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No. 402287

Discuss plastic surgery and your plastic surgery goals here. This is not a thread to brigade on regarding your dislike of plastic surgery - please create a plastic surgery hate thread to talk about that.

Previous plastic surgery threads below:

No. 402289

File: 1717193224061.jpg (6.22 KB, 300x134, 1590149699_jawline-2-1-300x134…)

You'll actually want to look at a genioplasty which cuts the chin bone and slides it forward. The model's pic you posted doesn't have a very recessed jaw, but she does have a a "short" chin in comparison to the rest of her face. Full side view photos would give a better comparison. But anyway, it's the short chin with the low gonions which is giving her that appearance. A short chin is actually considered a more feminine/youthful trait to have than a too long chin/lower third, so I'm guessing it's the low gonions which you're perceiving as masculine. I have a similarly shaped jaw/chin and honestly the worst part is how the rest of your face/soft tissue fits onto that rather than the jaw itself.

On another tangent, I'm getting perioral liposuction so my face looks smooth in my lower third. My consultation is in two months. I'm so excited!

No. 402336

Sage for slightly OT,

My mother has always commented Taylor Swift looks like a man now, after her "new" debut with the short hair all those years ago. I wouldn't go that far, but I definitely think her surgeries were masculinizing and unnecessary. Why is that? The work done is very subtle, yet kind of unflattering.

No. 402641

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This is interesting as she's generally considered a great example of how plastic surgery can be subtle and natural looking in all the plastic surgery communities I follow and I agree. She's had a rhinoplasty and definitely a blepharoplasty to give her more eyelid space. I personally think the blepharoplasty made sense, I remember how much shit she got for having too "squinty" eyes in her younger years. In 2019, she definitely got filler, but I haven't seen her get overfilled like that since. I think maybe she may have look masculine because she was anachan back in 2014.

No. 402983

Have any nonas flown abroad alone to get surgery? It sounds incredibly risky but I’ve seen quite a lot of women on YouTube talking about it and they were okay

No. 403164

you get what you pay for

No. 403600

>they were okay
For how long? Were these people talking about their surgeries three months after having it, or three years after having it? To echo the other anon, you get what you pay for.
It's possible to go abroad and have surgery that's fantastic and performed by a genuinely skilled and experienced surgeon for less than you'd pay in your home country. The odds of you finding those surgeons is close to nil. You're much more likely to find an English-speaking surgeon who advertises on Tiktok and has buy one get one free on surgeries they try to pressure you into having. And as soon as you have problems, they stop speaking English and have no recollection of you. Unless you're a local, or know a local, who knows trustworthy surgeons, stay the fuck away.

No. 405569

Does anyone have experience with carboxy shots in the leg, stomach and arm area? If yes - would you recommend it? How did it feel like and were the results noticable?

No. 405570

Depends on if abroad you mean nosejob in Italy, or bbl in mexico

No. 405609

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Say what you will about her behavior but there’s nothing masculine about this woman. What she’s gotten done has been just the right amount, it’s blended in as she’s aged and she’s never had that stiff or expressionless look.

Her makeup has always been atrocious though, why bother getting work done to open up your eyes if you’re going to layer dark eyeliner all over them.

No. 405636

Then why the hell do American surgeons charge an arm and a leg yet botch left and right IF you get any noticable results at all? Definitely go abroad but do deep research on your surgeon too

No. 406366

Has anyone had plastic surgery to get rid of the beauty marks they were born with? I was born with a pencil eraser-sized mark that is raised on my nose, then got another one that is at the point of my nose that is the size of a pencil tip and raised. I hate how it looks, I wouldn't have minded if it was not raised but it is. Are there any options to remove it being raised? I know it costs like 150 to 800$.

Anyone else want to share if they got moles removed for beauty reasons?

No. 406390

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Do you know what Lana has done with her face besides weight loss? Seems similar to JLaws recent transformation, both look really cute, healthy and young. I know that Lana has had surgery and filler before, but this time is looks very tasteful and just better?

No. 406397

This isn't Lana it's skinny Adele

No. 406398

I thought that was Ariana Grande actually

No. 406431

It honestly looks like she’s had jaw shaving surgery or v line surgery or something. I feel like I remember her jaw being much more angular and her having a kind of butt chin. Now she has that egg shaped face that kpop idols like to get.

No. 406432

It’s called ozempic

No. 406461

I specifically wrote "besides weight loss". It is obvious that she has other things done, e.g. her nasolabial fold that was kind of prominent before is almost gone, her skin looks amazing and vital, etc. Ozempic doesn’t magically transform your face like that. If anything, Ozempic faces often look worse. But people like Christina Aguilera (who had a mini face lift in my opinion) and now LDR have had a glow-up beyond Ozempic (while obviously taking it).

No. 406489

I have one of these in my nasolabial area and I’m considering cutting it off myself but I haven’t done my research on it yet. I mean in my experience when you go to the dermatologist to get a raised mole removed on your body, they literally just take a scalpel and slice it off and slap a bandaid on. I really doubt there’s any reason to not save money and just do it yourself. I was thinking maybe those scar reducing products for healing may help prevent any scar, but again, I haven’t seriously looked into it yet.

No. 408236

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I have thin lips and a square jaw, right now I’m thinking about getting a lip flip and half a vial of filler or just a lip flip and I can just over line my bottom lip with lipliner kek. I just hate the look of lip filler and I’m afraid of it migrating so I feel like this would look the most natural. I think having bigger lips will balance out my features more since there are plenty of beautiful women with jaws like mine but they all have full lips. If money wasn’t a question I’d get masseter Botox so my jaw could be more v shaped.

No. 408276

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Some Women are getting full fat relocation surgeries over their entire body now. No more implants.

No. 408644

Do you think wizardliz has gotten a nosejob? She kind of makes me want to get one

No. 408647

Ain’t no way pic on the right is real

No. 408651

It's always funny when pickmeishas fall for the plastic trap. They butcher their nose into a little porcine snub and instantly start lamenting their huge philtrum. Gee, who could've guessed you would look older? Then they get blowjob lips to compensate for the mile long space between their nose and mouth. As the filler starts migrating like a horde of huns her heavy lips are dragged down and momokun looks back at her when she stares at a mirror. Cosmic punishment for being antisocial and trying to one-up other women.(see OP - not for discussing hate of plastic surgery)

No. 408839

I feel like square jaws actually suit thinner lips better and allow for more facial harmony between the two features. I've got a more rounded jaw and thinner lips and I fucking hate how my jaw shape offsets my features, but I always thought women with thinner lips and a square jaw looked more delicate and balanced whereas I felt like a circus freak kek

No. 409419

i've gotten both a lip flip and lip filler before. if your issue is that your lips are too small, a lip flip probably won't help much. in my case, it did make my top lip look a bit bigger, but the difference was not noticeable unless i smiled. i've had 0.5ml of filler recently and i'm very happy with the results. wrt to migration and the horrible overdone filler fears, i think we're in the middle of a 'filler backlash' right now kek. people were told fillers would just go away no problem and people went crazy. fillers are also less regulated than any other kind of cosmetic procedure, so you end up with hackjobs everywhere. BUT. that doesn't mean that you need to be afraid of a small amount of filler done by an experienced professional. you are not going to end up looking botched from 0.5ml or even 1ml of filler. my friends told me they wouldn't have noticed a difference if i hadn't pointed it out. i would honestly say go for it. my biggest warning is that if you like how it looks it's very hard to not continue getting it done, so make sure you can afford that possibility kek.

No. 409601

Is there a procedure that could make my face look smaller? I hate looking at pictures or at myself in the mirror bc i have a big head and skinny body and I look so terribly unproportionate. I've been thinking of facial liposuction/jaw shave.

No. 409941

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is there a way to get the female chad/bombshell face structure?

No. 409948

You're both too vague. Plastic surgery results rely on what you start with. If you want to change, ideally you would understand your features and proportions first. A big head could mean anything, wide face, big skull, small features etc. You won't look like someone else with ps. You'll look like a different version of yourself. Get to know your face and body first and formost.

No. 409957

basically if you can go from having a feminine face like Amanda Seyfried to an angelina/megan but yeah i suppose you are right it is impossible

No. 410127

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why did her face change so much?

she is a local celeb i kinda love since she is so pretty like i wish i was her but in a decade she looks like a different person. Her face went from chiselled and long to short and almost a chinlet?? its not weight gain and idk about bulimia since from my experience bulimia bloat is different but i might be wrong. Idk about filler but maybe. Like she looks like if she had a short beta cousin

repost cause i still want to know

No. 410484

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>Ain’t no way pic on the right is real

No. 410492

Man I would pay good money to see how she actually looks in those moids candid snaps of her without the filters turned on kek. No wonder she looks so nervous and uncomfortable.

No. 410493

If it helps, the features they have are slimmer/defined cheeks, defined jaws, long heads, square chins. You can get different procedures for most of those things, but tbh it'll probably not look how you want it to unless you have their head length
OT but I hate that these
Poster Girl dresses and jumpsuits became trendy. Most of their clothing is literally meant for strippers. It's meant to be worn in dark places with a bunch of drunkards, not in public wtf. I'm choosing to believe she was edited into the video kek.

No. 410494

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theres pics of her between procedures, this wasn't a one day job.

No. 410498

This actually is making sense now. I always assume when I see women with obvious surgery and big butts that they started off slim with little butt and hips. She's not a slim girl who got work done on her ass, she's a big girl (with lymphedema?) who got the fat sucked out of her stomach.

No. 410499

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That video is filtered as hell. She actually looks like this. She had multiple BBLs in Colombia for that extreme look. No doctor in her home country would give her what she wanted.

No. 410500

File: 1719725759406.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1080, graciegoblina.png)

she filters the shit out of her face. she looks very different in real life.

No. 410501

You mean makeup and fake lashes?

No. 410502

Her lips, her jaw, her cheeks, and her nose are different.

No. 410503

so contouring

No. 410504

I mean, if you want to believe it's just makeup since makeup can totally make your wide nose into a tiny one and give you a chieseled jaw and cheekbones when you have a round face, then fine.

No. 410505

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just saying

No. 410507

and how do you know this woman is
using filter? if she shoops her body why wouldn't she also shoop her face? people that have seen her irl have literally said she doesn't look like her instagram photos kek

No. 410525

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>if she shoops her body

they are spending a lot on the CGI team then

No. 410526


No. 410527

Camera angles, its less makeup and more focal lenght.

No. 410530

jesus christ this is so sad and disgusting. she ruined her body for, like 5 years max of it looking "good"

No. 410532

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jesus christ this is so sad and disgusting. she ruined her body for, like 5 years max of it looking "good"

more girls in central south america are getting into this because it gets them attention and escorting opportunities.

No. 410533

If I were shaped like this I would kill myself.

No. 410552

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It's a combination of camera angles, lenses, and filters. This was shown in one of her viral videos, where she was ragebaiting to promote her Onlyfans, and the airline seats were warping around her.

Yes, and shitbags are taking advantage of those girls. Gracie Bon's pimp is a Jamaican guy who used to operate a website for BBW "models" (which has since been removed), and the majority of the girls he represented were from South America. So she's promoting this guy, which is helping him take advantage of more women. I wouldn't be surprised if she underwent all of those operations because this guy told her to. Many underprivileged girls look at her success and see it as something to strive for, and her TV promotion isn't helping. I really hate how the hypersexualization of Latina women is being promoted by the media.

No. 410559

Andressa Soares the Mulher Melancia (watermelon woman) has kind of that body shape, is that a natural thing?

No. 410602

No. They have to at least get liposuction to get that look.

No. 410614

she looks like she has chipmunk cheeks from bulimia which gives the illusion of her chin being smaller.

like everyone else said it's gonna depend on what your face already looks like. but i know angelina had a chin implant and i think megan fox might have as well? or chin filler or something? if you want a longer looking face and a sharper jawline chin filler will probably help.

No. 410619

Why does she look greenscreened in kek

No. 410660

i know but i am not sure since my bulimia bloat looks different? maybe it differs from person to person

No. 410670

rarely it happens with lipedema

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nxKpN8sPPE(learn 2 embed)

No. 411362

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Getting my rhinoplasty done in just a few days and I'm still a little scared that my nose will come out being just as big. I've had great communication with the doctor, he did morphed photos for me showing what the result will be, and he seems to genuinely understand what I want (small cute nose)… but so many of the before/after photos I see around places online still have huge noses… straighter and pointier but still big. I really hope mine will turn out significantly smaller.

Picrel shows what I mean. Like they fixed the hook part of her nose but it's still a really big nose, not a little button one.

No. 411364

that nose you posted looks fine lol, are you the type who wants the ssmall upturned snout?(don't post anti surgery comments in the literal surgery thread)

No. 411365

It's insane to me that you think her nose is big. Don't forget you breathe through your nose, so if your doctor makes your nose way too small you'll have breathing issues and higher chances of your nose collapsing.

No. 411367

That after nose is a completely regular, proportional nose no one would give a second glance. A tiny nose would look ridiculous on her face. Whoever did that knew what they were doing.(don't post anti surgery comments in the literal surgery thread)

No. 411370

No, not a fan of the pixie noses. I have a beak nose that droops downward so they will have to upturn it a little anyway, but I didn't opt for the dramatic upturn. I really just want it small more than anything else.

Eh if I am spending $18k on a surgery then I want to see a more dramatic result than that. And yes it really costs that much here, probably the most expensive place in the world to get plastic surgery done but I wanted to keep it local in case I have complications.

No. 411372

A more dramatic result doesn't mean a better looking result on your face as a whole. I think you have a skewed idea of what people generally perceive as big noses if you think that nose on the right is big, that's a completely non offensive nose. Hope it works out for you tho.

No. 411376

>Anti surgery

No. 411377

there's always been anti-surgery talk in this thread, but now there's a seperate thread for it so it's bannable I guess. sad because sometimes the anons wanting ps just need a reality check(then stop baiting infights by those comments and take it to the relevant threads)

No. 411384

But that post isn't anti surgery.

No. 411391

They just said her after nose looks fine, not that she should have kept the og nose and not gotten surgery.

No. 411410

You have body dysmorphia. Patients like you are so annoying, you'll never be satisfied and crying after your surgery that your doctor botched you because he didnt give you a voldemort nose. Annoying delulu.(infighting/unintegrated lingo)

No. 411426

Farmhands get more retarded by the picosecond(take it to /meta/)

No. 411566

I knew a girl that had a massive nose but a miniscule face. After her nose job she looked like a real life pixie. It was crazy. Like CGI.

No. 411583

Another pickme bites the dust(infighting)

No. 411775

I got one removed partially for cosmetic reasons, but my dermatologist also thought maybe it should be examined by the lab because it had grown a bit. Mine was on my shoulder. It grew back, though it's smaller and less annoying now. There was no malignancy.

I have a couple raised skin tags (but they are dark like moles idk) on my back I want removed but I need to find out the cost. I don't care that much except for the fact that these two catch on my bra.

No. 414318

Do they have a habit of regrowing?

No. 414837

I’m considering a breast lift with implants. My natural body type was slim with a large bust. I’ve never felt any discomfort from my breasts back then. However I had an ana chan phase and became underweight at some point during covid. I‘ve grown out of it and I’m back to a healthy weight now but my breasts have suffered from it. They are still on the larger side but much smaller than they used to be and extremely saggy. I‘m basically forced to wear a bra at home now (which I never did in the past) because it feels extremely uncomfortable how my breasts press down against my skin. I don’t know if I worded that well, sorry. I know I could simply get a lift without any implants but I feel so sad looking back at older pictures of me at the beach because I miss how full they were. So if I ever go down that route I’ll probably take the implants as well. My breasts still have a lot of natural fat tissue so I‘m pretty confident they won‘t end up looking too unnatural.

