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No. 348009
Previous thread:
>>>/g/174637Talk about sex toys, stimulation, techniques, etc.
No. 348022
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Is there a downside to masturbating too often (as in, 2-3 times a day)? I tried looking up info about it and found that it's debilitating for men, but not so much women (aside from "loss of sensitivity", but I'm not that insane to risk that). I've found that I'm a lot more relaxed and outgoing, and I don't put up with my coworkers' bullshit anymore.
No. 348259
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I mostly syntribate and even though I know it’s probably not the best method if you want to get off with a partner, though because I’m a virgin and probably won’t be in a relationship for a long time, I was thinking of having a g-spot vibrator in me while I syntribate. This might be a dumb question but should I try to find my g-spot/ achieve a g-spot orgasm with my fingers before I go out and buy a g-spot vibrator? Also, what are some recommendations for g-spot vibrators that don’t stimulate the clit?
No. 350042
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What do you think of masturbating to non-explicit photos? Like pictures of a partner or celebrity and not even softcore like just a nice photo. I'm thinking of doing this because I keep having flashbacks to an assault which is obviously a major turn off. I'm looking for a way to stay focused on the face of someone I find attractive or lovable like literally anything but my assailant. Also I hate porn and suspect it would make everything worse so this seems like the next best thing. How weird is this? Does anyone do this on the modern age?
No. 350681
>>350675A feeling of release while masturbating that feels like peeing? I realize that everyone is different, but that sounds like a textbook definition of an orgasm. Why are you unsure?
It does sound like you're giving yourself peegasms. No. 350970
>>350701Good orgasms are worth having. I wouldn't masturbate if I couldn't have them. Like
>>350808 said this can be because of medication or health problems but it can also be technique. I can't orgasm without putting strong pressure on my clit. Have you tried changing how you masturbate?
No. 350997
>>350880There's nothing unusual about masturbating to stuff you wouldn't want to do irl. What you like to watch or imagine and what you like to do can be very different things.
>>350972Straight women don't need lesbian porn to orgasm.
No. 351061
>>350984I second the anon who suggested trying with your fingers. For some women vibrators can be overstimulating to the point of temporarily losing sensation, inadvertently making it more difficult to achieve orgasm. If this has been the case for you, I would wait a couple of days to give your nerves a chance to rest before making another attempt.
Something interesting I learned the other day: "arousal is mediated by a relaxed parasympathetic state, which is gradually overtaken by a sympathetic state as arousal increases with heart rate, breathing etc. Orgasm is an explosive and complete shift to the sympathetic." In so many words, this is what they mean when they say you should try to relax and not be in your head too much etc. I think for a lot of people this process comes naturally when we become aroused, which can happen spontaneously or intentionally, e.g. by using erotica. But if it’s something you struggle with then trying techniques to activate a parasympathetic state could be helpful. One way to do this is by using mindfulness/meditation techniques, which is mostly just shifting your focus to intentionally allow yourself to become relaxed and gain control of your breathing. Arousal is one way to shift your focus, but you can also work on going into this relaxed state first, then once you’re there start touching yourself and building arousal. There are lots of guided meditation/relaxation etc. videos on youtube you could try out.
Maybe this advice doesn’t apply to you. When trying to orgasm, we all have different premises to work with in terms of our anatomy, mental baggage and so on, and your issue could be something entirely different. I actually stumbled upon a subreddit for women struggling with this, that may or may not be helpful to you r/BecomingOrgasmic
No. 351468
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How fast can i learn to insert more than a finger? It’s been a decade and ive gotten off with 1 finger only a handful of times. I want to use toys eventually.
No. 351564
>>351468Have you ever worked out? Take the same approach. Do what is comfortable with routine and consistency and you will eventually find yourself comfortable with more. This is one of the recommended ways that vaginismus is treated.
Don't feel under pressure to rush yourself, it wont help.
No. 354517
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>>317965 Anon are you still here? Your method has been on my mind all these months but I've never been able to make it work. I think because my toy (picrel) is curved, it's hard to keep it at the correct angle. If it helps, I use it "upside down" so the concave side is facing my body. Input from anynonny with ideas is highly appreciated. Alternatively, I'll take recommendations for one of those dildos that thrusts on its own.
No. 354553
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Sorry if this has been discussed before, but can anyone else only get off in one position? I've tried but I can never orgasm in any other position than lying on my back. It's like I can get part of the way there in other positions but I can never finish that way—I just wind up overstimulated and nothing happens. I don't know how common this is or if it's a weird trait of mine kek
No. 354692
>>354557That's the only other way I've been able to orgasm too, what are the odds?? But it takes me so long that the water goes cold, my legs hurt and I feel like I'm going to pass out so I don't bother kek
>>354612A bit late for that kek, it's already a habit. Not sure what to do about it though… it's not a big deal cuz I'm volcel and mostly just curious about trying out different positions to see if they feel better than my usual routine.
>>354628Moids will literally fuck a chicken sandwich or a hole in their mattress, do you really think they're going to be upset over a woman lying on her back during sex if they aren't some pornbrained coomer?? If you aren't a scrote, you're a retard—
and if you are, go be useful and die in a war No. 354806
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I got a bullet vibe from Walmart it was so embarrassing to ask the lady to open the case for me but it was worth it and only $10, I used it a few times but I’m not trying to kill my clitoris so I’m trying to only use it once a week at most.
I masturbated last night while on zaza with it and I felt like this, amazing, I wanna get a clit sucker now. Maybe a dildo
No. 358189
have any of you managed to overcome lifelong anorgasmia? no matter how I try to masturbate, with fingers, toys, different types of stimulation, using erotica, etc, just doesn't work.
possible causes might be csa trauma (but I'm over it), repressed upbringing, anxiety/adhd symptoms that aren't super well managed, body image issues, and honestly just nervousness that I'll be loud and someone will overhear me because the walls are thin af.
other symptoms: difficulty feeling much sensation at all or feeling any kind of build-up, occasional pain with penetration, high libido (can't tell ya why)
No. 360242
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pls dont bully me so my entire life ive "masturbated" by rubbing my thighs together or humping a pillow, but ive never been able to reach orgasm through that. obviously this kinda sucks for me and im scared ive been making my clit less sensitive somehow by doing that? but i cant tell since ive never tried masturbating through direct clitoral stimulation. today i tried looking at my vagina with a hand mirror (which is the first time ive ever done that, again dont bully me please kek) to find my clit but i couldnt see it??? i tried pulling back my hood but it was kinda difficult to do with only one hand. i know some women have less prominent clits and/or bigger clitoral hoods so maybe im one of them. i tried touching the area lightly, but i didnt feel anything. should i just wait until im actually physically aroused to do this?
No. 360247
>>360242I am sorry
nonny but I have the EXACT same issue/experience. I bought the rose toy vibrator thing but I have never been able to orgasm from it because it gets too intense and I have to stop.
No. 360249
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>>360247a vibrator would probably make this a lot easier but i cannot buy one at the moment. are vibrators loud??? i live with my family, i dont want them to hear anything
ive tried touching myself directly before, although it was through my underwear so i wasnt able to see what i was doing and that made it difficult. still couldnt feel anything. i wasnt aroused back then and i was pretty nervous so maybe that was it?? am i just broken? im scared
No. 360385
>>360242>>360247I understand where you're coming from nonnies. I syntribate too, though I'm able to cum from it. I learnt where my clit was like a year ago and I haven't really tried directly stimulating it because, on the few occasions that I've tried it, it either felt overstimulating or like nothing. Like, bringing my fingers into the equation is an instant turn off to me. I just press my thighs together and grind against my mattress.
I've been thinking about getting a relatively quiet vibrator that DOESN'T provide pinpoint stimulation like those womaniser toys. Instead, I'm interested in getting a grinding toy that I can securely put in my underwear like Foxy by OhMiBod. I might have some other ideas that I'll add in another post idk
No. 360628
>>360242Excuse my esl while I try to walk you through the process nonna. I don't know the sexy terms for things lol
>should i just wait until im actually physically aroused to do this?Yes. Whatever you do to get aroused, do that. Think of sexual scenarios, look at porn, do whatever that gets you wet. Hump a pillow or your hand over your clothes while doing that. Start once you're very aroused as it's the first time. Remove your clothes (stimulating your clit over your underwear can be hard so remove it too for now). Make sure you're relaxed, lay down. Take one finger (I use my middle) and touch your entrance and spread the fluid around your vulva. Once your finger slides more easily, gently stroke around with your finger. Not the exact tip of your finger, use the outer 1/3 of it (sorry esl) and flatten it against your vulva. Keep doing what gets you aroused (porn/imagination). Make sure you're relaxed again. Once you're comfortable touching around, focus on the upper part of your vulva and keep gently stroking until you feel a sharper pleasure for a moment. It might be more subdued depending on your aroused to nervousness ratio lol It doesn't feel like you've hit a spot on your skin, it feels a little deeper if this helps you identify it. Don't immediately focus all your attention there though. Take it easy and keep touching around. Also get more fluid from the hole and sometimes take a break from just focusing on the upper part. Once you're a good mix of relaxed and aroused, you will feel the sharp pleasure more comfortably and it won't feel overwhelming to keep stimulating that area. Narrow down to where you feel that pleasure and keep stroking that area. Take a break when you get overwhelmed. Don't worry if you can't orgasm from this the first few times, focus on getting to know your body more. Once you've figured out how to "activate" feeling pleasure from your clit you can focus on figuring out what pace you like and how you want to touch it. It took me some time to figure out how to make that pleasure continue. You will get a better understanding of angling your finger, humping up and whatever might help you orgasm. I go through this every time I masturbate btw, it doesn't feel good to just jump into clit stimulation. Hope this helps! Anynona that wants to add on is welcome as this is just my experience.
No. 360771
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>>360628"Look at porn"
(learn to greentext) No. 361011
>>360242My clit is very sensitive and I don’t like directly touching it because it just makes me need to pee and makes my feet tingle and feels weird. I have a weird method of masturbating that I’ve never really seen another woman do. Basically I press on my outer labia with both hands, at the top, and sort of press down and release them quickly and use this method to rub the outer lips over my inner labia and my clit at the same time (I think this only works if you have quite a fat pussy mound tho) I tend to be able to orgasm very fast from this method but I need to do it very quickly and hard.
Recently I’ve been learning more about biology and I found that I’m basically just doing the female equivalent of jerking off. So kind of using my hands to rub my clitoral hood (which I guess is equivalent to foreskin) over my clit (which I guess is similar to moids dickhead) anyway it feels the best for me, I’ve tried masturbating by just rubbing my clit with one finger or using vibrators and I just didn’t like the feeling at all.
No. 361055
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>>360242This sounds exactly like clitoral phimosis / adhesions. Picrel shows it in variying severities, does yours look like this? It's such a common issue that is basically unheard of and is never spoken about. Recently I found out that I have mild / moderate adhesions, and I was able to temporarily fix it by pulling at the sides of my clitoral hood until the hood seperated from my clit, over the course of several days. It hurt and the skin was very raw at times, so it's probably not exactly a good idea, but it worked for me. I say temporarily, because unfortunately for me it ended up fusing back together, but I think that happened because I stopped masturbating, so there wasnt enough movement between the hood and my clit for it to be maintained. If you have a look on reddit you should be able to find some posts with better advice, although there are not many at all. From what I remember, some women use topical steroids to fix it.
