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No. 35690
Final warning: report and ignore rulebreaking posts and ban evaders or this thread will be lockedA thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.
If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
Previous thread
>>33686 No. 35721
>>35720she might have deleted it.
>normalshe was filmed sucking unwashed dick and ate a some random guy’s shit-encrusted ass for a greenhard. her mother saw the videos and disowned her.
No. 35725
This anon
>>35724 posted her asshole in the last thread
No. 35747
>>35733And when a moidlet dies cause of his own stupidity then go as far as sueing a whole ass company
See what has to deal with because a retard chimp XY natural selectioned itself because his room temperature iq brain thought the bot was real
No. 35749
>>35748I'm talking about blackpillers not r
No. 35751
>>35732The mods are deliberately letting this thread turn to massive shit so they can have an excuse to shut it down and thereby making every single woman miserable and voiceless
just like dumbass shit thread and absolutely retarded shitposting thread. I hate all of the farmhands with a burning passion
No. 35763
>>3575999% of males are homosocial so they feel serotonin only when they are with their bros or the male figures they adore
If women didn't feel serotonin or aren't so emotionally vulnerable for males they wouldn't even want to engage with those rapeapes
That's why maybe evolution shaped women so psychologically vulnerable to allow chimp males to do the damage
If most women were male brained, humanity would go extinct by now
No. 35772
>>35751Shit like this really makes me believe the mods are moids tinfoil
>>35750>“well it can’t be that bad because there are some men out there that are decent”"Decent" men rape, beat and kill women and girls all the time, though. Most rapeapes are described as "the best, nicest most harmless guy who would NEVER hurt a fly!" by at least a couple of people. It makes no sense to think having a decent conversation with a moid where he managed to stop himself from sperging about how much he hates roasties means he's "one of the good ones", you don't know what he's like behind closed doors. Giselle Pelicot also thought her Nigel was "one of the good ones" and she was so grateful to have him until she found out he was drugging her to have her raped by +70 men while he filmed.
No. 35774
>>35751Omg when you will stop whining about it, this is literally the tenth thread. It's not like all of you didn't spend the last ten threads screeching and defending dick sucking claiming it's not degrading or submissive
. Not everyone here cares about your fds ass posts, men have nothing to do with our issue, unless you're a fdser.
No. 35779
>>35777>scratching the surfaceAnd you don't see the big picture
>so you wonder the same shit over and over again or talk about menSays the person who keeps talking about sucking dicks
>The current society doesn't reinforce the gender roles as much as it allows us to live outside them more, but it's not natural and it's felt alwaysDo you mean women choose to comform gender roles even when they have a choice?
No. 35781
>>35734Does it also increase your libido rapidly? I am sex repulsed so it will be a deal breaker for me then
Also does it cause baldness?
No. 35796
>>35793,000_nerve_endings>In 1997 Fleiss knew from Bazett et al. (1932).[8],[14] that they had counted 212 nerve endings within a 1cm²-piece of a single foreskin tissue (Table 1, p. 492). Now it is obvious that Fleiss reckoned similarly therewith and with the foreskin size of 15 sq.inch = 96.8 cm² (or with 8×13 = 104 cm²): 96.8 cm²×212 nerve endings / cm² = 20,522 nerve endings (or 104×212 = 22,048; short: 100×>200= >20,000). So he obviously came to "more than 20,000 nerve endings".>It is completely insufficient, outgoing from only one single 1cm²-piece of prepuce tissue and the greatly different distribution of the nerve endings therein, to derive from it generally a number of nerve endings of the foreskin as a whole. This is all the more true, if it is not known where exactly the tissue was taken from on the foreskin, and how old it was.look how easy it is to throw out a number and for the myth to catch on
>The genital tissue by male and woman is probably not so far different. The difference is mainly in the form and the nerve endings are differently distributed in detail, but on the whole their number maybe nearly equal. The glans of the penis may have 4k and the clitoris 8k. If the foreskin for instance has 10k, then the number of nerve endings in the whole would be 14k, so that the non-clitoridal genital has 6k, with the same total number in men and women. If the foreskin has 12k, then there is 16k together with the glans, and the non-clitoridal genital has the same as the clitoris: each 8k. If the female non-clitoidal genital has less than the clitoris, for example max. 6k, ie together max. 14k, then stays for the foreskin max. 10k. – Gender equality seems possible: for the whole 12k, clitoris or foreskin 8k, non-clitoridal genital or glans 4k.your source is probably buzzfeed
No. 35797>While the human clitoris receives only one third of the number of axons that innervate the human penis, an estimate of innervation density (per surface area) revealed that clitoris has approximately 6 times denser innervation compared to the penis.Studies on penis nerves/density show that the penis typically has a density of nerve bundles of 4.9 per mm2 near the base, on the top, to 31.7 per mm2 on the underside of the prepuce: rather than twice as many, it's 1/3, but 6x more concentrated. The intense difference in sensation (and therefore intensity of orgasm) is explained by this, as well as
Women having more Krause corpuscles within the clitoris:>Notably, despite the different sizes of the female and male genitalia, the total number of Krause corpuscles within the glans clitoris and glans penis was comparable, therefore resulting in a 15-fold higher density of Krause corpuscles in the glans clitoris than in the flaccid glans penisWomen having more orgasmic pathways than men:>As we have hypothesized in our other publications, at least six orgasmic reflex pathways may take part in the development of single or multiple clitoral, vaginal, blended orgasms, and expanded, enhanced, prolonged ESR orgasms. Pudental, pelvic, hypogastric and vagus nerves play major roles in the development of single or ESR orgasms, as well as at least two oxytocin pathways may contribute to it. In blended, ESR orgasms and/or status orgasmus, more than one 'orgasm reflex arch pathway' may trigger the orgasm at the same time, while other pathways play a supplementary role. We have investigated the ESR phenomenon using a specific ESR-Scale in a series of surveys among ESR-women, compared to the control groups and defined the main characteristics of ESR phenomenon in the human female. ESR women seem to have higher libido, higher masturbation frequency, more erotic fantasies, stronger and more intense, prolonged orgasms or expanded orgasms (EO); while they experience multiple clitoral, vaginal and blended orgasms separately, as well as status orgasmus. Also ESR women are more aware of their bodies and their deep vaginal erogenous zones (DVZs), which comprises inner clitoris, G-Spot, A-Spot, O-Spot, PC-Muscles and Cervix. "Four nerve-six pathway theory of female orgasm" and oxytocinergic system may seem to explain ESR phenomenon.If you have penis envy, there will still be a cope at the end of the day, because it's an inherently irrational mental issue, but yes. Clits are more pleasurable.
No. 35800
>>35797ESR women are a minority.
>Lately, a novel phenomenon was defined and coined as “expanded orgasm” (EO) and “expanded sexual response” (ESR) in a minority of women (Taylor, 2000, 2002; Sayin, 2010, 2011c, 2012a). ESR was defined as, “being able to attain long lasting and/or prolonged and/or multiple and/or sustained orgasms and/or status orgasmus that lasted longer and more intense than the classical orgasm patterns defined in the literature” (Sayin, 2010, 2011a-b-c, 2012a, 2013). The duration of EO and ESR varied from woman to woman, lasting starting from a couple minutes to hours (Schwartz, 1999; Taylor, 2000, 2002; Sayin, 2010, 2012a, 2013). In the literature, the highest number of orgasms in a woman recorded by Dr.William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian was reported to be 134 per hour (Sayin, 2010, 2012a).
>To assess the distribution and density of Krause corpuscles in the genitalia of mice,is there reason to believe this applies to human genitalia?
No. 35801
>However, in NESR women only one systematic orgasmic pathway works,
and that is, most of the time, the clitoral orgasm pathway through pudental nerve, the other orgasm inducing pathways in NESR women only function as
complementary, and supply additional
sensual information to facilitate the
building up of an orgasm through one
pathway, e.g. clitoral-pudental-sacral
plexus orgasm pathway. The brain and the
body of ESR women function in a more
sophisticated and evolved fashion, while
many novel components to the four nerve-
six pathway system may be added (e.g.
fantasies, variations, novelties etc.).
No. 35802
>>35800Men with anything even approaching ESR are more of a minority, and "NEMO" is even less intense than a traditional male orgasm (which is still less intense than the female orgasm due to density differences).
You know who aren't much of a minority? Circumcised men.>The analysis sample consisted of 1059 uncircumcised and 310 circumcised men. For the glans penis, circumcised men reported decreased sexual pleasure and lower orgasm intensity. They also stated more effort was required to achieve orgasm, and a higher percentage of them experienced unusual sensations (burning, prickling, itching, or tingling and numbness of the glans penis). For the penile shaft a higher percentage of circumcised men described discomfort and pain, numbness and unusual sensations. In comparison to men circumcised before puberty, men circumcised during adolescence or later indicated less sexual pleasure at the glans penis, and a higher percentage of them reported discomfort or pain and unusual sensations at the penile shaft. you are from the Middle East (someone said you were), the United States, Australian or Korean, there's an extremely high likelihood that you would be circumcised if born male, further neutering the ability to enjoy sexual pleasure. This is a fate shared by nearly all other MENA men, the majority of burger men and it's widespread elsewhere too.
>is there reason to believe this applies to human genitalia?>In both women and men, the density of all types of touch sensors in the skin seems to decrease steadily after age 20>Are the pathways to the brain from Krause corpuscles in the clitoris and the penis the same, or do they diverge in important ways that might contribute to differences in sexual sensation and the experience of orgasm? Does the mulberry shape of Krause corpuscles in the clitoris confer some optimal pattern for sexual stimulation that’s different from that of the Krause corpuscles of the penis? When women and men describe their orgasms in qualitative terms (omitting anatomical words like penis or clitoris) and these descriptions are evaluated by readers blind to the sex of the author, there are no discernible differences. Likewise, brain scans cannot reliably distinguish male from female orgasms (to my knowledge, there are no published studies on this topic including trans or non-binary folks). That said, on average, female orgasms tend to be somewhat longer than male orgasms (about 25 versus 15 seconds, as measured by the rectal contractions that accompany orgasm) and have a much shorter refractory period before the next can occur.You can choose to believe it's impossible up until there can be testing on humans, but existing information is pointing to that making more sense than not.
No. 35804
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>>35792The penis may only have 4000 nerve endings. But with enough effort… you can make it 0.
No. 35810
>>35797I'm not in this discussion but its rather interesting and could fit well in the vulva or lesbian general but I must ask what's the point of being capable of strong orgasms if those women fuck men and are left orgasm-less from their nigels? kek.
>>35802>You know who aren't much of a minority? Circumcised men>If you are from the Middle East (someone said you were), the United States, Australian or Korean, there's an extremely high likelihood that you would be circumcised if born male, further neutering the ability to enjoy sexual pleasure. This is a fate shared by nearly all other MENA men, the majority of burger men and it's widespread elsewhere too. based and male genital mutilation pilled. Hopefully medicalfags and porn encourages men to self-mutilate to the point where raping women causes pain and distress for men.
No. 35815
>>35814"Females also get stronger orgasms from their humiliation (rape) compared to consensual sex"
what is your evidence for this? and screenshots are not a
valid source.
No. 35816
>>35814>>35814Female pleasure is feminine and male masculine, so compare the feminine psychological state with masculine one.
The difference between maleness and femaleness in humans is the biggest. Their physiognomies are masculine and feminine, masculine human or feminine human…
And I don't even see the vaginal orgasms as a real orgasms, cause they aren't centered in the head of the clitoris. They don't seem real like the male ones, but on the other hand, clit ones are unfulfilling. And when you stimulate yourself vaginally then your clit goes numb, it's like they are two separated things, besides the clit part that's surrounding the opening of the vagina. But it doesn't stimulate the head in which orgasms are centered so
Also yeah they orgasm harder, cause being forced makes them surrender, it doesn't mean women wanna be raped unexpectedly, but they wanna surrender which can be induced by rape kinks. Even in clitoral stimulation if you mentally surrender so physically also and spread yourself the orgasm will travel a different way and cause a different release more centered in the vaginal cavity. If not then all clitoral orgasms are good for is making you tired. But they aren't fulliflfing that's women women still seek power dynamics. Clitoral orgasms do not make heterosexual sex equal. The femininity still status the servile one. Femininity and masculinity is sexual cause it's root in humans in physical sex, so femininity sexually is selflessness and masculinity the opposite, and that's why I feel offended when I'm judged for hating womanhood… It why I hate these cringe ass posts that used terms like chimps or xy chromosome. Yeah maleness sexually is an ego,so? Cause its not selfless. And I understand everything men think, if anyone has questions I can say, it's literally very simple. Gender is just biology in humans…
And by the way, seeking the penetrative or receptive stimulation as a human can possibly even lead to hedonism sometimes, do we can't win as women. And receptiveness is not always taking dick. It's just femininity, and surrendering,being sexually servile. World is made from selflessness and ego, so both are necessary for it to even exist. I mean the physical world.
