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No. 219775
>What is this threadBy popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread /g/ edition, which of course, talks about husbandos and horny shit
>Why was this made / what is the differenceThe difference is that here you can be retarded about your 3D and 2D crushes so you don't clog the other retarded thread. Post memes, be frisky, whatever.
>But whyFarmers are some horny b*tches
>Examples of posts that go here-I want the Jojos to ganbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
The retarded hornyposting thread now includes pairings, and remember you can thirstpost about 3D men as well. For other /g/ related shitposts just use the current /ot/ thread. Thank you!
Previous horny:
>>>/g/206344 No. 219792
File: 1640675779345.png (19.91 KB, 442x314, geohegoiheghpoiiohge.png)

I downloaded a shimeji (desktop bud) of spamton with the original game sprites. It took me super long to find it because I kept finding a dumb fanart version of it (I only want the original.) And somehow, zoomers don't like sharing links, for some reason? Like, everytime I searched for it someone would be like "nvm found it" and not post the link to the source. So I'm posting it here for anyone interested: download java for it to work too. Once you have java installed just click on the .jar and he'll be there. So yeah enjoy this spamton shimeji lol
No. 219795
File: 1640676220983.png (119.03 KB, 450x613, 1624761132324.png)

Every night before I go to sleep I think about what it would be like to snuggle up in his big strong arms. It hurts.
No. 219800
File: 1640677491764.png (1.44 MB, 1527x2004, __bondrewd_made_in_abyss_drawn…)

No. 219820
File: 1640682148957.jpg (219.66 KB, 1000x523, pojila bih ga.jpg)

Was just reminded of this snack.
10/10, would step over corpses to give him hydration
No. 219824
File: 1640683704692.jpeg (470.33 KB, 936x2072, D001B974-A9D2-4A86-9F50-28684B…)

You guys sperging about mad scientists unlocked a super far away memory of having a friend who was drawing a webcomic, well I tracked it down and sent them a message because I completely lost them. Thanks lolc
No. 219846
File: 1640694900977.gif (596.86 KB, 540x224, c087e29c-5e29-489b-994a-a37012…)

woof woof bark woof grrrr snarl bark
No. 219851
File: 1640696601646.jpeg (448.96 KB, 1634x2048, C8B12000-2EF8-41D8-86ED-F06622…)

Missed the fun at the end of the last thread lol. Anyway the idea of these two getting it on is so damn hot to me. Either the author is lowkey shipping them or this is some high quality bait, it really succeeded in rotting my brain. The fact that they gave each other so many visible head injuries makes it even better The things I want them to do to each other.. just fuck already I don’t care if it would be a toxic relationship, do it for stress relief or because you’re drugged or whatever but please these bitches are so hot
No. 219859
File: 1640702358828.jpg (134.37 KB, 1200x600, ESaimccUcAEKACw.jpg)

There is not someone out there for everyone. Where am I supposed to find another white haired brown skinned kleptomaniac with a gambling addiction who cries at sad movies and is afraid of ghosts and rescued a homeless orphan girl who was being harassed by a man and is also a sexy himbo demon? He's the only one for me.
No. 219860
File: 1640702507211.jpg (48.83 KB, 640x442, 15954776.jpg)

No. 219861
File: 1640703779718.jpg (72.54 KB, 691x900, 8afd5ed65a3be6fd74b33c54ff99b5…)

nonnie, you are absolutely right. I want them to fuck for whatever reason, and I wanna watch it.
To be fair, I'd like to see basically any Golden Kamuy pairing fucking, Ogata and Sugimoto just happen to be the hottest.
I have no shame in admitting that Ogata saying that Tanigaki should beg for him turned me on, or when Tsurumi drew on Usami's face.
No. 219863
>>219795Keeeek he fell asleep, but still keeping up his arms like that just to show off..
if you know, you know.. No. 219877
File: 1640712620757.png (324.22 KB, 827x754, tumblr_ocf4rzpyWN1tox5ero1_128…)

>>219863Heh, you totally got me anon! Nice to see you here.
No. 219944
File: 1640726603219.jpg (104.8 KB, 1200x675, ELwnxTcX0AEAZu6.jpg)

can't stop thinking about helping him shave….
No. 219946
File: 1640727818139.png (1 MB, 1024x576, ddqk0ap-049bf184-cf9c-4049-b4e…)

want to ruin him no one understands my love for kai. i'm so close to commissioning a daki for him it's so bad nonnas i dont know what to do with myself
No. 219952
File: 1640730306545.jpg (211.6 KB, 1323x1764, 1cb4e50cf3d6f376293fefb2339a6e…)

i wanna be his sugar baby
No. 219959
File: 1640732793180.png (1.29 MB, 1000x771, 90009684_p18.png)

being a combo yumejoshi and fujo is so hard…. do i want him to fuck me or do i want to watch him get fucked decisions decisions
>>219851i'm gonna need sauce on the art you posted and the doujin from last thread
>>219682 please i am begging! i love the amount of based anons we have here. and sorry to bring up the sperg from last thread but imo noda knows he has a large female fanbase and likes to give us some eye candy once in a while, plus his wife apparently helps a lot which probably adds to the female fan service.
No. 219961
File: 1640733460635.png (860.55 KB, 730x778, wilfred-knightserrant.png)

this obscure webcomic character definitely informed my taste in women back in like 2013
No. 219973
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>>219960I'm a fujo and kiiinda yume as well and I totally am favorable to hot bi threesomes. Bi guys are my weakness.
Who would be the lucky Pierre, Ogata or Sugimoto?
>>219959I'm the anon that posted the dj page and I don't know the sauce cause I found that page randomly, but I'd happily look it up for us.
And about the last thread sperg, I truly think it was someone baiting pretending to be an Ayden. Most brainrotted twitterfags won't even touch lolcow, and when they do they are not that savvy to post it without namefaging.
No. 219974
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Also I'd like to add how much I love Koito's flexibility and agility. The things he probably can do in bed…
Another coincidence for his name, btw, Koito in portuguese means sex
No. 219977
File: 1640736654438.jpg (2.02 MB, 498x277, Pl0bo3a.jpg)

The mad scientist talk reminded me of Professor Venomous.
OK KO was a terrible show and the only redeeming quality was this man. He has such a sexy voice. The sharp teeth add to it too. I only watched the episodes with him in it.
No. 219987
File: 1640740055073.jpg (65.39 KB, 735x538, 830980c5e6af1b0b4d61a9e5a176eb…)

>>219959So I went looking for it and it's by a twitter user named Nyaruko, @katudon666
I went looking for her doujinshis in japanese, but all that I could find relating to SugiOga were modern AUs, so it's not the same as in the page. The only djs that were in universe were TsukiKoi djs, so I don't know if that page particularly was an one off thing for twitter or if it's just all sold out lol
Anyway, have some eye candy
No. 219988
File: 1640740076995.png (330.66 KB, 911x472, unknown.png)

>>219986I don't really know the status of it today, but this was from an incomplete version that the author wiped in favor of a 'reboot'. you can see what it was off archive No. 219990
File: 1640740519585.gif (1.28 MB, 498x277, ok-ko-lets-be-heroes-cartoon-n…)

>>219977i hate him but i love him but i hate him but
No. 219999
No. 220005
>>219977He's such blatant husbando bait and I for one don't give a fuck, he's hot as hell and probably the only reason I'm gonna watch this cartoon.
>>219959NTA but here's the source for the other pic: (sorry for posting in the last thread when this one had already been made but I can't delete it now kek) I wanna know who this character is
>>208504 I hope the poster is still around.
Also for the anon who asked for source on another pic last thread
>>216181 No. 220006
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>>219987Thank you for your efforts anon! The urge to learn japanese just so I can read doujins grows stronger by the day. And the art you shared… how are they just so sexy together
No. 220012
File: 1640744903256.png (2.46 MB, 1296x1728, 188.png)

Who's your favorite onii-san? Personally I'd fuck either the office worker or the nurse the most.
No. 220016
>>219999>>220000I just got it off the wiki, but S1 episodes 41 and 42. S2 episodes 75, 78, 87. S3 episodes 97, 99, 103, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112.
So pretty much mainly season 2 and 3. It's a shame he didn't show up more.
No. 220020
File: 1640746542524.png (961.04 KB, 650x915, d5xtcln-f7deeb1c-b5a4-4770-8aa…)

>>220012geek, teacher and office worker do soooo much for me. i spent $200 to import keychains of these fuckers i love kaneoya sachiko i hope shes living her best life
No. 220022
File: 1640747013633.gif (1.59 MB, 444x250, 163775863588.gif)

>>220016>>219977Im sorry
nonny, but his voice is gross. Sad, he had potential. next
No. 220023
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>>219977with a taste of your lips i'm on a ride
No. 220026
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God bless Sachiko
No. 220029
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>>220012Mad scientist of course
No. 220034
File: 1640749393816.png (513.43 KB, 829x1200, Golden Kamuy - Vol.19 Ch.188 -…)

>>220006No problem, anon! I am nowhere near fluent, but I was looking forward to finding it and maybe even translating it (the dialogue on that page read as basically Ogata telling Sugimoto to be patient/wait out
sniper thing? and calling him Saichi instead of Sugimoto), if I ever come across it, it's a promise.
>how are they just so sexy togetherI lost my shit reading this page,
nonnie, NODA KNOWS
No. 220040
File: 1640751265855.jpg (91.49 KB, 1081x609, Tumblr_l_915988718546832.jpg)

>>219969Morganhoe reporting in
No. 220041
>>220035based, NTA but thanks a lot
Is there a compilation of all his appearances (voiced or not)?
No. 220105
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>>220034god bless you anon i hope you have a wonderful day!
Noda has to know its like he's doing this to us on purpose!! i was never into gore or blood but this scene (and ogata himself really) have awakened something in me
No. 220120
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>>220105Dude literally recommends BL manga of course he knows. But yeah I don’t know what’s going on with gk, I was never really into shipping or sexualizing characters before
I fucking hate coomers I feel like a hypocrite but now I’m super horny for this
>>219851 everything else is fine too but doesn’t compare. I swear it activated my thirsty fujo potential I tried to ignore.
>>219959 damn that scene was hawt in the magazine version
>>220034That page is so sick it legit left me confused for a while after reading it. This fucker is doing it on purpose there is no other way
No. 220144
File: 1640801968535.jpg (13.17 KB, 235x367, ce0241e13c3d0e215904e2801cb348…)

have not publicly sperged about yakuza tiddies, abs, feet or uncut dicks in a while it seems but it doesn't mean that i have not been thinking about those!!
No. 220157
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>>220105I'm not into gore, but definitely love some bloody action, especially of it's military.
the final pages of the Waterloo chapter in the Les Mis book describing this hot and bothered soldier made me hornier than I ever thought>>220120Don't worry anon, most fujos are never worse than the common coomer moid, even more so after 18. Ship away and sexualize away.
Aside from SugiOga, are there other pairings that you'd like to see? I have too many.
No. 220162
File: 1640809614354.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.88 KB, 850x1199, 6779930.jpg)

>>220157nta but tanigaki and ogata
No. 220183
File: 1640813877754.jpg (1.69 MB, 1440x2560, Tumblr_l_204830765148869.jpg)

What is it about hobo like old men that makes me want to become his perfect submissive housewife.
No. 220203
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>>220157it's hard to care about other ships with the sugioga brain rot, but koito and tsukishima is a given and I really do like tanigaki and inkarmat together. ogata and vasily is cute but pales in comparison to sugioga.
>>220162I love a strong man tit but this artist basically gave ogata womens breasts… it would be so good otherwise but I just can not with those lmao
No. 220204
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I want to marry Bowser. He would be the perfect husband. Peach just doesn't get it.
No. 220217
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>that titty window
No. 220230
File: 1640822547355.png (153.11 KB, 553x628, d81vjql-4bf7c6f2-4377-452f-b19…)

I just love him so much. He's so big and strong, I bet he can carry me very easily and do whatever he wants with me, just imagine how imposing he would be irl, i also want to brush his moustache.
>>220217Hot. Name?
No. 220232
File: 1640823291663.png (867.73 KB, 816x1073, kdash-kofallstar-kof99.png)

>>220230NTA but it's K' from King of Fighters
No. 220240
File: 1640826139473.jpg (158.39 KB, 585x960, tumblr_517839dc13ef3f93d64ecf6…)

>>220183He's not my type but I'm really happy for all the anons who like him! He has a lot of good art and fic so far for being a one off character. I need more art of him and Chris being uncles to Rose.
No. 220248
File: 1640830576833.jpg (2.11 MB, 1400x2088, __father_gascoigne_bloodborne_…)

>>220183i will always recommend father gascoigne from bloodborne to heisenberg fuckers
for me, its the italian voice. No. 220253
File: 1640834293821.png (224.65 KB, 461x381, 47320470326.png)

>>220248As a voicefag I thank you, truly works of art. God the breathy groans, panting, growling and rumbling timbre
No. 220273
File: 1640848066758.jpg (147.17 KB, 850x1200, __ogata_hyakunosuke_and_sugimo…)

>>220203I agree with basically everything you said.
I wouldn't say though that I personally
ship Ogata and Sugimoto, it's just that they look so good together… And the potential hate fucking, with Ogata mental illness… Insane.
It helps that they are both my favorite characters for very different reasons, Sugimoto is my perfect animal loving ride or die husbando and Ogata is that guy that you just love to "hate" and watch his schemes unfold. It's funny how even with fighting strategies they are completely different: Sugimoto is full on berserk melee and is a lousy shot and Ogata is calculated distanced, perfect shots. Which would make for very interesting sexual dynamics…
I wonder why Ogata didn't wrestle after the sea otter nabe. Maybe he was trying his hardest to not do anything he would regret later.
No. 220320
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I want him so bad nonnies…His backstory arc crushed me so badly. I've never thirsted over a 2D man like I have Reiner Braun. He's just so buff and depressed.
No. 220324
File: 1640876418839.jpg (299.04 KB, 627x870, tumblr_fee7c2c229b039c2137e399…)

>>220273Yeah in the actual gk universe they would never actually be together in a meaningful way, but the sexual tension is there and they would definitely hatefuck. I agree with how mentally ill ogata is he'd be into some kinky shit. I think in modern day au's without being mentally fucked by war they'd make a cute (albeit still argumentative and fucked up) couple. You're so right, they are both so different but in really complimentary ways. Their strengths make up for the other's weaknesses.
irt to the sea otter nabe it says in the chapter that the sexual desire from it can be so strong it can knock someone out so I like to think ogata basically passed out from horniness. In a couple panels you can see him watching the others very intently too so he was very… interested.
No. 220342
File: 1640883282062.jpg (486.71 KB, 2048x1448, FHrMJEUakAYQJ8M.jpg)

Do you ever imagine your husbando holding you when you go to sleep? I might have done this when I was ill and felt shit
No. 220358
Holy shit my
new husbando showed up in my dream today, I smiled like an idiot for at least an hour after waking up. It was very brief and just like an episode of the anime he's from, but he also looked at me and I think he even smiled (which he almost never does, much less out of genuine happiness). This is huge for me because I've rarely had success in dreaming about my husbandos before even with lucid dreaming attempts, maybe it happened now because I've been trying not to openly accept my infatuation with him since it's embarrassing (like those repressed thoughts that are often present in dreams)?
But anyway, after these last two nights thinking about him in a more intimate way, I guess I crossed that "shame boundary" and I'm starting to let the sex fantasies take over my mind kek. I can't stop thinking about kissing him, him whispering in my ear and what his dick could be like, but imagining actually fucking is still too embarrassing. I don't even know if he would ever be interested in sex canonically, but I NEED him.
I find it funny how two days ago I was doubting whether he'd become my husbando or it would just be a mild attraction based on some superficial traits of his, but now I really can't stop thinking about him. Lately I've gone to bed only after watching some of his anime's episodes, listening to his voice lines with headphones over and over (hnnngh his voice makes me melt), and taking a bunch of screenshots of close-ups of his face.
>>220342Yes, actually, every time.
Not sure if this kind of post belongs in this thread though, I thought this was only for horny posts. Or is the /m/ husbando thread only for media/merch discussion?
No. 220366
>>220342Sometimes i do when it's very cold outside, he has big arms so i imagine his hugs would be very warm, but he's also very tall so i don't know if he could fit into my bed kek
>>220358Good for you nonna!
No. 220376
>>220358I use both threads interchangeably.
This thread is more shitposty though.
No. 220383
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>>220342I always imagine I’m being hugged by my husbando when I go to sleep, sometimes I just put my face on the pillow and pretend that it’s his chest, and put an electric blanket on my back so I can pretend he’s hugging me.
You shouldn’t feel bad about the things that makes you happy,
nonnie, you’re not hurting anyone by pretending to be hugged by your husbando at night.
No. 220395
File: 1640899648025.jpg (197.08 KB, 963x1400, 1640697130941.jpg)

How can I ever be happy if I cannot have him…
No. 220406
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>>220324Hnnng that pic though. Why can't they fight until someone pulls a dick out. Noda pls
Jk but I'm not against fanservice. The blood sucking scene with Sugimoto pulling Ogata's hair is good enough fanservice without being too ooc or detrimental to the plot
No. 220409
File: 1640902593922.gif (2.84 MB, 540x549, reno.gif)

titty windows are everything
No. 220431
>>220427Dried persimmons for one
His mom's home food for the other
No. 220442
>>220434Who knows nona, maybe your husbando would be very different in bed, with someone he loves and is very attracted to.
>>220427>what are your husbando's favorite foods?Not sure if he has a favorite food but I've only seen him eat fancy food and drink alcohol. I don't think he would outright hate my simple cooking but he's probably too used to the stuff his cook makes for him.
No. 220445
File: 1640919252802.gif (612.08 KB, 498x280, 878412337991438.gif)

>>220005OP of the pic. That character is from osumatsu-san. Don't remember which one it is though nor the artist, so you can just choose who you like.
No. 220448
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i am sexually attracted to a robot
No. 220453
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No. 220455
File: 1640923231226.jpg (46.11 KB, 755x882, qt.jpg)

>>220454Hmm..Gentle femdom.
No. 220456
File: 1640923425957.jpg (880.61 KB, 3810x2871, FENI8SiXEAMONtx.jpg orig.jpg)

