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No. 2368065
File: 1737970655560.jpg (59.61 KB, 1262x329, 6364563.jpg)

Imagine using a site moderated by IQ 60 underage ESLs. Couldn't be me.
>>>/snow/2082109 No. 2370801
File: 1738145743777.jpg (31.29 KB, 489x330, v.jpg)

No. 2371070
File: 1738169745925.jpg (15.4 KB, 1167x83, 64364366.jpg)

No. 2371678
File: 1738192621640.jpeg (174.09 KB, 1284x360, IMG_9387.jpeg)

Dumbest ban I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life.
No. 2371706
>>2371701It really isn't about random thoughts. It's always been about mundane events that we experienced in our daily lives. If you want to make a "dumb and random thoughts" thread, feel free to. Or you could just use Dumbass Shit for that.
>>2371703And I'm the Easter Bunny.
No. 2371712
File: 1738194091279.jpeg (174.61 KB, 1284x418, IMG_9389.jpeg)

>>2371711Then maybe farmers need to agree on what the thread is for before a mod pulls this retarded shit again
No. 2371715
File: 1738194156483.jpeg (227.05 KB, 1284x525, IMG_9390.jpeg)

No. 2371724
>>23717191. Why are you so passionate about this
2. Doesn’t matter. If nonnas have been engaging in two consecutive threads that allow for thoughts, they’re not going to get reading the thread rules/description before posting in new ones. Can you make yourself a tea and calm down.
No. 2371731
>>23717241) If you think I'm being passionate about it by typing a few sentences, then I don't know what to say. I'd say replies like
>>2371710 and
>>2371707 and
>>2371727 are much more passionate.
2) Anons that were around before thread #25 know what the thread is for. Shitspergs that want to turn every thread into Dumbass Shit love to derail every thread and turn them into chatrooms, so they tried to do that with Mundane Shit but it's not working.
>>2371726Derailing means causing a thread to go dramatically off-topic, often intentionally. Derailing is off-topic and distracting. Posting random thoughts in the thread meant for talking about mundane ordinary events in our lives is off-topic and it distracts from the original point of the thread.
>>2371728I have no idea why they got so passionate. The newfags lately have been extra sensitive to the suggestion that they integrate instead of expecting everyone to bend to their will.
No. 2371732
>>2371728Newfags who can't handle that the reason why this site is good in the first place is because threads have rules/a purpose
>>2371727nta but you sound mental
No. 2371739
>>2371732>Newfags who can't handle that the reason why this site is good in the first place is because threads have rules/a purposeExactly! It's so frustrating, lol. It's like they think the site is one big Discord server. It really doesn't work that way, we have lots of unique different threads for a reason and it's important that everyone keeps their posts to appropriate threads.
>>2371733>Don't reinvent the threadSort of like how one retard changed the original OP to make the thread into a chatroom, so then it had to be changed back to what it originally was?
No. 2371766
>>2371755Thread #25 was made in October. That's the thread where some rando added the "thoughts" to the OP. For the previous 24 threads, beginning in 2021, the thread OP was about sharing mundane events in your life. So, for the past 3 years the thread has had a clear and concise topic. Just because some rando tried to change the topic of the thread 3 months ago doesn't mean that the entire thread topic should be changed.
>>2371762Ah yes, using punctuation is oh so familiar.
No. 2371767
File: 1738195706624.jpg (147.24 KB, 1119x500, 1zp0uo.jpg)

