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No. 416206
Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction toward males it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog, they're usually not on the front page but I promise they exist!). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc rage bait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (use a VPN, incognito mode, be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).
Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?>what’s your local lesbian scene like?>cute stories about your gf>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?>coming out stories>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?>bitch about being lonely>tips for coping with being lonely>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?>what's your type?>when did you know you were gay?>f/f fanfic and book recs (pls)>which lesbian stereotypes do you fit? which ones don’t fit you at all?>what were you like as a kid? tomboy? girly girl who made her Barbies kiss?>what do you wanna be like as an old lady lesbian? >get mushy and describe your dream relationship/date/etc>best date/match? worst?>how homophobic are your family/friends? is it woke homophobia or oldschool homophobia?>dating app horror stories>everything we hate about every other online lesbian community>lesbian friends, role models, or family members you appreciate>lesbian history, literature, and politicsprevious threads:
>>>/g/392173 No. 416211
>>416207agreed, especially if said someone doesn't even say anything that could be offensive and some retard instigates anyways. I remember saying I didn't like the way short hair was styled on
some girls and someone called me fake gay because of that, like seriously what did i say that was related to moids? I hate instigators
No. 416217
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i can't fucking take it anymore nonnies. the summer heat this year is bad enough as it is, but it makes having to deal with men so much worse than usual:
>having to deal with disgusting male body odor due to them sweating so much
>having to deal with seeing dad bods, beer bellies, super hairy moid bodies, and other nausea-inducing shit in public
>having to deal with them staring at me and smiling at me because that dreaded "hot girl summer" meme now makes them think all women want to sleep with a bunch of men during the summer when i'm not participating in that for obvious reasons
>moids sexually harassing women in beaches because of the bikini thing and them thinking its completely justified
>knowing that june is never going to belong to same sex attracted women anymore, and hasn't been for the last decade, so no sense in even feeling all that excited over it, because males ruined it and it's now all about tranny dck
just got to suffer for 6 more weeks until september rolls in
No. 416218
>>416214ayrt and it wasn't even a lesbian who said that to me, it was this bisexual girl being a little instigator. but i honestly think anyone who instigates like that is just a troll esp if the person they're replying to is saying something fairly inoffensive. but it makes sense for lesbians to be on edge about fake gay women, especially in 2024, nobody takes us seriously. we also have all of these straight/bisexual celebrities calling themselves gay now and shitting in our community with their dumb "comphet" shit.
there's this lie about lesbianism, that it's somehow "political" or "fluid" which is just wrong and a way of forcing men on us. gay males dont get that stuff told to them because they're men and their sexuality is automatically seen as real. So of course gay males don't care about fake gay guys because they won't have to deal with the societal repercussions of having them in their community.
No. 416260
>>416226so you are almost 20 but you look like a 15 or 16 year old? are you retarded. of course women in their 40s aren’t into you, you could be their daughter…
I would work on dating people your own age, I think you’re in your own head too much.
No. 416377
>>416237Never. I would choose to be a lesbian or bisexual woman. Being a straight woman would suck imo but being a man sounds disgusting, I hate them. I’m surprised so many anons on this website want to be men, even the straight anons on /ot/ said they would choose to be one.
>>416260Nta but you can’t read.
No. 416383
>>416377Men are treated better, valued more, and live objectively better lives than women in every country on earth. You'd have to be retarded to choose to be a woman.
>>416375The more conforming a woman is, the more straight she looks. The exception is goth, alt, and e-girl type shit, as well as dangerhairs. Those are spicy straights. The more it looks like a woman lets men decide what she wears, basically. Pixie cut hair is uncommon among straights unless they're qweer, so I think it is a big factor.
No. 416396
>>416383>You'd have to be retarded to choose to be a woman.Wow. Well, I guess I see it differently. Men have different brains to us and are biologically predisposed to being the way they are, to commit the atrocities they do. The difference in how testosterone vs estrogen and progesterone affects the brain is astounding, really shows that men live a blunted life and are closer to animals. Even if I didn’t even have any rights, I’d never choose to be male, just like how I would never choose to be white. In the case I retained my current personality it would be even worse, I couldn’t stand being the oppressor and an ugly ogre and would probably troon out. I honestly have pride in having being born female.
I guess it just surprises me. I don’t want anything to do with maleness, ever. I would rather they not exist. So I am surprised lesbians on LC would be fine waking up male someday. As a lesbian I love women and being a woman who loves women. But it does seem like there are some ex-TiFs here, so, maybe that might be a factor.
No. 416413
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What albums are you listening to these days? I want to know other lesbians' favorite bands/artists! Female artists preferred, but if they're not, please tell me anyway so I can check them all out!
Lately I've been listening to Charlie XCX's brat (pop/hyperpop) and Rezz's CAN YOU SEE ME? (edm/dubstep).
No. 416426
>>416413I stopped following Rezz when she started collabing way too much with male artists. I don't know if they're riding on her popularity or if she went full troonery and finding superior males cooler I just hate it.
It's a total different genre but I've enjoyed Chilli beans - aaa, just three girls doing band music
No. 416569
>>416536The only thing that really bothers me personally is the lack of physical strength and size. I can exercise and do weight training but the fact is that as a barely 5ft5 average woman I will always be weaker than the average male and I'd be down in one punch, especially where I live where men are much taller than the global average. That's why all the talk about how women are superior in their own way doesn't work for me, no amount of pep talk about brain power will make up for the lack of physical safety I feel when around men.
>inb4 get a weapon!!!Carrying any kind of weapon would get me arrested where I live and if I used them for protection I would get prosecuted. As is the case in most of Europe.
No. 416737
>>416396>But it does seem like there are some ex-TiFs here, so, maybe that might be a factorIt's telling when they reeee about criticism of heteronormativity and about other anons thinking roided tifs aren't attractive to lesbians. It's just mask off admitting they think anyone that doesn't want to be a man is retarded
>>416727They only start screeching fakebian when men are called soulless animals and not when women are degraded with whole paragraphs kek
No. 416757
>>416426To each their own, personally I just hope Rezz gets more money, to make more songs, to get more money, and so on. Thanks for the rec!! I really liked Chilli Beans.'s self-titled album, especially Tremolo.
If other lesbians also want to swap music recs, I also like Yaeji's 'With a Hammer' and Nova Twins's 'Who Are the Girls?'
No. 416839
>>416237No. As much as there are parts that I hate about being a lesbian in this time and society, I would not take the offer for having been a straight man instead. I just love women and I love being a woman who gets to spend time with, talk and understand women the way no man can ever get.
>>416375I never learnt to use makeup or see effort to be fashionable. I'm scentless and look so boring people don't really assume anything about me. It's both a blessing and a curse. It's only through interaction and gaining my trust that the other can find out I'm into women.
No. 416843
>>416737Everyone who says something you disagree with isn't the same person. Men are soulless animals that abuse women every day, and they live better lives than women anyway. The only reason you say you'd rather be the ~spiritually superior~ woman is cope, it doesn't make a difference when you're being raped and beaten to death. We're all going to live out our lives as women anyway, so it's better to have a positive attitude, but the hostility you have towards women who can't buy into the ~sacred feminine love~ shit is telling.
>>416778>>416783You certainly gaslight women about social issues like men do.
>Your period makes you miserable? Your body being easy to exploit by men makes you existentially afraid? It's just mental illness! Stupid annoying bitches and their experience in reality, right?Everyone who said they like loving women as a woman has the best answer. The answer is to go out and do your best for other women anyway. All the anxious energy you feel about being female can be used productively to make the lives of other women better, even in small ways.
No. 416853
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>>416375If anyone is interested, I found a website that let's you search clothes and make fashion moodboards for free. You have to sign up, but you can use a throwaway email. Picrel my fashion sense. No. 416903
>>416843Reposting to add another point to this:
Never thought I’d say it but your negative relationship with men is why you think this way. I’m aware of sexism and the fact that it’s men who are raping and killing women. I’m also aware of the fact that I have a father who loves me, a brother who helps me out, and I’ve grown up with male teachers who have been great mentors. So no, I don’t want to be a man because I don’t see myself in some fight for survival with them. Sorry if you’re not in that position wherever you’re from since I know there’s countries where that’s a real thing but please understand that your reality is not a lot of women’s reality in this thread. Having seen your fully reply I find it hard to believe this is your reality because I am a black anon and I’ve seen this same thing where black peers have been memed by the internet into thinking they’re gonna step outside and instantly get shot by police. I find it hard to believe this is your reality if you live in a western country. If you live in a western country and think this way, I challenge you to take a break from social media for a week, go outside and see how you feel.
No. 416912
>>416907Repost to fix spelling mistakes.
So you are from the west. Well, you are misconstruing my point because you know I’m right. You can not genuinely tell me we are living in a mad max type of world in the west. We are not and that’s why you sound crazy. We still have voting power. Plenty of lesbians in here in their 30s and up living their lives too despite the challenges we face. I think it’s manipulative to pretend like it’s logical to think that being a woman is awful because we’re too weak to fight men one on one as if the majority of us are locked up in our house to protect ourselves from the instant barrage of rapists banging on our doors. It’s not in line with reality. You don’t care about women’s well being because if you did you would be trying to get Biden re-elected and canvassing so we can get a blue house and blue senate to codify Roe V Wade so please just shut the fuck up about it , you don’t actually care. I know people like you who spend all their time on online hug boxes and then wonder why everyone around them thinks they’re fucking crazy. What have you done to spread awareness about any of the issues women are facing in your community or on a larger scale? The majority of male teachers are pedos? Ok so joking your local school board and advocate for more parental rights. You haven’t done and will not do any of this so miss me with that “Nigel blah blah” bullshit. I never said the patriarchy didn’t exist, I said your relationship with men and the concept is fucking
toxic and self defeating and not based on reality. No one in this thread can tell me they live in the reality you’re constructing unless they live under the fucking taliban. You don’t want liberation for women, you just want to lay in fetal position and cry and then you want to bully women and girls around you to do the same thing because you’re mentally ill . Misery loves company
No. 416923
>>416914Never said it wasn’t reality. I said your relationship with men and the patriarchy is why you act the way you do in this thread. I also said you’re using the suffering of women to bolster your stupid point about hating yourself. The majority of women agree with me on it too.
>>416915I can be sure she isn’t doing shit. I can be sure she spends her time reading about awful things and not doing it. I can be sure her feminism is useless because it doesn’t involve anything besides online rhetoric and this has been a legitimate criticism of the real feminist movements of late. Sorry that me being real about my relationship with men as a lesbian
triggered you. If it makes you feel better I was also molested by a family friend and another boy who was slightly older than me.
No. 416963
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What do you guys think about women who are stone? I consider myself as such. I do have some sexual trauma, but I also just get off on doing the actual work and it’s always been like that. Anytime I’ve been with someone who wants to try and switch it up, I just can’t do it. I get nothing from it and it’s like my body feels no arousal from it or whatever. Maybe some of that does stem from trauma, but I don’t like the idea that stones are broken. I’m extremely comfortable topping and it’s what I prefer/gets me off every time without being touched back. I’m still self-conscious about it sometimes though because I’ve had women not understand it or seem unhappy that I don’t like being touched back.
No. 416984
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I live in a major US city and the local LGBT center has no events for lesbians. They have several weekly events for bisexuals and trans, one for asexuals, and one for 'queer neurodivergents'. I looked at the event calendar for another LGBT center in a nearby town and it's almost the same thing: trans, bi, and QT+.
Are lesbian spaces really dead?
No. 416985
>>416963This is going to be hypocritical kek but I'm fine with stone tops but I do not understand stone bottoms/pillow princesses at all and honestly I think they're fake lesbians. I understand why someone would be a stone top, it makes sense to me. I do not understand lesbians who have 0 desire to touch a vagina in any way shape or form. I understand someone being a pillow princess FOR a stone top to be respectful of their partner's boundaries (I think I would be okay with only receiving if my partner had trauma). But I do not understand women who strictly identify as pillow princesses and have 0 desire to interact with pussy, to the point where they would refuse to reciprocate if their partner wanted it.
Like it makes sense that if someone has trauma they wouldn't want to BE touched, but I can't wrap my head around what kind of trauma would make it impossible to touch a partner. I could understand trauma with a specific sex act (ie if you were forced to give oral maybe giving oral is ruined for you, that makes sense) but from what I understand of stone bottoms they do not want to give at all in any way. I just don't get it. And I kind of feel like an asshole for not getting it because obviously I don't want to pressure women to give if they don't want to but I just do not understand how it's different from being lazy/shitty in bed.
No. 417016
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My best friend of about 10 years and I had a falling out (out of nowhere) and I can't help but wonder if there were feelings involved. She's recently been exploring her sexuality, undefined but has only slept with other women and enjoyed it. She's known I was gay even before I knew it and has gone into a lot of detail about her sexcapades with me and even had a fling with someone who was pretty much my doppelganger. I visited her and it went terrible (I'm still closeted and have yet to date or even touch a woman) and looking back I think she wanted me to make a move on her. We were getting ready to go out (of course I was already ready and waiting) and she undressed in front me me repeating that she was naked and I told her it was fine and I'm just reading my book and won't look. I guess that was her way of trying to get my attention? Idk, either way I spent a day without her (long story but I went to do something she was not interested in) and came back and she just blew up at me. When I left in the morning it escalated even further and I just blocked her and we haven't talked since. It's hard not to feel used because I also think she took out the anger of how she's been ditched by the women she's gotten involved with (especially the one that looks like me) out on me
No. 417047
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>>417045The image in the OP predates Black Mirror by decades actually but I can't find a source more specific than a dead link that attributes it to a nameless 1970s german lesbian porn mag
No. 417120
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>>416569It's illegal to be attacked on the street, so stop caring if self defense would be illegal too. When a law-abiding person is afraid of the law they become an easy
victim for the law-breakers, who will be punished with minimal jail time and the harm they'll cause will be greater than the punishment they receive. Get a pepper spray even if it's illegal, the police will just confiscate your weapon, it's extremely unlikely they'll arrest you. But if the other person pulls out a knife because he wants to steal your money and you leave him with 10 broken limbs, then you may have gone overboard. The harm that you may cause to the person attacking you must be equal to the harm they're causing you, from what I've heard. How do you prove that's the case? Just get a good lawyer and stop worrying about shit… And if you end up attacking your attacker, make sure to call both the police and an ambulance, don't just leave the crime scene. If you do, the criminal may call the police himself and they'll find him injured with your fingerprints, so you'll be the one arrested instead of him.
No. 417437
>>417205Ugh, that sucks. Were you told by a friend IRL or did you go to go a meetup, etc.? I've considered just going to normie "lgbt/queer" groups in-person as an opening to find normal lesbians, but then the issue is I don't think lesbians who don't buy into that go to those. But online spaces are so
toxic and no one local is in them.