No. 414902

It's unpredictable how they will turn out, there are a lot of factors that interfere with it and always be prepared for bad outcomes. Do consider that the implants will make them obviously heavier and consequently saggier. Implants still adhere to gravity, even though they give out more volume, of course, but you'll have to wear bras with implants. I don't know how old you are but do keep in mind the years in your future. I personally know a person who has done what you described. She had implants and they never really looked how she wanted, she had to change the implants twice and recently removed them, totaling 4 surgeries. Every time you have surgery there's a risk, you can lose your nipple, or gain new scars, it's something to consider. I would look into just a breast lift if I were you. If you have decent-sized breasts, I wouldn't risk putting in an implant. When the doctor cuts excessive skin out, it can fuck up the blood that goes to your nipple, when you stretch that skin with implants, that skin gets thinner, and can make the risk of losing your nipple higher. I am not an expert, but I suggest you look into all this before making your decision, especially thinking about your future years and possible extra surgeries.

No. 414916

>you can lose your nipple
Never mind, you’re right nona. I should take a couple of years to do more intense research about it because wtf kek. After all nobody really sees my breasts so I’m not in a rush. But I really miss my natural size so I’m scared a simple breast lift will just make my chest smaller.

No. 414920

I don't know if this is considered plastic surgery but if I lose weight and my arms are still flabby I'm thinking about getting lipo for my upper arm fat.

No. 415422

If your arms are flabby after you've lost weight, it's probably just loose skin and not fat in there, so lipo won't work. There are procedures to tighten the skin instead.

No. 415493

What procedures tighten loose skin

No. 415529

There's some non surgical ones like Thermage, idk how well those actually work though. The surgery to fix it is called brachioplasty, impressive results but leaves a scar all the way down the arm.

No. 415725

I got a BBL three weeks ago, and I think that no one will ever know. I had an okay figure when I was really skinny, but my face was gaunt and my legs weren't shapely. I intentionally gained weight, but when I did my figure went away and I became a rectangle. After this BBL, I have a great figure and I really think that no one will know. I've made a big deal about going to the gym and working out a lot. My husband likes it, but he's Asian so I think he'd still prefer if my butt were a bit smaller and my legs were toned. But it's okay, I really love how I look now.

but i can't imagine what would possess someone to do this >>410484

No. 415947

Lmao I would never think a FARMER would be retarded enough to get a BBL. Imagine blowing your retirement savings on a porn ass. Be honest, how badly do you want to be a background twerker in a rap video?

No. 416077

Sorry but people can always tell. BBLs never match the thighs and legs.

No. 416096

It was mostly 360lipo. I got 3600cc taken out, but like 800cc put into my butt total. I already had a good shape. What I did was just put some on the side to make the shape rounder. So the actual size of my hips only increased an inch. No porn ass. Really just increased my silhouette a lot with lipo and a slightly rounder shape. Thanks for being really aggro tho!

Also, no 'blowing retirement savings'. It's only $8700, and my household income can more than handle that. I put $4400 into investment accounts every month.

Respectfully, I really think that whatever you have in mind as a BBL is not what I got.

No. 416141

It sounds like you were more focused on the hips being more rounded instead of fat being placed into you ass. Is this correct, I'm trying to visualize

No. 416210

Did you intentionally gain weight just for the BBL? I'm considering getting fat transfer but I absolutely would not be okay with having to gain weight.

No. 416270

Yes. My butt is already a good size for my frame honestly. It just had a square shape due to hollowness in the sides. I asked him not to increase size or projection, but just to fill it in on the sides to make it rounder.

Yes. I gained over 15kg. I had a good figure when skinny, but my legs weren't shapely and my face was a tad gaunt. When I gained weight, those issues were fixed, and then I got rid of tummy and back fat with liposuction.

No. 416286

And how much more money will you be making from your customers after this investment in your body?

No. 416288

I'm an operations manager at a tech company? I just wanted to look nicer. If you're gonna be negative about plastic surgery, there's a literal plastic surgery hate thread. Go there. This isn't the place for it.

No. 416787

Did you know about the high mortality rate before getting it done? Like I support PS in general but BBLs are so insanely risky that lot of surgeons stopped doing them altogether. I'm surprised people are still willing to get them.

No. 416790

BBL is the most pathetic surgery a woman can probably go through after labiaplasty. 15 years ago no woman was complaining about her ass being too small/ BBLs are a result of pornsickness and male gaze. It's the most pickme, pandering, pornified surgery. If you're dumb enough to risk dying on the operating table to make a mans dick hard then I have no sympathy whatsoever.

No. 416793

Imagine almost dying to get a porn ass to please your coomer moid and make him pay attention to you for a while.
Meanwhile your moid is still gonna watch porn and lust after other women regardless because that's just what men do and his pornsick moid brain craves novelty + different women's asses, not just yours.

Pickmes never thrive, you're playing an unwinnable game. I hope you know that.(shitpost)

No. 416814

She and her sister have both gotten work done. Source: Chechen friend told me

No. 416832

She has obviously had a lot of work done including her nose, she is very pretty but has the classic Dubai Barbie face

No. 416880

File: 1721488782618.jpg (30.8 KB, 500x300, Eiza-Gonzalez-Plastic-Surgery.…)

I'm kind of obsessed with Eiza Gonzalez's plastic surgery. I just wonder what it's like to look this drastically different and whether that messes with you psychologically. I think she looks a bit too fake but whatever they did to her eyes and her nosejob look really good to me.

No. 416883

I don't mind PS but I actually love how she looked originally. Somehow smaller lips can look more youthful to me. I'm not sure if it's just because societally, only women with money get lip fillers or if there's a legitimate reason.

No. 416894

The ps is tastefully done, hopefully she doesn't push it and go overboard in the future.

No. 416896

>only women with money get lip fillers
Oh that's definitely not true. Unless you consider middle class working women, women with money. Lip fillers are relatively cheap. But it's definitely a certain crowd that gets them.

No. 416900

I just meant that you won't have teens getting lip fillers usually, it's mainly women who are in their 20s or older at least because they have careers at that point.

No. 416902

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I always wondered what people thought of Ariana Grande. Good? Or gone too far?

No. 416906

Way too far. She ruined herself after Thank u next

No. 416909

File: 1721501251196.webp (60.17 KB, 1170x1158, before after.webp)

too much. the eyebrow lift is just way too dramatic as well as her previous filler. i swear everyone that's had bad filler even after dissolving, just doesn't look the same.

and in some pics her weight loss seems to have accentuated the areas where she's had work done. truly a shame.

No. 416910

She looked way better before. I know she was also younger but she looks a little bit like an alien in the later pics, especially >>416909

No. 416921

whatever she did around her eyes was horrible and did not work out

No. 416931

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Oh my god she could totally play as live action Griffith. Anyways she would look really good with that extremely light bleached hair or very dark, almost black hair, she needs to let her styling evolve beyond whatever the hell she wears now.

No. 416932

I’m crying, that’s not thick that’s just being a fatty and the only people she would attract there are the migrants coming from Africa kek(bait)

No. 416935

No. Nobody can have my face shape kek, doctors aren’t magicians they can only work with what you have, the ones who try to make fetch happen and try to “rebuild” your entire body and face are incredibly duplicative. Get surgeries that enhance the features of your face or harmonizes them you would look ridiculous if you didn’t already naturally have that facial structure

No. 416937

How moidy are mods that this was designated as a shitpost(take it to /meta/)

No. 416945

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She looked fine after her first nose job but she has gone way into uncanny valley territory since then.

No. 416947

Yea, she looks almost like a different person. She went a similar way like Kylie Jenner, she just got better surgeon and sense of aesthetics.

No. 416975

Not going to lie, I think she was pretty after that first facelift that hiked her eyebrows way up and whatever she did to give herself a nice jawline instead of a weird chin. All the ugliest things about her aesthetic are personality related more than surgery related, faking a blaccent first and foremost just being so lame and cringe and her hair and tanning decisions being terrible. She looks bogged in your after pic but I thought she was still cute at the midpoint around here >>416945

No. 416998

Whichever surgery she had for her eyes made her look uncanny. The rest wouldn't look so bad if the eyes were normal.

No. 417042

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Unpopular opinion but I liked Taylor’s old eyes. She looked like a Russian model back then, now she looks kind of .. basic? I hate to call people that but yeah
Kylie is such a weird case. I genuinely liked her old look and I think if she waited it out she would’ve grown into it. The only surgery that I thought she actually needed (a jaw shave) she never got lmfao
Ok anyway I have a general question
Is there a surgery to remove a droopy tip? I don’t want a ski slope nose. I actually want a nose that looks like pic rel

No. 417044

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same anon
Apparently there’s a droopy tip type of nose job but I think they still mess around with the bridge and that’s scary to me

No. 417054

For someone who wants so much to look like a small delicate loli all her surgeries have aged her to look way older. She would've looked youthful and like herself (who was cute to begin with) if she just stuck with the more minimal ps she had prior to the brow lift

No. 417055

You can absolutely get a nose job that focuses on adjusting the tip or columella without significantly changing the bridge. A good doctor in the US should have a discussion with your about your aesthetic goals and focus on what you want, though not all of them are good at listening and not all patients are good at very clearly stating what they want. Also, I feel like a straight bridge is almost trendier for a 21st century american nose job than the old school ski slope and taylor swift would even be an example of that.

No. 417124

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I also think Taylor was really naturally beautiful and didn't really need to get anything done. The small eyes worked for her face. I think weirdly a lot of plastic surgery these days is just intended to make it possible to wear certain makeup looks, like blepharoplasties help create space for eyeshadow and lip filler to make more space for lipstick, instead of trying to create an overall balance. But at least compared to a lot of celebrity plastic surgery she looks very natural.

No. 417126

You guys need to check your eyes. She doesn't look like a man just because she doesn't have a figure of an hourglass bimbo and an instagram face. She looks like a healthy woman now. And I think whatever plastic surgery she got, was done well and she looks great. I would only complain about too much lip filler.

No. 417145

Are we allowed to post our own noses? I want opinions as to whether I should pursue rhinoplasty but I’m pretty sure I’m range banned on Reddit

No. 417734

As long as you anonymize it as much as possible (blur/black out the rest of your face) and spoiler it, it should be fine. We've had people post their before/after pics and stuff with no issues, as long as it's anonymized.

No. 417739

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Huge lips are really popular in Russia/Eastern Europe

Most men in the west hate these kinds of lips but for some reason Russian moids love them

No. 417758

>Most men in the west hate these kinds of lips
Since when? I can only speak for America, but the more fake, porny, and blow-up-doll-ish a woman looks, the more attractive men here will find her. We probably have the most pornsick moids out of everywhere in the world.

No. 417761

Men in the west only hate them because the injectors here are horrible

No. 417776

As an American I can say that men say they hate them but then only jerk off to porn with women that have them, kek. Same as when they say they hate fake boobs but then only want a woman who has large, round, perky gravity-defying breasts… aka fake boobs kek.
Is there a reason for this? I see so many bad lips here. Almost all of them have filler migration mustaches. I've always wanted just a tiny bit of filler in my lips, I'm okay with the size but I just want that smidge of plumpness, but goodness I think the risk of them looking awful is too high.

No. 417796

Idk if it would be different if I lived in LA or something but I'm from the Northeast US and it actually was a culture shock going to Russia and parts of Eastern Europe (especially Serbia and Albania) and seeing how common obvious lip injections and filler are compared to where I live. If you look at female celebrities in those regions too many of them are botched.

No. 418224

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I have a theory that many women get lip filler when they don’t want to commit to a rhinoplasty. Fuller lips can feminize your face if you have a broad nose. Pic rel is a Ukrainian girl I follow on ig

No. 418226

Slavs tend to have fat potatoish noses so I can see why they get fillers to balance their face out, but large lips can also make your other features look bigger too

No. 418227

Every guy I've ever talked to hated big lips tbh. I've even had them say they were disgusting and stuff and that a woman with lip fillers is a dealbreaker. That was Northern European and American white men from various walks of life. I wanted to get lip fillers and my ex strongly told me I should never get them because 'no man likes it.' Slavic and Ethnic men tend to prefer fuller lips. I've heard big lips are also seen as really ugly in China because they're associated with SEA Asians, but apparently Koreans like full lips.

No. 418228

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Russian women shoop like crazy and all go to Turkey for cheap nose jobs and jaw surgery. It's impossible to tell what they actually look like from photos, you can't trust it.

No. 418231

Damn she really shooped everything on left from her fupa to her eye size to her arm fat to her neck length to her hair shade to her saggy mom cleavage. But men will insist the one on the left is real kek.

No. 418237

if the internet has taught me anything its that men are literal retards who believe anything they see

No. 418238

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Yeah I used to think she was the epitome of beauty at one point but it slowly occurred to me that the lip filler wasn’t flattering and it just makes her face look big and gloopy, which makes me second guess my plan to get lip filler in place of rhinoplasty lmao
kek the one Slavic (Ukrainian) guy I ever interacted with told me that his ideal girl was blonde with big lips, I thought it was just him being a sperg but I guess it makes sense now. Similarly I have talked to many western guys that think lip filler makes women look trashy. I wonder if lip filler is to Eastern Europeans as tan skin is to westerners, because I rarely ever see white women with lip filler here in America, and similarly I never see Slavic women with intentional dark skin.
I loved last years miss Russia because she never tried to hide her pale pink toned skin (I’m not pushing z I just wanna look like her lmfao)

No. 418244

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Honestly that woman you posted is really weird and derpy looking in motion, pic rel. These were the finalists in Miss Russia last year and you could genuinely find prettier, more Stacy looking girls in an average American high school.

I think the Miss Universe or whatever are becoming more mid per year and I blame generic instagram plastic surgery and also instagram makeup/face trend. It doesn't help that everyone frauds so hard nowadays with their pics, even beauty pageant contestants.

The Miss Universe competitors in the past were so much more naturally beautiful and unique looking, and almost none of them have the typical instagram beauty trend features, besides obvious ones like very white teeth and big eyes which are just universally attractive anyway.

They were just obviously the prettiest girl in their home city and got put out to the forefront. I really miss old 90s Miss Universe pageants, everyone just looks the same now.

No. 418245

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are we counting american celebs or just everyday women? cause almost every female celebrity in the US has them

No. 418250

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Everyday women in my experience. Living in the northeast and deep south, I have never seen women with noticeable lip filler. The white American beauty standard is like a deep tan and blonde hair, with less emphasis on facial features imo. Just look at your average Fox News lady lmao
Yeah also there’s a weird emphasis on looking racially ambiguous, and if not that, then the copy and paste beauty filter look. Pic rel, there’s no way miss china would even be considered attractive back home, I’ve seen better looking cdrama no name background actors.

No. 418251

They'd also insist she's not wearing any makeup. Men are so stupid.

>I rarely ever see white women with lip filler here in America
Are you joking? I see disgustingly overfilled lips on a daily basis. I am in California though, maybe it's less common in other states.