That spiritual woman who said coomer shit about deepthroating dicks on her Instagram being a "medicine" was right, bc this shit same with rape kinks, makes women SURRENDER more than any clit stimulation shit.
And if women didn't have clits then how would we even masturbate as a child, since children do masturbate
>>35815Women sexual fantasies and behaviors being them seeking a surrender, them sucking dicks, deepthroating dicks, getting facials and swallowing, lesbians seeking power dynamics, submissive positions like on all fours and women saying that they cum from it all the hardest or get pleasure and cum from sucking dick
No. 35819
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No. 35821
>>35814>>35816Who cares about reproduction? And no, males don't get more pleasure. My point is that women get stronger orgasms/more pleasure. This has already been studied and evaluated. Are you a breeder?
>Females also get stronger orgasms from their humiliation (rape) compared to consensual sexAny source besides your own interests?
No. 35826
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Male animals literally rape both corpses and alive animals and libcunts and even some ratfems will say that there's no rape among animals KEK
No. 35828
>>35824And I don't get the relevance of clitoral orgasms? What does it tell us? What does it change? It doesn't change women's position in heterosexual sex. Having more orgasms doesn't equal to more pleasure. Women having shorter refractory periods is related to rape. If you can't understand that humans driven to reproduce I have nothing to say to you. The points you made leads to nothing.
>which is ironic, considering all your meltdowns in this thread and the past onesDo you think it's just one anon that responds to you?
No. 35831
>>35827I didn't say they did? Reading comprehension please
>>35828>And I don't get the relevance of clitoral orgasms?The entire conversation started when the clit and its nerves/density was brought up. Trying to change the subject with PIV, breeding fantasies and personal preferences with no scientific data is weird. Again, do you have any sources to back up your claims?
>If you can't understand that humans driven to reproduceSo, yes, you're a breeder. If your goal in life is to get knocked up, that's a personal choice, but it's bizarre to shill that in blackpill feminism. I posted established information, even if it disturbs the copes posted ITT.
No. 35834
>>35832More delusions, no science and seething that everyone who doesn't have dysphoria, fantasize about blowjobs and hate biology is "muh stupid ratfem" kekkk
"Dicks are just big clits" is failed tranny cope. Go back and read the studies posted on how orgasms differ, go read about male orgasms and how men's "cumming after one ejaculation" is inferior.
No. 35835
>>35831>do you have any sources to back up your claimsWhich claims exactly? I'm asking how clitoral orgasms are related to sex? How is this changing the topic? Most women are het/bihet and most heterosexual people have PIV sex if you didn't know. Lesbians are rare but even than they're enacting in het sex.
>So, yes, you're a breeder. If your goal in life is to get knocked up, that's a personal choice, but it's bizarre to shill that in blackpill feminism. I posted established information, even if it disturbs the copes posted ITT.Claiming that I'm a breeder for pointing out the fact that humans are driven to breed shows how reactionary you are. That's like claiming people who points out age of consent is subjective is pedophile.
No. 35842
>>35840You can't read, and you are the only one obsessed with the 4,000 nerve endings thing. See
>>35797, come back and cope harder.
No. 35844
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>>35841>nonono i'm not copingKekkk
No. 35856
>>35853As I said, come back and cope harder about
>>35802, the post before it, your rape fixation and breeding kink.
No. 35872
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Motherhood will never be feminist, not in this society. Even if she divorces this subhuman tard, she loses. She's now stuck with the (probably also a moid) whiny newborn while the deadbeat scrote is free to live as a hikineet mouthbreather hunchback surrounded by his piss bottles and playing muh xbox all day. The second you breed with a moid, it's over for you
No. 35879
This is hell. I feel like I want to cut everyone off from my life forever, I never talk to anyone, and if they insist on talking to me I can't help but lash out at them, I want to kill myself, I have a sense of impending doom, when I walk on the street I feel like I hate everyone and that everyone looks at me, every sound, people smiling, makes me fucking insane and I want to peel my face off, and it's all because my period is coming. If something mundane happens, like I drop a fucking pen, it makes me so so angry I start screaming or shaking. I'm usually anxious and depressive and I'm also autistic, but my symptoms aren't nearly as severe as they are before my period. Every time it feels like the entire world is about to end and I have nowhere to hide. I wish people could get inside my body and feel how I feel during that time
No. 35897
>>35895>>35895What if deodorant is
toxic? I'm alone anyway why should I put it to sleep if I can shower in the morning also I was fucking joking in that post
No. 35898
>>35872The moment a woman engages with a moid it's over for her
I don't understand why women think wild animals are scarier than human males , I mean a lion or Tiger will kill and eat you at worst but a scrote will literally rape , starve and torture women for as long as possible before killing
No. 35931
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>>35883Tbh I always feel extreme fatigue, so that's not the part of it, for me it's mostly the deteriorating mental state, including dysphoric feelings also. I'm during the evaluation for Ehlers danlos, which may cause constant fatigue and other things. Autists suffer from EDS more often than non autists
I'm self inserting as Griffith from Berserk before he became a rapist or Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and imagining myself doing glorious things, devoid of actual sexual desires or needs, only fixated on ideas
No. 35934
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No. 35937
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No. 35942
>>35940You're delusional
>instant responseLike you give to everyone here who isn't one of your multiple personalities?
No. 35952
>>35950Wdym? You posted:
>>35864>>35865>>35866I'm saying to stop shitting up the thread
No. 35959
Does anyone else hate feminism? What such a lie it is? How it's just another stupid ideology? I'm actually sad and heartbroken than hateful about it. Feminism is against human nature, I'm not talking about superficial things like "hetero women are submissive, men will always obey". Like how the only thing that makes women 'better" or "different" than men is the fact that they don't have a penis? They're fundamentally same other than the anatomical advantages men have, they're worst in different ways. Because that's human nature. Like for example women also see women as flesh, abuse them, SA them. These aren't things that are exclusively to men, they're just more agressive and have penis. It's almost feels like feminism is patriarchal, because it's never see women as human either, the way feminists portrait women isn't realistic. How are we gonna make any progress when we're creating more lies to coddle ourselves? Men didn't gaf about women, women will never throw men under the bus for other women, they rather to hide behind "equality" lies. It's not that women can't be violent or brutal, you know it's bullshit when they say men are only communist from the waist up, women already lost that battle thousands of years ago
No. 35962
>>35959If feminism wasn't there you wouldn't have any rights
I believe feminism should rather be very very strict like radical feminism once was
No. 35967
>>35964>>35966Also the fact that how many of these moralfagging tiktok videos romanticizing a character who mogged a CSA
victim to suicide shows how pretentious some of these women are
No. 36018
>>36015god this is such a lukewarm retarded ratfem take. Its easy to tell you didn't spend much time thinking or analyzing what you even wrote.
>>36017>Why don't you care about some women?Because she is a ratfem, she is scared because she doesnt want her boyfriend to cheat on her with prostitutes or eye them up. That's literally it. If this came from a place of actually caring about women then their post wouldn't sound like that. It took me a long time to realise that many ratfems hatred for prostitutes or porn comes from bitter jealousy and intrasexual competition instead of actual care and empathy for prostituted women.
No. 36034
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>>36033*sexually submissive and feminine
because sexual desire is lust and it's power dynamics. There's a bdsm psychology in "natural sexual acts" that's why shit like on the picrel gets created. That's why womens positions in sex are naturally uncomfortable and submissive. And lust is sexual desire is those positions. They make women empathize with men, feel devoted, call themselves men's sluts and whores and men have a dick and are masculine so they do shit things to women so wanting to submit to a man is pickme shit lol easy psychology of sex
No. 36046
>>36034This picrel is so depressing, the realization that most women are like this is just straight up sad
They even shamelessly post it on social media that they are a loyal dog serving their masters
No wonder moids see women as subhumans
Women need to work on their psychology and femininity as much as possible but i know they never will
It is I think an evolutionary trait that makes women like this or else most wouldn't participate in reproduction
No. 36047
>>36043Exactly even femdoms are still losing by sleeping with males
Only women who win are the ones that don't engage with males, males don't hate the so called misandrists if she is still sleeping with him, they hate lesbians, separatists, celibate women who won't give them what they want ultimately
No. 36048
>>36038XYs regardless of race and age are evil abominations on the planet
If you look clearly middle Eastern women are treated as nothing more than incubators
And don't call me a white supremacist for pointing out every male is rape ape and most women enable it
No. 36049
>>36046>This picrel is so depressing, the realization that most women are like this is just straight up sadAnd that's just life, unless you listen to ratfem gaslight and they twll you it all ain't biology. Female body being submissive, inherently used to be my most controversial opinion, even felt like it to me and now it's just common sense. Our human biology is our whole psychological experience of the world, so as a woman mentally terrorized by the sexual submission of a female in sex, I knew what's up. Like I just knew… Dick being power, vagina being feminine, the power dynamic, and I hated it, bc intuitively I knew it's a power dynamic and I didn't wanna be the woman in it, do I raged at it over and over again in deep mental pain and psychosexual issues and phobias. But I fucking knew. It's like human men and women are two extremes at the sex level, look at dick, in my pov male genitals are giant. 15cm on average literally that's gigantic in comparison to what women have externally… We have it all internally. Internal and external, basically while human psychology written in genitals. Anf the Vivienne lamb from Tumblr is kinda right that lust is the cause of all bullshit, cause list is inherenly hedonistic pursuits of sexual stimulation meaning that it's a pursuit of dark sexual desire therefore power dynamics and it all involves misogyny and rapes and sucking dick and shit, all of it is sadomasochism even if consensual. I almost got psychoped into changing my mind on sadomasochistic deeply humiliating or rather servile sexual acts and thinking it's normal. Now that I admitted my own nature, physical one to myself I do not pursue this lust and this shit is not normal to me even after admitting I am it through my body like other women. Now I am free from lust which is ironic, I wasn't even struggling with it but just had sexuality and crushes like anyone else, it was more emotional struggling bc I wanted to feel emotionally the love and shit but different then most women. So the shit on the picrel is cause women are femininie. The world is structured in such a way that the gender is material. There's so many proof even estrogen in women. Psychologically feminine traits and masculine ones are two groups, all humans have to have their psychology on the whole spectrum of femininity and masculinity but as sex they are one and lust is sex so lust is the caude of bs. And even sucking moif dick as a woman esp in filthier ways enables their dark desires and they will seek more and more penetrative stimulation which involves the one who will receive this penetrativeness, being vulnerable which causes rape desires. Filthier ways aka the women who call themselves good blowjob givers do shit like from porn and porn makes people pedophiles and shit bc the stimulation is so hedonistic the iNtimAcy doesn't prevent it
No. 36052
Some tiktok blackpills
No. 36053
>>36052The comments under this tiktok by men admitting they find women over the age of 23 as old.
No. 36055
>>36053>>36052The comments unser this tiktok are also blackpilling. Basically men think women owe them loyalty and servitude but men owe women no loyalty or empathy
No. 36062
>>36061From young age boys are allowed to torment and bully women, you know he wouldn't have acted like a brat like this to a adult man.
No. 36063
>>36062Anyone notice how most of these "trauma candy bowl" videos revolve around being abused by men or cheated on by them. embedd this one for some reason)
No. 36064
>>36063This is why i can't ratfems seriously, they care about talking about trannies more than womens trauma.
Went through horrible abuse before she transitioned into a man video that wont embedd, wtf lolcow tech fix your shitty site)
No. 36066
>>36065The comments under this video of teenage girls talking about their 40 yr old boyfriends…
(stop spamming the thread with tiktoks you retard) No. 36072
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>>36071Random relevant anon post from ot. Most women know this they just don't say it aloud or are in denial.
No. 36088
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>>36038I don't agree with BP-chan, but you know what? At least her logic is consistent.
