with ridiculing other women on this website and calling them lunatics
>Useless shitI'm talking about human biology and sex which is our life we live but nobody is capable of analyzing it
No. 31872
>>31869Nonas have been nice to you but i will say it: you are dumb as fuck and cant comprehend anything nonas has been saying to you. You arent smart and what you say isnt some hidden truth only a genius like you can understand. You are just entitled
and severely porn addicted retard shitting up a thread for shit and giggles.
No. 31873
>>31864Because I hate my biological femininity and that women suck dicks and get fucked on all fours?
You all will use any excuse to gaslight me about real things and invalidate me and my real observations and proofs
I am intellectually disabled, because I said that even if vagina orgasms are intense them it doesn't mean they aren't useless and unfulfilling to someone who doesn't enjoy sexual femininity???? Dumb fucking gaslighting cunts
No. 31876
>>31872I can comprehend what they are saying it's just that they gaslight me or give me retarded ass responses it's you all who can't comprehend what I say and literally gaslight me about real reality like you just called me porn addicted
Because it what???????
I literally say that female body is inherenly sexually submissive servile and feminine and you all say NO!
THWN YOU GASLIGHT me even about screenshots. So I brought out that subreddit as a proof that I'm not hallucinating what I'm talking about and instead i talk about real things you all DENY. I'm not dumb you subhuman tyrant who's desperate to ridicule another human being who just talks about the real life we experience
No. 31886
>>31881No it's because you sperg out like this, actually.
>>31884Look, I'll bite. Yes, women have sex on all fours and they also suck dick sometimes. This isn't a captivating discussion and that's why nobody engages in it. I don't even know where you want to go with this conversation but I'm biting the bait so what else do you have to say?
No. 31891
>>31886I wanna talk about real life, and it's not sometimes. It's shows a female position in life and what womanhood is, it's literally the reality we embody,but you all ridicule me for talking about and analyzing it all for what it is. You all just want to like a dumb mad pigs. I got ridiculed for calling female body inherently sexually submissive. If it's submissive them it says something about our EXISTENCE as a woman. You guys call me a schizophrenic for talking about those real things that are distressing to me and a main part of human life you all retards tell me to ignore cause you're the dumb imbecile here
I get gaslight about this shit my whole life you all even called me a troon it, you all won't even admit the real reason why you think I should kill myself and my real problem with womanood
No. 31892
>>31888Maybe because women do that act on a mass scale and it says things about womanhood and what both sexes embody on our EXISTENCE
Stop making dumb excuses idiot
No. 31893
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>>31889Confront me about this subreddit also you dumb vile bitch I'm not obsessed in the way you accuse me of I literally stated it a million times before you guys are ridiculous and shit on every of my serious post where o analyzed things correctly yes I added my personal hatred as a reason for the analysis but it was still accurate so what
No. 31895
Porn addick???
You're genuinely so fucking vile rn how can you gaslight someone this much
What exactly makes me a porn addict
What kind of response is that
No. 31900
>>31899Lmao tou dumb coping bitch
Years ago I found like 100 nsfw 1k-1m subreddits where it solelt women posting themselves
Dumb fucking gaslighter
See you guys gaslight me you will use every fucking excuse to not confront my points
No. 31901
>>31900I genuinely can't stand all of you, and that response is giving the average misandrist who replied to anything with umm womin brainwashed ummm womin forced ummm womin tricked by men umm wombym
victims But then one of them admitted she sucks cock out of love for men
No. 31905
>>31903Who are you? Stop using the excuse that reddit is full of men. Those are real couples even women own those accounts sometimes, even women post their nsfw pics and videos by themselves and are verified and even have verified tag around their usernames. That comment was unnecessary also, bc what it had to do with my point?
Those are real couples sex lives, people always gaslight me about. Women talk about doing what they do on those videos all over social media. Men don't produce all sex videos on earth by themselves also
No. 31906
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No. 31908
>>31894>Men's genital arousal occurs in response to a limited number of sexual stimuli, whereas women's genital arousal occurs in response to a wide range of sexual stimuli, including those depicting nonpreferred cues. Researchers have hypothesized that women's nonspecific pattern of genital arousal prepares the body for sexual activity, thus functioning to protect the genital organs against injury. If this hypothesis is correct, women should show genital responses to any cues suggesting sexual activity, even unappealing cues that involve nonconsensual sex and extreme violence. Fifteen men and 15 women listened to fourteen 2-min audiotaped narratives that depicted an interaction between a man and a woman and that varied factorially according to the presence of consent, violence, and sexual activity. The results support the preparation hypothesis: Men showed the greatest genital arousal in response to narratives depicting consensual, nonviolent sex, whereas women showed similar responses to all the narratives involving sexual activities, including those describing a sexual assault. No. 31909
>>31905No of course men don't produce them all. It's just (imo) reddit isn't a good proof because the site is heavily mostly men, statistics and stuff show that it's like majority scrotes on there. See even this
>>31906 doesn't really show proof it's a woman just cause they say they are. Now me saying this about reddit isn't me saying that women aren't posting porn and being gross, I am just saying that reddit is such a moid cesspool I think it hinders the argument to use it as proof
No. 31910
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No. 31913
>>31909Yes it's a fucking proof stop gaslighting me I genuinely can't take it anymore
Your response is so fucking unnecessary you all always say this shit about reddit please stop
Real women are on reddit there are millions of people in there
That account is literally verified probably with a woman posting a pic of herself where she holds a paper with her username written on it to verify it all. You guys come up with every excuse to invalide any proof I post
No. 31922
>>31850>porn had to become more misogynistic to cope with women advancing in society."Become more misognynistic", was there a instance in history in which porn was acceptedly misogynistic? Kek. Also why is "women advancing in society" the driver of this intensification? What about the women who decide to participate in this extreme humiliation and degradation fetish fueled extreme misogyny porn, are they part of "advanced women society" too? What utter pseudo-libfem lack of female accountability bullshit.
>I feel like the only way we could achieve something akin to equality is if moids could have a fully ai generated world where they could live out all their misogynistic fantasies.No. Your argument was that simulated misogyny intensifies misogyny (porn) concurrent to "women advancing in society". How does extremely realistic AI porn make this problem any better?
You argued extreme porn is the problem as a byproduct of "women advancing in society", now you want to fight it with even better extreme porn. Delusional brainrot.
No. 31924
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>>31908you can't tell a woman's sexual orientation by her vaginal lubrication, because under threat of forced sex all women get wet to avoid vaginal fissures. but you can tell a woman's sexual orientation by her vaginal spasms… it sounds like a joke but it's not and BP-chan was right after all. kek.
No. 31947
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No. 31965
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No. 32001
Only dumb women breed
No. 32033
>>32031We aren't animals who follow our instricts. If you don't throw shit onto anyone you dislike, you clearly aren't following your instrincts.
>reproductive instinct in women happens regardless of sexual orientationAnd what else was it going to be if not instrincts? Also women are dumb so it isn't suprising
No. 32034
>>32033Ntayrt but
>if you don’t throw shit at someone you dislike you don’t follow your instincts ? What is this supposed to mean…do you think humans are supposed to act like monkeys?
No. 32039
>>32022"Likewise, 40% of lesbian parents are single mothers compared with 29% of straight women parents."
this is the only connection i've seen to the 40% number. that doesn't mean that 40% of all lesbians are mothers. and if they are mothers it could be from adoption instead of artificial insemination.
No. 32044
>>32040humans are meant to survive and reproduce like every other species. that is why evolution selects for what produces the most offspring.
>>32042you're talking to 3 different people you retard. i corrected the other person's statistics and i still think you're wrong.
No. 32069
>>32064>you brought up them being low IQ as the reason for thatNo, I said the opposite.
>there was also consensual reproduction involvedNo there wasn't. How do you know that? Consent is subjective.
>and you're trying to explain that away by saying only low IQ people would want to do thatI didn't say that, there was an article that says women with higher IQ are childfree. I pointed that.
>we are animals but we aren't the same as other species because of our intelligenceDefine intelligence. And no it's not primarily our intelligence that's makes us different than other animals
>we differ because of our complexity even though we have some similarities.Yes? It's not black and white
No. 32074
>>32069are you misremembering how you approached talking about this/what you've said? look at your past posts like this one
>>32003 what article did you bring up, you've never shown an article even once? it's not my fault that you aren't articulating yourself properly if this is totally not your point. how i've been defining rape is women being physically forced to reproduce, not mental coercion. there are other reasons caused by human nature that lead to women wanting to reproduce. it is not entirely the fault of the patriarchy.
No. 32075
>>32068>women coerced to reproduce because of the patriarchyYes.
You seem to put words into my mouth. Desire≠Consent. I'm not saying women do not desire to reproduce or didn't. I wasn't talking about today's world.
No. 32096
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>>31633I'm glad the threadpic mentioned trustyourperceptions. More people need to read it
No. 32144
>>32143Nothing wrong with having masochistic inclinations.
Although in certain circles, and with it being much more pronounced on the English-speaking web, you may also be percieved as transgender if you don't specify further.
To specify further (if you are, of course, cis) means asking for much more humiliation, for they also now not just think about you
possibly being a womb carrier, but you have confirmed that yourself. Despite a lot of them (users) condemning bioessentialism, it still affects them and how they interact with people to a various extent.
It's possible to consciously fight against it, just like with any other prejudice, but you know how a lot of people preaching anti-racism still resort to the use of racial slurs when a non-white person does something that they don't like?
No. 32146
>>32145Refer to
>>32142>you are voluntarily signing up for humiliation.What is it, if not masochistic?
No. 32179
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No. 32183
>>32133LISTEN to yourself though. Really take a moment to listen to that logic. The world is built to punish you for not being a brutally insecure, emotional laboring, unhappy feminine cuck. Men are freaking ugly about 90% of the time and do not care about womens pleasure or what attracts them.
How are you still telling yourself you're a loser for opting out of men completely? You realize how much of a mental case this makes you right?
Even when men ARE attractive they just develope insatiable sex appetites and egos, sleep around and take advantage of women as much as humanly possible. They are literally a fucking scourge. And if you aren't mentally broken down by them as a youth, you're extremely blessed.
How is it all the beautiful wome nand girls i knew had the shittiest self-esteem and the worst slave outlook? They all end up complaining about how men destroyed their lives in some way or another.
"being a loser for opting out of men" Is how they get you to keep playing their shitty games. You can't really be that fucking stupid and opt for crumbs from scrotes, for approval. At some point you're going to have to stop lying to yourself and looking like a clown.
No. 32191
>>32175You retarded count I said the reason why I'm disordered and it's because I hate sexual submission while existing in a female body only whores wanna get fucked on all fours it's a prostitute position
or only women okay with being sexually femininie are okay with womanhood
If q woman is not a cocksucker she will feel disordered, stop throwing your retarded psychoanalysis on me. People invalide me about real things and real observations while I'm literally right about sex and womanhood what is your fucking problem with another human talking about what our life fucking IS
No. 32193
>>31850Ignore my ESL speech, I don't have time to articulate this more efficiently. I don't think women advancing in society is the only reason porn becomes even more misogynistic. It may be one of the reasons, but it's evidently only a small droplet in the ocean. Porn escalation is undoubtedly a byproduct of addiction. Nicotine and alcohol addiction can easily be replaced with internet addiction and porn addiction in the modern age. Men are naturally attracted to women, so they use them as sexual objects at the beginning, but as the addict will grow a tolerance he'll search for more intense forms of porn to satisfy his needs. Now, a reason I believe there's so much sexism from both sides is because social media's rise encourages individualism and tribalism. Before social media, people were still tribalists and that was evident by their nationalism. Now that the world becomes more homogeneous and the borders between different ethinicities becomes thinner, as everyone regardless of where they live share a similar culture people find a different way to sort themselves into groups; it's called identity politics. Society is going through a deconstruction phase. You'll know a deconstruction phase is taking place when art does not have a meaning but rather exists to challenge the status quo. You'll know it when you realize that art adds nothing valuable but rather is a simulacrum of reality. First we had premodernism, then modernism, now postmodernism. Postmodernism is but premodernism wearing a different hat. History goes through these "cycles, these mountains and valleys. We have enlightenment, then we have obscurantism. Modernism argues that the world is OBJECTIVE. Postmodernism argues that the world is SUBJECTIVE. How does relate to sexism? Postmodernism has its perks. It's supposed to deconstruct hierarchies, such as gender roles. However, certain forces are at play that prevent this from happening. Gender roles (not phenomena and behaviours associated with either gender, those are simply statistics) are unnatural and this can be understood by the fact that they have to be enforced. However, because of social media's influence (and its consequences being tribalism and idenity) this focus on identity can sometimes lead to polarization, with men and women being seen as opposing groups with conflicting interests, rather than individuals with shared goals. Which is also what fuels transgenderism. People choose their "group" based on what their own subjective interests are, not based on hard science and truth but rather fuzzy science and belief. Postmodernism rejects grand narratives or universal truths, which can lead to the breakdown of shared values or goals between men and women without a common understanding of what relationships or gender roles should look like, thus creating conflict. Why transitioning sex (transgender) though? Why wasn't transitioning race or age, (transracial and transage), chosen? Because it's more beneficial for those in power. Divide and conquer, as they say.
In my opinion, the way to stop those "wars" is by finding a common enemy. People love playing us Vs them, it's what caused this in the first place.
No. 32198
>>31854Goodness. You just can't look at the bigger picture, paragraphs of text and you choose to focus on a miniscule detail. You remind me of those if_else loops, where if a condition is met the program won't even bother checking that the "else" is true. You're like a bull in a china shop. Reread my sentence:
>Gender roles (not phenomena and behaviours associated with either gender, those are simply statistics) First result of Google:
>Gender roles in society means how we're EXPECTED AND FORCED to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sexTherefore, gender role: "women should…"
Phenomenon associated with a gender: "women tend to…" (which is a statistic)
No. 32199
>>32193I don't get your thesis, your English is fine but what are you arguing? Also to me you argue seemingly contradictory things. You seem to argue males escalation of porn addiction is no different from our dependency on nicotine and alcohol as addiction prone humans but not all stimulants are made equal, for one. Heroin is much stronger than caffeine, and nicotine is more addictive than alcohol despite the effects of alcohol being far more costly and worse for society than the former. Further different people have different drug dependence from others. You seem to argue that males see women as subhuman from their predetermined biology yet you still argue we should 'work together and stop being tribal'. How can we work together meaningfully in any capacity if males always see women as objects to the point where theyre are completely disproportionate crime statistics, and rape subreddits while innocuous ones where women rant about males watching porn are bannable?
The part about post modernist cycles and progress rolling back is interesting, but notably both of you are downplaying the elephant in the room that I originally brought up. If this is a primarily a male problem of addiction escalation why are women participating in it? Can women not feasibly quit participating in violent porn and starve males at least of real objects to use for their violent porn?
No. 32211
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>real reality
No. 32231
>>32193Look at history and tell me there has ever been mutual understanding; only one has been subjugated for 25k years. Lmao mutual understanding. Its been a longhaul con. We are just escaping it now.
Seriously, can you explain to me how you even rationalize thinking there was ever mutual understanding?
No. 32239
>>32199I'd say it's a mixture of nature and nurture that enables this behaviour. What comes from nature is human's ability to form habits. When you complete a goal, your brain rewards you with "positive" chemicals. The more you do something the easier it becomes, like muscle memory. Addictive substances simply reward a person more than a nonaddictive substance, thus making it easier to continue this habit. And of course everyone's limits are different and each drug isn't made to be equal, which is why there are some men who watch pornography excessively, they may have some inclinations, while others don't. Perhaps the fact that pornography is free and instantly available is the reason why it's so widespread. What comes from nurture is CHOOSING, or rather being taught to, get addicted to pornography. I can't exactly pinpoint when or how or why certain -isms began because I'm neither an anthropologist nor a historian, but what I know for certain is that external factors, such as media and the immediate environment, act as some sort of feedback loop. Man is born, man has some natural inclinations (or not), man is encouraged to act on those inclinations, man begins doing so, it becomes easier for him to continue it until it becomes a part of himself. Thankfully the brain's neuroplasticity allows patterns to be broken, but it takes a while for adjustments to happen and sometimes people refuse to adjust altogether, because what they're doing may be harmful but their brain gives them positive rewards for it. What I'm proposing is simply finding another scapegoat. It's easier to get rid of prejudice against WOMEN rather than prejudice in general. To do the latter, a person must make a conscious effort that may even result in failure and it's going to be a difficult process. To do the former, simple propaganda can suffice. That's why the war between men and women is encouraged; because it distracts from other problems. One simply plants the seed and leaves it be, it will grow on its own. You can't FORCE change, you can only subconsciously create a message and let the recepient dwell on it until he, himself, forces the change. What I also argued is that it's probably difficult to do that, because the status quo benefits certain people and they'll try to defend it as long as they can. I wouldn't propose the ban of pornography because censorship and too much surveillance always has downsides.