>>2371764This is how it should be imo
No. 2371773
>>2371764Sorry mb
>>2371766Multiple people have recognized you, you’re the one who coined ‘shitpsergs’ (super clever btw) and also wouldn’t shut up calling everyone ‘campers’ in meta. You have a weird grasp of the English language as well and don’t use common phrases properly. The most identifiable part though is how you defend the mods for everything, even if the mods themselves admit they did wrong.
No. 2371781
>>2371772Yeah, thread #25-#30 had the "thoughts" added to the OP but it was corrected in #31. There was a 3 and a half month period in the last 3 years when "thoughts" was present in the OP. It's silly to pretend the "thoughts" addition wasn't an attempt to turn the thread into a chatroom.
>>2371773I don't know whether to laugh or be worried for your mental health.
No. 2371786
>>2371780Don't worry, I don't feel crazy lol. It's more funny that bans on LC can have such a strong effect on people to make them behave so aggressively and passionately. They keep projecting onto me, but that's typical with these kinds of posters.
>>2371782Anon, red texts aren't always the same as ban messages. For all we know, the farmhand really could have said "this is for mundane events only" in the ban message. Besides, things don't always need to be clearly stated, sometimes anons have to learn on their own.
No. 2371793
>>2371788Not everyone that disagrees with you is samefagging.
>>2371787You went aggro that someone was banned for derailing a thread, because to you derailing isn't a big deal, and you like to break rules anyway because it's fun for you, but when someone derails "your" thread, you get even more aggro. It just doesn't make sense.
No. 2371795
File: 1738196517092.png (565.46 KB, 984x634, chrome_9k9Cgphw5a.png)

No. 2371813
File: 1738197254640.gif (134.8 KB, 640x478, IMG_9391.gif)

>>2371811Whatever you say kiddo
No. 2371816
File: 1738197346073.jpg (10.81 KB, 225x225, 09876543.jpg)

>>2371813is this the samefag tinfoil again? I'm whiteknight anon. My lady and I have posted at the same time because we are so in tune, in the fight against injustice
No. 2371820
>>2371811I don't think I went OTT, lol. I don't know why certain types of anons think that if I, or other anons, type a few sentences that means we're going bananas. It's easy for me to type a few words. If anything, I feel like
>>2371744 or
>>2371710 are crazy.
No. 2372125
File: 1738220293708.jpg (15.21 KB, 798x109, a.jpg)

No. 2372406
File: 1738242081062.jpg (130.12 KB, 1276x373, @.jpg)

No. 2374339
File: 1738315045683.jpg (18.23 KB, 521x113, www.jpg)

No. 2374872
File: 1738338052764.jpg (151.25 KB, 1734x212, ot.jpg)

One of the mods loves to a-log women who draw/write porn (wishes prison time upon them) and if you call it out you get a ban for 'infighting'. Notice how the asshole was careful to delete her (his?) own posts that would be too incriminating if left alone.
>>>/ot/2374255(ban evasion) No. 2375516
File: 1738363368152.png (31.46 KB, 720x253, Screenshot_20250131-194043~2.p…)

Is this not mundane? Nonna did nothing wrong
No. 2375965
File: 1738393682527.jpg (161.55 KB, 1747x193, 7858765.jpg)

Mods should be ashamed of whiteknighting rapefugees.
No. 2376729
File: 1738437887280.jpg (35.68 KB, 741x288, 65754768797.jpg)

Autism should prevent one from being a mod.
No. 2377523
File: 1738483781435.jpg (7.65 KB, 362x96, hhhh.jpg)

Triggered lesbian mod gets mad at nona for 'getting lesbian sex wrong'.
No. 2377655
>>2377652Activism is not forbidden by the rules. Next you'll start malding at the boycott thread
>>>/ot/1281779You sound like a shill for Big Corpo.
No. 2377670
File: 1738500611973.jpg (93.76 KB, 604x361, rule.jpg)

>>2377659Stop talking out of your ass.
If something
triggers you, just stop engaging with it. Can't be that hard for a person over 18.
No. 2378102
File: 1738522809111.jpg (32.12 KB, 485x331, 62876423.jpg)

>>2377903nta but I don't want to see politsperging. It's annoying. Every idiot on reddit thinks they're some grassroots MLK Jr. but it's always the same tired shit everyone's heard a million times, from a million other people/picrel. Honestly the most interesting politsperging is in the tinfoil thread because it isn't just some anon larping as a xitter-tard politician and parroting the same things they heard obnoxious political pundits on yt say. If I ever felt like I was actually being
informed and not watching a self-indulgent performance, I might feel differently about it
No. 2378166
File: 1738524790351.jpg (126.02 KB, 1460x408, 8696.jpg)

There is no such a rule.
No. 2379361
File: 1738569956964.jpg (40.07 KB, 849x261, p.jpg)

No. 2379373
File: 1738572317570.jpg (30.21 KB, 1219x95, gfh.jpg)

No. 2379424
File: 1738580898751.jpg (13.62 KB, 494x123, s.jpg)

