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No. 33686
Report rulebreaking posts in this thread and do not respond. This thread will be permanently locked if the state of posting does not improve.
A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.
If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
Previous thread
>>31633 No. 33687
>>33686the entire "#ihatemybf" trend on tiktkok just confirmed for me that women are never going to be free from men bc of how obsessed they are to catering for them.
There were funny tiktoks about how much women hate their boyfriends (obvious jokes in response to the years of shit men have and continue to say abt women), and all of a sudden there's this surgence of pickmes in the comments talking about "ohhh I could neverrrr do this to my bf, u bitches are evil no wonder men don't like women anymore" etc, and videos tagged "#ilovemybf" by women to "combat" the #ihatemybf videos.
do these retards really think their boyfriends give a shit? do they think moids on tiktok give a shit? they'll inevitably get screwed over by a scrote the same as all of us.
i used to feel bad for these girls but holy shit some people just can't be helped. these fags would never betray their own kind for women. i can only hope women will eventually grow a spine.
No. 33700
I posted about how it's harder to be a hsp woman than a man, wrote all the reasons including shit like rape, porn, all men being potential rapists, gave the statistics about how autistic women are 13 times more likely to kill themselves than non autistic women, two times more likely than men and more likely than autistic men etc etc., and this is the two responses I got, before my account how suspended idk if it's cause I'm IP banned and turned my VPN off by accident or for other reasons.
The responses:
2h ago
For one, I am a male and I have been sexually assualted before by a woman in the past. Just because you don't hear about as often as you do about male predators don't mean they don't exist.
Second, I really truly believe you need to learn to overcome you anxiety around men because you are driving yourself toward a reality that is just not true as it has been written. Of course you need to be careful and there are certain places (bars, neighbourhoods, countries even) where woman are seen differently and get a lot less respect but that doesn't mean every male on this planet is some type of sexual predator.
You need to get some professional help ninstead of trying to justify your own fears on Reddit. I am not trying to bash you or anything but I got triggered by your views on it and I am a victim of a sexual assauly by a real woman.
39m ago
I am a woman who has experienced physical and emotional abuse from my father over 15 years and sexual abuse from my brother and brother-in-law (both decades older, as a teen)
I started therapy with a male older therapist (deliberately) to actually experience a trusting safe bond to a male figure of authority. It was very hard work but absolutely worth it.
Since I've had - felt- this gentleness, kindness, empathy and protectiveness from him, I saw the world with different eyes. And I started to see the many men who are kind, loving creatures.
I deeply empathise with your struggles with the male gender but truly, MOST men are safe, caring, compassionate creatures, just like most women are. The evil ones are obviously more dangerous because they are physically and sometimes financially stronger.
Do take your male-related trauma seriously but don't stick all men into the same category. The good men want, and deserve, to be seen by their true nature. They don't deserve being seen as potential predators because they aren't. Just like your male-related trauma deserves to be seen. :)
No. 33724
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>>33687But it's "not all men". Women are delusional. We are laid bare what men are everyday and every hour of our lives with 24/7 evidence from the internet and even before the 6 o'clock news and books but it's still somehow not all men. If women want to play dumb with predators who kidnap and rape children we have no hope of stopping them.
No. 33729
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exactly. men should only have sex with each other.
No. 33733
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The christan bible we have today is the scrote bible. Its stupid and makes no sense. The bible is a huge wall of moralfagging and shit. It was written for scotes by scrotes and does not hesitate to shit on women and call them "naturally evil hoes" every chapter.
But we all know men are truly the evil ones. Everything bad and evil is done primarily by men. Like 90%. Women are the only ones capable .of empathy and being moral. The empathy part in a males brain is very underdeveloped and small. They needed that room to think of the coom and to do mental gymnastic moral fagging when they rape a dog or something.
Men are not humans. I belive women are the true humans. A human being has: empathy, morals, self control, beauty, respect, and a soul. Men have proven time and time again that they have none if this, or at least a shallow version of it.
Men are demons who crawled from hell and tricked us into believing we are evil hoes that need to be controled. They then wrote some bulshitt book to justify our opression even though They KNOW its retarded and wrong. So to feel like the moral onees, they created the bible, quaran and othe r moralfagging scote books.
Men dont even like like people. I mean sure when they are young they are alluring so they can trick a women into being their host. But once they hit 30, their true form shows. They lose their "hair", their bodies form bizarre proportions and they start to resemble brutish orges they are.
Observe at this picrel: this is what the average elderly couple looks like. The women is cute, approacable, has hair, wise looking, and genuine. But the scote on the other hand has lost his "hair", is creepy, ugly, brutish. his human aura is missing. His aura is that of a demon. A monster.
This is a huge mess. Only science can save us from this hell.
No. 33735
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>>33734neither will yours
No. 33756
shut the fuck up, your iq is low, you’re ugly as shit, your penis is shilled as big while it’s small, you’re fucking a man on the side while married to a woman and convincing yourself you’re more manly than pathetic white scrotes, you kill black women/children and innocent people at alarming rates, you abandon your children when responsibility and accountability knocks at your front door, your collective wealth in the country is almost near $0, you want white people who are your oppressors to give you free money when that’s probably the most unwise thing you can ever do is to mingle money into your racial politics for a group people you claim to hate you so much. you’re just a fucking nigger scrote and everyone in the community has to get the “nigger” title because your illiterate ghetto faggotry always wanting to make black women into bonquishas, balloon popping videos, “dental veneer techs” and have “who you feed first maneeeee da kids or DA KING OF THE HOUYSE” ruins it for the very few salvageable and decent people, i wish those white scrote cops would go after you and black women will finally be safe away from you pieces of shit. i don’t care anymore i’m a black woman and you’re just a fucking nigger that the mods haven’t banned yet despite you not even integrating properly and being a male, fuck off already with your “y’alls” maybe smoke beep twitter can go and accept you, not here. don’t go in the black ladies thread, don’t go anywhere on here, just kill yourself out of this website because it’s for women only. ban me, i just did a huge favor, shut the fuck up and integrate already or go to LSA
No. 33760
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>>33734even her other husbandofaggots agree with you. they were all cringing at her post in /g/. why are 2 actual schizophrenics shitting on bp anon for being schizo when she's just autistic
No. 33762
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Being a woman actually makes me so fucking suicidal. Inherently we are better at men than nothing and it just makes me wanna cry. The things we're frequently shilled as being better at than moids include
>being attractive
>being able to get pregnant
>having periods (when arguing with trannies)
>being more "emotional" or emotionally complex
I fucking hate being a woman. What the fuck are we even good for. I know I sound like a pickme but I'm genuinely just so fucking upset.(male)
No. 33807
Y'all banned me for saying the truth and called me a male. I said how women are more cruel to each other than men beside rape and psychical violence which is true because women are passive, then I have been called scrote again. If you dare to question the rules of the hive you're getting kicked out of it. I criticized radical feminists and gendie critics in a post and everyone started to go hysteria mod while screaming like a monkey, punching the ground attacking anyone they can. Then started to insult everyone. How pathetic.
>>33790But what are you even talking about? I'm talking about how women can be more cruel to each other when they need to. Not just over a man but other things as well. So it's not patriarchy. This behavior would still exist in a matriarchal society. Noone thinks about this other then calling it socialization and move on. If men and women would be equally strong women would be worse human beings which we see in some species in specific conditions
No. 33810
>>33808Shut up your retarded scum you're proving that anon above you right
>>33804Girls are not beat into having a biological femininity it's just retarded to deny the biological femininity
But it's allowed to persecute ppl who admit bc of the retarded moral standards humans conceived so I expect people ganging up on me for saying the truth
(spergy infighting) No. 33818
>>33762This is just the same tranny who posted in /ot/ the other day on why we men are the trve
victims of society and not women kek just kill yourself already
No. 33819
>>33817Mine too, that's not my whole dysphoria but I just feel like mentally being a bimbo is more fitting into female sexuality, I feel dysphoric idk I will never be a bimbo and don't even want to but it makes life and everyone hate me and I don't fit into biology, humans idea of sex and love and end up being mentally disordered through dissociation from it. There's an natural element of violence in sex, therefore masochism in females and rapism in males. I feel like who I am mentally can't exists, can't be accepted, doesn't fit into physical human hierarchies so I hate them, I'm bitter not cause I'm jealous of other women or want to be picked yet I'm still bitter cause I'm not a bimbo and they are at the same time yst I wouldn't want to fucking be them wtf, dissociation from sex is the worst since it's the fundaments, ik it makes me have a disordered thoughts on the side of my accurate analysis of the biological reality the obvious structure of it as the masculinity and femininity.
It came to a point or maybe it always was like this for me, but I hate bimbos,I hate other women innocence but the innocence is not a right words because they are not good or innocence so let's say nativety but that ain't a good word either. It's not like a gross monster seeing someone pure snd being mad either… I'm just jealous of men I guess. Those women are like a prey with high pitched voice and a child mind but they also have the pig side in them as one with the preyness. I just hate how servile and feminine they are. My mind can't be like this, I see my mind as fast theirs as slow
I dont mean fast equals smart and slow equals stupid but these words fats and slow fit there perfectly. Femininity sexually also means slowing down. And who slows down? You, mentally… It certainly does feel like a psychological shift to femininity and all the traits femininity embodies, Are you one of these anons who want a surgery?
No. 33821
>>33819shut up bj-chan, your posts are so obvious whenever you talk about sexuality kek. i honestly don’t get why the one resident mod on this board won’t repeatedly ban you already, almost makes me tinfoil that one sole moderator is some nigelfag pretending to be some stereotypical cartoony angry “
femcel misandrist” to defend her ugly husband’s honor
No. 33822
>>33819Me: I will never be a bimbo
Someone I won't name: I will never be a "Chad"
Is this a pair that would fall in love? No, because chads and bimbos are sexually attractive therefore I would find them most aesthetically pleasing and the second person would find bimbos the best match for them as a man
No. 33824
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>>33703I’m keking so hard, a lot of women are extremely ignorant in basic psychology. Psychopaths and sociopaths don’t always have their on switch on, they usually have to be charismatic, charming, alluding people to the idea that they are just a normal person who’s capable of feeling and thinking like you when it’s not true, if they (men) were always a deranged piece of shit absolutely no one would want be vulnerable enough to be victimized by them which is what they want. I can’t trust male therapists, male doctors, male gynecologists, male nurses, they go specifically in these female-dominant professions like a psychopath would: to mask themselves and assume rules that would project a positive version of themselves on to others. All men are psychopathic. All of them are sociopathic. All men will never stop. The “good man” is just in his perpetual Jekyll face, hiding his true face to the world and to women in order to deceive her for his use only. There’s no such thing a good man, just a man who’s got unusually skilled at hiding his true nature and that’s what makes me super angry about women being easily deceived by these creatures. A psychopath scouts and searches for
victims in his good-face as much as he does in this subhuman-face, so many stories of women uncovering the fact that their “good” husband who apparently brings home money and cares for the family was trading CP on the internet or had a camera in the corner of her daughter’s room recording it and trading it online, cheating on her, there’s simply no such thing as good man, there are just couples who are simply clever enough to shut their mouths about their imperfect relationship and those are the ones always yapping about their “good man” their “good nigel”. Picrel.
