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No. 3774

While all religion are awful and subjugate women, none is worse then the religion of the Arab pedophile and that is undeniable, so this is a thread to discuss its evils and crimes against everyone but especially the women subjugated under it

No. 3783

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Truly the most tolerant religion

No. 3784

Islam is nothing but a cult that justifies the worst of scrote behaviour like war, oppression of women and pedophilia.

No. 3786

I hate Islam more then you can imagine, I want nothing more then its destruction and as stated I despite It with every fiber of my being but I will not reduce it into bland stereotypes, I woke up to how horrible the religion of the arab pedophile is by first understanding It

my journey to leave Islam came from the simple question of why I wasn't allowed to pray in any other language other then Arabic, what made Arabic so goddamn special that God almighty preferred it over all the other languages and that gave me the motivation to study religion but critically and through the research I became a pure atheist

What makes Islam always so uniquely awful is that unlike Jesus and Buddha, Muhammad ruled a state with completely authority for over 10 years, In this period Muhammad was a priest king with absolute authority, for Muslims this was the perfect society, all other societies would never come to close to the one governed by Muhammad and his followers so unlike other Abrahamic religions is not just a religion but also a political and social ideology; from banking, trials to literally how you should pee and treat other non believers, you'll find an answer for it in the record books about either Muhammad and his companions

No. 3787

That's why it's a cult, there are rules for every tiny detail of people's lives.

No. 3788

Its beyond most cults though, there are Libraries worth of books based on Islamic law based on the Hadiths(sayings and doings of Muhammad) as well extended Islamic law based on his companions
for Muslims these laws are well the perfect laws from God himself, any sort of system will always inferior for actual Muslims

No. 3793

Yeah it's an entire social system, which makes it so scary.

No. 3796

Finally you have a containment thread pakianon

No. 3797

The Quran its self is shit though, unless you've actually read it critically its really hard to describe just how awful it is to read

see the Quran is the super summarized story of the Jews, the true story of Jesus, 3 random Arab prophets that appeared before Muhammad and of course the story of Muhammad and his followers and his tribe's battle with the Quraish tribe but none of this is in chronological order btw, so it will shift midway from the story of Moses to Muhammad, then to Jesus then to Abraham then to Muhammad again and even then this shift is not chronological either, so you'll have chapters about Muhammad when he was priest king and then the next chapter will be about when he was just describing

the whole thing is such a hassle to read and your not allowed to give it chronolectal order, its considered a form of blasphemy

No. 3800

No. 3899

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“ Teenage schoolgirls in Afghanistan have told the BBC of their growing desperation as they continue to be excluded from school more than three months after the Taliban takeover.”
The boys where all told that they where allowed back? But they said nothing about the girls. Lying pigs swore that this wouldn’t happen and that they where going to change. Of course, nobody believed them, but still.

No. 3912

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I hate living in an Islamic country while being an ex-muslim. It's so suffocating having to tiptoe around it, lest they fucking lynch you for saying anything out of line.
Just yesterday, I had a professor at college saying something about how 'men were sent as our (women's) protectors' like jeez… I wonder who they are supposed to protect us from? That's right, other men. I keep getting pressured into wearing a hijab by my family, saying I'll burn in hell and take them with me there by my whore-ish ways of wearing casual clothing.
Don't know if blogposting on this thread will get me banned so saging just in case.

No. 3935

As a fellow ex-muslim don't ever come to your parents, they will kill you or send you to Islamic school
probably the best option is to flee, Christian NGO's are your best bet
I have known women who were willing to pretend to be Christians and live in rural Argentina rater then Pakistan

No. 3936

I feel like, if it was just the Quran without the hadiths and other works, the situation wouldn't have been this shit but we are expected to also follow the Sunnah, written by someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew Muhammad and remembered Muhammad telling him some bs and now that's hadith. What a mess.

No. 3938

If It was just the Quran then it would probably be on par with Christianity, but the Hadiths ruin it, It transforms Islam into a 7th century legal and moral code, not a religion

No. 3944

I wish NGOs aimed to help ex-muslim women existed in my supposedly secular, western country. But that would be "far-right and islamophobic", so they have to figure shit on their own, while receiving death threats and being disowned by teir familes.

Why can't people see that Islam is a cult similar to Jehovah witnesses, but with violence added ?

No. 3945

I mean from what I've seen Jehovahs witness at least keep to themselves and don't try to threaten violence against the rest of the world

No. 3977

sorry to ask to be spoonfed, but i have no desire to read the quaran and i wonder why islam is considered the pedo religion? i grew up catholic and i have never been very religious (non practicing basically) and i often assume people are referring to catholicism when saying “pedo religion” though nothing about the religion is pedo-y, though there’s clearly corruption within the church with priests and their disgusting acts against children.

No. 3995

Because Muhammad, the prophet and the most important guy in Islamic canon married a 6-9 year old Ayesha when he was around 50-something. Though reading about Ayesha is very interesting, she even made some sarcastic remarks towards her husband like mentioning how he always got revelations that benefitted him in his current situations and whatnot.

No. 4066

No. 4618

Why can't libs understand that religion is not race?
"Islamophobe" has the same impact as "racist" and this is so stuck in their minds I feel like I'm arguing with retarded children

No. 4646

I agree Islam is especially evil towards women. Its also proven that Muslim men consume the most porn, which is just so sadly ironic. Sorry to make this next comment about white people, but on white supremecist forums, they use Islam as a shining example to get white women "under control" for white men to save the white race. They even spout memes like "Islam is right about women" but also say Muslims are outbreeding them and that can't happen.
What can a gc/rad-leaning westerner like me do for women in Islamic countries? Even to just help a little bit? After a decade or so of liberal feminism and the rebranding of Islam as a "feminist religion" in the west, it feels wrong and shameful to voice my critical opinion of Islam even in the modern feminist discourse. People say because we can't read the Quran, we are relying on mistranslations and therefore cannot comment on the matter.

No. 4658

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>it feels wrong and shameful to voice my critical opinion of Islam even in the modern feminist discourse
I haven't deeply interacted with this aspect of feminism yet, but based on what I do know and where I've seen causes helping the most, I believe you'd be better off contributing to groups that directly support and/or are run by women who are already critical of islam instead of trying to convince libfem women of the reality of the situation. You'd just be wasting time talking at people who have no interest in changing their beliefs. The majority show support for toxic religions like this to win internet brownie points and have no desire to actually learn or help women in the first place. For example there's the AHA Foundation (https://www.theahafoundation.org) started by Ayaan Hirsi Ali who was forced to undergo FBM as a child and was going to be married off to a cousin until she escaped Somalia to Holland (her family was muslim). She worked her way up to being a member of Dutch parliament and has written several books on the topic in addition to campaigning against abuse suffered by muslim women. Donate to her foundation or ones like it, educate yourself further and only discuss the matter with those who seem to have more than half a brain cell.

No. 4660

(OT-ish)Although I agree with Ali (and she was the first ex-Muslim that helped validate my anti-Islamic views) is anyone else bothered by how her, like a lot of \our girls\ pander very strongly to the right until they integrate like an token minority?
I really dislike how the loss of these Feminist voices implies that these issues that they raise aren't bipartisan.

No. 4661

Whoops, meant FGM. Wanted to add that you can sometimes reach liberal white women by catering to their supposed concern about "intersectionalism" and asking where actual (ex-)muslim women's voices are in their discourse. If they're going on about how islam is valid and it's everyone's right to practice what they want you can say that's great, but then why is it so hard to leave the faith? What does it mean when someone's chosen practice infringes on women's freedoms? Why are there so many outspoken ex-muslim women such as Ali and Maryam Namazie who are now being labeled as provocative all in the spirit of wokeness? It's hard to argue that women being beaten, tortured, mutilated and relegated to slavery under religion is totally cool because everyone deserves to believe whatever they want. It's far from just extremists engaging in these things. There has to be a boundary in that sort of dialogue or else I guess everyone should just be allowed to become pedo rapist murderers (which unsurprisingly, a lot of muslim men are). Namazie and Ali both signed a manifesto during the Danish cartoon riots that has a fantastic intro btw
>After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.
Straight from the pens of those who have lived it themselves and not just decided to weigh in from the comfort of their liberal paradises where they get to spew whatever propaganda they please.

This kind of bothers me about gc and radfem discourse in general, like with Abigail Shrier (author of Irreversible Damage, which discusses the problem with transing children) being hosted on the Joe Rogan show and a lot of our beliefs having overlap with the far right. They're definitely not in line with feminist beliefs overall but sometimes they're the only groups that will entertain ideas like this and provide feminists with a broader platform. Overall I think it's probably a good thing that the message gets spread and reaches women it wouldn't have otherwise, but there's also that risk of catering a little too hard and providing concessions in the hopes of being given handouts and benefits from the more powerful community.

No. 4663

western radfems really can't let women in the global south have one moment to highlight out struggles before they try to frame themselves as being in equal position, like I remember when afghanistan fell to Taliban and I saw radfem accounts tweeting about how this could happen in the west as well and their proof was some 4chan screenshots, like anon the west will never experience the level of Islamic societies, It may something hard for you to comprehend but Islam isn't just simply misogyny for the sake of misogyny, its a comprehensive belief system that is completely secure with its self, it has no doubts about its own civilizational superiority
>After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism
while all three are bad and I'm not going to make an argument which is worse, there's a huge difference between Islamism and the ideologies, namely that Islam isn't just a political ideology, it is complete civilization guide, for Muslims the perfect society already existed
It was the thiefdom Muhammad had established, in it Muhammad was a priest king whose every decision came from God its self, for Muslims this was the perfect society and so Islam in its natural state will always revert to 7th century arabia as a model, cause Muhammad and his companions(who are the greatest and most perfect human beings, who will ever exist according to Islam) most of those men were rich slave owners and rapists who taken their slain enemies wives and daughters as their own and they are for Muslims perfect human beings in every way

No. 4669

>this could happen in the west as well and their proof was some 4chan screenshots
Wow. On one hand I do think complacency is a big problem in the west and see where it’s getting us with many states in the U.S. rolling back abortion rights for example. But to genuinely believe that things could get as bad as muslim countries is not only crazy but ridiculously dismissive of what women are actually living through. I remember listening to a podcast where a NYT reporter interviewed an 18-year-old girl who had been studying and wanted to pursue a real career in college then after the taliban takeover her family pulled her out, trapped her at home and started beating her daily to try and marry her off to a taliban member so they would be safe. Ironically because her father used to be a cop that went after them when they weren’t in power. How quickly the tides changed and none of them hesitated to sacrifice their own daughter/sister. I don’t know how anyone could point and say “see it’s just extremism” after listening to this poor girl’s pain and suffering when the people closest to her immediately started treating her like a piece of property to auction off. It’s built into the culture itself. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/13/podcasts/the-daily/afghan-girls-taliban.html https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/13/podcasts/the-daily/afghan-girls-taliban.html

No. 4683

>pander very strongly to the right
Who gives a shit? They're the only ones giving her a platform to speak on right now. Hell she was a guest on Tucker Carlson's show and it was just a solid hour of her dropping facts and truths. Nobody on the left wants to hear any of that.

No. 4686

I’ve heard quite a few self-professed radfems complain about it saying we should just get the word out there ourselves (like self-hosted podcasts) because using the right’s platform gives the impression that we support all their beliefs and would be okay with their regressive standards. I think it’s a stupid hill to die on though, there’s never going to be a perfect ally and stubbornly doing everything alone getting maybe 100 listeners who already believe what you’re saying versus thousands who may be getting introduced to the topic for the first time is invaluable.

No. 4703

Its something many ex-muslims are uncomfortable with but what choice do we have, I have spoken to lesbian ex-muslims, liberals and out communists who have had align with the rightwing simply cause every mainstream leftist party and group in the west is so hellbent of defending Islam, they think any criticism of Islam is on par with the worst forms of racism, our lives are quite literally in danger at times cause the punishment for leaving Islam is death, it is the responsibility of either the state or ghazi(Islamic warrior) to murder me, If they know I have left Islam

I mean I'd love to hear what the radfems propose as another solution, that can help people recognize our struggles and realize how fucked up the religion of the arab pedophile truly is

No. 4708

Leftists in general have one god and that god is anti racism. You will never get them to actually care about women under Islam because Islam is mostly a brown and black religion.

No. 4713

Islam is not the religion of "brown and black people" it is the religion of arabs, its a religion made by and for arabs, it should never have ever existed, let me tell you something about Islam
>your only allowed to pray in Arabic, if you pray to god almighty in your own tongue, its considered less holy and disrepsftful to god
>you pray to arab shine, the kabba existed before Islam as a meeting place for pagan arabs
>you have to dress by the standards of an arab
>you have to groom yourself by the standards of an arab
>take arab names

Islam is 100% an arab supremacist religion

No. 4745

Can confirm, I am a lesbian exmuslim and that's how I feel. The very first thing that got me disenchanted with the western left is how they put Islam and Muslims on a pedestal and completely disregard the plight of ex muslims. Their feefees are more precious to them than our lives. The right isn't that much better tho, we're pretty much politically orphaned

No. 4827

I am so fucking sick of people shilling any kind of covering for women as fine. None of them should be legal. I hate that the women that are forced to wear it are also victims of hate crimes (as if these women have no been victimised enough). I have been called a racist for pointing this out to friends. I don't know how these so called feminists can't see it for what it is: pure misogyny. Recently, my province (Québec) has passed a law that prohibits any religious symbols and garments from being worn by employees of the public function. This was met with rage by a big part of the population calling it racist towards arab. None of them cared about the many muslims and ex-muslims women that spoke in favor of the law.
I remember the first time I saw a woman wearing a burqa, my heart sank. I did not understand how this woman could still be forced to wear it while living in Canada or could not fathom that they could be brainwashed into thinking that this is ok.
I picked up the book Not Without My Daughter from my mom's library as a kid and islam as never sat right with me. Even when I shortly drank the far-left woke kool-aid, I hated it.
I worked with an arab woman for a while. She told me how she loved her life now that she was free from Islam, how she did not understand why her sister still wore the hidjab. A lot of second generation immigrants are embracing it now and I don't understand why. Havn't their mother and grandmother told them about what it truly means? I know that it saddens some of them.
There's also the honor killings that happen way too often here but at least nobody is fine with it and it always causes an uproar when it happens. Then everyone forgets about it and stop caring about the victims or any future victims.
I hate this world. I wish all these women could have a real life, could be liberated, could choose what they want to be, could be themselves.

