File: 1645074482566.jpeg (77.15 KB, 735x447, 7CE38E64-BEA5-4096-81DB-BC3A27…)

No. 234956
File: 1645074582382.png (49.07 KB, 275x151, DAE4F285-CFE9-4D87-8A11-996F5A…)

In honor of this artist nonny.
No. 234989
File: 1645075615073.jpg (6.15 KB, 104x220, 179425-1.jpg)

Here we go again
No. 234990
File: 1645075652899.jpeg (19.85 KB, 480x369, 4.jpeg)

fuck op
fuck spunsklob
fuck admin
fuck jannies
fuck this world
No. 234993
File: 1645075689722.jpg (7.59 KB, 106x220, 179426.jpg)

Sorry meant to post a different one
No. 234997
File: 1645075837195.jpg (6.6 KB, 102x220, 179424.jpg)

Can someone please draw one of these things in the lolcow draw room plsssss
No. 235001
File: 1645075922057.jpeg (209.1 KB, 1125x2436, FEA13486-E346-46E6-B099-7EA010…)

A nonna can’t even feel safe in the confession thread?
No. 235010
File: 1645076366533.jpg (75.78 KB, 1280x720, ldr.jpg)

No. 235050
File: 1645078065942.jpg (15.79 KB, 474x266, 1645014021451.jpg)

one month until my husbando's game goes on steam
No. 235058
File: 1645078211563.png (2.17 KB, 276x68, jiobbbuuobi.png)

Cursed comment moments before disaster famous last words
No. 235070
File: 1645078469349.png (1.33 MB, 1000x1250, 8cb7120954f26e31ac29d7e24a9db2…)

I just feel asleep on a chair, woke up, decided to get some leftover orange rice and chicken before going back to sleep, ate a few bites, fell asleep again, woke up, immediately remembered that my food was on the bed, looked to my right (where the food was) and finished the last few bites of my rice and chicken.
Thanks for listening to my story
No. 235072
File: 1645078604543.png (17.09 KB, 300x350, gunzz.png)

Rappers hit me up, I friend-zone them all. I'm not the woman for your beck and call. I am a rapper, I'm not a groupie. I do campaigns, world tours and the movies. Got every right in this world to be choosy. It's a new decade and I am blooming
No. 235073
File: 1645078642288.png (1.87 MB, 2000x1600, LC drawing room_3.png)

board cleared, come draw!: No. 235075
>>235072Karen is that you
Are you hitting Connor for real?
No. 235078
File: 1645078862540.gif (4.03 MB, 480x270, shutupscrote.gif)

manhate thread (rip) representation
No. 235080
File: 1645078930858.jpg (78.04 KB, 531x443, 20161113103537.jpg)

>>235052Can I talk about Tokimeki Memorial for a bit??? It's actually super good, most of the girls are interesting with a real personality, and this game came out in the 90s so there's no stupid coom shit (big boobs/ass), and the characters don't even kiss at all, all you get is a confession at the end IF any, because it isn't guaranteed to get girl. They're also very hard to date with solid high standars and talk about what they like/don't like, and if you make one angry all of them start to hate you. They can also drop gossip bombs on you. And they aren't even always available for you.
If you wanna know more pls ask me lol
No. 235082
File: 1645079007215.jpg (33.88 KB, 495x447, 107258_front.jpg)

>>235080Also there's multiple husbando versions called Tokimeki Memorial: Girls Side
No. 235085
File: 1645079087683.gif (1.38 MB, 498x278, crying-fake.gif)

>>235078can you speed this gif too
No. 235087
File: 1645079162859.jpg (171.8 KB, 1280x720, 1643986583156.jpg)

reposting my favourite chocolate
No. 235095
File: 1645079362870.jpg (71.12 KB, 409x600, Aya.jpg)

>>235081>>235083My favorite is Ayako Katagiri, she's a cheerful artist whose dream is to study art abroad and she also is part of a music band. She loves the works of H.R. Giger (the Alien movie illustrator)
No. 235096
File: 1645079483972.gif (3.71 MB, 498x210, tokimeki-memorial-ayako-katagi…)

>>235095very cute
nonnie, what's the best way to play tokimeki girl's side nowadays? it's a bit bothersome to hold the 3DS like it's a book
No. 235097
>>235095She sounds based af
Now tag yourself nona who is u
No. 235100
File: 1645079815091.gif (8.13 MB, 640x512, pills.gif)

>>235099maybe /ot/ closing down is punishment for us having to deal with embarrassing people like you
No. 235109
File: 1645080019818.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.35 KB, 599x619, b33f83db8fd3ba78fe7ecb14801af8…)

No. 235115
>>235097I wanna be a bubble in the background
>>235096I think you can play one of them on switch
No. 235120
>>235103Nta, but the commentary is great too. I like seeing anons compliment the artfags and when you can see people talking about dumb stuff.
No. 235123
File: 1645080764262.png (23.9 KB, 1385x201, jbhvg.png)

>>235111Nvm, I misremembered the thread the discussion was in, it's still there. Still weird how they delete a bunch of posts (including old ones) at random though
No. 235124
>>235122Let them be reeeeeeeeee
there's always new boards to draw after they get filled so who cares, its cute and we're all having fun
No. 235128
File: 1645081027650.jpg (397.91 KB, 551x600, 1375582891020.jpg)

>>235103It's the same shitty boob midsection drawn twice at least try something else. If you are in this threadI think you suck at drawing
No. 235132
File: 1645081365135.jpg (38.38 KB, 497x497, 1641778264969.jpg)

I want to show a normie-ish moid I know something I read on one of the female boards. The problem is, I know it'd catch his interest, and I don't want to risk him googling the exact words to find the thread, thereby introducing yet another male to a female board. This is pain
No. 235137
File: 1645081623564.png (4.06 KB, 808x40, cc.PNG)

>>235123Whenever I hear about CC it always seems like a mess,
even the first time (and only time if you don't count today I guess) I went there I immediately saw some racebait-y discussion.. I'm glad our staff is not like that.
No. 235143
File: 1645081742272.jpeg (459.52 KB, 1600x1200, download.jpeg)

If you could eat any sanrio character, which would you choose and why? Describe what you think they'd taste like.
No. 235145
Like a Cinnamon Roll
No. 235146
>>235142done, thank you! If anybody else would like to volunteer as well please reply to my op
>>235134 and I'll add you when I have time. I'd just like a list of confirmed lc users with the ability to clear the board so anons won't have to wait around when layer limit is reached or the board is full.
>>235143Pannapitta, would taste like vanilla sponge cake with white chocolate and black sesame flavoured whatevers kek
No. 235147
>>235143Dokidoki Yummy Chums. The rest are too cute to eat. I think they'd taste like burger and fries because yea
I could maybe eat Shinkansen. I feel like it'd taste like a white gummy, two pineapple gummies, nine wine gummies and six blueberry gummies
No. 235152
File: 1645082218804.jpg (48.64 KB, 460x422, a0KKRnO_460s.jpg)

i had a feeling this would happen. i woke up and this is what i see. all the occupation threads and im not even a /g/ user. stop leaving the bunker stop de occupation just stop
No. 235160
File: 1645082855171.png (342.98 KB, 1290x1781, 1640494931124.png)