A couple of times, I've seen self-proclaimed feminists of a certain demographic shrug off the racialized misogyny experienced by other groups of women. Some of them just pretend not to see because they're narcissistic in nature (no arguments here against that behavior, because I know only 0.01% aren't like that and few to none of the rest are ever going to change - I've just learned, in turn, to give them and their causes the same treatment), while others try to argue that racism is natural. Sometimes, it comes out in "funny" ways, like some arguing that some adaption of Interview With The Vampire changing a slave plantation to a brothel is reprehensible because "Slavery can be okay sometimes, but brothels are always evil".
Racism is about as natural (or "natural") as misogyny. There's a reason both exist everywhere in the world, and work in tandem. Even most tradthots have trouble accepting that and seethe at their trad men being their most natural, misogynistic selves. BP-chan argues that racism is natural, and she also argues that the true place of the woman is below the man. There's no narcissistic "b-but it's different when it's me sufferinggg" inconsistency or hypocrisy with her. She accepts the things she says as the biological truth of reality, however unhinged and wrong it may seem to anyone else. She just resents the state of the world and her own place in it. She doesn't lie that she dreams of a reality where we're all equal. She's very open about the fact that she only dreams of being born as part of the overall dominant group (male, XY), and unlike many other women, she doesn't say otherwise to your face to try and enlist your service to her. I always wanted to believe in all women uniting against misogyny, but many of them actually love how things are, can't conceive of anything else (neither do they want to) and just want to have a cushy spot, and I don't want to fight for those types, so rip. It's refreshing to see BP-chan not only admit these thoughts, but acknowledge and accept her own place in (what she views as) nature's heap of shit.
No. 36089
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No. 36090
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No. 36098
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No. 36109
>>36099You sound like a neckbeard redditor, part of the tism gang i see.
>>36101Yet your muling for bj-chan who is a polish obese landwhale, who even herself disagreed with you after your long paragraph of wk-ing.
The "racist feminists" thing is untrue on so many levels and its what happens when you pnly spend your time with radfems and terfs who are racist tradthots that you start thinking all feminists are like that because of them.
While radfeminism is currently a echo chamber of edgy contrarian woman who 'hate moids' yet talk about loving trump and have a husband (who is typically in military) that doesn't mean all feminists are and nost of them don't even like or claim radfems.
(sperging about personalityfags) No. 36112
>>36109It's actually so funny how you just make shit up when you vaguely see something that hurts your feelings. The first 5 words of the post you said sounded "neckbeard redditor" contradicts you claiming I think "all feminists are like that". But yeah, mainstream libfems are the exact same sort of trash in a different coat of paint, and the first ones I abandoned after they made comparing non-white women to their own men in dresses and excusing rape their talking points. I've never met anyone who calls themselves a "radfem" who says she loves Trump, but I don't have to when I can literally just watch and listen to what they say and how they act toward women who aren't the same race as them. In stark contrast to the values written into actual radical feminism, they'd probably love Trump and we'd have to sit through a list of excuses for him if he wasn't also openly aggressive toward white women and all his policies somehow only harmed brown or black women. Repeatedly putting men above other women and trying to cozy up to them for Good Girl Points is what all fake pickme feminists do in different forms. Only a few women actually believe in feminism, and that leaves those of us who would like to see the material reality for all women improve politically stranded and/or taken advantage of.
Every space that's meant to be for feminism has been co-opted by narcissistic and racist pickmes who share more in common with BJ-chan than they'd like to admit. She's preferable because she doesn't pretend to be a feminist when she actually means she wants to claw her way to the top and leave you for dead (in fact, she doesn't mean that at all, she just thinks womanhood is hell and there is no escape or climb to be had), and that's my entire point.
>>36110That's my point. If all the racist pickmes I'm talking about were open
and weren't trying to have it both ways via twisted "Racism toward women is perfectly okay, not my problem, but sexism isn't because that implicates me" logic, we'd all know what's going on and just move in smarter ways.
(infighting with rulebreaking post instead of reporting) No. 36157
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The text presents the theory proposed by the psychologist Wilhelm Reich, linking the sexual dissatisfaction of the masses (males) to the rise of fascism and Nazism. This study was established to understand why Western feminist movements never act against the pornography industry, despite its depiction of extreme violence and sadism against women. Radical feminism is, unknowingly, digging feminism's grave and paving the way for the return of what it considers "abhorrent" regression, undoing nearly all that liberal feminism has achieved. It appears that radical feminism feels nostalgic for certain aspects of old patriarchy and its moral systems, which are against the sexual revolution, but it would never admit this.
No. 36181
>>36157whats even more egregious is this article is old (from Oct 2015) and was posted during the largest peak in recent recorded history according to this graph. The trend increased hugely from 2015-2019
>>36180 on wards and has not remained stable. Fucking lying pseudo-intellectual babbling.
No. 36195
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>>36194Are these faggots real
No. 36196
>>36192Misandry is just a temporary outrage against mens force and after it women are still biologically feminine and men aren't. Ofc w non pseudo intellectual port gets insulted, it's okay until it happens for five years straight done by ratfems and misandrists, because you all are genuinely
toxic and I personally wasted time in your ratfem spaces for years and it was stressful and brainwashing. They dismiss persecute gaslight and deny are perfrom morals.
No. 36204
>>36198-misandry is a temporary backlash against men, because men put too much force against women. And after that backlash women still will be femiyand men not, because of biology
-posts that aren't pseudo intellectual, get attacked and insulted
-ratfems insult blackpilled women who don't stray away from admitting the biological reality. They are denialists that waste your time
No. 36206
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>>36204Mamusiu Blovjaba IV. sayings
No. 36694
>>36663The fallout has resulted in max roleplaying hours from /g/ and /ot/ pretending they're going to give up their Nigels when in two weeks time will return to them and the status quo will remain indefinitely. It doesn't bode well when onlyfans prostitutes are claiming to "go 4B". A sex strike is the most retarded degrading self-own shit I've heard in my life that really exemplifies what anons argue here; that the only value of women is as objects to fuck so let's protest as objects to fuck we'll make it difficult for men to fuck us objects! This was already unconscious in women who aren't retarded and is hardly a movement, it's just commonsense.
And why now? considering threads like "news stories that fuck you up" exists that show how heinous men are, men are incredibly mask off now, there's been enough recorded evidence for decades. Men have been openly taunting women for thousands of years since birth to death that they control womens bodies and hate them but apparently this is the straw that broke the camels back and this time it's super serious. It's straight women roleplaying and acting up as usual, they will return to fucking their moids and posting about it in a vent thread, unpopular opinion, relationship advice, etc. threads in two-three weeks time like nothing happened. What does it say about your value as a human being and all women when your ideological movement hinges on the desperate temptation and arduous task of not fucking men?
No. 36708
>>36694All the anons going "I would have zero problem going 4B if I ever break with my nigel who is the sweetest guy ever uwu" make me laugh, no they would not, they would find another guy in like 6 months.
>>36707I see my friends having a bunch of dates and hookups, then crying about moids and retweeting about how they ain't shit to then start the cycle again, I once suggested she could stop doing it to which she answered "oh noooo I can't", why? She claims she wants a serious relationship to get married but I don't think she'll be able to do it, she thrives too much on male attention to vomit like that.
No. 36771
>>36754>abortion is selfishtradthot detected
you do know that restricting access to abortion will cause millions of women and girls to die as well as ruin their lives by forcing them to mother am unwanted baby? So much for being "unselfish" unlike the rest of us.
No. 36779
I can't cope anymore. I'm on my period so I feel super suicidal and everything I feel normally is amplified to 1000. I hate myself for not being able to transcend my emotional needs of belonging somewhere and having someone close to me (I have no friends because I'm autistic and I'm a kissless virgin). I wish men were capable of loving women and straight sex wasn't so disgusting, maybe if men didn't have disgusting dicks and weren't so violent and psychotic, maybe then I could love one. But knowing their disgusting biology and how they are incapable of viewing me as a human, I can never be with one. Yet I feel lonely. I can't connect with women who date men or are in process of getting one to date them, and with women who generally don't think like me. I know I can't change them and I know they would never ever accept me, knowing my true views and values. And yet I feel lonely without female friends, and I can't find women who aren't interested in being with men. I know I can never form relationships with those people and I don't know what to do in order not to feel lonely. How to cope with the need of being hugged? I don't know. I don't know how are women able to lie to themselves, how aren't they repulsed when they get close to men? There were two men who tried to get close to me, and despite the fact they weren't objectively unattractive or anything, I felt absolutely repulsed at the thought of kissing them on the mouth or having sex with them, and also being aware than they will never develop a line of thinking that wasn't sexist in one way or another. Do other women don't mind this? Aren't they genuinely repulsed mentally and physically when engaging with a male in his real, physical form? I can think about an idealized man and in that fantasy I can live with him but without being sexual with him. But such men don't exist. I feel like an alien on this planet
No. 36780
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just look at this
No. 36816
>>36790I have these blogs on my list, but I feel like most of you here have at least seen them in reblogs and stuff. From what I know, they are all at least sex-critical, if not anti-sex altogether. Happy to share:
No. 36858
Even if good straight relationships were possible, good men were possible, then if you didn't have anger, didn't hate sex, men, other women(pickmes) you would … Just easily submit to all there is, to all the stupid normie pickme and rapist culture which means that the anger is necessary at sex, men, other women, but demonized. Without it you would be just a doormat accepting the fucked up human culture and socialization. And there's no personal autonomy in sexuality until you have developed your mind properly, without it it's all you being brainwashed. So it's all really fucked up .. it takes a rebellious woman to go against it all, but then again, she's hated by both sexes. Anyway ain't it repulsive how the average woman factually is a dumb pickme? We are fucked truly it's unbelievable. The influence of that must be insane on other women.
No. 36868
Women hate other women on a equal level that men do towards women, and it's not from socialization its from biology.
Women's behaviour towards each other very much reminds me of male animals competing for a female mate. In the human world biologically women have the role of intense intrasexual comptetion and mate attraction.
Many women are genuine demons towards each other and it cannot all be blamed on socialization, ive noticed this nasty mean spirited behavior from other girls since i was a toddler, way before socialization could hit me.
The truth is outside of echo chambers on the internet, most women are not feminists and they are repulsed by feminism. Your average woman on the street does not give a fuck about rape, pedo culture, job harassment and wage gap,reproductive health,the mistreatment of women in the medical field,pickmes,lookism, ageism etc. The average woman just wants to make enough money to survive, have children, marry her moid and that's it, that's her life. Most women are anti-philosophical and anti-space because their lives are very simple and animalistic: do intrasexual competition to find a mate, pop out babies, find resources (in the form of a salary), spend free time talking shit about other people or bullying them, go to church (if she is religious) and that's it, that's basically all her life is.
And you know what's funny is if you speak the quiet part out LOUD then women get mad, but then those same women subconsciously somewhere deep in their unconscious know that is true considering they made terms like "pickmes" which just means 'has that man picked you as his mate yet, stop being desperate for a mate'. But if you say it out loud then they get mad.
Feminism itself is nothing but a bunch of hopium bullshit that is very limited on what you are allowed to discuss and can very easily turn cult-like.
Also any feminist movement that even slightly gains a little bit of recognition immediately gets taken over by double-agent women who are using the movement for nefarious reasons which ends up killing the movement from the inside. With the current example being the death of radfeminism and how the current radfem movement is flooded with normie scrote-partnered women and tradthots who only use it to shit on troons and some even taking their trans-hysteria and obsession so far that they voted for trump.
No. 36876
>>36874Nothing worse than social norms.. nothing. Literally nothing. Unless you're a schizoid you follow them… If you're a schizoid you're depressed and won't know why and probably ruin your life and then as an adult realize how stupid it was. I hate social normals .. oh goddf
>>36875Our biology is feminine.. nothing worse than lack of awareness and consciousness.
I hate the things above. I hated teenage years and the lack of a developed mind
No. 36878
>>35696What if boys spreading their buttcheeks as I stimulate their prostate with my strap is the only thing that increases my pleasure? Does that mean male sexuality is based on submission and being a bimbo?
Males are the ones who have their g spot deep inside their asshole while ours is outside. It's obvious that males are the ones who are meant to be penetrated and anything else you say is pure cope and misogyny.
They get so much more pleasure when they are fucked in the ass compared to piv that pretty much any boy or man who gets assraped instantly becomes a homosexual and forgets about women.