No. 418260

Here in the UK many women have it and it looks absolutely awful

No. 418261

damn I thought that was a tranny

No. 418262

I carry weight in my face, in my lower cheeks and double chin. The only time I had a smooth jawline was when I was slightly underweight, my face looked really good and all my features balanced so nicely. Now that I'm fit, my face looks heavy and doughy, and my features are too small to carry it.
So Ive been considering kybella or facial liposuction, with ultrasound or the mini cannulas. Kybella appeals most to me as tne less invasive option, but it seems like it has much more potential to go wrong or not work compared to lipo.
Can anyone think of any other options that would produce reliable results? I'm not planning on cheaping out on whatever procedure it ends up being

No. 418308

Most Russian women are mid as fuck and look indistinguishable to other nationalities of women, 'Russian' just activates a coom instinct in moid brains because it seems like some exotic, mysterious and far away land. You could literally show a picture of a 5/10 random woman and say she is Russian and moids would be like :O and insisting she's a 10 and using it as 'proof all Russian women are beautiful' Russia has been using that soft power and 'beautiful Russian tradwife' propaganda thing for decades. It's why so many cockettes have started larping as Russian too.

Same way weebs think all Japanese women are pale virgins with high features and giant boobs and hips who hate feminism and are ultra submissive, because they watch so much Japanese porn. It's all soft power propaganda that these moidy governments use to pimp out their women and encourage sex tourism to help their economy.

No. 418318

LMAO there’s also a trend on TikTok where a video with thousands of likes will feature “Slavic dolls” and half of them are just attractive blonde models who aren’t even Slavic, people are so brainrotted

No. 418578

what about a face and neck lift?

No. 418583

I never realized she wore contact lens, they look cute in the left pic
Both of the above posts are interesting because they show how semi-hooded eyes can look more youthful. Her upper eye area is too stretched out and it gives her too much upper lid show. She looked more youthful with smaller upper eyelid because her upper eye fat wasn't stretched out.

No. 418585

Wow, this is a gorgeous photo of her. This makeup is perfect on her.

No. 418587

I also carry weight in that part of my face and I would check with a reputable surgeon if you're a candidate for facial liposuction. My concern about kybella is that sometimes, it can remove fat you don't want removed. With facial liposuction, you have more control over what fat is removed. The only downsides is of course nerve damage which is very rare. I'm not looking into lower face liposuction yet, but I am getting my perioral mounds lipo'd in October.

No. 418744

I've never understood why people associate blonde hair with Slavs. From what I've seen, the vast majority of them have brown or black. Why do people think they look like Swedes or something?

No. 418913

is it worth getting plastic surgery in korea? im thinking of getting my jaw and nose done.

No. 418997

Depends if you're Asian or not. You don't want a surgeon who has no experience working on non-Asian faces working on you.

No. 419029

They have an inferiority complex due to not really being considered european so they try and push their blonde or fake blonde models to the forefront as their country representatives to prove that they are white or something(racebaiting)

No. 419041

That is not true and blonde is quite common. Black is probably more rare

No. 419054

I mean slavic is an extremely broad category. There are a ton of blondes in Poland or Belarus for example, a lot less among south slavic countries such as Bulgaria or Serbia.

No. 419066

Nah, most Russians have the most basic ass shade of generic brown hair. Only in the far northern. parts next to Finland and Belarus do you find a lot of blondes. Everywhere else most people have brown hair.

No. 419071

we're talking about slavs, not Russians specifically?

No. 419091

If you’re East Asian or black, yes. If you’re white/middle eastern then no, go to turkey.

No. 419134

If you are getting fat grafting, you can go anywhere.

Also, if you have a very broad jaw from a frontal view, going to Asia is the only option, as their methods are better for that particular issue than Western surgeons. This PurseForum post explains it well: https://forum.purseblog.com/threads/caucasian-facial-contouring-at-view-plastic-surgery-results.1062102/

No. 419143

Jaw maybe, nose no. Asian plastic surgeons are used to bringing noses out and making them bigger/higher, not smaller and straighter which is what most westerners want out of a nose job. As far as jaws, I don't think the shaved dorito chins would work well on non Asians.

No. 419148

Idk why brunette hair is so underrated and hated on. It's quite striking and beautiful, and can have natural highlights, esp in the sun. If anything, blonde is generic and basic, as it provides little to no contrast to the person's skin.

No. 419150

It doesn't work well on them, either.

No. 419151

But broad noses are fine, they dont need to "commit" to rhinoplasty.

No. 419203

I'm from one of those countries and there's way less natural blondes than people think, in my opinion. The most common hair colour is light brown/very dark blonde ("mouse blonde"). It's considered to be basic and boring so tons of women bleach their hair because moids love blue eyed blondes or some shit. Excuse the blogpost but the largest % of blondes I've ever seen was in a small town in Western Finland where everyone was ethnically a Finn/Swede, no Samis. Was kind of freaky actually.
Eastern European moids have retarded tastes in general and they've been fully psyopped into molding their sexualities around Instagram and TikTok.

No. 419216

>don't think the shaved dorito chins would work well on non Asians.
It looks worse on Asians than westerners lmao
Nobody said they need to get rhinoplasty?
>The most common hair colour is light brown/very dark blonde ("mouse blonde").
Not Slavic but I think most white women have that natural hair color and idk what it even really looks like when it’s grown out and properly styled and taken care of.

No. 419226

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I guess it depends on where you live but I feel like here the "mousey" color is definitely considered blonde and especially if you're not white. I've seen these maps that describe blonde hair distribution like picrel and these stats seem kinda crazy to me but idk.

No. 419233

I live in Norway and most are mousy blonde/brown. Very few light blondes here.

No. 419257

This makes me feel better nona thanks

No. 419423

So youre saying the boring mousey color occurs in blondes, like when they start out light blonde then it goes greyish? Yet the moid led media portrays boring mousey hair as if it only occurs in brunettes, when it's commonly occurring in blondes.

Regardless, women should stop bleaching their hair with toxic chemicals, in hopes of reaching some moids' arbitrary media propagated beauty standard.

Glad to hear it!

No. 419447

I hate bitches that shoop like this, it gives scrotes unrealistic expectations and makes them feel even more entitled to 10/10 big booba models than they already are

No. 419454

And so? Now they are reeing in loneliness, its their problem

No. 419458

Men had retarded beauty expectations for women and entitlement long before photos were even invented. They are just naturally horrible people.

No. 419460

Her real face is more attractive than the shoop, wild.

No. 419464

Exactly what I was thinking. The shoop makes her look like a retarded child with fucked up teeth, whereas in the real photo she genuinely has a very beautiful classically feminine ADULT face. Even if it's full of plastic. No sympathy to her though, I hate women who play into moids' natural pedo tendencies.

No. 419478

That's bullshit. If men hate big lips so much why do whores with the fakest lips get the most views on porn sites? Men are apes. Because they have papercut lips, they associate big lips with femininity. So the bigger the lip the "sexier" the woman. They don't have aesthetic values or a single artistic bone in them. "More lip meat make me boaner hard!!" is how the manbrain works. Of course he wants to seem respectable to you so presents himself as an anti plastic surgery natural beauty advocate but I bet he thinks of Chloe Cherry prolapsed asshole lips when masturbating. Lip fillers exist to sexuallt excite men, period

No. 419482

The two attitudes are not mutually exclusive, males point with one hand and jerk off with the other. They hate women when they don't make their chodes hard but also they hate women for making their chodes hard.

No. 419517

I have lipedema. Right now it’s ok and barely noticeable but if it gets worse I want to get a liposuction for it. If anyone has experience with this I would be grateful to hear it. Anyway, I found a clinic that specializes in lipedema and they also offer fat crafts with the lipedema fat, claiming it’s perfect for fat crafts. I’m puzzled that it’s a thing at all.

No. 419532

"males point with one hand and jerk off with the other." I gotta use this saying someday haha

No. 419574

Most of those e-girl types have thin to medium size lips and they are the most popular. I think most young men prefer e-girls who look like mid-2000s emo teens and havent had much surgery, dont have breast implants etc.

Older men seem to prefer the bimbo types with lots of fillers. Besides, they arent looking at the girls face in porn anyway kek.

No. 419578

Nah, I remember I showed my ex Chloe Cherry. He said her mouth looked disgusting and said if I ever got fillers like that his attraction towards me would start to dwindle kek. A bunch of other guys I talked to on dating apps said similar when I said I wanted lip fillers, almost all of them said big lips make them think of a babboons butt or a prolapsed anus and its very gross looking and that I shouldnt do it, only one guy I talked to was into it. I think most mentally stable men are disgusted by huge lips. Coomers with bimbo fetishes are not mentally stable examples and are often AGP/budding tranny types themselves who idolize plastic surgery addicted women.

No. 419597

I guarantee you all those gross scrotes are jacking off to women with lip fillers and implants and everything else. They turn off their brains when they get horny and operate on pure coom. Scrotes beat it to bimbofied, oversexed women and then turn around and marry/date normie women who don't have major cosmetic surgery work. Sure, they might think the fillers look gross logically but when they're pursuing the coom all rationale goes out of the window. Moids are masters at compartmentalization.

No. 419608

Gee it's almost like men lie to women they want to fuck by pretending the way she already looks is his ideal. Hard to believe since men are such upstanding individuals who would totally never manipulate women for sex.

No. 419841

I dont think I have it but I know someone who did. Supposedly once the lipedema fat is removed, it usually wont come back if you dont gain weight and stay healthy. Are you doing anything to manage it?

No. 419846

I hate the e girl thing but at the same time I’m kinda thankful that they made small lips attractive again.

No. 419853

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Im eating an anti inflammatory diet, take my supplements and maintain my weight. For now my lipedema isn’t processing and is still at stage one. I got the Lilly rose body going on rn kek

I know someone who got a lot of lipedema fat sucked out of her body and she gained a lot back, claiming it’s not her lifestyle. But she is still happy with the results of the operations. I really think its worth it, I’m feeling so bad when I see women with disfigured legs because of this disease. It must be so uncomfortable and painful

No. 421981

How do you know if you have lipedema vs just holding fat mainly in your thighs/bottom half?

No. 422025

Nayrt I thought I had lipedema or cellulite and was crying that I had to get liposucction to improve my legs but turned out I was just sitting too much and walking every day, weight lifting and possibly the collagen supplements I've been taking completely changed the appearance of my legs so I wouldnt treat surgery as the only option before checking out if lifestyle isn't causing this

No. 422051

There’s literally nothing wrong with her legs, thick legs are hot as fuck. There’s even kings and emperors who would select women based solely on how thick their legs were.

No. 422056

thick legs mean high levels of estrogen

No. 422058

No. 422059

Sorry late reply, but I wanted to answer. I got something similar. My problem was that my nose was very crooked and bird-like, I had a deviated septum, and a droopy tip so that whenever I smiled or spoke it would drag down. It looked awful. When I got my nosejob, they made it so my nose was perfectly straight and now the tip of my nose doesn't move at all when I speak or emote.

Basically, my surgeon explained it like when they shave off the cartilage from the bridge of the nose to make it straight, what they'll do is shove that shaved cartilage in-between your septum (there's a natural hole there, if you feel the tip of your nose softly with your finger you can tell what I mean, it's like the meeting of two pieces of cartilage) and that strengthens the tip of the nose so it doesn't droop when you speak or emote.

No. 423580

> and now the tip of my nose doesn't move at all when I speak or emote
congrats on becoming a frozen faced uncanny robot(infight bait)

No. 423835

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When did Priscilla Presley start doing facelifts?

No. 423838

Yen is incredibly cheap right now so I am considering going to Japan for some cheap plastic surgery. Does anyone know of any good plastic surgeons in Japan or should I just go to Seoul?

No. 423840

PS is super expensive in Japan because from what I hear it has to be done by a licensed doctor. I've personally looked into it but it was very pricey. Seoul is much cheaper.

No. 424073

Neither if you're not Asian yourself. If you are white, you're better off going to Turkey for cheap surgery, although cheaping out on something this risky is a bad idea either way imo.

No. 424083

So my nose is diagonal. Not crooked like Owen Wilson, it just is off center and developed at a slant. It's also short on my face and I wish it were higher and longer. My facial proportions are all pretty fucked up. Can rhino fix a diagonal nose, and is it possible to make a nose taller? All I see for rhino is turning hook noses into ski slopes and I don't give a fuck about that.
I assume my second question is retarded though since that would interfere with my philtrum

No. 424085

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>Can rhino fix a diagonal nose, and is it possible to make a nose taller?
Yes and yes. The latter involves taking a piece of your rib to put in your nose, or using a plastic implant so be aware of that. It's a little more invasive and complicated than a standard rhino. The slant is an easy fix by adjusting the cartilage.

No. 424678

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I have a pretty similar face shape to young ScarJo but my temples and cheekbones are a bit narrow which kind of throws the shape of my face off a bit. What type of fillers are best to pad that part of my face out and widen it a bit from the front to match the rest of this kind of face shape? I'm not even sure what kind of shape this is, maybe heart? Or egg lol.

No. 424883

Well that's cool. I want to consider getting a lip lift along with rhino at the same time. A doctor near me is apparently skilled at doing both at once, and I feel like doing one but not the other might cause issues and undo the progress of the other one after. But there are rumors that he lets students operate on patients since he's part of a teaching school. I don't know how I can prevent this.

No. 424958

I can’t find a thread where this really fits so I’m here.

Have any anons had Invisalign? Did it change your facial structure in a positive or negative way? I just started on my first trays, and ofc I’m running into online comments about how Invisalign “aged” people or ruined their facial structure. That doesn’t make sense to me because having perfectly aligned teeth would help harmonize facial features, right? Are these people just hyper fixating on imaginary problems? I’m personally very excited to have very nice teeth but obviously startled by some of these claims

No. 424990

I had invisalign, I think it made my jaw appear a bit stronger overall but I barely noticed a difference. I think it made my lips slightly fuller because I have a slightly long philtrum and a slight overbite that kind of thins out my lips when I neglect my night retainers. But it's not super noticeable at all. I noticed more of a difference in my face after wisdom teeth removal than with invisalign.

No. 424997

I've realized the plastic surgery and aesthetic alterations community is full of BDD nutjobs with very low self esteem. A lot of these people are very mentally unstable and will literally never be happy with their appearance no matter what, and also enjoy the attention and validation from strangers for victimhood. So yes there are definitely a huge amount of people who make up imaginary shit just to complain about.

No. 424999

What about video recording?

No. 425014

Unless you're 50+, don't get a lip lift. Your young skin is too taut and will pull the scar and make it really wide. Just look at pnp

No. 425019

My philtrum is literally 21mm long I look like a fucking monkey
I think that isn't allowed but I'll look into that

No. 425036

Oh so you just have body dysmorphia. Cool(bait)

No. 425050

my nose is often red and i have purple circles under my eyes. i broke my nose as a teenager and never got it set properly. is there some sort of surgery to help this? i have some breathing difficulties too and i get random nosebleeds from my right nostril a lot.

No. 425053

That’s not body dysmorphia, that is a really long philtrum. Average female philtrum is between 11-15mm and it really makes an impact on the face.
Philtrum twins, mine is 20mm and I have no upper lip or tooth show lol. That said, I’ve decided not to get PS because I find the doctors untrustworthy like you mentioned and a botched lip lift is a really serious thing (nerve damage, facial limpness, inability to smile, never being able to close your mouth again, which I’ve seen happen). I feel like plastic surgeons are like hair stylists, you go in and request something specific but in the end they do whatever they think would look good, not what you agreed to. There’s basically no protections for this legally either unless you like die from dirty equipment kek

No. 425056

You could potentially get surgery through insurance if you have that. You should go in to your doctor for a referral.

No. 425062

is there some sort of name for this? probably not lol.
should i go to an ent doctor for this sort of thing?