>If this is a primarily a male problem of addiction escalation why are women participating in it? Can women not feasibly quit participating in violent porn and starve males at least of real objects to use for their violent porn?That would require being aware of the extent to which they're being exploited. Most of them don't know, they simply live their lives without questioning whether a change would benefit it. Not to mention that, if they're participating in it, whether porn exploits them or not, they have something to gain. Refusing to participate will help them in the long term, but the future is transient and there are no short term benefits. Meanwhile, participating in it will give them a few short term benefits, even though it's harmful to them. However some > none, I guess is their line of thought.
No. 32252
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Are you an empath, BJ-chan?
No. 32268
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No. 32295
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damn i missed everything
No. 32310
>>32308Ntayrt but I do see a lot of anons who express their anxiety about nigelfags potentially being cheated on by closeted gay men and it does also make me curious if these could be the feelings of
nonnie’s who’ve unfortunately been on the receiving end of this situation
No. 32322
>>32239What exactly is the scapegoat you're speaking of to quell addiction? Men hurt animals and children too on top of primarily hurting women.There is no "scapegoat" everything is sexualized, degraded and humiliated with men including other men, it's simply just a numbers game. Your excuses for women enabling and intensifying this trend are weak. Of course it's easier to be a whore than a engineer and shit out kids than do anything meaningful in life that enables self sufficiency and pride in oneself but the path of least resistance shouldn't be taken just because muh nurture or whatever cope you've concocted for men and women to remain pathetic in all this. Part of my understanding of what Black pill is, is that women by in large and by numbers choose to be indentured and choose to be retarded. Saying women are brainwashed into whoredom, male worship and doormat tradthot shit is just cope, we know that's not the case. Many womens intelligence is stunted like the bulk of men, and it shows in there life paths and actions. Pathetic women who become whores in porn are the extreme but not the exception to the rule of brain-deadedness in the collective of women.
>>32299>the only thing i'd be worried about is the depravity reaching out into real life. This already is the case.
>what propaganda can women receive that will prevent them from playing into it? Going full anti libfem like some of this site. Actually using critical thinking skills and calling a whore a whore and a cuckqueen a cuckqueen. Women are absolute doormats by in large, especially the moid partnered. Regardless of whether this is biology or nurture it shouldn't be stood for.
>what if they just feel an increased need to cater to males?The only tool women have for social change is shaming kek. Whether the bj anon is right and this behavior is biological isn't relevant in this discussion it can still be curbed. Women are not violent like men to go start "gay bashing" or some ape like shit against the main stream of whore culture but they can exit from it, criticize it and shame and embarress whores. This site has had a culture of this behavior and it's fostered a less doormat like culture that can be seen through the thought of anons. There's still a lot of trad, libfem doormats and male exception ratfems but I think some parts of this site serve as a decent example.
>if more men are disabled by lowered testosterone and pornography, does that benefit women?Not really in my opinion. Violence will still proceed and you're basically giving up if you allow child predators and predators to walk among you.
No. 32324
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at this point i cant even feel sympathy. All i feel is second-hand embarrassment for women who are doormat cucks.
No. 32331
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No. 32343
>>32336biology predisposes them to act the way they do. that doesn't mean no one here doesn't want there to be action against them because this is all just an agenda to excuse their behavior, it's just a fact. trying to understand the reason for it isn't male apologism. men aren't going to suddenly disappear from earth, what solution do you think there is for women, because they're sure as fuck not gonna want to eradicate men, they're egalitarians. women aren't aware enough of how they're being exploited and refuse to understand because they focus on how it can benefit them in a lower-level way, which only maintains the status quo.
>>32341i'm not a shitandrist to express an obsession with men/waiting for a good nigel i'm a shitandrist because of the hierarchy in society, men dominate women in patriarchy. im not trying to psychoanalyze men because i want to fix them so that women and men can hold hands and sing kumbaya. is that what you're accusing me of?
No. 32371
>>32369No, it is not, they literally proved it, you can't just deny things like that and (this has everything to do with my autism) nature sees men as deserving of love more than women, because in the masculinity men embody there's lack of love naturally, so the narcissism, ego, sociopathy is what men embody with their sexual anatomy, so in hetero sex they experience being loved, the female body is made to love and invite the male in, it is supposed to be healing other person aka the male with unconditional love. Nature treats women unfairly and women have more emapthy for men, because nature already sees them as the love, however it's a love for men and children as well, so when you as a woman aren't feminine etc. you are seen as evil by nature. With my autism i resemble some moids minds a lot, and I can analyze it all really well and the colors men lack, what things they identify with and how the lack of love is obvious in those things that's why they leech onto women so much. Thats why in woo woo spirituality a healed woman is seen as a feminine woman. In sex women can only selflessly serve. Men get unconditional love through sex, women are the unconditional egoless role. Everything about what men embody and all their behaviors suggests a person that needs to get accepted with unconditional love and this is why I have a penis envy. Other important fact-female anatomy corresponds with the role the human female have in reproduction, the same male anatomy. They both have different biological purpose, the female anatomy is basically about motherhood. This sounds off topic.
No. 32372
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>Ranking brains along a scale rather than placing them into a male or female category is “an advance in the right direction,” says Daphna Joel, professor of psychology and neuroscience at Tel Aviv University in Israel. But referring to a ‘male’ or ‘female’ brain is still problematic, she says.
No. 32373
problematic, because it politically incorrect or whatever. If females with autism brains resemble male brains more than other womens brains and it is proven, then?
No. 32376
problematic, because there's no such a thing as male/female brain.
>If females with autism brains resemble male brains more than other womens brains and it is proven, then?What will it show us? There are similarities between male and female brains just like there are differences. It's a spectrum
No. 32378
>>32372it's not totally conclusive if you're trying to prove that autistic women think exactly the way men do. but it's interesting that a part of their brain is more like a typical male's than a typical female's. if someone can dispute the method they used i would be interested to hear it. but they showed a clear difference in autistic women's brains from typical women because of their cortical thickness. at the end they did mention
>It is also not known whether cortical thickness tracks with sex-related cognitive or behavioral features, Ecker says.but considering the overlap with being gnc and autism, i think it has merit.
No. 32388
>>32378To make things clear, in humans acting feminine: acting in a way that fits female position in sex psychologically? Acting masculine: the male position. Acknowledge that the male in heterosexual sex gets unconditionally loved, notice that female sexual orgasms are about pregnancy/motherhood, estrogen is connected with feminine behaviors (?) and women have it more, because of their sex. Narcissism, ego, power, all this type of wounds is what men have I guess, you can see it even in their physiognomy, sex allows them to be accepted for who they are and a male is that sociopath or narcissist or ego. The reason why they get accepted is ,because of the way female body is made/evolved/designed by nature. In humans male or female position in sex is a completely different mind state, in this realm gender expression is limited by your anatomy, so if you have a brain not fitting into your role you will experience dysphoria I guess
My brain resembles moid or moids with autism brains to the point that I sound like them, people are are dismissive and not having reality in front of our eyes in here allows people to easily deny things, of you posted the reality it would be called porn or whatever. The whole gender discussion is also an insufferable topic, because female sex has a feminine anatomy. When people say, but ok clitoris and penis are basically the same! They can't tell a difference between two things, so they are bullshitting. If you're dismissive, because you cope then? What's the point of talking. The observation about nature seeing men as more deserving of love and about women embodying the unconditional love in sex/only men being loved in sex is true, there are clues, physical life is about ego and in this realm it's the dick that has power and vagina is the servant, because it embodies love
and it's all easily.. provable just think. And what it all proves? "Gender roles" made by nature… I relate to some men a lot more than I can relate to any woman's personality, I sound like autistic men more than any woman unless she's also severely autistic. There's so many traits I have that fit male… Position in sex psychologically. Someone can also can find that study about some monkey species getting their brains feminized by hormones in the prenatal phase I think and then acting feminine as a resul. Feminine = acting like the monkeys that are biologically female and have the female reproductive role…
No. 32393
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there are literally differences between the male and female brain. biological sex is beyond phenotypic differences like height, strength, and other things. hormones, chromosomes, karyotype, genotype, phenotype… the differences are countless. but the central identity of this is the GENITALIA. its through the genitalia that they will define whether you are a female or a male. and yes, dysphoria is a mental illness and is related to autism. I don't think my autism is the same as bp-chan's. her autism is like an unattainable search for the truth. there are 3 types of dysphoria: gender identity dysphoria (where you want to mimic the opposite sex but without success), social dysphoria (distress at being treated and perceived as your natal sex), and genital dysphoria (it is literally hell, you want to get rid of your genitals and it makes you suicidal). the more I study and read about biology, sexology and psychology, the more i realize how different the sexes are. it almost seems like another species.
No. 32397
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>>32378samefag, that article isn't correct. there were multiple errors with that study/conclusion. doesn't dismiss the point that there are sex-based differences in male and female brains, but autistic women aren't male-brained (maybe in some other way that isn't cortical thickness, at least).
No. 32398
I think Marilyn Manson is an autistic moid. If you go to cegain yt videos about him, people call him a misunderstood deeply intelligent sensitive man, but the facts about him are that he is a serial rapist and had been since at least mid 90s, pedophile and an abuser. When on 2021 all fo the info was coming out about him I have managed to catch some of it from a good trusted source that was collecting it and reporting it. I'm gonna try to name a few of those things he did, this is kinda from when he was really young, but like at 20 he used to have a gf and he wrote romantic poems while looking at her etc. I found this internet considering that he IS a rapist with a rape count at least 20. So in 2015 he fated a girl who turned 18 the same year and he met her before she was 18 the same year, they didn't hide thier relationship on Instagram, her name is in the Marilyn Manson threads on lolcow, so I'm not gonna write it in here, Sha also has her own threads. He gifted her a cat called Damien and they engage in daddy kink together, she went to his house. During it all he had a gf who's now his wife, their relationship resembles that of two edgy teenagers or something. So he broke up with the teen the same year I think and in the next years or past years while dating his current wife he raped and abused multiple women anyway, they are polygamous (?)and his wife overshared their sex life once and said that he fucks her five times a day and that men have needs and need to fuck other women. Yes it's real, I myself got messaged by her mother who harrases people or his fans on social media. What makes me think he is autistic is idk how to describe it but in all those leaked messages of him that were coming out he acted like an autistic incel, he said women end at 22 specifically, he dated teens online and was… really… really edgy. He makes retarded comments like conspiring lipsitck to a dog penis, he admitted that he is mentally a child, once there was a situation when he was on Skype with his gf, not the current wife and she left him with her little sister and he said to her "your sister has the best pussy I ever had", the way he dresses is also very teeling and his music as well. He even called Lana del Rey lasagna del rey cause she was overweight. This is a 50yo moid y'all. The edginess is that of an autist.
No. 32406
>>32395Gender IS biological that's just a fact, men and women are different and their positions in sex are completely different psychologically if gender wasn't physical then you wouldn't have genitals dysphoria assuming you want to have genitals of the opposite sex also
>>32392No in all sex, all women who engage in sex conform femininity psychologically. Femininity is natural to a woman's anatomy and that's a big deal ofc we have to experience it psychologically. Nature created those gender roles our human bodies are. Looks at a picture of human hetero sex and tell me it's fucking equal and the same psychologically and physically for a man and a woman and that one woman can conform and other don't if she decides! One can dominate and other don't! Nope, that's not how it works.
No. 32410
>>32406>assuming you want to have genitals of the opposite sex alsoNo, I don't want to have genitals of the opposite sex, I just dont want to have a vagina and uterus. Like no hole
>No in all sex, all women who engage in sex I disagree with this. If it's two women it's equal.
No. 32429
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No. 32436
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I found this, FIM on testesterone. I think it's big enough for penetration.
No. 32451
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FtM with metoidioplasty(clitoral extension)
No. 32467
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Extended clits looks like a small realistic dick
No. 32474
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bottom growth is inadequate. i'm not getting a phalloplasty. stupid bullshit
No. 32482
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sorry i just wanted to hear your thoughts on that
No. 32489
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it is literally easier to cut off a man's penis and make a neovagina than to remove a woman's vagina (because the surgery is more internal) but i don't care, this surgery is my life, i consider myself a visionary. i want people to hear about me, i want to see people's shocked faces when they find out that im a woman without a vagina, an abomination, a deviation from nature. all of this makes me euphoric. byeeee.(ban evasion)
No. 32554
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I want to peel my skin
No. 32563
>>31876you’re right, we are biologically inferior, females humans are neotenous, there is a veryyyy huge sexual dimorphism between men’s and women’s physique , let alone that we are biologically more more more likely to have chronic diseases than men.
the only way for me to cope, is to disassociate myself from reality and live psychologically as a man.
No. 32564
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Is bj-chan gone?
No. 32567
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I also wanted to mention that anon was wrong. This guy's penis is small that ftm's
No. 32568
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Stupid rambling incoming. Sometimes I start thinking about how patriarchy managed to literally fuck our human genes and our physique, especially women's. Apart from dysgenic males having access to women they otherwise would never have access to, it's also the choice of primarily targeting young, naive and visibly weaker girls to impregnate. It's insane to me how pedophilia is still massively supported even by women because it's "nAtUrAL" while we know that teen pregnancy is still risky as hell. How do you expect an underdeveloped girl to carry a healthy and strong baby compared to a bigger adult woman with more developed hips and mass? It kinda feels like we have been bred the same way wolves were domesticated to become weaker and stupidly loyal pups. Don't accuse me of racebait cause I know how is that gonna sound like but I have seen pictures of some African tribe (which I forgot the name of) but I was in awe with how beautiful, tall and strong the women looked. However, If they lived in any other place, most men would not want this type of woman due to feeling intimidated by her tall and powerful physique by calling her masculine and whatnot. Genetically , it makes sense for women to want stronger men to mate with since that increases the chances of also having a strong child. Men wanting to mate with submissive and delicate looking women only benefits them, not our human genes. For men it's all about spreading their genes with any means necessary even when they are dysgenic and old like a beaten machine and weak girls help them do that. For women, it's about being strict and picky with whom you choose to mate with when the cost of pregnancy and child rearing is huge but we are shamed for this very natural and good trait we share with most other female species. It's like women have been stolen from our potential by men and their specifically bred handmaidens who help by upholding their beloved patriarchy. All in all, I'm not saying anything new. Pregnancy is still trash and parasitic but it would seem more worth it if it weren't for birthing feeble pig workers for a broken system.
No. 32573
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>>32544Does anyone else feel suicidal anytime you read about straight sex
No. 32576
>>32493im just a dysphoric girl..
>>32528im still a feminist duh
No. 32578
>>32570>they even die earlier than women and have more diseases and birth defectsNta but autoimmunity is more common in women than men because of x inactivation and the higher rate of immunological false positives. 80% or so of autoimmune diseased individuals are women. There are a plethora of diseases specific to gestation, pregnancy and menopause. because of the frequency of menstruation a lot of diseases are painful related to the uterine lining shedding. Breast cancer is far more common even being controlled for lifestyle and sex based factors and fatal than prostate cancer and other sex based cancers. It's widely known that women suffer worse from STIs than males; HPV basically guarantees cervical cancer at some point in time hence why vaccination is basically mandatory in most developed economies by age 10 pre puberty. Fertility is severely handicapped and affected by disease in women more than men. I can only think of some specific issues to males; hernias due to a lack of organ support with age and prostate cancer in old age but even hernias are common with post birth, older women and prostate cancer tends to be outlived unlike breast cancers, and cervical cancer. Most moids die from retarded unsafe shit, ape fights between other males or conscientiously kill themselves from environmental largely self inflicted shit like alcohol poisoning and diabetes. I'm doubtful of birth effects being more common in males, detection may just indicate attention and provisional bias in medicine but I'd be curious what your reasoning is. I'd assume the frequency is about even in males and females with some outliers.
