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No. 30265
A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.
If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
Previous thread
>>28994 No. 30355
>>30352you are such an autist that you can't tell the obvious difference between me and BP anon. the trolls ruined this thread. if you think there's only 1 single person that agrees with her then i'm sorry
nonny, you are just a dumbass.
No. 30363
>>30358Well, despite the fact that BJ chan is a feeble feminine naturally submissive woman with a biologically realistic vagina, she managed to violate us all with her bizarre porn fantasies so I personally don think that everything is very strict and can only go one way. Life can be different sometimes.
>>30359Why would my mom read lolcow dot fucking farm. Besides she would troll BJ chan as well kek.
No. 30401
>>30394literally what did i make up? the post is right here:
>>29063 and it was you that typed it along with other nonsense. are you really going to claim someone's just impersonating you?
No. 30412
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No. 30418
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No. 30432
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thoughts on the line (written by a male, the notorious BIG)
>When I met you I admit my first thoughts was to trick
>You look so good huh, I suck on your daddy's dick
No. 30439
>>30437mad? i want to talk about the song lyric, why are you being aggressive
>>30438there are multiple anons in the thread, schizochan
No. 30441
>>30434shipping yourself with her
No. 30451
thoughts on the line (written by a male, the notorious BIG)
>When I met you I admit my first thoughts was to trick>You look so good huh, I suck on your daddy's dick No. 30457
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a lot of TiFs here
No. 30471
threadpic legacy
>>30309something came up and I had to leave right after I sent my last message kek. I'll respond in a bit
>>30311I'm flattered when somebody actually thinks they'd get along with me hehe
No. 30476
>>30474oh well
>>30312 makes way more sense then
No. 30477
Days ago I saw an only fans ad on IG meme account and it was basically a picture of sex, the female body was lying down spread for penetration her legs were spread and put up on the sides (Sorry) and anytime I see something like this or analyze it I always have this feeling like female position on sex is accompanied by some kind of mental stupidity and i think it mit seem like this because of the inherent submission… I live being jumpscared everyday by external things because my brain projects weird version of the reality on other things so other women behaviors are a shock to me because I didn't expect it yet I did yet I fucking DIDN'T
It's way below the level that my brain can accept, it overwhelms me. I'm setting myself up again but reality reminds me of whore behaviors in porn…. And it makes perfect sense… I won't be explaining way, just use your intuition to decipher this.
I can't change my brain,so I will or probably continue getting jumpscared? It gives me a feeling of powerless, anytime something resembles porn a little I get triggered too and the thing is that human biology resembles it and vice versa. Even normie women these days post porny pictures on social media. I cannot stand airhead behavior. It's the mental state that bothers me, but it might be simply coming from their natural position in sex… It's the submission that makes it seem like any woman that has het sex…. Her having it.. seems like it's accompanied by that mentally stupdity that seems really gross and idk like it's some kind of slut "fuck me" attitude TOO, but not only that. I see the psychology of it even in the visuals alone like in that picture of just a female body… It laying there looking like a soft spread flesh really didn't help my mental health. 100% it looks like a stupidity to me because of the way sexual submission manifests itself psychologically, sex submission is also different than any other kind of a submission, use your intuition or imagination to decipher it as well. I don't know how to live of my brain is jumpsscared by how women just naturally are as if I expect something else. This is always a shock to me I can't comprehend it I keep fucking projecting, it makes me wanna distinguish myself from other women just so my brain stop making me feel so confused every single day, I think I might have felt it since a young age irl. I can't comprehend the mental differences if they are a woman body and I'm exist in a woman body too….
No. 30478
>>30477It's impossible to live a day without a jumpscare for me… multiple ones irl online imagined by just.. imagining this human reality and what's going on in here
Is it actually stupdity in them or just submission… Some things say it's just coming from the submission etc. But some things in their minds make them seem stupid something, but everything seems like it's just supposed to be like this naturally. So do their minds not connect things not bc of stupdity bc the femininity and sex submission instead…?
No. 30489
>>30477>>30478I hate it when people talk about reality without acknowledging the duality of two human sexe, because I just thought about human intelligence or the idea the idea of intelligence in relation to the biological gender roles.
There are a few types of intelligence, or maybe some things like a woman being good at being the feminine sexuality/feminine biology shouldn't be called intelligence, so the human the human idea of intelligence is flawed or something.
Because if a woman has a certain type of intelligence I won't describe because I don't know how, then she will not be compatible with her biology… I know I have one type of intelligence but lack other things maybe or other types.
So a woman has to have another type of intelligence instead of the more masculine one, one, or maybe it's not intelligence at all (being good at womanhood, lol, maybe that's not intelligence what those cocksuckers have but something else).
but something else I can't even name like I said.
A woman has to have that…… "intelligence (or something else)
to be good at being female biology and be compatible with it and it's sexually inherently feminine essence.
Any perfectionist knows that there's a fucking limit to how intelligent a human can become because, like, what's the use of all this intelligence in human life and being good at how life works and life for humans is that sex thing I described the biological genders.
Firstmost humans inherent physical essence is the sexual masculine feminine polarity, which is just the human biology, it's not woo woo things that floats detached from the material reality and are discussed as such (and most human talks about reality seem detached as fuck). Because SEX is what's beyond just the surface it's the structure..
but simply, it's based on the material reality.
So they have to be good at THIS
Which would mean that being intelligent is being good at this, however…… A female can't have the intelligence that's more masculine because then she will become unnatural mentally.. if you are born with a brain that has a predisposition a predisposition for certain things I can't even name properly then you will not be compatible withthe female the female sexual role and all the submission, servilenes and femininity. And some things about our personalities are inherent,inherent, so you can'tjust do just do this shit then. You're rejected from the natural hierarchy/patriarchy because you're not fitting into the biological femininity and roles like motherhood etc. Or the feminine masculine sexual polarity
I said that those women,women, when they have sed then visually they look stupid, like when a woman has sex, then it's accompanied by mental stupidity and I said it might look like this becausebecause of the inherent submission everyone intuitively or subconsciously cancan perceive in the images of sex. Even those images show the psychology of sex/male female dynamic clearly so what you see on them subconsciously is what a woman experiences psychologically in the.
Women to me sound mentally disabled because they can't connect obvious things,things, but I wonder if they don't do it simply because of their biological femininity and sexual submission, to which they have to align their minds.
However, it still sometimes seems to me like they are fucking disabled. It's like putting something in front of someone's eyes and they can't see it, like mentally, like they have an awareness level of a bug with why they can't make mental connections. But if they could, then that would be incompatible with female biology. I have some things in me mentally that are incapable, and it took me long to realize that I'm not pretending to be like this or became like this at some point in my life. Also, even my sexuality.. sex orientation is not a choice of your mental identity, but it also can be your mental identity, but I seem to have another one away from it.. That's weird.
I'm interested in how my mental identity fits or not in the structure of the physical reality and my(the mentally identity I am) experience with this material structure and my distress and terror, which areare real. Still sex and descriptions of it or images show the root of everything, the male–female dynamic, and you can perceive your consciousness of this structure of reality really clearly in simple pictures of heterosexuals, especially when they fully embody the power-vulnerability because we embody the male–female dynamic, and that's's the reality we are experiencing with our consciousness.
So that's why I want someone to confront me about those shocking pictures because they are REAL life, not something small; it's more like a main part of life; it's private, yes, but that proves my point even more. Isn't the psychology around sex literally fucking… suspicious and all that?
Aren't those images shocking?
How it's possible that a picture of a woman's face with a male dick in her mouth is traumatic IF IT'S NOTHING BUT A HUMAN NAKED BODIES
Same with other sex positions…
Why it's shocking, please? I can't stop analyzing it out of distress,distress, confusion,confusion, and the feeling of being a slave because of my biology. The female slave position on heterosexuality jumpscares me on a daily basis, and I cannot comprehend how someone how someone can be okay with living in such a servile position, especially when they have to do this dirty, obscene, gross even the physical sensations are filthy acts on a regular a regular basis, and it's just so unequal unless you psychologically accept being a servant, which is mypoint here. How point here. How the fuck are you okay with it??? Even once?
This is so humiliating and psychologically terrorizing to be a slave this powerless.
I simply hate women because of this,this, and I had shame around feeling this way, even in blackpilled spaces. It took me long to admit it..
Like, oh, I hate womenhood because women have to suck dick on relationships… I still kind of feel ashamed.
I also feel like subconsciously I sabotage myself from fitting into the heterodynamic. For example, beautiful or feminine women are treated in a certain way that I would never want to be perceived as, so I sabotage myself from looking like them, but then the material reality and those materials hierarchies and natural patriarchy sometimes subconsciously tell me another thing, like you're rejected by the material things.
And it's a weird internal conflict.
I wouldn't be okay with being seen in the way those women are seen; I would feel dysphoric… No specifically about gender but just dysphoric. When I try to show who I am, I usually show my erotophobia, aka me not liking the female sexual submission that's inappropriate in sex, but who am I showing it to, and it's incompatible with female biology, so then everyone hates me because I don't fit into nature.
No. 30497
>>30492Humans fuck other humans who are spreading their ass cheeks and asshole on all fours making their bottom look wide and humiliating, the fucker looks at their slimy genitals and poo hole and their torso bowed down like a sub
The genitals of the fucker connect with the root/bottom of the submissive person and get pleasure from fucking them. And "the fucked" are women since their body was made to be penetrated, to get fucked you have to submit and be servile it doesn't go along with some mental masculinity so women are not allowed ego because of their biology and they have to cope with it with misandrist copium sometimes because you all do it all the time and it's annoying. Not only womanhood is naturallly a sexual submission and sexual servilenes but also men rape women and it will always be a part of life, those rapes only affirm that women embody the feminine energy that ATTRACTS, the rape is an intiation into the femininity, it affirms what men embody too, but I'm talking ab women rn. Plus you said some annoying misandrist copium i don't think men fear being castrated…. You all confuse men's sexual attraction to women's with jealousy orfears like this one. This is kinda why I hate misandrists because someone in those threads already cursed me out when I said that women have piv willingly and she said I'm believing the psychop rapechimps did on women and that I believe women want to be raped because they wanna have piv. See my point about misandrists….
And you kinda said that being castrated means being a female
No. 30498
>>30496New gaslighting dropped ,just call their mentality Freudian to ridicule someone!!
Like the vaginal cavity clitoris duality I posted about once and it called the penetrative stimulation more mature and said that both of those situations are different cashing internal conflict, but it was actually true if you're sentient enough to notice
No. 30507
>>30505>>30505Because piv is inherently feminine for the woman, she enges in the sexual feminine energy, the psychology of this act is a feminine mental state and a state of surrender. Piv is main part of female sexuality because it expands the stimulation all over the body into all the energy centers and emotions are in the body so it touches on all the emotions, it's a servile role and female body is about opening yourself up sexually so. It for sure can awaken women to femininity 100%
Since emotions are in the body then if I(the mental identity I am) was a man then I wouldn't be accused of repressing things on purpose cause even now i don't do it on purpose I just try to be myself(the mental) and some things in my mental identity don't go along with the female sexual role and I def have too much ego for it
No. 30509
>>30508the vagina is not "the void" it's made of flesh and is finite
it's like saying you are the void because your digestive system is tubular
this conflation of linguistic metaphors and material reality isn't going to reveal anything meaningful by virtue of the process of conflation because it doesn't reflect reality accurately
No. 30512
>>30509The feminine energy the human female embody is that
The nerve endings inside of it also create that kind of feeling, the womb is also a space that could be described as such
No. 30516
>>30489Sexual submission that's inehrent in sex*
My heterosexuality and the material hierarchies sometimes tell me a different thing which is "you're rejected now feel sad even if you wanna be rejected" lol*
No. 30522
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why is it so predictable?
No. 30527
>>30523Yes this is exactly it. Right message but wrong messanger. She talks in such a weird disorganized schizo ramble that its hard to decipher what she even means. I don't know if its her lack of english or tism for why she types like that. It also doesnt help that she is the reason why those trolls even found out about this thread in the first place (she said so herself). It doesnt help that this whole thread is one narcissistic schizo using google translate and the rest are by the trolls trolling that retard.
Honestly i want both the trolls and blowjob chan to be permanently banned from 2X.
No. 30549
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This made me so sad tbh, and overwhelmed
No. 30551
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>>30492I have a strong ego, that's why I never fucked men and I stopped even masturbating a long time ago because every time post clitorial orgasm clarity hit me I felt like I degraded myself or more like I "lost" something within me. I feel much better now without masturbating. I see masturbation as submission too and now I can't even understand why would I do it in the past. I feel at peace now. I try to avoid social media because every time I see women clinging on to femininity and sharing tips about "dark femininity" and all the mental gymnastics they have to do in order to keep a man etc. I feel furious, disgusted, angry, and like I'm in a trap. That's why I cant use apps like tiktok, you just can't escape that shit. I also don't talk to women who date men irl, it's soul-killing. Can't talk to women in my family either, I see them as dead inside. I would have to lie to myself, I would have to create some alter ego, some alternative version of me and pretend to be that version in order to cope with it. I can't even cope with the fact that for most women this IS them, those are NOT their fake desires, likes, thoughts etc. There are actually like this…
No. 30552
I had a horrible realization… So now not only I have thought about intelligence or the idea of being "smart" in relation with human natural gender roles, not only I thought of moral standards in relation with it and how they are basically based on these inehrent gender roles (natural female femininity and male masculinity in their "biology"), but also now I realized that humans call me names like insecure, narcissistic,
victim complex etc. because I don't like being my biological femininity… So they agree with me on it, but I didn't fucking getting cause normies aren't capable of being straightforward. So I(the mental identity I am) don't deserve empathy on life's eyes because I'm unnatural mentally.. also these ss's made me think a similar thing:
>>30549(Also more about those ss… It's a woman's job to make the sex good, man can just provide his masculinity. It's unfair, yes, it contradicts feminist esp radfeminist views, yes, but it's true)
Women either have to get over it and become like this if they
are hetero if not then still the sexual femininity is the same ,because it's in alignment with their biological femininity so if I'm not like this and hate it then life sees me as insecure???
It's all based on the biological gender roles?? Even if I don't feel self hatred and it makes me want to cry when someone accuses me of it like I genuinely suffer after these words from frustration… Then ppl call me it because my mind doesn't "conform" maybe that word isn't even the right word here… Holy fuck
I swear to god, it's all not purposeful, I genuinely just don't like most of the sexual femininity, but then people psychoanalyze me in such a cruel way…
But then again, they fucking disagree with me… Make it make sense.
>>30551When I felt like this I still didn't have a problem with masturbating and did it a lot actually never had hang ups even once.. just adding my personal experience now I'm just tired of masturbating it's traumatic esp the clit one…
No. 30554
i realized i have dysphoria and im in my early 20s. where do i go from here?
my conservative parents didn‘t like it at all,(it‘s just a phase) they told me many times lol i have male hobbies, i kept collecting stuff like tactical stuff, knifes ect. i don‘t know why i changed so drastically like that, despite being like that, i still have my feminine stuff at home and still used it. i got into my middle 20s and moved out of my parent’s place. i don‘t really want to transition, i like my body and female parts, except my genitalia and testo is a poison
plus it's too late anyway as i got way too feminine ima estrogenic creature kek. either im seen as a real woman or as a real man.
ppl think im crazy when i talk about getting rid of my entire female reproductive system but i look around and all the women are trying to have male bodily autonomy (abortion, birth control pills, condoms, all of these technologies are what they want to have the bodily independence that men have naturally. i chose not to be a slave to nature/biology and materiality.
No. 30556
This is personal yet not. Another analysis of how a mental identity fits into the structure of the physical identity which includes the gender roles, few points just kinda off topic: if a woman has a high testosterone or transitions and still experiences sexual desire then she will still wanna engage in sexual submission, I mean you might not want it, but what you want is sexual stimulation the neutral thing, which getting is not neutral so now boom you have internal conflict. I don't have high T neither transition.
I never had shame or hangups around masturbating or experiencing sexuality, I remember even talking about masturbating online years and years ago with no problem or experiencing my sexuality in the privacy of my own mind however I was a prude so even if the most degrading parts of heterosexuallity are stimulating, I never imagined myself in them or thought about wanting to do them to crushes etc,
But at some point I got tired of experiencing sexuality, and its still kinda recent. I don't understand why I have two identities in me 1st the heterosexuallity and female body and 2nd other identity which doesn't enjoy sexual femininity and hates see sexual submission
I don't experience what people accuse me of which is a person experiencing thought or urges they are later shamed of or have hang ups, it's different than than, Im unfulfilled by the sexuality because I don't like being feminine or servile which is inherent to female body sexually so masturbating and all that onto frustrates me and dissatisfies me even more and I spend hours tormented after it, NOT because of shame but some kind of dysphoria I dont even see it as a gender dysphoria. Is it possible that I just got tired of my psychology shifting to the femininity for the hours a day while experiencing the sexual stimulation and all the emotions around it? If I don't like being feminine then it burdens me… But it's my biology and physical identity. People feel sad when they don't fit sexual standards mentally or physically… That's fucked up. How are those two identities co existing in me… And neither feels like a choice
And the engagement in sexuality is me seeking sexual stimulation and all the emotions around it..m the neutral thing while the road to it is not neutral… It's an experience of femininity and servilenes too… I think since I never got as far as imagining myself doing or myself in gross acts because simply I don't think I'm capable of something this shocking, I have a natural resistance to it out of genuinely not wanting to be in that role.
So that's why I'm so tormented by womanhood, I'm not a lunatic for saying that the physical limits are real and that womanhood limits me in my exit. To not be limited I would have to conform to it. My point about womanhood being a sex slavery is also true.. you only like it when you like being a slave, a slave who likes slavery doesn't feel like a slave. This opens up a door to people and life and womanhood and sex being able to psychologically terrorize to the core until you can't function. And people will do it even more once they realize those are your thoughts or see you hating on sex or calling women cock suckers.
Our biology is used against our mind to terrorize us and when you don't like being feminine or don't like sexual submission then it works on you… I mean people and life using our biology against you.
My point about the femininity being biological in women is 100% true and proven by my own experience. I'm tired of researching, because I find horrible things and all women being masochists no matter how masc they present.
This is not even a post asking for an advice but just a thought stream, because i'm still trying to rationalize my experience cause nobody gives you clarity on shit like this. I don't even think that I'm the only one feeling like this. They just drop their egos and submit, or not, but I drop it less maybe. A lot of women suffer from womanhood, but the society doesn't even seem at fault for inherent things being inherent so
No. 30560
>>30557NTA, but
What do you even mean.. I don't like being feminine mentally and don't relate to other women and they hate my mind, I lack skills most women have. My estrogen is not a choice and I experience internal conflict because of it. My brain is different because I act different but it still went through female puberty and developed in a female body
No. 30561
>>30557also that im obsessed w killing my feminine natural instincts, like fear of death, instincts also make you a woman, if you can kill them you'll find it easier to leave the gender you were born and raised in.
fear of death is extremely feminine
evolutionarily speaking, males fight & spread their sperm as fast & as widespread as they can in a very short period of time.
females are inclined to be cautios and remain present for extended periods, for the well-being of their offspring. i took my car and drove to places where no people lived (industrial, shopping zones etc.) and just walked around. it was extremely euphoric. once i parked on a forest service road, alone.
LIFE is FEMALE and FEAR of DEATH is FEMININE. female neurosis.
No. 30563
>>30562cope, women are more fearful than men.
No. 30565
>>30564It just sounded like one of those cunts that come here to call others the most womanly feminine women and neurotic and accuse of them of shit because they… Said they aren't that… Or don't like that.
And I don't agree that death is masculine it just felt a little inaccurate and calling lack of fearing death non feminine state also felt a little off track so that's why I reacted
No. 30568
I think not wanting to die is more ego thing, which is more masculine to want to continue your consciousness
Overall the truth is found in what female or male position in het sex is that's why those spiritual people talking about yin yang shit are right BUT you have to find the right descriptions which is hard to do mowy, it's all shit up with cringe talks or feminine masculine energy talks that are cringe and don't fully describe it all it's just some talks about relationships
>>30567Not saying they aren't neurotic but…
No. 30576
Having ego as a woman - experiencing helllike tortures… Because of womanood etc.
Everything then is psychological terrorism, because sex is. Misogyny is, men are, pickmes are and the image of a woman with penis in her mouth and her mouth and hands on dick like a servant is the.. I don't even have a name for this kind of mental terrorism….
Having ego vs not having ego is different even in the context of the relationships you CAN or CAN'T have. It's like you have to give up on your mental identity… On what you thought is yourself. On people too. To deal with womanood and what it is by itself, with other things, sex, rape/potential rape without… Suffering the worst mental tortures a human ever felt… You have to give up the ego. Since people use our biology against us then once some tyrant said to me "why are you so scsred of giving up your identity" as a response to me saying I don't like sexual submission. Right after disagreeing with me, and right after that they admitted under pressure that female position is MORE submissive than male. And the point is that I didn't try to have that identity… It's just what I felt like I am.