No. 36880
>>36868Why is it reverse in humans? In every other animal species it's the xys that compete for females and in humans it's women who compete for XYs so much so that they are ready to throw other women under the bus for the cock validation, there is no way in hell moids could have this much power if women didn't enable them through
99% women help moids to oppress them cause they get sexual pleasure from submission and that's what ultimately matters to them
You can't be a feminist and engage with a male yet most of "feminists" have nigels and shit out kids
Truth is humans will never get out of their animalistic instincts and this pathetic cycle will continue till hopefully climate change bakes this planet beyond repair
No. 36887
>>36878>Males are the ones who have their g spot deep inside their asshole while ours is outThis is a silly moot argument and the basis is petty but women have a g spot inside the vagina, the clitoris is connected to the inside of the vagina. And two things can be true at once, men are all fags but they also rape women en masse, ergo they're bisexual.
>>36868Good post, agreed. I'd say the majority of this site is tradthots who want to shit on trannies and lust over men and women you describe. The 4B shit didn't even last a couple of days before it was business as usual and anons were posting about their nigels again.
No. 36889
>>36888Inb4 stupid responses.
It's all because of reproduction and your reproductive role is what makes you a man or a woman. Fucker or the one receiving fucking which is inherently feminine if through a vagina and in men they lack uterus and vaginal canal and estrogen do it takes away from the receptivity
No. 36901
>>36887this is a male cope. there is no gspot inside the vagina. look up any anatomy chart if you can stomach it fag and you'll see that the clitoris wraps around the vulva and is in the surface.
Women can't orgasm from penetration they don't feel anything past an inch inside the vagina. If they orgasm its because this external area was stimulated.
Meanwhile males always cum hard and multiple times if anything enters their asshole, it's their biggest shame.
>>36889If everything is based on reproduction why is the prostate deep inside their assholes? And women don't have it only males for some reason. Are males biologically destined to be anal painsluts? can some men give birth to poop babies?
>>36888Females are in fact highly evolved beings, the pinnacle of human evolution. That's why we are physically beautiful and have symmetrical faces. Our bodies can resist famine, diseases and heavy injuries. We do so much better in school that your sons. We excel at everything that separates humans from animals.
Meanwhile your sons look like badly drawn caricatures their features either too big or too small for their misshapen faces. Their minds are weak. They lack willpower and discipline that's why they rot watching porn all day. Their brute strength is the only thing they have going on for them and YET it's not enough to fight a bear bare handed, or lift a car to rescue a child. They can only use it to terrorize their fellow humans. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
No. 36909
>>36906as I said they rarely happen only when the clitotis (which is close to the surface not deep) is accidentally mutilated.
>>36902cope. males are inherently inferior and dysgenic you only need to examine their skulls and facial harmony for proof.
No. 36911
>>36901>Meanwhile males always cum hard and multiple times if anything enters their asshole, it's their biggest shame. >If everything is based on reproduction why is the prostate deep inside their assholes? And women don't have it only males for some reason. Are males biologically destined to be anal painsluts? can some men give birth to poop babies?Yes and once again two things can be true at once. The prostate is stimulated during vaginal sex too and does have a purpose supporting reproduction but honestly who cares? this is a pointless discussion. And I'd prefer not talking about prostates and mens assholes. Women do have erogenous zones in the vagina and outside along the vulva and clitoris. The strongest for most women is the clitoris since it has the highest concentration of neurons, but its not just the clitoris, the vagina, the labia and around the pubic bone are all erogenous zones. Psychological stimuli can
trigger arousal too without mechanical stimulation for either men or women.
>Females are in fact highly evolved beings, the pinnacle of human evolution. That's why we are physically beautiful and have symmetrical faces.Bizarre shit. Who cares about what people look like, women obsessing over appearances is a massive negative. And what about women with asymmetric faces? No one has a completely symmetric face. The remainder is just strange petty comparisons except for the part about men being more violent than women which is the standard bland performative misandrist /ot/ post everyday.
No. 36918
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Pinnacle of evolution everybody
No. 36921
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>>36918Even a troon passes more than her unbelievable
No. 36924
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Just a reminder
No. 36926
>>36901>ummm WOMEN PRETTY AND CUTE UNLIKE UGLY MEN>Women pass school tests (forgetting how most women chose the worst degrees).>HURRR Men have brute strength, eww having brute strength is so gross >Women can survive famines because they have more body fat (the reason for that is to prime women for childbearing so i wouldn't use this as something to complement women on….)If you are going to keep on derailling these threads because the statements in this thread hit a nerve for you then atleast find better talking points because wtf is this shit you retardo, im a blackpiller and i can find more better and
valid things to complement women on than you, how are you this fucking bad at it. Whenever i ask feminists what makes women better or superior they always reply with the same misogynistic shit like "hurr durr women pretty and cute, also can give birth teehe" so even feminists think that womens only value is their beauty and fertility. What's the fucking point of feminism then if this is what you think about women. You view women the same way conservatives do and you don't even know it. So you rage at this thread because we say that women are biologically cucked and that women help men uphold the patriarchy, yet you hold the same views as tradthots, that's probably why you get mad, you don't want to get called out that beauty is the most worthless and fleeting currency and same goes for being a incubator for a man to pass his genetic data on.
No. 36934
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Ironically, bp girls are far more obsessed about males and the greatness of their dicks than the average women will ever be. I sometimes wonder if the way you girls armchair half of the human population is just a projection. Just coping with the truth that you are too afraid to face: YOU are obsessed about cocks. YOU are never escaping the cage you put all women in. The "feminine nature" is YOU incarnate.
No. 36951
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No. 36969
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My face grimaces and cringes seeing male worshipping shit. Nobody cares you didn’t get fucked, you’re disgusting as shit and just as much as a sex-obsessed whore as your males. I don’t have a stomach for these things anymore and I honestly can’t befriend any woman anymore. None of them are smart, all of them are addicted to attention and “lurve” and all of them are very selfish while the males are fucking uncontrollable beasts they willingly fuck. Look at this shit, these types always try to cover up their natural ugliness with greasy amounts of makeup always eating greasy foods they try to convince others are “healthy”. I’m honestly going to say this.. I’m better than 80% of women at this point and that’s saying a lot. Most of them have a few screws loose and hate themselves and just bred to always run back to their oppressors. Most of them are very scared and afraid of criticism and self-awareness and frame “scary” uncomfortable confrontations as aggressive “misogyny” to avoid kek
No. 37000
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>>36918Hunter Hunt Hendrix mogs her
No. 37026
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"It's socialization"
No. 37028
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misandryeveryday sub unironically have some on the point posts
No. 37030
>>37029Its the biggest offence to call female biology feminine. It made me despise every woman who calls someone or something misogynistic because I get called that.
Everything starts from the root, including the life that evolved on earth, any being on this planet that came from sexual reproduction has a root and plants have a seed and soil.
No. 37038
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I hate women more than men with all my heart and will never speak to them again. 99% of the harm in my life has come from women. Women do not see each other as humans but in the depths of truth, see one another as pigs, whores, sluts whatever you like to call it, just as men see them, and thus treat each other accordingly.
the gap in hierarchy among women is exponentially greater than that among men. the hierarchical difference between a mother, her daughter, and her cousin is drastically significant. The mother grew up with her naturally conservative femininity, while her daughter, as her heir, inherited her father’s wealth, studied at university, and has a liberal leftist mindset. Meanwhile, her cousin found herself at the bottom of the social and economic hierarchy.
feminists do nothing for afghan women except post on social media and tiktok with the ridiculous, cringe-worthy Labour song. Meanwhile, men fight wars to reclaim their rights they kill, go to prison and hold their heads high with pride. women are cowardly and weak, both physically and psychologically to free themselves from their feminine nature, let alone build the world and invent like men have.
The difference between me and conservative women is that I acknowledge the truth that women's nature is feminine, submissive, and weak like an insect. However I do not accept it nor adapt by disconnecting from reality or, in other words, by pretending. Instead, I try to see myself as a man, though most of the time it doesn't work.
one sentence from nick fuentes " your body my choice" made all women like crying babies,
the fact that women and children look alike as another said neotenous.
No. 37041
>>37024i guess that's not hate but rather they fight in war so that they can rape as many captative women as possible, basically everything for males comes down to be able to rape
nature literally created them as rape machine
No. 37050
>>36049It’s my most controversial opinion too. Usually the women I see breaking the mold are lesbians; sometimes autistics.
I don’t respect submissive people entirely, actually, most people don’t, because respect also involves admiration and no one admires those who portray themselves as slaves. They can be loved, of course, look at the amount of mothers out there who clearly fit the profile and yet, sometives even their children don’t look up to them; don’t wanting to be the same as their mothers.
The amount of progressive women I saw who changed political views to fit the ones of their sligthly right wing boyfriends, kek. Not that men don’t do this kind of shit too, but in their case It’s always to fuck some pussy.
I have always floated towards deterministic views, so It’s no wonder I think most women are indeed hardwired to be these little things. But I also admit I’m a very fucked up person to begin with and everyone knows about fucked up people having the predisposition to acquire fringe views.
Very low empathy, can’t even bother to care about most ventings women make in social media. Most of these could be quickly reduced to“You put yourself into this situation, why should I care? Specially because you will continue to endure It and bash women who say loudly how much of a sucker you are”. There are so many times one can blame female socialization.
Very unusual sex drive and fetishes to say the least; no desire to ever have sex but also enjoying male guro. I rememeber feeling a nonsexual rush from beating the shit out of other boy in my childhood, so I don’t think It was something that happenned because of internet access, some people are just born like this, I guess.
No. 37070
>>37061Well I'm very guilty of this, and you described it well, consuming this negative content at large does make me feel neurotic. I will try to just cut it off for some time
>>37062I am disgusted by het sex and by men so I will never be "sexually active", allowing a male to touch me would go against my self preservation instincts and it would make me severely mentally ill
No. 37072
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Hahaha look guys blowing dick on your knees with man hand grabbing your hair is so cool, oral sodomy is totally not a perverted act that shouldn't be considered a normal part of non perverted people sex lives.
Now whores leave this thread I need validation for my sex critique and being groomed to see these sexual acts as healthy and normal. You better be gone when I stop learning how to say "I hate cocksuckers" in all languages
No. 37074
>>37071I'm not anymore. The constant dreams about being sexually assaulted ended when I finally had sex. Maybe it took the fear away.
>>37070Cool you don't have to have sex, I'm not telling you to have sex. I think you might have sex dreams because you don't, it's not your choice to have the dreams and it doesn't mean you want sex when you are awake. It does sound like based on your reply to other anon that you read a lot about sex or sexual assaults and/or relationships, it's definitely on your mind in one way or another. It would be lying to yourself to say sex doesn't matter to you when you post in fucking blackpill.
No. 37079
>>36191Finally, someone in this thread who isn't a tranny or deranged.
I wish we could have a genuine space for BPF discussion that isn't filled with moids and cluster B-chans, nonnies… Sometimes I just need to vent about how much the world (yes, women included) hates childless, vulnerable, impoverished, lesbian (etc) women without a bitch in your ear sperging about blowjobs nor another bitch in your other ear whinnying how offended she is everytime you point out how she humiliates herself over her shitty Nigel. Come on, there has to be a middle ground between the two.
No. 37114
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No. 37119
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Women really hate themselves oh my god. Brainwashed retards
No. 37137
>>37131men kill other men all time
male intrasexual comp. is brutal
No. 37138
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>>37131Delusions. Men compete all the time and act catty toward each other.
No. 37165
>>37138>>37137Intrasexual competition isn't as bad as being enslaved for 4000 years, raped/forcibly impregnated, genocided, eugenically genocided, predated on as children and adults, genocided, tortured and raped as infants and also murdered/tortured en masse and continuously raped/necrophiled. Absolute delusion.
I don't agree with the bp anon saying "women are incapable of solidarity", even if a small minority are capable of true solidarity, but if you think male intrasexual competition is somehow worse than female because some fat moid gets made fun of and some die in wars you're genuinely delusional. If women had solidarity you wouldn't be saying this and this would be recognized unconsciously and communicated by the average woman, but it isn't for this reason. You've unintentionally proven the bp anon saying female solidarity doesn't exist right.
No. 37187
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why do you worship masculinity? ironically the most cock-drunk thread on lc is on 2X of all boards(bait)
No. 37197
>>37192>Then you got dysphoria and transition to escape from this and tard feminists have no counter argument to this because they're masochistic misandrist whores. That's why the only marginal group of women are dysphoric ones because they know it's just about being female not the human created systemsThis site has specific threads for mocking this kind of women kek. There are numerous threads based around pointless shit and catty nonsense describing what you've just written about, these interspersed with whore posts of dick and intrasexual female competition for males. The masochistic misandrist whores are coming from in the house
>>37168Ok nevermind then, women are all loving friends of each other and men are the only violent ones with brutal intrasexual competition.