What is genuinely blackpilling is the coping and lack of education women have on their own fucking health and the constant brain washing idea that women are somehow healthier when that simply isn't true. Testosterone fucks up the body and women may live longer on average, and have better immune systems to sustain themselves but don't cope this hard about womens health. What point is surviving long if you're treated like dirt? It reminds me of idiotic (hopefully very young) clueless anons in /ot/ spouting how women were all computer scientists in the early 20th century because Ada Lovelace when they were largely only operating basic punched cards on simple computers apart from exceptions like Grace Hopper.
No. 32580
>>32575Inflammatory, but what's the psychological difference between a man getting his penis sucked vs a woman who wets herself at his feet? Just trying to cause a little shock in people. Power dynamics. Some people are uncomfortable with them, genophobia is real, but it can be explained more honestly while giving understanding to women who have it, sex is pretty shocking, women are the ones who have to get over some dark shit in a SECOND, we are the brutalized ones, men are bigger and stronger, but the one who is the opposite to them is the one who takes shit easily and… gets over it, it's quite contradictory, it all would mean lack of ego, out of no other choice bc of our "biology". People are used to women being like this, because it's nature after all, this implies that our physical gender limits our mental gender expressions. I'm also pretty sure, that to someone who's is not into sexual submission(someone called it actually a surrender instead of a submission), it is inferior to be it. This view is created from a personal distain for the submission. It causes deep hatred. Sex is a fundamental reality, hate it and everything falls apart in your psyche, unless maybe you're a real asexual, genitals are an intimate parts of a human being. Considering that being receptive(feminine energy=female anatomy, according to the woo woo Law of gender, both masculine and feminine energy is required in balance to create, so in humans at the sex level women must be feminine, and vagina is is definitely that)is the key to experiencing sexual pleasure as woman, then it shouldn't be that hard to validate someone who experiences suffering because of hating womanhood, cause of the "submission" especially, cause those people will experience serious suffering, your mind forces you to experience the receptivity sexually, whenever you're lesbian or straight, autistic minds might contain traits that cause someone to be more likely to hate getting into that mental state which is - "surrender to receive", surrender to penetrative energy, you don't need a dick to do that, because women can have orgasms blah blah blah without having sex, and experiencing femininity psychologically enchances them, opening your legs enchances them etc., but in straight sex it's a surrender to dick, men have a different position, because they don't have to be receptive. You don't have to validate their disordered thoughts, but just be honest about female biology or sex, they probably know they are the villain or experience hatred. Why exactly our sex influences our mind or limits is because our mind is a part of our body, so those people face internal conflict when they want to experience human things like sexual pleasure, they fear becoming this receptive role, it might even become a burden. Why femininity is receptive? Read about feminine energy, if our anatomy is it, then our pleasure as a woman is experienced through being receptive, imagine you feel horny and have a sexual orientation and you all feel as if it's YOU, and you feel conflicted, because you wanna feel love, but then again you have to submit and your mind refuses and hates it. Unwanted submission is the worst experience in existence.. Someone can try to analyze how it affects human psychology and behaviors since the flow of sexual energy is blocked when a person hates sex and this destroys everything for them, which would mean that all women experience sexual femininity in the mental realm if they participate in human sexuality. You won't force someone who hates submission to like womanhood, it might be a permanent "flaw" and beef with life, but after all autistic women kill themselves 13 times more then NT women and 2 times more then autistic men. Probably there are more women who feel like this, but they are not allowed to explore it by life and other humans, they are forced into self hatred as well maybe
No. 32581
(no i'm not bp anon) people are lured in by pleasure, they think that it's selfish (sex is tied to ego since it is meant for the perpetuation of human life and the ego only dies when you do, it's a uniform that we have to wear while we're alive, it encompasses our entire identity), theyre gaining pleasure and being served, it only looks like that on the surface. for men sex is geared around this, but only for them. for women your body has a role that originated from nature, motherhood. that is the entire reason for libido and orgasms, to incentivize people to have sex to result in reproduction (this was so effective we didn't need another method to be naturally selected for). this worked before contraception. now that we have contraception, has the problem been solved, are you detached from the animal side of your body? no, the entire system is still present. even if you've gone against nature by curbing pregnancy, what women are intended for is still there. for men they just get pleasure, it's selfish and ego-affirming (that's what you truly get pleasure from besides the brain-washing chemicals purely meant for pair-bonding), but women are meant to be the carriers, they take on the burden of childbearing while males DO NOT HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE OF SACRIFICE. they may feel guilty for the pain women go through during motherhood but they still put women through it anyway.
No. 32582
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>>32577fuck you
(infighting) No. 32589
Sometimes I don't know how to cope with my hatred for most women. I have a mid 20s coworker who cries to me about tiktoks she watches, and the women in those tiktoks who have "too high standards for men" in her opinion, while the poor men try so hard to please women but those evil women are never satisfied. Last time she was telling me about some woman who wasn't pleased with a first date in the park or something, and she was almost crying for the dude. She said that she wanted to cry when she remembered that tiktok. "He seemed like such a good boy. Why are women like this? No wonder men don't like them anymore. I would be so grateful for something like this!" blah blah blah. Pure cringe. I started making fun of the dude basically and called him a bitch. She didn't really respond lol. I just can't stand pickmes… Of course, that girl has only male friends because "women are too much drama", and she's been with the same guy since high school. It's so funny to me, one of her male friends tried to hit on me in the past, and we also had a conversation about her and the guy literally said "she doesn't know what's good for her, so she needs her live". I wonder how would she feel if she knew her male friend talked about her like this? Maybe she would just take it, just like she took her boyfriend and their 2 male friends telling her "shut up, you don't know what you're talking about" when she was the only person in their circle who criticized a mutual male friend who fucked some girl who was already taken and he got beaten up by her boyfriend. My coworker said that he shouldn't have slept with a taken girl, and her male friends and her boyfriend told her she was "victim blaming him", compared the scrote to a "rape victim" and told her to shut up. And she just took it. KEK. No self respect.
No. 32595
>>32593majority of FTMs are autoandrophilic.. just straight women
but transsexualism is real im women
No. 32615
>>32605She wasn't replying to BP Chan, but, ok, actually, it didn't even sound similar anyway.
>>32607>>32611My cringe experience in the server with those women: I got mocked in a FP discord server (not the official one, and I actually don't have anything against this server I got mocked in; I ignored everything I didn't agree with mostly; it was chill for me and had funny memes) for finding sex violent and for finding the fELiAtO, violent and tormenting as well, oh well, so I snapped after seeing their attitude because it had a real snark in it and actual self-admitted pen suckers were in there, at least two, one argued with me for an hour and said that animals suck dick too, and that she sucked dick out of love, then when I said it's violent and makes women a suffocate, she mocked it by saying "okay you have a point I guess" but in a mad way, then left the server the same day, mind you I didn't even wanna discuss this stupid sex shit, it just happened. This was in the past, the current one is more recent. The recent mocking remark happend before I went properly mad, after the denial of sex being violent as well, I went mad when this pen sucker joined the convo (which started because I said it's violent and a woman said that it doesn't have to be) defended sex, I wanted to leave atp anyway so I thought that I might as well say whatever. Life lesson: threatening suicide to force people to admit to you what sex is, or at least that one sexual act, because you're tired of arguing about it for the thousand times, doesn't work; you just get ignored even more. Doing something more severe also won't work; they will make you into a lunatic even more in oblivious ways that go too far, imo. People think I'm dumb and can't tell what sex is; they even asked me if I think a mother hugging their baby is violent. As a "gotcha," it makes me shake and cry (phobia, very
valid, not in womanhood's eyes, though) to think of it all, to think of those sex things. After getting hurt, I just thought to myself that I don't care if I get banned, I won't get sympathy anyway; I would leave after that anyway, so I asked, "How does a photograph or video of human straight sex acts make you feel?" A woman denied the answer then said, "It depends on what kind of picture." I am not dumb; I can tell reality, especially something as raw as sex; I'm in tune with sensations, I have intuition, I have a brain, I have human biology, therefore, I can tell human sexuality. I can tell what sexual attraction is, I can tell what men and women positions in sex are, I can tell the difference between them and the power dynamic, I can tell the psychology of them, I can tell the mechanism of sex, ai can observe patterns in male and female behaviors, I can notice the clues, I can notice their attitudes online about sex and their confessions. I can see realistic sexual videos, analyze them, and tune in, I can see pictures of human sex, I can tell that the female role is vulnerable, and based on my sensations, I can decipher the psychology of it or experience it myself. I can tell that feminine energy = receptive; I can tell that the key to sexual pleasure as a woman is then a receptive/feminine mental state; that's what creates sexual passion; and I can tell that women who aren't pickmes cannot experience hetero "love." I can tell what pictures of women sucking dicks look like. I can tell that oral sex between a woman and a man is different; I can tell that the latter is violent due to anatomies of the mouth and dick and due to other reasons. I can tell that the vagina doesn't shoot jizz from it all over the male mouth, neither penetrates his mouth, nor does he have to make the movements nobody wants to confront me about. I can tell the psychology of having het sex as a woman; I can tell that sex serves men more while women are humble in sex and their pleasure comes from male pleasure; I can tell that sexual fulfillment is not achieved by just an orgasm, but in women the flow of the receptive energy therefore femininity; I can tell that a blockage of it, aka hating sexual submission as a woman, can potentially manifest itself as a mental disorder; I can tell that women get fucked; I can see videos of them sucking dicks; I can use all of those things as evidence of my claims about sex, evidence of servilenes, submission, and grossness. The last one is serious because it concludes that one has to lack a disgust response to engage in it. Another obstacle.. want more obstacles? So you also have to experience a whorish humiliating mental state: kneeling, bending over, hunching over, women wetting themselves at men's knees, skullfucking, which could be just a woman doing those motions herself.
I'm not dumb; I understand sex better than others. I understand through sensations what a woman feels in straight sex: she's an empath towards the man; the goal is his pleasure; her autogynephilia; her receiving the penetrative energy. Without dick, you still get pleasure from being receptive, even while masturbating. This is the key to fulfilling yourself as a woman in your sexuality. If you told the world your problem if it's like mine and said you would kill yourself over it, you would have to be faced with a silence so deep nobody ever had to face it, because this shit is natural. You won't force a woman to like womanhood if she has a sexual attraction or sex drive but doesn't like sexual submission. She will probably be a schizoid, autistic, etc. and experience hell and distorted thoughts. As a result, those people don't have normal thoughts because the foundations for them, which are sex, are broken. I don't enjoy the discussions about the ftms; they aren't even the real dysphoric women most of the time, since I definitely see them enjoying their pregnancies. This is so retarded; those people think that being GNC is just cutting your hair off and growing a beard, while it goes deeper, and to have a certain gender, you must be born as it. Socialization theory is retarded because "boohoo society made women take pleasure in this and that." Well, if it pleasures them, then they want it, but anyway, as a physical body, all women are pleasured through being receptive, even my body, because it's not a personal choice to like it. Another fun fact: I can't experience love if sexual orientation is a big source of it, and I can't get into that receptive state. Zero passion. Power dynamic is what creates the bond. I made an experiment and tried to get back to being able to experience that "love." It took me hours of lying down in bed to even try to invoke it a little through fantasy; I wanted to see… It didn't work well. I have realized that from my pov, the pov of women who can get into it seems like a trance, if you overdevelop your consciousness like I did naturally because I'm mental, then you won't be able to enjoy those parts of life as a woman; it just doesn't work. You have to be less conscious. This is why I'm convinced that any woman who denies her pickleness or submission to me but dates men and lies has to relax and soften up to be receptive, love the man and want to please him while men have less empathy, because of their position in sex. Men conquer women in sex, but women are already feminine so men just help women get into a feminine state. It's a natural hierarchy, less conscious women probably enjoy those cringe romance books, even the famous one 50 shades of grey in which a man pinning a woman to a wall is probably the ultimate love confession, because that's a desire. I haven't read it tho, so. The discord bullshit happened in the same time during which I had to encounter sex irl and remember this sadomasochistic shit. "Wah wah you judge human sexuality"(using neutral term to avoid confrontation) meanwhile the sexuality is a woman walking into a room with a man who's bigger than her naturally and unzipping his pants to give a filthy blowjob which makes it looks like she's an absused prostitute. She's middle aged so that'd even fucking worse. Him following her like a fucking sex pest whole day.
No. 32618
>>32617>"Idk, I don't see it as humiliation.">"Yeah, but how can it be humiliating if I don't perceive it as such?">"Why do you think that genitals are dirty?">"You know, it could be your conditioning that makes you think sucking cock is degrading. Have you considered why you think like that?">"Yeah, but piss and cum are more sterile than saliva, so what, is kissing bad, too?">"These acts are written in the Kama Sutra, therefore it's entirely acceptable to do.">"I just don't see what's wrong with making the person you love feel good.">"It's not at your expense if he eats you out in return. It totally negates the experience, trust and believe.">"It's a NATURAL act.">"TWO CONSENTING ADULTS">"I do it because it satisfies me to make my partner feel good.">"So you're uncomfortable with your own genitals, too?">"Other sex acts require vulnerability too.">"According to you, no sex acts is acceptable then."Anons I want off this fucking planet
No. 32627
>>32624Ayrt, if you're asking for my personal opinion, then yes. I think most sex acts, especially from a female POV, are degrading. I'm saying "most", not all, because technically touching someone's genitals with your hands is a sex act, but doesn't play into any submission/dominance ritual to indulge. But yeah as far as penetration goes, it's a humiliation of the highest order for the receiving party. I also wanna say that the humiliation
is what most bitches get off on (as in, it's a CORE part of the act), without it their interest in sex would wane.
No. 32628
Would you rather be feminine beauty or consume beauty and descend into it's arms? Would you rather be a sparkly object or consume it? Would you rather be a masculine creature with a big dick or a cute hot woman he takes pleasure in? I feel like this is the ultimate gender test, but BP version. Yaoi, makes me feel dickless personally, I am into vulnerability so sometimes I might relate and think of some big man getting gang fucked(I wanted to use other word), it's an intrusive thought, not on purpose bc I don't really care, and it's too frustrating to engage in it. I don't even wanna be a gay man. I wish I could experience what my biology doesn't allow, which is an attraction to vulnerability, not in a I wanna violate it way specifically, but want someone to surrender to me in an unconditional love they invite me into while I experience the security of being the masculine sex, so then I'm free from experiencing the deep femininity during it all since the feminine sexual release, is not releasing me. It's vulnerability and beauty that makes me high, but the woman body likes being it instead. I would cry from relief if I experienced the opposite to a woman body does wtff gender is fucked up I'm connecting all the dots. Fuck or get fucked, doesn't the baphomet basically symbolize those opposites? I don't mean fucking, but light/dark
No. 32632
>>31633Do you think Trust will ever come back? She had some upcoming posts so I hoped she would be back, eventually. I wonder what happenned to her. Icemountainfire had a nice blog too, her post about matriarchy was legendary and a source of great knowledge, but she made her blog private now. Fuck I could copy that one post and save it on my PC…
I miss black obsidian and sekhmet she owl too… I miss blackpilled creators so much
No. 32633
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I swear its not a bait, its how i feel. I fucking loathe these braindead airheads with their repulsive paint plastered on their idiotic mugs. I hate them. They will always defend males no matter what they do and will always tear other women down for nothing. They deserve all the violence and hatred. I dont feel bad for them anymore. Things are clear now. Surely i still hate moids, but have no sympathy for women anymore as they are so fucking stupid. I wish i was a third gender. I am non-binary now, unironically. Despite having a female body, i have a brain in my head, and this is why am i cannot be considered a woman.
Its really better to be a tif. Normie women cant help but nitpick on each other non stop and praise males, they are just so empty headed. Tifs are cute. They have a reason to be nlogs, because they really are so different from disgusting (barf) normie women, of course they dont want to be lumped with them.
