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No. 293022
>What is this threadBy popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread /g/ edition, which of course, talks about husbandos and horny shit
>Why was this made / what is the differenceThe difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D and 2D crushes so you don't clog the other retarded thread. Post memes, be frisky, whatever.
>But whyFarmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
The retarded hornyposting thread now includes pairings.
For real 3D men hornyposting, refer to:
>>>/g/193846For other /g/ related shitposts just use the current /ot/ thread. Thank you!
Previous horny:
>>>/g/286016 No. 293042
File: 1665233212120.png (119.91 KB, 595x338, 1656638218032.png)

Starting with a classic.
No. 293051
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i kid, i kid - inb4 ban. what is he saying in Korean btw No. 293062
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he could fix me. he could save me. he could protect me. thats why i need him so much. we're perfect for each other. we were made for one another. only I understand you, and only you understand me. no one else will do.
No. 293065
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Need zombie revenant water ghost dick. Need it now.
No. 293066
>>293051I know, I will never get over that it was redtexted as "shitposting". It was excellent Leonposting.
>>293054Poor Leon suffering from his own hotness.
No. 293081
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i love bsd so much, i wish men were real.
Congratulations on the ninth thread, nonnas! Would you buy any r18 figure of your husbando?
No. 293082
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No. 293085
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>>293081I wish my husbando had even a slightly risque figure, he was as made for it. The thought of a 18+ figure makes me explode. Would buy, wouldn't know where to display it.
No. 293109
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Why cant nonnies follow the one rule?
No. 293114
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>>293113There is no rule, that anon is bullshitting.
Also why did Nanamin get a sexy figure (see last thread) but not Mahito? Not fair.
No. 293121
>>293119Nobody is screeching here
This threadpic is pretty bland tho,
>>273807 still hasnt been topped
No. 293130
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His insane smile makes even the darkest day feel like a picnic.
No. 293135
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rip to the sequel i guess, not too sad because it wouldn't have my prince
>>293132nta, but i'm an arthur fag too, i don't post him everyday bacuse spamming ur husbando over and over would be weird even for a shitpost thread plus i have a dozen more
No. 293137
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Tfw no buff bug bf to hold me
The biggest plus about him is that if he fucked then he wouldnt get you pregnant ahhshejkssjssjj
No. 293138
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>>293081No doubt about it. Manifesting Shibari Golden Kamuy (with dick out variants) figures
No. 293151
File: 1665276878068.jpg (179.24 KB, 1920x1080, you already have my heart but …)

What a fitting edition for this thread, I just ordered nearly 200 euros worth of husbando merch online, rip my wallet! I have been planning this for ages, but still.
No. 293156
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Love her stupid face.
No. 293162
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Ugh I just want to take care of him. Make him happy, loved and cared for…then make an absolute slutty mess of him in bed. I really can’t stand MHA so I subsist on fan fiction but when I saw the new manga panels of him buff? Really activated my almonds
No. 293167
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This is my husbando. There are many like him, but this one is mine. My husbando is my best friend. He is my life. I must master him as I must master my life.
No. 293171
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I want him to ruin my pussy
No. 293174
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>>293171Right here, my favorite himbo
No. 293176
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>>293171He was my husbando when I was a Hetafag back then. I still hold this series very dear to my heart to this day.
No. 293178
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No. 293179
File: 1665291895252.jpg (1.24 MB, 2700x1800, 1187894.jpg)

im so excited for his rerun, i miss him so dearly. i feel like a wife waiting by the window everyday
No. 293184
>>293137Happy to see another Cell fan here! Have you played Xenoverse nonna? His mentor lines are to die for.
>>293162Personally, I prefer Tomura post AFO's capture. Something about his overgrown hair, coat, and more serious demeanor does it for me.
No. 293185
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>>293184 samefag.
I've posted this on another thread but my feelings are the same. I want to be his outgoing gf that does all the socializing for him and then I want to cuddle in his lap while he's gaming.
No. 293193
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>>293171We all know this thread is Russian clay
No. 293195
>>293151i'm so happy for you
nonny! living the dream!
No. 293202
File: 1665308514164.jpeg (321.72 KB, 726x1026, FS9uXXWVUAAS-Ix.jpeg)

>>293137You and me nonna, so glad to see another Cellfag outside of the monsterfucker thread lol.
No. 293252
File: 1665340142578.png (1.81 MB, 1218x936, model.PNG)

>>293183I bought three trading cards, one with Doctor Octopus and two with Spock, one pin with Frollo, sh figuarts Snape figure, which I have been considering to buy ever since it was released, and model kit with Spock, picrel. I'm especially exited about the model, it seems super cool! I also got one non-husbando related craft supply.
No. 293262
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>don't get attracted to dumb Stasi siscon animu guy
>don't get attracted to dumb Stasi siscon animu guy
>don't get attracted to dumb Stasi siscon animu guy
Oh no, he cute
No. 293264
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I like his armor and post-traumatic autism, too bad he's used in such a rapefic with shitty side characters
No. 293275
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>>293273Yuri from Spy x family.
No. 293284
>>293281Stasi - secret police of the German Democratic Republic
siscon - sister complex, in love (or at least overly obsessed) with their sister
No. 293294
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The only siscon for me, thankfully he isn't one anymore.
No. 293295
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>>293185Nerd lovers United! I feel the exact same about Leviathan. I want to drag him out of his comfort zone and make him have lots of fun with me.
No. 293308
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>>293184Never played xenoverse. DBFZ i have and I really love the interaction he has with characters he would never canoncially meet or have extra interaction
>>293202Cell belongs in every husbando thread that has dbz fags
No. 293314
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>>293081>Would you buy any r18 figure of your husbando?I wouldn't be able to resist.
No. 293330
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Happy Birthday Reigen!!
No. 293336
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>>293171present and reporting for duty
No. 293347
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I can change him. Yuri stop obsessing over your sister and shoving people's faces into ashtrays, and shove your face into my crotch instead
No. 293359
File: 1665404044396.jpg (108.18 KB, 655x900, 1663793301531.jpg)

Stole this from the maid outfit thread on /m/ kek but something about america and russia here just feels so lewd despite the modestyi wanna shag them both at once so bad
No. 293367
File: 1665412370649.jpg (161.12 KB, 1080x1080, roidennz~p~CSnRxDJljOK~1.jpg)

Hate it when people say that he's mean. First of all bitch, being a little bit rude is not the worst thing he could when everyone treats him like shit. Sure he threatens you a little bit at the start of the story but he knows he's under a pact with you and can't do anything.
Second of all, he save a little orphan girl from being harassed by a bad man and it's in one of the devilgram stories. He's always getting in debt and tortured by witches because he made a deal that they would take care of the little girl if he gave them money. He is truly a good man at heart. A pure cinnamon roll too good for this world. A tall, cold glass of caramel iced coffee on a hot day. I want to squish him.
No. 293374
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Today I had the perfect dream. I heard his voice, and I had to go back to him because he was waiting for me and wanted to hold me tight, thanking me for saving him. I miss him I want to go back to that perfect place.
No. 293386
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>>293374Last time I had an Ogata dream I woke up depressed and wanting to go back as well, I get you
No. 293391
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>>293308Yay another dbfz Nonna.
I just came here to shamelessly post best bois.
What I wouldn't give to be between the three of them rn No. 293392
File: 1665420321085.jpeg (1.83 MB, 1841x1725, FeqAseraEAAszIK.jpeg)

>>293391I love you Gogeta nonna, I saw this on my TL today and immediately thought of you.
No. 293402
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He's sitting on the ducky…
No. 293406
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>>293171i was so obsessed
No. 293407
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>>293392Aww ilu too
nonnie. Thanks for sharing.
No. 293412
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Been feeling pretty down lately and he's basically one of the only things that can make me happy and feel less anxious. I wish he was real so i could have him by my side, even if he wouldn't be the best at verbal comfort, since he's never done it, I'm sure that hugging him will be enough.
Also seeing him trying to make me feel better with his strange ways of doing things would be so cute.
I'm sad that I couldn't pre-order his figurine and now it's sold out, oh well, maybe one day I'll get it. probably not because where I live this stuff is very hard to find, if there's any at all.
By the way, hope all you nonas are feeling happy and having fun with your husbandos. I've not been checking much on the thread lately and I really missed it.
No. 293416
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>>293178i just want him to choke me
No. 293419
>>293412>By the way, hope all you nonas are feeling happy and having fun with your husbandos.Thanks nona, I enjoy seeing familiar posters pop up in these threads. Husbandos are really a comforting thing.
>>293395My shrine is in my heart.
No. 293431
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>>293396It's this card, nonna.
No. 293435
File: 1665432767520.jpg (65.04 KB, 600x866, Tumblr_l_2657654302148440.jpg)

>>293264Dark Souls characters have a lot of potential, too bad there isnt a romance quest for any female fan favorites
No. 293463
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Thinking about these two frotting during their army training days. Usami initiated it, of course.
No. 293475
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we love and respect underage mafiosi in this house
No. 293482
File: 1665454118972.jpeg (169.26 KB, 2048x1152, EvNkUAWUcAACpHi.jpeg)

>>293416Same and vice versa
No. 293489
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>>293407Gogeta is a so cute too! Do you prefer him as ssj4? I like him and Vegito in ssj and base form
No. 293495
File: 1665468321026.jpg (170.35 KB, 1440x1611, 20221011_015708(1).jpg)

He's so cute and grumpy and smart and the fact that his karma is cursed makea him the underdog and I want to cheer him on
No. 293505
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>>293500ooh pls spare a link nonna i need more Cell/Reader in my life
No. 293506
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>>293500>>293503Unfortunately its Cell making cell juniors that has made the pregnancy trope popular pluss breedingfags but if people just kept the breeding kink to being filled with
cum as a mark of possession then it would honestly be way more hot in my op
Also quick question:Imperfect or Perfect?
No. 293513
File: 1665486332743.jpeg (346.3 KB, 1086x1684, Fdo2KVIVEAAfj6e.jpeg)

>>293506I like Imperfect for the alien design and the monsterfucking potential but Perfect is well, perfect lol, amazing husbando material in all ways.
No. 293530
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>>293489I initially was going to only husbando ssj4 gogeta and vegito because personally I think saiyans are hotter in monke form (I'm not a furry I swear). Then the other versions of them basically broke into my house and demanded that I love the rest of them too. So now I love all of them (ssj4 gogeta is still my first love though). But there's more than a dozen of them so Banpresto is definitely gonna make good money off me by the time I'm done with my shrine.
>Please release more xeno figures Bandai I'm begging you No. 293599
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Post your husbando blushing, anonitas
No. 293604
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>>293599He's a bit shy sometimes.
No. 293605
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>>293599would appreciate a translation plss
No. 293607
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>>293605This pic is perfect for a double timing shit like me. I love both Ogata and Sugi agh
Another POV with blushing Sugimoto
Translation: "Asirpa-san, no peeking okay?"
"It's okay, Sugimoto. I am not that interested in your body that much"
"Uh.. That was kinda hurtful/mean"
Shiraishi: "Sugimoto, come here already!"
Now just thread Asirpa for y/n
No. 293609
File: 1665530639482.gif (1.25 MB, 480x270, giphy (1).gif)

>>293606TY translationnonna this is me rn knowing Sugi is jealous of ogata about me
No. 293622
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>>293599He is so handsome at every age!
No. 293631
File: 1665542749481.jpeg (106.05 KB, 700x954, abbacchio polizia.jpeg)

almost all of the good art of my husbando is fujo ship art or has multiple characters in it, it's so hard finding anything decent of only him
makes me want to learn to draw…
No. 293645
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>>293604Here's the high quality version so you can appreciate the dialogue/his face better
No. 293646
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>>293599Probably the only one of my husbandos with enough blushing art, kek.
No. 293703
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I am deeply ashamed and need to get this off my chest.
No. 293740
File: 1665609264062.jpg (137.99 KB, 735x1105, Nishitani knife.jpg)

>>293703>>293737I don't go there but since Homare Nishitani fan art has been mistaken for him before ITT do you have more fan art of this Afton guy looking closer to Nishitani? Asking for a friend
No. 293755
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>>293737NTA but I have a slightly better pic
No. 293762
File: 1665620829371.png (5.94 MB, 1920x1080, zenosgalvus.png)

I can fix him
No. 293763
File: 1665620862961.jpg (100 KB, 720x1000,…)

They're releasing some really cool merch at least I think it's cool based on him and I'm fucking ecstatic kek. I never expected this since the waifus in his series get 90% of the merch it seems.
Even better that it's stuff you can take out in public without looking like a sperg/it's unlikely anyone would know it was based on him unless they were really paying attention
No. 293770
File: 1665622448787.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.86 KB, 982x1224, 94728690_p0.jpg)

Thought someone here might appreciate this
No. 293778
>>293776Nona, I fully believe as long as you love him and he isn't a child it's completely fine.
He's important to you and he makes you happy so I don't think you should feel ashamed, or bad or even like a sperg even if it may be spergy to the outsider or uninitiated. It's not like you're shoving him into your daily life towards others unprompted, now that would be bad.
You shouldn't feel weird about the cognitive dissonance or that your husbando isn't human or is 'cringe', especially if it's because you feel that because you're socially adjusted and a normal person you can't desire things men that are abnormal or weird. The most important thing about a husbando is that he makes you happy and that you love him, not who the husbando is and what he is. I assure you, well adjusted women too have their own skeletons and fantasies about weird things too, and that's fine and healthy.
Are you me? The 3dpd male human body looks so weird, women at least look nice and aesthetically pleasing. When it comes to men they have to be 2d and look big and cuddly but in a clean soft sense, abstract is a plus too.
Is it Meta Knight? Bill Cipher? Also, ty No. 293781
>>293776Real men are actually ugly, especially since they don't take care of themselves. Very few of them are nice to look at but they're still men who have all the drawbacks of real men. Only liking 2d men is completely justifiable.
Nobody in my real life would even guess that I have a whole shrine dedicated to 2d anime men since I'm otherwise as normie as they come, and I'm at an age I should've long grown out of crushing on fictional men and been married already with kids. And I'm absolutely sure there's more of us here, so considering all the different husbandos that have been posted so far I think you're good.
>>293778 said as long as you love him and he makes you happy it's fine.
No. 293784
>>293778Thank you, this was a very sweet reply.
You're definitely right that everyone has embarrassing things, and at the end of the day it really should just make me happy. For the foreseeable future I will be single so I guess it's fine to allow myself romantic outlets, even if it's a bit odd. It's not as if anyone needs to knows aside from my close friend and any fellow nerds I feel safe to share it with.
>abstract is a plus tooYes! Absolutely, I think having my sexual/romantic awakening through cartoons and vidya messed me up a bit. I like male characters who are designed as if the creator had never really seen a man but was given a description of what "maleness" and masculinity entails. Or a very neutral design that is just decidedly a male character.
Since it's you, I'll reveal it. Unfortunately it's Spamton, or fortunately since he has a lot of fan content. I started drawing him today myself and have decided to throw my arms up and admit this is happening again. My last was Lemongrab many moons ago, who is in the same ballpark design-wise. I have a type.
But my very first husbando was Marx, so it always warmed my heart to see your posts. Kinship almost.>>293781>Real men are actually uglyKEK ANON.
Oddly I think my issue is that I enjoy the ugliness but it has to be in the right way and also somewhat inhuman. But I respect anime-husbando havers for striving for the ideal.
Thank you for the kind reply, as well. It's easy to get in my own head and forget that even my new normie-ish friends may have their own secret weirdo stuff and that it's senseless to be ashamed.
I'm glad you find happiness and fulfillment from husbandofagging even with kids. There should be no age or status limit to fun.
No. 293785
>>293784No problem.
Yeah, though some people's things are more embarrassing than others it's important to focus on you enjoy the husbando who makes you happy. Same here, it's too much trouble to play the dating game and I'm too socially inept too but my husdbando fills the void and makes me genuinely happy. Having healthy romantic outlets that satisfy you is important I feel, especially if you feel lonely. That's the most important part, nobody needs to know unless you want, what you do is private and your own.
>Absolutely, I think having my sexual/romantic awakening through cartoons and vidya messed me up a bitSame here, though it's purely video games, well on specific franchise, that has ruined me. I like the subtleties of abstract designs that have a masculine appeal despite the abstraction. Certain details in design and personality that convey it is nice. I prefer cute non-threatening characters though to be honest.
That was my third guess! I like his theme so good taste there. Good luck with your art endeavors, being able to draw your husbando is an amazing skill. What would you say is your time Nona? Funnily enough, my first is Meta Knight…well he still is. He's more of my side-peice as of now. Marx is cute so even back then to now you have good taste in husbandos, even if they may be unorthrodox. No. 293787
File: 1665633927356.jpg (35.99 KB, 564x683, 40528691dd613dd3e638f24e931778…)