I feel so much humiliation everyday knowing that rape exists, I am afraid of saying it and having people tormente with arguments about how it's society that made me hate womanood, but anyway
It's just so filthy… Mass humiliation and sex too…
I have a high disgust response to sex too… Like those oral acts, sticking out dicks sticked in mouths and asses and the imagined sensations of it. The only way to deal with it and even with the physical sensations female body gives you even the so called Sad Nipple Syndrome which is a literal hell on daily basis requires giving up on some mental identity you LIKED having but reality says oh it will be better for you to not have it!! BECAUSE OF YOUR FEMALE BODY
that's why I hate it. To prepare for more brutality in womanhood or take the current one I will have to let go of things I liked or liked being or else I will 24/7 suffer.
Womanhood doesn't allow you to have an ego. If women had big egos they would ever act differently after rape… They would become nom functional no matter how much drive to live etc. they would have, they would just become destructive, because their mind would be unable to let them function normally
No. 30578
Lol i can't control my phobia because I feel unsafe so i keep having these horrifying realizations, I never been SA, but it's a part of womanood and atp I would even blame womanood itself for it. It's the reason why we have to experience it either done to us or others like us and we have the awareness that they are like is and they have been raped etc. But what I wanna say is that men and women are as equally
sick pigs sexually and porn is not just women being forced. It exposes their own sickness out of which they engage in it. Degradation, rape kinks, abuse, it's both sexes. The female is being male is doing, in rape kinks the male does while she is passive and surrenders. Our of the pursuit of sexual stimulation humans will do the most sick shit possible. If sex CAN be degrading, violent, sick, pedophilic, rape like, bdsm, gross kinks, the worst things ever possible in life, the filthiest sickest most traumatic thing, then how it can be the opposite ONLY and how can someone's sex life never involve the sick shit?
The man rapes, the woman gets raped. Their sexual desires due to their.. anatomy resemble that. Their desires are gonna be have to be experienced through their anatomy. So they are gonna be about rape. Not just for the man, a woman with inability to surrender will seek to be absused so it can induce the surrender in her. The female body receives sexual pleasure through surrender. Humans seek stimulation and they will do anything to get it, women will always want to be degraded, abused and roleplaying rape and pedophilia. Not every single time, but they will have sickness just as men do. Porn will always exist, and there's like hundred millions videos coming from real human reality and they are contain some sick shit even if it's invisible at firts. How in the middle of all this sickness humans were still able to conceive something as "love"? In hetero attraction the love is created from the sexual power -vulnerability dynamic
If said sex is degrading people would say "loving consensual mutual blah blah relationship embracing blah blah" and they sound like the bdsmers who will disagree that a woman pretending to be a raped daughter is getting degraded of she consented to it and the couple "loves" each other. I think gaslighting hurts more than the reality itself being what it is, even gaslighting about what we experience sexually through our own biology which is maybe why I have an aversion to masturbating even in the mildest ways possible that don't involve any thoughts during it. If I'm gonna get gaslight about biology that makes me feel like a slave, then I'm gonna feel distress.
Not only this but also we are gaslight about men being misogynistic, about pickmes etc. anytime some injustice happens to us which can also be just our own biology… We will get gaslight about it. If rape happened to you .. nobody would allow you justice either and you would see men being misogynistic and women worshipping them that's why I fear it so much, that's one of the reasons.
Sex is disgusting. Consensual sex resembles rape. Female sexual anatomy seems like it was made to be raped or have sex which resembles rape mechanism. Penetration and surrender to it, getting cummed in. Truly this shit is a nightmare,but notice that humans always act like there's love within in it all. Originally I just wanted to say that gaslighting is a worst torture than the realityz because seriously it's what gives so much fear because I never feel safe in human life as a woman not only bc of threads of rape so I thought.. maybe if I weren't gaslight then I could chill cause a anytime I could find understanding, but even remembering my origins which was me starting to argue with people about what sex is and how it's disgusting and degrading and they gaslight me… To the core, or arguing with pickmes or experiencing male misogyny…
The arguments with people were tormenting so I know what to expect esp about sex. I fear even experiencing my own sexual anatomy atp if I'm gonna be gaslight about this experience lol
Womanhood is horrible… Another origin story of my argument with people is my simple words "womanhood is disgusting and shitty and a torture" and them saying… It's society and then coming to rf spaces and them mass repeating it continuously…
Women are even brainwashed into those degrading violent kinks. It's their own pursuit of stimulation. .
Consensual sex is objectively containing sick things and desires. You don't understand how it feels to be distressed by it while living in a body made from sex and a female body on top of that constantly being uncomfortable.
Not being allowed to talk about this hell honestly with others is worse than hell itself seriously.
You think I'm dumb and don't see female sexual masochism ratfems and others? You think I don't see how fucked up human sex is? You think I don't see the objectively degrading or submissive acts? You think I don't see how objectively vulnerable and soft female positions in straight sex are? At any point in time if I come for help and understanding… I won't get it from humans, so what am I supposed to do if I can't chill out of constant fear and disgust and finding womanhood degrading or submissive like ten times a day.
Even besides it all, porn exits and that's a fucking blackpill… Every day is poisoned by it, you can feel it in the fear it always reminds of itself in human words and behaviors like a suffocating filth.
Men and women are sick as fuck sexually
No. 30579
>>30578If you wanna troll me because of those posts then you're a sick sick pig but seriously I see the patterns in the way women socialize…. which is caused by sex an women in sex are the raped ones
I see the brutality in something else I won't even say because it's too much lmfao I'm about to cause some serious mental damages around here or maybe I already did, but are those damages.. just a .. nevermind I'm not going there. I just want transparency about the reality because lies hurt more than the hell of human life 100% it's the main reason why I won't just chill more
No. 30582
>>30580No I'm not gonna say it it's too much existential crisis, also I need to repeat my screams.. why can't humans stop the gaslighting. I can give a stupid example.
Men are being misogynistic, all of them, now say that they are and people will call you mentally ill and say notallmen, but all you said is real observations. Why can't they call you ill without the gasliy at the same time?
Also my point about how sex objectively contains sickness which you could 100% see in the movements people make in sex for expl a man thrusting into a woman like he is trying to restrict her, a woman wanting to have sex in clothes in while he acces her holes, it's just sick things, it gives a sick feeling. Similar to a pedo kink.
So it also contains violence and degradation NATURALLY, but within it all… Humans still see love, but it's NOT just love. It has the lowest sickest traumatic filth in it.
No. 30583
>>30582Not only within sex they find love but also just human life.
Within the sick male female dynamic… They find a way to create relationships they see as love.
No. 30584
>>30583This is what sexual desire conceives. Those are porn statistics rape kinks can possibly be a mental sickness but life is traumatic for everyone at some point simply by just living, so they get neurotic etc. However the sexual anatomy of humans still contains hell/rape and it's too much for me. At least I'm a schizoid probably and introverted and disgusted with sex and more so I can easily be calibate but I still feel unsafe every day just mentally even. Sometimes I wonder if isolating properly and going mute as I was for most of my life, never sharing my thoughts would be better than engaging with humans and letting hell catch me through them cause seriously I'm fed upp I need to erase any identity. Everything is overwhelming and
triggering and humans gaslight about littlest things!! Ok, but when it gets to gaslighting about distressing things then that's worse than those things themselves.
Wtff even thinking of moralfagging on social media and how real observations get punished sosmthines…. Thinking of sex positivity which also is like the example I gave about ppl gaslighting you ab real experience and calling you ill while why could agree and then you ill for not forgiving or being feminine or something. People deny what sex contains….
No. 30585
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It is a common occurence for a woman to some time later after sex feel “violated” by the man, eventhough she enjoyed it while it was happening. This just doesn’t happen for men because they are the ones that penetrate. There will always be great tension between the penetrator and the penetrated in personhood actually, even with men they like having sex with women are many times in their alone time unable to cope with being the penetrated in the “equal person” set up.
No. 30587
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>>30585even normie women know..intuitively
No. 30588
>>30584Even porn could be called the sickness in sex, and sorry, but both genders are sick besides the real rapes and forced women. If women get stimulated by sick shit and wanna do it, then it's them too. And there are couples who do sick videos, there is so much sick shit women engage in. Compatible with the rape dick wants.
All porn is crazutor turns crazy, compulsive and rapey mental states from sex desire then they turn into pedo or rape or bdsm or violence and abuse kinks as a pursuit of stimulation which is achieved based on how human sexual anatomy achieves stimulation.
Most relationships end in arguments too…
No. 30590
>>30588Sorry but I'm too sensitive for these "ups and downs" of life and… As a woman it's a different position. It's like rape. The assaulted person or the rapeist.
Think of a SICK couples, or porn, porn has these weird compulsion ass piggish things movements or .. things, a sick couple for expl that's into pedo play… She's the one wearing child clothes and being the receptive role a gross ugly man is raping in the most pathetic lustful way with the piggiest movements caused by filthy state of mind doing embarrassing pervert shit the most gross low IQ retarded man would do
No. 30593
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Found BJ-chan’s diary
No. 30651
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Females aren't allowed to express their most basic instinct: hunger
Hunger for food
Hunger for intimacy
Hunger for power
Hunger for time
Hunger for money
No. 30652
>>30650He is saying that he was never gay and that his attraction was an attraction to misogyny, because we can't know ourselves without misogyny as women if it's everywhere and in everything in the world. Him wanting to be a woman is influenced by his desire to be used by men
Just a faggot who wants to be more feminine or a woman in relation with his male partners and probably desires men who are into femininity and being a woman sexually means being in the receptive role so it manifested in him as a desire to be consumed by men
No. 30656
>>30596Having a vagina is the worst physical sexuality you can have to me, the sensations of the penetrative stimulation and burdening, irritating and unfulfilling, but intense and overwhelming stimulation. I think I fell off when it comes to aligning my psychology in the moments of engaging in my physical sexual anatomy, because I can't do sexual femininity anymore and it's too close to pickmeism to me sometimes, the penetrative stimulation is that very much. Women get fullfiled by being sexually servile which has to happen psychologically simultaneously, and I don't enjoy that.. so for me female physical sexuality is just sickening because of my resistance to the deep submission. As a man you could relax and all that without it turning into a deep submission, surrender and being servile… While as a woman… It turns into that so it becomes sickening to me because I have too much resistance.
Often horniness can be just a physical feeling esp in your lowest parts, but to release it as a woman and feel the love emotions you would have to engage in your sexual anatomy and frustrating stimulation and feel it all INSIDE of your, because your vaginal cavity is inside duh it just feels shittity psychologically.
As any other orgasm or body we feel our vagina with our brain, its even connected to our throat so it causes internal conflict if you don't wanna be servile
Like you can see even here:
>>30549 that women receive pleasure through being servile, because the female body receives pleasure through opening up that's why women have rape kinks : pretend you're being forced > it makes you give up physically so as well mentally and then you get vaginal spasms or orgasms coming in waves like something is going through you like the penetrative energy which you don't need to be fucked with dick to feel simce out anatomy is made for receiving penetrative energy/stimulation. The psychology of our sexual anatomy opening up itself is a feminine or servile mental state, that's why women serve men so much. I saw a post recently in Twitter, it was a pic of a woman hugging a man with caption "the urge to hold him so he never feels low"
Women do shit like this got stimulation because of their sexual anatomy. The physical fucking anatomy.
When I engage in my anatomy I end up getting burdened frustrated or in emotional pain or other mental gymnastics or conflicts and start longing to be a man to experience love and safety sexually and stimulation that feels fullfiling and gives me the right feeling. It's neutral yet not since it turns into some urge to be different gender.
It's just a weird dysphoria if you google the sole word dysphoria it really explains things. I think modt men are sick so they can't engage in their sexuality properly, but a lot still can do it in the right ways and live in the benefits of it, the love and bliss, it depends onto someone's mind, most people are not in tune or awakened also, but I would say being loved is better than what women experience in sex. Those men who can take advantage of the benefits of having a dick are the same as any other man, but they don't fit the "all men are unhappy and sick of themselves and their sexuality" misandrist cope. Usually misandrists see male sexuality as sick while female as good while I wish I had male to escape the sickness and open my heart and feel love instead cause I can't open my heart to this servile role and the sensations within the body, those nerve endings in a vagina… The stimulation of it is a hit or miss, you have to really align with femininity but if you fell of it's sickening then, it's a feminine role and about being nurturing and loving etc. usually having less consciousness or maybe ego helps being compatible with it that's why women are pickmes and easily impressed by it all. Usually hwne they are teens and then some develop above that mentally and can't be naive enough to feel the same.
Usually men who wanna be women sexually are just men who wanna fuck lesbians or faggots so they do it for sickening reasons
No. 30660
>>30656the clitoris is like a high-concentration penis though
what do you think about this fact, which obliterates your argument?
No. 30665
>>30659Oh the vile cunts are back I see. Why do you think I don't know what a clitoris is. I'm not dumb like you, unlike what your projection says
>>30660It doesn't deny the facts I stated you cunt who keeps coming here for months to ask braindead questions on the level of a 15yo girl mind
No. 30667
>>30665cLitOrIs iS lIkE pEnIs
The bitch is back with dumb comparisons everyone!!! How are you different then the scum who gaslight me for years and years of my life and sex and topics related.
No. 30671
I saw a disgusting video years ago, it was some gross shit like daddy kink, with ugly fat normies I mean the moid was average weight, the woman was young but obese so to also made her ugly in the face, the man was laying down with his legs spread and dick out and she was on it with her obese mouth and he was making gross moaning noises. It was just a few seconds, but seeing a woman "pleasuring" a man like this is so fucking filthy and horrible knowing that it's a regular part of human sex lives. The video was sickening because sex is. It was full of filth including the noises from his mouth and pig noises in his crotch and his saggy dad bod stomach.
Human sex is sick. No amount of the words 'loving mutual intimacy equal relationshit consensual " is gonna change that. Those words are just a manipulative attempt at avoiding confronting me points and I'm FED UP with getting manipulative dismissive retarded responses that aren't providing full transparency and honest talks about something as sex and sex lives and female biological femininity, female sexual self violation and submission, sexual degradation etc.
Overall men date women to get their dicks sucked and if it wasn't 1000000x better than anything women can experience sexually then men would see women as useless and don't wanna stick around them for romance reasons. All women get from it is male validation.
I feel so triggered anytime I think of this act, I feel powerless , physically disgusted and enslaved in a servant position by my own biology, it's just so equal and gross, everything to do with it and around it even the culture, memes, jokes are disgusting and sickening and degrading inherently.
This is why women are so neurotic hysteric and need to cope so much, because they will never get what a man gets aka they are in a servile submissive vulnerable position and have to deal with it. Sex is unequal so men okay outside it with romantic gestures.
Since sex CAN be horrible, sickening, violent, degrading, gross, since porn can exists, since those acts can be extremely degrading and vile then that proved that the natural power dynamic in it is unequal and female position in submissive or else those things I named wouldn't be able to be conceived because like .. you can't even degrade a man with cunningulus, and that's another point.
Porn is a reflection of both gender sickness, male is obvious, female is lied about more.
No amount of gaslighting lying deceiving and denying will make my brain not see the mechanism and psychology of sex, no amount of dumb responses to avoid confrontation will take away my disgust.
You DON'T KNOW how it is and how it feels to be disgusted by this sex shit especially some specific things in it, while living in a female body, the sense of humiliation ,inequality, enslavement , punishment , filth is strong at the awareness of that shit. I can't even stand the names of some sex things being spoken at me it feels like an attack like people say "get fucked" "fuck you" "suck dick" at eachother but the last one is actually sexual harrasement in the grossest form involveing human mouth being penetrated and human mouth servicing penis.
And supposedly even teenage girls don't deserve transparency on what sex is. Why do people lie and lie and lie and lie and keep pissing me off. I know what to expect from them, what kind of responses, dismissal and attempts at avoiding confrontation etc.
saying all these words while I'M talking about what sex is like replying off topic off track shit to someone over and over again. What it had to do with my words?!
"Boohoo you're traumatized by porn!""
Another annoying ass responses that avoids transparency lmao
I wish I could force humans into a room and pull up images of human sex lives and force them to explain this shit to me in the most literal way possible and confront me about it all.
No. 30674
>>30671Tdlr gross porn video with obese "little" and hairy grown man spreading his chimp legs(but believe me it wasn't acting it's more like two people filmed their real sex on bed, but made effort to create the right view)
humans manipulate conversations plus sex and porn contains sickness AGAIN. I would say that any response to someone trying to talk about what sex is honestly with full transparency, that is not accurate on what reality is is just straight up TROLLING, nothing else 100%, spend time around those human words and you minds will be influenced. I have an experience like this with radtwt, when I left and kept onto following a few accs then my mind got unfucked and when I come on radtwt now, they seem stuck in the same place mentally, but for me to stop being stuck I had to leave. Lol
Same with stopping being gaslight about sex. Once humans allow you to breath in conversation with them and speak about it all honesty you will feel relieved like I do right now and I feel my rage getting lower besides me calling that anon a cunt half an hour ago
No. 30678
>>30675>Sorry you can't find your clitoris!!!!No!!!!!!!!!!!
Or other anons once:
>SORRY YOUR CLIT IS NUMBno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 30681
>>30671women have to cope surmountably more in life just to function normally.
that's why it always makes me laugh when feminists talk of "loving themselves" and treating themselves like they are dating themselves thinking they are being "authentic" when in reality they are internally massively coping with their natural bodily inadequacy facing the world. after being friends with women for some years, i have seen how much cognitive dissonance and cope females are subject to behind walls while they pretend in public as if they are fortified and able to be the penetrators like men are. that's why they are obsessed with shit like "physical intimacy" , romance and domestic life… i think that a woman who likes being a woman has to be VERY cognitively feminine.
No. 30684
>>30682She can't talk about sex without trolling and coping through remarks and assumptions like this. Only a non sentient person which …anyway
or some normie no offence even… wouldn't find their clit or knew what an orgasm is. I certainly know and spoken my point while knowing it and acknowledging it.
No. 30688
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our interactions with BJ-chan
No. 30693
>>30661I was about to ask who wrote that cause i forgot but remembered.. The guy from euphoria. I thought he is gay? He definitely is attracted to men?
And i actually do relate to thooght like this because in anger i say i cant be a woman if i dont like degradation, i have a lot of more clarity on sex right now after some conversation and its weird how mind can chang within days, my mind specifically. From extreme anger at gaslighting to clarity like our minds are so controlled by other humans words, its like taking a spell ogg of yourswlf and fog away from your mind, but my disgust staye cause i think im easily disgusted, which deosnt mean sexuality is not a source of stimulation for me in life as for anyone else however its not my personal choice, the high feeling can be neutral, but the road to it isn't and it involves gener roles so its not neutral after all just wanted to add lol but wanting it feels neutral often.
Humans who lie about sex - trolls, but apparently im retarded and didn't get the clue however it doesmt justify what they do which causes me distress like i have a trauma from being gaslight about anything to do with sex. Online.. Even just seeing online talks about it
No. 30694
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>>30693he's gay. him with another guy
No. 30696
>>30694he’s AGP, agp guys can’t be gays
their attraction to men is not real, it is just to assert their feminine identity.
No. 30699
>>30697agps are just autistic straight men
gay trannies are HSTS
No. 30706
>>30705the term is autoandrophilia. although i havent looked too much into butches and aap, id be a bit surprised if most were aaps. since with agps they normally know they are attracted to women before transition, and autosexuality is about an inversion of the erotic target you already have.
>>30697it seems to be something innate and correlated with autism. anne lawrence (self identified agp transwoman) has a good book on it, agps tend to discover their fetish around puberty and theres some evidence it runs in families.
No. 30711
>>30707interesting. where has this been written about? I'm pretty interested in fetish formation. Bailey and Blanchard both say they think, for men at least, they are born with their sexuality because of prenatal hormones/genetic factors. weird fetishes that dont seem like they could be evolved complicate this. how do so many men get into inflation? i brought this up to one of my friends and she said given how inflation is so rare in mainstream sexual conditioning, but surprising common for fetishes would mean to her that theres some sort of evolved tendency, maybe erroring but that somehow theres a propensity in the brain. i was thinking the exact opposite.
>>30708another day another blackpill…
ive also seen rod fleming say femmes are autogynephilic in a way but its hard for me to believe anything that pederast says.
No. 30717
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Ratfems nigelhavers
No. 30720
>>30719>>30718We all know moids dont love women, they are looking for one that is most fittable for sexual and cleaning service. Are you upset when women do the same?
>feel anything other than visceral, uncontrollable obsession for the person you love that can’t be swayed then yeah, leave himthis mentality will get you nowhere, its how 14 ear olds imagine romance.
No. 30721
File: 1722796995777.png (198.64 KB, 1723x832, Screenshot 2024-08-04 134410.p…) between high-functioning autists' and healthy people's sexuality
male autists have a harder time socially adapting than female autists. they are more hypersexual than the females and admitted more paraphilias than normal men. also more of the high-functioning autists reported being gay.
>Underscoring this assumption, we found that hypersexual behaviors were more frequently reported for ASD individuals than HCs; however, these differences were mainly driven by the male ASD patients, and no differences between the female groups were observed.they think that asd men are more hypersexual and fetishistic because they have more trouble finding partners due to their poor social skills, so they act out sexually in more novel ways. is it socialization that makes it easier for female autists to adjust? i still think it's a biological difference. testosterone negates prosocial behavior (which is submissive- the definition of submissive is conforming to the will of others). the results of studies showing this couldn't be neuroplasticity from the environment/socialization since there was a difference seen in both women and men after being given the hormone. men have 20 times more testosterone than women.