I always though tifs were silly for refusing to accept that they are just autistic women, but now i see. Autistic women are really just a third gender and should not belong in the same groups as imbecile normie women. I am way too good to stand next to these whores.
No. 32642
>>32637No, but I know that what I can expect from the average BP or misandrist is copium, because they are childish. I am only interested in talking about reality; even dysphoria freak talks are more accurate. So my point still stands even if she wasn't the "matriarchy was real" bp misandrist, but a different one, because I have been researching bp for years and I know it all. I probably saw that blog in the past but don't remember anymore. Bp misandry is often almost nothing accurate and worships womanhood, which doesn't come in pair with discussing reality because everyone will get offended even if they are okay with said reality. Dysphorics probably know better what things are since they are dysphoric about them, so they have analyzed it, and they at least will realize they are mentally ill in nature's eyes, as well as any woman with a sexuality that hates sex. The ones who don't probably aren't "evil" in nature's eyes, but if they don't have the intention of being honest when these topics come up, then that's not fine, imo. They worship feminine nature but won't discuss its receptive sexual role.A lot bp type of radfems have an obvious interest in men AS A woman. I saw an interesting thing on another website. The woman reposted something that said, "Women haven't invested anything because you men oppressed us." However, she is fixated on dating wealthy men and wants to become a "spoiled pilates/trophy wife whose job is looking pretty and writing novels or maybe even becoming an actress."
No. 32644
People perceive men and women differently, therefore if they picture a man in a woman's position, they will respond to it differently and might even be more empathetic. Doing this mental exercise is an good idea. I recently considered it in relation to sex. As a heterosexual woman, picture the male in the position that women naturally occupy during sex and witness the ridiculous fragility and submission of it. This is why sex makes men so high, because the woman surrenders to him completely and embodies the unconditional love for him. The power dynamic is the source of the high, the female body even appears as extremely submissive physically with it's form. Men experience love through sex, because the woman is selfless in sex and if he were to cater to the sexual essence of her body which made the experience of being receptive as the key to female sexual pleasure, then he would have to moan, show her how to please dick or show his strong desire for her.
This is because a woman's mental state during sex is one in which you feel as though it represents your true self and in het sex your true desire to serve. This is why everything women do is to get male approval and be desirable to men, this is why I feel physically disgusted and frustrated by every little thing they do, because that's the female biology, the only variety ever is being a lesbian. This is why male and female pleasure is different since it's accompanied by a different psychological state. Off topic after the empathy talk, but seriously that mental exercise is enlightening and idk if this is a good example,but I thought of the way women dance especially when it's very sexual and it looks as if her body is a cage she tries to escape, because all her sexuality is, is submission so she can't have power, do all she can do is twerk and arch her back or do neurotic sexual movements that feel chaotic. I saw doja cat dancing this type, and you can't tell me that this is just a media's representation of women, if it fits female biology. Maybe thats why they say women are chaos. It feels frustrating to see it's it's like there's an invisible bondage over her. When I think of having sex as a woman I feel like a demon possessed person shaking all their limbs and body and screaming in frustration, because the female body requires the exact opposite state to "action" to receive pleasure while you just wanna do action.
The dancing doja did was so humiliating, the female shape literally is the physical shape of "submission" . All female music in general sounds like women trying to o seem cool to men neurotically and struggling with the powerlessness of their sex position on between accepting it and talking about sucking off dicks. I remember feeling physically repulsed yesterday and on the verge of tears, because the woman who I found successful, talented, modest and intelligent with no signs of pickme sexual mania, made a gross pickme high pitched tone of the voice comment in a podcast episode. I almost cried,I can't deal with disgust at natural things. This 35yo modest professional woman, turned into a little human piggie begging for male approval with a sticked out tongue like a dog, she even sympathizes with male struggles and downplayed the female ones, she empathized with the man, over something so small, but doesn't mind that her bf dumped his ex wives for younger women. I can't accept this. Why can't life be normal instead of a horror movie that fucks with your head, because you live in this movie?
So everyone, just fucking imagine a man being treated like women and see your reaction
No. 32647
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Humans are hypersexual as fuck till their death, when does the hypersexuality even happen? In late/middle teens? I believe it's awakened through explorations. Sometimes awakens it at some point and then humans become perverted, even looking at the lesbian fantasies theread proves that, women would become full time sex slaves if they could and men would get sex slaves if they could, you know why? To get constant stimulation humans after puberty can't stop craving or maybe it's a result of engaging in sexuality and making the mistake of awakening this monster at some age usually late teens/early 20s. Someone commented "the pros of sex outweigh the cons" but all sex is as a woman is a torture, because all you can do is serve, get spread, and get useless stimulation while never ejaculating unlike men, the reality behind the words "having sex" for a hetero woman mean just sucking dicks. Why put yourself through the tortures of being a frustrated sex slave jumping on dick till it cums but you don't, it's absymal. The female body idea of cumming is sucking the sperm in. Other person commented that they have "quickies" a man jizzing into a woman. I feel strong physical disgust and despair.
No. 32651
>>32649Sex is what's normal in nature's eyes. Who's wrong, the one hating it or the one not? The one hating isn't necessarily wrong for describing sex like me for example, look: women spread themselves in sex, on their backs or hands and knees, and het fucked. Is it wrong? No, it's right, but what I am seen as wrong for by nature is hating this. Saying that sex is violent ain't wrong either in this context, bc that's a fact, but it's wrong to hate it. I feel disgusted by human nature then. That's not good. And it had to do with womanhood for me.a
>>32620A woman who experiences mental disorders as a result for not liking her biological femininity = receptive sexual role
>>32650Give up on those remarks, there was plenty of them since the beginning of those threads
No. 32652
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>>32393Been there, done that, now I don't give a shit how others perceive me, you either fuck wit me or you don't. Knew this girl, she'd been living life without a care in the world, someone said in passing "why do you have those lines in your leg" (and meant stretch marks), it wasn't even an insult just something he pointed out, and all of a sudden she started realising this detail whenever she went, she researched the name, saw people hating them, now she hates them too and I don't see her wearing shorts ever since. A little intense, right? But how much of this shit is something you hate on your own Vs how much of it you're forced to hate by society at large? How much free will do we really have over own thoughts, y'know what I'm saying. If you really tell yourself you love the way you look day by day, you're gonna start believing it at some point. It's just so easy to be conditioned. And it's so easy to realize that you are born alone, you die alone, life's so short so why not have fun? You and your body are on the same team, like it or not you gotta cooperate cus you can't switch. Get powerups, get XP, but don't hate your avatar, hate the developer. Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play… Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid…
No. 32659
>>32654Why? Ik female sexuality is more obscene, gross in a self violative way, frustrating because of the submission and wanting to get conquered or molested, male is rapey, female is shameful yk how people react to someone wanting to get fucked or suck dicks, they react like it because it's obscene and submissive to want it. Unfortunately. Men also don't want virgins at all, they want the masculine feminine sexual polarity which they think virginity will make them feel, they want vulnerability which can be achieved as a woman without being a virgin. Men love whores the most, if a man says he wants a wife, he doesn't mean he doesn't want to cheat on her or dump the children. Anyway, this discussion that's getting invoked is getting a little annoying, because of the anons who came here to give off topic responses and started it all again
No. 32664
>>32652NTA, and I don't care about looks; but this place should have had a rule like in this one other space I won't name that forbids blaming other women's "dysphorias" on society or men. Look at this:
>>32647 Sex is such a strong desire that humans can't help it; they become hypersexual for life; they fantasize about rape and gangbangs; they have to masturbate every day; they deal with anger out of sexual frustration; if they want sex or not, it doesn't matter! The anger still appears even in dysphoric people, because they can't get sex free of submission if they are women. I think that's also the usual defense of "romance free of heterogeneous roles." I'm still not interested. Old people fuck like rabbits. It's all not as easy as just stopping caring what other people think, and stopping it might also require you to conform to your biology to be confident in it. super off topic rant about sex and how it doesn't just stay at the level of our genitals but expands onto any other level; sex is the essence of human nature; the flow of sexual energy is the essence of human nature; and sex is a receptive sexual energy flow that is about surrendering or the opposite; first, it resembles being raped; men lay on top of women, restricting them as well. Saying that het sex is the same as rape doesn't mean that we think women want to have non-consensual sex, but that women consenting doesn't mean they don't want to experience male force and surrender to penetrative energy that corresponds with their anatomy. Hating it means you hate human nature. You're out of touch with it; this is horrendous. When I say hm sex is violent and people say no, it's not; they lie; even human fantasies are my evidence that supports my claims really well; it's validity; it's just 10/10. Think of what women are in sex, which I already sex; they are spread and want penetrative energy to go through their body; psychologically, this can manifest as a masochistic state, but usually it's submissive and receptive; they want to receive penetrative energy, which requires spreading yourself, which requires you to surrender, which can be invoked through being pinned down or feeling the sensation of being resistant; the sensation will make you surrender and then receive female pleasure. This is why sex is so violent. The reason why women might even want anal is because it's a receptive role that opens them up. You can't even experience human love if you hate sex for violent reasons as a woman. Wild, I would say it's anhedonic, but the negative emotions are in, so nope. Sex has the same mechanism as rape. Even in sex, women want to pretend to be forced, but it corresponds with their real desire, which technically is consent to receive the force. I can't even say that it's all genetic, because for eons, women had sex in which a male lays on them with his weight and fucks. It's just anatomy. I wish love had less limitations; ultimately, even a woman into twinklings has gender issues, unless she wants to suck their dicks and be a mommy.
Now think about female sexually receptive biology and how it causes differences in women's and men's minds and emotions. Emapthy, motherhood, blah blah, is more selfless, service to others, etc. But the worst of it all is sex being basically rape. The evidence in the form of human fanatsies is undeniable. It's no surprise that wanting to be receptive causes fanatsies of desiring to be fucked with the penetrative energy, which in human language is just wanting to get fucked, gang fucked, and all that shit. Adults have those retarded fantasies. Women don't experience pleasure without receptivity, even if they masturbate alone. This is human nature, human psychology, and the and the human world; it hurts to be above it as if you're above human animal nature and horrified at how you ended up in this horror movie amongst animals. Think of the mental side of rape: a living being feels it; it becomes what their existence is about. I used to think that people disagreed with me about what sex is physically. Then I researched it, and I only found anything within the realm I created in my mind in which sex is contained—women spreading themselves and being fucked all that type of stuff—but all I found about sex was never from beyond this realm, so I was like, WTF are people lying to me? But it turns out they know… But this animalistic shit, with the female body being more primal in it, is just all neutral. Yes, sure, being fucked and fucking are neutral. I wonder what else is hidden behind the closed doors of human bedrooms. People verbalize it as if it's justtwo cute creatures bumping lips and touching each other face-to-face, not even genitals, just the whole body, and then staring at each other. But sex doesn't exist without power dynamics; everyone who has sex engages in some serious perversions, and everyone thinks they are special and rare for it. While I am out here, I am burdened because I have to masturbate and experience female receptive sex positions like a chore just to get the dumb release we have to get regularly. I don't feel normal; I feel above human nature. I felt like this since 11/12. At 11, I had an online relationship in a MOO game, but one boyfriend dumped me because I wasn't initiating intimacy or hugging, I guess. I realized how fast those relations progressed and how fast I got into another relationship after previous one just like normies do?? I had some unverbalised deep thoughts ab the previous relationship, but not a fixation on it I was all more human-animal-like, . I know that time in my life is where I have to regress to understand normies and their unawakened minds. It's like something happened to me and I developed hyperawareness that others lack. I had an emotional experience at 12/13, but it had nothing to do with rape or assaults. People like me must have a predisposition for becoming like this since even during those relationships i didn't feel exactly the same as others, but it makes me have a preview on how other humans feel. I do this mental time travel all the time to understand others. Sex is just fucking EXTREME how am I supposed to feel neutral about this
No. 32665
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discussing whether men or women are superior or inferior is pointless. we do not have the male point of view, therefore, we are limited to our female point of view. and our sexuality sabotages us. i dont think that i or any woman is a victim of our biology, but it is still tragic. experiencing sexuality as a woman is surrender. first, surrendering to our own body/biology second, surrendering to our sexual partner… that is why rape fantasies are common. i think it is not so much about degradation as about surrender. i know this because i am also a woman and i have experienced "sexual gratification" and it was like surrender. although im a virgin, i have experienced these states through masturbation. i don’t consider myself a masochist, but as a woman, i am incapable of being physically dominant, because i have a hole that gets wet when i am aroused..
No. 32672
>>32668adding to this
idc if women are less intelligent more emotional etc if they have self respect and don’t submit to men , if women weren’t sexually into being the fucked sex, their inferiority wouldn’t be degrading
No. 32675
You have to be unintelligent if you’re a straight woman seriously… is it some kind of wiring where poor prefrontal cortex functioning correlates with having a nigel or something?
No. 32681
>>32676Maybe don't contribute then with posts like this. You will find any possible excuse to blame it on me instead giving giving validation esp cause it's more serious than crying over random people, Mt crying is
triggered by other source first . Now it's discord servers, other time it's something else, previously it was something else too
No. 32682
>>32675If she weren't like this in the mind then she wouldn't be fullfiled by sexuality or experience human idea of love which is commected to sex. That's my lesson bc there's nothing fullfiling sexually about being a woman unless you're fullfiled by femininity or submission. It's absolutely true, sex only serves men, that's an easy observation. People don't like personal examples, but I can be example of that. I'm just straight up mentally ill, because of not liking this shit, and now I can't experience human love or whatever. I think the extremiest things in sex like oral sex or certain positions just show what female sexual fullfilement is created by, solely the size of a male dick in relation with a woman's body, mouth etc. it just means women have a vulnerable submission position in it, so they get off on serving and surrendering, that's what invokes love in them, but that love constructs a different mental state then in men, in women it's from loving and serving the moid. So clearly yeah we do have to serve selflessly to like hetero sex, if you don't experience than mental state then it's just tortures. Like ofc being naked and vulnerable with your ass out and spread is submissive and soft and this is humans most fav position bc of the power dynamic, it fullfils them more. I hate being a sex slave so much. From my pov all I ever see in life is women servicing dick, but that's normal sexuality to others. "Women experiencing their sexuality" women sexuality - femininity or serving like I didn't click for me in the past that SERVING could mean "experiencing your sexuality having sex wanting
to have sex etc." bc it felt contradictory
No. 32683
>>32633Nonna, why do you have to be a "third gender" when you can just be an autistic woman. You're not getting lumped with "normie women" because you're not one of them. You're not getting lumped with anybody because you're your own person. I'm sorry but your post is just so retarded kek c'mon now you don't need to follow a set of rules to be a woman, you just have to be born one.
>Despite having a female body, i have a brain in my head, and this is why am i cannot be considered a woman.This is utterly retarded. Just because some parts of society "glorifies" some archetype of woman (trashy dumb bimbos) doesn't mean you're less of a woman if you're not like them. Social media really fucked up society and especially women. And you need to stop treating gender as a personality/archetype/group. You're just an autistic(maybe, don't know if you're diagnosed for sure) woman. And if you're not diagnosed, then you're just an unique/weird(in the good way) woman
No. 32684
>>32683>you don't need to follow a set of rules to be a woman, you just have to be born oneLoads of horseshit
>Social media really fucked up society and especially women. Lazy enough to blame it on social media
No. 32711
>>32683>Social media really fucked up society and especially women.Did muh "social media" cause women in society to whore themselves out on Playboy magazines in the 1950s and make many women recreate rape on video like deep throat from the 1970s too?
>And you need to stop treating gender as a personality/archetype/group. You're just an autistic(maybe, don't know if you're diagnosed for sure) woman. And if you're not diagnosed, then you're just an unique/weird(in the good way) womanI'm not autistic but who are you to call who's weird and isn't weird? What's your point? Do you think it's normal to abide by shit stereotypes or not? Do you think women are individuals who follow their own beliefs and thoughts independent of social influence or are they mostly stupid whores immitating social media and social roles? Be consistent.