No. 361060
>>361009God I wish I was like that. Masturbating is such a fucking chore for me that I mostly just don't do it. I can only come from bruteforcing it with a speedy toy and it isn't very satisfying, sometimes even painful (duh). (And no I haven't made myself insensitive using the toy)
Sometimes I wish I just had a dong because you never ever hear about men who struggly with pleasuring themselves unless they're pornsick or depressed and I'm neither.
No. 361109
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i have only one or two specific fetishes that genuinely excite me. or i thought they were fetishes, except every time i'm trying to masturbate while thinking about these things i instantly get turned off. same thing happens with men i'm attracted to/my husbandos, thinking about them just kills my mood. how can i even claim i'm attracted to them? i know i find them attractive. at the same time i have zero problems getting off in like 10 seconds to any disgusting porn fueled scenario i can think of, but it's more like a purely physical response and i feel gross afterwards. so fucking mad and pissed, why is my brain not letting me cum to things i actually like.
No. 361154
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>>361151samefag im pretty sure i do have this. and ofc its not as researched as male phimosis so most doctors wont know what to do. fuck my life
No. 361160
>>361055wtf nayrt just passing by but that's exactly what i have (between c and d). i was so confused at one point because there just wasn't anything there that i could see whenever i pulled back that i sincerely had to ask if my mom
had me FGM'd as a baby because the practice is still being done in my country though very scarcely which she confirmed that thank god i wasn't. this just settles it. ugh i give up i'm accepting my fate i don't think i'm ever going to be able to orgasm. feelsbad i feel deformed and disabled. at least now i know it's not just psychological because the issue was frustrating me to death, now in a different way. ugh sorry to be such a debbie downer i know i'm probably catastrophizing but i'm just so shocked right now
No. 365992
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Whats a high quality toy I can buy on Amazon? I am unfortunately limited to Amazon at the moment. I also orgasm only from clitoral stimulation. Help?
No. 366023
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Sometimes I think about getting a really powerful vibrator, mostly as a way to refocus my pleasure on direct physiological sensations and not my weird porn. I've got a tiny one from Maude and it makes me feel weird as opposed to satisfied.
No. 366026
>>366025>surface levelThat's how I feel to. Only ever had one full orgasm
no vibrator and I've been chasing that high for life
No. 366028
>>366027One, I didn't eat much that day. Two, I have an unusually sensitive stomach. Any pressure deepens my pleasure. Three, I was ovulating. Four, I was getting off on smut.
I tried this formula a few times and I got off but not as good as the first time. Maybe I should avoid the smut?
No. 366060
>>366031Little shampoo and lotion bottles from hotels lek. I'd use them like a dildo then rinse them off.
You should let at least one gf get you off with it before you retire it for good. Just seems like a good full circle moment. Plus literally being screwed sounds like the funniest thing in retrospect
i'd do it for you nonny, but I'm a weirdo kek No. 370029
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Anyone else have fingers too short/hands too small for satisfying penetration? Is it actually hopeless or is this just a skill issue? I enjoy clitoral stimulation just fine but I'm sad to miss out on what seems to be the paragon of female masturbation. The saddest part is that I know I love penetration and I do have a dildo, but it's too tiring to use. I wonder if I would have a better time with fingering, if only it weren't for my stupid tiny hands.
No. 370126
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>>370029>I'm sad to miss out on what seems to be the paragon of female masturbationkek. I love fingering, but judging from extensive internet research I don't think it's the paragon of female masturbation, most women seem to prefer clit stim. I haven't run into the issue you describe, maybe your fingers really are too short, but I'm gonna try to advice you on how I do it. Your vaginal canal isn't that deep, and you don't need to go far in order to pleasure yourself. Use your middle and ring finger combined, because they are the longest and have more grip strength. Venture into your own vagina using these two fingers, and right past the opening move them inwards in a "come hither" motion. This stimulates the g-spot, or buried clitoris or whatever you wanna call it. Some women are also sensitive closer to the cervix (I've seen this referred to as the a-spot), but if there's really a length issue then this might be out of reach for you.
Since there is always much debate around the validity of vaginal orgasms: I recently learned internal orgasms actually cause cervical contraction, which is how they differ from clitoral orgasms. The cervix is apparently also in part a sex organ and is neurologically connected all the way to your nipples. Women who were able to orgasm internally, who later had their cervix removed as part of a hysterectomy, reported losing their ability to have cervical contraction which made their internal orgasm dissatisfying. Clitoral orgasm remained unchanged.
No. 370153
>>370145I had a really weird mental relationship with the whole hymen breaking concept in my head when I was younger. Ultimately I decided it literally didn’t matter in any meaningful way and I just masturbated however I wanted because that was my personal right. That sort of thing only has a much meaning as you want to give it. If you want to break your hymen yourself go for it, if you actually have a hymen that can be broken.
The worst thing about the hymen topic to me is that I feel like all the mythology around it conditions girls to think the first time should be painful when that’s not the case.
No. 370206
>>370153>The worst thing about the hymen topic to me is that I feel like all the mythology around it conditions girls to think the first time should be painful when that's not the caseI don't think it should be painful, but it can be. It was painful in my case, and I don't think anything could have made it not be at least a little bit painful. I'm glad it's not the case for all women out there, but it's how my body worked. I think telling women that it should not hurt ever can paradoxically also make them feel like they are doing something wrong, when that's just how some women's bodies are. You see so many girls these days think they have vaginismus when they are literally virgins. I got my period when I was 9 and "broke" my hymen when I was 17, so it wasn't a matter of not being ready for penetration yet. I tried gently stretching it out myself and guess what it was fucking painful no matter how slow I went or how horny I was. In fact my hymen was so thick/rigid it ended up tearing a little, and I had some remnants surgically removed later on kek (they formed what my surgeon termed a "hyminal bridge" and tampon would get stuck in there once in a blue moon). My situation may have been a bit unusual, but it's not unheard of. That said once it had "broken" I've never had any issues with pain during sex ever since, it was like ripping a bandaid off and sex afterwards has been uncomplicated.
Like I said I'm happy for those who had more stretchy hymens, but you can't assume everyone's going to function the same way you did. I think using toys for first-time penetration so you can skip the part with the moid is based btw.
No. 370277
>>370206NTA (nor any other anon in the discussion) but holy shit, thank you for writing this. Blogpost incoming but my girlfriend and I tried strap-on sex for the first time days ago, and no matter how slow we went or how wet I was, it hurt so fucking badly, and it had me wondering where we went wrong. All sources online constantly say that it should never hurt, that it's either vaginismus or a matter of not being wet enough, and I knew it wasn't the latter. I'm glad that it likely is just the fact that I hadn't really put anything in there before. But in saying that, is it really the best option to just shove it in there and get it over with? It hurt to the point of tears when I let her move for maybe 5 seconds, and I even spotted afterwards, and I'm wondering if it's ok to do the bandaid-ripping method when it hurt as bad as it did.
Sorry, I know this isn't masturbation, but I figured I'd ask anyway No. 370309
>>370277Ayrt, no problem. I feel kinda strongly about this because I hate body policing, as if I just didn't know my own body and did everything wrong kek. It used to be common knowledge that SOME women end up tearing and bleeding, but now these women seem to think they have vaginismus instead. While I'm happy there is more focus on how to prevent painful intercourse, and that the cultural significance around the hymen is slowly fading, you can't really will a biological reality away for ideological reasons.
>is it really the best option to just shove it in there and get it over withI can only speak from my personal experience, so whether it is the best option idk but it's what has been done for centuries. Although you can end up tearing a little, it's exceedingly rare for it to leave long-term health complications. I guess evolution at least took care of that. We get to suffer a little but at least we we don't become mortally infected kek. I've heard that gynos can prescribe some creams that may make the hymen more flexible, but whether it's true idk. I just powered through it. You can also go the slow route and stretch it out, but how long it takes idk and in my case that would mean prolonging the hurt.
While I think "ripping the bandaid off" is generally safe, pain tolerance differs from women to women and the time it takes for you to heal may vary a bit. I think usually you'll be good within a day or two. In my case it was actually instant, I was able to have sex right away without pain, although I felt a bit meh about it at that point. Thinking back on it the guy I did it with probably had a small virgin-friendly penis lol. I think using a toy on the smallest end is wise for your first time.
There's also a cost benefit part to it. I enjoy PIV, but some women end up not enjoying penetration at all. You can't really know until you've tried tho, hence the old saying curiosity killed my virginity.
No. 370330
>>370327My hymen didn't cover my entire vagina, but inserting anything larger than one finger was excruciating no matter how turned on I was/how slow and gentle I went, so in my case it was better to just grit my teeth for a few seconds rather than slowly torturing myself. I was fine afterwards, no pain, vaginismus or anything. Hymens are kinda like a small flesh rubber band, their elasticity differ from women to women. Some rubber bands are very elastic and stretch out far. Others are less elastic, and stretching them too far will make them give in and snap no matter how slow you go. Obviously level of arousal can have an effect, but if it's too tight it's too tight. Please read the anon I responded to, she described being very aroused, using lots of lube and going slow with her gf etc. yet still experienced pain and bleeding. I guess she is deformed as well by your standard. No offense taken btw, I just think it's misinformed or in any case not helpful to call a normal variation a deformity. Like I said some women's hymen will tear and bleed just at physical activity, there are lots of normal variations out there.
No. 370343
>>370330Somebody a few years ago started this whole 'it should never hurt if it's done right' or 'hymens just stretch and should never bleed' thing and it's spread like crazy since. It's just a blanket statement that goes against the old myths and still doesn't allow for the reality that it varies. Those new myths need to end in the same way that telling everyone it'll definitely hurt soo much wasn't right either. Two sides of the same dumb coin telling women they are abnormal because they either did bleed or didn't bleed. Did hurt or didn't hurt.
You don't know which experience you'll get til you do it. Which is I why I think exploring with toys first on your own can be best. Having a tougher hymen than some other women isn't automatically a sign of deformity or a sign that you're doing it wrong. Pain and blood are part of the deal for some. I'd lots of solo attempts, kept coming up against a pain barrier no matter what and had a similar 'bite the bullet' moment where I'd to push through the pain. Not everyone can have the gentle and oh so aroused that your hymen will just stretch experience that has weirdly been promised to us in the last handful of years by some sexperts who've turned blood into a patriachy thing where it was always just pushy men making us bleed. What about lesbians and toy users, its also just a varience in our bodies.
No. 370408
>>370398I don’t have a lack of sensitivity for a long time so I’m sorry if you weren’t looking for my input but it sounds like a mental block. The periods in my life where I have had difficulty with satisfaction have been due to mental issues or brain pills. Are you on SSRIs? Or maybe some other reason you can’t relax and your brain wanders.
not a masturbation topic but being dissatisfied with a partner can do this too, or your environment being shitty. I think it’s pretty common.
No. 370623
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Anyone else had this thing that when they first masturbated, like the first period their orgasms would be really short and they progressively became bigger, reaching a more "normal" length? When I first started, at like 13, it'd only last a second, like a small peak and then, nothing. After a while, they started lasting more. It's also possible that I was just too scared or too overstimulated to continue as it was a new feeling.