No. 5833

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I've spent the last 20 years of my life in hijab and modest clothing and I feel like I've wasted my youth. Rarely had friends, never had a boyfriend, and I still live with family. I've been daydreaming about the life I could have lived had I never worn the hijab.

It's hot as hell in my city and I can't do much about it. God, I wish I was normal.

No. 5834

Same as you, do you have any plans to escape from your muslim family/community

No. 5835

I've tried and failed to go back to school. It's so hard to get a higher paying job.

I refuse to join the military or get into sex work.

No. 5842

No one has advocated you do that, like what's your current situation

No. 5855

Part time work at retail, close to paying off credit card debts. Flunked out of school at age 25. Still live with family, no friends, borderline NEET life

looking to gain a remote work tech job

No. 6146

Have you nonnies seen the infighting happening in the Euro thread on /ot/? Basically repulsive handmaidens defending islam and their atrocious culture by yelling that anyone who criticizes it is a racist.

I'm going insane with these retards, even on a relatively homogeneous radfem space like lolcow you find muslim handmaidens. The fact that they're in Europe (so clearly their parents or grandparents flew their shithole in hope for a better life) but won't escape their culture and only bring it with them to European countries is a disaster. They will only ruin our countries more. I hate them with a burning passion.

No. 6150

I think it’s the influx of gen z kids. I think they’re in the prime demographic to be groomed into thinking it’s racist to criticize Muslims like the millennials on tumblr. It’s fucking annoying. My favorite is when they cap for oppression but then argue female Muslims should be forced to disrobe in front of a tranny for added sexism.

No. 6155

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I was wondering if you anons could answer me some questions.
>What should you (and others) expect from dating a moid with an extremely muslim family (down to them thinking anime promotes violence and shit, etc)?
>What you generally should expect when someone in your family is dating a coomer from Saudi Arabia "that doesnt believe in God" but has extremely religious family?
I will mention the biggest red flag first:
>He convinced her to leave her first ever job because of him. She lasted only 2 months. For 2 years now all she does is sits in moms basement playing vidyas at 2i.
>He also distanced his gf from her friends and family. To a point where he would start rage spamming everytime she goes afk for like, 3 minutes or something (saw myself), he also talked shit about her friends.
>He is also Jordan Peterson biggest fan and has daddy issues, proudly screams how he is a sociopath
>They both lie whenever they are travelling to meet. The first and only reason he met her first was to have sex, kept talking about sex on Discord server after that.

This woman is not perfect but i am genuinely worried about whatever the fuck is happening. No one deserves to date an abusive person, especially if its a man.

No. 6174

Have you seen the story of the women fed abortion pills by her Muslim boyfriend and pharmacy tech sister. That was my first thought. Not trying to Racebait but very strict traditional Muslim families and communities should probably be avoided especially if you’re an “outsider”.

No. 6385

9:45 of this video to see the vid that got these girls tortured and killed.

No. 6386

I hope those girls are at Rest In Peace. Wish I had billions so I could relocate every woman in shithole places and leave the scrotes to rot alone in their shitty forgotten village

No. 6447

what did they even do wrong in the video since starting at 9:45 doesn't provide much context in that regard

No. 6566

Women in Iran are protesting the forced hijab law currently. These women are being attacked and some have even been killed for trying to live freely and you have idiots in the west too afraid of “islamaphobia” to support them because they think women who “choose” the hijab should be supported too. This fucking choice feminism has completely destroyed solidarity with other women cross culturally. It’s fucking insane

No. 6569

nothing's gonna come from this sadly, women and men will be beaten and thrown in jail and that will be that, same thing happened in my country during the 80's and same thing happens in Iran every decade or so, around 31 people have died including a 12 year old boy, this is what happens to every generation who live in an oppressive country, they get beaten into compliance and become scared and loyal citizens for the rest of their lives

No. 6628

they were singing and "allowed" themselves to be filmed

No. 7435

I fucking hate islam and muslim men. I hate how you can't point out how gross that religion is. I fucking hate those YouTube shorts with the couple and the girl on full niqab and she talks about how empowering it is to not be able to gave friends and not being able to sit next to male family members because they are marriage candidates! How empowering it is not to date! Just marry! I fucking hate how milenar arabic/persian culture is forgotten behind this backwards religion. I had some friends from lebanese diaspora growing up, but they were all christian. My heart goes out to all nonnies stuck in islam, and I hope one day you all can escape safely this mysoginistic cult.

No. 7436

Islam is a moid cult of sexual entitlement and violence.

No. 7444

And Muslim women are fed their hypocritical lies that westerners are 'dirty' because they hold hands and date before marriage and are therefore unclean. While at the same time their husbands go out at night and fuck prostitutes, other men, and participate in bacha bazi (young boys groomed into wearing dresses and dancing, and then being raped by the men). It's all so fucking creepy and barbaric

No. 7526

Most Muslim women do hold hands and kiss before marriage, lmao. Even my hijabi friends date.
You could talk about how Muslim women are being killed for not wearing hijabs but instead you choose to bring up how being promiscuous isn't allowed as if that's the kind of thing any woman who's in danger cares about.

No. 7746

Oh my God shut up. Muslims stone women to death for being "whores."

No. 7841

So I'm telling you muslim women have bigger issues and you're still only caring about how Muslim women can't sleep around? Kek. Do you think a woman would care more about the not being able to get a good education and go outside on her own or sleep with men?

No. 7842

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Cp front page

No. 7872

What the fuck are you yapping about? The nona here >>7444 talks about how the Muslim community has such dogshit sexual double standards that many are kissless virgins that are indoctrinated into thinking that even the mildest premarital contact is for whores who marry men that are ran through at best and have participated in immoral sexual degeneracy at worst. How did you take that post and turn it into "omg isn't it sad that Muslim women cannot be promiscuous." Please spare us the anecdotes as well. Obviously, the experiences of Muslim women varies as some are Muslim in name only and can do whatever they want versus full on niqabis that are barely allowed to leave their house. But to act like Muslim families overall don't try to keep their daughters experiences with possible suitors as limited as possible is dishonest lmfao.

I love how you bring up "hijabs" as if the forced modesty that women go through, whether it be forced veiling or going as far as restricting their participation in public life because they don't want their daughters to become "whores." Dumb ass

No. 7890

This religion makes me want to painfully murder all moids.

No. 7947

You don’t need to “sleep around like a whore” to get stoned to death. Being a girl and attending elementary school is enough. This is your fucking problem braindead retard, you think you’re enlightened beyond the restraints of Islam and your response to brutal gang murder and rape is “le KEK, then don’t be a HOE sis XD”

No. 7981

She has to blame the women or her false confidence might crack and she’ll realize that a man looking at her wrong could get her stoned.

No. 8744

I don't get why handmaidens get so scared of being called "Islamophobic" online.
That word holds such power to them that when one of them screamed at me "ISLAMOPHOBIC" I straight up replied "Why aren't you…? The fuck?"

No. 9245

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Desi Muslim moment

No. 9335

Muslim pajeets are hands down the most disgusting men I’ve ever encountered, with their misogyny and pedophilia.

No. 9514

Think the porn part is bs since much of the poor countries don’t get internet
Think pornhub said even Uk views more porn then india

No. 9515

Oddly enough mostly men died in those hijab protests but why? Don’t the laws benefit the men there

No. 9522

Let me explain as someone who lives in an oppressive country, the majority of the population can't be bothered to protest and risk their own lives over any social injustice(as truly awful as it maybe)
Be it an ethnic majority is being oppressed, or lack of freedom in expression and even sterilization and ethnic cleansing

As long as the state functions and provides for the majority people will bare and live with it, but when the state starts failing and the inconveniences are too much, well that's when the majority starts rebelling and whatever appeals to the masses will end up replacing the old order

Even the Islamic revolution was spurred by the economic failures of the Shah and how miserable average Iranians were suffering

No. 9543

Kind of ignorant question but I’m wondering what Islam-born anons prefer for non-Islam-born women to do when trying to help? I’ve been donating to Afghanistan female refugee initiatives and charities and the most I do irl is not defend Islam when talking to other [liberal] burgerfags. Is there anything else you would suggest doing? I was thinking of donating to more charities that help women try to escape from their Islamic countries (like Saudi Arabia) or just get away from a murderous family in general (since I’ve seen honor killings in the US, UK, etc).

No. 9546

>but why
1. it's far from their only grievance. just look at the country they live in. and you have an incorrect, simplistic view of things. most of them disagree with how women are treated. also note that many religious and conservative people don't like the state dictating what women in their family are allowed to do. but these young men instead have progressive views. you will find iranians aren't that religious.

2. it's men who riot, kill or beat up the authorities. young men willing to fight are punished most harshly because they are the only threat to the regime so they must be squashed before they become organised and armed and backed by foreigners. everyone else is easy to break and make them go back to complying. when it comes to protests actually doing anything, it is usually when they have a core of ideologically motivated violent young men making it happen. ukrainian neonazi nationalists are a big reason for the regime change in ukraine in 2014. the protests would be nothing without them. note these same people murdered opposing journalists and civilians. these are people who won't disperse just because of some punishment. so you need to kill some right away.

see this from 2014, state media of a western country admitting but trying to downplay such people's extremism (because they liked what happened).

No. 9568

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I think many people(even the one's who are cautious about Islam) greatly underestimate Islamists, they are politically savvy and know how to put on a good face to appease western liberals while furthering their own aims, some people are aware the Muslim Brotherhood but there are many other groups such as Jamaat-e-Islami the imrcusa and others whose main goal is spreading a pro-Islamist message and making life easer for all Muslims, they have more then enough money thanks do donations but most importantly they have the approval of western liberals which allows them to further their aims, cause they know how they present themselves, The Afghan Islamist is a bearded illiterate mountain peasant but the Islamists from these groups are often highly educated and can be doctors or engineers and their daughters will be going to universities as well, for western liberals it might seem too good to be true and that these people could help spread a more "tolerant" image of Muslims, but what they don't understand is that those Islamists fundamentally despise them and want nothing more then to spread Islam and make it the dominant religion in every space and in Islam you are allowed to lie and deceive people as long as its for the sake of Islam of spreading/protecting Islam

a great example would be the guy who who threw two shoes at Bush, in his western interviews he talks about being anti imperialism and knows how to keep his mouth shit, and people agree with him, and then he'll tweet in Arabic about how "beating your wife is completely justified cause Muhammad said so", etc…

No. 9574

As a non-muslim, I ask why do so many muslims seem to averse to reforming Islam? Especially since most of the discomfort people have for it is the misogyny & anti-homosexuality of it. Christians reformed their religion, you can find many Churchs with LGBT flags on it (ignoring the pro-trans trend going on.) but you'll never see a LGBT flag in a mosque etc. Of course liberal muslims exist but they are greatly outnumbered.

>make it the dominant religion in every space
seems like their plans are working bcs with the way things are going islam will replace Christianity as the dominant/main religion since the women give birth to so many kids.

No. 9588

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It will still take many generations for that happen in Europe but it might happen if neo-liberalism continues to be the dominant political system in Europe
>muslims seem to averse to reforming Islam?
simple, the Quran says your not allowed to change any aspect of Islam and how deviate from how Muhammad practiced the faith
Some would say the Quran has moral problems, others will say it has scientific errors, but theologically it is very consistent. If you read it cover to cover, you'll know exactly what it's trying to get you to believe: there is one God and you need to believe in Him and the his Messenger who was the greatest human being who will ever exist
The same cannot be said of the bible. The bible has at least several authors, ultimately with very different views, there's very secular, existentialist stuff; there's poetry; there's boring/disturbing sacrificial law plus calls to realize that actual mercy is more important than boring/disturbing sacrificial law. So ultimately, there's a lot of freedom to decide what you think.
the biggest fundamental difference between Islam and other religions is that Muhammad ruled a state for 10 years with limitless authority, for Muslims that state was the perfect utopia deemed by God, thus is would be the responsibility of any believing Muslim to make their state like that

No. 9621

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They do this to people who are simply the wrong sect of Muslims

No. 9752

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Another moment of Muslim moids justifying death in the name of the holy pedophile

No. 9753

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Someone, please find the women for me, I found one woman so far. (Picture was taken at an anti-quran burning demonstration, because one Swede hurt their feelings.)

No. 9760

I don't want to seem like I'm defending these moids, but women do also participate in these events as well, just not as violent or have their own self segregated protest spaces
like this is a woman's protest calling for the beheading of the cartoonist who drew Muhammad

No. 9761

one swede? more context please because this is German?

No. 9762

You mean one Danish man right, Rasmus Paludan? He is the one going around different places burning qurans.

No. 9766

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forget picrel
again from the perspective of a believing Muslim this is a proper response, the Quran is not just a Holy text, for Muslims it is the undisputed word of God
it is written in the language of Heaven its self, so to burn it or harm it you are insulting and waging war on God

No. 9767

Thank you for the info, didn't know that, the muslim women I've met so far in my country would fit your description.

Sry, sleep deprived, meant that guy.