No. 32715
>>32712I'm not that anon that you were arguing with here
>>32693I don't fully agree with everything she says. I don't think being a women is shameful and I'm not ashamed of being a woman. But to answer your assumption no, I'm not whoring myself out, so I'm not like these women. Maybe providing a counter argument would help bolster your position of social media and society causing women to become this way, that's my recommendation.
No. 32718
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someone here was curious about what the result of gender nullification surgery is like. proceed with caution nonnas.
No. 32731
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Bp logic
No. 32738
>>32729this is retarded and untrue. it does ruin people's lives and it's the result of mental illness that you would seek this out, stop pretending that this is healthy or sane behavior, it's annoying.
>>32737this shit happens in real life. human sexuality is depraved. i don't care how vanilla your sex life is, it still involves the power imbalance, it's embarrassing.
No. 32741
>>32739were you the schizo. don't forget to take your meds
>>32740please just go outside and get a girlfriend already you sad, sad faggot
No. 32745
>>32738Nothing unreal was said, not even about femininity and that receptive stuff which is just the nature of sex, specifically the feminine energy which female anatomy embodies therefore we experience fullfilement sexually through femininity. The denialism pains me I wish I could sue this world over the mental damages caused by it to me. You guys are insufferable and it's impossible to talk with you all about reality, besides one or two anons here. And porn exits because of human biology. I want to vomit and cry thinking about how people gaslight me about it esp cause it
triggers me
No. 32753
>>32748Excuse me what it has to do with my post? Reality of sex can be described objectively and someone subjective view doesn't change what sex is. You're the derailer that causes retarded discussions in here over and over again, you change the topic anytime something true is said and then prevent others from talking about it
>>32746Im talking about reality are you ok
No. 32754
>>32752What it has to do with sex and what sex objectively is? Can you all shut up and stop ruining Amy honest conversations about the reality of sex? Why does it bother you so much. Sex is the same structure
of the physical reality for everyone
No. 32758
>>32756Wow that's some extreme gaslighting
You're so desperate to pain it as some neutral thing, there's female sex and male sex, we embody a female male dynamic bc of reproduction, female anatomy is feminine, sex has a psychology created from the structure of the physical reality, and mind can't cheat it and create its own experience of sex and make it into whatever it wants
No. 32760
>>32755you are disordered, stop advocating for self-mutilation as a solution when it's just you being a mentally ill.
>>32756it ties into the theory of bioessentialism which could be factual.
No. 32799
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>tight mind
No. 32807
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Can’t believe I’m being out-fujofied in my own thread…
No. 32809
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you wanted to share with the class, anon. let's preserve this beautiful moment where you sperg about how you masturbate to anonymous strangers on the internet.
No. 32810
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No. 32820
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Well, as a baby lesbian this was both blackpilling and a suifuel to me
No. 32824
>>32822vaginas are submissive compared to dicks.
>>32821what's there to be ashamed of, anon?
No. 32859
sex is egotistical, people use it to assert themselves. the original purpose of sex is for reproduction, which is the creation of human life and more egos. egos are our entire identities, life decides for you (you can't claim to be non-binary, something annoying liberals made up, or that you're the opposite sex for this reason, there isn't a choice). sex is deeply connected to status, an undeniable hierarchy in humans. this is why no one should be expected to lower their standards from, at the very least, signals of health. people see being picky as selfish, but sex is selfish (and we can see how it impedes on someone's autonomy to throw tantrums over them having standards), that's just how it is- that's why anyone can see that complaining about the unfairness of it is retarded. this is why objectification is inevitable, the nature of sex is egotistical.
>>32847stop trying to turn this into some generic twitter argument you stupid faggot. it's about sex itself. the animalistic side of humans aren't about being wholesome
No. 32895
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i don't have internalized misogyny but i still hate my female body.. yes, that is possible. i am in a constant battle with my biology and going against it. when they say that "you can't fight biology" it is A LIE, it is possible.. but i am slowly going crazy, and I am only at the beginning, im trying to block my hormones and step by step my body will stop producing them, they say that this will give me early menopause and shit like that. this is not self-harm but the supremacy of my will over nature.
No. 32901
>>32895its self harm. youre going to experience side effects. no one else is going to think this is enviable unless theyre trannies in a discord cult
No. 32902
>>32828Apparently not 'young enough' since age and maturity brings with it 'baggage'. Personally, I've met more bpd women in their early twenties than later but I don't seek out women with the mental age of children like those that are early college aged. Perhaps she was just bragging about how she can woo younger women as what's deemed as older to mainstream porn brained moids. Lesbians aren't exempt of brainrot and are indeed human. I'm not sure how this would look good to an image board of primarily younger women but people here often brag about infidelity and whore one upping behavior as I have to assume it's uplifting to the ego in their intrasexual competition, so who am I to say what the motivation is?
>>32835Oh yeah, that's obvious -that's what the older women's bodies part is about. "Older" being post 25 and out of college years. It reads exactly like a redpill moid.
>>32822>And so is a faggot's asshole. What's your pointExactly, and that's why men and women by and large associate homosexual men as subhuman and worthless compared to the "good moids". As a woman you can't escape this; you're branded subhuman by default, as a man you can and it's tied to submission and submissive acts. You're right- everyone sees homosexual men as lower than dirt for being penetrated and being submissive like women. That's the point.
>>32833No. Grooming is bad when both do it, it's obviously worse with males as there's a massive power imbalance compared to two women but it's incredibly bleak for women. No one should be seeking out anyone ten years their junior. And having a retards mentality that women "age out" of attractive range at 25+ post college years is moidal.
>>32872While I don't agree with your takes there's some truth to them if taken to its specific logical conclusions. For example, women participating in violent rape porn and paid to be raped via prostitution can't exist while the majority of women are protesting their reproductive rights not to be raped and forced to birth rape babies. Which one is it? Are women meant to be raped in porn and lusted over 24/7 by scotes or are they humans with dignity and respect? The fact that most women aren't even against porn let alone normalising paid rape is a frightening statistic that shows the reality is likely the former over the latter.
No. 32911
>>32909I had fantasies incompatible with female anatomy, but they cannot be fully consumed or experienced neither fullfil you despite making you high, that's the point. If I say "I want to kill myself because women say that they like doing anal"(and I do) and someone says "you don't have to do that" it's kinda similar, it turns into those arguments full of bullshitting, but the point is that a woman can't achieve sexual fullfilement without being in the receptive feminine role, or surrendering, so not doing it is not a solution since this shit is the key to female sexual fullfilement, I know it all, because I hate sexual "submission" so sexuality can't fullfil me I feel like a slave who only can serve or surrender to other person's pleasure. I can't get any satisfaction, and the way women experience sexual pleasure… I don't wanna do it and be a servant or submissive or feminine, it's not compatible with my autism, it's shameful and humiliating as well, but in a way that I actually don't want it and not cause of what other people think. It's just a burden, but people refuse to have a discussion about it. I can't say "sex only serves men" "sucking dick is degrading/servile/pickme shit" because they are good at manipulating the argument and denying so nobody gives me any sympathy or understanding and they act like I'm a lunatic who made up this submission and my constant psychological terror
No. 32944
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I arrived at this thread after reading tweets on the ongoing Telegram incest rape channels in South Korea. I wept with rage, rubbed my eyes out and decided, after a year of lurking other boards, to pop the pill and visit 2X at last. Instead of the radical awakening I’d hoped for, I’ve been scrolling this thread for the past 20 minutes to my own dismayed incredulity until I just burst out laughing in disbelief. Really? All the misogynistic horrors going on in the world right now, and these are our strongest fighters: bickering and squabbling amongst themselves like schoolgirls? Can we get an actual discussion going, please. I want to know where to start, what to read. For fuck’s sake! Is anyone willing to help me take this pill?
No. 32946
>>32943you said that you wanted to get the surgery, anyone can scroll up and see for themselves.
>>32941nullfaggot whiteknight
No. 32956
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No. 32961
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>>329562/? (I hate flood detected notif)
No. 32971
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>>329674/? Horrible anecdote that made me cry for this poor woman No. 32978
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>>32974I will say that I’ve seen a lot of surface level K-pop fans reject Korea after seeing this but statistically it’s pretty fucking bleak overall
No. 32980
>>32967Sorry if I'm the only other one paying attention to these posts so far.
I wish I had enough of an audience on Xitter to actually make some waves. This shit is foul.
No. 32992
>>32990Finally someone says it
>>32978Haha.. ha… I'm going to throw up.
No. 32997
>>32995While I'm not quite sold on the "kill all males" boat, I'm certainly considering buying a ticket. Tried showing some of my friends this stuff, seemed like they already knew about it.
I don't know how it flew over my head, but I knew something was amiss with the whole "pinching symbol is indicative of an extremist female" thing.
No. 32998
>>32997Oh, the pinching thing. Another layer to my meltdown just now has been spending the past four years sharing the same online circles with turbo-misogynist gacha game moids who go fucking haywire over any mentions of feminism, both in east and west fandoms. The level of underlying violence they have towards women who refuse to roll over for them at a moment’s notice is utterly mind boggling. Pinching? Seriously? You feel threatened by
pinching? But even the barest implications of female autonomy drives them insane.
No. 33016
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We should genocide all Korean males. Starting with him.
No. 33032
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Is that you bp chan?(baiting personalityfag)
No. 33035
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That's definitely her. It's cute how you thought about the points I made and then share them with other people from other platforms. You are a repressed bisexual or something else. Why else would you want love of women this much? You're keep in disappointment with women, calling them whores, pigs, traitors.. You keep coming this place to seek validation from us
No. 33043
>>33042you are delusional and stupid.
>>33035BP chan doesn't vent about males. she goes on more about the female body. she is 100% heterosexual. you are stupid as hell KEK, this probably isn't the first time you've tried to claim someone was her when it wasn't. it's okay to admit you're wrong.
No. 33047
>>33045Getting rid of my hole nullfag #3
It's unsalvageable. You would think that getting pleasure from being self violated is a mental state based on hate, but it's just femininity, the essence and characteristics of human female body, if you don't like it you will never be fullfiled, even orgasms are not fullfiling, only surrender and servilenes is as a woman cause of our anatomy. That's why women report strong vaginal spasms from anal violations they are having and dick sucking and serving. If femininity and masculinity is a patriarchy them the patriarchy and female masochism is natural cause I have read hundred accounts of women who say that they like getting fucked in the asshole, vaginal orgasms were made bc in reproduction woman gets the sperm in and to get those spasms you have to be receptive so feminine psychologically. Im tired of living in a body that gets off on self violation and rape
No. 33050
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>bjs don't involve humiliating motions women have to make!!
I worry you lied to me
No. 33065
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>>33051she's definitely not me.. because i don't fantasize about being anally raped by moids.. i fantasize sexually about weird shit but anal rape is definitely not one of them. she wants a vaginectomy because she's a self-hating masochist i want a vaginectomy because i'm a sadistic woman. we are not the same, sorry.
No. 33073
Desperation for stimulation , the piss shit, but anyway to feel fullfiled by female body sexually you have to be fullfiled with femininity, the female anatomy requires surrender/relaxation it all feels psychologically feminine so it's a burden and sex slavery to be a woman, can't get any satisfaction unless we are okay with femininity, even the ones who wanna be raped are a little off bc they can't invoke the surrender differently so they wanna pretend to be forced and pretend to be fighting but just so their body can give up and surrender anf then they get pleasure. Overall the stream of energy is invoked the most when you are receptive and it flows it feels like it gets inside your uterus even if you don't touch yourself but the way to invoke it is too much of a burden submission femininity etc. het women have sex to please men, if men are parasites then the female body was made to serve men in sex, some say women wanna be violated cause it's a defense mechanism against rape, so they evolved to get pleasure from that, but that's just our anatomy. When women have het sex out of their own desire, they have sex to please men at the same time.
We are enslaved in this sexual energy matrix with our body attached to this system and feeling the state of our sexual energy 24/7 like even rn I could with my awareness somehow cause vaginal spasms in myself, it feel energetic idk how exactly it happens but I can invoke them a little. I think vagina is really like a void, cause when I try to invoke them I feel like void and ofc receptive role.
Sucks it's weird how we control this energy but not consciously not on purpose, women claim to feel bliss out of rape fantasies, this blackpilled me sm bc it makes sense, we have to confront to gender I wish there was a way out of it tf
No. 33078
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No. 33084
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>>33083hehehe, now can you unblock me pls
No. 33090
>>33087Unsure if bait I'm hungry and will bite anyway.
Yeah. I've been groped by both sexes. I hate everyone. Not equally, but on a fluctuating scale because of that.
Humanity should be nuked overall, but I enjoy seeing which side gives the best argument in why the opposite side should get it first.
(men are losing this race atm)
No. 33121
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>>33120asexuality is not the lack of sexuality, but a sexual orientation in itself(analloeroticism) and has only been observed in men, we have no evidence that asexual women exist. straight “asexual” women are traumatized girls.
No. 33128
>>33125I don't know nonna, I don't know. I feel like being born a woman is a punishment. The woman is not a human, she is a thing, an object to be taken and possessed.
I wish I was born a man. As a woman, you can't experience the world. You can only observe up to a point. It's so depressing
No. 33130
>>331251. we're able to make beautiful art and literature that inspires other people around the world, and it's not tainted by coomerism like with male artists.
2. not being soulless demons allows us to enjoy things like friendships deeper. men are too busy being destructive backstabbing apes to have real feelings. there are multiple examples of male writers stealing poetic passages from wives and female relatives because they are incapable of perceiving the word as deeply.
3. as consequence we care about the environment and do important conservation work without getting killed by stingrays like retards.
4. men will never come close to the inner strength of a woman. could view that as a drawback though.
(blowjob anon need not reply, this is for anons who want an actual discussion)
No. 33131
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>>33130Why are you here? Go back to your yoni cult
No. 33135
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my only desire is to be a hypermasculine strong intimidating man , living a fast life. i can’t live the life I want and have the same level of freedom to explore the world as a woman with my weak prey form, and anxious mentality, I want to have a man spirit as well as a male physical form, I want to be desired as a man, I want to be respected and feared. When someone desire masculinity they idealize it, when someone desire femininity they want to own it and abuse it
No. 33152
>>33146my point still stands even if being a woman sucks overall. like am i wrong though.
>>33141never sucked cock, never got raped, life is good.
No. 33172
>>33168my awful inescapable soft female empathy just makes me very sympathetic to other women, and to want to talk to them. don't blame me for being born female.
>>33166well i guess it's just hard to see as the "real reality" when i don't feel any of that stuff. like i'm genuinely trying to understand but i don't see it, i don't get those urges. so i'm sure while most women are very inherently submissive or whatever, which is horrifying and fucked up, it's probably not 100% of them. i know you don't care how i feel about my womanhood because it aint relevant to you, but i think accusing people of lacking nuance while doing exactly that makes no sense. there's being aware of how porn mirrors reality, and then there's watching too much of it… you don't have to reply to everyone saying the same thing btw, it's really not necessary. in case you weren't sure.
No. 33178
>>33171the act of sex is poisoned for women because our bodies were made to receive. from the perspective of a man, he gets to use your body like an object, which gives him an ego high because he felt like he conquered you. it's true that men could have a different mentality (it is still based on physical reality), but the way we can't truly transition is the same as being unable to change our role in sex. one feels empathy for the other's pleasure and gets off on their reaction, men just get off on being able to use the female body like a toy, her personhood in that moment doesn't matter, it's like he's completely taken over her, like a parasite (they leech off your body and use you for pleasure, sex is centered around a woman's body eventually being leeched off of even more in pregnancy, it's the entire purpose that sex evolved into existence for). maybe that's an extreme of the mentality men might have (it's very common though) but it originates from the physical position that they have in sex. nature is brutal as seen by rape and murder in the animal kingdom, we have animal bodies and overdeveloped minds (no this isn't justification for men being rapists, they use rape to feel power, it's not based on empathy/the idea of the woman's pleasure). pregnancy is femininity, it's not woo-woo energy, it's just a characteristic of being a female. the way people deny the importance of sex, which created all human lives, is like denying the importance of death.