No. 30724
>>30721I have a hard time adjusting as a female, but some autistic women are just straight up stacies like a different species from me. mentally. This one which I stalk is a stacy mentally and physically that type too, very feminine, it's so weird to me.
This is me also:
>>30709 and I just wanna add that my attraction sometimes feels like "I wanna be him" so I was only attracted to males I see myself in it would like to be and they had some femininity, anytime I used to listen to music since i was at least 10, i liked to self insert if it was a male musican, but if I self insert into femske it gets too soft and it touches on my heterosexuallity, then it makes me neurotic and frustrated and gives me internal conflict. In hetero attraction to be desirable you have to be the feminine energy in sex dynamic. I can't align with that mentally and I rather have this outside of me instead of being it and living from this pov. Think of the most Stacy like women possible, with all these soft hyper feminine features, mental and physical… I can't become that mentally. This leaves me with jealousy and internal conflict, jealousy of moids more than these women, and conflict due to my heterosexuallity… Since I am attracted to males then subconsciously your heterosexuality sees them as your other half however I can't become what the embodiment of masculinity aka male sex who's hetero wants. Not that I even wanna be that… So see it's all weird. Sometimes I like to watch music videos to self insert and explore… And I get all those deep feelings. I my brain might be attracted to male female dynamic, but I am not sure if it's to being a man or a woman in it because… You know my opinions on het sex and womanhood…so i think maybe the masculine role because i amnto fullfiled by feminine one. Feminine to the core cause of my anatomy. I see male position in het sex as consciousness while femake as letting go of consciousness. I see to be on the consciousness side it's like I'm in the same room mentally as the man while I shouldn't be. I can see him in a conscious, but I shouldn't have.
It's so trippy to imagine make pov tho… Like romantically..
I would like to add that hetero attraction without any specific person you're attracted to is basically based on physical sexual anatomy and the dynamic between male and female sex anatomy. I wonder if my attraction and interest in masculinity outside of me might me me wanting to be them , I get jealous sometimes of their pov and as the conversation from yesterday here said: the vagina is like a "void" energy so from male pov women are giving this this energy, sexually it's the "pull" energy. Imagine life from male pov where half of the population is opposite sex and the sex is female instead of your being the female. Womanliness also seems more primal that adds a certain energy to the vibe of women from male pov too.
I feel like I have the more male braindead autism… It's weird, but real. Normies would diagnose me as a schizoid
No. 30725
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>>30721this horrifies me. almost 30% of male autists are pedos.
No. 30731
I'm thinking about this again cause the idea of nerve endings INSIDE your body being stimulated through penetrative stimulation and you feeling it psychologically and all that even afterwards is kinda insane…
I can have vaginal spasms or the so called orgasms, but I don't see those orgasms as real ones neither they are fullfiling unless you are fullfiled by femininity. Im talking about it again because it's a reality we experience through our physical sexual anatomy which cant change and no matter what's your mental gender expressions, you feel libido through your physical sex anatomy.
All women can is get fucked, it's a burden to have to get fucked, what's the point of this stimulation, it's like getting obliterated. It has no good finish, it stimulates your insides that are more sensitive than moids penis skin probably besides some parts, then to leaves you feeling it all INSIDE of you probably even permanently, women report feeling spasms inside the vaginal hours after, but they didn't even cum or ejaculate like men do. Wheres the finish? In the context of love female anatomy sexually only allows you to experience love through serving or femininity so that's probably why it's all so sickening to me and unfulfilling, the sensations are tiiiring even the sensations of having a vagina and vaginal cavity and experiencing arousal in it.
. Sometimes penetration even damages the blood vessels and makes women bleed . Sometimes penetrative stimulation makes the clit head go numb during it. Those two points are indeed a mental conflict. Getting fucked and fucked for a bunch of spasms or the so called VagINal oRGAsm that is not fullfiling it's like you being opened, it's deep inside your body as well.. I can even feel the vaginal spasms from arousal anytime I decide even now can caude a bunch of them like wow and now what. It's rather irritating. Like I said to me female sex anatomy is the worst physical sexuality to have… Even when you experience physical arousal then how you can stimulate it? Getting something fucked INSIDE OF YOU? SPREADING yourself endlessly over and over again, in women it's all not even centered in one point, getting fucked and fucked probabt also makes them go numb a little like Jesus christ.
Stimulation of nerve endings on genitals or in is what humans call love, but ..
No. 30735
>>30731I'm talking so much but I want clarity and accuracy on the reality I am experiencing esp since the reality bothers me or makes me feel imprisoned.
I think women are neurotic because there's no limit to the submission women's sexual anatomy is made for, it's just full surrender, so if you don't then you can't let go,
Our sex anatomy fucks is over psychology, since it literally requires surrender for a sexual release idk and brain is connected to the body and sexual energy and always feels it. Idk how exactly it happens that through rape kinks aka pretending to get forced women surrender and achieve desired state where they get pleasure through surrender/letting go physically but without pretending to get forced they couldn't achieve that.. how the fuck it happens
No. 30737
>>30735The state of giving up/letting go physically is what they see because of their sex anatomy receiving pleaut this way
Do women's desires for it or penetrative stimulation, separate them mentally from each other based on their personal pursuits and then they socialize the way women socialize everywhere you can see like their intimate emotions are for men, they compete etc.
No. 30758
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my autogynephobia is getting insane day by day. im being treated but still this process of seeing psychiatrists and taking medication takes a long time and i feel like i can’t wait. im running out of time. i like to read and research about my condition. i feel so repulsed that it gives me emotional pain. i hated being a HOLE. i told my psychiatrist that i wanted to remove my genitalia (external and internal) and then have it all sewn up. i don’t think my shame around being female stems from being immersed in deeply misogynistic environments for several years. its probably my OCD. i feel like im on autopilot, i don't relate to women anymore but i don't relate to men either. i don't care about self-hatred, a woman with self-hatred is based in my opinion.
"but you will still have XX chromosomes" i don't care about chromosomes shit, at least i will no longer have what connects me to women (vagina, uterus and cervix) it will be like becoming a female eunuch kek.
No. 30764
>>30758ive struggled with ocd too, although not about this. have you ever even tried to seriously get over your ocd?
>>30760ive heard of nbs getting nullification surgery, as long as she tells the right story i dont think its impossible.
No. 30765
File: 1722884321767.jpeg (954.09 KB, 1242x1963, F6C69902-42D9-46A8-A93F-E66CB5…) are just one of many animals. Female suffering is not unique to humans. There are many animals with female dominance or even just equality but we are one of unlucky ones. Male degeneracy stems from their retarded biology of only caring about their dicks. It is both socialization and biology. I don’t think that something being biology or happening to animals means “that’s the way it should be” or makes it “ok” and I don’t think that women are “naturally submissive” either. Female animals will literally evolve defense mechanisms against rape but the males will still choose to be violent. It’s never natural. Male waterfowl evolved a phallus just to rape female waterfowl. Phalluses are truly rapesticks. Sexual dimorphism in animals has been known to be affected by sexual coercion/rape so it’s not a big leap to say that’s also the case with women. Both of these means that human biology leaves women extremely vulnerable. Male animals will use complex manipulation tactics to try to force female animals into submission. Men will use complex manipulation tactics to try to force women into submission.
No. 30768
>>30765Female submission is natural. Female anatomy is not a "
victim" created by a male. Human female anatomy is the way it's supposed to be naturally, because it can't be different.
No. 30779
>>30771Human females are not insects or fishes or shit like that. Human female sexual anatomy is the way it is, because human female sexual anatomy can't be different. So a woman is this anatomy, there's no
victim woman within in it, she's the female human body. And the submission is created by physical sexual anatomy not other causes.
No. 30780
>>30770This is why female sexual anatomy is inherently servile in sex, but where is that
victim within it all? Who's that "
victim" being(like an entity) within the woman body? Is she not her sex anatomy?
That's all just human reality. There's no conspiracy like: men created human women with their rape force's will therefore women are
victims That "
victim" is just what a physical woman wants to be and it's a natural part of this reality.
No. 30781
>>30780You are (presumably) a woman. Do you want to be a
No. 30783
>>30780>men created human women with their rape force's will therefore women are victims as in negative selection, with it being way easier to breed (genetic spread) if the woman is more submissive/
makes perfect sense, but wouldn't that also lead to weakening the male somewhat, if i understand that correctly?
No. 30784
>>30780By your logic things like rape could not be considered a crime, since there are
victims and women will naturally submit to men. Be careful anon, every statement will have logical conclusions and consequences.
No. 30787
I want to understand the reality I am experiencing (sex) which I am experiencing with my whole being, consciousness etc. when someone denies and gaslights me about it I KNOW. And since the reality is distressing to me and since I have to experience it deeply, because I embody it then being GASLIGHT distresses me even more
The reason why I'm triggered is because female body is inherently submissive and servile in sex, because of the physical sexual anatomy which kater on influences the human psychology and creates it even.
Sex is 1000x better for men, if it wasn't they would see women as useless, women can't cum / ejaculate in sex aka the so called "mutual" activity and mutual ≠ equal. So since they can't then they psychologically seek and get off on male orgasm which means their psychological state is inherently feminine and servile in sex and that the reality and position they experience in it which is their female sexual anatomy. Men can have a nice intimate finish, because the vagina gets them off and it's all much closer etc. the female sex orgasms can't have an orgasm or sex pleasure that's not feminine.
Male is more like a penetratiove energy going out of their body, while for a woman it's going into their body and a woman body by itself is designed as a receiver of the penetrative energy while male as the opposite. Why is that sex makes men so high, if it's just a stimulation of your genitals you piss with? This must be because they embody masculinity and power so human body must be an embodiment of the metaphysical reality/feminine masculine duality
In other species it's different, because they don't have the capability for higher awareness as humans have. Human form is the ultimate physical form.
Het sex that's called consensual resembles rape and the woman still seeks something that resembles rape because she obviously seeks to surrender to the penetrative energy, she wants to to desire and penetarte her. Female physical sexuality so self violative, submissive and servile. The sexual dimorphism is a desire of both sexes. My dissatisfaction with female stimulation in sex leaves me jealous of male stimulation, which makes sense.
I don't know how to stop being triggered by the sexual dimorphism and men and women being two extremes which makes the sexual dynamic between them extremely shocking men are like the highest and women the lowest point in sex
For expl the oral sex on a man is a symbol of the sadomasochism and inherent inequality in sex, the power -vulnerability dynamic is completely exposed here, both sexes positions in sex and biological masculinity or femininity are exposed.
So based on that my theory is that womanhood is so fucked up because of natural causes, because of this dynamic. If it wasn't the way I described then none of the bullshit would get convinced in the human reality because women's subordinate sexual role wouldn't be inherent.
I don't understand how women who have sex not get jealous of the man that's fucking them and instead are okay with experiencing deep submission and accept to ask submit to receiving dick with their whole being like for expl the doggy style position where the root of someone's body is being penetarted (and it makes the dick cum while a woman can't finish and female orgasms are feminine ) and the person spreads their bottom while their back is turned to the man so its someone fucking them from behind and getting inside of their genitals in and out while the woman's submission makes the man high and this position embodies the natural power-femininity sexual polarity the most and the female body by itself already looks submissive so in this position the submission is extreme he doesn't even have to think of rape if she provides it by herself. It's like a person fully giving themselves to you and that's what a male body desires sexually due to their sex anatomy.
This is the deepest submission a being can experience besides being an animal being eaten by other animal alive, but women don't die after sex because their body is that submission inherently already. I can't believe how severe the power dynamic is between sexes. It triggers me constantly, because it's so overwhelming I can't believe it's… Like two extreme points coming together. Nothing in between. Just two extremes that naturally are like this. The size of a penis in comparison to woman mouth or face is also insane. It's like everything suggests that female body is servile servile.
This is why physical female sexuality is nothing but a burden. I don't understand how someone can have a peace of mind while engaging in it… And just submit to male during those "fucked on all fours acts" and don't have enough digitinity to just get jealous of what the man experiences while you are there submitting this deeply with your whole psychology and body. Something getting inside of you through your genitals vs through other parts of your body and skin is compromised different too.
How can humans even wanna talk about the topic of heterosexuality etc. Male female dynamic and womamh without acknowledging what the fucking is and what it means to get fucked.
Anyway the difference between male and female is so extreme in my mind!!! The dominance and power in male form is overwhelming, the extreme natural female sexual submission as well like it's.. a real submission, it takes two to have sex so you submit to someone else.
Women are fucked like an animals on all fours and arch their backs like bitches in heat, spread their legs etc. burden… Just straight up a burdening PHYSICAL sexuality.
Like here:
Its a structure of the material reality enslaving the mental identities in it's material rules and even influencing human psychology, it's the reality (material) happening to you(mental you)
I wanna understand mental me in relation with physical structure of reality, on relation with others, other women, male female dynamic etc.
The way sex anatomy expands into the psychological realm and creates attachements to things and our physical identity. Etc.
I can't stand being GASLIGHT about the reality I EXPERIENCE anymore if I feel what this reality is authentically 24/7 through embodying it.
No. 30789
>>30783Why are you ratfems obsessed with the mentality that women are
victims, there's some weird psychology behind it. Women are their sexual anatomy and it's the anatomy that's creates their behaviors. And
a woman is a female body, there's no
victim created by a man
No. 30790
>>30784Female body is naturally submissive
and servile in sex. Cope
No. 30791
>>30785it is actually fulfilling for them to do so, which i can't hate them for.
No. 30797
>>30787>Human form is the ultimate physical form. lolwut
>For expl the oral sex on a man is a symbol of the sadomasochism and inherent inequality in sex, the power -vulnerability dynamic is completely exposed here,the dick/balls can be bitten off and munched relatively easily, same with oral sex on a woman (replace dick/balls with clitoris/labia), for someone focusing on material reality so much it's a bit weird to ignore that fact. there's a reason why "being hit in the balls" is such a big deal for males even if they're implied to be covered by clothing.
No. 30813
>>30810Are you retarded? No other animal can have the level of consciousness a human can have. go fuck yourself retarded nitpicking troll, that's not what we are talking about here.
Any denialist is a fucking trolls putting me through mental tortures my whole life while I clearly say the REAL REALITY is distressing to me so I wanna be transparent about what it really is
No. 30830
Gaslighter who gaslight about sex and the reality we experience are SCUM
No. 30832
>>30819not sure if anyone here pretended that sucking males off is somehow femdom or even femdom-adjacent, that kind of reddit-tier opinion is looked upon in the femdom threads universally, but i still can't understand how blowjobs are more humiliating for the female than piv sex which is quite literally life-threatening (pregnancy complications, vaginal tears, etc)
>>30820it is, but i can't quite grasp her point about bj in particular. maybe i really am retarded kek
No. 30834
>>30832They are power -vulnerability dynamic more than piv and more sadomasochistic stop being a denialist
You know what my point was about.
It's a symbol of the inherent sexual inequality between sexes and of sadomasochism, power vulnerability dynamic that's higher than in most piv positions.
It's a woman servicing a man with her mouth, it automatically indices surrender through the deep submission or even humiliation and servilness
No. 30848
>>30843You are retarded as fuck it's mind blowing. Men and women are not equal and this act symbolizes what the male female dynamic is
And how het sex will always be unequal because there's no equivalent of it a man can give a woman plus it's more sadomasochistic than piv and women don't have a dick and women suck dick in billions while faggots are not this common and women a re worse than faggot in the cocksucking realm
No. 30849
>>30847Everyone can come online and pretend that their imagination is a fact and gaslight others about the reality they experience but it doesn't mean you're right.
Being penetarted is a receptive feminine and servile role that's about surrendering and female body is made for it plus women get fucked on all fours. The submission is inherent bc of physical anatomy. Women embody femininity sexually
No. 30866
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Did everyone play the new update?
No. 30880
>>30875But I'm not sure if it's the one who said she gets face fucked
Or maybe it is, the Nigelfag was acting braindead but then snarky like a whore like she had the typical Nigelfag brain starter pack
No. 30894
>>30891Facts are not extremist you
abusive pig
No. 30902
>>30889But gaslighting is not vile?
Moralfagging with your performative
morals to hijack arguments and punish others either?
No. 30907
>>30904Still doesn't change the fact that you gaslight me like fucking vile count
And the word fantasizing is tyrannical of you to się and try to persecute me. Women are disgusting
abusive tyrnags that torture me mentally then you all surprised when I snap and teenage whores are disgusting cocksuckers. It's not my fantasy.
No. 30911
>>30909Teenagers are not little girls
And you all gaslight me about the reality I experience and tell me it's not what I said it is objectively. Suddenly you have a brain
(posting 5 times in a row to sperg about teenagers sucking dick, schizo) No. 30915
>>30911Like holy shit YOU ALL are so
abusive with the manipulative responses it's like a psychological terroism because I'm actually getting invalidated and gaslight
Ab distressing shit which is the structure of physical reality it's like making someone feel like a lunatic for talking about real experiences.
No. 30917
>>30913I didn't say they are grown women but they aren't small girls either
18 19 suck dick like pigs too and younger act like a vulgar cunts all over social media
No. 30919
>>30912You are laying about me being a pedo and fantasizing in the way you paint it as
abusive whore
No. 30921
>>30920I didn't even fantasize about teenage females being abused you
abusive vile monster
No. 30923
>>30921clearly you have them on your mind a lot, psycho. you’re calling actual women
abusive when you’re the one who can’t stop talking about teenage girls being “dick sucking pigs”. you sound like you need to be institutionalized against your will.
No. 30925
>>30923You are
abusive right now
No. 30928
>>30926Nobody said anything about sexual
abusive but teenager cocksuckers who have sex with males
No. 30931
>>30926You all make me question my sanity and gaslight me on daily basis and make me want to kill myself every single day leaving me in distress here. I'm the
victim here. You came here with your copium and jumped at every occasion to ridicule me
No. 30934
>>30929They still suck dicks idgaf
You are being inauthentic and ridiculing me. I'm not dumb I can analyze the situation
No. 30935
>>30931if you feel like a
victim here why do you keep coming back. crying that you’re a
victim doesn’t make anyone want to hear about your weird teenage girl sex fanfic
No. 30943
How are 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 kids?
No. 30947
>>30942Doesn't change the fact that you all are
abusive cunts incapable of normal exchange without getting off track you don't even acknowledge the truth and facts in your response or validate my accurate awareness of the reality we experience
No. 30951
>>30946Leave me alone piece of shit
>>30945I can't even begin to describe how
abusive and gaslighty your response is
No. 30954
>>30951Second ayrt
>youryou need to remember that there’s a series of anons telling you to get professional help. including speech therapy
No. 30955
>>30950You are gaslighting me about the exchanges that happened here that deny facts about reality and that ridicule and torment me endlessly
You are literally factually gaslighting me rn Abt what happens in This thread
No. 30957
>>30954I meant your response and your psychoanalysis is actually
abusive as fuck and has nothing to do with my points I stated million times ITT which I was gaslight ab
No. 30966
>>30961You are all
abusive is cause me severe mental distress on daily basis until I spend hours in terror and mental confusion and trying to not be suicidal
No. 30974
This is why I called you all fakeminists a million times in those threads and said you're morals are performative and you use them to punish other women. Yet I get called a lunatic and gaslight about distressing shit. If I experience what I'm talking ab deeply bc I embody it and it's also distressing to me then being GASLIGHT ab this reality is worse than hell and more invalidating than anything else plus the gaslighting is intentional. You all keep playing mind games and know it but the say you don't and then tell me I use the word gaslighting wrong when I call you out for retarded manipulative responses
No. 30977
>>30974Supposedly calling someone a lunatic for stating facts is not
abusive!! Supposedly calling you out for your bullshit and then you talking ab shit I said and taking attention off of what you said is not vile!!! Doing it over and over again is not frustrating at all!!! Treating someone like a lunatic while that someone is fucking seriously talking about reality is not manipulative at all!!
No. 30980
>>30975It's not about opinions you
abusive obtuse on purpose fuck. It's about facts about something as serious as sex etc.
No. 30987
>>30984Denying facts about the reality we are experiencing is
abusive gaslighting that's intentional
No. 30988
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No. 30991
>>30982You all are incapable of acknowledging what you did and keep talking about me instead like an
abusive fucks who manipulate
No. 30997
>>30992The moralfagging feminists acting
abusive and being the same ones who said they get face fucked to sexually harras me.
No. 31004
>>30996Now you're gaslighting me again. You don't see your own manipulation?
Nobody sees the abusiveness of the women who gaslight me and the lies they spit?
I litery posted a million times in those threads talking about female performative morals and how they use them to punish other women just to experience this. It hurts plus
always my whole life having to be seen as a luantic for wanting to talk about reality that's as important and serious as sex which is what we embody etc
I keep talking and talking and pretending everything then I predict shit and everyone gaslights me about it anyway an
No. 31006
>>31003but she’s not stating any facts or proving any point. it sounds like she’s just angry with teenage
victims of sexual assault and wants to scream about getting gaslit
No. 31012
>>31007…who said anything like that? like seriously. do teenage girls have sex? they do, they're not innocent
victims when they engage in consensual sex with boys who are the same age. so why are your panties in a bunch when someone acknowledges this in a way that doesn't mince words? that doesn't make her sexually attracted to children. you are moronic.