>>235143i'll eat the train.
No. 235161
File: 1645082911849.png (771.7 KB, 634x630, industrial piercing.PNG)

are industrial piercings outdated now? pic rel
No. 235163
File: 1645083047045.gif (Spoiler Image,1.98 MB, 500x200, KZRd.gif)

I've just been reminded of how much I like this video and AB music videos in general
No. 235169
>>235045But he’s happily married with two kids lol
I just thought it was funny. But also do like that he respected the boundaries he had heard of through others, like his BIL who is my boss. So he at least demonstrates respect.
No. 235178
File: 1645084489491.png (192.77 KB, 594x476, foryou.PNG)

No. 235184
File: 1645084941641.png (472.58 KB, 600x800, 2172630.png)

>>235178this is so cute,
nonnie, i love it so much, im going to kiss ur hand, thank youuuu <3
No. 235189
>>235184Love youuu now I will be sleeping night night. also
>that picMy heart goes doki doki
No. 235190
>>235183>>235181Aw I think that might be a problem, no worries then! I'll make a burner google account and upload the series.
>>235182Hm maybe I'll just do it later today since it feels right to do it now, and then I'll do a proper rerun/planned session in the future when /ot/ is back up so anons who missed it can enjoy it too? thank you for the offer spreadsheet anon!
No. 235191
File: 1645085395469.png (Spoiler Image,14.45 KB, 396x363, wordle.PNG)

>>235187Interesting, I just tried to play it for the first time and almost got it (ignore "admit" I didn't really understand what I was supposed to be doing). It's a cool game, but I don't think I really get the hype. Just feels kind of like a remixed crossword puzzle.
Spoilered because idk if sharing the word is bad for people that play it.
No. 235195
>>235190>>235170Update on this, unfortunately the files I have are .mkv which cytube doesn't support, and
>>235174 I couldn't get this method to work, so it might not work out afterall, sorry anons.
No. 235258
File: 1645092936536.jpg (49.83 KB, 563x700, e89f5730dfb0821ff8a86021294670…)

>miga cunts all over /pol/
>unfunny sperging
>so unfunny it pinkpills me
>starts posting here
>never goes back
No. 235260
File: 1645093080990.jpeg (366.1 KB, 741x809, E8731515-3EB0-4477-928B-D7AEB8…)

No. 235269
File: 1645094045410.jpg (66.42 KB, 1092x614, burger-trap.jpg)

Amerifat, wake up
It's so slow wo you
No. 235289
>>235274I'm a euro who just woke up
I'll take your shift now
No. 235301
File: 1645098004151.jpg (226.63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>235052>>235080damn i never expected the bootleg dolls on these threads are from this game.the only spin-off of this game i've played is a puzzle game.the music was nice and the girls were cute
No. 235302
File: 1645098120040.jpg (415.43 KB, 750x629, sdjfls;dkjfwoifjslkdj.jpg)

So… Since we're seemingly stuck here…
Who do you guys blame for this recent site fuckup?
>The Kanye stan?
>Some desgruntled troon?
>Or is admin really that bad?
What are your theories?
No. 235312
File: 1645098830505.gif (894.99 KB, 498x278, 99ae3db0caa6.gif)

No. 235313
File: 1645098922525.gif (1.25 MB, 300x225, 1642781750581.gif)

>>232445Oh damn it, its been two days but hello fellow lukanon! Have you seen all the nice art that was made on her birthday? I almost cried, I hope you got to celebrate her birthday nicely too. Is there anything you listen to recently?
No. 235365
File: 1645103500191.png (116.62 KB, 475x298, band.PNG)

What song do you think they're playing No. 235385
File: 1645104892220.png (Spoiler Image,292.39 KB, 466x742, husbando.PNG)

>>235365i love the build a husbando from the last ag too, putting him here for archival purposes
No. 235397
tired of coughing up oysters
>>235385handsome lad
No. 235409
File: 1645106385550.jpg (68.65 KB, 920x1010, b4540dc97fb9f138c53ff10881dd41…)

>>235404Stand up for the anthem
No. 235420
>>235414Gay and low stress threshold for constant mental breaks.
So that when the AC fails in the desert colony or any other inconvenience, nonnies are immediately sperging out
No. 235440
>>235438What did he do?
Back in the day i felt the same way about markiplier lol im glad nothing bad has come out about that guy
No. 235443
>>235440he outed himself as a groomer and multiple
victims were underage, i believe? and it had all been going on for ages. there are many threads on him here. i was a huge markiplier fan too for a while and i really hope he didn't get up to anything terrible. that would convince me to completely abandon nostalgia for any youtubers lol
No. 235457
File: 1645111214795.png (1.47 MB, 2000x1600, LC drawing room_4.png)

Board cleared, there's a theme this time: Board-tan fashion! Draw our beloved board-tan elsie in whatever your heart wishes. Other doodles are allowed as usual, of course, but sticking to the theme could be fun. Come draw! No. 235458
>>235451Didn't he end up dropping his Nier playthrough?
I fucking hated that habit of his of randomly stopping a playthrough, so annoying
No. 235460
File: 1645111353105.gif (10.34 MB, 640x614, idiotcat.gif)

No. 235462
>>235453wbat's worse, having a NEET brother or a having normalfag brother who doesn't want to get a job (despite all his friends getting one), didn't go to college, hasn't emotionally matured since high school, acts like a wigger, is addicted to weed, and thinks he's gonna be a millionaire.
because I think my brother is worse. I don't even talk to him because he's so mean and entitled all the time. I fucking hate how he treats my dad
No. 235475
File: 1645113121919.jpg (40.31 KB, 460x667, dlu.jpg)