>>220455>>220454>>220453I don't even play this game but you're making me attracted to this fucking doll
No. 220459
File: 1640924244323.jpg (589.61 KB, 1000x707, 70135028_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>220445Based, I want to live with them
No. 220463
File: 1640925208084.jpg (220.8 KB, 1200x955, EKiKHkeXUAIuS8y.jpg)

sleeping next to him would be enough
No. 220470
File: 1640926369655.jpeg (150 KB, 1464x2048, F216728D-C570-4D53-8E2B-9BFEAC…)

>>220458honestly that guy is a legend, managing to create two tumblr sexymen in succession. the popularity of the first one could have been by a stroke of luck (as is usual for tumblr sexymen) but two? he’s cracked the code.
No. 220473
File: 1640927009944.png (346.57 KB, 585x828, FDdYvHzXMAoHizo.png orig.png)

>>220464Yes, it's either love it or hate it.
No. 220475
File: 1640930517365.jpg (206.43 KB, 768x1024, 93409320_p2_master1200.jpg)

>>220473I wanna take care of him so bad.
Also, thank you
>>219792 Nonnie! Happy to have him around for 0 KROMER.
No. 220501
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>>219969do you guys think that if we prayed hard enough to aphrodite she'll do the thing for us like she did with pygmalion and galatea
No. 220511
File: 1640954667208.jpeg (251.26 KB, 1234x1330, 54FADC3C-8701-4C13-915A-3B9D3E…)

>>220324>>220406seconding this.
>>220273>they are both my favorite characters for very different reasonsSame here, good taste. They are so vastly different but actually have some things in common. I think ogata passed out because it was just too much for him like that anon said.. hnnng I want an otter scene with just the two of them. I bet he would try his hardest to not let Sugimoto know how much he’s enjoying it, but damn that bitch is so starved for affection and he was already soo into it when he imagined to hold hands with him I bet he would be surprisingly cute and horny. Sugimoto would be in conflict with how much of a caring sweetheart he is in contrast to how much ogata pisses him off and how much he wants to see him lose it which is kind of fucked up but pretty hot.
>>220157hmm.. let me see, maybe vasya/ogt because I like the idea of him having another dedicated stan lol(rip yuusaku) Sugi/Koito would be very cute and funny too. Maybe kiro/shiraishi?
No. 220537
File: 1640973247401.jpg (216.19 KB, 1182x1653, EufEh6lWgAICaDP.jpg)

He's such a shitlord. I want to ruin him.
No. 220554
File: 1640984576114.jpg (93.41 KB, 735x490, 97f3f89d8ddb3d46e24dd0c4daca5c…)

>>220511Nice fantasy anona! When Ogata imagined holding hands with Sugimoto it was so subtly cute kek
I feel like Noda makes a lot of fanservice for SugiShira, but sorry Noda sensei, it doesn't sparkle as much joy as SugiOga
Btw if anyone is curious about the text, it's just Sugimoto saying how both wild cats and black cats like to have their butts spanked (but not in a necessarily sexual way) and will raise their butts lol
>>220543For Tsurumi's harem, I would really like to see fanart of him with Koito, but they seem so rare. I love Koito's puppy attitude towards Tsurumi (at least at first)
For Usami I am just very curious to what he would do with Tsurumi. I truly have no idea, he's just a psycho wildcard.
I think Tsukishima would be the only one in the same level, mental space wise, to Tsurumi. And yet he'd probably just think it is a literal pain in the ass.
Nikaido is left talking to hisearbrotherself in the corner.
No. 220555
File: 1640985346750.png (1000.33 KB, 1024x573, hime.png)

Omgz he is going to hold my hand anons!
No. 220561
File: 1640988202229.jpg (831.34 KB, 900x1277, 1615582954194.jpg)

happy birthday babe i want to gargle your cum
No. 220562
File: 1640989376567.jpg (37.74 KB, 424x680, ESYT0WhXcAUlTqF.jpg)

I want him to call me N'wah in bed
No. 220563
File: 1640989571250.jpg (585.76 KB, 600x705, 2217352.jpg)

I only have two husbandos and Joseph is one of them, but I don't even know if he counts as a husbando because I really can't fantasize about us being together in any sort of context. I think my brain knows that we'd be incompatible, but alas his carefree himbo personality brings me so much joy. Cucked by my own personality and imagination…
No. 220565
File: 1640990870352.gif (2.23 MB, 498x373, snufkin-moomin.gif)

>>220563Same but with Snufkin, you just know no matter how much he loves you he can't keep a stable relationship, he needs to wander and be free
No. 220568
File: 1640993055577.jpg (81.74 KB, 564x752, 1b1f7be38d18964f6400b656b6ba6b…)

>>220567Yep, a wandering husbando would take you with him.
No. 220577
File: 1640996088655.jpeg (237.53 KB, 1280x839, 435A48DE-8B8E-45C7-B511-FB41FC…)

>>220448Yeah, me too, it’s okay.
No. 220583
File: 1640998909037.jpg (503.48 KB, 800x672, 90625417_p18_master1200.jpg)

Still thinking about him…
No. 220593
File: 1641004113925.jpg (53.96 KB, 735x885, c2202d64d02b208130cfede020e102…)

Found this while looking at chris redfield stuff on pinterest, not sure if it's him but mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
No. 220601
Dressing up for my husbando and drinking with him on New Year's Eve
>>220555Your husband is beautiful
No. 220603
File: 1641014190965.jpg (313.98 KB, 1131x1600, kumei-.jpg)

>>220601Based nona. Wishing you and your husbando a happy new year!
No. 220611
File: 1641019053591.jpg (146.69 KB, 699x900, napoleon-bonaparte-baron-antoi…)

i don't know why but i've wanted to cuddle with him so bad these past few days… i read somewhere that josephine would read to him sometimes and aaaaaaaaaaa
sry if nap doesn't count for this thread, i know he's not technically 2d but he's super dead and i'm shitposting so
No. 220620
>>220603Same to you and Joseph, anon.
The fact that my shirt is missing the top button and I'm drinking while I watch my husbando in his anime after midnight is making me pretty horny ngl. I wanna fuck him after we get drunk on wine.
No. 220628
File: 1641035671154.jpg (52.24 KB, 1080x540, FGucVBeVcAIIzvv.jpg)

Please, I cannot function in my day to day life any more
No. 220637
File: 1641042099607.png (60.05 KB, 400x123, FBmPecXWEAc467L.png)

>>220577holy shit who is this
No. 220650
File: 1641050537542.png (479.42 KB, 684x502, doujun.png)

i want him
No. 220757
File: 1641085588237.png (2.29 MB, 1296x1728, 063.png)

>>220740I think the Sanrizuka guy is a cutie but I would not hatefuck him. I would just fuck him and support him.
No. 220766
>>220554Thanks for the translation! The best about picrel
>>220511 is that it’s practically canon I can’t believe the author drew it first
No. 220772
File: 1641093354117.png (1.1 MB, 1350x1920, Golden Kamuy - Vol.24 Ch.236 -…)

>>220766What? Where's this?
I thought it was just a reference to this page
No. 220778
File: 1641094446868.png (502.72 KB, 500x692, flat_battery.png)

>>220012I usually find threesome's kinda gross, but now I really want a threesome with the mad scientist and the robot.
No. 220779
File: 1641094478710.jpg (156.5 KB, 850x672, __ogata_hyakunosuke_and_koito_…)

>>220776I haven't seen that holy shit I'm going to look for it now, thanks for the headsup
Have this pic as my offering of gratitude
No. 220791
File: 1641106054517.jpeg (88.09 KB, 646x562, 2BF3ADA1-A11D-4040-B8AD-E98AA6…)

>>220204This made me think of you,
No. 220884
File: 1641160299535.jpg (36.56 KB, 491x532, FHzU_BDacAAghNL.jpg)

my horniness is killing meeeee
No. 220885
File: 1641160827448.jpg (66.06 KB, 609x382, 3f969896f1fedf84e7d0f7605ea97c…)

>>220884And I
I must confess, I still believe (still believe)
No. 220950
>>220578Fuck dunmer
This post was made by an-xileel gang
No. 220979
File: 1641225258341.png (233.78 KB, 489x750, fzbmbp4gxo161.png)

>>220772>>220779in case you werent able to find it, anon!
No. 221000
File: 1641230538564.jpeg (10.25 KB, 640x440, 9001E707-7FD1-4D1D-80AA-66409B…)

I love him still ooga
No. 221002
File: 1641233186209.png (Spoiler Image,329.38 KB, 891x782, 1630153148590.png)

>>220884Just for you anon heart emoji
No. 221005
File: 1641233551795.jpg (123.22 KB, 736x986, 0c7e4adedcacfd84d596eecd677b37…)

>>220979>>220980I did find it, but thanks,
nonnie! I love how Sugimoto is canonically dreaming of patting Ogata's butt after
being shot by himI think I am starting to ship them for real now instead of just being horny by them together
No. 221007
File: 1641234228445.jpg (200.39 KB, 1280x1804, switcheroo_needs_you_by_mwroac…)

I didn't like DDLC until I played a genderbent mod and now I'm obsessed with him.
No. 221014
File: 1641237574697.jpg (166.91 KB, 850x1203, 1b5d3b25a4811b3805563c2bf75ebd…)

>>221008get well soon anon
No. 221027
File: 1641242847125.jpg (119.01 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_dd168c1d2e6229c3d7f42a0…)

>>221005Sugimoto really has the Ogata brain rot and they are literally obsessed with each other, no you can't change my mind. Welcome to the club
No. 221029
File: 1641242941623.jpg (31.82 KB, 670x827, 6e13f64bea3adce4d6e8de543483cb…)

nona you just made my day ily
No. 221030
File: 1641243036824.gif (9.09 MB, 540x540, tumblr_24f48858144672ea1c0e306…)

I don't have the words to describe what this gif does to me
No. 221032
>>221014do you think he dyes his pubes too? does he shave it all off? does he wear a blond merkin? is there such thing as merkins for men? or does he just not care and the carpet does not match the drapes? also do you think he's cut or not? most
Korean men apparently are but he was born and raised in Japan where the vast majority of men aren't. myself i vote for uncut with bleached blond pubes.
No. 221047
>>221029meant to reply to
>>221002 oops
No. 221060
nonny! late reply because i'm a klutz and spilled coffee all over my keyboard as I was about to reply to this thread kek.
No. 221074
Damn every time my husbando is on-screen I wanna tongue-kiss him. He would probably be creeped out and avoid me, or just think I'm pathetic and desperate, but I'm so fucking horny for him it's unreal.
>>221007>dark cat lover DILF from Pokemonbased
>>221000>DDLC otome versionbased
No. 221079
File: 1641254908014.png (216.62 KB, 699x558, tumblr_o5mx8eQlMX1tox5ero1_128…)

Two for one combo hnnnggg
No. 221085
File: 1641258256505.gif (1.62 MB, 268x286, tumblr_ntow13DvIh1t66aclo1_400…)

>Been fantasizing about me, have you?
He's so hot and I want him to eat me out
No. 221104
File: 1641263621712.jpg (116.02 KB, 1022x868, @hokawazu EjHTqwPU0AA-w3l.jpg)

>>221074It seems I fucked up my quotes. As an apology, here's a hot Nanu.
No. 221108
File: 1641263950080.jpg (Spoiler Image,182.79 KB, 1156x1350, @ojiojioil EwhpwBOVcAkYTcS.jpg)

>>221104I would also like to add that I wanna fuck Kabu.
No. 221115
File: 1641266171220.gif (234.84 KB, 220x220, D8BDB214-DA03-429E-9D7D-0B74A0…)

Anyone else go through phases of not being able to watch or look at anything with your husbando? Despite him living rent free in your head all day? Why am I broken. I haven’t been able to watch anything with my husbando for like 3 weeks or more.
I think it might be the overwhelming self awareness that I will likely never have him and I can’t deal kek.
No. 221117
>>221092Poor thing kek
>>221115Oh god same, if my crush is pretty strong i can't even see pics of them out of embarrassment, i'm such a pussy
No. 221118
File: 1641266815312.jpg (95.47 KB, 722x834, @ojiojioil Eev-jLeUwAMxHmZ.jpg)

>>221115Do you cringe from embarrassment at the thought of seeing him in canon, or something like that?
I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're going through but maybe it's a milder version of that.
I cannot post who my husbando is, or pictures of him, because I'm too self-aware specifically when it comes to him, like "why the fuck am I doing this?", but also "he would probably find it cringeworthy and who knows if he'd ever be into me" (as autistic as that sounds).
No. 221119
File: 1641267144227.png (Spoiler Image,676.33 KB, 648x813, 6b2f973e274bf99c794e3f2ade5e9a…)

>>221118>>221108Based Kabu fucker
No. 221121
File: 1641267486510.jpeg (Spoiler Image,144.68 KB, 640x905, 15a372aefdb11d75ee49f7b398f695…)

>>221119Samefag but his design rocks so much
No. 221122
>>221117I don’t think so but maybe it’s repressed kek
>>221118My husbando isn’t 2d or anything that I would think is embarrassing? He’s pretty “normie” compared to a lot of nona’s husbandos itt. Nothing overly cringe but maybe it’s just repressed embarrassment for even having a fictional crush in the first place. I’ve gone through this before and it passes and then I binge on tv for hours imagining his beautiful hands on my body.
God maybe I am cringe and I can’t deal kek
No. 221123
File: 1641268168576.jpg (45.83 KB, 640x618, 5sn5xvauqwy61.jpg)

>>221122Same, I have lots of 2d husbandos, but for some reason i can't even watch pictures of that Lucifer mf, i cringe at myself for even liking him even though he's 3D and a "normie" tier character by my standards
No. 221125
File: 1641268645939.jpg (Spoiler Image,443.85 KB, 2048x1251, @jandro_amu…)

>>221119>>221121>his design rocks so muchGod, god, god, I love the fact that he wears those shorts and those socks. And those fucking muscles, and how serious he looks all the time. (I don't like your second pic that much tho)
In general I love the middle-aged men in Pokemon. There's no doubt that characters like Nanu and Kabu were designed with DILF fuckers in mind. That's the one good thing that came from Game Freak's strategy of blatantly appealing to coomers in recent generations.
>>221122>maybe it’s just repressed embarrassment for even having a fictional crush in the first placeMaybe this is it. We're too aware of the stigma around having a 2D crush to be able to fully and shamelessly enjoy it.
No. 221128
File: 1641269130267.png (308.33 KB, 1042x866, fanged jiro.png)

>>221108Incredibly based ojisan enjoyers.
I had only heard my husbando's seiyuu as Tetora from Enstars before I started getting into his series, and I know it's just part of the job, but the difference still astounds me. I love his voice so much. He does some yawning when you log in at certain times and it drives me wild.
also his solo is really good No. 221131
File: 1641270320070.jpg (115.65 KB, 850x1116, 0a353afb8ac65005280aede095eba8…)

go edgy white boy, go!
No. 221133
File: 1641270833516.png (79.74 KB, 900x637, @griegriegrie E-cmcqRVQAkzuVh.…)

OK fuck it I'm gonna post my one true Pokemon husbando before anyone else does.
I still haven't gotten over him.
No. 221138
File: 1641274158986.jpg (548.81 KB, 1200x1097, 66028541_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>221133I see you and I appreciate you, anon.
No. 221140
File: 1641274428943.jpg (461.91 KB, 1366x1944, FE2UFfqaIAIY0UU.jpg large.jpg)

>>221008I'm not sure who your favorite is anon but I hope you get well soon and overcome the coof!
No. 221141
File: 1641274461275.jpeg (469.8 KB, 1500x2000, Eh9uFZXVoAAYipD.jpeg)

I wanna get into a drunken threesome with Sugimoto and Ogata so bad.
No. 221142
File: 1641276551633.png (949.31 KB, 1097x1712, CnpoEtDVIAQJdbG.png)

i want to commit unspeakable atrocities on him. or i want him to do that to me. who knows. hes so hot
No. 221152
File: 1641279938894.png (Spoiler Image,258.79 KB, 591x739, succ.png)

>>221142samefag but i need an outlet for my fantasies because i don't have anyone to talk to about persona and how horny i am for this bastard. in my dream game (basically p4 but with female mc), you would be izanami's reincarnation and he would be izanagi so he would be your soulmate which is super cute (i would remove being able to date other boys because who cares). you would help him confront his shadow and deal with his loneliness, boredom and latent misogyny i love how awkward, clumsy and child-like he is. even though he would feel awkward about it at first, he would become addicted to you cooking for him and cleaning for him because he falls in love with you. i want to spend christmas eve, the summer festival, valentine's day with him. and it's even better if he's virgin and he cums in like 30 seconds the first time you have sex. he would be very protective and kind even if a bit lazy.
i also like his scary side and the accomplice ending made me so flustered and wet especially with the blackmail aspect. i wish i was saki or mayumi so bad, i would doom the entire world for this ugly man no regrets, i'm sad he got a shitty ending
sorry for the sperging, love you nonnies, keep being horny and cool
No. 221153
File: 1641280834712.jpeg (840.26 KB, 1502x1809, FC1DB668-E4FA-425F-85FF-DD788C…)

our relationship is complicated; my feelings for him oscillate between love and hatred, and i doubt that he would ever want me, but i can’t stop fantasizing about fucking him, and i want to have his babies anyway
No. 221160
File: 1641283119284.jpg (66.65 KB, 1080x1350, 246316603_392337549256598_1163…)

>>221159Something about today-Ebisushi
hentai websites are banned in my country so i cant link you but it's probably on my reading manga or nhentai
i really want to write reader/adachi smut so if anyone has kink suggestions, im all earss
No. 221207
File: 1641294396716.jpg (203.97 KB, 850x850, 39be55386b10cb7d29aa18c4.jpg)

>>221141I'd pick kiroranke and shiraishi over them tbh
No. 221225
File: 1641299418108.jpg (47.82 KB, 735x534, 90b46b22a7c96396adcbc6c8127596…)