No. 425064

I'd recommend going to a private plastic surgery clinic in this case and explaining what happened, the clinician will be able to handle the rest and tell you about the financing options. When I got my nosejob, a third of the surgery was paid for because I had a deviated septum. So I only had to pay 6k out of pocket, which was nice. Your insurance may cover some of it based on the prior breakage, but not the full cost. I recommend going to a plastic surgery clinic for it instead of a random doctor, just because usually surgeons at hospitals will just correct the prior damage without caring about the end aesthetics aspect. It's also a good chance to fix damage and get a nice nose for yourself. Personally, after my nosejob I noticed my under-eye circles were not as prominent as they had been and I looked a lot less tired.

No. 425111

I wouldn't suggest getting more than one surgery done at once. I've had rhino and the recovery was painful, and my nose tip was numb for several months after. Having the pain/numbness in the mouth area at the same time would've been hell.
>I don't know how I can prevent this
…go to a different surgeon?

No. 425116

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I’m seriously thinking about getting lipo 360 before 2026. For the past few years I’ve been yo-yo dieting and I’ve gotten so close to my goal weight but I can’t change body fat distribution and the small pouch I have on my stomach is a major concern of mine. For once in my life I would like to have a flat stomach. Lately I’ve been seeing women with a similar body type to mine having the perfect, smooth stomach look I crave. I’m planning on doing one more major weight loss effort and save my money for 2025 to get lipo 360. I’d like to look pretty for once in my life.

No. 425123

Are you stupid? All women have that pouch of fat. I weigh just over 100 pounds (not bragging, I've been sick a lot recently and am trying to regain my weight) and even I have that pouch of fat. It's a feature of female anatomy. The celebrities and influencers are all getting it lipo'd off like retards and it looks completely uncanny.

No. 425132

Not true, plenty of slim women with flat stomachs exist. Even normie skinny women and I want to look like that

No. 425138

Probably don’t belong here since I’m anti-ps but why not just work out? Cheaper too.

No. 425140

I hate it when cringe women like you that lie about anatomy to make yourselves feel better.

No. 425146

ayrt, don't really know who you're trying to fool, I personally have never seen an adult woman irl without a bit of lower belly pooch no matter her weight and I think most women are the same. The only exception was this girl in my college swim class who was unhealthily low bf% and known to be doing 'roids on the down low.

No. 425150

>t. burgerfag

No. 425162

>t. lives on the instagram pages of surgerized filtered ethots and has lost touch with reality

No. 425164

No, I just have a flat stomach and have seen women with flat stomachs. But according to you I must have been given lipo in my sleep or something kek

No. 425222

I’m already doing that but weight loss doesn’t change body fat distribution.

No. 425297

i dont want to change the shape of my nose though. i have an aquiline nose that is fairly large, so im concerned that if i went to a plastic surgery clinic they would want to change the shape. i just am sick of the nosebleeds and that my face looks "smooshed" somehow (i fell right on my nose when i broke it).

No. 425327

I get where you're coming from, it's annoying when we're at our weight goals or we feel good about our fitness but there's still stubborn areas of fat that won't go away. Before you try liposuction though, have you ever considered getting something like TruSculpt ID?

It's ideal for people that are at their goal weight, or within 20-25lbs of it, and it's main benefits are contouring of the body and tightening of the skin. Usually each treatment reduces fat cells in the area by 15-20%. Unlike liposuction, it's not surgically invasive and there's 0 downtime after each procedure. Usually it takes 2-3 sessions to see the best results.

Just something to think about if you're already near your goal weight but there are just some stubborn spots of fat that you can't seem to rid. I wanted to bring it up because usually it's an overlooked thing!

No. 425344

for temples you could do sculptra

bit of a weird suggestion but if you think your philtrum is long have you tried a fake beauty mark? It helps to shorten the distance visually. If you like the look of it enough you could even get it tattooed on (and it would be easier to remove than to undo a lip lift you dislike). When you get a rhinoplasty your philtrum can end up shorter anyway, so don't jump the gun and do them together.

No. 425347

Kek you're the second anon with the beauty mark tip, it's really good advice.

No. 425372

My tip for a long philtrum is wear a septum ring to shorten the distance between nose and lip

No. 425381

everyone with that issue does that and imo it only draws more attention to the area and is like a giant blinking sign that says "I AM SELF-CONSCIOUS ABOUT MY PHILTRUM"
>t. have a long philtrum and have thought about it and decided not to

No. 425387

Kek I agree, before I got my rhinoplasty I had a septum ring because I was self-conscious about my nose. Paradoxical I know. Septum rings are so out of fashion now anyway

No. 425393

Not weight loss, toning. Like transverse abdominis exercises, since they pull everything in at the waist. Even working for abs should shrink the pouch.

No. 425395

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Can someone explain to me why deep plane facelifts are seen as taboo if you're under 40 but jaw shaving, genioplasties, and the like are perfectly acceptable regardless of age?

I have visible tear trough and nasolabial fold sagging due to the fat in my cheeks migrating into jowls that are beginning to hang over my jawline. I want to get lipo to address that and possibly have the fat transferred to those sagging areas I mentioned but typically it's recommended you get a facelift to address any skin laxity that may follow after the lipo. I'm fine with that but from what I'm seeing it seems most surgeons opt for the "less invasive" options if you're younger (under 40) and still cut into your face, separating your skin and making adjustments to your SMAS, but refuse to separate any ligaments around your midface which give better, natural results. I get that people with more extreme aging can see amazing benefits from this but why can't modest deep planes be accessible for someone younger? Deep planes last far longer (10 years and on) while the lesser options last for 7 max (if you're lucky) and don't really address midface aging.
>inb4 "just get fillers or a stringlift"

No. 425400

I dont like septum rings but I promise nobody would think that if you got one, thats just your insecurity making you think other people care enough to notice and think about it like that.

No. 425570

>why deep plane facelifts are seen as taboo if you're under 40
It's something to do with how the skin will age from that point. Like, if someone gets a facelift at 25 say, they're still going to go through the next decades with that skin ageing and falling just like the old skin would have. A second face-lift would be harder to do IIRC, because there's less skin and elasticity to work with with each facelift operation performed.

No. 425852

>When you get a rhinoplasty your philtrum can end up shorter anyway
Really? I've always seen the opposite happen. But I wonder if it's different if you get vertical lengthening with rib cartilage, vs getting a ScarJo button nose.
Speaking of rhino, is it best to avoid Turkey? I'm being told if you're not Asian, avoid SK. But I assumed since Turkey must work on Arab looking noses a lot, they do the cookie cutter upturned treatment on them. Which I absolutely don't want. My nose has slightly African features and I don't wanna look like MJ kek

No. 425854

Turkey gets a bad rep just because it's cheaper than other places, just like anywhere else there's good doctors and shite ones. Any doctor is gonna be able to tailor a nose specific to your wants or desires. My surgeon usually did up-turned noses, but I wanted a straight Greek nose, and he did it perfectly just as well as the others. You just have to be clear with what you want, and your surgeon should be clear with what they could provide and what their limitations are.

No. 426115

I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed I’m genuinely convinced that it made my face look nicer and more feminine

No. 426124

I’ve heard people say the opposite. Mine are growing in fine (wouldn’t need to remove them) but would it be better to or not? Hm

No. 426133

The only people that cry about looking bad imo are men mad that they lost their jaw
I lost some of my jaw but it made my face look more feminine

No. 426162

I already have a narrow/v line jaw so I'm a bit worried it will throw off my proportions

No. 426167

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Dasha Taran is really pretty but somehow she looks different. I can't really pinpoint it but she started to look more dorito faced recently, or rather her face shape seems longer and lower heavy. I don't know if its only editing but she is living in korea so i think maybe she got multiple minor procedures done to enhance her looks even more

No. 426194

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She got chin fillers and facial fat removal. She used to have a slightly recessed chin and a more blunt jaw. In Korea they hate short blunt jaws and soft receding chins so I guess she got filler in her chin to make it seem longer and pointier and the facial fat at the sides has also been removed. I guess 99% of her fans are Koreans or Koreaboos so she is under pressure to conform to their standards. She still looks stunning though, and is looking more ladylike and elegant rather than the teen loli jailbait aesthetic she kept pushing earlier in her career.

No. 426319

I got a lip lift and I'm happy with the amount of scarring. It did cause my gums to show when i smile naturally which makes me look like a horse girl so i have to smile differently in photos. That's the only drawback I've noticed

No. 426333

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The problem is, fat women don't understand what you're talking about which is why they're sperging. They just see a slim woman and think "flat stomach" but they aren't looking at the stomach in a detailed way to notice the pooch. If you've been thin all your life, you'll know what anon is talking about if you dissect how your body looks. Picrel, Eva's body is my dream body and she still has a pooch. In the old VS ads, they would sometimes edit them out or the body fat percentage would be so low at the shows that sometimes the pooches wouldn't be there, but many times they still were.

No. 426335

I get what you mean but I think it would help if people stopped calling it a pooch. Idk what a better term would be but pooch makes people think fat.

No. 426338

Agreed, however I think you absolutely CAN get a flat stomach WITHOUT surgery. You'll just have well defined abs instead, which a lot of women seem to think isn't sexy somehow? I'm happier with my silhouette after eating MORE to keep up with building lean muscle than I ever was when I was focused solely on restricting calories as much as possible.

No. 426347

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I mean, it IS fat. It's just a normal amount of fat that women tend to retain even at low body weights. You can see it below Candice's belly button here. I had a bone rattler BMI in the low-mid teens and still had it. I guess that's why I refer to it as the pooch. It also depends on how your uterus is angled.
>however I think you absolutely CAN get a flat stomach WITHOUT surgery
Eh, it's such a low body fat percentage, it just doesn't look right to me. I only have seen it "naturally" on VS models that are dehydrated and have incredibly low body fat percentages (or female bodybuilders).

No. 426376

Sometimes I wonder if the pooch is less of a fat deposit and more of a… low key deformity? Obviously it IS fat, but I've seen women with quite fat stomachs that are still a straight line down without a bump sticking out.

I've seen tiktoks of women who've fucked up the shape of their stomach by sucking in all their lives, it wasn't exactly the same but it made me worried. I have the same thing and as I'm losing weight/gaining muscle I wonder if mine is just never going away because I had weird posture or sucked in my stomach when I was young, or maybe it's just the genetic shape of your abdomen the way people have different shaped ab muscles.

No. 426380

>I've seen tiktoks of women who've fucked up the shape of their stomach by sucking in all their lives,
do you possess a singular brain cell, you can't fuck up the shape of your stomach by sucking it in

No. 426399


It took me 2 minutes to find what anon was talking about. If you can't take a moment to search for something you've not heard before to see what it is, you shouldn't be so ready to say someone else has only one brain cell.

No. 426403

"Pooch" suggests there's something extra there when there isn't. If you're using VS models as any kind of reference you're already too far gone though.

No. 426404

idk if you can fuck up the shape but i know you can permanently damage your abdominal muscles by tensing them all the time, so that probably changes the shape.
i've had this pooch all my life even at my skinniest, 5'5" and 105 pounds.

No. 426412

I am probably really stupid, but I legitimately always thought the pooch was there to help protect the uterus and stuff.

No. 426427

>I have a feature that 99% of women have, is it a deformity?
some of you are too stupid to help

No. 426492

Going to any far away country is a bad idea because you won't be able to go back easily if you have complications. Especially with something like rhinoplasty where you can have lots of complications with swelling for up to a year after.

No. 426551

Stay away from plastic bitches, they will make you just as miserable.

No. 426740

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What’s the grove between my chin and lips, why do I have it, and what surgery/fillers can I get to correct it?

No. 426744

It's called having a face. You should delete this you literally look normal and pretty

No. 426745

One of those locations where your skull fuses as a baby I think

No. 426746

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Most people have this nona. It's totally normal.

No. 426747

You should be more concerned about the fact you're scrutinizing your face with a magnifying glass looking for things to surgically alter.

No. 426748

Anon that's normal. Filler will just make it more prominent any way as it shifts

No. 426752

my grandmother got a bunch of shit done in her 50s and 60s. it was extremely uncanny - grandma got a nosejob and facelift, and that thing that makes the eyes way more open and pulled up. my dad said she got a boob job too, lmao. it genuinely creeped me out as a kid, because the rest of her skin looked normally aged as an older woman, but then her face was all weird.

that said, i've always been interested in plastic surgery. i promised myself it'd be super subtle work and i'd have to be young so i wouldn't look insanely creepy. when i was 16 i had a breast reduction for my own comfort because i played sports, and i have no regrets at all, it's amazing to feel comfortable jogging and not sweating under my boobs in summer. i got a nose job at 18 bc it's culturally normal/got shoved down my throat a little bit.

i don't want anything else done now or probably ever tbh. i'm not afraid of aging. i like the way my nose is now, but sometimes i forget i changed my face and get surprised by my own reflection. its a super weird feeling when you get work done - you almost don't recognize yourself for a long time. seeing yourself feels very uncomfortable until you get used to it, & processing that the face you have always had isnt there anymore takes a while. the nose job made me sort of accept my other features, because they're what i recognize as myself when i look in the mirror.

my tinfoil is that when celebrities get increasingly mentally unhinged and they always botch their faces with extreme fillers/surgeries in the process, it has something to do with the almost psychotic implications of becoming wholly unrecognizable to your own brain idk

No. 426773

What? The groove between your chin and lips? That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen anyone complain about on here. Touch grass. Literally that’s just having a face in 3D. Your face is not a flat plane or smooth sphere nor should it be.

No. 426787

You mean on your chin? Is that not just a mild cleft chin? A little filler could fix it, yeah. It's not very noticeable though. Unless you're talking about something else, then I don't even see what it is.

Reminds me of something I heard someone say once that old people with Botox/fillers don't look any younger, they just look like smooth old people. Stuff like neck and hands are a tell of true age. But I guess Botox is expanding to include areas like that now. Having to get needles stuck everywhere in your body every month sounds like a nightmare though.

No. 426855

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would jaw augmentation surgery give me the stacy jaw ?

No. 426919

not unless you have hyperfeminine features to begin with, otherwise youll look like a troon

No. 427034

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Have any anons here had facial fat grafting done or know anyone that did? I'm curious to hear about personal experiences or second hand accounts since I'm interested in having my tear troughs done.

No. 427041

Aunt had it done for the under eye area, said it was an easy experience and she looks 10 years younger IMO. Fat grafting is very discreet surgery, but you have to remember less is more. After, you're still going to have eyebags just like in the picrel. It's just going to make them a little less noticeable. Make sure you do your research on the doctors. Remember that if you start losing a lot of weight, the fat graft can also be lost.

No. 427193

She hardly looks any different in the after pic. Still dark and hollow, just a little less so. Doesn't seem worth the cost IMO. I don't really believe in fillers for other parts of the face, but for undereyes they seem to be the only thing that really works.

No. 427197

The only difference I thought I saw is caused by her smiling I'm pretty sure. Where's the fat grafting done here? To her cheeks? I see anons talking about eyebags but I don't see a differece?

No. 427287

Went from 24 on the left to 35 on the right. Having a sharp, sculpted face makes you look older.