>>2379355You mean you will stop banning people for adding '/s' to their posts, pinky promise? /s
No. 2380231
File: 1738612782286.jpg (34.3 KB, 471x341, 5465476.jpg)

Yep, a notorious troll and a groomer is an LC mod. No surprises here.
>>>/ot/2379390(ban evasion) No. 2380428
>>2380231>Your ban will not expire>Presses her VPN button and comes back with a schizophrenic vengeanceJfc. I can't wait until the VPN ban is permanent so that we don't have to deal with retards like you anymore. /ot/ is being ruined by actual speds with no lives that treat LC like their personal litter box.
>>2380264Because she forgot to take her Abilify today so her bedroom walls are telling her the truth now.
No. 2381274
File: 1738660623928.jpg (11.31 KB, 667x82, trooooon.jpg)

No. 2384588
File: 1738833040170.jpg (27.58 KB, 476x262, pedo.jpg)

No. 2384593
>>2384588Did you see which thread was posted in? Shes not wrong. This thread is great for laughing at retards who think they're the
victim kekkk
No. 2384626
File: 1738835851632.jpg (198.93 KB, 1261x420, wtf.jpg)

No. 2386237
File: 1738914739050.jpg (6.67 KB, 274x94, would.jpg)

No. 2386239
File: 1738914890575.jpg (160.2 KB, 1248x556, musk.jpg)

No. 2386302
>>2385106 and this was my only post here. Why shouldn't the pedo post be banned?
No. 2386322
>>2386294Nta but you retards who pretend that's a singular anon are ridiculous. You get those replies because a lot of these bans
are deserved.
No. 2386337
>>2386329a lot of the
actually retarded bans don’t even get posted here. i agree with you, but the jannies have been a bit tarded recently aside from the obviously deserved b&s
No. 2386462
File: 1738933392024.jpeg (129.93 KB, 734x464, IMG_8104.jpeg)

i’m not op but do infighting redtexts for obvious bait/tourist posters ever piss you guys off too? i myself reported this as bait, in what world is this ‘infighting’
No. 2388024
File: 1739026005034.jpg (410.15 KB, 959x1996, 1000001261.jpg)

So lame moidbait doesn't get banned but calling it out does. Trannyjanny with two tons of CP on computer probably triggered. "Scrotefoiling" bans shat up the site. At least ban for replying to bait lol
No. 2388026
>>2388024Samefag, moids are literally raiding the site, posting the most blatant moid pedoshit and racebait on /g/ and unpopular opinions and nothing happens but anyone who tells them to fuck off gets banned.
Also trannyfoiling being a ban is even more retarded
No. 2388034
File: 1739026832101.png (529.46 KB, 512x512, 1000020079.png)

>>2388024You can call me weird for this theory. Even retarded for this theory. But sometimes, with the way these jannies redtext anons for the stupidest shit imaginable while taking forever to even punish the obvious baiters or moids, I have the feeling in the back of my head that a lot of these baiters, infighters, and moid posters are actually just the jannies themselves wanting to stir shit up or participate, but getting butthurt when nobody wants to entertain them or reminds them that they're obnoxious even when they try to larp as regular anons.
No. 2388053
>>2388024same happened for the moid who posted in another thread (chuckle thread) some hours ago and even said in his post that he was male and i kept reporting him and it took hours for him to get banned and his post with that suspicious link is still up instead of being removed. Also that poor anon who replied with a KYS gif to him getting banned for infighting…which doesn't even make sense.
Not to tinfoil but what is going on with the moderation team? They are extremely slow when it comes to actual bait and severe rule-breaking but throw out bans like candies within minutes for integration or sage rules.
Also idk if you anons noticed but sometimes i will look at two anons infighting and only one of them gets banned and the other one is okay even if they started the infight first or baited. Which leads me to believe that some farmhands are baiting and infighting with the anons here on anon and then they click on the mod status and then ban the anons they argued with.
Such shit and biased moderation, also i feel sorry for the disney anon who got that unfair ban.
No. 2388062
>>2388053convo in vent yesterday start of chain
>>2386311this nona said some more
>>2386371>>2386382>>2386396 No. 2388101
File: 1739029156808.jpg (62.49 KB, 1035x593, Screenshot_20250208-173812_Chr…)