No. 10011

So progressive

No. 10029

i watched this tiktok of this woman explaining why she started wearing niqab and wow. men are wicked, they really have such a strong hold over these poor young women. she said that she struggled with "tabarruj" and she recommended to search it up if we don't know and when i searched it up it said: "a woman's style of dress or attitude that is excessive in order to attract the attention of others when she comes out of her house, deliberately showing the beauty of her face and body and waving her way so that she can see the jewelry in front of other people." She also listened to a recording of a man talking about the grave sin tabarruj is, he said that they will never see paradise & they will instead go to hell-fire. She said it sent shivers down her spine, so she started wearing the niqab as a way to stop herself from 'beautifying herself.' She also said even when she was wearing her jilbab, she was still getting disgusting & lustful stares which made her very uncomfortable, so after wearing the niqab she felt a lot more secure & safe & she doesn't get those stares anymore. It just makes me think that men are just so wicked, they know their nature, they know how they are and instead of changing they invent all these ways to encourage women to go through hoops just feel like a human first & not an object. They're all raging homophobes & misogynists but I can't help but pity these women

No. 10031

its literally stated in the Quran that women will outnumber men 4x times in Hell, and you know the reason given why women will make up majority of Hell in Islam, Gossiping and not being able to pray during menstruation so we get less virtue compared to men

No. 10245

Men have been coping since the dawn of time that their lack of control and animalistic hedonism is somehow everyone else's fault. Depressing.

No. 10393


ur right about gossip but this is a made up lie about not praying during menstruation that make them lose their value, it's literally forbidden to pray while periods, but it's not a reason to b in hell kek

No. 10844

Sage because only dutchfags will be able to understand it but I just watched the documentary 'Onze man bij de Taliban' and it actually made me tear up. These women have to go through hell just to get basic education, a man made his daughter dress like a boy and called her Mohammed because he was so disappointed with only having girls and so many other things. Just infinitely fucked up. If you're a dutchfag it's right here: https://www.npostart.nl/onze-man-bij-de-taliban/VPWON_1339722/episode

No. 10918

>It was narrated that Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
>“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went out to the musalla (prayer place) on the day of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. He passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.’ They asked, ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religious commitment than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is deficient in our intelligence and religious commitment?’ He said, ‘Is not the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Is it not true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her religious commitment.’”

No. 11003

I hate Islam so much. I'm glad I was born and raised in Western Europe but there's a shit ton of muslims in the city where I live and I have to pretend I'm one in case I'll see some family members downtown or at the mall by accident or if it turns out that some people I meet know my relatives, which happens a lot. My family is moderate overall but that means having a boyfriend is something I should hide and since hiding it can be hard I never got one, and I can't eat pork or drink alcohol. What worries me is that my braindead yougest sister seems to have been brainwashed by tiktok videos about Islam and gets offended over nothing at all, like when I tell her that there aren't a lot of good halal restaurants around so it's a pain to invite her anywhere. She tells me I'm mentally ill for being a non believer and seems to believe it instead of just trying to upset me, which doesn't work because why the fuck should I be upset by a shitty brat whosd diapers I changed when she was born until she was potty trained. Now my mother is trying to be "more serious" about it as well and prays everyday since a few months ago and it's creeping me out. And ramadan will start in a few weeks and I know my muslim coworkers will shit talk me behind my back for not fasting, I'm not looking forward to it.

No. 11430

I work very closely with a muslim family and I usually get along with them fine, but recently while I was there I found a booklet about the rules of islam intended for young children. I decided to read some of it and it was appalling, it was all about how in order to serve allah women should know their inferiority, always be subservient to men and how the hymen is there to make sure a woman is pure and unsullied. Meanwhile men should just get more wives if their needs aren't being met. Nonbelievers will end up in hell and it's important to never question allah and do what he says because he is always right and questioning shows that you aren't blindly faithful in him as you should be.

All of this was obviously meant for very young children, it was worded in an extremely simple way with a large font and had cartoon drawings of muslim preschoolers alongside every couple sentences. It truly shocked me because the mother of this family grew up in our western country, has a steady career and is highly educated. She knows the difference in how women are treated in islam vs western society. She has firsthand experience with being subjugated, especially as she is a divorced single mother which her family openly scrutinizes her for, despite knowing the ex-husband heavily abused her. And yet she teaches her son from books like this apparently without seeing anything wrong with these messages.
I just don't understand it, but from the few times it came up in conversation it seems that she's fully devoted to the muslim line of thought.

No. 11491

That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. A bunch of people from Muslim families who were born and raised in the West are compensating for their "lost" identity by focusing as hard as possible on islam. It's beyond pathetic. By the way I heard recently about how there are supposedly books written from Muslim women to teach them sex ed once they're married, I was going to laugh my ass off when I saw that. Some Muslim young woman talked about it in a book when questioned about her love life, she admitted with great shame that she had sex out of wedlock when she lost her virginity and her family will make her life a living hell if they knew b-but Islam is tolerant because these books that teach masturbation to unmarried Muslim women and straight sex to married women exist and are readily available in her mosque! Fucking lol.

No. 11768


No. 11815

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Why more don't become leave Islam(spoilers its cause of the death penalty)

No. 11846

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No. 11851

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>14 year old autistic British boy brings a copy of the Koran to school on a dare
>One of his friends accidentally drops it, damaging it slightly
>Kid gets suspended from school
>Cops investigate it as a 'hate incident'
>Kid gets death threats, has to go into hiding
>His mother is forced to apologize and beg for forgiveness in front of a group of men at a local mosque while wearing a hijab

How on Earth is that happening in a western country?

No. 11871

Wait a second, Why is the mom the one that has to apologize? Why not the dad? Like, wouldn’t that make more sense since Muslim moids are misogynistic as fuck? Like, according to their logic, they just don’t give a fuck about the woman’s opinions or ideas, they should’ve told that they would only listen to the sperm donor instead, he should be the one putting his forehead on the floor.

No. 11873

whenever a kid does something bad, it's a reflection of the mother's parenting while the father gets praised for their child's accomplishments ime

No. 11919

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guess her location

No. 11920

from her POV her logic is sound, Muslim families are usually connected, if a man dies then the connected family(who are already related) will look after a widowed woman(though she'll never be allowed to leave the house again)

I have said it before and I'll say it again, Islam on a civilizational, state-based and household basis functions, that's why its so dangerous

No. 11929

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I hate libfems so much sometimes

No. 11942

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Yes I’m an islamophobe. What are you going to do about it

No. 11943

She's right though. Most islamaphobes and antisemitics don't hate the religion but rather the race of people who believe those. That's why for example the jew haters are usually also racist retards who bleach their hair into the weirdest yellow and pretend they're "aryan".

No. 11946

Who told you widowed women in Islam aren’t allowed leave the house ever again lmao ????????
It’s only 40 days after her husband dies to make sure she isn’t pregnant and to grieve as she sees fit.
After those 40 days she’s allowed to go wherever she wants.

No. 11948

TIL that Nigerians, Bosnians and Kazakhs are the same race

No. 11949

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>Who told you widowed women in Islam aren’t allowed leave the house ever again lmao ????????
that's the case for most Muslim families though, while on paper she is technically allowed to re-marry Islam's tribal inclinations will force her to dependent on her family

Plus Islam has a very very retarded rule that makes re-marrying harder, its that adopted Children can never ever be the children of their adopted parents and calling someone mother or father if their not actually your mother or father is a grave sin and so adopted children can't even be given the same legal or inheritance rights, the reason for this rule is cause Muhammed wanted to marry his own slained adopted son's wife, which people protested as it was considered incest to marry your son's wife, so he changed that rule and said God ordered him to

No. 11951

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>only 40 days
as they say the bar is in hell

No. 11958

>>Cops investigate it as a 'hate incident'
Don't they have murderers and rapists to arrest instead of doing this shit? What's up with UK muslims, are they extra retarded because they're from like Pakistan or Somalia? I can never imagine this happening in France because here, without even taking into account our secular laws and the fact that blasphemy isn't illegal, muslims will just act like "karens" at worse. Although we did have that poor teacher getting beheaded but it started with the students and parents acting like whiny little bitches first which wasn't taken seriously.

No. 11959

>It’s only 40 days after her husband dies to make sure she isn’t pregnant
>to make sure she isn’t pregnant
lmao how the fuck am I supposed to take that shit seriously? Muslim men are such deranged coomers that they're worried their wives will find someone else after they died. Aren't they preparing their lives so they can get a harem of virgins as soon as they die anyway?

>its that adopted Children can never ever be the children of their adopted parents and calling someone mother or father
This shit put my cousin in some real deep shit until very recently. My aunt adopted her from our country of origin when my cousin was a baby and her bio mom dumped her to an orphanage because she had her out of wedlock or some shit, and my aunt was too stupid to notice that she was only treated as a foster parent and not as an adoptive parent by the Algerian government, which means my cousin only got her French citizenship a few weeks ago.

No. 11985

It's like a cult how much emphasis they put on this pointless ritual

No. 11987

The UK doesn’t have blasphemy laws either as far as I know, they just let Muslims walk over them

No. 11989

"Women are treated as Queens"
This can literally be disproven by watching the news in most Muslim majority countries. UK (I'm gonna guess this bitch is from the UK because the most retarded Muzzie takes always come from there) Muslim women always post this type of retarded shit and it truly makes you wonder why they don't go back to their "Islamic societies." Oh wait, it is because even they know deep down they would have to give up most of their freedoms that they grew up with.

Idk about Somalia, but from my knowledge the Pakistanis in the UK came from a ass-backwards part of Pakistan + they got to form their ethnic enclaves which caused them to double down on their retarded cultural practices and not properly assimilate. I'm a Burger of Pakistani descent, and while I wouldn't say Pakistanis here are enlightened intellectuals, there are less horrific incidents here with Pakistanis (i.e. no grooming gangs and all that nonsense). Plus, a lot of the Pakistani diaspora in the US come from the educated professional stock. Idk fam, France did have a lot of terror attacks from these Muzzie men going wild, but there really is something wrong with UK Muslims.

No. 12001

The ones in France tends to already start as petty criminals and become brainwashed in prison. They're not what I'd call the average muslim, I'd even say they hate the average French muslim for not being as brainswashed as them, and they don't spare anyone in terror attacks. This actually reminds me of the 90s in Algeria and how islamists would murder random passerbys and educated people for not being muslim enough. In a muslim country. But I don't have all the details, just some stuff I've been told by my grandma who didn't live in Algeria at the time and only went to her small village there a few times because of how dangerous that was. Anyway, the average muslim here either comes from Maghreb or from Muslim majority sub saharian countries and have been here for a few generations now so they're not as attached to the religion as you'd expect, especially because some of these countries are way more open minded than the middle east for example. Although from my generation I keep seeing more and more 20s and 30s something people being way more into the religion than their own parents so I hear stories of women my age bragging about choosing to wear the hijab and praying against their parents' wish. It's super strange and I thought it only happened to people having their midlife crisis (these people are equally annoying, avoid them like the plague if you see them) but I don't feel like that's the majority. And now the more recent terror attacks in France I've heard about were by white French far right activists and were usually stopped before they happened, I think after 2015 the French authorities stopped fooling around.

No. 12002

I don't wanna seem like I'm defending Islam or whitewashing these actions, but this can be partially be blamed on the Americans
Islamists existed everywhere but in the 20th century they didn't know how to organize themselves and most importantly didn't know how to fight, the Americans however were paranoid of "communism" and helped train and facilitate these monsters

Almost every active Islamist group from the Maghreb to South East Asia can be traced to the Soviet Afghan war, where thousands of young man went off to fight the Soviets and were trained in gruella warfare, they came back to their home countries as heroes and helped train young Islamists in how to fight actually fight a state, plus creating essentially a global network of linked Islamists

No. 12005

No, I know all that now, but it's been so long that I consider this an indirect cause.

No. 12010

you can look it up yourself, Egypt, Afghanistan and Syria with their sub-par militaries managed to put down Islamist revolts with not much effort because the Islamist were disconnected and didn't know how to fight in guerilla warfare
If it were not for the United Stated then Islamists would never be a threat to any state or region

No. 12037

what happened? I mean, how do you go from Ottoman Empire to needing your hand held by Uncle Sam? Serious question.

No. 12041

its not complicated, my father explained it like this, most Muslim states relied on slave armies, who would ended up becoming local warrior elites, so most of the Muslim world didn't develop proper militaries like the west

This is still engrained in their cultures, my father has worked with arab milarites and he told me that they are in an awful state in everything, structure, leadership, troop morale and quality of soldiers, its how a small band of rebels could overwhelm the Syrian and Iraqi armies and take large swarths of land
now I want to state again this would not have been an issue if America didn't teach their predecessors how to fight

No. 12330

>most Muslim states relied on slave armies, who would ended up becoming local warrior elites, so most of the Muslim world didn't develop proper militaries like the west
Watching former slave-owning societies get their just karma brings a smile on my face.

No. 12679

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by chance I came across the story of Aurora Nilsson, a Swedish woman who married an Afghan diplomat nearly 100 years ago and its depressing that story is more or less the same as cases nowadays
her husband(Asim Khan) gave a progressive and western appearance to the general public and even towards her for a time period, but as soon as he got her to his home country he started beating and abusing her, he forced her to wear a birqa and forcefully convert to Islam, she was forbidden from doing anything and placed in a harem with his other wives, the moid literally sold her to slavery at one but this ended up saving her, as the the German embassy were the one's who "bought" her and commissioned her to sent back to Sweden. its fucked up but again from an Islamic perspective the man didn't do anything wrong, you are allowed to deceive others in the name of Islam and "taking" a kafir woman is a form of Jihad


No. 12680

I will never understand why nonmuslim women marry abusive muslim men who abuse muslim women and then get shocked when the man abuses them as well. I've heard so many foreign women boast about how they're superior to me and that's why they can get muslim men to love them while they'd only abuse me, every time that happens, the foreign woman in question gets fucked over much worse and then makes herself out to be the victim as if she didn't start the relationship knowing full well the muslim man had a wife in the first place. At this rate I don't feel bad for them because whenever I try to warn them, they tell me I'm jealous and that it'll be different for them.

No. 12681

Muslim moids are playing the long game, they groom non-muslim girls here in Pakistan as well, its a form of holy jihad for them

No. 12686

Pakichan you're retarded and no matter how much you hate on your own people, you'll never be loved by that neonazi murderer varg. A marriage between two people of different religions isn't jihad, jihad is literally killing nonmuslims.