No. 33829
>>33739I’m not bj-chan but I really don’t buy any of that socialization stuff that’s been shilled by feminists for years as the ultimate cause and source of women being subjugated. I just feel like in many ways women are actually complete, we harness both energies of the sexes here on earth without necessarily doing anything and as bad as single motherhood is (a scrote dumping you with kids and leaving you to fend for yourself with more evidence of genetic leftovers) this is a prime example of women being able to naturally and effortlessly play the roles that governments wanted people to fulfill which is the nuclear family, mom and dad, children are on the lower totem pole, when this scrotum affected family dynamic is completed removed as an option for women children are actually more liberated, free, independent and closer to their parents especially the mother and that’s why scrotes are constantly obsessed with single mothers, single motherhood, even though they’re the main cause of it the last thing they would ever want is a woman in her forced and twisted position to dismantle many falsehoods about women and falsehoods about masculinity simultaneously. Now imagine single mothers and imagine they were able to give birth by fertilizing themselves (via parthenogenesis or other artificial methods), it completely removes the biological tracking and seeking of dominance, control and possession from the man. A woman is much more and I don’t care what so many of these pessimists say, we are just rendered helpless because men who’ve gate kept science and other knowledge have bred us that way, there’s no coincidence we just keep getting shorter, fatter, more emotional with additional biohazards poisoning us. I don’t believe sexual dimorphism as the whole story of man or woman and neither do I believe in women needing men to fertilize their eggs, I just think it’s a bunch of lies that makes radfems or honestly women who are generally critical of the things we were previously taught circle right back to where they began and no progress or awareness is done. The idea of socialization needs to be explored and critically discussed, because I truly don’t believe it’s all socialization, I think scrotes in academia have been exploiting female human nature for millenniums and here we are. It’s a bodily and psychological warfare done on us since the dawn of time, strip women of knowing their entire completeness not only in secular camps but in the spiritual (Yang associated with men and ying with women), propose duality as existing in both man and women (despite men always having their yang on no matter what), swap the sun with a man and associate the moon with a woman (despite many cultures having the sun represent as a feminine entity), only have very few or singular spiritual and cultural representations that always lead to motherhood/creation/family/marriage and pretend that these goddesses and icons are just as honorable and being contributions to our society and civilizations (meanwhile these male gods and male entities are practically made to be awesome, the singular god head, and ALSO creates which just renders the entire purpose of women being attributed to creation and fertility) just like many people claim “women and men are two peas in a pod we work together!!!” despite men working against you every day to practically either eliminate you or use you as a breeding cow. Every thing they’ve taught us, shoved in our faces, market to us are lies, every information in the books and videos are lies, radical feminists from the past have been lied to or didn’t want to get to the full extent of the truth that this really is not a socialization issue, it’s an issue on all fronts, they attack us in our bloods, our minds, our vaginas, our spaces, our families, they are quite literally the religious concept of the Anti-Christ who we marry, fuck and cohabitate with. I’m not a christfag but this is all made by design and on purpose. They’ve waged war on us and this sex/gender war scales back a long time ago and people are acting brand new thinking that women just need to get over and let men do whatever the fuck they want. I’m tired
No. 33833
>>33829Being complete would mean that you don't need someone from outside you to sexually witness and desire you And if we're being honest then women suck men dicks on a mass scale and they aren't forced into it, it's just biological, women act like they cant exist without romance with men. Sun is masculine because of the energy it embodies which dick embodies as well, vagina embodies the feminine receptive energy which means female sexual pleasure is about serving etc.
Women love men deeply, that's not a men's cause…
No. 33835
>>33733>A human being has: empathy, morals, self control, beauty, respect, and a soul. women don't have self control and respect as indicated by their participation in paid rape and porn but I agree with the broad sentiment that religion is the moral faggotry of men and nothing deeper.
>Only science can save us from this made it possible to invade countries, slaughter and rape women easier, science made it possible to rape and predate children easier. Technocracy is not the answer to this tard shit, I say this as a SE. Women also avoid STEM like the plague so there's a reason why women aren't "saving" anyone from tech hell, especially computer science. For the real ones that got caught up in the shit hell that is being a woman or girl interested in STEM I don't blame them for their disinterest in science as a career. A post on /ot/ I read a while ago spoke of a similar sentiment that went something along the lines of all the major advancements of the past couple of years have been making in moids coom, and there's some truth to this. STEM is about as unattractive to women and girls as raping and murdering other people hence the still incredibly rarity of women in those fields. We can only cope so long that women are discouraged from STEM, and women are discouraged from pursuing math (despite many fields having barely any fucking math).
I think there's something viscerally felt in women to avoid science, all but nursing and maybe the environmental sciences due to the bodies of knowledge being built on the corpses of women, children and animals and a culture of moid cultism and religiosity around science like what you're spewing will save everyone when we all know as women deep down it fucking won't; it will make life worse and exploitation easier in most cases. But the vast majority of women aren't awake and aren't even radfem let alone anything we'd call "black pilled", so their reasoning for avoiding knowledge is either "muh socialization" or female biology. Its likely a mix of the two nature and nurture but mainstream society will continue berating everyone with socialization as the reason in the same way it does to justify rapists and serial killers as having being misunderstood wittle moids led astray by autism. Won't somebody feel for the wittle lonely moids who shoot up schools every 6-12 weeks?
>>33817This is kind of silly to me to be honest. Fitness and physical aptitude is not everything.
>>33832well said. I'm sick of "fetishes you're ashamed of" horseshit. Its all disgusting pickme shit thinking its bleeding edge.
No. 33837
>>33832I think porn is an accurate representation of human sexuality because it shows the power vulnerability dynamic we embody and the more it's reinforced the more stimulation it gives to the viewer that's is gonna be bad but the most piggiest filthiest the dick sucking a woman or a faggot does is, the more the viewer likes it jerk off to it, it certainly SHOWS SOMETHING…
And femdom is just women intimating sex, being bondaged and had sex with by a woman as a woman, doesn't feel like a submission a bondaged woman would experience cause his biology doesn't allow this feeling,he is secure that he doesn't have to surrender aka umm psychologically get off on his partner pleasure like women do empathetically
No. 33842
>>33834go back to tumblr no1currs
>>33835I have the unpopular opinion that most women generally just don’t give a fuck about math, science, engineering, technology probably for a good reason. It’s been used to survey, kill, stick unnecessary needles up our bodies and to invade our privacy, why would women want to join the home front of these evils practically existing in our homes and every where we go like big brother? It almost seems like women aren’t interested in these things but we have to look at why they aren’t and it isn’t the media-approved narratives that they aren’t encouraged to go in them, scrotes go in them to because this tool is powerful enough to completely strip women of our autonomy and freedom because they go on about creating artificial wombs and plastic sex dolls, it really reveals how much men view women and women still believe in the spiritual psyop that their “divine feminine counterpart” which is only to be a sidestep mommy fertility mule for the masses is completely fine and something we must “biologically” fulfill just like that annoying /ot/ tradthot has been pushing. Even the ones who are lowkey about their pregnancies and motherhood have guilt, shame and aren’t ignorant about what they’re doing and bringing into the world, they just don’t care. I think this is one of the accountabilities women as a whole need to take, we’ve made other women feel so desperate and alone chasing the wrong things that they’re exhausted/hopeless enough to just become complacent with her nigel and create a family, it’s that settling psyop that completely kills the female spirit. Women aren’t going around killing, raping, starting wars and poisoning our foods and resources to make us more servile to the state but we do so much to propagate dangerous and
toxic ideals and beliefs to our own daughters, our friends, our female relatives which keeps them in a sinking ship.
No. 33860
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No. 33878
>>33867Moid opinions moid problems yawn
still gonna choose the bear
No. 33893
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What do you think?
No. 33911
>>33910>spoilerI mean, there was a male who tried to LARP as bj-chan
>>33762. But if you look at other posts from that Reddit account it sounds a lot like her.
No. 33926
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Now I get where retards in this thread coming from
No. 33934
I feel like my hatred for the way things are is making me ill. Every day I have to go out into the world and be around men and their bootlickers and I just feel so hopeless like why chose that for yourself? Sometimes it's hard to muster up sympathy for women who are victims of male degeneracy because how can you find yourself in that position? I just keep reminding myself that normal het women are lobotomized by their sexuality and are victims of their biology first and foremost. The news is always featuring a new woman being hurt and betrayed by the men in her life its so scary that even if I'm aware and understand that men are ontologically evil that the majority of women don't know or care. And blackpill spaces for women are just as annoying because I can never tell who's a woman vs whose a tranny with a specific fetish because they all talk the same way about women. I had a religious epiphany I think. The male is a copy of the female and is what brings us down into the pain of the material world. Women who fall in line with males become pickmes and help subjugate us. Things would have never have gotten this way if women had class solidarity the way males do. The way some of the anons talk in these threads are truthfully as bad as the way males talk, but I think that points are made. I think that women are different from men because we have souls or at least inner beings that provide us with a conscious. I don't think males have souls and I believe that religion as humanity knows it is a male creation to help justify their behavior. Even though women have been treated like shit since the dawn of time there have always been those of us who defy. I think that we are trapped in a material male centered world and the only way to escape is to become separated from the maleness of it all. Hate is not the opposite of love, apathy is. I feel like religion, porn, and gender are created as obstacles for women to overcome. Women who obsessive over their gods, porn, or gender are the three heads of the pickme Cerberus. All boil down to misogyny. Some women are predisposed to following male ideology while others are predisposed to turning away from it. Being a lesbian (a real one) or autistic are ways some women are naturally opposed to falling in line. Male aligned normal and straight women have an envy for women who go against the programming that they cannot shake off. That's why they hate lesbians and female retards so much while sucking off our male counter parts off so much. I think that when a woman who is attracted to males becomes aware of their evil nature and start to grasp that they will never be loved and cared for like the propaganda says, that they start to go crazy a bit. Het tifs seek to be equals to males in relationships hoping to experience the love they can never get, while others try to convince themselves that they are lesbians/bisexuals but failing because unless someone experiences severe sexual trauma their sexuality won't budge. Male loving women whove awakened seem to hate themselves very much and all women too by extension. I feel like unless you have your epiphany as a child ergo still forming an identity then you will go through a very bad string of ego deaths. The straight girl to tif to terf to trad pipeline is real because many women cannot stand the pressure of our reality. There is no hope to change the material world unless something drastic happens. A virus that targets the xys, an uptake of female homosexuals and retards being born, or a war that wipes out most men are like the only options I can think of that can cause real change on a large scale. Just living as much of a male free life as possible is what we can do. Don't subject yourself to male friends or nigels, promote anti natalism, if you want to adopt only go for girls, avoid male media, don't tolerate pickmes or handmaidens. It's hard and lonely but it works. There have always been spinsters and true female separatists even if they didn't use those terms.
No. 33939
>>33926You’re free to leave if you hate separatists and “misandrists” and “angry mean
femcel feminazis!!!!! my nigel is good!!!” you’re completely free to stop lurking and posing in this thread and go back to gargling cock smegma.
No. 33969
>>33703Big kek. I had one male therapist who was a bully and one male psychiatrist who saw me literally once and said I have have schizotypical personality disorder and then that I'm anti social simply because I didn't show interest in relationships and I prefered to sit alone at home and read books, I was like 20
Then I went to a female specialist and after a couple of visits she diagnosed me with autism
No. 33973
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98.4% of reported rapes go unresolved in the UK. Stats for US are similar.
Amazes me how moids claim that rape laws unfairly benefit women and hurt men, when the exact opposite is happening.