>>235469This movie tackles just that. You might like it
No. 235479
>>235476yes yes yessssss
I always buy strawberries thinking they'll be good but I just don't like them outside of with a dollop of cream or with cake. I usually really like tart things too! I don't know what it is about strawberries, very medicore fruit. Pineapple pizza is the only correct pizza choice. I used to think I hated it, but really I just hate hawaiian pizza because I hate ham.
No. 235481
File: 1645113413947.jpg (101.4 KB, 278x360, whut.jpg)

good….. morning…….. if you can call it…….. good……………..
No. 235484
>>235453>>235462I'm so glad my brother is a Chad who fixes my car and computer, asks if I have food in the fridge and once beat up the guy who assaulted me
I'd be so disappointed if he ended up a terminally online whiny incel. I think my last tiny hope for men hasn't faded out only bc of him
No. 235485
>>235482You're right
>>235479Yeah, strawberries are so lame they only taste good with some Chantilly
No. 235489
>>235476Agree with both.
I wonder if I just dislike strawberries because the ones in store are probably shit quality? I vaguely remember eating strawberries from my grandmom's garden as a kid and liking those.
No. 235496
>>235486I have no problem with kissing and flirting/whatever with men if girls want to.
But the problem is that even when I was just doing those things within my comfort zone, males would push me, nag me, try to get me to have sex immediately, suck cock, do anal.
It would all be souch more enjoyable if they were into the escalation and romantic aspect too. If you could relax and tell teen girls to just enjoy the moment. But we have to set boundaries not to punish girls but to help them. A girl can be daydreaming about kissing and cuddling and flirting while the guy is planning how to get her drunk/drugged.
It's all so disappointing, having to be so on edge because they have a predator mindset and not a lovers
No. 235500
>>235489Not a huge strawberry fan, but yes the one you grow yourself are 10 times sweeter and better than store ones.
I hate blackberries because their little seeds get stuck in my teeth, way more than raspberries.
My unpopular fruit opinion is that kinda green bananas are the only good and worthy bananas
No. 235502
>>235486I think this would just be unpopular with men, this sounds really nice but everything MUST lead to sex for them so they would take this as “leading me on” like what
>>235496 said
No. 235503
>>235477If you're talking about
>>235471, i didn't want to offend anyone sorry, i don't find these features ugly they're just uncommon in my country so i just wonder how does it feel like to have them
i cannot see my own pupil i wish i could No. 235519
File: 1645114854379.jpg (16.02 KB, 201x251, download.jpg)

>>235499Jagariko/jagabee fries!! Crunchy and yummy
No. 235523
File: 1645115039657.gif (7.05 MB, 500x500, dancedance.gif)

>>235519admin of the drawing room is so talented i love you
No. 235541
File: 1645115795917.gif (1006.68 KB, 500x341, tumblr_okqqj1UqFh1w1jgm2o1_500…)

i cant….. live like this…. trapped in one thread….. rotting……
No. 235544
File: 1645115852358.png (724.07 KB, 2000x1600, LC drawing room (8).png)

>>235523aww thank you anon!
themed board: board-tan fashion is still going, come doodle our girl: No. 235551
>>235548Damn, this sounds awful. I'm so sorry,
No. 235563
File: 1645117050938.jpeg (209.17 KB, 1440x1800, image-asset.jpeg)

>>235529What do you mean? I don't follow many seamstressed but I follow @vivianshaochen on instagram and I like her stuff!
No. 235567
File: 1645117119062.jpg (56.5 KB, 500x750,…)

>>235558me but alcohol. is it bad before every job interview i've had postgrad (3 total), i've had a shot before. and i got all of them
No. 235594
File: 1645118020966.png (28.66 KB, 325x247, 1483320421062.png)

what music do you listen to on your commute to work/school etc? for me, it's anison
No. 235606
File: 1645118516584.jpg (17.9 KB, 480x368, 20220215_212344.jpg)

I can't believe he thought we were dating like dude I see you once every two weeks at most and we're usually naked
No. 235613
File: 1645118986850.png (247.03 KB, 500x411, 1644342266516.png)

I take Citalopram and I haven't been able to orgasm 3 times in a row, this isn't funny anymore. My clit has sensation in it but it feels odd, and a little numb…? What the hell do I do?? Someone help please
No. 235618
>>235585Recommend some good ones if you know
>>235563I’ll check her out nonna
No. 235624
File: 1645119496032.jpg (42.34 KB, 919x274, shitting.jpg)

Post funny/interesting caps
No. 235628
File: 1645119720642.png (89.63 KB, 275x251, 1630521844871.png)

>>235546>>235539God people like you guys are so annoying, being able to draw is the entry to over 900000 different monetizable crafts and arts, just use your dense heads.
No. 235641
>>235638I just thought about this earlier but then I decided depression and horny is a dangerous combination. Weird coincidence though
>>235623I feel like SSRIs have changed my sexuality entirely
No. 235667
File: 1645121232414.gif (5.83 MB, 640x640, 38E24C2B-C830-4F27-A54F-D3B53D…)

I like to think the admin is fixing the site and its taking a while, she wouldnt abandon us right…
No. 235684
>>235178Was browsing this thread on my break and this totally made my day. Kiranon you are so wonderful
<3 Glad to share this bunker with you (and part 8 nona too)
No. 235706
>>235686How is this a tinfoil? This is just the truth.
Also all of the faggotinas from edtwt with that boring Lucinda shit, plus some ex-corpse fans as well. Lolcow now is full of wannabe e-girls, which I wouldn't mind if they integrated better, at least.
No. 235710
>>235700kpopfagging was banned shortly after a bunch of idol suicides and when twitterfags found the site
although the kpop critical threads were really not much different in terms of stupidity and looks sperging than some cow threads, you even got occasional drops of tea, like how chanyeol was a total fuckboi some 2 years before his ex gf accused him of gaslighting her
No. 235722
>>235715me too kek and use
problematic words like faggots and retard so they can filter themselves out
No. 235740
>>235724I mention CBT often, usually when a thread smells like moids, and I can assure you I'm no zoomer nor am I getting off
The biggest problem here for me is attempts at comedy are taken too seriously. I got a 24 hours ban when all I was trying to do was make nonnies laugh. And I didn't even mention mutilated penises in that one. Then the vague posting about anons who are "PROBABLY MEN, HAVE FETISHES, EW"
Bitch calm down and kek
No. 235758
File: 1645124278839.jpeg (473.81 KB, 960x1792, 2F3DE80D-D068-4C55-9F36-CC495D…)

i feel like a retard version of jenny holzer
No. 235759
File: 1645124288635.png (310.29 KB, 514x572, 23b6deaa-9c6a-4969-8c94-7d1110…)

>>235755You'd be okay with men saying dyke?
No. 235767
File: 1645124486366.jpeg (97.46 KB, 750x478, 076341BB-9B84-4E0A-A267-A2244D…)

>>235756aw are you afraid of the twitterspeak? the twitterspeak can’t hurt you, it’s not living in your walls anon like just close your eyes maybe not look?
No. 235772
File: 1645124655670.gif (970.98 KB, 540x385, 1593561848412.gif)