No. 427599


Why does every female celebrity seem to go on crusade against their low-set eyebrows and hooded eyes? I've never been a fan of the over lifted drag queen brows and huge buggish eyelids, couple that with her nose jobs and chronic ana face she's unrecognizable next to her original Kat Valentine look

No. 427601

hooded eyes look bad on camera

No. 427602

and they're also hard to do makeup on without eyeliner smudging, mascara getting on the brow part of the lid, or eyeshadow settling into the crease

No. 427629

It's actually not hard at all to do makeup that looks good and doesn't do all of that with modern makeup, something her makeup artists can definitely afford and do.

No. 427662

I met with a surgeon and had an appointment set for this procedure but ultimately canceled it
Some things to consider
>the fat on your face is smoother and more butter like than the fat on your body
>for fat grafting on the face, surgeons prefer to use facial fat fron elsewhere as body fat is lumpier
>that means you'll have a buccal fat removal precedure done with all that entails (aging/hollow cheeks)

The youtuber lorry hill had facial fat grafting and something went wrong where the fat got loose and caused her skin to necrotize. She has a video on it. It is a risk.

All of the above reason, plus the fact that I was post partum and set to lose weight (and have more kids and then lose weight again, which would potentially fuck up the precious fat cells on my eyes) made me decide against it/wait until later to reconsider my options.

No. 427664

What's the point of doing plastic surgery when you already have a moid locked down? Serious question. You already have him… you should feel free to get fat, wrinkled, or whatever else. Why bother trying to impress him when he's already locked down?

No. 427673

why are you talking like that

No. 427685

fat grafting is probably the most pointless surgery ever, honestly. 90% of the time the person looks exactly the same afterwards, the other 10% of the time they look like a bloated alien

No. 427689

Not everything is about impressing men anon. Sometimes people just want to feel good about themselves.

No. 427691

>im getting plastic surgery for myself
and other lies libfems tell(derailing)

No. 427697

If you need to meet men's beauty standards for women in order to feel good about yourself, you're not doing it for you lbr. I say that as someone who has had work done. Literally only did it because most scrotes are trash today and I want a better chance at a good quality one. Once he's locked down though who gives a shit. Even if he left because of it, half his shit will be yours plus alimony so most of them won't bother leaving. No point in trying to keep him impressed.(derailing)

No. 427704

I don't want to psychoanalyze why I get work done guys I just wanted to give that anon a reason why someone would not do that specific procedure. I see cosmetic work as an extension of other beauty treatments like dying hair or painting nails but with much higher stakes (thus I canceled my appointment because it seemed risky I wasn't going to be happy with it). You can navel gaze about women feeling the need to be beautiful as much as you want but I don't want to.
My husband is against cosmetic work and says I don't need it. I get botox so we have the conversation at least 4x a year. I'm not worried about him leaving me over my appearance but if he did he would be getting half of my money

No. 427709

Opinion discarded

No. 427712

painting your nails or dyeing your hair isnt as painful dangerous or masochistic as getting a bbl or labiaplasty besides most men hate nail polish and dyed hair kek(derailing)

No. 427713

Nta but anon is probably talking about dying gray hair which is absolutely something scrotes not only like but fully expect, not danger hair type of thing. Sounds like she's probably pretty old since she's popped out multiple crotch goblins.(derailing)

No. 427724

Depends on the color. Like the other anon said scrotes expect dyeing gray hair and lots of them like light-skinned brunettes going blonde. Scrotes hate unnatural colors, though can get away with blood red if you have a goth-ish aesthetic or pink if you'd look good blonde.

No. 427792

Can you not hold off on the misogyny for 5 minutes? Some people just come here to shit on women

No. 429993

Anons who have gotten a breast lift can you share your experience? Was it worth it for you? How much? Did you heal okay? Do you like your results? How did you find your surgeon? Etc etc

No. 430249

I’m planning to get Botox. Actually I want it for the masseter and the 11 lines and crowfeets. But that would be too much money for now so I will probably get it for the 11 lines and the crow feet’s because I’m tensing my brows all the time and I also feel the muscles around my eyes are tense. Also I’m considering a brow lift but I don’t want to look too different or freaky. I got Botox for bruxism once but I didn’t feel much of a difference. She also put a little bit between my brows then and I felt a huge difference for that part. Anyone got experience with these treatments? I’m hoping to achieve a relaxed look on my face. My life is just too stressful to achieve that naturally. Any recommendations are welcome.

No. 430272

It's because men are retarded and literally can't tell if anyone has had plastic surgery done unless they look completely bogged and distorted. Men will say they don't like it when a woman looks "overdone" and in the same breath say that they like now "natural" Kim Kardashian looks. These same men have NO IDEA that someone with subtle work like Taylor Swift has ever had lip filler or plastic surgery and would swear up and down that she's natural.

Also, they want to discourage the women they know IRL from getting attention from other moids. The same dudes that say "nOoOo men pReFeR nAtUrAl" are following IG baddies in the meantime, kek.

No. 430323

It's the same with Kpop idols. Men claim to hate plastic surgery but uphold Korean women who've had their entire skull remodelled as the peak of beauty. Men only hate plastic surgery when it doesnt serve their particular aesthetic preferences.

No. 430850

korean women look like children that's the thing. no one cares if they had surgery. Men only hate the surgeries that make a woman look more mature like all the jaw sculpting, eyebrow lifts, cheek fillers etc.

No. 432009

I finally finally, after thinking about for years, got chin filler!!!!!!! She explained to me that we will slowly build the chin up and for the first appointment 1ml is enough in my case. So mind you all my life I had basically no chin. It’s receding but that’s not the biggest issue, my chin is just mininime small. And also receding. And my jaw is wide so I’m Roblox-Chan. But now I have a chin and I’m so happy. I cannot believe it when I look in the mirror and I have a chin kek.

On a more serious note I’m kinda scared that I will end up bogged because it was so easy to change my face, what if I decide to just buy a new face for myself. I get why people ending up as plastic surgery addicts.

No. 432020

Just don’t get more things done if you’re happy? I don’t get people arguing that once you get something done you’ll get addicted and won’t be able to stop. That’s not at all how it works unless you have debilitating schizo levels of BDD, which most people don’t. I had a nose job and stopped at the nose job because it was my one insecurity. If I get into a freak accident then sure I might have my whole face remodelled but it’s not like the prices are so low that people will keep getting surgery just for little tweaks. Angry anti-surgery chans who think that are delulu.

No. 432061

What will happen when the filler inevitably migrates to your cheeks making you look older and fatter?
What must you go through as a child to believe the women who don’t blow money on butchering themselves for male attention are the delusional ones? Pick-me’s never prosper, thot.(infight bait/hide the thread if you dont like it)

No. 432071

Go back to your containment thread incelina

No. 432281

You are right I guess. I was just worried because sometimes I can get really obsessive. But for now I’m very happy.

As long as I’m not that unhinged everything will be fine kek

No. 433854

Is breast fat transfer any good? I've heard any fat transfer operations are always very risky because if the fat enters a vein or artery it will kill you.

No. 433895

No. It's a cute nose. Doesn't have a hump and isn't huge.

No. 433980

That does not happen in breasts but they don’t really last and dissipate a few months after the surgery because the body does not retain fat. You have to get multiple rounds or massively overfilled for the fat to retain and don’t really know how much will stay. But I have seen some good results because so many women are concerned about BIL moid surgeons have started to improve the techniques.

No. 434628

anyone have experience with sliding genioplasties? it seems like it doesn't get discussed too often. my chin is quite recessed but my jawline is fine so I'm considering the procedure, but it does seem kinda overkill and I'm scared of looking super masculine afterwards, plus there's a risk of killing your teeth/nerves

No. 434701

Seems like a much more invasive option. I suspect most PS would prefer an implant for your case

No. 434938

Is it worth getting a nose tip surgery to reduce it? Context is I have a very bulbous nose tip because of my ugly ass dad and I would be average or even pretty without it, but I’m ugly because of it and have been treated worse as a result. I’m also a burger, and wondering if I should travel overseas for the surgery where it’s cheaper.

No. 434951

I know cheaper doesn't necessarily mean worse but don't ever be stingy when it comes to major cosmetic surgeries. Rhinoplasty is a difficult and complex procedure and 40% of people regret their nose job which is why you need to find a good one who wont butcher you.

No. 436017

Bad idea to go abroad because if you experience any issues after the surgery, you won't be able to follow up. Some people have extreme swelling that doesn't go down without steroid shots and you need to be able to get back to the doc for that. Also not sure it would be worth the cost just for bulbousness. Depends on how much it bothers you daily, I guess. Mine was super wide (wider than my mouth) and had a big hump so it was worth it for me because the change was significant.

No. 436028

Am I illiterate? how was your nose tip wider than your mouth. I think that’s physiologically impossible.

No. 436031

Not the tip, I meant the nostrils.

No. 436379

Unless you’ve never had a baby, a totally flat stomach is possible.
If you’ve ever been pregnant or have been a fatty mcbutterchubs, or have a hernia a flat stomach a tummy tuck or abdominal surgery might be the solution.
I have diastisis recti (or however you spell it) from 2 pregnancies, and before the pregnancies I was super skinny, till I had 2 c sections, which I wasn’t told about binding or wearing an abdominal binder, so no matter what I had a “pouch” of fat, and no matter how much excersises, fat burning treatments, dieting etc I still had loose skin below my belly button, that made me incredibly uncomfortable and the diastisis recti made my life hell (back pain, incontience when sneezing, and inability to do regular crunches without my guys coming thru the opening) yuck I know!
It’s incredibly sad that cosmetic surgery is our only relief for this shit.
I’m getting my mini tuxk with muscle repair and I’m so nervous nonies

No. 436986

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How tf do you fix monkey lips? Aka, long ass philtrum, deep nasolabial folds, and weird maxilla protrusion

No. 437501

>long ass philtrum
Lip lift
>deep nasolabial folds,
Depends on the cause. Assuming it isnt age related: Midplane face lift maybe. Fat grafting maybe. Cheek implants. Maybe a firm cheek filler that wont migrate (run the risk of bog mode) Stay away from filler in the nasolabial folds
>and weird maxilla protrusion
Oral surgery or braces

No. 439217

I’m in an awkward situation. I have a feature that is so bad that even in adulthood I get made fun of and pitied for it. I tried to resist it for a long time, but recent comments from strangers about how ugly I am have been too much and I’m ready to get surgery now.

The problem is, the feature I’m getting surgery to address is basically a slightly more extreme version of a feature my mom has. Back when I was a teenager and admitted to her I was thinking about plastic surgery, she got really offended and asked me if I thought she was ugly because if it, and if I said no (truthfully, I just have a worse feature combination), then she asserted that there’s no reason for me to get surgery. I have a really good relationship with my mom and I’m worried this will ruin it and it will be a source of tension for the rest of my life, especially because this surgery tends to leave a scar and I worry she’ll just fixate on the scar and be disappointed in me forever. I know you guys might say “well who cares what your mom thinks” but I am super close with her, we hang out all the time, and due to the HCL area, I still live at home paying reduced rent while I save for a down payment on a townhouse.

What should I do? How should I handle this? How should I tell her? I’m so sick with anxiety about this.

No. 439453

>recent comments from strangers
They're strangers who you will never see again, why care?

No. 439463

Has anyone considered sculptra? I have a super gaunt face that doesn’t go away unless I’m overweight. I’m aging rapidly due to having no fat on my face and I don’t want to do fillers because I’m only 26 and those will only age me more. Is it worth it to look into a fat transfer to the face in this case?

No. 439471

Yeah, why would anyone care about being called ugly all the time when they go out in public? So silly!

No. 439473

It would help if you actually said what's the surgery and the part of your body you're talking about. It's hard to give any advice on plastic surgery if we don't know which one it is. For all I know, your mom might be right.

No. 439475

Not what I’m asking. I’m not asking if I should get the surgery, I’ve done a lot of research and considered it for 10 years. (I’m also a portrait artist so I have a good grasp of facial proportion/balance.) I was asking for advice about how to deal with the interpersonal issues that come with having plastic surgery.

No. 439476

Depends on what it is and what you really truly want. Strangers opinions don't matter. On the other hand, as someone who lost their parents early, don't shape your life around your parents wants no matter how good the relationship is, they're really not going to be there forever and you're going to have to live with your feature until you die. I wouldn't do it out of peer pressure though, a lot of PS regret stories I hear are from women who got surgeries to conform to a standard and then got dysmorphia over not looking like themselves anymore because they never actually hated how they looked

No. 439482

I think the advice thread would be better in your case. She clearly doesn't approve your surgery, talk to her about what motivated you to get it and try to convince her. There's a chance she'll never understand and resent you for it and keep pointing it out, but that's a something you should potentially accept. Are you going to be happy with the surgery no matter what people tell you? From whay you described, you're thorn about getting the surgery because of other's comments, be it your mom's or strangers comments. How resolved within yourself are you about this surgery? You really can't control what others think or tell you. Let's say you have the surgery and people still mock you or call you ugly, then what? Would you ignore them because you would feel genuinely better about it? That's all something to consider. By the little you shared, your mother will probably still love you and support you, she might feel betrayed or disapprove, but it doesn't seem like you would be at risk of being disowned. But I wouldn't recommend getting the surgery before actually discussing this with her. It's not going to be an easier conversation if you move out and get the surgery away from her. She might even feel more offended by that, which is clearly somrthing you dont want to get between you two.

No. 439515

Nonas! I got my mini tummy tuck with full muscle repair, and my drains come out tomorrow!
I dont have friends thatll be happy for me, but I wanted to share how much better I feel about myself now

No. 439546

Congrats i hope the healing process goes smoothly.

No. 439618

Filler is the only thing that truly helps with volume less tbh. Fat transfers have a lot of risks and don't last long. I would suggest going with a conservative amount of filler, like only 0.5 in each cheek to start or whatever. Filler only ages you if you overfill.

No. 439619

Congratulations anon!

No. 439668

I've had it done for 11s and crows. Very easy, results set in very fast. You really don't need a lot especially if you have a small face. I got my 11s done and I guess that retrained my facial muscles so I just stopped knitting by brows together and while I have regained the capacity to emote my brows that way the 11s have never come back.

congrats nona! I don't get why this is considered cosmetic surgery when it repairs the muscles.

No. 439699

Did you only get 11s and crows feet’s? I went through with it and my injector told me she also has to do the forehead. Now my forehead is frozen and I hate it.

No. 439706

I only did the 11s and crows feet. I don't move my forehead very much to begin with for whatever reason so there wasn't anything to do to my forehead. Did you just get it done? The effect peaks at 2 weeks in and starts dissipating from there.

Personally I think most people could get away with way less than most practitioners recommend. I get 10-16 units all together between my crows feet and 11s (haven't done my 11s in ages). Meanwhile I read about people getting 10 units around one eye alone. You can always add more botox but you can't really take it away.

No. 439738

Do it, it's your life, not your mom's, especially if said feature is an ugly nose.

No. 439761

Thanks everyone for the advice. I think what I’m going to do is only tell my parents after I have it all scheduled and the plane flight booked etc. especially because my dad does this thing where if he doesn’t agree with a decision I make in my life he basically harasses me about it, trying to “””discuss””” it with me until I agree with him, and if I set boundaries and tell him I don’t want to “””discuss””” with him any more he accuses me of being non-communicative and immature and then ironically throws a giant man baby tantrum and harasses me like crazy. I honestly think he will be the one most angry at me but I don’t value my relationship with him as much as my mom kek. I think my mom will accept it even if it’s awkward for a while after. It just sucks it has to be such a giant fight. Did anyone else have parents who reacted really badly to you getting surgery or aren’t parents just really intense?