No. 376028
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For many years now (since leaving adolescence really. History: masturbated a lot as a teenager. Had some dubious relationships since then), I have cried after orgasming with masturbation. I don't know why I cry. It feels like an all consuming feeling that comes immediately after I orgasm. I begin shaking furiously and tearing up. I wonder if it's just the results of my orgasm, but there's a few things that make that dubious:
1) I have sex with my partner and the same thing doesn't happen; it might happen once so often, but not nearly with as certainty as masturbation.
2 ) I can feel the weight of sorrow as I cry, but I don't know where it's coming from. I'm not thinking about anything as I orgasm that would cause it. It takes an emotional chunk out of me every time. My mood nosedives for hours after. (Like now, kek).
It led me to stop masturbating entirely for several years until recently where the same thing happened again. It's depressing.
Any other nonas have experience with this, or advice? It's really fucking depressing I can't enjoy the post-glow with myself. After it happens (crying, that is), it feels so horrible and I feel so ashamed it happened that I want to keep abstaining from masturbation altogether.
No. 376148
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Sexual frustration is seriously making me fucking crazy. Masturbation doesn't satisty me. I don't really feel that good when I try to touch myself and I'm not patient enough to do it until I reach the climax. I guess I'm retarded and I don't really know how to do it. I know it sounds dumb, but I feel so angry and sad over not being able to cum. I'll try buying a toy.
No. 376385
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Nonnies, please tell me your favorite sex toy for solo use?
I’m freshly single and realizing I want to spend some time exploring myself sexually before I start dating again. I plan to invest in a few nice new toys. I’m entertaining the idea of a Fun Factory Stronic G, which is a thrusting toy, and probably some kind of clitoral toy too.
Picrel is the last toy I bought myself 8 years ago, the Iroha Minamo. I got this I was still a virgin. I recommend this for women who are new to vaginal penetration and want to ease into it, as it’s relatively small and soft compared to a lot of phallic vibrators out there. It’s also just very cute to look at and has a great battery life.
No. 376397
>>376388It’s very quiet. Maybe not completely silent enough to use in the same room as a dorm mate or something, but your next door roommate won’t hear it.
>>376392It’s made of soft silicone and those edges are rounded. I kind of like the beveled surface shape tbh
No. 376476
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>>376392nyart but it reminds me of the texture inside of your vagina. It's pretty spaced out though so idk if that was the purpose
No. 377259
>>376476what the fuck, this is horrifying. I had no idea menopause fucks up your vagina this much.
Also, does anyone else think it's bizarre that this is classified as a """syndrome""" when most menopausal women get these changes? How is it a syndrome if almost every woman will experience it? That's like calling lactation after childbirth "milky breast syndrome"
No. 377287
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>>377259It's called a syndrome so doctors can perscribe meds and treatment for it. That said some women do find the changes unwelcome, especially if you're hitting premature menopause in your 30s or if you are a tif
No. 377383
>>377348I fucking knew it I would be accused of bone rattling for this stupid question, calm the fuck down I was just being curious.
>>377380Thank you for the normal reply.
No. 377467
>>377428>The c-spot, which is further back close to the cervixc-spot orgasms are otherworldly, probably the most pleasure I've ever felt in my life.
Sort of related, but, I hear most women talk about how masturbating via clit stim is the best or even only way they can cum and I kind of feel the opposite way… I mean, I can cum from clit stim. But it feels sort of shallow and unsatisfying. I'm almost always disappointed by clit orgasms. I feel like I have to concentrate harder to get them than with vaginal orgasms. Like, with vaginal orgasms, they're much easier and so my brain has more bandwidth to fantasize deeply, but with clit orgasms, it takes such concentration that my fantasizing usually gets reduced down to just imagining genitals which is not nearly and immersive or satisfying. Does anyone else know what I mean?
No. 377617
>>377605I find anal enjoyable, but I abstain from it due to the risk of anorectal violence. I also think guys who are eager for anal have porn-induced brain damage, so being asked about it just makes me instantly lose any interest. I'm aware a lot of women find it painful, so I hate that it's become so commonplace for women to be pressured into it due to the suffering, humiliation and physical damage it can cause, and that it's practically regarded as vanilla these days. That said, I can't help that it feels good to me, so I'll use butt plugs once in a while. I remember a gf once telling me "you know you like it if you feel horny when you need to poop" and I've never related so hard to someone before or since. Sometimes I need to take a shit and get low key horny from having that full feeling, but once it's over and done with the hornyness is gone. It's like I get aroused from the internal pressure against my vagina or something. I think there is a big nerve overlap to the inside of my vagina, maybe another part of the internal clitoris but idk. I also orgasm from internal penetration so maybe there is a correlation. On a related note I had an ex rim me once because why not and it felt surprisingly great, so the sphincter itself is also sensitive.
No. 377624
>>377605>>377617I also find anal pleasurable although I can’t orgasm from it. It reminds me of the feeling I get from c-spot stimulation, which is crazy for me. I’m a lesbian so I do like my partners to finger me there but I don’t think I would get anything out of a large object being inserted.
Speaking of, wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a rabbit vibe that has a very narrow internal insertion? Like, no wider than 3 bunched fingers or so? the c-spot orgasm I was given by a handsome butch blew my mind but I can’t reach the spot and most toys are much too wide for me
No. 377700
>>377624>It reminds me of the feeling I get from c-spot stimulationYou're right, it's like it pushes on the upper part of the vagina or something. It really is wild
>>377628I've had buttsex with guys I trusted in the past at my own suggestion. It felt good and the guys I chose didn't overdo it, but the thing is no matter how careful you are and how much you prep there is always a small chance of tearing in the wrong place and once that happens you are screwed. I've read accounts from both men and women who were very experienced with getting it up the ass, who just did their ordinary thing and they have no idea why they ended up tearing one day, but now they are suddenly incontinent for the remainder of their life. Knowing that now, I just don't wanna take that risk anymore lol. Maybe my worries are exaggerated but the implications of having such an injury are just too much for me.
No. 378324
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Can I have some recommendations for bullet vibrators and air pulse toys?
I bought two Satisfyer toys last October and both are already dead. I'd like to try more expensive brands and was wondering if any nonnies could suggest something durable with batteries that don't die fast. It doesn't need to be super strong vibe-wise, and I don't really care for loads of patterns a lot of vibrators have after the main settings.
I was looking at Womanizer and Lelo, but man, I'd fucking loathe to spend that much money and have them malfunction or die on me after a month…
No. 380397
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reached my cervix while masturbating for the first time ever and holy fuck i was so close to just blacking out. i feel so accomplished right now. i would do it again but i get sleepy after a good orgasm.
No. 380586
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>>378597>>380413There's so many other weird looking sex toys, shit like that is only the tip of the iceberg. Pic related, I'm sure some genius in a boardroom really thought making a toy that looks like a stoned cat sucking you off would sell. Maybe they want the furry audience..? Is it merely a "hahah, it's a pussy you put on your pussy, get it?" thing?
All for the low, low price of 69.99 euro! (supposedly it's actually a really good air pulse vibrator, but I'd never be caught dead with this thing)
No. 382444
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Going to be really explicit but I got a vibrating dildo for the first time after exclusively getting off with my clit for years and it just does not fit in me, I can't even get the head in.
I've tried masturbating first to warm up and the best I can do is work up to three fingers, which is a stretch. I don't think it's vaginismus.
Anybody else have experience "stretching" over time? Not sure if I can get there with just my fingers or whether I should get a smaller dildo to work up to it.
Picrel is what I have; I have little to no experience with penetrative sex/masturbation and did not think that this was an ambitious purchase…
No. 382472
>>381270I don't get it either, I once accidentally pushed against my cervix and it hurt like a motherfucker, like being penetrated with a hot iron. Are these people confusing their g-spot for their cervix?
No. 382532
>>382472>Are these people confusing their g-spot for their cervix?No, and it’s not on your cervix directly, it’s around the cervix. It’s called the A spot and is much farther back from the G spot. Personally G spot stim feels okay, but I couldn’t cum from it, A-spot is the only way I can cum from penetration alone. Although now that I think about it, I’ve always felt like the G spot is sort of a myth since I don’t really have one that stands out to me, so maybe the G spot and the A spot are the same, but it is located in different depths depending on the woman?
For science: if you’re reading this, do you have a G-spot, an A-spot, both, or neither?If we can’t find anyone with both, then maybe you were half-right, anon.
No. 382570
>>382532I feel like the C-spot at the actual cervix is still an erogenous zone, it definitely is for me. I know it's not the A-spot because I get off rubbing the cervix with my fingers.
I also can feel it from my G-spot, but not unless I'm already really turned on. And even then, I can't get off on the G-spot alone.
No. 382857
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I bought an Inya rose after seeing memes of it and it honestly kinda sucks. It's too strong even on the lowest setting. Getting there and edging are really nice but the orgasm itself is so ruined. It just hurts and makes the orgasm way too quick. I was so excited about my first air pulsating toy too. At least it looks kinda cute on the charger.
No. 383153
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Would recommend to anynonnies with a smaller clitoris, I haven't had any clitoral toys apart from a wand that work. Tried the womaniser, various rabbits and the rose toy but even at full arousal my clit barely comes out and I could never get good enough stimuli with other toys, this thing is great and quite strong aswell, I'm in love (also it's really cute)
No. 383183
>>382532>For science: if you’re reading this, do you have a G-spot, an A-spot, both, or neither?Late reply but I have both. I'm able to isolate the different spots using my fingers, but with penetration by toy or piv there will be overlapping sensation. The A-spot took me the longest to figure out, but it's my favorite type of orgasm. A-spot is why dick size matters kek. As for people finding cervical stimuli painful, I typically have a couple of days a month related to my cycle where it's tender and painful, but other than that it's feels good. Your mileage may vary, for some women it's a no go. Like another pointed out though, the A-spot is not the cervix itself but rather the cervical fornix. I've heard especially for women with endometriosis this type of deep penetration can be painful though.
No. 383450
>>383440Do you warm yourself up first? You should be extremely wet before you start doing anything, and not touching yourself to get wet. Also, try using the least amount of pressure that feels good, even if it's a very light touch or barely pressing the vibrator against you. Like
>>383448 mentioned you can also keep your underwear on or clothes on if you're still too sensitive.
No. 385406
>>384126AYRT, man, I still can't get it in me LOL. I got a smaller dildo that maxes out at 1.4 inches and goes in just fine with its taper, but even trying with the 1.5 of the picrel after using that doesn't work. Hope it does more for me than for you if I finally pull it off after all this effort.
You're right though, it really is a decent clitoral vibrator.
No. 385464
>>3854311. Be aroused
2. Find the pressure and motion that works for you
Most likely youre not defective
No. 388140
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I recently found out I can make myself orgasm using just my mind. I didn't use my imagination or anything, just focused my awareness on the area and imagined getting turned on. It wasn't as satisfying as using my fingers, but it was definitely real. It kind of feels like a superpower, but not really worth doing.
No. 388235
>>377605I've tried anal play my myself recently and it feels good to me as well, I knew the sphincter felt good for me but insertion is also nice as well. I think it's related to anus being an erogenous zone or whatever.
I feel ashamed afterwards because it's dirty and still think it'd require a lot of trust for me to do it with someone else
No. 388341
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I am severely depressed and this week is the worst this month. I lay in bed all day and cry. I've done very little besides masturbate because it's the only thing I can focus on that makes me feel good. I'm afraid of getting addicted to masturbating. There's no porn involved. Honestly the only detriment is the smell. Technically I have better things to do, but I'm too depressed to do them. Maybe I'm just really horny right now and I'll calm down soon. I wish I was a normal and healthy person.