No. 37213
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>moid troll who has been terrorizing this thread for a long time posts gross porn that he probably jerks off to unspoilered, calling us cock-drunk >>37187>only gets his post spoilered and red-texted as bait.
>bp anon in the unpopular opinion thread just asked why don't women hate men as much as men hate women and is the fact that men were able to keep women enslaved for thousands of years really just socialization or biology.>Anons lose their shit and start ad-homineming her, mod mass deletes her posts even though her posts were pretty normal and level-head and nowhere near bj-chan level, i defend her and someone falsely accuses me of also being that anon and then i get my posts mass deleted too and then banned because the mod didn't even want to check if we were actually the same person or not.There is a very clear and obvious bias and favouritism on this site. This site had potential to become actually feminist and dare i say even blackpilled back in 2018-2020 but now it's resorting to what it originally was and that was a place for neet pickmes and tourist moids to talk shit about other cows and nitpick their appearance. That's why gender critical talk is allowed on THREE different boards on this site meanwhile pinkpill is banned outside this dead hidden board. Even that active 4b thread that was made in ot/ immediately got locked and moved to 2X.
Mods here display huge favouritism and bias with constantly banning actual women on this site whether by accident or not meanwhile letting male trolls get away with it and giving them temporary bans.
Today i was going through vpns and i ended up seeing someone elses bans and it was a literal moid saying something along the lines of women having rights was a mistake and i kid you not his ban was only for a few weeks, i actually wish i screenshotted it.
Eitherway i decided to stay here because of only three threads but those threads went to shit too and especially this one which 90% of the posts are either bj-chan sperging, trolls encouraging her to sperg or trolls employing DARVO techniques to gaslight and silence anons when they say something that may actually be blackpilling. So even this thread is not worth it anymore. Since both the userbase and the mods of this site want to make it known that this site is only intended for GC tradthots who call other women names like ''tunapooner'' then there is no point in posting here.
Before i leave here is some pics of darvo manipulation and gaslighting strategies so you can understand the strategies and goals of both the male and the female trolls who are obsessed with this thread look like.
No. 37215
>>37213just to add,was supposed to be my last post here but i saw a tradthot in the america thread that just learned what darvo is probably by looking at this post and i just want to say: Go fuck yourself.
No, anons saying that women shouldn't lose their rights due to trannies is not darvo you subhuman tradthot.
No. 37234
One one hand, I see where you're coming from, nonna. I used to share the same line of thinking as a baby radfem (not implying that you're currently radfem, though). But rn I'm completely blackpilled on the matter of artificial wombs.
Personally, I believe male hatred of women is downright biological. Something in their psychology compels them to hate us viscerally since their very births. One might argue it comes from their subconsious realization they're forever secondary to the woman who gave them life, but I really don't know.
So in a proposed scenario of artifical womb getting invented, men either will
1) literally pick up any and every weapon they can and murder every single woman on the spot, cause otherwise we'll be useless to them and only taking up limited resources;
2) remove every single right we have and make slavery legal again with females being the slaves in question.
All due to our worth coming from ability to birth children, sexual services and unpaid labour. Besides that we're good for nothing in their eyes.
Honestly, we might be heading towards this scenario even without the possible creation of artificial wombs. The only way to stop it would be killing moidlings, aborting male fetuses in masse and raising only girls to adulthood, but women are actual honest to god cocksucking retards, addicted to smegma, and they'd rather be slaves to moids than take control of reproduction and subsequently save the world.
Fucking female passiveness and willingness to die for their rapeape moidlings is the biggest blackpill in the universe.
No. 37238
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No. 37247
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I can't interact with normie feminist women for real. There was a discussion about male behavior and all women criticized men but the moment I said I don't believe socialization plays the main part and I think that males are like this by nature, and the most they can do is to try to fight that nature, I got jumped at. They said that patriarchy is cultural and that many years ago before patriarchy we had egalitarian societies and then people created patriarchy and everything went to shit (ah yes basically all men across all cultures and time decided to oppress women for some reason), and when I said that basically all animals exist within the sexual conflict and I think people are no different, one woman asked "Are you a biologist? What is your education level?" and she said that sexual conflict exists only because people created it and that there's nothing in male DNA that make them behave the way they do (ummmm). I mean, wasn't essentially telling me I don't have the education necessary to have an opinion on this topic a little classist for a person who claims to be left leaning? I always find it weird when left leaning people who disagree with you immedietely attack your formal education.
No. 37250
>>37247Sorry you have to suffer brain-dead takes in those circles. That's not just feminists, that's most people in general. They like denial because it's comfortable. If intelligence wasn't heralded in the 21st century, they wouldn't even bother putting up an intellectual facade. They'd just straight up tell you "you're wrong because I don't like what you said."
There's a simpler way to argue that the female is disadvantaged, and that's not through some vague genetics mention or anything. If you're ever put in this situation, argue that "human reproduction exists at the expense of the female." Elaborate with "males impose costs and females bear them." This inherently demands that the male be sadistic enough to want to put a woman through a literal body horror experience. Everyone who argues in favor of giving birth because it's beautiful, powerful, divine, or anything but body horror and an imposition on the female, can and should be disregarded because they either GAIN SOMETHING out of this arrangement and therefore are male supremacists at heart or they haven't pieced things together and you have more worthwhile people to listen to.
No. 37276
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Regarding nature or nurture, sespursongles wrote about male socialisation (this is just a paragraph of it). I agree that male socialisation is inherent to male's nature. Feminists waste too much of their energy and time absolving males of responsibility and of guilt.
No. 37279
>>37234>Something in their psychology compels them to hate us viscerally since their very births."From the beginning of time, woman has seemed an uncanny being. Man honored but feared her. She was the black maw that had spat him forth and would devour him anew. Men, bonding together, invented culture as a defense against female nature."
"Man, repelled by his debt to a physical mother, created an alternate reality, a heterocosm to give him the illusion of freedom."
"[Woman's] centrality is a great obstacle to man, whose quest for identity she blocks. He must transform himself into an independent being, that is, a being free of her. If he does not, he will simply fall back into her."
>>37276"Society is not the criminal but the force which keeps crime in check. When social controls weaken, man’s innate cruelty bursts forth. The rapist is created not by bad social influences but by a failure of social conditioning. Feminists, seeking to drive power relations out of sex, have set themselves against nature. Sex is power. Identity is power. In western culture, there are no nonexploitative relationships."
No. 37351
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part vent part commentary on female competition..
I've lived in feminist echo chambers long enough that I forgot women like (left) exist. I didn't understand the weird behavior and the only thing I can conclude is that she's jealous of me, and I even feel bad about that because it's so egotistical to assume she's jealous of me.
>When I share something positive, she finds a flaw or changes the subject.
> When I asked her for advice she replies with I deserve the problem I'm having
> When I confide a flaw to her she gloats over my suffering
> extremely passive aggressive to me when I am trying to be kind or to connect with her
> accuses me of flirting with her bf's when I never even met them or had contact with them
> meanwhile she has been a documented other woman in more than one scenario
I just don't get it. Why have this petty one-upmanship when we could be friends? Instead of getting your dopamine hit from being better than someone, why not get joy from connecting with another person?
My commentary is this… The cause of women intercompetition is due to insecurity and putting men on a pedestal. If you treat women with such rude and disdainful behavior, no wonder women aren't nice to you. And she puts men on a pedestal because she treats women like crap so they reciprocate that, and she thinks women are mean and evil. She used to say I was her closest friend and the only kind and honest person she knew. Maybe it was because I was too naive to see her behavior. I really wish women can see men aren't the prize and you will feel miserable constantly competing and comparing with every woman you see, creating a cycle of insecurity and hurt. I feel like the happiest people I know are the ones who love women the most, male or female. I don't know how anyone can get through to her that women aren't her competition, and there isn't a competition.
No. 37352
>>37351She sounds based except eating her bf ass part, also you prove her point by biçtim blaming her in your whole post. Kek you posted this on an anonymous website to say "ugly bitches are jealous of me, they're bitter, insecure cocksuckers!1! Unlike me who's a good woman uwu these bitches deserve to get raped, bullied and suffer cuz they don't suck my ass. It's women's fault if other women are shit to them!!!" That's exactly why I hate your kind and prefer to socialize with men than be around arrogant fucks like you.
>I feel like the happiest people I know are the ones who love women the mostThat's how I know you're a cock centric misandrist bitch. This statement only holds true if you're a man. Go post this on r/femaleseparatists you can get the social approval you're seeking ın here there
No. 37359
>>37352Nta but no, she doesn't sound "based". She sounds like someone with narcissistic tendencies, and on top of that she's a whore, just like every other woman who has sex with men and centers her life around men.
>>37300Male centered women literally feel like a different species and there's no point in trying to identify or connect with them
No. 37370
>>37367>bisexuality is not a real sexuality anywaysYou have low IQ. This whole post smells repression to me.
>>37368>they’re both NLOGsYawn boring. Bring some milk to here not the same "I'm gonna nlog by calling other women nlogs today"
>>37366Radfem is just next level tradism
No. 37376
>>37373At no point did I say that they all were GNC (hence the "and/or" and i even put the "SSA" first) and gender conforming woman can be NLOGs too. Also, moids typically thinks that all lesbians are femme and attractive, like in their retarded porn and "ugguuu yuri purest love" shit they watch. Who you think they try to skinwalk when they troon out?
>>37374>>37375>bait>trad>cocksuckerExactly as I predicted, kek. Typical scarecrow. And blackpill ≠ radfem/lesbian feminism too, btw. This shit should be called bluepill rose-colored glasses thread, if you all still believe in second wave feminism retardism. The "based womyn lesbo separatist utopia" will ever exist without actual, unironical male extinction.
No. 37377
>>37376>Who you think they try to skinwalk when they troon outKek at you troon obsessed trad. I don't care what men thinks.
>And blackpill ≠ radfem/lesbian feminism too?
>if you all still believe in second wave feminism retardismYou're actually dense.
>The "based womyn lesbo separatist utopia" will ever exist without actual, unironical male extinctionOk misandrist trad, I'm not separatist nor do I crave for a female only world. I'm not radfem adjacented either, now admit that you only come to these threads to shit on GNC women and relieve your troon hysteria.
No. 37382
>>37378>catty infighting You’re free to go to another website
>misogynyBeing mean to other women on the internet and saying no-no words will never be the same as widespread misogyny
>>37378>sperging about biologyYou clearly don’t even know/understand what blackpill feminism is
>troons They’re annoying
>female unity is impossible Female unity is impossible because of heteronormativity
No. 37400
>>37391In context it’s not a decolonial thing, it’s an admission of the scope of the book, which discusses art and literature only from Western cultures.
Blackpill anons would get a lot out of reading Sexual Personae. You don’t have to like all of Paglia’s jokes. Just be aware the reason why mainstream feminists hate her boils down to her belief that nature is primarily responsible for the differences in male and female psyches, and that sex and violence are always entangled, which are basically the premises of this thread.
No. 37404
>>37384The bar is truly in hell. They immediately start simping for any man that's anti-porn because he's ~not like other moids~ even if he's a retarded tradcath male-worshipping retard. Most of /pol/ and MRA trad spaces are actually anti-porn and anti-degeneracy, but they hate it for the wrong reasons. A moid that's anti-porn is most likely because it has allowed it to destroy his life not because he cares about women. The fact that anons on here don't see this makes me think that they're just naive or so lowQ that they're easily susceptible to moid bullshit. It's really no fucking wonder women end up falling into
abusive relationships.
No. 37407
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Blowjob chan admits to being a breeder. Fake dysphoria mask off moment
No. 37420
>>37413see the pee thing is exactly what i would consider one of her jokes. it's in the context of her argument that males are psychically incomplete, while females are stable. thus males are driven to project outwards, develop sky-cult religions, cut down the world into rationally comprehensible forms, etc. she jokes that a vulgar example of this is male pee graffiti. it's not that women cannot do these things, and she argues that a woman should seize what power she can, but that they don't have the intrinsic psychic NEED to do it that men have.
for whether the book is worth continuing it depends on how much you're interested in art history. chapter 1 briefly summarizes her theories and every chapter afterwards is an application and expansion of them in art and literature.