No. 33987
>>33973Now show how many of those are intimate relationship nigels and close friends vs actual
>>33941>I think we should start putting a counter for male suicides on the top of every page to quell this personallyLel doubtful. In the past 3 years or so more I've noticed more pickme moid thirst posts, whore confessions in /ot/ and /g/ and even male obsessed gimmick threads have been made like the "bechdel test" thread. Aka the don't center males, I know we're all obsessed with them my other pickmes! thread. Seeing shit like this invade this site is harrowing. The need for male validation from some is staggering. The average userbase of this site now must be the most moid loving retards it's ever had. I'm not sure if it's a wave of very retarded naive young women from tiktok who haven't "aged out" of their whore phase or old pickmes that have aged out of whore phase and now into broodmaring motherhood. It seems to be the worst of both worlds from conjectural stories and the women here are no better than the average pathetic male whoring rape pos fuck boy and tradcath pedofile larpers. There was a post awhile ago in the bunker thread of cc that echoed this sentiment, that ironically despite being a site for bullying idiotic and maladaptive women especially hypocritical whores, most of the userbase here turned out to be camwhores who were dating moids and became broodmared boymoms like the ones they mocked when they were younger, kek. Women may not rape and murder as much but they are just as much hypocrites as males.
No. 33997
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>>33990What's the point of this response? That post was about reality and how in reality this act is disgusting, degrading and servile even objectively. Do you seriously think, that someone here watches porn for the purposes you try to say they do, just to troll? This is a blackpill thread, that sexual act is humiliating, it's rather horrific that it's a part of womanhood. Seeing someone struggle and say that they were gaslight their whole life about this humiliation and then giving troll responses is suspicious. And filmed sex often is literally the same shit as real life.
No. 34000
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that thing between your legs is a constant reminder of why you don’t deserve respect. you are a LOSER through and through., your main goal in life is to be objectified, used, broken. so yea i hate my genitalia, some girls love what they were born with but i hate having a part of my body that pretty rules all of it in its entirety, i will be feeling like shit for 6 days a month every month of my life. omg i hate this shit take it out of me
i hate my vagina because it doesn’t belong there, but i love vagina in general they’re beautiful(in other women i don't know if this makes sense)
No. 34002
>>33999Mild but only if I’m around women who claim all women should be feminine and mock the the GNC/tomboys
I wish there was a term for straight adult tomboys
No. 34017
>>34015Because when someone posts something like
>>33973 it gets drowned out by this shit
>>33860 No. 34021
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biggest manipulation is that women have been taught that this is something to be proud of.
so happy that my bare minimum is going to be me popping out 50 babies for some scrote retard whos going to have 20 affairs at work while I slowly kill myself to take care of his offspring, and then turn around and lobotomize little girls to think this is something to aspire to.
No. 34038
>>34035based nona
>>34021This brainwashing is so pathetic, I seriously wonder if misogyny over thousands of years has actually affected female mentality so badly. Any woman who does not live this lifestyle should be immensely proud of herself for not being a total retard
No. 34040
Is anyone here blackpilled on humans and biology but still have their moments of temptation? For me i imagine how nice my life would be if i was cute neurotypical normie pickme with a more supportive environment. I also imagine how it would be if actual love existed and men could actually feel it for women instead of the transactional conditional feelings they have for women, i imagine how would life be if men stopped having pedophilic tendencies. I cant help but imagine and daydream how different would my life be if i wasn't neurodivergent, ugly or if i had people who appreciated my efforts and me.
I don't think i ever had a friend in my life or someone genuinely wanting to be friends with me, its always me getting used.
Being a woman on top of all of this doesn't help either, atleast loser men support other loser men and try to uplift them. With women you can't really find that, its just brutal bullying and othering by almost every other woman. The moment other women notice you are quiet or neurodivergent its like they make it their whole life mission to destroy you, ive seen women act with more malice towards neurodivergent women than i have seen them towards male abusers. Even dangerous and violent men who are neurodivergent get treated better by women and are babied compared to neurodivirgent women. Neurodivergent women especially if they are ugly society doesn't want to say the quiet part our loud and thats that they want them to cease existing. Just look at this site it was built on bullying women with mental illnesses or women who are ugly.
The ableism, coupled with the misogyny and living in a shithole makes life sad.
Seeing the way women get treated by men, seeing the way women get treated by other women…life is dreary.
Funny thing is despite me being neurodivergent i am actually very calm and collected and it's been me who has been physically and emotionally abused by people all my life…by people who are neurotypical who are supossed to be the more "rational" ones yet act like retarded babies.
I will never forget how (when i was in school) i almost lost my eyesight after getting stabbed in my eye with a marker by a girl who was having a meltdown and because i was next to her she decided to take her stress out on me. I was shocked by wat happened and held my hands on my eyes for 15 minutes and no one comforted me, instead they laughed. I still have a small injury in my eye due to that incident. The worst part of all is i hate confrontations so i mever told anyone what happened.
Tis is just one of the many examples of me being abused for absolutely no reason and the person getting away with it because the person they did it to was me so its okay.
I also fucking hate being neurodivergent because itd a spectrum and not all neurodivergents are the same so not only can i not relate to normies but i also can't relate to other autists like bj-chan and chris-chan because they are too divergent for me. Ironically enough people like bj-chan and chris have more of a chance of finding friends and love than i do, heck i even talked to some people who support and enable bj-chan even though she is a narcissistic shit. It feels like if you are stuck in the middle no one wants you (not neurotypical but also not on the complete side of neurodivergency where you lose all touch with reality)
No. 34050
>>34033It's because they have no idea what they're talking about. They're all pseudointellectuals who jerk off to humiliating and hating women. I completely agree with you, they'd cut off their own limbs if it meant women would suffer twice the pain, and then they'll reason that it was somehow beneficial for society.
They can't fit into their society and think that their mindset would get them very far in the Taliban or whatever but are too retarded to realize that they're completely hopeless and unsavable and no matter how many women they harm they'll never truly escape the miserable hole they will inevitably always dig themselves into.
No. 34067
>>34062being an attractive woman despite all social
privileges is a bit humailting and uncomfortable
No. 34069
>>34063And if she wasn't self loathing and wasn't saying that she wants to be a pickme. If a woman was the opposite, she would get villianized. Reason I'm saying it isn't solely cause I'm mad someone else gets sympathy. Even if someone used this thread as a journal and makes it personal, instead of villainizing people should just admit the reality they are experiencing which is the same for everyone(the material reality, like it's structure) yet still something pisses me off about the whole sympathy thigi. Who decides who deserves it? Ik for sure biological gender roles decide that, that's one example. But having been so villianized personally while crying and shaking my whole life is weird, it took me so long to realize I've even did something wrong, that I was in a wrong way, that the things I say are THAT bad, looking bad they aren't even that bad as people treated me. Through making it all personal, you still can talk about reality. You can validate someone by admitting reality and still call them evil for being unnatural like me. A rant not really directed at the anons involves in this exchange and reply, just a thought lol, a bunch of years ago I had a "wow it's as if we have to be self loathing when we say things online as a woman to be accepted", it's weird to notice these things. Another kinda off topic thought, it took me so many years to even say some things like "I hate bimbos" cause it just feels so shameful, some (incels, purplepulldebate is incel sub) call it SMV, sexual market value.i loose it all while saying it lol
No. 34072
>>34069Gremlin chan shut the fuck up. You're not the
victim you make yourself to be. I have banned you on discord. Now you can suffer more. You selfish dumb bitch
No. 34077
Sex does not equal sex, because a man does not equal a woman.
Due to our biological femininity our sex role at times can seem like a job even if its our own body. And romance is women's sexuality and not something separated from it, cause women serve and submit in sex therefore need foreplay to soften up and submit. Estrogen in the ovulation phase kinda gives that effect, ot softens you up(pig, the brutality of submission in it, softens up a woman mentally, making her wanna enter womanood or prepares for the brutality of pregnancy, they are put in their place, they become feminine if they let it happen to them with no mental masculinity, sex does change women mentally, because to receive sexual pleasure as a woman you must surrender). Someone said estrogen dominance makes dark triad traits attractive to you and testosterone dominance makes femininity attractive to you. The sexual dimorphism is natural, men didn't make it. Gender roles are biological.
rf theories state that femininity is dehumanizing and reduces a person to an object,but femininity exists in nature and our sex is feminine, so sex comes close to being a job as a woman esp a straight woman, because you have to tap into femininity aka the so called dehumanizing thing, if you don't then it's torture. To what extent the performative femininity is natural is also easy to figure out. Mentally masculine women wanna bend the physical reality to their will, so they say it's all patriarchy, like ratfems do, until they get a reality check, because they genuinely didn't realize it all, they thought they are right, okay and good for their opinions and not bad in nature's eyes, a couple of anons on /ot/ enabled performative femininity as recently as today or yesterday, they basically suggest that not appreciating these aesthetics is bad. Performative femininity is women expressing their biological femininity and sexuality, female "pleasure" is being consumed for your beauty, and pleasing others with it especially men, gays also have these power dynamics sometimes they even name themselves tops or bottoms, butches and femmes. Hets, they are psychologically pleased, by men being more like materially pleasured and loved by them, empathized with, liking their beauty, a woman performing femininity caters to her sexuality. The ultimate love expression in a not-so-conscious-yet normie woman mind, is a man's strong desire towards her that makes him feral. In romance books, this is how a man confesses love to a woman usually, as well as in movies or irl obv. This is why in my mental masculinity pov, all women do in sex is SERVE, romance, porn, movies, porn for women, the women's ideas of a Nigel, the women's ideas of a man catering to a woman, the women's ideas of being spoiled, all I see is a man and a woman being a a mommy, empath, lover or straight up a pig for his dick and spoiling him, holding him, pleasing him. The porn women see as porn for women, is literally women giving handjobs or the man moaning from pleasure A WOMAN GIVES HIM.
You can see that gender exists everywhere in nature example: Termites, they have a queen who's sole purpose is laying eggs, she can't even more by herself, cause she's full of eggs and she's gigantic(in her lower and middle body, her upper body is tiny it looks ridiculous reminds me of the bbl thots) in comparison to other termites, when she's useless to them, they kill her, she can live up to 5 decades, but only lays eggs for ten years. Termites are either genetically male or female, to develop reproductive capabilities they must go out in the sun, then matured male and female dig a hole and mate in it, other termites just become workers since they haven't fully matured, there's less gender difference between the workers, but it doesn't matter. The gender exists physically, it's not a social construct solely. The queen CAN'T move. She's called a queen due to the femininity of her reproductive role, the one who mates with her is called a king. Humans gave these names, but it makes sense.
In humans the vagina lets in(you're the one who unconditionally loves, but doesn't get loved and can't) the dick gets in(the man gets unconditionally loved, you can see here that brutality is natural in heterosexuality, the women are supposed to forgive men to a certain extent) you see the difference in the psychology here, that's why even orgasm doesn't equal orgasm and anyone talking about female orgasms as something that serves women and makes sex equal is retarded, cumming is so male coded, cause they at least can ejaculate, the definition of orgasm more fits the experience men have, material and about power, female body is sexually feminine therefore engaging in sexuality as a woman psychologically is a femininie or servile mental state, the vagina is almost invisible from the outside, it almost can't be even touched or stimulated externally or loved, it's men who are babied and held(blackpill, as a woman with mental masculinity you're evil, you will be called names, called narcissistic, hated, at first you won't realize why, cause you're genuinely suffering and crying, but there's no emapthy for unnatural freaks, imagine if the termite bimbo trad queen refused her role, they would throw her out of their fukass colony), this is the reality we are experiencing which we can't even talk about here cause it makes some cunts mad, but then they punish us for not being feminine. What do you think my distress is made from? I just hate sexual submission and femininity, this is my anger-causing-suffering everyone torments me and insults me over. The evil person you persecute is just in severe distress, even terror. There's is even no equivalent to being a woman experiencing severe psychological terror at things like certain sexual acts, which look like something from hell. Can a man see a woman put her dick into a male mouth, and the male looking like a deformed submissive bloated piglike monster performing something so deeply humiliating and piglike? No. The most controversial topic right here. Psychological differences aka romance does not make reality different from porn. Physically it is the same mechanism. I know the difference yet they are no difference to me, makes no sense, but it's true.