No. 31018
>>31006I was gaslight to the point for spending at least a year in distress and anger and mental confusion regularly at stupid cunts because I'm mentally vulnerable and get invested because it's serious topic for me bc I wanna understand the reality I experience and my distress and even harrased by an actual female pedophile here who also exposed me to pedo content on twitter year ago then she kept coming at me here and everyone was ganging up on me, but the actual gaslight Abt something as serious as sex is fuckin WILD
and before that I was gaslight by people too. You all act like you don't perceive your own manipulations you do and lies
No. 31019
>>31009You: hate women and call them the worst possible names
Also you: I am a
victim of women
Go to hell you spinster loser
(infighting) No. 31021
>>31019you are SO
TRIGGERED over being called a dicksucker that you spend days itt just obsessing over bp anon. reevaluate
No. 31022
>>31013Ridiculing someone for talking ab reality is
abusive no matter if both sides said weird shit
No. 31032
>>31029>>31029>>31029She even said to pedo that she is attracted to men
So those are
abusive handmaidens
No. 31067
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>>31062i just scrolled past this on reddit. yeap, you're right noni, all at the expense of their own gender. self-aware, too, you couldn't "she's a
victim" out of this even if you tried
No. 31068
>>31063Even if my distress makes no logical sense to you cause it's unnatural for a woman to not be feminine, not like womanood and not be a cocksucker, it's still real regardless even at this certain sexual act my terror is fucking real and sometimes won't let my function and I wanted people to confront me about this part of reality and I want to talk about what reality I am experiencing through embodying human biology is, you all MORALFAG while you sexually harrased me before and started calling me a pedo because one of YOU made a pedo joke. This is called manipulation and it keeps happening over and over again and it not dumb and I can fucking set it cause unlike you all I have no problem with analyzing the reality for what it is. The reality everyone here gaslights me about while I have to experience ir deeply through my own biology and this reality is distressing to me then I go online and get invalidated and treated like a lunatic and have to suffer from extreme mental confusion. I said a million times that women's feminism is fake, because they are
abusive as fuck and use morals to punish others, and you all keep proving my point and million of my other blatantly ignored but true points that keep coming true. Getting gaslighted about something as serious as sex which contains all the female submission and shit like that is fucking psychologically terrorizing. It's like you're telling me that what everyone can see with their brain and eyes is not real then insult me for saying it is and keep coming at me making me feel like I said something wrong while I didn't. My words being put together in a wrong way makes you all constantly gang up on me too, even of my points are fucking obvious. You won't even give me honest andwrsy about why you all hate me and let me have a fucking peace. Constantly doing shit to me, the pretending you didn't and keep pointing at me is also gaslighting. It then becomes my job to bring clarity and analyze the situation and become defensive, because if someone doesn't try to say the truth or tried to change the vibe, then you braindead dick sucking swines have your minds completely stuck.
No. 31075
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No. 31078
>>31077I don't think it's simply a matter of penetration since all males are bisexual (they can be memed into anything sex related really). I think they are somewhat aware of their lack of humanity. Males have the emotional capacity and moral backbones of the average shitbeast. Males who are open to admitting their anger towards women who fuck also have a seething hatred for women who don't. They see all females, no matter their age or virginity status, as "dirty" because they (males) are attracted to them. Subconsciously, the male knows that he is simply sentient and that women are sapient. They are jealous, and this jealous leads an insecurity. A male experiencing attraction to a woman (or a man, or a child let's be real) will always put the blame (the dirtiness) on the object of desire. They seem to displace blame. Males are incapable of love, or sincere attraction based on affection and emotional capability. They are only capable of base lust (as seen in animals) and sadism. They know that what they are capable of feeling is inherently lesser to what women are capable of ie love. It causes them to be so insecure. See the reaction to women who express a desire for love, support, and emotional connection. Males admit all the time that what matters to them to is have a bangmaid, not any of the romantic shit women fantasize about.
And tbh males like picrel who seek to exclude fags from this conversation do so our of fear. The fag represents the males secret desires: to be dominated. Males measure everything in matters of sex. Their brains are incapable of complex thought and emotions. They can only recognize if it makes their peepee hard or not. Any man would fuck a fag (or get fucked in return) simply because it makes their dick hard. Everyday males are memeing themselves into trannydom because they love buttsex. All you have to do is give them a prostate orgasm (something all males are capable of) and suddenly they are the faggiest fag to ever fag. Males try to shun these desires of theirs because they fear their own faggotry. To the male, being a woman is to be penetrated, debased, and abused (because doing such things to women make their dick hard and what their peepee says = truth), but since males do not love they can only lust and fetishize. They lust after women and fetishize our existence and experiences, they are angry that they cannot experience womanhood because it's their ultimate fetish. Fags are the closest they can get. They are subconsciously angry that fags "get to experience womanhood (buttsex) and so they react in anger and fear. The male is of course unable to exam these feelings.
No. 31084
>>31075When those retarded conversations will end in ratfem kind of spaces including here, because it only being braindead copium. If you are capable of analyzing the reality correctly then you will realize that people have these attitudes, because they subconsciously know that the female position in sex is naturally feminine and servile. Get the fucking clues. This is also the reason why men "dOnT lOVe WoMen!! Weee wee", because of both sexes biology, a woman can't get loved in sex like a man. Once I saw women say on a female pessimist space " men don't love us AS WE LOVE THEM"
get the clues about why things are the way they are and all those memes or "stereotypes "(or maybe not) are created. It's all real human behaviors, it comes from their biology. Subconsciously everyone knows sex benefits men more, that's because female role in it is feminine vulnerable servile etc. Lol.
The "men are inferior" is the most humiliating cope, because you all love them and suck them off in front of my eyes, so now w
here comes my question:
Hoe can a woman who's sucking off a man still be living a reality where men are inferior and women powerful gods, I demand explanation on how sex fits into this mentality since in sex female body is inherently submissive and about being the "love" (which is why you all have the low IQ superiority inferiority conversations, more SERVILE forgiving and feminine etc = superior to you all, because love is forgiving etc.) for a man
No. 31085
>>31083NTA, but I genuinely want more transparency esp about sex, because unfortunately I see the deception and the circles they make mentally around the facts instead of coming straight to them and what women are in sex which is what I o wanna talk about. I would like to know why female position in sex is always so lied about but then they say "women are superior because they love men" yeah because of their biology being a servant in sex who unconditionally loves men… The love is seen as superior to the other half that's still part of nature…
So women are superior, because they serve and are whores confidently and don't get shamed of giving moods blowjobs throughout their whole existence?
No. 31086
>>31085>>31085Don't get ashamed*
Basically the superiority they see in women is the servilenes and love for men, which is what women sexually are, but they never admit it. It all circles back to female biological femininity and nurturing submissive sex position and sexuality like motherhood, it's feminine etc. Selfless etc.
Egolessness is seen as superior by them, but … They never validate my awareness of female position in sex.
Now let's think of a picture of sex as the reality we are discussing right now. What do you see in it, physically and psychologically?
How is a woman superior while blowing men aka… Servicing unconditionally…
It proves all my points
No. 31088
>>31080My observations of reality duh. All this talk about how women are servile victems and feminine cocksuckers by bjchan, but nobody likes to look at the real problem: males. Males are obsessed with sexual pleasure, it's their driving force. Anything that makes their dick hard they will excuse (rape, beastiality, and pedophilia). These activities are common among male animals as well. Even though women are always trying to be "moral" and campaign to outlaw and such things, males will never stop acting on their desires. It's odd how males (and bjchan) define femaleness on how hetero sex happens and the abuse males like to put women through. By ignoring fags and trannies, males (and bjchan) attempt to paint a picture of males as the superior sex simply for their ability to rape and penetrate. Males (and bjchan) obsess over the rape and degradation of women, but never stop and think about why males are so incapable of simply not being a sadist. Sure is interesting how males (and bjchan) love to imagine women that they do not know having sex that they are not having in an attempt to force a "gotcha" moment in a conversation about the males inability to be a person. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can change how sexual reproduction works, yet still with all of societies laws and decorum males (and bjchan) seek to position women perpetual (willing)
victims of sexual violence. To be a male (and bjchan) is to be incapable of complex thought or emotions. Simply driven by the desire to rape and be raped, seeking to punish (and see the punishment) of girls for the sin of being born with a vagina. Males (and bjchan) seek to ignore the fags and trannies because they open up many holes in the arguments of males (and bjchan). Afterall, males lack a concrete sexuality. Anything that makes their dick hard is fair game. The male obsession with anal is compounded with their hidden gspot. They hide it in fear of the repercussions. They know that they "will become like a woman" if they indulge in it. Since males (and bjchan) define femaleness as to be fucked on all fours it scares them. "If I let Chad pound my ass does that make me gay (a woman)?" "Surely if I pound Chad's ass I'm not gay (a woman) right?" By refusing to acknowledge that the male is entirely capable of being penetrated, males (and bjchan) and continue to stuff their ears with wax and continue to fantasize about their perfect world of complete female sexual submission. It seems to me that males (and bjchan) are obsessed with the "woman's role" in heterosexual sex. It excites them and disgusts them at the same time. Really interesting stuff if I do say so myself.
No. 31096
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>>31088are you the one who was denying that women get fucked on all fours so i pulled up with this and you gaslighted me and said that it's two gay men?
You're points are not validated if you dont acknowledge facts. Either me honest about what reality is while speaking your things or stop gas lighting me.
No. 31103
>>31091Male and female exist in relation to one another. It's not one or another. The womb is internal so the penis must go in. The penis is external because the womb is internal. Heterosexual sex in its barest form is penis goes in, ejaculates, and comes out. That's basically all male/female sex in the majority of male/female species. Yet the male is driven by lust and sadism so it will always be uneven for man and woman to fuck. I will admit if I was a male-loving woman I'd probably go insane too bjchan. It must really suck. I'll tell you what, I do agree that sometimes I think that it's pathetic for women to cling to males. I don't believe males are capable of providing what females desire, I also think that male-loving women are kind of retarded. Typical male-loving women act as if braindead. Sometimes they act as if all females are out to steal their man, or that their reason for living is to get a dick wet,or that their state of being a male-loving woman means they are meant to be a barefoot-in-kitchen mommydaughter bangmaid. Sometimes male-loving women know that males are utterly incapable of what they desire (to be loved and protected) so they act out against women as a whole instead of However, there have always been women who don't follow biology's call or whatever it is you say. To be honest, it's actually quite easy not to be "submissive" . It's easy not have sex with males. It's so easy you don't have to do anything! There have always been women-loving women and celibate women. If you live in a civilized society it's super easy to go your whole life without so much as kissing a male. If some poor woman seems to fuck a man under the belief she's in a "relationship" there is really nothing you can do about it. Obsessing over your own "submissivenes" simply because you have a vagina is about as pathetic as imagining all the women around you on all fours sucking cock. Unless you sew up all holes in your body and move into a cave you will always be "at risk" for acting on your "biological femininity" so to speak. You seem to think it's an inevitably. It is not.
>>31092While sex selective abortions targeting xy fetuses should be the norm everywhere they unfortunately are not. I also know how babies are made it's not a mystery or anything.
>>31093Tbh you don't have to use a strap on. With the power of any vaguely cylindrical item you to can penetrate a male.
>>31096Cranky because they didn't have plus mattresses back then for prehistoric het bitches to lie back on?
>>31098Males fetishize women. It's not jealously in the sense of "of I wish I had that car" but jealousy in the sense of "I can never experience this type of sex and that makes me angry".
What should I (or any woman) say in the face of sexual reproduction? By abstaining from heterosexual sex I am not acting "submissive" or is simply existing with a vagina dooming me to be eternal biologically feminine (submissive). Should women kill ourselves to avoid such a fate? Should we practice celibacy and female separatism? It's hard to keep up with the ever growing threads so forgive me for asking, are female homosexuals real in your opinion or a cope? You say that women cannot hate males. Do you hate them? Or is it a strange envy? Do you envy their ability to penetrate? Is heterosexual sex acts how you measured worth? I will admit that the heterosexual female seems to exist in a perpetual states of hopelessness in regards to their love and family lives. Ideally how could the heterosexual woman survive with her dignity in tact? Obviously by avoiding the male. But what about women who obsessive over "their role" both the positives and negatives?
No. 31104
Men who perceive their relationship more negatively are less likely to give oral sex to their female partner than other men, but women’s perceptions of relationship strain are not related to their chances of giving oral sex to their male partner. Because men have more power in a relationship, they are more capable to be spontaneous about giving oral sex and they can dictate less oral sex if their feelings about the relationship are negative (Gagnon & Simon, 2005). It may be that a woman’s act of giving oral sex to their male partner reflects their inability to turn down an oral sex request from their male partner even when they feel negative about the relationship because their lower power position does not allow them to carry out their own will (Gagnon & Simon, 2005). Another possibility is that women might provide oral sex when strain is high to improve the relationship while men may use other strategies. It is also likely that women may consider receiving oral sex more important to men, particularly those who cannot have intercourse any longer, and might be therefore willing to provide it even when they are annoyed with their partner (Waite & Das, 2010). In contrast, men may think receiving oral sex is not particularly important to women (Lewis & Marston, 2016), and therefore they would have no motivation to provide it when things were not going well with their partner
No. 31108
>>31106They are entitled, because they can, because of the second reason you written
. Btw studies about sex are so retarded. We don't have to read them to find out what sex and sex lives are plus they don't acknowledge the difference in psychology of male vs female role cause that's controversial ans how oral sex only serves men and on female it's not as good as on male and basically dick sucking is the symbol of inehrent inequality between sexes and female servile role in het even goes inside mouth and women have to shake their head up and down fast with dick in their mouth and do a JOB
No. 31123
i think women with self-hate are based asf, anyone who says otherwise is a failed normie. i don't know why women are so afraid of being seen as "unnatural" men are less neurotic about it. emasculated men face society without fear, while "masculine" women are cowards. my mental health is getting worse every day, im not afraid of anything in this life other than growing old and dying as a woman. its so ironic, because even if i lose i consider myself a winner bc im going against evolution and the tricks of nature. our material body is a karmic prison, but there's nothing nobler than going against nature.
>>31108sex studies are not retarded bp chan, there is serious science studying human behavior, not every study about human sexual behavior is psychoanalysis..
No. 31131
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>>31130Haha shut the fuck up, why haven't you gotten banned yet? Unlimited accents to VPNs? You're a farmhand yourself? Farmhands either pity you or they think your outbursts are hilarious?
No. 31133
>>31123being dysphoric is like living a living hell. when assessed objectively and logically transition is a stupid decision:
- substantially increased hatecrime risk
- far smaller employment prospects
- significantly reduced friendship/dating options
-lifelong medical patient
- general societal respect non-existent esp. if unpassing
- familial rejection
-high risk of corrective rape
those are all consequences that come as a result of being trans in practicality.
even being a lesbian is giving me dysphoria because it is a typically feminine experience. im physically feminine, i attract both men and women. living as a lesbian is knowing that women desire me bc of my femaleness… even if i don't have relations with men, i still attract women who are sexually interested in my body, in my female genitalia.
also straight trans"men" are the most tragically hilarious females out there, even an ugly fat dyke can pull lesbian tail but as an freak manlet? they have no idea how bad things can be. hilarious.
No. 31135
>>31132You're too idiotic and stubborn for me to even consider debating with you. Your only hope for a normal life is a lobotomy. Perhaps the points you raise are correct, but they're written in such a repetitive way that they're simply incomprehensible. Work on your delivery once you take antipsychotics.
I'm not
>>31088 by the way. I'd like to propose the only situation in which I fathom men and women would finally be considered equal; if we as humans override our “nature” completely. That seems to be the next step in science, considering the development of genetic engineering. Humans want to separate themselves from animals even further, and the only way to completely get rid of our limitations and biases is through gaining complete control over our brain. Men act in such a repulsive way due to a mixture of both nature and nurture, but I'd argue that since nurture at some point can
become nature, due to the brain’s neuroplasticity. Also Evolution doesn't "choose" anything. It's literally about "survival" of the fittest. Each generation features a slight mutation of genes. Those that survive long enough to breed pass on those genes to the next generation. Those that don't survive to breed don't pass on their genes. If a slight mutation makes it more likely for an animal or plant to survive and breed then more of those with that mutation will survive and breed until that mutation becomes common within that species. But its a process that takes thousands of generations for even a small change to occur. Generally speaking, some (very few) mutations are positive for the individual, but the vast majority (like 99%+) are negative, because if something already works there's thousands more ways to break it than to make it better. Humans are wired to look for the best genes cause the goal is our offspring having less harmful mutations than populational average. Here's a comparison I've read in a very interesting blog:
>let's say female peacocks like colorful tails. why, just randomly their eyes have the preference for gaudy colorful things. the most colorful male bird will have the highest number of offspring, so the mothers who picked him will have colorful sons and daughters who like colorful things even more than the average female, they'll inherit both the father's tail and the mother's preference. it creates a feedback loop. as peacocks grow bigger, more colorful tails, the cost of having these tails also grows. why, tail needs a lot of nutrients to grow big and colorful (even if you have genes for it, if you're starving it won't grow to its full potential), so you have to be well fed to grow it. makes you visible - attracts predators, if you can't avoid them you'll die before procreating. if you have parasites or are sick the tail withers. the cost of keeping an attractive tail is absurdly high at this point. therefore, it starts playing the role of so called indicator of fitness. so that's an additional pressure, on top of the feedback loop - if you don't, on top of genes for gaudy tail, have genes that allow to actually grow the gaudy tail and keep it in good condition - genes for immunity, physical fitness etc - then you don't reproduce; if you barely have enough energy to survive you won't grow the gaudy tail, which is a giant waste. there clearly starts a corelation between gaudy tail and fitness otherwise. the more you have the more you can invest in that bullshit. so the more the tail grows and becomes more colorful, the more genes the peacocks develop that have to do with the gaudy tail directly or indirectly. right so: mutations. notice, the gaudy tail is complex. symmetrical. on something like that, one gene going wrong can ruin the patterns super easily and make it negatively stand out. so: you need few mutations in the genes responsible for the tail to have a complex, gaudy tail. statistically, you'll have about as many mutations in the tail as elsewhere, so that indicates your general "ratio. many genes for tail = big sample of your genotype. humans have mutual choice between sexes (unlike peacocks), so the offspring of both sexes would inherit both an appreciation for art and ability to make it. the brain, at only 2% of body weight, consumes 15% of its oxygen, 40% of its blood sugar, and 25% of its energy. it's a giant "waste" of resources on things useless for survival - like art - that other primates easily survive and reproduce without. it's also incredibly complex, so every little thing going wrong takes away from its abilities. the human brain has about half of the human genes involved and up to 1/3 is speculated to work strictly in there, so it's a good sample.I had this saved in my notes. Now, what I'm trying to get at by providing this example is that most of our traits, including our logical capabilities, are a randomized process. Although humans are fueled by our hormones, urges and desires, our ability to reason can prevent us from acting on impulse. Our next step is to get rid of archaic emotions altogether and become beings of pure logic. Of course that will be difficult as logic and emotion are interlinked and too much logic would not benefit those in power. We could even grow humans in labs artificially thus a woman's body will no longer be a commodity. Robots will do the job for us.
No. 31136
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>>31133“biological man” “biological woman”
im 5'5, i’m skinny and curvy and virgin and depressed and..
No. 31138
>>31135>your delivery makes me madwhy does this make people so emotional. normies i would understand because they get put off by anything unconventional. shouldn't the content of what the person is saying matter more. it's not like i invented this line of belief. i'm sure others have been able to present it better.
i understand what you're saying about evolution being randomized. it's not sentient, it just selects for whatever works. but i still think there are innate biological differences between women and men that emerge most noticeably after puberty. see anything that i've written before about testosterone and how i believe that's an influence on male behavior. the same would go for women, because there was an observable difference seen on an fmri after being given testosterone. i agree that neuroplasticity from the environment is also a factor. not all men are rapists, socialization matters in this regard, their introduction to morality will be a determinant in how they will act out their male aggression that originates from their hormones. but i still think that it is mostly biological that drives men to be the main perpetrators of rape. they are more aggressive due to their hormones and how their endocrine system influences them neurologically. testosterone is only 1 example and i'm sure there are more differences in the structure of female and male brains.
No. 31153
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women are delusional
No. 31154
>>31138I had a conversation with you before, I was
>>27815 something about intrasexual competition and
>>27909 (I suggest you reading the last one, it offers some insight into why people disagree with you so frequently). What I'm doing now might perhaps qualify as personalityfagging but I'm completely apathetic to another redtext, I'll stop probing after this anyways. Overall, I do agree with your points’ underlying messages and although I think some of the infighting that took place here is hilarious it goes on for so long and shits the front page, so it's pathetic. Becoming a laughing stock on a website created for social misfits is remarkable. How'd you even manage this, non deliberately? It must point to a huge lack of self awareness.
No. 31161
>>31159100 ppl who follow mentality that's centered around copium and delusions and ratfem mentalities.
Are real observations and real human sex having and human behaviors right or a bunch of bullshit?
Do you all even have a brain?
No. 31169
>>31168And think about how it creates human psychology and how I'm different mentally from other women.