When will we be saved?
No. 235780
File: 1645124867002.jpg (88.97 KB, 1000x562, cookiesfornonnies.jpg)

everyone take a breather and pick a cookie
No. 235796
>>235776>>235783NTA but meds. now.
>>235784All you have to do is report maleposters if they are actually breaking a rule by being obvious males. Otherwise it's conjecture and annoying. Also I'm sick of anons being obsessed with men to constantly bring them up like this
No. 235806
>>235795Reddit spacing is retards doing a space after the reply, e.g.
>typing from here. However, some other retards also have picked it up wrong and think writing in paragraphs in general is reddit spacing. It's not.
No. 235807
File: 1645125394991.gif (2.03 MB, 498x469, kittyreview.gif)

peace and love nonnas
No. 235810
File: 1645125432942.jpeg (42.96 KB, 640x353, 74F7F33C-CBDB-400A-A603-7CEA71…)

we all are sharing the same braincell
No. 235826
File: 1645125741801.jpeg (221.45 KB, 1125x327, IMG_00B3D070F03E-1.jpeg)

i can't fucking stand corporate social media accounts. i will murder every single intern who has this job
No. 235828
File: 1645125763720.jpeg (4.43 KB, 200x251, B23E08A0-62DA-4B42-8370-856740…)

>>235810I dropped my only brain cell like an Apple airpod and it rolled into a sewer drain. it is now in possession of a schizophrenic stray cat who never stops infighting with me when I post cringe, AITA
No. 235836
File: 1645125991845.jpg (25.9 KB, 300x400, ghost-world.jpg)

TOMMOROW, Ferb 18th 8 GMTStreaming Ghost World and Silent Night Deadly Night 2 No. 235837
File: 1645126025757.png (236.17 KB, 663x500, kek.png)

No. 235838
File: 1645126050207.gif (1.14 MB, 450x221, 97A5441C-999B-4A93-AF53-68FF23…)

>>235830>Are you X anon who nobody else remembers or cares about?MEDS
>>235831Fighting is kinda fun sometimes, I don't actually harbor anger to you nonnies though, love you even if you are weirdos
No. 235843
File: 1645126206987.jpg (181.64 KB, 1500x1000, frdyf5_coverartmanual.jpg)

Going to see Billie Eilish tomorrow! I know a lot of anons hate her but I promise I'm not some 3edgy5me tween. I just think her music is catchy and videos of her concerts just look like one giant karaoke session. Admittedly I'm not a huge fan of her new album, but I'm gonna go and have fun anyway.
I'm quite the homebody and I don't typically like environments like this with tons of people and loud music (I hate bars and clubs), but I thrive at concerts. I've only ever been to concerts of smaller artists (biggest venue had max capacity of 3k) so this is the first concert I'll be going to of a really well known pop artist at a big ass venue.
No. 235844
jk nonnie, i only asked because these threads have gotten boring and there needs to be more sperging No. 235850
>>235846same. i found a small streamer that sounds like my husbando and im seriously considering sliding into his dms just to hear him say my name
and maybe some moans kek
No. 235856
File: 1645126614571.png (225.8 KB, 417x393, 4E3842FA-7E24-4F3B-81B9-0A627F…)

No. 235863
>>235854I’m interested
nonny, what cartoon?
No. 235864
>>235860what if you
No. 235877
File: 1645127494007.jpg (16.15 KB, 444x324, dd43f36c9f648dbda274968c498d7f…)

No. 235881
File: 1645127600088.gif (3.17 MB, 378x366, dancedance.gif)

i love you so much drawfag nonnas. i am literally in love with every single one of you. i kiss you all gently on the cheek.
No. 235883
File: 1645127686014.jpg (19.17 KB, 600x800, p-24440-8389.jpg)

I wish showing your face was illegal so we all had to wear this type of white mask over our faces so 1. I didn't have to look at ugly ass people and 2. I could get away with my mean girl behaviour more easily.
No. 235886
File: 1645127716020.png (9.73 KB, 526x228, coooooowwwww.png)

I am 1000000000000000000000% sure the people who made this game actively browse and post on lolcow
No. 235888
File: 1645127776466.gif (3.19 MB, 480x196, D4AF2D8D-FCB6-4F45-9CD1-F94305…)

>>235881Kisses you back passionately! I kinda hurt my back every time I draw but it's worth it because I love you and it helps me practice
No. 235891
File: 1645127797922.jpg (68.25 KB, 600x600, cdfff25ee74276e04c3a1f30d5447a…)

No, I do not fear you
I do not fear nothing
God is my leader
I know the wrath is coming
Lemme call the corners
Conquer all disorders
You be screaming bloody murder
While I drag you on the corner
I'm fighting with my words
I think they call it spelling
I done called the Babalawo
The priestress and the reverend (That me, on me, on me)
No. 235894
File: 1645127853562.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.24 KB, 1000x1000, ddc.jpg_orig.jpg)

>>235893>>235892>>235889He makes retarded comics like this with his furry OC based on his arguments of him arguing with rightwing retards and "transphobic" people kek. this is a drawing he made of his self insert owning a superstraight. (repost with spoiler because it's disturbing)
No. 235897
File: 1645127901537.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.7 MB, 1527x1000, mental illness explains itself…)

>>235890Here's the retarded timeline picture
No. 235914
File: 1645128249611.jpg (57.89 KB, 640x480, big.jpg)

From the ice age to the dole age
There is but one concern
I have just discovered:
Some girls' are bigger than others
Some girls' are bigger than others
Some girls' mothers are bigger than other girls' mothers
Some girls' are bigger than others
Some girls' are bigger than others
Some girls' mothers are bigger than other girls' mothers
No. 235915
>>235894LOL i've seen these comics before. looks like he's trying to ape GPrime85's right wing twitter comics.
These huge tits on his furry OC is such a tell. Is this guy a troon or just a "based ally" (chaser). Funny as fuck he has google alerts for his name. Cringe fag.
No. 235919
File: 1645128309300.jpg (45.52 KB, 386x766, tbzc7wymtfo31.jpg)

I don't jump around when I go to shows
I must be emo
No. 235925
>>235905One time like an autist, I found 100 different furries on Furaffinity that had active accounts older than 5 years and I tried to see how many of them were involved in weird sex shit. I don't remember the exact number, but only 6-8 of them didn't have any ties and I was pretty thorough checking their account and OC names everywhere. I think all of them were furries from way back in the 90's, so either all of them had way better cyber security skills or got into furry shit when it was more innocent.
This took me like ten hours. I had a document about it, but I can't find it now
No. 235928
>>235905>how many furries start getting into furry shit as kids/teenagers. because there is a problem with grooming in furry community and they try to indoctrinate you early.
t.i was a furry when i was a tween
No. 235934
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>>235925>had a furaffinity account in the first place i’m sorry anon but you’re
tainted No. 235936
>>235932How did you find yours
nonnie? Or do you have tips you can share?
No. 235938
and when trying to write his name, censor it like if his name is jake say j_ke or whatever
No. 235958
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>>235946You reminded me of my love for spyro
nonnie. Used to love hanging around in Autumn Plains for the pretty music
No. 235959
File: 1645129652113.png (362.41 KB, 1280x341, winning.png)