Now, you're attitude towards your biological femininity shifts at the same time as you're attitude towards sex shifts. If you accept what sex is, as a woman, you accept sexual femininity, you experience a psychological shift, you become more soft, ass sucking and feminine. When you let the mental masculinity,if you have it for whatever reason, dominate, then you fell off and go back to terror on daily basis due to the sexual reality we embody. Female sex role is feminine, submissive, servile, most importantly very soft and requires romance rather than material stimulation. Romance IS sex. Even the theory about men being parasites proves that sex only serves men. Woman doesn't get anything in a heterosexual relationship, she just softens up and engages in sexual femininity therefore she is humble now, and not "he is giving her something" all he gives is masculinity so she taps into femininity, she didn't gain anything, she dropped ego, she opened up, even sex is a woman letting it happen, woman has to let in. Men are attracted to femininity, when they are attracted to women, because women are sexually feminine. The bond is created by her sexual servilness and his opposite. Even in a woman, all you can bond over with men romantically is you serving them, you won't feel the body otherwise.
Lack of physical sexual duality in humans would be a deformity, masculinity in women would be a deformity and an abomination. That's why we are hated.
The thing about women's genitals being so internal feels so pathetic and embarrassing rather to what anons say(that external gentials are worse)
How so… so you prefer being feminine sexually? Soft servile and loving a man?
Men lack love, cause they embody masculinity, but male is natural just as a woman, so women bodies exist to let men in, that's blackpill. I would rather live from the masculine point of view, bc otherwise I dissociate. Men and women pov is different state of consciousness 100000%
No. 34081
>>34077Need to add that after she starts mating she becomes big and moveless forever
(Termite queen) And just lays there for eons popping out eggs
No. 34082
>>34076notice how she said western nations.
>>34068being childless and single is becoming more frequent, this is provable from statistics. many still desire companionship though and have an urge to create families (baby fever), the latter because they feel like it gives their lives meaning. mostly they're opting out because men don't meet their standards, if they did i doubt any heterosexual women would abstain, the main reason why they turn celibate is to avoid getting burned again.
No. 34083
>>34079Women are more vile than men. Shut the fuck up already. You call women whores and shit and now you forgive them? Who the fuck you think you are, a god or smth? You're not the
victim. You opened yourself in here to the point where you threatened everyone with suicide. Yet somehow now you're the rational bitch. The way you conceptualize things are just pure idioticy. Go back to crying now. Then come back here to keep shitting the same words salads
(take your discord fights back to discord) No. 34086
>>34083I dont disagree but you acted vile like they women you said are vile and humiliated me for a post where I talk about being abused by a woman then called me dumb on discord and I literally ignored it, who are you to decided I'm not a
victim? And how are these insults I said that bad plus you refuse to even bring up the context in which I say them
No. 34127
>>34058>>34063>>34069OMG shut the fuck up you hypocritical lardass, you complain about how feminine and subservient women are yet you want women to be subservient coddling mommies towards YOU.
A woman not kissing your ass and coddling you means ''women are not united waaah waah'' meanwhile you can say the most vile shit about other women and we should just shut up huh? I still haven't forgotten your posts in this site alone of how you
victim blamed a sex trafficking
victim, blamed a
victim of Ai porn, said weird pedo shit about young girls etc. And don't get me started on your twitter and discord because that's a whole other mess on it's own of you talking about the same women you are stalking all fucking day, not allowing anyone else to really talk or have a convo, derailing other speakers with off-topic paragraphs, other people stopping chatting because of you, having your two tard-wranglers attack people, if someone begs you to stop with your spam about stalking, pigs or turtles in the nicest way possible you still lose your shit and start attacking them in chat etc.
Also how dare you compare actual abuse to someone writing you a mean comment on lolcow you tone-deaf cunt.
You deserve to get trolled, you are a horrible human being who suicide-baits on fucking lolcow and i am glad i am not the only blackpill anon in this thread who also had a horrible experience with you privately.
No. 34129
>>34128Ok sorry to butt in NTA but anon have you considered maybe going to starbucks and then going on a walk and
maybe just chilling out for a few hours or days or something?
No. 34135
>>34133kek at you having a mental breakdown at being called dumb after losing your shit at other anons and calling them vile names after they tell you to stop and then you go play
victim and threaten with suicide.
If only you were as good at other things as you are omitting details and gaslighting maybe then your posts wouldn't sound like incomprehensible schizo babbling.
No. 34141
>>34137no offence but you are mentally handicapped, i don't think you can call anyone retarded.
Shame on your guardians for not taking you to a disability care home.
No. 34149
>>34147Not everyone- I agree that heterosexual roles are biological in origin I don't agree however that she is malebrained (metaphorically not literally, all brains share the sex of the body) in any way, not with a
permanent emotional state of scared small animal.
No. 34162
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If I was a man, I would get sympathy, get comforted accepted and loved
No. 34166
>>34164so you'd be a bodybuilder? if you were a man you would be socially isolated and no woman would want to fuck you because of the autism.
>>34165>fuck your retarded turtlesi'm kekking
No. 34177
>>34136>women are not mindless automatons, surprise.I'd consider shitting, eating and birthing to be all mindless processes, you can take enjoyment out of them and cultivate a culture around them but they are still basal animal processes. Achievement comes from actually doing something meaningful. The same logic of a woman in Senegal shitting out kids applies to a poor woman In a developed advanced economy country in the OECD.
You ignored the rest of my post too. Why is infacide so high for women biologically? If children bring such meaning to womens lives why do the vast majority abandon, reject and hate their kids?
No. 34185
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You're only talk about yourself in here. This is your message
No. 34186
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>>34184it's completely different, retard. of course a schizophrenic wouldn't be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. what's the difference between imagining yourself anally raping a man with a dick, and actually having sex with a man in real life? when will this thread close.
No. 34208
Ok i see it now, you are confusing me with whoever this anon
>>34185 is.
Whatever enjoy your drama, it says alot about you when even your own echo chamber can't stand you. Have fun but i uust want to let you know im not screenshot-anon kek.
No. 34209
>>34206You all genuinely have
toxic and retarded tendencies,I know who was in the chat and who I removed, underage nullfag left by herself day ago saying she doesn't relate to it all, joined again today to message me, I blocked her after a quick exchange of her using my confessions of irl abuse to create an insult for me, then she joined again and I blocked her and removed her again, removed the vendetta one, and the inactive one who didn't reply and no one else
No. 34219
>>34213>>34211>>34210Bitch you posted literal turtle porn in the server and when multiple people described how uncomfortable that made them feel you still didn't delete it until later. You are sick in the head and your porn and internet consumption has fried your brain. You are a example of why autistic people need to be supervised by caretakers when using the internet.
I know you will probably try to deny this too and start calling me vile because that's all you know what to say. But i was there and i saw three different people saying they felt uncomfortable when you posted that you fucking freak.
One of the people even replied to you saying the turtles looked forced and yet you still didn't find anything wrong with posting that.
You are a demented low iq narc.
No. 34224
>>34222You should go ask bj-chan that since she seems to be a expert in that topic.
>>34223No it was irl
>>34221Bitch you know damn well what you posted, you never want to take accountability. You are acring the same way you did when someone called you out for posting porn links here a couple of threads ago and then you claimed you didn't even though you have.
No. 34228
>>342244chan link wasn't me, and rest is just me showing reality. It genuinely hurts me to get called dumb my whole life while people treat me like this. So much moralfagging talks about how unfairly women esp autistics are treated just for us to get gaslighted regardless. I literally tried to talk about reality ITT, sex especially. Someone was even vile enough to use my breakdown about hearing sex irl against me while knowing how much sex
triggers me and they told me to join my mom.
No. 34248
>>34080 hard agree. that's why im so wary of moids saying "I understand how you feel, I too was 'sexually assaulted' "
it's just not real. if they were raped by a man I guess they could compare it, but saying that women can "rape" men is crazy. they could have a different word for it.
No. 34250
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Your husbando is ugly as shit Bj-chan. Explains so much why you’re always sexually frustrated and want to kill yourself.
No. 34251
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>>34250look at the different filenames, autist. underlined in red. two different people.
No. 34253
>>34250that’s my husbando not bj-chan’s. bj-chan doesn’t even have a husbando she is autoandrophiliac and possibly pedophiliac.
>>34252true! nigelfags could never understand him.
No. 34255
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Your husbando is ugly as shit Bj-chan. Explains so much why you’re always sexually frustrated and want to kill yourself.
No. 34266
>>34080this but actually though. Most male rape stories (excluding if it happened to him as a kid) are men getting drunk off his ass around loads of (typically also drunk) strangers and probably cheating on his gf/wife and then wanted to play
victim at last minute
why do you think they all open their mouths about how women "go out and cheat then cry rape"? it's literally just them doing that shit
No. 34270
>>34037its true also that funny rhetoric that "not all males are predators some are themselves
victims" "women are as bad as males" "male feminists are actually concerned about women issue"
radfems worked so hard in the past just for these libfems to sell their body and call it empowering
No. 34273
>>34080reminds me of when scrotes call pamela smart a rapist when the little scrote she was fucking literally killed her husband because she was withholding sex from him until he killed her husband. It shows men dont care about
victims, they only care about owning women and going ''see?? see?? women do it too!!'' even though its not remotely the same.
No. 34324
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Schizo women, womanhood hating wome, androgynous masculine women, stink women(me) anyone else sucks ass
No. 34352
Report and ignore the schizos that shit up this thread. From now on anyone who engages with the schizos instead of reporting them will be banned as well. Additionally, a reminder that the following types of posts are also bannable:
- Replying to other anons as if you know who they are
- Referring to discussions or interactions that have happened off site
- Encouraging users to contact you offsite, linking Discord servers etc.
- Using this thread like a chatroom
This is an anonymous imageboard. Failure to integrate will eventually result in permanent bans. Ban evaders will have their posts deleted. This thread will eventually be locked if you do not work with us to curb this behaviour, so
report and ignore.
No. 34386
>>34317why do they all do this, do they think we can't see the previous messages or we just completely forgot about them
>>34322i usually point out that women will never be able to hurt men they way they hurt women (rape, murder , etc.), it usually makes them sperg out
No. 34405
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No. 34445
>>34433You seem to be into drama a lot. I'm not seeing anybody being criticized in that thread. This remind me "I'm dressing for myself muh" mantra.
>>34437I think you're wrong. Women like to push standards further to raise their status. It's not much about men about but more about status. To compete to climb the social ladder. Women like men, likes to boost their ego. Them being gay or something else doesn't change that. Sexuality is social anyway.
>>34436She wasn't hyperfeminine or anything. She was more on the masculine side. Have a shaved hair. Just very busty
(unintegrated posting style) No. 34446
>>34444>Men don't have much advantages Sure is. Women are whores. I rather to be a man. I don't want to be part of this gender. Other women grosses me. Do I have to mention getting raped? These two reasons are enough for me. Also I want to know and feel what it's like to live in a world that's belong to you. I rather to be rapist than rape
victim. You could take estrogen if high T would bother you.
>Disgust lookThere are many women who look ugly as men. They're disgusting too? I think you better to leave this thread. We don't want to hear about how women are PRETTY and that's the first thing matter about them
No. 34461
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(infight bait)
No. 34480
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Millennial women online
No. 34486
>>34484Continuing the thought chain, NTA, but I just had a random thought about how good it must feel to make the forwards motions men do in sex with their hips, it would be releasing while women have to do the opposite, spread themselves and their ass, on all levels wtf
>>34483Autistic anons like you make me think that maybe I was wrong that im the most autistic fucker ever here
No. 34498
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>men are like gods
is this a god?