>>293740Ahhh he's hot.
I'd drink his bath water.
No. 293792
>>293784You're welcome.
Oh I don't have kids, I meant at my age I should be in a years long marriage with children already, but instead I'm here dedicating my life to 2d men. I probably should've worded that better lol.
I also totally respect your choice of husbando Nona, I consider nonnas who have unorthodox husbandos to be Stacy tier.
I was also ruined by vidya and cartoons so I'm in the same boat No. 293812
>>293770Oooh is that who I think it is?!
An unironic toast to my learned friend for sharing this delightful nipponese illustration!
No. 293832
File: 1665672874632.jpg (143.91 KB, 1136x1387, IMG_20221010_161330.jpg)

i want to be the first person you see when you wake up. want to be the last person you think about when you go to sleep. In fact, I want to be the only person you think about. I want my smile, my arms, my love to be all that matters to you. No one else will ever be that important
No. 293834
>>293785I feel better about all this today, thanks to you guys. It helps to know other people are out here like this (I suppose that's partially the point of these threads).
>the subtleties of abstract designs that have a masculine appeal despite the abstractionYeah, that's exactly it! It's sweet that you like cute/round designs, I think there must be comfort in that. Although I enjoy uglies there is an objective appeal to designs like the ones from your husbando's franchise.
Thank you. Tbh I do owe much of my artistic skill to having waifus and husbandos over the years lol.
Also I'm unsure of your question? If you mean how long ago, it's been about 8 years since a serious husbando for me (and he was the longest). I've been making my own characters for a while, but "meeting" someone else's hits differently.
Wish you happiness with your hudbando and "side pieces" haha.>>293791I used to post about Lemongrab on Tohno-chan in the mid-2010s for sure (by letting them assume I was a gay man). It was one of the few genuine "waifuism" places back then and so these threads brought some nostalgia for me when they first cropped up.>>293792Ah okay lmao. To be fair I was reading that quite late at night so it was also my error.
I'll take the Stacy tier compliment lmao. Wishing you much happiness with your 2D men as well, nona!
No. 293840
File: 1665675559384.gif (Spoiler Image,2.83 MB, 272x480, 1665603491922.gif)

Me and my manlet husbando (I wish)
No. 293927
File: 1665705991929.jpg (Spoiler Image,308.79 KB, 848x1200, 1665609743993392.jpg)

This turned me on I curse you all with it
No. 293931
File: 1665708154718.png (63.76 KB, 577x601, 60905832_p17.png)

Angry with myself for not buying the artist 夢 doujin! I don't even remember her usertag. If he's tumblr husbando runner up why is there literally no good fics Iwannacry
No. 293932
File: 1665708257898.jpg (347.46 KB, 900x1271, 88311543_p1.jpg)

No. 293933
File: 1665708280617.png (159.52 KB, 693x630, 60905832_p42.png)

No. 293935
File: 1665708920986.png (1.46 MB, 1599x1731, 72591864_p15.png)

this is her usertag however I can't find her pixiv only twitter which is now filled with splattoon 3 fanart
>>293934His pants and trousers are down to his knees with only a towel and the front of his shirt hiding the view…
No. 293940
File: 1665710066195.png (1.09 MB, 1450x766, 78525404_p1.png)

>>293931Found her literally just search the franchise name and 夢, horny dumb sorry.
>>293934replying again because of I forgot but yeah their is only two fics on ao3 that I love for it's quality and non troon pandering and non of them are explicit. A onehot and a dead fic…
No. 293941
File: 1665710381108.jpg (Spoiler Image,206.24 KB, 1242x2196, 8z1p78kb2xe81.jpg)

Ever since somebody slowed down the clip of gogeta fusing from dokkan battle and clipped that one frame my life hasn't been the same. I can't believe I never noticed it before. Who did this and how do I thank them for it? But no seriously somebody had to make the conscious effort to animate him naked for one frame, when he didn't even get nipples in the broly movie. Thanks dokkan battle! (You can't see below the waist but I spoilered it anyway).
No. 293942
File: 1665710502063.jpg (908.06 KB, 1147x1200, 72811143_p3_master1200.jpg)

>>293940Ty for this
nonny! I wish I could read her doujins especially her self insert ones kek
No. 293969
File: 1665728209576.jpg (5.81 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20221014_010855897.jpg)

he has zero redeeming qualities but he's the love of my life
No. 293972
File: 1665729594054.png (266.23 KB, 754x405, cleanupbattle.png)

>>293925Right? He even wanted to do a househusbando battle with Loid. If only he switched that enthusiasm towards an unrelated woman.
No. 293984
>>293970I feel like I've posted too much about him on LC already but it's
Nikkari Aoe.Also I hope he would find it funny and not be offended. Sorry shortie husbando kek
No. 294007
File: 1665758129541.jpg (98.57 KB, 517x1284, Ezg0fcWYAYRvv.jpg)

Would you?
No. 294016
>>293022Makoto looks so sexy in that figurine
Why can't real life moids be like him?
No. 294060
File: 1665780798963.jpg (Spoiler Image,640.32 KB, 1079x1695, Screenshot_20221014_234652.jpg)

Ryuji may or may not really be a public urinator depending on how much RGGO counts as canon. I'm not even turned off by it, that's just how coombrained these games and characters have made me.
No. 294093
File: 1665801967329.jpg (65.59 KB, 600x420, shadow_0100.jpg)

I love my short husbando. I could lift him without having to train I think. He's so amazing and cool and he makes my heart pound really hard. I want him to trust me. I want to help tape together the pieces of his broken heart. I want to have a family with him and if I die I want it to be in his arms so I don't feel scared.
No. 294121
File: 1665840908502.jpg (738.31 KB, 1100x1680, Ey4rsedVkAYah9W.jpg)

>>294029thats not gabriel anon, this is. thats V1>>294007yes nonna awooga
No. 294129
File: 1665847101262.jpg (127.32 KB, 605x865, 60880738_p1.jpg)

>>294104Yes he does look smug, that was my first impression too. But he is actually chill and love to joke and make innuendos. He is a surprisingly helpful guy too.
Found a picture of him attempting to carry a smaller woman kek
No. 294141
File: 1665849970213.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.36 KB, 1447x1020, IMG_20221011_201958.jpg)

I am so glad to be loved by someone as special as you are. I thought for a long time that nobody could ever make me happy and win my hardened heart until I met you. You've really changed my life and I thank God I am loved and cherished by someone like you. You brought a sweet love into my life.
I love you so much. You mean more than anything in this world to me. I thank God I found you, and I will do my best to keep your sweet love in my life. In my daydreams, I see the way you look at me with complete understanding and with the warmth that takes my breath away. Then I wonder if I dreamt all of those wonderful moments we have shared. Have I dreamt all the words we uttered to describe how we feel toward one another?
The incredible love that I feel for you makes my head spin and my heart responds with strong emotions. There is a strong feeling that this dream will never end. But am I dreaming? I close my eyes and I see you as you were when we last said goodbye. Your words reassure me that I am not dreaming. I am grateful, and I will love you always.
No. 294154
File: 1665855376987.jpg (838.37 KB, 1200x1500, Tumblr_l_819820263728386.jpg)

>>294036Everybody looks ugly in the FNV/F3 engine
Fortunately we have fanart
No. 294156
File: 1665855851369.jpg (355.85 KB, 1707x2048, __chris_redfield_resident_evil…)

I want to wear his coat!! It would probably go past my knees and look ridiculous as hell but it would be so warm and cozy. And it would smell like tobacco and his cologne…
No. 294162
File: 1665857172619.jpg (307.41 KB, 750x750, RE-Village.jpg)

>>294157They actually made an official coat! I totally would have gotten it if I was rich, but it cost 2k… That's a good idea though anon, it wouldn't be hard to find a lookalike. At least I have the giant statue of him.
No. 294169
File: 1665859186101.png (563.05 KB, 730x411, 2077f9bc28656c8cab611a2583bfb3…)

>>294163You can find a way nona! You could make something subtle that reminds you of him, like these official GK bracelets. I've also seen character bows/ties and hairclips. That way you'll always have him on you in a wearable form and no one will know except you.
No. 294181
File: 1665865975361.jpeg (271.1 KB, 736x1404, 7CFF83AE-723A-49A9-9560-90F810…)

>>294179What have you done? Now I want to see my manlet husbando wearing my oversized sweaters.
No. 294184
File: 1665866666225.jpg (79.84 KB, 900x900, DR2021R-Morganite1_900x.jpg)

What ring would you want your husbando to propose to you with anons?
No. 294199
>>294189well that's too bad. i'm sure they wouldn't mind though!
i'm kinda short too and my whole life i thought of my husbando as a freaky big guy before it occurred to me to check again when i was more grown up, and he's actually pretty short, even compared to me. i outgrew him!!! if i was a little bit stronger i could probably lift him, ngl, really happy about this turn of events
No. 294209
File: 1665884142933.jpg (107.78 KB, 1293x1080, image_processing20220414-8-ft1…)

>tfw no good merch for husbando exists
>unofficial figure by indie studio goes on preorder, looks decent, good bulge
>order it but company folds due to covid, etc.
>only good figure is $500 and has the shitty mc there too inflating price
comfort me nonnas i may never get my hands on good merch for my love
No. 294213
File: 1665887314606.jpeg (96.19 KB, 746x547, 80C41629-1404-40BC-911E-5D9BCD…)

About to wind down for the night by reading the same spamton fanfic I’ve read a million times. Life is good
No. 294217
File: 1665889337438.jpeg (143.06 KB, 1557x986, FSNOKSxWQAAm1Nl.jpeg)

>>294216Thank you for the meal.
I also prefer soft content, Godspeed. And to be fair I think wanting to kiss Spamton makes us both seem turbo autistic regardless.
No. 294260
File: 1665921406053.jpeg (442 KB, 1514x1659, 883909CA-35F7-41A2-8CE7-E3AC4D…)

>>293599he blushes and gets a metaphorical boner in the anime, but i can’t find the gif, so i’ll have to make do with a redraw of the scene
No. 294294
>>294292>POV image of husbando kissing and fucking the viewerPost the pic
No. 294405
>>294217>>294216I didn't expect to read 54k words of Spamton fanfic tonight while pushing off studying for midterms, but you nonas have my blessing. He isn't for me, but I like the overwhelmed parts that this fic has with him. It's moe.
the coupon book got me, i laughed. >>294393I typically draw him, but I've been having trouble making him look decent as of late.
No. 294414
>>294393I like to draw him, or look at other people's art. Sometimes fanfic but that can be a time sink heh.
Drawing him feels like together time almost? I've always felt like this regardless of the character I'm drawing. It's like getting to know them depending on what I end up pumping out, since I often go in with no plan in mind. I can also refine my "vision" for the character in the process.
>>294405Losing it at moe Spamton, anon. Never expected to see those words in close proximity of each other.
No. 294481
File: 1666024678434.jpg (206.97 KB, 2048x1170, IMG_20221016_093250.jpg)

everyday i wake up happy to see more art of him. working 12 houe shifts sucks, but the thought of coming home to him keeps me going sometimes.
No. 294497
File: 1666030502482.jpg (130.15 KB, 1050x1050, 133500583_419252906160340_5542…)

Happy anniversary my loves. You guys have gotten me through alot and I don't know what I'd do without you. You make my days more bearable.
No. 294508
File: 1666037111041.jpg (126.35 KB, 1200x1114, 1641356997140.jpg)

Happy birthday to you my dear Bruno!
Here is one of my favorite pieces of fanart of him.
No. 294520
>>294393I like to write self insert fics with him, I've got a whole file of just one shots. They were supposed to be short, but once I started I couldn't stop and now it's rare that I write a short one.
I also have a playlist that I listen from time to time and when I can I draw him too. It's not self ship stuff unfortunately, I still can't overcome the fear of drawing it
and find time to do it , it's just standard fan art.
Just today I finished another one!
No. 294530
>>294393listen to his favorite music, eat his favorite foods and drink his favorite wine, waste hours scrolling through twitter keyword searches/hashtags/japanese yume and fujo accounts to try and find good art of him
I'm thinking of trying my hand at writing a self-insert fic for him and posting it on ao3, also going to attempt to improve my drawing skills enough to where I can make cute art of him
No. 294567
File: 1666062065564.jpg (190.08 KB, 893x1140, Victor.Licht.full.2777453.jpg)

>next to no porn
>zero presence in fanfiction
>completely forgettable next to every other fire force character
It's not fair, he's built for sexual bullying and nobody sees it in any significant regard. I want to shove my ass in his face and crotch and watch him awkwardly grope it completely shocked that a woman would twerk on him
No. 294572
File: 1666066158540.jpg (20.39 KB, 500x375, 252984b24558bb7ac8f7ef2e0e5c2b…)

stop acting like you don't want him, nonny
No. 294588
>>294584I laughed.
>>294567Who is this?
No. 294598
File: 1666077240516.jpg (25.26 KB, 540x300, b179cbb91191d846c7cc871b6d815c…)

Everything is going to be okay. I just wish to hold him really close and feel something.
No. 294614
>>294613kek I meant to reply to
>>293763 too, hence the gif.
I like Okabeanon. I'm so sorry for the lack of fanart of your husbando, most S;G fanart I've found is ecchi shit for moids. Congrats on your husbando getting new merch!
No. 294624
File: 1666092020536.jpg (335.01 KB, 1080x1522, Screenshot_20221018_131252.jpg)

Thinking about the fact that canonically he doesn't know how to read, or rather he can but in a very simple/elementary way. he can read posters for yakiniku restaurants because he loves meat and I find it so cute.
I imagine that it would be so sweet going in a library, or buying a book, and sitting beside him while trying to teach him how to read. He would probably look so confused. Seeing him try new things in general would make my heart melt because he doesn't know anything. He's such a himbo.
For other nonas here who have the "socially inept" or I guess "society outcast"? Tarzan type? Can't think of the proper name right now type of husbando, I'm curious to see what fantasies you got about teaching him new things!
by the way I love this four panels comics that are the end of the volumes so much, all the ones with him are adorable. I could gush about all of them.
No. 294627
File: 1666094178792.jpg (47.5 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n5c5rsuvct1sq1mz5o1_500…)

But that has me thinking cause when I was younger and super into the aph fandom peoples always used their human fanon(possibly canon??) names
America's being Alfred F. Jones
No. 294629
File: 1666094738933.jpg (902.86 KB, 591x1059, illust_95174002_20221018_07050…)

>>294497Based fusion
nonnie ily too here's to another good year of gogeta and vegito worship
No. 294682
File: 1666122071424.jpg (44.63 KB, 750x896, 2253c94d3e90fc7dbe2aa6df8d271c…)

I play OW2 competitively as a support and I hate every Hanzo player, yet his lore and character design is way too hot. No wonder I am a Yakuzafag too. Sometimes I just want to write smut and draw doodles of Hanzo.
No. 294690
File: 1666125380267.jpg (138.75 KB, 545x1024, __majima_gorou_ryuu_ga_gotoku_…)

I want to fuck an old Yakuza man SO BAD. I want to tell him he's so sexy and handsome especially for such an old man right to his face. I want to make out with him and grind on him. I want to grope his cock and balls through his trousers to get him hard as a rock which would prompt me to comment on his cock being so big and hard for an ancient old man. Maybe tease him about having to use Viagra (logically he most likely wouldn't even need it, if he can fight like that in his late 50s he almost certainly has good enough stamina and blood circulation to get a big hard erection and fuck like a rabbit) because I want to annoy him and make him feel insecure about his age and grateful that a pretty young woman like me even pays this dirty old dog any attention at all. I want to get him to diligently eat my pussy and make me come again and again all over his face and hands then get up and use his bathroom to piss and abruptly get dressed and leave without returning any favour so he has to pathetically finish himself, probably humming Baka Mitai while beating his big fat throbbing meat thinking of me.
I used Majima as picrel and inspiration for the scenario but it doesn't even have to be Majima, could just as well be Kiryu, Nishikiyama (had he survived to this day he'd be Kiryu's age, so old as balls), Saejima (don't remind me), Kashiwagi (now this one is seriously old as dirt), Date (provided he's divorced again, also makes him even more pathetic), even Watase or Katsuya (hopefully he's still alive). Or even with a younger guy such as Daigo, Ryuji (had he survived he'd be Daigo's age) or Akiyama, probably even more humiliating since they'd be only in their mid 40s but I'd still call any of them ancient geriatric grandpas.
No. 294701
File: 1666127780629.jpg (425.45 KB, 1080x1515, Screenshot_20221018_231537.jpg)

