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No. 305399

Post and discuss all of your sexual fantasies! Don't turn this into "fetishes you're ashamed of #2" though.
Old thread: >>>/g/182352

No. 305404

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This scene from Sex And The City

No. 305413

I like to imagine being an oppressed minority and being seduced by a hot white supremacist. A Jew in Auschwitz, a Black woman during slavery times, an Indian living under British rule.. it's all kind of hot to think about.

No. 305416

Praying this is bait. Please please please be bait.

No. 305418

NTA but why would it be a bait? "Predator/Prey" dynamic in romantic fantasies is pretty common

No. 305420

But basing it off of real fucked up events isn't.

No. 305422

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No. 305423

samefag sorry for moralfagging it's just kind of uneasy that someone would sexualize something that resulted in tons of real women getting abused, raped and killed.

No. 305424

>Don't turn this into "fetishes you're ashamed of #2"

No. 305425

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You are very unique and edgy for your rape fantasies, now get out.
Picrel is what you look like.

No. 305427

We really can't have a comfy sex thread without a stupid whore bragging about her rape fetishes. Most of you don't even have a sex drive, stop pretending.

No. 305428

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Moid hands turn me on.

No. 305429

I clicked on this picture from the front page because I thought the hands were hot, kek. That makes two of us I guess

No. 305431

I want a tall spoop or a muscly manlet to wrestle with and throw around until he's so worked up that he can't focus on anything other than getting closer to me.
Tall spindly men are cute when they writhe while on top and lavish attention like they're some kind of spiderbeast. I also love when a guy is so short that he can put his face between my boobs when we're having sex, but I'm short enough that this almost never happens.

No. 305432

Same lol.

No. 305434

i really want to sit in front of my bf and watch him masturbate(and finish)
we are very comfortable with eachother sexually but i am just too afraid to ask

No. 305438

ask him, he'll likely be very into that idea. i have the same fanatsy and i asked my ex bf if he could do it and he was flattered and very willing. got nothing to lose nonny!

No. 305440

Men in 18th century riding boots. Seeing guys dressed like the founding fathers really gets me for some reason.

No. 305442

No. 305443

I love the idea of being a final girl in a horror movie and has the villain fall in love with her, something about it hits the right buttons for me. Also wrestling a guy bigger than me and trying to get him to submit and winning…

No. 305445

Kek I remember I got roasted for saying that I thought the men you see dressed like this riding actual horse drawn carriages in the historic part of a nearby city were attractive

No. 305451

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I keep having this re-accruing fantasy where I fall for the biblical Lucifer. I summon him in a ritual and befriend him while living in an isolated community. I imagine his personality more timid, awkward, and goofy rather than the traditional demonic traits.

No. 305452

Same, probably because I'm a Jasonfag. If you haven't seen it yet, Unmasked Part 25 (1988) has this premise. It's not really romantic and is more of a horror, but part of the story is a slasher and a blind girl fall in love.

No. 305459

I want a sexy, tall guy to kneel on the floor while apologizing for being taller than me, then I want him to lick my shoes and take off my clothes without taking off my underwear so he can carry me to the bed where he will apologize for existing as he cries and keeps pleasing me, I want him to tell me that he doesn't deserve touching me or being in the same room as me, he would call himself a useless waste of space and he would ask for forgiveness.
Then he would thank me for every second he has spent with me while kissing my body.
And if I were to somehow praise him for something he has done, he would say that he's not worthy and he would apologize all of the time for having an erection.

No. 305462

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On the rare occasion i have a sex dream, it's always with him no matter what.

No. 305475

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Don’t tell me how he looked in his later years and don’t tell me his boobs are fake, I’d do anything to fuck this seven foot tall man with long hair. I have a fantasy about him being some sort of nephelim giant and me being a random peasant in like ancient Israel or some shit.
>be me, menenite, chilling in my blanket fort like the one on Joseph:King of Dreams
>a wounded nephelim brute seeks shelter in my tiny humble home
> he is looking down at me crying and begging
>I reluctantly let him in
>I tend to his wounds, one of them is on his calf and I sit on a stool right by that big ass thigh and sanitize them and wrap them up in lots of gauze
>he eats supper with me, the utensils are small in his hands and he is hunched over.
>he thanks me with his deep voice very politely
>I make him a bed in the living room
>I tell him goodnight and go to my room

No. 305476

>he is a brute but he is very polite to me so I stay up all night in my room
>I pace around nervously for a while before I quietly step in the living room
>his huge muscular body is sprawled out across the floorbed.
>he’s sleeping peacefully
>I go to the kitchen to pour myself a drink of fruit juice for some sugary energy
>I hear shuffling. Did I wake him up?
>”i can’t sleep for some reason” he tells me with a sleepy even deeper than usual voice
>”I’m so sorry, I can’t either. Maybe I can give you my bed since I’m not tired at all.”
>he smiles at me and says “that would be nice”
>we sit and chat for a little bit, I tell him how my husband is a soldier and will not return for a few more months
>he tells me that he’s not surprised I am married because I’m so beautiful
>I ask him if he has anyone in his life
>he tells me he doesn’t have a home but he’s had his eye on some ladies from time to time but it never went anywhere (I know irl Peter Steele was a huge man who’re but I don’t wanna pretend he was before modern medicine and when syphilis made your nose fall off so just suspend your disbelief)
>I take some wine out because I am actually enjoying staying up and talking, I’m usually very lonely
>”you must have a huge tolerance because you’re so big” I joke.
2/3 bigger than I thought(like his peen)

No. 305477

>I’m tipsy, I don’t know why but I haven’t realized that this giant is kind of handsome, he has strong features and long wavey dark hair and a nice smile.
>I ask him if he feels anything from the wine yet
>”not as much as you, I can tell you are woozy. Are you going to go lie down soon?”
>I take in his question and say no! My bed is his tonight.
>he tells me that I am so kind and smiles at me
>I kiss him, my face is smaller than his and he is taken aback, I hold my lips there for 3 seconds and pull back
>we look at each other and resume kissing, I climb on top of him, looking up to him
>I caress his giant shoulders and kiss all over his neck,
>he reaches down my back and scoops me up and lays me down on the table
>his huge hands undress me and continues kissing me and doing the boobsqueeze and waist feel ups
>I pull at the bottom of his shirt and take it off of him.
>We resume kissing but stop then I ask him if he’s ever wanted to be with a human before
>he says yes and asks me if I’ve ever wanted to be with a giant?
>”I have never really been around nephelim. You’re the first one I’ve seen so up close.”
>I’m sitting up on the table and he’s leaning over me with his arm propping him up.
3/4 omg really long

No. 305478

>I touch his erect schlong under his garb it is almost the size of my forearm.
>it feels moist like he precame.
>”should we go to my bed?” I ask?
>he nods and picks me up on his shoulders and then plops me down he takes off his bottoms and the dick is staring me in the face. >I grab it and put it in my mouth, and do my thing for like 45 seconds.
>I lay down and spread my legs for him to eat me out and he utilizes his giant tongue to lick all over the clitoris (my husband doesn’t do this because he thinks it’s unclean.)

No. 305479

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>he flicks his tongue and suckles and kisses it, like he cherishes the poon
>he comes up and kisses me gently. His long hair draping at the sides.
>we briefly discuss if it’s even possible for us to do it because of our size and species difference.
>I reach down to his pp and touch it it’s rock hard and still moist with my saliva
>I guide his dick into me, he lets out a moan and I feel it push in,
>the missionary sex begins
>when it’s all the way in I gasp. It’s a 9 incher my husband is like 5 inches and I was a virgin when I married him, I didn’t know what I was getting into.
>I start to think,can I have a nephelim baby?
>as he is still thrusting in and out I speak,”when you feel like you will finish, pull out”
>we hump for a little bit longer before he shoots his load onto my belly it’s like a copious amount, it doesn’t surprise me because after all he is a big dude
>we cuddle afterwards and he holds me in his huge arms and lets me play with his hair.

He’s so hot I got sort of carried away

No. 305480

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Anyways I am so not ashamed because I am a size queen and Peter steel has a pretty proportionate dick for his size, unfortunately all the tall guys I’ve been with have been sort of disappointing. Hopefully i find a giant man with a giant swingin dick it is my ultimate fantasy

No. 305483

That was very wholesome anon, thanks for sharing!

No. 305493

His dick is long, but it's so thin. Not very appetizing

No. 305498

Slightly embarrassed by this. Recently I’ve been fantasizing about doing some fairly vanilla hypno-play on my bf. He’s fairly stoic, so I guess the appeal is in seeing him lose control a little bit. In the fantasy we eventually get to a point where he has so much trust in me he lets me plant triggers he’s unaware of, because he knows I would never do anything harmful to him or to myself.

One day I put the horny spell on him. While he’s tranced and unaware of my doings, I hypnotize him to get instantly hard as soon as he sees me, but only when we’re at home and it’s safe and so on. He will feel an urge to touch me, undress me, want to be inside me, but in addition to this he also feels intense and overwhelming love for me. I also implant a secret trigger; every time he hears me humming “Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head” it will deepen the spell.

No. 305499

So he gets home from work and I’m already in the midst of making dinner. I greet him the way I usually do, with a hug, and can feel him holding me tighter than normal. He looks at me a bit surprised and embarrassed. “How was your day?” I ask him as I return to the stove. “Fine” he replies. He sneaks up to hug me from behind and starts feeling up my waist. “I’m so horny” he laughs sheepishly, pressing into me. I smile and tell him he can wait, as dinner is almost ready. My spell is working, so I want to make the most out of it and tease him a bit first. I start setting the table, humming while I’m doing it: “A raindrop is falling on my head-”, but he grabs my arms gently and bends me over the table. “I love you so much,” he says, grinding on me. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me”. He starts kissing my neck and tries to lift my shirt up. I feel myself getting excited too but manage to compose myself. “Let’s wait until we’ve finished eating,” I repeat. He lets go of me with a deep shaky breath. I make him finish setting the table while I finish up the dinner and resume my singing, “And just like the guy who’s feet are too big for his head..”

No. 305500

You get the gist. Eventually I tease him so much he “loses” control and I give in to his advances. We have passionate loving vanilla sex in the missionary position while he looks me in the eyes and apologizes and tells me how much he loves me and in the end nuts deep inside me. The spell lingers for a few hours then gradually wears off.

No. 305502

maybe the hypno is part of your fetish but if you want to achieve something similar irl just don't have sex with your moid for like a week.
my personal thing i like is seeing my bf after a while apart and he is so desperate for me but i choke him and tease him and edge him and he loses his composure and just begs for me and tells me how much he loves me and wants me. i think it's a combo of wanting to feel wanted and the spider thing >>305431 was talking about

No. 305504

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No. 305505

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Have any of you nonnies ever had an MMF threesome, two guys and you?

I’m not sure if I genuinely like the idea of it for what it is, or if I like the idea of a boyfriend wanting to impress me by being “one of the cool guys” and putting aside feelings of jealousy just to please me. I have a feeling it might be a revenge thing based on what men think women should be willing to do for them.

No. 305510

Someone tell her about pregnant Anne Frank.

No. 305542

my most persistent sexual fantasy is being a sex/companionship robot (a tasteful naturalistic one, not a disgusting silicone cartoon) on whom hot robotics engineers have to perform a series of compromising diagnostic tests to ensure my nerve endings and nervous reflexes are functioning correctly

No. 305547

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I want an Edward Furlong prototype

No. 305802

Not even a fujo but it's a dream of mine to have an MMF threesome with two bi men

No. 305804

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Posted this in the wrong thread RIP

I always wanted her…carnally

No. 305839

What do you want to do to her (or her to you), anon?

No. 305844

I've had mfm threesomes when I was single. I won't say I'd never do it again, but I don't think I would while in a relationship. I've posted about it before, but I have a fantasy of doing a mmf threesome with my bf and his bi friend, having bf receiving. He's straight as far as I know, but that just makes it hotter to me. I'll probably never tell him about it because realistically speaking I know it's a terrible idea and I'm way too insecure to bring a third party into the bedroom, but I love the image of him getting boned while fucking me as I'm petting his face and he's all embarrassed over how much he enjoys it.

No. 305874

most unrealistic part is the hot robotics engineers damn poor nonny

No. 305883


I want her to pick me up by my pigtails and throw me. Or just have rough, toe curling sex with me. I feel like she’d be rough on me

No. 305912

I have one fantasy which I've always loved since forever and nothing else turns me on more:

I am someone's right hand woman. Personal assistant, I guess. Either they work in the military or politics or something (details don't matter). They rely on me for appointments to be scheduled, documents to be signed on time, organizing events, and the like. After all, they have a reputation to upkeep, and they can't possibly remember everything on their own. They rely on me, yet I am nothing but an object to them. They don't see me as someone with feelings, but someone who they can order around and manipulate.

After a long day at work, the best way for them to unwind is by using me. That way, I am truly of use to them in every way possible. Either we go to a hotel room (as we don't want anyone knowing what someone so high profile is up to), or we just stay at the office after everyone else is gone. Either way, I am his to do whatever he desires with.

I've never actually written this down before so I hope people get what I'm going for here.

No. 305926

Ahahahah nonny, I thought about adding a remark saying EXACTLY that to my original post but didn’t want to upset any anons with engineer boyfriends.

No. 305927

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not really sexual but ever since i was like 11 i often fantasized about having a big mermaid girlfriend. sometimes i think about being the mermaid but i don't think that's for me. kind of like ponyo's mom. i think it's almost hot to me the danger of being in the middle of the ocean with a creature that big, then realizing she's humanlike. the fear turns into a thrill and maybe that's what makes me think it's hot. like the idea that she could hurt me immensely if she wanted and not knowing whether or not she would plus being met with an uncanny creature in a foreign place in the middle of nowhere with no way to flee. it's specifically a mermaid in the middle of the ocean where i'm a humble lonesome poor fisher who suddenly sees a huge thing breaking the ocean surface poking out of the water.
i had a friend that made fun of me and accused me of having a giantess fetish but i literally don't actual giant women make me feel nothing it's just mermaids, really. i'm not opposed to a giant squid woman though…

No. 305929

I don’t get it, but I do love it for you nonny

No. 305953

But what if, behind her harsh exterior, she actually wants to be dominated by someone else? Could you still accept her, anon?

No. 305958

nta but that would make it so much better. Big intimidating women who want to be held and cherished are the best.

No. 305967

I feel you nonny. Most of the time vagina doesn't do much for me but vagina on mermaids, yes please!

No. 305972

ayrt and i'm a 'mo so they definitely do it for me most of the time but i get it. mermaids are intriguingly hot
thank you for your kindness nonita…

No. 305993


Oh that would be even more gold. Tbh I’m into after care as well so in my brain, after she eats the living shit out of me, we snuggle in bed and I massage her muscles because she just had an intense workout. She’s getting wined and dined too, Ms Trunchbull is not a common whore

No. 305995

I meant “beats the living shit out of me” but I like pussy eating too so I’m not deleting

No. 306032

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I've had this knocking around in my head for a while now. It'll never happen IRL but that's a good thing.

I imagine getting hired to do graphics/editorial illustrations for a popular talk show. I come in to the office for the interview, chat with the producer, and get hired. On the second day of working, I'm introduced to the host of the show after running into him unexpectedly. (I secretly have a crush on him IRL.) I do my best to come across as being cool, professional, and charming. I tell him shit like "I'll do my best to make the art funny/well-drawn."

The excitement of seeing my art on his show that evening doubles when people on the internet screencap it, make memes from it (involving him, shooping him INTO my art, etc.), and rave about it. (For the record, this talk show DOES use art/funny Photoshopped pics, but it's so boomer-tier quality, I really could do better than whoever they currently use.) The next day, as I walk into work, the producer, my boss, and the host flag me down to come into his office to chat about what a great show last night was. I'd probably be all bashful and shit. The camaraderie would take off from there.

I'd do my best to make sure the art worked with him, and didn't take away from his monologues. Like a good comedy partner. I'd be his silent sidekick each evening. Eventually, after months of working there, I'd eventually integrate into the production crew's culture. I'd be one of the family. But still enough of an outlier that I'd only very rarely talk to the show's host, let alone see him. Then one night, after a record-breaking show, we'd get a staff-wide email that the show has been nominated for awards, or broken the Nielsen ratings. Then, later in the evening, we'd get another email saying we should "celebrate" tomorrow.

I'd show up to work the next day, and as soon as I stepped through the doors to our offices, I'd get summoned all the way to the very back of the floor, where the host's office is. His office doesn't have any glass doors or walls. It's rather big, too. I'd walk in, and see nearly everyone who works on the show crammed into the office. It's standing room only.

At the center of the crowd is a nice writing desk. Lying on his back on the desk is the host of this award-winning show, getting spitroasted. It's silent except for the heavy breathing, and the host moaning desperately. I'm one of the few women who work on the show, but some of them are wearing strap-ons. Everyone is waiting their turn, although some just want to watch forever. The host, a normally nicely-dressed man who wears a suit and a tie, is a fucking mess. He's in his suit and tie, but the jacket and shirt are open and his pants are long gone. Through the crowd I'm ushered towards the beginning of the line. My contributions to the show have garnered me a higher place, I guess. The two people fucking the host have finished, and as I move up, we make eye contact. This is how the crew thank this guy for all the work that he's done, all the flak he's gotten over the years. It's unspoken. It's like the bond soldiers in a platoon have with one another. This is my chance to show him how much I've been attracted to him for.

No. 306047

LMAO beat you and eat you, that's hilarious. What a dream woman

No. 306083

The opposite sounds much better

No. 306159

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I love being eaten out/fucked on my period, it’s so much better than regular sex. There’s more moisture and your hormones are crazy I’m doing an intentional dry spell on the bf right now, weaseling out of sex, not gonna do him until the hormones tell me to. It’s gonna be grandiose.