>>33177isn't the critique of feminists obsessed with men based on them just using it as an outlet to act out their lust/love for them. she analyzes women because of the personal feelings she has to endure and live with that everyone lies to her about
No. 33179
>>33178i think what happened was you seem to be replying to me, but you skipped over the relevant parts and went on with your trail of thought, which is fine.
don't get pregnant. ik you feel the need to justify it but your don't have to, it's just physically shitty for women and we won't get anything worthwhile out of it. you don't need to write paragraphs, we agree. irl women might not, but you're don't owe anything to them.
No. 33184
>>33180don't do it anon, considering the attitudes of this particular thread other anons might think you're trying to compliment me on being non-fembrained.
>>33182no i meant that you feel the need to justify not wanting to get pregnant. like just don't do it if you don't want to.
No. 33192
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Foids and Faggots are obsessed with men. Sometimes it seems that male-attracted people are more obsessed with the male body than female-attracted people are obsessed with the female body.
No. 33220
>>33218So you can rape women?
>>33219Those are steroids that affect the muscle mass . Women can not change their skeletal structure to resemble a male’s.
No. 33226
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why feminists don’t get some of us hate looking like little sex dolls
No. 33235
>>33234funny cause Schopenhauer
was actually attracted to girls.. no man will be as beautiful as a cute and graceful girl
No. 33240
You guys are exaggerating what she said.
>>33227But what strength/weakness does looking less ape-like suggest about women’s bodies
No. 33252
Funny how everyone completely misinterpreted my statement. TiF logic.
>>33240It suggests men are more driven by primal instincts (rape/murder). Even if women didn’t exist they will still commit these acts on one another (prison gay).
No. 33338
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No. 33357
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No. 33408
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females are superior to males because males cannot be fujoshi
No. 33436
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>>33433>Femalepessismist nukedFuck, I haven't been using Reddit so I didn't notice. Went looking for other people talking about this and found this comment, kek.
No. 33452
Kek go back to your ratfem thread, you hate bisluts because that's what you are. Lesbian women are the original trannies. No actual evidence on lesbians being created or it actually existing biologically in humans, for gay men there is scientific proof of abnormalities in pregnancy that causes it but for lesbians there is no such thing, especially not one that is peer reviewed.
That's why you have so many lesbians obssesed with being men, especially butch women who are now transitioning at a high speed and admitting that they never felt attraction to women and that it was just something they did to feel like men because thats what lesbianism is.
There are the 5 types of lesbianism:
1. Activism- this group claims a sexuality in a political way, they are lesbians for cause and politics (example lesbian seperatists or radfem lesbians)
2. Attention - a group of people who want to be so totally different and kewl and not like the other girls. They do it for the headpats,persona, likes, telling others that they are a part of a marginalised community,calling others lesbophobic to get away with bad behavior . (Examples musicians, online personalities and almost every other online lesbian)
3.Tranny - this type of lesbian is a lesbian because she feels like dating women or acting like she is into them will make her feel more like a man and help with her very obvious gender dysphoria that she has. This type of lesbian loves commiting domestic violence on her partners for some reason. (Example studs and butches and lesbos who realised they are tifs).
4. Trauma - this type of lesbian had a traumatic experience with men so she decides to date women for a while until she heals her trauma and then she dumps her girlfriend and goes back to fucking men again.
5. Male gaze - we already know about this type of lesbian and her "sexuality" is her catering to men. She does it with women because she enjoys male attention.
No. 33455
>>33433Does anyone really care about it since it contains so much copium? Sometimes radfems and misandrsts carry a mentally transmitted STD because they are obsessed with weird, not fully accurate theories, I don't like denialists, maybe if they admit why they hate the honest truth(they hate it cause it sounds as if the speaker is hateful and if they are a woman that it makes them unnatural, and misogynistic, because they hate female sexual submission for example while it's just biology, but the question is, why they speakers deserve so many attacks?). The most accurate, evidence-based explanation of human reality even based on the theory that men are parasites is the feminine-mmasculine "energy" dynamic; as per the woo-woo law of gender, feminine and masculine energy are needed in equal amounts to create. When people say, "Oh, but we all have both as like a mix!" reality is both; feminine and masculine energy is everywhere in the reality; even human psychology is contained within, but as sex, we embody that duality physically. It explains female pattern and male pattern behaviors. The theory that men are parasites proves that sex only serves men (rfs and misandrists will say that having it with men is shit and that nature is shit but won't admit that female body is servile in sex lol), which proves the femininity and masculinity theory. The reason why sex is so degrading or comes off as degrading is the female biological femininity in comparison to male masculinity. Even female sexual pleasure cannot appear fully if a woman does not experience a servile/feminine or submissive psychological state, which proves my point about het sex only serving men. I knew it always, yet I also knew that there's such a thing as female pleasure; I just still saw it as serving. There's evidence proving it, everywhere you look, ever female anatomy being about pregnancy, hips evolved for pregnancy, the root of you, the pelvis if you're woo woo, you know what I mean when I say that this is the base of the spine. This is the reason why sex is objectively violent and even degrading, even in BDSM doggystyle or dick sucking are two things used to make the sub feel degraded or abused. Irl, the first one is physically uncomfortable; you spread the most intimate part of yourself/your root, which is sex, which is the foundation of this reality, as well as human psychology, which means psychologically it is also the most intimate part; you psychologically feel the physical sensation of spreading it, with your spine positioned in a submissive animalistic position as well, with the center of your consciousness, which is your mind, being on the top of the spine while your bottom is being penetarted and spread. Your whole being is submitting and being penetarted. I cannot comprehend how someone can enjoy it or do this to themselves; this is the most psychologically terrorizing thing possible in existence and UNCOMFORTABLE, but anyway, so it is servile, extremely submissive, that's why women worship men. If you try to put yourself in that position irl right now, then you will see how horrifying it is. Second act, dick sucking is like a sodomy; google the size of a dick and a mouth; even 1/3 of the dick can't get in without making the woman possibly choke or starting to reach her throat. Woman has to open her skull/mouth really wide and extend her lips really far to get it in, then perform shameful movements with her head. A man can't get vagina inside of his mouth, especially the vaginal cavity. I don't think oral sex on a woman and a man should even be put in the same category, because there's nothing similar. Violence is violence; you put a 15-cm phallus-shaped thing into a hole with TEETH in it, and that hole is a whole person.
What makes a person? In woo woo terms, it's the "chakras." Our flesh is energy in flesh form. Our root, heart, head, and anything between those energy centers. Your root is sex, survival, fear, a fundamental part of reality, the creation. Since it is connected with survival, then it is associated with your sense of being an individual body separated from other physical bodies; you're your own person; your identity gets created. The whole person is all those separate parts symbolizing levels of the reality, all connected one person, which creates a whole human being, and sex is the root, most intimate part. What is sex? It exists for reproduction purposes, which doesn't mean that everyone is hetero; it means that the human female body is sexually embodying the feminine energy and male the other, because humans are a more evolved form than other animals. Since this is our sexual anatomy, womanhood can be called a "feeling" because sexually it is a feeling, there's not many brain difference between sexes however they are some, but our brain receives the biological reality we experience so technically non materially there can be such a thing as brain sex lol. Our sexual anatomy influences our psychology. The evidence is in women's sexual behaviors. It is always about serving dick, being submissive, being pickmes, being pigs for dick, being feminine. Even the femininity that is called performative is just a female expression of the feminine sexual essence of their body.
In the reality there's unconditional love and someone being unconditionally loved. Women as sex are the first and men second, which means that the female body is sexually servile and intuitively it looks as such, everyone knows it all subconsciously. This dynamic also explains rape. Men want the psychological feeling of someone surrendering to them, to unconditionally love them, which doesn't always get invoked even if someone surrenders, unless it is rape or the most extremely sadomasochistic sexual acts like dick sucking or Doggystyle (there's evidence and clues), so in rape they feel it; males rape because it gives them stimulation; it's that easy. And women have rape kinks, because female sexual pleasure is about giving yourself and unconditionally loving, nurturing, and surrendering. The surrender… It has to happen psychologically. This is why women are pickmes. This is why the women who hate me for my opinions happen to be into degradation by some weird, unexplained coincidence.
Femininity and masculinity are all that humans psychology is made from, but how if we only embody femininity?! Well, think, it is really simple and doesn't contradict my point. Since I was young, I was in extreme mental pain because I'm a woman who hates sexual submission, and I also thought it's impossible to like womanhood without liking the sexual degradation. And I was right, but supposedly I deserved to get attacked. Maybe if people stopped and wondered why I get angry and insult people, instead of coming at me. The same moralfagging feminists who come at me are probably the ones who caused me to scream on the floor and go through the worst breakdowns of my life after they sexually harassed me online, like, for example, a week or two ago. I was screaming on the floor till my neck hurt. I was in so much pain I didn't feel like anything was real, like I was on the verge of hallucinating or developing schizophrenia that leaves you disabled and not able to communicate with anyone ever again. I suffered for DAYS because some cunt
triggered my REAL phobia of a violent, humiliating sexual act that is a literal sodomy. Yesterday I cried again because I remembered a comment from nine months ago from an anon woman whose face I was able to see half a year later. I cried because I looked in the mirror, and I couldn't accept that the girl standing in there could have this vile act done to her and be servile to a moid, be violated, and do a degrading act. I couldn't see my body in that position; I couldn't accept that she and her body were made for that; I couldn't see myself getting sodomized in my mouth or with a dick around it,, especially willingly participating. I just broke down so badly, I tired to make sense of that inherent degradation in womanhood, but it only
triggered my more, I wouldn't want the person in the mirror to have this shit done to them, I feel bad for them. My points are 1000% evidence-based claims like femininity and masculinity being biological—it also explains anything. Sorry to anyone obsessed with radfeminism or men, but I genuinely don't care about those mentalities anymore, and most radfeminism theories are just wrong and stupid. I don't relate to thinking that the problem with womanhood is men as well, because biologically, women are meant to be servile and give themselves to men. Also with hetero relationships as well… If I didn't have a problem with womanhood, then I wouldn't have a problem finding a relationship, so why do you think that males make them bad? Its relationships are based on sex attraction as any other romantic relationship. Which means on your being a female body and him being a male body, the attraction is created based on that, which means the biological gender roles. The essence of a human woman's body is feminine because of her sex, and that's what men like, and that's what you bond over with males. The more submissive sexual positions like dick sucking or Doggystyle correspond with female submissive anatomy and male anatomy the most. In the first, all a woman can do is serve, and she cannot get the physical stimulation and pleasure he gets back.
No. 33463
>>33455Why do women say that they like this act? Because it brings men pleasure, because it makes me scream in blissful pleasure that makes their soul leave their body which women can't experience cause they don't have a dick, because like they say 'it makes men curl their toes!!!!", they claim it gives them power, but serving for nothing in exchange is not power; violating yourself is not; being physically uncomfortable is not; gagging is not; spitting all over yourself and hunching over dicks while sodomizing your skull with it is not; degrading yourself is not; having to do shameful physical movements is not; so what's the power? Male validation, he validates her physical existence by getting pleasure from it, all he can give back is romance; romance is what women get and not men because the female body is sexually submissive, and they must feel secure to devote themselves to a man like this. This is why women have beauty and men do not, physically. Because women want to get their beauty, their pleasure in sex is empathetic, so when I say that sex only serves men, it is true and it is a psychological fact; it doesn't mean the pleasure is not real, but the pleasure is not neutral; it has a psychological state that is always feminine. In the second sexual position, women have to feel devoted as well; they must feel like they are submitting, or like they love men deeply and unconditionally and want to please them. The position is uncomfortable and sadomasochistic. More submission, more stimulation. Women self-violate in sex, which means their mental state is not hatred but self-sacrifice out of love. That's how the physical world is structured for the purposes of reproduction and survival.
Humans are either women or men; women are feminine humans and men masculine; it is written all over their physiognomy.
Sex is not just orgasms; in fact, female sexual fulfillment is not achieved by clit orgasms but by opening yourself up—femininity, empathy, being servile, spreading yourself on all levels. Women get vaginal spasms inside; clitoris orgasms don't give psychological fulfillment. Clitoris is also a hundred times smaller than a dick, less surface to stimulate, which means that dick is more pleasure than a clitoris, but women have other points of stimulation, that are… internal and receptive. Which is well, feminine, so again about serving.
So in the context of the stimulation you can get through clit, Dick has it 100x better.
Which means you have to shift your psychology to the feminine sexual stimulation, which is achieved differently. even in clitoral stimulation you have to spread your body to feel more I guess fullfilement or feel .. like a pickme. The more devoted to a man you feel, the more pickme you feel, the more stimulation you get.
Sex is not just a stimulation of gentials; it's about femininity and masculinity, so if you're a woman with a man, the bonding is achieved through you even expressing your femininity outwardly through make-up, clothes, doing feminine things for him, looking like a… woman's body and enchancing it with performing femininity, which shows devotion to him, because it pleases you to please him, aka be the beauty he feels pleasure from. That's why when women say that their Nigel serves them, they are lying and projecting onto their Nigel, because in the male female dynamic women are biologically an empaths for men. They are just pleased to serve him; femininity doesn't have power, which allows it to have a man as their bitch who serves them and nurtures them. Women sexually are just in a humble, feminine state; they didn't gain anything; they got humbled and awakened the femininity/empathy in them. A man didn't serve them; he just provided masculinity. In sex, a man can't serve a woman either. He can't even suck her dick, because she has none. He can't even put her genitals inside of his mouth the way a woman can put a dick, which is violent. She can't get inside his body with her genitals and have a nice release that feels as if another person's body loves you while you can relax without experiencing submission, you experience a release that feels like you're being loved, women can't experience that. She can't have a piv that leads directly to her orgasm. Because it doesn't lead to that naturally, so psychologically it's the same as the physical reality, she seeks his orgasm. Women get vaginal spasms from surrendering, which means fully giving yourself. This is why sex resembles rape, because it's almost the same. One person forces other into surrender and penetrates them; in sex, women have to surrender willingly, but it is still a surrender; being fucked still makes you lose your breath and moan like you're in distress or being raped. Someone still gets inside of your being(men get men inside their being- selflessness as a woman, selfishness as a man). Because your body is the being you are psychologically, with the mind that channels the biological reality you are experiencing, biological reality, which is just energy, is flesh form.
I don't believe I'm wrong, because it cannot be disproven.
Pics attached- human hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance or whatever I found them after having a breakdown over getting gaslighted about sex one again after feeling psychologically terrorized by it to the point of mental disability my whole life. By some weird coincidence, the feminists that say that sex isn't degrading or violent also… Like getting face fucked or anything of that kind, which is what made me cry so many times in my life, as I couldn't accept it, so much emotional pain since 13 that sex is violent and degrading to a woman and involved humiliating objectively gross acts that are violent. Yeah, I spend every day of my life dealing with the phobia and not realizing that feeling hot in the head areas as well as the feeling of freezing, feeling nauseous, getting tunnel vision, feeling strong physical disgust, my lips turning down beyond my control as if I'm in distress, feeling dizzy, my while body, throat, etc. getting tight, the feeling of hallucinating, wide eyes, catatonia, shaking, sometimes even physically are not normal things to experience ON A DAILY BASIS. However the anons who harrased me on CC were, you achieved what you wanted, I was tormented beyond belief, and there are people who probably witnessed a piece of my pain and my hopelessness as I couldn't find a way to relieve myself. I can't accept that wishing a violent sexual act that is btw inherent in womanhood, which makes womanhood degrading, but hey, it's feminine, so women are loving to self-sacrifice and serve!Is okay in people's minds, and I can't even defend myself by calling it violent because people will gaslight me and say that it's not, which makes me cry the hardest. I'm left in shackles and confusion for hours. This is some evil, obtuse gaslighting. I can literally open a video of human sex and see for myself that it is degrading.
both sex acts are physically uncomfortable as a woman and vulnerable, which means that women are more submissive and vulnerable in sex, which is what you can get people to admit, but then they gaslight you anyway. Why? Womanhood is literally a fucking degrading sex slavery, those sex acts are the same as being an abused pigslave who lives to serve. Well when you acceot femininity, then you're pleased to serve. Proof: all women being pickmes. This is my pain, that only got me brutalized for million years straight online, because the most forbidden thing in existence is humans admitting what sex is
Sexual pleasure is not neutral; it has a psychological state, feminine or masculine. If most women are pickmes into submission and degradation, then how can sex magically be different for other women? If sucking dick only gives men physical pleasure, then how can other women make this about her physical pleasure? She can't get this physical stimulation. Heterosexual sex is UNEQUAL. Did I deserve to cry multiple times about arguing about it with people for YEARS online? No.