No. 2388209
File: 1739034617681.jpg (133.26 KB, 395x667, 1574645508015.jpg)

>>2388101Kek that's me. I'm disappointed I thought anons would have recognized develv art, I had forgotten about the earlier physiognomy thread so bad timing ig
No. 2388251
>>2388209don't worry anon, i barely kept up with the develv threads and even i recognized that picture was a develv satire.
Can't believe our current mods are newfags.
also kek develv may be the rare case of female tranny chasers. Like most of it is men but develv's lust and obsession with eunuchs and castrated men is next level.
No. 2388267
>>2388209Did you complain in /meta/? Mods should reverse the ban.
I love the develv threads kek I can't believe you got banned for this.
No. 2388277
File: 1739037571543.jpg (175.55 KB, 1692x931, Screenshot 2025-02-08 185744.j…)

>>2388267the new mods are literal retards, one of the mods accidentally took a satire post in the elon musk thread seriously and banned the anon (the mod before that also was banning other clear sarcastic posts too and taking them seriously) and then once the mod realized it was satire out of shame hours later they removed the redtext like it never happened. The replies calling out the jannys autism are still there.
No. 2389974
File: 1739101167550.jpg (84.16 KB, 1014x577, Screenshot_20250209-132333_Chr…)

No. 2390241
File: 1739114986243.png (213.81 KB, 845x558, Capture.PNG)

Not any of the anons but determining someone is "ran through" by their hands is the most scroteish behaviour ever is it not?
No. 2390244
>>2390241Obvious bait
Jannies sleep
Someone calls out obvious bait
Jannies: real shit?
No. 2396791
File: 1739431698876.jpg (49.06 KB, 1254x157, 3.jpg)

No. 2397261
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No. 2397263
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No. 2397266
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No. 2397268
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No. 2397269
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No. 2397272
File: 1739449003642.jpg (51.1 KB, 1253x333, j.jpg)

Wumao mod.
No. 2397274
File: 1739449078713.jpg (21.92 KB, 1245x106, tt.jpg)

No. 2397277
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No. 2397278
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No. 2397284
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No. 2397286
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No. 2397289
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No. 2398704
File: 1739516067036.jpg (30.56 KB, 1250x129, ot.jpg)

No. 2399340
>>2396877It's true that the n
gger part of glowngger is a racial slur but ayrt isn't wrong, it's part of the term glowie and doesn't refer necessarily to black people.
(failed self-censor) No. 2402421
File: 1739698472237.jpg (7.03 KB, 324x114, --.jpg)

No. 2402676
File: 1739714421426.jpg (16.43 KB, 949x98, glow in the dark.jpg)

No. 2402678
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No. 2402682
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No. 2402688
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No. 2402689
File: 1739715226750.jpg (123.66 KB, 1267x461, cvn,,.ghg.jpg)

No. 2402693
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No. 2403033
File: 1739733909859.jpg (212.24 KB, 2741x905, 1234.jpg)

No. 2403333
>>2403155it was posted
>>2402676 nona
No. 2403697
>>2403696Race baiting is not saying a slur. We can say all the slurs we want to on here. We can say nigger, faggot, retard, etc.. Saying "nigger" or any other racial slur doesn't always indicate racebaiting, since racism has to do with the context in which it was used.
>cut tourist some slack!No. If you want to use this website, you need to learn the rules and follow the rules. Anon broke the rules, so she got banned, and now she won't repeat her mistake. That's how bans work.
No. 2403710
>>2403705Probably because it has to do with the context of which it was written. You can read more about that in the third sentence of my post.
Racebait -
>chinks are all stupid gooks!Not racebait -
>i got called a chink today by some racistUse your common sense, if you have any.
No. 2403754
>>2403710Yes, if the mods actually read the posts and were not random in their bans lately you would have a point.
No. 2403984
>>2403695nta but then this ban
>>2396791 makes zero sense. It's not racebaiting under your own definition, it's about glowies.
And the banned anon was responding to a point made about that ban. To protect herself, she tried to avoid writing the word that caused a ban for someone else. I don't understand why you are caping for the moderation here when the rule seems to be: damned if you do, damned if you don't. The italicization was a mistake but that's not the red text for the ban.
No. 2403999
File: 1739784237405.jpg (11.54 KB, 667x97, lolwot.jpg)