>>221141Their dynamic is too cute! I love this smug annoying bastard so much…. sigh
>>221207neither of these two are attractive to me at all, but you do you anon
<3 No. 221252
>>221237NTA but I think it's just the perspective
>>221241He has a canon age? How old is he?
No. 221266
File: 1641315156061.jpg (265.82 KB, 1711x785, 1622186138218.jpg)

>>221207I am with this
nonnie >>221224, I like Shiraishi in general and I think he's cute but he's a regular sex buyer…
I need to do my own tier list (this is from the GK) thread, but I'd add my tier "Ashamed to say that I probably still would anyway"
No. 221309
File: 1641326158991.png (Spoiler Image,3.81 MB, 4096x2302, GridArt_20220104_215021081.png)

Yakuza nonatellas who are autismal enough to recognize all of these tiddies get a special prize!
No. 221322
File: 1641329797470.png (490.25 KB, 1140x627, my-image.png)

>>221266I did it, tried to use the tier maker with the most options
Apologies in advance if my horny taste is too shit
No. 221324
File: 1641330103833.jpg (102.6 KB, 735x1040, b2b2ff65bb1787ae5aa563c50bc54e…)

>>221322Forgot to add: the closest to the tier, the higher the score, so Sugimoto is a perfect 100
Also special mention for pre-shrapnel Tsurumi, he would be at the second tier for sure
No. 221386
File: 1641343852980.jpg (196.93 KB, 609x950, 80080b99726a097c147f5c327acc0e…)

>>221368Dante. Artist is Rae, who also drew picrel
I want Kars to destroy me with his pillar cock No. 221403
File: 1641351247731.jpg (442.75 KB, 838x1500, 1548965608425.jpg)

do you ever fantasize about your husbando as the father of your kids?? i alternate between him being ''wouldn't even pay for plan b'' to dad of the year.. i guess it depends whether you could change his outlook on his life or not.
No. 221413
>>221403I don't think my husbando would even want kids tbh
And if we had one he wouldn't be a very loving father (who knows tho), but I think he would still care about them enough to satisfy their material needs.
It's ok though, since I don't think I want to have children.
No. 221416
File: 1641360078597.jpg (Spoiler Image,752.12 KB, 842x1191, 36594813_p0.jpg)

>>221414Sorry nona, I don't think so, because I'm not ready to post him yet. It's embarrassing.
In the meantime, have this pic that makes me horny.
No. 221418
File: 1641360774233.jpeg (54.45 KB, 377x410, 868A12F0-112F-4329-8C89-4FBB52…)

>>221403Me too, this fanart woke something up within me that makes me wish I could have a kid with Satan.
But sometimes I just don’t even think about the idea of having kids, idk, I guess I’m in a constant honeymoon phase with my husbando.
No. 221420
File: 1641361651317.png (455.86 KB, 951x726, Screenshot_2.png)

>>221418it's so cute, it's from twisted in wonderland, right? are you going to play the english version coming out soon?
No. 221431
File: 1641364551756.gif (521.51 KB, 340x453, Travis Turnaround.gif)

>>221403I once had a dream that we were walking along the beach together with our daughter, her sitting on top of his shoulders. The dream was nice but in reality he would make a terrible, terrible father. I woke up pissed that the one time I have a husbando dream it's this and not a spicy one.
No. 221448
>>221403Kids never exist in my fantasies, They're either impossible or I make sure to imagine condoms in every sexual situation.
I'm too busy being the main character and saving the world while having fun on the side to think about family.
No. 221462
File: 1641386281208.jpg (35.69 KB, 400x400, rb5c255f8a8323c27ba7771acd47d3…)

he would treat me so well
No. 221463
File: 1641386464881.jpeg (360.65 KB, 1075x1378, A81BD02E-8DCB-46A0-A9AF-A7BE24…)

For all my Morgan hoes still out there, I love you and I want to give you guys a big ol’ kiss on the lips
No. 221624
File: 1641423734919.jpg (46.44 KB, 540x768, tumblr_bc4519e54f9b6a4d3441494…)

do not scroll further down for your own sanity, there is gore
No. 221625
File: 1641423839681.jpg (426.72 KB, 1849x2053, 837ea3ff6d124f0765e31ed8eaae13…)

>>221624nevermind, it's all gone now
No. 221632
File: 1641426456516.jpg (697.04 KB, 1000x1061, 74110355_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>221625thank you for the warning anyway anon, here is a vergil for you
No. 221651
File: 1641430834128.jpg (44.79 KB, 388x600, .600.2795985.jpg)

>>221624thanks for being sexy and looking out for us anon. i saw it just as it was posted (my eyes lol), but i always appreciate nonas who bump threads with warnings.
No. 221657
File: 1641432665409.jpg (120.54 KB, 1280x720, mob-psycho-100-reigen-massage.…)

I want Reigen to massage me and help exorcise these "lust spirits" that's been bothering me whenever I see and think about him. Happy ending included.
No. 221667
File: 1641435914251.jpg (274.62 KB, 1960x2048, ....jpg)

gore bump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont look!!
No. 221671
>>221657Whhoooaa those arms
Am I becoming a reigenfag???
No. 221672
File: 1641436949885.jpg (57.81 KB, 736x927, 5bc9ebea7b8a7a3942392192307116…)

and yes, the orb stays on
No. 221709
File: 1641452009768.png (385.96 KB, 754x901, 3B7B6891-340F-4756-8EDA-6B7A00…)

I’ve never seen YOI but I want to obliterate this twink
No. 221719
File: 1641457585754.jpg (160.56 KB, 1499x656, dumb whore.jpg)

let me suck on your boobs. let me suck on your boobs. let me suck on your boobs.let me suck on your boobs. let me suck on your boobs. I fucking don't care that you're mentally retarded.
yorimitsu is a deranged incel faggot but he had immaculate taste. got even better when he destroyed and reforged him as a kawaii underage catboy onahole.
No. 221721
File: 1641458153300.jpg (64.39 KB, 770x442, ce6.jpg) your husbando make it into the yumejo top 100 list?
No. 221802
File: 1641485323615.jpg (42.75 KB, 736x414, 6ab7c49045cfbd86c910e365bcdb58…)

>>221763No Jojo is certainly surprising for me!
I am also kinda surprised that Tsukishima is the #1 Kamuy boy, I swore it was Ogata based on the amount of fan content he has. Sugimoto won the popularity contest made by Noda, but there were also male voters. Also shocked that Tsurumi is more popular than Ogata and Koito. But I'm glad they are so popular!
Speaking of which, today I had a dream with Ogata (he's not even my main husbando from GK), it was a modern context, he was wearing a black or navy t-shirt and we were in a Hotel Lobby. I don't remember anything else lol
No. 221807
>>221721>did your husbando make it into the yumejo top 100 list?lol of course fuckin not(not that I was expecting him to)
I must say it surprises me to see Pokemon characters, even though they have clearly intentionally started to pander to husbandofags in recent years
and even though my first husbando was from Pokemon too, kek No. 221811
File: 1641487284401.jpg (39.97 KB, 563x625, dd5d3e9eabd9070a684e755c500e74…)

>>221721Google translate about my husbando:
>Even though I'm on the side of being protected, I want to protect it, and I want to stay close to it all the time.Hell yeah japanese nona kek
No. 221813
File: 1641488010164.jpg (710.68 KB, 831x1200, 86678593_p9_master1200.jpg)

>>221721Anon, that's the 2020 list!! Here is the one for 2021: of Touken Ranbu, Twisted Wonderland, JJK, KNY, and Tokyo Revengers. Congrats to all anons who have husbandos who made it to the list!
No. 221826
File: 1641491390664.jpg (34.62 KB, 551x417, 48475785848484848.jpg)

>>221813Oh my god my man is in this one! For some reason I didn't think he would be and I was already disappointed.
>this man is exactly the boyfriend of boyfriend that the world has prepared for dream girls. It is no exaggeration to say.That's what's up, that's what I'm talking about. I'm gonna go re-read some of my favorite stories of him to celebrate.
No. 221835
File: 1641494384220.jpg (214.36 KB, 646x1024, 94586300_p0.jpg)

>>221721Ashiya Douman from FGO, he made it into the 2020 and 2021 lists, sorry for being a gachafag.
No. 221848
File: 1641497618358.jpg (45.48 KB, 400x400, MCIX-wcE_400x400.jpg)

>>221721No, none of my husbandos are there, and that's good, because it means I don't have shit taste.
some decent taste there, though. Pic related
No. 221860
File: 1641499961989.jpg (49.18 KB, 564x417, 7f3202974863f318094a9c6292d982…)

>>221721>I fell in love with the character for the first time since I became Arasa, and I bought character goods for the first time.He is a legal narcotic.>Facial National Treasure>>221813>I don't need words.Because everyone becomes a prisoner, the charm is understood by the soul.relatable. i wish i could kek together with japanese sisterwives
No. 221885
File: 1641506637918.jpeg (141.92 KB, 640x640, CGCIIUoDn1NlbxpbeHZ0WZilUniNlU…)

>>221876>>221882Kunimitsu Tezuka from The Prince of Tennis. The hot guys are the reason I want to get into this series.
No. 221900
File: 1641512658389.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.59 KB, 720x480, D2RDze6U0AAqWf5.jpg)

this picture is making me horny
No. 221907
File: 1641516273041.jpg (70.52 KB, 1315x537, IMG_20211122_031327.jpg)

>tfw no big strong cowboy to keep you warm at night
No. 221910
File: 1641517399334.gif (2.96 MB, 500x210, D7BE0C78-E509-40E9-8DFF-1B244B…)

>>221907Is the rat man allowed here too?
No. 221912
File: 1641517478566.png (Spoiler Image,890.83 KB, 1315x1920, Golden Kamuy - Ch.278 - Miss K…)

>>221903Golden Kamuy is a no man's land, highly recommend
>>221904Prison guard is checking inmate's butthole for keys, since he's known as the escape king
No. 221913
File: 1641517674477.jpg (213.06 KB, 591x827, ughgheufhrguh.jpg)

let me put my head in your lap let me put my head in your lap let me put my head in your lap let me put my head in your lap
No. 221932
File: 1641530362413.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.74 KB, 1000x686, 51397585_p11.jpg)

dear god, please let me have a dream of performing femdom on this horrible man
No. 221941
File: 1641534399025.jpg (111.44 KB, 736x1086, hunky_kabu_and_his_calves_by_p…)

>>221721>He has a cold face and aura, but he's actually just a little old man inside.>His smile is so cute is sinfulBased japanese yumejos. I always knew Kabu was hot, immaculate taste.
No. 221942
File: 1641535798858.webm (736.01 KB, Rasputin – Boney M. (Dance Cal…)

I feel like a bird, but this video makes me slightly horny. He has such good proportions
No. 221986
>>221005super late but: Ikr! Not a truther when it comes to shipping them but there is some substance to this even if you assume noda is only doing it for bait jokes instead of being into it himself (my guess: probably both). I could go on talking about how absurdly funny, tragic and in a fucked up way romantic this shit is. The head wounds and symbolism, their mutual obsession with each other and the things they actually have in common, how ogata seems to have a legit crush on him (they even gave him the tsundere line in the fanbook relationship chart lmao), sugimoto constantly egging him on but being a bit too nice to someone he allegedly hates so much, this
>>220979 , the list goes on. And no I don’t think he succed him off because he thinks he’s hot or some absolute bullshit like that it’s obvious why he did it but the way he acted about all of this was really weird, fucking do him already lol.
No expectations only horniness, sit back and enjoy the brainrot
No. 221994
File: 1641568405491.jpg (371.46 KB, 595x842, 82306002_p2.jpg)

Speaking of pokeboys, holy fuck do I wanna fuck Roark. I don't even like Sinnoh but DAMN. I never realized just how hot he was until recently.
>>221941Sauce: No. 222025
>>222020It's not "autistic" at all, you don't have to feel ashamed of it. Personally I would just use the Google Translate phone app and use the OCR function to avoid having to transcribe every single character.
Also, you don't know how good you have it if your husbando has any doujinshi at all.
No. 222027
>>222025I actually tried the google translate OCR first but it didn't seem to work that well.
I guess I am lucky he has any, it's just that 99% of doujins featuring him are intended for males to self insert. Finding any that seem intended for women/actually shows off his body is like finding the holy grail.
No. 222028
>>222027>I actually tried the google translate OCR first but it didn't seem to work that wellAre you sure you weren't using the "instant" translation function? That one is pretty glitchy, the "scan" and "import" functions generally give good results and allow you to correct the scanned text.
>I guess I am lucky he has any, it's just that 99% of doujins featuring him are intended for males to self insert. Finding any that seem intended for women/actually shows off his body is like finding the holy grail.Ok, fair enough, those moid-oriented ones might as well not count. Have you tried finding any yume stuff on Pixiv?
No. 222029
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>>221986Nonnie, if you are still interested in talking about it, we could do it at the GK thread! I am also no truther, but it's very fascinating to me to see this stuff overanalyzed, even if I don't agree lol like in the scene where Ogata is lying to Asirpa, do you think he was actually getting flustered or do you think it was just the cold? The latter was my interpretation, seeing that most characters had a bit of redness to their faces in the Karafuto arc, since yeah, the cold does that. But I like to think it was Ogata being flustered for whatever reason lol
>>222020Japanese is a bit hard to translate by Google translate because it has some idiosyncrasies that end up sounding like gibberish when translated like that, but I've noticed the technology has improved. Godspeed,
nonnie! Maybe you can learn it a bit in the process. I admire the perseverance through horny.
No. 222030
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>>221813He’s not my husbando but i can’t believe my boy ronaldo made it up that high good for him
>>221860>There will be only this person anymore! There must be many dream women who want to be happy with him who was enthusiastic about the living room. My friend Yumejo gave pixiv a dream novel that was twice as much as her graduation thesis (70,000 characters).I love japanese humor.
No. 222033
>>222028>Have you tried finding any yume stuff on Pixiv?It's close to non-existent so I've actually attempted to gradually go through the 10 years worth of fanart he has including the really shitty ones. Just because autism idk. The nicest fanart tends to be shipping stuff, though I don't really mind.
I should really be making my own fanart too, I used to be active online as an artist but I stopped drawing much after college when I got a real job. But I'm in the husbando closet and far too embarrassed. >>222028>Are you sure you weren't using the "instant" translation function?Okay, I think this was the problem kek
>>222031I actually should
No. 222036
File: 1641583034781.jpg (726.9 KB, 885x1358, 285d727e37e7b79f4c8b8ba79f0edc…)

>4 beefy arms to carry you with
>by pokemon rules when you catch him he's loyal to you and will do whatever you say
>will protect you
>can't talk
>no weird male nipples
>Technically I'm Not A Furry
No. 222042
>>221115Now that I finished my husbando's series this is happening to me. I'm trying to make a playlist with just the episodes he's in, but every time he's on-screen I feel dumb lmao
I will never look him up either, I would die if I looked at fanart or other people talking about him online, it's
that embarrassing. The only thing I can manage is reading his entry on the series' wiki kek.
And despite all that, I still fantasize about fucking him when it's time to go to bed. I've been thinking about this particular scenario where he puts me on his lap and just touches me until I cum and I'm ready to take his dick. FUCK
>>222033Oh yeah, definitely make your own fanart (you sound like you can actually finish stuff unlike me). You don't even have to post it online, just draw it for yourself if you're too embarrassed to show it to people. That's what I do too.
No. 222046
>>222036I’m sorry,
nonnie, but I diagnose you with furry mento illness.
No. 222052
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>>222036For me it's Gallade
No. 222055
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Am I a furry(?) if I would
No. 222057
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>>222036>>222055Cease to the fiery pits from which you came furnonnets
No. 222059
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>>222055>dragon KiryuDang he looks good also dog Majima
No. 222060
>>222055Yes you are,
No. 222063
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>>222036>>222052for me its
garchompnot much else if anything from pokemon though. it was different in the past but i ended up finding it weird since its such a juvenile (?) franchise
No. 222065
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For me, it’s grovyle
No. 222067
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>>222055No worries nonna, I've been questioning myself too since I only like a few anthro characters even though most of them aren't appealing or attractive to me. I just accept it anyways.
No. 222078
File: 1641598544658.jpg (167.98 KB, 600x852, 78707502_p55_master1200.jpg)

I can't take it anymore bros it's not fair
No. 222088
File: 1641602973112.png (1.82 MB, 1200x1731, EC5F43B6-F4A7-4BFA-ABC4-9C64C1…)

Why are Pokeboys so cute… I’ve been all for Guzma since Sun/Moon, but recently been playin Sword/Shield and holy fuck Raihan okay.
No. 222093
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>>222088ok but also leon…listen, leon is a fucking idiot, but there's something about his battle tower outfit that makes me go hmmmmm
No. 222116
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No. 222119
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>>222114yes but even if he was a bad guy with a small shlong i would still
No. 222128
>>222126There's the husbando thread on /m/ and the "How to devote yourself completely to your husbando" thread in this very same board, I think your post is more relevant to those threads.
But to answer your question, to support Japanese artists directly, nowadays you can buy their stuff on Pixiv's BOOTH or subscribe to them on PixivFANBOX (like Patreon). No. 222137
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>>222088Lance will always be my favorite
No. 222166
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I'd move to Westview so my entire existence could revolve around being his sex slave and teddy bear
No. 222176
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>>222036The whole 4 arms/hands thing is pretty hot. I can’t get with the whole Pokémon thing though but that’s why I have General Grievous
No. 222235
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>>222208Yes. A 7ft cyborg with 4 arms.
No. 222266
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Spoiler for cringe
Today I had a dream that me and nigel were making out in an alley and then the military was randomly having a parade and they, including fucking Lt. Tsurumi, decided to randomly profile us and pat down my boyfriend, that had a boner. Tsurumi was clearly pleased with that, while the officer doing it and my bf were both pretty embarrassed. Even dream me found that both confusing and arousing.
No. 222302
File: 1641681795241.png (1.05 MB, 1444x2048, 5FF019C8-82BF-473C-A868-E7C0AF…)