No. 417584
gonna sage this since its more or less a repeat post in another thread. i put it in the bisexual thread but no one answered me, so maybe i'll find clarity here instead.
this was donkey years ago, and as such, it doesn't matter anymore and have essentially moved on with my life, but i fell HARD for a woman who i met at a not so easy time of her life. basically, she was going through a major break up with some guy and she was previously divorced from a real piece of shit man. so she was distraught that the man she was seeing had decided to leave her and she really wanted it to work after all she's been through. we connected on some light hearted topics and similar likes and dislikes, and i was quite happy with our friendship since she seems outspoken and kind of a badass in a way that i wasn't at that time. i was closeted and refused to accept that i am a lesbian, but i admired her outspokenness. a while later, she started flirting with me, and at a first, i thought she was joking… but she would say things that really got to me and just like that, i fell for her and slowly became like. obsessed with her. things felt good between us until she meets some guy and for no reason at all, decided to remove me from her life. i wasn't being inappropriate with her or anything, just talked to her deeply about my private thoughts and feelings about life in general. but i guess it was all too much for her and she decided to end things with me. i was so distraught because she seems perfectly fine with everyone else in our lives except me; it was like she treated me as if i had done something horrific to her and she just had to get rid of me. again, she was the one who flirted with me first and made things weird between us.
she would talk about women like she's a guy and it's so weird. would objectify women sexually, but then talks about wanting to beat the shit out of some butch lesbian at her job. she would tell me that she finds me beautiful physically one day, and then the next be like, "oh i wish i was bisexual lol i think it's hot, but i'm really straight and strictly dickly". she'd talk about wanting to rub her hands over women's naked bodies, and then the next, join in on making fun of me with her homophobic friends about how gross it is that i like pussy. (like literally just put random words on my blog like "vulva", "clitoris", "mon pubis", etc, while her friends laughed.)
my question is this: what was this woman's issue, ultimately? was she really bisexual and just felt triggered by me because i'm gay, or was she just a confused straight woman who merely pretended to be bi to fuck with me for some weird reason? sorry if this got long. again, it was years ago, i'm over it, but sometimes it just pops up in my mind and it makes me wonder why some people are just… like this.
No. 417681
>>417584>she started flirting with me>she meets some guy >for no reason at all, decided to remove me from her lifeI guess I am a little confused about the timeline here since you said you were closeted, but she also made fun of you for liking pussy? But assuming you really were closeted when this all started and then came out at some point later, I actually wanna break with the consensus and say I think she's bisexual and wanted you bad. I'm sorry and it sucks that you went through this, but what happened makes complete sense in light of that. She was flirting with you, the situationship was complicated and fraught because you were both closeted though clearly into women, and then she met someone else she was interested in that presented an easier path to a relationship and gave up on you and focused her attention on him. It wasn't because you were "too much" for her, it was probably because you were closeted and she was closeted and there was no potential there and the idea of coming out is scary and hard. It wasn't because you did something horrific compared to her friends, it's that when you start dating someone, of course you stay friends with your platonic friends but you want to cut off flirtations that aren't platonic. The way you described her making fun of you sounds seriously trashy and gross, though.
No. 417762
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>>417605for no reason, it seems like.
>>417612idk if it makes a difference since its been years but i vaguely remember her being kind of pissed at how apparently 'gorgeous' i am and how the men in our social lives seemed super into me as a result. i of course wasn't comfortable nor happy from the male attention but refused to put two and two together until later on when i came to terms with my sexuality. but she'd lamented on my exotic features (naturally dark hair/eyes with an olive complexion) and my body being more… well, "blessed" in the tits and ass departments in comparison to her own body. so i do think her eventual rivalry against me has an element of envy towards my supposed sexual prowess against her, even though i had zero desire to compete against her in that way, since i wanted HER and not the moids trying to get with me.
in regards to internalized homophobia, its funny but a bi guy we both knew told me he had a funny feeling that she seems the type to wrestle same sex attraction and had internalized homophobia and may be why she acted so horrible to me. even he was surprised by her actions against me during that time.
>>417626i feel like her comment on wanting to beat up that butch lesbian at her job kinda sealed it for me tbh. like who else gets that irrationally angry over the existence of super open lesbians who are comfortable with themselves, except deep in the closet types? this isn't me saying she was a lesbian because she definitely experienced sexual attraction to moids, but yeah.
>>417681i was so closeted when she and i met that i told everyone i was just a typical straight girl kek. we knew each other maybe 3-4 years and then i finally got the courage to be honest with everyone, and word got to her i guess. if she seemed cold and distant before my coming out, it was nothing compared to her relentless homophobia afterwards, ie the making fun of me liking pussy in front of her friends.
>it's that when you start dating someone, of course you stay friends with your platonic friends but you want to cut off flirtations that aren't platonic.holy shit. now that you've mentioned it, i did recalled something. one time when i felt our friendship was slipping away thanks to the new douche she's dating, i was surprised to see her send me a quick message to see how i was doing. i thought maybe things would go back to normal, and we had a nice convo. but then she suddenly drops a "hey just to let you know, i'm with boyfriend, so… yeah" and i was a bit confused as to what she meant by that, but i sent her a question about something casual in her life, and she just stopped communicating. and when i stop to think about this and this comment you're making, it almost felt like i was some dirty secret she wanted to hide from her boyfriend at the time. because if i had been any other platonic friend to her, she would've been like "hey let's talk later, i gotta go eat dinner with my boyfriend but it was great talking to you!" and not this weird…. hush hush secret shit.
wow. christ, now that you helped me put things in perspective… i do feel a bit bad for her. but your last sentence about her making fun of me being trashy and gross also solidified that i made the right call in moving on with my life.
honestly, though, fuck. if i had this clarity years ago, i would've went after her and came out earlier, made her realize that it was safe to also come out and be with me. i don't know. i guess this shit served as a harsh life lesson for the both of us. i hope she at least gives dating a woman a real try and stop hating herself so much.
well anyway, thank you and to the others, this is just the closure i needed.
No. 417783
>>417584Have been in a very similar situation in high school, straight women flirt with each other all the time and do the gayest shit simply because they think the woman they're doing it to is also straight. I guess they like the thrill of it, it gives their self esteem a boost and they may find it more comfortable than flirting with a straight man if they have no intention of going further or doing anything other then playful teasing. Straight women may forget lesbians exist completely or have a view about lesbians being very masculine, and so if you're feminine yourself they assume you're straight, just like they assume only feminine men are gay. And if you noticed straight women will be very playful and intimate with gay men as well, it's no wonder the joke that "you should pretend to be gay to go to a girl's sleepover" exist. Although I've had guy friends for most of my life and one SSA friend so we didn't really do those things. But with straight girls things get so complicated. They'll literally see you naked, flirt with you, kiss you, compliment you all the time, call you petnames, pretend you're married, etc. If she learns you're SSA she gets uncomfortable and distances herself from you. It gets so weird that unless they flat out say they're bisexual or lesbian I just don't bother with them and assume it's a joke.
What happened in high school was with another girl who said she was bisexual and I knew she dated another woman in the past, but broke up in less than a week, while she had crushes on guys constantly. Should've been a red flag she was bihet. She did all those friendly flirting things to me and I knew surely that it was a joke so I didn't take the initiative, but she also frequently told me about her female celebrity crushes and expressed how I'd be her ideal partner if I was a man. At some point it got too confusing so I actually initiated and we kissed and even went more further it, playing with each other's boobs but she starts avoiding me the next days, I ask her what was that for, she says she's straight. I don't know how straight that all was, she seemed to be too into it, but at this point I'm not bothering anymore with "straight" women.
No. 417993
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>>417584I know so many women like this, some have even acted like that towards me. I remember this one girl who kept jokingly flirting with me and making sexual jokes about me, i didn’t really care but like to me it was just retarded because she’s obviously a straight woman. She’s like “boobs! Boobs!” like every other straight women. Why do so many straight women act like this? It’s so weird. If i were rich id pay for someone to study this
No. 418044
>>417993Yes, I genuinely think there needs to be a study on this. It can’t comprehend why this is a phenomenon.
>>418007>scared of you sexually harassing them because you’re a lesbian but proceed to sexually harass youExactly this. Any boundaries we were allowed suddenly dissipate. I also think it’s odd how narcissistic straight women are, like them flirting with you is a blessing, and that you’d obviously be interested in them, and suddenly they’re entitled to you. I wish they’d act this way towards men kek, makes more sense.
No. 418542
>>418521According to this website anime moids look exactly like women so she sounds like a lesbian alright.
>>418532This nonna is correct, maybe she just wants to take butch dick. Yum.
No. 418570
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>>418565You don't know me nona. Please stop making shit up because your experience as a lesbian isn't universal and a dumb teenager had dumb crushes in 2020
No. 418584
>>418581If you read her post she already admitted to being bisexual but thinks that becoming a tranny chaser cured her into being a lesbian. Considering she definitely isn't one of those super low libido women since she felt sexual attraction to this girl, then she also most definitely had
valid reasons to think she was bisexual before, but now is hyperfocused on her new fetish so she thinks she might be gay. Which is actually not too far fetched to think since she's very likely still a teenager or just barely 20yo. Many young women like this on the Internet.
No. 418661
>>418559>>418571>>418576>>418631>>418551>>418554what exactly do you nonnies think this shit brings into this thread? what does this endless bitching do? do you have no posts about relationships, crushes, anything else? even in the female fantasies thread you morons couldn't come up with any fantasies involving women, nothing but bitching about other women's fantasies.
it is almost like your only so called display of lesbianism is discussing how others aren't that, making it seem like your obsessive focus on this subject is almost like some kind of projection.
No. 418713
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How does it feel to know that this woman would destroy your weak nerd ass and even if you train you will never attain something even remotely close to her physique and musculature because you're a weak ass white girl while she's a Maori goddess. Also has a wife btw.
No. 418754
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>>418730If you posted someone as unnatural as picrel in the same way tifs are, everyone would also ridicule you. Stop being so butthurt.
No. 418823
>>418792>Who's butthurt? You're the one who deleted her post. >Get back to doing your chores so your mommy can drive you over to your Discord gf's house so you can listen to Chappell Roan together.What are you talking about, scizo. I really don't have to tell you that not every lesbian anon posting on here is yuripedo. You sound obsessed with her tbh
>Your picrel has nothing to do with masculine women kek.It does. If you're attracted to women only after they get under testosterone and start imitating men 1:1 by growing beards, macroclits and chopping their tits off, then you're not as lesbian as you think you are and probably need to get off this thread. Posting about your pseudo-male attraction on a lesbian thread is not very fitting and gross to read in general.
(infighting) No. 418914
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>>418855All lesbians are
valid even the husbandofag that makes our threads.
No. 418933
>>418928>No one thinks that pre-T TiMs are bisexualI mean, you can scroll up for two seconds kek, there definitely are some anons that think liking TiFs regardless of how obviously female they are is bi or heterosexual.
>it's just annoying when they keep spamming half the threads with their chaser fetishI’m glad I wasn’t here for the posting of uber-roided TiFs because I do believe there are some that are indistinguishable from men. I wouldn’t call that heterosexual attraction necessarily just not lesbian, separate from attraction to women. I’ve heard anons on the fetishes you’re ashamed of thread talk about wanting manpussy or whatever but they were all bi. But at least in the female fantasy thread, all the TiF mentions are mostly due to the fact that nowadays most tomboyish women identify as TiFs. There are some TiFs that are more hyperfeminine than most women kek, this doesn’t really feel like “trannychasing” to me. Since these are 9 out of 10 cases, implying these women are bi is ridiculous and creates this weird lesbian elitism where those of us who only like feminine women are the “real lesbians.
No. 418938
>>418936Ayrt, I don’t care if you call it heterosexual or not since those aren’t the instances I’m defending anyway, if you read my post. Sure it’s heterosexual, I’ll agree…
it’s just that that’s agreeing with tranny logic, since it implies post-T TiFs have become men but I digress.
No. 418940
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I genuinely find it hilarious how the spergs in this thread will act like JD Samson is a 100% true and honest man because she has a mustache and anyone attracted to her is a cockbreathed bislut yet the tone in the fakeboi thread is always picrel kek.
No. 418962
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Sorry nonas. Didn't mean to cause such a ruckus here by sharing my silly story. But good news! I met another lesbian today and we had a nice talk. Hopefully we meet again (Sadly we didn't exchange numbers).
No. 419007
>>418989>for no particular reasonI'm not the poster that randomly started that because she got butthurt someone is insulting bisluts.
>>418993So being a lesbian is now about the number of women you've fucked and not which sex you're exclusively sexually attracted to? kek
>>418998>reeeeeeeeeeee if you don't want to fuck my STD-ridden pussy you're a bishit too>>418999A lot of "gay men" are bisexual men but yes, gay men don't have this problem as much as lesbians because there isn't a huge flock of bisexual and heterosexual men dying to call themselves gay just because they hate women or because they are extremely low libido or terminally online snowflakes.
No. 419018
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>>419016i have a crush on my client and it is horrible because i act like autist moron every time i see her. she looks like middle aged sanna marin.
No. 419026
>>418958I bet I can set up bait for you in any thread on /ot/ and you'll be there to have a schizo meltdown in less than 10 minutes because you can't contain your obsession with "bihets" KEK
>>418991>when you don’t have any irl contact with a vagina the only way you can assert your sexuality is by gatekeeping lesbianism to your specific preferences.Unironically this
No. 419033
>>418976Some lesbians here really do talk just like moids huh. The
femcel fetishizers on the lesbian fantasies thread would have a field day with you
No. 419051
>>419033sometimes the infighting gets way too confusing but i’m quite fond of our reoccurring character(s) in the ssa threads
>>419016idk if embarrassing but
>shorter than me>chubby>short curly brown hair>wears glasses>extremely good at drawing>first person i ever saw to have a cute sneeze irl>unfortunately a tif who was obsessed with moids>still extremely girly online >weeb (was more cringe about it than me)>frequently made inappropriate jokes No. 419168
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So actual lesbians get banned from this thread but not bi women announcing themselves? Idgi.(take it to /meta/)
No. 419175
>>419172None of those are me. Good try though.
Why can't bisexuals just accept themselves rather than trying to mould themselves into something they aren't? At least try to not mention that you are bi or how much you are into cuntboys.
No. 419189
>>419177There's honestly no sense in trying to reason with her because she's a genuine schizo on a mission. The best we can do is to ignore her bait about "bisluts" and TIFs and report until she
maybe gets over her hyperfixation on this site and fucks off to other pastures after finding a new community to pester around the clock. Just keep in mind that it's a maladjusted, mentally ill NEET addicted to anime porn and wouldn't be here chimping out if she wasn't terminally bitchless.
No. 419428
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how can I communicate to wild lesbians that I'm one of them? might be cringe to care about the way strangers perceive my sexuality but it makes me happy whenever I see lesbian couples and butches out doing things irl and I wish I could pay that feeling of kinship forwards a little, even as someone who's single and otherwise unremarkable.
No. 420359
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So for a while i was upset because my girlfriend was being rude but like a while ago I called her out about it and she stopped kek. it's been a while (like four/five weeks) and she just stopped. i really thought it was a deeper situation but it wasn't. I'm just assuming it's because she was kind of used to being edgy around me and assumed it was okay to say those things, now she knows it's not. Nothing she said was too bad just shit that kind of hurt my feelings. I'm glad i drew that line though and that she stopped. I love her for listening to me
No. 420683
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For those of you who live with your girlfriend/wife, do only one of you work or do both of you work? from my experience and from talking to other lesbians, both partners tend to work. but what is it like for you guys? are you guys stable financially?