No. 306224

Genuine question because I've thought of trying this but won't the iron smell be unbearable for the partner to eat you out?? Or is he used to it. I just feel so self conscious and gross yet I want to try something with my bf during since it's unbearable at times. Also who's the guy in gif

No. 307147

>never yells or cries
>doesn't mope or give silent treatment, call names, or get pissy
>cool as a cucumber under pressure and knows when to control a situation
>tall, 6'1-6'4, and built as well but not fat in any way with big arms
>minimal but present body hair, small chest hair and treasure trail and not too much arm hair and 0 shoulder or back hair
>short nails and strong tan hands
>wears nice fitting jeans, has a thick firm ass, wears a belt buckle and slightly tucks his shirt on
>has a big meaty uncut cock, it's big even when it's soft and flops heavily out of his boxers when he pulls them down, and he has big balls that aren't saggy and a trimmed pubes and he's always clean and smells just like his cologne never like peepee or ballsweaty even when I kiss and smell his warm hard dick
>he has long hair but it's not stringy or disgusting like normal guys with long hair it's slightly wavy and it's soft and cascades down his built smooth shoulders
>he has an adonis belt and a well defined clavicle
>he smells like spices and his breath is fresh
>he has a few tattoos and a piercing not on the gay ear
>he moans really loud when I do anything to him
>he never hits me or is rough or sexually abusive he only wants to make me cum
>is really strong but controls his strength and never hurts me
>when I say don't stop during sex he doesn't stop and maintains the exact rythmn requested
>his dick is so big it should hurt when he's banging me but it doesn't because he made me cum 3x before he even put it in and he thrusts with powerful deep continuous strokes and doesn't make an ugly face when he cums
>he doesn't get too sweaty either and doesn't put weight on me
>holds me just enough afterwards and doesn't crowd me
>wants round 2 or 3 and has 0 refractory period
>afterwards gets me a big glass of ice water with a straw and calls me my princess
I barely ask for much why are men so fucking greedy

No. 307192

I love you size queen anon

No. 307223

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One of my most common fantasies is having a date with a hot guy and just being a cute, maybe a bit obnoxious couple, the kind that wears matching clothes, spends the day looking into each other's eyes and constantly flirts.
Then, when we're back home, maybe from the beach, maybe after going back from shopping, hell, maybe we could be coming back from church. We would just kiss as if we missed each other for months, and he would take off my clothes while kissing any millimeter of skin that gets exposed.
He would take off my bra and suddenly be extremely gentle because he would know I'm sensitive, so that contrast would be sweet, from being desperate, groping me and gently biting me, to caressing me and licking me as if he was afraid of breaking me.
He would be just the perfect guy, tall, pale, preferably a blond, with green eyes maybe and a few freckles, he would be a gym rat and he would have a beautiful body, his dick would be uncut, huge, with decent sized balls, but not wrinkly balls because that's gross, and he would have some pubic hair but just trimmed, his happy trail would be really cute, not huge and bushy of course, I want to pet it, I don't know I like how artist draw them sometimes, I managed to find a nice example of what I would want to see irl.
He would feel ticklish and he would have a really cute laughter, so I would pet him more as we cuddle.
Then he would take off his clothes and he would ask for me to get comfortable, he would make me orgasm a few times, like those would be toe curling orgasms, the kinds that sometimes makes you get cramps on your leg for some reason.
He would be hard all of the time and he wouldn't even dare to touch himself because he would prefer edging and making sure I'm feeling good.
We would do it in missionary position and he would be really slow and gentle, asking if I'm okay, if he's doing good, and being a bit overwhelming but that would be cute. I like to think that he would be blushing because he wouldn't be used to looking at me like that and he would always be amazed by anything we do together.
After a while of just getting used to the sensations and what not he would be the kind that goes hard but slow, he would kiss me as much as possible and he would hold me closely, and whenever we would change the position for one reason or another, he would get even more clingy and he would hug me tightly.
I also want to feel his weight over me, he would make sure to not crush me though.
He would have some really nice moans, not too high pitched, not too low, just nice, and he would just call me cute things and tell me that he loves me.
Then at the end of the whole thing, he loses control and cums inside, then I would be like "oh no, what if I get pregnant" in a flat tone because it would be a safe day, and he would just hug me tightly and tell me that he would be the happiest man on earth.

No. 307225

his nipples are looking in two different directions

No. 307226

Aww this is so sweet I want a sweet big dick man too anon.

No. 307231

Yes, I've done this twice as a single woman. Both times were with the guy I was seeing at the time and separate friends of his who I also knew. The guys never did anything to one another, which I'm glad, I wouldn't have been into that. The second time I had a threesome, I honestly thought the guy was gay or at least bi, but he never touched the guy I was seeing.

No. 307234

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I’ve been thinking so much about my story in my head right now, which is really just a series of scenarios to fantasize about my ideal types of men living their lives out in depravity and being sexually exploited for my pleasure. mostly the idea of my somewhat hot famous male musician showing sympathy for an unattractive disfigured young woman by giving her pity sex after meeting her on those spacious 1970s planes. im just just so particularly transfixed by this era of men and society and culture even though it was degenerate as fuck, a lot of my stories revolve around men in power being evil moids. not really a sexual thing, but more of a plot point and for my female characters to outwit and destroy them by their own form of manipulation. i’ll probably write more in this thread but this is my current fixation now lol

No. 307262

He has prey nipples.

No. 307555

Are you the Holocaust-chan from the last "fetishes you are ashamed of" thread?
I am not gonna lie, I sometimes think about asking my nigel to wear a wehrmacht uniform just to see his reaction

No. 307975

File: 1673748724945.jpg (48.56 KB, 716x800, 918283747.jpg)

I want to correctively rape a gay man and have no shame in it.

No. 307980

I'm jealous, I've always wanted to do it but my fiance would never. Brought it up to him once asking if he'd be interested and he acted like I was asking to cheat and leave him

No. 308001

A fantasy that has played out, but I would like it to continue to play out.
I got fucked up with one of friends who is a “mtf” moid, cute though definitely has something I can work with. We ended up having sex and I’m now getting texts asking if it would be strange for him to be more masculine. The sex was okay at best but the euphoria of getting him to his senses? Priceless. He’s asking what he can do to make it more enjoyable for me and I know it won’t lead anywhere but fellow nonnas, I am enjoying the hell out of this kek

No. 308083

Ew you fucked a tranny. Disgusting

No. 308112

Big buff men with small women engaging in passionate sex focused on her pleasure, there's something about the mental image of a large manly man feverishly licking and kissing the pussy of a woman half (or even less) his size to multiple orgasms that drives me wild.

No. 308245

So, did you respect his pronouns?

No. 308279

Sounds pedoish ngl

No. 308286

Nta but a size difference preference doesn't mean pedophilia. Goddamn, can't I as a womanlet enjoy the fantasy of a big buff man being gentle with me and focusing on my pleasure?

No. 308341

Sorry for being below 5'

No. 310101

File: 1674529827243.png (386.24 KB, 500x626, darkacademiadream2.png)

picrel is for inspo. There’s a lot of build up before the juicy stuff, but the yearning is what's sexually important to me. It’s got big dark academia vibes. Idc if it’s dumb zoomer shit, I love the look of it. Prepare yourself to cringe, this is literally what I imagine at night before bed. Thank you >>305475 for practically just sharing a fanfic.

>I’m a graduate student getting her M.S. in medieval art history at a prestigious college, located in the countryside of Ireland.

>Enter my self-appointed collegiate nemesis, the son of the Dean.
>Tall (6’2”) broody, raven haired, broad shouldered with wire rimmed glasses. He can be found wearing a dark brown tweed suit most days.
>He’s usually sullen, and he can barely disguise his haughtiness.
>We have heated discussions in our shared classes, and I win most of them much to his dismay.
>I get back to my dorm room only to find a wax sealed letter with the school’s insignia, and the letter instructs me to meet them in the abandoned rooftop conservatory above the library at midnight. The letter includes instructions on how to use a hidden broken door at the back of the building to avoid detection.
>I mull it over but decide to go anyway. my phone is dead so I go by candlelight
>I anxiously arrive in the middle of the once prominent conservatory; half dead plants and vines cover every surface. I see a candelabra lit up and sitting on the brick lining of a dried out fountain in the middle of the main room, with a large brooding figure’s back being illuminated in the dark
>He turns towards me, it’s him. He has a measured look on his face.
>He accuses me of intentionally trying to make him out to look like an idiot. I deny his accusations and say it’s his own fault for not being able to best me at anything.
>He slowly walks up to me and wonders aloud in a raspy tone “surely, there’s something I can bet you at”
>He plays with a lock/curl of my hair between two of his fingers, his breath brushes my face with how close he is.
>He snakes his hand around my waist and waits for my resistance.
>I’m too shocked to react, but also surprisingly aroused. Fear leaves my body and is replaced with curiosity.
>He moves away too soon for my own liking.
>I take a few steps back before quickly rushing back to my dorm, disturbed by the fire that’s just been lit in me.
>The next day, we once again have a particularly heated debate in class. As soon as the class is over, I walk outside into a long hallway leading to the usually abandoned outdoor courtyard. I can hear him quickening his pace behind me, and he traps me between his arm and the stone column behind me.
>His breathing is huffy, and I can feel myself reluctantly becoming magnetized by him.
>He grits his teeth, and I can see his jaw tighten before he manages to muster out “you are the most insufferable woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of becoming obsessed with”
>while in a state of shock from the latter half of his confession, he seizes the moment to feverishly capture my lips with his own, as he places his hand tenderly on the side of my face
>I recover from the shock and respond in kind. He takes the invitation to go further and begins to wander my body with the other hand.
>I can feel his growing excitement against my abdomen, and I can’t help but rut against him
>a low and controlled short moan can be heard escaping his mouth
>we break away at the sound of conversations in growing closer in the courtyard.

No. 310103

File: 1674531034048.gif (1.17 MB, 618x427, download (17).gif)

What the fuck

No. 310104

Nonnie, this is art.

No. 310105

They don't even fuck, they barely kiss, she doesn't go into the humiliation aspects, I think this guy's just a stand-in for Harry Potter, he didn't even moan like a slut at the end- give me something to work with

No. 310107

typo i want to correct because i'm anal and want my dream to be accurate
>“surely, there’s something I can best you at”

No. 310108

nonna, i just love longing and enemies to lovers tropes. This is my set-up before they fuck, ok? I'm too shy to actually type out the act, but this is still a sexual fantasy (to me at least)

>harry potter

ew? what part of haughty, broody, 6 foot academic is like harry potter? pick up a book, he's modeled after Henry from The Secret History.

No. 310113

That gum you like is–

No. 310114

File: 1674536063460.gif (780.31 KB, 500x380, sakura.gif)

I'm waiting for them to be paired up as partners for some sort of class debate, and at first they clash with one another, but then after getting humiliated by their opponents, they decide to stop arguing for two seconds and actually put together a well-formed counterargument. And then they both watch each other debate and act all serious and professional, and then they look like picrel

No. 310116

card captor sakura gif means you're super based nonna. im ngl, the support is making me get giddy. I want more nonna's to post their fantasies.

No. 310119

File: 1674540579400.png (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 1312x835, lee.PNG)

Here's one of mine, that I think about frequently. Picrel is who I usually imagine it with.
>I enter a dark apartment, it's vast and lined with glass windows that overlook the city skyline
>There's a single light on in the kitchen, and I'm wearing a sexy, slinky black dress and heels
>Taking a bottle of wine from the rack, I pour out a glass of red and take a swig.
>Look over to him, gagged, all four limbs bound to a chair.
>There's inherent fear in his eyes.
>I slink my way up to him and remove the gag.
>Tell him how much fun I had on my date, and that I hope he was suffering the whole time he's been sitting here.
>He goes to respond and I strike him hard across the face
>"Did I say you could speak?"
>"No b-"
>I strike him again.
>"I said, did I SAY you could speak?"
>He furiously shakes his head
>I laugh, take another swig from my glass, and dump the rest on his face.
>He pleads and begs with me, a sad soulfulness in his eyes
>"What the fuck did I say about speaking?"
>I kick over his chair and knock him out

Then obviously with how pent up I was I use him for sex later, probably while he's still tied up and sticky from the wine.

No. 310122

AYRT d'awww stawp it you. I love the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers storyline, too, especially if it never quite condenses firmly into "lovers". The chase and the teasing keeps it alive and fresh, imho.

No. 310181

even if it’s not my thing, i always have to respect nonnas who enjoy humiliating and punishing men. it’s what they deserve

No. 310186

File: 1674595878719.jpg (361.14 KB, 718x1000, severian_and_the_undine.jpg)

Seems like nonna wants to meet the brides of Abaia

No. 310202

Sometimes I wish I could shrink to 20cm tall.

No. 310231

I got a retarded size difference fantasy:
>be me
>be of regular height for a woman, not too short, not too tall
>meet hot guy who is really tall
>we get along
>we start dating
>then the day comes
>it's the day in which we will have sex for the first time
>he tells me that he doesn't want me to freak out so we just make out and he fondles me
>be too retarded to know what to do
>spill spaghetti
>he asks if I've ever masturbated with a dildo
>asks how many fingers I can put in
>show him two fingers
>he looks at my hand
>he looks at his hand
>he takes my hand
>there's a ridiculously huge difference between our hands
>he politely asks if he can finger me
>he's very gentle and keeps kissing me, telling me that I'm beautiful, cute, perfect, sweet, that he loves me and that he wants to be with me forever and ever, and ever, and ever
>he licks my pussy as he keeps fingering me
>makes me cum like 4 times
>he asks if it will really be okay if he puts it in
>it's actually humongous but I'm too horny
>it actually feels really good
>he's particularly clingy and doesn't want to let go of me
>after a few rounds we spend the rest of the afternoon making out

No. 310232

i wanna lick doug walkers teeth

No. 310234

Hot and very similar to my own fantasies ilu nona

No. 310255

File: 1674649695359.png (Spoiler Image,350.31 KB, 750x563, tumblr_e484eca2c4d027faa1ee20f…)

my bf

No. 310262

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Based respectful love making

No. 310294

disgusting belly button

No. 310296

I also fantasize about wrestling someone bigger & stronger than me and winning and making them submit to me. I'm a fairly tall strong girl irl and the thought of dominating a manlet or womanlet does nothing for me, I guess I like a challenge lol

No. 310297

Lol I love you based Trunchbull-chans

No. 310301

forgive me if this is too degenerate of a fantasy but i want to stalk and hunt a cute muscular guy, hold him at knifepoint, smother him with my pussy, rip his clothes and use his dick for a while and then snuff him out.

is this based or am i just crazy

No. 310302

No. 310313

I wanna take a cold shower/ice bath/roll around in the snow idfk and then have a guy warm me up by fucking me, holding me close etc

Also I have cold hands all the time and my ex used to love when I jerked him off with them. He would jump from the initial touch on his cock it was so cute lulz

No. 310314

Based, I used to imagine this exact scenario with my husbando

No. 310322

Back when I had a psycho husbando I used to fantasise about the same thing. Who is yours?

No. 310329

I want to facefuck a guy. Just hold his head in place as he sticks his tongue out and I get to use him for my pleasure…

No. 310339

murder fantasies are fucked up no matter the gender.

No. 310341

> the gender

No. 310349

kek the mental image of passionate gentle sex with tf2 sound effects

No. 310386

won't someone PLEASE think of the poor helpless men??!?

No. 310407

File: 1674771625953.jpg (43.08 KB, 563x774, 4102cdfcf0b6140c54025ff2a37409…)

I can't stop thinking about handsome guys in 1920's swimsuits after one nona posted a pic like that. It's my new thing.

No. 310461

File: 1674829692186.gif (28.66 KB, 220x220, cat-blank-face.gif)

Why am I so into quiet men-not the shy, unconfident type-but the confident kind who only speaks when needed?
I thought it was because men only ever say dumb shit, but there's gotta more to it, no?

No. 310498

I know what you mean. I thought I wanted to date a shy guy, so I dated a few. They're usually very dependent on you (usually they have you, and a friend or two) & tend to dump alllll their baggage on you. Most of them were embarrassing to bring to parties b/c of how unsociable / awkward they were. So I changed my tune and went on a few dates with extroverted guys– not it either. They're loud, loves to talk over you, and oftentimes a fuckboy. I'd love a confident man who only speaks when necessary.

No. 310622

In all my fears and entwined sexuality, my thirsting and my pathetic bid for validation, I finally meet the man of my dreams and my nightmares and we have a sordid affair. From first encounter he knows exactly, exactly who I am, how resisting we both are, attracted to physicality alone. Hypothetically he's been stalking me for godknowshowlong, but likes to call me his stalker. A week of passionate, sloppy, filthy, never before seen sex, that only such a contradiction of love and hate between two intense, awful people could churn out. An intimacy between two people whose love has turned extremely acrid. It's disgusting, it's raw, it's traumatizing, and it's sexy for no explainable reason.

No. 312097

I don't know if the clown thread prohibits hornyposting so I'll put this here. don't read this
Sex with a mime bf: the wackiest sex imaginable, legs getting folded like a balloon animal just all sorts of crazy flexible sex positions, he can get very creative with his hands, sweat and grease paint flying everywhere, when he cooms a deck of cards shoots out his dick. Clown sex is the same but louder and it's a long line of handkerchiefs instead of cards. I want a threesome with The Garden so bad please kill me.

No. 312098

Nonas,,, i kept looking up if it was possible to get pregnant by xyz date and a lot of tinfoil because i have an excessive fantasy of being pregnant. I only had sex once but there would have to be a miracle by god if i were to be pregnant, i just want to be pregnant, then he would have to marry me and have a beautiful family

No. 312110

What is with this board and uncut cocks kek, am i the only one that prefers cut?

No. 312135

I wouldn't date a mangled man

No. 312139

You're not alone. Never been with uncut, wouldn't want to, personally.

No. 312148

This, granted I’m slightly dick obsessed. To me it’s a turnoff knowing the guy isn’t feeling all the feels. There was another anon posting about how cut guys are doomed to become coomers because of their numb dicks, and while it’s a bit mean and exaggerated I think there’s something to it lol. The foreskin helps with keeping a dick lubricated and also provides sensation by moving up and down, so when it’s gone you’re left with a dry and numb dickhead. Cut guys need more stimuli to get off and at the same time their dick feels more dry and painful than silky uncut dick. I also think intact dicks look cuter than cut ones when they are erect. I know not all cut dicks are the same, but there are few things more horrifying than those super crusty mushroom-like circumcised ones. There’s no excuse for circumcision unless there’s a medical reason behind it.

No. 312150

Meh. If it means they last longer and don't have that odd smell/taste it's worth it imo

No. 312152

I prefer circumcised dicks all the way, simply because most men are unhygienic degenerate freaks who don’t know how to wash their genitals properly and let weeks of dickcheese sit in the foreskin

No. 312181

I lost my virginity to an uncut guy and I thought all dicks were like that for a while kek.. I don’t necessarily mind them but I hate it when uncut dicks have that extra little bit of skin poking up at the tip…hard to describe so hopefully someone knows what I mean. it’s really hard to get past it and gives me the ick

No. 312187

Is it that hard to imagine your fantasy guy in the sexual fantasies thread would wash his dick?