Patterns in human behaviors are a part of my evidence; women love men deeply; this reflects their biological sexual submission. All I wanted is for someone to validate my point about how it's impossible to like womanhood without liking sexual submission, because I have been struggling and wanted to understand, but all I've been told by feminist retards is lies and sugarcoating. Mind you, those whores get face fucked, now fucking admit sex is violent, face fucked monster. I was delusional enough to think that this is a VERY rare act. However, anytime I pointed this act out, I was brutalized and accused of porn sickness. Porn is not even fat away from real life; it's human biology. What do I mean by that? Biological femininity/submission and masculinity are apparent in it. How violent sex is is apparent. How all women can do is serve is apparent. The degradation is apparent as you see it all visually… You see a human woman's face, a person with all the parts that make them a person, a person who exists outside of sex having and walks on both legs; you see their feminine human face with a slimy dick around it sodomizing itself in the mouth located in a feminine human skull; you see human eyes and other parts and another human gimmick, and you intuitively understand the meaning of those body parts and the psychology of this act. You see the humiliation. It's almost as if female sexuality really is shameful. I don't mean it in an oh, women lose dignity and value when they have sex with men and they are degrading themselves!!!!; I mean that it's objectively shameful, and again, not in an oh, I feel shame of my desires; I want to experience them in a secret way, but that it's a biological, not self-choosen position.
No. 33464
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>>33463Pics attached showing human and feminist hypocrisy and the only true "variety" in sex, lol some women hating submission which well makes them unable to engage in sex at all!! Rarely, I find some women who feel similar to me, they say it's degrading, they say they are traumatized after doing some sex act or position ONCE, they say they hurt, make them vomit, feel humiliating, uncomfortable, burdening,only serve men. Some said they claimed to LOVE sex, but now realize they were just pickmes into submission and wanna be celibate. That actually makes sense why they said they love it, the psychology of sex is predictable. Sex will always be gender roles.
Ah, yes, the polite and respectful "face fucking", be glad I didn't post the one about a woman liking being a human table in the bedroom, but… not outside it. that definitely makes everything better. I have researched sex, for HOURS the past week. I spend so much time on so many websites and all that, and I concluded that face fucking or women being on their knees is factually a fairly common thing, same with anal, but that I found months ago. I'm still delusional and can't comprehend that the most common version of the oral sex on men is even a real existing thing. Same with doggystyle. The second, how can someone enjoy something uncomfortable
No. 33465
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What is the most trustworthy psychoanalysis of situations like this? At first glance(I mean mental one, not visual like the picture and their apparences), it is nothing but a reality behaving in a predictable way, the reality being a moid. In my "paranoias", i accuse men of thinking shit like this, yesterday I even accused (in my mind) a man of fantasizing about raping his daughter, in their garden outside, I won't go into details…
Whenever something of this kind happens,I always think to myself that maybe "normal people" are living the same "blackpill" reality as I do, but they are normiefags therefore they lack the overdeveloped awareness I have, so… maybe the causes deep down are just sexual? I don't mean that he took pleasure in the murder and there was some sexual element to it, I mean maybe I can give a cringy example: he got tired of fucking his wife and wanted other women, maybe he was experiencing severe sexual degeneracy, maybe he watched CSA and couldn't stop kek. Mind you, my degenerate assumptions always turn out to be a mirror of the reality.
No. 33466
This I'm gonna leave here without a comment
SICK & TWISTED ‘Poland’s Josef Fritzl’ locked ‘woman, 25, in barn & raped her for 4yrs getting her pregnant before miracle escape No. 33473
Piv doesn't stimulate the head of the clitoris, so, no, the stimulation doesn't lead to an orgasm like it does in men; the vaginal orgasms are just a bunch of spasms, but the sensation is still centered in the head of the clitoris first, while the head clitoris in the mechanism of Piv can't get touched. Female pleasure is also tied to a feminine psychological state, which sexually is very servile and about being empathetic, about surrender/opening yourself up; female vaginal orgasms can be triggered mentally. In the physical mechanism, nope, it doesn't; the head of the clitoris is outside of the vagina.
Women seek male orgasm in piv also. We can also say that since reproduction happens when a man ejaculates into a woman and the sperm travels to her uterus, the vahina is sexually receptive, and the vaginal orgasms also occur, and women get them when they even psychologically imagine getting cummed in, if they are hetero. So it's about getting the sperm in, and male orgasm doesn't equal female orgasm. People try to paint heterosex as equal or claim that female orgasms can make it equal. The stimulation doesn't involve the head of the clitoris, NATURALLY, because of our anatomy. The vaginal orgasms are from submission and being receptive and feminine; they don't feel like a clitoral orgasm or masculine orgasm men get easily because the vagina just makes them cum naturally in the mechanism of piv
Eh forgot to say that in heterosexual sex women get psychologically fulfilled by men cumming them or men cumming; mental masculinity doesn't fit female sexual anatomy. If you tried to have piv that leads to your orgasm and more masculine sexual release, you would just get dick envy and prevent any feminine pleasure, so it's equal to just being used; it gives you nothing; there's no way for it to feel the way it does for men, where the movements just jerk them off. Most importantly, the vagina is a receptive role, people always try to make it seem as if women have the same position in sex as men and can have the cool powerful masculine power and pleasure in sex and can act like men in sex…. We can't, most ideas about sex are false and revolve around ppl just being like "sex = cool!!!!", "sex=power!" "Men get their dicks sucked fuck bitches and get orgasms, so we will try to paint women's position in sex as cool and powerful too! Uwu using men". I also believe that human biology is human psychology. In woo woo terms the feminine and masculine energy creates the while reality and by some weird coincidence humans resemble what the law of gender talks about. Vagina is receptive and dick outwards and penetrative lol. Must be random coincidence, the fact that humans walk on their legs also must be… We are the most biologically evolved species in terms of the level of consciousness we can have. Brain I think co evolves to fit the biology.. humans can have self awareness. That is a Big clue. So anyway, female pleasure = feminine psychological state, physically you even have to spread yourself as well as mentally… I think that's interesting, the woo woo people do energy releasing exercises and for women it's literally ass spreading, women's asses are more arched as well(proven fact, no need to explain this)…
No. 33475
>>33473>Human biology is their psychology To add more, since reality is created by the feminine and masculine energy, then everything within humans psychology is contained within that dynamic. Love, hate, fear, ego death, surrender, unconditional love, light, darkness etc. Like a duality and then there's also non duality achieved by the ego death, but idk how that works when you still engage in human things like sex, as a woman, due to th nature of our position in sex, it almost feels like being passed around by the reality while being pleased to selflessly serve it as what women can provide in sex is the most heaven like thing, because a woman surrenders to a man and unconditionally selflessly loves him and his desire which she allows him to give to other women as well or else she's attached to material identity, while being a woman in sex seems like the most hell like thing. I'm tired of deleting and reposting those posts and explaining this stuff to people.
>>33436It went private. Two weeks ago, I saw a tweet that was a screenshot of a post from that subreddit. It almost got 10k likes, some trad(was it a trad acc?) dumbass had to post it on her account with big following and people started lurking. A week ago or so,I also notice the cool ass rules in their sub, lol, it has a "no positivity about hetero sex" rule, "no talking ab bfs and sex with them" rule and "no positivity about female biology rule"
No. 33481
>>33456>>33458Wow falsely reporting someone as a moid just because they said something that you don't like.
I wasn't even being unfair in my statement i could have used only anecdotal evidence but instead i mentioned the lack of scientific too. The fact that you can only call me scrote proves my point.
Also not a tradthot, I've just reached a point where im honest about the biology and human behaviour i see around me which is the true blackpill.
The actual based and close to "feminist" female sexuality is actually asexuality combined with celibacy. Meanwhile lesbianism is a unfounded abstract where two straight and bisexual women larp as a men and use piv dildos.
>>33459>tif or a scroteInteresting that you mentioned tifs considering all of the lesbians going through the butch to tif pipeline right now lol.
Also these aren't the cow boards retard.
(ban evasion) No. 33490
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skeletal differences between sexes lol
No. 33492
Well thise vaginal orgasms are almost not like a real orgasm imo, they are a bunch of spasms of the muscles inside, they are psychologically a feminine and a servile state and they aren't achieved simply through physical stimulation, they are more psychological. Stop creating lies about me and being a cunt, I hate when people do that. I know what an orgasm is lol. Piv doesn't directly lead to a female orgasm, it never leads to a clitoral orgasm for sure, because the head of the clitoris does not get touched. Mental masculinity is incompatible especially with the so called vaginal orgasms, they are internal and often mentally, male ones feel less mental . Female sexual release is achieved through mentally experiencing femininity submission. Sex is not as physical for women as it is for men. I dont think your intentions behind your responses are good and you're just a seething anon, because someone dares to acknowledge that heterosexual sex and piv is unequal and state simple facts as piv not involving the head of the clitoris and clitoris(which means that in piv a woman can't be masculine, can't get loved or be selfish and just even stimulate her clitoris using a male body and the movements of piv don't jerk a woman off like they do a man) doesn't have much to do with the vaginal orgasms inside, those spasms I can feel easily even without touching myself, when I try to analyze sex I often feel them cause I have to imagine how sex feels like to be properly accurate. You posted a pic of a clitoris as if it has much to do with the vaginal orgasms. Piv literally does not fuckin involve the head of the clitoris through which clitoral orgasms are archived so piv is an inherently feminine receptive role which is deeply psychological, it's about surrender.the vaginal spasms and the release inside happen when you psychologically archive surrender and femininity, it gives some release that involves your whole body unlike the clitoris, but it's a servile role… It's internal, soft and the opposite of masculinity, it has no masculinity in it and can't be achieved solely through being penetarted, it's more complicated, more mental, while for dick the piv just leads to their orgasm, in reproduction men ejaculate while women don't orgasm from clit in pig. The vaginal orgasm are very internal and soft and don't feel powerful in a masculine way I said it before ee. Female orgasms are femininie while male orgasms are masculine, mentally and physically and feminine is a surrender and receptivity, so a woman can't have a masculine orgasm!!! Vagina is femininie and receptive.
Female orgasm ≠ male orgasm
Orgasm ≠ orgasm
Hetero sex = unequal
While people use the word orgasms to claim that it is equal. It's NOT. And piv doesn't lead to a female orgasm through physical stimulation just happening. It's more complex and psychologicalll for a woman. Bc women have to surrender. The vaginal orgasm doesn't feel powerful. It feels femininie and like someone said, being the void, while masculine feels powerful and like being loved and in piv the movements that happens lead to a male orgasm nicely and easily as when women touch the head of their clitoris without stopping, not the same but I'm trying to explain. If a woman were the to fuck a man or have piv lead to her orgasm from a clitoris she would get dick envy. Vagina gets the dick inside and makes it cum through the penetrative motions, this stimulation leads to a male orgasm which means what a woman feels psychologically is her seeking a male orgasm and surrendering to his pleasure which can induce psychologically created orgasms that aren't that intense so it's weird calling it an orgasm while the typical definition of an orgasm humans have is the masculine one, the sex = cool!! Orgasm, the person getting lucky and getting pleasured!! Nope, female body is servile… Orgasm are seen as being powefulyand getting served.
No. 33506
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You ARE dumb and schizo. Picrel is you on a normal day.
No. 33508
I found an archive of her blog thankfully: just click any of the sublinks and it will take you to any of the other articles she’s posted that’ve been archived
r/femalepessimist is either gone or privated but many of the subreddit users are them moving to r/femaleseparatists slowly like trustyourpeeceptions don’t usually update or write constantly because their lives get very busy or they get discouraged by the current landscape of prioritizing censorship over freedom of speech, you might be surprised they might decide to update just like those smut fanfiction writers who disappear for like 5 years and then come back to update kek
No. 33521
>>33517Shut you up you fucking vile tyrannical whore and one of you swines literally went on other website and sexually harrased me like a weak ago and
triggered my phobia I har to suffer mental tortures and scream on the floor cause I couldn't relieve this anger and despair, you bitches admitted it's you from this website
>>33519>>33515Wow you guys are so cool of not being scared !! Shut the fuck up
abusive monsters you remind me of that pedophilic lesbian cunt who came here to torment me and ofc call me obsessed with shit I have a phobia of, I saw her say that she's not like other women because she does not fear rape. Hi you fake mean whore. Go fuck yourself whenever you read this.
Stop coming to this fucking thread you edgy cunts
You retarded vile fucking moralfagging subhuman whore monsters stop coming at me and soto coming her sroo fucking attacking me you cruel pieces of shit
No. 33527
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JK keeping it real kek, as always(wrong thread)
No. 33529
>>33514I wouldn't say I have "constant paranoia" but I feel that way when my mom stay out late or if my dad going to hurt her in that manner even tho he never did such a thing. I would kill my dad if he'd attempt to hurt my mom tho
>>33523Sorry that happened to you. Hope you do better
No. 33533
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>>33524 I'm framing that screenshot and putting it on my wall. The rage was chefs kiss.
No. 33543
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I found Bj-chan’s diary
No. 33552
>>33549They arterally not and it's been explained why if it's normal then women are inherently submissive and degraded and violated in sex and are pigs and sex is unequal bc they can't get this shit reciprocated, it is objectively violent and the dick doesn't fit into a human mouth and a woman has to perform shameful humiliating movements with her head and behavior that is objective gross and degrading and in piv she has to get fucked on all fours on an uncomfortable even painful position
Dick sucking is literal sodomy and a humiliation ritual it's the same a being a bdsm sub psychologically for the woman
No. 33553
>>3549Please look at a video on this account And tell me it's not violent and degrading,
This is genuinely the most vile sadistic gaslighting ever I refuse to believe that a woman did it. I have been gaslighted like this/about this since I was in tm early teens and had so many nerve wrecking arguments leaving me in agony. Somewhere around a week ago I was searching one word on twitter and I found the account which username I aortę above, it was the worst things I have ever seen in my entire life, anymore, porn, violent porn, degrading porn, nsfw sexual assaults I have ever encountered in my life can't compare to this, it's 100000000x times worse, because it is the most realistic sex video I ever seen, and it's slow which makes it 10000000x worse, it looks like you see it all irl. The more realistic a sex video is, the more traumatic it is. It made me have the worst breakdown of my entire life, to the point that when I looked at the physical object irl I thought they aren't real like I hallucinated them or like life is not real if was in so mental pain that my eyes went wide for hours and I could barely control hands while typing on my phone like I was losing control ovwr my boody. On the video the woman is on all fours, with spit smeared on her face and she takes a dick in her mouth in this position ahupe making slow movements and yet they dont take ever 1/3 of the dick in because that would reach her throat so thags a literal violence she had to extwnd her lips and mouth so much to fit it, the male genitals are literally giant she looked like a sodomized degraded pig sodomized in the mouth while in the most degrading position ever I thought to myself that I will never accept this I can't and I will never comeprhetthis an that this is the reality of my Biology and that women are made to be degraded slave with pig faces they have when a dick is in or around them, I thought to myself that I will never be okay again in mt life and I will never recover after seeing it and I haven't recovered I'm in so much agony after seing it. I will never stop being haunted by it.
Literally seeing a female form sodomized in the mouth while she son all fours. What makes it more degrading is that zhe was making the movements not him
Then she was sitting on him and her body looked like a meat shaped like a pig and zhe had s dick in her ass amd it was also slow which made 10000000000000x more tormenting than any violent porn.
There's is nothing equal about those acts an drhey aren't the same stop gaslighting me about them not being violent and degrading
The dick literally does NOT fit into a human mouth
No. 33554
>>33553Video on this twitter @tramifo
I refuse to believe that people who deny the degradation violence and inequality are not cruel pigs
I have been gaslight ab it so much.
I've been told we don't have to accept degradation violence or submission as a female body while we do. I have looked at sex pics by myself out of desperation to make sense of the gaslighting to try to see if I'm a ducking lusntic making up shit and I ended up crying after every time. I tried to research why women do these acts and all I found is confirmation of my points.