Makima is the most attractive woman in all manga everywhere. i'm seriously so in love with her, i would do anything she tells me to. she's so evil and imposing. she has a frightening presence… but at the same time approaches everything with levity and laughs in the face of danger. she's untouchable. inscrutable. i want her to get inside my head and manipulate me but honestly she wouldn't even have to because i'm already so so willing and obedient Makima PLEASE let me eat you out. ugh i bet she tastes so good, i'm already wet just thinking about it. i need her to sit on my face asap. Fujimoto is a dumb scrote like any other but i'm so glad for his OTT femdom fetish because he gave me Makima and i love her i love her SO MUCH oh my god. the overcoat, the tie, the slacks, her creepy fucking eyes: she's perfect, she's EVERYTHING i want and need in a woman and more. im so horny. i want Makima to sit on my face. i want Makima to put me in a collar and leash both physically and mentally so i'm bonded to her forever. she would laugh at me for being so needy but also love me forever i'm sure; she loves dogs after all!!!! 10/10 five stars 100% rating would give anything for the privilege of rutting into her leg after i've made her cum for the third time that day
No. 222322
File: 1641686623624.jpg (118.87 KB, 400x400, 44047597_big_p6.jpg)

>>221138Y-you tooAlso, does anyone have the rest of this Pixiv log that was deleted? If so I would really appreciate it if you could post it. I used to have it but lost the hard drive it was in, sadly.
>>221500No fucking way lmao, that was unexpected.
>>220561I love this post.
No. 222328
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W-we could talk about cartoons and have a good time aha the suit and the mask stay tho
No. 222330
File: 1641687752546.png (183.24 KB, 680x484, 08d.png)

>>222328He's so cute, i need this sperg NOW
No. 222343
>>222235utterly unashamed to say hes the main reason i got into star wars
>>222302holy based, nona
No. 222345
File: 1641693135581.png (Spoiler Image,100.44 KB, 380x635, 712.png)

>>222328>>222330Oh yeah, I've been wanting to hornypost about board-tans for a while. I wish there was more /rs/ art. That slutty librarian with glasses was so hot.
Does anyone have that pic where
/g/-kun is blushing and drooling over a computer? I saw it on /y/ ages ago, but it doesn't appear to be on the 4chan house shimmie.
No. 222350
>>222348That sounds neat,
nonnie, kek, Now I wish I knew how to mix cocktails, then I would create a Yumejo bar where any Yume can drink a cocktail inspired by her husbando or waifu.
No. 222362
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i don't give a fuck about ace attorney BUT
No. 222366
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im so fucking mad, he will never be real
No. 222406
File: 1641717791760.jpeg (Spoiler Image,243.37 KB, 1398x2048, EC21F0ED-C5A8-4381-B6F2-352B15…)

I want to defile him
No. 222425
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>>222286Cool, i like lizards
No. 222428
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>>222368v's tattoos are slightly off-putting to me
No. 222456
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No. 222528
File: 1641758106107.gif (5.59 MB, 500x281, can we shotgun.gif)

>>220628I'm not even attracted to him, I want to take care of him. That stupid little "shronkle scrimblo" twitter meme echoes in my brain whenever I see him. I love him so much.
>>222406Based. He's my all-time favorite Jojo husbando, nobody else has ever come close.
Aside from Doppio obviously, but they're a package deal.Sorry for my taste, nonas. I like scarred faces and evil fucked up men.
No. 222529
File: 1641759533272.png (15.62 KB, 186x270, descarga.png)

>>222328samefag but /vr/-tan is soo my type,
radical! >>222338i salute you, /co/nrad appreciator
>>222348There's a picrew for that
No. 222544
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No. 222555
File: 1641769520796.jpg (105.59 KB, 768x1024, DsC13zLU8AAStV6.jpg)

>>222348There are several JoJo-themed bars in Japan that serve character-inspired drinks. It's really cool.
>>222544>>222529Where do you find all these board-tan pics?
No. 222562
File: 1641771695614.jpg (78.83 KB, 419x650, blog-buste-de-bonaparte-2.jpg)

>>222378 you asked
he would suffer from anxiety sometimes and I find it very attractive when men are in a state of emotional distress? like, during the coup of 18 brumaire he apparently almost fainted and scratched/picked at his skin such that there was blood on his face and there was concern he'd been injured… idk hes powerful and dead enough to override my aversion to how he was a pos and that combined with his personality is really attractive? No. 222619
File: 1641788751319.gif (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB, 498x278, aaaa.gif)

I want him to call me demeaning things so much. But then I would beat him and he would become some sort of cripple that would be extremely reliant on me for everything. I love his bruised face so much.
No. 222622
>>222608Arthur Morgan from RDD2
>>222621I'd guess either basic missionary or spooning
No. 222623
>>222618Oh, could you please help me find this?
>>222345>>222619I want to bully a certain husbando of mine until he cries and pisses his pants like the pathetic worm he is. But then I also wanna milk his balls until they're dry. It's a complicated feeling, yes.
>>222621I'm gonna think hard about this tonight. I don't even remember a lot of sex positions so it's gonna be difficult to come up with an answer.
No. 222631
File: 1641794802335.png (Spoiler Image,685.02 KB, 706x1200, CGt81ShUkAEuw-0.png)

>>222623Having a husbando who stirs both your sadistic and masochistic side is so hard. Anything is fine though, he's so perfect…
>>222621low endurance so girl on top
No. 222635
>>222621I typically only imagine missionary because, thanks to my porn/sex addicted ex, anything that isn’t vanilla makes me want to die.
My husbando is too sensitive to do anything too kinky. Except maybe once in a long while. Even then it’s hard to imagine because he’s a gentle giant.
No. 222638
>>222637embrace the delusions,
No. 222639
>>222637I’ve only had a couple of sex dreams of my husbando in the last year, but one was so realistic and pleasurable, I orgasmed in my dream super hard and it woke me up and I was still orgasming. It was wild. And amazing.
Hope it was just a lovely fever dream and not a creepy burglar. Feel better Nona.
No. 222641
>>222639Do you have any tips on how to
trigger it?? I just wanna dream of being fucked by my 2D boy.
No. 222652
>>222621I've always imagined he'd like missionary because it's one of my favourites. He's very tall and buff though so it would be awkward as well, kek.
He's obsessed with power and being in charge so I would imagine he'd like a position where he could see how well he's pleasuring me.
Of course he probably would be so smug about that too, the bastard. No. 222668
File: 1641819539079.png (176.98 KB, 1300x1133, babna.png)

>>222621missionary with one arm around ur waist and the other
hand holding with interlocking fingers its canon i dont make the rules here
No. 222709
>>222641AYRT- the times it’s happened is from binging the series my husbando is in(before bed), and also looking at photos just before falling asleep. He’s shown up in my dreams maybe a dozen times but only a few were sexual and only a couple were sex dreams.
Also, I find daytime dreams to be more lucid. This is when my orgasmic dream happened. My room is bright so I sleep with a t shirt over my eyes and it’s dark. I rarely get to nap in the daytime but this is just my experience.
>>222670Maybe skitzo-anon has better tips. I’m also interested kek
No. 222733
File: 1641845789545.png (370.29 KB, 360x360, 360.png)

I want to take his virginity so bad it hurts I'm truly retarded
No. 222781
File: 1641858515771.jpg (676.99 KB, 1381x2048, Tumblr_l_3113800144210334.jpg)

>>222668Omg solaire!! I haven't seen him for a while now
No. 222782
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>>222528AYRT Silco is sexy anon it seems we have similar tastes. Tbh Jojos has a lot of sexy characters, especially the villains. Diavolo, Dio and Kars take the cake for me though.
No. 222783
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>>222782samefag i want to bite his titty
No. 222790
File: 1641864403476.jpg (286.51 KB, 1755x2048, EWgOQLYXkAAQGnJ.jpg)

>>222782>>222783EXCELLENT taste anon, I'm so glad to see someone else who appreciates them.
I have a folder full of Diavolo fan art that someone gave me a few years back and I've just been adding to it since. I should start one for Silco.
Well-dressed fictional men have me acting unwise. I've never wanted to suck a dick so bad in my life, never I swear.
No. 222796
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>>222793Arthur Morgan from RDR2, our posterboy
No. 222797
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>>222790God anon that sounds beautiful, don’t be afraid to share more. There is something so uniquely sexy about a man in a suit, also the whole “mafia boss” thing helps both Silco and Diavolo. I 100% back you up on your decision to start one for Silco, he deserves it.
No. 222802
File: 1641871641766.jpg (140.38 KB, 736x1064, f517a84c302fb736509de2a6a4bdff…)

I want anyone from the 7th division to step on me with their hobnail boots.
except for Nikaidou
No. 222804
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>>222713>>222709>>222707>>222692How to dream with your husbando/waifu/favorite character (I'm esl so sorry for any typos):
>Excellent sleep schedule, your brain needs energy to have a lucid dream
>Don't see any screens 20 minutes before sleeping
>Look at pics of your character, you need TONS of reference BUT most importantly, you need to make your brain have it's own concrete mental image of them, only watching pictures of your character will not help, why? because most brains don't register pics as no more than just temporal, daily entertainment, you need to make your brain recognize your character as a familiar and real "concept" with valuable emotional meaning to you
>Your character doesn't exist and its not a real human, so your brain doesn't have a way to accurately deduce how would them feel or act unless you tell your brain using your imagination and real life examples, think about every. fucking. detail: their hair, skin and clothes texture, how do they smell like, etc. You can create a pinterest board and pin shit that reminds you them, hairstyles, etc.
>Think about the physical similarities/ differences you have with them: are they taller/smaller? stronger/weaker? talk slower/faster? etc. Make your brain familiar with the idea of you guys interacting and being together in the same setting
>You need to make the "concept" of your character one that its relevant and positive, think deeply about why you like them and what values they represent, your character vs you, how do you match with them mentally, your potential dynamics you can make an idealized/ alternate version, your brain takes notes and notices what you think about them not reality, canon doesn't really matter unless you want it to matter, if your character is…negative in some sense, don't let their moral failures affect your emotions because your brain is going to associate such emotions with your character and you're going to fuck it up
>About sex dreams, these are rare, for every 5 normal dreams i just had 1 sex dream. Of course, you need to be somewhat horny. As >>222709 said these are way stronger during daytime but if you get a hold onto lucid dreaming you may have these dreams at night too. You will need pics for this one too, sex is very "visual" and way more complex just "talking" so your brain needs reference TL;DR: you have to re-create a mental, very detailed version of your character that has real emotional value. Your character will become a familiar set of characteristics, making it easier to appear in a dream, and maybe, interact with you
No. 222823
>>222804I've been practicing "reality checks" and that hasn't worked so far.
Amazing how my brain can create a dream where some friends gave me a face mask with the autism puzzle piece on it, though. I'm being bullied by my own subconscious. I'll try these, thank you
No. 222844
File: 1641903235101.jpg (169.49 KB, 848x1200, EHWFHyJWsAEg9c1.jpg)

>>222781i will love him forever uahhh
No. 222846
>>222844I love him too! His comforting voice and cute laughter.. this sweetness in the weird harsh world of dark souls in which you’ve died an unforgiving death for countless of times is such a treat.
>>222668>canon Wait what, did I miss something?
No. 222880
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>>222804thank you so much
No. 222905
File: 1641927905201.png (414.49 KB, 1366x768, of5X6eb.png)

I think he's neat.
too bad most of his fanart is done in a characteristically tumblr-esque style
No. 222908
File: 1641929432394.png (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 1080x1920, SPOILER_Evz8idHVkAIiMaM.png)

>>222846>Wait what, did I miss something?nah not really lol i just think its a given that hed be super sweet and loving. how can real scrotes ever compete?
No. 222931
File: 1641937281998.jpg (501.5 KB, 766x1073, 78143628_p21_master1200.jpg)

>>222621cowgirl. less exertion for him so he doesn't sweat as much, he finds it gross. fewer points of contact. easy to switch around from this position if he feels compelled to. doesn't have to touch me but can if he wants. he's very observant so there's also the appeal of having a fuller range of vision so he can see what effects he's having on every part of my body, not just my face. from my legs starting to tremble and my hands flying all over the place as i try to not touch him as he might have requested. i have to stop here before i just start writing out a full on self insert fanfic
>>222631literally top tier type of husbando whats the point of having one if you cant fantasize about being on both sides of an extreme imbalance of power. one with him being incredibly possessive and getting carried away with an aggressive train of thought to reinforce that you belong to him but also being submissive and letting you do what you want to him. or at least being able to put him in a position where he doesnt have a choice in the matter and forfeits control, to reinforce that he belongs to you. equally deranged as he is pathetic. i have many fantasies but only so much space for husbandos in my heart, have to choose wisely
No. 222969
File: 1641943161129.jpg (247.65 KB, 700x1000, EKm-qyLVAAAszc2.jpg)

>>222947every time i see him without a mask i cant help but want to degrade him by calling him a slut for having it off. mask off is intrinsically lewd, but he's perfect from head to toe so a single inch of him being covered is a waste. at the same time the mask makes him fairly intimidating which is also hot, it's also more comfortable for him to keep his face covered. it's not always preferable to have him be uncomfortable. i like him with and without mask, and with and without arms. always my perfect husbando
No. 222980
File: 1641947117273.jpeg (38.28 KB, 474x461, D3A3A33B-D5F6-41C8-BDEC-2074B0…)

Every other form of him is trash becuase it doesn’t remind me of some sort of emohusbando.
No. 222990
File: 1641955138843.jpg (42.45 KB, 540x960, 0cf41623c9123cbad0e33594fb67d8…)

>>222804i might try this thanks
nonnie. on the same topic i had a dream about my husbando too!
>in living room together>sitting together in one chair>i was laying on his chest>i comment that his chest was soft>he laughs and pulls me in No. 222996
File: 1641959761219.gif (1.78 MB, 318x318, tumblr_79fdeeaa74a645e0a756298…)

>>222896nonnie, you're super cute, i will pray for a switch port of P4G so you can experience this man's horrible nastiness for yourself, he's amazing. I know it's not the same but the Persona 4 anime is really good and it's very hot at the end with the fight scenes if you ever have time to waste!!
No. 223001
File: 1641961880980.jpg (12.42 KB, 480x640, 1618968689869.jpg)

>finding out that your husbando is more popular than you thought and has a shitton of fanfic and fanart, and what his most popular ship is (which you had correctly guessed) and what's the most popular kind of fic that is written about them, despite you avoiding the fandom entirely
>get upset instead of being glad that people think your husbando is cool enough to be that popular and have lots of content made of him
FML I thought I better than this. I'll probably get over it soon tho.
Thanks TVTropes
(Posting in this thread and not the others because this is too retarded)
No. 223004
File: 1641962863282.jpg (616.15 KB, 1000x1032, 47811766_p0_master1200.jpg)

He is too beautiful for this world.
No. 223009
File: 1641965904573.jpeg (873.26 KB, 828x1042, 57DA598E-7659-4520-A80A-0D6877…)

>>223004God anon, he is literally the most attractive fictional character to ever be created, I cant even begin to put into words what this man does to me I revert back to my cavewoman instincts almost immediately at the sight of him.
No. 223010
File: 1641965985394.jpg (86.09 KB, 749x1006, loudmoaning .JPG)

>>223004Bonus because this also makes me feel things
No. 223022
File: 1641967608196.jpg (7.47 MB, 4868x4264, Berserk_v35_p022-023.jpg)

>>223004>>223009He's genuinely majestic, honestly it's kind of audacious to think of him as a husbando.
No. 223045
File: 1641978189214.jpeg (142.32 KB, 850x1188, DE845630-8CF2-4984-8E01-A26BCC…)

It’s not fair being horny over him as much as I am. Why can’t I have a man like him Nonnies.
No. 223104
>>223045i am with you
nonnie we can suffer together. i normally dont care for glasses but he looks very sexy in them what the fuck
No. 223110
File: 1642005378002.jpg (75.94 KB, 537x760, u18181.JPG)

>>223045ikr, theres something about him that really
triggers my autism. I kind of want to corrupt his innocent brother tho, pic very related
No. 223114
File: 1642007710874.jpg (91 KB, 736x524, 39f8b6441529f0795d4c0d138f9312…)

>>223110>>223045>>223104Based, Ogata could ravage me.
No. 223125
File: 1642013689798.jpg (58.77 KB, 500x835, kaseninjured.jpg)

Can't wait to play Touken Ranbu warriors and accidentally get my character hurt in battle so his clothes fall off
hnng Kasen
No. 223126
>>222804Nona, you forgot to add that sex dreams are more common when you sleep on your stomach - or when you put some weight against your crotch area, like a pillow, for example. is purely anecdotal, but it worked for me last night. May test again today.
No. 223132
>>223126As an avid stomach sleeper, cannot confirm this. I also tend to sleep with my hand right on my pubic mound area.
something I picked up in pregnancy a few years ago and never grew out of.
I posted above about my sexual dreams being more lucid during the day. I found time to nap and had a sexual dream but not my husbando. So I’m more on the theory day time lucid dreaming will be your friend. Especially after you masterbate.
No. 223180
>>223110I'm not into GK but this pic is hot as fuck.
It's not only the uniform and the titty grab, it's his blushing face with his eyes hidden in the shadow.
>>222804>>Excellent sleep schedule, your brain needs energy to have a lucid dream>>Don't see any screens 20 minutes before sleepingWell, I'm fucked.
Anyway, thanks for the tips! I read this when you posted it, I just didn't want to reply to it until I actually tried it. So far I haven't because of reasons but I've been working on imagining what my husbando would feel like and how we would interact or meet. That's like creating artificial memories, right? I guess it makes sense that we can dream about fictional characters as if they were real people if we do that.
No. 223195
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>>223180I guess you'd like Yuusaku, then. He doesn't appear much, but when he does, he's always in uniform, his face is never shown and his personality is sweet and meek.
No. 223251
File: 1642057766297.jpg (300 KB, 700x1080, 04300574163.jpg)

>>220324Super late but I just found out that the doujinshi in your picrel and maine was not made by a fujo, but actually by a bi moid.
jokes on him, I fetishize bi dudes His men on men stuff is actually pretty hot.
It's very sought after as well, it's selling on surugaya and mandarake for like 50~70 dollars. I could only find it in chinese on its entirety, if anyone got the japanese raws, let me know! I shall pay back with a free translation.
maybe everyone already knew that and I am just super late to the party as usual No. 223278
File: 1642070236687.jpeg (46.86 KB, 678x452, DCF669F4-6C80-4AC4-A4B6-36AFC0…)