No. 388751
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Thinking about getting one of these as my first sex toy. It was so hard to find something non-realistic, not ridiculously big and cute looking. still deciding on the color though
>>388356I can relate to that. Personally I hate how realistic sex toys look, hence the picrel. That rose toy seems so cringe and cheap imo, and as some nonas in this thread noted it sucks (pun intended) in general. It's not the only vacuum stimulator that exists though, maybe look for something more simplistic/appealing to you? I think satisfyer cutie heart/pearl diver look nice but they're too expensive.
>>382861Should be fine if you wash it before and after. Just don't use anything out of cheap plastic esp if it's painted (will flake off) and make sure there's no cracks or empty spaces where things attach or else it's gonna get nasty with all the dicharge stuck inside.
No. 392263
>>388356I have a rose dildo vibrator thing that have a small "tongue" that licks you (feels so hard against your lips, so you need tons of lubricant).
I wish I could buy a realistic dildo, but none of them convince me to buy them.
No. 392382
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im someone thats not into penetration but I enjoy receiving oral. are there any toys nonnies can recommend to me that isnt just a womanizer or its clones?
No. 392943
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>>392382Something like this? Still, I recommend to use some lotion before so it doesn't hurt you at first.
No. 392973
>>392333what else would they be shaped like?
There's actually a lot of more abstract ones out there, but it sorta has to be cylindrical and tapered to be comfortable.
No. 396076
>>396037I could have sworn there was one, must have just been a thread that mentioned audio porn.
But honestly, same. Audio makes me go feral.
No. 397343
>>397334you need to cover it with its foreskin unironically
i start by stimulating it through the labia majora then through the foreskin
No. 397347
>>397344honestly not much…
best bet is go with good looking gay actors that occasionally turn scenes with women
there's some "fempov" videos
lesbian porn can cut it if you're bi
besides that it's honestly 90% malegaze if you ever find some tags or channels that exclusively postgood looking guys and where the camera focuses on them please share
No. 397361
>>397344Korean softcore porn has decent looking guys and isn't violent or anything. There's this one Japanese femdom couple who are good too, very few of their videos feature the woman wearing an uncomfortable latex outfit and I don't think any at all have pegging, it's the kind of femdom I'd do with a vanilla guy I groomed into it rather than the kind of femdom that only appeals to porn addicted scrotes. (If anyone knows similar channels with Eastern European men who aren't post-wall and hairy lmk).
Aside from this kind of content most m/f porn is very unappealing to me as a woman, it's all either sexualised violence against women, degenerate stepdaughter shit, or if it's femdom then it's the kind of femdom that women put all the effort in for none of the reward.
As for lesbian porn, I know of one company called GirlsOutWest who try to make lesbian porn that appeals to women. The issue I have with it though is that the women in it are just as unattractive as the women in male gaze lesbian porn, just on the opposite end of the spectrum. It's like they thought us not wanting to watch women with peroxide hair, beach ball fake boobs and bad French tips must mean we want to see women who are obese and look unwashed. If anyone knows a lesbian porn channel that has normal looking women and realistic lesbian sex I'd love to know it
No. 398320
>>397344I can't recall more information for the life of me rn but pre-rona on twitter I had a coomer friend who told me about a JAV subculture of "ikemen" guys who starred in softcore videos. They even did fanmeets like kpop idols and many women would go to them. She sent me links to some but I only remember one called something like black white ittetsu.
So idk, there's that. Entirely catered to the female POV, supposedly. J ladies seem to like it.
No. 398321
>>397422Bookmarked. God bless
>>398319I see it as freeing myself from "needing" a moid. Their only purpose in my life rn is dick and if I can do it myself, they're not needed at all. IDK your circumstance but if your "years of sexual liberation" is referring to sleeping around, that's probably why you feel the way you do. Hook ups never benefit women. Don't compare yourself to scrotes.
No. 398850
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I'm stretching out my new lace up shoes so I'm not in pain for 8 hours at work tomorrow, and now I'm about to jill off in my pyjamas with them on. Feeling like picrel
No. 399307
>>399303How on earth is being a ginger on the same level as being morbidly obese let alone being a pedo?
Also which YouTuber are you talking about?
No. 399323
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>>399128As an ex-turbocoomer who shlicked most nights without fail I can confidently tell you that my coochie turned out perfectly fine and functional. Yes you can get "desensitized" where it just takes a bit longer but if you abstain for a few days/a week it'll "reset".
Scrotes are genetically inferior so no need to compare yourself to their pathetic weak phallic appendages.
No. 399393
>>399391I think that's it
nonnie! Do they hold fan events? I vaguely recall watching clips from one and it fascinated me so much it stuck to me kek.
No. 399395
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>>399391>censored penisfuck…
No. 399796
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No. 399809
>>399796oh no no no
nonny I would kms if I were you. I'm so sorry.
No. 399823
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>>399796I am so sorry anon, that's fucking awful. Please get some kind of simple lock on your door so it never happens again. He was probably embarrassed too.
No. 399920
>>399301>You are delusional if you’re falling in love with a voice. I know…
>For your sake I hope you’re exaggerating. I'm not. I'm fucked, aren't I?
No. 400878
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Bought my first ever dildo and I'm scared for some reason. I'm a grown woman and not a virgin (barely kek) so idk why this is scaring me.
No. 404340
r u on birth control
No. 404343
>>404342kinda lucky
>>404341you dont get randomly horny?
when its been like a week or something that i havent masturbated, when im ovulating and also when im nearing my periods, the male figure suddenly gets sooo pleasing to look at and its like any random mildly good looking dude will make me a little horny
i guess i get to experience what its like being a scrote in these times
No. 404347
>>404346how old are you
how do i this
im getting on the pill for endometriosis maybe itll make me less horny
No. 404407
I recently got one of those rose-shaped clit suction toys and I've been having the best faps of my life. I'm glad I've found something that works for me
>>399391Thanks for this nona. It's not the best but where has this been all my life
No. 404594
>>404460samefagging but I weaned off years ago by getting starting with porn then switching to my imagination when I was close. I realised I much prefer my own fantasies to porny stuff. This is kind of not great and I’m ashamed of it but I found I also completely dropped it immediately once I started
masturbating to the face of someone I was interested in which is probably a violation of boundaries but it felt better than how I did after getting off to objectifying porn.
No. 405749
>>405712Kind of what
>>405714 said
Sometimes imaginary stimulation isn’t working for me. So I will literally just use my own body for mental stimulation. I’ll just think about how nice I feel on my own fingers and how nice my fingers feel, how good all the sensations feel. Just try and be in the moment.
No. 405758
>>405626I'm going to check my hormones just in case, but otherwise I'm not on any kind of medication, never been on birth control or SSRIs or anything. I only get naturally horny after having a sex dream (hence the once a year occurrence), otherwise I need to read Husbando x Reader fics or doujinshis to get in an aroused state. Real people do absolutely nothing to me
and hot guys don't exist>>405630I guess, it's not like I'm frustrated, I just feel bad because anons say women tend to have a high libido in general and I need some form of pornography to get off.
No. 407483
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thoughts on this one? it's so cute ngl that's kind of the reason i want to get it lol but it's so small and i'm not sure how to use it, i don't own any vibrators yet
No. 408660
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What’s the best thing to “ride” on? no pillows..not “grind”. Like insert and ride? What’s a safe non toxic dildo?
>forgot to add
If you recommend a dildo..may it be on the smaller side kek
No. 410542
>>410539I guess it depends on the fantasy whether I would consider it “normal”. Are you self inserting as something else— a dragon, a man? (Weird in my opinion but harmless if you’re not mentally ill) or are you just inserting to the fantasy and imagining things happening to you as yourself (totally normal)?
I think it’s actually very weird to only fantasize about other people, but then again I don’t even fantasize when I masturbate I just focus on the sensations.
Ultimately I’m of the opinion that you can do whatever you want in your own imagination when you masturbate, you know if it’s fucked up and you can work on that yourself in the privacy of your own mind
No. 412944
>>412919If I orgasm hard enough and my whole body contracts, I might let out a grunt kek. Sometimes it sounds like a moan as I relax.
>>412931It literally takes me seconds to orgasm. If it takes longer than 2 minutes I start getting annoyed and will stop. For me it’s a good thing I guess. I’ve tried to continue after an orgasm and sometimes I can cum again but most of the time I’m over stimulated and it doesn’t feel nice.
No. 415012
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Has anyone used one of these? Spoilered image is a clit/finger vibrator, not penis shaped. I watched a video of a woman reviewing it and it seemed pretty good. I think it would work well if I put it in my underwear and grind against the bed while sitting.
My current clit vibrator is dying (rip to a real one we had fun together) and I'm looking for a replacement. I really enjoy the sitting-in-bed position I mentioned earlier so if someone has a suggestion of a toy that would work well like that I'm all ears.
No. 415141
>>415135I dunno, was it too much stimulation? Too little?
You gotta find the right position.
I never orgasmed with my hand because I hate the mess and how my hand will get tired first. So a vibe was like instant wow the first time I used one.
No. 415150
>>415141It’s weird because I’ve always been great at giving myself basically limitless orgasms with my hand. So I figured if I’m already so easy to orgasm “au naturale”, a vibrator would probably blow my mind. Not so. I must have tried everything
>over underwear>No underwear>starting slow>kicking it up to 11>fantasizing as good as I possibly can>moving the vibe>not moving the vibe>switching between settings>leaving it on one settingI do not get it. It basically feels like an unpleasant buzzing (like using a power tool that makes your hand vibrate unpleasantly), followed by total numbness after like 30 seconds of it.
No. 416181
Occasionally I get horny enough that I have to look at some nice dicks, but most of the time I just use my imagination and go with the sensations.
No. 417106
>>417059replying to anon in the vagina thread:
-use a hitachi magic wand over your underwear
-try water masturbation if you have the right kind of shower wand or jet tub or you can take the shower head off and it's not too strong (if you're not sure what I mean just experiment with your shower/tub, do not try to look this up on a porn site because those are all performative and those women aren't orgasming, you'll know if you're doing it in a way you like)
No. 417134
>>417132if you feel nothing perhaps you're just not in the mood. usually it's a mental thing, could be related to something medical/hormonal or emotional that keeps you from being aroused. you'd have to look into why that is for yourself. it can even be an age thing, some people don't have their sexual awakening until well into adulthood.
if you're literally throbbing with arousal but you just don't feel anything when you touch your clitoris directly then try something else; touch around it, rub with a flat palm, try insertion.
No. 417405
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UK nonas, I managed to buy a Womanizer Premium 2 for £80.99 (£99 discount) from LoveHoney and just wanted to share in case anyone else is interested! Not sure how long this'll last but when you add it to your basket, you get a secret extra discount on top of the current sale, and if you apply code BBAND2 or BBCODE3, another discount will also stack on! Wasn't even planning on buying one now kek, but I didn't want to pass this up.
No. 418711
>>418710Western porn is more violent, vulgar, and an assault on the senses imo. It's more appealing if you have ADHD and need bright stimulating colours and extremely rough fucking with lots of swearing and obnoxiously loud moaning etc.