Nobody ever understand my constant psychological terror about certain sex act and the responses I get are psychologically weird and suspicious like they state : it's inherent to womanhood and can't be erased from womanhood or reality as well so you're the bad one so we're gonna attack you and pretend like you're distress about something GROSS OBSCENE HUMILIATING PIGLIKE AND SHOCKING REAL FEMALES DONE WHULE IM A WOMAN is not fucking… Making sense.
I hate womanhood because women have to suck dick.
Like they only prove my point
No. 31175
>>31170which anon do you want to mix genes with
>>31173you have no soul
No. 31177
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Women are genuinely better off single. We have the studies to back it up. The happiest demographic of women are single, childfree women.
Boyfriends have a 30% chance to turn abusive, and the number one cause of death for pregnant women is their own husbands.
The only reason that would justify dating/marrying such an unstable gender is if they're young, rich, generous, and of course, attractive. Even if all the above conditions are met, never let a man move in with you. You'll turn into his second mommy before you know it.
Dating or not, always have your own source of income and bank account. This way a man can't trap you in a financially abusive situation.
Also, male friends aren't worth it. They're just waiting around to get in your pants and brag to their friends about their proximity to you. Prioritize female friendships instead.
Never forget this nonnies.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
No. 31178
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>/ot/ normies defending a tranny in the olympics
>/ot/ normies attracted to said tranny
No. 31195
>>31180>New topicAs if I'm just not talking about the whole reality and going straight to the root I got gaslight about in every space possible and attacked for speaking truth about sex and women sucking dicks.
Yeah you all can pretend that you're just innocent here. You all only wanna change the topic, because you won't stop gaslighting me
No. 31196
>>31173I wanted to say:
"she said she's a lesbian" but she got banned for samefagging? She replied to herself that she needs dick?
No. 31198
>>31187That's all they can sing about, because of the structure of the physical reality, there are no songs of het romance ending up good for a woman, because it can't end good because of both sexes biology. So they sing about getting cheated on, giving blowjobs, men being attracted to them, being tragically in love with men etc. they wouldn't even want a happy ending, it doesn't get along with their inherent position in sex. I have noticed this pattern long time ago. Every song is the same theme. Not because that's what sells since unpopular artitas still have songs like this, or even more than the popular ones.
Yeah that's because female position in sex is inherently servile and submissive because of female sex anatomy, but supposedly I am a schizo for noticing it and those patterns and it's not:
>>31188society, but biology.
It's like saying women are a
victims of men and men created women with their rape force. Same energy. The typical "woman
victim male perpetrator" "women are brainwashed" mentality, while it's just female biology. Is female sexual anatomy a
victim so anytime a woman has sex she's a
victim with no other choice? This is the most common bp brainrot mentality
How does sex positivity and defending female sexuality fits here tho. Other brainrot is shitting themselves at someone calling female body inherently sexually submissive, even if it is and literally women get fucked on all fours. That's a fact and real life in it's most raw form. So again how does sex positivity fit here and how is existing in a female human body not "experiencing life through submission" if that's our position in physical life?
No. 31205
>>31203Society is shaped by biology, I'm autistic and I guess it makes me demand to see people speak more literally… Because why do you all/she said society, that's kinda wrong and retarded as fuck
I don't understand human communication maybe, so, literally yesterday I realized something… Women who are okay with sexual submission and gross sexual acts where women kneel or lick men dicks see the reality differently or even sometimes see more shocking images of sex like women sucking dicks and their brains my see them differently( I still wish people could confront me about pictures of women sucking dicks call me as degenerate as you want, but it's real reality),
But they are the same for everyone (only you wanting submission or not makes you either hate it or accept it, that's why I say it's impossible to like womanood if you don't like sexual submission), the objective truth is the submission (not a woman abandoning herself, but she already is that submission) servilness femininity in it, but I see reality differently if my psychology is not shifted to view this act as okay and to shift it, the shift would hsvye to be a sexual change in me even if I don't plan on having sex ever, I would still have to shift to a state I don't feel like I can be in permanently. I saw a post recently sayig that when people change it usually happens, because their opinions have changed.
No. 31207
The sad objective truth is men do think and “love”(or rather, lust with attachment) very differently than women do. Women make the mistake of projecting their behavioural and humanity experiences from their feminine POV onto men, which is why they always question later some violent or emotionless or lusty thing some man does and cannot understand it. But that’s just it, men are not human like the way women assume they should be.
Men think sex is something they do to a woman, not something you do or enjoy with them. So it means most only see their own pleasure and don’t care about your pleasure or suffering in it when they do it to you. Cruel but true. Because they are the one with cum, men also think they defile and taint a woman through his seed. Men know other men are dirty, and they are afraid of other men’s cum, in some college hazings or pranks men will use each other’s cum to dare or trick each other into touching or drinking it and get visceral reactions after.
This is the only true reason men consider sluts, prostitution, whores and women with non-binary bodycounts “used” or “dirty”, because other dirty men have touched or cummed in her and even though it’s past they still feel gay knowing it. Other men’s cum might make them homosexual per say.
Also, while women have a dream of “true love” and soulmates, most men are only looks-based and sex-based. They do not see women as people to fall in love, or care much their talents, iq, personalities, character, only their beauty and bodies. Men only fall in lust with your superficial qualities, hence men can never truly love women, only their beauty and bodies till a harem or younger girls come along. Which is why:
>Looks- and sex-based men are born with Transgender Syndrome, because they want to own female beauty and sex so much, they get mad when they realize trying to claim it through sex is not enough, they want to be the female goddexx, actually. So they self-con and get all the useless hrt and surgeries in hope to own “beauty” too. But it never works out.
>They pump and dump women and can never have a stable realationship.
No. 31209
>>31207Both men and women are human beings and what's also human is the female male sexual polarity, feminine - masculine sexual polarity we embody as two sexes, women have a position in life that seems subhuman, because their sexual anatomy is sexually feminine and about being servile etc. Or being a mother, a man loves a woman for what she is physically and physically she is feminine so that's why it's all the way it is, both sexes biology, in het sex a female body can't get loved, not because of men, but both sexes biology,while male can. Men love being loved, so technically the love gets invoked in them, but in that way. They can see women as human, but will still treat them as subhuman, because of sex etc. reasons, because of material drives and desires etc.
Men are human physically, a human is human male or female, but nobody said humans are good, etc.
And human male or female is the sexual polarity we embody so that's human nature
No. 31210
>>31207>Men think sex is something they do to a woman, not something you do or enjoy with themBecause that's what it is?
Sex is a woman opening herself and giving herself to a man, it's like this because of her sexual anatomy, female pleasure is about surrendering and being servile, receptive role as their anatomy is.
No. 31211
I want to say something that exposes the structure of the material reality and proves all of my points basically. I'm gonna start with saying that my hatred is due to me not liking my biological femininity or sexual submission, which is a predictable reaction to it, I don't think I have to explain why it works like that.
People don't hate my points, because they are wrong, but, because I am "unnatural" and I already stated that reality chooses the bdsm way of showing you your (physical) place, so you all simply attack me and punish me, I have noticed all the patterns and structure of reality through all these exchanges, in other places too,
It won't tell you literally in a straightforward way why it punishes you.
What I also said is that women who are okay with sexual submissivenes and other women sucking dicks for expl and with the way sex naturally is, have a different perspective on life and womanhood, they simply see it all as okay, while I hate it, for the reasons I already stated. The hatred of submission (not liking being sexually submissive or feminine myself) makes me have all these angry thoughts as a refusal to submit, that's why my brain even sees sexiness in women as being "PIGLIKE" and calls female body piglike looking in sex, it's a disgust at the softness and servilness of this role. I thought it's fucking obvious.
The role is feminine, servile(and female "pleasure " comes from serving as their sex anatomy is like this so it's not like they abandon themselves and serve - objective view
Hating it(the extreme submission become degrading and a sex slavery) or being okay with it etc. - subjective view.
Another thing: I feel physical disgust at takes like "men don't love us AS WE LOVE THEM" and at misandry, because it's still women spreading their cunts for men, but this time not literally. Why? Because that's female biology, I can't fit in and socialize with women if I don't align mentally with womanhood and accept it while accepting it would have to be a psychological shift for me and less, much less erotophobia and disgust with sex submission which is INHERENT to womanhood.
So I feel rejected, punished and shut down by other women, because simply they don't accept my points, all they wanna talk about is while being the natural things, while I am being unnatural.
Their takes cater to nature, bps who arent the ones who bp is centered around womahood, wanna talk about men, to socialize with them I would have to talk about men too. The limits exists, because of the structure of the physical reality, the male female sexual duality we embody.
Not liking the submission, makes me see world through hatred, since the submission is natural therefore it's seem as love by humans when women suck men dicks or kneel to them, yesterday I heard men joking about this act irl, in my country "ice cream" is a slang for this act so they were talking about two women who ate ice cream outside etc. and made sexual comments and I had those randoms thoughts out of being triggered. Because these women were their friends or even girlfriends and they giggled and were receptive to it and kept joking with them. It reminded me of the psychology of women who are okay with this exreme sexual submission and sexual femininity.
Also it reminded me of how porn is basically reality, because male pov exists irl, when women suck their dicks or when they fuck women or when they spend time around women, or when they see them while walking outside… They see them from male pov, the same one porn is most often filmed from, in porn its just women kneeling to sitting men, and being servile giggling nurturing feminine whores between their legs sucking off their dicks in piglike ways (my hatred is showing) and like… They look like blowup dolls, not because their appearance is exaggerated or they have surgeries. They have non of that, that's is stereotypical porn filmed professionally that's not even that majority of "porn" , women just naturally look like it in het sex…
The more piglike the more sexy it all is to human … The more soft and piglike female body looks esp in certain positions… The hotter humans find it, because the female body is NURTURING and soft and feminine and I have a hatred got it, because of my individual preference, because that's how my brain works probably due to autism.
Sometimes I see other women as mentally disabled, like the brain in a woman's body aka the female pov esp in heterosexuality seems like a mental disability BECAUSE why don't they see the full view and instead just FEMALE POV but male is unknown to them while they both are humans living the same material reality??? You know what I mean.
I think it's because of dysphoria, I don't even out the word gender before it cause I like the word dysphoria alone, if you google the definition of it, that's my feelings. When I think of being in a het dynamic as a woman. I feel DYSPHORIA. think of a cute sparkly beautiful object, I would rather consume it than be it. I would rather consume beauty than be beauty and men, they don't have a physical beauty, that's natural in humans.
So my hatred-me not liking submission
Me not fitting into bp talks as well, I can't talk misandrist or womanhood positivity shit… Therefore I can't socialize with other women anywhere. This exposes the structure of the physical reality.
I feel bothered by these talks and I cringe so fuckin hard at any talks about how men don't love women… When they start attacking me for it and say "stay mad we will keep being proud of being women" I feel like I get rejected and they turn around open to the other sex and their biological femininity is reserved for loving men and my biological femininity forces me to also be in that feminine role being the love etc . We only get what wee are, which sex we are, it's like women are for men, they want to socialize over these talks where they are invested in men and like womanood and womanhood is male loving, a woman as a physical identity defends her interests shaped/created by her biology and those interests MAKE ME MAD and bitter, I hate their servilenes, I hate the way they get defensive over their misandrist (misandry is not possible that's the point, so it just becomes defending woman space and I hate what womanhood is, because of the sexual femininity servilenes sex and all that shit, so misandry is basically like: stay mad men we will keep sucking your cock or be proud of being women and won't feel ashamed of it you won't degrade our sexuality THAT'S SERVILE and a WHORE and MOTHERHOOD. FEMININITY SEXUAL SURRENDER BEING FUCKED SUCKING DICKS BEING SOFT NURTURING OPENING YOURSELF UP) talks and keep talking like I notice their interets in it and it DISGUSTS me, because womanhood disgust me because of the sexual servilenes, women's biological interests, because I don't wanna be servile nurturing feminine or see sex or sex acts like women giving hunching over men dicks and moving their heads up an down on dicks nutriting them and men as good because it doesn't fit my brain which I can't change. Therefore I see world around me differently , to not I have to shift psychologically to accepting femininity, then I see it the way other women do and ONLY then I can socialize with them over their NATURAL talks created by the structure of the reality. My points are ALL right. The gaslighting about the reality I EXPERIENCE is vile!!
I have noticed it recently really deeply how it's actually my real view on the world, I probably had it always, I'm not pretending,
It's all cause I hate sexual submission that's what women being fucked on all fours look like pigs to my brain… Or their faces look like deformed piglike monsters when they have a dick in them, it's all hatred at having to be nurturing feminine etc. at my biological femininity, but I don't feel self hatred. However I already said it, mental illness, human idea of smartness etc. in relation with biological gender… Nobody ever mentions it but if a woman gates her biological femininity, it causes mental illness, it causes people to call her insecure etc. they see the biological femininity as what you are so they accuse you of self hatred. So what does being yourself authentically means? Yk when spiritual people say it "be your real authentic self" but all humans are either me or female… Physically.
I see other women as mentally disabled, but they are feminine so they fullfil the biological role… My mind sees it as mental disability bc the way only seeing life esp heterosexuality and men from feminine pov looks like seems like a severe slowness.
Btw I had bps get mad at me before because I said I would rather be a man and dumped me as a person they interact with online in some ratfem like spaces. It made me feel punished for just being myself.
Oh and another thing in relation with the biological gender… Suffering… It also differs in male and female and what you deserve empathy or not for also differs based on biological femininity or masculinity….took me a while to realize it all, but being punished allowed me to notice it all or people not using literal language and just saying shit to me like a bunch of psychoanalysis….
No. 31212
>>31210>>31209You sound like an ugly man LARPing here and trying to trick women into “embracing submission” and saying it will do them good just giving in to bad men.
Nope, you are just encouraging more women to go left by self-admitting that:
1) men don’t truly view women as people sometimes and do bad things to them like rape or violence, it has a LASTING impact. Male lust is dangerous, so yes, men being men and sexually expressing themselves need to be policed and shamed. Because it affects women when they have no control.
2) men don’t have true love for women. Many women have this Soulmate and Romance vice, of falling in love with the one. Now men admit the harsh truth that they aren’t looking for soulmates, just harems of girls to run through, pump and dump, then settle for a 20 y o virgin Stacy when he is 50 only to serve his needs and copulate with, while he still messes around and she takes care of the kids herself, women will wise up and only choose the rich or statusmaxxed guys then.
3) Only falling in lust with women based on their beauty and bodies, and not their personhood, character or huamn traits is not true love. That is why women want jobs and big daddy government money and feminism bs, because if men don’t love and keep her well and start giving the side chicks more resources while trying to throw his post-wall wife on the streets with their kids and making more kids out of wedlock, reactionary shit happens.
Only evil men champion a bad patriarchy like that, and God sees it and knows deep down the men is leading badly and sinning and causing women to sin too.
No. 31219
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She said it like it's a good thing like men wouldn't bw attracted to fucking just any ass on all fours because this position makes women look piglike which is sexy in a sex haver mind. Talking about being groped to own the menzz!
No. 31220
>>31212I didn't say what you accused me of, plus women suck penis on a mase scale without being forced and its pretty much the nature of human sex.
Im not a man retard are you lost, female position in sex is naturally submissive because of female body, this is why i hate misandrists, the submission is sexual and natural in sex, no matter what your delusions say, female body sexually is inherently feminine. You think you have the right to gaslight me with your retarded pride and copium.
No. 31224
>>31220Stfu ugly man tranny, pointing out true male nature and bad men is not misandry. It’s just telling it like it is. And no matter how many surgeries you get, women actually gain children and life from sex, they give birth and bring bundles of joy, something men like you can never do, so sex is not a submissive, degrading act for them at all. It is multiplying. Also, apart from sex, women existing and doing other activities show her personhood and needs, character and moods and changes, only evil men like you who only want beauty and bobs and vagene can never truly love, treat your family and bloodline so shitty, no wonder you need the redpill as your “family”.
No. 31225
>>31224kek anyone that disagrees with you and doesn't join your misandry circlejerk = troon.
>and bring bundles of joykek. including male babies.
No. 31245
>>31224Im not a man and my problem with misandry is the delusions copium moralfagging all that kind of stuff
I just call it misandry because it's misandrists etc developing those mentalities delusions etc. And the man hate is not the problem here technically
No. 31255
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Apparently dating a rockstar makes your brain regress into a 16yo pickme cunt brain and talk about how other girlsss are jealous of you (i saw her post years ago where she said "they are mad cause I'm on their favorite rock star dick" and she talks about psychofans a lot and gets off on them being jealous lol
No. 31257
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>sleeping with +20 men
>smart women
like girl.. choose one kek
No. 31265
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i hate human sexual dimorphism, it's a disgrace.. the difference between human males and females is HUGE. even our brains are sexually dimorphic. a woman will never stop thinking like a woman and a man will never stop thinking like a man.. our behavior is mostly influenced by our hormones, our brains and ovaries are constantly producing hormones that fuck up our bodies and minds. i'm suicidal again.
No. 31268
>>31266Human sexual anatomy and experiencing sexual desire in it influences their psychology
>>31262Retarded sociakzit theory
No. 31276
misandrsts into copium don't like it, but I wanna acknowledge what real reality is to understand it. For expl female rape kinks are natural etc. and I wanna understand female physical nature and womanhood and why it's like this, why humans seek it(NOT socialization theory!), instead of blaming every female behavior on men as the cause while that's not even how it works. Female sexual anatomy requires a woman to surrender to receive "pleasure", pleasure that'a not neutral, but inherently feminine and from being servile, female physical sexuality and womanhood is a burden and men didn't make womanhood into womanhood, they didn't create our biological femininity, I have to be haunted by imagines of the female body fucked on all fours or sucking dick as nature fucking intended this shit to be, people say 'oh you have intimacy issues oh you have internalized this and that !!!!" Maybe I just don't wanna have sex AS the female body or I don't wanna
ne fucked on all fours???? from behind or fucking suck dicks you retard "intimacy?!!!!!! Issues!!! Shame!!!! Misogyny internalized!!!) !!!!! Maybe I hate womanhood because I don't like sexual submission and don't wanna be penetrated from behind like a submissive bitch!!! Maybe I don't find any het romance stories or old hetero couples cute , because he fucks her on all fours that's why he is still attracted to her because female body looks piglike and humiliating in that position so that turns him on!!! I don't find this way of living as a woman "gOAls!!!!!!!" Man attaching his genitals to a woman's spread bottom on all fours and getting pleasure from it is not how I wanna live!!! "Intimacy issues!!! Internalized shame!!!! Tough aversion" No I just don't wanna be fucked on all fours!! KYS it's the FEMALE BODY
womanhood created this issue, it's not about men! Womanhood is a BURDEN, BECAUSE I PERSONALLY hate sex submission which is what CREATES my hatred and all these insults which are subjective view, but submission femininity etc. is objective:
>>31211The post for which I got called a troon by a misandrist while I wanted to talk about the structure of the reality through how my mental identity doesn't fit into it and completely exposes it.
I wanna add more, it's not always that black or white that a woman who's in conflict with other women is a pickme, because that's not why I'm in conflict, I don't even wanna date or be perceived by men etc. but I'm in conflict, created by the structure of the material reality and by physical identities nobody allows me to talk about, I wish the conflict didn't exists, only way for me to accept womanhood is psychologically shift to femininity, I find that enraging… I'm trying to prove my point about what is biology fault and not society and how society is shaped by biology. Another one of my controversial opinions is that 1st rape will always exist, so technically being a woman is at fault(performative morals feminist misandrists won't like it) for you experiencing this reality where it exists it even being raped and having to accept it as a part of womanhood, female submission in sex is natural but the woman doesn't abandon herself for male pleasure, she already is the submission so she is just being her physical body/self. Also, if something sexually stimulates humans, then it shows the truth about their physical nature, so womens rape kinks etc. show truth about their physical sexual anatomy and female sexuality etc, pretend you're being forced > induce a state of giving up in yourself > surrender> get stimulation
Another: male and female orgasms are not equal, I cringe so hard when anons on this website pull up with all these feminist talks about sex and try to make het sex feminist expl: that one girl but not from here who talked about clit centered sex she said women can put their clit in men ears and belly buttons. That's insane copium. The talks about female orgasm as a way to make het sex equal are so fucking stupid, anytime a talk about het sex turns feminism I'm fucking done, everything you all say is fucking ridiculous. If a man was to cater to a woman in sex, he would still have to cater to her sex anatomy which is …
another take: perfect romance with men doesn't liberate women from the patriarchy… I'm not moved by any romance stories anons…
No. 31296
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you can't escape biology.. patriarchal oppression is about biology. the hormones produced by our brain and our reproductive system make us horny and prepare us for penetration and pregnancy. when men are horny they just want to cum, we women get wet to receive penetration, we have no variety in our sex. if i want to be top in sex i have to use a strap (fake & gay). as a woman you can't be top in sex, even with other women, you can refuse to be penetrated but you still can't be top in sex. so boring.
No. 31299
>>31265This plus women embodying femininity as sex and males masculinity is why video or pictures of sex are so shocking to see. You have to see the visuals for your brain to stop distorting it all in your imagination to cope… Like the Power - vulnerability dynamic between sexes is written all over it, the psychology of sex is also visible in the visuals of it.
Physically our bodies are made in relation with men and men with women etc. because of reproduction so outside it and outside of sex having we are still those bodies.