>>235894kek it's literally this comic, which was ironically drawn by one of the most batshit troons of all time. troonception
No. 235973
File: 1645130101571.png (239.6 KB, 268x414, lulu the culu.png)

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with liking and participating in a fandom of cartoon animal creatures. Nothing about it is fundamentally sexual. But the reality is that almost everyone in the furry fandom has conflated the potentially innocent thing of let's say Bugs Bunny with sex. From there, it turns into pornography and from there it turns into hardcore pornography and from there is turns into emotional and psychic damage to the people experiencing it.
Of course, a lot of furries skip the initial step and join the furry fandom directly from pornography or hardcore pornography. But there are plenty - although statistically few - furries out there that just like the idea of cute animals doing things that have no sexual attraction to them. Like people back in the day that were really into Watership Down or Redwall.
No. 235975
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>>235678They're all me. Your post was also written by me but I forgot.
No. 235978
File: 1645130269194.png (146.55 KB, 287x366, sf.png)

>>235841>and you cannot tell me this isn't kiki with big titsCreepy. People say physiognomy isn't real, but this shit always happens. People with similar physical features acting in similar ways, for better or worse
I need to make a version of this pic with Isabella Jankes, Lindsay Souvannarath, that one "pick me" ish 4chan girl who got arrested for stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop, Emily Youcis, etc. Too many coincidences
No. 235984
File: 1645130469345.jpg (69.89 KB, 960x690, 118622375_2787603191484402_650…)

>>235978Posted shit quality one by mistake and cba to delete/repost sorry
>>235979Yeah, he has a stronger jaw/neck but has the same haircut/glasses/hair color/eye color
No. 235989
File: 1645130612756.jpeg (13.12 KB, 612x612, 703c4b3e-57e6-421a-b33f-c1a81c…)

>>235984The curse of the computer science wire glasses
No. 235993
File: 1645130694682.jpg (218.94 KB, 1080x1386, IMG_20220217_214355.jpg)

Well? Are they?
No. 235995
File: 1645130762905.jpg (19.37 KB, 552x532, 8e2fc75b99855a1821824bf277c0b6…)

i got scared and thought everynonny went outside and left the bunker turns out anon made the new thread too early i am so relieved
No. 236008
File: 1645131041387.png (699.41 KB, 1093x1239, ok ftm.png)

Oh so this is why i keep seeing idiots quote rting men's clothing on Wiki Victorian with "gEndEr"
No. 236010
File: 1645131043986.jpg (27.63 KB, 640x625, 1531881118155.jpg)

>>235962Are you implying you're the artist or am I just high
No. 236011
File: 1645131090614.gif (1.77 MB, 167x132, DBC68365-4B5E-4F66-AE14-DB8C47…)

i’m tired i’m tired i’m tired of GODADDY NOT FUCKING WORKING. nonnies who use filezilla and godaddy any tech bitches you gotta help me I keep putting my host name and cpanel login and password and it keeps saying the connection times out due to inactivity and fails to connect to the server. any reasons why?
No. 236012
File: 1645131094126.jpg (8.98 KB, 250x250, x676yxhfwq.jpg)

>>235927Oops didn't see your reply but yeah I'm glad she went back to her old image, even if just for the tour. Nothing against the blonde look but the whole thing, especially the vogue cover, was really weird choice considering her long time "don't sexualize me" stance. I love her outlandish haircolors, I think it suits her very well.
No. 236020
File: 1645131282555.jpg (45.71 KB, 720x668, FB_IMG_1634754223288.jpg)

Last night I told my partner I was sexist and he agreed with me.
No. 236038
>>236015sick with what? a sore throat and congestion? Stay Safe
Nonny! You Might Get Corona! go outside.
No. 236041
File: 1645131665821.jpg (17.4 KB, 474x474, s1.jpg)

>>236030Based. This was such a good album
No. 236044
>>236025Having read this
>>236029 I take it back. Sorry anon.
No. 236047
File: 1645131755624.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.99 KB, 226x223, download.jpeg)

Everyone.. say hello to my new Nigel
No. 236059
File: 1645131914652.jpg (2.55 MB, 2000x5755, 1645123142884.jpg)

Do you think these archetypes could apply to lolcow?
No. 236060
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No. 236068
>>236048that's true lol.
I confessed to not believing transwomen are women to people in my class a while ago when the topic came up and the next questions that came up was "Do you also hate gay people then?" Like no lmao and they hardly could believe I wasn't against homosexuality when I am against transgenderism. I think they're still sceptical. (I don't like gay men tho but even I wasn't going to admit to that).
No. 236077
File: 1645132419766.jpg (610.19 KB, 2000x2000, 20220206_132620.jpg)

Cartoon coomers are wild
No. 236086
>>236059I don't know if a moid made this, I don't think so, maybe she was just a very enthusiastic newfag. Anyways, I' a femi
nazi and a schizo.
No. 236103
>>235986Honestly I feel you. I wish I was able to unabashedly have opinions and express them, but I have trouble with that and I don't know where to go.
Well, this is an anon board. What are some of your based takes? Can't guarantee that people will like them, but it's not like the reception will follow you anyplace else.
No. 236104
God I wish I could love someone
>>236096The ugly "bodybuilder" lady right
No. 236106
>>235986Honestly I feel you. I wish I was able to unabashedly have opinions and express them, but I have trouble with that and I don't know where to go.
Well, this is an anon board. What are some of your based takes? Can't guarantee that people will like them, but it's not like the reception will follow you anyplace else.
No. 236108
File: 1645133673200.jpg (5.14 MB, 4096x3072, Poyo Natalie Idoldecay.jpg)

>>236104I was thinking of this chick, last time I saw someone post her was during the lucinda wars though
No. 236109
File: 1645133676879.jpg (61.65 KB, 900x900, nails.jpg)

I kind of want to remove my gel nails, but I'm a little scared to because I know that I'll bite off my real nails (I even bite off my false ones) without them, and I don't want to ruin the growth that they've had.
No. 236116
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No. 236117
>>236113Emzotic was exposed for posting in the pettuber thread, if memory serves.
Dasha was exposed for talking shit bout Mina in their & Cyr's thread
I'm sure you're right and there are many other
No. 236147
>>236130They are most comparable to the pro-ana threads imo. I liked reading about Jacquie personally (rip).
See for yourself, they're all still here, just search lolcow for "spoonie" or "munchausen".
No. 236163
>>236150>"Source?"Followed by
>um the onus of proof is on you when you make a statement online All in the middle of a casual discussion.
No. 236167
File: 1645135955270.jpg (35.75 KB, 590x421, 0a0c4d7c-37cc-4712-bf35-de6d59…)