No. 2404176
>>2403695I knew the italics were going to happen, I was counting on other farmers and jannies being integrated enough to understand what I was trying to do. There is no way to escape the asterisk that I know of.
Also why the fuck am I forced to use that word? i udnerstand bannign tiktok self-censoring but the word nigger is constantly censored everywhere except maybe KF, it's simple courtesy and I hate that I have to write it out here. Being forced to say something is licherally 1984.
No. 2404265
File: 1739808052149.jpg (92.54 KB, 1308x483, derail.jpg)

No. 2404271
File: 1739808175508.jpg (12.7 KB, 289x176, meme.jpg)

No. 2404277
File: 1739808264796.jpg (20.01 KB, 1240x99, armchair.jpg)

No. 2404288
File: 1739808440547.jpg (41.21 KB, 1235x284, bait.jpg)

No. 2404289
File: 1739808485695.jpg (6.45 KB, 271x96, kek.jpg)

No. 2405638
File: 1739863172545.jpg (66.97 KB, 1249x268, er.jpg)

Is the mod a failed medicine student? It would explain her hatred for any medical discussion.
No. 2405829
File: 1739878177291.jpg (222.59 KB, 1080x1227, 1000001505.jpg)

I'll never really understand why "scrotefoiling" became a bannable offense as of late. Even the mildest shit.
No. 2405838
>>2405829Because it's an underhanded way of either trying to get someone banned or to invalidate anything they're saying and rally other posters against them, it's lolcow's version of pointing your finger and accusing someone of being a witch.
If you truly believe someone's a moid all you have to do is report.
No. 2405856
File: 1739880669738.jpg (46.14 KB, 1252x332, nitpick.jpg)

No. 2406070
File: 1739899580842.png (342.93 KB, 1080x1358, 93378.png)

Who the fuck keeps reporting me for stupid shit like this?I've been in this website for 5 years not my fault I use a smartphone to type.
No. 2407025
File: 1739953052255.jpg (33.08 KB, 808x330, 1.jpg)

What's the point of having cow boards then?
No. 2407028
File: 1739953083751.jpg (6.97 KB, 265x95, 2.jpg)

No. 2407597
File: 1739991656146.jpg (178.79 KB, 860x489, q.jpg)

No. 2408190
>>2407682I could be wrong but I think the anon was loling because Taylor decided to show his shower stuff. If you were using some special medicated shampoo, maybe you wouldn't want your partner filming that for everyone, idk.
Whatever, calling it psychotic is silly. It's a dumb post, just move on. Complaining about poor innocent Taylor and Tom in multiple threads is way too much.
No. 2408264
File: 1740007121559.jpg (263.31 KB, 800x942, 100764224t6.jpg)

I'm more confused if anything. Wasn't talking about kpop, but an American celebrity. Was the other pony in the pic a reference to a kpop guy or something?
No. 2409154
File: 1740032997771.jpg (57.19 KB, 1254x196, h p.jpg)

No. 2409182
>>2408264It's probably referring to 'international fans' and being unable to mention him without being called an 'x-fag', which you would obviously assume to be kpop fags, as they are the only group of fans who are banned on here.
I think the mods banning every little mention of kpop, even when there are no pictures, no sperging and no threads specifically on the topic, is retarded. It's understandable to ban those things to keep it contained but this is a board of weebs, shippers, fandom-oriented nerds, all of us enjoy cringe shit and I don't see why kpop is so much worse that you can't even occasionally talk about it as a fandom or celeb gossip.
No. 2409245
File: 1740038867549.jpg (53.35 KB, 1244x266, uyut.jpg)

No wonder Farmhands are so unhinged and schizo here - they are vegans.
No. 2409247
File: 1740038991883.jpg (43.29 KB, 1240x123, a.jpg)

No. 2409295
File: 1740044295164.jpg (122.85 KB, 1285x371, ot.jpg)

No. 2409299
>>2409247deserved. it's just pure blackpill autism
>>2409295also obviously deserved. do you just post any redtext you see?
No. 2409324
File: 1740051168369.jpg (19.96 KB, 1224x108, 3.jpg)