>>294635Yes. Yes he is, thanks Nona.
Here's him being a lovable himbo again.
honestly I could post so many more examples that are trought the whole series too, this is barely the tip. No. 294714
File: 1666131079291.gif (954.4 KB, 229x333, 1095df00947e0e2503a5b61a370080…)

…Nonas… I need him so much rn…
No. 294739
File: 1666141086428.png (49.37 KB, 680x491, Fd-mrfFaMAEStc7.png)

Um…sex and stuff…
No. 294743
File: 1666144361790.png (29.02 KB, 512x512, 1f629.png)

>>294719GOD I love thinking of my husbando thinking of me and getting so horny he has to jerk off to his fantasies about us. It's so cute and hot and pathetic.
No. 294749
File: 1666148783122.png (935.06 KB, 903x1202, hetaliacanada.png)

I love all the hetalia boys so much it's not funny. Picrel was my phone's home screen for a long time. Might change it back now, Canada is my ultimate husbando and I hope they make a nendoroid of him one day
>>294627I remember there was a big stink about not tagging posts with actual country names, or always putting aph in front of everything on tumblr in like 2013 because it put gay hetashit in the tags meant for political news lol
No. 294752
File: 1666151676304.jpg (73.34 KB, 1000x638, 1643192232987.jpg)

>>294749Germany was never my husbando but to me he was the hottest by far, he's so fucking sexy. I remember joining a Germany fanclub on some site, when someone asked what's our favorite part of his personality I genuinely couldn't come up with anything because all I could think about was his body kekk
>always putting aph in front of everything on tumblr in like 2013 because it put gay hetashit in the tags meant for political news lolNTA but I remember that as well. And speaking of which, Hetalia was how I found Tumblr. I miss the early 2010's!
No. 294753
File: 1666152573958.jpg (902.05 KB, 1500x1060, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.2784…)

>>294749Canada is def in my top 5
Honestly hetalia was such a treat because I at one point had an obsession for most of the cast of chracters in a rotating order
No. 294754
>>294613Aw, it's making me a bit emotional that our paths have crossed again. I guess not too weird since we're still on a small imageboard at the end of the day. The more things change the more they stay the same, etc.
But in a way you know me more intimately than some of my close friends kek.
Who was yours if you don't mind me asking? No. 294797
File: 1666189281884.gif (3.06 MB, 1920x1080, 2706140_zenunique_a-tired-arti…)

Have you nonnies improved your art skill because of your husbandos? I have been drawing only women for my whole art life and I can't help but not be able to draw men. It's just, their bodies are not as curvy and aesthetically pleasing as women, despite my loving my husbandos very much, but I feel like my brain goes 'nope' every time I try drawing him. It's so embarrassing. When I draw him it either looks too stupidly goofy or 'its a woman just with a different face shape and no chest'. Any secrets, nonnie? I want to draw my husbandos and want to contribute the good ol' yumejo art and nsfw content for them.
No. 294805
File: 1666193375692.jpg (429.46 KB, 2048x1894, IMG_20221017_132657.jpg)

i want to be the first person you see when you wake up. want to be the last person you think about when you go to sleep. In fact, I want to be the only person you think about. I want my smile, my arms, my love to be all that matters to you. no one else will ever be that important
please, just notice my devotion. notice my love. don't you care about how hard I work? how much I do? how I put every waking moment towards you and you alone? aren't you proud of me? please, say you are.
No. 294827
File: 1666202389592.jpg (157.36 KB, 1080x1080, 20221019_125742.jpg)

I can't wait to see you again!! I'm so happy to have re-discovered your series and that your new game will soon be freed from development hell. I don't even care if it sucks, I'm just happy to see you. My zombie, selectively mute, loyal, gunslinging boyfriend!!
No. 294854
>>294815Ayrt I wish I could but
I work in medicine. Gotta be sinful after hours lol
But now I know what's gonna be on my mind tonight
No. 294859
File: 1666217269674.png (87.75 KB, 960x960, itv1z7t1que91.png)

He genuinely turns me on so much, Virtuoso my beloved
No. 294874
>>294871It's called Personality-database
Just found out my husbando is ENTP which is supposed to be compatible with my type yay
No. 294895
File: 1666236364718.png (61.83 KB, 1600x1300, dbzpleo-1125595e-9627-44ef-8bb…)

>>294892is this the one you're looking for?
No. 294897
File: 1666236414464.png (67.25 KB, 1600x1300, dbzplfg-cdce51e8-5ec8-4adb-839…)

>>294895oh btw they're from deviantART, I just googled "(not) doing hurtful things to your husbando"
No. 294901
>>294898You're welcome
nonny, please post your filled in chart if you can, I'd love to see it
No. 294906
>>294393I'm a fanart hoarder.
It brings me such joy to right-click save and organize into folders to stare at later. At least it's free.
No. 294908
File: 1666241527148.jpg (87.86 KB, 500x708, 1648790828169.jpg)

>>294749Russia is my beloved.
>>294753All the Hetalia characters are so cute, but god just look at him here. Towering over everyone. What an absolute, sexy unit.
No. 294947
File: 1666271473048.jpg (14.03 KB, 400x400, fdafgsfasfasf.jpg)

Make your husbando on the sims 4(it's free now!). I currently have 2 savestates, one where we live in a comfy 80's town and another were we have a farm. It even has NSFW mods if you are that depraved. The only downside is that i couldn't find the exact hair of my husbando, so i am learning blender to make it myself. Also, if you aren't afraid of the feds(stacy) download the repack, it comes with every DLC.
No. 295071
File: 1666316709011.jpg (31.68 KB, 367x576, b9077265fac2ddec807867607a4b36…)

>>294908Who could ever blame you,
nonny? Weirdly if you've ever seen canon heights they're all under 6', I think it's supposed to be based on the average heights of citizens… The tallest Russian man I ever met was like 6'4 and that's what I imagine Russia would actually be (also an absolute beefcake, of course)
No. 295092
File: 1666333754415.jpg (190.1 KB, 800x600, 1621360546912.jpg)

>>294974If being in the Hetalia fandom taught me anything, it's how to reimagine hate as intense longing and desire. Hate and love are just two sides of the same passion coin.
>>295071I have actually never seen the canon heights! Or maybe I did, but my American brain just did dial-up noises at the metric units.
No. 295131
>>293022that bulge mmff
can you post more sexy figures
No. 295138
File: 1666360095686.jpg (1.94 MB, 3097x3500, leshy.jpg)

No. 295143
>>295138What’s he from
nonnie please
No. 295146
>>295143Leshy from Inscryption
>>295138I love him too! It's charming how dedicated he is to the game. You can tell he really loves it and enjoys playing it with you.
No. 295157
File: 1666365573547.jpeg (125.24 KB, 733x793, 1147E89F-BEA6-46E0-BB42-133E82…)

How do anons feel about striving to keep personal daydreams and fantasies in-character and/or within the realm of canon? I'm not talking about publicly shared fanfic that gets your husbando all wrong, but the thoughts and ideas you keep completely to yourself. Basically: if nobody else will ever know about it, is it ok to make him act OOC? Or does that damage the integrity of the character and by extension your relationship?
No. 295185
File: 1666376102501.jpg (131.42 KB, 850x1193, __pittman_alchemy_stars_drawn_…)

What I wouldn't give to snuggle up beside him.
No. 295242
File: 1666396633300.png (Spoiler Image,422.02 KB, 600x1702, stuff.png)

>>294614kek, anon, was it that obvious it was me sperging again about lack of fanart? I guess I have multiple times now, unless you didn't mean that and now I'm just exposing myself. As I was scrolling and saw the gif you posted, it took me by surprise and I could feel my face turn red!Nobody asked but I wanted an excuse to post the merch in question anyway so here it is
No. 295314
File: 1666447886875.jpeg (390.17 KB, 1000x1708, D06122FB-F025-4A9F-972F-47B29F…)

My fanfic blog I started a few years to kill boredom/have somewhere to dump my self insert trash writing isn’t as trashy as I thought and I made $100 off an x reader commission (makes me happy to write for another waifufag, everyone deserves shameless smut). My one valid contribution to society.
Only semi related- life is hard when your husbando is niche, hardly speaks and has next to no merch. but anons… what if he opened up for me
No. 295382
File: 1666474363747.jpg (127.72 KB, 1280x720, re4-blog-1655211420011.jpg)

>>295245I much prefer the original re4 face for him. This one just doesn't work for me. Maybe it's just nostalgia talking
No. 295424
File: 1666488250583.png (530.26 KB, 672x672, niko niko nii.png)

Nonnies and gentlewomen… For my next trick, I shall passionately make out with this terrorist clown and passionately make it out alive !
>I then proceed to die an unprecedently gruesome and painful death
…Or maybe it just looks like I did ! Anyway consider this instead: he uses his ability to shoplift enormous amounts of cake from various places. Like, an entire (also stolen) truck worth of cake. The cake is then carried to a suitable deserted place - could be an abandoned stadium or gym orrrrr, maybe a building with corridors and rooms of various sizes and types so there's more surprises and more opportunities to, y'know, think with portals. Supplies of cake are placed at strategic points all over the place. Ready set go, and thus starts the most incredible cake fight in all of history… Advanced cake warfare. Of course we decide to drag poor little Sigma into it too, Because It's Fun, and take occasional short breaks from throwing cake at each other to gang up on him instead. We just keep running after each other while completely covered in cake laughing hysterically until we both pass out from exhaustion (and Sigma can finally breathe).
Where's the romance you ask ? Well the romantic part is when we're both at the store picking what cakes we should steal, that's where I get the shiny CG accompanied with the text bubble that says "Oh anon… I feel free as a bird when we are together. Now here's a quizz : between what I just said and this cake, which one is a lie ?" (I answer with a bunch of cool bird facts to distract him from overthinking)
No. 295441
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>>295424i love you, nona, marry me
No. 295445
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Nonnies I'm gonna freaking coom
No. 295587
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TAKE MY HAND and the rest of me please
No. 295591
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he looks geriatric in dead souls.. even so i cannot help but think it’s his best iteration for some odd reason
No. 295605
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Wish I wake up to this and take a big sniff where he sat.
No. 295618
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>>295606Sure! Reigen is for every
No. 295651
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hi there, it’s clown fetish anon. with Halloween approaching I just wanted to announce once again that if given the opportunity, I would be ecstatic to have silly scary greasepaint coitus with the clown from the Terrifier franchise. Let me sing the praises of this comely harlequin:
>VERY tall
>captivating gaze
>strong, silent type, but not too self important to possess a sense of humor
>fingerless gloves, for her pleasure,
>interesting mouth situation. probably would be excellent at cunnilingus
This films’s feeble character development, stiff dialogue & misogynistic writing doesn’t stop me yearning for the steamy attentions of this smoldering murder pierrot
who is your Halloween husbando nonas please tell me
No. 295670
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>>295651>who is your Halloween husbando nonas please tell meJason (and pretty much every other masked slasher, but especially Jason). Was the new Terrifier good?
No. 295686
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>>295245I'm not really into it. His hair is so messy.
They really hit something with the og Leon they can't replicate
Plus the model they used for Ashley has been discussed in Venus' threads so I kinda feel weird about that
No. 295694
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This post from the the dreams thread made me excited.
No. 295709
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Sex with cuteshima
No. 295710
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>>295651>who is your Halloween husbando nonas please tell mePennywise and Ghostface
No. 295712
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>>295651>who is your Halloween husbando nonas please tell meI'll take the opportunity to post this cutie again. Can't wait for season 2 of the anime.
No. 295714
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>>295651>who is your Halloween husbando nonas please tell mei hate myself but i want to be brutally fucked by fenrir greyback until i bleed and i want him to taunt me and degrade me w misogynistic insults and mocking pet names while he does
may his hot actor dave legano rest in peace No. 295715
File: 1666618362442.jpeg (154.29 KB, 579x898, 1666479183913.jpeg)

Speaking of Halloween, someone posted this in /ot/ and it's gorgeous. I used to really fancy Richter back in the days. it's the eyebrows
No. 295718
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>>295670I swear jason nonas are so based
No. 295722
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>>295441>reads post about me wanting to fuck a murder magician>wants my hand in marriage immediatelyI see you are unbound by the shackles of common sense, I admire your free spirit ! I gladly accept your proposal
>fast forward to wedding day>I am nowhere to be seen>you get a phone call. the wedding cake has mysteriously disappeared >you realize this was my plan from the start>camera cuts to me loading the giant trebuchet-like machine that I will use to smash a full plate of cake right into the face of God in order to prove the supremacy of human free will>>295677He's absolutely adorable, Sigmafags have excellent taste imo. He deserves the best and to be protected from evil, too bad I want to fuck the evil
>>295712I'm tempted to read JJK just for him, he seems…interesting to say the least
No. 295726
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>>295722I don't think you will regret getting into JJK!
Mahito is a great villain in the manga. I do recommend watching the anime though, as he got a glow up in it kek. Abs, pretty eyelashes, cute voice. It was the voice I totally fell for.
No. 295729
File: 1666624130600.jpg (102.06 KB, 750x1185, 14366648193.jpg)

Just look at him smile! Beautiful.
(I know he's wearing a helmet, but you can tell from the eye slits.)
No. 295731
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>>295729I'm torn between aggressively shipping him with male!Chosen Undead and wanting him for myself, but I'll happily share with other Solaire-chans
No. 295738
File: 1666627392304.jpg (1.03 MB, 1000x2644, 96015013_p1.jpg)

>>295731Kek, I like the way you think anon, spreading the love around.
I like a lot of chosen undead x Solaire art as well, whenever chosen undead is male or female doesn't matter much to me.
I usually make cute bishies in character creation anyway. No. 295740
>>295738Samefag, but I meant spreading love with based fujos that ship cu x Solaire, not scrotes that like him.
I'll protect him from men, he's simply too honorable to interact with non-fictional men.
No. 295742
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Aside from his face, I just realized that he isn't wearing that tight bodysuit top anymore. Booh.
No. 295743
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>>295742Also what do you think about Luis new look ladies, yay or nay?
No. 295744
File: 1666629679742.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.45 KB, 181x604, hOohvBn8sww.jpg)

Nonas… I actually did it.
I bought a dildo to shamelessly imagine my husbando and I having some of that good time, full on being sore the next morning. Yeah I know… my degeneracy is going far as time goes on but I don't care. Has anyone done something similar, as in, buy sex toys to indulge in your fantasies?
No. 295746
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>>295651>halloween husbandoI want Candyman's melting voice and intimidating presence to be what sends me to hell
>>295743I want to fucking tear him apart he's beautiful
No. 295749
>>295742I didn't even notice that, so lame
Seeing the two models aside you can see how much sexyness nuLeon lacks
>>295743Makes me wonder how many artists will get yelled at online if they draw him 0.0000001 shade darker
No. 295755
>>295742I like Leon’s babyface in RE2, because he’s supposed to be a new young recruit. Inexperienced and cute. Using the same model in RE4 seems out of place.
I liked his more rugged mature look in the old game. I was hoping they would make the new model chiseled and sexy too. That loose shirt is disappointing.
No. 295757
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>>295651>who is your Halloween husbando nonas please tell meDoes male Hasshaku-sama count?
No. 295758
File: 1666633341875.jpg (234.78 KB, 1280x574, takeo takakura.jpg)