Everything about female body revolves around that sex role. I see those posts online about how female body doesn't tolerate stress, how it's all soft blah blah blah women need to feel safe blah blah blah, and I think of the limits it all puts on me mentally… I hate the softness, I don't like this restricting me. I don't like experiencing reality through submission
No. 31304
>>31296Woman putting on a strap and penetrating with it while experiencing arousal inside her vagina, having all these vaginal canal spasms is so … It doesn't go along.
In straight sex, all a woman can do is serve, that's how it even looks like visually, dick sucking for example looks obscene, extremely submissive and physical movements are humiliating, servile, even being on top is shit, all she can seek is to please the male, be desired, be consumed, pull him in,
so female body sexual pleasure is about serving or being feminine, because of our anatomy. It's not like women abandon themselves in het sex and submit to a man's will. The female body already so that submission, because men and women are not the same and equal, it's dif energy. If someone experiences dysphoria and uses a strap on specifically to imitate having a dick, it will probably make them spiral mentally, absolutely not worth enabling
No. 31306
" The vagina is a muscular organ and it can absolutely cramp up if it's not getting what it needs"
Wtf… I've been reading about something online, cause I'm thinking about how all women experience arousal really inside of their vagina and what it means psychologically… Not only men think with their genials, it's just that thinking with a vagina vs dick is different. I wonder of engaging in penetrative stimulation doesn't possiblity also by stimulating those nerve endings causes some long term mental changes, cause duh we feel it all with our brain, all these semsayand experiencing those from inside the vagina is psychologically so feminine and all that. Vaginal cavity actually being the main part of female physical sexuality is so blackpilling. I hate how manic women are with their sexualities, how repulsive to men women expressing their receptive desires are… How I hate most type of female coomers… The manickness, pickmeness, cool girlnesss… "I need dick!!!' shit I hate it all. Also most important point of it all, female sexuality is much more psychological than male. Hetero ones def is responsive. Like they want to be desired by the man. I've also read accounts of women saying that being irritated , triggered, angry, in fear etc. Makes them experience exreme physical arousal. I've also seen pictures of female vs male sex anatomy and there was something blackpilling in the male… Like the way it all looks like inside the body, and the female, I saw the psychology of it very easily intuitively. The sexual anatomy play hormones plus physical identity created from it create human psychology or manifest themselves psychologically even if you have a part of you that doesn't identify with this shit or even your sex orientation (which doesn't mean you're attracted to sex you don't have an orientation towards btw ) this reality still happens to you like you're mind becomes a receiver and experiencer of this shit. Last thing since I can't stop noticing like that's just how my brain works, the way female names sounds… the vibe it all has to a human mind who learned language
No. 31313
>>31273>Because self admitted cocksuckers and handmaidens with husbands from other thread come hereI think they are more offended by what cocksucker-chan says than the other way around lol. They know deep down that she alongside other women here are only telling the harsh truth. The way dick-sucking is used as an insult almost everywhere in the world by both men and women, but by men more often than not, doesn't pass them by, they are just in denial about the widepsread acceptance of the view that it's the most abject humiliation possible and why this view exists to begin with, therefore try to cling to the few bits of copium they have left so they create more reasons for themselves to continue engaging with men and entertaining their whims.
At this stage I think the problem at large isn't only male typical proclivities, it's also the fact that so many women are willingly remaining blind, while acting as human shields and emotional support animals for the most depraved males in society, and whitewashing the meanings behind their proclivities and the motivation behind their actions. As strange as it sounds, patriarchy was always an arrangement between males and the handmaidens, which still comrpised a lot of women.
I spent a lot of time pondering about the reason why these behaviours are so common among women, and I think the root cause is the evolutionary traits our female ancestors evolved to endure a reality in which male violence and rape were so common (here we're talking about prehistoric times and early human societies).The fact that women were physically weaker made them unable to defend themselves against male aggression and sexual violence, and as a consequences they always ended up dependant on a group of males for their own physical security, either fathers or brothers or the whole males in the community they belong to.
Of course, while it may work for most of the time against outsider males, it will not prevent violence from the males within the group women belong to like domestic violence and marital rape, both of which were common money and never even acknowledged as crimes for most of human history. These are the cross-cultural conditions that led women to develop very pathetic surival mechanisms (putting high value on male validation, prioritising alliances with males over broader alliances with other females, preferance for male children…etc.).
I might be wrong about some details here, but one thing I am sure of is that the key to understanding these behaviours is to look at them through the lens of survival, survival and reproduction is at the heart of a lot of human proclivities, and the ability to cope with a horrid reality when you're unable to do much against it also serve that purpose.
No. 31315
>>31314Here's the part I disagree with you on, I am looking at other species like the spotted hyenas and while the females there are the ones who get pregnant and get penetrated they aren't submissive to males by any means. On the contrary, they are quite aggressive towards males and spend their time bullying them and letting them go without food.
That's only possible because the females :
1- Are physically stronger than the males in this species
2- Can close their reproductive tract and therefore males who happen to have the physical capacity to force themselves upon them won't be able to pass their genes along.
Females in other species don't have these capacities at all, which is why physical strength among males was selected for as a trait since it correlated with reproductive success very strongly, and in more than one way, including rape.
No. 31319
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female sexuality sucks.. i think our sexuality should scare us, we all sometimes have thoughts that scare us.. there are no limits to submission in sex as a woman. total surrender. having sex as a woman is about being desired, about being consumed. every woman who has sex is being consumed. every woman who says she likes sex is spreading her legs and getting into extremely embarrassing sexual positions. im not gonna be a hypocrite here, i also feel sexual desire just like 99.9% of women do, but i didn't want to feel it because i know that having sex means i would have to be penetrated, have my vagina stimulated. "oh, but non-penetrative sex exists." i know it does, but it's not even the majority of sexual acts. almost all (if not all) sex is penetrative.
"but cunnilingus stimulates the clitoris" even if you receive cunnilingus you will still be having your vagina indirectly stimulated… our clitorises are extremely close to our vaginas…
imagine opening your legs and letting someone penetrate your hole… it's extremely… vulgar(?)
No. 31321
>>31317human sexual dimorphism is EXTREME, sorry
sexual hormones + genitalia + chromosomes + sexual behavior etc etc
even gender is biological
No. 31322
>women rely more on social strategiesso they are more cooperative and less assertive.
No. 31330
Ao did we already forgot about this?
>>30549Women are servile bottoms in sex, because of their see sexual anatomy, physical sexuality etc.
Nothing will change the fact that women exist as men's sexual subs
>>31328> Why do you bitches always cope so much. Humans ARE NOT HYENAS.You have reading comprehension issues if you haven't got my point until now, I never claimed human were hyenas but instead you were claiming that the reason human sexual relationships are proclivities are the way they are is because of the fact that in our species it's the females who get penetrated and impregnated. Then me, in all good faith, I've shown you a good example of another species where this condition is satisfied but doesn't lead to the outcome you claim it will inevitably lead to.
Take that as a friendly invitation to re-think your assumption, and think a little bit deeper on the conditions that resulted in male/female proclivities as they are today. And from that point, we can find the answer to the problems within our own species too.
No. 31336
>>31334>i don't think cunnilingus is degrading, i just think it's embarrassingSo now you admit it's about your personal feelings
>if you accept opening your legs and being licked, you accept being penetrated too..No, you're just conditioning it, it's your personal assumption. Also these ideas revolve around heterosexual sex and focuses on male's pleasure
No. 31341
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I want to ride your face blowjob-chan~~
No. 31366
>>31363And then you are not allowed to have that non feminine mentally identity, because then you suffer. I wish someone could analyze the reality for once… I hate talking about reality without acknowledging the physical gender bc even morals etc. are sometimes based on it .. what deserves empathy and what not also.
The physical gender fucked up with my idea of fairness in life, justice etc.
No. 31371
>>31368And then… you don't get empathy for it, because empathy is also based on those physical genders.
I was thinking earlier about how atheists, since they dont believe in God or in nature being something scared, not see how fucked nature is.
For example, life sees the male form as more deserving of love and empathy as if they lack it, but a woman… She is not seen as deserving, because to nature her role is to be the lover nurturer and mother. If she's not, then nature sees her as evil. And humans are nature so they see her as that as well.
You know those "men deserve a hug too" posts on social media? Let's analyze them. Those women or people in general, are simply just expressing their nature. And human nature is: women pickmes, men misogynists. they know it well that men receive love, they all have mothers and know they don't get love for their self sacrifice. They know women get raped and used as objects etc. Yet they say it's men who need a hug TOO. "too" - this word makes no sense here.
Humans can't say "women deserve a hug too" because it's not in their nature. Because a woman by nature is seen as a servant. Human mind has more empathy for a male than a woman. Nature sees that you're a woman and it blocks it from having empathy for you, humans do the same. I don't want empathy for this distress, because it wouldn't be even real neither I could feel receiving it. I'm just talking in a stream of consciousness way to talk about the structure of the reality, to communicate things. Female body sexually embodies surrender which is like a state of complete egoleness, it's like being a monk, but a human being can't just achieve that state, so we suffer due to our biology so much since incompatible with our feminine biology mental states cause suffering. Lol. The way I can talk and talk, but nature will just.. ignore it, and then I will have to conform or suffer. I can't change anything.
No. 31378
>>31373>Becoming unnatural yeah that will totally work.
Technology outside of trying to change human nature is not unnatural, it's coming from human intelligence. But this alteration won't work, sorry to be a joy killer
No. 31379
>>31376Can you stop being a cunt
So you're animalistic pig after all, if your that lesbian
No. 31384
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can i sit on your face bj chan??
No. 31390
>>31388Stop invalidating me bitch, talking about how I don't know anything while everyone gaslight me about single facts a million times
Artificial selection won't change anything
No. 31393
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i hate my body.. it's not possible to change gender or sex.. just be a mutilated female. a failed female.
No. 31400
>>31398Stop gaslighting me about the reality I experience you
abusive tyrant
No. 31415
>>31342I know what she means, and her whole argument can be condensed to females (in humans) are submissive because they get penetrated and impregnated, she presents these two factors as the only required ones to produce the male-female proclivities towards violence and passivity respectively as we see them all across the world. What I'm doing is present her with another species that has these exact same conditions yet the females there are far from submissive, quite the opposite in fact.
My question is, if being the one that gets penetrated and impregnated is all that's needed to produce submissiveness in women, then why the female spotted hyenas didn't end up the same way ?
No. 31425
>>31319>>31315>>31313Well too fucking bad for all of you i guess. I'll be a dom / yaoi loving "degenerate" and you can cry about it. I know you're actually just handmaidens psyopping here to try and spread some deadend philisophy because you've found no way out of your personal misery. Really just think you're more depresssed and desperate than even most normal people though. Being a happy dom is not advanced physics. Being a dom is too easy for a woman. Men line up around the block for it. It doesn't take an advanced degree to cuck a male. Though i dont really believe in something totally
abusive either.. its too easy to get moids lined up around the block to do virtually whatever you want. I'm not saying i do it just that it would be mindbogglingly easy to do, with no work on your part at all.
No. 31427
>>31417Or you were just raised to be desperate and you cant concieve of an existence where one isn't.
And no i dont have sympathy for you or any handmaiden twat who carries on like that. No I'm not gonna feel sorry for poor bunny that stays in a shitty situation and turns around and philosophises her way into a corner. You don't have to be with any male AT ALL. You can filter for whatever you want. The sky is basically the limit for any normal woman.
No. 31452
>>31418>>31419You're so fucking dymb and LYING. Human behaviors and neurology can't change the hetero sex dynamic and women being feminine submissive/servile position in it. Women sucking dicks etc.
And female humans body receives "pleasure" through surrender and being servile etc. I can't believe the ngielheverchan whoa admitted to having bf and sucking him off, still comes here and pretends she doesn't. Like I could tell it's HER. The whole time.
No. 31461
>>31460 Forgot to mention: no vagina licking for animals, spiders inseminate the female with.mouth but that's a fucking stretch.
Also look at pic of human woman sucking dick, it shows the objective reality of it and the point was something else than the off track response plus I predicted the nitpick, if it's even a nitpick because I'm not watching that video.
Typical responses of those fags is comparing humans to animals or making other dumb comparisons.
The socialization or "femininity is not biological" fags do the same. But what they can't even confront ist just screenshots of real human sex behaviors and sex lives I post. Nobody ever properly confronted them.
No. 31462
What this response had to do with my post? In rape woman has a position that can be described objectively as well as in rape kinks which happen in women because of the sex anatomy. I'm not offended by saying it as a woman, cause I feel distanced
No. 31465
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Make it next thread pic
No. 31467
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>>31464sorry, but animals perform fellatio, cunnilingus, PIV, anal sex, homosexuality, bisexuality, masturbation, rape, pedophilia, necrophilia, etc. because, believe it or not, all of these behaviors are animal behaviors. the only difference between us and them is that we have consciousness and they don't.
No. 31470
>>31467That's just ridiculous.
Is anyone here or anywhere actually interested in talking about what the structure of the reality is objectiveely, because I really wanna understand the reality I am experiencing. I'm tired of the socialization and "femininity is not biological in women/women can dominate in sex!!" theory and those off track responses
No. 31479
>>31473majority of the TiFs are cumrags sorry
i only believe in a dysphoric woman if she "gets rid" of her vagina.. if not.. she is still a woman to me
No. 31494
Ehhh if I put it in words this: "sex only serves men and female pleasure in sex is from serving men" then people won't let me live, but it's true. If a woman was to cater to her female pleasure in sex, she would have to get in tune with sexual femininity and being soft and with pleasing dick. Men don't, because men and women are not the same, it's a different energy. People will give me shit for this too, but we experience reality through the sex we embody, men and women actually do embody the feminine masculine duality, one sex one other other. I mean specially sex is this duality and a woman is sex and a man is sex ykwim,in animals it's different.
Those orgasms are not fullfiling. Experiencing female pLeAsURe makes me cry, because of the femininity and the servilness of this shit. It makes me feel like a powerless slave, to be feminine soft surrendering etc. It's similar feeling to a dysphoria.
A woman experiences physical horniness inside of her vagina the most, even clit orgasms cause those muscles to spasm or whatever the word was. It's all very internal. You experience horniness, then you wanna realive it. Since I don't wanna be a woman in sex and feel distanced from my heterosexuallity then I didn't realize that I experience physical horniness everyday like it's beyond my control, but I just realized it lol
So to relieve it we have to masturbate and have those spasms inside. Penetrative stimulation will probably make them stronger.
Yet it's all unfulfilling.
I see female pleasure/role in sex as if you were having a sleep paralysis and desperately wanted to gain access back to your body, but you keep falling asleep and loosing the control over your body. The awake state is a state opposite to being pulled down into the sleep… against your will, because you're resisting it. The awake state for me is masculine sexual release and stimulation, which would for whatever fucking reason feel more fullfiling to me. If it was all not inside, but more outside and in front of my body… But my body punishes me back to the inside feelings and this feminine role that feels like falling down. It's too soft as well for my liking. It punishes ME, so I feel it all mentally. The psychological shift to a … Servant who wants to serves. That's the key.
Sex only serves men, imagine the sexual frustration it gives to someone's who's mind refuses to submit aka get in tune with my physical sexuality. Being submissive in het sex and getting in tune with sexual femininity makes het sex be more equal in the context of stimulation each partner receives. However… The stimulation is not received in an neutral or equal way. So it can't be equal, but I'm just pointing out that it's more stimulating, because of female anatomy, but… The psychological experience of doing that, which is universal to everyone as the physical structure of reality is (male and female body, there's no third sex. Think about that), is basically a servile state, empathetic, surrendering, being soft, loving, a mental state of being a sexual emapth, but you don't go outside of yourself, you tune into female sexual anatomy which is servile. It simply is. The transactional, prostitution like dynamic of het sex is the pleasure of both sexes. The word pleasure here is used to manipulate those facts about sex not being equality do I hate using it, because how is that I can feel all other women can feel in sex that makes it worth it for them, but the more I feel it the more it makes me suicidal and makes me cry makes me feel frustarty and irritated till I start snapping at everyone?
Because it makes me feel like a servant. Not because I have shake about that or suppress myself. My anatomy gives me no choice but to experience this psychological state if I wanna engage in getting rid of the physical feeling of horniness I have to experience as a human which is… Insane like tf I experience?
If you wanted to be masculine for expl, in sex as a woman and you experienced horniness thinking of that.. you would experience it in female anatomy.
Same if you're a lesbian, if you're attract to a woman you will feel those spasms inside as well lol through arousal or whatever. And our sexual anatomy somehow is the thing that creates the psychology of sex. As of the woo woo people are right that human body has chakras and they are emotions, emotions are in the body, emotions are "energy in motion" and sex moves it all, starting from your root being the feminine role, you experience feminine sexual emotions as a woman. Lol
I like the definition of the word dysphoria without the gender being added to it. When I Google it. Cause I'm not fully relating to trans stuff, but I feel some weird dysphoria about female position on sex. It's not a hang up the way people think it is..I'm being transparent. I'm going far with sharing weird personal feelings like this, but I wish I didn't have to make it personal and simply could talk about the structure of the reality without having to talk about my hate for it (which is why I wanna understand reality, I feel even injustice sometimes when people deny what real life is like I be arguing with people about sex and then hours later I realize I feel for their bullshit. I think of hetero sex and I'm like wow yeah female position on it is vulnerable why was I lied to Jesus)
And since I mentioned het sex. I have realizedt that as a woman who's hetero and engaging in het dynamic as well, you have to see a man and the relationship from the pov a woman has on hetero sex…. If you access the conscious pov or see the predator pov then you get dysphoria. You are not supposed to see it neither care for it. I can't turn off my awareness. The heterosexuallity I have seems like an identity I don't even wanna be yet it's in me so it causes weird internal conflicts. I don't even often wanna be the empathy o experience. I wish I was receiving it instead and then it all turns into me feeling like a hetero man inside a hetero woman body while I'm not even attracted to women. Lol i don't even wanna date and all that, and if I was a man I wouldn't date myself so in a hypothetical scenerio I wouldn't date a man as which I wouldn't wanna date myself.
I'm saying it cause it's interesting how all this gender stuff works.
Basically the female pleasure in sex makes me feel psychological terror and destroys my mental health and makes me feel like a sex slavem maybe it's bc of the psychological side of it?
I'm gonna sound like nullfag rn by calling it a hole, but I wish I didn't have to maintain my hole and I realized I experience horniness everyday like physically and it's probably enraging and and what's the worst is that nothing relieves it having sex wouldn't relieve it and I'm harming myself by even thinking of this scenerio rn since I have erotophobia and genuinely I don't even want it and I don't wanna get sexually harrased again. But I have to say it.
"Internal" is the word I'm thinking ab when I think of all I said, because it's what irritates me. The emotions and psychology of it.
Sex is so shocking to me because of how obvious the power bylwnrab dynamic in it is… The female submission. Think of a video of a human woman being fucked esp in certain poses… Like
I always knew it so it's weird when ppl deny something shocking to me.
The orgasms are intense but unfulfilling, that's not a good.. feeling to feel if you think about it's… Sometimes it even feels like something possessing your body but your emotions are all over the place, and sex is so psychological touching on deep intimate emotions. While I don't enjoy those feminine servile states female sex anatomy gives me mentally which technically means that mentally… It's be having those feelings? Which I feel dysphoria about.
Life hates me for not being feminine. It just wants to punish me, lose the ego and submit, but tbh my mind is not into it like there's something in my brain or personality that doesn't like it.
If I were to act on female empathy I would feel like I got punished into a realm where I'm come like alone and invisible yet experience deep empathy.
The problem with sex I have might be the feminine mental state it causes which is technically me being that, but not out of personal preference so that's weird. But the point is how ot feel to be this feminine, pleasing others in a sexual way like it's all so servile
Women are FUCKED
No. 31504
Here is the saidit blackpill community is allowed to join it except for blowjob chan.
No. 31513
>>31511You bitches gaslight me get a brain and read the room idiot
All I'm talking about is reality while you retards only talk copium.
Why it's not possible to discuss the structure of reality anywhere?????
You all don't even care about my points even if I wrote them differently.
No. 31522
>>31513>Why it's not possible to discuss the structure of reality anywhere????? Because you call anyone who tries tp discuss with you a pig
>You all don't even care about my points even if I wrote them differently.Noone in here give anyone special treatment
No. 31530
>>31516That's because you're retarded.
I getting gaslight my whole life ab this shit and never get honesty anywhere it bothers me
No. 31532
>>31531Stop gaslighting me about womanhood and sex literally I shitted out a post sorry it's fucking unreadable to you all understand what I mean intuitively isntead of acting barely sentient on purpose.
I get gaslight my whole life about sex and womanhood. I wanna talk Abt the structure of the reality honestly to understand things. I even get gaslight ab screenshots of real human behaviors that show some things.
No. 31544
>>31526what are you even talking about. Did you go full shizo now or something? I'm not whatever imaginary person you think is tormenting you. I'm a blackpiller who is tired of your shit. You are a retarded larper who found out what blackpill means recently and now you go around calling people who tell you to stfu as misandrists or cocksuckers or whatever imaginary person is tormenting you.
You type like you are severely handicapped and you are the one who brought the trolls to this site (you admitted that in previous threads).
All you do is have your shitty outbursts , write incoherent schizo rambles, feed the trolls, lash out at everyone, say you are going to kill yourself, post porn etc.