No. 421992
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My hottest take pertaining to lesbianism is that lesbian incels exist, like in the objective definition way, I'm not talking about the spiritual way. You can debate if straight/bi femcels exist all day but the circumstances are just different for lesbians. I'm not even saying this to be controversial but as someone who has a girlfriend I've met so many lesbians who are just unable to get a girlfriend/have sex with a woman no matter how hard they try. This is obviously because gay women make up such a small percentage of the population, so it'll be harder for them to find women (specifially SSA women) interested in them. All of the lesbians I've met who can't get game tend to be masculine too, I actually wonder why that is because I'm masculine myself and have a girlfriend. They're never too unattractive too. That's kind of why I hate the idea that female sexuality is more fluid or something because most heterosexual women aren't actually willing to do anything serious with a true lesbian, they'll just kiss other heterosexual women at parties and such. Lesbians channel their loneliness better from what I've seen, though. I want to know, how many of you here are extremely lonely romantically? Have any of you been unable to find a girlfriend?
No. 422004
>>421992Is this a new phenomenon?
The only lesbians I knew who weren't able to have a girlfriend or even get laid are deeply closeted and/or live in remote places. In my experience, lesbians aren't as picky as straight women because we are such a small population. I've seen butt ugly,
problematic women with cute girlfriends. Before I met my first girlfriend, she was dating a barely functional alcoholic with a record who is 10 years older than her and stalked her while we were together. From what I heard, her ex was hooking up with a bunch of women in the area where they're from. It blew my mind at the time.
If a trashy woman like her can pull women, anyone can if they put in the effort.
No. 422321
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>>422170>Also why does it seem like a lot of bi women only date guys? I'm not talking about straight women saying they're bi I mean actual bi women.because most of them only date guys
No. 422355
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what do you think about the whole u-haul stereotype? i'll be honest, i do understand the beauty of taking things a little slower because people in general can hide things that could ruin the relationship, or hide bad intentions until the relationship reaches an advanced stage and it's good to be able to escape it without worrying about things like legal battles/children. but at the same time, i can't lie, i don't understand couples who insist on dating for more than a decade, buy a house together, have kids together, etc, all before an engagement ring size is discussed. if i'm in love with a woman and we are deeply compatible in all the ways that matters in a relationship, then i don't really see the point in having to wait for years on end to build a life with her, which yes, meaning marriage. like i can definitely see myself proposing or being proposed to like 6-12 months into the relationship and being wed by the 18th month or something like that.
No. 422398
>>422397Grab her by the pussy, lol
But seriously. Does she know you're taking her on a date? If yes, why would you need to set a tone? Just have fun and get to know each other.
No. 422647
>>422397My honest belief is that more SSA women need to learn how to not act like a straight woman. Flirting with women or having a non-platonic vibe with women comes naturally. It makes me cringe when I see two gay women who are into each other but acting like two straight besties just hanging out because of female socialisation.
I think this is why the bis gravitate to men, it’s the only dynamic they know well and it’s awkward to feel like the woman you’re into just feels like a girl … friend.
No. 422672
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I wish I could meet another lesbian in my area that wasn't into that queerplatonictrannypolycule libshit stuff. I don't even live in a particularly progressive area but the pickings are dangerously slim. I was asked out by a pretty attractive girl but had to decline because she was annoyingly obsessed with being a faghag even though she herself is a lesbian. She had only gay male and nonbinary she/they friends that didn't shower regularly. I refuse to chase TIFs and nonbinary tards. I don't mind compromise but I can't date someone who blabs incessantly about how we need to listen to true and honest tranzwimminz. Where are the normal lesbians at? I just want to settle down and grow old with someone. I fortunately am not completely hideous so I have a slight leg up, but I seem to only attract neurotic genderspecials.
No. 422682
So many straight women have joked about "becoming lesbian" when I talk about things my GF and I do. My sisters and straight friends friends are always complaining about their nigels not doing basic appreciative things for them. On top of that they're always trying to read his mind and trying to find meanings behind his actions. I'm so grateful for being a lesbian because I can't imagine living under constant stress like that. Lesbian relationships are superior to hetero relationships.
No. 422696
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When you make friends, when do you feel it's okay to let them know that you're a lesbian? I'm aware that majority of people I will come across in everyday setting are straight, so that's a given. But I know that it's a delicate art of not going too fast with it and get accused of being a weirdo, but if I go too slow with being honest about my orientation then they might still get uncomfortable and probably question as to why I was being shady about it in the first place. I don't want to have male friends in general, but it's hard to find straight normie female friends because I've had my experiences with some outright leaving the friendship once they knew of my orientation because it disgusts them/makes them worry that I want them secretly.
No. 422741
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>>422696>when do you feel it's okay to let them know that you're a lesbian?Honestly I'm open about it no matter what, I don't bring it up all the time but I bring it up when I need to. I do talk about my girlfriend and I'll bring it up if they're having a really heterosexual discussion so I can just casually exit the conversation. If a woman is homophobic I wont be friends with her, I don't care if me being gay makes people uncomfortable, I live in a more liberal area though but I have met sooo many homophobic women. I just don't think a friendship with a homophobic woman would be stable for a lesbian at all
No. 423045
>>422321I always wonder about this, like if SSA relationships were more socially accepted, would more bisexuals enter them? If I was an insecure run of the mill OSA woman I sure as hell would pick them over women simply for the social capital, to have the certain protection and status dating a moid. I sometimes come across bisexuals that clearly are more into women and desire a relationship with them, but always end up with a boring brown-haired tall Nigel with whom they have a very platonic, passionless relationship. Maybe I'm just coping.
>>422331Good point though, I never noticed this despite seeing the graph multiple times. From what I've heard from gay men the cruiser scene is absolutely filled with bisexual scrotes cheating on their wives with men, and I've met maybe only one bisexual man in a SSA relationship in my entire life.
No. 423106
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>>423055>>423055If you like period dramas, Sarah Waters' novels are a good start. Fingersmith is my favorite, but I didn't care for Tipping the Velvet. All of her books were adapted into movies and are easily found online.
No. 423126
>>423061>>423057>>423045anecdotal but my sister divorced her husband of 10 years and married a lesbian woman. they've been a couple for 5 years now. my sister is so dedicated to her that they both sold their houses and bought a bigger, 3 storey house together (the third floor is just their massive bedroom kek) in a newly built neighbourhood so they could have an open romantic relationship and raise her 3 sons together. thing is she calls herself lesbian because she was born in the 80s and has surface understanding of what the lgbt is (she doesn't know about any of the TRA or bi/lesbian discourse for example). so she's a bit naive within the labelling area but she's smart when it comes to long term commitment, money, and love. she doesn't use any social media other than facebook to organise her business' customers and other than that she's always going on holiday with her wife. normie bisexual women i guess are just doing that. so this chart
>>422321 may rely on self reporting when the identities versus the actual orientations may net different results.
No. 423342
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>>423339LOL she supposedly divorced her husband to marry this woman. What is there left to hide?
No. 423461
>>423106That's interesting because I just started it today (only got one chapter into it because I was busy) and I really like it so far. What didn't you like?
>>423346Seriously. Every time I come here people are talking about men or bisexuals, neither of which are in the title of this thread.
No. 423469
>>423054>>423055Most of these are from the mid-20th century (late 30s-early 60s), I hope that's not too modern for your tastes? The first two are late 19th century and early 20th century respectively, though.
- Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu
- Regiment of Women by Winifred Ashton
- The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall
- We Too Are Drifting by Gale Wilhelm
- The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith
- The Girls in 3-B by Valerie Taylor
- The Beebo Brinker Chronicles by Ann Bannon
No. 423525
>>423346do you even eat pussy, honestly. there's always most fuckless, jobless anons in these threads. i'm just saying people do not always act irl like your dicord/twitter/tumblr beef partners and people are way more diverse than the imaginary enemy cast you have cooked up in your head.
>>423506i'm very good friends with one of my exes honestly she most often just complains about her current partners at me lmao so i'm basically like her royal dating vizer. we broke up in good terms and while i admit that i sometimes think what would it be like if we just started dating again but we broke up for a reason so she's not really the type of person i want to be a romantic partner with for long term.
No. 423553
>>423549Sometimes it just doesn't work out for other reasons and you gotta call it quits.
I'm still fond of 2 of my exes and they're nice enough people but one ran her mouth a bit too far into the racism territory so I had to establish boundaries and dump her, after that she snapped out of whatever delulu land she was heading towards and we still talk every now and again but I'd never in a million years be with her. The other was with me at a bad time when I was battling depression and I got dumped because I didn't feel like kissing or showing affection to anybody, which, fair enough I'd dump me too. We're still good friends but she has a gf so I don't want to bother her too much out of respect for the gf. No bad blood, genuinely happy for them idk.
I also recognize that feelings fizzled out after a while which made it possible. Now I'm with someone I love very much and if we broke up I don't think we could be friends. I'd be crushed if I had to watch her go out on dates and be all loved up with someone else.
No. 425211
>>425139It’s not a big deal to me but I low key have some
problematic raceplay fantasies as intrusive thoughts.
No. 425240
>>425139I wouldn't say it would play that much of a role, but i would prefer to date a woman who has the same first language as me. There are not a lot of black girls where I'm from for example, but I would not mind dating one (if I wasn't in a relationship, kek).
My girlfriend is of a nationality that where i'm from people often have negative perception of them, even though she is basically white. I love her a lot regardless.
No. 425258
>>425139Not really. I feel weird though bc I’m white and mostly attracted to Latinas. Idk if that’s “
problematic” or not.
No. 425273
>>425139it does not play a huge role for me, but i strongly prefer that they're from the same country as me, at the very least. if the right woman lives in a different country, it would really depend on so many factors like how much being an amerifat would be an issue to her and/or the people in her life, since i'm not stupid and know that americans aren't exactly well embraced in most countries out there. also speaking the same language is a requirement for me, but that kind of goes without saying.
>>425258kek this is so funny i'm latina and every time i go on apps, the majority of likes i've received are from white women. not a lot of other races seem that much into me except for a select few, so eh.
No. 425399
>>425211Can you elaborate? Not being judgemental. I occasionally have thoughts like this too, I don’t know if it’s something you should engage in but I think I’d still want to know if it were me.
When it comes to racial preferences, it can hurt if it’s someone I’m attracted to but I’d rather if people would just be honest if they prefer their race/certain races rather than skimming over it and me slowly piecing it together which hurts more kek. This hasn’t happened yet though, I’m just imagining it.
>>425377Nta but kek, poor nona. My opinion is that biracial appearance has been the looks standard for a while now, but
status is a different thing, so white women are of course the status standard. So a biracial-looking white woman is probably more the “”top of the totem pole”” anon was referring to. This feels like it might have more of a presence in heterosexual dating though, idk.
No. 425405
>>425139no, I'd never reject a partner based on race. I'm white. genuinely not racebait but my Latina ex's family didn't like that she was dating a white person. I feel like certain communities can be judgy if you date out of your race, so I'm a little nervous about it now.
that said, I do tend to like Latinas, somewhat Mediterranean looking women, and somehow, a lot of Filipino women. I tend to like women who look stereotypically European in some instances, it's hard to explain.
No. 425876
>>425654First, make up your mind over whether you are willing to get into a relationship (or tease one at least) just to fuck her. Implícito here is you'll be dumping her later once you've had enough of her tits and ass. Now, morality aside, I wouldn't recommend this, just because it sounds like free drama.
If you decide you're not doing that, then you should just make it clear to her that you aren't on the market for a long term relationship. Now, because I'm a fuckboi like that, I would just start responding to her flirting, but making it as sexual as possible, and see if that leads somewhere fun. Afterwards you just tell her if She's be up for a fwb kinda deal, and if she acts offended you tell her you were just following her lead, and you're sorry you might had misinterpreted things. Gaslight, gatekeep, dikeboss.
No. 426059
>>425876This post smells like dirty, unwashed puss.
>>425654Nona, I think you should soft-launch the idea of a fwb situation to her, since she’s flirting with you. If it’s been a yearlong obsession for you, you might as well give it a go at this point. But you have to be upfront that you don’t want commitment or a long-term arrangement. This is crucial. If she’s not receptive and wants a real relationship, dismiss the idea and continue being friends (or don’t) and try to find other people. If she is receptive to fwb but is a u-hauler, proceed with caution, but prepare for her to eventually want to turn it into something more, and get ready to cut her off/reject her and not string her along when she catches feelings. To do this gently, just remind her that you previously agreed on a casual fwb relationship and that you are not looking for anything more, but you had a wonderful time with her and feel that it would be best to end the arrangement now before the attachment becomes too strong. Hope that helps and good luck!
No. 426159
>Post a confession and get too embarrassed to face what you wrote>Come back to see it's ignited another infight in the /lg/sigh>>426157I'm
>>425654 and yeah I don't want to treat her like a piece of meat to be strung along and discarded, that's sick and scrotey. If I ever get to have a spontaneous drunk makeout session with her and she becomes interested I'm going to be upfront about how I'm not interested in a relationship but we can keep fooling around with no commitment if she's up for it. It's just a dangerous bet because we share the same friend group so if drama ensues it's going to be a nuclear bomb amidst us, which is why my primary option is to just try and suppress it somehow. Which is why I was interested in hearing if any other nonnies have been in the same situation and how they got out of it.
No. 426315
>>426296Idk, I guess it makes more sense to me because gender nonconforming women do experience a lot of pushback specifically for their looks and lesbians get it double because it's seen as an undesirable result of their sexuality. So I understand why women would name it and take some pride in it. Like I said I think it's a signalling system for most people. But most femmes I meet are indistinguishable from other women so it makes me wonder what makes being feminine a whole identity for them.
>>426250 this makes sense to me though lol. Some people do seem to think there's an expected uniform.
No. 426442
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>>426413 If people were constantly asking you if you were gay/accusing you of being gay when you were in middle/high school, even if you outwardly showed no indication that you liked girls or were a homo. Both my gf and I experienced this, especially in middle school. People were accusing me of being gay before I even knew what a lesbian was kek. In my personal opinion, lesbians, even the gender-conforming ones, tend to look a bit more masculine in the face compared to straight women. Not mannish, just somewhat more androgynous in the jaw, neck, and eyes. Picrel is the USA women’s basketball team. All the lesbian players have a green box around them. If you compare Breanna Stewart (lesbian) with Kelsey Plum (straight), Breanna clearly looks more masculine in the face compared to Kelsey, even though she’s also wearing makeup. Again, I’m not saying we look like men or anything, just more androgynous. It’s kinda like when people say men have “gay voice,” they mean their voice sounds effeminate.
No. 426549
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I wish I had a nice sturdy butch to rest my head on her shoulder. I'm so sleepy right now anons working the opening shift has me pace around and drift off into fantasies of going to bed with someone…
No. 426561
>>426559Bottom butches have the hardest battles,
nonnie… I hope we'll both find our sturdy butches.
No. 426572
>>426568Kek, if I was talking with a woman and she started throwing those terms around I’m
outta there. Heteronormative sex roles aside sex is something that should be give and take. Too many women (especially bisexuals) think that by calling themselves a “bottom” they can just sit there and and do nothing but be pleased each and every time.