No. 439765

That's rough, my parent didn't really care, as long as I was the one paying for it. My situation was different, I got bullied in school and my nose was one of the main targets on me, I was the only one with that nose in my family too. I had a nose job and I look much more like my mother now. I had a smooth experience and people can't tell I had work done, so technically I had a successful case, but I'm going to be honest with you. I had a lot of internal issues after, I felt like I betrayed myself. If I have any advice, as others have said, your parents will not be in your life forever and the people saying nasty shit are not the ones you should be listening to. Try to resolve the issues with yourself first and foremost. If you're ok with your decision, then dealing with others is much easier, but when you're second-guessing yourself, external criticism hits much harder because it might reinforce an internal battle. If you know your parents will give you a hard time, you gotta make sure you're extra confident in yourself for it, otherwise, it might make you miserable.

No. 439766

Thanks for your reply, I’m glad your parents were chill and that your experience was a success. One thing I don’t really understand though is
>the people saying nasty shit are not the ones you should be listening to. Try to resolve the issues with yourself first and foremost.
What does resolve the issues with yourself even mean? Isn’t pretty much every average case of PS a case of not liking how others perceive you? Personally I’m not one of those people who ever bought the pop feminist “doing it for myself” mantra in regards to beauty stuff, it just doesn’t hold up to logical scrutiny imo.
I will say that ever since I decided on letting myself get the surgery, I’ve already felt so much happier and confident because now I know I won’t have to think about how I’m going to live with this feature for the rest of my life. I can already imagine how much of a difference it will make to be able to go outside and not think about how people are looking at me anymore. It does go against my values but… somehow I think I can more easily live with the “mistake” of betraying my values once, than live with the feature and all that comes with that for the rest of my life. I’m not going to be a perfect feminist activist and I have to come to terms with that and cut myself a little slack for once. That’s what I’ve been thinking anyway.

No. 439787

I see. My injector said if she leaves out the forehead I would get weird Spock brows because my muscle would want to get that upward movement going, do you know what I mean. But actually my muscles want to pull downwards all the time. I will see if I find a new injector. It’s tough though.

I got the Botox 1 month ago. It will wear off and it will be ok. Just a very weird feeling to not be able to move your forehead. I’m jealous of people with forehead wrinkles now actually. It’s a privilege kek

I do like the eye opening effects of the 11s and crows feet Botox though. I hope my eyebrow muscles do the same as yours and stop doing their thing

No. 439916

You can't fully control how others perceive you. You would be changing a feature and that's it. If it's too striking and calls too much attention to the point you feel it's the source of a problem, then yes, one solution is to change it. I don't know how you look or how much it would affect you, and I believe you when I say that it draws unwanted attention. Just don't put too much expectation beyond what it is. For all I know, people might still stare at you for whatever reason even after the surgery. I'm not dissuading you to not doing it, like I said, I had ps myself, I'm just saying changing our body/face does affect your mind and it will be extra hard since your parents may nag you. Only you know how having this feature affects your life, so it's your decision. I personally had the surgery at my lowest moment, so it wasn't the best time to make life-altering choices. By resolving the issue I guess I meant, to be realistic and aware of expectations and possible outcomes.

No. 439937

>how was your nose tip wider than your mouth. I think that’s physiologically impossible.
nta but my nose tip definitely wider/same size as my mouth, I have a very tiny mouth + a fat nose. It’s a horrific combo

No. 440108

How do you find reputable surgeons? I once saw someone say there's underground forums or something for it because obviously all the public reviews on realself and the doctor rating websites are heavily altered. They always say to do your research but I don't know how? Where can you find reliable information?

No. 440381

Bumping because I really need advice…(do not bump a thread for no reason)

No. 440409

Reading this thread makes me realize that even though plastic surgery is bigger than ever, people still don't know much about it or facial structure or anything technical related to it. It's crazy.

No. 440430

Would you post some sources to read about it? Genuinely asking. I'm only thinking of a rhinoplasty with a reconstruction surgery both for looks and breathing, since I have a deviated septum. As well as maybe something about my teeth and jawline. And an eyelid lift on one of my eyes because my lid slightly covers my eye, I don't know if it obstructs my vision or not though because it's a recent realization that it's actually too low/saggy.

No. 440461

Is tixel a good option for a eyebrow/lid lift? I've heard bad things about it like fat loss, which I'm trying to gain with prp
I'm not looking for invasive procedures so I'm out of options aside from that I think, scared of botox as well so it's a no

No. 442150

Make damn sure you find a BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON! these are the MFs that specialise in cosmetic surgery.
Places like Sonobello, etc have a bad, nasty, and deciteful practice where the "Doctor" could be any kind of doctor, and doing your surgery, like these could be a pediatrician, gastro, etc, thats doing your shit, and alot of the time, they be fucking shit up on girls, I fell DEEP into a rabbit hole on a [place called goals. DEFS DO NOT GO THERE. a board certified is what you gotta look for first and foremost

No. 442153

Tummytuck Anon here, The recovery is brutal; Ive been having to not workout (which is awful to me) and wear an itchy hot ass binder; I had 2 drains that were laying over my hip bones which was the worst part; happy to say i got them removed finnally. My belly button is nappy looking; but im trusting the process (the fixed my sagging ass belly button) With tummy tucks, they sew your skin tighter so i was walking like an old lady for the first couple of weeks, had to use a walker, im almost straight when standing, the small pouch of loose skin was cut and tucked, which was my biggest insecurity. oh and coughing, farting shitting etc was horrible, because them muscles are sewd together the pain was indescribable, I could feel jesus weeping.

Pre OP (and on multiple other visits) I discussed my concern about the muscle seperation above my belly button; the surgeon was like " oh your skinny you dont need it" yadda yadda yadda. Anyways, before surgery when he was drawing the lines and shit, I told him, again, about my ab seperation above my belly button,it felt like he blew me off.
So i wake up; After the surgery; lo and behold, my muscles were tightened from my sternum to my lower stomach and i was looking SNATCHED to the damn gods; He told me on my check up visit that he wasnt about to tighten it if it didnt need it; thank god he did,

advice for yall; dont be afraid to speak up, yall going for plastic surgery; yall paying peoples salaries.

No. 444327

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I had a sliding genioplasty done 8 months ago and ended up with step-offs. My surgeon said we can shave the bone down (Hoping for something like on the right) but I'm wondering if it's worth it. If you ended up with the left in pic related would you just leave it be or deal with the time/money/recovery to get it fixed

No. 444330

I’ve always wanted to get my nose done

No. 444342

The difference is insanely miniscule.. I'm not going to deny there's social benefits to being pretty but I'm not sure the benefits outweight the monetary costs and recovery here..

No. 444348

I would leave it, it’s not really noticeable and it doesn’t look bad. Not worth another procedure imo. I would literally never notice that if I saw you out and about.

No. 444366

Out of curiosity, is it bone, tissue, or loose skin? I'm not familiar with the term step off

No. 444373


Thank you nonnas, it's hard to look at oneself objectively so I appreciate the feedback.


It's bone, basically after a genioplasty you can end up with this "step off" between where the bone was cut and its new position

No. 445046

I’m going to start meeting with surgeons soon, what are red and green flags to look for in these initial consultations? I’m totally clueless.

No. 445072

Didn’t know it’s a thing:( I’m getting sliding genio next month and now I’m a little bit afraid that could also happen to me, It doesn’t look that horrible though, but I would still prefer not to have it… Should I talk to my surgeon about that? How many mm was your advancement?(emoji)

No. 445096

I would get it touched up, your doctor right now is amenable to working with you and that might only be available (via him) for a limited amount of time. If you go back to him in 5 years he might quote you a lot more than he is offering now.

No. 445765


Yeah I would definitely talk to your doctor about sufficiently shaving down the bone! My doctor said he did shave some down but I guess it wasn't enough? I'm not sure what the actual advancement from my natural chin was because I actually had a chin implant prior (It was eroding into my bone which is why I got the genioplasty).


Very true, it wouldn't be too pricy for me to do it now which is where I'm seriously considering just going ahead and doing it because I'd hate for it to keep bothering me and cost me way more later on, especially as I get older and the skin becomes more likely to sag

No. 445774

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Does anyone have any experience with masseter botox? I've clenched my jaw and ground my teeth throughout my entire life (I have a mouthguard for it now) and I'd like some relief for my tight jaw. But moreso, I swear now that I'm in my 30s, my jaw looks physically wider than when I see photos of myself from just 8 years ago. My face/jaw was always a slim oval or heart-shape, similar to the woman in the very top right of picrel. Now, especially when I smile, I feel like my head looks like a pumpkin with a pointed chin. It's really bothering me. I've read about some negative experiences on Reddit with women saying it made their face look droopier and jowly, which I'm afraid of. I'd rather have a square face than a jowly face.

No. 445776

If you grind your teeth during the night or otherwise clench your jaw, then botox would be a good treatment for you. Although a lot of people only think of botox as a cosmetic treatment, there are some medical applications for it, like in your case. Botox is very different when used medicinally vs. cosmetically, how it's used, how much is used, and how much it costs. Usually, insurance will cover botox treatments for certain health conditions (like hyperhidrosis, or teeth grinding), so make sure you inquire with your insurance about it as they may give you coverage or a rebate. Re: side effects: you won't know how botox affects you until you have it done. If you don't like the effects of the botox, you only have to wait 2 or 3 months and then you're back to square one, and there's not many long-term consequences of its use.

Before you commit to botox though, I'd suggest first trying other methods. Since you grind your teeth, even if you get botox, that won't stop the teeth grinding. It's a chronic issue, so you'll always have to deal with it until you find a proper solution. Do you perform facial massages? Have you ever tried gua sha?

No. 445783

late but what kind of filler do you recommend for facial volume? If I got filler I’d plan on doing it once and leaving it alone but I’m scared that it will migrate or curdle under the skin eventually.

No. 445792

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Ntayrt but it depends on what area of the face you're talking about. Take a look at picrel, it shows you all the different types of Juvederm products and where they're best applied. There are other fillers besides Juvederm of course, but I trust Juvederm the most.

No. 446223

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Anyone had any experience with professional teeth whitening?

No. 446225

What they call cleaning? If so, I get it every 6 months, removing calculus and tea/coffee stains etc. Makes my teeth white and shiny, but they return to their prior state after a while because of my lifestyle choices.

No. 446226

If you mean what they used to call bleaching or zoom whitening, I did when I was a teenager. It made them a bit sensitive for awhile but I have whitening trays for touch ups that I still use and they are very very white. You have to follow the rules of upkeep tho, and nothing that could stain for like a week after having it done.

No. 446561

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After losing weight I am seriously considering a breast lift/augmentation and a body contour or tummy tuck. I'm 30 and I look like a mom in her 40s. My breasts sag like crazy and I have an apron belly. Then skin on both looks disgusting, it's so wrinkly. My face is also getting more defined nasolabial folds and it's making me look so old. Seriously considering just ballooning again, what's the point in losing weight if I look nasty and deflated.

No. 446589

I have gotten masseter botox. I experienced the jowl issue but fixed it with kybelline or dr lipo injections.

No. 446601

Is it normal for botox to not make your wrinkle go away? I developed a deep nasty 11 wrinkle in my mid-20s and got botox done to try to get it to go away. I got 25 units which is a lot and it froze my eyebrows so I couldn’t squeeze them together. But the wrinkle didn’t go away after 3 months of Botox. Now my Botox is wearing off and it’s almost time for me to get it done again. I’m just wondering if it was supposed to go away in the 3 months that I wasn’t able to move my eyebrows? Like do I have to get filler or sculptra at this point? I use retin-A on the wrinkle every night and that hasn’t helped too much either.

I do think the wrinkle has gotten a little lighter but I’m still paranoid that it’s permanent atp. Any advice? I honestly wouldn’t care as much if these were crows feet or smile lines because those are associated with happiness whereas the 11s are associated with stress. Honestly at this point I think it may have something to do with how I sleep because I only have one 11, like as if I’m only wrinkling or perhaps smushing one side of my face. I’ve tried looking into different pillows as I’m a side sleeper and have failed at trying to covert myself to sleeping on my back.

No. 446611

Botox will soften wrinkles and prevent them from getting worse, but Botox only wont completely get rid of wrinkles. Before you think of other cosmetic solutions, first make sure that you're taking care of yourself by drinking at least 3L of water a day, applying sunscreen, and avoiding overly processed or artificially sweetened foods. You could also look into Gua Sha massage techniques, some people say it helps with wrinkles and general facial harmony. You could also try to Frownie patches, they're these type of soft bandage you put on before you sleep at night to prevent your face from moving while you sleep. Usually with 11 wrinkle, that can happen when we're sleeping and unconsciously furrowing our brows. If all else fails, you could try a very small bit of filler to try and correct the lines by plumping them.

No. 446612

I would not go the filler route unless it was the last option.
You still have RF microneedling, acid peels, co2 laser as options to tighten skin. I would ask a plastic surgeon about any other treatment options they have before getting filler. Youll want a plastic surgeon consult and not an esthetician consult imo. Some estheticians are filler happy.
I do also wonder if your side sleeping is causing the problem like you said.

No. 446748

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I know this isn’t surgery related but I can’t find an appropriate thread for this, and I’ve been thinking about this as an alternative option to eyelid surgery.
so I’ve been curious about this product for a very long time. my eyelids are very hooded and my jaw is kind of fat, do any of you girls know any good and reliable places to get those face/eye lifting tapes Asian women and lady Gaga uses?? I’m not referring to the stickers that lift your eyelids and get rid of the hooded eyelid look that you’ve probably seen girls on Douyin use, I mean those stickers that pull your eyes and cheek and jaw fat up.
I want my skin to be pulled UP.
Reccomendations much appreciated like I mentioned.

No. 446758

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Thanks for the advice but I do everything you already mentioned.
Thanks anon. My Botox injector who only does Botox said that she wouldn’t do filler because she thinks it could potentially migrate to the eyes. I also have seen some women who said it took a few rounds to get the wrinkle to completely go away and I am praying that it will be the same for me as well.

Any recommendations on what kind of peels would help in this case? I can look into the other options but I think the peels are probably cheapest. I will also try to consult a plastic surgeon if they don’t go away after the next round of Botox fades.

Also this is another question but has anyone tried a Save My Face pillow? I heard about this from other women who had the same issue and now am thinking of getting one to see if it helps. I already tried those stiff ass pillows that restrict your movement to reach you to sleep on your back and all it did was make me not sleep at all, which is a problem because I have a job kek.

No. 446770

are fillers the only option for hollow eyes? I use hyaluronic acid and it has helped a bit. Will getting 8 hours of sleep daily fix this?

No. 446772

You shouldn’t do fillers for the under eye area because even if it’s done by someone with skill, the fillers themselves can eventually clump under the skin and it will look terrible as the skin is thinner under the eyes. It doesn’t happen to everyone but is more common than most people believe. I recommend looking into PRP injections and other alternatives to filler. I also understand your pain as someone with hollow under eyes.

No. 446774

I'm experiencing hollowness in the upper eye area too. I think fat grafts might be the best solution eventually.

No. 446776

Honestly I would be very wary of injecting anything near my eyes, even fat kind of freaks me out.

No. 447146

TCA peels are really potent if you do it multiple times. I suspect they can be more effective than regular microneedling but less effective than the $1000 treatments obviously. You can get them done in a clinic for $100 -200 or you can DIY it at home. There are tutorials on youtube how to DIY it but it is extremely dangerous. You risk going blind if it gets in your eyes for instance. I do 70% glycolic peels (i am working up to TCA peels. Glycolic acid peels are less strong) and it's spooky.