No. 37428
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This scrote is genuinely so ugly and whores are peeing their pants over him KEK (no I'm not bj chan, not everyone who calls certain women "whores" is bj chan). And now they're losing their shit not just over his looks or that he killed the ceo, but every basic shit he said/did, like the fact he didn't like isekai for example? "OMG A MALE CAN BE BASED? HE'S SO BASED I'M IN LOVE" This is so insulting to my intellect lmao I try not to take it personally but they make me ashamed that I'm a female
No. 37440
>>37428Maybe because I’m a newfag who hasn’t witnessed enough LC user retardation, I’m kind of disappointed by the prominence of absurd Luigi worship on this website.
It’s one thing to objectify and sexualise moids, but idolising and worshiping one as some kind of fuckable jesus is the least misandrist thing you can do.
It’s surprising how many anons out there still cling onto the idea of mythical feminist chad who wants to fuck them.
At the end of the day, he’s not a fictional character written by a woman. Just because he has some based feminist adjacent takes doesn’t mean he’s an exception that truly cares about female struggles.
No. 37447
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>>37438>>37428I think you are delusional for having such expectations on anons. There are anons who literally have pasts of posting selfies of themselves on 4chan for moid attention, have nigels, literal tifs, anons who obsess over men with zero redeeming qualities and the list goes on. Also, step into snow some time. This site is not the misandrist paradise you think it is.
The ceo killer thristing pales in comparison to normie women literally wishing for a man to cheat on his wife with his step daughter.
No. 37461
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>>37460nta but she's telling the truth, stop being retarded please, it hurts my eyes
No. 37465
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No. 37469
>>37468It's part of biology to using human made systems and inventions to use for your own benefits following your instincts; Guns, wars, rape, patriarchy, capitalism, discrimination.. this list can go on, you're the one who sounds like an incel, you must have a really privileged life if you never been systematically discriminated. Many of things we deem as bad isn't natural or part of biology, but it's part of our nature, a reflection of it. Humans are tribalistic by nature, that's biology. And those things I've listed above is manifestation of it. I'm not gonna waste my time further with someone who make such retarded takes as "ooga human fly plane life is good, you bitter ooga"
No. 37474
>>37472Tribalism is biology.
>So it's part of biology for men to make progress in technology and society according to their own personal benefit, but you somehow can't see the same for women despite it being the case throughout historyThat's not what I've said, you were the one who argued that how humans were going against their biology by giving some silly examples such as "planes, injecting hormones to bananas" and I explained how humans also used/invented those things to use it against each other and it's been the case most of the time. It's because of human nature.
>Using systemic discrimination as an excuse only explains why you yourself are sitting at home doing nothing and malding about being a womanSo much ad hominem. I gave systematic discrimination as an example of human nature, but that flew over your head.
>not why other women are doing great things that benefit society.Like what? Decreasing my life quality because of their retarded choices?
>You project your own personal traumas onto other women and think they must all lay down and play deadI don't what's this even suppose to mean. Where did I project? I'm not the one who's malding because someone said most women have rape kinks..
No. 37477
>>37476Men benefit to each other, women don't. Seethe about it idc.
>The only way you can believe in any kind of blackpill ideology is if you overgeneralize subgroups of the population into little boxes and exclude every outlier that doesn't fit your agenda.It's not overgeneralization dumbass.
>I'm not going to list every single woman whose invented something or done something to benefit your life personallyOf course you can't because there aren't many kek. Are you done now?
No. 37478
>>37477This is just copium, you are so afraid to google things and learn things on your own because you might come to the conclusion that you are to blame for your own shortcomings and not biology or uhh…every single woman in existence.
>Men only benefit each other, women don'tWho is Emmeline Pankhurst or literally every single women's rights activist? Women's rights were primarily fought for by women, retard. Otherwise you would still be chained to some scrote and unable to vote, own property, or open your own bank account.
>Of course you can't because there aren't many kek.The only reason you can shitpost on this website right now is because of Ada Lovelace who made what is considered to be the world's first programming language and Grace Hopper, another programming pioneer, who literally wrote the manual on how to use the world's first computer. You wouldn't even be in your little echo chamber talking about blackpill bs without them. Kek maybe then you would be better off.
No. 37479
>>37478>This is just copium, you are so afraid to google things and learn things on your own because you might come to the conclusion that you are to blame for your own[…]Bla bla bla bla those women are exception, I'm an exception. You know intersex people are exceptions too?
>Who is Emmeline Pankhurst or literally every single women's rights activistHAHAHA. Gtfo white feminist. I don't care about morals, I care about material things. Feminism is nothing but a cope dump shit. World would be a better place without it, without charlatans like you.
>The only reason you can shitpost on this website right now is because of Ada Lovelace Oh boy you're really not worthy of time. You're just spewing same feminist rhetorics you read on twitter.
>You wouldn't even be in your little echo chamber talking about blackpill bs without themExcept grace hopper and other men yes.
>maybe then you would be better offI'm not camping here like you
No. 37480
>>37479>I'm an exception Kek you really aren't, hating women for illogical reasons is the most mainstream normie take you can have, yawn. Handmaiden with extra steps. And yes every single person who accomplishes something great is an exception. Do you think most men are making crazy strides in society or is it just the rare one who isn't spending all of his time jerking off? That doesn't mean that women as a collective are doomed to be broodmares. Infact it proves the opposite, that women can do great things despite being underdogs in society.
>Blah blah white feminism, muh racebaitOkay Google Harriet Forten Purvis or Mary Ann Camberton Shadd Cary then retard.
No. 37487
>>37466You're here defending them while they are giving gross blowjobs on a mass scale to men, cause it's biological! Go away, unpopular opinion: blackpill is only for dysphoric women and the misandrists can go somewhere else, dysphoris care about deeper than the surface level analysis of the reality. Sex is the root of life, humans will have it, femininity is Soo different from masculinity psychologically and both are just biology aka a man and a woman, female submission in sex is biological because female sexuality is feminine, it has no sadism or dominance, it has softness, servilenes (to men), empathy (to men) and to have sex you gotta submit. People will have sex, cause it's what created human life
No. 37493
victim who finally snapped. those christian fags can't keep their hands off girls.
No. 37512
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>>37507this is exactly how i feel when i see these “cute” couple memes
No. 37513
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disgusting °rading
No. 37514
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>>37507women will think this is soooo cute
No. 37515
>>37477It's true males do benefit each other unlike women or else every rapist would be dead by now
The way women defend and protect their nigels when they find out he is a rapist is disturbing
No. 37519
Let's talk about how love works and how it's connected with sex, to explain why blackpill is not about men or misandry.
For a man to love a woman, the feminine - masculine sexual polarity has to be experienced to the core, and it's an extreme power dynamic in sex. The woman has to suck a man's dick for him to feel love, he loves being loved by her, and her sexually egoless, servant-like biology. And this sexual act is degrading, traumatic and filthy, you shake your head up and down on dick while hunching over it and engage in gross whorish behaviors during the act, and then you have jizz smeared all over your face, the physicality of the act or the same as the psychology of it. So you have to experience a horrifying submissive and gross mental state and erase your disgust response. This will make them man act like from the most ideal romance book, he will talk about how he hates to see you hurt or in pain, hold you in his arms, pick you up and do romantic gestures all the time and take pictures of you then use it as his screen saver, because sexual stimulation creates love and sex is either feminine or masculine sexual stimulation.
Misandrists cry that men don't love women, and it's pathetic. their whole ideology is about hetero romance.
I don't want to live in their "ideal" reality. Why do you want this life so much anyway,why you want womanhood to exist, womanhood is nothing but an eternal submission, tortures and a dick in your mouth and you having to service it like a whore from porn, just fucking give up, stop fighting to suck dick, the only reason for then not giving up this life I can find is sexual desire making people wanna continue existing. I don't want love, cause I don't want submission and femininity. and a dick in my mouth. Bye, the most unequal, unfair, humiliating to perform act in existence is the source of your "ideal" love, and women will get experience the pleasure men experience during it cause life didn't give us the tool to experience it. When a man acts ideally, his woman sucks his dick in the filthiest ways then takes a facial. I hope that helps. What is so hard to fucking understand? I can't relate to misandrists.(ban evasion)
No. 37541
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>>37519Womanhood is eternal suffering and degradation. even people like nick fuentes and elliot roger get unconditional care from their female relatives from mothers, sisters etc. who let them leech off with nothing in return but as a woman you will never get support like this from your male relatives or males in general unless you perform a degrading act or do physical labor. megan fox got cheated on because she couldn’t perfom sex anymore because she was busy taking care of his offspring. this is the exact reason older women get cheated on too, once you stop sucking dick they move on to the next
No. 37557
>>37545I get where she's coming from. feminists like to think the sex they're having with their nigels is qualitatively different from the sex depicted in porn because one is "sex" and one is "violence". but if you think that all sex is inseparable from domination and submission, then all sex is inseparable from violence, therefore consensual sex and porn are only different by a matter of degree.
however i'm not personally sold on the idea that sex is always submissive for the female just because she takes the passive role when there is reproduction. is the female always submissive in hetero sex, maybe, because it always comes back to pleasuring a male in one way or another. but idk how masturbation or lesbian sex are supposed to fit into this framework.
No. 37568
I'm a woman and I hate the female sexuality… Female sexuality to me contradicts the definition of sex which is you getting pleasure, engaging in something cool and being served. Meanwhile all women do is serve and that's all they can really do, and it makes me bitter and jealous of men, being a man is superior. When I think of a woman expressing her sexuality, I think of the shit like from this screenshot. A woman on all four with a dick in her mouth
Men: just exist (standard for men to get worshipped by women is to just exist)
Women: on all fours with a dick in their mouth
Why is THIS female sexuality and what's the fucking meaning of it? Why is it always degrading, violating and the acts are performed in piglike ways? Why is it completely egoless? In sex a woman can't even see herself, but the man can and is devouring her visually,yet people still say that there's no biological gender roles in sex and that sex is whatever you make it. Nope, sex is biological femininity or masculinity and the femininity is submissive and all it can do is serve and get psychologically pleased from serving. Biological gender. Maybe try to understand women who hate the nature of a female and femalehood instead of raging at them and denying the nature of human sex
And those sexual acts are objectively degrading, it's just that a female is supposed to take it and get over it, die and reborn, egoless, selfless, submissive, servicing dick from below a man but all she does is being a female, other half of the man and vice versa, cause gender is just biology.shes not abandoning herself, she is herself, the whore is the nature of a female body cause female is dark and male light. Don't you fuckers ever say again that there's no biological femininity.
Also radfems… performative femininity is just women expressing their sexuality. Glad you hate females too, if you hate it. Also I don't care about anyone's stupid responses to this, I won't even read them, bye. Keep gaslighting.
No. 37571
>>37513Woman jerking a man off with her body and giving him visuals. Yet there's no biological gender!
Meanwhile the woman can't even orgasm from this, the real orgasm from the head of the clitoris. Nope. She can only have spasms caused psychologically by liking seeing the man pleased. Sex for women is different than for women. Women express their sexuality through being pickmes. They have sex for male vldidation solely…. I believe it .. that's female pleasure.. male validation.biggesf radfems when they get aNigel they treat sex as a payment for him l
No. 37577
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misandrist “lesbian” rapper ?
No. 37594
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incels are loved by society
No. 37595
>>37585And love to betray other women, unlike males who stand by their homies side no matter if he is a rapist or serial killer women never stand by their female friends side
Males betray women and women betray each other and stay loyal to their nigels kek
No. 37601
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Lolcow misandrists: get euthanized because you think sucking dick and riding dick is slavery
No. 37627
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she posted this so other women can see how “crazy” she can make a male with her ass and how big it it is she thinks its a flex just wow
No. 37648
>>37639>all this shit about masculine and feminine and nothing about men and women.NYART but I dont give a fuck if a woman is feminine or masculine. She's statistically far less likely to rape or kill me therefore she is more trustworthy.
TIMs are just wolves in sheep's clothing.I don't hate TIFs, but I feel bad for them because no matter the cope they provide at the end of the day they decided to mutilate themselves because they thought their non rapeape body living in a world of rapeapes was "wrong".
No. 37671
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Women according to bj chan
No. 37685
>>37683Yeah the average woman wants to be "raped". You can find a lot of anons here admitting to it as well on the embarrassing fetishes threads lol. Realizing this after spending some of my teenage years fighting incels and mra types on the topic was a big blackpiling factor.