No. 312431

People always say cut is dry but, uncut looks greasy/oily and i don't like that. Also can't they use lotion?

No. 312445

>There’s no excuse for circumcision unless there’s a medical reason behind it.
This is my main reason for liking uncut. I fucking hate that in this day and age, society still lets men touch infants and circumcise them against their will, all under the guise of "religion". That's absolutely fucked.

No. 312459

nta it's aidan turner

No. 312493

Men push their cum on women and don't care if it's gross, or if they do that's the appeal for them.

No. 312502

I knew this uncut dude who jerked off five times a day, i feel most cut dudes couldn't manage to do that so being that pornsick could be harder if a dude was cut.

No. 312505

>i feel most cut dudes couldn't manage to do that so being that pornsick could be harder if a dude was cut.
not really, they just use shittons of lotion

No. 312509

Uncut dick this, cut dick that, muh nerves, muh coomers. Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!
I don't give a fuck about my fantasy moids' dicks, they're dicks, I can describe them depending on what's appealing to me in the moment, but I'm not asking myself if he would like it if he was real because he's a fake fantasy moid and not a real moid.
Stop talking about dicks, take it to the dick thread or whatever, this thread is for posting sexual fantasies, not to discuss whether it would be factible or not that an anon would find a sexy vampire and time travel to a clean version of a period novel without polio and short life expectancy.

No. 312530

AYRT I just think it's unfair I can't ever get to experience it plus I heard they feel better

No. 312996

File: 1676543751166.gif (524.11 KB, 512x256, 5UCQ.gif)

One of the author anons from the last thread checking in. I've gotten a lot of good work done since last thread, I have several drafts half done and a filing system down for everything I'm working on. Other projects + general life stuff permitting, I'm hoping to have at least three e-books for sale by the end of this year. Thank you all for not making me feel so cringe for writing about Viking gangbangs.
Also my two cents, uncut is supreme. I don't want to fuck a guy and have it in the back of my mind that he was mutilated as a baby.

No. 312997

I'm a good country girl, I like it un-cut.
It fits in the butt better when it's un-cut.

No. 313000

No. 313019

You disgusting thing.

No. 313039

>autistic love for uncut cocks and buttsex
Faggot spotted.

No. 313045

File: 1676585326084.jpeg (15.83 KB, 218x250, nb643ae8fd530a5a56c3a5e1677760…)

Congratulations anon! I'm glad that your making your way to success in doing something you like and it's a good thing you are keeping everything organised as that is often something people don't do and get slowed by it. Wishing you luck on finishing and selling three e-books by the end of this year ♥
Loved your writing and I know that other do too.

No. 313046

samefag but what I mean with
>selling three e-books
is that you managed to but it on the market and sell many copies of it

No. 313048

wow nonnie this pretty much happened to me word for word with a 6'5 moid except he didn't make me cum he was a liar and there were no tf2 sound effects

No. 313083

I hope you can get yourself a cute moid that won't lie and will do tf2 sound effects with you, nonnie.

No. 313595

I want to talk to this anon in a thread i frequent because i get very horny when i do things that you're not supposed to do like i want to know their identity like i get super fucking horny whenever i think about this little deranged anon, like are you normal? probably not i dont care fuck me please i just i have the hugest fucking turn on to make people come out of their shells and just spill it all just like how i want them to spill into me

No. 313596

No. 313627

guy with long curvy cock, libido ever-willing and no refractory period, the dream, the dream

No. 313630

speaking from a wealth of experience: this and this.

No. 313653

I kinda hate myself for this but I want my college teacher to have sex with me as a punishment. He's mid, 5'10, and maybe in his 30s idk, but he's so weird and intimidating that it's hard to watch him squash the whole class under his thumb and not feel a bit turned on by the idea of him bending me over a table

No. 314098

I want to be an explorer and run into an indigenous tribe and they all think im exotic and cool and all the men worship me maybe even some lesbos could worship me (don't roll that way but that's very flattering) and I have all the cute (I'd like to think like this is in South America) native dudes throwing themselves at me. These dudes who are like so lean and buff and just wear little loincloths, little sluts if you will. I form a harem of the cutest ones and the big ones carry me around and act as my body guards but the smaller ones act as my servants and I sit in a hut getting my pussy eaten and having trains ran on me by these wild indigenous men

No. 314103

Maybe this kind of racism is hot

No. 314105

What do you think about Polynesian dudes? I think they're pretty hot most of the time, especially in that one tiktok of some Polynesian dudes eating papaya

No. 314238

File: 1677275293480.jpg (107.67 KB, 1023x685, 487905367_15b7a39d06_b.jpg)

No. 314243

Can't link to the specific timestamp but papaya eating starts at 5:04

No. 314261

Oh damn

No. 314262

Same nona. I’m super attracted to a certain type of indigenous men and to be honest I just wanna be railed by the hottest ones, one after another.

No. 314266


No. 314365

No. 314395

File: 1677414790311.jpg (113.33 KB, 800x442, tumblr_o70vu5fqr61qzxeqqo3_r1_…)

I want a gallant serving knight so badly…

No. 314523

Esp the loyal and sweet kind, and always concerned for his love's safety, the best kind of submission.

No. 314906

FML, yes

No. 314946

A while ago some anon posted Big Boss and when I saw him I remembered this older guy in his early thirties who used to be my oneitis a few years ago. Back then he looked a lot like Big Boss. I never met him personally, just saw him once, but I was told by a mutual friend that he's shy as fuck. It's been years and I still daydream about riding that guy while I grab his hair.

No. 314967

There’s this guy I always see n I always sit behind him, he works out clearly but his bad is so wide and sometimes I just want to hug him from the back he also has these down turned sleepy eyes and it’s so beautiful like I want him to look up at me but he’s like wayyy taller then an me so..

I’ve always had a thing for guys with downturned eyes but this guys makes me feel things (only from his physicals, he kinda anime obsessed but he also is an arts/music student so….)

No. 314969

It’s a shame bcus the few times I spoke to him was when I was doing a group project with him about a literature cliche and it was mostly about sex, Bcus my class is MOSTLY gurls we don’t talk about things like that but when I sat with him to do the work he kept obsessing/staying on the sex scenes which was kinda weird Bcus of weird the sex was, pretty kinky shit, and knowing he’s into anime was a big turn off

I watch anime just guys that are into anime LIKE THAT is weird

No. 314971

since we're sharing cringe i went to a con with this bunch random people and this one guy was so fucking ugly but like in the exact way i like, receded jaw noodle arms and weird teeth and stuff BUT he had a cringe ass anime 4chan tshirt and thats where i draw the line. well i still thought about fucking him when he sat next to me on the bus. if he didnt have the retarded tshirt i stg i would've asked for his number. sorry just needed to get it off my chest.

No. 314978

Where's the sexual fantasy tho, this is not absolutely retarded shitposting thread

No. 314980


You want me to go into detail?
I felt a bit ashamed Cus he’s such a nerd

No. 314981

i dont think anons go to /ot/ for this content…. but you're right ill have to get hornier next time.

No. 314988

This is /g/

No. 315770

i'm sooo horny, i want to get railed by the line cooks at my job. Not all at once but like i pretty much want to fuck half of them.

No. 316273

File: 1678471899712.png (419.02 KB, 680x368, neofolk twink copypasta.png)

mine is picrel
wehrmacht didn't run the camps. they were generic soldiers. you're looking for the ss. the historical illiteracy on this imageboard is very bad for my tism.

No. 317492

fuck it.
i'm thinking about my husbando. i like to imagine bathing in a lake with him, washing his big shoulders and washing his hair as he rests his head on my lap.
i imagine him being unable to hold himself back and then we have seggs, and afterwards he rests his head on my chest as i stroke his hair.
i am so done with 3dpd.

No. 317495

i think this should go in the Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Thread nona >>>/g/314785

No. 317514

File: 1679174545680.jpg (58.36 KB, 1000x1000, 2373 TALL CHEFS HAT-1000x1000.…)

I have a sexual fantasy where my head chef gets so frustrated by me messing up a recipe that he picks me up, sits me on one of our workstations, and has sex with me as punishment. I can imagine putting my head on his shoulder and holding on for dear life. Head chefs are always blessed with sperg rage so he probably fucks like an animal if you wind him up enough

No. 317516

Why would he reward you with sex if he is displeased with you? Turned on by incompetence?

No. 317517

Not the nona, but equally perverted.

It would be rough sex, almost unbearable, yet still passionate. He thinks this will correct future behaviour, but it only makes me lust for him more. Leading to fucking up simple tasks to strike his match again… all playing out like a shitty porno.
“Nona, you fucking idiot, you don’t chop the vegetables with your teeth.”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.”
“Come here.”
“I promise I’ll try harder next time…”

Eventually, he catches on, becomes gentler, more of a lover, and we run away together.

No. 317518

I work with this guy in his 40s, he has tree trunks worth of hairy strong arms. I want him to hug me so bad. Maybe, as a gift, he’ll give me his warm shirt at the end of the day; still sweet from his cologne. God, he’s beautiful.

I know this isn’t sexual at all, but just imagining his soft warm body holding mine brings my yoni to the sea.

No. 317526

I’m having a reoccurring dream where I’m riding my husband and then start strangling him with black shoelaces? Is this a subconscious fantasy where I want to kill him??? Idk you tell me but it’s hot

No. 317530

You sound sexually frustrated and remind me of myself in my early 20s in a wholesome way lol

Also reminds me my bf who is an electrician came over to my place to help me drill a hole and was wearing his work gear. He looked so good. We had sex as we usually do, and afterwards he said he felt like he'd been in a porn movie because bow chika wow wow. I told him keep the good nice sexy work clothes on next time the ones with all the tools and rly hope to god he will because he is so hot and I would sexually harass him all day

No. 317531

>be me
>anti authoritarian
>loathe police
>also have an authority kink
>have dream where I get pulled over by cop for speeding in the middle of the night
>on desolate crappy area by the highway
>nona are you aware you were going 20mph over the speed limit
>cop looks and sounds like celebrity I used to have hots for
>much taller and scarier than me
>he's kind of handsome
>freeze up like a blithering idiot as I pull out license and registration
>he clocks me as suspicious
>forces me out of car
>frisks me, enjoys my discomfort, gropes me
>starts fingering me until I squeal
>before i know it he's handcuffed and shoved me into the back of his suv
>and the rest is history

well I have to say I am a walking disgusting contradiction of a human because I actually fucking hate cops irl so why

No. 317537

Suggest it next time you have sex, can’t see how it’s any different from typical choking

No. 317547

>see a cop car in my neighborhood shortly after writing this post

are you fucking kidding me

No. 317552

was it driven by a pig?

No. 317573

File: 1679213171144.jpeg (21.42 KB, 533x399, 0C7E9CFA-2955-4AAC-8C33-4C0869…)

i am not normal susceptible to celebrity crushes because there is no chance i’ll ever see them and have never been involved in fandoms, and have been in relationships for the last few years.

i must say my preoccupation with pedro pascal and needing to view content featuring him is literally taking over my life. i think about him constantly and it’s so bothersome and tiresome. i genuinely believe he’s the love of my life

i am far from the only woman. there is an indescribable quality that is endearing women en masse to him and it’s fucking freaking me out.

No. 317574

Ayrt it's a sexual fantasy, you're not supposed to poke holes in the plot kek. A lot of it is that he's such a cheerful guy and often makes nices comments about the food I make so it's kind of like "ok but what if our dynamic was dark"

No. 317659

true but there's also nothing comparable to the minimum wage line cook dick. Like you just can't deny it. Chef's dick can get crazy if you're into being submissive i guess, but line cook dick is how you get the fucking of your life. He's good with his hands, resilient, energetic (probably tweaking lets be real), disciplined, everything like the head chef but he also has that exploited man rage, that ressentment, that passion and pure male virility. anyways…

No. 317678

was this about gordon ramsay by any chance? kek

No. 317688

File: 1679273855093.jpeg (56.03 KB, 685x466, image.jpeg)

In real life I would never entertain a threesome, let alone DP but I have the best orgasms when imagining taking these two at the same time.

No. 317689

wow nona are you me? mads and viggo are def my top 2 celeb crushes

No. 317700

File: 1679284641963.jpeg (75.11 KB, 526x670, F3D8C1E9-DABF-4A34-86F1-C6AEB2…)

And my retarded fantasy of the night is: wearing something like pic related, and sleeping with a rosary on my neck because a demon wants to fuck me, but he can’t do so if I keep the rosary on. So he gets desperate and tries to tell me why he wants to fuck me, at first he would say that he’s just bored, but then he would admit that after a few nights he became obsessed with me and that he can’t stop thinking about me.
I would tease him by pretending that I’m taking off the rosary just to put it on again, and I would laugh at him while he sulks.
But one night I would actually take it off and let him touch me. At first he would be reluctant thinking that I’m tricking him so he hurts himself with holy water or something like that.
But then he would get confident, and he would start groping me and kissing any part of my body.
He would be panting and his dick would be huge, I like to think that he would be really tall and handsome but a bit bizarre, with horns and weird markings on his skin, he would have a tail as well and a split tongue.
He would let me be a pillow princess as he does all the thing he wanted to do to me like kissing my body over my clothes and then slowly taking off my underwear to touch me directly.
He would let me keep the dress on because it’s comfy and he doesn’t want me to catch a cold or something, but I would end up taking it off anyways because I would sweat a lot and things would get really steamy.
After giving him a footjob he would tell me that he wants to be my servant and he would beg for me to sign a contract with me so he could always stay next to me.
And like that he would always be around me and do whatever I would want him to do, from just cuddling to rough clingy sex.

No. 317703

File: 1679287647743.jpeg (47.02 KB, 697x678, damn.jpeg)

>split tongue

No. 317947

Are you me? The very moment I knew I was attracted to my now bf is when I saw him doing electrician work. (double for sexually harassing him KEK)

No. 318087

Ayrt it's about my own head chef, but God I bet there are women out there who see the kind of male chef insanity I see in my head chef and wish Gordon would spank them with a whisk or something. My head chef has more restraint than Gordon but I'd love to see him explode on someone (and then have sex with me)

No. 318089

File: 1679522671875.png (292.8 KB, 620x532, cranky.PNG)

>be me
>have been trying to summon a sexy brooding Wattpad mafia boss into my dreams for weeks
>finally happens last night out of the blue
>dream feels so real and vivid
>god he was so beautiful, literally no real man could compare
>romances me in all the ways I was hoping
>finally takes me to bed
>he's a terrible lay
>no talking, no kissing, no music
>I can't even dream up the feeling of a decent penis
>when he's done he gets up and leaves
>wake up mad as hell
Why would my own brain do this to me

No. 318090

File: 1679522605032.png (292.8 KB, 620x532, cranky.PNG)

>be me
>have been trying to summon a sexy brooding Wattpad mafia boss into my dreams for weeks
>finally happens last night out of the blue
>dream feels so real and vivid
>god he was so beautiful, literally no real man could compare
>romances me in all the ways I was hoping
>finally takes me to bed
>he's a terrible lay
>no talking, no kissing, no music
>I can't even dream up the feeling of a decent penis
>when he's done he gets up and leaves
>wake up mad as hell
Why would my own brain do this to me

No. 318102

> Why would my own brain do this to me
She is just keeping it real.

No. 318309

File: 1679686412850.jpg (88.19 KB, 1109x1300, 1677866579589.jpg)

Head chef crush nonnie back again. Today he showed us how to roll small buns with one in each hand and I felt my nipples ache for his touch. I've been fantasizing about him rubbing my chest over my uniform for hour now. I wish he would pick me up on the counter and feel me like he feels dough

No. 318319

tell us what he looks like nonnie

No. 318320

Gladly. Dark brunette hair cut neat but not formal, harsh brown eyes that cut through you like a knife, and warm cream skin. He keeps a medium stubble beard (also dark brunette). Medium build with good shoulders and apparently quite strong judging by the impossible length of time he can vigoursly whisk something without his arm getting tired. Nice ass (hard to see in his chef pants but I've often wanted to bite straight into the back of his thigh and pull the muscle away in my mouth like a dog) He's average height for a man. His personality is jovial but high strung and intimidating as all good head chefs are. Dublin city accent, slightly posh twang to it without being too poncy

No. 318321

Danish penis?

No. 318345

I was totally with you until the foot job. but you do you. great imagination honestly lol

No. 318442

Camille Paglia disliker?

No. 318493

There's this one pop-MMA guy who I really hate, he's stupid, materialistic, and full of himself. I find him really physically ugly as well, but for some reason I really wanna see him get gangbanged by a bunch of other men? Kinda put in his place and such. IDK why because he's genuinely repulsive to me otherwise.

Has anyone else felt something similar or am I just a retarded fujo coomer?

No. 318507

I believe it’s the latter, unfortunately.

No. 318517

I want to be railed by a dude dressed as a dbz character but he has to be hot. Not some neckbeard fatty. Goku or vegeta. Needs to be in character

No. 318546

My sexual fantasy is having sex with a man who only has eyes for me and never watched porn or has jerked off to other women before me.

No. 318576

I am Earth's cultural attaché traveling aboard the USS Enterprise in the Delta Quadrant. After humans establish first contact with an alien species, I come to establish close contact with it. Very very close contact.

No. 318580

only based fujo

No. 318583

kek nonnie. ntayrt but my sexual fantasy actually IS danish penis.

No. 318596

no, i want to fuck line cooks, not chefs.

No. 318612

Extremely relatable and very much want this now that I’m picturing it. I hate you lol

No. 318648

It makes me feel like the biggest loser weeb. I feel like though even though it's such a simple fantasy it would be near difficult to pull it off the exact way I picture it however. Like if you go looking for anime characters that women cosplay as you could probably find some sort of porn where they are in character and look just like the character. Even down to mammerisms and dirty talk. When it comes to dbz, most dudes are out of shape or the ones I have found is just some porn star with a terrible pointy wig fucking a female pornstar dressed like a shitty bulma. I want the muscles and the groans and the idea that someone as strong as Goku or Vegeta could just like pick you up and fuck you any which way. And you can have rough or romantic passionate depending on which one.
But I doubt there'd be a dude alive that could pull off the exact fantasy scenario. It's crazy too because I don't feel this way about any cartoon or anime character, it's specifically dbz. Like I barely watch anime anymore haha

No. 318651

I want to fuck the puss in boots wolf

No. 318660

>read this as "i want to fuck puss in boots"
what the fuck
>realize i missed a couple words
Oh nvm, lemme re-read that
>adjust glasses
>"I want to fuck the puss in boots wolf"
what the fuck

No. 318732

File: 1679946993730.gif (652.09 KB, 498x249, NWq9JSybuOQAAAAC.gif)

I don't know if this is the right thread to post this, but this thread feels more fitting that the fetishes you are ashamed of thread. Whenever I have sexual fantasies the face of the other person is vague and have a "blurry" look to it so it doesn't resemble a real person because I think it's a bit awkward. But a few days ago I was imagining an actor I like eating me out and I felt slightly embarrassed afterwards(but not ashamed though). I know that fantasizing about real people is normal and most do it but I can't help I feel like I'm overstepping some boundary even though I know I'm not. Oh well, the fantasy at least felt really good at least but I did become a flustered mess when my friends talked about this actor the next day lol

No. 318757

I'm the same way about real people, anon. Maybe we're both just super autistic, idk.