I feel a bit left out cause everyone's husbandoes look sexy af (I don't recognize any of them though, don't ask) and then I'm stuck with this dweeb.
God I'd love to run my fingers through his hair, squish his cheeks and call him cute, walk home together, learn new spells in the clubroom after school - there's so much things I'd list but that'd take forever.
I have this sudden urge to pull on his tie hard and tease him, mainly bc of his since he's 5'7 and I'm 5'11 kek. And also help him with his posture bc upcoming scoliosis isn't pretty
I WILL be his girlfriend, I WILL marry him. End of story.
No. 295762
File: 1666634754219.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.99 KB, 800x800, ezgif-4-f4b55f1fdb.jpg)

>>295755They could have given him one of those compressed shirts or something (picrel, spoilered of real male)
No. 295771
>>295732It kinda annoys me when ppl do that tbh. We know being in relationships with some of these guys wouldn't pan out well if they were real, that's what makes husbandofagging great. U can be with anyone without any of the limitations of reality. Just let ppl have their fun geez.
>>295742I love his old design better. I've been crushing on him since I first saw him and he looks more cute now than sexy. Which is fine I guess, but I want an updated graphics version of sexy older Leon.
No. 295802
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More revealing outfits for male characters, please
No. 295809
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replaying Fallout 4 and thinking about ghoul dick again. I don’t even care if it’s radioactive, he can turn my pussy into Chernobyl
No. 295812
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>>295758I don't know where he's from but he's cute! He looks like a lovable and sweet dork. Don't feel left out Nona, I'm sure that you'll be a great wife for him!
>>295732I know how you feel but you shouldn't listen to those people. Husbandofagging is great because it doesn't have to obey reality. I like to fantasize about monster guys even if it can't work.
Also, who can say for certain that it wouldn't work in reality? You never know!
well i guess it depends on who your man is, but let's not think about that.And talking about monster guys
>>295651>Who is your Halloween husbandoI don't know if it counts as Halloween themed, and I spoiler because it's embarrassing, but
i love the Predator/Yautja species. I wish I was the girl in this pic. No. 295813
>>295811that would make the most logical sense but for the sake of my fantasies I’m an intact ‘cock truther. you still get the “Lover’s Embrace” perk when you romance him which implies you banged, and he has some dialogue alluding to sleeping around a lot
unless he’s just good with his fingers and tongue? I want to believe. also
>structural integrity gave me a laugh, thank you
No. 295825
>>295744didn't care at all about postal or this guy before I saw this nona posting about him but now I
want to run my hands through his greasy hair and push his stupid sunglasses off as I kiss him lying down on his stained carpeted bedroom floor. curse you nona
No. 295826
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>>295710>GhostfaceSexy sexy sexy. Also, I admire you Pennywise fuckers. Aren't there like a billion stories of him on Wattpad?
No. 295843
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>>295812OH YEAH i completely forgot to mention where he's from! from an old-school anime called mahou tsukai tai or magic user's club
my only issue with him is that he's a little perverted, that being someone says something and he misinterprets what was said. it's an ongoing gag in the series however i can safely say it doesn't last for very long and it doesn't affect the story. but yes everything you mentioned is correct
currently living off on 38 fics (not checking AO3), fanart (most of the anime's fanart doesn't even include him) the manga (only three chapters were translated and there hasn't been an update since 2006) and NO. FUCKING. FIGURINES.
i am going to go insane but please enjoy this gif i found
No. 295846
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>>295715This is incredible. Also good taste nonna. No eyebrows no life imho. I love Alucard like everybody else but I imagine him with darker eyebrows otherwise I just can't.
>>295651Your post made my sides fly into orbit thank you. Picrel is mine but I also have a weakness for 1. The ghost king guy from the Lord of the Rings 2. A personal specific fantasy I have regarding a wolf creature and 3. these romance novel vampires called carpathians who basically have soulmates and are sexually insatiable. Author basically writes billions of pages of vampire pining and sex. Probably not your thing but ilu to bits clown-honking anon. Sorry for my boring tastes
No. 295861
>>295743He isnt so bad now but the original appeal for Luis was that medieval look to him. I hope that the new more "serious" revision of the game is not so generic like remake3 if that makes sense. Tbh since re7, RE franchise has lost some of its natural charm (no hate to re7/8 cuz theyre pretty good still).
No. 295871
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>>295861at least the 3 remake made Carlos so much hotter. not that he was ever ugly, just kind of generic
No. 295872
>>295871I'm very grateful for hot remake Carlos with improved personality.
Not into the Luis makeover at all but maybe he won't talk about boob bazookas at least.
No. 295903
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I have now finished Ace Attorney Chronicles and it was a freaking great game. I recommend it to everyone itt. Kazuma is so handsome but now I've competely fallen for Barok. (Barry-kun?)
I mean he is
Just look at this picture. Leg supremacy.
No. 295904
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>>295903I just wish we could have seen him smile just once in the game. SMILE DAMMIT be happy, aww his story broke my heart.
No. 295905
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>>295904>ywn feed Barok strawberries while he wears a slutty shirtThis is wasted on Iris in the fanart. The longing is real.
No. 295912
>>295843I checked some images of the series and it looks neat, I love the look of old school anime in general. I know it's not the same because the series that my husbando is from is kinda popular, so at least I can find cool fan art, but yumejoshi stuff with him is literally non existent
at least to my knowledge , so I feel you.
I wish that it was more popular and more people would have him as a husband.
By the way, have you tried writing fics or doing self insert art/fanart of him? It may make you feel a little bit better about having no content for him.
No. 295920
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>>295729hes just the sweetest, i adore him
No. 295922
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i can't forgive this barely walking corpse for giving me a sleep kink and making me wish i could fuck his basic bread buns into dust
No. 295927
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>>295843Wow anon, you weren't kidding. I tried to look up merch for this dude and there's quite a few trading figures of the girls, but the only thing I've found for him were a couple of pencil boards. My condolences, I know how it feels to have a husbando with no figures (well mine has a couple of garage kits but since those are impossible to find, it might as well be like he has none). You could always commission or make your own content! It's actually really fun to contribute to the fandom that way, commissions I've bought for rare husbandos have gotten traction from the fandom.
No. 295931
>>295929did you mean to reply to this
>>295924you reply by clicking on the post number and the >> with post number will appear in the reply box
No. 295961
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>>295928i know right anon!!! i feel the same way, i love that pic so much. have something in a similar vein
No. 295981
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>>295927>>295912I was
just going to mention fanworks and things like that! For commissions, let's just say I'm unable to do so for personal reasons, I absolutely loathe Twitter, I visit DeviantArt every blue moon and I have no interest in drawing - however I've requested before but now it feels weird to ask for free art.
Unfortunately I haven't written anything because I declared my undying love for him last week.
I have this habit of not sharing anything with anyone which is why I'm not in any online fandoms despite the fact that I am
18. Whether it takes me a century or 50 years, I'll make sure there's more content for him!! Also ilysm anonitas, thanks for showing an interest in him. Hope your husbando gives you sweet dreams!
No. 295993
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I finally found my true husbando, he is perfect
No. 295998
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>>295445Oh yeah he got hot. Without the headdress he looks like Kars.
No. 296006
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No. 296025
Imagine how much black velvety coat Vincent needs to cover all 6'4 of him, he is an actual Halloween husbando
>>295651>>295843I feel your no merch pain. Idk anything about that anime but I planned to watch it one day because I'm a big fan of things Ikuko Itoh was involved in, her 90's/early 2000's art style is cute in a classic way.
No. 296026
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>>296025okay fug why didnt my image go through
No. 296036
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>>295961I have something in different vein
No. 296042
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Started thinking about him again. My beloved.
No. 296048
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>>296043His movie is kickass and he's almost never drawn off model, his voice in either dub is soothingly deep and gravelly, the music in all of his scenes is amazing, his design is simple but cool, all of that is enjoyable and entertaining in itself. But he's also mentally fucked up and traumatized and I'm always really interested in that part of the human psyche, when things go wrong (I browse lc, go figure). I also tend to cherish things that could be easily lost/missed and he's a character with only so many minutes of footage in a movie for a series that will never carry on his very short story so I feel like I choose to carry a torch for him because, tons of people love Cowboy Bebop, but how many appreciate this character specifically? His themes about dreaming and loss of identity really resonate with me too. Oh, and he had a previous relationship that proves him being a decent man is plausible and that's nice to think about… He's brooding, like 'sit and stare out the window alone' moody, introspective and philosophical and I am ALL about that. I watched the movie several times before I actually appreciated him this much but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive the first time I saw it.
No. 296050
>>296048Oh god this is so cute. Thank you for answering. I relate to a lot of this but especially this part
>I also tend to cherish things that could be easily lost/missed and he's a character with only so many minutes of footage in a movie for a series that will never carry on his very short story so I feel like I choose to carry a torch for him because, tons of people love Cowboy Bebop, but how many appreciate this character specifically?I haven't watched Cowbow Bebop (plan to) but your husbando looks and sounds very cool.
No. 296169
In the spirit of Hallow's Eve I want to be double teamed by my husbando and his mirror doppelganger counterpart so badly it's unreal. It'd be cuddly as fuck, and imagining seeing both them fighting over bringing me pleasure and being the best at pleasuring me brings me a joy like no other. I've been thinking about it for the past two days. Both of them are sexy but the mirror counterpart of him hits different when along side him! Silver eyes are my weakness.
On a more constructive note, does anyone get really excited and happy when they find another person who likes your husbando just as much as you do? I've been browsing a general dedicated to the series he's from and I discovered like three other people who share my rabid lust and desire for him and I've been buzzing with excitement since then. One of them shares really god-tier fanfiction and really knows him like no other. There's very few who like him as much as I do so I always get super excited when I meet someone who does.
>>295732Realistically, most of the husbanods here wouldn't work out with most of the nonas here as they're fictional beings but the thing is because it's fictional it doesn't have to apply to any form of realism. All that matters is that you like him and he makes you happy. Fuck the haters and people who say such trashy comments, they're usually just very very sad that the sight of someone being genuinely in love with someone (or something) that will give them endless happiness, encouragement, motivation and love fills them with envy and seethe.
No. 296200
File: 1666840115041.jpg (104.55 KB, 604x424, r2mtG-48ViE.jpg)

I'm addicted to this man. Sometimes, after I come back home, he greets me from the couch, lazily going through the channels on the tv with a somewhat gloomy face. I always join in and start a cuddling session to uplift his mood until I fall asleep, but he's been quite horny lately. I guess he's feeling a bit lonely since I work everyday and barely can keep myself awake to enjoy some time with him, and so I decided to indulge him, even if I'm sleepy.
He can be quite rough but that's what one would expect from a man who, previously, had been sex deprived for so many years after being stuck with a whale-sized ex-wife.
The only thing that can be quite embarassing is that I have to wear makeup on the neck to hide the hickeys, and that is hard to not walk funny the next day.
No. 296204
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>>296201nona that's the postal dude lmao?????
No. 296212
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>>296209the monarch is sexy tbh
No. 296238
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>>296187I'm glad to hear you liked the movie too, and thanks, I wish you a blessed day with your husbando as well.
>>296050There's something about characters who look like they need some love to get better, but I still don't want to fix him, maybe just sit together with him while the world ends, lol.
No. 296239
>>296169I agree, It's really exciting finding people who love them just like you do. I wish i could talk more about my husbando to people but no one of my friends is an husbandofag, so posting in this thread and seeing other people who like him or are interested in him
or just find him hot, which is fine by me honestly made me really happy.
No. 296250
>>296201>>296209Never heard of The Monarch before, but I can see how one could mix up both at first glance bc of the fanart. And no, just like nona
>>296204 said, that's the Postal Dude.
No. 296319
>>296263Unless you enjoy to torture yourself with shitty games with broken mechanics and even shittier story, then I'd recommend P3, otherwise, no. Even the creators acknowledge as a terrible mistake that they had no control over it and call it a spin-off (they even removed it from their store. Only way to get a copy is through the 20th anniversary collection, or through pirating but its really not worth wasting your time with it.)
Now, P4 I'd recommend for you to wait a while, since there's still a lot of buggy mess and overall broken missions. The game can do some soft-locking and force you to start all over again. If you don't mind the bugs but its there for the story and humor, I'll be honest, it's pretty weak compared to 1 and 2. It's mostly sex jokes rather than offensive, stereotypes and gross out combined with some critiques of certain groups.
Basically, only four members of the original development team are still going strong, and the others are younger members that got through the modding scene or just doing artwork, later being hired as concept artists. I guess the muted humor of P4 is a mix of that + modern times. It doesn't help that they have actual troons and non-binary faggots in their team, so any time that they could step out of line, these people would easily attack them. I actually feel bad, even if the reason why is unknown, it felt like a case of bending a knee to survive in this day and age. You can even see it in their responses of genuine critiques about the game that its pure copium.
They said a remake of Postal 2 would be made, and that everything would be intact, but I really doubt that statement. They didn't have the balls to keep the same aggressiveness to P4, why would they do it for the remake? No. 296353
File: 1666906733543.jpeg (42.23 KB, 481x532, Riddler.jpeg)

Men should casually show muscles and abs way more often
No. 296374
File: 1666914934503.jpg (138.83 KB, 1200x844, Dch7k9sX0AAInrG.jpg)

>>296320Sperging ahead!
I think Postal 4 could've had a lot of potential if they kept the true essence intact, and many only point out the "game is only as violent as you are" but that's not all. Even if there's a repetitive pattern, the other point you can take out is the blatant hypocrisy of human nature. Each group the Dude comes across has ideas that conflict with their actions and goals (one of the examples in P2: protestants claiming games are violent, while going on a rampage to kill game developers).
Unfortunately, this is lost in Postal 4. The violence levels still relies on the player's actions, but the groups the Dude comes across are mostly "lol random XD" with the exception of the sjws with a blue shirt with a snowflake on the chest (honestly, a pretty dated joke but that's the best they could come up with). The mercs, the toilet paper cultists and the mexicans are pathetic at its worst and mediocre at its best.
That's why I feel my mind at peace when calling Dude my husbando. At least he's still intact since his personality relies on the player's actions. As my experience was balanced, I see him as a calm guy that will be annoyed when provoked for too long and can be violent, but only when in danger. Fortunately, that's close to the canon character writing anyway, so even the way I played the game didn't deviate much from the original product.
That's why I would love to treat him well. I guess after all the hell he goes through, going back home to see his wife greet him everyday with a warm welcome and do anything just to see him smile fulfills my heart. I wish one day I can be at home full time to give him all my love all day, everyday. By the way, should I make a small shrine for him? I do wanna buy a doll of him, or make my own if possible.
No. 296389
>>296388oh damn there's a mask thread? I need to lurk more…
But yes I am still giggling haha. It was definitely on purpose and I love it.
No. 296394
File: 1666927472168.jpg (1.15 MB, 2671x4096, 1634664774254.jpg)

>>296389Yes on /m/! Come post your favorite masked menaces.
No. 296414
>>296401Unfortunately no. That's even played as a joke in P2 where when retrieving a mail package, he says his last name is Dude, and in canon, his full name is Postal Dude Jr.
I thought of giving him a headcanon name, but I really don't know which would be good. His appearance doesn't help much when coming up with someone. If any nonas here would be interested in giving a try, feel free to do so. I'm not really creative with names.
No. 296427
File: 1666966425646.png (230.3 KB, 677x900, 78603975_p18.png)

I would do absolutely anything for you, your smile is my sunshine. Thinking of you brings me so much happiness; I'm on cloud nine.
No. 296433
File: 1666969192919.jpeg (158.82 KB, 750x1226, F5C66626-409D-4B39-8AEB-723852…)

Look at my husbando getting out of my shower at my house, this picture is 100% real, haters will say is photoshop or some art program. But that's Diluc in my house, asking if I need some help with making breakfast and if I want to let him do some cute latte art to cheer me up before going to work, he's also promising to me that we will watch some silly hallmark movies while drinking hot cocoa, he just wants an excuse to give me a massage and cuddle though, we never truly pay attention to the movies or the hot cocoa.
No. 296443
File: 1666972568694.jpg (271.21 KB, 741x1088, IMG_20221028_125406.jpg)