No. 2409428
File: 1740062164378.jpg (27.36 KB, 1227x100, kkk.jpg)

Posting a link to your Discord server is not against the rules.
No. 2409430
File: 1740062430802.jpg (42.87 KB, 1244x200, 7567698.jpg)

Americans should be prohibited from becoming mods. They are more likely to be mentally ill.
No. 2409433
>>2409430It got an integrate ban because it's spaced stupidly. You don't have to hit enter after every sentence
>>2409428It is against the rules. It's called self-promotion. Read the rules.
No. 2412030
File: 1740208081509.jpg (105.31 KB, 1252x373, moid.jpg)

Moid mod on /snow/ confirmed.
No. 2412587
File: 1740250629554.jpg (122.97 KB, 1247x498, grimes.jpg)

Why are mods caping for Grimes?
No. 2417795
File: 1740465278372.jpg (147.6 KB, 1263x403, lisa.jpg)

No. 2419542
File: 1740550318109.jpg (63.79 KB, 796x472, dense.jpg)

No. 2419625
File: 1740559877843.jpg (28.01 KB, 444x331, 5674736.jpg)

Do mods even check the thread topic of the post they redtext?
>>>/m/463916 No. 2419696
File: 1740566873196.jpg (7.15 KB, 365x80, no u.jpg)

No. 2419879
File: 1740582711961.png (253.15 KB, 786x508, Screenshot from 2025-02-27 04-…)

I'm guessing the logic of the integrate redtext was because she included a screenshot of the post she was replying to, but I don't think it's that unreasonable considering the reply was to an old post in the previous thread. Maybe mods assumed she was using a screenshot because she didn't know how to reply but obviously she does because she did also reply normally. Using an image is attention catching and that anon would be much more likely to see it. Often replies to posts from previous threads don't get seen.
It's not the dumbest ban in this thread but it's not really "unintegrated".
No. 2420427
File: 1740606797237.png (308.35 KB, 915x852, 544.png)

Since when were posts like these considered "a-logging" kek
>implying grown men can be raped by a woman
especially at someone like Till who's already a rapist, who gives a shit?
No. 2420694
>>2420427This is weird because wasn't that in the unconventional male attractions thread? So those rape threats were just hornyposts. Wait until jannies step into the Luigi thread landmines
>>2420689It's standard /g/ behavior that janny is unironically a newfag
No. 2420714
File: 1740617115579.jpeg (84.94 KB, 660x234, IMG_7282.jpeg)

No. 2420782
File: 1740618674542.jpeg (49.11 KB, 425x481, image-1004235.jpeg)

Brb on my way to ctrl+f "rape" in the Luigi thread and report everyone kekkkk
>>2420762They don't ban rape posts in slower threads though, so I doubt it's about speed alone.
No. 2420907
>>2420782Tinfoil: the mod is a
trigger Rammstein fan.
No. 2420945
>>2420931What a ray of sunshine
>>2420935You’re a newfag telling me that using the right word to describe the trannyjans is the wrong word. Fail. And yes they are fat, ugly, worthless and that wasn’t an “epic pwnage” I’m talking about reality here
No. 2421017
File: 1740625934904.png (89.72 KB, 1104x211, mod.png)

>>2420935>>2420969NTAYRT but it's so fucking funny when newfags try to say stupid shit like this. Your revisionism is retarded. They have ALWAYS been called mods, for as long as this site has been around. Don't speak on things of which you know nothing. Don't accuse others of being newfags when you don't even know basic shit.
No. 2421252
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>>2421207NTA, I think you don't know how easy it is to do that
No. 2421292
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No. 2422085
File: 1740699865391.png (57.04 KB, 880x749, Screenshot 2025-02-27 143721.p…)