At this point this is not the blackpill thread, this is the daycare for the mentally retarded such as yourself.
No. 31547
>>31544>>31544I met you on Twitter last month in a group chat, if that's you. Im not a larper font be fucking vile and obtuse. I didn't bring the trolls here, only one and it's her fault for being a count. Before me you all were arguing anyway, and some women here who call themselves bp fuckin troll me in the most retarded ways possible. You deny the responses they give me all the time like it doesn't exist for you. I didn't brought most of them where, they were already here on this website etc.
I literally just wanna talk about the structure of the reality, it's the same for everyone. Yeah my hatred of it is personal but so what. Stop fucking blaming me
No. 31548
>>31546That's not what my point ducking is.
>No one cares about youBut you retard respond to me and gaslight me about reality then act obtuse about what you did
No. 31549
>>31544 All you do is have your shitty outbursts , write incoherent schizo rambles, feed the trolls, lash out at everyone, say you are going to kill yourself, post porn
Yeah you're totally not invalidating me. Totally. Call me a schizo more.
No. 31550
>>31545What normal response can someone give you WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO READ?!
We tried to give you a chance in the twitter group chat and all you did was literally talk about the same bitches that you have drama with OVER AND OVER AGAIN. You didn't even care to properly read what others were posting and you just treated that place like your own personal drama blog.
>>31547I don't know if it's your schizophrenia or you are being a gaslighting cunt but I literally remember you talking about how the trolls from twitter followed you to this site and that's why they are here. So I don't understand why you are trying to lie now blowjob-chan.
No. 31551
>>31494This is possible to understand deppisw the writing if you're not a denialist. The structure if the physical reality is the same for every human. Yes I'm unnatural for hating womanhood, but a human should still be allowed to discuss the reality they experience aka sex if they experience confusion or distress about it… And wanna understand the internal conflicts. I def get gaslight about the reality of sex. Yes those talks sound personal and annoying as fuck but still not an excuse for the denialism. Mind you, I got trolled even by a self proclaimed bp who said I ruined this thread. Then she gave me some suspicious responses.
I even got gaslight about that one troll who's actually here bc of me (but others are from this website it's not like I brought them all)
And told they aren't a woman neither a pedo and I imagined it all. And some trolls even came at her once. So no I didn't brought them here.
No. 31553
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why is it ok for the schizo tard to double/triple post on a regular basis but not for anyone else? why does she deserve to be given attention for writing the same ai generated sounding tirade about dicks over and over? are the mods keeping her as a pet?
No. 31556
>>31551I said the one came here from Twitter, and rest is from this website too, so it's not like I brought them all here. Some were already here, I can repeat, but you ignore it and constantly call me a schizo and paint me as a crazy persnn and it sounds like you're talking about my descriptions of reality which are actually right, but everyone gaslights me about it continuously and it's fucking distressing especially cause it's something as serious and shocking as sex. I can't stand you all ridiculing me like this and pretending you aren't. I'm not a gaslighting cunt idk why would you use this word to even describe me I'm starting to think my points make you mad or some shit since that usually the case with people getting mad here. I didn't even deny that one person coming here bc of me, but that's not enough to blame me for all trolls and arguments since not all trolls are ones I brought here and the ones that came here because of me, you fucking blame me for their trolling
Wtf it wasn't even just trolling
>WeYou are speaking for all people that didn't even have a problem with me and I have read other people's posts also
No. 31557
>>31553 I'm not getting special treatment
Yeah totally my posts are just about dicks. Totally that's what it's all about, just dicks. That's the whole meaning also it's not like half of the population doenrr have a dick cause it's not human existence or nature at all, so there's nothing to talk about! It's all neutral just like this bitch trying to tell me that it's just umm some type of sex and telling me to use a neutral name for it while I tried to confront her about the physical mechanism of it and physical movement and psychology. Totally people aren't being stupid liars to me for some fucking reason over and over again like it's all not fucking serious and sex doesn't exist at all and means nothing and we have nothing to do with it and it's not a big part of existence. And absolutely I did not get gaslighted about the reality of sex and about sex acts like dick sucking and nobody ever confronted my points while acknowledging facts like it's the most tabboo topic in existence and I don't deserve honesty, because no. No talks about the main thing in human life allowed. Almost nobody ever was authentic about this part of reality and just like you they try to paint my intentions behind those posts as something they aren't. So far the amount of people that confronted me about one sexual act that makes womanhood unsalvageable when it comes to trying to erase the inherent sexual submission and all that shit is fucking ZERO in my whole life. Maybe one… Maybe. It's so fucking infuriating. You alls desperation to hijack the narrative here about why I say all of this shit reveals your retarded intentions. If you actually wanted to analyze the reality correctly you would agree with me and see that it's just other humans lying to me about real reality it refusing to acknowledge it to mez refusing to confront real things, I only care about facts tho
"We know just stop talking about it" no. I want honest talk with other humans about REAL things.
Maybe I also sperg cause I'm fucking distressed by that women suck dick and what this sexual act is, wow how weird and unexpected, what a freak!!! Now analyze THIS, makes no sense, just like I said at the beginning when I joined here, but only got ridiculed for it and then told I want it and now you also use that fucking retarded name to call me. Hmm I have no idea why I would be this mad and distressed!!!!
No. 31558
I need to state it, but I'm not natural or normal, I hate womanhoof for reason I already said. I wish I could talk about reality of sex objectively without making it personal, but there's no place for that. My hatred is personal opinion, but the femininity or submission stuff isn't like ofc I'm not normal and nobody will be like me unless they hate womanhood (that's not the detailed way to put it in words and allows people to gaslight me "no it's not feminine, it's neutral, you're just a woman human body!! Nothing feminine about a female") it's just that nobody tells me to kill myself, because I'm not a cocksucker or because I hate this inherent act in womanhood and sexual surrender and femininity. While it would be reliving to hear the truth on why life hates me lmao find me a way to talk about reality and make people confront me about it, without me having to make it personal or insert my hatred into it. Also those people in ot are not me, and those opinions are not welcomed because duh they are unnatural. But the reason is not neutral, it can be analysed and it touches on sex and female biological femininity or sexual submission. Please look at some real human sex lives esp pics of certain acts then tell me I'm ain't lied to ab some things and life doesn't hate me because I'm not okay with what those things are and the psychology of it. It's like I'm trying to make people say something extremely controversial, but true to me. It's def no politically or morally correct to just state that or say it to another woman, but just say it instead of gaslighting bc idgaf about being told to kms if it's based on facts neither I'm actively suicidal. Just say it. But not in a sexual harrasement manipulative denying obtuse way.
No. 31567
>>31563I assume you think she's me, but you're such a fucking tyrant for accusing me of an addiction to dehumanizing sex simply bc I describe hetero sex mechanism for what it is? And add my hatred of it to it?
Imagine being this vile that when I say something terrorizes me mentally and you go and accuse me of liking it! Fucking idiot. You guys prove all of my points always and forever.
>>31560Shut up you piece of shit. This thread is insane and it's not comparable to discussions about anything else. It's about something as sex which is what humans embody and you all prove all of my points idk how can you ridicule a person this fucking much and why the psychology of the talks around sex is so fucking weird.
No. 31575
>>31573>sexually approachednot rape
>sexually harassednot rape
>assaulted by womendo you mean actually overpowered and raped by women or just getting yelled at in the street?
No. 31581
>>31577because it's not true. it is a joke to think that a woman with female empathy towards her boyfriend is dominating him. look at any rant about penetration in this thread. or learn anything about BP besides the posts in this shit thread.
>>31578this sounds like fanfiction a man would write on reddit about his own life
>>31579there is no matriarchal society where women are more aggressive and control males. it's always the opposite no matter where you are from. the sexes are unequal in almost every way
>>31580k e k
No. 31589
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my bottom dysphoria flares are becoming more n more frequent.. being penetrated as a woman is extremely distressing. it makes me a little suicidal because i still have sexual desires. the life of women w dysphoria is hell because you are not understood, people think you are jealous of men and grooming you to take testosterone and destroy your body. people hate women.
No. 31592
>>31579Yeah google a picture of het sex or a woman sucking dick and tell me my rage doesn't make fuckin sense to you and tell call me a schizo freak and gaslight me about this reality.
I just wanna talk about facts, it's hard to not make it personal and add my hatred to it esp, because human gaslight me about reality aka sex anyway. I hate the female sexual submission and those acts psychologically terrorize me and make womanhood unsalvageable to me. Use your brain. Ofc since it's distressing to me then getting gaslight about it causes me even more distress, it's like people deny something obvious and very serious to me. And ofc since I feel distress then I wanna understand why I feel this way and I realized that our biology limits us and we have to conform to our biological femininity and sexual servilness mentally as a woman or else you will feel like me.
I'm not from any of that background, acting like hating women putting dicks in their moutsh and sucking like pigs must me a result of trauma is retarded as fuck I'm so fucking tired of getting gaslight or people using my hateful point of view about it to go again my points. I could talk about what it all objectively is without the hatred or making it personal, but you retards still deny and gaslight and shit yourselves at the words: feminine, servile, submissive, surrender etc .
Even if women literally penetrate their skulls with male dicks(penetrative genitals which size in comparison with woman's mouth or face or clit is insane) and get fucked on all fours. The reason why women are oppressed in the first place is because our biology allows it all due to the femininity we embody sexually making it possible for womanhood to become this fucked up and going beyond what it's naturally is in it's fuckedness.
I could say it without hatred, but what's the point if nobody confronts me anyway and even without hatred it's seen as misogyny to just describe sex in details for what it is. Without using hateful words.
Once I was describing the details to talk about the violent mechanism of dick sucking and she was like oh no no no it's not what you said… It's … Performing oral sex on men. Then I described it again and she was like oh no no no you're wrong what your talking about is… Oral sex on men then I said yeah oral sex on men means a woman licking male penis with her mouth and putting it in her face and mouth to jerk it off and she was like… I'm done with you, I see we won't communicate!! And when
they try to compare it with oral sex in women I just suffer from severe mental confusion afterwards like I can't believe a sentient person have said it to me. I'm on the verge of psychosis from the confusion since my hatred of this act and some others make me mentally disabled very very often.
My point is: you CAN'T accept womanhood if you don't accept the sexual femininity and acceptance of it causes a psychological shift.. I wanna analyze it and talk about. I could without adding my personal hatred but people see the words servile surrender of feminine as hatred anyway. I wanna be analysed too, but honestly, I don't mind being told I'm evil if you're honest about why I'm evil. Psychoanalysis for me has to involve the acknowledgement of those… Idk like physical genders I guess, our biological femininity, biological differences between a man and a woman and psychological difference between their positions in sex. Look at any other woman. Pickme kind of mentality is biological. It's not a coincidence. To be like me you would have to go against nature, I'm rare in my mentality for this reason. Other women are the way they are, because of their female body and them not going against thier physical sexuality. What other woman even sees anything wrong about women getting dicks put in their mouths? On a mass scale women see nothing like bad about it or whenever. But the psychology of it is exreme servilenes and surrender
And women in it basically wet themselves over male masculinity or power, over their skull being penetarted with phallus and a male getting pleasures from this penetrative stimulation which is an inherently masculine role, the male body is also bigger than female and masculine like I said. They wet themselves over their own submission in that act. They become psychologically what this act is physically. Mind body connection
No. 31607
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No. 31617
>>31616im a woman anon
No. 31623
I'm the weirdest person online at this pointz but I wanna say that hating womanhood possibly can become something like becoming completely upside down, which expands this mental issues throughout all the structure of the reality and you feel demon possessed. Any took you turn, there's an obstacle, anyway you try to escape what you're running away from, you're punished back into the structure of the reality that makes it inescapable and that thing is submission or surrender. It all expands infinitely, your body is the point in time and space you exist in. If you don't accept it, you don't accept existence. It creates some weird mental issues. You wanna die and wanting to die hurts so you decide to make it not hurt them you don't wanna die anymore suddenly but then you suffer because you don't wanna die and nothing you think feels good cause your mind or rather reality keeps just brutalizing you.
Then also you dissociate from your fucking body…. All of that big fuss over such a small issues, small issues that expands through all this fucking whole infinite reality and it's structure starting from this point your body is. Your start seeing life in a distorted way even if you know what some things objectively are like our biological femininity or our position in sex and nature as a female body, then still you get a weird vision. I would say it's very disordered. And you refuse to come back to you body and live from male pov. You intellectualize everything too much, analyse too much, CAN'T stop noticing patterns, you become too spiritualized, you experience the definition of HELL, resistance to surrender creates all this suffering but it's all simply bc of the reasons I already said a million times and it all comes down to our physical sex. As a man it all would be a little different cause you wouldn't have to accept some things to accept existence.
Nothing you can do is reliving anytime you try to find the relief you are met with the limits of the structure of the reality preventing it and you're punished back into your cage and forced into the submission which is THE ONLY way out and why? Because it's your body!!! You can't dissociate from your physical form. Your physical form is the portal you have to go through, so as a woman, accept the sexual femininity or female sexual submission… What we embody in relation with males, what we embody surrenders to what men embody also lmao we can't even hate the male form, because it's a part of nature. It's all very fucked up.
When you don't accept womanhood, you can't get satisfaction from anything. You can't have a physical identity so you don't get validation or human relations… Only time I can feel normal is when I become delusional that womanhood sexually can have some masculinity or when I shift my psychologically to accept femake position in on sex. When I do the first I keep analyzing and analyzing the reality until I realize what I'm trying to do doesn't work and I get sad ab the structure of the reality limiting me … When I do other I get out of it so quickly.
Isn't it that logical that to accept womanhood I would need to stop hating the things I do?
I need to add that I always felt like humans are animals and I'm above it and dissociated from human nature, it also made me hateful
I don't understand why I have more consciousness than others, it hurts me. I feel so fucking weird experiencing all those feelings my whole life. I can't even find answers and only space I can talk about existence in is some bp spaces, because it's all so connected to sex and what womanhood is since I'm a woman. Nothing that happened in my life caused me to dissociate, I always dissociated and was going through extreme sadness for reasons I didn't understand. Idk how I am supposed to not have a victim mentality while life does this to me and victim mentality at least helps you calm down instead of being angry.
There's nothing scarier to me than the submission and sex submission is different than any other. It's the ultimate submission, only female body allows this deep submission to be experienced. I hate living from female pov my mind keeps getting interested in the male one. I live from logic too much as well. Female position in sex is mindless and an uncomfortablesness and being loving and servile.
I always felt like other humans can't even see me because of the state of their consciousness in compraison with mine. I keep analyzing the human mind created from the physical reality and I never had normal thoughts probably. Anytime I try to find relief then reality punishes me again like I'm completely inverted. When you detach from physical and become spiritual only that's not good, mind trying to control nature is not good so lol look how much issues not wanting to suck dick or not liking this female submission and being a female body sexually creates. I can't even fantasize ab having some physical identity others validate cause there's always something fucking wrong with being a female to me and I end up feeling like such a slave. Irl the same. Then I started going into my mind more and more cause irl wasn't satisfying anyway since I suffer from chronic sadness then I didn't wanna talk with ppl anyway lol
So I started to fantasize and through it I would analyze and analyze the reality to come up with something good but something was always wrong and I tried to fix it and it led me to fucking analysing the structure of the reality and male female dynamic since I'm het… Like at a young age I even started typing shit like "all men are attracted to teens the most" "all men cheat" to read about it because I realized what the male female dynamic is by analyzing and analyzing and trying to come up with something not bad to me but it was always bad and the female position in life was always so wrong to me. Heterosexuallity makes you mentally ill, I never was a pickme or naive or all that shit or having sex or hating myself for some thoughts, nope I didn't even experience it in those pickme ways. It's a dysphoria ab my position in this dynamic and life in general as a woman. It's all Soo fucking weird.
I feel good when I develop some physical identity and have some human validation but I can't keep it cause I hate my position in it all as a woman and I get jealous also of the empathy I have as a woman and wish I was receiving it instead… Like also I always see myself from outside pov. MY WHOLE LIFE. Obvious dissociation and shit but I have no trauma from early years my grandma was even nice my father didn't bother me
Only later there was more shit but before it I was already sad. I remember having the traits I have now at six years old the year you start school. I always feel so fucking weird and overly conscious till it becomes incompatible with human nature. It's all very interesting to me. I felt so many intense feelings and pain and got also into some spiritual mentalities that anytime i cry I stop quickly cause I'm like wait notihng is real like I'm completely anhedonic sometimes my head is spinning thinking of the meaning of suffering. It's hard to not sound schizo while thinking of shit that goes deep like suffering is just an invisible fucking feeling
No. 31640
>>31631Horrific. I've heard of this and saw it, I'm surprised no one on this site has discussed it. I see it as purely pornographic and humiliating. You'd have to be brain-dead to think without context this is "empowering". I think it's supposed to be for "body positivity" to see arbitrary stranger womens genitals.
I find it some kind of sick joke considering how women are treated in society and history and the strange context. People hate the genitals of women. Maybe instead of making a degrading wall of vulvas they could have taken down some FGM sites or exteme porn sites. The priorities of plastering vulvas on the wall for perversion under the guise of muh body positivity are very typical of the brain rotted world. It's just another example of the twisted state of women in society. It's not possible to normalize genitalia; it's inherently sexual. It's not possible to change some sort of body expectations while extreme porn fucking up women and abuse are rife and continue to be pumped out and participated in by women. It's all just bullshit perversion and humiliation kink pretending to be some sort of activism.
No. 31645
Don't worry, we will own the patriarchy and the males who are bigger than us and masculine which totally says nothing about female position in sex, with the useless act, men eating out women which is totally psychologically and physically the same as sucking dick, oral sex = oral sex,
there's the same mentality around it, even memes, the same, patterns in human behaviors show it all! It totally serves women, it's the same as pretending to not have teeth and fucking your skull with dick and being ejaculated inside your mouth. Internal female orgasms from eating out = total embodiment of power, we own the patriarchy with our superior female sexual pleasure!! Multiple orgasms! No ejaculation!! Spreading our bodies to got a useless release because our anatomy requires the spreading to open up our powerful pussy portal and powerful pleasure we win over the patriarchy with. I remember when this most extreme bp woman ever, just randomly said men should exists to just eat women out.
Who's up for getting the useless act and destroying patriarchy? I'm sure we will experience psychologically a non feminine state. I'm just bitter and hate feminist talks about this sex act, that's not even worth it. I saw a wooo woo woman say that men who do it are possessed sith incubus demon and wanna steal your energy kek
But overall Jesus Christ stop trying to use this act to paint your relationship as equal. I get it we are pretending, there's no biological differences between sexes, just to go through life, but I wanna be authentic about what I experience. I can even not mention my hate of it all, but how can I find some way to get some humans to be literal with me about this life. Even when I don't hate or use insults or act misogynistic, they still fuck me up. I genuinely fucking hate everything. I spend hours thinking about how I don't wanna identify with other women and womanhood and claim myself as different from it all to erase some confusioni have when I look at womanhood as what it is in sex and at other women and het relationships, because of the hawk tuah girl, she's everywhere right now and people are praising her as the ideal girl, because she's acting nice and all, but she became famous for talking about spitting on dick, imagine the noises it makes yay hoe could be uncomfortable with being a woman in sex. Life just sees it as a mental insecurity,but I don't even wanna be all that shit. Life doesn't gaf tho. I need some evil creatures to identify with
No. 31676
>>31673kek anon.
why do i feel like that retarded bitch thinks she is arguing with only one person and that it's bj-chan. Definitely the most retarded troll out of the three.
No. 31678
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>>31674im not fat here’s proof
>>31676shut up nullfag you bitch
(trolling/infighting) No. 31683
>>31623Aren't you just explaining how men feel who can never get laid because women universally hate men and reject 99% of their advances?
>>Same with yaoi, I was never into it bc when I look at it I'm like… But I can't consume this attraction its like I'm cucked. Same with my attraction to a run over by a truck androgynous skinny hairless male body with blood on it's skull. I can't consume my attraction to that even if it makes me high to think of it.Virtually all you do is masterbate anon its not rocket science.
No. 31684
>>31583Sorry i haven't come on LC in a long time. Can anyone tell me how these bimbo tranny posts not deleted? Did somebody report them to the male suicide hotline? Because it honestly sounds like an incel moid wigging out.
You know how moids always sperg about the universe conspiring against their access to sex? It sounds exactly like that diatribe but turned inside out in a rage. Like maybe they aren't even a tranny. MAybe they are just a suicidal moid?
No. 31687
This is something that has bothered me for a long time in my life, and nobody ever is willing to let me express it or talk about or give a clarification in this issues in womanhood. No talks allowed, body ever talked with my about this burden in womanhood honestly.
and this act is a good example of how women can't access love if they aren't servile or accepting their biological femininity. Like in this sexual act where women suck dicks, it only pleasures men, women experience a mental state of a servant who is loving and wants to please. A man can't experience this deep submission and surrender or servilenes. So through this act a man feels love which is being loved, but the love she feels is from lofingand serving. Which is completely the opposite.