No. 456543

checking in: i had a brow lift, cheek lift, facial fat transfer and and rhinoplasty two weeks ago.
brows and cheeks overcorrection has come down a lot but still has me looking like an alien. doctor said give it at least four weeks so i’m hanging in there. one side of my face looks more normal but chubby, while the other the contour of my cheek looks very handsome swuidward-esque.
rhino bandages came off two days ago and i’m fairly happy with it. the results makes me ambivalently hopeful the rest resolves itself similarly. after images on realself are like at least 2 months post op so i’m trying very hard to be optimistic and patient. however, predictably, the tip reduction also made my longer philtrum more obvious and alien, which i already wanted to correct with a lip lift too. the idea of going through this AGAIN has trying not to be even more angry with myself i even started on this road.
it’s too soon to really judge but i can’t help but regret this shit—hard. looking back at rare photos of myself i was a below average looking girl, but at least i was natural. now it’s christmas time and i’m too embarrassed with what i’ve done to myself to see my own mother. thank god i work from home.
i will be back with an update in a few weeks; fingers crossed that i’m feeling and looking better.

No. 456932

Your feelings are totally normal I promise. I went through it too. It's really just the swelling and you got 3 separate things done in one go so the swelling is going to be even worse.

No. 457083

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it.

No. 459942

>fat relocation surgeries
whats the consensus on fat relocation to your face? Sounds kinda risky, but well, we age and so do our faces. Filler sounds like too much of a hustle, and you have to get a refill after 2 years

No. 462468

When I got a rhinoplasty, I absolutely hated it for the first 6 months, I thought I was botched. After 12 months, I loved it and I still think my surgeon did amazing work. There is so much swelling that happens during plastic surgery, even if it doesn't seem like swelling. I remember thinking after 4 weeks "all the swelling is gone!" meanwhile my nose was still as hard as a rock until 10 months after the surgery. It takes a long time for the internal swelling to go down, even after the swelling on the surfaces subsides.

It takes 12-18 months for the results to "settle" and for you to see what it actually looks like. Don't fret about your results yet, because what you're seeing right now aren't the results; it's the complications of surgery. Once a year passes, you'll be able to make an accurate judgement of your appearance because you'll be seeing the actual results free of swelling.

No. 464228

been two more weeks! Shortly after I posted this I caught a upper respiratory tract infection and couldn't keep food down for a few days. It has me concerned about the fat transfer since doctor said no diet or exercise for months. Yet to see if those days affected it or not. It was good though in that it kept my mind off my face for a bit.
Presently hovering in between 'I look amazing!' and 'I look like a plastic surgery freak!' but I can say for certain there's a big improvement. Comparing now to my before photos I straight up looked like a dog, like I had a fucking snout. My cheeks have come down a lot and are looking more symmetrical, but one side remains a little more 'carved' than the other. Dimples on my temples are still present but I'm able to cover those with my hair when I go out. I love my apple cheeks and an added bonus is my fine smile lines are disappearing. My philtrum length isn't even that bad, just seeing more of it sent me for a loop.
Looking forward to how I heal up. The post-surgery depression is wild. Thank you to anons who replied.

No. 464982

how do I get rid of post-surgery scars. Asking for a friend

No. 465226

Anyone ever do surgery for scars? I have really nasty self harm scars on my arms that I want to get rid of. I have a word carved into my wrist that I try my best to cover up with long sleeves. I’ve already tried all the OTC remedies and steroid injections but I think I’m gonna try getting a skin graft, z-plasty, or w-plasty because no matter how much I fix the color or texture I will still look like a freak who carved words into my arm.

Any advice?

No. 465228

I’m the self harm anon above and if they’re raised, then you can do steroid injections later on to flatten them. But this will make them lighter temporarily. ultimately your best bet is to use all the OTC stuff you can NOW after your surgery because once they “heal” you’re fucked. Some options;
> mederma to lighten (as they heal)
> silicone sheets to flatten (as they heal), I’ve heard silicone gel and lube does the same thing
> extra strength retin-a (once healed) for boosting collagen, restoring pigment
> steroid injections (once healed) to flatten
> lasers to restore and lighten scars, there are derms at my health insurance provider who can do lasering for scars

If you do the first two religiously now then you will be much better off. Whatever you do, go to a dermatologist and don’t bother going to a med spa as it won’t be covered.

No. 465500

Try looking into recombinant enzymes. I believe the main brand that produces them is PBSerum.

No. 466228

Think I'm going to bite the bullet and consult for genio and whatever else this year. Fuck it.

No. 470299

I got a sliding genioplasty last week and I absolutely fucking hate it. I should have never touched anything. I feel cringe as fuck with this post surgery regret but I shouldn't have done this. My entire jaw shape from the front is completely different which I didn't know would happen. I'm going to ask my surgeon about reversing it. Anybody else gone through this or similar?

No. 472604

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How do I fix this? I don't know if this is my dysphoria acting up but I hate my side profile so fucking much and I don't know what should I do to fix it, I know there's something wrong with it and I think it's my nose, it's just too big. I feel like I have too much bone in my face and I want to shave it off. I don't feel feminine at all

No. 472611

What are you talking about? Your bone structure is nice and attractive. The nose is a bit short though which gives it a "masculine" look though, and a bit too projected forward. But not sure how could something like that be fixed with plastic surgery. Removing the hump can be a good start.

No. 472636

She doesn’t even have a hump. Please stop telling everyone to get a ski slope nose. They do not look good on everybody. Having bone in your nose bridge area is normal. It’s because your face is made of bones.

No. 472638

Your only problem is the hair. It looks like a glam rock band from the 80s. Your face looks completely fine.

No. 472644

Yes it's the dysphoria. You have a very cute profile, the nose isn't too big at all, it's perfectly proportionate to the rest of your face.
Your post makes me so sad, you look so young and cute and yet still have all these horrible self loathing feelings. I mean I get it, we've all been there. But there is seriously nothing wrong with you.

No. 472655

Give me a bit of your bones for my flattened with a pan face with no definition

No. 472699

the only thing wrong with you is spending too much time looking at photoshopped filtered botched instamodels

No. 472720

sorry I made the photo after applying oil on my hair, normally it doesn't look as greasy, although it's far from perfect
thank you anon I know it might just be my mental illness, but no amount of people telling me I look fine or even good in person can change how I feel, I feel the uncanny valley every time I look in the mirror, I thought I would feel better after I learn how to do make up, but it feels like putting lipstick on a pig, I feel like a tranny, like a man trying to look feminine every time I wear make up or wear something else than baggy oversized clothes
It's not just that, every day on the street I see young women who just look normal and have harmonic unoffensive faces, meanwhile my features are too striking to me or assymetrical. I can't find ANYTHING that works on me, be it make up, clothing or hair style, it always looks off like something is wrong with me

No. 472806

File: 1737244783893.jpeg (95.4 KB, 735x900, IMG_9017.jpeg)

Learn to work with your features. There’s lots of things you could try. A gothy look would suit you, or a more glam early Madonna vibe. If you force yourself into an aesthetic that doesn’t suit you, you might end up hating how you look and blaming it on your features instead of the fact that you’re just not enhancing what you’ve got and trying to look like other women who may look totally different. I think you look fine, just play with it and see what you like.

No. 473097

> every day on the street I see young women who just look normal and have harmonic unoffensive faces, meanwhile my features are too striking to me or assymetrical
you are genuinely retarded oh my fucking god if you end up ruining your face with plastic surgery it's almost deserved. sorry for the harsh words but you need to grow up, with a face like that your attitude is just pathetic.

No. 473109

I swear you've posted here before, I recognise your lips, hair and profile. Everyone was saying you looked like a marble sculpture. Anyway, you're nuts. Almost enough to make me wonder if you're compliment fishing here. But yeah if you touch your face I will be very upset with you.

No. 473111

Yeah it's the collarbone stacy, I also recognized her. She might be fishing but she also might be genuinely ill, I've seen a youtube channel of a girl who looked perfectly normal and even had pretty lips, teeth and jaw shape, but she had over 50 videos where she cried she's the most disgusting person ever, she taped her nose in order not to look at it, and it all seemed genuine to me, she looked tormented. It doesn't matter what you tell those people, they will view themselves as deformed

No. 473122

Its 100% your brain playing tricks on you. Get rid of the mirrors in your house and tape your selfie camera. It gets better with time

No. 473123

People complimenting you or not will not change how you see yourself, plastic surgery will not change how you see yourself. The only solution I found was to cut out everything that made me think about my appearance. It's impossible to avoid it all, but there are things you can do. Avoid mirrors unless necessary, avoid taking selfies, avoid following people for their looks only that you compare yourself, and avoid beauty influencers. Do these at least for a while, not forever obviously, until you realize you can live your days without obsessing about it. You'll see it doesn't affect your life the way you thought it did. You're not bad looking, we can tell, so you're definitely overthinking and wasting too much energy on this. The monster is in your head, stop feeding it and its voice will not be so loud.

No. 473131

You need to get off social media and take a
meditation retreat. You are mentally ill.

No. 473158

excellent advice

No. 473767

File: 1737394976827.jpeg (85.24 KB, 1024x673, IMG_1337.jpeg)

Nonas, what are your opinions on tear trough implants/ facial implants in general? It makes sense to me to fix a deficiency with something that mimics bone, vs soft tissue (fat/filler).

No. 473822

I've considered them, particularly ones that would make my cheeks look more full from the front, but what freaks me out is that over time they can actually deteriorate the bone underneath. Also, I don't like how most of the implants on the market are cookie cutter shapes. You have to either go to a surgeon that knows how to tailor them to give you exactly what you want (as opposed to just nodding along and giving you the generic implant that widens your cheekbones), or get custom made ones that will be all the more expensive.

No. 475229

I'm no expert but maybe it's too soon to see the final results? Surely there must be a lot of swelling with genio? I'm worried too because I'm afraid of jaw harmony

No. 475284

>they can actually deteriorate the bone underneath
Nta, but that's fucking terrifying. Does a fat transfer under the eyes have any bad risks? I trust fat transfers more than fillers, fillers scare me. But I really want to do something about my under eyes, they are so bad looking I feel incredibly insecure about them

No. 475286

guys don't do this to yourselves. i'm sorry to be negative in the PS thread but implants are so gross and scary and will likely migrate

No. 475307


No. 479265

Is a fox eye lift or eyelid fillers better for hollow eyes? My eyes are sort of downturned and buggy and I'd like them to look more upturned and feline. When I stretch the skin at the side of my temples they look much better.

No. 479355

File: 1738459393724.png (999.38 KB, 693x1092, Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 01.17…)

just stop fighting your natural eye shape
hollow/round eyes are beautiful and give an innocent, bambi beauty quality as opposed to the more fierce beauty of hooded eyes

people's eye shape naturally fits the rest of their face based on their bone structure and messing with your natural shape can easily ruin your whole face because it literally isn't meant to suit you genetically

No. 479400

File: 1738465052638.jpeg (199.05 KB, 1289x1292, IMG_5800.jpeg)

I want results like this, is this too good to be true?

No. 479401

she would look super weird and different irl

No. 479402

Her new nose looks horrendous. Why do nose jobs always look so bad, even the “good” ones?? It seems like the surgeons always go too far. Uncanny looking.

No. 479403

Anon her “new” eyes are photoshopped. Look at the warped shape of the irises. Irises should be perfectly circular. Please don’t be stupid.

No. 479404

You are retarded beyond belief

No. 479405

I've seen this go viral on Twitter, and tbh I smell a fake. I tried to look into this surgeon and not only is there almost no information about him or where he's located, he claims he can achieve this without surgical intervention, and instead uses "robots" or something?? Also, I couldn't find any of these patients coming forward on video. Yeah, it's a scam.

No. 479432

>can't close her mouth
>nostrils so small she probably can't breathe properly
>clearly the face is edited

No. 479501

>Does a fat transfer under the eyes have any bad risks?
Fat can necrotize and lump, and because the undereye area has thin skin it has a good chance of looking lumpy. Migration is something I've heard can happen but that could be due to placement (not going deep enough?) but I'm not totally sure. Also, not all the fat injected stays - so there's a possibility of getting asymmetrical results that you'll have to get more fat transfers to fix. Sometimes more of the fat takes than anticipated too, which can make you look puffy and goofy asf. Also, there's the risk of fat accidentally getting injected into a vein, which could result in an embolism(?)(something not good lol). You could definitely circumvent that with a wider cannula though. Just make sure you vet your surgeon and ask.

No. 479503

I hate how deceptive surgeons are. Review manipulation/censorship, shooped results, taking liberties and doing extra stuff while they have you under… In Korea some clinics will even have you thinking you're having a surgery with one doc and then switch them out with someone completely different that you don't know while you're asleep!

No. 479586

You're so beautiful lol, stop looking at women who shop themselves

No. 479587

Can you actually do face lift with massages or is that cope?

No. 479594

its copium. you can reduce a little bit of swelling or water bloating at most, that's it.

No. 479598

>Russian' just activates a coom instinct in moid brains because it seems like some exotic, mysterious and far away land. You could literally show a picture of a 5/10 random woman and say she is Russian and moids would be like :O

I hate how much coombrained moids are they literally fetishize a fucking nationality?

No. 479601

File: 1738521619746.jpg (295.58 KB, 1080x1672, 1738414750908186.jpg)

I am 21 years old and I am deathly afraid of aging out. I take care of my skin every day, I don't smoke, I don't drink and sometimes I consume collagen.
I'm still afraid. After browsing incel forums this fear became even worse.
What I need to do to actually age fine?

No. 479603

Work on your self esteem. I'm serious. Take a year to go to therapy/do coaching/re-evaluate your life and your friendships and check back in a year, you are extremely young to be afraid of aging. And of course stop browsing incel forums and reddit.

No. 479604

>I'm still afraid. After browsing incel forums this fear became even worse
Well you could start by not doing this

No. 479609

I know that my self esteem is fucked. It's always been like this.
But I want skin care tips, therapy is a waste of time anyways.
Yeah I'm trying to stop but I was obsessed with it for at least year or two.

No. 479611

Understand it’s mostly up to genetics how you age, accept it, and log off. Dont let the skincare industry take advantage of your weakness and don’t listen to moids, they have awful taste.

No. 479618

Tretnoin, sunscreen, sun protective clothing, healthy diet, drink lots of water, exercise, minimise stress.

No. 479619

>but I was obsessed with it for at least year or two.
Why? Nonnie those are dysgenic men with a vendetta.

No. 479622

Literally this. You will age. There’s nothing you can do about it. Obsessing over it wil change nothing. No one cares that you’re aging except you. Who care about the opinion of ugly hideous incels???? If you’re concerned about finding a moid, just remember that the freaks on 600lbs life are almost always married or in a relationship. They can screech about youth but it’s only because young adults like yourself are idiots and easily manipulated. Has nothing to do with their skin kek

Just stay hydrated, stay out of the sun, and moisturize.

No. 479624

Also there’s literally nothing wrong with that woman. Maybe a better haircut but she looks fine and is aging. Like everyone does. I work with a lot of women in their 50s and 60s and they’re all beautiful and have aged skin.

No. 479626

> deathly afraid of aging out
Genuinely try to spend less time online. It's normal to not want to age prematurely but it stops being normal or healthy when it becomes an all consuming concern. Make sure you excersise regularly, not just for your skin but also to retain mobility in your older years (arguably more important than how your skin looks)

No. 479627

> I want skin care tips
Diet, minimising stress, sleeping well and not drinking/doing alcohol is much more important and effective than doing skin care, aside from daily suncreen.