No. 12687

Are you a moron ? do you know what Jihad means? Cause it literally means to struggle
In historical Islamic context, Jihad was considered any action that furthered the will and laws of Allah, this included warfare but also non-violent proselytizing, but also slave raiding

Rewarding marriage, Mohammad the greatest human being who ever lived had non-Muslim wives that he took(one whose husband he had murdered and the other a slave that was given to him) and this is presented a good thing

No. 12688

Don’t worry most nonmuslim women feel repulsed by muslim moids, it’s just a one in million retarded one that isn’t

No. 12713

And they should be. I'm in a Muslim country and I see how they treat non-muslim women, muslim men should be avoided at all costs.
Varg or any of the neonazis you said you wanted to be a "stay at home slave" to would kill you just like how Mohammed killed that woman's husband. Didn't one of the neonazis you simp for also murder a man? But that doesn't matter now, does it?

No. 12719

Yeah, they’re afraid of muzzie males for the same reason a rabbit is afraid of a fox.

No. 12722

I'm a Muslim woman who has dated both Muslim, Atheist and Christian men. The most feminine, weak and childish ones were Muslim men who wanted me to be a mommy to them whilst most women either want a protective man or at least an equal partner. It's also worth noting that a lot of muslim men feel attraction to trannies and men, the bisexuality rates are terrifyingly high.
I'm not saying other men were great, I'm just saying muslim men are too feminine for my taste personally.
That's why a lot of women regardless of religion and race don't go for muslim men unless they're super rich, muslim men are too feminine and clingy. What they lack in masculinity, they try to make up with abuse towards women. Only a man who's too weak to fight with men lifts his hand to hit a woman.

No. 12723

please don't attribute negative male traits as being "feminine" but you are correct that many men from Muslim groups(chiefly South Asian and Arab men) are less capable of taking care of themselves, its an entire culture of entitled mama's boys
one big thing I notice this thing with south asian and arab men, is where individually they are very awkward, when they are with their friends they act like super macho and patronizing.

also I'd argue that pseudo bisexuality as also an end result of extreme misogyny, pedophiles are often extreme misogynists

No. 12732

Muslim men I know are attracted to men which is a feminine trait. They cry more often which is also a feminine trait. They expect their spouse to take care of them which again, feminine trait. They get plastic surgery and wax their brows and bodies which again are feminine.
Bisexuality is caused by both them being super misogynistic and gay men being forced to marry and pass on gay genes for decades.

No. 12754

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My three sisters are now fasting for ramadan at the same time. I'm doomed. I'm completely sure it's by choice because we're in a country where Islam as a shitty reputation and it's not like their friends suggested they do it the previous years. I'm almost glad my health has always been bad because that way they won't try to convince me to fast. And I also told them and our parents several times that I don't give a shit about Islam or even religions in general but they find this upsetting and think it makes me an equivalent of a race traitor. Thank god I have no Muslim friends or acquaintances outside of work, at least I don't have to worry too much when I secretly eat pork in restaurants.

No. 12756

ah yes the good old boomer comparison of comparing women to weak animals and men to hunters.
Andrew tate and other manosphere men also make the same comparisons, nice to know you spew the same garbage, paki-chan.

No. 12758

I was thinking it was a butthurt muslim man, if pakichan is retarded enough to think women are preys for men, she's a lost cause. Then again only she'd be delusional enough to think Non-muslim women are chasing muslim men on the daily, kek.

No. 12760

I've seen retards on this board saying het women are victims because they "have to date their natural predator". lel.

No. 12774

that's not me, I even called her out at >>12723

No. 12791

1. I'm not pakichan
2. it was a pretty realistic comparison to make when muzzie men regularly kill and mutilate women.

No. 12800

You replied to me retard, I wasn't the one who made the prey remark. Your brain really is rotten.
No one is scared of you or any other muslim men, faggot. Go to any foreign country as a Muslim man and try to actually hurt a woman, you'll literally be caught before you can do anything, thrown to jail and get assraped, you'd probably enjoy it though like the faggot you are. Like do you seriously think the average skinny barely 170cm weak mutilated dick possessing muslim man whose most evolved weapon is a rock is going to scare anybody? Please! An average obese American woman could probably choke that type of muslim dude to death with one hand. No one gets scared of you, perhaps they'd get scared of your deformed face and mutilated penis but that's it.

No. 12802

I am literally on your side idk why you’re reacting this way. But I appreciate the interest I guess?

No. 12803

what are you on about, I'm 2-3 inches taller then half the men in my country and I'm still afraid of them, just because a moid is short doesn't mean he isn't a threat.

like a couple months ago 2 barely five feet tall men started stalking me while I was at the vegetable market, what do you think I should have done? tell them "you don't scare me cause your manlets" no I ran to my car and left and didn't appear in that market for weeks

No. 12811

I'm someone who lives in a Muslim country and although I've been followed by creeps quite a few times and stuff, I've never been scared. I'm sorry but you really need to stop fear-mongering. I'm not sure if you really were stalked or of you're one of the mentally ill anons who believe in gangstalking and assume anyone going in the same direction is planning to abduct you but either way, the chances of a man possibly being able to harm you in a market is very low. Stop acting like we're helpless preys.

No. 12822

>Go to any foreign country as a Muslim man and try to actually hurt a woman, you'll literally be caught before you can do anything, thrown to jail and get assraped
Man, I wish. I guess it only applies if you're a white woman in a white majority country because I live in Europe, I'm perceived as muslim by everyone there and nobody would give a fuck if some unknown brown guy was following me, beating me or raping me, including the police. I once called the police as a teenager because my physically violent father was threatening to stab my little sister over a chocolate bar, the police took more than an hour to arrive, talked to our parents first for like 30min and felt bad for them, came to see my sister and I, called us spoiled brats because being severely abused by our parents is just part of "our" culture as muslims and we should be grateful because some kids have it even worse then they just left us to our own device. They'd give even less of a fuck if it was some random guy doing the same shit to us and passerbys in the street or in public transport tend to assume that if some random brown, possibly muslim woman is with a brown guy they most likely know each other even if the guy is blatantly harrassing and stalking the woman so if something happens to us we can't count on others to help us at all.

No. 12847

Kind of retarded to blame one religion in particular, when typically moids just hate women to begin with and find whatever they can to justify it. All Abrahamic holy books say appalling things about women. Islam just happens to be the justification that's currently in vogue. Religions are obviously one of the social institutions most commonly weaponized against women, but cultural traditions, myths about child-rearing, legal precedent, and evopsy nonsense have all been used by misogynists at some point or another.

Islam is also younger than the other Abrahamic religions. Christianity's fanaticism phase was several hundred years ago, and now Islam is going through that phase. Before long Islam will be the new Catholicism, where practitioners haven't read the Quran and only go to services on major holidays. American Muslims already treat it that way, particularly liberal ones.

Not trying to make excuses for the moids who use this religion as a justification for violent misogyny; I'm just pointing out that the problem runs way deeper.

No. 12848

This. Islamic extremism wouldn't be nearly as empowered or widespread were it not for the weapons and training given to them by the retarded U.S., which wanted to see communist leaders overthrown by literally anyone else, including dictators. When it comes to foreign policy, the U.S. will take a totalitarian fascist dictator who cuts them a deal on oil over a democratically elected leader any day.

No. 12853

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she was so real for this

No. 12859

She's right but she got insulted so much for this.

No. 12865

As a middle eastern woman I literally agree so hard. Why the fuck are men cleaving a country that kills women and girls? Kek.

No. 12871

i wish more western radfems got this. yes islam and religion plays a role in misogyny, but this shit is not new or exclusive to islam.

No. 12890

“It must be so hard being entitled to 4 rape-slaves! We should let you into our country BEFORE said rape-slaves!” Average male muzzie acceptor

No. 12996

It really does seem deeply concerning that women, girls, and infant refugees aren't given absolute priority over the males. Women and girls, as well as some young boys if the previous two are not available, are literally always the main victims of horrific violence in literally any genocide, warzone, or extremist group. Female refugees are generally pretty peaceful people who can integrate into society well, whereas the males will just assault children and their fellow refugees.

No. 13156


No. 13161

No, but close enough.

No. 13183

Poland? Czech Republic?

No. 13189

No, France. Most Muslims are North Africans or Sub Saharian Africans from former French colonies here, many have been in France for several generations since before decolonisation. The police is full of far right racists so when they dismiss us it's not in a "poor minorities, we need to respect their cultures even if they're terrible for women and children" way, but more in a regular racist way. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place most of the time.

No. 13192

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I unironically hate libfem Muslims 100x more then regular Islamist Muslim women, cause they aren't being hypocrites, their simply following their creed that they believe in but libfem Muslim will deny what's right in front of them and create their own truth.

No. 13217

>and now Islam is going through that phase.
Uh anon, you might want to take a look at history before making this statement. Islam isn't suddenly going through this phase, rather unlike the other Abrahamic religions has not come out of it since it's inception.

No. 13398

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This is the issue of racism in Islam right, the fact is cultural wise Muhammad and his companions were a bunch of 7th century Arabs who practiced slavery, of course they would have retarded Ideas about race, along with society in general.

No. 13437

In Poland or Czech Republic the police wouldn’t be making excuses for child abusing Muslims because of 'culture'

No. 14642

I really don't get this video, why was there such an empahsis on western women horses.

No. 16044

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No. 16059

why was the library burned in france?

No. 16071

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No. 16072

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No. 16073

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No. 16074

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No. 16075

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No. 16118

saged4blogpost but nothing made me more islamophobic than meeting a Sudanese Muslim 'refugee' scrote while volunteering in Finland.
>claims to be a devout Muslim
>drinks alcohol excessively even though he can't handle it, starts groping women AND men while drunk
>homophobe, says he wants to beat up fags
>porn addict, says the first thing he does every morning is watch porn on his phone
>claims to have had 100 one night stands in Sudan and Finland
>creepy as fuck towards women, makes unwanted advances
>never had even one stable relationship
>plans to have 4 wives and 12 children, very sad that Finland doesn't let Muslims marry multiple wives
>so he plans to have 1 official wife and 4 'girlfriends' while being islamically married to all of them
>doesn't have any useful skills to support the wives
No individual made me feel such rage ever before. If I said what I think of him I'd be banned for a-logging kek
I feel for Muslim women who have to put up with these garbage moids.

No. 16141

Yeah not surprising, they rival Indian Muslims in their massive inferiority complex and rates of porn addiction.

No. 16201

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The World is healing.

No. 16239

Regular people are waking up and have had enough of parasitic muslim scrotes in the west.

No. 16599

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No. 16600

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No. 16601

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No. 16895

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Absolutely sick and inhuman.

No. 16911

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Muslim scrotes just attacked the Swedish embassy in Iraq because an Iraqi man threatened to burn the quran in Sweden. The moids are just the worst level of dumb and violent. Fuck people, a book is more important than lives to them.
I also hate how these moids are happy to live in Sweden and wear modern clothes and harass us native women while their completely covered wives and prepubescent but still covered daughters walk behind them. They won't even let their girls be kids.

No. 16912

Also I'm glad that a thread like this is allowed here. Everyone keeps pretending that having issues with islam is racist. No it's not about race it's a fucking religion and an opressive shit patriarchal way of life that should be extinct. Free women everywhere!

No. 17091

Ok, let's switch places then. You live in a dictatorship theocracy cult while I get human rights. Deal?

No. 17760

>Sinéad O'Connor died and everybody is preaching her for tearing
Pope John Paul II in TV due the church's abuse in North Ireland.
>Everybody seems to ignore that she converted herself to Islam where there are the same abuses against women and children but no one seems to say that.

Hypocrites. All of them.

No. 17798

There has been some discussion on this here in Finland too, and it's been so frustrating to see people fall over themselves to condemn the burnings because they feel the need to kiss Turkey's ass because of NATO. They've become literal simps for islam overnight. Fucking pathetic. I would like to ask these tards screeching about respecting the "holy" book why should I respect something that doesn't even respect my human rights as a woman.

No. 17888

Burning religious books does nothing good for women who are oppressed in Islamic countries, if they really cared about women they'd allow female muslim refugees or donate to the young women's education in such countries.

No. 17901

>thinking they care about islam because it's oppressive towards women
>instead of hating it because it's le threat to their own religion or some other stupid moid shit like that

No. 17904

I know that's why they did it but anon is acting like it's a good thing to be burning religious books of people who are already oppressed and discriminated against. The same people who are saying they're burning quran because it's misogynistic would refuse to hire muslim women who were in need.

No. 17925

Where did I say I think burning quran will solve anything? I said it's pathetic that suddenly everyone is against the burnings just because an authoritarian islamic country happens to be our nato "ally" now, when just three years ago the same people wouldn't have given two shits about quran. And also it's retarded to think I should respect a book that would literally condone a scrote raping me. I don't think burning the quran or the bible will solve anything per se, but I will defend the right of a person to burn any book in protest (or, optionally, banning all book burnings and not just religious ones), because I think a pile of paper shouldn't receive special treatment just because some people think it's holy. Afaik at least one person who burned a quran was ex muslim himself, btw, so it's not all white scrotes either.

No. 18033

You're stupid beyond belief. Burning quran and torah isn't going to accomplish anything. Also Qur'an doesn't condone a man raping you and we've discussed this so many times, stop using sexual trauma that's not even yours as an excuse to discriminate against oppressed women of different religions.
Hate any religion if you must but what you're doing now isn't productive, again if you really cared about the muslim women or girls in third world countries, you'd donate to shelters and send then necessities instead of condoning protests that are only done for publicity.

Btw im assuming you're exmuslim yourself but unfortunately unbelieving the religious practices haven't undone the damage caused by centuries of inbreeding, you seem just as stupid as your muslim counterparts.