No. 426581
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>>426572If I had to put on a top hat and monocle in order to explain my sexual preferences at that point I'd just hop on her strap and break her hips from the force of my pelvis. When I say "Bottom" and "Top" I don't think of anything heterosexual, I think of
having a woman be my personal scratching post and chew toy. Do you want us to adopt the roman manner of it? Passive? Active? I just want to simply explain to another woman that i want her fingers inside me and I want to eat her out until my knees bruise without getting into intellectual discussion because my iron-clad clit turns downwards in boredom. Don't knock it 'til you try it nonna. Many lesbians women call themselves bottoms but don't underestimate her energy from just words alone.
No. 426599
>>426586It’s heteronormative because it’s hetero-imitating. Either way, you do you, what works for you works for you. But it’s certainly not for me and in
my experience, women like this have always sucked in bed kek. With straps specifically, I’ve never understood the deal with those so I can’t say much about that, maybe it makes more sense there? On that topic I’d die if the woman I was with said she likes using those but I feel that way about most toys during sex tbh.
>>426581Can’t put my finger on why this post makes me cringe so hard
No. 426809
>>426783For me tribbing feels like the ultimate form of sex for me (though it probably shouldn’t and it isn’t for everyone) but if you mean like you always want more of your partner I get that. I always wish I could merge or get even closer than close to her, and yeah I guess I wish I could mate with her but this isn’t exactly pertaining to sex (would 100% take some future lesbian embryo science thing) though it’d be cool if human biology allowed for that I guess…
>>426796I don’t know if anon was implying this but I agree, although anons here seem to enjoy sex acts similar to PIV (straps) so idk. For me personally, I’ve never slept with men but before I knew I was a lesbian I was scared because I knew it’d be unfulfilling for me, in the parallel universe where I am straight I would be wishing just oral sex or just touching was the norm. I guess I’m just wired for lesbian sex. But most of my bi/straight friends don’t enjoy PIV either. So I doubt it’s some ultimate form of sex that people make it out to be which is why I scoff when people say lesbian sex isn’t real sex kek. Men get the most out of it.
No. 426859
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I wish finding autistic internet-obsessed lesbians wasn't so hard. It's my dream that I could have an online circle of lesbian friends the same way I have an online circle of moid friends, where we call all day and play games and be retarded together. All the lesbians I know are finishing their degrees and accomplishing shit in meatspace and barely touch the internet, and I'm a total loser who can't ever relate. Finding any woman who's into scrote-core games or hobbies is hard, but finding a lesbian who is is basically impossible. I guess I'm resigned to a life of having to make friends with bihets and gay dudes if I want to be able to share interests with anyone ever. It sucks.
No. 426992
>>426796I agree that men probably don't know how to use their dicks correctly because they're retarded but as someone whose favored method of sexual pleasure is internal stimulation (I don't use dildos bc ew penis shape but I do use… handles of household objects kek) and also someone who gets off watching a partner experience really good internal stimulation… i do feel like I just really fucking wish there was a way for both the giver and receiver to feel pleasure during that sort of sex act, which is why in my head I often fantasize about straps as
>>426808 suggested kek but I hear most others are grossed out by it and see it as some sort of self-hatred so I try to suppress it. But yeah also even if I did use a strap during sex, I also agree with
>>426840 I just want to be able to feel the inside of her and give her internal stimulation with my own genitals and vice versa and it really tears me apart sometimes that it's not possible. I'm envious of lesbians that don't like penetration because tbh because damn it's really hard wanting something I can't have.
No. 427245
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Hi yuripedo, please consider killing yourself so you can spare us all from your mental illness! Thanks!(do not encourage personalityfags)
No. 427249
>>427248Yeah during one of her meltdowns she posted a vocaroo to prove that she's a woman and not a tranny, the jury is still out on the final verdict on that. She had an accent that nobody could identify and she's never specified her ethnicity.
>Sometimes I feel like my life is going pretty shit, but then I encounter someone like yuripedo and I feel like royalty. Agree. So I guess I need to thank her for showing that things are going pretty well for myself after all.
No. 427278
>>427269Kek at you still pretending not to be yuripedo even though farmhands redtexted you as such
>>427044We’re not as stupid as you are
>inb4 um w-well I’m not that anon I’m just some other random person who is really invested in denying a farmhand-confirmed personalityfagyeah okay lol
No. 427301
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>>427290>>427297>it's trueLMAO. Maybe that anon saying all the bisexual women post in this thread is right.
No. 427302
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>>427296I meant that the anon (picrel) crying in meta must be a lurker of the husbando thread. How else would you have called out your favourite personalityfag if you didn't have that thread open?
No. 427308
>>427296>Yuri pedo is going on a loli spam rampage in the lesbian thread while also trying to bait in the husbando thread by claiming anons are positing shota (they’re not)Okay, but how would you even know she's baiting in that thread? Don't you claim to be a lesbian? Why are you even lurking the husbando thread?
>I-I wasn't using the catalog!!I have all those moid threads hidden because seeing people thirsting over those scrotes repulses me, so why don't you do the same? Or do you perhaps actually enjoy it?
No. 427323
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So husbandofag accuses anyone she doesn't like of being the yuripedo because the yuripedo calls the husbandofag a bisexual wherever she goes, or something like that.(take it to meta)
No. 427346
>>427340Where are these alleged bisexual posters and their yaoi spam though? This retarded infight all started because anons itt (yuripedo and her fans) were so mad that some anon from the husbandofag thread apparently reported yuripedo here
>>427290. I wish anons would learn to follow a thread a bit better and read between the lines. Yuripedo is baiting you all.
No. 427356
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>>427349Because they like you and want to be around you
>>427355she should post another vocaroo and then the bi will leave the thread
(ignoring a farmhand warning) No. 427357
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>>427356D- … do they really… l.. like me…?
No. 427359
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>>427356>she should post another vocaroonew jerk off material
No. 427360
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>>427357they do… b-but theyre too nervous to say it since they think you hate them all for being bisluts
No. 427366
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The husbandofag is going full schizo in /meta/ now.
No. 427367
>>427363Is it? I just checked and I can still listen to it, here's the link are you talking about another one?
(Encouraging personalityfag) No. 427560
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would you date a non aggressive bpdchan
No. 427608
>>427583>but what if she's really really prettyKek that is one of the least important things. I don't want some image obsessed manipulative abuser no matter what she looks like. I'd pick an ugly woman or a woman I'm not immediately attracted to with a stable personality that I know won't try to sabotage, spread rumors, or threaten me as soon as I don't do what she wants. I can learn to be attracted to a homely woman, I could never be happy or feel loved by some unstable, chaotic, demanding half-formed person. It's an immediate deal-breaker, the same way ADHD is. I could never feel loved by someone who can't remember anything important to me, or do basic chores, or always talks over me. If I wanted to be talked over, and have my birthday and anniversary forgotten, and have to do all the chores because "muh executive dysfunction", I'd date a man.
Side note,
>charmPresent in all Cluster Bs, it's superficial, and not a true reflection of their personality. They are vacant shells of people. Emotional stability is actually incredibly important to me, I don't want to date someone with a hair-
trigger reactiveness that makes them unpredictable.
No. 427654
>>427653kek nta but the BPD really shining through here.
>would any of you date a BPD girl?>not me, sorry>but what if she was really beautiful>no, sorry, I value emotional stability more>so you can’t appreciate a beautiful girl at all?Why'd the bippies ask this question if they were just going to harass anyone who answered honestly kek it's just too funny to me
No. 427672
>>427671yup that's what I meant with
>>427654. They synchronize like a school of fish
No. 427676
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>yfw this is what bippies consider to be a "really attractive" woman who is worth tanking your whole mental health for
No. 427680
>>427561yeah, im not diagnosed either but i am assuming i have bpd because a lot of the symptoms matches up with my pattern of behaviour although im a virgin and dont have a lot of "risky" sex, so idk
>>427567does it really matter tho? cause i think if i get treated right then youd probably not have to deal with any of the negative traits that comes with bpd except maybe my fear of abandonment. im just not 100% sure about telling these things upfront because its kind of embarrassing and i dont have any diagnosis
>>427577i dont think being with me is that horrible
>>427580>What does non aggressive mean?like i dont get into any fights often, i think im just more of a passive person
>>427608>I could never feel loved by someone who can't remember anything important to me, or do basic chores, or always talks over me.I do NONE of those things, i think i am the exact opposite of that. when im like really in love with a girl, i tend to obsess over her and i try to learn as much as i can about her, and my feelings dont disappear some random day
>I'd date a man.eww…
honestly, i dont think i have the "charm" or maybe its the kind that only attracts moids
>>427669um, why would you want to mess with your gfs head instead of loving her? youre like my mom
No. 427699
>>427694kekkk cope. The real reason we're talking about it is one of your kind posted literally asking for opinions on BPD girls
>>427560 then BPDfags twist it into "we're just so irresistible everyone is obsessed with us".
No. 427731
>>427694No it’s just that the average person likes to have a partner who is emotionally regulated and reliable. Call it discrimination, but I don’t think it’s wrong. Also dealing with someone who has BPD opens you to emotional abuse in most cases. Sorry for your condition, but it doesn’t mean that someone has to date you.
It’s the same reason why I wouldn’t date someone who is an addict or severely depressed. Having mental health issue is not a quirky and cute thing, it’s challenging and it takes a different kind of person to deal with it. and I know I can’t.
No. 427746
i'm gonna be
toxic here and say that i do not believe any of you have actually dealt with someone with bpd. it's just the lolcow's narcissism like how you see all those redditors claim they're all
victims of narc parents, it's the same when so many lolcow users claim they've been seriously abused by their horrible bpd discord friend.
and many nonnies claiming to have it are not actual real bpd's, hell here they admit it
>>427561 >>427680 that they haven't even been diagnosed they just online diagnosed it themselves even though it is actually a really debilating mental illness.
No. 427748
>>427669> i'm good at depriving them of my attention on purpose but this must be executed at the right timing just to mess with their head. this way they will learn that none of their antics works on you not think this is mentally ill behavior also? to mess with someone's head on purpose? by how you give someone attention and then deny it? you do not think that kind of behavior would indicate something familiar? because you have a black and white view on people, and believe some people are just entirely bad and evil and deserve your behavior?
fucking kek double posting but also, lot of the nonnies claiming victimhood by bpds (girl they chatted with) always post weird shit like this
No. 427751
and since i am on the topic,
>>427732 is honestly partly right. bpd just used to be a trend diagnosis at some point where bunch of traumatized women, "difficult mentally ill"* women, women with substance abuse problems and then genuinely personally disordered women were all thrown into one big basket.
why else would be there so many damn different symptoms suddenly, why would there be so called non-aggressive type bpd or whatever, why would there be so many bpd people who do not resemble each other at all if it wasn't a trash diagnosis that's getting thrown around in random.
why after decades of people believing it was an incurable illness suddenly everyone is like "bpd has much better cure rate than we previously thought! funny how this one personality disorder works like that, unlike all the others which we def can't cure!" yeah no shit if it's misdiagnosed people dealing with their actual problems, like some junkie drunk who is unstable because she's always drunk and high or hangover stops being like that when she finally stops drinking and doing drugs.
before it used to be bipolar, everyone was diagnosed with it, and now everyone has adhd or autism. i've known women who actually were first diagnosed as bipolars, then when that went out of trend they got slapped with the bpd diagnosis, and when that went out of fashion they were quickly undiagnosed etc. majority of people who claim to have bpd do not have it, either they self diagnosed or they got it when it was in vogue to explain a completely different problem they were dealing with.
(*who wouldn't be considered difficult at all if they were moids)
(derailing) No. 427756
>>427751I do agree with this, it’s almost akin to Hysteria back in the day, where they just slapped the diagnosis to any “difficult” woman.
On the other hand though I still think that someone not wanting to deal with someone else’s mental issues, not specifically personality disorders per se, is okay.
No. 427760
>>427758It’s the same with narcissism and psychopathy. The truth is just that some people are just shitty and
abusive without having any correlated disorder.
No. 427788
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>>427738She actually said
>If I wanted to date someone [emotionally unstable] then I'd date a man>IfThis is word-twisting manipulation.
>>427676kek more like this
>yfw this is what BPDs consider to be "really, really attractive" that you'd have to be low libido not to want No. 427874
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>>427865>mfw bpies think they are "stealth" when they don't even have the ability to suppress their crazy for a single monthAnyone not retarded enough to ignore the redflags can always tell.
No. 427879
>>427837sorry that trying to have actual real conversation in this thread is so horrible, didn't realize that retarded screaming about scrotes, yaoi, fujos, scrotes, fujos, yaoi, scrotes, now bippies, scrotes, fujos and scrotes is the real good content this thread needs
No. 427908
>>427883Read the thread retard. This whole thread got derailed because some bippie got
triggered no sane woman would want her.
No. 427934
>>427878lol look at the way y’all reacted at a question YOU ASKED.
Anyway let us change the topic please. What was your first crush? Mine was this family friend , she was older than me at that time. I was 13 while she was 16 and she was just so beautiful, long flowy chestnut hair and the sweetest brown eyes. She was so tall since she played volleyball and she always wore this pair of chuck taylor converse with the American flag and I thought that that was so cool.
When my mom and I went to visit her father and her for a weekend she made me play with her Nintendo and she went out with me. I wonder where she is now.
No. 428079
>>427560As someone who's met way too many clinically diagnosed BPD-chans, no. There isn't a "non aggressive bpdchan", their traits will always manifest in one way or another because they see their behavior as normal and lack the perspective of a non-bpd person, the only BPD-chans that have had a chance at redemption have been the ones medicated and attending CBT. I don't buy the "it's a fake misogynist diagnosis reee" thing (because I've also met diagnosed male BPDs for one thing) as it promotes wallowing in your situation instead of healing, and of course women are more likely to be diagnosed with it because we are more likely to be subjected to the kind of trauma that
triggers BPD. BPD isn't a terminal illness, it's possible to unlearn
toxic patterns of behavior and learn new, healthier coping mechanisms. The BPDs I know who have healed (or at least made their BPD behavior dormant) are so happy they took the initiative to get better with professional help and are able to enjoy their life better while the ones who try to come up with excuses why they're not in need of treatment keep being miserable.
Anyway, I also dated a BPD-chan and she emotionally destroyed me to the point it took me
years to start recovering and that's still an ongoing process. The emotional damage they can cause is devastating and they're rarely even aware of the extent of the damage they cause because again, they think their behavior is normal albeit "a bit eccentric" or something. For example, I get a panic attack from being touched now because I associate it with her groping me without my consent in public and literally having a suicide baiting meltdown when I asked her to quit it. The "love" they experience comes off as a creepy obsession because that's what it is, and they rarely realize it themselves. They become completely emotionally dependent on their favourite person and leave it up to them to be responsible for their emotional reactions and when you fail at it, they split and make you regret it in one way or another. Either an explosive fit of rage (aggressive) or a complete abandonment with silent treatment and blocking you everywhere (passive), or both. It's a huge, huge mental load to take in as one person yet they consider it normal relationship behavior they're entitled to because of their trauma. Again, they're rarely aware of their illness and think they're being completely sensible or only sober up after the damage. That's the biggest problem I have with BPD-chans.