No. 479643

Why do you care what dysgenic men who will never fuck think

No. 479652

>Why do you care what dysgenic men who will never fuck think
Literally kek

Please listen to other nonas and spend less time online.

No. 479789

You're not afraid of aging and you should reflect on what really is bothering you. Were you afraid of aging at age 5? Are you upset you aged since then? Stop going to incel forums. You're actually wasting your youth by spending time obsessing about the years to come btw.

No. 479877

Aging out of what? Get a job and a hobby.
>What I need to do to actually age fine?
A happy life.
Normal people don’t look at middle aged women and go ‘ew disgusting’, unless that’s how you also see your mom, aunt etc. Incels and other mentally ill men aren’t people so their opinions shouldn’t count.

No. 480233

File: 1738681441097.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.22 KB, 823x1468, 06854.jpg)

Would you anons?

No. 480241

nope, looks perfectly fine

No. 480246

No. 480891

my jaw is very round looking from the front
could fillers make it look more angular looking?

No. 480893

mine looks exactly like that and I really like it

No. 480919

Fillers will make it look sharper for a while, then they migrate, and make your jaw look lumpier and thicker than it was before. Don't do it, the good results won't last.

No. 481559

What are your guys thoughts about those radio frequency fat reduction/cavitation treatments? Either in clinic or at-home? I've always carried stubborn fat in my upper arms, even when I was more skinny than I am now, and it's so frustrating. I've seen people share their own successful experiences on youtube but I can't help but wonder if there's little known side-effects that make it not worth it.

No. 481566

Just keep doing what you're doing + use sunscreen + drink lots of water + have a normal sleep schedule if possible. Im 30, I have almost zero fine lines, (im black mind you) and I do what you do. Truthfully, ageing in enevatble, consume more content with beautiful older women and realize that aging is a privilage that many people don't get to experience. If you hate your face, get a face lift when your 40-50, it's not a big deal. im sure you know dosens of beautiful older woman in your life.

No. 481599

It has a tendency to leave actual caverns under the skin. Sonic cavitation etc was fascinating to me for awhile, not because I want any procedures but because I like learning about new cosmetic tech. There were a ton of reports of women getting divets under the skin after having this done, including fitness influencer types who would develop hollows in their breasts or thighs. It can end up giving such a gaunt and rippled look that I wonder if it's worth the risk. Perhaps it varies by overuse, area, or wavelength(?) but I for one would never want to risk such an adverse side effect. I find procedures like this and coolsculpting to turn people into chimeric shadows of what an ideal human is and that it's better to be a regular, average person that someone with nips and tucks that make you look uncanny. I think I've seen decent results of any procedure if it's non surgery addicts that manage their expectations and were genuinely good candidates, but it carries risk regardless.

No. 481629

>im black
Well that’s cheating. The amount of black women I’ve met/seen whose age I have guessed wrong by 20 years is insane. I’ll be thinking this woman is like max 40 and then suddenly I’ll find out she’s actually 65. Disorienting every time kek

No. 481692

I have weak orbital bone/zygomtic arch projection my whole life and was sick of my eyes always looking 10+ years older then the rest of my face, and did a lot research on filler vs implants. I ultimately decided even if it look a little “done” I don’t want to go the surgery route and did filler slowly over a period of 2 years. I’m more satisfied with it then I even thought. I have more “rounded” projection vs true high arched sharp model cheekbones but because my whole face is like that it doesn’t look that unnatural. If you’r Asian/Russian/have some asain ancestory/have a “rounded” face, and aren’t dead set of model chromes, filler can work. But you need to make sure you find someone with A LOT of experience because injected small amounts over the whole orbital bone (included brow) isn’t something a lot of people train on.

No. 481749

Best to just get a lower blepharoplasty with minimal fat grafting. Like other anons said, the filler will slowly migrate downward and make the mid-section of the face overly puffy.

No. 481753

develop a skill you can derive self esteem from because you will eventually be old no matter what you do.

No. 481761

Just avoid the sun as much a possible

No. 483879

Obviously, a rhinoplasty to get rid of the bump. That's really it. It looks like the tip of your nose has nice projection, it's just the bump that throws off the profile. If it weren't for the bump, you would have a perfect nose. A bump isn't a big deal, but if you wanted to get rid of it, it would be a very simple procedure. There would be a very slim complications from just shaving down the bump, and it would give you a naturally straight nose. You wouldn't look good with a chestnut nose, AKA an upturned nose, you would look best by having a straight Grecian nose.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you are the same anon as >>472604 because you have very similar profiles. If it isn't you, then disregard this part, but if it is you:your nose is not too big. It is the bump in your nose that you hate, and that's what triggers your facial dysphoria. Your nose is in perfect proportion to your face, it is only the bump that is bothersome to you. If you are serious about rhinoplasty, then I would greatly caution you to specifically ask the doctor to leave the tip of your nose untouched and focus on only the bump. You come to this thread often to complain about your side profile, but honestly it comes off as whiny and annoying because you are very beautiful, regardless: I won't lie to you, there is a bump in your nose, and if you wanted to fix your side profile you would only need to shave the bump down.

No. 483901

This anon has posted multiple times in this thread. It's kind of insane. Like just go to vindicta at this point and leave us alone.

No. 484128

Sorry but this profile >>480233 is not mine. Now I feel even worse with that comparison KEK. I posted myself only 2 times in plastic surgery threads; the first time like 2 years ago, and the second time in this thread

No. 484147

Anyone have experience with microneedling and the PRP plasma injections(aka they draw your blood and centrifuge it and inject your plasma back into your face)? I have a microneedling consult at a skin clinic this week and idk what to ask the nurse practitioner. Mostly interested to address some fine lines that are forming, skin dullness and some other texture issues at my age. Also, its a clinic ran by a MD but the providers are mostly nurse practitioners which I think is better than just an aesthetician but let me know if I'm retarded kek

No. 484149

Didn’t do shit for me but others swear by it. Idk. You are correct that nurses > aestheticians though.

No. 484152

anything I should keep an eye out for during the consult? I haven't made up my mind about it 100% because it seems really subjective about whether it does anything. Are there any other treatments that worked better for you?

No. 484177

I had PRP for the dark circles under my eyes at a clinic run by nurses.
The results were good though the swelling and bruising kind of sucked.

No. 484239

Some aestheticians are definitely dodgy, so i understand. Thankfully i have a very good one. The blood thing is kind of a gimmick. You will get good results without the blood part. I've had around 5-6 rounds of procell microchannelling which is essentially just microneedling with a retinol kind of serum being placed into your skin rather than plasma. I got it for post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and it took numerous rounds for a lot of my scars to completely fade. I also had skin peels done on the side which enhanced the results. It 100% will help with your texture, but idk about fine lines because i don't have any and never had probably because i've been viciously exfoliating my skin since i was a teenager. It will take a couple of months and procedures to get the change you want.

No. 485143

Do not, under any circumstances, do this to your face.

It's always useful to learn the mechanics. What you're looking at is in the category of energy devices, which fall under the umbrella of targeted injury devices. Energy = heat. Therefore, this can be most accurately described as a targeted heat injury device.

The mechanism by which heat injury destroys fat is scarring. The relationship between scarring and fat deposition is pretty established from the molecular to tissue mechanics level - any process that generates collagen via fibrosis will inhibit (and eventually abolish) adipogenesis in the area.

The fully implications of this are not immediately obvious, but tl;dr your skin quality and connective tissue may be affected in a way that looks a lot worse than fat arms.

No. 485836

Is it worth it to get plastic surgery?
I'm 23 and I have a noticeably unattractive face. I can't get the attention from men that other women complain about. It's alien to me. I have an attractive figure, but my face looks like one of the founding fathers if that makes sense. I have a large hooked bulbous nose, small eyes, a small palette and a recessed upper jaw.
As I'm getting into my early 20s I've become concerned with the lack of attention I get. I want to get married, but I don't see this happening with my looks. Sometimes when I wear makeup I get some more respect, but I doubt it would be enough. I also have medical reasons for a nosejob and a palette expander.
Should I take the plunge and just go for it? I feel tired of living this way. I enjoy other aspects of my life but I feel this is a serious impediment to dating. And with sleep apnea and a deviated septum, I think I can explain the surgeries away more.
The one thing is that I like my face as it is. I like having an aquiline nose, but it is so bulbous and large. I don't want to wipe away all traces of character from my face.
Any advice is appreciated.

No. 487403

Yeah, why not. I got a rhinoplasty. It was one of the best decisions that I made for myself. I was in therapy for years trying to build up my self-esteem and improve my self-image to no avail, but a surgeon fixed my problems in less than 4 hours. Now I don't feel self-conscious anymore. You don't have to get the common upturned nose when you go for a rhinoplasty, you can ask them for whatever kind of nose you like. If you like the look of high noses, just get them to shave the bump and strengthen the tip. Your medical problems might subside through surgical intervention, which is another benefit of the surgery besides the obvious cosmetic benefit.

A rhinoplasty won't help you get dates though. If you're thinking of plastic surgery because you think that it'll improve your dating life, you need to step back and realize that your appearance isn't what's holding you back - it's your personality and attitude. You need to fix those before you go under the knife. If your romantic partners only care for looks, then they aren't really good partners. Our looks never hold us back from dating, that's a myth that ugly people tell themselves to absolve them of their failings. Get out of that mindset ASAP, for your own sake.

No. 488308

File: 1740092986355.png (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 1333x1126, Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 23.06…)

Always wondered why breast lift techniques are still so primitive and butcher-y with massive scarring.
Are there any less invasive procedures for skin tightening that can be done on the breast skin or something?

No. 488330

This is horrific. There wasn't anything wrong with the before, and the after looks so painful, unnatural, and gruesome. Absolute psychopathy on the part of the surgeons who do this to women.

No. 488352

I think it's because most breast procedures carried out are breast implants, the second being reductions of seriously huge breasts. Therefore, they haven't perfected reshaping breasts without leaving awful scars. I hate my breasts so much, especially my puffy nipples, but the dark scars i know i will have makes it not worth it at all, especially since the scars are permanent.

No. 488375

Scars immediately after any surgery always look bad
If you use vaseline while healing and silicone scar gel after, it can be nearly flawless in the end

No. 488380

We should do this technique on ballsacks and see what happens

No. 488393

I'm aware, but the scars being permanent still stands. Such surgeries as the one anon posted will either leave post inflammatory hyper/hypopigmentation that will never leave even with lasers. The main reason why most people with breast augmentations do not have crazy scars is because as said, breast implant surgeries have been perfected to do a small incision that is very easily hidden, the same cannot be said about breast lifts or surgeries in general that reconstructs the breast tissue and reposition nipples.

No. 488398

No the fuck they do not. I have literally never in my life seen a breast lift result that looked remotely natural. The nipples always look like chopped pieces of pepperoni stuck onto an oddly shaped ball of fresh mozzarella. Yes, even when fully healed.

No. 488409

Stay out of relationships with men and don't have children. Stay inside as much as possible. Reducing sun exposure and more importantly reducing stress will keep you looking younger. Single women with no children have less stressful lives so don't age as quickly. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. It just wastes your time while you're young.

No. 488709

>I have literally never in my life seen a breast lift result that looked remotely natural.
How many have you seen? kek

No. 489623


No. 489828

PRF (platelet rich fibrin) is much more effective. I do at home microneedling and have had one professional PRP microneedling before (no injections). I really enjoy the results of microneedling but I don't think it's worth the hundreds to see a professional unless you want to go reaally deep (my machine goes a little over 2mm, which I'm fine with). PRF really interests me and I'm debating going to a professional or learning to draw my own blood myself. Injections I've never done but I could see it helping with those problems (assuming you're not doing a filler like EZ gel). Again, PRF seems much more effective and I would look more into that if I were you.

No. 502606

I think I'm really going to start saving for rhinoplasty. I'm scared because I have dysmorphia, but I'm in a really good place with my self image. Yet, I still hate my nose. I have big eyes, and a nice heart shaped face, nice mouth shape, but the nose seriously looks like it was edited on to my face from someone else.
I wouldn't even mind if it were a different shape of big nose, but it's a weird Steve Carrell nose; pointy with big nostrils and wide from the front.

No. 502736

File: 1741894071908.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.54 KB, 324x244, complications-rhinoplasty-1.jp…)

>I think I'm really going to start saving for rhinoplasty. I'm scared because I have dysmorphia, but I'm in a really good place with my self image.
Do not do it. Ssteve Carrell has the normallest nose I've ever seen.
1) It's very likely to be dysmorphia
2) Even if it's not dysmorphia, your nose sounds normal. People really underestimate the risks a surgery implies. Even when things are going perfect, you have a 5-20% chance of postop difformity. If things go wrong, you could get an infection that would ruin your face forever.
And even if things go perfect, there's a huge amount of patients who get really distressed by not recognizing their face anymore, ESPECIALLY with rhinoplasty.
70% of people cannot breathe properly through their nose anymore, and feel it's blocked 24/7.

It's crazy to undergo general anesthesia and surgery to alter a perfecty functional organ.


You are beautiful and do not let ever-changing beauty standards guide you into endangering your health, just so you can make some surgeon richer.

No. 502742

>got rid of her big areolas
oh my god whyyyy

No. 502801

Hey Chief

No. 503092

No. 503121

When I see these sort of surgeries I wonder if the surgeon puts enough thought and care into placing the areolas in the exact same place they were before (instead of just haphazardly throwing them on upside down kek)… But I think I know the answer, unfortunately.

No. 503337

I think they looked better before, cute and natural

No. 503374

I've seen this conversation in regards to ftm masectomies too. I think it's absolutely possible to reduce scarring and butchery overall, but they aren't willing to take the time. Ie when men get surgery to remove access fat, even if they get the same type of surgical slicing (it's called lollipop or something right) it has minimal scarring. I watched a dude get a lift and removal on Botched and the scarring looked way better in comparison despite using a similar technique. I think a lot of doctors aren't willing to do anymore than this. Kudos to any woman who does this though, any time I watch this stuff on TV I get nauseous because they're so aggressive and brutal with just like slicing and dicing lol

No. 503375

I don't think so. A lot of it is up to the surgeon. I saw a movie recently where an actress had breast lift scarring and I've noticed it in the wild too, I don't think it's possible to have a "flawless" look with this technique. It's definitely outdated and it doesn't matter how well you care for them.

No. 503440

I've always had droopy breasts since puberty and have been considering a breast lift for my entire adult life, but the scarring is fucking terrifying

No. 503554

This, they were beautiful and suckable. Women need to stop internalizing men’s deranged tastes, one look at their drawn porn that looks like a fucking sensory homunculus and you can tell there’s something fucked up about how they perceive human form. It’s like making yourself into their fucked up mind golem.

No. 512855

File: 1742934716007.jpg (Spoiler Image,655.41 KB, 2048x2048, 1.jpg)

I just noticed this pic and I don't know where to post it but holy cow that plastic surgery to the butt and general change

No. 513152

I really hate when some people out there get plastic surgery and end up actually good looking but for some reason aren't satisfied with it and they keep on getting more procedures until they look botched. Why would anyone do that to themselves? I mean I know the answer but it's still frustrating. Do they think the butched look is genuinely better or something? Is it following trends? I'll never understand this. Especially when they keep getting filers, botox, and lip fillers or multiple unnecessary nose jobs.

No. 513215

Can you seriously not tell the after is shooped to all fuck? Zoomers are scaring me.

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