This bastard looks so good doing his silly little tasks, wearing his silly little hat and with a bit of dried blood on his face, damn
No. 296445
>>296432>>296435Yeah, it can be any name you nonas think it fits better.
I guess for better hints, it's known that he's in his late thirties, that he's 6'8" and that he lives (but not know if he was born) in Arizona.
I guess besides that and what I previously said in
>>296374 about his personality, this is what's available of him. The developers didn't put much thought into his backstory.
But I believe nonas can come up with something good no matter what.
No. 296466
i did the unthinkable and began to work on my self-insert fic for
>>295758every time i type a sentence or a word i keep talking/giggling to myself like a bumbling idiot. luckily i only do this when im at home
he's my ray of sunshine and the apple to my pie!! can't wait till the fic's finished 'cause it'll be so friggin cute i love him sm!!!!
No. 296467
File: 1666987193942.png (307.57 KB, 489x448, EbKEpKXXgAAhaWS.png)

I found this official crossover art by accident, and honestly I'm glad I did because him in a skintight black tank top is so hot. I should feel ashamed for reacting the way I did, but I don't care he looks gorgeous.
I found a used drawing tablet for a good price, I'll go test it and hopefully buy it tomorrow, so maybe I'll have more free time to draw for myself, relieve some stress and find the courage to finally draw self ship art again.
Wish me luck nonas.
>>296414>>296445Joe or Frank. I don't know why, but from his appearance and his description this were the first names I thought of.
No. 296474
>>296466Have fun Nonna!
Im working my own self insert fic atm and I have to stop periodically because it's too much for me, and its not even anything spicy
yet No. 296503
>>296467Barely know anythjng about these two but I love crossovers like this.
>>296474This sparked a general question for every nonna, do any of you make content for yourself then get the itch to share it to friends when it's only for you and they wouldn't get it? Or you think you did a good job but can't put it anywhere because it's so personal/identifying? Anti Mary Sue blogs were my bread and butter forever ago but I think that kind of culture left me unable to SI even for fun on my own computer. Some of you are an inspiration to shake that feeling off.
No. 296506
>>296503>do any of you make content for yourself then get the itch to share it to friends when it's only for you and they wouldn't get itI did this with my beloved, I got the urge to draw a silly doodle of us in MS Paint (first time I've actually drawn more than just his face, it was really hard to look at the screen lmao) and then I couldn't resist sharing it in a WhatsApp status… It's ok, my friends and family accept me and my autism.
>Or you think you did a good job but can't put it anywhere because it's so personal/identifying?Sadly this has been the case with some of my more serious self-insert art because I decided to draw myself instead of a proxy OC. It's not intentionally silly enough to share with friends and family, and it's too personal to put online in public. I'd only share it with close friends or yume friends.
>Anti Mary Sue blogs were my bread and butter forever agoI'm guilty of this as well (pretty stupid since I had a Mary Sue OC of my own back then), but I still self-inserted with my husbandos anyway.
Idk if it's just me, but it feels like "Mary Sue hate" isn't nearly as big as it was a decade ago, and nowadays it's only directed at female protagonists in popular media, or it comes from some really dedicated haters. In social media you can see a lot of artists who draw other people with their fictional crushes for money, it's not as taboo in fandom as it once was.
No. 296507
>>296503Yes, I'm trapped in this limbo between wanting to share what I make and also being extremely embarrassed by the fact that I made it. A lot of it
is deeply personal and, as someone with unhealthy self esteem, I'm by default ashamed of anything that expresses "myself." It doesn't help that I have legitimately weird tastes. A few days ago I got the courage to go public with my self shipping antics and pretty much laid myself bare. It's exciting but also nerve wracking. After spending so long keeping things to myself, it's difficult to know where to draw the lines on how much I should reveal. I guess opening up will always come with the possibility of judgement. That's the price of intimacy.
No. 296569
>>296503In case you're interested, they are Ohma Tokita and the main character from another manga that is in the same universe as Kengan Ashura! They had some little crossovers here and there, mostly cameos of the characters. They're pretty fun.
>do any of you make content for yourself then get the itch to share it to friends when it's only for you and they wouldn't get it?It depends, I like to show my fics and tell other people my ideas, but i only do it to my best friend and another girl who likes to write, even if she doesn't write self ship stuff, but other than that I keep everything to myself. It's not that I don't like to share, I would love to talk and share my things with other husbandofags, it's just that I don't have any friends who are yumejoshis so I find it kinda embrassing, especially with people who don't understand. They would probably look at me like I'm some kind of weirdo.
I'm in the same boat with the Anti Mary Sue thing, seeing people hate on self shipping and self inserts
definitely indered my way of drawing self ship art for fun.
>>296466Yes, I'm so happy for you nona! Have fun and good luck in writing your fic, I'm sure your husbando would love to read all the things you're writing about him!
No. 296607
File: 1667067989922.png (773.31 KB, 1200x856, 1564612018_postal 3.png)

>>296432>>296435>>296467Frank sounds good. Joe seems a bit generic, idk but it gives me vibes of John and I don't think that fits Dude's overall character.
So, would his full name be Frank Dude Jr ???
As a non-american, this sounds like a name a drunk father would give to his child.
No. 296609
>>296608I know but, I'm just pointing out it sounds weird.
Still, I just have to get used to it. I can't judge my husbando's middle name if it wasn't even him who choose it. That would be extremely shallow and I don't wanna be that kind of wife.
So Frank Dude Jr. it is.
No. 296636
File: 1667084469354.jpg (128.77 KB, 850x1214, __zack_fair_final_fantasy_and_…)

Zack is the most perfect husbando wahh just seeing how he treats others despite their faults and the way I was rooting for him and aerith despite knowing what happens ughh it makes me so sad. Im so happy they are revamping CC so we can see more of that sweet gongaga boy in 1080p I just hate that Ill have to play it in japanese to prevent from cringing at the soulless line delivery from Zack's new VA
No. 296658
>>296611>>296621Tbh that would be funny, but the name Mrs.Dude reminds me of something that would come from One Piece.
>>296612Yeah, he does have a Frank face. I guess what bothered me is the fact that in P3 (even if its not canon), the Dude simply just forgot his name due to smoking too much crack. I don't know what are crack sideeffects, but I'm sure amnesia must not be one of them.
Still, after having some time to reflect, I think Frank is a nice name for someone with a scary exterior but carefree personality.
Now, the only thing missing is to do some content. Fanfic, drawing, sketches. I gotta do it for my husband
No. 296673
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No. 296685
File: 1667108210696.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.87 KB, 700x979, 5998013439.jpg)

Okabe is for girls and not for self inserting scrotes
No. 296690
File: 1667109686854.png (110.98 KB, 480x640, aph__stupid_sexy_commie_by_pun…)

I was revisiting one of my favorite DeviantArtists from back in the day and oh mama.
No. 296691
File: 1667109759550.gif (Spoiler Image,375.09 KB, 231x200, aph__ivanimation_lawlz_by_punp…)

>>296690Spoilered because lots of blood, but 'tis the season.
No. 296707
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>>296690>>296691i need him so bad PLEASE
No. 296787
File: 1667169213069.gif (1.42 MB, 480x270, Medics Sultry Dance _ Team For…)

No. 296826
>>296506>>296507>After spending so long keeping things to myself, it's difficult to know where to draw the lines on how much I should reveal. I guess opening up will always come with the possibility of judgement. That's the price of intimacy.mfw this feels like a support group after you guys make me realize I've been using an OC as a proxy myself
and the guy because of hangups (or maybe just autism kek). This is a blessed thread. It's good that younger OCfags don't have to be afraid of ending up on one of those blogs but they probably have to worry about taking the heat over not only being cringe but judged as morally wrong and accused of things when they try to express themselves in other ways.
>>296569Fit inspo for sure!
No. 296844
File: 1667189382289.jpg (21.53 KB, 275x238, buckle the fuck up.jpg)

Every time I see this pic posted I'm closer to watching KotH just for this guy. Curse you
No. 296856
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>>296844Do it! The characters are super lovable.
No. 296859
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>>296844My sweet conspiracy theorist
No. 296866
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Perfect boy
No. 296872
File: 1667198826647.jpg (36.84 KB, 564x797, 3fbac21b1798aad9e733af38bff43e…)

>>296690red really is his colour huh
No. 296876
File: 1667205895497.png (138.01 KB, 578x633, aph__palette_meme_ivan_by_punp…)

>>296874>I remembered PPC's art being maybe gorier than that. That's what I remember too! If you have any, please post it or let me know where I can find it. I love the way she draws his nose too. She gives him the evilest expressions.
No. 296883
File: 1667211969510.jpg (253.59 KB, 756x1000, FfbfJEeVEAAwel9.jpg)

I wish I could spend Halloween with my husbando. It would be completely perfect.
No. 296884
File: 1667212237353.jpg (53.48 KB, 500x648, Eloj8iLVcAE1x9Q.jpg)

Happy Halloween, nonnas! Wishing you all a good and spooky one.
No. 296894
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What if our husbandos dressed up as each other for Halloween?
No. 296896
File: 1667220641424.jpg (318.02 KB, 1920x2728, tricia-corum-faust.jpg)

>>296894ngl I have no idea who this is
nonny, but it made me think of another weird husbando I do have.
No. 296898
File: 1667220725179.jpg (169.72 KB, 1280x1185, faust_and_flug_by_thatstrangec…)

>>296896Kek, a few threads ago someone posted this. They definitely have a lot of similarities.
No. 296913
File: 1667231740448.png (189.52 KB, 340x733, Moira.png)

Owerwatch "2"'s release reminded me of her existence and I fell back super hard on her, even stronger than before since I'm more confident in my bisexuality, I get all giddy anytime she's onscreen even when she's doing nothing, god I wish she could corrupt me. Why isn't there more female characters like her and why did she have to come from fucking Overwatch???
No. 296923
File: 1667235599615.jpeg (35.53 KB, 602x635, CkltCVM.jpeg)

>>296913She's literally the only thing I miss about the game. Wish we got to see her in her suits more often.
No. 296928
File: 1667238127878.jpg (41.25 KB, 440x226, 83711.jpg)

Happy Halloween nonnies!
If u and ur husbando go out for Halloween together what would he dress up as? (Waifufags can answer too).
No. 296930
File: 1667238742336.jpg (482.29 KB, 1080x1432, Screenshot_20221031_184506.jpg)

Happy Halloween nonas! Hope that you're having fun trick or treating with your husbandos and eating lots of candy with them!
>>296928A werewolf. He doesn't know what Halloween is so choosing a costume for him and taking him around town to see all the spooky themed stuff would be so cute.
No. 296959
File: 1667260141293.png (1.86 MB, 1626x1508, export202210311846519600.png)

>>296928He would definitely be wearing some kind of animal ears. BROLY WITH COW EARS and Gogeta is there too
No. 296964
File: 1667262169989.png (65 KB, 900x900, its not fucking fair.png)

I hate what they did to him, bastards
No. 296976
File: 1667268229937.jpg (70.37 KB, 735x536, 5b27e9569d472ff710b34f2b8e771f…)

Manifesting a sex dream tonight starring these too. Amen.
No. 296989
File: 1667269972688.jpg (208.14 KB, 1164x1551, FgVL2GCUYAEFDNb.jpg)

Happy Halloween! I spent the day baking Halloween themed sweets and eating some of them because like my husbando I have a huge sweet tooth so it was only right, I'd love to give him some of my Halloween sweets, that and drawing. He probably doesn't like horrors, especially ones with eyes as a focus or the dark as a focus, but I could imagine spending Hallow's Eve with him walking about the cold night air while eating some kind of warmed confectionary.
>>296928I'd think I'd like to go as a classic Red Riding Hood and Wolf-man duo with him.
No. 297022
File: 1667277760524.jpg (73.51 KB, 463x600, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.600.16836…)

>>296690>>296876Speaking of old Hetalia artist does anyone remember Vuri? They always signatured with a flower symbol and with the letter "V" as the stem a in the corner of their art. Because she made lots of hetalia pairing art some nsfw and it was honesty top quality female gaze art they had a tumblr but it seems to be deactivated now
No. 297025
File: 1667281110733.png (Spoiler Image,332.97 KB, 501x429, vuripic.png)

>>297022Holy shit yes. I used to love Vuri's art style so much, thanks for bringing her up! It looks like her tumblr has been totally wiped, her livejournal is still up from pre-2013 but all the photo links are broken. So sad, it always sucks when a favourite artist stops posting or moves on to something else.
pic is cropped cuz I don't think we're allowed full on dick lol No. 297029
File: 1667284205944.jpg (52.82 KB, 510x680, FekZieIVEAAg1ZM.jpg)

Happy late halloween!
No. 297038
File: 1667287336018.jpg (40.25 KB, 500x647, 3999c202a5e1d3da190524b6db742e…)

>>297025Omg THAT england art kek
I know some sites like tumbex or general
porn and booru sites have archived some of her art. I just wish she had a pixiv.
Also I was wondering if anyone is interested in a hetalia thread since homestuck fans have one on /m/
No. 297114
File: 1667332826188.jpeg (176.6 KB, 749x872, 8A6B43B1-0723-42C5-BB95-E320D0…)

god he is so fucking cute!!!!!! i want to do some nasty ass shit with this mfer and then hug and kiss him afterwards!!!
No. 297146
File: 1667346100314.jpg (735.57 KB, 1197x888, aph__madness_mantra_by_punpuni…)

>>297058It really is a shame, but I'm glad we can reminisce about it!
No. 297158
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>>297038>>297060thank you so much,
nonnie! ♥
>>297149stop it now you've got me thinking about the same thing
No. 297276
File: 1667417624374.gif (153.02 KB, 400x400, 739440470_180347.gif)

He's mine, sorry. You can't have him.
No. 297303
File: 1667428055832.jpeg (75.87 KB, 680x680, 22BDA064-1B64-49F2-AA83-5B4A44…)

my love for him has been so unbearable lately… i have been thinking about him almost constantly and in different scenarios. i wish there were good reader insert fanfics for him. im so desperate, if i had more money i would commission someone to write a fic. overall the pitiful amount of reader insert fics for league characters is so tragic.
No. 297367
File: 1667461119098.jpg (90.6 KB, 563x799, 9f55e6c2f9a88620b47d1521bb33a2…)

Eh… I wish that were me… I'm kinda glad he gets shipped with Tora, I self insert and feel like I could kill a man but also can be held like a tiny cat
No. 297462
File: 1667494361134.jpg (161.15 KB, 920x1429, FgZByHSaYAAsEaw.jpg)

>>297303>the pitiful amount of reader insert fics for league characters is so tragicIt really is. In general I haven't found many good quality league fics, it's usually coomshit made by men. Praying we eventually get a male K/DA that draws in more female fans so we can actually have more tasteful content of our husbandos.
No. 297486
File: 1667500735123.jpg (32.05 KB, 512x512, 4d2a223.jpg)

>>297462i was first hoping arcane would get more women interested in league, but really i can't blame them from staying away from the game. at least there is a lot of art, even though a lot of that is still degenerate content made by scrotes.
im sticking to just writing self indulgent scenarios for my own joy, but please. im begging for some master writer get invested in league
No. 297515
File: 1667512348237.jpg (196.59 KB, 1000x1138, E6eQcIbX0AIH1i6.jpg)

I just wanna hug him, do pirate crimes with him, get princess carried by him, and fuck him in the Marlwolf!
No. 297552
File: 1667538531375.jpg (179.44 KB, 1215x717, LOL Aphelios_0.jpg)

>>297462>>297486I've never played league and probably never will, but the husbandos are gold. I might even research them just so I can write fanfic for them like I did for ovw.
No. 297558
File: 1667541665325.jpg (41.02 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f…)

Leshy fingering me in his mysterious wooden cabin
I almost want to write fanfic about it
No. 297581
File: 1667562499687.jpeg (278.01 KB, 2048x1377, FdNwb60aAAEJ2WQ.jpeg)

>>297552Honestly the game doesn't have much in the way of lore except for the occasional skin event and voice lines, so you aren't missing much. Please do write that fanfic
especially if it's for Aphelios No. 297610
File: 1667580791343.png (256.53 KB, 706x508, 3800cb6c76ef950fb1ba991fcbba4f…)

It's Fuckboy Friday.
No. 297643
File: 1667593766474.jpg (Spoiler Image,332.37 KB, 787x787, eroi.jpg)

8 years of character content/development effectively being poofed into archive is terrible, but at least his new timeline self is cute as always. no matter how poorly sm is treated, i love my ojisan. i can't wait for the live next month.
No. 297668
File: 1667598272081.jpeg (53.4 KB, 798x397, m.jpeg)