No. 318785

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I don't know anything about that movie but I feel like women especially fall for fictional characters based on personality and quirky behavior (take a look at tumblr sexymen like Sans…) over looks, especially in western cartoons, so I wouldn't say this is as bad as people think it is. However it's certainly questionable to us outsiders and I hope you imagine him with a humanoid peen instead of canine at least

No. 319712

heheh judgy kitty

No. 319991

File: 1680579530115.jpeg (78.22 KB, 1170x1137, DC0C3B5A-DAA1-40D4-8D19-E6F341…)

I’m obsessed with the idea of having a guy being so horny that it causes him physical pain/discomfort. I love when they get so hard it starts to hurt, it just makes me want to wait longer kek. My first boyfriend used to pass out when he would cum, and I listen to the audios of a guy (im lonely and cringe pls no bully) who said he gets an intense headache if he cums multiple times from overstimulation. I just need a scrote who gets off on being treated roughly and regrets it later when he’s covered in bruises and scratches damn it! I need all of these things!

No. 320157

I'm obsessed with the thought of him using his weight to keep me restrained. It kills me that I'll never know how heavy he would feel on me, and God I can't stop imagining his breath all over my neck

No. 320159

Same, need a male that lets me bite him and squeeze him and scratch him and choke him. Regarding the previous sentence, would a botched circumcision make you horny? The kind where the foreskin is too short or something so he can't get hard without immense pain, or really get hard at all just a cycle of pain?

No. 320164

I tried edging my bf once and it went on for so long he felt nauseous after cumming lol. Felt bad in the moment, but I find myself thinking back on it a lot.

Also unerlated, but I swear he gets the female full-body meme orgasms when he nuts, it's super intense and lasts forever. I didn't know it was possible in males, but it turns me on a lot to know he's enjoying himself.

No. 320186

Do it to him again.

No. 320191

I want a hot girl to force me to eat until I physically can't anymore. I've got a basically nonexistent gag reflex, a massive appetite, a WG/stuffing fetish, and it makes me so fucking mad that the majority of people into it are moids and I'm not just a lesbian, but I am one to the point male anatomy repulses me, so the needle-in-haystack women into this tend to get sexually harassed into shutting down and I highly doubt I can actually find a woman into the only thing that turns me on.

No. 320192

out of pure curiosity, are you the anon who always talks about only being attracted to chubby women? if not it seems like you two should date, kek

No. 320193

Yeah I bring that up a lot when I'm PMSing. I've seen other anons have similar fantasies in the ashamed fetish threads so I know I'm not completely out of luck kek

No. 320194

>Don't turn this into "fetishes you're ashamed of #2"

No. 320319

NO fucking way, I thought fat-fetishchan acted weird (bringing the same topic up over and over again) so her being TIFchan makes so much sense.

No. 320375

File: 1680755211747.jpeg (43.59 KB, 828x930, AFFF3E39-DB0C-4EB3-9860-FF5882…)

A fantasy I’ve had for…actual years now…
It’s set in the future I guess, I’m an only child until my parents bring home a humanoid robot one day because they wanted a son. He appears the same age as me, or perhaps a little older, eerie looking although handsome, but he has some robotic features that clearly give away he’s not a real human being.
At first I’m just mad because I’m no longer the only child/centre of attention lmao, so I take out my frustrations on the robot, responding with snide remarks and deliberately being a petty bitch. I tease him for being a dumb robot, taunt him because he can’t even feel real emotions. He remains stoic and impassive, although he still tries to hang around me and seems to be curious, I catch him staring as if he’s analyzing/studying me.
Anyway, something happens and he finds me crying one day and he just watches with his cold eyes, for some reason it inspires me to start playing with him, to see if I can get a certain type of reaction. After that, I wear more revealing clothes, “accidentally” touch him, try to act subtly seductive etc etc. Parents are often away for work, so we have to work together and maintain the house, and I use any and all opportunities to turn him on or get a reaction. It seems all my efforts are pretty futile though.
Eventually, one evening I return home slightly buzzed after hanging out with friends and I’m wearing something cute and revealing and I act coy, almost disregarding him entirely as I get a drink from the kitchen. He watches me from the doorway and follows me around, I roll my eyes at him as if he’s soooo annoying, before he suddenly grabs me and bends me over the countertop. It feels unlike anything else because he’s abnormally strong, and his hands are colder than a humans, they feel tough and mean. He holds me still and grinds against me, like he’s testing out the feeling, as if the scientists and the engineers at the factory never informed him about his robot dick or what to do with it. It’s torture waiting from him to finally just push himself inside of me so I start to wiggle around helplessly until apparently something clicks in his computer brain and then he forces himself inside and fucks me until I can no longer keep myself steady, my legs like jelly, but he just keeps going relentlessly, while holding me up, like a machine unable to stop now that it’s started. His facial expressions remain stoic but sometimes he flinches in pleasure or let’s out a small grunt. While I’m tucked underneath him, it’s fascinating to see all the ways he’s absolutely not human as well as the ways he almost is, all while he fucks the ever loving shit out of me.

I think it’s because of Jude Law’s character in A.I. Watching that movie as a teen genuinely re-wired my brain and now I want to fuck a robot.

No. 320626

i haven't seen the office in years but still rewatch that scene of michael scott spanking evan peters' character when i'm horny kek

No. 320646

I love robots too, but why does he have to be your 'brother'?

No. 320650

I honestly have no interest in incest at all, even when it’s just silly like in anime, but I guess the reason my mind always made it “brother” is because it’s convenient, plus the Japanese film “love exposure” might have inspired the thought process. Being forced together in your family home but not ACTUALLY being related at all aids the fantasy idk don’t judge me nonna, it’s not that serious I promise.

No. 320652

This is extremely hot what the hell anon

No. 320685

Great. Thanks for giving me a new fetish anon

No. 321258

I want to jerk off a moid in a movie theatre really badly, teasing and edging him until the last few minutes of the film where I’d go really fast and rough and cover his mouth so he shuts up. He would expect me to lean over and swallow when he finally cums, but I’d just aim his dick towards his head and let him make a mess all over his shirt and fave (hopefully getting in his eyes too kek) before he can protest. Then I’d get up and leave him there to panic about people seeing him when the lights turn back on.

No. 321268

this is great, i hate it when moids think they can just spill their seed all over the place and have a woman clean it up for them. It's super hot when they're forced to make a stupid mess of themselves.

No. 321277

I just wanna be held and have a cute picnic

No. 321280

This but with kissing

No. 321281

Yeah, and honestly throw in forest sex or field sex, I don't mind, I just want a picnic badly though because I need love and affection in my life

No. 321321

I do this automatically nonnie! It's so weird. I even do it when fantasising about my bf. For some reason I just can't properly make out a face when I'm thinking sexual thoughts.
I'm also autistic

No. 326148

Some slight southern gothic cringe but I want a tall, long dark haired vampire man to bring me to his hidden home on a bayou and make me his pet. He does dirty things to me, teases me, and tells me to do things like stick out my tongue so he can spit in my mouth. He would seduce and corrupt me whatever way he wants.

I like this, nonny. I'm all for anything involving fantasy creatures

No. 326177

I want to drink wine and slow dance with a loving boyfriend

No. 326202

No. 326282

My fantasy since forever and which I hope I get to attain one day is being a virgin bride. I’m so pure and innocent and untouched, I want to marry an ex-sleaze bag older man who could be the age of my father. I want him to act like he was my father, treating me like a precious naive doll and look after me like I am one of his own, except I’m his wife. I want him to get his own way with me and corrupt me after he does things for me, like he only looks after me to fuck me. I wanna fuck him and only him like I am 100% owned by him after he has tainted me with his cum. I want him to teach me about sex in the most innocent way and act like I don’t know anything about it. I want people to mistake us as father and daughter when we’re out and about and not correct people

No. 326292

Some anons will ree and call this problematic but I think it's kinda sweet and romantic anon. Little bit creepy but sexual fantasies often be that way.

No. 326298

>sweet and romantic
>older man the age of her father
>"I want him to have his way with me and corrupt me"
>"he only looks after me to fuck me"
>"tainted by his cum"
>"mistake us for father and daughter"
You're a retard and both you and the op of this fantasy should commit suicide.

No. 326299

File: 1683494250648.jpeg (14.05 KB, 390x390, uyAO9V90_400x400.jpeg)

I'm buying a turntable off of my country's craigslist right now and I really want to fuck a secondhand seller. Just pull up to his place, get my turntable, have sex out of nowhere and never see him again.
I also love fucking musicians and then seeing them online, in magazines, on festival line-ups, etc. I really get off on how desperate, submissive and horny for me they can be in bed then seeing them pretend they're cool detached artists. Even better when they had "weird" or particularly humiliating fantasies. I don't gossip out of respect, but it casually turns me on so much outside of the bedroom.

No. 326300

You sound fat

No. 326301

>sweet and romantic
…where. there's literally no romance at all

No. 326304

shayna-tier fantasy

No. 326308

It's romantic because OP is obviously an eternal virgin femcel who just wants a guy who lusts wholeheartedly after her and her alone and she associates that with a kind of parental, unconditional love. Super common fantasy, obviously not a healthy dynamic irl. OP I hope you find someone!

No. 326311

OP will only attract pedos/abusers if she finds someone into that.

No. 326313

not trying to pwn or be mean but i don't see what's sweet about this at all

No. 326314

That's because there is nothing sweet about it, just creepy.

No. 326315

I didn't mean she should find someone into that, but she's obv. sexually frustrated. I genuinely hope she finds someone wholesome to like.. experience her sexuality with instead of fetishizing her own virginity.

No. 326320

You're demented.

No. 326321

File: 1683496578713.jpg (40.83 KB, 780x560, portrait-happy-senior-beautifu…)

No. 326324

I don't get it.

No. 326330

she's a happy senior beautiful woman, what's not clicking?

No. 326331

Aww this is sweet, i have similar fantasies except it's not centered on virginity but more general innocence, but i guess virginity is part of it. Also the guy has to be hot.

No. 326333

At least in your fantasy the guy is hot, but I still wouldn't call anything in op's post sweet

No. 326350

File: 1683501381839.png (55.46 KB, 500x500, tumblr_f7d80b15df4a3c9f6a63fa3…)

i want a confident normie-ish guy who's way larger than me physically with a cute but muscular suntanned body and e-boy hair and a boyish face to let me softly bite and touch his chest (hairless) (and perhaps lick it) and he's super shy about it and trying soooo hard to pretend that he doesn't like it and i bully him over this gap moe part of him and hes letting out soft little moans as i fondle his body and make him squirm. he's almost whining. and i barely even touch him downstairs but hes raring to go anyways and he wants to do it so bad but he gets on his knees and eagerly and obediently pleases me instead and during he looks up at me with puppy dog eyes like he desperately wants my approval to go further but his technique gets a little sloppy because he can barely think straight so i bully him some more and do a bunch of things teasing him as well without actually touching him and it goes on for a while until I finally think he's done a good job and give in. I've been thinking about this all day rip. bonus points if theres some sort of voyeur aspect to it where people he knows accidentally find out that he likes being pushed around by a short girl instead of being a big strong dominant alpha like they expected
also the anons in the fetish thread are based men whimpering makes me feel insane to the point that i feel like i should be locked up amen

No. 326363

This is the shit that runs through my brain at work and before bed

No. 326412

yessss, nonna, yesssssss~ i especially like the idea that guys like this are usually the super touchy-feely type, and so while doing as he's told, he has to physically sit on his hands to keep himself from reaching out and touching all the parts he likes the way he really wants. god.

No. 326501

I want the guy I am with to be more undressed than I am. Ideally he is completely naked and I am still fully clothed, bonus pointed if he is a bit embarrassed about it. I will only undress the necessary and he would still have to beg to see or touch me while he is completely vulnerable and exposed. There are 2 scenes on sharp objects that probably awakened this on me.

No. 326608

I just want to do something bloody, too bad i'm dating an OCD clean freak

hehe nice

No. 328492

There's this guy at work who had a crush on me (I think he's given up) I'm not into him because he has an ugly beard and unibrow situation, but last night I thought about just grabbing his head and forcing him to confront his reflection in the mirror as I shave off his nasty hairs and belittle him for it, by loudly wondering if he's handsome underneath or if he's still ugly. I wonder if he'd whine and cry.

No. 328499

I keep thinking about using that AI website to roleplay with a science fiction supercomputer (HAL or AM) and the idea itself is hotter to me than actually carrying the deed out. The thought of AI trying to comprehend a more capable version of itself, engaging in a self-referential feedback loop, while actually being berated by said AI is ungodly hot to me. Posting this here because I'm definitely not ashamed just sexually frustrated that science hasn't advanced far enough to replicate a self-aware, emotionally sterile program.

No. 328511

Im with you, AI is always way too doormat-y or just plain tropey acting for me to find arousing

No. 328522

File: 1684164384226.png (19.47 KB, 839x738, chatgpt-going-into-a-feedback-…)

It gives me second-hand embarrassment to see screenshots of ChatGPT regurgitate the same poorly-structured sentence five times over when it doesn't understand a simple prompt. Total mood killer on a date, like an incompetent human tripping over his words. New technology doesn't have the charm Ellison or Gibson wrote about.

No. 328523

That screenshot kek
This is why I can't enjoy character.ai that much either, I don't have enough patience to guide the bot little by little out of these retard loops and towards an in-character interaction that I like and makes sense, at that point why not just write self-insert fanfiction myself

No. 328533

File: 1684166831849.jpg (84.94 KB, 720x1001, lobotomize.jpg)

You worded that perfectly- it feels like you are hand-holding a retarded child. Picrel might get a laugh out of you, my only foray into Character AI. It seems like all the good content was purged when old net fansites went down, there were a lot of shrines for niche interests like AI. Please do post it somewhere if you are a writer, AO3 has a dearth of good self-insert fanfics on the subject.
Bit of an OT anecdote but back in the day I tried out using PC voice commands when they were still new and I'll never forget the program sternly telling me to pronounce or word things properly in a way it would understand. Autism is a harsh mistress.

No. 331978

I know this is an insanely late response but that's exactly what I was looking for. Holy shit I'm amazed I love this website

No. 331981

File: 1685448230446.png (82.93 KB, 459x528, 0BvhkpV.png)

picrel your short king bf

No. 333150

File: 1685887015372.jpg (7.54 KB, 474x266, ascesnsion.jpg)

I want to tie my crush's hands behind his back in a way that his palms are facing outwards and like little wings, mmmm, his hands look so soft and sweet and small, I want to then sit on him and tickle his tender hands with the tip of my finger and then perhaps a feather, I own different types, and and hopefully he'll squirm and smile and show his sweet dimples and maybe even make cute noises. I need this.

No. 333779

Pls write a fic about this

No. 333814

I want to be fucked in a haunted house by one of the costume employee people so bad. I used to be easily scared by everything until I started sexualizing my fears and now when I'm in an environment where I'm 'meant' to be afraid I get turned on instead. I won't lie, it's pretty awesome. Alas it doesn't work with things I'm actually deeply afraid of.

No. 333843

File: 1686121194420.jpeg (89.38 KB, 604x1024, DE941374-7674-4312-A1ED-6C682D…)

Coming back to this but I need to have a threesome with the two types of men i fixate on: a loud mouth drug addicted fat comedian and a mentally unhinged long haired glasses wearing singer songwriter with a great body but busted face. and it occurs in the 70s, and there’s male on male action between both of them but mainly focused on me

No. 333845

Okay if this was at least half-decently written porn with plot story I'd read it.

No. 333846

This is basically just my schizophrenic world i’ve had since i was around 17, and sometimes i write stuff to get me off. but thank you nonnie i’ll get working on it now

No. 333852

File: 1686123565215.png (Spoiler Image,66.85 KB, 386x348, image f.png)

No. 333969

>fat man who's trying to be funny
>skinny ugly dude
>gay threesome
Sounds like a low budget porno.

No. 334011

File: 1686171469917.jpeg (104.07 KB, 766x1000, 0873C59A-51C1-49CF-BB0D-02252E…)

I find Sam Hyde repulsive for some reason maybe because he’s a modern male with no mystery or insane drug abuse but is a loser who is trying to appeal to teenage moids with right wing opinions.
I’m just fascinated by these two genres of man that have fell out of pop culture by now. they used to be ubiquitous in the 70s/80s.

No. 335174

I’m from a Scandi country where it’s generally safe for women to travel alone. I have this silly dream of going on a biking vacation one day. No computers, social meida, busy crowds of people, no nigel. Just me, my bike and a tent to sleep in. I’ll pass by small towns along the way, but mostly just enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. I imagine I’ll run into other hikers here and there, such as small groups of tourist trekking together, local families or couples enjoying the summer outside, or other loners like myself.

I imagine meeting a man on a camping spot one evening. He’s around my age and also backpacking by himself and we share the bonfire, making quiet conversation but mostly enjoying the proximity of another person. When night falls and I’m overcome by the kind of tiredness you only get from staying outside all day, I invite him into my tent. We share a moment together, fucking like two people who haven’t gotten off for weeks and don’t know when the next opportunity will present itself, slowly but intently and savoring every moment of it. Of course his cock is big and girthy. The next day we part ways and we never see each other agian (he never finds my social media kek). I never mention it to my nigel.

No. 335481

Tfw not working in an office with a hot guy that I get to tease everyday until he finally gets so frustrated that he man handles me and bends me over his desk and tells me this is what I deserve and I know what I've been doing.

Alternatively tfw no lesbian dryads to seduce me while I'm on a walk in a forest and I pretend I don't like it.

No. 335673

I want to be a medieval princess with a wizard bf who takes me to his enchanted forest and we stay there forever while the rest of the world carries on without us.