I have returned. It’s so fucked up how much I’m into him. I want to feel his big rough hands on my breasts. I want him to lift me and hold me against the wall like I weigh nothing. I want him to whisper the filthiest things I’ve ever heard in the sweetest tone anyone’s ever spoken to me in while he’s fucking up into me while I straddle him. It’s been nearly ten years and still no other husbando has hit the way he has. I’m living off of breadcrumbs ladies. I’m ashamed to say it but even vidrel is enough to give me butterflies No. 223289
File: 1642075975233.jpg (271.22 KB, 1280x960, kasenartbook.jpg)

>>223153Flustered Kasen is the best! Also knowing that he has a banging body in a catsuit under his kimono.
That and his love of cooking and laundry = husbando material
No. 223298
I want my husbando to kiss and lick my neck, is a highly sensitive area for me for some reason, he doesn't even need to fuck me kek
>>223278Glad you're back, queen
No. 223312
>>223251nta but I have to read this, didn’t even know it was a whole doujin. Wish I got the raws but I didn’t even find the chinese ones.
care to share? I hope someone itt finds the jap ones they have to be somewhere, bless you nona
No. 223331
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>>223312It's called Usagi no Honkai and the Chinese version is on myreadingmanga!
No. 223375
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he feels like adachi were he not on a power trip
No. 223421
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I could’ve fixed him
No. 223492
>>223477Anon, you're a genius, I don't know how I've never thought of that before
I'll see if I can find a BL one of both of my husbandos….
No. 223513
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>>223472Tuberculosis lmaoo
No. 223533
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Arthur is my ideal type; he is both cute and sexy, he's a big gentle giant, pretty eyes, nice brushable hair, protective and loyal to those he loves, would probably let me dress him up, would draw me and i'd draw him back
and doesn't even know what porn is
No. 223555
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>>223526You’re cool arthurnonita
No. 223642
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No. 223650
>>223647Lmfao but yes
>>223649 is correct. That's Rian from the series The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance.
No. 223651
File: 1642192445448.jpeg (Spoiler Image,253.68 KB, 850x759, 98E175EA-51B3-4773-AF98-E59519…)

Found an artist who draws buff lovecraftian abomination porn and i have to admit i like those creatures wtf
No. 223659
>>223651>>223653This artist is popular in the /h/ threads.
Warning: lots of scroteshit. I recommend the Pixiv, you'll find the good stuff more quickly. No. 223665
>>223541dlsite! didn't buy anything, but one preview had acting really, really close to his performance as my husbando
full with kissing and cumming noises.
No. 223669
File: 1642196376448.jpg (Spoiler Image,268.33 KB, 725x1024, 91575852_p17.jpg)

>>223661>somehow the dudes he draws are so fucking hotYes, I'm aware of that. I've seen the good shit in their gallery a number of times already.
If someone here has a masked guy fetish, this artist is pretty good at drawing that.
>>223667Some of the logs don't focus on the women that much, like the one this pic comes from. I think it's pretty easy to tell which ones they are based on the cover image.
No. 223670
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>>223659goodness gracious
nonny thank you
No. 223695
File: 1642208222020.png (241.17 KB, 534x604, 50764367_p1.png)

i bought a figure of my husbando and it was delivered today, but i kept checking and couldn't find it in my apartment lobby. turns out they delivered it to the apartment manager's office and since it's a long weekend i won't be able to get the box until tuesday! well at least he wasn't kidnapped. we'll be united soon…
No. 223697
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>>223009Same he is so pretty
No. 223706
File: 1642214534062.jpeg (172.36 KB, 1280x720, s-g-1521831960248_1280w.jpeg)

I love Okabe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 223746
>>223651God I've gotten off so much to this doujinshi I'm considering buying it lol.
>>223659I'm pretty certain the artist is a woman.
No. 223754
>>223746That's a doujinshi? I had no idea.
>I'm pretty certain the artist is a woman.>female artist wastes talent drawing mostly a shitton of disgusting scrote-pandering crap, has developed moid coombrainMany such cases.
Anyway, what makes you say that?
No. 223756
>>223669>If someone here has a masked guy fetishYes hello, that would be me. I already saved those from the /h/ thread but I need more lol.
>I'm pretty certain the artist is a woman.I think so too.
No. 223820
>>221709>I’ve never seen YOIYou really should
nonnie, all characters including the women and the ones with like two lines are husbando material.
No. 223962
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The skewers stay in during sex
No. 223992
File: 1642327967178.png (103.2 KB, 288x600, BxVgrp1CcAIAOGX.png)

Thanks to all the anons who adviced sleeping on your stomach. Not lewd but I dreamt i was feeding him, it made me feel warm inside. I wonder how he would react to such genuine displays of affection from a girl, it's probably OOC but i think he would be very flustered.
Cringe moment but do you girls do anything special for your husbando's birthday/valentine's day? it's kinda pathetic but i want to draw him or write nice fluffy smut for that occasion.
No. 223995
File: 1642328874887.png (Spoiler Image,646.59 KB, 565x800, kiro.png)

he canonically has a family but something about him makes me go feral
No. 224021
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>>222362he wont object to me
No. 224034
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Picrel is Lysandre from My Candy Love. This character is hot in so many ways, it sucked so much the creator didn't include him in the newest stories SMH. I was so shocked I stopped playing, couldn't go on without my husband Lys.
No. 224105
>>223992>Cringe moment but do you girls do anything special for your husbando's birthday/valentine's day?I did make a shrine for one of my previous husbandos and take a pic of it for both once. This year I'll probably just draw my current husbando for the first time, or watch his anime on Valentine's Day (he doesn't have an official birthdate).
>it's kinda pathetic but i want to draw him or write nice fluffy smut for that occasion.Anon, compared to the shrine thing, drawing your husbando (or writing fic) on his birthday/Valentine's day is normal. People who don't have a husbando do it for the characters they like all the time. Even official artists do it so don't worry.
No. 224216
File: 1642419102909.png (1.63 MB, 2600x1556, BDB8818F-8182-4996-A17D-B3848A…)

The new movie has me down bad, nonnas.
No. 224251
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>>224033Nona typing this like a scorned woman shouting this from across her and her husbando's small farm in the middle of nowhere
No. 224259
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>>224256Eyes prettier than the gem
No. 224269
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>>220320Missed this but yes he's hot in the traumatized i-must-bully way
No. 224281
File: 1642447311651.png (69.77 KB, 187x217, official crop.png)

>>224235The only time I had a dream about an actual established character doing sexy things it was this crazy bastard eating me out.
Even though I grew out of this crush 15 years ago or so.
No. 224316
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>>219775I started playing Stardew Valley. Day 1: heart set on Alex. Day 2: completely utterly hopelessly falling for Shane. YES depressed alcoholic chicken man.
My fantasy is that his anxiety makes him jealous and possessive and it drives him wild when I talk to Alex
No. 224326
File: 1642455181658.jpeg (24.08 KB, 960x895, reeeeee.jpeg)

>>224316I was gonna mock you, but I fell for Sebastian then I'll just keep my mouth shut for the moment being. Sebastian impregnated MC even after I said no. I don't know if that's even possible, all I know is that happened. I'm waiting so I can take the child to the witch's house for her to turn it into a bird.
No. 224334
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>>224326I kinda hate that character because it is supposedly the creator's self insert
This is for you if you want it kek No. 224337
File: 1642458123978.jpg (7.16 KB, 166x304, images.jpg)

I wish there were more western media husbandos.
Picrel one of the few. If only his show wasn't so mediocre
No. 224339
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>>224216oh my god anon same. after watching it (and halloween kills) i’ve decided that i will never accept a man who won’t dress as my favourite slashers and stay in costume until i get bored of them. i’m shamelessly coombrained from all my years of thirsting after scary murder men lmao
No. 224350
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>>224337OG tumblr sexyman
Someone post some western waifus too, I'm starving here
No. 224351
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>>224316shane is my favorite, however after playing some more after a while I have developed a huge soft spot for harvey
No. 224352
File: 1642462194406.gif (2.67 MB, 255x302, e0a4d17ae5c1003242f6a0f2fd5429…)

no i haven't played a call of duty game in my life yes i want to fuck to fuck soap mactavish
No. 224357
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>>224350Metalocalypse had a bunch of cute waifus. It's too bad the show never got an actual conclusion though.
No. 224369
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>>224033He was gonna die anyways nonna
No. 224374
>>224361Do it anon.
Red Death is unironically a great husband
No. 224376
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>>224367in a shocking turn of events, it's neither. although my friend is a huge papyrus fangirl.
No. 224382
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>>224369So did yours, rat-wife
No. 224383
Also thought the first season was pretty good.
No. 224398
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>>224397Post 'em
Cowboys are welcome anywhere
No. 224400
File: 1642470995213.jpeg (67.65 KB, 697x960, 0hUBZY_CuoZKdCkTZKnyHc2kDVj1c7…)

>>224388You ask and shall receive, here's some fanart of Toki and Swisgaar
No. 224403
File: 1642471267997.jpg (119.94 KB, 1600x898, l-intro-1640275393.jpg)

I just started watching this and this character's voice… I am literally salivating as she speaks
No. 224404
File: 1642471577329.jpeg (Spoiler Image,69.47 KB, 806x1200, DW8SeOsXcAAQ7NG.jpeg)

>>224402I share your pain. There's just one metalhead in my area that actually has good hair and is kinda cute, but he's annoying af
Here's Nathan Explosion to fuel your widest dreams
No. 224407
File: 1642472353696.jpg (958.57 KB, 1864x3160, 3982263 - Ghostface Halloween …)

>>224261It's by Mozg! They do some awesome slasher fanart. Here is a link to the full pic:>>224339Hnnnnggg same same same! I am buying the 50th Anniversary costume as soon as it's back in stock and making my bf wear it. I know I'm going to be mega horny after Halloween Ends too. Fuck, Gostie's voice is so damn hot. I'm so happy they gave him a lot of lines in the new one. And a lot of scenes where you can see him clearly.
And kills that were so brutal. No. 224409
File: 1642472730268.jpg (104.79 KB, 900x675, favorite_character_meme_by_okh…)

>>224357>>224388I love Toki!!!!!!!!!!
No. 224410
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>>224388And since you love Pickles~
No. 224412
File: 1642473295166.gif (558.28 KB, 250x141, Tumblr_mevk1kbfVt1rbczhr.gif)

>>224398I just so happened to have a gif of one of them dressed as a cowboy
No. 224414
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>>224411He is PERFECTION.
No. 224416
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>>224409Toki is best hubby!
Not to derail, but Dethklok is so underrated. I remember when I used to play Thunderhorse on Guitar Hero, it was one of the best extra songs
No. 224427
File: 1642477938913.png (112.81 KB, 330x325, Sofiathefirst_(2).png)

>>224337>in his late 30s>definitely a virgin>bitter and lonely, needs friends>sad and pathetic, can't even be evil right>actually good at teaching and knows what he's doing (hot)>good with kids despite finding them annoying (cute)>fake British accent>kind of a momma's boy but kinda not>desperately wants his father's approval>is beaten by women several times, built for femdom (he was even held in a cage by a female villain once, in another episode he was restrained with vines by another female villain)And there are so many more things that I love about him.
And yes, the nose is part of his charm No. 224438
File: 1642479736196.jpeg (551.35 KB, 1125x1031, 8ECD7E2B-9842-4933-A614-1C46AE…)

I want Venom Snake to titty fuck me - before he showers.
“Harder Boss.”
No. 224445
File: 1642480708069.gif (1.24 MB, 540x299, A25069E2-6B77-4231-93C2-594468…)

i can’t deny it anymore. i want to fuck this depressed, alcoholic, abusive loser
No. 224447
>>224427ANON SAME??? Lmao i thought I was the only one, he's so cute
i want to dom him, destroy his pelvis and maybe ride that nose kek>>224445I want a threesome with him and Arataki Itto
No. 224454
File: 1642482836955.gif (1.8 MB, 540x304, tumblr_oc6m4qoek31td5qjgo2_540…)

>>224445His hair is lit, he looks so savage
I was unsure ab posting him, but I'm gonna leave this here. The David Bowie style is irresistible
[insert serial killer here] is so hot — weeb edition No. 224457
File: 1642483114441.png (580.42 KB, 749x746, tumblr_inline_pey75fXgFh1rbtht…)

I wish they showed him like this again. He looked so nice with a stubble
No. 224467
>>224447>I want a threesome with him and Arataki IttoNta but I like the way you think,
No. 224473
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>>224351Ayrt. I was genuinely so torn between Shane and Alex. I still am tbh, I've only had the game for 4 days, and I'm like actually emotionally split on who to marry.
Though I'm surprised I've never seen Alex mentioned in these threads. He's a himbo canonically, lad can barely read. All he knows is be good husband and lift weights. And don't forget the infamous line "what am I grateful for? I'll show you when we get home"
No. 224484
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I remember seeing the movie in middle school and knowing I was supposed to be scared, but all I could think of was 'man this pyramid head guy sure is hot af'
No. 224485
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Same, anon.
No. 224488
File: 1642495088917.gif (1.54 MB, 500x281, 1383715640746.gif)

>>224416It really is underrated. It might be my favorite show of all time.
>>224433>i wish he had more bulgeFor you, nonna. No. 224492
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No. 224503
File: 1642501841778.png (Spoiler Image,16.36 MB, 3600x3200, 4665337 - Friday_the_13th Jaso…)

I have noticed a pattern of overlap between women into Metalocalypse and women into slashers. Probably because both groups are based as hell.
No. 224505
File: 1642502357245.jpg (443.34 KB, 1280x720, 82726374886252.jpg)

>>224473I love Alex and I was genuinely sad when he was revealed to have problems with his self-esteem because of his verbally
abusive dad. I lost my old save file when I switched phones last year but I need to start playing again for him. He is a himbo icon and he
triggers my protection instincts
No. 224510
>>224457yeah these guys are shaving a lot lol.
Aw man he’s so damn hot, when he had those chopstick still sticking in his cheeks it made me feel something too. As much as I’m super into the others he is the hottest, best and most adorable guy and I would totally do him irl.
No. 224517
File: 1642508107512.png (1.68 MB, 1066x1070, 50EF94CA-6B8D-426D-ACC4-F1E8AD…)

>>224382Tbh my rat mans got hotter when he lost an eye
No. 224518
File: 1642508723437.jpg (315.82 KB, 2048x2048, tfw no pier bf.jpg)

>>224334nta but wtf, i hope not. sebastian is always my go-to, i married shane first but the thrill was gone when i managed to make him like me and his room was ugly.. divorced him and erased his memory because i couldn't take the interactions after
No. 224523
File: 1642509575465.jpeg (32.54 KB, 512x599, images-37.jpeg)

>>224505I've been thinking about marrying him, he seems to be lovely. Or maybe I'll just stick to Elliott
AKA Fabio. Hnnng, so difficult to choose.
No. 224526
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>>224513I think this scene was a sexual awakening for me.
No. 224534
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>>224357I'm a Toki and Nathan gal myself
No. 224543
File: 1642515369549.png (358.65 KB, 600x600, 39896710_p3.png)

>>224454Based Kiranon. I wouldn't mind if you posted more of him so I'm not the only one…
t. fellow Kira enjoyer
No. 224550
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>>224543I'm so glad you joined, I thought no one else would care to appreciate the king
edit: typo
No. 224570
File: 1642523474198.png (46.09 KB, 200x200, B7F224FB-47DF-494B-A15A-18AC48…)

>mfw he’s not even an actual attractive Irish man but instead some bald fuck from Brooklyn
>mfw we’ll never get any content of him or of Bioshock in general because Ken Levine is a hack who can’t do anything right
>mfw I stumbled upon a super hot RP scenario with him and fem!Jack years ago on Tumblr that literally drenched my panties. But I can’t find it anymore
>mfw it’s been 7-8 years and despite all of the above, I’m still obsessed with him.
At least you Vaasfags have a lot of material to go on.
No. 224572
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>>224492peak male performance
No. 224575
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No. 224589
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>>224510>when he had those chopstick still sticking in his cheeks it made me feel something tooAnon, tell me about it, holy shit. I was lowkey horny during the whole ordeal, he looked so so hot. I love when he get bloody and has his murder eyes.
>As much as I’m super into the others he is the hottest, best and most adorable guy and I would totally do him irl.Anon, same!! I love Ogata and Koito as well and think they are super sexy, but damn, Saichi makes me blush. And want to hug him and tend for him. Best boy.
No. 224595
File: 1642527558211.jpg (112.05 KB, 983x1024, EZww3znUEAAxT5Q.jpg)

>>224550Of course! Kira is perfect husbando material and also simultaneously the complete opposite of husbando material. I would try to fix him and would probably end up as a hand
if I'm lucky hehe No. 224625
File: 1642534380125.jpeg (61.37 KB, 564x935, yoshi.jpeg)

>>224595If I happened to be one of his
victims, I deadass wish my hand would become alive like that one hand from TheAddams Family. All that just so I could grope him. Also, nonna. which Kira skin is your favorite? I like the David Bowie one better
No. 224642
File: 1642538539165.png (681.33 KB, 635x767, cage.png)

>>224481>>224447>>224450Thank fuck, I thought I was alone in my autism. God, I love his
songs so much, too lol. I wanna protect him but at the same time I wanna defile him so bad.
last year I tried to draw a short comic where you're a witch who uses tentacles to restrain and fuck him, but unfortunately I haven't finished it>>224527kek, you're welcome
Also, here's all the episodes you need to watch:>>224488Mad respect for anyone who draws herself having sex with her husbando
No. 224647
nonny, i was just looking for the episode list! loved the first song so far
No. 224681
>>224550please never write edit again this isn’t reddit
No. 224686
File: 1642547116476.jpg (183 KB, 600x900, 2216674.jpg)