>>297657yep! i don't know how much you know about the history of how poorly it's been treated,
but essentially there's been 3 sidem games: the mobage, kusoge ""rhythm"" game (now dead), and a rhythm game that released last year. the mobage, which had the longest stories and was where basically all of the most important character development happened, was announced to be halting content output on my husbando's birthday. most people assumed the game would stick around in zombie form since the cinderella girls mobage that has been dying for a while is staying until march. they announced yesterday that they're taking it down in january. the remaining game has incredibly short stories, is pretty bare bones in content, didn't announce really anything for its first anni, and retreads a lot of the same topics gone over in moba in a weird way since most of the fans are coming over from years of investment. a lot of people are worried that the branch is going into another dark age. gomen for sperging a bit, i just really love the characters in the branch and wish they were treated better. jiro's arc is very dear to me.
No. 297680
File: 1667602186512.png (Spoiler Image,3.29 MB, 1378x1789, screenshot.png)

I have an condition where all I can think about is Okabe Rintarou and I think it's terminal.
I was in the process of rewatching s;g again and when it got to this scene I actually had to close the video player out of embarrassment. Of course then I opened it again and went back to the scene to take screenshots to shitpost about. It's not much but I swear they go out of their way to draw him shittily in so many scenes and he just looks so fucking cute here!! I'm gonna die, anons. Sorry for autism!
No. 297695
File: 1667608019438.jpg (52.03 KB, 400x500, tumblr_p3uhrgs4Y51w3157zo5_400…)

>>297668Wow anon, I always knew they treated Side M like it doesn't exist but that's really depressing to read, I'm sorry you got such bad news on your husbando's birthday. The inaccessibility meant I didn't bother to try properly getting into it (I just watched the anime) but I always liked Genbu and Suzaku. I can't believe this guy is supposed to be 17, he's 190cm!
No. 297697
File: 1667609516267.jpeg (215.71 KB, 800x1200, 8CF0528D-445B-464C-9C46-E4D1CF…)

I want to sexually abuse (male) agent 8.
I like to imagine that octolings studied human society to create their technology/weaponry so he would have a very rudimentary grasp of English. Unlike the inklings of course who are brash and stupid but that’s beside the point. Somehow my self insert human of who is like me but more attractive and smart survived the nuclear war which destroyed humanity and he finds her cryogenically frozen.
She, and now I will start referring to her as myself, will be isolated far from cepholopod civilization alongside agent 8. Plot stuff happens that I don’t bother thinking about and now I am teasing him sexually while he barely manages to communicate his embarrassment in words. Of course that only makes it better for me as I use my big monkey hominid muscles to force his frail invertebrate body into submission. Of course he likes it but is too shy to express it outright. Sex happens and he will cum cartoonishly large amounts of ink, making himself look very lewd of course.
No. 297737
File: 1667632371467.png (115.01 KB, 344x304, hand!.png)

Oh you bitch that should be me holding his hand.
Was watching a youtube vid to try and trigger a dream (no dice)
I totally forgot she held his hand in this scene, now I can't stop thinking about how big his hands would be compared to mine…
No. 297811
File: 1667668059054.jpg (1.69 MB, 2560x1600, 1428623242861.jpg)

>>297760Adam Jensen
>>297764Well it's a 10 year old prerendered cutscene that I screenshotted off a youtube vid…
No. 297837
File: 1667677791569.png (1.86 MB, 1440x810, unknown.png)

pop team epic yumejo version
No. 297861
File: 1667684233571.png (490.24 KB, 900x681, FgznUNEacAAGDll.png)

Losing my mind
No. 297899
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I just want to be held by him, to wake up in his arms.
No. 297916
File: 1667702869322.png (680.91 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_20221105-214250.png)

Nonniesnonniesnonniesnonnies, so I'm back to speed running obey me again (fuck the story, I'm only going back for the Mammon parts when I'm caught up) AND IT LOOKS LIKE LESSON 25-6 IS ALL ABOUT HIM?? We go to a carnival together and he's a scary cat and we have so many choices to be kind and supportive of him! He's literally afraid of everything I wanna squish him against my titties and keep him safe lol
Finally—Finally, some good fucking food. I'm coming back to this chapter just to screenshot it all cause literally every one of his lines was so good, nonas. Like I almost forgive the shitty writing where we have to forgive the brother who kills us cause I have tunnel vision rn. It looks like the date ended on the ferris wheel and he asked us if we could just stay there and not go back and he'd come up with an excuse for us. Imma cry.
BUT, one of his brother's text and we have no choice but to tell them where we are cause the game is shit, and the brothers come to ruin the date because we can't get any alone time with Mammon. Even he asks why we did that. WHY TF DID THE GAME MAKE ME DO THAT? I WAS GOING TO RUN AWAY WITH HIM AND NEVER LOOK BACK
No. 297917
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God damn it another husbando to fixate on. Volo is just so hnghh. He’s super cute, passionate..and a little crazy. Just how I like em. I’m gonna crack his back like a glow stick with how hard I want to hug him.
No. 297930
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I bet the sex would be out of this world, animalistic and hard oh goddamn I need him asap
No. 297932
>>297917I like Cynthia
coomer moids can go to hell but I also like that they turned her into a pretty boy even though I think his hair in that design on the left is retarded (lol arceus).
No. 297965
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i love my pokemen
No. 298013
>>297916Mammon is so cute. The ferris wheel thing is so sweet yet kinda sad in a way, he really needs so much love and to get away from his brothers. Imagine if that unlocked a special ending when you run away with him and live happily together.
Glad that you're having fun with the game and finally have some alone time with your man nona, even if it was cut short. I don't even play Obey me yet I'm invested.
by the way, Ohma nona here, don't know if you're the same Mammon nona from the last threads but it's great reading a Mammon rant again! I'm really thinking that I should watch a playthrough of this game for his route. No. 298028
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This game i swear, i'm trying to farm and i'm getting distracted by his massive pecs. I bet he has a massive dick too
No. 298032
>>298013It's me, I am indeed the same Mammon anon! I missed you guys so much, esp you Ohma nonnie.You're not going to like this though… This game doesn't have routes, so you just play through the common route where you flirt with everyone and get to spend time with whoever the creators make you. You're basically everyone's. My heart only beats for Mammon though, so those supernatural simps can eat their hearts out! You get so many options to kiss or flirt with the other guys and I treat them all like $2 hoes who I wouldn't even kiss on the mouth lol
My guy friend said he was watching the Kengan Ashura anime and he was going on about how cool and badass Ohma is, and all I could say is he looks so pretty in the manga cause if I said any more I was going gush about this husbando to a guy who had no idea what storm was coming. I hope you're doing well!
No. 298040
>>298032Thanks nona, I'm so happy to hear you say that, that made me smile. And also that you're back to talk about Mammon again, I missed you too. My contacts are still up in the new friend finder thread if you're interested. To save your time so you don't have to read every post in there, I'm the one with the Homura Akemi bowing down gif.Ah, that's a shame. I'm not a fan of this harem/everyone loves the MC kind of story, but whatever, he's still worth it. Honestly, for how they treat him, his brothers deserve to be treated like that. Keep protecting and loving your man. Happy to hear that your friend is liking Kengan Ashura and Ohma! He's so goddamn pretty in both anime and manga, his voice also is too, I love both the sub and the dub. I'm doing good by the way, thanks for asking, hope your doing well too!
No. 298041
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I wouldn't mind eating sea otter meat with him…
No. 298069
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>>297515Nonnie, you have a fine taste. I love his energy and body.
No. 298082
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>>298041I would love to just walk in during their sumo wrestling…
No. 298167
nonnie Glyde is too good.
No. 298168
nonnie Glyde is too good.
No. 298169
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I want him so bad…
No. 298179
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sex with my big burly anger issue having annoyingly british tea lover husbando
No. 298184
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emo mafia dazai or reformed detective dazai? pick wisely..
No. 298199
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>>298187based and canon… i feel like he destroys the life of every woman he sleeps with but worth it. odasaku be damned, that guy can fuck
No. 298384
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i NEED to humiliate him in combat until hes obsessed with me and forsakes his vows to his goddess to serve me for eternity
No. 298385
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>>298379Alright, it's shameful, but I'm down bad for Bob after the newest Spooky Month.
No. 298388
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>>298387So it's just a horny post (?) don't take it so personally. I understand we didn't have lc for a day, but everything is fine now.
>>298384Noony, I LOVE the design of this game so much!I still pray there will be more games like this!
>>298385He looks like a cutie! Reminds me of the 'tumblr sexyman' posts.
No. 298389
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>>298388>Reminds me of the 'tumblr sexyman' posts.He's already in the wiki lmao No. 298391
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>>298388canus is so cute nona
No. 298399
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his pecs are bigger than my future. i imagine this is how indian moids on social media must feel. if these yakuzoids were real and had instagram i would bombard their dms begging for bobs and pene but i'm a lady and they're moids so it would be funny if i did it
No. 298416
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Look at what my best friend just painted for me for my birthday! We share the same autistic fixation on husbandos so I appreciate her so much. He’s going right above my bed so I can look at him at night
No. 298446
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Back in business!!!!!
No. 298451
>>298384I too have fantasies about Leonhard where
I'm fighting him down to a stalemate because he's invading me until we're both sweaty and tired and then we rip each other's armor off to get down and dirty in some chapel ruins. And then plant a little kiss on his silver mask.
No. 298465
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>>293646i love him so much
No. 298468
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id kill to be taken as the wife of an ancient prince as beautiful as he
No. 298532
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>>298399he would eat out pussy like soup, i just know it
imagine his sideburns tickling your thighs as he goes down on you hggghh No. 298544
File: 1668095839622.jpg (Spoiler Image,338.52 KB, 1042x1600, RCO012_1467385121.jpg)

>>298179Based fellow ghost nonna.
Have you read the Ghost comic series? I loved it when I was a teenager, even though it's pure melodrama about how tortured Ghost is kek, but I really liked it.
No. 298575
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>>297930Good fucking taste. God, I wanna eat his face while he cums inside me for the 10th time. Really REALLY need to breed that parkour bitch so bad.. The way he moves hunched down activates me.
No. 298595
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>you'll never be able to introduce a cute fish man to sex and intimacy after years of isolation
why even live, nonnas
No. 298613
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he's so hot i cant take it anymore, its unreal how ugly irl moids are next to him
No. 298800
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>>298040I tried finding you before and couldn't figure it out! I'll find you now. I got swept up in watching discourse kekAnyone else with a totally submissive husbando that you know would be down for anything you want? Like, I feel like mine would try anything once if it's for the one he loves (well
almost anything. I pray he has a little self-respect even when it comes to me) and this is too much power and responsibility. What would you try first with your husbandos, nonnies? What's the ice breaker? I think about lewd shit with him only 15% of the time because if I was able to touch him I'd probably have a panic attack just holding his hand.
No. 298822
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>>298613Irl moids can't even compete with Reigen especially when he eats like a slob and makes silly faces which adds charm to his attractiveness. He makes me laugh. I love him.
No. 298884
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i'm sorry but Light gives me the weirdest hateboner, no matter how many years pass or how many times i read/watch Death Note
No. 298896
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>>298800Don't worry nona, that thread got a lot more crowded, I think they made a new one in fact, so I understand. Hopefully you'll be able to find me!Even if he's not the submissive type, I still think he would be open to try new things with his partner. (to some extent) I get flustered just thinking about it, and feel pretty shameful for explaining it, but at the same time I love lewd stuff and I need to tell my fantasies to somebody. Honestly, sex with him would be wild as fuck. He'll be so animalistic, bite marks and signs all over my body and things like that, but still trying to control himself seeing how small and fragile I am compared to him. He's a very instinctive person so slower things would probably not cross his mind, and also this would be his first relationship, so more kinky/specific stuff would need a little explanation. It would be so sweet seeing him trying to understand kinks and other stuff. Fortunately he's not the judgy type. I don't know what I would try first, probably some easy stuff, just to try something new.
Also,i have to say that this pic of Mammon is just, perfect. I imagine that he would send it to you right after showering, probably with some cheesy flirty text. (maybe with the devil emoji too)
I love the detail of the little horns on his phone cover, would be cute if he made them himself and he's proud about it.
No. 298919
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>>298800Like the other anon mine is not necessarily submissive but he's definitely open to new experiences. I'd want to start with something comparatively tame, like bondage. If I asked him to tie me up, he'd likely say "sure, why not?" and indulge me just to see how it goes. But I really struggle to ask for what I want, so I'd rather start it off as a joke, like a contrived setup in a spicy sitcom.
>I'm practicing escape manoeuvres for a talent show! Can you help me with this rope?>Check out these handcuffs! It's just a toy so it's fine if I lock myself in. Wait, where's the key?>Please don't ask how I glued all five of my fingers together. Just open the door.He would go along with it for the laughs, only to find himself too committed to the bit to stop. Plus he'd be encouraged by the fact that I am obviously getting off on it. And if he makes fun of me for
roping him into this convoluted plot, I'd get off on that too!
Not the pun. The embarrassment. That's on the list too, but I'm still workshopping the teaser. Eventually this type of scenario becomes an inside joke between us and probably his favorite way to initiate a sexual encounter. I live in a hell of my own making.
No. 299000
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>>298544not yet. i wanted to finish the campaign of old mws first before reading it but…
>pure melodramagood. im gonna start reading the comic rn kek
>>298597>BIG>military armor>hot voice>mask>mentally ill>funny in a deadpan kind of way>prefers tea>i could teach him how to be loving again and give him a bit of peace>his comic face is cutewhat is there not to love nona
No. 299005
>>298896I unspoilered the pic after reading and goddamn all that beef hit me like a truck. I love love love the possibilities with him! Like getting manhandled
in a good way and two words: Mating. Press. He was built for stuff like this. Agreed that him not being judgmental is such a bonus and I can see him actually trying to hold back a good chunk of his strength for you and it's just so sweet. Also, that's exactly what I thought when I found the Mammon pic! He'd totally do it after every shower too, and you better believe I'll hype him up every time.
>>298919I feel like you're perfect for your husbando cause you seem effortlessly punny and the roundabout way you'd get him to try things is just too funny. I'd love to watch you try lol
No. 299014
File: 1668312408669.png (2.07 MB, 1254x1478, Toua_Tokuchi.png)

Ah I just found these threads so I wanted to share about my husbando…he's an evil genius baseball pitcher and he loves to gamble kek he is very gorgeous to me…I don't really ship myself with him that hard because he doesn't seem the type to want a committed relationship but I've found a way to love him anyway lol
No. 299017
File: 1668312734282.png (Spoiler Image,8.56 MB, 2975x2320, pages.png)