I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, want to know how this is "obnoxious spacing" how else was I supposed to space it? the only thing I could have done was either add more spaces or completely delete all spaces, both of which would make it stand out even more. this is how I've always spaced and never got banned for it before. I'm convinced the mods have never used image boards and don't even know what they're doing anymore
No. 2422091
>>2422085You didn't add enough spaces
nonnie, use more next time.
No. 2422094
>>2422087I've been using this site for over 6 years, have always spaced like this and never got banned for it until now
>>2422091so you're saying I should space like this? because it looks a lot weirder to me
No. 2422098
>>2422085i’ve never gotten banned for spacing like that before either, thats strange
>>2422094i think that anon was joking keek
No. 2422107
>>2422094I'm so sorry KEK I was fucking with you and now I feel bad. Just space it
>>2422085Like this
No. 2422144
>>2422139Yep it's either this or the mod is truly a newfag who somehow was handed a janitor position.
>>2422140Exactly. Wish people would just stop talking about it.
No. 2422149
>>2422085 looks much neater and easier to follow (since it's multiple unrelated comments she's replying to) than this
>>2422098 (granted this one is fine the way it is because it's talking about the same issue)
Really strange ban and it was not reddit spacing.
This is reddit spacing.
I'm not highlighting any posts and just spacing sentences like a retard.
No. 2422159
File: 1740702112260.png (469.19 KB, 470x722, reddit spacing.png)

>>2422149Kek you're wrong. Refer to picrel.
No. 2422194
>>2422173Janitors should have a comprehensive understanding of the site culture and rules. It is obvious that many of them lack basic knowledge of terminology.
They don't know what redditspacing is, which you can see here
>>2422085They don't know the difference between samefagging and doubleposting, which you can see here
>>2279236If a janitor doesn't understand common IB terminology, one has to wonder how effective they can be at moderating an IB and protecting site culture. How can someone protect the culture if they don't understand the culture to begin with?
The "redditspacing is actually now a byword for any and all spacing formatting issues" is stupid because there is already an accepted redtext for formatting issues. The fact that the janitors bought into this massive revision of what redditspacing means, which was perpetuated by newfags in 2024, goes to show that they lack the critical thinking skills needed for moderating an IB.
Really look at
>>2422085 and tell me in what way this constitutes a "haiku" or is otherwise in the style of poetry? I find it so strange when anons feel the need to posture like this. The janitors don't care if you defend them or not. The janitors don't care about you.
No. 2422197
>>2422159Nta but I do remember when people here first started to complain about "reddit spacing" and it was screenshots of double spacing
Like this
I think it has more to do with the fact that people on reddit tend to make a bunch of spaces when it's not necessary and could have easily fitted into one paragraph.
Not when double spacing between actual paragraphs to make it more readable.
And "reddit spacing" has nothing to do with how you link replies in your post either, because replies don't work like that on Reddit (which is what the original ban was about, although it didn't mention Reddit in the ban tbf)
You have to admit this is obnoxious, but people do type like this on Reddit for some reason and break it up way more than it needs to be.
But in my opinion "reddit spacing" is still kind of arbritrary and shouldn't really be a banworthy offense unless it really stands out and is shitting up a thread.
No. 2422210
>>2422197If we say "redditspacing is bannable," then posting replies like this one would be bannable.
They'd be bannable because this is what redditspacing is.
The problem is that these posts aren't banned for redditspacing. You can see what I mean when you look at posts like
>>2420220 or
>>2421948 for example.
So if actual redditspacing doesn't get banned, what's the point of making a rule against redditspacing?
Instead, newfags propagated a misconception that paragraph spacing is redditspacing, so now paragraph spacing gets banned.
Paragraph spacing is a normal part of posting on imageboards. It's never been against the rules. It's especially useful when there's good discussions happening.
>>2422208Welcome to Lolcow. Use a VPN so it's easier to ban evade.
No. 2422234
>>2422210Because there's no dictionary definition of what "reddit spacing" is, and everyone means something else when they say it. You might be right, but when anons first started complaining about "reddit spacing" it was screenshots of people breaking up what could have been 1 paragraph into a shitload of lines (double spaced) and it was obvious by their typing style that they came from reddit, so I'm pretty sure that's what anons originally meant by "reddit spacing". I looked for those posts, even used to search function but couldn't find them. Pretty sure the original screenshots from the "reddit spacing" anon came from the vent thread which gets buried really fast.
The problem is people think it means different things, so whenever it gets reported for "reddit spacing" the mods (who are mostly new probably) just ban everything that gets reported and don't look at context, like the other anon was saying.
No. 2422249
>>2422234But there is a definition of redditspacing. It's written here
>>2422159 Just because some people don't know the definition doesn't mean that there is multiple definitions.
>It was obvious by their typing style that they came from redditPosts formatted like this
>>2422210 make it seem like someone came from Reddit. Posts like this
>>2422197 are just someone that doesn't know how to use paragraphs correctly.
No. 2422272
>>2422263I know you were itching to type
No. 2422294
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>>2422249That's one anon's OPINION of what reddit spacing is, it's not official. Like I said, even if it's right, it's not what anons originally meant when they started complaining about "reddit spacing" (or at least some anons), I'm sure some redditors are aware of the line break thing you explained and add an extra linebreak on purpose when they post elsewhere from reddit. Picrel is an example, it's an email written like that sent a reddit mod
>>796083 No. 2422353
>>2422347Nta but the original post that started this
>>2422085 didn't even stand out, that's how the majority of anons format multiple replies
No. 2422660
File: 1740730726461.jpg (27.17 KB, 610x162, plebs.jpg)