>>224625Definitely agree, og Bowie-Kira is the hottest. The other two looks aren't as attractive, but since it's still Kira I enjoy them. I really appreciate all the fanart that exists of him surrounded and being groped by hands. Funny how even though he's a serial killer, there's a lot of art of him being in a more subservient position (not that I mind), which brings me to ask whether you prefer a dom!Kira or sub!Kira? I think he's a character who has the capacity for both, which I personally like a lot. I will admit there were a few times in JJBA where he's put in embarrassing or compromising situations and it really makes me feel a certain way…
No. 224703
File: 1642551819501.jpeg (63.92 KB, 564x758, bwkira.jpeg)

>>224686Same here, I confess the other two designs let me down a bit. Ngl, I'm a hopeless sub, so I must go with dom!Kira.
I would give everything for him to pin me down and have his way with me. I kinda identify with him when it comes to appreciating hands even if I'm not crazy ab it as he is lol, then I also enjoy these fanarts featuring Kira + hands.
No. 224705
File: 1642552416333.jpg (Spoiler Image,789.47 KB, 660x1598, lol.jpg)

I see one of you posted Cedric in the /m/ husbando thread, thanks for
saving me the embarrassment of doing it myself kek>>224647Again, you're welcome anon
>loved the first song so farRight? I'm kinda ashamed to say it, but it's so cool. I don't usually watch Disney shit, I swear. I think the fourth episode is where most of his fans fall in love with him, lol
>>224668You know what, fuck it, I made this pic just for you.
>>224700Fuck, well, then I don't know what to say.
No. 224706
File: 1642553057488.jpg (398.27 KB, 1500x1500, fred rambaud.jpg)

Get a feeling so complicated
No. 224710
File: 1642553680109.jpg (28.49 KB, 500x316, 8ff.jpg)

>>224705>pic relatedAnon i can't- this is fucking perfect, thank you!
No. 224713
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His character model in the game is kinda ugly but i love him and his voice
No. 224727
File: 1642560044746.jpg (108.32 KB, 1784x1108, EySeFuTUYAEylQx.jpg)

>>224703>>224707Kira is a versatile husbando. He could be a dom because he's arrogant and controlling (and has his shit together), but he could also be a sub because he's a simp for hands and is willing to do almost anything to live a quiet life. He can be blonde, dark-haired, watermelon, and also whatever color his hair was in Dead Man's Questions. He can wear a variety of suits and ties. Be a human or a ghost. A versatile, dangerous husbando. A swiss army husbando.
No. 224729
File: 1642560506900.jpg (288.75 KB, 1001x1200, 72769728_p2_master1200.jpg)

>>224534Nathan's protectiveness of Toki is adorable.
No. 224730
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>>224728yay so happy to see this on the main page, watching metalocalypse right now
and its sadly making me horny i love nathan and pickles so much !!!! i found this fan art on tumblr of pickles earlier too while browsing… yay thighs
No. 224732
File: 1642561969798.jpg (Spoiler Image,499.77 KB, 1280x570, 1534290899316.jpg)

>>224730I found a picture of us,
No. 224735
File: 1642562308447.jpg (Spoiler Image,721.23 KB, 839x1191, 80429464_p21.jpg)

I saw a couple of anons thirsting over the guy from Way of the Househusband and Kakashi in the last thread. So I wanted to share this artist that I found on /h/ (though some of you have probably already seen these) (un)related is Takuto Maruki from Persona 5, source:>>224732NTA but kek, those women are based, is this from the show? If so, was this like the South Park episode where they used fanart submitted by fans?
No. 224793
File: 1642596306587.gif (5.73 MB, 667x404, 314b0fb90b6922d5e5d17f5ffbf01e…)

No. 224819
File: 1642602148549.jpeg (98.61 KB, 500x390, 256359F8-B801-4406-965A-694A88…)

>>224589hnnng I want to touch his scars
>>224732holy kek is that toki giving skwisgaar a blowjob in the censored picture where they are all naked?
No. 224830
File: 1642604821707.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.41 KB, 594x724, 1589939416847.jpg)

>>224713based fromsoft voices enjoyer, i want bloodborne on pc so bad
No. 224854
File: 1642613216878.jpg (27.38 KB, 563x298, 6f95ba7ce1a2c9a2d22b9206f0a5ea…)

One eye on you and one eye on your pussy
No. 224869
File: 1642615882530.jpg (87.47 KB, 564x804, e3a69416049372ec60982965f3be5b…)

mostly kidding, I just saw that fanart and couldn't resist.
Have Koito with a reindeer brindle.
No. 224940
File: 1642633222206.jpg (136.22 KB, 736x1472, 27427839d7722d4656eda0378c56b6…)

>>224914You're absolutely right
No. 224953
File: 1642638634834.jpg (40.44 KB, 736x466, d96b9e3ee73a20bb5bd317a2e46bb7…)

>>224940Please look at Koito's facial hair here. Thank you.
No. 224997
File: 1642652204884.png (74.05 KB, 600x682, FAHp4ggVIAgOg4U.png)

>>224953It's very Tsurumi-like, it fits him!
Also Koito has the biggest dick of the 7th division, I don't make the rules
No. 225006
File: 1642659356076.gif (1.67 MB, 500x375, Valhallen-dexters-laboratory-4…)

>>224337My favorite himbo
No. 225007
File: 1642660608249.jpg (53.08 KB, 564x738, c5054ddf9f2d401faea715fe820e6d…)

>>225000No doubt in my mind Tsukishima tops for a plethora of reasons, but I am sure that if you asked Koito to be gentle with his big cock, he would oblige. He is a good boy.
No. 225008
File: 1642661028273.jpg (18.85 KB, 612x481, hotvampirebf.jpg)

God he's so hot
No. 225035
File: 1642670376587.jpg (64.12 KB, 735x440, 3ee0f9c5d5db3a655532e9e0460287…)

>>225025>>225033Damn, that's hot
Thanks, anon
No. 225037
>everything NSFW is behind account wallsNOOO
No. 225043
>>224732the baby the fangirl holds has a suspicious haircolor lol.
By the way I love Skwisgaar, he’s a hoe and a douchebag but he has so much swag.
No. 225053
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>>224793>>224795>>224796Based taste
nonnie, I would let Sam do disgusting things to me and be happy about it.
No. 225086
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I want to touch his dick.
No. 225098
File: 1642698425803.jpg (45.17 KB, 454x675, images.jpg)

He cute
No. 225110
File: 1642702610662.png (736.69 KB, 699x796, unknown.png)

i will have sex with a power ranger at ANY cost. it's on my bucket list
No. 225112
File: 1642702832263.gif (326.34 KB, 98x90, power-rangers-power-rangers-da…)

>>225110and its a promise
No. 225130
File: 1642707086519.gif (12.11 MB, 410x499, 1642631228615.gif)

Do you ever get that intense urge to just cuddle your husbando like this
No. 225163
File: 1642718254220.png (221 KB, 750x1080, png.png)

I wish everyone on ot would stop fighting and post here instead
No. 225172
File: 1642719812660.jpg (262.62 KB, 1000x1000, 1586108049704.jpg)

>>225167I'm just horny for cute 2D guys. Aren't we all?
No. 225192
>>225167>we're all friendsTbf I think that some people itt go to other boards to stir shit up because they know people don't want infighting in the retarded hornyposting husbandoposting thread. So here they have to contain themselves.
>>225098Yes! I don't get how he can be so cute but I've always had a crush on Luigi, kek.
>>225094NTA but she didn't deny that. It's just that shit like
>incertareally makes one cringe. It was probably edited by a kid anyway so it's excusable.
No. 225249
File: 1642748995949.jpg (382.47 KB, 900x1200, 20362385_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>225192I get the impression that it's underage fujos from the Genshin Impact thread (I'm not into that, just scroll past them fighting in /m/ all the time)who go to /ot/ to let off steam about how much they hate yumes. Or trolls. Glad we can be at peace here.
No. 225364
>>225360I always end up thinking of the same scenario, trying to fine-tune the details every night when I go to sleep, and adding more steps until the fantasy is complete.
Since I don't write it down, it's a bit hard to keep track of it all, especially when I'm sleepy. Maybe I should start doing that.
No. 225368
File: 1642808202697.jpg (43.96 KB, 1000x750, MV5BMTc3ODcwMjQ4MV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

>>224732Me too, happy I'm not alone. I rewatch rehabklok pretty like every year, Pickles is so awesome in that episode.
So I just came in to post Freakazoid, bye.
No. 225377
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>>225373>take off his suit as little as possible nonna, i promise.
also id want to tease him through the spandex for hours first No. 225378
File: 1642810087368.jpg (39.8 KB, 417x417, e6169b82161b0bb1119760e5ac43bf…)

>>225368So many good blue men.
You also have the Kurt Wagner, Abe Sapien, and Megamind…
No. 225400
File: 1642814039106.jpg (283.05 KB, 2048x1823, __vergil_devil_may_cry_and_1_m…)

i used to think i only liked women until i saw him and his also sexy family
No. 225402
>>225360I try to keep things in canon with the universes.
>>225364Was trying this last night but I kept getting distracted and repeating my thoughts, and then I fell asleep before I even got to the sexy part…
Have been successful before though.
No. 225452
>>225438He's in it, it's just that the scene is clearly intended as fanservice for males, not the other way around
>>225437I didn't want to out myself as "THAT anon" but here goes…
They made him act like "typical harem protagonist" here which is actually really out of character
but I still think he's cute, I can't help it, I'm a hopeless retard No. 225457
>>225452>He's in itDamn I thought you meant that you were imagining it with you and your husbando.
Anyway, I thought it'd be worse, but it's still obvious that they made it look like a POV scene for scrotes.
No. 225516
File: 1642863725571.jpg (218.79 KB, 2040x1752, Izanagi.jpg)

on par with wanting to fuck jojo stands in term of shamefulness
No. 225520
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>>225516Me too but with this bad boy
No. 225521
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>>225516>>225520nonnies of taste.
No. 225536
File: 1642870015362.jpg (187.04 KB, 1080x1080, 1ek9tra7b3q61.jpg)

i love Diana Burnwood so much. i wish she would be my "handler" ikywim. not to sound like an ayyyden but i also read 47/Diana smut and self insert as Agent 47 because i want to shag her so bad and the way he's often portrayed as a submissive top really vibes with me
No. 225565
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No. 225580
File: 1642888794196.jpg (Spoiler Image,433.43 KB, 621x683, qtaro.jpg)

wasn't there a shin anon here?
No. 225605
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Sachiko dump
No. 225608
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No. 225614
File: 1642906191568.png (Spoiler Image,843.55 KB, 1296x1728, 130.png)

>>225605Pic related might be my favorite piece, does anyone know if she has colored it already?
>>225611Oh shit I think I made this crop of that paragraph lol
it's too based and describes exactly what I find hot but was never sure exactly why, and she put it into words
>>225613>>225612Well, one of her pseudonyms is "Sac Macaroni" if I'm not mistaken
No. 225622
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Mmmm sweaty
No. 225630
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hank hill-sama!!! <3
No. 225636
File: 1642920642780.gif (261.06 KB, 220x162, dale-gribble-dale.gif)

>>225632>>225633How could he not be?
No. 225640
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>>225596it is q-taro burgerberg from your turn to die
No. 225642
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>>225632Based. But also, dale makes the most sense.
No. 225649
File: 1642924920407.jpg (30.07 KB, 400x304, WhaReF3.jpg)

I really like cobra commander. I think he would be devoted and spoil you. He's sexy, cute, funny, and domineering. I like the mask and his voice.
I want him to dominate me, overwhelm me with pleasure, and watch my reactions. I also want to tie him up, tease his cock, and have him beg for more.
No. 225683
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>>225649men in masks are truly patrician
No. 225688
>>225611"the art of oniisan" i laughed
nonnie, loves you
No. 225731
File: 1642960664624.jpg (384.46 KB, 1252x1000, 78968376_p7.jpg)

>>225683>Someone else likes PUPPYBased mask anon, It's sad that there is not a lot of content with him, since he pretty much checks all the boxes for a character I would find attractive:
>cyborg>mute>cyberpunk aesthetic>kinda dumb and easily manipulated>cool jacket No. 225787
File: 1642975719123.jpg (Spoiler Image,573.11 KB, 990x1436, 71bMRXRctuL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

>>225731yes yes yes to everything you listed, i would do unspeakable things to him. also whos that in your image hes cute
No. 225860
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>>225683>>225731>>225787When did you all notice you had a thing for masked men? Zechs Marquise did something to my brain at a young age.
No. 225861
File: 1643012105650.jpeg (404.98 KB, 1554x2048, 2C4BD3AE-9224-4EC9-8ED2-D85DCB…)

>>225860Not those anons, but another one obsessed with masked men. I remember seeing someone wearing a bloody Ghostface costume one Halloween when I was little, and something inside me stirred.
No. 225897
File: 1643038266412.jpg (105.64 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>225860i remember getting inexplicably pissed when they showed genjis eyes in his cinematic short kek
No. 225918
File: 1643046699083.jpg (12.57 KB, 294x294, C_8iuCDUMAIvUs9.jpg)

>>225860Not any of these anons (and maybe my mask kink isn't as strong) but this motherfucker right here
No. 225920
File: 1643046977884.png (58.35 KB, 150x498, WayneHylics.png)

I think he's cute and it'd be fun to fly with him
No. 225968
File: 1643060385721.png (257.47 KB, 431x331, 123897594375.png)

>>225966I did a search for him and that was the one which immediately stood out to me as well. I like the corset-like top too, underrated in men's fashion
No. 225971
File: 1643061188281.jpg (83.61 KB, 750x750, ss.jpg)

>>225966thanks nonna, this ones cute.
No. 225974
File: 1643062242528.jpeg (777.01 KB, 1242x806, E0645964-A641-4EFC-B005-D072D8…)

>>225966>>225968I remember fawning over wes when LB was in their prime. Fred Durst was so cringe tho I died a little each time I saw him in his wigger cosplay. I saw them in concert when I was like 14. Swoon
No. 225991
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>>225787The pic you posted is amazing, holy shit.
Also, the character I posted was from this artist's original bl series, I can't read Japanese, so I really don't know what's happening, but the designs are cute.>>225860It might have been Romantically Apocalyptic that made me realize it, now that I think about it, it was one of the first webcomics I read as a geeky tween because I was desperately looking for more media with a similar atmosphere to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. Now I actually think the webcomic had an awful downfall in quality
if it was even good in the first place, I'm not re-reading it, but it still influenced the kind of stuff I enjoy, which is usually cool mask/face covering helmet + military gear or urban clothing.
I will also admit that despite it's many faults Romantically Apocalyptic had some top tier boys in it, Snippy and Pilot were very cute.
No. 226006
>>225962The Masked Magician from "Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed", which I used to watch late at night when I was little
Apparently his real name is
Val Valentino No. 226021
File: 1643081977117.png (163.57 KB, 539x760, gay ass werewolf.png)

this costume and a hypothetical scenario of yosuke being cucked by his shadow self and getting off to it do things to me
No. 226023
>>226021Ngl I thought I was the only person whose thought about yosuke x shadow yosuke. Superior taste
No. 226043
>>226040Make the list
nonnie, do it in order so I know who's your favorite lol
No. 226045
File: 1643101962228.png (2.51 MB, 2000x1667, EtvIrVsWYAU4UhR.png)

>>225991im reading romac right now!! i love pilot and want to do terrible things to engie.
No. 226072
File: 1643120889800.png (390.14 KB, 559x801, tumblr_oqpfutCnb81w2txydo1_640…)

>>226021Exquisite taste, anon
reminds me of this tasty femdom adachi smut No. 226091
File: 1643136931681.jpg (86.56 KB, 1620x923, EflsCiGUMAAhamk.jpg)

>>225920I thought he was hot too especially him wearing leather and doing hand gestures. He's super attractive in fanarts.
No. 226095
File: 1643139342790.jpg (32.25 KB, 400x685, yakuza5dlc08.jpg)

how cringe am i for wanting to sit on this man
No. 226144
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>>225611i would die to just meet her and talk to her for like half an hour. for 5 minutes. the genius she is. immaculate.
No. 226145
nonnie, same
No. 226147
File: 1643161240301.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.86 KB, 500x800, eaaae61e7ac64f8a2bfab84626aa77…)

fishy man
No. 226152
File: 1643162321252.jpg (241.49 KB, 1280x1707, 128.jpg)

>>226144Same, she's probably the first artist I've idolized this much
>>225638kek I remember a pic like this but it also had CLANNAD and then El Chavo del 8 characters
No. 226167
File: 1643171215682.jpeg (53.86 KB, 750x440, 02D617B1-52A4-4056-9170-055B36…)

This is for Dottore-anon.
No. 226177
File: 1643181571275.jpg (60.9 KB, 564x800, 3e0e8fe3a8200a25bd4eb5d46d92b4…)

I can fix him, but I don't want to.
No. 226196
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>>226194Kek it's not a lazy eye
he has a glass eye after losing his own No. 226258
File: 1643222249371.jpeg (58.37 KB, 447x686, images - 2022-01-09T011635.458…)

>>226228Hnng, cute.
>>226244It's Ogata Hyakunosuke from Golden Kamuy
No. 226281
File: 1643227235028.png (758.75 KB, 724x1024, 8928167e0f20af227eb597f2ef0753…)

>>226196oh okay that makes sense thanks i didnt actually read the manga or watch the anime cause i dont really give a shit about the plot i just look at fanart and doujins of handsome characters
here have a peace offering
No. 226282
File: 1643227323907.png (Spoiler Image,412.41 KB, 570x3568, oh np.png)

>>226257thanks.this thread has helped me reconnect with my love of robots and masked dudes, and i hope in turn will help me reconnect to my teenage past self who was unashamed of her desires and lack of art skills
No. 226292
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>>226281It's okay,
nonnie! I thought it was funny (it's funny in the series too)
There was no way to know unless you've read it, and I don't expect everyone to know Golden Kamuy lore. Cheers!
No. 226315
File: 1643229800657.jpg (60.66 KB, 564x825, 47839207402.jpg)

Always gonna be obsessed with him
No. 226324
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No. 226488
File: 1643235597862.png (Spoiler Image,144.19 KB, 600x800, foranderson.png)