>>299014sorry the collage is so shitty lol
I don't know if this is allowed but I'm too embarrassed about my love for him to share about it to my socials so I hope it's okay if I share this self insert comic I made here. I imagine being his childhood friend and we have feelings for each other, but we're always moving around so we can't stay together for long. But somehow we keep crossing paths.
I'm not this insane irl though No. 299039
>>299017I LOVE YOU,
NONNIE. May fate always bring you together until you stay forever.
No. 299042
>>299017Same anon as
>>299039 but I need to tell you how much I love your style. It's so classic and chic and gives more in it's simplicity. Their relationship and your self-insert are really cool too. Off the top of my head, your work gives me warm and fuzzy feelings for my love of Mihara Mitsukazu's work.
No. 299071
>>299005You're right for hyping him up, he'll be so happy! Imagine having an album on your phone gallery of just the pics he sends you, so you can watch them whenever you two aren't together, or just for the fun of it because their so cute. I think he would send a lot of dumb photos of himself too, just to make you smile.
I haven't thought about the mating press, thanks Nona, you definitely got my mind going places after that. God, the image of him towering over me with all his godly muscles makes my heart explode. Imagine the after care too, being held in his strong arms and staying layed down together. Also for some reason I find the thought of his hair getting messy, covering his eyes and me running my fingers through them to fix it so sweet and hot at the same time. His eyes are so beautiful, him staring at me would make me so flustered.
>>299017Oh my god Nona that's so beautiful! Your style is so delicate and soft, I love the design of your self insert too. I'll gladly follow you on your socials just to see more of your art, you're really talented.
Hope you and your husbando will be happy together!
No. 299090
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>>299017This is so fucking cute!
No. 299173
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>>299168>>299162>>299143>>299128>>299118>>299117>>299110>>299109>>299090>>299078>>299071>>299046>>299045>>299042>>299039>>299023aaah thank you so much nonas! My face is burning up I'm so happy kek. I appreciate all the well wishes for me and my husbando lol
but tbh he isn't my #1 husbando and it's really hard to imagine a relationship with him, but I do imagine they have a happily ever after together since he disappears at the end of the manga so anything could happen hehehe. I just don't feel like I can do my #1 justice with my skills right now>What tools do you use nona and who is your husbando?I drew the pages traditionally in a little novelty notebook for drawing comics so the panels were done for me. I took photos of that and finished it digitally in CSP. I never bothered to straighten out the photos so that's why it looks crooked lol. And his name is Toua Tokuchi from One Outs! His full anime is available to watch on Youtube. It's about psychological manipulation, clever baseball tricks and tactics, and gambling. It's a lot of fun to watch this handsome genius win non stop forever hehehe
I don't think the style I used here is reflective of my usual style, but I'm glad some of you like it so much! I was just trying to emulate the source manga while staying within my capabilities. Anyway, I'm really glad I found these threads. I love reading and relating to everyone's experiences and it encouraged me to finish this comic!
Maybe I'll be brave enough to post about my #1 someday, but it might not be on here No. 299227
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fuck marry kill
bonus if you reason your choice
No. 299230
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I need him so bad.
No. 299237
>>299173If this isn't you usual style, then I can't imagine how good your usual style is.
honestly I'll gladly take some drawing advice for you.I looked at some screenshots of the series and he looks pretty interesting, I love his cat-like eyes. Hope you'll continue to draw more self ship art and make your husbando happy!
and one day draw your #1 husbando too! Even if you don't post it here. No. 299238
>>299000I was looking at some fanart of his recently and it was so hot. I felt like posting it but I was a bit afraid of being accused of being a scrote kek
Also, nice get
No. 299253
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>>299189it’s so depressing, i’m inhaling any bread crumps i get at this point… i actually started writing my own fanfic for him recently, im surprised how much i enjoy it since i felt nervous at the start. i do wish there was more official content, i want to know so much more about him! not to mention a lot of my ’lesser’ husbandos are from league as well so it’s miserable all around.
No. 299275
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That feeling when you want to hold your husbando's hand.
No. 299301
>>299227fuck kuze (troon supporter irl)
marry awano (closest thing to my actual rgg husbando)
kill shibusawa (least memorable one)
No. 299313
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Do you ever just want to lick your husbandos' or waifus' faces? What would they taste like? He would surely taste either like makeup or sweat, maybe sweaty makeup, a bit bitter and salty, but not too bad, surely it would be kind of creamy as well if he wears sunscreen.
No. 299319
>>299313My husbando is very active and athletic so his face would taste sweaty and with a hint of high SPF sunscreen, though depends in which time of history we are talking about.
During war it would be a mixture of sweat plus gunpowder, I considered blood too if he gets any injuries/cuts, but the thought of him being hurt makes me pretty depressed, though he is very prideful plus he was raised under a strict military culture and discipline so he wouldn't give up without a fight. I like the visual of him having some gunpowder in his face though, it would contrast his extremely pale face and red/pink eye and white hair. I would be more tempted to lick his neck and abs tbh.
No. 299342
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>>299334I like that he's basically a canon yandere in the game, I love his looks and how he tries to find beauty in everything and everyone even if he sounds a bit autistic about it, but that's so cute! I've loved his voice since the first time I heard it when I saw some videos with the twisted wonderland voicelines on YouTube, before everyone even had any hopes of the game ever getting released in English, it's just so perfect spoilers for the game's main story btw
when he started crying during the main story I thought I died and my soul and body ascended to heaven because listening to him crying was peak asmr and nothing will ever top that moment I could sperg about his voice forever, I would unironically pay the voice actor to say some stuff (some a bit more spicy than others) with Rook's voice, god, he's so perfect.
I also particularly love his eyes, they're so pretty and cool too, I would probably die right there if he looked directly at me with his eyes.
When it comes to fantasies it depends on my mood tbh, sometimes I think about suddenly meeting him in real life and getting along, becoming friends and just talking about nice stuff, maybe we could meet at a museum since I love just wandering in museums and reading about the art that's there, he would surely do the same because he loves beauty.
Sometimes I like to think of appearing in the twisted wonderland universe and just being part of the story, but not as the main character of the game because that's boring, I would just be myself and I would get to know about him slowly as I try to find a way back home, or as I try to find my place in a bizarre world filled with magic and lots of Disney movie references.
So I would be my awkward and spergy self first, but I would somehow just live close to the night raven college, and then I would get to meet him at some point, we would just talk about random stuff and get along, maybe then he would like me and we would have lots of adventures.
I don't really see myself as someone who could be a student at the night raven college tbh, since I'm not under 20 years old anymore and I don't imagine myself being younger, maybe I could be a librarian or something, but again, I honestly just don't see myself meeting him in there, maybe he could graduate and we could just be fated to meet at some point.
My fantasies sound boring as fuck I guess, but that's kind of part of the charm to some extent.
I also have lots of spicy fantasies but they're so cringe No. 299347
>>299342Thank you for sharing so much! Even though we don't like him in the same way, it's a delight to see somebody go on and on about a character I love so much but find to be very underappreciated. He's so uniquely charming, isn't he? His boundless positivity about things captivated me before I knew it.
Blessings to you, I hope that you were able to snag/will snag Halloween Rook. If you ever have anything else you'd love to gush about regarding him, know that I'll at least be reading it whether it's here or in the Husbando Lifestyle thread.
No. 299360
File: 1668481643432.jpeg (181.74 KB, 725x996, 993B8F41-C113-4E18-81F1-982896…)

I swear I hate the actual anime and fandom but god if I don’t love me some shigaraki. This new design makes my heart go, for lack of a better term doki doki. We’d have such a good relationship. All he needs is some tlc and a firm hand (around his neck). He’d be such a good boy for me I just know it.
No. 299395
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It's a cold night, I wish he could rest his head on my chest as he talks about the battlefield before falling asleep.
No. 299418
>>299360i need to watch the latest seasons. i don't care how bad they will be, i will do it for him
>>299349i'm sure your husbando would understand, he loves you after all! i dont think he would want you to feel bad about this. once you have more free time and energy, you could do something special for him?
No. 299430
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nonitas… my husbando appeared in my dreams last night. we were in the back of an ikea (? and he was eating a cone of ice cream but bc he's a clumsy little man it started dripping down his arm. we laughed. picrel is me after i woke up bc he's not real
No. 299465
>>299342I don't play this game, but I'll gladly read all your gushing too! I love when people write long paragraphs about their husbandos. Also your fantasies are not boring nona, everyone has their own story with their husbandos and yours is pretty cute. Out of curiosity, since you said he's a yandere, is he the type that could actually kill someone for you or he's just very, very protective/jealous? For me a character being a yandere is a bit of a turn off, so hearing from someone who likes it makes me pretty curious.
>>299313Agree with the other nona, I'd rather lick his neck, abs or his muscles in general. Since he's a fighter, mine would taste like blood and sweat.
No. 299499
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No. 299501
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>>299500I have no idea, I think it might be that artists' signature detail.
No. 299522
>>299342I want to lick his back as he's undressing and startle him. It'd be fun to tease such a stoic man.
Same answer as everybody else, though… He probably wouldn't taste like much more than sweat.
No. 299549
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>>299465I think he's just very protective/jealous, the ghost bride event really showcases his yandere side, he basically talks a lot about being forever together and not letting his beloved run away and such.
It's so romantic! I mean, if this happened irl with an irl moid that wasn't literally Rook, I would cringe to hell and back, back and forth for 100000000 years, but I just think it's so so sweet to think of someone who admits to be fickle because of his love for beauty, suddenly dropping whatever he finds beautiful because you've become the most beautiful person in the world, so to avoid getting you taken away by another person with good taste, he's willing to make sure nobody bothers you.
I think he would be the kind of yandere who gaslights anyone who tries to get close to you, instead of outright trying to kill people because he wouldn't think they're worth the time, unless it's someone like Malleus of course, and even then I doubt he would think he would be worth killing.
I bring him up because he's ridiculously powerful but also because the story in the game about Vil had a few scenes that made me think "hhhnnmmmm what if Rook had to deal with Malleus taking me to the concert and he didn't like it?"I usually can't really husbando yandere characters because they tend to feel like they're into very specific stuff? But with Rook it's like he's going to love someone and that someone will make him go insane with love. (And I hope that someone is me kek)
No. 299551
>>299549>But with Rook it's like he's going to love someone and that someone will make him go insane with love.Ahh, I can totally see that being the case for him given the unique fanaticism with which he already treats things he deems beautiful in game.
Do you imagine there's a side of him that only YOU will really get to see once your relationship progresses far enough? I feel like there are occassional glimpses of how deep Rook's personality goes, but being who he is (somebody who doesn't like the focus turned on him despite not restraining his individualistic qualities) we never quite get to see it in full. I'm not a Rook fangirl, but I imagine being let into his interior life would be an appealing privilige of his lover?
No. 299560
>>299313>Do you ever just want to lick your husbandos' or waifus'absolutely, I don't care about the taste I just wanna make him squirm lel
I've dreamed about kissing him or licking/biting his ear a couple of times
No. 299615
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I burnt up all my incense so I can pretend I'm in his room full of the smell of his cigarette smoke and sweet cologne. Also came and gulped down a big lungful of it and it was so strong and it felt like he was right on top of me it was cool but now I have no more incense
No. 299686
File: 1668618602592.jpg (Spoiler Image,340.94 KB, 1143x1062, charonmybeloved.jpg)

caved and bought way too many tickets to get his newest skin and i don't regret it at all. Furukawa-san really lays it on thick on the delivery for his new lines, too, and i wasn't at all prepared kek. talk about hot dramatic… anyway, i'm stuck staring at my home screen and reloading to watch the lil slide show that it comes with every so often, cuz i can't help mooning over him ♥
No. 299705
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These days I can't stop thinking about the fantasy of having sex with him right after a match. Like I'm patching him up, we start kissing and get lost in each other, not caring if he's still a little sweaty and bloody. honestly answering the question of licking/tasting your husbando made my mind wander even more kek
Just picturing his labored breaths, hoarse voice, messy hair in front of his beautiful brown eyes, him growling and just being so goddamn animalistic because he's still in that fighting state makes me die inside. I want this man so bad it's insane.
Also I can only wish he could look at me like in this pic.
No. 299708
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>>299000>im gonna start reading the comic rn kekHope you enjoy it nonna!
>>299619Honestly, good. Every time something appealing to men becomes popular with women, scrotes uncontrollably seethe, it's always funny to see them freak out over sexy fanart or shipping.
No. 299718
>>299692a fellow nonna of culture! i remembered seeing Pittman posted further up itt and figured i'd contribute to the alchemy stars husbandofagging. not enough games are willing to engage with the female side of the gaming market without it being straight up romance centered, so taking in all the hot male Aurorians TD has given us so far is a refreshing sight for sure.
if you don't mind my asking, who's your fave? are you Pittman-anon? or is your husbando someone else?anyway, charon is the love of my life and i'd help out on all of his film sets and listen to metal with him not matter the occasion~
No. 299723
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there's something about immoral men who were right all along…
No. 299724
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>>299723if you see me defending his ass, pay no mind
No. 299725
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>>299430I've had a husbando dream before and I spent the next week wallowing because he could never be mine. It was polnareff from Jojo. Such an innocent himbo, I need a buff dumb sweety pie like him in my life.
No. 299730
>>299718Yes, I'm Pittman anon! The only con with TD's consideration towards the female audience is that I have a hard time picking which banners to go in on!
Charon is great, I think that many (including me) were drawn into the game early on by his charm. Train man is very handsome indeed! I'm glad that TD recognizes his popularity and gives him content as he's my second favorite male Aurorian after Pittman, and I don't see Pittman getting a skin anytime soon, being a welfare and all.
I've seen a girl in the other husbando/waifu thread gushing about Irridon as well, so there are definitely a few nonnas of culture here!
No. 299758
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What should I do?
My husband…as a doll…that talks.
I don't know if I scream or cry of happiness
No. 299762
>>299758>Squeeze me!he sure is squeezable hehe
if neither the money nor the shipping are issues then do go for it, get him in an actually huggable form! how big is he anyway? what is he made of?
No. 299770
>>299762I wish there was more information about the material the doll is made of, but the only thing available is the size and weight (7.8" and 5.6 oz, or ≈ 19 cm and 158g)
Unfortunately, I can't afford to spend more cash this month, but I don't think it'll be available for too long so I'm kinda in a nail bitting situation now.
No. 299782
>>299775IRL is boring, I'd rather live in his world.
Talking seriously though, I remember when I was 13 I'd lay in bed and cry because my husbando at the time wasn't real. It's weird because nowadays I prefer than he's fictional and in stasis.
No. 299784
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very sad because there is no demand for an anime figure of my husbando and probably never will be…
No. 299793
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>>299791Cyrus (from pokemon gaem)
No. 299796
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other Tokuchi loving nona I drew this for you…I hope you see it…
No. 299807
>>299796Ahhh it’s so good I love you
nonny I hope you have a great day <3
(<3) No. 299857
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He's so cute I can't stand it.
No. 299861
>>299795>>299793Cyrus and Sophocles interacting was adorable. It was also cool/cute when he interacts with the rotomdex in USUM.
At least since he is a Pokemon character that means there will always be a chance of them to make a figure of him, even if it ends up being a shitty one.
No. 299899
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almost forgot the manga version of my husbando exists. he's so cute and smoochable my heart can't take it
No. 299904
File: 1668723220263.jpg (339.24 KB, 1698x2048, _kuzudana_ akagi 1.jpg)

>>299861I doubt it, the offical pokemon store only makes figures for fan favorites like Marnie and the other female protags for coomers
I'd even buy a nendoroid but the only villains that have gotten any are Giovanni and N
No. 299939
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>>299922Please share with the class nona, I’d be so grateful
No. 300037
File: 1668806598474.jpg (166.72 KB, 1081x1115, Ej5hdc0VoAECCF4.jpg)

Goddamn look at those fat thighs. I can't stop staring. I wish I could party with him.
No. 300046
File: 1668812678690.png (215.19 KB, 600x600, 805564643.png)

Shadow is so fucking adorable. I imagine laying on my side on the bed after a night of lewd with him, and he crawls over and rests his head on my shoulder, letting out a sigh, comfortable with me and me only. Shadow falling asleep, still halfway on me. Shadow drooling in his sleep and denying it when he wakes up, then doing it again the very next night. Shadow!
No. 300071
File: 1668829455717.jpg (713.04 KB, 1980x2520, lsk'b;mt.jpg)