>>2422085Unintegrated Farmhand needs to get the boot. Embarrassing for whomever accepted that imbecile onto the team.
>>2422464For real. Nagging nonas for
problematic stuff is getting too obnoxious, even in this thread.
>>2422305Redditspacing has been clearly defined though. No. 2422667
File: 1740731151492.jpg (40.25 KB, 1146x276, t554u5.jpg)

Imagine being jannied by tourists.
No. 2422682
>>2422667change those - to green texting and get rid of "it's wild" and this wouldn't be banned.
>>2419625Kek this is top tier accurate and incredibly confronting. (racebait) my ass.
No. 2422846
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>>2422682it got banned for racebait because the poster actually edited the woman to be a racial caricature. the original comic has a white woman
No. 2422996
File: 1740757856070.png (66.81 KB, 1042x580, Screenshot 2025-02-28 at 16.48…)

>>2422159but this is completely untrue. It's the opposite. Reddit ignores when you start a new row, you need to add a separate empty row. Hence redditspacing means spacing lines out unnecessarily.
No. 2423043
File: 1740760222560.jpg (57.59 KB, 705x461, grg.jpg)

How are mods allowed to permaban for unspecified reasons?
No. 2423049
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>>2423010Yep, that janny can't handle any heat and gets
triggered when being called out.
No. 2423075
>>2423052It's very obvious too. Like how they'll let baiters and instigators have the floor for hours, but when anons start responding–
that's suddenly when the jannies jump in. Kind of like that time a scrote came to talk about girls he wants to talk to, yet anons who told him to go kill himself somehow got banned way before he even did.
No. 2423268
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>>2423258Okay we need to start cranking up the homophobia towards males on the board just because of that. Stategize, anons.
No. 2433406
>>2433314>I've seen even milquetoast 'gee sounds like a moid' posts get banned for 'scrotefoiling' so I guess unless men are straight-up posting their dick pics we're no longer allowed to question posters who are merely recreating worn-out women-hating moid arguments from 4chan verbatim. iykyk.Kek I called out some poster who was out of nowhere oddly defending tiny manlets and raging about tall men in a sex related thread and I got banned for scrotefoiling even though it was clearly some bitter moid. Another anon later stepped in and said she also could tell it was a scrote because the post was so random and the shit he was saying didn't make any sense.
I also got banned a week ago for responding to an image someone posted of some random ugly dude and all I said was "Jfc white scrotes are hideous." and I got banned for racebait. So I have pretty much confirmed there's at least one dude on the mod team (who must be some ugly white guy kek) because really…who here would even give a fuck about that? Nobody had a problem with my post except the mod. Both of these bans really made me think about who's modding here.
No. 2433490
File: 1741390233668.png (214.63 KB, 1807x423, not ai.png)

>farmhands don't recognize the applejack artist
Not every over rendered image is ai dummies
No. 2434632
>>2433406>Jfc white scrotes are hideousPerhaps there is a TiF on the mod team too and she got
triggered lel.
No. 2436237
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No. 2436313
File: 1741515851958.jpg (64.62 KB, 1243x224, autism.jpg)

No. 2436318
File: 1741516453535.png (12.09 KB, 123x96, Screenshot 2025-03-09 033305.p…)

>tell an anon to report the obvious moid baiting about cartoon breasts and derailing the thread to whine about cleavage not being as visible
>get banned for scrotefoiling
hmm. i see.