JAV is usually more tastefully shot, the color grading is more natural, the vibe is overall calmer, there usually isnt as much cursing, and the women are more natural looking with less makeup. Although it depends on which title you are watching of course. JAV is more erotic and psychological, but Western porn is very tacky and on the nose.
(samefagging) No. 419215
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>>419137Ayrt, I was also pretty disappointed when I got it, but the more I use it and try out different techniques, the more I like it. I don't know which model you have and I know that they vary, but with the Premium 2, I definitely felt the same way as you at first, especially with the higher intensities. I could orgasm within around 15 seconds, but it felt like it was just aggressively trying to suck it out of me, the sensation was too "punchy", and my clit would also start to burn if I kept it in place any longer. What I have personally found though, is that it feels a lot better if I put it slightly above my clit rather than directly on it, which I'm guessing is because it then isn't as intense on the exposed part of my clit, and the outer rim of the head then also vibrates against it, giving broader stimulation. I also try to stick with the intensity levels of around 5-7 while doing this, as orgasms feel best and less "forced" that way. They may even feel better at a lower level, but I prefer to orgasm within a minute or two, so I'm too impatient to try kek. Another thing I plan on doing though, which will probably change things the most, is to buy the large version of the head attachment. All models unfortunately only come with small or medium by default, so you have to buy them seperately, but they're pretty cheap and you get 3 in a pack. It covers much more area, and I've seen multiple people say that it was a game changer and made the toy so much better for them. If you're also interested, let me know and I can report back on how it is once I get it!
>>419193I think that those who try it and don't like it usually fall into two categories, those who prefer their fingers over everything, and those who aren't a fan of focused stimulation. If you ever want to try anything else out though, I suggest that you buy it through lovehoney, as they have a "100 day money back promise", meaning any toy you try out and don't like you can get a refund for within 100 days of purchase.
I may have abused this feature with mine and ended up keeping it anyway lol. No. 419787
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>>419131I can't. I hate the feeling of touching my genital, it makes me cringe.
No. 421817
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Is GIFrel legit?? Anyone who has had experience with this kind of vibrator can clarify. Shit looks painful.
No. 421824
>>421538Yes. Syntribation is nearly always how i masturbate, i can do this aswell. It's very handy.
>doing it in collegeKEKKK nona no… I did it once (very discreetly) in a public place but then i worried about the possibility that someone might have seen it and felt violated. It's super underrated though, if i angle my hips backwards it somehow stimulates my clit
No. 422132
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A couple of months ago I finally managed to insert one finger and that was the only time that it actually felt good.
Since then, I tried to do the same and every time it hurt, even with nails trimmed as short as I could and I’m so frustrated and I don’t know what to do. I’m wondering if I have something like vaginismus but how am I supposed to know if I’m still a virgin? And going to the gyno won’t help either, they will probably tell me stuff like “oh, welcome to women’s world” (I was told that when I explained my severe period pain and big loss of blood that makes me perma-anemic).
Some might say to get a moid for that but idk, the idea of having sex with a moid repulses and scares me for the most part.
Is there a way to fix this or what is wrong with me?
No. 422166
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>>422132The pointed design isn't so great for deeper penetration later on so they're def more of a stepping stone before buying a regular toy but kits like pic are as gradual as you can ease into it. Starts out slimmer than a finger, tapered tip.
No. 422262
did you read the OP's post at all? even slightly?
>the idea of having sex with a moid repulses and scares me for the most part. No. 422689
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this is so ridiculous sorry nonas i just had to show you
No. 422996
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I only use my fingers to masturbate and my period has to come along to be a chastity belt fml
No. 423003
>>421817KEKKKK i'm fucking dying at this gif. i can't imagine that being pleasurable at all
>>422996funny this is posted now because i just tried to do that last night for the first time in my life (always been too afraid of UTIs) but it felt the same as any other day tbh if a little worse because i kept getting bored kek. i'm honestly kinda disappointed there was no different kind of "buzz".
No. 423027
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>>422689>no one can tell it's a sex toy.Yeah, I really doubt that.
No. 423032
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>>422752This image on the store page is killing me
No. 423157
>>423077Ohhhhh okay I see what you mean now. Period blood/tissue is considered sterile (along with regular blood) so no worries on that front, I didn't know the wiping thing was a myth but I looked it up and yeah apparently it all just comes down to having healthy vaginal flora. Still not gonna be wiping back to front though, kek. I forgot to respond to the original post though,
>>422996 idk what your period is like but I can't masturbate either not because it grosses me out but because I get 10x as sensitive and it feels fucking bad!! It's so frustrating too because it does help my cramps.
No. 423602
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>>419285Only watch JAV by Mura-ch, Silk Labo, or Girl's Ch. Everything else is actual garbage.
No. 423804
>>422689what on earth. Well. Maybe if you could like, attach it to a daki it would be less weird. Maybe.
>>422132the dilator kit is a good suggestion
No. 423814
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Idk if this is accurate but figured I would share
>>423617>>423645Same for me, the pain gets so much worse
No. 424035
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I wasn't sure what thread this should go in, since it seems kind of explicit for the regular advice threads, but am I actually having orgasms?
I feel a really good sensation when I masturbate that builds up slowly and then suddenly goes away, which sounds right, but when it goes away I feel literally nothing. It's not enjoyable, my muscles don't twitch, I don't feel like moaning. I dont feel relaxed or happy after either, just normal. Ive only had sex a few times but my partners couldn't even tell that I'd "come" when they went down on me. It just becomes boring to keep going so I ask them to stop.
What can I do to make masturbating actually good? Im pretty active and into healthy eating for what it's worth and I don't have any trauma.
No. 424044
>>424035Idk sounds normal to me? Moaning isn’t a thing, although making some noises is normal but honestly I rarely ever make sounds beyond heavy breathing, and afterwards I’m usually tired and go to sleep or take a power nap kek. I wouldn’t say I feel much afterwards on a normal day, but if I’m ovulating and super horny I just feel a little more calm.
I can make myself cum without toys but I get more intense orgasms when I use toys.
No. 424048
>>424044no anon that is not "normal"
>>424035Your vaginal muscles will contract when you have an orgasm, and it will feel significant. I don't think you're having orgasms.
No. 424064
>>424049>>424052here, I'll quote from her post:
>It's not enjoyable, my muscles don't twitchthat is not an orgasm. And if you think "not enjoyable, no muscle twitches" describes you alls orgasms too, then NONE of you are cumming. This is dire.
No. 424066
>>424064Yea but before that she said
>I feel a really good sensation when I masturbate that builds upSo I guess I’m just confused about what she means. I’m definitely having orgasms as mine are strong, but I felt like what she was describing were only mild ones, which I’ve experienced before and found them lackluster.
Kek I’ll shut up now
No. 428261
>>428260Is it really worth it? You’d rather buy a silicone dildo that has an actual base.
I guess if you use vegetables you have to put a condom on them though. It seems like too much of a hassle and more of a useless fantasy.
No. 428283
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>>428279ayrt, you say that but I invested in proper sex toys (glass, silicone, etc) and to this day the only thing that really feels good for me is a damn screwdriver handle I've been using for 11 years now. It has the best grippy texture on it and is just the right length and width. I'm not dead yet but if I do one day die from putting a screwdriver handle in my vagina, at least i died doing what I love.
No. 428349
>>428261>You’d rather buy a silicone dildo that has an actual basenta. I love PIV and own a few dildos for times when I can't get that itch scratched in other ways, but sadly have yet to find one that doesn't feel uncomfortable compared to actual dick. I'll usually feel sore after a short while. I think in part it's because dildos need a certain firmness, but as soon as I start getting close to orgasm the dildo doesn't give in/accommodate contractions the same way dick does, so it starts feeling too big and painful. It's a struggle.
>>428260I've masturbated with a medium ripe banana + condom on a couple of occasions.
>Adapts to your body, superior feel to dildo >Comes in many sizes>Nice curvature>Feels a bit dirty and degenerateCons:
>You need to saw down the nub at the end, even after that it still feels a bit hard and pointy>As time flies banana will eventually get mushy and may rip open>Didn't feel like eating the banana afterwards, wasteful >Feels a bit dirty and degenerate No. 428382
>>428349>>428283>>428279I guess that sometimes you just have to make do with what you have.
I had a very good laugh, thank you girls.
No. 428515
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Should I buy a bullet vibrator or a plug vibrator for my first vibrator? I feel like the bullet would eventually get annoying to have to hold so I'm thinking of buying picrel, but would it take my virginity?
No. 428526
>>428516>break your hymenYes, that's what I mean. I'm unsure if I've broken mine or still have one to break and don't want to deal with bleeding. Also I didn't think about the plug being used as a bullet, so thanks.
>>428521This toy has a little clit tickler on it. Unless you mean something like a rose toy?
No. 428528
>>428515>>428516>>428526if you've fingered yourself with more than one finger you've most likely broken it already
even with one
the hymen is a tiny thing
No. 428713
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Nonnies, should I get a Womanizer or a Satisfyer for my next suction vibe? I've had several Satisfyers in the past that broke even though I got them from proper sex shops. Wondering if shelling out more for a Womanizer is worth it…
No. 428718
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I just wanna sperg about something. The best vibrator I ever had was a back massager. It died after years of use. I've never been able to find anything like it; it was gentle and kind of encircled the vulva like a hug without direct and emphatic clitoral contact (spew) though you could turn it for that effect. I've searched high and low for anything like it and never found one because they're all too small, too long and not wide enough, too thin, or like one of those gross Hitachi wand concrete grinders etc. This thing was beefy and you could kind of 'rest' on it without having to push the vibrator up because the handle was curved and thick and comfortable to hold like a gaming joystick.
Basically vibrators make me autistic as fuck and I hate everything and everyone because it's all geared to the Clitfucker 5000 audience.
No. 428941
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How often do you guys masturbate? I'm worried I've been doing it too much.
Maybe because recently I've been coming out of a breakup and going through a depressive rut, I could masturbate up to 3-4 times a day. I've been trying to look online on the physiological effects of jerking off too much but most online posts are moid centric like the no fap shit. I just feel like it must have an effect on the brain to have to push to orgasm and watch porn frequently.
No. 428964
>>428791Thank you for your sympathy, nonnette. That's a great idea. I moved away and left it at home because I couldn't bear to look at it since it broke.
>>428941If you're structuring your sexual libido around the consumption of porn, it's now externalised from your own natural wants and desires, including the cues of arousal. Independent of the ethical concerns about pornography, it is questionable to be dependent on voyeuristic content of other people having sex. Sex and masturbation should be about you. Quit porn (even erotica, though I think that's not as much of a problem if it has artistic quality), stop masturbating, and wait to feel naturally aroused (I get sex dreams sometimes/nighttime vaginal arousal kek). Then again if you're depressed you're probably using porn/masturbation to distract yourself, which in my view is the opposite of how sexuality should work (you should be embodied and fully present). You won't find this stuff online because shit is retarded.