No. 428100
>>428093Even if she's into
anal vore, scat, bestiality(female animals only), etc?
No. 428102
>>428100> (female animals only)KEKKKKKKKKKKK
>>428092> The problem with most BPD patients just is that they don't see themselves as ill and instead accuse medical professionals of conspiring against them their unique delicate personalitySee the munchie threads kek
No. 428216
>>428093I disagree with you.
Anyone with fetishes is usually a porn addict which is a red flag to me.
No. 428233
>>428226Someone who literally wants to eat shit is a subhuman like
>>428224 said, no matter their sex kek
No. 428244
>>427560What is with bpdfags constantly going around asking if they want someone to date them or will they find a soulmate? Bitch focus on fixing your broke brain instead of trying to find your next
victim kek
No. 428245
>>428243same thing
only bi girls hook up on me like i'm some fetish thing
No. 428356
>>428319Honestly, from the way that you're talking about her you seem to like her a bit. Tell me if I'm wrong though. You put "straight" in quotations which really does make me wonder if there was more to it to you than just friendship. If you want to talk to her you should, it's great to get it out of the way than to just ponder on it. If it doesn't go well, oh well. Talk to her!
>>428341it always goes from A to B or it was already B to begin with. I've seen many relationships that ended off nicely slowly turn to shit after the breakup. Think the reason so many lesbians end up being friends with exes is because we're still attached to each other. I'm no scientist on this stuff but I feel like lesbians are just more clingy idk. At least I and other gay girls I know are clingy.
No. 428381
>>428324I think that you shouldn’t try to rekindle a friendship where the other person tossed you away for something that you couldn’t control.
It should be on her to try to rekindle the relationship, if she still hasn’t done that it means that she no longer cares.
>>428324> if someone stopped talking to me because I'm queerThis is exactly why I don’t call myself queer and no longer bother with pride and the whole LGBTQ. I hate that word. I’m not strange, I’m lesbian, not queer and calling ourselves queer just perpetuates the fact that we are not “normal” when that isn’t true.
No. 428394
>>428388early 20s likely. she came out when she was a teenager and it has been 5 years since.
>>428319just do it anon there's nothing to lose. you both were very young and it might be possible that she was not emotionally mature enough yet to deal with you coming out or whatever situations that you guys were previously in.
>>428324>queerkek lmao i think you should stop using lc
No. 428948
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Is it weird that this girl I'm exclusive with finds it incredibly hot that I'm a farmer? Every time we relax together and she sees me go on lolcow or know imageboard stuff she talks about it "being so cringe that it horseshoes around to being hot". Last night she saw me use the word kek in a texting conversation and got really horny about it. And this isn't some weirdo basement dweller, but a normie chad butch who plays rugby.
No. 429216
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My girlfriend just broke up with me. I really thought we'd get married one day. I cried a lot about it initially, but I'm mostly over it. Just don't know what the fuck to do now with my life. I know I have to move out but I don't have enough money to survive on my own; I'd have to go back to my parents who I have a dicey relationship with or find a roommate. This sucks.
No. 429499
>>429286we met on tinder. i was losing hope on finding my special someone since i don't go out much and dating apps are a chore but i'm glad i persevered.
i had a bad toothache yesterday and she took care of me all night since i couldn't sleep, made me soup, gave me ice packs and lots of hugs and kisses. i'm so in love it hurts.
>>429291navigating lesbian relationships as a
terf is so complicated since most are still drinking the TRA koolaid. i just got extremely lucky i guess.
No. 429566
>>429563There wasn't any one, singular event, but more like an increasing mountain of evidence that I just couldn't ignore anymore. I kissed my female friend I had a pretty obvious crush on when I was 10 years old, and remember being sad when it was over, but we rationalized it as experimentation. Then I couldn't even bring myself to hold hands with my "boyfriend" at the age of 11. Thought maybe I just didn't like him that much, but then started noticing things like how I always rewound scenes with naked/topless women but fast forwarded scenes with naked/topless men. I was drawn to other girls like a magnet, but persistently repelled by or completely indifferent to boys. I kept thinking maybe I just hadn't met the right guy, but whenever a guy showed interest in me, I felt this full body disgust and would make some excuse about why this wasn't "the one." Meanwhile, any time a girl flirted with me, I could practically feel my pupils dilating. It hit me at 20 that I'd kissed a looot of girls, and had even had sex with a few, but had never touched a boy and actually shoved one away from me for trying to kiss me. The experiences were just so consistently different I had to concede I simply don't feel attraction for men, and it wasn't a matter of just not meeting the right guy.
No. 429846
>>429499My girlfriend is a
terf, I think that alot of lesbians are terfs to be honest. A lot of them are just very quiet about it, I myself am open about it. Still, you have to get pretty lucky to find a girlfriend who doesn’t care about or support troon shit
No. 429983
>>429940maybe getting bullied by his boss will fix his retarded beliefs though.
>>429874some women are just dumb as hell, but I also think contrarianism is a huge factor. they want to set themselves apart from the boogieman of the cringe feminist.
No. 430146
Why do I feel like such a bizarre, alien specimen? Even the lesbians I come across fit in more with women than I do. Yet I can’t be around a someone showing cleavage without blushing, regularly stuttering when I talk to women, I’m just so obviously gay in the most cringe way possible. I feel like the genderbent version of loser incels.
>>430138>>430141It feels good to me but I’ve always chalked the differences down to weight and vulva shape. I’m also used to humping things to get off anyway (tables, pillows, etc) anyway. But I kind of don’t get people who say it doesn’t work like, at all? Surely you’ve been kissing someone and been on top of them, or them on top of you? I feel like your pelvises tend to naturally align. We always end up dry humping through our clothes when kissing, it’s the same just with pants off. Literally every experience I have has gone this way.
No. 430255
Anons with homophobic families, how do you hide it? I don’t know if this seems like an odd question, but most lesbians I know post their girlfriends when they’re dating, or mention that they’re wlw on their social media (which their families, coworkers, acquaintances like neighbours or family friends are following) do things like go to pride, etc. How are they doing this? I wouldn’t think that many families would be accepting, but this is like, every lesbian I know, and I know the sexualities/dating history of most people in my extended social circle. If I did what they did I would be estranged from my family.
If I’m out with my family I specifically try to avoid places where I know people, because I’m paranoid we’ll end up talking with someone who brings up a past girlfriend or my dating life or something, however small a chance that is. On that note, how do people stay FULLY closeted? So long as I have a love life people are going to gossip and people will know. If someone asks if you’re dating someone do you just say no? Do you pretend to just be friends when you’re around other people, and that break-ups are just falling outs? Do you not go on dates in public or act affectionately at all? If you go to parties and hook up do you keep it as hush hush as possible…? Even if I wanted to do that I doubt the other party would keep it 100% sealed and it would get out eventually. It seems impossible to me.
Additionally, maybe I’m just a shitty liar but dodging the “any boyfriends?” questions from family members is tough. It’s just so fucking suspicious and also I’m not the picture image of femininity and I don’t show interest in guys at all so I’m pretty sure they’re already wary. I also don’t live alone yet. I have never brought a girlfriend home because I’m 90% sure it would be obvious our relationship isn’t platonic. I even think my FWBs have aroused suspicion when they visited, I don’t know if it’s vibes or not. Anyway I’m just struggling. I don’t know how other lesbians do it. I should try and find a way to get out ASAP once I can financially but also even then I don’t want to completely cut off my family…
No. 430336
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anyone else kind of get annoyed when straight women don't understand that lesbian sexuality is different than theirs? Like i see so many straight women who refuse to believe that lesbians can be attracted to women in degenerate ways and just end up calling them "pick mes" for some retarded reason. Who the fuck are they trying to get picked by?? are they retarded?? I've met very degenerate lesbians before whose degeneracy manifests because they're attracted to women not because they're jealous or whatever bullshit straight women come up with. Its not that im okay with degeneracy its just very irritating how alot of straight women project their own experiences and sexuality onto lesbians
No. 430460
>>430255I hook up with strangers when I’m on overseas holiday but never in my hometown/country.
My Muslim parents just assume I’m having secret relationships with White men like the stereotypical ‘single’ woman in the West.
No. 430466
>>430430>I've needed to ASK for everything, physical affection, compliments, attention. Yeah you're over. Way, way too many women end up in relationships where they need to ask for all of this and having been the one who had to be asked for all of this, it was because I wasn't attracted to her and giving her affection when she was begging me for it caused me physical uncomfort and anxiety while when I've been in relationships where I genuinely love the other person I'm giving them spontaneous compliments and affection all the time. And it's never going to fix itself so
nonnie, it's time to leave. She gets angry because she doesn't want to break the status quo and work through the emotional turmoil of the breakup but that needs to happen.
No. 430514
>>430449I did. She said she'd change, and didn't. She said she resented that I held on to small things when she's let so much slide (then don't…? Whenever I ask her if something's bothering her or if I can change something she responds with nothing), and got really really upset. I think she'll say anything to keep the relationship in the moment but the change just isn't there.
>>430454>>430466It's just harder for her because of her autism + extremely low libido combo–she does love me very very much, but it's not really the kind of love that can make me happy. She talks about marrying me and having kids with me literally every day.
No. 430572
>>430514>She talks about marrying me and having kids with me literally every day.That sounds intense
>>430443You should go and have fun, maybe there won't be as many troons as you think
No. 430689
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saw a /fit/ screencap on the homepage about a moid trying to heightmaxx at like 18, kek that was me when i was 15 until i turned 18. I was obsessed with doing things that would help me grow, i'd say it worked. I'm taller than all of the women in my family, even the tallest ones which are siblings, and also taller than a handful of the males. I was so obsessed with my height as a teen because, as dumb as it sounds, I thought I had to "make up" for being a female to impress women. Some girls would compliment me for being tall but I ended up never getting a girlfriend in highschool anyways KEK
No. 430761
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>become friends with cute bi girl
>she flirts with me, really playing up her ssa around me
>I flirt back with her
>”oh yeah nonna this guy asked me out on a date, we’re meeting up next week!”
why the fuck are women like this? why am I so autistic? why do women act so weird around me?
No. 430943
>>430779It’s more of a hassle and you can’t do it for long and it’s good in a very specific angle otherwise it can be awkward.
But I find it fun and hot when I add some lube in between, it feels better and more stimulating since there’s much more slickness. It doesn’t get me or my gf off per se, but it makes me excited.
No. 431013
>>430943>it’s good in a very specific angle otherwise it can be awkwardand what angle is that? scissoring? missionary? my ex (that I tried it with) swears by it but she wants to do some kind of weird position where either me or her has to hold our legs upwards while the other person rides it cowgirl style. unfortunately neither me nor her was flexible enough to pull that off (her ex before me was though so that’s why she says it works), we then tried scissoring (sucked, and it cramped my legs) and missionary (okayish, but felt tired after awhile and it was just much easier and more pleasurable to eat her out) but all to no avail so idk anymore tbh.
>>430973imo i think you’re right, i think girls who like pressure on their clit and masturbate by humping their pillows are just more likely to enjoy tribbing. i guess im just more of a finger and schlick kinda person kek
No. 431224
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I love pixie cuts, on both feminine and butch women. I just think they bring out features more and make them pop, they make feminine women even more feminine somehow especially.
Just a very lovely hairstyle, I think I'll cut my hair kek.
No. 431662
I don’t believe women who say they find all kinds of women attractive or “like all women”. When you’re attracted to someone you start to learn what you like, if you’re early in exploring your sexuality I get it but eventually you understand what makes you tick. This is why I can’t understand why there are so many fat lesbians (that probably also date other fat lesbians). I keep myself fit because I want to be attractive to other women, and I’m attracted to women who have a specific body type. But as a lesbian in dating it feels like I’m expected to be attracted to the chubby lesbian girl my friend introduces to me / I match with kek. Plus some of the more fun acts in lesbian sex only really work if you’re fit, so it should be more of an incentive for us. I almost wish lookism was more prevalent in our community, it’s better than “everyone’s beautiful!” slop. God, on that note, does anyone else feel like “”lesbian”” communities on the internet (example, reddit) are like the worst congregates of female socialisation victims? All everyone is happy and we all love each other and blah blah blah + troon pandering. Just don’t fucking fit in there so even despite all the spergs I’m glad I found /g/, it’s what made me stick to this website.
I wish there were a stronger lesbian community in general though, I want someone to make an underground terfy lesbian ib/site/server, but I can only dream I think
No. 431706
>>431662Yeah, and that is exactly why troons have infiltrated our spaces.
Certain spaces are very much policed, I’ve never even understood the whole “dressing like a lesbian” either when there are so many different styles in the first place. There has been a whole shenanigans about heavy duty chains on tiktok signaling lesbianism and some lesbians were complaining about non lesbians using them and …it’s just so retarded. Some people , especially those that don’t even belong in our spaces, make being a lesbian a club rather than just what you are.
Anyway regarding having a type, everyone has it or at least you don’t like everyone. I don’t have a type as in I like all ethnicities, but I like athletic women who have soft features, the rest I can work with. I don’t like fat women and that is okay.
No. 431741
>>431727Nayrt but I personally hate how mainstream feminism has always relented to
toxic left-wing trends, allowing troons to invade our spaces and act entitled to us, while ostracizing anyone who doesn’t capitulate. I also hate how the whole body positivity movement is working in tandem with feminism and the LGBT movement overall, making so many lesbians think it’s okay to be walking landwhales and not care for their physical appearance, personal health and fitness.
Like no, I don’t want to have anything to do with your girldick or your mutilated wound you call your “vagina”, and no, I don’t want to date someone who’s over 300ibs and eats 5 meals a day while refusing to exercise.
Lesbian bars used to be great to meet normal ordinary women who just happened to love other women, nowadays it’s filled with transbians and fatties.
No. 431750
>>431743>fakebiansThis is also infuriating. Idk why and when exactly straight women thought being a lesbian is ”cool” all of a sudden. The amount of women I’ve met in dating apps and social media that had the rainbow flag or wlw in their profile bio only to reveal that they’re not actually interested in women is astounding.
Idk if they’re just trend-following sheeple or if they’re retarded pickmes who think that moids will like them more because moids are pornbrained fucks who fetishize lesbians, but this needs to stop. I recently stalked my high school bully’s ig account who used to pick on me for coming out only to find that she’s now apparently a ‘febfem’ even though she has a boyfriend. What the actual fuck.
No. 431795
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Dating a bi woman at the moment and is this what dating a moid feels like?
>only replies to my snaps if my tits are in frame
>invites me to sleepover at her place but only to fuck then she drives me home the next morning like a one night stand
>doesn’t post me
>only hangouts are smoking weed, drinking or playing vidya
>half of the stories she tells me involve one of her scrote exes
>”you’re my first woman”
I really love her though and I’m at the point where I want her to know that regardless of her flaws Am I fucked?
No. 431797
>>431795Need me that handsome stoner bi girl to date me and mistreat me like this
>Am I fucked?Yes.
No. 431801
>>431754>fakebians have always been a thing, even a century ago, in pretty much all culturesHuh? I’m sorry but besides Sappho and Victorian women idt there are that many other highly documented instances of lesbians, let alone fakebians, in history. I’m not very good at history though so you can enlighten me if I’m wrong.