I want to be someone like mc ride. I want to fill myself with satanic tats and make art and scream into a microphone and express my rage and angst and scratch my pussy in public and smell my hand and throw shit at men because I'm not a little porcelain doll princess. I do not want to express socially what women have been conditioned to express
No. 236179
File: 1645136349613.png (456.84 KB, 500x500, 1635774910032.png)

I'm sick of seeing anons complaining that their amazing thought provoking intellectually stimulating unpopular opinions get them accused of being a scrote.
that usually only happens if you are extremely hateful towards women, racebait, write creepy coomer shit or whiteknight males on a female imageboard as if they don't have everywhere else on the internet and irl to be asskissed and put on a pedestal
If that sounds like you, I'd look it the mirror and have a long think about how hard I'm handmaiden-ing if i were you nonnie
No. 236182
Anon I don't know why you came up with such a wall of text. I think you misunderstood. I was referring to replies that are just pure seething about a topic and aren't by any means part of a dialogue in any way, even in the most aggressive way (they aren't tired, angry, stressed out or furious nonas). A poster that constantly samefags with ridiculously angry posts that only contain insults and are obviously meant to deeply hurt another poster is definitely something suspicious, specially when they are outside vent threads.
>A woman swearing, acting like an angry ape or telling someone else to kill themselves is super based.Is it super based to be racist too? Lmao.
No. 236187
>>236179I just
know you're one of those retards who scream "scrote!!" Every time you don't agree with someone or vice-versa
No. 236188
>>236181there's still some room come on down not sure about the other drawing room tho
No. 236202
>>236197Just take it on the chin homie, getting
triggered about it is kinda weird
No. 236209
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No. 236215
File: 1645137613993.jpg (85.56 KB, 618x850, coo.jpg)

calls you by deadname
Nothing personal, kid.
No. 236222
I definitely agree that men are inconsistent about posting here, they really get tired easily of this place once they drop a couple of mean posts. But I still can't decide if low quality replies like ''kys'' and such are made by cruel nonas, underage retarded girls or moids. I always picture them lurking for a while and finding a vulnerable post and mocking the poster for no apparent reason.
>Women aren't a hivemind and since it is an imageboard it also attracts right wing women which hate "sluts" and can be racist.I know, I know, but believe me, as someone who is on that side of the political spectrum I doubt that other alt right nonas would do such things frequently. We want to enjoy LC and not get baned, we know that infighting and shitty bait leads to nowhere. Dropping a kys after someone explains her abuse situation or similar things is so out of place only a moid could do it. Or maybe I'm overestimating empathy between us.
No. 236229
nonnie I wish you could tell us who it is but I understand if you don't. In any case, you definitely dodged a bullet.
No. 236236
>>236229i'm worried about doxxing myself indirectly but i'm really tempted to just post her, she has cow potential now tbh. no idea what happened to her she was a cute slightly radfem-leaning lesbian when we dated :(
(:() No. 236243
nonnie. based.
i know it's a scrote group but i fucking love death grips ahhhh fuck No. 236250
>>236160bpd hags are nowhere near as based and are the same level as autistic or aspd men
theyre all disgusting imo
No. 236279
File: 1645141083849.jpg (9.5 KB, 240x240, 26ff2e128064ca20dbdd8ebc3df662…)

why are you so scared of being called a scrote you if you have nothing to hide
No. 236282
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>>236279what you're implying is a misdirection, as confucius said, he who smell't it dealt it
No. 236284
File: 1645141262426.jpg (12.21 KB, 275x267, 1645035589107.jpg)

Nonnies I'm such a dumb bitch. I had a fight with my best friend and I'm afraid I was way too shitty. It was her fault too, she kept snickering at me after she hurt me with something she said and kept on talking and taking and tried to gaslight me about what happened. But after I said hurtful shit too. I love her and I apologised but I'm such a shitty person I hate myself. Why do I get upset at shit people say at me even when they don't mean it personally. I suck. I hope she still is my friend. I should just lock myself in home and never talk to anyone ever again.
No. 236296
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>>236289perhaps, now, you understand
No. 236304
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>>236296after all who am i, to pass judgement
No. 236308
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>>236304we are but humble cats, tending to our shitposts
No. 236309
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>>236302Samefag, nevermind I'm about to sleep so I'll just clear it now. No. 236318
File: 1645142643849.png (19.69 KB, 393x282, refuge.PNG)

Who wrote this fanfic in the cytube
No. 236323
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>>236308it's not much but it's honest work
No. 236356
File: 1645143677713.gif (592.37 KB, 220x225, pizza-delivery-community.gif)

>>236318Me, sorry if it was too autistic. I came back today and couldn't figure out what was going on for a good bit. Finished catching up on the containment zone threads and popped in to see if we had any watch parties going on. Hope you nonnies are all hanging in there. We'll make it through this crisis, powdered milk is shelf stable afterall. If anyone wants to stream while we huddle together with our FEMA disaster blankets, that'd be nice.
No. 236365
File: 1645144186735.jpg (41.51 KB, 225x350, 101283.jpg)

>>236341Dumb rich English himbo Bertie Wooster
No. 236376
File: 1645144925792.jpg (182.9 KB, 955x557, Cc screenie.jpg)

Look at this crystal cafe schizo imply the man hate on here is a psyop. I know words mean nothing on an anonymous image board, but I shit-talk moids because it's fun and cathartic.
No. 236377
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Playing some short films for a little bit No. 236383
File: 1645145088439.jpg (133.7 KB, 720x1028, 1f7f38240ea826ce14f01724c16156…)