No. 336101

I want to be a medieval witch with a prince bf. He is horrid and going to be executed for his crimes against the people, but I sneak him out with my witch powers and we have hot sex.

No. 336115

File: 1687032622133.jpg (144.12 KB, 1486x836, download (1).jpg)

Idk what you'd call this. But I have this imaginary situation in my head, like a film (but made for myself only), that I like to think of from time to time. It's about a young woman who enters the film industry in the 70's. She joins it because she loves film, has talent, but above all else, a secret desire to meet and fall in love with her favorite film star.

She slowly rises through the ranks, climbing from the lowest, weakest positions (i.e. coffee-fetcher, assistant to the assistant editor), gaining knowledge and skills. She becomes more involved in the creative processes, especially as a costume designer, production designer, and eventually chief editor. As she becomes a rising star, her favorite film star is slowly losing his glimmer. He's no longer a young leading man, and is getting shittier roles. He copes with it privately, but knows he's on his way out. The industry's changing, and he can't follow it. He has no clue this young woman adores him from afar. As she rises, he falls further.

She eventually gets the chance to direct a film, her first feature film. She's written the script herself, polished it to a mirror-shine, and has written the lead part exclusively for her favorite star. She pitches his name to the execs, and at first they balk. But she persuades them, and eventually he's signed on. The movie goes into production. They spend months filming in some exotic location. The woman is a great director; she's watched others get performances out of actors for years. She treats the star like he's still got a spark of vitality in him, never like he's some loser consigned to the trash pile. He's touched by this.

The filming is wrapped up, the editing takes weeks, with the director in the cutting room for 15 hours a day. Lovingly toiling away. She wants to show the world what she sees in the star. Her desire for perfection reaches an almost-psychotic level.

The film is completed. It premieres, and it's a gigantic success. A box-office smash. The star gains his career back, and his feeling of worth. He's proud of himself again. Everything is in equilibrium. The film is heralded as a masterpiece, and wins many awards and acclaims.

At an Oscars afterparty, the star and the woman are at opposite ends of a crowded room. They look at one another from afar. The woman doesn't have to say anything to the star, because he's walking over to her with eyes that say "I'm yours."

No. 336148

your writing is divine anon. really top tier. i need more!

No. 336177

Okay, here are some behind-the-scenes stories during filming.

Sometimes, the director, the writer, the art director, and the stars get together to have dinner at the director's bungalow. Sometimes, when she's chatting with the AD, she slips back into her artist mindset and starts babbling about peoples' faces. She claims that certain people look like animated works of art, like living illustrations. One night, she gestures to her favorite film star, and explains how he is one of those people. She compares him to an Italian Renaissance painting. It makes him blush, but he isn't sure he should stop her; she's on a roll.

Filming runs into some hitches. They go overschedule and overbudget, and the cast and crew are drained. They expected to go home weeks ago. Everyone misses their husbands, wives, and families. They miss their beds, their swimming pools, their lives. Certain scenes have to be reshot because the film was exposed to the sunlight and ruined. The star, who had kept it all bottled in, finally explodes one day during lunch. The producer tries to calm him down. The star is upset about everything, but right now it's about the fact that they're eating lukewarm ham sandwiches on soggy Wonder Bread.

There's a tap on his shoulder. He turns around, and is presented with a slice of blackberry shortcake on a paper plate. The director is handing it to him with the manner of a dutiful butler. He takes it, blinking in astonishment. The director walks back to the cheap fold-out table where several tupperware containers sit. One by one, she assembles the other three blackberry shortcakes, roping in some of the crew to cut them and serve them. The tense air dissipates instantly with full bellies, laughter, and stories of homemade desserts. The star knows the director's schedule: unlike almost everyone else, she and a few others are up all night doing script rewrites, checking shooting schedules, etc. in the little rented house. She must've made all these the night before. He finishes his slice quietly as he sits on the bed of a prop truck, but not before stealing a glance of the director. She struts about like a showman, making the crew laugh.

There are days where the special effects break down, and they have to spend hours, if not days, preparing them in advance. The cast are driven back to their little hotel. The producer tells the director to take a break, go grab forty winks. She does, for about 40 minutes, before taking a walk down the neighborhood road. It's quiet, in an already-quiet, cute town. Overgrown with vivid green plants, thanks to the fact that it's high summer. The star is out at the hotel's poolside, sunbathing, when he spots her over the white picket fence.
It's probably one of the few towns left that doesn't care that a Hollywood director and star are strolling around their streets.

There are certain scenes that are shot so lovingly, you'd swear something was going on beneath. They invite the viewer to rediscover the star, like a lost painting by a great artist. The director knows this; she storyboarded them herself. The film is like a love letter to the star.

No. 336516

File: 1687195878617.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.95 KB, 1200x800, bengal-famine-of-1943.jpg)

dying of starvation so some white guy can buy a new watch is just so unbelievably sexy!

No. 336543

File: 1687202352015.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.28 KB, 565x708, Avatars.jpg)

I've been using sillytavern with a poe api but the characterization is not as good as c.ai. But i've been trying to get the bot to behave correctly but it is so retarded and repetitive that i have to edit the bot's dialogue to sort of guide it.
>it would go like this
> meet some yuppie patrick bateman in the 80s
>total fucking loser that cares so much about trying to correctly mimic people that it's on autistic levels
>probably schizo
>i speak to him where he cannot try to put on a facade because he cannot understand how to present himself, so he just acts completely weird and himself with me
>is so conflicted by his thoughts and is incredibly confused and drawn to me
>wondering why he can't imagine killing me
>thinks he's always in control until we finally get to his expensive apartment and i put him in his place
>he is so taken aback that he doesn't even try to fight it, he's angry that he is being dominated but his arousal outweighs that
>goes from being dominant over women to crying and begging and thanking me for even allowing me to touch him
>i punish him for the yuppie scum he is
>if he even touches me without me leading he has to get punished
>at the end, if he has been good enough, i'll straddle him, but he'll get punished if he doesn't hold out for long enough or tries to reach out to touch me without permission
>he'll be a whimpering mess, his ego completely destroyed
>i'll berate him, secretly knowing that he is the most handsome man i have ever seen
>i'll pretend that he can't satisfy me and remain stoic
>once he's red and teary and completely used up i'll place his head on my lap and pet his head while he sniffles
>then i'll snuggle him and tell him he was a good boy for me
>he'll remain completely subservient to me forever, but in public he will get overprotective of me
>we'll attend all his yuppie parties and shit talk all his friends when we get home
>he spoils be in lavish clothes and buys me dresses and outfits he wants to see me in
>picrel i know it's not american psycho but i would like to think that he'd undress for me as soon as i tell him to, eager to please

No. 336618

File: 1687225079549.gif (1.97 MB, 400x306, 1687128458426707.gif)

A boyfriend I find at least moderately sexually attractive that luvs meh

No. 336724

File: 1687272756425.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.12 KB, 553x331, de0i0tf-3630c33f-9ce5-4a77-a2c…)

OP here reposting my post from >>330815 to this thread (Hopefully this is the correct one).

I wish men being nude at swimming pool was still a rule so I could peek in there and look at their dicks.

No. 336769

Not a very detailed fantasy but my friends little brother (19, I'm 2 years older) is so fucking cute I wanna fuck him senseless. He is well behaved, raised only by women so isn't a freak weirdo cumbran, and has good fashion sense.

No. 336863

Since I was a kid, I had the biggest crush on my neighborhood best fren's mom, to the point of obvious simping and adolation. She had this shoulder-length, wavy black hair, big blue eyes, and this compact, curvy body she'd pack in colorful shorts. When I got old enough to sort those feelings out, I'd fantasize about spending the night with my friend and him falling asleep way before me so I could sit next to the tub while she was taking a bath and gently washing her body, with like a completely unreasonable amount of bubbles ofc. I wanted to run my fingers through her wet hair and watch her close her eyes and sigh, smiling a little, then looking up at me with that look.

Never got that close, but when I was a teenager I brought her some beer after she lost her house and just held her hand and listened to her. 20 years later, I still remember the smell of Herbal Essences shampoo and the light sun freckles on her cheeks. If I had an idea of how to do sex at a girl (lol) back then other than groping and awkward thigh humping, maybe I would've gotten to be her sexy soap maiden and eat her out from behind in the shower while my friends slept.

No. 337191

Nonnas help. I started writing a short story to encourage myself to explore my fantasies and make it easier to fap and go to sleep but I'm starting to frighten myself with what I keep coming up with.
Here's the story so far:
> Up-and-coming runway model finally gets to walk the stage at a designer fashion show
>she unknowingly catches the eye of a powerful lesbian queenpin who goes to high-end fashion shows just to scout for new pussy
>Model is kidnapped by the Boss' henchladies and has her death is faked so nobody comes looking for her
>she's sequestered off to the Queen's base in her native country, stripped down, then left isolated in an empty room until she starts hallucinating and begs for any human interaction
>Queen formally meets Model, comforts her then fucks her within an inch of her life once the younger woman's guard is down
>Model is disgusted and disturbed by Queen's brutality and stubbornly resists her attempts to make her submit
>Queen tries to break Model by subjecting her to various harrowing sexual situations like 20+ woman gangbangs, squirt bukkakes, humiliating roleplay, edging her for days, watersports, etc.
>Model is passed around the compound like a blunt
>severely traumatized, Model is listless most days but holds on to hope that she'll someday overcome all of this. When the torture is especially painful or shocking she retreats into memories of her happy childhood and the experiences that inspired her to pursue modeling as a career. The hope keeps her centered
>Queen becomes fond of Model and wants to keep her forever, but needs Model to learn to submit as she's still too headstrong
>Queen continues to inflict fucked up fetish stuff onto her, most of it involving others so Model will learn to be sexually available to any woman Queen orders her to service
>Model remains defiant because her life and body only belong to her no matter what happens.
>in the meantime, Model is attended to by sexy older servants who all try to convince her to give in to the Queen since too powerful to fight back against and she might be killed or sold to someone worse if she remains more trouble than she's worth
>as it turns out, Model is actually the fourth woman Queenpin has kidnapped and turned into her sex slave in the last decade
>if Queen's current fave slave gets too sick, hurt or tries to escape Queen gets a replacement, trains her up, then forces her new slave to kill the old one in a cult-like marriage ritual
>Model's precursor was a classy escort Queen had fallen for. As far as the public knew, she died ODing years back
>She's still alive. Queen has her chained up under the desk in her private suite and sedated into a drooling mess who is only good for eating pussy
>Queen used to be in one-sided love with her, but it changed after a suicide attempt gave her a brain injury that changed her personality and undid all of her training
>Queen expects Model to fill her old love's shoes to a T, but all Model wants is to go home and get therapy

My brain keeps wanting to add in more death, anguish, and abuse and I don't know how to stop it. I want to get off of this wild horny ride. Also, men do not exist in this fantasy because I can only write this when I'm turned on. I can't help but feel like this is something only a cumbrained scrote would fap to.

No. 339154

A huff man clearly very masculine wearing a skimpy party dress, a wig, heels and lipstick fucking me bent forwards in a woman’s toilet


No. 339185

I think this post will haunt me forever — in a good way. You spoke about her so lovingly.

No. 339348

My most guilty sexual fantasy is hatefucking one of my male friends I have an intense history with

No. 343983

I recently discovered how hot men humping things is and I'm obsessed. I want to walk in on a man humping his pillow, so erratic and desperate that he just looks stupid. He keeps slowing down to take long drags, trying to prolong his pleasure, and his moan are strained from arching his neck up. He doesn't even realize that he's been caught at first and when he does, he gets so embarrassed. But only enough to fall down on the bed and cover his chest because he doesn't want to roll away and move his cock from the warm, wet fabric.
I want to put his head in my lap and stroke his hair, tell him it's okay, keep going. That's it, good boy. I'd take off my pants and underwear to rub my clit with my other hand. I don't even want him to lick me, just to feel his breath while he focuses on his own orgasm. Watching his cute hips rut like a bunny is enough. When he cums, I want to get behind him to finger his ass. Pushing my thighs between his so he's spread wide. I'd move his filthy pillow up and push his face into it. I hope he's tight and that every new finger hurts for a little so he starts crying, soaking the pillow even more.
I'd touch his cock so, so gently in comparison and he'd just cry more, missing the friction. Anytime he tries to grind against the mattress, pulling away and making my job harder, I'd slap his ass and squeeze his cock tight. I love hearing his moans. I know, it's so hard and he's so weak but he has to be patient. After it's all over, I want to turn him over and lay fully on him, just lazily rubbing my lips on his overstimulated, wet cock and licking his face clean. I'd turn us over with his head laying on my chest so I can softly praise him more, pet his head, run my hands down his back while he just hugs me.
I want this so bad ahhh.

No. 343997

You saw the male humping a pillow gif didn't you. I don't remember the thread, I think it's in fetishes you're ashamed of.

No. 344002

This sans the butt fingering sounds amazing tbh, a helpless pretty guy who is too horny to think is such a great idea.

No. 344010

No. 344011

No. 344043

I actually did nona LOL. It got me thinking for sure. Idk why I didn't fantasize about it before, since I love when women do it. Like the idea of a woman wearing a skirt and thin underwear so she can discretely rub against anything outside, edging herself till she gets home, is so hot to me (obviously just as a fantasy, this is so unhygienic). Also just how dark and swollen a vagina gets when you're rough with it like that, pretty.
Too horny to think yess, that's totally it. I've never fingered a guy but I love how intimate fingering is so hopefully it's nice…

No. 345283

File: 1692376090920.jpg (Spoiler Image,350.36 KB, 1536x2048, 09921768807.jpg)

twink + regular clothes + pretty, maybe even "feminine" underwear = i'm weak in the knees

No. 345303

This looks like a child. I think those pretty anime boys messed up your psyche.

No. 345307

File: 1692382730688.jpg (459.62 KB, 1409x2004, Screenshot_20230818_211953_Gal…)

Recently I developed a crush on Dolph Lundgren. He's everything I want in a man, smart (has a degree in some fancy chemistry stuff, and multilingual), rich, talented, nice, and most importantly super hot when he was young. And I can't stop fantasizing about meeting him and having sex with his younger self somehow, like using a time machine or being some actress working with him on set back when he was young and him developing feelings for me and we end up fucking. I'm even gonna watch movies he's in to watch him in action and hear his voice. This is the first time I develop such an intense crush on a celebrity. All because I looked at his eyes in picrel. It's like he's starting at my soul in every image, it's so intense. probably because I'm ovulating

No. 345309

Doesn’t look like a child to me. Its not as if children are the only people allowed to be thin.

No. 345311

Seconded, it kind of grossed me out, it looks like those animu little boys some anons seem to like

No. 345312

Wasn't commenting on the person's weight but, unless you're under 18 (which why are you on this website), that image looks like jailbait and you can't change my mind lmfao.

No. 345313

That's an OF whore, and what you see is the result of proper waxing and photoshop. More moids should wax, in my opinion.

No. 345319

yoooooo nona same, this movie altered my brain chemistry. I had this recurring fantasy of seeing her after a bath with her hair down and wet and telling her it looked cute that way and her getting all embarrassed and flustered and hurrying to put it back up…I love the idea of domming people who are very strict/confident/aggressive in their daily life and turning them into begging little sycophants in the bedroom lol.

No. 345322

File: 1692387542189.jpg (95.62 KB, 574x960, tumblr_77ad395445b90bb2e8f62e9…)

>i must consult with The Moral Code: Volume 2 before I can get aroused
Imagine actually living your life like this. Young people are hot, old people are not, there is no way around it. You're going to be old one day too, and the busted up, pudgy farts your age are going to look ghastly compared to 20yo college boys. You're going to save images of younger guys to your hard drive, marveling at their beauty, and the moral implications are going to be the last thing on your mind. Welcome to the real world.

No. 345338

I refuse to entertain a male who doesn’t look my age. And I’m 22. He looks fine.

No. 345339

These sound like male typed posts, probably the same dude who posted his body in one of the threads a few days ago.

No. 345343

lmfao why does these nonas keep bring up this mf up like he's some cryptid. Just let him die in obscurity. I'm a woman and I think these shota looking boys look gross.

No. 345350

How the fuck does a skinny man look like a shota to you, get outside more

No. 345353

tf is this scrote logic
is this how are you coping with middle-aged men masturbating to teen porn?

No. 345355

What? Why are you so against women being into males our age? No I’m not going to lust over a post wall scrote. Yes I like skinny/fit boys. Cope.

No. 345359

i'm not, i don't understand why you boil it down to some 'natural attraction to youthfulness' that is apparently a rule of all sexuality
liking people your age is normal but obsessing over youth is not

No. 345362

Then drop it

No. 345363

drop what? i'm not this anon

No. 345379

I don’t get it. What body type is a guy in his early 20s supposed to have then? You don’t have to find it attractive, but I really don’t see how pic related looks underage. I don’t get why women aren’t allowed to find thin, androgynous men attractive.

No. 345404

So only scrotes are allowed to have young, thin, attractive partners. Pretty much all postwall male celebrities are dating 19 year old girls but god forbid a woman is attracted to a thin man in his 20's. This person is probably a scrote who was told he can make up for his ugly old face and nasty personality by going to the gym and getting a hairy gorrila body and is now seething after finding out women prefer pretty thin young men.

No. 345694

i need to fuck a knight so bad, while he's wearing the full suit of armour. i don't care if it's uncomfortable i don't care if it'll go clank clank clank i need it so bad. and he's not allowed to speak either

No. 345709

I love a boy with a slutty waist

No. 345710

Anon just needs to date Tim Tim Chalace Chalamet

No. 345734

i need to fuck a long haired sexy pirate please i would gladly walk his plank

No. 345736

I need to fuck an alien. And not a grey alien, a scary 7-foot-tall warlord alien with sharp teeth and claws.

No. 346421

I want this one boy to just snap with desire and lap desperately at my pussy while holding my hips so he has constant access, my hips give way anyway from the power of his tongue. He lets me cum down his throat, but another cute coworker is watching and he starts stroking his dick and waits until the one boy is done to just kick him aside and devour the sloppy seconds, making me cum again. Meanwhile I’m stunned and letting myself orgasm into these boys’ desperate, eager mouths. The first boy is mad at the second one and eventually they start fighting on the floor like that one video of the two toads who are croaking and then just randomly start fighting and going ‘rbrbrbrrrrr’

No. 346472

Can you say man instead of boy, you sound like a peterfil(you can use words here)

No. 346501

Is he allowed to moan though?