No. 34510
>>34501not if you live in a first-world country. you can dress however you want, and you're only proving yuripedo's point if you fixate on the reactions of men. carry a weapon.
>>34507okay we don't care anymore, stop inciting her, idiot.
>>34509the point is, you can rape men if you actually have a desire to do so. it's completely plausible. none of you are going to do that though, because you're all cowards.
No. 34515
>>34512why wouldn't it bring you pleasure? it's a real human body you'd be able to use in whatever way you want. i guarantee that it's possible to traumatize them, they would be haunted by the memory of you, especially if you made it painful.
>>34513so are you going to live the rest of your life thinking about men this, men that? when you could just do what you want? depends on where you live.
No. 34519
>>34515Why would you dress like a whore in the first place? You know women with burkas gets raped too? "Dressing whatever you want" is a retarded statement
>>34515You're not so bright power wqeen, rape is biological. Forcing yourself to enjoy rape is not going to work. Sorry
No. 34521
>>34519the anon in /g/ had a fetish for it, and i guess she enjoyed the sexual attention she got from women.
>>34519>>34520you guys always shun sexually depraved women who try breaking out of the mold. you genuinely don't think there are women that wouldn't receive pleasure from raping a man (you gave up on arguing against the possibility because you know i'm right)? just because you two are pussies doesn't mean the other women with "masculinized brains" give a shit.
No. 34526
>>34521Found the
femcel. I'm a lesbian, I don't give two fucks about men. All this shit you wrote in here is just cringe libfem shitfest. Why would you rape gay men in the first place? It's homophobic. You're so detached from the reality I just don't know how to reply to your respond. Do you think women in the first world countries are not getting raped? Why women would rape men? The only reason why we're suffering this much is because of rape. We got raped since begining of the dawn. Now you're getting in and out from mental gymnastics to mental gymnastics for denying it. Why? You're not helping anyone with this stupidity.
No. 34528
it's like if you noticed the trend of men that spam gore on imageboards to troll people. oh that's so male-brained of them, because more of them do it. what is stopping a woman from doing the same? her female brain? they're more moralistic. from socialization. you are free to troll a male imageboard with gore.
>>34526faggots are just as misogynistic as straight men. i would only care if it happened to women. you must be ESL. my point is, if you want to rape a man, you are able to do that, for the same reasons as men, for the high of feeling powerful or sexual gratification. any woman is. if this mentality became more popular, it wouldn't be just a male thing to do. but society is restricting women from developing this. if you want to rape a male, which is completely possible for a woman to do, then DO IT.
>>34527who's justifying rape now? are you saying that it's natural? kek. why do men rape animals then?
No. 34537
>>34531>Women don't have any reason to rape.sexual gratification or a feeling of power, the same as men, like i already said.
>Women are pickers not the ones who get picked.what the fuck are you on about? do you actually think you're reasonably defending your point?
No. 34540
>>34536look at what you wrote.
>the male brain gives him the urge.genuinely ask yourself, what the fuck are you talking about? men and women could both be emotionally spurred on to react in this way, but women usually don't because they cling to morals because of female socialization.
No. 34549
>>34498right like can we be serious please
>>34510>the point is, you can rape men if you actually have a desire to do so. it's completely plausible. none of you are going to do that though, because you're all cowards.women can't even enjoy rape like moids do we're doomed
No. 34550
>>34544please.. explain yourself in full sentences. you're not making yourself look less retarded.
>>34545what PROOF do you have?
>>34546spoken like someone with zero understanding of psychology or nuance. again, if it's a mating strategy, why do men rape animals?
No. 34559
>>34556re-condition yourself pavlov style
>>34557yes, they rape animals because it gives them a sense of power, like how serial killers start by killing animals. they seek it out because of their sexual depravity. no mating strategy involved, because people are more complex than muh biology. it isn't natural, retard, the same way zoophilia isn't natural. if a woman were to rape a child, which HAS happened, is that suddenly unnatural? your only evidence is how often it occurs, which could be explained by other reasons in a way that is actually consistent.
No. 34572
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No. 34574
>>34559They don't rape animals because it's give them a sense of power. They rape animals for release or sexual depravity. Stop derailing the thread with your
femcel shit you aren't edgy
No. 34579
>>34570What autism to do with it what we're talking about? Who the fuck says women are hivemind? You're an idiot
femcel who came to derail this thread with yout libfem horseshit. We're literally here because women aren't a hivemind. Can you comprehend? Being gender conforming and autism isn't correlated.
>>34570You're disgusting. Gtfo
No. 34590
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>Jill herself(responding to retard instead of reporting after farmhand warning)
No. 34604
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holy shit zenosfag diddy's old girlfriend looks exactly like your husbando its crazy(offtopic, encouraging personalityfagging)
No. 34633
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>Everyone ITT(infight bait)
No. 34663
>>34656christians think the bread and wine from communion actually turns into the body of christ, they can't even agree on if this is physical or spiritual. it's based on the context of their time instead of some omniscient wisdom, which makes it seem more human-made than the word of an all-knowing god. they couldn't even conceive anything original about women, they just went off of their environment, but that's supposed to be taken as a spiritual truth. religion is used to control society, of course it only reinforces convenient messages for them.
>>34660you're going to keep accusing random people of samefagging because of that 1 ban that might've just been nullfag trolling aren't you
No. 34670
>>34667It was kinda shocking to see this person’s first video is about astral projecting from doing drugs. I say person cuz I’m not sure if they’re a woman, have gone FTM, or
maybe MTF? I’ll use she cuz I think it’s most likely. The channel name is “THE MOST CANCELLED MAN ALIVE” so idk for sure though.
>>34668I watched some other vids, I think she’s 18 according to some comments so maybe. I’ve noticed a lot of Gen Z calling themselves “trans inclusive radfems”. I guess at least if they’re calling out the BS and not blindly taking degeneracy it’s refreshing at least
No. 34684
>>34667it’s a woman. FTM. we’re mutuals on twitter. she’s really sweet and working through a lot of issues and honestly reminds me of a lot of nonnas on here. she’s insightful and very online and browses here sometimes. i get this is lolcow and most people on here are unforgiving but she said earlier in the summer that she was planning to detransition and live as a woman. she has
terf mutuals btw. like i said, i feel like people on here are unforgiving but on twitter you’ll find many ftms with
terf mutuals. she’s blackpilled btw but is attracted to men. i’m almost certain she reads this exact thread because she was talking about blackpilled brazilian radfems recently
No. 34719
>>34717I was thinking more along the lines of christians vs jews.
Feminism is theological? …How??
No. 34720
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It's literally her DAD, I have no words. And the most degrading humiliating to perform sex act possible. Why would you give this hat to you dad
No. 34721
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No. 34724
>>34723>one of the most popular singers has a song about being fucked to deathWtf, who and what song?
>>34716AYRT and the point I was making was more “Current popular religion is male dominated and misogynistic” instead of “We should replace the current popular male dominated religion with a more feminist religion”. The latter isn’t a statement I disagree with though, I’m agnostic personally but even I would say that it would do us some good for the current generation to be able to adopt a healthy religion and beat the nihlism they’re in. With that being said I don’t think that will happen, as much as I wish it would. Trying to give people a new faith would only backfire because they’d either not accept it or the kids of the future will just end up rejecting it and we’ll be back to where we started
No. 34728
>>34724Lana tunnel song, I can't look at her since hearing it, what a slag, but I don't see her as a
victim and don't subscribe to the feminist mentality on that really.(Bc ppl will see her as a
victim while I think most of the shit radfems say is external things fault, it's just womanhood fault instead and I hate womanood for it bc it's what put me in this position in life, sex etc)
No. 34745
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Even incels seems to get it
No. 34804
>>34790Who has psychosis and which reddit account?
I truly believe the %90 of posters itt are incel men and the other 1-2 ppl are
femcels w psychotic disorders
(encouraging derailing) No. 34849
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No. 34863
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No. 34869
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>no wide eyes
Picrel is blowjob chan when she watchs porn(encouraging personalityfags)
No. 34893
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>>34892Okay, what about Suffragents then. You can't claim they were fighting over owning the woman.
>>34889I can't think of a lot of concrete modern examples as they would probably all be anecdotal but I've seen a lot of female guild and raid leaders in my lifetime. Wouldn't female political leaders also count? It's just about the opportunity to side with whomever benefits them the most.
The point of my post wasn't to #notallmen btw but more to point out that complete gender solidarity is impossible because humans are not so simple-minded as to blindly side with those who share the same genitalia. Men have been killing each other in wars for centuries, so it's not something specific to women.
No. 34911
>>34904>dysphoria has nothing to do with ideology or modern gender stuffNo it does. Don't try to sell your western white heterosexual male misogynic ideology as something else. Who let this troon in?
>we dysphoric people suffer because we don't fit into the gender roles assigned to our birth sexWhat gives you right to speak behalf of all dysphoric people That's not the reason why I feel dysphoria. Also men cannot have dysphoria. Period. Theirs are fetish. Rest is twitter bot copy paste post
No. 34914
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No. 34918
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Kek found it on /m
No. 34923
>>34893>You can't claim they were fighting over owning the woman.Didn't anon say men were fighting over fucking women?
>>34892>They were fighting with each other for fucking the womanYeah kek, she did.
No. 34928
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Even TiF's are fucking whores
No. 34932
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radfems are obsessed with female biology but not even normie women like womanhood
No. 34947
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Same women who got raped 3 times
No. 34949
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radfems' obsession with the female reproductive system just makes me want to get rid of it all even more. they don't understand that there are natal women who don't like their own uterus, their own vagina and no ideology will change that.
No. 34987
>>34975instead of calling her schizo names like bj-chan or i don’t know what, we are waiting you to present counterarguments to hers.
cause what she said is correct, being realist doesn’t mean or equal worshiping men, she’s just sex dysphoric.
No. 34991
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>>34990what she’s talking about then ?
i fully agree with her.
(encouraging personalityfags) No. 35020
can women be stronger in the future ? It doesn't matter if it takes a million years, but can we evolve to make testosterone and androgens our own like the many females of other species that have evolutionarily won this award?
It also doesn't matter that the physically stronger females of other species are still penetrated by males, but what matters is that they are psychologically hyper masculine than males , they are the ones who rule, they make the rules, they head the top of the pyramid in every field, they own the resources, they do the sexual selection because they are biologically, physically and psychologically superior, they own the whole genome and don't have the psychology of femininity like Homo sapiens females.
Even if the birth of spotted hyenas was painful, they won the biological evolutionary lottery and took the reigns from the males.
I can't ignore the thousands of scientific papers on theories like sexual conflict and sexual antagonism even though I currently have sex dysphoria.
did you know that all species where females are bigger and stronger mate only with younger males ?
the average ages of mothers and fathers in the population tilt the balance of genes interests in favor of one sex. If, as in humans, the average father is older than the average mother, this lead all genes to shift their interests toward what works best for males from Thomas Hitchcock study on sexual antagonism.
If all women from now on marry males twenty years or more younger than themselves, I guarantee you that sexual dimorphism will be reversed in favor of females.
No. 35026
>>35020>It also doesn't matter that the physically stronger females of other species are still penetrated by malesIt does because of disease and rape. Dehumanization is a different discussion.