No. 429276
>>428941I have very high libido where I'm aroused all month long, hormones and periods don't get in the way at all, the only difference is in natural lubrication being better during ovulation. Despite that, my life circumstances and lack of privacy and the specific region I live in had made it so that I only masturbate once a week on the weekend when I take my fancy 2 hours self-care shower. Since I use tons of products during it, no one suspects anything. I use a toothbrush to masturbate since dildos are illegal where I live, and rely on my natural lubrication which thankfully is good enough. I'm still bad with vaginal penetration but I'm getting the hang of it gradually, and I do great with ciltoral stimulation and sometimes it's enough on its own. On the rare occasion that my sister that I share a room with is out and I'm in the bedroom alone, I masturbate in bed. But there's always the danger of being caught by someone who needed something from the room or wanted to talk to me/wake me up, so I have my guard on and it can make things uncomfortable. It's better in the shower for more privacy since the door is locked. If I lived somewhere better and had sex toys, I'd probably be doing it every night, kek.
No. 429592
>>429590I'm a virgin, I never got into porn other than yaoi lol, when I fantasize, I think about my husbando mostly. I view masturbation as a form of entertainment and a me time kind of thing, I enjoy the sensation, both mentally and physically. Sometimes I just space out with 0 thoughts during it though, or the thoughts become mostly about the act itself in real time. I use a hand mirror to inspect my vagina and the visual helps, catching a glimpse of my boobs in it helps as well. Sorry if that sounds weird. I also can get at it any time with just touching myself down there, that's enough to get me going and want it. But again, I never got into porn during masturbation so it never became a habit or requirement, and I have a more positive outlook on masturbation and don't feel bad about it or ashamed of it. Maybe changing the way you view it and reducing porn consumption and associating it with pleasure can help.
No. 429593
>>429590just think about something really really hot like the hottest thing ever with the hottest man ever, and try imagining the details
like imagine how the person would smell, how his breath would feel in your ear, how him against you feels, imagine how it would look if it was filmed, i don't want to give too many details so it doesn't disgust anybody but you know
for me, fapping to porn is usually really quick and easy but less satisfying than if i do it with imagination or an audio
No. 429597
>>429592>Sorry if that sounds weird.It doesn't, I wish it was that easy for me kek
I do have a couple husbandos and I can get sort of horny from imagining them but I can only get off if its accompanied with nsfw audios. I wish I viewed masturbation as something more pleasurable and sensual but its usually just a frustrating to deal with and if I don't orgasm in less than 10 minutes I just get pissed of.
>>429593>fapping to porn is usually really quick and easy but less satisfying Yep that's how I do it almost exclusively. I prefer when its quick but the more porn I watch the more disgusting I feel and masturbation turns into a chore. Sorry if that sounds invasive but when you fantasize how long does it take to reach climax?
No. 429600
>>429597If I take my time I last hours
If I want it quick I can be done in 5 minutes (I usually focus on a detail that I find especially hot and it makes me cum)
No. 429601
>>429590YMMV but are you using porn/audio as replacement for your imagination? Maybe you can train it by focusing on adding more sensory details when you fantasize, e.g how the leg muscles clench up and shivers, specific positions that would help add pressure to the right spot, etc… Kinda vague but focusing on the finer details can bring it more to life + adding in an emotional connection to the fantasy could help make it more compelling (doesn't have to be lovey dovey domestic stuff, maybe you and your husbando are in a fwb having a quickie fling both using each other idk).
Porn and nsfw audios do a lot of "heavy lifting" in terms of giving you stimulus, but past a point it's all similar and not even what you exactly want, just close enough to get you off while not being satisfying. Maybe you can practice fleshing out a fantasy that caters to everything you like specifically - think of it as making a story outline if that helps kek. Once you get the porn/audio training wheels off, it's so much better. You don't waste all that time looking for "the perfect video/audio" either.
No. 429609
>>429601>YMMV but are you using porn/audio as replacement for your imagination?Yeah I would say so. It's quicker and easier to use as well.
>Porn and nsfw audios do a lot of "heavy lifting" in terms of giving you stimulus, but past a point it's all similar and not even what you exactly want, just close enough to get you off while not being satisfying.Lol basically. Thanks for the advice, as bad as that sounds I probably just have to practice and be more patient. Got a slightly dumb question but do imagine all that in 1st or 3rd person? and is one more effect than the other?
No. 429623
>>429609No judgement here, I used to have an erotica addiction after I kicked a porn habit. It took me a while (6+ months) I think to train up my imagination to be reliably good.
Try either perspective lol, its a whole experimentation to see what you like. 1st 2nd 3rd doesnt matter really, I found 3rd POV easier to at least start with though, since that provides an easier transition from porn's usual pov
No. 429740
>>429632do you remember what the brand was? nta, but I'm actually pretty interested in one even if I'd only use it once a month or so.
>>429726an old shoebox
No. 430035
>>429839People can generally vaguely guess what some sensations would feel like lmao, including some sensations in sex.
Just curious, are you able to imagine what touching a hot stove might feel like? To what extent - like can you only intellectually recognize that it would hurt and be a bad idea? Are you able to visualize a potential consequence and extrapolate the sensations that would result from it? Maybe you have that aphantasia thing or whatever
No. 430157
>>430035Of course I know what touching a hot stove feels like since I've already done it duh, having sex with another person is a completely different thing, just like I don't know what consuming heroin feels like even if I've read descriptions.
>>430039I know what arousal feels like but I just don't get horny like that, I need a
I must add that I spend a lot of waking time fantasizing about having sex with my husbando but it's very… clinical? I'm seeing it in third person as if I was reading a doujinshi, I'm thinking about it like I'm thinking about grocery shopping.
No. 430633
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>>428515Update but I fell for the cute marketing and got one of these stupid things, so now I don't have to worry about penetration anymore.
No. 430805
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>>430681They look cute and include little pokemon-esque cards you can collect with each one. Also since it looks like an actual toy it's more discreet for me.
No. 430814
nonnie there is no pressure to do anything other than what you're doing if it makes you uncomfortable, the only purpose of masturbating is for it to be fun and feel good so i hope you don't feel too pressured to conform to something more standard. i used to have similar problems though, so if this is something you really want to tackle i would recommend using lube (even if there's not really an issue with natural lubrication i find that it makes it easier to combat nerves,etc) and then maybe a smaller toy when you feel up to it. I hope this is helpful
>>430796i feel the same way, i much prefer the free reign of imagination as my taste is very specific
partially because of the autismo and i find that a lot of porn is just very cringe and of course moid centric - the stuff made to appeal more to women is probably good but it seems a little watered down so none of it really tickles my fancy
No. 430952
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Are grinding toys good at all? Or is it better to just get the good ol' rolled up towel and/or pillow?
No. 431709
>>431690go on gonewildaudio, type M4F and look at what titles sound hot
but usually a new fantasy jsut comes to my mind naturally to replace the other
also going back to old fantasies i used to really like works really well sometimes
No. 433182
>>431690I play with ai chats, they don't really get sexual, but since what's hot to me is the process of getting close to the sex part, I get to find new fantasies.
Try bots that will let you customize the character, yourself and the scenario so you can then try new stuff.
Sometimes I even make my scenarios stuff I know I like, but the bot adds a new spin to them, it's so much fun.
No. 439527
>>439525I'm not focusing on my clit though (couldn't even find it until I was
twenty), it gets rubbed, sure but my "main event" is
when my bladder bumps the pillow continuously. I'm not into pissplay istg but this is what I've been doing my entire life. No. 440185
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This vibrator is such a waste of money. No stimulation at all, you're better off blowing into a balloon and letting the air out onto it instead.
No. 441389
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I've never really been able to cum through pure brainpower, with no touch, except in my sleep. So I was trying different tactics to test if I can do it, and I just did! But. It involved subjecting myself to intense prolonged pain. This is a very disturbing result tbh.
No. 442509
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the only way i can get off is by laying down on my right side, putting my hand between my thighs and sqeezing them together. i'm tired and bored of doing it the same way. how will i even enjoy sex if everything else feels alright but not good enough to make me cum? is my pussy broken anons…
pic unrelated (?)
>>442035not really
No. 445085
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>>445078Yessss. I try telling people this all the time, but I just get barked at that "most women don't enjoy penetration so why are you telling them to stretch/break part of their body for a patriarchal myth" etc
literally never fucked a man and don't plan to btw but ime it seems like lesbian and radfem women are particularly hostile to this idea which i think is sad because I don't think giving yourself
or other women internal pleasure has anything to do with men or patriarchy. It's basically denying yourself 50% of your sexual sensation because you're caught up in imagining what a man would do to you even when he's not there.
And yeah it is fucking awesome, good for you kek. I especially love that when you add in internal stimulation you get 2 extra pleasure points (G and A spot) in addition to the clit which all feel distinct and amazing. So then I like to mix and match which ones I do together to create different experiences. I only very rarely go for all 3 at once because it's honestly such an insane amount of pleasure it fries my brain and also opens the door to limitless back to back orgasms and I'm afraid one day I'll pass out from cooming to many times in a row and be found in an embarrassing situation by a roommate or family member kekkkk
No. 445101
>>445085I think both sides are dumb. I’ve never heard of the “patriarchal myth” believers before tbh (wish I did since most women I know partake in sex they don’t enjoy) but I’m not willing to use a dilator either because I am a member of the population who doesn’t see god from penetrative stimulation kek. I am also very small and I feel like that’s a natural aspect of my biology that doesn’t need to be fixed so most toys are out anyway.
I don’t think there should be any shame regarding
any form of masturbation for women just this isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone act like it’s depriving of yourself of literally half of your sexual experience and that everyone thinks that’s so unfeminist kek. If you’re genuinely wired that way then good for you though.
No. 445125
>>445078Congrats nona! It's taboo to mention the vaginal orgasm and certain people who haven't had one tend to dismiss its very existence. I think it's a mix of crabs in a bucket mentality and fear because there are plenty of genuine misogynists who think dick is the answer to all of women's maladies (as if you can't give yourself one without dick mediation). But once you've had one, you know.
>>445101I agree it's annoying for both sides. On one hand you have women who aren't wired that way and may experience pressure to endure sex they don't enjoy, or they get told clitoral orgasm is inferior/doesn't count as sex, while on the other hand you have women who orgasm from penetration and get told by both men and women that it's not a real thing but in fact just their clitoris, or that they're enduring penetration in order to please their moid and so on (for anyone who doubts vaginal orgasm is a distinct type of orgasm I can link the science).
No. 445135
>>445125>>445078So a vaginal orgasm is apparently taboo on this female oriented website?
Get the fuck off the Internet and play with your pussy
No. 445165
>>445101Well my question is, how can you claim internal stimulation doesn’t do anything for you when sounds like you’ve never even been able to give it a fair shake due to your hymen(?). This is sort of what I’m talking about. Women run into hymen issues and decide resolving them isn’t worth it anyway because they assume internal pleasure is an overblown myth. And you being small has nothing to do with this… I’m small too. you don’t have to use a standard dildo, there are lots of smaller objects to try.
>>445124If you’ve actually been able to give it a full try and still didn’t feel anything, then that’s
valid. Not everyone is wired that way and I’m not trying to claim they are. I just am lamenting that a lot of women seem to just give up before even getting to try the full experience and then I guess maybe to make themselves feel better, they jump on board the “internal stimulation feeling good is a myth” train which is not true.
No. 445367
>>445359That’s within the range of normal imo,
>>445360That’s not normal, imo. You’re telling me you have tried it when naturally aroused and wet already and you still feel nothing at all? Because obviously if you start jamming fingers in before you’re even turned on it’s gonna feel like nothing, for the same reason that a tampon feels like nothing. Vaginal sexual sensation seems to have complete on/off settings, if you try it at the wrong time or with the wrong mindset etc, it could very well feel like putting a tampon in, because the sensation switch hasn’t gotten turned on yet. You know what I mean?