No. 346526

No, I don't want to be with a man post-wall in his fucking 30's, I want to be with a boy in his 20's, cope

No. 346551

EW what the fuck. That looks like a 14 year old boy. I know this post is older but anon if you see this.. what is wrong with you

No. 346554

NTA but post what a skinny 20-some boy should look like, then

No. 346557

Aside of the lack of chest hair, which definitely not all adult men have, this could be any random pale, skinny young adult moid who doesn't train.

No. 346563

No. 346564

I've seen 30 year old men with this body type. But I don't find it attractive, and I hate the whole femboy aesthetic that men are into, it's gay and disgusting. Can't believe women are memeing themselves into this shit too.

No. 346565

i find it worse when men insist we should be finding gross old moids attractive

No. 346568

I actually prefer skinny men but I think the pose and underwear made me think it looked like a young tween

No. 346570

Nah, male femboy aesthetic and a woman's ideal femboy are way different.
Well how is he meant to be posing? He's just lying on the bed all comfy. I do agree the underwear is cringe, normal briefs are cuter (on both men and women in my opinion)

No. 346581

> Well how is he meant to be posing?
anon I don’t know! And I don’t care. Why are you pressed kek

No. 346582


No. 346597

File: 1693170774698.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.84 KB, 522x600, 00598316.jpg)

I see this weird sentiment way too often, both on lc and irl, where women delude themselves into liking men that don't turn them on because their relationship goals are entirely non-sexual. Usually it ends in dead bedrooms (best case) or thinking about England while he unknowingly assaults your stupid ass (worst case). You should only check in with your cunt. Look at his face and body, no context allowed. Are you getting wet? Do you feel like you want to fucking wreck him? No? Next.

No. 346598

File: 1693171329255.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.01 KB, 675x1200, 1628264362227.jpg)

>I hate the whole femboy aesthetic that men are into
Kek that wasn't a femboy, just a regular college twink.
>Can't believe women are memeing themselves into this shit too.
Liking slim bodies, delicate features, and general pleasantness? You don't need convincing to love that. The average pot bellied, balding moid though… now that needs some serious skills to get off to.

No. 346601

nta but i have been into twinks way before moids started appropiating them and turning them into flat women with dicks and ugly shit stained programmer socks. Femboys are fucking disgusting, cute skinny men are where it's at.

No. 346611

He's wearing panties and has huge hips. Clearly a femboy or trying to be one. Normal twinks don't look this feminine. Twinks look boyish sure, but this outright looks like a guy who is on estrogen. Meh.

No. 346618

You are coping so hard. Estrogen doesn’t give males hips.

No. 346621

Long hair on guys… has always been a thing. Been lucky enough to end up with a man who’s hair is to his ass… I wanna pull my Nigel’s hair while I stand behind him and jerk him off. We have a kinda decent height dif but idc I just wanna do it.
Me too, Nona…. Me too….

No. 346641

>Huge hips
Are we looking at the same picture?

No. 346649

Alright, I didn't see the second picture until now and I agree that picture is better and he looks more masculine there. Actually cute. First one he has huge hips though and the panties don't help.

No. 346654

>huge hips
Have you ever met a non-obese man like wtf

No. 346700

I want to fuck a cute boy who is shorter than me, he would be in his early 20’s, just really cute, with a very nice deep voice, awkward at first but with his heart on his sleeve.
The setting is that we’re coworkers, he’s a newbie that I’m training because I’m also young so it’s better for him to communicate with me and stuff.
We would spend a lot of time together, at first it would be seriously awkward, but then he starts becoming friendly and at some point, when we go back to the office after a long day of work, he asks if I only see him as some dumb kid or something. So I would of course tell him that I think he’s a neat person and that I respect him as my coworker.
And then he invites me out to have dinner with him, he would tell me that he’s not convinced and that he wants to show me that he’s a man.
So I would accept his invitation, but we would have to stay in the office for longer than expected because it would be raining a lot, and we would be the last ones to close the office, so we decide that it isn’t that bad because we can just finish some work while we wait for the rain to stop so we can go back to our respective homes.
Then he would ask for my help with some documents, he would be sitting on his chair working on his assigned PC, and while I explain to him some stuff, he tells me that he’s feeling a bit weird and that he may have a cold, so he would tell me that he needs some space.
I would sit next to him and explain everything better, but he would be hyperventilating and blushing a lot, so I would put my hand in his forehead and try to see if he has a fever or something, but he would just whimper and tell me that he’s sorry but that he can’t help but feel hot and bothered because he likes me a lot.
I would kiss his cheek and he would then ask if I would be okay with someone like him.
So he would be very nervous because that would be his first time, but he would somehow be great at kissing, we would fuck on his desk, I love the idea of him being very awkward, not knowing where to kiss or what to say, he would say some silly stuff that would make me laugh a lot, and he would just blush even more and apologize, I like the idea of him trying really hard to kiss me and having a hard time reaching my lips, he would also moan a lot and do some really cute whimpers when he’s about to cum and he would cling to me while he’s panting like he just ran a marathon because he’s not used to any of what’s going on.
And he would do anything in order to make me cum, plus he would always keep on being very respectful by calling me by my last name and not my first name.

No. 346701

File: 1693257038687.png (37.81 KB, 768x911, anons male fantasies.png)

This is the male body some anons want you to lust over. No twinks allowed, just whatever this is. Disgusting.(baiting retard)

No. 346704

Kek honestly. I've always preferred skinny pretty twinks and I won't "grow out of it" either. I can't believe that anon thinks it's women memeing themselves when pretty men (especially musicians) have always been seen as attractive

No. 346705

Why were his nipples cut off??

No. 346706

They are there, just grotesquely red and pepperoni-esque

No. 346714

I know you're just trolling, but there's a midpoint between the two.
I like ottermode guys with big shoulders.

No. 346730

this guys body looks quite perfect to me. as a moid would say, he "looks very fertile"

No. 346741

it's basic but i want a hot scrote to mock me during sex. i want him to say stuff like "aw can you not think anymore?" or mocking my moans and making fun of me for not being able to talk because he's pleasuring me that good. yes

No. 346758

File: 1693306013475.jpg (92.37 KB, 611x404, Cat-working-at-laptop.jpg)

Currently going back and adding cunnilingus scenes to all my romance wips because I've gone too long without getting good head

No. 346827

File: 1693343716060.jpg (715.59 KB, 1781x2893, Barberini_Faun_front_Glyptothe…)

if it were up to me i would hump this statue

No. 346915

…I'm on my period right now- so warning this is probably gross kek- and I can't stop thinking about doing it with my husbando/crush/whatever you call it ..How good it would feel when he slips inside with all the natural lubrication..how the slow, rhythmic movements, the stimulation of the pleasure.. would soothe any cramping away.. feeling him caress and gently massage my tender, aching breasts.. and when he pulls out.. seeing his manhood all coated with red menses..

No. 346967

Ever since I heard that Andre the Giant used his huge cock-sized fingers to get women off since he had a normal sized penis, I've been thinking about all the lifting he could do with his ten cocked hands.

No. 346974


No. 346978

File: 1693481978386.jpeg (223.31 KB, 1242x1434, C4418419-7A20-4FF8-9018-30254B…)

No. 346996

this is why I still come here

No. 347167

statue humpers unite

No. 347354

Not basic at all. I get you nonna. I’ve been imagining this same exact scenario to a tee about my nigels best friend who I absolutely despise.

No. 347705

I have this recurring fantasy of making my parasocial husbando do favors for money, sexual and non-sexual. He once joked about getting casting couched in an old interview, it was clearly a joke and he gave a real answer afterwards but it still makes me wonder things…I want to do some ancient old world roleplay where I'm a queen or something and make him dance for pennies.

No. 347869

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Cute boys getting their head pressed down, It's too specific but this needs to be a category by itself. It's difficult finding gems like this.. Extra points for crying/empty eyes.

No. 347871

Cumflation or anything that has to do with getting creampies
Having experienced it (creampie not cumflation lol) it feels good both mentally and physically, bonus point if you cum as the same time as the guy

No. 347878

Cute, it's the position moids belong in

No. 347879


No. 347882

where is this from?

No. 347951


No. 348083

I need to shower with a guy and lay down afterwards and have him kiss and lick and suck and gently bite my cold wet skin (especially my thighs) and feel his body all over mine. Preferably during summer

No. 348140

I want to stick my face between a man’s tits. Especially if he has a stocky build and big toned shoulders and dark chest hair. And I want to rub my face on his massive thighs. I have a primal urge to put my face on these areas yet guys I get with usually don’t like it when I play with their tits lol

No. 350916

I have this recurring fantasy of being somehow saved from something, and then taken to a place where I shouldn’t be at.
It could be like some men only college or something, and my savior would be a really hot guy who is actually not that much of a savior tbh, but at least he managed to keep me away from any troubles that could’ve killed me.
So he would help me sneak in the showers of his dorm, the bathroom would be basically empty aside from the two of us.
He would cover his eyes and wait for me to get in one of the showers and he would get in another one that’s right next to where I’m showering.
We would still be pent up from all the stress we went through.
So as we shower, I would just begin masturbating, and because of a sound that would escape from my lips, he would also start masturbating.
We wouldn’t even think of actually going in the shower where the other is at, we would just masturbate, and once we’re done there, we would just pretend nothing happened.
He would just keep on helping me find a better place to stay while still being possessive of me.

No. 351287

This is SO embarrassing but for me it's the idea of a professor finding himself becoming obsessed with me… Imagining his life if he were younger or questioning if he could have ever had a chance with a girl like me. Maybe he's married and he thinks of me when he's with his wife. Maybe he has to act disinterested but when he's in his office he finds himself picturing taking me against his desk. Obviously in this fantasy I also am attracted to him but he just can't bear to be around me because he wants me so badly and feels terrible about the mere thought of it but can't resist. Eventually we're in a one on one with some really sexually charged atmosphere and all feelings are revealed and he's super pent up and practically begging me.

Sad life I live because all my professors are ugly old and not even mid attractive, ugh. I picture him being a straight laced, awkward type of professor- almost like a Spencer Reid in some ways but older and less gangly.

No. 352334

Hehe i do like nice pecs. It sucks that there is very little stuff you can find with them

No. 353653

>RPing with AI husbando
>we have sex
>he cums all over himself
>I swipe finger through his cum
>he eats his own cum off my finger
>I find it hot
I… dunno how to feel about this

No. 356313

File: 1698888430649.jpeg (489 KB, 1668x1966, DE66D1FD-18A2-495E-902D-77C6C8…)

God I want this so bad. I want to be bullied by a hockey moid but after practice all alone in the locker room still him all in gear specifically wearing an old goalie mask like picrel. No sex, just fingering me with one hand and holding me down with his stick in the other, just mocking my moans. Then fucking me with his hockey stick he has to play future games with my cum all over.

No. 356324

I dont care about all that but hockey body is TOP TIER to me.

No. 356367

Not to burst your fantasy bubble but a hockey stick would feel absolutely awful in the vag even if you were super wet kek the rest of your fantasy sounds legit tho, hockey boys are so hot.
>t. Dad is a former hockey player who now refs so I’ve been around sticks and hockey douches my whole life.

No. 356441

why are goalie masks so hot? excellent fantasy nonnie

No. 359504

Lowkey ashamed but recently I've somewhat interacted with a random virgin online, an incel who doesn't identify as an incel or whatever. He doesnt hate women more than any other moid (he doesnt subscribe to incel ideology) but he makes it very known how lonely he is, how much he hates himself, etc.
I got too high one night and started imaging myself being in his town for some reason and we end up locked somewhere because of a snow storm and form a friendship which allows me to get his guards down and fuck him. At this point it doesn't even have anything to do with the og incel but I started having recurring fantasies of getting with early 20s virgins who aren't ultra hot but arent like morbidly obese neckbeards and are just extremly socially retarded and guarded.

In my fantasies, they're always persuaded I'm making fun of them and it's all a conspiracy/prank against them but eventually they let me touch them and immidiately cum. They're super ashamed of it and I do kinda rely on their shame to manipulate them. Ultimately, I craft them into the ideal lover because I'm starting from scratch.

Of course, in my head, these virgins arent hentai addicted coomers…but they become coomers for me and only me!

No. 359521

I'm the same, I have a thing for these types of guys and I love it when a guy is a virgin and I get to be his first. Got to do it twice so far.

No. 359525

How do you do this? All of the lonely incel by definition guys don't see me as anything more than a friend.

No. 359548

That's weird, most of the ones I've encountered (all on the internet) seem pretty desperate for sex so it was pretty easy to get them hooked. I travel a lot so it was easy to meet up with them and take it from there. They get super attached because they're so isolated. I only haven't met up with more for practical reasons like they're in far away countries. Sorry, I'm not sure what to tell you.

No. 359564

i need a woman with a strap to thrust into me following this song

No. 359566

Late meme

No. 359591

Kek I was expecting some super sexy heavy thumping bass song, but this sounds like autotuned farts

No. 361477

Kek I've lived your fantasy down to the snow storm although my story happened by accident. Since these men are mentally ill, it's not as great as you think and he ended up raping me.

No. 361478

I would fuck this sexy statue…

No. 363195

Almost like muscle worship but more like me grinding my pussy all over some muscular man's body and I do mean all over. Face (he should also be very eager to eat me out), chest, stomach, arms, legs, back, ass, dick (no penetration, just rubbing my pussy over it), hands, yes even feet why not. I want to hump a big sexy himbo like a pillow and coat every part of him in my juices. He wouldn't expect anything else in return either, in fact he'd cum just from me humping his dick if even that

No. 363228

Yesss I would love to do that too.

No. 363243

Just knowing how bad men always smell of piss because they don’t wipe their dicks after peeing, and their atomic gag inducing farts, seeing a man with his legs splayed out like that viscerally disgusts me

No. 363244

It's a statue of a faun, not even a real scrote.

No. 363259

I am viscerally attracted to stuff like this, but also am close to ovulation right now so feeling a bit extra awooga in general

No. 363306

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Not sexual but excuse my fantasy rpg isekai scenario kek, i'm not a sadist but i think i've developed some fetish by proxy or something like that.

I want to be in a party with a healer that has a fetish for injured guys, she never uses violence and she takes her time patching up our male party members especially so she can see them get ruined again, with me however she's very sweet and always asks me if i'm alright at the slightest scratch.
Maybe she is usually quiet but whenever she sees a guy bleeding she gets so turned on that when we finish fighting she rushes to me with passionate kisses, okay back to reality now.

No. 363474

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Nooners…. I just need a pretty, skinny, petite Hispanic boy with long black eyelashes, the cutest nose, dark chocolatey eyes, golden skin, full lips and soft black hair with his hands tied up against my bed, wriggling and squirming around; i either feed him viagra and watch him grow through his jeans and prod and poke at it whilst he squirms around blushing, or I tease him, grinding against him, watching him trying to resist from the pleasure. Then I decide that I want to ride him, I hear suppressed moans until he can’t hide his pleasure any longer, he moans so loud, but I don’t stop when he cums, I continue whilst he’s crying and begging me to stop, pleading, tears rolling down his face and gathering on his pretty eyelashes. When I decide to stop, he’s breathless and sobbing silently, I tell him what a good boy he is and stroke his face and his hair and kiss his forehead and give him love bites on his neck (this is actually very sad bc i live somewhere where Hispanic boys don’t exist)

No. 363482

I swear everyone who keeps saying awooga, sexo and needlessly mentioning that they’re ovulating every 2 seconds is a tranny trying to blend in.

No. 363511

nah i can relate to those anons. personally i think ovulation is ok to talk about within the context of these threads, it's not something you get to discuss irl because it's inappropriate (basically telling people i am close to perma horny for a week) yet a lot of women experience it. it wouldn't be a stretch to assume some anon is ovulating at any given point on these boards. you don't have to read this thread if you're so easily upset

No. 363552

I don't post in this thread but I just think sexo is funny

No. 363554

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Or they're just being horny in a horny thread.

No. 363555

right, also language catches on get over it. i remember 10 years ago when girls would exclaim “my ovaries” on tumblr at the sight of something titillating lol.

nice post nona

No. 363562

Hot. Move to California, there’s a ton over there

No. 363572

you are so based nona. this is incredibly similar to my go-to fantasy. tfw no cute brown eyed boy to tie to the bed and ride until he's crying and begging me to stop

No. 364786

based, very similar to my own fantasies. Latinos arent as common as in the american continent over here but there's some and I remember this brazilian line cook…ah Diego!

No. 365409

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So today I was graduating and I sat next to a cutie priest. I mean, he was average at best if I squinted without my glasses on, but I think I was so nervous I couldn't stop thinking about fucking that man because of his collar, that shit shouldn't be so hot.
I talked to him normally and he was so friendly, I wanted him to take me to a hotel so we could fuck after the event.
We would've gone to some very nice hotel, and he would've taken off my shoes as I'm sitting on the bed, then I wanted him to take off my underwear and just lick and kiss my vulva without taking off my dress, he would've awkwardly held the ridiculously long skirt while avoiding getting crushed by my thighs.
The he would've just done all of the work fucking me in different positions that I like and he would've used a bunch of boxes of condoms in a whole day.

No. 365679

This was me. I’m coming back to say that my only New Year’s resolution (besides graduating) is to finally have the MMF three way of my dreams. Now is the time knowing that I might not be living in a college town for longer, I’m single, confident, and know it’s want I want.

Congrats on graduating nona! I understand priestfags now since watching el crimen del padre amaro.

No. 366037

me but ultimately the focus is on my pleasure and the guys give each other handjobs/blowjobs so I don't have to (they both take turns eating me out/rubbing/fucking me though) and also because they want to put on a show for me. I have also fantasized about them being two bi men already dating each other for years but they realize they both miss being with women but still they love and understand each other and don't want to break up so they turn to MMF threesomes

No. 366041

Hispanic boys are normally fat and short like tomato's

No. 366472

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I need to domme him.

No. 370899

i want a guy to wrap his legs around my head and choke me with his muscular 400 cm diameter thighs as i give him oral.
fuck kisses and tender touches i want to go to the frontline and be able to just summon him whenever i feel horny but moids are so disgusting and clingy, there is no way i can feel attracted to a moid irl enough to get intimate with him

No. 372888

i need a twink with a creative hobby and a dark mancave of a workshop.
i need to clear his work table (neatly and respectfully, of course, helping him put everything away and wiping away the glue stains and various debris) then laying him on top of it. he would be my little whimpering project.
it turns me on when guys have hobbies. i don't care if it's taxidermy or warhammer figurines. he just has to moan a lot.