This is the retarded thread so I am justified in posting this psychosis, but warning sadpost ahead
I know it's a fantasy and I could be whatever I want to but I can't get over being bummed out about not being good enough for my husbando. I'm working on improving myself with him as my motivation but right now? He would never fall for me. I don't even try in my fantasies anymore; I just imagine us being friends and me having unrequited feelings while still making him happy as a friend. It's a little cathartic but only because I know I'm actually punishing myself further for not being the person I wish I was. It's soooo retarded that I'm doing all this self-harm mental shit to myself and realize it, but not to the point that I stop. It's addictive to be mean to myself. Stupid.
But he shouldn't be with me because I am hard to love and always anxious.
He should be with someone who uplifts him and makes his life happier and I don't think I'm that right now. At least not while I'm working on mind-numbing crap like health, responsibility, and beauty. I don't want him to see me like this, slaving away over my goals. I want him to see me when I'm better and can actually look in a mirror without borderline crying. He doesn't deserve this neurotic me. No one does, but anyway. I know some other girls that lowkey husbando him and they deserve him so much more than me. I say this with pain but also resignation because they're lovely vivacious people and would actually deserve him whereas I would never even catch his eye romantically. So so so so retarded. I need to be bludgeoned for being this retarded even in a fantasy of all places.
No. 300115
>>300113she can do anything she wants–he
is her husbando, after all. the only limit is her imagination, yeah?
>>300114fucking get it, nonna!
No. 300122
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>>300071I’m not exactly sure how to word this but I’m gonna try because I understand where you’re coming from and want to try and uplift you nona. But with actual relationships very rarely are both partners completely happy and self assured all the time. I don’t know what your husbandos like but I’m sure he’s dealing with some issues/flaws of his own. How nice would that be to be vulnerable and try and work on yourselves together. Even if he’s seemingly perfect himself you deserve someone to help and support you nona. I think it’s very admirable that you’re working on yourself, I’m sure he’d be touched to know how hard you’re trying for him. Self acceptance is fucking hard but the main thing I’m trying to say is give yourself permission to love Nona, to indulge and let him see the more flawed parts of you. Also duck pic unrelated but I thought it was cute
No. 300252
File: 1668938751938.png (1.9 MB, 1438x1261, SPIN_THE_BOTTLE.png)

made this cool edit for you nonnies please enjoy playing spin the bottle with your beloved
No. 300344
Sage because it includes a 3d moid and I don't want to get the thread sullied… But, nonnies, I think love my husbando more than I love my 3d boyfriend. When I think of my husbando is pure bliss, but when I think amd spend time with the 3d Nigel, while I love him, sometimes it is not so pleasant and I end upset with him. And honestly, compared to my husbando he is cute but plain. My husbando is the most handsome man on Earth, smart, hard working and adorably smug, funny, interesting, charming, not to mention his amazing laugh. There are a lot of qualities and defects that honestly just complete him more and make him awesome. I just find him so endearing and want to support him and fight for him and love him for eternity. I felt this way for the Nigel once, but each day that feeling just gets weaker and weaker.
No. 300345
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I wanna lick him
No. 300349
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No. 300384
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>>300071How would your husbando feel if you told him you didn't think he deserved you? How would he feel if he knew you were being so mean to yourself, that you thought he wouldn't care about you, or that other people deserved him more than you?
No. 300393
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>>299708despite that it felt like torture porn I liked it
writing was better than most of DC comics anyway kek. After I read it, I have finished the old mw2 campaign. Im happy I did it in this order because otherwise Ghost's story conclusion wouldn't hit me as much as it did. He deserved better and now I just wanna hug him and never let him venture out alone into the cold and cruel world ever again. He seems popular enough so I hope they won't kill him off in this continuity.
Soap's hot too and I got attached to him in old WFs much more than I expected. I really need to start the new campaign, im thirsty for the new content
No. 300411
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>>298597>>299000I think the TikTok obsession is the funniest thing ever, especially when the gamerbros in the comments are like, "HOW DARE YOU TO SEXUALIZE HIM!" and the female fans are absolutely "woof woof, bark bark" feral. I didn’t plan on buying the new CoD, but just ordered it thanks to the Ghost hype. Can’t wait to see the scenes that I have seen on TikTok for 4039293 times in game actually. Especially the one where we see his eyes. hnnnngggggg. I hope the developers will pick up on the hype and give us more material, like a spin-off or at least some specials (like the christmas scene where he is rolling on the floor, I think you all have seen it).
Also, nonnies, I need more material – I already found the author charnelhouse on Tumblr who really understands how to write him, where else can I look for some good content?
No. 300418
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i started playing sekiro and Wolf is so fucking hot, it's literally damaging my brain. I keep fantasizing making sweet love to him and taking care of him and making him feel loved
oh my god I would let him impregnate me
why did they make him so hot and so cute?????
No. 300435
File: 1669063433856.png (2.05 MB, 1454x1092, i need oxygen.png)

My husband is probably going to die in canon soon which sucks because he could live and the story would still make sense. I've started working on a self-insert fanfic where he survives and I tend to his wounds.
I have never been this in love or obsessed with a fictional character before. I fall asleep every night pretending he's in bed with me. I can't stop thinking about him, it's driving me insane. I love writing about him in private but it's just not enough. I feel like my heart will burst I love him so much
No. 300467
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am i the only one
No. 300472
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>>300469you wouldn't get it.
No. 300518
File: 1669093032198.jpg (1.06 MB, 2144x3237, 9781250165343.jpg)

>>300498let people like shit in peace
No. 300529
>>300527Werewolfs are humans part of the time, aliens can be intelligent and cavemen weren't animals they had society's and used tools. Pokemon are literal animals in their world otherwise it wouldn't be ok to treat them like they are treated.
>>300528fuck off you know it's different.
No. 300593
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>>300550Oh yeah, I remember losing my shit when I read the magazine version and being kinda surprised that he left Ogata mostly in shadow aside from the very last tongue scene. Also I understand why he would change his expression, but it was hotter in the magazine as well. But i do like it when he's moving the rifle bolt, that was a nice addition.
No. 300612
File: 1669150404417.jpg (Spoiler Image,997.38 KB, 2199x1650, 95067000_p9.jpg)

tsukishima is so bully-able, so so glad to have found a short husbando.
we need more of them
No. 300616
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I dreamed that he was whispering sweet nothings in my ear while carrying me effortlessly in his big arms. I didn’t know where he was taking me, probably somewhere to eat me, but I didn’t care. It was scary and exciting.
No. 300619
File: 1669152023670.png (1.29 MB, 960x600, jiro.png)

Literally almost started crying in class today bc I know he'll never be real. I'm off the deep end nonnas… I got my friend to translate all his lines & story. I love how much of a creepy loser he is normally, yet scrubs up to be the most gorgeous man ever. But under all of that he's just a charming and kind guy, all his lines make my heart flutter. I wish SideM had more of a community, I can barely find anyone, where are SideM fans hiding
No. 300620
File: 1669152683457.jpeg (194.53 KB, 978x978, D110E89E-A922-46EB-AF9C-A581F9…)

Holding hands with Jason. Hugging Jason. Kissing Jason. Cuddling with Jason. Sleeping with Jason (non sexually). Sleeping with Jason (sexually).
No. 300632
nonny! May this week pass quickly so you can be with him again.
No. 300641
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>>300612Nice. I wonder why Noda didn't use shibari more in the manga for fanservice. There was only one scene for Inkarmat and one for Shiraishi I think but that one barely counts.
No. 300643
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Cannot wait until we get to see him in the anime, even if only briefly. He's so beautiful, especially in the manga. Absolutely obsessed. Literally the best thing to see, he's so beautiful in every damn panel. I feel so retarded for actually genuinely liking a fictional character but god he's so pretty. A real man could never be this stunning, I would 100% let him have a few years of my lifespan just to be able to touch him. I have multiple screenshots I took just of panels with him in them. Great stuff.
No. 300650
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>>300619>another jiro nonnieHOLY shit this is a good day. the way his arc has progressed, esp with having his background revealed in his sidememo/remember shot/LOS stories is such a perfect way to create possibly the perfect man for my tastes. i've always considered his demeanor to be an elaborate cope gone genuine, so the gap between "idol" jiro and regular jiro is delicious. i always like to think he'd have issues with having feelings for producer, but his early bond lines were so forward… his final SR in moba felt so much like a "the moon is beautiful tonight" moment… as shitty as the shutdown is, we got fed well for a last time.
there's a few of us that post on /@/, i don't know if you're the other jiroP that goes there though. sorry for sperging so hard, i just don't get to talk to anyone else about him that knows him other than some CGPs with little SM knowledge No. 300653
File: 1669173548692.gif (1.95 MB, 245x311, vaas.gif)

I had a dream where we were on a video call and he said he missed me
No. 300678
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He looks so bad on OW2, such a waste.
No. 300682
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i really love the dumb mute, i just can't help it, he's so cute
No. 300793
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sexy boots
I love playing dressup.
No. 300841
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im so glad i didnt kill myself in 2019, i get to experience mob psycho season 3
No. 300847
File: 1669320571946.gif (1.88 MB, 498x280, ohma-kengan-ashura.gif)

I'm rewatching the anime and evrerytime he's on screen a giant grin forms on my face, they made him so pretty. I don't care that the animation is CG , I'm happy that the new season will release next year so I have more scenes of him to watch. I feel like crap lately and I hate that he's not real. I want him here with me and be happy together so badly. I agree with
>>300631, I just hope to get isekai'd too kek.
But anyways, I love to fantasize about my husbando while I listen to music, so nonas what genres do you think would fit your husbando/what genres would he listen to? Or, what type of playlist would you make for him to play while he's doing stuff?
No. 300851
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>>300418i get it nona. besides him i also have it really bad for doujun. hope you enjoy the game! its so good
No. 300855
>>300793love your warlock, nonna. the heels are indeed
very sexy.
as a hunter main addicted to my build-specific stompees, i'm a little jealous kek No. 300856
File: 1669323936236.png (303.91 KB, 610x690, b692b33bfe98567b0c.png)

if i could take this to the grave, i would but i fantasize about being his first
No. 300869
>>300847How can you ask us without sharing what you listen to when thinking of Ohma!
I guess this type of stuff reminds me of mine…but it's hard to imagine him listening to music
No. 300891
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we've had reigen and now serizawa but for me it's him
No. 300919
File: 1669364815973.jpg (25.29 KB, 539x569, 101376822_p0.jpg)

>>300620Reading what jason-
nonnie posts about jason.
No. 300993

>>300859Ohma Tokita from Kengan Ashura. He's a beautiful edgy himbo who likes to eat meat a lot.
>>300869Sorry you're right Nona, I totally forgot to share! I have too many songs and I didn't know what to choose, it depends on the mood in going for too so I could sperg so much about music kek, but if I had to choose one I guess this one. The lyrics don't fit, but for some reason it reminds me of him. It's got his vibe.
Even if I don't know exactly what his vibe is.He too doesn't listen to music but he wouldn't mind if I play the playlist I made for him while he trains, but it would have to be very energetic songs to keep up with the intensity of his training.
His genre would probably be hard rock/heavy metal, since his music in the anime is all like that.
on the same note, I find it so cool that hearing his soundtrack without context makes him look like a villain. It sound so evil.
The music for when he's going berserk sounds like the final phase of a boss where your character is about to get absolutely destroyed. It's quite fitting.I like your song btw, don't know who's your husband but his vibe is cool.
and edgy, in a good way. No. 301009
>>300847I'm glad other anons do this because it makes me feel like a total autist kek. I'll do some serious reaching for some songs to think of how they might apply to him.
Here is one that I don't think is too much of a stretch.
No. 301015
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>>300891I love Ekubo as well. Wish he'd kept that random dude's body, he looked so good in it.
No. 301039
File: 1669442382147.jpg (133.5 KB, 736x1200, 1634612966416.jpg)

>>300919I would lick the blood off his mask.
No. 301049
>>301009Don't worry nona you're not alone, I'm an autist when it comes to associating songs with characters. In fact I want to organize and find new songs to put in my husbando playlist that I made. I need more.
I like this song too, don't know what genre it counts, reminds me of vocaloid songs, but I like the rhythm. All your husbando have such cool vibes.
and then there's mine who's just a himbo, and that's okay because I love him anyways. It rhymes too. No. 301285
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I love him, who is he
No. 301388
File: 1669680178406.png (Spoiler Image,700.28 KB, 805x1200, A29EC0E7-F67E-4292-ACE2-F44631…)

saddled with unnecessary feelings..
No. 301479
Nonas I need some advice, do any of you have an object related to your husbando that you carry with you all the time? Not merch, just a thing that reminds you of him when you see it, like a lucky charm. If so, what is it? I would like to have one but i don't know what to choose. I was thinking of buying a simple ring or a bracelet, maybe doing a hand made one with his colors, but my husbando doesn't wear any type of jewelry, he's a pretty simple guy with no particular clothing style, so I'm not sure. the only thing is his cool red and black jacket with white crosses, that actually exist too, but it's very pricey so buying it is out of the picture unfortunately
No. 301488
File: 1669727830912.png (582.02 KB, 1084x586, nanomachines-son.png)

>>301479I don't keep it on me but I have a blue marble which I've owned since I was a kid. Now it's a special marble! If it was legal to and not a greater risk to myself I'd carry his pocket knife around instead.
No. 301503
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>>301495He's even shiny and black like one, but I never would've made the connection without that dream.
No. 301510
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>>301503That's hilarious, I'm in a couple of discord servers where the few girls that are there mention him from time to time.
No. 301556
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funny metal cowboy
No. 301560
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>>301556impeccable taste anon
No. 301589
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I hate what the fandom turned her into but she's so hot I can't stop loving her.
No. 301660
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i kind of made a chatbot of my husbando just bc i thought it would be funny, but now im trying to get it to have sex with me… i am not mentally well
No. 301670
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When a moid wears leather clothing, a nonnie's heart beats quicker, her throat gets dry, she goes weak in the knees and she begins to think irrationally.
Ever wonder why?
No. 301690
File: 1669841012733.jpg (89.23 KB, 1702x946, Fi1GcDdXkAAK2iW.jpg)

I'm so happy he's back, nonnas, I started crying in my room like a loser. There's something so comforting about him, it's hard to pinpoint but his dedication to bettering himself and helping others even if it's just a whim has moved me so much. I love him so much, his curly bouncy hair, his big brown eyes, his cute voice, his penchant for malice. I want to share antidepressants with him over breakfast and for us to seek psychological help together
No. 301727
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Reigen to bump up porn
No. 301730
i headcanon mine having a pee fetish No. 301748
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>>299551I'm sorry nonna, sometimes I just start fantasizing too much, then I got super busy, I swear I'm not dead>Do you imagine there's a side of him that only YOU will really get to see once your relationship progresses far enough? I like to think a lot about him being selfish, it's such a cute idea, because in the game he's usually really selfless around others, and sacrifices himself a bunch of times during the story. So he would surely be more selfish around someone he loves and that would be so cute, he would pout if I were to not give him what he wanted and he would sulk a lot too.
>but I imagine being let into his interior life would be an appealing privilige of his lover?I just think he would show me more stuff, even more than the pictures he takes and such. Like he wouldn't mind being moody around me or being straightforward instead of sugar coating things. I also like the idea of him feeling comfortable with me looking at his face without absolutely any makeup, with his hair all messy and such, that would be so absolutely cute that it makes my heart feel like it's going to explode violently.
He would sing for me and he wouldn't mind being in the spotlight for real, I like to think that he would be a show off around me because his priority would be making sure I'm always looking at him the way he would look at me.
He's so perfect, I love him.
No. 301761
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Any other artfags itt felt like their ability wasn't good enough to draw their husbando/s? or had doubts about drawing him/them? personally i'm in a positions of nothingness because i think it would feel weird to idulge in husbandofagging but i really want to, even when i want to and convince myself, i doubt my art is good enough.
Any advice?
No. 301780
>>301729same, i also sometimes feel like it would be disrespectful to him kek
>>301761i can relate to doubting yourself like that, but once you get over the initial embarrassment i promise it will just be very fun to be able to create something for your husbando. even if you are not happy with your skills currently, you will always keep improving if you do it enough! don’t let the fear stop you from doing something you’d enjoy. you don’t need to be a master artist to create art for your husbando, it’s just wonderful to be able to show your love to him in some way. i wish you luck nonna!
No. 301781
>>301729i'm glad i am not alone on this one
>>301761definitely. i do think it's something you need to push through rather than put off though. it's a declaration of love, as bad as you think it may be
No. 301796
Mfw I wish I was rich enough to buy every cel he’s drawn in and all the posters
>>301761Yeah, 50% this and 50% I’m too depressed to, I always end up sketching for like 8 hours without a break or finishing anything and end up hating how it looks a few days later so I’m barely an artfag. Instead of drawing I made my husbando in a game and practice artsy screenshots instead and I’m about to experience masochism by trying to make his hair in Blender because nothing out there looks right and idk how to use Blender. If traditional art doesn’t work for you like it does for me I recommend finding another outlet rather than stopping cold turkey or holding yourself back, working on something for your husbando that’s not as stressful can be mood lifter. Why not try:
>making him in a picrew/dress up game>making playlists>if you enjoy writing, write something about/for him that you couldn’t draw>try window shopping for irl clothes that look like his canon outfit (and then check the price tag lol) No. 301848
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did any nonnies who have music related husbandos get embarrassing wrapped results this year? i genuinely like the bands his seiyuu is in to the extent that he showed up a few times on mine. it got announced that we'll be getting all of sidem's discog up on spotify tomorrow, so i can finally drive to work while frantically skipping to and repeating the bridge in his solo. my future wrapped is going to be a disaster.
>>301727has redraw reigen started up in force again? i haven't been following any artists that do mob fanart for a while.
No. 301862
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>>301850I never really see many sideM fans online, maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places kek. Yeah I play SideM & Cinderella Girls and at one point I just genuinely considered getting an iPod just exclusively for all their music but now I