No. 18059

Funny thing someone mentioned shelters. I have experience with that. What I saw was most Muslim women there smile and wave to the workers and teach same old "Allah good, westerners bad, white women are whores" to their children. Their children are a menace. Some of them pretended to be Ukrainian refugees because Western Europe cannot comprehend the concept of a monoethnic state. I used to be sympathetic to their plight, but now I'd rather chop off my fingers than donate to a refugee shelter.

No. 18110

Further proving that although you've stopped believing the religion you deem as cruel, you're still as cruel racist and sexist as the people you pretend to hate. Ever realized how all exmuslims always complain about women? How they never bring up the issues women who are forced to live as childbrides for example suffer from?

No. 18116

>moving goalposts again

No. 18118

>I'd rather amputate myself to help women and kids whose ideas I disagree with
This is what you said, exmuslim sister. How many generations of inbreeding are you suffering from that you think this type of misogyny will help your argument?
You're just like the men you hate

No. 18173

How is pointing out inbreeding racism? Kek. She literally said she'd amputate herself rather than help people in need, that's a very inbred opinion.
I'm not gonna read all of that but see how you only complain about muslim women and never muslim men? That's misogyny. Just embrace your misogynistic and racist nature and tell us you hate them because they're women. We all know the ones that are going to rape you aren't the muslim women but somehow, you care less about the criminal men but more about some random weak woman with a headscarf.

No. 18192

>people in need
Muslims in need. Man or woman, it makes no difference to me.

No. 18197

>admitting that you don't care about women in need
>saying you'd mutilate yourself rather than help women and children in need
>using their religion as an excuse
Nonjew people donated to jewish people in need and israel donated to muslim countries after natural disasters. Religion is never an excuse to write misogynistic fiction where you watch women die off and refuse to help them because you don't believe in their teachings.

Either way, someone like you probably doesn't even earn enough to help anyone so I'm probably wasting my time. Oh and also, no matter how much you hate on muslim kids and women and write fanfictions of them dying, you'll be treated similarly to them by westerners. One look will give away your heritage and one word you speak will reveal your deep misogyny, stupidity and hatred towards women.

You're just like pakichan who argued she was the whitest of her race and passed as European but when she showed her picture, it was an average Pakistani/Indian woman. You guys never realize that you'll never be like the people you prise as both you and pakichan are obviously misogynistic and nonwhite, you both act like Muslim men with the way you praise violence against women and refuse to help those who you disagree with. You hate muslim women the same way she hates western women. You're just two misogynistic selfhating losers.

No. 18201

>Nonjew people donated to jewish people
Jewish isn't a religion, and Jews didn't do the mass child sacrifice Nazis attributed to them. Muslims, however, do blow up shit, fuck children, kill people for the most idiotic reasons I've ever heard, and bring stone age attitudes everywhere they go.
>refuse to help them because you don't believe in their teachings.
Because I don't want those horrible teachings to spread.
Why should I pander to some Muslims because they happen to be women?
>assumptions about my ethnicity and background
Did you really think I would reply to these?

No. 18202

You're pakichan, right? Can't believe I wasted my time on you again. You hate both muslim women and western women, you're just a misogynist.

No. 18203

Alas, not pakichan.

No. 18204

I don't trust you, pakichan. Not after you larped as a half black woman for a full on year. Get a fucking hobby.

No. 18205

Again, I'm not the anon you have a crush on. Why do you act so surprised when you see people hating on Islam in the Islam hate thread?

No. 18206

>anon you have a crush on
Yeah… If you weren't the racist mentally ill woman who said she'd kill western women to get a nazi bf, you wouldn't assume anyone would crush on her.
Anyway, get help.

No. 18208

Who am I to dissuade Anonymous in the throes of omniscience? Everyone except you is pakichan. She's in your walls, she's under your bed, she's behind you.
I can see no point in derailing the thread any further, so I'll just say I stand by my previous posts:

No. 18210

I won't reply to you pakichan but next time you post, make yourself less obvious. For starters you're the only muslim poster on this board who writes about wishing ill and suffering on women of specific groups(sometimes black, sometimes muslim, sometimes western) because she feels personally insulted by their existence.
Either way, you're deeply mentally ill and I feel bad for you. It's not normal to wish ill on people of a certain race and say you'll cut off your hand, it's not normal to attack westerner women when you realize you'll never be treated the same as them. Just stop this Self-hatred and work on yourself. This is genuinely sad and although no one will judge you for changing your religion, you'll definitely be judged for your extremist views and hatred towards women.

I hope you heal. It's hard being someone like you who hates a group of people and yet gets greeted by a member of that group whenever she sees her own reflection.

No. 18227

There are multiple anons here, you must be delusionalor a literal retard to think theyre all pakichan (who is also amothe retard). You yourself said how how you're not gonna read other anons posts yet you will still reply to them without even reading what they said. I guess a paragraph is too much for your pea sized brain. Also you want to play the "you are white worshippers" card after using a dogwhistle against brown people who don't agree with you which you claim is not racist….sure.

I am a liberal, support and do activism for other poc and minoritys , obviously know that white people do look down on poc…..yet just because I despise Islam for many reasons that now makes me whatever you want to label me as. Honestly it sounds more like projection from you and you do sound like a very low iq and privileged "woman". Also your posting style is very obvious and I saw you on snow too, so I guess you're shitting up the whole site and not just the hidden boards.
There is a lot of mentally ill posters here.

No. 18234

Would anon also defend Mein Kampf against book burning because burning it doesn't solve anything? I refuse to respect a book with appalling content, I don't care if burning it is no use. I'm not ex muslim btw.
>donate to shelters
Most refugees here are scrotes anon.

No. 18237

>supports book burning
Congrats, you're not better than a TRA.

No. 18238

Are you a butt hurt Muslim? You sound like one.

No. 18239

Don't reply to it, it's pakichan and not only does she support harassing muslim women, she thinks western women "don't deserve" right to abortion. She's just misogynistic and takes any given excuse to harass a group of women. Just ignore it.

No. 18240

I'm white but I don't understand why you're bringing race up and I'm not low iq unlike you, who believes burning books or refusing to help women and kids you don't agree with is a good idea.

Anyway, no one cares if you support poc in words, you're still discriminating against people who are muslim and I doubt you dont discriminate against jews or Christians either since their religion is quite similar to Islam.

Yes I am privileged and proud because both me and my parents worked our whole lifes for it, I'll always be more privileged than you because I spent my time studying and saving up while you spent your time crying about your identity and hating yourself. And again I will get treated much better than you ever will as I'm an educated white woman while you're an uneducated misogynistic woman who's oozing with hatred towards those of her own kind. You're someone I'd avoid like plague and trust me, everyone else also will and most of the time it has nothing to do with your skin color. I'm saying most of the time because there will be people who are going to avoid you for your skin color, the same people that are supporting torah and quran burnings that is.

No. 20561

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And what's scary is that he's not wrong, by Islamic law being an apostate deserves only death, either by the state or a handful of true believers.

No. 20562

I am not Muslim, but I wear a niqab because I prefer to not show my face or hair in public. It’s purely for my own comfort, not because I feel like my body is dirty and needs to be covered.
The way Muslim men treat me when they think I’m a Muslim woman is disgusting. You’d think that the niqab is to desexualize a woman, but I’ve gotten more catcalls and flirts from specifically Arabic/Muslim men only. They get genuinely mad when they learn that I’m not going to be submissive, and obey their every word. A male Arab coworker of mine asked me to grab him coffee, and I told him to get it himself. He brings up some shit about women obeying men but I reminded him I am not religious, and this is purely for my own comfort with being seen.
Muslim women I’ve met have been very kind during this, they’re the ones who told me it’s not offensive to wear, and that anyone can wear for modesty/personal reasons. I talk to them about Muslim men and it’s so sad. They’ve been conditioned since childhood to essentially just accept everything that men say to them without ever objecting. And the ones who did talk about how they were beat growing up. It’s fuckin depressing man, I didn’t even grow up in the religion but the way men treat me when they think I am is insane.

No. 20564

I live in a Muslim country I get catcalled coastally(unless there's a man beside), Hell my little brother gets catcalled by men, anyone that isn't a bearded adult man will get catcalled in Islamic societies.

No. 20568

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>Palestinian family doesn't want Taliban supporters in a pro-Palestine rally
>QRTs are filled with Muslim(mostly south asian) dispora men calling these people Liberals and saying how only the "Islamic Ummah" can truly liberate Palestine.
It's all so tiresome.

No. 20576

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No. 20577

File: 1698602112131.jpg (25.66 KB, 809x311, latest-afgan-flags-809x311-1.j…)

>but is a flag of Afghanistan!

Yes, also used by Talibans. You would think using the red/white/green/combo would be more useful than using the flag of a Muslim country infamous for their religion.

No. 20588

It's like saying the flag of Iraq and Syria is the ISIS one, honestly I wish some nation would Invade that awful nation and end that regime.

No. 20644

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I bet this moid didn't do shit about Ukraine.

No. 20670

Those men see this as a religious war rather than a genocide. They get mad when lgbt and female protesters exist because they go against their fantasy. People are protesting because they don’t like genocide, not because they want your fantasy world to come to life.

No. 20680

I will always hate how leftists rally around Muslims. They love to censor anyone especially ExMuslims on what to think or say . I hate the cultural relativism and stupid “post structuralism” nonsense they use to justify their retardation

No. 20681

And again these are mostly south asian Muslim men, they have never done anything for Palestine in their lives.

No. 20683

File: 1699040583205.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.69 KB, 785x1024, 19B5B294-7E11-45E6-8566-A99029…)

I’m starting to lose patience with people on the Palestine issue. It’s bad that people namely children are being bombed. Feeling sympathy for them isn’t the same as supporting Islam or Hamas. If Hamas wins they’re just gonna remake ISIS 2.0 and more women and children suffer. Both sides treat humans as inconveniences.

After this, the left will worship Islam and let Muslims do anything forever. They justify mass immigration and rape as revenge for colonization despite the fact that all the orbit colonizers are dead. If you hate who’re people and western culture then just stay away from the west, forever!

Secretly disappointed by the reactions of exmuslims on Twitter.

No. 20688

>If Hamas wins they’re just gonna remake ISIS 2.0
They aren't gonna win, that's not even a possibility, the greatest victory for Islam in the past 300 years was a gruella campaign for 20 years that led to a destroyed nation, where the other party just left and they ruled the destroyed aftermath, that's it but in direct battle they usually lose. In my country I was taught that one Muslim soldier was equal to 10 non-Muslim one's, mind you my country has lost every single war and battle we've been in.
>Secretly disappointed by the reactions of exmuslims on Twitter.
what's been the reaction?

No. 20692

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One side saying they don't care about the violence because they're Arabs and this is what Arabs do and Israel is a modern " civilized" state and they should be grateful to be near them and should emulate them.

The other side says this is a genocide and we must do everything we can have a ceasefire. With loud voices on the left talking about we must harass all the jews worldwide, and spread the word on the world of Islam.

Even the I?P thread thread got locked due to racebait and the tinfoil thread has been closely monitored.

Why do I have to actively defend people who hate me? It's everywhere and I can escape the discourse. How is "Queers for Palestine" all right but this isn't? I thought you guys wanted all the support you can get.

No. 20696

yes maybe those people are oppressed for a reason

No. 20697

I realize these people are retarded but It is a blatant crime against humanity to let this happen and yeah harassing random Jews is fucking retarded. The murder of a few relatives in hate crimes, turned my entire family into racist and bigoted towards all outsiders.

No. 20702

Exactly, the anti-semitism is disgusting especially since so many Jewish people are anti-zionist but killing thousands of people in Palestine over land is horrible. What men especially in places of power will do to these women in Palestine is worse than what we can image

No. 20708

Worse thing is that people are comparing what Jewish people had to deal with in WWII with the conflict now calling them "Nazis", like they have no grabbed a history book at all.
I want to point them this video that explains to kids how the Palestine-Israel conflict started (spoiler: way before WWII), but I bet they wouldn't even understand a simple video.

It feels almost like they needed a reason to show their anti-semitism without being judged.

No. 20724

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>People calling a "cease the fire" means they're anti-palestine and zionists.

Holy fuck, people, and then you see why no celebrity wants to speak their mind unless they suits your shit.

No. 20740

Leftists are so retarded about the Palestinian issue, it's making me even angrier about Islam. I'm Jewish and the ammount of shit I'm receiving lately is just wild, and I'm not even a hardcore zionist. People call me a nazi when I say I think that Israel has a right to exist, but they justify muslims being rapists, violent misogynists and pedophiles. I'm used to antisemitism in my country, but this? I understand now why my father hates muslims so much.

No. 20742

I'm atheist but the amount of antisemitism and Palestinians being told to STFU because "you're not with us" is horrible for me, specially when most of Jewish people even blame the DIF or their government for tearing the country apart, but means shit for Leftist because "if you're SO against this, please leave that place, colonizer", which is not an easy peaky thing like the video explains.

Anybody that is asking for a cease, even if they're Palestinian, are attacked as Nazi or Zionists or a traitor for not speaking for the "poor oppressed", while ignoring Muslims do stuff they choose to ignore like "oh that's their religion, let them be".

This is what happens when the Leftist choose to die in a hill they have no idea how it's started, start parroting like a telephone game, kids that didn't even were born when Hamas was elected start to share shady links and blame the innocent people than blame England for the colonialism like the video says or not blame BOTH governments for doing a shitty job to defend their people.

Palestine-Israel situation is not going to end just because people start to support Palestine even more. It's going to end when one of the countries gets the land and even then, Americans will use their American centrist brain to shit on "who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed", like most Leftist American people love to say even if no one asked them.

No. 20770

I don't think Israel should ever have existed, but now it does exist and we can't change that, I don't think like doing "both sides" and I do understand fully the desire to have your homeland back(My people lost our homeland 75 years back) but now everyone has realized that we aren't getting it back, we've made peace with it, the Palestinians should make peace with it and the Isralis should stop trying to expel the remaining Palestinians

No. 20772

File: 1699419982608.mp4 (2.57 MB, 960x632, 1970-s-Iranian-tea-commercial.…)

>1970's Iranian tea commercial showing different generations of Iranian women.