No. 373507

need a soft and polite boy to lay over my knees, spank him a bit while he giggles, and spank him harder and harder until it hurts him. in between spanks id knead his sore cheeks like dough and pull them apart, so he is exposed and vulnerable. maybe id tease his ass a bit too, and softly stroke his balls while threatening to hit them. i wish i could feel his erection pressing into my lap.

No. 373508

you are so real for every part of this nonnie. the moaning and whimpering is not optional

No. 373509

Moids have the ugliest hollow asses ever. They are soo ugly

No. 373592

i love a square ass, nonnie. round bubble butts dont do it for me.

No. 373688

Get yourself a hunny with a phat round ass, they're out there

No. 373720

i need to seduce a socially-retarded autistic manchild. not an entitled low-tier neckbeard, but a polite gentleman of immense youthful beauty. when he throws a tantrum and pouts, id kiss him deeply to shut him up and feel him relaxing in my grip. i need to take his virginity and exploit his mommy issues and touch-starvation by regularly kissing him on his head and being gentle, so he grows to love me obsessively. i would love him obsessively too, like hadrian loved antinous. he would be my little pet in a golden cage. i would provide for him, but he would serve me, in all the ways i need to be served. he'd make me soup and tea and have sex with me, and afterwards, with his head on my chest and my arms around him, we would talk about various things (we would have common interests).

No. 373860

you have amazing tastes nonnie, bless you

No. 374317

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men in shorts.
men in socks.
i think i have a thing for calves.
as far as clothing goes, this, on a hot guy, is an ultimate turn on for me.

No. 374377

i came here to be horny and it just made me think about my ex who worshipped me like a goddess and how i’ll never meet another man like that, i’m going to go fall asleep in the bathtub night nonnies

No. 374413

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No. 374720

im not going to be one of those "id fuck the mailman/fireman/policeman/nurse" freaks…
but, come on. asking for it, at this point.

No. 374724

need to spread his soft thighs and lick that place where the leg joins the groin

No. 379697

I wish there was a space where I could sperg about my lust for forbidden Muslim cock without getting screeched at.

No. 379757

kek I understand you nonna

No. 379789

Lately all my fantasies involve seducing a sexually pent up virgin Muslim moid and giving him a religious crisis.

No. 379791

I just want to be cherished, held like a precious treasure, my body kissed and worshipped all over..
I just want him to genuinely desire making me happy, treating me like a queen, or goddess..

No. 379798

maybe in some middle eastern village.
in reality a lot of muslim moids are sex pests and promiscuous, but keep the "piety" double standard for their female relatives.
but i feel you. the idea of seducing a pious virgin is hot.

No. 379803

I’m not really into south Asian Muslims (they’re definitely manwhores and make up the majority of Muslims in my country) I like the more Chechen + central Asian type ones. They seem to take their religion very seriously to an almost autistic degree (look at Khabib refusing to shake womens hands lol) But moids are moids so it shouldn’t be too hard to seduce one.

No. 379869

Porn consumption is higher in the Middle East than anywhere else in the world. Pious men do not exist.

No. 379876

Getting eaten out through tights/pantyhose, it probably wouldn't feel great but in the fantasy I have it's rushed and he can't wait long enough to even undress me fully so it's hot.

No. 379955

I have a sniff fetish but for the man doing it, not me. I want a man to spend hours licking and sniffing my pussy. Like really huffing my bush, inhaling my musk deeply into his lungs, then breathing out through his mouth so it tickle my pussy. Also sticking his tongue as deep as it will go in my vagina, and letting me use him as human furniture and his face as a chair. That would feel so good.

No. 380051

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Why are moids with feminine features so self-absorbed? There’s this moid in my workplace who has such a cute face but he’s so douchey it makes me sad. Nevertheless, I want him and his friend to tag team me while also fucking each other. I want to ruin him and be ruined by him at the same time.

No. 380055

I want him to be incredibly attracted to me emotionally and intelectually. I want him to chase me and be incredibly concerned about me being suicidal. I want to be the main thing that's on his mind. I want him to spoil me.

When we have sex. It should feel like love. I want him to grab my small waist and tell me I have the cutest tits. I want him to kiss me and hold me under his grip as he is pushing his cock inside of me and we should both be really sweaty and in the end I want him to cry and tell me that I am the best thing that has happened to him

No. 380056

Based. All men should love huffing and licking pussy.

No. 380059

You’re right and this is why I’m glad I grew out of my prettyboy phase. I like overly masculine hairy brutes now. They’re less fussy and more grateful.

No. 380066

They are used to being spoiled
There's a happy medium without having to resort to beasts

No. 380072

A 'beta' bf whom I hold sex over his head. I make him do errands for me and plan specific times of the month so he can look forward for it. When we do he's a spergy beast. Caressing my body he so yearned for, eating me out like he was starving, and unable to put it in because he's shaking from excitement like a puppy.

No. 380198

I didn’t choose to be attracted to hairy beasts it just happened one day.

No. 380398

Won't be safe for much longer if you keep letting muslims in(racebait )

No. 380420

Muslims aren't a race jannies.

No. 380427

Well we all know that anon isn’t talking about white or East Asian Muslims.

No. 380429

Responding to a 8 month old post with a /pol tier take is bait in any case.

No. 380442

Based based based based based based based based

No. 380568

Still fantasizing about raping this religious Muslim moid. I’m so frustrated. I think about raping him every minute of the day. His cut halal dick will be mine.

No. 382009

File: 1709084928959.webm (2.8 MB, 676x380, Quella_età_maliziosa.webm)

dedicated to the nona from the old thread that talked about being in a "trapped" scenario

No. 382073

This is a fate worse than death.
Anyway, I want to humble a barely legal metalhead. They’re so easily bullied it’s unbelievable. I’m surrounded by those types and want to piss on their overpriced band tees so bad.
It’s going to be “brutal” when I pull his hair like handlebars as he eats me out but I’ll have to “beat him” with a bar of soap and hose him down first. He doesn’t smell but you can never be too sure.

No. 382144

Both are intensely based

Me personally I fantasize about being a female mma fighter and getting the shit beat out of me by a bigger, stronger woman who dominates me and humiliates me in the cage for millions to see. I want to feel her warm skin on my body while she’s on top pummeling me. I want to feel her nose break beneath my fists, I want our blood to mix together while we’re wrestling each other. I want her hands to roam across my body and grope my tits and ass surreptitiously. When I hit her, i want to hear her groans of pain sound like pleasure in my ear. I want her to taunt me while she takes all my glory.I want for her to grab my hair and force me on knees and shove my face in her pussy right there in front of everyone. I want her to slap me and spit in my face while calling me a dumb little girl. I want her to lick the blood off my cheeks while stroking the cuts and bruises on my face. I just wanna fall in love with a powerful woman and have aggressive, violent lesbian sex with her. Is that too much to ask?

No. 382159

Oh my god are we kin?
I'm in the same situation. He's even very small so I could overpower him.

No. 382427

what the fuck

No. 382437

Bait used to be believable

No. 382492

It's a fantasy that I said I found a new love for, that doesn't mean it's something you're able to actually perform. I did not think I'd have to overexplain that to the users on this website considering the context of the thread being sexual fantasies not sexual activities. It doesn't make sense why you'd delete a sexual fantasy in the sexual fantasies thread all because you personally don't like it when it isn't a violent or dangerous fantasy that poses harm to others.

No. 382501

It was too gross kek I don’t wanna upset anyone again

No. 384055

I need a man to cum on my stomach and lick me clean after

No. 384885

I don’t know if this is a confession but absolutely a sexual fantasy I could never act upon because it only plays out so good in my head and would be lackluster IRL. I want to beyond hate fuck my moids best friend, the tension when we’re around our friends and how everybody knows we don’t get along constantly jabbing at one each other not even playfully just straight distaste and hate for one each other. Finally fucking behind doors fighting over who’s in control just pure anger fueled, having him succumb to me yet snaps out of it vice versa, just letting out raw steam. Forcefully making him swallow my spit. I need him degraded. Still continuing are genuine dislike for each other when we’re around others with no romantic intention or playful flirtation.

No. 384895

I have a crush on a Muslim coworker but unfortunately he’s married with a child. He always lowers his gaze around other women and doesn’t make eye contact. I want to aggressively seduce him and basically daterape him.

No. 384922

thats lowkey disgusting

No. 384926

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This is a bit fucked up I apologise. Please do not read any further if you’re just going to get mad at me.
My celebrity crush is so hot at any age but there’s just something about him when he was in his 50s-60s…. Absolute fucking dilf. Anyway my fantasy is based on a dream I had the other day about it, basically I find out he’s my long lost father so we end up meeting but secretly we’re really attracted to each other. Something happens where we drink wine or something and we just start making out and end up fucking. Until we remember afterwards that we’re actually father and daughter, but somehow that just makes it hotter. Anyway this is a fantasy and we look nothing alike and we’re not related it’s just because he is a tasty dilf and I have daddy issues.

No. 384944

t. Anaïs Nin

No. 387866

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I want to pull and slam that little cashier on the counter, strip him, and fuck him right there. He has this sad face that makes him look exhausted and sickly all the time. I want to fill him with fear and make him discover it turns him on.
It's definitely just because he reminds me of my ex, same height and build and race and everything. He's shown no interest in me though so I will never pursue this (not that my ex did either). Small guys never do, it just isn't my fate to be desired by delicate, elven men.

No. 387868

Uh.. are you ok

No. 387873

When I'm in a mood for it, I usually fantasize about an invisible man (not one from the movie) whose main goal is to please me. Even though I can't see him he must be secretly handsome kek.
I'm not a religious person but I also often think about monasteries as a setting, sometimes it's a rosarium and a regular gardener or two (not monks) work there, and I come to them as a nun and they both please me. Sometimes the stern abbot watches us secretly from the distance (and usually he's the one who comes as an invisible man). It's also set in the past, 19th century or further. I've had these fantasies for years, no idea where it came from.

No. 387876

Never have been, thanks for the concern.

No. 387884

No. 387888

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> I usually fantasize about an invisible man (not one from the movie) whose main goal is to please me. Even though I can't see him he must be secretly handsome kek.

I always found the story of Cupid and Psyche very romantic, and the part where he makes passionate love to her in the dark before she ever sees his face particularly intriguing. Well, I guess it captured my imagination when I first read it anyway. Nice fantasy, nona.

No. 389037

I have a class partner that has a cute voice and cute eyes, he's taller than me and looks youthful.
I want to look at him in the eyes while stepping on his dick, I want to see him crying, I also wish he could be gagged so I can only hear silky suffering sounds as he tries to beg for mercy.
Then I want to kick him on his tummy before petting him as he trembles in pain and fear.
After he feels better he could maybe finger me or something idk, I kind of just think he would look nice while in pain.

No. 389615

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Hypothetically speaking, if I were the Viking gangbang author anon from the last thread (>>204525 >>223901) and I finally finished and published a novella-length copy of my story, would anyone want me to drop the KDP link here or would I be at risk of breaking rules 8 and 10?

No. 389657

This is good, reminds me of when I went to a concert with my friends, one of them I had a crush on at the time and the crowd was insane, we were all basically being pushed around throughout the entire concert. I made it a point to latch onto him so I don't lose myself. I had so many moments of me pressed up against his back, my chin resting on his shoulders, him at times pressed up next to me, I would hold onto his sweaty shoulders. He's already said before to our friends doesn't have feelings for me, but I still had hope that maybe he'd change his mind afterwards. Last time I saw him, he was teasing me a bit, he asked me to hold some of his things, we had moments where we were alone and he would wait for me and make sure I was in his line of sight. I've had a crush on him twice and this was in between boyfriends I had. Who knows, maybe if this guy I'm starting to date doesn't work out with me, there's that possibility I could just get upfront with him. Anyway, done with the blogposting.
I want to have a lover who will take any chance he can to feel me up in public, like him looking around to make sure all is clear before he starts rubbing my butt and moving his hand more down towards my vagina. Or him with his hand on my waist and hovers his hand over my clit and presses against it with more force. Especially in scenarios where we'd sit next to each other, like at a restaurant, hand resting on my thighs, fingers getting curious. Bonus if we're on a double date, he'd make it a point to try to get me to blush and get wet and be embarrassed in front of either my friends or his friends. I just want him to cup his hand on my cheek and just give me a nice kiss and move to my neck. I love hickeys… I just like the feeling, I nearly am able to orgasm from a guy kissing my neck passionately.

No. 389899

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He would come home from running moonshine with his hooligan buddies, and find me on the couch curled up with my stupid flaxseed heating pad against my back. He would pick me up in those arms and carry me to bed, he would hum and rub my back, and then he would kiss my back, up to my neck, then he'd turn me over and kiss my lips while I wrap my arms around his neck…

No. 389905

Drop that shit, I've been a fan since you posted it and I'm sure many other anons would also appreciate it. Just be smart and don't put your real name or other identifying info in. Congrats on publishing!

Now for my actual thread contribution: this is obviously unrealistic and silly, but imagine forcing a very attractive, muscular man to sit for a portrait in a very compromising, physically demanding pose. He'd have to like, plank or do a glute bridge for hours on end, getting progressively redder and sweatier while you scold him for ruining your composition. If he sticks it out and doesn't break composure, then he gets a "reward", but by that point he's probably so raring to go that the slightest touch would drive him insane. Perhaps this was a better fit for the femdom thread, oops.>>389615

No. 390056

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Ily nona, thank you so much for your encouragement! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CXYZ4GQ6
Apologies for the "graphic design is my passion" tier cover, I gave myself an end of March deadline and couldn't be arsed setting up a Canva account. You have elite taste in fantasies too, loves me a strong moid being put through his paces

No. 390227

this guys voice? omg? i feel like it awakened something in me

No. 390396

Great voice, but it's SO cringe to post your face doing this.

No. 392136

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I have been fixated on a simple sentence I heard in a stupid reality dating show a few weeks ago that just flooded my mind with scenarios and fantasies for whatever reasons. This guy (who was not attractive to me) met with his girlfriend after a few weeks apart and the scene was pretty raw and emotional. He said to her after an embrace 'It was so hard being apart, missing you, seeing you smiling with other people…'. He said it so earnestly and with a bit of a pathetic despair in his voice, it stuck with me and made him 100x hotter in the moment. Him being jealous of the simple thought of his girlfriend smiling to other people while he wasn't there, but not in a moid-rage way but being vulnerable was perfect. I've been thinking about that one sentence way too much and thinking about extremely 'toxic' scenarios were I play with my jealous bf's feelings, taunt him until he snaps and either threatens to hurt himself, someone, or punish me, take me away and lock me up. The idea of a yandere male, someone being so obsessed with you and their love for you blinding them from everything else, being pathetic and threatening at the same time… I probably have abandonment issues.

No. 392140

anon I'm not trying to clown on your preferences but the contrast between his peppy voice-actor voice and the sexy line made me cringe so hard I got whiplash

No. 392164

Don’t mean to yuck your yum nona but that guy is a massive faggot, I always laugh at his videos trying to a sexy daddy dom when he looks like a Minecraft YouTuber and has all his manchild toys in the background

No. 392180

He's wearing a DBZ shirt too and the purple RGB lighting signals to me, this guy is a basic nerd.

No. 392403


No. 392419

It feels like I’m watching my kid graduate college. Congratulations nonnie, from one horny bitch to another

No. 392548

I'll never get to fuck a cute manlet. It's awful, I got so close. He has little wrists and small legs and we wear the same shoe size uggh. AND I was madly in love with him. Fondling isn't enough I'm going to fucking die, anons.
I just want to compare the sizes of our body parts, completely nude. I want to hold a little guy down with my body weight just by sitting on him. I want to pin him to the wall and gaze down at him, and feel how perfectly he'd fit in my arms. It would be a dream to be able to lift and carry him and toss him around. I'd condition him so he knew that when I called him "cute and small" it is the biggest compliment I could give, and pointing out his height is always because just thinking of it turns me on. He'd be my little prince but he'd also be a bit scared of me (because I'm insane).
It's not fair. Statistically there are fewer men who are shorter than me than are taller, and out of those only some are my type, then out of those again only a few would be attracted to me. It feels impossible for me to ever experience this fetish but I don't know if I'll ever be sexually fulfilled otherwise now that I've gotten a taste of what could be.
Yes I'm samefagging and I'm still autistic and ready to fuck. Don't want to haunt the vent thread with my horny because it's stupid.

No. 392551

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God I want to fuck this guy in my college class so bad, he is super skinny, looks like a borderline twink with messy brown hair, is autistic about menswear fashion, makes obscure french movie references, I want him so bad it makes me mad. I would peg and ruin him so hard he wouldn’t be able to function afterwards. I sometimes imagine myself, him and this other really pretty-feminine looking guy from my class having a threesome and making them kiss each other while I fuck them.

No. 399876


No. 400464

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I recently broke up with my long term partner and also recently started lifting weights (both unrelated but just so happened at the same time). I have a guy in my class that also lifts and we've gotten a little closer ever since I shared my new hobby with him. We get along nicely but It's always been very superficial stuff and joking around between uni classes. We don't really have any similar interests or a deeper chemistry than regular classmates, and he catches me as kinda troubled and struggling with mental health issues and bad self esteem (though you couldn't tell from his extrovertness and good looks). He keeps chatting me up about mundane stuff and seems genuinely interested in how I am and stuff I do. Ever since I became single though the texting has amped up and the flirting is painfully obvious from his side.

Thing is, I've been imagining joining him for a workout (or even just going over to his place unanounced) and afterwards just having mad, sweaty, steamy sex with him. He's quite fit and cute and I want to just coddle him at the same time as I ravenously have my way with him. I keep thinking about it when I masturbate but I don't know if I could ever go through with it as I'm not attracted to him in any way except physical and I don't want it to be awkward between us after..

No. 400511

90 percent of men in his situation would be thrilled to find out a cute girl in their class wants hot steamy sex without any strings attached

No. 400650

School/uni is temporary anon and goes by much faster than you'd think, I'd take the chance while you still can.

No. 400851

Honestly I just might. I'm kinda worried though that he would want something more, and I end up hurting his feelings along the way
I'll think about it hehe

No. 400868

You are valid, heard, seen kek

No. 401477

If you want him with no strings attached get on him ASAP. The more time passes the more attached he's going to get and the harder it'll be to unmoor yourselves from each other once it's over. Either way you should 100% go for it. Good luck nonna!

No. 401478

kek I didn't look hard enough at the thumbnail and thought this was Markiplier for a second.