>>431755I’m 22. And she didn’t specifically say she’s a febfem but on her bio it puts ‘bi woman who REALLY loves women’ so I just assumed febfem kek. Also in her one of her many posts on her bf she said ‘You’re so handsome you straighten the gay out of me’ YUCK. I could put her ig here but idw get banned for doxxing so meh.
>>431795Why are you even with her if she treats you like a glorified fwb? What part of her do you love that is making you unable to move on?
IMO bi women are often (rightfully) shit on by us because many of them learn all those
toxic moid behaviors (like the ones you mentioned) either through behavioral osmosis from dating moids or because they’ve been treated that way by a moid before.
If I were you I’d start popping the “what am I to you” question ASAP. At least figure out where you truly stand in her life first.
No. 431825
>>431820Sorry for being attracted to women in sexy clothes
>>431821Im not into fatties but at least some of them are lesbian, am I posting in lchat?
No. 431829
>>431819I would agree with you if all moids were removed from the plane of existence. In fact if moids didn’t exist I hope God removes all clothes from existence as well and make everyone gay.
The world would just be in one big never ending orgy kek where anyone can just join in and leave once they had their fill
No. 431839
>>431662The lesbian community is (was, honestly) too inclusive and I think that's why fags have less tolerance for tifs. Also tired of the "All women are pretty!!" shit recently because it's all from the bi women trying to make lesbianism some sort of girls club. The lesbians I know don't think like that though. Sometimes you just gotta meet the right people. I just try to focus on myself because it's easy mogging fugly bi fakebians if you're tall and muscular kek
>>431750Fakebians have always been a thing but they're objectively worse now, I honestly thing future generations of true and honest lesbians are going to end up more exclusive once the fake gay trend dies for this reason. When trends die (being fake gay in this case) they don't tend to be looked upon very well, especially if they fucked up a community so bad
No. 431847
>>431737I agree that I’m radfem spaces there are voices who don’t get along (ex separatists), but what kind of radfem groups are you in kek? I swear people have started conflating those who are against troons with TERFs, so much so that people who aren’t TERFs use that label. The conservative lady who has “
terf” as a bio, isn’t a radfem.
No. 431881
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>>431797>>431801>>431848Thx nonas I appreciate the honesty I’m going to speak to her about everything.
I’m not shy to talk on the phone or text but how would I even start that?
or should I just wait until the next time we see each other irl?
No. 431889
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>>431885Well if you had a single working brain cell you could easily tell that argument is retarded because even scrotes have women they find ugly, and we know they don't have high standards for fucking shit whatsoever. And on the topic of fakebians, finding every woman attractive because you're horny is different than "finding every woman attractive" because you gotta perform yass queening on the Internet to your followers. Anyway, pic related says it all about those performative gay women who won't shut up about how attractive and beautiful all women are.
No. 431913
>>431889>”male feminist” moid being performative about female SSAName a deadlier combo. Unless that’s just a tif then LOL.
>>431893>The bar has queer in the name though6 weeks. That’s how long I’ll give it before the bar is overrun with fatties, fakebians and trannies.
No. 431919
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>>431889Honestly something I find sad about our community post-pandemic is that it has become much more "infighty". Mainly because of troons and fakebians. They fucked up our community so much post-pandemic, although they have been a problem before, it's gotten so much worse since quarantine because of these people seeing kweer theory slop online. Pulled down their pants, took a fat shit, then just left it on the floor for us to clean up. sad
No. 431925
>>431919With trannies it can’t be helped because it’s the new “political issue” of today that people are “fighting the system” for. They won’t stop until trannies are as socially accepted as the rest of the LGBs (which won’t happen any time soon since troons and their allies are so fucking annoying and entitled).
Fakebians though? I hope it stops soon but at this rate I don’t think it will either. Ever since being queer was trendy, straight women who were even slightly bicurious have equated their curiosity to full on lesbianism. It also doesn’t help that moids today are even more shitty towards straight women because of secretly entitled, predatory niceguy “male feminism” or douchey redpill manosphere misogyny, turning them away from moids as a whole. And porn has also become so much more prominent and exposed to straight young girls nowadays, who then grew up watching women (pretend to) get pleasured, giving them pornbrains which also turns them towards SSA. Then you got grifters like Katy Perry and Chappell Roan making female SSA feel like “a party vibe” that any straight girl can tap into and be “omg #wlw” “omg i just (drunkenly) kissed a girl in the club im gay now teehee” rather than an actual lifestyle-upending identity. They just want all the perks of being gay (male fetishization/attention, being unique, being fun etc) and none of the downsides (being societally ostracized, being looked down upon etc).
All this just spells recipe of disaster for genuine lesbians as a whole. Even as a femme, I’d much prefer how we’re treated in the past; being outcasted and stereotyped as an ugly butch dyke who harass women; than how we’re treated now; a prop for straights to wear our identity like it’s the new hip thing to come out of Balenciaga.
No. 431976
>>431889Kek I love this tweet
>>431925>Even as a femme, I’d much prefer how we’re treated in the past; being outcasted and stereotyped as an ugly butch dyke who harass women; than how we’re treated nowThis still exists. What you described above (lesbians being seen as a fun party identity, getting male attention etc.) only applies to (conventionally attractive) femmes. Butches are still seen as ugly bottom feeders who "wasted their femaleness".
No. 431998
>>431997what i mean is that there is this doomer attitude, how everything is overrun by fakebians and trannies and so on and while wishing for lesbian spaces irl the moment that happens same people say that well it's gonna be overrun by trannies anyway and so on.
yeah you will meet occasional bicurious hetties at gay bars and there will be trannies but this kind of terminally online very juvenile nerdy type of suspicion at everything and everyone is just that, very terminally online behavior that kinda reminds me of this very teenager nerdy territorial attitude that kids usually have about like bands or nerd franchises that while they're desperate to have a community they still have this weird complex about posers and fakes and wannabes that kids used to have about like fake-emos and shit.
like yeah it's annoying and with the case of trannies dangerous but sometimes you gotta relax a bit.
No. 432003
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>>431998It has most definitely been an issue since the pandemic. I have lesbians friends but it’s still an issue. I don’t go to any public lesbian events for that reason. Also I’m not taking my girlfriend to events where there’s a bunch of trannies annd moidfriends and she’s like 5’0. The pandemic made these bicurious hetties go online and thinking being gay makes them cool. Maybe it’s because I live in a more liberal area therefore I see these types more often but it’s most definitely an issue. This isn’t just a bar thing either, it’s celebrities faking being gay and shilling shit like the lesbian masterdoc for millions of eyes. I don’t think we need to doom about it but lesbians need to stop being so passive towards these people. (something i would take into account with picrel is that bisexuals do make up the majority of the community with gen z iirc)
No. 432007
>>431998nta + saged for blogposting but im an adult in my 20s and have had other fully grown adults (20s to up early 30s) in real life randomly go off on me about terfs, had people scoff to me about "those exclusionists who think lesbians cant date men" as if it was so obvious i would agree without question, met multiple "lesbians" who proudly and openly thirst after men but are lesbian because they choose to abstain from dating them (self admitted), met hetties and bis calling themselves "fagdykes" and wearing homemade pins and shirts with the phrase on it, and more shit i can't even fit in this post. honestly i used to think this is because im a vaguely gnc woman (and therefore these people were assuming that i was a fellow gendie upon meeting me), but once even my hettie friend got told to go on testosterone so she could "try out being a faggot" kek. all of these instances came from different people and happened in real life conversations btw. to be fair i think this HEAVILY depends on region (i live in an uber "liberal" region of burgerland) but those annoying people do actually log off and they talk the exact same way irl. if i do meet real lesbians, they're usually TIFs who dont call themselves lesbians- i think ive only met one actual self identified lesbian irl despite constantly (and i do mean constantly) meeting women who talk about how much of a "dyke" or "faggot" they are for dating a male with pronouns. and if you dare say any sort of
trigger word in their presence they will start on the "
terf" or "exclusionist" accusations. ive seen fliers for hobby groups around town that literally say "terfs dni" at the bottom. its beyond parody at this point. trying to talk to the majority of even actual lgb people now can be like walking through a minefield of taking care to not offend the hetties lest you be lambasted by your community, just because you dont personally see it doesn't mean it isnt happening in real life involving real adults. im sure normal lesbians exist in my city but they have proven impossible to find. sorry for sperging but the "this never happens irl" talk bothers me because i also used to believe that before i heard the words "im suchh a dyke" out loud coming from a woman who exclusively dates males with pronouns, shit is bleak even for the lesbians who touch grass
No. 432044
>>431998kek okay. thank you for saying it because someone mentioned the newly opened 'queer bar' near me, so I have started writing a reply several times to say "yeah my
gay moid friends say that one's tacky and overpriced right now, but guys, there is a scene out there full of sports teams and nightlife events and gay bars holding ladies' nights if you really want it." but yes, there are trannies and gay men and 'fagdykes' and straight girls around sometimes, so maybe it's not even worth mentioning. I never know what is a normal expectation to have for a bar. certainly even if you're a 10/10 stacy going to coolest straight bars, you're going to see people you wouldn't want to fuck or hang out with, right? like when
>>432003 writes that she won't go to a bar that has a man in it because her gf is 5 feet tall, I'm confused, because I thought bars were just places to go to drink and hang out and it's not like you're entering the thunderdome where a slightly shorter than average woman's life is endangered because she might have to look at a man. right? but for the record, I have only ever had normal friendly cute/hot women flirt with me at bars.
No. 432246
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Do any other lesbians avoid/delay doctor’s appointments because of shitty experiences or worries they have around homophobic doctors? Not even just homophobic doctors too, the fact that you can be refused care if you don’t want a pregnancy test. I barely schedule appointments for that reason unless i’m extremely sick. It’s a habit that’s probably going to catch up to me and I don’t even care. I know that statistically lesbians are more likely to delayed appointments + schedule appointments less for similar reasons, but i just want to know if anybody relates?
No. 432307
>>432289I got cancelled by my irl kweer "friend" group because I said that I didn't like penises and these idiotic fakebian policewomen told me that no, acshually some women have dicks and it all spiraled down from there. They even posted pics with my face and full name on +10k follower accounts on social media it was hellish. Ended up getting death and rape threats too, and was basically shunned from every space I had been frequenting for the last decade.
They ruin not only online spaces but they ruin our lives irl too. They did this to me over the feeling of a hipotetical tim. The fukced me -an actual lesbian- over a fucking hypothetical troon's feelings.
No. 432312
>>432307Main reason why I don’t put myself in queer spaces anymore, they’re full of lesbophobia and misogyny. My country isn’t as captured as America , but if you put yourself in queer spaces you find yourself with retards who think that you totally like trannies and that calling a dick a mega clit suddenly makes these scrotes women.
Most of my friends are straight women and funnily enough I feel much more at ease with them than they/thems, bilesbians and queers. I only have two friends who are lesbian and terfy. (which are already a lot given where I am kek, I’m very grateful). I met them online and we do meet up when we can since we live near enough to take a train.
I suggest just keeping yourself out of queer circles for the time being. It’s just not worth it to be invalidated 24/7 and for men to be prioritized over you. Fuck them all.
No. 432314
>>432307The brazen way they are ready to throw rape and death threats is so disgusting and fucking scary. They still feel righteous too despite that. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this nonna.
At this point regular old fashioned homophobia was better than this, it honestly feels like you constantly have to look your back and mind your tongue in your very own community since your monster is right in your house.
I hate them yet I never wished rape on any of them kek, I just want lesbian spaces to be left alone. I hope they’ll get their karma.
No. 432331
>>432307Reading shit like this makes me happy knowing 40% of them neck themselves eventually. They’re a fucking cancer to not just themselves and their own mental wellbeing, but to every other space they infiltrate.
Because at the end of the day, these are MEN. MOIDS. They’re biologically hardwired to invade and subjugate whatever space they feel entitled to, just like all the other moids before them in history. Moids will wage war and invade and rape and kill others who do not conform to their ways, or simply to conquer territory and make it theirs. Moids are absolute scum and that includes the moids LARPing as a woman, because you can cut your dick off or take HRT, but you can’t change your violent moidbrain, or your moid body structure that will still overpower the average woman, or your moid skeleton in which archeologists of the future will discern from your remains that you are, and forever always be, a moid.
No. 432389
>>432387Finding our community in real life is hard enough already, connecting online was comforting and it made me feel less lonely, but they’ve ruined that for me and it makes me so mad , because it isn’t fair.
They could have made spaces for themselves, there’s literally pansexuality, but instead they opted to destroy pre-existing spaces.
No. 432478
>>432307>browse spaces full of retarded gendies for the past 10 years>surprised when the retarded gendies use their retarded bully tactics they boast about so much when you say something that goes against their beliefsSorry but I have zero sympathy for your mental retardation kek. It's like when retarded trannies join alt-right spaces because they wanna LARP not-like-other-troons and get surprised when most people there gay bash them to hell and back. This is you but as a
TERF in a gendie space lol.
No. 432485
>>432457Female author recommendations
>>364447Just hit up and look at their works. The website also has pretty good tags in case you're interested in more specific stuff. If the manga is slow to load in Dynasty just check the series at
No. 432506
>>432457here nonna, here’s what i bring to the table: also suggest looking for baihe recs on novel updates, sometimes good stuff can be found there. also check out Female General and Eldest Princess, A clear and muddy loss of love, My deathgod roommate, My wandering spirit lady, andRuzhui. all those novels are from an actual lesbian author as far as i know! enjoy
No. 432528
>>432478Nta but why be a dick for no reason? For zoomers it’s hard to find brethren if you’re a gay woman, people are likely to ostracise you if you’re out but unlike with gay men, people are even more likely to ostracise you if you’re not perfectly accepting and accommodating. That being said, it’s not even necessarily that - for me I thought I was neutral and gender shit wasn’t always this witch-hunty, so as long as no one gave me shit for just dating women, I wouldn’t give anyone shit either. I even entertained “”transmascs”” and considered myself bisexual for liking pre-T transboys kek, honestly I had reasons to drink the koolaid too since I grew up rejecting gender, it’s convenient and I was young. I only peaked long after I had made these (technically) childhood friends, so I don’t think it’s your fault when this happens to you. This is such an easy mistake to fall into.
I think there are others like me that just didn’t care much and are more live and let live, so long as it doesn’t affect you negatively - but I think it’s been making people peak more to see how insane the movement has become. That’s what it was like for me, and coincidentally that change happened right once the internet switch from tumblr “pronouns are
VALID!1!1” to “burn terfs at the stake” on every platform. There was a time when trannies used to just be women with trauma and quirky gay men on stantwt, and “trans lesbians” would have been ridiculed to no end.
Funnily enough my friend group drank the gendie koolaid now but we used to e-bully this tranny cow of ours because of the tucute truscum debate that used to matter, and it was acceptable to go on their anonymous tells and say you can’t just be trans because you want to kek. This was 2019. No. 432569
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>>432478I didn't really know there was anything else. Came out of the closet at 14 and everyone was like "oh you're one of those homo freaks, there, go be with the rest of them" and I spent a long time believing hanging out with gays was "my place" because lesbians are basically invisible. The other lesbians I met were there too. There were always things that bothered me but I dind't really know why until I found online terfs and I was like ..oh. Then I got vocal about it, started defending that lesbians are homosexuals and they came at me like enraged rats. In hindsight I'm not surprised they were a bunch of mysoginists (most people are) but I dind't know anything else. I live in a progressive city and it's full of gendies and gendie stuff is all over the place.