No. 20779

No one in the west (who isn't a massive retard) disputes Israel's right to exist anymore, it's a solid country now, but people obviously see their tactics in slowly settling the West Bank and blockading Gaza for over a decade as an attempt to further colonise land that should go to a Palestinian state

No. 20782

tbf there are a lot of delusional twitter tankies(who would have been sent to labor camp if they lived in a real communist nation) who believe that Israel will be defeated though the "collective struggle of the opressded" and the Israelis will just leave after that. it's peak fucking delusion.

No. 20786

Is sad for from '80 there's no much change except for the hijab color.

>and the Israelis will just leave after that.
If were that easy, many countries would have left after seeing some delusional twitter from foreign countries. The goverment is not going to do shit to please foreigners that have no idea how this started, nor give more options for both countries except yelling them "nazi".

No. 20787

I'm someone who supports Palestine, but even I understand how ludicrous it would be to "dismantle" the state of Israel, 60% of Israelis are Mizrahi (middle eastern) They were prospected minorities who were second class citizens in their own home countries, and then a substantial % are from from eastern block nations, again I would rather Israel not have existed the way it did but it does exist now.

No. 20789

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I agree. The fact that people prefer to use the "lol white European" on Israeli people so they don't feel guilty while pointing at them should be a "POC erasure", but they can bend the rules how it fits them.

They should see the problem with Bangladesh-India border dispute to see why is not easy to just say "well, let's divide this for Palestine and this for Israel" or even "Well, let's make all Israelis go free to another countries so Palestine can have 'their' country back". But asking them to learn the situation fully is like asking to a 5-year-old to explain why dinosaurs went extincts.

No. 20792

are you Israeli by any chance? if you don't mind me asking.
Also I do many find myself annoyed with "all or nothing" mentality that many leftists and activists have, that all the land has to be returned, simply because "one side is the oppressor and one is the oppressed" and that could very well be true, but that doesn't change the material factors that Palestine doesn't have anything to fight or negate with, giving up is sometimes the only option, my people lost our homeland as well and we have made peace with it.

No. 20793

I'm not, and I do support Palestine too, but I'm annoyed also for the "all or nothing" mentality that many leftists and activist have, specially with their beaten to a dead horse motto >>20644

Is good to share what people are suffering to be aware of the situation? Yes. Is good to use it for a "hollier-than-thou" because you support US or YOU are the enemy? fuck no.

No. 20794

These are the same people who support troonism or whatever flavor of the month "queer issues", they have no foot in reality, they will make unrealistic goals for themselves which they will never ever succeed in bringing or ever happening in the first place and nothing ever gets done, my father is a very Islamic and conservative man but he's smart and a former military officer and who knows the Palestinians will never win a fight and neither will any nation in the middle east against Israel, surrender and comprise is the only option sometimes.

No. 20799

I really don't wanna seem like I'm defending the Islamic Republic, cause I hate them more then you can imagine but the things you posted don't show the full picture, the vast majority of Iranian women were feudal farmers living in abject poverty, people don't revolt in the millions over short skirts, they revolt when their children have nothing to eat, the Shah who had the been installed by MI6 and CIA was a tyrant who had sold our Iran and arrested all the communists, nationalists and liberals and so the Mullahs with their positions would be only the one's who would take power after him, another thing that fucked thing was that after decades of the US supporting the Shah's repressive rule, President Jimmy Carter(who I think is a well meaning man) demanded that the Shah put down his army and repression against the organized Mullahs organized mob and solve the problem democratically or the US would place sanctions on them, and the Shah did exactly that, and we all know what happened afterwards
so much unnecessary oppression of tens of millions of women could have been avoided.

No. 20835

This video is too simple, one side is obviously going harder than the other, there is no excuse to killing thousands of children for years over some land. At the same time not all Jewish people are zionists and it’s disgusting to blame this on all Jewish people. Wish people didn’t fully see this as a religious war and understood this is a humanitarian issue. What is happening to those poor kids in gaza is sickening

No. 20853

I mean, is aimed at kids, of course they're not going to tell all the detailed or gory stuff like the Munich Olympics 1972 or stuff like that.
And yeah, there have been reports of Jewish people being beaten up outside Israel while supporting Palestine and no one seems to care because "it was a zionist trying to infiltrate themselves" or shit like that. The stuff in Gaza is horrifying, and doesn't seem to finish with a simple "please, ceasefire".

No. 20971

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I wonder why.

No. 20975

Are there any malaysianons or indonesianons here?

No. 20980

Not here sadly but I had some malay mutuals in the past, apparently they exceeded even my nation with Arab/Islam worship.

No. 21008

only ethnically, but i still live in a muslim country anyway albeit a less conservative one than indonesia. so glad i don't live there kek as much as there are other good things about it. what's up ?

No. 21028

You made me think on certain artist doing a comic about how she was happy seeing her gay friends having gay parades and such, because in her country she would have been killed for it (I cannot recall if is Malaysia or Indonesia).

Most of the answers were "Why are you so Islamophobic??" or "Don't you know there are queer Islamist too??" rather than help said artist to leave the city or the country. Way to prove the artist's point, people.

No. 21061

File: 1700802195331.jpg (2.15 MB, 4752x3168, 1533505907447.jpg)

It's like living through the post-9/11 period again. it's impossible to talk about the religion someone squealing about how you're an evil Jew or Hinduvata(?) or a "christofascist". Even the r/exmuslim subreddit is going through it. I hate how the religion is associated without he people and it's a protected class. I understand why Ayaan converted. It's easier to avoid and ignore these people than to try to change their mind. I resent the fact that I was born Muslim.

No. 21062

Sounds like my path, except for the dating non-Muslim men. Still a mental barrier for me but I support other women who do it.

No. 21086

do you have any chance to leave your situation?

No. 21087

I've said it before, but reading your faith through an objective lens is the greatest demystification of it. I was a zealot at one point, I genuinely believed in Islam, and any sort of argument with morality didn't matter to me. This is why I really wish states would adopt an Ataturk-style approach to Islam. That is, not ban it, but localize it. Translate the Quran into the state language (be it German, French, or whatever), have the prayers all be in local languages, remove the Arab aspects of Islam, and make it bare bones that demystifies the faith.

No. 21105

Kinda related, but I agree. Reading it in English takes away the mysticism. The Quran is actually repetitive, aside from being violent. And the whole idea of having to pray in Arabic feels cucked to me. No wonder why Arabs have a superiority complex.

No. 21116

File: 1700971226132.jpg (73.23 KB, 600x338, 6gy1bj.jpg)

Do you think having an expose on Rab racism/chauvinism be the light in the crack? Like the thing that gets people especially westerners to see what a false and chauvinistic religion Islam is?

No. 21117

*arab, stupid autocorrect

No. 21119

>The Quran is actually repetitive
this too, it's actually becomes kinda annoying after a while.
I do think things will only get better if there's a rise of nationalism and secularism like the 20th century, to me nothing else can challange Islam.

No. 21122

Communism and its secularism was probably the best tool for beating back extreme Islam but no! The Americans just had to fund the fucking spoiled jihadis and now we all suffer for it. Despite my irreligious beliefs, I will always be anti-imperialism because then I wouldn't have had to live like this if Americans were just boring isolationists.

No. 21124

tried reading the quran once, it really was just "THE GREATEST THE GREATEST MOST MERCIFUL THE GREATEST" over and over and over again
this isn't pc to say but islam really feels like a religion made by a low iq severely autistic OCD moid to me

No. 21125

Kek, exactly.
It feels like that because it's the truth.

No. 21131

I need money to move out but I lack the money to gain a skill set and a degree. I've given up because I don't think it'll get better. Some days I think about going full druggie to avoid thinking about my life and where I'm supposed to be.

No. 21140

It was made for a tribal Arab male population, that's why it's rewards are very it's rewards are something a desert dwelling Arab would consider their heaven.

No. 21143

what country do you live in? If you live in the west there might be a chance, if you live in a non-Muslim country with your parents I do have an Idea, you could try some Christian NGO that is willing to help smuggle out persecuted Christians in the west.
other then that https://www.reddit.com/r/IWantOut/ is the best resource, I have mutuals who managed to leave their Muslim nations thanks to it.

No. 21177

I love walking in Toronto only to be harassed by Muslim pigs who have yet to accept that women in the west are not property. The fact that I can’t get groceries without being gawked at is fucking annoying. Canada is shit now.

No. 21192

Canada has been shit for a while. I never voted for Trudeau but I really think he made this place so much worse.

No. 21204

File: 1701317116350.png (291.86 KB, 527x543, Screen Shot 2023-11-29 at 11.0…)


One of my mutuals is conducting a list on stupid western women who defend Islam's misogyny. Crazy how every one of these chicks would be beaten and raped and killed in a real islamic society

I've always hated women like this because they think you are meant to suffer so they can use you for woke points. If conservatives weren't so racist I think I would have been one

No. 21205

File: 1701318924504.png (306.18 KB, 598x533, Screen Shot 2023-11-29 at 11.3…)

I fucking hate women like her! I hate hypocrites! I hate libfems! Swap places you lying progressive freak!

No. 21206

More than one year ago there was a revolution in Iran with women cutting their hair because Mahsa Amini was killed after she was arrested by "morality police" because her headscarf show a little bit of hair. Why women defend Islam for being a "poor poc religion" after that makes me speechless.

No. 21215

File: 1701337811212.jpg (457.11 KB, 1371x1303, afghancollegestudentsd1970.jpg)

Fuck Islam and fuck shitty muslim moids mass murder and enslavement of women and children.

No. 21216

This is one of the reason why I don't really care much for democracy, Afghanistan could have dragged into a least functioning by its leaders but America couldn't let the communists win, or whatever bullshit, same with Iran after mounting pressure by activists carter told the Shah the would be forced to cut funding it he didn't put down the army in the issue of the Islamists. look how both of those situations ended up.

No. 21246

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So, I'm recommending some Middle Eastern women to check out who are genuine feminists (not the western pro-Hijab ones), but who are also grounded in reality and not disconnected morons either. These women were relatable to the people in their own country and did not alienate a grand majority.
>Layla Balabakki
>Assia Djebar
>Nawal El Saadawi
>Huda Sha'arawi
>Mahnaz Shirali

No. 21422

File: 1702004869928.jpeg (910.53 KB, 1284x1884, IMG_4360.jpeg)

I’m becoming more blackpilled than ever before. Fucking disgusting moids

No. 21457

Every single man who even tries to marry a kid should be tortured to death. Fucking hate pedos

No. 21462

File: 1702180904331.jpg (17.97 KB, 554x554, GAMRDvia4AAwt6X.jpg)

This is a crazy hing to say, but I feel trapped. I almost did something illegal and my family found out but they did not call the cops. However I feel like I'm indebted to them and I can never be truly free unless I'm super rich and financially independent. Like I want to take off my hijab but I'm afraid of being filmed and having my family find out and then they report me to the cops and then I go to jail. What do I do?

No. 21557

I am in the same situation and I don't know what to do either, escape might be the only option, either escaping my nation or ending my life and maybe adding a message so that people will be aware of the pain we have to go through in Islamic civilizations, but we have to be careful as well so our families don't find out and we don't get sent to an Islamist school or married to a 40 year old cousin of ours.
either way I still say look up some Christian NGO's for help, and again reddit.com/r/IWantOut/ is the best resource I can recommended.

as for your current situation I can only recommended what I did, appealing to a sense of ethnic nationalism with in my family, it really is the only effective tool in my experience, don't start out all at once but make it gradual and they will understand that better then anything else.

No. 21558

File: 1702376625274.mp4 (18.71 MB, Slavery in Islam.mp4)

>Islam didn't have slavery
Utter bullshit! Muslim shamelessly pillaged non-Muslim territories for countless centuries. They were not valiant warriors defending themselves either, but raiders preying on defenseless villages, ruthlessly abducting innocent men, women, and children. These raids were not driven by any justifiable cause of war; rather, Muslims conducted these raids solely for the purpose of enslavement. Any leniency mentioned in vidrel was merely extended to those who converted to Islam. also despite not being inherently hereditary, slavery was disgracefully institutionalized in Islamic societies. The people born from slaves had no choice but to sell themselves into indentured servitude, while these raids continued indefinitely till the 20th century.

No. 21561

I've heard that ex-muslim organizations can help women get out as well, the ones I've heard about are Ex-Muslims of North America and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. I think they might only help ex-muslims though, so if you still believe, might be worth lying about that.

No. 21582

you can own slaves but you can't draw, adopt a dog or even have a sip of alcohol. What a religion

No. 21590

Don't worry nonna you'll get alcohol, slaves and a mansion in Heaven though.

No. 21592

only if you're a moid.

No. 21599

women are allowed in heaven but majority of those in Hell will be women(cause women backtalk and snicker) and this isn't even an issue of the Hadiths where you could argue about it's reliability, it was in the Quran and stated by Muhammad.

No. 21607

I read Woman at Point Zero, because of your recommendation and I loved it! Thank you!

No. 21757

Islam is a very materialistic religion, castles, wine, SLAVES and perfect "women"(who are also fair skinned) there's one hadith where Muhammad promises a black slave with no nose, that if he stays a devout Muslim, in Heaven he will have slaves of his own, a nose and also be white.