>but what matters is that they are psychologically hyper masculine than males , they are the ones who rule, they make the rules, they head the top of the pyramid in every field, they own the resources, they do the sexual selection because they are biologically, physically and psychologically superior, they own the whole genome and don't have the psychology of femininity like Homo sapiens females.So your solution to this problem is that women only partner with young males. Why? How is that a solution to this problem? Shouldn't the real solution be women gain resources themselves, guard themselves against men and keep resources to themselves and other women? Women are already gaining resources and tilting the scales hence why abortion laws are being enacted, pedophilia is at a all time high globally statistically, degradation is encouraged and has become the norm for many female celebrities, porn is more violent and omnipresent, technology is being developed to humiliate and further degrade women and womens rights are being suddenly and aggressively curbed all at once. The sudden resurgence in trad shit and redpill moids/incels are evidence of this too.
No. 35027
>>35026>Women are already gaining resourcesLol where?
>womens rights are being suddenly and aggressively curbed all at onceWas there any to begin with?
No. 35044
>>35040they’re right, women are psychologically inferior and feminine, cause gender roles are biological and patriarchy is natural,
men don’t hate women, they just want them to perform their natural biology.
"It is feminine to have the truth with those who possess the argument; manliness is to carry your weapon, set out to conquer the world, and impose your truth by force."
- Julius Evola
(baiting) No. 35048
>>35042That's why women should literally stop birthing them but will women ever consider selective abortion for xys just how they used to perform femicide in China and India ?
Why do women fail to see moids for who they actually are?
No. 35052
>>35051Do you really think men would be too stupid to notice a trend in less males being born?
Already there are calls to curb feminism due to declining birth rates, if it gets really bad any woman who aborts a son could be barred from a pension or welfare.
No. 35057
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>>35056>Women in civilized parts of the world have reproductive autonomy, period. There is too much inertia in humanity to head backwards in any serious way. Thats just my current thinking but I expect patriarchal cultures are too unstable for the amount of complexity required of modern life. What inertia? The only reason us women have the right to vote is because men agree to that. Men are the majority of the military, men are the majority of the police. If men wanted to they can take away our right to vote.
The "peak" influence of feminism was in the mid 2010's. Anti-feminism is seeing a resurgence across many countries in the world.
No. 35061
>>35027>Lol where?Jobs. Women outnumber men in higher and tertiary institutional educations. In all OECD countries with developed economies but the U.S abortion is readily available. Do you live in the middle east?
>Was there any to begin with?The right to vote, abortion and basic human rights in most developed economies. I understand the sentiment, but dial back the unhinged hyperbole.
>>35057According to this are UK males becoming more liberal? kek tranny island confirmed.
>>35059good point. I remember being a young child when Lady gaga was disassociating from being seen as a "loud angry feminazi". Lots of women decried feminism in the early 2010s that it was a pickme marathon. Millennial women are damaged with pickmeism as much as zoomers. Meanwhile "feminazis" were liberal feminists spouting basic pro-choice rhetoric and the bare minimum of womens rights while supporting liberal feminist "sex work is work" and early tranny rhetoric. They also push for a lot of prison abolition and horrendous shit.
No. 35062
>>35061>The right to vote, abortion and basic human rights in most developed economies.What makes you think those things are so secure?
>According to this are UK males becoming more liberal?No, it's showing that liberalism among UK males has peaked, specifically it's peaked with older millenials, younger millenials and Gen Z are much more conservative and you'll continue to see a downward trend in liberalism.
No. 35063
>>35061> JobsThat enough to make ends meet. What resources women gain? Men own %80 of land. Meanwhile women will throw half of their income to the beauty industries.
> Women outnumber men in higher and tertiary institutional educationsWomen prefer social jobs. Men outnumber women in STEM. I live in a thirdie country, if you got pregnant as a result of rape, you can get abortion.
> The right to vote, abortion and basic human rights in most developed economiesWhich is given by men to women due to gap in economy. Not that most women cared.
No. 35080
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I saw this on twitter
No. 35086
>>35081If it wasn't for the womb and how they won't be able to clone themselves without a woman, they would literally hunt down women to extinction.
Kinda ironic and sad nature didn't create any natural predator to keep scrotes in check but maybe someday AGI can prove to be a replacement to that and hunt down xys
No. 35108
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>>35107And what do you think, women are not getting SA in other fields? Women aren't good at technical things.
>i bet if they separate women and men in university more women would join STEMThat's just a feminist cope
No. 35111
>>35110>>more retarded moids>kek. I don't get this sentiment, imagine having to punch down to cope with your mediocrity.
>women tend to not be interested in technical fields, it doesn't simulate the brainmeats, they don't find it rewarding like spergy moids doTechnical fields such as science and technology have been much more beneficial to Humanity than sociology or modern liberal arts.
No. 35114
>>35110>simulate the brainmeatsYou can't even type stimulate properly kek
>>35112Even women in shitholes like Eastern Eu and Middle East choose those fields if they want to. You're making excuses to deny the reality.
No. 35116
>>35111>I don't get this sentiment, imagine having to punch down to cope with your mediocrity.imagine not being grateful for what you have, you aren't a drooling retard, you're a midwit and most men aren't STEM geniuses
>Technical fields such as science and technology have been much more beneficial to Humanity than sociology or modern liberal arts.women don't go into those fields because they're interested in them either lol…
No. 35121
>>35080Who would even buy this shit?
>>35057I wonder what psy-op started around 2015 in South Korea.
>>34964Do you also trash your house and leave it filthy? Only men are comfortable living like pigs (because they only care about themselves, not their offspring and relatives).
No. 35131
>>33868Agreed nonna. These girls are forgetting that the first programmers were women. They are brainwashed to think that they are too mentally-stunted to study mathematics and science. It all circles back to internalized misogyny.
STEM should be pursued in some capacity by all of us if we hope to understand the world better. I am an Indian, and girls here are pushed to pursue engineering and medicine these days. Such encouragement has led to my generation becoming better educated and independent.
To any STEM nonnas reading this: keep pushing. We will all make it.
No. 35132
>>35131>These girls are forgetting that the first programmers were womenGive source.
>They are brainwashed to think that they are too mentally-stunted to study mathematicsI already study maths. Do you realize this is blackpill thread?
No. 35134
>>35133When did I mention anything about beautiful lustful creatures kek?
I was replying to an anon who said that women shoukd not pick STEM.
No. 35135
>>35132I was referencing the anon who stated that women should not pick STEM when talking about the brainwashing part.
As for this being a black pill thread, it should be oriented towards shit men get away with and how women give them a pass, not about women opting out of career paths because of muh oppression.
Having a
victim complex just ensures that men win, as women are too busy feeling sorry for themselves instead of taking action.
I have yet to see even one anon suggesting ways to survive in this brutal world. What is the point of all this rambling if we are left with no solution?
No. 35136
>>35134Aren't you the same anon who sent this –—–>
>>33733 <–—– Also no one said that
No. 35137
>>35135>shit men get away with and how women give them a passUm.. no, not really. We're talking about shit women here as well.
>Having a victim complex just ensures that men win.I don't care what men thinks. You can think about them all you want. It's not
victim complex when it's fucks up your life girlboss103. Women regardless of their class can be bitter, cynical, pessimist, depressed.
>as women are too busy feeling sorry for themselves instead of taking action.You can tell that to women who have hang themselves off. Women attempts suicide more, self harm more, are more depressed. But hey, those women are just attention whores. No woman have to buy into your moralfagging retarded useless ideology.
No. 35141
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i think more women should get into stem because then we will have more bl otome games(derail)
No. 35174
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No. 35178
>>35177Even feeling a repressed desire for it or even just the primitive reaction of "penis=arousal" would be disgusting, but I am also pretty sure that if it ever became a visceral unambiguous urge I would find some way to rationalise it to myself and decide it's natural and beautiful after all. I want to die a virgin but I think if I wait too long I'll change my mind on that. I know, I'm in control of my own actions. But "I" won't be the same "me" in a few years, just as there was a different "me" a few years ago. I don't want to be fatalistic about it, just in case it leads directly into "fuck it i can't cope with this self hatred i may as well just embrace it". My best option is end it now, my second best is delay as long as possible.
I'm well aware that every few posters on this website are secretly male, probably you included, and I'm sure at least one will see my posts. Every other blackpill poster should keep that in mind, too, remember which eyes are on your deeply personal confessions.
(ban evading retard) No. 35197
>>35192You're mixing up posters, and all of you sexually harrased and taunted a woman for hating a
psychologically terrorizing sexual act, wished literally a rape on her(wishing that act) for hating that act, just like men who degrade women sexually when they say no and now you're all getting excited at the thought of it being her while it's a completely different person. Everyone who did it is an absolute scum. Why you all come here if you don't even want to talk about the reality and why everyone talking about it gets treated like a villain and can't even say their problem with heterosexuality even if they don't insult people. The conclusion here is obvious. Literally punishing a woman for not wanting a dick in her mouth, until she breaks down multiple times, btw not allowing ppl to name reality is vile especially when they don't even do in an extremely hateful way but instead just acknowledge our biological femininity and the name of sex (on all levels mental and physical and physical is what creates mental experience of sex). A woman who openly says a million times that she hates a humiliating sexual act you narrated as a woman who wants that thing to break her as a punishment for not being a dick sucking pig. Then you all screech about society punishes women while look at what you all did. Btw. Gender is physical and sex is femininity (woman) or masculinity (men) women can only have sex through being feminine and servile. You wah wah womin can be dominant and blowing dick is equal dumbfucks
No. 35231
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>>35223everybody abandoned.. so sad
No. 35248
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Always appalled, but no longer surprised. Are tradwife boymoms THE most cucked women in existence?
No. 35251
>>35232I have no words. So this is why you're so mad at the certain posters here? It's always one of you bitches, I hate misandrists so much. In every single bp space they expect you to cater to their copium("noo the wombin are the
victims, womin not submissive, yourr juzttt like the menzz!!!") and stupid moralfagging, screech at you and then wet themselves to men in their imagination seconds later. What is your fucking problem.
No. 35256
Let's get real because it fucking hit me. Men and women are both a natural part of life, male reproductive system is necessary for humanity, but I think I'm sensitive as a man is, I'm mentally stuck in a tit sucker phase, this is masculinity what I am experiencing and an extreme spiritualization (ungrounded). Humans are like an animals, if you look at it all from a higher point of view, masculinity and femininity very obvious, gender being a physical construct, fucking simple, I think… The nature of sex is power dynamics, our vagina by itself is a power dynamic because it's one side of the spectrum and the dick is other side, so human "intimate loving uwu mutual intimacy" shit is… power dynamics. I wish people could just admit it instead of lying to me, because I'm fucking tired. Then I go outside of the feminist echo chamber and see every woman talking about being degraded, submissive or dick sucking (horror type of shit, extreme sadomaso) … humans wouldn't even like sex, if it had no power dynamic for obvious reasons just think and you will realize why. So, why aren't sex hating women fucking accepted? We just don't wanna be sexually submissive or fucked in the face, ass, from behind, suck dicks, be a sub, bottom oh my god what else, be feminine. Omfg womanhood is like a horror movie to me, I feel unsafe when I'm hated for my hatred of sex.