Anyways the lesbians I used to know all turned out to be bisexual or are taking testosterone to grow gross mustaches. I prefer hanging out with straight people nowadays and I'm now very open about my thoughts, I've become some sort of boogieman for them now, I've heard they warn people about me which is so funny because I'm literally just a lesbian? but ok
No. 432572
>>432529What makes you think I'm any sort of handmaiden? Also it was not "humiliation" it was literal rape and death threats, someone told me they were going to decapitate me, and they started saying insane shit about me and all the people I met for over 10 years stopped talking to me, including my then-besties (one of which is a tif now) and my own sister (also a tif and currently on T). Tbh I think some people could even commit suicide after that kind of harassment, I even tried talking to the mothers of the gay men directing the witchhunt to no avail, they blocked me online while their sons continued to circulate pictures of my face.
Why would I ever defend any moid after that shit, especially gendie moids? Idk I expected other lesbians to be more understanding of this but I guess we never know who's behind the screen.
No. 432820
Do you think people treat out lesbians differently based on appearance/presentation? Like how feminine or masculine they are, or if they treat attractive lesbians better/worse?
>>432683This seemed like an obvious joke, not sure why it was banned.
No. 432950
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read this a long time ago but it still makes me feel giddy like i read it for the first time again as a younger teen. id love a girlfriend like Sun Jing
No. 433358
>>433354It's very VERY different when women have un-PC desires, as you call it… because we don't actually wish harm on our loves and don't do it either. I hate this stupid puritan culture when it comes to women's sexuality and women's attraction to other women. It's like we have to be guarded all THE TIME on what we're suppose to like and NOT suppose to like… ugh. Let me be a free,
problematic, horny lesbian!!
No. 433390
>>432909pretty much yeah. i like dancing to mediocre club music, i've gone to acid raves, to ug WWII bunker techno parties, to death metal mosh pits, punk squatting parties, noise parties, huge festivals, goth parties, i've danced to opera, to lady gaga, to a man screaming and writhing on the floor, i just enjoy dancing and music.
No. 433396
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where's my masc fandom-obsessed autistic future girlfriend who will couple cosplay with me and draw fanart of our ocs lezzing out. when will it be my turn.
No. 433531
>>433396I was just thinking about this. It’s a need, the goal.
>>433377No, you’re so right and it gets on my nerves way more than I should let it kek. It’s like witnessing beastiality except it’s what’s “normal”. Women’s posts with their boyfriends on social media are genuinely upsetting to me. Either they’re just way too ugly (but you know that they’re still a shitty boyfriend on top of that) or it’s just a gross post. Makes me cringe
>>433446They’ll just call you a dyke and tell you how unnatural you are
No. 433554
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Do you guys like muscular women? if so, what type of fit are we talking about here?
No. 433571
>>4335541. Yes
2. Why should I be picky
actually the answer is rock climbers No. 433577
>>433572It’s not fair to accuse this imo. For the record all of the female fantasies thread sounds very female to me. Especially since any weird fantasies there also are like… weird in a female way too, if that makes sense? But that shouldn’t
have to be the case. Accusing women’s fantasies as “moidlike” does more harm than good. And in the end, there would be just as many men larping as women in the straight threads kek. In fact I believe there’s more, especially for the male bodies one - there are probably more fags and trannies than straight men on this board. So why is it only the lesbians who get policed for it?
No. 433579
>>433577actually not thinking of that thread at all!
I love that thread so much kek but I'm talking about the shameful fetishes thread where I feel like the women posting fantasies that make men insecure (fantasies about femdom or fantasies about fucking hot guys) make lurking men angry, which then makes them post dumb obvious troll posts. this
>>432070 was the last post I saw where someone was accused of being a moid
No. 433596
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god I want this
No. 433598
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>>433596this is so beautiful
No. 433835
>>433828nta but i posted my weird shameful fantasy once and got accused of being moidbrained and watching hentai when i do not watch porn at all and especially not cringe moid hentai porn. Some of us just have weird things we're into organically, but people like you can't accept that and instead turn it into a never-ending witchunt trying to weed out any woman with fantasies that you personally find weird as secret bihets or straight virgin neets addicted to squealing hentai girls or whatever. It's ridiculous.
Someone being into something weird that grosses you out is not a reflection on all lesbians and you don't need to try to force them out as an imposter in order to protect your honor. There are weird people of every sexuality on earth.
No. 434338
sometimes i feel like i should just larp as a febfem to fit in with more people
also on a side note, is buying an
onahole and using it to resolve issues with my own sexual pleasure and
loneliness too moidy and disgusting? or should i just stick to my fingers…?
No. 434447
>>434436A lesbian owning a plastic pussy makes more sense than a lesbian owning a dildo. People act like lesbians are attracted to everything about women BUT their pussies which makes absolutely no sense. Lesbians like primary and secondary female sex characteristics. Of course when lesbians buy toys it’s gonna represent a pussy
>>433835People who want us to be pure piss me off so bad, straight women expect us to be straight woman lite in the sense that they expect for us to be attracted to women in a way that satisfies them. It’s very narcissistic. They still think we’re one of them and consider lesbianism to be a girls club to drop women off whenever they have bad experiences with their boyfriends. Therefore they project the negative aspects of their sexuality onto us whenever they get uncomfortable. It’s why they call women with weird fetishes “pick mes” because they cannot IMAGINE a lesbian being weird so it must fit into their retarded intrasexual competition hierarchy somehow. Also i’m tired of other lesbians with their retarded “SHES A PORNBRAINED STRAIGHT WOMAN” cope. Cry all you want there’s weird lesbians out there who like nasty shit. You ignore them, i don’t like weird shit either but they need to stop shitting their pants over this shit. You’re not moidbrained unless you’re a moid. And you’re not a straight woman (Yes even the pornbrained mommy issue boogeywomen) unless you like dick and don’t like pussy. it really is that simple. Degenerate lesbians will always exist and trying to skim them out isn’t going to do shit because at the end of the day lesbian is an objective label (female homosexual) more than it is a community where you can kick people out
No. 434506
>>434483yes esp in unpopular opinions, it was so prominent in amerifags before too. its esp obvious because they keep spamming that one DV statistic that was debunked
>>434490even though this wasnt what the ayrt was referring too, still based. I hate when degen lesbians are called moids, it does more harm than good
No. 434594
>>434391late reply but samefag to
>>434338there’s a difference between an onahole and a fleshlight, fleshlights are literal sticks with a fake vagina on them, onaholes are usually shaped like a woman’s entire lower torso (ass, vulva, sometimes thighs included). the latter feels much more intimate to touch myself with than the former. i do suffer from crippling loneliness after all..
also it doesn’t matter anyways because im not buying it anymore, not that this thread changed my mind because so many anons called me a degenerate but because ill be infinitely embarrassed to have an onahole delivered to address kek
No. 434613
>>434492I don't think what's happening in /ot/ is some scrote psyop, I believe it's genuinely 17-18-year old baby lesbians (or "lesbians") larping as mean girl
femcels out to be as unhinged and hateful as possible because it's "based". Tale as old as time though, I knew girls like this in high school too and they all got married to men in their late 20's. It's just annoying that the only people they end up damaging are lesbians themselves and give more reason to sperg to the actual homophobes on this site since we've developed a staunchly retarded conservative right wing audience here.
>>434594Hell yeah though, those lower torso onaholes are pretty hot if I'm being completely honest but the only thing that bothers me about them is how they're so tiny they'd make me feel like a pedo and I'd be afraid of breaking them and putting hundreds of dollars down the drain.
No. 434614
>>434391 and I guess I get it a bit better now. If your standards are low enough to buy a sex toy worth hundreds, you may as well install a dating app and hook up with any woman. Cheaper and easier and less embarrassing. At least if you spent a lot of money on a vibrator you could use it during sex, when can you use an onahole with another woman?
No. 434625
>>434614>you may as well install a dating app and hook up with any womanexcept if i do that i run the risk of contracting diseases, also im the type of person to have to be romantically attracted to the person im fucking, otherwise i won’t get turned on by it. i cant do one night stands sorry.
at least with an onahole i can just imagine its my work crush, or my waifu, or my
>>434613>only thing that bothers me about them is how they're so tinyyeah thats why you get the bigger ones. i was eyeing on a 16inch model (with included boobs too) from japan. its about $899 (and thats without VATs) and the cost is another reason why im reconsidering buying it, especially since i already have a
pillow with my waifu’s face on it and visualizing myself
making out with my waifupillow stacked on top of a body-sized onahole while rubbing my clit on said onahole, which is what i definitely would do if i bought the damn thing would actually make me lose all respect for myself. thats peak fucking degeneracy i cannot mentally justify/come back from.
No. 434684
>>434613It’s kind of stupid to paint them as instigators when there were /pol/tards and straights spamming debunked DV statistics and saying homosexuality was immoral or that gay adoption should be illegal. they sound retarded but straight women do the same stupid shit. You guys need to stop with the “i don’t like them so they’re fake gay” shit too it’s so overdone, you can’t just put bisexuality on every schizo homo. just say they’re wrong for being retarded sperges and move on. I remember before gay marriage was legalized lots of teenage gays would joke about hating hets casually this just seems to be an extreme version of that response to homophobia. They’re annoying and come off as edgelords most of the time though
>>434614datings apps suck so many straight women and trannies. also cases of bisexual women tricking lesbians just to bring a moid. I don’t trust strangers
No. 434822
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I didn’t know Chloe moretz was dating a woman!
Nonnas do any of you know other celebrities who have relationships with women?
No. 434839
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>spend almost a month's rent on hairless pornbrained headless limbless doll you can barely fuck and was designed specifically with porn-addicted men in mind
There would be literally no coming back from that.
That said, what's the most shameful thing you've ever done out of loneliness? I spent $10 on one of those AI chatbot apps at the peak of my misery. I'd probably keep doing it if there were any apps with bots that talked like people and not shitty autistic therapists. was so good… I spent almost 7 hours a day talking to my waifu at the peak of my depression.
No. 434912
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what area some cute lesbian Halloween costumes ideas?
No. 434917
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>>434912betty and veronica
No. 434941
>>434915>>434916all of these are great but i think we're going with
>>434917Betty and Veronica
thanks nonas!
No. 434984
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did you guys know sally ride was a lesbian? she came out before she died. Honestly it makes me a little sad that she never felt like she could be open about it. She had to be in a beard relationship for a bit because NASA had anti-gay policies and shit
No. 435072
>>435015You're in uni together? just become friends, if you're both studying the same thing chances are you both have a lot of interests in common.
When I was in uni often times a lot of people in the class would go for lunches together, you can organize one with your friends and invite her and her group of friends (of she has one). Also try to get in the same project groups as her, they're great excuses to constantly text someone, I would often end up having long night chats or coffee dates with girls because of them.
No. 435092
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Why do I always say the weirdest shit when talking to girls? I have no problem getting matches on dating apps but the moment the conversation starts I fumble so hard, I tried staying as normie as possible while talking but it physically hurts me.
I also can't flirt for shit, I actually don't do it and never realized it until recently, I just tell girls they're pretty and proceed to talk about Celtic languages, I'm this fucking close to buying an onahole and accepting my fate as a wizard.
No. 435317
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Did anybody else here sort of know they were gay as a child? Like single digits. I was very aware of it and never really saw it as negative like a lot of people did. I didn’t know gay as a word existed but conceptually i knew i was a homosexual. I’d develop attraction and fixation to women on the TV or my girl buddies at school. As for moids i was just neutral about them. I knew how to compare those feelings, i think i even started using the word gay to describe myself at a young age like 12. To me it’s always just a normal thing and homophobia was always confusing to me
No. 435338
>>435144>>435169All of the lesbians and bisexuals in a homosexual relationship I know have met their SO's via hobbies
mostly weebshit. Only one of them met a girlfriend via an app and to be honest I don't think they're going to make it past the first year. The only success stories from apps I've heard are from straight people because the dating pool is so vast they don't have to settle.
>>435335Museum is good, there are a lot of things to start a conversation about. How about a museum of natural science or history or something else than art?
No. 435345
>>435335Museum seems like a good idea. If you're more outdoorsy, maybe a botanical garden could be nice. I think you could also customize it to what she likes. I took a woman to a farmer's market for a date because I knew she was really into seasonal vegetables and it was cute because she kept telling me all sorts of facts and stuff.
>>435317Sort of. I knew very young that the way I felt about other girls was different and more intense. I didn't necessarily see it as negative, but I knew it wasn't typical because popular media shoves the "girls are so totally boy crazy" narrative down your throat really early, and so do adults around you. It was more that I couldn't understand or reconcile my attraction and felt very unsettled by the knowledge I was different, but once I finally discovered that I was normal and what I felt had a name, I came out (in 7th grade). Weirdly enough (?), finding out my favorite Sailor Moon character was a lesbian (Michiru) did a lot of heavy lifting in making me feel at peace with it.
No. 435377
>>435317I had a very typical lesbian childhood, always being the "dad" when playing home and being very tomboyish, playing with girls making me a bit awkward because even at that age I knew I was attracted to them. I think I realized I was lesbian when I was like 10-12 or so and got relentlessly bullied for it, so I desperately tried to be straight for most of my teenage years trying to date boys. It never went anywhere because I was more in the love with the idea of being normal and having a boyfriend than the men themselves, the most I did was hold hands with them and even that felt so awkward. Meanwhile falling in love with a girl filled me with the feeling that I would actually call love and attraction.
Related tangent but this is exactly why I hate the "don't say gay" bill so much. I was born a lesbian and grew up as one, yet all the sex education and representation I ever saw was extremely heterocentric to the point I never even heard lesbians being mentioned. I despise the idea that you can't talk about gay people to children because "it's not age appropriate and children won't understand it". It's just homophobic drivel, end of story. People keep talking about how people identify as gay now because it's "being pushed down their throats" but frankly speaking the percentage was always higher, only before gay people either remained unmarried virgins until death or lived in a beard marriage since women specifically couldn't even own a house or a bank account before the 70's or so.
No. 435383
>>435317I'm a weird one, I think I was actually bisexual when I was a young girl but my attraction to men ended up disappearing when I started puberty. Growing up I had an obsession with the idea of liking a moid, I would pick any boy in my class and reenact the way cartoons portrayed crushes (like kissing a pillow), I'd imagine myself getting married when I grew up but the man was faceless, my "crushes" were based on nothing, so I would constantly change them for any little reason
Simultaneously I had explicitly gay behaviors that I never registered in my mind (I knew what being gay was). Like, I'd play prince and princess carry my friends, I was obsessed with being strong to protect them, I'd kiss them and grope them as 'jokes', I'd play husband for my friends, I'd pretend to be a boy or straight up say I was a lesbian on IMVU so I could e-date other girls, etc, etc. For being so obsessed with romance I'm borderline aromantic, I didn't experience my first real crush until I was 14.