No. 21777

what made me utterly despise this cult since a very young age was seeing how my male muslim classmates treat my female muslim classmates.
one of my first "wow i fucking hate islam" moments: it was a summer's day in a british school. my friend lowered her school uniform knitted cardigan off her shoulders, just a bit, since it was very hot.
"whore put that back on," said the boy. mind you, we were around 10 years old. he called her a whore, just for that. "or ill tell your father." what got me was that suddenly she looked very scared and put the cardigan back on and stared at the ground. i was shocked and told him he's a hypocrite, because he was wearing short sleeves. it turned into some fight about "muh islamic rules", "youre just a white whore", and ended up with me getting detention for islamophobia.
that's one of the things that led to my awakening. being treated awfully by muslim moids as a "white whore" was one thing, but to see how they treat "their own" women was truly disturbing. again, i stress the fact that we are talking about kids. these opinions and behaviors don't come from nowhere. when i told my mom about this, she said that the girls father would probably beat her or something, if that boy snitched on her. tight-knit communities and all that. that made me feel so angry on behalf of my friend, but i could do fuck all about it. she didn't want to talk about it. even acknowledged that she "shouldn't have done that". the gaslighting and will-breaking of these girls from a young age makes me sick.
even worse was that many grew up into terrible pickmes and joined in calling non-muslim girls whores, because their "piety" and subservience to their moids who go around raping and doing drugs made them better than the rest of us, somehow.
one of my high school friends was a muslim girl who rebelled against this shit. she's happy now, away from her family, dating a white english dude and they seem to be living their best life. i wish all the best for her and all ex-muslim girls itt. you're strong for breaking out of this cult. i know from side-observation how much breaking free can cost you.

No. 21820

It's crazy to me that even in a thread acknowledging the horrible things Islamic extremist and militantly Muslim governments do, so many people have still drunk their kool-aid and propaganda. Them co-opting wokism was a genius move, clearly.

No. 21886

File: 1703734843585.jpeg (164.1 KB, 637x792, 94F6530D-9A1D-4C21-B730-ADAC4A…)

No one gave a shit about the Christians in Palestine and religious minorities before 10/7. Muslims only bring up Jesus for fake interfaith points or whenever someone drew Mohammed. It’s so funny seeing them mald like this

No. 21981

File: 1704302061572.png (311.48 KB, 828x1024, q4RXxCe.png)

>If you don't refer t your husband as master, your disrespecting him in Islam.

No. 21982

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No. 21983

File: 1704302293833.png (292.07 KB, 720x1025, OErBMcT.png)

>this is just admitting he's bad in bed and doesn't know anything about vagina.

No. 21984

What are you talking about, Jesus is the second most sacred prophet in Islam after Muhammad.

No. 22015

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No. 22016

Lacking anatomy knowledge aside, this goes both ways. I see nothing wrong with expecting a man to be a virgin in order to consider marrying him. No one wants used goods.

No. 22017

And out of their great reverence for Prophet Jesus (PBUH) they murder Christians or force them to convert basically everywhere where muzzies and Christians coexist.

No. 22018

This made me think in Dj Khali who admitted that he lets his wife give oral on him, but he doesn't give oral to her because "religion". He got trolled over and over for it.

No. 22030

at this point just castrate the beast. How are we supposed to trust men to lead our countries and families when they can't stop masturbating or thinking about their dicks? Even a feral animal has more self control than that.

No. 22036

Lmao, people only ever bring him up for interfaith points. Mind you, honorifics are mandatory after Muhammad's name. I say this as a life long Muslim

No. 22037

disgusting animal, lobotomize men like him

No. 22054

As much as I hate Israel for being what it is, the ppl defending Hamas online are absolutely retarded. I saw a horrific video of two Palestinian children, a boy and a girl, sobbing and crying over their mother in a body bag. It was tragic. But the fucking comments were “if this little boy grows up to join Hamas, I will not blame him” what the fuck??? If that boy grows up to be a raping terrorist, that is not justified. Lots of people are losing family in this war. I’m ethnically Palestinian and I am losing family over there as we speak. But you don’t see me murdering innocent people for the sake of religion. People are retarded

No. 22060

This is me, I'm pro-Palestine as they come but I can't get over retards defending/praising HAMAS when it's due to their stupidly the Palestinians are suffering, what the fuck did they think was gonna happen in this stupid Invasion, they have no sense cause their retarded Islamists but people with sense shouldn't be praising these morons.

No. 22065

But don't you know Hamas is doing it for liberation? To the river to the sea??
This shows me that the Palestine supporters will forgive anything as long it harms the "colonizers" (ignoring that Israelies lived there too). I'm glad no one were alive when the Munich 1972 massacre happened, they would have root for Black September.

No. 22069

The thing is, my dad is a Muslim, but he was also an officer in the army, and he was the first person to tell me that this was going to end badly for the Palestinians. He emphasized that there is no point in fighting a war you will lose. It's not brave, it's stupid. The only options are to surrender or run away.

No. 22091

I hate when people try to say Gaza was a perfect paradise before the war, because it wasn’t, they clearly have not lived there. I lived in Gaza from when I was born to 19, and if you’re not a Muslim man, you don’t get the best life. Women are treated as second class citizens, even more so if you’re not a Muslim woman who covers. I was from a Christian family, and since I didn’t cover, I’d get some nasty looks and horrible comments from men, even some women. I still have a soft spot for the place I grew up, and it pains me to see places I used to visit turned into war zones, but westerners do not know what it’s like to live there as a non-Muslim.

I hate Hamas too for this reason. A very good amount of civilians are not with hamas. A lot of them wish they weren’t confined to the strip, yes, but they’d rather live confined but safe than “free” in conflict, for the safety of their families and lives that they built there. Hamas does not care about lives, not even their own civilians that they’re trying so hard to “free.” They do not consider the fact that civilians will be the ones bearing the consequences to their actions. To them, every dead person is a martyr on the path to freedom, it’s sickening. These little children did not die with honor for a holy war, they were slaughtered mercilessly because of the actions of a group that does not speak for them. Israel isn’t innocent, of course. They’re the ones murdering and bombing the children directly. But Hamas is the spark that started the war they know they cannot win, and it seems that the only people being burned are the innocent.

No. 22104

just came across the pictures of that poor lady who was beaten, run over by a car and burnt to death all because she was accused of burning the quran. that poor woman. in the last moments of her life she realised the religion & community she dedicated her life to betrayed her.

No. 22106

What to say to a female friend convinced the misogyny and rapes by Muslim immigrants are caused by capitalism? She thinks poor education due to class inequality leads to these traits and that they've been exposed to a brainlet version of their religion used to divide them as a result of not being raised Muslim in a more progressive country. It's maddening but I gave up bothering to engage after she said her Westernised female Muslim friend seems empowered and as she became even more adamant that the middle class coming together to fight the ruling elite would unify the sexes and religions…

No. 22115

To read Persepolis and understand why she had to exile herself off Iran.

No. 22119

I hate that term as well, so many retarded Islamists convince naive young men(including one my cousins) to fight for Jihad, and raid some army or police base, and you know what happens? they get shot and killed and yet the Islamists will priase them as "shahids"(martyrs)

No. 22127

>I hate when people try to say Gaza was a perfect paradise before the war, because it wasn’t, they clearly have not lived there.

I think on that when people share the "happy Palestine videos before war". Does Palestine people deserve the shit from the IDF? No. Is a big perfect paradise? Neither, specially if you're a woman or a gay person, no matter how "keers" will tell you otherwise. Not saying that ALL Muslim Palestines are assholes with foreigners, but one thing is visiting the place, other is living in there.

My heart arches for you, nonnie, and remember that westerners do know nothing.

No. 22133

File: 1704910833491.mp4 (885 KB, 480x270, 1Cuaa_OE0Jmk749X.mp4)

And the most horrifying part of this video is the fact this men genuinely belives it.

No. 22134

I get a different type of rage when they call dead civilians martyrs. This little dead baby is not a martyr, she did not die for her countries freedom, and she did not die with honor. She’s a baby who had to suffer the consequences for a war she’s too little to comprehend. But Hamas doesn’t care. Hamas will send a thousand innocents to their deaths if it means they have the slightest chance of freedom.
Westerners think just because Hamas is “fighting their colonizers” that every action they take is justified. It’s not. I hate Israel too. I actually grew in Gaza, I personally know the absolute hell the IDF inflicts on civilians. But they started a war that they know they’re not gonna win. And they expect civilians to die happily because it’s one step closer to freedom. Yes, they would like freedom, but not at the cost of their homes, neighbors, and family.

No. 22136

How devoid of self-respect must you be to consciously engage and hang out with such """people"""
Respectfully, you're irrevocably retarded

No. 22139

She's a great friend. Most left-leaning middle class women think how she does here. They don't see females as a class and tune out misogyny and rape, especially if it's from lower class men. Sadly you must compromise to befriend normies.

No. 22146

I can't believe neither how they're so unaware they're posting dead children like if their death means "see what IDF did! See!", but go ahead and report it and you're pro-Israel. No, I'm against censorship but using the death of these kids is degrading and the families/relatives deserve privacy. I had to unfollow many people that did RT on post about their death, be pro or against Palestine.

No. 22166

Posting corpses or similar material should never be allowed. No one would want to see their loved ones deaths used that way, especially by people who obviously don't actually care.

No. 22194

I always report them, no matter the context.

No. 22200

File: 1705325581478.jpg (97.76 KB, 720x667, Z7kV8w8NAA.jpg)

reposting from another thread, but I hate seeing retarded Americans praise the Houthis is genuinely filling me with rage. Even more then Hamas, They are theocratic Islamic monarchists who think their leader deserves it because of their special blood

No. 22212

File: 1705451794403.png (19.84 KB, 598x214, stfu.png)

Tons of people doing marchs, RTing photos, GoFundMe, etc.

This twat: Public people should say something!!

Bro, their voices aren't going to make a cease fire. This is not a simple shit.

No. 22219

Personally, I find it hilarious.(bait)

No. 22226

File: 1705555093066.jpeg (34.26 KB, 806x909, GEECXDBWIAA-BiT.jpeg)

Why does this feel like that meme of someone crying that there's a war and the soldiers see the photo and stop the war?

No. 22332

File: 1706204640891.png (32.36 KB, 598x388, lolno.png)

>Lesbians die for being Lesbians in Palestine
>Yes, but they die also for the IDF, Palestines are too tired to kill gays.

No. 22417

>they are from MENA nations, they went to Israel cause they were treated second-class subhumans in their Muslim nations.

Imagine telling that to these people, they would still claim they're still white or anything to keep hating them.

No. 22436

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No. 22478

File: 1707014494971.png (62.48 KB, 1043x260, Screenshot.png)

I've bene told that those poor Mizrahi Jews have been tricked by the European Jews to support colonization and genocide and that when the Palestinians are gone, they will be next, which ignores the objective fact that Mihrazi's are the majority population and biggest supporters and voter base for most zionist parties in Israel, and that after the 90's relationships and marriages between Mihrazi and Ashekranzi Jews are actually the norm, I'm saying this as an anti-Zionist who wants the ceasefire, I just like don't like made up bullshit to justify hatred and unrealistic fantasies.

No. 22488

File: 1707124980483.mp4 (1.72 MB, MBS_Islam_Policy.mp4)

Don't know how to feel about this, cause on one hand MBS is a bastard and war criminal, but on the other this will improve the lives for Saudi(and Arab women) but only rich Arab women, at least they'll be less Saudi billionaires funding wahabbi/salafi schools around the world.

No. 22578

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No. 22579

Honestly fuck muslims, specifically muslim moids and their handmaidens. Even if there's a war right now I don't care, I will never forget all the shit muslim men have done and still do to women. No amount of them crying about oppression and "their laand" will make me see them as people. They will never fucking change, I have never met a muslim man that respected his wife or women in general and I live in a country with a LOT of muslims. It's crazy that people turn the other way because "it's religion" and "tt's culture", I couldn't care less about their backward rapist culture and it's insane how eager everyone is to suck muslim moid dick while ignoring the suffering of women. Islam should be fucking eradicated because it's a blight on this world and on women's dignity. It's a cancer.

No. 22580

File: 1707844852416.png (302.89 KB, 598x1076, ohno.png)

>Even if Palestine was the most homophobic country on planet earth (which it certainly is not)
>idgaf if theyre homophobic

Do they know why gay Palestines seek refugee in Israel first and foremost???

No. 22590

it's noticeable in all "muslim art" that faces aren't actually drawn

No. 22591

the fact that spoiled western never-muslim chicks are the first to censor you makes me wanna rip my hair out. I wish I could banish all pro-islam western women to Afghanistan

No. 22603

of course they don't give a fuck. homosexuality is just a porn category to them.

No. 22641

They believe drawing a complete figure is a satanic act and if they draw/sculpt anything whole they're undermining allah

No. 22733

I hate the liberal barely Muslim women who never wear the hijab. They are the loudest when it comes to Islam being “feminist” and yet they don’t face any consequences for not wearing it. I hate them and then they use hijabi women as token for their politics.

No. 23006

File: 1710072670262.png (379.7 KB, 1080x870, BuCWhJI.png)

No. 23007

Damn nonna… based to shit. Hard agree

No. 23008

File: 1710074538515.jpg (169.36 KB, 1002x902, 1610063431590324.jpg)

No. 23009

Fuck them both. I will never again be manipulated into pitying either one of them.

No. 23010

>cuts penis
Who cares?
This is a moid meme. Don't post that shit here.

No. 23028

This is the Islam hate thread you fucking retard.(infighting)

No. 23029

There is hating on oppressive, patriarchal religions from a woman's perspective and then there is posting moid level memes.

No. 23031

NTA but you have to admit, cutting healthy flesh from your newborn sons penis is a tad fucked up, no?

No. 23034

idgaf what they do to their moid spawn. this thread is about their misogyny. anon can take those shit memes some other place. they just dont belong here

No. 23035

circumcision is beneficial for males as it helps keep their genitals clean. as males have trouble with basic hygiene this is necessary. I think the real reason scrotes oppose circumcision is because they love to cause utis to inoccent women with their filthy rape worms.
Funny how they never complain about fgm something a million times worse as these girls completely lose their ability to orgasm.

No. 23044

So Ramadan is happening and if this means torturing innocent muslims, so be it. I'm not gonna hide food because it's insensitive or some shit to them, they can eat if they want.

No. 23045

Already ate a wonderfully juicy steak in front of my retarded prison convert of a biological father. Ramadanadingdong is off to a good start!

No. 23053

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No. 23058

It’s extremely fucked up. Also you’ve got to acknowledge the ludicrous hypocrisy. Constant squabbling when they’re both two sides of the same coin. And who suffers for it? Women and their children.