I assume that women who are okay with blowing dicks, feel differently about life than I do, which is horrifying how life punishes you for not attuning to your biological femininity as a woman. This act in which is literally VIOLENT and women have to pretend to not have teeth in it which makes them extend their lips so far making them looks stretched and making them have nosabal folds(?) they look retarded and deformed and have to stick their tongues and lick all over dick while spitting all over themselves uncontrollably. Imagine a person doing it with a phallic object that isn't dick. That's why women are sex slaves. If you don't wanna experience a mental state that is :"i am willing to please, I am serving and loving the moid and surrendering" then you don't get stimulation that invokes the feeling of love in you. So the love and this act isn't neutral another equal, different mental states. It's like some person getting off to serving others for nothing in exchange. That's because of how female anatomy is designed. So if you don't experience that mental state neither want to, then you're a sex slave. To not be a sex slave, you must like it, a slave who likes it is not a slave. Women doing this act is why men act romantic and bond with them, if a man bonds with a woman romantically you can be sure she looks like a pig eating slop when she's sucking his sick, which is so balckpilling. This shit literally creates those feelings that make them wanna bond, a woman loving and a man getting loved. This act gives the woman zero physical pleasure, the mechanism of it is violent, it makes the woman suffocate and be uncomfortable, it requires humiliating physical movements, it retires zero disgust response. Maybe this is why men do the useless cunnigulus act on women cause they feel bad for the inequality and wanna prtend they are giving anything back, but this act doesn't even go along with the while female anatomy being stimulated since it only stimulates outside. = Female body is sexuallly servile = not liking it makes you close yourself to the human "love"
Also can someone tell me what I said wrong?
>hawk tuah girl
>she became famous for talking about spitting on dick
>imagine the noises it makes
You can't tell me this bitch isn't a"
Why do I keep getting responses like this if I'm literally right about the noises. I used to say women spit all over themselves during this act to show my terror at womajhy, and now look, a woman became famous for doing this. But when I said it I was accused of being pornsick. Also is this person the cocksucker with a Nigel or the husband one. Please elaborate on what I said fucking wrong or if you think at all that I said something inaccurate or are you reacting this for other reasons, because I can't tell when people respond like this. I need someone to acknowledge my concerns and problems with womanood and this act that I stated clearly, the biological position we have in life is the same as in het sex we have. And what problems it creates.
Admit het sex is unequal and the woman experiences deep submission and vulnerability, the road to the stimulation is not neutral neither equal so the feeling of love if it gets invoked in a woman, it's a mental state of a servant, inherently feminine and also surrender. Being closed off to your physical sex anatomy closes you to life and you even see life differenly than cocksuckers. I already tstlked about it… Please why can't ithe other being ever discuss it all with me transparenly should I use my autism as me being some poor uwu confused person to try to trick people into a talk about it? But they will lie about details anyway. Like the violent of that one sex act, the physical movements, the spitting and noises lmao??? how it physically pleasures men only, the psychology of it. The meaning of "love" in sex and how it's not equal
No. 31690
Women have a subhuman position and behaviors in sex I can't, it's weighting my down so much, well now nobody is gonna talk about it with me since I used an insult, but seriously this is such a big issue in my life and no one was EVER willing to talk. Due to my dysphoria aka not wanting to be sexually feminine or experience a very servile feminine sexual state, I see all sex: woman serving man woman serving man woman serving man woman serving man. Male body sexually is designed as "getting served" while female as "serving". This duality basically. Take away the ability to get sexually served from the other sex that's not male, and give all the ability to get served to a male, and here you go, it looks exactly like a female human body. And the other looks like male. Where are the: your pornsick because you said women do this and that in sex, even lesbians doing anal or women using words like "suck cock, licking balls" in while doing about themselves, like the things they do. That's a vulgar pig animal language. When you use it the way they do…. No. 31692
>>31686Yeah all you have to do is masterbate to whatever and find a cute sub willing to do whatever, include be denied sex. Its pretty outrageously easy even for a
femcel. These men are everywhere.
No. 31700
>>31694>>31693Female sexual anatomy is inherently feminine and male masculine stop being a fucking counts and gaslighting me about female position in sex. No a human mind doesn't magically choose a point on the spectrum they prefer to be in sex magically and alter the physical reality to their will.
Gender is biological. You don't even understand what you are saying and it's so non literal and annoying trying to make non neutral things neutral to gaslight me once again sex and those tyrants even call me feminine to psychologically terrorize me. It's not fucking funny that someone is struggling their whole life with their biological femininity and some tyrant dick sucking pig comes here to call me feminine and make me wanna hang myself for hours and make me not capable of functing for hours after reading shit like this then getting tortured in my mind
>>31692You are so fucking braindead. All a woman can be in sex is feminine and women can't dominate men sexually. Female body sexually is inehrnely servile how many times I have to repeat it you braindead cunt
Stop fucking gaslighting me and avoiding confronting facts I can't take it anymore. It bothers me so much that humans gaslight me about sex and female position in it
No. 31701
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im depressed and suicidal, i hate being a woman, im afraid of growing old as a woman because living as one right now is torture enough… the girl i like told me Ii’ll never be interesting enough because im not a boy… it broke me down
i thought maybe if I tried hard enough things could change but idk maybe im just not cut out for romance this shit just ain't meant for me
bp-chan.. i’m sorry for being an asshole, i do not exactly want your forgiveness, but i want you to know that i regret it a lot.
No. 31702
>>31695You're such a fucking dumb tyrant. Women get fucked on all fours have feminine sexual anatomy and get dicks put in their mouth all over the world and that's what I hate you subhuman evil vile
abusive ratrded barely sentient cow. You don't even acknowledge the shit I say but give me retarded responses
Nothing I say I wrong or imagined reality but just REAL LIFE
What's rapey ideology? I just said the truth about female position in sex and women do have rape kinks because of their sexual anatomy.
You're also pretending like you didn't troll me.
This shit is why I resort to posting screenshots of people talking about sex or pictures of sex. This gaslighting is tyrannical. You can't just deny real things to someone and expect them to take this gaslighting about the reality they experience.
Confront me about those sex acts at least dumb swine. Femdom is not even realm you're the lunatic.
No. 31704
>>31702You all cause me such a fucking SEVERE mental confusion by denying REAL THINGS and what sex is to my fucking face like just straight up gaslighting denying lying avoiding ignoring being so fucking obtuse While the way sex is NATURALLY is distressing to me bc of the female vulnerabile position and servilenes in it, getting fucked esp on all fours or sucking dicks, surrendering cause that's what our sex anatomy is. I already explained it a million times and the psychology of it. You are not sentient if you don't even notice the extreme submission in yourself while having it or you are okay with it. I don't expect normies to be able to understand things. While they just straight up even eat shit food and are not capable of feeling how their body reacts to it. Women are not even self aware of a man seeing their asshole while he fucks them on all fours. That's a barely sentient person.
I have to be haunted by the image of a woman fucked from behind and then people come and they me it's not real life or that it's not vulnerable and that sucking dick is not servile! Female body is not soft in comparison to male! Women don't have rape kinks cause of their anatomy at all!
And you know what? The muscles inside a vagina and the way they work suggests that the female body sexually is submissive to male, penetrative stimulation and spreading yourself physically and mentally gives stronger spamsms of those muscles inside when you get am orgasm. More spread, more surrender, stronger orgasm that's why women have rape kinks. To induce a surrender in themselves, become a lifeless body which has to be induced mentally. Dick sucking dynamic is also extreme so it induces surrender in women. And what women do in this act and what they get off on in it? Male pleasure psychologically, more than any other act, so?
I bring up pictures or screenshots like even pics of real genitals because people just straight up deny things to me. And you think I don't know what sex irl is as if it's all so complicated how it all plays out on irl based on human anatomy and the psychology of it. Dumb bitch!!! Femdom doesn't change the natural het dynamic…!!!
No. 31711
>>31707There was one like this on other IB, but it was actually a male. I rarely have exchanges with males online… Once when I thought it was a male i exchanged a few words cause they messaged me to say that they like my thought process then it turns out it's a woman, it made sense. Other interaction as a moid on FB telling me to kill myself and Livestream it, after he messaged me because he saw my comments in a group, other one was on other IB and he sounds like this anon with those talks about how I should find a moid for myself but he admitted that female position in sex is more submissive however then he called women the lesbian slur for not wanting men, after talking about his gf and said "why you fear losing your identity through submission" well maybe cause I feel like i am this identity and want it. Idk what's the point of caring about MGM as a woman. The concers about it sound like from an extreme normie or a male. I'm not even invested in engaging in misandrist talks, because it's too much talking about men often, depends, like one expl I gave where their whole space was like very into the socialization theory and it was their answer to every female behavior, but then one admitted she likes sucking dick "out of love" while saying before that women do this shit bc of socialization. When it's too much norminess or when I directly start getting gaslight or when they punish others for not liking womanhood or say some COPIUM or are immature then I can't do it unless I don't say anything and not give my two cents and don't feel gaslighted. They have male friends, so they aren't as schizoid as I am, they think gay men are ok as friends, I don't like interacting with people at all as a woman irl besides family
No. 31714
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(tradthot bait)
No. 31715
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I have read sab twitter account once, year/s ago and remember her being very emotional, the last pics are his new "gf" was was photograped with
No. 31717
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Dad, mom, sister, brother - he chooses dad
Mom, sister, brother - he chooses brother
Mom, sister - he chooses sister
Mom - he "chooses" mom
No. 31718
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Genuine question but why do women especially women of a particular age find these types of videos funny.
This guys whole account is basically him just parodying and making fun of women and little girls and he gets away with it because he is gay and all the people in the comments are millenial women hyping him up as if he is doing the funniest thing in the world when he is a ugly old fat faggot mocking women while making deranged faces.
No. 31719
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A post with over 54.000k likes of a woman wishing she looked like a prosthetic sex doll (yes the doll in that video is a sex doll) and some people in the comments also agreeing.
This is so embarrassing, we are cucked a gender. You would never catch a man posting something as embarrassing as "oh to be half as handsome as a (sex) doll" and for it to get that many likes.
No. 31722
>>31720You're responses making me want to vomit I feel hot, you dumb vile cunt
No the treason they are not speaking about it is because they are gaslighting and invalidating me and they refuse to confront me over and over again just like you, you didn't even bother to be more literal, they are content with what? Describe it. Sex is the reality we embody and experience and you all gaslight me about. I don't give a fuck about doing art dumb bitch. This is why I call you all a tyrannical male pleasing dick sucking pig who spit all over themselves in moids crotch. You have gaslighted me multiple times in this thread before you fucking imbecile that's why your response is senseless
No. 31723
>>31720You subhuman dumpster you used this dumb fucking name again that psychologically terrorized me why can't you comprehend that this act everyone refuses to confront me about is psychologically terrorizing to me
Women get dicks put in their mouths, female body is inherently servile and submissive sexually
I feel torment because of this act and you all accused me of wanting it like a million times and GASLIGHTED me about how it looks like and what's the physical mechanism and psychology of it. You make me into a crazy person for talking about real things that exist, very serious things.
No. 31727
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The movements women make while sucking dick is the most psychologically terrorizing shit you can perceive. It's on this video, but everyone gaslight me about the fact that those movements are made during the acts she's literally penetrating her skull with dick and wetting her count probably too over being dominated and it all in public No. 31732
>>31730I literally said a million times that I hate it like literally repeated my point a million times just to end up sexually harrased till I want to hang myself and deal with terror confusion and obsessive thoughts for ten hours straight.
You're the same anon who claims I'm not being gaslight but you just did to me for the millionth time
Then people wonder why I am so enraged
No. 31736
>>31734I talk about hating it and the implications of it and what it says about womanhood you dumb manipulative pig not liking it
>>31735It has everything to do with my existence braindead bitch
No. 31737
>>31735cOnsEnTing adults!! The most normie words possible
That's not the point. The point so what sex is and what it says about our female existence and our position in life/sex and that this act is inherenly servile. I try to talk about what it is and everyone gives me off track responses. What does consent change about this act being what it is and me trying to get people to confront me about what it is.
Giving blowjobs is PIGLIKE and humiliating and a fucking job that requires humiliating physical movements to be made by a woman and s penetration of her mouth. It is inherenly unequal and female pleasure is psychological coming from empathizing with male pleasure. Cunningulus and this act are not comparable and completely different, different power dynamic just everything fucking different. Different psychologically, it serves the woman 100000x less than dick sucking serves the man, the woman still has to experience femininity etc. It doesn't give the woman power etc. And sexual relations and what human life revolves around, billions of people have them retard. Stop using the word obsession to ridicule me
No. 31742
>>31739A woman is psychologically terrorized by the fact that woman have dicks put in their mouths!!! Wow what a shock, wow it's all so hard to understand!!! Makes no sense at all!!!!!!!!!
Let's psychologically terrorize by telling her she wants to do this!!! Women have dicks put in their mouths, a girl exists and it makes her want to die. It means she wants it!!!!!!!!!!
No. 31744
>>31743You braindead cunt, you're flipping this on
me acting like I'm the one who sucks cock. YOU DO!
No. 31746
>>31744I hate that you and everyone else uses every excuse to gaslight me about what this act is and when you have no more arguments you start using normie points, every refuses to confront me about what this act is and how the size of the average dick is still suffocating and violating the woman when it goes into her mouth and she has to do repeated piglike movements with it in her mouth and what it all implies, my distress is rational and obvious idk why everyone thinks that it's okay to terrorize a girl who is bothered with something clearly so distressing about womanhood Y
You keep sexually harrasing me with something so vile, it's like being attacked you think it's funny to torment a woman who hates that women have dicks put in their mouths by trying to force one into her mouth and telling her she wants it
No. 31752
I have noticed that every thread has the same description, yet people who do not understand or want to invalidate on purpose still add their two cents, idgaf of you're a cocksucker and say something here ,as long as you're honest about what it all is. Through the dysphoria about my position in life I wanna talk about what that life is, if you don't like the word submissive being used to describe female body sexually while I have to exists in that body with a full understand and awareness of what I experience through my sexual anatomy, the muscles connected to my sexual orgasms inside of my body that's pretty much have femininity and submission written all over them and in their sexual function, motherhood, receptive role in piv, the muscle contractions get the sperm in, the muscles spasms through being invoked by the mind and through a surrender experienced psychologically as a state which feels like you're being feminine loving or soft at your own will and wanna serve or please at your own will, and the mental state is universal to all women, because of our anatomy so that's not a personal choice. That's just reality we embody which I want to analyze honestly.
No. 31754
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>>31752Blowjob-chan you autistic idiot, you sound like either a complete retard or an actual paranoid schizophrenic (leaning towards the second), I can't even discern it anymore. Do you know what the early signs of schizophrenia are?
>Incoherent speech>Social withdrawal>Bad mood>Self hate>Symptoms that look like depression>Delusions (thinking everyone is against you is one of these, when here's evidence of the contrary)>Inability to process social cues>Decline in IQ, memory and other abilities>Dissociation, depersonalisation >Noticing patterns (like what you do right now)And also since autism and schizophrenia share a lot of symptoms, people might think you have one when you have the other. You don't need to hallucinate shit at first to be schizophrenic, that's a symptom that appears later. You might not have hallucinations, then you might get subtle ones. And you may not have all of the symptoms presented above. Additionally, if you have schizophrenia you DON'T believe you have it, you believe the "reality" you're experiencing is actually real, just like when you're dreaming and only realize you were dreaming once you wake up. You'll only realize something is wrong once the psychotic break is over. You know these may last for months if you don't get help. No matter what people say, they won't convince you their point of view. Schizophrenic delusions and hallucinations always have something to do with your current emotional state, so they'll always tie back to you. They'll be personal to you, just like whatever you're talking about all these days. I'm saying this again, there's no way that everyone is wrong except you. There's no way that everyone will be lying and you'll be correct. Get help.
No. 31757
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i hate being a female with dysphoria.. i will always be a woman, there is no escape from this burden. even this gender reassignment thing is false, i see women with "gender dysphoria" who still engage in PIV, get pregnant, let their pussies be penetrated…. how? HOW do you want to be a man if you get involved in all this? i would literally die if someone showed sexual interest in my genitals, i would shrink in shame and disgust.
No. 31760
>>31754Why did you highlight these points?
Claiming my REAL observations about the reality are a fucking delusions is
abusive as fuck. Yeah dumb retarded bitch, I imagined women sucking dicks and being fucked on all fours, it's just my hallucination, because I'm a fucking lunatic!!!
I replied to you by saying people gaslight, because I'm right, they don't talk about what sex really is to me, but instead start coming at me. They don't do what you say they do. Why is it wrong to discuss REAL LIFE
I can't even put in words how psychologically terrorizing your post is to me. You completely ridiculed me for real observations about REAL SHIT that's DISTRESSING to me like women sucking dicks which is NOT my hallucination.
I don't hate myself also you vile filthy fucking cunt. I don't think everyone is against me. I think they gaslight me about real shit and you did that too, and then someone trolled me. Which also gets ignored and the attention gets directed at me even if someone sexually harasses me or gaslights me. I actually feel so bad reading reading your post, people don't wanna realize realize what they are doing to me or don't admit some facts. The sex reality I experience is REAL. It's not my delusional how can you gaslight someone this fucking much, I feel bad about this reality because I hate my female body's natural position in sex therefore in life too. Please. Nothing I said is schizophrenic. I'm just analyzing the reality we embody - sex. But people keep denying. I even liked a fucking twitter post with a video of a woman sucking dick in public place. Did I imagine this act? Did I hallucinate it? Is it tabbo to discuss what this act aka real reality really is? People don't wanna discuss it with me, because they rather gaslight me and deny things, not because of the reason you said.
No. 31761
>>31760Like you're saying the most tormenting shit possible to me, calling me fucking crazy for
valid real observations I have about which I got gaslight FOR YEARS MILLIONS OF TIMES. This is why I'm rageful, read the fucking room. You're the one acting like a man here, same with the pigs who assume I'm a CSA
victim or tell me to get dick to stop being psychotic.
No. 31767
>>31700But you SOUND like a depraved tranny. Posting here over and over again. Exactly like you're just getting off to it or something.
Look i could write paragraphs and paragraphs on LC about how men rely on us desperately for sex, keeping a bishie shonen as my slave, denying him orgasms, denying him this and that, making him have sex with another bishie for my pleasure… and then go masterbate to it…. But i just d ont. You know why? Because im not rage-invested like you are to prove a point. That is the difference between you and me. And that is why nobody believes you're foreal. You just sound like a depraved incel scrote tranny who nobody will ever take seriously because of the way you write.
You can stop writing the way you do whenever you want. Until then have fun with your depraved tranny psychobabble okay?
(troonfoiling) No. 31777
>>31768>Wanting a woman to kill herself because she doesn't wanna suck dick and thinks it's psychologically terrorizing.hate sexual femininity or submission as a woman and the pain expands infinitely in infinite directions, the insults are thrown at other women out of my personal hatred for the sexual submission that starts to make women bodies in my pov resemble pigs while in sex out of MY HATRED for the submission. I hate being a woman lmao all that big fuss over what… It's actually insane how it works and in those threads I shared about what realizing what sex is done to my mind at 13. I never felt the same after that…. I definitely fucking thought about this position and sex act… It's a vivid memory for me, because those were intense thoughts, tf. I genuinely see sex as only serving men, all a woman can do in het sex is serve and please dick. And the psychological state she experiences during the female "pleasure" proves my point, that's the reality she/we live soww
I always picked up on it all intuitively
Also why you call me a rapist. It's so weird to get called a man like you punish me but then women love men anyway on a mass scale they let them into their soft servile nutriting flesh(I just set myself up again but couldn't help)
No. 31780
>>31777even if you are a woman and you aren't psyopping, why is your voice so insanely rare?
See you probably grew up surrounding yourself with shitty women, who forcefed you femininity and beauty anorexia obsession too. So you became a social cuck to society. And had horrid sex experiences for this reason. Yeah that is a big handful of women i went to school with but it wasn't the smart ones.
Yes i will admit a big slice of women are absolute trainwrecks because they actually tell themselves femininity will serve them. They gloat about their beauty obsession superiority about their femininity then come online and serve up this noise about how being a woman broke them. But i guess im used to hearing them rage about their horrible relationships later in life not come online and talk like rapists.
If you really are a woman, you're one of those socially cucked kind that has no idea how to be anything but what people tell her to be. That is not our problem. Yes that is your hell. Its typically a stupid bimbo's hell.
You throw a tantrum and rage in bp at posters like me because we call you crazy, having never gone down that path and sold our souls for social "hierarchy"" and have no idea what you're going on about. But its not like we didn't tell you we thought you were fucking stupid as shit for having sex with who you did, how you did, befriending who you did, selling your soul for what you did. If you really are a woman you're the kind of dumbass that only peaked in high school. But you type like you do so best guess is you are just a tranny.
No way a woman who willingly had sex with normal people would talk like you do.
No. 31782
>>31780What the fuck are you talking about bitch. I'm what people tell me to be, because female body is inherently a submissive and servile role in sex and femininity is biological in a woman's body?
That's not my personal choice neither preference. I didn't imagine the sexual submission neither the dick sucking acts + you believe in socialization theory + can you confront me about that subreddit and screenshots I posted? I don't even have sex with people.
I'm talking about what female body is sexually and how women suck dicks, inherently and how I hate existing in a female body, because of it and feel like a slave, not because I look at reality based on what others tell me it is, but because of what sex objectively is which I analysed by myself, and people come at me, not because I'm wrong, but people they deny things or gaslight me about shit while I literally have proofs my claims.