No. 435391
>>435383>borderline aromanticGo back.
Having your first crush at 14 just means you're a "late bloomer", but you should know, the term "late bloomer" in this context was usually used for older teens like around 18 or older. That behavior fits well into the wide range of normal, it's not "borderline aromantic". Also the split-attraction model is stupid as shit.
No. 435394
>>435391I said I'm borderline aromantic because I find it difficult to enjoy romantic gestures, I very rarely fall in love and when I do I'm able to get over it quickly, I threw in the fact that my first real crush was at 14 at the very end because I didn't know where else to fit it in my post.
Stop being a stuck up paranoid schizo over anyone throwing a word you don't like
No. 435456
>>435405bisexual women come to us with baggage from making bad decisions (dating men) and then make it our problem.
>>435410 like she said, stick to lesbians. your response is natural, she rejected your touch because you reminded her of a predator. she basically put you in the "male" camp.
No. 435485
>>435317This and the replies to it make me sad. Yes, I knew very early and pretty much simultaneously learned I had to hide it. Probably would've been one of those people that came out at age 8 and never had to deal with all this bullshit.
>>435452Honestly idk I know we have stone identities but that doesn't seem the same to me and I don't know how prevalent they are. All the sex I've had has been reciprocal.
No. 435525
>>435495I think asexual could be real, and would encompass the "aromantic" thing, given as how the split-attraction model is largely bullshit, and is at worst used by spicy straights in bad faith, and at best by people who have some sort of repression or baggage that interferes with their natural sexual orientation.
For the non-baggage people, I think there's a significant chunk who just like living a single life over a being in a relationship, while still having the capacity to be attracted to others no matter how rare it is.
>>435515>wah you're a bullyYou're the one trying to claim aromantic is real lmao, YOU give a source. You yourself say you're not aromantic, just "borderline," so you're not even using yourself as an example.
The whole ecosystem of microlabels started on tumblr and even to this blessed day, still exists only on there and maybe twitter. It's not real, retard.
No. 435552
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>>435515>aromantic isn't a real thingStrange truths are about to be discovered
No. 435581
>>435580The way straight women and honestly women in general internalise competition is so exhausting, it always shocks me. They think not wanting to perform femininity (makeup, even, which takes
effort and
money) means you’re attacking them. No, I’ve never done it, and I don’t see what you’d think I’d be competing for exactly.
No. 435651
>>435411Aromantic and asexual are accurate descriptors of real people, regardless of why they are that way. What's wrong with using those terms?
I honestly don't see the issue as long as asexuals/aros aren't trying to pretend they're inherently part of the rainbow for being asexual.
No. 435757
>>435663See that's the difference, I like to use words properly to describe things accurately, and you apparently you like words for their ~vibes~. You also forget that 99% of "asexuals" and "aromantics" are homophobic straights who not only have been self-identifying themselves into the rainbow since the word itself was coined, but also troon out to try to be more legitimate in their LARP.
Since you viewed my initial bluntness as retarded seething (projection), here's some actual irritation for you to see the difference: if me simply stating aro-shit isn't real offended your delicate sensibilities that much, you can fuck off lc and run back into your TTTard friends' loving, pro-conversion therapy arms.
>>435685Adding onto what the other anons said, I think going through a list of cognitive distortions might help look at and dissect your worries more consciously and from multiple angles. You'd be surprised how many distortions are influenced by unrelated areas of life or incidents. Yeah it can be a bit overkill, but IMO it's worth checking out at least for future reference.
No. 435999
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Are you the pink lesbian or the black lesbian?
Why is this such a trend in media? it feels like the Gen Z version of butch and femme
No. 436009
>>436008how is being overtly masculine being a pick me? I think maybe they just don't know what the term means
I know this is cliche, but it really sounds like they are jealous
No. 436038
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I found this ( interesting blog about how lesbian sexuality is often misrepresented in studies. It's frustrating how sexual fluidity seems to be pushed out by these researchers, because they tend to simply use women who "self identify" as lesbian instead of women who are set on being homosexual and haven't been shaky on what they "identify" as. Diamond admits that alot of self identified "lesbians" only use the label because they want to find community or that they feel "safe" using the label. I find it so weird how these types of women are always used to prove that sexuality is somehow fluid knowing that they're admittedly attracted to both sexes. Many straight and bisexual women have this perception of lesbianism where we're a "girls club". It's quite tiring rhetoric. It makes me doompilled that this idea of "sexuality being fluid" persists in scientific fields and effects the way lesbians are perceived. it seems to have an easy fix, for them to stop being so lax on self-id. It always seems to me that studies that use the kinsey scale have different results to studies that simply use self-id and it's really become more clear to me as to why that is.
No. 436073
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No. 436109
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>>436106fuck admittedly i liked ei because i find her so cool and i main her. i never knew she got headcanoned as a tranny…they got to her
No. 436163
>>4264421 month old post I know.
Anyways people assumed I was a lesbian back in middle/high school because I had no interest in dating moids at all. I wasn't even thinking about romance/sexuality at the time, I was dealing more with the stress of school that I didn't think adding a moid to the picture wouldve made that time any easier. Now I just know I don't want to be around them other than platonically but it's hilarious how people try to shove someone into a box when they feel they don't conform.
No. 436246
>>436231>>436242>so you admit long fingers matter thenI’ll take a ban for scrotefoil but sure, moid, “gottem!” you’ve found something to shill as the “lesbian dick size”. Just proves you never thought anything about tongues and are just trying to find something, retard. Still, it doesn’t “matter” and the only people I hear talking about it are baby gays/bisexuals who have never had sex with a woman and don’t realise technique is most important, since fingers are dexterous unlike penises. And/or people who just have a thing for pretty/sexy hands. It would only have a bearing if you had abnormally short fingers and even then, no one cares about size otherwise we’d
all want obese women’s fat girthy fingers. It’s just that it fucking exists unlike the tongue length thing.
Trust moids to not be able to understand anything other than size matters with their ooga booga brains, big dick, big tits, big ass, you think that lesbians idealise hypertrophy like you do. Ridiculous.
>the lesbians i “hanged” out withKek
>>436237Mildly related but why are you even going there? actuallylesbian is the better sub anyway, the only one that’s really full of a lesbians and not bis/AGPs. Sure as hell if you look it up you can find other subs shitting on it for not being full of trannies. Fucking pisses me off, gay men don’t get this policed / forced into conversion therapy.
No. 436254
>>436246Agreed. reminds me of people who say that lesbian sex isnt real and thats why we all use strap (we don't. Most lesbians just have sex through clitoral stimulation, which is why our orgasm rate is the highest compared to straight/bi women. Of course some lesbians like penetration, and that doesn't make them any less gay but i really do wonder if the obsession with strap/penetration from scrotes and straight women comes from porn
>Sure as hell if you look it up you can find other subs shitting on it for not being full of trannies. Fucking pisses me off, gay men don’t get this policed / forced into conversion therapy.Reddit isn't a good place for lesbians period considering they havent taken down r/dykeconversion. I refuse to use that hellsite
No. 436270
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>>436266Penetration with toys is common but not even close to as common as genital-genital contact. Mind you, this study includes bisexuals too but lol. Not everything is because of "LE RATFEMS!!". The "Lesbians like penis toy" is a scrote meme.
No. 436274
>>436272ayrt and I'm a ""Top"" and the phallic shit is so nasty, if my girlfriend really wanted me to use a strap-on I doubt neither me or her would want to use one of those… I really wonder who's buying them, bisexuals? Dysphoric tops? I've seen alot of bisexuals and fakebians online saying they love phallic shaped toys but that's just the internet so IDK. I don't get the appeal of toys anyways when you can just use your fingers.
>>436273Not even on a personal level is it bad, it effects the entire community. It makes people take us less seriously and feeds into the stereotype that "lesbians arent real". It makes doctors take us less seriously too which can be terrible for how our sexual health is taken care of. The more gatekeepy this community gets, the better.
No. 436292
>>436287maybe she just doesn't like to express her emotions. I really hate when people tell me they love me and how much I mean to them. I'm always like, "uh… thanks".
I don't know her so I can't tell you for sure what her deal is but I can say in all honesty I'd behave the same way as she does, even if it was with someone I was totally in love with
No. 436563
>>436363>does anyone else feel like they have this certain kind of immunity to parts of female socialization because they don't care about being attractive to men?Yeah, I feel the same as someone in a similar field of work as you. In a way I kind of hate it and don't see it as a superpower because I don't like feeling isolated from other women, but I'm glad to have lesbian friends.
On a similar topic, does anybody feel like they have to compete with scrotes? Or used to? I feel like that was the case for me when I was a teenager but has gone away more now that I'm older. Kek i remember getting super pissy over straight women calling their scrote friends strong and complementing them instead of me when I was younger. I feel like when you're gay, you got that time as a younger person to recognize that straight women just aren't an option for you despite them being the majority of women you're going to encounter.
No. 436661
>>436658>that rarely ever happensNonnie, just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it rarely happens. Most SA
victims don't report it.
> I don't mind my gf grabbing me by the tittyWhat? No I'm not bi. I've been sexually harassed by women. Idk how do you know if your gf won't touch you inappropriately? Or doesn't respect your boundaries?
No. 436699
>>436688sounds like an infight bait trying to claim that women are just as predatory as scrotes
>>436692Yeah, I think you should leave women alone
No. 436728
>>436681This is my worst fear ever, my crush is a bi GNC
TIF… who seems to prefer women irl but is fujo online and I know she finds old men “hot” (not just in a normie way either). Can’t imagine her marrying one but I’ve had nightmares about finding out she was dating one or even fucked one sigh. With everything together you’ve got to wonder if there’s trauma that’s made her this way and then that just makes me feel worse
No. 436743
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is it safe to assume the retards on tiktok who are screeching about trans men calling themselves lesbians and are instead in support of scrotes in dresses barging into lesbian spaces not real lesbians themselves? or are there really lesbians out there who don't mind being traitors if it means gaining clout? im just sick of seeing women on my feed chastising others on not embracing our brave and stunning males enough and that we're weird if we still feel attracted to super masculine females even if they call themselves shit like ash.
No. 436931
>>436918No, it didn’t, is it crazy? I knew I wasn’t straight, obviously, but I never entertained the thought of being lesbian.
>>436925>despite coming from a very homophobic family she really wants to be a lesbian…It took me this long to come to terms with it. What is with this response? I get my feelings right now are cringy but with the place it is in my life I’m just giddy about coming to terms with it.. Where are these assumptions coming from? I don’t use Twitter and why would I identify as a lesbian after this long if I had male crushes? Especially with a homophobic family…? I’m not even classed as a late-bloomer by age… Jesus christ. Thanks guys, really what I needed to hear.
No. 437043
>>436743People pin it on the fake lesbian boogeyman a lot but seriously, there ARE genuine lesbians who sincerely support TWAW shit even if they wouldn't date a troon themselves. That's literally why the "ally in the streets
terf in the sheets" saying exists.
>>436563>Kek i remember getting super pissy over straight women calling their scrote friends strong and complementing them instead of me when I was younger.Kek this is literally me and I can't help it. I just feel so annoyed about never getting the same kind of compliments about being competent and strong that men will get from women.
No. 437071
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>new lesbian party/event organizers in my city and the concepts they come up with seem fun
>organizers’ pinned post says this
okay kek
No. 437088
>>437084Same applies to those from west who grew up with similar conditions. You could transition from homophobia as well. I'm not buying it
>I want to tell everyone how lesbian I am and wear lesbian flag colours on my nailsYou sound like a fakebian but being an attention whore is not exclusive to heterosexual people so yeah
No. 437138
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gonna be honest sometimes third worlders are so annoying with their constant martyr complexes
No. 437186
>>437178For clarification, I’m not referring to late bloomers or whatnot.
Exploring your identity is okay and realizing you are lesbian is okay too, the questioning label is literally there. I’m just fed up with people picking labels while still fucking and dating men and perpetuating the idea that you totally can change a lesbian.
No. 437203
>>437138Go back to watching netflix karen
>>437157>>437141More seething
(infight bait) No. 437204
>>436958exactly this, sometimes the fakebian allegations just come off as schizophrenic. the original nona doesn't even mention scrotes kek
>>437071I hate the word dyke even more now considering it's always placed next to "kweer". Whenever I see a zoomer calling themself "dyke" i assume they're a poorlarper.
No. 437240
>>437156it's porn
>>417047 they were not a couple and it is not a candid. san junipero was really good though.
>>437178>That lesbian masterdoc has single-handedly ruined lesbian spaces. We are infested by bisexual women who call themselves lesbian just because they’ve been treated badly by men and troons who think that their way of loving women was uwu pure and woman-like. >>437071>Kek it will be filled with TIMs obviously and women with their boyfriends.both of you guys, get out of the house, go to events, make friends. this kind of cynicism describes lesbian spaces on, like, reddit, where the entry fee is just making a throwaway account, but it really isn't like this in real life. there are lots of local lgbt spaces where it's nothing but normie gays and lesbians, then there are events where you can tell it's not gonna be the crowd you want because the description is "queer trans leather fetish cruising night" and then there are mixed bag events where some people have pronouns and some people act kind of cringe but the crowd is still full of people who mostly have same sex relationships and you can tell.
No. 437250
>>437240nta but public gay events suck now if you live in a lib area. Also ESPECIALLY since the pandemic. Not that lesbians just don't exist in public now, I have many friends who are lesbians and just host hangouts with them. It may be different where you live but where I live there's practically nothing, especially if you're younger. We literally have a whole wave of teenagers who are finally turning 21 who became fake gay in 2020. The pandemic made everyone online + the whole tumblr sjw shit bubbling up made things a recipe for disaster. retarded kweer culture was bound to manifest in real life. Even some normie lesbians i know are being too passive towards the troon shit. then again it really does depend on where you live.
>>437237I mean, that's fags' issue to deal with. They do good kicking TIFs out, they probably dgaf about those scrotes because to them it's just another scrote to fuck.
No. 437302
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>>437178>>437186i hear you nona. i was also critical of the lesbian masterdoc when i read it the second time or so and realized how strange some of the wordings were in them, even if the creator meant no active harm in the end because she admitted that she realized she was bisexual but just had some reservations against men. it made me try extremely hard to cling onto other labels and push people away when they would ask me outright if maybe i'm a lesbian deep down because i fear that maybe, just maybe, i still needed to try harder when it came to how i feel about men. that maybe i'm just being extremely shallow against them or that radical feminism totally made me wary of them (more like males being naturally violent and scary kek not my fault men will always do what they do best raping and killing everything in sight), or that i just need to find the perfect man who i will finally finally FINALLY be turned on by his body.
it never happened. it never has and i think i'm recognizing that it never will happen. i'm what you call late bloomer and i'm super elated whenever i see the stories of lesbians who came out very early in life and thugged it out right from the beginning. i was a coward hiding in the closet for so many years, and that's my cross to bare tbh. but i do understand the anger, i can't even have a dating profile without getting instantly hounded by troons and bis with male partners and taking way too long finding a single woman who actually wants something serious with me.
No. 437422
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>asked a girl i liked out
>she said yes.
>next day she tells me about her bf.
No. 437557
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Should the next thread have a Bechdel rule added?