>>226282NONNA THIS IS SO CUTEEE i wish i was this based back in the day and not just drawing sonic ocs. please accept my own robot husband oc as a humble offering, i love anderson very much
No. 226518
File: 1643237595250.png (Spoiler Image,188.49 KB, 600x717, anderson.png)

>>226507last one before i veer too offtopic kek but i really wanted to doodle him as well, i hope thats ok.
this time its a real date>>226494thank u nonna xoxo
No. 226548
File: 1643239219590.jpeg (26.47 KB, 324x380, D397786B-494F-4097-9E50-779CC8…)

been rewatching the ole Pride & Prejudice tv show on Hulu. I totally wanna bang young Colin Firth (but only, and I mean ONLY, if he is wearing regency era costume and speaking in cumbersome & meandering Jane Austen English) hahejejkelekekrjjshhsksodijebeb I want to d-d-doink himmm let’s goooo
No. 226614
File: 1643253618476.gif (1.69 MB, 500x203, F4C70B2D-8497-4FB6-A61E-1E9FEE…)

>>226488This is adorable and I love him. Gives off a Chappie-vibe
Need more robots and cyborgs in this thread.
No. 226657
File: 1643269859449.jpg (84.05 KB, 640x853, 3lmobs66w1771.jpg)

>>226614chappie was most definitely an inspiration for the "ears" i love that movie.
they wiggle when hes flustered. No. 226687
File: 1643283897822.jpeg (49.91 KB, 1024x511, Dzpu9JiWwAAUAEX.jpg-large.jpeg)

>>219775>>219969Man, I've been replaying rdr2 after having finished it in 2019. Chapter 6 hit me really hard to say the least and I didn't have it in me to replay it after the epilogue. Riding with Arthur again feels just as great as it felt back then, I love him so much, it's hard to describe.
That figure looks great too, the box is a work of art! Wish he were mine
No. 226733
File: 1643301217371.gif (4.58 MB, 728x532, BfKErYy.gif)

I would [REDACTED] max headroom
No. 226749
File: 1643306730371.jpeg (957.83 KB, 1242x1814, F9B45528-9307-4AAB-BC0B-52D469…)

Where do you guys find your cute robo pics? Mine pop up randomly while I search for recipes on Pinterest kek
Although I don’t know if picrel is a robot or a masked man- I think it’s just concept art. Either way, it’s hot.
>>226657Chappie is a good boy. I could never husbando him though because his personality is too innocent and child-like.
No. 226751
File: 1643306956560.jpeg (262.91 KB, 1242x1645, 7966030A-A51C-408E-9A3A-87531A…)

Oh I forgot to drop this too. A different anon linked this tumblr a couple weeks ago and it did something to my brain. No. 226754
>>226751thank you
nonnie my brain is feeling similarly
No. 226759
File: 1643310588841.jpeg (394.39 KB, 1242x1662, 89D31834-8FD7-4A51-9A5E-20F157…)

I hope robot husbands are a thing in the near future.
No. 226761
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Why cant my console come alive
No. 226797
File: 1643323244743.jpeg (1.21 MB, 2480x3508, A95253B2-2116-426B-AB35-C8276E…)

he’s not my husbando, but i want to suck his dick like i would a delicious, rapidly melting popsicle
No. 226812
>>226749Unofficial Destiny concept, so just masked man.
I like masked guys, but they still have to have a nice face underneath for me to really love them.
And what I love the most about robots is the 'teach them to love/have emotions' element.
No. 226829
File: 1643336620503.png (655.83 KB, 432x767, 67a.png)

>>226810i think about this every single day. it haunts me. i am creating an entire fiction in my head related to this single thought and i fear one day i will put it to (bad) prose.
No. 226830
File: 1643337011219.png (7.18 MB, 1536x2048, zCCrrug.png)

>>226829wait nevermind im so stupid ive already seen this exact fantasy in a different lolcow thread. i know this because it was me
No. 226847
>>226810Ayrt, yes you are speaking my language
nonnie that's exactly what I need in my life asap. Bonus points if half-on armor sex happens
No. 226851
File: 1643352129974.png (813.43 KB, 600x900, bb.png)

I'd kiss every one of his scars but most of all I wanna hop on that dick so badly.
No. 226880
File: 1643374930772.jpeg (111.67 KB, 728x776, 38E137B2-01FA-431D-B611-17A16E…)

I had a dream in which this loser was typing ridiculously fast and it turned me on, he told me that he could show me how to do it like him but I told him that it wasn’t necessary and that we could just have sex. I didn’t get to the really juicy part, he was just there taking off my pants and telling me that he wasn’t as good as the others but that he would do his best.
No. 226971
File: 1643408682192.jpeg (191.79 KB, 1140x570, 2404B4D5-2345-4E34-8DE0-71FB1A…)

I hate that i have a crush on this retarded costume its as bad as having one on marshmello
No. 226994
File: 1643412774194.jpeg (48.46 KB, 512x435, 65434595-FBC3-4CAD-B9E3-EBAC93…)

I just finished silent hill 2.. I’m just gonna quietly scoot in over to ao3 real quick
No. 226998
File: 1643413556988.jpg (263.48 KB, 1400x1400, INEEDHIM.jpg)

>>226994this but not for james
No. 227005
>>226976Kek this is the funniest thing I've read here today, next time I'll hear him do that I'll think about you nonna.
>>226998>movie versionEw.
No. 227011
>>226994gimme recs, daddy James can pillow choke me like he hates me any time uwu
>>226998that's just James with a ventilation hood on his head
No. 227012
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Bloodborne has so many sexy outfits
No. 227014
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No. 227024
File: 1643430981809.jpeg (184.01 KB, 1280x853, 32D96369-44F6-436A-ACC8-3B7E50…)

thinking about if I had a brigade of elegant footmen. they would have to lick my feet
No. 227027
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No. 227028
File: 1643432370868.jpeg (118.4 KB, 1300x1601, 2657F563-033E-4DB4-B3FF-156B3C…)

Based but
No. 227051
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>>227011Same nonita
>I can fix him coof coof No. 227065
File: 1643462230205.png (2.07 MB, 1191x839, a73534195a20451d3286f7a1196990…)

>>227005nonna ive never actually watched the movie all i know is i want to grab his tits
every version of him is great though
No. 227092
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>>226993>>227016I'm here nonna! What kind of pics do you want? I can see if I have them.
No. 227094
File: 1643471775436.png (421.54 KB, 1060x1605, 1634570356609.png)

>>227065Kek same here. Gonna go watch the movie just to see him shirtless.
No. 227106
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>>226998I also want to fuck the goofy triangle man
No. 227113
File: 1643477443710.jpg (2.66 MB, 2921x3876, 92443959_p0.jpg)

I want to get stalked and fucked by a male Hasshaku-sama
No. 227114
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>>227113I thought this was Boutaro at first glance
No. 227142
File: 1643486740554.jpg (80.68 KB, 1200x600, Mozu-Bustafellows.jpg)

chaste king show me your nipples
No. 227187
File: 1643497034701.gif (1.87 MB, 498x278, cole-mcgrath-infamous2.gif)

I will never forget you my original husbando please visit me in my dreams we can take sponge baths.
No. 227188
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>>227142Scarecrow's nipples looked so pink and soft hehe
No. 227228
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classic tastes will always be preferred
No. 227268
>>227188they were so pretty kek i didnt expect at all to see their nips but im glad they showed it
since mozu decided to be a prude i enjoyed limbo's the most kek
No. 227272
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he looks like he makes electro-industrial music and that's kinda sexy of him
No. 227273
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I love my gloomy anxious husband
No. 227324
File: 1643562971908.jpeg (27.97 KB, 466x466, 62F6EA69-541E-409E-A716-04B68A…)

w-would you guys be down for a rate my husbando taste thread
No. 227330
File: 1643564573903.jpg (417.33 KB, 1000x1000, 4.jpg)

in severe need for him to fuck me silly in exchange for looking the other way on my shoplifting… his dick is huge and pretty i just know it.
No. 227336
>>227324What about a
roast my husbando thread?
No. 227345
File: 1643568560577.jpg (21.13 KB, 622x380, 122.jpg)

>>227336that's every thread
No. 227356
>>227348I think she's saying
>Hah… Eh? This isn't cosplay?No idea about the text box tho lol
>>227324I don't think there's any husbando I would like to post in such a thread lmao
On second thought maybe it'd be fun and anyone who shits on my husbandos can go to hell anyway
Would it be here or on /m/?
>>227336Same thing anyway, depending on what kind of comments you make. Could be both?
>>227345What's so distinctive about your taste nona? I'm sure there are other people with a similar taste to yours.
>>227354In my case, it's a mix of that and some of my husbandos not well-known enough to get any ratings.
No. 227385
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>>227274its from otome bustafellows. i only have finished the common route yet so idk if there was more nipple fan service
No. 227452
File: 1643588311547.jpg (834.71 KB, 2870x4096, 20220131_104335.jpg)

I watched last weeks episode of Boba Fett and I can't stop fantasising about Din again. Helmet stays on during sex ofc.
No. 227454
>>227452hot wtf
Who drew this?
No. 227462
>>227458Welcome to my world, nonita. I always think that when I am attracted to the guy, he doesn't even have to have a boner (although preferred).
It's such a nice position for fucking, as well.
No. 227463
File: 1643591698959.gif (7.86 MB, 540x420, Tumblr_l_430687490743140.gif)

>>227452He has some really good fics on ao3
No. 227470
>>225114You're welcome lol I did see your post that day but had nothing to add.
But today I had a very vivid dream where I watched some new episode about him. After watching that I started to come up with ways to draw him
in a lewd way and then I woke up but forgot exactly what I was thinking.
When one of my husbandos appears in a dream it's usually in an episode or a picture, and we rarely interact, but this one was pretty satisfying nonetheless.
No. 227481
File: 1643599368223.png (61.18 KB, 1084x1084, chart.png)

>>227324>>227402There's a husbando chart thread over on /cm/ 4chan. I've posted mine's there but it looks like I need an update. No. 227501
File: 1643604630463.jpg (165.01 KB, 999x1314, E-m8vCUUcAAoINN.jpg)

Artist is odagorom on twitter
No. 227504
>>227483Yeah I know but I like being around 2D/fictional male topics. I saved some pretty nice art, shared my collection and made some requests on their drawthread. I also hang around /y/ and the femporn/yumejoshi threads over on /h/ and /aco/.
Gay anons can be annoying especially when they treat /cm/ and /y/ as a boys only club so it best not to state out that you're a girl or they'll sometimes assume you as a tranny. It's pretty stupid because the stuff they enjoy and consume are mostly made by girls. Also they blame and criticized fujos for bad anatomy like upside down dicks and unrealistic gay relationships. Why get all hissg when we can enjoy the same interest and love for guys? We get it, you're gay.
Trap/femboyfags are annoying too because the "boys" they like are basically boobless chicks with dicks so whenever a trap/femboy thread pops up I make sure spam them with bishies and pretty boys. /y/ has been pretty
toxic and shitty lately especially with the lack of moderation because of them going mental gymnastics to why their boobless chicks with dicks are so hated and frowned upon over there refusing to keep their shit in /d/, a board where their sissy shit is more welcoming and acceptable. 4chan scrotes and moids are just the worst.
No. 227505
>>227502>>227503>>227504I see. Is there any reliable way to identify the gay ones? (I already know how to spot the trapfags)
Don't wanna interact with them too much, I think I got too used to posting on a female-only imageboard kek
>4chan scrotes and moids are just the worst.That's why I would prefer to keep that stuff here, maybe in the /m/ husbando thread.
Why don't all the fujos and yumes on 4shit migrate to FC tho?>and the femporn/yumejoshi threads over on /h/ and /aco/.My sister
No. 227506
>>227481I always get completely ignored whenever I post my chart. They don't care about vidya guys.
>>227483It's definitely gotten worse these past few years, especially anything to do with shotas. But some of it must be women.
No. 227521
>>227505Ah jeez, excuse me of multiple posting because of my awful proofreading. Though to identify gay ones, I always assume the ones that posts bara/muscular men and sometimes slender feminine twinks.
Sorry for my dumbass but what's FC? Maybe have a thread for male art/content over on /m/? I know the husbando thread exists but it's more specifically for posting your 2D/fictional love.
And hell yeah, femporn/yumejoshi is only good straight porn out there with hot guys and I'm happy to see more of this content continuing to grow.
>>227506Sorry to hear that
nonny though I do hope somebody pick your's up. /cm/ is a pretty slow board and they do love vidya boys.
No. 227524
File: 1643613729480.jpg (118.5 KB, 950x1143, ribbon.JPG)

>>227470nta but hi
nonny! i was the anon that said i was going to watch it (because cedric looked like my character and i got curious) and i’m officially in love. i’ve never heard about this show before but it’s very cute, cedric is extremely precious and i wasn’t bored even though i’m not exactly the target audience. i finally watched the redemption episode, it was SO sweet
and made me cry a little. ‘my evil dreams’ is surprisingly epic.
ty for posting him, please accept my humble gift, may you have lots more nice dreams.
No. 227531
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two crazies going at it, we love to see it
No. 227632
File: 1643649197285.png (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1218x926, FINALLY.png)

>>227524Oh hello, it's great to know that you also loved Cedric a lot (and yes, he is extremely precious! super moe), there are some other things that I, too, liked about the show that I could talk about but probably shouldn't do that ITT haha. Maybe in some /m/ thread as long as we don't sperg over him
too much.
>i finally watched the redemption episode, it was SO sweet and made me cry a little.lmao, I remember how excited I was during this scene (pic related), it was
oddly hot because, like I said in the /m/ thread,
I always rooted for him cuz I prefer him when he's acting like a villain, I find him more entertaining to watch and charming that way tbh, also he's more dramatic which I'm a sucker for. I was like "YES!!! FINALLY!" and even laughing out loud due to how hyped I was (until he had to stop cuz he couldn't hurt his best friend of course, which was really cute). I think in general this is one of those times when the recurring incompetent villain finally gets what they always wanted, which is what makes that part so satisfying IMO, but at the same time we've seen him become a better, nicer person and slowly build a heartwarming friendship (and fix his relationships with his family and old friend) over the course of the whole series, which also makes it satisfying when he has a permanent change of heart and redeems himself. I must admit that the rest of the episode made me feel extremely conflicted too and a bit embarrassed, IDK, that song
made me blush a lot, kek. That's when I realized that I had fallen hard for him, I just wanted to give him a hug SO bad, IIRC it also made me tear up lol. I don't watch that episode much (in fact, I've only done so like twice so far) because of all this.
You know which song is super fucking epic though? "Cedric the Great" omg it's my favorite song of his>ty for posting him, please accept my humble gift, may you have lots more nice dreams.Nah thank
you for sharing your love for him, I'm genuinely overjoyed whenever I meet fellow fans! You made my day.
When I watched that episode and he
showed up in that scene (which I was hoping for) with the ribbon on his head it made me squee a little, kek. I love every single second he's on-screen.
Speaking of which, right now I'm downloading all of his episodes for higher quality screenshots, I do that for all my husbandos.
May you dream about Cedric too one day, nona
Oh for fuck's sake this is the second time I have to correct and repost this. Sorry, I'm not fully focused on the screen right now lmao No. 227651
File: 1643652268012.png (215.13 KB, 387x491, cedric drinking chocolate milk…)

>>227524Also samefag but what is the source for your pic? The style reminds me of the sketches in the official model sheets that I found which is neat.
>>227641Yes, it's new, some anon in the fujo threads in /trash/ made it a couple months ago. It's only recently that it got to its current state, it used to have shittier imageboard software and a lot of missing features, which is why the admin didn't want to promote it much yet. But now it looks like it's practically ready.
I think there should be a board in there for cute
non-shota anime boys that is neither for BL or otome/yume specifically. A /cm/ clone, basically.
No. 227657
File: 1643653348314.png (Spoiler Image,7.39 KB, 125x176, 1cedric.png)

>>227654>i drew the pic! and yeah i was inspired by the conceptsWhat the fuck, that is so cool. You're really good.
I remember the first few times I tried drawing him, I was inadvertently basing it on that design because I had been looking at the concepts a lot.
Here's one Cedric I casually doodled in MS Paint a year ago lol
No. 227694
File: 1643667570523.jpeg (329.17 KB, 1022x1552, 7FCCAD9F-BD07-40BC-B7B4-E8E709…)

sorry for being a degenerate pick-me, but i want him to molest me with the tentacles he has in his arsenal of curses
No. 227699
>>227632Oh anon your autism is endearing, glad your back
>>227524Nice fanart
No. 227718
File: 1643676974502.jpeg (24.2 KB, 554x554, 5C3A11DB-7D4A-4EE0-8C5B-B5D516…)

My first case of being into a character but not the actor that plays him (for obvious reasons kek). His voice is so fucking hot, I could listen to him recite the phone book and his incredibly straight edge normie styling awakens the tradwife tendencies deep within me. his pathetic breakdown at the end of s1/start of s2 was hot too, I just wanted to give him a back rub and a comforting handy while he wept it all out against my chest
No. 227726
File: 1643683361828.png (2.39 MB, 1493x1137, poke the medic.png)

I want to turn him into a trembling whimpering mess so bad…
No. 227727
File: 1643683375040.jpeg (23.54 KB, 225x350, Shin_Without_Mask.jpeg)

>>227501Uuuugh I want him so badly
No. 227733
File: 1643687059867.gif (1000.19 KB, 500x357, AF6DD7A5-6A3C-4041-AEB5-A46A9D…)

>>227732Kek wait he’s the guy who voiced Kristoff/Sven in the Frozen movies? He’s pretty cute and I do like his voice
No. 227738
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>ywn go alien hunting with him
No. 227740
File: 1643689436257.png (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 900x1200, 02_05_20.png)

>>227699>glad your backlol I check and post in this thread practically every day, but thanks for being chill
No. 227752
File: 1643693207232.jpg (16.75 KB, 474x474, downloadfile.jpg)

Here's the requested rate/roast my husbando thread:
>>>/m/182915 No. 227773
File: 1643705314536.gif (1.4 MB, 500x282, 673E72A1-32DF-45C5-8A4D-6DE301…)