>>236209im so glad i consume all this shit illegaly kek
No. 236384
>>236376I hate this argument of "these people are trying to create discord and divide the two genders when we should be together"
How do women profit from men in a relationship ?
Do the pros outweigh the cons?
The risk of abuse ?
No. 236396
>>236376there's a lot of shitty men online who are so fucking shitty they whine about society yet blame everything on women but also continually deny women's opinions (like telling them what they're attracted to, what they like, ect)
Moids on the internet are too unenjoyable, unloveable, and unhinged not to shit talk. Sorry but the VAST MAJORITY are horrendously bad and evil I would go as far to say.
No. 236409
>>236399Samefag but also, a lot of women actually have a
valid reason for talking shit about men on the internet. When men talk shit about women it's usually insulting her appearance, calling her a whore, or complaining about how they have feelings and we need to care about it. It's not comparable to me.
No. 236417
>>236405Men refuse to accept that their perspective isn't the only "true" one. They post hideous apes and insist it's what we're "really" attracted to because they hate the truth (which is that the majority of women actually do love beauty in men, and fuck-ugly/wrinkly, old-ass men can't just lift and then pretend they're gods)
The disgusting thing is I've seen posts saying the exact same bullshit on /ot/ and /snow/. They invade every space to post their retarded opinions. Whenever you see someone who claims to be a woman get
triggered and insist your attraction to men who are actually good-looking is some kind of abnormality ("y-you're just intimidated by real men!!" and other copes), or that you must be a confused lesbian for not wanting to fuck a literal 50 year old neanderthal, know that it's a
triggered scrote
No. 236419
>>235442I have
nonnie, let me tell you a tale:
>be 16, had been in a relationship with a 20 year old >been together since I was 14>he was gross, obviously a groomer, but was also a major asshole and not many people liked him>wanted to break up with him and free myself>Couldn't leave without getting back at him for tarnishing my early teenage years with forced anal and feeding me weed >He's going to a music fest for the weekend, offers to lend me his studio apartment so I can invite girls over and 'have some fun'>I agree, but I bring a male and female with me>We spend the night raiding his apartment for all the dirt we could possibly dig up>find his birth certificate, which states he was born in a crappy suburb in our country and NOT london like he tells everyone>which means his shitty british accent is fake>take photo>comb through his facebook messages as he was stupid enough to leave it logged in on his computer>find a bunch of disgusting messages he's sent to women, including asking one for anal (he was obsessed) directly after she told him her parents were divorcing>Take pictures of these too>The next morning we hatch our plan>Get our moid friend to coom into a cup>My other friend straps on a glove and gets to work, rubbing cum into everything we can>in his vanilla ice cream, on his tooth brush, in his eye drops, hair gel (he used a lot), basically anything that would come into contact with him>show most of our mutual groups the birth certificate>his british bubble was shattered>Most people knew now that he had unexpectedly lathered himself in a hairy scottish man's semen. So we basically just humiliated him, and in doing so he became a lot more isolated from those groups, I think he deals meth now.
No. 236421
nonny, as I said it's not legal and I don't think I can teach you the good stuff without getting a slap from the farmhands.
No. 236433
>>236419Based queen. I bow down to you. I’m so mad I didn’t do any shit like this when I made my ex leave town so I could move my shit out. I had days to do shit but I was too traumatized from the shit he put me through & just wanted my shit back & to never step foot in that house again. I wish I’d at least put fish in his vents or some dumb shit like that.
>find a bunch of disgusting messages he's sent to women, including asking one for anal (he was obsessed) directly after she told him her parents were divorcingFucking kek. If men have one thing it’s the audacity.
No. 236438
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No. 236446
I husbandopost at least once a week
No. 236451
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No. 236452
File: 1645148288727.png (2.15 MB, 2149x1373, OkCuO7u.png)

No. 236462
File: 1645148717089.jpeg (131 KB, 480x600, 15A06D9F-7B7D-47A2-95A3-F8D26D…)

>>236455Hell yes hell to the yes
No. 236463
File: 1645148733857.jpeg (146.34 KB, 828x1327, 1AAB4D28-F90C-4505-9AA4-B54384…)

damn kanye is going off hard
No. 236466
File: 1645148832242.jpeg (8.56 KB, 300x168, download.jpeg)

how did bender and amy have sex? i need to know
No. 236472
File: 1645148947367.jpg (43.85 KB, 500x375, fisto my husbando.jpg)

>>236466You ever hear of Fisto? It's like that
No. 236482
nonnie for giving me the talk
No. 236484
File: 1645149380447.png (141.18 KB, 776x364, art.PNG)

This has just been the energy of these threads in the past 3 days No. 236489
>>236487….detachable penis…
thanks now I have that song stuck in my head
No. 236490
File: 1645149778318.png (120 KB, 337x462, men.PNG)

>>236488Your beautiful art deserves to be screenshotted, anon
No. 236495
>>236490 thank you
nonny you’re too kind <3
No. 236506
File: 1645150572015.jpg (178.77 KB, 735x1102, bd3e93501609ed583229c601567de9…)

No. 236518
>>236513Thank you for actually answering
nonny! I'll have to give that a try lord knows I need it. Most importantly, don't sell yourself short.
No. 236533
File: 1645152093502.jpeg (57.33 KB, 550x367, 631F781A-4009-4D29-936B-E9377B…)

eating cheeze balls
No. 236535
>>236533damn i want your life just erase you and assume your identity with all your social contacts and documents and then
you cease to exist and i cease to exist and there's a creature not like you and not like i that exists in your domicile eating your cheeze balls and I think that's really quite romantic
No. 236536
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Can we get a thread just for the drawing board?
No. 236542
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bibi mic
No. 236549
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No. 236550
File: 1645152969780.jpg (36.56 KB, 496x485, FB_IMG_1631118603703.jpg)

>>236546that's wholesome
nonnie. It's probably just my female socialization but I like giving little compliments to strangers when I mean it. It brightens my day
No. 236574
>>236569i personally only really get into shipping male characters if they're fated rivals
don't like when it's canon either. has to be, borderline homoerotic, will they won't they.
No. 236576
File: 1645155288436.gif (3.65 MB, 498x262, maureen-linda-delete.gif)

Stupid questions is not open so I will vent/ask here. What is going on with my puter and the fucking updates?? I turn it on and immediately starts updating and cleaning things I never asked it to. Is it Windows doing this? How do I turn that shit off I want to draw reeeeeeeee
No. 236581
File: 1645155443185.jpg (42.72 KB, 499x353, FAaXoup.jpg)

I am sad because drawing is hard and my pen kept glitching (when I press down it would delay) so I gave up. I will just admire the beauty nonnies bestow on us
No. 236583
>>236569i’m not a fujo, but isn’t the answer kind of obvious?
>attracted to men>put 2 men together>monkey brain likes it even more than 1 man and 1 womani’m not sure what’s the case for lesbian fujos, though
No. 236584
>>236579kek I went in to see what people were recommending for each other because I'm bored trying to find new shit to read myself but all their suggestions sucked ass so I learned my lesson.
Even grosser was one of them saying "Harada is a man?? HELL YEAH" fucking gross, absolutely not.
No. 236602
File: 1645156179246.png (267.98 KB, 400x400, Ikuto-3-shugo-chara-21803446-3…)