>>35254Seeing yourself as different from other women and as not a woman genuinely helps, cause it makes you less confused about why you can't relate to them, if you hate women's position in sex detaching from it feels more safe, cause seriously even going outside in a female body or going to parties feels like a rape kink, and let's go back to my point about humans being like animals, so in animals the sex happens when the male walks behind a female and then fucks her from behind and she usually lets him. Human female het desire is also responsive like that and sometimes even indistinguishable from fear, defense mechanism etc. because these two things resemble arousal. So while going outside and interacting with society, you will end up letting men fuck you, it will simply just happen cause men and women can't co exist without that. Or worse. You will be raped or assaulted. The female body is vulnerable and submissive sexually, the sexual power dynamic is the connect humans have to animals because this shit is animalistic. Women are a sexually submissive human animals, that's how I see sex, it feels raw and animal like(cause of power dynamic). In society they end up just letting men fuck, heterosexual desire of a woman is responsive, she want it but it's like at the same time it's women just giving sex to men almost like in animal sex where the male just fucks if the female wants it or not she has to take it lol…
And humans identify as those sexual roles. I don't wanna be this role lol not identifying as a woman detached me from that, it feels safer… It's not a trauma or something that I will give up on on the right environment or with a "Nigel". From a masculine perceptive in a woman's body, womanhood is a fucking cage and the limits are not self created, when you acceot womanhood they don't disappear, they still exist but you decided to change to fit them.
Anytime I think of human sex I feel the animalistic parts of the reality, but to others they are just a normal human shit.
If I were to have straight sex I would feel like I feel into a hole with no end, just endless falling and suffocating. Once I compared it to having a sleep paralysis and trying to wake your body up, but not being able too, and male pov is the fully awake state where you're in control. I'm about to go full troon mode where I screech at people where they don't validate my masculine identity kek because if prude women will never be accepted then..
my phobia of sex goes so far than when I saw women commenting on some disabled woman on TikTok, who has no limbs, and saying that she's happy and thriving in het hetero relationship, all I could think of is the horror of being dependent on a man, not being able to move, sex being like a rape cause you can't even move, and she has no hands so she can't suck dick, so he probably facefucks her in their "intimate loving NORMAL MATURE ADULT intimacy love sex". I'm scared for my survival…
No. 35260
>>35258I don't want to be a woman
>>35256It's not even about men honestly. If most women didn't let it happen I wouldn't feel dysphoric. Many women prostitutes themselves, most women don't see a problem with that, some even find it hot and support it. They aren't any different than men and even worse in other ways, but they're also brutally victimized by men. I'm just stucked in this loop where I hate one gender more than other. I don't want to be woman and associate myself with any part of it but it's part of my identity, it's forever engraved on me. I feel so uncomfortable in this body, it's maddening. I'm not seeing other women as allies. I found more empathy and acceptance from some troons than women for example. I would be teared apart if I opened about my traumas and oppression to other women. Anyway just some rant
No. 35266
>>35260> If most women didn't let it happen I wouldn't feel dysphoric. Many women prostitutes themselves, most women don't see a problem with that, some even find it hot and support it. that is the ultimate blackpill that most feminist spaces won't allow me to say, that women actively partake in their own humiliation and submission.
most of the feminist places are now run either by libfem ( empowered prostitutes kek) or conservatives larping as radfems ( only seethe over troon issues while actively being married to their nigels and shit out moidlets- basically average ovarit user)
suffragettes worked so hard for some liberation women have today and instead of working hard and taking up top jobs in every field they take the easy and degrading route of selling their bodies online and call in empowering
i will never have any respect for this kind of women, they are one of the reasons males consider women inferior too mentally because they are actively calling themselves sex objects for male use and dont blame everything on socialization, if that was true this thread wouldnt exist
No. 35290
>>35289yes trannies never evade or complain about those incel forums but the moment a woman says she hates moids its considered transphobic kek
fuck troons
No. 35300
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even him?
No. 35318
People who say that gender is a social construct, people who sugarcoat what sex is and gaslight you about the reality of it, reality of the human sexuality and sexual desire are the reason why I, and my problem with sex and womanhood will never be fucking understood. Literally the experience of being the vagina in sex is mentally feminine, this gender feminine -masculine duality is just biology in humans. It took me too long to understand everything, because of people who deny it all, I was even manipulated by radical feminism into retarded ass compium. I'm just tired of not being understood, I'm tired of ratfems, normies, terfs, normies, misandrists and just everyone who gaslights me about reality. Femininity is biological and that's why women behave sexually the way they do, cause to no surprise sexual femininity is about serving (dick), being feminine (receptive) and shit like that, and we experience sexual desire through our human biology, and human biology has two physical genders, two sides of the spectrum,feminine and masculine. And no, there's no variety in sex having, allowing women to choose, if they wanna be submissive and feminine or not, it's all universal, in straight sex women literally get pleasure through servicing dick and being feminine… Do you know how long it took me to understand what's mutual in hetero sex if all I saw was women serving and sucking dick?
Gender exists within the physical structure of the reality. I am not feminine mentally, it makes me disordered and dissociated from my body. It makes me have erotophobia. It makes me wish I was a man, with a woman, even tho I am straight. The things that supposedly are me being a bad person (as a woman) is just me being masculine, I always felt this sexual envy of men. I feel dysphoric cause of my biological femininity not any construct detached from that. I cannot have sex as a woman and not have to be feminine, soft and servile, empathetic, this is the level where my dysphoria exists. Its all written in the human biology, i said that the experience of having a vagina in sex, mentally is feminine and that is the reason why gender is just biology.
>>35315Human sex is literally two opposite sides, a duality so that's a bigger difference than in other species. Woman is feminine and a man is masculine… That's why womens sexual behavior is caused by nothing else but their sexual anatomy and humans who gaslight others about it really do not help. Also humans sexually do whatever stimulates them through their physical anatomy. Dick is external and active, when it gets stimulated its penetrative, so it is mentally a masculine feeling. Always. Vagina is inwards and receptive, so it is feminine and about you surendeinyand being empathetic, sex expands beyond just the act of touching your gentials, so pickmeness is a sexual expression actually… 100% you have to count on me, cause out of all the people I know it all the best cause of my dysphoria. Human sexuality is create any nothing else but physical anatomy, so that's why even lesbians want a power dynamic in their sex lives. Sex is power dynamics, because a vagina or dick by itself is a part of a power dynamic, two opposite sides of the spectrum. I used to always cry and go catatonic due to my erotophobia without which I don't even feel like myself, cause it's induced by my dysphoria which is induced by my personality and autism I can't change… I used to feel catatonic because of sexual acts or practices human do, cause if the power dynamic in them, so i analysed it all, and if people gaslight me about gender then they gaslight me about sex, cause that power dynamic exists vause of the biological femininity of human women and masculinity of men. These terms perfectly describe the mental state each sex genitals embody, so yeah gender is not a social construct it's pretty much just sex/biology. Sexual desire which is like the fundaments of life, this is why even porn is 100% true deciption of human sexual desire if you haven't noticed. Penetrativeness and receptiveness in sex is what stimulates humans, so like I cannot reach sexual fullfilement as a woman, gay or straight doesn't matter, if I don't wanna be sexually feminine blah blah blah. That's why sex as a woman sometimes looks Iike labor and sex acts have a "job" in their name, because to get pleasure in straight sex, a woman has to learn to please dick. When I realized how to make straight sex mutual my mind was blown, finally I started understanding human sexuality a lifetime of struggles with it. I won't me engaging in it, and unlike other blackpilled women I'm kinda more distanced from sex, cause I have s dysphoria about female position in it so I won't pull up one day screaming about how I'm converting into a normie and need dick neither suffer from shame. I never thought of doing the most degrading acts and things in sex as myself with real people, the most is I explored the hetero dynamic but I never felt as if it's me being that. I must say,I feel insecure for not being feminine regardless and not being feminine makes me disordered. Ik that some gender stereotypes are just facts, and I know that my inner masculinity is real and comes from autism, I can call it masculinity after my analysis of it, I really have a sexual envy that's very strong and my whole life I felt dysphoric in my own hetero attraction. This is not an issues with society if the root of it lies in biology, so.
I'm not gonna make separate post so I will say another thing here instead…
I hate when heterosexual women express their attraction and talk about "hot men", cause like how can they even consume this attraction? All they can do is serve dick and I literally saw an anon say that she wants to "blow" a specific man's dick, she used that word (but apparently only whores from porn use it) and said she wouldn't feel mental peace if she did it cause it only serves men.
So seeing women express their sexuality means reading about them sucking off dicks and that's a sick act and it all makes me uncomfortable. Literally all they can do is serve dick…
Well I wouldn't be myself if not for my mental teror at the thought of these sexual things and mt phobia of them, and it's literally me just not being feminine AS A WOMAN. I understand gender now, i don't wana read about how it's all social blah blah blah anymore. You people make it less possible for me to be fucking understood in my real struggles
Also examples like me wanting to kill myself because I see women talk about wanting to get face fucked… Bruh that act, the power dynamic of it is still femininity masculinity, cause it makes women surrender and cause it makes men experience being penetrative. Sex is about emotions and emotions are energy in motion. In women the motion is them being receptive. Human sexual sadomasochism is natural and a reasult of physical anatomy… 100% you can admit it either of you are distanced from it or you're a shameless whore, because in other cases it has to be a secret kinda even if it's true, it's a lot of thinking to understand it and I feel like my mind starts producing psychogelics in it when I think this intensely cause I start getting in trance from putting my attention my consciousness this deeply for a ling period of time
I know that people get pissy when a woman does not follow some rules on how you should write, and when people write their stream of consciousness down, but my random thoughts is that I could give into the human desires caused by their anatomy just to realize that myhatred of sex was real and my dysphoria was real and that I feel out of place engaging in that shit and forced myself into sexual femininity. Because people taunt you as a woman if you hate sex things, especially, by some weird COINCIDENCE the sex things with the biggest power dynamic, that are of most obvious nature. They are the most lied about things in the world.
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>>35318do you know who he is
(derailing) No. 35334
I hate women with everything. I hate how stupidly optimsitic and delusional they are. I hate how arrogant yet fucking miserable they are. This morning I saw one of these foid saying "wehmeen and mehn's psychical differences is not such a pig deal, carry a weapon, live your life, girl power yada yada" you know what was the most ridiculous part? She said, with psychological games, yes hold on, psychological, you can avoid a man to assault you. This kind of optimoron thinking only set us back, causes more harm than good. Sometimes I hate the fact that women are walking in this planet, with their own thinking pattern inside their soft slimy fragile brains, sensing this world through their own stunted bodily form; it disgusts me. I'm trying to escape from this reality, this body but no matter what ideology or reality I believe in I get hit hard by the harsh truth. Borning into a female body is an insult to the mind, one's bodily autonomy. Your mind is now imprisoned by this body and you need to adjust your thoughts accordingly.
No. 35338
>>35334women regardless of dysphoria spectrum are all equally feminine and psychologically pickmes, so I wonder how even we were created this way?
why don't we behave like typical women and think like them?
No. 35341
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gay men live life on easy mode
No. 35346
>>35345No, I'm the nullfag
>>35343I thought you were that infamous sperging anon.
No. 35353
>>35346all anons are infamous tho nullfag
>>35347omg you’re a fat brain dead ass
No. 35355
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kind of proving my point loll
No. 35358
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>>35354not you of course being shaped like this
No. 35360
>>35357he’s slavic not indian
>>35358>>35359you must be mistaking me for bj-chan. i’m the only non-fat person itt and i don’t like 3d penis.
No. 35361
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>>35360yeah i believe you uwu-chan, you’re obviously not fat, sorry for mistaking that you were fat like a Sumo wrestler, but hell im sure you’re like that. just imagine how fat and big you’re pussy are.
(infighting ) No. 35362
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>>35360but of course you like you’re slavic 2D husbando with an indian dot to shit semen on your face
>>35362semen is not expelled from the anus. it is ejected from the urethra.
>>35361i am not uwu-chan
No. 35398
>>35393Yes I said that, I should've correct that it isn't the only reason why I want it. It's more complex than just getting attacked by a man but I'm going to sleep now so I'm not gonna detail it.