In my experience it feels like a mental process flips the switch and suddenly I can feel pleasure that way. But if I don’t
trigger the mental switch, it would fail every time.
No. 445844
>>445705Nayrt. If you're new to it then it's probably best if you start out in a state of thorough arousal. Just explore with your fingers. Look up the "come hither" motion.
It's a bit out there, but if you have tried and really struggle with it, then there is a chance exercises focusing on your pelvic muscles could help. I read an article claiming in a study, physical therapists could predict women who have experienced vaginal orgasm by their gait. It might be some women are just born with it, but another theory is that women who struggle may have blocked pelvic muscles. Yoga has a lot of good stretches for loosening your pelvic muscles. Kegels can enhance the strength of your orgasm, and core work out is known for inducing orgasm in some women. They are all connected. I never had to do any particular exercise in order to achieve vaginal orgasm, but it could be worth a try. Yoga and associated disciplines, while a bit out there, have a lot of knowledge of the arts of sexual pleasure, connecting to your body, altered states of mind (which arousal and orgasm is).
No. 446745
>>446740I'm glad I'm not the only one here. Thank you nona
>acoustic techniqueskek
No. 446873
>>446868Yeah, it just sucks altogether. I feel a bit like a fraud because I can't cum from penetration and now I discovered I can't cum from a vibrator, kek.
>>446869Squirting is just expulsion of pee from the urethra.
No. 446882
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>>446870>>446873Well I wouldn't know since I've never done it. I did think that's what it must be, but sources online differ on whether it's pee or not. Honestly I don't care if it is, but it does happen alongside an orgasm that feels different than usual, right? That's what I wanna experience.
>>446872I hadn't heard of that, I looked it up and it seems like it'd be hard to find being so close to the g spot. How can you tell which one you're stimulating?
No. 446894
>>446882I think your diagram is off a bit, the A spot is the area just in front of the cervix, at least for me. So it's way deeper, like for example I can't reach it with fingers so a toy is needed.
>>446885yayyyy pee! what i'm saying is who gives a fuck it feels amazing
No. 446900
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>>442509I'm also only able to get off from laying on my right side and squeezing my thighs together, no hands even required. I've recently started using a small wand-style vibrator between my legs while I squeeze, and find it feels really good and gets me off super fast - I'm hoping to work up to using just the vibrator eventually
No. 446902
File: 1732681964839.webp (60.24 KB, 1600x1600, pocketwand.webp)

>>446900Samefag, here's the vibrator I'm using - I picked it up from a drugstore on a whim and love it, comes with lots of vibration settings and looks cute too.
No. 447084
>>446919>It shouldn't hurtThis myth gets perpetuated a lot. As previously pointed out, some well meaning youtuber started it back in the 2010s tumblr era and it somehow made it's way into popular culture. Saying it shouldn't hurt sounds great but it's wishful thinking and incompatible with a lot of women's lived experience. The truth is, whether it's painful or not largely depends on how rigid and or thick your hymen is. If it's more rigid/thicker you'll probably experience some pain/bleeding. Mine was annular, very rigid and trying to fit anything larger than a finger was excruciatingly painful no matter how aroused I was. I could probably have bought a dilator set and slowly stretched it (= prolonged suffering) but opted for doing it the old fashioned way by "breaking it". It was a quick 10 seconds of pain, a bit of blood, and I haven't had any issues with insertion ever since. Whether OP opts for one way or the other, know that for some women it's unfortunately normal for it to hurt the first time and it's not necessarily due to any wrongdoing on your part.
>>446905You could use dilators + lots of lube and slowly stretch it, have your hymen surgically loosened, or try topical steroids/estrogen for increasing elasticity. I don't have any personal experience with either of these options as curiosity got the better of me and I jumped on a dick.
No. 447401
>>447359It's completely normal and fine not to get anything from penetration in that it's not a problem to fix and you shouldn't feel bad about it. However, if you ever feel like exploring in the future, you might find that a toy feels good as a secondary addition to a vibe for when you're really turned on and want some more sensation (or fingers in addition to oral during real sex). On its own, penetration does nothing for me but I like the feeling of a toy just stationary inside while my focus is on the clit (as opposed to in and out movement to simulate fucking, which can feel good but doesn't get me off).
>>446901>>447369>where can i find a dildo that doesnt look like a dildoI wanna second this request but ask if anyone can recommend any specific models, preferably higher end/in something soft like silicone, that look cute and abstract. When you google it, it seems like the most popular and highest quality ones tend to be realistic, like VixSkin toys. This vibe
>>446902 is a really great example of what I would call a cute look for a toy. I have a nice looking glass one that doesn't feel great and a pink silicone one that still has a vague dick shape but I'd love one that I wouldn't be embarrassed to show to a partner.
No. 447416
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>>447401>higher endGläs does nice glass ones that look more like art objects instead of moidsausage, no specific model recs sorry but some (like Sweetheart, picrel) can pass as magical princess cosplay wands or props. btw there are tons of cheap lookalikes on aliexpress and similar so beware.
even more high end you get Le Wand's metal (surgical stainless steel) stuff that i personally would love to try one day.
No. 447443
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>>447433YMMV, personally I'm really turned off by any dildo that resembles a human/real life animal dick in texture or shape.
I guess the middle ground would be those silicon fantasy tentacle looking dildos but I don't know the specific brands and I would advise against buying the cheapo jelly stuff.
>>447437Observing the toy's surface for cracks or chips is usually enough to proceed safely.
Picrel is Le Wand's stainless steel models, if anyone has recs for more affordable fullmetal sex toys that aren't buttplugs please share because this shit is driving me crazy.
No. 447453
>>447416>>447443I love the way these look but I agree with
>>447433 that my glass toy is a little too hard
>the middle ground would be those silicon fantasy tentacle looking dildos Animal-shaped anything is a big fuck no for me, kek
No. 447483
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>>447401>in something soft like silicone, that look cute and abstract.picrel
No. 447488
>>447483nta but girl that is not abstract that is just a rainbow penis
anyway i recommend a screwdriver handle, they come with many pleasing grip textures
No. 447493
>>447488 is right kek and I was asking about non-realistic shapes more than colors but these are so so beautiful that I really appreciate the recommendation and want one anyway.
No. 447687
>>447483i hate the shovel head thing so much it's unreal
>>447488how would one go about cleaning them after each use? hot water boiling, just like regular dildos?
No. 447735
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I've noticed that whenever I watch porn (anime shit on rule 34) I get underwhelming orgasms and my libido is completely killed afterwards, but when I roleplay with a bot, read fanfiction with porn or just use my imagination, I can spend the whole night long masturbating and feeling intense orgasms.
No. 447883
>>447735i had the same feeling but then i found about more female oriented porn and realized something
the usual porn i'd look at was male gazey and didn't really make me horny, but since i had taught my body that porn = orgasm, i was able to shlick it and get an orgasm, in a few minutes, with "superficial" arousal that didn't feel as intense as when i'd use audio/erotica/imagination
then i found out about more female oriented video pornography and it actually makes me horny and i can go all night long, i'm not just trying to get it over with to stop looking at a hairy man's asshole while a woman is taking up 90% of the screen
No. 449031
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Any of you that live with others, how do you hide your sex toys? I want to buy a dildo but the idea of anyone finding it is extremely mortifying to me, I also don't really want it to look straight up like a dick.
Which leads me to another question, how do you actually store something like that? Do you put it in a ziploc bag?
No. 449046
>>449041Not straight up, but sometimes they need to look for something and it's in my closet or they think it's in my closet so they rummage through my stuff.
Sometimes there's also some repairs to do in my room and that means taking everything out of the closet and such.
I've been thinking about it tbh and I think I will just put it in a ziploc and put that in a makeup bag, maybe.
No. 449057
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>>449031There are some plushies made to hide them.
No. 449073
>>449031I keep them inside a fabric bag in a drawer.
This picture reminded me of a mortifying experience though where
my sister left hers out in the bathroom, one that looked just like that, and I had to find her and tell her to put it away. Awkward as fuck. No. 449330
File: 1733724349017.png (1.58 MB, 1429x1080, kancho.png)

I've been using a Hitachi Magic Wand for years now but it's too fucking strong. I got a speed controller device for it, have been using it on the lowest speed, but it is still too fucking strong. Honestly, masturbating with one is borderline painful and very frustrating. I'd consider another vibrator but most of them seem expensive as fuck. Does anyone have any inexpensive suggestions?
No. 449670
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After a pimple on my labia healed, my clit has been more sensitive in a good way? I don't know how to feel about this.
No. 456400
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what's your record for most in a day?
Mine is 4 in one and 6 in 2 days.
No. 456406
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>>422689This is disgusting.
maybe I'd buy it if it was attached to a shadow plush No. 456485
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>>456405It's bumped up to 7 and I'll see if I have energy to go for 8 in two days.
I have never kept track before. All these orgasms actually do knock me out afterwards, that's the only reason slowing me down, going back-to-back is like Ambien for me but I can immediately continue after waking up no problem. I do think I'd be able to go for double digits in one day if it didn't make me so sleepy.
>>456425Complete opposite, I've gone for 2 months without and it never made me more horny, my body wasn't used to all the stimulation and could only handle the one for the night, I could only slowly introduce more stimulus after that.
>>456438are you counting micro-orgasms?
Likewise, I dedicated my masturbation session to just some gifs of Rain gyrating and rubbing his ass to a crowd of cheering women, he's so hot. IDFK anything about kpop otherwise No. 456487
>>456459Kekkk, idk, I just feel like it might be weird that I basically am never horny enough to start jilling it without being bored and deciding to masturbate because why not. That plus I read like dozens of women both here and other sites say that they just focus on the physical sensation of things while just using their hands and come no problem, whereas my physical sensation feels pretty limited in response & takes me hours sometimes… Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I'd like to learn(?) enough to be more like the ladies who can make themselves cum in 5 minutes
>>456400I never kept count but back when I was incredibly depressed I got like 6 in one day and 12 in two days. Get those rookie numbers up,
jk do what you like No. 456491
>>456489It's not that great because it comes with the major downside of never feeling "done" and satisfied, you always want another orgasm. I remember being a teenager getting into masturbation for the first time and angrily googling questions about this. It drove me insane for a little while but I guess as I matured I just accepted it. I'm
>>456425 and I just realized the reason I'm like that is because once i start, the only way I can stop is when I'm literally physically so exhausted I can't continue, and I hardly ever have time to dedicate 5 hours to masturbating, which is why I do it so infrequently.
No. 463073
>>463050I am built similarly. I find the non-skin materials unsettling to the touch, it takes me out of it. Even when I can achieve orgasm with a toy, even on the lowest setting, I feel overstimulated and it passes over me so quickly and uncomfortably I might as well have not had an orgasm at all.
I am kind of jealous of women who enjoy vibrators and other toys, though, I like how cute they are and I find the idea of having a drawer of colorful toys appealing.
No. 463980
>>463979Like, never stuck them up in there and slid even once? I guess yeah?
Then again I feel virtually nothing from anything inside so I can kind of relate.