>>37671This is bjchan herself
No. 37714
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I hate sexually active straight women so much it's unreal. They're the equivalent of kapos in Auschwitz
No. 37734
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I wish I could trust women but I just can't because even the women who called themselves "lesbian separatists" turned out to be political lesbians who jumped on a dick the moment opportunity arrived (terri strange for example) unless they were too old to do it or something. Many gen X feminist philosophers were political lesbians. I had such high hopes in Mary Daly because her writing meant so much to me but turned out she was a political lesbian too. Why can't those women just call themselves straight and celibate for political reasons, idk. You can't fake sexual attraction, and those gen Xers political lesbians wanted to tell us we should strive to do so… which makes me think they had problems with coping with their attraction to men, since they were desperate to "replace" it with something else. I'm afraid every woman calling herself a "lesbian" online while hating men and criticizing patriarchy secretely fantasizes about fucking men but is miserable because she can't get one who is "good enough", so the fake lesbian cope comes in. How can women liberate themselves when they can't even face their own demons and admit something like "yeah I'm physically attracted to men but I also think they're evil by nature so I decided not to include them in my life for moral and political reasons" or some shit. I remember being 17 years old and those radical and separatist women on the internet meant so much for me and I wished to have friends like them irl, finally like-minded women… fast forward a couple of years later and they all not only turned out to be fake lesbians but reverted to fucking men again. It was like a rebelious teen phase for them, except it extended from their teens not only to their 20s but also early 30s and somewhere around 35 something clicked in them, like a biological clock or something, or the fear of "getting old alone"? And they turned back to dicks again, the thing that they painted as the worst thing to female soul and body in history… I just can't. Now, some of my favourite bloggers like Trust Your Perceptions and Icemountainfire haven't posted since 2019 or made their sites private and now I wonder what happened to them, was it also just a "phase" for them, did they also dropped that charade because the opportunity for a "normal heterosexual life" appeared in their late 30s… Other separatist createros who seemed legit, like Black obsidian or Sekhmet she owl left simply because they said everything they had to say and they outgrew their audience, so I kinda get it why they left, I still miss them but it doesn't hurt me as the women who turned out to be a bunch of fakes. And then they also played victims for being called out "fake" by other women and said "see? How badly we are treated by those evil radical feminists? That's why we're leaving feminism! Because of the moral purity police! Women are each other's worst enemies uwu! BRB I'm gonna suck some dick now". Yeah, because there's nothing morally vile about pretending to be lesbians for extra points and behaving like you have moral high ground over het women who sleep with men, only to behave just like them a few years later. Women are fucking schizos. I've never seen moids faking to be gay to make their female hatred more believable or to seem more morally pure or something. I can't
No. 37751
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This women was murdered by her ex-husband. in a murder suicide, but this pick-me says the women is horrible for divorcing her husband and “taking” his hard earned money.
No. 37752
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>>37751The original post.
No. 37753
>>37751>BasedBlondeXWhat is it with people who call themselves based being weirdly alt right? This is why so many women stay in
abusive relationships because for some reason people assume women are unfaithful or wishy washy just for leaving situations that make them miserable
No. 37756
>>37751100% ragebait grifter who doesn't believe any of the retarded shit she puts out there.
Makes stupid as shit takes, gets engagement, gets money. This sort of buisness practice needs to be illegal.
Its likely she's not even a real woman. Just a moid larping with a pic of some instathot he found.
No. 37785
>>37783What do you mean it isn't a male under certain circumstances will fuck literally anything
Meanwhile most nuns probably won't fuck each other even when they don't have anyone else to fuck
No. 37789
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No. 37796
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Most insufferable misandrist on radtwt.
Quick lore:
First ex-from teens till like 26, turned into a gambling addict who lost millions, porn addict, she left him, he went for a prostitute he had loud violent sex with. Now lives in his car
Second ex-27yo, she overshared it all on radtwt. hundreds upon hundreds of tweets about how he's the most gentle, nurturing man in the world, his mom is a trophy wife therefore he knows how to spoil women, no signs of pornsickness, waited months for sex. Turns out he was face fucking women behind her back, cheated the whole year and have her Chlamydia, watched Andrew Tate.
Two weeks later
Third nigel- chubby, short, bearded, indian 27yo millionaire, she fucked him two weeks in and now he's the gentle, most this and that man in the world and his mom is also a spoiled trophy wife somehow even tho her husband married her at 30-something when she was 17yo. Within like two months of dating him, I counted the amount of tweets she made about him and it was over hundred. Most contained words like "wealthy" "rich". She responds to every tweet with "AND NOW I'M DATING A WEALTHY YOUNGER […]". She also has the tendency to describe sex as if it's something the woman gives as an exchange. She thinks her B cups looks like breasts implants and shows weird signs of narcissism. Also she's a edtwt whore
No. 37838
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No. 37857
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>if i were born a male i would harass and assault other males nd then id join the rates
If these lesbian larper misandrists were actually born as males, they would just be incels who fantasise about killing women.
>in case female domination doesn't become a reality
Female domination will never be real, and it shouldn’t be the goal as moids will find a way to sexualise it.
>I'm definitely trooning out into a male
Trying to wear the mask of our oppressors is the opposite of what radical feminism should strive for.
No. 37867
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they all look so mid it remind me the picrel
No. 37869
The woman who slept with 1000 men in one day posted a picture from that day, and one man was standing, holding his dick to her mouth, Jesus sucking dick is so degrading, all women who suck dick or get fucked from behind enjoy submission. Men provide women a container to express their sexuality in securely, submit and serve. Those acts have the same exact psychology as bdsm, not beating and bondage, but the woman being like yyy I'm your slut, I wanna suck your cock you own me moid, and overall being a sub, hetero relationship is a full time bdsm dynamic sexually with woman as the sub. Women are the feminine energy in sex, and men masculine, psychologically, because of their biology therefore women embody the feminine mental traits in sex, while I can't. I don't even understand how hetero women live like this and regularly give blowjobs, sex will never be normal to me. Imagine going about your day knowing anytime now you can end up with a dick on your mouth. Hetero intimacy is a woman being the source of the man's pleasure and getting his validation as an exchange for her deep sexual submission she has to experience psychologically as if she is those mental traits and that's just not something that my personality cam be capable of therefore I lost my sex drive as a woman. All women who can't identify with sexual submission, experience dysphoria.
The most popular music for women like Lana del Rey is about being a sub in sex for example too.
Definition of dysphoria:
Dysphoria (from Ancient Greek δύσφορος (dúsphoros) 'grievous'; from δυσ- (dus-) 'bad, difficult' and φέρω (phérō) 'to bear') is a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction. It is the semantic opposite of euphoria. In a psychiatric context, dysphoria may accompany depression, anxiety, or agitation.
No. 37878
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The amount of likes from this post, makes it clear mostly moids liked it. And the tweet is definetly coming from a right wing grifter. Tweets in the quotes rightfully point out that no religion places any restrictions on moids when they commit the most degenerate acts. Moids are responsible for most murders, rapes, and sex trafficking.
But honestly I feel like that porn star is some agent of chaos. It's funny how the hundreds of moids that slept with her aren't getting any scrutiny. Moids are the main consumers of porn too yet no religion forces a man to cover up and not be allowed to leave their home without a guardians permission.
No. 37879
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Neil Gaiman case is so grimm to me. Like of course he's subhuman and he should be killed. But I will never understand women who willingly go up to men like him and tell them they're interested. It's different to fantasize about your favourite actor or writer, and it's different to actually go to him and give him accesss to you. You need to have absolutely no self preservation instinct. What makes women go to men who are way more powerful, rich and usually older than them? Do they think those men will treat them well or something? Ok one of them was 18 years old, but I was 18 not so long ago and I was already aware that those men are just dangerous. Of course I had sexual fantasies about famous men and women, but I would never be naive and dumb enough to actually pursue them in any way. Meanwhile this ugly creep had hundreds of younger women lusing after him. What the fuck? Why?
I remember when I just turned 18 and there was this male journalist whom I really like. He was almost 40. I simply liked his comment of facebook (that was literally the only interaction I "made" with him) and just a couple of minutes later he texted me and sent me a friend request. After a short chat he invited me for a drink, and I was like… what the fuck. It was a little bit shocking to me that a public person I liked contacted me that easily and quickly, but after a very short surge of dopamine, I started to feel very creeped out by this. Yes I was attracted to him, but the moment he actually showed interest in me I lost respect to him and I backed out. I think that should be the natural reaction to this kind of a situation. Not going deeper, engaging, talking to the creep and then giving him access. I simply don't get it. He didn't kidnap these women or anything. They knew they're the fans, and he's the older richer more powerful moid. They knew who had the power in this scenario. What did you think was supposed to happen ffs??
Also SHOW ME an old and ugly female writer who has hundreds of teenage and early 20s male fans who want to fuck her. Such thing simply doesn't happen. WHY DO YOUNG WOMEN WORSHIP MOIDS IN SUCH WAY???
Also my dysphoria makes me want to kill myself lataly. I hate nature, I hate women, I hate women who worship moids. And for some reason this case makes me feel even more dysphoric, maybe because the things he did to these women are akin to body horror
No. 37902
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The psychology of a woman in piv is feminine: I wanna please him I wanna serve him I want HIM to cum
No. 37977
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I was incredibly triggered by this post in the asd and adhd thread. A lot of anons on this site think that a lot of anons who insist on being celibate and moid free are just going through a little phase or will crack eventually. I am approaching my 30s and since i was roughly 15 i have been adamant about never getting married or having kids. I admit i have had mental breakdowns and have threatened to kill any man who they send my way to go on a date with. I am a woman of strong convictions and i not above murder if it means i protect my peace and dignity. Even if i relented and had a family, i could certainly see myself pulling family annihilator situation if i ever feel like i am trapped or that my person freedom is under attack. I can't help but see being a housewife as a form of prostitution. I try to be nice to such women as of course they aren't all horrid trad thots, but i will never have respect for any woman who condemns herself to a life of servitude. I want to be free and unencumbered and any threat to this desire will be dealt with. And i guess that's my issue with most women, they don't understand what it's like to have such strong convictions because they are deathly afraid of being alone. I am above such emotions and i feel like it makes me better than a normie women who cry on their pillow about their 4th break up. I also have zero respect for women who lament about wanting to be taken care of and being spoiled. The notion that an adult needs to be taken care of like an infant who is helpless disgusts me and all they do is proclaim how worthless they are as living beings. Such women will claim they want respect from scrotes, but nothing screams "respect me" than proclaiming that you will hand over your pussy for a lifetime supply of dior lip glosses. I am tired of being gaslighted into thinking i am crazy for maintaining my strong stance on this. Never in this life time will my body be used as a vessel of pleasure for an odious beast.
No. 37978
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This made me laugh so hard because we all know this is true, what with all the tradthot radfem cunts, they are the easiest lays for the most retarded, easily manipulated, ugly, dysgenic moid! Truly being a woman, especially a fucking “radical feminist” is the ultimate act of cuckoldry, and it’s about time for more women to be blackpilled on the radfem question.
You are nothing but easy lays and clearly love being humiliated, I love when moids are honest, something most women so called “based” feminists are not.
Go tweet about TMD while at the same time being flirty with the most retarded, useless, good for nothing, spiritually dominated like a faggot moids. It’s not even a lie, in my short time on misandrist twitter I would see this ALL the fucking time so much I found it disgusting and annoying.
No. 38079
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Why troons are right that to like being a woman one has to identify with sexual submission. Also notice how even lesbian sex is centered around the vaginal cavity/female receptive feminine role in sex.
No. 38081
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>>38080This plus also that tweet of a lesbian saying she wants to be strapped in a lesbian sex club in front of others. It had tons of likes
No. 38095
I used to only hate men but now, after working with many women and being constantly around different women because of my work, I hate women so much it's unreal. Backstabbing, chatty, narcissistic, two-faced, borderline, double standards, mostly no hobbies of their own and their lives revolving around their boyfriends or around ways they can get a boyfriend, or around their kids. And the pickmes who are SUPER nice to all male coworkers and talk to them in a baby like voice, but are reserved towards the female coworkers and talk behind their backs (never about the male coworkers though). Also no stable moral values. They will call a female coworker a bitch and a cunt and a sociopath behind her back and call her the worst, but a month later they will be chatting with her like nothing happened. Literally high school and popularity contest 2.0. Fucking disgusting. Straight women are npcs for real
No. 38108
>>38079>lesbianThat is a straight queerdo and her tranny boyfriend larping as lesbians
>>38081That 'How to Suck Dyke Cock' thing was written by a tranny
No. 38113
>>38112if you're going to claim its present in lesbians, maybe actually use lesbians as proof
>>38103i think some women have it naturally and others get it from porn consumption and unaddressed internalised misogyny
No. 38152
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Ive seen the depravity and lowest of a male psyche. these creatures are not human. these creatures are not human. but all I want is for these cretins to (insert ALOG here), and all I dont want is for women to be aware of this knowledge. In fear of becoming like me or in fear of becoming a stupid fucking pick me retard who kisses the feet of vermin and dehumanize herself into an object for its pleasure. this thing does not contribute to society. this thing must be expunged by a cleansing flame. I hate moids, I hate moids, i hate moids, useless sacks of shite biological waste who must be exterminated, i hate moids, and I hade mediocre women who compromise by degrading herself into an object. though its cases like Akku Yadav that give a glimmer of catharsis to this never ending curse of being aware.