>could be circumvented with other options.What do you mean? Like coping with trauma?
No. 35403
>>35370Xys are definitely retarded but it ultimately works in their favour
They are lucky women aren't chimped like them or else they would have gone extinct sooner
But i really wish women were as aggressive as males are
Like how female manties feast on the male's head while mating
Women will never be this based as these female insects are
No. 35404
The older I get, the more I’m convinced men are intrinsically better at most if not all things than women and I’m genuinely starting think that feminism as it is as a cope. We’re far more likely to work lower paying jobs, only 10% of millionaires are women, 16% of design patents are women, men are physically stronger than us, etc.
Hell, even radfems, the ones who apparently defy the patriarchy the most, don’t deny this. Whenever they bring up a woman’s best attributes it’s always “w-we can menstruate and give birth!”. I’m not saying this like I’m a genius either, I’m a total dumbass but at least I don’t deny that men are inherently smarter, more talented, and stronger. Even on here when someone lists a woman’s best attributes it boils down to the following
>more empathy
>better caregivers
>we can give birth
At the end of the day, all these traits only serve to benefit moids that we would genuinely be better off without. I just wish everyone was born a guy including me, idc if I sound like a troon.
No. 35405
>>35404>At the end of the day, all these traits only serve to benefit moids that we would genuinely be better off without. It is the depressive reality feminists will never accept
Female body is not divine or better for being able to hold on a parasite and suffer there after
Moids are at much better place for being able to spread their seed and not suffer at all
They don't empathy cause they don't need to care for a parasite born out of the body
They don't have to bleed cause a parasite won't be formed from their blood and flesh
They literally have so much advantage as if nature is a sadist entity
I will never care for this pathetic planet and nature no matter what the feminists tell me
No. 35407
>>35406I wouldn’t mind this either tbh, as long as every human is the same sex
No. 35409
>>35380it actually is kek
>>35408>hopeless male retardsredundant to say they are all hopeless and retarded
No. 35411
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nullfag will never be him
No. 35425
>>35423Misogyny has no reason to exist because women and girls do everything men want and STILL are hated and despised. Even when women had no power at all and were led like cattle to be sold off and raped by every man men treated them shit. There is no equality that can be achieved with men. Murder and rape will never be equal. Women will never be murdered and raped less by men, numbers will always tick up in some way back in favor of men. Say murder and feminicide goes down, rape will increase. Say rape goes down, child abuse of girls will increase. Say men allow women to work, degrading porn will be made by men and their pickmes.
Pedofilia cases of child abuse, CSAM and rape have globally increased since the mid 2010s and look to continue globally yet I see no real outcry from women as a collective, in fact I see encouragement that women should sell their ass while they're young and valuable. This shows that women as a class have no power, and give no fuck about women and girls. Women are seen as negligible in elections, the women vote never has any effect and even if it did all candidates are male aligned and women don't seem to give a shit about each other. All of the issues of the world throughout now to history are caused by men and their pickmes with the average woman being too cowardly and indivualistic while being too intrasexually competitive to do anything about them.
No. 35452
File: 1729289324579.jpg (Spoiler Image,427.6 KB, 1189x1793, Reproductive System_Page_158.j…)

I want to kill myself with a woman who feels similar to me
No. 35456
>>35452I can't imagine how women birth xys even after knowing he might become a future rapist or pedophile
The thought would want a rational woman to abort the xy fetus as soon as possible but their brain cannot comprehend that
Every boy mom ( except for
victims of rape that had to forcefully birth the xy) is equally responsible for the violence moids perpetuate to women
No. 35466
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What does this image make you feel
No. 35494
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Clitoris is basically old fashioned penis
No. 35503
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>>35494that’s a troon you dumbass
No. 35505
>>35502Okay but where you're going with all of this?
>>35503And? If a troon says sky is blue are we gonna scream "no sky is green!" I was actually going to share an article but changed my mind
No. 35507
>>35506>>35505Like clockwork
>so what if I agree with trannies??>uhm no i won't read anything that disagrees with meNext you'll post r/degradinghole tier bullshit and say it's the true nature of women. No one wants your "articles", this site isn't for troons or porn addicts, please go back to your gooncave.
(infighting) No. 35531
Sharing here because i am in shock after seeing this video. What she went through makes me want to vomit and some people still decide to troll her and say she is not a
victim tried to embedd but it didn't work, pls fix the tiktok links glitch in the video section because some of them work and some don't)
No. 35538
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>>35535growls in disgust You stupid bitch I dont have fuckfock, I can't play the video.
rolls eyes What's it about? Anyway she's only able to share it online because she have a pretty feminine face.
smirks evilly* People would trear her like a freak if she was ugly…..
No. 35543
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me and who(sonic shitposting)
No. 35545
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>>35544cocks gun and raises eyebrow Will you answer my question,
No. 35548
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(sonic shitposting) No. 35550
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>>35548modern sonic sucks ass. bardonic forever.
No. 35552
>>35531 I still couldn't watch the video but I scroll down the list, it's seems to be about ACSA. I want to die rn, I can't take this reality. No cope going to change it. Sometimes I'm thinking to kill myself not just to end my own pain but escape from this reality
No. 35556
>>35549I fucked up the heart
1. Pedo nullfag from twitter
2. 17 yr old middle eastern actually diagnosed schizo that also wants null surgery
3. Husbandofag
4. You know who.
No. 35559
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>>35535What the fuck is wrong with you, you literally sound like a demented scrote. No scratch that you probably are a malding xy defect.
>>35552Hey piece of shit bj-chan or nullfag here is the video, since you are so technologically illiterate that you don't even know how to open a tiktok link.
No. 35560
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i'm crying
No. 35578
>>35577oh nullfag YWNBAM when you keep acting like such a little bitch.
You started this by attacking another anon calling her a stupid bitch for no reason and then calling other anons hoes and telling them to suck dick. You think other anons here should be okay with you lashing out your mental illness out on them? We are not your therapists, go get horse tranquilized and calm down you angry autist.
(responding to personalityfags instead of reporting) No. 35579
>>35578You're not even her, I got angry because she dismissed what I've said and started to moralfag. How calling her a bitch is
problematic when this website is all about shitting on women? It was satirical. You mogged me to suicide and now moralfagging again. Unbelievable. You're obsessed with me for some reason. Whatever I say on this website you come after me, even when I post about other stuff. You're an old woman who's bullying young girls
(personalityfagging, talking to other anons as if you know who they are) No. 35594
>>35507>next you will say that r/degradingholes is the true nature of womenNTA
If it's not then why you all bully and sexually harras anyone who criticizes sucking dick? Femininity is the true nature of a female body, and it's servile and sexually submissive, women body is made to be fucked spread on all fours with their asses up and heads down and naturally leans into masochism just as masculinity leans into rapism, this is the nature of sex/sexual desire and the psychology of it. Atp I imagine all of you including misandrists with your mouth stuck on a dick while you're below men. Because ultimately this is what you worship if you worship womanhood. And you misandrists are fake cause misandry is unnatural and why it matters if it's unnatural is because it makes all of your misandry fake while you're persecuting other women with stupid moralfagging, ultimately punishing them for not being feminine cause our biology sexually, mentally is femininie traits, because gender is physical. And on the topic of clitoris again, it probably exists so when women are too young for penetration then they can still masturbate and besides that its unimportant in sex(the head of it)
No. 35596
>>355491. Bpchan(me)
2. Pedo nullfag who's an actual pedophile and showed her secret pedo accs to bpchan by tagging her on Twitter, on her acc she was being a pedophile and mutual with male female and troon pedos, shitting on blackpilled women and posted a link to this thread saying everyone here should get their clits removed.
Sge came here cause bpchan posted about it on her priv twitter, then trolled bpchan here for a long time
3. Zenosfag
4. Husbando fag who's 29yo(?) and said she dreams of kissing and hugging men and wanna break her celibacy in the future
5. Underage nullfag who has a vendetta against bpchan and made fun of the idea of her being sexually abused by her mother (false) and kept using the private info against her, posted pic of nipple being cut with a knife and was in a bpchan discord until she decided to leave and say she doesn't relate to bp women then kept shitting on bpchan here all over the website like she's obsessed while she doesn't even know her (she sent me marriage request on discord)
6. Person associated with the personalityfags drama, she made a twitter group chat bpchan was in the deleted it without a warning and started shitting herself over bpchan in here, making up lies about ppl begging her to stop posting about pigs and turtles in the gc, while this didn't even happen neither any insults happen towards the gc members. Then she called a bpchan an actual schizophrenic who's having hallucinations (bitch mad over nothing)
7. Nigelfag who said her Nigel is not like other men, accused anons of being the same as her (she claimed to be an ex blackpilled and said we are similar to her but just don't realize it and we need to find a good Nigel) and said they need a bf, said she gets face fucked or sucks the top of a dick only
8. Bitch with a husband who trolled bpchan and the amrifag thread very often. She said her moid doesn't watch porn and instead he just lifts up her skirt
There was also an older lesbian here who said she wants to beat up men and posted her telegram
No. 35608
No. 35619
>>35617I was refering to
>>35615 >>35614
No. 35629
I hate these stupid radfem TikTok think pieces. "girls troon out, because the society forced them to be hyper feminine!!" No that's not why I want to be a man, so stop fucking invalidating me, you stupid shit. I'm dysphoric at the level of sex, BIOLOGY. I have suffered since puberty or earlier and you make it hundred times worse for me, autistic women also suffer from being misunderstood (the real autistics, not the cocksuckers that don't even fit the autistic traits? Are you shy? Experience mutism? Don't care about doing your hair or about clothes? Can't hold eye contact? Get easily overwhelmed? Can't hold a normal job? Prefer being alone in your room? Have less desire to be in relationships than a normal person?. NO, You bitch, stop larping!).
I have gone through extreme anguish with my heterosexuallity and dysphoria, my mind broke while realizing female position in sex as a young teen, u couldn't stomach being fucked on all fours lol I'm just honest, and I never felt the same. I felt terror even since. I have to do mental gymnastics and go through internal conflicts on a daily basis, and that's because it's SEX/BIOLOGY telling me I have to be feminine or servile blah blah while my brain wants to be masculine and then I feel sad in my heterosexuality and emotionally hurt, get dick envy too. Female genitals are feminine physically therefore psychologically, and having a problem with sex while you aren't asexual is a mental disorder, so I am disordered cause I don't like being feminine. There's an obvious, fucking difference between sucking dick, being fucked on all fours and opening up your legs and being pinned down and being the opposite role. I suffer from mental masculinity and dick is what sexually gives you the mental experience of being masculine, bc the physical stimulation of penetrative genitals feels masculine in the mind.
I know that being forced into something can make people wanna rebel, but after that they come back to accepting their biological femininity. I don't. And I saw a bunch of comments proving the scenerio I just described.
So, all of these think pieces are not what they seem to be. Its just a temporary backlash against too much force. But for me the issue is biology and for gods sake not everything is about men. Also comments like "it's men who made you feel this way, hate the men and not the women" are insufferable cause how did men create dick sucking and female sexually submissive biology, that is so deprived of masculinity that even clitoral stimulation is compeletely useless and the female orgasms down through the head of the clitoris are compeletely unimportant in sex, add nothing and rather do the opposite of adding. And I cried hard today, cause I saw pregnancy content and it turn out ot be from a fucking FTM. There's nothing masculine about her. Female biology is feminine, because of sex. You don't have sex dysphoria and you aren't non feminine if you're okay with that. What a fucking joke, stupid ass people make it easier for ratfems to gaslight me about the biological reality I am experiencing and torment me even more
No. 35667
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True, human women have 10k. Thank you god for my clitoris