No. 463983
>>463979Not really tbh, I only started fingering myself like, with one finger or two, last year at 29 years old and I had to be really, really horny to even think about it.
Sometimes you just don't need penetration.
No. 464258
>>464180> I only touch my clit after i've been sufficiently turned on from fingering.I do this too unless I'm having a lazy quickie
>If I go for my clit without heating up with some fingering first, it's awful for me.You can warm up through your labia majora though, like massaging through your labia
No. 465756
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Is fingerbanging the best?(spoiler nsfw)
No. 466117
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I can make myself squirt, but only when I'm high
>picrel why was I born in this broken body.jpg
No. 467128
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No. 467544
>>466255Same. Maybe I’m just turned on all the time?
>>467189The girl looks like she was cut and pasted on. Probably not even a real image.
No. 467585
That image is from a music video clip
No. 470450
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Should I buy this? I'm on a hunt for a (preferably quiet) toy that feels like oral.
No. 474121
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>>474113>dunno if this is useful to anyone else>just thought maybe some other girl was having an issue like thisHm not me anon I never self penetrate or masturbate like a cooming gremlin. Most women enjoy clit stimulation-only when it comes to masturbation and save penetration for their beaus
No. 475821
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I want to achieve a vaginal orgasm nonnies. What sex toy can you recommend me? I've never been able to do it with my hands (it just hurts), any dildo or static object (feels like nothing) or a smallish vibrating dildo (too small maybe?). Any help is appreciated.
No. 477199
>>475821Hope you achieve it, you're not alone. A long curved toy is supposed to help so you can really put pressure there and there's less strain on your arm. Try pressing it up and making shallow movements rather than the typical in and out. It's not that deep (kek)
But hey, nothing has ever worked for me unfortunately. I'm super frustrated and upset I've never had a vaginal orgasm. When my G-spot is stimulated it just does nothing for me without clit stimulation. I get so sad and annoyed when I read about how amazing~ they are. I don't see it happening if I just don't feel any pleasure building at all.
No. 477442
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I’ve always really wanted to try urethral sounding but it seems like it takes too much prep work and I’m more of a spur of the moment kind of masturbator… I can’t just schedule a masturbation session and guarantee I’ll be in the mood
No. 477525
>>477516You cannot be seriously troonfoiling me right now. What moid describes having to be in the mood to masturbate. Moids will masturbate in dirty public bathrooms just out of boredom.
>>477517It’s a UTI risk so you have to boil everything and keep it sterile, hence what I meant by it needing too much prep to be realistic.
>>477513They’re not that big and you start small of course. You can get them in like 3mm sizes so I’d start with that probably. They are longer than needed but that’s why I’d only ever use silicone ones like the picrel, the metal ones, no way.
No. 477567
>>477532Anon, a cystoscopy involves a thicker, METAL rod, you don’t get any prep with smaller diameters they just go all in, and you’re not even the one driving. I can see why that would be painful. What I want to do is nothing like that.
I understand that this idea is really unappealing to most women but I’m confident I’d really enjoy it. I know my urethra is sexually sensitive… when I am
really turned on or close to orgasm I can feel the little muscles around the urethra opening spasming and it feels so amazing. I’m also someone who finds the sensation of
pee in my urethra to feel extremely good. Maybe I’m just built different?
No. 477607
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>>477578So naturally you want to shove things up your pee hole?
>>477567You sincerely weren't aware every other woman would be skeeved out by the idea of jamming things up her urethra? I like a few weird things sexually and I wouldn't be surprised if I announced that and women reacted predictably. I've never even heard of this practice outside of horror movies and I can guarantee most women haven't either
outside of their nightmares. The more you explain this, the more it reminds me of listening to TIF-logic or something. It's so insane but you're communicating this from that same informative/"some people are just built different, you just
don't get it" tone but this is something I can imagine discovering about the toybox serial killer case. Not in an LC thread about masturbating, so yes it is different and unusual
No. 477631
>>477612>What are you even going on about..Do you want me to copy/paste my post? I'm not sure what holding in your urine during masturbation has to do with sticking foreign objects up a hole that is not intended for that purpose
>>477630>the out of left field troon comparisonsTIFs are "trans-identified females". I compared you to sexually confused females since they are often autistic and can't make sense of social situations. I related to having strange sexual proclivities but that I would never pretend they're normal or not unusual and become defensive when other women reacted predictably. TIFs call their naysayers transphobic and you jumped to troonfoiling when I said (the only time) I've ever felt like this reading a posts like yours, is from a TIF because they communicate with the same informative tone about something insane. You're just going to say what you want to say anyways, it doesn't matter what anyone is actually posting
No. 478167
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i was looking for non-vibrating grinding toys that i could strap onto a pillow or use on a flat surface, and i just want to ask why the hell would you want to grind on a little fox??? (see picrel)
like i just wanted to find something with some interesting texture, but all i can find is either the most bland surface with like two ridges and a bit of vibration, or something with a weird as hell shape like a pie, guitar, or a fucking fox kek
i'm not usually into fantasy sex toys, but i'm thinking about getting a tentacle shaped grinder since they seem to have the most interesting looking texture and shape that i would probably enjoy. i just feel weird getting it bc im not into that whole tentacle fucking shit. if any nonny has a better recommendation for a good grinder then i'm all ears bc i've been coming up kinda short with what i'm looking for so far.
No. 478368
>>477920yeah i def broke it, i do remember being a teen and being able to see it and its def gone now. when it disapeared idk, but no one did it other than me and my HARD WORK. i think for some girls and even women it hangs around in part unless you actually do something about it. i dont feel the stretch at all with normal girth toys.
and its also a mental comfort thing too, even if it physically has no reason to hurt if youre too in your head about it and worry that it will, it will. ive never really been able to get arooused when i was with another person, it either felt like nothing or was uncomfrotable. worse is to get a case of the gorilla grip, that hurts. its even worse when i was on birth control, it killed my libido. i def i got a case of the toy-sexual
No. 478370
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>>475821for me, most reliably, frog pose with toy straight up. you need a bit of hip mobility but it HITS. i personally like bigger toys that are curved and have a bit of texture/ridges other wise i cant feel them that well. I got a couple of strap compatable tantus when i started getting toys and i really enjoy them.
No. 479203
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>>478773Jesus, nonna, are you me? A few days ago I literally couldn't sleep and had to force myself to go to bed because I couldn't stop feeling horny. It's ridiculous because I don't get this horny often as well, I also just continue masturbating until it's like 6 am and my conscience kicks in telling me to stop being a fucking monkey.
Ironically the only thing that makes me stop is watching porn, the moment I open a website with porn videos or pictures I automatically stop feeling horny, my brain tells me that it's fucked up and that it's worse than whatever shy virgin priest fucking fantasy I was having before.
No. 479238
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>>478773The same happens to me. I've the last days have been doing it daily, I hate myself when I can't just stop. I really want to stop doing it kek.
No. 479378
>>4793043? That seems nice, I can only do it once kek.
But I’ve never tried more because I get way too sensitive and if I wait I lose interest.
I can orgasm with penetration though and I really enjoy it, so I can do it twice in that manner. I wish I had a Nigel just for the dick kek or maybe I should get a dildo? I don’t stick anything there usually because I’m on the tighter side, I can do it if someone else does it for me…
No. 479684
I started listening to music while masturbating which has become a timer to see how long it takes me to finish. So far I’ve been very consistent at about three minutes per jerk
>>479683I can relate to that (wearing underwear or even pants, I sit on my knees and kind of grind against my heel/calf). Why do you even need to use a toy if your method works, though?
No. 479732
>>479514>>479516Thank you so much nonnas! Where I live we have way more less variety of anything but I will try to investigate what can replace or be similar to those toys
>>479683Goddess bless the prone position. Doing it clothed probably just means you are sensitive?
Also, have you tried humping other things besides your hand?
Wish I could reccomend toys, but all the vibrating ones are way to exaggerated even on the lowest settings
No. 479737
>>479734What about objects the size of your hand?
Sorry if this question is too stupid, I'm trying to figure this out for myself too
I was thinking on buying a common cheap vibrating wand and try to hug it while turned on. Since it will never go inside and I also do it with clothes on I don't think the material matters
No. 479754
>>479683i do the same thing, sometimes with a blanket in between as well. does it evr start to hurt/chafe for you? thats when i'll switch to the blanket. i also did it since i was very young and even had to see a therapist for it kek. i also cant really enjoy oral and dont let people do it. and i think ive only orgasmed a handful of times in my entire life
>>479687kek same, ive attempted it with guys ive been the closest with and they find it sexy, truely theyll find anything hot even if you think you look like a retard, they're very simple-minded
No. 479899
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I decided to stop masturbating daily so I can enjoy as much as I did when I did it with less frequency. Not even one day has passed and I'm already missing it kek.
No. 480109
>>480088It’s not a stupid question
nonny, I hope you at least found some genuine sounding ones. I hate fake pornstar moans.
No. 480124
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>>480078i'm late but try #nsfwaudio on twitter. there's a lot of ddlg and "rapekink" shit but it's labeled as such most of the time so you can just hide it by muting the tags
No. 480167
>>480078ANON tumblr is what you need. look up nsft audio "wlw"/lesbian to filter the moids out more easily. trannies surprisingly tag their shit correctly ime. there's also
soundsofpleasure that's organized by tags. you can also go through the notes and click through people who have tags dedicated to audios, that's what i do.
i'm ashamed to say i can only get off to sounds of women moaning. i don't think i've been able to only using my imagination. i feel like a broken person kek No. 485573
>>485555well if i’m getting
serious i grind on my hand. i’m essentially rubbing my clit through my pants
No. 485574
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>>485573That makes sense. I looked up a gif and this humping-nona is using a pillow for that reason
No. 486601
>>485550>because i think i squirted(?) one time you just peed yourself
>theres no climax for mecuz you're barely grinding your clit instead of rubbing it
I always wondered why people grind, because it's barely pleasurable for me and I deffo can't cum from it. Guess nobody can really cum from it and the pillowhumpers simply don't know how to masturbate.
No. 486614
>>486611kek i kinda worded it weird i also directly stimulate my clit sometimes while humping and that’s just what feels the best, can’t cum from it though
>death grip syndromeoh so it’s over for me huh
No. 488423
>>488061I'm really sorry if this is a dumb question. But why humping our fists would be wrong?
Wich is the "right" way to do it?
No. 489784
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My birthday is coming up next weekend and I'm going on a masturbation vacation. It'll be my first solo birthday too but I need it. Work and life has been stressing me out. I'm packing all my sextoys, laptop, snacks, champagne and I'm just going to go crazy all weekend. Just 48 hours in a hotel being a filthy wench.
No. 489792
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>>489784Living the dream, I want to do that someday, whenever I travel and I get to be alone I automatically feel comfortable enough to actually masturbate and have fun while doing so.
I should do that this year for my birthday instead of throwing a lame party tbh.
No. 496062
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How do you reach orgasm if you squirt excessively? I'm not here to debate if it's piss or fairy water - I just do it excessively, so I've never been able to finish because no matter how many towels I lay down, or the "waterproof" blankets I buy, I have to stop early as to not turn my mattress into a waterbed. And don't tell me "that's an orgasm" because it doesn't even feel that good. I don't own a bath, do I have to do it on the cold bathroom floor?
No. 498733
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Any good Bellesa products that make you go boom?