>>236589>>236592it's kind of like the bad boy nuisance/bully character in shoujo manga/anime.
but times it by 2, then you have the perfect BL ship.
No. 236604
>>236597NTA but I can understand that,
nonny. In order to enjoy m/m I personally have to disconnect my brain from irl scrotes and focus on the 2d ones and their relationship as written, which is much more catering to women's fantasies and wishes about how men should be. I don't mind gay men irl or fetishize them or whatever, but their relationships are definitely not at all like the stuff I enjoy, if I think about irl men it's gross. Sorry if that sounds homophobic, I don't actually mind them but what I mean is I don't find the reality attractive so they are safe from my dirty fujo gaze. It's the fact that it's fictional and made for female enjoyment
No. 236611
>>236604good explanation
nonnie thank you for that. I get it now, still not my cup of tea though
No. 236612
>>236608Kek thanks, I know but I guess I still have that subconscious fear of getting called a homophobe for it
>>236610This, plus I'm going to sound like a fucking clown for this but I find anal sex extremely repulsive but in fanfic I can separate from that mostly. I mean, it's a magical fictional world in your brain, so you can pretend it's basically a vagina. I still can't read about ass eating though, that is too far for me.
>>236611Totally understand nonna! I believe we should all be able to coexist with our tastes
No. 236620
File: 1645157405967.jpg (181.4 KB, 1200x1200, 3984.jpg)

how many fellow anons went to an all girls school for their education? I consider myself so lucky to have went to an all girls highschool. No male scrotes at the peak of scrote behavior to bother us, it was bliss. We all competed to be the best intellectually, meanwhile my brother at his all scrote highschool learned nothing and had idiots calling bomb threats in weekly. God I hope if I have a child it's a girl so I can help her succeed.
No. 236630
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No. 236632
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men give me money on the internet because I have developed a parasocial relationship with them which is based off my sexuality and me trying to represent and mold to the male ideal. I have sold myself both ideologically and physically to men b-b-b-but I am not like those Twitch whores. You know, the whores that lick the microphone, the asmr whores or loli panderers. I am so much better than a sex worker whore by inherently selling my mind and body to men on the internet. These sex worker whores making it such a bad and mysoginstic place for women, but I , the one subscribing my entire being to the most mysoginstic social movement I am benefiting women. Tired of these sex worker whores grooming little girls. I am not grooming little girls by setting the example of being a trad hoe. These whores ruining society for women. I am not a whore! Did you understand? Like the Onlyfans and Twitch whores.
No. 236634
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>>236632We get it, you have a prostate and you're very upset
No. 236635
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No. 236644
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I'm so much better than the left wing onlyfans whores. The whores ruining society for women!!!!!!! I DO NOT RUIN SOCIETY FOR WOMEN BY EMBODYING THE MOST MYSOGINISTIC AND OUTDATED IDEAL
No. 236645
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>>236636I'm a yume and fujos are my sisters. Don't believe the propoganda
No. 236647
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No. 236666
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what celebs lurk on lc tinfoil go go go
No. 236679
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No. 236681
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What's he saying ladies
No. 236686
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>>236674I want a friend like this so bad nons
No. 236688
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>>236687What about these types of characters
No. 236691
>>236682Yeah I see where you're coming from. I don't mind if they're gay but I'm
>>236674 and like that type of dynamic except as a friendship too
No. 236707
>>236698Breakfast is almost always Weetabix
Skip lunch since breakfast is usually late
Dinner is usually some carb + protein
Then I finish the night with tea and biscuit
No. 236713
>>236708Used to have dry poops so the fibre helped me a lot
>>236704I have no issues with those unless I suddenly developed it…
No. 236724
>>236720They’re obviously a part of dinner. Thats it?
>>236721Thank you nona
No. 236726
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Thoughts on this breakfast pizza, nonnas? Would you eat it?
No. 236739
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i miss sky
No. 236753
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>>236733I'm happy for you, nonita. That is the stuff of life.
No. 236755
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I still think of this thing sometimes.
No. 236756
>>236745Ham, cheese, eggs!!
>>236730Same, I'm curious but somehow worried. I guess it's not too different from a sandwich or something, in theory
No. 236759
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Is the art board showing up like this for anyone else? I thought it was my computer fucking up, but even the saved pic looks like this
No. 236765
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>>236309Holy fuck thanks I love this!!!
No. 236785
File: 1645168355414.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.52 KB, 826x822, thatman.jpg)

I JUST want this thread to reach 1200 posts that's ALL
No. 236792
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oh hell naw splunglock
No. 236806
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>>236797we will not go quietly
No. 236810
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No. 236817
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>>236806fine I'll join you
No. 236821
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spongebob stopped a war, what have you done?
No. 236829
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Happy Valentines Day nonnies
No. 236834
>>236762Sorry for the late reply, but nah I restarted my computer and even switched to a different browser, and it still looks like that. Must be something with my graphics card or something, but idk what.
Could someone do me a favor a post a new pic of the board? I can clear it if it's full.
No. 236927
File: 1645179912903.jpg (274.8 KB, 812x1075, IMG_20210211_015519.jpg)

good morning my beautiful nonnies, mwah mwah to all of you. rise and shine! may you have a blessed day, or the sweetest dreams.
No. 237479
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What movie should I watch?
No. 237484
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one of my fav banners
No. 237500
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No. 237516
>>237505I'm not a very good artist but I still drew some stuff during the drawing sessions! It was fun, might as well do it even though I just had a track pad. I'm really astounded by the level of talent here
Even if you're not the greatest artist you can still try drawing something if you're not a drawfag
No. 237521
>>237519some sites say she's 28, others say she's 21, others say she's like 26, her birthday depending on the site fluctuates between 1992-2000
has she ever outright stated how old she is
No. 237527
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i have two different styles
cartoon abomination and melting sameface
No. 237636
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No. 237787
>>237751Ayrt, I'm not super acne prone but my skin is pretty reactive so it'll let me know almost immediately when something isn't right
but I tend to keep trying things because of the whole purging theory. I actually do have normal/dry skin. I could have been applying it a tad too heavy-handed, since the niacinimide+zinc serum always felt like it left a film on my face. I do think The Ordinary has some great products though, I LOVE their squalane oil!
No. 237967
>>236620I went to an all girls school for a year but was bullied for being a dyke. I wasn't even openly gay at the time, but most of the boys on my locker were faggy emo boys who were very feminine and I would draw naked women. This was at the height of the twilight craze too when all the other girls had edward/jacob on their lockers.
One of the main girls who bullied me has since come out as gay and I hate seeing her "love is love!!" posts on instagram given she beat me straight into feeling repression for years.
No. 238012
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>>237672kek yes that was me
nonnie, I'm so honored. Let us pray.
No. 238099
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>>238088yeah he's just doing his thing
No. 238103
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No. 238136
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No. 238138
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>>238099These otters are wonderful. They get to 6 ft and gang up on caimans in their territory
No. 238162
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>>237818indubitably nonna. i just finished derm so basically i am an Expert in the field and available for commentations
No. 238226
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>>238138they are so powerful and I love them
No. 238769
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No. 238770
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No. 238771
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No. 243593
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MGK so rock