No. 38162
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Reminds me when a bunch of women were jebaited into flashing their tits for feminism and the true founder of the project turned out to be some perverted french scrote. critical thinking is dead and the good intentions of women always falls short when its played like a fiddle by degenerate men.
No. 38170
Every day I stray further and further away from humanity.
I have zero sympathy or empathy for educated heterosexual women in 1st and 2nd world countries with access to Internet. There's no excuse for straight women to date moids and birth them children. Everything they cry about is mere consequences of a dumb choice to include sperm dispensers in their lives (while being informed that it's going to end up badly, mind you!). Women have access to invaluable information and resources allowing them complete independence - something our female ancestors were praying to have for themselves, or their grandchildren at least, for hundreds of centuries. Women in the past would have killed for an opportunity to be away from jizz propellers and childbirth. Not these dumb bitches though! Atp I think of them lower than scrotes even.
Think of a (not really) hypothetical. A profoundly retarded kid, unable to distinguish his ass from his fingers he's so low IQ, is torturing animals, mass burning buildings with people inside and humping everything on sight while drooling all over himself. He can't be reasoned with in any capacity and his actions can only be mitigated by isolation and total control of a superior. But the superior in question upon seeing all this starts cooing at the little sperglet, praising him for these actions, and then procceds to start fucking him. And between fuck-session during her free time she's literally slaving for the retard and assisting him in his mindless crimes. In this (not) hypothetical (but our lived reality) example doesn't the responsible person inspire the most amount of rage? It's one thing to be naturally born a barely sentient oxygen thief of a biowaste (i.e. moid or violent kid in this example), and it's a completely different story to be a naturally gifted leader, with the most amount of power and consequently the most amount of responsibility (i.e. woman or superior in this example) and willingly to throw all of this away for slavery with a joke of a sex life, devoid of orgasms, as a cherry on top. This disgusting behavior is completely unforgivable.
Heterosexual women are lazy, cowardly, irresponsible and dumb creatures and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. The biggest blackpill after decade of active participation in radfem circles and wholeheartedly believing in the idelogy is to figure out that moids were right all along and hetero women are good for nothing whores.
No. 38185
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>>38118"One sperg and her castle"
No. 38201
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Female retardation gives me seizures. Moids will use such whores as arguments that 12-14 year old kids should be married off because it was once considered "normal" and they want it anyway
No. 38207
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Most sane terf
No. 38238
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nothing makes better blackpill material than miss bianca weezy
No. 38242
>>38240I feel the same way, like how the fuck am I not supposed to hate women like this and women who would cape for her. Many radfems would call her a
victim of internalized misogyny, taking all the responsibility from her
No. 38256
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No. 38257
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No. 38265
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I’m pretty sure this might be bj-chan’s account kek
No. 38271
>>38256Number 7 stands out to me a lot on this site. Anons here mock fags and lesbians but often not in the same breath. But primarily fags are the focus because they're not fucking women, but don't get fucked up in thinking the motivation is these women want to "fuck the gay men" or something that's obviously not true. Its not that these women want to be fucked by gay men, they only want to uphold the status quo of men SOLELY fucking women because they see benefit in this. Women being hypersexualized whose only use is breeding benefits them as someone looking to breed, it also lowers the threshold for competition resource wise, if all other women are losers who are valued for their body than that bodes well for a loser whose only value is their body. Its not complicated. A dead giveaway of this behavior that is noticeable in these anons posts is that men are not painted with the same brush evenly. Trannies are worse than fags which are worse than the prized "straight" men somehow (despite gay men not raping women) but because they are the avenue to breeding straight men are valued highest. Its all made up nonsense to justify women having offspring, women are just not honest about this. As usual per the collective cultural language of women, a bullshit veneer of choice feminism that's laden with contradictory ideology is put in place.
"Patriarchy is the perpetuation of men and their power structures from the nuclear family to governments, but oops I have to have babies. Looks like my mans going to have to be the big earner now".
"Marriage is the patriarchal ownership of women but for me its only about monogamy and commitment"
"Makeup is a patriarchal invention by men that sets unrealistic standards along with cosmetic surgery and filters, but I use all of them and shame women who don't.
"Its so bad that knowledge brokers and nepotistic plutarchs hold power, only xyz% of millionaires are women! Patriarchs also control the narrative of technology and history, but STEM is patriarchal and I studied the sociology of sex positive slut culture asking the real important and hard hitting questions in the humanities of what is a slut?"
"porn is degrading for women and girls and encourages "rape culture", also a percentage is literal child porn but slay queen and sexually liberate yourself on prostitution apps for hookups and onlyfans".
There's a ton of contradictions in dominant women culture, too many to list. You're all aware of them, they don't even need to be said at this point. The ultimate take away being women uplift patriarchy at least equal to men, if not more. They don't beat and rape other women into submission but they do mentally like men.
>>38260Its spot on though, the biggest contributors to rape culture are the women participating in rape culture. Sure they're not the perpetrators but no soft science academic in their right mind would ever claim reality.
>>38265I'm not sure why this is so mystifying in the way its framed; women know its degrading they don't care.
No. 38281
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Shes legit retarded
No. 38284
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>The burden of having all seeing autistic mind
so real, bjchan
No. 38295
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unfortunately ia with the idea that marrying whores is legitimately retarded but my reasoning has to do with the fact that sleeping with a bunch of men requires low self esteem in a woman.
No. 38352
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Moar bj-chan chimpouts
No. 38354
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>>38353kek what the fuck is wrong with her?
No. 38355
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>>38354Last one, giving very much “virgin with rage” energy. You’re a female, why are you larping as Elliot Rodgers? Kek
No. 38360
>>38295am I insane or is that not the same exact guy just without a full beard…? And how coombrained is this moid that the first picture is somehow her being totally a slut or something? Like yeah her butt is definitely visible but it's hardly a whoreish picture
>>38355>had to get fucked like this>on all foursDoes she know there are other ways to have sex? Like… a man can lie on his back under you and be still while you fuck him. I hate the "women are inherently submissive in hetero sex" like okay sorry you aren't based enough to dominate and take the pleasure you want for yourself
No. 38379
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Found her twitter, she’s really fascinating to me
No. 38385
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No. 38407
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>>37648What about Jace Wong (made csam of children in the daycare where she worked)? Then her defense said testosterone made her that way. Well I don't know about that. Who would want to be a moid. That's highly suspicious behavior. You would let your guard down around such a person because she’s not an xy? I have seen tifs talking about their fetishes for beastiality and things of that nature. I don't give tifs any credit more than tims.
Actually, I don’t give moid partnered females any credit either, or women with moid children. 28% of family perpetrated csam production involves a female offender and there are always stories in the news of women abusing children they work with with a moid. Marc Dutroux‘s wife was a school teacher.
Source for 28% claim: No. 38430
>>38429Isn’t it obvious??? The way she types, acts, and her twatter posted here
>>38385 has a roblox character as her avatar. I get mega spergs exist in their adulthood but come on, that’s definitely a minor and she needs to be permabanned.
No. 38433
>>38238Well I’m beginning to consider apologizing to Shayna
>>38385I don’t trust any grown adult with a Roblox pfp, all of them are either sexual degenerates or racist
>>38407The fact that we live in a world where women like this will have their asses kissed just proves the human race was a mistake. I guarantee this person just did testosterone to act like more of a moid, the logical endpoint of being a pick-me
No. 38444
>>38385She types
exactly like this Polish girl I follow on Tumblr, down to the same use of emojis and similar vocab
the only thing that's different is the lack of "minions" thrown around very other wordShe also shits on radfems on her blog a lot
No. 38457
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>>38456You can literally check on their site
No. 38470
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No. 38516
Would males allow capitalism to be surpassed. What does black pill think.
Valerie Solanas:
> Money, Marriage and Prostitution, Work and Prevention of an Automated Society: There is no human reason for money or for anyone to work more than two or three hours a week at the very most. All non-creative jobs (practically all jobs now being done) could have been automated long ago, and in a moneyless society everyone can have as much of the best of everything as she wants. But there are non-human, male reasons for wanting to maintain the money system:
>1. Pussy. Despising his highly inadequate self, overcome with intense anxiety and a deep, profound loneliness when by his empty self, desperate to attach himself to any female in dim hopes of completing himself, in the mystical belief that by touching gold he'll turn to gold, the male craves the continuous companionship of women. The company of the lowest female is preferable to his own or that of other men, who serve only to remind him of his repulsiveness. But females, unless very young or very sick, must be coerced or bribed into male company.
>2. Supply the non-relating male with the delusion of usefulness, and enable him to try to justify his existence by digging holes and then filling them up. Leisure time horrifies the male, who will have nothing to do but contemplate his grotesque self. Unable to relate or to love, the male must work. Females crave absorbing, emotionally satisfying, meaningful activity, but lacking the opportunity or ability for this, they prefer to idle and waste away their time in ways of their own choosing – sleeping, shopping, bowling, shooting pool, playing cards and other games, breeding, reading, walking around, daydreaming, eating, playing with themselves, popping pills, going to the movies, getting analyzed, traveling, raising dogs and cats, lolling about on the beach, swimming, watching TV, listening to music, decorating their houses, gardening, sewing, nightclubbing, dancing, visiting, `improving their minds' (taking courses), and absorbing `culture' (lectures, plays, concerts, `arty' movies). Therefore, many females would, even assuming complete economic equality between the sexes, prefer living with males or peddling their asses on the street, thus having most of their time for themselves, to spending many hours of their days doing boring, stultifying, non-creative work for someone else, functioning as less than animals, as machines, or, at best – if able to get a `good' job – co-managing the shitpile. What will liberate women, therefore, from male control is the total elimination of the money-work system, not the attainment of economic equality with men within it.
>3. Power and control. Unmasterful in his personal relations with women, the male attains to masterfulness by the manipulation of money and everything controlled by money, in other words, of everything and everybody.
>4. Love substitute. Unable to give love or affection, the male gives money. It makes him feel motherly. The mother gives milk; he gives bread. He is the Breadwinner.
>5. Provide the male with a goal. Incapable of enjoying the moment, the male needs something to look forward to, and money provides him with an eternal, never-ending goal: Just think of what you could do with 80 trillion dollars – invest it! And in three years time you'd have 300 trillion dollars!!!
>6. Provide the basis for the male's major opportunity to control and manipulate – fatherhood.
No. 38576
>>38573any takes like valerie solanas like she said that we could have had that liberation by technology a long time ago but we haven’t because of males.
>>38516maybe not exactly like solanas but she does mention womens behavior under the current system. if it can’t be overcome then the whore behavior won’t be surpassed either, if it even could be.
do yall think she got it right or is off like it could be more like elifist or sumn. like the drive for reproduction won’t allow women to be free.
No. 38580
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Bj-chan dropped out of high school?(encouraging personalityfagging)
No. 38581
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Every time someone brings up the prospect of an all-women eutopia I cant help but think that unless there was total male extinction and a method of same sex reproduction within women, there is inevitably going to be a judas that would sell us out if it meant getting a crumb of better treatment than the women they betrayed, fuck I doubt they would even get mad if they were treated the same and would consider it an honour to please the rapeapes.
Normie women are incapable of seeing that all moids are the same and will always find an excuse to cape for one; its this vulnerability that will leave an opening for rapeapes to infiltrate and lead to our downfall
No. 38603
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>>38598>mother bottlefed her until she was 11 KEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
No. 38616
>>38600>>38598yeah what are other boards in general
i don’t love the premise of gang stalking mentally ill women and girls (so long as moids can rape them legally in some states). but at this point this is the only women’s image board i know of and the only place other than twitter i see any talk of bpf. is crystal cafe even up.