I want to run away and live with him so we can be depressed outcasts together. I want to take care of him and show him how he’s important and worthy of love and appreciation. I love his beautiful long hair, lean body type, and elegant clothes. His voice gives me chills.
No. 227793
File: 1643723078240.gif (464.05 KB, 484x300, DeliciousAdoredGyrfalcon-size_…)

>>227027girl come on. is this the best pic you could find of this god?
No. 227854
File: 1643743310058.png (836.16 KB, 960x720, SEX.png)

>he will never look at me like thisWhy EVEN live hhhghh
>>227846>but just looking at reference pics of him has me all flusteredkek same
>I get so embarrassed even if it's just me in my roomI've realized that I get
more embarrassed when I'm alone. Having someone in the same room, especially if they're talking to me, helps bring me back to reality and get distracted from the embarrassment.
On the other hand, if I'm trying to draw something even slightly lewd, it's dangerous to do it in the presence of others, so it ends up making me nervous and tense constantly trying to hide the drawing from them.
That's why I almost never draw.
No. 227861
File: 1643744748353.jpg (85.03 KB, 795x1200, DjgzvJJWwAAaaC_.jpg)

Holy shit I need a doctor's appointment
imagine what the weird hand can do
No. 228028
File: 1643756974810.jpg (103.45 KB, 850x1200, EpGjn7vUwAINnSe.jpg)

>>227504>>227505I just treat the fags on 4ch using female threads/boards as subhumans, similar to how they treat fujos. Ignore them, remind them about the failed males they are, and continue posting your cute boys because it'll only get under their skin more. They can seethe and screech about fujos but at the end of the day they have to scavenge fujo art and fujo targeted shows to get their fuel because gay moids are useless at content creation. Good for nothing faggots who leech and screech at an imaginary enemy because they're too scared around straight moids.
Why yes I enjoy doujins with no refractory period and upside down penises. Problem? Now post your leaky anus so I can get a reference for my doujin, homocuck.
No. 228064
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while we’re on the subject of overwatch
No. 228067
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Them goddamn sockies
No. 228142
File: 1643793139745.png (177.65 KB, 778x768, D862BA21-95B2-4642-9F3C-444A5E…)

Can anyone send some Leon Kennedy my way? Feeling a bit down today and need a little pick me up
No. 228213
File: 1643822685234.jpg (1019.25 KB, 1140x1200, 95016091_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>228142I'll do a little dump for you anon, I hope you feel better soon! Starting with him making breakfast for you.
No. 228217
File: 1643823072130.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 900x1200, 30310498_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>228215Ending with something spicy.
No. 228285
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I wanna spit on his cock. Bonus points if he's tied up.
No. 228288
File: 1643843291637.jpg (61.21 KB, 786x960, Kaiden_boi.jpg)

playing through mass effect legendary again and I wanna sniff his biotic armpit so fucking bad.
all of the fanfiction surrounding kaidan is really cringe generic smut and I want to see more of him being submissive to femshep. I might write my own.
thirst aside I really enjoy his character even if he isn't super suave or charismatic. I love a boring man with dark hair and I have to romance him every time.
No. 228300
File: 1643852888533.png (Spoiler Image,219 KB, 390x517, hotasf.png)

>>228285Same, I was watching some clips from this dude and damn, he has the juiciest body ever
No. 228302
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>>228300He is athletic and flexible as fuck as well, his dick game is probably insane. I'd let him call me Tsurumi during it.
No. 228316
File: 1643863849127.jpg (400.01 KB, 1152x864, IMG_20220202_213850_01.jpg)

why is his voice so sexy nonnies? three dog is ugly imo but nazir?? i swoon, id pay to hear him read the phone book. how is the game gonna give us actually unique and attractive characters like him and brynjolf but limit the marriage pool to little more than a handful of identical ugly nords. if you want to marry a woman you have slightly better options, but i just wanna hear nazir recite some of the spouse dialogue to me in his stupid sexy voice
No. 228346
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>>228028Based anon. Also i did not expect to see a arknights husbando posted here!
No. 228463
File: 1643925372214.gif (2.75 MB, 540x280, tumblr_pjdd36udDO1xhdssyo1_r1_…)

>>228335Anon, where do you live that they have pinecones this big kek?
>>228339The anime art is a bit hit or miss for me. I do prefer the manga much better though
No. 228471
>>228332omg are yo the
nonnie who was defendding making this video in one thread? i watched it before
No. 228484
>>228471ahhh i remember that kek i was sad for the
nonnie that made it and called it fancam becouse it was cute imo, i really enjoyed the video too
No. 228491
File: 1643928593987.jpg (74.58 KB, 564x664, 62fc68affe6326ee94a35132f71c65…)

>>228484I think she was joking? If not, I love you
nonnie let's appreciate Koito together
No. 228492
>>228491i don't know if she was actually but the idea of a girl behind a tree in the middle of winter making secret videos of koito makes me laugh, love you too nona, who is you favourite out of all of them? I really like tsurumi and
No. 228498
File: 1643931241908.jpg (42.93 KB, 563x333, 4666e6edcfdcd9f42b803422633833…)

>>228492That actually is pretty cute lol
My absolute number 1 is Sugimoto, but Ogata is such a close second.
I also love them together. Then comes Koito.
I love most of the rest as well, but these three could do anything to me.
I remember there is also a nonita out there that loves Shiraishi, I swear there's a man for everyone in the series
No. 228500
File: 1643931423256.png (849.83 KB, 618x872, EgCepIhUEAAXqp8.png)

>>228346Hnng did his official artist draw this? I remember her drawing some pretty lewd stuff of him before.
No. 228506
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>>228501Aww anon, you're so kind!
Ogata just have that weird charm about him where he is kinda cute but kinda insane and entertaining but kinda pathetic and sad but kinda scary and back to cute again. And also hot kek He's a very good, 3D character.
I hope we can see more Tsurumi and Ogata interactions, even though I think it won't happen
No. 228611
>>228507Tsudaken has a voice that makes one melt, indeed. I went to see the voices of the anime when I was about halfway through the manga to see if they were like I imagined and pretty much so, yeah. I also like Chikahiro Kobayashi. I guess I'd watch the anime someday solely for the voice acting.
The Gokushufudou manga is also so much better but I watched some snippets of the anime for Tsudaken's voice, kek
Tatsu is also pretty hot.
No. 228630
File: 1643982612189.jpg (Spoiler Image,613.81 KB, 845x950, drgdfgdfhfgh.jpg)

I didn't think his underwear would be this tiny. Horey shet
No. 228634
No. 228646
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HI NONAS I love this thread so much and its one of the reasons why i like going onto /g/ but ive been thinking about recreating this one painting with cupid and pysche but it will be and my husbando. Ty for this thread. I hope all of you will prosper
No. 228648
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>>228636They certainly have. So much roughed up man meat on display. Itadakimasu
>>228646Hope you prosper too nonatella.
No. 228662
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>>228659Do you mean underwear pics or injured Touken Musou guys?
No. 228727
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>>228709At first I thought he didn't have nipples, but they're actually there, just very pale. Sneaky! Tonbo also has some sneaky nipples.
Nothing beats Sengo though, I'll be in my bunk.
No. 228764
File: 1644011530011.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.29 KB, 450x747, 49446896_p25.jpg)

do you girls think he licks pussy, i was writing smut featuring it but i thought it was too out of character so idk im in a bind. it's hot though
No. 228776
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>>228500The one i posted earlier was not drawn by the official artist, although i also thought the same when i first saw it kek. Pic related is from the official artist
>>228508Thorns from Arknights! Hes from a gacha game.
No. 228806
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dirty foreskin whore.
No. 228813
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>>228810you know damn well he don't wash that dick
No. 228823
>>228796oof I need more TsurumiOgata pictures
>>228735He did the whole live-action series, no? I have yet to watch it, but they totally look alike! I'd just say that Tsuda is a tad bit older than Tatsu, but it still works.
No. 228829
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>>228826Does it even count as a ship if you just wanna see them hate fuck? kek
And yes, I love that scene too! the way you described it sounds completely insane out of context kek
No. 228875
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I want Levi to hold me tightly with his tail and then I want him to fuck me awkwardly because he can’t control his tail out of the excitement of being able to have sex with me.
No. 228931
>>228925Apparently it's a type of "hachimaki" (most commonly seen as the white headband with a red sun and some kanji on it). The one you're referring to is a "twisted hachimaki" (ねじり鉢巻き,
nejirihachimaki) and appears to have become more well-known in the west after it was included as an accessory in Animal Crossing New Horizons.
No. 228972
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I keep getting horny about these soldiers
No. 228999
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I watched the new The King's Man movie and between Harris Dickinson as sheltered upper class ingenue who would look amazing disheveled and on his knees, the Ralph Fiennes/Rasputin homoerotic scene and Daniel Brühl's monocle & furcoat wearing villain it was a lot hornier than I expected. I hope the fandom discovers the potential because the fanfic and (asian) fanartists for the previous Kingsman movies were great.
No. 229130
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No. 229145
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She's like me fr
No. 229148
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>>229145>>229147Based cytube night. Cheers.
No. 229168
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>>229146You're not wrong. I like how Koito is Tsukishima's superior yet Tsukishima is more "agressive" and older. Yet he has to be Koito's personal nanny. It has a lot of potential for interesting scenarios.
I guess I just like to see all the combinations and dynamics between all of these pairings, even if they are far from canon (Like Tsurumi and Ogata), I think it can still be pretty hot if well drawn/characterized. I guess I just find them all hot and I am constantly horny lmao
No. 229179
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please king let me wash your hair
No. 229185
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>>229179Damn, Kiroranke is looking mighty fine here
No. 229217
>>229216In a Q&A by the very based author himself:
Q62: Who has the biggest dick? I’m so curious about it I can only sleep at night.
Noda: Tanigaki, Kiroranke, Ushiyama and Kikuta are the four heavenly kings of having huge dicks.
No. 229222
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>>229217>>229216Noda didn't even had to confirm, you know Kiro is packing just by looking at him.
Now what truly impresses me is that Ariko didn't make it to the list? You can't convince me he's not also well endowed.
No. 229223
>>229222That's a nice pic nona.
Ariko is actually tiny, I can tell.
No. 229227
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>>229223Oh no, my fantasies!
No. 229228
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>>229217Wait, KIKUTA? Damn that makes me happy i really like him.
No. 229231
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>>229228Yes! Kikuta deserves it
No. 229257
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Contributing because damnn
No. 229264
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>>229257>Ogata is the only one not blushingLiterally wrong, dude is so gay he had to be laid down from horny
No. 229272
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>>229231>>229228Seeing more kikutafags makes me happy
No. 229302
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britney spears wasn't lying when she said she was in love with a criminal
No. 229309
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I love this thread not only because I can be horny but also because I feel like this is one of the least infected by ball sweat
No. 229335
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No. 229345
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A certain game was on sale a while ago and I've finally seen the light, sisters. I'm joining the church, praise be
No. 229348
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No. 229356
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Josuke is so cute! I can't really imagine him as a husbando because he's so young, but I like to imagine that if I lived in Morioh that we'd be friends and he'd probably try to mooch money off of me and bribe me into doing his homework for him.
No. 229371
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>>229345Welcome sister. Make sure to give him lots of hot baths & steak dinners. And for the love of god don’t enter Sonny’s shack in Lagras.
No. 229376
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No. 229386
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>>229379Now look at this one.
>>229380What's up?
No. 229443
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>>227142i take back this post, he is too retarded. those two on the other hand…
No. 229446
File: 1644358665214.jpg (490.27 KB, 846x1200, 71595456_p11_master1200.jpg)

>>229386I want to lick his exposed tummy
No. 229447
>>229444because he is unironically autistic in his route and instead of cute emotionally constipated romance i got lack of romance and a cg of
his sister's dead dried up body and i regret ever being horny about him.
No. 229452
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I can't stop thinking about him even if he's got that stupid dreamworks face all the time.
The musical versions can sing well, but they only look attractive from a distance in those low quality bootleg. He is the blueprint.
No. 229474
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>>229149late but there you go
No. 229483
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How many pics of ur husbandos do you got?
I have exactly 700 of ^^^
>>229345Welcome sister
No. 229487
>>229474Kek did you take a photo of your gameplay on your tv? NTA but I commend your contribution to that
nonny’s request
No. 229494
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not even my main guy but he has such good fanart ugh
No. 229500
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>>229356It would seem we are fated enemies, anon-chan.
No. 229501
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>>229500Although I prefer him in his watermelon final form because smug & cocky, I'm like the only person who does.
No. 229502
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How about a gay boyfriend?
No. 229505
>>229504Yes and no.
It becomes a sexy human guy, I think (I only know secondhand from a friend)
No. 229513
>>229505DMMDfag here, allow me to explain:
The dog is a sentient AI companion, who later borrows/adopts the body of Aoba's estranged twin brother after he dies. So in essence, he fucks not only the dog but his best friend, his brother, and himself all at once. This is the true route of the game. I'm more partial to the cinnamon rapist and the big-dicked sweetheart robot.
No. 229521
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Im only attracted to him in this role so it’s more the character he plays rather than the actor but holy shit I would let this version of Scarecrow do anything to me I do not care hhhnnnngggg he’s so fucking unhinged and creepy I love him
No. 229525
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>>229502Aoba is nice though for me it's Yuri Ayato. He's bi and mostly does gay sex but pretends to act retarded?? Still I wanna fuck him.
No. 229528
>>229525>but pretends to act retarded?? lol what
At least the "objectifying mlm men is a hatecrime" tard has fucked off.
No. 229530
>>229494ogatafags truly are dedicated!
>>229444I was gonna say nothing is too retarded for the retarded hornyposting thread but then I read this
>>229447 what the fuck
>>229528lol that or a different anon was shitting up multiple threads with this before, glad they’re gone imagine going to the
hornyposting thread to moralfag.
spergs aside, I love this thread gonna agree with this anon
>>229309 may the next one be blessed
No. 229546
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>>229500excellent taste nona! kira is also a great husbando. josuke is like a little bro i'd want to tease and spoil, but kira awakens some primal femdom urges in me for some reason or another.
No. 229547
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So when is Valve going to release the official shirtless spy model
No. 229548
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>>229502What about two? A threesome with them
(assuming Mine somehow survived or got resurrected) would probably end badly but an evil home o' phobic hate crimer can dream…
No. 229558
File: 1644415290693.jpg (113.15 KB, 550x641, 53996474_p31.jpg)

>>229546bonus kira in cute art style
No. 229559
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>>229502I think he’s hot, this is actually my old computer’s wallpaper kek. I would like a threesome with him and the cutlet pork bowl fatale.
No. 229581
File: 1644422800825.jpg (745.29 KB, 884x1510, 20201210_175028.jpg)

Johnny Joestar genuinely makes me feel things mostly sadness. He's basically the antithesis of any other Jojo male because he's short, miserable, cries all the time, a huge bitch, but mostly I think he's different because of his goal. He's so dedicated to walk again that he doesn't really care much about anything else. I find that sort of determination to be simultaneously frightening and piteous. He's such a good character, I love this fucking miserable, self-hating cripple. Thank you Araki and also fuck you Araki for what you did to him I love my sad manlet husbando.
repost because I forgot to include a pic and also because I fogot to sage. Forgive me.
No. 229602
>>229597I'm very excited to see him animated! I hope that they give him a nice southern accent in the dub but all the accents might get too hard for them
literally heartbreaking to think about lol. I swear there was a jojo thread, it might be super buried in the catalogue but I swear there was. If there's not, I'll try to make one today because the urge to jojopost is too strong.
No. 229617
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No. 229633
>>229613Way to kill my libido
No. 229640
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>>229618Don't care about that, but I don't see the point in having a husbando if he isn't into me
No. 229665
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>>229618All of my husbandos are bisexual in my head
No. 229669
File: 1644441370024.jpg (387.63 KB, 600x700, 1889681.jpg)

>>229602Feel like VAs sometimes tend to go overboard with the accents, but a southern accent would be so awesome if they executed it well. If you made a jojo thread (or resurrected the old one) I would be forever greatful. Would be fun to share memes and hornypost about jojo husbandos and speculate about part 9. Anyway, a cute Johnny for you.
No. 229688
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Praise himbo Arthur’s voluptuous manboobas
No. 229698
>>229669Thank you
nonnie! I made a jjba thread but I have no idea how to link to threads on a different board but here it is
>>>/m/185471 No. 229703
File: 1644451947437.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 990x1400, hhhhhhhhnh.jpg)

he brings out my maternal/manic pixie instincts
No. 229709
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>>229640thank you for reminding me about my teenage obsession with dmmd and also thank you for reminding me that i would let virus and trip royally fuck my shit up even after all these years. i’ve posted them in the husbando threads a few times lmao
also if you happen to be the anon who posted the vitri sex scene during the scrote raid then i love you
No. 229757
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>>229751Nta but I can respect that
No. 229768
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When the skin shows between the yukata's fabric, it should also be considered male zettai ryouiki. Bonus points for nipslip.
No. 229774
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>>229772>it makes me want to feed him my breast milkI like your level of horny
No. 229783
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>>229781NTA but here's a guess
No. 229784
File: 1644477129638.jpeg (Spoiler Image,596.38 KB, 800x1130, FCZ5thUUYAMvnOs.jpeg)

>>229781This fine gentleman who's insane but perfect in every way
No. 229786
File: 1644477739292.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.21 KB, 716x716, IMG_20200416_131055.jpg)

Restrained Jotaro Supremacy
No. 229789
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>>229787Oh, I can't choose. I guess speaking solely of design, this one would be my favorite. I really like the black turtleneck and the purple accents, even though the hathair looks even sillier in white lol
But I also love his classic gakuran.
No. 229796
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>>229791Absolutely agree with everything you said. I love baby Jolyne and Jotaro fanarts. DILF.
OT :
I actually really wanted to do a doujin of Jotaro as a young parent (I think in the timeline he had Jolyne at like 22 or so) with PTSD and how him and Jolyne became estranged due to all the stand shit, but I forgot half of my script lmao No. 229797
File: 1644481096605.jpg (31.32 KB, 436x619, b11a958792455665becb586c057e0c…)

>>229796And my last Jotaro: Thesis tired stubbled Jojo.