No. 23079

Moid religion "critics" are so hung up on circumcision as the worst thing ever. Meanwhile women and girls are raped and degraded and murdered every single day in the name of religion. I don't think any scrote actually disagrees with that. I think most any male on earth longs for the position of power and authority where he can also freely rape and murder. And they envy that power in each other

No. 23093

File: 1710418238670.png (679.3 KB, 774x960, 2daIYOO.png)

No. 23096

You should kill yourself for posting an andrew tate moid meme

No. 23110

he looks like he has choked on a million dicks with those lips.

No. 23116

andrew tate is muslim. the meme is ridiculing him, autist retard.

No. 23122

It's still a shit meme faggot

No. 23269

Really want to work out but I can't because of the fast and not being able to drink water. And after iftar I'm getting ready to go to bed so I can't do much more than squeezing in 10 minutes. I really wish I could afford to move out

No. 23503

Is Pokimane muslim?

No. 23528

likely just nominally, she comes from a westernized Francophile family.

No. 23868

File: 1712773557554.mp4 (7.39 MB, 448x688, Snapchat-660479178.mp4)

The zoomer thinks Islam is a fandom and she's attending a concert or something.

No. 23922

You're a racist yt feminist, your friend is right.(baiting)

No. 24124

File: 1714032255596.webm (7.72 MB, Why Thomas Jefferson declared …)

No. 26926

File: 1721403248591.png (Spoiler Image,702.32 KB, 998x707, iwXQdmk.png)

No. 27787

I have been surrounded by muslims all my life and at this point I feel trapped. I had abusive ex-friends in the past who are muslim and it took a lot for me to cut them off. They have a way of being sweet and kind to your face, but it's because they are playing a long game and want to extract money, emotional labour, and other resources from you while giving nothing in return. I know it's common knowledge that muslim men do this to non-muslim women, but the reverse is also true and it is also happening non-romantic relationships because they are taught that they have a right to take whatever they want from kaffirs and we're just subhumans in their eyes.

I live around the corner from a neighbourhood that is an absolute shithole because of these people, and they have the nerve to say it is a shithole because they're not getting enough money no it's a shithole because Pakistan and Afghanistan are shitholes and they've brought over their trash with them. I have to still live and work with them every day and I feel such a sense of existential hopelessness that I will never have any real escape from them.

No. 28631

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No. 28842

theyre so sick in the head wtflol

No. 29008

It actually aligns with Islamic logic, the central narrative in the quran is the war between muhammad's tribe and the quraish tribe. Frequently, muhammad and his allies capture and marry the women of the quraish tribe without any second though, so to raid and take kafir women is a form of jihad

No. 29061

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No. 30041

Based Jefferson

No. 30757

Am I supposed to find this funny or what

No. 31066

Their whole account is weird as fuck

No. 31297

>Iraq prepares bill lowering marriage age for girls from 18 to nine
Nuke. Now.

No. 31721

Predictably, I get death/rape threats from Muslim moids when they find out I'm a Jew. I don't know how women can survive being raised in that culture without having their spirit broken. Islam is such a horrid, hateful religion.

No. 31745

cult founded by a warlord rapist pedo pig , i think they're brainwashed from childhood by their parents

No. 31858

They should have turned that entire region into glass decades ago when they had the chance.

No. 33759

there's alot of european women marrying in muslim men and it doesn't warrant shitting on their legacy for stereotypes coming from battered communities, let alone when western policies are the culprit.

also all these phenomenon almost exclusively happen at these regions as self preservation from external factors.

Islam is the most rapid growing religious denominations in the west for a reason.

No. 33816

Any nonnies heard of this song which criticises the issues of Islam

No. 33864

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interestingly the birth-rate in many middle eastern muslim countries is on a rapid decline, it's now on par-with Europe in the 90's(and will likely decline further), Israel actually has a higher-birth rate then most of the muslim world

No. 33870

Why do western libfems protect this cult so much? Like literally bruh if Andrew tate type of guy loves something u should consider it as red flag

Honestly these misogynist cultist and their pedo prophet are lucky enough to never get criticized

No. 33873

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>Why do western libfems protect this cult so much?
I mean it has a large amount of non-white adherents that lefties tend to sympathise more. But little do they know how much this cult encourages oppression against women.

No. 33922

what does that have to do with anything?

No. 34796

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Pedo dirty man told her 9 year old victim to scrape off semen off his clothes.

No. 35034

She was such a lolcow. Too bad Internet was still a novelty back when the majority of her antics happened.

No. 35072

She literally went against all of her views just to convert to an extreme misogynistic cult

No. 35073

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I read about her recently. She turned Islam into her personality in her later years. She attacked Miley Cyrus over wrecking ball because she thought the short hair was a homage to her somehow? and said in a tweet anyone who isn't muslim is mentally ill. I wonder what spurred her from one child abusing genocidal rapist cult to another?

No. 35226

why do women in islamist nations not revolt against being treated like this for so long? Like i know persian women are based for what they are doing but what about the other middle eastern nations that are rich? like qatar, saudi, jordan, kuwait etc why do women there love being a broodmare?
Also they could be one of the biggest pickmes to exist who hate western feminists alot

No. 35229

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Let's not forget Annie Lennox saying "Free Palestine" in her tribute for the Grammy. O'Connor never said shit about other muslim countries (and you know why), why would Annie do that shit besides for views.

No. 35308

I was listening to an interview yesterday with Vaishnavi Sundar, and she was describing how it is difficult to organise women in India to revolt on a large scale due to all the different ethnic groups and languages associated with them. I imagine this similarly affects the ability for women to communicate and organise in MENA and West Asia.

No. 35314

nah it is mostly years of internalized misogyny holding those women back, for instance china is homogenous country that speaks mostly mandarin yet why dont chinese women revolt against the system that abused them for centuries? i am talking about the male preference part of their country so they are used to it, same thing goes for muslim women in Islamic nations

No. 35493

Can nonnas please help me understand why so many white libfem women (ones with identities that would supposedly conflict with Islam like queer/"trans") are so defensive of Islam, in particular Muslim men? I'm sure the Israel/Palestine conflict made it much worse but it seems to predate that. I'd be interested in any input from ex-Muslim anons especially

No. 35526

Specifically for white women in the U.S., it's because schooling taught that racism is "THE ABSOLUTE WORST" form of discrimination (and many see anyone from the "Middle East" as being Muslim, even though it's not a race but a religion) and post-9/11 there was a lot of sentiment that any Muslim man was automatically a terrorist who was dead-set on blowing people up, so they did face discrimination just based off of their appearance. Most white women in the U.S. never encounter or befriend Muslim or Ex-Muslim women (and liberal feminism doesn't really prioritize learning from other women anyways) to a point where they can speak about sexism, so the only thing they see is "racists are being mean to Muslim men!" and it's not like they were really ever compelled to look into Islam anyways since it's not something that directly affects them, but when there were classes or lectures offered on it, they were often (in my experience) talking about how bad Islamophobia was. Additionally, many of the conservative Christian republican types, who are basically "Enemy #1" to white libfem women, also really hate Islam, so because the conservatives hate it and libfems hate conservatives, then it makes it seem like Muslim men are also being victimized by the conservative Christian republicans alongside every other marginalized identity. And, like you said, the Palestine/Israel conflict has made all of this much worse.

No. 35625

>Most white women in the U.S. never encounter or befriend Muslim or Ex-Muslim women to a point where they can speak about sexism

this is true, and their entire community enforces that their girls are separated from too much "western influence". There was a Muslim girl I befriended in my girl scout troop when I was in middle school, I remember her saying once that she always had a great time in our troop because she felt like she could "get away with being a regular girl". She had a great sense of humor and talked about boys and cracked dirty jokes with us that she couldn't say around her Muslim friends and sisters. Her family had an arranged marriage set up for her which she wasn't thrilled about "but eh, what else am I gonna do?" She was never allowed to stay the night at our girl scout sleepovers or camping trips (because someone's dad or brother might be in the same house at some point) and she missed out on a lot of fun activities. Her parents ended up moving her to a school in another town because it was all-girls and we ended up growing apart when our girl scout troop slowly disbanded. I wonder how she's doing these days.

No. 35762

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No. 35957

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No. 35958

Why are men retarded
Why are men such faggy little bitches

No. 35984

islam is utter cancer. I hope every degenerate inbred faggot in the taliban gets what's coming to him. i feel so much for afghan women and all women in 3rd world islamic shitholes.

No. 36070

nta, but thank you for being kind to her. I grew up in similar circumstances and my loveliest childhood memories were being part of the group and being treated like a normal person especially in post-9/11 America

No. 36133

worse they are increasing in number as their women are mostly (always) raped and forced to birth till she hits menopause
Islam is the true representation of moid nature, they express their ultimate hate for women through this cult but unfortunately it worked so far in their favor and women mostly don't rebel against this (well based Iranian women who are actively sabotaging the shit cult, they have my utmost respect)

given how western "feminists" don't really bother the plight and abuse ex muslim women go through cause they don't want to seem "racist" is straight up grandiose delusion

i hope for a day ( though seems bleak) when MENA women start rejecting and revolting against this degenracy

No. 36706

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No. 36750

The title reads like the onion. Clown world.

No. 36789

i'm in the UK, it makes me so sad seeing little girls in hijabs. i swear originally hijabs were distinctly for grown women only? these kids are indoctrinated into literally the most degenerate religion. it should be illegal. i’m being so for real i am sick of muslim bullshit in the UK. why do normal people have to be “”tolerant”” of this bullshit when they are so intolerant of us??? creating sub communities where they only speak in foreign languages and “police themselves” and commit incest…. how does this shit fly in the UK? just because politicians don’t want to be called “racist”.

No. 36797

This is child abuse (dressing an elementary-school girl in clothes covering the whole body when it's hot outside, for example), but nobody dares to point it out.

>just because politicians don’t want to be called “racist”

Blame the UK law. No party wants to lose votes or be cancelled by the electorate. The majority of UK Muslims come from Commonwealth countries (Pakistan, Bangladesh, India), and so have special voting rights:
Yes, a person who freshly arrived from Pakistan has the same voting rights as a UK citizen. It's by design.

No. 36890

I hate how first world pickmes brag about how being able to wear the hijab is a privilege and an expression of self modesty or whatever. Yeah, it's a privilege for you because you live in a country where you have the freedom to do so or not. Meanwhile little girls are stoned to death and acid attacked for showing a strand of hair in your mother lands.

No. 37698

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No. 37702

Sickening, I hope more people see this.

No. 37722

Where can I read the full court documentation?

No. 37841

i have no hate in my heart for anyone except for muslims and trannies. if they all disappeared the world would infinitely be a better place

No. 37842

>Struggling with his sexuality
Absolutely no way he didn't abuse that baby. Between this and >>37698 I feel sick.

No. 37844

I know a lot of Muslim women and it's hard to feel sympathy for them when most of them condone their men's violence against non-muslim women. One of my former colleagues is a Muslim and she used to dress more liberally in her home country but when she came to the west she decided to do a 180 and began wearing the hijab and jilbab. If anything, granting them more rights and freedom tends to make them more extreme

No. 37948

It makes sense, in their original context, they could afford less symbolism and still keep control. On more liberal circles, the cultural authorities must create or establish further rites or in this case more strict clothing because they need it to compensate for civil freedoms. It is always about control, being "faithful" is always secondary to the religious elites.

No. 37956

I know exactly what you mean. I want to feel sympathy for all women, but at the same time I recognize that there are some women that actually act with full volition to destroy our rights and eliminate our freedoms. Muslim moids are retarded rape apes, yeah, but muslim women are psychologically repressed, reactionary, and vindictive, and they work with muslim men to perpetuate the misogynistic ideals of islam. It takes a LOT of therapy, self-work, and growth to fully deprogram yourself after being raised muslim, and honestly I think it's a life-long process. Unfortunately, most muslim women are too brainwashed to actually do any of that, so even if they do leave the faith they still hold onto all these insidious ideas and backwards responses that were instilled onto them since birth. It's annoying seeing muslim women getting a "free pass" at misogyny by certain libfems. I empathize with muslim women, but at the same time I can recognize that many, many, women aid and perpetuate the retarded islamic mindset.

No. 37957

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No. 37960

Can we like… bring back public executions? I know that sounds bad but in cases like this I just don't know how else you are supposed to punish these people and send a message to others who want to do this?

No. 37983

In Iraq they lowered to the age of consent to 15, before it was almost 9. And they are saying it has nothing to do with Islam, even though we know which gender will be married of at 15

No. 37988

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No. 38024

Imagine if black metal was invented in Turkey or somewhere by women who burn mosques. That would be so fucking based.

No. 38082

May I interest you in anti-islamic black metal?

No. 38127

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No. 38147

While all the others are real, its possible that Seeds of Iblis and Janaza are hoaxes. Very similar to how Ghost Bath claimed to be from China (though China actually does have a noticeable underground metal scene)

Indonesia also has a pretty sizeable black metal scene. Tho Indonesia also has much more religious diversity than somewhere like KSA or Iraq.

No. 38277

Seeing that Australian nurse video definitely peaked me. Religion of peace they say. It's funny there's radio silence from Islamic groups about it either. It's what they say about all non-Muslims behind closed doors, there's even a verse in the Qur'an about it saying to kill those who disbelieve in Allah or some shit. As an ausfag I'm glad we're a pretty liberal country but I hate how sympathetic we are to trannies and Muslims as a result.

No. 38278

share the video nona

No. 38303

never forget kier starmer spent his pre prime minister career defending people like this, and his (and the wider labour party's) aversion to an inquiry shows that he has nothing but contempt for white british people, especially women and girls. they not only condone, but actively support the very worst of islamist degeneracy, including the mass rape of young girls, and brutal murder and stabbing of literal toddlers. kier starmer would rather put the entire white british female population at risk so he can stay in power by clinging to those sweet islamist votes

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