You just can't gaslight a person this much about the reality they are experiencing
How is being on all fours and having a dick in your mouth not degrading
How does wanting to be a dick sucking aka do humiliating piglike up and down movements with your head on a 15cm dick that stabs you in the mouth and you can't get this act reciprocated means you're a lesbian?????
No. 33575
>>33572Bitch what are you larping about? Are you using someone being misogynistic to you as an excuse to be misogynistic? And still trying to psychoanalyzing us. You don't know my life.
>someone who is happy and successful would not spend their time arguing about how mothers cannot be feministAccording to what? You need to define success also. There's no such a thing as happiness. What's even your point? Do you even know what feminism means? You missed the whole point of this thread and still shitting all over the place.
>this thread is full of self-hate disguised as feminism. go offline.Now you're trying to silence us. Sounds familiar. Haha you come to this thread to tell us fuck off? Also wah wah women don't lick other women's ass for five seconds = gender traitors – you're old
No. 33579
>>33572ally talking about the objective literally and you're male obsessed. Woman body is objectively submissive in sex, so is the psychological experience of it. All a woman can do in het sex is be servile and feminine, cause femininity is biological. Oral sex is objectively violent, if you aren't in a servile, surrender, feminine mental state in it, then you aren't pleased by being a slave, cause to like it you must like serving and experiencing deep submission. It requires deep mental femininity. It is also the same as a sodomy almost, dick can't fit into a human mouth. Men can't even be prostitutes for women, it's women who are prostitutes and that's one of the millions of clues.
>>33559I used to experience high sex drive,but I still never understood why women want to do degrading sexual acts or be fucked, I still didn't wanna have sex irl cause all women can do in it is serve and that's even mor frustrating. I masturbated till I got tired of forcing myself to experience mental sexual femininity for the sake of sexual stimulation horniness makes you seek, this way I became even more distanced from other women, and dissociated from my body. I just couldn't take the mental gymnastics anymore. Mental masculinity doesn't fit female sexual anatomy. It doesn't corresponds with it. It corresponds with having a dick. I certainly don't have one so I have to suffer in this humiliating SLOW servile feminine nutriting body. I have noticed… That when women like sexual submission then they wish to have wide hips… Like the mental "gender" wants to manifest itself physically. There are two genders, two sexes, feminine and masculine sexuality, not orientation. To not dissociate from my body I would have to identify with sexual submission. The female body sexually is submissive, because it is receptive, and think of the mental traits that are feminine, receptive, soft etc. also I kinda agree with you… Because the clitoral orgasms is more like a torture, like yeah it releases all these chemicals, but holy shit sex is not just physical, it exists on all levels and I certainly don't wanna experience submission mentally and spread myself on all levels just to feel sexually fulfilled. I just end up leaving that mental state so quickly, it's like that theory about autism in women making their minds more masculine is fucking true and I'm living this. I always saw the female position in sex mentally as slow and male as fast, women have to slow down and surrender which psychologically is you feeling like you wanna serve selflessly submit and whatever which perfectly explains my mysterious "why all women can do in sex is serve?!" Feelings. Because I'm mentally experiencing masculinity, so in sex I can't be pleased by serving. All women can do in sex is serve, you can't like it if you aren't submissive so that's a limit that torments me.
>>33565Yes, because it's humiliating, it's like someone saying "serve me bitch". Women dress up and do all that b.s just to have a bunch of jizz dumped on their face. It's like someone saying that want to fuck on all fours. It's like someone saying they want to put their dick in your mouth. Mental masculinity can't be compatible with female femininity biology.
>>33549It being natural is not the point, or maybe it is, cause it says that womanood is inherently sexually submissive. How it is also not degrading if I can google a pic or a video of that act and see that it literally is?! And violent? This point flies over your dick sucking head. And no women can't masturbate doing it? The psychological state if a woman doing it is the same as a bdsm sub, feminine, servile and surrendering to male pleasure, women can't get the same physical stimulation back, so if you aren't mentally extremely servile, submissive, feminine then you are not pleased to do it cause you're not pleased by the deep submission and serving the man selflessly.
The movements women have to perform in it are objectively humiliating and shameful. Being on all fours is objectively physically uncomfortable. The average dick is 14cm and it can't fit into a human mouth so it basically starts going into a woman's throat
The psychology of women who do it also proves that this is an extreme deep submission, humiliation kink, servilenes, femininity, empathy for the man, devotion to the man, pickmeness etc. and men are also bigger than women and masculine. Visually to everyone this act looks like a sadomasochism, humiliation, bdsm etc. there's nothing a man can do to a woman to reciprocate it. She just has to be feminine and selfless. The act is also objectively gross, women have to swallow semen, look retarded from male pov in this act, just like in porn, shake their heads up and down, possibly gag, face fucking also exists, have semen dumped all over their face or body, kneel etc. it's the most extreme submission a being can experience. It is self violative, bc it is selfless masochistic service so a really deep love for a man/men, it is shameful, women who do it are all into piggish things and gross kinks and all are pickmes and all are feminine and some say they do it cause they like feeling used some.say they like to do it cause it makes men scream in pleasure.
Experiencing this biological reality, being distressed by it and then gaslight about what it is is the worst hell possible. I will never stop crying about how gile and humiliating this act is and I will never accept that women have dicks in their mouth and how it looks like visually.en certainly win and always won and women live to kneel to them, men can't even be prostitutes for women because their body is not servile and loving to women. It's female biology that is obviously feminine and gender is just biology. When people say how I used to think that women have to be feminine so I felt dysphoria but now I'm just myself!!! They just accepted femininity. So when someone calls me out, while all I fucking do is just HATE SEXUAL SUBMISSION AND SEXUAL FEMININITY and that's what all my anger is about, then it's like they punish me for not wanting to sexually submit serve and be feminine, but they won't admit and never admit.
The videos of human sex are traumatic and porn is no different from reality. Women being fucked on all fours is not different than abuse, why it's not seen as such? Because female biology is feminine, so it's just being servile out if love for men. = Psychological state of women in those sexual acts is the deepest submission convincible in existence = it's about serving men cause if a woman doesn't wanna be mentally submissive or feminine then this shit does not fucking please her. Therefore she's like a sex slave. And also dick sucking bruises peoples mouths inside and that is PROVEN. Size of mouth and dick is also proven. The picture prove the objective degradation. Just admit you're a pig and go. I would rather eat shit that do the piglike head movements women have to PERFORM in that act.
No. 33586
>>33581 yes evolution is responsible for all the miseries , the best option for us is climate crisis, nuclear war and thereby nuclear winter and get back to eternal void of nothingness
cant wait for this planet to be destroyed into ashes - no life no problem
No. 33591
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>>33587this was also your post
>>33575you do not have the right to criticize anyone, oh my god. you actually admitted to being schizophrenic and you probably look like picrel.
No. 33597
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Nothing humiliating or submissive about it at all
No. 33603
>>33598Ok but can people actually discuss the real reality we are experiencing? For example i feel dysphoric because the Femininity is biological in women and the female body is sexually submissive, and I like to stop being gaslight about what I experience? And about what sex is? Sex is serious , it's the fundaments of the reality so as well in human psychology it hold similar place. Since female and male bodies are like two extreme points, the the submission is extreme, it's almost like a sadomasochism. Being forced to submit them is the worst feeling and existing in a female body while experiencing the mental masculinity is torturous actually. You're mad and bitter, the humiliation never ends, the psychological terror appears on a daily basis, you shake at the thought of certain sexual acts since they are vile and horrendous, you can't image the form you sre in being sodomized in the mouth or fucked yet the form is female, but that's also… You, it hurts. It hurts to not be a bimbo as well, I feel dysphoria about not being a braindead cocksucking bimbo. I didn't even wanna be that, but it hurts. It hurts to not be able to experience love without degradation, it hurts how sex only serves men, how female biology doesn't allow us to experience being loved on sex. I just wanna talk about the real reality and be told why I'm evil the real reasons and not gaslighting.
No. 33625
>>33621Because sex is a fundamental part of the reality and we embody sex?? It's our physical identity it has to do everything with us, we exists in a woman's body and other humans are male or female, most of the world has sex why do you feel the need to gaslight me
I could post a bitch with a dick in her mouth and you all would still find a way to describe that picture for what it isn't and deny reality
No. 33626
>>33624I literally fucking explained???
Why am I not allowed to talk about reality, I got gaslight and attacked on every major social media website. Once I got thousands of gaslighting ass denialist comments. Days ago I got a dumb remark made about me cause I called femininity and masculinity biological, as it is??? I got mocked by misandrists for calling sex violent and dick sucking violent and submissive and they made a remark about my intrusive thoughts about it while I have to suffer from phobia bc this shit is real life.
No. 33635
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Same person who was actively commenting on femalepessimist
No. 33642
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This post had I think 100k likes, so, that's another blackpill… A very sadistic "joke" about lesbians ending up sucking dick. Who tf liked this "meme"? Is it a result of the twitter likes going private, so now people are liking shit, cause nobody will fucking see that they did? Plus… porn on people's timelines, uncensored, there's no gentials out, but still?
How did other women not give up on life the second after the reality of this act existing and what it is hit them fully, how did they not fall into catatonia like me? Romance does not make reality different from pictures of sex/porn, when women say "but we are heterosexual and want to have sex" they mean they want to perform this sexual act and engage in sex with their mouth to male genitals as if mouth is a sex organ, that's how they express their sexuality. mindfuck, with irl crushes, I never imagined my physical self doing this act, I only ever explored the male - female dynamic in a less personal way? Never could see myself in this position. With crushes who are real people, literally not even once I thought about doing it. When women say "I have sex for my pleasure" it's so contradictory, you suck dick then you said you had it for your pleasure. It came to a point when I have a trauma response while looking at a human woman. Like there's something creepy about it, And in the media? They all are porny as if their whole existence is porn, and porn triggers me and certainly even Instagram is like a pornsite, in the current times, you have your classmates posting their asses out there. The way woman looks in this act, it is traumatic and everything about this act is written openly in the visuals of it, so when people gaslight,it kinda hurts. this shit is a nightmare, the fact that it, including the "joke" got so many likes is weird, it reminds of the Facebook groups full of teenage girls and moids, it makes me feel like I'm hallucinating,cause I can't believe this act is real. I just experienced a shutdown and felt hot all over my head, then my eyes go wide, everyday, literally you can see the brutal submission on the picture, dick to mouth is similar to sodomy, dick. In my pov, the average dick is fucking giant. Why are male gentials giant? 14cm is the average size. That's fucking enormous, that's fucking violent. Am I hallucinating this, certainly not, but it feels like it. How can something this bad even exist. So even who deserves empathy and who doesn't is dictated by the biological genders, cause certainly we will not get empathy for hating this shit, if it's "natural"
No. 33645
>>33637Rape being healing for men? They certainly do not feel bad after doing it. I imagined it as a man experiencing his real desires, continuously, then he starts trying to find a justification for them and goes further and further till he erases the shame created in him through the human moral codes, he no longer feels immoral, he now fully defends his urges and probably reposts that picture of Richard Ramirez with his quote, I forgot the words, but it's something of that kind: "there's no good or bad blah blah blah". Men rape, cause they have a dick, the dick feels good when it penetrates, the dick psychologically wants to feel as if the person he penetrates surrenders to them, rape certainly gives that feeling the most to men, so it's their biggest desire, someone surrendering to you also is the same as someone giving you unconditional love. But the rape doesn't guarantee that feeling in the man, but it helps to feel that psychologically. I almost don't believe that it doesn't make them feel really good since they chase it so much, I know of a story of a girl's male friend just visiting her one day, walking in, raping her… Then leaving, I don't believe many of them feel guilty. Society made men less worse, without the shaming and morals, it would be scarier. Pedos and all that kind of people are always the ones who talk about being amoral the most. One day, a male who's in a relationship with a woman, can just realize that he doesn't have to adhere to these standards which suppress his desires and…
No. 33657
>>33655you didn't even read her post correctly. she said
>I don't believe many of them feel guiltyimplying some of them might, but most of them don't.
No. 33662
The basic psychological knowledge is that emotions are in the body and get stuck in the body, basic woo woo knowledge is that emotions ns are energy in motion, basic intuitive knowledge is that our mind channels our current energetic state, human body is just energy in flesh form and the chakras symbolize all the levels of the reality starting at the fundaments which is sex, which is feminine and masculine energy.i thought… that trauma, dissociation, mental illness is your energy being stuck and your emotions being unreleased and you have to alchemize them. Engaging in sexuality also moves all this energy, not always giving a good effect. Many people probably heard about trauma being stored in the body, like hips etc you also probably heard some cringe shit about chakras and opening your heart chakra, your sacral chakra, and well, theres some truth to it. And the point is that in a female human body, the "energy" and opening it sexually which woo woo people even advise to do it through twerking, belly dancing, spreading your ass and legs, other types of dancing with your hips etc, arching your back etc. in women it mentally feels feminine. So how is being masculine or dominant in sex as a woman possible, if it will just make you dissociate?! Femininity is a burden, it is too emotionally intense, even romance is suffocating and feels like a cage, being this vulnerable or feminine is suffocating, it's like a nightmare. I hate being feminine, but more, I hate ppl lying about it like those hoes who removed me from a feminist subreddit for saying that our biological femininity is the reason why we get less empathy than men lol why wouldn't it be jeezuss duhhh
No. 33675
>>33521its been over a year and you're still obsessed with me. i had already forgotten about your existence, babe. also, what's the problem with me having overcome my feminine neuroses? im not a cool girl. i never humiliated you because of your fear of grape, because in my opinion you are very masculine. i don't understand you, BP-chan. you hate me because i say that you are masculine and you also hate me when i sometimes think that you are feminine. although i think that the root of your problems is literally your sexuality(I know what you are) but i really hate psychoanalyzing people, so fuck it. and stop insulting me.
>>33543it was the first thing I thought when i
saw this on twitter kajajsakwjwka
>>33648ironic because the only people defending lesbians in the comments are trans women kek
No. 33679
Do misandrists realize that men don't love women, because of female biology not being made to be loved, but to do the opposite? I always found the pharse "men don't love women" cringe, it's the female body that was made to let men in and love them unconditionally, women have more emapthy, for men especially, sex is emotional for women cause their position in it is vulnerable and they need romance so they can fully submit and serve. The biggest misandrist nigelfags still talk about sex like it's something they give a man as an exchange for their behavior, they use this words "gets" (gets sex) "give"(give it to him) etc. they use the useless act like cunnigulus to ignore the degrading, unequal, humiliatinh sexual acts like oral on men or how piv is a female body being servile and loving the man, while it doesn't even lead to her orgasm, she has to surrender and be empathetic and feminine. Women just become feminine as a contrary to what ppl say: "my man serves me' all he can do is provide masculinity and then you feel more feminine, more humble and willing to devote yourself to him. But he does not serve you. Its a female projection, cause letting someone into your body means becoming selfless, so you project onto the man, the empathy and love you feel, while he gets in - he is selfish, he is not empath in het sex cause his biology isn't in relation with female. It's impossible to be emotionally detached in straight sex as a woman, if it's literally about you being selfless to a male which is that emotional projection and then you narrate it as if the emotions and love you projected are his. That's why I experience dysphoria cause of the emapthy (in general) I feel a woman, I wish I was getting empathized eith, instead of empathizing and that would be healing cause that's what someone who experiences mental masculinity needs more than being a whore, prostitute, servant, giving and opening yourself up to men lol
The evidemtof it all is even shown on human physiognomy, male and female. Obvious traits and qualities.
Besides the inherent reasons for it all, there Are other reason that make it All the same as well, idk if I can call it society even. Just see what happens in the average straight relationship,aat times het dating looked to me like it's just about women blowing dicks in men's cars or being private pornstars. Once I saw a man reply to "what made you want to marry her" with "when she texted me and told me to face fuck her", when this "Nigel" said about his previous wife "she fucks like a pornstar and cooks" when his new gf mother is almost his age, while she doesn't date, cause she's too old. While he? He has a little dumb million years younger than him pickme pet licking his balls And I said it, cause when a man says "my wife is the best I'm lucky" I just imagine a dog at their feet or a woman on her knees licking his balls, cause why else would he say that lol