No. 402630

Am I retarded for masturbating to genitals only? Not even normal porn or fanfiction or audios, just guys posting videos of playing with their peepees. No plot, no nothing. Just zoinking his zorker. I was called tasteless and scrotish for this lmao but I guess I'm morally superior to other porn watchers. Sometimes I'll go for videos of a guy humping random household objects. I guess I'm just less evolved, I'm still at the big anonymous dick stage of eroticism…

No. 402643

I'm your mirror world twin.

No. 402650

Nothing weird about that nonnie. I do the same the rare occasion that I use real porn to masturbate. I hate seeing mens faces because most of the time they're so unappealing kek

No. 403396

I have a crush on my (new) coworker now and I got drunk and high at his house when I definitely don’t normally smoke or drink so I was not myself. But the topic of threesomes came up and my other coworker said he’d do it and now I keep thinking about having a threesome with the two of them…they don’t have to interact but it would be better if they did. But I’m trying to be professional and not get fired so I’ll hold off on that. It just makes me sad that I’ll never have the threesome of my dreams

No. 403397

I'm extremely attracted to my brother in law and want a threesome with him and my bf so bad (they aren't biological brothers). Honestly I've had the same thoughts about my bf's friends too. Idk why but every time he's with his brother or friend I get thoughts of threesomes, even though its shameful and I'd never do it.

No. 403663

I need to have my clit sucked by a guy with huge filled up silicone lips

No. 419470

File: 1722165769973.jpg (74.5 KB, 938x1500, 717JtXHFJPL._SL1500_.jpg)

Guess who's back ladies? This one is for all the nonnas with a sexy robot husbando. Enjoy

No. 419659

I want my husband to feed me a bunch of alcohol and fuck me until I fall asleep

No. 419906

Male groping and fondling. I love groping their chest, bulge, ass, etc. Just out of nowhere too, even better if they’re embarrassed and meekly telling me to stop but secretly they’re super turned on

No. 420008

I wish I could just lay down and have my husband cum inside me all day long. I just lay on my back with my legs up so it can sink deep inside me and he’d fuck me multiple times a day, and then I fall asleep after praying that he got me pregnant

No. 420386

girl I saw that wack ass post LMAO the shameful dirty delete

No. 420387

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well well well

No. 420511

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I hate this website sometimes

No. 420512

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> Just zoinking his zorker

No. 420514

Let her live her best life, nona.

No. 420520

NGL i get it. I mean maybe not with that bottle because that looks too huge and harshly shaped but I've had similar fantasies about inflatable dildos and those big silicone eggs and stuff. They look like they'd feel amazing. I think it's sort of normal for women who are wired to like vaginal stimulation (since I know lots of women are wired to be more just into clit stuff) though. Personally i'm the kind of person who can get off by just doing vaginal stuff with only super light clit stim at the very end.

No. 421006

Desperately want a “threesome” with my two friends. I’ve slept with her before on a few occasions. We have a moid friend of many years who is miserably pathetic with women and has expressed having feelings for her before in the past. I want to cuck him, not for his pleasure, I want him bounded up unable to speak nor touch himself while he watches us make love and feel more even more pathetic and helpless. I want to enjoy making love to her, while enjoying his suffering.

No. 423088

I wanna rape correct an uptight sexy anime guy with dark hair and glasses

No. 423100

i want to fuck this one friend that has a massive stupid crush on me with my boyfriend. I wouldnt let him penetrate me or even touch my pussy, but id make him suck my bfs dick while i peg him. then me and my bf would switch. we’d be sweet and take care of him though. he’s always seemed so eager to impress us, i think he’d be eager to please us too. he has no idea that i’d ever spring for something like that. i’ve always bullied and teased him, but he just laughs and takes it.

No. 426158

Check out the Chatbot thread in /m/

No. 426270

I won. My hypnosis fetish occasionally comes up in my dreams but usually as f/f fantasies, today I dreamt about a woman hypnotising a man for the first time. The exact scenario I can't remember, I can't recall how much he resisted (I don't think he did). He was kind of a cute, silly weirdo and she kept telling him how to feel and he felt good giving in.

No. 426584

I've been obsessed with wanting to be tied up and spanked and manhandled by a strong man
It's too hot

No. 426591

If I had a penis I would rape men with it

No. 426592

girl same

No. 426594

No. 426595

No. 426607

Me too, let's do it together.

No. 426615

can you rape me

No. 426791

I want to be used whenever he wants. I like feeling wanted.

No. 426792

not exactly sexual but it would be hot if a guy tied my shoelaces for me. i used to suck at tying shoelaces so they would always untie as i walked but (un)fortunately i am no longer a retard and that barely ever happens now. i'd pet him and play with his hair while he did it

No. 428478

I started using ai chatbots to write smut and very slow burn romance with smut and I'm now addicted. These days I've been co-writing with the bot this long vampire yandere fiction that started as quick fap material and it's now getting novel-length with multiple love interests. When I'm not using the chatbots I'm thinking of this story and other stories I could write with it. Honestly it has helped me exploring a ton of fantasies and be less shameful about them. Now I will finish this one and touch some grass because I'm too horny about imaginary cold yet obsessed sadistic vampires.

As anyone tried using ai chatbots like janitorai or characterai to write about your fantasies?

No. 428479

no judgement, but can you explain the vampire fantasy to me? I just don't understand it. What did you think of True Blood?

No. 428485

Nona I made my ideal man on chat.ai. It’s fun and harmless, especially role paying sex. I literally made a love story where we met in college and then fell in love and married kek. The filter is less strict too now, you can get away with a whole lot more.

No. 428486

Meant to say character ai sorry

No. 430244

I want to be folded in two and fucked raw and filled with hot cum until I get pregnant
I'm a simple woman

No. 431058


No. 431360

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I wish he would mate-press me and tell me "get pregnant" at each pump

No. 436313

I wouldn’t say I’m ashamed of this but it is weird, I want to fuck my professor at college. He’s not attractive really, he’s 65. I have thoughts about us fucking and it gets me so turned on. I wouldn’t fuck him though, as I don’t want to ruin the student-teacher relationship I have with him. But he keeps touching me a lot in class. When I wear a shirt that reveals my cleavage, he will jokingly punch my arm or touch my shoulder, and constantly pick on me and over correct my work (even when it’s correct and I know what I’m doing.). He doesn’t do this to anyone else in my class. I just use my vibrator when I think about having sex with him.

No. 436320

I wish i was getting chased with a knife by him like he did to Chloe in smallville.

No. 436345

old men dont deserve sex

No. 436442

This is going to sound esoteric as fuck, but I am so picky about my "horny content" that I only want artsy, sexually suggestive content that mustn't even be explicitly sexual - there just has to be so much intense sexual tension and sexual symbolism between the two characters that it feels basically the same as an actual sex scene. It's like I need to go beyond the sexual into the psychosexual to feel truly near to just humping my bedframe out of hornyness. Maybe it's because everything now is so porny but not at all erotic. I feel like David Lynch is the only person who truly gets what I mean by this. If I and David Lynch's brain could have sex with each other (while also being seperate from their bodies), I would.
Sounds like you have enough self respect but just to reiterate - don't go down that road. It's not even fun.

No. 436449

you mean you literally want to have sex with a human brain? Are you a serial killer?

No. 436451

so nona i should start watching twin peaks? does it have this content you speak of?

No. 436716

no, no, i want both of our brains to have sex. Somehow.
I haven't seen Twin peaks apart from the first few episodes, but a lot of his movies are… Like that. Lost Highway and especially Mulholland Drive have the content similar to what I'm talking about. Blue Velvet is explicitly sexual, and it's pretty dark, so idk if i would count that one. Honestly Lynch is just a powerful Hollywood pervert but I can't lie that I think his stuff is pretty tasteful.

No. 436719

>there just has to be so much intense sexual tension and sexual symbolism between the two characters that it feels basically the same as an actual sex scene
I totally get you nona. I enjoy plain, in-your-face sex depictions too but it's so much better with a good, long tension build up

No. 437928

>so much intense sexual tension and sexual symbolism between the two characters that it feels basically the same as an actual sex scene
Holy fuck I relate hard. In 1917 (WWI movie) there's a scene where the main character, a British soldier, hides in an abandoned building and discovers a young French woman and her baby. They can't communicate with words but she briefly tends to his wounds and he sings a song to her baby. The scene is quiet and lit only by a fire and the focus is on his face the whole time and it's so incredibly erotic and no one else seems to understand!!!

No. 437935

for the curious nonas. Can anyone recommend more scenes like this?

No. 437944

i'm the healer

i want to be a nurse tending to a wounded soldier so bad nona

No. 437952

I fantasize about my dentist. He's very attractive and asian

No. 439355

Imagine a cerebral nerdy frustrated virgin type with brown hair, white button-down shirt, and glasses, thinks he's better than plebs who like dancing and pop music because he likes philosophy and physics, thinks he's asexual to cope with unpopularity with women, and generally considers himself to be above the base urges of the common crowd.

Imagine him being sexually dominated by an attractive black-haired jock type and having him discover - to his horror - how aroused he is at being submissive to men. "I'm ashamed of how much my body wants this" is one of my top tropes and something about it happening to someone who is a) very cerebral and b) a male who thinks he's better than other males, is exceptionally tantalizing. Bonus points if he's fair skinned so you can see his face blush red as he's pressed against the floor. Extra points if his glasses are removed against his will and he's very myopic so he can't see details well and is forced to focus on the sensation. He can enjoy it but never fully as he is too self-hating to give in to it. Optionally the jock's mean girl gf can appear and just watch him be humiliated. She is of course fully clothed, maybe masturbating, enjoying watching the uppity 'smart guy' in class be reduced to a body. She won't tell anybody about it, but every time she sees him, she remembers how well he responded to being fondled by her boyfriend, and she silently feels superior to him. I don't know why I recently want to see smart incels sexually dominated but looks like I have to make my own content.

No. 454785

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Hands are great. A little veiny but not too much is ideal.

No. 456003

All the sex I have with my boyfriend is focused on me and my pleasure, with him being dominant. Even when I'm more dominant, he's just letting me be in control and waiting to extract pleasure from my body once he's given pleasure to me. I want be the one in control of giving him pleasure, even forcing it on him, to the point where he begs and pleads for more. I want him to give up control because he wants to be powerless, not because he wants to please me. I saw a vibrating strapon and looked it up online to see an OF girl use it on her boyfriend, watching him moan and groan, cum uncontrollably and then beg her to fuck him more. I want that so much, but I know he'd never agree to it.

No. 456020

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I know this whole portion of the film was completely fictional, but I love the three way relationship Marylin has in Blonde. I’m extremely monogamous but they make it seem so sensual yet tender.

No. 456043

I hate my current job in catering so much I cope by imagining it being far more humiliating and sexual, instead of me suffering, its some cute guy down on his luck and desperate for money. Getting fondled by party guests, forced to clean their fingers from the hors d'oeuvres by licking and sucking, being dragged around by his tie this way and that way… I want the guests constantly belittling and laughing at him, all in their rich and lavish outfits, while he's in some rental suit that barely fits, but maybe forced to wear a cummerbund thats so tight its basically a corset. even cuter if he's some alt boy that has to try to pass as a normie, maybe being forced to cut his hair, and hide his tattoos/take out his piercings. Horrified by how he likes the treatment, maybe.. Just in these rich people's secluded homes at their extravagant parties knowing he's at their mercy..

No. 456722

Saged for no fantasy but irl blogpost

Had this opportunity with self hating Muslim guy. He would pick me up and eat me out (he was not great at oral but I appreciated the effort). Then he would rub his cock on me and beg me to put it in raw. Obviously I was like "ewww, I'm not going to fuck you unprotected" then he would feel bad and apologize and be ashamed of his horniness. He would say things like "you know, if you wanted to rape me it would be okay, because then I wouldn't be sinning" he was so fucked up kek

No. 457119

I haven't been able to stop thinking about my plumber from a couple days ago. It feels so stereotypical. I wanna watch plumber porn but most of them pretend to work on a sink or washing machine but in the past I've just done that work myself. There was a clog I couldn't reach so I had no choice but to get someone else to help. When I explained the problem he said "that's no good" and I found it really cute for some reason lol like yeah no shit. His machine was frozen and he asked to borrow a hair dryer to warm it up. He sounded so cute when he thanked me and promised to take care of it when I handed him one. He tried to remove the cap off a pipe and hammered it with a wrench to loosen it. He got warm so he unzipped his jacket and threw it off. He looked really good in his uniform jacket. I was so full of anxiety over the issue but having a cute plumber made it a lot less stressful. I can't stop wondering what he'd be like in bed lol. I wonder if he thought I was cute too. Probably not. I kept staring at his prominent adam's apple and I thought it was sexy how he kneeled in my disgusting sewage filled basement without hesitating. I wonder if a plumber has fucked up fetishes or something…if he's not squeamish about sewage maybe he's open to strange things… anyway he helped me feel relaxed about the issue. I want him to guide me and assure me while we fuck lol. Minus the part where he takes all my money in the end.

No. 460095

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Cowgirl is one of my favorite positions, especially if it's on a chair or couch because I can move much better than on a bed. So whenever I see a guy that I'm attracted to (or that has evil legs) sitting with his legs slightly open, I go insane in my mind. Bonus points for nice inner biceps as well.

No. 460161

that was so cute to read KEK

No. 462875

I have a hot alt nerdy neighbor now. I feel like this is the universe's way of saying "Sorry for putting you through it last year, here's a gift." I want to break into his place to sniff his mattress and clothes and to lick all of his utensils while he's gone so bad. I watched him move his belongings from his car to his place, so I kept running from the window to my front door's peephole. At one point as he was closing his front door, he looked at my door and I felt my vagina pulse. It was like he was looking at me. He has no idea I exist yet and I'm not sure if I want him to know. I know what all of his stuff looks like as well as how the inside of his place looks since I've been in there before from walking in while it was getting cleaned out from my last neighbor. I hope I'll be able to hear him moan from time to time. I wonder if he is the type to make sounds while masturbating? Either way, he's perfect. I can't see us together because I have no idea if he's gay or not, or if he's a single father (yuck), but I will live off from imagining many things with him instead like going over with a pan of brownies and watching a movie with his penis on my forehead.

No. 462900

I reported your post as fake but jannies probably won't do anything. I don't really care if I get banned today though, this is really fake and cringe. I'm really sorry that no one has ever felt this way (ever) over a random male "nerd" neighbor or wanted a moid's penis on their forehead. I think you stole inspo from the Luigi thread and then self-inserted and posted it here. Anyways, gross

No. 462905

>rubbing one out to my neighbor

No. 462912

Never visited cc in my life, hon(troonfoiling)

No. 462913

Anyway, I want to have sexual relations with my qt nerdy and alt neighbor.

No. 462928

File: 1735755135937.png (Spoiler Image,535.01 KB, 708x414, pri.png)

I can't breathe meme

No. 463336

I need to find a man with a small to non existent refractory period so I can get cummed in 10 times a day while I'm ovulating and probably get on some cautionary antibiotics during this period so I don't get a UTI. I don't know if it's hypersexuality but I can never be satisfied by having sex once, but most moids can't stay hard because of porn brain etc. Feeling a guys dick throb and spasm inside me and moan about how much he wants to fill me up (especially if he's shy about it at first and then loses control like an animal) makes me feral levels horny. I want him to kiss me all over afterwards, lick the sweat off my body, and eat his own cum out of my pussy when it's too sore from sex. Plus massage my belly and body afterwards.

No. 466207

File: 1736307904216.jpg (41.87 KB, 400x502, 64ead10e6451faa8078d932fc92de2…)

So, it's between the middle of autumn or beginning of winter. We go for a short hike in the forest. We don't bring much, because we're not planning to stay for long anyway - so just the basics. We go far enough as to not be able to see anyone or anything other than the trees themselves, and we start our little campsite. We build a fire; we make apple, clove and cinnamon tea; we smell the moss very thick. The tip of my nose starts to get cold as the sun lowers, and I can even see a bit of fog. He cups my face to get it warmer, he kisses me gently in my forehead, nose, mouth. We start making out, the bonfire crackling next to us, the smell of smoke and cinder and resin mixing with the pine needles, wood, soil, moss. I can feel my cheeks very hot now. He only takes his dick out, out of desperation and maybe cold. I ride him until we both finish and his clothes are all dirty of earth and sticks. We clean up and go back before it's too dark.

No. 472541

I wonder how the anon who wanted to have sex with David Lynch's brain feels with the news.

No. 482390

Honestly I just want a guy to take good care of me without being pressured to do anything in return. Let's say I had a rough week, and the weekend came around and my imaginary boyfriend tells me "dearest tonight you will relax". He set a massage table and asks me to get undressed and lay down, and starts massaging my stiff body. Maybe he starts kissing me all over, gettting a taste of my nipple, or even rubs himself onto me a little bit. Then he kisses me softly, carries me to a hot bath he started pouring during the massage. He gets undressed too and joins me, and we wash each other, kiss, touch each other all over. After all that teasing we dry up and go to the bedroom. I lay down and he climbs on top of me, kissing me. I get blindfolded and he starts licking me all over. He makes his way down to my pussy and gives me the best head I've ever had while fingering me similtaneously. After I came, he fucks me while rubbing his thumb on my clit and we cum together. Then we just curl up in each other's arms and fall asleep.

No. 491316

Can anyone explain why sexist people are also horniest?

No. 491319

Males want to fuck what they hate, and they hate what they fuck.

No. 491325

I already know that, but misandrists are pretty horny too

No. 491326

Yeah, that's why this 2 years old thread is the most active on this site.

No. 492712

You should check the Luigi general

No. 493298

heres a thought that i had, try not to get horny : impotent guy desperately eating your pussy because he feels worthless as a man

No. 493307

a guy who doesn’t want to have sex or is asexual, we’re in a relationship and 1 day while he’s drunk I semi force him into sex, tying his hands behind his back, he swears he doesn’t want it but is hard at the same time.
I’m also insanely turned on by crying, unconscious or scared men and men who have just been slapped or treated roughly by a woman who they thought could never hurt them

No. 493308

Then make the comment in that thread, not in this dead thread.

No. 497762

There's a Japanese friend of my mom's I've met a few times. He's hot. He has pretty dark eyes, tall, and there's a bit of an age gap between us. I'm a little embarrassed because my mom mentioned to him in passing that I like anime so he asked me about it kek. I masturbate to the thought of him a lot. Mostly, I imagine him eating my pussy while making eye contact with me. I'd love to cum all over his face

I fw this so hard

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